
About Science Vs

Science Vs is your team of friendly fact checkers that blow up your firmly held opinions and replace them with science. Wondering whether you should drink detox teas like an insta-celeb, or believe your drunk uncle's rant about gun control? Science Vs has an ep for that. Science Vs is your team of friendly fact checkers that blow up your firmly held opinions and replace them with science. Wondering whether you should drink detox teas like an insta-celeb, or believe your drunk uncle's rant about gun control? Science Vs has an ep for that.

Transcribed podcasts: 4
Time transcribed: 2h 27m 18s

results in episodes.

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

Deodorant: Is It Dangerous?

Understanding Body Odor and Deodorants: Science vs. Myths
body odor deodorants antiperspirants microbiology health safety science communication

Hypnosis: Does It Really Work?

The Science of Hypnosis: Understanding Its Power and Limitations
hypnosis science psychology pain management anxiety entertainment ethics research

Adderall: What's It Doing to Your Brain?

Understanding Adderall: Uses, Risks, and Misconceptions
Adderall ADHD medication mental health addiction cognitive enhancement

When Science and Superstitions Collide

The Science of Superstitions: Exploring Luck and Unlucky Numbers
Superstitions Number 13 Science James Webb Telescope Lucky Numbers Marine Biology