
About Science Vs

Science Vs is your team of friendly fact checkers that blow up your firmly held opinions and replace them with science. Wondering whether you should drink detox teas like an insta-celeb, or believe your drunk uncle's rant about gun control? Science Vs has an ep for that. Science Vs is your team of friendly fact checkers that blow up your firmly held opinions and replace them with science. Wondering whether you should drink detox teas like an insta-celeb, or believe your drunk uncle's rant about gun control? Science Vs has an ep for that.

Transcribed podcasts: 4
Time transcribed: 2h 27m 18s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.


Understanding Body Odor and Deodorants: Science vs. Myths


In this episode of Science Versus, Meryl Horan examines the science behind body odor (B.O.) and deodorants. The discussion begins with the biological origins of B.O., linked to bacteria that feed on sweat and produce odor-causing chemicals. Meryl interviews microbiologists and explores the functioning of antiperspirants, particularly aluminum-based products, addressing concerns about their safety, including links to breast cancer and Alzheimer's disease. The episode also investigates alternative deodorant options, including natural products and emerging methods like probiotic deodorants


['body odor', 'deodorants', 'antiperspirants', 'microbiology', 'health', 'safety', 'science communication']