
El matí de Catalunya Ràdio

Transcribed podcasts: 1714
Time transcribed: 71d 7h 0m 21s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

Una parte de este sumario al cual ha tenido acceso Cataluña Ràdio explica que las facturas entre Enríquez Negreira y el Barça son en concepto de asesoramiento técnico,
enviando informes y videos. Eso sí, se desconecta un sonido.
A partir de las 10, centraremos más en todo este informe, todos estos detalles que se publicaron,
los ofrecemos con la ayuda del abogado especializado en Derechos Esportivos, Christian Zarroca.
Y la recuperación de Pedris a llarga, se estará un mes más sin jugar, se ha resumido la lesión muscular.
Es una noticia muy dolenta, es una lesión que requiere más tiempo de descanso,
tiene muy complicado jugar la tornada de copa el 5 de abril y desde el club no marcan una data concreta.
Inicialmente había de estar abajo de tres o cuatro semanas y se acabaran convertiendo en prácticamente dos meses.
Se entrenó en grupo la semana pasada, va a tener malas sensaciones, no se quiere que el jugador force ahora mismo para jugar.
Juanjo Brau, ex fisioterapeuta del Barça, va a explicar al Tot Costa de Cataluña Ràdio que el físico de Pedri influye en este tipo de lesiones.
No es un jugador que tenga un físico predominante en cuanto a consistencia,
dirías que el físico no le acompaña a la cantidad de jugador que es,
que también es bueno cuando se ha producido una lesión para evitar una recaiguda, es que el jugador también se conegue a él mismo.
Aquest migdia el jugador del Barça, Boyan, anuncia la seva retirada en un acte al Camp Nou,
deja el fútbol después de haber jugado al Barça, a la Roma, al Milan, al Ajax, entre los equipos más destacados.
Ahora, en 32 años, había jugado la última temporada al Vistel Kobe del Japón.
Dabla Ograna va a ganar tres ligas y dos campeones.
Hoy se disputan algunos partidos internacionales de selección, de clasificación para la Eurocopa,
como la Italia-Anglaterra, el Dinamarca-Finlandia, con Christensen y Brightweight, y el Portugal-Liedchenstein,
en el debut del balaguerí Robert Martínez a la banqueta portuguesa.
También juega la campeona del mundo, la Argentina, una amistosa contra el Panamá.
El Juventus jugará el liderazgo del grupo de la Eurocup en la última jornada después de ganar el Venecia.
El Manresa es clasificado como segundo grupo por los cuartos de la FIBA.
Y el Barça juega la pista del Pan, a fina y coso de la Euroliga,
hoy a dos cuartos de 8, en transmisión de esta casa de Catalunya Ràdio a través de la web.
A la Volta a Catalunya, hoy etapa entre Lídia y Sabadell.
Roglic es manté líder, con el mismo tiempo que Evenepoel.
El Atlético de Barcelona es manté líder también de las Champions de Batarpolo.
Va a ganar la Olimpiacos grec 10-5.
El Terrassa jugará la final de la Challenger Cup, la tercera competición europea.
Va a ganar a Hylenca de Estambul.
Mientras que hoy Reus, Barcelos a tres cuartos de 9.
En Joke está el acceso a la final a 8 de la Liga Europea de Ukepatians.
También juegan el Barça, el Noia y el Calafell,
que es disputan las últimas posibilidades de clasificación.
Gracias, Robert. Buen día.
Buen día.
Pineda, ¿cómo estás?
Buen día, Rosel, muy bien.
La verdad es que sí. Dijous, ya la cosa tomba.
Pinta mejor, eh.
Tomba, tomba, tomba, tomba. Sí, sí, sí.
¿De qué no nos hablarás?
De un telescopio europeo extremadamente grande,
que se está construyendo en un punto remoto del desierto de Tacama,
en Chile, y que se ha batallado con el nombre de
telescopio europeo extremadamente grande.
Se han trancado las bañas, eh.
Bueno, solo espero que con este telescopio vean cómo llegan los aliens,
que nos han de exterminar, porque es hoy.
Ah, es hoy que llegan. Es hoy, Rosel.
De momento, no sé si esto es como el día del hombre de los narices,
¿sabes? Yo creo que será un poco esto, porque...
Claro, yo voy a ir al metro y he pensado,
¿podría ser este señor, podría ser esta señora,
este niño que está tocando, esta señora grande?
No lo sabremos, no lo sabremos. ¿Podría ser tú?
¿Podría ser yo y os estoy aquí prendiendo el pelo?
¿O os estoy inoculando un mensaje que va al meu favor en temas galácticos
y de a copa y vuelta, a las 2 de la mitad de día,
todos se os posarán los ulls en blancos
y os comenzareu a matar los unos a los otros?
No lo sabemos, no lo sabemos.
Ya lo iremos descubriendo. Lo iremos descubriendo.
No solo puedes rasgar premios.
¿Ah, no? ¿Y qué más puedes rasgar?
Pues puedes rasgar un buen momento,
una anécdota divertida con tus amigos
y, quizás, incluso muchos dineros.
Esta sí que sería una buena anécdota.
Venga, dame un rasgueo.
Con los rasgueos del once, tienes un montón de maneras divertidas
de rasgar momentos y premios de hasta un millón de euros.
Rasgueos del once. Rasgueo el momento.
A todos los que juegan al once, bien jugado.
Juega responsablemente y solo si eres mayor de edad.
¡Ha llegado el día! ¡Las esperas han acabado!
Señoras y señores, bienvenidos a la época de la inmediatez.
¡Ey! ¿Que somos el 2023?
¡Emporta't ahora el Suzuki S-Cross
con etiqueta E-Cult, tracción 4x4, cámara 360,
últimos sistemas de seguridad avanzada y entrega inmediata!
¡Sí, sí, inmediata!
¡Nou Suzuki S-Cross!
Los tipos de interés están saliendo
y las hipotecas son cada día más caras.
No esperes más.
Entra idealista Hipotecas,
antes de ir al tu banco,
para poder tener las mejores ofertas,
incluso las de tu propia entidad.
Trabajemos con todos y todos los bancos
y nos encargamos de toda la paparazza
sin ningún cos para ti.
Idealista Hipotecas.
¡Rápido, Carles! Necesito un vestido de superhéroe.
¿Un vestido de superhéroe?
¿Pero si ya ha pasado el carnaval?
¡Ya es que he descubierto que desde hace tiempo
he hecho cosas increíbles!
¿Y tú? ¿Tienes superpoderos?
Volkswagen T-Cross desde 195 euros al mes en MyRenting.
Gambate disponible en Park Assist,
sistema de detección de vianantes,
ACC en Front Assist, Lane Assist,
Kill les Axes y otros superpoderos.
Consulta las condiciones en Volkswagen Pune.
La Adela tiene 85 años y vive sola en casa,
pero no está sola.
Cada semana, rebe la visita del personal
de un centro público de atención domiciliaria,
para ver cómo se encuentra
o si necesita ayuda en el día a día.
Además, revisa que su pulsador de emergencia
funcione correctamente,
cosa que le permite vivir muy tranquilo.
No es magia, son tus impuestos.
Agencia Tributaria, Ministeria de Isenda y Función Pública.
Gobierno de España.
Os porto la clau
porque los arrozos os quedin siempre espectaculares.
Tríeu Qualitat Extra, Proximitat
y Grans Mono-Varietals
perquè tots es cuinin igual y al mateix temps.
Por això jo trio Arroz Montsià,
el millor arroz per uns millors plats.
I tu.
Arroz Montsià.
Qualitat Extra amb DOP Delta de l'Ebre.
La Generalitat de Catalunya
impulsa el Servei Barna Hus,
una unidad integral de atención
a los niños y adolescentes víctimas de abusos sexuales.
El teléfono de este servicio es el de Infancia Respon,
Y dimecres 29 de marzo
inaugura el primer edificio en Tarragona.
Generalitat de Catalunya.
Siempre adelante.
a Bricomart siempre os hemos admirado
porque dieu les coses pel seu nom.
No veieu una eina,
veieu una esmoladora angular de 900 watts.
A Bricomart també diem les coses pel seu nom.
Y como que nos dediquemos a materiales de obra,
ahora hemos cambiado de nom para decirnos Obramat.
Lógico, ¿oí?
Profesionales de la construcción y la reforma.
Nuestro sueño era llevar nuestro vino
a cualquier parte del mundo.
De una manera innovadora.
Y ahora lo estamos haciendo.
Estamos de la generación de los que sueñan y hacen.
Amb las fuerzas de la Unión Europea,
milers de somnis como el de Pilar,
Francisco y Rocío de Bodegas Robles
s'estan fent realidad.
Entra a planderrecuperacion.co.es
i fes el teu posible.
Coberta España.
En la próxima gala
habrá una doble eliminación.
Euphoria no deja de sorprendernos.
Esta semana marcharán no un,
sino dos concursantes.
La primera votación será justa al principio del programa
para decidir quién queda,
la Natalia o en Jan.
Y la segunda votación será el final del programa.
Después de todas las actuaciones
habrá otra eliminada.
A TV3, divendres a la noche.
¿Pasan 8 minutos a las 9?
Esto costará hoy, ¿eh, Pineda?
Costará porque tenemos alberbetas baratas,
bien como la primavera,
¡brutas baratas baratas!
Que no sea él extraterrestre.
No, ¿vos dices?
Ya lo habríamos visto.
Sí, hombre, sí, ya lo habríamos visto.
Me gustaría que los aliens
fueran como los de Hube,
que se arrancaban aquella piel y a la parte de abajo
salía el llangardaix.
¡Qué ilusión me haría esto!
Es muy miedo.
¿Te hacían miedo, Sara?
Buen día, Sara González.
Me hacían mucho miedo, sí, porque era el primer.
Mira, si mangiésemos ratas, que tal vez...
¿Ves? Nos traerían un problema de sobre.
Buen día, Antonio Baños.
La ley de maltrato animal,
no sé si las ratas blancas
se permiten comer.
Ah, las blancas, ¿no?
No, las de claveguera.
O menjan con blancas ellos.
Ya, pero yo,
pero que mengen las que había por aquí, por la ciudad.
Igual son muy tocadas y posadas,
y solo menjan blancas,
eso no lo sabéis.
No, entonces no.
Barbeta, ¿cómo estás?
Buen día.
Buen día.
Espera, ¿que puede ser que tengas
el micrófono en la mesa?
No, no, no, no.
Barbeta, ¿cómo estás?
Buen día.
Buen día.
Espera, ¿que puede ser que tengas
el micrófono cerrado?
Pues no sé.
Ah, ahora está abierto.
Me han dado un de muy grosudo.
Sí, ahora está abierto, ya está.
Va, venga.
Pues nada, buen día.
Buen día, buen día.
Ya está.
Va, que lo meo.
A ver la agenda,
yo voy a hacer una pregunta al conseller ya.
Em paguen per fer això, un moment.
Conseller, conseller, bon dia.
Estic, estic, estic.
Estás espantat?
No, no, no.
Es el Químico espantat,
es lo que escuchará.
Déjame hacerlo bien, Estefania Molina.
Buen día.
Hola, buen día.
Venga, ya ahí somos todos.
Ya ahí somos todos.
Ahora ya puedo comenzar.
Ya puedes comenzar.
Jorge Fernández protagoniza un sopar
sobre las apariciones de San Sebastián de Garabandal.
¿Quién es Jorge Fernández?
Jorge Fernández Díaz.
¿Por qué no dices Díaz?
Bueno, porque alineaba.
Si no, ¿a qué clima?
L'amic del Marcelo.
Aquest, aquest, aquest.
Aquest, aquest, aquest.
Això ho hem sabut
gràcies a una imatge
que ha hecho el conseller,
a la prensa.
Aquest acte que del Llaminé
fa venir Salivera.
A casa meva, Solivera.
El proper dijous 23 de marzo...
¡Avui, Rosel!
El círculo ecuestre acullirá un sopar coloqui
sobre las apariciones marianas
de San Sebastián de Garabandal.
Ay, ay, ay.
San Sebastián de Garabandal
es una bonica población de Cantabria,
pero ¿qué son las apariciones marianas
de San Sebastián de Garabandal?
¿Qué son las apariciones marianas
de San Sebastián de Garabandal?
¿Qué son las apariciones marianas
de San Sebastián de Garabandal?
¿Qué son las apariciones marianas
de San Sebastián de Garabandal?
Pues como su nombre indica,
son unas apariciones
que van a entrar en el lugar
de San Sebastián.
Entre el 1961 y el 1965,
cuando la Conchita, la Maricruz,
la Jacinta y la Mariloli,
cuatro nenas naturales
de esta vieja población,
van a afirmar haber visto
unas apariciones
de l'Arc Àngel,
el Sant Miquel
y de la Mare de Déu.
En este orden,
primer Sant Miquel,
después la Mare de Déu.
¿De acuerdo?
De acuerdo.
En total,
van a ser unas 2000 apariciones
que me tocan a una per día.
Eso es una barbaridad.
Una hacienda.
Sant Miquel baixa
cada dos días.
La Mare de Déu también.
Que van congregar
grandes multituds.
El mensaje que portaban
el San y la Mare de Déu
es que la humanidad
había de dejarse grunxar
por la bondad
y que si no lo hacía,
arribaría la fin del mundo.
Y van a dar una data
que solo sabe
una de las nenas
de esta fin del mundo.
Videntes significa
que ven más allá,
no que solo tienen
dos dedos.
Es muy bueno
este chiste, Sara.
Gracias por venir
mucho adentro.
Me lo has rido adentro.
No, no.
No, no es vident.
¿Las has entendido, Antonio?
Quizás no lo has entendido.
Sí, sí, sí.
Vident significa
que ven más allá.
Sí, sí.
El conseller sí que ríe
también hacia adentro.
Puedes rir abiertamente.
No, es que no.
Estoy intentando recuperar
toda tanta información.
No, no.
Espera que aún no hay más.
Sobre este tema de Batrán
este vespre
en el Círculo de Ecuestre,
personalidades tan diversas
como Ignacio Marull,
vicepresidente tercer
de la institución,
Antonio Gámez Maristany,
presidente del Senado
del Círculo de Ecuestre,
la doctora Elisa Martí
y el profesor,
metge de familia,
y precursora
de la iniciativa
España con Garabandal,
Montse Moreno,
testimonio de la curación
a San Sebastián
de Garabandal
y Jorge Fernández Díaz,
exministra del interior,
ingeniería industrial
y inspector de trabajo
que de momento
quizás no ha experimentado
ningún miracle
a Garabandal
que se sabe.
O quizás sí,
porque han encargado
la operación Cataluña
y que no han tenido
de retracontas,
¿Encara por eso?
Debe ser un miracle
aquest esdeveniment,
costa 45 euros
que, per incloure sopar
i col·loqui,
em sembla un molt bon preu
i jo aquesta nit
veig el concert
del Salvador Sabral,
si no i anés,
et dic que aniria
anar al d'allò
perquè m'interessa
aquest tema.
Més que res,
¿com pot ser que
dues mil aparicions
en moda de torn,
en una fórmula de torn,
primer Sant Miquel,
després Mare de Déu,
com el Tomàs Fuentes
i jo amb el parà a l'orella,
exactament el mateix,
donc s'hagin tornat
per donar aquest missatge
al món,
em sembla faulós.
que no ho facin sempre
a Garabandal,
vull dir que ho facin
arreu del territorio.
A Granullers,
a Granullers,
Granullers no se separarà
a la Verge
ya que estoy aquí al lado.
¿A qué?
A Granullers no anirá
a la Maradéu.
¿Por qué no?
Porque no,
hay que ir a Granullers.
Mira que no hay
llocs para ir
es bonica,
tiene una plaza
muy bonita.
¿vienes después de tú?
No, no,
no, no,
porque, mira,
es que arribamos a un cuarto
Quina rabia!
y debe tener feina el conseller.
Aquest acudit,
el que faré
es ara retallarlo
i l'enganxaré
en una altra notícia
que no tinc res a veure.
Demà el poses.
L'acudit de l'Evident
em sembla meravellós,
vull dir,
no, no,
vull que hi hagi ara,
bueno aquest bull m'ha semblat
com una enquest autoritari,
a les xarxes social,
fes una enquest a les xarxes socials,
¿Ens hagin dit,
és bo o no és bo?
La manera de hacerle patones a la boca
ya es el que me ha hecho.
No es trata de informar,
es trata de consensuar.
Máxima disposición
para ayudar,
pero déjese acabar
con nosotros,
así, no.
El gobierno
aprueba un decreto
sin escuchar
y sin consensuar.
Este es el respeto
que merece
el Parlamento de Catalunya.
¿estemos oberts
a mejorarlo?
¿Estemos oberts
que se tramite
como un proyecto de ley?
Pero cal actuar ya
y, por tanto,
demano la máxima responsabilidad
de tothom.
Hoy no estamos
ante una censura a Sánchez,
sino ante el regalo
de una victoria parlamentaria
a Sánchez.
El líder ausente
de la derecha tradicional
pero con su silencio
lo dice todo.
Y lo que dice es
que saben
y necesitan a Vox
para poder gobernar
comunidades autónomas
y en ayuntamientos
a partir del próximo 28 de marzo.
Y que he adoptado
tras haber tenido conocimiento
de que mi marido
ha sido citado
en el marco de un procedimiento judicial.
Es una decisión difícil,
pero la única posible
para proteger a mi familia
y proteger a la Guardia Civil.
Now we are at 10.15 am.
Ah, good morning,
Good morning.
Good morning.
It's the first interview
after announcing
and approving
the new restructuring
of the Molus

Today we were
talking about the complaints
of the bombers of Rubí
who assured that when the fire alarm
came up
they only had a vehicle available
and that it was in a hurry
because the other two were
having a service
and an accident at 2 am.
Are there not enough resources
for the bombers of Catalonia?
I said in advance
that they arrived in 15 minutes
and therefore,
within the time limits
of what is in the emergency system,
they agreed.
But yes,
we are putting
so many more resources
because that's why
we have acquired
92 more vehicles,
because we have increased
the resources
intended for
vehicle maintenance
that will continue to spread
because, obviously,
with so many vehicles
they spread
and they have to be repaired
and maintained
and they have to be renewed
and so we are putting
too many years,
let me also say,
of not dedicating enough resources
to maintenance
and to purchase
and to the reposition
of material
and the acquisition
and the competition
to make new bombers
and new Mossos d'Esquadra
too many years
of remodelling.
But yes,
in any case,
it has to be shared
that more resources
have to be dedicated
because that's why
we are putting them.
if everything had been updated,
we would not have increased
20% last year
the budget
and almost 15%
this year.
The new structure
of the Mossos d'Esquadra
presented this week
that will need
109 more orders
than the current ones.
Where will these
109 orders come from?
Of course,
we are talking about
think that the previous decree
was the 11th
and it was a body
that had
15,900 agents
now it has 18,000
and we are going to a body
that will go to 22,000
we are not making
a decree
that tomorrow
will apply
in its entirety
if we are not looking
at the collage
where a body will be included
that today
a year ago
when it was started
it had 17,000
and that will go to 22,000.
So the final photo
will be of 22,000 Mossos
and 109 more orders.
The decree is
the decree is
in the field
that you regulate
how the body will be
in the next 10 years
and therefore,
you are drawing
a body of 22,000
because if not,
each year
you would have to change
the decree
as the previous one
was made thinking
of a body of 18,000
and this one
is made thinking
of a body of 22,000
and therefore,
but it is not an increase
that you apply tomorrow
but an increase
that you apply
and that allows
that it can be done
in the next decade.
Where will these
orders come from?
Of course,
from the new Mossos
and of course,
from the promotions
of the Mossos
that already exist.
For example,
now we will make
six new commissioners,
12 new intendants,
now a promotion
of 50 new inspectors
comes out
because as
the body grows,
there will obviously
be more orders
because there is more work
and more activity.
But it grows
for a growth,
it grows for the dome
or it grows for the base?
It grows for the base.
There will be more patrols?
It is one of the criticisms
that have been made
since the unions
that there are too many offices
and too few agents
on the street.
what has happened
is that there have been
too few agents
for too many years
that no Mossos have been hired.
in two years,
we almost
hired 2,500.
these Mossos
will not stop,
they will stop
on the street
to patrol.
Because we are talking
that there will be
100 more orders
that are also on the street
because some of the orders
are inspectors
of the police,
of the police stations,
or the police officers
or the police officers
there will be no less patrols
on the street,
with this new structure.
With this new structure
there will be
much more patrols,
but above all
there will be much more patrols
not for the structure,
but because every year
we are hiring
850 more Mossos.
For example,
yesterday I went
to the inner jungle,
eight more Mossos
and in the end
and in November,
this month of August,
around 850 more Mossos
will enter
than one will go.
they will go
to the city security units
on the street.
Of these
109 new orders,
how many will be women?
my objective
is that it should be
a 40%.
when I arrived
as an advisor,
there were three commissioners,
of more or less 30,
of 20 very long,
and the head,
the maximum command structure
of the body,
which was 25,
there were three.
At the moment
we are at 25%,
there are more than
double the commissioners,
there are seven,
and my objective
is that in the short term
we will arrive
at the third of the command
of the body,
of the maximum responsibility.
In the prefecture,
there are three people,
two are women,
apart from the head
of the technical cabinet,
let's say,
which is also a woman.
It has to go
in this direction.
in the prefecture,
who is thinking
about this figure
of heads,
of the Mossos
that the department has?
we will tell you
in its moment,
but what is true
is that the progress
in the prefecture
will not change,
because precisely
one of the debates
that was good
was that the prefecture
has a councilor,
in these moments
there are three people,
which is the head,
the forest commissary,
the councilor,
the councilor,
my intention
is that they are done.
That there are still
three in the prefecture?
Three or more people,
but yes,
in principle three
and that there are no more heads.
And this figure
of heads
it would not be logical
that it was the forest commissary?
Well, but in the case
that it occurs,
we will tell
when it corresponds.
But now
will start a ball of names?
No, no, no, no,
because in the end
we already told
the prefecture
what it is
and will continue to be
what it is.
But it will be a woman?
This figure of heads?
Mostly in the prefecture
there are women, yes.
But the head will be a woman?
We will see it
in its moment.
You want it to be a woman?
I would like
that anywhere
there are always women
and I sincerely believe it
for a reason,
because the body has been too,
the body and the bomber
as well,
rural people,
too masculinized
and the society
to which it serves
has to be assembled.
But let me finish
because there is a lot of talk
of the dome always
and it is very, very, very important
and that is why I made
that option
of appointing four commissioners
because I believed
that it was necessary
to renew,
to incorporate women
in the commandos.
But at the same time
it is also very important
to do it from the base.
In this sense
we make a 40%
reserve of squares
for women
in all these promotions.
From these 2,500
new agents
that will enter,
a minimum 40%
will be women.
it will be necessary to make
the changes
not only cosmetic,
let's say,
but to go from the bottom
and from the base
and then also naturally
to the commandos
as we are doing.
This new decree
for what the prefecture does
also establishes
that it will be approved
by a commission
which is the commission
that is the maximum
operational command
and I don't know if there was
the figure
of the major,
the figure
currently occupying
Josep Lluis Trapero
that was revised by the law.
Where is it?
No, it is there.
The major is major
and will continue to be major
and has an operational responsibility
which is to be head
of the division
of representatives
of the General Commissariat,
of the Division
of Evaluation
of Services
of the GAS
which will now become
the General Commissariat.
There is one thing
that is the rank
as a police
and that the law
which is the major,
inspector, etc.
And the other is
the operational responsibility
that you have
and this is not linked
with the other.
In fact,
there are general commissaries
led by an superintendent
and general commissaries
led by a commissioner
or by a major
or by an inspector.
With this new structure
the Trapero stage
definitely closes?
It is that
to close stages
I am not a good friend
of these statements.
I think
in the end
it is a gear
and Mosos d'Esquadra
is as a consequence
of the sum
of many years
of the work
of many people
and it has evolved
the body
and it has improved
it has enriched
it has taken steps
and that stage
will be a very long
stage of the body
and now
we start a new one
a new one
with the 2030 horizon
with a horizon
of remarkable growth
of the body
of Mosos d'Esquadra
of 22,000 agents
with challenges
which is what
this decree
which is the one
of cyber crime
with challenges
such as
placing the issue
of male violence
in the center
of our work
which is fundamental
and that is why
the commissaries
of proximity
and grow
the units
of citizen security
that is to say
the challenge
of Mosos 2030.
But the decree
does not contemplate
that the mayor
is the head of the body
does that change?
No, it does not change
it has never contemplated
any decree
it has never contemplated
never, never, never, never
What is your relationship
with Trapero?
Do you have a relationship?
With the head
of the
he as head
of the service
evaluation division
I have no relationship
as I do not have
with the head
of the internal affairs division
or of so many commands
I see him
on occasions
but no
there is no relationship
which fundamentally relates
is with the prefecture
and with the regional heads
when I go to the territory
A prefecture
that, sorry,
I have not made it clear
are there three or four
commands in the prefecture?
No, at the moment
there are three
there is the head
of the body
which is the inspector
the head of the body
which is in Sallén
the commissary Sallén
and the commissary Bosque
Have you been questioned
a councilman?
No, not at all
I have to say that
the questions I have found
I have found more
in the opposition
which is natural
especially in some cases
for their immobility
which does not pass
within the body
the body is very used
to evolve
to change
to grow
and let's say
that these critics
that sometimes
are seen
from the body
I do not perceive them
How do you interpret them?
the critics that have been there
unions' critics
this week?
Yes, the unions
they raise things
it is normal that there is
an ideal debate
here differences
in many cases
we have reached many agreements
and in this case
they would have wanted
to participate more
in the discussion
in the knowledge of this
they did it
and they did it
because six months ago
they made some proposals
that have been incorporated
but yes
and besides
I said it yesterday
in the Parliament
in the measure
that they propose
that there should be more
and there should be more dialogue
then I collect
and why?
because if they say it
then one has to think
when they say things
Of course, but they say
six of the eight unions
of the body
that the accused
must have pulled for the right
to have approved this decree
and we have talked
we have talked with them
and they have been able to collect
the proposals of the unions
and they have collected proposals
yes, yes, yes
and they are more than aware
I reiterate
because I think it is
a reasonable political attitude
is that if you
they tell you this
then what you have to do
is call them and talk
and this has done
to talk to them
well, I have talked to some
and we have agreed
that we will see each other
of course
this is what has to be done
when they question you
about a question that they believe
that you have not done enough well
then you can be brave
and say
that they are not right
and try to empathize
with what they are telling you
and try to improve
they talk about
in the case of some union
in particular
some statements
that we have made
these days
of an authoritarian
dictatorial attitude
without having the unions
of the workers present
is this reasonable?
no, no
of course it is reasonable
there is some union
there is a union in particular
that is against
everything we do
because it is against
because it has been rejected
they have all the right
of the world to do it
and we have different political positions
well, that's it
it is legitimate
it would only be missing
but we have reached agreements
for example
the equality plan
of this thing
has been done
with all the unions
the labor agreements
we have reached so many
and more than we will
it is normal
that there is a dialogue
with the unions
and that there is discrepancy
at certain moments
it happens here
to the companies
and to all the administrations
of course, but this dialogue
that will arrive
once the decree is approved
the decree is a competition
of the government
and the organization
think that every week
there are structural decrees
of all departments
I also want to point out
one thing
the unions
are not against
the decree
they know it
but they should have
talked more
this is the reflection
we talk about this
and everything
it would only be missing
do you think the criticism
the complaints of the unions
are fundamental?
I have to think so
that they are fundamental
I have to think
as far as they are
but it is not clear
yes, yes
my responsibility
is to collect
what is planned
to improve
and therefore
this is my political attitude
my way of doing
and therefore
I don't have the guts
to say it
in the end, the unions
one of their functions
is to fight for
work conditions
not to deal with
organizational issues
but in any case
we have to have knowledge
of the organizational aspects
also of the body
and as far as
they are concerned
also of the other
about this
and have recognition
and have this dialogue
I think we have
and it is obvious
that we have to intensify
some unions do not rule out
they will never say
they are not concerned
I am concerned
and my job
is to be concerned
with all the issues
and to be dancing
because things work
and I think
we are doing
we are making changes
that sometimes cost
I insist
they cost more
sometimes outside
than inside the body
there is a lot of immobility
but listen
it is legitimate
one of the most controversial
also of this new structure
is the fact
that the phone calls
will no longer depend on
the General Commission
of the Judicial Police
but a competition
will take place
that will now go
to a new technical commission
which is the commission
of technologies
of information
and communication
what is the meaning
of this change
why is it done?
it is what is technically
called a new effect
that is to say
it is to say
that from now on
or to imply
that from now on
it will not depend
of the Judicial Police
Judicial Police
is always
the same
it is always
the same
it is always
the same
it is always
a police
when it depends
of a judge
and therefore
it will not stop
from depending
of the Judicial Police
because every police
to the extent
that a judge
says something
becomes a Judicial Police
and now I explain the change
what is the change then?
the change is
there is a unit
that denies me
let's say
it uses
a device
that when a judge
gives it the instruction
of producing
a punch
in someone
to listen
to his conversations
he does it
these are
that are in the field
of the investigation
not the Judicial Police
because the Judicial Police
is not everyone
who has
an instruction
of the judge
these technologists
go to
a new police
that has been created
which is
the one of
technological mediators
and cyber-delinquency
because all the elements
linked to technology
are connected
to that police station
but it is a very sensitive topic
that of the phone calls
of course
it is that
all the police
do it that way
that is
the people
who will do
this job
are exactly
the same
but where will they be?
will they be in another police station?
in another space?
in the same
in the police station
they will be in the central
of Mossos d'Esquadra
I'll start again
I'll start again
there are some gentlemen
who are dependent
of the general police station
but they are
in many cases
in the central
of Mossos d'Esquadra
they take
an instruction from the judge
to make a punch
they use
technological devices
to make these punches
now this
this same people
will go
to depend
of the police station
of new technology
of cyber-delinquency
because all the technical
and technological mediators
are there
and therefore
they have all the meaning
of the world
depending on this police station
because this police station
this job
this job
does not depend only
does not take instructions
of investigation
always to the judge
but not
of investigation actions only
but also sometimes
of information
requested by a judge
of the internal affairs division
also requested by a judge
what is the key?
that always
always always
other places
this house
always always
these jobs
are done under
the order of a judge
and these people
will always
obey the instructions
of the judge
only missing
but that means
with this change
putting doubt
that this
makes it easier
that different things happen
an absolute ignorance
regarding the body of Mossos
of Esquadra
and how the police work
or bad
or want
but this
will generate doubt
about certain things
which seems to me
this is done by most police
for example
the British police
they also have it
in the technological field
it is normal
for example
the Spanish police
because it has its meaning
because everything technological
is in the same place
the order of who depends
of the judge
the model is
the Spanish police
the model is not
the Spanish police
I put it as an example
the model is
the Catalan police
which is
a European police
to clarify
this means
that now more people
will have access
to investigations
that are secret
it will not happen
for more Mossos
for more people
when I say
when I say
it is a fake news
I say exactly
naturally not
will go to stop
the same
who are the same
who depend
one is now
in the sea
of cyber security
who do they depend
of the judge
you know
when a police
is in a
judicial work
depends on the judge
and it ends
any other
but this is
and that's why
say otherwise
and it was an urgent change
it was an essential change
who wants to say
well, it's like all
that is, it did not work
well as it has been doing
so far
is that if you create
a new structure
and create
all technological means
in one
is what
the whole sense
of the world
is to put all
technological means
in the same environment
as all the police
that's why
I say it's a fake news
because what
he wanted
is to doubt
that this stops
from being
a police
and it is not to understand
that a police
or is always
that the judge
gives an order
or a police
I asked him before
if he felt questioned
even less
even less
because I am part
of a
of a political project
in which I have the support
of who has appointed me
who is the president
but there
the commons
the PSC and Junts
they criticized him bravely
they criticized
and in November
they approved him
the parliament
yes, the four
right-wing parties
of the parliament
well, most of the parliament
yes, yes
and there was no question
the four right-wing parties
led by the PSC
no, no, I do not feel questioned
of course not
because I have
a political project
I'm pulling it forward
we have a government
and therefore
I do not feel questioned
when do you want to have implemented
this new organogram?
this will happen
in the next ten years
I insist
I reiterate that this is not
an organogram
that is done
to replicate it tomorrow
but it is a collage
to define the body
in the next ten years
in this growth
of the next ten years
like the previous one
is that the previous one
is from the eleventh
when I had fifteen thousand
and a few dogs
the body of many squads
and has gone to eighteen
and has gone to make a growth
and in this growth
they have gone to deploy
the organogram
what you are drawing
is the body
that there will be
when there are twenty-two thousand agents
and therefore
it will be implemented
during all this time
questions for the advisor
of Coray
Antonio Banyos
the first
the first cry
go ahead
no, no, no
I do not have
almost questions
I think
three are more
well, first
an opinion
that is that
I'm sorry
but I do not like
the new uniform
and I say it
no, no
but symbolically
because it looks
so much
the national police
that it rips
to see
the few differences
that now
you see
between one police
and the other
I liked more
when mosquitoes
I had dressed more
but well
this is an aesthetic
or symbolic question
but anyway
I do not have to answer
we have discovered
cases of
of social movements
by the national police
in Barcelona
also in Valencia
social movements
social movements
no, no
no, no
if you had
I would not
no, no
this kind of practice
when there is
and it is
contemplated that
they are part of
terrorist movements
no, no
and no
the actions are made
this way
under the
and it is
that a police
do this
because this is
political persecution
and therefore
it is
to use
the service
of political persecution
of dissidence
I do the two
the action of the police
in the most sensitive topics
we are
it is
you will
this law
is more consolidated
they will
the practices
that the
Catalan police
and the
Mordaça law
will not apply
in the sense
and third
on the subject
of the
the secrets
of data
in the case
of the
how far
to be able
and to be
let's say

in this
kind of crimes
that I think
to the
and I stop
ok thanks
for what
the first question
of infiltrations
in social movements
infiltrated no
is to say
can not
or chase
political dissidence
this is
and unfortunately
the Spanish state
and this
is really
the attack
the clinic
and the
spy on
the national police
the law
as it was committed
socialist party
which is
very visual
of its
that the year
the year
ten years ago
the PSC
the police
ten years
the Spanish state
to apply
this law
they said
it was
very well
is a political option
of its
and I had
the opportunity
right here
to explain
the changes
of the
in the sense
of making
in relation
to the application
of the
murder law
and this
some changes
a lot
the PSC
by the way
in the
to apply
the application
of the murder law
and finally
the issue of
for the
and in this
I would say
that the
Catalan police
at the level
of a
European police
to be able
to fight
does not mean

and therefore
we have to
in relation to
now that
we were talking
public order
of the
to analyze
the application
of all these
of all these
as they were implemented
and as they were
we will present
because indeed
for us
all that
the parliament
has to apply
but what
what will be the
let me tell you
when they
when we
when we
there are many
that have been taken
in the
field of
I wanted to
in the topic
of the conclusions
of the commission
of the police model
very specific things
the first is
was approved
the withdrawal
of the projectiles
the most
lesive projectiles
of FAM
I do not know if
they have data
for the withdrawal
of these projectiles
on the other hand
these projectiles
have already been
if there was
a demonstration
this commission
which was
one of the
star proposals
of Esquerra Republicana
which was
creating an
external body
of control
of the Mossos
you as a advisor
this proposal
during this
or still has
the intention
to push it back
regarding the first
the first
of the questions
we are
that says
the commission
then apply
it is not something
that can be done
from one day
to the next
because the
to make
to look for
to the proposals
that are being made
and this is
what we are
and therefore
I can not say
day and
that we will apply
and from
and in relation
to the second
which is
I think
that we now
what we have to do
is first apply
the measures
for consideration
to the Parliament
of Catalonia
that we have to have
the first measures
that have been approved
to the commission
and from here
we will see
in the end
the objective
of this
of this
external element
let's say
is the most transparency
in many areas
we are doing
we reached an agreement
with all
to analyze
and to fix
the mechanism
of work
in the case
the police actions
to guarantee
the work
of the police
on the one hand
and also
the media
that is to say
all that is in the line
of transparency
we will go
but the commission
but the external control
is also committed
to promote it
during this
or give up
I would like
that this exists
but I do not want to
have to talk
in the parliament
and with the other parties
let's see
the bathroom
I'm going to ask
the question
of course
is a return
to the police
this law
the police
for the exercise
of exorbitant powers
these are
textual phrases
of the argument
of the Socialist Party
of course
for a lot
good intention
that I have
the council
if the police
have exorbitant powers
and that
is a drama
but since
I answered
the question
I have to ask
a simpler question
because when
I arrived here
we have a problem
let's say
there are
or less
national police
and civil guards
in Catalonia
ten years ago
and the second
when I arrived
I saw
bus cars
of course
three bus cars
I don't know
if there was
any other
people from Paisà
plus the escort
that accompanies
must have
some very important
we are
an important threat
I don't know
what I was saying
I don't know
right now
there are more
national police
or less
what I do know
is that
Integral Police
of Catalonia
that is
all over the territory
that has
the practical
of its competencies
that we are
that we will continue
to assume them
with the most
important cases
the Civil Guard
as with
for example
this is not true
the relationship
with the
vast majority
that they have
that they do
as a judicial police
they do it
with the squad
as it has to be
on the other hand
because it is
the Integral Police
of Catalonia
while we were talking
we received
an information
from your department
the body
of a woman
who died
in Mora la Nova
in the Terres de l'Ebre
with signs of violence
I imagine
little knows
because we were talking
the same
I just
I just saw it
I know
they tell me this
that it is in my investigation
I also take the opportunity
to tell him
the decree
a priority
this issue
I already told him
from the beginning
that I had the opportunity
to talk with you
this program
it was created
for example
two years ago
the UCAS
the unit
sexual assault
in those moments
it has 32
apart from all
the investigation
that is already
in the central unit
we have passed
in this decree
it means
that it has more relief
very likely
in the next few months
it will double
its assets
because we need them
and in this case
why do we need them?
because it has to be
a priority
because it is a drama
that occupies
and worries
and worries
and we are putting them
on the one hand
human means
and also
at the service
of this work
as for example
with all the devices
that we have created
to impregnate
the whole operation
in the prevention
of these crimes
as we have done
in the spaces
of nocturnal
this summer
and at the same time
as you all know
it is a question
that goes much
beyond police
yes yes yes
in this sense
in the last few weeks
have been
we have explained many times
headlines and news
in spite of
cases of sexual assault
of minors
to minors
and in some cases
so minors
so young
that they are not imputable
from the 14 down
they are not imputable
according to
the criminal code
will you start
to lower this age?
look, I think
if there was a
and it's not a topic
or really
there is a magic solution
let's say
a solution
that tomorrow
we would apply
and it would end
with all this
we would apply it
in a minute and a half
this is much more
one of the aggressions
are made by people
even minors
of 12 years
what are we talking about
what is solved
let's say
and I do not position
but what would solve
only this measure
there are many things
it is sex education
it is
work at schools
it is also
community policy
in the neighborhoods
and follow-up
of the people
from the social point of view
it is its structuring
it is
the sexual training
that the person has
it is pornography
access to the same
do not take one of them
it is all
it is all
and also police action
and that's why
in this decree
this line is reinforced
but there are many things
that socially
not only governmentally
but also socially
we have to analyze
and to finish
this decree
of new structure
that did not specify
when it will come
yes yes
I specify
enter in vigor
enter in vigor
and it will be deployed
during the next
as the previous
it has been deployed
for 12 years
this will be deployed
during the next 8 to 10 years
but do not
I do not run away from studies
that is
what it does
what this figure
is in the space
let's say
in which the body will move
the instruments
that the body has
in the next 10 years
and therefore
some will apply
as for example
this one that I said
in relation to violence
or for example
the growth of the
Civil Security Commission
to try
to place
all specialized services
more linked
to the territory
it is a growth
that will occur
in the next few years
thank you very much
thank you very much
thank you
what happens?
one last question
the truth
very simple
very simple
are identified
the people
who made this campaign
that put
Ernest Maragall
and Pasqual Maragall
and Merda Barcelona
are identified?
I tell them
I always tell them
the same
it is
and therefore
I do not know
very well
thank you very much
for the answer
I need one
thank you advisor
come on
we go to advertising
that we have a lot of
Catalunya Ràdio
Casa Teva
de sexe
no se enparla
ni de tocarse
al 60
ni de
fer-ho en l'arregle
no parlem
que no
vol fer servir condó
o que
el teu nom
ja no és aquell
o de qui ens agrada
no parlem
de plaer
però ara que
ja ens veieu
per una educació
per l'eigualtat
Ministeri d'Igualtat
Govern d'Espanya
els tipus d'interès estan pujant
i les hipoteques
són cada dia més cares
no esperis més
entra idealista hipoteques
abans d'anar al teu banc
per poder tenir
les millors ofertes
fins i tot
les de la teva pròpia entitat
treballem amb tots
els bancs
i ens encarreguem
de tota la paperassa
sense cap cos
per tu
idealista hipoteques
la Generalitat de Catalunya
impulsa el servei Barna Hus
una unitat integral
d'atenció als infants
i adolescents
víctimes d'abusos
el telèfon d'aquest servei
és el d'Infancia Respon
i dimecres 29 de març
el primer edifici a Tarragona
Generalitat de Catalunya
sempre endavant
la mejor respuesta
una altra factura de la lluv
¿sabías que muchas de las personas
que tienen derecho
al bol social eléctric
no el demanen?
el bol social eléctric
es un desconte
que se aplica a la factura
de la lloma
a consumidores vulnerables
la reducción
puede ir del 40
al 80% del import
en función
de los ingresos
y las circunstancias
per acollir-se
cal tener pocos recursos
ser una familia
ser pensionista
o que algún membre
de la llar
reba el ingreso mínimo vital
informa de todas
las condiciones
y los requerimientos
en contacto
con tu compañía eléctrica
la mejor respuesta
Generalitat de Catalunya
del 30 de marzo al 2 de abril
llega la 34ª
Mostra Igualada
la fira de espectáculos
infantils y juveniles
70 representaciones de teatro
música, circo, danza
y este año
vuelven a los espectáculos de carrera
y gratuos
Organiza Ajuntament d'Igualada
i Generalitat de Catalunya
Nuestro sueño era
enseñar a los alumnos
de manera más innovadora
y lo estamos haciendo
Somos de la generación
de los que sueñan
y hacen
Con las fuerzas de la Unió Europea
miles de somnis
como el de Mayalen
y Oscar
del Centro de Formación
Somos Rostro
se están haciendo realidad
Entra a plander recuperación.gov.es
y fes el teo posible
Goberna d'Espanya
¿Encara no sabes
que es el kit digital?
Més de 300.000 empresas
ya han solicitado
Si eres autónomo
o una primer de menos
de 50 trabajadores
demana ahora
el teo bo digital
de fins a 12.000 euros
Es el momento
de trabajar conectados
de hacer crecer
el teo negocio
de mejorar la teva
de gaudir
de los beneficios
de la digitalización
Uneix-te al cambio digital
a Acelera Pymepunés
por la Unió Europea
Next Generation
Pla de recuperación
Gobierno d'Espanya
Catalonia Ràdio
Los matins del cap de semana
El suplemento
Ya lo dijo Rosalía Fonten
porque el crinje
Buenos días, señoras y señores
es sexy
y está bien
Escuchemos este tallo
El crinje, no hay que tener miedo al crinje
La gente que llega
a conseguir lo que quiere
cual sea la meta
Rosalía es muy bonita
Hay una tía
en este audio
que le dice
Rosalía esto es muy bonito
Es la su hermana
Esto no es muy bonito
Es la su hermana
Es que estamos haciendo también
No, no
Porque TikTok potencia el absurdo
De manera deliberada y consciente
la gente hace el idiota
y eso se convierte en viral, ¿no?
Hoy juega
la Eurobársaa de básquet
Después de dos decepciones
para el Barça de Xesickevichus
¿Aconseguirem el título a la tercera?
Viurem la emoción
del mejor básquet europeu en directa
a la web de Catalunya Ràdio
con Ernest Macià, Carme Lloveras
y el equipo de El Tot Gira
Hoy a partir de las 8 de la tarde
van a Dinéicos, Barça
El matí de Catalunya Ràdio
con Laura Rosel
Cinco minutos por las 10 de la mañana
de seguida el bulletí
con todas las noticias a esta hora
pero antes va, pasemos por la tabla
para analizar una mica
lo que nos ha explicado
el conseller Elena
con la Antonio Banyos
con la Sara González
con la Stefania Molina
y el Jordi Barbeta
¿Qué dices, Banyos?
No, que nos ha quedado
estaba hablando con su equipo
ahora que nos ha quedado un tema
que a mi me interesa muy bien
¿Qué es?
El tema de la marihuana
y las plantaciones ilegales
y esta Cataluña
como fábrica de plantaciones
y atracción del crimo organizado
que es una cosa que siempre
hace bastante respeto
porque es una novetad
y porque no sé si los Mossos
siempre que han hablado
se quejan de que van
una mica desbordados
y además tiene mucho a ver
con el territorio
con el uso del territorio
con lo que hemos hecho
con nuestra masa forestal
que la tenemos no gestionada
entonces bueno, es que hay una ocupación
de espacios tremendos
y está que
destaca que este tema también
me hubiera gustado que
hablelo con el consejero
Hay una de las afirmaciones que ha hecho
que claro, nos provoca una disonancia
en estos momentos
porque ha dicho
no me siento cuestionado internamente
claro, es difícil hacer esta afirmación
cuando tienes los sindicatos
los sindicatos
la inmensa mayoría de los sindicatos
hacen tanto de sonrisa
entendemos que el consejero
lo que busca es pacificar
la situación con ellos
pero nos quedan seriosos dudas
de si realmente tienen razón
los sindicatos en parte de las quejas
que están haciendo
porque el consejero ha dicho
que sí que fueron informados
de este decreto de reestructuración
y que recogieron
hasta aportaciones
los sindicatos dicen que esto no ha pasado
por lo tanto, hay alguien
que está faltando la verdad
y nos queda también el duda
de hasta qué punto también
hay el punto de corporativismo
de los sindicatos
que ya lo hemos visto en otras situaciones
las resistencias que hay
frente a cualquier cambio
lo vimos en su día
cuando se instalaron cámaras
en las comisarias
o lo vimos en su día
cuando se habló de la feminización del cuerpo
y quizás al final
la reacción de los sindicatos
es una barreja de todo
y también, por otra parte
me ha sorprendido
esta afirmación que ha hecho
cuando fue reprobado al parlamento
que aunque Joan Ignasi Elena
diga que no se sienta cuestionado
es evident que cuando te reproben al parlamento
estás cuestionado como mínimo
por la mayoría del parlamento
ha dicho que el van reprobar
los cuatro partidos de derechas
ha situado el PSC
dentro del saco de los partidos de derechas
partido donde él milita durante 30 años
me ha semblado significativo
y ya por último
me queda el duda
de si realmente volverá a intentar
Joan Ignasi Elena
impulsar al parlamento
a este organismo de control externo
de los Mossos d'Esquadra
ha dicho que para ahora no
que no se quiere poner
a la mayoría del parlamento
que la tomó en comisión
pero tampoco ha cerrado la puerta
de volverlo a intentar
insisto, era una de las apuestas estrella
de Esquerra Republicana
en el modelo de seguridad
a mi me ha sorprendido
que el consejero de Interior
no sabía
cuantos policías nacionales
y guardias civiles
hay en Cataluña
porque si no lo sabe
es porque no hay comunicación
porque es lógico que
para coordinarse y tal
sería importante tener claro
y lo que falta
si aquí hay más
ponemos más Mossos allí, etc.
y eso quiere decir que es que
no hay mucha coordinación
y a través de esto
se dice que los Mossos son
la Policía Integral de Cataluña
y esta policía
ha de aplicar
la ley Mordasa
que el consejero
que el consejero
dice que está en contra
y esto también
también plantea
una dificultad
los abusos policiales
que la ley permita
estarán protegidos
estarán protegidos por el juez
quizás no por el cos
pero sí por el juez
por el juez y por la ley
y entonces
eso supone que
siempre habrá
siempre habrá
una tensión
entre lo que es
lo que es
la cúpula política
el comandamento político
con una orientación
política determinada
o fins y tot
las directrius
y la práctica cotidiana
las directrius internas de Mossos
pueden ser
muy en contra
de utilizar
las ventajas
que da la ley Mordasa
pero si un policía
se excede
o un policía
hace esto
lo que permite la ley Mordasa
lo recolzaremos
a un juzgado español
después fuera de micro
me acaba de explicar
quizás ya habían
tantos policías
que han llegado
digo no
seis policías
vas a hacer
re dolen
no hay
policías aquí
a la cantonal de