
Lex Fridman Podcast

Conversations about science, technology, history, philosophy and the nature of intelligence, consciousness, love, and power. Lex is an AI researcher at MIT and beyond. Conversations about science, technology, history, philosophy and the nature of intelligence, consciousness, love, and power. Lex is an AI researcher at MIT and beyond.

Transcribed podcasts: 442
Time transcribed: 44d 12h 13m 31s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

The following is a conversation with Tim Dillon, a stand-up comedian who is fearless in challenging
the norms of modern-day social and political discourse.
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As a side note, let me say that I will continue talking to scientists, engineers, historians,
mathematicians, and so on.
But I will also talk to the people who Jack Kerouac called the Mad Ones in his book On
the Road, that is one of my favorite books.
He wrote,
The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad
to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say
a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, like fabulous yellow Roman candles exploding like
spiders across the stars, and in the middle you see the blue center-light pop and everybody
Some of these conversations will be a bit of a gamble, in that I have no idea how they
will turn out, but I'm willing to risk it for a chance at a bit of an adventure, and
I'm happy and honored that Tim this time wanted to take a chance as well.
If you enjoy this thing, subscribe on YouTube, review it, and have a podcast, follow on Spotify,
support on Patreon, or connect with me on Twitter at Lex Freedman.
And now, here's my conversation with Tim Dillon.
What would you like your tombstone to read?
It's a good way to summarize the essence of a human being.
I would like it to say this has not been paid for, and I want my living relatives to struggle
to pay for it, and I think I would like them to be hounded every day.
I would like people to call and go, listen, we don't want to ever excavate a body, but
we will, because this has not been paid for.
I love the idea of leaving the world, like debt, leaving the world in lots of debt that
other people have to deal with, and I know people that have done that, and I know people
that have been in families where that's happened, where someone has to sit and just curse the
sky because they don't have a physical person anymore to be angry at, but they still have
to deal with the decisions that person made.
And that's deeply tragic, but that's always struck me as very funny.
Well, it's a kind of immortality, the debt, because if the debt lasts for a long time,
the anger lasts for a long time, and then you are now immortal in the minds of many.
You arouse emotion in the minds of many.
My mother's best friend in the town I grew up in, her husband shot himself in the driveway,
and my mother's friend never got a chance to just grieve because he owed so much money,
she would come over and go, I hate him.
I fucking hate him.
And it was just such an interesting thing to see somebody who, and her kids ended up
getting angry at her for that because they didn't understand why she would hate a guy
who was clearly suffering, but she goes, he took the selfish way out, he fucked us.
And it was always interesting for me to just remember that you can leave Earth and still
be a problem.
It's kind of a special person, so that's, I think, what I'd like my tombstone to read.
Yeah, there's a show called Louie with Lucy Cannon if you watched it.
I'm aware of it.
There's this moment, I think, where an old guy is talking to Louie about the best part
about love is after you break up, and it's remembering the good times and feeling that
loss, the pain of that loss.
The worst part about love is when you no longer feel that pain.
The pain of losing somebody lasts longer.
It's more intense and lasts longer than the actual love.
So his argument was like, the pain is what love really is.
In the same way that anger, your tombstone would arouse is, would last longer.
And that's deeply like a human thing.
Like, why do we attach happiness to the way we should remember others?
It could be just anger.
I know so many people who will have deeply complicated feelings when, you know, I did
drugs for many years, so, and I spent time with some wild people.
And their parents were also wild people.
And some of their parents have done crazy things to them.
And you know, I've created situations that were not productive for child rearing.
And so I know that when those people die, it's going to be a very mixed bag.
Like, there's going to be a lot of complex emotions like, hey, we loved that guy.
But also when we look back, he was a horrible father, a horrible husband, but he was fun.
And we don't put enough stock in that, but there will be a push and pull.
And I'll be the one kind of bringing up like, hey, he was a lot of fun.
He was a lot, remember when he stuck us, you know, one of the things, this particular
person I'm talking about, we were at a bar, me and my friend were there, were having dinner.
And his father, who was, you know, an alcoholic and, you know, a guy that would go out every
night and didn't work, you know, refused to work, would lie and say he was going to work
and then go to a bar.
I mean, just a fun person.
And we were sitting at this bar restaurant and the bartender, we see his father walk
up to the bartender and say, pointed us, pointed our table and go and put the thumbs up and
the bartender nodded.
And then the father walked over to our table and he said, listen, I just want to let you
know, I just bought you dinner.
And I looked at his son, I said, he's a pretty good guy.
And then he climbed over the little fence down to the water and got his little boat.
It was a little cigarette boat and he just drove away.
And then about an hour later, we went, we said, I think that guy took care of the bill.
But she said, well, go talk to the bartender.
So we just walked to the bartender and he goes, he handed us a bill and the bill was
for like $1,000.
And we said, wait a minute, what the hell's going on?
And he goes, the guy that left an hour ago said, you were going to take care of his bill.
He's been drinking here all week.
And we go, what are you talking about?
And he goes, remember, he pointed at you, he put the thumbs up and you guys waved.
You remember that?
And the guy go, and we went, yeah, and I just looked at my friend and I went, you know,
your dad is just, we're going to remember him for all kinds of reasons.
But to you, he was fun.
He was a lot of fun.
He wasn't my dad.
But I spent a lot of time with him.
I was in two boating accidents with him.
You know, two boating accidents.
Alcohol involved, drugs involved.
Yes, he was usually alcohol was involved when he left his house.
And when he was at home as well.
But I was in two boating accidents.
And do you know how fun someone has to be to get in a second boating accident?
Do you know what a good time someone has to be to get in a boat with them after you've
already gotten in one wreck?
Never get fooled again.
What was that line?
George Bush, never get fooled again.
So if you're getting fooled again, you know, there's a reason for it, but he was, he was
a fun guy.
He did have a death wish.
The second boating accident, he grabbed me and said, you can't hang out with me anymore.
And I said, why?
He goes, I'm trying to kill myself.
And I was like, oh, and then I understood that like, oh, the fun under the fun lived
a very destructive person who not only was destructive, but wanted to die.
So speaking of fun people that want to die, I don't know if you're, we can go hunter as
Thompson, but Charles Bukowski, I don't know if you're aware of the guy.
I'm aware of him.
I've read some of his stuff.
So his tombstone says, I just wanted to ask you a question about it.
His tombstone says, don't try.
What do you think about that advice as a way to approach life?
I think for many people, it's a good, good advice because the people that are going to
try will do anyway, and the people that need to be told, there's a whole cottage industry
now of motivational speakers and life coaches and gurus that tell people that they all have
to own their own business and be their own boss and be a disruptor and get into industries.
That's incredibly unrealistic for most people.
Most people are not suited for that.
And the Gary V's of the world that tell everybody that they should just hustle and grind and
hustle and grind.
They're very light on the specifics of what they should actually do.
I think a lot of people, that's not horrible advice to give to a lot of people.
I think my generation got horrible advice from our parents, from our teachers, and that
advice was follow your dreams, and that was it, by the way.
There was no like, what are your dreams?
Are they realistic?
What happens when they don't work out?
Will your dreams make you happy?
Are your dreams real?
Do they exist on earth?
When you follow your dreams, you can be anything you want to be.
Horrible advice.
Horrible advice.
Worst advice you could ever give a generation of people.
I mean, think about it.
If you were talking to somebody and you were trying to make them succeed, are there any
two worst pieces of advice to give them then?
Follow your dreams and you can be anything you want to be.
Those to me are the two most destructive pieces of information I've ever heard.
So let me push back because...
Oh, that's fair.
Many people do.
So yeah, this is like a rigorous journalistic interview.
Larry King, by the way, passed away today, so I'm taking over the...
It's very sad.
I'm carrying the...
It's very sad.
R.I.P. King.
What was I even going to say?
Oh, let me push back on the follow your dream thing, is I come from an immigrant family
where I was always working extremely hard at stuff, like in a stupid way.
There's something about me that loves hitting my head against the wall over and over and
over until either my head breaks or the wall breaks, just like I love that dedication for
no purpose whatsoever.
It's like the mouse that's stuck in a cage or whatever.
And everybody always told me, my family, the people around me, the sort of the epitome
of what I could achieve is to be kind of a stable job, the old lawyer, doctor.
In my case, it's like scientists and so on.
But I had these dreams at this fire about love robots, and nobody ever gave me permission
to pursue those dreams.
I know you're supposed to grab it yourself, nobody's supposed to give you permission,
but there's something about just people saying, fuck what everyone else thinks, like giving
you permission, a parent or somebody like that saying, do your own thing, go become
an actor, go become like, do the crazy thing you're not supposed to do, an artist, go build
a company, quit school, all that kind of stuff.
Yes, sure.
That's to push back against the follow your dreams as bad advice.
In mass, if you were to look at statistically how few people that works out for, let's be
very honest.
This is very true, yeah.
Be very honest.
So I mean like, yeah, if you're going to go be an actor, hey, I was broke for 10 years
before I was making money as a comedian, I get it.
I didn't need Gary Vaynerchuk to tell me to follow my thing, right?
And here's the other thing.
I was kind of funny and like, I was kind of, a lot of things were in my favor of being
a comedian, right?
I had this kind of crazy fucked up life, I had a lot of stories, I had exhausted, I
was willing to fail, I had failed before, I was broke, I didn't care about being broke,
I knew how to be broke, I was shameless to a degree, I would get on a stage night after
night and be laughed at, I had a high threshold for being embarrassed, I had a high threshold
for people thinking that I was scumbag, right?
And showing up at family parties and being like, yeah, I still really don't have a job
and I'm just, I work at comedy clubs, kind of, and I get booked when I can.
And I was, you know, suited for it.
There's this idea that people can just roam around the world, injecting themselves into
other things they have no aptitude for at all, and will that happen?
A small percentage of people might be able to do that, but the vast majority of people
have something they might key into that they're meant to do, like you loved robots, you loved
technology, and you found a place in that world where you thrive.
But I think many people, a lot of people love robots, right?
So a lot of people think everything you do is interesting.
I think your shit is fascinating.
I watch you or podcast and I think it's very interesting.
I have no place in your world.
You know what I mean?
I have no place in that world.
I don't like remedial math.
I don't like community college math.
I think it's a waste of my time.
What do you think about a robot?
Would you ever buy a robot for your home?
What will it do?
I'll be a companion, a friend.
Oh, yeah.
I mean, I would like to start replacing friends and family with robots immediately.
I mean, truly.
I mean, I'm not even kidding.
Like, I would like to have a Thanksgiving with four robots.
I'm dead serious.
Well, are they into QAnon?
Like, are the robots, when do the robots start going crazy?
That's my question.
It's like, how long do the robots live with me before they are also a problem and I got
to replace them?
You know what I mean?
You're going to indoctrinate the robot.
The robot's going to call me like my aunt doesn't talk about coronavirus for an hour every
morning and tell me everyone in America who's died of coronavirus.
One of the things I enjoy in life is how terrified people like you, a huge fan, by the way, get
a robot.
Well, I am concerned about AI like completely getting rid of the need for human beings because
human beings, I mean, you go out in the street and you go, so few of these people are necessary.
Even now, even now you look at people and you go, they're hanging on by a thread, right?
And you can just imagine how many jobs are going to get replaced, how many industries
are going to be completely remade with AI and the pace of change worries me a little bit
because we do a very bad job in this country of mitigation when we have problems.
We don't do a great job.
We did not do a great job with COVID, right?
We don't do a good job.
It's just something we don't do well.
We kind of, we're good in booms and busts.
We're good when it's good and we're actually, we kind of know how to kind of like, hey,
we're bottomed out.
We're like a gambling addict in this country.
We know what it feels like to be outside of an OTB at 9 AM drinking coffee and smoking
cigarettes going, I'm going to build it back and we know what it's like to win.
But anything in between, it seems not that great.
So to me, it feels like, are we going to be able to help people that are displaced and
that have their jobs taken by, I mean, do you not fear sort of a world where you have
a lot of artificial intelligence replacing workers and then what happens?
There's a lot of fears around artificial intelligence.
One of them is, yes, displacement of jobs, workers.
That's technology in general that's just any kind of new innovations, displaced jobs.
I'm less worried about that.
I'm more worried about other impacts of artificial intelligence.
For example, the nature of our discourse, like social, the effects of algorithms on
the way we communicate with each other, the spread of information, what that information
looks like, the creation of silos, all that kind of stuff.
I think that would just make worse the effects that the displacement of jobs has.
I think ultimately I have a hope that technology creates more opportunities than it destroys.
I hope so too.
So in that sense, AI to me is an exciting possibility, but the challenges this world
presents will create divisions, will create chaos and so on.
So I'm more focused on the way we deal as a society with that chaos, the way we talk
to each other, creating the platform that's healthy for that.
Now, as a comedian, creator, whatever you want to call it, people that put out content,
the gatekeepers are now algorithmic, right?
So they are kind of almost AI-ready.
So if you are a person that puts out YouTube videos, podcasts, whatever you're doing, it
used to be a guy in the back of the room with a cigar saying, I like you or get him out
of here.
Now, it's an algorithm you barely understand.
I've talked to people at YouTube, but I don't know if they understand the algorithm.
They don't.
They don't.
This is fascinating.
Because I speak to people at YouTube and I go, hey, man, what's going on here?
One of my episode titles of my podcast was called, Knife Fight in Malibu.
It was about real estate and it was because of realtor in Malibu.
I was trying to get a summer rental, which I can't really afford, but I don't think that's
a huge problem.
I follow my dreams.
So I called a realtor and she said, listen, she goes, I don't know what the government
is saying, but she goes, it's a real knife fight out here, an old grizzled woman, real
realtor, canned skin, sick at the mouth, driving a Porsche, you know, it's a real knife fight
out here.
You know, her entire life had become real estate.
Her soul had been hollowed out.
Her kids hate her.
You know, no one's made her come in years, but it's just, she just loves heated kitchen
floors and fuses.
She's a demon from hell and we need them.
We're getting rid of them.
It's not good.
And she goes, it's a real knife fight out here.
So we put that in the episode title.
And of course, I guess some algorithm thought that we were showing like people stabbing
each other in a Wendy's and we got like demonetized.
Did we get demonetized?
We lost a lot of views because we were kicked out of whatever out like we're just kicked
And I was asking YouTube about it.
They were kind of understanding it, but even the people that work there didn't truly seem
to understand the algorithm.
So can you explain to me how that works where they barely know what's going on?
No, they do not understand the full dynamics of the, the monster or the amazing thing that
they've created.
That's the amount of content that's being created is larger than anyone understands.
Like this is huge.
They can't deal with it.
The teams aren't large enough to deal with it.
There's like special cases.
So if you fall into the category of special cases, we can maybe talk about that like a
Donald Trump where you like actually have meetings about what to do with this particular
But everything outside of that is all algorithms.
They get reported by people and they get like, if enough people report a particular video,
a particular tweet, it rises up to where humans look over it.
But the initial step of the reporting and the rising up to the human supervision is
done by algorithm.
And they don't understand the dynamics of that because we're talking about billions
of tweets.
We're talking about hundreds of thousands of hours of video uploaded every day.
Now the hilarity of it is that most of the YouTube algorithm is based on the title.
That's crazy.
And the description is a small contribution in terms of filtering, in terms of the knife
fight situation.
And that's all they can do.
They don't have algorithms at all that are able to process the content of the video.
So they try to also infer information based on if you're watching all of these QAnon videos
or something like that or Flat Earth videos and you also watch, are really excitedly watching
the whole knife fight in Malibu video.
That says that increases the chance that the knife fight is a dangerous video for society
or something like that.
Based on their contribution.
Yeah, because I watch QAnon and Flat Earth videos to ridicule them.
You know what I mean?
I watch these videos and I make fun of them on my show.
But what's interesting is if I then go watch something else, I'm increasing the likelihood
that that video is going to get looked at as potentially subversive or dangerous.
That's what.
So they make decisions about who you are, who you are as a human being as a watcher,
the visual user based on the clusters of videos you're in.
But those clusters are not manually determined.
They're automatically clustered.
So weird.
We have titles where they got upset about, I don't even understand.
We had a title that was so innocuous in my opinion and the title of the episode was called
Bomb Disney World and I was asking people to consider bombing Disney World and YouTube
got angry at that.
So you don't know why.
You can never understand.
You could have said Disney World is the bomb.
It's just rearranging.
That's what it probably meant.
I wasn't saying to do it, but I was saying, let's start thinking about plans to do it.
Not let's do it, but let's get in the mind.
Let's change the conversation.
I think it's very interesting because as a comedian, you don't want to live in that world
of worrying about algorithms.
You don't want to worry about the platforming and shadow banning.
I mean, all these conversations that I've had with other comedians about shadow banning,
I mean, it's hilarious.
We all call each other.
I think I'm being shadow banned.
Are you being shadow banned?
And nobody knew what that word was a month ago, a year ago, but everyone now is convinced
that everything they do that isn't succeeding is being shadow banned.
So it's this new paranoia, this algorithmic paranoia now that we all kind of have because
there are genuine instances of people being taken out of an algorithm, rightly or wrongly,
however you want to believe, but then there are also things that just don't perform as
well for a myriad of reasons.
And then we're all saying like, well, they're against me.
They're shutting me down.
And you don't know if that's true or not.
What do you think about this moment in history, which was really troubling to me?
We could talk about several troubling aspects, but one is Amazon removing Parler from AWS.
To me, that was the most clearly troubling.
It felt like it created a more dangerous world when the infrastructure on which you have
competing medium of communications now puts its finger on the scale, now influences who
wins and who loses.
You're right.
And what you're always told is like, if you don't like Twitter, create your own service.
Or if you don't like something, you can do your own thing.
Or if you are, and basically because tech, you have to be in business with one of five
I think it's like Amazon, Facebook, Google, YouTube, and Twitter or whatever, Amazon puts
everything on the cloud, Google and YouTube, it's all basically the SEO and the advertising
and you get to get your name out there and you don't want to be buried.
Because you have to do business with it, it's a cartel of these companies, you understand
it better than anybody, that you are prevented truly.
And I think, whatever you think about Parler, whatever you think about what people are saying
on Parler, whatever you think about Alex Jones, whatever you thought about Milo Annapolis,
the state has an interest in and has always had an interest in crushing dissent.
This is what the state has done.
This is how they retain the power they have by eliminating dissent where they can.
Now because you don't have three broadcast networks anymore and a handful of newspapers
that were all run by the way by people that had been either compromised or happily going
with the program and you have this wild west of the internet, people like me, people that
make, I make funny content that I hope is funny, but a lot of it is wild and crazy.
I say a lot of wild and crazy things, they're very funny.
I say a lot of wild and crazy things about powerful people.
You mock the powerful in there by bringing them down a notch.
We'll probably talk about it, but humor is one of the tools to balance the power in society.
Well sure.
And to make people feel better about things and to, you know, whatever the case may be,
That's my goal is to kind of like, hey, people have had a shitty day.
If this video or podcast makes you laugh, that's great.
I think that it won't ever, it was never going to stop at Alex Jones.
Not that I think he should have been taken off everything the way he was, but this keeps
going until we have sanitized all of social media.
And what they really want it to be is what Instagram is kind of becoming, which is a
marketplace of you could just go and buy sneakers, go buy a sweatshirt, go buy jeans,
go buy this, go buy that.
And the idea of the free exchange of information seems to be the old internet and it seems
the new internet seems to be, you know, hyper and I'm a capitalist, but this seems to be
like hyper capitalist in the sense of like, they only want you consuming things and they
don't want you thinking too much.
And that seems to be where it's heading.
I've even seen that with Instagram where it's like everything on Instagram is not like,
buy a sweatshirt, you know, and I'm like, all right, man, hey, man, if I want a sweatshirt,
I'll get it.
Like, relax.
You know, just every ad seems to be encouraging consumption, but very few things seem geared
towards, hey, let's have a dialogue or let's not that Instagram is ever great for that.
But like, if everything's geared now towards content on Instagram, a lot of it seems geared
towards shopping.
See, I don't know.
That's an interesting point.
I don't know if the consumerism that capitalism leads to is necessarily gets in the way of
nuanced conversation.
I feel like you could still sell Tim Dillon sweatshirts and have a difficult nuanced conversation
or mock the current president, the previous president, mock the powerful, all that kind
of stuff.
Yeah, we try.
We try to balance that.
Do you have sweatshirts?
We do.
Are they on sale now, fake business?
We do fake business sweatshirt with the Enron logo fake business because I like, I do fake
business all the time.
It would be nice if you talk about Alex Jones, if you plug the sweatshirt during that conversation.
Yeah, we'll do that.
But what I tend to worry about with, I see social media and technology existing to flatten
It makes people very boring.
All of the experiences kids have right now are online.
Many of their closest friendships are online.
Their first relationships are online.
The culture is very homogenous.
And that's, I think it's eliminating characters.
It's eliminating interesting people.
It's making people into AI.
All of their tastes.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
That's right.
Charles Bukowski as well.
Let's not get crazy.
It's not there yet.
I mean, the $75,000 dog is not doing anything.
So we're not there yet.
Listen, I get why you like AI so much.
I hate people too.
And I'm very amenable to AI.
And I agree with you.
Listen, I think the future, we got to get everyone out of here.
I'm with you on that.
So don't think I'm-
I love people.
He's manipulating my mind and my-
That's why the flash of light in your eyes when you talked about that dog was so much
more than any person.
And I get it, by the way.
You're right.
I love people, but if we could-
They're not excited.
If it could just use robots to kill most of them, I think that would be good for society.
I'm with that too.
But I think that social media flattens people.
Flattening the personalities of characters.
Personalities of people, man.
And it's just, you know, when's the last time, like, I like the idea of like, you know,
when I'm, you know, somebody's showing up to, you know, high school with like a backpack
and taking out an old CD and being like, Hey, man, here's this band you've never heard
of that I love or whatever.
You got to get into this.
And I'm like, you know, when I talk to young, you know, I have friends that have younger
brothers and everything.
And I know that the dominant culture was always dominant.
I'm not an idiot, but like, I feel like it's harder to be unique and original now because
so much of what's promoted is just this way to kind of corral people into believing and
thinking a certain set of ideals that's constantly shifting and evolving.
And people are just caught up in that.
And to me, it gets very boring very quickly.
I hate being bored.
That's what it is.
I don't know what to do with that.
Because at the same time, podcasts are really popular, long form podcasts are really popular
and people are, people are hungry for those kinds of conversations.
There's a lot of dangerous ideas, quote unquote, flowing, being spread around through podcasts,
meaning just like debates.
You know, so that's still popular.
So I don't know what to...
I agree with you.
That gives me hope, I guess.
I hope so too.
And like I said, I look at the negative a lot because that's what I usually make fun of,
but there's a lot of positive stuff happening too.
Let's talk a little bit about Alex Jones.
So you've gotten a chance to talk to him while you were on the Joe Rogan experience.
I've been on Alex's show.
I've talked, I've had Alex on my show.
I've talked to Alex for three hours in front of, I guess it was maybe like 15 million people,
right, on Joe's show.
It was a really wild conversation.
I think it was one of the coolest moments in broadcasting that clearly that I've ever
been a part of, but I think it goes in the lexicon of like, these are big podcasts.
I think it's one of the biggest podcasts a week before the election.
Alex Jones, I'm really grateful that Joe gave me the opportunity to be there.
And it was just an amazing conversation to watch.
What was the shirt you wore, Jillian Macklemore?
Free Just Lane.
It was a fun joke that no one in tech got because we all know how funny they are.
But the tech writers, which is mainly blue haired people whose goal in life is to find
things to give them orgasms with, you know, without...
If you want to dye your hair blue, it's your choice.
I respect it.
Yeah, but is it your choice?
But at the end of the day, it's like, you know, all the tech writers, like a lot of people
And I'm not, I'm just maligning tech unfairly, but a lot of people that sense as a humor,
like he's advocating for a human trafficker.
I'm like, it's clearly a joke because we're coming off the believe all women.
We're coming off that.
And it's very funny to just say, Free Just Lane, hey man, believe all women.
Like, it's just...
Our politics and our public sphere is so schizophrenic right now that when you point that out, people
are going to be angry with you.
But that was a fun shirt to wear.
But on Alex, you know, I was one of the people that found him really entertaining that the
same kind of thing as Bakowski, these kinds of personalities that are wild, crazy, full
of ideas.
They don't have to be grounded in truth at all or they can be grounded in truth a little
It like, he's just playing with ideas, like a jazz musician, screaming sometimes.
Obviously, he has some demons.
Sometimes he's super angry for no reason whatsoever at some weird thing that he's constructed
in his own head.
Sometimes he's super loving and peaceful, especially lately that I've heard him.
I don't know if you've seen with him with Michael Malice where he's doing...
Like Malice was doing, like, well, telling Alex Jones, I love you, Alex, you know, just
this loving kind of softness and kindness underneath it all.
I don't know what to make of any of it.
And then there's this huge number of people that tell me that Alex Jones is dangerous
for society.
So what do you do with that?
Do you think he's dangerous for society?
Do you think he is one of the sort of entertaining personalities of our time that shouldn't be
suppressed or somewhere in between?
I don't think that Alex per se is dangerous for society.
I think the greater danger for society comes, again, from stifling all dissent, right?
All, like, anybody with a voice that uses it that critiques the government and putting
all of those people in a category and getting rid of them is incredibly dangerous.
To me, more so, I think the biggest problem that Alex has ever had was when he questioned
the Sandy Hook shooting.
And that really was, because it really is this identifiable incident that you can look
at where it did get away from him and a lot of his fans who...
The people that are attracted to conspiracy stuff, and I have some of those fans, some
of them are really smart people, some of them are mentally unwell.
A lot of them happen to be mentally unwell.
So when you have a fan base of people where some of them are mentally unwell and you are
questioning, you know, tragic events, okay?
And Alex was right about Epstein, he was right about a lot of things, and he's got no credit
for that.
And I understand that this...
Sometimes when you write about 10 things and you're wrong about something and the thing
you're wrong about is so offensive to people, you're never going to get any credit for being
right, even though you were right more than when you were wrong.
The problem was a lot of his fans who were crazy stalked, harassed these families and
accused them of being actors and accused them of like faking their children's death.
It was just horrific experience.
And Alex is tired of that.
And, you know, how much he inspired that by what he did on his show, I don't know because
I haven't watched hours and hours of that particular thing, like with the whole Sandy
Hook thing.
If you listen to him, he says, I really covered it, I kind of covered it and moved on.
When people go, no, he spent a long time on it, but that's the real danger of going into
that territory over and over again, going, everything is a false flag or everything's
I think Alex has actually been kind of reasonable.
He's resisted a lot of the politics of like racial resentment on the alt-right, for example.
He's resisted that.
He's resisted the anti-Semitic currents of a lot of that politics, right?
He's resisted a lot of the virulently anti-trans or anti-gay stuff.
So he does dip his toe into the water of like the culture wars.
Of course he does, but I've never really seen him, I could be wrong about this, embrace
white nationalism or identitarianism.
I've never seen him really go anti-Semitic.
I've never seen him take that route.
When I grew up, and I would turn him on every now and then, he was talking about NAFTA,
the WTO.
He's talking about 9-11.
He was talking about, you know, the World Trade Organizations and a lot of these big
conferences, whether it was the Bilderberg group, whether it was Bohemian Grove, which
he infiltrated, and he was talking about, hey, here are the most powerful people in
the world, and here's what they're doing, and here's how it affects you.
And that was interesting to me because it was never, no one else was really talking
about it, except Alex Jones, occasionally Art Bell on WABC.
You'd listen to him at night, right?
I think Alex became very controversial when he decided to back Donald Trump, and then
he has a considerable following and a considerable audience that he was then able to marshal
in the direction of supporting Donald Trump.
That was when the spotlight, because then he was talking to Trump, Trump did his show,
Alex Jones just got bigger, right?
And he blew up.
That's the term, right?
He blew off.
Like, he had the good, he put out the good HBO special, whatever you want to call it.
He has a hit song.
He blew up.
And then people started looking at the things that he was associated with.
The Sandy Hook thing is a blemish on his record.
I do believe he regrets it.
But again, I do see the point of the families who are like, dude, fuck this guy forever.
This is the worst thing I ever went through.
It's a very tough, I understand the people that say that.
I understand, and I understand the people that go, when you coordinate, when you have
tech companies that act in a coordinated manner to just get rid of someone, they don't have
any way to defend themselves.
It's a little terrifying when you think about that power being abused, and how wouldn't
it be?
Do you think he should have not have been banned from all these platforms?
I don't think, I do think that if you are a private company, right?
I do think, and this is where you run into this problem, like, I don't know if these
tech companies were government utilities, would that decrease people's likelihood of
being banned?
I don't know, right?
But I understand the benefit of them being treated like public utilities and people thinking
they have the right to a Twitter.
I've never, I don't know, I have very little confidence.
I mean, the government is trying to roll out a vaccine in California, and we vaccinated
like five people.
I mean, in terms of what we need to do in the state, right?
So maybe if it was a government utility, I do think someone like Alex, there should be
some process.
So if you're going to get rid of someone, they should have a way to defend themselves.
There should be more democratic process that you can go through than just being unilaterally
taken off something.
But like, then you run into the, am I going to say that everyone deserves, no, if you're
threatening or harassing people or threatening to kill them, publishing their private information.
If you're committing crimes on these platforms, obviously the people that own these platforms
are going to be like, we're not going to allow this to happen.
So I understand that there is a line, right?
There is some, like people that say there's no line aren't really thinking, like there
is a line.
I just thought that line seems to be moving all the time, and it seems to be a very hard
thing to police, but I don't think you can remove a guy off everything.
And then also bank accounts won't give him debit cards or credit cards.
I don't know if you talked to him about that, but like, you know, there were financial institutions
that were refusing to let him, you know, park his money there.
So I mean, it really does get pretty terrifying pretty quickly, probably without any transparency
from those companies.
See, right?
There, it feels like there should be a process of just having for him to defend himself or
I think there needs to be a process for people to defend themselves.
I, I, every day I wake up and I go, it can, it is something I said in a video going to
get taken out of context.
Is somebody going to get angry?
Is somebody going to be, you know, I say wild stuff because that's what makes me laugh.
That's what makes my friends laugh and that's what makes my audience laugh.
So I, I never, ever, people, you know, whatever, whatever political side you come down on,
I think if you make your living speaking, it's always interesting to me if you are pro
to the platform.
That's odd.
It's interesting to consider kind of a jury context to where, you know, there's transparency
about why you're a video about bombing a Disney world might be taken down.
Like it, it's, it gets taken down and then there is, it's almost like creating a little
court case, a mini court case and not in the legal sense, but in the, in the public sphere.
And then people should be able to have, you know, you pick representatives of our current
society and have a discussion about that and make a real vote.
You know, just have like jury to lock some self-help in a discussion.
That kind of, that kind of process might be necessary right now.
What happens is Twitter is completely, first of all, they're just mostly not aware of everything
they're doing.
There's too much stuff, but the stuff they're aware about, they make the decision and close
doors, uh, the meetings and without any transparency to the rest of the company actually, but also
transparency to, uh, the rest of the world.
And so, and then all they say is we're doing, we're making the decisions because the people,
they use things like violence.
So violence equals bad.
And if this person is quote unquote inciting violence, therefore that gives us enough reason
to ban them without any kind of process, it's, I mean, it's interesting.
I'm, I'm torn in the whole thing.
If it was indeed, there's no transparency about it, but if parlor was indeed inciting
violence, like if there was brewing of violence, potential violence where, you know, thousands
of people might, uh, die because of some kind of riot, like the, the, this is a scary thing
about mob, about when a lot of people get together or good people, like legitimately
good people that love this country, that don't see enemies yet, uh, around them.
But if they get excited together and there's guns involved, and then some cop gets nervous
and shoots one person, another person shoots the cop, and then there's a lot of shooting
And then it goes from five people dying in the Capitol to thousands of people dying in
the Capitol.
Well, in fairness to, to defend, uh, the people at the cap, they didn't shoot the cop.
They bludgeoned him to death with a fire extinguisher.
So I do, I do want to just kind of put that out as a, as a defense of them.
Listen, I'm sure there was some wild shit going on on parlor.
And I think the problem, here's the problem, right?
There's a lot of people that just want to go on these sites and say they want to kill
And the problem is, you know, at what point do you shut them all down?
Like, I think a lot of people are just living in a world where they're powerless, they don't
have any political power, they don't have any economic power, right?
They can't throw their money around.
Uh, they don't have healthcare, their, their job security isn't great.
Uh, there might be living in a community that doesn't have the resources they would like
it to have.
Uh, they're, they're not happy and thrilled.
And then they have these sites where they can go on and just say, man, I'd like to fucking
burn it all down.
And distinguishing a guy blowing off steam and saying wild stuff from a genuine threat
is a very hard thing to do.
You know?
I, I've threatened to kill, uh, I got banned from Airbnb.
I threatened to kill the people, um, that banned me comedically.
This is a joke.
I'm not going to kill you.
This is a joke because I'm blowing off steam and I'm angry.
Do you know how many people that my parent, like my dad's like, I'm going to fucking kill
this guy and my mom's like, I'm going to fucking kill.
You know, they were talking about each other, but it's, but none of it ever happened, but
we should be, I think you, you, you have to create a space for people to threaten to overthrow
the government.
As long as they don't violently do it.
Like, I mean, does that make any sense?
Like, I mean, as long as they're not going to go hurt innocent people, what are you going
to do?
Like there's so many people out there that she's, that's why a lot of these things like,
you know, 4chan, these sites, a lot of people going on there, they just want to say the
most fucked up shit because they, it's the thing that gives them, they can laugh or
they can release steam and it's, it isn't mature.
It is stupid.
It's not productive.
It's not, you know, but at the end of the day, if you're not going to give people health
insurance, you got to give them something.
It's like when someone in this country dies that everyone disagrees with, right?
Political figure, media figure, a lot of people dance on their grave online and then everyone
people goes, and the other side will always do it.
Like if a conservative dies and everyone goes, great, conservatives goes, this is grotesque
that you, and then when RBG dies, they all have parties and the conservatives go, great.
You have to let people in this country enjoy the deaths of their enemies.
You do because they don't have much else.
Again, if you gave them other things, you might say, guy, you can go get a knee operation.
Why don't you stop?
But if they're working for shit wages and you haven't figured out a way to treat them,
treat their cancer diagnosis, and they don't like, I mean, life, you know, you got to derive
pleasure from something, right?
It's an interesting point that anger is a good valve like to, if your life is suffering,
that there's something very powerful about anger, but I still have hope that it doesn't
have to be.
I mean, that kind of channeling into anger that then becomes hate led us into a lot of
troubles in human history.
So you have to be careful empowering people too much in that anger, especially, I think
Mike, I think I understand why people are nervous about Parler, about Twitter and so
For sure, yeah.
Because all that shit talking about violence was now paired with, let's get together at
this location.
This was a new thing.
It's not just being on whatever platform talking shit.
It's saying we're going to, in physical space, meet and then everybody got, all these platforms
got nervous.
Well, what happens when all these shit talkers, all these angry people that are just letting
off steam meat in the physical space?
And there was probably overreach, almost definitely overreach, but I can understand why they were
I agree.
There doesn't seem to be, and this is when Trump got elected and when you have like whatever
you have, whether you have riots in Portland and Seattle, where you have the Antifa people
doing crazy things, you have like the people at the storming, the Capitol, there never
seems to be a ton of an examination of why these ideas are becoming popular.
Why are people so angry?
What is leading people to this?
Why are we here?
What about their lives is to the point where they need to show up at these places and like,
and obviously there's going to be people on the fringe that'll always be the mentally
unwell, there'll always be people that want to destroy society, but when you look at how
popular large, long discredited things, whether it's fascism, totalitarian communism, all
of these things are like, why are they back?
Why are they back in a big way?
And why are people so fed up with the status quo that they're finding solace in the most
extreme discredited theories of how to run and operate societies, theories that have
led to deaths of a lot of people.
So to me, I'm like, if those people at the Capitol, yes, if they were going to work,
if there's, you know, if they were able to go out and drink at Chili's, if they were
able to get a fucking checkup, right?
Like if their job paid a little bit, and I'm not saying that this is all the reason, right?
I'm sure that there's a lot of people there that are doing quite well and they're still
But like the anger in the rage that's boiling to the surface of this society, does it come
from the fact that across the board, people in very different areas and with very different
political beliefs feel like they are being fucked over and there's nothing they can
do about it.
That's what the baseline to me, they look at the people that run the country and run
the world, whether they're tech titans, the guys that you talk to or whether they're people
that run the government, whether they're people that run large banks, large media companies,
the people that have created this kind of, you know, infrastructure that everyone lives
in, these people are incredibly powerless.
And when you push people to that point, logically, sadly, and unfortunately, the next thing does
seem to be violence.
The thing that troubles me a lot is you said nobody's asking why these beliefs are out there.
But sometimes it's not even acknowledged that people are hurting, people are angry, just
even acknowledging that all the conspiracy theories that are out there, acknowledging
that they're out there and then people are thinking about it and talking about it just
because otherwise, so it's not acknowledged in this nuanced way.
What happens is you say, okay, 70 million people are white supremacists.
It's just throwing a kind of blanket statement.
And of course, that gets them angrier and more makes them feel more powerless.
And that ultimately, that that's what's been painful for me to see is that there's not
an acknowledgement that most people are good.
And there's circumstances where it's just, you're pissed off, right?
Because you were powerless.
I mean, most of us are powerless.
You could fall in with a bad crowd.
That's the thing.
You can just fall in.
And it doesn't mean that you're, you don't, there's not blame.
You know, obviously you have agency, you're a person, you know, but the idea that like
you could be rehabilitated, you could do something stupid or you could fall into the
great, you know, a group of people that are, and then in a few years you can go, what the
fuck was I doing?
You know, I'm an ex-drug addict.
I know what it's like to go from being one thing to being another thing, right?
I'm still a drug.
If I were to use drugs right now or drink, I would still be addicted to them, right?
I mean, it's not something that I can ever change about myself, but I know what it's
like to go from one thing to another thing.
So when you look at racism or whatever, ism, homophobia, misogyny, whatever, whatever you're
looking at, antisemitism, and you go, that's a fixed condition where nobody's ever going
to be able to change.
Nobody's ever going to be able to be rehabilitated.
Nobody's ever going to be able to reimagine themselves in a different way.
To me, you're just, you're throwing away someone and you're making them feel helpless and worthless.
And that's going to lead to antisocial behavior that spills out into the violence.
We don't have a very redemptive society.
That's a huge factor.
We don't have a redemptive society.
That's why I like OJ Simpson because OJ Simpson, yes, he did a bad thing, supposedly.
But he's very kind now on Twitter and he makes very nice points about how we all have to
get involved in the political process and he's on golf courses and I like watching people
I don't do it, but I like watching him do it.
And he's like an elder statesman because I remember him from the naked gun and I choose
to forgive him for whatever happened there, which I don't know, but I choose to forgive
him really for, I mean, obviously, what they say is he cut his wife's head off.
But I can look past that and redeem him because he's very stable on Twitter and he's a good,
I see all these people going crazy on Twitter and I'm like, maybe, OJ's live the full life.
I think there's a benefit to that.
There's a benefit to kind of living a full life.
How many of us have not at least tried to murder somebody?
100% listen, OJ's had the highs and the lows, but he did it on his terms and there's a real...
It's like a Frank Sinatra song.
Yeah, he did it my way.
I mean, like there's a benefit to that and he seems like a very well adjusted person now.
So I mean, I don't know.
How is that a fact?
But it is a fact and that's an uncomfortable fact.
Well, that's a strong case of forgiveness in one of the more extreme cases, I suppose.
But yeah, there's not a process of forgiveness.
It seems that people just take a single event from your, sometimes a single statement from
your past and use that as a categorical like capture of the essence of this particular
human being.
So murder might be a thing that you should get a time out for a little while.
Murder is bad.
And let's just say that.
Murder is not good.
I'm glad you make this definitive statement.
OJ is an interesting cat because you're like, he's very stable on Twitter.
He's very like, he's like, let's take a look at it, guys.
Like we need more of his energy.
That's what I'm trying to say.
I know like, yes, it was bad.
He killed the woman in the waiter.
Was not for that.
I wish he didn't do that.
The OJ seems to trial with such a fun thing.
And like you said, we need more fun people in society.
Well, you might.
Speaking of fun people, your politics have been all over the place.
I hope so.
I hope so.
I mean, that's...
Imagine not, imagine someone whose politics weren't all over the place.
It would seem odd.
In the 10 years that I've been politically conscious, just because I'm 35 and 21, no,
I've probably been conscious for over two decades, but like, Democrats have become Republicans
or Republicans have become Democrats.
I remember when Ann Coulter defended George W. Bush when he said, we need to go out and
Christianize or modernize the Arab world, we need to democratize the Arab world.
And then Ann Coulter backed Donald Trump and all the right wing in America believed in
nation building.
They believed in going out and democratizing areas that might breed radical terrorists,
whether it was Iraq or wherever you were going, toppling regimes and instituting new democratic
norms in those countries.
That was the right wing point of view when I grew up.
Then the right wing switched to, we are going to be isolationists, we're going to take care
of America first and foremost, we're not going to go into other countries.
And then the Democrats, who when I grew up were doves and the right wing people were
more hawkish, and the Democrats were like, the military solutions aren't the way.
We need to have multilateral diplomatic coalitions to solve all the problems.
Now, you know, Rachel Maddow is like, let's nuke Russia every night on MSNBC.
The Democrats are like, we need strong presence in Syria.
We need a strong presence.
We need to counter Putin all over the globe.
We need to get so they are more hawkish on things.
So literally I have watched two political parties literally flip.
And it's crazy to watch.
And in some sense, I've watched that as well because when I first saw Barack Obama, I admired
that he was against the war.
This is whatever, maybe before he was a senator, he spoke out against the Iraq war.
And then it doesn't feel like, it feels like his administration was more hawkish than dovish.
In a sense, with all the drone attacks, with the sort of inability to pull back, or at
least en masse, efficiently pull back from all the military involvement that we have
all over the world.
And just the language.
What I think is interesting about that, what's interesting about Obama, because it's a very
interesting study, is that presidents are controlled in very different ways, right?
Presidents can be controlled by different factors, power factions within Washington.
And I think one of the reasons that Obama was maybe in a very close relationship with
John Brennan, he was a CIA director.
And Obama was very close with John Brennan, and Obama was very, I think malleable to the
extent that the CIA, and I've had CIA agents on my show, John Kiriakou, a guy who went
to jail for exposing torture, was saying that you get into the Oval Office, all of a sudden
you're having that presidential daily briefing every day, and the intelligence people come
in and they go, listen, man, I mean, there's going to be a terrorist attack on your watch
if you don't do X, Y, and Z.
They go, they call it like blue book information, which is five levels above top secret.
And they go like, hey, man, a guy in Iran at a cafe said he's blowing everything up
next week.
And I mean, it's the same thing as parlor.
You don't know if it's true or not.
But now the president's making a decision on usually a lot of uncorroborated intelligence
that goes into a presentation for the president, where you're just terrified every day and
you don't want a terrorist attack on your watch.
Now, so why are they getting all this information?
Because a lot of the people in Washington have an interest in perpetual constant ongoing
And there's a lot of financial gain to be had from that.
So they're sneaking their information into the presentations that are going to the president.
And then the president is now behaving and going, fuck, I don't want a bomb going off.
We got to do what we got to do.
And whatever version of that happens, that is really kind of what is happening.
Because the presidents are being controlled by forces that are outside of the political
sphere, but very much still in it.
And they have a lot of power.
That's where the deep state is.
You know, Trump, there's a lot of ridiculing Trump of going, the deep state doesn't exist.
But it absolutely exists.
There's been books about it written by liberal journalists.
The deep state is only a term for unelected, largely power factions in Washington, DC,
that outlive any presidential administration.
These are people that might work at the State Department.
They might work at the Defense Department.
These are people that are not always working officially in any government capacity.
They might be private companies.
They might be military contractors.
They might be people of Boeing or Raytheon or General Dynamics.
And they constitute a group of people that Trump kind of called the swamp.
But Trump had really no interest in draining the swamp.
He was, he articulated these things, and this is what it is.
You have a lot of interested parties that have budgets that they want, big budgets.
Everybody wants a budget in Washington, you know, what it is, they want money.
And these are the people who really control.
So this idea that the president is the BLM doll has got to be smashed, which is why the
horse race model of politics and being like, is it right wing?
Is it left wing?
Is it what team am I on and what color am I wearing?
It's very simplistic, but the reality is this is an empire.
It's past its peak.
We're in trouble.
The United States is an empire.
It's past its peak.
I mean, that's just, you could prove that case in court.
Well, let's, let's go to court right now.
But I do love the, the more complex idea that there's just human beings who crave power
and seek ways to attain that power through different ways.
If you have Barack Obama or George Bush or Donald Trump, there's different attack vectors.
Different ways to attain that power and then you can use that to leverage and it probably
doesn't have to be just in Washington, DC.
There's people who crave power for all over the world.
Of course.
Not in, but where we are now in Los Angeles, these people are all good.
Studio exactly.
People that I, from what I understand, they treat everyone fairly and they're nice, but
I think he sees the bad guys, but out here in LA, West Coast, everyone's lovely.
So amidst this fun exploration in your mind through the political landscape that you've
done over the past couple of decades that you've been conscious politically, where
does Donald Trump fit into this picture for you is great question.
Well, he didn't because he wasn't political until four years ago.
He got political very quickly before, I mean, he was firing off crazy tweets about where
Obama was born or whatever, but he got into politics very quickly and then he became the
So I knew him as Donald Trump, this crazy New York City character, the host of the Apprentice.
I didn't think much about him.
He was just constant, just as constant figures.
I don't think much about Warren Buffett.
I know Trump's like, he's married to a new showgirl all the time and he's always opening
another casino and he's on TV.
Wait, Warren Buffett really?
No, Trump.
Oh, Trump.
But Warren Buffett is the opposite, right?
Warren Buffett's been married for a million years, lives in a little house in Omaha.
But that's what I associate with Trump.
I don't think about Warren Buffett.
I don't think about these people.
They're just guys that I've known forever that have like, you associate certain things
with them, right?
And Trump, we always associate with kind of Volger, Garrish, New Money, Billionaire,
married a lot, casinos, Miss Universe pageants.
But again, but it makes perfect sense that he really was able to become president at
the moment where we were about to have Hillary Clinton versus Jeb Bush.
And I think Americans felt like this is now the oligarchy is spinning right in our face.
We're not even making it feel like there's an appearance of democracy.
We have two crime families vowing for control of the country every four years.
And then there was this rogue kind of upstart guy that was really about himself.
Trump doesn't really care that much about the bill.
I mean, really was summarized perfectly when he left and he just said, hey, have a good
That's what he said before he got on Andrews Air Force Base.
Have a good life.
If you watch this speech, he goes, hey, have a good life.
That's what he really feel.
But hey, have a good life.
I'm going to get on a plane right now and fly to a castle I own in Mar-a-Lago in Florida
and really, I'm not going to think too much about you people outside of how I can get
more attention in the future.
Can I ask you like a therapy question?
What is your favorite and least favorite quality of Donald Trump?
So my least favorite quality of Donald Trump, I think, because there's a few of them, his
lack of empathy, complete and total lack of empathy.
I don't feel that he cares about human beings on any level.
And I feel like that's maybe it should be a requirement, right?
I mean, I don't think he cares.
I think it's obvious that he doesn't care.
I mean, he sent, you know, basically he's saying like, they're in there.
Mike Pence is in there, he knows that his people are going to try to get into a capital.
I mean, those motherfuckers are not going to have jobs.
They're going to go to federal prison and he doesn't care.
He doesn't care.
As long as they're storming the capital to prove the point that he thinks he won the
election, he has no concern for these people, his followers.
He leads them lamps to the slaughter, right?
So that's not a respectable quality.
My favorite quality of Donald Trump is his willingness to call bullshit.
His willingness to call bullshit out.
He doesn't play the game.
He will, you know, when people say about Putin, Putin kills people, he goes, we kill a lot
of people here too.
Like he's willing and able to break the fourth wall and say things that no politician has
ever said.
He's willing to call out hypocrisy, you know, of course not his own, but the media, the
members of the political establishment, that's a laudable quality.
It's an entertaining quality, right?
We all like it.
I love to, I'm like, this guy's saying something that a lot of people want said.
That being said, it's coupled with no real work or action.
So it's not coupled with anything behind it that he just wants to, when we did an episode
of my podcast once where it's like essentially he's like criticizing the deep state, he wants
a deeper state.
He wants a deeper state.
Like he hired his daughter and her husband.
I mean, this is not a guy that's interested in transparency and openness.
He's a guy that would just prefer he wants to run the mafia state.
But he shakes up the norms of social discourse, political discourse, and that people are just
hungry for that.
Like he got banned from Twitter, from all the different platforms.
Do you think, is there an argument to be made for and against?
There's always arguments to be made for everything.
A permanent ban seems to be an overreaction to me.
He's the president of the United States.
It also rearranges the power, like whether you like him or hate him, love him or hate
He was the president.
We've elevated Twitter is now more powerful than the president.
It's like, do you want that to be longterm the salute that the reality, like now Jack
at Twitter is more powerful than the president of the United States?
Is that a good paradigm going forward?
I don't know.
I'm not, listen, maybe give him a little time out for a few days.
I think it's time now, a little spanking, certainly, but I don't know if a permanent
ban across the board on every social media, I mean, they banned them on Grindr.
I mean, this is how hilarious it is, right?
They banned them across the board on everything.
I don't think he could get an Airbnb now, neither can I, but like, I don't think he can
do anything.
Again, I just, I look back and there's so many people, I have very smart, intelligent
friends that go, yeah, but who cares?
Yeah, but he's bad.
Yeah, but blah, blah, blah.
Yeah, but I don't like Milo Yiannopoulos.
Yeah, but blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
And I'm like, you have such faith.
You have such faith that it's always going to be the people you disliked that are banned.
It's always going to be the, it's never going to be you.
Man, you have so much faith in the government, you have so much faith in tech oligarchs you've
never met.
You have so much faith in the security state that they're going to always make the right
decisions and they're not going to penalize people that shouldn't be penalized.
To me, I'm like, wow, I've never had that much faith in any human being ever, including
I wouldn't want that power.
I would start de-platforming people that I hate.
I would de-platform my aunt.
You know what I mean?
I would de-platform everyone I know.
I mean, so it's such an insane power to give somebody who gets heard, who gets to speak.
Yeah, I'm worried about the effect it has on people like you actually.
I agree.
Of being, like, everybody's a little more nervous in what they say.
And that's a big problem.
It's, like, long-term, unmasked like we're talking about.
It has an effect where people just become more bland.
Yeah, self-censorship, anxiety, all of these things go into it.
We try to fight it.
I try to fight it.
I think I got to still do what makes me laugh and what makes me laugh is often fucked up.
And it's often, you know, it's not always fucked up in a way that, you know, it's going
to get me thrown off something, but, like, I think pushing certain buttons is funny to
me, so I got to keep doing that.
Part of the problem is that so many of the lines are blurred, right?
So you have comedians that are commentators and commentators that are comedians and politicians.
So it's harder to defend like, hey, I'm a comedian, leave me alone.
That defense becomes harder when, like, all of these lines are blurring.
Everybody's kind of everything now.
So, like, people say to me, you should run for office.
And they're serious.
And I'm like, you're crazy.
But they're serious.
Like, so the blurring of everything means that people aren't in their lanes as much and
that you go, well, this guy is dangerous because he's not just making a joke.
He's doing something else.
And he's using humor.
And I'm like, I'm really not.
I'm really just trying to make a joke.
That's all.
That's really what I'm trying to do.
But I do think that because of the flattening, there's a lot of people out there that go,
they take aim at humor because they go, humor is where bad ideas can kind of, you know,
start and flourish.
But don't you, to put some responsibility on you.
I think humor is a way to, that you are the modern, like, Jordan Peterson style intellectual.
The humor is actually a tool of changing the zeitgeist, changing the social norms.
It absolutely can be.
But it also cannot be.
I don't think it's any one thing.
And I think there's a lot of pressure for a comedian.
You can be funny and right.
You can be funny and wrong.
If your goal is to be right, you might end up being right and not funny.
So the reality is funny has to come first.
There are brilliant people that have been funny and correct according to people, right?
But at the end of the day, people that put way too much faith in what comedy is, most
of what comedy is, is people showing up to strip malls and telling jokes for an hour
while people eat chicken fingers and they all get drunk and they laugh and they feel
a little bit better about their lives.
That's really the majority of comedy.
Then there's like 10 famous people that are really famous that do a version of that in
an arena.
But the amount of cultural power they have has always been greatly exaggerated.
My uncles loved George Carlin, who was anti-military industrial complex, anti-this, anti-that.
And then they would go vote for Ronald Reagan.
They didn't care.
It doesn't, it doesn't really, it doesn't, it's not as powerful as you think.
I wish it was.
It feels good.
It feels good for me to say, I am the new thing.
It really isn't.
It truly isn't.
No one is, comedians are the people that get on stage and say, we're fucked up.
We're drug addicts, we're sex addicts, we're fat, we're gross, we can't manage our money.
We can't stop eating.
We can't stop fucking doing horrible things.
We're liars.
We're narcissists.
We're scumbags.
We're the people that get out and say that.
Only a psychopath would look at us and go, show me the way.
Like it's not.
I disagree with you because then I'm, then I'm a psychopath because.
Well, and that's, I mean, I don't think, I don't think.
No pushback here.
It's another issue, but you know what I'm saying.
One I don't because I mean, I understand you using this as a psychological tool for yourself
to give yourself freedom.
But the reality is you are one of the rare comedians like a George Carlin who is besides
being funny.
When I hear things like that, I'm like, okay, you're being very sweet, but like, I agree.
I understand what you're saying.
I do stuff that makes, hopefully makes you think.
I hope that's what good comedy is.
I think I try to do that, but I also would hate to feel shackled to the idea of that.
I had to make a point and that point had to be correct.
I think the best comedy makes fun of everything, makes fun of both sides.
And then there's a deeper truth about human, humanity revealed.
But then what happens is people take that deeper truth and go, let's politicize it.
But what does he mean?
Is it the right or the left?
And I'm like, I'm doing something that I think speaks to hopefully people on both sides
for everybody because I'm making fun of people on the left and the right and in the center
and people that don't care and people that do care.
And I'm trying to figure out a way to do it.
But then immediately, anything of value in this culture right now is like, how do we
politicize it?
How do we put it in a box?
So yes, I think comedy could produce a lot of inherently valuable things, reflective,
thoughtful things.
But then immediately, can it be put in this box where all of those things can be used
And like when they say like comedy is a great way to speak truth to power.
It is, but I don't know how much it changes things.
I don't know how much a joke can dethrone a king.
I know the idea is nice, but let's look at the practical applications.
I mean, we had brilliant comics, Bill Hicks, George Carlin, Richard Price.
We had people talk about so many problems in society, illustrate them, put a spotlight
on them, and we still have them.
They're worse now than they've ever been.
That's not true.
I think a society is better.
So to push back in my perspective, it's very possible that those voices were the exact
reason we have the world today, which I do believe is actually, I mean, on the boring
old measures of what makes a good world, which is the amount of violence in the world, the
amount of opportunity that all those kinds of measures, even happiness, all of those
things measured, things have been improving.
Stephen Picker gets a lot of shit for this, but he's really good at articulating how the
data says pretty clearly that the world is getting better.
And it's arguable that the freedoms we do enjoy currently are thanks to the comedic
voices or the people who mock.
So to me, it's possible that humor is the very thing that saves the world.
humor is the very thing that keeps is the balance of power in the world.
But I think a lot of the things that those guys criticized, whether it was militarism
or the elites, the lying, the corruption, the bribery, that's still going on.
And it's always going to go on, right?
Because that's the nature of human beings.
We call it out, we point it out, but we don't have a plan to change.
It's not really our job.
And I think that too much now is like, well, comedians should have a, like, I don't tell
people who to vote for.
But the idea that comedians went and told people who to vote for is like to me is crazy.
I understand like people have strong opinions, but like, I believe I have a job and my job
is to make you laugh or whatever, maybe make you think, but like, my job is not to tell
you to vote for me.
It's absurd.
But see the thing you do by the comedy, like on your Twitter, that people should definitely
Yeah, I believe that.
That's Jim J. Dillon.
I agree with you.
Oh, on the, on this point of, I agree with you that people should follow you.
You, you give me, you give me freedom to think on my own, meaning like you're shaking things
up to where I'm, I don't feel constrained about what I can think about.
And that's awesome.
And that, thank you.
So you're not telling me what to think.
You're giving me the freedom to think.
That's what great comedy does is, you know, I don't, I don't often agree with George
Carlin, like he can get pretty political sometimes, but, you know, just the ability to do that.
So rare.
Podcasts do that too.
Now, like certain people that can really just challenge you to, even when you disagree
with them to sort of be like, Oh, it's okay to think about this kind of stuff.
And I appreciate that because that's awesome.
And I mean, that, that's great.
And a guy like you who's a brilliant guy, that's great.
If I'm giving you the license to think, then man, the world is completely fucked, but
I'm happy about that.
Speaking about the world being completely fucked, Alex Jones turned on QAnon, I know
almost nothing.
It's a very tough match.
They had a rough marriage.
They fought it.
They fought it out for years.
And eventually we just knew someone was going to leave someone who was tried to leave him
a few months ago.
Oh, so yeah.
He was staying at someone else's house.
The car wasn't in the driveway.
Well, the thing about QAnon that makes it a lot of fun is it's kind of a making of
it up as you go along.
I'm a drug addict, right?
So often my lies aren't planned.
They're in the moment.
A lot of what I do on the podcast.
A lot, you know, it's all in the moment.
I have an idea of what I want to talk about and I rant and I go.
And I've been like stoned and I show up at home and my parents are like, what's going
There was $50 on the mantle.
Now it's not there.
And I'm like, well, and I got to make something up on the spot, right?
I've been, you know, are you drinking again?
I'm not.
And then you got to have a, well, you were gone for two days.
No one knows where you were.
And somebody said, you left your car.
Well, I was, well, this is, I was at a sales conference and I left my car.
I flew to Phoenix.
Like I understand what that is.
QAnon is an ever-evolving conspiracy theory where the events are happening in the past,
in the present and in the future.
It's kind of hilarious.
Every conspiracy theory is like Kennedy, something like that, that there's a lot of truth in
that or all truth.
But at the end of the day, it's like you're looking back from 30,000 feet analyzing little
things that have already happened.
QAnon's like, so I think Alex is kind of like a little tired of the constant evolving nature
of that conspiracy theory.
So he's not a fan of like the jazz that is QAnon.
So they're not, because they're improvising constantly.
They're improvising.
Alex is like, hey, man, I was on board a little bit, but at the end of the day, it's getting
a little annoying because it can turn on you.
Eventually you become part of the conspiracy.
Alex is controlled opposition.
That's what they'll say.
Eventually you, because QAnon just eats things.
So it's a conspiracy that just eats things.
The minute you start to say, hey, man, maybe that's not, it'll just eats you and go, well,
you're in on it.
Everyone's in on it.
Everyone's a satanic pedophile.
Everyone that questions it is eating children.
And you go, wait a minute, that seems illogical.
And but now there's not enough children.
Now there's not enough.
And I think QAnon's over now, unfortunately, because for these people, but I think fortunately
for them, they're going to have to find a new hobby.
But I think it's over now because even the best QAnon people now are starting to go,
hey, man, this might not be going down the way we thought.
But they've literally gone as far as to say that like Biden and Trump switched faces.
Trump's actually still the president except Biden.
You have to be a real moron now.
You got to be real stupid now.
It's at the end.
Like when it was cool, like when the Epstein stuff happened, QAnon was like, it was party
at Q.
And then when the Hunter Biden laptop stuff started to happen, they were like, dancing.
It's time.
And then Biden wins.
And they're like, wait, whoa.
And it's just like, it's the day after the party.
QAnon, if you ever went to a party in high school or college, QAnon right now is the
day after the party.
You wake up, it's 12 noon, the sun is hitting you in the face.
You're hungover.
There's this stench of disgusting beer and cigarettes all over the house.
You're like, what the fuck happened here?
I got to get out of here and get a bacon egg and cheese.
That's what QAnon is.
They got to sober up, get out of that house.
Get a bacon egg and cheese and go, man, we were fucking whacked.
We were high, dude.
I thought Nancy Pelosi was eating children for four years and that Donald Trump was going
to put her in Guantanamo Bay.
That was, because I mean, it's interesting that people had to do that after the 60s.
They were like, yeah, I just did a bunch of acid and I lived in a ranch in Malibu and
fucked everyone I ever saw.
And they're like, I thought that was the way the world was going to go.
And I followed some shaman guy, some guru who just wanted to fuck me and 10 other people
that were living there.
And we did that for three years.
Apparently, we never created the utopia we thought we were going to have.
And now I'm back working here, you know, at all state insurance.
And we have great policies and we'd love you to come in the office so we can break them
down for you.
It all ends, folks.
All the love, all the bullshit ends, but it's fun.
It's fun.
They had so much fun.
It was hard to get mad at because they were, this was all they had.
And they were, they were quite good at it.
And they were good at it.
And they, and, and, and, and it was a lot of desperate people, but they were also rich
There's also like dumb rich people.
And you, the, those are like the saddest people in Q because it's like they should,
they have the resources to do other things, but they just love Q. They're like, I'm just
into this.
And I'm like, you're rich, go do something.
How curious are you?
Go to the Amazon.
Go birdwatch.
I don't know.
But they're, you know, so.
Play golf.
It's sad.
But they're like done now.
I mean, they're, they're, oh, it's over.
Oh, so you think this is the, I think everything's ending.
My whole thing is that Trump's out, QAnon's over, the quarantine is going to end.
Everything's going to go back to something that's more recognizable.
I think that.
Are you optimistic about the 2021 and what.
Two degree in certain aspects.
I have optimism and then I have, I have short-term optimism and long-term pessimism.
Meaning that I think in the short-term things can get better.
I think long-term because there's so many forces that are out of our control that are
revolving in ways I barely understand that are carving up society, it's going to be very
tough long-term to be completely optimistic like, Hey, it's going to be great.
It's going to be good forever.
But short-term, I think, yeah, this quarantine will end, things will get better, the economy
will get a little better, the constant Trump craziness will die down a little bit.
That's my hope and people can go back to focusing on things that matter, which is, you know,
the things that are near you and close to you.
The humans around you.
Humans around you.
Not Nancy Pelosi.
I have my, I have uncles that talk about Nancy Pelosi, I'm like, you've never met her.
You'll never meet her.
Shut up.
I have a belief that this kind of local love and kindness that you naturally can have for
human beings that you actually know can be expanded at scale through the social networks
that we use, that we build.
That would be great.
Twitter is currently failing at that miserably.
That would be great.
But that's-
If we were able to increase the love through the social networks, that would be great.
It feels very hard too.
It's a worthy challenge.
I've tweeted one of the underreported reasons conspiracy theories take hold is because some
of them are true.
What conspiracy theories do you believe that are sort of important for people to think
about, would you say?
Kennedy was not killed by a lone gunman with no connections to any other situation, government,
you know.
I believe that JFK was removed from office by a group of people that had very different
That's the question of deep state.
These are powerful people that are able now to dictate through basically the threat of
violence what the president, the surface powerful people in our society.
Again, I want another investigation into 9-11, not because I think that George Bush pressed
a button that made 9-11 happen, but because we invaded the country of Iraq, and then we
15 out of 19 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia.
There was tons of stuff in the 9-11 report that didn't make sense to anybody.
There's tons of stuff about that day that I feel like we just don't know.
That's sorry to interrupt.
That's when I, my little aunt life, touched upon conspiracy theory world and first learned
about Alex Jones.
When 9-11 happened, it was very frustrating to me how poorly the reporting and the transparency
around what exactly happened, who knew what, all that kind of a basic information that
you would hope the government would release, reveal, and use as like a lesson for how we
prevent this.
Instead, it felt like a lot of stuff was being hidden in order to manipulate some kind of
machine that leads us to war.
That's fair to say.
I mean, I just don't feel like we've gotten the full story.
I don't know what the full story is.
I can't.
I don't know what it is, but I don't feel like we've gotten the full story.
There are groups of powerful pedophiles, right?
Whether they're in the Catholic church or they're in the government or wherever they
are, they are able to cover things up that they do.
They're able to silence people that try to out them in terms of disrupt their operations.
That's true.
QAnon has nuggets of truth.
It just went crazy.
Any conspiracy theory that involves the Knights Templar and also Chrissy Teigen is probably
What's the Knights Templar?
Well, it's just this group of knights back in the day.
It's that, you're supposed to see secret meanings.
In every conspiracy, they talk about like, if you go deep enough, it's like the Knights
Templar, the Rosicrucians, all of these secret groups throughout history, the Illuminati.
Oh, and there's a thread that connects all of it, some public Chrissy Teigen.
Oh, yes.
It connects it all to David Spade.
A little much.
Well, how do you, if you're David Spade, defend yourself, by the way?
You ignore it because it's hilarious and I know David Spade, it's like Hollywood's kind
of boring.
Yes, there are sex orgies.
I'm not invited.
I'm sure there's shit going on.
Kids do get abused.
Women get abused.
I'll invite you to one.
If you want.
We got the $75,000 dog and then we'll get one.
But you know me, David Spade, we go out to sushi restaurants and you sit there and you
listen to people complain.
That's what a lot of it is.
What a lot of Hollywood is, is deeply sad tragedy that people don't understand that
it's some of it is nefarious and dark and there are problems and there are real power
brokers here.
It's a dark town, 100%.
But they did it.
Everybody that lives here is in some wide-ranging, vast conspiracy, isn't true.
It ignores how humdrum, boring, deeply sad most people's lives are in Hollywood and it
ignores how sad fame is in general.
Fame's a sad thing.
Not always, but a lot of times it's a sad thing.
It's fleeting.
It's ephemeral.
It doesn't last.
It separates you from other people.
It's isolating.
It can be traumatic, depending on what's going on.
Obviously, it's better than the alternative.
If you're trying to be famous, it's better to be famous than not famous, right?
I'll say that.
But it's a mixed bag to a degree.
There are things about it that aren't great and Hollywood has a deep undercurrent of sadness
of people that have not realized their dreams and people that have realized them, both of
those people.
It's like the people that win Olympic gold medals can sometimes suffer from depression.
They've lost.
Well, somebody said, and I forget who said it, it's a great quote.
It's not mine.
I think it's from a book.
It might be from a TV show.
Sometimes they quote something and they're like, that's from like Charlotte's web.
The two worst things are, oh, I think it's from the movie Limitless.
I'm like an idiot.
But anyway, thanks for having me on.
Tomorrow, I will never publish this.
It's from the movie.
And I think he says, the worst two worst things in the world are not, oh, you know, it's not
from Limitless.
I think it's from the movie where Nicholas Cage sold weapons.
It was called Lord of War.
It's a little better than Limitless.
Anyway, it's a good movie.
It's a great movie.
He said, the two worst things in the world are not getting what you want and getting
So the undercurrents of sadness that run through Hollywood are there are two rivers that converge
and there are people that just never had it and people that have it and go, now what?
And so it's a sad place.
It's tragic place.
And there's a lot of, it's boring.
That's what people don't realize is like, it's actually kind of boring.
Well, life is kind of boring.
Life is kind of boring.
But there's also like, you know, so I think QAnon's this way to make a lot of it seem
like it's super exciting.
It's super exciting.
And listen, I don't want to diminish the experiences of people who've been abused because there
is a lot of horror here.
But the whole QAnon thing was like, every body in every thing is doing.
And that's not true.
But see the, just to link on that a little bit is Bill Gates, the conspiracy theories
around Bill Gates bother me because this is me dumb naive Lex thinks that Bill Gates did
a lot of good for this world first by creating a company that empowered personal computers
and second by donating a ton of money for like treating malaria in Africa and all those
kinds of things.
And there's these huge amounts of conspiracies, I think, based on like just replies to whenever
Bill Gates does anything.
Like to me, the top reply should be about how inspiring that guy is to donate so much
Well, I think, I think that.
And so sorry too.
And the thing I'm struggling with is if I'm Bill Gates, like, how do you behave differently?
How do you show people that you're, if you're not, I don't know, doing creepy stuff
that they're saying he's doing.
Well, I think part of it is that he's done some really good stuff, right?
He's an innovative guy.
He's on the vanguard of a lot of things, but he's also the antichrist.
And I think that that is, you know, they're not mutually exclusive.
He is the prince of darkness as well as some, no, here's my view of Bill Gates.
He's a Batman villain billionaire, meaning that he's not a villain, but he's got all
this money, right?
Here's the thing.
And I love mosque and all these guys.
I know you love these guys.
Listen, when you have the kind of money that these guys have and you have the vision that
they have and they want society to look a certain way, and a lot of them are doing great
things, people, they need to get better at the pushback.
They need to get a little better when somebody says, Hey, man, what's going on over there?
Bill Gates needs to be a little better at going, here's what, yeah, because, you know,
Bill Gates has the money.
You know, I think he wants, he wanted to shoot a missile of dust at the atmosphere to help
global warming.
And a lot of scientists were like, Hey, man, that might not be the way to do it.
But no one in history, like so few people in history have had the resources to even have
that thought, that if you have the resources to have that thought, and you have designs
on the way you want society to look, whether it's public health policy, vaccinations, whatever,
you have to get a little better at dealing with legitimate critiques.
And obviously you're not defending yourself against people that say you're the anti-Christ,
but like, you need to get a little better.
And I feel like Bill Gates and some of those people at that level are like, PR is kind
of like, you know, they're terrible at it.
They're terrible at it.
They're terrible at it.
They're terrible at it.
Him and Zuckerberg are really bad at it.
Zuckerberg's horrible at it.
He's especially bad at public.
And it makes me feel so bad because the problem of being a billionaire is you lose touch
with reality.
If you're not careful, I think Elon is good at at least so far maintaining touch with
No, if you look at the name of his child, you can clearly see, Liz, I do like him and
I do think what he's done with Tesla, you know, my producer is a Tesla and he never
shuts up about it and most people that have Teslas never shut up about them and they thought
they think they're part of the development team at SpaceX and I liked that he's created
a world where people can get excited about a $37,000 car and never shut the fuck up about
it to the point where I have to threaten people with physical violence to get them to stop
telling me about that their car drives itself.
Oh, you should get a Tesla.
Maybe have a few less drinks and a few fewer Vicodin and you can drive yourself.
Have you thought about getting a Tesla?
I've never thought about it.
I don't like them.
They're minimalist.
I don't like them.
I want more.
I want more.
Get the Cybertruck.
I want a...
I'm just being a...
I'm trolling you.
My producer wants a Cybertruck.
I want a stagecoach, old school stagecoach, horse thief shit that it's going back to that.
I live in an area with a lot of horses.
It's going back to like whipping a horse.
I want an animal to shriek while I go by.
You want more suffering in the world, not less.
Oh, I think we need it.
Okay, but I just don't like that billionaire is a bad word and it's not necessary.
Not every billionaire is a pedophile.
I know, but the problem is a lot of...
It's just...
You know, Epstein was very smart at just getting people at that house and taking photos of
Nobody knew what they were doing, but it's like it was one of those things where it's
Epstein was the most social guy ever.
Every photo he's like, hey, it's like everyone that's ever done anything in the world has
been at that fucking island.
Every human being is in a photo.
It's just weird.
It's funny me and my friends get together.
We don't ever take photos, right?
Last night, a few people, I was on my birthday yesterday, I'm 17, and my friends came over
and we're just eating dinner, right?
And we had a fun night.
Just four people that are over, nobody, right?
Nobody ever thought like, hey, I want to remember it.
Let's take photos.
I'm 36.
But everything Epstein did, there's just photos of everybody.
It's interesting.
Do you think Jeff Epstein killed himself?
No, I think he was killed by that guy that they put in his cell, that lunatic, who was
that big muscled guy.
I think he was just...
He did it for money, kept his mouth shut.
Money from whom do you think?
Massad, MI6, CIA, all three.
So there's a lot of pressure from a lot of different powerful people.
Probably Massad, CIA, more.
It seems very clear that he was working inside of a honeypot intelligence operation, just
laying Maxwell's father was an Israeli super spy, just laying Maxwell's working for Israeli
It would be odd to think.
And of course, the CIA knows about everything that Israeli intelligence is doing with Americans.
So I would think that it's a very cozy relationship with those two intelligence agencies.
And I think if you ran it by anyone, I think if you ran it by French intelligence, they'd
go, yeah, no, get him.
I don't think there's any intelligence service in the world whose job is to protect the
powerful people that live in their countries, that was against him getting whacked.
But do you think it's possible that he's just an evil person who is after manipulating people
and also was a pedophile, so that there's a bigger...
No, factual that there's a bigger thing.
Evil people don't get handed...
Those are your facts, Tim Dillon.
No, there's the facts of the case.
You don't get handed a 65...
Show me another evil guy who was handed a $65 million place by Les Wexner.
Show me another evil guy that got that type of handshake deal where he was basically
let off without anything after a judge had made a very sweetheart deal for him after
he was accused of molesting a 14-year-old.
Show me another evil guy that doesn't have that kind of backing, that has those type
of friends, those connections, those type of properties.
Show me multiple passports all over the world.
So show me a guy without anyone backing him that's doing it.
Why did they...
So you think he's just an evil guy, so he's doing this for whom it's his own just chits
and giggles.
He's just getting off on it.
Human nature, yeah.
Human nature, huh?
Human nature?
$70 million limestone match.
Visibly mocked.
Is it human nature?
And it's like...
I don't think it's human nature.
I think it's...
I think they manipulated human nature, but I think they did it.
I think just Lane...
I think Epstein was really just a functionary and I think just Lane was kind of a pimp and
Epstein was kind of a guy that made the money okay and hid money and things like that and
worked for a lot of powerful people.
I don't believe in lone pedophiles anymore.
I don't even believe that.
If you're a pedophile, you're like in a group.
You know what I mean?
You know?
I'm not even going there, but staying on just Lane, so you believe there's some power
in her?
What do you think happens to her now?
Like what are the differences?
Great question.
I mean, I don't know what'll happen to her, but I imagine she'll get some type of deal,
closed door thing years from now when people don't really care about the case and she'll
serve some time in a very lax thing or she'll be killed.
I mean, again, it's like if she was doing what she was doing, which is I believe a fact
that she was compromising powerful people so that they could be blackmailed by the intelligence
forces of the US and Israel, probably, I don't see how she wasn't doing that.
Someone's black.
Someone's using the photos and the tapes, right?
Someone's using that against these people.
Someone wants to control these people.
Well, who and why?
That's the real question.
And I think the real question is, you want to exert control over congressmen and senators
and presidents because they have the power to make decisions to affect the, but the CIA
just works for a lot of very wealthy people.
That's what the CIA, so how the CIA started, right, was lawyers, bankers, they're protecting
financial interests of multinational corporations all over the world, overthrowing democratically
elected governments, going in and doing subterfuge campaigns, encouraging terror.
They were doing all kinds of crazy stuff.
I don't see why that would change.
I think that's who they still represent.
And I think those people want certain policies and certain people pushed forward.
And I think those people are controlled, and I think one of the ways to control people
is their sexual problems.
And that's the way they did it.
I wish there was a way to, because everything you just said now is...
Makes a lot of sense, doesn't it?
I'm being indoctrinated on air.
You think there's just a...
Jeff Frampton is just a fun, random guy who just wanted to make home movies to presidents?
Well, you think I'm just some random guy?
I'm just trying to sell myself as somebody who is friendly with the American audience.
I believe you are backed by people that want people to be more comfortable with robot dogs.
I believe that.
I believe you're pushed to be the happy face of AI.
Which is why I will pick the happy face.
They should have picked the happy face.
No editing.
Joe Rogan's rule, no editing.
This is live.
I mean, I wish there was a way for some of the conspiracy theories to prove that that's
not the case.
Like the CIA is...
There is some possibility in my mind that institutions like the CIA and different kinds
of organizations are driven less by organized malevolence and more by just incompetence.
Just bureaucracy being incompetent.
I think that argument gets less and less persuasive when you look at all the things they've been
able to do.
It's very certain.
I've heard that there's a bunch of them that have done...
There's some conspiracy theories that are dramatic and true.
The question is, I wish there was a way to prove that some of them are not.
It's very difficult because so much is shrouded in mystery.
One of the things I'm bothered by is when people accuse other athletes of using steroids,
for example.
Yes, a lot of people use steroids, but it sucks that people just don't believe you.
There's some incredible athletes that look shredded, that look just incredible performers
and everybody just says that they're on steroids.
They kind of assume...
I mean, people accuse me all the time of being on performance enhancing drugs and steroids
and it is hard, but what I remind them is it's my appearance as a result of dedication.
Hard work.
It's hard work.
Are you on keto?
I'm doing a version of keto.
You're keto, right?
So I'm doing a version of keto right now with bread and it's...
Do you see what I mean?
You carb up in order to build.
So it's keto with sugar.
It's called keto plus sugar and it's a good diet for...
I grew up in the 90s when nobody ever lost weight, sadly, because every diet was like,
can you eat what you want?
Just be accountable.
No one even knew what that meant.
So it would be like my mother being like, if you have chocolate chip pancakes, have a
glass of water, just take a walk around the block.
You could go to McDonald's three times a day, just walk around the block.
It's what my parents used to say to my mother, be like, just walk around the block.
You're fine.
I'm going to have a cigarette, walk 20 steps, walk 20 steps back.
It's exercise.
So there's too many conspiracies out there.
A lot of them aren't true.
A lot of them are bitter, angry people trying to justify their own impotence and not being
able to do anything in life and they're like the people that have done something in life,
they're all nefarious.
It's all that the car just hacked against me.
That's 100% true.
It attracts usually people that have not figured out a way to succeed or haven't succeeded
on the level that they want to.
But that also being true, there is a fair amount of fuckery going on and provable.
And we just have to separate, know that these things are often inflated or not true, but
know that sometimes they are true, otherwise it wouldn't exist.
If there was nothing to JFK, there was nothing to 9-11, if people felt like they were being
dealt with honestly, this wouldn't exist.
I mean, this exists because there are real questions that people have that don't get
answered for whatever reason, and then the refusal to answer those questions, that information
vacuum is filled with people like Alex Jones, who are curious and sometimes they're right
and sometimes they're horribly wrong and sometimes they're all over the place.
They're good storytellers and people love stories and when there's an absence of actual
Alex is a uniquely American person, very interesting.
I don't know how many countries, how many people make a living as a conspiracy theorist,
a good living in other countries?
It's very rare.
I mean, it's very interesting and he became like, I know people that knew him when he
was a kid, because I go to Austin and perform a lot, and he was a guy that would take a
bullhorn and yell at cops because he thought Dewey checkpoints were unconstitutional.
That's what he was doing in college.
And he's just went through it.
He was hated by the right.
He was hated by the Bush people.
He was hated by the... And he went from being this guy that was considered like a leftist
even, like even though he was never a leftist, he was considered this like enemy of mainstream
He was not and they considered a guy that wasn't a patriot, wasn't this, wasn't that?
And he just, wow, he whines and whines and ends up just being this confidant of a Republican
president, very divisive Republican president, and he becomes this populist and everything
like that.
It's really wild to watch that, but I do think he should retire eventually just so we could
get some, I don't know, it seems like it's a lot to keep doing.
Well, I hope this world allows for Alex Jones to continue having a voice because just like
you said, he's used the word fun, but really he shakes up the norms of our discourse.
I do too.
I do think we need to put more value.
I think entertainment, we do need to say that there are people that should be allowed to
have a voice for entertainment purposes.
And that's part of what Donald Trump, now that he's not the president, come on, let
the guy, let him talk.
Who do you think is the best comedian of all time?
Oh, that's a great question.
Greatest of all time.
You mentioned Carlin, your uncle's like in Carlin.
Well, Carlin is great.
Carlin is really hard to argue with, but Chappelle is also really great, Louis C. K. is really
I don't know that there's what Joan Rivers is great.
No, you smile at that, but she's a beast of a comic.
I'm not aware of her stand-up, actually.
She's a beast of a comic.
Ask Rogue and ask any of them.
Kinnison's great.
So what makes a great comic, do you think, in the history of comedy?
Said something at the moment in a way, found a way to communicate with people in the funniest
possible way at that moment and illustrated larger truths about life in what they did.
And I think that guys like Louis and Chappelle and Pryor and Kinnison and Hicks, people like
Joan Rivers have done that.
And even modern people, people like Maria Bamford is an amazing comedian.
It's just a different style of comedy per se, but she's an amazing comedian.
Scott Williams is an amazing comedian, you know, he really is.
Does he have any...
Well, see, the one of the things you've kind of mentioned, the comedies you mentioned,
they were kind of fearless in saying the difficult thing that needs to be said.
Cat Williams is more, I don't remember his comedy, but I think it's just more wild out
Well, to an extent that you can watch it.
He's got stuff.
He talks about stuff.
He talks about race brilliantly.
He talks about America brilliantly.
No, I think there's a lot of stuff there.
Of course, Chris Rock.
Of course, of course.
It's so hard.
You can't really pick one.
You just got to...
There's a class of people that throughout this history of this business, which is not
that long of a history.
It's pretty much within the last century, you know, that have been really influential.
Sometimes it's style, the way they deliver things.
Sometimes it's substance of how they, you know, what they're saying, or sometimes it's
just the style of what they're saying.
I mean, and we're only talking about stand-up comedians, right?
So there's a million great comedians.
I mean, if we're going to talk about Jim Carrey and Adam Sandler and Chris Farley, I mean,
these are brilliant.
And those guys are bigger influences on comedy, I think, than stand-ups, really, truly.
So there's so many brilliant people in the business.
Who was for you like influential, just the early on?
Picks was influential because I'd watch Bill Hicks and I'd be like, this guy's saying crazy
shit on stage and this is the only way he can get away with it.
His business is so funny.
And he was calling out like, you know, the military industrial complex and he was talking
about the first Gulf War.
I remember he said a joke that I heard.
It made me sit up straight.
He goes, he was in Canada and he said, we had a war in the States.
He was talking about the first Gulf War.
And he said, I was in the unenviable position of being for the war, but against the troops.
And to me, I love that joke.
It was so funny to me.
And I was like, oh, you can't get away with that anywhere other than standing on a stage.
You couldn't ever say that in an office, really.
And this was before like, it was like PC and this and the other thing I always knew the
comedians had to say shit and have it be funny enough that you couldn't get away with it
in polite society.
That was the whole point.
That was why it was a dark theater or a dark nightclub.
That's when people had a few drinks.
That's what the art form was.
And that's why, so a guy like that was influential because I started watching him.
And of course, like, you know, I loved SNL when I was a kid and I would watch Chris Farley
and I would watch, you know, people like even John Belushi going back in the day, but I'd
watch Adam Sandler and Will Farrell and all these guys.
I mean, there's so many funny people, but Bill Hicks was kind of funny.
And then Patrice O'Neill was like probably my favorite comedian who's made me laugh more
than anybody else.
I think it was you actually that maybe on your podcast, we're talking about Patrice
O'Neill and that he was actually vicious to others.
I think he was a little mean to other people, but he was very good to people that he liked,
I guess.
I think he was like not.
I mean, he wasn't and I've never met him.
I have no inside info, but from what I've heard, he was like no nonsense guy, right?
He just said what he wanted to say.
But I think in terms of comedians, I don't know of anyone funnier than Patrice O'Neill
who said in modern times, that said more about our society than him.
I mean, he was just a brilliantly funny guy on the radio.
He was funny on his specials.
He was funny everywhere.
He was funny.
And there's something else to be said about the whole medium of comedians doing podcasts.
Because that's a, it unlocks a weird special new thing that changed everything.
I mean, Rogan started with that.
You're doing that.
I think that's a whole nother form of like standups, the ones that have a lot to say.
Almost like we get to witness the process of the creation of the jokes in a way or the
mind, the sort of the evolution of the mind behind the jokes, which is.
Comedians relate to social media.
Comedians are comedies.
It's a performance based medium.
So it's about getting up and doing it, getting up in a club, getting up in a theater, getting
up in a bar, getting up wherever you can get up.
And comedy for years was about performance.
And then on the higher end, it was about movies and TV shows.
But we were very slow to get on YouTube.
We were very slow to adapt to technology.
We're very slow to monetize anything we did on the internet.
So podcasting was a way for comics and funny people to kind of get into that space, start
earning money.
And now, because of the pandemic, it's really become essential.
And it helps you.
And even without the pandemic, it was where people, it was how you were building a fanbase.
And that's like, you know, but comics were very reticent to embrace social media at all
because they thought it was cheap and they didn't like it.
And they thought the people on it were idiots and were unfunny.
And it was just a blatant, you know, whatever it was, whether it was a money grab or it
was just too commercial in the sense where they're like, hey, look at me, like it was
just goofy, right?
And then comics, I think, got displaced because all the YouTubers came in and all the social
media stars came in and they really knocked comics off because now people are much more
like, if you ask anyone under 30 who their favorite comedian is, they say David Dobrik.
And there's nothing wrong with that.
David's a funny guy.
Like what you, you know, not especially to me a ton, but that's okay.
I don't, you know, but he makes people laugh.
So he's funny.
But he's what people, you know, that's a comedian now.
So comics got beat by other people coming into a digital space before they did laying
the groundwork and taking it over.
And now comics are just trying to stay alive.
Like even my podcast, which is people really like it.
Thank God.
And I love doing it.
The Tim Dillon Show.
Well, thank you.
I was late.
You know, I mean, I was, I just, you know, I've been podcasting for a long time, but
really dedicating myself and putting the resources behind it.
I was late to it.
Like I was like, Hey, I'm, I'm telling jokes on stage, which is great, but I should have
been allocating more time to building an infrastructure online.
And I wasn't doing it.
And a lot of comics weren't doing it.
Funny comics weren't doing it.
I guess it should be doing it, and I think when the pandemic ends, a lot of comics will
just keep doing live stand up, but I will keep, obviously I'm going to go back on the
road and do live stand up, but I will keep doing this podcast and building digitally
But you're also exploring ideas.
You're doing like short videos and so on.
You're trying to look for different mediums of how to be funny everywhere.
I want to be funny everywhere.
I love making things too.
My producer, Ben Avery, is like a brilliant editor and comedic mind, even though he's
not a stand up, he's able to, he understands funny, he understands what makes me funny.
We're able to make these really, I mean, some of those videos, they're just brilliant little
videos, even though they're tiny little videos, they're fucking as funny as anything.
And it's not me, it's me working with somebody else to make something really great.
And if, and, and it's that relationship that's very important.
In some sense, the, the medium of a short video is a challenge, just like the medium
of a short tweet of how to say something.
I mean, whatever the flavor is of what's in your heart, what's in your mind, how to
say it, whether it's the goal is funny or something, or just an express an idea.
I think it's the whole thing that's important to us is that it's an extension of really
like an extension of your friendship in a way.
Like are you guys laughing at it?
Are you guys making each other laugh about this idea?
And if that's the case, other people are going to laugh at it, you know?
I think so much of the old medium was like everything was top down.
Okay, pitch me this idea.
I pitch it to the showrunner.
They pitch it to the network.
They pitch it to the, you know, standards and practices, sales, and we got to go through
Now it's just like our me and a few buddies or even just one buddy laughing at this idea,
does it captivate us?
And do we see it visually?
And also a great line from Roseanne, a guy, not Roseanne, but a guy that worked on Roseanne,
the old Roseanne, the great one, he said, is it funny with the sound off?
That's what we try to do.
That's brilliant.
Is it funny with the sound off?
When you see me in the dumb things or me in the Meghan McCain or me in the thing, is
it funny with the sound off?
And if it's funny with the sound off, you have a good starting point.
That's hilarious.
I would say you're one of the people, because most people are not funny with the sound or
most comedians.
You will fail is another example of that.
There's something about when I click on one of your videos, it's funny, just like the
first thing I see, just your face.
Well thank you.
That's very sweet.
But I mean, thank God.
I mean, that's what we try to do, right?
We're trying to be funny.
So we're trying to be funny.
Can we talk about love a little bit?
So you came out of the closet as being gay when you were 25.
It was late.
Very late.
Very late.
Before then.
By today's standards.
During and after.
How has your view on love evolved?
It's so hard to say, because I'd like to make a very Disney-fied statement about that you
can't be in love secretively.
You should be honest.
Love should all be about honesty.
That's not true, right?
There's people that are in love that are lying to everyone else, but they're deeply in love.
I would love to say something like honesty is an ingredient for love.
But I don't know, maybe honesty with each other.
But I mean, I know, I think there's a lot of people in the world that aren't honest.
My view on love is super important.
I think that a lot of society in America is all about love.
You don't tend to focus on other things in terms of friendship or sustainability of that.
I know a lot of people in relationships where it's like, I don't know, they love each other,
but it's also a rock-solid couple because they're very compatible in many other ways.
They're friends.
I see friendship and love as the same thing.
This is part of it that are, right?
So it's like, I look at it as like, there needs to be more than just that amazing chemistry
or physical attraction that is this chemical thing that happens.
There should be some underlying.
I mean, again, that's from what I've observed as really long-lasting, successful relationships.
Is there something about coming out that you took away that you remember as being profound
and syspondent?
That I, it wasn't society, it was me.
So there were kids that were out in my high school that I waited years later to do it.
That was no one's fault but my own.
So I was taking the cowardly way out and a lot of people, so I could blame society or
like, oh, I lived in a conservative area and I grew up and you should take responsibility
for your own decisions.
And if you're being cowardly, admit that you're being cowardly.
So that's what I took out of it is that it's not society's fault that you chose to be
a coward.
Society will never be perfect.
You have to be honest when you're ready to be honest or however you want to be honest.
But it's not somebody, too much now is it's everyone else's fault that you didn't take,
make a hard choice or a hard decision.
So that's kind of what I took out of it.
So now in retrospect, you see yourself as being afraid, do you think at the time?
Well, I wanted people to like me, which is the disease of humanity, right, is that we
want to be liked.
And what happens is if you want people to like you and love you even, you want people
to feel comfortable with you.
And those were people like your family?
Friends more.
In fact, my family I could always throw in the street, but I'm kidding, but I am not.
But my friends, my circle of friends, which I were my family at the time when you're senior,
when you're 10th, 11th grade in high school, your your friends are your family.
You know what I mean?
Like that's your.
So you don't want to do anything that puts you on the outside of the circle.
This is thinking back to that fear.
Is there things you're afraid of now that you're not doing you're afraid to do?
I'm afraid of all kinds of things.
I'm afraid of not being good at my job, not being funny, letting people down, not putting
out products that are good, you know, whether it's the podcast every week or stand up or
the videos.
Like I'm afraid of like, there's a ton of people that really enjoy what we do.
So when you're in that position, you're nervous that you're going to start doing things that
they don't like.
So the new things you want to do, the evolution you want to do, you want to make sure you're
evolving in the right way, you know, you want to make sure that you're doing things that
are consistent with why people liked you, but also you don't want to put yourself in
a box and limit what you can be going forward.
So like, I had a talk with the CEO of NBC Universal once I was doing some internal sketch
for them.
And I was playing like a cab driver and he was a, and he's not the current CEO, but
he's a former CEO.
And I said to him, what's the hardest part of running up a corporation of this size?
And he said something very interesting.
He said, the hardest part is maximizing the current profit model of what you have at the
same time, getting ready, getting ready, getting the company ready for where it's going to
be in five years.
He said, those are often at odds and that's the toughest thing.
He goes, because I could just bang out everything I got to do right now and we're going to make
a lot of money doing this, but am I devoting enough resources into digital so that in five
years when that's where everything lives, are we competitive in that space?
So as funny as I am now, hopefully to people and a lot of the things that I want to do
now, I'm going, what am I, what groundwork am I not laying for three to five years down
the road so that I can be adapting to the trends that are important then in terms of
not so much comedic trends, but like the technological trends, like what is the, what
is it?
You know, I should have done podcasting earlier.
What should I, should I have a bigger presence on TikTok?
Should I have a bigger presence here?
Should I have a visitor?
Should I be on Twitch?
Should I be doing this?
Should I be doing that?
What am I not doing that I should be doing that I'll regret not doing?
And those are, those are the conversations I think I have in my own head all the time.
And I guess there's parallels to coming out as gay or just parallels in like career
paths you're taking all that, that's ultimately just fear.
It's fear.
It's the fear of, you know, the, the, the best thing that happened in my career was
that I came to LA, I didn't have an idea of what was going to happen.
I met somebody who was really committed to making funny things that we just wanted to
be funny.
No one would let us be funny.
We didn't have Comedy Central letting us be funny.
We didn't have HBO.
We didn't have Netflix.
We just had a garage and a phone in the beginning and then a camera and then a thing.
And we just wanted to be funny.
And that was the greatest risk really I took because I was like, well, I don't know what
else is going to happen right now, but I just want to be funny and funny saved my life.
I mean, funny got me out of drugs, funny probably got me out of the closet.
Funny was the thing that I was able to do that made everything okay in my own head.
So I was like, as long as I'm being funny, something good will happen.
So we did that and then something really cool happened that we were able to do a lot of
cool things, but you know, that's what it is.
It's fear that keeps you from being the better version of yourself.
Your mom, I mean, you have so many complicated, fascinating parts of your story, but your
mom, as you were growing up, suffered from out to illness, yes, schizophrenia.
Can you tell her story and how that relationship has changed over the years?
Well, she was always eccentric and always, you know, the terms for schizophrenia in an
Irish Catholic household where we didn't talk about anything were eccentric, fun.
She's fun.
There's a theme to this.
She's a live wire.
Any of the words you would use to describe somebody who is a fucking lunatic, but you
wouldn't say that.
She started experiencing symptoms probably early on in her life, but she also like,
I think, started really manifesting them when I was in my mid teens.
So like 14, 13, 14 area, and she got really, really bad and then I think she was institutionalized
about 10 years ago, a little over 10 years ago, and she could really no longer live on
her own.
She was unable to go to work.
She was unable to function.
So I visit her when I can.
Obviously, I'm not in New York.
Whenever I go to New York, I visit her.
She's aware of what I do, my career and everything like that.
She has good days and bad days, but mental illness is a thing.
It's very tough.
We don't talk about it as a society.
People with mental problems don't get that much attention.
We tend to think that they did something wrong or that they deserve it or that they are to
be ignored and we don't devote a lot of resources into it, which is unfortunate because then
you have the junk gurus come in and go like, let's diagnose your mental illness off Instagram
and it's like, that's not the move.
Do you love her?
I do.
I love her, but I also remember her that isn't her now.
When someone has mental illness that's severe, you make peace with their death before they
die because the part of them that you love and remember a lot of cases is not evident
or obvious.
My mother is still a loving person that I love, but the fun, her ability to be present
in the moment and to not, that is lost with the progression of illness so that you still
love her.
Again, your parents, the time horizons you have with your parents are unknown.
People don't know.
I have friends that their parents were in their lives for their entire life and I have friends
whose parents were in their life, but my mother was a very, she knew what I was.
When I was a little kid, I was an actor, when I was like six to 12, my mother knew that
I was a performer.
She knew what I was and what I'd ultimately do.
She recognized that in me and when I said to her, I want to audition for shows, I want
to be on stage, I want to be on this, I want to do this, she let me do it because she knew
who I was and she didn't want to get in the way of me being a human being, a fully realized
person at six.
So that's probably the best thing a parent can do for a kid is let them be who they are
and my mother did that.
So that, I mean, that's good.
We ate too much fast food.
There were negatives, but she did let me be who I was.
Well, that's why you want to throw them out into the street.
Yes, sometimes.
But coming to accept the mortality of her, I guess, identity as you remember it from
childhood, do you ponder your own mortality?
Are you afraid of death?
I'm afraid of death, I don't like the idea of death, but I know what's happening.
You know, I know it's going to happen eventually.
I don't think about it.
I think about, I want to do some good stuff that people can look back at.
And I think I'm proud of the show where people look back at the show.
I don't know how comedy ages or whatever, but like, I think I put out a lot of stuff
and I want to continue to put out stuff and I want to put out a few specials that people
can look back at and go, oh, this guy was really funny in this really crazy, you know,
he lived in the latter part of the century when all this shit was going on and he kind
of made fun of it and he did something to make people's lives a little better just by
having, you know, a few laughs, you know?
Well, do you think about, this is something like in the podcast context, do you think
you'll have just one or two or three shows out of thousands maybe that are like the truly
special ones?
That's probably the case.
Or do you think it's an entirety of the body of work?
I think people will take 10 minute clips from all different shows and put them together
in this highlight.
Yeah, like a highlight reel of just like these are like the best things that he's ever done
or the best rants he's ever had, the best things, whatever.
So the legacy would be that this was an important voice in a very weird time.
I would hope that that's part of it and I hope that I continue to be, you know, you
say important, I say funny, but hopefully I continue to be a voice and that's what I
think when I think about death, I think about like, what did people come on earth to do?
And I think I came, I think my main purpose on this planet, other than to experience whatever
love or, you know, worthiness or whatever is to make, to entertain people and there's
a lot of people in comedy right now that are not entertainers and that's really the problem.
But and they got into comedy sort of the way that, you know, you can walk into the wrong
store in a mall and then not realize you're in the wrong store and try on a bunch of clothes
and then go, fuck, I wasted my whole afternoon.
But I think I've always kind of been an entertainer and that's what I want to do.
There's a, unfortunately, sadly, a lot of people that look up to you, that is a horrible
thing, but life is a nightmare.
If you were to give them advice, young folks, people in college, maybe even high school,
but people in their 20s about what to do with their life, whether it's career, whether
it's just life in general, what would you say?
More everyone, make a few good friends.
Truly have honest conversations with yourself about your, when do you feel the most alive?
Figure that out.
When and how do you feel the most alive?
Figure that out.
Try to figure out a job or a career that can replicate that feeling.
Don't listen to anyone.
Don't listen to your parents.
Don't listen to the gurus on the internet.
Don't listen to me.
Don't listen to anyone.
Figure out where you feel the most alive.
Where do you feel excited?
Where does your pulse quicken?
What do you feel matters?
When you're in a situation, do you feel like it matters?
What situation was that?
What got you excited?
What thing did you walk into where you looked around and were taken back and you're like,
wow, this is amazing and I'm filled with awe.
If you can figure out a life where you can excite yourself, you might not use drugs or
alcohol or a sex addiction or gambling or irresponsibility.
You might not have to get your fucking kicks in very destructive places if you can get
them in a productive place.
You had a pretty weaving life that's full of mistakes and so on.
Many mistakes.
Are mistakes a bug or a feature?
Do you recommend embrace the mistakes and make a bunch of them?
It depends what they are.
You've had the full spectrum.
I've had a lot, but a lot of mine could have sunk me.
They sound like fun when I talk about them, but they actually could have sunk me.
They were all part of what made me funny, but I don't know.
I would never tell anyone else to just light their life on fire and hope it all works out
on the other end.
It would be pretty irresponsible.
But hey, at the end of the day, it's like, you're going to... I think one of my themes
is that there's too much.
We give the power.
We think we have too... The power of choice has been elevated in our society to an unhealthy
I think you could get really good at something, but you're born with a certain aptitude.
It might be to be a dealmaker.
It might be to be an athlete.
It might be to be an artist.
It might be to be a romantic.
Just fall in and out of love, in and out of love, in and out of love.
It might be to be a world traveler.
But whatever you are, I think you are.
I think that there's something about you that makes you something.
If you can figure it out and then refine, you're not going to be good at it, per se.
But if you're an athlete, it might not mean that you're going to be a great athlete in
the history, but it might mean you're the best coach anyone's ever had, or you're the person
that builds a local scene for young athletes or whatever.
If you are a really good dealmaker, it doesn't mean you're going to be Warren Buffett, but
it might mean you're somebody who enjoys making deals all the time and things like that.
If you're an entertainer, it might mean that you are an entertainer.
It might mean that you are in the world of entertainment because you love it so much
that if you lack the skill set to really pursue it on a degree, you just want to be like,
there's a thing inside of you that makes you what you are.
I think I look at certain people and I go, you were born to be that thing.
You know?
The whole purpose is to find it.
I was a juror on a murder trial in Long Island and the woman who's the DA, I'm like, you
were born to do this.
You were born to put murderers away and this guy killed the mother of his children.
I mean, he's a bad guy, but I was like, you are really good at what you do.
She has a strong belief in whatever her moral code is and what her justice and ethics are.
She wants to communicate that to people.
She was very good at doing what she did.
I don't know the facts of the case.
I didn't really listen.
He seemed guilty.
So I just voted guilty.
But I didn't really listen to her, but I heard the shape of her mouth was very bovine,
like a cow.
It conferred a certain level of expertise that I enjoyed.
Well, it's funny.
I mean, you could see you're half joking, you can often see that people just, they found
their place.
They found their role.
They found their thing.
They found their thing.
And that's kind of the purpose of life.
And once you are in a place that seems sticky, like the place that seems right, you know,
that's one of the problems with the generation that you're speaking to is there's always
a feeling like I should keep exploring, keep exploring, but it's okay to stay in a place
that you found that works.
And listen, sometimes the best place you'll find is like when people are like, when did
you feel really excited and alive?
It's like doing nothing.
You know?
Like that's the other thing.
It's like some people are going to be like, I feel really excited and alive when I'm laying
in my backyard in a hammock.
And I just want to have the simplest life and not have to do much and I don't like doing
And I love laying around and going, wow, the sky looks good today.
Bill Gates goes, the sky looks good today, let's shoot a missile into it.
He wants to do shit.
So it's like in between that and nothing is you can find something.
But in that process, for you personally, I mean, for me and for others, I think there's
a struggle when you look in them, when Tim Dillon looks in the mirror, do you love yourself
or do you hate yourself?
Well, a lot of times I think I'm Amy Schumer.
So I'm confused.
I do.
I'm a detente with myself all the time.
I don't love myself or hate myself.
Attics have a very bad problem where you can't just fall in love with yourself and you can't
hate yourself.
Both of them lead you to a negative place.
You try to stay kind of even keel.
I don't go like, hey, man, you put out a video, I got all these views, things are great, you
sold a bunch of tickets, let's fucking go out and like, maybe let's say, hey, man, let's
have that drink that you've been waiting for for 11 years.
And I don't look at myself and go, you ate a burger yesterday, you're a piece of shit,
you're horrible, you'll never get into the shape you want.
I try not to get too low or too high.
Both of them are not good from my particular mind.
I got to ask, we were kind of spoke about 2021 and you being potentially hopeful, hopeful
short term, cynical long term.
So let me ask, I forgot to ask, are you moving to Austin?
I don't know.
I mean, I don't think so immediately.
I love Joe.
I love what he's trying to do down there.
I'm appreciative of everything that he's done for not only me, but for comedy in general.
And I think as things happen in Austin and unfold is such a political answer.
But as things unfold, I will consider it more and more.
But I mean, I think I got into the year in LA.
So you've spoken so nicely about this magical place that is Los Angeles.
LA is very funny.
You think there's a place for comedy in LA?
Oh yeah.
The Los Bia Place for Comedy in LA.
So it's going to be a place for comedy in New York.
I mean, the question is how thriving of a comedy scene is Austin going to be.
And the Joe can probably make it one, but as of right now, it isn't.
So that would be him doing that.
But the question, there's a lot of people escaping Los Angeles, but I know better about
New York.
There's a lot of really brilliant people.
Let them go.
Let them go.
There's other people.
This is the thing.
It's like, this is the fear thing.
It's like, no, but all the brilliant people are leaving.
There'll be other people and they'll fill their shoes.
The way that they've done throughout history.
And I think that New York and LA, listen, maybe in five or 10 years, they're not the
two cities.
It would be real rough in five years when this pandemic's over for people in Australia
to go, dude, you got to go to America and you got to visit Charleston and Austin.
Let's be adults here.
Let's be adults.
It's still going to be New York and LA for a while.
LA is an absolute hellscape, but I don't think you're going to replace California.
California with another place.
And also, everyone's going to make decisions now because we're literally in the midst of
a pandemic we've never had before.
We've never had this before.
Joe, Joe loved California up until the pandemic.
He had problems with it.
Like we all have problems with it.
There's a lot of benefits to being here.
I think a lot of us made pretty bad decisions in 2020 because we were all locked up and
stuck with our own thoughts.
But so it's funny there's parallels because I don't necessarily, you know, I'm obviously
a fan of comedy, but I don't care where comics move.
But there's a parallel move that's happening instead of decisions which do influence my
decision making, which is where to start a business that's tech centered.
And that's more about the San Francisco Silicon Valley.
And there is a lot of people leaving there.
And they're going to Austin.
Well, Austin, there's a, I think, there's a bunch of different places, Phoenix, there's
Austin will probably be a massive tech hub.
Elon's there.
It seems like it's all, everything about Austin says that it's going to be a massive tech
I just don't know if that means it'll be a massive comedy hub.
It might.
I don't know if those two can actually coexist.
It's interesting.
I don't, I think, you know, comedy suffered in New York and LA when everyone got super
Like, you know, it just wasn't as cool.
It's still much more fun on the road.
It's still more fun to perform for people that want and need to laugh in strip malls
than it is to perform for hedge fund managers and with their dates and, you know, Instagram
models in LA.
It's just what it is.
Comedy on the road is much more fun.
So maybe in the spirit of that, Austin becomes, but you know, you know, Austin is just colonized
by tech bros and stuff like, yeah, I mean, sure, sure, it'll be fun and it'll be great.
I think Joe's made LA a scene.
So if anyone's going to make Austin a scene, it's Joe.
Yeah, and I like the, on the Elon side, which is what I'm much more familiar with, the promise
of the possibility of what that could become because there's a lot of problems in Silicon
And of course, it might be naive to think that just because it's like the grass is greener
thing, which is just because the place where you come from has a lot of problems.
It doesn't mean you can just create a new place that's not going to have those.
There's homelessness in Austin.
There are problems in Austin.
And I think that with, by the way, with the influx of very rich people to an area, sometimes
that helps things, but sometimes it just makes things more polarizing and it's spot puts
a spotlight on those problems and makes those problems even bigger, right?
So I mean, I don't know that it's necessarily, it's hard to predict.
I just know the LA right now is funny.
It's funny that there's 15 year old tech talkers making millions of dollars dancing
in a house while the world burns.
That is very funny.
Well, it's for your, for your style of humor.
The absurdity of the world.
No one cares about Hollywood starlets and actresses and actors and everyone goes, hey,
fuck you.
Even though they've won three Academy Awards, they're all being replaced by just mediocre
dancer 15 year olds.
I mean, it's like there's something hilarious about this city and it will burn in hell,
but so will everything.
So what are we talking about?
Eventually the sun will die out and we will all be gone unless we colonize outside of
our solar system.
But you know, I, I stand, I just sit here, you know, I'm struggling with this cause Boston,
I'm currently at MIT, Boston doesn't feel like the right place to start a business in
the tech sector.
And so I'm choosing, I'm looking at San Francisco the way it is and I'm looking at Austin.
Oh, Austin up clearly.
So it seems clear, but it's, it's such a difficult thing to, to predict what a place will look
like in 10 years and 15 years or 20 years.
And it's so hard to predict if you'll like it or not until you're there.
And you know, this is speaking to risk.
There's not really a good reason for me to move anywhere.
There's not a good reason to do anything in life.
Part of me wants to just fucking do it and whatever and see what happens.
You like Boston.
You like other things about Boston besides the tech thing.
You like MIT.
That's the problem.
And but you like, you like like the food in Boston.
Do you eat food?
I haven't been, I haven't eaten food or been outside for years.
And I mean that, that's probably the better version, but you're keto forever.
You've been keto for a long time.
Keto fasting for a long time, 15 years fasting, eating once or twice a day.
I'm not having, but no sugar ever, no like, no sugar and no pasta ever, no bread ever,
no pasta, no bread, no, except like, so my source.
You could kind of live anywhere because like, going out is such a big part of what city
you live in and like, you like the food there, do you like the restaurants, can you meet
people, whatever.
But it's like, you really can just kind of, yeah, so not married, no kids.
You have freedom.
Me too.
I have freedom.
And that's, we have the curse of too many choices.
That's the thing.
We have too many choices.
We don't have somebody else going, what about like, we don't have to justify our decisions
to anyone.
So we can just kind of like let our minds run wild.
So you just got to hone the instinct of just what feels right and just fucking do it and
that's it.
I think Austin would show down there and Elon down there.
Austin seems like a real no brainer move for you.
To try.
To try.
Why the hell not?
Why not?
Why not?
And then I think I should go to MIT.
Like, I mean, I mean, I think I should give those nerds a piece of my mind and you should
go to, I was in an Uber pool once with a kid from MIT and I was eating this thing from
Bova's Bakery.
I forget what it was.
It was like, it's so good.
I don't know.
You don't know Bova's Bakery, right?
It's in Boston.
It's famous.
I was eating a thing and I was like covered in chocolate and this kid, like this little
nerd, like this little like, you know, USB drive with feet was just staring at me and
they just dropped them off at MIT and he like scurried away.
But that's a big school that doesn't the NSA recruit out of there heavy like MIT places
like that?
I can't, I can't speak to that.
What, what, this is the ridiculous question I sometimes ask myself when I'm alone.
What is the meaning of life?
Do you think about the big existential kind of why the hell we're here?
It's a cosmic kind of joke kind of in a weird way, right?
I mean, Joe said it the other day on maybe it was you saying that like, he was just like,
you know, by the time you figure out what it is, you're out of here.
You know, it's kind of interesting or you even start to figure out what it is you're
out of here.
Like, that's kind of funny.
It's like, you don't get enough time to truly, I think the meaning of life is just like,
at the end of the day, do you feel it was time well spent?
Was it time well spent?
That's, that's really what it is.
If you look back, do you go, hey, it was time well spent, like a pretty good ride.
It was pretty good ride.
I did, I did, I did a lot, I did a lot of things I, I doing what you say is a part of
it, I think.
If you say you're going to do something, maybe doing it.
That seems to be extrapolating the meaning of life question to like, you know, what did
you come here to do?
I think it goes down deep of like, who are you and what do you want and, you know, what
are you suited to do and what?
It does seem that like the people who are most enlightened that I've ever met or read
books by, they ultimately land on humor, like they don't take shit seriously.
They embrace the absurdity of it all and just kind of laugh at, laugh at it in this kind
of simple way.
So it does seem that humor is like one of the fundamental truths of the scene that we're
And somehow-
It's love.
It's love.
Humor, humor can be love, right?
People laughing that that sound is kind of like, Carolyn Knapp who wrote a book called
Drinking a Love Story, which is a really good book about not drinking.
Drinking and then not drinking.
And she said that you could understand things as love, that I think one of the last lines
of the thing is like, people talking about their experiences in life, that could be love.
Like, you know, laughter is love.
Like I feel like love and finding it wherever you could find it is why we're here.
That's that connection and laughter can be love and, you know, figuring out, you know,
something that makes life better for a lot of people can be love.
You know, whether it's a vaccine or a technological advancement or whatever, like, you know, all
of those things I think can be that feeling.
And I think that's what's important.
It connects you to a larger frequency, you know?
I don't think there's a better way to end it, Tim.
I hope you're one of the voices.
I truly believe that your legacy would be one of the most important voices of our time because
you're fearless and challenging all the absurdity of the nonsense of our social and political
I hope you keep doing it.
I'm a fan.
I'm still a big starstruck.
Oh, stop it.
Listen, I was your intellectual capacity, enjoying anything I do, only underscores how
truly fucked we are, but thank you very much.
Thank you for talking to me.
Thank you, brother.
Thanks for listening to this conversation with Tim Dillon and thank you to our sponsors,
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And now, let me leave you some words from George Carlin.
Watch any cynic and you will find a disappointed idealist.
Thank you for listening and hope to see you next time.