
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

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And we're live. Welcome to the WAN Show, ladies and gentlemen. Got a fantastic show lined
up for you today. This is going to be the, this is kind of the Hobbit approach to WAN
Show because we kind of had, we had WAN Show and then now I guess we're having second WAN
Well, you are.
I'm having second WAN Show. But we didn't actually really talk about a ton of tech news
or what's going on in the, in the tech community on the last show. Then again, half the time
we don't talk about that on regular WAN Show either. Okay. The point is Gamer's Nexus bought
what I guess is there is called a scam pre-built from iBuyPower with a 10 year old GPU in it.
So we're going to be talking a little bit about that.
Microsoft and Qualcomm seem to be determined to make each other's platforms less appealing.
So we're going to kind of jump into that a little bit later. What else we got here today?
It's official. The PC is the ultimate hardware of all time.
For gaming.
For gaming.
For gaming.
Yeah. Nice.
Also, Tesla is going to use footage that it records of you.
That records of what?
Not just the road. It records of you. There's a new update to Tesla's full self-driving
driver's assistance program. And it's an agreement to accept that Tesla can use footage from
both outside and inside the vehicle.
Brilliant. Who could have seen this coming? Let's go ahead and roll that intro.
The show today is brought to you by Humio, Secret Lab and Ridge Wallet. All right, ladies
and gentlemen, obviously, we're going to have to jump right into our first topic of the
PC Gamer has reported on this. Surprise, surprise. Games Radar has reported on this. The winner
of the 2021 Golden Joystick Award for the best, hold on, where is it? Best gaming hardware,
okay, is the PC. So there was some, there were some, there were some nominees. Okay.
PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, Nvidia GeForce RTX 3080, Nintendo Switch
OLED, WD Black SN850, NVMe SSD. So this was the best gaming hardware 2021 shortlist. And
then there was ultimate hardware of all time to celebrate 50 years of gaming and ultimate
game of all time. So the ultimate hardware of all time is the PC, which as much as I'm,
you know, as obviously a lover of the PC gaming platform, as much as I, you know, I get it.
The best individual plant of all time is trees. Yeah. It feels, it feels just kind of like
a puff award. Yeah. I, okay. You know what? Hot take. That's really stupid. They, they
should have, I kind of hate it actually platform or something. Yeah. It would have had to be
platform because to say the ultimate hardware of all time, you really do have to pick a
piece of hardware because that means if you're going to say the PC is the ultimate hardware
of all time, then the PC has to go up against console. Yeah. Right. And you could make the
argument that in the early days home consoles in a way were more revolutionary for gaming
acceptance by the mainstream than PC gaming was. Oh, absolutely. I mean the Nintendo entertainment
system was such a, was such a move towards the mainstream, the way the game boy, like
portable gaming, ladies and gentlemen, brought it, brought it back. Cause it was, it was
declining there for a while. Yeah. And Nintendo even had, Nintendo even had like the game
and watch and stuff like that before, before the game boy, game and watch was pre game
boy, right? Like this is all before kind of my time. I, my family, I didn't have a game
boy. Like that was not, yeah. Game and watch is, is before that though. Yeah. That was
a, that was a, a, a, an optional purchase that was not, not going to happen in my family.
But like to, to put PC up against console is kind of already kind of silly, but to consider
it. And how do you define ultimate too? I don't know. It's like, yeah, you can do more
with a computer. There's, there's kind of a reason why there's more computer based Twitch
stream gamers. Sure. Console ones. Yeah. But like does that make it more ultimate? I don't
know. I don't, I don't know. That's a really tough, that's a really tough sort of question
to answer. Like, you know, I might, I might say, okay, you know, what about the, what
about the first GPU with, with like hardware T and L or something like that? Oh, you know,
what about. This is actually really funny. Sorry. I'm going to throw this in there. Gabe
Newell accepted the award on behalf of personal computers. And there's a note here that I
don't know who wrote this, but absolutely. I agree with them strongly. They say, and
who better to accept the hardware award than a man who's famous for developing software.
Like this is the whole problem. Gabe Newell's fantastic. He's done amazing things for game.
He's done amazing things for the gaming community, the PC gaming community. Absolutely. Steam
deck looks super cool. Yeah, but let's not pretend it's purely altruistic. Oh, not at
all. Okay, cool. Just making sure we're on the same page. And, and, and it's not, it's
not, but he has nothing to do with gaming hardware. Like I would have been, I would
have been far more modern days, a little bit more, but like, yeah, I would have been, I
would have been, I would have thought it far more fitting if someone like Jensen was up
there accepting it. You know, not that he likes talking about that. That wouldn't be
my favorite one ever, but okay. But it would have been more on the nose for sure. The point
is that you want to talk about gaming hardware. Yes. Yeah. Like he's been involved for sure.
Since the founding of Nvidia, who is the only OG, you know, graphics accelerator company
left. Still around. Yeah. So like let's, you know, ATI purchased and he's been there since
day zero of Nvidia. So if you're going to talk about, I just don't like it cause it's
very current branded. If that makes sense. I mean, I don't like it for a variety of reasons,
but if you want to talk about someone who would be appropriate to accept an award on
behalf of the PC gaming platform, I think I can't think of a better fit gaming hardware
specific gaming hardware. So the whole problem is that it's not called platform. Right. Right.
Because he's also pushing software pretty hard now with G force now and stuff like that.
Okay. Now is a very hardware heavy thing. You just sell it as a software. Anyways. It's
literally, we're not going to sell you the hardware. Yeah. It's avoiding gaming hardware
as a software service. Yeah. So I don't know, Luke. I don't know, man. On the other hand,
we have the ultimate game of all time. Yeah. So how do you choose an ultimate game? That's
tough. That's tough. I there's, there's a big part of me would jump to like category
founders. Sure. Okay. So, so you would go and you would say, okay, legend of Zelda for
Ness as like sort of the first, you could think of it as kind of like the first open
world, you know, game. I don't know if there's anything open world before that dragon quest
or something. Dragon age jumped into my mind, but that's not sure as heck. Isn't it? Dragon
quest. Yeah. I think it's called dragon quest. Theron Theron. I'm just guessing at this.
You guys will know what I'm talking about in a little bit. The first dragon quest was
1986. Okay. The most recent dragon quest is, is to be released soon. They've been making
them forever. Dragon's lair, uh, O G doom Tetris. O G doom. Honestly, the first thing
that jumped to my mind was O G doom, but then I was a little bit like, I don't know because
I like FPSs. Yeah. And like I have to try to take my own personal preferences out of
it. So I'm not entirely sure, but something like O G doom where it's like it kind of creates
a category. Yeah. Everything for a long time is based on it. It is still referenced all
those types of things. I could see something that was like super culturally relevant, like
a, like a Pac-Man or something like that. Yeah, because that was, that was massive for
gaming cause that was like the whole arcade scene thing. Like pong has some, for obvious
reasons first like home game. Uh, like Tetris has some insane records behind it. I sure
as heck wouldn't have picked dark souls. Now to be clear, it has some pretty intense. I'm
not hating. Yeah. Okay. I'm not hating. And, and I'm speaking out of ignorance. I have
not played dark souls and maybe that should be my next game. Maybe I should play dark
souls, but I think that it's fair to say that dark souls didn't invent games being hard
anything. Yeah. And especially didn't invent games being hard. Dark souls is a throwback
to games being hard. It's not inventing the idea of games being hard. It's far from the
first roguelike. It's far from the first difficult game. And if anything, previous eras of gaming
are far better known for being infuriatingly difficult. Like there are arcade games. If
you're a, if you're a modern gamer and you didn't play back then, cause I know, I know
what you're saying. I know there's literally games that are effectively impossible to be
no, I know. Yeah. Um, but if you're an, if you're, cause you were saying well known for
that. So if you're a modern gamer, if there's a difficult game, it is always compared to
dark souls. This is the dark souls of FPS games. This is the dark souls of something.
Yeah. Like it is modern relevance. It is extremely strong in modern relevance. Anytime anything
is difficult. I understand that, but just because something is culturally relevant today
does not mean of all time, ultimate of all time, ultimate of all time. Because you know,
I could make the argument again, I have not played dark souls, so fair enough. But I,
I would personally make the argument that in terms of create like that, creating an
immersive world is a far better art, art example of what can be the art of game creation. So
something like a breath of the wild or a Skyrim or something like that would be easily, there's
a lot of claims arguably more important than this game that is known for being very difficult.
Do you think it's, I'm sort of stealing this from you. I'm sorry. Do you think it's possible
that they could have had an answer that wouldn't have pissed off the majority of people? No.
Yeah. So if you were going to just, if you were just going to use a random number generator
anyway, then just don't have the award. And I honestly, if, if I had to guess, I would
say it's because they just wanted to do something different. They just wanted to say, talking
about it. Yeah. They wanted to say something. We wouldn't have talked about it if they'd
picked Tetris or if they had picked zoom or unreal tournament or like, or something like
if they had picked, cause like you could make a solid argument for something like unreal
tournament, unreal tournament was a game changer for multiplayer multiplayer online multiplayer.
So you want to, so you want to talk about sort of moments in gaming, right? Like pong
is so important because it brought gaming into the house, right? Unreal tournament brought
gaming over the internet to the world. Unreal tournament was, was the first time that I
think in a, in an average gamer's repertoire, the hardware on the ISP level that was being
provided to you was like common terminology used amongst friends. That's, that's probably
the only time that has ever been a thing. Like people were talking about what their
ISP was, was technologically capable of delivering to their house, not what they were currently
receiving. Yes. This was, this was very intense. People were, yeah, people were paying to have
lines brought to their house, which is not a huge thing. A child. Okay. At the time I
paid, I like, I made a deal with my parents if they would pay the monthly subscription
service because we had satellite TV, we had no coax to our house. If they would pay the
monthly subscription, I would pay out of my like allowance and money that I worked for
to have the drop done to our house. Cause it was like hundreds of dollars and they were
like, well, we don't care. We'll use dial up forever. And I was like, no, please, no,
no, please, no. Can, is there any way that I can get faster internet? And they're like,
no, we did get this quote. I was like, yes, it was probably, you know, what's really funny.
I never thought about it this way, but that was probably my first big ticket purchase
in my life was the cable drop for high speed internet. That should tell you everything
you need to know about me as a person.
What do you think a percentage of your net worth of that time that was.
Oh, like almost all of it. Yeah. Like I was like 1213 or something like that. Like I didn't
have money. Yeah. That is so funny.
What was it? Was it for one thing in particular? Or was it just, you just wanted better internet
because dial ups.
It was for.
Cause you can't use it when your freaking mom's on the phone or whatever.
Yeah. It was for, it was for being able to use the internet more often. It was for playing
games. You you've met my friend Tyson. Yeah. Yeah. So he and I used to try and play games
back in the dial up days and his family had two phone lines so that he could like game
a lot more than me, which was good for him, but not great for me. So, so like we couldn't
play a lot of the time. So it was for that as well. And for Napster.
You know, we had, we had dial up and we also had, I don't remember if this is the exact
brand of it, but you'll know kind of the category of what I'm talking about. We had dial up
and we had net nanny.
Nice. Nice. Got that net nanny. It made it so that, and this, I'm literally not exaggerating.
And there's people that I knew, including my brother and my dad and my mom and friends
from that time that know that I'm not exaggerating. I would connect to RuneScape because I played
RuneScape when I was a youngin and it would take so long to load in. Once I was loaded
in, it actually wasn't that bad, but it would take so long to load in that I could go downstairs.
Computer was upstairs. Go downstairs. I could make a sandwich and some juice, eat the sandwich,
drink the juice. And you know how slow I eat. You're the worst. It's amazing that he grew
as large as he did at the rate that this man eats. Like I wouldn't think it possible for
him to consume calories at a rate greater than he can burn them. Yeah, it's, it's rough.
So like it, that's a very substantial amount of time. Some people might think like, oh,
it's quick. No. And it would be like a bacon sandwich. Like I'd cook bacon. Like this is
a long, this is a long time. So we're not talking like peanut butter on bread. No, no,
this is a like meal sandwich. I like that. And then I'd go upstairs and it would sometimes
not even be done yet, but somehow, and even when I was a kid, I was like, this is crazy.
It wouldn't time out. It would just keep floating. It would just keep going forever. Yeah. Eventually
we'd connect and I'd be able to play and eventually we convinced our parents to get rid of NetNanny
and we also had, we had the lines to our house, but we also had the conversations about like
upgrading our internet and stuff. Luckily our dad was a gamer, so it wasn't that difficult
of a conversation. Helps. Yeah. Oh man. Anyways, it's Dark Souls, whatever. Yeah. I, okay.
I think that we, if we're going to poo poo someone else's choice, then I think we have
to come up with a better choice. Do you want to go first or do you want me to go first?
Or do we have to agree? No, I don't think we have to agree. I think, I think we can,
I think we can push back on each other. But I don't think we have to agree. I've actually
got one ready that I'm not sure what your take on this is going to be, especially in
light of sort of the current state of things. But okay. I would make the argument if I'm
going first, I would make the argument for wow. I had the same thought. I wasn't going
to say it, but I think in, in, in terms of like, like moving mountains in a way, if you
know what I mean by that, I think there's very few games that have done similar things.
The amount of cultural impact is huge. Yup. The amount of people that played it, not as
much these days. Sure. Yup. But like at its peak, literally everyone I knew played. Yup.
And it's still millions. It's still huge. It's constantly going down. It's constantly
going down. Because of extremely poor management, et cetera, et cetera. But it's still huge.
I don't, I still wouldn't say the ultimate game of all time necessarily though, personally.
But I understand the argument. There's no perfect choice. And I think there is no perfect
choice. Okay. So beat me then. Come up with a better choice. Yeah. So I was, I was going
to say doom. Doom. Doom is boring. Really? It's boring. It is a boring choice. It's a
boring choice. Wow was definitely a more interesting choice. I thought about wow, too. I just,
the reason why I think doom is it's even in the big gap, you know, before doom 2016. Yeah.
And after the last one, whatever one that was. Yeah. Even in that big gap, doom was
still very culturally relevant. There were still people going like, whoa, I got it working
on this toaster. Now it's funny. Both of us seemed to gravitate to cultural relevance
for our measure. It's a, it's the ultimate game. I think it has to be to a certain degree,
but does it, couldn't the ultimate game just have fortress, amazing, amazing music, amazing
art direction, amazing story. Doesn't an ultimate game have to have everything. And to me to
call doom ultimate in this day and age for how technologically limited and how by modern
standards rudimentary it is. And to be clear, I'm, I'm making arguments against my own.
So are you only saying wow, 2004? I am not. Yes. I am talking about. Okay. Wow. Not what
it's become. Okay. Okay. Okay. Hmm. I don't know. I don't know. It's so hard. I don't
know. It's really difficult. And the thing is that to, to pick an ultimate game, right?
It is inherently, it's inherently sort of, um, within, within the scope of your own experiences,
right? Like it would be, you know, I would, I would love to say that, you know, uh, final
fantasy six is the ultimate game because in, in my mind, there are a lot of things that
it did as well or better than almost any modern game. And it managed to do it in 1994 or whenever,
whenever it came out, some, some, something like that. Um, you know, that, that incredible
cast of characters, like the, the, the, the, the story, the music so good. I, if you can
basically copy paste everything you said about that and apply it to wow, 2004 and I kind
of feel the same way. Yeah. So like, yeah, I don't know. And it's just, for me, wow,
has this extremely tarnished legacy, which sucks, but then sure does like a lot of, so
does a lot of the entire gaming industry. Yes. So it's like, which is part of why this
conversation about what's going on at Activision blizzard is so important. I was telling this
story a few days ago about tattoos. I don't know. I don't have any tattoos, but I'm not
against tattoos. I just think I don't care. Okay, sure. Fair enough. And like, why bother
get it if I just don't care. Um, but when I was younger, I like sort of maybe wanted
one, but I couldn't decide on what I wanted. So I wasn't going to get something for no
reason. Yeah. Um, and I was like this really, really diehard fan of Morrowind and oblivion.
So I was like, maybe I should get the, like the dragon. Yeah. I was like, that'd be sick.
Goodness. He didn't. Yeah. Yeah. And the reason why I didn't was cause at that time I luckily
had the thought of like, you know, they're still making these.
I'm not gonna, I'm not going to do this if, if there's like this chance that they're going
to just ruin it. Yeah. I love that. I love that. Um, that's great. And you know what,
you know, what's really funny is I can't claim to have had a similar thought, but if there
is a brand that I have ever fan-boyed for harder than anything else, it would be Star
Wars. Oh no. Yeah, exactly. Right. Like that's how much would it suck to have like, I mean,
you know what though? The thing about Star Wars is that at least if they're gonna head
cannon it pretty hard, there's that. And at least if they're going to destroy it, um,
they destroy the names and the logos for the new destroyed garbage. Oh, it's like older.
It's a little different. So if you have like an OG, like rebel Alliance, you know, tattoo
on your shoulder blade or something like that, they're going to go to that timeline though.
I bet you at some point it's, there's no way it's sacred. There's no way. Yeah. Nothing
is sacred. Nothing is sacred. And I don't even want to hear it. Chat. The, the new Star
Wars movies are objectively kind of garbage. Um, and it's so disappointing, especially
because I think Disney did such a great job with Marvel overall. I got to admit post end
game, I'm kind of checked out on MCU. There's just been so much, it's just kind of too much.
And it felt like they did this amazing job of largest, you know, collab of all time.
Um, and giving this closure. And then I just like, I watched the next one and I forget
what the next one was. Spiderman, something Spiderman, far from home, something like that.
Something like that. And I was just like, yeah, this is, this is like entertaining.
And I watched black widow and I was like, yeah, this is entertaining. Probably all going
to be fine. Like the MCU has, has, has a very solid base minimum, you know, but I'm just
not that engaged. And it's not even that like Iron Man was my like favorite Avenger or something.
Like I'm an adult, I don't have a favorite color or like a favorite, a favorite fictional
character. Like I just don't really, I don't really engage with things that way anymore.
The way that I used to. So I would say that I probably have a favorite Avenger, but the
amount that I care is extremely low, if that makes sense. Sure. Okay. Okay. You know what?
I mean, if we're going to be completely off topic and talking about crap that totally
doesn't matter anyway. Who is your favorite Avenger, Luke? Captain America. Okay. I knew
it. I wanted to, I wanted to say it before you, but you said it so fast. I was like,
gee, a blonde haired, blue eyed, freaking always stands up for the little guy guy. I
wonder who Luke would be a fan of. He's cool. I based my haircut off of him. I love it.
Yeah. Yeah. I do actually know that. Wait, no, I thought you picked Thor for your more
recent haircut. I tried and it didn't work. So I went back to, cause it's who I really
am. Oh my goodness. All right. Yeah. Notice how it's short again. Yes. Yeah. All right.
Okay. So I'm just going to look like a mess. All right, cap. See, but then yeah, I don't
actually really care. So like there's, there's that component. All right. Fair enough. Like
if he dies, I don't even know. He might be dead now. I haven't kept up with the movie.
I think he dies of old age. So it's like not going to bother me. So, all right. I, I, you
know what people are asking, they're discussing my favorite, my favorite Marvel superhero.
I straight up do not have one. I have least favorite ones. I have ones that I just find
intolerable. But other than that, I just don't really, who's your least, do we, do we go
down this path? My least favorite is Superman. And he's just boringly in book and all variants
of Superman. There's a lot of them. Yeah. So there's, there's a lot of Superman like
captain Marvel is Superman. Superman is Superman. Like it's just, it's not interesting. I like
I tend to, I tend to like, you know, your Batman's and your I guess Iron Man to an extent,
like the ones that are just like a person. Yeah. With no particular special powers. They're
like bulletproof. Yeah. And everything else proof. Bulletproof is not interesting because
a lot of the, a lot of the interesting conflicts that can happen are with, you know, the grunt
level soldiers. So being able to just mow them down by whipping out your laser eyes.
It just, it creates this sort of disposability. You also have, and I think the MCU might be
running into this, but I don't care enough to know. So whatever. Yeah. You have a power
ramp issue when you start fighting gods all the time or, or godlike beings or whatever
you want to call them. Yes. You have this crazy power ramp issue, but if humanoid targets
are always at least somewhat difficult. If they're, if they could conceivably take you
down. Yeah. A bite pond says Batman and Superman are not Marvel characters. Yes. But my superhero,
so captain Marvel would be a terrible Marvel superhero in my opinion because she's Superman.
It's a, yeah, it's just the like incredibly overpowered and vulnerable more or less can
fly has extremely narrow range of vulnerabilities. A Superman alike can go anywhere instantly
and do anything is not interesting. So, you know, Hulk is more, more interesting to me.
I think the Hulk's pretty cool. I think in terms of like Marvel heroes that I find boring.
You know, I, I think Scarlett Johansson did an amazing job of everything that she was
given. I wish she was given a slightly less crap hero to play. Yeah. Yeah. Because they,
and part of that is just a writing problem. They never really took advantage of her strengths.
Okay. I was just going to say, I like that style of quote unquote superhero though, because
she is just a person and we were just talking about how that's cool, but I think she's underutilized.
She was horribly poorly written, probably the best moment for her in the entire, like,
I guess it's like 25 movies is sort of start to Avengers end game. The best moment for
her is when she's captured by someone supposedly and she's like, you know, been, you know,
hit and she's tied to a chair and she gets a phone call and she's like, look, I'm in
the middle of an interrogation. Cause they're like telling her everything and I'm like,
right, that's what she's supposed to do. She's supposed to be stealthy. And then you've got
her like going toe to toe with the rest of the Avengers on that stupid air air strip.
And I'm like, I think they're going to have used her like espionage side of things way
much more. Yeah. So that was extremely disappointing. Yeah. Anyway, this is, this is extraordinarily
off topic. Do we have any other tech things that we can talk about? Are we done? Whatever
topic we're currently on? I can't remember what we're talking about. It's official. PC
is the ultimate hardware all the time. Okay. So no, it's not because that's really stupid.
And dark souls is also not because that's really stupid. They're both, they're both
really stupid. I'm sorry. Oh my. Oh, you, you do you golden joystick. All right. What
do you want to talk about next? We can do this one just cause it's fast and we can offboard
onto this onto sponsors maybe, but Tesla now to use footage, it records of you essentially
for this is not a fast topic. We got to talk about this. Okay. For the full self-driving
assistance program in its agreement, it says that it's going to use footage from outside
and inside the vehicle. While incident footage has been gathered before for AI training,
the new agreement consents to Tesla's collection of VIN associated image data. So if you get
in a crash while using it, Tesla will have the footage from your car. So wow, you spend
an incredible amount of money for some incredibly extensive surveillance of you. Wow. I can
understand how this data would be useful. Oh yeah. I'm also stunned because if I'm Tesla,
I'm looking at it going, Hey, at some point a regulatory body is going to come after me
when there's some kind of collision and 16 people die. We hit a bus. Yep. It's all kids.
People care about kids a lot. Yep. I need to cover my butt in terms of liability. That
is why this is happening. Full stop. So don't imagine anything other than that this is about
Tesla protecting their own liability so that in the event that that happens, they are going
to do absolutely everything they can to pin it on the driver. I don't, in our notes there,
there isn't a reason. So I can't even like really debate back cause I can't think of,
I mean it would, because it's full self-driving, that's the confusing part to me. Well in full
self-driving you are still supposed to be hands basically on the wheel, right? Yeah.
So this is, so there's like, there's a number of problems here, right? There's the problem
that Tesla is still using that full self-driving and autopilot branding when neither of those
things are either of those things. And the other problem is that people are using this
technology which is, which is not validated, it's not fully cooked and they're using it
on public roads without any kind of, I mean really anything. Like if I was an insurer
at this point, I would be trying to figure out, you know, if your car has, has this kind
of a feature, I'd be trying to figure out what impact that does or should have on your
premium because if something goes wrong, I don't even know who I'm going to go after
for it. Like it's getting, it's going to get really complicated. So Electrex website says
specifically that the fact that Tesla added that language specifically related to safety
risks and accidents would point towards the automaker looking to secure usable evidence
in case of an accident where its full self-driving system is blamed. So yeah, they're trying
to use it against you. Well, that's what Electrex thinks as well. Essentially they're agreeing
with you. Fantastic says they really just need to change the names. Yeah, they really
do because ultimately what's going to happen is people are going to make assumptions because
people do not read detailed documentation on things. Hey. Okay. In my defense on that
whole deleting the desktop environment, nobody does. That was, that was terminology that
even if I had read it, I would not have understood that I was removing my entire desktop environment
or I might've if I was paying really careful attention, but not when I was reading, like
I was just doing something basic, like installing a program. Anyway, anyway, the point is people
don't read these things. They make assumptions based on the names of things. Like if I, okay,
this product, okay, it's called the water bottle. Let's say for example, it was actually
a hammer. It was actually, yeah, it was actually, I mean, it might be an okay hammer, but it'd
probably do it right. But at some point I'm probably in my use of it as a hammer, I'm
probably going to make some kind of mistake that will cause damage to my hammer or myself.
And you know, if we installed a camera in every one of these, the water bottle hammers,
so that we could prove that when, you know, you break the vacuum seal and it causes some
kind of a problem or something so that we could prove that it was because you were using
it as a hammer instead of a water bottle or whatever. You know, I, ah, man, I wonder what
happens if you cover the internal cameras. Oh, I'm pretty sure that it's going to disable
your self-driving. It would have to, obviously. So then that's the thing too, is like Tesla
is now pulling a bait and switch here because anyone who already paid for full self-driving
and Tesla has been selling full self-driving, whether directly, whether actually taking
your money or selling it as a future promise. It'll work on this car for years now. So they
have effectively promised something, whether it is future self-driving capabilities for
your vehicle that you can upgrade to, or whether it is an actual software package that you
have paid them for, they have promised this under a set of conditions that is no longer
accurate. So you could make the argument and they got sued recently, actually over someone
buying a version of a Tesla vehicle that Tesla said would be compatible with full self-driving
that they then went back to them and said, well, it's compatible in the sense that you
can buy this hardware, pay for new hardware in order to upgrade them. They're like, ah,
actually no, that isn't what you said. So they're, they're being sued for that, I believe
right now. Um, but I could see, I could see this going class action and I could see people
suing them saying, well, look, I wouldn't have made this purchase if I had realized
that having a camera pointed at me that is feeding day, obviously feeding data onto your
server, whether they admitted it before or not, I actually don't remember, but it was
obviously doing it. So this is feeding data onto your server that monitors me while I'm
in a, my understanding is at least in many jurisdictions, a private place. I didn't know
they had inside your car. It is. Yeah, it is. Um, I didn't know they had internal cameras
at all personally. Oh yeah, they do. Yeah. I just didn't know. Yeah. They're to monitor
driver attentiveness. But the claim, my understanding is the claim in the past has been that it's
locally handled, that it's just monitoring driver attentiveness. Oh, they might just
be changing that. It might send it. Yeah. Yeah. Right. Oh, I see what you mean. Okay.
Either way. Yeah. Yeah. If I bought this car based on my understanding that it worked as
a local attentiveness monitoring thing, then effectively that could be an enormous class
action. You could, I could see people potentially getting refunded for the full self-driving
module if you get, or not even that. Remember the vehicle as well. If you bought the vehicle
on the basis of this perceived upgrade path, even if you don't own a full self-driving
module, you might make the argument that I spent an extra X. I spent an extra $8,000
on a Tesla because my understanding was that I was going to have full self-driving that
did not involve a camera pointed at me and reporting on me to big brother. This could
be freaking enormous, enormous. It could be freaking enormous. AJ says they were saying
that it was disabled and would be utilized for the self-driving taxi feature in the event
of vandalism IRC. This is a big problem with Tesla is they just, I mean, we know who's
the problem, right? They're just, they just talk out their butts and then the story changes
and the Tesla fanboys and apologists just say, Oh, but it's okay because they're changing
the world. They're building the future. Right. But the ends don't justify the means. Like
we actually do need to have integrity about this future that we're building. Otherwise,
is it one that we really want to live in is a question we should be asking ourselves.
Another question is, is this the ultimate car scandal of all time? I'm kidding. It's
not. No, there's been some pretty big car scandals. I don't think there's a single automaker
that is faultless. I mean, we've all seen the, how many people is it going to kill versus
the cost of the recall calculations? Yeah. Um, you know, every corporation passed a certain
size as far as I can tell is basically monstrous. Yeah. So yeah, that's the thing. Clem says
no, that would definitely be Nikola. Nikola motors where they like actually had nothing
and they were claiming they had like a semi that worked, but actually they like rolled
it down a hill and stuff. You didn't follow that. Yeah. Wait, what happened? That was
like the Theranos of cars. They just, as far as we could tell, they had absolutely nothing.
Did they take like investment money or something? Okay. Yeah. I remember hearing about, I like,
I probably saw that video of that truck rolling down the hill. Um, but yeah, that's it. Yeah.
Oh man. Anyways, sponsors. Yeah, we should definitely do sponsors. Um, who, who sponsored
the show today? I'm sure someone did. Our first sponsor, LTT store.com. Oh yeah. That's
right. I'm going there. LTT has a black Friday deal. If you add a meme product to the cart.
So that is the, uh, where is it? Why are these? Why are these not on the front page? Dang
it. We've got a sale running. We've got a sale running you guys. So if you add a meme
face sequin pillow or a sad Linus or Linus selfie desk pad or mouse pad, uh, you'll get
$20 off orders over $30. So basically you buy these and one other thing and you're getting
the, the pillow or the mouse or desk pad for like five bucks or 10 bucks respectively.
So there you go. These sequin pillows are hilarious cause you can like draw on them
cause they're sequin pillows. Hold on. See, see that's, that's one of my favorites. Actually,
this is probably my favorite. Sunglasses and joint Linus. Anyway, um, right. So the actual
sponsors of the show, uh, are you managing the meme, the merch messages as they come
in? I definitely haven't been. Cool. I have been, but if you could just do the ones right
now while I'm not looking at it. Uh, what is the, how do I do this? Uh oh. Um, uh oh.
I am actually quite confused. I think I have broken the stream tech. Uh, oh, uh oh. What
is this? Oh no. It's back on the previous profile. It's not on, why is it not on the
WAN show profile anymore? Dummy goat. Yes. I do not know how to fix this. Uh, the show
is brought to you by Ridge Wallet. Thank you Ridge Wallet for sponsoring the WAN show.
With Ridge Wallet you can stop carrying around pointless items in your pocket like receipts,
old hotel room keys or spent gift cards. Ridge Wallet will help you carry less. They use
two metal plates that are bound by a strong elastic band to keep your cards tightly together,
but still accessible and they're RFID blocking with a lifetime guarantee. They also don't
have just wallets. They've got battery banks, bags, smartphone covers and more, and they
use high quality materials like Ridge Wallets are available in aluminum, carbon fiber and
titanium. Use offer code WAN to save 10% on everything at ridge.com slash WAN. The show
is also brought to you by Secret Lab. Thank you Secret Lab for sponsoring the show today.
Secret Lab chairs are engineered to keep you incredibly comfortable for long hours at work
and play. Their Titan Evo 2022 series chair offers four way lumbar support, comes with
a magnetic memory foam head pillow and is offered in different upholsteries like hybrid
leatherette, soft weave fabric and Napa leather. With up to a five year extended warranty and
a 49 day return policy, you're covered if anything goes wrong and you can check them
out at the link in the description. They're the gaming chairs that are not, you know,
gaming chairs. You know what I mean? Really nice. The show is also brought to you by Luke,
are you having trouble over there? I'm waiting till you're done with that change of scene.
I'm not sure if it's going to work. Oh, got it. Okay. Uh, go for it. Try it. Uh, so did
I completely change the profile? Like the OBS profile? Because I believe this is, but
I did. Uh, okay. Okay. The show is also brought to you by Humio. Thank you, Humio for sponsoring
the WAN show. You got this Luke? Uh, Humio is a streaming log management platform for
development, IT and security professionals, and it allows you to aggregate, store and
analyze the log data of every activity in your organization's applications, servers
and devices. So you can answer anything in real time. Humio reduces storage requirements
by up to a hundred times through data compression and intelligent grouping and allows you to
never miss a thing with real time alerts, instant search results and live dashboard
updates. Get started today with the free Humio community edition, which gives you 16 gigabytes
per day of streaming data ingestion and seven day retention. You can learn more and start
logging everything with Humio at the link down below. Uh, so Luke, uh, my stream deck
no longer has WAN show things on it. Oh, it has earlier black Friday show things on it.
So if we could also, um, fix that or at the very least, just put it back on the, uh, back
on the regular lower third. The scene collection changed. Got it. Wonderful. What's up Nick?
Have I, have I, have I gotten in trouble for doing anything like wearing this jacket on
the stream earlier? Uh, I'm showing off more, more LTT store stuff. Oh, there was actually
something that I totally wanted to leak. What was it? Ah, Oh man. It was something super
cool that I had wanted to talk about. I give up. All right. What's up? Yeah, yeah, that's
fine. Um, I just, I updated the discount in the document earlier and it's different than
what I said. Oh crap. Okay. Sorry. The Shopify discount implementation is like, doesn't allow
the thing. Something, something. Use BFCM to save $15 on any Linus face mean products.
We can change it to 20, 20 is fine. Oh, you don't have to buy anything else. Oh yeah.
No, that would be bad then. Okay. Yep. Yep. So sorry. It's only 15 instead of 20. Yeah,
no, sorry. We would be, we'd be eating it on that. That would be not very good. Hey,
thanks Nick. Hey, there you go. Uh, dat Tam says, why is your shipping to the EU so expensive?
Cause the EU is super far away. Yeah. So our average markup on shipping is I think somewhere
in the neighborhood of 5% right now. Or are we even making money on, Oh, it's negative
10% now. Uh, okay. It's supposed to be his, his margin target for shipping is 10% so that
we'll have like a slush bucket so that we can use to run ship. You might have noticed
we haven't run any shipping promos in a very long time. That's because there's no slush
bucket. I didn't know we were losing money on shipping though. Cool. Did I know that?
Okay, well I've forgotten that. I haven't, was it his idea? Um, no. Okay. Someone's like,
can I recommend a warehouse nearby? No, you can't. Operating an additional warehouse is
not going to help us save on overhead. Yeah. No, no. That would just, you'd just be paying
for it in the cost of the product instead of paying for it in the shipping. So you're
solving one problem, adding another. Oh man. All right. Yeah. Why don't we get back to
the topics? That was a very disruptive thing. Ah, yes it is. Wonderful. So now I can say
words and hopefully I just tried out my new swear bleep button. So we're going to see,
we're going to see if that worked. Oh man, I love this show. That's why, that's why this
show is so great. Oh, okay. Uh, Everett H asks for an update on the Kickstarter hammer
sent to merch message. There isn't one. There's no update, no upstate, no update on the Kickstarter
hammer. Yeah. All right. What do you want to talk about? Um, let's see, let's go through
some topics. GPU prices are going up again. Oh shoot. The timing is apparently off for
the beep. Oh boy. Okay. Well, um, Linus, please. This is a Christian stream. Oh no. Okay. Well
I thought I was bleeping it. That's extremely unfortunate. There's a delay from when you
press the button. That's a pretty rough system. Thorny green. This is not a green screen.
Is there, is there any ETA on it being like not this? Uh, no, there's no ETA on that,
but it's definitely not a green screen. Yeah. It just looks, Oh my goodness. Uh, Oh, people
want the code. People want the code for the, for the discount. Okay. We gotta, we gotta
sell some Linus meme. You gotta buy your meme product. Meme face products here. Uh, I can't
find it. Where is it? Oh, here we go here. BFCM, BFCM. Here you go guys. BFCM is the
code. My brain hurts now. All right. Um, what are we talking about? Let's start a topic.
Sure. Oh my goodness. People aren't even tuning out. They seem to be, they seem to be enjoying
the technical difficulties more than the show itself. Viewership's going like this. No,
put out the fire. No more fire. No, enough fire. More fires, more viewers. We need more
fire. No, stop, stop. Someone knocked the wall down. No, please. Speaking of more fire
GPU prices are going up again. Oh, I didn't even want to talk about this cause we don't
have sad. No, just do it. Talk me through it. A post on a board on the board channels
forum indicates that AMD prices are set to increase by 10%. Apparently this is mostly
due to TSMC foundry costs going up. The next shipment of AMD RX 6,000 GPU should reflect
the price increase of roughly 20 to 40 USD per card. This cost is currently affecting
Adam board partners. So if we're lucky, that won't be passed on to the consumer. LOL. There's
not enough margin. There's literally no chance. That is not a thing. I'm going to say that's
a 0% probability. Oh yeah. Yeah. That's that literally can't work. Like he was saying,
the margins are so low. It's just, it's not gonna, it's not gonna happen. There are rumors
that AMD is switching from TSMC to Samsung. That would be really interesting. Yeah. I
doubt it. Yeah. I mean, going from one process node to another one like that is not, I mean,
it's possible that AMD was already working on that. If it's, if it's been in the, in
the works for a while, then sure. But like, yeah, but I doubt they're trying to figure
out how to dual source their current products. That's probably going to be something that's
more like RDNA three or something like that. Yeah. A lot of their recent success has been
working with TSMC. Absolutely. That's very true. A lot of, a lot of everyone's recent
success has been working with TSMC. I think you can pretty much draw a line in between
people with recent success and people who don't work with TSMC. With this news coming
off the heels of the 10% price hike humor, or sorry, rumor. It may be that AMD simply
can't afford to continue using TSMC. That one I'm not so certain about, but it would
definitely eat margins really badly. And I can understand why they would want a price
hike. Samsung is apparently building a new $17 billion advanced chip plant in Texas.
An estimated production start date of 2024. It will also, as far as my understanding goes,
take them a fair amount of time to like warm up to their full capabilities. And they could
make apparently chips as advanced as three nanometer. Dang. Whoa. Dang. Whoa. Three nanometer
sounds pretty good. That's that's very few nanometers. That is a very small number. That's
a very small number. That is a 100% confirmed, very small amount of nanometers. Not that's
not enough nanometers, quite frankly. We need more. I think I need more nanometers. I mean,
why do we accept three nanometers when we could have 35 nanometers? Yeah, I'm cheesed.
Well maybe 35 is too much. I think 14 is the right number of nanometers. The exact perfect
amount. Let's go back to 14. We should never move off of 14. Let's have 14 nanometers forever.
Oh boy. Okay. So yeah, that's a thing. That's sad. Yeah. That's like really disappointing,
but also basically has already been happening. This is just in my mind, AMD and TSMC just
clawing back some of the value that had been scooped up by bottom feeders later on in the
chain. I mean, this comes back to a conversation we had more recently where we talked about,
okay, if a GPU is going to be $1,000 instead of $500, who should get that money? Right.
Should it be TSMC and AMD who like actually made investments and designed and built these
things or should it be some scalper on Facebook marketplace? If someone has to have it, I
guess it should be like the people putting the R&D into the product so that at the end
of the day, at least if it sucks for gamers today, in theory, it turns into bigger R&D
budgets for better products for gamers in the future if capitalism is working correctly.
Or hopefully more fab capacity or whatever. Well, that's exactly it. Yeah. So it can be
reinvested. Yeah. Because some Facebook marketplace scalper is not reinvesting in any way other
than to build a better bot so that they can scalp you harder next time. Yeah. Gamer's
Nexus. Want to talk about this one? Yeah. Let's talk about Gamer's Nexus. By a scam
with a 10 year old GPU. Yikes. It's the iBuyPower Element Mini 167A for 700 bucks. It has a
Ryzen 5 3600. It's eight gigabytes of 3000 megahertz RAM, a 250 gigabyte SSD, and a two
gigabyte GT730, which is a 730 in name only. It is a Fermi GF108-300-A1, AKA a GT430. Oh,
that wasn't even a good card when it came out. Was that literally the card? No, I don't
think so. I don't think so. You know what I'm talking about? I think it was the 210
or something. Or 240 or something. You know what I'm talking about? I know what you're
talking about. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Big yikes. The Amazon listing they bought it from had
a bunch of mistakes, like listing 16 gigabytes of RAM, one gigabyte hard drive, and a four
core processor. What? Okay. Unsurprisingly, this is the worst pre-built they've ever bought.
Most benchmark games they use wouldn't even run. Games that did run had horrible performance.
The A&O performs better than this thing. Nice. A&Eo. I got to confess, I kind of feel like
this is sort of a water is wet revelation here because pre-builts with old crappy GPUs,
many of which are rebranded even older crappy GPUs, are not really a new thing. To be clear,
I don't think iBuyPower should be marketing this as a gaming desktop at all. That's really
stupid. But this also isn't really anything new. I remember buying at Future Shop. We
talked about good old Future Shop not that long ago. I remember buying something that
the sales rep told us would be good for gaming when I didn't know anything about computers
yet, and finding out that it had onboard graphics. Remember, this was back when Intel's onboard
graphics were not even good onboard graphics. I still remember going to the Future Shop
in Langley back when Future Shop existed and trying to find a graphics card with my dad
and going through all the different components that they had there and stuff. The old art
that used to be on graphics card boxes was so cool. I know nothing about it. My dad luckily
knew some stuff, so that was great. But I knew nothing, so I was like, ooh, pretty box
art. I want this one. But yeah, I don't know. This is very confusing. So the notes are talking
about an Amazon article, which is interesting. And then the link for the Element Mini is
to the Microsoft Store, which seems to have things listed correctly in terms of specs.
Yeah, I think that the big problem is just that this GT730 is a GT430, which was garbage
when it came out and is definitely garbage today and obviously doesn't perform very well.
So the big problem here is calling things gaming when they are obviously not capable
of gaming in any kind of modern sense. What's going on here, though? Is Nvidia calling this
card that? Is iBuyPower just like stickering it? What's happening here? I feel like I'm
missing something. Am I just being dumb? Yeah, I mean, it's all stuff. So it's all stuff
that's bad, but none of it is new. Yeah. So that's kind of that's kind of where I'm at
on this. Okay. Yeah. Okay. And, you know, honestly, at $600, it's not exactly a great
deal or anything, but it's not like you aren't getting, you know, it's not like that would
cost a ton more than $600 or a ton more than $700. Excuse me. It's not like it would cost
you. My trip is starting to catch up to me a little bit. I have not slept enough. I am
pretty good at managing jet lag. Can you talk about that at all? Can you even say where
you were? I was in Tel Aviv. Okay. Yeah. Yes. And we're going to end it there. And we're
going to we're going to end it right there. Yeah. Just so people understand why there's
jet lag going on. So this is a 3600 Ryzen 5. That's a $270 Canadian processor. So what
is that like $210, $200, around $200 US dollars, something like that. You know, there's some
RAM, there's a case, you know, there's a power supply. RGB fans, as far as RGB fans, like
it's, it's not like, it's not like a scam in the sense that you think you're buying
a computer and it ships with a brick inside, you know, like $20 worth of worth of concrete
or like, you know, cement inside it. Like, it's not like that, but it's just a really,
really terrible deal, which again is nothing new in the prebuilt computer. Yeah. And I
guess the, the whole, like, this is still this old graphics card thing is not new either,
but bringing light to it's probably pretty chill. Yeah. And, and that shouldn't be a
thing. Rebranding products shouldn't be a thing. That's something we've spoken out about
in the past because the only reason to do it is to mislead users, to make them think
that it's something newer than what it is. That's literally the only reason to do it.
So we've criticized rebadging graphics cards in particular seem to go through this a lot.
Oh, and then they've been going through it for the entire time that I've been interested
in computers as well. Yeah. More or less like it's, this is not even close to new. I still
remember getting absolutely like enraged at Sapphire way back in the day because there
was like a, a, a variant of, I actually, wow. I actually finally forget the details of it.
I guess time does heal all wounds. It was some variant of like a 9,600 or something
like that that had a cut down memory bus. Cause that was the big one back in the day
was they would, they would have the memory bus which would dramatically change the performance
cause you are essentially cutting the memory bandwidth in half. And that's not something
that was typically disclosed on a spec sheet. So I bought just so that in my parents' machine,
there'd be something like sort of usable for my siblings. I bought a, what I thought was
a decent GPU, but it was, you know, 15, $20 cheaper. And I put it in there and I was like,
this performance is trash. What the heck is going on here? This should be better. Cause
I had like the real version in my own machine like a year prior or something like that.
And I found out that it was only disclosed and that was the only way I was able to figure
it out. Cause I maybe I didn't have access to tools like GPU-Z yet or something, but
it was only disclosed on like their European site, that it was a 64 bit bus card. And when
it was supposed to be a 128 bit, like it was not listed on ATI at the time, it wasn't listed
on ATI's website anywhere as that, that was a variant of this GPU that existed. So I made
the argument to them that I should be able to get a refund or that they should swap it
for one with a 128 bit bus because the retailer didn't list it properly, NCIX, their product
information didn't have it on their North American site where I had gone to double-check.
So I had no way of knowing that I was buying some garbage card. And so that's all terrible
rebadging things, quietly changing the specs without changing the label. Those are both
bad, even though they're kind of the opposite behavior. They're just, they're super-duper
nothing new. And for as long as the tech industry has and will exist, it's going to continue
to be a thing. Probably. Yep. So there you go. All right. Should we move on to our next
topic? Yeah. But shame on you, Amazon reseller and Microsoft and NZXT2 for having the word
gaming in the description of that desktop. I'll say that much. Honestly, you'd probably
be better off just getting the APU version of that chip and running on the onboard. Yeah.
Gaming desktop. Yeah. That's just. Yeah. I feel like they're almost just saying that
because like some marketing person was like, well, it has the RGBs. Yeah. Maybe we should
call it the gamings. Next topic though. Devin S I think just bought one of everything on
the entire site. A mystery water bottle, a short circuit long sleeve, a tech scarf, a
dad hat, three mystery t-shirts, one ethernet shirt, a mean face sequin pillow, a banana
scale in every color, a do not drop t-shirt and other CPU pillow. Did I say CPU pillow?
No, a CPU pillow, a party shirt. Did I already say party shirt? I can't even keep track and
a water bottle. Wow. Unbelievable. Um, okay. Talk about, talk about doing some black Friday
shopping. I mean, we only offered a $15 discount and it's only on one item. You don't have
to buy everything. I mean, you can, um, but you don't have to Microsoft and Qualcomm.
So in the past few weeks, media tech has been expressing interest in building their own
arm chips that can run windows. Turns out there's a snag and XDA as XDA developers reported,
uh, the reason that we've only seen Qualcomm windows PCs is because Microsoft and Qualcomm
have an exclusivity deal. The sources say it is set to expire soon with no known date,
but that would explain why we've only seen Qualcomm powered devices since they were first
announced by the two companies in 2016, maybe a five year agreement. Let's hope the end
of this agreement could mean windows arm licensing could be opened up to a lot more chips, including
potentially Apple Silicon. That was something that was extremely disappointing to me about
the Apple Silicon max was that if you wanted to run windows, even though Microsoft had
an arm version, you couldn't do it unless you wanted to, you know, I actually, is there
a way to do it through like emulation? I don't know. Does parallels have a solution for that?
You guys will have to let me know in the chat. I don't daily drive a Mac, so there hasn't
been any reason for me to solve this problem. Um, wow. That's, that's a real drag and a
half. I mean, I guess I kind of get it because if I was Microsoft and I desperately needed
some kind of Silicon, apparently snazzy labs has done it. Yeah, there you go. Um, yes,
you can parallels it. If I was desperate for there to be some kind of Silicon for me to
even, you know, continue to develop my windows arm software on to have any reason for it
to exist at all, then I might make a deal like that. So that kind of makes sense. Yeah.
Uh, apparently parallels with windows for arm is fantastic. Okay. Good to know. So I
don't man see the problem with arm windows for me is it's just one of those like why
things. Yeah. Like if I, if I, the only reason that I daily drive windows aside from familiarity,
which honestly is not that big of a deal, like I do such basic things outside of my
web browser now anyway, that it kind of doesn't matter. So the only reason for me to daily
drive windows is gaming. And if I was going to game arm is clearly not a reasonable option.
And if I was not going to game, then I think based on everything we learned from the Linux
challenge, I would probably just, I mean, I was perfectly happy with manjaro KDE other
than gaming. You spoil them in the next episode a little bit. Oh, well I guess a little bit,
but uh, I don't know. Maybe it's not that bad to spoil it a little bit since people
are so outraged about the, uh, the streaming episode. People are a little cheesed about
that one. The next episode is, can I say what it is? I guess. Yeah. Yeah. Go for it. The
next episode is like random productivity tasks. Yep. So non-gaming tasks that you do. There's
a 12 page thread on the forum about the second episode and I, I replied to it at one point.
I was like, people keep saying that the problems that I had are related to my exotic hardware
other than my go XLR. What about my hardware is exotic? That has caused any problems. I'll
wait. And people launched into these explanations of how my hardware is exotic, but where they
never managed to get to was how it caused any of the problems that I actually had. Yeah.
And to be clear, um, the, the Elgato lights, for example, I never presented that as a problem
because my workaround for it was very easy. I didn't have to solve anything. I just used
my phone. Uh, most of my problems, like in my raw doc, did I ever share that raw doc
with you? No, that's just my like, I haven't technically. Yeah. My thoughts doc. Well,
we weren't supposed to see each other. Right. We both have one, right? Yeah. The vast majority
of my, of my issues in my doc have nothing to do with that. I'm running a thread ripper
and therefore the people who develop Linux, you know, they're just using their own hardware
and they wouldn't necessarily be able to test on that. Did you grow your own CPU? Linus?
I never, I never, I never said they did. I never said anything about any of that. I never
things have not been, I never said it had any stability problems. I, the problems were
just that everything's a chore. I've been kind of following along on the, I have never
mentioned that I've even known this existed, but I guess people probably knew I've been
following along on the mint forums. Oh, I see. Yeah. Because my, my brain went to average
user, right? So I was like, because especially at the beginning, but throughout the whole
thing, we weren't allowed to like ask for help, et cetera. Yeah. So if I had a problem,
one of my things was like, well, I don't know. I'd probably go back to the thing that I got.
So I went on mint's website and I was like, there's a forum. This all seems like things
that I would maybe do. So I went to the forum and started poking around and then I started
noticing after we posted one video that there was a thread about the video on the mint forums
and I was like, Oh, I'm going to see what people are saying. They've actually been decently
nice. Our slash Linux has been surprisingly there's both sides for sure, but yeah, they've
been, they've been anything that manages to get any kind of upvote momentum has been mostly
like, yeah, we understand the spirit of where this is coming from. And there's also, I'm
seeing a bit of a, a tide turn in some of the sentiment anyway, where people are saying,
Hey, you know, all of the problematic things that you might find about this aside, this
has already generated discussion and improvements to the experience. So for better or for worse,
Linus and Luke were 100% successful in what they were trying to do, which was to go in
as people who have not tried to daily drive Linux for gaming and talk about the experience,
generate discussion and hopefully turn that into something that will become better in
the future if it isn't already good now, which it isn't.
I mentioned a while ago that I pivoted my work laptop. I pivoted it to, I'll finally
say it now. I left it vague last time I went to Ubuntu. Oh, okay. Because I was like, you
know what? I said, I didn't want to use try the vanilla because try vanilla. You know,
it's a good flavor. It is a good, I, I, I said that I didn't want to use it because
I don't like gnome three. Yeah. But I had never used gnome three. You hate her. What
a hater. So, but exactly. So I was like, I'm going to go use it. Haters gonna hate, hate,
hate. Honestly, gnome three's fine. I still think I prefer mint and the cinnamon experience
and all that kind of stuff. Sure. So I'm probably going to pivot my laptop again, but like,
it's been completely fine. I'm just a creature of habit and there was nothing about KDE that
super offended me. So if I was going to go Linux again, the number of people that are
like and all your problems because you chose arch. Well, like, hold on a second. The amount
of criticism I've taken for going with Manjaro is kind of mind blowing, especially because
Manjaro has not really caused any of my problems. No, I mean, they saw some of my early struggles
figuring out that apt was not a thing on Manjaro, which, which I just didn't know because every
guide you find for anything is like apt get whatever. So apt good. I mean, once I figured
out PAMAC was a thing and Pac-Man was a thing, I was like, this is great. I've got my graphical
version and I've got my command line terminal version. And so I will just do this from now
on. So these are all things that I figured out, but Manjaro did not cause any of my problems.
And I don't think that it was an entirely unreasonable thing for me to do because the
rationale was, well, my number one choice didn't work out for reasons that the OS maker
has admitted were not entirely my fault. And the upstream has admitted was not entirely
my fault. Fixes have been applied for what happened to me, to me, not by me. So my first
choice didn't work out. My second choice was, well, I know that SteamOS 3.0 is going to
be an arch derivative. So maybe some of the work that Valve is doing on Proton or compatibility,
steam compatibility layer or whatever they call it, maybe that would also be applicable
in some way to an also an arch alike. So I'm going to try that because it also came highly
recommended. Those were the main things that I was thinking about. My number one didn't
work out. Maybe something arch based would be a better bet in some way because I, and
that's another thing too, is like, what's supported? So I had already, I had already
gone for the Ubuntu based and it was a big problem for me. So I was like, well, the other
main sort of thing we're at least aware of. Yeah. And the one that Valve obviously chose
for some reason for gaming is arch. So I was like, I'm not going to try to tackle arch
itself by the way. So I'm just going to, I'm just going to try this. Like I'm going to
try arch with training wheels and honestly it was fine. So none of my problems were really
specific to a distro in my opinion. Yes, I had problems with dolphin, but I would have
probably found problems with the default application choices in any distro. And I would have probably
found problems with cohesion in any distro because those are Linux desktop problems.
And I think definitely exist. I think another problem that's going on is, is some people
in the community I think are ignoring the fact that we would complain about windows
too. Yeah. We've brought this up a couple of times. Like we're not going like windows
is perfect. Therefore these things suck. It's just, but these things can suck and windows
can suck. Yes. Everything can suck. Everything can be imperfect. Yeah. I mean, there are
things I hate about, I've actually literally uploaded videos of just lists of things I
hate about operating systems. Windows more recently, but oh man, back when we did that
series of 10 reasons, MacOS is just better and 10 or 10 reasons windows is better. The
number of people that interpreted MacOS being better to mean that windows is worse or vice
versa, just because something has something better doesn't mean that it is better. Like
the point I'm trying to make is things can be good and things can be bad and that doesn't
inherently make the other thing good or the other thing bad. It just means that if we're
being objective, anything has lots of stuff about it that is crap and lots of stuff about
it that is good and that's okay. Like Luke and I had a super frustrating windows gaming
experience last night where, and I don't know who to blame. It could be Microsoft, could
be valve, could be whoever the developer is for tower fall. I don't know, but we were
having issues with remote play, trying to play tower fall with my kids locally and Luke
remotely and we just couldn't get four controllers working properly without one of them either
not working at all or one of them controlling two players at the same time or even three.
And I would say that that's a crap experience. That's a crap user experience. And to contrast
this, just in case you weren't going to go there, we played tower fall through remote
play on Linux flawlessly and immediately with three players. Fair. Which worked perfectly
last night too. It was the fourth player that was causing trouble. Did it work perfectly
right away? I don't think so. Oh, I still had, okay, no, the first issue we had was
that it seems like, I think like Yvonne's thunderbolt doc died or something like, yeah,
so that was unrelated. No, but I mean, even once you had like gone downstairs, I can't
remember. Okay. I can't remember. I'm not sure. So, sorry. Yeah, there's, there's, there's
bad there. There's bad experiences everywhere. Yeah. And I guess the point of the series
was can you switch today as the average gamer? And the answer is, well, the answer is complicated.
So the answer, the answer is complicated. Apparently the go XLR for Linux project added
better installation instructions. That's pretty cool. So, you know, I've seen some criticism
that I was too hard on what is obviously a grassroots community project. I mean, I, I
don't think I hated on them, but the experience wasn't very good. And for better or for worse,
the experience is now better because of what I said, apparently the developer agrees like,
Oh, I see your point. I guess I could make this better. And now it is better. So that's
why reviewers exist. That's why critics exist. So it's not that I'm trying to be a jerk about
it. I'm just, my job going into this was to evaluate it. And that's why we had said on,
I think it was last week on one show, we had said maybe a cool followup would be to go
in and experience windows fresh. Yeah. Now I just threw my old drive back in because
I just wanted to play some video games and not think about it for a little bit, but I,
I intend to put a fresh drive in, start from scratch and review windows. I do it too. Are
we? Yeah. There's the, there's the two different version potential as well. Windows 10 and
windows 11. I'm going to go windows 11. Yeah. Okay. I'm going to go windows 11 and I'm going
to have the someone warts and all, someone brought up an interesting argument. And there's
some generalizations here. And I noticed that when I first read it, but so I'm going to
try to quote, but it's not in front of me. So whatever. But they essentially said, no
one installs windows. That's not true. People buy a computer and windows is on it. Sure.
Yeah. But that's also, that's a not true. And B doesn't excuse a bad installation experience.
Yeah. If it's a Microsoft product, which the installation experience is, then what's the
excuse for it being bad? You're a multi multi tens of billions of dollars company. No, no,
I don't accept that. Okay. That's fair enough. Yeah. No, I think the majority of people,
well definitely the majority of people don't, but it's still part of the process. But it's
a Microsoft product. If it's a Microsoft product, then it should be polished. You're charging
me money for it. I paid for it. I think such a substantial part of the windows video is
going to be the amount of things you have to click when you're going through the installation
process. Yeah. Yeah. I could see that. It's crazy. And there's just, there's just shockingly
stupid stuff. Like you go through this whole process and it's like, you install the whole
operating system, then you like do all this stuff. Then you sit and you wait for like
four more minutes. Well, it's like, Hey, we're setting things up. What were you doing before?
Yeah. Yeah. And I actually really like, I believe if I remember correctly, Ubuntu did
this and I know mint did this, but you, you do the install and then there's just a window
that you can close if you want. That's all the customization stuff. And windows does
all this forced customization stuff while you're going through the setup and going back
to the windows version after installing mint and Ubuntu was so frustrating. So it's like,
if I just wanted to use my damn computer right now, like why are you stopping me so that
I can what, make it look green? Like I don't care. I can do this whenever. This is a low
priority task. Yeah. Yeah. Uh, 88 pockets as windows 10 pro needs to drop preloaded
crap like candy crush. What professional expects or wants candy crush. Yes. That's so stupid.
100%. Oh, 100%. Oh, maybe they will. Cause Blizzard or, uh, Microsoft said that they
were thinking about re re uh, how did they word it? They were going to look at their
relationship with Blizzard and like reestablish what they're doing there because of like Bobby
Coddick and all this stuff that's going on. Yeah. Oh, I didn't realize that or, or Activision,
I guess whatever Blizzard Activision or sorry, Activision Blizzard. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Hilarious.
So hopefully that happens. Hopefully. Cause that is so dumb. Brutal. Oh, oh, or terror
tier or tier says on the last stream you had something in your bag. You wanted to show
us what's in the bag. Okay. First of all, first of all, I used, uh, the LTT backpack
prototype for my trip and it's even better than I thought. You know how the size is kind
of big. It fits perfectly under an airline seat. There's also no scuffs, which is great.
Oh yeah, no. I mean the, uh, the material choice I already knew was outstanding. I'm
just saying cause there's a lot of bags and stuff the second you go on a trip, yeah. Tossing
around an airplane, do all this kind of stuff. They get, yeah, but yeah, it looks, it looks
pretty immaculate actually. Yeah. Um, the like additional structure of it was great
cause it makes it really easy to put really bulky stuff in and out of it. Cause I was
constantly throwing my, cause you're on plane, right? It's like I'm freezing jacket. I'm
too hot. Right. So I was constantly putting things in and out of it. I had my whole gaming
set up while I was there. So I had my, my eGPU, my laptop, my mouse pad, my mouse. I
was like set up man. Um, so I was constantly going in and out of it. It was great. Uh,
so that's one of the, that's one of the big takeaways for me is we're actually, we were
going to change something significant. So see this three-way zip pocket on the front?
Yes. On the inside, I'm going to try and show everyone on the inside there's this mesh pocket
and I had concerns about the mesh pocket because when you open it up all the way, it's kind
of floopsie doodly and I didn't really like that. I thought it was kind of not a great
experience. Cause if you have something heavy in here, it just kind of like weighs it down.
Um, so I didn't like it. So I had said, okay, you know what? Let's do the self is what this
is called when it's the same material as the body. Let's do the self. Let's do some pockets
here and let's try to discourage people from loading this up with stuff. But what I realized
when I was actually using it day to day on my trip was that how I actually use it is
like this. I don't open it all the way. It's nice to be able to open it all the way if
I really need to, but I don't really open it all the way. I just use it like this and
then it has enough structure and it was actually really nice to just have a mesh pocket that
I could hock everything in. And then if I really need to see what I'm doing, I can,
I can look into it. Uh, we are making some changes in here. So for example, the screwdriver
sticks up right now. So we're going to have the screwdriver pocket go all the way down.
That's one of my big things is I want our products to be compatible with each other.
I remember back when we first started working together, one of the gripes that we had all
the time was like case and power supply manufacturers. The power supply is not fitting. You buy an
antique case and like their flagship case and you buy their flagship power supply and
it like doesn't fit in it. Stuff like that. Yeah. So we, we want to make sure that there's
a place to put the screwdriver. So this pocket is going to become only this big. And then
what I realized again is because of this, this zip here needs to start on this side
so that you can access the zipper more easily and open it when it's not open all the way.
So the intention is that this can open, but you don't have to. Um, we're also reconfiguring
the slips on the inside. So we've got three slips, like three slips for devices. We've
got a laptop pouch, a tablet pouch, and then one that's intended for more like a Nintendo
switch or like a steam jack or something like that. And the problem is that we did two slips
on this side and one slip at the bottom on this side. And what happens is when you've
got heavy stuff up here, it weighs down the top so that that slip kind of sticks out.
And it's almost impossible to get down into the bottom of the pocket without like kind
of making your way in there. So we're going to do the three slips on the back now, assuming
we can sew through that much material. Like there's just so many little things that I
kind of like learned about it. Yeah. Overall, it's really close. Um, it's going to be really
expensive, but I can, it's the best bag I've ever had. And I can pretty much promise that
unless you've, I don't know, I haven't encountered something that's better like from a tech standpoint.
So I doubt that you've owned a better bag basically. What's that? Um, Oh, this, uh,
Oh, I actually meant that that's on your like hip. Oh, I'll talk about that later. Um, so
this is the thing that I was going to, that I was going to pull out of my bag. Um, the,
I mean the steam deck is not the only handheld gaming PC and Aya, they did send me that clear
one when they initially launched. But the, that Neo doesn't have some of the improvements
of their new one. And I was like, Oh, um, wow, that's super cool. When they kind of
sent me this, this update thing and they were like, Oh yeah, well we'll send you one if
you want. And I was like, okay, well I mean I didn't, wasn't asking for anything, but
um, you know, what I'd really like actually is the new, some of the new features on my
old one. Like if you could just send me those parts, I'd be happy to upgrade it myself.
Cause I really liked the clear housing and they were like, well it's not that simple.
Um, so we'd rather just send you a new one. By the way, we have this color. It looks so
cool. They did a retro colorway goodness with like red, gray, almost black, um, army drab
green. Yeah. So it's like a retro console kind of color scheme. So this has got all
the new improvements. So it now has analog triggers and I think there were a couple of
other little things that they tweaked, but I am like super stoked on this. I love, I
absolutely love the colors. It's like ugly in all the right ways. Yeah. A hundred percent.
So I forget what else they changed about it, but um, so I'll definitely be using that until
the steam deck arrives and who knows, maybe after, I don't know. I still haven't daily
driven a steam deck. I don't know if the ergonomics that seemed good in my first hands on are
going to stay good. I'm hoping, I'm hoping it will cause the performance of the steam
deck looks like freaking awesome. Uh, what's Conrad talking about? They talked about that
in a previous land show. I don't remember right now. Okay. I don't know. Yeah. It looks
freaking cool. Penmail says, love that sand color. Yeah, it looks awesome. It looks freaking
cool. And the texture is like really great. Uh, what is that again? Question Mark, question
Mark, question Mark. It's the a and Neo. I don't even know if they have any stock. I
doubt it. It's like ridiculously hard to get your hands on like any good tech right now.
Um, let's see if they even have any stock. Oh, I don't see this color way. I don't know
if it's like a special one for influencers or something. Again, I don't see it on their
website. Hey, a Neo retro. Oh no. Uh, Oh, a Neo 2021 pro. Oh wow. So it has a docking
station. What is dark star? Oh, light moon. I think is the one that I've got. Yeah. This
is light moon. Verizon seven 4,800 you one terabyte SSD. I actually don't know the difference
between the pro and um, the other one. This is maybe something for me to just make a full
video about because clearly I have not done any research. Uh, maybe it's the 4,500 you
in the, in the main one. People are like, put steam OS 3.0 on it. That would actually
be super cool. Like the not, the not steam deck, steam deck. Yeah. Yeah. That'd be amazing.
It's interesting. 16 gigs up to two terabytes. Okay. So maybe that's it. Maybe it's just
a, just better specs here. All right, cool. Um, right. What else was I going to talk about?
I mean, I think that's, I think that's pretty much it. Maybe we should talk some, some merch
messages here real quick. Sure. Yeah, let's do it. Uh, we have been organizing them, so
you guys might've noticed a lot of them have been, have been popping up, uh, popping up
there, but some of them haven't. So if you sent one and you were like, uh, what the heck
happened? It's possible. It ended up in our curated queue. Yeah. Uh, Naomi L solar powered
pool is definitely still going to happen. Uh, Johnny S long time watcher, first time
buyer. Any chance on its stealth desk pad? Yes. That was the thing I was going to go
leak. Okay. So I'm going to go try and get one. Do you want to go through a few of these?
All right. John a, uh, bought a water bottle, a shirt and a spout lid and said, it's, it
has to do with the message. And then he said, uh, needed a new water bottle since the yellow
on my black and gold V one completely worn away. Yeah. It lasts for a while, but you
know, not forever. That's part of the reason, as far as my understanding goes, I am so sorry
if I'm totally wrong about this, but I think the new versions have better printing. I don't
know. I don't know. I'm sorry. That's not my, not my department. I'm moving on. We've
got some that we, that we already, Oh, these are archived messages. That's why that's going
on. That makes sense. Okay. Sorry guys. Give me one second. Bought a beanie because I heard
great things as well as a spout lid for my V one water bottle had to get some shirts
to offset shipping costs. There you go. I'm assuming it was shipped far away. Uh, Casu
says, I needed a beanie for the winter and an amazing water bottle and a, and well assured
greetings from Germany. PS wanted to link Linus, uh, some de isolation tool. He should
get the strip backs from what the, I can't say that, uh, weed Mueller. I'm going to copy
that and I'll show it to him later. Couldn't find the backpack. Uh, it's, yeah, it's not
a thing anymore. So I had to improvise first time buying and already hating the taxes I'll
have to pay. This is a lot of things. He got like, uh, everything. GPU t-shirt, ethernet
t-shirt, reflective CPU t-shirt, insulated water bottle, reflective heat sink t-shirt,
party shirt, insulated water bottle, Northern lights, desk pad, another Northern lights
desk pad, CPU pillow, and an ABCs book of gaming G burrs. Um, Hey, finally got around
to ordering one of these bad boys, by the way. Uh, how would you say the name Thoreau?
Oh, I think I did that one. Oh, I tried. I can't tell where you tried Thoreau. Isn't
it thrown? I don't know. I have no idea. So this is an upcoming stealth circuit board,
a desk pad design. So if you guys look kind of, is it? Yeah. No. Here, do you want to
take a side? There we go. Ah, so if you guys look closely, you can kind of see, I hope
you can see in the, as it reflects, there's like an LTT logo in the middle and then like
a circuit board in person. You can definitely see it. Oh yeah. I don't know how it's showing
up on stream, but you can, yeah, it's really hard to, it's subtle, but you can definitely
see it. Yeah. So it's, uh, yep. It's just meant to be kind of a more not so in your
face has to match the color of your, of your setup kind of thing. Um, that's definitely
coming. Um, Boryan says, I kinda hate it. Not gonna lie. I mean, yeah. Get a Northern
Lights pad. Then get a Northern Lights pad. So we've got, we've got lots of different
kind of stuff that we're working on, but you know, for us, it's actually kind of a big
commitment to do a new desk pad. And the reason for that is that if we want to support our
full size, um, that's a lot of choice. Yeah. We kind of have to be really sure that it's
killer. Are you doing that? Are you supporting every size? Um, like I wouldn't think you
necessarily have to as long as Northern Lights covers everything. Yeah. I mean, I don't know.
I'm torn. I'm torn. I'm, I don't know. I don't remember what we did for this, so we'll see.
Yeah. Yeah. There's a lot of people that like it. Uh, people like less branding would be
nice. So we actually thought of that. Uh, the reason that the branding is on there is
because we wanted kind of something to be LTT stealth about it, but that's right where
your keyboard goes. So you will actually never see the LTT logo. And the other thing that's
cool is that the circuit stuff, if you want to hold it again for a second, the circuit
stuff kind of radiates out from your keyboard. So this is a very small keyboard. So it's
like that through like 10 keyless size. So the idea is that it's kind of like your keyboard
is the centerpiece of your setup with it. That was, that was the rationale behind why
we did it that way, because you will never have this anywhere where there will not be
a keyboard. Uh, someone says I have keyboard top left. I mean, that's good. Um, you might
want a different desk pad if you want to cover, cover the logo, the vast majority of people
do not. So, uh, it should be okay for most people. Uh, there's only, there's only so
much we can do. I mean, maybe you have your keyboard glued under your desk for all I know.
Maybe that's more ergonomic for you. There's nothing I can do for you. But, um, that was,
that was the rationale. That was why we did that. Um, iceberg says I like this much better,
but is there any chance of an even more stealth one? I want the nice material, but I just
want plain black. I mean, you just want us to make like a plain black desk pad. There's
like a hundred planes. I mean, I guess, you know what we did actually, you know, we did
a custom thickness, right? Like for all of them. Yeah. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Um, because
I was just like, no, three millimeters is too thin and four millimeters is too thick.
So the factory was just like, and the best part is this before, is this before we had
placed any kind of volume orders with them? So this is before we've like actually paid
them like any meaningful amount of money. They're just like, okay, but everything else
is fine. Like, yeah. Okay. Then you guys need to place your order and once you like place
your order and put down a big deposit, we will do our custom thickness of rubber for
you. That's pretty Epic. Oh no. Yeah. All right. Um, are you at the curated
merch messages? Cause I think before you left, you're reading from the wrong section. I'm
at the bottom of the curated merch messages. Okay. So I'm reading from the bottom to the
top. Okay. Yeah. Uh, Brighton says my water bottle with a gold smear across it. I like
it that way. Oh, okay. Um, I'm curious to know whoa. My water bottle came with a gold
smear across it. I like it that way. It takes the stress out of accidentally dinging it,
but I'm curious to know whoa. Um, you can contact support. They will get you sorted
out. Um, overall the quality control on the water bottles is excellent. We get very, very
few complaints about that. So that seems like a really odd one, but nothing's perfect. Jim
says, can we ever expect a stealth mouse for crying out loud, uh, anonymous. It would be
really cool if the backpack had a waterproof pocket for the, uh, to prevent any leaks from
getting to the expensive things inside. So nothing is waterproof, but the self material
is fairly water resistant and we're using all water. Um, like all sealed zippers on
it. YKK, uh, water resistant zippers. If I could add some interpretation, I think he
means from your own things. So like a water bottle leaking, it would be cool if the outside.
So no, no, it's, Oh wait, I had a waterproof pocket for the backpack to prevent any leaks
from getting, Oh, uh, you should just get an LTT store water bottle. So your water bottle
doesn't leak. Hey, Hey, Hey, I didn't even show this on this stream anyway, but it has
a dedicated spot for your water bottle to sit. So at the very least, if your water bottle
does leak, um, it shouldn't like fall over and get on anything cause it shouldn't ever
fall over. That's sweet. So that's cool. Uh, also why is HDR over TV apps in float plane?
I have what? Sorry. Also, why is HDR over TV apps in float plane? Oh, like in terms
of priority because TV apps are just a low priority cause casting is a thing. Uh, Linus
needs to do a Vader impression and say, Luke, I am your father, which you now cannot do
because that's not the quote. What? It's no, I am your father. Yeah, that's true actually.
Um, I'm so sorry. J B happy birthday though. Yeah. Happy birthday. Uh, Eric. Hey, when
show long time viewer, sir, a special place where one may find audio products that have
reached EOL or am I just SOL looking for a set of, uh, one plus bullets, wireless Z and
Sony WH H nine 10 ends eBay. eBay is the answer. And if you don't find it there, honestly,
I wouldn't even buy new things, foam pads or yeah, your inserts or whatever. I mean,
not for those. The bullets wireless are like in ears, but yeah. Wouldn't they have little
things though you can buy the gel end, whatever it's called. Uh, Oh yes. I doubt that's the
problem though. Um, do you think the upcoming steam OS and steam deck release will push
Nvidia to finally give a thought to Linux support? No, I don't think that Nvidia works
that hard at capturing that, uh, that game console business. So maybe they just will
continue to not care. Nvidia however, has been doing more recently. I have no idea what
the timeline is, uh, than they have in the more distant past for Linux stuff, I believe.
That's fair, but I don't think the steam deck is going to change anything about it. Nope.
Don't think so. Especially cause it's a steam deck, you know, this is funny. Um, they're
talking about the original land hoodie in the float plane chat. Uh, yes, you are correct.
The OG form of the LTT hoodie is actually this one. If you get far enough back, it's
by G8 and it was the land hoodie and this was the garment that was the basis for the
WAN version of it. So there's the green inner hood. We did an orange inner hood. There's
the Nvidia logo with the splashy kind of design. We did a WAN logo with kind of a splashy design
and we were, we were upfront about that just to be clear. We talked about it all the time.
We talked about how the reason the WAN hoodie existed was because I got a land hoodie at
an Nvidia event and I really liked it and it was like wearing out and so I wanted more
and Nvidia didn't have any more left when I asked for one. And so I was like, okay,
so what does it take to get more of these garments? And what it took was a minimum order
of however many hundreds of them. So I did. And I sold the rest. Awesome. Yeah. Literally
how we got into doing custom merch was because I wanted a hoodie. Pretty awesome. Nox says
when hoodie V1 with the gloves, I want one. Yes, I know they're like $120 still. We don't
have any more and we have no meaningful way to make them. Scott says, if I'm eligible
for a job with an offer, master's degree, should I say I am legally eligible on a Google
form? Yes, you should. Seth, have you considered making... Is that the question though? Yeah.
On the Google form? Oh, I'm not sure. I don't think that's the question. I think the question
is like, do you have a valid work permit or something like that? Yeah. So no is the answer.
No, the answer is probably still yes because if you have certain credentials, getting that
permit is like, what he's saying is if it's conditional upon me having a job offer, should
I say that? Yes. And then the answer is yes because there are certain visas where you
can just go if you have a job offer. Yeah. It's just automatic. Yeah. But if it's not
that, then don't say you're eligible. Yeah. Yes. We are going to do a display port follow
up on the HDMI cable video. Absolutely. Thank you for the suggestion. Ryan asks, should
I wait for Ryzen 6000 or buy the new i5? My 7700K is choking hard. You should upgrade
when it's time to upgrade because otherwise you will wait forever. And if you upgrade
when it's not time to upgrade, then you are wasting money and contributing to additional
e-waste. So it's all about you should upgrade when you reach a point where you need to upgrade.
Sounds like you got there. Time to upgrade. That's the way it is. Steven just found out
Linus is a biker. What bike do you have? SV650S. It's a 2003. Also Fortnite. Oh, Fortnite is
the best YouTube motorcycle channel if you haven't heard of it. Fortnite. Okay, cool.
Thank you. Chris S says, will Floatplane get Samsung fold support like laptop mode or the
screen I half folded, the screen I half folded and audio play while phone is locked? Screen
is half folded. So here I can show it to you on, uh, on Plex. Um, so basically what it
does is it puts, it lets you just like sit it on something and then you've got like controls
on the bottom and then it just plays in a window up here so you can just like prop it
up. I believe that's something that you can actually force support for in a menu somewhere
because I don't think Plex supported it natively either, but I haven't actually touched it
since I first looked at it. Uh, we are going to get like background audio and stuff working
on something. That's something Jayden is working on. Yeah. Sorry. I don't, I don't remember
full screen apps. No, I don't remember. Uh, yeah. I don't know if that's something that
we're specifically planning right now though. Yeah. Well it's not. Jonathan asks, I'm visually
impaired and the merge message section of the checkout is a very tiny checkbox. Could
we make it more visible? Can we do that? Is that like a theme limitation right now or
is that something we could do? Conrad's in the chat so he can probably say, okay, but
I think he's using default things right now, but we might be able to make something. Okay.
If there's any way for us to do that, that would be super cool. Uh, Nate, a few man shows
ago you talked about the importance of having external storage for data backup. Would you
ever do a vid on how to take used slash old slash eBay parts and make a NAS at home? That
video is in progress right now. Colin is working on it. So yes, yes we are.
Anonymous asks, is there an alternative method to apply for LMG jobs? I requested the application
package a week ago and have not received it. Is this expected? Uh, if you didn't receive
it, that would seem to indicate that for whatever reason you were not eligible to apply. That's
one of the reasons that we have that questionnaire to get the package because we can't go through
10,000, 20,000 applications. So we have filtering surveys in order to help us avoid wasting
your time and ours. So we're not going to tell you what the right answers are, but there
are not everyone gets an application package because we do not have the HR grunt to go
through also take this as a confirm that you're not going to get one yet. Yeah. Uh, not every
position has sent out the packages because, uh, we haven't finished taking an applicants
for some of the positions. So yeah. Sorry. Go ratchet seven 66. Okay. Let's go ahead
and get rid of that. Uh, go ahead and get rid of that. Okay. Emmanuel says, I like to
roll the dice. I know builds aren't exactly popular these days, but I'd love to see more
content on small form factor setups. It's tough. How are we supposed to do a video on
any gaming PC? When, as we saw, you can't build a gaming PC like it's tough. I do not
envy the, the LTT content team right now. It that's a hard life and yes, Emmanuel Riley
is awesome. Yeah. Joshua says, did you hear the makers? Did you hear canonical? Excuse
me? Uh, man, I'm getting very tired. I is now collecting feedback on the Linux gaming
experience. That's really cool. That is cool. I did not hear about that yet. Another positive,
even if you're upset, uh, yet another positive impact of the gaming on Linux challenge, or
maybe they were going to do it anyway, but it certainly started a conversation. Also
the float plane theater mode. When it's coming, actually, theoretically, very soon the developer
working on it. Uh, there was a accident that happened at their house where their main laptop,
uh, the power cord was, had a, had a, well, someone had a bit of a tripping accident over
the power cord and it was a version of a Mac book that did not have mag safe. It was not,
it was not them. It was someone else, but so that laptop went absolute kaput. Um, they
have replaced said device and are back up to speed, but there was a little bit of a
hiccup there unfortunately, but it's actually like very close. Um, and there's a whole new
player coming and it's going to be great and things are going to be cool. But, Oh man,
Matthew just got my party shirt. Absolutely love it. Exclamation mark. Are there any plans
for more patterns? To be honest, no. Uh, we did not plan any more patterns because I was
a bit of a hater on the party shirt project. I underestimated hugely how big that that
launch was going to be. Um, turns out just because I'm allergic to button up shirts doesn't
mean that everyone is. So that's good to know. There's a whole wide world of people with
preferences that are not mine. Um, which is great. So I, I, I initially, I mean I barely
greenlit the project at all, to be honest with you. The finished garment is so much
better than the early samples that we had that I based that decision on. Like it's super
comfortable. Have you tried it on? No. Okay. It's like a really, you know, don't really
do the whole fair enough. Yeah. It's a really nice fabric though. If you absolutely have
to wear a button up shirt, I can understand why people are buying it. Um, but yeah, so
the fact that it barely got greenlit at all would indicate that no, the plan was not for
more patterns. Now that it is so successful, it's, um, it's not unlikely that we would
do more patterns. It's honestly just not something we've talked about at all though. So no promises.
Thanks for being awesome Linus. Love the show. Hope I get these bottles in time for Christmas.
Tall shirts. When Luke, uh, can you tell us something interesting? Wow. Really? You're,
you can think about that while I discuss tall shirts. Cause they're really putting you on
the spot here. Uh, tall shirts are coming. So we actually just did a, uh, an early print
on one of our first blank hoodies. So we have had a heck of a time finding a hoodie that
we were happy with. That's just blank that we can just print graphics on the front. So
no, no zip, no, like, uh, does it have kangaroo pockets? I don't think it has no, no kangaroo
pocket. Um, so we finally have those. We also have our blank shirts. So you're going to
see a colored t-shirt from LTT store for the first time in like two years or something
like that. We're really excited about it, but we want to see some of those shirts go
out into the wild, make sure that they're holding up, make sure the QC is acceptable
and make sure that like, not just the cues, the initial QC, but the quality of the ones
that are out in the wild are good. When we get that back, it'll be time like that information
back. It'll be time for us to work on our, we're going to call it lanky boy, um, thick
boy. Um, and then we're going to have describing things in those terms for female clothing
probably isn't very 2021. Right. Um, I mean, maybe, maybe we'll just do it anyway. Lanky
girl, thick girl. I don't know. I mean, if we're, what is, what is equal? I don't know.
I don't know. I don't know. I don't make the rules for any of this. So I just figure out
what they are and then do my best to, you know, would curvy be better? I genuinely have
no idea. I have no idea. I have no, I just have no idea to offboard off of that and go
back to the previous comment. Yeah. Interesting fact, a notable predator of the moose. If
you've, if you've heard of moose before they're, they're gigantic. Um, and they walk on land
a notable predator of the moose is a killer whale. Huh? Okay. Thank you. That's a weird
fact. Yeah, it really is. Uh, Robert H bought one of everything. Been watching, uh, glad
to be able to contribute to you guys. How big is the LMG team now? Uh, I think we're
up to somewhere in the neighborhood of 50 to 55 across. Is that just LMG? I don't know
anymore. I'm so sorry. I think, no, I think we're over 60 cause I think that doesn't include
float plane. Oh yeah. Does that include crit awareness? Uh, include. I'm sorry. I just
have no idea. Yeah, no worries. Um, yeah. So it's at the point now where I've been with
my team. People are like, how many people do you have? And I'm like, uh, well you don't
see them every day either. That's true. So many of them are remote. Let me put it this
way. Lab one is not the only acquisition we made. Oh my. Yeah. We're taking possession.
Oh, also by the way, I, um, glossed over that is to say glossed over some details, which
is to say that I outright lied about some of the aspects of the lab one introduction
video. Like I said that Luke would be working in that room. That was never actually my intention.
Um, Luke might, but float planes office would probably be in the other acquisition, which
we'll probably end up with some lab space in it as well. I just wanted for the sake
of, it made a lot more sense for the flow of the video for the flow of the video. I
was like, so he's going to go here. But the main reason to talk about Luke was to talk
about how we understand that software and development is going to be a big aspect of
running this lab. Not because literally the float plane team was going to be sitting in
that room even though we like memed on the walls and stuff. Yeah, because the float plane
team, those that are local are, I mean, okay, we've got our app developer who would not
have anything to do with labs. We've got Luke who's managing it. Like it's just, it's putting
float plane there would be just taking up lab space that we could use for more lab equipment.
Do you want to say what you might actually put there? Cause that's somewhat interesting.
Yeah. So what I'm actually planning to put there is a small like home theater lab. So
somewhere that we could use as a light controlled environment for testing projectors somewhere
that we could use as a sound control, somewhat controlled, not controlled, but like sound
treated environment for evaluating sound bars. So we'd have to figure out, okay, we're going
to put some, we're going to stuff some insulation up into the T-bar like figuring out a way
to kind of turn it into a, a basic home theater. So we can look at things like you know, virtual
ceiling speakers and stuff like that. So get like a microphone array. That's what I'm actually
planning to put there. So yeah. And the reason lab one is called lab one is because it's
one. Whoa, hold on a second. Also 10 K with this cashflow seems like pennies. 10 K is
not pennies. What is the context of this? Oh, someone wants to invest $10,000 into LMG.
Is that an option? So we are not taking any outside investment at this time. And the reason
is that I just I like to do things my way, which sometimes involves spending inordinate
amounts of money on things that don't really have a proven business case. We don't have
a proven business case for LTT labs. If we had a board of directors that was anyone other
than me and Yvonne where, you know, Yvonne and I have this vibe, right? Like she, I have,
I have the vision and sometimes the vision is literally like a vision. Like I wake up
in the middle of the night and I'm like, Oh, I gotta write this down. Like I'll just like
have an idea. And then she makes the vision happen. We've got, we've got both parts of
the puzzle and that is the, that is the entire ownership structure of Linus media group.
I've always kind of seen it as like, there's the, there's the rocket thruster, but if you
just take that, you don't put any wings on it or any flight control. It's not going to
work that great. But if you, if you, if you control it, name it properly, then it's fantastic.
It's powerful. And you kind of, you kind of need both cause all that power with, yeah.
Yeah. Anyways. Yeah. I, that's so funny. Oh, you don't want stock. You just want to like
help fund and encourage the shenanigans. You know what? I believe firmly that we should
always give something back anytime you, anytime you give us money. So you should absolutely
like buy merch. Yeah. But I'm not going to, I'm not going to just take your money. I can't
do that. So that, that's where I'm out on that. And if you want to do something big
like that, just like sub to float plane at the 4k tier, buy more stuff from merch later.
If you want a different t-shirt or if we release socks or the backpack or whatever, and just
like stay, stay in the loop. PJ Lee says, can't things be structured so that the shares
are non-voting? Sure. But then what's in it for you? Why are you investing? And the answer
can't just be because you want to be a bro and like help me out or whatever, because
that's the way I think about every business transaction is that I have to consider it
from both sides because unless I can figure out what's in it for you, it shouldn't happen.
If I, because either it's a bad deal for you and that sucks. So we're not going to do that.
Or I don't understand your deal. Yeah. In which case I feel like there's an opportunity
for me to be taken advantage of. I must understand both sides of the deal or I can't sign it
is a policy of mine for life. So I just, unless there's something in it for you, I couldn't
do it. And because my intention is not to go public. And because my intention is not
to sell Linus media group to the highest corporate bidder, there's no, there's no end game for
you. What's your exit strategy. There's nothing. And if I really wanted a loan, we're at the
point now where our business performance is so strong over such an extended period of
time that if we really need a loan, we can get one. So if I need money, I will just do
it like that. And if the idea is like a big moonshot payout, then this is not the place
to be. Right. So that's where, that's where I'm at on that. That's why for now we have
no, we have no yeah, we have, we have no intention of exploring, of exploring that curated messages.
Are we almost done? The curated messages. Yeah. But there's like a bunch of incoming
section. Oh, bloody hell. Okay. Okay. We can only do a few more. So I'm going to surprise
my dad with some tech stuff. Nice. Will you look at the camera and say, Merry Christmas
and have a happy new year. I think is the timing. I don't know what the timing is. So
good luck everybody. Someone said, is this thing censored? FEI water bottle. It is censored
by us deciding if it shows up on screen or not. So it's censored. Yes. Yeah. See you
later. George F been watching since the house water cooling. I have a 30 70 TI and my display
doesn't wake after sleep. Oh man. I had this problem too with my video card. What did I
do? Um, okay. You have to search for, uh, there's a, there's a, there's a stupid command
prompt thing that you can use. There's a command you can use to check what is keeping your
PC from a wait. Oh shoot. No. My issue was my display. Wasn't going to sleep. My display
doesn't wake after sleep. I have to reset it to get it to work again. No, I, I have
not personally fixed that one. I've only done it the other way on Linux, but not on windows.
So I mean, you should definitely try doing a full reinstall of your drivers. So you're
going to want to go and, uh, like fully, uh, DDU them, go in safe mode, DDU them, reinstall
them. If that doesn't fix it. One thing you could start to tinker around with is sleep
states in your bios. I had an issue with my thread ripper machine in my office, which
I was very disappointed about. It was just crashing like just randomly when I wasn't
doing anything. And it turns out that I was able to fix it by just, um, adjusting my lowest
sleep state up one in the bios. And then it just is perfect now. So maybe try not letting
it go as to sleep. Uh, Nick allows says, uh, any info on full plane up crashing when not
using Google apps. We know that that's like a thing, but the amount of users that we have
that are on Android and aren't using Google apps is like real low. So there are some other
major things in terms of the app that we are currently working on. We actually rolled out
a version this week. Um, I don't know if it's at a hundred percent rollout yet, so you might
not have access to it. Um, maybe try that version. Maybe that'll help. Um, cool. Don't
know what's the, uh, man. I feel, I feel my energy dying. Okay. Uh, thanks Alexander B.
You know, Merry Christmas to your son. I think we're good. I don't think there's going to
be any Roku float plane app anytime soon. Um, save me from Bezos. I can't in, I'm sorry.
There's nothing I can do. Uh, thanks Chris. P new grandpa says Mark H need to start a
grandchild on gaming early. Got the ABCs of gaming. Absolutely love it. And you'd already
did Nicklaus's and he plans for LTT mugs. Yeah. So mugs are one of those ones that I
just on principle kind of avoided for the longest time because it just felt like we
weren't really contributing anything. Like the world is full of so many mugs, you know,
like if you just go to a thrift store and just like go rescue a bunch of mugs from the
landfill is sort of the way that I've always felt about it. Um, like insulated water bottles
were something I was totally comfortable with because a, they're super on brand for me.
I love drinking my ice cold water. That's just like my thing. That's what I drink. Um,
and so just, it's something that I personally needed. I mean, that's the, that's the Genesis
of so many of our merch items. It's like, I need, I mean, that's where this one came
from. I want a beanie. I need a jacket. I need a jacket. What can I say? And I, I don't
use mugs. So like there was no, it's always, what's my pain point, right? Cause it's not
just, I need any jacket. It's like, I need a jacket. That's exactly the way that I like
a jacket to be. So I don't have a preference for mugs, so I just don't really care about
them. Um, and you know, you go to a thrift store, you can get a mug for like a dollar
and it'll probably like say something funny on it or whatever. So I'm not saying no, I'm
just saying it's been extremely low priority. Yeah. That's where I'm at on that. Nice. Thanks
anonymous for the message on the thing. Okay. I think we're going to call it here. Thank
you so much ladies and gentlemen and everything in between. We will see you again next week.
Same bad time, same bad channel. Bye. I love that the merch message portion of the show
is now officially a, but it's officially a ramping up viewership portion of the show.
People are super into it. When we used to do super chats, no one cares. That's really
interesting. Yeah. By the way, the super chat problem that I've had is still there. So if
you sent a super chat during the show, in fact I can see, I can see that there are super
chats here, but there's nothing in here. YouTube is apparently working on a fix for me. I have
no idea why the fix is for me and not just for the platform because this has been a problem
for months. That's probably cause they want you to stop. So just a reminder guys, let
people know in the chat, don't use super chats because if I don't specifically click this
and then never refresh the page, they're just gone. They're gone forever. I have no way
of knowing. Oh, okay. Apparently I can click these. Okay. Oh, it only goes over so far.
Genius. I'm clicking this arrow and it's not going over more even though I can see there
are more messages. Oh, fantastic. All right. Well, Hey, thanks guys. Um, yes, there are
inverted cases. I think Silverstone has one. Oh, it's not scrolling left anymore now. Unbelievable.
I do. I do love how Conrad's just.