
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

Oh, it might have.
What's up everyone and welcome to the WAN show.
We've got a great show lined up for you guys this week.
The big topics are, of course, that Bitcoin is not a beanie baby.
No, in fact, not.
The SEC has told us, no, Bitcoin is not in fact beanie babies.
Also, falling sales might mean a pivot to allowing additional game stores on the Xbox, not to mention a handheld.
Okay, this seems like we're off to an interesting start.
Oh, right.
I'm sorry.
I'm doing three today because I forgot about the headline topic that isn't in the doc.
Oh, yes.
I hate Facebook Marketplace and I want to talk about that.
It made me extremely angry today.
I want to talk about what solutions there might be to that.
But, yeah.
Anyways, my topic, I guess, will be Sora goes to Hollywood.
Oh, my.
No, you can do two topics.
It wasn't the writer.
Okay, I'll do two then.
Google ordered to ID YouTube users.
Oh, yeah.
That should have been the biggest topic.
And this could actually be a huge deal.
We'll talk about that.
The show is brought to you today by AG1, Ridge, and Vessi.
All right.
Why don't we jump right into, you know what?
Let's do the YouTube topic.
Do the YouTube thing?
This is kind of a big deal.
So, there's been...
Actually, YouTube's been in the news for a couple of things this week.
There was an analysis done on them that their valuation might be somewhere north of around
$400 billion, which would make them more valuable than Disney and Comcast combined.
Which is funny, because YouTube seems to kind of fly under the radar on a lot of regulatory stuff.
Like, Google or Alphabet gets talked about, but YouTube, it's like, I don't know.
Yeah, man.
Like, I don't know.
It's just YouTube, right?
Like, whatever.
YouTube is a flipping enormous company, if it were its own company.
But with being a big company comes big responsibility toward your users.
And I don't know if I'm convinced that Google is doing everything that they could to take
care of YouTube's users.
Let's have a little listen.
I guess, Luke, do you want to read us through what exactly happened this week?
Because this...
Maybe I'm just naive.
But this really surprised me.
Anyways, I'll get into it.
We'll talk about how it might surprise or not surprise more in a moment.
By the way, Dan, I think my monitoring's dead.
According to recent unsealed court documents, federal investigators have ordered Google
to unmask users who watch certain YouTube videos.
Uncover agents sent links to these videos to a suspected cryptocurrency launderer under
the alias Elon Musk WHM.
The government then ordered Google to provide extensive information on anyone who watched
the videos between January 1st and the 8th, including names, addresses, telephone numbers,
user activity, and IP addresses.
The videos were tutorials for mapping using AR software and drones, which have been watched
over 30,000 times altogether.
So that's the biggest problem.
There are plenty of problems that we can talk about, but that's the number of users that
got caught in the crossfire of what supposedly was supposed to be a targeted sting.
I'm wondering if, hmm, I'm wondering why you would do that.
And I'm guessing that it's because they didn't want to send a video with like zero views so
that it would look suspicious or something.
No, I think people just actually watched it, Luke.
They uploaded this video and then people were like, oh, this is interesting.
Well, almost anything can get views on YouTube, right?
It's true.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
In a separate incident, investigators ordered Google to provide a list of accounts that interacted
with eight YouTube live streams after noticing a live stream camera near the site of a bomb
One of those live streams was posted by Boston and Maine Live, which had around 130,000 subscribers.
Again, it's unclear whether Google provided any information in this case, but a Google spokesperson
claimed that the company has a rigorous process for determining whether law enforcement
requests are legally valid or inappropriate and overly broad.
Privacy experts have described these orders as potentially unconstitutional because they
treat innocent people as potential criminal suspects simply because they were in the wrong
place at the wrong time, violating their Fourth Amendment protection from unreasonable search
and their First Amendment right to free speech and free association.
So here's the thing.
Not only were they in the wrong place at the wrong time and, you know, sorry, I have a bit
of not chocolate stuck in my throat.
It's really deep back there.
Not only are they kind of put, groping people into buckets based on who they're associating
with and where they were and at what time.
I mean, there are certain situations where, you know what?
Too bad.
That's kind of valid.
You know?
Like, if you were in Hitler's, you know, planning room for the Holocaust, you know what?
I'm afraid you're kind of complicit at that point.
Complicit at that point.
If you're there, there's probably other reasons.
Yeah, exactly.
More than just location.
You probably ain't completely innocent is all I'm trying to say, right?
So, yeah, okay.
Fair enough.
If you were in this, like, very, very bad place at a very, very bad time and there's
simply no other reason to be there at that time, you could maybe kind of make an argument
That doesn't mean it's constitutional or whatever.
I'm not a legal scholar.
But what it means is that there might be some fire where that smoke be.
But YouTube?
Just a random YouTube video?
You might not have even been there.
It might have been on autoplay.
Just some random live stream of an account that has 130,000 subs or a video on, like, AR
software and drones?
I've watched AR software and drone videos.
Yeah, but I'm talking autoplay, Luke.
Oh, yeah, definitely.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
And you might have not, you might have legitimately not even been in that room.
It's like if someone took your phone and was like, I'm going to play Pokemon Go with this
guy's phone and they just poke a go somewhere and they end up at, like, a rally for, you
know, some kind of, you know, hate group or something.
And then people are, people be like, yeah, you're associated.
I wasn't even there.
I had nothing to do with this.
There was a Mewtwo there.
What do you think I'm supposed to do?
Not go?
Are you kidding me?
It was a shiny one.
It's crazy.
So, so this is, Linus needs to chill with his hot takes.
This is not a hot take.
This is terrible.
The fact that simply by watching a video.
And again, Luke.
You can become a suspect.
I shouldn't even, even, even, I think the word suspect might be too strong.
But you, you're on a list.
You shouldn't be able to be on a list based on that.
You watched a video about a knife one time, because that's the thing.
And I know I'm about to, hold on, hold on.
I know the slippery slope argument has all kinds of problems, but this is one of the
slipperiest of slopes because there's all kinds of stuff that you can watch just because
you have an academic interest.
Like this isn't like how to use a drone to bomb people.
Okay, okay.
I was really, I was legitimately curious about those, um, uh, those, those add-ons that you
can get for handguns that make them automatic.
What are they called?
Glock something.
Uh, and, and I was like, I was learning about it because I saw someone allege that,
uh, right.
Because, oh, some politician tried to ban them or something.
Well, I mean, there's like, there's a bunch of different ways to do it.
Someone tried to ban them.
I think you're talking about switches.
But someone was talking, some politician tried to ban it or something.
And, uh, I saw someone say, uh, yeah, like they might as well ban 3d printers.
And then someone else was like, well, actually the 3d printed ones are going to last for like
one round or three.
Uh, and like, you know, really it's, it's these modifications that people are, that people
are manufacturing and selling anyway.
But the point is no, not bump stocks.
It's, it's a, it's a hand, it's a hand, handheld one.
Um, you can do the, it's guys, don't worry about it.
You can do bump stocks with a pistol.
It's not what he's talking about.
It's not what I'm talking about.
There's a bunch of different ways to do it.
It's unimportant.
The point is, yeah, don't worry about it.
Not bump stocks.
It was something else.
I know what a bump stock is.
Uh, that, that's a different thing.
Um, anyway, the point is that I was like, oh yeah.
So, so like, what is this piece?
How is it integral to the handgun such that it, like, it obviously couldn't be involved
in the actual combustion and expulsion of gas.
Uh, but why is it that then as a, it couldn't be 3d printed?
I, I was just curious about it.
And you know how we joke, like you've made the joke.
I've made the joke.
I mean, Dan's probably made the joke at some point.
We joke about how like, oh yeah, reading that article or watching that video, I'm going
to be on a list.
But what the actual fuck?
I probably just am.
Because just because this is the first time we're hearing about it does not mean that
this is the first time this has happened.
It almost probably means that it isn't the first time.
And there is literally anything on YouTube.
Literally anything.
Quite genuinely.
I don't think there's been anything that I've looked for on YouTube.
That I didn't at least find something like heavily related to, you know?
Like I, I got on a kick for a while of watching, um, scythe mowing on YouTube.
It's actually amazing.
It's crazy.
Have you never seen this?
I'm on it.
I'm on it.
I'll look it up.
It's actually wild.
It's super efficient.
It's really fast.
I mean, you couldn't get that close to the ground with it, could you?
Oh no, you absolutely can.
This is like totally a thing.
Look how low that is.
I mean.
And look how fast that was.
One little sweep.
Got a big arc.
I would have to be pretty sharp, eh?
I think so, yeah.
And like in, in the way that you're doing it, you see how she's piling up all the trimmings
It just happens like automatically.
It's good for you.
It's like, it's, it's cool.
And she's like, there's people that go like fast.
Hers looks relatively small and she's going a little bit slow.
There's people that like fly.
Scythe mowing.
Like this, this.
Oh wait, is that a competition?
Shut up.
Is this a competition?
Let's go, dude.
Scythe versus, this has.
19 million views.
19 million views.
Let's go.
Dude, dude, how is the, how is every niche something that has like 20 million videos
with, yeah, like tens of millions of views or whatever.
Look at this.
Look at them fly.
This is freaking wild.
Buddy doesn't need a shirt.
And look at, look at how much there's so much grass coming off.
That's a huge pile on the side and they're really going pretty quick, especially when
you consider the horizontal width here, because you'd have to do quite a few.
Passes with a mower to actually do this.
Dude, dude, I would picnic on that lawn.
It's low.
That's wild.
What the heck?
How have I never heard of this?
Yeah, it's sick.
All right.
All right.
Man, the Amish, they know what's up.
Yeah, to be honest.
What are we supposed to be talking about right now?
Right, right.
Amish is on YouTube.
So I don't know what to say other than not cool YouTube, not cool U.S. government and
probably every government.
Oh, man.
Speaking of governments, did you see those drone pics from North Korea?
Someone freaking went to the Chinese-North Korean border, just some random person, was
like in China for some reason.
They evidently are not there anymore, but they were just like, they just casually headed
to the North Korean border, casually flew a consumer drone, just into North Korea.
Man, their cities are like Stepford wives as fuck.
Like, it's weird, dude.
It's unsettling.
It's like if you told AI to generate a city and it just had no idea about like traffic
Yeah, it's crazy.
Yeah, guys, look it up on Reddit.
Look it up on Reddit.
I can't remember the person's name or handle or whatever, but this is like going pretty
viral right now.
So you should be able to find it pretty easily.
Oh, yeah, yeah, check it out.
There's tons of this.
Yeah, yeah, there's like a ton of coverage of it, but look, look, look, look, look.
You don't want the footage.
Just get like something.
Yeah, okay, fine.
You can look at the footage.
You want like highlights?
No, no, just it's 40 seconds long.
Just yeah, just make it big.
I'm not going to bring it up on the show because I want people to go watch it, but like,
I don't know, man.
And there's like, there's like not a-
Wait, what?
I'm noticing that there are actually intersections.
What's happening right there?
I don't know.
There's like barely any cars, though.
Yeah, I know about that.
I didn't see much like close up or anything, but apparently there's like not a shred of
garbage anywhere because I don't know.
I guess you get executed if you like, dude.
Oh, speaking of which, I couldn't help.
And then Japanese cities are so clean.
Oh, yeah.
There's like a windstorm and it still was cleaner than our cities like at the best of times.
That's pretty wild.
They could have been freaking like disappeared for this.
I am amazed that they were ballsy enough to go to the border and just freaking fly a drone.
And the thing is like, it's not, they didn't stay that high all the time.
Oh, really?
Oh, no.
There's like, there's shots of people like, like, because they were flying low enough that
people could 100% just see it.
That's pretty wild.
I've told you about the, I think on Wanshow even of the, uh, the 1000 Volvo cars that
are in North Korea.
We, yeah.
We've talked about that before.
That's a fun rabbit hole if you're, if you're bored.
Oh man.
Supposedly footage is from 2020 during the pandemic.
I mean, I guess if I was going to do something like this, I would probably sit on it until
I am way the heck away from North Korea and China and anywhere that it could be a problem.
Um, yeah, dude.
Oh, anyway.
That's wild.
Super cool.
That sucks.
That's frustrating that YouTube's doing that.
Um, but sometimes like, what are they going to do?
Oh, speaking of North Korea, man, North Korea has come up a lot lately.
Uh, Tanner got his hands on there.
There's this North Korean, uh, ad for, uh, like a Wii clone game console.
Like, uh, we're going to play some games.
Oh yeah.
Main, main line LTT channel video.
That's exciting.
Trying out the North Korean Wii, Wii clone.
I'm, I'm legitimately very excited about this video.
That's going to be coming in the next little bit.
That's got to be great.
Do you think any of them are going to feature their like beer leader, whatever his name is?
I don't remember right now.
Any of the games?
I, I'm not going to talk about the games at all, but, uh, man, I, I just, I have, I've
ended up North Korea has just come up a lot for me recently.
I, I just went down the rabbit hole where, where Kim Jong Il, uh, so, so the current
Supreme ruler, whatever his title is, his dad, uh, was like a film buff and wrote a book
about film.
Do you know about this?
Have you heard about this?
So I, I read a little bit of it.
It's like very, thank you, Captain Obvious for the most part, but, uh, he was such a film
buff that he, and I, I guess this is a compliment, uh, kidnapped an actor and a filmmaker from
South Korea and like held them for over half a decade and forced them to make films in North
It's like a whole thing, man.
It's wild, dude.
It's freaking wild.
You like kidnapped them and like showed them his movie collections.
It's like how completely utterly like stunted do you have to be to think that that's an
appropriate behavior, you know?
Oh my goodness.
Um, to escape on a trip in Europe.
Like to a film festival or something like that.
So they, they, they, they booked it for the, the U S embassy.
Like, like there should be a movie about that.
There really should.
There probably is.
I'm sure someone's done it, but no, it should be like a big production, man, because
you got all, you got all your acts like laid out for you.
Every, everything's chill that, and they captured her, but only to like eventually capture him
because he was the director.
I'm like, ah, anyway, what are we supposed to be talking about?
Uh, next topic.
Oh, sure.
Oh, right.
Uh, do you want to talk about Facebook?
I want to talk about Facebook.
So we also did a video this week where we were analyzing the, uh, very good faith, honest,
uh, listings that people make for selling their computers on marketplaces like Craigslist
and Facebook marketplace.
And I think that Luke and I both shared some frustration with how, um, difficult it is
to find even just sort of separate from the video.
We were just, we were browsing Facebook marketplace as part of that exercise, but separate from
the video, um, we were both really frustrated with how hard it is to use Facebook marketplace
and how fixable some of the biggest problems would be.
So I'm sure you guys have seen this.
So one of the things we ran into, so spoiler for the, the PC listings video was people who
had listings that were like $20,000 for this basic computer or like $100,000 for this old
gaming rig or whatever else.
And what we figured out pretty quickly was that these weren't necessarily scammers who thought
anyone was going to pay $10,000 for a core i5 system with a, you know, GTX 360 in
it, but it was more people who were okay.
Not scammers, but certainly not helpful, um, who were trying to game the system in order
to just get exposure for their posting.
I mean, mission accomplished.
We ended up making a video about it, which is probably more than they expected, but, um,
you can see how common it is for people to put a really high price on something in hopes
that someone will sort by price high to low and just see it.
And then if they happen to be interested in the gaming PC, who knows?
Maybe they'll message you about it.
Well, that reminded me of one of the huge frustrations that I have on Facebook marketplace.
And I don't really know anybody at Facebook.
So this is my attempt to get someone at Facebook's attention.
If you work at Facebook, if a relative works at Facebook, if you know anyone who works at
Facebook and has any influence on the Facebook marketplace team for the love of all that is
good, ask them to fix this.
Okay, Luke, uh, bring, bring up, bring up that posting.
I just showed it.
Let's have a look at this.
So we got gaming PC, uh, one Canadian dollar.
This is categorized correctly.
Electronics, desktop computers.
Uh, I've got a description in the second slide.
You want to flip over to the second slide and see how this description is looking.
Flip on over here.
That looks like a pretty complete, accurate spec list.
I have boxes for everything.
Hey, super cool.
Appreciate that.
Uh, $2,000, not looking for trades or offers at it for three months.
Well, hold on a second because that said $1.
Can we, can we, can we, can we, can we go back to the, can we go back, go back, go back
to the wide cam?
No, no, no.
We're good.
We're good.
I realized I have controls too.
Um, and there's a lot of these.
There's like a huge, oh, right here, here, here, here, here, here.
Back to Luke's laptop.
Like there's no way these are all $1.
Click on it.
Click on anything.
Click on, click on $1.
Click on free anything.
This is $121 or best offer.
Some other thing asking $75.
Uh, click on, click on something else.
That might actually be a dollar.
Uh, PC building advice.
This one.
Here we go.
Here we go.
Here's another one.
Or, or same value in gold mint.
Or same value in gold mint condition.
There should be a.
That's a real, that's a really bad grammatical error.
You really did obscure the meaning of what you were typing there.
Um, and so.
Oh, right, right, right, right, right.
No, no, no.
We're going back to your laptop.
So Luke.
These are, these are misleading posts.
These are obviously meant to, to, um, convey something that is not in fact true.
So why don't you find one of these and report it?
Because that should be a thing you can do because this completely eliminates the usability
of the sort by price functionality of Facebook marketplace, right?
You like, you've got prices minimum to, you know, whatever range.
This has broken the functionality of the site.
So go ahead and report one, Luke.
I want to find, because some of these are like.
It doesn't matter.
Click on anything.
Just click on it.
Go ahead and go ahead and report it.
Uh, there should be three dots somewhere.
You are not logged into Facebook.
This could be a problem.
Is that a limitation?
Uh, I, I don't see how you would report something if you aren't logged into the service
in order to report it.
And I am going to absolutely lose my mind right now because I am, uh, logged out of this thing
for a reason.
And I have no way of getting my login information right now.
I am trying to do a video podcast.
And, uh, one of these days I will get good.
Do you still have to say video podcast?
No, I just like it.
I like the needless clarification.
I respect that.
Um, okay.
Let's see if I can get this code.
Hold on.
2FA incoming.
I love, I love two factor authentication so much.
It keeps my things so safe except when, you know, I get SIM swapped or whatever.
Hey, did you see that recent thing with, um, uh, who was it?
I think someone had to pay a settlement over SIM swap.
Oh no, no, no.
Right, right, right, right, right, right.
Some manager at a mobile, at a mobile provider, uh, admitted to facilitating SIM swaps for
a grand.
That's how easy it is.
The humans, the humans are always the weakest point, my brethren.
Drives me crazy.
That's brutal.
You can build the best system for anything ever.
And if you don't take all the humans out of it, it's doomed to fail.
Drives me nuts.
Or from the, what, to the, you did not.
T-Mobile manager took 2K for any SIM swap.
Oh, I'm sorry.
No, no, no.
I think this is a different story.
Oh, really?
They're talking about how they knew them.
Oh my God.
All right.
Here we go.
Uh, how do I, what?
Well, where do I enter the login code?
Oh no.
There it go.
Oh, wow.
I have to exit that.
Watching Linus log into things is like an actually very good thing.
Very entertaining pastime.
Because it takes so long.
Ah, someone, yeah.
Someone recently tried to, I know.
I just entered a code.
I just, wait, what?
From a, because you set up two-factor authentication, your account is temporarily locked?
What do you mean locked?
What are you even talking about?
Uh, yesterday?
I mean, I don't know.
Okay, here we go.
All right.
I got this.
I got this.
Let's put that away.
And let's go on Facebook Marketplace.
Let's go shopping, shall we?
It's shopping time.
Uh, okay.
It's always fun to, uh, it's always fun to look at my Facebook.
Oh, this is, uh, this is actually surprisingly funny.
Look at that.
A snap-on thing.
Why is that funny?
I don't know.
There's definitely something funny.
Just because, oh.
All right.
Let's keep moving.
Even Dan is like, come on.
Look, I'm just, I'm just saying.
Is that 10 grand for a Fallout guy?
Uh, tell me you wouldn't pay that much.
Tell me you wouldn't.
No chance, dude.
It was made for promoting Fallout 76 when it launched.
These were never sold in stores, Luke.
Never sold in stores.
You gotta rip the sign off of there.
You gotta take the 76 off.
That's brutal.
All right.
So, let's find a free computer case.
Ah, yes.
Wait a second.
Wait a second.
Do you recognize this?
That thing's such a piece of trash.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Wait, wait, wait, wait.
Is it not?
Wasn't this the brushed aluminum panels that, like, immediately stained the second you used
Wait, hold on a second.
I, oh, no, no, no.
This is, like, a 2013 case, isn't it?
I thought this was, uh, hold on a second, hold on a second.
Okay, guys, we're about to go on a little side quest here.
BitPhoenix Pandora, right?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
No, no, I'm, I'm, BitPhoenix Pandora.
We, we did a review of it.
Oh, wait.
Hold on.
I knew I'd seen that before.
Oh, man.
They stole our bros at Hardware Canucks.
They stole their thumbnail for their Facebook post.
That's rough.
How much you want to bet that this case.
That is a really, you know, I should have noticed, because it is a way too nice photo.
That's the, uh, Facebook Marketplace photo.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Freaking awesome.
Uh, anyway, not free.
Send offers.
Hey, I did this video.
Oh, zero dollars in stock.
Okay, hold on.
We're, we're off the side quest now.
We're back, we're back to the main quest.
So here's, here's where you go.
You can report this listing.
Inaccurate description.
Oh, whoops.
Well, that's not actually what I meant to do.
Uh, hold on.
Well, anyway, I mean, it kind of is, but it's also not.
The description of it is accurate.
That's what it is.
They're not really promoting a business.
They're not selling an animal.
They don't have no intent to sell.
It's not weapon or drugs.
It's not sexualized content.
It's not discrimination.
It's not abusive or harmful.
It's not really a scam.
It kind of is.
A little bit.
Not 100%, but a little bit.
They need a specific report for failure to disclose the price.
Because you'll see so many things on Facebook Marketplace, which overall, I actually really
appreciate existing.
It is so much better than the old days of like Craigslist and people, I don't know, maybe
having an email in there, maybe having a phone number, maybe responding to people, like the
system, maybe being a real person, like Facebook for all of its flaws, steals so much of your
data, that it knows that you're a real person and is pretty good at connecting real people to
other real people.
But this has become a complete plague on the platform.
It's actually unusable at this point.
And I...
Because even if you're like, if you want to sort from low to high, you like can't get
out of the dregs here.
No, you can't.
Because there's so many listed for free or $1 or whatever, like fake listings.
You can't really get to the actual low list.
And I came across this because we did that video recently with the PS5 killer, where we
built a system out of just the cheapest possible components that we could get, targeting $500
for the completed build, but still being decent for gaming.
And what I ran into was compared to when I did it a little while earlier, like, I don't
know, maybe a year ago or something.
I don't remember the last time I sorted by lowest and searched for computer cases.
Because you can absolutely get just ratty computer cases for free or for $10.
Because people are just trying to get rid of them.
It is 100% a thing.
But the problem is that...
And they still exist.
They are still all over Facebook Marketplace.
People just trying to get rid of it.
I didn't prove a point not that long ago about how you can get computer cases for free.
And it was hard to prove because there's so many, like, stupid listings that I actually
couldn't find one.
But they are out there.
It's just...
It takes flipping forever to dig through all the people.
Custom PC building and upgrades.
That is not what free means.
Yeah, click on that one, actually.
Because that's a service.
I'm offering a completely free PC building and upgrade service.
The service is free.
The parts are not.
I've been finding I have a lot of free time.
That may actually be free.
It also might just be a scam.
I don't know.
Who knows?
The point, though, is that that is a thing that's absolutely out there.
But it's really hard to find because people are just inserting their random stuff that
isn't free into my, like, free stuff that I'm looking for.
So I'm just...
I'm real frustrated with this.
And if anyone from Facebook is watching this, I'd like you to know that this is not okay.
This harms the user.
It has no benefit to Facebook whatsoever.
If anything, you should want people posting what these things are actually worth because
I'm sure that that's data that you're mining.
What was the last price something was listed for?
What was it using machine vision or whatever on the pictures?
And, you know, who was it sold to?
Who was the last person they were talking to?
Like, all that stuff is absolutely being mined by Facebook.
And so it's not helpful for your data collection to have people listing stuff for free that
is not, in fact, free.
So please, please fix your stuff.
And thank you very much.
This is a sidebar thing.
We've done two topics.
This is a sidebar thing.
But PC builders, free, $0.
We are young entrepreneurs anticipated to build your computer.
You're giving away a video that's coming soon.
DM for more info.
Prices is negotiable.
So do better postings than that.
Yeah, we are definitely going to be hiring someone on Craigslist at some point.
Oh, nice.
We're not going to do it soon now because we're talking about it on WAN Show and I'd
like for it to be a surprise.
I don't want anyone baiting us.
But yeah, we're going to pit Craigslist versus Facebook Marketplace versus Kijiji or something.
Or we'll put some kind of fun spin on it, but something along those lines.
Or like me versus someone on Facebook Marketplace who volunteered to build my computer.
No, guys, I'm not saying this is a price bait and switch.
It might be.
What I was pointing out is that if you're trying to start a business by working on computers,
write a better post than that.
No one's going to message you.
We are young entrepreneurs anticipated to build computers.
DM for more info.
No one's going to care.
There's so many different offers like this.
Like write a better post.
Stand out.
I don't care.
Or worst case scenario, rip off someone else's better post.
Anything is better than that.
Do something.
Because man, it's not even, it doesn't even matter how good your computer is at that
People will assume it's bad because if you can't be arsed to write a decent description,
then what are the odds you're going to be arsed to cable manage my computer?
The photo is also terrible as well.
Like clearly not yours.
You clearly ripped this off from somebody.
So like the whole thing just sucks.
Do a better job.
I'd like to see, I'd like to see how, you know, your self-starter entrepreneur business
Oh, wait, I can see how that goes.
Let's watch Luke Moe Lawns.
Someone brought up this video.
Apparently it was how they were introduced to the channel.
I ran into someone a couple of days ago in the, this was the first video they ever saw.
Cause not many people saw this video.
He was like, yeah, I watched summer jobs.
And I was like, what?
He's like, yeah, you in line.
It's like mowing things and like picking berries.
I was like, really?
Cause this was supposed to be a whole series.
Like we had a whole bunch of ideas for, um, man.
Why did I think this was funny?
Mow grass, mow problems.
I remember.
Cause we take care of the problems.
We mow them.
We mow the grass.
We mow your problems.
They're gone.
Problems be shortened.
Oh man.
Oh, why do you let me get away with this stuff?
Cause really you're, you're, I mean, yeah, this is one of those things where it's kind
of like what I was talking about before where I just showed up and the shirt was there.
Where there's certain places you are at certain times that make you complicit.
Basically a Nazi.
I, I really liked this series.
I'm, I wish it did a little better to be completely honest.
Oh yeah.
I wanted to do way more of this kind of stuff.
What's funny is there's creators that effectively do this now as their whole thing.
And they are very successful.
So it's the problem.
It ended up, I think we were like early or we just suck.
One of the two.
So we have good, good ideas and bad execution.
What am I even looking at here?
Why, why is this, why is this the viewership spike?
Because people are coming back after the ad spot.
Come on now.
No, but that's too big.
That's way too big of a spike.
I have no idea though.
Maybe it's that this is finally where I managed to get someone to agree to let me mow their lawn.
It took a long time.
I had forgotten in between painting houses and doing this series, how very, very, very much work door-to-door sales are.
You better get used to just constant rejection.
What was that?
That was what someone said from inside their house.
Can't come to the door.
I'm naked.
Like, okay, sure.
I also, because I had done the mowing lawns thing and lots of other stuff when I was a kid as well.
And I think when you're like 12, there's a much higher chance they're just going to be like, yeah, whatever, sure.
When you're like just some grown-up dude.
With a mow grass, mow problems shirt or whatever.
I think there's a much lower chance.
That you literally made yourself with an inkjet transfer.
The quality was not good.
It was not good.
SB Mowing.
Dude's whole channel is going to random houses with overgrown lawns and mowing it for them.
I think he does that.
He does it for free, I think.
I've actually heard of that.
And those are like extreme overgrown situations.
We were just going to people's houses with like lawns that were probably mostly fine.
Like he tackles some.
Like you can't even see the sidewalk and he's like clearing it out.
Like this is a kind of a different, it's almost like restoration videos.
Definitely a thing.
Some of these videos have a ton of views, dude.
I know, I know someone who watches these just for like almost like relaxing background noise.
I can see that.
This is great.
She thought I was crazy until she realized there's a sidewalk there.
Like what?
23 million views.
I know, right?
I know.
We got to mow more lawns.
There's so many niches.
No, we got to mow more sidewalks.
Yeah, that's true.
All right.
Next topic.
I don't know, Dan.
What are we even supposed to be doing right now?
He said next topic, I think.
Yeah, but he said that because we thought we had only done one.
Next topic.
Topic two is also just another topic if you're too far along.
No, we've already done two topics, Dan.
Would you want to move on or do you want to do a third topic?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Well, merch messages, I guess.
Okay, cool.
Let's do it.
Merch messages.
They're the way to interact with the show.
Don't send a Twitch bit.
Don't send whatever the other things are called, Super Chat.
You want to send a merch message because it will come up down here like Trev John B.
So, sorry.
Is it Trevor or is it John?
No, it's Trev John.
Trev John.
Got him.
The best of both worlds, actually.
I love it.
You know, like you wouldn't want to be Orathan.
Yeah, it's much better to be Trev John.
I actually agree.
Anyway, the point is.
No offense if your name is Orathan.
Orathan, strong name, good name.
Anyway, the point is your message will show up down here or it'll go over to producer
Dan who will reply to it or it will get forwarded to someone internally who can answer it for
you or it will go to me and Luke as a curated merch message and it will become a topic of
discussion for the show.
So, in order to send one, all you got to do is head on over to lttstore.com and in the
cart, there will be a box that you fill out with a merch message and it'll show up in
our dashboard.
And instead of just throwing money at the screen, hey, you get to also get some high quality
merchandise delivered directly to your door.
Oh, and there's a couple of pretty important things that are going on on the store right
Today is the last day of our free shipping for your entire order promo.
Yes, for the retro colorway of the LTT screwdriver.
So, under tools, screwdriver, this colorway, here you go, gives you free shipping for your
entire order.
Yes, that includes international and overseas.
Man, I was reading through reviews on the site again the other day.
It is amazing how many outstanding reviews we get of everything.
It's almost like the products are really good.
It's really cool.
So, thank you guys so much for your feedback.
I really do appreciate those reviews and I do read them.
Someone changed their float plane name to Orathan.
I know that you changed it.
I just want to know what the other option was.
What Orathan?
I'm sorry.
That's not even a joke.
That's just nothing.
I deserve nothing.
Why are you laughing?
Why do you enable me?
That is so bad.
You know what's really bad?
It's the state of my back right now.
This is a good couch.
Yeah, do you want me to pop it up?
You know what?
That's actually not a terrible idea.
All right.
Yeah, well, I'll get the merch messages started in the meantime.
Oh, right.
No, no.
I'll show them the other really exciting thing that's going on on the store.
So after you add your screwdriver, I don't get it, but you guys are going to love this
apparently because you guys can't resist this stuff.
So watch this.
View cart.
One of the really cool features that we have on the store is called the bonus bin.
When you order, when you place an order, you're allowed to select a free complimentary gift.
We don't like sending unsolicited gifts.
So if you don't want anything, you don't have to.
It does cost us money.
What'd you say?
I said, damn, this is going to be rough.
I don't know.
We don't have to send you anything, but we also don't want to cheap out on you.
So we let you pick what complimentary gift you want.
And we've got some new stuff.
Just a little more, Luke.
That feels pretty good on my butt.
I'm good.
Thank you for filling up my butt holder.
No problem.
Oh, even the outside?
That's what's failing.
It seems to be a problem.
I don't know where that is.
So good luck, everybody.
I am, meanwhile, going to show you guys all the new pins we have.
Pin Series 4 is here.
We've got a CD.
Other more different CD.
RGB edition.
We've got the stubby screwdriver as a pin.
We've got loving two-factor authentication as a pin.
And the one that's going to make float plane flip out the most.
The Bregsaurus enamel pin.
Yeah, Luke, you're going to have to give her a little more, buddy.
It's working really long in here, so it might be another one on that side.
No, no, no.
I can feel it filling back up.
I can feel it.
I can feel it in my butt.
I think we're good.
That's really great.
Except the framing for the show is wrong now.
I can fix.
No problem.
No, no, no.
You're good, Dan.
You're good.
I need blood in my legs anyway, so.
Yeah, that makes sense.
That would be nice.
Okay, cool.
Anyway, Luke, have you seen the Bregsaurus pin yet?
No, but I have now, and it's fantastic.
Is that amazing, or what?
It's pretty amazing.
Absolutely love it.
All right, have a seat.
Float plane's going crazy.
Have a seat right over there.
Oh, wow.
I know.
Yeah, we're...
This is a huge...
Whoa, I'm too tall now.
I'm too tall, which is like, I haven't felt that way since I was in Japan.
I actually didn't.
I didn't even notice until I was thinking about that, you know,
Europeans will often talk about going to Japan and feeling out of place,
and I was like, well, I don't.
I found my people.
Yeah, exactly.
Everyone seems exactly the right size.
Yeah, so Bregsaurus.
I have a feeling, Dan, that there is about to be an order-splosion,
because I suspect people didn't realize that the pins were as amazing as they are,
and as usual, the pins are not limited edition.
They're not limited print.
They're not numbered or anything like that,
but I have no idea when or if we will ever make these designs again,
so if you want one, you should probably move pretty quickly
and get any pins that you want.
Do you know if we're still doing the pins of my birds?
I have no idea.
Yeah, that would be a Sarah question.
Sarah, got it.
Sarah takes care of that.
Anyway, Dan, do you want to hit us with a couple merch messages?
Sure thing.
This one's from Dylan.
Hi, LLD.
What is the worst stunt a company has tried to pull on a consumer in your lifetime?
Oh, wow.
I mean, dude, there's like, man, what was, who was the defendant?
Johnson & Johnson in the baby powder thing,
where they marketed that powder specifically for babies
that it turns out is bad for your respiratory system?
Oh, wow.
Like, and didn't they try to declare, hold on, hold on, before,
Johnson & Johnson baby powder settlement,
Johnson & Johnson will pay $700 million.
And then didn't they try to, didn't they try to pull a move
where they were going to like declare bankruptcy
or spin it out to a different company or something
in order to claim they had no money or something?
I don't, I don't remember all the details, but like, dude,
no, no, no, no.
Johnson & Johnson reached his deal for $8.9 billion talc settlement
facing a flood of lawsuits claiming that their talc products cause cancer.
I mean, there is no such thing as a worst thing that a company has done
because there's always a new bar, man.
I, I'm sorry.
I just, I have no idea how to even respond to that.
What's next?
How would you guys recommend dealing with the possibility of your company being purchased
by a huge investment firm?
I'm scared.
Oh, interesting.
So is this a, I guess, I assume.
I think it's their company is going to be purchased, not LMG.
Well, you know who would actually be best qualified to answer this question is Luke,
because for me as a, as the owner of the company, how would I feel?
Well, there's no risk of that.
We're not a publicly traded company, so there's no possibility of a hostile takeover.
The only way to take over the company is to reach an agreement with me.
To buy the company.
But Luke, I'm sure you had a lot of things going through your mind back when we had the
offer on the company.
And I talked to you about it where I think the, the, the goal of the acquiring company
and obviously my goal was for the company to continue to be a good place to work that
I would want to work and my friends would want to work and that would keep making money
for the acquirer because otherwise why would they buy it?
Um, so, you know, knowing that in good faith, everyone wanted the company to be good.
I'm sure you still had some concerns.
I mean, I'm pretty sure in, in, without mincing words, I said, I didn't think I'd last more
than two years, something like that.
I don't remember exactly what I said.
I hadn't planned to mention that.
I don't know.
No, no, no, no, no.
I mean, I, I mean, it doesn't matter.
The deal is dead.
I just mean throughout the deal, that's not something I would have mentioned.
I, I mean, I, I knew, I knew that.
I said I would give it a shot, you know, but I just, I was like, I'm.
But like, what were your concerns?
Not made for this world.
I don't know.
You hear like, think about Facebook and Oculus.
Like this, this is a story that has repeated itself many times throughout history.
We are going to buy this company.
We are going to make no changes.
We're going to do it exactly the same way that, you know, that they did it because we
recognize that the, the success, the strategy that has brought them their current success
has, has been so effective and we respect that and we blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Everyone knows what to say.
It's actually funny how probably easily, okay, we haven't had a chat GPT moment on the show
in quite some time.
I'm going to ask, I'm going to get you to talk about, you know, sort of how you were
feeling a little bit more.
And I'm going to ask chat GPT to write up a statement for me announcing my mega corporations
takeover of a small competitor.
We'll see how that goes.
But yeah, I just, I assumed it would like, I don't know.
I've always had some amount of issue with us like becoming a big company.
Um, but I think we've done a lot of the, the right things, right?
If that makes sense.
And it's been okay.
Um, there's some parts of being a big company that I still don't love, but there are also
some parts of it that I think are pretty freaking cool.
Like we can do some pretty insane things right now that would not have been possible if we
were still 10 people.
Like how would we have made screwdriver?
Would have never happened.
Um, so there's, there's, there's positives and negatives, but I often do shift towards
small company.
Now, when you have big conglomerate consuming small company, that isn't like this reasonable
growth rate where you can kind of get used to the size increase and start understanding
how to operate within this bigger thing and try to make sure that you keep the benefits
of the small team within the big team, all that kind of stuff.
That's a sudden massive takeover of a ginormous company that is going to impose a lot of big
company things onto the small company, whether they say they're going to or not, it's like
going to happen, um, because they have to be responsible for more stuff that big companies
have to be responsible for.
So I thought it would kill the culture.
I thought it would kill my drive to be involved in it.
And frankly, there's lots of other things that I could go do if I wanted to, but I don't
want to.
But if that happened, I maybe would have wanted to, because in no small part, I was rather
certain that he also wouldn't have lasted.
I wanted to try to.
And I said that I would have as well.
Um, and you might've, I don't know.
I don't know.
I, um, I'm a little bit more convinced now that you might've been able to.
Compared to then.
I was pretty, I was feeling pretty burned out back then.
I think that's a big part of why I was entertaining it at all.
Um, and I think, honestly, I think going through that process was part of figuring out if I
still had it in me.
Uh, I, I don't know that that would have been my exit strategy, regardless of whether I was
done or not.
I might've just hung up the screwdriver and said, see ya.
Um, but like, I, I just, I think, I think it was just part of figuring out, okay, what's
worth more to me doing this job or a giant bucket of money?
Um, you know, some days I'm just like, uh, I don't want to get up, but that's work, right?
You also have to like the, the decline that you see in people after they retire.
Is like pretty intense.
Oh dude, I'd be so bored.
And there's some people, you know, that, that don't do that, but those people almost always
are people that are going to have very involved hobbies or that like start up something else.
Maybe it's a, a group of people, a nonprofit or something that they like, it's, it's just
a new thing that they pour all their time into.
Maybe it doesn't have to be as successful as their career was, but it's, it's like some
new thing.
Um, but you have to keep moving.
You have to keep trying things.
You have to keep the mental stimulation high or else you decline fast.
You know about the, you know, there was kind of like a wave of recent high profile, uh,
uh, content creator retirements.
Uh, do you remember talking to me about those at all?
Do you remember, do you remember me saying I didn't think they'd last?
So like, have any of them lasted at this point?
Like already?
So I, uh, I have something pretty funny to show you.
I was invited to a party recently, which is a first for me, by the way.
So, um, good job.
Good job.
Linus doesn't get invited to parties.
Well, no, normally I have to, I have to throw them.
I have to pay for the whole thing and then I have to pay people to come to them.
It's like, I've invited you and you've never come.
Um, made it.
Oh no.
I know.
I'm pretty sure I came to, uh, I did.
You had a games night when you were living in the basement here still.
I met, um, I met that, uh, that couple.
And you explained all about, um, that couple to me.
Um, okay.
You know, I know you were talking about earlier today.
Are you not allowed to say that?
I'm not sure.
I'm not sure if it's, uh, I'm not sure if it's private or not, but basically, um, it
seems like very few people kind of figured out that like busy people, like they don't
stay, they don't stay not busy, uh, man, like my, uh, my family has been out of town
this week and I have no idea what to do with myself when I am not just swamped with working
on the company, working on family stuff.
Like I, um, I was just like, well, I guess I'll go play badminton tonight.
I have absolutely nothing else to do.
I have nothing else.
And like, I think that can work.
Like if you literally just played badminton like every day or something, at least you're
doing something.
It would probably get old.
It would just get really boring.
But that's it.
I've got work, I've got my family and I've got badminton.
So you take away, if you take away any, again, like my kids are going to move out at some
So one of them is going to, one of them is going to end up significantly less time consuming
at some point.
And so if you take away work, like, or like, yeah, I've man, I'd go crazy.
I go crazy, man.
I, I, I'm pretty, pretty strong on the, the mental stimulation stuff.
I, um, I always try to have something going on.
Don't tighten it all the way.
If you can get it just right, then it'll droop with us.
I'm kidding.
I'm kidding.
I'm kidding.
Well, that's a lot.
No, no, no, no, no, no.
I'm kidding, Dan.
Anyway, Luke, I'd like you, instead of worrying about any of that, to listen to this carefully
crafted statement.
Dear new team member, we are thrilled to extend a warm welcome to each and every one of
you as we embark on an exciting new chapter together.
As you may be aware, your company name has recently acquired, acquired company name, and
we couldn't be more enthusiastic about the prospect of joining forces with such a talented
and dynamic team.
We understand that any transition, especially one involving a merger or acquisition, can
be accompanied by uncertainty and apprehension.
Please rest assured that our primary goal throughout this process is to ensure a smooth and seamless
One that prioritizes the wellbeing and success of every individual involved.
Here at your company name, we firmly believe in fostering a culture of collaboration, respect,
and inclusivity.
We recognize and appreciate the unique strengths and perspectives that each of you brings to
the table.
And we are committed to creating an environment where everyone feels valued, supported, and
empowered to thrive.
In the coming days and weeks, you can expect open communication channels, transparent updates,
and ample opportunities for feedback and dialogue.
We are here to listen to your concerns, answer your questions, and address any challenges
that may arise along the way.
While change can be daunting, it also presents countless opportunities for growth, innovation,
and shared success.
Together, we have the chance to achieve remarkable things and make a lasting impact in our industry
and beyond.
Once again, welcome to the Your Company Name family.
We are honored and excited to have you on board, and we look forward to getting to know each
of you better as we embark on this journey together.
So the prompt I gave was, my large company is about to acquire a smaller competitor.
We want to craft a statement to send to the new team to assuage their fears.
Can you please provide a template?
That was the most generic-sounding horse shit that I think I have ever heard.
It sure was.
To be fair, you usually get generic-sounding horse stuff.
But what I was going to say is, but it was only the most generic-sounding because there
are so many other things it's tied with.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
It's the same as all-
That's a good point.
And my biggest problem with that is that just reeks so hard of big company crap.
SciTech Evo says, it's horribly perfect.
It says exactly the right thing because it has absolutely no personality whatsoever because
it's an AI or it's a generic comms person.
I've already talked about how you even did 3.5 instead of 4.
Have I ever talked to you about how good-
Do you even have it under your plan?
I'm not sure.
Upgrade to plus.
No, I don't.
Yeah, I do, but I'm not logged into that account.
It's really, really good for at least.
I haven't messed with 3.5 with this, but I'm sure it's still fine.
4 is really good at legal writing.
Oh, yeah.
Very good.
So like, man, are we about to enter the era of cease and desist to everyone over everything?
Oh, probably.
I guarantee, tell it to write a cease and desist right now, even with 3.5.
Uh, I mean, sure, yeah.
I guarantee you it would do just fine.
Um, oh man, my neighbor's kid.
It's very good at, because, and, and like, it probably, I find that usually the first pass
won't sound super legal easy, but you can, you can poke it and be like, nah, make it more
legal easy, make it more legal easy, and just keep going, and it'll keep making it just
like, my neighbor's kid keeps trespassing on my lawn.
Can you write up a cease and desist that sounds like it came from an expensive lawyer?
Here we go.
Your name, your address, city, state, zip code, your email address, your phone number, date,
your neighbors, et cetera.
Re, cease and desist demand regarding trespassing.
I am writing to you on behalf of your name, the legal owner and resident of your address.
It has come to my attention that on numerous occasions, your child, child's name, has trespassed
onto my property located at your address.
Despite prior informal requests to cease such behavior, the trespassing persists, causing
both inconvenience and potential liability concerns.
Trespassing is a violation of property rights and is actionable under the laws of this jurisdiction.
As such, I demand you immediately instruct your child to refrain from entering onto my property
without express permission.
Failure to comply with this demand will leave me with no choice but to pursue legal action.
to protect my property rights.
Furthermore, I must emphasize the importance of your responsibility as a parent to ensure
that your child understands the consequences of their actions and respects the boundaries
of others' properties.
Continuation of this behavior will not be tolerated and may result in further legal action.
Please govern your child's conduct accordingly and take the necessary steps to prevent any
future trespassing incidents.
I trust that this matter will be resolved amicably and without the need for further escalation.
This letter serves as formal notice of my demand.
I expect prompt compliance with this demand and confirmation of such compliance in writing
within, insert a reasonable time frame, e.g.
seven days, of the date of this letter.
Should you have any questions or require clarification regarding this matter, do not hesitate to contact
me at your earliest convenience.
See, and if you received that, because so many legal letters are very...
However, please be advised that any communication should be directed through my legal representative
to ensure proper documentation and adherence to legal protocol.
Thank you for your immediate attention to this matter.
It would sound legit if I received it.
Yeah, why do I pay for lawyers?
Yeah, I don't know.
I'm sure there's a reason.
Anyways, next topic?
Oh, yeah, right.
Oh, wait.
Did we even do two merge messages?
Let's do one more.
Hit me, Dan.
Oh, my God.
How are you doing over there, Dan?
Oh, yeah, cool.
That makes sense.
I mean, you know that's how people die on those, right?
That's fair.
That's valid.
Merge messages, merge messages.
I got my headphones off.
Hey, Linus, have you enjoyed playing Horizon Zero Dawn?
Are you going to play Forbidden West now that it's on PC?
Yeah, I really enjoyed Zero Dawn.
I picked it up because I needed something demanding to play on the Steam Deck while I reviewed it
that felt like something that should have absolutely no right to run well on the Steam Deck.
And other than some crashes and some chugging, particularly late game, I enjoyed the heck out of it.
Yeah, I loved it.
I thought Aloy was just an awesome character.
She's cool, yeah.
Without giving anything away because Forbidden West just came out.
So people, if they haven't already, might be picking up Zero Dawn in order to play them back to back.
And I respect that.
I get it.
So without giving anything away, I thought that the story was just so much fun to uncover as you make your way through the game.
Did you play it?
Zero Dawn?
I tried and it wouldn't run on my computer at all.
This was quite a while ago.
I still want to play it some other time.
But I haven't played a single video game in the last week.
Oh yeah, it's fantastic.
Man, I've been gaming more than you lately.
Okay, I'll talk about this after.
But yeah, I really enjoyed it.
I had not actually intended to play Forbidden West though.
And it's not selling nearly as well as Zero Dawn did.
There was tons of hype around Zero Dawn and it was a fantastic game.
I'm sad that the follow-up wasn't maybe as good.
Well, no.
Forbidden West is supposed to be really good.
Like that's not the issue.
Was it just not talked about a lot or something?
I've seen some speculation that part of why Zero Dawn got so much attention was it was one of the first big PlayStation exclusives to make its way to PC.
With a good port.
Like an actually good port.
It was...
Dude, it's rated really well.
So I think that what I realized...
93% positive on Steam right now.
That's really good.
I know.
I know.
I think that what I realized though when I tried to play Tears of the Kingdom was that...
Same format?
I don't think...
I don't need to play that game again.
I need a new world.
And I get it.
She goes to a new world.
But you can never have as much depth to the world building as you did in the first one.
The first one is from...
You've already established the machines, all that kind of stuff.
From her childhood to her adulthood.
And again, without too many spoilers, really exploring how...
What happened?
How did we get here?
I don't need to just like go meet new people and see new environments.
And I do think that...
Like I said, one of the things I love so much about Zero Dawn is that I think Aloy is an outstanding central character.
She's just super...
She's super cool.
She's super relatable.
That's always a pretty big thing for me.
Like the reason why I liked Assassin's Creed 2 and the follow-ups Brotherhood and Ascension is that Ezio is such a fantastic main character to be able to pilot.
It's like actually a pretty big deal to like the character that you're playing.
That helps a lot.
Dave Gurr on Twitch says, you're wrong.
Forbidden West goes full desert jungle island paradise.
It does expand on the original in every way.
But that's exactly it.
I'm not interested.
He's not looking for an expansion on an original.
I just said, I don't just want to see new environments and meet new characters.
Which is fine.
That's a personal preference for him.
That doesn't mean it's a bad game.
93% of people like it.
It's a great game.
That sounds like a fantastic game.
But there's no such thing as wrong.
It's just what I really wanted to love Tears of the Kingdom.
And what I realized is I don't need to play that game some more with a building mechanic and some new environments to explore.
Like Breath of the Wild was, if I'm being honest, probably my favorite game.
But I just didn't need to play any more of it.
I can feel that way sometimes, not all the time.
I think like going from Morrowind to Oblivion, I just wanted more Oblivion.
Like Oblivion was great.
I had no problem with that.
But there are definitely some games like the Far Cry series.
Oh my god.
This is the same game for the 18th time.
Like I don't need this again.
And it kind of sucks because it's not even the same game.
It's worse.
The gameplay is just, the story is so, there's so many stupid little things to do.
Oh man, I could talk about this forever.
But like the world building is fantastic.
Some of the scenes and some of the new Far Cries are like, this is a beautiful landscape that I don't care to explore.
It's like, all right.
And the thing is that there's so many other options out there that I don't, and I find precious little time to game, typically.
However, there has been an exception recently.
I told you, I came home, I've had no family for a week.
And you know how I've talked, I've probably talked to you about how usually I'm pretty good at time zone adjustments.
I'm kind of the jet lag king in general.
We've both actually usually been pretty good at that.
That's been necessary.
We sort of had to learn it early on.
A lot of our lives, guys.
Like, some of those trips we did were just like such short turnarounds.
The Japan trip will always be legendary for that.
Oh man.
We were in the country for like 30 hours or something.
Something like that.
I think my most ridiculous one was when David and I did Germany.
I remember this.
In like less than 48.
It was, I think it was under 48 hours doorstep to doorstep or something like that.
I'd have to look up the travel logs.
Maybe it wasn't quite that extreme.
But that included a full work day on the other side.
Like, it was absolutely nuts because we were working during their work day.
So we were doing just wild stuff.
Anyway, the point is that I'm usually pretty good at it.
And I can kind of plan things out and go, okay, yeah, here's how I'm going to get enough sleep
that I can do a long go.
And then I can pass the F out at the right time and then wake up refreshed.
You can also do some pre-preparation before the trip starts.
Just start shifting your sleep schedule.
I don't have time for that.
I've done it before.
I don't usually do it, but I've done it before.
So on my way back from Japan, I was like, okay, so here's what I'm going to do.
I'm going to hang out for a little bit.
I will stay up for like three or four hours of the flight.
And then I'm going to sleep the last half.
And then I'm going to get home.
I'm going to make it through the whole day because I was landing in the morning.
And then I'll go to bed early.
I should be good.
And so I fired up Dave the Diver.
And then all of a sudden we landed in Vancouver.
Yeah, I was just going to say.
Have you played it at all?
No, but I saw you load it up on Steam.
But somehow Steam like indicated to me that you were on a handheld.
Yeah, I was playing on the Ally.
But I didn't, I didn't, I'm trying to remember how it even did that.
And I didn't realize that Steam would indicate like what device the person was on.
Yeah, that's weird.
I'm surprised at that.
But I knew you were on your Ally because of something Steam indicated to me.
I don't know how.
Anyways, I saw you load up Dave the Diver and I asked you like how it was, but you probably
didn't see it because you were on the Ally.
Because I was playing Dave the Diver.
But yeah, so it's that good?
Nothing else exists when you're playing Dave the Diver.
It's actually kind of mind blowing how much just like they kind of over, it's like Anno
where there's always four things you need to be doing right now.
Yeah, yeah.
Five, six.
Did you forget about two?
Get on it.
And the fishing is just like, it's way too satisfying.
It's, there are some, I'm probably about, I've got about 12 hours in it and I am finding
some stuff is getting a little bit tedious, but I'm already starting to see hints that travel
is going to get a little faster and stuff.
And like the fishing for just like random fish for the restaurant is going to start to
matter less and stuff like that.
But they just, they just keep unlocking new gameplay mechanics and new stuff to strive
And you haven't even finished the last thing at all.
And they're, they're throwing a new thing at you and you're just like, oh, anyway, yeah,
it's really good.
Which you guys didn't need me to tell you because it's, that's a, that's a, yeah, that's
a very highly rated game.
Isn't it like not really indie or something like that?
Like, I think so.
Is the team behind it?
Overwhelmingly positive with almost 90,000 reviews.
Um, yeah, I thought this was like, yeah, Nexon.
That's a pretty big deal.
It has, it has like that super kind of fun, intimate indie vibe, but there is so much
content and so many, like there's entire games that have been built within the game.
Like it clearly took a ton of work.
That's awesome.
Really good.
That's great.
I did a, I filmed a float plane exclusive this week, uh, which is like, I don't know
what the heck to title it, but it's, um, it's my Starfield review where I talk about
Starfield for, I think it's like two sentences.
How is that a video?
Uh, and I actually ended up talking about like the gaming industry and like how everything
was going down for a long time, but how I don't think it's like actually that bad because
I think we're at this part of the curve.
Ooh, inflection point.
Let's go.
Because indies have been actually pretty good for pretty much the whole time.
There's been, you know, indie, like fantastic indies that have trickled through pretty much
the whole time.
But we're, I think my whole thing is about how I think certain old companies are dying
and we're seeing offshoots come out of those companies.
Like, um, I don't want to spoil all of it, but yeah, I think it's actually pretty good.
You should check it out.
New topic?
I think Dan just wandered away.
So I guess, uh, yeah, we're on our own.
You want to pick one, Luke?
Oh, on that subject, why don't we talk about, um.
The Xbox thing?
Why don't we talk about Phil Spencer's comments this week?
According to Chris During of gamesindustry.biz, sources he spoke to at this year's Games Developer
Conference showed a clear lack of confidence in the future of Xbox.
Insiders at two companies.
Oh, wait.
I thought we were talking about Phil Spencer, uh, blaming capitalism for, uh, for everything
that's going on in the games industry.
That's a fun one.
Cause that was no matter.
Look, no matter what side of, you know, is capitalism good or is capitalism bad or, you
know, or whatever, whatever.
Microsoft blaming capitalism.
It doesn't matter.
It doesn't matter.
It's genuinely hilarious.
The, the irony is dripping off of this entire situation.
While they try to like gobble up everything in the AI industry so they can own it all.
I'm a hundred percent here for it.
Uh, yeah.
Pretty great.
Go ahead.
Insiders at two companies told him that Xbox's performance in Europe is flatlining and many
European retailers are cutting back on Xbox stocks, uh, Xbox stock, not stocks in response
to a significant slump in sales.
Publishers likewise are apparently reconsidering supporting the platform during likewise suggests
that if these trends, sorry, drink, drink, there's no, I thought there was another eye
before Chris drink, drink, sorry, drink.
Um, likewise suggests that if these trends continue, we may see a majority of Xbox games
also coming to PS five.
Phil Spencer has acknowledged that the console market is gradually shrinking even as gaming
is growing as an industry.
See, that's a funny thing.
Can I pause for a second here?
PC sales shrinking.
Console sales shrinking.
Game industry growing.
Game industry growing.
Mobile phones.
Also shrinking.
Like Apple's like, are we going to sell iPhones?
More iPhones right now.
I think the market's kind of saturated.
So basically this.
And no one has to.
I think this pursuit of constant growth is not sustainable.
Are you?
Are you in there?
I just like became Phil.
I, yeah, it's, it's, I think we're at a market saturation point for a lot of this stuff.
I think no one has to replace PCs.
No one has to replace phones and no one really wants to replace consoles.
And honestly, they look pretty darn good.
You probably don't really need to anyways.
What are you really going to gain at this point from a new generation of consoles?
For sure something.
But do you want to spend $800 on it?
$900 on it.
Uh, uh, 6K.
Go ahead.
Um, yeah.
Phil Spencer has acknowledged that the console market is gradually shrinking, even as gaming
industry is growing because gamers are more increasingly attracted to handheld and PC options.
Spencer even floated the idea of bringing third-party stores to the Xbox to make it more
like a PC or exploring different hardware form factors, which many have speculated might
be an allusion to a future Xbox handheld.
Further, Windows Central's Jez Corden has claimed that Microsoft has an existing prototype
for just such a handheld.
Which would make sense.
Can I just say that, like...
And honestly, it wouldn't be hard to do.
This is pretty much what I've been predicting for a really long time.
Like, you get to do the whole thing where you're right about stuff many, many years in
advance all the time.
You know what?
It's my turn.
It's your turn.
It's my time to shine here because as soon as they went x86, I was like, okay, they're
computers now.
This is a matter of time.
I think we're finally getting there.
And can I just say, Microsoft, if anyone's watching, can you just rip off the Band-Aid
I think that's been the whole problem because you've been right.
Like, they could have done this pivot even faster, but they wanted to move to the platform
and then not embrace it.
They keep...
And now they're sort of embracing it.
Look, they keep half-assing it.
You know?
It keeps...
Okay, games for Windows Live and we're gonna...
No, no.
We're, like, really gonna focus on PC gaming.
We're doing it this time, guys.
And we're...
And, like, with this new DirectX...
The game folder's gone.
And, like, they keep...
Oh, yeah.
We're doing cross-play.
We're doing cross-play.
Just do it.
Just rip it off.
Be a PC company.
Do it.
And keep making hardware.
Keep making super affordable PCs.
Yeah, sure.
But, hey, maybe the Xbox would be more competitive if your everything-does-everything appliance
actually f***ing did everything.
Like, oh, I don't know.
A f***ing computer.
What if Xbox became a certification?
Like, remember when they were trying so hard to build the Xbox that, you know, took
Was, like, the center of your living room.
And then, remember when, like, just prior to that, they had tried to do media-centered
Can the right hand just talk to the left hand?
And you could have done it.
Remember when people were hacking the Kinect to hook it up to PCs and doing all kinds
of really cool stuff with it?
Way cooler than anything that existed on the Xbox.
Would have been nice.
Just do it.
Do you remember that meme?
Embrace these windows.
Thank you.
Thanks, Shia.
Embrace these handhelds because otherwise, this is actually a threat right now.
This is your chance, Microsoft.
This is...
Don't ignore the Steam Deck.
This is your chance.
And Xbox going it alone is not the way to go.
Windows already has the momentum.
Just turn the Xbox into a store.
Into a certification.
Into, realistically, a game development monopoly.
Because that's...
I just...
I don't think the hardware makes sense anymore.
And I'm not saying that consoles are going anywhere.
I don't think Nintendo is going to be done making consoles in the next decade or two.
Like, they are just the kings of this is my ball and this is where I play with it here
in my walled garden.
And if you like it, then you can come inside and play with me.
And if you don't like it, then you can fuck off.
You think they're more the kings of that than Apple?
Oh, yeah.
I think so.
Apple, Apple contributes...
They did put, like, Mario Run out and stuff like that.
Yeah, but Apple contributes in a big way to industry standards in a way that I don't think that
I'm necessarily convinced that Nintendo does.
That's a pretty good argument.
And I'm not saying Nintendo doesn't do anything in that regard.
But Apple...
You got to remember, like, for all the whining that we've done about how long it's taken
Apple to support USB-C.
Apple shipped the first computer with a USB-C port on it.
They freaking co-invented the standards.
Like, come on!
That's what drives me so crazy about Apple is how capable they are of innovation.
And how they just choose to do it in ways that are just...
There's a really good question in here, which is, why doesn't Xbox already have a handheld?
Honestly, I think that's quite fair.
Well, you can only do so much, though.
Like, something that's easy to forget, I think, is that Microsoft is a relative newcomer to the
console game.
So, the first handheld boom, right, was the Game Boy.
The Game Gear failed.
It has been 23 years, though.
It's been...
Sure, sure.
But, like, the handheld boom that happened, like, the first one, they were not a participant.
Then I would say, sort of, you're next...
Are you talking about Game Boy era?
Is that what you're talking about?
Yeah, okay, yeah.
Yeah, the first one.
And then, Nintendo kind of was...
I mean, realistically, like, they were kind of half-arsenate for a long time.
But they were the only one.
I forget.
Hold on.
Game Boy release date.
I guarantee you this will surprise you a little bit, okay?
April 1989.
And the second generation of Game Boy was just the Game Boy Color.
It just played Game Boy games.
Late 1998.
It was nine and a half years for them to go from the Game Boy to the Game Boy Color.
That actually does surprise me.
That's actually pretty wild.
Which got colorized games, but the graphics still sucked.
Like, it was...
It was...
Sure, it was better.
But it was not...
It was not the kind of generational improvement that you might expect in nine and a half years
these days.
And then Nintendo has kind of, like, done its own thing in its own completely closed off-garden.
Sega failed to compete.
Sony had one moderate success with the PSP and then just tanked it with the Vita.
It was backlit?
It was not backlit.
Game Boy Color was not backlit.
I know, yeah.
Game Boy Color was backlit.
I think so.
Hold on.
Game Boy Color backlit.
Screen replacement kit.
The thing that you can buy to make it a backlit.
Oh, no.
Yeah, you're right.
Not backlit.
It is not backlit.
Yeah, that's right.
Yeah, no, it, like, wasn't that much better.
Yeah, I forgot about that part even.
Yeah, because you used to have, like...
Do you remember the monstrosities that people would build?
Yeah, the front lights.
The front lights, the magnetizers, the speakers.
Like, people used to have crazy accessories for Game Boy Colors.
It was actually wild.
Yeah, you had, like, a whole case.
I have one of the original, like, Game Gear cases with a whole bunch of, like, accessories.
Oh, that's kind of sick, actually.
Yeah, the Game Boy Advance was the first Nintendo handheld with an integrated backlight.
So, GBA release date.
Here we go.
So, that wouldn't be until June of 2001.
So, basically...
Hold on.
The first Game Boy Advance had a backlight?
Are you sure?
That I actually don't know.
I think it was the SP.
The, like, weirder-looking advanced.
Oh, yes.
The SP.
Yeah, so I don't think that one.
It's, like, the flippy one.
No, it wasn't until 2005 that the SP got a backlight.
It was a revised SP.
So, yeah, it wasn't even the first SP.
So, from 1989 to 2005, 16 years, just to get a backlit screen.
It wasn't moving that fast.
Anyway, my point is that who was Microsoft supposed to look at and go,
yeah, this is a great idea for us to pursue.
Because, remember, having a mobile console is not like having a mobile version of your console.
It is a completely separate platform that requires completely separate game development.
Like, games used to come out for the Genesis and for the Game Gear.
Like, you can buy Aladdin for the Genesis and buy Aladdin for the Game Gear.
Those are completely different games.
100% different games.
Different assets.
Different levels.
Different absolutely everything.
And so, for Microsoft to split their forces and be battling on two fronts might not have made sense
when they're looking at basically everyone else and everything else that has existed in the space
and going, okay, is the total addressable market for this actually so big
that it makes sense for us to get involved in this?
And I think that now, now that it's just a PC and it runs all the same titles,
well, all of a sudden, okay, now that does make sense.
Because we don't have to develop completely new games for this.
And in fact, thank you, Nintendo.
A lot of really mobile-friendly, controller-friendly games since 1989 have been developed
that people who, you know, wear eyepatches can enjoy on our PC.
And that's, that doesn't have to be official, but if it's a PC, I don't know, whatever.
And people are running whatever software they want.
I don't know.
So, no, I think it's a, I think it's a really good time,
but I think that they need to just embrace the Windows-ness of it
and just make Windows really good at this.
Because that's all the original Xbox was, damn it,
is it was a Windows that was really good at running games.
Invest some more developer power into Windows Store and, like, Xbox Store or whatever.
That's a hot take.
Things are different.
Well, because it's so bad.
You want more Windows Store?
Yeah, actually.
I want it to be better.
That's, that's my frustration is, like, when they're forcing it into things.
Like, I, I wanted to download GIMP last night, if you don't know what that is.
It's called something else now.
No, it's not.
Well, it is and it's, well, okay.
They, they're a little less, oh, wow.
I went to, I, I actually also downloaded this recently.
And, um, it was GNU Image Manipulation Program.
And I only saw the GIMP name later.
Well, anyway.
Yeah, no, it's front and center on the site.
I didn't go to the site because I was, um, I was installing it on Linux.
Oh, we've got a really fun video coming.
That's, like, my thing this show is teasing all the really good videos we have coming.
So, uh, I tried, uh, the team got together 10 weird Linux distros for me to try.
Oh, that's actually pretty fun.
Temple OS?
Uh, no, that's not Linux.
Oh, yeah, no.
Temple OS is Temple OS.
That's good.
It should just put it in as, like, a extra piece of fun.
I think what you're referring to as Temple OS is, in fact, um, Temple kernel with, okay,
I don't know, I can't even, forget it.
Um, anyways, I was downloading that and I didn't know if I had it or not already.
Fairly recently got that new computer, so, like, I might not have certain programs that
I would normally have.
So, I just typed, pressed start and typed it just to see if it would show up.
Oh, no.
And what showed up was the Windows Store link for it.
And I would like to actually just be like, yeah, cool.
But I don't trust it because Windows Store has always been a piece of junk.
Like, oh, my God.
So, I went and downloaded it manually anyways.
Did you see the, um, did you see the subreddit wanted me to use Bing for a month?
I was considering it until I accidentally did a Bing search for something earlier this week
because, uh.
It can't be that much worse than where Google's at these days.
Um, get ready to be surprised.
Because we needed, we needed some pictures of Elijah for some reason.
And he was like, oh, okay, let me transfer them from my phone to, and I'm like, dude,
you're a celebrity at this point.
Yeah, yeah.
How hard could it be to find a picture of Elijah online?
No, no, no, no, no.
I'll, don't worry.
I got you.
No, I want to show a comparison.
No, no, I've got them both.
Oh, okay.
Okay, so I was like, okay, we'll type your name, and then just to make it easy, I'll put
my name.
Because that works really well from, from my previous experience, finding someone who works
at Linus Tech Tips with the name, whatever it is that you type.
So, oh, bloody hell.
This is Bing.
So, some ROG Rig Reboot thing, whatever this is, whatever this is, um, me, because apparently
the first thing I typed is not important, uh, yeah, that, um, we make our way into Peanuts.
We've got Shirtless Me.
We've got some other LTT staff.
Not a single bloody picture of someone named Elijah who's associated with someone named
Not a one.
Now, for a live demonstration of why what I typed in is not entirely stupid.
Elijah Horner, Linus Media, Elijah, Elijah, Elijah, Elijah, Elijah, his face doesn't even
show in this one.
Yeah, really?
Elijah, r slash Linus Tech.
Does Bing even index Reddit?
Like, what are you guys even doing?
Utterly unusable.
Absolutely wild.
Actually unusable.
That's unfortunate.
You know what's funny?
If you go back to the text search, just the search, his Wikipedia page comes up or whatever.
LinkedIn page.
LinkedIn page.
There it is.
That's not Elijah.
But it's the Our Team page.
But it's the Our Team page, which is, okay.
Which he's going to be on.
So hold on.
So if you don't image search it, it actually gives you images better.
So we managed to find the first two results are actually Elijah.
Who is Linus Media Group?
So yeah.
Got it.
Got it.
We know about Linus Media.
Picture maybe.
So if it just like used the normal search algos more or something, I don't know.
I don't know.
And grabbed some images off of the pages they served up to us.
We've done a better job.
It's embarrassingly bad.
It is inconceivably bad.
How is it even possible for that to be that bad?
That's pretty frustrating.
It's worse than it is.
I've like...
Like it knows.
And it just is like...
I've just like ended up on Bing a couple times.
And the search has actually been fairly okay.
And the search right there was actually fairly okay.
But I've never used the images portion.
And that was garbage.
It's terrible.
Actual garbage.
Meanwhile, I'm supposed to, you know, expect, you know, AIs to friggin' make appointments for me.
Oh, boy.
Oh, we should probably do sponsors.
Hey, Dan.
Oh, Dan was going to tell us to do sponsors.
He's on it, dude.
He's on it.
Yeah, that was a pretty intense merch message surge.
I think he's got it more under control now.
As soon as I was like pins, they were like,
No, no, I'm not.
I will eat all the pins.
Give me the pins.
You shouldn't do that.
If you must eat the pins, please put the covers on the sharp part first.
It won't really do much for you.
It might save your throat.
It'll be better than if you didn't.
That's true.
Yeah, let's do it, Dan.
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Oh, my God.
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Okay, sure.
I don't think I would trust that guy.
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Oh, my God.
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I just like left the alignment things
and they're just screen cap.
Thanks, Dennis.
The best thing is they're not made with rubber
like those generic rain boots on the market.
They're light and breathable
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Also, their products are vegan and cruelty-free.
With their 365-day warranty and over 10,000 reviews,
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Vessi offers all kinds of shoes for different occasions
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And you can get 15% off your purchase
with code WAN show at Vessi.com slash WAN show.
Check them out at the link down below.
Vessi's wild, dude.
They've gone from we're promoting these shoes
that as far as I can tell,
nobody outside of us
and whoever is watching this video has ever heard of
to like, I just casually see people in Vessi's constantly.
Have I told you about Emma?
I think you did.
And I think I was upset.
Yeah, Emma bought Vessi's
just because she was like,
these seem cool.
I need some like water-resistant shoes, whatever.
Didn't realize they were a sponsor
because I guess she doesn't have to watch anything that I do.
Didn't use our code.
Didn't use our code.
Didn't even use our code.
And I was like, dude, you could have saved money.
You could have saved 15% with code WAN show
at Vessi.com slash WAN show.
Get it right.
Sorry, Emma.
I'm not yelling at you.
I'm yelling with you.
I'm frustrated with the situation.
Really, it's Luke's fault.
Honestly, yeah.
I should inform her better of all of our sponsorships.
That is, I fully agree.
That's on you.
I'll do better.
What are we supposed to be doing right now?
Oh, three merch messages.
All right, Dan, hit us with some merch messages.
I'm trying to find them.
There's so many.
Hey, Linus.
How have we were to do that one?
Get the hell out of here.
Hey, LMG team.
Been rocking some new LTT gear recently
and figured I'd grab some more.
Are there any consumer level products
that Linus and Luke are especially excited for in tech?
Excited for?
Excited for consumer products.
I mean, man, I've been pretty into like big TVs lately.
Hisense has that one coming.
It's five inches smaller than the TCL,
but it's double the number of dimming zones
and double the peak brightness.
I think that it's funny.
We did that video earlier this week
on NVIDIA's HDR conversion.
So they take SDR content
and then they just use like their neural processor
on their GPU
and they remap it to an HDR,
to like a wider gamut
and they add,
I don't know if they actually add the metadata.
So they're just, yeah,
they're just converting it to the wider color space
and then remapping the brightnesses.
So basically they're just doing like on the fly tone mapping
from SDR to HDR
according to the capabilities of your display.
So it's like, it's super cool.
And there's problems with it.
Like it kind of Best Buy affects things sometimes,
oversaturates things,
and you lose a little bit of artist intent sometimes.
But overall,
I think I would watch most things with it
rather than without it.
It's pretty cool.
And by the way,
some people commented on the side-by-side that we did
saying we were using different monitors.
We know that.
The reason that we didn't address it in the video
is because it didn't matter.
They both use the same panel
and they were both checked by Brandon Dickerson
ahead of time
to make sure that their performance was close enough
that that wasn't what we were saying.
I just thought I'd clarify that.
I was surprised
by how many of the comments on that video
were still from people
who think that HDR is like not real.
Like it's snake oil.
It doesn't matter.
We could just,
everything could just be SDR
and you could just like turn up the brightness
and it would be,
it's not guys.
The display has to be capable of it.
The content has to be graded for it.
It is not snake oil.
Apparently we did acknowledge
that they were different monitors.
apparently we didn't give enough background
because people still seemed very confused about it.
But yes,
it is totally a thing.
Thank you,
DJ underscore spark over on float plane.
And the better it gets,
I think the more people will realize
that it's totally a thing.
And that's why I was so excited
about RTX video HDR
or whatever their stupid branding for it is.
I got to throw RTX on everything now,
I guess.
Whatever the branding is,
that's why I was so excited about that technology
because it unlocks this enormous back catalog of content
that people can enjoy on HDR devices.
And you know what it actually made me think about
that I kind of wish we'd included in the video,
but I didn't really think about until now
is I wish NVIDIA had pulled it off in phones.
Remember their super phone concept?
I would actually love it
if the kind of machine learning accelerated upscaling,
for example,
or frame interpolation,
or SDR to HDR tone mapping,
or whatever else,
like all this tech that they're building,
and in fact,
have built,
even on ARM platforms,
like they got the NVIDIA Shield.
If I could buy a phone
that was a modern NVIDIA Shield
in a phone form factor,
I would strongly consider it.
Me too.
And phones have like
very few compelling things these days.
but it's just,
that would be nice.
They happen to be in,
for most people,
I would think,
the best screen in your house.
Like unless you are,
unless your family has a media enthusiast
who gets significant access to the budget,
you probably don't have a TV
or a monitor
that is a better display
than the one that's built onto
any phone that's come out
in the last two or three years.
They're so bright.
They're so accurate.
Basically any iPhone
from the last few years
is going to be
an outstanding HDR display.
And if just everything
you watched on your phone
was automatically converted to HDR,
I think it would really help people
understand how good it can be
even if,
you know,
the upscaled stuff
or upconverted stuff
is not as good
as if it was graded properly
for HDR in the first place.
So overall,
I'm a believer.
Display tech.
Yeah, there.
That's what I'm going to say.
Some of the super high refresh rate
OLEDs lately.
We're going to be checking out
LG's dual mode one soon.
So it's the 120 hertz,
240 hertz 4K,
480 hertz 1080p.
And the big question that I have is,
what exactly is different about this?
Because you could have
you know,
you could have
a monitor
and run it
at a non-native resolution.
You could have
a monitor
and you could run it
at half of its
native refresh rate.
And to be clear,
there are differences.
There's a reason
that this is being differentiated
from things
we could do that with before.
But that's something
that I want to kind of
dive into.
And it seems to have to do
with the way
that the reporting
to your GPU works,
the way they're handling scaling.
Brandon Dickerson
and Plouffe
are working on it.
So I'm pretty excited
about that one.
when you were originally
saying TVs,
I was going to say monitors.
So that kind of rips it.
I don't think
there's any individual component
in a computer
that the future of it
is hyper exciting to me.
Phones are not exciting to me.
storage was super cool
for a bit
and now it just seems to be
CPUs were really exciting
there for a while as well.
That joke bites.
That's pretty good.
He has no bell.
There's nothing he can do.
Troll Dan.
He tried to whack
a piece of metal.
But yeah,
I don't think
I think it's displays
for sure.
Next up.
Dear Orathan,
Luke and Dan,
what's the worst thing
a company has tried
to pull on LMG?
I've had a lot of
corporate software
try to
mess with us.
Just like
increase our rates
or cut our service
or what?
Or just
bamboozler sales tactics
are always the ones
mess with me.
We had one recently.
I'll keep everything anonymous
but we had one recently
they gave us
a price.
They sent us
here is all
of your costs
and we talked
to them the next time
and they were like
so there was a pricing
they were like
what are the
sticking points
and like
is price
one of your
sticking points?
and I'm like
because it will be
even if it's
it's just
going to be
what do you mean?
Price always matters.
There's no such thing
as a bad product
just a bad price
so you can kind of
solve anything
by making it cheap enough.
so I was like
well yeah
of course
and they're like
okay well
I'll tell you now
our price increased
so I'll go to bat
for you
I'll talk to my boss
I'll try to get you
that price
that we originally
quoted you
I'm like on your side
I'm going to put my
I'm going to put my
job on the side
for you guys
to get you that
price that
we already told you
and I was like
I can't stand
that kind of thing
that doesn't count
that's the bare
that's the bare
minimum expectation
is that you honor
your word
so I don't know
that was pretty annoying
the other one was
that same company
said that they
wouldn't be able
to onboard
if we didn't sign
by the end of this month
they wouldn't be able
to onboard us
until December
and it's a software company
and I was like
I told them
on the call
I was like
that's like
that's amazing
because if that's true
I'm sure you guys
are like
your stock
is going through
the absolute roof
and you're hiring
as hard as you possibly can
and all these other
kind of things
and you just see them
like squirming
it's like
no they're just
doing like fine
which means
they don't have
a year long backlog
like it's
I don't know
it's just
so basically
skeezy sales tactics
drives me nuts
I think
I think
I get most
I get most offended
when people
don't act
in good faith
and show integrity
the weird
the weird part for me
just to interject
I've had the skeezy
sales tactics
but once signed
most of the companies
have actually been fine
to me at least
so basically
you just hate sales people
and like
account managers
customer success managers
all these things
just get me to like
the technical people
when I need help
let me know
when you release new features
I need nothing else
please never talk to me
just like
I don't care
I don't care
that your company
revolving doors
sales people
like crazy
so you tell me
that you will now
be my agent
for till the end of time
and then three months later
I need to introduce
to a new person
and I get an email
saying hi
I'm onboarded
to this account
could we have a
could we have a call
so I can come up to speed
and I say
I feel so bad
I have never once
replied to our
Twitch representative
yeah but you've probably
had 15 over the years
I don't know
I don't even know
I don't even read their names
at this point
I just
I don't need anything
from Twitch TV
I remember
this one time
that our rep
blessed their heart
let me know
they were gonna be
on vacation
I was like
we've never spoken
I don't think
anything's gonna come up
in the next
however long
you're going
to wherever you're going
whoever you are
AJ's seen it enough
for me at this point
I didn't even have to
catch one
fairly recently
we got an email
from like the
I'm not exaggerating
at least like
12th or 13th rep
that we've had
from this one company
and I didn't even
get to the email
first he got to it
and was like
we're not gonna
do a call
here's like
the current state
of everything
here's the things
that like
we've been asking
you to fix
for a year and a half
let us know
if there's any
traction on that
have a good one
sorry dude
they're like
yeah just let us know
like how things are going
and if there's
new ways we can
work with you
and it's like
there isn't
we know all your
software offerings
they're great
to be honest
they're totally fine
I have no problem
we're not going
we're not leaving
we're not increasing
our spend
do our checks
do our checks clear
they do
sounds good
like I don't know
all right
just please don't
waste my time
in floatplane chat
says as a salesman
you should hate us
and I don't like
you gotta do your job
I don't know
it's fine
yeah but just do it
to someone else
just I don't want
to deal with it
and my thing is
I understand
you gotta play
the game
to a certain degree
just the
the like
recognize that
I'm not buying it
let's just real talk
and if you're like
I don't have any play
and I try to fight you
on a little bit
and you're like
yeah I know
like xyz
then we'll be like
okay then we'll
use something else
then we'll either
use something else
or not
and we can go
from there
like I just
I don't
I don't want to
deal with this
and I make it
very clear
I'm like not
going to engage
in that thing
like the whole
some people will
respond to it
and some people
the whole car dealership
I'm gonna go
talk to my manager
about this thing
just like
I'm not doing that dude
all you're doing
is slowing down
this transaction
that is quite literally
the only thing
you're accomplishing
right now
it just doesn't work
and I understand
it sucks
and you
have to deal with
people like me
all the time
which probably
isn't the greatest
but my whole thing
is I just want to
end this call
as soon as possible
I have other things
to do
we've had sponsors
not pay us
yeah that's
that's pretty yucky
but we don't
we don't generally
like we don't
generally um
air that kind of
dirty laundry in public
so it's not the kind
of thing we've really
talked about
but yeah
we've we've had
companies just like
totally skis out
on us
I'm trying to
I'm trying to think
I I'm pretty unhappy
with one of our
merch suppliers
right now
I'm I'm not going
to name them
yet because
there's still
time for them
to act in
good faith
and I think
that's the biggest
one is acting
in good faith
yeah you're going
to screw up
here there
yeah making
efforts to
to identify
and take
and rectify
that's all
I really ask
for anyone
effort means
a lot
to me
I had a
I had one
very recently
with a company
where they uh
they just like
completely shut
off our service
out of nowhere
and it was like
really important
that that service
keeps running
and I was like
what the heck
uh and we ended
up figuring out
that it was for
a uh like
the credit card
didn't renew
and I was like
shouldn't you have
notified me
in some way
and then I found
that they did
the subject line
of the email
was exactly
the same
as another
like just
normal transactional
email that goes
all the way
goes through all
the time
and it was like
buried many lines
in as a single
line thing
like there's
what are you even
talking about
and I got on a
call with them
and they just
and were like
how do you think
we could improve
this communication
I told them
and then they
didn't do
exactly that
but they did
very close to
that enough
that it's
and I'm like
so not even
that anymore
yeah whatever
they fixed it
really quick
they got on a
call with me
they found a
new solution
so that it
won't happen
they did it
we just
move forward
people are
gonna screw
we're gonna
screw up
they're gonna
screw up
it's fine
funny hats
asks if it
was the
aura ring
or aura ring
I can't I
still can't
remember how
to pronounce
the thing
no no no no
that was that
was that was
that was
just it
didn't work
out but
they they
didn't stiff
us or
anything or
I mean I
don't think
they paid but
like I did
pronounce the
thing wrong
and our
proposed solution
wasn't acceptable
and whatever
I think that
they're a little
uptight but
you know
okay sure
that's fine
and they
probably think
that you
know I'm a
bit of a
so I
don't sure
that just
didn't work
out but
there's been
brands that
we 100%
have executed
and then they
just have
yeah no that
one that one
was definitely
just not
every not
every partnership
is meant to
work out
perfectly and
you know what
hey we I'd be
open to working
with them again
whether they'd
want to work
with us again
or not I
don't know
but like it
just didn't
it just didn't
work out
all right you
want another
one yeah
are there
certain types
of games that
although don't
contain mature
content you
still prefer your
kids don't get
into until they're
older also is it
financial advice to
get a Chevy Volt
um I don't think
the Chevy Volt is
as necessary as
it used to be I
mean Toyota
finally has
Prius Primes that
are close for
for range um I
read a really
funny comment on
on a like this
article was just
fellating the new
Prius Prime and
the top comment on
this article was
like good job
Toyota you
invented the
2017 Chevy Volt
uh congratulations
uh meanwhile
Chevy uninvented
it good good
job everyone
honestly at least
Toyota brought it
back giving props
for that yeah
exactly um yeah
now that plug-in
hybrids are taking
off I would say
that the Chevy Volt
is not a necessary
move unless you're
looking to get a
deal on a used car
that is a good
plug-in hybrid I was
so happy with mine
you know I read
an article recently
talking about how
uh certain governments
and stuff sorry one
sec people are
correcting me because
they um I don't
know what it is
people people like
correcting me I'm
aware that the
Chevy Volt has been
out since 2010 uh
I'm talking about the
generation that
actually had decent
range yeah yeah
come on now um I
read an article I
don't remember what it
was I think it was
governments I don't
remember what but
apparently uh the
fuel efficiency of
plug-in hybrids is
performing lower than
expected because
people are driving
them on gas more
than they had hoped
I have a theory on
that oh really um
when driving around
residential areas you
see how many people
are parked on the
road there's no
chargers on the
road I think in a
lot of situations
it's like multi-car
families where they
only have one spot
where they can plug
in and if they have
two plug-in hybrids
though like a pure
electric if they have
a pure electric they
might be able to
charge the plug-in
hybrid at work or
certain other places
so they can get
some charge out of
it both of your
cars would have to
be like within the
last five years for
you to have like a
full electric and a
plug-in hybrid like
what kind of families
have two relatively
new cars that seems
kind of crazy
this is gonna be
annoying because it
doesn't show all of
them no yeah it's
gonna show um
Travis social says
it's really really
common in the states
for people in
apartments to not
have a charging
option at all yeah
that's a really good
point yeah um so
in cities we have
one slow charge
that's it so in
cities where plug-in
hybrids are the most
useful because you're
doing just your like
little trips on on
electric power those
are the places where
you are least likely to
have garage parking
um yeah yeah
definitely definitely
see that the good
news is that they
still are a pretty
solid uh
they still are a
pretty solidly
efficient you know
just hybrid car they
just are carrying
around a bit of
extra battery weight
and electric motors
and stuff which sort
of blows but yeah
it's not like they're
carrying nearly nearly
as much battery as a
as a full battery
electric vehicle
uh farrowin asks
don't you have a
newer porsche and a
newer minivan my
minivan's a 2016
i don't know that's
i haven't really seen
that new so so the
so i'm yeah let's go
let's go car car
history it's car
history time so i
had uh i had a
2003 civic and then
i had a uh a 2017
volt uh we got the
minivan around that
time no no no
because i got the
2017 volt later it
was used so we
bought a new 2016
honda odyssey then
i got a 2017 volt uh
in like 2019 or 20
yeah it must have been
2019 uh something
like that and then
i got a 2003
tycan um so yeah
at one point we
would have owned two
relatively new cars
when in 20 uh
2019 we had the
odyssey and the
volt but not both
electric and uh or
and plug-in hybrid and
stuff like that and
they were like those
were very different
vehicles so it's not
like we had um you
know like a couple
commuter cars or
something like that
and they were like
both new we have a
we have a neighbor
where they both appear
to drive the exact same
car in exactly the same
color whoa yeah i know
right they're always
both parked in their
drive that would throw
me off at least yeah
get different colors
yeah i know right
wow it's pretty funny
like i mean i guess
it's nice to be aligned
like that in your
relationship it's like
yeah we're basically the
same person do you
differentiate between
them by license plate
like yeah i guess
so oh that's
annoying um model
threes have been
getting delivered in
mass since 2018
yes but um
that might be more
common than like five
years ago no it's
not that it 2018
that's six years ago
we're barely into
2004 we're a quarter
it's like five and a
half years ago
are you really i am
close without going
over yeah yeah
i think you're over
what no i i said
five years yeah you
said five and a half
right there yeah
exactly so i didn't
go over oh but
you're aiming the
other direction come
on come on what are
people talking about
come on i said 20
so didn't i say
2023 taikan did i
say 2003 you said
2004 instead of 2024
when you're talking
about current year
don't worry about it
it was a different
thing you weren't
talking about the
taikan did i say
2004 yeah i memed
on you for it it's
fine we're already
past that oh it's
okay it's okay uh
dan hit us another
one i'm still jet
lag okay something
wrong with linus i'm
all right i'm back
hey lld linus with
junior getting close
what sorry apparently
you also did say
2003 taikan yeah i
didn't notice that
sure it's pretty old
let's go it's like
four years ago it's a
good year for taikan
don't correct me
fine wine all right
sorry linus with
junior getting close
to the legal age for
it do you think
you'll have let him
have social media
uh and if so
opinions on this
which ones and how
will you keep him
safe on them he's a
really sharp kid
um i think that
moderation is extremely
important uh i think
learning it is
extremely important i
think just shielding
kids from everything
is uh is not the
way to help them
learn to manage
their own behaviors
with all of that
said i uh
like knowing what
you know about how
the user experience
of something like x
goes yeah i there's
no way that i would
sign off on x i
mean there's nothing
i could do to stop
them at a certain
point but there's no
way i'd be like yeah
you should definitely
have twitter is it
really that much
better than an
instagram i also
just don't tiktok i
don't know if he'll
care um he's on
discord so he's on
social media right
like discord effectively
is at this point you
can find enormous
servers that are like
social focused yeah
essentially um and i
think that discord is
probably the closest
thing to where i started
on social media like i
started on chat rooms
and msn it's basically
discord right if you
think about it um you
you go into different
rooms and you talk
about stuff and you
can share pictures and
and i do i would say
yeah that compared to a
lot of the more
traditional social media
platforms because we
are using it is social
media but we're using
discord being social
media a little bit more
loosely than most people
normally would um i i
think it's probably the
lesser of the evil ones
and when you're just
thinking about like your
kid engaging with the
internet yeah because it's
it's let it's not
algorithmically driven
right it's driven by
people and communities
that you have explicitly
chosen to engage with
yes and so anything with
uh anything with a
discovery element and and
maybe that's where people
are getting a little upset
at me calling discord
social media even um but i
think that's that's um so
so if we were to say okay
yeah it has to have a
discovery algorithm in order
for you to classify it as
social media then i guess
my answer is no i can't
think of any good reason
for a young kid to be on
instagram i can't think of
a good reason for them to
be on twitter it's totally
social media guys uh
discord yeah i mean you
want to read us the
wikipedia definition
social media is the be all
and end all yeah but still
it's it just it just
because it doesn't it's
not like fully put i don't
know uh social media are
interactive technologies that
facilitate the creation
sharing and aggregation of
content ideas interests and
other forms of expression
through virtual communities
and networks social media
refers to new forms of
media that involve uh
interactive participation
while challenges to the
definition of social media
arise due to the variety
of standalone and built-in
social media services
currently available there
are some common features
okay here we go i didn't
read this bit social media
apps are online platforms
that enable users to
create and share content
and participate in social
networking absolutely user
generated content such as
text posts or comments
digital photos or videos
and data generated through
all online activities or
sorry interactions is the
lifeboat of social media
absolutely users create
service specific profiles for
the website or app that are
designed and maintained by
the social media organization
absolutely social media
helps the development of
online social networks by
connecting users profile with
those of other individuals or
groups yeah okay so discord
social media yeah i know
people say i think in
conversations most people
refer to yeah i just said
that most people when they're
referring to social media
they're gonna mean not this
but i still think discord is a
form of it yeah so um so so
he's on social media um but i
think that um
no poll you're wrong
yeah i think that i think that i
would treat something like tiktok
the same way that i would treat
something like tv if i was still
making rules about it
where i basically say okay is
that how you want to use your x
number of minutes of screen time
and i would like to think that
that answer would be no a lot of
the time
and that some moderation could be
learned around those behaviors
but we'll see guys i mean like
everyone is human it turns out and
humans are humans are messy right
like i don't expect like oh yeah
i'm gonna you know raise my kids
to you know have the perfect you
know the ability to uh and then
they're gonna moderate their usage
or whatever
yeah exactly right like so they're
fail or they're rebel my kids are
gonna make mistakes they're gonna
have vices if
if the worst they managed is like
doom scrolling on tiktok sometimes i
think i would
pull it off as a parent so we'll see
how it goes
that is fair i think that has
actually kind of like ruined people
though to be honest i mean
sure yeah fair enough but in like
really bad ways
so you heard of
have you heard of the going goblin
mode thing
i've heard of goblin mode i forget
what it means
it's just people just degenerate
they all they do is just scroll
things because they're hooked on
the new content dopamine loop
they're so depleted of dopamine
from the new content dopamine loop
that they have no drive to do
yeah it gets bad
i don't think that means you have
to like
completely ban yourself forever but
i think it's a good opportunity to
teach them about like self-limiting
and using
limiting apps and stuff like that
even the
bullcrap google one
it's like oh you you just hit your
five limit
your five minute limit
you want to press
literally two buttons to
completely delete it forever
i don't mean i don't mean pause
do you want to be
accountability buddies
how does that work
we're gonna create
google accounts
and we're gonna set each other up
as each other's parent
we can actually limit app usage
we could try it for a month
i think i'd be down
i think i'd be down
i think i'd be down
i think i'd be down
i'm trying to think
because you're telling me
you want actual limits
that you can't bypass on your own
i'm a good boy about it
and i don't do it though
i actually don't have any
but i i know people that i've talked to
that can't do that
i don't have any limited apps right now
i i had twitter limited
and now it is deleted
i had to yeah
so i'm just like
that's a good way
i just kind of
i've kind of had enough of it
i'll i'll sit down
and i'll i'll i post once in a while
and like i'll i'll check if anyone's dead
like that's the only reason i know about the whole p diddy thing right now
it's the only reason i know that beyonce released a new song or album
it was something i didn't have time to find out what it was
but she's a big deal right now
but so so like it's it's kind of how i keep up with my celeb gossip
uh particularly the online creator celeb gossips
like yeah who's been like cancelled recently or whatever else
uh but i'll just check in on it when i'm on my desktop
and that's it
if it's not on my phone
it's way easier for me to moderate
i probably spend more time in our shopify dashboard than i do on twitter now
so that's sort of work
sort of i don't need to look at that report
it's mostly just because i'm like curious
i think i think you have some
i don't think these are things that he would run into
but i i i think that you are kind of
i think it's beyond necessity
i think you are kind of addicted to reading all forms of feedback that
the company has
everyone has something
and that has a major benefit
there's been
as far as vices go
i'm not i'm not even trying to dog you
i just think
but even like
like really
yeah yeah
you know
okay perfect example of that
is i was sending
i showed luke this
at the beginning of the show today
oh yeah
because i just like i can't help
i can't help
but read things
hold on i'm gonna try to
i'm gonna
i would screenshot
i've got the
i've got an easy way to do
i will just create a notepad window
and then i'll put it here
why not just snipping tool it
well because that's more work than it
see look i'm already done
no it's not
you would have been
so i just like
i read stuff like this
this person lost their posting privileges on the channel by the way
uh this was on the high availability wanik video
the most ironic thing about this video
the most ironic thing about this video is it's like a new groundbreaking technology
as far as linus is concerned
but as someone whose background is in it
i know that things like high availability
clustered storage
hardware resiliency etc
have been the standard for well over a decade
and is nothing new or groundbreaking
so this isn't this isn't a troll
this is just someone whose opinion clearly could never possibly matter about anything
because they just don't
they just don't get it
they just don't get
that life is not about how much smarter you are than everyone in the room
and it's actually possible
if this technology has existed before
you have to think it's boring and old when you're presenting it
you have to be the most cynical
dry insufferable bore
yeah so i mean we're doing a high availability upgrade
but like this has been around forever
just like everybody does
maybe go watch some other video or something
it's boring
you can come along with us
we're just gonna plug stuff in
none of this is new
yeah they lost their posting privileges
it's yeah it's just
it's it's wild dude
like i just i can't
i am i i do think i'm also happy
with this new arc of linus
just ban hammering everybody though
i think it's better
because before
the really negative stuff
it just gets absorbed to a certain degree
even even if you're good at
like kind of ignoring it
a certain amount of it gets absorbed
and then now
there's like
there is actually less of it
it's amazing how noticeable it's been
in a sea of millions of people
how few
completely brain dead people
who type this kind of stuff
and they make so much noise
like it's
it's actually incredible how loud
this minority
majority of people
who can't
anything that could possibly be happening
other than how much smarter they are
whoever else they are looking at
or talking to
like it's just
like it's
it's actually amazing
that they couldn't think of
any other reason
for what was going on
for this video that was being made
other than that
I had never heard of high availability
and how amusing
the irony is
what are you even talking about
oh boy
if I call you a narcissist
I'm afraid you gotta take the L
oh boy
I wanna do
speaking of taking the L
I'm gonna find a topic
that works for that
I don't know if we have one
I'm gonna talk about this anyways
Sora goes to Hollywood
ties to
break in
OpenAI tries to break into the entertainment industry
OpenAI has scheduled meetings in Los Angeles
to form partnerships in the entertainment industry
according to sources speaking to Bloomberg
not only does the AI firm have meetings next week
but those meetings
are just the latest round of outreach from OpenAI in recent weeks
the weekend of the Oscars
CEO Sam Altman was apparently attending LA parties
late last month
OpenAI COO Brad Lightcap
demonstrated the capabilities of Sora
the company's unreleased AI video generator
during introductory conversations in Hollywood
One person who may have seen
one of Lightcap's demonstrators
is actor, filmmaker, and studio owner
Tyler Perry
After spending four years planning
Speaking of people whose movies could be made by
I'm sorry
You're wrecked
After spending four years planning
an $800 million expansion
of his Atlanta studio
those plans are now indefinitely on hold
because of Sora
Perry believes AI may take the place of set building
and on location shooting
saying Sora's capabilities
saying of Sora's capabilities
If I wanted to have two people in the living room
in the mountains
I don't have to build a set in the mountains
You already didn't
I don't have to put a set on my lot
I can sit in an office and do this with a computer
Perry warns of the effect of AI
like Sora can have on jobs
in the entertainment industry and beyond
acknowledging that all the construction workers
and contractors
expecting to work on his studio expansion
are now out of a job
Even though Sora isn't publicly available
Bloomberg claims
OpenAI has granted access
to a few big name actors and directors
Um, yep
I kind of feel like it was a scapegoat
to not have to spend $800 million
on an expansion of a studio
Yeah, does Tyler Perry have $800 million?
I don't know
It's one of those things where like
Okay, I've talked about this before
because I'm someone who's had these articles
written about them
I know how inaccurate
those net worth of celebs
articles are
Have you seen his mansion though?
I haven't
Does Tyler Perry have a sick mansion?
Let's see it
Bring it up
Here we go
That is a sick mansion
Does it have a helipad?
I mean
I'm sure you could land on this lawn somewhere
There's this
This right here
I wonder if I can get close to it
Tyler Perry is this rich?
I don't know
Alright, there you go
Tyler Perry has $800 million
probably then
Look at this garden
I'm having a hard time
Where does it go to?
Do you see this right here?
Do you see how there's like a circle
Is that the helipad?
Is that the helipad?
Haved here?
As far as my understanding goes
under this house
I could be completely wrong
I could be completely wrong
I want to preface this a lot
As far as my understanding goes
under this portion of the house
is an enormous garage
like 100, 200 cars
something like that
Okay, so where I was going with that
I could be totally wrong
I don't know
Was as someone who's had those articles
written about me
I know how inaccurate they are
Like when people started talking about
Taylor Swift being worth a billion dollars
I was like
Taylor Swift was worth a billion dollars
a long ass f***ing time ago
Like you guys got
no idea
I am nothing
I am a tiny ant
under Taylor Swift's heel
And I know
what my company's worth
Like come on
You want to know the thing
that blew my mind the most?
I heard that
you know
Tyler Perry
had cancelled
the 800 million dollar
expansion of his studios
and I was like
how does he
what has he done
since Friends?
I thought it was Matthew Perry
I was so confused
Oh too soon
The reason why I know
about that house
Oh yeah
I actually forgot about that part
I did not remember that
until now
The reason why I knew about that house
was because
You were a disaster
I googled
Tyler Perry
because I was like
what do you mean?
And then
the actual Tyler Perry
came up
and I was like
my bad
and then I was like
this is a ridiculous property
why would you even like
want this
and then poked into it
for a second
and then
There we go
Well hey
at least I didn't have to say
the worst thing
on the show this week
I'm just being honest
about something that happened
Sometimes it's better not to
Is Bitcoin a beanie baby?
The SEC says no
A judge has ruled
that the SEC
can proceed to trial
in its lawsuit
against Coinbase
for engaging
in unregistered sales
of financial securities
The suit is potentially
extremely damaging
not only for Coinbase
but for crypto as a whole
because if a ruling decides
that crypto coins
are in fact
a form of financial security
this would mean
that they would be subject
to the same regulations
as all other securities
Oh boy
Coinbase has argued
that cryptocurrencies
are not securities
on the grounds
that the buyer
doesn't gain any rights
like they do
when they buy stocks
and they are collectibles
analogous to
beanie babies
Crypto coins have coin
right in the name
They are
They probably should be
a security
They are
They are definitely
I don't know enough
about this at all
They are definitely
with the
that their value
could go up
which is
from my understanding
the main
that makes something
subject to these
subject to these laws
that is
that is tough
So I'm going to chat
by the way
That's pretty good
Pretty good
I don't think there's
a ton else to say
about that
not much
other than
it's going to be
an interesting time
in crypto
because there's
a big rally
going on right now
That's true
I think over
70,000 US dollars
right now
so it's near
peak value
right now
and it's been
kind of riding up
for quite some time
I think there's
some coins
that are profitable
to mine
on GPUs
right now
like it's
a crypto boom
is either
or it's
threatening to happen
and I'm just
kind of
I'm watching
from the outside
this time
I haven't
I had enough
of my money
stolen by
I think
Oh yeah
Very fun
Yeah he's still salty
I am
Speaking of salty
Metaspide on users
Snapchat traffic
Facebook apparently
used to have
a secret program
called Project
Where it got
its subsidiary
To create software
for iOS and Android
to intercept
and decrypt
users web traffic
from particular
First from Snapchat
then later
from Amazon
and YouTube
Wild dude
The documents
were unveiled
as part of
in a class
action lawsuit
accusing Meta
of using
deceptive practices
to collect
user information
Well that's
definitely one of them
The project
began in 2016
when Facebook
was looking
to gain
more insight
into how
users were
with rival
It ended
in 2019
around the time
that Onavo
was shut down
following the
that they'd
been secretly
paying teenagers
to use their
VPN like
Facebook research
so they could
gain invasive
access to
their user
data and
web activity
for $20
a month
Well it seems
that Facebook
asked users
for permission
to install
the interception
some within
the company
whether or not
users truly
understood the
of what they
were installing
then head
of security
wrote an email
I can't think
of a good
for why
this is
Which honestly
when you're
asking stuff
like that
like good
on Pedro
I want to
shout that
I mean
did he
stop it?
I mean
it's publicly
known now
Oh yeah
I mean
he's not
there now
so hold
on a second
Let's find
out when
he left
I'm gonna
find out
I'm gonna
bing it
hired him
in 2021
blah blah
hold on
He said
he could
write a
about the
lessons he
during his
It's probably
fair to say
he could have
left Facebook
for any number
of big tech
blah blah blah
12 years
at Facebook
So he bailed
How long
after this?
We don't know
when he started
We don't know
that that's the
first opportunity
he took
We also don't
know that he
took that
immediately after
leaving Facebook
That's true
I think we
still don't
know when
he left
Seems like
he was still
there while
they were
doing that
I mean
we can't
go after
everyone who
doesn't blow
the whistle
on things
People have
all kinds
of pressures
on them
and can end
up complicit
in all
kinds of
whether they
whether they
realize it
at the time
or not
or you know
whatever the
case may be
I'm just
we shouldn't
be we
be too
that's all
I'm trying
to say
It's pretty
stunning to me
that companies
are allowed
to exist
after doing
stuff like
gives a
peek into
its anti
According to
a recent
Amazon report
the company
blocked over
attempts to
create seller
and nabbed
7 million
products last
This is up
from 2 million
in 2020
They attribute
the increase
to increased
requirements for
seller accounts
and partnerships
with brands
and law enforcement
all around the
world including
from major
sources of
goods like
So yeah
I guess
this is good
I don't remember
actually signing
I don't remember
saying that we
were going to
talk about this
but that's good
I guess
so keep it
up Amazon
except that
Amazon's a
shit show
trying to
shop for
so I
don't know
It's got a lot
I used to
search for
products almost
exclusively on
Amazon and
then potentially
buy them
elsewhere once I
found the one
that I actually
wanted and that
is no longer
the case
Yeah now
you're better
off typing
it into
has essentially
created a
very similar
translation layer
for Windows
on ARM
According to
most x86
x64 Windows
games will
just work
on Snapdragon
X Elite
laptop processors
due to an
extremely efficient
emulation layer
similar to
Valve's Proton
The company
also apparently
invited several
members of the
press and
influencers to
try an early
demo of the
hardware running
2019's Control
2022's Red
Out 2
and Baldur's
Gate 3
Results were
promising but
The demo for
Baldur's Gate
3 appears to
have been aimed
for a target of
medium settings at
1080p 30fps but
dipped as low as
21fps in footage
taken from the
event and it was
also restricted to
the game's opening
sequence which takes
place in an
enclosed area rather
than the open
world map
However the fact
that it's working
at all
is cool
is a pretty
solid indication
that it
is it going to
happen this time
is Windows on
ARM finally
going to happen
when did the
Surface RT come
out because I
feel like that
was in like
220 hold on
let me think
okay let's see
Surface RT
I guess it's 2014
damn 2012
you were closer
to me
and you were
I'm just salty
because he beat
me at a similar
price guessing game
earlier today
and I should not
have won
I'm very upset
I'm like extremely
like gonna crush
you at super checks
tonight upset
I need vengeance
it's so late
it's not that late
it's 945
yeah but only
it's not like my
family's here and I
have anywhere to go
oh that's what's
going on
okay I understand
are you are you
do you have no
plans this weekend
they're coming
home tomorrow
oh okay
I got lots of
plans this weekend
all right
I'm gonna say we
should anno
oh I mean
yeah yeah
we're not gonna
have that much time
after merch
messages and
super checks
he's gonna say
super checks
all right
I can't explain
why that's annoying
but okay
speaking of
we're sinking
we are
you want me
to do it
do you mind
why don't I
do another
topic real
quick while
Luke unsinks
has banned
kids from
social media
Florida has
passed a new
law banning
kids under 10
from social media
and requiring
teens ages 14
and 15 to
obtain parental
permission before
creating an
it's likely that
the law will be
met with significant
legal challenges
because it requires
age verification
to access social
media which
critics argue is
a substantial
burden on both
adults and
minors first
amendment rights
to free speech
and free assembly
similar laws in
Utah and Arkansas
have been passed
requiring anyone
under 18 to
acquire parental
consent before
creating a social
media account
however the Utah
law has yet to
take effect and
the Arkansas law
has been temporarily
blocked by a
Florida's law is
distinct from both
in that it focuses
on younger more
vulnerable users and
it justifies its
ban based on the
addictive nature of
social media platforms
rather than on their
specific content
which is actually a
pretty darn good
meanwhile 41 US
states and the
District of Columbia
have filed suits
against meta over
addictive features
that say they're
harming children in
violation of state
consumer protections
and federal privacy
laws intended to
protect children
if successful
these could result
in heavy fines
or force meta to
restructure its
online platforms
oh yeah you gotta
sit down
that'll help
oh yeah the
right right right
yeah there's three
three segments to do
also there's a
couple of Ontario
jurisdictions have
sued I think I
think it was meta
as well over the
addictive nature of
their of their
yeah Ontario
schools are suing
uh ByteDance
uh Meta and
things are about to
get very interesting
and again one of the
big focuses was on
the addictiveness of
these platforms
all right cool thanks
Luke yeah we're good
have a seat have a
seat right over there
uh Dan I think
we're at the end of
our topics for today
oh wait no first
discussion so banning
banning minors from
social media I think
we're good Dan no no
you're good you're good
um so much taller
banning minors from
social media yay or
nay uh yeah I mean
they're addictive right
like yeah screw it I
like I even read a
thing recently where um
there were some
teachers talking about
how um with phones in
schools people aren't
even like talking in
the hallways
between class anymore
really everyone's just
like walking around on
their phones I mean
they're probably talking
to each other yeah you
know they're talking to
each other same room
texting each other but
it's like even more
hardcore because you
might not be in the same
class with your friends so
they'll have a bunch of
like group chats and
stuff going on and if
you aren't walking
around talking on your
phone right you're
missing out so you're
not conversing with
people impromptu in
person right so the
hallways are like quiet
oh really and everyone's
just walking around on
their phones and
they're like it's
really weird and then
there was one school
that banned phones and
they said all the kids
liked it and they
started asking the kids
why and they were
like oh well I didn't
actually want to be on
it but I didn't want to
be the only one not on
it so if no one's on
it it's actually better
and I was like that's
fantastic go kids
man I noticed the other
day um I was in mid
conversation and someone
took a call and I
and I didn't care and I
realized how bizarre that
behavior would have been
in my adult memory oh
wildly yeah like like how
utterly inappropriate that
would have been when I
first got a cell phone so
that would have been in
around 2004 you'd have to
be like I'm sorry this is
very I am so sorry they
have called me three times
this must be a life or
death emergency please
waiting for this call and
this is a job interview
whereas it was more along
the lines of we were
talking and they were
just like see you later
okay sure um and to be
clear this is like someone
that I have a good
relationship with and like
it was fine I didn't care
it was not over my
boundaries I just didn't
realize how far my
boundaries had been
stretched yeah totally
totally totally yeah but
yeah I don't know that
was a that was a story
that made me uh have some
more hope for whatever
name of generation is
currently in school I think
it's alpha or something I
don't know something like
that but yeah kind of kind
of based on the whole
social media thing I think
it's time for when show
after dark mr.
Daniel Besser how are you
doing I'm glad to hear
that I'm not sure I'm not
sure if I'm glad to hear
the tone in your voice as
you say that thing I
definitely believe but um
I'm glad to have plausible
deniability for not knowing
how horrible you feel he says
he's been walking he has yes
indeed he's been talking about
you and me uh we're just
turning pink I think after dark
may not work today sure that's a
little darker after dim yeah
after dim um I don't know
what what will be cam it's a
new memory module oh don't
worry about it it's for
laptops yeah I know sheesh I'm
sorry okay so the new labs
website page how did we not
talk about that today how did
we not talk about that people
seem to freaking love it there
is a lot of work that has to
happen of course but that's
why we did the early like
preview and that's why we're
just publishing one article
about one graphics card that
realistically very few people
care about but the point of
this is just you're going so
fast Luke take your time did
you notice how we got these
get back up there get back up
there get back come on come on
come on okay so guys the first
actual product page and I don't
I don't think we would
necessarily call them articles
because it's it's the whole
point of labs right is that
this is meant to be the page for
this product so that you know
what's up okay so we've
published our first product page
for the power color hellhound rx
7600 xt 16 gig this is where you
guys are seeing everything that
the team has worked on for the
last what like how bloody hell
when did we first start the lab
when did we hire Antoine was he
the first who was the first
person we hired for labs
uh Nick really I think I think
that right I think man does
someone know does anyone know or
any staffers watching and chat does
anyone remember has it been three
years good lord anyway um the point
is because our first project was
you testing
right or is this just the I'm
remembering this this way because
that's what I was involved in I don't
know I don't I could be wrong okay
whatever I'm I very likely have
bias because I was the one that the
point is the team has grown a lot has
learned a lot um has done so so much
work and it's all finally getting to
the point where we can start to show
you guys uh beyond just you know
helping run some some numbers and
graphs and sort of helping out the
video production side of things these
guys have been working on their own
stuff as well and it's been an
incredible journey um everything from
like the arrangement of the of of the
author's name and whether we would put
the author's name and publication date
and where all that information would
be found include time where the social
media you know links would go and how
the sharing works here do they go over
here everything man the number of
mock-ups that I've seen this is this
is what I'm so I have so much anxiety
right now of wanting to scroll down so
badly because there's cool tech we've
made it and it's not at the top but
everything matters it's true there's
been so much work there has been um
okay so let's start going down
slowly okay so all the okay so these
uh these assets are not assets these
um attributes of the product that we
populate like the work of figuring out
okay what are all the attributes that
you should have called because you can
imply a significant amount by the name
of the category like is it highlights
is it key specs is it uh I don't
remember all of them there was a lot of
different options it was I believe key
specs for a long time and then it got
changed back to highlights again at some
point because we couldn't decide okay
do we want to focus on the positive
here do we want to have the negative do
we want to have a mixture should it be
redundant if it's key specs and it has
to be a spec yes well what's a spec I
don't know like these are all things
that need to be figured out and need
real answers not just hand wavy I don't
know we'll figure it out answers because
they affect the design the summary is
handwritten um and it well man we went
back and forth so many times like should
there be summaries at every section should
it just be a summary at the top should
the summary be like an introduction to
the product should it be a conclusion to
the product oh I don't know okay hey look
you can buy it go down yep should we show
the price should we have people click
through to the price how will we get the
price all problems all problems that
needed to be solved um all right
cool look at the luma field slides
yeah so you know we were doing this yes
super cool so you know they were going to
get embedded though I didn't so we can
tear down products without uh tearing down
products we do have a publication date
guys it's at the top oh man uh we've
we've talked about how we're going to
yeah yeah they're there if you mouse
over it you can see a version history
super cool right or wait is that coming
I don't know if that's currently in I
think that's just showing you the time
okay never mind uh but that's something
we've talked about yeah I'm just saying
there's a lot of decisions okay that
might be in I don't want to say that's
wrong I just don't think that's what's
currently happening when I highlight over
this okay so go down go down uh yeah so
we have um so we have uh a CT scanner
now which is pretty cool we'll have a
video coming on that very soon uh photos
okay so now we can expand things
performance look at that you're gonna
have graphs um in the long term oh oh
can you show them the thing where you
can change the colors depending on what
is like sort of best for your eyes so
so cool so you can you can go into some
presets right now we just have default and
and high contrast but you can change
colors however you want because we there's
just there's just so many different ways
where maybe maybe you just find one more
comfortable maybe you are colorblind maybe
who knows so you can you can customize all
the chart colors um so proud of the that was
actually like very early I don't remember who
suggested that but someone suggested that and
we were basically all like yep that's a
great idea uh it wasn't me nor me uh there
was some there's a lot of like little
feedback things we've been been receiving
like we're we're very proud of these
charts but we found that these labels on
the left hand side are very small print on
mobile so we'll look into that some people
have pointed out and I think I do agree
with it was this already changed
somebody already get to this yeah I think
so y'all are hilarious that's sick
overall like wasn't pinned to the top so
you'd have like a few random games and
then overall and people were like that
sucks and it's clearly already been
changed I didn't even ask for that to
happen but that was clearly the right
decision so I'm happy it did
um yeah cool label I love the charts
yeah and this oh man yeah a lot of work
making graphs is surprisingly manual yeah
in a lot of cases and so figuring out how
to make them automatic and make them good
has been an inordinate amount of work
um yes we want to add things to the
comparison bin at the top I see we've
changed the word cart to bin I actually
yes um didn't sign off on that but I like
it it's better yeah people hated cart
yeah viciously hated cart so it's been
now yep I I made the call I was like
we're gonna call it comparison cart
because there were a bunch of worse
ideas but um neither Luke nor I thought
of bin nope and that's better yep
yeah yeah bin makes sense because it's
this is my comparison bin it's because
it's it's just shorter than bucket bucket
would have been too long but it's it
feels like yeah this is my bucket of
things I want to like compare and that's
why I went with cart because it's like
I'm like I'm like shopping I'm shopping
for things I want to like compare to
each other but no bin makes more sense
because this is not a store
yeah oh so excited and so in the long
term man we're gonna we're gonna get
testing going um in higher volumes it's
gonna take time man the ramp is gonna
take time but hopefully you guys can see
that we have not just been sitting on
our butts because what we've been trying
to build is something that can scale
um something that is for more than just
publishing the odd review or article here
and there we want this to be a database and
that is so much so much work it can't be
just compare for the person who just asked
because this button is compare the
comparison bin is where the things that
you've selected to compare go yeah so
you can't just have like this button's
called compare and then this button's
called compare and they do completely
different things yeah that's a terrible
user experience that might have to be
different we might have to change that
to add to comparison bin or something
like that though there's clearly
horizontal room for it so that's what
the plus symbol is supposed to yeah we
could do whatever there will be changes
right so like yeah the the original like I
don't know what you even want to call
it alpha launch or whatever we got a
bunch of feedback improve some things
and this time we got a bunch of feedback
have already improved some things and
there is more improvements that will be
coming and you know what I think that
there was a lot of internal I shouldn't
say I think there was a lot of internal
debate around doing this as a soft launch
like showing the look of the site without
even any articles on it yeah publishing
one article before we're realistically ready
to ramp hard um I I feel it feels like
the right way extremely validated by how
how positive and understanding the
community has been just been working on
it for so long I think people were
worried about people having a really
negative response to it when it's not
technically fully baked so I understand
some of the anxieties but I'm happy we
did it but people the community has
actually I've been really proud of the
community here because they've been so
constructive in the way that they have
approached this exercise like almost
every single message even the ones where
they're like I don't like something they
have included how they would like to see
it improved and a lot of the ideas have
been really good yeah and no one had very
good feedback and and I think it's been
really validating for the team to see that
no one is looking at it going this is a
tear down everyone's like cool it would
be great if this thing worked this way
yeah yeah and so I think it's going to
make sweet this it's going to guide us as
we continue to ramp and as we as we make
our way toward the vision um that this
vision officer has envisioned and and
something better than what I envisioned I
think that that's that's the difference
between involving the community and not
involving the community um good ideas can
come from anywhere guys and I think you
see that in the way that the team has
implemented things that you know I didn't
think of or Luke didn't think of um and the
way that the community has has requested
things that we didn't collectively think
of right more voices can be a negative
thing but if it's managed it can be so so
so positive trickling in the more voices
yeah yeah yeah yeah man if we'd started
with like what would you like to see in a
like tech information product page site
like it would have been directionless it's
good that we had kind of an idea from the
first place I love the logo the labs logo
yeah yeah I think it's pretty good I
actually think it's um I like the text a
lot yeah I believe the text was Sarah but I
think the heat sink was Gary not Gary
key not the head of labs but one of our
designers me all the time yeah I know
it's a problem because Gary does a lot
of work for the lab exactly I know he's
talking about so it makes sense to me but
yeah it's it's very confusing don't quote
me on that Sarah might have done both and
Gary might have done both uh they're they're
both they're both wonderful um yeah
logo looks like a simple heat sink it
is it is but it's but it's it's clean
it's it's it's approachable that's what I
like about it it looks professional but
uh not like sterile it has some
personality there's the you know the logo
test um can you draw it yeah now without
not being able to see I'm gonna draw it
it's not perfect but it's pretty good
Dan gave me a pass yeah but Dan's look I
I drew it in two seconds yeah it's a good
it's a good logo it is pretty good that
is a thing though they're supposed to be
like can you can like can people draw
like would people be able to recreate it
from memory basically and that gets
harder and harder to do as a lot of the
basic things like oh our company's logo
is an F thanks Facebook uh the more of
those types of things get taken up it
gets harder and harder so yeah yeah I
think and and the heat sink there were a
bunch of different things that we were it
could I think one of them was a
potentially a fan you know what maybe
this is that maybe this is a perfect
time to look at some of the things it
could have been was a unicorn um yeah
yeah uh hold on labs logo let me see if
I can find do you want to stall for me do
you want to do a merch message sure yeah
you got one to throw at me Dan by any
chance yeah
button very far away Luke I actually
have one for you directly Luke perfect
I'm a pilot and a while back you said
you'd probably never do a charter flight
but you do like experiences if you could
would you take friends or family on a
flight and where would you go
but if I could is a very questionable
part of this
um charter flights are upset not not to
dog after your job I'm sure you do
great stuff but charter flights are
incredibly expensive um I think it would
be a cool thing to do um it's just
wicked expensive so I would have been
down for scrapyard worse
hey yeah that was your money though
right yeah
not only was I down I was trying to
push you to do it
didn't we win anyways we won that
season right yeah I think so yeah
way to go go us um but yeah I don't
know I'm sure it'd be sweet I I've
wanted to do a trip with the whole
family for a while my uh my brother
has somewhat recently had a child so I
don't think that's really on the table
for a while um but it would be cool to
do at some point maybe once that little
one is able to remember it stuff like
but I don't think it's gonna be on a
charter flight I don't think that's
gonna be a thing
thanks well unfortunately I don't think
I can find Google Drive are impossible
to find
well it may have just never been
shared with me I do a lot of these
kinds of I I really like doing um like
graphics conversations in person because
this is someone's like subjective
taste and and their and their work and
their passion people don't get into art
because they like want to make a ton of
money this is how I'm gonna make the big
bucks yeah they get into art because they
are passionate they they love design um
and so I don't really like I don't like to
give feedback about stuff like that um not
in person so I do like to have a lot of
those conversations in person um so I
may I may have just never been shared
with me but I did find one thing
I found a bunch of different
possibilities for
the gradient that we ultimately ended up
with so I can show that to you guys
that's pretty cool it's kind of a fun
behind the scenes here we go um
labs icon gradient option oh it's still
loading oh it stopped loading no it
just stopped loading uh one moment
I saw the preview yeah that's weird um
just yeah give me a sec here guys
this has eight pages are you sure here
we go oh I see there you go so here's
one of the gradient options the color on
that monitor is wild uh yeah it's not
you guys won't be able to see this but
yeah okay uh there's another gradient
option there's another gradient option
kind of you should look at on this one
yeah yeah yeah no I've seen this I've
seen this yeah there's another gradient
option there's another gradient option
more more orangey more LTT uh we ended
up not leaning that direction we ended
up leaning more towards like a short
circuit type of palette Mr. Light has
just sent you a bunch of mock-ups for
the lab logo oh nice why does Nick
have that thanks Nick thanks Nick I mean
I'm not yeah I'm not complaining sir
um I don't know just like why why
would he uh I mean yeah Sarah oh well
because well because Nick doesn't work
on the lab but he is Sarah's manager so
yeah that that kind of checks out okay
here you go oh here it is this is the
one yeah this okay let's go labs icon
concept you want to get rid of us Dan
some of these yeah give me a second
yeah there were man there were so many
ideas we had like some some really good
group conversations about it and I think
we picked the right thing seeing it on
the site and seeing that the fact the
fact that I haven't seen a single
comment you know how I read comments I
haven't seen a single comment that's
like that logo's yeah it's and that
realistically a logo that nobody hates
great logo yeah fantastic logo yeah that
that logo came to me tears running down
his face
big strong logo yeah yeah yeah okay Dan
working on it okay well we'll get
you could probably start I think that
first one doesn't have anything in the
cool yeah you're good so uh oh you know
what no let's let's go one by one
fixed um case concept data collection pc
testing uh beaker ties into labs so the
case is going to have like kind of
scientific looking fluid in it we try
having it face in this way it's cool
super cool but not everything is going
to be a computer the desktop pc is
probably on the out you know compared to
mobile phones and laptops and handheld
PCs and consoles like we're going to test
everything right like we didn't want to
be just PC
okay a fan pretty cool pretty cool I
liked this one a lot this was uh this
was pretty close for me um yeah I like
this one a bunch but not everything has
a fan there's a lot of tech that doesn't
have any moving parts moving parts kind
of going out of fashion
okay the cpu with kind of the beaker
okay thought this one was really cool
to pc it specific I also that while it is
great and I think the dot helps a lot
with understanding I think a lot of
people wouldn't have known what it was
yep yep so we ended up losing the cpu
because cooling can be on anything so
this is pretty darn close the final so
this is this is what ultimately won
obviously yeah represents power and
pushing components to the limit yeah
love it
okay so the Wi-Fi rainbow
um you can see here the idea was that
it's about like the underlying sort of
passion that brings us to investigate
technology and how magical it all is I
just really yeah I felt it looked too
much like Wi-Fi yeah yeah the beaker
my issue with this one and actually and
to be clear I'm not saying like I was
so smart and I picked the right ones
it's not like that this was a
conversation so I'm giving you guys a
summary yeah
and a lot of the time one of the
designers will I'll be having meeting
with them and they'll be like okay
which one do you like and I'll say
which one do you like and they'll be
like well this one has this issue and
this one has this issue I think this
one's the best I'll be like cool
I'm glad we didn't have to have the
entire rest of this meeting yeah yeah
um so I okay I just want to make that
really really clear so a lot of the
time these concerns that I'm talking
about would have been shared or even
raised by the designer who worked on
the project but sometimes you got to
throw spaghetti at the wall this one
this one didn't fly this one I thought
was really cool that's pretty cool yeah
the nucleus star just a little bit too
physics-y so kind of how like how some
of the other ones were a bit too much
chemistry lab this felt a little bit
too physics lab and didn't really say
tech really cool logo this one in the
last one both really cool just maybe for
a slightly different application yeah
maybe for a different kind of lab yeah
yeah hopefully you guys hopefully you
guys enjoyed that I had that up full
screen so I have no idea if you guys
thought that was cool someone said the
circle logo is just north face there was
a few I think there's more yeah because
there's the unicorn one and stuff
there's more designs than what we're
just in there yeah the unicorn one was
pretty wild and there was quite a few
designs were like it wasn't the same it
was clearly an original idea but it
looked very similar to like I remember
one of them looked very close to the
Renault logo we have a shirt that looks
really close to the Renault logo maybe
yeah maybe that total accident but yeah
there's stuff like that we're like no
it was not actually copied from this but
it was too close so someone in the
company might have recognized like wait
that looks like this we look it up we're
like yeah that's too close people are
gonna call us on that even though that
isn't what happened so we go with
something else by the way did I ever
end up showing the smash champs logo
ideas I think I talked about it I don't
think I've even seen these oh okay yeah
have you seen these Dan this is loading
really slowly I don't think so maybe no no
I don't think a lot of the people
working on smash champs have seen the
smash champs look I probably saw them
when I was trying to organize some
files yeah I think we've talked about
this is the this is the badminton club
logo it's pretty cool yeah I like it I
agree it's clean imagine we could play
super smash bros there yeah having a
smash championship at smash champs these
things things take so long man like
there's a lot of really good concepts
here too are any of these gonna load
like hello no preview available I mean
sure I guess I love I love computers oh
wow there was a hammer wow at one point
kind of sick but I think the one you went
with is better this is also super cool but
wow you know I don't know this idea of
having like the QR code integrated I
thought was pretty cool so it would like
load up our our site so if we had any
merch or like water bottles or whatever
and people were like using them at other
places then they just have like links to
our stuff this is where that one started
got it so you kind of drew it back a
little bit and then yeah we wanted
something that was a little bit more
contained a little bit more a normal
shape that you can put on the side of a
water bottle or at the top of a web page
yeah that sort of thing the idea was like
a meteor you know yeah yeah yeah but it
didn't need to be quite like in the
meteor yeah and with the new one you
still get the get the point and the this
is like a super cool font maybe a bit
too cool I I still I still really like
this font but yeah I don't always get my
way yeah I don't necessarily agree with
it being too cool to be honest I don't
know it it's a sports thing whatever
yeah but it's also you know it's a it's
a club it's more than just a you want to
appeal to who did these um
jay kwan actually did a lot of this oh
wow yeah so he's very multi-talented
cool if you guys play badminton I'm sure
you'll meet him at some point I've met
him no no not you specifically I mean I
mean folks got it if you play badminton
and you want to come play at smash I'm
sure you'll I'm sure you'll meet him at
some point he's super cool very
passionate yeah and like like I said
wildly multi-talented he also built the
facility in I want to say he was using
Maya and did like paint color mock-ups and
stuff so that we could make informed
decisions about color he's been working
with I don't know if the other guys off
his probation yet but he's been working
with so I'll just say the other guy he's
been working with the other guy on like
procurement of like floor mats just like
all kinds of things yeah he's um yeah he's
great I was working with him on the
software choice stuff oh yeah yep yep yep
I've seen a lot of speculation about like
what exactly is like going on with that
like is it some kind of like front or some
kind of like whatever I like badminton I'm
trying to think of what there's what it
would be a front for there's nowhere to
play locally like like close it's it's a
front for Linus not having to drive so
far to play badminton yeah and it's also
man I can't even I can't go anywhere
without running into someone who's like
yo I heard you're opening a badminton
center like actually like I was at the
ferry and someone I haven't played with
in like probably three to four years was
like hey I heard you I heard you're
opening a badminton center I'm like dude
I haven't talked to anyone that I'm even
aware knows you in years how do you know
about this getting around a badminton scene
yeah I was I played last night at at one
of the Richmond clubs and someone someone
came up to me they're like yeah I heard
you're opening a badminton center you
should like you should do like some
marketing and stuff and I was like
brother apparently I don't need to you
just I have no idea who you are and you
just walked up and we're like hey I heard
you're opening a badminton club soon I
think I apparently I'm good in all
seriousness of course yeah we're gonna
have to do some some marketing and stuff
like that but it's a it's a pretty big
scene here and there's a lot of pent-up
demand I don't need a reason to open a
business and there's a lot of residents
being put in around this area oh yeah
so oh yeah I don't know no shortage of
people to play yeah be good I'm excited
it's a great sport I think the people
that don't get it probably probably don't
play is that I think it's that simple I
didn't get it and then I played and then
I understood yeah it's fun and now my
shoulder just is like yeah that's I don't
know what that that's too bad dude but I'll
try to play a little bit and if not I'll
just go hang out on the treadmills do
whatever and then design stuff though
nothing is simple so hard and you have
to do so many iterations yeah but yeah
it is what it is I think that's a you
came up with or Jake one came up with a
really cool logo mm-hmm I like that one a
lot next merch message it's when after
dark time oh yeah sure is let's do it
let's do it I gotta push the button there
we go oh I thought we already we're
we started I thought that whole thing
was no you interrupted it to talk about
logo oh for 40 minutes I thought logo
was after dark me too all right oh
whatever whatever okay well we look too
pink and then I left that sounds about
right yeah oh we did we know that was a
detour from the charter flight it was a
oh my gosh okay well we did one that's
good all right moving on hey LLD
Linus my job has been going through
growing pains from doubling its size
from 500 to over a thousand in a year
what are some of the growing pains you
had with the growth of LTT
how about the first day you walked around
the office and didn't know someone's
name yeah that was pretty bad um you
swore at me multiple times I did yeah
because I was popping up all around and
you would stare at me and go like I
don't know who this guy is you said I
swore at you uh f f and n guy fng fng
fng new guy did I really yeah I remember I
remember uh I was I was trying to get
your your master key to have them
duplicated for the new lab building or
something like that yeah I sent you a
message on teams which you I never got a
read report for and then you walk into
logistics or something I'd like who the
f is Daniel Besser and then you just
drop the key on the table and leave I
thought that was great
that was probably like one of the first
couple times I ever met you
I like that like somebody just was like
I need one of the two master keys for
the whole building I don't know who he
is okay here you go
oh man people wonder why I try to like
wrap Linus's accounts and stuff in
extra security I'm like this is why
dude I'm pretty sure of on let him know
wait I was handing you a master key
yeah so that I could go get it copied
and the words I said to you were who the
f is Daniel Besser yeah did I know you
were Daniel Besser I obviously that's
why it was probably so funny
oh what that's hilarious that's
actually hilarious oh man I uh okay
oh man yeah I uh okay well uh it's
it's the security issues you don't know
about that hurt the most yeah no I'm
pretty sure that it was discussed
beforehand okay what was my point this
makes me sound like a horrible person was
I horrible no it was really funny oh
okay it was like my highlight of my
entire career here it's just it's just
absolutely hilarious uh no what was my
point I don't understand I don't get the
joke I don't think it's that he's
handing you you were handing him the
master key oh I assume that that was
your joke oh I get it now sorry I just
just and also we had like never met
before yeah okay and you're just I get
giving me this I think you were making
light of like oh the fact that I was
doing that I had never met and you were
giving him a master key to a building I
get it and Yvonne had probably said that
it was okay and yeah yeah okay that
totally makes sense now yeah I I I don't
know if it was just your dry British
delivery but you made it sound like I was
angry about it or something oh you you did
you were you were quite heated about it
was I but not like angry angry oh you
know what I was well I've probably been
trying to track down where you sat or
something most likely like I was
probably in a hurry oh that makes a lot
of sense okay yeah okay no okay you're
not you're not mean oh the whole thing
makes so much more sense now like yeah
I'm basically handing the keys to the
kingdom to whoever the fuck this guy is
uh sure yeah I like our whole team's chat
history was like can I have the most
important key to the business to go copy
please got it yeah that all makes way
more sense now yeah I mean Luke and I
struggle when people walk past our desks
now right I'd say communication is the
biggest challenge when things grow too
fast I mean I think you guys have
probably seen a lot of that leak out
into into the public sphere whether it's
just you know mistakes or miscommunications
or areas where our operations clearly
hasn't kept up with how many chefs there
are in the kitchen it's it's always it's
always really interesting to me where
people will see something like um you
know a logistics or communication error
internally they'll go how did Linus
fuck that up I'm like I never touched
any of it um I think because so many
youtubers are one and two bit operations
people assume that they all are and they're
not but like when we do something really
good Luke I go out of my way to talk about
how great the team is that worked on it
nope if we do great things it's uh
everyone else and if we do terrible things
it's Linus's fault way to go he doesn't
even he's not even the CEO anymore still
his fault bad vision I'm still involved in a
lot of decisions it's a slow transition but
we knew that um so just to be clear just
and you still own the whole company I do
not okay sort of your family unit owns
the whole that is true there we go got
them that's a better way I've been
thinking about how to say this for a
while family unit yeah that works yeah I
if someone was like you and Yvonne are a
family unit I'd be like yeah yeah I think
it makes sense because I also I don't want
to say like you and your wife because it's
not like that my wife you know what I
mean yeah like it's more yeah sink plane
says he did say should roll uphill I did
and I was right that is that is the
correct way credit should be shared blame
should be accepted owned but it can be it
can be exhausting it can be wearing
sometimes yeah but it's worth it yes
that's how it's got to work it's it's
the right way but I think really the
important question is who the is Daniel
Besser let's not get distracted from
these important questions I don't know
but I'm comfy now that's all that
sorry well that's an image I'll never
forget okay what's next hi LDL I
recently bought stuff from eBay and gave
a critical review about it the seller then
reached out and offered to pay me to
change my review no don't what is your
review on sellers paying for reviews
it's terrible it's the very worst thing
ever and we would never do that on
LTT store yeah I'm gonna go I'm gonna
go find I'm gonna go find a horrible
review nice let's find one but I'm gonna
cheat a little bit and I'm gonna show you
guys an awesome one first there's one
review so far for the magnetic cable
management products from Jorn verified by
shop absolutely amazing as soon as they
announced they were making this it was on I
was on board and when I got the email to
order them I pounced and it was well worth
it simple to install super strong and just
makes the process of mounting power bars
actually doable and far better than the
three inch long nails loosely inserted into
drywall that was my previous solution if
if there's any product to get from LTT's
cable management line it's this one it's
a game changer all right let's go find
something horrible oh it's on the the
power bar key okay yeah the power bar key
is so cool management line wow he really
wants us it's so cool okay loop help me
out pick a category pick a category any
the screwdriver shaft extension you're not
going to find a negative review of that
I mean we can try 27 reviews
oh there's okay okay four stars it's the
worst one good extension with some good
quality extension with some minor issues
okay it enlargers your Pete
screwdriver by the way reading reviews on
the site is actually great I do this for
fun sometimes it does this see that
coming I'll say that it does this nicely
with a strong magnet I cannot make it
fall out of the original shaft by
waving the screwdriver around it does
have two small issues the extender
doesn't sit flush with the original
shaft the magnetic bit is a bit too
long okay this was on purpose yeah the
reason it doesn't sit flush is because
if we tried to get it to sit flush there
could be tolerance there are tolerance
issues that could prevent the shaft from
fully contacting the magnet inside the
original shaft so the extension might
not make physical contact magnetic
strength is strongest the closer you can
get the magnets so if we tried to make it
perfectly flush then we would end up with
something that was usually perfect and
sometimes didn't make full contact so we
made the decision to not even try to make
it perfectly flush to put a fingernail spot
in there so that we would never run into
that issue the extender waggles a bit when in
use most likely because of issue one
actually the reason is that every bit
waggles it's just you only notice it
with an extension because the spec for
quarter inch drive has tolerances built
into it and we our tolerance is really
tight on our driver so we could have made
it tighter but it would have made our
shaft sometimes incompatible with third
party drivers so if you check really
carefully with um with the pair calipers you
can see that the uh the male end of our
shaft extension is actually a little bit
bigger than spec but not much so we made
it as tighter as we could while still
retaining compatibility with almost every
third party driver okay should we should
we find an actual let's find something
actually all right actually bad i didn't
realize there would actually be none on
that product it's a really good product
let's go to something that has like a
bajillion reviews like screwdriver or
which one you want uh just the full
prime one let's go for the most possible
review so we have the highest chance of
having a negative one
that's a yeah
okay all right three percent of our
reviews are one star
uh took a long time to arrive
didn't get it um this is probably dealt
with at this point another took a long
time to arrive haven't took a long time
to arrive i ordered three and it looks
like each of them come from different
batches colors are slightly off on the
last one plus the mechanics seem to be
less precise than the first one ordered a
few months ago
so the colors could be slightly off and
the mechanics seems could be oh sorry no
the mechanics could be less precise than
the first one there there are variances
yep that's the thing that happens and
colors can be a little bit different from
time to time yet to arrive we had some
delivery issues before um yeah there's some
negative reviews of support it should be
that anything under a certain threshold we
reach out to
but they don't always revise their reviews
so yeah the worst this one's confusing
would recommend to up yeah would recommend
to others but wish there was an all
black option and shipping wasn't
expensive i think this person's somewhat
trolling look at the like to dislike on
okay yeah uh never arrived wait are these
people that like like 2023 when did we
launch the thing no we launched it in
2022 right
i think so yeah there's yeah yeah yeah
yeah 2022 right
i don't know but there's a there's a
bunch of complaints from like august
when did we launch it i think we launched
it in 2022
right yeah i think i'm like gaslighting
myself i'm pretty sure
did we launch a video on ltt we did we
launched it in 2022
okay so apparently we had some some
shipping delays
in july august
oh was this around ltx
this would have been just after ltx
okay charge me one dollar more after
receive the shipment without reason well
that was probably their like customs or
a big mistake
okay another delivery issue
uh i mean if this person reaches out to
customer care i'm sure we can get them
sorted out
okay so has anyone actually had a problem
with the screwdriver yet the one person
didn't like that the colors were
haven't received it
i'm not thrilled with the result okay
there here we go
first thing is the magnet is too strong
and really annoying to get the screw set
in place
what really
while nice for holding screws on it
come annoying to get them set
also the screw that hold an outlet cover
is not enough back force for the ratchet
and i am forced to turn the shaft by hand
and after all the hype on the ratcheting mechanism
and one other thing is there's no way to know
what direction it is set to without testing it
oh there is an indicator actually
um okay yeah it would be better to have an indicator
there's an indicator
uh way too overhyped and underdelivered
okay there
i guess my point was
pretty good
william bird's review
is still there for you to enjoy
we do not believe
in um in in
covering up problems
whether they're delivery issues that we had
around the ltx time frame
uh whether they are
uh complaints that people have about the product
even if we don't agree that they're valid
uh guys
we're here for you to
we're here for you guys to get the real
the real
that's what our reviews are for
i i legitimately like love reading reviews on the site though
people are saying that the the indicator is
i think there's um
i think there's a way to tell
people are saying that the indicator is just what direction to turn it
not what it's currently set to
yeah no it tells you what it's currently set to here
easily accessible backpack location
directly behind you
your backpack is supposed to be
on your back
while you put it behind you when you're seated
oh no no no you guys are right
yeah it tells you what way to twist it
oh yeah no you're right i totally forgot
like the the handle or anything
no you
i don't remember
yeah there totally is actually
based on the flat point sorry
based on the flat point of the handle
oh yes yes it's centered
left side
yes yeah
if it is uh centered on the flat
that's right
yes there is a way to tell
but it is not that clearly indicated
if in the center of the flat
it is neutral
if it is to the side of the flat
then it is that way
if it's to the other side of the flat
then it's that way
there is an indicator
it's possible you kind of have to figure it out
though i don't think we actually tell you
we didn't tell you that
so this is keyed
so the uh selector ring
always goes in in the same orientation
uh that is by design
i just totally forgot about it
good job creator warehouse team
it works so i was thinking
i was like i'm pretty sure i've been able to tell before
and i think i've used that trick
what are we supposed to be talking about
do you want another merch message
uh yeah
i mean that's what we're doing right now right
intel's battle mage got leaked
do you think it will have a much better launch than alchemist
will they be back on the wan show
ideally an arc for the competition
and have seen it improve a ton
intel's work on their driver has been fantastic
i i said yes immediately to better launch
but i what i think i mean by that
is i think there will be more people
ready to adopt it
to be completely honest
i don't know
i'm not going to say right off the bat
that like
their driver's going to be flawless on launch
they've they've had a lot of improvements
on their driver
i'm very hopeful for that
but i have no idea
but i do think there will be more
people interested
in potentially buying an intel gpu
come this generation
yeah i
seeing how
how dogged
they've been
when it comes to
improving these things
we're going to push harder
i i
it gives me faith
i have a bunch of hope
i'm feeling good about it
i'll try it again
hey ldl
was finally
time to pick up a shaft extension
and the bread sorus pin
what do you think that was the saddest company takeover
that you were alive for
got him
oh now i'm sad
totally beaten to the draw
got him
nah you're over it
they're already dead
that's true
that's fair
that was kind of a merger
but it feels like the activision soul
was the one that survived
it sure was
still oculus though
this is very sad
five star review
i'm sorry i need to return this
i bought it for my husband
but he can't use it
he was in a car accident
how do i return it
i guess
randomly seen this
i will forward this to customer care
we will try and get this
sorted out
sorry to hear that
but we'll
yeah we'll
we'll get you sorted out
he makes a speedy recovery
maybe we can get him
something else
sorry dan go ahead
hello linus
been watching since
ncix days
do you think a dell tower server
would make a good choice
for the first server
for a first server
if you're
if you're able to get one off of like
you know
some company
flipping it out the door
for basically nothing
like absolutely
as long as the performance there
should be reliable enough
that's how a lot of people get their first server chest
schedule send
we're out monday
don't want to bother
oh nick is aware
oh nick's on it
oh well that's easy
look at this guy dude
feeding us with the images we needed
solving customer support things
so good
gonna save that one
hello from australia dll
i think i've seen the intro popping up again recently
what are people's reactions
and how are the analytics finding it
uh overall reactions are good
uh it seems to be neutral if anything on retention
so i think we're just gonna kind of have it sometimes
if it feels like there needs to be an air gap
between the intro and the body of the video
um if it feels like something that we just kind of need to get into
then we'll leave it out
but it's
i think right now
it's out by default
but i'm adding it back in more often than not
i don't necessarily think we should make this
someone in float plane chat
just just references
oh can i find their name
what now
sorry i don't think i can give you a shout out
because i looked away and lost your name
like an extension that adds the intro
to every video
i don't think we should actually necessarily make this a shirt
maybe we should
i'd be happy with being wrong
but if we don't
i think dan you should make this yourself
just a shirt that's just like
either your face or linus's face
and it just says who the f is daniel best
and you should wear it
i don't even know anymore man
i don't think i've known for a long time
i think that would be hilarious
moving on
uh let's see
let's see
oh yeah it should just be
it should just be a like
a black and white
just side profile
of you in the top
it's really comfy
i'm glad i did this
i should have done this ages ago
uh okay
where are we
where are we
uh hey
i've been watching
a few older ltt videos
and i love many of the older t-shirt designs
like the ram t-shirt
so would lmg ever open the vault
for a limited run of the older designs
i'm not saying no
you know what
if you see something you like
buy three
because it's not always possible
for us to bring things back
we can't just print one of a shirt
it doesn't make sense
i've been doing that more often
i do it all the time
if i find something i like
i mean those badminton shoes
i bought like five pairs
because they
this the company that
uh that i i like a lot of other elements of their designs
they had they had a wide shoe
uh because they're they're an asian company
so my feet are apparently wide
even though they're pretty typical for like a
caucasian dude
but like they made a wide shoe that was really good for me
and i like the grip of the bottoms
and and uh and like i like their their internal cushioning
and all that kind of stuff
and so i bought one pair
and i was like well i'll be able to get these forever
and then when their next generation lineup came out
they just didn't have a wide
it's like yeah well we don't need a like x65w anymore
so whatever
get the x65 too
and i tried the one they were terrible
they were too they were too narrow
and then the next gen came out
and they had a wide
and i'm like okay
half a dozen pairs of these please
and then if you guys skip a gen
then i guess i'm good
and if you have a future one
well then that's cool
but these fit fine
so whatever i don't care
my feet are uh wide
and tall
and just relatively large
and finding shoes that are like sporty
that fit all of those things
is like practically impossible
as far as i can tell
there are options
but i don't like most of them
so there are a few options
but then preference comes in
and knocks those out
so there's like one pair of shoes
that i just love
and i wish i had more of them
but i have two pairs right now
which is which is pretty okay
next dan
hey dan and the talent
love the show
i was wondering how you assess
your production quality
video and audio etc
and decide when you need to upgrade
change up or experiment
and then set new standards
that'd be a great name for like ed and andy
great question sorry for ed and andy
um yeah if anything
i would say that we've been
more concerned about um workflow
for the last six months
than production quality so much
you know figuring out how to
how to smoothly produce
rather than how to like
have more pixels
more megapixels or whatever
dll how do you feel about users
breaking an app's terms of service
just to make it usable
for example modding discord mobile apps
and bring the old layout layout back
or youtube apps to stop shorts
from being shoved in your face
okay well hold on
we got to be a little careful here
because you said make it usable
and then talked about things that are
not making it usable
you're not supposed to i guess
personally i mean i don't care
and as far as my understanding goes
you aren't supposed to do things
like custom skins and custom uis for discord
but i think they also just like
don't really go after you a ton
unless you're broadcasting it
i suspect that's how most of them will treat it
but i'm not sure
i'll get rid of that
did linus ever get his revenge
on colton
for the pregnancy prank
no but i will
and that was a long time ago
and i'll get my revenge
biding my time
oh boy
and let's see
any other other ones you want to deal with
we got some incoming first
there's a potential you can check
you've just done this so many times
i don't know
it's up to you
oh which one
the potential
oh do you still have your bike
i do
it's in a lot of pieces right now
i was actually working on sanding
for it last night
oh nice
i'm so i'm still still good
i'm gonna get it painted
it's gonna be pink
and it's gonna be awesome
but luke
what about qualcomm
you said qualcomm
and then sponsor
but we talked about that for sure
oh okay
forget it
then i'll archive it
qualcomm creates proton
for windows arm
we talked about that
oh yeah yeah
no we're good
uh do you have any favorite
retro video games
that you want to share
with your kids
i'm gonna see if uh
i'm gonna see if they'll play
final fantasy 6
there's a
there's the remake
or like the re-release
the pixel remaster
that's the word i was looking for
i think that uh
i think that
at least a couple of them
might be ready for it
but i also see the games
they play now
and they're so good
they're so different
they're so dense
if you ask me
final fantasy 6
is still fun
if you ask me
what would you recommend
to your kid though
final fantasy 6
or dave the diver
i'd be like
i don't know
go play dave the diver
probably a better game
yeah but there's time
hey are you back on it yet
no but i
what the heck
hold on
hold on
i'm done my side
i'll do it
i'll do it
i'll do it
i watched hackers
because of the computer
not being able to play it
i watched pirates of silicon valley
which was pretty tedious
i played titanfall 2
which was excellent
those movies were tedious
for a very short period of time
they were very tedious
i do actually want to keep playing it
i lost a bunch of momentum
when my computer wouldn't play it
and then
like this last week
i wanted to play
i didn't play any video games
the whole week
so i don't know
i will get to it though
i will play it
it's not
i'm not trying to avoid it
it is actually
genuinely just fun
i want to actually beat it
out of my own
drive at this point
all right
i want uh
i want peter's message
dealt with here
if you were given a complete do-over
on one of your videos
which one would you choose to reshoot
and why
it would be the roast
not recording the audience
killed it
and people were like
yeah man
these jokes weren't landing
blah blah blah
they were killing the entire time
you just can't hear it
loved it
but we were all miked
like right here
and there was no
audience microphone
and we added some in in post
but it's
it's not the same
like people were
they were losing it
and so it's just
yeah it's
even some of the deliveries
like the people have to pause
because the audience
is laughing so hard
and it sounds like
an awkward pause
and it's not actually
it takes the vibe
way down
i watch it back
every once
like probably about
once a year
i forget like half of it
and then watch it again
it's so funny
it's really fun
it's so funny
last one i've got for you
you can never redo that
someone's like
let's redo the roast
you could never
you could never hope
to recapture that magic
and like
maybe in like
20 years
how narcissistic
would you have to be
to host an event
host a roast
like every
every five years
about yourself
it's like writing
multiple autobiographies
like honestly
i could see it like
when you like
if someone
if someone
held one for me
25 years
it would be fine
but like
so much of what is
so much of what you say
in a roast
is supposed to be
the core of that person
it hasn't changed that much
like you
sure you could
make fun of that person
for something that
happened recently
but like
you went after
who i am
and that's what's funny
about it
it has to cut
and so how do you ever
redo that
it's it's been done
i i even
you know i take it back
in 25 years
it wouldn't make sense
if someone else did it
i'd be like
no it's been done
yeah no i'm over it
the last one i have
linus and luke
if you both
bounce really hard
can you pop the couch
or is it more durable
feel free to save
the attempt for the end
i think this is the end
thanks joseph s
i guess uh
how hard do you want to go
i mean i don't know
don't we need this couch
no not really
i mean we use it a lot
for something we don't need
but uh
oh he's going pretty hard
i don't know if i can do
hold on
oh he's going really hard
uh if this pops
it's gonna hurt
really bad
yeah i know
that'll be funny
okay ready
are you timing it
uh three on go
it didn't pop
well yeah i feel like i was a little behind you though
i waited to watch you move instead of going at exactly the same time
did i go on exactly go
no you waited a second but i waited too long
i'm gonna try to go fast
do you even core exercises bro
come on
oh we definitely hit at the same time
certainly durable
oh so it's pretty good then
it did pretty good
all right
we do all our own stunts by the way
thanks for watching
see you again next week
same bad time
same bad channel
people said there's multiple cells you have to jump on the same one
uh it's actually just one
well this couch is multiple cells but we were jumping on this
i think a big part of the reason why it didn't pop
is because there's one big air space that we're jumping on but then there's another one below it