
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

Which is actually coming along quite well.
We're live.
I'm trying to get into the Twitch chat so that I can link people articles and stuff.
Cause people like it when we do what we're supposed to do on the show.
Which is usually cover topics, but right now it's covering you in mustard.
I told you I was going to do the joke.
I told him I was going to do the joke.
I told you I was going to do the joke.
I told you I was going to do the joke.
Welcome to the Wanshow.
I don't know why he's not talking.
I don't know what topics we have today.
I'm just trolling you.
So welcome to the Wanshow guys.
It's going to be a great show today I hope.
We're definitely dressed for a great show today.
I got my wiener head thing going on here.
I have a nozzle head.
Yeah Luke's got his mustard cap.
Does it have a thing on the end?
I think there is.
It's open.
Yeah there is a hole.
You have a mustard hole.
I do.
In your costume.
I do.
Anything sounds dirty when you add a hole to it.
It's like mustard hole.
Dog hole.
Dog hole.
Corn hole.
Okay well that one's fairly well established.
So lots of great stuff today.
The FBI's advice on ransomware?
Just pay the ransom.
The Ejaculator now on Indiegogo.
Now we don't generally cover Indiegogo and Kickstarter topics anymore because most of
it is a steaming pile of fail.
But this one is going to be a different kind of steamy.
You missed the steaming pile of Ejaculate.
Yeah I was being a little more subtle than that.
I didn't miss it.
Is that what my mustard cap does?
I never miss.
Um, what else we got here?
Arkham Knight, but finally back on Steam.
I was reading the article about this and I was like, what do you mean Arkham Knight's
Wasn't that like a billion years ago?
I'd actually forgotten about all the controversy because I think I played it like a little
bit and I was like, wow, this is Arkham City without any relevant villains.
Who cares?
So anyway, we already rolled the intro so I guess I'm kind of doing the intro things
now but I would normally roll the intro now but I can't.
We're just doing call outs?
Yeah I think I was doing call outs.
I sort of got, the ball got rolling and then my balls were all rolled and then it got awkward.
Well they could have cottage cheese balls.
Some people like cottage cheese on hot dogs.
Yeah I'm pretty sure that's a thing.
There's some really interesting hot dogs.
People put some crazy stuff on their hot dogs.
So I don't know.
Are we talking about Arkham Knight or are we doing more call outs?
As long as you don't get poop on your hot dog.
Because it would taste gross.
That's why it's a problem.
Yes it would.
I should use that chair.
I'm kidding.
So let's get into our first topic here.
Let's do the surface book issues.
So everyone and their dog in the tech world was like freaking out over the surface book.
I certainly was.
I've got one on order or at least I thought I had one on order.
No I actually do have one on order.
Those of you who follow on Twitter will have maybe seen the epic saga that is my order
of the surface book.
Where I ordered it three weeks ago and then I wanted to cancel my surface pro 4 order
which was also on the same order because I wanted to review them both.
So I cancelled my surface pro 4 order because a local Microsoft rep dropped a surface pro
4 off with me the next day after I had placed it and I was like oh great I don't have to
buy one now that's fantastic.
So I cancelled that then I got an email like two weeks later saying your order for the
surface book has been cancelled and I was like yo ring ring no I never cancelled that
I definitely still want it please get your act together because I actually need that
thank you.
And they were like oh yeah yeah no it's just a bug a bunch of orders were a bunch of emails
were accidentally sent out it's all fine it's all good I was like okay great.
So then I happened to be digging around in my Microsoft account because some credit card
issue something something I had to double check some previous transactions and I was
like this order is cancelled it says cancelled.
So I finally get in touch with someone it's like the live chat is the hardest thing to
find on their site when you're looking for it.
When you're not looking for it it's like right there yeah like and it's the weirdest thing
because I'm sure half of you are gonna be like uh yeah it's the live chat it's like
right here that's fine but if you go to the contact us page it's not.
So that was like EA site where if you're on if you have Canadian English selected it won't
give you the phone number at a certain time because their English line is open at different
times than their French line so if their English line is open they won't display the English
phone number.
So you go for contact us and they're like we recommend for your problem because it's
advanced that you call us here's the number and then it's just blank.
So anyway I finally get in touch with someone and it takes forever because like can I get
your name can I get these security questions can I do this can I you know stroke your child's
hair gently while you watch like no just can I give you an order number can I just give
you an order number you look at he's like no I can't look up your order number unless
I do all this crap I'm like why I just want to know if my order is cancelled.
So finally they have this phone verification SMS thing like here's my number oh sorry can
we do that again like yes fine this is the slowest support call that I have ever been
on to verify that an order is in your system but fine he's like no it's cancelled like
okay so I really need this he's like okay I'll put in a new order I'm like so that means
my order date will be the 27th not like the 8th when I actually ordered it he's like yep
I'm like so this is backordered there is a waitlist I want one now he's like there's
nothing I can do I'm like so I finally did it I finally played the reviewer card I was
like look I really need this I have a YouTube channel with 2 million subscribers it is in
your best interest to get me a laptop sooner so I can make my video it's like there is
nothing I can do bullshit there is always something you can do it's called get off your
ass get up go talk to someone and get the problem solved because I never cancelled my
order anyway so I'm mad but I'm not gonna let that affect my way they didn't know he
just placed a new no he never he offered me free express shipping which is ten dollars
on a three thousand dollar order so I was like that's a nice gesture I'm still pissed
but at least I saved ten dollars ten dollars ten dollars thank you you can buy McDonald's
I which if I kind of gross too you know does McDonald's have mustard they don't have hot
dogs this is like the anti McDonald's axis of I don't think yeah I don't think someone
might be able to correct I don't really go there like I they might have like a mustard
you relish but I don't know if they have straight-up mustard anyway they have relish you can get
mustard in packets there can you yeah I don't know the burger would probably have mustard
I don't know the Big Mac doesn't for sure it's just covered in mayo I think I okay it's
been a while all right anyway so so surface book is honey mustard so yes thank you honey
mustard you are my honey mustard okay let's actually do a topic now so the surface book
issue so I and everyone in their dog was excited before I went off on that tangent about this
thing because it looks fantastic but there appear to be a number of issues with people
reporting crashes and lockups random trackpad freezes some screen wobble due to weight imbalance
between the screen and keyboard no ambient light sensor controlling the brightness of
backlit keys that really seems like a very first world problem no quad core CPU options
yeah that's kind of to be expected like some of these reported issues really don't seem
like that they're features that you would like to have the Dell 34 inch ultra wide cannot
be used with the dock that kind of sucks so it looks like maybe there's some bandwidth
loss or like a switching issue or whatever with the display port adapter for the dock
technically 3440 by 1440 should be perfectly doable on display port 1.2 in fact Acer's
Acer's ultra wide the predator x34 our sample does 100 hertz most people are reporting anywhere
from the 95 to 100 hertz range so the actual interface is plenty fast so it looks like
there's some other kind of issue this is really bad this is where things start to get pretty
brutal not being able to boot with the dock having to unplug and plug it back in cannot
not being able to detach the dock I've seen people having issues with driver crashes when
they detach the dock that's not actually in our dock but that is something that I've seen
reported so apparently playing and this one I love this one playing MPEG files just when
it's in laptop mode works fine but if you plug it into the dock it gives you this undecryptable
error code so I didn't order the dock are unable to decode error because I'm planning
to use it just as a laptop slash tablet not also as a desktop so I actually won't be able
to comment on a lot of these issues but what this has demonstrated to me is that I definitely
instead of doing like a normal review I need to do more of like a long term impressions
review like a more like an I switched so I'll get it all set up and I'll use it for like
a couple weeks and then I'll let you guys know how it goes but that'll only happen when
it arrives.
That's what we're doing with the steam controllers yeah when it arrives so I don't know yeah
so steam controllers a lot of people were like noticing that oh hey so you posted on
Instagram your steam controllers and then you posted on Instagram your Xbox elite controllers
and then the Xbox elite video is out already where's it hold on where's that steam controller
video dog so you want to explain what the methodology is with the steam controller video
with the stream controller video one we already have a video out from like a while ago when
I used one at a show and as far as I can tell the time between then and now was largely
used on manufacturing not changing features and it's kind of a wonko controller like testing
out the Xbox elite it's like okay this is an Xbox controller but with a bunch of upgraded
stuff so that's a lot more simple and people would be a lot more familiar with it than
a controller it has like touch pads and wonko stuff going on so I took them home and I'm
gonna be doing a long term impressions thing I've got a few weeks I'm gonna try that out
and the hope is that because Luke plays video games he will play video games with them but
we actually we actually purchased two of them for a couple of reasons so here's actually
the coverage we did back at PAX East 2015 so not a whole ton of a lot has changed since
then but basically the rationale behind the two controllers was that Luke will always
use one he has to use a steam controller for his gaming until he's done this video and
then he's got an extra for any guests that come over so at least one guest has to use
the steam controller and he can get impressions both from himself over the longer term and
from people who just have to kind of pick it up and run with it yeah so it should make
for it should make for a pretty interesting sort it should make for a pretty interesting
video I actually am going to cover it more as like a side note because I've actually
got two steam machines I don't know if you know this I've got two steam machines either
here already or on route so I have the ZOTAC one and then I have the Alienware one so the
Alienware one for sure comes with the steam controller so I will be reviewing the Alienware
I think it the Windows version is called the Alpha but I think it's just called the steam
machine Alienware steam machine oh if it's not the Alpha I'm not I'm not sure I'll don't
worry I'll I'll sort out all these details before I do the video but I'll be sort of
talking about using it I can already tell you guys though that if you don't have big
hands steam controller is probably not a thing for you oh I noticed it immediately oh when
picking it up actually yeah so but but we'll see my impressions could change I mean it's
really funny because they probably can't hear you very well right now yeah this reminds
me of something that I've been asking for for so long that I feel like my request for
it has become irrelevant so back when I first saw the Xperia Z3 compact I was like oh yeah
that's great like an iPhone sized Android phone that you know is the right size for
my hands because I was like yeah all the high-end Android phones are so big but it's gotten
to the point where I've gotten so used to larger phones that this thing just feels so
small to me now so the Z5 on that subject the Xperia Z5 compact just arrived today and
I'm gonna be working on my review of that next I also have a Z5 premium on route the
one with the 4k display and then after that is probably going to be the Droid Turbo 2
so I have a full plate on the phone side of things look it's updating anyway well we'll
see how that goes because this will be the first high-end small Android phone that I
have I think ever used yeah because you didn't use the Z3 compact did you no yeah no I never
actually touched one outside of like with a huge like security device on the back of
it in a store like not enough to get a good impression so far this is looking really promising
so it looks really nice but it's okay the difference between this one and I think it
was the Z3 compact where the spec was very similar to the full size is that this one
is significantly downgraded in terms of spec like it's not a name no okay but it's got
a Snapdragon 810 which is an older processor it's got a 720p screen which I have made the
argument and continue to make the argument is just fine for a 4.7 inch display but I'm
just I need to I need to spend some time with it and find out if that if that downgrade
of the spec matters to me someone's asking what about the Nexus I don't really have any
plans to do the 6p or the 5x they both look like pho any phones to me I yeah I do I don't
really have anything to say because okay here's something that people have been giving me
crap about a little bit lately and that is that every time I do a monitor video I'm like
wow it's the best thing ever there's a reason for that and the reason is not all the hundred
dollar bills that the manufacturer is slipping in my back pocket there's a lot of innovation
in monitors it is moving so fast there's a lot of monitors that are coming out that can
genuinely say we are the first person to do X or Y yes and and that and the other thing
is that I am pretty selective about the monitors that I everyone okay every once in a while
I screw up like that viewsonic VP whatever the 4k one really nice monitor but the reason
that I requested that sample like three months before I ended up doing the video was it was
the first HDMI 2.0 display that I had seen and so that was going to be part of my focus
is I really wanted to talk about HDMI 2.0 but by the time I got to that video because
we got wrapped up in moving I had already done another HDMI 2.0 display that was like
way more relevant and I was like oh crap now I don't really have much to say other than
hey this is a really nice monitor which it is but what I generally do is I don't even
accept a review unit of something that doesn't bring a new experience to the table aside
from just being a monitor so when people are like oh yeah you know Linus can you review
X the answer if it's very similar to something I've already done is a lot of the time no
because I'm not really I am not a non tech I'm never going to be a non tech that's just
that's what it is I am not TFT central so if you guys are looking for the really nitty
gritty details down to the you know the oscilloscope like you know look at the pixel you know rise
and fall of voltages blah blah blah if you guys want that stuff that stuff's out there
but for me it's more about I want to talk about what the experience of this product
is and what makes it different from what else is out there from an experience standpoint
so very frustrating to do a review of something that's super similar to another thing that
you've done because it's you want to say something new you want to add something to the table
you don't want to just be like oh whatever have a good day you want to say something
interesting and when you're basically doing it twice that's really dry so why am I doing
this because it's the first time I've used a high-end compact Android phone also it intrigues
me because the lower spec is lower in a way that I don't believe is going to bother me
but it still has a 2700 milliamp hour battery and with the way that yeah with the way that
Sony's implementation of Android handles battery life plus marshmallow I think it's running
marshmallow I'll have to double check I could be looking at a phone that legitimately gets
me through two days so I'm awesome so I'm super stoked on that the reason I'm doing
the z5 premium is that it'll be the first 4k display that I've seen on a phone so I
can really talk about how that changes or doesn't change which is what I suspect is
going to happen the experience and then the reason I'm to be doing the Droid Turbo 2 is
because of the shatterproof screen and because the Droid Turbo has for an entire year managed
to hold the throne as my daily driver preferred phone in spite of its very inferior camera
compared to the LG G4 the Samsung Galaxy S6 edge compared to the iPhone 6 the iPhone 6s
so so that is whatever I was talking about I don't remember what it was anymore.
It's been a really long time and I don't remember either yeah so cool we were talking about
the z3 compact but I don't remember why we were talking about the z3 compact yeah that's
okay all right so here's an article and we actually had a really great suggestion from
a viewer last week I didn't have time to deal with it before the show today but they had
suggested an alternate layout for when reviewing articles for where it's like bigger on the
one side and then Luke and I are kind of stacked on the side that I really like we're going
to do that in the future thank you for that suggestion but for now we're sticking with
this so this is kind of like the suckiest thing ever and there's a lot of really ignorant
comments about this unfortunately there's a lot of people saying like oh that's like
terrible advice just like paying the money to to the like jack bums who are like yeah
we've got some ransomware installed on your computer we encrypted all your data you got
to pay us to unlock it they should just like they should just like be able to fix it you
know what that's the double-edged sword of encryption yeah yeah if they were able to
fix that people would be freaking out about that yeah you gotta kind of pick your poison
here I guess yeah so basically for those of you who don't know what ransomware is what
what it is is it's a type of malware that gets onto your computer encrypts your data
and then sends the encryption key back to the ransomware they get in touch with you
and they basically go yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah we have all your data we may or
may not do anything with it like they may not even care about doing something with the
data but basically if you want to know actually hold on okay sorry to be clear they don't
necessarily have your data they can just have encrypted your device sorry sorry sorry I
sort of started rolling and get misspoke there so basically they go you can't have access
to your data unless you pay us the sum of money and we will send you the encryption
keys and then you can unencrypt your data and go about your merry day and hopefully
you learned a valuable lesson and basically the the biggest issue here like the biggest
targets for this are businesses not individual users because individual users what they're
gonna pay a hundred bucks 150 bucks 200 bucks you like because the cyber criminals here
they don't want to demand $5,000 and get nothing they want to this this is a volume game yeah
yeah they want to hit a thousand people for a hundred bucks each and they made a hundred
grand that's the point but if you find a really big fish business and you know that you did
then you can probably ask a huge amount now you can start asking for you know a hundred
grand five hundred grand however much depending on what it is that you've gotten from them
you know did you get the did you get the president of the company's laptop did you get this did
you get that so uh basically the fbi issued a note in june identifying crypto wall as
the most common ransomware affecting individuals and businesses they received 992 complaints
between april and june of 2014 to 2015 that's not that bad no it's not that bad except that
the losses are totaling 18 million dollars which is very bad for those cases which is
very very bad and raises the probably targeting businesses thing yep even more so they basically
said yep the reason that a lot of uh a lot of folks are getting into ransomware is that
it's extremely effective um and that the only way to avoid it is to back up your data regularly
to just restore the infected system to a prior state to avoid paying a ransom that's pretty
much all there is to it and all of the usual hey please you know put on your common sense
glasses when you're browsing the internet stuff applies but you know the cold hard truth
of it is that a lot of people don't know and don't care because the internet plays such
a small role in their life aside from like needing to use their computer for like excel
common sense is also not enough common sense is relative like it's also not like the people
that are like oh i just won't run an antivirus at all because i know how to use the internet
that's no sorry but no it doesn't work that way yeah that and i mean you know the fact
that a file is dot exe is bad yeah it's like that's common sense to me yeah but like not
to my mom or my aunt like why would she know that oh it's a picture i'm gonna do yeah it
could be called cute cats dot exe and the email could say hey it's a picture of cute
cats and like they wouldn't know yeah so uh here we go this is fun so this is an indiegogo
project that uh in the age of the internet was uh was was definitely destined for for
success the e jackulator vr headset synced stroking adult toy i actually don't know why
they pixelated this i mean it's just a piece of plastic so you can show it in japan sorry
so you can show it in japan what what is that a thing i don't know is it i thought japanese
like porn and stuff you had to pixelate it but that's not porn it's a piece of plastic
but it's a recreation of whatever is that is that right i don't they have to do it in
like animated stuff too so i would assume so huh i don't know the twitch channel probably
would know yeah i mean yeah um so anyway it's 130 for the e jackulator basically i think
sort of looking at the uh looking at the product here it should be fairly self-explanatory
what it does what does it do it strokes folks uh i thought these things already existed
so you download the app you connect the app to the ejaculator you put on the headset you
navigate using the wireless remote choose your fantasy and prepare for you know there
you go really that's a video what beta users are saying yep so you guys can definitely
go check that out we're not gonna we're not gonna play any of these videos on the land
show we're trying to keep it somewhat i don't know what are we like pg what's higher pg
or pg-13 let's go i think pg is the like worst one so yeah we're trying to stay pg
here um but yeah it's going to cost you 130 bucks to uh to to get the vr set as an early
adopter so it includes the device one vr headset one remote one battery one silicone sleeve
and shipping to the u.s and canada is 16 dollars with the rest of the world being 24 dollars
so um you know what i think we have to do it i think we don't really have a choice here
straw poll will you buy one oh okay i thought you're gonna do should we buy one i was like
whoa should we review it pg-13 is higher than pg oh okay okay so then it goes g and pg to
pg-13 to r to nc-17 then to not rated okay maybe we should try and make our show not
rated one day all right here comes the straw poll it's coming i'm so interested in this
i am super i'm super interested in this too all right let's surprise though that they
didn't try to launch their indiegogo in like early 2016 when the actual headsets come out
yeah but they've got their own uh they've got their own like oh it comes with a headset
thing yeah it comes with a headset i think you just drop your drop your phone in it i
haven't i haven't checked out uh phone compatibility or anything like that like i actually haven't
looked that i haven't looked at that closely turnip is winning this vote yes is losing
this vote but it has a lot of votes this is just the beginning we want you to be along
for the ride wow their campaign is just so cringe just way beyond cringe i love this
here's some of the prototypes there is no way that i would put anything of mine anywhere
near any of those prototypes and that was when they were new yeah uh gear factory manually
producing gears like they've really they've really put some some thought into this puppy
here hey there you go that one's not censored oh yeah i don't know 12 inches tall four inches
wide well i guess i couldn't really do the review anyway oh oversized too big too big
i meant you were but oh yeah i tried to give you credit on that one yeah you tried you
tried but it was no one was going to believe that discreet packaging and labels all right
so let's have okay we won't do another topic in the meantime let's just go ahead and uh
have a look at those those the results there so will you buy one we've got a whopping 28
of our audience that is planning to buy the ejaculator now just to be clear guys we are
not suggesting that you buy it while it is an indiegogo campaign i would definitely wait
for it to actually roll off a real production line i would wait for independent i was gonna
say wait till you see if there's a review yeah it's like it sawed off my penis at the
base things can go wrong with the surface book and it's annoying things could wrong
with this it's probably a little bit worse it was terrible my life will never be the
same oh wow moving on the worst topic we have ever done is it i actually legitimately don't
know all right this is interesting microsoft has this is such a sensational oh i was i
have a screen sharing that whole time this is such a sensationalist headline has microsoft
admitted defeat in the console sales war over on tech radar okay that very sensationalist
but it uh is related to a legitimate piece of news so um microsoft announced their quarterly
results and it lacked hardware shipment metrics so when they were questioned as to why those
were absent microsoft source responded saying it was no longer using such figures as its
measurement of success so they are actually going to focus on xbox live figures as the
leading stat and it should be noted that xbox live users rose sharply last quarter growing
by 28 to 39 million users so would you argue that that is a legitimate thing for them to
okay so first of all would you say that that move has anything to do with microsoft admitting
defeat in the console race um no to be completely honest not admitting defeat because that's
a little harsh but they might be trying to make it look prettier because now that they
can when they're doing online stats that's something that will continue to grow over
time as long as they're not losing users whereas hardware shipment might mean that just less
people are adopting it yeah which is not necessarily meaningful now with that said the xbox one
um what didn't have as much adoption even early on yes it was a little rough out of
the gate compared to the playstation 4 but i would look at their 60 a year for xbox live
gold um as indicative of probably more indicative of the profitability of that customer because
it's already fairly well established that in terms of hardware alone the playstation
4 and the xbox one were not particularly profitable especially when you compare it to well really
not anything i mean the console hardware they were more profitable than previous consoles
yes because they made a little bit of money whereas usually they would lose a little bit
of money on the console but nothing compared to something like the wii where it was basically
powered by like peanut butter and you know elastic butter and happiness yeah exactly
um i just got yoshi's wooly world yeah pretty fun you can't be upset while playing that
game it's actually wonderful it's very fun yeah um so so i mean that's never really been
an indication of of of the success of the business unit because it doesn't really indicate
the profitability what it does indicate is the installed user base so if microsoft's gonna
switch metrics and go okay we are less interested in how many physical xbox units there are
out there and we are more interested in what the installed user base of xbox live members
is because that's actually a more meaningful number to someone like a game developer yeah
how many people are are sitting there paying a subscription to use their xbox and if we're
and if we're going to look at that as more indicative of the profitability of that transaction
someone who bought an xbox and it literally sits on a shelf in their warehouse is not
a good customer someone who bought an xbox and uses it for five years paying 60 bucks
a year just gave you another 300 of money that is not necessarily pure profit because
a lot of that goes into uh development of things like their cloud assisted rendering
or uh building apparently isn't helping them that much which no isn't but that doesn't
mean they weren't working on it that doesn't mean that wasn't expensive i'm just saying
that that the hardware is just a transaction here's a piece of hardware here's how much
it costs us to build it here you go and if that person buys a bunch of games then great
but games and live memberships are still being looked at as indicators of success so i totally
disagree with that headline and i actually agree quite strongly with microsoft changing
the way that they're measuring the success of a console to look more at software sales
and membership sales because that's more logical and it's more favorable for them i don't necessarily
think it was admitting defeat they're not stopping producing xbox ones they're just
being like oh well you guys won yeah and if you know if sony sells let's let's say in
the lifetime of the playstation 4 on the xbox one you know if sony sells 100 million and
microsoft sells 60 million and microsoft made a bunch of money on a bunch of people buying
xbox live memberships and bought a bunch of games um i was looking into it apparently
the xbox one is beating the playstation 4 in terms of game sales so hey there's there's
lots of different ways to be successful if you sell 60 million units is that a failure
well i would probably say no i don't think you necessarily won in terms of hardware sales
yes but overall there's more categories to look at that being said using the xbox one
a little bit for the controller review god i hate that thing holy crap not the controller
right you liked the controller was great okay okay i was like it was awesome i don't like
xbox one controllers what video did i watch i don't like xbox one controllers but the
elite is actually pretty solid and that's largely because of the trigger stops the trigger
stops i hate the normal trigger for me the other big one on the elite controller and
as much as this is a stupid thing where you could kind of go well actually linus the solution
to that is just to go buy an xbox 360 controller is i really really don't like the abxy buttons
on the xbox one controller they're too i want to say ticky i know that's not a word like
the tactile feel is too yeah like i i actually like the kind of mushier feel of the xbox
360 controller and the xbox elite feels very similar because they were like mechanical
oh i i used the saber tooth for about four seconds and then i handed it to you to do
the review if you recall how that went down so that's why you handed that off well i was
super stoked on it i was like super excited i was like yeah high end controller man let's
do this luke's job because i mean okay to be clear i could have done it i could have
done it but it would have been needlessly negative because a lot of people like that
and so handing it to someone who's willing to look at it a bit more objectively i think
is being more fair to the product like if i see a product that i look at and i go i
cannot review this objectively like i you did the uh the note two or three i think so
you know three or something like that a long time ago because i looked at it and i went
this is way too big i cannot hold it my entire review is going to be about how i dropped
it and broke it why am i going to bother to to subject you guys to this yeah so got people
saying stop rambling stop watching this show this so this whole show is rambling yeah what
did you what do you think this was i'm dressed as a wiener we had a miscommunication issue
going on because that's not what this is okay to be clear i don't actually want you to stop
oh he's gone oh i i want everyone to watch mustard candy but i also want to ramble uh
okay let's move on to our next thing um sennheiser good guys sennheiser opens up their corporate
building to refugees whoa yeah i mean there's not a whole lot to really say about this and
the news source is in german so yes i will be translating that thank you uh so given
the acute situation sennheiser has the hannover region offered to accommodate refugees for
free in their corporate building commitment of the company is exemplary and deserves the
highest recognition but etc etc that is the sub headline so uh there you go the uh they've
got up to 300 refugees that are housed there and i can tell you having been to sennheiser's
uh facility there wow that is some nice refugee housing yeah it's a super super nice place
very clean the cafeteria is great i wonder if they get access to the cafeteria that food
was actually i really doubt it like an extra 300 people would put a lot of money well a
lot of load on the staff like it's not what are they going to double their staff overnight
right um but yeah so in march 2016 uh the building can be converted into a dormitory
for about 150 people uh will also be used as a reception center and a place for social
gatherings for refugees so uh cool stuff i mean we we love those guys it's no secret
we've worked with sennheiser in the past they sponsored our trip to um that stupid show
brandon likes nab sorry sennheiser has opened a corporate building in hanover i don't remember
exactly what region sorry not the hq yeah how it's worded it sounds like it might be
somewhere else yeah it looks like it's a different one interesting um so anyway probably still
super nice yeah the point is good guys sennheiser we like those guys we've worked with them
a fair bit all right wow this i guess neither of us have read this one i missed this i straight
up missed this awesome i apologize because this is the best thing ever single-player
games with dead authentication servers ruled dmca exempt so it is officially it appears
i'm gonna go through the notes because whenever whenever luke and i haven't haven't gone through
something we do usually have pretty good notes on it yeah um back in april a petition was
launched to exempt abandoned games from digital millennium copyright act so that is applying
to single-player games with their servers shut down personally i think this should apply
to multiplayer games with their servers shut down as well but hopefully we'll get there
eventually yep uh so basically page 52 to 56 of the u.s copyright office is ruling on
the petition allowing for modification and copying of video games only if they have single-player
components which require online authentication to check uh the game would mean that there
would be able to be very legal websites distributing games yes that's pretty epic i mean i'm interested
as to who's gonna jump on that that's some very interesting stuff so the games must have
been shut down abandoned for at least six months i mean this is such good news because
and the timing is actually not too bad because right now it's not a huge issue there aren't
too many games but it's going to be but it's going to be massive it is going to be a massive
problem although i'm a little bit worried about is this is going to even more incentivize
stupid useless multiplayer which happens a lot and i'm kind of tired of it like you mean
just unnecessary multiplayer modules that contribute nothing yeah well hold on a second
because allowing only if they have single-player components which require online authentication
to check so yeah so if you if you have online authentication uh authentication authentication
if you have online authentication and you have single player that requires it then get
wrecked basically it is legal to copy your game epic so the u.s copyright will permit
preservationists to modify console firmware in order to make games playable only if used
for non-commercial purposes in institutions that are open to the public and or unaffiliated
researchers so i would i would expect that someone like a private collector slash enthusiast
could consider themselves a researcher like i mean i think this is going to be it the
thing okay the thing about moving the line to make it gray is that it actually just kind
of opens up more gray area because in the past it was very black and white it still
does not allow for video game owners to modify games for local or multiplayer play so it's
very specific what is allowed and what is not if it has a single player component that
requires online authentication then you can unlock that functionality and copy it so that
people can use it and not for commercial use and all that kind of stuff that is basically
fantastic news and i absolutely love it i'm sure you can still set up like a please donate
to my paypal yeah i don't know because for commercial use is pretty broad but donate
usage yeah if you're making a certain amount of money i think it's commercial regardless
of whether it's a donation or not like if the linus tech tips forum is run purely off
of donations which it is sort of i mean no there's ads on it okay no but if it was run
purely off of the ads don't make a ton because yeah ad block well there's a lot of reasons
the ads don't make a ton of money also the hat um we're not gonna get into that um but
if it was run purely off of donations but it was making you know a fair amount of money
a month like you guys can look up i think how many gold contributors and silver contributors
we have like our community is awesome like we can run like the forum community off of
our contributors it's great thank you just inhaled part of my costume that is not recommended
um yeah i'm pretty sure that is still a commercial endeavor even if it's donated okay yeah i
just know a lot of like not paid mods sites still have donate buttons but that is not
legal at all so i don't know yeah i think that's exactly it i think it's more of a slightly
legal it's blind eye as opposed to legal yeah caught a lot of people that are um that are
asking why the ads don't make a ton of money basically there's a lot of reasons but i mean
in short i guess banner ads on websites are not a way to get rich and we have rules because
we laid out these rules early on on the wan show publicly we don't want like animated
ads or pop-up ads audio ads a few have slipped through the cracks i can assure you that was
100 unintentional neither luke nor i uh intended for those to be there and that's a whole other
long story yeah um that we are definitely not going to get into all right what else
we got here oh this is cool stuff the fda approves a cancer-killing virus yes my friends
you can have a virus get in your body and it can attack cancer now to be clear this
is not like you know i don't want to i don't want to oversell this this is not the answer
to cancer um it's basically specific to skin cancer it is a specific drug it's called okay
whatever i'm not even going to try um and it only extends the patient's life by i believe
it was an estimated about 4.4 months that's something okay and it shrunk tumors for at
least six months in 16 of patients so it is doing things but it's not like this is the
magic silver bullet but we've got something that's cool but it's the first it's the first
in like a new class of ways to attack cancer it's something that's been highly experimental
yeah nothing's ever thank you nothing's ever been fda approved up until now and that's
what's exciting about it is that now a lot of the experiments that have been going on
behind the scenes could be closer to being available to people um it's not cheap this
is always the case with new drugs i mean i was actually i was talking to my wife about
it most of you probably don't know this but my wife's a pharmacist so she um knows a few
things about drugs and stuff and she was saying because i was like i was talking about like
how it's you know such a load of crap like how expensive some drugs are like uh i don't
remember if we covered this on the wan show but the canadian government was actually suing
a drug company over the price of their drug in canada they were like this is ridiculous
you know we're providing we're providing health care to our citizens we don't want to pay
this much this is absurd it's like tens of thousands of dollars for a dose or something
stupid like that like it's ridiculous um but she was saying like the reason for that is
that the cost of developing a drug is a super high and the cost of developing all the drugs
that never get approved and never go anywhere is also super high so when you make that one
drug that makes it you have to make up for all of that and i'm like yeah okay i get that
pharmaceutical industry is also like super corrupt and messed up it's also super corrupt
so that that is also a factor yeah um but anyway so there you go at least we're making
progress hopefully cancer is not a thing at some point in the near future and that would
be good for everyone yeah okay except cancer cells isn't that like straight up impossible
what i've heard that there like definitely will never be an absolute cure i don't know
i've heard that like we might be able to take it back out or something i don't know okay
anyway uh not doctors sponsors for today i thought uh do we have the kit for the third
one oh yeah here it is
this thing is so bad i love this thing and it's covered by the lower third that's awesome
first sponsor iFixit iFixit so basically what can we say about iFixit that hasn't already
been said before they have great guides on their website if you've ever searched before
well okay well thank you if you've ever if you've ever searched for how to repair or
tear down a laptop or a tablet or a cell phone or even some all-in-one computers and like
all kinds of other stuff actually you've probably come across iFixit you'll know it's iFixit
because it's the site with the great pictures and the instructions that are actually easy
for normal people to follow and what you probably don't know or maybe don't know unless you
watch this show because we talk about it all the time is that aside from their guides they
also have their tools so this is their oh i forget what this one is actually called
this is the repair business tool kit and it's got a whole whack ton of their tools pretty
much everything you would like normally need okay so anti-static gear multimeter these
plastic cards that are good for like prying things and and flattening things having just
a set of plastic cards is actually more helpful than you realize yep um i like debit and credit
cards and that's just not a good idea really nice microfiber cleaning cloth i've actually
i've taken this kit apart and put it back together improperly enough times that i'm
really not sure where everything is inside of it their pro tech tool kit which i use
all the time i think we're up to like five of them here but i don't think we can ever
have enough of them because it's gotten to the point where instead of assigning them
to people and then us having to remember where they are we just leave them in all the places
where we might have to do anything and then we're covered uh their other screwdriver tool
kit with the bigger screwdrivers super helpful because sometimes having a dedicated screwdriver
that has a longer skinner neck someone's dirt and put one of our other pro tech tool kits
in here cleaning solution workmat do you have the like jelly tube thing the magnetic thing
for putting all your screws and labeling where they go suction cups for taking off uh taking
off screens and stuff like that uh prying tools that look like they fell out of one
of the pro tech tool kits way to go whoever did that ah yes there we go the heating pad
for uh loosening glue that's like my favorite thing in the whole kit so you microwave it
if i recall correctly yep microwave only one eye opener at a time for 30 seconds uh anyway
there you go if you want to fix anything use professional tools because it actually really
does help a lot and if you have a purchase of 50 or more that you want to make over on
ifixit.com you can save ten dollars by using offer code linus let's move on to ah yes logitech
so they've got their new gaming headsets out there i am in progress on my review so stay
tuned for that but in short uh this is the g633 and g933 which are usb or analog wired
or wireless versions of pretty much the same thing they've completely re-engineered this
from scratch acknowledging everything that was not that fantastic about the g230 and
the g430 and they've got a truly truly high end option that they're really really proud
of so it's got support for 7.1 dolby surround sound they've got 40 millimeter pro g audio
drivers and they've got adjustable rgb lighting that actually looks surprisingly good like
the lighting effect is very even i was surprised i hadn't actually really used them luke had
the first hands on because he went down to uh down to logitech's place to check it out
it's got a cardioid boom mic mic that oh this is another thing i discovered it's got like
a cool little noise it makes when you mute it i was like oh that's handy i was using
it for a conference call the other day okay i was like oh crap i'm on this call i uh i
super need to be able to work on stuff because this is a super dumb call and everything they're
saying is pointless but i really need to be here in case there's like some little nugget
of useful information so i threw on the wireless headphones and i was working on some server
crap in the meantime um i got a link for you guys to check it out boom right there just
like that and finally fresh books actually this is cool so i'll do really nice friend
down new feature yes really cool new feature so fresh books online accounting great for
small businesses computer repair plumbing whatever else it is you got an online tool
that lets you track your hours submit invoices to clients get paid through the app and here
it is my friends just launched their deposits feature so let's say for example you were
me like eight years ago painting houses in the summer you take deposits from people because
otherwise oh man let me tell you doing something like a house painting job and not taking a
deposit you would show up on the day that you were supposed to be there and like the
house would already be painted they would forget who you were like seriously there's
a lot of benefits to taking a mere ten percent refundable deposit so they just launched their
deposits feature so when you create a new invoice you'll see the option to request a
deposit at the bottom of that invoice and all the usual things that you would normally
do so submitting that online having them be able to pay through their credit card through
fresh books all that still bueno but now you can do deposits super helpful super awesome
stuff love it absolutely love it fresh books is one of those sponsors we've been using
for a long time there's rather we've been like we've been doing for a long time and
we never got an STD once oh he went there sorry it was fresh yeah fresh books has been
one of our sponsors for a long time I have yet to receive a complaint about fresh books
and I have said that before about fresh books and didn't receive a complaint usually when
I say that like people go one person well I had a problem or one person is like um actually
I had one issue um so anyway head over to freshbooks.com slash wen and claim your free
trial today now there's less reasons to complain because now you can take deposits yeah I'm
liking that that's awesome that would have been great for me when I was doing the whole
house painting thing that's great for anyone that does like large project things because
you're committing a lot too if you show up with paint and stuff like show up with supplies
yeah yep oh you can get screwed by not taking a deposit even if you take a deposit you can
get screwed yeah if they're just like yep we're not doing it just not as hard okay well
I guess I've got this van full of like metal thanks for that yeah yeah I'm sure that these
custom cut pieces will be returnable to the place I got them jerk oh this is great steam
community discussions is our source for this particular topic here Batman Arkham Knight
his back okay just in time for Halloween which by the way is why we're dressed up for those
just in case no one got it yeah I did not see this in the dark which is fine but I heard
that the they have a new screenshot thing for it remember how there was the speed limit
30 for what the the Batman Arkham Knight it had like a advertisement oh yeah yeah yeah
I've heard that there's a new one that says 60 on it really I saw it somewhere I saw the
picture but I couldn't tell if it was so funny I don't know if that was true I'm sure twitch
channel let us know so if that was a real picture awesome if it wasn't like I don't
have a link for it so I don't know people thought the costumes were for a stretch goal
it is October 30th where we're from in fact it is October 31st like over the ponds so
this is this is so funny it's so funny people are like yeah it's still broken they're apologizing
by giving games that most people own like oh people are saying yes it's real they changed
it but then twitch chat is full of trolls love you guys dearly all eight freaking thousand
of you that are watching the show right now you guys are all awesome but you're a bunch
of trolls I love you you're a bunch of trolls so so I yeah I straight up can't believe anything
they say but basically they're still working on GPU support for SLI and crossfire which
is like as far as PC features go basically it especially given their close relationship
with Nvidia it's like I'm sure Nvidia would be more than happy to straight up send software
engineers to go fix it for them they do that they actually do do that it's of the way it's
meant to be played title it has game works Nvidia's involvement is real if they're not
supporting SLI is straight up negligent sorry Windows 10 users this is a quote we found
that having at least 12 gigabytes of system RAM on a PC allows the game to operate without
paging because there's still a hard drive paging issue with some GPUs that may occur
after extended gameplay sessions and they suggest relaunching the game for solve issues
like these are still some pretty game breaking bugs which is really unfortunate this is gonna
be another one of those games that I just super ignore I'll never get it and that's
totally okay yeah I mean like I like I said I honestly like I even I saw this on the dock
but I didn't dig too far into it because it's one of those things where there's like there's
an article and then there's like the 18 pages of reddit discussion that has most of the
meat of the issue yeah and that I'm sure twitches is apparently sounds cutting out there's so
many problems with USB cables no I don't think that's the issue I think they might just be
trolling me because no one else is talking about it oh well you called them out for troll
I did you got me you got me again so anyway so my my issue with the my issue with the
game is just that it's kind of a turd anyway so speaking of kind of a turd I heard that
Assassin's Creed syndicate had like very very low purchases yeah oh yeah that that is in
the dock I don't think this was even necessarily from this week I heard it was the worst yet
yeah Assassin's Creed syndicate worst episode ever let's see if that brings up no that just
brings up some let's plays top seven Assassin's Creed games ranked worst to best whoa what
is this list where's unity on this black flag was awesome I could see black flag number
one then revelations then two then one then brotherhood then liberation then three oh
unity is just not on the list but it's from November 2014 wow oh my goodness I would mostly
agree with that list so this is this article is from paste magazine.com that is that made
shuffle one or two here but like no major changes funny um okay well that that was it
so Assassin's Creed syndicate worst sales let's see let's see if we can pull that up
oh apparently they are second worst second worst in series as fatigue sets and I don't
think it has anything to do with fatigue setting in I would love to play more really good Assassin's
Creed games if they felt like Assassin's Creed 2 and the iterations of 2 and if they felt
like Assassin's Creed 4 black flag holy crap that game was awesome I'm like you know they've
still got it in them because three was trash terrible game and then four was great four
was so good and they should have iterated off of four why did why did why did our run
with that dude that I don't remember his name and so quickly I don't know all right what
else we got here um oh the cancer killing virus is in here twice oh oh right um you
know what you'll have to do some kind of topic while I compile all the things for that okay
I'm going to talk about uh Tesla then so it's like are you sure you don't want to talk about
VR that would be that would be even less your thing why don't you just talk about oculus
well let's you know what let's just you know let's not call it the one show anymore let's
call it the luke lafreniere oculus test we had we had one of them yeah I know you did
we had an oculus hour I remember that when they got acquired by facebook that was like
my favorite show ever anyways a sus on hub srt ac 1900 router clean design on hub app
can you serve the router wave control seven antennas 1900 you guys know all that kind
of stuff because I did the review um basically it's from a sus this time I don't think that
reviews on youtube yet oh so it's coming soon and you'll know all that stuff um but I'm
not going to bother go through all of it right now because the review is coming you should
just watch that it's surprisingly good I was actually really really impressed bear in mind
a lot of the things you liked about that may not necessarily be applicable to the asus
version because it is different hardware it is different hardware so you should talk probably
more about the on hub experience the on hub experience is a super super super super super
super super super simplified router experience there's only one LAN port there's basically
no configuration options all of that sounds horrible and it kind of is but it's really
powerful it's wi-fi is very good the range on it is really strong the speed through walls
and different other obstacles is very consistent very fast for what it is and that's really
cool and one thing that I like a lot is that all of the control that it does have is through
an app that you can access from anywhere and I know that's not a brand new thing but having
it be so simplified and so easy to do basic things and impossible to do advanced things
I know but so easy to do basic things means you can set up one of these at your mom's
house or your grandma's house or whoever's house and it will probably go far enough and
it will probably be fast enough and it's very good at managing what channel it's on and
then if there are any major problems you can probably just solve them through the app so
yeah it's actually a surprisingly good router I was expecting when I started doing the review
to hate it and at the end I kind of sort of wanted one for my place really yeah even with
so little control my wi-fi is terrible I thought you're using that Meraki thing no oh what
happened oh yeah right that's right yeah so like and the ac router that I have is like
craptastic so if I use wi-fi for too long I just have to like disconnect and reconnect
constantly because it'll just stop serving me wi-fi all right so I am ready I am ready
friends I would definitely like more control and that would actually be a huge problem
but anyways okay so I'm actually going to hide us so I've had a lot of people asking
are the Linus tech tips edition fans that you showed off available for purchase and
the answer before was no because we were still waiting to get orders from all the the retail
partners but everybody has their orders in the fans are either shipped or shipping very
very soon across the board so the fans are officially available so I'm actually gonna
you know what I'm gonna pick on performance PC's because check this out they for nothing
through banner space on the side and a headline banner at us for for people to find the fans
so that that's pretty cool so the retailers that are carrying them are performance PC's
in the US and you can actually I can pay this is a good opportunity for me to audit everyone's
audit everyone's sites and make sure that they've got all the all the pictures up look
at that very nice so you've got front and back view of the fan Brandon did a great job
of he did yeah he did they like actually look well it's professional Brandon took forever
of course he did but he did a really good job yeah there you go you can see the orange
grommets this is cool so this is a neat feature sort of a feature I don't know so it comes
with a replacement for the orange fan hub cover like the fan hub sticker that's just
mono chrome so it just that's cool just you want to take the bumpers off and make it really
it just kind of black and white fan just a black special edition fan so the small one
right there is an aluminum backed case badge and then the big one is an aluminum backed
fan hub sticker that you would use to cover this one yep aluminum stickers man so you
would cover up this one and then you can actually pull the rubber the rubber noise isolators
off and it'll be completely black slash silver if you if you go ahead and and do that so
here you go that's what the complete breakfast looks like that's everything it comes with
the fan the extension the noise reduction adapter the the noise reducing orange grommets
screws the case badge and the replacement fan hub sticker so it's available and I had
a lot of people asking is it available in 140 millimeter yes both the nf f12 and the
nf a14 version are available and so performance pcs in the us overclockers.co.uk in the uk
boom and this is cool so the way that we handled msrps is the sanity way where it's just a
straight currency conversion yay we didn't screw over the uk or like other places yep
so straight currency conversion in australia it is ple computers and the aussies are probably
looking at that going well we got screwed it's like I'm sorry your dollar sucks but
that actually doesn't change my cost on the fan so so yeah our dollar sucks too and to
be clear you guys the reason they're so expensive is that noctua fans aren't cheap in the first
place so yeah and then in a in a move that surprised absolutely no one the canadian carrier
for these will be ncix so so my bros over at ncix also have the nf f12 and the nfa 14
listed so regardless of who you order from they should be getting them around the same
time give or take a couple of days but if you guys are down for some ltt edition fans
then check it out yes we know they're expensive no we don't expect people to buy a bunch and
kit out their whole case we only made four thousand of them so it's more like if someone
wanted to have like one 140 millimeter special edition fan for the back of their case that's
kind of what we're expecting people to do i already know from talking to performance
pcs who by the way has already sold through almost a fifth of his allocation of 120 mils
so from talking to perform hank over at performance pcs the feedback is that lots of people are
buying more than one but we just we're doing it as a limited edition thing if they sell
it really fast we might do more but it is not clear if we will do any more and if we
do do more it's quite possible we would just rerun the 120 because right now the 140s for
obvious reasons are selling quite a bit slower yeah so um so there you go there are some
people talking about new zealand in general if there isn't a store in their region is
there a process that people go through to do something i believe the best way i believe
at least a couple of the retailers do ship internationally ncix does for sure yeah i
believe performance pcs does because they've shipped stuff to me and i'm in canada so they're
in the u.s um and overclockers.co.uk is affiliated with case king so it is unclear to me at this
time if you will be able to order off of case king but i am fairly sure that overclockers.co.uk
ships within europe so so i would expect europeans to order from overclockers.co.uk i would expect
americans to order from performance pcs canadians to order from ncix um if for whatever reason
someone else doesn't ship to uh your area ncix would be a good bet because i know they
ship pretty much worldwide and then ple is there to cover our australian and i would
assume shipping to new zealand would be cheaper from ple than from like ncix over the pacific
ocean so that was kind of my thought there as well yeah yeah so there you go people are
saying overclockers ships everywhere there you go so basically everyone probably ships
everywhere yeah and i know that shipping is expensive there is not a lot i can do about
that because we weren't like i'm not looking to get into the retail computer hardware business
that is actually not my business model at all uh this fan you know maybe i'll talk about
the story of this fan been a long time coming so sure go ahead this fan has been a very
long time coming um the first time we teased this fan we were doing the wan show in luke's
old office at the old place still we hadn't actually moved into the room where we ended
up doing the wan show for the rest of the time that we were in the old office and all
we teased was that like i think we said something along the lines of like we drive so much we
knocked out noctua's site by linking to it uh because everyone on the wan show rushed
over there and we were like we drive so much traffic for noctua and they don't do any advertising
with us but we just love the product so they should do a custom fan for us and that was
sort of where the seed was planted and so ever since then i've been pushing them i've
been like look i advocate your product because i love it because i trust it because i've
seen the return numbers like i was the product manager for noctua and a number of other fan
lines and i had access to information from all of them i was the category manager for
fans at ncix so i was like i trust the product i know it's reliable i know it performs great
i've got all these reasons that i love it but you guys don't believe in advertising
in in these ways that we do advertising so i want a custom fan and i had a lot of people
when we teased the idea that we wanted to do a custom fan um it just looked cool we
had a lot of people saying oh are you going to do it with this or you're going to do it
with that you're going to do that i basically dug in my heels and i said no we are doing
it with the nff12 and if we can't do it with the nff12 i'm not doing it with anything because
i know it's expensive we could have done a 999 ltt edition fan 100 i could have done
that no problem but the reason that we're doing this is because this is our first the
first time that we're putting our name on an actual computer product that you put in
your computer so i didn't want anything that i wasn't 100% certain of so i was like nope
we're doing with that or we're doing it with nothing um so i have waited this must be about
two years now until they finally agreed a number of months ago to actually do it we
reached an agreement about you know what we would be able to customize what we wouldn't
we didn't customize much because i'm not a fan i'm not an engineer in fact it comes with
a with a little note from me inside the inside the package where i explained i'm not an engineer
i did not design your fan and that is a good thing we didn't change much because it made
the importing of the product simpler it didn't have to go through any recertification processes
or anything like that um because we meant for it to just be hey here's a cool product
that is good that has our name on it that we're okay with that and that they can't read
it at all because fanboy it says because fanboy um is in in quote marks and that if you want
to contribute to linus tech tips but you don't want a shirt or you don't want to badge next
to your name on the forum but hey you do need a new fan and you don't mind spending a couple
bucks for high quality fan go for it and one thing that i would pimp right now for noctua
is that they have swappable colors of their noise dampening yeah those are coming so actually
if you buy the ltt edition fan which is i believe about the same price as the industrial
ones although not waterproof or dustproof it's just the standard fan but it is about
as expensive as the industrials um it runs at a lower rpm by default so industrials are
kind of loud though they are exactly so even when you control them you can't control them
as low as you can a regular nff12 so if you just want a black nff12 and you want to swap
out the the colors of the corner pieces which noctua has kits coming or you just want a
black fan it's actually a great option if you were going to buy noctua's anyway and
you just want a black fan so there you go people are saying restock them to the us these
are pre-orders they are actually not shipped yet there will be plenty for all everyone
every retailer that i listed those are all pre-orders but don't worry the product is
good i have held it in my hands it is awesome and uh yeah can you put them on a radiator
it's an nff12 it is about as good as it gets for a radiator it's yeah or it's an nfa14
was also very good for a radiator uh great for radiators great for heat sinks pretty
good for just case airflow but like overkill for case airflow you don't need that kind
of static pressure uh very good for things like hard drive cages it's got very directed
airflow very high static pressure so anywhere where you've got a tight grill you've got
uh any obstructions like hard drive cages heat sink fins radiator fins this is a fantastic
fan why not led fans because led fans are just put leds in your system yeah it's way
better yes way better all right like pretty good led strips these days and you can get
ones that like you can change the color of with the remote and stuff like get those ones
all right let's go ahead and uh you know what we're oh where should we put links to all
that stuff like should i just put links to like you know what why don't i just do do
links in the chat of each one so there you go for the canadians there's ncix and i'm
sure you guys are super smart and you can find the other version of the fan if you really
want um so there's there's ple if you guys haven't heard any of these stores then uh
then great and um we actually oh this is more more like i'm sorry i don't i don't want to
like waste your guy's time so if you're bored of this then just let me know but we've also
got some pretty exciting other merch news um our sample arrived yes is he here uh i
doubt it you can go check do you want to see if he's here but i have a picture like i have
a picture that we posted on twitter i know but it's way cooler if we can show it in person
yeah um so we got our sample of the linus tech tips when hoodie uh from g8 so if you
guys have ever seen like the nvidia land hoodie that they did that was freaking awesome basically
i got one of those this is also an incredibly long story so i got one of those two years
ago at nvidia's g-sync launch event that's when the seed was planted for this and it
has taken this long to go through all the iterations of designing this all the waiting
all the just oh it took oh it took forever we just didn't have time to work on it and
it was also time consuming but we've got our sample of the ltt lan hoodie and that will
be available in like i don't know 16 weeks or something like that like it's it's a ways
out but um what i'm kind of thinking because we can't just sell these through teespring
because it's a g8 product like it's not just like it's completely customized like custom
color of the strings you know um like custom tag on it like all this stuff oh oh awesome
awesome ed's got it so ed you can be my you can be my model you go here so ed actually
designed it um pretty much from scratch other than like taking sort of the ideas for yeah
that logo was painstakingly crafted by ed yago um so like things like the zipper layouts
are not done by him but the design on the inside of the hood which says it's actually
got a typo this is thankfully no no no it's not a typo oh i made the text grungy and like
put in scratches and i scratched out part of the l and turned it into an i so it's iness
tech tips it's got two i's so we're gonna fix that in the real one but it says that
on the inside the back has got kind of like uh like kind of a grungy like wan logo inspired
thing yeah other side finest tech tips logo so um so what i'm kind of thinking is i'm
gonna if the fan thing goes well i'm gonna try and talk our reseller network into selling
these as well even though they're not really computer products and like who knows maybe
that'll be like a really unique and cool way that um lmg can do can do merch moving forward
they can hear you by the way you can talk to headphones headphone wire management things
on the inside and the outside i i don't think that you can see that yeah they're not gonna
be able to but this one actually saved my headphones yesterday when we were running
around in the corn maze my headphones fell out of my ears but was kept by the loop so
there you go okay i'm gonna go all right thanks ed see you have a great weekend i like pulled
them out of his car oh really he was leaving i was like come on you gotta show the way
show your sweater the car was on like just about to pull out i'm like no so so to be
clear guys oh it's a g8 brand hoodie and it's like really nice like it's a light material
but like a quality material like that was why i wanted it again it was one of those
things where i was like nope i want this one if we can't do this one then i'm not going
to so we figured it out g8's been great they put together just i we were gonna order 300
now that i've seen it i think we're gonna order like 600 nice but it's not gonna be
cheap okay like not gonna be cheap so g8 our cost from g8 is not cheap we will need resellers
to sell this for us because i can't pull you know luke and nick and ed off of their regular
duties to pack boxes and ship things out the door not to mention that our shipping rates
would be atrocious because we don't ship in high enough volume so the resellers are gonna
need their margin and we're gonna need our margin so i'm expecting them to cost somewhere
in the neighborhood of about 100 bucks so they are not gonna be cheap for a sweater
i don't think that's that i don't shop for clothes yeah i don't really know for like
for like a generic how much does a how much does a hoodie cost guys yeah for like a generic
cotton hoodie um i i i think they're like 60 bucks i don't know so i kind of figure
for that like yeah but it would be like it would be like 100 bucks us so yeah it's gonna
be pretty ouch but okay apparently that's high i don't shop for clothes it's high in
the context of our audience yeah i haven't bought a hoodie since i was in like grade
six yeah so i don't know so anyway people are saying like 30 dollars like no there's
no way it's way below the cost way below cost sometimes things cost money especially when
they're custom so this will be very custom there's a lot of cool features and stuff like
the pockets on the inside are pretty badass the cable management stuff is pretty bad yeah
so there you go guys sometimes things just are what they are and that's how it is um
all right so what else we got here i mean there's not much time left but i guess we
don't have a whole lot of uh do you have time for after party um i think i have to shoot
fast as possible again today oh oh you mean the ultra wide festival after party yeah oh
maybe we should just and okay why don't we do a couple like like super rapid fire topics
so apple's profits break all records for all companies ever um so they're a staggering
almost 10 billion ahead of the previous record set by xm mobile in 2008 so um there you go
most profitable year ever ever ever ever so apparently they're doing kind of okay without
steve jobs yep selling lots and lots of iphones um let's see there's the tesla topic basically
we don't have to go watch the video or anything but basically there was an uber driver and
someone did a like super bad u-turn right in front of him and they would have had a
head-on collision but the car stopped before he could even like honk the horn so i guess
yeah we're gonna see it that guy super not good car stopped saved him pretty cool there
you go yeah good stuff there's there's some sensational stuff in the thing where it's
like i could have died like i kind of doubt it i don't think they were going that fast
but like it's still cool that it stopped oh this is interesting this is actually i wish
we had talked about this earlier on in the show at&t data perks offers little bits of
data snippets of data on your plan for completing various tasks so this is basically straight
up one of those like complete surveys to earn cash cash cash cash for surveys except it's
so brutal at&t so it's an ios and android app it's called data perks so you can take
surveys you can shop and sign up for subscriptions in exchange for data of course you can shop
and sign up for subscriptions that can be that can be transferred to your wireless account
um at&t says subscribers are allowed to transfer up to a gig to their wireless account each
month within a billing period and i believe they actually expire outside of that billing
period only don't quote me on that one basically it's like super lame and android police pointed
out that most offers net 25 to 50 megs oh my god it's like wow wow and it's possible
to earn more but a lot of the time that involves purchasing or subscribing to something great
awesome yeah um this is this is interesting so more details on youtube red so um i actually
have a call that i need to get on with my youtube contact on i think monday i told him
i wasn't able to do it today he wanted to talk today um because the word on the street
was that youtube red similarly to how apple was planning to handle their music service
was not going to pay creators during the trial period um this headline says will pay video
makers during free trial after concerns um through email i haven't got all the details
something something google play music subscribers are being transferred to youtube red and you're
gonna get some of that but i don't know something something something something something something
so we'll see we'll see how all this goes because as much as you know i wow i'm gonna i'm gonna
totally pull a taylor swift here as much as that income will not make or break linus media
group this is not about linus media group because adsense makes up a small portion of
what we do because and some people are much more heavily reliant on adsense we diversified
we saw i mean i'm not gonna call us geniuses or anything but we saw this coming no we didn't
see youtube red coming specifically but we saw youtube basically changing the rules and
going sign up or gtfo uh we saw that coming a million miles away and so we are also on
vessel which does a lot to support our business and a huge thanks to our viewers who watch
on vessel we also have merch we also have subscribers on our forum that contribute to
us like we have a lot of different ways we we do a lot of our own ad integrations as
you guys know so so we are far less reliant on adsense than many other creators so this
is not about us it's just wrong it's wrong to offer a free trial and then take that out
of someone else's pocket google this is your service you eat it so yeah there you go so
anyway i will clarify hopefully next week once i actually get a a better understanding
of what exactly is going on because right now it's not it's not 100 clear to me i think
that's pretty much it so thank you for watching the wan show today guys i hope you enjoyed
it we certainly did i forgot to i forgot to set up the intro properly so it'll show show
an ad spot for a second here we are we are going to do a very short after you know what
no i will find out if we are going to do a very short after party i'll be right back
you're just leaving can i roll the thing i'm not here don't look at me we don't have any
topics left i don't know what to talk about i filmed at the beginning of probably one
of the coolest build logs i've ever been a part of today i still have a whole bunch left
to film it's sitting right over there off camera so it's like just outside of the frame
and you can't see it super epic so far everything is actually working and actually going according
to plan this is probably one of the riskiest build logs i've ever tried to do and it would
really suck if it ended in a failure so yeah hoping it works out um i don't know when the
video is going to come out for it hopefully relatively soon but yeah that's been a hell
of a thing um yeah hopefully it hopefully it looks good and hopefully it runs well both
of those two things are still very much up in the air in terms of variables i think it
could run very well and look super awesome or it could run pretty okay and look super
trash it'll run at least a little bit though anyways i don't even think there is any more
news topics at all
hey they're not doing the after party today my wife wants to go home so you can roll the
after party apparently we are not doing the after party because limes his wife really
wants to go home which is super fair so we're gonna roll the intro
installing it