
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

yes and we're live in theory maybe I will definitely check this time because
we thought we were live and we straight up we're not live at all so let's go
ahead and fire up twitch here and make sure things this laptop is full of your
scrapyard Wars crap oh that's because I wasn't also looking at it I was
specifically looking at it you're like oh I was also looking at yeah no I
wasn't this is the laptop you were using yeah this is why I love you were you
also looking at this graphics cards yeah are you sure yeah okay how about it sell
it to me for $20 $20 for a 460 you're an idiot or more more specifically the guy
you were trying to buy it from Earth not an idiot I know I think I said 25 and
then he was like no 30 and I was like 30 bucks for a 460 is pretty good I know
like that's just you it was like sure could you even do with that I was like a
lot actually yeah yeah totally yeah no 460 is not a terrible card yeah all
right so we have quite a show for you guys we do have topics but we're
probably also gonna be teasing the crap out of a scrapyard to do the reckoning
the scrappening that's actually pretty funny okay I'll be right back hold on I
don't think that was me I can't take claim for that oh I think I read that on
Twitter that might have been Edsel or something I think I stole that from
someone the scrappening I don't know where he went I guess I can do the
callouts we've got Google I O happened so they were showing us stuff like
things that we'll talk about later also 98 TI is officially launching at
Computex potentially and some Star Citizen's assets leaked and the internet
went quite crazy and 2k is teasing a new game that could potentially be a new
Bioshock which is cool because I've been benching Bioshock for years it's
official scrapyard Wars to the scrappening nice I don't know whose idea
it was but I ripped that off hardcore I don't believe it's me so it doesn't
matter yeah um what else we got I read a bunch of those types of things on
Twitter so I think I took it from someone but I'm not sure are you ready
to roll the intro we are but open hey it worked no I didn't I don't know why
it's magic it's Christmas miracle I love Christmas so this show is like my
Christmas except my Christmas comes every Friday at 4 30 p.m. you know what's
funny is people have finally stopped asking me what time the land show comes
on yeah I haven't had anyone ask me in forever our sponsors Dollar Shave Club
Mass drop and circle alt square space right I see what you did that was what I
meant to say but no no in rectangle shift it's a rect tangle oh guys it can
you turn your speakers off why is this computer lagging so hardcore I'm on it
okay um it has been quite the freaking week so scrapyard Wars to the
scrappening was scheduled from Tuesday for the first two and a half days to be
like build off and then the third like the rest of the third day to be like the
judging period okay we ended up starting on Monday because we realized we had
some crap to do later in the week which by the way never got done because it
took the entire week up until about two o'clock today all day every day for
scrapyard Wars 2 I have no idea how many parts it'll be the guidance I gave ed on
the editing side editing yeah I'm on fire today um the guidance I gave that
on the editing side is I don't want episodes that are longer than if I tell
him 14 minutes I'm gonna end up with 16 and what I actually want is 15 so like
this is 13 this is this the way most employer employee relationships work I
have to say what I want knowing that I'm not gonna get it but I might get
something close to you if we want you somewhere at a certain time we tell you
about half an hour before we actually want you there right if it's like oh
Linus needs to be doing this at 4 30 will be like hey Linus you have to be
doing this at 4 right that makes sense so I have no idea how many parts it's
gonna be it depends on how many amazing moments there are and I can tell you
having not tagged along for his side there's already enough amazing moments
for a heck of a lot of video yeah but I have to say this now if you guys don't
appreciate it when we do stuff that's a little cringe don't watch it don't watch
it yeah because it's it's gonna be really entertaining content but it's
going to be do as we say not as we do because there's a lot of not as we do at
least in my side I'm trying to not spoil things yeah my side too should we tell
them that the challenge I mean that only spoils the first like 20 seconds of the
first part realistically totally up to you what do you think I'm conflicted
because because it might make people not bother watch but then it might also make
people want to watch oh I think it'll make people want to watch let's do it
yeah okay so the first part is coming out on vessel Saturday night before you
keep going I'm getting like phantom chest Mike now I'm still wearing mine oh
wow like I can feel it but it's not there we've been wearing lav mics for
the entire week okay so part one is coming out on vessel Saturday night
midnight Pacific so Sunday morning like the very so so the border between
Saturday and Sunday Pacific time and the theme is they have to be water-cooled
they may not give the do you want to give maybe don't give the dollar yeah
sure we can save the budgets they have to be liquid cooled they may not use any
off-the-shelf PC liquid cooling components and I don't mean buying them
at a store I mean you cannot use something that's intended for PC
water-cooling so like you couldn't mount a computer fan on a radiator because
then that's using that fan to cool the radiator so enjoy cuz like if you know
what you know about how handy Luke and I are with tools then you'd like there's
questionable availability of certain tools yeah yeah yeah it wasn't clear
going into the competition if we were allowed to buy tools if that counted
against our budget yeah so we definitely had some we definitely had some things
so yeah that's coming out on vessel basically in about 36 hours and then
coming out on YouTube the following week and then the parts will be weekly
releases so there will be no like oh this series disappears after you know
like like cool room water cooling so every Saturday yeah it's shot it's in
editing and I have a lot of people ask why does it take a week in between
because of editing it takes a week to edit we have all the footage ed sits for
an entire week and does nothing but edit scrapyard Wars and that episode that you
guys see is a week's worth of one person's work and a lot of people don't
understand how much work it is and it's something yes crapyard Wars think about
like almost eight hours of footage times two for one day of scrapyard Wars just
just scrubbing through that footage alone not even putting it together in an
entertaining format is gonna take forever yes sir so guys stay tuned
because I am pretty excited about this one if you enjoy the cringiness if you
enjoy just the the sheer entertainment factor honestly we did stuff we knew was
wrong oh yeah but we had to try time constraints tool constraints scrapyard
Wars concern your worst constraints financial constraints we did a lot of
stuff all right so our first actual topic today is Google I O is on there's
lots of exciting stuff going on Alex goes hi has posted a mega thread for it
so I'll post that link thing as soon as I can it's okay I will tell you what I
will I will grab that one I got it because it takes them a while to catch
up anyway you sure yeah I'm here okay okay so what do we got here so there
he's updating it as things go Google and Android is everywhere truly the only
global overlords of Earth you can tell this is a forum post and not an article
on the verge or something along those lines although these are definitely some
interesting stats here between Chrome Android and YouTube they have each so
search Chrome Android YouTube each have 1 billion users we find you have a user
for search you can means Google but you don't have to be logged in what do they
not know yeah but it's Google so are they counting like guests as users um
that's weird well they couldn't probably tell because
people's IPs will change cyclically and stuff like that and they can probably
log in and counts and stuff the way they do targeted advertising yeah it's like
if you're logged in Gmail on that thing and if they have a billion Chrome users
then like probably those people not sure I'm not trying to say they have less
than a billion right I'm trying to say like how do you even quantify that and
they might have a lot more probably a lot more yeah as Gmail has over 900
million and is closing on a billion fast with that said I personally have like
half a dozen Gmail account I don't know I actually I recently I'm doing the
Gmail to my kids thing from like the Gmail you're doing it yeah yeah I wasn't
doing it and then when my second one was born and we were traveling in Asia I
realized that they were not gonna remember anything about this trip and I
kind of went well they're not gonna remember anything about most of their
lives and so I used to keep like a diary pretty much straight up I had a diary
through like most of high school I called it a journal because I didn't
want people to make fun of me but let's face it what's a journal it's a diary
if you're mad enough you could admit you have a diary so I had a diary in high
school and so I was actually this is why this is why I asked to borrow the GoPro
for when I go to Taiwan oh because when I came to Europe I had decided okay I'm
gonna start keeping a travel log yeah I've not had not a day-to-day journal
for just call it a travel diary be a travel diary man I think they're
legitimately called travel logs because if you only use it for the I don't know
sure travel diary I don't care but I decided like I was gonna do that but now
I think I'm just gonna try to get everything on a GoPro right and have a
video version cuz I think that's cool I don't have one yet at all I never made
one yeah I don't know if I believe that so we're gonna straw pull the crap out
of this one guys is turnip gonna be how much kids and kids and ladies and
gentlemen does Luke Lafreniere have a diary you know the fact that you're just
not man enough to admit it 4% of the voters say no 4% my main man
well seven seven yes is running away with it with turnip destroying the no
vote is turnip our new thing turnip we've always put in a random thing did I
do turnip twice you've done turnip twice in a row oh I didn't mean to and remember
we made turnip like a huge deal last night no turnips are just laying where
I like looked it up and like showed a turnip to the camera there was a book
that that I read as a kid that was I think it's called turnips for supper or
something like that so I always think of turnips because like because you read a
book when you were a kid you see that diary is working out for you that's the
kind of thing that I want so I want my kids to remember when they read a book
about a turnip no that's not what I want haha I want them to I want them to know
things that I can't really tell them when they're five yeah but that they
know I think it'll mean more having like potentially a video and your words at
the time attached to it instead of like yes recalling the event so so I and so
every email I try to attach a couple pictures or a very short video clip yeah
and then I tell either stories about them or little things that they do or
stories about what's going on in our lives because I figure one possibility
although it's up to them is that we could read through them together or one
possibility is that they'll sit and read them on their own I don't know but I
figure the thing is you could read through them together but then it could
be a go-back resource for however long in which they might be by themselves
well that's cool yeah maybe their kids will read it yeah or that it's like a
modern scrapbook yeah so um so anyway I decided to do that anyway the point was
I have a lot of Gmail accounts because technically they can't own Gmail
accounts even though Google's commercial suggested that have at least 20 that you
can do this and then when I tried to put in their birthday when I created the
Gmail account it was like no you may not okay then um so over for I think I think
it's it's assumed that you have control of the account so I think Google was
like well the parent will make it and it will be fine
so Android M preview six main new features hopefully one of them is better
memory management mm-hmm app permissions management so you can actually manage
each apps permissions individually and apps will request permissions when they
need as opposed to on installation iOS thing so that's oh it's nice to have it
yeah no I agree I'm just saying that's app links so Android is smarter with web
links now like a Twitter link on an email we'll immediately open Twitter
instead of asking you what to do it there every freaking time and like the
funniest thing is when it's like a tweet that contains a YouTube link and you
click it and it like opens up Twitter and then it goes away and then it like
opens up YouTube once you've already got your defaults like why are you doing
this much better Android pay creatively named is the full replacement of Google
Wallet it uses NFC and host card emulation and Google says it's about
simplicity security and choice works with all four major credit card
providers Visa MasterCard American Express and discover and will come
pre-installed on AT&T Verizon and t-mobile new devices so they're going
for pretty much widespread I mean what sprint remains all the things yeah who
else is a major carrier in the States the sprint piggyback of someone no no
sprint is sprints around now okay okay I think that's like pretty much it yeah
um so it'll work in t-mobile piggyback off people don't they have their own
network okay so it'll work in 700,000 stores in the u.s. and also okay is that
700,000 like if it works in McDonald's is that counting all the McDonald's that
are getting it that could be like a couple really big chains so Android pay
is not limited to Android M however NFC through fingerprint support is limited
to M which I think is kind of I would want that I would straight up want that
with how good the fingerprint scanner is on the galaxy s6 man that's like
freaking awesome like the that access point the video for which is coming out
on YouTube at some point it's already up on the same yeah yeah yeah um so it has
app based management and it supports signing in with your fingerprint on iOS
but not on Android man it's nice fire up the app boot in done love it
improved power management and hardware support so power consumption on Android
mainly with the introduction of dose which is a new feature that will use the
sensors on the device to kill background processes thank you when instead when
the it's in standby mode through alarms and priority surfaces will still be so
so alarms and priority stuff will still be active but something like I had a
huge problem where bloody hell what's it called Plex was you know nuking my
battery life like I would fire up my phone from fresh and if I put it on my
bed like my entire like or like under a pillow or something and walked away from
it leaving that screen off it'd be at like 30% battery at the end of the day
having done nothing no screen time and like it was like a toaster inside later
like it was just churning this thing is supposed to have what a day and a half
or two days of battery yeah I get most of the day well you've got something
installed that's nuking it and my wife too um Yvonne is running like trying to
figure it out yet but I'm sure she's running a 1m8 and she gets her battery
dies at like 430 like every day Terrence just walking down the street wearing his
helmet oh he's getting his bike out of my car okay yeah don't worry I was like
what he's okay everything is okay I Android M will include native support
for USB type-c so that comes with some special features so using your device to
charge another device would be one because USB type-c can both accept and
output power so that's pretty cool um what else we got new minor features
including improved word selection copy paste and more independent volume
controls for alarms absent music thank you this is something that some skin
makers do but others don't it drives me crazy I love the droid turbo but there
are a couple of things that super duper make me mad about it and not having
those individual volume sliders easily accessible is definitely one of them I
still don't think it's clear what Android M is going to stand for I think
one of the frontrunners is what marshmallow that would make sense the
first thing that came to mind for me was munchy I figured M&Ms but that's just
kind of awkward and long that's amazing how quickly we're getting we're getting
M over lollipop lollipop was a very short-lived Android compared to okay I
am totally 100% okay with that all right so there's a bunch of other stuff so
there's more about Google Cardboard so the new design fits six inch smartphones
and the SDK also now supports iOS and they talked about how they're gonna
start moving away from cardboard yeah that's good I guess yeah it's actually
quite interesting yeah oh they're not in there there's way too much Google IOs
crazy there's a bunch of stuff for Android where I mean they've continued
to roll out Android looking at the actual dock and I'm like I don't know
where he's getting this no there's nothing in there um so like one example
of a relatively new feature is you can flick and then scroll through things if
you aren't able to scroll with your hand through your notifications um my G watch
our charger replacement hasn't actually arrived yet but Ed has the G watch R as
well and was telling me I kind of laughed at him when he showed it to me
I was like really you're gonna like go like this and like flip through things
like that he's like actually it's pretty handy like you're holding an umbrella or
you're like holding something and a notification comes in boop boop boop okay
anyone other than you that's currently driving all right yeah I buy it I buy it
so yeah they've actually got a neat little chart here of Android where as
it's continued to develop it's funny because no matter how good Android where
is Apple has still sold more of like individual skews within the Apple watch
lineup as Android where devices total yeah so yeah here you go you can
actually see so Wi-Fi came in always on apps came in new launcher happened emoji
recognizer risk gestures maps API lots of stuff came in the May update that I
haven't tried yet so I'm pretty excited to try that out as soon as my charger
gets here um I guess that's probably enough Google IO for now how much do you
guys care about Google I oh I think we should revisit the does Luke have a
diary straw poll just to get a final tally here 56% of you figure yes indeed
Luke does have a diary literally have no physical diary was going to do it then
thought of GoPro would have definitely done it I think travel stuff is cool at
the very least logging what you did in your travels I think okay do you still
have your diaries yes I do oh yeah they're actually they would be unless I
was dead and my house was being cleared out you probably wouldn't find them
because they're like I mean it's high school so they're like hyper
embarrassing like friggin brutal that makes sense yeah there's like there is
stuff in there that just know that just know were you like no-holds-barred just
whatever is going on oh yeah oh yeah I was like because I never intended for
anyone to read it and I was super duper careful that no one ever read it cuz
it's like has a bond read it no haha tall man are you kidding okay I changed
my mind Luke doesn't have a diary because if he did he would understand
that your wife doesn't read it I actually don't I would have definitely
got a travel diary I believe you I might even still log certain things if I don't
get them on the go I'm shutting down that straw poll never gonna look at it
again because I believe you all right so WCCF tech reports I posted a link on
already that the GTX 980 I will launch on June 2nd at compute X brings
competitive graphics performance to g-force what I didn't even see that I
didn't even see that sub headline I think are you for real
anyway they're gonna have an event on June the second it is rumored to be a
live stream where they are going to reveal it this teaser pretty much says
what it's gonna be it'll be yet another card with that damn cooler on it so
Brandon's gonna have to figure out the world's most creative way to make yet
another identical looking in video like trying to fly it around on a drone and
stuff like we're gonna just have to start doing aerial footage of them yeah
to get a different shot from what we had before you know if they waited until we
moved into our new office we're getting a jib so we'd be able to do like jib
shots now slightly different shot of what looks exactly the same it's funny I
was um cuz I mean they they teased the graphics card myself it's silver or
black it's silver can you tell yeah yeah you can tell the silver so we were we
were joking about this we figured hey if we don't get a sample in time from
Nvidia we can just do all our b-roll of another Nvidia card and then like
whatever we'll put like a text correction actually the capacitors are
in slightly different places we got the real one now it's a little different
like straight up um so blah blah blah it'll be the fastest geforce 900 series
card aside from the Titan X which is technically on geforce it brings
performance to geforce yeah so it's got to be the fastest one okay is it
introduced performance to geforce sure and I don't know how they figure the
Titan X sold more than the original Titan and even gtx 690 maybe they mean
in terms of price okay whatever apparently the the rumored
specifications so I'll go ahead and fire this up because I don't feel like the
original Titan sold a lot yeah because it was more useful as like as a as a
double precision like card the fact that the Titan X doesn't has neuter double
precision performance just like the geforce cards really kills it for a lot
of developers the gtx 980 is apparently gonna rock a gm 200 core it is a cut
down chip that features 2816 CUDA cores blah blah blah blah the only site still
reporting specifications aside from the one leaked by Harbor Valley who have
rumored 3072 course blah blah blah blah blah etc etc etc apparently it'll have
six gigs of gddr5 vram compared to 12 gigs on the Titan X which is probably
fine which is probably probably on the money compared to the if we look at gtx
780 ti versus Titan which is the most similar comparison we can make because
that's gonna be of the cut down actually flagship core whereas gtx oh no gtx 780
was based on the same core yeah but still hmm okay now hold on just a
second here yeah no 780 so no 780 to Titan is a more similar comparison to
what the rumored 980 ti is to Titan X because 780 ti had all functional units
enabled it lacks double precision but and it didn't have a huge frame buffer
yeah but it actually had all the functional units so so 980 would be more
similar to like a 770 so it's funny the way they do that where they actually
like they creep up the model number relative to what the actual under the
hood harder is which is super annoying I wish they'd make our lives easier just
be like this is how it slots Titan card that is our top tier GPU it has
everything and a huge frame buffer and double precision maybe next step down is
the cut down one of that and even that's confusing because the fact that a 980
and a 980 ti are rumored to be based on completely different GPUs same Maxwell
architecture completely different GPUs is pretty irritating and pretty
frustrating to me it should be like Titan and they should have just called
it 970 and 960 ti in the first place and released the rumored 960 as a 960 then
which I mean was rumored to be coming out ages ago and just straight-up never
happened so I don't know how much yawning this week has been exhausting
mainly from scrapyard Wars yeah it has been really really really tiring wait a
minute GTX 960 does exist did I just miss this
hold on a second when did that come out did I just completely dirt I think I
sent you a card that I wanted us to review a version of a 960 did we never
do what was the white and red one no this is like totally out when did this
happen did we did we do a video April 28 we covered this we covered a few of these
cards Wow and then I wanted you to do the white and red one well whatever my
point still stands 960 could have come out later oh that's right because it was
rumored to come out right away at Wow guys I am running on so little sleep I
stir I even yawning some I even hosted one of those videos I know for sure I
hosted one of them oh that's funny Wow this one I sent you this and asked if we
could review it right the Asus saw white and red 960 all right well whatever my
point still stands some consistency in the naming scheme with respect to what
GPU is actually inside it would be super duper nice Nvidia um I guess that's
pretty much all there is to say about it 3d mark fire strike score is rumored to
be around 14,000 points which puts it within spitting distance of the Titan X
and a lot higher than a GTX 980 which is somewhere in the 11,000 to 11,500 range
so there you go guys once again not even once again I don't remember time they've
done this a TI card is like way better than the non TI card whereas the TI was
supposed to be like a little bit of a bump yeah it's like pro and like faster
but not that much faster don't worry about it um so yeah very interesting
hmm hmm yeah that's fine I'll I'll go ahead and fire up the link here just the
next no problem I got it I got it so you're able to share it before I was
able to scroll through Volvo hmm did a demo for for a safety feature for a
particular car the XC 60 and instead of automatically stopping it drove into a
group of onlookers who were expecting the vehicle to automatically stop
unfortunately according to of all those spokesperson Stefan elmstrom excuse me
elstrom and I got that oh with the dots above it I know that's not how you
pronounce it I give up the system is not meant to be used in this fashion and the
crisis first it's for city safety it's supposed to avoid rear-enders with other
cars not detecting pedestrians that system is $3,000 extra and is named the
pedestrian detection system which was not in this thing so yeah it's only
about a 30-second long video so we might as well do the whole area we might as
well just cringe and apparently no one was seriously hurt so we can sort of
yeah so this was at a dealer so the dealer in question was oh my god wow
that looks extremely painful yeah hey guys so the D the dealer in question was
trying to demonstrate the city safety feature but that system is not able to
detect pedestrians because it lacked the optional pedestrian detection system now
this is something that is not unique to Volvo in fact when we were in Germany
working on that video with the BMW one series BMW specifically said you know
well hey this particular model at this trim level has detection for this and
not this or this and not this so I mean here's that here's a great example oh
shoot I forget what exactly they told me but it was that right it worked for cars
and not pedestrians because of something to do with like it would right because
if if you're trying to in a lot of in a lot of territories in a lot of places
like maybe less of an issue in Germany maybe less of an issue here but in a lot
of places the only way to turn onto a street when people are just walking
across it is to kind of inch your way forward so they leave the pedestrian
detection off because otherwise you'd never move anywhere and I went oh crap I
didn't think of that straight up did not think of that yeah yeah your your
computer is boned um so Volvo has also said that even if the car was equipped
with that system the driver's foot on the accelerator would have overridden
the automated system and they state I would like to emphasize that Volvo cars
strongly recommends to never perform any of these tests towards a real human only
dummies or similar objects should be used so they're probably super not stoked
with that dealership imagine how pissed like Volvo head office is about dealership
like who thought that was a good idea that is just that is just that's cringe
even compared to the scrapyard war series we're about to release which is
pretty pretty cringe so okay guys I want to this is this is gonna be a good
straw poll this is gonna be good straw poll straw poll dot any because our um
heavy turnips no problem I got this have you heard of the graphics card maker
colorful all right so permissive vote duplication checking your poll has been
created here we go have you heard of colorful because our audience is pretty
heavily skewed towards Australia North America and countries in Europe where
they speak a lot of English whether we're talking the UK or whether we're
talking Germany like places where English is very widespread and
colorful's main main territory of strength is not exactly in those places
so I would love to I'd love to hear from you guys wow we are not getting many
votes for have you heard of colorful I do you have this side you have this news
I like do you want do you want to do a reboot what is going on I can do reboot
it's there you go but I don't know if it's gonna you got notes there we go
all right so you want to tell them about colorful while we watch these votes come
in with over 50% of our viewers saying they have never heard of colorful the
graphics card maker they're kind of fantastic they're huge by the way but
anyways colorful is a China based company selling cards in the Chinese
market that is probably all you really need to know to be completely honest
colorful started out I heard there's a billion people in China and continues to
be a vendor of wacky over-the-top geforce GTX cards pallet is the
biggest graphics card manufacturer by volume with a brand portfolio that
includes galaxy gain word point of view and its own namesake colorful could
become the second largest graphics card maker in terms of shipments by the end
of the year next to only pale it which honestly a lot of people in those
demographics that you were just talking about probably don't know pale it that
well either yeah I'm sure they know of them but not that well I only know this
because I tried to I was the I was actually the product manager for its
palette I was the product manager for palette oh when they tried to expand
into North America but they it was totally unsuccessful and they bailed
but yeah yeah palette is huge as well they have like but the problem is that
like at the time anyway you know the people I talked to they didn't seem to
really understand what the North American consumer cared about like when
I sit down and have a meeting with them it'd be like yeah so uh you know we have
huge production capacity I'm like okay why is a customer gonna buy your card
well we can supply so many graphics cards we are the number one largest
graphic card maker I'm like right but why are they gonna buy it instead of an
EVGA card because EVGA is a monster in North America if it's not EVGA it's
straight up not worth as much for some reason I can't quite understand it
myself but there you go and and and it never really got any further than that
so both of those guys palette and colorful just have some some challenges
to overcome before they can yeah I'm gonna show this in a minute before they
can they can penetrate the markets where most of our viewers are based you know
it's another one that a lot of people don't realize is as big as it is is tool
yeah well that's uh if I recall correctly that's power color which by
the way is different from colorful power color I believe a zotac and sapphire I
think tool is tool is sapphire I don't want to get that wrong though I don't
remember who vision tech is no no no no no no apparently tool is okay uh
daughter well you search for that colorful has been clocking an average of
500,000 graphics cards shipped per month that's a lot not crazy that's insane
Wow she's projected to have shipped over 5 million cards in 20 okay I know zotac
and sapphire are under there they're actually owned by the same products
graphics cards tool might just be power color in terms of graphics cards
colorful has outsold asus msi gigabyte and zotac look at that insane yeah tool
is just power color I derped there but yeah but so okay so yeah so that's
something a lot of people don't realize it's the brand names that they buy from
sometimes don't have a whole ton to do with the the companies that are actually
making them so companies like asus and gigabyte and MSI they make and brand and
support their own graphics card someone like EVGA is not a graphics card
manufacturer they design but they do not actually build graphics cards they
contract out so anyway just some idea why colorful probably doesn't do quite
as well in North America as they do in China that is one of their I gain
graphics cards that's a 660 TI and boy is it ever colorful there were some when
I was researching them when I found out they were the gonna be the biggest maker
in the world I found some other just like bananas stuff as well look at this
thing have you seen there well have you seen they're like $1,300 GTX 980 no I
haven't look at how big it is let's see if I can I can find that one is this it
no that's not it it's very oh is this it yeah that's it so that's their $1,300
triple slot GTX 980 so they're just they're just kind of out there in terms
of their designs which is which is kind of cool I mean it's neat to be doing
something a little bit different but no I got signed out of my Google account
what did I gain what the heck with a way too expensive 980 and I have to do my
two-step I guess my my 30 days is up or whatever yeah I liked the rainbow
motherboard from as MSI back in the day looking at that card that you just
showed oh come on now both gigabyte and MSI were like beautiful MSI 975
attractive I think this is probably the era you're thinking of oh no hold on no
when did MSI start doing the actually a rainbow board wasn't there no no they
didn't have a rainbow board but they had one that had a roller coaster yeah the
roller coaster was sick I'll see if I can find here okay yeah here oh maybe it
was gigabyte maybe it was gigabyte okay so this this was a hilarious
motherboard so great uh no this one this was MSI this was MSI that's what I said
that's what I thought right so they did this for a while this like roller
coaster of heat pipes thing here's another one here's a bit of an older one
that's a p35 board and gigabyte used to have some just abominable looking
motherboards as well this is probably what you're thinking in terms of like
rainbow yeah I think that was it cuz the RAM slots yeah look at that four colors
of RAM slots different colors here orange purple blue light yellow green
blue purple copper black silver white oh my goodness that was a cool board though
and we're probably gonna see some designs like this again because this was
back when DDR3 was first coming out and like stuff like this four different
colors of slots for adding cards yeah that's a really old AMD board that one
that you're looking at so we're probably gonna see stuff like this again because
this was a pretty common thing back when DDR2 or back when DDR3 was first coming
out it was prohibitively expensive and so you can actually see this board has
two sets of DDR2 slots so four DDR2 dims or two DDR3 dims because the assumption
was if you were buying DDR3 you were not buying four sticks of it so it was
supposed to be like an upgrade path not that it will make sense this time not
that it made sense last time just buy a board that accepts the memory you're
putting into it now and don't worry about that stuff but the upcoming CPUs
from Intel Skylake if I recall correctly is when we're gonna actually have
support for both DDR2 or both DDR3 and DDR4 on the memory controller so we'll
be able to do apples to apples comparisons even more apples to apples
than we did before which by the way was pretty apples to apples for the people
complaining about my DDR3 versus DDR4 test and we'll actually be able to do
them on the same board so yeah DDR3 is really dropped in price lately hey
distribution of clicks for the straw poll geographically oh they have that
apparently so United States 48 percent UK 12 percent Canada 12 percent and then
it falls off a cliff least because Australia is sleeping yeah yeah
Australia Australia likes to watch the land show in the morning I think yeah
yeah all right so you are just not having a good time I don't know what's
going on with this thing it's just been a rough week and I think we just need to
it's so hot I know it's really hot in here I'm really looking forward to the
new office I am really looking forward to the new office all right so this is a
rumor from Apple insider do you have this or should I just do it because I
could just do it I think I got it the original oh the OP here is dead the hero
and actually I should I should find some other OPs because I haven't been saying
them I'm sorry guys ah Ming for the colorful one
rah heath Kumar SP for the volvo for the GTX 980 TI rumor and Alex goes high I
believe I did mention and he's doing a great job of maintaining that thread
with with all the I really like that when someone does show coverage and they
keep the thread updated Victoria's does that a lot of events yeah okay so
Microsoft may be rumored to be interested in acquiring blackberry so we
could have a we could have the least relevant phone platform with all the
security that blackberry brings to a phone platform with their expertise and
patents and stuff I would really much rather Apple or Google acquired them
straight just straight up because so many more devices would be able to take
advantage of blackberry's expertise because let's face it their expertise
isn't making phones that people buy no their expertise is mobile device
security and I would love for some of that influence to be on the Android
platform or even iOS which isn't that bad compared to Android so there you go
I'm sorry oh yeah there's things that I mean why don't you just talk about it
because you're not gonna be doing a review so we can know we can talk about
this rumor which there's not really much to say there's a rumor in fact why don't
I just finish this um Microsoft likely motivated by a desire to deepen its
foray into the mobile enterprise and gain access to blackberries patent trove
same reason anyone would be interested in blackberry Chinese technology firms
Huawei Lenovo and Xiaomi have also expressed interest no party has taken
definite steps towards an acquisition which basically means this article is
fluff yeah and blackberry sold some 1.6 million phones during its fiscal fourth
quarter whereas Apple sold 74.5 million in the same period 1.6 million phones is
not going to keep you in business blackberry I'm very sorry I do love you
dearly but I just wish your technology was in a phone platform that I actually
want to use carry on talk about your iOS experience okay so yeah okay first time
right yes iMessage is great iMessage just craps all over hangouts like it's
disgusting iMessage is just so much better there's so much crap all over
hangouts you just don't even want to touch it anymore about that huh
I'm finding else that bad but I don't like using hangouts as a mix I don't
like it either is great as just web messaging that is synced with your phone
I think that's really good but I I don't like iMessage to use it for text
messaging so then you have to use messaging as well and messaging is
garbage so then you have to use some other app and then that some other app
doesn't really work with your smart watch very well so then that's a garbage
and it's just frustrating and then all of the rest of the things that I like
about the phone have nothing to do with the fact that it's an iPhone right 100%
to do with the fact that apps are usually made better for the iPhones like
Instagram works way better the Twitter app on iOS is way nicer just that I
didn't like how the phone worked in terms of customizability I didn't like
that I can't really mess with my home page as much as I did before I don't
like that I can't change a lot of things but iMessage being so good and all
the apps being just better developed for iOS was really nice mainly because I use
Instagram and Twitter a lot right and like Instagram is huge like this phone
trying to take a picture with it I'm like wow this looks terrible and then I
click the take photo button and it's like wow it looks way better that's dumb
and then I upload it on Instagram and I'm like wow it looks bad again what
like what do I do and then on an iPhone it's like hey it looks like this press
button okay it still looks like that I'll put the Instagram okay yeah okay
everything's fine I don't know yeah it's so frustrating and I mean another great
example would be vessel vessel still doesn't have an Android app why don't
they have an Android app because whether people like it or not I don't care and
is that Android's fault no I still really like Android but it's just it's
nice when you get all the apps so I don't if you don't like this I don't
care it's been it's been tackled again and again and again and there's there
could be a billion different reasons for why but iOS users spend more money on
apps they are much more likely to pay for an app I don't care why let's not
get into why socioeconomic blah blah blah blah blah don't care so when the
chat was like doesn't know how to focus no that's actually I was making two
comments in one it it takes the photo fine it looks like garbage and you take
the photo and it looks really good and I could transfer that off to onto my
computer and it would look fine and everything's good it's it's when you
upload things to Instagram on Android it kills the quality and this is exactly
one of the issues with Android is someone over there who has a viewfinder
whose preview is actually very close to the picture you take is probably telling
you you don't know what you're doing but actually my moto X did it fun many
Android phones have view finders that look very little like the finished
picture my droid turbo for example not to the same extent but does have a
viewfinder that looks significantly worse than the finished picture and it's
it's a it's a processing thing it's an optimization thing and does it really
matter as long as my picture looks good I guess not but it doesn't because you're
putting it but it's part of the experience and then that's a different
step that's the Instagram out compression not being handled as well on
the Android and it's hard to tell like how good the photo you're taking is
until after you take it yeah which is stupid and kind of hurts the experience
and the other thing is app availability so if you're developing a paid app or an
app for a paid service like vessel you're spending all of your time and all
of your money developing the iOS one because whether whether you guys
personally like it or not I don't care Apple iOS users are more likely to pay
for a service that they're using so you ask government proposes to classify
cybersecurity or hacking tools as weapons of war isn't the future gonna be
an interesting time this was posted by face Alou and the original article here
is from beta news looks a little something like that I'm sharing it and
it's funny because in spite of all the NSA stuff that's happened over the last
couple of years and and all of the concern that we have about our about our
ongoing online privacy and privacy in general I mean you look at what
countries like China are doing where they're creating these social merit
programs for their citizens where they're just straight up no not even
hiding it we are spying on literally everything you do don't screw it up
which is insane I mean including like political opinion I don't I don't I did
like I don't see I don't see why most people would need tools for would would
need intrusion software most people shouldn't need that but let's say for
example you are a white hat okay and you're working on attacking something to
find out how to block against attack this is absolutely a thing and so how do
how does the law get amended to account for that because let's face it
that you can't penetration test your own system you're gonna be sitting duck and
the guys who are gonna break the law are gonna break the law the guys who are out
there trying to siphon tens of millions of dollars from bank accounts or
whatever it is that they're trying to to take advantage of what was the one where
it was it was taking pennies off of transactions in flight I must have been
about a year ago or something like that yeah isn't that the storyline of office
base too I can't remember but like I think it happened I'm just yeah yeah
but but but anyway are these guys really gonna be deterred by oh you know well I
guess on top of the millions of dollars we're stealing we'll also own a weapon
of war I mean it might deter the average you know high school kid who wants to
just you know be a dork script kitty and attack something but it just seems kind
of like tightening and like well my tool yeah can you just generally classify a
whole bunch of different distributions of Linux as hacking tools because they
get used for that so the new definition of intrusion software is a tool which is
capable of extraction and or modification of data or information from
a computer or networked enabled device but like there's distributions of lit I
don't remember what it's called but there's distributions of Linux that you
use for attacking rotors but you can use it for a back back trace back actress I
don't know whatever moving on all right so opie here is twisted dictator and the
original article is from polygon do you have this link yeah all right it kind of
pulled things together here so there has been a star citizen leak so you can see
the future of star a citizen thanks to a leak oh you didn't manage to post the
blink I did but the this site's not really loading go go go go go yay
internet so we can see some ships there sick a Wow look how gorgeous that looks
I want this game to be a thing with the with the very limited rendering options
in the graphic setting and stuff right now you can't even turn it up to look
this good I mean look at that look at the shadows look at the illumination
like parts of it what this isn't an engine hmm yeah this is an engine yeah
yeah so you can obviously turn it up look that good this is usually even run
anti aliasing is this not user leave no what cuz that looks like we've got some
easy 50 gigabyte it was a 48 gigabyte download hold on a second did it did it
did it leaked by community manager yeah he accidentally leaked part of a URL
someone guessed the rest of the URL and it was a download that was 48 gigabytes
some of the leaked material could include story spoilers guys so if you
don't want any information on the squadron 42 storyline before you play it
you probably shouldn't do anything so the download had a lot of different
things assets people extracted them and then basically put them in in engine so
there you go guys we were looking at stuff that isn't in the game but can be
kind of hack sword in there yeah so someone recorded that so that looks that
good on a user's computer I didn't even think cuz I thought it has no support
for AA and that looked really sharp but yeah but haven't you played in engine
already yeah I'm really sharp without AA anyways oh so I have some issues here
they're okay okay you're right now that I've blown it up full screen it doesn't
look quite as impressive as it did before it still looks pretty good though
yeah yeah and one thing is there's a lot more thin and dense I don't know it's
called but when there's like lots of stuff there there's a lot more of that
on the ship than most of the ships I've got very cool so it turns out they are
actually working on it so that's good yeah we just rendered in engine yeah
alright so Google files probably an engine not in real time okay there you
go that probably helped it Google files a patent for a smart teddy bear that
would watch and listen to users so this was posted by annihilation that's kind
of a funny username for that particular post yeah on the forum let's go ahead
and pop this up the original article was on the mirror and apparently that one's
gone now yay sorry we cannot find that page let's go ahead and global news
docio works yeah Canada okay we talked about pretty petty petty bears wow all
right so describes a stuffed toy such as a bear that would be able to control
devices like TV and music players so look how creepy this drawing is
microphone god cameras speakers motors world's creepiest toy so using sensors
and cameras it could sense your presence and turn its head around to look at you
with a passphrase it could activate and you could voice control stuff the patent
filing was published last week but they actually applied for the patent back in
2010 and Google's only real statement was we hold patents on a variety of
ideas some of those ideas later mature into real products or services some
don't so it doesn't sound like they're super confident yeah I I suspect it's
gonna be a while before anything like that happens however like in that form
like you know I like like Chuckie style it's gonna be a while before we see
anything like that but it's not like imagine a Furby that also recorded
everything you did like you know how creepy people thought the Furbies were
yeah yeah so think about a Furby that also records everything I mean is the
idea really that different from this bad boy right here I forget what this thing's
called but I remember we talked about it on the we talked about it on when show
oh you don't even want to see he's showing me his his his hair is all like
matted down from his watch like mine's no but my wet yeah oh well my whole arms
wet that's why you can't tell okay so what is what is this bloody thing called
creators of the cognitive toy yeah that's the one so this is the dinosaur
that uses IBM supercomputer to answer questions that you ask it and learn over
time and stuff like that so you know is Google's idea really is putting a camera
and a microphone and speakers on it really that far away I think this one
already has a microphone and speakers it just doesn't have a camera so smart toys
are gonna be a thing I just I don't know that I want it to be like my TV remote
you know and that was kind of covered by the Google patent but then again I guess
you go ahead and patent something early enough and you don't even have to be the
one who builds it and you can still benefit from that mm-hmm all right
Microsoft manages to cut the bandwidth required for cloud game streaming by
over 80% this is posted by Victoria secret the original article here is from
geek.com do you have the link here this is a really big deal because the two
main hurdles for cloud-based gaming number one is gonna be latency as fiber
connections roll out that will become less of an issue as companies get
serious about their cloud gaming services they will start to roll out more hubs so
there will be a much better chance that you're close enough to a center to like
a render center in order to play the game but number two is data limits I
mean you talk to gamers and many of them are still buying physical media because
their download limit is so small. I personally know people that bought
Witcher 3 because they're like well I'll go over my bandwidth cap so I bought a
physical copy straight up so game streaming is a way that your games
bandwidth use can be the gift that keeps on giving every time you play it you are
downloading more but instead um and it's funny the article points out you think
someone like Sony would be more concerned with this actually I would
have expected Nvidia to be on top of something like this but basically what
it does is it actually uses the power of the game console or tablet or other
device on the other side to do some of the rendering and why would you expect
Sony to be more on top of this when Microsoft has been talking about this
since before the Xbox came out yeah this has been the the golden ticket that
never showed up for the Xbox one yeah so basically the local machine will do some
of the work while the heavy lifting can be done on a remote machine so you will
do a rough sketch essentially and then the server still does shadows texture
mapping and fine-grain details very very cool and it makes a huge difference to
the amount of data required to stream a game without impacting how the game
plays so they use it on doom 3 streamed at 60 FPS with and this is based on the
article so we haven't seen it with no discernible difference between streaming
with and without kahawai or kahawai or whatever they're whatever they're
calling this this bandwidth reduction tool it's the Hawaiian word for stream
apparently but yeah I don't know how to pronounce that apparently there was also
no noticeable differences in response times but again we were I mean if
Microsoft's plan all along was to have the Xbox one basically capable of
competing with the PlayStation 5 or something like that where they could
really stretch out that lifecycle by doing cloud-based rendering who knows
maybe in five years or eight years we're gonna be going holy crap did they ever
have the right idea with the X bone they're taking their sweet freaking time
with it but yeah that could be really interesting that was by Victoria's
Secret I don't know if we killed that or not yeah yes I did also someone in the
chat when we were talking about smart toys posted smart dildo with a whole
bunch of Kappa faces you don't think those exist you're crazy anyways there's
a tech tip for you just the tip until AMD form new cross-license graphics
included yeah that's so they've got a new cross cross licensing agreement
basically they've Andy has clarified it a change of control terminates the
agreement for both so I think this is more in Intel's interest than anyone
else's but if AMD were to be acquired that would be a change in control so
Samsung for example were to acquire AMD which is one of the rumors that's been
floating around about AMD and AMD acquisition the cross licensing
agreement where AMD and Intel won't pursue patent infringements against each
other that allows AMD to produce x86 processors so the kind that runs Windows
that goes in computers that would be terminated okay so that's that's pretty
much it I mean AMD and Intel cooperate in on a much deeper level than most
people probably realize and can hoping standard things is super important yeah
I mean if if we lived in a world where we had different applications for AMD
processors or Intel processors well it would we basically well it's funny I was
about to say we'd have the same kind of divide between AMD and Intel users as we
have between Mac and PC users except we kind of do sad face um speaking of
things that we kind of do we kind of do sponsor spots dollar Shave Club is one
of our sponsors today and for those of you who don't know what dollar Shave
Club is they are the reason why my beard doesn't go down to here good for you it
would actually it would I believe you so dollar Shave Club is the wait for two
for a few bucks a month if you live in the US Canada New Zealand or Australia
get high quality razors delivered directly to your door and their
marketing materials are actually hilarious have you ever had a look at
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of different stuff up to the six blade executive razor they've got their one
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aftershave if your car they've got their dr. Carver's shave butter which goes on
clear so you can see what you're doing while you're doing it and pretty much a
dollar Shave Club is one of our longest standing sponsors and I don't think
we've ever gotten a negative comment about them no straight up I have never
seen someone say Linus you told us dollar Shave Club was good I joined the
Dollar Shave Club and they killed my mother like I have literally never
gotten a message like that or anything negative never mind the mother killing
that's probably good so dollar Shave Club calm slash Linus to join the club
and start shaving time and shaving speaking of money master of a place
where you can buy not razors see how we have non conflicting sponsors there
although mash drop does have just a metric buttload of stuff um so today at
DR o dot PS slash wan show I'm gonna show you guys this this is a ducky shine
for special community edition you can see they wanted a hundred sold and this
blew so many people away that two hundred and eighty one of I believe they
are go away 281 of them were sold for 169.99 now that is a pretty darn
expensive little number but but this is a pretty darn fancy little keyboard so
the community and Matt 30 designed the next special edition ducky shine for
with the stipulation that the keyboard would have multiple switches so the
silent feeler layout with cherry MX clears and cherry MX Browns was the
winner so you'll have your choice of laser-engraved blue and gray PBT key
caps or blank blue and gray PBT key caps and the drop is limited to 500 units
yeah boy that is so sick so pretty much the rundown on mass drop is all kinds of
stuff like this they'll get community sourced deals they'll source things from
manufacturers directly themselves and the way it works is the more people buy
the more everyone saves they've got everything from I think I've got a knife
that we got from mass drop they had that like that weird head pillow that we
showed off on the land show before where you just put it around your head and
then you just lay on things to sleep I think it's around here somewhere if you
just want to kind of shop for kitschy cool stuff mass drop dot-com or if you
are interested in that ducky shine deal particularly draw dups slash when show
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making people's websites better for a very reasonable charge squarespace.com
it starts at $8 a month with scalable beautiful website templates whether you
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people breed dogs you have a profile like I like some sniffing but some
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Squarespace build a beautiful thank you for that I got it all right so what else
what else do we got here we've got there must be other things which are three
tweak tool oh yeah so we were kind of like talking about how they were gonna
do cool stuff is this from them officially there is no someone else
releasing this um doop doop doop doop doop doop doop doop doop doop okay so the
original poster here was blue for and the original the original site here is
DSO gaming I have never seen that before yeah I had to skip to full page
takeover ads yeah that is interesting must-have tool gives you easy access to
extensive options so while the developers while CD Projekt Red did give
gamers the ability with the latest patch to go into the ini files and tweak a
bunch of settings modern elect house I'm not even gonna try has released a
configuration tool that allows you to easily gain access to numerous graphics
options without doing text editing very very cool stuff it's it includes support
for sweet FX and you can basically download it here did you post this link
actually we've got a look at the funny thing is it looks about the same as the
actual configuration options for a lot of games that I've seen so you can do
things like wow maximum sharpening amounts everything you guys can play
around with it all you freaking want yeah I'm not doing that thing you kind
of are no I'm just I'm using whatever settings you're using oh it's not ready
oh well figure it out then I'm probably not gonna tinker with this too much yeah
to be perfectly okay backtrack 5 was the Linux OS thing distribution that I was
talking about a long time ago that most people are gonna know this reference for
but anyways moving on this is hilarious this is posted by Twisted Dictator the
original article here is from the verge Chinese tech exact spends a hundred
million dollars to create Star Trek inspired offices
this is the stupidest thing ever no yes no yes no yes we're talking about it
that's true we're talking about it because it's ridiculous so what if
someone's like what if someone's like I don't like my job I want to go work in a
space station that happens to be on the ground and can't go to space and doesn't
even look that much like the starship Enterprise just like vaguely a similar
shape like if I didn't tell you that's the usss enterprise I did I just put an
extra s in there and I'm tired usss I wouldn't be too surprised if I was like
huh it kind of looks like a similar shape but I wouldn't be like that is the
enterprise because I don't know there's problems like the isn't the height
differential not even like that yeah I know it's like it's like aggressive it's
like yeah oh oh yeah it's like a mushed enterprise it's like the enterprise
crashed it's like oh my falling from the sky did you just search for usss
enterprise and it came up with a naval ship that's really a more common search
oh I missed an s oh there we go yeah cuz okay and like it
doesn't have the bottom thing Wow there we go there we go so we'll pull up some
images of the starship Enterprise the aircraft carrier was the first thing
what's all that right there that's true what is that I don't know what this one
is I actually you know what probably the only one I would recognize just by
looking at it is the the next generation one I don't even see it here
Wow either way I think there's more height differential and there's a thing
below it which is obviously not being shown and like the big saucer part is
supposed to just be kind of connected by like a little thing that's it yeah
that's next generation right I don't know maybe not I was never much of a
Trekkie I was probably a much less than you were no really right I've seen
maybe one episode of Star Trek sorry for people that now hate me really yeah
really my dad really liked it but then I never watched TV so I've just never
really have you seen like the new movies I've seen one of them I think I also
have many movies I'm slowly getting into it like I'm trying to catch up on things
that I missed when I was a kid by watching Netflix and watching all these
other stuff cuz they're better than The Hobbit and you saw all three of those
well my family's always been really hard going to Lord of the Rings because I
read the books right yeah I never really a hardcore like TV and movies family I'm
trying to catch up on things and I'm sure I'll end up watching Star Trek but
it's just like yeah going through the motions the chat hates me right now I
just being honest I could lie and be like oh yeah that's the ship huh but
that would just be stupid do we have any other rapid-fire stuff Oh Amazon expands
their same delivery what's up text message that shuts off people's iPhones
oh yeah that's hilarious oh my posted that sim sir numbers sir numbers this is
posted by Victoria's Secret Amazon has expanded their same date delivery so
orders submitted by noon will arrive by 9 p.m. that day so the region's
previously allowed New York Philadelphia San Francisco Seattle Atlanta Boston
Baltimore Dallas Fort Worth Indianapolis Los Angeles Phoenix in Washington DC and
it has now been expanded to San Diego and Tampa Bay the price is now free on
orders over $35 for prime customers holy balls and surprise 100 bucks a year and
it was previously a flat fee for $5.99 for all prime customers non members will
continue to pay $9 plus a dollar per unit when requesting same-day delivery
it's a separate from prime now which is one hour deliveries in New York City
Miami Baltimore Dallas Atlanta and Austin two prime members for $7.99
Amazon is a machine man move that quickly Amazon is a machine this was
posted by arming if one country if one company was to say it say like a hundred
years from now corporations are essentially countries at this point
because we're getting close to that anyways like if someone had to run the
whole world who would you think would do it best I have always said I can't pick
one because I'm gonna stick to my guns this is what I've always said a Costco
and Amazon merger would take care of everything I could ever need yeah if I
had to pick one I was saying Amazon no I was saying likeliness Costco has better
ethics no I see yeah I would prefer Costco ran everything yeah yeah it's
like ginormous jar of pickles for all yeah everyone would be paid well but
there wouldn't really be a lot of variance and like what you get to eat
and stuff yeah but you have a lot of it you'd have time one would have like an
industrial jar of pickles yeah industrial what industry uses pickles
shut up oh well food industry shut up it's been a long week it's like what
well you know those like giant jars of pickles I know what you meant my
industrial pickles I hate you every week you'd get like two of those like giant
trough boxes of chicken a trough box okay like somebody please invent the
trough box okay so this has to be a no no it's a takeout container in the
shape of an elongated bowl with a lid on it right but it's like it like folds at
the bottom like and has like a little wire handle like a Chinese takeout box
so you take you take off the life of a handle and like maybe it folds down to
the bottom so it doesn't drip through or something and that is the trough box you
literally work your way across and shovel the food into your mouth trough
box you're a genius all right so Google Maps Chrome and YouTube offline support
extended in a big way Google Maps is a huge one for me it is such a pain in the
ass to deal with when you're traveling and you don't have a roaming data plan
or something it's like well if I could just load a bunch of this up on Wi-Fi
and then maybe it would somewhat work in beepity boopity like they're gonna pause
you for a second they're just said you two are so stupid it's unreal you have
not seen scrapyard Wars 2 yet Wow it is a whole other level of your reality will
collapse the reality you already have will be gone what else can I really what
else can I really even say so new version of Chrome and Android will allow
you to save a web page for offline viewing will include turn by turn
directions offline Wow YouTube will allow you to keep a video saved offline
for 48 hours and will be available to all Android 4.4 devices or higher in the
near future and maps will have an offline mode you will have to download
the maps you choose to use offline but come on how did this take so long how
long is Nokia had this so frustrating but that'll be coming sometime later
this year zotac and apparently you you requested a sample of this right you
requested a sample of the Titan X with dark yes okay Titan X with that with an
aftermarket cooler with a with a non reference I want it and I'm so happy
this exists and I told you about this but because on the Titan X video what
I'm like oh I really hope that someone makes an aftermarket cooler and everyone
was like you're such an idiot they'd never do that for Titans raw but like
I'm thinking this one is way hotter run average running temperature than all the
other ones so it's possible thank you zotac for doing such a thing so I'm
trying to get them to send me one I actually recommend if you want to see
our video on how good it is go like go after zotac and be like hey send Linus
tech tips a freaking card so they convention the Arctic storm is a hybrid
cooled card so it actually has both air and liquid cooling so it has threads I
believe yep so this is very similar to the ASUS Poseidon I believe they did
double was it a 980 Poseidon or was it an 700 series 780 it was a GTX 780
Poseidon you didn't remember 960s existed yes there's a Poseidon 980 okay
is there a 782 please confirm for me my brain might have completely fallen out
my ear while I was sleeping last night okay good so there's a 780 Poseidon now
this why this has been done before a cooler master had had a cooler that went
on the GTX are the 8800 GTX or 8800 ultra way back in the day forget what
that thing was called I reviewed it for hardware connects so it's not a new
concept by any stretch but very cool stuff AMD has and it's coming teaser I
feel like we're just we're just shoveling shoveling coal into the hype
machine at this point we might as well just show you guys what's here I'm
trying to catch up on the links guys we're just bouncing all over the place
and it's hard to keep this was posted by epic pwnage and basically it's a
graphics card for those of you who didn't clue into that if any of the
rumors circulating are correct it'll be some kind of 390 series graphics card
you mean those rumors that have been circulating for like six months oh my
god AMD started them yeah it's like oh we have no response to 980 what should
we do um let's tell people to wait for 390 X all I can say AMD is if you're
gonna do that if that's gonna be your strategy good it better be good I got no
problem with the hype machine if you come through for me can you tell the
story which story I'm not gonna oh come on I'm I want to go to sleep no no
no sorry Wow speaking of going to sleep guys
thank you very much for tuning in and this show is going to sleep I'm sorry
there will be no after party today because I gotta I gotta bail I got some
stuff to do he's got some stuff to do it's been it's been a heck of a week
thank you very much for tuning in all over 6,000 of you you guys are awesome
we'll see you again same bat time same bat channel except he won't be here yeah
cuz he'll be in Taiwan I don't think that's realistic is it I don't know that
depends what time it is 6 a.m. is 3 p.m. the previous day so 6 p.m. would be 3
a.m. the previous day so it would be like 1 30 in the morning the previous
day I don't think that makes a ton of sense I usually stay up to like 4 when
I'm at shows it'll depend on the day I'm not gonna guarantee it if you get
another guest I'm sure but if you don't have another guest I can probably maybe
I'll bring on Austin without broken audio yeah and I'll show you right up
all right that was nice peace guys peace guys sorry Austin I was really worried
we were dropping frames at the beginning I was like oh yeah the YouTube up oh we
haven't got your face
oh it's like straight horrible I'm happy to see that people are tweeting zotac to
send me that card thanks for watching guys thank you to Squarespace and
Massdrop if it goes up there yeah and Dollar Shave Club they all have
different-looking title cards thanks everyone bye