
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

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Guys, Twitch.
They must have that there just for us.
Yup, because we do that like almost every time.
Welcome to the show everyone.
Welcome to the show everyone.
We have super cool topics.
We have a super cool topic.
I got it wrong.
I was like, I thought you were copying me,
but you did it slightly different.
I can't even screw up correctly.
And that's the kind of show this is, folks.
Guys, we've got a lot of great topics for you.
The Fury X is sold out everywhere.
Why would that be?
I guess we'll find out, won't we?
Actually, we're just gonna be speculating,
unless I have some insight.
I was actually, I was gonna ping you for that insight.
I have the insight.
Okay, anyways, Batman Arkham Knight PC sales
have been suspended because, bah!
Because they sprayed silly string
at one of the teachers' daughters.
Yeah, also Disney banned selfie sticks,
probably also because of silly string.
Yeah, silly string is for chumps.
And then Xbox.
And me, I like silly string too.
But Xbox wants to give silly stringers a chance.
Or just people.
Or people.
Or people or ducks.
Gamers or.
I painted something last night.
Your car?
No, no, I painted a painting.
Oh, I saw that.
That was actually pretty good.
Yeah, I painted a painting.
Legitimately, I would troll you,
but it's actually pretty good.
That was my painting.
It was literally paint by numbers.
Well, sort of.
But you free form it.
You did have to free form it,
but there's instructions.
It's like step by step.
It's like I made this delicious roast duck,
except that there's someone making roast duck
right next to you.
So did they paint the exact same painting?
Pretty much, yeah.
So you couldn't trace, though?
You still had to add some skill, then.
So I had a hand in it.
But yeah, it's not like from a mind.
Yeah, but that's like watching a recipe on YouTube
and then recreating the recipe.
Except that in this case,
the person who is making the video,
you know, the YouTube video,
actually goes and obtains you
like the food that you need
and the pot that you need
and like the fresh water that you need
to clean your brush
and a chair to sit in
and a bunch of other people in the room
also making a duck.
I still think it's cool.
Well, thank you.
It doesn't look as good in person.
Oh, I think that's kind of a thing
with that kind of stuff.
I guess we should roll the intro.
Okay, one of these days,
we're gonna get this right.
It worked last week for the intro,
but not the outro.
Did it?
I thought I figured out what the problem was.
Well, that's because it tricks you.
It's a trust experiment.
It pulls you in
and then it throws you down.
It's terrible.
Okay, well, hold on a second.
I'm sure there's,
it's in the assets folder, right?
It's like chocolates.
You eat a whole bunch of them
and your body's like,
yeah, this tastes good.
These are good for me.
Oh, man, yesterday was disgusting.
But you can't, can you say why?
Get to plan spot.
Here we go.
Oh, great.
Sorry, sorry.
It's iFixit.
Squarespace, iFixit.
All right, guys.
So it's time to get this show on the road.
What were we starting?
What were we talking about?
Our first one is R9 Fury X selling out everywhere
and you already spoiled,
I was gonna ask you the question
to bring you into the thing.
All right.
So first let's get the link to the forum up in there.
Do you have it?
Do you have it?
Okay, I'm gonna bring up WCCF Tech,
everybody's favorite news site for graphics cards.
Sold out.
Now here's the thing.
Sold out can mean a lot of different things.
It can mean that there wasn't enough.
It can mean that the demand was incredibly high.
It can mean that you took a bunch of money
and abandoned your values and morals for the money.
Sold out can mean a lot of different things.
But what sold out means in this case,
I believe and the under headline here,
this is interesting.
Fury X selling like hotcakes.
Have you ever even bought a hotcake?
No, so they must not sell that well.
I've never even seen a hotcake for sale.
Okay, should we straw pull this?
How many people have bought a hotcake?
Who has bought a hotcake?
What is a hotcake?
See, I don't even know.
So they're not marketed very well.
Okay, let's, we're straw pulling.
They should be called the R9 hotcake.
We are straw pulling the crap out of this.
Hotcakes, yes, all the time.
Never heard of them.
Turnip, maybe hotcakes are turnips.
Never heard of them and let's go somewhere in between.
So we need to hear from you guys about hotcakes.
Well, cause I've heard of them,
but I've never purchased them.
But you don't know what they are exactly.
That's fair.
Which is part of why you like,
that's like me saying that I've heard of,
you know, clandestine destiny.
And like, but I don't know what that would be.
It's a pancake.
It's a pancake.
Wow, I've had a lot of pancakes.
Why are they called pancakes?
Hotcakes are pancakes?
Hotcake, noun, a pancake.
Why don't you just call it a pancake?
Well, cause it's hot.
But pancakes.
No, I'm with you.
I'm just trolling the crap out of you right now.
Cause I'm 100% on the same page.
On the first link, Yahoo answers,
what is a hotcake?
And if they're selling so well, wait for it.
Why have I never seen one?
Okay. All right.
Anonymous poster.
What is your name?
You don't even have a profile picture,
but I'm totally with you.
Okay. So 31% of you, yes, all the time
with 27% of you having never heard of them, just like us.
Is this an Americanism?
Oh, I don't know.
Because everyone that I know, something went wrong.
It doesn't know who it is.
Earliest times in America,
hotcakes cooked in bear grease or pork lard
were popular from earliest times in American.
In American.
First made of, I'm thinking they mean cornmeal,
the middle something, blah, blah, blah, et cetera, et cetera.
So maybe this is an American thing,
but then again, pancakes.
Is that an American thing?
I feel like everyone that I know from the States
says pancakes.
Everyone in the chat is saying American thing.
There's some people saying it's an English thing,
but almost everybody's saying American thing.
And I've got people saying McDonald's calls them hotcakes.
Not up here.
McDonald's had pancakes.
That was like 10 years ago, 15 years ago,
but they had them.
They called them pancakes.
So I thought someone was going to come in here
and correct us.
And they're not welcome in this room.
Handcakes are not American.
Well, we've done some solid research on this.
Yeah, obviously.
So let's get into the stuff that we actually have any idea
what we're talking about here.
So WCCF tax article says selling like hotcakes
and out of stock at all major retailers on day one.
So I have a little bit of special insight.
I can't let you guys know who my,
you know, special informant would happen to be.
But what I heard from someone involved
in the retailer business is that on launch day,
they had literally zero.
Like not one, not a single one.
It could be selling like hotcakes
if McDonald's didn't have any that day
because they screwed up their order.
Well, but then they wouldn't have screwed up
with their order.
And, and I heard a rumor that the total inbound shipments
is somewhere in the neighborhood of, you know what?
Hi, I don't want to say too much.
So let's say, let's say I don't think
they're selling that well.
Well, I suspect that in North America,
in North America, I suspect,
and this is just based on things we don't have
in North America.
I suspect there are less than a thousand would be my guess.
That's a somewhat educated yes.
Basically the Fury X doesn't even exist.
So there you go.
I mean, here, here's what I want to know.
Let's straw pull the, let's straw pull this.
This should just be straw pull day.
Just straw pull everything.
Straw pull, straw pull day today, Fury X.
The answers are, and I want, okay.
A lot of the time we just, we just like we troll you guys.
Okay, I'm counting on you this time.
I do want real answers this time because no, no, no, no, no.
No, no, no, no.
Our viewers, they got our back on this one
because this is actually pretty important.
It's for everyone's benefit to know what's going on here.
So Fury X, the answers are, I have one.
I know someone who has one or other.
So like you don't have one
and you don't know anyone who has one.
So we're going to go ahead.
We're going to create that straw pull and there, no,
there is no, there is no troll turnip response
because I want to know what's going on.
Are they selling like hotcakes or do they not exist?
Let's go ahead and fire these results up here.
Linus' screen.
So we don't count.
Yeah, we don't count.
We have one.
So reviewers, okay guys, if you've already voted
and you sort of, anyone who didn't pay for it doesn't count.
So if you happen to know like Ryan Smith from Anon Tech,
that doesn't count, he didn't buy it.
So pretty much it looks like,
it looks like I was barking up the right tree there.
You know what, to give us some context for this,
I'm going to go ahead.
I'm going to create a new straw pull right now
called 980 Ti.
I was, see, I was, I knew where you're going with this,
but I was thinking about saying Titan X
just because I know that 980 Ti is going to win.
This is going to make it a little bit harder on that team.
But if you want like a price point comparison,
because 980 Ti has been out longer too.
It's been out longer.
There's a higher likeliness that someone is going to have it.
Okay, all right, okay, no, no, okay.
What we need to do then-
But then Titan X has been out even longer.
No, let's revise, let's revise the question then.
So 980 Ti, I got one in launch week.
I know someone who got one.
And other.
And other.
And again, we don't count and like reviewers don't count.
Yeah, we want to hear from you guys.
We want to know like what's going on here.
So Linus is screen share.
We've got just shy of 95% of you.
So with a whopping 34, so a whopping 60 of you
either have one or know someone who has one.
And since I suspect there's a little bit of dishonesty
at least, basically out of the Linus Tech Tips audience,
if nobody has these cards, I'm straight up kind of calling,
yeah, these actually don't exist.
So let's go ahead and let's post that 980 Ti straw pool now.
And I want to see the results from that from you guys.
This is going to be really interesting.
So, okay.
So we've got here 15% of you saying they had got one
in launch week or they know someone
who got one in launch week.
So with that said, I know that 980 Ti
was quite supply constrained as well.
In fact, continues to be supply constrained.
We actually pitched to a major graphics card maker
that they send us 10 980 Ti's not permanently
so that we could test which ones would turbo boost the most.
We talked about this on one show last week.
That was your idea.
Was it my idea?
It was your idea.
We were talking about it and you were like,
what if we got like 10?
And I was like, okay, cause I was talking about like two.
Oh, okay.
Well it was a group idea.
Okay, not the point.
Anyway, the point is they basically went,
no, we don't have enough to even lend them to you
for a week.
And I was like, well, what if you lent them to me
and like you give me NCIX's allocation
and then I hand deliver them to NCIX.
So they're going like,
they're going straight to the retailer.
We don't have any bro.
So when you compare that to R9 Fury X.
Which is a little weird too,
because the balance is off.
If you look at the two charts on average,
the exact same amount, basically having one
and knowing someone who has one for Fury X
and then almost twice as much, which is expected.
Someone knowing someone who has one
compared to having one for 980 Ti.
So that means that the Fury X one
probably is just full of trolls
who are just picking anything.
Well, the 980 Ti one probably has a lot of trolls too.
But that split actually makes a lot more sense
on the 980 Ti one.
Having a lot more people knowing someone who has one.
Very, very interesting.
Especially with the percentage of people
that are watching the WAN show
probably having a very high percentage of people
that are on the forum.
Being that they very likely know someone
who would own one of those cards.
So that's very interesting.
Now I have to run for a minute,
because speaking of the Fury X,
I think I might've left it in my car.
So you're on your own for the next topic.
Well, knowing that Linus leaves his car unlocked,
if someone can get to the outside
of the Linus Tech Tips headquarters before Linus can,
you can get a Fury X for free.
It's not really free, it's stealing, but you know.
Anyways, in other news, we have more AMD stuff,
which I'm sure Linus will want to weigh in on.
AMD says Granada Pro and XT are not re-brands of Hawaii
and they're a little bit right?
I was on the call with AMD while they were talking about
this and they were like,
no, we spent a year working on these things.
We've improved stuff, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
So I will talk about what they've done.
They've increased memory clock from 1,250 megahertz
to 1,500 megahertz on both 390 and 390X.
They've increased memory bandwidth from 320 gigabytes
per second to 384 gigabytes per second.
And there's an eight gigabyte frame buffer
on all their cars instead of a four.
So there isn't like the OC version eight gigabyte
and non OC version four gigabyte set up.
They did a complete rewrite of the GPU's power management
microarchitecture so that in worst case scenarios,
they're kind of the same in terms of power.
And in typical gaming load, the 300 series,
390 and 390X will draw less power than a 290X
and perform a little bit better than the 290X.
That's our new one.
Yeah, it was actually, it wasn't even in my car.
It was in the trailer behind my car.
Oh my God.
I didn't see it cause it was under something,
which is probably why no one else saw it.
Oh yeah.
So this is our new Fury X, which is really funny
cause I was at NCIX today shooting NCIX tech tips
and they were like, you have two?
We didn't even get one.
And I was like, no, no, we only have two
cause our first one was DOA.
And they're like, yeah, but we didn't even get one.
It's like, how did you get two?
I'm like, well, when we said it was dead,
they sent us a new one right away.
And I think our performance,
after seeing everyone else's reviews,
I think our performance on the first one
might actually be fine.
It's just artifacting all over the place.
Right, yeah, cool.
Which isn't like, we can't report that cause.
Yeah, exactly.
Like we're not gonna report those numbers,
but we straight up were like,
okay, it's not performing as well as like, you know.
You guys are saying it is.
Yeah, and so we thought the reason for that
was that it was artifacting.
We didn't think the reason for that
was that it just didn't perform as well as expected.
So what I'm talking about is the rebrand stuff
possibly not being as rebrandy
as people might've thought, blah, blah, blah.
Have you read about that at all?
I have, is that one of our news topics today?
Cause it's so we should jump right into it.
Oh, that's what we're doing right now, yeah.
So my problem with the way that AMD is spinning this
and spin is really the right word here,
is that it's all about presentation.
Intel did Haswell refresh.
They did a 4790K,
which was basically a 4770K with a clock speed bump
and change thermal interface material
and a refinement of the manufacturing process.
But they were straight up about it
and they didn't increase the first invention number.
Exactly, they didn't call it 5,000 series.
Yeah, that was my main point.
This is a 300 series card.
If it was like the 290 something,
although that gets weird
cause they've already used some of those numbers and yeah.
And like, here's the other issue.
Like what's the code name? 290.5.
What's the code name for it?
Cause they changed it from Hawaii to something else.
Like they actually gave it a new code name.
Granada Pro? Yeah, Granada.
So they changed it from Hawaii to Granada.
Whereas Intel, even their internal code name
is Haswell refresh cause that's what it is.
In fact, it's even sort of unusual
for Intel to do something like that.
And the only reason they did that
was because they changed the thermal interface material.
That was a huge part of the reason for that.
Otherwise they could have just called it 4790K
and it would have just been a higher speed bin.
In fact, that's the way it used to work in the past.
If you guys remember back to the Pentium 4 days,
you'd get an architecture,
whether it's, you know, Willamette or Northwood
or Northwood B, Northwood C.
Like they used to revise them like that.
And then you'd get like, okay, you know,
it's a 3.0 gigahertz Northwood C
and that would be the flagship.
And then three months down the line
or six months down the line,
they'd launched the 3.2 gigahertz Northwood C.
They would call it a different thing.
You don't have to call it a completely different thing.
It's just like, oh yeah, it's a speed bump.
That's what it is.
And we can recognize that it's better.
That's fine. That's cool.
I want to bench a 390X versus a 290X to like show
what potential improvements there could be.
Probably mainly power, but whatever.
But like, don't call it,
don't make a layman think that it's a jump.
I think that's the biggest problem
because nobody in our audience is going to be fooled.
Is going to think that a 390X is a big upgrade over a 290X.
Because there's threads all over the forum and stuff.
But people are trying to be like,
oh yeah, you should get into PC gaming.
It's really not that hard to build a computer.
All this kind of stuff.
It's super easy.
Just pick some parts.
And like, if you buy within the right part,
price categories, it's probably going to be fine.
And someone's going to go to the store and buy a 390X
and be like, yeah, I'm going to rock all those dudes
with a 290X.
Doesn't want to do a whole bunch of research.
And that's fine.
You shouldn't have to.
A higher number should be better.
And when the-
It sounds a little boring, but it's true.
The thing about all of this though,
is that I don't want to ride AMD too hard about it.
Because it's super crappy.
It's a crappy thing to do.
There's much worse stuff.
But Nvidia's done it too.
It's not like the, it's not like-
It happens all the time.
Especially on the low end.
And you see the thing about Nvidia is they're kind of like,
they're savvy enough to not try to pull the wool
over the eyes of the enthusiast.
Like Nvidia is going to go, okay, yeah,
we know we're re-releasing the 680.
So we're just, they're going to call it 770.
We're going to knock it down a peg at the very least
when we rebrand that.
Yeah, at least there's that.
Because this is a 290X and a 390X.
But when it comes to the general consumer oriented cards,
it's not like Nvidia hasn't done that with,
I believe the 300 series.
Many of you won't even know there was a 300 series
because it was OEM only SKUs was a straight rebrand
of 200 series low end cards.
Straight rebrand.
They changed it from a two to a three.
Maybe that's what made AMD think it was okay.
And it's not-
For their two, three.
And I mean, it's not like Nvidia hasn't milked
the micro architecture before.
I mean, shoot, I can't remember what 8800 GT, G92.
G92 Nvidia milked the crap out of that thing.
That was the 8800 GTX or GT.
Didn't they literally like sticker pull
and resticker cards?
Yeah, the 9800 GTX plus or something became the GTS 250.
And so the 8800 GT somehow turned into a 9800 GTX,
which turned into a 9800 GTX plus,
which I think had more RAM or something.
So that's pretty much what we're looking at here.
At least they called it a plus
instead of like a something higher number.
Oh wait, except when they rebranded it GTS 250.
So let's not pretend that AMD is the only one doing it.
It's just crappy no matter who does it.
And AMD has done it most recently.
So they're the ones that we're gonna pull down our pants
and take a big turd on for doing it this time.
It's not, yeah, it's not the worst thing in the world,
but it's not good.
And the fact that they're sticking to their guns
about this is like-
Come on.
It's not a rebrand because it has-
We worked on it for a year with one person
part-time one day a week.
I shouldn't say that.
No, and that's not fair, be nice.
And like I get it, like 290X 8 gig was actually limited
in terms of which board partners were making them.
Not because AMD doesn't wanna sell you a higher ASP card,
but because yields were probably very limited
either because they were saving cores for this
or because they really did have to retool things
fairly significantly in order to make it all happen.
And the power stuff is legitimately cool
and may have taken a lot of work,
but there's a lot of people speculating
and I kinda think they might be right
that the memory being faster
is just because they put better memory on it.
Like, nah, that's why I said it didn't really take any time.
The power stuff-
Yeah, okay.
Could be a lot more difficult.
All right, speaking of things-
And we might be wrong about the memory stuff.
That are a lot more difficult.
Oh God.
Here, I'll go ahead, I'll post this.
You got it?
Do you wanna lead us off on this one?
Okay, so- Arkham Gate.
Don't screw with PC Master Race-
Bat Gate.
I guess.
Night Gate.
PC Master Race got real mad
and everyone that owns a computer
and wanted to play Batman got really mad
because Batman Arkham Knight
was frame rate capped at 30 FPS.
Did you see the funny photo
where it was like a speed limit sign
in the background that said 30?
Did you see that?
I didn't see that.
That was hilarious.
I don't know if we're gonna be able to find it,
but maybe someone will post it in the Twitch chat.
Someone was like, did they warn us?
And it was like a Batman teaser photo
and he's coming towards the camera in the background
there's a speed limit 30 sign.
Sorry, I just thought it was hilarious.
So, people were demanding refunds like crazy.
I think a lot of people did get refunds through Steam
and then Steam actually suspended sales of the game.
I don't know if it was actually Steam-
Warner Brothers.
Warner Brothers suspended sales of the game.
Steam ratings were sitting around 35% positive.
Holy crap, that's terrible.
That hurts.
Yeah, so that's basically it to be completely honest.
Apparently it was able to be unlocked
by editing an INI file.
But like-
But like why?
Like I get it.
I like having the INI file.
I had to use an INI file yesterday
because I was trying to launch Crysis 3
and I had copied over a save game
and the last thing I had used it on-
But the INI file should be there in like last case,
like last resort or like if you're 80 mods deep in Skyrim
and you're like, I broke something, but I can fix it.
Like that's cool.
Exactly, so in this situation,
the last computer I had used it on was the iMac Retina.
So it was a 5K display.
So like when I opened the game,
it was like I was seeing like the corner of it
on a 1080p display.
So I couldn't actually navigate to the menu
to change my settings.
And I was like, okay, this is an unusual situation
that pretty much nobody would ever find themselves in.
Okay, I'll break out the INI file.
To just have, to need the INI file
in order to unlock the game from 30 FPS
is just totally unacceptable.
And the thing that I don't get is how do they not learn?
Check your hands.
How is it possible that they cannot learn?
Oh yeah, here it is.
This is awesome.
This is from the PC Master Race subreddit.
Have you seen this?
Yeah, in the background, there's a 30 FPS.
Like not 30 FPS, but it's a 30.
30 miles an hour, I guess, speed limit.
FPS lock warning.
I love the MS Paint skills here.
Yeah, yeah.
Isn't that what that is?
The fact that they can look at Assassin's Creed Unity
and look at Watch Dogs and look at these titles
where developers are being crucified
for these completely unnecessary limitations.
If it works above 30 FPS, why isn't that the default?
And I mean, I guess saying it works is sort of generous
because I mean, Warner Brothers came out
and said that AMD owners would experience performance issues
which really, I mean, the most frustrating thing about this
is that whether Nvidia is being completely upfront or not,
whether they are or not,
like if Nvidia is to be believed,
Gameworks doesn't hurt anyone else's performance,
it's just extra eye candy that happens to run great
on Nvidia because they designed it
and basically handed it to the game developer
to put inside the game.
So for a developer to come out and just say,
yeah, just like is gonna work kind of crap on AMD cards.
By the way, this is a Gameworks title.
I mean, I would love to know,
what's going on in Nvidia's sort of minds
when they're sitting there going,
okay, so we're gonna be getting a bunch of bad PR
over something that in theory
is just the developer and AMD
not getting their crap sorted out.
Just because we have Gameworks in theory.
And you know what, I haven't
and I will probably never get a full understanding
of what exactly goes on behind the scenes with Gameworks.
But what I do know,
and this was a really good point from Tom Peterson
about what was it, Witcher 3, I think,
where when it came out, yeah, Witcher 3 came out
and AMD performance wasn't very good
and a lot of it was getting blamed on Gameworks.
And then AMD had a fixed driver
and I think it was one or two weeks.
And so Tom Peterson kind of went,
well, hold on a second.
So they managed to fix it in like two weeks.
So where was that development effort
two weeks before the launch?
It seems to me there's no problem here.
And I kind of went,
yeah, if they can fix this in like two weeks,
what's the problem here exactly?
There's questions as to like
whether it was fully released to them and stuff.
Yep, so there's questions about that.
If they had two days before the launch
or if they've actually been working on it for a month
and they had two weeks before and two weeks after or whatever.
But AMD also does a lot of crying
about how Gameworks is a black box
and impossible to optimize for.
When it turns out that two weeks after a launch,
they can optimize for it just fine.
That's true.
So anyway, so Warner Brothers already came out and said,
yep, well, AMD users, peace, bro.
And then performance is having some issues
on Nvidia GPUs as well.
So there you go.
Steam ratings were sitting at 35% positive, like you said,
and Warner Brothers games apparently listened.
This is kind of funny.
Some of the textures,
some effects like ambient inclusion and rain
that the Nvidia Gameworks video showed off
are actually completely missing on the PC,
but present on the PlayStation 4.
I noticed that too.
Well, I didn't notice it.
PC Master Race subreddit told me.
Those guys, they're like the guardians of like-
Have you seen the rating system?
This should have been in this topic.
They're making a like PC Master, I'll try to find it.
The PC Master Race like official rating system
and they have a chart.
So like if your game only runs at 1080p,
you can't get above a certain rating.
If your game doesn't have mods,
I think you can't get the glorious rating,
but you can get like righteous
if you have a whole bunch of stuff,
but like not technically everything.
And like, there's this whole crazy, it's cool.
All right, well, in the meantime,
I'll do a really quick topic here.
So we talked about this last week and the-
I was just gonna say, I could be wrong,
but I think it was actually Corsair George
that made that rating system.
Oh, really? Really?
It was like his username is like ballistic George
or something and it has a Corsair tag
beside the username, so yeah.
Okay, well, in the meantime here,
I'll do the fallout, the fallout pre-order.
Here we go.
What? Sorry, that's not...
Okay, I don't know.
Anyway, in the meantime, let me do this.
So we talked about the guy who sent,
oh crap, what was it?
11.2 pounds of bottle caps to Bethesda
to get a copy of Fallout 4,
which actually ended up costing in shipping
about half as much as just a pre-order
the game would have cost.
And it turns out that they were very careful
about the wording because I guarantee you,
Bethesda does straight up not want, you know,
10,000 people shipping them 10 pounds of bottle caps.
And like every person that works at a bottling place
would be able to get so many so fast.
So they very carefully said,
so he sent 2,240 caps because he was the first person
to do this.
He would be receiving a copy of the game in November.
So it was Corsair George.
Was it?
Yeah, this is ballistic George,
official Corsair ballistic George tag.
And this is the one I was looking for.
I had no idea it was him.
Oh, send me the link, send me the link.
Okay, so let's move on to the...
It'll take a sec because my laptop is slow as hell,
but yeah.
Let's move on to the Corsair George rating system.
Oh my goodness.
Oh, apparently it's a George from Corsair.
Oh, what?
It's the George from Corsair.
It's ballistic George.
So it's not our George Macris.
It is a different George.
See, they have the same problem as us.
They do.
Where we have too many Nicks.
We call ours different things.
Well, they call them ballistic George.
So that's like a...
But then they call the other one just George.
Right, so we have Nick and then we have Burklenick.
But we just call him Burkle.
Ballistic Burkle.
Just start calling him Ballistic Nick.
We're just BB for short.
Hey BB.
Okay, so let's go ahead and pull this up.
So PCMRG, so peasantry.
This port fails to deliver a quality
that is even comparable to consoles.
Frame rate may be capped at 30 FPS,
may not support 1080p or higher, optimized poorly.
Mod support, none.
Mods may result in online bans.
Servers, possibly weak unreliable servers
and possible day one DLC with glitches.
So it goes all the way up to righteous.
This port exceeds the standard set
by its console counterparts,
but does not reach the full glory
and potential of PC gaming.
So 60 FPS capped, potentially limitless.
1080p may include multi-monitor support.
And then glorious basically means this is as far as it goes.
There's no limit to frame rate, 4K or beyond resolution.
Gloriously optimized, complete support for mods,
strong servers with dedicated or custom servers available.
No day one DLC or DLC is free.
So there you go.
With nearly no glitches.
With nearly no glitches.
So all the people that rated Skyrim as glorious are wrong.
There's so many glitches in that game.
There is so many glitches in that game.
Did you just speak out against the Elder Scrolls?
No, I'm just saying.
No, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, no?
Did you just say no?
Hold on.
You have to answer the question.
I've spoken out of the games and the shows online.
Did you just speak out against Elder Scrolls single player?
Well, I don't know.
Your favorite games of all time?
I don't necessarily mind the glitches,
but there are glitches.
I don't necessarily mind that.
Spoken like a true fanboy.
The glitches give it character.
There's certain games where glitchy crap is fine.
Like I was playing Super Mario Bros. the other day.
I was playing Super Mario Bros. the other day
and I used my cape and it completely glitched out
and I just laughed and keep playing.
Some of them are okay if they're funny.
If your game crashes the desktop,
like Skyrim does a lot, it's not actually funny
and it's really dumb.
Or if your mouse clicks through the screen,
like a lot of Bethesda games do, that's not funny.
I'm gonna let him keep going as long as...
There's more glitches.
There's where the giant will hit you
and you'll just go infinitely upwards.
You can fall through the floor.
Your horse can just fly at certain times
or go completely vertical at mountains.
I'm gonna run out here actually,
but I'm sure there's more.
I'm sure the Twitch chat can tell you more.
I just find it funny
that there's an official PC Master Race rating system
that takes one of the PC Master Race's favorite games
and doesn't put it at the highest tier.
That being said, due to the full mod support,
you can fix a lot of those glitches.
So does it count?
Because there's full mod support so you can fix them.
I knew if I let you talk about this long enough,
you were gonna come full circle.
I don't know, but does it?
I'm asking you guys.
Should we straw pull this?
Should we straw pull this?
Does the ability to fix a glitch through a mod
rectify the problem?
Fixing glitches through...
Makes it okay?
What is that?
Look at this ad on straw pull.
It just popped up while I was creating my straw pull.
You know what's funny?
Is we actually have a fastest possible episode coming
on ad block very soon.
Did I tell you that?
That's stroking the fire.
I guess everyone watching already knows what it is anyways.
Yes and no.
Well, I mean, the thing about fastest possible
is it's very search optimized.
Like if you search for a topic
that there's a fastest possible episode for,
I guarantee you it's going to be right up there
in the search results.
And it's designed for that.
That's what that whole channel is,
is like quick searchable stuff.
We want someone who's like in a store,
just trying to figure something out really quickly
to be able to actually figure it out really quickly.
But like, what is this OLED thing?
There should be a video.
Why is this random big box store employee
telling me this is better and just keeps on saying,
but it's better or not actually...
Has more technology.
Cause it has more technology.
All right.
So there's a straw pull.
Fixing glitches through mods makes it okay
or doesn't make it okay.
And remember this is a very much a glory
of the PC master racing.
Cause I'm honestly just wondering
how Skyrim actually fits in their tiering system.
Cause it's just, it's weird.
So we've got 46% of you saying it doesn't make it okay
with 33% of you saying it makes it okay.
And 21% of you on the turnip bandwagon.
We should do a turnip shirt.
I'd wear that.
Like vote for turnip.
And then it should just have like a turnip in a box.
It should look like the vote for Pedro shirt.
We should do a turnip shirt.
I should do a straw poll for that.
There you go.
The most straw polls.
Should we do a vote for a turnip?
Now this is a really, this is an important straw poll.
Someone in Twitch chat was like,
ignore the actual question vote for turnip.
Oh, awesome.
All right, here we go, here we go, here we go.
Should we do a vote for turnip shirt?
I mean, I don't even, I don't even know.
Did you put turnip in it?
I was wondering about that.
I was like, this one has to have the turnip for it.
So troll bro.
I'm voting for turnip.
I'm gonna vote for turnip too, darn it.
So we've got a whopping 5% of you
that say there should not be a vote for turnip shirt
who also are not voting for turnip.
Flashing gang signs, yo.
So this guy, okay, here, let's do it.
Let's do a quick, let's do a quick promo spot.
Come on, okay, Burkle's gonna join us for a minute here.
Whoa, what?
Do we have a leak?
What the hell?
I feel like I should have just said nothing.
I don't know if I can sit on this couch with you guys.
Ew, what's back here?
Oh, just mold.
Okay, so upcoming channel Super Fun.
For those of you who are not subscribed
to channel Super Fun, what did we do today?
Oh, we went golfing.
I thought you were talking, I'm editing the other one,
which I'm thinking about right now.
What I'm doing today is editing the other one
prior to that one.
So you guys, I'm giving you guys an assignment.
We have two channel Super Fun videos coming up
that are gonna be redonkulous.
If you know anyone who you think
would enjoy channel Super Fun,
and if you're not subscribed already,
get over there, get subscribed.
Okay, so the one we did this morning,
we played golf, we played pitch and putt.
So, okay, but we used equipment that we got
at the dollar store.
And that's all I need to say about that.
I can't believe we made it through.
And for the one from yesterday,
do you wanna, yeah, I think you should spoil it.
Oh, well, the whole explanation?
Yeah, yeah, well, no, not the whole explanation,
but just the...
All I can say is what I'm editing today
is just basically disgusting footage,
slow-mo footage of Linus and Nick eating jello
till their stomachs are at capacity.
And it's just, it's painful to watch.
Like I'm having a hard time getting through it
because I wanna throw up now
and I'm probably never gonna eat jello again.
So if you guys liked jello, maybe never watch it.
Just forget it ever happened.
Great sales pitch.
Send it to your friends though.
Yeah, yeah, yeah,
because I mean, jello's not that great for you anyway.
So, you know, if you're trying to help someone
get over their jello addiction,
we have a jello addiction therapy video coming
for you guys.
Follow Hotline, we'll give you...
You know, that might not work.
Watching people eat copious amounts of jello
is probably not gonna help.
Like, that's like saying, yeah,
if you have someone who's addicted to alcohol,
we'll send you a video of people
drinking insane amounts of alcohol.
What if it was a video?
Well, okay, hold on a second.
Cause some anti, cause some like anti-smoking
or anti-drug or- Shows people smoking.
Yeah, yeah, like it'll show like the footage
from above the spinning blades of the fan.
And there's like the baby in the crib
and there's like all this smoke in the air.
It's just like, that's what our jello video is.
If you eat jello, you could be like this guy.
You could have a jello overdose
and that would not be good.
Jello overdose.
I think that's my signal to leave.
Oh my God.
That was fantastic.
All right.
What's our next topic?
What topic are we on?
Have we even done any topics?
We were talking about Batman.
Okay, so let's talk Taylor Swift for a minute here.
So this was posted by ItsMeForQuan on the forum.
Our original article here.
I just want to shake it off.
Yeah, you're really far over.
I know, but like this corner's like this pillow's wet.
That's your pillow though.
That's your wetness.
No, I know, but it was wet before I got in here.
Oh, that's gross.
All right, so Taylor Swift calls Apple Music free trial,
shocking, disappointing in open letter.
And I'm going to say right now,
we've sort of said that we don't think Taylor Swift has
sort of, we don't think she has a firm understanding
of what exactly it is that's going on.
We've said that before.
It's happening when I think she and some other people
were speaking out about it.
She also said some other really stupid thing.
I can't remember what it was.
I don't really pay attention to that stuff so far.
Oh, right, yeah.
She pulled all her music from Spotify or whatever
because music shouldn't be ad supported
or something like that.
Anyway, the point is this time I think she's 100% right.
And there's one reason for this,
that a lot of the people who are just kind of hating
on Swift for all of this are missing.
And that was that Apple was offering
a three month free trial.
She's really good at music.
Thank you.
I just wanted to defend her somehow.
Why do you even?
She just gets hammered.
I gotta support the other side.
Okay, so I'm saying she was right.
She has exceptional musical talent.
Do you even listen to Taylor Swift?
She's a good person.
Do you even listen to Taylor Swift?
No, but lots of people do.
Right, so why would you even?
I was listening to the Tony Hawk Pro Skater
three soundtrack today.
I'm not a musical authority.
It was awesome.
It was so cool.
So the part that people are missing in Taylor's letter,
whether it's sincere or not,
that she says, it's not about me.
You know, I can make it back in concert tickets
or whatever else.
It's about the little artists that maybe can't afford
to go three months giving away their music for free
is the fact that Apple, a company with literally
tens of billions of dollars in the bank
was simply giving away the music to people
for free during the trial
and literally not paying the artists for the plays.
They were just giving it away.
And I guess, hey, we just won't pay you.
They won't pay.
Everything's good, right?
Yeah, it's great.
So what was it?
Like a day after Swift's letter,
Apple promptly went, oh, yup, okay.
Looks like we weren't gonna get away with that.
Nevermind then.
In much more eloquent words
and went ahead and pulled it.
I think that's great.
I think that calling out Apple on stuff like this
makes a ton of sense.
With that said, I really, I don't,
Brandon travels in some- She's not wrong.
She's not wrong at all.
She's 100% right.
But Brandon travels in some more photography-y circles
in terms of where he gets his news from.
And there are some folks pointing out
that, well, you know, there's,
you know, Taylor's not exactly always
the most progressive either.
Apparently photographers who pay for the rights
to photograph at her concerts,
each image can only be used for editorial purposes once.
So they can't actually re-monetize a single image.
And not only that,
but they are not allowed to use the images
in their own portfolios.
Which to me is just kind of like,
if you're gonna be all about sort of, you know,
digital rights and creator rights,
I mean, you should probably have a bit more
of a progressive policy for the people
who are working for essentially promoting you.
Come on, let's be honest about all this.
So yeah, that's, and oh, that's in, so, yeah.
So an industry photographer released an open letter
to Swift outlining this.
So they're forced to sign off the rights
to their photos in perpetuity to artists
while only maintaining the ability to publish them
and be paid for them once.
Stuff like this does exist in many industries.
It's just interesting to see, you know,
these open letters, yeah, flying around back and forth.
That's a very different scenario.
It is a different scenario.
Like extremely different scenario.
But if you paid for the rights to be there,
and it's not cheap,
if you paid for the rights to be there and photograph it,
should you, I mean, the portfolio
on this one blows me away.
The way that I, and like,
I agree with the photographer people,
but I'm trying to make an interesting conversation.
The way that she is protesting this
is by taking her music away.
So if you want to protest that, don't go take the photos.
That's a potential argument.
I agree with the photo guys.
I'm just saying that.
But like, you could try to protest this
by just having none of your dudes go to take photos.
But the thing is other people are going to do that
because it's Taylor Swift.
I don't know.
Oh, well.
All right, so what do we got next?
Ah, Disney theme parks ban selfie stick.
The original poster was Good Bytes.
And the original article here is from The Verge.
You got this link here?
All right, let's go ahead and whip this link up.
Selfie sticks are no longer welcome at Disney theme parks,
says The Verge's headline.
After doing its best to accommodate selfie sticks,
Disney bans them.
So I think the first question here
is why hasn't everyone banned selfie sticks?
Everyone ever.
Municipalities, governments.
Why haven't countries banned selfie sticks?
They're obviously hazardous.
I got one for free.
I didn't buy it.
I got one for free.
Someone gave it to me.
I got one too for free.
I tried to plug it into my phone to use it
and it just changes the volume.
Or so it zooms.
I'm like,
could work.
So yeah, that didn't get much use.
You know what's really funny?
I have used my selfie stick.
But you're talking against what?
I have used my selfie stick.
How much?
What I used it for was GoPro footage.
That kind of makes sense.
But is GoPro footage of yourself still a selfie?
If it's on a GoPro?
Well, is a video.
It was for a video I was making.
Is a video a selfie?
It's straw poll day, right?
Straw poll.
I think for a video to be selfie,
it would have to be one of those ones where like,
someone's pivoting with it,
which you could do with the selfie stick.
And then your face stays like in the same part
of the frame all the time.
You know those kinds of shots?
So then it could be a video selfie.
I think so.
I don't know.
Well, you know what?
What if we just Google selfie?
The Twitch chat is going to resolve
the crap out of this for us.
The Twitch chat knows more than,
okay, you guys are just all voting for turnip now.
Oh, for crying out loud.
We're not going to get a straight answer out of you guys
for the rest of the show, are we?
No, no, no, no, no, no.
Turnip is a straight answer.
Turnip is a straight answer.
So we've got only 16% of you saying yes.
A video is still a selfie.
So I guess while I have used my selfie stick,
I haven't technically, according to 85% of our audience,
used it to take a selfie.
You count the turnip ones as no.
Yeah, that's how I'm counting them.
Turnip's a wild card, man.
You can just decide what turnip counts as?
So visitors who carry one,
they'll be enforcing this at the gate,
will have two choices.
Leave it at the entrance and pick it up on your way out,
or don't bring it to begin with.
Those aren't choices.
They have one choice.
It goes into effect at both Disney World
and Disneyland on Tuesday,
and expands to Hong Kong and Paris on July the 1st.
So they're spreading the word through announcements
at their hotels and audio messages in the parking lots.
They initially tried to accommodate them
by forbidding them on rides,
but allowing them elsewhere on park grounds.
But people snuck them in.
People continued to take them on rides,
which is like a whole other level of stupid.
It's like you have a selfie stick.
That's dumb.
You use your selfie stick to take them on rides.
You use your selfie stick to take selfies of yourself.
That's like super lame.
You endanger the lives of other people
with your stupid selfie stick.
Now you need like, you need to sit down.
And you're potentially ruining some kid's day.
You need to sit down and get a stern talking to.
So yeah, this week a roller coaster at Disneyland
was put out of commission for an hour
because of a guest using a selfie stick
at the ride's highest point.
So yeah, so some museums and the Canis Film Festival
have already banned the accessory.
Progressive Disney.
And honestly, they're kind of annoying.
I went hiking not that long ago in Taiwan.
And people just take up more space.
Yeah, but you were in Taiwan.
I know, but I get it.
But people take up.
Who didn't have a selfie stick?
Yeah, I know.
But people take up so much more space when they're doing it.
And you're like, you're trying to be courteous
and all this kind of stuff.
And when you see like the family that pulls someone aside
and tries to get the photo taken, like sure.
But when it's someone like every five feet,
like with a fricking selfie stick,
like God, you're taking up so much space.
The trail's really, really small already.
Like a lot of the trail is literally too short for me.
Like there's only, if I stuck my arms out,
it's going to be over the cliff.
Like, and then they're taking selfies.
You can't walk past them.
Apparently Coke's giving them away in the UK.
Oh, that's a shame.
All right, so let's, oh, we should do sponsors.
So our sponsors today.
I can see it, Squarespace.
Squarespace, you know what's really weird?
I did a Squarespace spot today on NCIX Tech Tips.
That is weird.
Yeah, they have Squarespace as a sponsor.
And I was hosting the video and I was like, this is weird.
So visit squarespace.com and use offer code, not Linus,
use some other offer code.
This time.
Huh, that's weird.
No, no, no, but I'm on WAN Show now.
So today use offer code Linus to save 10%.
If you want to build yourself a beautiful functional website
for your blog, your store, your, oh,
we have something really,
we're doing something really exciting with Squarespace
for an upcoming show.
My mom made a website on Squarespace
and it actually looks pretty okay.
Can I look at it?
Yeah, we can show it.
Did you help her?
No, I'm going to, but I have not yet.
Is it on their Twitter?
Give me a sec.
Do do do.
Please have a link to your website.
Why is it so zoomed in?
What's going on?
Oh my God, my laptop sucks.
It's this though.
Look for that.
Okay, okay, I got this.
This, but no spaces.
Come on, mom.
So there we go.
Squarespace site for Cali bags.
Have I been duped into promoting your mom's thing?
Did I just get played that hard?
I didn't actually go about it in that intention.
All right.
So basically there's an about page.
You can like look at some stuff on here.
She did all of this.
So she did all of this or so.
So let me tell you at all.
She, she was having trouble with another hosting service
that I'm not going to bring up.
Oh, that's oh, so that's a dead link.
Oh, I'll have to help her with that.
So she does need some help.
Oh dear.
What's going on?
That's not good.
It's cool, mom.
We'll figure it out.
It just, whoa, that just happened.
I think the, everybody went to it and it brought it down,
but maybe she's not on Squarespace yet.
Is she not on it yet?
She told me she, I thought she was.
Way to go Luke.
Well, that's why the website went down.
You know, what's really funny actually.
I don't know how, I don't know how Squarespace
is going to feel about us basically showing up
one of their competitors on a sponsor spot.
Cause like.
I seriously thought she was already,
cause she told me she was going to go.
They're a lot more professional than like calling out
a competitor for like straight up getting taken down
when people go to the site.
Oh dear.
But let's just, let's just talk about the benefits
of Squarespace.
There's another Squarespace website, linusmediagroup.com.
You know what?
Let's just talk about the benefits of Squarespace
and leave it at that.
So what's great about Squarespace
is they have scalable hosting.
And what happens is,
and we've experienced this many times in the past,
when a bunch of people flood
to the beautifully created website,
that's also very functional.
At the same time,
Squarespace is able to handle that load
without any difficulty.
So you're going to want to,
so they've got a bunch of great templates
you can choose from.
I really don't know how I'm going to pull this
from the fire.
So let's say if you guys are building a website,
help your mother, Link.
I told her, I told her I'd help her
and she should go to Squarespace.
Visit squarespace.com and use offer code Linus.
So your site doesn't crash
when we call it out on the WAN show.
You've let everyone down today.
You've let down your mother.
You've let down me.
You've let down the viewers.
No, I should have double checked,
but I was pretty sure, oh.
All right, so second sponsor.
Also iFixit.
This spot cannot possibly go any worse
than the last one.
iFixit.com is where to go
if you need help taking apart your devices
and repairing them or upgrading them
or whatever the case may be.
And their flagship product, you guys,
is the iFixit tech toolkit,
which is freaking awesome.
Luke and I both have them.
Yep. We love them.
How often do you use yours?
I used it yesterday.
Are you sure you didn't use something
from iFixit's competitor yesterday?
Would you like to pull it out and show the audience?
I could go get it.
No, it's okay.
So the point is the ProTech toolkit
has a 54-bit driver kit with specialty and security bits.
It's got like pry tools.
It's got a bunch of tweezers.
It's got a magnet for pulling crap out of places.
It's got an ESD wrist strap.
It's basically freaking awesome.
We love them.
And if you use offer code WEN,
you can save $10 off a purchase of 50 or more,
which means you can get the ProTech toolkit
for 55 bucks plus shipping.
Brandon used it to take apart the Fury X.
Yeah. Here we go.
What are you trying to do to me?
I'm sorry, man.
Ah, I didn't know.
Here's our iFixit kit.
That's Luke's iFixit kit.
You can tell.
We like marked our territory on our iFixit kits
because like the thing that's great about the tech toolkit
is that it has all these little pieces.
So if someone else borrows your tech toolkit
and they lose your piece.
All my pieces are still here.
Yeah. Are they?
Are you missing one?
Oh, okay. Nevermind.
Did you think I was-
I was missing one in mine for a little bit.
Oh, really?
Yeah. I dropped one of them in a shipping box
that I shipped out the day after I realized,
I wonder if I dropped it in that shipping box.
I was missing my magnet.
The magnet is like super handy.
It's just a bit for the screwdriver
that takes out the magnet.
Did someone, did you get it back?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I dropped it in a shipping box
and right before I packed it up,
I was like, oh, maybe I dropped it in there.
I thought you were saying like you realized
it the day after, sorry.
Yeah, no, I got it.
I got it.
I'm sorry, man.
iFixit, offer code when?
And that offer code changes all the time, you guys.
So don't sit on your butt
and think that you can use the offer code later necessarily
if you want one of them.
14 days.
It's good for 14 days.
So get on that and save your 10 bucks.
so Nick, Nick is gonna get like a heart attack
or like some other kind of crippling, crippling injury.
Heart attack.
I'm so done with that.
Check the last email I just sent to you.
Oh, what?
Oh, geez.
Do I even wanna know?
Yeah, yeah.
Uh, okay.
Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Do I have to?
I don't think so.
Last email I just sent here.
You sent me an email?
Yeah, yeah.
Oh, oh, oh, oh, no way.
Doesn't break the fuck up.
All right, okay, okay.
So I think it's gonna be the last straw poll of the day
and I can trust you guys.
I can trust you guys on this straw poll.
We have done no tech news today.
Yeah, we did.
We have done like four stories.
We have done a low amount of tech news today.
What is this show even?
I don't know.
What show?
Every week, Fridays, 4 p.m. PST, 4.30 p.m. PST.
And not always PST, could be PDT.
Yeah, just PT.
Yeah, Pacific.
Part time.
Part time.
You're gonna be part time at this rate.
Yeah, yeah.
Semi-high five.
You've made your, yeah, you've.
I'm just gonna slash your pay.
And hours.
My hour availability will be like
the availability of Fury X's.
Oh, dang.
Okay, so I'm gonna show you guys option one
and option two for vote for turnip shirts.
And I'm gonna download these so I don't show you guys.
Please don't do that.
All my emails.
Who did this anyway?
You did it.
Well, they're not like crazy good.
I think they're crazy good.
I think we should go with this style.
I actually didn't know how I was gonna like the second one
and I kinda like the second one better.
Don't influence, don't influence the viewers.
Okay, so we want you guys to vote for option one
or option two, but first I'm going to show you the options.
This is, oh, I zoomed in too much.
This is vote for turnip option one with the turnip, okay?
And this is a look at my Dropbox progress bar.
That's a WAN Show thumbnail.
Okay, give me a second.
Just give me a second.
That is my pictures folder.
Maybe you should host your pictures on Squarespace.
And this is the, I don't even wanna hear
about anything from you to do with Squarespace
for the rest of the show.
This is the regular vote for turnip shirt.
So option one is with the picture of the turnip.
Option two is just with the text.
I'm gonna go ahead.
I'm gonna post that straw poll right now.
This will influence the turnip shirt, whichever one wins.
Okay, you guys?
But on that straw poll,
will there be a vote for turnip option?
No, should there be?
No, no, no, no.
We need a decision.
We need a decision.
We need a decisive decision.
Well, because both of these are voting for turnip.
Rather than going option one, option two,
you should say with turnip picture, without turnip picture.
It's done.
To be fair, Nick was very right.
Wow, it's a dead heat.
Look at that.
Maybe because they don't know what the options are.
So option one is with the picture of a turnip.
Option two is without the turnip.
Option one costs us more because there's more ink colors.
What do you make of a war?
A war of the turnips?
What the hell are you talking about?
Like a turnip fight.
You are not having a good day.
Okay, oh, but you can have like two,
two warring teespring campaigns,
and then you see who wins.
That couldn't work, damn.
Because like with Kickstarter,
you have to like put your money on your vote.
But like if we could make it so that everyone had to vote,
and then you just get whatever one wins.
Wow, that would be like a whole new shirt buying paradigm
that absolutely no one would like.
You just buy whatever shirt everyone decides they're buying.
It's like tea fury, but you don't get to pick.
It's like mash drop plus teespring,
plus like the haunted house where you put your hand
into the bucket of like spaghetti and like grapes,
and then you pull out a handful and eat it.
That's what that idea is.
I get your idea, and I like it,
but I think it might be ripping off tea fury.
Tea fury?
No, cause, no.
They always have like two and it's like, buy.
Yeah, no, but my idea is you don't get the one
that you necessarily voted for.
You get whatever one wins.
You're the worst person ever.
Why did you even wake up this morning?
I meant why did you get out of bed?
Not why did you wake up?
Why did you get out of bed?
Yeah, I wish you were sleeping forever.
What a way to break up with someone, right?
This is the worst fan show ever.
No, no, it's not.
It's like 7,200 people watching.
It's not you.
I just wish you were permanently sleeping.
I meant why did you get out of bed?
I don't wish you were dead.
It's still okay if you consume oxygen,
but I never want you to talk or move.
I hate this show.
Okay, so it looks like the one
with the picture of the turnip won.
And I guess we should probably do some tech moves
cause we have like 20 minutes left in this show.
I wish you were sleeping forever.
I'm not a mattress.
I like Burkle's version.
I am so thirsty right now.
I've been like talking and laughing too much.
It's illegal to rip CDs if you live in the UK.
Yeah, so this was posted on the forum by Ah Ming.
The original article here is from F.org.
This is the stupidest thing ever
because ripping CDs is not sharing CDs.
So I don't understand what the issue here
with ripping CDs is.
Yeah, sure.
Thank you.
Yeah, I could use a drink.
Thank you very much.
I think his desire for my permanent sleep means
that I'm not getting a drink, but it's okay.
I understand.
So court strikes down law,
allowing users to rip their own CDs.
I don't have much to say about this.
There are possible like ways to get around this
is to supply evidence that the copyright owners suffer no
or minimal harm from personal copying
or impose a new tax on users
to compensate the industry for that harm.
We already have that tax in Canada.
So there's that.
It's really funny though, because the tax is on,
if I recall correctly, blank media,
and then I think MP3 players.
So like the two deadest categories.
Peace media industry.
Hope you enjoyed that levy while it lasted.
I was in, you know how I made the video
about the Taipei Tech Mall?
Yeah, I haven't watched it yet.
I feel bad.
I should watch it.
It's a weird, it's not a normal video.
So it may be interesting.
Beside the brand new shiny fancy tech mall,
there's the old building, which is the old tech mall,
which isn't shiny at all.
It is very unshiny, but there's tons of tech.
I think there's like 11 floors or something
and they're all just tiny little stores
that are jammed completely full of just stuff.
One of them was a blank media store.
They sold DVDs and CDs and there was people shopping.
Do they not have USB drives?
I walked by and was just like, what?
You know what's really funny is a friend of mine
in high school and I'm dating myself a little bit here.
A friend of mine in high school.
I think it was a trip to Hong Kong or Taiwan.
I'm not sure which one, so I don't want it.
Don't quote me on it.
But this is like back when I was in like grade eight.
So USB thumb drives were like the shit, okay?
Like it was a 16 meg and like he got a 32 meg
because he like splurged on himself.
But still that was like a really nice gift
because all of a sudden I had a USB drive
and like everyone else was slumming it with floppy drives,
floppy disks, straight up, okay?
So I'm kind of wondering how is it
that we've come full circle here?
There was flash media stores.
There was a store that sold only flash stuff.
They sold flash drives, they sold M.2 things,
they sold SSDs, just only flash stuff.
No hard drives.
No hard drives, wow.
Yeah, just flash.
What does that say about the direction of the industry?
There was also hard drive stores.
There was everything.
There was like five different places
that sold like basically the exact same thing on a floor.
It was ridiculous.
Anyways, that's really all we probably have to say
about that, I'm assuming.
So the court accepted that the EU copyright directive
does not require that sellers must be able
to extract every last gram of value from the copyright.
So the personal copying exception
may have resulted in loss of sales.
For example, a consumer may have refrained
from buying an extra copy of their favorite CD
for their car.
So the government failed to provide any evidence
that these lost sales were zero or minimal.
You should be able to refrain
from buying an extra copy of the CD for your car.
You absolutely should.
That's so dumb.
If you're buying something that you're licensing
rather than something that you're owning,
then you should straight up have a personal license to it.
I mean, that's the way that anything sensible actually works.
I mean, Office 365 is my license for the computer.
No, that's the direction the world's going.
The license is for me personally
and the five devices that I want to use it on.
Freaking awesome, that is the right direction.
So yeah, this is not the right direction.
I buy certain soundtracks,
like I'm a huge fan of Supergiant Games
and I really like their music department.
Like the music for Bastion is fantastic.
I listen to that soundtrack while I run a lot.
The music for Transistor was also very good.
I think Bastion was better,
but regardless, I bought the Transistor soundtrack.
You actually found the disc for it.
That's because I ripped it
and then completely forgot about it
since the game came out
because why would I care about the disc?
Whatever, I don't know, who cares?
So this was posted by Twisted Dictator.
Original article here is from pcgamer.com
and it's Assassin's Creed news.
So this is either,
hmm, this is either Ubisoft kind of,
you know, pulling their heads out of their butts
and you know, really committing to PC gamers
that they're taking it seriously now
and they're like ready to do things properly
or this is going to have to, okay,
if Assassin's Creed Syndicate is a mess on the PC,
do we do keep on digging V2?
Do we do another keep on digging shirt?
Keep on keeping on digging or something like that.
Keep on, oh my God, you could make it like the keep on,
keeping on and then just put the digging
in the middle of the text.
Like those, yeah, anyways.
That would be an awesome,
that would be a really cool shirt actually.
So creative director tells PC gamer at E3,
we've got an internal team
that's dedicated to the PC version
and one of the things I'm happy about
is that we're really taking our time
with the PC version to really make it shine.
We want the game to really work well on the PC on day one,
which is why it's not the same launch date
as the Xbox One and PS4 versions.
It will come a bit later in the fall
but I think it will be worth the wait.
Haven't they said this before?
So they're taking a page out of Rockstar's book
where, okay, yes PC gamers.
Yeah but GTA 5 came out pretty okay.
But it also took a really long time.
So I think they're finding a, well that's exactly it.
So they're taking a page out of Rockstar's book.
People were upset at all the delays
but you look at the amount of upset people are
over Arkham Knight
versus the amount of upset people are over GTA 5
where on Arkham Knight, it translates into bad reviews
and people not buying the game.
And with GTA 5,
whoops I almost just flipped the bird at the audience,
where with GTA 5,
it translates into people buying copious numbers of copies.
Jack from NCIX was telling me
he literally owns two copies of the game,
one for the Xbox and one on PC
so that the extra features they built into PC
can be enjoyed again.
And one really smart thing that they did
was your online character could transfer
so you could bring them from the console version
to the PC version.
So there's people that were like over level 100
on day one PC, which was a little insane
but it's not really that big of a deal in that game
so who cares?
So yeah, so that's basically all there is to it.
So it's gonna come to the Xbox one
on PlayStation 4 on October 23rd
and they're saying a bit later in the fall.
So that means we're not gonna be looking at 2017
for a release.
I mean, given that Assassin's Creed
is on a yearly release cadence,
it's not like they can wait that much longer.
Like they can't be launching, you know,
Assassin's Creed, you know, Amazonia
or whatever sort of locale they end up going to next.
Amazonia would work.
On like the Xbox and then, yeah.
That would actually be awesome.
Jungle assassinations could be pretty bad ass.
Cool, I really want that game now.
Maybe not made by Ubisoft, but I really want that game.
Okay, I wanna say two things about this real quick.
First off, I believe they said exactly this crap before.
We're focusing on the PC version.
It'll be better.
It'll be good.
It's coming out slightly afterwards.
Speaking of which, our next news topics are Microsoft.
With the exact same crap.
Anyways, but I'll give them benefit of the doubt.
I'll try this one.
I'm not gonna pre-order any of that crap,
but I'll try it
because we're probably gonna bench it anyways.
Yeah, you're gonna wait for our bench content.
And then if it's good, I will not finish it
and go back and try the other ones.
And any of them that are playable,
I'll try to play through and then catch it.
That are playable.
Gatorade, you are drinking it.
Needs like an H on here.
It's blue.
It works for Ubisoft.
I'm surprised you drink Gatorade.
I would think that has too much sugar in it for you.
It does, but there was two things of liquid.
You took one of them.
I'm really thirsty.
It's crazy hot in here.
I thought this was for me.
I thought that was like your Gatorade
because I don't have Gatorade.
He handed them in that direction.
Where did the Gatorade come from?
It's not mine.
I think it's Nick's.
Oh, he gave you his Gatorade.
I guess he-
That's why I said thanks for that.
He doesn't hate you that much.
He doesn't want me to permanently sleep anymore.
Yeah, that's nice.
Or maybe he does.
Well, it's not nice.
It's just not horrible.
All right, Microsoft.
This was posted by Jaws on the forum.
Just made millions off of Windows XP.
Software that is literally over 10 years old.
With that said, it's not like the way
that a company sometimes makes money
off of 10 year old software,
where they actually don't have to do any additional work.
And it's just money in the bank.
This is a contract between the US Navy and Microsoft
to continue to provide security updates and patches
for Windows XP for the 100,000 workstations
that they're still busy transitioning
to newer operating systems.
So I guess for the US Navy,
given how many workstations they have going on
that are relying on Windows XP, Office 2003, Exchange 2003
and Windows Server 2003, the contract,
which could extend up to 2017,
could be worth the 30.8 million
to not have to have the software that runs on those PCs.
Cause you can even look at that and go,
really 30.8 million?
Like they could just buy a bunch of like bad-ass
like digital storm gaming rigs
for 30.8 million running Windows 8,
which they could upgrade to Windows 10
and then not have to worry about this for a while.
So weird.
Just like you walk into a Navy thing
and it's like digital storm, water cooling.
That's okay.
I don't know.
I expect much more like industrial style stuff.
But the issue is the software
that won't run on newer versions of Windows
that would have to be rewritten
and that they're kind of still working on.
Well, that's why like people, was it the Omron video?
They were like, oh wall Windows XP.
And I'm like, yeah, never connects to the internet.
Does the same thing all the time.
It's probably okay.
Like, I don't know.
Anything that doesn't connect to the internet
could be running Windows 95 for all it matters.
Like it could be running DOS.
And you don't plug anything into it.
Like whatever, as a keyboard and mouse
and then you do stuff, whatever.
Doesn't matter.
Windows 10 Insider.
This has been huge news this week.
This was posted by Kodiak
and the article here is from Ars Technica.
Microsoft clarification kind of clears up
the Windows 10 license confusion
because this has been some confusing stuff
going on right now.
So Microsoft can't make up their mind
about what's going on with Windows 10 licensing.
So first the rumor was that people running pirated editions
would get Windows 10
and then they were gonna get upgraded to Windows 10
but it was gonna be with the same restrictions
as the pirated edition or something,
whatever that means, which is okay.
And then it was Insiders
were gonna get free copies of Windows 10
and then it was Insiders are gonna get upgrade copies
or something like that.
So they would have to install the wait something.
Okay, people who have Windows 7 and Windows 8,
they get an upgrade copy,
they'd have to reinstall the old one
and then install again over top of it.
The whole thing's been confusing
but the big one has been that Microsoft said
they were going to give Insiders.
So the folks that have been essentially
beta testing the software,
a legit full copy of Windows 10 for nothing
and they have clarified it now.
The requirement is that
whether you're on the fast track for new builds
or the slower track for new builds,
you have to stay in the Insider program
in order to get the free ongoing legitimate product.
So to opt out of the Insider program,
you will need a valid Windows 7, 8 or 10 license
because without a suitable license,
the operating system will eventually expire.
You know one thing I've been wondering about
with the pirate license thing,
this isn't 100% on topic,
but if you have, you know how you can,
like there's ways to get your computer
to make it think that it's activated for a little while
and then a lot of times Windows will figure it out
and nuke it and then you go unactivated or whatever.
If you are kind of like Faco activated,
are you going to get your key overwritten
and then be permanently activated on Windows 10?
I don't know if it's very clear right now.
There's still a few things that are up in the air,
but the point basically was,
hey, the Insider program is looking pretty cool
if you don't mind beta testing software for Microsoft.
And the fact that this is on an ongoing basis
really points to a really different philosophy
for Microsoft Windows.
I like it.
It sounds like much more rapid releases
and much smaller feature upgrades.
I mean, that is really cool, really exciting
and thank you to all the Insiders
who are testing all this stuff and giving feedback
so that we can get better versions of Windows
as time goes on.
I'm liking this whole new Microsoft thing that's going on.
I wasn't sure that a CEO change
was gonna make a difference.
And it really looks like it has.
A lot of times it doesn't, but.
A lot of times it really does nothing.
Just like an on the surface sort of change,
whereas this looks like a much, yeah.
But they hired him from internal
and they hired him from like the cloud team or something.
Didn't they?
I think so.
So they hired a fairly technical dude
to kind of take over that spot.
Liking the whole change going on over there.
All right.
Now we should do,
we should stick on the Microsoft news bandwagon
cause this is actually what I thought
you were gonna bring up after the Ubisoft thing.
Cause it would have made a ton of sense
to go right after the Ubisoft thing.
I don't know if you even knew this was in the doc though.
So Xbox Phil Spencer.
I wanna give people a chance.
I called this out in the topics at the thing.
So when we say things.
Who posted this one?
Twisted Dictator.
This was Twisted Dictator again.
And this is very similar to the Assassin's Creed one.
That is not it.
That's really funny.
I, okay.
I gotta show you guys this.
So I clicked the link.
I thought, and oh wait.
Oh, I clicked the wrong link.
Anyway, I clicked the link to the Assassin's Creed one
by accident.
So it's not that one.
Anyways, he states that he wants Xbox
to be the best TV gaming platform,
but also give the users a choice to play games
when they're not around the TV.
And he says, as a gamer, I play games on PC.
I wanna be able to play the games where I want to play them.
I want to give people a choice.
And basically he goes through saying that
if you wanna play, where does he call out titles here?
He calls out titles somewhere.
Duh duh duh duh duh.
Here we go.
If I wanna play Killer Instinct,
if I wanna play Gear, if I wanna play Fable,
I should be able to do that.
I shouldn't have to force people to buy something
by excluding their choice.
Xbox says a lot of crap
and then never does anything about it.
But aren't they bringing Gears to PC?
I think so.
I don't think they're doing the entire back catalog.
So the assumption would be that you've already played
all the Gears games on Xbox
or else you're gonna get dumped into the story
in the middle of whatever's happening in Gears.
I don't play Gears because it's not on PC.
I don't know.
I know there's some really jacked dudes
and they fight aliens.
I know that there's a gun with a blade on it.
A chainsaw on the bottom!
That's cool.
And like...
A chainsaw.
Well, is there a chainsaw?
I think there are chest high walls
if Yahtzee is to be believed.
There's blood on the chainsaws that are on the gun.
Right, but that's only if you kill dudes with it
or you like slip and cut yourself
and then you hide in a corner and you heal.
I would assume that there's Gears.
But the blood doesn't dry.
Ah, yes.
Yeah, yeah.
Anyways, I think they have actually been stepping
in this direction.
So this is a whole bunch of words
that technically have no actionable items behind them
and no promises that they're doing anything at all.
So it could mean literally nothing.
Okay, cool.
But I'm hoping that it kind of does.
And especially with the Xbox app on PC,
there is a ton of potential here
because if they want to start doing crazy amounts
of cross platform stuff, that'd be cool.
Speaking of cross platform,
I've been doing a little bit of work
on the Shield Android TV thing.
You know what's really cool?
There's War Thunder on Android TV.
Yeah, I knew that.
And it's not just Android TV that you play on.
It's cross platform.
So I can play with my buddy on PC
while I'm on my Android TV.
On Android TV.
That's very cool.
There isn't like, I've been messing around with Android TV
and the stores are weird.
I finally realized that if you really want to use it,
you should really use the Nvidia store
because the Google Play Store for Android TV is crap,
but the Nvidia store is actually really good.
They actually do, the Shield store or the Shield hub,
they do a really good job of curating everything.
And it's like, yep, here's the stuff
that should be relevant to you if you own a Shield.
The Android one, it's so fragmented.
Like I was trying to find games with Nick
and we'd be like, oh, okay, here's a list of games.
There'd be like five.
And I'm like, wow, this is all the games
they have on this platform, what?
And then like half an hour later,
we're in some other menu with a whole bunch of them,
but they're all unsorted and there's no ratings.
I'm like, what?
But then yeah, the Shield hub had ratings and more stuff.
It's no wonder Google is like a buddy buddy with Nvidia.
Like Nvidia is investing really heavily
in Android as a gaming platform.
You can really see it.
Things like the fact that my Shield portable
is probably the oldest device that I own
that is still getting Android updates.
Nvidia is doing a really good job
of trying to support these devices.
I sure wish instead of that,
they would bring us a Shield portable too,
instead of things that hook up to your TV
and things that are a tablet.
Well, not instead of, in addition to,
I mean, those are good things too.
I just, I really want a new Shield portable for the X1.
I hope, I hope, if there's something that is viable,
I guess I would understand,
but I really want them to just stop calling
their new device just the Shield.
Like give it a full name
so that when something else new comes out
that you're also gonna call the Shield.
It's not just called the Shield again,
and then that old one gets in your name.
Because isn't the Shield console
actually just called the Shield?
I think it's called the Shield Android TV,
which is the stupidest thing ever.
It's a really long name,
but at least it's self-explanatory.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's really, it's really confusing.
I wish, yeah, I don't know what the name means.
Like, you can tell they're kind of making this up as they go
and they're just kind of like trying things,
sort of throwing things at the wall and seeing what sticks.
I mean, the thing that they're,
the thing that they've been really clear about
from the beginning is that the software is important.
So they're really focused on making sure games stream rocks.
They're really focused on making sure the Shield Hub is,
like Shield Hub has been completely redesigned
at least once since I've been using it.
I like it.
It's good, very good.
But the hardware, they're just,
I think they're just kind of trying stuff.
Like next we might see a Shield backpack.
I don't know.
Well, I was kind of thinking,
when I said like I don't know what devices
you would come out with,
the first thing that popped in my head was a drone.
The battle drones that we've been talking about.
Oh, that would be so awesome.
If you had Android drones that you could fight virtually,
like the virtual fighting drones already kind of exists,
but if it was like a proper good game made for it,
that could be kind of cool.
Like Shield drones.
Shield drones.
Yeah, Nvidia drones.
My drone would be shielded straight up.
You couldn't take it down.
What are we talking about?
Considering they'd probably be the same, so would mine.
And then that would be a boring fight.
Cause two paladins with divine shield is really boring
for about six or seven seconds.
All right.
So there's a rumor that Apple will be moving away
from the home button.
So full screen screens.
They are apparently developing a chip
that will allow that functionality,
that functionality to be integrated into the touch screen.
And based on that,
they've already got force touch on the Apple watch,
which by the way is horrible compared to force touch
on the MacBook.
It's like here, okay, I'll show you
because it's like, it's just dumb.
Okay, oops.
Okay, so force touch.
So like press and then like press harder.
You notice how fast the screen turns off?
Isn't that hilarious?
It's like, we don't have very good battery life.
Screen off, screen off, screen off as quickly as possible.
So go ahead and force touch it.
Like just press and then hold.
No, no, the screen.
Okay, now you've got Siri open.
Press harder.
That's weird.
So it's just a vibe on your wrist.
Whereas did you ever use the MacBook's touch pad?
Ah, okay.
Well then you don't even know what you're comparing.
I have no idea what force touch is.
It sounds cool.
You press harder on the track pad
and then haptic feedback makes it feel
like there's two layers of click.
When actually on the MacBook,
there is no downward movement.
And there are no layers of click.
Okay, so let's move on to our next news topic.
Anyway, I think force touch on a touchscreen
is gonna be super dumb, but,
but I also got sold on it on the MacBook.
So there you go.
This is from KitGuru originally posted by Boozoo.
PCI express 4.0.
The new data rates and new connector
to be finalized by 2017.
So we're going to get a doubling
to 16 giga transfers per second
of the available communication bandwidth.
So that is something along the lines of,
oh balls, what is it?
And I think it's like two gigabytes per second per lane
or something like that.
Hold on, hold on.
Yeah, a 1X interconnect will transfer
up to two gigabytes per second.
When you compare that to the 250 megabytes per second
of gen one, wow.
Now I believe optics are gonna be involved.
Oh really?
Not in,
so not in this one necessarily,
but a fifth generation is going to almost definitely rely
on optical rather than copper links.
But this one is still copper.
You're still gonna be able to have risers,
but they won't be as long
and it's going to be a new connector.
So this is a tricky thing.
Backwards compatibility for the first time
is not going to be a given.
So PCI express gen three cards will work in a gen four slot,
but a PCI express gen four card will not work
in your old gen three motherboard.
So what's gonna be really interesting to see here
is if AMD once again doesn't have the R&D
to develop the latest PCI express standard,
we could see a pretty devastating impact
on their CPU sales, at least for upgraders.
Because I don't know if a lot of you even realize this,
there is not an AMD chip set that supports PCI express 3.0.
Like their graphics cards do,
but they literally have that only for the benefit
of people plugging them into Intel chip set on the ports.
That's right about making that new CPU though, right?
Have they said what socket it's on?
Probably new socket.
I'm sure they know about this.
Oh, that's 2017.
Yeah, PCI express 4.0 is 2017.
So Zen should be coming next year.
So hopefully AMD is laying the groundwork now
to support PCI express 4.0.
Because not being able to get a new graphics card
in one year, not being able to get a top of the line
new graphics card in one year would be pretty rough.
It's yeah, well remember too,
the spec will be finalized by 2017.
Right, so it won't really be out on consumer boards
for quite a while.
It'll be, it's gonna be a while.
But you know, if it was 2017,
I don't know that I would necessarily invest
in like an Uber rig.
If PCI express 4.0 is around the corner.
With that said,
Just cause you wanna be able to put new cards into it.
We could see yet again,
we could see it happen again,
where top tier cards could be released for both interfaces.
We've seen this before
in the AGP to PCI express transition era,
you could buy an X 800 XT AGP
or an X 800 or an X 850 or like whatever it was,
there were PCI express and AGP versions
of like similar power graphics cards at the time.
So I don't know.
And it probably won't matter.
I don't know how it will be handled.
These graphics cards probably still won't be too fast.
Yeah, like I don't think you'll need the extra bandwidth.
It's just, well, I mean,
it depends what we're doing with graphics cards.
Like if they find a way, you know,
maybe HBM memory and like, you know,
your new VR setup are gonna have some like crazy fast
interconnect or something like, you know,
imagine this for a second.
What if you had like a hyper high resolution display for VR
that required literally a PCI express link to your computer?
Like what if you couldn't run over display port?
Think about that for a second.
Like what if you had to have like PCI express
with like repeaters in order to get enough distance to like,
but what if you could play it like 16K or 32K
or something crazy like that?
There's gotta be a visual fidelity limit or whatever.
Yeah, but I don't think we're anywhere near it.
No, I think-
Is 8K the limit, you think?
I have no idea.
4K isn't the limit, we know that much.
I have no idea.
I think Carmack wants 4K because that's what there is,
not because that's the limit.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
But the other problem is there's other stuff
that needs to be increased too.
Yes, there's a lot of stuff that needs to be better for that.
So like we won't even know what the limit is
because say if we're there and there's other problems,
we won't necessarily know.
You have to leave to do other things.
So speaking of leaving to do other things,
I think that's it for the land show today.
Thank you guys very much for tuning in.
A huge thanks to our sponsors for putting up with this guy.
I'm sorry.
Thank you to Squarespace for, oh, I can't even believe.
I love you Squarespace.
I can't believe-
Build it beautiful.
I can't believe we DDoSed your mom's website.
Okay, I have an assignment for you.
Move her to Squarespace?
By the next time we do a Squarespace spot on WAN Show.
So next WAN Show.
Her site needs to be on Squarespace
so that we can show it not going down.
That's fine.
On Squarespace.
I honestly thought it already was.
And I know she wants to, so I'll just probably do it for her.
Okay, all right.
Or I'll walk her through it.
We'll see that one all by herself though.
And that was even harder.
So it's probably gonna look better on Squarespace.
It probably will.
And like, I even noticed the page wasn't loading
that fast and stuff and I was like-
I was looking at it earlier today
and I was wondering why there wasn't a purchase button
on one of the things.
And I was like, what the heck?
The site's broken.
So we'll fix that.
So thank you guys for tuning in.
We'll see you again next week.
Same bat time, same bat channel.
And do we really have 7,200 of you every week
to look forward to now that school's out?
You guys rock.
School should always be out, am I right?
Am I right?
Did he just say what I think he said?
You know what's really funny is I was even going to tell you
on the show today that Square Space just locked in
as like our sponsor at CBS.
Oh, we're not streaming are we?
I think so.
They didn't.
Oh, they didn't.
well the show is over.