
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

What's up and welcome to the wan show we've got a fantastic show lined up for you guys this week I
The main topics this week Luke are obviously going to be warranty gate as I've been
Affectionately referring to it. I thought you were gonna say war and peace and I thought it was fair. I
Thought I mean, there's some more but there's not a lot of pizza
In other news new egg reacts to a pricing error in the worst way. Yeah. Yeah deflection
Look at new egg. We'll be we'll be talking about that in a little bit. What else we got going on here. Oh
Meta is tracking you. Yeah, that is bad
No, I want to live in the metaverse
If I lived in the metaverse, I wouldn't have to wear these pants
What? Oh, wow, he's he's doing it. Actually. It's a little chilly in here
It is a little cold today. You guys have the AC down way too low in here. You know that right Dan
Yes, it's a it upsets me quite a lot, too
Who is responsible for that because it's actually like when it's 35 degrees Celsius outside and you guys have it set to frickin like 18
In here, that's a not insignificant
Like expenditure. Yeah, sometimes I have to wear a sweater and they leave it on over the weekend
Like it's it's on all hours of the day. Just like a walk-in fridge here. Is there anything we can do about that?
Who's responsible? You know what? You can tell me off the show, but I
Am upset you already get them. I'm cold right now and it's summer. It's August personally. I like it, but
I think that's a problem with it. It's also uh, yeah, it's it's it's too cold. Netflix has games what that's crazy
Time to start the show. All right, let's do it. The show is brought to you today by Wealthfront,
See Sonic and Vulture, you know, I heard see Sonic has really long warranties on their power supplies real long ones
All right. Let's get started with our most
important topic today and that is that
Let's see
Google is trying to evolve texting. That's right. The source is
The Mac rumors this week Google launched a campaign. We're really doing it. Okay explicitly asking Apple to adopt RCS on their page
They outlined the substandard green bubble experience of iPhone users like low resolution multimedia messages
Broken and limited group chats. That's true
No typing indicators or red receipts and no ability to send over Wi-Fi or with end-to-end encryption
This is how you get more watch time kids. Despite a very chaotic instant messaging strategy
Google has been trying to get RCS more widely adopted for a while now
But thanks to reticence from carriers and ignorance from Apple. Google's been the sole torchbearer
Maybe if they hadn't
Crushed all their other competition. We'd still have Windows Phone
Not that Microsoft is exactly, you know, the shining star of making sure that there's no monopoly or duopoly
Implementing the service from their servers and implementing features like end-to-end encryption on their own
Our discussion question is how many iPhone you they're editing it in real time
Are you really gonna avoid talking about the warranty thing? No, I'm gonna talk about the warranty thing
I said right at the beginning of the show. I'm gonna talk about the
Jeez, no, these are bring back my discussion questions
Okay, these are from Jonathan Horst our host for Mac address. How many iPhone users?
Have you met that are snobby towards green bubbles?
I don't know but I heard it actually like dramatically harms your dating prospects to have a green bubble
Yeah, there was an article that I was reading they like actually like studied this with a not insignificant sample size and it was like
the conclusion
People are shallow. I mean, it's good. It's good. We know this I don't text often most most of my text messages
They're for like service alerts
Like like like full plane servers and stuff. Well, that's because you're a giga Chad who uses like signal or something. So that's true
Yeah, so like I message what yeah, I don't know
Every time that we talk about this
I'm just like I don't know maybe it's an
Androidification thing that I don't use the text messaging thing that comes with my phone. I use signal instead. Maybe that's like
Maybe if it was better, I wouldn't I
don't know people in flow plane chatter like um
Actually, you know banned from group chats cuz of green messages
I prefer blue chats, but not a deal breaker. I get my balls busted for being a green bubble all the time
I've never experienced. I just I have never experienced it either
I mean part of it is that I wasn't in high school or middle school. Yeah, when iPhones were a thing, right?
Yeah, and I mean nobody had a blackberry that was for like your dad
Yeah, the guys with the hip holsters and stuff, right?
It was like it was none of the kids had blackberries or none of the people that I knew at least
My school was also like kind of in the boonies. So, you know, yeah fair enough
This is wild though the number of people that are like, yeah, it's you hear this all the time
It's it's like a super persistent thing and there are some things that aren't really legit that you do here all the time because the people
That it's pointed at like to complain that it's happening even though it's not but like this seems to be one of those things
That's actually real but I have no experience with it. So I don't know every single time
Yeah, who?
cares, yeah
The banning because of it. I feel like there might be some more going on. Well, I feel like that was an excuse
No, it can also it can break some interactions
So it'll do things like for example when I'm texting someone on an iPhone
My sister has an iPhone and if she reacts to a message, I will get a full-on SMS notification
Reacted thumbs up to your message and like I think it copies the contents of my message
I want a text message for this. Oh, I do
I also don't want a notification for people just going boo boo on my messages
So I do maybe the same problem that should just be a setting thing
but I do like that personally because for me it's like this is a full confirm that I have read and
Good with whatever this is, you know, maybe okay, maybe I mostly like that because of slack
Yeah, I like the work confirmation of someone like being like God
This is just you from like a business perspective and whereas people in just having personal conversations
And again, a lot of people treat their social lives very business-like, you know, everything's like scheduled and they're coordinating
Yeah, I definitely don't do that. I yeah
I'm just like
I'm making burgers. I wonder if Luke is hungry
What if I could also get him to move? Yeah, maybe he could also help me move a dresser. Yeah, this this could work at a bed
I don't remember everything else. That was kind of a fun day though. I
Almost needed to call you again. We had other dressers, but Yvonne's shoulders feeling a little better. So she helped me
But I was very close. I was very close to calling Lucy you Yvonne trying to replace me. I get it. Um, well
They don't think about it too hard. Okay. Yeah, that's probably for the best
All right, should we now get into oh man, I don't know we do we diving right in
Well, I don't know it depends hands up. It depends which one you want first. I think warranty
I think that's what people are here for you want to do warranty first. I think so
You sure I mean the allegation the allegations are quite scandalous though
It's whichever one you want to do flip a coin at this point. Alright, let's do it. Let's flip a coin
Let's flip a coin who's got a coin. Oh, you can literally just no no, no, no, no. No, that's
Please why don't you play some D&D with digital? Why don't you just use an Excel? That's fair
Why don't you use an Excel sheet? Okay, just put random like
Flip a digital coin. What would it you gotta call it now? Yeah. Well, no you you you call it you call it
Okay heads is backpack
It's heads it's heads we do backpack first thing so that's my god, it's actually attuned to knees are cool. Alright
Let's gonna say it's worth a lot of money. But these days with inflation is a little bit less, you know
Let's jump right into it. I said a lot of things
last week Oh
Sure, and this week there were some things I said this you're going to next week as well
Thanks, Luke. That's just said said a lot of things didn't say they're controversial. That's things
I said a lot of I said a lot of things that I didn't necessarily think were that
controversial and a lot of what I said
Could be interpreted a number of ways the charitable interpretation could even be good
Whereas the cynical interpretation in most cases was pretty terrible. Okay, so I want to jump in on a few of these things
I take some of this flat because I should have stepped in during the show and I didn't because I don't know a lot about
Warranties, I'm just being open about that
I didn't know like what normal warranties on backpacks are sure ever since I've looked that up
I didn't know especially like I know what I would expect from warranties in the like computer hardware space
But outside of that specific space, I know basically nothing about warranties. I have no idea what I've never
Tried to like warranty return a shirt because I didn't even know that was a thing, etc
So I mostly stayed out of it. You can warranty a bag of lemons
That wasn't juicy enough at Costco if you really want to yeah, that's cool after you've juiced them
These were not juicy enough
That's an anecdote from Twitter that's actually from a Twitter user but I have a person in my life who has pulled very similar studs
Like my a watermelon eat half of it be like this is not very delicious
I can take half a watermelon back for a refund to Costco. Yes
to cut Wow the time of even getting a parking spot sounds like it probably wasn't very worth it, but
You do you also the so there's maybe I'll let you talk a little bit more. Keep going. Sure
Alright, so the first thing I said was warranty what warranty
Effectively amounted to trust me bro, and the two interpretations here
Interpretation number one is this is the cynical interpretation that a lot of people went for a lot of people didn't
you know the the cold hard facts are that the total number of
Backpack cancellations numbered in the few dozens. It was not a lot
For the most part. I think this community knows what I'm about
knows what our company stands for and
When yeah, well, they'll figure it out and to those of you who who saw it that way. Hey, thank you
I appreciate you, but there was clearly a very very
Negative interpretation of what I said, he's clearly a weasel knows these things are gonna fall apart
Putting him out of business if he stands behind it and in that case good riddance
Also, no warranty is it's illegal. It's anti-consumer. What an asshole, right? So
That's that's a valid interpretation quite frankly. I didn't I didn't hurt it very well
So I want you to get through both of your interpretations and then I'll respond second interpretation what I meant
Was that from my point of view this is not urgent and I don't give I don't care what the legal
Requirements are for a warranty. We already dramatically exceed any legal requirements for a warranty or customer service
So from my point of view when I was going well, this is this is non urgent
We can deal with this whenever
Another point of clarification the backpacks not gonna sink us the screwdrivers not gonna sink us. I see a lot of speculation
It's amazing where people will go with me saying something that was off the cuff
Not worded very well not thought out very well and take that ball and run
You know, apparently the situation here is dire. I am cracking under the strain. I'm stressed
You know truth is actually I am pretty stressed. I was gonna say some of that is I have a lot going on
We've got merch we've got labs. Yeah, we've got backpack and screwdriver which were major investments for us
Some weird nerds are making a website. But here's the thing guys. I
also have Yvonne
She wouldn't let me overextend every single backpack every single screwdriver could sink into the sea
Labs could fail or or you know, let's say it doesn't fail. All right, but let's say it takes
Three to five years to even begin to generate anything in return which it won't we've got an amazing team
We're building it's gonna be awesome
All of that could happen and no one would lose their jobs not even Colton. I know right we will survive
It would be it would be a long painful road back to where we could start to reinvest again
But the good news is that because we're built on a really strong foundation. We we own our buildings, right?
I got no landlord. I got no one who's gonna say, you know
Yeah, your rent's going up like this or I mean even interest rates right the main studio
Here full disclosure guys. We own it outright. Oh
Interest rates mean nothing to LMG for its main operating studio. We got this so
like property tax goes up and stuff to you right like a little little things and like utilities and whatnot, but the impact of
Interest rates go up
Property values are likely to go down. So my property taxes would probably actually go down. Got it
I got this utilities stuff. But yeah, it's it's insanely smaller than we could also pinch some pennies on utilities
There's levers we could pull we could like the cold. Yeah, we could go we could go. Yeah
Yeah, like that like like the frigid temperature here in New York City
Yeah, like the frigid temperature here in the in the podcast set Dan
You know, we could also yeah, we could try and work some deals, you know
Try and get a discount on some solar panels make some content about solar installations put them up on the roof
Boom, we've we've nailed down some of our utility fees
There's just not a lot of sun in BC. I do want to do that. But hey, it doesn't hurt like at the house
Our utility bills are half of what they would be like. Yeah, that's cool. It's pretty substantial. Yeah
So so we got this. Um, I have a kind of snarky, but you know what? I'm just gonna I'm just yeah
I've made some notes about this. I'm just gonna read it. Thank you for your analysis
But I will listen to the person who actually looks at the books
So, thank you. But don't worry. We're okay
Okay. Yes, maybe this is time to chime in
I I get where you're coming from and I think a fair amount of people did but at the same time this is not how we've
Highly suggested is how I'll word it
That other people approach any other company that's fair. We have always community
communities we've always communicated that companies are not your friends and we have also echoed that up with we are a company
So having implicit trust without anything in writing is highly questionable. We've said in the past
And I was reminded about this by a comment that I saw somewhere but like it's not like I haven't heard
It um, we we've said in the past. I think you specifically have said in the past and you mentioned see sonic
Earlier in the show that like you can you can almost measure the the quality of a power supply by how long its warranty is
We've gone after companies for having bad or non-existent warranties all this type of stuff
We've done this type of stuff before to other companies
so I don't think that we should just be magically immune to it because so of
Your or our reputation. I don't know that i've ever gone after someone for a bad warranty term
I've certainly gone after someone for treating customers poorly
So I think from my point of view having no shown warranty could be interpreted as treating customers poorly
We also stated that we would have a warranty and then we started selling them with none posted
And I do understand that like you can make an argument of like oh we've said we're gonna have a warranty
You can make an argument of like, oh we've said we're gonna have one by the time it ships, but we're expecting purchases now
So there isn't one right now. So currently right now as stated there is nothing there will theoretically there will be something and we have some
Potential news on that coming up which is which is really good
But the purchase and stuff that we've been taking in so far have been without one
That's fair and you know what? I think I I actually have something
I don't know if you've looked at any of this
but I I have a bit later where I kind of talk about
yeah, I
I I clearly I clearly got this wrong
You know what?
I'm just gonna i'm just gonna go through the next couple of next couple of things first and then we'll get to that later
I can chime in again too
But like uh one thing i'll say before you get into that is we we also critique people's responses to these types of situations
There's that computer building company that happened went down
I don't remember their name. I'm sorry overkill overkill. No, no overkill didn't go down
No, sorry, I didn't mean down. I mean, I mean went down on the show like there we we
We conversed about it on the show. I worded that poorly. Sorry
Um, but we conversed about their response to allegations on the show and we've done that before
And I think that um accepting that the response from us on this was honestly really rough
And like problematic in a bunch of ways is is good because like the same way that we instructed to them
at a certain point you need to just be like
Yeah, and we're doing that which is great so but like but
Accepting that we like screwed up a little bit and just moving forward is the easier way and better way to do it
Another thing I said that has two possible interpretations that our audience and our customers
Are okay with the current situation
One way of interpreting that is it sounds like i'm gatekeeping basically saying look you need to get on board with
You know the cult of ltt
Yeah, or you can gtfo. Yeah, that that's one possible interpretation join us what I actually meant
And this also ties back into what you were talking about what I actually meant is that anyone who's ever actually dealt with our support
Would already know that we go above and beyond there there is no there is no warranty term
Internally in terms of the guidance that's given to support there. There are no guidelines the guideline is make it right
The guideline is make it right. That's it. Make sure they're happy. Yeah, we have the same that same type of
Same level of internal policy of flow because it comes from the same person. That's true
I the the policies for our customer service representatives are very simple. There was actually a conversation
This is a little anecdotal and off topic
So i'm sorry
But there was a conversation really early in flow plane when we were we were kind of defining how we were going to do refunds
Um, and I was pushing back against you because I was like well if I can prove this person watched like 200 hours in the last
Week, I actually they've had it for a week. Like why should we refund them? Like that's crazy and you're like no, I don't care
Just do it and I was like, oh fine. So like yeah, the internal policies on that type of stuff are are
Very customer friendly. I will I will say and very consistent I can talk more about why that is later
You don't have to trust me, but I would ask that you at least not think i'm an idiot
So we'll we'll get into that in a bit
the last big one, I think that people went two different directions with were
The part where I was discussing
you know, what's
What these commitments mean in the event that you know, there's some kind of life-ending event for me
I basically was like, yeah, like how does this work in the event of a succession?
and you know there were man there were a lot of really
You know to me
Unexpected ways that people went with that like oh he's trying to make it like
Like make us feel guilty or he's trying to distract from the real problem
Or he's trying to or I tried to put on doesn't understand how it works
Go I tried to put on a hat of a yeah strictly viewer that didn't know you very well. I get it though
I yeah, I get it too. That's why I have these these possible interpretations
No, totally. Yeah. Yeah, and this has been pointed out by a few people that watching that like it was a live show
That was a guttural response and you and me had actually had that exact conversation
Within the last like 24 hours, so I knew it was fresh on your mind
Which is probably why it got regurgitated when the question was asked. Um
So what I was really thinking about was that whatever commitment we make it needs to outlive me and it needs to be well thought out
Um, it's my intention every I talk about it all the time
It's my intention every year every month every week to make us more and more like a real company
I want to be a real company
And you know sometimes whether I'm ready or not that sneaks up on me
So we went from selling some merch to our you know youtube viewers
to um
Being an e-tail monster that suddenly pushed one-day revenue numbers that would have made the
200 person company I used to work for blush
It was incredible
what happened and I wasn't entirely ready for it and
One of the things that
Is on my mind a lot. I mean, here's here's something guys like, you know, yeah
I did that stream a few years ago right the the 10 million subscriber stream where it was like i'm thinking of retiring
Those thoughts didn't magically go away
it's it's not like
It's not like everything that I was considering then it's not like everything I was feeling then
You know, I made a video about it
Pressed publish and oh it's out of my mind now. I I actually I have no thoughts about this whatsoever
I think I think about it a lot and I think the mistake that I made was that I
Was just I was too open honestly, I and i'm not going to stop to be very clear
but I think what I did was I let you guys into a thought process that
I let you guys into a thought process that I have and had and that was you know
Hey, how do I ensure that?
You know, whatever commitment I am making
Can be followed through on how do I ensure that?
There is continuity
And yeah, honestly, I probably went off the rails a little bit there it's very unlikely to be a problem
But to the people who were saying actually they wouldn't have to deal with anything
Because you know if they decided they didn't want to run it anymore and they folded it up
It wouldn't be a concern if you have a warranty. I'm like, yeah, that's exactly the problem
I don't want that to happen probably won't
But whatever commitment we make I want to make sure that whether I am breathing or not we're following through on it
There there is ways to I I don't think that
There are ways we just haven't done it exactly which is a problem
Yeah, because because I think a lot of the complaints was that there just was no warranty. Yeah, so saying like warranty hard
Doesn't really excuse the fact that there wasn't one and there's ways around it and you can always like extend it later
So having at least something I think would have solved a lot of those problems like I think
I understand that as I said, we had had the conversation before that show and all that kind of stuff
I understand those concerns and I think they're coming from a good place. Yep
But like it just it doesn't solve not having one at all
With everything said
I was obviously wrong about the importance of this issue with a large portion of our community
I should have been more clear. I should probably have a PR team
I probably shouldn't be a PR team
I should probably have a PR team. I I probably shouldn't do this podcast
But I hate that stuff. Um
So co afford does a podcast for better or for worse. You guys are getting my real thoughts. Um
you know
I think
I think I was pretty prickly in my response
I I think the thing that really rubbed me the wrong way was people calling me a liar
Um, I I don't think it's unfair to say that anyone who's been following for a long time should probably know better
I don't always get it right. I I really don't um, I don't always express myself perfectly in the moment
But I shoot straight
What you hear is what you get for better or for worse and i'm always trying to improve I get things wrong
All the time, but I like to think I don't get them wrong three times in a row if you kind of get what I mean
I'm saying I might get them wrong twice
But very rarely three times in a row
Maybe sometimes but rarely. Um, another thing that probably came across wrong since we're piling on things that I did wrong
That's me piling on so I guess i'm allowed
Is me saying this is basically a professional outrage storm and not reflective of the community at large. Who knows what i'm about?
What I said was true
We we didn't actually have a ton of cancellations and we did have a ton of people reaching out saying actually i've had
Great experiences. I trust them completely
But for everyone else, it was probably extremely crappy to hear me be dismissive of the concerns of their fellow enthusiasts
I think also while there might not have been a ton of cancellations
Uh, there are potentially people that would have ordered that didn't because of that and that's fair. Um, but again my my my mindset was
We'll deal with this. Um, there's no particular hurry. We got this
Nobody has been screwed over
No consumer, no viewer was actually screwed over
All right, we'll deal with it whenever but you guys are right. I would raise an eyebrow if a company didn't have a formal warranty
But you know and this comes back to what I was saying before
The bigger issue than the actual written policy is the behavior of the company because at the end of the day
This is all going to come down to trust
Uh, even if you have yeah, go ahead. So I I agree
But that doesn't it's we we gotta I have to keep stating this just because I know that someone's gonna get part way into the show
Um, but I know you understand but i'm just saying it again because of the the how viewers watch things
Um, but having this being like a strong internal policy is more important, uh is good
but it doesn't dismiss not having a
Acceptable public policy. Yeah
Or external policy. So let's say you have a written policy. Um, there's lots of ways that companies with
Written policies can just completely avoid dealing with the cost of a warranty replacement
they can weasel out of it through terms and conditions in their written warranty policy for whatever reason they feel it's
Not worth it or they just don't feel like it they can fold out right same things which happens
Um, and that's something that you know, yeah
I I you know, I think any business owner who's not anxious right now
Is deluded like we are we are heading into an unprecedented time right now
Uh, we're on the cusp of potentially a global recession right now if you're a business owner who's not a little anxious right now
You got to like read the news like for realsies. Yeah. Um, then there's just like outright refusing to honor it
I'm, just like ghosting people
So, what are you going to do someone ghosts you over your your phone warranty or your mouse warranty?
What do you do?
Well, you have to take them to court. Are you really going to do that?
Over a couple hundred dollars. Do you have any idea how much time that takes how much that's going to cost?
You won't but not the average person. So at the end of the day
As someone who has seen both sides of all of those coins like working as a product manager
Where you are this in between right on the one hand you're working at this company
Who has their own policies and their own actual behavior which don't always align and your customer facing that way
And then you work with all these manufacturers you work with all these brands or distributors or whatever else who also have
their policies
And in addition to their policies the way that they actually behave and so for me
Reputations everything like yes. Yes. Yes. Yes warranty matters
It's it's a it's a written version of what you would like. I believe in an ideal world your reputation to be
but it's
The the writing doesn't always match up with the real world and there's there's stuff so I hear you on that but at the same time
What if someone?
The first what if the first video someone ever saw with you in it was the short circuit of the backpack because they were looking to buy
Backpack and they were like, hey
That's a cool backpack. You keep getting into stuff that i'm about to talk about. You're so good at it
I'm driving the conversation. It's almost like I had a bit of a flow to what I was going to talk about and you're ready
So I felt our reputation spoke for itself was that hubris
Go ahead. Just do it. Yes. Okay. I assumed that the people I was talking to had like ordered from us
That they had already seen the quality and service that it wasn't going to be it wasn't going to be a major issue
I was clearly wrong. That was clearly my bad
I also assumed that the community wouldn't jump straight to how anti-consumer I am
This is really funny because I was like, okay, I'm going to do this
I don't know what kind of humor I am. Um, this is really funny. I had some stuff in here about
Uh discussing how a lot of the community went straight to Steve's seven-year warranty on his screwdriver
He has since made a video. I haven't watched it yet
Frankly, I probably won't because the summary that i've gotten already is that he made it based on out-of-date information. So that's unfortunate
But uh, maybe he'll get around to covering it again after this
It wasn't out of date when he made it to be fair. There were there were tweets clarifying stuff that he didn't cover. So
Yeah, I mean you can't be expected to read every tweet. It's not there was a lot of talking. Yeah, so it's not reasonable
Uh, but basically, uh, what I said was, you know, I love steve
He's a force for good in the industry, uh, but to imagine that the seven-year warranty on his screwdriver
Any better than his will to follow up on it is is it's it's an it's imaginary
Um, he will follow up on it. I believe he will he's a principled guy
And if honestly, I think that if a shaft fell out of his screwdriver in eight years, he'd probably replace it
Assuming he's still around doing this gig and I think that because he's a stand-up guy, but that's the assumption
It's that he's still doing this gig. Um
So it ultimately comes down to trust no matter what and I thought you guys saw me the same way
Which was kind of heartbreaking actually
But also eye-opening, um, the number of people out there who will assume the worst of me
Just because I let you into my very real and yes, sometimes flawed thought processes
I don't think you're necessarily reading this the right way
I don't think it necessarily means that people don't trust you
I think that a lot of people go with the stance of trust but verify
And the verify in this situation would be to have a warranty that they can look at there was a lot of
There was a lot of oh else i'm sure there was as well
But I think that would be a disproportionate we we've talked before about like vocal minorities and stuff
I don't think it's a huge proportion of the audience
There is always going to be we're big enough now and you're the front
So there will always be a certain amount of people with daggers ready to go literally no matter what the topic is
Well, it's frustrating for sure. It's frustrating and I know and and again like I know because I see the numbers
the majority of you are like
Yeah, he's got this. Yeah, and I know that but
You read a hundred comments on a video
Which is the one that stands out the negative one like my my english teacher in grade?
Nine told me this I don't even know how the topic came up
But it was about how like it takes and it's this math is obviously whatever but the english math. Yeah, yeah
Yeah, okay, but it was uh for every negative comment. It takes
10 or 100 or something. I remember what she said, uh positive comments to make you like forget the negative comment, right?
It's the same. It's the same situation here
It's not exactly the context that she was talking about but like I don't think trust is
That big of a problem. I don't think it's a problem at all
And no because you had verify stage the mods of the subreddit consolidated the warranty hurricane into a mega thread
Right and I was accused of censoring discussion. I thought it was the
Which I was extremely honestly like
I was I was more personally upset by that than I should have been a lot of people in the comments on that
Negative or critical posts about me our stance from the beginning of the forum, which just in case you didn't know
Is the beginning of the company? Um, it was just formalized because of the forum is that we would remove
Inflammatory comments about other people users use our users our community, but we would we would not remove inflammatory comments about us
We are fair game. Yeah, and that has always always been the policy and I was just I was looking at it going when have I ever
Done that and then and then it kind of gets worse because I explained we have staff
we do have people who are on staff as
Moderators on the unofficial subreddit r slash line is tech tips. That's there for emergencies
The example that I used was doxing. I was outright called a liar over this
Even after the creator of the subreddit came out
Said hey, look, I checked the logs. They didn't touch a single thing
Well, then the goalposts moved and now it was unethical for us to have
Staff moderators on an unofficial subreddit, even if we weren't going to touch anything
And I just I don't know what to say. I wasn't lying stuff happens in a community this size
At our scale whether it's doxing or whether it's maybe I didn't want to tell you exactly what kind of problems they are, right?
That's a possibility
Whatever it is stuff happens and there's a huge difference like honestly the moderators there. They do a great job
But they're volunteers. I can't call them in the middle of the night
on a saturday
Because something's like an emergency there's a big difference between acting fast and acting
Now some of the old school forum mods are like wait you wouldn't do that because I used to bug people like that
But I don't sorry. Sorry. Okay. Anyway, um
So yeah, I need someone on payroll that I can call it's that simple and it's not because someone said something mean about me
Like if we were if we're moderating the discussion, you don't think we would have just blocked the word warranty and call it a day
Sick, that would have been pretty simple, right? Let's go. So, you know if it makes you uncomfortable. I'm sorry, but
safety comes first
And if you don't believe me then okay, like there's really nothing I there's nothing else that I can say about it
Now we get to the part where I was like
Come on, guys, really. I think the wan show viewers
I think the people watching this probably understand that whole guy who drops everything and has
50 people to do all the hard stuff for him hashtag
Linus, I think you understand that that bit is an excellent way for us to make topics more approachable
And to create a safe environment for people to make mistakes and learn
I I could absolutely polish everything there is no reason whatsoever that I ever have to make a mistake on camera
Think about it, right we edit other than wan show I can make lots of mistakes on wan show which I do
But I also make mistakes in our pre-recorded videos
That there's there's there's a reason there's a reason
I also would like to think that you guys know that the success over here is not some kind of random accident
I did get lucky I was in the right place at the right time, but I know what I'm doing even if even if so
I was in the right place at the right time, but I know what I'm doing even if even if so here's the thing. I'm not
I'm, not an idiot
Even if I didn't care about any of you not even a little
Don't you think i'm smart enough to know?
That if we denied any reasonable warranty claim or support claim there'd be rioting
Do you honestly think i'm that stupid?
Even if I didn't I have to I have to come back
Yeah, even if I didn't want our policy to be bend over backwards for everybody
I have to would I be would I be bring it back? Would I be deranged enough? I have to bring it back
Yeah, what about that person who just watched the there's got to be one of them
The first video they ever watched was the short circuit backpack video. They have no idea who you are. They were shopping for a backpack
They found that video
What if this is a brand new viewer, they don't they don't have that stuff established and they and luke was it hubris?
Yes, okay. Well, then we're good
All right
But I just every every time you go down that road I got I got to bring it back which and I understand why you are
And I get it and I think it's good and you should you should do this, etc. But I gotta I gotta keep
Jumping in there. So I have a summary thing. Okay. Thank you luke for helpfully getting ahead of me again
Yeah, I think most of you understand my jam over here. I just didn't realize how many of you would jump on me
not even due to this due to some past grievance the the speed with which both the main forum thread and the main backpack thread
Before they were consolidated the speed with which they pivoted to
Remember when he said adblock is tantamount to privacy
Was incredible. Well, this is this is like I said, there's people sitting there with daggers ready to go about anything
And then they're gonna want to turn it into the thing that they actually care about so that I mean that makes sense to me
And that's annoying, you know
You know
That bottom line is fair enough. Um
Skepticism is absolutely something that we we probably need more of we say it's a good thing
Corps aren't your friends influencers aren't your friends. I happen to be both of those things corpo influencer great
So for the people posting that fair enough, um, but even if i'm not your friend i'm not stupid
Um to those of you who think i'm some kind of lucky idiot. Um,
Hey, thanks for that. But I I really don't think so. I'm not a genius
My mother had me tested. I'm definitely not a genius, but i'm super duper not an idiot either
So, yeah, we didn't we didn't actually screw over a single customer and look at what we got this week
I I know I know what would happen if we actually
boned anyone
For real like it would it would go it would go mega viral. I don't I don't think so
I hear you I get that. Yep
I know I know I know what if it was the first thing they ever saw. I know I don't I don't I don't think that's
I don't think that's the point. You haven't had an not i'm not saying you would I know the internal policies
But there has been no opportunity to do so so saying that we haven't doesn't really have any value
Sure, but we also haven't we have lots of other products
We've had four years. We don't have any other products that are in this category in regards to premium nature
Uh, yeah, we don't have any other products that like say there was say there was a fundamental flaw
We have a hundred dollar hoodie. The bottom just falls off. Actually. Yes. Swack. It's well over a hundred dollars
Sure, say there's a fundamental flaw with this one. Sure, right there isn't whatever but say there is sure
Someone from the outside and like yes, you know what they're wrong. Okay, whatever we can stomach backpack problems. It's fine
Yeah, we got this don't worry, but they don't know that. All right
So without these things being in place, I can totally understand the skepticism. I can totally understand the frustration all that type of stuff. I
I it might have been volume boosted pretty darn high. But then I think a lot of that was our
Horrific response to it. Yes, and I think we just gotta thank you for charitably using the word hour
Yeah, I appreciate that. I'm throwing myself in here
so bottom line
Here's our plan for the trust me bro guarantee of quality. We will be offering a limited lifetime warranty
Uh guaranteeing no manufacturing defects, uh, these will lead to replacement or repair at our discretion in accordance with local law
It does not cover misuse neglect user modification or intentional damage. Obviously, uh, nor does it cover normal wear and tear?
We were we're gonna get all this drawn up in legal terms that will
uh, you know, obviously cover our but like any actual warranty look closely at them they basically
Amount to the the will of whoever it is to fulfill them and I have a lot of will to fulfill them
I I do not wish to have uh a poo storm on my hands because like over what a couple hundred dollars, honestly
Uh, even if it was all the backpacks, I wouldn't I wouldn't tarnish our brand that way. It's not worth it
It's not worth it, but genuinely just in a like raw brutal financial sense. It's even then it's not worth it
Without our community. We're nothing. I've said it time and time again
Um, if this is the first video you're watching which luke says is a possibility. He's right
That's it
That's the bottom line that is blowing up with first-time messengers
In the meantime while we get all of that drawn up in a way that my lawyer doesn't yell at me nothing changes
Our 100 local not outsourced support. They might be a little slow sometimes but they will take care of you
And if they don't then nicker I will it's that simple you either believe that I have the integrity to follow through in my word
Or at the very least that i'm not enough of an idiot to break it
Uh, or you don't I can't make you all I can do is keep doing my thing and eventually you guys will come around
So that's it the trust me bro guarantee of quality, which i'm going to be pushing hard to make sure we call it that
Sure, we call it that uh, I don't think you should I don't think you should oh i'm doing I know I moved away from the mic
I I don't think you should because when this goes away and you're stuck with that naming in eight years from now
it's just gonna like
Be weird and bring this back up for no reason
I'll think about it. I will I will take your feedback
Maybe just do like an acronym and don't explain it to anyone the tmb guarantee. Okay. All right
Yeah, I could come around to that just no no explainer. Sh bingo on twitch asks
Can we define normal wear and tear with all due respect? It's an expensive bag
And while we know your quality i'd hope it would hold up for a number of years
Well, that's exactly it
That's how warranties are structured like go go like go read them
It's usually at the discretion not usually it's basically always at the discretion of the manufacturer if you have
Done anything that voids your warranty so it comes down to trusting me and yeah, we got your back
Of course just like we always have that's my point is that whatever warranty we write down
It ultimately comes down to our will to fulfill it and we have a lot
full will
No limit to the will
sort of
Someone could sue you
And at that point it doesn't just come down to your well, why would they sue me?
What well, what if you didn't well, why would we do that stupid? No, I know
But you're saying it just comes down to that and technically it doesn't just come down to that
Oh, I see. Okay. Yeah. Yeah, I see what you mean. Sorry. There is no reality where we don't just cover
No, I know I totally agree. Yes, technically they could sue me. Yes, they could
Yeah, i'm just saying when you when you say it just comes down to this it only comes down to this and it's like well
no, not technically it will only because we're going to honor this very highly but
You know, but just like any other warranty
Ours will be worded in such a way that it would be very difficult to take it to court
Anyway, because we're probably but they could just gonna copy someone else's
we will have a lawyer look at it, but like
Someone else did the work already. I mean a lot of legal documentation is I know just
Uh, so anyway with all that in mind, we have a special edition shirt created by the one and only sarah
But the trust me bro warranty t-shirt. I okay. I spent an embarrassing amount of time
Verifying that this was actually our website because the first time I ever saw this someone posted in floatplane chat and I was like
You must be kidding me. There's no way we're actually releasing this
Um, and it's our website. It's definitely it. It's real. It's a pre-sale
This isn't a spoof all shirts will be printed following purchase and may take three to four weeks to print and ship
All order items will be shipped together
This is not like backpack where your initial items will ship now and then your backpack will ship later
You also buy backpack it'll oh unless you also buy backpack in which case your other items will ship together
But like delayed by this shirt and then the backpack will ship later unless the backpack comes in first
It depends which wave you're on
Okay. No, probably not. No, I don't think that'll happen
Um, but there it is guys the trust me bro warranty. I think she did an amazing job. It actually looks really good
It does look pretty good. I still don't it's cute. We should have done it, but it does look pretty good
Of course, we shouldn't have done it. We should be a mature company that does the right, you know
so responsible pr thing, but you know, not only not uh, yeah, not always is what I meant to say, but you know when we're getting
destroyed and we
Up until hopefully now responded very poorly. Uh, you know, maybe I don't know
I like the pink one
Look guys, I gotta I gotta have some fun. I gotta have I gotta have fun. I gotta have fun with this
These are our shirts, right? I want to see the burgundy one
I normally really like that color, but I haven't seen our shirts in burgundy yet. Oh, yeah. Uh, well, I don't know request one
Yeah, request one wear it for when I don't know if I'm gonna wear trust me
You don't know if you're gonna wear the trust me bro warranty shirt. Maybe not. Oh guys. I have a bit of news
Okay, there's only 19 bags left in wave two. There's only 19 bags in wave two
Hey, thanks anonymous for taking number 20 there that looked like a backpack order on the on the monitor thing. Oh, there's a lot of those
Um, yeah, so the bottom line is guys we got you
And I promise we're gonna get into some tech discussions at some point here
But no, I've got I've got another I've got another this is a much smaller storm
But it's a much more serious storm. And so it's it's pretty important to me. Okay, there's still some confusion
Oh, there's confusion. We are putting it in writing. Yeah. Sorry
I was I was previously responding to some people on full plane chat. They're like, you're gonna put it in, right?
Yeah, it's happening. We he literally read it out. Yeah, it's coming. And in the meantime nothing changes. It's no deal with it
Yeah, well there is there is a warranty on the way. There's there's a bunch of confusion
I think people are thinking that this is this whole conversation was an excuse to not do it
No, it was a mistake to not do it in the first place. We are doing it now
We talked about everything we did wrong. We talked about my feelings for a bit
Yeah, and then we said we're formalizing the warranty. Yes, it's coming. Yeah, it should have been here already
But it is officially coming. It will be in place before orders ship as far as I know. It's like mostly done
It just needs lawyer approval
This is awesome. Bradley says I never cared for explanation for exclamation marks wave one, baby
Thanks, Bradley. Oh
My god a shirt with the full written version of the warranty on it
That should be on the back of the trust me bro worn. Oh, I'm super I'm super down
Oh that would look it would look ugly though. Maybe we do that as a second edition
Okay. Yeah, or oh, where would you put it? Oh my goodness. I could I could oh, I don't know
I don't know if our printer is gonna want to do this our shirts
Are we gonna look lip on the inside on the inside if you put it in the right spot?
So you read it you read it like a Star Wars text scroll. We'll do it bottom to top
Oh, yeah, so you can read it when you pull on your shirt. I don't think this is a worse idea than making the shirt
In the first place, so, you know
That's great. Apparently
Apparently yeah discount code deal of the week buy any t-shirt
Excluding a mystery t-shirt and get a sweatband set for 50% off. Thank you automatically at checkout. Heck. Yeah. All right. Thanks Luke
That's awesome. Gotcha. Oh, man
Do we want to take a break and talk about other topics? Sure. Yeah, let's do that
Is there a wait merch message? Is there more questions about the warranty thing? Well, we'll cover it at the end. Okay
I just I want to be let's let's talk about something to be done
Let's talk about something else for a bit. All right, it's good. Okay. Should we talk about your pool?
Hey finally, they finally shot the concrete they actually did they actually did my believe level was low. Yeah
Yeah, it's the shortage. So apparently the issue comes down to the mix of
you'll have to forgive me the
Manly men who work in construction and and women and others and anyone who works in the construction industry all y'all
You'll have to forgive me. I'm probably gonna get this wrong, but I think it's the ratio of cement in the concrete
Does that make sense? Yeah, sorry. I said oh my god because LTT labs Jake just had a very good point that we should have
Had like frat bro shirts for the trust me bro t-shirt. It's our shirts. It's yeah, that makes sense. Okay
Yeah, we don't have like tank tops and make sense. Yeah, it's a good point though. What would have been the colored one? Oh
Yeah, okay, that's fine we don't have those anyways, yeah
Sorry, okay. Yeah, so concrete is shot. That's cool. Yeah, so
But that doesn't mean that we're gonna swim this summer Luke. Oh, it needs a month to cure
And at that stage they can put on plaster
Yeah, and there's a lot of that after they can tile and then after that they can like
You know do the like deck they're like ceiling on the top round. Well, I would assume so. Yeah
Yeah, I mean, I'm not a pool construction expert, which is why hired hopefully experts to do
Yeah, we'll see how it goes. So that's unfortunate. I don't even know. Oh
Apparently I got it right
Concrete is made of cement. Okay good and the ratios matter depending on what you're making right, right, right
So that's apparently the problem is that there was a shortage
So there's been a bit of backlog to get through and the shot Crete, which is really cool. I
Happened to be off that day. So I went out
I brought them some bowl of watermelon and I was just kind of hanging back like watch man. I painted houses man
I know what's up
If you are out there working in the Sun and the homeowner doesn't at least like bring you out a lemonade or something from the
fridge man
Don't take this the wrong way, but you suck
One of my favorite ones it was probably bad in the end
But there's this picture going around where a like internet install technician is laying on the floor
Yeah, do we doing what he got to do? And he fell asleep and they just left him. They're like, ah, he'll be fine
They just let him he's like I probably deserves a nap
it's like that's kind of a bro move, but also like
Probably not. I'd have appreciated being woken up. Yeah
Anyway, I was watching them shoot the they call it shot Crete. Yeah, and it's
Wild so they had two cement mixers in the back alley
They had this like machine that I mean the pump
Must have just been incredible because it's this it's this like thing they hold and they just like blow it
Vertically at the side. Yeah, I thought yeah, I thought they would have I thought they would have put down
It was a bull we would have cast it
No, that's nuts. No, so they they shoot it and it's kind of like man
I don't even know what I would compare it to like it was kind of like painting almost like like so there's like they're like
Layering it or like when they applied the the cellulose and say it reminds me of a spray foam, right?
But most people won't have that as a reference
Yeah, I don't know
so I don't know what to compare it to that most people would have a frame of reference for but but they're just like
They're blowing it up. They're like layering it on like this and then they go back and they actually like hand
sculpt it
Like with tools but tools, right and so I wouldn't have expected any part of this
so in one day it went from rebar with gravel and like
insulation on the sides like foam board insulation in one day it went from that to
This like super rough thing and they had like 10 12 people there like huge crew
I had so they go and then someone's coming behind like going like smoothing it out checking making sure everything's true and like the stairs
It's one of those stupid things right like obviously if if someone had a gun to my head and said
Try to figure out how they make stairs in concrete pools. I'd have been like, uh, I mean
I guess they probably formed them when the concretes wet
And then tile over them after oh, yeah my my dead yet, right, but I just never thought about it
Yeah, and so watching them just like, you know like
Like basically make sandcastle stairs
Out of partially hardened concrete because they like they have to work on it in stages
So they have to do the stuff that they can do while it's still really runny and then do the stuff that they need to
Do when it's a little less runny and like they're just like going around like man. It's a really cool process
Actually, that's my foot by the way. Oh, that's okay
Didn't like interrupt you but I was like, I think he doesn't know
The t-shirt we said it we said it at least twice. Yeah, you said it. Oh the actual code itself. Oh
No, it says automatically apply to discount. There is no code. Yeah, so a t-shirt and sweatband set and you get a discount
That's why any t-shirt excluding mystery shirt get a sweatband for 50% off applied automatically a discount. Yeah, we got this
All right, cool. Ah
man, I
Don't I don't even know if I want to talk about this other thing now. I'm so like I'm so drained Netflix has games
Included with every Netflix subscription is Netflix games a handful of gay
It's a little bit more than a handful to be honest a handful of games are released as individual mobile apps on iOS
Oh, I see full catalog of 24 titles is in the Netflix app
There's no ads no fees and no in-app purchases
These are meant to serve as a sort of bridge to cross while waiting for the next installment of a running series
They don't want you to cancel your subscription between seasons of stranger things. Okay?
Um stranger things has a couple games based around it. The Queen's Gambit has an upcoming chess game
Okay, okay
Well, I mean, you know, it's about it's like a chess thing, right?
There's the Queen's game. Oh, I know but is it just chess or like is there more to it?
Like is it maybe there's a campaign and like they have voice actors. That'd be kind of actually cool. I'd actually be totally down
That's actually really good. Okay, that's that's I think that's why I answered that they're doing that way
It's like if they do something more than just a generic chess game, it could be really interesting, but we'll see
There's also some decent indie games that reported to mobile like into the breach. I had no idea. That's when the developers of FTL
Moonlighter they apparently paid 72 million dollars for Finnish developer next games
Netflix says the catalog will grow to 50 titles before the end of the year and then here's where things get a little interesting
because I have potentially a
Non-normal take on this but it says the only problem is less than 1% of their users are playing them. They average
1.7 million daily users. I mean that's a lot of people but yes. Yes. I think this is saying for the games
But they have 221 million subscribers
right, so that's
Man, if you had like let's say you run a store you run a supermarket and you realize that you have an entire
Department that only 1% of people even like walk into yeah. Yeah, that's pretty bad
See, I think so, but then it's also like this super weird tertiary thing
Yeah, it's like if the supermarket randomly offered go-karts and only 1% of the customers
You know carts and they were pissed. It's funny. You used go-karts as an example because I was like, where's he going with this?
What's he gonna come up with that? They don't have it a super guy. I don't know
I mean they had a hard and Sears became known for having a photography studio in it
How random is that? But there's McDonald's in half the Walmart's. I
mean the the the the
Megacorporation ception is real at this point. Like what? What could I wonder about that? It wouldn't surprise me
We got West Edmonton Mall Luke. There's literally a water park in a fucking mall
The walls actually awesome on this timeline said which involves fantastic
I haven't been there in a super long time, but I was there for a provincial hockey tournament and the mall was was
But yeah, I don't know like yes 1% of the users is low but 1.7 million daily active users for a series of
24 games. Yeah, I guess that's not that many games is pretty good. I think yeah, that's actually I mean unless it's like bejeweled
Like what are you expecting like every single person that watches Netflix to want to play the street gamer games want to play that?
Particular subset of game like through to sign in that day. Yeah, it's a lot of ducks to a line
Yeah, and it's 1.7 million daily users love stars to align. Sorry. See, okay again, though
I don't know. This is worded kind of oddly. They average 1.7 million daily users
Two hundred twenty one million subscribers though. Is that saying that Netflix averages 1.7 million daily users or that the games do
It doesn't like it's it's worded. I'm really not a hundred percent certain what's going on there
but either way like one one percent of the I actually don't think there's as much of a crossover as they would think between
People that would want to play games on Netflix. Yeah
And people like so maybe this is just one of those things where an executive was like, yeah gaming like gaming
We got to get a piece of that. I mean Netflix wouldn't be the first to try that strategy
Turns out gaming is like really tough. Yeah, like I don't really don't really think
That would not be my go-to
Like as a gamer if I had a Netflix description, which I don't I don't think I would bother checking it out
I think this is more of like you were kind of positioning like executive decision problem or not a problem
I think it's one of the two or maybe they yeah
Maybe it's not a problem and what they need to do is double down and have more than 24 games
That or or maybe like though the way that they present it to users. It should be more different. Whatever but I
Think it's gonna be extremely hard to get people to subscribe to Netflix
For their games right and I think that's the only way that this solves the problem that they're trying to get it to solve, right?
Because you would you would have to you'd have to be a destination
It's that simple and and you'd have to want to retain your subscription if there is no content that you wanted to watch
for this to actually function
So like is there enough games? That's another one
Like how big are these games like if I'm just gonna beat this stranger things game in a week
It doesn't tide me between seasons. It's gonna have to hold for what like a year or two years
I'm like you look at how much Apple's invested in Apple arcade
They have way more titles and even with that there's only one that as someone who's not already on the service
Scrolling this there's only one that I've gone. Oh, that's a killer app. Yeah, I should consider Apple arcade
And that's that I think it's called Fantasian
I still haven't played it because I don't have Apple arcade and I don't want any cloud saves or anything
Stuck in iCloud. So I'll just wait for it to come to another platform where I can control my save data. But
but yeah, I
Even though we talk about the tech industry a lot
I had no idea that Netflix was like that. This was a major push at least
Yeah, like I remember hearing I've heard about it. Yeah, I didn't know it was like out and stuff like that
People keep on saying they have into the breach. Yeah and into the breach is a short but very replayable game
I don't think it's gonna keep someone interested for two years
Yeah, oh
my sorry
It's I think a lot of people don't like subscriptions for things
there's gaming subscriptions out there like how much is the
Let's go with a company that is not actually super positive in the news lately
other than us
Oh wow, so, um, how many more times are you gonna
By all means come at me bro, come at me, bro. Oh
Man, Ubisoft just asked me to verify my age to subscribe to continue and I was sad
Okay, so Ubisoft Plus is 20 bucks a month
Enjoy 100 plus games on PC or select titles across your devices from the cloud, etc
That's a lot of games
From a huge studio. These are very expansive games, etc, etc, etc
It's 19 or 20 bucks a month. How much is Netflix Netflix?
Subscription cost
20 bucks a month
So you're paying the same amount I didn't prep this I didn't know that paying the same amount if you don't have anything to watch
right now on Netflix
You have to make that subscription the same value of at least
that that
You play Plus thing someone's saying Microsoft game pass, which we actually know is a really good value
We dog on Microsoft all the time, but game pass is like crazy
It's 16 bucks a month
So like really man like trying to make it so that it's worth it
While having nothing to watch is going to be insanely hard and require probably like multiple studios
Like this is this is a big deal thing. I don't think it's really gonna tie people over
I don't think anyone's gonna want to cancel the Netflix subscription and be like, ah, I want to play that game though
Maybe I don't think it's gonna be too common
But yeah, it's it is technically a maybe no way Netflix is 20 bucks a month. I thought it was 12
Let me re-google this
Netflix subscription cost it shows 20 bucks there
Oh, that's for premium
Standard is 1649. I'm talking Canadian dollars to be clear for both of these though
Premium what is different with premium ultra HD is available
HD is HD becomes available with standard
So I think you're looking at at least 1649 a month
And if you have like a sweet TV, you're looking at $21 a month Canadian
Say something about wave 3 the backpacks are in wave 3 now. I don't know what else to say
Okay, oh
Wow, I forgot I have a mouse I like pulled my mouse out before the show. Yeah, I should just I should just always use my mouse
All right, we should probably do a couple of merch messages because they're getting a little bit out of control in terms of volume
Dan do you want me to yeah, by the way?
Trust the only thing that's selling better than backpack today is trust me bro warranty shirt
Just so you know, I can barely keep up
I do want me to just read them and you can keep curating because there's like half a dozen incoming
Yeah, why don't you pick a couple and just go for it and I'll get one after that Josh asks
How's your riding season going? How about a video on the bike and your gear? Oh
I've barely touched it
Just wasn't able to for one reason or another for a while
Like there's just no reason to ever be by myself going somewhere
And then finally I had this string of opportunities to ride the bike and it was Tetris inside
Shelves and construction materials and crap in my lower garage
While they were painting the walls, so it was just this island of debris with my motorbike at the center of it
I was like
Even if I had the strength and time to move all of this
I wouldn't be able to because the painters need access to the walls
So I would have to not only move it enough to put it all back and that's all that's a lot for one ride
My riding season is going terrible. Thank you for asking Josh. Thank you for the order though
Anonymous asks. Oh my goodness. This is moving so fast
Luke is floatplane background play being worked on? Yes, actually that is the current task of our mobile developer. Nice
Sup, and he got it like to a working state
Super fast, but now he's trying to make it more like usable and stuff before we launch it
So it's it's coming and probably sooner than you think cool Luke asks
Hey Linus another Luke you re-inspired my interest in tech five years ago today
I'm helping implement an eSports team at a university. Oh
That's cool. Have you considered sponsoring an eSports team or player under the LTT umbrella? That's a good question
you know, it's it's a funny thing like the way I
It kind of feels like I don't know what would I I think if you've got someone else's staff who like
Even then like, okay
We are an influencer like company sort of you know, like we sell we sell we sell
Yeah influencer marketing essentially, right?
so then do we take our influencer marketing and
Spend it on influencer marketing to be clear
It's happened and you're gonna see more of it. It's will happen again particularly around LTT store
But in terms of like the gaming scene, I I can't say I've given it a ton of thought. I
I don't really see it because like in my opinion
Okay, I
Prefer when when sponsors don't just sort of like half-butt
Sponsorships for for eSports team. I like it when they they push it harder and like really try to
Help enable the players and like it becomes a part like it really becomes a thing
They like help with management and stuff like that to try to like push them forward
And I'm not a huge fan of just companies that just like I will throw money at this eSports team
Which is usually much cheaper
Like wildly cheaper than a sports team or something like that. Even if you're getting the same views and stuff
We'll throw money at this team to throw a logo on their shirt and call themselves our name or whatever
So just like and we don't have the bandwidth to like do all of that stuff and it wouldn't make a ton of sense for us
Anyways, so I would prefer that the eSports organizations that are gonna do it really well would do it instead of instead of us
What's not our focus with that said I sponsored a local badminton club. I sponsored their team. That's sweet
But honestly that was not about the marketing. So again, that's a different situation. Yeah. Why am I why am I buying marketing?
I literally am marketing. So why am I paying someone else to do my job for me? Yeah, and if I am
Just hiring them sponsoring a local
Sports team that like needs it. Yeah, they get no funding. Yeah. Yeah, exactly
This is this is a different situation and I'm not just sponsoring the team. So the the sponsorship
Covers like like logo placements as to honestly I told I told the head coach
I was like, dude, I don't care. You can put the logo on the shirt
You could not put the logo on the shirt quite frankly like no offense
but the literal dozens of people that are gonna see the logo there and like
What are you gonna do a reverse a reverse google image search to find out what it is? Because I don't even have the name
Oh, it's just just a circle logo. It's like dude. This is not moving the needle for me at all
I think that the snowboarding community has done. Yeah is
They just replace that stuff with drink water
Because it's it's like it's a counter to all the energy drink. Yeah, I like it. Okay, and the energy drinks are bad for you
So they the people have started putting stickers and stuff on their boards that just say drink water if they do a great job
And we do another round then maybe i'll do something like that because he was like very insistent that they like wanted to display
The load i'm like, okay, dude, you do you uh, drink water badminton actually sounds awesome
Yeah, but I really but I really don't care
Um for me, uh, what I was interested in was he laid out a plan to set aside a significant portion of the funding for grassroots
um camps in schools in the lower mainland school, uh, because one of the big challenges for them is
Getting enough momentum while they build up attendance at these things to afford even uh, like renting a school gym
You still have to pay so to be able to afford the startup costs of the coaches and the coaches
So to be able to afford the startup costs of the coaches and the gyms
Um, it would have just been too much out of pocket. And so I said, yeah, i'd actually love to fund that
I love the sport. I think it's a really complete sport
Um, you have to be fast. You have to be strong. You have to you have to think
Um, it is a far more especially singles is a far more cerebral sport than I think people give it credit for
I have a lot of sports are like that
Like you see something like football and if you don't know how it works you go. Oh big guy. I think they're all right
there's also this like
Common thought that a lot of football players are dumb. It's like
I mean, there are probably some that are i'm sure yeah, but but you'd also be surprised there's some that are extremely not
um, I like the idea of the school funding a lot of schools very uh,
A lot of schools struggle with funding in general. I will say yeah, so they rent out the gym schools get a bit more funding
Uh, I get to I get to share my passion for a sport that I love. Uh, it was kind of a no-brainer for me
But this is something where again, like i'm super involved in that community. So like luke was saying with the esports thing
Yeah, I don't I don't feel
Like I have anything to contribute there. Yeah, like there's other people that are doing it better than I would already and and yeah
So I just just let them do that basically. Yeah
Oh my goodness so many merge messages
I don't know if we're going to get through the molds today, but we will do our darndest. We will do our darndest
Um, okay. No, we will do it. We'll do it. Sorry. Sorry guys. Sorry dan. Sorry luke. We'll do one
I can pull them just if you want to
Uncurate one go for it. Um, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. No, well, we got this
Uh, brendan says long time viewer first time caller would love to see you all talk about less commonly known tech careers
Devops is not less commonly known. Come on. Well, what are you? Come on
And uh, we have a devops on staff. No, no, no, no, I just mean no, I don't mean what are devops
I mean, what are the less commonly known tech careers? I mean, there's a bunch but like I don't
Like the thing you trained for is something that I don't feel like gets talked about a lot the like communication. Yeah the liaison
like, um, I don't think it's
As needed these days to be fair
Um, but something that I was I was effectively training for in school
my program did a lot of education around this was
Being a communication bridge for your team
uh between
like the technical people on your team the people that you generally work with and the like business people on the team and the idea was
A bit more of an old business approach to things but it is still definitely applicable to certain modern companies
But it's it's it's where the the business people a lot of people making decisions in the company a lot of the c levels
Just have no clue whatsoever any technical terms anything that has to do with anything that you're working on all that type of stuff
And you have to try to translate the challenges that your team has
Uh to those people so they can understand
why certain budgets need to go certain places and they can try to make as informed decisions as possible and super important job because
When you've got the people who understand and the people with the money
And they literally don't speak the same language
It's a problem and it's not i'm not even just trying to like point at the business and c level people in that situation
be like bad because I mean
They probably know other stuff unless exactly right and like there might be situations where they are. Just like yeah
There are there are very ignorant terrible executives
Yeah, literally like don't do anything
But there's also some people that are just super not technical but they might be really good like cfos or something good negotiators
Sure, they could have some other value and they they need to understand but they're not going to go read like tech
You technical documentation to figure out why your stuff matters. You should be able to communicate that to them
So, yeah, I don't know. That's the thing. Anyways, y'all
Accelerated my career interest into tech and would love to see your angle on it
I don't know all literally all of the things that you mentioned we like have on staff
Yeah, so devops data eng and oh, we don't really and our dev team's like less than 10 people
It's less than oh our dev team. I thought you were saying this is all like
What I would kind of put under like infrastructure stuff. Um, our infrastructure team is less than three people
Um, but yeah devops cicd. It's all very good stuff. It's also you're saying less commonly known. It's very common these days. Um,
But yeah
All right, it's good stuff. Thanks. Get into it if you're interested
Uh astro parrot king
Do you both think the steam store is full of spam?
Do you think it's harmful asking because there's a lot of spam games on the playstation store? I mean, there's a lot of garbage
In the steam store luke and i've gone out of our way to just buy the cheapest games on steam
That are really poorly reviewed and just play them. Honestly, it's a lark. It's some of the most fun i've had gaming in years
Super fun. Yeah, I think hands down the best one was this wasn't on steam
But in that like way of us playing games was where's waldo like easily
Although like easily best best one by far
Hilariously bad. Where's waldo for super nintendo?
Play it play it with a goofy friend
Uh, it's worth it. You'll have some fun. However bad you think it is
It's so much worse actually worse. I we uh, one that we'll we'll joke about all the time is barrow
Is it it's barrow 2020 right barrow 2020 barrow 2020 is classic game. Yeah classic game. Um,
But yeah, I don't think so to be completely honest. I don't think it's ruining the steam store
I don't think it's full of spam. Uh, I think the steam store is very I haven't looked at the playstation store in forever
But I think the steam store is very effective at what it tries to do in regards to pushing top sales top trending items
Their curated list for you. I think is like never full of what I would call spam
In order to find the spam on steam you have to look for it. You have to launch the steam client
Where you will find 11
Slides of crap
But then you can just close that and it goes away. Yeah, that's the one kind of really aggressive advertising behavior
Oh the pop-up at the start I I didn't even know what you're talking about because I just instinctively immediately close that every time
Yeah, that's annoying
The only reason it bothers me is because I often open up steam after having not used it for a while on my vr pc
Where I do not have a mouse
So I have to use my stupid gyroscopic air mouse to yeah, get rid of the stupid thing
And so that's the only reason it even registers that it exists for me as well
Yeah, that like actually took me a second. Um, but yeah, I don't know
Rtx 710 makes a good point porn games feel like 50 of steam you can turn that off you can turn that off and
I've noticed that you've got to scroll pretty far in most genres to get into the just
Obviously pornographic stuff you can also turn it off
I doubt it's perfect. I don't think I have anything filtered on mine. But but I I haven't come across almost anything by accident
Oh Conrad says you can disable that pop-up. Oh, maybe that's what I did because I I don't I haven't even thought about it like forever
Okay, well maybe I should deal with that
I don't know. I am honestly I am the king of just not bothering to change settings
When it's so much faster for me to just quickly click off of it and get on with my life
On my desktop for years. I've had that stupid share x has an update blah blah blah thing that comes up every time
I boot my computer and i'm always like I should really disable this for years every time i've turned on my computer
I thought I should really disable this pop-up. I don't know how to do that
I've turned on my computer. I thought I should really disable this pop-up. I don't care
And then I just click off of it and I i'm working immediate. I'm using my computer. Yeah
Um, i'm the worst i'm the worst
I can be that way with work computers too for that exact same reason if i'm turning the computer on it's usually because I need to
Get to doing something real quick, you know
so like yeah, but my personal computer is all nicely tailored my startups are all nicely done and
Yeah, I know that pop-up exists, but I haven't seen it in forever. Um,
I don't know if that's because i'm dismissively closing it really quickly or if I change the setting. I don't know
You can stop seeing porn games by by adding nuts, uh, nsfw to the tags that you filter out is another thing that conrad said
Maybe that's what I did
I don't know because I I don't really see those things ever which is why I thought the you can that you can filter them out
Solved it, but maybe it's a little
Attack from both sides or maybe the filter is actually just like pretty good. I don't know
I've got another one here from weston
How did the entire house renovation? What has your been your favorite non-tech related upgrade you have done or you're going to do?
I tuned out because I was making some notes on something
So i'm going to find that one and i'm going to read it unless you've this this is
But something that you did with the with the cameras in your new place. Yes inspired me. I know someone i'm not going to name them
I'm telling you that just so that you know, sure. Um, I know someone who uh is going to be having a baby relatively soon
And I had a thought process. I'm kidding. I'm kidding. Stop
Get him going look in his eyes
Um, I was thinking of doing something similar but not actually so much for security
I just you know
It's so much fun to bother like how can I help it? You know, I was thinking of doing something similar for them
Yeah, so that they like baby's first steps moment. Maybe you don't have the camera out. Yeah, you've got this thing
Oh just having like not as much for security, but a little bit more for like life recording
Interesting. So it's basically you've reinvented jibo
Yeah, I know I know
But it's like I I like the closed circuit nature of it and like those types of things
So it's it's like life recording, but it doesn't go on to anyone else's servers. You have it yourself
Yada yada. I like those things luke jr. No, it is not me
Trust me
Yeah, I wouldn't have joked about it if it was actually him
Yeah, i'm fairly sure that if luke was having a baby I would know about it. Next merch message
Uh, hold on should we do an actual topic for a sec here or like I don't even what is this show even I have no idea
I don't know sponsors. I don't know. Oh sponsors. Good lord. I want to do those we should do that
Yeah, because we'll never get out of here if we don't do the sponsors true. The show is brought to you by wealthfront
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Even the one we're in now with wealthfront you'll get can you guys relax?
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When wish I could get that 150 code for non-new signups because we we use them
Finally the show is brought to you by see sonic who in place of their regular talking points has asked me to say
Up to 12 year warranty over and over and over again
See sonic up to 12 year warranty see sonic up to 12 year warranty
Hey, how long is that sonic their warranty is up to 12 years on their on their prime tx
1000 watt power supply actually the rest of the prime tx series and that warranty length in case you missed it before is 12
Years, that's right. See sonic warrants their power supplies for a whopping one dozen years
Which is the same as two half dozens or 12?
12 it has other features too, but out of respect for see sonic's wishes
I will only be telling you about the 12 year warranty the best thing about see sonic
Okay, i'm going off script now the best thing about see sonic though is everyone i've met
There is just good people and that is very important too. So yes, they have a written warranty. That's long
Is it industry leading? I think so. I don't think there's anyone who does a longer guarantee period than see sonic in the power supply industry
Um, and why shouldn't they they've been doing it since as long as i've been alive
Actually, I think we were born in the same year. I googled longest psu warranty in the first thing that came up
It literally word for word see sonic offers industry best 12-year warranty on its prime psus tom's hardware
There you go. There you freaking go ladies and gentlemen, you can learn more at seesonic.com or at the links down below
Love it
I had a fantastic question in full plate chat. Uh, but does see sonic guarantee that you can trust me bro
If you need support a hundred percent i'd trust them, bro
I'd trust see sonic. I trust see sonic. It's one of the reasons we love working with them so much
They're just like they're chill. They're just like yeah, we make good power supplies. What?
What what
What are you gonna do about have they ever have they made anything else? Do they make anything else?
Uh, they did that case which was also cool. Okay. Yeah
Okay. Yeah, i'm gonna say like so many uh old school like just power supply brands
Have uh split out into a bunch of other things. Oh, yeah for sure. Well, it's mostly brands that didn't make power supplies
It's mostly brands that marketed
Oh, no, enter max and antac used to be the big names in power supplies and they totally broadened their portfolios
Kind of think who else was like the old school big power supply makers pc power and cooling wasn't big but they were reputable
Yeah, uh, but they got acquired by ocz. I don't think they actually ended up branching out speaking of companies whose warranties
Didn't end up panning out very well. They offered a lifetime warranty on their memory. I dare you to rmas most easy memory today
then the
The way the uh, the founder skipped town was pretty legendary. Apparently he ended up somewhere in like south america. Yeah
Yeah, that's the rumor I heard I have no idea if it's actually true
But I know for a fact he ain't america anymore because that would have been a big big problem
Oh good old ocz. Um
Reacts to a pricing error in the worst way is my headline here. This was prepared by riley murdoch as someone who has
Caused pricing errors in the past. I apologize in advance for the somewhat more
Um sympathetic sympathetic read that I might have on this. In fact, i'm gonna let you do it
I haven't actually read this yet. I have no idea what happened. It's possible. It's just
outrageous and inexcusable
But I made mistakes before and I was very grateful when people didn't try to pin me to the wall for them
Uh on august 7th around 4 pm est, uh
There's some typos here but new egg canada listed a gigabyte rtx 3090 ti model for
One thousand eighty four dollars and ninety nine cents an eight hundred and fifty five dollar discount off of its previous
1940 dollars nice. This deal was posted on r slash
Uh b a p c sales canada and red flag deals dot red flag deals dot com that brings me back
Red flag deals was the bane of my existence when I was working as a product manager
And was one of my top three bookmarks before I was a product manager
I also remembered that
Um where many I remember you talking about red flag deals literally all the time man red flag deals was my jam
That was my haunt
Ncax forums and red flag deals actually might have been my top two bookmarks back when I was similar
I was just ocn and red flag deals. Yeah. Um, I I was on red flag deals
Just not as much as you were uh where many users reported receiving order shipping confirmations for these graphics cards
Seems like almost everyone had their orders cancelled and it appears that new egg forced an rma slash return
And told the shipping company to return packages to hq
Okay, i'm gonna have to look at that a little more closely it's possible
That's not quite how it went down, but i'll explain that in a little bit
Many contacted support and were told conflicting information. It's not a price error
Actually, it is a price error. The gpu was out of stock even though it was in stock after all the packages
Even though it was back in stock after all the packages had been returned. No, actually the free game bundle was out of stock
Yada yada yada red flag deals looks exactly like it did 10 years ago except with more ads. Yeah
Some customers were charged for the game bundle price and given a 25 gift card for their trouble
Newegg's actions may violate canadian consumer rights law which requires retailers to honor the lowest advertised price
In some cases quebec, especially quebec always has
Special asterisks on literally everything. Yep. Um judges have sided with the retailer in a case extremely
Of extremely drastic price errors, uh, like a computer being listed for two dollars, which was like clearly an accident
Uh, but was it a pricing error earlier this week officially or evga officially slashed?
Off of some of their rtx 3090 models crazy
So I have some speculation
Um, so take this for what it is speculation for the shipping confirmations
That were supposedly recalled
Uh, what is possible there is that the label was created a lot of people don't know this
But when you get a shipping confirmation from a retailer what that means is a tracking label has been created in the system
It does not mean that that consolidated palette of boxes has actually left the warehouse
So it is quite possible that these were not
Actually shipped and therefore from new eggs point of view
Not shipped now that that doesn't necessarily
Make me lean one way or the other in terms of you know
Were their actions right or not, right? It's just something that a lot of people misunderstand
They think that uh shipping confirmation means the parcel is in the air and it doesn't actually mean that
Another thing oh shoot. What was I gonna say?
Um, another thing. Oh shoot. What was I gonna talk about?
Oh crap. There was another man. There was another really interesting
Oh, yeah, right. So the bit with customer support having different stories
That is pretty normal. Um and our company that size they would have probably multiple teams
Of customer support and it is quite possible that some people thought one thing and others didn't get the memo
That's just that's just pretty obviously human error. There are ways to fix that new egg, by the way
Now you have a managed team-based can response system
Uh, and you see a problem coming like this and someone orchestrates a can response
Then the entire team gets the update and it should all be unified
But one person might have sent out a different one before that happened. Yep
So stuff happens definitely possible. I'm just saying yeah now here's where I get into
super speculation territory
So EVGA officially slashed the price by a thousand dollars, right?
Newegg discounted this GPU this gigabyte GPU by
855 dollars
Something I know about EVGA from dealing with them is that aside from their policies
By and large within the constraints of the industry they operate in because they don't have a ton of margin
By and large they try to do the right damn thing
As a company and that goes for end users that also goes for partners
While it is possible that if it was an EVGA GPU
They might have been able to okay
So hold on first of all
It's very likely that if EVGA is slashing the price but not very likely it is a guarantee if EVGA is slashing the price by
A thousand dollars Nvidia adjusted the price
Period that's how that works. EVGA doesn't have a thousand dollars of margin in an RTI in an anything
They just don't have it
Nvidia altered the price
remember guys
Has their own inventory of chips and sometimes it's virtual inventory
It's allocations of future productions in the case of the 3090 Ti suspect
It's actual inventory not allocations because it seems to be overstocked
But Nvidia has their own inventory then once it reaches the board partner
There are different layers of inventory. They have inventory that is on allocation or is raw chips
They have inventory that is completed boards. They have inventory that is binned to a specific skew
So whether it's a super clock or a super super clock or a super ultra clock or whatever else
Then they have inventory that is in their retail partners
The way to deal with all those different layers of inventory comes down to whatever the agreement was
Whatever the purchase agreement was for those GPUs
So an example of how it might normally work would be that Nvidia drops the price and EVGA goes
Um, hey, we've like got tens of thousands of these things sitting in our warehouse and in our
Sitting unbuilt and sitting built in our warehouse. What on earth are we supposed to do with these and Nvidia would in those cases?
Typically, if they're not
If there isn't a special arrangement, they would offer what's called price protection or some kind of MDF or kickback
Or some way to take that new inventory and bring it down to the new cost
There's lots of creative ways that you can play around with to do this
Sometimes they'll they might and I'm not saying Nvidia does it this way, but I've seen lots of different strategies
Sometimes they will simply offer you
A credit on your next order sometimes very rarely they would issue a cash a cash back to you
Sometimes it if it's a smaller amount and it's not like critical to doing maintaining your business
They might offer you like an MDF like a marketing discretionary funding where you just have to send out some email blasts that promote
Whatever this brand is and then they'll send you cash for that. However, they can justify it on their books another way
They might do it is a blended cost
So they might sell you this new lower cost inventory at an even lower rate
So that you'll load up on more and push this new aggressively priced product
And that'll help bring down the cost of your existing inventory
There's lots and lots of different strategies that you can use around this
and so what I suspect is happening right now is
Some GPUs are being covered in such a way and some of them are hanging in limbo and it depends on whatever the advantage is
on whatever the agreement was if I'm in video and I'm clearing all of my old 7900 GTX GPUs to EVGA
And I think it was one other partner to rebadge as the GTO
That was just like this weird one-off card and i'm using this example because it's a very real world example
Um, it was so cheap. It was like 299 for what was essentially a GTX which was a 600 500 600 Canadian card at the time
Um, what I suspect is that that's a final sale
No refunds. No exchanges. You want these old chips right when the new generation's coming in you deal with them
But on a current gen product in order to support their partner and video doesn't want their board partners going out of business
Really? It's not that's not good
They want them scraping by
But they don't want them going out of business right? They don't want the other teams to lose
Yeah, they want to win by as much as possible. So they
So they would have some kind of price protection agreement in place on EVGA's existing inventory
But where it gets a little bit more gray is what about EVGA's inventory that belongs to a retailer?
What about a retailer stock? So that comes down to that board partner's specific agreement
Not just with that retailer, but maybe even for that specific shipment
Maybe these are ancient ancient cards these gigabyte cards at Newegg that were bought back at the peak of the GPU
Crisis that were sold as is
No, you guys you guys got your allocation these things move on their own
We don't want any part of it
And that was part of the condition for a price or an allocation or a promotion or whatever the case may be
Right. It's possible
That that's where the wires got crossed and I realize it sounds very convoluted to you guys, but these are very real things
That really happen. So maybe EVGA went to Newegg and was like, hey, we're price protecting everything
Let's get the new prices in place. Don't worry. We got you maybe gigabyte didn't maybe there was a different arrangement there
Maybe someone went and started making price adjustments to ensure that all of their all of their 3090 TIs
Were in line with the rest of the industry thinking
Oh, well, it should be fine because we're gonna get we're gonna get MDF or we're gonna get price protection back on all of this
Stuff so we'll deal with it later
But maybe they didn't realize that the PM had struck a special deal on these particular cards and there wasn't gonna be any price protection
Was it a pricing error almost certainly but was it a pricing error where they just like fat-fingered the keyboard
I suspect that's very unlikely looking at the size of the discount and the other
Moves that are being made by other players in the same space
That's my that's my takeaway as for them lying about stock and leaving customers with $25 gift cards at the end of the day
I think it's gonna come down to
Court if people ultimately do decide to pursue legal action
I think it's gonna come down to a court to decide if this constitutes a reasonable expectation that the price was accurate
In Canada, that's the bar. The main thing that bugs me is like
Forcing a return and giving them all their money back is like very annoying. Yeah, but they didn't like
Scam you they wasted your time. Yes, which has a value definitely wasted your time
The one that bugs me is some cut this this line right here. Some customers were charged the game bundle price, which is I
Think means the non discounted price
And we're given a $25 gift card for their trouble. And then there's just like a little
If that's the full price and then they gave them a $25 gift card for their trouble. That's some like major BS. I
I want to like look into this a little bit more. So we'll see what happens
I I there's the inside baseball of what might have gone down
Hope that it was an innocent mistake
I I hope that nobody actually ended up out any money over this and I I
Sympathize with anyone's disappointment and not getting the deal
Bad situation so they weren't charged the full price of the pre discount
they were charged a hundred and sixty dollars for the game bundle and
Then given a $25 gift card and there's a response to it that says
that it has a
credit card chargeback written all over it and sure does
Yeah, I don't know not great not great
All right, I'm just gonna I'm just gonna do this I
Didn't want to bring this up, but I've been put in a position where I feel like I
I have to
Um, when was this
Hold on. Let me check. I don't have my email up anymore. I'm pretty sure it was in 2018 though in 2018
I was heading to Shenzhen in China for a one-plus sponsored video on the way over. I
I believe it was it might have been Colton
I think it was someone from our team that suggested this was right around the time that Scotty from strange parts was
Blowing up with his like rebuilt iPhone stuff stuff like that
So someone on our team had suggested I reach out to Scotty about doing some kind of collab. Was it you? Oh, alright
Well, apparently I think you're Colton now. Hey nice
I mean it might have been multiple people but I pushed pretty hard for it. Anyway
on the way over I also heard from a youtuber slash content creator because
You know YouTube's a bit of a gray area over in China named Naomi Wu who I was like, wow
This is so serendipitous. I'm literally on a plane
This is this is great
I'm heading right over there who was interested in joining float plane
Um, so I suggested a collab while I was there
my idea was a studio tour because I assumed she had like kind of a
Cool maker space or something. She said it was at her home and her boyfriend wouldn't be around. Okay fair enough
How about we just meet up and talk about float plane then I'll be back at my hotel in the evening
We could meet there. She didn't want to and I want to stress this that is totally fair
There's different cultural norms. There's different thresholds for what constitutes a public meeting place for me. I
thought a hotel lobby is a very public meeting place, but everyone has a different perception and
I want to make it while I want to make it clear that I said nothing about my room and I had no intention of
Doing anything other than pitching float plane. I respect that
women man
in the tech industry in particular
run into
Unsolicited advances from who are supposed to be professional contacts a lot
Now with all of that said
See if I can find my thing here
This is what was tweeted
Good gravy was this actually three years later
Okay. Well at any rate
This is what Naomi tweeted three years later in response to a video
That we posted on 3d printing chocolate
He had no interest in the 3d print mill, really
Yeah, I passed on the evening hotel visit when Linus was in Shenzhen. It's one of those
I'd really have preferred you hadn't done that because it could have been totally innocent and you could be a 100% perfectly decent guy
But I'll always question if that cost me things my response to this was a textbook
horrible horrible response the truth is I
am an
emotional creature sometimes
The implication of that tweet was pretty clear to me the words evening hotel visit
Had a pretty clear meaning to me
So I responded in the worst possible way
I said we discussed it the 3d printer during our writers meeting couldn't come up with a good project for it for the time being
So we put it on ice
Even with the novelty factor of the chocolate printers our second worst performing out of our last ten videos and it's a common thing
sad face
Then I said also my reputation is impeccable. So this probably doesn't even merit acknowledgement, but are you even serious right now?
Video of me wrapping my other collab at night
But I guess trying to squeeze in a float plane meeting before my morning flight is an evening hotel visit
snoring smiley
By the way, I find it ironic that you've got recent tweets about the potential damage of baseless accusations
That was not a good response because I didn't do a good job of acknowledging the inherent
Risk in just being a woman going anywhere
Yeah, oh that sucks terrible response
What I ultimately decided to do at that point was just go okay. Well, it's pretty clear that
We're pretty far away in terms of what happened here
I've I've said my piece which is no
And I just don't really have anything else to say and honestly if I open my mouth again, I'm probably gonna make it worse
So I have not opened my mouth making things worse until now
Because in the wake of the backpack warranty saga
Somehow this turned into
Something to do with Naomi. I don't know it has something to do with 4chan. It's not a site
I spend time on I just don't know and
Here is how the story has changed
Let me just let me just bring this up
Imagine for a minute a woman said I'm not really comfortable coming to your hotel at night and you were professional told her
Regretted you had no other time this trip, but would follow up via email. Nope ghosted
Don't creep because they can have professional this is responding to to to another tweet
That didn't happen
Now we're past implications and we're into utterly baseless
Accounts of events
so in the interest of transparency, I have
Screenshot it before the show my entire
communication history with this particular individual
So let's go ahead and through email. Was there any communication not in email? Yes, there was some communication through not email
But that's that's in here. Okay, so I say when we switch over
All right. So at some point in the trip
I sent you we chat requests. So we did correspond via we chat. That was where we ultimately decided not to meet up
Then when I returned so this is one week later, here we go. All right, I'm back in my jet lag is better now
Did you want to have a call about this at some point this week? What day is good for you?
I can walk you through the details show you how the platform works and hopefully get you signed up smiley face
Sure, if that works best my listing comprehension, etc
This time works if that works for you. I can chat tonight in about an hour
It is now the next day. It is April 18th at 4 45 p.m. What platform works best. Can you use whatsapp voice?
Do you still have we chat? I have we chat didn't see voice option if it has it. That's fine. It does talk soon
Then I sent a follow-up email after our voice conversation
This is super nice that I have this
Per our conversation future incidents of illegal actions like doxing would be likely to result in disciplinary action
We want to be an open and welcoming platform, but we cannot allow illegal activity to take place on our site right now
We only have a three dollar tier
With early video access you can decide how early we are doing one week early for Linus tech tips in the future
We will offer more support tiers with high-resolution video so you can charge more and also no video so you can charge less the basic
Tiers without early access videos should be quite a bit cheaper for people who just want to support you
I've CCD Vaughn in this email who will help you with payment options. Please let her know how you were handling it through patreon
She will also because China right? She will also provide you with a creator contract
Please read it through and return it signed if you'd like to come on board
the bit about how I supposedly ghosted her is
Just an utter fabrication, I don't really know what else to say about that other than what
All right, it gets better
Oops no, that's the that's the same one again. Okay. This is an interesting one
Or literally just oh
Oh not like that my bad. Listen, let's do this over email or chat when I get back
I didn't even think this through when I said I was really uncomfortable
No problem. Nope ghosted. And if I said anything about it got a blame me. Okay, so so I did
We did chat about it via email when I got back. So that's good
I guess and then where was it?
Yes, here we go. Did he CC his wife with his evening invitation to his hotel? No, he removed her from the conversation
Ah, okay. Well, why don't we revisit the screen capture? What actually happened was?
Yvonne was not in the conversation from the initial outreach and
What I actually did was got back home
Added my wife
So once again, no that did not happen. All right And there it goes
Actually, it's my fault for not understanding
He has to drop his wife from conversation and make my access to floatplane conditional and visiting his hotel room at night. Oh
Chloe asks you pride yourself on honesty and transparency. What's the deal with this?
This a thing that didn't happen
In fact, hold on let's go
Let's go here. Oh
No, this is this is just asking for advice on sponsorships. Um, blah blah blah
Views per video, it's just giving some guidance on how much you can charge for sponsorships some guidance on conversion
This is all super old numbers. So don't read too much into it in terms of like floatplane
Yeah, just even hearing the the guidance on how floatplane is used is like yeah
Yeah, this was a this is really old. This is 2018. It's literally over four years ago quite a few minutes ago
Um, I forget what this I forget what the implication was here. Yeah. Yeah, so that's not what happened
I thought we had a deal we literally sent over our contract. So
That's not how it went
Okay, this is this is this is an important lesson
Who was CC lost my Linus offered me floatplane, but I have to go to his hotel at night
I can start paying rent again, but he can only see me at night in his hotel. I
Think it was pretty gross to try. Yeah
Okay, yeah, oh that's an interesting implication
Who was cc'd in our email conversations because I'm very careful about such things
Until he found out about his trip to Shenzhen and then she got dropped and he moved to chat
Nope, just no that's just completely not what happened part of being careful about email conversations
Would be checking your email conversations to see what happened
Because that is not what happened at all. Even a little
His explanation is he has an impeccable reputation. He has a bad bad explanation. Yep. I maintain it was a thing to do
Yep, you know what fair enough this here we go. Here is a this is a this is a truth and
Ghosting me after the fact made it even more suspect. No, no. No, that's not what happened
He's not going to own it was poorly handled and that's fine. I own it
Part of it was poorly handled but the other part is just not that's just not true. You weren't ghosted
Doo doo doo doo doo doo
No, man, it's just man. This was quite the tweet storm
We never chatted regularly that that email and then the one
Very short chain asking about reviewing the 3d printer the phone conversation and the we chat
Trying to arrange a time to meet up is it that's the extent of our contact
How many of you going from a regular chat slash email to zero contact after you decline a late-night hotel visit what regular?
Chat and email. I literally the first outreach was while I was on the plane
It was it was within hours
A lot of communication with other creators happened specifically around a trip. I oh I got one more bit. This is good
I was busy shooting all day. That's that is what I said
You decided to come to Shenzhen and do a collab with a white guy
Not a local Chinese woman in tech youtuber and have a white guy show you around the electronics market and save the Chinese girl for
The only time left late-night hotel visits
What actually happened?
Let me see if I can find it here we go. Oh
Man, I don't have a good. Oh, yeah a good time for a reminder
This is pointed out by someone in full plane chat
But that is a good idea and it's a good time for a reminder. Do not go after that would be really stupid
That would be incredibly dumb. Do not bug her do not harass her
Shouldn't have to be said yeah, just leave it alone
I'm not a jerk weird that will not help in any way at all be nice strange parts Shenzhen
Thanks for reaching out
What's up?
Is this we chats good too if you've got some time and want to tour the markets or just want to meet up for beer?
Something let me know would love to meet up. We're in town for a sponsored gig
This is April the 9th with oneplus, but we're totally down to make some other videos
I saw your tweet saying you'd love to show some cool techie places and after we chat for a little bit
I'm sure we could find a cooler fun angle
I need to have a look at my scheduling, but it would likely be in the evening
What's your next couple of days look like?
I'll switch to what's up when I land by wanting to get this message off to you. So, you know, I got yours
Nope, it was just my schedule was really busy and no I didn't go there to collab with Scotty
I went there to shoot the oneplus factory tour. That's why I was actually there. It was an extremely tight schedule
and we were also trying to do a video that never ended up getting published about
How to circumvent the great firewall. So I had the oneplus video which was a multi-day project
I've actually got my itinerary here for the trip
Here it is. Oh man. This is really inconvenient the way that Google Docs handles zoom now
Here is my itinerary pretty busy. I arrived the evening before April 11th
Worked all day had a work dinner then on April 12th. I
Was up in the morning not too early in the morning
You gotta remember I'm like nine hours out of my regular time zone or something stupid like that
Work all day and then this is when I ended up going to the market with Scotty
Not with oneplus. So I turned what was supposed to be a oneplus thing in a very gracious hosts. Thank you very much
Particularly shout out Nicole. I turned that into a video for myself and I was like, I don't know
Maybe I'll mention them or something mention oneplus
But it was it was really tight and as you guys probably saw in that video, I wasn't at my best
I pushed myself really hard on that trip
And there were a lot of people that commented that I was that I was rude or cranky or whatever else in that video
If you look closely, you'll probably notice that it was actually night by the time Scotty and I finished so
It was just a really tight trip and I didn't have a lot of time. That's just
All there is to it and my flight out the next morning
I've got my got my ticket here as well was at 1115 which sounds like I've got a lot of time in the morning
But not not really if to like be there really pack you got a backup all your media very international as well
Well, no. No, it was a domestic flight first. Actually. I don't remember I
Tend to err on the side of I need to get home from China like when I'm very very far away
So I'm always there I've I've had my flights get missed because of like really unfortunate things before
So I'm always there like three plus hours early. So no there wasn't time the next morning either
So there
the first time around with this the implication of impropriety was there but there
still seemed to be an awareness that the perception of wrongdoing was a perception rather than
Something that I actually said or did my response was cringe
But I got completely blindsided by this. I had no idea what else to say my bad as we've talked about a lot today
I'm not exactly the king of PR
At this point though, it's clear that the story has morphed in a very significant very
very harmful very negative
Way that that is not connected with the reality of what happened on that trip. I
I can't speculate about Naomi's motivations in any of this. I just want to set the facts straight
I tried to schedule a meeting when I was on a very tight timeline. We were not able to make it work
The truth is I also wasn't super comfortable navigating an unfamiliar city at night without Google Maps
so I had my own concerns about meeting some random place and
She wasn't comfortable meeting in a hotel lobby
Fair play stuff happens. We weren't able to make it work
Where we're really running into trouble here is that the claim is that because that meeting didn't happen
I somehow ghosted or withheld
Floatplane access or anything that's that's just completely as a complete fabrication
I don't I don't know how this has happened, especially when these are just these are emails presumably
She has access to the same email chain that I do. I don't I don't know
So having them she can check for herself she can also know that I have them why would I
don't know there's also the yeah the implications with the hotel but
It's not to the room inviting
Inviting almost anyone up to your room can always be kind of a weird moment which I didn't yeah
No, I know. I know. I'm just on my so like I've I've had a bunch of random. I filmed a video
Talking to a bunch of tech creators in my hotel room once at an Nvidia event
But it was like Paul and Kyle and I've been friends with those guys for years
So it didn't really matter. I think Jay was there too. It's been a long time
But like in regards to other
Women I'm trying to think yeah, I've
met with some in lobbies, but I think it's basically always been my like my like
Sponsor contact at the event and they're staying in the same hotel building that I am so like it just made sense other than that
It's it's it's a tough
It's a tough road to be on because you have to remember how things are gonna be perceived by the other party
But when you have no
Bad intentions, it's sometimes hard to recognize that bad intentions might be interpreted sure
So it's it's a it's a tough thing to tough ground to kind of navigate
there's also the the implications like it was mentioned at times in here like oh
Paying my rent is is difficult that can add pressure in these types of situations
But that's another thing that's going to be extremely hard to have optics on as the person inviting someone to something else
It's it's a very tough landscape
Yeah, yeah, I mean clearly clearly I I did I did not nail the
You know the cultural norm of meeting in a hotel lobby here super normal
Like they're set up for it. There's tables
Meeting rooms. Well just aside from meeting rooms. Like there's just places to sit and there's a lot of things that you can do
It's like there's just places to sit and talk. I meant just meeting areas. Yeah, sure
You know if that's not normal in China, it was news to me
I you know, I I was either my first or second time to China
Like I haven't spent a bunch of time there or anything like that
You know, I did have experience meeting with you know, Chinese business partners here and you know, whether it's in Las Vegas at CES or
You know whether it's actually okay one super weird meeting that I had
Was at the at the hotel at YVR Airport
They were in town on the way somewhere else had a layover and we're like, hey, can we meet?
So we met in the hotel lobby there like it's it's happened a lot to me
So I didn't I didn't think for a second that that was not a completely normal thing
And yeah, I didn't handle that well last time around
All this other stuff Wow
Wow, yeah, even then like you can you can super define that it's the lobby but like yeah
I don't and I probably didn't I probably thought it was obvious, but you didn't say room, but I don't remember
No, right, and that's a big different gravy. No, that's a very big difference
Yeah, I don't know. All right
Do we have anything else? Let's move on back to the WAN show document. We're talking about other things
Something there's got to be something it's got to be something it works worst-case scenario. Oh, there's metas tracking you. I
Think in a in an article that everyone was really surprised to hear about
Instagram and Facebook's use of in-app
Instagram and Facebook's use of in of an in-app browser within
Whoa, this is written oddly Instagram and Facebook's use of in-app browser within both iOS apps track
Interactions with external websites this includes passwords. Okay, that one's actually pretty surprising
It's includes passwords addresses ad clicks text selection screenshots and button presses
They're using a loophole the bypass app tracking transparency rules
Thanks to custom JavaScript code in the in-app browsers. It enables a communication bridge between in-app website
Content and the host app meta responded in quotes
We intentionally developed this code to honor people's in brackets asked to track choices on our platforms the code
Allows us to aggregate user data before using it for targeted
Advertising and measurement purposes. We do not add any pixels
Okay, like tracking pixels. Oh, right there code is injected. I
Remember they said screenshots earlier. So we inject pixels into your skin see random Instagram logos on all your screenshots. It's like what?
Jeez for purchases made through the in-app browser. We seek user consent to save payment information for the purposes of autofill
This is all just like super whack don't don't use in-app browsers as much as you can avoid it
And I don't even just mean for this just in general. It's weird use the browser. They also suck. Yeah, so there's that
Have a browser in it. It's dumb every time it comes up. I'm like, no, of course
I'm trying to find my freaking password, right numpties. Why would I want this?
Yeah, and I understand last past thing is like kind of containerized and stuff, but you can do that on your own
Yeah, and there's like more to it, but I
It was discovered by Felix Krauss, hopefully I said that correctly
Thank you very much for finding that and discovering that and sharing with everyone. It is important that people know
It's it's just the reason why I'm being dismissive is not because it's something that people should dismiss. It's because I'm just
super not surprised
and I would I would recommend avoiding honestly Facebook as much as possible, but
more specifically
Just other people's embedded browsers. Just just avoid it if you can screw it
Many Facebook advertisers were unable to target users on the social network after a prompt went live
because of something to do with
Meta trying to claw back what they lost when Apple introduced the ask user permission to track users across all apps thing a little while
ago, apparently that has actually been
Super brutal. I've done some reading about like how that affected Facebook and apparently it's been like really really rough
Because and that's one of the reasons what apparently inspired an even bigger push into the VR stuff
Because they're like, oh we need to own devices, right?
We can't just work through other people's devices because they can just like wreck our company at any time
They want to look past phones because diving into phones and how would be like crazy
So they decided to push with VR even harder
Yeah, all right
Well, that's interesting. We've got some merch messages to get through here and unfortunately
Dan had to go deal with something
So I guess I'll read them Kevin your recent videos on losing some data on your servers got me thinking whatever happened to the magnetic
Tape backup that you did a few years back. We played around with it and
Decided that unless we were gonna go for like a proper
archival tape drive system
Where there's like a robot that you know moves it into the thing and copies the thing and then like puts it in a thing
And it's all it's all it's all
Automated like what's on that one and it's it's stored in a database somewhere so you can
Recall the right tape when it's time to get it just
Without that it wouldn't really be useful to us what we use the vault for is on the off-chance
We're gonna need some footage
It's nice to be able to grab it and chuck it into a timeline if it was as much work as going and checking some
kind of
Excel sheet or database trying to find like what a clip a clip number like a file name
Going digging that tape out
Manually inserting it into a thing and copying it off it like this
It would never happen. Yeah, it would just never happen
so what we determined was that we can only afford to keep whatever we can afford to keep on spinning rust and
Even then the vault is not that important the worst-case scenario for us as we redownload the footage from YouTube or actually
This has been this has saved our bacon a couple of times or from floatplane where there's a higher quality version
In fact an original to store original quality for us, right?
Yeah, you don't do you I thought you did I think we still do
I don't know it looks pretty good. We used to I think we still do
we've pulled video off floatplane before and so because we already have an off-site globally redundant backup of
The footage that actually made it into videos the vault is a convenience
It's it's it's a nice to have it's not a need to have that's why we don't have any redundancy for it
It would cost tens of thousands of dollars to have redundancy for the vault and it's just not worth it for us
Sorry to bring it back to this topic, but apparently
Some toxic fans of ours are brigading
Against the
Against Naomi Wu
Telling them to stop it. I don't know. I don't know what else
Don't do that that's ridiculous
We really don't want you to this isn't like a we're telling you not to but we actually want you to know
We don't want you to stop. He's you're really not helping anyone. This isn't good. It's not helpful. It's not positive
Just stop
We just need to move on because we've said we've set our peace. Yeah
Okay, I've got another one here for you ice
Thomas from Australia. Hello from down under thoughts on battery technology in houses and when to buy. Thanks
Hmm you ever thought about putting batteries in your house
So here the only time a battery would be useful for me
Would be in the event of a power outage
I'd be able to limp along on battery and if we had an extended power outage
Like let's say let's say our power was out for like days at a time which in an urban area like I live in
that snowballs chance in
Today's climate. Oh, sorry
very unlikely basically
Because we have what's called net billing with our local utility monopoly
So BC hydro allows you to buy or sell back any amount of energy
continuously depending on whatever the production is of say, you know, let's say you have like a
A water turbine or something on your on your small farm. There's like a stream that passes through and you want to get some
Power out of it or or if you have solar panels like I do
so any additional power you would just
Sell back to the grid at the same price
One of the big reasons people like batteries in places where they don't have us
Oh, yeah, and our power costs the same no matter what time of day because water is always falling and it's mostly hydropower here in BC
So what a lot of people might use batteries for is to store up energy that they might need during a high cost
Peak like a peak cost time like in the afternoon when everyone has their air conditioning on
They might use it to store excess energy that they've generated from their solar panels so they can use it at night
But I don't have to because of net billing I can essentially use our provincial power grid as a giant battery
I can sell any excess anytime I want and I can buy it back anytime I want and it's always at the same price
So it's super cool
Yeah, super cool, but it's not useful for me
Got another one here from Tara if you happen to know what are the demographics of the LTT audience?
I can't be the only LTE lady. Can I you are not?
You are not you are in good company. There are literally dozens of you say it's a it's a proud few
But they do exist. I'll bring it up for you guys here. Give me a sec
Studio here we go
Well, you look for that up there's another question hey Linus and Luke I've been feeling very overwhelmed at work lately as I'm sure you
Have been as well. How do you if you do turn off your brain and forget about work when it's time to go home. I
Work from home, so I don't really sucks to be honest
But I I've said this before physical activity is really good go for a walk
Yeah, going for a walk is like way better than I think a lot of people realize physical health is mental health your brain is
In your body yeah, and you don't have to like you don't have to go lift weights or do anything too crazy literally
I mean, that's great do it if you want, but literally just going for a walk is good
Are you ladies gentlemen and user specified ready because here we go?
We are three wow that's actually higher than before I think three point six percent identifying as female
Ninety-five point three percent identifying as male and one point two percent user-specified as for ages
I guess you guys can't really see that Dan. Do you mind just uh?
He's on it. He's on it. They all what a guy. Oh my goodness. Thanks, Dan
We have some minors
bearing in mind of course that most of these are
Probably grouped into these next two groups because they lie about their age so they can have access to the full platform
Then we in terms of age are solid
In the 18 to 34 year range and we start to trail off once you get to 35 to 44 apparently
I'm a I'm a I'm no longer my own core demographic Luke as a very soon. Oh no now now. Yes now
And then they the senior crowd is pretty small. I'm pretty sure this is my grandma and grandpa
And this is probably Luke's parents. Yeah, yeah
So that's about that's about it. Yeah, definitely trails off pretty hard
Yeah, one point two percent. Let's go
Love it
What else we got
Jacob's asking when is Luke's extreme Intel upgrade? Oh, I'd have to be drawn
There's no like as far as my understanding goes. There's no like it's just a pile and we draw names like that
I don't get my slip of paper isn't that bad
It's just a pile and we draw names like that. I don't get my slip of paper isn't larger than anyone else's slip of paper
I also had a
Non-intel upgrade but sort of upgrade thing that wasn't even like that long ago
I'm chilling my stuff's fine
I think this is kind of an interesting one based on a comment from last week that all major players are in the CPU and GPU
Markets, do you think Nvidia should branch out into CPUs?
Well, they tried they tried to buy arm remember
That was that whole thing, but you can't just like start making CPUs. We've talked about this a bunch getting into x86 is like
Super complicated. Yeah, it's not a thing basically. So you need to buy a company that's in it. Yeah
So either you buy AMD or you buy Intel
Good luck with that. Yeah, have fun. Yeah
I think in the same vein Oliver's asking are we gonna get the get to see an AMD CPU show like we did with the Intel
Arc GPUs, I would love to see some great team red content
um, I mean they haven't reached out I
Bloody hell, where'd it go? Did you archive it already?
Yes, oh man. I got it
I'm not on that team anymore
But I would wager if they wanted to send out technical people that aren't likes
Incredibly PR by the book and we can dive into some things that it might be welcomed
I mean the big one for me guys is like content is content is everything when AMD gave us early access to
What was it like Vega or something like that? We were the first to unbox the Alienware
With with like Vega graphics in it at LTX 2017 or something like that
Yeah, we were all over it. Like well, we'll trip over ourselves to to bring fresh interesting
info and coverage to our viewers, but if you just want us to do a puff piece where we just like, you know
Jerk you off for a little while and talk about how great you are like save yourself the plane ticket
We're not gonna do it right like we got invited down to someone's HQ and I pretty much said like, okay
What are we seeing? They were like, oh it's gonna be it's gonna be our our our lab where we create our vision of the future
and this was like a
Silicon Valley like tech giant and I'm like what even is that that doesn't mean anything to me?
Let someone else do your puff piece
if you have anything if you want to tear down a server if you want to talk about like the nitty-gritty of some
You know custom AI card that you guys design. Yeah, absolutely
I'm in I'm down like even though I don't travel anymore
I've gotten on a plane for IBM. I've gotten on a plane to see the fab to see Intel's fab
I was down for the exclusive hands-on the early hands-on with Steam Deck
Like if it's cool enough and you got my you got my attention
I'm gonna do it but make it make it worth my make it worth my while basically is what I'm trying to say
Not me make it worth my while in that you've made it worth the while of a million or two million people
Turning their eyeballs at it
You want some more
Anons asking have you guys heard about the half-life 2 VR mod that will come out next month are either of you
Interested at all. I even played Alex. Oh, I'm not a huge half-life guy to be honest with you
I know I know it's like sacrilege in the PC gaming community
I'm also not though, which I'm surprised neither of us have gotten flamed harder for that. But I
don't have a
room scale area for VR
My place is too small. So
a lot of VR stuff has been I
Like experience it at the office or at Linus's house at this point
Hopefully that will change at some point. But as of right now, I'm like I'm seated only so it's not
It's not super cool because the whole seated only experience feels very old at this point
X war 2 says to play devil's advocate. This isn't flow playing chat
Could someone say you puff pieced into arc a few weeks back on when not my perspective. I don't think so
I think that we presented a pretty clear story. That wasn't just Intel's story. We said stuff but they were like
We also asked some questions. They weren't super happy. But yeah, like okay, they weren't yeah, we did our jobs
Within the constraints of having a human understanding that you know
There's certain questions like I could have asked questions that I know they can't answer
I could have dug in and yelled at them
Knowing they're not gonna answer because they're gonna get fired like I like I understand the dynamics at play
So we pushed as hard as we could it's not like you can even buy the thing right now
So, you know, oh, well, we didn't show the the edge cases where it's really bad. It's like yeah fair enough, but we will
We're gonna show it when we review it. So by the time it's actually a
A money decision factor will have given you guys the complete story. So no, I felt like it was fine
Carl is asking well
He's saying congrats on launching the backpack the radical transparency on sales numbers is kind of fun to watch
How terrifying is it to have another 20,000 bags on the way waiting to sell actually not bad
we settled into what I think might be our our
somewhat sustainable run rate
Today today sales before Wancho even and you guys have been amazing a ton of you were like warranty
Let's go and ordered backpacks. I've been watching them come across the screen here the whole time
But even before that today was the first day
Because you usually you'll start like this and you'll see a curve like this, right? So we're making our way into that
portion of our of our parabolic sales curve here
Today was the first day sales were up compared to the last day looking like we're kind of settling in and
Based on my numbers. We're actually out ahead of where we would need to be to just
Regularly stock the backpack because you guys got to understand wave one's not even going to ship out till September 20th
Right wave two isn't going to ship out till three weeks after that and wave three isn't going to ship out until three weeks
After that, we still have two and a half months to sit and sell wave three
Before we have a single backpack that is actually in stock now
We're maybe not going to move through all of wave three in that time. Although we might
But yeah, yeah, what are those numbers?
Actually, we might move through wave three in that time meaning that by the time wave four arrives
will be in the holiday season when sales are naturally higher and
Based on if it if they but if they settle it a little lower the math I did was for I think about 50 a day
Or something like that our production time and shipping time is about five months
So in order to just have stock of it
We need to have like thousands and thousands in the warehouse once the end of wave four hits so it's still possible
We actually won't have enough and there will be a gap where we don't have stock before we can reorder
And it's and get more stock
It's not like super normal to get to an order page and see the waves that I know shipping
So eventually it will just turn into a normal product that you can just buy on the store when you buy it
Ship when the people put it on the truck and you're good. We just felt it was really important
This was a Nick initiative and Luke's Luke's team executed it, but Nick really felt
That we wanted to make it we would rather deter people from placing an order
It's like saying hey, it's not gonna be here for the first day of school
Let's make that abundantly clear rather than have people disappointed right and it'll be the same for you know
Screwdriver were to launch around the holiday season. We'd rather say it won't be here for Christmas
Then let people think maybe it will yeah, and I'm not to be clear. I wasn't bashing that approach
I'm just saying it's like we are currently in that situation, but having some extra backpacks doesn't mean like oh, no, everything's wrecked
It means it becomes a normal product instead of this product that has a bunch of waves on it
Which is is how stores work
So and I think we're gonna see another wave of orders not like a wave like a shipment wave
But I think we'll see another rush of orders when it's actually in stock because right now
Anyone who is like splurging, you know, it's not an impulse buy you don't get it for a while
Yeah, wait, I mean wait. Yeah till wave 3 which is in like October or something. When's wave 3?
I'm looking it up right now. I'm on the store. I
Flipped over to my store. I'm like, yeah, trust me bro warranty sure. I love it. We actually launched two other shirts today
I was just so excited about the trust me bro one. That's October 30th for wave 3
Components is super nice. I absolutely love this one
Oh, look at that. We've got Yvonne is our as our model for this one
Apparently I'm here to Dennis
This I love this color. This is our what color is this?
I don't know doesn't actually say apparently we don't have a description for this
But whatever it looks neat and then the other one that launched today is the key switch shirt
Which has a review which we will probably have to get rid of because it's probably spam because they don't have the shirt yet
Cuz we just launched it. Ah
Any who
Okay, moving on again
Joshua love the backpack and all the work you put into LMG something
I wanted to ask both of you is do you ever deal with imposter syndrome imposter syndrome on YouTube?
And if so, how would you manage to get past it and reach the heights you have?
I think everyone deals with imposter syndrome a little bit, you know, do I do I deserve this?
You know, I think I think
richer Richard Smalley
Oh Richard Smalley SNL no, oh man, ah
SNL was it a Mike Myers bit
Molly SNL dang it. No. No, it's someone else Stewart Smalley Stewart Smalley performed by Al Franken
Man, my memory was clearly way off there, but he basically has this catchphrase where he says I'm good enough
I'm smart enough and gosh darn it people like me actually in all seriousness though
Comedy aside the the importance of positive self-talk cannot be
Overstated it's super super important. Apparently the echoes back. Yeah, he's on it. Okay
If you say something does it go away? That was one of our theories here to troubleshoot it today, which is exciting. Nice. Nice Dan
Yeah, I think that you have to I think you have to find a balance
I think you have to find a balance that works for your own mental health
I I think that telling yourself that you're just like looking and the greatest and
Everything you do you absolutely deserve and was all 100% skill. I think that's ridiculous, right? There's an element
I mean just being having the the luck of being born in a place where I was able to pursue an entrepreneurial endeavor
Right, that's you can't take that you can't take that for granted benefit or privilege on its own right, you know
and I mean there's there's luck things that are sort of luck and sort of
You know skill in a way like I was kind of lucky that I just am really into tech and that I was I was
Motivated to pursue knowledge about it and to help people learn about it
there's there's also something to be said about luck about where a lot of people will
Will potentially be in that similar situation, but they don't take it
And there's risk involved with it and all this other type of stuff. It's it's tough
Sometimes you'll work with someone who's just like amazing and it's like oh
Oh, can I can I like stand up to this type of stuff can I can I stand beside these people?
But try to find someone who can give you
like real feedback that is both both positive and negative and
accept the things that you might not be good at and work on them, but just like don't worry about being necessarily number one in that
situation and
Do the best you can at the things you are good at
I don't know it is what it is
Joshua so no that was the one we just did
Ashley says just wanted to say you guys are awesome. Hey, thanks Ashley. You're awesome, too
My husband and I love everything we've gotten we look forward to what you guys will do in the future
Also has Luke gotten his steam deck is this gonna be this is gonna be a question on land show every freakin week
Bell has really yeah, well, when did he get his order in before you I would guess it was mine. Oh
Yeah, oh, yeah, you do you're not gonna have a steam deck. Yeah, you're out. You're done. I decided in
Decided in very stereotypical fashion for me you cheaped out. I got to the order screen. It was like that's a lot
Yeah, I have hands-on with the I in eo air now
There's cool handhelds coming that are not the steam deck
That's the other thing is like if I did really want it the order like wait time from order is getting shorter
And there's like an end in sight for having a huge wait time in front of your order, and it seems like due to
The community's general excitement around it that they're gonna keep developing so if like if I wanted one in the future I could get one
I didn't like need it right now
And it was like really expensive and I've got other things to say for right now
So I was like this just I'd the amount of times that I would end up using this like what I'm gonna do walk
Around do my walks with a steam deck. No probably the toilet
Just saying just saying
So I'm gonna play for like an extremely. Yeah, I don't know. I just I don't think I would get enough
There's no way I would get enough use out of it to justify the price tag in my opinion
And I do think other people would so like whatever you're so I don't think I'm so GD cheap because I wouldn't buy like a thousand
Dollar device come on
I would have if I was in like the first wave I would have done it
Yeah, it was so late like it's not it's not exactly like I'm one of the first people
I'm not even really like an early adopter anymore like I it yeah
I don't know
I just I wasn't nearly as interested because the early adopter flare was effectively gone, and it was super expensive
there's other things for me to save for like actively saving for so whatever just
Move it on. That's fair. That's fair
Dan I don't know if you saw this but Tim's end to said is it the USB audio encoder you're using there used to be
One with a memory leak that would break on podcasts after an hour
Unplugging and replugging the DAC fixed it Lila port and seen it used to have it I
Don't believe so
Let me check memory
Steam text cost money not on my watch Luke probably for no 182
And drag his says no
You're goddamn cheap because you won't even buy new shoes has nothing to do with a deck
Okay, but that's not that's a different thing come on
Okay, so the shoes thing is because if I I thought okay when we talked about the shoes thing
I told I said the bounty too and just everyone ignored it I put up a bounty for this exact pair of shoes for like
Over four times the original cost and you know in like, you know sneakerheads Oh four times original cost big spender
But these are I know but these aren't like fancy shoes that anyone cares about
So I was I was really hoping to be able to find them because these aren't these aren't like collectible
No one cares at all. But yeah could never find them. I've tried on
Quite a few other shoes and I just they don't fit me the same way. Like I I was doing a
technical thing I'm not gonna get way into it, but it was it was a technical walk thing the other day and I
Was like thinking in my head like wow
These shoes are still great and I really wish I could just have more pairs of them my mistake there in
Being cheap was like a week after I got them and I was like wow, these are perfect
I should have went and bought like a ton. I should have went and bought like at least five
Just that I would have them moving forward. That's what I screwed up
Lucas the watermelon returner. I'm not
Are you got a couple more
Are you still diagnosing Dan or do you want to hit us with this?
I have absolutely know what what idea the issue could be. It's driving me nuts
I can't pronounce this says audio dude here. It's instant
So sounds like the activation of another mic farther away in the room than Linus and Luke
So not an echo and we do have two other mics here. I don't have inputs for either of them
You do not have mine was muted. There are no other extraneous resources. No other microphones. No other anything
The signal chain is really nice and clean
One thing that I think it might be is active
one of the noise cancelling
Plugins because I disabled that and then it came back. So I'll have to experiment with that. All right
Yeah, they're all muted so they're not coming no, there's four unmuted devices right now
bleep sound
Got it, okay
It's maddening it's maddening
All right, hit us again. Oh
Oh, yeah
Licks wolf is asking hi Linus and Luke do either of you use Windows virtual desktops at all
I always feel it's an underused workflow feature on Windows as opposed to Linux. I
Tried it for a while
It's been a long time. So my feedback wouldn't be accurate if I tried to give it now
but I did not find like it was as
Good as the Linux one was I don't remember why and I know that's not very helpful
But I did actively use the Linux one. I tried with the Windows one and I stopped Oh
Aries I accidentally
Archived this one. Have you checked out game stream and remote desktop on the Steam Deck?
Currently using it as a daily driver to stream our VMS with VMware horizon and steam stream games
Power usage is minimal enabling max battery life. Yeah, that's a super cool use case for it
I'm super into remote game streaming
I think we were one of the first ones to really dive into it back in the day when valve first launched that feature and
It was run by as far as I could tell one dev
And yeah
it's a super super smart way to optimize your battery life and the screen is so small that the kinds of compression artifacts that you're
Dealing with at the bit rates that we can now encode nearly instantaneously to I it's it's minimal
It's freaking awesome. Like if you're trying to run 60 megabit on a giant 4k TV or something like that
You're game streaming like that. You're gonna see a lot of compression but on a tiny little display like that man looks really good
Really good. Yeah. Oh
Anonymous with the Cathar storm g5. I will give you it's the silver one
Give you a grand what sorry, what is this? It's like the
It's a piece of water cooling history that no one but me probably cares about. Oh, okay
That's a really it's a good price. It was a good investment
So there that's my that's my offer you can get in touch via the publicly available email on the channel
But that's that's all I have to say about that. Okay, Dan hit me
James is asking challenging situation way to end up doing the right thing
What is the product category that bearing all expense and reason you would love to tackle? Oh my goodness. I don't know
Which cars Oh heavens no Lamborghini. No heaven remember
Okay, so I don't think it would change your answer. But remember rip barring all expense and reason
I don't have a ton of passion for it. No, I know which is why I said that I think the answer stays the same
I'm just making sure yeah. Yeah, that's that's the why do I have this hanging off my ear?
I've had this off the whole time. No, that's that's the that's the reason
I mean the things that I'm really kind of simple the things I'm really passionate about I
We're kind of doing making screwdriver. We have awesome water puddles. What about your own line of motorcycles?
Um, see that's a thing though is what would I contribute? I'm not a professional writer
I like it you build it for you. Yeah, but I don't think that no no we should let that I think that's one of those categories
Where we should really let the professionals and the engineers work together and come up with something and I'm just gonna enjoy it
work together and come up with something and I'm just gonna enjoy it right like if the the most I might change is gonna be the
Aesthetic anyway, so I'll just get a body kit, right?
Like I I can customize my own if I really want to I don't think it needs to be a mass
Mass market product audio equipment that doesn't echo. Hmm
Hmm. Yes, that would be games
Losing my mind. Uh, okay. Sorry product. I think you could
Look at another one the doctor
Hey Linus, you showed the steam deck fitting into the LTT back tack without the case
But will it fit with the steam deck case or the dbrand kill switch cover?
one moment, please
Okay, it's a question for you specifically nice
Okay, so it says hey Linus trying to avoid cat cables running around in a house
I am renting a room at but need 600 to 700 megabit per second speed for my PC
Do you suggest Ethernet over power or mesh network? Oh
Neither I would just figure it out run network cables. Yeah
Just find a way to do it nicely. I did. No, I just mean you could have just said oh
I hadn't I hadn't read the whole thing. This will be Linus's answer
Yeah, I think you and I both know each other's position on that. Well and have
Have given examples to each other of it multiple times
But yeah, I just find just find a way to run it. That isn't super bad
Man cable manage it nicely there's ways and there's ways I understand you included. I'm renting a room in this house
There are ways to do it non-destructively for sure
But yeah, just just run the cable you're not you're not gonna be happy with either the other solutions
There is also power line
He suggests
Ethernet over power or mesh network, but he's saying six six to seven hundred
I switched it around in my mind. I went power over Ethernet. That's how I usually say it as well
I'm just no no POE is a different thing. Oh, that's right. Yeah. Yeah, right. So I was thinking why just call it power line
Yes, but whatever
Those speeds are very specific. Yes. I'm like what could be you need that for?
So I'm assuming it's something that's like relatively important blah blah blah blah and at that point like I don't really want to the
Fluctuations that are involved with both of those solutions are just just just just run a kid run the cable. Yes. It's worth it. Yeah
Oh, right
So here it is. Don't worry about it down. Oh
Never mind. He wasn't gonna spring into action anyway, so
The idea here was that we've got one of those like soft
Laptop pocket not the main pocket. We've got one of those soft
Facing things here in the bottom. Okay right here
so the idea was you could put your steam deck in unsheathed you can also put it in in the case, but
Note that that will if you have a laptop as well. Oh, he is springing into action
Okay, if you have a laptop in there as well, which I do okay, it's it's pretty tight
So when you close it like yeah, it works fine
But that's pretty
That's pretty tight. So
Like it doesn't interfere with the main
Pouch of holding or anything like that. Oh my goodness. This is really hard to do, but it does bulge a little bit at the bottom
I mean you can't break the laws of physics. It takes up as much space as it takes up
What I would typically do just because you have to kind of unzip it. So no
I don't know. It's also got the little handle on it actually comes out pretty easily. Okay, it kind of works
It wasn't what we had in mind, but because it's just the right width already. It's fine
I guess what I would probably do with it is throw it in the main compartment just cuz it's like
Yeah, this is so bulky
Anything that's going to be that big should go into the area of holding and it's got a protective cover on it anyway
So it's not like you have to worry about it. Yeah banging on things or anything like that. Yeah. Oh
No, Matt asks, what's the latest of my home smart switches? Well, half of them are no longer visible
I don't know if that's home assistants fault or their switches fault
So I can't change any of the parameters
I don't know. Maybe I'll email back the Inovelli CEO and be like, yeah, we need to do the line of switch
I'll promote it. I'll fund it. I don't care. I just want to get rid of these things
But but it might not be their fault
I have more diagnosis to do and be like we're not even we don't even have a lot of boxes unpacked. So
Diagnosing smart switch things is just lower on my list of priorities. Although we did do RGB in the gaming room today
Oh, there's a lot an RGB vendor sponsored the video. Oh boy. So it's like oh geez, I
Think that's it. Is that it? I think that's it. Oh, there's another one
Hey, thanks Samuel
Message me on the og forums about extending the silver tech tips limited shirt time you responded back with I will talk to Nick from
Then I knew I could trust you bro. Thanks for being real always I do my best
Sometimes I screw it up
Sometimes I screw it up things happen, but darn it I try. Thanks Samuel
Okay, and I'm gonna try to end this show
Oh, thank you for tuning in. We will see you again next week. Same bad time same bad channel with no controversy
Then you can trust him on that bro
Oh, yeah, so brought to you by seasonic vulture and the other
One. Oh crap. This is awkward. They probably won't watch this
Well front that's that's the one
SIG stack fault make sure you send another message cuz like
It's that should never happen on purpose worst case scenario tweet at Nick or me. All right, okay
But probably Nick cuz I don't my mentions don't show up properly. There's like gaps in my in my timeline of mentions. So I just