This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.
Alright guys, sorry we're live and also, well not sorry we're live, I'm sorry we're late,
I'm glad we're live, and I'm glad we're alive.
I'm sorry we're talking to you today, I'm sorry about our awesome topics that we're
going to get into.
Sorry to disappoint you with all of that, I think the mic's like pointing directly at
No, they're disappointed about the, and it's really high up, they're disappointed about
the tardiness of the show, but we're sorry about the good quality show.
We're sorry that it's so good that they have to wait for it to go live even though it's
What the hell are you talking about?
I'm trying to buy you time because you're apparently doing stuff.
We are not off to a good start today, although we do have something pretty cool in store
for you guys involving like hand-camming and POV, at all, yeah yeah yeah it works, I tested
it already.
Yeah, mind you, that doesn't necessarily mean it will continue to work because that's often
the problem we have around here.
We might go a week without touching anything and come back and nothing works.
Everything's changed.
Which isn't what happened this time because we actually changed everything, so it shouldn't
be surprising that nothing works, but we're surprised anyway.
Welcome to the WAN Show guys, we've got some great topics today, Apple's value drops by
28 billions of dollars, all on account of some leaked celebrity nude photos.
The funniest thing about the whole thing you'll find out later, because that's how the show
Oh snap.
Also, Nvidia starts a legal battle with Samsung and Qualcomm at the same time, just throwing
punches all over the place.
Heavyweight battle!
Also Nvidia.
Sorry Nvidia.
I love you guys Nvidia, but like.
Also the first round of September's crazy mobile month has begun, and we'll talk about
some of those announcements later on.
And in other news, 4chan now has a DMCA takedown policy.
It's amazing what a couple of celebrity nude photos that get stolen and leaked will do.
Not all the child porn and other crap, but celebrity nude photos.
I mean, Jennifer Lawrence is upset.
Is she?
Is that whose photos were leaked?
Either her or Garner, I can never remember, I don't know the difference.
I don't really follow celebrities.
It's not Aniston, I know that much.
She's the one from Friends.
I know the internet likes Jennifer Lawrence, but I'm not 100% sure.
I think she's the Hunger Games one.
Is she?
Yeah I think so.
She's alright.
Moving on!
Not a show about movies!
I think our volumes are both low.
We can see if that helps a little.
Alright guys, we've got a couple of sponsors today, Dollar Shave Club!
Shave time and shave money!
I keep, I get all the credit for this bad pun, but it's like, in their logo.
It's not my fault.
Yeah, don't they say that in their own commercials?
Yes they do.
Alright, and Squarespace, 10% off with offer code Linus, make your own beautiful website
Don't worry, your website can live somewhere else entirely.
Your website doesn't have to be on
You don't pay them to create content for them to put on their website.
I mean, what do you think this is?
Like YouTube?
Okay, technically we don't pay YouTube directly, but they certainly take their cut.
Anyway, let's move right into our first topic, because we are running a little bit late and
we're very sorry for that, you guys.
You know, the usual story involving technical difficulties.
Today's was a lot worse than normal though.
I think people have come to be used to like 3 to 5 minutes.
Yeah, no, today was pretty bad.
I mean, part of the problem is that we're way behind on making videos because we've
been out of the office and it was a short week, so there was a holiday Monday this week,
so we had to effectively create an entire week's worth of videos in like 3 days.
So I was back here filming a lot of the last little bits and pieces of my upcoming HTC
One M8 for Windows phone review.
It is a very good thing for HTC that they released that before the flood of new products,
you know, Note 4, Moto 360, new Moto X, before all that stuff started rolling in, because
otherwise I don't think it even would have gotten articles written about it.
My video is pretty negative.
I love the phone, and I mean phone in like a physical, like, made of molecules sense.
I love the phone.
The One M8 is still great.
Well, you could argue software is not made of molecules.
It's made of thoughts and dreams.
Thoughts and dreams.
Thoughts, dreams, and ponies.
That's fantastic.
Linus' software tips.
We should just get Barnacles back on the show, because I clearly have no idea what I'm talking
Please replace me permanently.
So like, the next time people need to do like an order form for supplies for a programming
house, because that exists, other than energy drinks, they're gonna be like, thoughts, dreams,
Thoughts, dreams, ponies.
They'll be like, well, I can't get these two, but we'll definitely get a good stock of ponies.
And like, places like Staples, they have it set up so that you can have recurring orders.
So like, every month you can get four ponies delivered.
If you want to fix your software, you just need to like increase the count of thoughts,
dreams, and ponies.
So some softwares, they might have too many ponies or too many thoughts and not enough
It's all about the ratio.
But the only way to get dreams and ponies, because you can get them both at the same
time, is actually to import eight year old girls.
They have dreams about ponies.
That's really interesting.
And it saves you space.
That's efficiency.
Because a six year old girl takes up so much less space than a pony.
This is something that modern software developers have not been doing very well.
That's why Windows is so large on your device that you put it on.
Yeah, that's right, because one eight year old girl could potentially dream of dozens
of ponies.
All right.
So moving on, Apple's value drops by $26 billion on account of the celebrity nude photo leaks.
So share prices fell by $4.36 per share or 4.2%.
This is the biggest decline in share price since January 28, 2014, yeah, January, when
it dropped by $6.19.
So it's still up almost $30 since January 28 of 2014.
So it's not like Apple shareholders aren't still getting their money's worth out of that
particular investment.
Their value is still close to $600 billion.
They're still the most highly valued US company in the world.
There's so many things that are like that, though, like the World Series in the US.
Love it.
And I mean, honestly, I think the most ridiculous thing about all of this is it's all just hype.
This is the scary thing about publicly traded companies is how much of how we value them
has nothing to do with anything.
Yes, some nudie pictures were obtained illegally, amorally, just in a super crappy, you don't
steal people's stuff, and I was actually really disappointed to see, even on our own, Linus
Tech Tips Forum, people discussing how, well, if you don't want nude pictures leaked on
the internet, then you just shouldn't take them, and that you have loose morals if you're
taking nude pictures.
You know what?
Do I have loose morals if my wife sees me naked?
Is that how this works?
Obviously, the picture was intended for a given recipient.
Normally, I'd try to be devil's advocate, but I just, you know.
When something is stolen illegally, that's wrong, and yes, online security and taking
care of the naked pictures of yourself is your responsibility.
You do have to do that because this stuff does happen, but that doesn't make stuff that's
out there that isn't as well protected as something else just ripe for the taking.
It's still wrong, and the kind of victim blaming that was going on, like I'm not gonna get
into the whole feminazi thing because I'm super not into that whole movement either,
but I also strongly disagree with the amount of victim blaming that's going on here, and
I mean, the whole thing has gotten way too much coverage.
I don't even really like that we're even talking about it because I feel like by drawing attention
to it, you're just turning it into a much bigger deal than it is.
It's a couple nude pictures of some women.
The internet is full of nude pictures of women who did it on purpose, who actually got paid
to create those nude photos.
Why does it matter if they happen to also star in movies, and why are we obsessing over
this, and why is it such a big deal?
Let them get on with their lives.
It's unreal.
Anyway, the point of all that...
Go ahead.
And it wasn't even necessarily Apple's fault.
That was exactly where I was going.
I thought so.
I thought Apple spent more than 40 hours of investigation, which doesn't sound like a
crazy amount.
That's a lot.
Company the size of Apple?
The number of engineers they have?
Oh, see, when I read that, I thought about that as like, well, two people is...
That's 20 hours of man hours for two people.
I calculated overall man hours.
But I think you're probably right.
No, I don't think so.
I'm pretty sure I'm right.
It was probably a department for 40 hours.
That's a lot.
Anyways, and they figured out that it was more using stuff like they were targeting
usernames, which are probably not that hard to get in a lot of situations they're not.
And then using common password stuff and security question, hacks, which is like...
Not a hack.
Guessing it.
Guessing it or looking it up.
I mean, that's the scary thing to me.
The way that security is handled, even by companies as large as Apple sometimes, where
they'll lock in what kind of a password you can choose, or worse yet, lock in the security
questions you can choose.
Super dumb.
The only safe way to set up a security question for yourself, guys, if it's a predetermined
list, because especially for celebrities, that information's out there.
You think someone doesn't know what car you first bought or what elementary school you
went to?
That's right.
Or what your teacher's name was.
No, it's not that hard to find.
That crap is out there.
So the way that I actually do it is I have some security answers that have nothing to
do with the question.
And I just pick a random question, because it is extremely dangerous to just use one
of those things.
Mother's maiden name?
Come on.
This is the digital age.
So stupid.
That is very obtainable.
And so, yeah, that whole argument exists where people are responsible for their own digital
But you know what?
That's the kind of thing that I think nerd assholes say, quite frankly.
Because yeah, okay, you're into digital security.
Good for you.
Like, that's cool.
That's your hobby.
That's great.
Some people have other things to do, and that's fine.
Maybe they make movies.
Maybe they don't sit and research digital security best practices on Reddit every night,
because they're reading through scripts to make millions of dollars.
And maybe you kind of make the argument, oh, well, then perhaps they should have a team
of people who work for them who manage their digital security.
Come on.
Be real.
Be real people, not like enterprises that exist under them.
So I don't even remember where I was going with that, but I'm driven crazy by people
being upset that someone doesn't know something that they do.
You know what?
There's a lot of things that he knows that I don't.
And there's a lot of things I know that he doesn't.
If he had a baby tomorrow, I could either be a jackass and be like, well, you got poop
on your hands, but you didn't know how to, you know, blind the, do the things like nope.
Not at all.
I know jack all about taking care of babies.
That was actually a pretty good analogy because I literally know nothing.
I know.
I know.
So to me, it's just, it's, it's so upsetting to see people mocking and see people blaming
instead of actually trying to be helpful, which mocking instead of trying to be helpful,
that leads us pretty well into our next topic, doesn't it?
4chan now has a DMCA policy following the whole leaked nude photos incident.
This was an article on torrent freak.
I'm just going to go ahead and screen share here.
So basically in the wake of all this 4chan finally intros a DMCA.
So that's digital millennium copyright act, take down policy.
And I don't know if the more baffling thing about this is that it exists at all or that
if it exists at all now, it didn't exist before with the massive amounts of a leaked nude
photos on there in the past of just normal people.
Once again, putting celebrities on this weird pedestal, like there's this weird double standard
that exists and to the amount of child porn on 4chan, I mean 4chan, no offense to 4chan,
but it's one of those sites that I avoid just based on principle.
You just don't want someone to be able to know that you went there.
I won't hang out there.
It's not even about not wanting people to know.
There's, you know, there's incognito mode in your browser, you know, there's sitting
in a room alone at night because I'm usually up till three or four in the morning anyway.
I could visit 4chan if I wanted to, but I would feel bad about wanting to.
The NSA would know.
Yeah, the NSA might know.
And then you'd show up on their Google search thing.
Anyways, I don't even think this will matter at all.
I don't think this will change anything.
It won't affect anything.
It's 4chan's gonna move way too fast because 4chan moves way too fast and it'll be like,
oh, we're gonna apply a DMCA policy and someone's gonna be like, restart the thread.
Doesn't matter at all.
Or people will just go to one of the other chans, which there are many of, so.
So there's that.
It doesn't matter.
I'm just really surprised with the way that 4chan's always been like, internet, internet,
rah, rah, rah, we can put anything, literally anything on the internet, which you have to,
you have to respect that principle, even if you don't respect what it sometimes turns
Often, okay, not always, but often it's not a bad thing to stand up for.
And I totally agree with that principle.
It's just, it's so baffling to me that even though it won't affect anything, that they
had this sudden change of heart.
They probably had to in some way.
I haven't read enough into that part, but they were probably forced to in some way.
And then I bet you Moot, the guy that runs 4chan, probably knew deep down that it just
wouldn't change jack all.
Because they can be served.
This is great.
Someone's like, 4chan doesn't have CP.
Okay, then.
Moving on.
Someone can serve a DMCA thing for him to take it down and then he'll just be like,
oh, well, the thread 404 it anyways, so good work, I guess.
Okay, so shall we move on to, oh, I guess that ties pretty well into Apple denies the
iCloud breach, Apple spent, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.
Oh yeah, right.
So the other things for the iCloud breach is that they, the two step notification thing
and then two factor authentication is interesting.
So I think two step was not enabled on that account, correct?
I think that's how that went.
I don't have two factor authentication on any of my Apple accounts.
I'm not sure if they support it.
Two factor, not yet.
Recommends users to use their two step verification if they're concerned about security.
But two factor authentication will also cover iCloud in the next version, next revision
of iOS, which will be later this month.
Yeah, so that's coming very soon.
Actually there's a lot of really cool stuff coming with iOS eight.
I've been using iOS seven as much as I can leading up to the iPhone six launch when I'll
take a, take a run at it with iOS eight and I'm, there's a couple of things I'm excited
We're finally getting Swift key.
So there's that's a big one, but um, yeah, I mean adding more security to things, especially
two factor authentication, which is basically a way of not just securing something with
a password, but also with an email or an authentication token that you have to use an app on your
phone that you've authenticated separately, um, is great.
It saved my hotmail account from getting hijacked back when I had my youtube account hijacked.
And if I had lost the hotmail account, which was set up as the backup email, it would have
been much more difficult for me to get the youtube channel back.
So having two step authentication or two factor authentication is super, super awesome and
everyone should use it, but we're also not going to blame people who don't use it.
All right.
Motorola officially launches your new phone.
Want to talk about it a little bit?
Probably my new phone.
I'm not a hundred percent convinced yet, but very highly.
The big problem I have with it is there's a lot of improvements and I'll get to there.
That's a problem.
Well, the big problem I have with it is there's a lot of improvements.
Isn't it great how when you take things out of context, they're funny.
I love how you admitted it was taken out of context though, that helps me.
It's running a 2300 milliamp hour battery, which is like dudes, but then at the exact
same time, my current Moto X also has a teeny little battery and it's not really that big
of a deal.
It does all right, doesn't it?
It's a very efficient phone.
It runs stock androids.
There isn't a whole bunch of crap running on top of it.
And I have always been pretty Nazi about all the kind of stuff that's running on my phone.
I don't like extra stuff running on my phone, so I don't have battery issues.
I found one that was wrecking my phone battery on the One M8.
Idling Plex?
Idling Plex.
Doing nothing, like boot up the phone and touch nothing and then leave it there at 100%
and come back at the end of the day and it's at like 20% having not touched it.
Like brutal.
So I reinstalled Plex and Android kernel started using way less.
So instead of like through task management programs, I wasn't even able to narrow down
which one it was because it was just hiding itself under multimedia something.
And then like Android kernel, we're both using ridiculous amounts of power.
So it's like, Plex, I like you, but this isn't going to work for me.
With fairly heavy usage and leaving the thing on on Moto X where on this like idle screen
where it shows the time and the lock, it'll show what notifications are coming in.
Leaving that on, which is kind of suicide.
But that's OLED, so that helps.
I know, but still, it still takes battery a little bit.
I can still get through a day and a half of fairly heavy use.
And this thing has a teeny battery.
So it's not ideal, but I'm not super worried at the same time because of the experience
I've had with this phone, I'm hoping that it'll still be okay on the new one.
If we get a loaner unit, I know we're not getting a keeper unit from Motorola, but if
we get a loaner unit, do you want to do the review?
That would be cool.
So basically it's got a Snapdragon 802 2.5 gigahertz processor.
This is much closer to flagship class than the original Moto X was.
That was never intended to compete with the one M7 and the Galaxy S4 at the time.
It was meant to be like a, you know, kind of step down, but very practical and very
All that.
But this one, no, this is like balls to the wall.
So 5.2 inch, 1080p Super AMOLED screen, 2 gigs of RAM, 16 to 32 gigs of non expandable
memory, front facing speakers though.
That's a big one.
Pretty stoked about that.
And then a lot of the usual customization features.
So we're even getting those wood paneled backs, which I think is super awesome.
The ring flash is fairly interesting.
Now the camera, it has a silver ring on this one, but it's just, oh, you can't really see
it at all.
It's just for aesthetic reasons.
On the new one, there's going to be a ring around the actual camera, which is its flash,
which looks a little bit interesting because it looks like you have like, uh, in some of
the pictures, at least it looks like you have a jewel in bed around your camera, which looks
like super ghetto.
Speaking of, uh, speaking of the weird camera stuff, the iPhone six is rumored to have a
raised camera bump as well, which is so un-Apple like to compromise design for better functionality.
And I'm not a hundred percent sure how I feel about it because on the one hand I do appreciate
better functionality, you know, and I'm willing to give up a little bit of, you know, a bump
here or, you know, widget there or dongle or whatever else.
But on the other hand, Apple was the one pushing the other guys who would compromise a little
bit to strive for better design by never compromising on that.
So as much as I might not use a ton of Apple products, I appreciate what they've done for
the industry.
And if they let it slip, I have a feeling the Samsungs and HTCs and LGs of the world
will just completely drop the ball.
Let it slip that much more.
I wasn't going to say completely drop the ball.
I'm down with that.
I don't really buy Apple products.
There's a thread on the forum fairly recently where I talked about this.
I didn't even buy one of those old school iPods.
I had a creative Zen, like I've never really been the dude that buys RCA Lyra.
There you go.
I've never really been the dude that buys Apple products at all, but I've always appreciated
their existence because when they got into stuff like the MP3 market, either people got
out of the market or stepped up their game.
And then I will buy the products from the dudes that stepped up their game.
I'm that dude, but I still appreciate their existence because they do that.
So I hope they don't screw up in the absence of Steve Jobs.
So it's going to be a hundred bucks on contract or $499.99 unlocked, which actually isn't
that bad.
It's not that competitive with something like a OnePlus One, but you can buy it without
an invitation.
And also OnePlus One is another one.
You also don't have to like hate the company that makes your phone.
I think hate is a strong word.
I think they're mostly misguided.
I don't think they do unpopular things on purpose.
I think they're legitimately trying to be liked.
I think at some level they just kind of don't get it, whether it's a cultural barrier or
whatever else.
They're just like that dude that jumps into the room and it's like, yeah, guys, check
this out.
And everyone's like, oh no.
It's like, you know, that thing you've got there is pretty cool.
I just wish that you hadn't gotten your armpit grease on it and kind of, yeah, I mostly like
Speaking of things that I mostly like, the Moto 360 has finally been announced.
This was originally posted by Cyan Bob on the forum.
Speaking of which, Red Round 2 posted the Apple denies iCloud breach, 99 VW posted the
other Apple value drops thing.
And then the Moto X one was posted by Dismo.
I got to give you guys the shout out.
And one thing I want to shout out too before we move on is that a lot of the articles from
this week were written very well and were like pretty long and well, well quoted with
your own, with your own interpretation of what's going on and your own thoughts and
opinions and stuff.
That will be more important very soon.
We'll have more details about that in a little while.
So the Moto 360 is announced.
You can preorder them.
They're 250 bucks US or 280 Canadian.
Available in the US now, Canada later in the fall can be purchased from Motorola's website
or the Google play store and from Best Buy.
This is the same Moto 360 we've been talking about for a long time.
The main difference is now you can actually buy one and once again, are you going smart
watch my friend?
I actually probably will be, but then this brings in another worrisome thought, which
is where the Moto X that I'm thinking about jumping to because I have to give my current
phone back to its rightful owner, um, has not a huge battery.
Even though it might be efficient, I'm going to have to run these connected all the time
and that could be another strain on the battery.
Less than you would think as someone who uses a smartwatch already.
I never have, so I'm not really sure.
It's, it's one of those things where you could probably benchmark it, but day to day it's
not going to be like, Oh my God, I have my pebble on.
I had to pull out my charger six times.
It's not that kind of a difference.
And the benefit is just, Oh man, so great.
I would like one because I, I've noticed more and more that I just leave my phone somewhere
near me and I really like the screen feature where it'll tell me what notification I get
cause it'll buzz cause I usually have it, uh, on vibrate because we film.
Um, and I'll just look over and if it's not like an email or a text, if it's like Instagram
or Twitter or whatever, I'm like, okay, I can probably leave that for a little bit and
check it later and it'll be fine.
Yeah, no, it's fantastic.
And things like being able to control music.
I, that's what I do 90% of the time that I'm interacting with my pebble when I'm not checking
the time or reading a message is I'm controlling music from my pocket because, and this is
a, this is another frustration as much as I love the way that Apple moves things forward
in some ways, things like inline controls that work with your phone.
Apple also doesn't necessarily do all the standards all the time.
So, so a lot of headsets, particularly from companies like Sennheiser that I really like
will have these inline controls that don't work with my Android phone.
So this is the way around it.
Being able to leave my phone in my pocket.
That is cool.
And this has okay Google support as well, right?
So you will, I mean, aside from with the Moto X, you'll have support for Google now from
your pocket anyway.
Yeah, but I'm assuming this will be able to hear it better.
And if I leave my phone somewhere else.
And this will work with other phones that don't have that feature as well.
The thing I worry about here is battery life.
So anything with an always on not E Ink or shoot, I forget Mirasol or Mirasol display.
I worry very much about what the user experience is like.
And I would have liked to see someone pick up where Qualcomm left off with the talk with
that Mirasol display.
It was much more power efficient than even AMOLED.
I mean, you can see that Motorola is trying here.
If we go back to the, to the picture of the watch, you can see that the stock watch face
is mostly black.
That's the way AMOLED works.
Anything that's black is actually powered off.
So you're going to get some power savings just by having thin white elements on an otherwise
black screen.
I just am not sure if it's going to be enough.
I already run out of battery on my pebble from time to time and that one lasts me about
four days.
So for something that I have to charge every night, I feel like it's a bit of a hassle.
I don't know.
This again, these are, these are two things that I'm extremely interested in acquiring
myself and because I think they should honestly work pretty well together, but uh, I'm going
to need to, and like the watch, like I'm going to have to wear the watch before I decide
I'm going to buy it.
I'm not going to just order it online and be like, it'll show up and I will like it.
That was one of my big problems with the talk was it just plain wasn't comfortable.
And this, this is where, when, when we joke about Best Buy is like the Amazon showroom,
like we actually need an Amazon showroom.
We need, we need showrooms from these companies, not necessarily stores, but showrooms.
Cause I'd like to go in and be like, Oh yeah, this is pretty cool.
And maybe have it be like, like the NCX Langley kind of idea where you can order something
online and get it shipped there and then pick it up.
Well, I mean you look at what guys like T-Mobile are doing, moving things into the 21st century
where they were doing trial devices.
Super cool.
That kind of thing.
I'm totally down for it.
If I could go like new Moto X and Moto 360, let's do this for a week.
That would be great.
And I would know my answer for sure at the end of it.
And that would be exactly what I want.
The issue with that is you'll never see a program like that at launch.
So for the enthusiasts and early adopters, the folks like us and the people watching
this show, that might not be that appealing because you're always going to have limited
quantities of something available at launch.
Even someone like Apple where they've got iPhone 6 in full-fledged, full-scale mass
production like weeks or even months ahead of the actual launch date, you can still never
make enough of them unless it's like a bad product, in which case who wants to use it
All right, let's move on to our next topic here.
Mozilla leaves a ton of passwords on a fairly open server twice.
Okay, so there was a...
Posted by Rainfall Within on the forum and the original article is from Hot for Security.
Take it away, Luke.
There was a freaking ton of misinformation about this.
So I'm going to go through it generally and then clear up some stuff that there was misinformation
So for the second time in a month, one of them was at the beginning of August and one
of them was on August 27th.
So the first one was 76,000 email addresses and 4,000 heavily encrypted passwords, not
plain text passwords.
And those were left publicly accessible on a server for 30 days.
Not good.
And then on August 27th, they found that 97,000 users also had issues who were not...
This isn't Firefox browser users.
This is one of the big misinformation thing.
This isn't like, I had Firefox browser and my email was randomly stored on the server.
These are people that were running test builds, not even just the normal thing.
Test builds of Bugzilla.
Very specific.
And not people that were signed up on the Bugzilla forums, not people that were accessing
Their accounts in that way, just actual people signed up directly for the test build of Bugzilla.
Those are the people that were affected.
So I saw a couple of people jumping ship off Firefox in the massive browser war that that
thread turned into, which it should not have turned into, but internet.
So it did.
Were jumping ship off Firefox because they were like, oh no, my email is stolen.
No, dude.
Only if you were a Bugzilla pre-release tester.
Not even just someone who used Bugzilla, but someone who was like developer level testing
for Bugzilla.
And no, they did not make the same mistake twice within a month and like make a mistake
and then make a mistake again, knowing that they made the first one.
That that's not what happened.
They discovered a mistake.
And then what I'm assuming is they searched for more and then discovered another one that
was made previously because the second one had been open for, I believe three months.
So they found two mistakes.
They didn't make two mistakes in one month.
They were, I believe two or three months apart.
And like I just said, I'm going to have to assume they found the first one and then we're
like, oh crap.
And started looking around and found the second one.
So yeah, tons of misinformation going around about that thread and then like tons of misinformation
for the first about page and maybe a quarter.
And then all the rest of it was just this stupid browser war because it's the internet.
Come on.
Because internet.
My browser takes 0.00001 seconds and it's already happening in Twitch chat.
I use IE Tor browser master race.
No one cares.
Chrome is my main driver, but it's heavy as hell that I'm okay.
I'm with you on that one.
I also daily drive on Chrome, but it is crazy all suck.
Let's just come together and accept it.
We need slower iteration, more solid builds.
That's what we need.
Uh, so I have a straw poll for you guys.
I am not going to be here for one show next week in the, in like a span of a month.
You're not.
No, I'm going to be at the event in California.
That's next week.
That's not that event in California.
We have the event together in California the following week.
I have no idea how we're going to get content for the channel over the next couple of weeks
So in the span of like four weeks, I think we're doing like five events.
So we did packs.
I have a secret one coming up.
We're doing the mod 24 Nvidia thing, which there will be more details about revealed
So stay tuned for that.
You're going to CTIA.
So that's the wireless industry show, which will be interesting.
That's the first time we're doing something like that.
And I feel like there's one more I'm missing.
Germany's coming up.
Germany's Germany's coming up soon.
Everest was almost.
Can I talk about this?
I guess so.
So, uh, Luke and I are going on a European field trip, so we will be touring two very
cool factories.
You should rent a yellow bus.
No, not in the budget, really short one at all.
So we're going to be visiting the cherry factory, you know, the guys who make keyboard switches.
This is going to be courtesy of Corsair and cherry, and we are going to be touring the
Sennheiser facility as well.
And we are potentially going to be getting an interview opportunity with one of the co-founders
of Sennheiser and, and, um, or sorry, one of the co-CEOs, excuse me.
And we are potentially going to get an opportunity to interview, um, the guy who does their product
So the guy who designed the HD8 DJs, for example, I get to, I get to congratulate him out of
one side of my mouth for how amazing they sound and then ask him why the hell there
isn't at least like an aftermarket option for increasing the headband padding a little
bit because after like a couple hours it starts to wear on me, but I'm just like, Oh, but
they sound so good.
And I'll like take them off.
I'll put on something else and be like, screw it, put them back on.
That's why I like my, um, five nine five so much, even though I recommend five five fives
cause you can just do the rubber band hack, but they just feel so comfy.
I could literally wear those forever.
And the HD six hundreds are the same.
They sound really great, but they're open, which is a bit of a problem because at the
volumes I like to listen to sometimes, um, that can be an issue because the baby is through
a wall.
I live alone, but probably three feet, four feet from my desk.
Very close.
Um, and she is a very late sleeper.
All right.
So anyway, I'm not going to be here next week, so I want you guys to tell me who you want
Luke's co-host to be.
Some of these people aren't even options and I'm more just curious.
It's like a popularity contest and I just want to see who wins.
So the options are Barnacles, Timmy Tech TV, Edzle Taron and Cold SC who is Luke's brother.
All right.
So we'll go ahead and throw those results up there while we, uh, while we move on to
the next topic.
What else we got?
Uh, I was staring at the results, um, a bunch of tablets stuff.
Lenovo launches a tablet.
It's one 99 99.
It's got a 19 by 1200 display.
It's got an atom processor, which is very interesting to me.
ASUS was showing off some great atom powered stuff at CES this year that it's like, yeah,
Snapdragon, whatever, Adreno, GPU, cool.
And then there's like Intel's onboard graphics, which might not be that great in a notebook,
but you throw that stuff in a tablet, it's like freaking awesome.
It also has two gigs of RAM, 16 gigabytes of storage and 16 gigs needs to go away.
Now like now, like it's one thing if you give me enough storage for all my apps and I'm
like, man, I have to put all my other crap on an SD card or even cloud storage.
We should, we should hold on.
We need a growling contest.
I can't keep a straight face.
I win.
All right.
Back to the, uh, back to the results.
That was probably really bad for my throat.
Yeah, probably.
Probably shouldn't have done that.
I egg him on.
It's a 4290 milliamp hour battery, Bluetooth 4.0, uh, dual bead, whatever.
Totally worthless, but they're front facing speakers.
That's the important part.
Um, eight megapixel rear camera, 1.6 megapixel front camera.
If you're going to put a 1.6 megapixel camera on something, I would say don't bother.
You know the best part of what that growling contest is?
We probably just peaked the whole time.
Oh, we totally did.
I'm monitoring.
Um, all right.
There's an LTE model available at a higher price and it runs Android 4.4 KitKat.
It will also have 64 bit compatibility and I would encourage you guys if you aren't already
go subscribe to tech quickie because we have a once and for all 32 bit versus 64 bit video
coming out that I want you guys to watch and then I want you guys to share because yeah,
because it contains a lot of information that actually it doesn't contain that much information,
but it contains information that people need to know, which is that 64 bit is not, I'm
not going to spoil it for you guys.
All right, so moving on.
Uh, it looks like Barnacles is out ahead, although cold SC is actually not that distant
a second, which is good because it'll probably be cold SC.
It's already kind of a foregone conclusion.
I traded him a graphics card for a couple of WAN show appearances, so he's already prepaid.
That makes sense.
All right.
So oops, wrong window.
Another tablet.
Let's talk about that one.
Hold on.
Hold on.
Original posters.
Uh, so top war gamer posted the Lenovo eight inch Android tablet and rainfall within posted
the Mozilla story.
All right, moving on to the Toshiba one.
So that's top war gamer again.
Hit us.
What do we got?
It's named the Encore mini.
It has a seven inch 1024 by 600 screen.
It is $120, uh, windows 8.1 tablet though.
So I don't know.
So we're talking like x 86 windows 8.1.
So Intel Adam processor, 16 gigabytes of internal storage, but it does have an SD slot for expansion.
So there we go.
Cause we can do what we were just talking about, which is you can have your OS and your
apps and then a whole bunch of files on the side, your music and your videos.
I mean with micro SD capacities up to what, like 128 gigs these days, like it's just kind
of a joke to be concerned about having to store stuff on micro SD, especially if it's
stuff like songs or movies or whatever else.
No big deal.
Um, it uses windows 8.1 with Bing, which is a horrible sentence to say.
You know, it's funny.
I was playing around with Cortana on my HTC one.
I'm eight for windows review.
One thing that I was just kind of like, you know,
Can I just reconfigure this so that when it does do an internet search, it just uses something
other than the Bing, please.
Just anything.
Just don't use Bing.
Um, anyways, there's a few drawbacks, like bad viewing angles, no windows button, just
give me anything.
Oh no, no, no, no, no.
Well, I would do anything to search, but I won't Bing that.
No I won't Bing anything for search.
I'll let you finish the story.
That was great.
That should be our next song.
We did the rap.
Now we can do like anything but that, but remixed.
Someone says Bing is literally Google with a skin.
No, it's not.
I'm sorry, but you're dumb.
I don't usually say that kind of stuff, but it's like not.
Oh rekt.
Um, sorry.
That was, that was bad.
Um, if it was, if it was Google with a skin, I might actually use it because it looks all
It does.
It looks good.
Talk about this tablet.
So yeah, it has drawbacks cause it's $120.
So there's going to be drawbacks.
Uh, full windows isn't necessarily optimal for a seven inch screen either.
What the heck?
Um, and it's, I don't know, it's a super, super, super cheap tablet.
So it is what it is.
Why don't we move on?
That's pretty much it.
Uh, more exciting news is that the AMD R9295X2 is on promotional pricing, which I think means
basically AMD code word for, it is now this price.
We dropped the price to something more competitive.
Don't buy it.
Also, we're like, we're trying to give Nvidia the business cause Nvidia tried to drop Titan
Z down to what, two grand I think to select system builders and AMD is like, yeah, we're
going to do a thousand dollars for ours.
We're still half the price.
So uh, yeah, so through specific retailers for as low as a thousand bucks for a thousand
Do you think that card makes sense?
I don't like Crossfire SLI and I especially don't like them on the same card, but it is
kind of interesting already then interest.
Add a thousand dollars though.
If you're going for raw FPS, can you come up with a better solution?
He's thinking, but yeah, no.
The answer is kind of no.
Like you do have to find a spot for the radiator, but at a thousand dollars, what else can you
You can pick up two seven eighties, but those are going to be three gigs.
Didn't two nineties just get a price drop as well?
I think too.
Yeah, but two 95 X two is two fully fledged, two 95 X or two 90 X's.
It is not two, two nineties because, because due to the water cooling, they were able to
make it a fully, you could do something for the same price, but not necessarily lower
and not even quite.
The same price, but that would be, but that diamond card on new egg there for four 89
is, um, that those are two 90 X's.
But that is a dual slot card.
Whereas a two 95 X two is a dual slot card for two GPU's we didn't, we didn't have a
limit for slots or like case size or anything.
I think I said better solution, but then I said in terms of raw FPS, mind you, um, two
90, two 90 X's, particularly if you cross fire them, unless you have an extremely well
ventilated case could easily throttle, whereas a two 95 X two won't due to the liquid cooler.
So in terms of raw FPS, it might still win.
And then liquid cooling.
These would make them better, but would also massively increase the cost much more expensive.
So I don't think G tens would be enough.
I don't know.
Go, go AMD.
Um, that said, that's probably the most exciting thing AMD did this week.
And they actually launched a new GPU based on a new micro architecture.
Tonga is the least interesting thing ever.
I think I pretty much said that in my video.
I mean, it's good.
It slots in at around the same price point as the card that it replaces that is around
the same price.
Exactly what everyone thought it would do.
It's more power efficient.
It has better feature support.
So you've got free sync as well as, um, hardware H two six four four K encoding and decoding
and the like super weird, but kind of interesting multi monitor speaker arrangement set up thing.
Where it like automatically makes it left, right center channel.
If you're using the internal speakers on your monitors for a massively expensive triple
set up using a two eight five, I read that and I was like, the only big issue I have
with it is that they cut the Ram from the three gigs to two gigs in an era where more
Ram is becoming more important every day.
And when AMD themselves almost a year ago now in Hawaii spent so much time talking about
how important it was that two 90 series had four gigs of Ram compared to the competitions,
lower frame buffer amounts.
So AMD guys, you've got to, you've got to figure out your story here.
Your naming.
It's really five is kind of brutal.
Like, what would you rather they did?
I don't know.
Not that they shouldn't have done the two or seven thing in the first place.
Two 82.
You know what?
I actually screwed it up in the video.
I called the R seven two 60 X, the R nine two 60 X and someone called me on it and I
was just like, you know what?
I don't care because that's dumb.
It should just be the two 60 X.
You know what?
From now on, let's make a pact.
Everything's our nine.
Nothing is ours.
We don't give the ours.
No, there are no ours.
See I did that on one of my graphs and everyone freaked out.
Well from now on, that's okay.
Should we just do it are like it used to be?
Let's call it.
It should have been just like the old code names, like the R 600 code name or it's going
to be like, okay, R two 60 X and like GF no, cause I'm okay with invidious.
It's like GTX is gaming.
So it's just GTX, whatever.
You don't really have to say G force anymore.
Just like radion.
So we'll go R whatever and then GTX whatever and people will understand and they will like
it because the R stands for radio.
Speaking of people liking things for the number of people who complained about us running
overclocked benchmarks on our GPU's.
I think that many times several complained about us not running overclocked benchmarks
goes to show you nobody's ever happy.
So I think what we should do is maybe go back to overclocked benchmarks, but with a caveat.
So maybe instead of going balls to the wall on the graphics cards, let's do the same thing
we do on CPU's where we aim for that low hanging fruit number.
The problem with that and the reason why we haven't done that in the past is actually
because with CPU launches, it's much more orchestrated.
We have more information from more people with graphics card launches were in the black.
Another thing though, I have no idea.
Actually this is a new thing that I kind of decided today.
I was, I was like chatting with Ryan trout from PC per on Skype and I was just like,
you know what?
I don't care about embargoes anymore.
We're not going to hit embargoes anymore.
We're going to do everything late.
I am.
We're going to try it for a little bit and some people probably won't like it, but there
are a couple of reasons for this.
Number one is that we're a YouTube channel first and foremost, and YouTube actually prioritizes
newer content and search results.
So us being a day or two or even six hours after everyone else has been beneficial for
us in the past.
And number two, speaking of beneficial for us in the past, we have launched content as
much as months late.
What about the noctil cooler?
Wasn't that like a year late?
Something like that.
I mean the pebble, the original pebble, uh, if you look for here, so this is a perfect
Let's screen share with minus.
I searched for pebble.
My pebble smartwatch review was months late months after everyone else did, uh, unveilings
and hands on and full reviews and yet 274,000 views.
I believe that's the one of the most for any original pebble review and I was way late.
So the way that I'm kind of looking at it is, you know what, maybe let's not make it
about the product so much.
Let's make it more about having great quality content, making sure it's right and not staying
up until four in the morning the night before to finish benchmarking something when we can
just release something else that day and do it right.
So I don't know.
It's not a hundred percent.
It's just something I was kind of kicking around and we could also sharing it with you
guys and depends on what it is and when we get it because a lot of times like with the
extreme edition, like when we got the bios for that board, like the day before I had
to do all the testing like this ridiculous.
I mean, yeah, that's a perfect example.
X 99.
X 99 got pushed up.
We, I think mostly people know this if you've been following the rumor mill, the rumors
changed at some point, which is often an indication that something changed.
Um, so we got a finished retail bios, which in fairness to ASUS particularly was not very
different from the previous one we had, which wasn't very different from the previous one
we had.
In fact, I think the only bugs they fixed there were like, if you didn't have a CPU
fan installed, uh, the ignore CPU fan speed feature didn't work or something like that.
Like it was minor tweaks.
So as soon as actually had their crap together reasonably well, but that doesn't change the
fact that we got a new Nvidia driver optimized for X 99, I think three or four days before
And that was over a weekend.
So not very helpful.
We got a new, uh, we got a new ASUS bios like a couple of nights before the launch.
Like it was, it was very last minute and you know what, no one seems to have minded that
our 59 60 X video went up on the Tuesday.
So there you go.
Apparently we only need 11,000 more subscribers to get to a million.
That's pretty insane.
People want us to discuss PewDiePie's disabling of comments.
So this was originally posted by OnoTech on the forum and I actually went ahead and I
post on Facebook asking what people thought, whether we should do the same thing.
And there was some, there were some really interesting thoughts there, but I'll let you
kind of cover exactly what happened here.
Original article here's from Kotaku.
Here it is.
One thing I want to talk about before I even get into this is I've talked about PewDiePie
on the show before and about how I don't, I think I've used the wrong terminology.
I probably said I don't like him.
I don't like the character he portrays in most of his videos.
After watching this, I went through and watched like a couple other videos that he's done.
Um, like you brought up the, uh, what is it?
The fine brothers.
YouTubers react.
He's a lot more sane.
I've seen that up and I watched this video and stuff and like, it seems like a pretty
smart dude.
No, no problem with that.
I'm just not interested in his content.
So anyways, uh, he has decided to disable comments forever forever.
This has been because he is sick of seeing mainly spam people, self advertising and people
trying to provoke others and all the other people responding to those things, making
them go to the top and making them very, the main things that people are actually looking
at, especially with YouTube's new style of comments.
And you know, it's always been a problem.
New comment system, old comment system.
As you get bigger and bigger, the signal to noise ratio in the comments goes down and
no offense to Felix.
Um, but something about his style of content I think attracts a less sophisticated commenter.
Like again, one of the reasons why I don't like his, okay, go ahead with the rest of
the story and then I'll talk about sort of some of my thoughts on it as well.
Um, the main issue is that most of the positive feedback or even like constructive negative
feedback and welcome suggestions and all that kind of stuff are buried under all this, what
is essentially junk crap that gets in a lot of the videos and he has said, I just want
to connect with you bros, which is currently, that was a quote, which is currently impossible
essentially because it's just buried under all this stuff and you have to imagine how
many comments he gets on all of his videos.
It's, he's not going to be able to read every single one of them.
I don't think you could actually read that fast at his scale.
Don't know if it's possible.
Like, yeah, he'd have to have a team of people and that's insane.
He could afford it.
He could probably afford it.
I have a team of people and I'm like a fraction his size, just to, well, I wouldn't spend
my money on that.
You'd have to have a whole department of people just to sit in a room and read YouTube comments
and like collate all the important ones and hand you a package.
Even if I was making $4 million a year, I don't think I would spend it on that.
So stupid.
Anyways, so he's decided to try and move to things like maybe a direct Twitter interaction,
Twitter hashtags that he can hashtag a certain video and you can look up that hashtag to
see what people think about that certain video.
Subreddit or something like that.
Things that people like TotalBiscuit have already been doing.
Pewds isn't going to watch this, but if he did, I would suggest that maybe it's time
to not necessarily be so married to being a one man operation and invest in something
like building a community.
The forum is awesome.
That's why I always have the call to action to, if you don't want to post on YouTube,
post on the forum because I always read every single comment on every single video that
I make that is on the forum thread for that video.
I read all of them hands down.
And so that's what I would encourage him to do because there you can actually foster the
kind of attitude and the kind of community that you want.
I mean mostly once it reaches a certain tipping point, there's only so much you can do, but
at least it's, it's usually more refined because it takes that extra step.
And having your own community is, is so much more of a powerful way to connect with people
and have them connect with each other.
I think that's the thing that's missing in a lot of social networks is the connection
between bros, so to speak, as opposed to between PewDiePie and all the bros.
So I would really encourage him to allocate some of his 4 million a year to someone to,
to build a community for him and do community management.
You probably get a pretty cool server, probably better than ours.
Yeah, probably better than ours.
Uh, all right.
So, all right.
I wanted to give some of my thoughts.
So I went ahead and I, I posted on Facebook asking people for their thoughts and I read
most of what came in in the first half an hour or so.
And I had a lot of people saying, yes, it's a cesspool.
And I had a lot of people saying, no, it's not.
You know, um, with some people even going as far as to say, I'll unsubscribe if you
disable comments, which I think is ridiculous because it's not, YouTube is a video watching
site first and a commenting on the video site like sixth.
There's a lot more stuff that you can do.
I actually find that I watch more of TotalBiscuit's videos now that he doesn't have comments than
I did in the past.
So anyway, it might sound weird, but it just, it's, it's, even though I wouldn't really
read them that much and even though I'd only really get the top comments, his videos seem
less aggressive, not because he's doing it, but because like the, the overall experience,
the environment.
It's, it's totally about that.
And I guess that's what got me thinking.
So I had a lot of people saying, no, don't do it because you know, sometimes I post questions
in your comments and I actually get an answer and it, it really made me think, and I was
also on the PK podcast last night.
We were talking a little bit about, about poison within the community and how to manage
it and I kind of realized, you know what, our audience is pretty damn mature.
I was just going to say, I think a big part of it is that we're not a let's play channel.
We're not a, we're not a, you know, I don't want to pick on anyone in particular, but
we're not like, okay, I'm not just not going to pick on anyone, but the point is our type
of content is only really interesting to people who are somewhat technology literate, which
I think is going to mean you somewhat know how to use the internet, which of course means
we have more ad block users and all that stuff.
But you know, if someone was to go, okay, well Linus, what would you rather have?
Would you rather have users that use ad block and you know, that couple of pennies or whatever
per view doesn't get contributed to you, but they don't poison your community or would
you rather have these poisonous people that are giving you a couple of pennies?
I will take the mature community every time because at least those people I can reason
with, you know, with the relationship we have with them over the years and maybe you go,
okay, well hey, maybe you turn it on ad block, but would you consider buying a cool t-shirt
once in a while?
So that's, yeah, we've, we've found a way that at least I personally think the mass
majority, mass majority of our community is cool with us monetizing different things.
And I think one of the, one of the big problems that I've seen a lot of the ad block guys
talk about is they don't want to see, they don't necessarily mind advertisement.
They don't want to see most of the crap that ends up getting in their advertisement feed.
I don't think advertisement in general is necessarily evil.
It's just, well, no, because, because if you have a legitimately good service at a legitimately
fair price, I appreciate someone taking the time to tell me about it.
So I think it helps that we kind of act as a filter.
Speaking of filters and advertising, we've actually got our sponsor segment coming up.
So first up is, and I love this.
I love it when this happens.
You know what I, you know what?
I think I'm always wearing my Squarespace shirt cause you always wear your Squarespace.
Well, I have two of them, so I usually wear a Squarespace shirt twice a week in between
laundry cycles cause they're American apparel and they're so soft and they're so nice.
So there's, so there's that.
So if other sponsors are watching this right now, that's the way to get Linus to pimp your
It's that simple.
Send them like super nice American apparel shirts and like some bamboo shirts.
And on Fridays, I'm usually like my most tired because it's been a long week and it's like,
you know what?
I don't care if I'm like being a poster boy for Squarespace, I'm gonna put my comfy shirt
I want a comfy Squarespace shirt.
Yeah, too bad.
I just have this like shirt that I got from PAX.
Did I tell you about how I got this?
I'll tell you the biggest like PAX hack after the sponsor.
So Squarespace, if you guys aren't familiar already is the fast, easy way to make your
own beautiful website.
Did I mention affordable?
You can save 10% by visiting slash Linus and using offer code Linus.
And it really is out of everything I've tried anyway, which is a safe statement for me to
make because I haven't tried to build too many websites, but it is definitely the easiest
way to build a website that's functional and looks great.
It looks good on your notebook.
It looks good on a desktop.
It looks good even on mobile and it's going to be snappy and responsive because they take
care of the actual hosting of the website with a flexible plan that you can go ahead
and negotiate with them according to the different tiers, depending on what you need.
It's also incredibly scalable and you can go from three people a week or visiting my
website about my cats to I'm selling pet accessories and I'm getting thousands of hits a week and
people are flooding my site because you can turn Squarespace into a full fledged e-commerce
site with the built-in tools.
It's got an easy logo designer, which saves you a little bit of either hassle or expense
when you're first starting up and it's just super easy to use.
Also, they happen to be awesome dudes.
So there we go.
We like Squarespace.
We like the people who work there and we like that they support the WAN show and you guys
should probably like that they support the WAN show too because if it wasn't for sponsors
like Squarespace, it would be pretty hard for us to do the things that we do.
And speaking of other sponsors, Dollar Shave Club.
What's Dollar Shave Club?
Pretty darn straightforward.
Dollar, so symbolic of money.
Shave, so symbolic of saving money.
And Club, which is sandwiches.
So it's all about saving money on sandwiches.
No, I'm totally kidding.
Saving money so you can buy sandwiches.
Saving money.
Dollar Shave Club is all about buying yourself one additional sandwich per month.
So you save money by shaving, which helps you acquire female attention, which then you
can buy stuff so that they can make you sandwiches.
So not only does Dollar Shave Club hopefully help you get into a relationship because you
are now clean shaven.
Earlier in this very show, we were trying to be progressive about treatment of the opposite
sex and then you're going to go and turn.
Why are you bringing this to a sex thing?
It could be a girl.
Why could a girl not buy Dollar Shave Club supplies?
Hashtag get rekt.
Technically, strictly speaking, although Dollar Shave Club does aim most of their marketing
at men, women get sold a lot of stupid gimmicks when it comes to shaving supplies too.
And maybe that's it.
Maybe all of you guys are already signed up for Dollar Shave Club, but maybe you know
some female friends who could benefit from, you know, a quad blade or even six blade executive
You know what?
They call it the executive.
You can be a female executive.
Damn it.
It's 2014.
We have female executives.
Tell Marissa Myers that she can't, that she can't have an executive razor.
And you know what?
I can cook pretty well.
All right.
I know there's probably some dudes in the audience that could cook.
So there you go guys, Dollar Shave Club ships you high quality razors and other bathroom
supplies including their one wipe Charlie's butt wipes for men or women as well as their
aftershave and their shave butter, which goes on clear so you can see what you're doing
twice as important when you're shaving a particularly tender area.
So slash Linus guys, check it out now, join the club, start shaving time
and shaving money.
So how to get, that was hilarious.
How to get that shirt?
How to get this shirt and like a whole ton of extra shirts when you go to different gaming
A lot of what they try to get you to do to get the, the free shirt, which is not free
at all, is preorder their game.
Preordering games is not free bull crap and is not free at all and is super stupid.
So what you do is you go up to their booth and you preorder everything you can so that
you can get all their swag, but you do it on Amazon.
You're not really telling people this, are you?
I'm telling people this.
You're going to wreck the system for yourself.
Actually, they'll never catch on, will they?
No, it doesn't matter.
They're so oblivious.
All right, do it, do it, do it.
Tons of people.
And like you probably already know about this, but just, this is for the people that don't.
Cause there's probably people out there that don't.
Emo Polar Bear says my girlfriend prefers my Dollar Shave Club razors to her women's
There you go guys.
And Dollar Shave Club, if you're still watching, you guys need to get a lady razor going.
Sorry, go ahead.
So what you do is you go up to the booth and you preorder everything so you get all their
extra little things and their swag-like shirts and stuff.
And then you do it on Amazon because Amazon does not charge you until they ship.
So then you just go back to your computer or go on your phone or whatever, go to your
Amazon account, recent orders, cancel, done, you get all the swag for free.
It took you like two extra seconds and you're done.
So I got all the Ubisoft shirts, all of them, and like all the other shirts there that required
a preorder.
Cause I was just like, oh, I need to preorder the game.
That's awesome.
People say you guys need to have an option to accept tips in your video descriptions.
We have, we have that.
We have our, our monthly contributor thing, or you can buy a t-shirt or, or you can just
change your Amazon bookmark to one with our affiliate code.
We have instructions to how to do that linked in every one of our video descriptions.
That helps us out a lot.
I mean, between us girls, Amazon affiliate revenue has become a way for me to continue
expanding the team.
Like it's turned into not just a couple bucks here and there.
So you guys have been amazingly supportive, but I mean more is always better because as
much as we just hired someone, I would like to add more because I mean, Luke's going to
be out of the office for a week out of the next two weeks, you know, traveling to shows
and doing show coverage and stuff like that.
We're going to need, I hired...
We're going to be out for at least, at least two days.
How many?
Three, I think.
Three, yeah.
No, no.
I'm out for five too.
Cause I'm doing two events too.
We're not going to do anything.
I don't know.
We'll figure it out.
But the point is I hired him cause I needed help.
We're getting to the point where Luke needs help.
So if you guys, if you guys like encourage people, you know, or ask permission and then
change people's browser bookmarks to Amazon, to ones with our affiliate code, every little
bit helps, especially people, you know, who shop on Amazon a lot.
We need to find a way that we can have it as an auto executable for flash drive.
There's also a browser toolbar.
Oh, actually that would be brilliant though.
That's that's like, I'm not doing that.
So you're a terrible person.
Actually that's kind of smart.
What if we had Linus tech tips, branded USB drives that basically, um, we sold like at
a loss so people could buy USB drives from us on the cheap, but that had that preloaded,
but in a very upfront way.
So the idea was, Hey, you're buying this USB drive.
This USB drive is designed to override your Amazon affiliate links.
When you plug it in.
We could just give them like a loader that loads it onto the people want to donate button
on Twitch.
Why we should just put a button on Twitch that links them to the store on the forum
where they can become a, yeah, we should just, we should actually have just a description
on our Twitch page.
I love Twitch.
They're my friends shirts and stuff, but they don't need half of the monthly donation.
So, but that is what I don't, I don't think they're asking for a sub button for a donation
So if we had like links, yeah, those are different.
A sub button is a Twitch subscription cause like my personal channel has a sub thing and
it has a donation thing and it has a donate to child's play thing.
Oh, okay.
Speaking of which I have to do the ALS donation.
I haven't done that yet.
I did my MS one.
Oh crap.
I committed 500 and then fractals going to match it.
So crap.
I'll do that this weekend.
All right.
So let's move on to our next topic.
This is just, this is something pretty quick, but the ASRock X 99 extreme 11 features 18
SATA six gigabit per second ports.
This was originally posted by top picks on the forum.
And I think rather than talking about this a whole lot, we're just going to let pictures
do the talking.
Did you, did you, did you see the super scary thing though?
Right there.
Super scary.
Um, I've seen ASRock motherboards with chip set fans before that don't turn on unless
you enabled them.
So I'm not sure if they have that here, but one of their previous extreme 11 boards was
like that.
The problem is that it ran so hot that you had to enable the fan on that particular model.
Look at this though.
That's ridiculous.
Two USB three headers.
Just cause whatever.
Because why not?
Should we give ASRock a chance?
Is ASRock participating in our four way motherboard ease of use shootout?
I think they did.
Didn't they?
I found a board for it.
Yeah, we have a board.
So, um, so let's give ASRock, let's give ASRock a chance to win us over.
Because the last time I really tried to use an ASRock board was back in the like blue
room days at NCX, I think.
And the last time I put an ASRock board in my own system was a nine three nine dual.
That was like Opteron 165 dual core days.
All right, a steam client beta update brings better streaming support overall, especially
to AMD cards.
This was originally posted on the forum by welcome.
So you want to cover this one?
Uh, yeah, there's a, there's a few things actually.
They're also doing tweaks to stream, uh, steam music where it can find music inside steam
directories that probably should have been there by default guys, cause you can kind
of buy soundtracks with games and it wasn't automatically picking them up and that's super
stupid, but it can now, which is great.
There's UI improvements.
They're reducing energy usage when it's running in the background, but it just kind of generally
They're saying in home streaming now support, uh, in home streaming support now available
for AMD cards.
That's a note in here.
I didn't know that it wasn't available before.
I think it wasn't optimized because the thing is, the thing is for every encode and decode
like combination, they have to make sure it all works.
And with all the hardware, different hardware, coders and decoders that are out there, there's
a lot of optimization for valve to do for what was at least at the last time I talked
to him basically a one man army team.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
There you go.
Uh, you can now stream from Linux, uh, from a Linux host to PCs now, uh, which is interesting
you and you can, uh, use VCE hardware encoding of direct 3d games.
Now if you have a radio on 77 X, X, whatever numbers those are at the end or a R9 200 series
above the 240.
Above 240.
Okay, cool.
Well that'll just keep getting better.
And then when we get an Android steam client, then everything else will be irrelevant.
All right.
So this is something that, uh, if you've been following me for a long time, then you might
know about this already.
What the bloody heck was that magma PCI something.
So I did a video of this bad boy quite a while back.
Oh, come on.
There it is magma express box three T thunderbolt external PCI express enclosure.
Um, and I got really amped about this product because it was basically a way to install
a graphics card.
Look, the old intro.
I haven't seen that in forever.
Let's watch it.
All the sound effects were made.
I barely remember the actual video sequence, but all the sound effects are like permanently
ingrained in my brain.
That was like actually cutting cardboard and that the ping for the him winking is hitting
a glass with a spoon because we were worried about like a usage rights for sound effects
and we didn't have any sound effects libraries.
So this bad boy lets you install graphics cards, sound cards, whatever else, and connect
all of them to a PC via thunderbolt.
Now, the unfortunate thing about this was due to AMD, mostly AMD and Nvidia, as far
as I could tell, and their support for this technology, it was not possible to install
external graphics cards even though it was just a PCI express four X link over thunderbolt.
Well now, and this was originally posted by random kid on the forum, MSI has taken it
into their own hands to release their new GS 30 shadow and gaming doc.
So basically it's a 13.3 inch notebook with just plain Intel onboard graphics and then
a, an external PCI express link to this box that will house an external graphics card.
This is the ultimate to me because for carrying around, I use an ultra book.
I'm not going to carry around a G seven 50 JZ all the time.
I actually love the G seven 50 JZ is a pretty big dude.
Great note.
This notebook, I actually love this notebook.
It's incredibly well cooled.
It performs really well.
It's done great for us on shows or like if this thing's like glitching out and the CPU
usage is pinned at a hundred percent and I'm trying to like capture footage or something.
I know I can go to the G seven 50 and it'll just be fine cause it's basically desktop
But the problem is I'm not going to carry that around with me all over the place unless
I need that power all over the place, like at a show.
So something like this, it's a great solution out and about great battery life.
Get home, plug into the doc, got your peripherals, got your 34 inch ultra wide monitor and that
desktop grade graphics performance.
I'm excited to bench the crap out of this thing.
Me too.
Me too.
Speaking of benching the crap out of things, I'm totally not related to that at all.
But LG confirmed that they are sending us their new curved 34.
LG man.
Be excited for a video about that from him.
That's happening.
I am either going to conclude that it's the best thing ever or I'm going to conclude that
it's the best thing ever for people who want a curved monitor.
But both of those conclusions will be pretty darn positive.
I already know this.
My favorite thing about LG monitors too is that, my favorite thing about LG monitors
right now at least is that they can't, they don't currently have some way to read all
of the data on the monitor and send it back so that you don't have to assign like six
different check marks seeing that you're okay with all of your data being theirs when you
pride the product.
Yeah, the monitors still don't suffer from those phone and smart TV issues.
I really wanted to just get a G3 and be happy with that and then I was like, it's kind of
a cool phone.
It's a pretty cool phone.
All right.
So details of the new Moto G are available on Motorola site, five inch 720p screen.
They're going much bigger across the, across the entire lineup, eight and 16 gig versions
available SD card slot, 16 gig plus SD card.
I'm kind of okay with, but I really wish we'd moved to 32.
Two front facing speakers again, go Motorola.
Is Motorola turning us into Motorola fanboys over here?
But they need to work on battery life.
My first cell phone was actually a Motorola.
Mine was, I don't know what it was cause it was horrible and it was the cheapest thing
they could get me that had a sliding front cause I didn't want to flip one.
My, um, my mom is hard of hearing.
So wait, smartphone.
My first smartphone was not, oh no, not smartphone.
This is my first phone.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Hold on.
Hold on.
Just calm your, calm your boobies.
This is the Motorola V box cause my mom's hard of hearing.
So it wasn't so much, so we all got them.
So it wasn't so much about the phone call experience, but more about the text.
And this was one of the first options available ever.
In fact, it might've been the first with a full fledged keyboard, full QWERTY keyboard,
like an actually a fairly good one.
I got pretty fast on this thing and there are no good pictures of it because like back
when, how could you take a good picture of that back when this thing existed?
Like two megapixels was pretty good for a digital camera, but we all had them in order
to talk.
Um, in order to use voice communication, you actually had to use a headset.
Not Bluetooth headset mind you, like wired inline headset or they had this goofy stupid
thing that like clipped onto the battery cover that plugged into the headset jack, which
wasn't very durable.
Because that reminds me of like, remember, remember how you'd trick out your Game Boy
It's like all those like weird attachments and the lights.
Never had a Game Boy color.
Oh, did you have an original Game Boy?
I was a Game Gear kid.
You're a Game Gear kid?
Game Gear kid, yeah.
How many, how many landfills are filled with the batteries that you used for that?
I actually, that was the Game Gear.
Is that the reason why you jumped to rechargeables?
Was what drove me to rechargeables.
That's fantastic.
The Game Gear single handedly moved me to rechargeable batteries.
It was six, right?
Six double A's.
Six double A's.
Wait, sorry.
You were saying?
I don't remember.
I thought I was just talking about, yeah, no, I was talking about how the, uh, you can
attach that mic or whatever.
How you were explaining it reminded me of all the attachments and stuff you could get
for stuff like Game Boy color or a Game Boy classic or a whole bunch of different Game
Boys where you get like the light or the weird screen protector thing or the screen magnifier
or like the grip thing and like, oh my goodness.
Or the chrome rims.
Speaking of chromed rims and subwoofers, this was originally posted by James 669 and Dell
is showing off their latest 5K monitor.
That is so 2014.
Last quarter.
Or this quarter.
Next quarter.
Dell will make available for the value price of $2,500, a 27 inch, 14.7 megapixel monitor.
This bad boy will not be able to be driven by DisplayPort 1.2.
In fact, just to demo the thing, they had a Quadro 5000 running with dual DisplayPort
1.2 outputs out to the dual inputs on the monitor.
I have to question why we need this.
I can imagine this as a tech demo, like I can see them creating this for a trade show
or something.
Hey, we can do it.
Are they selling it?
Oh yeah.
It's going to go on sale.
It has a price already.
It just feels like because we can.
I mean, I'm already not sold on 4K because of the scaling issues in Windows.
Once that gets addressed, let's all go 4K, but right now it is not a great experience.
Right now I think 1440p is pretty awesome.
And I actually, and that's one of the reasons I like LG's 34 inch ultra wide so much is
that it's the same pixel pitch as a 27 inch 1440p monitor, but it's 3440 by 1440, so it's
a nice high resolution and it's so big.
This isn't that big.
It's only 27 inch.
It's very high resolution, which means you're going to have to deal with tech scaling and
it's going to be very, very difficult to run in a way that doesn't increase immersion in
any way.
So I love it because it's better technology for the sake of better technology, but I'm
not a huge fan of the kind of graphics horsepower you're going to need to drive this thing.
I think that's actually more than our triple 1440p surround setup.
So I don't think I ever clarified the resolution that it runs at.
In fact, I, Oh yeah, here we go, 5120 by 2880.
So that is twice the number of vertical pixels as a standard 27 inch monitor and twice the
horizontal resolution.
In fact, that's, I didn't, I didn't even clue into that.
This is, this is to 1440p what 4K is to 1080p.
Yeah, ridiculous.
Well, someone's got to push the envelope.
I hope it runs at 60 Hertz based on that they needed to display port 1.2.
I suspect it will.
All right.
So for speaking of 4k, 4k Blu-ray discs are arriving in 2015 in an attempt to fight back
against streaming media.
This is posed by Dietrich W and the original source here is from CNET and we can look at
this Blu-ray disc logo and reminisce about a simpler time when optical media mattered.
You know, I'm slowly moving away from physical games.
Yeah dog, because it's pointless and stupid and you were wrong all along.
I still actually really like, hashtag get wrecked, I would love to still be able to
do it.
You're poking me in the face.
It's probably not a good idea.
I'm sick.
That's true.
That doesn't work that way.
It might've helped.
That's warm, moist air.
Now I put it on my touch pad.
There you go.
Now I'm going to tell you where I'm going to put it next.
The only reason why is because it is worthless because 99% of the time it just screws up
and makes you download it anyways.
If it actually had all of the usable data on the disc, then I would still be totally
I'm just floored we never went USB.
Why not?
I don't know anyone who didn't think that was going to happen.
I thought it was.
And they're so cheap now, like they're so, okay, they're not as cheap as a sheet of plastic.
I will give them that, but I gotta wonder if someone had cared enough, could a USB standard
have been developed that would have allowed for much cheaper, more permanent storage?
I gotta wonder.
I don't know enough about the technology to really speculate on this, but I and everyone
else in probably the digital, you know, generation world figured that you were going to go into
a store and this was back when we thought stores weren't going away.
So you were going to go into a store and you were either going to buy a USB drive that
would contain the music album or you would go in with your USB drive and you would pick
the album you want.
You would sit and you would listen to it because you know, previews on iTunes who saw that
coming and you would put the, you would put the media onto your USB drive that way.
I'm dating myself a little bit here aren't I?
A little bit, a little bit, but I, I was in that car.
They still exist.
I know, but who cares?
They still have one locally.
I was in, I was in the town I grew up in the other weekend.
I went to the bird sanctuary and I drove past a blockbuster that, no, no, it's empty, but
the signage is still up because no one's taken over the location.
And I was like, oh, hey, that thing.
I remember you.
I never, there was that secret room in the back.
I never used blockbuster cause we didn't have one locally to me.
So when everyone's like, oh my God, it's so weird seeing blockbusters now that they're
I'm like, nope.
Don't care.
It's all about Willow video for you.
They're still going strong.
They're still around somehow.
They're doing like better lately, which makes no sense.
All right.
Well, you know what?
I think those non-chain types of stores probably appeal to an older audience better.
But then also they're like game sales and stuff is doing great and they still do, but
they do console games largely.
They're, they're slowly moving away from PC games.
And that's going to go away too.
All right.
So Tytia posted on the forum, Intel's new 14 nanometer chips.
So Intel has made a lot of fuss over the last little while.
This original article here is from of all places, pretty sure there are a number
of other places that reported on this that are more technology oriented.
The point is that they have finally launched the Core M series, which goes all the way
down to four and a half watt CPUs based on their new 14 nanometer process node manufacturing.
Yeah, this is amazing.
So Intel has actually been talking a fair bit recently about how successful their move
to 14 nanometer has been, which is great news, especially when you consider how rough it
has been for a lot of other folks and how unexceptional Intel's last process node migration
No, we're seeing better power characteristics.
We're seeing better performance.
We're seeing all this great stuff that has improved, not just in a linear manner this
time around.
So this is exciting.
Intel had initially aimed to launch a full fledged desktop lineup sooner, but at least
they now have shipping chips that are going to be targeted at very low power and razor
thin fanless tablets without manufacturers having to resort to ARM based CPU designs.
So this is incredibly exciting in much the same way that every time Intel completely
changes the laws of how processors work is incredibly exciting.
It's like that's Intel's a victim of their own success in that way.
It's like, yeah, until like broke physics again, whatever.
Same as they did last year.
It's not necessarily, I'm not going to get into that anyways.
I'm going to say it's not necessarily breaking physics.
I know, but they might be breaking what we conventionally thought were the laws.
That's what I meant.
I know.
That's why, that's why I was like, no one cares.
I'm probably like the only dude here that actually, you dork anyways, I like physics.
All right.
Well, I think that's it for me.
Do you have, um, anything else?
Uh, no, there was the week voting is a thing.
Voting go to build logs, build log section of the forum, vote for rig of the like very
large spans of time because we're trying to kinda catch up.
Um, so there's a lot of rigs being voted on right now.
So weigh in and we will hopefully be blasting that on a wan show sometime soon.
Um, yeah, I have roped in whaler and Alpenwasser to help me with bill blogs.
So things are actually properly happening now, which are good.
I'm Luke Skywalker.
Cause that's how the force worked in the original trilogy.
You're like a wampa.
There goes your arm sucker, your big like one.
Um, not that kind of thing.
I mean that too.
But uh, anyway, moving on.
What were we talking about?
Oh right.
I forgot.
Um, we're doing our usual hashtag thing.
So it's the first Squarespace integration of the month.
So tweet your Squarespace, a link to your Squarespace site with hashtag Linus Squarespace
and you will have a chance to win your site hosted for free for a year.
And that will be on our next Squarespace sponsorship spot where we will pick one of you and we
will go ahead and we will announce a winner free website for a year.
Guys, they have a two week trial and our next spot should be within the next couple of weeks.
So go ahead and create your site and then you could win your site to continue developing
for a year.
So that's pretty cool.
I think that's pretty much it.
Yeah, that's, that's, that's probably it.
Oh, there was the, I think it was or something had a listed a graphics card
and the description.
It was like, get ready for, um, half life three and my phone going off is distracting
Half life three and GTA five launches.
Should I answer this and troll whoever it is?
Hi mom.
You're on the show.
I know.
I need to speak to Linus.
Your mom's on a Shaw home phone, isn't she?
No, I think that's her note three.
Oh, all right.
Well, at any rate.
All right.
All right.
What do we got?
The first time you took my kid out of country, you stuck him at the top of the top building
in the world when there was an earthquake.
Well, actually that was Western digital's idea.
Linus, who's in charge?
Well, um, one could argue that I'm going to go with the safe answer here and say my wife.
Ah, yes.
Okay, let's go.
The second time you took him out of the country, you stuck him on the top of a mountain where
he was dizzy and throwing up.
Not the second time.
I think she means like the second time that stood out to her, which means she was deeply
concerned for your safety.
Uh, what, what, what is it this time?
Or the second time, or what it means is you, when Linus is in charge and he takes you out
of the country, your life is in danger.
I also asked to go on that trip.
And now you want to take him to Germany.
Uh, yes.
I actually, Germany is safe.
Give me a heads up on how you're going to try to kill him in Germany.
Well, the way that he would be most likely to die in Germany would be from how politically
incorrect can I go with this?
You know, maybe I won't go there.
Um, so, so the way that he would be most likely to die in Germany would be probably from sensory
overload from being surrounded by Cherry MX key switches.
So it's pretty safe.
The odds of that happening is probably only about 50 50.
Question, Linus, did you take life insurance on Luke?
Uh, I think he has it through the, yeah, I think you pay your own premium because that
way if you have to have it paid out, it's not taxable or something.
Luke, Luke pays his own premium, but yes, he does have life insurance I believe.
But I think he chooses his own beneficiary and I don't think he picked me.
Did you?
Oh, all right then.
Actually get right there.
Linus, if he doesn't come back in 100% total intact person, I will be coming for you.
All right.
Thank you caller.
I think it's time to, uh, I think it's time to go back to the phone boards and find another
Um, all right.
So guys, thanks for tuning in.
Uh, we'll see you again next week.
Same bat time, same bat channel.
It'll be him.
And in all likelihood, cold SC, his brother talking about the same kind of stuff.
Thanks again for watching.
We totally appreciate you guys tuning in.
You guys have been amazing.
The last few weeks we've been consistently over 5,000 live viewers on the show.
Even if we factor out all of Luke's family members who apparently watch and apparently
everyone's like totally into the archive these days.
Every archive, like 80,000, 90,000 views.
You guys are making us feel like an actual legit podcast these days, which is interesting,
which is kind of cool.
I listened to a lot of different podcasts.
I look, I look at podcasters who are much bigger than us guys like Ray William Johnson.
So his runaway thoughts podcast, you can say what you want about Ray William Johnson's
The truth of the matter is he's a much bigger deal than us in terms of sheer numbers in
every possible category.
He quit YouTube, but he's still doing, I think he still does the podcast and he's still creating
And he didn't quit that long ago.
So anyway, the point is we're coming up to the point now where it's not like when show
gets like one 20th as many views as runaway thoughts, it's like smaller or bigger fractions
So we're not there yet, but, but you guys are awesome.
Thank you very much.
We appreciate you guys.
We appreciate our sponsors, Squarespace and Dollar Shave Club.
And I've said this a few times now, but we will see you next week.
Except me.
Oh, my brother's really into mobile stuff and a lot of this stuff recently is like next
Should be good.
I'm making my own theme song.
It's all about the web show.
This is the song that is awesome.
No, we're not done.