
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

Did you make it so that it goes everywhere I yeah, I think so, okay, all right
All right, it's gonna like hey, we're just gonna YOLO this what's up?
Yeah, we have no idea if YouTube is getting a stream or not not a clue
We're using the you the new YouTube streaming thing
So that's that's pretty sweet. We've got a great show for you guys today
We're gonna be checking out the new smart toilets that analyze your your urine
Add so I have no idea. Wait. What is okay? Wancho. There we go. Why is it called that?
That is not what I entered in there
Yeah, it says smart toilet. It sure does. This is what I love so much about
YouTube okay
Oh, no, oh, no, where's my where's my capture card? Where's my okay my connection? Okay, wait show time
That's the best
Okay, this is so stupid so
Okay, wait, that's my no. No, I want to that's not what I want to show
I want to show I want to show this one this computer screen. Here we go
So that's what this computer looks like right now smart toilets will diagnose your whatever this this stream is a thing
I I entered all the things in here. They're they're saved. But no, you know what?
Fine screw it. That's what we're doing today. Yeah, um
What happened no one that watches the VOD is gonna understand this because it's probably gonna be properly titled
Oh, right because we scheduled the stream to start at 515. I don't even care anymore other great topics today
Facebook buys beat games. I am so upset
Why does Facebook have to own everything? I?
Love beat saber and there's some there's some bad news in here. What are you what are your favorite topics in the day?
The the deep fake thing is probably good
So China and the u.s. Are both enabling deep fake laws that are gonna make it like
Punishable to post deep fakes without saying that there's a deep fake in it at least somewhere
So that's probably good just due to the like legitimate fake news possibilities that could come with that
You know, what is this? Why is there a giant all caps word Oh
kind of they're the guys that
Have actually helped us out a lot with their software for
Basically red footage is really difficult to deal with
Because you don't have thumbnails and windows
So it's like hard to tell what files you're looking at and red has their own media browser, but it like sucks
So kind of software allows us to more easily go through red footage in order to figure out like which footage we should use for
Where we're doing voiceovers and editing and stuff like that whenever the writers need to look through it
They're having a Black Friday sale and I told them I would give them a shout out. Well, yeah, so there you go. There you go
Heck I forget what their site is. Oh, yeah, and the smart toilet, which was a college humor skit from like a long time ago
Less pain dot software. That's kind of there you go. Cool
No, I already talked about the smart toilet one. Oh, but okay. No, that's fine. We can both like that one
You know, you can make the yule log your news if you'd like. Hey, you're playing
Yeah, 8k not yet, but it's coming right now. It's up to 4k. But honestly, I am terrified
Because okay, well, we'll talk we'll talk about it later
Oh, yeah, okay wench Oh
Yeah, do we need to get someone to get that for you dongle life then
It would be good because otherwise I can't log into floatplane and can't screen share you logged in on that one because then we can
Use your screen for that
All right. Why don't we jump right into our headline topic today, which is supposed to be
Smart toilets, but instead is okay wench. Oh, okay, man show whatever freaking reason
So this was a
this was originally posted by William CLL on the Linus tech tips forum and
basically the
Man this is this is hilarious. The original article is actually hospital health dot-com dot au and
The news is that smart toilets could end up being one of the most powerful health tracking tools
That you own, you know, forget about forget about Apple watch Apple needs to get into the Apple toilet business
So this is according to researchers at the University of Wisconsin Madison and the morgridge Institute for research
Urine contains a liquid history of an individual's nutritional habits their exercise their medication use their sleep
patterns and other lifestyle choices
Also metabolic links to more than 600 human conditions including
kidney disease
diabetes and
cancer diabetes
So the team is designing a smart toilet that will incorporate a portable mass
That will recognize you and process samples across a variety of subjects
Testing could show how an individual metabolizes their medicines
Or sorry metabolizes certain types of prescription drugs in ways that could be healthy or dangerous
I could indicate whether people are taking their medications properly and if those medications are having their intended effects and
has like major health implications for large populations of people like if you had tens of thousands of users and you could correlate that
Data with health and lifestyle you could start to have real diagnostic capabilities and make like real
recommendations for people to to better their health and better their lives
It might even provide early warnings of viral or bacterial outbreaks, but here's the issue
How long is it gonna take before your insurance company?
Taps into your smart toilet data data is just sold to anyone at the lowest bid possible
Just whatever who knows like you
What was it ring recently came out that they're like can be working with the police to randomly that's not recent
That's like doorbell of surveillance cameras. Yeah with facial recognition on it
So like if someone walks by your door, they're just like me
Yeah, sweet. I don't know. Everything's crazy. So in
2014 Adult Swim uploaded a video to YouTube called smart pipe
And starts with this frame which is one of my favorite things ever. Are you going to my side? Yeah, I'm going to your screen
Which I just think is absolutely
But basically
I'm not you should watch it because it's hilarious if you're above a certain age, I guess because I don't know it's Adult Swim
Okay. Yeah, it's not children's swim. Yeah, that's kiddie pool. Yeah, we don't want pee in the pool. Yeah
But I don't know he's not kid pee lots of adults pee in the pool, too
we I think we need laws around personal data to be
Way more sophisticated than they are now for stuff like this to be realistic because like if if there was very strong
Powerful laws around personal data. I think I'd be down with something like this. I
Don't think the YouTube stream is set to public really
It's so bad. It's just it's just everyone's here so bad
We're here. Oh people are here. Okay. Oh, it must just be that this chat is broken. There's 4,000 people watching
Yeah, this chats broken. It's just like there's like nobody nobody commented nice. Yeah, brilliant on YouTube say, okay when?
Okay, when show all right carry on then yeah
But yeah, I think I'd be okay with it if there was very
Sophisticated laws around personal data. Yeah, but there isn't no so I'm not
But tell me this. Yeah
Okay, let's why don't we talk why don't we talk about a hypothetical better society that we live in okay, okay
So in this hypothetical better society, yeah where?
There's universal health care. So you don't have to worry about your insurance provider
Hiking up your rates. Okay, I mean
Valuable of a tool is this
You know, like do you do you run out and spend let's say it's not cheap. What is this a portable mass spectrometer?
I don't know how much those costs targeted advertising is gonna be a big thing. Sure. Yeah
Like I I don't entirely know because I'm not very good with biology
I don't know how you could manipulate this data. What if it could save your life?
What if you got what if you got okay, you know what forget it. Let's not talk about a different society
Let's let's talk about exactly the same society. We're in right now
So you run the risk of your personal health information getting out there you run the risk of targeted ads based on
Based on like this guy loves weed. We need to send him all the weed ads or whatever the case may be
Yeah, loves chips. This guy eats so many
Trying those into the last. Oh, yeah, sure. Whatever point is they can they can send you all the marketing data
They can they can adjust your your insurance premiums based on this data
What if your insurance premiums went up and you looked at nothing but Doritos ads for the rest of your life, but you caught
Your cancer at an early enough stage that you live. I
Don't necessarily think it's saying catching cancer for one
And absolutely you could like there are there are hints for certain types of cancer in urine in urine and they are saying yes
No, this could actually save your life. I think I'm generally going with
Liberty over
Just what we kind of sort of currently have so give me liberty or give me death. Yeah, really? Yeah, okay
so what if it could change the way that we
Like what if this data?
Okay, here's another interesting angle on it
So you're not gonna you're not gonna install one in your home. No, okay fine fair enough
What if they're installed in public spaces? Do you want? No, no, no, actually that's a whole we can talk about that later. Okay. What if
Other people install them and you get to benefit from the data then you like heck. Yeah smart toilets
Everyone in your dog go out and buy a smart toilet
I'm not gonna promote them to install it, but if they install it in a better society great. I don't care
That's totally up. Okay. All right, that's still within the Liberty category
They should be able to do whatever they want
But you would choose to not know if you had a dangerous infection our current data environment
Yeah, I think yes. So tell me I don't think I don't necessarily think we're gonna stay in our current data environment
And it depends on I have my general health. How do we break out of it?
People are already talking about having like yeah personal I like blockchain based personal identification stuff. Sure
So you would be in more in control with that data and like this would have to not be sent out
It would have to be locally processed. But that's the thing unless it's it's it's not gonna happen
It's not gonna happen. You know, it's not gonna happen. I I didn't say I was sure it was going to happen, right?
I mean the only the only purpose of having this data is
If they can actually analyze it and have a big enough sample size in order to draw meaningful conclusions
Like that's the only and the only way that's a property properly anonymize it then and then that sure that comes to an issue
With the current state of data loss and if they properly anonymize it a lot of the data is useless anyway
Because the only way that we can start to make use of some of these markers that we might start to get is if we then
Know, okay that individual then developed this disorder
You could you could give them a key. Okay, so you just want like at like a
Cryptographically individualized but still anonymized. So yeah, the problem though is then that individual marker
Has to be shared somehow because otherwise when your family doctor is it so you unless you're replying you're lying on users to report
Like oh I was diagnosed with prostate cancer today or you could give me a
Doctor your which key yet. So like if you trust your doctor, which I think you should theoretically be able to hold on. Hold on
Okay, let's back up for a second because there is okay. There is technically strong data laws there already
Hold on. So if you're relying on users to add their own data to the system, we all know that's not gonna work
Well, no, I didn't know no. Okay, so that's not gonna work
Yeah, but if you have to share it with a healthcare provider in order to have them update it
the more
Places it goes. Yeah, the easier it is to trace back to an individual and the less anonymized it becomes. Yeah
So that's where that's where you make it
So there should be yeah data laws in place where if it is mishandled you get crushed the problem is that we have
One second
Not very piece of good one is like we have we have stuff where like
Like giant mega multi-billion dollar companies will leak tons of extremely important information and then
lose like a
Forty five seconds worth of profit. Yes, like like it needs to be actually impactful and modernized data loss
Like it should be it should in my opinion it should be like
Like car crash style
Where like you get brought down for way more than the value of right was taken, you know, right?
So like it is if you get caught doing this you should get nailed for way more than you could have ever possibly
Profited part of the problem with privacy though. Is that it's so hard to assign a dollar value to it
Yes, so just massively inflate it but but massively inflate what?
What what is it?
What okay there is marketable values for those things you actually can figure that out sort of unless it's it depends unless it's like
Some experimental data stream pun definitely intended
Oh my god, that's what they should call it. There should be a brand called that for sure
So unless it's like a data stream that we don't have a well-established market value for
How do you do that? Like what is what is the you know, what is the
What is what is the you know, uh protein?
You know, I would basically set it up like that person is now set
Set like give them million and a half dollars two million dollars per individual screw it
So just make it so no one's gonna do it. Here's the thing then
If you are a company that wants to develop this kind of technology and you are you're a startup you aren't facebook. You aren't google
Are you stifling innovation if through?
Their best intentions they actually yes something you would be stifling it you'd be stifling innovation. Is that what you want?
In certain realms yes, really? Okay. Yeah, I don't want people to be I don't want a random factory in ohio
To be able to start strapping c4 onto drones because they think it might be good for mining
Like I want to stifle innovation in certain ways because it could be dangerous
And let proper entities handle that that's true. But what we're talking about here is not
It's not like dangerous in the same sense that so sorry
This is a really crappy discussion. Sorry
He has my name good job luke, there we go. Sorry. Thank you very much
I don't even know what's going on here. We've been live for 10 minutes now. Yeah, I don't even know what's going on
I think this is something where like like with the development of ai. Yeah where it's it's really hard to make
Laws leading up to it. Yeah, when you don't know where it can go yet
Because like having that much biological information on a wide variety of people that can be attached to their name and their advertising profile
And everything that's going on in the world
So I think you need to be heavy-handed at first so I guess back to back to the um, like the stifling innovation thing
Yeah, here's the problem with that. Okay
Other people are just going to do it. Anyways, no, not not not that necessarily
I mean, okay, so there's a variety of problems because there's nothing you're going to be able to do about, you know
Other countries unless unless every country in the world is going to be able to do it
So I think that's a really bad thing to do
Because there's nothing you're going to be able to do about, you know, other countries unless unless every country in the world is like, yeah
We're all going to handle this exactly the same way, which they won't yeah
It's probably not going to help do it
Anyways, and then number two is that then you are basically guaranteeing that the only ones working on it are going to be
amazon google and facebook
Do you really want them working on it?
Uh, why are why is that a thing?
Because they're the only ones that could afford the fines if something does go wrong even by accident. Yeah, I think
Uh, the the data law kind of stuff that I would be talking about is uh, if you are caught not in
If you are caught sell like if you if you are caught benefiting from the misuse of the data
I see but not if you are caught
Uh, okay miss handling. So let's circle it back around then because that comes to consumer trust if
So if these laws do exist and they're not allowed to sell it do you install a smart toilet
If it could save your life, maybe then you consider it even knowing what you know about the odds of it being
Broken into at some point. Yeah, you still consider it depends who's doing it
It depends I would look I would be very interested in their technology stack how they're handling different things, etc
Okay, so you accept it as long as they don't have an incentive
To benefit. Yeah from and if they're being transparent about how they're dealing with it and I decide that i'm willing to accept that risk
In some ways of handling that data. I think I would be then sure. Okay, okay
Interesting. All right, that would be my stance on it. I'm gonna i'm gonna go for a very unpopular opinion
Do it I would just do it. Yeah, i'd install it if this could save my life or one of my kids lives
I think done. It's my opinion would probably change if I was a parent
But then that's also i'm giving i'm giving away my children's data. I was just gonna say that's a more advanced
Is that even my right? I don't know. That's a
To have a whole other wan show
Just about that. Yeah, you know when parents post a picture of their kid on facebook
Is that their data to give away like who owns a child because it's not that simple
It's parent guardian relationship from a legal standpoint parents really do make
Decisions for children in such a way as as they would for a dog like
Is that is that is that right if you make a facebook account technically against tos for your child who is underage?
And like put their name on it and their photos and make it public. Yeah
It's interesting stuff
I'm happy I don't have to make these decisions. Heck. Yeah
Anyways, we just talked about poop about poop
A bunch. Yeah. Well mostly urine actually is what they seem to be most pretty much focused on. I think the old
adult swim clip is mostly about
Poop and like rectal imaging and all this other funky stuff. Um, so yeah, here we go. So it's analyzed locally
Well, yeah, but they're in order for it to like in order for it to oh, no, I think this is
An external server. I bet you data sent out. There you go data sent out to user. Yeah
I don't know that seems to be broadening as it comes out from the source. I wouldn't read too much into it
rich source of cellular cellular
Metabolize kidneys filter about half a cup of blood every minute blah blah blah
So yeah liver disease infectious disease autoimmune disease heart disease gi disease diabetes alzheimer's kidney disease cancer obesity
There's like all kinds of things that you could potentially track with this that would be very useful for
You know you didn't know uh, we have the wrong freaking
Yeah, we have the wrong title in the wrong thumbnail on the stream. This is this is
extraordinarily frustrating
um the way that uh youtube just cannot seem to
Have this work like guys just just so you know, we tried to have the right title for the land show
And oh, that's not the right one. Here we go. Where is it?
Uh, this computer. Yeah, there it is. This is this is everything set up correctly
set to public and streaming
And just yeah, it's it's hot garbage. So that's cool
YouTube actually reached out to me after our last stream where I showed all those problems with it and they were like
Hey, so like
What don't you like about the new live dashboard?
Hey, so like what don't you like about the new live dashboard?
I was like, wow, I don't know absolutely everything. Did they tell you what no data is?
I know because it still shows no data. Yeah, we're definitely streaming live on the channel. So that's pretty cool guys. It's terrible
Okay, why do you have to click an edit button to change stuff like the description? I don't know
I haven't seen any other platforms that you have to do that. No, you should just change it and then click save. Yeah
I I don't know. Why is there a 360 video button?
That you don't have to click a button to access but you can't access the title in the description without clicking a button
I don't know. This is extremely basic user experience stuff. Yeah, it's very it's a very strange thing. It's very strange thing
I think I just changed don't you like I think I just changed the thumbnail so I told them
You know what? I told them I was like, okay guys tell you what
You guys arrange a conference call with me while we go live. Nice. Yeah, and they're working on that really?
Yeah, sometime after the thanksgiving holiday. They have said that they are going to try and do that cool
And so i'm going to be like here's how broken your stuff is. So i'm in the classic one now and everything is working
Oh, this is great. I would expect this is fantastic. Yeah, everything here is unfortunately called. Okay, wancho
Yeah, I don't know what that was probably jake setting up the stream
Yeah, but I you changed it. Oh, I know I know I know
I know I know but like oh, whatever just so dumb
Um, all right, so other topics for today because yeah, we've talked about p a lot. Well, I don't know
we didn't really talk about p we talked about personal medical data and
Devices that could help us, uh be healthier as individuals but potentially
Harm our privacy. I mean, I think part of it for me is just that I feel like
Like the ship has completely sailed on my privacy. That's okay. My argument for like liberty over
Whatever would be a lot stronger if I didn't think it was just gone already, right?
But like I want it back, right? So i'm trying to kind of lean towards those things, you know
Are brendan david or andy here?
Uh, could we turn off the lights for from shooting today?
Thank you
Um, I don't know how to turn off some of the lights. So
No, one of them has like this super complicated. Oh, dude, no, I had to close up once and was so lost for so long
They're all over the place and I don't know what to do. Um, I wasn't gonna say yeah, it's it's i've been making a lot of
Personal changes to try to wrestle back what I can and it's hard and there's enough that like yeah, that's out there
Are you using the onion router?
no, yeah, it's like
Theoretically you're supposed to and then I forget. Yeah, don't resize the window
and this and that it's like
Oh my god, and like there's there's stuff like um
like oh you should use a vpn and then it's like well, I got personalized ads for something the other day that like
It was not something I typed into a google search. Like I don't remember what I had done
I've had google autocorrect searches for me. Yeah that i've never typed before and I very recently said vocally
on my computer
Which makes no sense has my mic switched off
Yeah, so it would have had to go through my phone. My phone should have must have updated chrome
Which i'm not signed into right now
Yeah, I don't know or maybe it was random
Sure, maybe just people like you also like that
Sure, uh, there's still a light on in the back of the bedroom, by the way
Maybe they liked that that one time and then never liked it again
Uh, but yeah
it's it like even with vb there's there's a lot of reason to believe that there's government investment into vpns vpns is just sending your
Data through
some other dudes instead of your isp, which can be beneficial for some things but like
I mean we've seen all the like crap that's gone down with them recently and like there's no real it's just
Unless unless you like really fort knocks everything
You're just kind of screwed. Yeah, and I mean the thing too is like from my perspective my life isn't screwed
Because no, I don't mean your life is. Oh, okay. I mean your your like personal information. Oh, yeah. No, it's out. Yeah
Yeah. All right. Why don't we move on to the new china deep fakes law?
So china has released a new government policy designed to prevent the spread of fake news and misleading videos created using ai
Otherwise known as deep fakes in before they use it to discredit, uh real news
The new rule bans the publishing of false information or deep fakes online without proper disclosure
That the posting question was created with ai or oh no machine learning technology
Failure to disclose this is now a criminal offense. I didn't think about that at all
It also asks content providers to use technology to detect audio and video news content that has been manufactured or potentially manipulated
Like for example tank man from the tiananmen square massacre
Great, so we need to make sure we have proper disclosures that that was ai generated, you know
Oh, man, give it this matter time, man. All right. Um, I was happy and i'm not it appears that the chinese government is reserving
The right to prosecute both users and hosting services for failing to abide by these laws
so this could be very dangerous for sites that allow user generated content to be posted like even something like
jiffy, for example
could be potentially under scrutiny and
prosecuted criminally for having deep fake content on its site just in the form of like jifs and jifs
Are one of the most dangerous forms of deep fakes because the resolution and frame rate is so low
Yeah that it's really difficult. You can actually get away
Very easily in the public eye, uh with intentionally lowering those things
Yes, most other content you can't but those people seem to not care. Yeah
So there's a similar us law last month california became the first us state to criminalize the use of deep fakes in political campaign
promotion and advertising
Which like it's like things we shouldn't have to outlaw
Um, that's like right up there, you know
Yeah, uh
Ab 7 30 makes it a crime to publish audio imagery or video that gives a false damaging impression of a politician's
Words or actions this includes news media as well as parody and satire focusing instead on elections
Uh, wait, that sentence makes no sense, but it excludes it. Oh, sorry excludes news media as well as party and satire focusing on elections
That's good. That's fine. But I think it should probably include news media as well
Yeah, quite frankly if you are if you are saying you're news then be news don't be deep fakes
I think that's where it should be a disclosure thing. So like political campaigns just shouldn't be allowed at all
Media as long as it's disclosed and parody like whatever the law applies to candidates within 30 days of an election or 60 days
Excuse me, and it's designed to expire by 2023. Why?
Unless it's explicitly reenacted like why it should just keep going regardless
Anyway, these rules go into effect in china on january the 1st 2020. We need happier news. I have happier news
All right. What do you got for happier news?
All right
It's luke's favorite topic talking about flow plane. Yeah
Check it out. Ladies and gentlemen. Yeah, I just switched resolutions. So hold on. Hang on. Yeah, give it a hot minute here
You're also on wi-fi. I'm gonna refresh legitimately potentially a problem here
Yay you got 1080 though, it's pretty okay. Hold on. There's 1440 as well. I want to see 4k. Okay. All right
I don't want to see no 1440. That's like I haven't tried 4k on this laptop. It's like crapped here
Oh, yeah might not be able to do it. Yeah, it works completely fine on my computer at home. But uh, right right click
Let's see task manager
Like how hard is this going to be working here?
Oh boy
And you're done
Okay, so this is actually
Something we've been running into as a problem is we've had to like benchmark these videos. Yeah
Uh internally with the team to see like whose computers can even run them. Uh, so this one yeah clearly cannot do it
Do 4k. Okay. Hold on. Um, let's see if we can do 1440. So just to be clear guys
This is not youtube 4k. No, um
This is a bit of a heavier 4k stream
And this particular laptop is a little bit on the older side and doesn't have any uh, oh looks green
Doesn't have any dedicated decode hardware that would enable it to handle this heavy of a 4k stream
It's doing 1440 just fine though. 1440 is fine. And it is a 1080p screen. I believe so it's official
It's official the ltt yule log is live now. Talk to me. Talk to me luke. Talk to me about the 8k version
It's playable right now. Yeah
Um, I have watched it basically everyone else on the team has watched it. It is glorious
Uh, it crippled quite a few people's computers on the team that are like solid
My computer did just fine actually, which was nice
um, it seems to be
Interesting based on like how your computer decides to handle it if your gpu takes the entirety of it
Yeah seems to generally go. Okay, like video decoding
Percentage on your gpu is going to fly up to like 40 50 on a 1080
So it's going to be pretty tough, uh, you're going to be sucking back like 80 watts of power it's like to watch a video
No, so this is great because the ltt you log will not only look like a fire
I like it. Sorry. I saw I saw where that's going
But yeah, it's it's we also have the full over 10 hours
We did the whole thing. Um, tell me how big that file is at 4k. So
okay, guys, just everyone needs to have 4k everyone needs to chillax for a second here because
Because on floatplane we offer our users the option to download a drm free
Copy of the content that our creators upload
The problem with that in the case of a video like this you're gonna have to throttle people's
Downloads of this like hardcore. Yeah
Because a 10 hour 4k file at what was the bit rate 36 36
Do I have it here? No
I think someone told me it was um, I think 900 gigs
900 gigs that's what someone told me the original file was
500 gigs. Oh 500 gigs the original file that you guys sent us was 500
Okay, so let's maybe it's 90 gigs then maybe I got it. I think it's over 100 over
I have a some form of memory that it was like 160 but I don't i'm trying to find it
And I can't find it right now. So dumb
Um good news for youtube users is that you guys will have to wait a little bit, but probably not forever
We are working with youtube, uh as well and we are asking them to temporarily lift their maximum file size limit
In order to allow us to upload in 8k to youtube as well
but as you would expect it's early access on floatplane, so
Uh, what do you got there? Uh the
The this is so dumb the cost for a complete 8k 8k stream would be 165 gigabytes
Okay, so that's the 8k stream. So 4k is probably a lot less than that then. Yeah, I think I think uh
Will just hit me up said it's 80
That is so dumb
But why are we doing this? These also aren't the most 100 recent messages. So yeah, and what's the 8k bit rate 36?
8k. I thought you said that was 4k. No, I think that is 8k 8k at 36. I think so. That doesn't sound right
I would be pretty surprised. Are you sure? Yeah, i'd be pretty surprised by that
It's 1440. Yeah, I just want to see what uh, what we're sucking back right now
Just curious
So right now at 1440
Um, uh, it's kind of all over the place. It's always gonna tell you it's always coming in chunks on both platforms. Yeah
Yeah, all right. Never mind. Uh, what can I do for you? Mr. Mr. Light?
Oh, i'm sure I know why you're here
I know why you're here
We have a special block friday promotion for you on the ltt store
Linus's screen. Oh something went wrong during login. Please try again, uh exit
So we've got two promos running right now guys if you wanted the ltt underwear, but you're like
Man 50 bucks is a lot for three pairs of underwear
How about this buy two packs get one free?
If you add three packs of ltt underwear to your cart, it will automatically apply a 50 discount
So you will get two packs for the price of one
Another offer that we have for you guys is free and it's separate. I'm, sorry. You can't do both offers our
Shopify is hard and we can't do it. Um, maybe next year. We'll do our best
Um separate offer if you spend over a hundred dollars on the store you get free shipping on your order up to thirty dollars
Again, I am so sorry. Unfortunately, if your cheapest shipping option is more than thirty dollars. There's just no discount
It's not like if it's thirty three dollars
You just pay three dollars there was no way for us to do that with the current plugins that we have for our store
And all that stuff i'm so sorry nothing we can do about it. But for most people
It that should cover you so it's separate from the underwear promo so you can either buy two get one free for underwear
Just add three to your cart. It'll automatically apply or free shipping on orders over a hundred dollars and the code was bf ship
All caps bf ship all caps bf ship all caps. So guys, uh, go check it out
We have we have pretty good stock of most things. Um,
How low are we on swacket?
It's basically like there's like 20. Okay. Swack. It's almost gone
Uh, that's probably not coming back this season. Anyway, it might not be coming back ever. We're pretty good for stealth, right?
Yeah, we're pretty good for stealth pretty good for most of the hardware shirts
Constellations we're in good shape. So, um, there's a couple water bottle colors. I think that are out of stock
Stealth stealth is out of stock, but gold and blue, uh, white you of white. Oh very few of black and gold
Oh, okay. So classic is the one with the most stock
Definitely lots of uh, definitely lots of um, cable ties
So there's that that's pretty cool
How about this spend five hundred dollars get five hundred get five hundred packs of cable ties
We should totally do a stupid cable tie promo just for the memes just to get rid of them at some point spend it though
The memes just to get rid of them at some point spend a thousand dollars get all of them. Yes
Just just please just just take them you get like you get like a pallet of cable ties at your house
We take a loss of like tens of thousands of dollars. Yeah
All right, um spend ten thousand dollars on ltt clothes get everything in the store
Yeah, we just ship you our entire inventory buy the whole store. Yeah
Okay, mr. Beast would do it
Mr. Beast if you're out there and if you want to buy all the cable ties, yeah, yeah at me dude. Yeah
Oh god
We put
We put 10 000 ltt cable ties in a car and then we sat in that car for 24 hours
We used ltt cable ties to velcro ourselves to the wall for 24 hours
We used ltt cable ties to pull a cruise ship
Will chandler fall off the wall first
Uh, probably yes, probably. All right. Yeah, we gotta we gotta go through our sponsors for the show today here guys, uh starting with
That's weird. When's the last time sennheiser worked with us? It's been a while. It's been a while
I'm, pretty sure you still worked here last time they did
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Linus also bringing the show to you today is
Nothing about that savage jerky. Where's my oh cool. We had one of the Sennheiser headsets. I didn't even uh, yeah
Didn't even have it up. There you go
a savage jerky
Savage jerky makes hot sauces spice rubs. They got jerky. They got they got barbecue sauces
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What's that?
Those Cortana Cortana, are you not dead yet?
my personal favorite is the
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so just head to
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Oh, it's at LMG GG slash savage jerky and use code savage Friday to get 20% off a site wide
I'm just gonna eat the one today. Okay, people don't like it when I eat on the show. I
Am so mad about this it's like it's like an irrational type of mad because I don't actually I
Don't have like a compelling reason to be super mad about it
But here you go. Oh, that one's a little hot cool
Here's a post from the oculus blog welcoming beat games to Facebook
Yes, the developer of beat saber has been acquired by Facebook
So they're gonna join oculus studios as an independently operated studio in Prague
Facebook claims that the things the community has come to love about beat saber will remain intact
How'd that work out for oculus? Is oculus still intact are all the things we loved about oculus intact?
Okay, give me out of 10 out of 10 oculus being intact out of 10 is a 10. Mm-hmm
What about the things we loved about oculus? Not very high. I think yeah, okay, cool
Some people might argue with me on that because I think oculus did some buttheaded stuff even before Facebook acquired to be very clear
Yeah, so I don't know maybe they deserved each other. I don't know. I don't know if it was necessarily oculus that we loved
Maybe we just loved that. It wasn't owned by Facebook
Is that where we're going with probably and that they were like making a big push
In the right direction
So Facebook says that with their resources and know-how beat games will be able to
Accelerate adding more music and more exciting features to beat saber as well as bringing the game to more people. What more people?
Mmm, it's already available on every VR platform one random thing that I have to interject
All right, I tried to do some math to look into your claim of the bitrate thing. Mm-hmm
And the calculator on the computer was lagging because I was still watching the 1440p video in the background. Ouch
That was awesome. This laptop is a
Absolute 10 out of 10. I
Think it's a dual core
So like yeah. Yeah, it's a dual core blade stealth like first gen or second gen I think
All right, so yeah, that sounds cool but like I
Don't need more music in the game quite frankly because due to the robust
Modding community that exists for beat saber. You can add any music you want to the game just like you can with box VR
As long as someone creates a level for it unlike box VR, which just kind of dynamically creates one
Yeah, so FAQ there is a long history of indie studios joining large companies and being utterly ruined
How are you going to avoid that? So here's the quote
I've been in the industry for a while and have seen that first and I've seen that firsthand
However, I've also seen and been a part of some incredible success stories
The story we aim to prove over time is this an indie studio joins forces with some like-minded allies and together they find a way
To push the art of new heights
Okay, then are you guys gonna be slowing down updates for non oculus platforms and prioritizing development for oculus?
No beat games will continue to ship content updates for beat saber at the same time across all currently supported platforms
So here are some user fears
And I believe there was a quote associated with this first one actually
Copyrighted custom songs may be removed as well as other mods including skins
This is a huge concern for me because from my perspective
Like I ran into this actually a little while ago
I was talking about it on my beat saber stream that I did last week, which was
Terrible dropping frames all over the place because I was trying to stream on a quad core while playing in VR. It was bad
anyway, I was talking about how
Like obviously some custom songs are created with pirated music. It's very clear, especially because the
the song from lego movie 2 catchy song
The the one that I was playing the copy of the song was so bad. Like it sounded like a 64 kilobit per second
Mp3 that I downloaded off Napster when I was in high school like it was terrible
It sounded like someone put their smartphone next to a radio and that's what a frickin
Uploaded it to the thing. It was it was terrible. So I went I bought the song on I
Don't remember I picked whichever platform had DRM free downloads so that I could put it on my server and then never have to worry
About it before I think it was play music pretty sure that's technically still not how that's supposed to work. No, that works
Yeah, yeah, yeah play music. No, you're allowed to download it twice
But then I don't think you're allowed to put it in that game. Hmm. So hold on
As far as I'm concerned, I'm sleeping easy. Sure
Because I have paid for a license to listen to that song as many times as I want and I have paid for a license
To play that game as much as I want. Yeah, I'm totally down if I do them together
I'm totally done with the moral position, but I'm not sure if it's legal. So
Have no problem
Paying for songs. Yeah if it comes to that and one of my biggest problems with Beat Saber
And one of the reasons that I was driven to go out and mod it so that I could play
Copyrighted songs was that there are so few songs in the library. Like it's easy to get bored
Yeah, however, what I am NOT going to be down with is if Beat Saber ultimately
Forces you to buy songs only in the game. Yeah
I wouldn't be surprised if that because then you're also buying the level design and blah blah blah
like if they go and they build a marketplace where as long as I own a legit version of the song or
Whatever or something or if I have a five a Spotify account and it's a song that's on Spotify
Then it can get linked in or whatever not linked in like if they can be linked together nothing to do with LinkedIn
if they can be linked together
like if there's a way that they can do this that makes it so that the the
Community that has developed around creating custom songs isn't stifled or destroyed and maybe even they add a tip system
So those people can make money like there's a lot of ways that they could do this really constructively. I have about a zero percent
Confidence that they're gonna do it any of those ways
So that's that's my big problem right now and it's such a pain in the butt
I have never dealt with this before because I don't mod a ton of games. Okay
Um, but playing modded games on Steam is a royal pain in the ass
Because there's no way to stop the game from updating. I
didn't know that I
Swear there used to be just a big don't update this game button does not exist and cannot be done as far as I can
Stop all your games from updating and then you could manually update other games. No, wait. No, you can't. Yeah how
Like you can go into offline mode, but like I'm not gonna pause your downloads pause your downloads
I'm pretty sure they will turn on eventually
I've had things stuck in download queue for a long time before I don't know. Yeah, I'm really not sure
I'd have to check cuz there's so so I've actually dug pretty deep on this. Okay, you can delay it. So there's
Forget what it's called it like ledger or something. I forget there's there's a file that you can update on a per game basis
You go in
Notepad plus plus or whatever you use you change it to minus four or something whatever
There's a field you can change and it'll stop it. But the next time that game pushes an update it will reset that
So if a game is still being actively updated by the developer as far as I can tell there is no way to prevent it
From updating so someone said yeah, you can pause it and it will stop downloads
But it will force you to download it when you run the game. There you go
So offline mode I'm not gonna run offline mode forever. No, I know I'm just saying so right now
The only workaround is you have to go to this
steam something something
Still updates in steam. So you have to go to like this repository that keeps
Like these these numerical values that correspond to all the different versions of the game that exist because they're all still on steam
Servers then you have to manually use command line in steam
to download like the correct version of the game copy it to a separate folder then
Change that value in the in the like text file
Then you have to copy the old version of the game over top of the latest version that just updated and then it won't touch
It again until the next update
Horrible, that's so I'm still running beat saber 1.3 and new I have all my mods working and everything
I just honestly the game is perfect as it is for me
And I just don't want them to ever touch it ever again, and I wish I could just freeze time. So maybe you can
New idea. Mm-hmm copy the folder only run the executable from the other folder
Don't point steam at that folder I
Doubt it'll work, but I can try it. I know there are some steam games that will act perfectly within that realm
But I don't know if that's one I'll give it a shot
I did spend a fair bit of time googling this for beat saber specifically and nobody mentioned that solution, but I'll give it a shot
All right, we I need to get home because I need to relieve my babysitter tonight
So here's a quick one
AMD cards can use G sync now. So Nvidia has basically given up on being proprietary. So G sync displays
With the G sync module now are being updated to allow variable refresh rate over HDMI and adaptive sync via HDMI and
Display port firmware update is being made to the v1 and v2 G sync hardware modules
I don't know that if you can actually update your current G sync. I don't know. No, I don't think so
Yeah, so that's only new monitors. Yeah, so that's kind of lame
Um one last quick one, yes, sorry Linus, there's already a new fold in China
Samsung has revealed the wg 25g
Yeah, that what he said a refined galaxy fold in terms of both design and internal components
It supports China telecoms and China unicorns non-standard 5g deployments
It has a thicker and stronger middle frame a new white finish
the edges are a little sharper this time around and it has a smaller battery 4235 milliamp hours instead of
4380 why would anyone want a smaller battery price unknown? I'm assuming it's for
Like more bulky durable components. Oh interesting
Right without re completely redesigning the rest of the chassis. Yeah, that makes sense
Um, all right, snapdragon 855 plus blah blah blah cool
That's not that much smaller. It's probably fine. I got pretty good battery life out of the fold. Honestly, right? I'm still I didn't upgrade
Still rocking it a pixel to excel. All right, and currently my plan is when the battery gets too bad, which it isn't yet
It's still actually fine. I don't game on it and stuff. So like whatever
But when the battery is too bad, I'll probably just swap it
Keep going
All right. I'm only gonna be able to do a handful of super chats here guys
This 236 says can you make shirts that aren't black? Yes, we are working on it
There are some oh, man. I really want to show you guys a hoodie design that we're working on
It's the CPU shirt, but it's gonna be like white it long. It looks it looks so good. I could be pretty cool
All right, mate all the hype for scrapyard Wars. Thanks, mate. It's coming. It's not a weekly release schedule
We actually never promised that this time. So some people are super mad. That's crap. You're gonna see this
I have very much seen it's not late. It'll come when it comes where we're editing it constellations is a blue shirt
That's true. It is pretty dark
Mass spectrometers for labs cost more than $100,000. So that's now we know I was gonna say it didn't sound cheap
But I didn't know like how much they cost
Garrod says when will the wind shall be archived on float plane
I went float plane builds a feature that doesn't require me to manually upload it
What oh wait, oh, yeah
Thanks, Darren Torgerson
Pickles says hey fellas. Love you guys. Keep being awesome. And always remember Luke needs to grow a more glorious beard
I recommend miracle grow or Sham Wow
What are you even talking about?
Is that a thing like people using Sham Wow's to grow better beards like wait? Well, I mean, maybe I don't know anything about it
Andrew J Blomberg says bought a pair of AirPods Pro after watching your video on it
I have autism and when the active noise cancelling turned the Mall of America into a room of whispers. I almost cried. Thanks guys
yeah, it's like life changing like I I would just flew out to New York for a couple of projects including
beautifying Marquez's Tesla
I and I sweeped in after the AirPod pros got announced and bought normal AirPods really
Yeah, I don't know if you remember but the only headphones I've ever been able to comfortably in ears that I've ever been able to
Comfortably wear our ear pods. Mm-hmm, and I got tired of needing the dongle to be able to plug it into my phone
So I moved on gotcha only other acceptable option. They gotcha when they went down on price
Cuz the pros came out they went down on price a little bit. Yeah, and it's gonna sit it for me
It's all about fitting in this pocket
Yeah, I will it's even smaller than I thought because I had never held the case and really so far. I like them
Let's see, apparently wild wolf says you can copy beat saber into a separate folder and run it with everything working
Okay. Well, that's good to know
and Gabriel says
The developer can make prior versions available via the beta tap. Yeah, but they're not gonna do that
So yeah, I doubt it. All right. Thanks Natalie. Thanks
Thanks guys. Thanks. You know all of you guys. We'll see you again next week. Same bad time. Same bad channel. Bye
All right
Yeah, I've been doing those walk run things and every time I can't find my stupid
Brought you by Sennheiser. Do you want to do Thursdays?