
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

What is up L's and G's, it's WEN Showtime again, we've got a lot of great topics for
you today, starting with that, that's right, it took me 12 long years to finally be right
about this, the hard drive is officially dead, dead, dead and buried, sort of, completely
dead, allegedly.
Also, what else are we going to talk about today, oh yes, we've got a big update for
you guys on the community controversy that was caused by tech YouTuber Linus Tech Tips
Sebastian doing a computer, well, a server build for one dream, a game streamer who appears
to have legions, legions of whatever the opposite of a fan is, right, what, naffs, hey, cool,
yeah, yeah, are you ever going to collab with someone who doesn't have a lot of controversies?
Maybe it's just kind of my jam.
Maybe it is.
What else are we talking about today?
There was a bunch of games that are announced, but they're not in the doc, we're going to
talk about why we do shorts, and we're going to talk about, yeah, the games, it's going
to be in there, we're going to talk about it, oh no, I don't need it, I don't need the
The show is brought to you by Squarespace, Vulture, and XSplit, alright, let's jump right
into our first topic of the day, Microsoft is flexing its industry-wide power muscles
and trying to kill hard drives as boot devices by 2023, apparently, they had already tried
to pull this move in 2022 with the idea being that, come on, guys, at some point, we are
going to have to design windows to assume a solid state drive rather than a hard drive,
you know?
And you think about how messy that transition was.
They should have just done it automatically with Windows 11, but sorry, keep going.
You think about how messy that transition was, I mean, for a long time, it was actually
detrimental to the health of your computer to run a defragmentation operation on your
boot drive if you had an SSD, because it would just completely unnecessarily wear out your
NAND flash cells.
Windows was hard drive first, hard drive only, really, and then SSDs came along and the compatibility
with SSDs was, in a sense, really kind of bolted on.
I mean, especially in the early days of SATA, when we were using AHCI, we were plugging
into these SATA three gigabit per second interfaces, we were not really getting the full capability
out of that flash storage, not even close, right?
And then over time, it's become kind of a pretty good bet that you're going to be running
an SSD, but the problem is that many, many computer manufacturers are still out there
trying to, it's not even a matter of saving a buck.
That's the thing that drives me most crazy, is that you can get an SSD, a basic SSD, for
cheaper than a basic hard drive.
But because computer manufacturers are not willing to market their product, right?
They just want a higher number so that whatever sticker is on the shelf helps shift more boxes
without them having to educate the consumer.
They've stuck with hard drives so that they can advertise a greater capacity of boot drive.
And honestly, you can go back so far and find this behavior.
Apple, credit to Apple, Apple moved the industry forward by offering the MacBook Air with only
an SSD.
Yes, the early MacBook Airs, which had 128 gigs, I believe was the base capacity of the
original MacBook Air.
They didn't have enough storage on them.
Honestly, the MacBook Air was such a boon for external storage devices.
Do you remember that?
That was actually huge, but sorry, keep going.
And that aspect of it kind of sucked, but I remember as an enthusiast, as an enthusiast
and not really a Mac user, all right, I remember having one of the most frustrating interactions
that I had ever had in my life.
I had, this was my uncle's business partner and they owned a ski lodge thing together
that I got to visit sometimes.
And basically he was going on and on about how amazing the Mac was and how, and his proof,
his proof that Mac was superior to PC was, he opened it up, he's like, look how fast
it is.
Look at this.
It resumes like instantly.
And like you open up the finder and it just pops up and I'm sitting here going, that's
just an SSD.
You can do that.
Just the PC manufacturers don't have the stones.
They don't have the, they don't have the foresight to go and put something good in the machine
and then say, Hey, this machine is really good.
They would rather just install the cheapest possible components and get absolutely smoked
in terms of real world usage, in terms of the user experience of sitting in front of
this machine.
And that used to be an interesting thing too, because like back when I worked at Best Buy,
people would come in and they'd be like, Oh yeah, I want a MacBook.
And I'd poke a little bit just to see why, because they would mention like, I'm coming
from a Windows laptop, I want a MacBook.
And I wouldn't say no because, Hey, those MacBooks sold for a lot of dollars.
Get that commission baby.
But there's no commission at Best Buy.
But the, I would still ask and they would often be coming from like a bottom bin Windows
laptop and they're like, yeah, it's slow and it sucked.
So now I want to buy a MacBook for two and a half grand.
And I'm like, yeah, well, if you met somewhere in the middle, you could solve a lot of those
You could pick up a decent Windows machine for 800, 900, 1200, $1,300, really nice machine
for that much money.
$1,300 was like pretty expensive.
Then you could go to the store, buy an SSD, put it inside it.
You know, but the problem is that they, like I said, the, the, the root cause, the root
cause of the issue is that PC manufacturers weren't willing to do the work.
They were afraid that if their machine, apparently I got it wrong, it was actually 64 gigs on
I remember being brutally small.
And this was a thousand dollar plus machine to be very clear, but they weren't willing
to put the work in, they weren't willing to message it.
They were afraid that if they built something fast, something tuned for performance, something
that truly was different, that they, they, they, they wouldn't, they wouldn't sell as
many and that they would have to actually lift a finger to communicate about the benefits
of solid state.
And I mean, right now you guys are probably listening to me talk about this going, well,
Linus, obviously it's a little more complicated than that because everyone knows that a solid
state drive is way better than a hard drive.
Not back then.
You gotta understand this was over 10 years ago, right?
So let's go ahead.
What's really cool about the internet is that on sites that just archive everything like
YouTube, we can go back in time and see what it was like back then.
Quick interjection.
Back then.
Like back then.
All the old WAN shows are corrupt.
Back then.
I actually know that.
Um, I've seen a lot of people messaging me about that.
The audio is still good.
Can you fix that?
I have no idea.
I don't know if I care.
I don't know if it matters.
If I was smart, I would probably delete all the old WAN shows anyway because people have
been canceled for less.
The only reason why I do care is they get recommended a lot for some reason.
That I can't explain.
It's a pretty funny thing.
How many people have like ancient WAN shows sitting in there recommended that I watch
this random WAN show from like green and purple with corruption all over the screen.
Stop recommending these broken videos.
I don't get it.
It's probably not good for like your channel stats because people are clicking on a video
and then going, Oh, it's broken.
And just leaving.
I don't know.
It's probably just video by video.
I'm not going to stress too much about it.
I do not know what is happening right now, but it doesn't matter.
Page re-note.
All right, here we go.
Check this out.
So see this.
So this is a response to remember when we could see like dislike ratios.
This is a response to people disliking this video.
It was nothing but a helpful comparison video, right?
Because this came five years later when everyone kind of had had clued in.
So here's a comment talking about the future.
Great demo.
I switched my tablet to an SSD, but this is exactly it.
I was putting in the work to educate about it.
I was like, look, yeah, it's a lot smaller.
I get it.
But trust me, there's a benefit.
So let's, let's find, okay.
But there was a lot of fear.
There's a lot of fear around SSDs.
Thing is I have hard drives that have been spinning nonstop for over 10 years and I've
never failed.
SSDs don't seem to last.
That was a big, so back then there was a huge amount of education around.
You talked about it, right?
Don't defrag your SSD.
There was a huge wave of education about how to not ruin your SSD and people treated them
like they're handling like glass.
Oh yeah.
For sure.
Now no one cares.
They just thrash them and they're like, ah, whatever.
But back then they're very careful.
And people just like, they didn't understand what the benefits were or weren't.
Here's someone asking, does an SSD improve actual gameplay or just load times?
No, it would have no way of improving gameplay except in edge cases like open world games,
like world of Warcraft.
As you walked over a threshold, man, the difference between having a hard drive and loading in
those fresh assets off of an SSD night and day.
I was going to say asset loading was actually a thing in regards to, to gameplay.
Night and day.
Here's a big one.
Tarati says for the price of an SSD, you can get a two terabyte hard drive.
I think I'll deal with it being slower for the extra space.
And that's fair enough.
I remember when that was huge.
I remember when I saw my first ever one terabyte hard drive and I was like, whoa.
But there were also a lot of comments, there were a lot of comments like this that were
far more aggressive, basically saying, you know, it's, it's stupid.
And I'm having a hard time finding them right now because I guess YouTube does a better
job of, of surfacing stuff.
That's not toxic these days.
They're definitely here somewhere.
I'm aware of that is, is, is your, your claim is fake news and everyone is actually very
accurate in their, in their comments.
No, I definitely, I definitely remember it.
I'm going to have to, I'm going to have to find it.
Why don't you go ahead and do my, do, okay.
One of the big ones was that the way people used to compare the speeds of these devices
was in sequential read and write speeds.
And yeah, compared to a hard drive and SSD was only twice as fast in terms of sequential
speeds or three times as fast at best random in dude, but it was all about the responsiveness.
And as soon as you actually sit down in front of a machine with an SSD, even back then,
it was a night and day difference.
I'm going to have to see what I can find here.
All right, Luke, do you want to do another topic while I see if I can validate that my
12 year old memory is actually, is actually right.
Cause apparently I just have no idea what I'm talking about.
Um, there's a lot of these where I want to bounce off of you.
Like the summer's game fest.
I want to, I want to say some things.
I can respond to stuff.
I just need to be able to.
Summer game fest.
Uh, I haven't seen anything about it, so I might not have much to contribute there personally.
I don't think there was a huge amount of stuff that I was like super hyped for.
Um, I saw some, some, some memes, some may mays about how it was like summer leak fest
because like a huge amount of the stuff that was there, I had already heard about through
like random various leaks, um, modern warfare two remaster or whatever it is.
And it's coming to steam.
Um, I didn't really care that I watched the gameplay video.
It sounds really good.
It looks really good.
It could be cool.
Cuphead DLC thing finally coming.
Kind of exciting.
Cuphead's actually really sweet.
Uh, there's a new teenage mutant Ninja turtles shredders revenge.
It actually looks awesome.
I'm kind of excited for that.
Uh, I think that just straight up means I'm a boomer, but I'm excited for it.
Um, I'm pretty sure it's called shredders revenge.
Let me look it up real quick.
Teenage Mutant Ninja turtles shredders revenge.
Yeah, it's cool.
Uh, but, but, but, but initial release date 2022.
I don't think it's available yet.
I think it's available like end of year.
Um, try to remember there was a really funny interview.
They're like remastering, uh, the last of us one, which feels interesting.
Because it's like, I believe it released on PS4, like it's not even an old game.
Uh, maybe I could be wrong about that though.
It doesn't seem that old.
I think it was only number two.
Um, the last of us one.
I think it was about 10 years ago, man.
Sounds good.
Well, they're remastering that.
Um, and I guess the, the two main like voice actor people watch the trailer for the first
time there.
And then the interviewer goes like, so first time you've seen it, what'd you think?
And the person's like, um, yeah, first time we've seen it and then stops talking.
And the other one goes, uh, and it just goes back to the interview.
It was so awkward.
It actually looked really good.
Like the remaster looks very good, like very high quality things where they didn't know
what they were.
I weren't allowed to say, I think they were not like prepped for it.
And it just ended up being really awkward.
It like, it didn't, it, the trailer was not a problem.
There was nothing for them to like actually react that way too.
Like it was completely fine.
It's not one of those issues where they ask like the star Wars actors, what they think
of the last Jedi.
And they're all like cringing.
Like it wasn't one of those, but it was still really funny to see, um, what else was there?
I don't remember the name of the game, but there's effectively dead space for that.
I think a lot of people are really excited about.
I didn't play dead space back in the day, so I'm not as hyped for it personally, but
I everyone I've talked to about it that did play dead space back in the days, like you
have to play it cause it's going to be amazing.
So I'm pretty excited about that.
Um, there's another game is it's called storm gate.
Let me look it up.
Storm gate.
Storm gate.
Uh, a bunch of the old developers from like star craft split off.
I saw that.
I did a new studio.
I was super hyped for this.
I watched the cinematic.
My hype has died down slightly.
Yeah, but come on a cinema.
You can't judge a game based on a cinematic.
I agree.
But the quality of the cinematic did not exactly seem high.
I might, that might be because I'm used to blizzard stuff and it was very blizzard styled,
but it wasn't blizzard quality, um, cinematic quality.
Just be very clear.
There's particularly good at cinematics that has knocked the mics around.
Um, but yeah, it's an RTS and it was like, you know, an RTS cinematic where it has nothing
to do with being an RTS.
Uh, so it really like, who knows?
I'm still excited about conquer called says that cinematics have everything to do with
being an RTS dude.
The command to conquer cinematics are on another level.
I'm just, I'm just saying, I'm just saying.
I'm going to go to the last place, not corrupted by capitalism space.
It's like the best thing ever.
Um, but yeah, I'm still excited for this.
It's uh, they're, they're going to bring competitive scene to it, which is exciting, uh, because
blizzard just like completely abandoned the starcraft competitive scene, even though it
was one of the biggest e-sports of all time, they're just like, whatever, we're going to
let that rot.
We're going to actually like actively hamper Diablo immortal.
By the way, I want to make that a thing.
If you ever want to buy something really stupid, you're Diablo immortalling it or, or, or dying
it for short.
Um, yeah, it's just, I'm going to, I'm going to try to make that it's not going to happen.
We're going to try anyways.
Uh, but yeah, they, they're also saying the first truly social RTS, this is the part that
I'm particularly really excited for.
There is a lot of different co-op modes.
The campaign is able to be played co-op, which is very uncommon for RTS games.
Yeah, there's also co-op versus eight, uh, AI modes that aren't just an AI that plays
as far as my understanding goes, it's not just an AI that plays like a standard player
It's like you and your, your bros against this like monumental force.
They don't, they don't just like, Oh, they start with a base and some miners and they
have to grow their thing.
Like it's a massive battle that you have to wage, which is cool.
Um, yeah, I'm still excited for it.
Cinematic didn't exactly give me height, but I'm still excited for it.
Um, and there was a bunch of other stuff, but I don't remember all of it.
And I don't think it's a super big deal because a lot of it was leaked anyways.
And you can go watch the trailers if you're interested.
Here's my problem.
I can find replies to people who are being super toxic about it, but I can't find any
of the original comments because this is, I believe pre YouTube having nested comments.
So it's impossible to track back a conversation thread, but I can find people replying.
You can see like, you can see the evidence.
But it seems like it's basically gone.
So I don't think I've gas lit myself here.
Um, okay.
Here's, here's one like a doubter.
Can you prove the temps on the two PCs were the same though?
I noticed in the beginning of the video, the tower had its side panel on, which would give
good airflow, like basically saying, Oh, this speed difference is impossible.
It must be, it must be a disadvantage for the hard drive.
Um, here's another one.
So here's someone replying to, uh, compared to the, okay.
It's only 13 more seconds to wait for the hard drive to open MSN messenger.
That's not a long time to wait.
13 seconds every single time you do anything is actually a long time.
And then this one is a reply to.
Was that Jake Tyve?
Did you get a beard?
Peter the eater says, guess we have to agree to disagree.
I cut my loading time from 53 to 32 seconds, switching from hard drives and raid to a micron
I'd say that's a big difference.
So this is clearly a reply to someone who's like, it's not a difference.
So it's, I can't, I can't find any of the original comments here really, but yes, there
was some super toxic stuff.
Like here's someone replying to a doubter.
It's not only boot time.
The entire system is faster.
That was a big perception was SSDs only improved boot time.
No, that was actually not the benefit.
That was one of the big points of that video was that this is not really the benefit.
I mean, the windows operating system itself is actually not big when you're, when you're
booting it up, especially back then, like windows XP, windows Vista, they weren't huge.
They didn't actually take a long time to boot in windows or Microsoft rather is really good
at taking all of the iOS files, putting them in one place so that when you boot up, you
are reading it all sequentially now shouldn't matter anymore.
And once Microsoft can design an operating system around that not mattering, maybe they
would take a different approach.
Maybe they might not write it all sequentially.
Not that you can write sequentially to an SSD anyway, the controller will just spread
everything out, however, is most efficient in terms of where leveling so that it doesn't
just kill this one, uh, uh, kill this like one nan flash cell and then the rest of them
are fine.
All brand new.
All right.
What do we want to talk about next?
Should I, should I, should I address the controversy?
I don't know what it is.
Is it bad luck?
Like complete inability to do any kind of due diligence, but I have managed to go, what,
what am I like four for four choosing extremely polarizing figures to do collab builds for.
We got too mad.
We got PewDiePie, we got hasanabe and then we got dream.
Am I, am I missing any controversial figures?
I think what's kind of saving you a little bit is that due to your complete and utter
lack of due diligence, like literally none done at all.
Like I don't know if you guys understand, but like the two mad collab literally just
someone tweeted him and it got a lot of interactions and he was like, uh, I guess I'll give computer.
There was no thought done.
Anyways, but I think what has saved you about that is that you've scatter shots so wide
that you're clearly not aligning with anything.
So it's just like, Oh, whatever.
I guess.
I don't know.
I think, I think that can be used in your defense.
Hold on.
Someone adjusted this chair so it doesn't go back because they're a monster.
Oh, I do that all the time.
Whoever did that.
I'm with you.
I got you.
Does this one go back?
Oh, men of culture.
If you have to check if it goes back, then it's clearly not a problem for it to go back.
Well, I'm not sitting like that right now, but it's amazing.
One really interesting thing.
What do you mean?
Like why would you lock it?
How would you?
Sometimes I want to sit like this.
You just move backwards.
I don't want to sit further back than this.
This is exactly as much back as I want to sit.
Then don't use your muscles.
Because it's good for you.
No, I hate it.
Ah, yes.
Why do you want to be like that?
Well, because I want to sit back like that because I want to be comfortable and like
if I adjusted my chair, even if I'm not going all the way back, I don't want it to like
flop over.
Well, it doesn't have to use the core.
That has nothing to do with it.
Like if I'm scooting the chair and I'm moving the chair around, but not touching the back
of the chair, I don't want it to rock backwards.
Look, you're very small.
I think this is just different.
All right.
What are we talking about?
The dream machine, right?
So I was aware of one particular dream controversy before we agreed to do a build.
I knew there was, I think the whole internet was aware of Minecraft speed run record thing.
I will tell you what I knew before I agreed to do the build.
I knew that he had misrepresented the, um, the, the mod status, I guess it was like a
mod that changes the, uh, the random, the RNG so that, okay, I thought there were two
things was what I thought.
I don't actually know what it ultimately was because I don't really care about Minecraft
speed running.
Um, but my understanding was that there was like a perfect seed for the, there's like
an ideal seed for the world that makes it easier.
And then there was also some kind of mod that increased the likelihood of certain resources
coming up.
And both of which would obviously be fairly beneficial for a speed run.
Not a lot of speed running, but could be good for content creation for whatever reason.
Then my understanding is he denied it and people were super mad.
And then ultimately he came clean at some point.
That was all I knew.
As soon as we started teasing the dream build, by which time we had already like acquired
hardware, there were, we were not going to, we were not going to not build it at that
Uh, people, people pointed out their, their personal issues with us collaborating with
dream and took, um, and felt that he was not a, uh, a figure that we would want to be associated
So we can, we can find some of these much larger threads on Reddit than I would have
This is actually not the biggest one.
I don't think.
Uh, why is this thread locked?
I got to talk to, I got to talk to the moderators over on the subreddit.
We don't actually run the subreddit.
Um, one of our, one of our principles is that we don't, um, like we don't lock criticism
of me or of LTT.
Like if it turns into, into personal attacks or anything like that, then is the criticism
on there about dream though, because we have in the past protected criticism of, of other
people and other creators.
Just not us.
Uh, well that's how we do the forum.
Something that I read here was pretty like objective.
Oh, okay.
There's a reason given locking because y'all can't behave.
All right.
Fair enough.
There might be a bunch of moderated comments.
You can't see.
That that's fair enough.
So this was what ultimately spurred me to talk about it on the way we've got, we've
got Conrad in the chat saying it was pretty spicy.
Got it.
So I didn't, I actually wasn't intending to address this on the when show at all, because
from my point of view, yeah, it had more dislikes than a typical LTT video, but it actually
wasn't that far off of, in fact, I think it had a, I think it has a better like dislike
ratio than the two mad collab.
Like it wasn't even, it wasn't even that, that crazy brutal or anything like that in
terms of the like dislike ratio here.
Let's go find the two mad one.
I'll show you guys my, I'll show you guys my dashboard here.
Let's check out my dashboard.
Um, like this ultimately generated net new subscribers, uh, which is, which is, which
is good in terms of engagement.
It generate, Oh wow.
This one started out so bad in terms of like dislike ratio and then became almost channel
That is crazy.
This is so annoying.
It used to be that you could just take a little bar down here and you could just drag a thing
and you could select a new time period so you could go look back at like the first week
of it really easily.
But now YouTube in their infinite wisdom has you key in values instead because that's definitely
Thank you for this new, much better dashboard YouTube that I love so much.
This is really fast.
Appreciate you.
It really wasn't as bad as I remembered.
Maybe I'm just looking at the wrong date range, man.
Either that or my memory is just absolute trash and everything that, Oh my, okay.
This drives me crazy.
You guys saw what I did there.
I typed a one when I had my cursor in the middle of the thing.
All right.
What did I do?
I can't remember what I did.
The point is that was, that was stupid 20, 20 K this, I hate this interface so much.
It makes me not want to look at my stats.
It's such a pain in the butt.
You click on it and you got to go, okay, Oh nine.
And then I don't know, let's go 20.
What was, what was the first day like?
Let's look.
It was only 90.
It was 95%.
That's actually, that's actually not that bad.
So that apparently was not nearly as bad as the dream machine.
Let's bring up the dream machine.
So here it is guys, uh, net 500 subscribers.
Um, it's, it's a, it's an interesting thing to see people speculate about how many people
are going to unsubscribe because they, they did this or whatever else.
Subscriptions are not really a measure of almost anything anymore.
They've become almost irrelevant on the platform.
Like it's definitely good to have subscribers, but it's just one of many signals that Google
takes and then uses to recommend content to you.
And recommendations are far and away the most important way that you get to use on the platform.
So having subscribers, yeah, it's not a bad thing.
It's good to have positive signals where people demonstrate that they want to interact with
your channel, but it is, it is not, not what it used to be, but either way, it's clearly
there wasn't a mass exodus of, of people, um, due to this video.
And then in terms of like dislike ratio, it's at about 90%, which is far from our worst.
Um, so about seven more people out of a hundred clicked dislike instead of, instead of like
on this video.
And then what was really interesting to me was the, the reason that most people who were
upvoting this thought that, um, you know, I had done the video was for the money.
His response will basically be dancing around the idea of we did it for the money, but like
that's actually not the reason at all.
We, we, it was sponsored by Kioskia, but we could have sold them anything.
We just were already doing it.
And a really standard content piece for a long time has been providing creators of servers.
Like I got to start with the Sevetus collab.
Was that the first one?
I believe that might've been the first one.
And we've been kind of just, well, you have been kind of going for it.
So we've collabed with Austin, iJustine, Marquez, and then
Smarter Every Day, Smarter Every Day.
We've, we've done, we've done a fair number of these.
And the funny thing about it is I think as soon as we went outside of pure tech collaborations,
I started to get messages from people who objected to us.
Like I feel like, I feel like maybe there's more, more of an emotional element to things
outside of tech.
Like the tech community overall seems to keep its nose pretty clean.
Tech community's always been very chill.
I mean, we've talked about this on WAN before, but there's, there's very little drama amongst
tech YouTubers I find.
Everybody's kind of got each other's back.
It's generally pretty good.
So I, I, yeah, I don't know.
I don't know what to say about it other than, you know, Hey, thank you for, thank you for
letting us know how we, how you guys feel about it.
I'm not going to give a take on it other than to just tell you guys the simple truth is
that big creator asked for an intro through someone that I knew, needed a server set up
that I knew we were qualified to help with in a way that I thought they were probably
going to get pretty screwed if they went with a standard like networking contractor.
For sure.
I got, not just, not just for, well, okay, yes, for sure.
For real, for sure.
I would dream definitely overpaid for aspects of this build out that we weren't involved
It was one of those things that I like, I looked at and went like, I, we can't do everything.
So the parts that we're doing, I know he's getting a really great deal on because we
got a lot of it provided.
And even what wasn't provided was done through partners that we know are not going to overcharge
for things.
We know the setup is exactly what he asked for, for better or for worse.
Is it overkill?
Um, yes, but that was what he wanted.
So fine.
Um, so that was ultimately why we did it.
We did it because they reached out and we thought we could do a really great job of
a sick content creation set up because we, we know our stuff.
We've actually settled on a build very similar to what he has for ourselves.
That was it.
Um, Riley and Anthony though, both put in takes on this.
So interesting enough, uh, there was, there was one, I'll jump into that in a second,
but someone pointed out that the like to dislike ratio on the dream server on flow plane was
way worse than the like to dislike ratio of the dream server on YouTube.
That is not unusual.
When we do something where the community by and large, uh, when we do something where
it's a funny thing, the really dialed in viewers, I, who I feel have more of an emotional connection
to, to our brand and to our personalities and to our content tend to be far tend to
take it far more personally when we do something that disappoints them.
And honestly, it's really valuable.
Yeah, that too.
Um, you guys are a huge part of the North star that I think keeps us on the right course.
And just because we weren't going to change the plan for this one after the initial tweet,
like where the server was built, um, on this one doesn't mean that we're not taking that
feedback really seriously and we're not going to try to do better.
That's that's ultimately really, really, really important to us and will continue to be important
to us as we build out labs and as we build out additional channels and as we continue
to grow because we're getting to the point where, man, like our corporate culture, what
even, what even is it?
It's not just me and people I think are cool hanging out and making tech videos anymore.
Like we're up to, we're up to almost 80 people now, including float planes, which I don't
even interact with some of them on a weekly basis.
I don't even interact with some of the people who work here on a monthly basis and it's
not cause I'm just like hiding in my ivory tower, hiding in my corner office.
I just, I can't.
If I talked to here, let's, let's bring up people have probably been a few years at this
Here we go.
So 80 people.
If I talked to them for just five minutes each, that would be 400 minutes.
Divide that by 60 I would spend an entire day a week just interacting with people for
five minutes.
And it's like, yes, that has a value, but it's also probably not the most important
thing I could be doing when I could be shooting videos.
That's what, that's what we try to do is we try to optimize how much time I'm in front
of a camera shooting videos or working in pre-production shaping what videos will look
like, whether ultimately I host them or not.
So do you want to read Riley or Anthony's take?
I'll go with Riley.
Should I go first?
Go for it.
Riley says dream seems like a young content creator who stumbled into a number of controversies
by not doing due diligence.
Uh, being kind of rude on Twitter.
Ah, I don't know anyone else like that.
Um, and buying slash sharing accounts used by others who use them to post dumb things.
I haven't heard of any of that, but I don't, I'm not up to date on the dream stuff to be
very clear.
Um, he's consistently apologized and tried to make things right, but frankly, the dude
probably needs to take a step back and reevaluate how he can be more responsible with his platform.
Anthony's take.
I was personally aware of the speed run cheating via Carl jobs, but figured that was in the
Sorry, but that was in the past.
It wasn't until the reaction to this video that I became aware of some of the things
that dream and his fan base have done.
So I count awareness as a win.
To be honest, we didn't glorify anything about him in the video, though we did make reference
to the cheating.
Um, Oh yeah, I was going to mention that is something that we did and that had nothing
to do with the community's reaction to it.
We were just, we were memeing like what, what, what, what do you want?
The not glorifying thing has been consistent across a lot of these, which I will, I will
give props for.
I mean with the particularly the leftist PC, we were just having fun with it.
I just went, man, let's make, let's build the reddest computer.
I, I wasn't taking a side as far as that goes.
Um, so that's all I have to say about it is I guess that's a bit of a cop out because
really the question people should ask and would ask, I think is, would you do it again?
To be fair, I think so.
I think that was asked with, um, a few of them and it's still happening.
So yeah.
But what I think we should do is at the very least, let the community know earlier in the
Now, I don't think that we have ever collaborated with anyone who is just far and away, just
horrible and toxic.
And we have turned down opportunities.
We have turned down large content creators where we just went, I'm sorry, your, your
compass is askew.
We actually do not want there to be any perceived public, uh, alliance here.
Um, but I, I'm never going to, I'm never going to take someone who made mistakes and crucify
them for that.
If that makes sense.
Sam Hyde collab officially confirmed.
To be, to be frank though, one thing that I haven't done a ton of research into is the
allegations that dream has weaponized his fan base because that's something that is
not cool.
But as someone who has been accused of doing that before, I know that it's not always black
and white.
I've also seen other creators accused of that when it's like super obvious that that isn't
what happened.
Like their fan base might be doing something that's bad, right?
But there's been situations where it's pretty obvious that the creator did not put them
up to that.
Now creators responsibility in that regard has kind of changed over the years because
now that people have witnessed this stuff happening a lot, uh, I think a lot of people
are going, Oh, okay, I have to almost like actively tell people not to do this ahead
of time.
And that's something that I think creators knew back then.
So now that's something that is like happening, which is over on, I guess, float plane says
tweeting about how much he likes when people delete their Twitter accounts after he goes
after them, makes his apologies kind of hollow.
I'd say that's pretty toxic.
Um, seems rough.
A lot of stuff.
I don't know any of that stuff.
I don't know anything about it.
I've never, there's a bunch of speed running stuff that I am into.
I have never been interested in the Minecraft stuff.
I had nothing against it.
It's just not really for me.
Here's an interesting question though.
21 6 4 9 3 says, how scary is it that you'll probably lose sponsorships as testing and
projects with the lab expands?
Um, it's not that scary.
Most of our sponsorships are outside of tech hardware these days.
And that's been something that we have very intentionally transitioned away from over
the last really five years or so.
In fact, I would say, okay, sponsors for the WAN show today.
How many of them are, how many of them are tech hardware?
We got Squarespace, we got Vulture, which is like a, uh, a server hosting, yep.
No service.
And we've got X split software like completely fine.
Everything is totally fine.
If tomorrow we, we made every single tech hardware manufacturer mad, this WAN show would
generate exactly the same amount of revenue for the company.
Literally exactly the same amount, maybe more because you guys would probably, you know,
get in here and start buying some stuff on LTT store, send some merch messages.
Actually I think we have an LTT store promo that I should do.
Oh, okay.
First I have something controversial.
Ah, the first one of the show.
What is it?
Tell me what you think of this.
So is this the shaft color change?
What color was it?
It was, uh, it was a shiny, it was a dark nickel black coating.
So it was just darker.
Well, it was black.
Oh yeah.
The shaft was black.
Oh, I thought it was still silver.
No, it was black.
Uh, I don't know.
Seems cool.
Considering I didn't realize it was different.
I don't know.
I like it.
What do you guys think?
I think it would depend on the colorway of the rest of the screwdriver.
Well that's it.
Oh, you're holding it.
Well no, but there's going to be different ones, right?
Well, you've said that there's going to be an orange one with an orange ring here and
an orange cap.
There's nothing else that I'm talking about.
Um, yeah, I know that's cool.
I like it.
So the reason that this was, so the reason that there was so much discussion around this
was that one of our goals for the screwdriver had been like, you know, matte black, top
to bottom, right?
Just something really sexy looking.
And we spent a ton of cycles trying to find, I thought it looked good.
I think this looks good.
I think they both look good.
We wanted to try to find a material that would allow us to go, I mean, we even did these
like black coated tips and stuff, which by the way has an actual benefit.
I think it like hardens the tool steel more or something.
And the reason is that we wanted an all black design and this is what we have announced
to the community is the black shaft.
But what we found, and a lot of this is based on community feedback as well, is that we
have seen significant wear on the ones that we've been daily driving internally as we've
continued to test the product, like the coating, yeah, the coating would chip off, especially
working on things like computers where you're likely to be screwing something in with a
heat sink, rubbing on it as you're, as you're screwing in, especially if you're moving quickly,
you might bump like the frame and stuff.
So we basically had to make a call.
Do we want to build a product that looks amazing on day one and then looks beat up six months
in, or do we want to build a product that looks in my personal opinion, not as good
on day one, but have it look exactly as good in six months?
I'm pretty neutral about the color difference.
I'm also actually pretty neutral, neutral about the wear because sometimes with tools,
I like showing like, yeah, this one's been through some stuff.
But I don't think it should unnecessarily be that way.
So I think I'd support the silver shaft.
When are we going to see the screwdrivers?
Oh crap.
A lot of floatplane chat is like, I want the wear one.
Ah, oh balls.
If you check your laptops, you should have the newest newsletter, which goes through
the actual changes that actually fairly recently came in.
Oh yeah.
If you guys aren't subscribed to the leak, which is the lttstore.com newsletter, you
guys should definitely get on there.
We don't send them out very often.
This one is good.
There's some sort of some personal writing from Kyle, who is our engineering manager
that has a firm silver shaft.
That's a really awkward way of writing that that is good.
But yeah, here are some of the prototypes showing kind of what they look like.
It's not a really nice where I can tell you guys, this one is mine.
This has been the one I've been using for about the last three or four months.
So it's three or four months of where should we do a, do a, and so you can kind of extrapolate
how much worse that's going to get over time.
Should we do a poll?
See what people think.
Does the new polling system work?
Not yet.
Oh, all right.
Let's do a poll.
Do you want to do it?
Do a poll anyway.
Uh, basically.
Oh, okay.
According to the newsletter, we've settled on silver, but now you guys are all going,
Ooh, I want it to be, I want it to be black.
Um, guys, it really, Oh man, it really does not look, it really does not look that good.
Once it's worn out, it's not that great.
So this is the plan for the final driver.
It's just a different style, man.
It's just different style.
And at the end it says, Oh, by the way, buy a party shirt.
They're fricking awesome.
It's exactly the right season for the party shirt, by the way.
I should get a party shirt.
There's been a few things that I've gone to where I'm like, I should wear a shirt like
And I don't have one.
I should get one.
Party shirts.
Super awesome.
Well get that poll going, I guess.
And why don't I, why don't I do a topic or something while we wait or why don't we propagate
the poll?
I'm going to post it in full plain chat.
One of our other big topics for the day is of course, Oh my goodness.
Bill C 11.
Yeah, we missed that last week.
Digital First Canada has a pretty good summary of it.
For those of you who are not in Canada, this could still have an impact on you because
essentially the government, the Canadian government wants to step in and regulate online platforms
like YouTube in the same way that they regulate traditional media.
So that could include things like forcing a platform like YouTube to serve a certain
percentage of types of content that the Canadian government deems Canadian or deems that Canadians
must be exposed to through their recommendation engine.
Essentially what it's going to do in as far as I can tell is clutter up your feed in a
And a part of the whole push, and I haven't actually looked into C 11 as much.
I did a ton of reading about C 10, which was the predecessor to C 11 that didn't end up
going through, including talking to the like deputy, whatever who was, who was working
on the legislation.
And I got to tell you guys, essentially, as far as I could tell, it was a government cash
grab so that they could take money from digital platforms and spend it funding content that
no one wants to watch.
And then jamming that content down your throat in order to justify the money that they took
to produce that content.
And it's such a, it's such a last decades, like not even last decade, it's last centuries
solution today, because it used to be that, yes, there were voices that couldn't be heard
because of the structure of traditional media, because of the cost of creating traditional
But YouTube already fixed that literally anyone with a $40 phone off of eBay can be a content
Now that's it.
The barrier to entry is basically zero.
And so there, there are massive creators that consistently get huge views and have like
massive, massive audiences that exclusively film on iPhones.
Well, yeah, a hundred percent, like there's one of them that they're there.
This is not great, but their, their archive system is literally just when the iPhone fills,
they just get another iPhone.
Although silver is winning, but who is it close?
And the, the votes are piling in pretty quick.
So we'll see if it retains, it is not retaining.
It is getting really close.
All right.
So a lot of people are saying, I should have added a, I don't care option, but I actually
specifically want to see just the people that have opinions.
I should get back to the, I should get back to why this matters to you.
If you don't happen to be Canadian.
It is my personal belief that if the Canadian government manages to extract this funding
from, you know, platforms like YouTube or Netflix, actually, I think Netflix does have
Canadian content obligations already, but platforms like YouTube or Twitch, for example,
if the Canadian government manages to extract this money, if they manage to push their agenda
forward, whatever it happens to be, whether it's a French language agenda or some other
kind of agenda, I think it will embolden other world governments to pull similar moves.
That's why I think this matters to everyone, man.
And boy, then there's just all kinds of, man, there's so many problems with this.
This is in order to qualify as a Canadian content creator.
This is a really funny one.
Developers have to submit a huge pile of forms to prove the nationalities of everyone involved
in a project.
They have to provide a detailed budget and an explanation of the project's theme and
subject matter.
Is your content Canadian enough to qualify for consideration by the CRTC?
We've already dealt with the Canadian government because we've had to dig through all of this
paperwork in order to qualify for production services tax credits.
And they have so many other more important things to deal with.
Basically these tax credits are supposed to be to subsidize new media, essentially.
That's why they were created in the first place.
But it is so onerous to actually go through the process of applying for and getting approved
for them and actually receiving them, that no new media startup can actually do it.
You can't afford to do it.
We were only able finally to afford to go through these processes a few years ago.
And I can tell you, even now, even today, I don't think we have our 2019, do we even
have 2018 fully processed yet?
I don't think so.
I think 2017 was the first year.
And then everything else is still sitting in this.
So you can't afford to do it until you've grown a lot.
And then you're not going to see the benefits from it for years.
Potentially years.
So you have to sustain yourself through that whole thing.
So it's really not helpful unless you're a large company.
Big money, which is what it always comes back to.
And like, I mean, I brought this up, I think you did as well.
And nope, there's like almost certainly nothing that's going to change to make it more attainable.
So it is what it is.
On the other hand, Riley writes, local community focused content has clearly taken a hit in
the internet age.
That's fair.
There are writers, Jonathan Horst for MAC address actually used to host for, for Shaw.
I think you can, you can still find these old videos.
It was like a community, like a community channel that Shaw produced, Shaw, Jonathan.
I will be honest when I am on social platforms and I see things that are much more local
and I can tell that that platform is feeding me stuff that is local.
I do like that.
Do you?
I will say I do like that.
I give, I give zero Fs about that.
I give Fs, not a ton, but they exist.
He didn't host this one, but here's an example of something that Jonathan Horst produced
when he was working at Shaw.
This is Shaw's Shaw Spotlight channel.
My understanding is that this is part of Shaw's obligation.
They have to produce this like small, small time, small townie content.
Shaw community link.
Here are some mental health services that are available in Manitoba.
This kind of, this kind of stuff.
Three-year-old admission is battling a disease like, like local, local, local news, local
You're right, Riley.
There's been, there's been a big hit to what really matters in your own community and having
access to that information right in front of you compared to just more easily making
your way to the lowest friction, most bombastic content on the internet.
And I find if, if like if there's a news outlet that is hyper local, they are not always going
to have just the most negative possible things to talk about.
So sometimes they will talk about positive things.
But if you are completely global with your news, it's the thing that's going to trend
to the top is just the worst possible thing at every point in time.
And there's always going to be bad things going on.
So it's just negative all the time.
And if you look at hyper local stuff, you see some like good news things, which is kind
of nice to, to, to hold back the brain rot.
This is one of the closest polls we've ever had.
Hold on.
We'll talk about the poll in a sec.
So he writes YouTube's algorithm, as far as we can tell, I mean, it's a black box, so
I don't know, but doesn't appear to be designed to consider locally made content over any
other kind of content.
He says, maybe that's something that should be changed, but I can tell you as a Canadian
content creator, I don't want my content serve preferentially to Canadians.
And I don't want Americans to not have access to my content because what I happen to live
what 40 kilometres, sorry, excuse me, excuse me, 25 miles from.
I think it's a content difference.
From a border, from an arbitrary line that some, some people with, you know, presumably
big wigs or whatever drew on a map 200 and however many years ago, like what, how arbitrary
is that in the global era?
Like I, yeah, I think, I think, I think it's a content difference.
Like if, if, if there's a channel on YouTube that did like news in the lower mainland,
why would someone from Utah care about that?
But I think it would be kind of neat to see myself.
So I would like it to expose me to that.
I don't think it should be applied to everything.
I don't think we approach- Then go on r slash Vancouver.
Like there's already solutions to this.
That's not YouTube.
Well, yeah, who cares?
They'll, people will surface stuff and you can go find it there.
Like it's crowdsourced.
That's not really how that works.
What do you mean that's not how that works?
That's literally how r slash Vancouver works.
You're not allowed to self-promote on r slash Vancouver.
No, no.
If it's good, someone else will find it and put it there.
Then you don't have to look at anything that's garbage.
Don't want to hang out on Reddit.
That's not really what I feel like doing.
I mean, you don't have to hang out on Reddit.
You can just go look at it once in a while.
I find local news when I need to.
I'm just saying I would like to see this stuff on YouTube and I don't think it should be
a ham-fisted approach to everyone and I don't think the bill is good.
Like I said, I don't think your stuff should be localized.
That doesn't make any sense.
You're not making content local to Canadians.
There is no value in that.
The majority of stuff I watch on YouTube, there's this Australian channel that I've
been looking into recently called I did a thing.
Hilarious videos.
I don't need to be an Australian to enjoy these videos.
There's no value in that.
That does not need to be localized at all, but it would be kind of cool if maybe creators
had some amount of control like is my content more localized because maybe you don't want
your stuff showing up in recommendations to someone when yours is like hyper localized
I don't want it showing up to someone in Australia when my news is hyper localized to the lower
They're not going to like it.
They're going to click off quickly.
That's going to hurt my channel metrics.
I just want it going to people that might actually care.
That could be an interesting option.
I mean, that's something I've asked YouTube for many times.
The problem is that as soon as they provide tools like you're asking for to creators,
they game them.
That's why keywords, that's why tags don't do anything anymore.
That's fair enough because everyone just loaded up with whatever the highest performing tags
Oh, so you just go to like, you, you, you, you say it's hyper localized to some area.
That's Garbo.
So it's just, and like I've, I've told, I've told YouTube things too, like, Hey, I think
this one is going to really appeal to like, could I have a tool where I say, Hey, I think
this is really going to appeal to like these groups or this or whatever else.
Like can I, can I give, can I give the algorithm some hints?
And they're like, no, because as soon as we let you do that, people will ruin it, then
you'll abuse it.
And then the signal will be meaningless and we might as well have just not bothered.
Fair enough.
So the problem in a nutshell is that C 11 is a super, excuse me, a super ham fisted
attempt to solve a problem that frankly, I don't think most people care about.
And if they did care about it, there are solutions, this should not be solved this way at all.
If it's even solved at all.
And to be completely honest, YouTube does some amount of it already.
Like if you scroll down a little bit on the main page, you can get down to like Canadian
news stuff.
It shows up.
Zell nor on float plane says JG McCullough did a video about him actually going and talking
to the politicians in charge of C 11 and it was not great.
I mean, I can tell you guys from my conversation, basically it started out as no, no, this is
really about empowering smaller creators and ended with, well, what about what basically
it ended with, well, what about funding content that nobody's going to watch in a nutshell?
And I was like, okay, but why, why, if no one's going to watch it, why did we make it?
If it's going to get literally 30 views, why did you even do it?
Why not just, why not just make an ad for whatever it is that you wanted to say and
just run it on YouTube then?
Like it would have been way more efficient.
I like, I just, I,
And if it's, if it's about like Canadian history or something like that, like there's, there
has been better ways to do that that have been done.
What was that?
Like Canadian history moments or something that used to show up on TV.
I don't know what it was.
And there's, there's history channels on YouTube that talk about things that are like not the
most riveting ever.
But they do it in ways that are very engaging.
There's a, there's a two vote gap in the poll.
Let's have a look.
I think we're being trolled right now in a nutshell.
It's been really close the whole time.
Should we open this up to the broader community?
It has been.
So Silver was ahead and then we sent it to Twitch and YouTube and it started 50 50-ing.
So I don't know if it's a campaign or not.
Silver was ahead on, on a flow play.
Well, all right then.
I guess we're going to have to, I guess we're going to have to figure out what to do about
I really, I think this is going to be one of those white mouse pad things where we've
had so many requests for it and I've basically said, no, you're not allowed to have a white
mouse pad because you're just going to ruin it anyway.
It's going to end up in a landfill.
I don't think the shaft being black or silver is going to change the purchasing decision
for practically anyone.
I think your thing longterm, I think you will probably save yourself customer support requests
and other heartaches by going silver.
Oh, by the way, I would throw that in the ring.
Speaking of heartaches, my heartaches are over.
This is the final ratchet.
So are you, so are we producing?
So it's not going to be a hammer.
No, it's not a coal bar or whatever.
One of the most remarkable things about it is the very small amount of force required
for the ratchet to activate.
And what I did today to test it, I shot an Intel extreme tech upgrade for Ploof today
was I put a thumb screw on the tip of the screwdriver, taking advantage of that strong
I put it into the case, you know, in a GPU and then without using the knurling to start
it, started it.
Oh, and it did.
That's pretty cool.
It's like basically like nothing.
So there's been, there's been some comments and full pinch out where people have been
like, I'm with Luke.
I like well worn stuff.
You'll still see some wear.
Oh yeah.
It'll still show where you'll still see where on the silver shaft lake off.
That's the difference and honestly like the, the, the people that don't like that are going
to dislike that more than you would like seeing where on the other one.
So I, I, I I'm, I'm honestly leaning more silver now.
Um, I just personally, I would be happy with either is I think what I was trying to say
Um, and there are things that I like about one and there's more things that I like about
the other and it's just kind of whatever, but I think ultimately the more correct choice
for a product that you're willing to sell would be the silver one.
Um, I think that makes sense.
We should do some merch messages.
Make it Sarah coat instead.
What is that?
Oh, someone asked about like, uh, like a powder coating.
Definitely not.
One of the problems with doing any kinds of, of different finishes on here is that this
shaft has extremely tight tolerances because it has to be fitted into the housing and end
up being like a gap in the, we literally have to redesign the, um, the sink housing a little
bit to accommodate the, or no, we have to change the size of the shaft because the,
like, I think it's like three or four thousandths of an inch that the plating added, oh, mean
that the fit is not quite right.
But that's done.
Oh yeah.
That's, that's easy.
That is easy.
What was hard was the issue we were having with the selector ring.
So the ratchet worked great, except if you accidentally bumped the selector ring, which
is here, then what it would, what it would do is it would slip.
It would slip, uh, either out of a lock into ratcheting or it would slip into a locked
position if you accidentally bumped it.
Now you can obviously hit it hard enough to, to, to move it as it is, but it was incidental
contact and there was a reason for it that is hyper technical and maybe we'll bring Kyle
on the WAN show or something, or when we do the video to announce the launch of this thing,
maybe we'll get into more detail on it, but it was an absolute nightmare to get it fixed
and it is now completely fixed.
It's final, it's done, it stays in place.
And I am so excited because guys, we have ordered every screwdriver you guys have posted
comments about in our videos saying that they're better, they're not, we've ordered every single
Are you still doing that?
Like, uh, that event.
I guess we are not going to do the thing I said we were going to do because we are going
to talk about the pop-up shop.
Oh, okay.
It's happening.
It looks like it's going to be at lab two.
The reason for that is lab two, like I said, is not nearly as moving ready as I thought
it was going to be.
So what better thing to do with it then, then host a pop-up shop where people can come and
try the screwdrivers.
We are also trying to get a handful of top of production backpacks there as well.
That'd be cool.
That's a good idea.
The backpack is also in mass production now.
Hey, finally.
All right.
We got some good news.
Let's go.
Finally good news.
And what's cool is if we can manage to get even a few hundred backpacks there, then I
will guilt-free open up back orders for it so we can address some of the cashflow challenges
that we are having right now.
Because as long as genuine customers have given genuine hands-on feedback, then stuff
like back orders aren't as big of a deal.
Makes sense.
I'm definitely going to send this Cerakote idea to Kyle right now, but I can tell you
guys now, if there's any amount of complexity involved in making that happen, we are not
looking for new solutions to try out.
It sounds cool, but at this point, I think we just need to get the screwdrivers out.
Idea for the pop-up shop, putting a bunch of random people on a live stream can be very
problematic and has been very problematic in the past.
So I don't think we should do that, except maybe exclusively on FlowPlane.
So we have more easily control of it.
Oh, interesting.
So you want to do a stream at the pop-up shop.
So the reason why is because I just brought up the genuine reactions from genuine customers,
But we're going to probably end up making a video about it or something, I don't know.
So there would be editing involved.
So we could be like, no, this is how they reacted.
Oh, that's kind of a cool idea.
This was it.
This was the uncut VOD live.
This is people trying the screwdrivers genuinely for the first time.
No editing.
Raw AF.
I kind of like it actually.
I like it.
I think it's cool, but I think it's a little risky to throw that on like YouTube.
Because again, throwing random people on a live stream on your platform on an open channel
has been problematic in the past.
I'm not trying to just pump my own platform, but it has been a problem.
So I will tentatively say, yeah, we should do that.
We should have fast internet there by then, uh, because this is other big news around
lab too.
Check out this community land.
We've already, we're brainstorming names, we're brainstorming ideas, um, chase figures.
We can get 200 seats in there while still having space for other activities.
I was going to say you can do a lot more than that, but okay.
We could do more than 200, but he wants to add projectors with party games.
I don't know about the renting arcade machines thing.
We should definitely do food trucks in the parking lot though.
Maybe some sponsors.
I mean, maybe we could like make some money on that empty fricking built thing.
He had the idea of bringing in portable mini golf, but not in the warehouse in the office
So you're literally playing mini golf in what will be the labs office.
You should have, you should have like the stairs be involved cause it's mini golf.
So who cares?
And this is what it'll look like.
I might screw the walls up actually.
So that's 200 seats.
How are you guys going to do parking VIP?
Uh, basically I think we're just going to say it's public transit only.
There is no parking.
Do not park here.
And it's bring your own computer.
Public transit only.
Ooh, that's going to be pretty tough.
I guess people will have to be dead.
I mean I've done it or get dropped off like other people have done it.
Look, that's doable.
I'm sorry.
Get her done.
The reality of it is, is we'll say there's no parking and people will find parking.
They'll find grassy knolls.
They'll find parking five blocks away and they'll, they'll, you know, drop off their
stuff and then they'll go park and then they'll go walk back.
Like we're just going to say there's no parking because I mean there isn't, there isn't enough
parking for that many people.
So we're going to make the, the parking lot will be food trucks and staff only.
Because I'd like as many of our staff as we can to be able to come and hang out with people
Maybe we'll get some food here.
Maybe some sponsor booths.
Maybe try and make some money.
Uh, Chase has got porta potties in here, but frankly I think at that point you might as
well just use the regular bathrooms and then hire a cleaning crew for the cost of porta
Hire a cleaning crew to just come in and clean them after.
Cause you're going to want to do that.
No offense gamers, but a little bit of offense gamers.
You gotta, you gotta do some more.
Uh, you gotta do some more, uh, what?
You gotta do some more jobs.
His idea was to do mini golf in the office area, which I actually think is hilarious.
I don't know that we would actually do that, but yeah.
Um, and because this is our own venue, I would like to think that we could do it as an overnight
event without too much hassle and uh, have some fun because what, what is the standard?
Because that is an issue at venues, but what is this reason why insurance?
So one of the things we do want to do is just because any, any event this large, you should
just have a paramedic and a couple of cops on site just in case anything stupid happens.
So we would do that.
And at that point, I'm not, I'm not super worried about liability.
We're talking a bunch of sweaty nerds sitting and playing video games.
I don't think it's someone could have a heart attack.
We had a paramedic on site.
Like, what do you want, what else could we have possibly done?
I think you'd sort of have to say that people can't sleep there.
We'll probably say that.
And people will, and someone's going to fall asleep in their chair and, and you know, worst
case scenario, we go be like, yeah, you can't sleep here.
You're gonna have to go sleep somewhere else and come back.
I well, we'll figure it out.
We'll figure it out.
But I'm, I'm super excited.
I'm super excited.
I want to, yeah, I want to, I want to do it ball pit, dude.
I love the ball pit reference, but even when we did it at like that first LTX, so few people
understood the ball pit reference.
And like, it's a funny chuckle as you walk in and then it's like a big area that no one
cares about and you paid for it to be there and it's just kind of like, yeah.
So yes.
Ha ha ball pit, but no, but no, but no.
Pretty exciting though.
That's really cool.
So we've come up with a way to break it in.
We've come up with a shop shop there and we've come up with the idea of doing, um, a land
party there.
So at least we're going to try and get some use out of it.
I mean, it's got 300,000 Watts of power.
So I looked at that and went, well, let's do something with it.
Ramstein concert.
That'll be sweet.
Um, good way to use it as like an event space while still getting it prepped up.
I can tell you right now, some of Chase's ideas are things that, um, I'm not that into,
uh, some of them though are things I am super into.
We definitely want to have like local servers there for games that still support local servers.
Um, we definitely want to have a steam cash there so people can get all the games they
I think that'd be good content.
I just like an updated steam cash.
How fast can we download from steam would be a super cool video.
Like we could just say like, Hey, okay, everyone.
Everyone ready?
Let's go.
Let's go download the same game and like see how hard we could hit a steam cash server.
It'd be fricking awesome.
Um, cause it's the kind of thing that when it comes to real world testing of, of, uh,
of these solutions, it's really, it's difficult.
It's a hassle.
It's like impossible for us to do it on our own.
We can't build 200 machines to test our steam cash server.
When we do a video about it, we can maybe hook a few of them up to it and go, yeah.
And theoretically it could go as high as this, but if we want to actually show this thing
serving games at 10 gigabytes a second, well, we've got to like, yeah, we got to get a few
hundred people together and like download some fricking games.
It'd be sick.
Um, scheduled games and small tournaments throughout the land.
Absolutely going to be a thing.
I mean, I might just have a section that's just like, yeah, we're only playing the game.
I want to play it.
If you don't like it, you can leave you down, you in, I'm down.
I'm actually a hundred percent down with that.
That's sorry.
That's something, but that, that is honestly, and we've talked about this on WAN before,
but like internet being really good hurt lands a lot.
Um, because lands used to be, you show up, you put your computer down, it's actually
a LAN.
It's not really a WAN.
People like sneaker share games around a fair amount.
Um, it's, it's handled, it's fine.
Um, people sneaker share games around and stuff, and then there's nothing else to do.
So you game, but now a lot of people will use the fact that there's like the stupid
things they do at home, like just sitting on Reddit or doing whatever to avoid the more
complicated interactions of social interaction and whatever else.
So they'll just sit there and just browse Reddit at a LAN.
Let's black hole Reddit.
Yeah, do it.
And Twitter and everything.
Facebook and whatever.
You're here to game.
Every time we see someone doing something other than gaming, we're just going to black
hole it immediately.
You should, you should black hole everything on YouTube, except for your channel.
Is that if you're going to watch YouTube, but yeah, like you're going to a LAN, you're
doing all this stuff like show up and game and play the games that other people are playing.
Like if you don't want to fine, yeah.
Don't come.
Don't show up.
Save your money.
A hundred percent.
I'm not saying you're like a bad person because you don't want to play whatever games we put
on the games list, but like not everyone's comfortable with social interaction and all
that kind of stuff.
But like, and that's totally chill.
That's totally fine.
That's what the event is, but we should at least have, I think we should at least have
a section that's like the, no, we are gaming.
We are gaming with the people here.
And if you don't like it, go find other people here.
Go find ones you like, because that's the whole point is that could be kind of cool.
So, so, so, so that's what kind of the whole land is like, but there's different like kind
of themes.
That could be pretty sweet.
Oh man.
You know, it'd be kind of cool.
Cause some people might just like hate shooters, but want to be at a LAN.
Wait, what if we made the tables like, like every, all the power and all the networking
per table, like just goes into one place in the middle of the table.
And then like just the connections to the table locations are just one quick single
10 gig and a single big power connection.
And then you could actually like relocate really good, like really easily and quickly.
So for like tournaments and stuff, you could actually like wheel your whole table to this
new, like you get like six people around the outside of the table.
You move, you literally plunk down next to the team you're playing.
So guys, I'd love that you go, okay, everyone find a team for worms Armageddon tournament
By the way, you will actually move and sit with your team.
So what, um, and this, this might not be better to be clear, but just to, just to throw some
input, um, what the packs land used to do for this when the packs land was actually
like really cool.
It's not that cool anymore, but when it was really cool, um, there was the bring your
own computer section.
There was the not bring your own computer section, which I don't think we're doing,
but that's fine.
And then there was the tournament area.
The tournament area was a set of tournament computers that were there by default ahead
of time that we might be able to do with those.
And then if you were to join one of the official big time main tournaments, they were going
to like put on the big screens and stuff.
You would just go to the tournament area as though the team would be sitting across from
you every single time, no matter what, without moving the tables and stuff.
Yeah, we could figure that out.
That might be a decent idea.
I'm super down.
We definitely, people like sounds like a waste of time for moving.
You're at a LAN party.
You are literally paying to waste your time.
And that time it sounds fun.
That's what it is.
That's what it is.
Don't worry guys.
We're gonna, we're gonna figure it out.
I think the actually like relocating for everything is probably, probably not the smartest thing
ever, but we could definitely have some extra tables set up, like you said, for, you know,
main stage, main stage matches.
And you can also do like, okay, so that's, so we're starting a whatever kind of worms
It's starting with way too many people to have them at the tournament tables.
So once we get down to like quarter final rounds, then they move to the tournament tables.
That'd be super awesome, man.
I am.
I'm like so stoked.
That's exciting.
I almost feel like we should do like a small one as a warmup just with like staff and staff
and friends or something like that.
Just kind of work out some of the kinks, figure out what we want to do in terms of, of like
Not like, like hacking the mainframe programming, but like, like event programming, if you know
what I mean.
I could probably, I could probably round out some peeps or a good old,
Bar now, over in flow playing chat says, okay, but what about 200 gamers, one CPU?
So now instead of a LAN, it's a content generation piece.
Look, can I, can I help being a businessman?
No, it's good.
We want that.
It's good.
Oh man.
I kind of love it.
People are like, is this a mini LTX or something?
No, it's not LTX.
It's just a LAN party.
It is not going to be branded LTX.
I actually,
There's lots of lands that have small little expo booths and sponsor booths and stuff.
That's not weird.
It's just to make, it's helped make it sustainable.
It's kind of the other way around from LTX.
LTX was a massive expo with a LAN there.
That was kind of awesome because it was hosted by DreamHack.
This is a big LAN with a, maybe a little bit of sponsor expo there.
Having a little bit of sponsor expo is pretty sweet because honestly something that's going
to happen at LANs is people are going to have problems with their computers.
And it's pretty common for the companies that show up to expo to have some stuff for sale
or have some stuff for giveaway.
And sometimes people will be like, oh man, like my keyboard broke when I drove it here.
I need a new keyboard.
And maybe there's like, just to throw a random name out there, Corsair.
Corsair is a booth.
They have some keyboards for sale.
You can get a keyboard on the spot and keep gaming.
I think that's cool.
I've always liked having like at least a little bit of sponsor booths there personally.
That's actually a pretty good point.
We should probably just try to make sure that like Memex is a sponsor or something.
It's like have some stuff there, have some emergency fix things and have your warehouse
like whoever's manning the booth, make sure they have keys to the store so they can like
go get stuff.
You know, you have a GPU die, you know, three hours into a LAN.
That sucks.
And the odds are greater than you might think because it's just been transported, right?
Which adds wear to it, wear to the connectors, like all kinds of things.
You don't think about what vibration does to things, right?
Carding stuff around can be really hard on it.
You're definitely using it.
Maybe the power's not as clean as you would normally have because you've got 200 people
connected to like one freaking transformer.
But there's, there's a lot of variables here, right?
And stuff can die.
And when you've got these kinds of numbers of people, right, 200 people, if only 1% of
people's computers had some kind of a problem, well that's two people that just have no computer
That sucks.
You don't want that to happen.
I mean, what we could also do is make sure that we've got a couple of, just a couple
of completed machines that we could scavenge from if need be.
Maybe we could just lean on the LMG stores.
You do have to be somewhat concerned about those things not coming back.
Like I, like I've always kind of, that's fair enough.
We're going to have the means to take money from people because we'll be selling merch.
So yeah, that's fair enough.
I just, I know like when, when there's like those sponsor boost things and they're, they're
selling stuff, it's still, it's still cool.
Usually they don't mark it up.
Sometimes it's even discounted.
But even if it's not discounted, like as long as it's not marked up for the LAN, then it's
not a feel as bad.
If your, if your card or keyboard died or whatever, well, it died, it was going to die
at home.
I mean the vibration thing, maybe not, but like it, you need to buy a new one anyways.
You're not just going to get a free one that costs more than your ticket to the LAN just
because you happen to be at the LAN.
That Bob says over on floatplane chat, I once attended a LAN party in a horse shed.
The power was probably not great.
That's awesome though.
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How do I change this now?
Oh, wide cam.
There we go.
Very nice.
Someone asked, is the AC going to be functional?
Very unlikely.
There's a few ceiling fans.
The AC for Lab 2 is going to cost probably somewhere in the neighborhood of a hundred
to $200,000.
So I need to sell screwdrivers backpacks.
That's a lot of money.
Is it?
So question, is it expensive in any particular way because of the lab?
No, it's just, it's just, AC is just expensive.
Really, really expensive.
We've had a couple of heat wavy summers here in lower mainland.
And I think there's been a little bit of, I think there's been a little bit of profiteering
by the handful of HVAC contractors in our area because traditionally we haven't really
needed it.
And so there aren't, it's not a really well established industry here in the way that
it might be somewhere like Austin, Texas.
To be clear, I'm not saying we don't have HVAC companies.
We do.
We have air conditioning.
It's just that our capacity for it is a little lower.
It's kind of like how, remember, remember how maybe like starting three, four or five
years ago, we started getting like regularly these giant dumps of snow and it had been
like 10 years.
We ran out of salt because we have salt trucks and like salt repositories, but we just weren't
prepared for that amount of snow for that extended a period of time, we didn't have
the infrastructure for it.
So it's the same way where all of a sudden everyone and their dog is going, oh wow, it
gets really hot here now.
I guess I'll install AC.
So supply and demand, baby.
We got a quote for a hundred thousand dollars for creator warehouse.
That time.
Basically I off because that's ridiculous.
Oh my goodness.
They wanted to put inducted air conditioning there and I'm sitting here going, this has
already got a completed tenant improvement with four discrete zones.
What are you going to do?
You're going to punch through gigantic holes in this building and run metal ducting.
Are you an idiot?
So we didn't, I don't even think we went back to that contractor for a second quote
because their suggestion was just so concerning.
You just don't want to work with them anymore.
Well, why would I?
I've had experiences like that.
Because if they weren't complete idiots or trying to take advantage of me, not knowing
better, they would have quoted mini splits.
They're tiny areas.
They're only a thousand square feet each.
I was going to say like if you wanted a really rough solution, you could have gotten those
like rolling ACs from Costco and cooled that place.
We could have cooled it with that for a couple grand.
It's a small place and it's very zoned out.
It does not need like, yeah.
So we got a new quote with mini splits and I think it was like a quarter, which is too
But the mini splits is the nice solution.
I'm not going to do it myself.
Well, mini splits are a cheap solution because instead of, instead of making space for giant
air ducts, you just have to make space for refrigerant lines up to the roof.
You put your, your outside unit up there and then you just mount the thing to the wall
and boom, you're air conditioned.
So I was saying it's a nice solution compared to my like whole bunch of random wheelie Costco
Laddie says a ground source heat pump could be very interesting too as a content piece
if you could get details on them doing it.
I had a cool idea.
We were at, were we at Brandon's house when I was talking to him about him?
I don't know.
Anyway, yes we were.
We were, we were doing Brandon's Intel Extreme Tech Upgrade and he was upset because his
strata council, which is a homeowner's association for our American friends, won't allow window
mounted AC units in his complex.
And he was like, well that sucks because they're way more efficient than the floor standing
Also, they don't take up space on your freaking floor.
They're just objectively better, but they don't look nice, right?
If you have a window to put it in, yeah.
And so I was telling Brandon, I was like, hey, with the way that your unit is situated,
could we conceivably just stealth an outdoor unit by instead of having condenser, like
a big condenser and a fan, right?
Just burying like a geothermal loop in your lawn and then having some like very small
stealth compressor and like whatever an expansion, I think the expansion chamber and the compressor
still have to sit in an outdoor unit.
Like it, would anybody ever go on that side of your house?
You could even have like one, you could have like some real plants and then one large fake
And hopefully it looks real and just like put it in the bush because you wouldn't want
to be a real plant because it'll kill it.
But like, yeah, that'd be, that'd be pretty sweet.
Yeah, so anyway, we call BC one call and it turns out that you can't just like get information
about exactly and exactly where everything is in the ground.
I thought that was the whole point.
I know.
So I think, well, the point is for contractors who have experience digging properly and know
how to avoid things for them to get a general idea, but for just some idiot wanting to dig
a giant hole in their yard, no, they're not really set up for that.
I love gorilla infrastructure.
I don't think any, I don't think any smart contractor would risk damaging their professional
reputation by just going and digging up this lawn for us to install like a non-permitted,
non-authorized air conditioner.
But I do think it would have been amazing, amazing content.
Could you get a contractor to just dig up the lawn though?
Not even tell them what it's for?
I think the Strata probably wouldn't approve that either.
If they won't even let you have an AC in your window, I don't think they're going to let
you just turn your lawn into a dirt pile.
What buttholes.
Because you got to remember part of the Strata's role is a landscaping and maintenance for
the complex.
So they're going to notice that.
The idea was-
There's a big hole now.
The idea was we like get in, rip it out, put in the stuff, cover it up, and do it all in
like a day.
So we'd have to move fast.
Or overnight.
Or that.
Oh, there's echo.
Suddenly, Linus Echo.
Are you watching?
Am I watching?
Is someone watching?
He's looking into it.
We didn't change anything.
Oh no.
What is to know?
We didn't change anything.
Oh no.
What is to know?
We didn't change anything.
Oh no.
What is to know?
What is to know?
Oh no.
What is to know?
What is to know?
What is to know?
What is to know?
What is to know?
What is to know?
What is to know?
What is to know?
What is to know?
You're good now?
Yeah, you should be good.
All right.
All right.
Apparently, Luke is fine.
All right.
Nate, why don't we do some merch messages?
For all the super smart people who send merch messages instead of YouTube super chats.
Speaking of, there's a promo for LTT store.
Oh, no, there is no banner thing
because it's automatically applied in the checkout.
And it's if you add a certain sized mouse pad,
1000 by 700 millimeters, Northern Lights desk pad,
and any tote bag, you add those together to your cart
and the cart will automatically apply a discount
that makes the tote bag free.
Very cool.
Can you tell we need cash flow?
You might need a LTT tote bag
to put your stuff in for the land.
Here's the tote bag.
Got two different colorways and two different sizes.
Love it.
If there are, give away random contests at the LAN,
which I expect there probably would be.
I would be not surprised if most LTT merch
worn at a given time was one of the sections.
Oh, that's just hacking, telling them the secrets.
So it's the one meter by 700 millimeters size, I believe.
So if you add one of those to cart and a tote bag,
it is free.
The tote bag's free.
The tote bag is free.
All right.
Hit me, Bell.
First quick message from Nick,
because there was a lot of excitement around the backpack
when we said it was a mass production.
That still means it's a couple months away.
Oh, yeah.
Just to set expectations.
First question here from Anon.
I'm curious if inflation is impacting Creator Warehouse,
and if you have any ideas of how to deal with it,
will you have to increase prices to cover costs?
Oh, man.
You're gonna make me talk about inflation again.
I don't need any more hot takes here, man.
All right.
Is inflation impacting Creator Warehouse?
Inflation is, in a nutshell, yes.
I keep saying in a nutshell today.
I'm like hooked on nutshells.
Bottom line, yes.
But is the impact as much as other industries
and other businesses?
I'll be more blunt.
A lot of companies are looting right now.
They're blaming a lot of it on inflation,
and they're massively ramping up prices
and taking the biggest profit margins they have ever taken
and calling it inflation.
Yes, inflation is affecting us.
We have had costs rise.
Logistics costs have gone up significantly
in the last couple of years.
Labor costs are an interesting one
because theoretically, as inflation spins out of control,
labor costs are supposed to go up,
but my understanding is that real salary growth
has actually not been that much.
With that said, our salaries do grow,
so that's not any different for us.
I think that Luke can attest to
that he doesn't get paid the same as he did nine years ago,
which is probably good.
Yeah, that's pretty cool.
Definitely a good thing.
I don't think Bell gets paid the same as he did.
When did you start Bell, two years ago?
Yeah, about a year and a half.
Yeah, about a year and a half ago.
I'm pretty sure you don't get paid the same
as you did when you started.
So yes, labor costs are going up,
but the thing is that, yeah,
I think inflation's getting used as a boogeyman.
As someone to blame for costs going up because-
Look that way while I shove all the money in my bag.
Yeah, like an apple, for example.
The cost of an apple, sorry, how does this go up?
Okay, so the farm laborers might get paid more,
and the truckers might get paid more.
Fuel costs are going up,
but the fuel costs are only going up
because the companies that produce fuel
decided to raise the costs.
So the truckers are, actually, I don't even know,
has there, okay, I mean, I'd love to hear from you guys.
Has there been significant movement
in the trucking industry
in terms of like real world actual salaries?
Farmhands, are you guys getting paid a ton more?
In the grand scheme of thing,
the actual cost of that apple on the shelf,
like how much of that was actual labor in the first place?
And if it wasn't labor, how is it inflating?
What does that even mean?
How did, did the land,
does the land cost more now to like sit there?
Land prices are going up,
but a lot of that is just exploitative,
speculative investment, that's not inflation.
So basically it's complicated.
And yes, yes, our costs are going up,
just like anyone's costs are going up right now,
but not enough that we have actually had
to significantly adjust our pricing up until this point.
But you might eventually,
like it might impact something at some time.
We might have to.
Yeah, exactly.
But it won't be because we just decided
to take more profit.
Actually, our margins are very,
have been very consistent pretty much since we started.
We take about a hundred points.
So you can assume that our costs
are somewhere in the neighborhood of 30 to 65%.
And the more expensive the item,
typically the less actual percentage profit
we tend to take on it.
So that's why that doesn't just center on 50%.
That's why it could be lower.
Like we rely on high margin, low ASP,
low average sell price items,
like water bottles or cable ties
to help subsidize how much more difficult it is for us
as a small company to do bigger ticket items
like hoodies, screwdrivers, backpacks, things like that.
So that's typically what we target.
And that might sound like a lot
for us to sell something for $50 that we spend $25 on,
but that is gross margins.
That does not include the people who designed it.
That does not include customer service.
That does not include transactional overhead.
That doesn't include R&D for future products.
Like Creator Warehouse isn't a crazy money printing machine.
And that is pretty reasonable for gross margins
for like clothing items, consumer goods,
that sort of thing.
So there you go.
From Carter, with gas prices rising the way they are,
do you expect the market will accelerate
towards electric vehicles?
If so, do you think that that could lead
to another shortage of components?
Materials needed to make electric vehicles.
The world is having a hard time producing enough
of said materials.
Yeah, I don't think that you could make
more electric vehicles today if you wanted to.
Yeah, pretty much.
So we're just gonna see more price gouging,
more profiteering on electric vehicles.
There was a dealership that marked up,
they did a dealership markup of a vehicle.
This was on F-150 Lightning, right?
Yeah. Yeah.
It was literally the price of the vehicle.
They marked it up, they marked up the vehicle
by the price of the vehicle.
So they just doubled it because there's so much,
like the automotive, it's very hard to buy a car right now.
Yeah, it's really tough.
Take care of your car.
Yeah, I told you I got offered sticker for my Volt, right?
I have 90,000 kilometers on it.
And they offered me brand new sticker price
for a four or five-year-old car.
And I'm sitting here going,
well, you must've done that for a reason.
That's insane.
There was a, there was a, who was it from?
I don't remember off the top of my head,
but someone that I follow on Twitter made a tweet
about how like their best investment
over the last few years has been their car.
And if you told them that when they bought it,
they would have called you an idiot, like.
Me too.
Crazy, absolutely crazy.
Mine's gone up in value.
I have driven it around.
It has saved me a ton of money,
cause it's plug-in hybrid.
And it's apparently worth more than I paid for it.
And yeah, to be clear,
I'm not even talking like best investment,
like, oh, it enables me to drive to work,
which is extremely important.
I mean, like they made money on the sale of their vehicle.
Like that's wild.
Usually you're used to like people warning you like crazy,
like buy used, whatever,
because the second you drive it off the lot,
it loses value, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
And now we're in a situation where people
that bought electric cars a few years ago
are selling them back at a profit in some situations, so.
That's nuts.
I think on Brandon's model X,
he got offered near what he paid recently.
Yeah, that's crazy.
Oh, okay.
That's wild.
Speaking of, this question is from a Brandon.
Hey, Linus. Hey.
Have you never met Yvonne?
Do you think LMG would still exist
or have been successful?
No, it wouldn't have existed.
It was based on Yvonne's,
I owe her everything.
And I mean that in not like a cheesy way,
in like a literal way.
I was very depressed around the time that I met her.
I was doing a job that was destroying me.
It was sucking the soul out of me.
I was in school, which was not compatible with me,
at least young me.
Maybe I would have done better if I had gone back later.
Doubt it.
Thanks for that.
No problem.
Yvonne rescued me from both of them.
She was the push I needed to go against
what my family wanted and drop out of school
and start my job at the computer store.
So that was, first of all, I exist today.
Thanks Yvonne.
Number two, I mean, I'm not saying
I would have killed myself, but it was a thought
and maybe something else would have pushed me over the edge.
I don't know.
And to be clear,
cause I think some people might not get this.
I think you got it.
My comment about you not doing better at school
wasn't cause I think you're dumb.
You're not made for that.
I really don't think I'm made for it.
I love to learn.
Not in that environment.
On my terms.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
You're not made for that.
It would not have gone well.
It's just, yeah.
So she got me out of school.
She got me out of a job I hated
into an industry that I loved.
Then when it was time to make the decision
to leave NCIX and set out on my own,
I use the word on my own extremely loosely here
because it was on my own, but with like serious backup.
You know what I mean?
You know those,
you know what, it doesn't come to mind
in a way that's eloquent.
But the point is that the only reason
I was able to start Linus Media Group
was that Yvonne with her job at the pharmacy
was taking her pharmacy paychecks
and writing them out to Luke and Ed
and our operating costs.
That was it.
We were literally just paying Luke and Ed
out of Yvonne's pharmacist salary.
I also had the confidence to set out on my own
because I knew that no matter what happened,
we wouldn't be unable to pay the mortgage, right?
We wouldn't lose our home,
which was really important because we had a small child,
right, we had our infant son.
Loud boy.
Yeah, so Yvonne in the early days in particular
was working to generate the capital we needed
to run the business day to day,
raising our child because I was raising our other child,
Linus Media Group Incorporated,
and doing all of our finances and accounting
and like negotiations with,
all of our business administration stuff,
like getting business licenses and insurance
and all that kind of stuff.
So she was literally working three jobs
while she was also taking care of the man child
that she married for some reason.
That was a very motivating house.
I remember when I stayed up for like three days or whatever
and had just like peanut butter and crackers
and tested the 700 series graphics cards
and it felt like not necessarily more
than what was happening in the rest of the house.
I was like, this is crazy.
So if I had somehow managed to start LMG,
like if I had lucked my way into working at NCIX,
starting the YouTube channel
and setting out on my actual own,
would it have been as successful?
The answer is no.
Yvonne has pushed me at every stage to be more organized,
to take a more structured approach,
to build the business properly and do it responsibly.
There you go.
From James, given the infrastructure
and facilities you've built,
do you see a future for LMG as a production company
that could bring in smaller, newer creators
into the LMG family to benefit
from your editor's equipment or expertise?
I'm gonna give you the blunt answer.
There's no money in it.
Sorry, that's just the way it is.
I mean, we'd love to, you know,
we'd love to like, what would it even look like, right?
I remember reaching out to a relatively small creator
at the time.
If there is money in it, it's like almost abusive.
So you don't really want to do it anyways.
Yeah, you're basically an MCN at that point.
What was it?
Oh yeah, there was an early creator.
There was a creator in our earlier days that I just loved,
who was super small on the platform.
And I was like, hey, you know,
we have this sponsor selling infrastructure.
We have admin, we have a lot of knowledge
about how to succeed on the platform.
This guy's hilarious and amazing.
And maybe if he didn't have to like support himself
in other ways, he could focus more on YouTube
and we could make this make sense.
Killian experience, still love his content.
And we basically like chatted a little bit
and came to the conclusion.
You know, I basically approached saying,
I have no idea what this would even look like.
And I think we came to the conclusion
that it just didn't really make any sense.
And it's never made sense again.
We sort of talked about kind of why
earlier in the show as well.
You can do it with an iPhone.
And the editing that is needed,
like there's some small channels that grow in no small part
because they're fantastic editors
and they use their editing to make their content
really, really, really cool.
But if your content's really cool in a lot of situations,
all you need to do is just cut it together.
It's not that crazy.
Of course, you can make it better
if you hire an editor eventually, whatever, whatever,
but you can get started without one.
Yeah, and I do think that there are advantages
to working within an organization like ours.
If I didn't, I wouldn't have people working here, obviously.
But if you are, have you ever gotten to the point
where you're already crushing it as an indie content creator
there has to be a really special synergy.
I hate to use that fricking business lingo.
There has to be a really special synergy
to make it make sense for both parties
because either there's nothing in it for you
because I'm sapping all your profits
or there's nothing in it for me
because you're basically just an indie content creator
eating my food, sleeping in my bed and using my toilet.
Like, why are you here?
There has to be some kind of symbiotic relationship
that makes sense.
Or either one of us ends up being a parasite.
All right, let's text.
This is a good segue.
Hi, Linus and Luke.
Are there any new potential Floatplane creators
that you're excited about?
Also, does Floatplane contact specific creators
or do they always approach you?
We've done both.
There actually are some cool content creators
that I wanna pull on Floatplane right now
that have reached out.
With what time?
Right now we have a little bit of a staffing issue
that I don't wanna get into too much
because it involves some personal information stuff.
But there's some development work on Floatplane
that cannot be done right now due to a staffing issue
that we are solving, it will get resolved.
And there's a couple of things that we want to implement
that would serve current creators on the platform
that we have told them we are going to do
and we are going to do and are mostly done
but need to be implemented and can't be right now
due to said staffing issue.
And I want to solve those before we bring more on.
And that will be done.
And then we will bring more content creators on.
Again, there are some in the,
I don't know what I would call it, it's not a queue,
but there are some that have reached out
that are really exciting and I wanna bring on
and I think it will be really cool and it'll happen.
Just not this second.
Slow burn.
McNugget says, one day I wanna hear Yvonne tell us
why she stuck with Linus for such a long time.
Sounds like a very risky venture.
How do you know I'm not really good at sex?
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
At the very least you're efficient, you have three kids.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
Oh man.
The worst part of that laugh is that as someone
who had a room across the hallway from us.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
I wasn't gonna mention it.
He's probably the only one other than Yvonne
who would actually know.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
All right, composure.
I have no segue for this question unfortunately,
but from Cody, what do you think of 3D printed homes?
Seems cool, seems like probably there are more efficient
ways to do it for now, but maybe someday it'll be cool.
There's some problems with it as far as my understanding
cause usually they just make completely solid cement walls.
So like wiring and ducting and things like that
are complicated and stuff.
But yeah, cool concept.
Excited to see it develop over time.
From Alex, what do you think of iPadOS's floating windows
or anything that was announced at WWDC?
I haven't watched the announcement.
I didn't even watch our video yet, I will.
Neither have I.
The truth is like that ecosystem,
no amount of floating window or new icon pack
is gonna make that ecosystem make sense for me.
I use my computer for gaming.
I like rolling my own crap via like Plex
and like having a home server and stuff.
I just, Apple would need to seriously change
its approach and attitude to even begin
to court me as a customer.
Yeah, like core parts of it.
Yeah, like if Apple took a run at framework
in terms of, disclosure I'm invested in framework,
in terms of, you know, repairability of their devices,
you got my attention, but they're not.
They just keep pulling the same crap over and over
and over and over again.
And we just keep lying down and taking it
over and over and over and over again.
So there's no one to blame but ourselves,
like consumers, I mean.
Well, they did announce gaming on Mac with two examples,
No Man's Sky and Resident Evil Village,
neither look like they run great,
but gaming is coming to Mac.
Gaming is not coming to Mac.
Gaming has always been on the Mac.
They just forgot.
Oh yeah, it's just always been like almost no games.
Like Blizzard had a lot of support back in the day.
No, there has not always been no games.
Back in the nineties, gaming on Mac was fricking huge
and Apple just crapped on it.
Original, what was it?
They just got too cool for games and the irony of it,
the irony is they spent so much of their marketing resources
on branding the PC as boring and for business
when they were cool and for entertainment.
What the, Apple?
Like it just, why?
Yeah, like Bungie, a company that went on to make Halo
and then Destiny and stuff, if I remember correctly,
they originally were an Apple,
essentially only game developer.
Their first game I think was Marathon.
I believe it was called Marathon.
It's baffling, man.
Like there's old keynotes where you see Steve Jobs
talking about how amazing gaming is on the Mac.
Like they just only care about money.
That's why gaming is such a huge focus for them on iPad
and iPhone because that's where they can profit
from the microtransactions.
That's why they don't give a about Mac.
They should, this, they should,
they should have just made their own store, like Steam.
Well, they have their own store.
They should have just made their own game store on Mac.
Yeah, they could.
But the problem was that with the Mac,
if they clawed back the ability to just install.dmgs
from anywhere, users would revolt.
It's just that we accept it on iOS because,
well, it's for our security, it's for our own wellbeing.
Apple's taking care of us.
Sorry, there's a whole thing poor Jonathan Horst
wrote in here about the WWDC 2022 announcements.
Why don't we talk a little bit about.
Probably, yeah, okay.
M2 is better and more efficient, has a more powerful GPU,
still Thunderbolt 3 slash USB 4, same graphs as ever.
I feel like he's gotten so much more cynical about Apple
since he started working here.
I really think so.
Redesigned MacBook Air, it looks like a much thinner,
fanless MacBook Pro with MagSafe 3 and a notch.
No ProMotion or XDR, but brighter at 500 nits,
10 bit display, 10 AP webcam.
M2 processor still only supports one external display.
Price around 1200 bucks.
Okay, software stuff.
Pick your faves it says.
iOS 6 has a more customizable lock screen.
Cool, can I put my icons wherever I want on my home screen?
No, no, okay.
Well, why yourself then because that's really stupid.
Like it's just, you gotta imagine it.
You gotta imagine the meeting where every once in a while,
someone brings this up like,
hey, should we like finally do that?
And it's like, no, there must be some stupid,
just asinine philosophical reason for not doing it.
Metal 3, oh, metal effects upscaling.
I will say actually, someone sent me a bunch of tweets
after the last WAN show where we talked about that
and we show both our phones
about how our home screens are clear.
There is some weird kind of janky way to sort of-
Yeah, you can put an invisible icon down I think.
That's stupid.
That's really stupid.
But I think it's cool that you thought about that
and did that.
It's kind of stupid that that's what you have to do.
But yeah, Metal 3 has like DLSS, fidelity effects style,
like upscaling now, which is cool.
Cross platform features and services.
You can mark as unread and iMessage.
iMessage didn't support mark as unread.
Speaking of security things,
there's a new feature on watchOS 9,
medication reminders and logging.
Scan your drug, schedule it and be alerted
of any potential bad drug interactions.
That sounds like a liability nightmare,
but that's a cool feature.
It sure does sound like a liability nightmare.
It does sound like a cool feature, but like, dang.
Like a very cool feature.
But if I was Apple, there is no way.
I wouldn't want to hold that information.
Well, I don't even mean that.
I mean, screening for drug interactions.
What if they get it wrong?
Being responsible for that?
Spooky, very spooky.
Drug interactions are a big deal.
Mac OS 13 lets virtual machines run apps via Rosetta
and non Apple SOCs can unofficially run Rosetta too,
which is pretty cool.
Cause it means that you could use Apple's Rosetta
on like a Snapdragon machine and run X86 applications.
That wasn't talked about during WWDC,
but it's pretty freaking cool.
Anthony put this in.
There's a whole bunch of super technical stuff here
that I'm sure we'll get into in more detail
when we actually make a video about it.
But that is, it is not this day.
I had a falling tree ask on YouTube,
why are we doing shorts?
Here's the message.
I enjoyed the original video,
but I'm not a fan of you guys advocating
for the short video format that YouTube
has been so desperately trying to push.
Don't treat your fan base like idiots.
There are so many super talented people in this community.
I was with you up until the beginning.
Yes, YouTube is pushing it super hard
and you don't have to be a fan of it.
But uploading short form content
is not treating our audience like idiots.
And there are lots of perfectly talented people.
I don't understand what that had to do with anything
that do enjoy short form content.
This is honestly feeling like first part of our community,
a bit like an old man yells at cloud moment here,
because I don't personally prefer them either.
But you can't ignore that there is an enormous appetite
for this content and that it doesn't have to be bad.
Just because something has really punchy editing
and a lot of text on the screen does not mean
that it does not contain good information.
And I got to show you guys,
like we would be insane at this point
to not take advantage of the way that YouTube pushes shorts.
Also, if you need evidence that you are in the minority
in terms of hating it, the numbers are right here.
YouTube doesn't show you these ratios anymore,
but particularly, excuse me,
particularly the ones that are successful
are hovering right around that average
like dislike ratio for the channel,
which is somewhere in the neighborhood of 97 high percent.
Also, like these view counts are crazy.
We literally squeezed another 3 million views
out of turning our 12900KS IHS to copper.
Like it's content we were already making anyway.
Look, we got another 4 million views of exposure
for that super cool VR glove project.
Like at the end of the day,
our job is to light fires, right?
Light fires of technology passion.
And if this is what it takes,
putting some silly text on the screen
in order to reach a new audience,
in order to reach 3 million more people, well, so what?
I'm, I don't know.
I'm not against shorts at all.
I don't like them.
I find them more digestible when I'm on my phone
because it's rare that I'm gonna be on my phone
in a situation where I wanna watch
like a 10 minute long video or something like that.
So if I just wanna like see a couple things
really quick, I might check out shorts.
I'm not, I just full transparency.
I literally don't know if I've ever watched an LTT short.
So like, I don't know.
But like the short as they have,
there's some that have done extremely well.
I've looked at that.
I just don't think I've necessarily watched them
because usually I just watch the whole video
if I'm gonna watch it.
Because that's like, that's the way
that I like to consume that type of content.
But I'm not like against shorts as a concept
and they're not difficult to dodge.
YouTube communicates quite well that it's a short video.
Just don't click on it, click on something else.
And then YouTube will honestly probably learn you
to a certain degree and not recommend it to you as much.
It's not really that big of a deal.
This isn't the fight that you wanna fight
because you're gonna lose.
Like just figure it out, find a way to navigate the space.
So yeah, it is what it is and I do not make the rules.
This is a don't hate the player,
hate the game moment guys here
because the second you start to slip on YouTube,
you are just one more small stumble
from the valley of irrelevance.
And it's happened over and over and over.
And you know what's funny is one of my favorite examples
to point to of people who used to be huge on the platform
and just faded away into absolutely nothing.
Ray William Johnson has actually experienced
a huge resurgence courtesy of da, da, da, da, da, da.
Shorts, he's freaking like kind of big again.
Look at this, he's getting, he's uploading like daily,
getting anywhere from a million
to three million views of video.
Whoa, no way.
Ray William freaking Johnson is back.
No way, that's crazy.
I know, right?
It's nuts. Interesting.
I didn't really watch him back in the day,
but he was huge.
Yeah, he was literally the biggest YouTuber on the platform,
like by a lot.
So I thought that was pretty funny.
That's cool.
What else do we have?
So why are we doing shorts?
Because shorts are a thing.
They're here to stay.
Man, what else we got here?
Wow, there's freaking a lot of stuff
that we actually like doing.
Oh, we really gotta talk about this.
Ivan's Ukraine charity GPU auction.
Whatever the Titan XP raises will go towards this.
Let's go ahead.
What is it?
Oh, wait, is this?
Oh, okay.
So for people who wanted more detail
about the exact project that we're funding,
apparently the amount was so much
that they were able to put together a specific project
rather than just general funding.
That's very cool.
So this is the project.
That's pretty neat.
Top-down estimate for this project is 20,000 Euro,
including running costs for six months.
So massive shout out our community, by the way,
for helping out with that.
Is there any way for people to just donate to this directly
instead of buying the GPUs?
I do not know.
That's a good question.
Bell, do you know anything about that?
I believe I can get a link and put it in the descriptions.
Anyway, it's all going to SOS Children's Villages, Ukraine,
and they're dedicated to helping war orphans
and vulnerable children in general.
They operate in 136 countries.
We've still got a few auctions you guys can check out.
So we've got the Star Wars Special Edition Titan XP.
This is a very rare GPU, super cool,
super cool piece of Ivan's collection.
And then there's a handful of other ones.
Are those in the description for the video already, Bell?
They sure are.
They sure are.
All right, fantastic.
So you guys can check those out down there.
So far, we've raised 8,000 US dollars.
And I already announced before,
but LMG is matching the community's bids on these GPUs.
So thank you very much for that, you guys.
Really excited to be able to help out in the ways
that we can from so far away.
Money, pretty much.
Do we have any more merch messages?
We do, we have one more from Robert.
Any new products you can talk about
coming to the LTT store?
I don't think so.
Probably nothing I can talk about.
Yeah, there's new products.
Jacob B says, the cap broke on a single drop
and leaks water even before the break.
You can contact customer service about that.
You don't need to buy a new lid.
We like, stand behind our products.
You should contact customer service if you have a problem.
Just want to say that, Jacob.
There's still time to cancel your order,
contact customer service, look at what you're taking care of.
Any new products coming that I can talk about?
We have shorts, like shorts.
We have shorts coming.
We have a bathing suit coming that looks super cool.
Hopefully it will be in time for summer.
Otherwise it'll be totally off season.
Otherwise you'll be able to have it for next summer.
Yeah, otherwise it'll be another like
swaggett wan hoodie situation
where we're finally flush with stock
and it's like, oh, it's really hot.
Cool, hoodies.
That's okay, we'll sell them in the fall.
Oh man, what else is coming down the pipe?
Oh, paper notebooks.
I think we're announcing those next week.
So that's super cool.
I still like notebooks.
I've always liked notebooks.
Yeah, dog.
Ours is super cute.
They have like a graphic on them.
So they look like a tablet.
They have a little home button on the bottom
and like a little like bezel.
So you're like, you're writing your caveman notes
on a tablet looking thing.
Sarah designed it.
That's cool.
I don't know.
I don't know what else.
I don't know what else is coming.
Socks are not coming anytime soon.
I just have not found.
Do the shorts have zipper pockets?
I would have to check for you.
We have multiple shorts.
We have sweat shorts coming.
We have other more different shorts coming.
We have swim shorts coming.
So I don't know, I have to get back to you on that.
Is that it?
That's it.
Is that the end of the show?
Oh man.
Oh, Donald asks, have you considered a black oxide coating
on the screwdriver shaft?
That would not look that great.
That's what we use on the bits.
And as you can see it, it comes off.
So it's a good point that it's a super resilient coating,
but that should go to show you
that doing a coating on it is just not gonna work.
That's why we've gone with a raw metal look.
Any plans on pool tech?
Bell, feel free to be a little bit more liberal
in terms of pushing things through.
As long as it's something we haven't addressed before,
then feel free to curate it.
Cause there's a couple here I could have talked about.
I think the pool tech one,
I had a really interesting conversation this morning about.
Is this the thing? Big brain.
My brain went from this big to this big and then this big.
Like the Grinch, but with brains.
Yeah. Okay.
So the idea was we dumped the heat from the pool
from the server room and from the solar panels
into the pool.
So we were trying to figure out, okay,
how do we deal with that?
Because you're gonna have like pool water circulating,
which has chlorine in it.
So we were like, okay,
we could get a titanium heat exchanger,
stick that on the side of the house.
Then you have a loop going back to the server room
or up to the solar panels or whatever.
So the hot side and then you have a cold side
going into this heat exchanger and that runs to the pool.
So you heat the cold side and you heat the pool with that.
And then you got the independent loops, right?
Then I was looking through our video ideas,
our video tracker.
And I had an idea in there that was cool a PC with a lake.
Like if you have lakefront property
or like oceanfront property or whatever,
just like huck a giant heat sink into the water,
trench some tubes into your house
and cool your PC with that.
And I went, the pool,
I should just submerge the heat exchanger
so we don't have to deal with pumping pool water
because I was all worried about like getting hair,
getting stuck in the,
and leaves getting pulled into the heat exchanger
and stuff like filtering it like blah.
Now it has to be tied into the whole pool system itself
instead of just being a simple loop.
So I was like, oh, we could do a little alcove,
put some little bars in front of it.
Just have like a radiator fricking in the wall of the pool.
Then, then my brain grew three sizes that day.
Oh my.
And I thought, wait, in-floor radiant heating,
but the opposite.
You do like a geothermal loop style thing, right?
Or an in-floor radiant loop,
which is usually more like this style
in the walls of the pool.
They haven't shot the concrete yet.
It's still possible.
So on Monday, we are going to shoot a video
about the plan to use like in-floor, in-floor tubing
in the like woven into the rebar of the pool frame
and running that back to the server room to heat the pool.
It's going to be fricking awesome.
It's pretty sweet.
By the way, there was a flow plane comment about this.
I saw this happening and I made a mental note
to make some notes about it and talk about our WAN show.
And I forgot.
So I did not make the notes about it.
So I don't want to say things going to get things wrong.
But the act man had his channel permanently demonetized
on YouTube for some reasons that I didn't make notes on.
So I don't remember.
My problem with this is I haven't had time
to really look into it.
This is what I'm saying.
I don't fully understand the situation.
Me neither.
So I didn't want to come in guns blazing
because that's how I get myself in trouble.
But on the surface, it looks pretty bad.
I'll say that.
But exact same situation.
I meant to dive into it more and I didn't.
I had a bit of a crazy week.
So I did not dive into it enough.
But yeah, on the surface it looks bad.
So maybe look into it because it seems like
if it is as bad as it seems, that he does need support.
El Willow asks, kind of have a feeling
this wouldn't be as efficient as a heat exchanger
in a HVAC specialist.
So we don't need a HVAC.
There's no HVAC.
It's just water being pumped up to solar panels
where they're heated by the sun and then warmed
and carried in an insulated tube under the ground
into the pool.
And then the, or sorry, excuse me, into the walls
where the heat has to go somewhere.
It can't go up.
It can't go down because these are thin walls.
Heat is gonna take the quickest path,
path of least resistance.
The outside of the concrete is insulated.
So we should lose less heat that way.
So it has to go somewhere.
Energy can neither be created nor destroyed.
So it will go into the water
where it will be lost to the surrounding area.
The heat has to go into the water ultimately, most of it.
And there's no HVAC involved.
There's no compressed gases or anything like that.
So it's pretty simple actually.
But by the way, people are asking for a JASCO update.
Oh, we shot the video.
We shot the updates to the video today.
I believe that video is coming out like imminently.
So we're already two plus hours into the show.
We'll just wait for the video for that.
Also there was, on the dock I see two mini unboxings.
Two X mini unboxings.
I will do that another time.
Is concrete thermally conductive enough
for that to be effective?
I mean, think about it this way.
Is dirt thermally conductive enough
for geothermal to be effective?
Apparently, I guess if you've got enough of it,
is concrete thermally conductive enough
to be effective for in-floor heating?
Apparently, because people do it all over the world.
So I'm not, to be clear, I haven't done the math,
but I'm also not inventing a new wheel here.
This is a wheel that completely exists.
All I'm doing is I'm taking a principle that already exists,
which is putting plastic tubing coils or lines into concrete
and then running hot water through it and radiating it out.
There you go.
L Willow says HVAC stands for heat ventilation and AC,
which as a whole cover what you wanna do.
You're technically correct,
but I think the way most people tend to use it
is talking like ACs, heat pumps, furnaces,
not just like running a water loop in the ground.
I mean, yeah, you know what?
From like an engineering standpoint, you're right.
We should probably have an HVAC contractor involved,
but it's pretty simple.
I have heat over here
and then I need to carry it over there.
Anything else?
All right.
The best kind of correct, indeed.
I'm just checking float plane comments,
see if there's anything.
I mean, by this point in the video,
people haven't tuned out already.
They're gonna sit here
and watch me read float plane comments, right?
I'm kidding guys, you're wonderful.
Thanks for tuning in.
We'll see you again next week.
Same bad time, same bad channel.