
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

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All right ladies and gentlemen it is wen show time again, okay, David no problem
You got this all good brah
We have a lot of great topics today things happen things some people are mad some stuff happened this week
Everyone's mad the the Chinese are mad the people who aren't Chinese are mad
And that's basically the whole world if you think about it. Yeah
Yeah, it's like those two books what they what they teach you in Harvard Business School and what they don't teach you in Harvard
Yeah, I don't know everything. Thank you very much
So Blizzard banned a pro hearthstone player for supporting the Hong Kong protests
We're gonna get into the commentators and took his money and banned for you. Yeah, I said we'll get into there's way more news than that
I said we're gonna get into
Apple Hong Kong protest map app app app. No. Yeah, not a map. It's a map app
Well, okay fair enough
In news that people are not as riled up about stadia will use AI to predict gamers actions for negative latency
This is hilarious. Um, we are that much closer to a self-playing game. And what else we got? He's gonna aim at his head
I'm pretty sure he's gonna aim at his head. Well, wow. I am so mad about this, but it's your turn to read the topic
So you go ahead
Steam to make local multiplayer games work online. You're mad about this
No, this is amazing. Yeah. Oh totally misunderstood the headline. We're good. We'll roll the intro
Oh go do you think go go go. Oh wait, you got you gotta start the blizzard thing. We're going to be here forever. It's a really long topic. How ready are you guys for the iphone?
I don't know what we're doing. We're doing this. We're doing this. Okay. So this is posted by spartaman64 on the forum and everyone else.
Everyone, do you want to do you want to read through this? No, go for it. Okay, so blitz chung a pro hearthstone player from hong kong
Ended a stream earlier this week with a statement of support for those engaged in the month-long
Protests against local police and government in hong kong. Yes, if you haven't been keeping up with the news
Then here you go beef pro the hong kong protests
That is all that is the to look that is the too long did not read. Okay
so basically as far as if you are pro free speech and freedom for individuals and
against government oppression and all that crap then
this is a perfectly reasonable thing for blitz chung to do and as a result blizzard ruled that he violated competition rules and
Basically kicked him out of the grandmasters tournament took away his prize money, which was what 10 grand
I don't like that. Whatever. It doesn't even matter took away his prize money took away his prize money and
Banned him from taking part in hearthstone eSports for 12
months solid year starting October 5th 2019
But I'm mad
They also banned the the commentators as well like okay. No, I'm back. Hold on a second
So what if that what if the pickups just someone else's voice so the craziest part of the come?
Okay, we should probably read through the whole thing
Oh, no
I have so the craziest part of banning the commentators is that they even like tried to kind of cut him short
But I guess didn't do it like enough
They also kind of egged him on a little bit to start and then kind of cut him short as well
So to be that guy
Technically all of this was
definitively against the contract
So they are within legal. All right, I can leave but hold on but hold on
But that's that's like being in the like lawful evil alignment
It truly is it is basically because you're going you're following the law. Okay, you know what guys, I'm sorry
I'll be back in one second BRB tornado. I have to go. I don't even know exactly what it is
it's really quick, but like Blizzard can't be too surprised that this did happen because statements of
Solidarity with social and political movements have been happening in sports events for an extremely long time
There was the black glove thing. I don't remember all of them take a knee
There's been they've been they've been happening in sports and I guess now eSports for a very long time
They're a very common thing and I think the way that they reacted was rather heavy-handed
I'm gonna keep on going through some of the do you think that?
That part of the contract given the context that you're outlining for us
Do you think that when they're handed a contract for that tournament that the person handing it to them said hey pay attention to this
Section so this was super relevant right now. One thing that I will bring up here is that I have heard
That the commentators and blitz chung both knew they were going to go get in trouble going into this like it was his plan
This was planned against the TOS, but I'm gonna do it anyway. Yes
and the commentators
This is as far there's so I'm gonna get more into it later
There's a fair amount of like conflicting information in this story. Some of it's pretty freaking solid
And there's a lot of the information I've had to like work and eat this week
So I've been able to keep up with 100% of it
But that's the allegedly part is that they knew they were gonna get in trouble
I don't necessarily know that they knew to what degree they're gonna get in trouble
It's probably one of those things where it's like disciplinary actions and they don't say what they are
So they probably didn't know like all the money was gonna take away their ban for a year all that kind of stuff
But they thanks buddy, but they knew to a certain degree that they were going to get in trouble
So what we brought up while you're gone. Yeah that Blizzard
Bad reason keep in mind bad reason that these types of like no bad reason
Statements or shows of solidarity have happened in sporting style events for an extremely long time
This is far from the first time this has happened. And I think they were actually quite heavy-handed
Okay, so now we were extremely heavy-handed. Yes
Did we talk about the part where this is in fact well within their rights, but that we think it's stupid
Yeah, well we said that before you left. Well, I was mad about so they were fully within legal, right?
That was the lawful evil thing that I brought up. So did we did we bring up the exact terminology?
No, and there's like more of that to come too. I want to make sure we're going through these points fine. Okay. Yes
a blizzard aware of the political repercussions in the Chinese market not even just
Political yeah, but so in general, that's so this is something to understand guys
Is that it's not just the Chinese government the oh, yeah. Oh, yeah this one, too
it's not just the Chinese government and the Communist Party and
You know the the kind of the officials that are gonna get upset by something like, you know
expressing solidarity with the Hong Kong protesters or
you know recognizing the
The the sovereignty of Taiwan or something like that
For example, it's it's Chinese people to who get really edgy and some mad about this stuff
Yes, some Chinese people it is a highly controversial topic over there whether we're talking Hong Kong
Taiwan or any of the
Entities that China considers to be within China, but that themselves considered to be
Not so much within China. Yeah
So so blizzard is reacting not just necessarily to pressure from the Chinese government
But also to pressure from Chinese consumers who may I guess in their estimation
and organize some kind of a boycott against them which could hurt their business in mainland China, which is of course
1.1 billion potential customers. It's a lot now one thing to consider as well is actually blizzard games in China
Don't actually seem to be as big of a percentage of blizzards income as as you might expect
But the war the Warcraft movie made I think it was like 220 million dollars in China
I have good movies single-handedly made it a success because of China's income and then it like didn't do that
Well in North America, so they have some things that are working. Well, they're not everything is working
Well there though to move on. I just want to make sure we get through. Yeah. Yeah fine fine fine
Get us through the point forward blizzard
Also add that despite them physically ducking from comments on air and immediately cutting to a commercial the company will also immediately
Cease working with both casters. So we mentioned this earlier
Involved in airing blitzchung statement in response
The community has endeavored to make the overwatch character may an official mascot of the Hong Kong protests in hopes that
The blizzard game is banned in China
It didn't take long for the idea to catch on and she's now on newscasts from Hong Kong have appeared showing
Protesters with printouts of May's artwork. They've also edited
Like her character intro video to include support for Hong Kong and they've done a bunch of other stuff
This is actually a really interesting move because they're trying to effectively make it so that it like to stop this imagery
They'd have to ban everything related to blizzard because it might creep on to other blizzard characters as well
So they're they're they're trying to use like a commercial social move to screw blizzard over even harder
To do like, you know social repercussions for what they did
some blizzard employees who disagree with the company's moves have covered some of the company's values that
Carved into an orc statue in their campus. They're covered with think globally every voice matters, etc
They've covered them with paper apparently
So something really interest is breaking
Apparently according to chat blizzard CEO issued a statement
Like very very recently that guy sucks a lot or blizzard CEO. Okay. Sorry. No Activision Blizzard CEO
Is it Blizzard CEO or is it the CEO of Activision? Let me find out. I only briefly glanced at this
That's what I was saying, yeah, I don't like that guy
Let me see if I can find it if someone could actually link us to it
That would be in the meantime Google that and I can't find it in the mean time
The jail and brack just really okay. Okay, so that's blizzard. That's not Activision Blizzard
Okay, so I'll bring this up go ahead and keep okay, so this one needs my screen to be shared
Yep, let me get on that. But um, so this is a tweet that's going out. It has 13,000 likes and 4,000 retweets
It's from Mark Kern. Mark Kern was somewhat divisive in getting classic Wow to come back
used to be a developer on I believe classic Wow and
Is a fairly political wall. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Okay. Trust me. Hold on. Trust me
Seriously, he's a fairly political person and he's talked anti blizzard quite a bit now with that in mind whether whatever you think about that
He tweeted this out, which was a statement on weibo. I'm probably saying that wrong.com weibo
Yeah, and he posted a translation to it saying hold on, please
We are very angered and disappointed at what happened at the event last weekend and highly object the expression of personal political beliefs in
Any of our events as always we will defend the pride and dignity of China at all cost. Hold on
I really like hold on red background while you're reading that
Hold on. Okay
Switch over here. This is a different translation that was posted and I have
Checked with a person who speaks Chinese that I know personally that has said this statement is far more accurate
It doesn't say at all costs anywhere in the original post
Etc. This is where some of the I mentioned this while I think you were gone, too
There's information flying all over the place. We got to be very careful about verifying all this kind of stuff
I'm not willing to say that this the the translation that I got from the person that I know that speaks Chinese is not
Exactly this yeah, but it's very close. This statement is still I know terrible. I know. Okay, cool
So just so we're all on the same page
So this one says we express our strong indignation and condemnation of the events in the hearthstone Asia Pacific
competition last weekend and
Resolutely opposed the dissemination of personal political
So one of the reasons why this one is kind of funky is because the the wording is very specific and grandiose
Yeah, people are thinking that's that probably didn't get properly translated
Yeah, it was and yeah the translation that I got
Was a little bit more simple and I think probably a little bit more accurate, but it was close to this one
So it was it was more like we're gonna safeguard national dignity
It wasn't like we're gonna defend your honor at all costs very orc-like
It wasn't quite that way and then I got more information that this specific statement is from a company
I don't remember their name, but they like represent blizzard in China or something
it's not even them officially and
then I
Figured out that this statement was actually part of like a retweet thing
yeah, and it had a longer official statement from Blizzard which said stuff along the lines of
Which we don't actually need to show us. It's just a notepad
although we respect the freedom of
expression individual
Freedom of expressing individuals ideas again, this was very roughly translated
But we need to point out that all players must follow the rules and officials made for the game that officials made for the game
Okay. So here it is
The verges article is from five minutes ago
So here it is
Regarding last weekend's hearthstone grandmasters from it. That is about the most understated subject line
I think I have ever okay that is like that is saying we've done goofed without actually saying we done goofed
It's like regarding last night, you know one of my ideas for the picture for this is just a big Blizzard oopsie
So the first line of this is also kind of hilarious to me. Yeah. Hello Blizzard community space dot space dot space dot
This is the biggest dot dot dot he could make
So, okay blah blah blah
It's very long exists to create opportunities for players from around the world from different cultures from different backgrounds to come together and compete
And share their passion for gaming
It's extremely important to us to protect these channels on the purpose
They serve to bring the world together through epic entertainment celebrate our players and build diverse and inclusive communities
Our official eSports tournament broadcast was used as a platform for a winner of this event to share his views with the world
Okay, what else we got we interview competitors who are at the top of their craft to share how they feel
But don't share too much about how you really feel
We want to experience that moment with them hearing their excitement is a powerful way to bring us together
Over the weekend blitz chung used his segment to make a statement about the situation in Hong Kong in violation of rules
He acknowledged and understood and this is why we took action
Every voice matters. That's all capitalized. Is that like a hashtag or something? Who's that every voice matters?
I don't know and we strongly encourage everyone in our community to share their viewpoints in the many places available to express themselves
Sorry guys
However, the official broadcast needs to be about the tournament and to be a place where all are welcome in support of that
We want to keep the official channels focused on the game
Our show casters to amplify excitement of the game
They elevates the watch ability and help the eSports viewing experience to focused on the tournament and our amazing players
Thirdly were actions based on the content of the message. So
We have the rules we've if this had been the opposing viewpoint delivered in the same divisive and deliberate way
we would have felt enacted the same so
Yeah, probably so that's one thing I was gonna say is like I understand the idea of not wanting
Your event your gaming focused event to be overtaken by political stances
I get that kind of regardless that hasn't been great for the NFL over the last three years
No, and it takes a lot of the conversation away from the game
Which as like a fan of the I mean, I don't care about hearthstone, but as a fan of yeah game. Let's insert just
whatever I
Wouldn't want it to be taken over
I would be disappointed that this had been taken over by political stuff if I was a fan of hearthstone that would suck
At the same time because like I'm sure everyone knows stuff is going on in Hong Kong right now at the same time
I think their response was ridiculous. So it goes on to say that
When we think about the suspension six months for blitz chung is more appropriate and they're doing the same thing for the casters reducing their
Sentence from 12 to 6 months, but considering they have to get hired and bliss chung has to qualify
They're probably not going to get hired ever again
so put that out there or they will just to be like we're not angry a six-month suspension in
Esports is particularly as a caster is basically a career-ender
You're done. Um, and I don't mean that in like I'm just trying to be a downer kind of way
But these are these are not NBA athletes that are making more than an entry-level
Contract and you know making millions of dollars a year to the point where if they get a six-month
Subscription if they get a six-month suspension, they're you know losing and come back to point six of their, you know
5.2 million dollar a year deal or whatever the case may be. This is not
Esports is not at that professional sports level where and like commentating you get paid whether you win or not because it's just huge
Well, I mean you were you were talking about the commentators and commentating is extremely competitive
I know someone personally he's a good friend of mine from from all the from way back high school
who went decently far in counter-strike casting and he was doing a really good job and had some like really legit gigs and still couldn't
Like completely make it work just because of financial reasons. Yep, and it's hard because you're not getting paid that much
So what I'm trying to say
I guess
Instantly is that regardless of how much that NBA player and whether we're talking NBA or NHL or NFL or whatever the case may be
The point that I'm trying to make is that these are not
Traditional media cushy gigs where these people have been working at them for the last eight years and they've got a very comfortable
float set up for them that if something happens to go wrong and they there's six months before they land a new gig like
You know what? It's no big deal. I guess I'll just you know, eat some Kraft dinner for a bit
I'll still be able to make my rent, you know
I don't know if any of these people stream. I don't know any of these people me neither
Unfortunately, but maybe go watch their stream or something. Try to support them in the meantime if you want to do that
Um something to think of if you're interested
So, let me just see if there's anything else that
Some blizzard in place who disagree with companies move. Yeah. Okay, so that's pretty much it
Feel like I've kind of said everything I have to say on the subject. Yeah, I wanted to point out the the
Officially not really Chinese statement thing just because there's a lot of confusion going on there
Sure, so I'm happy I was able to bring that up
I don't have the source for it's it's relatively easy easy to find if you can find this
post thing
It was found by the person that helped me with the Chinese translation the full post
And it's it's a little bit more
Grounded and then this comment that came in is as far as I know
This could be false as far as I know this comment that came in that's actually on the screen right now
That is supposedly translated, but I believe in accurately
Is from a company that represents blizzard in China. I don't remember what they're called right now
That's somewhere our firm or something
It's I don't remember what it is, but it's somewhere in this tweet feed thing someone comments on it part way through
Oh, yeah, you need my microphone sure here you go
So so just just remember even in all these like
Emotionally heightened situations to try to verify sources and check things and dive into things a little bit deeper on your own
Alright, so I lied confusing. There's still more to discuss
okay, so I think that you and I probably both agree that there does need to be some separation of entertainment and
Politics because the cold hard to break sometimes is that blizzard has many different customers to consider
They have their customers in China on either side of this issue. They have their customers in Hong Kong
They have their customers around the world and then they have their customers
Who really don't identify as any of that and just want to watch people play video games?
But who just want absolutely nothing to do with any of it and maybe this is actually their release or um
I want to add this one in there. Maybe they're hardcore about this and
Just need a break. Yeah, exactly
With that in mind like I mean, I think
Linus tech tips is a perfect example of this like I don't get really deep into pretty much any political cause unless there's
Something that comes up in the news that
just is
So obvious like the right to be able to speak out against your government
And stuff like that that I just kind of have to go. Okay. Yeah, that is pretty straightforward
And we should probably throw our voice behind it
But as far as like my own political views, I don't really get too deep into it
Especially outside of wan show I've been I've been
I've been floored in the last few years how so many people have taken
Political and moral direction from companies
Hmm, like why why is why I have some theories as to why this is a thing
But that sounds like that sounds like more of a when we get together on the weekend and hang out
conversation yeah
But just the the whole idea of taking that direction from companies is very weird and that's exactly what our typical approach to it
Is and quite frankly if we had one of our employees?
running around making very incendiary
political statements all the time we'd say
At the very least we'd say look you have to consider that
Whether you're you're where you're whether your personal Twitter has one of those nice little disclaimers
These are my personal opinions and don't reflect my company if half your tweets are pictures of yourself at the office
Interacting with your co-workers and about the projects you're working on at the company
You need to understand that this affects your personal brand you have to think about
The way that you conduct yourself online in much the same way that you think about the way you conduct yourself at something like a formal
dinner party where
People can see you and observe you and watch your behavior
Who don't really know you yeah, and may not fully understand you?
Or maybe don't speak the language that you speak very well and could easily
misinterpret you
So you really need to?
Consider that in the way that you conduct yourself online because you really are just putting yourself out there unless you more or less
Hide who you work for you're effectively a spokesperson for your company at all times
Not and the actually but like how people are going to see it is going to be that way. I didn't make those rules
Twitter I mean I guess Facebook to a lesser extent, but Twitter's been the one where something
Happens and then it spreads like wildfire
the Twitter
Culture is such that people kind of grasp on to whatever the smallest things are because it's like so what's this person's at handle?
Where do they work?
What do they do who do they associate with and all of a sudden? It's almost like it's almost like a pseudo
social credit system in a way the way that people judge the statements and
Photos that people post on a platform like Twitter, and so it's something that we've had to be aware of
I mean it used to be back when we founded Linus media group
It was actually our policy to say that everybody who worked here had to have a Twitter because I felt like it was really important
Not to shield our staff from people, but to like give them a platform to increase their notoriety
I mean looks like a game streamer now or something and that wouldn't have happened if we had sure
Least four dozen people were watching
I tuned in okay
Hey Intel sponsored you to go to PAX PAX East not that long ago. Yeah
That's true. They sponsored you as a game. I don't know if you remember. I think my conversation
My conversations about games are probably far more interesting than me playing games
Either way the point is the point is that we didn't want to shield people
Some companies do have policies. Yeah, like keep your mouth shut say nothing about work
Whereas we didn't nowadays. We don't really push people about it anymore because we've become a lot more diverse and
We see and the people who follow and the climate has changed that too
the climate has absolutely changed in the last even just the last five six seven years, so
Okay, so with all of that in mind
knowing that as a company anyone who associates with you is going to reflect on you in some way and the thing about a
Controversial issue is that by its very definition when you take a side you will piss off somebody probably a lot of somebodies
How would you have handled this as Blizzard?
I think I was actually gonna ask you the same thing. I knew you were that's why I didn't give you a gap
One thing so I am going to answer this but one thing I want to bring up before I forget because you just reminded me
Because the Twitter thing yeah
something kind of entertaining that happened around this whole thing that I noticed and some people were like
Oh, they recently came up with the new expansion or something whatever
Magic the gathering arena. Yeah pumped ads around this issue
They started just pumping as far as I can tell as many ads as they could like
Possibly get onto YouTube and a bunch of other stuff like immediately when they started hitting and it was it was amazing
That was that was a that was a move right there. That was a strategic move. Whatever they have a new expansion
Sure, great, but I'm 100% certain that they bought more ad space due to this whole thing
okay, so
I've actually talked to a few people about this and I'm
Very unsure and I would want to talk to a group of internal people to try to figure it out
Yeah, I think something would probably have to happen. Yeah, because I don't want every event to turn into this
one one thing that I had considered was dissolve his
Winnings and place them across the other contestants. Mm-hmm, but not like ban him for six months
And like maybe do something similar with the casters
I'm not sure but just make it or I don't know some way that it's not super impactful
But it's like you probably don't want to do that anymore. And like other people aren't gonna want to do it. So
Without so here's the thing because this blew up so big
It's hard to go back in retrospect. Yeah
Here's what they could have done differently because if they had done something differently
This might not have gotten so big and in fact
I don't I do not know for a fact that no one has ever done anything like this before with a lighter consequence
so my gut reaction my gut reaction when I see it is
For Blizzard to have ripped the stream down or gone to add or whatever
I don't think there's necessarily anything wrong with that in the context of look. This is a sporting event
Yeah, it's about sports. Yeah, or eSports as it were and it is not about politics
chill out because he did like wear the mask and everything which was
Pretty far to take it
like you can make a statement without putting on a costume I guess is and if you think about
Think about the the kind of the decorum that's expected in a postgame interview for a hockey game or a football game
if someone starts putting on like masks and stuff you're like
The cameras are gonna get cut. Yeah, so so I understand that
But if I was them and I'm saying right now, so I'm counting on my chat to jump in here
I don't really hates me right now. So if I was them, maybe this has happened before I
would have said
No consequence this time. Yeah, but very publicly to
Everyone I would have said if this ever happens again
It will be a heavy-handed
Consequence expect a one-year ban from participating in blizzard
Because like you don't my biggest thing if I was blizzard in this position is that I don't want this to happen again in the
Future. Yes, I don't necessarily care. You can't change what the the milk that has already been. Yes
Yes, but what you can say in a way that doesn't make everybody mad is instead of punishing
Those individuals which really looks like taking a stand you don't punish those individuals and you come out and say
We at blizzard are not taking a side in this today to my knowledge never actually did
We at blizzard are not taking a side in this
There's the like defend China stuff
So there you go. So right so
Correct me if I'm wrong. I don't think they ever actually said worded. Yeah
I don't know what exactly the word is, but they never came out and just said we are not taking any side in this
And I don't think companies really should that should be for people not companies
Whether you like it or not a lot of companies
Build their brand based on a cultural identity
That's the Apple formula and as soon as Apple does something everyone does it everybody's watching the way that Apple operates their business
I just don't think people should take well, that's a separate conversation
So what I would have liked to see is blizzard coming blizzard
Basically taking no action against the individuals because of the way they should they must have known that was how utopia clearly not
What does that even mean and they should have taken action
Against the airing of political dirty laundry in their event. Yeah, I like the idea of being like, okay
Not this time, but this is the like everybody gets one warning
And in the future, we don't want any political stuff at any events and we'll be heavy-handed about that
I think that's a fair response. I like that more than mine. Mine was like trying to make it
But moving forward quickly
But I like I like that one more so
Super chat just came in. It's not the first chat about it. What about Colin Kaepernick?
so here's the thing Colin Kaepernick was an excellent learning opportunity for leagues around the world and based on
What the injection of politics which to be?
very clear
Cannot be hung on Colin Kaepernick's head alone
but based on what has happened to the culture within the NFL around the injection of
Politics into that game if I was any other league
I would be trying to figure out how to keep it way away from mine
That has not been a positive thing for the NFL for any of the teams and by extension
Theoretically the players not that I personally am of the mind that
Most sporting leagues do a great job of sharing that your their earnings with their key talent
This happens a lot where people misconstrue stuff
We say on my show because we have to say it live and things don't always get a hundred percent out perfectly
but there's a lot of people in chat that like
Aggressively very aggressively do not understand the words that are being said in any form at all
I'm trying Linus is not
like positive
To genocide so I said that yeah, I don't know. There's some weird stuff going down to chat. That's gonna be very clear
One thing well, hold on whose genocide are we talking about?
Supreme Commander
There's another thing where people are like
Talking about how we're talking about China's actions. No right now
We're talking about blizzards actions to be very clear
Someone was like this would never happen because China does everything heavy-handed and it's like well, what is going on?
Yeah, so my wife is messaging me saying people think I'm coming across Pro China. What did I say anything Pro China?
Yeah, I don't know where any of this is coming from. I
Would actually like to know guys hit me in the chat
Where's the Pro China statement here? You low-key sound Pro China. None of this makes sense. I don't get it
There's a lot of confusion in the chat
It's not a politics show. We're not very good at discussing politics. Keep that in mind. I would like that to to remain
What what nation are we talking about? We're only talking about blizzard. We're talking about blizzard blizzard is not a nation
We're talking very specifically about blizzard
We didn't say blizzard was right. We had no point in time said blizzard was right. We said that blizzard was technically within
Their legal rights, but we didn't say that was we described it as lawful evil
Yeah, have you ever played an RG an RPG like I don't get it lawful evil means evil
Yeah, but they're following the law which is which is what they did
LOL just ignored
What I
Can't even I can't even find anyone who's saying anything coherent about what we said that was Pro China
So I I would love so much to address it
But it's very very difficult for me to address something that I'm not sure
Well now I don't see it anymore because I think they stopped
Red background there's a blue one too. Come on, you know what's been there for years
Why don't we move into stadia uses AI to predict
What to censoring speech in China for corporate profits, you said you would have given anyone giving a political but it could have
What you said you would have given anyone giving a political statement. What are you talking about?
Euphoric me you need to be slightly less euphoric and a little more coherent
Just censoring speech in China. What no we are are talking about what as a sporting league
They should have done to make their sporting event about sports
something to be really clear about too because that is a thousand percent what we're saying. This is not
A free speech argument because it's a company's platform free speech is from a government perspective
Okay, so are we doing that again? Are we doing the whole thing where people don't understand the difference between
Free speech and the ability to say anything you want anywhere you so the forum
Minus tech tips forum.com. You are not entitled to free speech there
If you post a thing that has every swear word in the dictionary on it
And then just go like I'm allowed to keep this post up mods are gonna remove
We'll remove it and then you will post it again and then we will ban you. Yeah, cuz you have you have no, right?
Because we are trying to keep that platform on topic and we also have
Speaking of things that we keep away from our forum politics
If a thread even if it starts out discussing technology like, you know
For example something that the also both sides to be really like something like net neutrality
for example has for some reason become a political topic even though it is definitely a
technology topic if your thread devolves into
Political mudslinging and a number of them have we lock it and a number of them have been locked
Why because as a business we are about technology if people wanted to discuss
Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton or whatever
There are a thousand other places probably tens of thousands of places online that they can go do that
Also a big one for us. Yeah straight up. The mods are all what?
The mods are all volunteers and they don't have time. They don't have time to deal with all of that
So we just don't allow those conversations because we have to like hire staff and pay them to manage those conversations
Yeah, the forum doesn't make any money