This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.
Four forty five to five o'clock
Okay, we're live. We're live. We're live. So we're almost almost on time. Well, ah, do you like my new metrics?
We're almost pretty late is how I think of it almost really. Yes. Okay, so you go the other way around
Yeah, I'm the optimist. So yeah, I consider like if we're if we start at like
Thirty-five to four forty five. I consider that a little late a little late
yeah, and then if we start from anywhere from kind of four forty five to five o'clock, that's like
Really late and then after five o'clock is like so we must relate something was on fire. No
No, it's we're late, but we're not really late. But it's 450. Oh, yeah. Okay. Yes, I would consider that really late
Okay. Yeah, but like and then like after five is just like unless something was on fire
There isn't really much of an excuse. I mean there still isn't an excuse
So yours is based on lateness. Yes based on on timeness
Yeah, so my really the same thing. Yeah, it's like saying it's like they're like, oh, yes
I'm I'm 25 years young
Yeah, so you're that guy except yeah in that situation, I guess maybe I should be your guy
Cuz I hate that so it's like really late it's like measuring phones in millimeters thin. Yeah, see
The you're the marketing guy at the end of all that it turns out you were like the marketing executive
Wow, that's the worst I never even realized you were such an effective marketing executive
You didn't even know I didn't even realize you know this time planted my phones in your ad spots for three hundred thousand dollars
Yeah, why don't we why don't we get into what topics we have today? Good thinking man
So one plus apparently paid three hundred thousand US dollars and you know what?
This is actually in as a rapid-fire topic, but I have a lot to say about this. Sure
300,000 US dollars to get their phones featured in house of cards. Yeah
What else do we have here Google releases Android n details and I have to say it like that and
Details because that's really something maybe you're not super sure about the like micro parts of the words
and the micro parts of those
Excuses to say and what is it?
Micro parts is the closest
You can get to a sensible thing
Why don't you come up with a with a mic oh
That's terrible madness VR gloves menace
What else do we have do we have any other topics and song and
Nykra soft announces closure of lion head studios sees his development on latest fable game, which isn't funny. No
Actually, that's pretty lame. Imagine Nike bought Microsoft and then renamed them. Nykra soft. I like Mikey better
Mike Mike, let's roll the intro didn't be like Mike makes sense for Mike Mikey
Wouldn't that be just like a great tagline for a laxative company. Oh my god, don't you do that?
Just do it
Probably pretty hard. I mean, it's one of those things where like you could make the argument that it is not
Nike's trademark
But yeah, I mean, I don't think but I think that would be like the model 3 thing
Yeah, that might be one of those things where Nike would kind of be like yo, here's a letter
That's like super friendly, but also super had 16 lawyers writing it
You guys should probably change your slogan
Because you can't afford to go to court with us for this long
Yes, apparently it was long Shia Labeouf's trademark. No, actually it isn't he says oh wait, hold on
Yeah, he does say just do it. I thought he sometimes didn't say just though. He mixed it up a little bit, right?
Don't let your dreams be dreams
Awful like I actually never did figure out what the story behind it was if you ever watched the full thing intentionally bad
I don't know. It was really weird. I won't like cuz it's like oh Shia Labeouf's like super
Motivational speech so I was like, okay, and I watched it. He's just like screaming do it and I was like
Okay, no, I did. No, I watched it. You watched the long one. There's a long one. There's longer than a few minutes
Oh, yeah, it's like half an hour. What? Yeah, you watched that for half an hour
I was I can't watch Shia Labeouf for half an hour in theory
I think never mind standing in front of a green screen screaming at me
I think I was like
scripting something and I had it on the background because I was trying to figure out what it even was gross and it like I
Never understood at no point in time. Did I understand? I think it felt like he was doing like auditioning takes
For like different like styles of himself, I guess is what I'd say
Oh once people were saying it was an art project and I was like when does something go from insanity to an art project?
Wow, are they the same thing? I
Don't know there was your scrapyard wars computer that was pretty freaking cool. Okay, so
Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. We don't want to say I got a thumbs up
We don't want to say too much. You don't want to say too much. So I
Got what I will say is I got I've got I've got people asking me already when is
Scrapyard wars going to be released because I day. No, I'm the marketing guy
Here's the crappy marketing guy it's like just poo it on Friday
Not toilets half full
Not Friday at all, um, so no not Friday it will be on a Saturday
but and
Respectfully requested an additional week, which is good, which is good
You want that us because we are doing this one really differently
So scrapyard Wars one was three parts with the last part being primarily
Benchmarking slash judging and the first two being us running around getting stuff. Yeah, scrapyard Wars two, which was the
water cooling one
Was I forget?
Okay, scrapyard Wars three with Austin was a three-way battle and that ended up being a challenge for a couple of reasons
I number one was with three teams
It was just so much
Footage one person have scrubbed for one person to get
The other issue was that it made it really hard to track what was going on because there were these three different storylines
Where the time of day you can't necessarily go. Okay, it's 10 o'clock. Let's check in with what this team and this team are doing
Here's our 10 o'clock update
It doesn't really work that way because at 10 o'clock
He might be sitting picking his toes and I might be out in a car and Austin might be doing something else or we might
All be sitting picking our toes like you can't
Or we're all doing something too insane to be covered in a short segment or like it
It's just never really gonna make a ton of so it was really hard to tell the story
So scrapyard Wars season 4 I think Luke and I not I think we talked about it already our one
100% in agreement. Oh, it's the best one is gonna be the best one
It is the best two teams two teams, but we've got it's a team battle. So it's
Me and one of the BS mods guys Luke and the other BS mods guys
So we've got actual professional case modders this time. Yeah helping us with it. The scoring is gonna be done a little differently
it's not gonna be just performance and
The filming was different too. So we filmed almost the entire time
Like my camera was probably rolling a good 60% of the time Brandon you think that's about right? Yeah
So there's a lot of footage. I mean was he rolling even for even 40% of the time
We did a lot of retakes. Oh, he would not be rolling and then we'd say so
Well, we had to do fair bit of that to redo it. Yeah
Yeah, of course. I mean it is what it is
It's it's capturing the moment as best you can it is really good at like being completely not noticeable when he's filming
So like I don't know how much okay
I realized in one of the stores he had the camera like in his elbow
I was actually running like he he's just able to like
He's kind of ninja. Yeah, so like I don't know how much he was. Okay. Well, you know, I've been a lot
What's really cool is we were allowed to film in every story we went into
allowed to film in a lot of the stories
So they're allowed to film in the most interesting story. So the filming is gonna be really complete, which is really cool
and I have finally caved I have finally caved to Ed and
We will be doing longer episodes. So the plan right now is to have half an hour to 45 minute episodes
That needs to go into inventory
Half an hour to 45 minute episodes and we are going to limit it to the plan is for right now
So what Ed asked for is a full two weeks to go through everything
document the storyline and
Then figure out what the structure is gonna be. So this is gonna be like the best one yet
We are actually going full-on like reality show length like good reality show length
It's like an hour-long TV episode about 45 minutes to show you guys as much of the action as possible
so we are D web series of fying it a little bit and
Making it making it really more like a TV series. So you guys have been you guys have been asking for that. I was really
Apprehensive about doing really long-form comment content on YouTube
But you guys you guys won and Ed won and we're gonna try it and we're gonna see see how it turns out
So Dennis is apparently helping me co-host the land show now for whatever reason, okay
yeah, was there something that you wanted to share with the audience or
My day sure my day sure sure I can't stop you
I've been too busy. I
Can't function now, I
Don't know why I got put up suddenly I was editing and looked for me here
Sorry Luke pulled out
Pull me. I'll never does that. Okay, that's good. That's really polite
Okay, what's going on nothing I've just you're supposed to tell us about your day. Oh, okay. I
My day
Oh, okay. All right, Luke you can come back. Yes, please save me I can
Get it Dennis's brain is kind of fried today. He's had a pretty stressful day. We shot four fastest possibles today
We had some challenges with ingesting the footage
Um, he he definitely had his day. That is a true statement. There's a factual statement
So let's get into the Android and details and developer preview. I'm sorry
Yeah, it is. Yeah. Your ship's just really low today. Not really sure why and maybe it's the jacket
I like it, but you know, actually you were getting no no, no, I'm kidding. I'm kidding
You were getting a lot of compliments on the jacket. Okay. Yeah. No, I was just messing with you
You notice how it's LTT orange on the inside. I did not notice that but it is actually pretty close. It's like really close
Yeah, hold on a second cuz not
I don't know if I have anything else. That's really dark. Yeah, ours is a little darker. I think this is pretty right
This one this one's pretty right so we do have a bit of a darker orange
It is a bit more of a vibrant orange. This is really nice though. I was telling that already. What is it? NASA? It's from
Which one the one on the jacket or the other one and I think we all know I'm not interested in
The zipper so much as what's under it
Yeah, it's like really nicely constructed. It looks good. I like it. Thank you
Um, yes from from people that are wondering it's from the light sale project that Bill Nye was heading up. Yeah
Anyways, we've talked about that before
All right. So I this was originally posted by a seam 1999 on the forum. Do you have the link there?
I use the lifehacker one
So Google releases Android and details and developer preview and all that good stuff
You know, it's a really the funny thing about this to me
Android M
It feels like never
Really reached the ubiquity the way that lollipop did before it
not even close like I've got a handful of Android devices of which I
I don't know if I'm running Android M on any of them. I think the Nvidia shield tablet
I'm almost might be running marshmallow. My phone is not. Yeah. No, my z5 compact is not running marshmallow yet to my knowledge
I did see a software update not that long ago, but I'm pretty sure it was just another lollipop tweak
Like I don't think it was actually it was actually Android M. I mean, I'm gonna I'm gonna check right now
No, yeah, if I'm running five point one point one. Yeah. Well you that's a Nexus device, isn't it? Oh
That's a g4. So g4. So some of the some of the like flagship phones have got it
I know that the galaxy s6 is running it
Nexus devices have it but it never really it never really took off the way that some of the previous ones did
I mean KitKat lollipop
So, I don't know very interesting to me life window
Like it wasn't even around. No, no, really. Well, I don't know. Maybe maybe I just didn't really notice
I don't know it took so long to roll out. Um, yeah, and I have to look it up release date of Android M
Yeah, I'm gonna search for the announcement
So Android M was announced May 28 2015
So not even a year ago, and then it really didn't start rolling out until a little bit after that
So it was late May so it's probably like June July by the time it was really even rolling out on devices
I mean, that's only like a nine month window. It's pretty small. Um, yeah. Anyway, so it's got a
Oh, sorry. I'm not still screen-sharing here. There we go. So it's got a bunch of new features. This one's cool
So it's got a data saver feature which allows the operating system to tell applications proactively
And it sounds like it's configurable though
I don't have all the details about all these all these little things just yet, but it sounds like it's configurable
You can be like yo when I'm close to my data limit
Make sure that you're telling my video streaming applications to default to the lowest bitrate
or you know tell them not to use background data or
My favorite stuff is not even related to that necessarily it's the notification to ray updates
So there's a few different things
They're much more interact like the main thing that they seem to be doing which was pulled out by Marcus Brown Lee
Is that they're using the screen real estate more?
He brings that up a ton in his video about it, which is actually a very good video
But if you want to check it out
And they use the screen real estate in the settings by if you see like the Wi-Fi or Bluetooth setting instead of just saying Wi-Fi
And Bluetooth it will say like Wi-Fi and then in small text under that what one you're currently connected to and Bluetooth
And then what one you're currently connected to or when you look at battery instead of it just saying battery
It'll tell you the battery percentage what you're currently at which is nice, and it's similar for notifications
So you pull it down and then instead of just saying like they can't see your phone, but you know no
I know I'm doing this so that I remember where things okay pulling it down instead of being able to see like
Maybe one message or being able to pull it out and see like a little bit of one message
You can pull it out even more the expansion area is much bigger
You can interact interact with individual ones if you really know you can archive
immediately within notifications
Individual emails instead of the entire notification so you can open it up be like yeah
That's a junk mail, but I do need to read those later and don't want to forget about it
So I want to leave the notification you can do that which is nice. I really wish the default wasn't archive
And I wish you could change it me too. I do not want to archive my junk mail
I don't give I actually pay for my gmail account
I actually like will have to buy capacity for it when I run out. I'm not archiving things anyway. Sorry
Yeah, I have this exact same frustration
And then like for hangouts and stuff you can
Drag it down even a little bit more and then reply in your notification drop-down without actually pulling away from anything
So if you get like the short drop-down that comes in you can click reply reply there without opening the big app
Which is very nice
They had a lot of just like usability tweaks for notifications, which was really good
Apparently the camera was flickering a little bit. That's weird. I saw I saw it blacked out once very very strange
We're not dropping any frames in the stream though. Not not a whole lot. I can do about it right now. Sorry guys
So it's got a multi window mode
Um direct reply notification sounds cool. I I don't know anything about this, but I hope that whatever's coming for Android
Where does a way better job of synchronizing?
Items that you've read items that you've swiped away items
you've replied to like one of my biggest frustrations with my smartwatch right now is when I get a hangouts or an email or something and
Go, okay. Yeah, I'm gonna reply by text blah blah blah etc. Here's your reply that
Freaking message is still unread on my phone and it's still unread on my computer. I've replied to it
Please synchronize this stuff a little bit better. So that's been that's been a bit of an ongoing frustration for me
Yeah, I saw that
I don't know how much we're gonna be able to do about it
Like I can run out and try and like tweak the connections
But the built-in file manager is a lot more powerful now
You can block phone numbers at the system level. That is really really good as someone whose phone number has leaked a wide variety of times
I am pretty much limited to Android phone makers who have a phone number block feature
To not be able to know you can't you can get an app, but it doesn't necessarily work a hundred percent
So, yeah having having that handled at the Android level is
Definitely a huge thumbs up like that shouldn't be an optional feature like telemarketers or whoever else anyone who's calling you
It shouldn't be calling you. It should be as simple as never hear from this number again. Boom done
Yeah, night mode is back moves to a darker theme that you can turn on and off
Yeah, so I'll put that on and leave it on permanently no more
optimizing apps every time you update
Um, yeah, I like night modes for things like like the forums like
Dark skin or night skin or whatever. You want to call it night night theme
My favorite they run dark black my theme on everything. This will be a good one for you
You can set do not disturb to automatically end when an alarm goes off
No, that's too little too late though. You've got a video coming about that, right?
I'm waiting on a product that will be a long time. It's not just waiting for
It's like waiting to finish development blah blah blah blah blah. So it's coming but don't wait for it
But I'm gonna do like the ultimate alarm setup and one of the alarms might be swapped out because it's not as good as something
Else. Oh, I see like it's still I'm working on it
The first piece is definitely what will be in the video, right?
The second piece could work in the video
But I might try to get a better one and then third third piece still has to show up and it's being developed
Here's something I'd like to know because I mean
Like how how married to computer technology are you guys
Like would you would you want to see a standalone review of like a high-tech alarm clock?
And like I I'm not gonna I'm not gonna lead you guys into an answer
I want you I want to straight up know what you guys think because it is no secret at this point that
There's not a lot of computer stuff coming out. Like I don't know if you guys noticed or not
But like okay, there's the Dell XPS 13 Dell XPS 15. Like those are some pretty cool laptops
There's some high-powered gaming laptops out there
Like, you know Sager is usually good for a new laptop a new high-powered laptop design once a year or so. I
Seuss has some cool stuff coming around computex
But that that only really happens like once a year when Intel updates their micro architecture
CPUs are happening barely once a year if is it even once a year anymore?
Not really not really once a year graphics cards are happening once every 18 months or so
Like go back and look when the GTX 980 came out was a frickin long time ago
I don't know like I was just wondering like the nose are pretty high because there's a there's a lot of technology. That's not
Necessarily a computer and that's why I wanted to do my fastest possible on the Sous vide
Yeah, and you won that battle and I would still definitely review the Sous vide cooker. It's
I bought one. So like when it shows up I can use it for a while and then make a video about it
Okay, use it. Anyways, so like let's let's do that. I
Want to know the the thing that helps me get by with stuff like the Sous vide cooker
Specifically is that gave me wool is one of the like backers of it
So I can just like anytime anyone's like this isn't computer focused
I just say his name and flop his name around and then everyone's suddenly more. Okay with it
Yeah, which is super helpful
It's gonna put that out there, you know, that's cheating it kind of is
All right, I want to know who wants to see a Sous vide cooker review
Okay, see that's better than alarm clock that's better than alarm clock cuz I think the problem is
Inventory wait, no, just put it back in my area. Don't sign it back in
Got a warehouse helper now, I think
He's kind of awesome
Yay, thumbs up thumbs up
Yeah, and a foot anyways, so I think something that helps the Sous vide cooker
yeah, the majority of people can probably get by with just a phone alarm clock and
Probably don't care and then there's I would argue that sleep like mountains like myself. I would argue that a high percentage of our audience
compared to the general population would benefit from a stronger alarm clock and
I mean, I know these are generalizations, but they're not particularly harmful or particularly likely to be inaccurate ones
Gamers stay up later. I would say then the general population. Yeah, I mean you look at how you look at
I mean, it's not like I've never pulled an all-nighter gaming. You know, how many other people are up with me?
I'm working on planning one lots. You know how much time I mean us West Coast people up at you know
12 or one full servers at 3 a.m. Pretty on the East Coast. So I'm kind of going you either got up at
520 had a shower had your breakfast and sat down in front of your computer or you're still up
So and when you tend to stay up late you tend to be a little bit more difficult to wake up in the morning
I would make the argument that the gamer the like gamer grade alarm clock
If you call it that if you call the video gamer grade alarm clock question mark question mark
Is it worth it? Oh top five gamer grade alarm? Holy shit, which is basically what you were planning to make
Well, no, I was gonna do like this street three stage because they're they're each good but for different
Oh, yeah. No, I know but well don't don't don't don't ruin it too much, but it'll be a good video
It'll be a good video. The one he's planning to make will be good
I was just curious to see what what you guys thought of like alarm clock cover
But what's cool about the sous-vide cooker is like different use cases that I want to apply for it
So hopefully people click on the video before they judge it but like cleaning socks, for example
You can set it through your
Network, so if you like VP and it's actually the heat that it produces is lower than boiling, right?
so if you like set it before you get home, you can have a like partially prepared meal before you get home or
You could set up a task scheduler on your computer and make it so that like oh you have freshly cooked salmon or chicken
Or soup or whatever you want for when you wake up in the morning
It goes along with your alarm clock right or like if you're gaming
Just put something in a ziploc bag drop it in there clip it
Leave for an hour and a half and play games come back and like oh wow dinner is ready and everything is done for me
Like there's use cases that I think people might not immediately realize
It's a way to get really good food when you don't know how to make really good food, which is like
So this is why I wanted to buy it is I'm really good at cooking chicken
But absolutely worthless at cooking fish and I wanted to be able to cook fish. So I was like this thing can solve my problem
Yeah, you're like the chicken master. It's actually kind of remarkable
I I've hardly I hardly saw him eat anything but chicken for like probably a span of a year
It was like the same pack of chicken. Yeah, I'm Costco
And every once in a while
I would end up eating it because I'd be like really hungry or he'd like make too much and then it turns out someone didn't
Come over or whatever. I'd be like
Yeah, this is good chicken. I
Mean, I don't understand why you don't want a little bit more variety in your life. That's fine. This isn't good chicken
I'll get you ever to buy an entire trough of chicken at a time. And then if you buy two you just freeze
one and more than three quarters and then you take two pieces of chicken and put them in the fridge and you put them in
The top left hand shelf and then every single time that you take one you take the one that's on the left hand side
Move the one that's on the right over one position take one from the freezer put it onto the right hand side and then you
Just keep churning through. So what's really funny about the system?
You're describing is it's actually very similar to how people who feed their dogs and cats raw diet
Handle it. So you have a deep freeze that has your so you have a weekly delivery of raw diet
And it's individually portioned. Okay, so you put that in the deep freeze
You have a fridge next to the deep freeze you pull that one out that one's for the next day
You take what's out of the deep freeze and you prepare it on a daily basis
So basically you're saying yeah, I came up with this great system
pet food
Basically that's actually pretty much it. Yeah, it's it's it's effective. It's it's efficient
It's it's cheap
Economical, I guess I should say
E words. Yeah, mr. Marketing marketing major over here
So, you know what I'm going to take like four seconds and I'm going to just double-check these connections
Maybe you just want you to touch it some more. Yeah, maybe just once that once a friendly little massage there or whatever
So what do you hear VR? Yeah, this is cool
Gear VR is gonna be used on roller coasters at Six Flags in the States, which is pretty crazy
So they're gonna do crazy stuff like that
Which is cool. So you could you could maybe go what could be interesting about this is
There's a couple of different ways they could do it. One of them could be that okay, this whole ride is now the
jet fighter
rollercoaster, yeah, or it could be that you're on the jet fighter roller coaster and your buddy beside you is on the
jungle themed fun park roller coaster
Yeah, I mean this is you don't necessarily have to do the same one
this is this is really interesting to me because this sort of
sits in
Between it looks like descent level crap like or like half-life 2 I half-life 2
I'm thinking that that's closer to half-life 1 than it is to 2. Yeah
What's really interesting about this thing remember it's running on like a phone you have to tap this
like okay when I first I'm
Give me a minute. I'll let you get that lightning. It's bad when I first saw this what I was thinking was why didn't you like
try to
Embed computers and use an oculus or a vive and I'm not just saying that cuz I'm a computer fan boy
I know but you have to cycle out and charge phones and then like the amount of problems you're gonna have with the phones is
Gonna be insane
Yeah, that's potentially
You could remotely manage the computers and then it would be a lot easier to have like just an IT staff making sure the computers
Are okay, then it would be to have like cycled out phone. This is a low-hanging fruit though
it is a low-hanging fruit it also looks like ass and you have to use a controller up here if you use a PC you could
Like integrate a controller into the handlebars. Yeah, you could again a lot of work. I mean you get it so much better
Hey, hey, I mean you got a power you have to power your roller coaster cars at that
Yeah, I know so that's a big issue
What's really trying to think of like delivering power through the rails or something, but then that might be a safety issue. Oh, yeah
Yeah, definitely. I mean this is really cool like this to me and I know it's VR
It's VR because it's completely immersive you want AR but to me this sort of almost sits between
What I would consider to be
like like VR and AR if the idea is that the VR experience is
Is is going to be tied so closely to the rails that you're actually?
Flying along and the wind that is actually coming out of your face if you're in a jet fighter you're not gonna feel the wind
so I
Think it's really yeah like it's it's it's actually yeah, see I've got people are already debating it in twitch chat
It is VR it is it falls within VR
But definitely VR, but it sits closer to the closer to the edge where where it might be
Closer to AR then then just pure VR where you're sitting in like technically all of them are a form of AR
Yes, so like it depends on how exact you want to be with the terminology
But how most people say it when they're in conversational tones is virtual reality is with a screen
Completely covering your eyes and with no visual input of the outside and augmented reality is placing images on top of
What you're seeing out there?
That's not really
100% how it works and this potentially sits between because
Using something like the camera on the phone or whatever else as as technology like this develops
I can definitely see it sitting somewhere in between where you might have you might have
elements that are
captured by the camera and
motion tracked or whatever else that are injected into the virtual reality experience, so
Really cool lots of potential it looks a little bit weird right now, but it's a little bit crap
Yeah, it looks a little okay. Well. I was trying to be nice. Okay. It looks kind of rubbish right now
But very cool theory though they need more power
And I'm a little bit I understand that it's way easier to use the phones because there requires no change to the actual ride at
All yep, so they just have to figure out implementations for the phones
Yeah, like and they just have to like they will get almost you could almost just like kind of time it
Yeah, roller coaster is gonna be gonna be predictable to within like pretty small margin. Yeah, it won't be exactly identical
Yeah, it'll be a small enough margin that it won't matter yeah
Yeah, I just really wish there is more power behind them and whatever that ends up being five Oculus doesn't matter
But I think one of those deserves to be in that position
And I think one of those eventually will be I think having a phone powering. It isn't really enough
At the same time
The like cheap tricks kind of style of amusement park rides might actually be okay for phones I
Just hope that it's good enough that people are interested in VR
And then want to pursue it after they have that experience yep, and I hope it's not
Bad enough that people are like well that was kind of trash. I just want to do the normal roller coaster
Because if that happens, and they might not be interested in VR. Yeah, I mean it's gonna take a long time for VR
VR acceptance to
To to really take off. I don't mind it taking a long time. I just don't want anything to negatively impact it, right
All right, so
Here we go. This is an interesting article posted by see girl on the forum, and this is looking pretty unfortunate
Unfortunate France to punish companies for refusing to decrypt devices now to be clear this has not passed into law
Yet, but this comes on the heels of France tightening up
I've got some people saying there's an echo
That's very strange
Hmm okay, well there shouldn't be an echo now at any rate so this comes this comes on the heels of France tightening up
Well really a lot of the anonymity and encryption laws, so they've recently looked into banning the anonymous network tour and
blocking Wi-Fi during special situations they have
The lit hold on a second
Okay, you go ahead make your make your way through this one because I need to figure out what's going on
This is like one of the few that I didn't read a ton
Lady step in security push was accepting an amendment to a bill that would make companies like Apple who are actively fighting the FBI
Or modifying their software to break an iPhone we talked about that
Not even that long ago break into an iPhone with yeah, sorry with mr.
McAfee saying that like oh, I'll do it in a weekend or whatever it was that he said and then coming back on that claim
And then coming back on coming back on that claim and whatever the hell happened
But France is looking to be a little bit more aggressive about it
So the potential here is that they might be forced to pay a fine, which doesn't sound super horrible
But how many times that they have to pay that fine if they if they don't decrypt one device is that one?
But if they don't decrypt a hundred thousand do they have to pay the fine a hundred thousand times who knows?
Or face five years in jail if they refuse now who would face five years in jail
I don't think that's extremely clear, but this isn't exactly a thing yet, so that's probably fine
They're only in the stage of like
The bill's first reading so this is pretty early on but maybe people in France should
Start trying to stop this from happening. I would hate to see this be the beginning of
There was no echo. Yeah, and I didn't change anything
I think people started to troll because a whole bunch of people were also saying there is no echo ah
It could have also been a twitch issue
mean let's uh
Let's let's face it. There's not a not a completely an impossibility true
So oh wait. I still have the
Change back to all right this might be that companies might
not be super happy about doing any amount of business in France because if
Jail time and fines are hanging over their heads if they don't like sacrifice their customers privacy that might be an issue
Yeah, I could see just pulling out of France entirely
I mean and and the thing is like who was it that said this was at Apple or
Someone else who was basically like leaning away from the sorry if we made this software
Or we made this version of an operating system that decrypted everything
You would be able to use that on more than just one phone
so that's scary too because if France holds this above people like Apple and then Apple does make that version of the operating system that
could easily go to
Someone else like the states or whatever other country because they kind of work together and stuff not fun
Yeah, I don't know what the issue is with that with the capture card. I'm sorry guys
There is nothing I can do about that other than stopping the stream
Diagnosing it which will be very difficult because it's very you know that there's no echo
The flicker there's really nothing I can do about it though. Yes. I'm speaking of a flickering
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but squarespace if they wanted to make like a
Like thrift version of their product, uh-huh. I don't know what that would be. Maybe it's only like a few potential triangle space
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Because you you slightly almost screwed up the word and said spare instead of square
But it actually totally would make sense sparespace sparespace. It sounds like a cloud storage service
So like if they wanted to make it so that like with your squarespace account you get a certain amount of storage that goes along
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Yeah, like yo you get us you get a website and you get back up for your business
Yeah, they could call it sparespace sparespace
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Speaking of and say for example, you were doing your you know, small business work or whatever else totally anonymously
although I don't really see the point because you're like
Any benefit to having that encrypted in flight
Like your small business, you know receipts, yeah
Anyway, because maybe there's a maybe there's a trick to your trade like my mom when she was a dog groomer
I would buy a specific type of soap and then mix it with water to
because it wasn't actually an
Initially intended for dogs and she would dilute it and then it was actually really good and people really liked it
They loved the smell of the dogs when they left the dog rooming shop
But that was like her trick of the trade. So she didn't want to tell anybody secret sauce. Yes, exactly
So maybe you don't want people to know with your secret sauce or specifically if you're doing cooking stuff
Maybe you don't want people to know exactly what's in your how many dog groomers engage in the kind of corporate espionage
Who knows man? Who knows anyway, like cutthroat field fresh books is the easy-to-use invoicing software that helps small businesses
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When you sign up for the free trial, oh and they just got a mobile card reader
So now you can take credit cards in person. That's right. Ah
pretty cool
All right. Let's move on to our next topic here the Manus VR gloves. This is posted by L3
It will if three egg will on the for anyway, whatever the original article is from n gadget
Use your fingers to play in vibes world with the Manus VR glove goes on sale this year for
$250 so I looked at this thing and my friends my friends if you thought
that the VR headset was
Unreasonable and expensive and gonna break the bank. Let me tell you friend. Let me tell you friend
That is nothing
compared to all of the accessories
That thought we was bad. Yeah, just wait
Man, just just so so this picture is a little bit misleading
Now if I can point with your mouse
Yeah, I'm just trying to figure out what the crap people are talking about. Okay, um
So I'm gonna point with your mouse
So this area right here shows like a little strap thing and then another strap thing
But there's nothing under them
which is why this picture is misleading if you scroll down and we watch this video and then mute it right away and
Then jump forward. You'll see that there is stuff under the strap things and if I pause right here
There you can see right here is a big thing coming off of his arm and right here
There's a big thing coming or is it there right here? No, that's his hand. Oh right here
There's a big thing coming off his arm. Those straps are so that you can strap in the entire
Each one of your back the tops of your forearms has to have the entire controller strapped to it
pretty cool
But I still think it needs to go a little bit further because I don't know about having like and and in there
It shows the original ones
Now there's they're actually bigger and have the big ring and all that kind of stuff
So they're gonna be even a little bit more cumbersome to have strapped to the back of your wrist and in order to have gloves
In VR with this setup at two hundred and whatever dollars. You still need to use the included controllers
They're not a replacement
Right and they have to be strapped like to your wrist like you can't like have them on your hips or anything at least as
far as I can tell so
yeah, and they show you playing surgeon simulator and he has a few times when he's trying to pick something up that being said the
controls and surgeon simulator aren't like amazing right that might actually be the problem not the gloves and
another thing that I thought of was I was trying to think about
My experience with the touch controller the Oculus touch controller and compare it to this one of my frustrations with the touch controller
Was especially when you're not holding anything
Having the touch controller in your hand is weird because you're in the game
You're not holding anything and you're in real life and you are holding something
and when you go to pick something up you pick it up with like a couple of your fingers not all of them because you
Have the controller in your hands. So that's a little weird because you're constantly holding this thing
That you're not actually holding in the game. These have the opposite problem when you're not holding anything
They're gonna be great because you're not holding anything right virtually or in reality and that's awesome
But the second you got to pick something up you're now holding an invisible object
That doesn't have weight texture or feeling at all and you're swinging a sword and there's nothing in your hand
What was really nice about the touch controllers was when I was holding a gun
I was holding something that felt like a handle and pulling a trigger which was cool
But then they felt really derpy when I was kind of picking something up or not holding something
so they each have their own strength and
Yeah, I don't know about that
I think a cool combination would be like a touch style controller that has triggers and whatnot that you could like holster and gloves
Right, so it has like really really really good input for your hands
But then you can also hold something and just a game focused around like you always pick stuff up off your holster
And I'm sure we're gonna have to we're gonna have to wait for we're gonna have to wait for something like that
Yeah, and I don't want the freaking controller strapped to my wrist because that's ridiculous, right?
So it's cool
But I don't know
Chats hilarious, it's like what do you guys what do you guys want me to do?
You guys troll me half the time. I literally checked
I watched the stream there was not an echo so
So I don't really know what to tell you and yes
I'm aware of the flicker as we've said before we should just ban the word flicker. I know I know there's a flicker
There's literally nothing I can do. It probably requires like a restart or something. It's probably the
Capture card being derp or something capture card of the camera. I think I don't think it's the computer
Yeah, I don't think no it's nothing to do with the computer because we're not dropping any frames or anything
Yeah, so it is what it is. And there you go. Alright, um, alright, so let's go ahead and yeah
Let's move on to our next topic here
Building living breathing supercomputers, this is posted by trolley on on the forum
Original article here is from McGill dot CA. So that's McGill University
All right, I didn't notice that go McGill. Yeah dog. Check out those SSD servers in the racks
So sexy
Discovery opens doors to the creation of biological supercomputers that are about the size of a book
Pretty freaking cool substance that provides energy to a reliable source. There is echo when he's screen sharing
For the first 20 seconds and then it stops for the first 20 seconds ish and then it stops which makes no sense
And isn't really something that I can that I can do anything about I think part of the problem might be that like I've got
This computer muted actually. Thanks dirt bikers. Like you can actually you can actually see
So it's it's something glitching out. You can see in the bottom corner. This is actually muted
It is muted. So there's literally nothing that I am doing here. That is a thing. So it
Shouldn't be with that said it may also be related to the flicker and it is very very subtle
So life goes on we are finishing the show. Yes
Okay, so what else we've got for have we got four notes on this one
so it relies on adenosine triphosphate ATP same thing that provides energy to cells in our bodies and
It's an international team of researchers
They published an article on the subject earlier this week in the proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
So they're describing a model of biological computer that they have made
It's able to process information very quickly and accurately using parallel networks in the same way that large supercomputers do it's largely a proof-of-concept
They've managed to create a very complex network in a very small area, which is sweet
And it's kind of like a first step in showing how a biological supercomputer could work
But it's it's yeah, it's it's a proof-of-concept
It's very cool, but it's not like really a thing yet. I
Don't know what to do about to shop there like you fixed it. I did nothing. I literally did nothing
Yeah, so I think it's to do with the flicker. I think the camera
I think it's probably the camera based on that the flicker seems to be really
Camera like not even way too long ago. Didn't it like overheat or something?
No, I don't well maybe 50% chance one of them did but that was like once like over a year ago
So, I don't know. Oh, no, I thought like a few months ago it overheated or something. Okay. Okay, so this is cool
You know those all those videos I've been doing with unraid where we've been like seven gamers gaming NAS
Some of the stuff I've shown off with their with their dual parity
Where you you can have you can build your array and you can have two parity drives with all the usual benefits of unraid like
for example
Even if you were to lose three or four drives in a dual parity setup all the data that's on the remaining drives is
Actually still there. So there's a lot of really cool stuff about it. They have finally
6.2 public beta so all the content that I've done on
Unraid has actually been using pre beta like pre-release builds of 6.2 beta
Since the very start so a lot of the stuff that I've shown I've had people ask me like oh, where's that feature?
Where's that menu or whatever else? It is finally available
So if you guys want to try it out
Then that is the time to do it people keep telling us to turn off the mic to my knowledge
You cannot turn off the mic on the black magic cinema camera. Thank you for the suggestion
We're done with that conversation now
Yeah, I guess that's pretty much it they increased the device limits for the trial which is pretty cool
So you're no longer limited because like that's one of the things I even told them I was like
why would you have a three device or five device limit or whatever it is on your trial because
If I'm running a trial of the software
I want to know if it works and if I have eight drives and I need to know if eight drives is gonna work
So they increase that they add the dual parity support it now has a GUI boot mode
So it doesn't only boot to command-line so you can actually
Sit in front of that computer and access the web browser and the web GUI without necessarily navigating to it over the network
Makes it much easier to diagnose something like a bad network card. Yeah
Or if unraid grabs one of your nicks and not the other one and you're trying to find it by hostname that doesn't know it's
Not always the most reliable thing. So that's really nice
Maybe they've made some improvements to Docker
So if you're not familiar with it, Dockers not unique to unraid, but it allows you to run
Run these these Docker applications within walled gardens within your operating system, so they can't really break anything else
It's better than the old plug-in system
Major upgrades to VMs that's like half of the release notes and general storage performance improvements not to mention that it now
I don't know if they've actually got this in the release notes. No, it's not in the release notes, but it has NVMe support
Oh nice, so I will be
Donking around with that
And that will be pretty freaking cool
I'm excited
What else we got? Oh
Okay, well, this is good one world computing. Oh, how do you see stupid has finally released an SSD? No, this is it
This is a thing
When I was I was trying to upgrade an SSD in some in some Apple thing at some point
and I was blown away by like the fact that you just couldn't get an
SSD so there's finally an upgrade for MacBook Pro and MacBook Air PCI Express SSDs that doesn't cost as much as a
Laptop, that's ridiculous. So it's $347.99 for the 480 gig drive and $597.99 for the 960 gig drive
Which is still very expensive and doesn't include everything that's included in the upgrade kit
But now you can actually get capacities that look like they're greater than what it can be configured with from Apple
So the MacBook Air can be configured with up to 512 gigs now
You can have 960 gigs in a MacBook Air if you want a MacBook Air that's worth like
$3,500 by that point $3,000. I don't know the Canadian rupee has made it very difficult for me to
For me to deal with with anything. Yeah
With anything like living is really expensive right now. Yeah, everything has gotten more expensive fresh fruit
Whatever else the case may be. Yeah, this fruit is like I love people's theories. It's his phone headset, which is plugged in
It's like basically undoubtedly the camera
yeah, I think it's the camera resetting and it's probably turning the mic on and or off or glitching it out or something like and like
I know what it is. I've got a couple guys from my
Stream that are messaging me. Yeah, I'm like apparently
The the camera will start losing focus right before it goes black and there's audio issues and close to that
So like it's all we're getting it down, but like don't worry about it for this stream. We'll figure it out later
There's something going on with the camera itself. So this is pretty crazy. This was posted by aluminum tech on the forum
Sorry, I just said thanks to one of the guys. Oh, okay aluminum tech on the forum one plus
apparently paid
$300,000 to get their phones into house of cards
Wow, I mean I knew that product placement deals were worth a lot of money
We've never gotten a deal
Like I don't actually pride
We've done a couple things. So we've done
using laptops on wan show
Okay, we've done also had a banner. Yeah. Yeah, but it also had a banner
I don't I don't think we've ever done a just a pure product placement deal like every product placement deal
We've done has also been a very blatant sponsorship at the same time. That's true actually is like dbrand
Yeah, yeah was very clear. There was dbranding this episode of scrapyard Wars brought to you by dbrand and we happen to be using
Yeah, dbrand stuff. Yes, like it. Yeah
Yeah, so I I mean I knew on some level that
Product placement was big business. I had no idea. It could be worth like well deep into six figures
That is freaking incredible. You know, what kind of though like if you look at the Jurassic Park
Did you watch Jurassic Park or Jurassic World? I never did. I need to see it. Oh, man
There's some like that's some of the most blatant worse than transformers. I don't really watch transformers. Did you see the first one even I
think you I
remember I've seen the first one and I think I remember being surprised by the
Stuff in the first one but like Jurassic World was probably the most aggressive brand integration I've ever seen
Did you see buildings named after companies like yeah. Oh, yeah. Did you see Hotel Transylvania 2?
No. Oh, okay. The the Sony Xperia phone product placement is kind of hilarious
Do they like make it funny or it it was pretty well done. Okay, like that's cool
Dracula does not know how to use phone. Yeah
Like they they they do an okay job like that's cool
The the Jurassic World stuff was like like I think if I remember correctly it was it was
Mercedes is one of their sponsors and like one time like a Mercedes car is like bursting through something and like
everything's dirty and exploding but you can see the logo like nice and shiny right in the middle like it like it's
It's pretty rough right here. Let me see if there's probably I
Remember like constantly throughout the whole movie. I was just like wow. Yeah, it looks like Mercedes
So they're not the only Chinese company to put product placements in US TV shows and movies
Oppo partnered with America's Next Top Model last year Vivo electronics put the x5 Pro in the Martian
but the thing that really baffles me about one plus doing this is
That I thought one plus is a whole shtick. Oh, wow, that's awful. I thought one plus is whole shtick
was we save money on marketing and
PR costs and pass that to the user. I thought that was the whole point
Interesting wasn't it supposed to be like oh we run really lean
So that we can provide you with the best phone at the lowest price
I mean, it's it's it's pretty obvious based on the one plus two that that didn't happen the second time around
Well now we know why because they went okay, we're only gonna get as big as we can get without marketing
marketing works
Whether you like it or not, so that's that's like yeah, I'm willing to bet actually
I don't know if I can give them credit for this
I'm not sure they're that organized, but I'm willing to bet that someone
Somewhere within one plus had a con side that went okay your aggressive loss leader
You gain the mind share amongst the enthusiasts. They recommend it to their friends
Okay, people have heard of one plus that's step one rec brand recognition. Then you reinforce
Reinforce you reinforce you have to actually mark it and you have to you have to make some margin on the product in order
to make that happen
There you go that happened another thing that happened
This was posted by command man seven on the forum original article here is from kotaku
this is a super bummer Microsoft cancels fable legends, which is like a
Kind of a drag for just just from like a technical standpoint
I mean fable legends was what I was seeing the vast majority of the DirectX 12 demos that didn't look like a pure tech demo
Yeah done in like there was some really cool. It was their showpiece for like a really long time
Yeah, I saw some cool DirectX 12 demos that were done in fable legends
total bummer, and this is also
they mentioned proposed closure of
lionhead studios which I mean
You could make the argument lionhead hasn't done much in the last few years
There's a lot of black and white fans out there. I personally never got into it
I tried really hard to like black and white too. I bought it and I just
Played it a little bit and I was like okay, so it's an RTS, but like not quite an RTS
It's like slightly different. Okay, like I never really got it, but I loved fable one
Never really played much of fable two. I loved fable one. I
Think that's a pretty and that might but that's a long spell the ending too is a lot of people when they think about
Fable go like yeah fable one was a really awesome game. A lot of people love fable, too
I know but most people hark back to fable one fable one. I really really enjoyed
Oh, that's funny, I just got I just got a message just from some random buddy
OnePlus's phones are invisible in house of cards
I actually haven't watched I own the first season on on blu-ray like I'm super stoked to watch it. Anyway
Invisible in house of cards
I actually thought they didn't pay for product placement because I only recognize them because I'm familiar with them
That's something that I will say the Hotel Transylvania Sony Xperia integration did really well like it didn't bother me because they almost
It almost seems so blatant that they were just like, you know, what? It's Sony Pictures, bro
You don't want to see an Xperia phone. Don't come watch a Sony Pictures movie. We're desperate, bro
And like there could be something to be said for that because if you're like, you know, I don't want to see an Xperia phone
I like there could be something to be said for that because if you're able to
Make fun of it in a positive way so that it becomes an actually good part of the story then cool. Good job. Yeah
Whereas if it's just like if it's almost so subtle that you only notice if you already have a oneplus phone
Then I don't really understand what the point is. Yeah
Rumor and I was actually gonna say I I know you jumped on the like though
They were supposed to not spend anything blah blah blah. I think 300 grand to get in house of cards
Might not even be that much but it might have cost a lot more to get it actually be noticeable
That's what I mean. Like like I bet you mercedes
Or in Jurassic World. I think it was Mercedes and Samsung
I think Mercedes and Samsung for Jurassic World probably spent way more because I remember throughout the whole movie. It was like wow
That is Mercedes and it is all over the screen and wow
That is a Samsung phone and they're making it very clear that that is a Samsung phone
I think it was Samsung whatever phone they use
Apparently didn't work on you then. Well, I watched the movie a long time ago
Well, it couldn't have been that long ago came out like months not years ago. How long did Jurassic World come out?
Sometimes I wonder what your concept of time it's bad. It's like yeah, I know it's really bad
Um, I've got a yeah, June
That's a while ago. It's like nine months. Yeah, nine months is quite a while ago. So like what human remember what phone?
Yeah, yeah, basically you cannot remember anything so by the time, you know
Hey remember by the time his theoretical wife would have a theoretical child. He wouldn't remember having had sex
Okay, that's a little aggressive I remember that it happened oh
That's not gonna get better
Well, that was a close call there yes, it was Samsung so I was right
Yeah, and they called it like the Samsung Innovation Center and like there was
Yeah, like it was really bad. I really want to watch it still
Um, all right, so new news our original article here. Yeah
This happened. So everyone starts recording it on their phones. Oh, wow, like it was really bad
So our buddies over at pc perspective rumor nvidia's next gpu
Called is that a multi fan cooler?
I don't know what's going on. Not necessarily. That just might be a new bezel stuff next gpu called gtx 1080 uses gddr
5x so gddr 5x is that slightly faster gddr 5 but not
but not
hbm 2
So what this means to me so the card so here we go. Here's the rumor
So the rumor source comes from bench life and the report claims it will be called the gtx 1080 u core with eight gigs of
Called either that wait what?
Uh, oh, I think this is just a typo
Or 1800 or something is what the names but okay, whatever. Anyway, apparently we'll have eight gigs of gddr 5x and not hbm 2
We'll launch on may 27th. Uh, we'll feature a gp104 pascal gpu
One eight pin connector one dvi one hdmi two display port. That's a weird one
Why is that weird first so so basically what's happening here is the cycle will continue this is this is the takeaway
So if you were hoping that the gtx 1080 or whatever
They end up calling it was going to be the savior of high-end vr gamers
And uh, you know people who want a legitimate upgrade from the gtx 980 tie
Don't expect that it might be a small upgrade much like we've seen with the gtx. Um
What did they launch first in 700 series?
Well, did they launch the 770 first I can't remember the seven the 780 is
Significantly worse than the 780 ti or no, or they're close. No. No 780 is big
big kepler
But I think crap I can't remember. I think it is. Yeah, because six right because 680 is kepler architecture as well
Okay, i'm getting it all sorted out of my head. So what we're seeing again is the step down
Gpu being marketed as a flagship and we're just going to have to wait until significantly later
When whether it's a titan or whether it's a tie card or whether it's a 10
90 or whatever they end up branding it someone's very mad at you for calling it tie
If that's legitimate very specifically saying that you have to say ti. No, it's actually not
It stands for titanium nvidia internally calls it tie. Yes at every press event. They tell us to call it tie
I usually refuse to call it tie because I think it sounds ridiculous
I usually call it ti as well
But that doesn't change the fact that it is correct much like the way I say asus
Is the correct way to say asus even though I think it should be aces
So, i'm sorry, it's tie so whatever they end up calling it we are not getting a legitimate upgrade to the 980 tie
Until we get something else
So this is going to be more like the spiritual successor to the 980
Which is a small max like a well a medium sized maxwell versus a big maxwell
So that's super a bummer. I'm super disappointed. It makes sense. I mean hbm2 is not ready yet
Anyway, mass production. I don't believe is even remotely anywhere near started. So makes perfect sense, but
Yeah, i'm i'm disappointed it means that running a titan x like I am i'm not looking at upgrading for many more months to come
Yeah, you're running 980s in sli, right? Yes. So you're bone too. Yep. Yeah, because that's the general rule
That's the way that it's always well
I don't want to say always been in the past because it's it's not always the case
But but the general rule was sli of last high end
Was pretty darn close to a single one of the new high end and that fell off that fell off the board a little bit
In the 600 700 series because they were actually based on the same micro architecture
nvidia just kind of
Unleashed their big their big gpu and was like new flagships
But they had no choice at the time. We weren't getting any process node shrinks
So now we're getting a process node shrink. So what you're probably looking at is since this is a direct replacement card
Is about the performance of a couple 980s in sli assuming non-perfect scaling
It's not going to be twice as fast as a 980
So probably like 140 to 160 percent as fast and probably similar in terms of pricing to what the 980 was when it launched
That's my assumption. We should do that video i was talking about
Which one is that? I can't oh, okay. Well, yeah, that doesn't help me then the uh
You know that thing we should do that I actually thought you might have uh, we should do that thing that you uh
We're saying we should do
Maybe after one show when the cameras are off
Um, yeah, that's actually not that's actually not a bad idea. It'd be pretty funny
Um, let's see what else we got here
I don't know. I think
That's that's pretty much all I have to say. Maybe we can spare you guys the uh, spare you guys
The the flickers pretty quick here. So one more one more. Oh, what do you want to do?
The division of is ubisoft's fastest selling game
Exact sales numbers not known at this time. The original article here is from game spot
That is pretty incredible. Yes, there is one. Um
Set digital sales records across the game's available platforms and ubisoft's managing director
Said that the studio is quote unquote extremely happy with the division's launch
Just solidifying that all they care about is sales numbers, huh?
That is incredible. How many other games does ubisoft make that are excessively multiplayer focused?
Is it like nothing
So everything I can really think of has a very strong leading single-player element
Yeah, your assassin's creed your watchdogs
So most things that they make are not really on a timer in terms of buying it because a lot of multiplayer games
Especially like this which aren't going to go into a competitive scene in terms of like people watching it
Are on somewhat of a timer your friends will buy it play for a while and stop playing
so I think one of the reasons why it is their fastest selling game is everyone's like are you
Playing it. Are you playing it? Are you playing it? Yes. Okay, let's get it now and then they're gonna play it for a while
And then draw it and then get bored instead of a single-player game where it's like well
I still want to finish the sequel and maybe if I wait until I'm done the sequel it's gonna be cheaper. You mean prequel
Prequel. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, or like i've got i've got all these games queued up. I still haven't played just cause two
So I didn't buy just cause three
So I didn't buy just cause three exactly. Yeah, I really need to play just cause two
I know that but I really don't want because it really does
If there's one thing that makes a game feel old it's playing the sequel first
Yeah, like I am going like there's very few games where i'm legitimately going to make my son play the old one first
But early final fantasies is one of the ones i'm going to be like, no, I am not you may not turn on an xbox one
A playstation 4
A playstation 3
A playstation 2 even
You may not turn any of those things on until you have played some of the older 2d final fantasies
End of story
Yeah, I have an idea for a stream that I want to do eventually but I don't want to say it
Right now because I don't want someone to steal the idea, but it has to do with like playing prequels first and all this kind of stuff
All right. Well, thank you guys very much for tuning into the wan show. We're sorry for the technical difficulties
What we'll probably do is just flat out replace that camera for next week and see if that helps
It is what it is. We've never had that issue before so
It's like that every week. There's always some brand new issue. We've never had I even said to Luke the computer was good this week
Yeah, I said to Luke when we set up all I did was fire it up plug in my laptop
Plug in my laptop and I was like, wow, this is working perfectly
Yeah, all right, see you guys next week same bat time same bat channel doing game stream tonight sick nice