
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

Wait till one of them goes green and then I go.
And welcome to the WAN Show, ladies and gentlemen.
We've got a fantastic show lined up for you today.
We're going to be talking about Radio Shack?
It's back?
JK, it's crypto now.
Crypto's ruining everything.
Oh, what else we got?
Ah, yes.
The Audiophile SSD.
If you don't own one, you do not properly appreciate music.
And also, you probably are just pretty smart.
What else we got?
Have you ever seen something on TV and you've just really wanted to take a big juicy bite of it?
Well, now you can lick your screen.
Remember when licking the screen was like the mark of sort of not having your act together?
Is that changing?
Alright, sure.
Let's see how this goes.
Also, no one's going to CES.
But it's still sort of happening?
It's not really news.
It's like the opposite of news.
There will be no news.
There will be no news.
Sorry, goodbye news.
There will be remote news.
Goodbye news.
Hello, intro.
You know what the funniest thing about today?
So it's brought to you by Seasonic, Altium, and CubeHaters.
I think is that we intended to start an hour early and we still managed to start an hour late.
Which is almost exactly about when we normally start.
Yeah, so good job.
Then consistency.
Yes, sorry about that.
We will maybe come back to, sorry chat,
we'll maybe come back to the pre-show discussion about bookmarks versus pinned tabs.
For now, we got to talk Radio Shack.
That's right.
You heard me.
The one-time tech giant Radio Shack is back.
And not just as a half-assed online store.
No, that's right.
They're shilling crypto.
So they're back in the same sense that Stan Lee is back.
You see that?
That was awful.
I mean, I, but you know what?
I shouldn't have even been that surprised because I saw what was happening.
Basically, they're using Stan Lee's account to just like advertise like every advertise.
Well, yeah, so I was I was really shocked because it was to buy this NFT of like a character and you know,
I get one one aspect of NFTs.
Okay, that I could kind of get behind would be that the item was unique,
right except that if you can just mint as many NFTs as you want.
Yeah, you can make copies.
And like there's so there's no limit.
You can literally sell copies.
Like it's not even like it's not even like Bitcoin where there's actually a finite amount of it.
You can actually just mint more copies of it.
It's like having it's like buying a it's like buying a digital print of an artwork,
right where it just says one out of question mark.
Two out of question mark, right?
Because you're not gonna keep printing this as long as it keeps making money, baby.
Let's go.
There's no actual control for how many of them they can make.
So anyway, they say it's limited,
but they're using his account to shill some stupid NFT of something.
And I looked back through it.
I'm going I shouldn't have even been surprised by this
because the entire account is just full of,
you know, occasionally, you know,
honoring his memory basically just doing fan service in order to get likes
and get people to follow it so that they can just shill absolutely anything
and everything and it is so frustrating.
Does it slightly have something to do with a superhero
that he once had some form of affiliation with?
Shill, shill, shill, press the shill button.
So I hated it and I guess I hate this too.
So over the weekends, the company confirmed a pivot into decentralized finance or Defy.
Oh man, the name for blockchain-based protocols that allow people to send,
receive, trade, lend, and borrow funds.
I've always thought that was just the perfectly edgy name.
Yeah, it's great.
We're defying the standard quo.
The standard quo.
I like it.
I like it.
I really like it though.
The standard quo.
So the website reads Radio Shack Defy will be...
Sorry, sorry.
It's just really stupid.
...will be the bridge between CEOs who stay standard quo instead of status quo
and control the world's corporations and the world of cryptocurrencies.
Yes, that's exactly what we want.
More corpo currencies.
Oh my.
And it is not, it doesn't have anything to do with the Radio Shack that you know
and maybe have some love left for but rather by Retail E-commerce Ventures,
the company that purchased the rights to the name in 2020.
REV owns many chains that used to define US retail,
including Pier One, Linens and Things, and Dress Barn.
And the general strategy for REV is to pivot failing retailers from storefronts into e-commerce
while getting co-investors to pitch in.
So yep, Radio Shack Swap or whatever the name becomes is going to launch its own token.
Because that's the way forward.
Radio Star killed the crypto, the big fat cats at the banks.
The plan is to distribute 10 billion radio tokens.
The company hasn't yet shared how or to whom they will be distributed.
And the writer comments on this particular one are from Colin,
says it's pretty clear that the Radio Shack brand is now being flogged for every penny it's worth
and I for one am sad to see it go.
I would expect Colin to be sad to see it go.
He's definitely a maker type, a creator type,
and Radio Shack used to be, for those of you who are too young to remember it,
the place to go get things that now you can basically only get on eBay or AliExpress
and wait three to 18 weeks for it to actually freaking arrive.
Like you could go there and actually buy a capacitor
if you needed it to complete an electronics project or something like that.
Like you could pick up like breadboards and stuff.
Like you could actually do electronics projects without resorting to,
I'm trying to think if there's anything like that left.
I mean, I remember that you can browse in person.
It's mostly, as far as I know, it's mostly just like kind of small town shops,
but there is a bunch of online stuff.
Well, yeah, I mean, obviously in the same way that there's a McMaster car,
you know, there's definitely online electronic shops.
Like you can go over to Mouser, sure, fine.
But the browsing and tactile in-person experience
where you can look through things and get creative with what you see on the shelf.
Yeah, there's very little of that these days for sure.
Yeah, and I mean, the last time I went into a store that really reminded me
of old school Radio Shack where you could just be like,
oh yeah, where's the servo aisle?
And you'd be like, oh yeah, it's like one over from the ham radio like supplies.
You'd be like, oh wow, that's cool.
Was a Fry's before their demise.
I was lucky enough to go see a Fry's Electronics
before they turned to absolute garbage.
Did you never, you never saw them?
I heard about how cool they were like remotely forever,
but it's like, man, what would I even compare it to?
It's like, you know, metal mart.
It's kind of like if something it's kind of like if a metal mart like ran into a Home Depot.
They just like, you know, like it had that it had that corporate,
you know, all the brands you've totally already heard of side to it,
but it also had that, you know,
oh, you know, pick and pick and choose all these things and go assemble it for yourself.
Yeah, exactly.
Just figure it out.
Yeah, it was it was so disappointing to me to see that Fry's Electronics just couldn't couldn't pull it together.
And it seems like kind of like NCIX.
It's not that there wasn't some money in selling electronics.
It's just that they collapsed under their own weight and their own mismanagement.
I don't have any insider information about what exactly happened to Fry's.
It's kind of a vibe you're getting.
I'm just extremely, extremely disappointed.
Yeah, there was an interesting question on the end of here.
Do you have any memorable purchases from RadioShack back in the day?
Oh my goodness.
I got to tell you that most of my trips to RadioShack were as a kid.
So I would geek over that. I would geek out over that stuff.
But I mean, it was mostly like crappy RC cars and stuff like that.
Like it was just they had they had the stuff that was not mainstream like Toys R Us,
right? Yeah, I don't even know if Toys R Us actually doesn't even exist in the States anymore.
I don't even know. It's here in Canada still.
Yeah, I think it's out in the States, but I'm not sure.
Yeah, I can't remember the details there,
but they used to have a lot of RC toys and stuff like that.
I don't know that they would anymore. The main thing I remember was an RC car that my dad bought.
That's pretty cool. Yep. I mean you would have been pretty young by the time RadioShack stopped actually carrying anything meaningfully cool.
Like what was their what was their in-house brand?
I'm trying to remember like I they had cheap batteries like cheap in-house brand rechargeable batteries
when I was kind of getting into high school
and finding dependable affordable rechargeable batteries
and like sort of the early 2000s was definitely a bit of a challenge
and you kind of needed them more than you do today because a lot of devices are so power efficient now.
Yeah, and like everything used to run on the just monster amounts of AA and AAA batteries.
It's like you'd have I don't remember what was it Game Gear? My game the Game Gear takes six.
Yeah, and it would chew through like four hours. Yeah.
And what else did I have that was a hog? I mean my Powershot A20 camera.
I think that took was it three or four AA batteries.
Oh man, we got to check this thing out. Here's a review from DP review.
You know, the site's been around for a while.
Look this looked state-of-the-art. Okay in 2001.
Heck yeah. Okay. Hold on.
We got the A20 plastic compact compact digital camera.
Okay, four AA batteries nickel metal hot metal nickel metal hydride recommended ladies and gentlemen.
This thing weighed 375 grams almost a pound and was 2.1 megapixels.
Oh man, but it had optical zoom.
Okay. I actually paid a lot extra for one like a like a proper digital camera that had optical zoom instead of just digital zoom
and that actually was more than one megapixel.
Okay, I got oh my gosh.
What was it called? I got this weird thing from my aunt that was like a little like handheld thing
and it was like sub one megapixel zoom zoom.
I think zooms came later. I don't remember it was horrible those cringe I returned it
and then I actually ended up spending a bunch of my own money to get this one that served me very well.
Still have some of my Powershot A20 photos.
Do you remember that that keyboard video I filmed?
Yes, that was filmed on a zoom nice.
It was just one of those like it's like a little rectangular brick.
Luke's first Luke's first unboxing.
Yeah, that's a classic right there.
Speaking of classics. Oh, man.
What will they think of next?
We are going to have to do a full audio file PC build something like that.
That was suggested by the the person that posted this thread
and honestly, he listed a few different components and stuff that could go into it.
And I actually think it would be really interesting
if you paired that with some like blind testing and then maybe tried like,
okay, maybe they do tell a difference at this point.
But what parts can we remove to make them like no longer be able to tell the difference?
Like what is actually making the impact Etc. Etc.
It might be very interesting. My brain hurts so bad.
Wait, what am I even looking at here?
Now might actually be the wrong timing for this.
But if you could bring in some community like like people who claim to be audio files
and get them to do the blind testing that could be pretty interesting too.
Yeah. What will they freaking think of next?
So it's $800 without the heatsink.
It's an NVMe SSD 1 terabyte and has an 8 layer copper PCB mill spec mill spec.
Oh, yes. Yes. Sorry. I forgot that part very important military audio external 5 volt DC power input
or internal motherboard input with onboard capacitor filtering gold-plated connectors
because that means quality every m.2 connectors gold-plated
every single one that is the spec.
Okay. Also the $800 for a 1 terabyte NVMe SSD one does not come with the fancy heatsink.
How much does the heatsink cost don't actually know it was sold out.
Okay. Is this a joke though?
I don't think so. Honestly.
Okay guys guys help fact-check us here. Is this a joke?
I think it's legit. I can't possibly because there's two ways that something could be sold out right way.
Number one. Oh, I mean, it's custom CNC.
So there might have been like two is that they didn't produce it.
Yeah, right. Yeah. Yeah, so there could have been basically none of them.
Yeah way number two is that people actually bought it.
And I just I don't know jelly jelly D and twitch chat is like have you seen the stuff audio files by this is for real.
Come on guys. Help me out here. Nobody.
Nobody has offered any kind of evidence that this is actually fake.
All right. Well, my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is completely ruined.
What have you seen the heatsink to yeah.
Yeah, I was looking at it. I mean, here's what I here's what I don't here's what I don't really I don't know.
There's lots of things I don't understand about this.
But but the biggest thing the biggest thing
that I do not understand about the revelation audio SSD here is what are they expecting it to do?
It's just makes your audio better. No, but really okay.
You've got a capacitor on your SSD.
You're taking an external power power from where where are you taking this external power from from a computer power supply?
Okay. Well, it's going to be subject to the same kinds of I mean,
okay, maybe not technically all the exact same kinds of challenging conditions that power running through the motherboard might
but it's going to be pretty darn similar.
It's still inside a computer doesn't even have shielding on it,
which is one of my favorite actually useful audio file snake oil things to cover things with just metal foil essentially,
which can can do something in a situation where there could be a benefit to that which here.
I just don't see how there could be because there's no analog signaling taking place on an m.2 SSD.
Yeah, that's none. That's the big problem.
That's the big problem. That's a big problem.
What's more than that? It just doesn't it can't do anything.
Well, I could cause compatibility issues with your motherboard because a lot of them have huge things that go on top of them.
Yeah. Okay. Another problem is that this is this is a who knows what controller they're even using.
That apparently didn't merit mention here.
We got the audio file grade audio note kysay capacitors,
but they don't they don't bother to mention if there's a DRAM cache.
I don't see one. Christ Chris Tech CC HD 957 femto clock oscillator.
It sounds like have you ever watched that?
It's this like technical walkthrough video of this machine and it's I think it's like a few minutes long,
but the guy just says literally nothing that means anything.
Oh, I think I know what you're talking about.
They're like this. It's just techno babble.
Yeah, and it looks kind of like like like a sales presentation or like it looks very official.
It's really well produced, but it's a joke.
Yeah, I know what you're talking about.
Yeah, when I read stuff like that, it sounds like I'm reading that script.
Oh boy. So I wish them luck.
You should get one. I would love to get one.
But you know what? I don't know exactly why but we have had my God.
There's an amazing typo. Sorry. We have had.
Oh, so I go to your screen. Sure.
One in sotik. In sotik. Oh, like the socket?
It's supposed to be stock. Oh, one in stock.
Okay. I don't know why exactly,
but I've had a ton of difficulty getting my hands on any of these audiophile snake oil products.
We probably know dude. Well, the thing is we've even tried to buy them.
As like with like a different name.
I don't know what name we use, but I didn't do it.
Right? Like we tried to get our hands on the audiophile network switch because that one was really funny.
But every time we've tried to place an order for, I think it's this one.
So it's an $800 8-port gigabit switch.
I mean supposedly this is in stock,
but every time we order this stuff it doesn't arrive.
Are they screening it? Are they just not shipping to Vancouver Canada just in case we get our hands on it?
My assumption is it would probably be a very good idea
if you were in the snake oil audiophile space to screen all of your orders and make sure it wasn't reviewers.
Yeah, I guess I could see that. I mean it worked out. Not even just you,
right? Like anybody. Yeah, it would be pretty concerning.
But I don't know how they would have, I don't know how they would,
okay, I guess they could have my address, but how could they have other people's addresses?
People who don't just have their company address on Google Maps or whatever.
I don't get it. Anyway, we're trying.
We're trying. If we can get our hands on the audiophile SSD,
we will absolutely, we will take that. We will throw it in a motherboard.
We are going to listen to so much audio. We're going to listen to Hotel California.
Okay, we're going to listen to it so hard. We're going to be like,
we're going to need to cleanse our palette and put on a sleep mask.
We're going to, we're going to have an auditioning experience, okay?
Oh my God. Is that something people do? I promise. I don't know about the audio palette cleansing.
I think that we could probably, we could probably create enough sort of nonsense rituals.
You should do a full sensory cleanse. Yeah, we should play the music.
We should play the music into a wine glass and give it a little,
give it a little smell the aroma, you know, some ginger between songs.
All right, that's enough. That's enough attention for this nonsense.
Why don't we talk about the flavorful TV?
Oh, this is great. A Japanese professor has developed a prototype lickable TV screen
that can imitate food flavors. The device called taste the TV
or TTTV uses a carousel of 10 flavor canisters that spray in combination to create the taste of a particular food.
The flavor sample then rolls on hygienic film,
sure, over a flat TV screen for the viewer to try.
In quotes, the goal is to make it possible for people to have the experience of something
like eating at a restaurant on the other side of the world even while staying at home.
I think you're going to need more than 10 flavors,
but a commercial version of this version of this product would cost about 100,000 yen or 875.
I'm assuming US dollars to make potential applications include distance learning for sommeliers,
sommeliers, and cooks and tasting games and quizzes.
The tasting games and quizzes sounds a lot more interesting to me
because I seriously doubt the accuracy of the actual flavors generated by 10 flavor canisters.
Now don't be a hater. Don't be a hater. 10 flavor canisters.
Okay. I mean the first I'm sure the first LCD didn't have a ton of pixels
and people would have looked at it going, you know,
oh, I'm supposed to I'm supposed to have a call with my relatives
and it's going to be like spending time with them in the same room.
Haha. Huh? I don't know.
So the game side of it is kind of interesting.
I think there's a pretty big issue with taste for cooks
because like as anyone who's ever eaten anything before,
there's more to it than literally just like spray flavor.
There's heat, there's texture, there's smell, there's all this other stuff, right?
So I don't know. It's very interesting.
I mean, it's something a lot of people have thought about over the years
and maybe it's a tech that gets wildly better over the next X amount of time.
Sure. I don't know. But sure. I'm not holding my breath.
Speaking of holding your breath. Or licking my screen for that matter.
The one similar thing that we've experienced before that we've actually showcased
is this smell VR thing. I forget what it's actually called. Cilia.
Yep. So in a similar fashion, it uses these these scent canisters in this case
to make it so that you can have this sensory experience that accompanies your VR adventure.
So you're walking around in the forest and you've got a, you know,
a breeze blows and it wafts the scent of pine into your nose.
And while I was being only sort of facetious when I was saying,
oh, well, just because they've only got 10 flavors now,
you know, just they only had 10 pixels or whatever,
you know, now we've got billions of pixels. They'll probably have billions of...
Well, no, there's going to be a practical limit to that because...
It's like actual substance that you have to spray and stuff.
That you have to reload. That you, you know, like I could see something like this existing commercially.
Right? Like if you were, yeah, if you went to an arcade,
you know, this... An arcade where everyone has to collectively lick the same screen.
Yes, I understand it like rolls out of film. Yeah, sanitary, hygienic, hygienic rolling film.
But just like this where it was a cool demo,
but not really practical for the real world.
I think that's that's what we're looking at here.
I mean, I'm glad that people are devoting their energy to very worthwhile endeavors.
Sometimes you got to make some stuff. Like, yeah, exactly.
Like this isn't the only thing this professor and his students have created
and they have a wide variety of other applications that they want to use this like type of theory on.
Yeah. This was probably an interesting way for them to get a lot of attention on what they're working on.
Yeah, for sure. Yeah. And you know what?
I might be totally underestimating the potential for this.
Like, I mean, look at this image,
look at this image and tell me that this will definitely not be an entire genre of live streaming content in five years.
Reacting to chat submitted flavors. Chat submitted flavors.
Yeah. So so your chat basically like, you know, they they they they make something,
they they mash it into a thing. It creates a digital representation of it.
And you've just got your you've got your lick thing. And any time you get a hype train going or whatever,
you got to donate five subs and I'll lick the the booger,
the booger flavor that someone like literally picked out of their nose and put in the thing.
I mean, we're just unplugged my headphones. I got to got too excited there.
Yeah. Yeah. The limitless possibilities. Tell me that won't be a thing in five years.
I mean, it's all he can't it's he can't do it.
No, I can't see I can't because it's only eight hundred seventy five bucks.
And we've seen what some streamers have spent on their setups in order to make unique content.
It's absolutely a one time purchase.
They'll just buy like tens of thousands of dollars worth of Pokemon cards and unwrap them.
Yeah, like I don't know how the economics of that work, but I'd be in power to them,
I suppose. Yeah. So like if you can spend eight hundred seventy five bucks and sure,
there's some flavor refills, but that's I mean,
if you can he said a commercial version would cost eight hundred seventy five dollars.
So if you could do that, I'm sure the refills are a fraction of that price.
Yeah, I don't know content. Do it. Buy one Ludwig.
Battlefield 24 2040 fail.
I wanted to talk about this because I actually find it genuinely hilarious.
Oh, what now? It's just true trash in Battlefield 2042's launch week.
It was already losing to Farming Simulator 22, which I mean,
I'm not particularly into that, but I've heard it is a pretty good game.
So that's cool. Last week, multiple 24 hour peaks were like way sub 20,000.
Like one of them was like, I think it was around 15,000 players.
It's brushing up to the amount of players that are playing actively right now.
Battlefield five is the previous game that people did not like.
It's already going on sale for 34% off, which is a terrible sign for any multiplayer game.
Yeah, and it has a free weekend coming on steam,
but don't bother because it's terrible. COD and Halo both absolutely ate its lunch.
But honestly, I think that would have happened even if COD and Halo weren't.
I mean, I haven't played COD, but I've heard raises the question.
Why would you all launch like right at the same time?
They always do. It's like, no, there's only one month in which you can launch a game,
an FPS game. You must launch in November, December.
That's it. Every FPS game comes out in like, yeah, late November.
All the time. Is the Christmas stocking boom like that big?
Is that it? Is that your make or break moment?
This is what killed Titanfall. They kept sandwiching it between Battlefield and COD
over and over again when it just did not have the traction that those games had.
Yeah, release it in the summer and it'll do well.
Yeah, don't release it between those two games. Yeah, they just keep doing it.
So and Halo, like, Halo released their beta early.
I think in reaction to Battlefield being really bad.
Right. So I think a bunch of people got Battlefield were like,
wow, this thing's trash. There's game breaking bugs all over the place.
The the portal mode is just like also really buggy
and not anywhere near as good as the original version, which people are still playing on,
like, community servers and stuff. So I might as well just go do that.
And then Halo comes in and just trounces it.
So yeah, I'm speaking of things being buggy.
I think merch messages are not working. Oh, is that something we can fix?
Yes, the queue will disappear. The queue will disappear.
Like all these will disappear. No, should I just go through?
We've only got 20 so far. Should I just pop up?
I'll just do them manually. I'll do them manually.
All right, we're doing a short merch message intermission here.
Okay, so you go ahead and do your thing.
But in the meantime, I'm going to get through these just in case they disappear.
Brandon says, oh, take more money from me. Over $700 for the year.
Go float plane. Hey, thanks, Brandon R. Thanks, Andrew G.
Michael says, old guy, poor vision update. Thanks for the help.
I got two Dell 32 inch 4K VA monitors with a modest curve.
VA is the difference between night and day. Thank you so much.
Merry Christmas. I think I remember replying to that merch message a while back.
They were wondering if IPS glow was going to be an issue for them.
And then I think I had said that if you're worried about it,
then VA is not going to have that same glow.
Anonymous says, how comfortable is the CPU pillow? I want it,
but like $70 for one without knowing. It's a throw pillow.
It's not really intended to sleep on,
but I've seen a lot of reviews where people claim to be that they sleep on it.
My cat really likes sleeping on it. I can tell you that much.
I could see that for a cat.
The reason it's so expensive is just because it costs a lot to make,
not because it's necessarily, you know,
going to be a world-changing pillow for your bed.
I don't, it's really not designed as a sleeping pillow.
Yeah, no, but it, but it, I mean,
we did fill it with quality stuffing just because like I thought it,
it is quite comfortable to like lean on on the couch.
Yeah, but I don't know, people say they do it.
So that's all I can really, yeah. Neil B.
We don't, we don't like delete the reviews on our site.
Like don't you love that when you go onto a site and it's nothing but five-star
reviews on the first party site that you're looking at.
Super obvious. And you're just looking at it going, come on.
It's, it's possible that these are all legitimate reviews.
I'm not even, I'm not even going to challenge you on that.
But you didn't, I will, I will say you never were a courier,
never screwed up the order and didn't deliver on time.
Like half of our negative reviews are just because shipping takes a long time.
Yeah. So you're going to tell me that never happened. Not even,
come on. Very unlikely. Come on.
Yeah, I will say this just, just to ward off the skeptics.
There are reviews that have been removed.
They have been removed because of things that just should not be on a store.
Like yeah, like profanity or whatever else, sexualized content,
like whatever else. If it's an actual review, negative or not,
it stays up. On that note,
if you've left a negative review and we got it resolved for you,
if you could go back and update it, we'd super like appreciate that.
That would be very cool. That'd be awesome.
Neil B says, love the indoor hoodie, got another, you bought another too.
I hope you know that you bought two. Line us with your love of alpaca and merino wool.
Will more wool garments be made? Shirts, long sleeves, sweaters, lounge pants.
You can expect more wool, probably starting with socks.
No time super soon though. Costs are going up like crazy.
And while we did buy like a year's supply of alpaca wool,
we will have to rebuy it again at some point.
So we're going to see how that goes. Calvin says,
I really want a float plain shirt. Will that ever happen?
Will that ever happen? It's happened in the past.
Yeah, I don't know. Maybe, maybe, maybe. Jean-Pierre W says,
Merry Christmas from Europe. Can we get more Linux content?
Yes, we have part four of Linux challenge finally coming out.
Do you know why it took so long?
No. Ed just didn't realize there was a part four.
And because I was technically the writer for that project
and I almost never touched the Trello,
I didn't like put the card in the right spot.
And yeah, usually I have a helper
that just helps me do tedious paperwork for projects that I write.
And in this case, it just sort of fell between the cracks.
And so that video was supposed to be up ages ago.
It's been done forever.
And I completed the last couple of things the editor needed on.
I think I want to say Thursday yesterday and I submitted all that.
So we're good to go. Something that's crazy.
Yeah, and not to derail us to talk about Linux stuff for an hour again.
Yeah, sure. But something that's crazy is every time
it gets to the point where I don't know if I can say his name
because I don't know how long he's been here.
But every time the editor that's working on this project
will message me about different things that he might need for the project.
I'll just do a cursory look at like,
how are those things doing now? Like, okay, it's the ProtonDB page.
Like what are the recent reviews? Because it's like, I don't know.
It's very likely very different. And yeah, it's just constantly changing.
Like I talked about my laptop thing. Like there's,
I believe the most recent Linux video or maybe it's the next one coming out.
I don't remember which one. I say I'm daily driving Linux on my laptop
because it's a better experience.
It's not and you're not. I'm not anymore.
You want to hear something funny? It was true for like a month.
This is a bit of a spoiler for part four.
But one of the things that Luke found was that even first-party titles from Valve
were not perfect experiences in Steam.
And for the part of the video where I talk about CSGO in particular,
I say, hey, we ran into these issues,
but we couldn't reproduce them. Because now it's working.
Because now it's working. Get this, it's broken.
So I tried to launch CSGO yesterday on Manjaro
and it would just, I'd get a splash screen and it would just close.
That's the problem I was having. I know, I know.
So what managed to happen is in between you actually doing the challenge
where it was broken and then me writing up the actual script that we both delivered
and it being working and us being like, well, we can't reproduce this error.
So we're just going to have to tell you we ran into some issues
and then me actually getting the screen cap because I forgot.
It is now broken again.
That's actually so funny. Oh my goodness.
I need to be tickled.
It's such a constantly changing landscape.
It's cool in some ways.
I know, I know. It's just unbelievable though.
So I forget where we were going with that.
Oh, that's so funny.
Timothy H says, love the channel, been watching for two years or so.
Was the reasoning for remodeling a house done for content
or just getting the house how you want it?
Purely content. He didn't actually want a house.
Sorry. You know what, the house was a combination of things.
I wanted to, okay, my kids want to not share rooms.
So that was one thing and we could do that in our current house,
but then I would have no sanctum at all.
Everything would be either a person's room or it would be a shared space
and I was super wanting to still have like somewhere that I could,
you know, game stream, for example.
So there were practical reasons for upgrading.
As for why we chose that particular one,
it was the only one that had no clear downgrades over our current house.
Our current house is amazing.
It's like awesome. It's super private.
The neighborhood is beautiful.
It's really well built.
It was actually the showcase home for the neighborhood.
And it was the one that when the development was complete,
the developer kept for themself.
So the actual developer of the neighborhood.
Yeah, always a good sign.
There were there were two screws everywhere.
There should have been one nail, you know, like it's just it was super well built
and I had already gotten everything exactly the way that I liked it.
So I had run networking to everywhere that needed painstakingly over years,
run networking, in-ceiling speaker wiring.
I had run like VR stuff.
Yeah, I had put in air conditioning myself.
I had put in my VR wiring for my lighthouses in the ceiling
so I didn't have to have ugly wires running down my walls.
Like I had put I had my computer running in that closet with fiber optic cabling running through the walls.
Like everything was exactly the way I liked it and I was sitting here going,
oh man, so we move into this new place and what?
It's bigger, which is great for everyone except I don't care about that.
I want my tech stuff set up the way that I freaking like it.
I spent 10 years getting it the way I like it.
So that's a big part of why the house has been such a project
because in order to get it up to spec up to what I've already got a lot of work needs to be done.
And it's going to be easier to do that when there isn't all your stuff there
and you're not trying to actively live in that space.
Exactly. So we want to do it all in one shot
and there were reasons that we needed to open up a bunch of the walls anyway,
so it had poly B is the type of piping that it had there was poly B up the butt everywhere in that house.
So we were going to be ripping half of the walls and half of the ceilings open anyway,
and I think they're job. Well when we're doing that,
you might as well put in the speaker wire.
Yeah, you might as well put it in.
I mean, that's definitely the time because that's also not like a small cut in the wall.
It's like it's a pretty big one.
No, it's costing a fortune, but it's costing a lot less to do it.
Now than it would cost to do it five years from now when I go turn it.
I just I wish I did that really wish I did that thing.
Yeah, I've gone a little overboard to be honest with you.
Like I started out not caring at all about things like smart blinds and curtains.
I was like, I don't care. I'm never going to use that.
But now I'm looking at it going.
Okay, 20 years from now when it's time to resell this thing a house.
Manual curtains is going to be like what a house of this class.
Yeah will not be competitive with something brand new.
If it doesn't have wiring to the to the blinds into the curtains
and there were some things about the house that were exceptional even today.
Like nowadays the the window and door opener sensors
and stuff all battery even on a brand new house.
They don't run wires for it. But this one because it was built back in the 90s.
Everything in this house is hard-wired which is pretty safe to swap those batteries.
No batteries because when you I mean,
even if you only have to swap the battery once every two years
when you're talking like pain,
you know every 20 points of ingress into the house like that's a sure that sucks.
That means like one out of every 40 days like once a month.
You're going around to replacing some stupid like button cell battery
and some stupid sensor that might not even be that easy to reach like that sucks.
Yeah, so so having the opportunity now while the walls
and ceilings are open to run power to the we probably won't even put in smart blinds
or curtains at least not everywhere like my bedroom.
I think it'd be kind of nice to have just because I do not I do not regulate my sleep very well.
I think it's called GS gamer syndrome.
I wasn't going to reveal with that.
So I don't regulate my sleep very well
and something that I think could probably help me is to start to control things
like the color temperature of the light brightness doing things like opening up the curtains slowly
as you're supposed to naturally wake up apparently stuff like that helps a lot
so I could see myself playing around with it a little bit
but honestly, it's something that I put in more
for resale value trying to be as forward-thinking as possible
and I realized that the previous owners probably tried to be as forward-thinking
as possible putting in things like the intercom how'd that work out for them?
But I think my way is going to go better
because in cases where I don't know if the standards will evolve we put in a lot of conduit.
Yeah, so as long as you've got hey if you've got kind of a string,
yeah, you are ready to go ladies and gentlemen kind of it's good.
Uh, yeah, there will probably be bits for the screwdriver available at launch
given that the screwdriver is like super super super delayed.
How do we even get on this topic?
Oh, right. I'm supposed to be going through the merch messages that have accumulated.
They are working now. I see I see that they're working.
I see they're working. Unfortunately.
The one thing missing is timestamps.
Whoops, so I have no idea where I left off and yeah,
great question for Linus your Lambo had a manual transmission moved
and you said that something you really liked about it.
Is that because you find driving a manual is more fun
or because it's more reliable slash easier cheaper to repair.
I have done almost zero of my own car work.
I think I brought my car into our high school shop
when I did take I took shop class.
Did you know that? No, actually I did. Wow.
Yeah, I know right. Genuinely surprising.
Yeah, right. Well, I filled my whole timetable.
I never took a free blog.
So I did like technology where we built like this RC submarine thing
and we I did metal art and jewelry.
We did stained glass. I like made rings and stuff like that.
I took I took shop where I learned to change my own oil change breaks.
I learned how to do an alignment like kind of basic stuff.
So I took like all these like electives
and stuff and still managed to do all my sciences
and I will tell you out of every class that I've ever taken in my life.
Shop is the one I remember the least from.
I think the only thing that I learned in shop was my potty mouth.
That makes sense. I'm not going to generalize.
Okay, I'm not going to generalize about shop people.
I took I took a few spares because I was like ahead in years
and I skipped a year in chemistry I skipped I did I completed all of the computers courses
that the school had when I was still in grade 10.
I skipped a year in math. I did a lot of that stuff.
And then I took of I took a fair amount of spares because I was working right.
Okay, I was working like actually a pretty considerable amount in high school.
That's fair. That's fair to gather money for you.
Never skipped a grade Luke never skipped a grade.
How did you have extra blocks then?
We just had like well,
you don't need to fill all your blocks in order to have enough credits to graduate.
So a lot of people would just take like a study blog.
Okay. Yeah, like almost everyone I knew had at least one study block in grade 12.
I was like no dog. This is free.
It's free now cost money later.
I am going for it. My school didn't have a lot of like a lot of the things that you just described.
Like we didn't have those. Oh, yeah, we had super cool electives.
Yeah, my computer's teacher was awesome.
I have three like amazing teachers that were absolutely fantastic.
My computer's teacher was one of them. He's a principal at a local school school,
but he used to be a computer's teacher and he like he went to BCIT over the summer
and took a game development course. Yeah,
and then like re-compacted that course into a course for us in school.
Oh, that's it. You only ran one time because like my year was really into it.
Right and that was like awesome.
So that was like technically an extra cool course that we had outside of that.
It was very limited. Fun fact. I never took a computer's course.
Really? Nope. I mean, it was mostly like programming so it wouldn't have helped.
No, no, no. Yeah, wouldn't have done anything for me.
So in response to your question, I just prefer driving manual because it's more fun.
For me. For me. I'm not I'm not judging not judging.
I'm a computer engineering student looking to better understand the way GPUs process data
and turn it into images. Can you recommend any books or resources?
Oh my God, there was this amazing blog that I bookmarked for myself like a hundred years ago.
That was super cool on exactly this topic. It was it was one of those things that was to me.
It was like way over my head and yet accessible enough that I could like figure it out.
Don't know who it was. Yeah, I want to I want to find it now.
I feel like I did send it to you because I was probably like,
holy crap, this is everything we ever need to know about GPUs or something like that.
Yeah, I have vivid memories of this,
but I don't remember. I'm sorry if anyone knows what I'm talking about,
feel free to drop it in the chat. Unfortunately, the keywords GPU
and blog are returning a lot of results for in my inbox.
So I'm not going to be able to find this easily, at least not quickly.
So if you guys if you guys have any great resources for that, feel free to drop it in the chat.
Thanks Timothy H. Whoop. Whoop. Where'd that go?
Oh my goodness. These are starting people have figured out that there's a limited edition product on the store
and they're starting to order it really fast.
Yeah, so we'll talk about that in a little bit.
I think have I made it through all the ones that we needed to get through?
I'm not sure I might just have to come back to them later.
I think you did. Let's try and stay on top of the ones that are coming in
and we should stay on top of talking about our sponsors for the show.
Oh shows brought to you by SeeSonic.
But well, is that going to work? Yes. Merry Christmas.
Happy Holidays from SeeSonic. Just kidding.
They actually didn't pull that move this year.
They almost always buy like special holidays and they're just like,
yep, Merry Christmas from SeeSonic.
So I'm going to assume that that was their intention today
and I'm not going to do a proper read for them.
I'm just going to be like SeeSonic says, you know, hey,
have a safe and enjoyable holiday season, eat lots of food,
spend as much time safely with your family as you can
and your friends and your loved ones who are not family and not friends.
I can't think of too many loved ones
who wouldn't also be in the category of family or friends.
And you know, hey, if your holiday season is powered by SeeSonic,
so much the better. But yeah, go check them out at the links below or don't.
Just just have a wonderful, just have a wonderful weekend.
Have a wonderful evening. Have a wonderful rest of the year.
Happy New Year's. All that good stuff. Yeah.
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Man, you know what? I'm noticing a bit of a pattern here.
You notice how games with dedicated servers
and the ability for there to be community hosted servers have a much longer shelf life
than games that rely on the game developer to maintain stuff.
Yeah. It's like,
how is it that it ends up being so profitable to be the good guy?
Like Valve, they're just like, yeah, community servers, whatever.
And then they just create like a facade.
They just create a community browser experience.
I mean the old classic one is still there,
but they just put, they put a sheen over it like a modern gaming sheen.
No one can tell the difference. CSGO still relevant so many years later.
And you can still do, yeah, you can still do custom servers.
And they can still make money on skins and whatever else.
The Titanfall community, and I know, I know, I know,
but we, when we talked about Titanfall a fair amount a while ago,
right around that time, unplanned,
there was this big community push to like get people to play Titanfall again,
and it peaked well higher than Battlefield 24-2 is currently at.
But it has been just buried by DDoS for a long time now.
Like it's been unplayable for a long time.
And users are trying to take it into their own hands
and force custom dedicated servers for Titanfall 2.
It's pretty interesting. I haven't been following it that closely,
but I've been following it a little bit. That'd be super cool.
It'd be awesome. Yeah. And like it's, it's, people want to play so bad.
Like the Titanfall 2 subreddit is huge.
And it's just a ton of people very frustrated that they're not allowed to play a game,
which is such a wild concept. I know, right?
But yeah, it is what it is.
All right. What else it is, is more topics.
AMD's 5000 series Threadripper Pro Chagall specs have apparently leaked.
Here they are, ladies and gentlemen, posted by fake KGB on the forum.
Man. Okay, hold on a second. Side conversation.
If someone walked up to you and said,
I'm a fake KGB operative.
What do you believe? That they're a KGB operative. 100% every time.
So they're just, they're pulling some next level.
I'm going to be looking for the gunman gate. I'm going to be all full paranoid.
All that kind of stuff. All right, back to the specs here.
So we've got some what look like very, very raw part numbers here.
We've got some sockets. We've got some core counts.
Looks like we're going to get everything from 12 cores all the way up to 64,
which is same as last gen, but I'm still expecting markedly better performance.
32 megatransfer, 3200 megatransfer per second memory. Man,
why do they insist on doing this?
Why does AMD insist on rating all of these, this entire lineup of processors, at 280W TDP?
I knew you were going to say the TDP when you started that sentence,
because I had the same reaction. I wrote that one.
I had the same reaction as you. I was like, wait, are you kidding me?
Like, I just, it's so annoying.
Yeah, especially, especially when they've got, they've actually got all these different core clocks
that they can end up running at,
and all these different power draws that they're actually expecting the bloody thing to have.
So why not just say, hey, this is only a, this is only a hundred and, let's have a look here.
This is only in its highest power state,
170 watt processor, and then you can just know that you can buy a lighter cooler
for that one to run properly. Crazy.
Unfortunately, it looks like this is going to be the end of Threadripper as a consumer platform,
so there won't be any normal Threadripper. There's just going to be Threadripper Pro.
This just goes to show you that you either, whatever, die the hero or live long enough to become the villain.
Yeah. AMD came in, they're like, yeah, more cores for everyone.
Everything's going to be a consumer platform. It's going to be freaking awesome.
And then they were like, hey, you know what, in addition to regular Threadripper,
we're going to have like a pro one. It's going to have, it's going to have like,
you know, proper ECC support and it's going to do this and it's going to do that.
The same things that we got mad at Intel. Ha ha, remember that consumer one?
See you later, buddy. Now we're going to paywall the ECC support on this
and it's going to be really good for us and don't even worry about it.
All I can hope is that Intel, you know, they're not, but I,
I would love for Intel to bring in an HEDT competitor that's,
that's scrappy and forces AMD to reevaluate this,
this pro sort of workstation only approach to the Threadripper platform
because for enthusiasts, Threadripper was so cool. There were flaws.
Okay, there were flaws. Threadripper was limited to, oh man,
what were we stuck at? It was either, I think it was 256 gigs of memory.
And on a 64 gigabyte processor,
that is really not enough.
And so not having proper support for like registered DIMMs
or load reduced DIMMs was a real bummer. And Threadripper,
yeah, probably makes more sense in terms of positioning,
especially now that there's a 16 core regular desktop Ryzen that once we get
DDR5 is probably going to be capable of like 128 gigs of RAM.
Like now that we have that, honestly, yeah, it's probably not that necessary,
but it was just AMD being a bro because they were the underdog.
And then as soon as they're not the underdog, they're like,
ah, we don't really have to like bro anymore.
We realistically, we can't make enough processors for how much demand there is anyway.
So let's just, yeah, let's just not worry about being a bro.
And I wish that, I wish AMD just would continue to be a bro here.
That's, that's all I have to, that's all I have to say about that.
You're the one that always tells me that they won't be.
Because like when, when AMD first started coming back,
I was like, yeah, like the good ones getting good again.
And you were like, well, not really. It's just good that there's more competition.
Sorry. It's good that there's more competition, but like AMD's not your friend.
No, it's that simple. Companies are not your friend. Intel's not your friend.
AMD's not your friend. There are people there that could be your friend.
Yeah, I know some super cool people at pretty much every major tech company.
I don't personally know anyone at AMD,
but I know some people and I've trashed on Intel a lot
and I know some people at Intel that I'm friends with for sure.
Yeah, for sure. And people that not just you could be friends with,
but people that actually really care.
Oh, yeah. Like really care about the product, really care about the enthusiast community.
And even when Intel was in like the worst of the dumps,
there were people that worked there that really cared.
Absolutely. There's also a lot of people that work there.
Danny V8 asks, isn't LTT a company?
No. Linus Media Group Incorporated is a company.
And as a company, it has actually, in some cases,
different objectives and a different agenda than I personally do or than Luke personally does.
It's true. Like LMG Incorporated's only job is to make enough money
that it can pay all of its staff, including me,
and so that it can reinvest in its own business so it can continue to grow.
That is like the capitalist definition of a company.
It's a corporate entity. It's its own legal entity.
It's actually, even though I am the primary shareholder,
along with my wife Yvonne, it has its own reason for being that is separate from us.
So, you know, I might be super chill, but I might disagree with Linus Media Group Incorporated
entity's agenda and we might have to find a way to reconcile how I feel about a topic versus
how Linus Media Group Incorporated might feel about a topic.
So I have to put myself in different shoes. For example,
we have a video upcoming that I just recorded prior to the show on the removal of the YouTube dislike counter.
And Linus Media Group and I were sort of conflicted over
one of the things that I wanted to talk about in the video,
but Linus Media Group wasn't a big fan of.
That's a good way of saying that. So one of the things that we address in the video
about YouTube's removal of the dislike button is how to restore it.
So there's a Google Chrome extension.
Actually, there's extensions for a number of popular browsers that allows you to,
that allows you to restore the dislike counter to YouTube.
And the way it works is pretty interesting. We get into that.
But what that doesn't allow you to do is restore the dislike counter in a YouTube app on your mobile device.
You could use a mobile browser to browse YouTube,
but I think that I don't probably have to tell you guys that that's a pretty crappy experience.
So you could use a browser with the extension installed on your mobile device,
but the way to do it, not yet,
but maybe in the future with an app is with YouTube advanced.
So YouTube advanced is an application that circumvents
some of the ways that Linus Media Group Incorporated makes money.
And that negatively impacts Linus Media Group, its employees,
its collaborators, and, you know, Linus Media Group wasn't a big fan of me talking about it.
But Linus Sebastian, the tech personality who wants to make you guys as thoroughly informed on the subject
as possible, felt like, well,
any conversation about this is not going to be complete without mentioning this potential upcoming collaboration
between the return YouTube dislike extension and YouTube advanced.
So I'm in this awkward position where either I have to harm my own business
or I have to harm my own reputation by sending you guys into a rabbit hole
where you find something ultimately and you go, hey, he didn't mention this.
He must have known about this. What's up with that?
So I won. So just like when we did the video on piehole,
we are we're just going to be like, yep, that's a thing.
It's a thing that exists. And Linus Media Group can suck it.
I used to I used to be super, super, super against ads and videos.
You probably remember that. But ultimately, at the end of the day,
it's just entirely unsustainable to not have ads.
And like it makes sense that that's the standard for everybody now.
And you just need to do it to survive. Makes sense.
So so that's that that's what we're doing. That's how we're going with it.
Go YouTube. I've never actually tried it.
If if just like if the dislike counter comes to it, though, I I'd be tempted.
I'd be tempted. So I don't even know if I don't even know if there's a way to configure advanced,
for example, to to see ads so that you can support creators in that way.
Don't know. I don't know. Oh, well, I could do is that's weird.
I don't even know if I like it, but you could get like YouTube Premium and then use advanced.
I mean, yeah, you could do that. I saw someone on floatplane being like, I use advanced.
I subscribe on floatplane. Yeah. It's like, yeah, that helps us.
But you got to remember, there's a lot of yeah, there's a lot of other content creators out there.
Bexum update on the sweatpants is that they are still stuck in the port.
The Port of Vancouver is just eating containers into a holding area
and then they will open them when they get around to it. Yeah.
So good luck, everybody. Hi. Hi to 17 says I use premium and advanced,
but hi. Hi to 17 is a twitch viewer.
So the credibility is a little low. Yeah, questionable, questionable, questionable.
Everyone's pulling out a CES original article.
Here's from XDA developers and I get it.
It's not canceled yet, but man,
it just really doesn't seem like very good optics to show up at T-Mobile's out.
AMD's out. Nvidia's out. I know Intel's out.
So this article might be a little bit older. That's sort of a big deal.
Intel almost always has one of the biggest booths at CES right when you walk into the main hall.
Centre Hall I think is the one. It's been a couple of years since I've been.
I'm liking it. I'm just so tired of CES.
I think I would really enjoy attending it as just an attendee.
Like if I just could stealthily like, you know,
just walk around on the show floor. No one knows who I am.
Just kind of look at stuff and just take it in, but covering it is so exhausting.
I just, I did it for years and I just can't do it anymore.
Just can't do it. It was actually really nice the one year that I did it.
I went for like float plane and I just met with a bunch of creators.
It was really cool. Yeah, I'd like go on the show floor to like find somebody.
And as I was cruising by it was cool. See some cool stuff.
Yeah. So yeah, see you later CES.
I mean, we'll still see all these announcements and everything.
Just expect to see them more digitally. The smart brands are the ones that have already reached out to work with us.
Like Asus sent us some prototype devices that we did a video showing off.
So that'll go up when the embargo would have lifted during the show if there was to be a show.
In other news, Intel is apparently planning to sell pre-binned Core i9 12900Ks
that could reach 5.2 gigahertz on all cores.
Could this be a response to AMD's Ryzen with 3D V cache?
I don't know, but the videocards.com article seems to be speculating that this could be true.
But then also please note that this post is tagged as a rumour.
Does this really need to exist?
And if it does, why don't they just call it something else?
Yeah, I don't think it does in the modern day.
But I don't know. They have called these types of things something else in the past, haven't they?
So there was the 9900KS.
Yeah. What was the difference with the KS?
Like I thought they've had like a almost like a golden sample system a few times.
So they provided us with some golden samples for a giveaway once.
They are definitely capable of creating them.
But to my knowledge, they've never really done a pre-binned CPU.
Right. Other than I think the KS was like a slightly more booster-y 9900K.
I'm actually double-checking that on ARC right now. Because it was 5 gigahertz all core.
And then the other one is basically the same thing.
Does it have a higher base clock or something? I can't, I got to confess.
I can't even remember the difference. Yeah, it had a higher base clock.
So it was 4 gigahertz all core. So yeah, it sounds kind of cool.
Personally, I'd rather they just call it something else entirely.
I mean, I guess KS is a different name for it, but it really just, it confuses the lineup.
Like you got to remember the only difference from one Alder Lake to the other,
assuming a similar core configuration, is the clock speed it freaking runs at.
So if that makes it a this different number or this different number,
why are we now changing suffixes? I get very confused.
Here's a weird question. Do you think overclocking is as popular these days as it was before?
It's certainly easier to do than ever before, but it's also less effective than ever before.
You're not getting a huge benefit from it the way that you used to.
They know their targets a little better now. In the old days,
you were able to overclock a CPU in some cases to double its original clock speed.
I mean, that's insane. Doubling your performance, who would spend the extra money?
And you've got legendary chips like the Celeron 300A that was just dirt,
dirt cheap, and people would just overclock the snot out of those things at 450 plus megahertz.
Like that was, that was the golden era of overclocking.
I mean, even by the time I got into it, overclocking had pretty much seen its heyday.
Like you were not, you were not taking your Athlon 2500 plus,
Athlon XP 2500 plus and really doing that much to it.
I mean, P4C Northwood was maybe the last really.
Oh no, Prescott. The thing about Prescott though,
the thing about those later P4s was that they were so non-competitive with AMD
from a performance standpoint that even when you overclocked them,
they still didn't make a ton of sense and they weren't that cheap.
So it just didn't, yeah, it didn't make a ton of sense to me.
Like there's just no reason to own one in the first place.
So even if you could overclock the bananas out of it, why?
I just, I find I rarely hear people talking about overclocking these days.
And yeah, I think the biggest part of it is the limited performance gains.
But I don't know. I mean, my system's not overclocked.
Mine isn't either right now. It's water cooled and not overclocked.
It's like really stupid. I should just be running air cooling, honestly speaking.
That was my theory with my previous rig.
It was like I knew I was like probably going to be running it not overclocked for the most part.
So it's just like whatever. Might as well go no maintenance.
I guess now's as good a time as any to reveal our GPU Wasteland collection.
That's right, my friends. It's a limited edition desk pad
and enamel pin created by the one and only Sarah Butt.
Did we say how many of them we made? Apparently we do not.
It's full of all kinds of fun little Easter eggs.
Let's see if we can bring up the full size image here.
Welcome to Scalper City. Sold out. Bitcoin. Scalper Central. Got barbed wire everywhere.
She had a lot of fun doing up these graphics.
Maybe too much fun. I'm actually not sure if this project made a ton of sense.
We only printed, I think, a thousand of them.
But if you order the desk pad, you will also get a limited edition pin that goes with it.
So it's just a little little enamel pin to remember these times.
How great is that? I actually like the pin. I think the pin looks pretty cool.
I think the pin looks really cool. I mean, there's no doubt that the design is great.
She did a great job. We've got no NFT references.
You know what? NFTs, back when she designed this because our deliveries have been so freaking...
We were worried the GPU shortage would be over by the time we got these.
Like, it's been delayed so many times. NFTs hadn't really taken off in the news to the same degree yet.
So, guys, get them while you can and then... People already have been.
Don't get them while you can. There's been a lot of burst messages with those.
The last six merch messages that have come through have all been the GPU Wasteland desk pad set.
Oh, wow. Okay. Yeah.
All right. In news that could be positive, you know, regarding GPUs,
VideoCards has reported on Raja Keduri from Intel talking about their upcoming ARK GPUs over a live stream.
So, our hardware is apparently past the beta state, which means we are closing in on release now, ladies and gentlemen.
We've got a video coming where we actually show Intel's timeline for new products.
It's somewhere in the neighborhood of around three years.
And once the beta hardware stage is past, like, we are... Things are imminent.
ARK Alchemist is already sampling to partners who are providing feedback.
ARK GPUs are being manufactured at TSMC, but silicon shortages are affecting them.
And the main incentive with this launch is to get a foothold in the market,
which tells us Intel is going to be aggressive, which is great.
The bigger the install base, the more game developers will pay attention to them.
So they are saying that they are incentivized to get these into the hands of gamers rather than miners,
to which I say, put up or shut up.
We would be happy to do a big launch event with you guys with the Verified Actual Gamer program.
Let's go. I'll take as many as you can send.
I promise they will go to Verified Actual Gamers.
Yeah. So there you go. I have issued my challenge.
And Kuduri confirmed that Intel is developing hardware solutions for blockchain operations,
but they will not be GPUs. Could they be similar to NVIDIA CMP cards?
We don't know. The discussion question for this one from Nicholas Puf is,
are these cards going to live up to the hype? Honestly, my hype level is pretty low.
Yeah, I expect them to be a mainstream option that ain't great,
but is good enough for people to just have something to buy,
which I will argue is what we need right now.
That's what we need. We just need something that makes sense to buy.
So we don't have freaking like here, here.
Okay, let's go to eBay. Okay, what's a GTX 1066 gig worth?
It's going to disgust me. Anywhere from $275 to $350.
You can get them as little as $255. That is horrible.
That's absolutely horrible. That shouldn't be a thing.
And any modern graphics card, no matter how supply-constrained,
should be able to beat that in terms of price to performance.
So that's what I want. I want people to just have anything to build a system
because honestly, I think it's been a hugely detrimental period
for the custom PC enthusiast community over the last couple of years.
Oh, deeply. Yeah. Building a computer sucks.
People don't want to watch videos about building computers.
I have friends in real life who have pivoted their hobbies away from computer hardware to other things.
A lot of them have been cars because it's just been such a bad space.
Yeah, how's cars working out for them?
I mean, it's better. If you don't actually have to buy a car, then I guess it's fine.
Yeah, because working on your current car has actually been okay.
Buying a new car, yeah, not great.
But working on your current car, tinkering with it, making it better,
changing out other things have largely been insulated.
Unless you're trying to do electrical stuff, but a lot of them aren't.
Right. Yeah, fair enough.
Shoot, I think I might have accidentally lost my tab for the merch message dashboard.
That's really, really bad. I've been managing it.
Everything's okay. You've got it? You're on top of it?
Okay, that means I can't read them though.
There's a lot coming in. Okay.
But yeah, well, I got it covered.
Yeah, sorry guys, we're not going to be able to address them all today.
That's just the cold hard truth because we just can't.
I have to get home and like eat dinner with my family at some point.
So let's go ahead and do our last topic here.
Goodbye, HDMI 2.1.
Hello, HDMI 2.1A.
Now with source-based tone mapping,
which is actually pretty cool because HDR tone mapping is a real big challenge.
Oh, I heard that wrong. Okay, that makes a lot more sense. Cool.
So 2.1A will be the active certification scheme going forward,
but it still won't be on the packaging.
Instead, you will see a list of optional features.
So SBTM source-based tone mapping is an optional feature
that will allow a portion of the HDR mapping to be performed by the source
rather than the display device,
which is good because a lot of display devices don't handle it very well.
This could allow for HDR content on one screen
and SDR content on another at the same time,
which is super cool.
But it's going to be a confusing,
absolute gong show to know whether your HDMI 2.1 device supports this
or variable refresh rate or high bandwidth or whatever else.
And I hate it. I hate everything about that.
All right, let's go through and do a few merch messages here.
Oh, boy, they are coming in really fast.
Daniel asks, any plans for photography-centric products?
Probably not as much. Oh, wait, what is happening right now?
If I refresh this page, is it going to be – oh, boy.
It should be fine.
Okay, so I can just archive that.
Probably not as much just because it's not our jam as much.
Leonard, happy holidays. Hey, thanks, you too.
By the way, as PC brands are very different in Asia,
could you expand more about Asian tech and related content?
I mean, we try to cover things when we can get our hands on them,
but it's not always that easy and it can be very expensive.
Like that transparent TV cost a fortune.
It was impossible – it took forever to get and it was impossible to get rid of.
I couldn't even – I couldn't sell it for like 500 bucks.
So we gave it away at a Christmas party.
I don't even know if that many people entered to win it.
I don't even know what – whoever won it is planning to do with it.
Like, honestly. Check out bangle.js.
Yeah, I included that just for you, yeah.
Really? How have I not seen this?
Hackable smartwatch. Interesting.
Hardware buttons. Huh.
Oh, interesting.
Okay, bangle.js for 70 British pounds.
Yeah. If someone from there wants to reach out and get in touch, I'm intrigued.
I'm very intrigued. It's affordable.
I just want simple. I just want simple.
That's pretty cool. Okay. Brandon A. asks – it went away.
Is it time to upgrade my – and then like I think 15-year-old hardware?
2900X is in Crossfire.
I think it's probably time, just even from like a power efficiency standpoint.
That's pretty brutal.
Everything's so expensive, though.
No, I wasn't actually planning to watch the launch, but that sounds awesome.
Adam B. I just bought a 5600X.
Do you think it'd be a good match for my 3060?
Absolutely, yes.
Alexander L. First time buying merch live on the stream.
Any updates on LTT sandals?
No updates whatsoever on the sandals.
We had an unexpected staff departure that delayed that project.
The good news is that I think people internally know already, so I'll just say it.
She's coming back.
It's like, turns out the pastures were greener here.
Hey, working at LMG. It's not that bad.
So yeah, we're pretty excited.
Actually, it was way more complicated than that.
It was not that simple, but we've worked it out,
and I'm extremely excited to be working with her again,
and hopefully we'll be able to get the –
Luke, where are you moving this stuff to?
Oh, I see.
Yeah, hopefully we'll be able to get sandals rocking again.
We already gave an update on the next Linux challenge video coming very soon.
Do you want to see internal right angle USB type C connectors
become the standard from other boards as badly as I do?
Not necessarily, because the male connector is so bulky
that you could end up with it interfering with a lot of cases.
So I don't think that's a cut and dried answer.
I think it really depends on the case.
Oh my goodness, they're coming in so fast that I can't even click on things properly,
because it just moves.
Just focus on the curated –
How are your birds doing?
How are your birds doing?
They're doing good.
They were kind of buttholes last night.
They didn't want to go to sleep.
That was very annoying.
But overall, they're good.
They're healthy.
Everything's all right.
Healthy buttholes.
Calvin, I really want to flip – oh, no, I already answered that.
Powell asks, how do I clean this?
It's going to be soaked in pizza juices.
Well, I see you already bought two of them,
referring to the GPU Wasteland desk pad.
So I think you already know the answer.
I mean, I told Sarah about this project.
I was like, look, we are never doing a mouse pad like this again.
I'm sorry.
Because what I told her from the beginning was that I wasn't that comfortable doing something
that would be very stainable, because A,
I don't like producing stuff that is going to just wear out and need to be replaced very quickly.
And B, from a brand standpoint,
I don't like seeing people's like set up shots with like our product looking ugly
and got like coffee stains all over it.
So I told her I wasn't that comfortable doing it in the first place.
And then when we did it anyway, I looked at the one that she's had on her desk since she got the first samples.
It is a degalas.
Okay, it is a degoutant. It is absolutely horrible.
Okay, it's awful. It's just it is covered in coffee stains.
I'm like this completely validates everything that I said.
All the concerns that I had.
So I really don't think we're going to do another one.
So it's not recommended, but we've had successful machine washes, right?
Not on the white mouse pad.
Like there's just a limit, right? Like on the black ones.
Yeah, I machine wash my mouse pad.
Yeah, I guess you'd have to be really cold.
Yeah, of course.
Ryan C says, this is POG, indoor hoodie, floatplane VODs, when?
Wasn't sure what he was referencing to.
Probably for the WAN show, I would think.
So I included that there are floatplane VODs.
Yeah, I just sometimes I'm a little slow putting them up because it doesn't process immediately.
So I can't do it right after the show and then I get distracted with my life and then I don't do it.
They're supposed to be automated now.
Are they?
I mean, if they are, then great.
Matt C, can you add more APU videos since GPUs are dumb right now?
Yeah, the problem is what else are we supposed to say, right?
Like once we say, hey, an APU makes sense to buy to tide you over.
What are we contributing by doing another video about that?
That's why it's been so challenging lately.
Like what are we supposed to say?
There's not anything, there's no new story to tell.
I think that Labs is going to really help with this.
I think that as we go through and we just test stuff, just mercilessly test stuff, stories are going to emerge.
But I wouldn't be surprised to see at least for a time the LTT upload schedule get scaled back.
There's not enough to talk about.
And I think we are, I think we're spinning our wheels a little bit right now.
I mean, content in the computer hardware space has been kind of tough for a long time
as hardware releases have been more spread out and more rhythmic and more expected performance levels and all that kind of stuff.
And then you make it so that no one can buy anything and it gets way more difficult.
It's pretty boring.
Igor, do you have any plans to have a cybersecurity job opening in the future?
We'd love some cyber content as well as patch notes or summary of the week's top news.
I mean, that's the kind of thing that I think makes more sense as a much smaller, completely separate channel.
And it's something that's on our radar, but it's not something that we have any imminent plans for.
Have you ever thought of making Marina Will T-shirts slash button shirts instead of just using it for socks, asks Simon W.
Yeah, we have, but we're not in any particular hurry.
We want to get the socks figured out and then we're going to go from there.
Anonymous, will Labs delve into keyboard performance tests at all?
If so, I'm very interested in an organization such as LTT publishing latency tests for big name keyboards and perhaps other custom mechanical keyboards.
Yeah, that's honestly, that's the kind of thing that we would be very interested in covering for sure.
Yeah, I love the idea. Actually, I kind of feel like I need to add that to the doc real quick.
And like, do you want to do a chat?
Sure. Yeah. A lot specifically addressed to Linus. Did you guys ever test that one thousand dollar HDMI cable from back in the day on the new cable tester?
I didn't. I got rid of that immediately. I paid the restocking fee and I returned it.
Oh, nice. Good. Yeah. Any possible possibility for Highlander two or lowlander?
We've been trying to get it off the ground for years.
Playing Minecraft in a mine. That's actually pretty good.
I had not thought about that one. I had pitched a submarine at one point in time, but Minecraft in a mine is pretty fantastic.
It's just spectacle, though. There's no learning outcome.
There's no, there's no point to it. How they get internet down there would be like an interesting discussion.
Yeah, I guess so. I mean, run a cable? Probably is the answer with access points along the way.
I've always wanted you guys to do a video. I've probably talked to you about this a few times, about internet in Greenland.
It's actually super interesting. But anyways, is the indoor hoodie dryer safe?
I dried the LT Beanie and it turned out looking worn out.
Yeah, so something like this, you wouldn't want to tumble dry, especially if your dryer has any sort of,
anything abrasive or anything that can catch on it, but the indoor hoodie would be fine to tumble dry, yes.
Actually, I don't know if I'm contradicting the official care instructions, though, when I say that.
I think a lot of our stuff is actually marked, like, hold on.
Oh, we apparently say do not tumble dry. So now, you know.
Sorry, but honestly, the biggest reason for that, I have tumble dried this one already.
The biggest reason for that is to cover our butts because tumble drying is like,
we can't control what kind of dryer you have, what kind of heat settings you're on.
So we can't control if you're going to destroy your garment.
But yeah, you know, I'm just going to stick with the company line.
No, do not tumble dry it. It is better to hang dry your clothes.
And then if you just want them to be softer, then you can throw them in the dryer for like five minutes.
That's just a nice way to kind of soften them up after you hang dry them.
But one of the things that I'm going to be setting up for myself at the new house is one of those cool,
there's actually just little portable drying racks that are heated.
Oh, so it just makes the air around them a little bit warmer and it creates natural convection that helps them to dry things out faster.
And I'm going to switch to hang drying a lot more of our clothes instead of tumble drying.
It's way more power efficient, obviously, as well. Cool.
That's that's one of my that's one of my things that I want to want to do at the new house.
Any updates on the backpack? I gave a big update on the backpack in the PC build stream that I did earlier this week.
It's kind of towards the end. It should be as you scrub through it.
It should be pretty obvious where it is because I am holding a backpack a lot so you can go check that out there.
Drake asks, any tips on getting a super script stripped screw out of a motherboard?
I'm trying to get this motherboard out of the case for a new build for a friend. Keeping the case isn't an option, sadly.
Oh, boy. Rubber band. That's always been my first screw.
Yeah, there's like needle nose pliers. There's yeah.
Yep. Done that, too. And everything's risky, especially if you have a working motherboard next to it.
Like you could say, OK, yeah, you just take a dremel, create a new slot head in it and then get it out that way.
But if you got a motherboard there, you don't want to get metal shards all over it.
I don't think the rubber bands too risky. No, the rubber bands not that risky, but you might be hard to get access to it.
Like that's especially if it's buried in a case, which presumably it is.
And what would be the best way to do that? I've done in the past is I actually put the rubber band on the screwdriver.
So like I cover it on the bit and then I pull it all the way to the back.
So it's attached to the screwdriver. So then I don't actually have to place it. Yeah.
Give it a shot. Joshua, minus seeing that it took a worldwide pandemic to start growing a beard.
When and what made you get rid of your pink hair and frosted tips? I think I just I thought I started working retail.
Yeah. Yeah. Because when I met Yvonne, I had pink hair.
And then I just like didn't didn't do it again after that. And that was right around the time I started working at NCIX.
Did they ask you to or was that like a personal choice?
No, I was doing student works. No, I just decided that going door to door trying to sell house painting service.
It probably wasn't a good idea to have like pink spiky hair. Makes sense.
Yeah. Anonymous, last week you mentioned not knowing much about metrology.
Have you ever looked into any of the semiconductor manufacturing equipment that fabs used to make chips?
Honestly, we have not looked that deep into it.
I have learned about some of that stuff as part of my trip to Intel's fab, and you're right.
It is absolutely freaking wild. Rory, long time viewer, first time caller.
Love the show. Had to pick up the ABCs of gaming for my nephew and a close family friend.
Any idea when that pillow from last week will be available? I I mean, they're in the port.
I don't know what to tell you soon.
I'm sorry. Hans says I'm currently studying computer engineering.
I want to keep my options open. However, working in the tech journalism industry like LTT would be awesome.
How can I make myself more attractive to employers in the industry?
Honestly, there's not many left. That's a big part of the motivation behind labs.
There's just not a lot of tech journalism left. So we want to try to resurrect that as LTT labs.
So honestly, what we're looking for is a combination of hardware and software know-how.
We're looking for enthusiasm.
Like we want people who are actual enthusiasts rather than just engineers so that you know,
not just how to measure, but what to measure it.
There's there's I know it's like a lame employer thing,
but there are certain fields where you need you need to be inherently hungry for knowledge in that field,
or you're not going to be good at that job. Yeah, like just straight up.
So yeah, you should be interested in it and you should probably want to have a drive to do a certain amount of it.
Just kind of in your own time. Ryan asks, Linus and Luke,
would you do a podcast with broken silicon also known for doing Moore's Law is dead with Tom and Dan?
I know they've been wanting to get you on at the beginning of the year in their podcasts.
I've never heard from them. So if they yeah, if they want to if they want to hang then hey,
you know, I'm I'm pretty easy to get in touch with to be to be perfectly to be perfectly blunt.
It's not hard to reach me. Yeah, if you if you are a creator with a significant following
and you email the official like LTT email,
I mostly guarantee it'll make it to me. Although things do slip through the cracks sometimes.
Burn to notice. Burn to Otis? Should I feel bad buying this mat since I bought two scalped cards
for my first build which I'm starting this Christmas. Hmm.
I mean, I guess if you got scalped like you you definitely felt the pain you felt the pain.
So there's that question for Luke.
Any chance we'll get a float plane app on Google TV.
Oh, oh man. That was I think I know who this is right now.
No, there is a what is it Hydra Hydra Vion I believe is like a community created one that works.
I'm not endorsing it. I have not looked at the code.
But yeah, and other than that not right now.
There's a lot of other things for us to work on. Here's a good one from Kirk S.
What's the oldest tech you own and still use?
I'm gonna have to think about this one for a minute.
Yeah, maybe you let's like move on. Okay.
I'll leave it there for now. Yeah there for now.
Yeah. Oh boy.
What is this something visualization software free to learn dead mouse uses it for his cubes vid idea.
Oh touch designer the visualization software.
I'm going to be honest with you. I don't know nearly enough about it to even begin to approach that.
Yeah Misha. Could you make a key tag the way you have lanyards basically a lanyard,
but smaller to fully fit in your pocket a key tag are key tags popular.
What are they for? Why do we want them?
Can I just see key tag like this thing?
Oh my God people spend $18 on a lululemon like thing just to like put on their keys so that they can just that they that you don't even see.
So just so they can know how lululemon they are.
Wait, hold on. What is this? Oh, no, it's pretty big.
It's huge. So it doesn't fit in their pocket. Why we made this.
Ah, okay. Well, that's a good question to answer take one thing at a time.
Clip this embossed keychain onto your gym bag or backpack for easy access to your keys.
Do your keys go in it? Is it a container? No, nope.
I have to confess. This is one of those products that I just don't really understand.
So I think I'm probably going to not commit to have those on LTT store.
I mean, yeah, it's seems seems cool.
Maybe I'm just maybe maybe the reason I don't get it is I have so many keys that I just adding anything to my keychain.
Seems like the last thing I would want to do the lanyard is so I can find them.
Yeah, and get them out of my pocket easily.
Yeah, and then everything else is just because I absolutely have to carry it.
It's like keys to my in-laws, keys to my house, keys to the office.
Keep like the two oh my car fobs. Why are they so big?
I hate it like by two fobs one for the minivan one for my volt.
You really don't need to be very big. It drives me crazy.
Yeah, you get replacement ones like is that a thing?
I don't think so. I wonder if you can can I replace my car fob?
The best way is to buy a new one from the car dealer.
All right. Thanks for the suggestion idiot.
All right. Well, let's put that away for now. Linus current CS student and work at Best Buy in Washington.
I've had three people come in that have ordered frameworks that were inspired by you.
I didn't so I thought this was pretty interesting.
I didn't know you could get a framework from Best Buy.
I had no idea is this must be super new.
When it when it when this came in I was I had a big like what moment because like what the heck?
I don't know. I don't see anything about it when I Google it.
Best Buy dot-com I just. Frame my oh my goodness.
Why pop-ups I'm on your site.
I am trying I'm trying to shop.
Sorry, I'm just I get triggered when I go onto a site.
I try to find something and they're like hi there.
Hi there. Hi there. No, I know what I'm looking for.
Oh, okay. Well, no, I don't see anything on their site finding it.
Yeah, I really don't know. I don't know what you're talking about.
But hey, I like the way you said it.
Rotor paper on repairability this past quarter as well got an a-plus.
Sorry, it could be a third-party seller potentially a prime said this in the full plane chat actually.
Oh and apparently AJ added a framework emote emote to the full plane chat awesome,
but it could be a third-party seller.
Maybe not sure. I don't know seemed weird anyways moving on.
All right, Joseph S. I'm putting your merch message up,
but I'm going to advise against trying a dremel on the motherboard thing
because too much metal shard is not a good thing.
Yeah Zeke says hey if you were to recommend any gaming monitor,
what would it be? I've looked at the Samsung g7 thought that was the best overall
because it's not super hard to drive because it's 1440p also do you own any crypto?
Okay. So let's do the monitor one first LG's super low low response time panels are basically
as good as it gets right now.
So if you can get something based on that LG has their own products.
Whatchamacallit how man that company that's super super controversial.
Yeah, Eve has a monitor based on it.
I'm not necessarily recommending that one because of their history,
but maybe they're shipping them this time.
I don't know. I really don't know they maybe they are I'm not I'm not out here to slander anyone.
Maybe they're doing a great job this time, but they definitely have a checkered past.
So something based on that panel would probably be the way that I'd go 27 inches
still a real sweet spot for gaming 1440p 27 inch 1440p starts to look a little pixelated at 32 inches,
but I did see it on the Corsair Xenion the other day
and one of the things that contributes to image quality as much as pixel.
Well, not as much as pixel count but definitely like pixel count is contrast ratio
and it's super high contrast. It looks really sharp.
I put some Halo Infinite on it looks real good nice and do you own any crypto?
So I have whatever crypto we have mined on the the lounge gaming PC's
and it's our it's our internal events fund.
I'm not a I'm not a serious holder by any stretch of the imagination.
I might throw I might throw some we got that we got that CMP GPU that we did a video about a little while ago.
I'm thinking I'll throw it in the gym. We'll just like have it sit and heat the gym,
you know like but I were nothing nothing serious ladies and gentlemen.
Ever since I lost everything to quadriga CX.
I have not gone back in. Yeah, that's fair.
Yep. Nice as Merry Christmas LTT.
Are you looking forward to the new socket from AMD? Do you think it will be LGA or PGA?
I think it's rumored to be LGA and yes,
I'm definitely looking forward to more cool stuff from AMD Jonah more actual tech tips to help with the production schedule
as opposed to product showcases even process videos editing gaming Etc.
It's harder than it sounds honestly those videos are the ones that I want to focus on.
They're not they're not the ones that are easy and fast.
They're the ones that take the most time.
And so what I want to do is I want to distill LTT down to only the best that we make.
I mean, I can even see right now just based on the last little while where we've where we've struggled viewership is pretty rough.
I think it's at its lowest in quite some time
and Wancho to like normally we'd have probably in the neighborhood of 10,000 live viewers on YouTube.
We're right in the actually. Oh, no, we're low on Twitch today as well.
It might just be the holiday. I mean, it's yeah.
Okay. Yeah kind of okay. Never mind.
I'm not going to panic yet, but I definitely do want to figure out how to how to make LTT great again.
The next one show is probably also going to be pretty low because it's Christmas Eve.
New Year's Eve, but yeah, sorry. Yep. Mason asks.
When's whole room water cooling to? Okay,
so I have a plan to water cool the server rack at the new house.
Okay, it will definitely involve piping water outside to a radiator.
Ah, sweet. We're doing it. Are you are you looping in the pool?
Is the whole thing happening? I want to loop it into the pool,
but Jake and actually the manufacturer of the air conditioner heat exchanger one talked me out of that one.
Oh, but I am going to have solar panels that are dual purpose.
So they are they're going to be electricity generation
and water heating and those ones will go into the pool.
Very cool. They'll just dump all into the pool.
Yeah, Chris s Merry Christmas.
Do you think the shortage will get worse next Gen cards coming soon?
I think it'll probably stay about the same. Okay.
What is the oldest tech that you own and still use?
I think it's like that because okay,
so tech is technically an extremely broad term and I only recently upgraded your TV.
That was super old, but you were upgraded it so you can't count that.
Yeah. This might be kind of lame,
but I think it's like the Bluetooth in my car.
That is lame. Yeah, come up with something better. It's 2009. Come up with something in your house.
Like do you still have your old Bucky that you use every day?
No, you don't. You upgraded it. Yeah. Yeah.
Let me think. Old PA monitor.
Yeah, that's it. That's got to be it.
I still have the two Asus monitors that I bought when you first officially personally hired me.
So after the NCX days. Yeah. Yeah.
Okay. Yeah. Yeah.
Okay. I think mine is probably my Corsair SP 2500 speakers.
I also have those. So you lied to me.
And those would be older than the monitor. Oh, man.
Oh, so I got those from the Corsair rep back when I did this unboxing of them.
Over 10 years ago for NCX Tech Tips.
And the only reason I still use them is because I need a foot rest.
That's the main thing I use them for as well. Yeah.
Oh, and also A prime is calling you out.
What about your headphones? Actually, I think your HD 595s are older.
Those are even older. I did a really bad job with this.
595s? 595s. Yeah, I think those are from before. Those are going to be like 15 years old.
Yeah, those are real old. I actually mentioned to my girlfriend the other day that like,
once these die, I'm going to be genuinely very sad.
No, it's fine. There's better. There's more to life than 595s.
They're okay. I really like my 595s. I have... Pick up some 600s.
They're 595s but better. I don't like the dual cable.
Oh my god. I don't like it. Mod it.
What a fun project. Make it a single one? Yeah, dual cables are stupid.
I modded my headphones. Like run it over top? Yeah, you could totally do it.
That'd be interesting. Yeah, he likes it. Yeah, he likes it. He's not going to do it.
He's lazy, but he likes it.
I might. I've been trying to learn electronics in my spare time.
One of the few things I've been doing. To be clear,
they're still decent. I think people are going to be a little upset about me,
like trying to trash on the 595s. He's just trying to mess with me.
I really like those headphones. Yeah, I was a 555 guy
and I got those around the same time. But Jayden says I'm using the Sennheiser HD600s.
Came out in 97. I got them a year ago though.
Yeah, so I also have an old pair of HD600s, but I didn't get them new.
So I didn't really count those. I'm just trying to think if there's anything.
I think my 595s. I think I'm on my like fourth or fifth set of earpads.
And it's gotten to the point where I can't get Sennheiser ones anymore.
And it actually sucks because they're like way lower quality,
but I have to buy like third-party ones.
I think that would be a really cool thing for LTT store to tackle.
Just like those kinds of longevity increasing accessories for really iconic products.
Yeah, it's hard to justify the kind of volume that you have to produce though.
Yeah, because I was just gonna say like it's it's they're pretty specific, right? Yep.
Yeah. All right. I think that is it for the show today.
Thank you guys so much for tuning in. We will see you again next week.
Same bad time, same bad channel.
Just never go around telling that might surprise the audience.
Hey, thanks Brian P. Sorry. Sorry. No more merch messages.
All right. We gotta go. We gotta go. Bye.
I said it before.