The WAN Show
Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.
Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.
Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s
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just like valve we have decided 10 years of wan show is enough it's time for wan show 2 it's
basically just like the old wan show but with better water effects 2 uh yeah that's right we'll
be talking about the launch of i almost called it cs go 2 that would have been very unfortunate
also samsung has been experiencing a rash of monitors cracking just spontaneously cracking
we'll be talking about that what else we got what other news is cracking my news is the most
cracking uh 2 million dollars zero day bounty has been posted by a group in russia we'll talk about
that and man i really didn't want to sit here searching for topics but i'm doing it anyways
because i didn't think you were gonna usually you just take the main ones i didn't think you're
gonna take cs go yeah oh it just screwed me up you know what i actually do is i try to take whatever
i think you would take those were the two i was gonna take so i'm gonna get back at you and pick
this week in ai because there's been a lot of amazing updates that linus is gonna be so excited
to hear about it's so good it's so interesting
the show is brought to you today by signal wire corsair and updf why don't we jump right into our
headline topic today the launch of counter strike 2 on wednesday valve released counter strike 2 not
as a dedicated game but as an update to cs go cs2 already has over a million players i believe they've
gone well past a million concurrence but many have criticized the move to replace cs go rather than
offer the game separately one notable effect of replacing cs go rather than launching as a new game
is that counter strike 2 has inherited all of cs go's reviews and ratings that means that it has an
overall rating of 88 with 7.5 million reviews despite the fact that of the three about 3 500 reviews from
launch day only 59 are positive the game is free to play but is also at the top of steam's
sellers list possibly indicating that valve is already making a ton of money through loot boxes
and players have likewise criticized the game's um lack of features that were present on cs go
like left-handed mode many popular cs go maps and mac os support have you played yet i have i assumed you
would have i'm gonna i'm gonna insert some stuff before i go i like checking this i've brought it up on
uh stream before well can we give a high level overview of the game first and then can you do
your whole thing that you do with starfield and baldur's gate 3 and now counter strike 2 yeah it's
gonna be that again so it's counter strike right yeah we've been through i mean how many major
iterations would you say there have been of counter strike i think if you ask the hardcores you know
one point something 1.6 was obviously hugely important yeah i don't think anyone really cared
about condition zero source was sort of a mid yeah i think it was the 1.x yep source go and now 2
i think those would be the important steps so condition zero we're going to kind of yeah kind
of ignore i don't think anyone cares did anyone care about source because yeah from what i can recall
the esports scene was all cs 1.6 a lot of it still stayed back but people did care about source
it wasn't an it wasn't condition zero two people played source for sure okay fine fair enough and
then csgo has obviously been by far the biggest i mean the biggest step after one i think i think if
you would take uh if you would take the size of gaming as it was in you know what what would that be
the early 2000s when 1.6 was was the ruler of the roost right relative to the size of gaming as a
market it was probably as big or a bigger deal than csgo was towards the end of its life but given how
much gaming as a whole has grown i think it's hard to argue that csgo is the biggest counter strike
i think that's fair yeah yeah i think that's fair so i would actually argue in in that realm then
that go wasn't the biggest one i'd say it was 1.6 sure 1.6 like dominated gaming that's what i mean
relative to the size of gaming 1.6 was 1.6 for sure sure yeah 1.6 monstrous but in terms of just
actual size right not relative to how big gaming is now uh i i think it's i think it's pretty clear
csgo is the biggest counter strike ever so what is counter strike 2 well we get the source 2 engine
uh which is i mean the first major update to so i mean okay it's been updated but this is the first
integer revision to source since man source launched with cs source did it not i think so
or was it half-life 2 what's the first game with the source engine chat you're gonna have to help us
out here yeah unless we beat you to it first game with source engine is oh lordy my counter strike
source yes it was back in 2004 luke it's been 19 years since the source engine launched that is amazing
um so with it comes i was saying half-life 2 with it comes a lot of more modern features right like
one of the big things that valve talked about was way better volumetric effects for example but
i've already seen criticism of those volumetric effects saying that they they are they alter gameplay
in a way that is not pleasing to some of the players so interesting can you tell me about what
immediately jumped out of the screen at you as better and what immediately jumped out as worse
i'm sure chat's gonna get in on this as well this might be because i haven't played for a very long
time but the hitboxes felt different for some reason i felt like i had a significantly easier time
than i normally do when i'm playing counter strike picking heads well you know they've locked in tick
rate right so it's consistent wonder for something like that i'm not sure what it was but i could like
think in my head uh i i'm just gonna like at one point in time when i started kind of sniffing this
out i decided to only play with a deagle because i was like let's see let's see how well this goes
and i was just ripping heads off right and i'm like this isn't normal like i am okay at counter
strike but i've never i'm not that great can i propose an alternate theory cs2 just launched
a whole bunch of people who haven't played in a long time or haven't played at all are sitting
there being flopping fish in the barrel for you maybe maybe that's it man i'm good
could be a little bit of that but yeah it was it was interesting i felt like something was going on
there maybe it was that i don't know what it was i didn't look into it at all i don't care
but i noticed that right away i personally love the smokes um i know smokes are a huge part of
gameplay i know like the really good players will know very specific like stand on this pixel throw
it that pixel that lands on this exact spot to perfectly cover it's always been a really big
part of highly competitive gameplay right um but i never cared because i wasn't playing highly
competitive so you were just throwing a smoke grenade yeah whatever but now for the best now they're like
fun and you can do weird tactics with it because you can throw a smoke and then throw an he like
next to it and it'll blow off like part of it so you can see for a quick second but you knew where
you threw that he high explosive whatever um so like you can be ready and aiming at the spot that
you know is going to clear then it clears it and you can take out people through the smoke like it's
i find the tactics of that to be more interesting than oh every pro has just memorized 10 billion exact
perfect locations to throw things to cover areas um and it also adds some counterplay to the
players that didn't throw the smokes because you can also throw a nade and then plan to push right
when it clears and like it's just things like that is very interesting yeah conrad pointed out
you can shoot the smoke and it creates a little hole that you can see through briefly yeah so you
could have a like rifleman up front create a little zone for your opera to look through for a
second see if you can pick someone really quick there's a lot of what i find to be very interesting
playmaking mechanics in the new stuff that might frustrate extremely veteran players but in my
opinion will make the game more fun more active and more dynamic potentially more interesting to watch
because of how dynamic it would be right so i'm interested to see how this will play out over time
small correction everyone was right um i only read the headline the source engine debuted in october 2004
with half-life 2 and counter-strike source i thought it might have been a there you go um so yeah i mean
so far it feels good to me and it feels pretty fresh now i didn't look into anything i just wanted to
play it for myself and see how i thought about it it's apparently called uh sub tick and some people
are extremely stoked on how crisp it feels like you were yeah it felt great and uh the rest of the chat
is a lot less stoked and it's clearly a divisive issue so so what are the people saying the people
that aren't stoked on it sub tick is garbage so what yeah what's bad about it yeah we want to we want
to know what's garbage i i have to confess i haven't played i have started boulders gate 3 but i haven't
played counter-strike with that too but um yeah conrad says subject feels awesome i'm interested in because
like i i i can't say that i'm a counter-strike player i i got um global elite but in wingman and
with joe carrying me okay so i don't know how no offense but like yeah exactly i don't know what that
means i could probably hit global elite with joe carrying me i'll just be like i i walk out of spawn
immediately dead okay joe kill them it would be it would be great when like because wait so wingman
is a 2v2 game so it would be great when joe would die and i would kill both of them and you he's he's
generally a very respectful person but you hear kind you hear the undertone of surprise in his voice
and it's just like come on man oh wow good job yeah yeah exactly nice
so funny he's a genuine guy though joe joe works customer service for float plane he is
genuinely the nicest guy like i've i've experienced the same thing yeah like i there was one
time playing tarkov like you guys were knocked or something i managed to take out a guy and then
like pick you guys up and he was just like not how tarkov works but yeah whatever something like
that it was kind of like that yeah yeah um and and he was just like that was awesome like he's just
genuinely happy yeah but he was also very surprised but you can yeah you can hear it you can hear it
you know what's going on uh so yeah i got carried there for sure uh but like i've i've what i'm saying
is i've played but we did that like years ago like i don't whatever whatever doesn't knock or
whatever you're bleeding out it doesn't matter the point is they were incapacitated in some way we
were out of the fight i knew what he meant yeah it's fine just don't worry about it we weren't
playing pub g yeah yeah exactly okay um geez but uh but as someone who doesn't play counter
strike but has played quite a bit i have a few hundred hours yeah me too it's amazing how bad i am
i liked it a lot it the the sub ticker whatever it was felt great to me i i'm sure there's people
who actively play that don't like it for whatever reason i don't know what they are but it felt great
to me i really really like the smokes um no one's giving a good reason to not like it so far
and poisons in floatplane chat says i actually like it too but i think people are mad that it's
different and they spent so much time to learn the old one for nothing i gotta say that's been one of
my biggest problems with counter strike it's a game that i've always wanted to love and i like i said
have put a significant number of hours and probably not hundreds but i've put a significant number of
hours into and i have i have never managed to really crack it like i think you've played with
me a couple of times i know my way around some of the most iconic maps and i kind of know where
someone might be likely to pop their head out or whatever but beyond that i i don't find the memory
the rote memorization of how to play this situation very interesting personally i prefer a more
dynamic uh slower time to kill fps like a halo over something like a counter strike and i do kind of
wonder if this is going to change it for me a bit maybe i would actually prefer this because one of
the things that drives me most crazy or has driven me most crazy about counter strike is i'd be sitting
there at my good computer with my good internet connection lining up someone's head in my crosshair
pulling the trigger and it's like no dog i feel like that person should be dead when you're when
they're moving this way and you're moving that way you have to aim like up into the right of their head
and then you have to draw a seven or like an upside down seven with your mouse and i realize that the
recoil thing valve is never going to change that yeah i'm pretty sure that's still that is just always
going to be an element of counter strike no matter whether people like me who feel like that's stupid
like memorizing a pattern so that you can just put every single bullet down the last hole that you shot
and then everyone else it's just scattered all over the place that's actually not how guns work
um you know you don't you're not you don't just like have more strength to hold a gun steady because
you may anyway the point is that's never going away and that's always going to be a barrier to entry for
people like me who just want to you know quake style line up the crosshair and bullet go like
kind of where you were aiming it um but i do feel like like you said eliminating a little bit of that
okay well this is exactly the right pixel to stand on uh type of gameplay i'm sure that will still
happen to a certain degree at at high level lobbies and honestly i don't think it's like a new game or
anything it's still counter strike i was the the map that i was playing on was dust 2 just like it's
been forever there's some changes compared to like old school dust 2 like you can't aim from t spawn all
the way through uh ct doors anymore uh because there's that block there but you can just jump over the
thing and then you can see it anyways um i don't know i don't think it's a fundamentally different
game i just think of the things that they could do to make it interesting and fresh i really like
what they did with smokes i don't remember what version of counter strike it was that had like
riot shields and other like weird stuff that was condition zero that was condition yeah that sucked
um so it doesn't feel like that tell me how you really feel that's just dumb um was it go no way
luke hasn't played dust 2 since that update i have um i was just saying like it's i don't know if linus
has um oh maybe i'm wrong about that people are saying it was 1.6 1.6 had riot shields i don't know
yeah it shows you but i know i don't know i know i started playing pre 1.6 so maybe that's the case it
was amazing watching the two different chats watching float plane and twitch chat and their
different reactions to me talking about recoil management and counter strike float planes just
like neutral or yeah that kind of makes sense twitch chats like get good memorizing shit excuse me
memorizing is not being good that's memorizing that's not actually skill that's memorization
i've never been a fan of the recoil pattern thing either um um no man it's like for from my point
of view recoil is supposed to be recoil there's supposed to be an element of randomness to it
people gamed that right like that's that's that's that's to me fixing that is patching a glitch
it's like in a high level rts if there's you know a a particular you know path that you can follow
with one of your characters that makes it travel faster from your spawn so that you can rush the
enemy's spawn like really really fast with a zergling or something and it's by by memorizing
something you can go a little bit faster it's like yeah that should just be patched though like i don't
really i'm sorry i don't agree i think there's some counterplay because uh being able to employ
the expertise of following that pattern while also needing to move and being under the stress of
being shot and stuff like that is the argument for for the skill um but then you could make a
similar argument for burst fire or for you know uh squatting or going prone or whatever the case may
be like it's just that's the particular skill in counter-strike and it's not one that i find
appealing linus um which is fair enough yeah i'm not i'm not just a fan of it either i understand it
yeah i'm not going to sit and practice something that is only applicable to one game
um squatting crouching whatever they're the same thing it all it all just depends if there's an
opponent under you
okay uh what i what i will what i will show uh is this thing that i like the most played top 100
games by current players uh so counter-strike is currently sitting at over 107 sorry over 700 000
peaked today today which isn't the release date at 1.3 million that is freaking wild that's huge
that's actually crazy what was the actual release date it was like tuesday or something wasn't it
um let's just go to
least i sent a screenshot to one of my buddies uh september 27th
so where's my calendar it's friday yesterday so wednesday um i sent a screenshot to to someone i
remember who but um i was like guess guess counter-strike released there's some achievement
that you get for like opening the game and i clicked on uh counter-strike 2 whatever on my
games list and it shows like all the people that have recently gotten achievements and it's just like
like everyone on my steam list had this achievement for opening the game i was like wow did i just say
csgo 2 man that's gonna be really annoying to get used to that's amazing by the way migore brought up
a really good point in floatplane chat that validates my point um predictable recoil patterns
allow for macro cheating oh yeah i feel like that's pretty decently easy to detect but yes
i'm sure it's been done at least at some point yeah uh one of the one of the big points uh floatplane
chat just brought up is apparently cs2 made something like 40 million dollars in its first 40 minutes
it's amazing how much money you can make with a free game these days in it oh my god you freaking dummies
he said it not me not me just so it wasn't me it's so annoying i think you're the dumb one linus for
not exploiting these people what and being evil is he can we hear him i don't know if we should hear
that i don't know dan i mean we we've talked about doing like a you know linus coin initial coin
offering we've we've talked about like like uh we've talked about doing a mobile game with like
gotcha mechanics and stuff like that every every every time we talk about it we're like yeah we
could do that and we could actually make way more money nfts were another example there were people
internally who were like this nft thing is huge from a business standpoint we should be doing this
and every time we're like feels icky no we need to actually not do i'm not so gross i'm actually
not convinced that there is any reward for taking the high road at this point there are major streamers
with major contracts none of whose names i will mention right now who make their entire living
promoting gambling to children
and everyone's just chill with it and everyone's totally cool with it i don't understand yeah it's
weird to me oh sorry it's genuinely weird to me um we're still not gonna change guys we're not
gonna change just for us it's just that's really frustrating yeah i don't know i had a good time i'm
planning on playing this weekend we have the technical capabilities to do a coin or a vpn or
like oh yeah god running a vpn is a license to print money as far as i can tell oh my god what if
you had a vpn that you somehow generated nfts through i mean nfts are kind of dead at this point
but i i get it i get it i get it i i know what you mean i just okay so hold on there was a i'm
dragging us back i'm dragging us back do do it do it do do do do do do oh interesting one notable
effect is uh of replacing csgo rather than launching a new games that counter strike 2 has inherited all
of csgo's reviews and ratings oh i talked about that yeah yeah but to to show it it says this means
there's an overall rating of 88 yeah despite the fact that 3 450 reviews solely from launch day are
59 positive i did read this paragraph i know he's going somewhere with this that being said yeah the
all time i think that may have shifted since launch day is my point oh yeah okay because the all review
i'm not certain on this but the all reviews says 88 positive and the recent review says 80 positive that
is 150 000 reviews within the last 30 days which is that is absolutely wild um i don't know how
they figured out i don't know how they figured out like these are the things that came in just on
launch day you know um valve knows how to game their own review system lmao yeah love it
oh hilarious specific date range and casey herp j1 uh yes we know about deeper networks um we actually
have some of their hardware in office i wanted to cover it and my concern in covering it
is that we just don't know enough about exactly how it works today and more importantly in the future
and i don't think that any review that we could complete in a reasonable amount of time
would um would would shed enough light on any of that so we made the we ultimately made the decision
not to cover it it's possible what they're doing is you know great and makes a ton of sense uh but we
are we are we are not planning to cover it at this time okay sorry i'm gonna bring us back for a sec
let me show my screen please do i was able to open this tool which actually has a lot of features
which i didn't realize how in depth the review feature was on steam um but this right here
september 27th that's the launch day i'm pretty sure um oh wow i didn't actually mean to highlight
that i didn't realize you could be like i want to see all the reviews from just these days then it
would load them down here that's pretty cool that is so cool um so i'm gonna do that actually
and if i grab just these showing 14 000 reviews that match filters above mixed 69 percent of the
14 146 user reviews are positive so recent is clearly longer than three days and it got 30 it's 30 days
yeah there you go 30 days um and it seems to have mostly gotten hammered actually the day after release
on the 28th when people actually got a chance to play it yeah there was interesting there was 11 500
and then 11 600 positive when they started brigading back to back i feel like it might be that um the
first day because the first day had 11 500 positive reviews and then it only had 2 000 negative but the
second day it got hammered and then the third day it's kind of equal distribution to the second day
just as many negatives as uh percentage wise because there isn't as many positives either
i do want to say though that one criticism of cs2 that i agree with is that it is
you know what i'm going to say it it is inexcusable that they simply overwrote csgo and i can totally
understand why they did it and it was totally for the money if people could have continued to play csgo
in exactly the same way that it was left with the meta the same with all the items that existed the
same and all the new development happened in cs2 it would be way slower for people to take on the
new one and they wouldn't sell as much crap and i think that that really is what this decision boils
down to it boils down to that they don't want people playing csgo and they will go as far as to
forcibly rip it out of gamers hands so that they must play cs2 i think the thing that's
getting me is i'm looking at a lot of these negative reviews uh and none of them mean anything
uh negative review this ain't it chief negative review i can't recommend this game
i really can't hold on hold on they can still play csgo i believe it's a beta it's like a beta
drop down or whatever right so there's a review from oh i didn't actually know that that makes sense
though yeah it's kind of like what um what beat games does with beat saber you can play old
versions that are moddable can you guys um can you guys double double check exactly how that happens
but there that is for all intents and purposes other than a small hardcore community
saying nope forget it uh there's a review from today from a person who played for four hours total
who said the last time they played was november 12th 2019 and they say i really can recommend
this game to not be recommended um there's another negative review that just says cs2 bad cs3 win
there's another negative review that just says horrible game people a lot of brigading yes hold
on alan on floatplane chat has a really good point that could be said for any major update you're ripping
the previous version out of people's hands and i i forget whether this was in relation to cs2 or
whether it was just an unrelated article but i read a really good argument about that recently that did
pretty much amount to that yeah steam on the one hand is amazing it it did for gaming what netflix did
for tv shows like it made it so that people are actually willing to play for pay for games which
helps developers make money which helps the gaming industry be vibrant and grow like this overall
steam is a positive thing it's it's it's it's drm but in a way that is mostly palatable but one of
the things that it does that is both good and bad is force your games to be updated all the time
there are a lot of reasons why i might want to play an older version of a game whether it's that the
older version um is less buggy or whether it's that the older version is more buggy maybe there's a
particular you know speed run that i want to attempt or something like that and that's been
patched out of the game or whatever else um this whole games as a service where they just slowly
evolve i mean okay fortnight's a perfect example of this what is fortnight at some point wasn't it
like a single player game uh yeah it was it was like a zombie defense and then there's like these
these in-game i think it was a four-player co-op zombie defense tower game and then there's these
in-game like concerts and and virtual events and you know didn't they have one season where they like
outright removed building or something like that i can't remember i i don't even know period of time
yeah as someone who's not constantly playing it i don't even know all the permutations of fortnight
but what it is clearly to me is a way to keep you absolutely hooked all the time so that you don't
fall behind the meta and i as someone with kids and who runs business and who just kind of has other
things uh going on i mean i think that's a if i had to guess i'd say that's a significant part of the
perception that fortnight's for kids because who other than kids has time to keep up with that stuff
some people do some people are really really into gaming and that's totally cool that's your thing
i happen to be really into some other things and for me gaming is something that i jump into
um oh apparently there's build and no build game modes now that's cool i would prefer the no build
i uh i was actually very interested in fortnight and had linked it to a bunch of my friends and was
following its development before it became a battle royale and then when it became a battle
royale i was like oh i don't care anymore but i was interested in this like hey there's a co-op like
tower building base building defense game that sounds cool uh i found a review that i think is pretty
good um from king muffin luke lap here we go what was the point of releasing this a large amount of
features and modes that were in csgo are just gone war games and most of its associated maps are removed
all the local t's and ct's are missing even the ones they remade for dust 2 and nuke a while back
danger zone the mode they added before they went free to play is also just gone the loadout system
is odd and a bit pointless why would i ever use a pp bison or a sawed off over any other smg or
shotgun it just made these guns you would buy on a whim utterly useless since they now take a slot
where an objectively better gun could have been the m249 has now become even more redundant also
any previously downloaded matches are gone so now you can no longer watch them isn't the game
supposed to be a sequel slash update to csgo why are there zero new maps or weapons i'm sure in time
they'll add back some of the missing things i complained about since uh the baggage is literally
featured in a screenshot on the store page but for now it's seriously lacking and that i think hits
the points better than most of these other comments it's like the like when i'm looking at the
game personally i don't really play so i'm not noticing these things that are missing
the only thing i'm noticing has a cool update is smoke
other than that it's just counter strike
some people are taking issue with some of the points from that negative review
uh you can apparently play back your um it says demos but i think what you mean is like
previous matches yeah um with the beta i'm like yeah but that's you shouldn't have to do that
kind of a hassle like i think that a lot of the time our audience might forget or not realize that for
an average user anything beyond the big green button that says play doesn't exist they people people
won't google it um they won't even think to google it csgo is just cs2 now do i have all my skins oh
thank god okay i am playing my game now um and so i can i can see it i can see it being frustrating
for people but chris k in flowplane chat said cs2 overwriting csgo is to port over csgo bands they had
to do this because band accounts items uh get locked and unsellable and untradeable for good and the items
all get ported over to cs2 that's a that's a if that's what they've officially said that's a bad excuse
uh there are definitely ways to solve that can we just be thankful that even if valve um who you know
still have their reputation as good guys in spite of the fact that they they definitely uh they definitely
microtransaction the crap out of things um is is not the only one succeeding right now larian studios
dude giant middle finger microtransactions dude there are no microtransactions none and like it was uh
i i exchanged i had a very very brief exchange with someone on their team um and basically what it
amounted to was that he's cool they took a big risk doing a game the old way yeah and it's been very
validating seeing gamers react to that and shovel like truck fulls of money at them for
actually giving a and doing it properly and i i showed this earlier i'm going to jump back over
this is the developer of baldur's gate 3 guys uh larian studios yeah they're selling a few
they're selling a handful here yeah i mean how long has it been out now probably two months
yeah it's been a couple months now it on steam counter-strike 2 dota 2 baldur's gate 3 people
are playing the crap out of cyberpunk has gotten crazy coverage recently for for doing great things
releasing this 2.0 update people are and this new dlc that's supposed to be amazing it's apparently
stunningly great baldur's gate is still beating it both in current players right now and also peak
today and i would also point out that the current players in peak today are very similarly
high oh yeah so people are just turning on baldur's gate 3 and then just eating at their
computer yeah and running quickly to go pp and getting back to their computer and i know a lot
of people that are running like second third full campaigns at this point whether with a different
mix of people or even just by themselves and just doing different actions or playing with different
characters in their party it's co-op friendly it's super cool i started it with the wife yeah
yeah uh it's been a challenge yeah uh i have some counterpoints i didn't want to actually talk about
it because i wanted to talk about i noticed that i you're like how's baldur's gate 3 hold on this is
this is actually this is worth looking at uh luke and i are chatting on discord i mean i'm gonna pull
this up you're just gonna have to you're just gonna have to deal with this okay here we go um this is
amazing okay so here's here's my phone okay this is thoughts on bg3 here's a wall of text i sent back
to him thoughtfully crafted i thought we were having a conversation i don't think you should show the
next line his next message goes unrelated to your above post some other stuff there you go yeah yeah some
other stuff are you kidding me okay what you said was too interesting so i was like i i can't i can't
talk about this we have to wait until when no a good employee i think you should put it because it's
good for when because you had a lot of thought i thought you were gonna be like it's good i didn't
think you were gonna like write a novel so i think we should talk about it he goes unrelated to your
above post something he said and i'm like what you but you mean that but like not in baldur's gate 3
and he's like i mean that's also true in baldur's gate 3 sometimes i go any context and he's just like
a different convo that was going on i'm like the are you talking about okay fine what do you want
to talk about then why don't i read out what i said the whole thing yeah okay definitely some point
by point definitely some quality of life things are annoying the camera controls are driving me okay
so i completely agree uh the camera controls were i i think if i had to take a complete guess i think they
were just taken directly out of divinity original sin 2 well they suck they have the same kind of
problems i don't know how far you are in but there's there's this gate that you go through at
some point i'm not going to be too specific sure but like balders by any chance no actually i'm
talking about one before that um wait do you just mean like in the tutorial mission like very early
because you definitely go through a gate like very early on there's one particular one i'm talking
about i don't i don't want to get into it but getting through it is so annoying it was annoying it
was hard to click on it because you just click on the arch above it and you're trying to click on the
ground past it yeah so that that i mean that's like well okay for us it's about two hours in but
i think it's probably about 20 minutes in for it actually really not playing with yvonne
it really depends you could go a route that gets you there pretty late but i think we're
talking about the same gate but it's like pretty annoying to get through so yeah i think the camera
controls could be a bit better but um honestly though they're fine i hate the camera controls in pretty
much any top-down game that isn't supreme commander yeah um once you once you use what
they call uh strategic zoom is what they called the camera controls in supreme commander once you use
anything else once you use that everything else seems just designed to frustrate you um it's amazing
with the scroll wheel you can go in and in pretty much an instant all the way out so that your entire
screen is the entire area map uh with you know fog of war or unexplored areas covered as applicable
um and then every playable anything or every every character every um unit is like represented by an
icon that just shows you what kind of unit it is and what tier level it is and then you can go from
there you can just flick your wheel so wherever your mouse is you flick your wheel and it goes you can go
all the way down to just that one individual unit and absolutely everywhere in between with seamless
pretty much infinite granularity not infinite but definitely enough granularity that you can do
and see anything you'd want to see you can also grab the camera and adjust it down if you
you know want to just watch a battle take place or whatever it is it is a spectacular it's really good
camera uh and so for for something like baldur's gate 3 i am constantly like what if i wanted to see
more than a dozen steps in front of my character right now but what if i didn't want to yeah i i wish
i could zoom out and even if they're like uh part of the tactical nature of the game is you can't see
that far or whatever just fog a word or something yeah i don't but but let me zoom out yeah especially
because a lot of the time there there is no fog of war excuse for it because i have a character
over there i just don't happen to have that one selected right now so no i don't actually no i
don't buy that at all like anno anno 1800 didn't have a far enough um zoom out at launch and the reason
for it was just that it was a really demanding game and they had performance concerns so because that
that team has done an amazing job yeah with that game by the way they've built so much content for
it um hugely expansion packs but not like the tactical view i don't think is exactly what he's
asking microtransaction sort of crap um and so basically they listen to their players and they built
a uh like a an extended zoom out and they're just like when you click it it just says hey this may
have a performance impact boom problem solved you can see so much more of the map and you can comfortably
tactically tactically manipulate things um i i yeah i find it i find it very frustrating do you know
about the tactical view um no i haven't used the tactical view okay so that can help i still don't
like it for things like getting through the gate that we were talking about sure um but it definitely
can help for sure it gives you like a a more combat styled um top-down vertical view that has more of a
yeah that's still not far enough yeah not even close yeah that's what i was saying it can help
but it doesn't solve i need to be able to i need to be able to see to oh that is bg3 i thought that
was divinity first here at least like right now that's this is one movement and change that's nothing
yeah i wish i could see a little bit more yeah definitely uh okay keep going all right
uh i want to invert the middle mouse button camera drag didn't see an option for that need
to look into it more is there a way to do that uh it's driving me absolutely crazy so hold middle
mouse to move the camera around and i i want it the other way um i wouldn't maybe i'm maybe i'm
there's probably a mod or something i was gonna say there are there i just looked it up there are
currently 2200 mods for bald is gay 3 on next yeah so like i said i hadn't looked into it at all i bet
you i bet you there's a camera zoom one i wouldn't be surprised i said it's cut it was
couples gaming night so i didn't want to tinker with dumb stuff like that otherwise i would spend
all of couples gaming night tinkering with the interface of my game and us doing absolutely no
gaming together yeah jean-luc he wants to invert that he knows that that's how that works he wants
to invert it yeah i want to invert the horizontal the x-axis movement um lack of a tutorial is kind of
stupid imo apparently they have addressed this and it increases play time but okay i didn't know
they had addressed this i was gonna say i actually the tutorial thing is always really funky because
i feel this way with starfield and bg3 but there was an era i'm gonna guess but i have no idea five
years ago where everyone was raging at games for having these like way too ridiculous tutorials
um i find in a lot of shooter games having any tutorial just annoys me yeah that's fair obviously
control or c crouches obviously fire is left click obviously i do all these various things counterpoint
not obvious to everyone i've played dragon age origins and that's it anytime i've tried to do a
more hardcore dungeons and dragons game uh whether it's kotor or whether it was so what what was
confusing to you about about the dungeons and dragons portion because well no no hold on hold
on i'm i'm not done yet though okay so i've played dragon age origins but i have never made it into like
a hardcore dnd game um yeah so there's a ton of stuff that wasn't intuitive to me and i just didn't
know like what though so for example uh i couldn't i i wasn't sure what the orange bar on the right side
next to all your characters it's how much movement you have remaining on your turn but i just had to
infer that and that was annoying because i was spending a bunch of my time figuring out stuff
for myself while also answering questions for someone who unlike me has never touched a role-playing game
at all right and so if one of the features of this game is co-op i think that there's an expectation
look at it takes two that game was clearly intentionally easy like it was it was beautiful
um i have i have criticisms of it but it was beautiful and it managed uh frequent gameplay
shifts that kept you engaged but it was really easy basically impossible to fail um and the reason
for that is because it was clearly designed for the gamer and their so um same with haven for example
another another yeah you can play this as a couple type games so if if co-op is is a major feature here
then i do think they have to consider that not everyone is a gamer and not everyone has played
dungeons and dragons like for for yvonne um i'm just trying to think it's been a few days now but i'm
just trying to think of some of the other things that she found kind of confusing um
one thing i would defend with that is they didn't think it would be anywhere near as successful as
it was that's fair so they probably thought the target audience and the vast majority amount of
people that were going to play this were both gamers and probably in a lot of cases because i know
a lot of larian fans are dnd or other various tabletop rpg players um and something i was going to
ask you earlier is how much divinity original sin 2 did we play i don't think it was much not
much we played the tutorial it has the same type of movement style mechanics we have a certain amount
of distance you can move per turn and stuff like that did you find that equally as confusing in that
game um well no it wasn't the movement that was confusing it was what that orange bar was oh i just
didn't know what the heck it was it was just an unlabeled orange bar it doesn't even have a tool tip if you
mouse over it oh really yeah it's just there and i'm okay there's so there's a lot of stuff that's
just not labeled uh which right no is not that's not good um yeah hold on someone uh someone uh there
was a there was a comment in the chat that i had wanted to address really quick there but i guess i
i guess i missed it um yeah i mean people are people are talking about tutorials like yeah you don't
you don't have to play tutorials oh yeah no here we go lord duder i didn't know what 1d 20 plus meant
had to watch a tutorial um no yeah yvonne had no idea having some optional like how dice work in this
game it wasn't okay uh by default eavesdrop's not enabled so we were independently are you sure yeah
i'm sure i'm a 100 sure eavesdrop was not enabled by default which meant that both of us
had cut scenes running and were not engaged with them at the same time also that annoyance that
ploof brought up where your best character for a particular role is not necessarily the one that
participates in it apparently there's some way to solve that sure but when you're playing as front in
co-op whoever initiates a conversation can you not solve it doesn't seem like it so there was one where
we tried to where there's like a dead mind flare or something or dying mind flare uh this is very
early on so it's not a spoiler or anything if you haven't got to that point you haven't played the
game yeah so there's a dying mind flare and i was the one who started the conversation and my character
was not as good at whatever it is that we were trying to do so i tried to just disengage from the
conversation but that's it once you've done it the tree is completed and when yvonne tried to do the
thing it was not an option anymore um so it's there's there's definitely some frustrations um
okay let's go on as someone who has had trouble getting into the more hardcore dnd style games in
the past this lack of instructions is particularly unhelpful my mage leveled up i chose magic missile
and i couldn't find it anywhere in my toolbar that part i wasn't sure i don't know i can't find it
um also just the fact that your toolbars are separated into what like actions whatever minor
actions other more different actions and then tertiary like basically mostly useless actions
and then if you click twice it's like all of them and then it's just those ones like it's a toggle but
it's not really clear that it's toggled so yvonne was really confused by like what all these actions
are and why some of them like get grayed out and some of them don't um like spell slots and stuff
like that yeah order order as well i don't think it's explained yeah like you can only do stuff in a
certain order and some of it's a bonus action but if you do it without doing the bonus action then you
don't get to do it um it's all kind of like dnd rules right yeah um i had to hold her hand on things
as simple as movement yeah um trips yeah that's that's what that is she playing a spellcaster yes
it is significantly harder well there you go it's much more complicated she just picked based on who
she thought had the coolest backstory so and she picked a spellcaster yeah i i can't remember which
one it is it's someone that looks like something gale white uh no no no it's the other one i guess
i don't know it doesn't matter um wait what did she pick the one that wendell picked the um
the hunger or whatever i don't know it doesn't look very humanoid it's like a dragonborn but i
don't think you know what that means sure maybe um i can't remember oh will ah that actually totally
makes sense all right yeah um i i find character selection kind of annoying um i i want to click on
things without just moving all the time necessarily and like escape doesn't just give you a cursor i just
want a cursor that i can just like click on things with um so i was finding that kind of annoying character
selection um oh you can just click them in the sidebar on the left or i could just press escape and
then click them what do you think of that there's an idea how about that like every other game that's
ever existed i like the sidebar thing cool then that should be an option for you and then if i press
escape do both um something as simple as unselecting my active character is kind of annoying it always
just wants to move them and i'm sure there's a better way to do all of this stuff like it's just
remember this entire thing is based on that we've played not even the full tutorial section of the game
yet so uh uh this is not a review this is this is not that at all uh blah blah blah more camera
complaints i said the setup for the story is interesting enough that we played for a couple
hours though the cinematics are super cool i think we will try again was my conclusion yeah so yeah we
haven't played again yet because i've been extremely busy but f first of all hilarious there's an ad for
line effective screwdriver oh nice um but uh he didn't see it at first because he can't see ads um
i actually i was not aware of it i was the way the way that you said oh nice i was like yeah he didn't
see it at all when you when you when you told me there's an ad for i was i i i had all i had seen
was native camera tweaks thumbnail thing i i hadn't processed anything above that yeah um but yeah native
open source plugin providing several camera tweaks unlocked camera pitch zoom and controller stick
dead zone no server executables configurable uh 300 000 downloads so very nice luckily i think a lot
of the i think a lot of the problems that you have with the game are like uh functions or like
i don't know if i want to say mechanics but like
things that are solvable because i don't think your problems with the game are like the story
or any of that kind of stuff so it might be worth looking into some modding if they do bother you
that much but i think i i've thought since it released i think this is game of the year
and the fact that it is just refusing to let go of its like top three most played steam position is
crazy for how long it's been out as a not like competitive online game
it's co-op sure but other than that it's not online so you'd think people would like play it
and then it's stopped it's also not even a super accessible game no which is i guess what i was
trying to say it's not like as a non-gamer you can just jump right into this
like i i mean okay back to it takes two that was a co-op game that as a non-gamer you could pretty much
jump into if you had a gamer friend or a gamer so this i mean yeah it's wow and it's and it's
demanding too it's not even just something that you know anyone can run on any ancient computer yeah
it takes you're you're asking for a lot of ducks to align for to to play this game at all
yeah no i'm um it's it's been it's it's been pretty interesting so far yeah i i do want to play more of
it i will say i already know that i prefer the more normie like i i guess it's like the equivalent
of playing a super arcadey racing game versus playing a sim like i i i'd rather just play dragon
age personally but i'm really gonna try this time
really yeah yeah yeah i've uh i don't know it's a fantastic game unless city skylines 2 comes out
and i just get completely distracted city skylines i've never got i never got into city skylines yeah
why do you think you're gonna get into two if you never got into one that's why i was surprised by it
because people are super jazzed on it i love anno and i've been told i would love city skylines
and city skylines 2 is coming it seems like a good excuse to try it and i'll probably like it more
than this because it's city building which i like more than fighting with obtuse controls
and i'll i'll stick with my baldur's gate yeah yeah yeah no no that's good i have zero issue
fighting with obtuse controls as an enjoyer of things like star citizen um
it doesn't bother me that's a feature for you it might be at this point i don't know uh another
thing i'll point out uh steam reviews 300 000 overwhelmingly positive the all-time reviews
are 95 positive the recent 96 it's improving people like it even more yeah because they've released some
updates uh and the updates i believe have been fairly well received uh i know like i think
one of them introduced a new bug but then they had a hot fix out like that so they fixed it like right
away um they've even released updates that fix things that people pointed out that they didn't like
very much like narratively they like changed potential stories and stuff to make it better
it's like whoa that's pretty cool wow interesting i i think there are there are an insane amount of
potential paths they could take with things like dlcs um and i think honestly if they didn't do
content-based dlc that at this point crazy that would just be stupid they would actually be crazy not
to do that right now they should absolutely release content dlcs for this game and honestly make it
decently big and charge some money for it like yeah no i could i could easily see 39.99 easy for like
here's another another land to explore another act a whole because the game's in three acts or whatever
if you release a fourth act like holy i don't know i would kill um but yeah larian's been awesome
forever i have this i have a record um from divinity original sin 2 that's signed by a whole bunch of
the developers and i just i've been a larian enjoyer for a while now and i'm just i'm very happy with
them with the success of baldur's gate and it's wild to me that it's still so incredibly enthusiast
yeah yeah we should explain merch messages yeah if you guys want to interact with the show the way to do
it is merch messages uh we don't do twitch bits or super chats or anything like that because the way
we see it if you guys are throwing money at your screen you should get something out of your screen
in return like say for example oh one of these new technicolor keys desk pads this is a really cool
design from the team um yeah it was lloyd who worked on this one let me just have a quick look
here all right you know what uh luke's gonna open it hey good job luke uh so all you got to do is go
to and in the cart you will see a little box whenever we're alive you can fill in a
merch message it might go to producer dan there he is uh oh sorry dan there you go go ahead and wave
sorry sorry dan ah it slipped on the button it's so bad um so it'll go to producer dan and it'll
either show up down here or he'll type you up a little reply or he will curate it for me and luke
to talk about later i have i have this one really persistent do you remember that person who sent
like two fifty dollar super chats in the same wang show or hundred dollars super chats or something
like that insisting that we find a way to do super chats instead of merch messages because uh he actually
dug up my email and also emailed me his whole persuasive argument for why we should allow that
because he doesn't want more stuff he's at a point in his life where he doesn't want more stuff he just
wants to send us money and i was like gift cards yeah we have that you can just buy gift cards on ltt
store and then you can not redeem them if you do happen to want stuff well then you have the gift cards
already yeah or or if you're just if you just want to throw money at us we really do insist that we
give something back for it so you could just buy gift cards and then dump the code in the chat for all
i care and then someone else could use it yeah that's an idea we just think people should get
something for their money i why is this controversial yeah i like it i think it's good so that's uh dan is
holding what appears to be a note are they not code-based or something what is that happy friday
creator warehouse received some loafly samples that we figured would be fun to debut on when
lloyd worked on these adorable bread plushies
oh my god it's bread and we would like to gauge community interest for them oh my god i i haven't
even without even i'm touching the bag on the outside these are so soft there are three different styles
each with two size options loaf it feels like dough have you felt these do you know about these
feel this it's very soft wow loaf bun and baguette wow maybe you guys could help us narrow it down to one
size and style i i'm assuming that's baguette uh i think that's loaf um bun i think so yeah see if you
can find a longer skinnier smaller bun francais one and that would be ah baguette sorry sorry our
french um smaller bun francophone um viewers oh my god there's so much bread uh yeah my ancestry is so
happy right now tiny baguette yeah okay um let us know what you think thanks sarah what the kitchen oh my
god uh okay well i'm losing it this is amazing i didn't know those were in there i don't know what's
going on i don't know luke do you want to just do a community poll and we'll just make whatever one
they all vote for there was a what did she mention as well uh they were considering doing another one
that was a headrest and then calling it the bread rest that's not on here yeah i liked that idea i
thought i need some bread rest to recover from this what do you think if if you had the bun one
and then you made it so that you could put your headphones on it yeah i think you could just do
that and it could be canned bread i can't stop them from getting canned bread oh stop that yeah that
doesn't work very well it's not very well um okay well okay all right if you're not gonna do it i'll do the
poll dang it luke oh it's too big it's too big too big i can do the poll i already got it i'm doing
i'm doing the no no we'll see who can do it first that's actually bad we shouldn't both do a poll
because it'll actually put both of them up fine are you doing the poll i can all right fine you do the
poll which bread dan do you want to hit me with a couple baked dan do you want to hit me with a couple
merch messages in the meantime so it's small and big versions of each right yeah sure and we're only
making are we making both sizes of the same type no we are making one style in one size one style in
one size yes week i mean uh okay merch message uh let's see would you wipe away all of your past
controversies if it also meant wiping away everything you've learned from them no of course not i mean
that's that's always been our approach is that we are we're open we're transparent we are uh we take
feedback we care um none of that has ever changed um also i mean i've been somewhat i don't know i mean
some of the past controversies i feel like are just sort of uh we've turned those l's into w's at this
point now that people have seen what i meant by trust me bro um now that people have seen you know
what our customer service looks like on the store um there there's been a there's been a big shift like
i've seen a lot of posts over the last months where people are just like yeah i get it now um
these guys are so far above and beyond in terms of taking care of the customer that i don't really
understand why i ever questioned it i'm like yeah well obviously uh yeah that looks good the like the
the the disconnect um from people who were angry right where on the one hand they were they were so
they were so angry that we would dare to not uh you know honor people's warranty requests and then
on the other hand they were uh they were so they found it so unbelievable that we could be stupid
enough to be a high profile creator and not take care of people and i'm sitting here going right so
you actually do understand the dynamic at play here this is it's not even really an option for us we have
to take care of people uh whether we like to or not and we do like to so you know don't worry about
it um yeah i just i don't know yeah i i it's more i don't think you can
people are asking for a demonstration in order so i'm doing it it's more
there i don't think you can really enjoy where you are without the journey that got you there you
gotta fight through some stuff yeah without all that context i don't think we'd appreciate our
our our position here and um you know everything we have if we hadn't earned it i i certainly wouldn't
um no i i wouldn't change a thing i disagree with the poll results what what why would you try to
influence what do you like vote i'm just saying so the what's currently running is loaf big which is
this one oh dang it i showed the dashboard again well you're welcome that's this one might be the
most aesthetically pleasing i will potentially agree but bun big i believe is just superior these
guys they haven't like felt them yeah and i think if they could like touch them they would get bun big
bun big is like the more just experience this go on give it a give it a squoosh just oh
but no like do do that and like like like play with it for a second oh my god and then
and then and then experience this and then vote
that is significantly squishier but i don't get a vote bun big objectively better
that is not the that's exactly what was just said that is not a summary of what i said quote it
put on a news article
you guys are hilarious you know that right
all right you'll just have to make both okay next message i don't know greetings from finland
as a fellow northerner i frequently get frustrated by lower temperature limits on tech like phones and
electric cars any personal experiences dealing with the big freeze yeah i mean of course um
not with my car so much i uh
i would say on the volt it was more of an issue for me in the winter like the tycan has more than
enough range for me day to day so it doesn't it just really doesn't matter i have a charger at home
i have a charger at work and i never go anywhere so to and from work or maybe i drive to badminton
or something like that i i never come even close to running out of range even in the winter but on
the volt my my on battery range was like 60 of what it is in the summer so yeah i would sometimes
end up burning gas when i in the summer wouldn't have to just with my daily commute um but i mean
i'd say the more obnoxious one is with my phone like on a particularly cold day the last thing you
want is to be you know outside calling an uber or looking up a bus schedule or something like that
and your phone's like thermal thermal shut off or like you have like you know eight percent battery
left and it's just like nope the voltage dropped too low even though like the the the the the the the
juices are still in there um yeah no it's it's it's pretty frustrating but that's one of the things
that we're hoping that are more extensive testing in the lab once we've got everything ramped up
which is still gonna take a lot of time once we've got everything ramped up once we've got
everything ramped up that's the kind of thing we're hoping to address like yeah who who has
great battery life right but who has great battery life when it's so chilly we're in a great position
to be able to answer that it's just going to take some interesting question because like uh my my
girlfriend can make it to work in the summer just fine on just battery but can't when it's really
cool that knowing that before she bought the car might have been interesting i don't know if it would
have changed the decision but it would have been interesting i don't think so either because i tried
to change that decision yeah i i mean i'm not going to throw anyone under the bus plenty time
but i told you to get a volt she likes her car it's done well good yeah i'm glad yep
oh my goodness new poll the top three winners to uh clarify results yeah
clearly nobody wants the small ones yeah should i just do that should i do another poll with the big
one sure fine sometimes we don't like that uh all right do you want to hit me with another merch message
dan oh you want one more sure uh let's see
yay wanshow 2 over the years of wanshow how many times has linus or probably not
but possibly luke or dan said something that caused chaos within lmg
chaos within lmg within is within it was the final fire yeah
i uh yeah definitely chaos i think i win that one but chaos within lmg i would say whenever
whenever i cause chaos without lmg it does cause some chaos within lmg but there are also a lot of
situations where that chaos outside does not translate to chaos inside because everyone
knows that it's fine or whatever um i i don't i don't know you guys will have to tell me is there
is there anything i just in general people definitely don't like hearing about things on
wanshow when they are sort of internal matters uh but we're doing better at that um everyone
internally got the ltx cancellation announcement four days before we announced it on wanshow
so and we we have an internal thing that's like any announcements that did happen on wanshow get
mentioned in the uh monday morning meeting email so you don't have to watch it which helps a bit as
well uh chaos though have i ever caused chaos no i think i think you kind of hit it right at the
beginning when you were like when external chaos is created that also in turn that also creates
internal chaos like i think they're the same often yeah i mean most of what i most of what i talk
about on merch leaks tyne tyne says merch oh i mean that's not really chaos that's inconvenience for
tyne poor tyne yeah that's like it's uh it's it's a it's a it's a very big storm in a very
you know contained tea cup the tyne and tea cup that's my nickname for him his name's tyne and he's
tea cup really no not at all i was like completely made that up on the spot that's not a thing even a
little bit yeah yeah uh other people are agreeing with tyne yeah because i think that teacup from
his department yeah but it might be the whole building yeah he's also just might have his
bros back though maybe he hasn't experienced any of the aforementioned chaos who knows yeah and
sebastian should be team sebastian with me oh yeah yeah come on sebastian yeah be a sebastian bro here
oh god elijah's in here too why do people who work people who work here don't you guys get enough
of me i wouldn't watch you gotta watch i'm glad i don't have to watch the man show
dude back in the day i've got so many other things to be looking at than you guys we we've
talked about this before but back in the day we would take turns and we do the wancho then we would
have to watch the whole thing and do time stamps for it it was horrible it was the worst and then
you don't want to watch it so your brain's gonna wander and then you have to go back and watch that
section again it was so bad off topic talking about bread again yeah i i probably influenced the vote too
much which is one of the reasons i wasn't sure if we should even do it again because people definitely
voted bun bun bun is the most comfortable and nice to like touch and play with
you heard it here he's an ass man
bye too oh dang it i showed this again whatever uh so like yeah that's i'll i'll say that um
yeah people are like but loaf is the meme loaf is you did get that wrong luke no that's okay that's
not actually true yeah bread is the meme yeah yeah no that's not quite right some of the logos
that have to do with the meme are baguettes um like i believe the float plane and ltt logos are made
out of baguettes all right well luke you win you win it's bun it's big bun which he's clearly into
he likes big buns and he cannot love them especially when they're like very
we should stop talking stop talking we should actually move on now to a different topic um
new egg just announced a trade-in program for gpus i have no idea if it's any good all i did was link
it to the when show team and say new egg trade-in program gpus i curious so i'm gonna read this now for
the first time new eggs trade-in program for used graphics cards soft launched earlier this month um
but not officially announced i think now officially announced is what they meant how it works uh new egg
first estimates the trade-in value of a user's graphics card the lowest estimation is 30 dollars
for a four gig radeon rx 5500 xt and the highest is 561 for an rtx 3090 ti
now i'm not an expert on buying used things jk i'm pretty good at it but those do not seem like
very good prices this feel this feels like eb game scamming yeah yeah it is basically so if you want to be
lazy as heck you can just get hosed on the value of your item hold on a second hold on a second let's
just okay so used 3090 ti's are worth more like okay here's one that went for 800 this is as is ignore
this one that what brand new this this what is this those are kazams i think yeah uh used okay you
didn't even list the gigs right though come on come on brother so somewhere in the this is an auction okay
somewhere and i think the 750 to a thousand range there are there are ones that go okay really wow
okay well these are clearly not worth so weird to me quite as much as i thought in some cases
but but let's go ahead and back to back to my notes here they are all worth more than 561 dollars
by a lot now i don't think it's fair to necessarily see a low trade-in price and say
scam there is a value to the service they're providing and they are doing actual work they
have to validate these cards they have to create this program they have to pay the people who administer
it however the prices that you just brought up it's actually a lot better than i spent however
it's very clear to me that if you wanted to try your hand at the used market you would be able to
get more money for your card it's just that as luke already alluded to not everybody is comfortable
with that and not everyone wants to do the work i mean privately selling your vehicle is something that
is objectively a way to get way more money for it because it's math right if the dealer is going to
sell it for more than what they pay you which they will then you if you could just find that person
could sell it for more it's just a matter of whether you want to deal with people flaking you
on facebook marketplace and doing a bunch of paperwork and yeah keep thinking you're done uh
shelby in floatplane chat said six months ago they sold their 3090 ti which was broken for 700
dollars yeah but that was six months ago that was a very very different market that's i did ask them
how long ago it was yeah um yeah all right um after the user buys a new gpu so you also this is
another sort of drawback to the program depending on how you see it uh you do have to buy a new gpu
from new egg it's a trade-in they don't just buy your old hardware uh new egg will send a prepaid label
to return your old card to them in the next 14 days once the card is inspected and is found to
match the conditions that you reported the value of the card is refunded from the original payment
cards older than the nvidia rtx 20 series or the amd rx 5000 series which were launched in 2018 and 2019
respectively are not eligible for trade-in can you believe that rtx 20 series launched in 2018 we have
gotten in that time in that five years we have gotten two refreshes
that's actually pretty wild wild users could likely get a better return oh yeah okay users could likely
get a better return selling their used graphics card elsewhere but new egg appears to be framing
the program as a convenient low hassle way to sell old gpus rather than as a way to get the best
possible price and honestly i was i was expecting to see like 1100 1200 bucks for a lot of the cards that
we saw um the pricing that they're offering is better than i expected let's have a look at what
a gpu is worth to new egg uh according to new egg they will be refurbishing then selling the used cards
with a 30-day warranty so they do intend to make a profit here honestly i don't know why this took this
long i couldn't figure out like knowing that hardware was definitely worth monies when i was at ncix
i couldn't figure out why we didn't just play in the used hardware space i can tell you right now they
are making more on these than they're making selling brand new gpus there's so much more money in used
hardware um so let's here let's let's let's have a let's have a quick looky boo some of these seem pretty
out to lunch um that 3090 ti for 561 dollars is in my opinion not even the most egregious yeah it's not
that bad it might be the farthest off in terms of total dollars total dollars but this rtx 2066 gig for
90 there is no way that percentage wise that is not way far off okay what's what's a 2060 and maybe i'm
wrong maybe using your own arguments they still have to do the same amount of work to refurbish it
and inspect it and all that kind of stuff holy crap 2060s are not worth anything
okay hold on hold on some of these are going for more but like 70 bucks what oh wow i man i
man i take the new egg deal are you kidding me yeah
what was it did i say 90 did i say 90 i'm sorry i have about the short-term memory of a flea yeah 90
okay so that's not bad looking at this honestly actually not that bad i was ready to dunk on this
super hard it's really i so was i it's not that bad like if you get top dollar for your card like
you know yeah sure here did but there's a bunch on here that are going for a hundred even 110 it also
matters a lot if you've got some like oes like looking card like this or if you have like rog
stretch me there yeah and it doesn't look like new egg differentiates delineate yeah well and i
understand why because from a performance standpoint it doesn't matter it would also just be really
annoying new egg knows it doesn't matter oh that 70 one was parts only oh was it okay hold on hold
on let me keep let me keep poking at it i i still there were quite a few that were quite inexpensive
um here where's uh oh no they're they're mostly over 100 bucks parts only the dull one okay yep you're
right they're mostly over 100 bucks but there are some that are 90 from new egg so if the over 100
bucks is like 110 120 135 a ton of people are gonna skip the needing to do anything for 20 or 30 bucks
especially if you factor in what your time is worth i think it's pretty safe to say that if you have
never done it before if you have to actually set up an account and like learn a buy sell trade site or
something like that i think it's pretty safe to say ebay fees as well there are ways to get around that
well yeah but as a buyer makes it more you shouldn't get around the ebay fees because that's where your
buyer protection comes from yeah um is is paying through the platform yeah because you could like
isn't craigslist free mm-hmm yeah facebook marketplace is also free marketplace there's no fees there
but you will pay in the time that you will spend just like around messaging random people who flake you
or don't show up when they say they will and stuff like that like i'm not going to pretend that the process
of buying and selling stuff online is perfect if i could get 120 for my card or i could just get a guaranteed
90 bucks through new egg it's pretty likely i'm going to get the guarantee there's no way you
would you don't think so you know yeah maybe not i don't know yeah no luke right now right now i will
give you 120 dollars hey but you have to you have to sell that water bottle on facebook marketplace or
i'll give you 90 and you don't bother yeah i'd sell the water of course you would yeah that's no there's
no quite you were speaking nonsense before that was actual nonsense okay but i think a lot of
people would do that i called you so hard and you got wrecked this is the face of a man who was
recently wrecked so relaxed about it i just you know when you get caught out sometimes you just got to
accept it it is what it is um i do i do think a lot of people would do that though yeah i uh i was
more i was more peeved about it when i thought that the prices were really far off but they seem to be
a little less far off than than i thought i'm not logged into facebook on this computer yeah so i'm not
able to compare to facebook marketplace right now it's a generally cheaper oh i totally am logged into
facebook on this computer i must have had to do this before okay cool uh which which one should
i search first should i do the 2060 do the yeah okay let's do the 2060 uh okay this is in canadian
dollars so i'm gonna have to do a quick calculatrice here um dan good one two two says i work for paypal
please don't try to avoid the fee i see so many scans where people ask for personal payments and then
screw people over i do agree with that i'm gonna take this moment though to say like holy crap working
with paypal is horrible um and if there's anyone if there's anyone there if you can get me in contact
with someone who could actually somehow uh incite some change over there i would love to have a
conversation with them um paypal is literally the worst vendor that we have to work with uh in regards to
financial stuff um it's actually a nightmare there's also like extremely major security problems with
your dashboard in regards to how multi-users um are able to work within it that dan had to deal with
recently where like you could make it so that a user couldn't do certain things and that user could
just go in and turn it back on uh and lots of other extreme very extreme problems so you want to tell
us how you really feel let me know we'd love to talk about it prices on prices on canadian failbook
are anywhere from around 140 to 150 plus dollars depending on the grade of card that it is there's
some very optimistic people here that's 250 canadian dollars that ain't happening oh you were you were
adjusting for usd already that ain't happening with this dell oem card um but one of the issues with
facebook is that unlike ebay which is an imperfect system to be clear but unlike ebay you can't
actually see what things sold for so there could be negotiation that's going on and you have no way
of checking what a completed listing went for and it's it's hard to tell exactly how
it's hard it's hard to tell exactly how close that is to what you would actually pay for it like a lot
of the times craigslist facebook marketplace if you're just like hey i am around the corner right
now here is literally a picture of the money in my hand it's a little bit less than what you asked for
but i will be there in 10 minutes yeah it's amazing when people don't need to waste their time
how open they are to selling things for a little bit less than what they wanted which is exactly what
new egg is going for yeah uh overall i i think this kind of sounds like a seems cool to me at least
as an option it sounds like an okay it's i think you should check like every time yes um but it's
a decent option and i think if you have a uh like low end version it's almost always going to be a lot
more worth it if you have some blinged out version yeah you should probably try some like water cooled
card or something like man water cooled last gen cards are hard to get rid of yeah it's for that reason
that in a lot of cases i would actually recommend buying an air cooled card and water blocking it
yourself compared to buying a water blocked card because if think about the user that's going to
buy it you will pay the water block premium for the pre-water cooled one but you won't get an air
cooler to put back on the card when it's time to sell it and nobody who's building a system that has
six hundred dollars worth of pumps and blocks and fittings and tubing is buying a last gen card
why would they do that if they have money for water cooling crap they have money for a current card so
it's just it's a very uh very challenging situation meanwhile i just bought five last gen water cooled
cards so unless you find a me then you're in trouble i just i wanted to go evga for the land
center oh yeah ek had a bunch of their old 3080 blocks on clearance because that's what happens um and
i found a bunch of evga xc3 3080s so our land center is all evga all the time and by the way those cards
are rock solid oh yeah i i ran a 12 hour fur mark last night because are you are you mad can we talk
about cards being rock solid are you mad can we talk about cards being rock solid and heart touching
all right sorry where are we going with this no we released our our amd oh video yeah and i'm annoyed
oh why because i got i sent you a message about this i got linist you got lined i i i got linist
i have no idea what you're talking about sucks people people watched the first bit of me talking
and then just left the video as far as i can tell oh okay so it's nothing i did wrong no no no no no no
no no okay i was like no no i reviewed this video i thought it was a really good video no i thought it
was great yeah it's good for you um the amount of people that are just spamming the hell out of me
that uh i've got a solution to this one of the problems that you had even when they're trying to
be helpful people yeah good people yeah trying to be nice yeah i feel like i'm doing the trump thing
the the best people good people uh no no like it's it's a lot of it is like people genuinely trying to
be very helpful and positive and stuff but like oh my god i'm getting rocked with people talking
about there's also people like trying to condemn me for testing it in an unacceptable environment and
i'm like it's fine now there there are there aren't any problems i'm crashing in starfield very rarely
and no other game or other scenario ever is crashing or having any issues
what do you want so for context if you haven't watched the video at all luke opens his section
talking about driver instability system crashes uh performance issues stuttering and then goes on
to explain that his setup is a little bit unconventional with a pci express riser a secondary
power supply plugged into the card with his primary power supply powering the cpu and drives and everything
else and so people are latching on to that going user error user error user error you're doing
something wrong but the thing that people got to understand is that if they were to finish watching
the video then they would hear luke talk about how now with driver updates from amd that exact same
system with that exact same pci e riser and also with an external power supply and everything the same
as it was before is rock solid rock solid and there's there's people in chat talking about it
right now there's a bunch of nvidia people crashing and start stars start field it just crashes it's not
i don't think this is amd's fault i can't say that it never happened because it did technically so i'm
trying to be like honest yeah but i don't think it's the cards fault it's just a game that crashes
i think that basically what we all need to try to internalize is that amd is not going to suck your
d**k yeah
putting that away i feel like i'm a target right now uh
uh but yeah it's it's really good now and one but one bit of context i guess with the way that i said
things and framed things and i do have to admit this is that was even filmed a few weeks ago at
this point yeah yeah and it's probably better by now but i have even more context we can only talk
about what happens and that's the thing you guys got to understand is we're not on a team
we're not on team intel team amd team video we don't give a at the end of the day you know
the point of these switched videos is that we tried it and we talked about our experience
okay okay okay uh nw gat in full plane chat said makes no sense to blame amd for game engine bugs
though i didn't i literally in the video i say i don't know i think we got someone who didn't watch
the video here yeah i i say in the video that like i don't know how to like say this or frame this but
these don't feel like gpu issues i say that in the video yeah because i also can't say i was there
when he said definitively that it is the game engine no we don't know as i can't say definitively
that it's not the gpu but what we know is that it doesn't matter yeah at the end of the day if
someone's coming from a console for example and their expectation is that things just work i mean
to the extent that they even do just work on consoles these days but anyway if their expectation is that
it just works then it didn't just work and we have no way of controlling who someone's going to
blame so whenever an issue does come up our reason for flagging it is hey bethesda amd
y'all got to get together figure out whose fault this is point all your blame fingers that you need
to point and iron this out because at the end of because it's going to ruin the experience for the
user and they're going to refund the game or they're going to refund the card and you have no
way of controlling which one they're going to refund so you guys got to work together you got to get it
sorted out that's that's all we're saying yeah yeah so like i it should be a bigger props i think almost
like we've we've given them their licks over uh the launch experience being bad was really bad but i also
want to give them very good prompts that it is currently or props sorry that is currently in a very
good spot and i feel like the the reason why i'm frustrated is i think that got brushed over
because people are still thinking that i have issues i don't have issues it's a great experience
currently luke if i had a dollar for every time this is why i said i got linus i said something in a video
and then people stopped watching and completely took away the wrong point yeah
i'll probably be about where i am today
happens a lot but i'm doing all right
wow what a flex
oh man but yeah that's why yeah anyways i don't know um i gotta i gotta wait till he's drinking i'm
gonna get him one of these days i just i can't i can't i can't control that's how i put it down
earlier is i could i wasn't even looking at him but i could i could just i could tell he was hungry
for it so like dan almost got me when i was about to take a drink then he was like no this is mine and
i was like ah i gotta bail out i can't control it it's like an imp it's like an impulse for me that
and i feel like this bites me in the butt a lot because i have this type of humor where i
i i will go for the driest straightest possible delivery of the most offensive thing i can possibly
say in that more the most not offensive but the most outlandish thing that i can say possibly say in
that moment and whether it's people watching a video and tuning out right after i said that
or whether it's even in-person interaction sometimes where people think i am
legit for reals serious when i will say this kind of stuff i feel like i get bitten by that a lot
pretty often it's the easiest thing to to pull out of context then make well yvonne's given me
well it's it's it's the classic i'm not saying hitler was right you know almost got him
how do you put up with this man i don't understand but he's all right
that got me yeah i i don't know i i i i feel like i do open myself up to it
a lot whether it's self-deprecating humor or whether it's just you know that i will that i
will say something ridiculous just to see that yvonne has this face she makes when i say just the
most completely offensive just like i think i know yeah i'm sure you do because i i will especially
pull it in like group settings and it drives her absolutely nuts um man i forget i forget what it
what oh man i i did in an exec meeting recently she was not happy about that i think it was two
weeks ago in the staff meeting i forget exactly what i said but basically and i've told her i've
told her a hundred times the only reason i say these things is so you'll make that look make that face
and she's just like it's involuntary i can't help it i've just
like she i can't even i can't even do it it's amazing i'm gonna try and get it on camera sometime
now and then i'll bring it on when shall i'll show you guys this is this is the look i'm trying
to get yvonne to make and it's not because i believe any of what i'm saying no it's just because
it's really really funny you just got to be careful about the yeah the the attendees at the moment
yeah oh i know i know right well that's the thing is no i because it has to be people that that know
that you are you you believe often the opposite of the thing that you say so i have i have it that's
basically like trust me bro in a nutshell is i i make this assumption that nobody could possibly
believe that i that i am like that perception that this thing i'm saying would would actually
be a straight face portrayal of my character but people actually do and what i'm trying to do a lot
of the time is i'm trying to say something that is just ridiculous and what i've what i've what
i'm realizing more and more is yes satire is dead right like you can't satire on the internet it's
just really hard for both parties because there are people that will say that stuff with a straight
face well that's what i mean and there is there is is there what's the term for that i'm looking it
up i'm trying to oh all right sorry but yeah it's it's like you said like you can't truth is is
stranger than fiction it's like what the south park writers said they were like yeah we're not even
going to try to we're not even going to try to parody politics anymore we're our well not parody
but we're not even going to try and write satire about politics anymore because the the truth is
so outlandish that's just like poe's law poe's law what is poe's law all right and who's poe i don't
know but he has a law edgar allen by any chance no is an adage of internet culture saying that
without a clear indicator of the author's intent any parodic or sarcastic expression of extreme
views can be mistaken by some readers for a sincere expression of those views
the law is frequently exploited by individuals who share genuine extremist views and when faced
with overwhelming criticism by using by insisting they were merely being satirical that is true i've
seen that we've also walked in i had a conversation with uh someone about this recently where there's
something that you and i have actually said a bunch that i had no idea was like a dog whistle
for this thing that neither of us oh was it was it like this or something no okay because i found out
this is like white power or something i'm like no it just means okay especially if you're someone who
dives which both of us do yeah that is literally exactly what you're supposed to do especially means
okay yeah because if you do if you do thumbs up when you're diving it means i need to ascend now
yeah it's good for lighting as well because you're often like a thousand feet away and going like this
is like you can't really see anything but if you get your hand open you know yeah it's good the light
is good there yeah we are not white supremacists yeah i can say that yeah exactly
oh man but yeah sometimes it's like oh my god like okay i don't know every single cultural
reference in like the world i'm not trying to dog whistle this thing that i didn't even know was a
thing like yeah oh man it's sometimes it's it's difficult to navigate i don't know especially being
in canada i feel like we end up just kind of like isolated from this stuff fairly sheltered from a lot of
those things yeah just have absolutely no idea yeah anyways tech topics sponsors let's let's do it
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all right time to do some merch messages dan hit me
yeah give me no time in between these segments before we before we do the merch messages um a
sponsor policy clarification i talked on the show recently about how we don't take supplement
sponsorships um or i i said that we hadn't i can't remember exactly what i said the point is
that we had never done it in the past because i wasn't really comfortable with the kinds of brands
that we had had reach out in the past um i don't know a ton about what i was specifically referring to
was like um i don't know what's that store called there's there's a local store that just like has all
the all the like weight gain powders and like all the like random natural health products i don't
everyone knows the name i don't know the name because i don't go there uh
anyway the point is gnc yeah yeah i think that no no gnc is the like more legit one there's like
there's one that has like i think you're right like a roided out guy in their marketing materials
and stuff anyway the point is it doesn't matter uh popeyes no not that one i know who popeye is
right it out he's it takes spinach no popeyes is a supplement i know okay i just mean it's not that
one i know they sold sandwiches i wouldn't call popeye a roided out guy okay it doesn't matter the
point is um oh apparently gnc doesn't sell legit stuff okay so that's my whole point i don't know
is that i don't know a ton about this stuff but some members of our community so i said look we
don't work with these guys because there's a ton of money in supplements i was talking specifically
about snake oil crap supplements um some members of of the community have expressed confusion about
our sponsorship then with athletic greens given my stance on working with supplements and other
ingestible products to be clear when i talked about ingestible products i was talking about our
own products we've worked with lots of ingestible sponsors savage jerky um and madrinas uh come to
mind g fuel we worked with a couple of times um and i actually was not super comfortable with the product
and we we're not we don't not work with them but we don't really work with them there it's in it's
in no man's land some people love the product as far as i can tell nobody has ever um died from g fuel
so like you know there's that um but we just it's kind of it's an it's in nowhere land um so when i
talked about ingestible products i meant our own products we haven't created a breakfast cereal um i
had talked a lot about how i had concerns about beast burger for example being a bit of a nightmare
for mr beast and a liability issue um so you know that's that's that but we know we have worked with
ingestibles we just haven't worked with supplement brands and the reason is that i just don't know a
ton about it and i was not in a position to validate it and it's not something that i use so
i wasn't really comfortable with it athletic greens on the other hand we have team members that have used
products similar and have used their products and based on our experience with them and our current
knowledge of their product we are open to doing business with them again supplements are not
actually on our do not work with list on the linus forum and they won't be it's going
to be very case by case and we are going to approach with caution is pretty much all i have to say about
that for now all right you're ready yeah hit me uh this one's for luke you've spoken about having
thrifted your way into monitors for your pc before how bad a monitor would you use for free before
spending money on a better one yourself oh i mean i have pretty good monitors now um yeah luke traded
himself to monitors pretty early on in the lmg days he bought himself a couple pro arts that was
actually my first it was after like one of the first paychecks i got from lmg was two new pro arts
um i like having good monitors um i see monitors as kind of um not an investment because you'll
certainly never get any money back for them but it is it's a long term literally huge amount of use
purchase the part of your computer that you will interact with the most yeah hands down more than your
mouse more than your keyboard more like anything those two pro arts one of them was uh broken
not due to its own fault but due to
i don't blame them it was an emergency situation but it got whacked pretty hard and then now won't
turn on um so one of them is now dead but no actually um but the other one is still working
yeah yeah it's been a decade and it's still ah it's not a great monitor by today's standards
yeah but it's functional but it's solid it's a it's a great side monitor yep yeah that's what it does and
like i was i i think on average monitors are the piece that back when i bought all my stuff that i
spent the most on yeah i bought a really expensive cpu once yeah the athlon 64 4400 plus that was
probably the most expensive single component i bought it was like 800 canadian dollars back when
the dollar was a lot closer to parity and that was in like 2004 or something when dollars were you know
more or whatever inflation um but i also picked up a used uh dell 2405 fpw way back around that time
treated myself to view sonic p95 f plus uh that was a sick monitor at the time and with both of those
my intention was that these will last multiple cpu gpu cycles because a good monitor is something that
should last you a very long time i went from there to a 305 t so that was a samsung 30 inch
and then i think that's probably the last monitor that i bought so on average those are all probably
around like 800 canadian dollars to be clear i got deals on the second two the p95 f plus i bought like
at ncix or whatever but then the 2405 i bought used and then the um the 305 t man that was a good deal
it was it was a return from a customer those were like fifteen hundred dollars or something like
that and it like was scratched and we couldn't return it to the supplier but it wasn't scratched
on the screen and then like the rma department tested it and they were like yeah i don't think
this thing works and i was like i'm pretty sure i can get it to work i didn't think there was anything
wrong with it and so i was like i'll make you an offer and i got it for like 900 bucks or something
like that and it like totally worked it was perfect flawless i don't know what anyone was even talking
about it my my girlfriend um is currently running a triple monitor setup um she's studying for some
stuff and whatnot so she she actually fully utilizes the triple monitor screen real estate and she's
using an old view sonic that i won in one of the like old christmas parties a while ago um and one of
the other ones i don't remember where one of her monitors is from but she's got the old view sonic one
that i don't remember where it's from and then another one which is mine that i bought when i was
like 15 or something and that thing still works that monitor that she's using has been at every
single residence that i have ever lived at luke is there any reason not to have a secondary monitor
no this is so this is what i was talking about you can get old like 1080p screens for like 20 bucks
i that that that one that i'm talking about that i bought when i was like 15 bought it off of
whatever i think it was craigslist at the time whatever used thing at the time for i think it was
ten dollars yeah like and it still works and it's still deployed it turns on every day like that thing's
a beast it's an old lg monitor from a while ago uh it still has the resolution is high enough that it's
usable for a secondary monitor or whatever anything 1680 by 1050 and over is very usable yeah yeah and
it's just like sweet yeah we both run triple monitor setups and like if i was if i was back in school or
whatever right now looking at those prices we just saw on screen i would have a triple monitor setup
because why not because the the the floor for used monitor prices is so much lower than the floor for
a new monitor with all the logistics involved in you know mining new materials and creating it and
shipping it across oceans and like all that crap that's associated with there's just there's only so
low something can go it's why hard drives don't get any cheaper than what they are now they actually
can't the the motors and the magnets like they just they don't get cheaper but used hard drives not
that i would necessarily recommend using those used hard drives are worth nothing
10 bucks oh man people actually are pretty optimistic about what their hard drives are worth
never mind hard drives are worth more than i thought um what i last time i looked into use ssd prices it
was literally more expensive to buy used ones um i don't know what's up with it i don't know what's
up with the used market and storage it's kind of mind sometimes yeah it's it's much more worthless to
me well you know what it is is uh people who build budget systems and then sell them for you know
a hundred bucks or whatever they need hard drives they need just anything that can hold an os yeah
yeah you're also not sorting right someone said i don't know whatever um what was i gonna say
someone said something oh no i don't know what you say is objectively true someone said something
that is certainly oh yeah yeah yeah no it's like if you're if you're if you're like into gaming and
you want a good gaming monitor or whatever so you spend a bunch of your budget there i still think
you can get to a two or even three monitor setup um you don't have to do it immediately and just
keep looking out for deals and your monitors don't have to match grab some yeah none of my
money i have three different monitors my girlfriend three different monitors it's cool when they match
when i had those two pro arts i had two matching monitors and it was awesome yeah but it hasn't made
a lot of sense since then to get matching monitors so whatever yeah do you want to talk about
speaking of monitors samsung odyssey neo g9's cracking yeah i was just talking about how they
last for a long time and all this kind of stuff oh yeah we only did one word oh what was even the
question that was a very good segue though linus what what was even the question i tried i tried to
do so i tried to do so good uh do you remember it uh what would cause me to buy a monitor oh yeah
uh well yeah i don't know hopefully that sort of answers where where am i uh okay here's another
you're in unit 101 oh okay you're in cloverdale oh maybe it's the dale of clovers
oh that's one of all of our computers are named weird um hey dll first merch purchase from a rare apple
podcast listener i've been considering moving my side hustle to full time i do a variety of
consulting has ltd ever used consultants or contractors of course contractors yeah every
time we hire a lawyer we are hiring a consultant slash contractor and it happens more often than
you'd think it's amazing how many little stupid things you have to pay someone four hundred dollars
an hour because they're the only people who know about that and to be clear i i fully support
people being paid for their expertise it's more than just time it's you're you are paying for the
time that they spent becoming a subject matter expert totally totally get it um that doesn't mean that i
don't notice when we write the check though so you'd be amazed it happens a lot um what are some other
examples of contractors and and consultants uh a decent amount of the the uh developers for flow
plane or contractors yeah james hired someone to come and do like improv classes on site at some
point to kind of help the writers that's cool understand you know hosting better and and you know
what the kind of energy you need for you have spontaneous we have people come in to do work
around the offices all the time install the ac mm-hmm stuff like that yeah our uh i don't think
that's really what they're referencing but if you guys have ever watched the office tour back when we
were at the langley house and noticed how filthy that place was uh we have cleaners now they're
contractors yeah yeah we have a company that comes in and just you know gives it the old dust-a-rooney
and vacuum-a-rooney um just because the theory was that we could just do that once in a while and
people would mostly keep the workspace yeah they won't so we just they come in i think every week
now they didn't used to have to it was every two weeks for a long time and as we've grown and you
just have all these people and people are gross and they drag in all their dirt on their shoes and
they shed all their skin cells and their hair and it's just you got like in this building how many
people work in this building fewer now yeah because we're distributed a little bit more but still
probably like a solid 30 to 40 or something like that and then the lab has like man where is
everybody yeah hold on a second we have like 120 total people including contractors yeah so a
solid amount of them are remote but yeah how many of them are how many of them are how i i don't know
how many work in these buildings create a warehouse is like dense stuffed d-e-n-s-s yeah i i
gave a tour recently i know they're gonna need to move sam and i was walking through just going
like whoa it's taren's problem yeah i want nothing to do with it if he decides you know hey linus and
yvonne you guys need to buy something because the extensive renovations we need are justify it or if
he's like well that'll take some time not right now but you know if we need to save up or something
but if he's like okay we need to lease something i'm just like okay taren whatever we're gonna do
but yeah whatever you say is right i still think you should do the cult thing there be a lot of us
makers of merch yeah tina is talking about it but it's it's actually wild in there they like it's
logically laid out yeah but like i don't think they can hire all that many more people where are you
gonna put them there's a couple spots maybe you can maybe make it work there's six over with
um kyle's team which uh i mean tynan's the one watching so tynan's team which is like 25 of the
building yep yep and then uh over in design so we've got
oh oh goodness customer care too hold on i was already up to 13 there and i hadn't even counted
well man i i think wow and then fashion is like six now or something like that okay so that's where
a lot of them are because i was trying to i was trying to i was trying to come up with a number
for this building i was like it's got to be like 30 to 40 but it's like no no actually hold on a second
because that that creator is definitely the 25 30 people out of all the buildings work there
and to be clear you know the engineers aren't always packed in there and the fashion and design teams
are not well design doesn't get to get out there's not free range design i guess they don't get to
get out much but give them like a yard this this this shirt was the free range design
no one at this company touches grass yeah we should fix that ethically sourced clothing
i think from lion's detective if we don't if we don't do a a hand on grass shirt
free range design like if that's not in sarah's inbox in the next 30 seconds here we've clearly done
something wrong oh my goodness i'm on it oh man was this was the were the buns ethically designed linus
did those did those did those designers have adequate grass time i don't know
oh man it's uh it's certainly grown a long time since we put that building together
because when we originally did the plans we had kyle and tynan and another one and then nice
real real nice yeah i think jacob i think the the like apartment area was just not really used and
then they worked out of the downstairs right yeah they were downstairs in the kind of garage area and
the upstairs was kind of the communal lunchroom and storage and then we had a design team which
was maybe three or five people totally and we'll get the other one fixed soon don't worry
and then yeah what does the fashion team was like four people as well
it's empty yeah not anymore no
so we're gonna have to buy like a another suite of buildings is your phone just busted i'm trying
to send this email that my gmail does not want me to have this shirt doesn't yeah no this is ridiculous
okay close compose okay can i if is it even in my draft did this even save free range design shirt
oh crap wait did this send while you're doing that uh yeah this this merch message came from someone
who said they were a rare apple podcast listener is that rare that made me think of uh google is
killing another thing yeah you did a really good segue but we actually still have to do one more
merch message no i know but i don't think this is a topic is it it is oh never mind you just got
talk about it later you just got talk blocked
i don't know if your mic is open for other people you just hear dan sigh
do you want another merch message yeah yeah sure send it uh i don't see i can't even remember
which one i was going to read now uh okay let's see hey there dll as a software developer who has
worked in both smaller startups and enterprise environments how do you address technical debt
in your projects how do you prioritize it while linus tries to figure out how to make us more money
how to send an email like boomer moment i don't want to die um technical debt uh
you're essentially always gonna have it um so you kind of have to triage to a certain degree
you can't just only ever do that uh yeah jaden we don't like to talk about that subject yeah
that's honestly pretty fair um yeah you can't ignore it forever
that got us into a bad spot we used to we used to do what i could try that we used to do what i used
to refer to as linus lead development uh and that was very bad that was extremely bad that dug us into
a hole that we're kind of still clawing out of let's be fair to linus for a moment here
um the lights are on everyone is still gainfully employed yeah i would just i would just like to
acknowledge acknowledge the positive points of linus lead development now you can go ahead and
proceed to crap all over it jaden says in floatplane chat lld led to a lot of tech debt yeah linus lead
development it was that was a problem eventually i just ended up just saying no to everything all the
time and then we delivered no new features for like a year yeah and then i know i didn't say it's a
problem because so why are you so defensive right now because look how defensive he is this is my life
during linus lead development we dug ourselves really really deep so it took a really really long
time to dig ourselves back out and even now we're not completely out but we're in a way healthier
spot than we were in before and now we're at a spot where we can kind of spend we can spend a little
bit of time working on features and then okay tech debt is an always growing thing and we just spent
some time working on features when we already had a lot of tech debt so like going into the next quarter
jade and i have already been talking about it a lot of jaden's work is going to be um working on
paying down tech debt but he's going to do it in kind of a cool way where like um for example there's
a certain page that needs to be uh tech debt removed but he's also going to deploy a new design
at the same time and like do a couple other things so it still feels like the the website is getting uh
is becoming more fresh and being worked on even though we're paying down tech debt at the same time
so you kind of try to yeah i don't know how to really answer this but you can't completely ignore
it but you also can't spend 100 of your time working on it yeah so you fight it kind of have
to like okay we we need to give people a feature or else they're going to be pissed off so let's do
that really quick that has bought us some time that has bought us some users are satisfied time
let's use this users are satisfied time to pay down some tech debt and then try to slot in another
new thing that they'll be happy about um before they get too disgruntled and then you just kind of
try to keep doing that ch5609 says i want a linus lead development t-shirt it's just a garbage fire
now that's not fair was not a garbage fire you couldn't tell what it was
and it had no smell at all yeah the pixels were very clean
it was a it was a chaotic time because he'd be like hey uh what about this crazy feature and i'd be
like sure let's do that and then like a week later he'd be like so where is it and i'd be like
hey verify actual gamer program hey that was that was actually that was awesome that was post
linus led development was that oh okay yeah yeah maybe i can't remember when it started and ended
yeah it was definitely something i asked for and it was super cool and the team like crushed it on that
i've been crapping on them so now to throw throw them a bone at the very end of it yeah i will say
it's kind of my fault yeah i'm the leader of the team that's not what i was expecting i should have
stayed but i like it i should have staved off the line of sled development more but i was just like
i don't know hold on you were you were the leader of the team right okay so then sorry who was leading
the development exactly which l this l right here boom l yeah pretty much so yeah tell your if you're
in that spot just tell your boss no more often and then if you get fired i'm sorry
career advice because like if you if you do if you just listen and just try to get your team to do
that you're gonna screw them over because you're gonna end up digging your team into tech debt and
then ultimately like yeah you were trying to listen to your boss but you were doing the wrong thing so i i
had to at some point i had to take the reins a bit um and i don't know it's been getting better
all right let's talk about odyssey neo g9's cracking there's been an emerging pattern of
odyssey neo g9 owners reporting their 49 inch 5k ultra wide monitors spontaneously cracking down the
middle between a day and 11 months after purchase while user error is a possibility the descriptions of
the failures were remarkably similar several independent sources claim they were playing a
game not touching the screen only to hear a loud pop and for a large crack to appear in the center
of the screen accompanied by a large black vertical band other users claimed to have turned off the
monitor and left only to return after hearing a loud pop in the other room and returning to find
their monitor broken some users with fully functional monitors also claim to have heard odd popping
noises in the moments or hours after turning off their monitor which they suggest
might be a sign of heat stress while a few users reported that samsung promptly honored their
warranty many others reported that samsung has refused to address the damage while still
under warranty one user claimed they spent over 20 hours on the phone and opened six different
tickets only for customer support to cancel each one for specious reasons that's not a word i normally
used so i'm not super familiar with it but hopefully it was used correctly spurious is that what we were
looking for i don't know another said that samsung claimed that it was physical damage and not under
warranty based on the photos without actually examining the device superficially plausible but actually
wrong oh cool i like it good word wonderful uh okay it is possible that a user's region is affecting
their support status but this is really hard to verify as we don't know most of the affected users
locations however the only users who both disclosed their location and received support were located in
the us the only users who both disclosed their location and did not receive support were located outside
of the us a canadian user who contacted us managed to get a response from samsung support but he is at
the time of writing waiting for the support team to review and get back to him uh we've contacted
samsung asking for an explanation but we haven't had a clear answer so far samsung opened pre-orders for
the 8k 57 inch version of the odyssey neo g9 last week at twenty five hundred dollars i feel like we
might have dodged a bullet here because we actually were going to do a sponsored video with samsung for the
neo g9 the new one um and maybe it's uh better we didn't you know i'm surprised we haven't seen this
more often with these crazy ultra wides that's a good point actually because like this is pretty much
the only one i know of i don't really follow ultra wides much so there might be more but like literally
the whole time i've been like you know the the physics of this there's a lot of i mean well part
of it is that the panel technology is not okay it's not just i haven't reached for my phone i don't
have a fold it's not just folding phones that have flexible panel technology in them a lot of the
time there's there's flexible panel techno like an oled is relatively flexible compared to older display
types um and just because it's on a fixed you know stretched across a fixed canvas or whatever
doesn't mean that it isn't a a little flexible but it's just any anytime you have something that's
like really what i can't fit both my arms yeah frame but anything that's really wide well just
the leverage assume this hand is way further out and then it's only held in the single point the
forces on the furthest outsides is gonna be really high yeah so like i don't know yeah i'm a little
surprised for me the bigger issue is is one that i've encountered a lot the difference in support from
region to region i have never been able to wrap my head around a company
somehow justifying to itself and to its users that if you buy an item in one region and try to get
warranty support on it in another region or whatever i've never been able to wrap my head around
um any rationale for that being anything other than simple and i i get the accounting of it is
is complicated if you get back a broken product and send out a new product you have to reconcile
that somehow that shows up on your pnl or whatever else but headquarters needs to just suck it up and
reconcile it for you like i don't otherwise that that reflects really poorly on your brand and you suck
uh i just i i don't get it um and it's something that we've seen time and time and time again i don't
care it's it's not my problem that you guys don't have a service center here i will happily ship it to
wherever your service center is but you do need to honor the warranty does it have does it have your
name on it or not okay then you need to fix it um and i mean obviously i'm not talking about counterfeit
products here i'm talking about ones that are not counterfeitable like i uh i i've talked about
this before and i want to give kudos to valve for the way that they've handled the couple of issues
that i've had with my index um but my initial conversations with them were very frustrating
because i wasn't in a region that was yet authorized to buy the index and so i had a hard time explaining
how i got one and i had a hard time getting warranty service for it i remember that yeah and you know from
my point of view you don't need proof of purchase because this product hasn't even been out long
enough for it to have run out of warranty so none of this is relevant just take the shipment and send
me a new one like it's not it's not complicated at that point uh but in their system it is and so it's
a systemic problem it's not because the customer service agent hates you and doesn't want to help you
it's because they just haven't put the work into eliminating these roadblocks for customers
it's frustrating yeah it's frustrating oh you know what's frustrating just a second oh i expensive
freaking monitor just to have it like pop in front of your eyes that kind of sucks okay i i don't mind
bothering like supervisors and managers and like you know execs but i i generally try not to bother
anyone else outside of ours but i'm very very excited to tell you guys this and so hopefully no oh shoot
that's the wrong one or wait no yes i could get the answer here wait okay what's happening
i am so sorry to bother you on a friday night um but i figured you you might be someone i'm on the
wan show right now you're not on speaker though so if you know you need to tell me off for disrupting your
dinner or yeah get them late breakfast or whatever it is um did shay finish shooting the thing
okay this is very vague okay cool um okay all right i'm gonna leak it then
we see you later
we literally just talked about okay bye have a have a wonderful weekend a topic on this show
what was that merch message yeah a topic on this show was about things that employees don't like
hearing on when at least it's not tine in this time what one of them was leaks no it's fine it's good
oh man so guess who's gonna be back on ltt um adams so shay who you guys may remember from his amd
ultimate tech upgrade which was hilarious really good uh yeah really great and this time around
oh man i forget i forget her alias but she is our secret shopper awesome yeah very good i'm so excited
we um she she as you guys know just has a great personality she gives exactly zero f***s whatsoever
about computers so so she's an ideal secret shopper for us because she can carry on a conversation
and be super positive and charismatic and and fun um but she has no idea what you're talking about
and doesn't care and that is exactly what we want for secret shopper we want people to be we want the
customer service and sales and technical support people to be talking to a personable human being
we don't want them to like hate us or anything but we want them to really have to work for it because
no this is not someone who knows the speeds and feeds and i7s and rise in threes and and all
those numbers and doesn't care about them you have to put it in real human terms and so uh from what
i've seen so far which is the sales calls shay has done an outstanding job i am super super pleased with
uh with our selection of our secret shopper this time around and now that we are finished the sales
calls calls and the tech support calls the system integrators will know that uh storms are coming
looking up but it's too late for them to do anything about it bases shay shay let's know who was it
yeah too late for them to do anything about it so uh i i i i will say this it's going to be an extremely
fun secret shopper series and do you know what our theme was so the first time around we did magnum ti
tech investigator uh and so it was sort of themed after that uh iconic show from i don't even know
what was the 70s i guess um second time around we did bond obviously um so it's you know it's always
an investigative you know detective secret agent or whatever kind of theme paw patrol no i have no
wow no heavens no um any any guesses come on dan do you know why you don't okay if you guys have
any guesses i'm right uh let's let the chat look not colombo not get smart um not walker texas ranger
not maverick not angel i don't watch not rockward not rockford files not knives out wow not sherlock
you guys are not there yet not brooklyn 99 not sherlock is kind of surprising not mash not csi
severance peatman 27's got it it's monk monk oh you don't know monk what do you mean i don't watch
shows i don't monk is amazing where on earth did that come from uh i have to confess that uh jacob from
the linked team had something to do with it that's uh that's a very interesting idea yeah we've gone i
would have never considered that in like a bazillion years we've got we went with monk it's
eight seasons oh it's popular it's a great show it's uh it's actually really good is it an actual
monk or is the person's last name his last name's monk is bond a real bond yeah is he glue is it about
financial bonds financial advice and martinis this is not financial advice we're not financial
advisors especially not him uh hell no oh god cappuccino
anyway yes uh i will i will be playing i will be parodying the role of emmy award-winning actor
tony shalhoub as monk and uh it's gonna it's gonna be a lot of fun we've got all the same
suspects as last time are all the all the same um the usual suspects uh but we've added i don't
believe um cyber power i think was included but dnf'd both the previous times because they didn't
provide advice they are in this time um and then we also added everyone's favorite influencer pc brand
well am i supposed to guess the people will guess it yes mr big britches star forge
oh i guess it's been that long
because it would have made sense but it's been four years now or something starforge no no no no no
not starforge oh since we've done yeah it's been a minute i feel like it's been a long time it's been
a really long time because i didn't remember what ones were in the first one yeah i mean the first one
ivan did so that gives you some idea how long ago that was there's been one since then though
right yeah december 2018 was the first one and then uh two years ago round two was two years after
no it was november 2020 was round two so this is round three of secret shopper pretty much three
years ago pretty much three years ago yep it's the kind of thing ever since we started our goal was to
do it every year and ever since we started that has never happened
it's a ton of work but this time around it was not nearly as onerous on the writing team
so we had labs to help support us through the testing which
shout out labs yeah enormously helpful which really gave ploof an opportunity to focus on
you know kind of fun intro skits the uh okay it's so bad but i hope that it's so bad it's good because
it's the first thing you're gonna see when you click this video the the monk uh theme song is a randy
newman song like it's a jungle out there you know do you know that song no okay anyway um it's randy
newman so that should be pretty much all you need to know yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so ploof wrote
parody lyrics and david sang it doing his best randy newman it's f***ing awful we got more lines
music yeah it's it's really it's the best kind of awful and i hope you guys enjoy it a lot we should
sell the song as a download on the forum yeah yeah i'm kidding i don't even know if the um i'm kidding
oh emily what emily since when do you watch the show emily she's watched for a while has she i
never see you in the chat i do oh okay all right um anyway so emily said and from our editing team i i
was looking over her shoulder um because that's not weird right you know when you work in a hallway and
just you know this chief vision officer just walks past and is just looking over your shoulder you have
to look at things yeah i have to how how can i be how can you have vision if you don't anyway i i
looked over her shoulder while she was she was working on it and it looked very funny and then i
think i think she actually uh i think she sent it to me for like my proper review i review intros
actually i've been reviewing all the video all with asterisk i've missed a couple but i've been
reviewing most of the videos in their entirety lately um the team nailed it whole team nailed it uh
it's really bad and it's great i'm excited yeah i i don't know i really like the secret shoppers i've
liked all of them but i don't know if i'm more excited about secret chopper or that we have
another musical piece from the company oh man i this might not be the one you were after
which means it's probably the one that i'm after yeah
i'm excited it should be good next topic yeah this is a headline emily says you don't want this one
that's perfect coming from coming from her okay that's perfect thanks then you got my back here
right that's exactly what i want though um oh speaking of samsung displays sorry i'm bringing
it back to those uh crack crackable displays remember the wall yeah okay remember how i wanted one
but then it was like a lot of money and then you talked me out of it oh no this is his this is what this
is what he says before he says that he's getting one just in case anyone is wondering why i reacted
that way can you chill am i wrong can you chill am i wrong how about you chill for a second can you
just let me finish yeah okay remember how i was really excited about them and then they were stupid
expensive with all these complications in the install i would need dedicated air conditioning for
that room just to handle the heat output yeah the whole thing right okay so then i ultimately didn't
get one because it was stupid didn't and that can you stop i'm trying to talk here okay i really feel
like on this show it's always you just going on and on and on i never get to get a word in it nope not
doing that okay that was an example of that thing okay the thing that i said was clearly the opposite
of what is reality okay so i was talking about this earlier on the show how people will hear me say
a thing like that and if i don't do the slash s they actually think that i think luke does all the
the talk no i know that's the whole point that's the joke anyway um okay so i wasn't going to get
one and then did i tell you that samsung was potentially um potentially willing to work with
us on one i don't i i don't know the exact details of the arrangement i i i wouldn't get into them now
i think i heard something about it but anyway um we're not and it doesn't matter it's i'm not blaming
anyone it just doesn't matter the point is uh we're not nothing's happening but i don't care
because i found something oh yeah did you know that tcl makes a 115 inch quantum dot mini led tv
no that is that is five five diagonal inches smaller than the freaking projector screen in my
theater room right now that's crazy that is flipping wild and get this remember how much is it remember
how hold just can you calm down for a second okay remember how the wall was hundreds of thousands of
dollars it's come down a lot it's a couple hundred grand now this tcl tv is 15k which is a freaking
ton of money for a tv but compared to the wall it's a lot less than i was expecting and it's non-modular
so you're not going to get any seams it dies all at once
i bought one of course it's china only so importing it is going to be an absolute cluster
bomb you can't say someone full plan should i said quit being so practical you can't say it's
it's a 15 000 tv yeah i can it's 115 inch tv at that okay i will defend my right to scoff at a
15 000 tv it's 115 inches though luke it is freaking projector size and it's less than one
tenth the cost of the wall i hate that it has the in the name any product with the in the name is
terrible although any product where you are not allowed to say the like iphone is also terrible
i should be allowed to use the word the however i want we need a we need a remember how everything
was one for a while there yeah we need the one we need a product that's just called the one
oh man uh the wall all in 146 inch is now uh but where's the price for this yeah 200 200 grand this
is less than one tenth the price i have no idea how you would mount something like this surely it can't
be a standard vase amount like i the thing weighs i think it weighs about 200 pounds oh yeah it's
almost exactly 15 000 canadian it's 80 000 uh chinese won yeah uh hold on let me let me see if i can get
the let me see if i can get the weight uh display where do you have uh do you have
tcl site up no um okay where oh man how do i even how do i even find this 4k 5000 nits train
can't even find it the the closest thing that comes up here is like we've got articles about it and then
yeah an air conditioner like they really they really do not want me to learn about this thing anyway the
point is um i want to make i want to make a video about it i want to know a couple of things i want
to know okay is the projector effectively dead because even that projection setup is about half
the price of this tv that is a five six thousand dollar projector on like a couple thousand dollar
screen so it's not like it's not like oh yeah this is a fifteen thousand dollar tv it's totally beyond
the realm like if you want a display that big you are spending a lot of money one one way or another
whether it's half the price though yeah it's a lot of savings it's half the price for a a sixth of
the brightness though like the my expectation still in terms at that range that's that's a lot i could
i i don't think projector is dead if that's the case no but remember too that tvs more than probably
anything else have moore's laud the crap out of everything else yeah what gets predictably
cheaper and bigger like a tv not much nothing it's actually been quite crazy to follow right so you
look back at you look back at the rise of ssds and hard drive manufacturers are going no it'll never
get there lore moore's law makes fools of us all i i know i if this thing is actually viable
like if it's sorry i want to i'm trying to find specs and i just ltt screwdriver add ltt screwdriver
nice i have one if this thing arrives in one piece looks good is somewhat reasonable to deploy in some
way man i know i i think the writing could be on the wall for projectors what are you looking at
i'm trying to figure out what's happening here yeah no it's 100 kilograms yes that is correct
oh i thought you were trying to look up what weight it is oh i i now that i i thought it was 200 pounds
and it is yes now that i have a number yes it's it's 200 pounds yeah so like with that vase amount
yeah i know right um how thin is it that's like over 200 pounds i i don't know i don't know that's not
like as thin as modern tvs which it kind of looks like it i don't know if it's quite as thin as some
of them but it looks quite thin overall i'm looking at this picture i mean that could be deceptive that
is quite far off the wall also i couldn't help noticing it is not wall mounted it is sitting on
a dedicated shelf dedicated fully dedicated oh boy this could be interesting because like if it weighs
that much and it's and it's i don't know how realistic this is dcl look at the people oh you
can't there you go it's also not 3d this is some very abstract marketing not non-literal marketing oh man
what is the 20 000 plus what is it 20 000 plus of dollars no no actually i i don't know by the time
we pay all the import fees yes but um no i don't think that's what that is i'm not sure 157 that
could be a dynamic contrast ratio or something like something yeah i could see that a plus plus i
know that it does something like 2 000 nits peak brightness though i thought i said five did i say
five no i don't think so i'm pretty sure it's like 2 000 nits peak brightness
20 000 mini leds oh well no it does say it does say 5 000 plus nits on there
am i blind where is it oh here it is yeah good gravy so this is 10 10 times the peak brightness
so i have a theory as to why this is china only and i think it's energy star i don't think there's
i don't think there's any reason that they couldn't ship this to north america or sell this in north
america or europe or whatever the case may be other than that i don't think they would be able
to so we we've seen a big one of the big limiters for tv brightness before the oled era where i mean
really it was about maintaining the the panels over the longer term one of the big limiters for tv
brightness was how much power they're allowed to draw and so i think that these these modular systems
like the wall might be able to get around it because each module doesn't exceed it it's also
classified as a commercial display now that i think about it the wall is on samsung commercial
which might be how they get around the energy requirements but this is clearly a consumer
electronics product and what i suspect is that it draws way i mean 5 000 even if you just had a light
and it wasn't a tv and it did anywhere near 5 000 nits on any part of it and it was that big
it would consume an inordinate amount of power
no 240 watts is definitely not the power consumption of the tv it is going to be top gear 1224 it's
definitely not 600 watts either this thing is going to be an absolute monster for power consumption i mean
we had um uh we we were i think just the audio is 240 watts i think yeah people are confused because
it says it has a total output power of so right here it has a total power output of 240 watts including
240 watt subwoofers but if you read the the pre-sentences the audio department is represented by
this sound system it's just around it's just talking about the audio it's not talking about the tv as a
whole that is wild no i don't think they're going to talk about power consumption i couldn't find any
reference to it anywhere yeah because i don't think they want to talk about it i don't think that's a
i don't think that's a ksp as they call them in the biz um like we we just did a video we shot the next
compensator that's that's luke's brainchild yeah i saw it did you see it do you like it i walked past
it i was like i immediately know what this is and yeah it's great yeah it's yeah i appreciate it weighs
almost as much as this tv yeah it's really heavy all combined it is like close um anyway the monitor
is not nearly this big i think it's 49 or 55 inches or something like that and that monitor draws 250
watts this thing is four times the size at least and probably brighter and yeah it's ridiculous i think
it does high refresh rate like it says somewhere i think it's 144 or something let me try to find it
again 144 hertz oh man now i want one i know right i know uh you guys are killing me i shouldn't
have spent all that time painting my wall could i just put a tv on yeah right anyway i uh
it's kind of like the transparent tv for me this is just kind of unique tech that is not going to make
its way into the western world it won't be covered by western media other than to just be like yeah
this is a thing that exists and we will put it through the paces i i am i am very excited to try
it out i've just i've never seen anything like it i had no idea it existed and i um and as an alternative
to something like the wall it i mean one-tenth the price it's smaller but it's one-tenth the price
them are some feet
them them are some big feet hopefully you're not stuck with those they literally put them on mountains
just to i don't even know if they're like their scale considering the other images on here i don't
even know if they're real
but that's a that's a big foot say that much apparently the specs say 600 watts average so
that was correct i i i will be very surprised 600 watts average yeah what does that even mean yeah
are they averaging when it's like basically off and when it's you know full hdr right so yeah it's not
gonna be it's not gonna be full white all the time though right i mean but i don't know depends
you're gonna need to be able to support that yeah what if a flashbang goes off yeah exactly yeah
power spikes what if you're playing counter-strike 2 on your new 144 hertz insanely huge monitor what
if i did what are you gonna do about it yeah yeah boom yeah got him yeah more like got him
sorry speaking of god this came across my news feed and i was like what operation zero
a russia-based company that sells zero-day exploits is offering to pay researchers up to 20 million
for hacking tools that would allow its customers to hack iphones and android devices previously it was
offering only 200 000 for exploits for those platforms according to the operation zero twitter
account the increased payout is in response to high market demand but it is also likely a reflection of
the difficulty of hacking ios and android devices when we're talking about the kind of hack that
would be worth 20 million dollars we're talking something that would require no user intervention
and would be completely transparent to the user so um at the end of their announcement operation zero
specifies as always the end user is a non-nato country so these these are governments that are seeking
these tools not individuals on their official website they state our clients are russian private and
government organizations only okay apparently some private ones when asked why their ceo responded no
reasons other than obvious ones can i just say that that is just about the most russian response to
anything yeah kind of i wonder um hmm i didn't actually read the bit about uh it's for the russians or
whatever part of me had like this weird somewhat dubious theory that somebody had a zero day and wanted a lot of
money for it so they were like let's put out a bounty to try to get more money from some bounty program
that like apple actually has hmm i don't know because uh those bounty programs do exist and i know that
the market for bringing them to guys like this though the market price lucrative it's much more lucrative
because they they these guys know that they have to bid against apple and google's own bounty programs
our discussion question here is pretty much does the price increase indicate good things about the state
of android and apple security yeah it kind of seems that way i mean
obviously i think that the paranoid among us the the justifiably paranoid among us do tend to treat
our phones like they're pretty much always listening and pretty much always watching but
is it possible that that is not as much the case anymore
like you're not going to spend 20 million dollars on an exploit to spy on you no offense
you might be putting out a broad spy program so i wonder you might get caught in the crossfire i don't
know i don't know that you could jump to saying that that's potentially not the case anymore uh because
yeah i think i think bradyboy26 info plan chat is on to what i'm saying or going to be saying um which
is that type of data collection it might just not be available to these people
so they still need their own access to whatever it might be grabbing sure that makes sense um
and our other discussion question is what does it mean that the primary clients for these kinds of
services are governments ah i mean i guess i think the answers to that are only the obvious ones i guess
it means that google and apple are not cooperating
too much because they definitely cooperate a little at least not with the ones that are trying
to buy this yeah that's fair enough they could be cooperating plenty with the others
uh which makes them kind of the arbiters of who should have this information this whole this
whole topic makes me extremely uncomfortable which is why i brought it up um i just i gotta be honest
with you i didn't really and maybe this is just naivety i i didn't really think that zero day
no user intervention i remotely accessed your phone and i have control over it at this point i didn't
think it was very common today i don't think it is i think that's all the reason why it's worth so
much fair enough speaking of being worth so much reddit karma for cash anyone yeah karma for cash reddit
has announced that users will be able to earn money based on the amount of karma and gold they receive
on eligible posts i.e posts that don't include content that is sexually explicit or related to violence
drugs firearms gambling scams or donations to charity unlike twitter's contribution monetization
scheme the new reddit contributor program will not require redditors to be subscribed to a paid
membership however they will have to be a u.s resident over the age of 18 with an account in good
standing the program will also involve a phase out of the current reddit gold feature which will be
replaced with uh by one where users buy gold and then hold the upvote button for additional time
in order to give that post a golden upvote wow interesting that's horrible what hate the user
experience of that that sounds really dumb moving on uh the uh reddit phased out reddit coins earlier
this month and when asked why they didn't transfer the coins to be used in the new system a spokesperson
responded that the existence of both paid and free coins made it complicated to do so so they decided
to start over completely does that mean that everyone with paid stuff just lost it no no the everyone
with free coins lost it oh okay in other news reddit will also no longer be allowing users to opt out of
having their reddit activity used for personalizing ads except in select countries which are not yet
specified and they do this stuff knowing that no one will ever leave uh because if they were going to
leave they had a big reason to recently uh and didn't i added that bit that wasn't in the doc yeah so reddit
hates us or at least they like money yeah i mean those two things aren't mutually exclusive
this is cool though this is actually quite cool like seriously i think i i think this was either
on the subreddit or the forum or somewhere but someone was joking we bullied mark zuckerberg so much
about the first metaverse that he made something good like the whole of everyone did to be completely
honest um and it kind of deserved it but it doesn't anymore because holy crap that's actually
amazing yeah this is so it's really so what you guys are looking at is um chief meta mark zuckerberg
the scan that is being created in real time of his face and the avatar the reconstruction of his face based
on this scan and in motion it's pretty impressive i don't think that scan is real time i would fact
check that quickly oh hold on i believe they went to a special thing and had the laser scan done and
then the mask is simply updating the model using a lower quality oh sorry you know what yeah no i think
you're right i should have actually uh i should have actually bothered to to read the uh the notes on
it sorry not real time not real time but the real time mapping of it is really cool um either way once
you're sitting there talking and stuff yes yeah so it's not the actual scan in real time some people
are saying it was or handyman is saying it was connected to a pc running a 4090 sure but that doesn't
that wouldn't change anything about the fact that it is super cool yeah like i if you told me hey that's
just kind of a low res video of mark zuckerberg and i wasn't looking that closely at it
i'd be i'd be i'd be pretty impressed yeah the eyes are kind of dead but i mean it's mark zuckerberg
yeah maybe it's good maybe it's accurate yeah so there's a interview uh between mark zuckerberg and
lex friedman um i've got it up on my computer right now but uh to not do a reaction video you should
probably go watch it yourself um but i i'm not listening to it i'm just kind of skipping through
it right now looking at different video segments and it's pretty crazy yeah here i'll i'll give you
guys at least a you guys should go watch this wow wait i i actually can't tell
is that cooler mark mark looks somewhat recreated but jump to 7 42
is that recreated lex yep whoa
wow so yeah you guys gotta go watch this wow lex's was more convincing in my opinion
wow that's pretty wild i heard a lot of people saying that mark zuckerberg looks more real now
oh my god all right i've dumped this into all the various chats that's very impressive yeah it's
it's really cool uh and there's people there's people in the chat saying you know this is just
you know whatever mapping and it's been around forever and it's like yeah yeah yeah yeah right
right right but but here it is really working really being used being used for like video chat
um and the major benefit of this is that apparently it is way way more efficient to transfer the scan
one time and then just transfer the metadata that's required so when you're like connecting to the call
it does a download compared to actually streaming video totally makes sense yeah because honestly super
cool the biggest issue with remote work i think is the loss of body language it's in meetings and
situations it's animojis but not complete yeah did those kind of die or are those still a thing
like the animojis are i don't know were those cool for 10 minutes or were they are they still cool
let us know in the chat yeah you need to elijah elijah you're a zoomer are our animojis still a thing
oh no he's an android android loser wow i forgot i forgot yeah exactly right i keep seeing these numbers
out of the states he's not a zoomer he's a fumer 85 i don't know he needs to fill his tank um
i keep seeing these numbers like 85 of us teens have iphones i'm sitting here going really why yeah
i don't know status symbol it's those green bubbles it's not a status symbol you can get an iphone for
like 60 dollars on ebay you can get that blue bubble or whatever color the blue is the good color right
i don't know green blue yeah like i don't i think blues i don't know i actually don't get it
i don't know uh what did elijah say hey we're full buddies yeah well we were man until i mine spilled
in the drink mine spilled in the drink yeah really you said you said a luke sentence it's not a status
symbol i'm sorry it's just not it's a consumer electronics device i think luke and i were talking
about this earlier oh what were you guys saying i'd love to hear it i don't think it was earlier
today um but yeah it's just confusing i don't get it doesn't make any sense to me i don't understand
how it's a status symbol i just it's a phone it's the funny thing is like we complain about
how expensive apple phones are they're not even the most expensive phones yeah
and like i'm not saying we shouldn't complain about it i think you should use it as like a reverse
filter like if someone filters you out because you don't have an iphone good
you probably don't want to be with them they sound dumb luke with the hot f***ing takes wow okay
so he's talking about they just helped you dodge a bullet yeah apparently it's a thing like if you have
dating if you're yeah if you're pictured with an android device in your dating profile
people will just you get less swipe you whichever is the bad direction but maybe you just got higher
quality ones fewer quantity higher quality so what you're saying is if you want more tinder matches
you get like five or six iphones you just cover yourself you make a shirt them out and just fan
yourself with with iphones it's like peacocking but with iphones exactly yeah that is now
is now is now the play but like what a stupid thing to be like i can't date this person they
have an android like that's actually just dumb okay i mean and like let's flip it around if you're
an android person you're like i can't date that person they have an iphone that's dumb well how
would you communicate with them if they don't have i message
some people actually think this way luke email it's just dumb it's dumb
i i i know people in my actual real life that use yahoo for their email
that's pretty dumb i'm not gonna not engage with them i'm gonna tell them that that's weird and they
should probably stop i mean that's not as bad as having your isp email account that is worse that is
objectively worse yeah ah hmm would i filter based on that maybe oh i'm wondering now if i was on the
dating scene and someone emailed me yeah my email is like uh you know cat lover one two three five
at i might actually be like yikes i'm not i'm wondering now i'm not 100 certain but i think
maybe tell us dot net i feel like if it was that if i didn't just swipe no if i was swiping i feel
like i one of the first topics of conversation would be that and i would like need us to hit a resolution
like no you need to update that like that's actually okay fine fine is there an email domain
that you would prefer so let's let's say is your baseline okay and at is sort of
your your your negative 10. okay what's your what's your what's your plus five what's your plus 10 domain
i don't know hit me i want to know where you'd rank hotmail i'd hotmail's fine because it's just
outlook now it just means you've had your email for a long time okay protonmail
i don't rank it i don't think that would be better yeah i'm thinking i'm thinking
depends so is this are we specifically talking about dating yeah we're specifically talking about
dating don't look at chat i want your honest i want i think protonmail is low it's low okay
where it feels like you're trying to hide something okay give me a number give me a number it's
definitely above isp yeah okay give me come on give me i don't know how do i how do i what it
wait sorry what is the scale how do i number this okay minus 10 is at okay zero is at
okay uh like minus four minus four you don't you don't want to see that proton there's there's
there's a weird level of anonymity i've got more i've got more for you so uh okay um at their name
dot com i think that's cool but it depends on the reason and why and i would legitimately look at it
i would go to the domain but there's nothing on the domain they just bought it because they wanted
their email to be i think that's cool okay i think i think this one's fairly variable though
uh because like give me a range i i think it's anywhere from remember this is dating yeah yeah
yeah i think it's anywhere from like plus so okay so it's it's a 20 point scale negative 10 positive 10
yeah i think that's anywhere from like depends what it's used for plus two to like plus eight plus eight
okay um at post-secondary institution dot edu or whatever no really yeah so you're not into the
whole like um you know i i'm a graduate i know i know people that do this too so i this is about to
get spicy i'm gonna get called out i think it depends because some of them you lose access to when
you leave it and some of them you gain you you have access to it forever the ones i'm aware of are
lifetime access like i know sf you does i know some that are not lifetime really oh okay i didn't
know that so i think it somewhat depends um i'm pretty neutral on that one
i think i'm gonna say minus one really yeah i thought that was gonna be like a good no no no no
no i just changed my mind on it not because your reaction i'm gonna say plus two it's still low i'm
still pretty neutral so it's better than i think so i think so the dot edu i think so ah
because i was thinking like you're just kind of giving all your data to this school and then i was
like yeah but you are with gmail and yeah sure of course you are so like which one's better and
probably this one by a little bit but i don't really care so yeah let's say plus two honestly
for me if i was gonna go i'm kind of all over this one um i would say if it's gonna be in the
negative range it would be if it might be an indicator to me that you're the kind of person
who looks down i feel like it's i feel like it would be worse if it was from a particularly
prestigious school really yeah okay so the fact that you feel like you have to lead with yes that
i have this domain yeah to you is kind of it could have a pompous sort of vibe yes which would be bad
but i feel like if it was someone where like you you suddenly have to use this email
shaw or something i i don't know that one might even weird because it's like
i think this one's like quite the range too i think um but yeah if it seems like it was out of
like utility if you're like i had to use this for school anyways and i was just using it and i just
like whatever if that's the vibe i get out of it then cool whatever sounds good okay at
i don't know enough about i don't think i care zero i think i consider that same as like gmail
really okay okay yeah interesting elijah says lmao check your email privilege by the way um i think
just in response to what i was saying about like the the the uh hoity-toity elitist domains um let me
just see if there's any other fun ones okay just what about if it's just like a completely ridiculous one
so they've obviously set up a custom domain for their email it's not particularly short it's not
a time saver it's just i think it again it just strongly depends and i think this one probably out
of all of them could be quite the range uh because if it's like humorous in a in a good way i think it
could rank pretty highly but if it's just like stupid like i i used to have an email at uh what was it
it's like not sharing my dot info or something and if they gave me that email as their contact i'd be
like okay that's a negative what if they bought what if they bought themselves like an at triple x domain
or something like that it depends is it is it humorous like lol dot triple x or you know whatever
like just something stupid that could be funny i think that yeah okay so you know it yeah it depends a
bit all right okay okay ah this was a fun game i enjoyed it um do you were there any that you
notably disagree about people saying you need to rank aol yeah that's low yeah yeah i didn't even
give them aol i don't know where that one was gonna fall yeah um i don't i don't i honestly don't
know it's hard for me to talk about dating because it's been a thousand years since i've dated me too
and i never but i never even dated online at all i never tried it i basically didn't
okay basically didn't is really different no i totally did i take that back i literally forgot
i did okay so i hated it i haven't i haven't touched it i have it sucks i have no idea my first
impressions of at plus 10 yeah okay plus 10 my my my um okay i didn't include any corporate
ones that's totally yeah yeah anyway and the corporate one really depends as well they're all
they're all there's a huge range yeah my uh my my first impressions of people that i dated were like
seeing them in class or at camp like it's like it's it's just a completely different
paradigm like i can't even email is a funny one too because like no one gives you their email
i mean okay there's a there's another thing guys let us know in the comments like would you
yeah would you would you rank someone up or down based purely on the fact that they provided you
email as a contact method i think email's bad like i'm pretty sure email is like boomer now i think so
you are you are correct yeah like you get you get somebody's email when you didn't married to them
yeah for for maybe like two years like i uh i i i love email because i don't have to deal with it
right away you're out of touch nobody emails that's what we're saying that come on no it's the most
professional form of communication you got instant messaging where you know you have casual chats you
have text messages which is like i need your attention right now this is important then you have email
which is like i'm going to send you banking details i hate text i hate that people still
use text because nobody texted me for like years and then we set up all of our uh notification stuff
for floatplane through text messages so when there's like oh this thing is something's going
on with this server or whatever we get texted about it so i get texted all the time with automated
messages that i usually don't actually really need to see and then a few people started texting me
again and i'm like why are we doing this stop stop it i think i've texted you lately
no i don't think oh no i mostly message you on discord yeah yeah which is fine people are like
yeah i only email with my girlfriend when forwarding shipping notifications like i mean the only reason
i email yvonne is to coordinate kid stuff or work stuff like it's not like we would normally email but
we do email a lot because we work together um but for me email is just the most reliable way to get in
touch with me so i i realize that i'm probably going full okay boomer when i'm coordinating with
another uh you know content creator through dms or something somewhere and i'm like hey yeah i would i
would love to talk about this further send me an email here's my email address because otherwise i
know that i'm not reliable enough and when it's email i can copy in someone from the team who can
take care of them and when it's not email it's going to just go into a black hole there's no hope for it
so i might as well just not even bother replying he said it he confirms the boomer oh what is it now
so i used to use something called pigeon do you know what pigeon is do you know what pigeon is
uh no no i don't it's a bird so it's not a plane that's why i like it no um it's definitely not
superman oh sorry dan oh oh pigeon i am uh so i used to use this many years ago um does it work on
windows i remember it existing wait isn't it like a multi-client thing yeah uh it is okay
and i decided to check out because i was like i wish pigeon supported more stuff and then i was
like maybe i should check i checked plugins and whoa what's up whoa does it support whatsapp
wow it supports like dating apps and facebook battle i saw it here for a second steam whatsapp
there it is it supports protocol so much stuff as i recall i did try this this isn't all hold on
some of these are like mods i did try this and it was inconvenient or unreliable for some reason
okay yeah yeah yeah i haven't used it in forever but back in the like msn messenger uh
whatever all the other ones were back then trillion was king yeah so you had aim msn and what was the
other thing try icq i think was the three that made it trillion uh don't don't quote me on that i could be
wrong does trillion still exist surely not shut up
this looks like acquired and rebranded or something there's no way this is the original trillion
health care specifically targeting health care so they probably have like yeah hipaa compliant they
probably have data silo stuff oh they pivoted yeah they went to hipaa that's interesting that's very
smart actually yeah interesting unless they screwed up then it's very lawsuit was that image loading
like is the 90s did that just happen did i see that and did you see that dad i think that they're
doing a throwback what what happened intentionally though so this image on the right hand side here
only the like top small percentage of it loaded right away and then it's slowly chunked in what is
it says truly truly and dot im like okay what just happened but a lot slower and chunkier what did
you click on you clicked on shift f5 is what i'm for health care what can you do simple instance
persistent game chat uh yeah their site is really not game chat compatible with dozens of open gl and
direct 3d applications oh boy um all right well anyway it used to be it used to be kind of a thing um
cool it's a png that image is a png and i just want to see how big it is it's not very big
hmm but a png on a website in current year
oh okay well what are we doing uh trillion okay it was able to connect yes i was right it was able to
connect aim icq and msn messenger simultaneously in one window that was november 29th year 2000
wow what's the new one that does that beeper i don't know okay no sorry what what topic were
we on i don't know does it matter it's the wan show that what topic what are topics oh yeah fair
enough uh there's a potential ps5 jailbreak uh playstation hacker andy newin otherwise known as
the flow recently posted on twitter spoiler alert don't update likely a warning not to update to the
newest firmware for ps4 and ps5 according to the flow he recently reported some very cool bugs
probably via sony's hacker one bug bounty program which will likely take time for sony to fix this
would also mean that the flow currently cannot disclose what those vulnerabilities are until sony
makes a patch available but many are hoping for a kernel level jailbreak however no longer updating
the console's firmware would also mean no longer accessing the playstation network game patches and
online games discussion question is foregoing psn game patches and online games worth it for a
jailbreakable playstation console and i think we all know the answer to that for a lot of people
yeah i mean particularly for the ps4 that game library is
basically established at this point and they would love to they would love to play on a jailbroken
console all right now we can either move on to wan show after dark or you can do your weekend ai thing
do i do it it's going to take forever and we're not going to be able to play as much super checks
it's our hockey game that we play after when i mean we we are i thought we got it out of your system
earlier what ai yeah oh yeah we talked about it pre-show oh my god we haven't talked about google
podcast yet either yeah full point chat saying ai okay well let me do the google podcast real quick
yeah after eight years google podcast will be discontinued next year
topic over yeah that sucks i guess if you're into podcasts and a lot of people seem to be very upset
about it i use google podcast oh really yeah i legitimately don't want to use anything else and
this sucks all right you heard it here first it came on my phone a podcast app does not need to
be elaborate let me download the thing i guess there wasn't enough money in it sorry yeah because
i don't think there was any right you're gonna add that to float plane no go away
we don't need we are not doing dan led development yeah i will not keep everybody employed
it's not happening welcome to asking about features by the way no and i'm mad about it
i know what we need to do and we're doing it it's okay we're gonna be fine anyways ai stuff um open
released a open ai released an update for chat gpt that allows it to in quote see hear and speak users
can now hold entirely spoken conversations with the bot use images in prompts and have it generate
images using the also recently released dial e3 which closes the gap between it and mid journey um
if you want to open up the article on your screen and share screen i'll just keep plowing through the
talking uh the one that i want you to try to find is the bike repair demo um ai oh sorry at meta
what at meta connect oh they're the name of the event is meta connect got it at meta connect on
wednesday meta announced its meta ai digital assistant with multimodal capabilities thanks
to meta's new lightweight image generator emu which also produced some fairly impressive sample images
whatsapp messenger and instagram users will be able to invoke meta ai inside of chats to help plan
things or push their friends out of their comfort zones oh boy um meta ai is also only the default
assistant meta announced a lineup of ai characters with diverse special specialties bearing the likeness
of celebrity personalities like snoop dog as the dungeon master he does text-based rpg stuff and mr beast as
the funny man the funny man users who are uh who are part of the beta rollout can message these
characters through their social media profiles on instagram facebook and whatsapp okay you don't sound
that excited about this i just the funny man is like the worst name i like feel bad for mr beast he's just
referred to as the funny man it's kind of funny yeah but like i don't know like i feel like if you call
the comedian the funny man it wouldn't be a positive thing because they'd be like i'd rather people know
who my what my name is like not like a vague not super positive version of what their job i don't know
anyways um zuck explained at connect that these characters are a proof of concept for meta's new
ai studio a service that will allow creators and brands to build ais to represent themselves that'll
make a lot of money in certain circles uh meta ai will be integrated into the newly announced second
gen ray-ban meta uh smart glasses first gen was ray-ban stories giving wares the ability to prompt it
with their voice and images from the built-in 12 megapixel camera so you can ask it to do things
like identify monuments and translate signs it also supports live streaming to facebook and instagram
those are actually crazy have you seen those no so the glasses that you wear that look pretty normal
from the images that i saw but i didn't get to see like back here where they tend to stuff a lot
of the batteries and stuff but you can just be looking at something and be like what is this
and it will tell you that's pretty cool which is pretty cool uh hold on a second i've got that uh
bike repair demo for you yeah i assume this is the one it's got 40 000 upvotes it's from uh open ai
yep if help me hold on if there's some is this just youtube oh it's help me lower my bike seat
mm-hmm mm-hmm mm-hmm mm-hmm mm-hmm
so it gives some instructions and it says if you have tools uh let me see them and stuff like that
so they take a picture of this part and they're like is this what you're talking about more or less
is this the lever and they're like nope it's not a lever it's a bolt wow you'll need an allen wrench and
then they attach uh a picture of the manual for their allen wrench kit and a picture of their allen
wrench set and it tells them which one out of the set okay who would ever do that though yeah but
it's functionality yeah i guess so you gotta you gotta take steps in the right direction
i don't know if they would include the manual the manual might be a bit of a cheat but yeah yeah
but yeah pretty interesting yeah that's pretty cool um i don't know if we have a link in here but
the um the second gen ray band meta smart glasses oh my goodness i hope that's not the official name
um those those look pretty wild as well um yeah jayden post in flow plane chat a new mass data
collection scheme just dropped yeah absolutely um it's gonna be rough uh ethical images getty
images has now announced their own ai art generator built by nvidia and reportedly trained entirely on
getty's own library of licensed images this is kind of cool getty has previously sued ai art generators
for using its copyrighted images in their training data getty also says that the images generated in
this manner will not be added to its existing library what are they for then
that's the weirdest response no they're for they're for generating ai art but they're not going to
take their generated stuff and put it into their library you just use it to generate stuff got it
yeah okay so you're not you're not copying photocopying photocopies so they're not generating these
for their own use and sale you can use it okay yeah i love this one most this is my favorite i actually
did want to talk about this the internet is melting twitter user uh tyler glale sure close enough uh
recently discovered that google search was highlighting an answer sourced from quora
that claimed that eggs can be melted uh quora itself claimed that the information was taken from chat gpt
however quora actually sourced this information uh from an outdated gpt3 api
i love this so much ai is feeding off of ai generated or like uh training data like training
data being built from from training data that was built from training data we are going to end up with
some wild stuff we've been talking about this for a while right like it's yeah it's gonna be rough um
ai intelligence the cia is preparing to launch an ai tool intended for all u.s intelligence agencies
according to the cia the ai would be able to sort through the huge amount of information collected by
u.s intelligence with links back to the original source of the information all right there was a demo that
i showed dan uh someone on twitter who took a screenshot from some sas websites dashboard like
software as a service yeah okay um and fed that into chat gpt and asked it for the code and it spat
out a bunch of code and they shoved it into an ide and just ran it and it worked and it gave them a
a sas website the thing that in the what uh like the dashboard for a sat like you know your your
selections on the left hand side some some charts and dashboards and things that you'd expect all
that kind of stuff the part that isn't as cool and you could tell mr twitter user um that they wanted
a lot of views and a lot of clicks on this because they didn't exactly try to use it right because no
part of it's actually going to be functional yeah uh there's a bunch of buttons there's a lot of
charts those charts aren't going to be fed by any actual data all of it's just going to be hard
code back end is the hard part not necessarily well okay there's complicated things in front
end too and what i'm saying is that none of those were done sure no no no actual it's it's just like
there's a static chart that we made i just mean i could ask literally anyone in the editing den to
put together a quote unquote you know software as a service dashboard and if they haven't actually
done any of the coding for the front end and they haven't actually done any of the like
populating it with any data that anyone would actually want to use of the back end then they
haven't really built a software as a service platform have they uh yeah no it's it's definitely
yeah it's but my point was they didn't even try to like interact with it in any way shape or form at all
um oh someone linked the meta smart glasses in the in the chat we can have a look at these
i've heard of v0 it's cool
so how like yeah how like thick are they yeah can i just get a clean picture it feels like they're
trying to obfuscate it because i couldn't tell when i was trying to look earlier yeah they're a little
bit they're a little bit thick but they're i mean it doesn't look too bad yeah not bad this is the
cleanest picture we have of it uh okay but it hides the back yeah no i i don't think there is
a back this is thick enough that it's probably got some batteries and stuff in it power switch right
there yeah okay uh hello oh why are websites so terrible these days does it so it has a capture
button if you're capturing things does it indicate to people that aren't you yeah i think it has a light
yeah pretty cool i don't know if i need to try this i don't know man maybe i am getting old
because i just don't think i care about that
like i i'm gonna i like i i theoretically talked about it for a long time when it can identify people
for me and like remind me like pro actually proactively remind me of like you know hey
you haven't asked about their kids in a while you know whatever right then yeah i could see it being
very useful but honestly we are so far away from that i just don't really feel like i need to engage
with these not really that functional prototypes at this point and i don't know maybe i'm just
being a fuddy-duddy about it but you know we're still at the point where
if you have more than one james in your address book it's hard to call james with your voice like i just
you're making a face that i am really struggling to interpret i don't know if i want to show it on
stream uh well too late now what no i didn't do it okay
i don't know i don't know why would you click that what were you expecting to happen
i was trying to see if i needed to ban them but i was like it's handyman so i feel like it's not
going to be a bannable thing but it looks like a bannable thing look that's a work laptop if i
didn't know who this person was if i didn't recognize this person from chat i was i would
have just banned them right but i recognize this person in chat i've interacted directly with this
person quite a few times so i was like okay well i'm gonna check first and then it was glorious
i don't know and we're about to gloriously switch over into wan show after dark i think
oh man
thanks dan always a professional
that's a transition he doesn't actually walk in front of the camera it's just a transition he
plays back it's a transparency we recorded dan walking in front of the lens on the green screen
i don't know if you guys could hear him but he said star wipe as he walked back
really low budget dan you are a star you just say the name of the transition
oh i just assumed you meant that you're the star and you're the white oh yeah maybe more white than
star okay where are we where are we why is there a wanshow after dark square on wanshow bingo that's
that's that's cheating that's not it's always wanshow after dark yeah unless that's in the
the entire wanshow is just wanshow after dark depending on how much sleep i've had
oh my goodness anyways all right let's hop into it yeah hi lld i'm looking at downsizing my pc
setup and the cleanest setup video from a few years ago has piqued my interest how viable do you believe
that setup is today any shortcomings um okay we've done cleanest setup a couple times so it would be
nice to know exactly which one you're talking about um okay so here we go yeah basically homeless has
made it so that we can never actually win this again so that's frustrating but anyway let's move on
um we're still going to do really clean setups they just won't be like this this is this this one is
very cool but not necessarily that practical um if okay if you mean this one so in the oh i think
there's a difference between clean and like non-existent not to not to diminish what they
did that was actually one of the most like incredible things i've seen in a long time
okay you must mean this one so we embedded the cables into the desk and then we routed the cables
down the leg of the desk to a tower that was just sitting next to it um i don't remember if
we put a wireless charger in for the mouse no we didn't that was one of the upgrades we made for this
one uh where we the wireless chargers are embedded in the desk uh this one only had the chi charger
embedded um and then with both of them the monitor cable comes right down yes really hard to put my mouse
over this and not have it anyway the monitor cable comes down into the desk and then is like routed
down to the computer which is which is at the side um totally viable i mean the only drawback is if you
ever need to change out a cable it's a pain in the butt as for this one uh where's where's the other
one ah project zero cables the cleanest desk setup ever uh this one uses a thunderbolt e gpu thing and it
has kind of like a laptop embedded in it i uh i would say that thunderbolt 3 slash thunderbolt 4
with their bandwidth limitations have kind of reached the end of their useful life for external gpu setups
these days but thunderbolt 5 looks very promising it doubles or depending on the usage it's not really
100 clear to me right now i doubles or triples the available bandwidth which intel says should make
it much better for e gpu and i'm really excited about that because if we're not bottlenecked by you
know lesser mobile gpu setups and we have a proper high speed link to it mobile cpus have gotten freaking
fast like so close for non all core loads like games so close to their desktop counterparts that um no i
think it could be very viable what do you foresee to be the biggest challenge tech or otherwise that
uh you foresee the youth today having to deal with or comes to terms with oh privacy privacy they have
none um every everything they've ever said is documented somewhere and that's going to come
back and and and bite them there's things that i'm gladder in my past i mean fewer for me than most
because i'm so documented i don't know if this is the parents or the kids but i've kind of noticed like
a decent amount of them seem to be avoiding that fairly well a lot of them also just super don't i
think that this might be one of your little kind of sheltered things totally could be like the mainstream
parents a lot a lot of them are just post everything yeah i don't know man all right then
well that sucks hey dll i work in the 12 volt industry of car stereos remote starts that kind
of thing luke have you looked at aftermarket options to get new features like android auto on your older
car not extensively i know some fairly anecdotal evidence that people have had a hard time with that
i know someone who uh put android auto into the same model of uh acura that i have and had so many
problems with it that they ended up ripping it out um so based off of very weak anecdotal evidence that i
have from other people i haven't bothered um that is the only thing yeah someone in philip chat they all
suck it's like yeah i don't know um that is the only thing i'm interested in though we have a video coming
on that um yeah ploof basically um wants to take his he has like the same civic that i had his like 2003
super civic and he wants to modernize it and normally we don't really like do projects like that um but i was
like i am super curious to know the answer to this and i consider the amount of extra work that i know
you're going to do on this outside of ours to be more than worth what it costs us to like
buy like a stupid android like head unit or something like that so sure let's do this as an
experiment um yeah go go for it uh let's let's do it up let's let's modernize a 2003 honda civic i'm
kind of excited about it because it'll either be like just a complete show or it'll be really awesome
and people learn a lot has linus's workload decreased since stepping down it sounds like
he has a lot less obligations overall thank you for the years of content what do you think luke no
not at all
hi ldl it's like hold on i'll give it i'll give it oh my god do you know that meme where the the
person's trying to fit blocks into a thing that yeah and they're like uh usually it's like some new
game or something on one block and they're like how do i make this fit you see them taking out the
sleep block to put that's a shen comic something like that yeah it's just how do i make this work
take out some duties input more new ones like you didn't no workload was lost i would even question
i think at certain points over the last little bit it's been higher than it was before now the new
things are fun so they can take up even more space i don't necessarily know if that's the case i'm
exhausted guys um it's been more work than before um a lot of what i've been doing is uh like i have a
boss now i guess is probably the best way i could put it so i've always had a boss that was fun there
was wasn't it literally tuesday there was a meeting where he was like i need this thing and you're like
when am i supposed to do it he's like well i need it by this day and you were like okay
i was like whoa i mean the thing is like it's a weird dynamic right because
i pay him so what am i gonna do pay him to tell me stuff and like not listen to him what's the
point of that yeah how am i getting how am i getting my money's worth like do you see what i
mean this like super weird power dynamic it's like well i'm pretty much throwing away throwing away
the money of him being employed here if i don't listen to him so i guess all right yes sir
yeah and i mean there's some stuff that i've taken on for myself like i um somewhat
note notoriously did not review our videos or watch them for many years ever yeah i don't think i ever
watched our videos um and which is why like a lot of them would have like blatant especially in the early
days they'd be like missing audio for stuff like that because i just hadn't looked at the footage
at all i've just uploaded raw right of the camera um and lately i've been watching almost every video
and providing detailed feedback on almost every video because it's not that i don't know how to
review a video it's just that i find it to be um i find it does not hold my attention very well as a as a
task and i find i have found over the years that the better use of my time has been to be working on
the next video and that's just a a mentality shift that as an organization we've been undergoing here
and i have had to kind of i mean i'm not ceo but i still have to put on my leadership pants and and and
try to set a good example um for so so i have been i've been reviewing every video i've also been
trying to convert um a lot of those video reviews into sops uh standard operating procedures that can
be used to make our videos better in the longer term so like here's an an example of something from
a recent one i i have like a doc that i put um it's called process improvements for pre slash post
slash production um so here's one that i wrote um that i called visual intent um
uh this example oh here there's a better look uh this example is a dense wall of text that adds
very little to what the host is saying nothing is highlighted making it hard to parse so it's not
a type one it adds very little to what the host is saying so it's not type two and it's definitely
not entertaining which rules out type three it also lingers unnecessarily and what i'm doing here
is i am defining uh how our how our visual guidance uh should uh or the purpose our visual guidance
should serve it should be reinforcing supplemental or entertaining and we have to make sure that we're
editing with intent slash purpose rather than just throwing a visual onto the frame for the point for
for the purpose of having a visual and so things like this i think are
in the long term going to make a big difference but in the meantime are a ton of work um a ton of work
for me so yeah no i'm really i'm really tired um yeah so that's probably not the answer that you really
wanted but i mean you know what it's one of those things though where uh people people see what they
want to see right uh you know we've talked about all the comments from people whether it's after
these are so much better now now that linus has so much energy because he has a new ceo or these
videos are so much better now after the production break it's so different um you know that's that's
not necessarily the case you know some of the some of the ones post-production break i haven't
reviewed and that doesn't mean that they're worse it just means that i didn't review them and i'm
not like creating processes out of them um so if you guys you know want to see that you know linus
has help on the executive side and he's so much happier making videos then yeah you go ahead and
see that that if that makes you enjoy the videos more then i don't want to contradict it but you
know no i'm tired it turns out that my job is a job there was a while there when it was pretty
common that linus and i would play games after work and now that like doesn't happen because every
time i reach out to him he's like i'm working yeah my my day yesterday uh started with calls and then
was an all-day amd ultimate tech upgrade shoot and or maybe i'm getting my days confused because
the days have grown very confusing no this was wednesday it started with calls then i had an
all-day amd ultimate upgrade shoot then i drove to the office to shoot the iphone 15 pro and pro max
short circuit and then i got home around 10 30 or 11 and then yesterday was
oh man i'm gonna struggle to remember what happened yesterday uh no wait yes oh my gosh i don't even know
what happened yesterday uh yesterday
oh yeah yeah yeah yeah oh oh we shot a sequel to the uh tech tech shop we went we went through the
stuff uh jordan you guys have seen him but he hasn't really said much on camera he uh he helped me with
the all team you gaming setup um so he co-hosts for the first time as like a like a alongside like
co-host of the video and we did dueling gaming setups can it run crisis you know we throwback
throwback meme um and we had kind of a fun rule set for it where kind of uh like draft style almost
we each had to pick a category of product one at a time so rather than just being a mad rush to go get
stuff we took post-it notes and wrote all the things that you need cpu motherboard gpu power supply
all that kind of stuff we had five flare items um that we could put in there and then at each pick
we have to reveal what the next thing that we're going to get is so we both picked items in different
orders so that means that if one of us picked cpu like drafted cpu very early on then we could get
the first pick of the cpus but the other might pick gpu and might go for that uh so it's going to be
really fun really fun video uh so i shot that and then i did something else and then i had my
badminton class for a couple hours and then i went home and i reviewed two videos and then i slept
uh so it's been basically like that um pretty constantly yeah i i did manage to play two hours
of balder's gate three with yvonne that was on either i think that was on monday or tuesday you had two free
hours yeah i can usually tell how busy linus's life is by how much he wants to play games
because he'll bug me he'll be like hey little man wants to play whatever or something and it's like
okay cool yeah let's figure that out and then that'll happen for like a little while and then
something will happen at work and then suddenly that goes away i have played i have played some
games lately though i just haven't been playing multiplayer games because the hours oh yeah that's
fair the hours i've been available to play have been very unusual i'll see you jump online and
start playing something as i'm going to bed yeah and i'm a night owl because i've so that's because
i've been working until then and you need some amount of time to cool down before you go to bed i
actually do so i i mean i played all the way through chained echoes yeah and i actually just finished
sea of stars yeah it's a really short game little man wants to play i'm not talking about him oh my god
yeah no that's our that's that's our uh internet safe nickname for for my son yeah um yeah so i
finished sea of stars um i have a lot of thoughts some of them i can't really share without spoilers
it's a really short game it's it's a small it's a small game in a small world but it's uh it's a very
beautiful it's a very beautiful game the music is absolutely incredible um i have a i have a
a thing about starfield that is a omega spoiler so i can't say what it is but i will say that i
think it is one of the worst narrative decisions that i've seen in a video game potentially in my
entire life isn't that like a huge thing that everyone hates on i've like heard that there's
a thing in starfield i've been trying to avoid it so i don't know i got it hope so but i don't know
yeah okay it's like actually just stunningly stupid i don't know yeah my big thing with games
is i hate it when they i hate it when they wimp out and actually novels too i um there's this uh
there's this it's like a it's like a a christian series of novels it's um called the wing feather
saga and it's kind of it's christian in the same not even to the same degree but in a similar sense that
like c.s lewis's work is sort of like a like the chronicles of narnia is like a christian allegory
or whatever but you can absolutely enjoy them regardless of you know any kind of belief in christianity judaism
or whatever else um and what i think it does really well is it keeps the stakes high uh you know when um
and this is something that happens relatively you know not towards the end um you know one of one of
the characters suffers an affliction like a really life-changing awful affliction and there is no magic
vial that you can just get and then is it's better um and i i feel like so much modern media particularly
for kids like these are kids books um so i read them to my kids um so much modern media
shies away from that it's like no no there's but then there was a cure-all or then they were
resurrected don't worry you don't that one's pretty rough yeah i will i will throw somewhat of a counter
in here that i so i i agree with your statement but i also kind of equally dislike when the writing i
feel like they get to a point they're like i have to be edgy and gritty with this so i'm just gonna
like kill somebody off for like absolutely no reason out of nowhere and it whatever i don't know
this is this is something that i had a huge problem with in starcraft 2. i thought you were gonna say
uh star wars the whatever the like stupid crappy middle one was oh there's plenty of those and
everyone just sacrifices themselves constantly yeah yeah and then anyway star oh man you just but i just
just i just remembered when they're when what's his name i don't remember any of the names because
i don't even want to but he's like driving out to go like smash into them in like the field of sand
that turns red when you walk on it or whatever and then the chick like smashes into his thing to be like
no but then they're gonna die anyways and it's just like what's happening anyway sorry um no in starcraft
two there's this character named tycus um isn't tycus from the first one i think he's in both
oh okay there's a bunch of characters that are in both sure um most the main characters i think are
in both and he's he's like stuck in his blue armor yeah tycus finley he can't get out oh no
introduced in starcraft 2 oh i thought it was in the first one might have it's pretty old at this point
might have i don't know i i just i know the name so
i might have told you this story before because it annoys me so much that's fair um
uh but he he just gets killed off and it's like there's this whole narrative thing like the whole
game where it's like the kerrigan this game's i was gonna say are they just trying to recreate
like the kerrigan moment where you're like no not kerrigan i kind of think so like kerrigan is finally
saved oh why but tycus is like paid off to to kill her and whatever his name is the other main
character jim rayner yeah rayner is like with kerrigan so rayner wants to save kerrigan tycus
wants to kill kerrigan tycus goes to kill kerrigan and then rayner's like nope and just headshots him
even though they were bros the entire time and i was like no real effort was put into like can we
get him out of the suit there was no like can we fake kerrigan's death it was just like nope i guess
tycus is just gonna die now and it was like okay can i just jump in and say that it bothers me a lot
in video game cut scenes in games where everyone is constantly shooting at each other with bullets
yeah and then it's a one shot and then it's a one shot in a cut scene
it's a totally irrational thing it doesn't matter but it kills my immersion yeah totally destroys my
sense of my suspension of disbelief and and you know honestly it's the same thing for swords like
you play a final fantasy game and you'll have the entire team with their giant you know 39 pound
sword like and then there's like one shot and there's like a tiny little knife yeah yeah oh i'm
bleeding so much from this tiny wound that i in this game that has resurrection but let's ignore that part
yeah yeah what is the point of phoenix's if the down doesn't pick them the back up
one that was worse to me was i was playing diablo 3 and they kill off deckard cain but it's just like
so random and doesn't serve like anything you're just kind of like you walk into some house if i
remember it's been a long time but you walk into some house and it's just like he's dead and there's no like
oh my effing g deckard cain is dead and we're playing diablo it's just like time to move on
guess he's dead everybody else dies it's fine i'm just like man like use this moment make it more
impactful like if if if tycus and uh rayner really really really tried for a long time and like
wrestled with this thing and like there was no there was no other option than they have like this duel
like sure okay but no bang it's like i don't know it's just so like there's no payoff it feels
like they just deleted this character because they were like uh uh we should probably have
that because this is like a story for adults so somebody's gonna die it's like yeah sure but it
it should like be written well cosmos 47 are you talking about cross code
okay hold up that's actual realism tarkov style his example however is in a game where it's not like
that yeah if it's in a game where bullets do bullet things then yeah that's fine but if it's in a game
where bullets are made out of bunny farts then it's not really applicable yeah then it then it's then
it's it's it's it's contradictory like it's you're playing halo and you just finished the campaign
after taking 87 000 bullets and then somebody one shots you in a cut scene it's like i don't get it
yeah yeah it's it's silly i i are you uh okay are are you are you a super powerful space ranger or are you
just like a guy yeah it's like what's going on and that's not a very good example necessarily because
i don't know that that happens in halo but either answer is fine all i ask is for it to be consistent
hi ldl cholesterol i'm a third year pharma student in cincinnati ohio i think that's a
it's a protein chain or something uh did ivan did ivan's learning background help her learn
finances quicker from being in a pretty heavy field of sorting out information i wouldn't say that i
would say ivan's aptitude for intaking data organizing it keeping it organized and being
just extremely detail-oriented helped her be good at both pharmacy and finance hi guys first time merch
message is there any notable difference in preference for merch that you guys see between
regions that's a great thing that we should track that's interesting actually i'm amazed you don't
well i mean the data's there you could add that after you uh you had podcasting
stop it hey luke linus and dan love the show do you see 12 gigabit cards uh 12 gigs of
vram being enough for 2k ultra settings in most games for the next few years or are we approaching
times where 12 gigs isn't enough uh yeah i think it'll be fine for the next few years but that also
depends on what the mid console generation refreshes look like we haven't seen this before
and i don't know how it's going to change the requirements for games what we know is that developers
are going to target whatever the latest generation of games that they can
sell against are so there's going to be a delay from when that generation launches to when we really
take the most advantage of it so you can kind of look to console hardware to guide what your pc spec
might need to be plus some because it'll run in a lot of cases less efficiently on pc and or it'll allow
you to crank the details up more on pc so you might want to overkill it a little bit so with that in mind
then if the ps5 and the xbox series x are what we've got for consoles for the next little bit
yeah i would expect to get a couple more years at least a few more years out of a video card like
that knowing that even if those console refreshes happen we're probably not going to have developers
actually building games to target them and are releasing the games that they're building to target
them until a year or two after they launch i mean sony they do a better job of launch games but on
the especially on the microsoft side yeah maybe not quite as much um and that's that's just kind of a
good general rule so we saw this explosion in the demandingness of games over the last couple of years
but that's not an accident that's not a mystery that's just because we got high-end consoles a few
years ago that game developers were like all right let's go when they started building games for
them and then all of a sudden we needed faster pcs yeah i i want to interject really quick uh papa
trotsky i i admit i put halo out there as like an example for the damage thing i wasn't actually trying
to go after halo i was just trying to talk about like the time to kill in halo games but papa trotsky
pointed out halo reach i think ended the right way uh the ending is a super long battle that ends
with a cut scene of the character slowly getting beat up before getting overwhelmed and killed
and honestly yeah it's sad and it's brutal but it's like well framed and yes it's something
that happens in a cut scene but you like are absolutely overwhelmed and you feel it before
it happens and when the cut scene happens it's like yup this was gonna happen like it was so it's like
yeah it's it's rough but it like it's properly rough it makes you feel and understand the rough it's not
just this like out of nowhere poorly written dumb thing yeah and people reference the ending of that
game like all the time as something that's really really well written um yeah jane halo reach everyone
dies and everything is hopeless 9 out of 10 game yeah exactly like it can you can be super rough with
something but it's really well written so you care about it and you're invested and all that kind of
stuff and cool good yeah i don't mind when games kill off or or movies or books or whatever i don't
mind when they kill off characters i just think it should be worth it um and i find in a in a in a bunch
of games in particular it's often like not i feel like it's done just to be edgy especially i find blizzard
is an extremely bad example well they had a lot of really good success with that yeah and then i think it
just became like a we're just going to do this by default yeah like arthas or kerrigan or which
were both fantastic examples of it going well actually i don't think like does anyone uh like
even arthas killing his dad like okay yeah there wasn't a ton of blah blah blah but that was a mechanic
to show him losing it and like transitioning over all like it were it was good yeah it was written well it's
it's very memorable moment his dad doesn't like have some crazy last stand or anything but it's a
very important point in the story it's not just like deckard cain is dead in a room and you walk
away like i i don't know and you also care right yeah you have to care i mean i cared when deckard
cain was dead but i cared because i was mad because they did it so poorly instead instead of that's
absolutely not what i meant i know i know but i'm i'm caveat that is the worst kind yeah yeah
someone's gonna say that in chat so i was getting ahead of it good uh let's see we've got one here
for linus linus is it true that you can leap over a chair from the standing position no what well okay
wait hold on what kind of chair yeah like if one of those little tykes uh little chairs it's a small
probably folding chair uh okay well how what do you mean by leap like i could go head first over
it no no no no you're gonna like you're gonna be standing and you're gonna jump over it and then
you're gonna go back and also be standing absolutely no way i bet you wait what what kind of chair
i'm still a folding chair you know chair yeah you know default chair what's a default chair i mean i
couldn't do this chair no that's not a default what's it okay are you talking like a folding uh
auditorium chair yeah sure yeah something like those like metal folding chairs default there's
no way i could do that you know how short i am right does that matter no i guess your vertical
yeah your vertical should be no yeah no yeah you would no longer legs you might be able to jump
higher you have more more time to apply a force i don't know i don't know the physics of jumping
i think longer links uh legs helps with jumping yeah well i i am five six and my legs are short
like i have i'm a stumpy stumpy leg five six like when we sit next to each other
our height difference does not look like that much from our torsos how tall would it be here
i have no idea i don't know i haven't even seen one of those in like a long time
that's pretty high yeah
no nope
i feel like if you had a run like a standing jump is really hard
uh you got you get about two steps but i mean you kind of i don't think you have like the sweater
is it standing or steps you're just making things up as you go is this even a merch message or are you
just trying to taunt linus no i don't know i don't think linus looks enough like bill gates to
be able to jump over a chair
what is this reference bill gates jumping over a chair is that a is that a thing yeah okay that's
what the message was talking about i don't know it's okay well hold on a second oh way too high
apparently i was yeah it was probably too high hold on hold on bill gates google it could you jump on the
table is this just like a thing that we can find yeah what really happened when bill gates jumped the
chair oh i see i've become obsessed with this video um okay so wait hold on where's the video
okay so just just hold on hold on depends on the size of the chair
okay but it's it's below his waist
that's quite the jump but first of all the the position of the chair matters because if you're
jumping over the back of the chair i think it's going to be harder um and he jumped over the front
of it and also it's it's uh i think it's shorter than i expected okay
it is quite the jump though never jumped the chair what am i what am i looking
have you seen the video i have the video on my screen i clearly need to watch this here
i don't know moving on
yeah they're just the most confused people i've ever seen i don't know
yeah exclusive of lines trying to jump over
they don't have a helmet on yeah
hello ls versus ll arm wrestle live on wan luke's size uh known strength versus linus's badminton
conditioning and honey badger determination i'll do it but my honey badger determination is going
to do nothing for me i'm going to get absolutely crushed here watch this like just watch this hold
on hold on hold on watch this okay hold on okay what am i doing what's happening oh that's actually
impressive okay this is this man's forearm
oh my god you know what i don't think we need to bother i don't need to get hurt right now
i wouldn't hurt you you destroy you you just sit there like this maybe like drink some water
have a conversation
hello dll my local i'm not big okay
my local and only isp switched to a pay-per-gig model my average bill for my family is now 278
have you explored what it would take to start an isp like at a remote lmg compound perhaps honestly
at this point you like basically can't um you're just going to be piggybacking off of somebody else
and at that point a decent amount of your price is going to be dictated by the market um
so i don't know sorry if that's a really disappointing answer
linus what is your favorite wancho snack
i think uh available your most common one is ketchup chips yeah i think that's just because they're
there though yeah like i would never buy ketchup chips they're just when they're there i'm all
like ketchup chips and then i eat them and then i feel bad
but you had like three bags two two bags two bags and i feel doubly bad
hey guys just saw the new sci-fi movie the creator which inspires the question do you think uh which
inspires this question do you think you'll see ai reach full sentience in your lifetimes and if you
do would you be more excited or scared sentience it's so hard to define yeah solipsism who's alive
really is your mic open yeah okay good um it just turns into philosophy at that point doesn't it yeah
yeah i don't know um don't don't say that in flow plane chat that's evil
what filthy canadians and lindy chips how dare you no no you can't you can't mention that i don't
even know what you're talking about oh rocco's basilisk no luke what are you doing you're like
you don't want people going down rabbit holes oh damn what dan what's going on you're dooming
thousands of people to a future of hell and torment damn dude hey cold okay up next is what it is
it is what it is luke why do you stream your starfield gameplay on twitch and not on goat plane
the superior live streaming platform do you want yeah do you want me to be a creator on
floatplane i don't know i don't care i don't i only take quality
i don't think you i don't think you have enough subscribers to do well on our platform i wouldn't
but that that's actually a thing like i'm being i'm applying the same type of logic we would for
for other creators technically i do have a channel on on floatplane but it's like a development
channel more or less um but i i would not pull enough people for it to make a ton of sense just
to be like completely honest um i don't know i also don't want accounting to have to deal with the like
six dollars a month i'm gonna be making like it just i just i don't think it makes a lot of sense um
um i don't take that offensively i don't want people i just realized we're talking about it right
now um i i'm not very interested in promoting it much i don't really care about it i don't even
follow a schedule that they are bad quality streams i do not try to make them entertaining i'm literally
just sitting there doing what i would do anyways um i don't even suggest that you watch there you go
what a sales pitch yeah i don't turn the old reverse psychology i don't even want that don't watch
this stream you will actually be bored and just leave and that's fine with me to be completely honest
all right speaking of bored and just leaving i'm out terrible sales pitch you suck bye