
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

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Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages, probably not all, welcome to
the WAN show, yep, there's probably no infants watching and probably not too many people
who get the senior's discount at country kitchen buffet, with that said, I was actually surprised,
I was actually, so not so much at events like LTX, but it often shocks me when I'm walking
around in the mall, how many people who are old enough to be my dad, walk up and they're
just like, hey, love your videos, dude, keep it up, been watching you since the NCIX days,
sup, poof, they're always like, less awkward than younger people, yeah, no offence, but
that is a thing, yeah, no offence younger people, but they just have a clue, you know,
they usually want to throw in like their words, like I've been watching since X, I like X,
maybe Y is my favourite video or something, and then see you later, and then see you later,
it's pretty great, speaking of great, we've got a lot of great topics for you guys today,
China is putting restrictions on video games for minors, and so if you make your living
pulling coal out of the ground, China feels like you don't need that particular form of
escapism unless I've read the headline incorrectly, I'm kidding, minor people, well, okay, minors
are people, they're young people, young people, okay, what else we got?
We've also got Intel publishing misleading HPC benchmarks, fantastic, and dead people
starring in new movies, that, the future is awesome, is quite a thing, Microsoft also
reports that, you know what, James, I'm onto you, he's making me say this out loud, Microsoft
reports 40% increased productivity after decreasing working days, yeah, people went, oh man, we
should really try to keep this, let's work hard everyone, we should get this in the WAN
show, we should get this in the WAN bus, so Linus will have to read it, alright, let's
go again, let's hit that intro, is that better you guys, do you like that better, oh, it's
very possible too, wait a second, are we even live, did it announce that it's live, but
not actually, did it announce that it's going live, this is so stupid, it's like greyed
out on YouTube, I'm going to tune in externally, no, I sincerely doubt that it is working,
I have no idea how to fix it, all we can do, this is so stupid, how about now, this says
we're live, yeah, and it says we've been live for 3 and a half minutes, we're good, we're
good then, alright guys, why don't we jump right into our first topic here, you should
let them know if they need help making like a live dashboard, we can just you know, yeah,
I know right, like swoop in there, our live dashboard is so easy to use, you just put
the thing in and then you're just live, I don't understand, we're using the new YouTube
dashboard for the first time, for the first time actually, or at least we're trying to,
it just shows like a spinny thing, and it doesn't have a preview, it's like hey, you
should connect your streaming software in order to have a preview here, why do I need
that, why don't you just show me what you're broadcasting, the old one did it, Twitch chat
is claiming that YouTube is for boomers, I don't understand, call me boomer one more
time, I dare you, I dare you, anyway so we're using it because YouTube's had this weird
bug where Wanshow has displayed a stream date of a week earlier than it actually was for
the longest time, and I think it's been affecting viewership, because I think people are not
reading the entire title to see the date, they're just saying that it's like a week
old Wanshow, and they're not clicking on it, which makes perfect sense, I would do the
same thing, so I told YouTube support who has apparently not been able to replicate
my issue, even though I sent them a link of a comment, someone's like why does this say
it was streamed a week ago, and I said I would try the new one, so so far it's a great experience,
why don't we jump right into our first topic of the day today, guys this was posted by
Suits on the forum, and the original article here is actually npr.org, wow that's kind
of a new one, China introduces restrictions on video games for minors, now hold on a second,
hold on a second, before we get too far into this, and before we actually go through all
the details of it, side discussion, should the consumption of video games by minors be
regulated in the same way that alcohol, cigarettes, driving, gambling, gambling is actually a
great example of, should access to gaming be restricted, and you know what, this is
kind of an interesting one, because movies, the way that they are accessible to minors
is actually somewhat restricted, so now that the movie theatre has sort of moved to the
home, there's less that a government for example, or a regulating body can do to control what
minors are seeing, like a nine year old still isn't allowed to buy a ticket into an R rated
movie, okay yes but if you're with your parents couldn't you, I'm pretty sure if you go with
your parents to the movie theatre you can, I think you were allowed to, so then where's
the line, not where's the line, we'll talk about the finer points later, should minors
access to video games be restricted, and let's start with in any way, in any way, in any
way I would say yes, okay, would you care to put a finer point on that, I would, I would
very much care to, well too bad the land show's over, thanks for watching guys, you heard
it here from Luke, kids shouldn't be allowed to play video games, thank you Luke, I think
it should be restricted at a parental level, but parents, no offence to the parents out
there, a lot of you are idiots, and quite frankly if there was a test for whether you
should be allowed to be a parent, you wouldn't pass it, unfortunately the only test to become
a parent is whether you can convince a member of the opposite sex to, you know, and then
you happen to be biologically capable, which quite frankly, so is a chipmunk, but, that's
it, that's the qualification, yeah it's not exactly like a huge barrier, it's all fine
and good to say you put it in the hands of the parents, but like, you've got parents
making decisions like, I don't know, how do I say this sensitively, I was reading an article
about a bylaw that the city that I live in recently passed restricting overnight vehicle
parking, so basically restricting people who are living out of their vans from camping
on public land, and I was reading this counter argument from someone who lives in the back
of a converted van with her 13 year old daughter saying like, well you know, you're really,
we love this nomadic lifestyle, and I'm like, your daughter needs to go to school.
Does she not go to school?
Well, what does nomadic lifestyle mean?
Yeah okay, yeah, fair.
Your daughter needs to go to the same school, like, low regularly, and maybe you're doing
an amazing job of homeschooling, but like, let's not pretend that every parent who's
making a controversial decision about how their kid should be raised is actually doing
all the due diligence here.
So I would counter argument a little bit with, I am 100% certain that there are cases where
that kid has some type of thing going on where them playing games is very grounding and positive
for them, and if you cap them at 90 minutes or whatever it was in the thing because laptops
are closed, that could actually hold them back in a lot of ways.
So I don't like it because you could be restricting positive use of this thing.
I think there could be ways to manage it like movies are done, where like the kid can't
go buy it.
So maybe if China wants to be, because China's pretty invasive about different things, if
China wants to be really invasive, they could make it so that you need to have, whatever,
so they could make it so that you...
Please, China, don't get any ideas from the word invasive, okay?
Oh, geez!
We prefer our sovereignty over here, thank you very much.
Yeah, that'd be great.
If they want to do this thing where you have to use like your real name and your citizen
ID or whatever to play games, I think it would maybe be better if they made it so that with
that attachment, I'm not saying it's a good idea, I'm not saying it's cool, I'm not saying
that kind of stuff.
I'm saying if they're doing it anyways, I think it would be better if they used that
to restrict what you could purchase without parental intervention.
So if your parent steps in and goes, yes, this is fine, I understand they're shooting
people, but it's Fortnite, so whatever, I think they should maybe be able to do that.
Okay, but that's sort of a separate argument from what you were saying before about restricting...
So okay, so, well, is that your bottom line?
You should restrict the access to purchase the video game in the first place, but there
should be no regulations with respect to how much time people are allowed to spend playing
Miners, mind you.
These are people who, by and large, around the world, we have as adults collectively
decided are not really capable of making the best possible decisions for their own well-being.
No, well, absolutely.
And I think that's...
I have less experience with parents than someone who has a kid would have.
I'm not around other parents very often.
Well, it's pretty simple.
I didn't hang out with...
People who are parents are just people.
So think of all the people you've ever met.
Okay, well, there you go.
I do a lot of work to restrict that number as much as almost possible.
Staying inside helps.
But yeah, that's true.
I've basically not been out of my house for two weeks because I've been sick.
But as you can probably still hear, I'm very sorry about that.
I thought it would be a little bit better.
I don't really like the idea of punishing people who are doing things right because
there are people that are doing things wrong.
I've always had an issue with that.
So if there's a family that are doing things great, they're very active physically, they're
very on the go, all this kind of stuff, but then...
On a Saturday, Junior wants to play six hours a fortnight because he or she has got all
their homework done and...
And they have two different sports they're in and they're very active, but all their
game days are on Sundays or whatever, and they really just wanna...
I don't really like restricting that.
If everything's all positive there and everything's all healthy and good there, I don't necessarily
want the government, sorry, to be clear, the government to step in and restrict that.
The parents could be like, you know what, no.
And I'm...
So what if a government were to step in and provide guidelines?
Like hey, we have found...
Heavy suggestions?
We have found that more than 60 minutes of screen time a day will negatively affect your
child's development in ways X, Y, or Z.
Here are the studies we've conducted to form a basis for what we're presenting as fact.
So you think that's okay.
But what if everyone just ignores it?
And as a government, now this is up for debate because there are people who believe that
the government should basically do nothing.
Pro-small government.
And there's sort of...
It's really funny because I've had conversations with people.
There's people who are pro-small government who have fought it through very clearly.
But then there's people who are pro-small government who don't appear to have fought
it through very well.
I'm not...
The government shouldn't have regulations.
I'm like, okay, well what if there's lead in your water?
Well, the government should step in and make sure that doesn't happen.
So yeah.
I wouldn't say that I'm pro-small government.
We're getting political, which is scary.
So no, I'm saying that there's multiple different ways to look at it, some of which are well
thought out, some of which are not so much.
But if we were to pretend for a moment that it is the government of a country's job to
ensure the, as best as it can, advancement of said country in the global community.
But then we're technically shifting away from...
Hold on.
I'm not done yet.
All right.
So it is a government's job to ensure that the company doesn't crumble into ruin.
The company.
I like it.
I like it.
I like it.
That was a total, total Freudian slip.
That was perfect.
That was so good.
Keep going.
So if it's the government's job to ensure that the country doesn't crumble into ruin,
does a government need to step in if they see a generation of people that basically
are not learning basic skills and are busy playing Fortnite?
I think you're going to a very Platonian government structure idea thing.
And if you want a republic whose only goal is the betterment of all society with totalitarian
stances, then sure.
If you have an omnipotent government that is never gonna do anything wrong, then stepping
in and having a strong arm was probably a beneficial thing.
I think you mean omniscient, all knowing, right?
I think...
Omni, whatever.
Omnipotent means all powerful.
So all powerful could be very bad.
So all powerful within a government sense because you're giving them all power to control
anything that could possibly benefit society in any way.
Sorry, my voice.
Well, I think you're hanging out at the bottom of the slippery slope I'm talking about.
Got it.
But I think there's been plenty of examples of things going that direction.
So my kind of stance on this stuff is generally I want government regulation and stepping
in and all that kind of stuff when it has to do with maliciousness and potential safety
like lead in the water and regulations of how you can build a product.
But in what you can do in your spare time, as long as it doesn't hurt other people, as
long as it hurts yourself, I'm generally okay with that.
Is it safety?
Safety is a fun one.
Think of the children.
Especially in like a socialized Medicare environment.
Think of their safety.
So then slippery slope time, right?
Could you make the argument that it would be detrimental to a child's safety, to their
health, to spend too much time playing video games?
Because I don't necessarily think that line comes in at 90 minutes or 60 minutes or whatever.
We'll talk about the specifics later.
We'll talk about the specifics.
And I think it would be extremely difficult and nigh impossible to figure out how much
like per day or even per month that could work out as.
Because you don't know how, how would I describe this?
How like actively shifting from activity to activity that person is.
Because if they're very, and they don't have much sit around time, they could be very physically
active and spend a lot of time playing games and that combination is probably fine.
And not a lot of like in between, like you're saying, they're not the kind of person that,
you know, finishes hanging out with their friends playing soccer and then just like
kind of like veggies for a while, around for a while and then plays a video game for a
while and then goes and gets a snack and then goes watch TV for a while.
But if they're like bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, it could be a healthy setup.
I want to talk about candy now.
Oh boy.
Let's talk about the safety of candy and soft drinks.
And soft drinks.
Soft drinks are brutal.
So I'm going to, I'm going to come right out and say that I think the access to candy and
soft drinks for minors should be immensely restrictive.
So how would you, how would you functionally do that as a government?
That's something I'm interested in.
Um, well the same way that you restrict cigarettes and.
So they can't buy them, but parents could give them to them.
Yeah, basically.
I'm generally way more comfortable with that approach.
Because honestly, a big part of the problem is kids buying them for themselves.
Uh, you're buying them at the corner store on lunch break or from the vending machines
at the school or whatever else the case may be.
And like, guys, I know there's going to be people that are mad about it, uh, who are
watching the WAN show right now.
I don't even care.
That stuff is actually poison for your body.
Um, actually don't drink it.
And if you can't control yourself, I think one of the most positive, that's your, that's
your deal as an adult.
That's cool.
But as a kid, it is detrimental to your development to just drink like literally, I forget what
it is in most sodas.
It's insane.
It's about a quarter of the can.
I was going to say, I think it's, Oh, you're doing can.
I was thinking bottle for whatever reason.
And I was like, you need to increase that a bit.
Um, uh, yeah, uh, I'm, I'm usually okay with that.
That's why I'm saying the like maybe restrict the purchase because I've been in situations
where when I was a kid, I was able to rent or buy games that were definitely age gapped
above my thing.
And I don't know a ton about the ESRB, right?
So maybe they're not the best representative of this, but here's the problem.
You have to adapt the way that you control a dangerous substance according to the way
that dangerous substance is being distributed.
So let's say for example, that, um, by and large, everybody moved from, uh, let's use
marijuana as an example.
It's something that was legalized here recently video to monetize.
I know.
Go on.
Let's say instead of buying a joint and smoking it until it's all gone.
If I was just buying a plant that would reproduce infinitely, very easily, okay.
Would you restrict those two things in different ways?
Because I would make the argument that video games, when you were a kid, we're different
than what they are now.
There wasn't a daily DLC.
There wasn't a seasons pass every quarter.
So it was, it was more of a buy once and there was kind of a limit to how much time you could
really spend playing super Mario world.
WOW came out in 2004, so I was 14, I was 13.
So WOW did have the advantage.
Actually you could buy cards, you could buy cards for wow.
Subscription cards, right?
Those come later.
Subscription cards were pretty early on.
They were pretty early on.
I think, I think, I know they came out in classic.
I don't know if they came out at the very beginning.
So either way, so it's been around for a good, wow, is that like 15 years now?
15 years.
Holy crap.
Anyway, so this ever questions out before that.
So this issue has been around for a long time, but something that just kind of goes forever.
I don't think it's quite enough to just say, okay, well we, we, we clearly need to restrict
this at the, at the source and that they are at the initial purchase.
And you know what?
It's not like Google and Apple of their own volition came out and started putting all
those warnings on apps that had in game or in app.
I think one of the ways you could even help manage this is like, make it, make it potentially
mandatory for game makers to have a like reporting feature in their games.
Or like a parental, like a parental prompt, you mean?
Well, yeah.
So like by reporting, I mean like you, you'd have to like have your parents' email locked
in unchangeable without their password in the game.
And it like gives them like weekly or daily digests of like how much you're playing the
There's a microtransaction, there's a forced report.
Hey, here's how much money has been spent.
Here's how much time has been spent.
Here were the times it was done.
So basically I'm, I'm giving more power to the parents.
I'm generally more okay with giving more power to the government.
I, I, I, yeah.
So you would be, so you would be supportive then let me pitch you something.
You would be supportive of the government stepping in and mandating that game developers
embed tools in their games that give parents control over how much time the kid is spending
playing if they choose to, because parental controls implies that there's an unlimited
button through family link, which is what I use to manage my son's phone.
I can say he can have unlimited screen time.
I don't, but I can, and I can see like what apps he's using and all that.
I would, to be clear, I would hate this as a kid because I mean it's, it was like a hundred
percent my goal and I failed a lot, but it was a hundred percent.
My goal basically all the time to figure out how to get around my parents restrictions
on various things.
I'm pulling a super Mario bros was setting your alarm for the middle of the night and
then waking up and going downstairs and playing super Mario bros.
Like that was a term that my friends used actively.
So like, yeah, if you're a kid watching this, I'm kind of on board with you.
I'm just saying like in terms of laws that I would be like, yeah, okay, sure.
I don't think it's a lot to get a development team to add that in.
I don't think that's a huge no, but as it would very likely hurt their game, but if
everyone had to do it, I think it'd be a little bit easier, especially if you did it on a
platform level, right?
So if like the Epic game store and the steam store and whatever else or, or the Xbox, whatever
experience thing, if you did at that level, it would probably be quite easier.
So not all games are because like the, the riot right now, just legal legends and TFT
are in that launcher, but they're making a bunch more games.
And if you want it to be off a platform, maybe you'd have to have your own thing, but it
would be cool if you could lean on the platform.
I mean, I'm sure you're going to hear the arguments from game developers.
It's like, look, tons of people gonna be mad at me.
This kind of regulation is putting more restriction, more burden on us, all for the sake of what?
Reducing our revenue.
Why, how are we supposed to justify spending development cycles on this?
But do you agree that a child who obviously lacks the self control, who is spending, you
know, six to eight, 10 hours a day playing some game.
I mean, Fortnite's just a great example because like every kid that I have encountered seems
to play Fortnite.
I don't really get it.
I forget where I was going with this sentence, but the point is like, do you agree that it's
a problem that needs to be solved?
I think, see, when I was a kid, I played a ton of video games, but I was also extremely
active and did well in school, right?
So like, I feel like I had a decent balance.
And I think in some situations, especially because like we're getting onto other stuff
now, but cost of living has gone up and wages have not gone up with cost of living and things
are hard and parents are working more actively and more moms are in the workforce.
And so there's, there's a little bit, I have no idea, but I'm assuming there's a little
Deal with it, boomer.
Millennial, I guess.
Yeah, get wrecked.
I'm assuming that there's, there's less at home time for parents.
I was fairly fortunate.
My mom worked out of our garage, so she was generally always at home, but my dad had like
a billion jobs and was often not at home for different parts of my youth.
I had other parts of my youth at home a lot, but we had parents home quite a bit.
I knew kids back then, and I'm sure there's more now that their parents are often not
at home.
They have nights alone, they have days alone, et cetera.
So putting some tools into those parents' hands so that they can parent.
But remotely.
But remotely, while that situation kind of sucks, I think is maybe a good idea.
Better than nothing.
So why don't we run through what's actually happening here?
So that was a great discussion, and I feel really good about having come to, I think,
a point we can agree on.
Putting more tools in the hands of the parents and having the government enforce the creation
of those tools seems to be a reasonable solution.
So let's talk about what China's doing.
Chinese officials have released official guidelines cracking down on youth online gaming, which
they say negatively affects the health and learning of minors.
I never thought I would say this, but I agree with the Chinese government wholeheartedly
So the one thing that I have trouble with here is that minors are just sort of broadly
defined as under 18, which I guess is sort of technically something the whole world pretty
much agrees on.
But- Yeah.
But usually on like- Yeah.
You can't say that like an 18-year-old is somehow, should somehow be controlled in the
same way as a four-year-old.
Now- I had my stuff a lot more figured out when I was 18 than when I was 12.
Yes, absolutely.
Now another thing, now something to keep in mind is that China isn't treating everyone
exactly the same.
Online microtransactions, for example, are capped.
They're capped at $28 monthly if you're under eight years old, $57 monthly if you're under
And then if you are older than that, there doesn't appear to be an online microtransactions
cap, I guess presumably because you're making your own money maybe or like-
Yeah, I don't know.
I'm not sure.
I don't know.
Random aside, when did you get your first job?
How can I fathom the logic of the Chinese government?
Roughly how old?
I was 16.
Okay, yeah.
Yeah, I got a job as lifeguard.
So you?
I was like 13, but it was a paper route.
My first real one was like 14, 15.
Also you're tall.
That helps.
Well, you're not allowed to work as a lifeguard until you're 16.
That makes sense.
But like, so everyone here basically had a job by the time they were 16.
At least some form of income, not necessarily a full-time job.
All right.
So let's have a look though at some of the other measures, which not all of them appear
to be segmented depending on how old the miner is.
So first, they're going to be registering online.
They're going to force you to register online game accounts with your real name and phone
So they're building a unified system to track identity and play time across games.
One thing that spooks me about that is your registry.
One thing?
There's definitely a number, but this information is probably being handed to the game developer.
Register online game accounts with your real name, phone number, unless they do like a
payment gateway system where you have to have like effectively like an iframe to a different
I don't know how they would do it because I know with things like, um, like WeChat,
for example, it's like technically a private entity, but like, so when you tie your, when
you tie your, you know, sort of like government supervised, you know, banking information
into your like personal, you know, private corporate entity, like WeChat account.
When Tencent owns every gaming company.
It basically is irrelevant.
It just doesn't really matter.
Um, well, I'm not saying it's nice.
I'm just saying it is that simplifies your relevant detail.
Um, okay.
What else we got here?
They are banning online video games for minors between the hours of 10 PM and 8 AM.
Now this one doesn't appear to be divided up depending on age, age group.
And I got to say, if I'm a 17 year old being told, no, you must go to bed at 10 PM.
Like you've got to, you've got to be kidding me.
That is ridiculous.
Now I don't think a six year old should be gaming at 10 PM under any circumstances.
That doesn't make any sense, but like, but that's where it's supposed to be up to the
judgment of the parents to make a call here.
Um, now this is the baby.
Maybe your dad is only able to come home pretty darn late at night and sometimes you sleep
on the couch and then when he comes home, you play Super Mario Bros together and it's
a really cool thing.
Maybe you have an app before that.
I don't, I don't know that happens.
Now everything so far has at least sort of seemed somewhat maybe sort of reasonable because
these are kids that are supposed to be going to school, so you shouldn't be gaming while
you're supposed to be sleeping.
Um, especially if the argument being made for it is that this is to ensure, you know,
health and proper development of children.
Um, registering online game accounts with a real name and number.
You know what?
There's lots of arguments to be made both ways, but there are compelling arguments to
be made for that.
People should probably be held accountable for the thing, the way that they behave online.
Um, this next one though, I think I would not want to be held accountable for anything
I did online in terms of talking to people in video games before I was like, like 22.
I don't know.
So maybe, maybe you wouldn't have done it.
Yeah, maybe, maybe you were just dumb at that time.
Either way.
Either way.
I think holding kids accountable for things they say and do when they're older is like
not cool in general.
Things they say and do when they're older.
Holding them accountable when they're older for things they said and did when they were
This doesn't say anything about holding them accountable when they're older.
I think the plan is to hold them accountable right now.
That's fair.
Uh, you mentioned the, uh, okay, yeah, that is fair, but like I wouldn't want that on
my record.
You know what I mean?
Well, that's a whole, that's a whole thing.
Remember you live in China.
You don't get to pick what's on your record.
I know.
I get, I'm just saying in general, I'm just, you know, I think the next one is the most
unassailably ridiculous.
Miners are restricted to 90 minutes of game time every day except national holidays.
Fricking arbitrary.
Double the game time.
It's chairman mow day or whatever.
I don't actually know if they have a chairman mow day.
No idea.
I was, I was, you know, first time I went to China I was blown away that they have this
picture on the money.
I was like, really?
Um, so miners are restricted to 90 days a week.
So on national holidays, new year's day, Chinese new year, I don't know how to say this festival
labor day, dragon boat festival, mid autumn festival, national day of the people's Republic
of China and golden week.
Golden week.
Um, so yeah, you're allowed a maximum of three hours on national holidays.
And then this is where things get super de duper crazy for adult gamers.
They are banning playing games that depict, depict sexual explicitness, goriness, violence,
and gambling by most video games.
So EA sports is like, I don't know.
Depends on how the NBA relationship goes.
Oh, that's fair.
Yeah, that's fair.
So that, that does legitimately cut a lot of games.
And like games that I would look at and go like, like really like gambling define, define
Like if I go to the, uh, like if I'm playing like a final fantasy band, they have a casino.
Cause it just, it doesn't even say that you can gamble in the game.
Like it doesn't say anything about real money.
It just says, depicts gambling and depicting violence like that.
That is genuinely an extremely large amount of video games, no matter like what scale
you go to like, cause there's even games where like, I don't know your, uh, what is the name
of that game?
Silicon Valley space station or something.
It's a really weird, um, really weird old game that used to be on N64, really wacky.
The developers of that game went on to make something pretty major that I don't remember
the name of, but you like became different animals and you'd go around and you had to
like fight stuff, but it was usually like other animals and it was the most cartoony
thing you could ever imagine.
And like, but that was, it was, I mean you're technically fighting things like this bandicoot
That's right.
Like, does it matter the scale of this is clearly not real?
I don't know, dude.
Um, like maybe cod is banned, but like, yeah, like Splatoon.
Yeah, exactly, exactly because like, yeah, sure it's paint.
So I don't know, but sometimes you like run people over with a roller.
And that would hurt and it like flattens the person out.
Like that's, I don't know.
So, so we can wrap this up.
Um, it's not clear how offline single player games factor into the new guidelines.
Space station Silicon Valley.
So that's interesting.
I mean, as far as I can tell on the subject of sexual explicitness, like a lot of the
sexually explicit games that I'm aware of are in VR where there's a big sexually explicit
push, but there, as far as I can tell, it's all offline.
It's borderline, even a game, it's just in a whole different category.
I don't know.
I've only gotten as far as like the pictures on the steam store page.
Oh, I thought you were talking about like legitimately just like the viewer thing.
I didn't know you meant like an actual game.
No, I mean actual.
I haven't dove into that.
Cause it was kind of interesting.
Um, so I let my kids use my index and I just, I just like popped into the steam store because
my account is an adult account.
They just use my account because one, I'm going to go buy like additional copies of
There's family sharing, but I'm going to like register my kids for steam like, well, I can't
be bothered to deal with this.
So they just use my account.
Like there's nothing on there that I wouldn't want them to see.
And I just dropped into the storm and it was like VR picks recommended for you.
And I'm like, sorry, what is this?
It's like, it's like, it's like made simulator or something.
I can't remember exactly what it was called.
It was like, I was like, okay, is this what I think it is?
And it was exactly what I thought it was.
Um, yeah, it seems a little funky.
So is that online or offline?
One thing that you can do is even having an unrestricted adult account, you can choose
like, I don't want to see this stuff.
Cause steam even still tracks your, well, I didn't say that.
But steam even tracks your game, your in game time, even for single player games.
I do kind of wonder how, well, this is part of my thing where like you could try to do
it on a platform levels cause most platforms do it anyways.
What is, what is slippery freaking?
You know, speaking of steam, okay, you know what, let's wrap this up and then I'm going
to rant about steam for a little bit.
Um, blah, blah, blah.
What is happening in 2018?
Uh, Jim Payne called for officials to take action on the large amount of nearsighted
children, uh, caused by schoolwork phones and games.
So video game addiction was officially recognized as a mental health condition by the who in
uh, by the who in the great band, not the band, the world health organization, um, and
then there's, wow, James even put like a whole debate, uh, question in here for us.
How does this affect China's influence on Western game design?
Probably a lot quite majorly because you're going to be trying to make sure that your
game can fit into either 90 or like 30 or 15 or 45 minute segments pretty like pristinely
Having that game cut off at that time so that these guys want to play your game so they
can get maximum amount of like matches within their game time is going to be pretty.
And that's more than just like the art of the game.
That's even just the fundamental design of the gameplay of the game that is going to
be affected by something like this.
Simply stunning, um, Oh, just like the segue to our sponsor for today's show, today's show
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Actually can you pull that up?
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The jerky is great, but like honestly, I think.
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You have to eat as jerky unless you can put it on everything.
You should make a BLT with the, I don't know, you can put it on whatever you want.
I'm just going to leave the Savage Jerky thing there for a bit because people get mad if
I talk during the regular show, but if I'm still like shilling for Savage Jerky, I mean
the train's going by anyway, who cares?
In this segment, you have showed for Savage Jerky, loud BMWs and trains.
Oh, I want to have another piece, but I think I think Nick is standing here so that I'll
tell you guys about our promo on lttstore.com.
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Oh, nice.
Also check this out.
So the circuit board shirt, we are blowing them away.
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What's the promo again?
If you add a circuit board shirt and any other item to your cart, the circuit board shirt
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There you go.
10 bucks for a circuit board shirt.
Every once in a while you guys do sales that are just ridiculous.
I'm partial to the Heather Cranberry personally.
I like that one.
Blue one's nice too.
That's the one that has the least size.
That's good.
Is it?
Well, whatever.
I'm personal to whatever one has the most.
Oh, and the TechLink shirt is back.
And TechLink passed a million.
I can't even talk.
TechLink passed a million subscribers, so buy a hat.
I know, right?
TechLink has a million.
That's so cool.
Tech Quickie has 3 million subscribers.
Oh my God.
I know, right?
What the heck?
It's crazy.
It's crazy.
It's crazy.
It's crazy.
It's crazy.
It's crazy.
Building an empire.
Is it going to strike back?
All right.
Thanks, Nick.
You can go.
It's going to strike back.
Strike you.
New Star Wars is coming out.
Are you going to go see it?
I don't think so.
You know what?
It's funny you ask because I was planning to go see it.
I was actually kind of thinking we would organize a like rent a theater and invite LMG and float
plane people.
Oh my God.
We'll do as many plus however manys as they want to bring and we'll just like take over
a theater and watch it.
That sounds awesome.
It won't be like on launch day because like obviously every theater is going to be full
on launch day.
That's fine.
But yeah, I think, uh, I think Yvonne was supposed to delegate that to David to find
a day and coordinate it because it's like pretty expensive, but in the grand scheme
of things for like a corporate event, it's like pretty reasonable.
I'd be more than happy to like chip.
That would just be super cool.
I'm pretty excited.
Yeah. Um, if you had people cover like normal ticket price to help offset the cost, it wouldn't
make a difference.
Don't worry about it.
Um, I'd be more than happy.
I, we should definitely go like do something, I don't know, get food or something after
because I'm going to want to talk about it.
Oh yeah.
For sure.
I'm definitely going to have stuff to say.
I haven't even watched a single trailer.
I already know I'm going to have stuff to say.
I've been trying to stay away from it as much as possible.
All I've seen is the like the, I'm not even going to it.
All right, let's move on to Intel publishing misleading high performance computing benchmarks.
This is hosted by Willie W on the forum and the original article here is from serve the
Uh, I love the URL, uh, Patrick, you are a, you're a gentleman and a scholar.
One thing I want to say before we go into this, the last time we talked about Intel
stuff and you and I both went into a, uh, a bit of a talk about like mind share and
how they've left cons and how they just don't have like the, the, the vote of the people
really right now and all that other kind of stuff.
This ain't going to help.
I got an email from someone at Intel saying like, I don't remember how it was like, I
have a question about this.
It was just like the video, but then there wasn't necessarily a question and I meant
to respond.
I'm not a hundred percent sure if I did respond, but if I didn't, this is not it.
You missed just way off target.
Yeah, I'm still totally down to talk by the way.
Sorry if I didn't hit your email, I've been super sick, but so Intel, I love this, Patrick,
you're great.
Uh, serve the home.com slash Intel dash performance dash strategy dash team dash publishing dash
internet in intentionally dash misleading dash benchmarks.
So they published a set of benchmarks showing Intel's advanced showing the advantage of
a dual Intel Xeon platinum 9282 system versus the AMD epic 77 42.
So our buds over at serve the home notice the numbers looked a little weird, particularly
the GROMACS geomean test in the life and material science section.
A 20% Delta seemed kind of strange on a 400 watt 56 core part.
I will also say the last time I met with a bunch of Intel people and talk about stuff,
I brought up serve the home.
So following the footnotes revealed that Intel had used GROMACS 2019.3 rather than 2019.4.
The new version that has been out since October 2nd and includes a fixed called AMD Zen two
Basically the previous version doesn't support AMD's epic Rome architecture properly.
Now the, okay.
If we're going to talk about the letter of the law, the test is still valid because they
did technically use the same version on each machine.
That's just lawful evil or relevant.
Not like lawful.
It's not nice.
It's not like, you know what?
Good job, bro.
You guys are doing good.
We just want to show our numbers too.
You know?
As outlined by serve the home, they pulled similar stunts on several other tests, including
using ICC compiler.
Is that the stupid Intel compiler?
Hold on.
They could also, I mean, they could also run this stuff on like windows XP and it wouldn't
be an invalid test.
Just wouldn't matter.
So yup.
Using ICC compiler, using lower thread counts with AMD, using old Linux kernels.
There, that was pretty much my point.
Using a last gen board that doesn't support PCI express gen four comparing their 400 watt
part to AMD's 225 watt part while AMD, by the way, does also offer a 280 watt part.
And they also just didn't bother to mention the price of their solution, which is not
even close.
Like it's not even on the same planet.
Intel responded updating their blog post with numbers from GROMX 2019.4 with no material
difference to earlier data posted on the 2019.3 version.
They also said that threads per core equals one was a typo and they meant two.
So there's some stuff here.
GROMX, uh, whatever dot three, the one that they used, uh, it's, it's very likely that
they didn't publish these numbers immediately.
You're right.
It probably took time to make its way through legal and all that.
So dot four might not have been out in time.
I know it was October 2nd.
That is actually pretty recent if you line everything up.
Some companies are a little slow about doing things.
Intel is a massive giant of a company.
It might've taken a long time for them to do all of this.
Um, so like we can throw them a little bit of a bone there.
I'm just making sure everyone's aware of the situation.
I'm not saying it's fair or valid.
I think they're thoroughly boned right now.
They don't need more bone.
That sounds, that sounds solid.
I just wanted to throw them that using old Linux kernels, all this other kind of stuff.
Not cool.
Um, I hadn't even read that part when I made my like windows XP joke and that just hit
home so much better, but that was there.
I don't know.
This is not cool.
I mean maybe the answer is for Intel to stop publishing benchmarks of their own products
has not been going well for them.
And like this happens all the time and we've had issues like this with AMD before.
Let's just be totally clear.
Um, first party benchmarks every single time they're ever brought up on Wancho, we'd go
wait till reviewers get it because it's like very often you know, I really feel like the
industry needs, um, like a performance evaluation consortium for like ever since SSDs started
getting more complex than just some basic wear leveling and garbage collection.
It's been pretty much impossible to use off the shelf software in order to evaluate their
performance because nowadays, especially through a combination of DRAM caching and operating
some of the flash in SLC mode and some of it in like fricking TLC or QLC mode.
There's ways to tune an SSD such that 98% of the time in a consumer workload, it'll
perform like hot beans.
Whereas in that one sort of exception, like say for example, you've got a, uh, a C fast
media card plugged in via USB three 10 gig and you're copying that media, copying that
mean and your performance just tanks.
Um, if there was, if there were tools that were more easily accessible that would help
the average person understand the performance of a product versus just the specs, I think
that would be to, to the advantage of consumers everywhere.
And the only reason to keep all of your benchmarking tools private and in house would be if you
don't want anyone else looking at them.
And so I remember telling Intel at some point, I was like, look, creating an IO trace is
a little bit above our level right now.
This is a tool that, um, once you know how to do it is as simple as doing a bunch of
things and then seeing how quickly the drive can run its way through it.
Could you guys like create that tool and then we can make the ultimate decision of sort
of what sorts of workloads we feel are important for our users.
And they were like, Oh yeah, that seems like a cool idea.
And this was just a lower level person I was talking to.
I didn't really expect it to go anywhere and it didn't.
Um, and so this is, this is a great example of how, you know, you'd never, it would never
happen, but what we really need is for Intel AMD, you know, throw IBM and arm in there
while we're at it.
To get together and say, okay, look, how are our customers actually using our products?
How do we help them make educated decisions?
This is how we're going to test it.
We're all going to test it this way.
In the meantime though, I guess, you know, just read, serve the home.
All right.
This is probably our last topic for the day cause I don't, I think my brain might explode
if I try and go, if I try and keep talking after this.
Um, the original source is the guardian and James Dean will apparently be resurrected
for a new Vietnam war drama.
Laptop screens down.
What do you think?
I hate it.
I think we agree.
We can open up again.
I wanted to see if you disagreed with me.
This is nuts.
Apparently his like family licensed his, uh, image, I guess.
I don't know to show up in the movie.
Um, that's super off-putting.
I wouldn't want my family to be able to do that.
Um, to be fair at the same time, like, could I still be hosting tech videos and a hundred
years and you don't get to be okay or not okay with what you say.
Cause like acting in film is art.
Even let's tech quickies art, but even if it isn't, whatever, um, you're saying stuff
in tech Wiki, you can't say no.
At this point you are putting a portrayal across like there's, there's a, I think it's
a different level than musicians doing performances on stage because then they're just doing the
So like whatever hologram to pack or what Tupac or whatever they did to pack.
That's cause I can't talk probably right now.
To it than that.
That's like, what if Tupac didn't want to participate in that particular performance?
Like there's a, there's an, there's an association with their brand that every artist has to
make a judgment call every time they appear in a live performance or performance the country
or the state or the province of the town that you show up in.
That could be the script.
Like maybe you, maybe the underlying message of the movie, you know, like just to, to use
an example.
What if, um, you know, Rosie O'Donnell, they used her likeness for some, you know, ultra
far left leaning, you know, show after she died or whatever.
She probably wouldn't be super pleased with that.
I don't know where her stances are, but like in general, yeah.
Pretty right.
How can you?
Yeah, sure.
But you can't like determine.
And what if their opinion would have changed in that time?
That's another thing too.
You can't just pretend that the day someone died, you know, like that, that that's, that's
That's the context of, you know, what he died like he's died 64 years ago.
So given how much has changed in the world in 64 years, we can't say that James Dean
might not be a completely different person today if he was on things may have changed.
Um, so the filmmakers will, this is a horrible quote.
We searched high and low for the perfect character to portray the role, which has some extreme
complex character arcs.
And after months of research, we decided on James Dean.
No, no, find an actor.
Like, this is such a, they took our jobs, but my, my dead are taking our job.
That's fair.
My biggest concern here is not with the, uh, directors though.
I have no issue with that to be completely honest.
My issue is the family goes, yeah, we see this as his fourth movie that he never got
to make.
Um, we do not intend to let his fans down.
Like his family's just like, yeah, sick.
Let's do it.
Give me that money.
That's more of a problem in my opinion, because like if, if, if you approach a family and
in like the will or something, I don't know how this works.
They're like, I'd love to keep appearing in movies digitally that he said 64 years ago.
Um, but whatever, let's just assume that's there.
Then sure.
But like, cause again, this is up to like the license of the person is fine, but someone
goes, sure.
You can license me out.
So now we're talking about licensing people, which is madness in the first place.
But like, let me give you a whole other like level of madness.
When does a person enter public domain?
When can my grandkids make a video starring James Dean wouldn't that be and like uploaded
to their YouTube channel under the current letter of the law?
Wouldn't that be like a hundred years or something legitimately happen?
I can't remember, but like that's never been a thing before.
Licensing a person has never been a thing.
I love this kind of stuff.
So the filmmakers will use preexisting film and photographs to create a full body CGI
of Dean with another actor providing his voice.
They can't even like, this is, they have received backlash online.
Oh yeah.
One director said we never intended for this to be a marketing gimmick.
He was both saddened and confused by the negative comments.
Oh, I'm so confused.
I never saw this coming.
You're an idiot.
You're like actually stupid.
You can switch to my screen if you want to show this.
I'm already on it.
Um, yeah.
Chris Evans, uh, captain America piped up.
I'm sure he'd be thrilled.
This is awful cap.
I'm getting mixed messages here.
Maybe maybe we could get a computer to paint us a new Picasso or write a couple of new
John Lennon tunes.
The complete lack of understanding here is shameful.
Pretty much.
Thanks cap.
Couldn't have put it better myself.
Thanks buddy.
Hope you're having a good day.
Robin Williams, his daughter called it puppeteering the dead cloud alone.
Thank you for someone's family responding to this properly.
You know what I mean?
Like what the heck?
Oh man.
It's very weird.
Like the statement of like, we see this as his fourth film that he never got to make.
Thank you very much for all of the money that you just gave us for our dead for a very long
time relative that we probably didn't know very well.
Dead 64 years ago.
Like so thanks for the moolah.
Don't even know if I'm going to watch it.
Like, I don't know, man.
I'm not down with this at all.
But yeah.
I mean, even posthumously releasing works of an artist that they did create, like the
Tolkien stories.
Didn't Tupac, speaking of Tupac, didn't Tupac release an album pused humously?
Pused humously.
After he died.
I think so.
I haven't followed it too closely.
But yeah.
That's the only word I've only read.
Never heard anyone say.
There is some weird stuff there.
Like I haven't looked into it.
But if Tolkien told, because it's Tolkien's son that continued that, right?
I think so.
So if Tolkien told his son that like he can keep working on his universe, then great.
For as far as I'm concerned, that's fantastic.
And like there's other gray areas.
You know, well, artists performing their work, but like in hologram or whatever.
That's more gray than this.
I would say it's not even that gray.
I mean, there's the whole...
So I remember reading at one point, don't quote me on this though, please, that Disney
was waiting for some sort of statute of limitations to expire after Robin Williams' death.
And that they had enough material from his recording sessions for Genie for Aladdin,
for the previous Aladdin movies, to like write an Aladdin IV with Robin Williams as Genie
just around his lines.
So apparently the first movie was just kind of written or rewritten based on him ad-libbing
things in the voice.
I've heard that as well.
And that's like already pretty crap-tastic.
But from my understanding of like the way that voice acting contracts work, it's maybe
not that outlandish.
I think that's still technically valid.
I was reading an article on Toy Story 4 from the, I feel really bad because I forget her
Oh dude, I don't know like any actors or actresses' names at all.
All right, here we go.
Annie Potts.
So who's the voice actress for Bo Peep in Toy Story.
And apparently with all the changes to the script and the fact that they don't read in
the same room as each other and how long they've been working on it, she had never actually
seen a finished script.
And it wasn't until the movie was screened to her that she realized that she was like
the leading character.
So apparently this is just a thing.
And that happens in video game stuff too.
You just give them a whole bunch of lines and they just use whatever they want slash
You are paid for those lines that you delivered.
So I don't know, that could be its own thing.
Still a gray area though.
As far as I'm concerned.
Depends on how the contract works and stuff.
That's I guess my kind of thing.
If there's pre-existing agreements for this kind of stuff, then great.
And I don't know the Tolkien situation, but I think that would be a good example if there
was already a pre-existing agreement there of continue on, then fantastic.
I think he's doing a positive service there.
I mean there really is so much danger of the after death work being just not even close
to the quality and just sullying the original work.
That's my biggest concern.
Have you read a Bernstein Bears book by Mike Bernstein, the son of Stan and Jan?
They're terrible.
He writes like a grade six kid.
No offense Mike, but you suck.
You're awful.
I guess that's a little bit of offense.
There's a line, we have this stupid dinosaur dig one and it's like brother and sister like
those dinosaurs.
What are you even talking about?
That's not writing.
That's just, ugh.
You're awful.
At a certain point you don't want to give it to your kids.
And you should quit.
They'll talk poorly.
All right.
Are we talking about the last topic that we mentioned?
Why not?
Microsoft reports 40% increased productivity after decreasing working days.
This is specifically Microsoft Japan.
They tested a four day work week.
Now what I did notice is that it doesn't say anything about how long the days are of those
four days.
So if they're like four or 12 day work days, then yeah, I could see needing a break.
They saw, but okay, they also did other things at the same time including capping meetings
at 30 minutes and increasing remote conferences.
They reduced their electricity cost and they printed somehow 60% fewer pages in the period.
I don't really.
That's pretty weird.
That sounds like there was, it sounds like there is a sweeping amount of changes.
There's also something that I would be really aware of, which is if you hear this change
is going to be tested in your area, you're probably going to bust your butt for the amount
of time that that's going because then you get a free extra day off for the rest of time.
We also don't know like how, um, yeah, we don't know what the work, the total work week
actually looked like.
According to a 2016 government study, almost a quarter of Japanese companies required employees
to work more than 80 hours of overtime a month.
Um, so yeah, there you go.
That's a thing.
Who knows?
Let's do a super chat thing.
Uh, Kang says, did you just get started, uh, back when you posted that?
Yes, uh, cupcake person, LTS 2021 happening.
Why don't we worry about 2020 first?
2020 is happening.
Hey, um, Tyler says, fans and sensei X.
Thanks Tyler.
Um, thanks cam.
Oh, any possibility of keeping Wancho episodes as a Plex web show or I dunno, maybe, um,
it's a low priority, like everything to do with Wancho.
No offense, Wancho.
You're wonderful Wancho.
You know, good job.
Good job.
Good job Wancho.
Wancho is like the only, it's the only production that we still do that uses equipment that
we own.
When we started Linus media group, this table has been, has been with us since the very
Um, Kara says, would you consider a video comparing ultra books and eGPU noise and performance?
Um, no, not really.
I mean the noise of an ultra book is the noise of an ultra book and then the noise of the
eGPU is the noise of the eGPU and you literally put them together.
Um, tech X says, what app do you use for AirPods pros on Android?
I actually just don't even bother.
I just use them cause I don't really care what my battery life is.
It is alive until the noise cancellation starts to kind of like derp out and then it's not.
And I put it in the case.
Honestly, I mostly wear them, not even listening to music because the noise cancellation is
so good.
Uh, and they're just really comfy.
Man, part of this being sick thing was that I lost all, not all hearing.
I lost a significant amount of my hearing in both of my ears for like a week and then
just randomly while I was just sitting around, it kind of cleared back up and it was like
partially scary and extremely painful for a little while and like the fridge sounded
extremely loud and I was like, Oh my God, I want to unplug that thing and you don't
even have kids.
And then he says, since I can't afford the LTT underwear, here's all my Google rewards
money and it's like 10 euros.
You were getting close dude.
Google rewards money though.
I don't think he can spend that on.
I would be forever grateful if you could hook me up with a coupon code.
I stayed up until 2 AM to send this.
I have no idea how to, I don't even have a tool to message you dude.
I'm so sorry.
I also don't think the racket of like turning Google rewards money into LTT store money
is probably going to be a thing we're going to want to continue in the future.
It's our new money laundering operation.
Unless that is something you want to do.
Good luck.
You've all read.
Uh, thanks Eric.
Apparently this is brought to you by gamers nexus at gamers nexus.net.
Thanks for that.
Heck yeah.
Paul, any opinion on the Halloween video feedback?
I think I'm just too old.
Uh, Seth says, okay, boomer.
Oh, speaking of gamers nexus, bunch of people are sending gamers that enclave strong sent
the gamers nexus message.
What are you guys doing?
What's going on?
Did you guys talk about how Steve went off on gaming chairs on Twitter yesterday night?
That was awesome.
I liked it.
His, his message was stop rebranding the same chair and selling it as though it is like
Well, I just added that in.
That's not necessarily what he said.
I don't remember what he said, but I thought it was funny.
Alejandro says, what happened to the release of tech link stress balls?
Where are my stress balls?
We're working on it.
We're like eight things, you know, what's the Halloween video.
He gave out like 15 K worth of stuff.
For Halloween.
This, that, yeah.
Some people liked it.
Some people thought it was fake.
It wasn't.
Um, I don't know.
Did you give it to random people?
Oh yeah.
Some people thought it was dumb.
It kind of was.
That'd be a weird thing to fake.
You bought all this or at least some of it, bought a lot of it.
A lot of it.
I grabbed from here.
Did they even know what they were getting?
A lot of them did actually.
That kid was upset cause I gave him candy cause I thought he was too young to appreciate
He comes back later and cries cause he wanted a cell phone.
Anyway, fine.
You got candy, which is cool by itself.
You got a whole bag of M&M's.
That's amazing.
That's like the king house when you're a kid.
So, ah, that kind of bothers me a little bit.
Daniel asks if we've got the GTX razor blade stealth yet.
Haven't gotten around to working on it yet though.
Sebastian is sending more Google opinion rewards money.
Thanks Sebastian.
The dude in the stormtrooper hat is fantastic.
I'm going to watch this later.
That's funny.
Thanks Tyler.
That's a phone.
Oh my.
Thanks Kyle.
Um, you guys should get Janice to guest host an episode of tech linked.
Not a bad suggestion.
We've never had Taron do one.
We realized that today.
So he's, uh, he's signed up in the queue.
Um, Tristan says, can you do some sort of fun collab with Steve?
I worry he's working too much and not giving him himself enough time to recover.
What is with all the gamers Nexus people?
So you should work with him more.
So that he can have more time to recover.
Um, thanks Johnny Nimble.
Uh, Vincent says, at what point did you become a communist?
I don't know.
Let's see.
Let's see the red back there.
Even my chair is red.
What about the blue?
Ah, it's mine.
Uh, Sion says, huh?
Free super chats.
It was just black.
And you wasted your super chat on that.
Uh, Matt Y says rise of nine or 9900 K state.
Stay tuned.
Just wait.
That's all I'll say for now.
Just wait a little bit.
Um, Matthew says, can you do your shirts in a hundred percent cotton?
Probably not.
We like the blend.
Um, so we're going to stick with the blend for now.
Cotton would be cheaper, but like, the shirts are always throw this out there.
Shirts are already crazy cheap.
Hey, have you seen the design for the, uh, the, uh, float plane shirt to commemorate
Um, did you like float plane and stuff?
Hold on.
I don't have teams.
It's on teams.
I don't, I don't have the team plugged in here, so I can't, I can't show it to you right
now, but it's pretty sick.
Should I, do you want to show it on camera?
My team's notification camera, I guess you won't be able to see much.
I don't know.
I also sent like four messages to James today through teams.
I don't think any of them went through.
He kept on asking me if I was doing land and I kept on going.
So then he'd asked me again.
I'm going to be like, yeah.
And I don't think any of the Yaz went through care for me.
So I don't think any of that worked.
Oh yes.
I've seen it.
Is that the, is that the copy we agreed on?
My brain was still deciding that this was a pin.
How do you like the copy?
Like the text?
I think it's cool.
Oh no.
I mean, do you think it's like funny though?
Oh, because of the, yeah.
No, I like it.
So yeah, this is it guys.
It's an LTT logo and a float plane logo kind of packed together and it says beta squadron.
I thought that part was cool.
Cause we just think that's pretty funny.
I think it's sweet.
I like it a lot.
Cause we're beta.
Cause we're beta.
When I first saw it, I thought it was a pin and my brain's just like attached to that
way too much.
I don't know why.
So when you mentioned shirt, I was like, no, I've seen a pin, but yeah, no, I've definitely
seen that.
It's coming soon.
That's very cool.
Joshua has a great discussion topic for us.
Great channel or greatest channel.
It's tremendous.
Todd sent us a joke.
What do you call broccoli?
That isn't green.
There's some really good channels.
That's the answer.
But that's like really stupid.
Good try.
That's actually the, yeah, it says cauliflower in the comment.
You did guess it.
It's like not even a joke.
You got it.
No, it's just trying to teach you about cauliflower.
I don't know.
You're wrong.
It's his next super chat.
The cauliflower with the main ingredient in cauliflower pizza, which is a healthy alternative
for regular pizza.
I don't know, dude.
Uh, Alexis recently upgraded to a 47 90 K due to bottlenecking.
I want to get a new GPU, 90 DTI.
Is that good?
Two $50 budget.
That's basically the best you're going to do for that budget.
I think so.
Uh, Machiavelli asks when are the mouse pads coming?
I think we're going to get this message every week until they're here.
That's good.
In a bit.
The announcement is more about restrictions for microtransactions.
The execution is really doubtful since the game company would be highly likely to find
a workaround for this regulation since they want to get the money.
We'll see.
I mean, breaking the law in China is like not necessarily a good plan.
Um, yeah.
Uh, Hoshi says, love the channel.
Brought me back to the PC.
Is it possible to run a Plex NAS server and a steam cache from the same machine with unraid?
Uh, yeah, you should be able to do that.
Uh, I've never set up steam caching on unraid, although we did set up a steam cache VM, like
just using unraid as a, as a VM host.
And then we had that running a steam cache off of past through storage devices.
So yes, you would definitely be able to do it.
It's just a matter of how, uh, green lungs.
Green lungs.
Uh, Gordon child says this conversation is stupid.
Please move.
I'll move on.
Sounds good.
Uh, cool.
Can you please make LCD case badges, fangirls, et cetera.
I'll probably not anytime soon.
Vc jester marketing next to stuff, uh, hit Fisher.
They shouldn't be limiting the user's playing ability.
They need to use their strengths to make sure developers don't use predatory tactics.
But how do you define that?
That's extremely difficult.
It's tough.
Uh, Luke says, I'm still waiting to buy your book.
Luke O'Brien.
Uh, I haven't even started writing it, so I guarantee you, uh, it'll be a bit, it'll
be in seasons passes.
Uh, venom squad says, when's the Minecraft server going online.
We are planning to launch in just under a month.
Remember how you had your idea to release it in like sections and maybe some people
had to subscribe to episodic.
You should know DLC, which is editor's notes on what you said.
That's and then you should have extra DLC that is like comments of people that you work
with about what you said.
Totally unlimited monetization potential.
You want to cut of your DLC?
10% sick.
I'm in.
I'm so down, no one's going to buy it and I don't care.
Oh, they would.
People would buy the crap out of, they'd probably buy the crap out of yours.
Oh, I'd buy Yvonne's.
Oh my goodness.
This will totally work.
Like when I'm telling like, I would 100% buy Yvonne's.
I should have my mom do one.
I'd buy my mom's just like, what is she, what is she thinking about this?
And you can't like read any of them and then change anything.
I'd sign up for that.
Don't be a dick though.
I don't think I would be legitimately don't think I would be, I was there for the roast.
I ended that really thought everyone was going to be ending that with like as much as I did.
Mine was like really long, but I thought it was, I thought it was good.
I thought my roast was pretty all right.
Jim says, would you recommend synergy or mouse without borders?
I've never tried mouse without borders, but there was another one we used recently that
was pretty good.
That wasn't either of those two.
I was working on something recently that I set up synergy for and the setup is a little
clunky still.
And there was a couple little issues that I had, but it did accomplish the goal.
So the other one was in the video where we had a Mac and a PC.
On the super ultra wide monitor made a Mac and a PC.
Maybe check out that one as well.
One thrust man says, long time listener on Apple podcasts.
People listen to this on Apple podcasts.
He's the, he's the one.
Just wanted to thank you guys for the countless hours of entertainment.
Thanks one thrust man.
10 bucks.
Uh, what else we got?
Robert mail and more gamers, nexus stuff.
Should you just call Steve and ask why he's like sending his army over here.
This ad break brought to you by the gamers nexus mod mat says deep fried lettuce.
All right.
Thanks guys.
And that's enough for today.
We'll see you again next week.
Same bat time.
Same bat channel.
Oh right.
The intro thing.
Where is it?
There it is.
Oh crap.
I honestly wasn't that sold on the DLC idea.
I just thought it was funny until you mentioned like I would buy a Vons and like, oh my goodness.
I would definitely buy a Vons.
There should be additional DLC on top of that.
Where you are.
You should work for EA.