
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

Come one come all to the wen show I hope this computer is working I haven't
actually turned it on yet oh boy and then you're gonna get prompted to
BIOS update did you do it no I think it might actually just be broken oh well
which would be spectacular we're off to a great start today guys we got some
interesting some great and some weird news steam users have the right to sell
their digital games as far as I know just in France or so says a French
morning valve has vowed to fight the ruling so we'll see how that goes for
interesting in other news UFD tech is moving out from South Africa back to the
United States in order to seek better or better medical care for his son we'll be
able to discuss that a little bit later Facebook plans to create an independent
oversight board oh yeah and YouTube just dunked a huge amount of creators
verification badges thanks guys I happen to know someone who used to be verified
who is no longer verified you probably know I will tell you where I will tell
you later that's my hook that's my hook intro I think like almost everyone does
honey squarespace and see Sonic sponsor today yeah cool all right let's go ahead
and see if my laptop's working and one two oh we're on we're on we got if we
got a show today that's lucky thanks I actually have no idea where that came
from I think it's just one of your windows images probably an HP thing they
probably included that sense so why don't we jump right into the headline
topic yes French court has ruled that steam should okay you know what here
let's go let's go through it let's go through our detailed notes first and
then we'll actually then we'll actually discuss so a new ruling by a French
court has the potential to radically alter the way people buy sell and play
video games particularly online because the way that we used to buy sell and
play video games back in the day of the physical cartridges was already like
this I could go to a store where they from a manufacturer presumably receive a
shipment of games I could buy it and then once I bought it yes it was still
governed by a licensing agreement it was a license for the software I didn't own
it the source code wasn't mine but this copy of it was effectively mine to do
with as I pleased I couldn't agree I could lend it to you and then I could
get it back from you later I could sell it to you and then never get it back
from you I could lend it to you and never get it back I think I might still
have a couple games or I could take it back to the store and you know get a
trade-in credit towards another game I could be a store whose entire business
rip is to except for willow video except for willow yeah probably me I haven't
even been in there in months but they still rent videos I know right that's a
notable amount of their business it's crazy isn't it I have a copy of fanboys
at home that my sister said I should watch she said I'd like it I've actually
never seen the movie but it has a it has a blockbuster sticker anyway the point
is it used to be that back when the game license was effectively tied to a
physical object there were rules that sort of intrinsically existed and they
still do for physical copies of games but for years French consumer rights
group UFC not that UFC cush was here have been embroiled in a legal battle
with valve corporation over several clauses in the company's steam user
agreement particularly the one that states that you don't actually own games
that you purchase on their digital storefront you are merely subscribing for
an undetermined period of time to the games in your library so here's the
thing though this clause means that steam users don't have certain basic
consumer rights like for example the ability to resell the games they buy now
yeah valve has gotten quite a bit more flexible over the way that people use
their steam games over the years I still remember what a big deal it was when
Luke figured out that thanks to a new rule from valve he could mooch off of
the Linus tech tip steam account and play all the latest games because I
wouldn't care because effectively I was getting a deeper save games that I could
use for benchmarking and he wins because he gets to play single-player gaming
experiences without buying the game yeah everybody's everyone's a winner that's
great I was okay with it I noticed none of none of your PC's are actually I
think you I think your stream just buys you every game now don't they pretty
much Wow you're still you know I found a better way I don't even have to ask
anymore I was uh okay what what's that huge new game cyberpunk
Starbucks not even gonna be out for a while and I like talked on stream for a
little bit about how like I'll probably be playing that game because it seems
really cool and then someone just bought it for me I was like oh great sweet it
was awesome first first you sleep in the bed of the dead guy take all his cutlery
yeah okay then you have people buying still got his coach his coach is
wonderful it's great okay for context guys and his computer chair for context
guys this was an estate sale for Luke's house it came fully furnished he didn't
like steal it or anything he bought it it's just a little weird that he kept it
I didn't keep all of it I got rid of some of it you sold it didn't you it
probably the stuff that I got rid of was not really worth like it wouldn't have
nobody would have bought it anywho so two valves credit over the years they've
actually gotten a lot more flexible with things like family sharing which they
haven't even locked down the same way that Spotify is planning to with their
family plan where you're all supposed to be at the same address and stuff so no
but they will invalidate it every once in a while they do and you have to be
like kind of nearby yeah but it's nothing that can't be solved with a
quick team viewer session yeah so it's not really they're not aggressive a big
deal yeah exactly they could be locking it down yeah far tighter and they're not
but something that people have been upset with valve about for many many
years is the fact that you can't return a game basically after you've opened it
although they did loosen that I think you can play it for like 20 minutes or
something now I forget two hours but I think it's fairly unofficial but two
hours seems to be the like if you ask for a refund within two hours you'll
pretty much just get it kind of limit so they've even got more flexible about
that but you cannot resell your games when you are done with them they just
sit in your library forever I have like 240 games in my library I have a kind of
a fun video that I'm planning coming up so I might stream maybe I'm full player
or something that'd be kind of fun but I might stream yeah you love you love
anytime I say the f-word you're so happy but yeah so I might stream it but then
also cut it together as a YouTube video okay I'm gonna play every unopened game
in my steam library every so all zero minute played yeah wow were you on the
humble bundle stuff at all oh yeah oh in the early days oh yeah until I
realized that my steam library was just cluttered up with garbage that I've
never played and some gems that I've never played so they'll find out which
is which yeah I'm just very sure I've never played FTL for example I I have
owned it for like six years I love that game I know you do yeah you had some
ship or something you're gonna beat some mission I don't know it was in your
stream oh I did the no shield I did the no shield challenge yeah sounds late it
was really hard I'm pretty yeah did you do it I did okay good job okay so the
District Court of Paris has struck down the notion that steam sells
subscriptions according to the court steam sells game licenses much in the
same way that you owned a game license back when you bought a disc or that you
own a movie license when you buy a blu-ray or whatever the case may be and
that consumers ought to have the right to do what they want with them the court
also took valve to task for other practices like holding on to steam
wallet funds when players leave the platform their unclear moderation
policies not accepting responsibility if users computers are harmed by software
even betas sold on their platform now the legal battle isn't over yet our
notes say valve is certain to appeal which is an indication that these notes
were done in the morning because valve has already said they are going to
appeal and it's a and like regardless of the outcome of valves appeal this could
set off a series of similar challenges across the EU and therefore potentially
elsewhere in the world and this is big to UFC cush was yours has said that they
plan to directly challenge other digital products and platforms so I mean another
great example of this to my knowledge once you have activated it there's no
way to sell a Windows 10 license yeah they could end up going after freaking
Microsoft what and that would actually be pretty funky yeah a lot of this would
be really funky what do you think I want I want like kind of two different
answers one gaming platforms steam origin you play all that can assure to
software all other software okay gaming platforms I as a consumer did you want
me as a consumer me as a business owner which hat should I wear I think I think
it's an overall what do you think's best for like the world you're gonna get
different hats I like it that works is that your business owner how about me a
Santa this gives me less to give away so I'm I'm gonna I'm gonna go with Santa's
kind of a business owner right okay okay so as a business owner it's goods I see
games as okay I see the inability of people to resell games as necessary to
enable to enable the ongoing existence of certain gaming experiences okay and
I'm gonna explain what I mean by that so cod is not going to be affected by this
because for the entire lifespan that cod is still actively being purchased like a
particular cod game right it's all about the multiplayer experience nobody
nobody's buying a cod game in order to play through the single-player campaign
and then like be done the game you you pick out you pick it up every once in a
while sure there's whatever don't freak out yeah yeah all dozens of you sorry
so so so something like a Dota 2 where obviously the business model has moved
on right yeah from from the from the single purchase and then you know people
just play against each other like forever paradigm like that that's not
sustainable unless you do you know community created servers much like
older games used to yeah so it's free Dota 2 yeah yeah I know okay yeah that's
why I was using Dota 2 as an example of something has that has moved on from the
paradigm of a single purchase and then the developer just kind of going okay
the game's done we're gonna make our next game we're gonna make Dota 3 right
like that that paradigm is sort of sort of it's not dead but many genres have
passed it particularly in the multiplayer space yeah but what about
single-player what do they do they have to either do I mean you know what I'm
not gonna call them DLCs I'm gonna call them expansion packs because for
whatever reason expansion pack is still an okay word to say but DLC is a dirty
one they're the same damn thing so so single-player could do DLCs they could
add extra dungeons or campaigns or characters or equipment and and they
could expand on the game and get you to keep contributing towards their
development efforts that way or they could move on to the next game and say
okay that game is done and the problem with that is that I think for a lot of
consumers they're kind of done with that game once they've played through it
because I don't know about you but for me I don't find that any single-player
experience has ever kept me in for very long by just throwing more DLCs or more
expansion packs at me it's extremely uncommon that I'll even go back like a
like a new DLC will come out or whatever I'm not gonna go back for a DLC if like
back in the Warcraft days I'd buy an expansion because it's an entirely
different freaking game but like us Warcraft frozen throne was okay Warcraft
3 yes Warcraft 2 I would make the argument that would it tie beyond the
dark portal is not a different game it's like some maps okay see but that's
something I wouldn't come back for right so in that situation I it's very
unlikely and even a game that is it's very hard for me to say this because
Final Fantasy 6 holds a very special place in my heart but even for a game
that is arguably my favorite game of all time Breath of the Wild is a great game
I didn't even bother to play the DLC it's like no I beat Ganon I'm done yeah
it feels and it also feels very weird coming back to those games so here's the
problem particularly games that are story like narrative driven games are
kind of done once you finish the narrative content and in the old days a
lot of the time games were kind of simpler like something like a pilot
wings first nest did you ever play pilot wings yeah I didn't play it back in the
day actually but I've played it more recent it was more about like playing
fun little minigames it was a pack of minigames and so there's there's no
story or anything so you know I don't feel like as a game developer I'm at
risk of I feel like this argument has gotten very meandering I'm very sorry
the point is depending on the gaming experience there is no way for a game
developer to incentivize players who have already made their lump sum
purchase and own the game to keep playing it and keep wanting to own it
there's just no practical way to do it and the unfortunate thing about digital
distribution is that digital distribution works not just for a game
publisher but also for a user so if there's a way for me to effectively
become a digital distributor of my personal game library then the advantage
of digital distribution is that you've got this enormous customer base so back
in the day it wasn't as much of a concern because the barriers that
naturally existed for physical media like finding a buyer and shipping a
physical game cartridge to someone or delivering it to their house made it
less prevalent whereas now the ease with which you could resell something and and
flip it effectively reducing the original sellers ability to sell another
copy to that person is incredible so what happens to the game developers who
now really will like I don't have to do a study to prove this it's it's very
obvious the game developers who really will sell many many fewer copies of
their games if they happen to be a style of gameplay that lends itself to playing
through once being done with it and just wanting to get rid of it like this game
I just brought up vvvvv it was one of the old-school humble bundle games yeah
there's billions of these out here my stream gave away probably potentially in
the hundreds because I've had this weird thing that we used to do if everyone
that had this game suddenly was like I'm just gonna sell it you right click on
you click sell go I put it 0.1% under current undercut market value whatever
let's go it's gonna be a couple pennies right now it's selling for $5.49 that
developer it's just gonna get nothing from what they made now so digital is
like too easy so there is an argument to be made remember I have my my like game
developer publisher I have my business hat on right now so so from them from a
business person from a consumer perspective here I think I need a new
hat please what's the consumer gonna be you could like low-key mock them and
wear a clown hat nice okay so from a consumer perspective that's not my
problem true yeah you developed your game and you got paid for it and what
you want to be paid for this game forever get a job make a new game no no
I mean come up with a new idea I want more games to play I'm done playing this
game I paid my money I should get something back for it cuz I'm done with
it I don't need this anymore I think it would hurt indie games a lot which makes
me sad that makes me not want to be on board okay so I'll just be me now as as
consumer hat that's me being consumer hat so my favorite game in the last I
don't know year whatever I'll pick an arbitrary period of time ever since I
played Breath of the Wild who is an indie game it's very small very small
development studio that made a game called crosscode did you ever play it I
played it a little bit you suck okay so crosscode is like an old-school jrpg
style game but it's actually I think a mostly Western development played it
since then I just haven't played it tonight because I told you I I don't
want to play it on stream it doesn't feel like a stream gets fine you just
suck that's what's gonna take me it's fine that you suck like that's your life
choice anyway sorry so really small development studio and they're actually
these guys are so incredible because they're actually still adding content
to the game even though the you know initial rush of people buying it is is
clearly far from over and they're doing free DLC they're not asking for any
additional money for it there's no subscription fee to play it pay it
there's nothing like that it's one and done and they keep adding content super
cool guys I don't know how they could possibly survive if people were able to
sell this game once they were done with it because it's very narrative and
character-driven and now that I finished I might do a couple arena challenges but
that's not gonna that's not gonna entertain me I'm sitting here bated
breath for crosscode 2 which will probably take another seven years or
however long the first one took them so the thing is that while they did
probably make a bunch of money on this game developing it selling it the feast
and famine game development model is not sustainable that has been basically
proven where you where you invest really heavily in something and you're you're
kind of you're running on fumes by the time it's finally time to release it you
get this huge influx of money and then you go okay I want to hear everyone's
best pitch what's the next gigantic gamble that we take that is either going
to make us or break us as a company okay go let's do it again that is not
sustainable so I I actually you know what I'm gonna say it I'm gonna say that
the benefits of digital distribution things like steam summer sales which
maybe haven't been that great in recent years but certainly are to be killer a
better deal than it used to be going to the local London drugs and buying a game
so the fact that discounts are so readily available the fact that cloud
autosaves are a thing wow they're amazing I love it what else can you
think of that's great about digital distribution the fact that you can buy a
game in the middle of the night and then just play it immediately it's free
awesome library sync so like oh you set up a new laptop it doesn't have a disk
drive you can just download all your things immediately you don't have to
worry about it yep digital rights management and I don't mean that from a
restrictive sense I mean that from a management sense so having the digital
rights to share my game library with Luke so he can play that game if I'm not
playing it right now I am gonna go ahead and say that from my perspective the
benefits of digital distribution have been so great that I am willing to give
up my right to sell games I can see how you could make an argument I kind of
wish there was a solid alternative like I I wish that I could go out and buy
more physical copies of games I've brought that up a lot and I would do
that for a lot of games there's a lot of games where I'm like I'm fairly certain
I'm gonna like this a lot and it's not gonna necessarily be super popular with
everybody so I want to buy it so I can hand it to my friend so he can go play
it and then in a lot of cases being adults now if I can tell they're really
interested I might even be like hey give it back and then they have to buy it
themselves if I want to support the company very much or whatever that's
another thing that sometimes it's hard for me to keep track of is that I am an
adult now I have you know a real job sort of but the point is I make enough
money that spending $50 or $60 or $20 or whatever it is on a game periodically is
not a huge deal for me and I guess that's where you have to try to like how
do you like how do you solve I've tried to be somewhat reasonable about certain
things like Rocket League yeah I've played a crazy amount of Rocket League
yeah so every once in a while I'll be well by one of their like past things
right but I don't buy them all the time well only if I'm gonna play like a lot
for a while cuz I'm like okay well I got way more massively more value out of the
original purchase that I like probably should have so I'll throw them a few
extra bones now they're part of epics I don't care that much but what I'm
thinking about is more like back in the day when I was a student and I wasted
all my money on my computer hardware so I didn't have any money for games you
know not having that as an option kind of sucks but then again that was right
around the time like my like early university days late high school days
was right around the time steam started to actually gain some traction yeah and
I switched over pretty quickly not completely because every once in a while
a physical copy of the game would be cheaper so I own Far Cry for example on
five CDs
that's amazing yeah it's so stupid actually I think that was slightly
before steam took anyway it doesn't matter the point is there's like games
from after the steam era that I like own on like a bunch of CDs or something
stupid I couldn't find the DVD copy but by and large I did switch to buying them
digitally even though I didn't have a ton of money at the time but I would
just wait for them to be on sale it's just that a lot of the time yeah because
the physical media business the physical games business was struggling so much
they were doing deeper discounts than digital which made no sense cuz like a
physical item had to be like stamped and boxed and shipped somewhere yeah and
warehouse yeah I think for I think the most frustrating series of time for me
was when they first started shifting over to like oh you buy the physical
copy and there isn't even a disc in it there's just a code in the box that was
dumb that was that was pretty I think there's like still doing that yeah and
that's just stupid I remember working at NCIX we'd be doing like a game promo
partnered with Intel or Nvidia or whatever where your graphics card would
come with a free game and like it would come with a box that would just have a
steam code and we're like why why are we shipping this yeah are you guys idiots
yeah can you stop can you just give me a piece just like you yeah coupons yeah
later yeah great yeah a really good thing all right so I'm in chat Luke I'm
suing Bethesda over that exact issue you're suing them go go ham good luck
yeah xenomax is a pretty experienced litigator as companies go there they're
pretty down to fight in courts yeah so good luck everybody yeah um all right
speaking of good luck everybody wishing the best to UFD tech Brett's gonna be
moving his family back to the United States in order to seek better medical
care for his son so Brett's son has syngap one basically it's a disorder
that causes seizures and is has been very challenging for them to treat this
situation is developing very quickly so the family has been forced to move very
abruptly he released a video you guys should go check it out we've actually
got a link down below there's a bunch of ways that you can help out Brett one of
them is he's got a GoFundMe another one is he's on patreon another one is of
course you can subscribe on floatplane he also does streams on twitch you have
disciple they have merch over on teespring but basically their their
plan is to be back in the US by the end of the year maybe sooner they're moving
to Florida where there's better doctors available for his condition however this
is going to be a period like I don't get the I don't get the impression that he's
asking for a handout Brett's one of those guys that whatever you might think
about the content not everybody likes it that's fine that's cool but Brett's one
of those guys that is clearly reinvested a lot of his YouTube earnings in his
business trying to make UFD tech a real business so I don't think that this is
just a cynical cash grab or anything I think that they really do need some funds
in order to help them get through this transition because it's going to be very
difficult not just for Brett and his family but for the other members of the
UFD team at this time none of the other members of their team have u.s. visas so
he's basically been selling all the camera equipment it looks like he's
gonna have to disband the team so his channel I'd be surprised if he doesn't
come back making videos again at some point I mean you got to have a job you
got to support your family especially if you're getting medical care in the u.s.
yeah so like I'm sure there's gonna be videos but you know they might take on a
bit of a different form in it they might need a little bit of help bridging the
gap here so I'm not much of a I'm not I'm not mr. beast I'm not gonna be like
surprising random twitch streamers with donations live or anything but I'll be
making a personal contribution and I just thought I'd bring it up on the
stream so that you guys are aware of the situation I mean the tech whether it's
Austin's house burning down or what's going on right now if you have to attack
I think the tech tuber community has sort of an I wouldn't call it an
obligation but has a tendency to kind of stick together and support each other so
yeah just want to make sure that you guys know what's going on down there
they're doing pretty the only numbers I can I can see or say publicly because I
guess we have flow planes but the only numbers I can say publicly as far as I
know is the GoFundMe one and they're at like almost fifty three thousand now
wow that's awesome of a ten thousand dollar goal that's a big deal but again
medical stuff in America so yeah that's like three hours I actually don't know I
know that it's ridiculous yeah I have no clue I've I don't know how to scale that
at all I remember finding out how much it cost to have a baby yeah in America
yes like what was free here yeah I mean nothing's free you probably to pay for
parking yeah like I yeah oh yeah and parking at the hospital full expense
it's actually like in the grand scheme of things it was you know over the
six-day period or whatever and plus people visits like 70 bucks or really
yeah yeah grand scheme of things nothing compared to like tens of thousands of
dollars which is apparently what it cost down in the States you are not insured
do you have to pay for food because they like feed you in the hospital right they
probably feed like be admitted I mean like maybe you had to get your own food
yeah yeah I mean I had to pay for my own food yes yeah yeah only only the person
in the hospital yeah that gets food yeah but even that like wow okay yeah so
pretty pretty crazy stuff guys best of luck speaking of best of luck best of
luck making a fantastic website for yourself on Squarespace we use
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finally I was waiting for another epic segue that's a terrible lower third that
is the worst whatever see Sonic they make great power supplies they've got 80
plus titanium power supplies I know what specific model we're talking about here
it's not it's not it's not in here but it's there one around here dang it
which one is it whatever they are great power supply make great power so they've
got everything from fully modular power supplies to ones with hybrid fan
operations so they're silent under very low loads they use high quality fans
they offer up to a 12 year warranty on their 80 plus titanium units they're
awesome check them out at see sonic comm or at Amazon at the link in the video
description we love see sonic stuff it's good stuff all right now this is a fun
topic yeah YouTube has slashed the verification the verified user roster
every once in a while YouTube just comes in out of nowhere and is like and gives
us a golden gift here's what you needed delivered perfectly to your doorstep yeah
so I don't know do you want it before okay before we get into YouTube canning
verification badges for a bunch of users you have some updates on floatplane that
you can share right you guys are on target to hit your we're on target
days we were talking about I want to know what's actually gonna be live in
ten days you have to commit to the people it's less than ten days it's ten
ish oh that's how it works yeah that's ten yeah I don't know why I counted
through them all I know how many days it is yeah so no one on the team has told
me there'll be a problem with anything yet speak now or forever hold this
happening it happens every time we have freaking problems every time but no one
has said there's gonna be a problem this time so we're launching yearly payments
which people have been asking for for freaking ever yeah cuz we used to have
them back when it was running through the forum not that they actually hope
that her actually hurt but we technically have so we're launching
yearly payments we're uh what else is even coming comment moderation which
shouldn't matter to any of you guys but that's coming just saying what's this
for for one for 14 your tallying things angled less than four okay sorry I
didn't get that the other part was supposed to be a line it's a K in
American Sign Language ABCDE I don't know American Sign Language but there's
no line yeah whatever it's cool 4k is coming okay so 4k is coming but it has
to be like turned on by the creators and they're probably gonna want to add
additional plans that like cost more to turn that on so 4k is gonna be ready
platform wise right away but I don't know how long it's gonna take until
things actually like come out on the platform at 4k and until you're able to
actually like see it and stuff and then some backend stuff is being worked on
and I think that's sort of it sweet yeah yeah apparently they backtracked the
verification badge thing while we've been on stream that's amazing hold on a
second how do you just do that like you already told people like you're not
worthy and you're like wait no it's cool you totally are don't worry about it
uh okay hold on YouTube backtracks two hours ago this is great on taking badges
away from creators after outcry okay so why don't we start at the beginning
YouTube is ticking off creators again and I I had teased at the beginning of
the way that I actually know someone who had their who had their their
eligibility for their verification badge stripped stripped away none other than
our very own yeah you're still there you go I'm good now I think so
none other than our very own and dear Taryn van Hemert this is Taryn van
Hemert's badge verification removal notification email notification there
you go that was sent to him by messenger pigeon don't scroll up by YouTube don't
scroll oh yeah I won't informing him that they're updating the eligibility
criteria for channel verification on YouTube unfortunately with these changes
your channel no longer meets the criteria to be verified it used to be
that anything over I think a hundred thousand subscribers could be verified
we realize this might be disappointing but we believe these updates will make
channel verification more consistent for users and creators across YouTube please
keep reading to learn more about the changes and what you can do what's
changing YouTube will now proactively verify the channels instead of
accepting requests for verification badges we aim to verify channels that
represent a well-known or highly searched creator artist public figure or
company with themselves from other channels with a similar name and you
basically are a nobody so channels are typically verified if they have a large
audience and community on YouTube are widely recognized outside of YouTube or
have a strong presence online or have a channel name that could be confused with
other channels on YouTube the goal is to help channels avoid impersonation help
viewers understand if the channel or the official presence is the official
presence of the creator celebrity or brand that it represents it does not
represent endorsements or awards from YouTube so what this means is you can go
F yourself basically you're okay you can't appeal it you could appeal it that
was nothing they off I want to re-air some garbage here for a second I'm not
verified on Twitter which I don't actually really care but I'm not
verified that much I know yeah the thing that really pisses me off about it yes
is there is an account do you know about this there's an account that has my
exact name just one of the letters is alpha coded yeah and I don't know which
one it is I don't remember so it looks just like me it is a bot so it
dynamically changes its cover photo and avatar photo to whatever I set mine to
and it copies every single tweet I make and then randomly inserts racist ones
and it follows everyone that I follow yeah so they get notifications saying
this person just followed you and then they check it out and it's not me yeah
luckily a non insignificant amount of them have been like this doesn't seem
right and have figured it out which is great but like what you're not a white
supremacist I mean what fired frankly I'm disappointed you look like a white
supremacist I just it's just so but like they I told Twitter that and they were
like like this is the whole reason why verification exists yeah and it's
important and it should be used so we're not saying Twitter's system is correct
no but this isn't probably isn't the right way to go about it and venom lost
his he's like over 3 million subscribers so basically they just determined he
like doesn't matter they were like minecraft became less popular so screw
you I guess you've had like toys in stores but nah I mean it's a minecraft
popular again it is it's booming yet again I mean here I'm gonna creep him
just cuz I'm like curious and stuff this is like this is basically what we all do
on the content creation side we just like creep each other on social blade so
subscribers for the last 30 days he's growing yeah he's actually he's growing
monthly gained video views oh wow yeah he's growing because minecraft is
minecraft back and I mean he made a video a long time ago being like why I'm
still gonna make minecraft videos and he's just like I just really like
minecraft so he's like the minecraft guy because a lot of people bailed on
minecraft when it started becoming less popular huh but he stuck around so yeah
he's he like rode that out for like years it's still no I mean rode out that
dip oh yeah there was a years-long dip in minecraft popularity like he
struggled yeah but he's growing good on you and then they took it away from him
anyways anyway so took away a lot lots people Twitter's just covered in it
right now so basically so you pause yeah basically what I think YouTube kind of
missed here is that the verification tick is like it's like it's badge of
honor it's kind of like getting a 100,000 subscriber plaque or or whatever
else it's not necessarily from a creator standpoint it's not necessarily about
you know making I mean there is a practical component to it like Luke said
with that Twitter bot that's yeah that spams like racist stuff yeah so there's
a practical component to it but there's also just like a pride component to it
and there's really no reason to not verify someone because I think that the
name of it is right in there verified that's all it is there's no reason to
not verify a creator unless they aren't who they say they are it doesn't say
endorsed by yeah it just says verified yes this is the actual ant venom or yes
this is the actual terran van hemert so if you you know you can be a bad person
and have a passport yeah exactly like it's not it's not the country being like
this person is fantastic I mean Taryn has 56,000 followers on Twitter which
maybe isn't a big deal in 2019 from YouTube's perspective with their 2
billion unique users every month or whatever it is now but that's enough
that literally thousands of people could be confused if there was a Taryn van
hemert on YouTube and it was not the same one as the Taryn van hemert on
Twitter yeah and there was some kind of strangeness like oh this Taryn van
hemert doesn't like macros what they hate macros it's so weird and like it's
not it's not that hard either like it's the same it's the same tags and
everything it says where you were well I'm sure people can spoof things you can
buy followers and stuff could be hard if they get it wrong I do see how them
saying it's verified is kind of putting their seal of yes we verified it on it
have you ever heard that's the other well I don't know just cuz I haven't
heard of it doesn't mean it's not a problem it's true so there was an
unlisted channel that was buying fake ads on YouTube promoting like an iPhone
giveaway or something using my face in their thumbnail but because the channel
and the videos were unlisted that the ad campaign was linked to it was not
immediately obvious to YouTube's team that this was happening so it was only
actually thanks to one of our very helpful users out there thank you tweeted
me a video ID that I could forward to them that I was able to find it and
report it to them they had the channel shut down and now they don't find it
well they couldn't find it because I didn't they couldn't use their content
ID system to find your face on purchased advertisements on a thumbnail like just
because they have like content ID and then like purchased ads and it was just
in the thumb and then like content analysis for like what type of content
it is or like content classification for what kind type of user it might be good
for these are all completely disconnected they only use you in the
thumbnail and it was an ad I didn't watch the video I was only sent to me
but yes apparently they just used me in the thumbnail they used me holding up an
iPhone as the thumbnail for like the the banner or something anyway the point is
it was kind of difficult to track down unless they were actually served it and
actually clicked it and got a video ID so thanks to one of our users who
brought that to my attention and they're working on improving their systems I
just mean just because nobody ever heard of something like that happening doesn't
mean it wasn't a problem I don't fully see how that's related I just mean just
because I agree yeah the concept yeah I don't really understand how the story
works in there oh well the story is just that here's the thing that happened that
you wouldn't have heard about no one would have heard about so in much the
same way there could have been a situation where YouTube verified someone
by accident because they had a lot of subscribers and then that turned out to
be spam or fake or like did the unlisted channel have a lot of subscribers no no
that doesn't matter that's not the point the point is that something yeah I'm
sure it could be because you could buy followers on like any path sure yeah so
just because you didn't hear about it doesn't mean it wasn't a problem and the
point of my story was that YouTube will deal with weird edge cases that you
wouldn't even think on their side is the weird edge case they're happening all
the time because yeah exactly so they might see a lot of weird edge cases
around these verified badges that have caused enough problems that they went
this isn't worth it we can't deal with this anymore I think what they should
maybe do in that case is just maybe increase the barrier to become verified
not necessarily in terms of you need this many subs or whatever but like
make the process just a little bit more difficult a little bit more involved but
then don't make it impossible don't make it Twitter or as far as I've heard it's
like one person and as far as I can tell they're just super biased because they're
like the the accounts that get verified the accounts that don't get verified or
just I've seen verified accounts of just like absolute nobodies on like the local
like morning news thing with like 3,000 followers they're not yeah they're not
trying to be a public figure at all yeah and they have a verified badge I've had
people send me ones where it's like they had they have like 40 followers which
like that's totally fine but the point they're not trying to do anything yeah
who cares and if them why not these other people yeah I'm pretty sure I
still don't have one on my personal Twitter I don't think Linus tech does
yeah and that took forever took a really long time yeah no yeah my
personal one does now maybe they don't like my my profile Linus cat tips now
features editing so I heard I got Adobe rush because I have creative cloud
anyway I might as well use at least one program in the entire suite so it's
actually not bad and with the stylus on the note all of a sudden I have a reason
to care about my stylus to be anything other than a selfie remote shutter so
that's fantastic that's cool it actually was pretty easy to do like
just just basic stuff just adding a title here and there and chopping up
clips and stuff I have the most epic video that I'm gonna be uploading on the
cat tips channel in the next little bit maybe they won't like it because your
name is still that very old very dead meme yeah I plan to keep it like that
for quite some Yvonne's hilarious about my wife she's so funny cuz she's always
like why do you do these things why do you behave in this way cuz she was like
isn't that kind of like past now I'm like yeah she's like shouldn't you
change it like no no she's like but it's not funny I'm like yeah that's what's
funny about it she's like can you please just not I thought it's funny for a
while can you just not like when when when Tim
Apple is long forgotten when that when that is when when you know Trump is no
longer president even when it's just completely dead that will still be my
username and to the vast majority of people who have completely forgotten
everything about it it'll just make no sense and like probably no one's gonna
mention it because like they don't want to they don't want to seem like maybe
this is just something really new and I don't know about it yet yeah that's like
my favorite my favorite my favorite kind of humor all right check this out check
this out no one else gets to see this no
that's really cute and I just really don't understand cats are so foreign to
me ridiculous they're just like the dumbest animals ever here's something to
enjoy while I introduce our next topic um that one's gonna go up probably after
the other one all right what else we got here Facebook to create an independent
oversight board so Facebook has unveiled its plan to create an independent
oversight board to make decisions over how the network is moderated the panel
will have the power to override decisions that Facebook makes over
contentious material and influence new policy the panel will hear its first
cases in 2020 and their decisions will be made public the idea dubbed the
Facebook Supreme Court at this point should they just should they just say
they just say don't write we're basically as influential as a country
yeah let's just become a country yeah we'll eventually be composed of 40
people around the world but will launch with 11 members and the names of those
appointed will be made public experts have questioned this is great I love
this the board's independence as well as the motivation behind this move this
this is a great quote the only vote that really counts as the majority
shareholder Mark Zuckerberg the board will be paid via a trust setup and
funded by Facebook upfront so Facebook is basically creating I mean this is
this is government level stuff the government appointing its own ethics
watchdog is exactly the same as Facebook pointing its own ethics watchdog having
someone who can veto anyways yeah this is just great well I like it I kind of
think there's this whole massive game of chicken going on right now between the
like the what do you call them the fang fang a.m. companies or something it's
like Facebook Apple Netflix Google Microsoft Amazon yeah okay I said it
slightly wrong hang him fang him whatever I think there's a giant game
of chicken going on for the first one to buy a country for the first one just be
like screw it this is this is Amazon land yeah this is Amazon the Amazon
brought to you by Amazon yeah no it's not burning okay which everyone forgot
about so here's a fun topic would you move to Google's country I don't know
because it would be interesting because it would be probably the first time
where like citizenship acquiring citizenship somewhere would probably be
a lot easier I actually doubt it I think acquiring citizenship would be more
difficult because okay you know this I've thought about this if I were to
create a city yeah I want to make your city I've never aspired to a country if
I were to me you should do it if I were to make a city I would be doing it to
keep out idiots we've had this conversation where he has to tell me to
shut up because I keep telling him to make a city I think it'd be awesome but
yeah no okay yeah yeah I think but like with your thing you could probably like
go take a test or like do something right there would be like an actionable
item and then you could probably get it if you pass yeah I think a lot of the
kinds of so okay my okay my point is my point is if I were them I wouldn't be
creating a country to like make it easier no okay so I might have phrased
that in pressure what I mean is instead of like waiting in a queue forever yeah
or the current like America to Canada situation which is where like in a lot
of situations you just can't yeah there would be probably things that you could
do or things that you could prove or whatever or what if there wasn't what if
it was like verification super bias dialing the phone be like calling
random passport or or or or the Google method what if they were like come on in
actually you know what piss off yeah wait you're mad you can stay yeah yeah
so oh you already sold all your stuff yeah yeah too bad okay so I want to show
you something amazing let me see if I can find the official form for it Malta
Malta is hilarious if you just pay them like I'm pretty sure they have I think
I've heard about this officially on their website somewhere like the country
of Malta yeah Malta citizenship by investment program there it is yeah let
me bring up your but this is not working this isn't the actual form anyways okay
but there's just a form but no it's like oh you uh you give us a hundred grand
and here's some passports it's amazing oh but I can't find and to be clear the
point of this whole thing is it gives you EU citizenship so it has an impact
on it's far more impactful than just having a Malta passport so there's a
difference between like I want to be a resident for a year and like and I want
to be like forever Z's so it sounds like one year 90-day visa free travel to all
European countries one year residency in Malta all that kind of stuff that's
24,000 euros but if you want like a passport and you want to be like there I
think it's main applicants are required to make a 650,000 euro contribution okay
so that's a lot then I mean to me I guess but it's like there's people
that's nothing to some other amount of money for all of your dependents or
whatever but you can just be like yeah whatever I'm an EU citizen yeah done yeah
that's amazing so like certain kind of versions of that kind of exists but it's
purely financial right now okay I'm going to play devil's advocate now with
our whole you know Facebook country okay here yeah what's the difference why
would they want okay so yes you know the rules might be stupid and you might not
have the privacy that you value and the rules are already stupid you already
don't have oh that's what no I know yeah so I think Eve online's like vision of
the future has been awkwardly accurate for a long time we're just everything's
corporations and you just like apply to a different corporate you are always it
is impossible to not be in a corporation in that game and you just like apply to
other corporations to transfer over and your employment history is public to
everyone for your entire lifespan like I think from the minute you are born you
are employed by a corporation and then you just bounce around from there on
okay this leads me to another great topic on the subject of your family
being a corporation okay I'm gonna pitch you something so you guys use slack yeah
you use Jira yeah we use Trello over here we've also played around with
monday.com oh god their advertisements that's probably why I get bombed by them
all the time because you guys sort of look into it yeah well actually we did a
sponsored thing with them oh like every second ad on YouTube for me is Monday
yeah so this sort of the kind of thing that hopefully nobody ever sees even
though it's on when shows so basically we took everything we we vetted it like
we made sure that feature was future complete fine and it's like very similar
to Trello and then we decided okay we can endorse this it seems really great
so we did a piece and then we just substituted Monday for Trello in every
way that we use Trello already so the piece was very genuine in the sense that
like yes that is exactly how we use our productivity enhancement tools as long
as you guys verify and we verified that all the same tools are there yeah so we
were like yeah okay sure and that episode that we made the video about the
six hours to air they did use monday.com so it's like okay everything we said was
true which is great anyway so those tools there is a growing trend towards
using those tools at home yes is that your answer do you I want your answer
first so so please yes your answer like yes I want Jira for my home I want my
shopping list in Jira not Jira okay but Trello or Monday Jira is too heavy for
that but I already do you already do okay I freaking knew it so I it hadn't
even occurred to me until I was listening to some random podcast or
reading an article I fell down like an internet black hole or something and
like was clicking through things I was like huh so you create a you create a
homework checklist or you create like a video games checklist of all the things
that have to be done before you can play video games okay your kid uses their
phone they submit I'd like a ticket effectively and you go sure you can say
no or you can say yes complete the the homework checklist or the the video game
checklist and so is your room clean is your bed made or your teeth brushed you
could build automation tools that once all the cards are out of the once
they're all in the completed column it like it like unlocks the internet or
whatever yeah yeah totally you could do that yep so you support this this notion
because Yvonne is thinking of switching our family over to Trello shopping
lists I just use it personally no one else is on mine yeah mine is just for me
okay and it's like kind of a mess but I understand the mess sure like it would
be unacceptable okay then fine I want the more complete answer would you
consider moving your girlfriend and your parents on to Trello to interact with
you probably be really helpful I don't know I'm not necessarily against it
family Trello boards and stuff like that I think I think the thing is you got to
stay away from especially if you're bringing it to this is getting into my
manager head but if you're bringing it to like a family front yeah unless you
have like a family where every single person in the family is an engineer you
should probably use one of the lightweight ones sure like the Mondays
or the Trello's oh yeah I don't think you should use Jira yeah just calm down
there's too much there's too much stuff going on it's very nice for what we do
and like every time I've been like this is so annoying to work with because it
is really freaking annoying to work with yeah okay we're gonna switch to this
other thing so I tried out myself for a little while and then I try to like do
the tasks that we're doing and like no never mind we'll use Jira but like yeah
there's the right tool for the right job but I can see it making sense it's
basically the old like what like pinboard basic or the front of the
fridge or whatever else yeah just modernized and on everyone's phones
absolutely yeah and so you just like double-sided tape a tablet to the front
of your your fridge I have an old iPad too that would run Trello just actually
I don't know if the Trello app requires I was 13 or 12 or whatever I'd have to
check but that would be awesome so the shopping list is just like always there
and everyone can update it from anywhere yeah yeah I think there's a value to it
speaking of value lttstore.com now has a new shipping option oh what yeah so this
is exciting we've actually got I'm just gonna bring it I want those I know we're
working on it socks so lttstore.com stealth hoodie is in stock yeah the RAM
t-shirt has actually been super popular yeah hard drive shirt and processor I
think are the most popular items right now we've had really good feedback about
the lanyard do you have one of the lanyards they're very nice it's hard for
me to give up my valve lanyard oh yeah okay fine you can you can rep valve as
long as it's very old and gnarly yeah they're kind of butt heads in some ways
I'm surprised they ever even gave out a lanyard I guess is but that's why I've
kept it because I know one has them but I didn't even think about that they're
kind of butt heads now you guys can't see this but this is like super rugged
they are I have mine on my desk because I'm waiting for this to fall in half
again and then I'm gonna replace it so basically we had we can offer FedEx
shipping now in addition to UPS and Canada Post and the benefits of FedEx
are not necessarily that you're gonna like immediately get way better pricing
across the board I know that some regions do not have great pricing where
is my freakin teams here in some places some of them are better than the other
ones too and some people know that but our rates should be at least marginally
cheaper for Europe Asia and South America and the big thing is that the
service should be much faster to those regions we have I had someone in Europe
contact me earlier this week being like it has been six weeks where the hell is
my order with Canada Post I don't I don't understand what method of
transportation can take weeks oh okay well come on around here so they can
hear you well phrasing so what they were telling me today is that oftentimes if
let's say we're shipping something to Italy for example it won't go from
Richmond to Italy it'll go from Richmond to Germany and then it'll get sorted in
Germany and then go to the UK because like they ship in these huge bulks when
they're going to Europe and they don't do it like country by country
necessarily and that's why it takes so long so only leave Germany or wherever
once they have like a full truck or whatever oh that makes and also once
it's been sorted and once it's been like cleared into the right sorted and
processed and in that pile and then in that truck and then wait for that truck
to be full and then probably not directly to Italy and then another big
thing is as far as I understand and you know we haven't done full testing on
this yet but all FedEx shipments should be tracked oh I know that's been sort of
a frustration for some people so I'm really sorry but we're we're working on
it hopefully these should be much better especially for your customers the quoted
like shipping times they have are like two to three business days to like
Germany and I'm like I don't know if that's accurate but hopefully it's
better than five weeks so my friends just got a 3d printer from Shenzhen in
two days free shipping and that's insane was it like a $20,000 printers no no okay
that that China subsidized international shipping man it's incredible yeah right
you want to move to Hong Kong I mean honestly like not right now wrong place
wrong time yeah not right now the amount of stuff that you can ship from Hong
Kong for like you know 12 cents for like a physical package it's like what how
does that make any sense you know what I mean anyway guys lttstore.com yeah helps
us out a lot yeah and it's like good stuff yeah we're working on DHL yeah
it's just not done yet yeah it'll be a lot of shipping options heck yeah yeah
stuff all takes time and we're doing our best basically where we're learning a
lot you know doing this ourselves versus using a service like teespring or
district lines or you know any of the ones that we used in the past has been a
huge learning curve for us but I think it's I think it's worth it um do we have
any other big topics that we wanted to talk about today oh actually this one's
interesting so Huawei announced the Mate 30 and the Mate 30 Pro in Munich this
week and confirmed that the devices will not have any Google Maps no Google Maps
Chrome no Play Store so Mate 30 users will have to search the web using the
Huawei browser and download apps using the Huawei app gallery which apparently
has around 45 I mean apps compared to the Play Store's estimated 2.7 million I
mean I'm sure you get a side load things the Mate 30 Pro Mate 30 phones will be
powered by open source Android but will run EMUI 10 while ways user interface
that approximates Google's Android 10 that means why we will not will only be
able to bring security updates to the Mate 30 phones when those updates hit
open source Android I mean they've never really been the fastest at security
anyway so that probably won't be very different yeah there's no way that I
would even consider like it would even begin to consider buying an Android
phone that is not mainline Android good look remember remember that stupid watch
how much it took me to get the Play Store on that stupid watch yeah oh yeah
the what was it called that stupid kick-started farted thing yeah yeah I
don't know the name of it
she's telling me that something to do with a tree on the tip of my tongue why
can I not remember I type out that I like typed both of them kick for a
playlist motion-activated battery bank no that's the one risk on a smartphone
Neptune Neptune pine that's why I thought tree Neptune pine and I said
that before it came up you did I won you just go Linus but yeah I was able to
side load the whole Play Store onto that thing I don't know how viable side
loading the entire Play Store is these days but you can probably side load the
individual it's like a bad experience for anyone other than a great big nerd
it was terrible yeah all right we've got a couple other little things Rockstar
has a games launcher oh and like they already require you to use it if you
want to play the game sweet and the core i9 10 900 X what is appears on Geek
Bench for someone has seemingly benchmarked it the unreleased processor
sports the 10,000 series branding ah so it's most likely one of Intel's upcoming
HEDT parts based on their Cascade Lake micro architecture the rumored base
clock and boost clock are four gigahertz and four point six gigahertz and Intel
claims that Cascade Lake X will bring double the performance per dollar so we
might be getting some price drops scheduled to arrive next month and I
guess that's pretty much it other why is it cool some super chats oh one thing
about the Rockstar games launcher is in my opinion this is probably yeah okay so
it's even in the notes this launch could be in preparation for a PC version of
Red Dead Redemption 2 and all of its various potential microtransactions
Bryant Lewis says when his scrapyard war is dropping and do any people of color
apply and get hired at LMG so your first question I can answer that one pretty
easily we are shooting scrapyard wars in two weeks which means that the episodes
will come when they come as for whether any people of color applying get hired
at LMG the last time I checked we have lots of people who are not white and as
far as I know anything other than white is a color so I guess over the founding
members there's I guess there's that we're not white also just say as for
more than half if you count Yvonne of the family were you counting Brandon I
wasn't counting Brandon okay okay Brandon's tech okay what was he like
week two well no okay so Brandon's complicated because we didn't hire him
until I think April or May okay but he actually volunteered for us on our first
project which we completed it was a sponsored thing for Corsair before the
company formally started okay so he had I didn't know that for us okay before we
ever paid him and before the company officially began on January we didn't
really have the money we did not have any money yeah yeah okay so I will count
that I didn't know I forgot that part so that's why Brandon is technically og
even though he actually makes that makes sense at the same time yeah so then yeah
majority was not white yeah so as for our hiring practices we hire the most
qualified candidate and isn't the majority still not white um I'm not sure
honestly I don't give a shit it's not the point yeah I don't know either
because it doesn't matter yeah when people apply you know depending on what
we're trying to do we hire whoever the person who seems like they can do it the
best is yeah and speaking of which I don't know if I'm gonna be able to find
it in time for it to be relevant but Brandon appreciation day passed and I
recognized that I was the only person who engaged in appreciating Brandon on
that day and I'm disappointed in the community so you guys should step up
morning yeah all right oh wow Steve a says please do a comparison with CRT and
fixed pixel displays I've heard that the moving resolution of fixed pixel
displays falls apart compared to CRT there was a there was an article that
went up I think I digital foundry digital foundry video and everyone on
the planet is trying to come across like they came up with this out of nowhere
and it's driving me nuts yeah like okay I don't I'm not certain that digital
foundry was the first I am not sure either I don't know where exactly this
came from but whatever happened there what's up
we're almost done we're still alive yeah yeah but like the amount of tweets I've
got I was thinking today yeah I think it would be so interesting you know were
you know you were not thinking about CRT monitors today you just watched a video
and are trying to pass the idea on to us so CRT is absolutely have a value and
there are things that they do better than any modern display technology
there's a reason that our arcade machine has a CRT there's a reason that we have
both a CRT TV and a CRT monitor over in the warehouse in case we happen to need
one for our project yeah but there are lots of things that they don't do better
and while they may have better motion resolution particularly for certain
types of content they also flicker and I'm talking even at high refresh rates
they flicker the eye fatigue like I don't miss that so yeah no way in hell I
would replace my daily driver monitors with a CRT as like a fun thing to play
some Super Mario World yes done it yes um yeah it's better yeah but like get
real it's also very immersive these are not coming back no like getting that
Sony one and messing around with I said they sell for way too much they sell for
insane amounts of money but getting one of those and messing around would be fun
there's no way I would replace my my setup with it and I think it weighs like
a hundred pounds or something come on Kepler the title is real it was just
earlier in the stream it was the first topic that we did we were almost at the
end of the stream now yeah all right I hope I hope Digital Foundry keeps making
videos about it because it's very interesting to watch but I don't Jesse
says speaking of UFC do either of you watch it every once in a while Nick has
events and he invites me and I go and that's about it and I just go to
socialize I am super not into it I've always had far more appreciation for
finesse based athleticism than I do for brute force based athleticism but that
said I was watching a trailer for some UFC event that maybe has passed now but
was coming up at some point and I don't know who it was but he looked like he's
probably like a lightweight or middleweight fighter who is phenomenally
acrobatic that was pretty cool I guess I used to really like watching GSP I'm
really really not into watching people get brain damaged and I you know UFC has
has benefits over more traditional sports like boxing in that regard
because the fact that you don't have gigantic pads on your fists means that
your brain isn't getting shaken around quite so much but it's just not
something that I personally derive pleasure from and I don't really enjoy
watching very knuckle to the heads like super bad for brain damage yes but
compared to bouncy bounce 40 hits from oh no yeah yeah okay okay I see where
you're going with it yeah it's yeah yeah yeah watching GSP was really interesting
cuz he was extremely technically good and he would just like to dismantle
people that was really cool Johnny Winter says Linus last year you talked
about some vessel to put between monitors so it made the monitors flow
together what happened to that it's just actually like tweeted about that
recently I think that project is not actually dead Oh Lucas says getting
jerked around by razor support after two dead new laptops in two years I know
y'all had a lot of failures to any contacts that you can share
unfortunately the only contact I have there is my media contact I don't have
any special sales or support contact you can link them to me saying I'm very
disappointed in them right now but that's really the best that I can do for
you I'm not surprised either I can tell you that I do have a video coming on
probably not switching are not sticking with the razor blade stealth that I
selected recently so there's that nice Rohit says please do a tech wiki on
shunt modding and its benefit sorry what
shunt modding first hit do not shunt mod your graphics card in all capital
letters from Lewis Rosman with liquid metal oh well that would be stupid okay
neat oh this okay so okay so you're just you're just shorting out connections on
the graphics card PCB in order to get more voltage out of it yeah that'd be
kind of cool it's pretty niche though yeah yeah I'll consider it Jesse says is
your trademark ratchet driver a snap-on yes it is I have a pink one for you I
own a pink one already yeah it's it's my wife's actually
Dimitri says flow plane or float plane float like float like not sink Ben says
please talk about folding month 2019 I think that was even in here I don't
wait I think we talked about it on a previous wine show didn't we I thought
that happened a few months back oh here we go there are some prizes that we're
gonna be giving away as well as some that the community has donated you can
check it out on the LTT official folding month 2019 thread over on the forum I
will go ahead and drop that in the I will not drop that in the chat I don't
have the chat open that'll take me a minute but yes shout out to folding
month 2019 yeah it's very active there's posts in that thread as of like now so
Burnsey says I am financially stupid so here's some money nice it's my birthday
next month I want some LTT merch what would you recommend for my first
purchase um if you are looking for well hold on a second I really want to just
create a sweater is like really nicely durable yeah all of its really nicely
durable but I feel like that sweater is gonna hold up for a really long time
stealth hoodie is great water bottles great the underwear are awesome but they're really
expensive so it's kind of it kind of depends on your budget stealth hoodie is
a really good place to start stealth hoodie stealth hoodie and like an
elemental shirt or something like that I know they're not there now but they'll
be back we're kind of considering bringing back elemental on an ongoing
basis as something that we can just like beat the crap out of every once in a
while so yeah no one likes it but it's a good deal sure we probably won't do that
yeah that's probably not the best Noah says is float plane working on
separation of LTT tech wick and tech links but under one subscription so no
they will be separate subscriptions at some point when I'm not lazy
baba baba baba de matt 812 says hope you don't mind hillbilly humor for the
content contest you announced yesterday oh we don't mind hillbilly humor Robert
says can I resell my red hat license with these new challenges then no no
they're only they're only challenging steam right now they said they have the
plan to challenge other things but I doubt they're gonna go after that
Tommy gun says hey Linus you should really visit the developer of anno
they're located in my hometown by the way it's late around here yeah because
you're in Germany all right then Robert says when is the AMD epic video coming
very soon and there will be more than just one Robert says remember area 51
you hear about the youtubers that got arrested no yeah they went in the day
before and they got all their electronics so their camera equipment
lights and a drone confiscated like for good they got fined $2,200 each they
actually got sentenced to a year in jail but they're foreign nationals so I think
they worked out a deal where they could pay $2,200 spend three days in jail and
then I'm guessing they're never getting let into the u.s. the hell back out yeah
foreign nationals why would you do that cuz no the memes I guess but like
something that's always broken like broken my brain do not break the law in
a different country like the people that go to like North Korea and like steal
posters but what are you doing what are you doing I get it you're an activist
that's great find other ways but like there's people that like it's a really
bad idea I don't know how they get them there but there's people that get USBs
filled with like North American European stuff into North Korea do that buy a
whole bunch of USBs donate them to that yeah group that does that I don't know
much about it but yeah their their posters are hilarious they'll go to
different events and they just have like Kim Jong-un faces and you plug the USB
into his mouth and then they just like and it just looks stupid and then they
collect all the USBs at the end of the day and wipe them all and fill them with
information instead of North Korea really it's pretty interesting actually
they have them at like different conventions yeah I don't know okay SC
gaming have you taken a look at GOG we actually did a collab with GOG that we
shot this week do you know about this I've heard vaguely we made the best
gaming console as a PC so we built like a console sized pretty powerful computer
okay and we worked with GOG because really the the point we're trying to
make is that one of the big benefits of the PC is the library yeah and GOG is
such a great example of how deep and affordable the PC gaming library is and
so GOG generously contributed their 500 top-selling games which was apparently
a ton of work for them because they actually had to reach out to every
developer to get the okay for this they gave them all to us to load on to this
PC and we're gonna give away the PC at the end yeah so pretty sweet GOG one
thing that I really like about GOG is it's a platform that you can support
that's a gaming platform that you don't have to feel at least marginally weird
about so Rowan says that reselling games could be a positive for valve if they
allow the sale through their marketplace allowing them to double dip into the
sale of the game they could also give some to the developer yeah that's
probably where we're gonna end up realistically gaming trouble says make
sure you look at the cube world release for steam it's so big news I don't know
what cube world is
captain pepper says I love my HDD and RAM shirts but my fav is the tech link
masking tape shirt such a great story behind it any more limited edition
products coming I mean those will only happen when they like when inspiration
strikes we're not gonna force it I don't think we should actually do it but
someone mentioned the other day that we should do the green masking or green
painters tape FPM logo as a shirt if you guys want to take on the burden of that
inventory go for it we don't have anywhere to put it we don't have any
inventory space okay let me see yeah Stephen says first super chat ever you
guys rock please send support to you if detect yeah we talked about that oh wow
these were a while ago ah oh boy hey guys what phone can you recommend to
someone who's off contract and paying for their device up front would like to
shy away from financing out really well it really depends on your budget I mean
Samsung's a series is pretty good but they're still like pretty expensive
anything from one plus is good but they're not that cheap anymore so that's
tough Pocophone f1 can get your hands on one of those if it's got good band
support in your area it's still a very decent phone especially with the Google
camera mod Kyle Andrews hey guys what phone can you recommend someone who's
off call whoops Jacob name another product you can buy and not resell in
the world sure a thermal camera I'm serious yeah yeah you have to sign a
whole thing that says you're like not a terrorist and it needs to stay in your
possession and blah blah blah blah blah because it could be used for military
applications digital movies sure yeah but no they meant like that's the same
thing effectively it's not a game okay that's true digital things are in their
own cat underwear I mean you can resell it but like for all intents and purposes
it's not it's a consumable living says how often do you run on raid parody
checks um whenever they automatically run I mean they don't really just like
fall out of parody I think he's wondering if you have like a schedule
set up or something yeah it's included with unread I think it's set to run
every month by default but that I think that's what he oh once a month yes sir
how would you feel about having physical games on flash drives too expensive
can't be done Tommy gun to be mean many years we were told that digital
distribution is all about anti piracy and not about reselling so what would be
the issue man there's more to it than that Charlie says please bring back the
WAN hoodie not happening oh interesting we actually are planning a video Bobby
on the LG c9 after the g-sync update apparently a PC connected to HDMI only
does two channel PCM right now a big deal if you use arc to a receiver why
would you use arc to a receiver though why wouldn't you just go through your
receiver it doesn't does it do g-sync over HDMI how the hell does that work I
actually I saw the I saw the headline but I wasn't sure how they were doing it
oh interesting so it's funny that you bring that up because I have a video
coming on a sousa's BFGD and I'm having a similar issue how do I get audio how
do I get high-resolution audio all right excuse me high-definition audio to like
a surround or like a multi-channel speaker setup because you're going
DisplayPort from the computer to the to the display and then what optical audio
is dead dead and buried like it doesn't do high-definition audio so alright get
this HDMI out separately to the receiver shot and then duplicating my display and
then I found this weird app on like github or something that allows you to
lock your mouse to your primary display so you're effectively running a phantom
cloned display that did seem to be getting multi-channel audio whoo bad
solution fully know how you were gonna get there but the second you said the
additional cable it's just like oh no I know exactly what the destination is I'm
not sure how the journey's gonna come together we're not bringing back the
land hoodie anytime soon even like feasible to do that no yeah I didn't
think so I think that's done
Bruce says I love you and your annoying voice I've been spamming floatplane on
every vid complaining about YouTube slashing verification well they brought
it back so Mitch says will it be possible for us floatplane peeps who were
grandfathered to switch to yearly and still be considered grandfathered for
LTT wow I have no idea that sounds really complicated I don't know if I
want to promise anything there I'm gonna bug you about this till it's real says
you will mail how long until I can buy a floatplane shirt I don't know I don't
know Daniel says can't wait for ltx 2020 so very introverted says by Dennis a
coffee tennis doesn't eat coffee dr. dawn says what do you think of the wall
we made 30 okay we talked about that technically you supply coffee at work
anyways Simon says why didn't you guys use a thread ripper for your windows
Mac OS build is there a specific reason yeah the thread ripper is like not Zen
2 right now thread ripper is not amazing performance and single-threaded
applications hey guys no secret laugh in live says L heart W I've no idea what
you're talking about Daniel says watching an epic phone watching epic
phone watching stream okay Robert says if Google's health care is more
affordable than the US then yes I'd move to Google I'd love it if they called the
country Google Waldemar says the court of public opinions becoming real Cory
says been the worst week of my life Google country oh wow they've Google
Earth I lost my mother yesterday and I swear when shows the first thing that
made me feel a bit better well we're we're happy to help sorry to hear that
dude DHL will charge an extra courier fee on delivery yeah probably but I
think that might just be taxes and import duty and I'm pretty sure you're
gonna get nailed with that regardless especially if you're in like a vat
country oh my goodness there are so many super chats today please guys do not
send any more I can't do all of the rest of them okay I already did that one mr.
Devon Wright says feedback on in video merchant and content in merch callouts
it's become excessive um yeah we know we're trying to dial back how long they
take so at least it's just like a quick thing Adam yes we intend to review the
OnePlus TV as soon as we can get it okay what happened to the YouTube black hole
PC Linus mentioned a while ago says default switched a while ago that was
ages ago it's like three years ago years many years it ended up being very
complicated do you remember why it was complicated uh they didn't want us to do
it or something didn't they I don't remember no I don't think because we
were we wouldn't know but we were gonna be no it's against their terms though
yeah I don't think that was why we didn't do it we were concerned for the
reason maybe Nick was concerned I didn't care I'm pretty sure Nick was quite
concerned all right then yeah okay Vincent says badminton merch when no
time soon although I do want to do an athletic shirt so that's that'll be okay
so we'll do it I'm not gonna do like a racket or anything that would be crazy
that's probably good all right uh although I bet you oh if you did a
fairly limited run of rackets just enough that you like didn't lose any
money off it and then sold them on location at LTX so you didn't have to
try to ship them or anything they wouldn't bet you those would sell it
would be hard to get it right I'm really picky and I wouldn't I wouldn't sell
anything that I wouldn't use so it's tough okay
vita Kyle laughs vita kites last one I've spent around $300 on the LTT store
um thank you and still haven't been able to purchase the tech link shirt along
with the elemental elemental will come back stay tuned and tech linked will
come eventually we've had supply issues with our shirts so thanks for watching
guys bye this was an hour and a half I'm sorry I kept you here for it's seven
Wow hopefully you didn't have anywhere to be yeah no really um good night
everybody bye sorry it's Friday all I do is stream and they're probably watching
this anyways
I have to pee like seasonic it's great big honey I break that whole thing of
water in the show whoops