
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

Hey, how are you all doing ladies and gentlemen? I hope you're having a wonderful Friday night or
Well, it could be Saturday morning by this point
We're a little late, but I assure you it was for a very good reason
We had the one and only David Gautier one of our camera operators who had a little
Problem. Okay. His problem was that he had
Five thousand dollars to spend from our sponsor Intel and he decided to spend it in the most time-consuming way possible
He was not content to just you know
get a gaming rig and a monitor and a new TV like Riley or to get a
Massager and an editing station and so at a desk like Dennis. No, no
needed to upgrade his water-cooled rig with an RTX 3080 and then he needed to build a new rig a
NAS a network attached storage device with lots of hard drives and storage. That was also
So today I performed maintenance on one water-cooled computer
Involving installing a new GPU and adding a radiator and built an entirely scratch built water-cooled machine
for his network attached storage
He also changed out his desk. I got a TV that needed to be wall-mounted. It was an absolute nightmare and his
His living room who looks like a bomb in it. I've got some stories that I'm gonna upload to YouTube stories. It is
Hilarious. Anyway, we have got a great show for you tonight. Ladies and gentlemen
We've actually got a lot of really good topics to talk about starting of course
with one of our sponsors declaring bankruptcy shadow the game streaming service has
Declared bankruptcy. They want to go through a little
Reorganization to free themselves from the debt that is holding them back. They've got a little transition period going on
We're gonna talk about that in other big news
OVH's data center was destroyed in a fire. This is
This is a very unusual event for something of this magnitude to take place
And can I take a moment and just give a little a little golf clap?
Okay to the flow plane team because flow plane.com experience
Sorry, no problemos. Yeah experienced basically
No interruption in spite of the fact that we did have metal in that data setting
Pretty sweet, right? What else we got Luke?
Took the good stuff. Hey, I'm gonna you did I'm gonna decide
This is an important topic because I'm actually pretty interested
You're buying stuff at a pretty high bounty three times the current retail price a bunch of SSDs
Do you have one could you make a ton of money and replace with a new drive your current SSD?
more later also
Officially acquires Bethesda. I know we talked about this like a while ago, but it's like
It's legit now. It's actually happening. It's real
It's not like Nvidia acquiring arm where basically the entire industry wants it to not happen and every regulatory body wants it to not
Happen. Yeah, this is different. This is real. So we'll talk about that and oh
Crap, I am supposed to have a new intro Luke. I know we only do four
four topics when we
Report users you got it. You got to do one more. You got to do one more while I while I download this
I can do a time transaction for you. I can I can purchase some time
One thing is a lot of people are saying I am too quiet
So if you want to maybe change that at the same time, I don't know fixed. It's nice. Heck. Yeah
Do you have a slow CPU? Well radion might be for you
We'll talk about that more later. But there is some interesting theories around that that have been tested
Also is AMD joining the GPU mining craze?
Are they potentially taking a different route than Nvidia did? Yes is Nvidia's route actually working?
Oh my not sure apparently I might be too loud now. Well, you know what? I already turned it down
So that's what their delayed reaction is bad. It's the worst. All right, I'm ready. I'm ready. Here we go guys
It's it's in it's in Hellscape is here. We are doing a new win intro today. Hold on
I just gotta I just gotta
Get rid of the other one up. See you later. See you later swamp. Here comes Hellscape
Like here this is
The big shout out to Ed. He sent it to me. I didn't catch it. We're putting that in there
I you know what a plus a plus for effort on that one
We'll get that. Yeah, we'll get that. We'll get that figured out. We'll get the music added to it. Oh
People are saying it's loud. Wait what I didn't see it though. Oh weird. Okay. Well
Alrighty, then I didn't see it on my levels. I I guess I'm okay with it. All right
Why don't we jump into our first topic of the day for those of you not familiar?
Shadow was a game or is excuse me, cuz they're I mean they're their site is still up shadow
Dot dot tech here we go. Hold on a second. We're gonna display capture. Yeah. There you go. Okay websites still up
Hey, honey, it's got some savings in there's honey. One of the sponsors. Yeah, I think so. Actually. There you go
There you go. Last successful coupon this one right here used an hour ago by a user in Austin, Texas
Got all that all that info. All right. Anyway shot. Okay, honey. Love you. I'll talk about you later though
So shadow tech still exists, but small problem. They have apparently declared bankruptcy
So they're not a regular sponsor of the show, but we have worked with them a couple of times really cool service Luke
Did you ever did you ever try it or was this no post post Luke days?
So I was post me most game streaming services
the way that they work is you are you're logging into some kind of like
like obfuscated like
Service portal, okay
so you've got like a game library kind of steam big picture style and you kind of pick the game in it all the magic kind
of happens behind the scenes and it loads up what makes shadow different is that you just
Remote into a gaming computer essentially so their servers are just I if I recall correctly
they're just these to you or one you blades and then they've got like a
a 16 core or so CPU and they slice it up so that you basically get a
Dedicated GPU in each one of the virtual machines and it's just passed through and then you've got like four four
CPUs four cores worth of CPU and
They've got a bunch of different tiers, but the trick is that with a shadow blade
Like a shadow game streaming server. You are not actually sharing any of the hardware
So there it's it's kind of impossible for the service to be overloaded with other users
because your hardware is not shared now it could be possible for the service to have too many people logged in because
You wouldn't necessarily be remoting into exactly the same shadow every single time
so all the storage is done in a completely separate rack and it just like grabs your virtual disk and
Boots it up on whatever hardware happens to be available at the hardware tier that you specified
So theoretically it's possible that they could
Be that they have too many people logged in at once but from my understanding talking to them
It's not really an issue and you know
I would apparently be surprised at what a small percentage of people who use a subscription service like this
Want to all log in at the same time. So I was like, okay fair enough
So yeah, what's cool is that you you install whatever games you want?
There's no such thing like have you been following how Nvidia had issues particularly at the beginning getting getting?
game developers to allow their games on
their games on GeForce now
Well with shadow
There's no way that any game developer could even know that you are running a shadow box because you are running on hardware
you are just using the same kind of technology as
you know valve in-home streaming or excuse me steam in-home streaming from valve or
Or what's Nvidia's one called again the the one that they introduced with the shield
I can't keep track of it anymore because there's like GeForce now and there's GeForce. I don't know something or other
Anyway, the point is it's using the same video hardware video encoding on the remote machine to send the video signal
over the internet and then you send your input devices over your internet connection and you're basically just looking at a video stream of
the of the gaming rig so they'd have no way of knowing that you're in like a
gaming kind of use case here
They filed for bankruptcy on March 2nd in France in the following day in California sort of sort of
Blade the firm behind the cloud computing platform shadow has filed for bankruptcy
Shadow themselves are wanting to reorganize to free themselves up from the debt that is holding them back
And they plan to transition forward. So I don't suspect that shadow the service is actually necessarily going anywhere. Mm-hmm
I was trying to look into this while you were talking and I noticed that on their Twitter
10 hours ago or 11 hours ago now
They have like a live stream talking about new stuff that's coming in new tech and whatnot
I'm like, that's pretty weird for a bankrupt company. So I started looking into it. And yeah, I guess they intend to continue
Just maybe in a different form. Yeah, it could be a little challenging
So yeah, I don't know how to pronounce this to see RSI
I don't know. So these guys are the server provider that is
Claiming back money that is owed by blade and what they're saying is that they have the right to take
30.2 million euros worth of hardware from blade now, I would imagine that as much as shadow text
Technology is really cool
Like it it works shockingly well, even though I was outside of the formal catchment area for it because I'm up in Canada
so their technology works great, but if blade who is backing them is now filing for
Bankruptcy and they have server providers trying to take back their hardware to see our eyes
To see or I noted that with the shortage of electronic components and more specifically graphics cards
There has been interest to buy the hardware
Oh, yeah, yeah, I mean so if I'm a if I'm a creditor
I am I want this resolved fast so that I cuz shadows running really high-end
Graphics cards in these setups because that's what you're paying for. Like if we go to if we go to shadow
Tech here. You can get gaming machines with here. Hold on a second. Let's
Yeah, geforce gtx 1080 or equivalent from my understanding it actually never includes a gtx 1080 because they actually run
Quadros for better virtualization support. Oh, okay. Yeah, but it really is
Equivalent and then for course eight threads 12 gigs ram. Yeah, and then you can get a titan rtx
Or equivalent which would probably be a quadro of some sort or geforce rtx 2080 or equivalent
So they actually have like in tons of these graphics cards deployed
Some of which are probably worth as much as the entire server. They're sitting in
with well with the whole
Shortage and mining craze and everything that's going on right now and from what we've learned in the last little bit
Alex worked on a really great video this week and last week
Investigating what the heck is going on with the current silicon shortage worldwide as far as we can tell spoiler alert
This is not gonna get better for GPUs for like a year
another year
So it's gonna be freaking rough
Shadow wants to reorganize to free themselves from the debt that's holding them back in the transition period they will continue to develop their technology
and provide the best service to their customers who are the key to long-term success and
Yeah, I think this is gonna be a challenging time for them
but if they make it the transition to being say for example a technology solutions provider and then let other
Other companies come in and be the the actual hardware backbone for it or whatever this looks like
I think there's there's got to be a path to success for shadow. You know, we've enjoyed working with them
We think they're really smart people and we wish them nothing but the best but it's definitely going to be a trying time
Be a rough road. Yeah. Yeah
Oh on that note about GPU shortages Luke people been asking
Linus you said that this week you were gonna launch the verified actual gamer program. What the heck happened with that?
So there was a bit of a miscommunication. We're not sure where exactly it happened, but
Something something. Thank you very much Trump administration tariffs on products from China
The floatplane team thought that
Someone else was gonna deal with it and someone else thought the floatplane team was going to deal with it
but we have to have a way of assessing those tariffs on American buyers in the cart and that
caused some technical details that are nothing to do with our
Anti scalper anti bot technology totally think I think that I think that miscommunication was was on on my end
well, I wasn't gonna throw anyone under the bus loop because I
Think that the bus probably doesn't have good enough shocks to run over a man of your stature. I
Don't want to I don't want a bumpy ride for the people in the bus. You want to ruin the bus?
That would be a problem in the bus. That's why I didn't do it out of consideration for the people in the bus. Yes
Wheels on the bus go over top of Luke
Anyway thing happened next week. All right. Yes, but for realsies this time we've got it sorted out now, right?
Uh, yeah, there's there's a solution it it's not a thousand percent perfect
And I think with the system that we're working with I don't think it's really possible to make it a thousand percent perfect
At this time thousand percent. Can you stop that a thousand percent? Perfect. You're triggering me
Triggering triggered
Anyway, yeah, so we're gonna do this cake we're in pretty good shape, but we're not there just yet
Fortunately where we are there is lots of great more topics to talk at you guys about
Why don't you run us through the Microsoft Bethesda acquisition being complete?
I mean as a gamer, do you think Microsoft has been in a seriously?
disadvantaged position compared to Sony in terms of exclusives and
Perhaps more importantly does this solve the problem? Is this it silver bullet done? I
Think they absolutely have been in the past
And and I don't 100% know if this will completely solve the problem because I think a lot of
Exclusives are very important around console launches. Yep, so it depends on how the the timing of these things are gonna happen
They made this acquisition now, maybe they're they're kind of trying to cook this for the next console launch
Although if there if there are exclusives coming in in the form of oh my goodness
I'll just go six and what is the other one star field something like that?
That would definitely sell some Xboxes because those are gonna be
Gigantic games no matter no matter what you think even the fallout 76 was an atrocious failure
And it's not going to matter if they come out with the sequel to Skyrim. That's that's like like yeah
It's it's gonna be kind of irrelevant tons of people are gonna buy other cool six. It just it's also
We have heard rumors that Elder Scrolls 6 itself is extremely far out
So that could even potentially be a next console situation or a console refresh situation
I was gonna say cuz I actually I've been making notes stuff
I want to ask you about will there ever be a next-gen Xbox. We'll talk about that after yeah
separate discussion
But yeah, this is this is huge because it's not like some people know Bethesda for Elder Scrolls like like one
That maybe yeah, maybe Elder Scrolls or maybe Fallout or maybe both or yeah, or maybe doom
I mean, well, there's there's Elder Scrolls and then there's Elder Scrolls in a dystopian future like come on. Yeah
Yeah, or there's Elder Scrolls, but but online Persistent Universe
So yeah, it's a bunch of studios. It's alpha dog games, which makes wraith born. It's arcane studios
Which makes dishonored which we could see a dishonored three. I think it would be
Bethesda game studios, which is what you're probably most familiar with which is Elder Scrolls fallout
Etc. It's software which is doom machine games, which is Wolfenstein roundhouse studios
Which is a new studio with no announced projects currently
so maybe we'll see something down the line zany maxx online media, which is all the scrolls online and
Tango game works, which is the evil within so it's a ton of different IPS
Yeah, and that is a thousand percent what Microsoft was going for
It's been interesting looking at some of the interviews and stuff so far
because our old friend Todd Howard has has
Very much openly accepted at this point in time that the launch that he said if I remember correctly
The quote was the launch of fallout fallout 76 like couldn't have gone any worse or that's where they're like wasn't
More things that we could have gotten wrong or something along those lines
I don't remember what the exact quote is, but he's he's openly accepting that which is good
And they're saying that Microsoft tech may have actually helped them with that which is probably actually true
It's interesting. There's notes in here saying that Microsoft is acting a lot like Disney gobbling up intellectual property. Yeah, I
Agree with that. I just hope that they continue
To not Star Wars anything that they purchase that would be great so
Microsoft I I
Would very much appreciate if you don't do that in terms of sheer numbers
This is crazy. This brings Microsoft to
23 first-party studios where by comparison Sony has 13 first-party studios and Nintendo has 11
Production groups, but then many other outside studios as well. That is that is kind of crazy
I mean is there gonna be anything left of
You know independent
Game development houses. I mean at what point because EA yeah really big company
Compared to Microsoft like get real and I
Mean at what point does you EA get eaten up at what point does Activision Blizzard get?
nommed up I
Yeah, it would be extremely
Expensive unless you parted it out because like the the EA Sports section literally just FIFA
It would be so much like billion-dollar business. Yeah. Yeah
You might be able to take other properties off of them
Which which could be interesting
But yeah
This is this is spicy. There's there's been a consistent rumor. That's there's gonna be a big press conference
I I'm rather certain that hasn't happened, but I haven't been following it super closely and we suspect there's gonna be news about
Is it starfield that is starfield, right? Yeah, we suspect that there's gonna be news about
Yeah, we suspect there's gonna be news about starfield and
How different exclusives are gonna work moving forward and all this other kind of stuff at that event
Whatever that event looks like in the time of covid which would probably just be an online stream phil spencer's quote here sounds pretty ominous
So, I mean he's basically trying to finally clear up the big question about the acquisition
What does this mean in terms of platform exclusivity for bethesda games?
So here's the quote if you're an xbox customer
Okay, so he's already not talking to anyone who's not an xbox customer. We're off to a good start
The thing I want you to know is that this is about delivering great exclusive games for you not for other people
That ship on platforms where game pass exists
Well, okay then
That's like not even that's like beyond ominous that's just like telling you how it is. Yeah. Okay, that's our goal
That's our goal. That's why we're doing this. That's the root of this partnership that we're building. Okay, we want exclusives. We just bought a bunch of
And we're gonna put them on game pass so either sony can support game pass or sony could go themselves
Yep, all right then neat now any contractual obligations that bethesda had already, uh,
Tied themselves into obviously those will be honored but beyond that it looks like this is basically going to be
uh the bethesda on microsoft and only microsoft show I mean pc gamers are probably going to be in pretty good shape here because
Back to your comment about you know, maybe the timing of this is so that they can line up great exclusives for the next xbox
I I I think that's a really interesting conversation whether there will actually ever be another xbox
I think it's over. I think that's what the series name means
xbox is
a series
Of game consoles with varying capabilities. I think that's what microsoft is testing the water with with such
wildly different capabilities between the xbox series s and the xbox series x
Sony went the traditional way they appeased game developers by having two different price points
But differentiating them only in terms of their support for physical media
Like sony decided no a playstation 5 is a playstation 5
Microsoft said hey game developers. Guess what? We're gonna have one truly next generation console experience and oh, by the way
We're gonna have this thing that's like moderately more powerful than last gen and you're gonna have to optimize your game to run for it
Otherwise, you're not going to be able to sell on xbox at all. So good luck with that
I think that's a sign of things to come. I think we could see xbox series
x2 or series z or whatever. I mean, it's microsoft. So the naming will be terrible and it'll make no sense whatsoever
But I I mean, I think they're just going to treat it like windows xbox is a platform now and
So these games will just come out and they'll just be on xbox
and then at some point you'll just be able to run xbox as like a
As a as a dashboard on your windows computer and game developers are basically going to be forced to support this
Ever-increasingly diverse set of hardware to the point where it's barely even a console anymore
But that's just that's just me being all tinfoil hat conspiracy theory. Yeah. No, I think I think we're going in that direction
I don't necessarily know if that's going to happen with the with the next generation
Like I don't know if we're there now we definitely could be I think your point about the name makes a lot of sense
I think your point about the name makes a lot of sense. Um, but yeah, I think there will be
I think there will still be bumps
I I don't think you're gonna like upgrade your xbox
Like I think it's going to be a new box that you go to the store and you buy
And I think it's going to come
The the main thing that might make me suspect that is I I bet you they would start releasing them a little bit more often
but what I also think they're going to do is I think they're going to
To continue support for past xboxes for much longer
so in the old days a new xbox or a new playstation launched and it's not like
When the playstation 3 launched you could like update your playstation 2 with the new
the new redesigned menu
That wasn't a thing
PlayStation 3 navigation is playstation 3 system navigation and ps2 system navigation is ps2 system navigation. That's it. It's that simple
So what I think we might see is kind of like the iphone where apple has made an extremely lucrative business
Out of supporting their devices for much longer and then taking their 30 cut off the app store, right?
So microsoft is playing that exact same game. They want xboxes
Staying in people's living rooms for as long as humanly possible
and I don't think they care what kind it is because at the end of the day the difference between
a $300 xbox and a $500 xbox is sort of trivial to a company at microsoft size like
$200 please
They don't care about your $200. No, no, no, no, no. No, they want game pass, right?
What's game pass cost now monthly us?
Here, hold on a second
Trying to remember I don't actually subscribe to it. So here we're gonna go we're gonna look at ultimate
Oh for crying out loud. Can you just see all plans? Here we go
Ultimate is 17 bucks a month. PC is 12 bucks a month.
That's in canada though, so it's probably like eight to twelve or whatever that works out to in freedom dollars
So, okay, so $200. Yeah, right
No, no, they want you to run your xbox for the next five to ten years and they want yours. Let's say ten dollars a month
Okay, ten dollars a month times
60 months for five years. Oh, that's six hundred dollars
Yeah, yep. That's that's definitely that's definitely the game plan. They've made this very clear
They've made it clear that they don't even consider sony a competitor in the same space anymore
with that said
I think for them to have spoken that way about sony was um
a little bit
I think that was overly
Because if anyone has proven that you can make a business out of doing gaming differently, it's nintendo
And now that that is definitely proven
Uh, there is absolutely no reason why sony couldn't continue to innovate
I mean they've done stuff in the past that even though not that commercially successful
Is at least now agreed was amazing like the like the ps vita for example
How many of you would love to see sony revisit the vita?
Come on, let me know a proper switch competitor. Yeah
I mean the switch was wildly successful and the crazy thing about the switch
Uh, hold on the crazy thing about the switch
Is that it wasn't even that innovative of an idea nintendo launched the shield way before
like the switch was probably even a twinkle in into in uh, nintendo's eye like
Uh, hold on a second improve, uh, spam prevention creep. Okay. I got a poll for you guys
I got a poll. So we're gonna hit uh, we're gonna hit float plane first
Here we go
Bump bump straw pull straw pull
Uh, let's hit twitch next
Everyone in twitch and float plane chat is talking about the psp too, right exactly
Okay, man youtube chat
Is like isn't even gonna work someone who can absolutely
Move new consoles as nintendo because they'll they'll change it up like what the last time they released an even remotely
What i'd consider standard console would have been
Uh the gamecube, right?
Um, I mean
I was gonna say the wii u but it did have the
The game controller gimmick I would say that because no one cared about that
I liked it
Fundamentally why not count as a person?
Oh, you count as a person you just count as one whose opinion doesn't matter
Oh apparently pair results are broken. Oh rip straw pull. Okay. Well that controller was actually amazing
Just no one really like used it. It blows my mind still that there were like tech savvy people who didn't realize that
The wii u was a next generation console and thought it was like a wii expansion kit or something like that
the wii u is actually one of my
I I probably played the wii u more than I played the switch. I actually really liked wii u
Um, it just yeah, like when I invited my friends over to play literally not one of them knew it was a new console
They thought it was just a new controller for the wii like the marketing around that was just the actual worst
Of any gaming marketing in like the last 20 years. I don't even understand why they called it that
I mean calling it wii in the first place was terrible and then they had to go and
name the next one wii u
I mean, maybe it's just one of those things that didn't translate but then it was a it bombed everywhere. So
I don't know
Yeah, what I do know is I got to tell you about our sponsor for the show
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Oops, I gotta fix that at some point the fact that my face moves when I go to the sponsor spots
What's our next topic luke run us through it?
Let's go. Oh crap. I lied. Sorry. I got one more thing
Uh, jonno added an extra an extra sponsor spot channel super fun
We're looking for a writer slash producer someone who can help us build it and take channel super fun to the next level
You need to have experience in storyboarding ideas scouting locations and organizing production at shoots
Check out the full details at the link in the video description. Sorry about that. Okay, luke. Go ahead. What are we doing?
Slow cpu
Is actually probably for you. This is actually kind of interesting an investigation by hardware unboxed has revealed a startling correlation
Uh that may inform your next gpu purchase radion gps run better on slower CPUs by up to 20 percent
NVIDIA drivers seem to have a much higher CPU overhead than AMD's at 1080p and even 1440p
Resulting in a situation where an rtx 3090 gets lower frame rates than a lowly radion
5600 xt or 5700 xt which is
Bonkers that's crazy. This extends even to more modern mid-range CPUs like the ryzen 5 3600x
Where an upgrade from a 5700 xt to an rtx 3070 can lose frames
Interesting. Dang, this isn't limited to just ampere the same thing happens with the rtx 2080 ti as well
CPU utilization with a core i3
measured roughly 10 to 20 percent higher with an rtx 3070 versus an rx
6800 other CPUs tested include, uh, these are all ryzen 5s. So 1600x 2600x
3600x and 5600x the 5600x is fast enough to avoid the bottlenecks
But will still occur in heavily CPU limited scenarios. So look forward to that as it ages now
I'm not very interested. I'm not going to defend like software that causes more CPU utilization. That's that's a drag
Nobody wants to see that but I do want to jump in for a moment and point out that this is not in all games
I mean, there are some pretty significant games in the list watchdogs legion
Horizon zero dawn rainbow six siege assassins creed valhalla cyberpunk 2077 shadow of the tomb raider and there are more
But something I would like to point out is that most people running an rtx
3090 for example
Are not running a core i3 or for that matter even a ryzen 5. So is this a problem?
Yes, but is it a surprise that it took us so long to notice this problem?
Not really because whether you're a reviewer like us
Or whether you're a user at home the odds of you pairing these very low end CPUs with these very high end GPUs
are pretty
Slim, especially because you can get a very performant. I mean even for the last few years
You've been able to get a very high performance CPU for less than the cost like like half the cost of a top-tier GPU
Anyway, so most people were just maxing out their CPUs in the first place anyway
But are there any patterns that we can look for in the data that hardware unbox found?
You're asking me if there's patterns. Yeah, and then i'm highlighting the difference between hardware unboxed and hardware unboxed
patterns. Yeah, and then i'm highlighting the things so that you'll talk about. Yes
Sorry, i'm trying to deal with something else at the same time. The issue appears to be common to CPU limited direct x12 games CPU limited
vulcan games like everything
Um all dx11 games as well seemingly regardless of CPU load. So basically
uh everything remotely modern
games affected include
Everything but in this list specifically watchdogs legion horizon zero dawn
Uh, rainbow six siege assassin's creed valhalla cyberpunk 2077 shadow of the tomb raider, etc. Etc. Etc. Yeah, I already talked about that
Uh, this turns the conventional wisdom that AMD's drivers are poorly optimized on its head
Sort of I don't know if the conventional wisdom was strictly speaking that AMD's drivers were poorly optimized
But that they were bad
Um bad doesn't necessarily mean poorly optimized. It could mean that they crash it could mean that they
Uh have incompatibilities or visual anomalies or whatever else it could mean any number of things
The the gem the conventional wisdom has been that AMD's GPU drivers are
inferior to nvidia's in terms of delivering a consistently
Um high performance and functional experience one of the other things that has made that story a little bit
murkier is that there's more to a GPU driver now than just
Does it render the game on the screen? I mean now you've got features like yeah, you know, really
Does does nvidia have anything that matters to you and me nearly as much as?
Uh their NVENC encoder and shadowplay like that's the man. That is such a big one for me
Yeah, and vinc encoder and shadow. I was gonna say shadowplay when you said matters to you and me
But the NVENC encoder is a really good point as well. Those two are killer the rest of it
I've been the game optimization stuff incredibly annoying to be honest. Yeah. Yeah, I know I totally ignore that stuff
I just turn it off RTX voice is pretty cool, but I had some issues with it
And so I kind of stopped using it and like I have a like a pretty near-field microphone anyway
So it's not like it's a major concern for me so much software has that kind of functionality built in that's like good enough
Like if I if for whatever reason I needed to I needed to stream the game stream from a construction site
I'd probably spend the 10 minutes like setting up RTX voice and getting it working
But beyond that it's not a huge life changer for me because I would think that most people who stream regularly enough
To you know, really dial in their stream and shut up
Probably just can manage to
You know put a big blanket on the door if they have a loud neighbor or whatever else like there's other
Mitigation strategies that are more permanent that you can put in place
Anthony has a note here that says do I need to start benchmarking GPUs with multiple CPUs now Anthony?
The answer is no as a general rule when we're looking to evaluate a graphics card at launch
We're looking for its best-case scenario because that's what's going to inform people's purchasing decisions
Not just today but a year from now two years from now five years from now when they're trying to piece together
You know how that GPU fits in against modern cards because they're looking at it in the second-hand market and even
This could also maybe be like something you could do every once in a blue moon where you go like
How bottlenecked are you getting with different setups?
And then you do a specific video about like weird setups and seeing how they bottleneck and then you move on because people shouldn't be
Running into those situations anyways
Something it could cause us to change is which CPU we use for our single CPU that we choose for benchmarking
So maybe for something like a two hundred and fifty dollar card or a two ninety nine card
Well, maybe in those situations
we stop using a top-tier CPU or we use a last-gen top-tier CPU or something along those lines because
We do want to give people, you know
Representative data, but absolutely not. I mean if we're looking at you know
An RTX 4090, for example, you know a next-gen top-of-the-line flagship card
We will absolutely be putting the fastest CPU possible because we want to know how fast it goes
We don't want to fix one problem, which is that we're ignoring driver optimization differences
only to introduce
another problem where we are bottlenecking the bloody graphics card and not giving a good representation of
what its performance would be in the real world because most people do not buy a high-end GPU
and run it on a Ryzen 5 1600X
Especially if they're running Ryzen because AMD provides such ample upgrade opportunities for that platform
Update your BIOS, ladies and gentlemen, get a new CPU in there. That's the way to go. That's the AMD way
It's cool
It's interesting. I like stuff like this. You know what else is cool?
Manufacturers quietly swapping out the hardware in their products to something that performs worse
Yeah, yeah, that's pretty cool stuff. So it's actually super interesting. ADATA's XPG-SX8200 SSD
If you have one of those it is now time to rip it out of your system and sell it to me
We need five unique variants of this SSD to benchmark them again
to benchmark them against each other and find out whether ADATA did their due diligence and did a good job of revising their
the parts that they're using or whether they f*** their customers by advertising a certain
level of performance and delivering something else entirely. Spoiler alert, it's probably the latter.
ADATA has not been forward about the revisions they've made to this SX8200 Pro over time
So we actually currently don't know if there are more variants of the drive that exist
than the ones that we know about. So here's what we definitely know exists.
Variant A, which is likely the release variant or the BIND review sample variant, uses the SM2262EN
controller with Intel Micron, so an iMFT 64-layer TLC NAND. Variant B uses the same controller but
with Micron 96-layer NAND. Variant C uses a different controller, so a 2262G instead of a 2262EN
and Samsung 64-layer TLC NAND. D uses that same controller with Micron 96-layer TLC NAND and then
variant E, which was first spotted actually last month by Reddit user Svarch Impanse, uses a
different controller, or the same controller with SK Hynix TLC NAND. Now this drive currently retails
for 120 US dollars, but if you have, if you're the first to reach out with a verifiably unique
iteration of the drive, I will pay triple that. I will buy your drive for 360 US dollars so that we
can do our investigation. When you're contacting us, it's going to be via linusmediagroup.com
contact us, so you'll have to go on the linusmediagroup.com website. When you're contacting
us, include a screenshot of the flash ID programs window, the date or a rough time frame of when you
ordered the drive, and type out the flash slash controller specs of your drive. This info is
absolutely necessary. Oh Anthony adds, oh yeah, don't forget about the SX8100 that went from TLC
to QLC lol way to go ADATA. By the way, that's not the one we want. We want the SX8200. Yeah, yeah.
Like come on. We've been talking about this for a long time and it's ADATA, I just want to be very
clear, is not the only group that has done this. This to me at least is the most extensive I've
ever heard of. But that's the whole thing, nobody hears about it. How are you supposed to know? It's
not like you and your friend, you know, it's not like a penis, you know, you don't whip them out
and compare with your friends. Every day, yeah. Every day, right? Absolutely, yeah. It's basically
like handshaking in Canada. A lot of people don't know that about Canadians.
Okay, but yeah, this is actually quite common in the SSD space. And yeah, you don't hear about it
too often, but I don't think it usually goes this far. So I'm pretty interested to see what the
results of this are. All right, we got a couple more pretty good topics for today. I do want to
talk about the OVH data center that was destroyed in a fire. This was not a little fire. This was a
big fire. One of OVH's data centers in its Strasbourg campus, SBG2, was completely destroyed
in a fire. You know, it's a big fire when one of the first like conclusionary statements that are made about
it is that they are very happy that no firefighters were injured. And there was actually, there
was 100 firefighters and 43 trucks that got assigned to control the fire. It was crazy. And this is
like, there was also some pictures of the fire suppression equipment that they had on site and
all this kind of stuff. And it's not like they didn't have anything like this. This was a absolutely
bonkers fire. There was no injuries, no casualties, which is good. The fire spread to SBG1 and destroyed
four of its rooms out of 12 in total. SBG3 and four were completely unaffected. SBG2 was
completely destroyed. So this building right here, and it's gone. And a boat, apparently. I didn't know
about that. That's, I mean, it's sad for the person who owns the boat, but it's kind of funny.
That's something. Because OVH's servers are typically unmanaged. Oh, yeah.
So they're unmanaged servers. So a significant amount of data is likely permanently gone.
Why don't you talk through that with us, Luke? What is an unmanaged server?
Well, OVH isn't doing anything for you. So if there's going to be backups, if there's management
of the server in any way, you are doing it, which is desirable for a lot of people, but not desirable
for everyone. If you were using something like AWS and they had an issue at one of their data centers,
you can kind of sit back and shrug and not worry about it. If you're using something like OVH and
there's an issue at one of their data centers, you probably need to pay attention because there
might be things you need to do, or hopefully you already did things ahead of time, which are going
to solve whatever problems just happened. So what are some of the mitigations you
could have like manually rerouting from that data center to another one when you realize
there's a problem or like, like talk through. So, you know, just, just saying, just saying,
you know, float plane experience, no downtime whatsoever. I noticed you're wearing the shirt,
you know, got that float plane experience, no downtime. What did we do?
Yeah. I mean, you can have, you can have containerized systems. So they're,
they're very used to and very good at kind of killing themselves and respawning elsewhere.
Usually not with fire, but. Yeah. Usually it's a little bit more software based than,
than literal fire and flames, but yeah, they can, they can, they can kill themselves, pop up
elsewhere and be agile in that way. You can have, you can manually reroute things. You can have
systems in place that, that automatically reroute things based on problems. There's a lot of
resiliency things that you can do a lot of different ways that you can approach it. And
a lot of it's going to be based on your tech stack and the various things that you use within it.
This is, this is kind of part of the idea of, of what a lot of people look for in cloud-based
systems like AWS is they're often a little bit more by like there's configuration and stuff
that goes into it. A lot of people specialize in AWS management but it's built for this type of
thing from the ground up. It should, it should be able to withstand these types of problems.
It should be able to scale and downscale. And one of the nice things about being able to
scale and downscale is by losing a bunch of things, it's very similar to those processes.
So if you're built for that, it should be able to happen fairly easily. So yeah,
make sure your things are backed up, even if they're in a rather secure and with really
good fire suppression remote server in a data center. You still need to make sure it's backed
up. You still need to make sure it's offsite and you go back to those, those three rules of,
of storage, try to have it in three different forms and in three different places. And you know,
even going off continent is often a good idea. Yeah. It's never a bad idea. So the forum did
not have a really good backup, but fortunately it was not hosted in that particular data center.
And the forum now has a copy that's encrypted on a server at LMG HQ. So don't worry. Your rep
on the forum is safe. Your post count is okay. Yeah. We got you fam. So that was something that
Jake, Jake, I don't think has written an LTT video in the last two weeks.
He's been busy setting up the lounge, working on the security system, getting the backup in place
for the forum. He's actually done like a crap ton of not, not video stuff, but it's all very,
very important forums. The forum is so important to me considering how little in time I actually
dedicate to it. It really does mean a lot to me because I treat it like, like a, like a, you know,
an untainted space. There's, there's like basically no ads, there's no algorithm,
there's no up voting. There's just good old fashioned tech discussion. And we,
other than making sure that people abide by our rules, which can be summed up as don't be a dick
and be excellent to each other. Other than that, we basically just let people talk tech to their
heart's content without a politicized agenda. People can criticize us. We don't care about that
as long as they don't insult each other. So yeah, I'm really glad the forums.
I think it's a good place that we built on good legs, but yeah, speaking of websites that could
have potentially gone down 3.6 million websites across 464,000 domains went down as a result of
that event, which is bonkers. And it says, OVH has stated it will likely take at least two weeks
to recover infrastructure. I saw that elsewhere as well. I expected way longer.
That's impressive. I'm floored.
Damn OVH.
Yeah. I, if they pull that off, which I mean, this is not the first time I've seen them quote that.
I, wow. Good job.
In Soviet Russia, internet throttles you. Kentik observed that Russia made an attempt to throttle
Twitter and ended up throttling their entire internet instead. This was caused by a poorly
crafted substring in a block list slash network shaping tool by the Roskomnadors or Bureau.
I don't know how to pronounce that. I'm sorry. So the plan was to slow down Twitter's link
shortening service t.co, which monitors the types and quality of links its users share.
Russia has fought against Twitter for failure to remove illegal content in Russia,
like posts encouraging children to join Russian opposition protests. Apparently
Russia blocked domains containing the string t.co instead of blocking the domain t.co.
Oh, so any domain that ended in a t.co or co.uk or.com was throttled.
Now there's no way to validate this without access to their traffic filtering service,
but it's just a reasonable explanation.
What major websites can you think Reddit came to mind right away?
And then.com. But there's probably quite a few more.
Yeah. Microsoft.com.
Like anything soft.com, right?
Yeah. That's actually a good point. Yeah.
Uh huh. Yeah. That's a little awkward.
There's gotta be quite a few. Anyways.
NFTs confuse and scare me. And I think it's a lot of drug money. Let's move on.
Okay. Luke, Luke, tell me something.
Okay. Yeah.
Okay. If I sold the Linus selfie meme face as an NFT, would you consider buying it?
It would be yours forever. You could own a meme.
So what?
I can have a digital copy of that meme anytime.
Yeah, I wouldn't buy it either.
It looks exactly the same.
I'm tempted to sell it.
I'm tempted to sell it.
You should do it for the meme. Yeah. Why not?
Am I allowed to post it anymore though? Like that's what I don't understand.
I have not looked into it.
I haven't looked into this enough either.
One thing that I know is almost everything sells for a meme dollar amount.
Have you noticed that?
Like this news article right now is talking about how
a work from a digital artist named Beeple sold for $69 million. Wow.
Surprising. You see other stuff that sells for like,
oh, every single numerical value in the dollar value is a six or it's all rotating.
Six, nine, six, nine, six, nine, six, nine.
And it's just like, oh my God.
Then you look into what art trading has been majorly used for in the world so far.
And you're like, hmm, I wonder what people are going to be really interested in trading
extremely high value art in an untrackable way online.
Hmm. I wonder what this is for.
Oh my goodness.
Yeah. Well, there you go.
There you go.
Jacob Stamm says, I would actually buy that.
So there you go.
People like, I'm sure you'd be able to sell it.
I don't necessarily know how much, but I'm sure you'd be able to.
Yeah, I have no idea.
I have no idea.
Honestly, I'm going to tell you guys, I'm going to be completely transparent with you.
If I did it, it would not be because I believe in NFTs.
It would be because I'm trying to make a quick buck on a stupid fad.
There you go.
There you go.
So if I do it, you can point to this moment where I said, that's why I'm doing it.
And I'm never going to lie to you guys about that.
If I did it, it would be to make a quick buck on a stupid fad.
Do I think that it is actually a fad?
I have no idea.
I mean, it could be around forever.
People thought Pokemon was a fad when I was a kid.
How'd that turn out for you?
Going strong.
I mean, I think this will be around forever.
I don't necessarily know in what form, but there's too much money in it.
And it's too legitimate of a looking...
It looks very legitimate.
And you're able to move monstrous amounts of money around, which is exactly the same
reason why extremely high value art trade is the way that it is.
And I think it's exactly the same reason why this will be the way that it is.
And it will just keep going and keep going and keep going.
XWEGIX says, I support this reason.
There you go.
Yeah, pretty much.
People want a Stonks update.
All right.
I got an update for you, ladies and gentlemen.
Hold on.
I got to check.
I got to check my portfolio.
Got a lot.
Oh, no.
I would log into my banking app, but I'd have to enter my password.
It takes a little while.
So I'm just going to use my cheap and cheerful, quick app here.
So my holdings.
My holdings tab.
I'm up.
I'm up, Luke.
You're up?
On my meme stocks.
So my original purchase was 49,455 US dollars and 12 cents.
And I am now at...
Wait, no, I'm down.
Well, whatever.
I'm only down like 500 bucks, so that's pretty good compared to being down $25,000,
which is where I was at a couple of weeks ago.
So I mean, really, the whole point of that was everyone's like, sell, sell, take your
money back, sell, sell.
Here's the problem, though, guys, because my wife has told me.
My wife's told me.
She's been like, you need to sell this thing.
I've been up as much as like three or four grand on the whole thing.
And she's like, okay, can you please just sell this thing?
This is ridiculous.
But the problem is it's not all my money.
Like, the way that I see it.
Yes, when you Super Chat something, it's my money.
It's that simple.
I own it.
But I told you guys that I was going to buy GME, and we were either going to the moon
or into the ground.
I mean, we're not at the moon yet, and we're clearly not at the ground.
So I think I just have to hold.
I think I just have to have those diamond heads.
What choice do I have, Luke?
I think he likes the stock, guys.
Maybe I just like the stock, you know?
To be clear, none of this is financial advice.
I'm just a smooth brain ape.
I just like the stock, okay?
That's it.
So I don't know.
I don't know, guys.
Honestly, part of me is like, yeah, sure would be nice to have had some fun with this meme
and just like not lose a bunch of money.
But, you know, let's think about it.
Realistically, I am one of those people that has benefited more than lost due to COVID.
So maybe this is just a way of redistributing some money to some people who are desperate
because lots of the people getting in and buying GME are retail investors who might
not actually be on great financial footing.
So if they take it, I ultimately don't really care.
There you go.
Who cares?
I can handle it.
You guys already helped subsidize this endeavor.
And I already didn't put the entire 50K in GameStop.
Some of you called me on that.
I put 10 in AMC and I put 10 in some other stock that Wall Street Bets was talking about
that actually ended up not really being a meme stock.
That one is up from what I bought.
I bought it at $99.95 and I'm at $11,637.
So that one's up substantially, like 16% over the time that I've had it.
So you know what, I'm just, we're just, we're going for it.
We're going for it.
Everyone's like, sell now, sell now, sell now.
I don't know if the wife makes.
So Luke, you know about this already.
There's a major life move that we've been thinking about that I may need every penny for.
If we go ahead with that, I may sell, but it wouldn't be because I don't like the stock.
It would be because I actually just need it.
I actually just need it because it would be a significant upfront payment for something
that could be very meaningful for Linus Media Group moving forward.
So I think you know what I'm talking about.
All right.
We got one last topic for you, ladies and gentlemen.
Is AMD joining the GPU mining craze?
I mean, you mean joining it more?
I noticed that in the title as well.
It's like, they were absolutely a part of like, I don't know.
Path notes in AMD's AMD GPU Linux driver for the upcoming 5.12 kernel include mention of a new
NV12 skew.
So this is referring to Navi12 and apparently is without the video core next component that
enables video output.
So this could be a GPU mining only GPU.
Can I just express again that whether it's Nvidia or AMD,
mining only GPUs are e-waste, they're trash.
Please stop.
However, both of these parts seem to be previous gen that could have been supposedly in production
for Apple that maybe Apple doesn't need anymore now that they're using their own GPUs.
So we don't know what AMD's strategy is going to look like here.
Maybe these would have been junk anyway.
I certainly would have rather they were gamer junk.
Just put the video outputs on them and let whoever wants them decide what they're worth.
It's unclear whether AMD will add hash rate caps to their radions.
That's something that's really frustrating for me too, because why not let gamers mine
at night and like recoup some of their costs?
Like, come on.
So we'll have to wait a bit longer to see whether Nvidia experiences any more PR fallout
from the move, if that's the case, maybe AMD will feel safe following them.
Or maybe they'll just go for it anyway, because mining is good money.
And we've said this time and time again, people have this image of AMD, like there's some
kind of white knight, you know, scrappy underdog, and they've certainly been scrappy.
They've certainly been an underdog, but don't imagine for a second that they are anything
other than a publicly traded company whose entire purpose, entire raison d'etre is to
make money has to be.
That's all there is to it, I'm afraid.
So that's it for the show.
I guess we should do a few super chats here so that the people who sent money for that
might feel like they got something out of it.
Personally, I don't really understand what they get out of it, but hey, there you go.
Robert Mail asks, are you even are you broke on GME?
Are you still hodling?
Oh, yeah.
So we addressed that.
So humans, with no in-person LTX this year, how about a virtual one?
We tried.
We tried to come up with a plan that would be virtual, but still be LTX.
And it wasn't.
It just wasn't LTX enough, so we decided not to do it.
We didn't want to dilute people's understanding of what LTX is by doing something that we
didn't feel was LTX enough.
So 2022, ladies and gentlemen, I stand, I would also stand by that decision, although
it had literally nothing to do with me whatsoever at all.
But maybe if this is still going on, which I don't think it will be, but if it is, you
could do like LTO, like call it something different.
We thought about that, too.
We were going to call it, what were we going to call it?
LTX, but like LTX or something like that.
Like there was like, and I forget what it stood for.
I don't know.
It doesn't matter.
Didn't happen, yeah.
Yeah, we're not doing it.
We do have something really special coming.
Should I just spill the beans on this?
We have an upcoming collab with, oh lordy, who all is in?
I know iJustine is in, MKBHD is in, Snazzy Labs is in, Brett from UFD Tech is in, Kyle's
in, Paul, I think is in.
It is going to be, we don't want to get sued by Jeopardy.
So it's going to be called Tech Trivia Answered in the Form of a Question.
Those guys, to my knowledge, are all locked in.
It's going to be an incredible event.
Three rounds, three rounds, okay?
So it's going to be some of the more consumer electronics and Mac folks in a round.
Then it's going to be the more like PC hardware centric folks in a round.
We're going to take the two winners and then I join the fray.
So it's going to be three and three, and then we take the two winners and then I go against
them for the final round.
So it's going to be a ton of fun.
It's going to be amazing.
And this was one of the things that Chase was-
You're actually calling it that?
Yeah, Tech Trivia Answered in the Form of a Question.
That's what the event's called.
That's the title.
We don't want to get sued.
Oh my God.
So I'm absolutely jazzed.
This is one of the things that Chase, who was supposed to plan LTX, but there was no
LTX, came up with to have a job this year.
And we were renting out like a studio that's got like a big video wall.
So we're going to have like the questions up on the wall and we're going to have like
virtual presence devices.
So people's faces will be like on iPads, on like cutouts.
I think all the cutouts are going to be me though.
So it'll just be like me standing there, but with like Justine's face on it and stuff.
It's going to be great, guys.
Very nice.
It's going to be great.
I've seen-
Like T-T-I-A-F-O-A-Q.
Yeah, exactly.
I've seen the first two rounds of questions.
I went through them with James.
He wanted to do a sanity check with me to make sure that this was like sort of the level
of difficulty, the kinds of questions I had in mind.
He and I know John, our tech quickie writer, they did a great job.
They like, these are quality, quality questions.
Some of them are easy.
Some of them are hard.
Some of them are unexpected.
Some of them are funny.
I haven't seen round three, obviously, because I need to participate.
But going through rounds one and two, I'm really excited to play.
I just, man, I just, I'm looking forward to who I'm going to be up against.
I'm rooting for Justine because I don't know if you remember this, Luke, but when we did
our editing challenge, PC versus Mac editing challenge with her, there were a lot of people
that were like, Oh, Justine, whatever.
She doesn't actually know anything.
She's just like blonde and takes selfies.
Yeah, a little bit.
You guys got to remember, you guys got to remember, nobody, nobody who is at the top
of this game is stupid, whatever persona.
I mean, I've talked about this when we've discussed, you know, remember when PewDiePie
was making his living, sort of pretending to be scared and shrieking at the camera and
people were like, Oh, that guy's an idiot.
And I was going, look, I don't watch the content.
I don't enjoy the content.
I don't, I don't care about the content, but don't kid yourself.
Don't kid yourself, anyone who makes it to the top of the game at anything is no dummy.
That's just not how that works.
So she's been killing it forever.
And that's, that's been proven time and time again to be a very extremely difficult thing
to do.
To stay relevant for so long.
That's right.
It's a big challenge.
Try to think of any mainstream celebrity that's been relevant as long as Justine Ezarik.
Come at me.
There are a handful.
But they're going to be people like Beyonce, like they're legends.
All right.
Chase says, first time catching the WAN Show live.
Also bought my first lttstore.com merch.
Hey, heck yeah.
Thanks Chase.
LTT store is, man, it has been huge for us over the last year and a half.
Like the support you guys have shown has allowed us to reinvest into like way better.
Pam, we have some stuff coming that is going to blow your minds.
It's going to blow your minds.
LTT store has basically funded the verified actual gamer program.
Like that's how, that's how we bought all those GPUs and CPUs guys.
Man, pretty sick.
Vitor says cool collab idea.
Biggest Brazil tech YouTuber, YouTube tech creators lives in North Vancouver.
Koi said the nerd, nerd things and their two channels of 10 plus years are stored on loose
drives on a shelf, maybe collab.
I think I've actually encountered them before, but their content, even though tech is very
different from ours and I just wasn't sure where the synergies were.
Profits Business Guru says, damn, that sponsorship must have been pricey.
Made shadow banker.
That was not our fault.
We're not cheap.
We're not cheap and I won't apologize for that because the first time we did a sponsor
deal with shadow, they had a queue for their service for like four months.
They were back ordered.
Like the LTT effect is real.
You got a good product.
You advertise online as tech tips.
You're going to win son.
So it ain't cheap, but I'm pretty sure we didn't single handedly bankrupt them.
Pasta says love from Sweden.
Any chance of more pink beanies?
We said it was limited edition and we will never, that is my personal Linus tech tips
guarantee to you.
If we say that something is limited edition numbered, we will never make it again.
I promise.
Zero 27 says Linus best girl.
Thanks Zero.
Triv426, my first super chat.
I just wanted to share.
I've been saving money since October to buy either a PS5 or a 5950X or an RTX 390.
How's that going for you?
Thinking one of them would have been available by now.
Now I can afford all of them, but none of them are available.
Oh boy.
Daniel says thanks for the content payment for a refunded missing package that eventually
Hey, thanks Daniel.
Appreciate it.
Appreciate it.
Love that.
When people get great customer service from LTT store.com and they feel obligated, maybe
not obligated, but they feel like it was so good that they want to reimburse us.
Thank you so much.
Tristan says, take my money because merch ain't my style.
Hey, come on.
We've got stuff that's not just merch.
We got cable ties.
You can cable tie your shiz.
Don't you like to cable tie?
This isn't our water bottles.
I mean, I guess it's all merch because it's branded, but like water bottles.
Oh, we've got, man, we've got a new water bottle design that I'm pretty excited about.
I've heard about this.
It's not there yet.
I'm actually pretty stoked too.
The Reels Gazoos says, how much would you pay me to get the Linus meme face tattooed?
Oh, wow.
You know what?
I think that's on you.
I'm not going to encourage anyone to make that decision.
Adam West says, desk mat update, please.
Looking at the 1200 by 600, we have literally, I'm going to just give you guys the number
because whatever we have 40,000 units in order on order.
40,000 units.
We are taking up as much of the capacity of the factory as we can.
We will get them as soon as we can.
There is nothing we can do to speed it up because like shipping is a nightmare.
It's a nightmare worldwide right now.
So even though we're ordering, it's like ordering RTX 3080s.
Like, yeah, we're ordering them.
We'll get them when we get them, guys.
But it's not for lack of us trying, okay?
We are trying.
We know you want them.
Guys, we sold through that first order so much faster than we expected.
Trust me, it hurts me more than you that we have not had them to sell.
Like I could have doubled the verified actual gamer program if we'd had mouse pads to sell
all this time.
And on that note, thank you for tuning into the WAN Show.
Thank you for your super chats.
Thank you for buying things at lttstore.com.
If you have experience as a producer, don't forget to apply for our channel Superfund
producer position.
You'll find the links in the video description.
We will see you again next week.
Same bad time.
Same bad channel.
Not same bad time.
Oh, well, yeah, it'll be less bad.
Same bad channel, though.
Oh, it does have sound.
Luke, I lied.
So I turned it down a bit.
Okay, cool.
I like them.
Me too.
It's adorable.
... the issues.
Yeah, yeah, we gotta get them.
All right.
We are off YouTube.