
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

Linus, show, Linus is not here.
Linus dropped the couch even though he's not here.
Austin probably would've helped me carry it the whole way.
Oh, I would totally, no, yeah, for sure.
Okay, the sound part's probably done.
FreshBooks, yeah, FreshBooks is awesome.
Check out freshbooks.com slash wan
and you have to put wan in the who sent you here part.
They do some really cool stuff for finances
for small businesses and other cool things like that.
Also Dollar Shave Club, you can use it
to shave hair on your face and they're great.
DollarShaveClub.com slash Linus, back into the show.
Okay, so Apple Watch Edition thing.
Okay, so what do you think about just the fact
that there's going to be a 10 to what,
like $18,000 Apple Watch?
I think that is a little insane,
but I'm not too surprised considering
it's a fashion-aware item.
I'm not surprised, I don't think anyone should buy it,
I guess, is what, because like a lot
of the different changes that they've been doing
since Steve Jobs passed makes me not too surprised
that they're going this angle.
But yeah, I just wouldn't recommend it to anyone
because it's freaking $10,000.
Yeah, I think that's an interesting point
because like you said, Steve Jobs never really did
the crazy high premium stuff like this, right?
Like yeah, Apple products have always been expensive,
more expensive than you know what,
maybe some people think they're worth,
but it's not been anything crazy, you know?
And an average Joe could probably save up
a little bit and get one.
Exactly, and I think that's been one of the big draws
of a lot of Apple products.
I think the iPhone's a great example
because it's not really more expensive
than most other phones, at least if you're on contract
and everything's $200 whether it's HTC, Samsung, iPhone.
So I think it was an interesting thing
that everyone can buy an iPhone and it's the exact same.
Kind of like how the old story of like,
you can buy a Coke and it's the same anywhere
and it's the same price, everyone can afford it.
So I thought that was kind of an interesting thing
but you look at something like the Apple Watch Edition,
I mean this is $10,000, that's crazy.
But I also don't think it's that crazy.
There are people who buy Rolexes
and I don't think anyone's gonna walk up to you and say,
you know, you kind of overpriced for that,
overpaid for that Rolex, you may want to reconsider.
There's this great Casio that's $15 at Walmart.
I mean, I'm saying, it just does the same thing.
It does the same things, man.
Yeah, Casio used open source software on this, come on.
So like I get it, like you said,
I'm not going to buy an Apple Watch Edition.
That would be insane, but I can't hate on someone who does.
I mean, there's people who pay, you know,
tons of money for like a gold Lamborghini.
I wouldn't buy one of those either,
but I'm not going to hate on you for buying one.
So I don't know.
It is cool though that they're letting you skip the lines.
I feel like my $10,000 is going to be well spent
because I don't stand in line with all the peasants
who are buying their $1,000 watches.
I don't want to be associated with those guys.
I got to go straight to the front of the line.
Wow, you sound like Linus right now.
Yeah, and like, I guess it's the same kind of thing.
Like I would look at a gold Lamborghini and go like,
wow, that seems like a very poor investment idea.
And I would look at a $10,000 Apple Watch and be like,
wow, that seems like a very poor whatever.
But I'd also look at it and go like,
oh, that's kind of interesting.
I'm not super personally interested in a gold Lamborghini.
I'm also not super personally interested
in a $10,000 freaking Apple Watch.
I wouldn't buy either.
And my mind has them so far away from possibilities
that I don't even like, I don't even want it.
What would you do with it?
I'm starting to imagine like wearing a $10,000 watch.
Like I wouldn't, like someone sees it,
they would just take it off my wrist.
I mean, it'd be stolen like a week.
You know, you'd scratch it and go,
oh, that was $3,000 worth of gold
I just left on that countertop.
It would be horrifying.
I wouldn't even want one.
If I had one, it would just be like in a case,
I would, I don't know, it just, it's ridiculous to me.
But then again, I'm not the kind of guy
who would ever buy a $10,000 watch anyway.
No, but if you were,
do you feel like you should be able to cut the line
and have an extra one hour private consultation
with an Apple Watch expert?
One of my favorite things is how they phrase it.
The employees are being told that the journey
for buying an edition is intended to be extremely personal,
elegant, and purposeful.
Like, oh God.
By the way, this elegant purposeful journey
ends with you giving us a check for $10,000.
Don't forget that part, right?
It's super awesome, but we want your money.
I think the bigger question about this whole deal,
I know we don't want to talk about the gold Apple Watch
for like 30 minutes,
but what are you going to do with this thing next year
when there's going to be a new Apple Watch that's better?
Like, sure, I can see upgrading a phone
like every two years, right?
Like it's okay, it's a few hundred dollars,
but it's nothing crazy.
Am I going to have a $10,000 outdated watch a year from now?
Yeah, that's a big thing too,
because the Rolex example and the Lambo example,
like if you have a Gallardo,
Gallardo's still super bad-ass in however many years.
It's completely useless.
It's completely useless 12 months later, dude.
I don't know what you're talking about.
It doesn't even work anymore.
Like if someone rolls up in a Testarossa
or a freaking DeLorean.
Okay, we got to talk about that in a second.
If someone rolls up in a Testarossa, like that's sick.
If someone has an old, like however old Rolex,
the older probably even the better to be completely honest.
It's super bad-ass.
This thing is going to be junk
the second that one comes out.
Yeah, because I mean, like you said,
you look at a Rolex, it's like such fine like machinery
and craftsmanship, like it's insane.
And you know, it does the exact same thing
that every other Rolex has ever done.
It tells time.
And I mean, obviously the Apple Watch
does do more than tell time.
You've got to give it some credit there,
but I don't think it's going to have that same kind
of mystique two, three, five, 10, 20 years from now
as a really finely machined Rolex will.
So, I don't know.
And like the new, brand new Rolex
might be a better dive watch,
but it's going to be just as good at telling time
as the new one most likely.
So the Apple Watch will be worse,
very objectively worse than the new one
at doing a whole bunch of stuff
whenever the new one comes out.
Unless they have some kind of like trade-in program
where like they'll upgrade your watch or something.
Which I get, I mean for $10,000,
not completely insane, but still not like
the greatest solution to having to send in
your $10,000 watch at UPS every week.
UPS guy's like, uh, this box got lost.
So how much, sir, so this comes with $100 of insurance.
Do you want any more?
Yeah, can I get $9,900 of insurance added?
Yeah, okay.
Sure, yeah.
If anyone in the chat was wondering,
there's the link.
I should have posted that earlier.
That was my bad.
Yeah, I guess moving on,
Microsoft has unleashed Project Spartan Preview
with the next Windows 10 build.
Another thing I always warn people
when I bring up Windows 10 builds
is that there is a keylogger on Windows 10.
I don't know if it's still there.
It definitely was there before.
I'm sorry, what?
It's in the like terms of service
or whatever when you sign up.
And it's not there to harvest your password.
It's there to, and like they're very open
about the idea that it's there
and they're not trying to hide it.
I don't know if it's still there.
Okay, I installed a Windows 10 build
and I didn't know anything about it.
So I don't know how open they're being.
I guess maybe like.
They're not like, there's a keylogger on your system.
But it's in the TOS or whatever.
You have to read the fine print, which is stupid.
I don't think that counts as open.
I think that's like, if you're like
what part of the 0.01% who read that,
then I don't know, that's a little sketchy.
So what is it for?
It's not for like just.
It's supposed to be there to see how people are using it.
And if something breaks and you like send the report
they would have the keylogger data of before the report.
So they can kind of see like, okay, well
they did this stuff and it broke.
Okay, that makes sense.
That's what it's supposed to be there for.
It sketches me out.
So I don't like it.
Yeah, but Project Splurting.
Yeah, woo.
I don't know.
It's pretty cool.
Currently, it's going to be replacing,
not completely replacing Internet Explorer.
Internet Explorer will still exist
but it will be replacing Internet Explorer's
pinned and taskbar positions.
So pinned in the start menu
and pinned on the taskbar positions
which will pretty much completely replace it
for a lot of the people that were using IE.
Right, and that's a good thing.
Yes, that is very true.
Because a lot of the reasons why people were using IE
was because it was default and in those positions.
Right, yeah.
And it's also supposed to be faster, right?
Yeah, it's supposed to be faster.
There's a whole bunch of other really cool features
like annotation notes.
So you can essentially take like a snapshot of a webpage
but it's still a bit functional.
It's not a screenshot.
You can still click on links and everything
and you can like draw on it
and you can collaboratively mark it up.
So like if I was working on a,
I actually really like this.
If I was working on development of a website,
I could send someone like,
I'm sure they have a word for it
that I'm not properly calling it
but I could send someone this snapshot thing
that I'm talking about.
Mark it up with like, okay,
I want this padding to be a little bit wider.
I want this color to change.
I want all these things done.
I'm gonna work on this part.
If you can do those, we'll like mark it up
and then send it to them.
And you can still mess with it.
You can still click on things.
I think that's really cool.
I like a Google Docs screenshot, kind of.
Yeah, yeah, kind of.
It's locked in time.
So if there was updates onto that page,
like if someone did an edit or something,
you wouldn't get that edit.
But it's still clickable
and you'd be able to like,
watch the embedded YouTube video
that might be there or whatever,
which is actually pretty cool.
So I played around with the very original
like Project Spartan renderer
in the first build of Windows 10.
I did a little bit of a browser test.
And I remember finding that it was,
it was not really a huge difference.
I don't think it had changed any part of Internet Explorer
besides the JavaScript side.
And it was pretty much caught up with like Safari
and you know, Opera and Firefox and Chrome.
So I'd be interested to see if it's kind of caught up
on the rest of the browser side stuff with this newer build.
Because from the early side of what I saw,
it looked pretty decent.
It looked like it was kind of a browser
that I actually wouldn't mind using.
And the Cortana integration is genuinely interesting.
Sorry, I'm doing something on the computer for a second.
But like, I like that it's supposed to be
the personal assistant idea.
That's actually really cool because,
and this gets, I think, overshadowed a little bit.
But if you look on a restaurant's website,
I was doing this literally today.
It can give you essentially quick links
to stuff like their menus.
Or if there's like Yelp reviews, those will be there.
Like everything kind of comes in on the side.
And if I'm like, oh, Beatniks Bistro,
this place that I've gone to a few times,
do they have a breakfast menu?
This is exactly what I was doing.
It's like, I don't know, where is it?
Okay, our food is apparently their menus tab.
Like it would have been not that much easier,
but easier if it just popped in the side.
Bunch of reviews of their food, where their menus are,
all that kind of stuff, super easy to find.
I like that, is time savers are great.
Personal assistants are a really cool idea.
So the question is, do they actually have a breakfast menu?
They do, but when you click on the breakfast menu,
it's just like brunch menu.
Oh, that's not a breakfast menu, that's a brunch menu.
Two different things.
Yeah, it's titled breakfast menu.
You click on it, it gives you an image.
And like on the image of the physical menu that you get,
it's like brunch menu.
Okay, were there like breakfast-y kind of foods
on the brunch menu at least?
There were a couple breakfast-y kind of foods.
It opens at, I think, 10 or 10.30.
Yeah, that's definitely kind of a brunch-y sort of thing.
All right, I'll allow it, sounds good.
I'll allow it, they can continue to exist.
Yes, so far, but they need to be careful
with this brunch nonsense.
Anyways, the Project Spartan preview
will be available in builds
Oh, that's my favorite build.
I don't, obviously it's
We hang out.
Anyways, I need to jump back a little bit
and ask you the DeLorean.
What's up with the DeLorean?
Okay, so I posted an Instagram last night.
I think the title's like new whip
and it was a picture of a DeLorean.
No, I didn't actually buy a DeLorean.
So many people were like, oh dude, do a video on it.
I was just at a museum and there was a DeLorean there
and I just took a picture.
I didn't think anyone would believe
that I actually bought a DeLorean.
Although, I will say, that's on my bucket list
of things that at some point in my life
I would like to own a DeLorean.
But that one was like 80 grand
and I was not gonna say 80,000 dollars for a DeLorean.
So maybe when I find like, when the Apple Watch,
like when people start trading in their Apple Watches,
they might like trade in a DeLorean
and I can get it for like a little bit of a better price.
But no DeLorean just yet, so.
That's fantastic.
The reason why I was so excited
and the reason why I asked was,
my car that I bought when I was like 16 or whatever,
I rode that thing directly into the ground
and its engine like partially blew up on a bridge.
And then.
Good job, good job.
Thank you, thank you, it was fantastic.
When I replaced that, I hadn't been looking
into buying cars for a super long time.
So I was like, you know what?
I should try to get a DeLorean.
And no joke, that actually happened.
And I did a whole bunch of research
and I like actually sourced down some people
that had DeLoreans and I found some
that were a lot more affordable than 80 grand.
But they wouldn't be as in good shape at all.
Right, right.
So a lot of it was gonna take a lot of work,
especially aesthetic work,
like repairing some of the panels, which is not.
Which is all, it's stainless, right?
Yeah, so.
Oh yeah.
Well isn't the company that bought like,
didn't one company buy like all of the parts?
Like the giant warehouse full of like
brand new DeLorean parts?
I think it's like Washington maybe?
That actually happened, yeah.
But I've seen like the videos of,
I think it's actually still called,
I think they bought like the name,
like DeLorean Motor Company, everything.
Like I know they were building like
some plug-in hybrid versions of like new DeLoreans
with all the old 80s parts.
Yeah, it's really cool.
I don't know if they've actually done it,
but I know they were talking about like prototypes and stuff.
So I don't know.
That's pretty sick.
That would be interesting to pay attention to.
But yeah, I just thought it was funny that you posted that.
Wasn't sure if you bought it or not, but I was like, oh man.
I was surprised at how,
like I felt like most people realized as a joke,
but a ton of people thought I was real.
I was like, wow, okay, cool.
I appreciate the vote of confidence and everything.
I'm that kind of baller who owns a DeLorean.
Thanks guys in advance.
But sadly, I don't quite live up to your expectations
just yet.
That's awesome.
What gave me the little bit of thought
that it might not have been real
was that it was just like that very small section of the car.
And I just felt like if it was actually yours,
you'd take like a picture from the inside or something.
Oh, you put like a lot of thought in this.
I did, I did.
I got really excited, man.
So you could have asked me, right?
Well, I wanted to ask you on the show.
I was like, cause I saw the Instagram posts last night
and I was like, gonna send you a message.
And then I was like, I'll just ask him live.
I just took, cause it was parked by like two other cars.
So I got the closest shot I could see other cars.
Like, oh, this is my garage guys.
You should have got it with the two other cars
and then said it was your garage.
Oh yeah.
Then, you know, there's like a Camaro and Lamborghini.
All my cars, don't worry.
Actually that was Linus's Lamborghini, but you know.
Yeah, he was just visiting.
Anyways, next up we have the HTC One E9 Plus,
their latest phablet with a stunning screen.
Stunning, stunning.
It has a, where's its DP?
534 PPM?
There we go, yes.
5.5 inch quad HD display.
Although the website lists it as a 1080P resolution.
So I think they probably just screwed up.
Cause that's what the M9 is, right?
Pretty sure that was just a mess up.
Yeah, but I mean a 5.5 inch, 2560 by 1440 screen,
that's, you know, that's okay.
I mean, you know, it's got a couple of pixels,
like 534 per inch.
Per inch.
You know, if I was going to put like a random number,
like just take a guess, 534-ish, you know.
So it's half metal and half plastic.
So this is going to be, I guess,
is this going to be a step down from the M9
or is this supposed to be like another flagship?
It's, I don't know.
It's interesting.
They've screwed up a lot of their own specs,
which is frustrating.
Because like you said, the screen,
but then there's also RAM.
It's supposed to be three gigabytes on their website.
It's listed as two.
It's also got a MediaTek chip set,
which kind of tips me off.
It's probably not all that high end.
And then HTC has been doing a lot of full metal
and this is half and half.
Right, exactly.
Yeah, actually the E, if I remember right,
the E series actually has been like the step down
from the M series, I think.
I think so.
That would make sense.
I hope I'm right.
That's off the top of my head,
but that would make a lot of sense
considering the plastic
and considering the MediaTek chip.
Yeah, so it's cool.
There's no price or release date or anything yet.
Actually, I just realized it's 7.49 millimeters thin, thick.
I feel like that's actually quite a bit thinner
than the M9.
I think that's like somewhere in like the eight,
eight and a half neighborhood.
I should probably double check what I'm saying
before I say it, but.
All right, give me one quick second.
For some reason, Nick is calling me.
I have no idea why.
What's up, Nick?
You're on speaker.
That's a terrible thing.
Thanks, Nick.
Thank you.
You sound fine on my end.
That's weird.
Yeah, I don't know what's going on with that.
I checked the chat a few times and didn't see that.
You want to turn yours down a little bit?
Oh, yeah.
Okay, yeah.
Some people are talking about it.
I don't know why it took them almost 20 minutes.
They were probably doing it the whole time.
I just wanted to bug people.
So you want mine down or do you want to turn yours up?
I can turn mine up a little bit.
Let me try that.
Okay, I can turn mine down,
but I don't want to like mess it up.
Cause I'm on Skype right now,
so Skype's automatically changing.
So I don't know how much.
Right, yeah.
I can turn it down a little bit.
I turned mine up a bit.
We'll see how that goes.
Hopefully that works.
I'll check in the chat in a little bit.
Moving on from unreleased to a whole bunch
of data messed up phones.
We have the Amazon testing delivery drones
in a secret location in Canada,
which is probably the DC. Secret.
Which is great cause that's where I'm from
and this is awesome and I have no problem with it.
See, you guys are like cheating here, right?
Amazon was doing all this kind of cool stuff
and then you guys get all their awesome drone technology.
Like, come on, they've got to share it with us.
Like, I guess FAA is being...
Yes, the FAA are being butts about it,
which they might have some good ideas,
but I'm happy that they're testing it here.
I think that's cool.
I like how Amazon was just like,
oh, we'll just, you know, walk upwards a little bit.
Yeah, I wonder, is there some other place on earth
we could do this exact same testing?
Actually, isn't Amazon based in like Seattle?
Like, isn't that just like-
That's what I mean.
Like, it might just go up like a little bit.
That's why I said BC, there's a lot of reasons
why BC is probably where this whole secret center is,
but BC makes a ton of sense for a few reasons.
But yeah, they didn't even,
they probably just drove a truck up
with some of their equipment.
They were like, all right, cool, we're here.
Testing time.
Yeah, that didn't take that long.
I was talking to a friend of mine and I was like,
well, even if Canada decides to freak out,
which they probably won't,
because Canada has essentially been like,
you can do whatever you want
because we need more of you up here.
I like it.
Yeah, I'm down with that too.
But even if Canada said basically no,
Amazon would probably just like buy an island
and just test them there.
They probably already have one at this point.
Yeah, like you're not going to stop them
from trying these things out.
Just, I don't know.
Go with it.
So I think it's interesting because,
didn't they do the original, like that ad,
was that a year ago or was it two, something like that?
It was a while back.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
So I remember when I first saw that,
it seemed so ridiculous.
It seemed like there was no way
that they were actually going to do this.
Come on, but it seems like you hear stuff like this
and they've said on record,
yeah, this is actually a thing we want to do.
It might be three, five, seven,
it could be a long time in the future,
but this is something that we're interested in looking at.
And so I got to thinking about it.
And the amount of packages that Amazon actually ships
via UPS, FedEx, post office, that kind of stuff,
that's going to be enormous, right?
Like it's got to be just a huge, huge amount.
And I felt guilty on multiple occasions
when I buy like a $5 like tube of thermal paste
and I have it overnighted via Prime to my house, like $2.
Like this totally cost them so much more money
than it was actually worth.
I almost feel like kind of guilty about when I do that.
So you think maybe this drone stuff,
while it still is going to be massively impractical
and only for like a few places,
even in the best case scenario,
but maybe this is kind of like a way of hedging their bets
and not giving UPS and FedEx piles of money
to ship everything all over the place.
That's honestly probably a really good point,
especially with looking at, what is it called?
Give me a second here.
I'm going to try and find it in the doc.
But anyways, they're releasing these little buttons.
Have you seen that?
Oh yeah, Dash.
Dash, yes.
The Dash Go buttons or whatever.
And that's a transitionary thing
until they get something else set up or whatever.
And there isn't a ton of products
that it's available for so far.
And some people thought it was an April fool's joke,
which it isn't.
I did, I absolutely.
I did too.
Yeah, because it was on the 31st.
And I saw a bunch of people tweeting it
and I guess the last couple of years
people have been starting April fools early.
So I saw it on my Twitter.
I was like, whatever.
I go to amazon.com.
It's like this giant thing right up front.
I was like, really?
And so I signed up because it's free
for if you're a Prime member.
I think you can get up to three buttons.
Probably should double check that.
Yeah, you can get up to three buttons.
Do you have to pay after that?
I have no idea what you do after the first three buttons.
I don't know if they'll even give you more than three.
I have no idea.
But I think you can get up to three.
They're for various different products.
So you can get like, you hit the button
and it'll automatically order you more laundry detergent
or diapers or whatever.
I think it's about 18 different products.
Yeah, Tide, Huggies, all kinds of stuff.
So you know, when I need more diapers,
I just hit the button.
So I know they use the picture of like,
you put the Tide button on your washing machine.
Where do you put these other buttons?
Where do you put the diaper button?
Where do you put the toilet paper button?
I'm just trying to think of,
am I going to have a house full of buttons
everywhere I just want to walk in and go,
oh, I want some of this.
I want some of this, want some of this.
$300, oops.
Yeah, oh my, oh my, oh my.
Yeah, I don't know.
I think with especially a lot of the stuff
that's in this program, the drones would make sense.
The button placement thing is pretty funny.
I think this isn't going to make a ton of sense
for people that have like little kids and stuff.
Yeah, I think there is-
Oh, button, fun to press, $3,000.
All automatically shipped with drones.
You can't cancel.
There's like a palette of diapers
show up at your front door.
You're like, oh, not again.
Yeah, yeah.
I just, oh man, ridiculous.
And they're like, oh yeah, if you don't want any more,
you can just cancel it on your phone.
I'm like, yeah, well, if it's already at my house.
So I didn't know, yeah, it emails you or whatever.
Okay, I'm at work.
You shipped within an hour
because you're amazing in Amazon.
And now I can't cancel my order.
So what I've got the question is,
what's the deal with these buttons, right?
They seemed very small.
Some, I believe they connect to your phone, right?
I was wondering about that.
And like, I was wondering about battery life and stuff.
Yeah, exactly.
And then these are pretty much one-use buttons, right?
Like you use it, I don't know, a year or two,
use it for a few times.
And like what the battery gives up, you throw it away.
That seems kind of a little sketchy to me.
It does seem a little bit ridiculous.
It's a cool idea, but I don't know how practical
it's going to be if it's going to be-
Especially in the long run.
And like, I know they've already basically publicly said
that it's a transitionary piece.
So they're planning on having other ways of doing this.
Like, I think the idea is that there's supposed to be
a dedicated dash, like a, wow,
the scanning code, the QR code.
I think there's supposed to be a dedicated dash QR code
in all the products or some other version of a code,
some scanning bar or whatever that your phone can read.
I think that's the eventual plan,
but until they get a whole bunch of people on that,
maybe not going to happen, which is, I don't know,
a little bit weird, but maybe the year, year and a half,
two years might, oh man, I'm going to say tied,
and that's one of the companies that signed up for this,
but might tide people over until they actually get
this other system implemented.
Yeah, and I think on top of that,
you look just a little bit more into the future.
I believe, I'm going to say this and it might be wrong.
I believe it was at Samsung, the company who said
that they want all of their products to be connected
within the next five or 10 years.
So you can imagine, you go up to your refrigerator
and you can have tied, or, sorry, tied, dash built in
so you can just look through.
Maybe you can even automatically see what you got
and you scan it or whatever and you put it in.
You can keep track of if your stuff's about to go out
of date, if you need to get some more milk or whatever,
and it can automatically be set in.
So yeah, I definitely feel like dash, for a lot of reasons,
is sort of like a stop gap, like a little bit of a transition
between just having to order stuff on Amazon
and not remembering and just realizing it's way easier
just to go down to the store as opposed to waiting.
Or if it's just something simple like your refrigerator
automatically orders when you need more eggs or something.
I think that's kind of where this is all headed.
Yeah, and speaking of where this is all headed,
because that was basically the best segue I've ever heard.
Yeah, I know.
Another topic that we have.
Not even just that, but what you were just talking about.
IBM new Internet of Things unit.
IBM is investing $3 billion over the next four years
to solidify its efforts in the Internet of Things space.
So people like Samsung, like you were just talking about
all their products need to be connected,
are very possibly gonna work with people like IBM.
IBM's this like massive patent house
that just does the back end of like everything ever.
Well, that's interesting to think of IBM
as a massive patent house.
I usually don't, I wouldn't think of them like that,
but you know what, you're totally right.
That's actually an interesting way of looking at it.
Wow, I guess that's what they are.
Well, they've got $3 billion to throw around,
what over the next four years.
They're a huge company.
They just don't have a ton of, almost any, any anymore?
Did they get rid of all their consumer focused stuff?
Oh dude, I can't think of anything off the top of my head.
That's for sure.
I know they got rid of their like laptops
and desktop kind of computer stuff, not even that long ago.
Yeah, they sold that to Lenovo, right?
Yeah, they moved off hard drives.
Yeah, I don't think, sorry?
Servers and stuff, I guess.
Yeah, but that's less consumer focused.
Right, yeah.
So, I think the interesting thing about this
is that you look at IBM,
you look at all these different companies
who are pouring tons and tons of money,
there's, I don't know,
I feel like they don't have things and wearables.
I think a lot of these things,
although they're separate categories,
but I feel like a lot of these things
are kind of converging.
I remember I was at like a CES,
I think it was like two or three years ago,
and it was at the Intel CES conference,
and they were talking about, yeah,
we can't wait until the cost of compute's basically nothing.
You can have a chip that's able to connect to Wi-Fi
or Bluetooth or whatever, and everything.
You can have it, it's essentially free.
It's tiny, tiny, tiny little chips
that you can put everywhere.
I feel like, at first I was like, yeah, right, okay,
uh-huh, I'm gonna have a Wi-Fi connected table
and all that kind of stuff,
but you hear more and more stories about this.
It's just like, wow, this is actually kind of happening.
That's cool, I think.
We'll see.
Yeah, yeah.
One thing that I always really liked was the,
what was it, like the original,
wasn't it called the Surface?
Way back in the day, the Microsoft table.
Yeah, the big table, yeah, yeah.
And when they ordered pizza with that thing,
that was so sick.
The guy was just like, I want some pizza,
and I think he swiped something
and threw his credit card on it
and just scanned his credit card and pizza showed up.
I was like, that's so cool.
I want my table to be connected, why not?
Wasn't Pizza Hut one of the very first websites
that you actually online order pizza?
Yeah, yeah.
Pizza's like the thing that drives all technology progress.
If you use a computer today, you owe it to pizza.
Give or take a little bit, but mostly.
I mean, guess what?
The guy who designed that computer you're using right now,
he probably ate a lot of pizza.
You probably did.
You're welcome, pizza.
Or thank you, pizza.
When I was doing a lot more developing stuff,
I was eating a lot of pizza.
No, seriously?
Dude, you know what?
When I make my videos a lot of time, I eat pizza.
Oh my God, that's amazing.
I can't believe it.
This is, we found like what is actually driven
30 years. The unified force
of the universe.
Yeah, so pizza.
Thanks, pizza.
We appreciate you.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
They knew it all along.
Oh, I found the dash article.
So I'm going to post this in stream,
like totally nowhere close to when we were talking about it.
But just in case anyone wanted to read up more on that.
There you go.
I don't know.
I've had a lot of people telling me that's super stupid.
I don't really think it is.
I think it's, it's fine.
It might need to be deployed in specific ways.
Like if you have a little kid,
like make sure they can't press it.
If like, like I could see myself using them more likely.
I don't have Prime, but maybe it's an interesting idea.
One thing that I'm worried about is that there's not a ton
of products on it so far.
And the buttons are not programmable from what I see.
They all have like their own, you know,
the graphic of whatever brand that you're ordering.
So it's like Gillette or whatever.
So that button's only going to be useful for one thing,
which is a little, little weird, but.
Little, little weird.
And a lot of the brands that they're signing up for
are like premium brands.
A lot of times I buy super cheapo stuff.
Yeah. Yeah. That's a good point.
Might not be super useful for me,
but especially like the single home thing
where it's like one person living there,
you buy something,
you're probably going to have it for a long time.
And then once it runs out, you're gonna be like, oh crap.
I haven't thought about this
because I haven't had to buy it in two months.
So being able to press the button is kind of cool.
And then you don't have little kids pressing it
and all that kind of stuff.
But I do worry about also social implications of it.
My buddy comes over and sees a tide button.
It's like, what's that?
Click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click,
click, click.
It doesn't do anything.
Click, click, click, click.
I think you need a better buddy if that's the case.
Yeah, I know.
But like, it's, I don't know, it's possible.
Or like, if one of my friends happened to have kids
and came over and their kids were there or whatever,
they'd press it.
Like, I don't know.
There's weird stuff like that.
It is, it would notify you, of course, but I don't know.
I'm really interested to see what people think about this
in six months after it's released.
And if you're actually using it, what people have to say
about it, all that kind of stuff.
All right, moving on.
So, there's the 20th anniversary GTX 980.
That is, oh.
Well, it's the ASUS 20th anniversary.
So, what's it clocked at, actually?
It's like some insane, like, clock right out of the box,
Hopefully, it's not in the notes for some reason, Nick.
What are you doing?
I remember reading this earlier today.
I'm gonna try and pick it up.
It is, it's supposed to be insane.
Isn't it the fastest out of the box 980 you can get?
I think that's the whole page.
Yeah, I believe so.
Actually, you know, that's weird.
They don't actually have it on the ASUS page.
That's silly.
Really obvious.
You're not telling people yet?
Safe mode.
It's really cool, guys.
It's fast, just trust us.
It's really fast.
It has the faster modes, which is actually kind of cool,
which is helpful for people if they're doing LN2,
which will be probably not many or nobody in the audience,
but it's possible.
There's an RGB light.
It looks freaking badass,
and it's supposed to be super fast out of the box,
which is cool.
Hopefully I'll be able to check it out
and let people know what's going on.
14 phase power design, which is actually pretty sick.
We don't see that that often.
I think like some of the Kingpin edition cards and stuff
will have 14 phase power design.
Zero DB fan mode,
although Linus has posted a video on how to do that
on pretty much whatever you want.
Yeah, don't deal with this stuff.
Just watch the video.
It's all you actually need to know.
These companies can pretend to do it,
but Linus made the video.
That's all you really need.
Yeah, yeah.
Essentially, they didn't even release a graphics card
until Linus makes a video.
It's all because of Linus.
We all understand it.
Linus and pizza make the world go round.
Mainly pizza, but Linus too.
Linus has to review the pizza.
Oh, that needs to happen.
Yeah, that does need to happen.
That needs to happen.
Like lose McDonald's.
Oh, that was so good.
That was so good.
That was awesome.
That was awesome.
There's not a ton else to say about that card
until we get it in hand.
Other than that, 14 face power design,
zero DB fan technology, memory defroster,
a bunch of stuff for those kinds of guys.
One press VBIOS reload,
which is actually pretty sick,
especially if you're gonna screw it around a lot,
which is very probable if you're buying this card.
Yeah, I don't know.
Pretty sick.
I'd like to test it.
So hopefully we'll get one
and I'll let you guys know later.
Samsung is launching three more curved PC monitors.
So Linus is probably freaking out about that
over in wherever the hell he is right now.
He's been going to many, many places.
I'm gonna post this in the chat as well.
I'm doing a better job of that right now.
I'm a little bit disappointed
that I think they're all 1080p.
So it's a 24 inch, a 27 inch and a 31 inch.
So they started 300 bucks.
So I think that's by far the cheapest curve monitor, right?
I can't think of anything else.
I'm not entirely sure about that.
You're probably right.
As far as I know off the top of my head,
I think you're right, but I haven't checked that.
So I don't know.
I'm good at saying things
and then like half a second after I say it's like,
oh, I'm actually not sure about that.
Yeah, yeah.
That's the cheapest.
I think maybe.
Probably, maybe.
My favorite thing to say is that's just a theory though.
That's just a theory.
I need to use that.
I need to use that.
Anyways, I'm a little bit disappointed that they're 1080p
just because the curve monitors that I've tried in office
that were 1080p felt worse than a flat 1080p monitor.
I think just cause I noticed the resolution more,
but the like ultra-wise that we have that are 1440p
and above are super crisp and very nice.
So I don't know.
I'm sure Linus is going to try and get his hands
on some of these.
So we'll probably see a review of that.
And he's done way more work with the new monitors
than I have.
So I'm sure he'll have something to say
about them being 1080p or not.
They've been bragging about the eye saver mode
and the just natural eye saving, eye fatigue saving stuff
of curved monitors.
I've never had a problem with that.
I have a whole bunch of monitors all the time.
So I don't know.
My eyes need to be saved apparently.
I don't know.
That's one thing I've been thinking about too.
It's like, I'm going to always turn my whole head.
So I don't know.
I'll be looking directly at that monitor
or I'll be looking directly at this monitor.
Oh, right.
My eyes are usually facing straight forward.
I'm not like looking out of the corner of my eyes
at things all the time.
Huh, okay.
I think might be what they're talking about.
It might not be, I don't know.
But the eye saver mode specifically decreases the amount
of blue light emitted by the displays.
Not the, I know they're talking about the natural curve
can save your eyes that way,
but the eye saver mode is reducing the natural blue light
sent to the eye saver mode, which is interesting.
Speaking of different colors of light,
I don't know why I'm bringing this up right now,
but in fire engines, they eliminate the cab with red.
Not just because it's a fire engine,
but because red doesn't change your pupil.
So you can look directly into red light
and nothing will really happen.
All right.
That sounds like really dangerous advice.
It's not good.
It's not like, don't, don't take a laser pointer
and be like, nothing's going to happen.
That's stupid.
Don't do that.
That's interesting though.
So red light is easier on your eyes then.
And when I bought my car, I was super disappointed
because I had heard that blue light wasn't good
and mine is illuminated by a blue light.
And I was like, what are you doing?
Why did this happen?
That is ridiculous.
Just put like red tape over all the blue lights in your car.
Like there, done.
But that's why, that's why if you've heard of them,
there's a program for Android phones.
I don't know if it's on iPhone or not.
Android phones called Twilight.
And there's a program on desktop for Windows
and probably Mac as well called f.lux or just flux.
I always say flux.
Yeah. Flux.
Yeah. Both those.
Oh, so you're aware.
Both those programs will, will increase red light.
Oh yeah, I guess that is what they do, isn't it?
Yeah. Yeah.
I've heard of them.
I've never really tried them.
They dim and increase red light.
So it's easier to look at.
Yeah. I just stare at really bright blue screens 24 seven.
Yeah. Yeah.
You know.
Yeah. Me too.
I tried flux and then after a while I was like,
eh, I'm just going to stay up till six AM anyways.
Whatever. I know my timing is going to be way off.
It's fine.
This would be helpful if I actually cared about my eye health
but I don't think we have the luxury of that
cause we're on computers all the time.
And then like we're filming with giant light boxes
like you have in the background going right at your face
which is gone.
It should not be good.
The, the, the horrible perils of our jobs
of sitting in our offices and sitting on computers all day
is really terrifying.
Yeah. Oh my.
Oh me oh my.
Yeah, you should feel bad for us.
We're so, so unhealthy.
All the time.
Speaking of feeling bad,
parents who don't stop children playing Call of Duty
and other games of that style.
The title's a little bit sensational.
It's just as playing Call of Duty, but yeah
like game aggressive gameplay stuff, high rated gameplays
will be reported to the police, Warren schools in the UK.
Nothing about this.
I like absolutely nothing about this entire story.
So it's not all schools in the UK or anything.
I believe it's, it's 16 schools and they've stated
they would call the police and social services
if children reveal in the playground
that they have been playing adult themed games.
Several children have reported, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Their games are talking about with levels of violence
and sexual content, such as Call of Duty,
Grand Theft Auto, Dogs of War and other similar games
that are all inappropriate for children.
And this is like including everyone under 18 plus
as far as I know.
That's crazy.
I can understand maybe like a six or seven year old
probably shouldn't be playing Call of Duty
or Grand Theft Auto.
Like if it's like, if they're looking at elementary schools
and if like what they do is they like maybe call
and talk to the parents about the possible implications
of letting their kids play this and be like,
maybe you shouldn't, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Like maybe that's fine.
But once you're in high school, like I don't know
a single dude that didn't play games that were 18 plus.
Yeah, of course.
That's insane.
And not only that, it's not like they're just calling.
They're reporting to the police.
As like an incident and social services.
So they can like, that's crazy.
This seems to me like a school district
who's just trying to like really like make some news
and say, oh, we're going to crack down on those video games
that are killing our kids for yeah.
It just seems kind of sensationalist
and that's just trying to get the word out.
But this is messed up on a lot of levels.
I mean.
Parents were also warned about the youngsters
being allowed to have access to social media sites
such as Facebook and WhatsApp
because it could make them vulnerable to sexual grooming.
First of all, I did not need to know that that was a term.
Second of all, okay.
Again, I can see some like nugget
of like real information here.
Like, yeah, you probably should have a little kid
having Facebook or WhatsApp.
Okay, I can kind of understand that.
And with the argument of I don't want the crap
that I did when I was 14 to be on the internet.
Exactly. Yeah, I just don't.
Wait, do we need to pause
and do we need to discuss something right now?
No, we super don't need to discuss anything right now at all.
It's totally fine.
But like, I just maybe have an advisory thing.
Yes, I think it's very ham-fisted of this school board
to just come out here and do this.
But an ulterior motive for them
might be to bring this issue up
and have someone go like, whoa, whoa, whoa,
let's draw back and set up a system here,
which is much less aggressive.
And maybe that's actually what they want.
I hope that's actually what they want.
Because if someone's in elementary school
and has a Facebook account
and is posting everything they're doing all day
on the Facebook account, maybe that's a little weird.
That's a little scary.
Yeah, their parents should maybe look into that.
I don't know if that's their decision.
And if the kid is playing Call of Duty,
they're probably getting ripped on
by a whole bunch of old people
and might even be beating them
because little kids seem to be pretty good
at first person shooters.
Yeah, that is just something I've noticed.
A lot of kids who are somewhat younger
can be incredibly good at things like Call of Duty.
It's a little weird to me.
Maybe they're like, maybe it's all.
It's like Twitch skills, man.
But I just think the thing with this
is that it seems ridiculous.
I get it, right?
A lot of parents pay zero attention
to the ratings of games
and they'll let a little kid play Grand Theft Auto.
Okay, probably not a good idea.
But I can't, I mean, little kids get to watch movies
and all kinds of TV shows that are, you know, adult themed.
And I mean, that's just like kind of normal, right?
Like that's not something that's completely insane
and crazy and you need to call the police
and social services about.
Like it's something that, yeah,
parents probably should pay a little more attention to,
but to call the police because some 15 year old kid
in school is like, oh, I was playing Call of Duty.
Call the police.
Yeah, yeah, exactly.
That's insane to me.
I can't even begin to imagine
how they would actually enforce that.
And what are the police going to do, right?
You get some school calling up like,
so one of our 15 year old students
was playing Call of Duty.
All right, we have some important stuff to do.
I have a good day.
Yeah, exactly.
So I just, everything about this,
everything about this just makes me sad and not...
I'm not going to tell anyone how to raise their kids
because I don't want to do that.
But I feel like if the kid wants to do it at some level,
they probably will.
So if you're like, oh, you can't play shooter games,
he's going to go to Johnny's house
and play shooter games over there.
If you tell him he can't watch that movie,
he's going to go on his laptop in his room or his phone
or his tablet or whatever the heck, internet of things,
and just watch it there.
Like, I don't know.
I think having the discussion about like, oh, it's not real.
You probably knew this, but it's not real.
Those are just pixels.
It's not the same at all.
You can be a super nice, kind hearted person
and play GTA all you want
and everything could still be fine.
And like talking about the differences of like, okay,
don't kick and punch your friends in the face at school.
Just do that in video games.
Don't do that and you'll be okay.
Yeah, I don't know.
Just having those like very obvious conversations
is probably not a bad idea.
And fisting things will very likely just make things worse.
I just tell you, this just seems to me like,
every year or two, some things gotta like,
there's gotta be some controversy or something.
They're called video games.
They're terrible for people.
And then everyone calms down.
Everyone forgets about it and it's no big deal.
I feel like this is just another one of those things
where some school district is wanting
to make some attention, make some news,
and you know, it's gonna blow over and whatever.
So it just annoys me that video games
are still ragged on like this.
When, I mean, there's so much advantage
to playing video games as far as like just, you know,
being able to like get friends and be able to like,
everyone like come and hang out and play Mario Kart
or GTA or Call of Duty, whatever.
Yeah, it's held one of my friend groups together completely.
That's completely the reason why it has
is because we'll all come together and play games
or play games on the internet.
And that's, I find it's a really good way
to keep in contact with friends that I had
in high school and stuff, because even if they moved away
or I moved away or whatever, you can still play online,
which is a really good way to, yeah.
So the third thing we've learned this show,
pizza's great, we love Linus,
and you should play more video games.
Success, all right, next.
Moving on to a more uplifting story.
I think this is freaking amazing.
I'm a huge fan of this product.
It is called Volvo Life Paint.
Which is a great name.
Life Paint, yeah, it's fantastic.
So to, it's invisible in like daylight.
So if there's a lot of light on the object,
it's not visible, but if there's not much light
on the object, as far as I can tell, it glows white.
Yeah, yeah.
I think it's a white glow.
I'm gonna share my screen here for a second.
So, what it does is it shines brightly
and with like the glare,
it's kind of like a reflective sort of thing,
where like if you're driving around the corner
and you know, it's like headlights hit,
it'll bounce back.
Like I can't tell you how many times,
well I can't tell you, it's never been that many times,
but it's happened to me before
where I'm driving through a neighborhood,
I'll come around a corner, it's in the middle of the night,
and someone's walking around with like a black hoodie on.
Like in the middle of the street.
Like don't do that, that's a bad idea, right?
But if I have some like stupid, you know,
reflective thing where I'm driving around,
I see someone shiny with this life paint,
then I might not hit them, because that would be bad.
Yeah, so it's supposed to be reflective stuff
that is kind of held together, which is very cool.
And yeah, reflective was the best term for it.
I think it's great,
especially because of exactly what you just said.
I've been a biker, or I was a biker for many years
when I was going to university.
That sounds badass, just throwing that out there.
A biker?
I didn't mean motorbike.
I was like a pedal bike person.
Oh, nevermind, I take it back.
I take all those cool points and you just lost a few points.
I did, I was like that kid in Pokemon
who like got a bike voucher and was like,
yeah, I'm going to go to school.
I can save my one million credits now.
Yeah, exactly.
Yeah, that money I would have never made.
I wonder if someone saved up enough.
No, dude, the cap was like 999,000, right?
Oh, so you couldn't get it?
Yeah, I don't think you could have.
Yeah, I think that's the whole point.
Yeah, that makes sense.
I think I want to try it, I'm pretty sure.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Epic references.
But yeah, like this would have been really nice
while I was doing that.
And I think the other unintended fantastic part
about this is you can spray things
and then they won't show up in daylight
and they'll show up later on.
So you could like spray explicit things,
which are funny that people spray on stuff
that look like elongated somethings
and you can leave them wherever the heck you want
and people won't even know and that's fantastic.
Now you could.
It washes off after a week.
So it even disappears after a while.
It's literally perfect, it's perfect.
It'll save lives and you get to paint things on things
and you'll see things in certain light.
Yeah, so like Buddy passes out of the party,
they turn the lights off, spray some stuff on him,
no big deal, he can go to work, it's fine.
He can be on his face and he can still go to work
and everything will be fine.
And then you turn the lights off and then he gets home,
it's been a long day at work, his wife is there,
she's like, how are you doing honey?
Fine, whatever, just turns the light off,
giant penis on his face.
Just, whatever, I don't know, it could be hilarious.
This might be the greatest invention of all humanity
that saves lives, makes perfect pranks possible.
Volvo, we salute you, or I salute you,
I feel like we both do, I don't speak for you.
No, I salute them too, that's fantastic, I completely agree.
And what I really like about it too is isn't Volvo the one
that came up with the three-point seatbelt?
And they opened up that patent?
Exactly, yeah, it was like, I don't wanna,
again, I think this whole show's been me
getting insane.
Say something and then be like, uh.
It was a while ago, right, like 60, 70, something like that.
Yeah, I think they patented it and they just gave
the patent, like a free license to other automotive
We want people to be safer.
I think this is like wave two of that whole idea.
I don't know if they're gonna release the patent
or do whatever, but I think it's very cool
that they're putting a lot of effort to save people
that aren't even directly in their market.
This is people riding bikes.
Yeah, it's not, I doubt that, yeah, exactly,
like if you're riding a bike, you might not own a Volvo,
right, but they're still the ones who are,
I'm assuming, who designed this and are selling it
and all that kind of stuff.
So, yeah, big props to Volvo.
This is something awesome all the way around.
Yeah, I thought that was absolutely cool.
I loved that.
That was probably my favorite thing in the dock so far.
Have they actually said, is it available
or like can you buy this yet?
I didn't see anything in terms of being able
to purchase it.
There's a, I know you can get involved,
whatever that actually means,
by submitting your email address.
Ooh, it does look like you can buy it, actually.
Now let me see, it says get life paint at the shops below
and they're all in London.
I don't see anywhere to actually order it.
I feel like a channel super fun video
is about to become a reality.
If I can get my hands on some of this,
this will definitely.
Can you order it?
I don't think so.
Or is it like you have to actually pick it up in person?
Yeah, they said at the shops below
and then there's like a gray and white,
what am I gonna see here?
Pelton & Co, Cadence Performance Limited,
Athlete Lab, The Velo House, Bespoke Cycling,
Fully Charged Globe House.
Oh yeah, Volvo is into, actually now I think about it,
Volvo is into a lot of stuff that's not cars, right?
Like they do all kinds of other bikes and whatnot, right?
Oh, do they?
Oh, I thought that's what you were reading on their site.
No, those are stores where you can buy it.
Oh, okay, nevermind.
I was wrong again.
I don't know, they might be, I don't know much about that.
I don't see it on their site.
I'll see if I can order some, that would actually,
I would love to do a video on this stuff.
That would be so cool, that would be so cool.
And of course I'd have to spray some stuff all over Linus.
Like if I can get ahold of Linus's like Nvidia jacket.
Which, after the show, after the show.
I'll hold it, I'll hold it, I won't go anymore.
Moving on, finding other topic.
I have to do sponsor spots real quick, give me a moment.
Go for it.
If, if, Nick set them up.
Do you have like some awesome sponsor music yet?
I don't have sponsor music.
I wish I had sponsor music.
You can be the sponsor music.
We want to tell you about our new show sponsor, FreshBooks.
They're a pretty cool online tool
that can help you get your accounting done
and just do things quickly.
It's great for small businesses or some freelance work.
I've done freelance work in the past doing computer repairs,
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Head over to freshbooks.com slash wan
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Moving onwards, I have facial hair.
I do not have facial hair.
It's possible that you have facial hair.
It's possible that you have hair elsewhere.
You probably do.
And Dollar Shave Club isn't only for men.
I know it's marketed that way often,
but as we've discussed on the show before,
your lady friends could use it just as well as you could.
So please take note of that.
Dollar Shave Club dot com slash Linus.
I can talk at all sometimes.
Shave Time Shave Money.
They have the Dr. Carver's Shave Butter.
Which is awesome by the way.
I've tried it.
It is really, really cool.
I actually do like it too.
I actually do use that every day.
That isn't even part of the sponsor spot thing.
But I do, I use Dr. Carver's Shave Butter
and I Dr. Carver's Shave Butter.
Oh my God, what's wrong with me right now?
And I use that razor as well.
It's a great way to have razors show up to your door
and it costs a lot less than most razors
that you can buy in the store as well,
which is pretty cool.
All right.
Back to the normal show.
You magically appear again.
Why is Nick calling?
Uh-oh, audio problems again?
You need to change the lower third.
Would you need a different sponsor?
Clicking on Dollar Shave Club versus FreshBooks.
My bad.
That sucked.
Sorry Nick.
Okay, that's okay, bye.
Poor Nick.
See, we have to have Nick around.
Otherwise, literally nothing goes correct at all.
Nick is like, Nick is gonna hate this
because he's watching right now.
But Nick is like the office mom.
Like he'll make sure everyone's like doing okay.
Like if people are working and they're like,
oh man, I have so much to do today.
He'll be like, are you fed?
Do you have lunch?
Do you need food?
I can get you food.
Do you need food?
And then he'll like go out and get people food
and everyone else.
It's fantastic.
He emailed me, I think it was on Wednesday.
He's like, hey dude, this is like super late,
but can you be on the Wan Show?
And like he sent this like really long, thoughtful email.
It's like, dude, congratulations on your channel.
You know, I think it would be awesome.
You know, you guys can make an awesome show.
And I was like, yeah, sure, no problem.
Like that was my entire response.
It's not felt bad, it's like, man, he probably spent
like a long time working on his email,
asking if I would want to be on the show.
I was like, yeah, sure.
It shows the differences too, because yeah, giant block.
You're like, yeah, of course dude.
And then I'm like, sweet.
Exactly, it's like longest email ever.
Sure, okay.
That was great.
Thank you by the way, for showing up.
No, of course dude.
That was super short notice.
But yeah, that, yeah.
He's very cool about things. Shout out to Nick.
Nick is awesome, he's very helpful.
Things that aren't awesome, changing topics a little bit.
Two former federal agents are charged with stealing
a whack ton of Bitcoin during the Silk Road.
What would you even call that, pillage?
They, when they just like wrecked Silk Road.
Yeah, so that was crazy.
So if I remember the story right,
and I'll probably be wrong again,
even though I have some awesome notes.
Basically Silk Road was, it was around for a while.
And actually this probably happened a what, maybe two ago?
Oh yeah, for sure.
There's been, there's been, Silk Road one,
I think was quite a while ago.
And there's been some kind of like pop-ups and stuff.
But I think they've, the more recent ones have actually been
from a different group just trying to kind of ride on the,
on the name, I think.
Yeah, because they arrested the guy behind,
I guess this particular Silk Road.
Yeah, Dread Pirate Roberts.
That's the greatest name ever.
Just throwing that out there.
If I'm going to be a criminal.
Well, it's Ross Albrecht, I think.
Dread Pirate Roberts sounds way cooler.
Like if I'm going to be a criminal,
I need a cool name like Dread Pirate Roberts.
Legally change it.
Yeah, my first name is Dread,
middle name is Pirate, last name Roberts.
But yeah, so basically what happened was,
was that the US government,
they became owners of a huge trove of Bitcoin
because they seized the assets of Dread Pirate Roberts.
Feel like an eye patch to say that properly.
But then now two of the former agents of the DEA
and the Secret Service,
who were actually doing the investigation,
they decided we could keep a few of these Bitcoins, right?
No one's going to notice.
I mean, it's internet money, right?
Except it was worth like $1.1 million.
And I think a couple of people might have perhaps noticed
and now they've been charged with stealing.
Actually, what are all the charges here?
They've been charged with money laundering,
wire fraud, and other various offenses.
So like not small time stuff at all.
And it might cause some issues too,
because Dread Pirate Roberts made some agreements
with these guys, like right here,
where he allegedly paid them around a hundred grand
to keep certain things about Silk Road under wraps.
They told them that they had more information
and they could not forward that information
to their obvious employers if he paid them.
And he actually did.
And now that's complicating the case a little bit.
Which, oh geez.
I mean, that's going to be a huge blow to the case
because if you're having some of the guys
who were starting the investigation,
who were working with the government at the time,
if they were stealing,
they were like involved in this whole deal.
I mean, I feel like that's got to be a huge blow
to the entire thing.
It is.
Yeah, that could seriously injure the integrity
of the entire case.
That's crazy.
This seems like, if you just replace Bitcoin
with like drugs or money or something,
this could totally be like an awesome 70s cop episode.
But instead it's just like,
actually it could be a slightly less awesome,
like, I don't know, Law and Order episode.
But it just, everything about this seems ridiculous.
Especially Dread Pirate Roberts.
That's the most ridiculous.
I love that, but yeah.
That's so good.
But yeah, these guys stealing like a million dollars
worth of Bitcoin, probably not the greatest idea.
Why is my computer making noise?
Auto-playing videos on websites suck.
I hate that.
I hate that.
So frustrating.
I would hope YouTube auto-played.
That would be a little annoying if it didn't, but.
Yeah, that would be.
So these two.
I manually pressed the play button every time.
But yeah.
These brilliant guys didn't get too far
with their million dollars in Bitcoin.
In fact, if you steal a million dollars in Bitcoin,
like that would kind of be harder to spend, right?
Like I can't imagine that's as easy
as just having a million dollars in cash for these guys,
especially who've just been investigating it.
Like what are you actually going to do with that kind of,
that kind of money in Bitcoin?
It would probably be harder to spend in order of like,
like things that you would easily be able to buy,
but it would probably actually be easier
due to being untraceable or not very traceable.
I just, I just wonder if these Bitcoins
were just never reported in the original, like seized,
like when they, when the government seized,
I like these Bitcoins, or if they were like already known.
I, this, I don't know.
I'm not like a super expert on Bitcoin
as you might have been able to guess, but I don't know.
I think it just doesn't seem like a particularly great idea
just anywhere along this, this particular chain.
So I don't know.
It's, it's weird.
The blockchain.
I, I, I, I feel like you'd be able to more easily move
stolen money if it was in Bitcoins than in dollars.
Cause dollars are a little bit easier to track,
especially on the internet.
But so if they were trying to like launder it
through other things,
that would probably be not that bad of a process,
but getting it out of whoever was managing this
at the beginning, I don't know about that process.
I have no idea what they did.
And I feel like there'd have to be some sort of transaction
record. Like they must've been paying attention,
which is probably how they found them.
They got caught.
Something along this,
this happy little blockchain got messed up.
Yeah. Yeah.
Oh, well.
That's, that's, that's crazy though.
This, this whole thing is like shaping up
to just be like this odd.
Like it's, it's like getting close to being a movie.
I think it just needs like a couple of extra little twists.
I think it's totally gonna be a good movie.
Well, it could be a movie.
I don't know how to say it's good.
Probably most of these kind of like Bitcoin hacker movies
are not very good, but I might watch it.
Yeah. I like Hackers, the movie.
I thought that movie was fantastic, but you're right.
Anyways, moving, moving to a completely different topic.
April Fools happened.
And of course, tons of giant tech companies did a whole bunch
of different April Fools things.
What were some of your favorites?
Ah, man, you know, I, this year,
I feel like it was one of the first April Fools.
I was just kind of over it.
Like I liked the Motorola, the selfie stick.
I think that was probably my favorite because that one,
it just was, it was like, it was a good parody of Apple.
And it was a good parody of just like this.
If you guys haven't seen it,
it's this great video where, you know, these, like,
these artisans are making like crafting
like the ultimate selfie stick out of like leather and wood
and like they're taking selfies.
It's, it's, it's a good video.
Like as far as the April Fools day stuff went, it was good.
I also liked the com.google
where everything was backwards.
That was cool.
What did you like?
I like, I'm a little bit over it on some things
with April Fools stuff.
I do like the high production quality video kind of stuff
because I find it entertaining.
So like, I liked some of the, the Google ones
where they were like, oh, what, like fiber.
When they're like, oh yeah, DSL mode.
Because like, it's, it was just realistic enough
and the production quality was there that I was like,
this is just awesome.
Cause it's comedy at that point.
And like Razer with their levitating mouse.
It was like, what?
That's so cool.
Or Corsair with the ball mouse.
Like I love how they both did mice,
but like I like the high production quality stuff.
But yeah, the forum voted in Google, Microsoft,
Corsair, Asus and Razer.
So all of the like most expected companies
for people to vote for, cause they're popular.
Cause there was a little voting poll on the forum.
Yeah, I don't know.
I wasn't a huge fan of the Asus one,
but that's probably largely
just cause there wasn't a video.
That was the, the East station thing, right?
Where they were making fun of consoles.
There was East station and I think there was something else.
But yeah, East station was definitely one of them.
That one, I didn't even think that was real.
Like I didn't even think it was a real April fool's joke.
I thought that it was like someone like
R slash PC master made it and I was like,
oh wait, this is actually real.
Right, they have the ROG Neptune,
which is like an LN2 cooled graphics card
that you can just buy.
But then yeah, that's like my problem with that is
the graphic of the actual Neptune looks really cool.
And then the text around it is like,
like borderline meme text.
It's like, all right.
Yeah, I don't know.
I like it when people put a lot of effort into it,
Yeah, I like the ones that aren't mean
and there aren't stupid, right?
Like a lot of them, like I saw a bunch of people
were posting the Nvidia just bought valve
and they're going to push out half life three.
It's like, dudes, just no, stop it.
Just that's not funny.
That's not cool.
It's just, that's just annoying.
There's a lot of the ones.
And especially, I think the thing that really bothers me
most is like when companies kind of like,
they half-assed it, they're like, ah,
we'll like make some clever, witty thing.
It's like, obviously dumb.
And like, it's not even, it's like, it's not even funny.
Like a lot of those bother me.
Cause you can just see like some like marketing department.
They're like, you know what?
This'll be funny.
We'll do April fools.
Let's come up with a terrible idea and no one will like it.
Like I just see that.
Yeah, exactly.
It's just like, guys, come on.
If you're going to do it, at least do it right.
If not, just please don't.
That's what I said.
I like the high production quality video kind of stuff
because then it's like, it's, it's a proper experience.
And you're like, you know what?
That was, that was funny.
And that was cool.
Like even a PlayStation flow,
like I knew people wouldn't vote for it
because it's our forum, which that's fine.
But like, that was a really good video.
And that was hilarious.
Did you see that one?
No, I didn't.
Okay. So it's, it's supposed to be like, kind of like VR,
but you only wear it for underwater sections in video games
and you like go dive in a pool
and it's supposed to be like realism and stuff.
It's great.
And she's like, yeah, even if you don't,
my favorite part was when she's like, yeah,
even if you don't have a pool,
you can still experience flow.
And they show someone like fake swimming in a bathtub.
They show another dude, fake swimming in a ball pit.
And then someone else just like laying on a foot rest thing,
like swimming in their family room in the air.
I'm like, this is so great.
Oh, it was hilarious.
That sounds funny.
I don't even need to watch that.
That just sounds funny.
I'll give Sony props on that.
That's, that's pretty good.
I don't know.
I thought that was interesting.
Like they obviously put a lot of effort into it
and like, you know what?
If they get some more publicity because of that,
if they pushed really hard
and made something really cool and really funny,
that's fine.
I'm cool with that.
Yeah, totally.
Yeah, absolutely.
Anyways, moving on.
Speaking of, I segued that entire topic.
The reason why I brought April Fools up entirely
was to segue into this,
which is Hyperkin's Smart Boy,
which was leaked on Reddit.
And it, I don't know.
It was, it was definitely a like purposeful leak.
And I think it was something to do with April Fools.
And I don't think they were even actually
planning on doing it.
And then it like front paged so hard
and people liked it so much
that they might actually be doing it now.
So it kind of started as a joke.
Yeah, exactly.
So it was originally,
I believe it was a Hyperkin employee.
They just posted it as a joke.
It's like April Fools, whatever.
If you guys haven't seen it,
basically what it is is it's kind of like a Game Boy shell.
So Hyperkin, they make a lot of like emulators,
or I guess, would you call it an emulator?
I guess, I mean, it plays like the original cartridge.
Yes, but what it does is it pulls the ROM off the cartridge
and then emulates it.
So it's an emulator, yeah.
Okay, so basically it would be like,
so you slide like an iPhone six in the top.
It has like the actual,
like if you cover up like the bottom half of the screen,
like you actually have like the Game Boy style buttons.
Then you can actually put an original Game Boy card
in the back.
Like I said, like it might be able to, you know,
have a battery backup for the iPhone
and all this kind of stuff.
And you can actually play original Game Boy games
on like an iPhone screen,
which is obviously way better than the original Game Boy.
So it's a cool idea.
And apparently they, like you said,
everyone was super excited about it.
So they decided to do it,
or they're pointing it in development.
So we'll see what it actually looks like.
But I think my problem is,
how are they actually going to pull this off?
Right, like I get it.
Yeah, you could absolutely have like a Bluetooth or,
I don't know if iPhones support like actual wired controllers
I'm not sure if you could like hook it up via lightning,
but even if they couldn't,
you can do like a Bluetooth controller.
That's fine.
You can have like a battery in there.
I'm sure they can work out a way.
I know they already have lots of emulators for,
I think even like some of their consoles
already do Game Boy games, right?
Yeah, no, some of their consoles
definitely do Game Boy games.
I don't know a lot about what you can do
with lightning connectors
because I haven't really been an iPhone user.
Do you know if there's flash drives for iPhones?
Ooh, that's a good question.
I know there are micro USB ones.
Yeah, I know you can do that with Android phones.
I think the problem is I don't know
what you could actually use a flash drive for on iOS.
I don't, I mean, I know there's like an adapter
that you can like get like a full-size USB port
as well as a, I think it's the camera connection kit
where you can also hook up like an SD card.
But like when you do that,
all it does is just takes it
and brings it into like the photos app.
Like you can't actually,
you don't get like a file manager.
That might be enough.
I'm not sure.
That's probably enough then
because if you can send data up,
well, of course you can send data up.
You can move files from here.
Okay, then that's fine.
Cause all they would need to do
is have the Hyperkin component,
pull the ROM off the card that you put in
or cartridge that you put in, sorry.
And then bring it into an emulation app on your phone.
And then it would just run an app on your phone.
That would be totally fine.
And then all they'd have to do is pull data
and give battery life.
This honestly doesn't even sound that hard to make.
There's one problem though.
Apple has always taken down any kind of emulation app.
And I don't see why this would be any different,
even if it's using the actual ROM data.
So I get like, if you had like a jailbroken phone
or maybe they have,
cause I know there was a Game Boy emulator
that you could download in Safari,
but it was like, yeah, it was like a little hacky.
Like you had to reset your calendar to like a certain date.
And I believe it would use like a developer.
It would use some kind of certificate
that was not originally meant for like
just downloading random apps.
I think it was for like a corporate thing or something.
I don't remember the exact details,
but so there might be some kind of workaround,
but I feel like the biggest thing is
they can't just put an app that uses Game Boy,
like that's a Game Boy emulator in the app store.
Like Apple would just take that down.
Hyperkin could easily just develop it for Android.
Yeah. And I think even in the original post,
they mentioned that, I mean,
they might be able to swap out lightning
with like micro USB.
I think if they did that, it would be completely fine.
I don't see any problem.
It would totally work. Yeah, that's no problem.
The only problem you'd have with that
is the form factor changing so much.
Right. Yeah.
So you'd have to make it for like a few different devices.
Yeah. Have like adjustable slider things on the side
or whatever.
I don't know what they would do,
but it would probably be a little bit more complicated
because of that,
but they'd be able to get around the no emulator stuff,
which is probably would kill them
unless they're able to talk to Apple and be like,
yeah, but they have to have the physical cartridge,
which helps a lot.
It definitely helps their case, but.
It's still emulation.
Yeah, I don't think Apple's gonna be all that nice to them.
I think this makes a lot more sense
if you have like an Android phone
with just a normal micro USB port.
I think that would, in that case, it would be completely fine
and it would be no problem, but it is a cool idea.
I can totally see rocking this giant battery Game Boy case
and playing some old school actual Game Boy carts
on my phone.
That'd be dope.
I'd do it because I actually still play,
like I have the Game Boy 2DS.
Which I play like Smash and stuff on,
but then I actually still get more use
out of my advanced and my Game Boy Color.
Wait, advanced or advanced SP?
Ah, I think you're probably an advanced SP fan.
I just have an advanced.
Dude, the advanced SP is so much better.
You get the backlit screen, you get the foldable design,
you get a rechargeable battery.
I haven't bought a new one.
I have my same advanced from like when it launched
when I was a kid and it still works.
So I'm like, I don't know.
Dude, when the advanced first came out,
I was like so anti SP.
It's like, ah, it's just junk.
Cause I had like the giant adapter with the light
so like I could see the screen,
which is like huge and bulky and annoying.
But like I was so sold on that.
I was like, I don't ever get an SP.
Then my friend got one.
I was like, oh, this is the greatest thing ever.
And then like, I was completely sold.
Just getting a little off topic here.
The SP is like my favorite Game Boy of all time
because it plays every Game Boy game,
Game Boy, Game Boy Color, Game Boy Advance.
It's got a rechargeable battery.
And mine, I had the same battery in that thing
for like 12 years, 11 years.
And it still worked.
I mean, it's like 20 minutes of battery life at the end,
but it still worked.
It's the best.
The only problem is the SP does not have a headphone jack
and you have to get this stupid dongle
that hooks up to like the link port
and then plug in the headphone.
It's really dumb.
But besides that, Game Boy Advance SP Master Race.
Yes, yes.
The only game I like ever play is just my super old,
I have no idea how the internal battery
is still going, Game Boy Blue kart?
Or Game Boy Blue, why did I say that?
Pokemon Blue?
I don't think the first gen Pokemon games
had issues with the battery running out.
I know the second gen did,
because they had the clock and you would lose your save.
I think the first gen, even if the battery dies,
I think it only affects like,
I don't think it's a big deal.
I think the save data is still intact.
I might be wrong.
I know the second gen definitely has problems with that.
Because I remember I had to solder like the new battery.
Oh, you actually.
It's not hard.
You just have to like pop off the back of it
and you just like, you solder on it.
It takes like five minutes.
But I think the first gen games are okay.
I've actually been waiting,
because it's interesting that it doesn't now,
so I know that.
But I was kind of waiting for mine to die
so that I could learn how to do that battery swap
and just film a video about it.
Dude, I did a tutorial on it like in 2011.
Oh wow, okay.
That's probably why I haven't seen it.
Yeah, that was a long time ago.
But it's not hard.
It's not hard at all.
You can get like, they even sell like the screwdriver.
Like you can get like the kits
of just like the couple batteries.
It's super, it's super easy, dude.
And you can save like your old games that are dead.
So if you have like any of the newer games
that aren't saving or anything anymore,
it's totally worth it.
Because I know like some of those cards
are like worth 30, 40, 50 bucks.
But without a battery, they're like junk, so.
Yeah, yeah, exactly.
There's a lot more around there.
But anyway, side sketchy.
Don't ever put a Game Boy thing on this list.
Again, just throwing that out there.
Like it's a bad idea unless people want to hear Game Boy.
I like talking about Game Boy.
Okay, you know what?
Screw it.
We're almost at the end of the show.
I don't mind tangenting.
We have only one topic left to do.
We have time.
The new 3DS, whatever the heck, what do you think?
New 3DS XL.
All right.
So the first 3DS, so hang on.
How far are you along as far as like 3DS is?
Have you ever messed, you said you have a 2DS?
I have a 2DS.
I've played with a 3DS.
I've played with a 3DS XL.
I just only personally have a 2DS.
So you never, have you ever messed around
with the original 3DS screen?
In 3D?
Hated it.
Not even remotely okay with it.
So that's what the 3DS XL, I think for most people,
that's the whole upgrade, right?
So it has a little, I don't know if it's a,
I know it has a front facing camera like all 3DSs do.
So it can tell where you're sitting in relation to it.
And it's got like a cool like little graphic,
like when you go to set it up,
like it can actually see like your face,
like as you move left and right and up and down,
like it actually like tracks you.
That makes a huge difference.
I'm still not a massive fan of the 3D,
but I feel like that upgrade alone makes the 3DS
actually a 3DS.
I think that's a big upgrade.
There's some really stupid things.
Like they moved every, okay.
So every DS and 3DS model I feel like,
they moved the stylus.
Like it was on top, they have like the extendable one.
Then they put it on the right side,
which is what they should do.
And then they, now they have it on the bottom.
It's just like, no, don't do that.
So they moved that, the card slots also on the bottom now,
which it's not on the top, which is weird.
That's weird, yeah.
And they've got a micro SD.
Nothing wrong with micro SD.
I think a full-size SD on like a portable is kind of dumb
because that's just taking up a lot of space,
but you have to unscrew the back to get at the micro SD.
So it's a, I mean, it's not a big deal.
I believe it's just a normal Philips.
I've never seen maybe why they did that.
It'd be super easy to steal it.
Well, the thing is, ever since like the DSi,
you've had like a super, like just flip a flap, flip a flap.
Flip a flap, you've got to flip a flap.
You just got to flip the flap and I can't say that.
You have to delicately remove the flap.
It's just getting worse.
You're not going to be able to do it.
I'm going to push forward.
Okay, so you can easily just remove the small bit of rubber
and you can pop out the SD card.
So it's been like that ever since there's like the DSi.
So I don't know.
I just, there's some weird decisions there.
Also, there's no normal new 3DS.
So there used to be like the small 3DS.
Then they brought out the 3DS XL,
which is they've had like, I think they had a DSi XL.
So no big deal.
They brought the 2DS,
which is like the flat version that doesn't fold.
It doesn't have 3D,
which honestly I think is one of the better versions.
But now they have a new 3DS XL,
but they didn't replace the normal size.
So if you want the new 3DS, you've got to get the XL.
You've got to get the big,
I think it's like five inch or something.
It's a big console.
And the thing is they have a normal 3DS,
but they only sell it in Japan
and I believe some other countries,
but I know not here in North America.
That's a little bit weird to me.
I know they were saying how they didn't,
cause they've already got the 2DS.
We've got the new 3DS XL.
They thought that two was enough.
They didn't think they really needed three.
I get that logic,
especially because the 3DS XL is 200 bucks.
So that would mean they'd have to chop the price
of the normal 3DS.
But I don't know, it's a good upgrade.
I mean, there are some things like it's faster.
So especially like the menus,
I feel like I can't tell a huge difference,
but like loading Smash.
I was just going to say Smash load time, big difference.
I did a comparison of like, I loaded them both up.
I think it was like 15 seconds versus like 40 seconds.
That's off the top of my head,
but it was like a huge difference.
So that's cool.
But then on the flip side, Nintendo, they've had,
so again, backing up to the,
when they brought out the DS and they brought out the DSi,
it was the same kind of thing, right?
Like they could still play all the same games,
but the DSi was faster.
It had some additional features
and there were actual apps
that you could download to the DSi.
The 3DS is the same deal,
but this time there are games that are coming out
just for the new 3DS XL, right?
So your 2DS is not going to be able to play a few new games.
And I've seen more and more coming out.
Like at first it was just like one or two.
And now I know there are at least three of them, I believe.
And it's like, it's like, what are they doing?
They have this 3DS.
Yeah, exactly.
So now you buy a 3DS game,
which already confuses people with the 2DS
because they don't know if that actually works,
and DS games, and now you have a 3DS game,
but it's the new 3DS game.
So it doesn't work on your old 3DS
or your 2DS, and it's called the new 3DS.
That's not confusing at all, right?
They're doing so bad with their naming.
Yes, like you just said, buying a 2DS
and then being like, no games exist for this
is genuinely a problem.
And then the new thing is messed up
and it's, ah, when you call games like new whatever,
that's not nearly as big of a deal
as calling a console new whatever.
At least it was the DS and the DSi, right?
Like there was, cause like you can just say,
oh, I've got the new 3DS.
You mean like the new, new 3DS or just a new 3DS?
I don't know.
Which games does it play?
I don't know, it doesn't play some games.
It just, what, ah, nothing about this makes sense.
So yes, the new 3DS XL, in my opinion,
is a better console.
Like there are some cool upgrades
and you know, just apples to apples, yeah, sure.
If you're just going to go buy a new 3DS,
get the 3DS XL, you know, it's better, no big deal.
But just so many dumb decisions on the part of Nintendo
on this whole thing, it drives me crazy.
Like, what are they thinking?
Like, I just, I could go on this for a long time.
I should stop, but.
I have to call it, someone in the chat,
pink snow birdie just said 3DS one.
Amazing idea.
Definitely do it.
Just call it the one, just like everybody else was.
Oh no.
What do we have?
So there's Xbox one, HTC one.
Phil, there's another one, right?
One plus one.
One plus one, that's the line.
Names guys, learn how to do them.
And Apple does the same thing,
going down the rabbit hole even more,
when they do like the new MacBook.
Can you give it a name please?
Like everyone's going to be searching new MacBook.
Like when my friend's like, hey, do you know,
like I want to get a new laptop.
Do you know how much my MacBook's worth?
And I'm like, I can check local sites for you or whatever.
And they're like, cool.
Like which MacBook do you have?
Oh, like a pro, which one?
They're like, it just says pro.
I don't know.
I'm just like, oh, come on dude.
And that's the thing, like the new MacBook.
So there's the MacBook Air and MacBook Pro, which is fine.
Like that's different enough.
That's an all right lineup, yeah.
Yeah, and I get it.
Like, you know, it's like the MacBook Pro 2015 or 2013.
Like that's okay.
Like, you know, you buy a car, it's like a 2015 Civic,
right, it's easy enough to kind of understand that.
But I just feel like they've done the same thing
with like the iPad, right?
Like wasn't, one of the iPads was like the new iPad.
And then now they've like,
they've retroactively changed the name
to like iPad 3 or something.
It's just, guys, names are not that difficult.
And like have it on the product.
If it's MacBook Pro 2015, have it say MacBook Pro 2015.
Yeah, not like you have to decipher the serial number
and go, oh, it ends in three.
That must mean it's a 2013, just no.
Moving into what I think might be our last topic
is Intel launches 750 series NVMe SSD,
two and a half inch and PCIe.
Wait, there's a two and a half inch, what?
There's a two and a half inch, I have it.
Oh, wow, you have it?
I have it.
I did not even, I thought it was just PCIe only.
Oh, that's awesome.
It is super awesome.
I completely went over my radar.
The poopy part about the story is I can't plug it in.
Yeah, custom cable required.
So Asus is actually going to end up hooking us up,
super hardcore.
Unfortunately, the cable didn't show up,
I think largely due to the extended holidays due to Easter
and stuff.
But hopefully I'll be getting it early next week.
And hopefully I'll be able to test this super quickly
before I have to leave.
But yeah, super sick drive.
It's supposed to be four times the reads
and two times the writes of current SATA SSDs,
because it is a SATA Express drive.
So you're not going to just plug normal SATA cables
into this guy.
It needs a SATA Express connector.
It's coming in 400 gigabyte and 1.2 terabyte capacities.
And the prices aren't bad.
The prices aren't bad at all.
It's like the 400 gig is somewhere around $400.
That's actually, I mean, it's expensive.
But it's not like sell a kidney expensive
like a lot of PCI SSDs have been in the past.
I think that's awesome.
But hang on, let me go back a little bit.
So the 2.5 inch, it's not a SATA drive.
It's SATA Express.
That's a custom connector.
Oh, so that's the cable.
So you have to route a cable from the drive
to a PCI Express slot.
Yeah, and the cable that Intel sent me
is PCI Express to HD mini SAS.
Not like PCI Express to PCI Express,
because I have a few boards that can take that.
So the connector that I'm hopefully getting
is going to be HD mini SAS to M.2.
So it's going to be like this.
That's also not complicated or confusing whatsoever.
So hopefully that shows up.
And hopefully I'll be able to test it, because honestly,
this drive looks absolutely sick.
I mean, so you said it's like four times.
So isn't it supposed to be like north of like two gigs
of like reads, I think?
Two gigabytes per second?
I don't know the exact, because I haven't tested it yet,
Yeah, yeah, I guess.
I've tried to stay off a little bit.
But it looks like sequential reads 2.2, yeah.
Ooh, yes, please.
And the 1.2 terabyte has 2.4.
You know, it's funny, like when the first like SATA SSDs were
coming out, and everyone's losing their mind
at how great they were.
But then for a while there for me,
I was like, OK, they're pretty much all the same,
especially nowadays.
Most SATA drives, SATA SSDs that you buy today,
you're not really going to be able to tell
a major difference.
Like they're kind of all saturated.
So when some of the first PCI Express SSDs came out,
I was like, ah, sweet, this is way faster.
Like I could tell a difference.
But you know, these were like one gigabyte per second,
maybe a little bit less.
I would like to see if making that next step to like the two
gigabytes per second is actually going
to be able to be noticeable.
Because I feel like there's got to be somewhere
along this chain where, yeah, it looks good as a benchmark.
But I mean, is it actually going to be noticeable?
Is it realistic?
That's one thing that I plan on testing.
Give me one quick second, because a whole bunch
of people in the chat are getting mad at me.
I phrased something a little bit weird.
It's not SATA Express, you're right.
But I don't know if you can still hear me.
So now that he's gone.
Oh, no, I'm not completely not.
It's going to take over.
You're right.
It is not SATA Express.
But it uses that type of a connector.
I can't see, but I'm just going to go with it.
I'm going to trust that it's some kind of connector
that it connects things.
Maybe headphones.
I couldn't hear you, sorry.
Oh, I can't see what you're saying,
so I'm just going to assume it's some kind of connector that
connects things.
The joke wasn't as funny the second time.
So it's SFF8639, which is like completely baller sauce.
Anyways, I want to actually test this drive out.
I know I said that in a weird way,
and Twitch chat corrected me.
Sorry about that.
But yeah, that's the connector that I'm
using on the actual drive.
So that goes into the drive, which
is the connector I just talked about.
And then this is the mini SAS, HD mini SAS that I have.
So this is a PCIe 3.0 4x, right?
This is a 2 and 1-1-2 inch drive.
No, I mean, I'm sorry, like the connector,
it needs four lanes of PCIe 3.0, right?
Oh, yes, I believe so.
So I wonder how that's going to affect,
I mean, that's a lot of bandwidth, right?
If you've got maybe like multi GPUs and stuff,
you're going to run out of lanes pretty quick, right?
That's already been an interesting story,
even without having these types of drives.
So that's even become more interesting down the line,
and especially if you get multiple of them.
Now, obviously, RAID and stuff, not really.
But yeah, you can still possibly have multiple drives.
So that's an interesting story.
We're going to need more lanes.
Yeah, and on top of that, I believe
it doesn't actually support, like,
it's not just like you plug it in like a SATA drive.
I believe only some of the more recent Intel chipsets,
like X99 and X, or no, Z97.
I'm pretty sure those are the two that are supported
out of the box, right?
Yeah, yeah, those are the ones I've seen stuff on.
So you're going to have some problems.
Although I believe Ryan Stroud,
I think he was talking on Twitter,
that he got it working on a AMD APU,
or at least, hang on, let me back up a little bit.
It will work on other platforms,
but as far as like using it as like your actual boot drive,
you're going to have some problems
because it's not really meant to,
like the motherboard doesn't know what it's looking for.
Well, that's also like, like Ghost just said,
you can't RAID them only software RAID.
That's why I said, bleh, when I talked about RAID.
It's because it's not going over like standard drive stuff.
It's kind of a weird solution.
It's an all new frontier.
It's so much to be discovered.
Yes, I'm super excited to test it.
And I'm going to try to do a bunch of the kind of stuff
that you brought up,
which is like things where a lot of people
kind of stopped testing them because it was like,
well, you can't really notice the difference.
I'm going to retry some of those with this
and see if you can notice the difference.
So the testing, I will definitely have numbers
for everything go like it was exactly as fast,
but I'm also going to try and give an objective opinion
of actually using the computer where it's like,
oh, it's however percent crap faster,
which might sound like a lot,
but do I actually notice this?
And does it actually affect my workflow in any way at all?
Or is it exactly the same essential conclusion in the end?
And are you hitting like bottlenecks
and like the CPU or memory before you,
the drive is actually-
Something else in the system.
It's cool though.
I can totally see for $400.
I mean, if you want to get like somewhat of a,
like a high-end gaming PC build,
I mean, this thing's way faster than a normal stated drive.
And I know that even if it's not hugely like faster
than like even like a normal PCI express slot,
which is like, you know, a gig or whatever,
a lot of the current SSDs are.
I mean, I could tell the difference, like I said,
between like going from like 500 megs read to like a gig.
So even if you can't tell the difference,
like paying $400 for a 400 gig or roughly 400,
I think it's somewhere in that neighborhood,
for a 400 gig SSD that's that fast, that's awesome.
I think that can go into a lot of gaming PC builds.
Where before it was like,
oh, this is PCI express
and it's just got like raid controllers and SATA.
And it's just, it's a big mess just waiting to happen.
Like this is like, it's all native, right?
It's all native, was it NVMe?
Yes, NVMe, yeah.
I'm kind of moving away from AHCI, which is interesting.
I've been comfortable there for a little while.
Yeah, I was like, oh, I finally got this figured out.
Oh, great.
Oh, damn.
Okay, time to learn some new stuff.
NVMe, I think is going to be totally sick.
So I'm really excited to test this drive,
but that's it for the show.
Wah, wah, wah.
So I have to jump back to that failure intro tab
that we have, which is totally not even working right now.
Did the stream just crash?
No, yes, okay, we're good.
No, yes, what?
No, yeah, no, yes.
The worst thing that could ever be said on a show.
DollarShaveClub.com slash Linus,
sorry for not switching to your lower third.
You guys are awesome.
I shave my face with that all the time.
I literally shave my face with your company.
So I don't know what you want to say about that, but yeah.
Anyways, also doo, doo, doo, doo, fresh books.
If you are a small business or a freelancer,
I know I was for a long time, handling your own books
can be super annoying.
My dad was running a small business for a long time
and I think there's still people he hasn't billed like now
and he hasn't been running that company for like
what I assume would be about a year now.
So maybe if he had fresh books,
he would have been able to do that a little bit better,
not to rag on my own dad.
Dude, I just did my own taxes
and I went through piles of receipts trying to organize it.
I hear you and that sounds like a good idea.
Yes, completely agree.
All right, I'm gonna try to roll the intro and not fail.
Let's see, come on.
Except it's lagging.
This show has been lagging, I wouldn't complain too much.
I know.
Imagine awesome music.
I'm jumping for a 10
because I can't see anything at all right now.
No, I know.
I'm just gonna imagine what the intro looks like.
Otherwise we have to get.
Okay guys, thanks for watching.
We'll see you next time.