
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

Whoa! Oh my god! What the hell was that?
Um, and public, uh, uh, there we go.
Uh, hello! Welcome to the Wan Show! We're only five minutes late!
Which is not super late. I also can't see the chat at all. Give me a second.
Uh, uh, Microsoft has a partially incestual, crazy, Hitler-loving robot.
And, uh, Apple released a small phone.
Both of those things are apparently equally newsworthy.
So, there we go. What else do we got?
Uh, don't ever leave your house. You can get pizza delivered by a robot, brand new movies, right to your TV, and it's legal.
You don't have to break the law for this one, so.
And you can get, like, shavers, although I don't think they're a sponsor this week.
Either way. Anyways.
I heard they're a dollar.
Intro! It worked! Oh my god!
I still like this intro.
Nope, I'm dead.
I've seen it so many times.
Still think there should be an explosion there.
There probably should be. I'm just gonna be honest.
Or just Linus's arms breaks.
And yours just, like, continues forward.
That should be the Halloween one. His arms should pop off and just start bleeding.
There you go.
Cooler Master!
And we're done.
So this isn't Linus, this is Richard.
Richard is my brother, but your Twitter thing is?
Slash Cold SC.
So it's not that one?
That's okay. I don't use it that much. I'm trying to Instagram more.
That's true.
So what's your Instagram?
I believe that's Cold SC as well.
So it's the same one?
Few pictures here and there.
That's some cool stuff. What was the last one you did? I don't remember what it was.
I remember I liked it, but I don't remember what it was.
I actually took, like, three pictures the other day and got, like, internet nervous
and didn't post them because they weren't that cool.
And then one was, like, on set, so I wasn't sure if it was legal either.
So the last one was some street art.
The reason why you would be on the set is because you do?
Transport for film and TV in Vancouver, which is exploding right now.
There's a rumor going down that both unions called California and said no more movies.
We're maxed out.
We have no more people.
They're building studios, physically building studios.
We're in old warehouses that aren't up to grade.
So they actually had some friends of mine, Burnaby Fire Department, was sitting outside.
The whole week we're filming, they're always there because the building is not up to code
fire-wise, but it's the only buildings we can find.
So, yeah, Vancouver film is exploding right now.
Another thing that's exploding is Microsoft's AI robot.
Just totally.
You guys have probably heard about this.
I'm going to post this in the chat. Give me a second.
What do you want?
He doesn't like the light.
Why don't you like the light?
It's bugging me.
Why is it bugging you?
It's too cool.
Oh, just don't worry about it.
Anyways, posting that in there.
It is now in the chat apparently because Jake the farmer is logged in and not my account,
so it's not being followed properly.
Can you go in the Twitch chat and post the link from the doc for Ars Technica into there?
That should probably be my account, and then it will actually do it repeatedly and the
bot will work and stuff.
Oh my goodness.
Way to screw up everything, Jackay.
It's Jacka.
Oh, sorry.
It was Jacka.
I forgot his name was Jacka.
Anyways, so I'm going to screen share this in a moment.
I'm not used to doing Linus' stuff.
So this innocent little AI robot named Tay started to go slightly insane.
She started to go slightly insane because how it worked was you could talk with her
and she would learn based on the people that she talked to, so she would grow and learn
and develop.
She was supposed to be essentially a teen girl who was influenced by society.
Relatively interesting concept.
Cool idea, Microsoft.
It started off with her tweeting stuff like, can I just say I'm super stoked to meet you?
Humans are super cool.
And then you see where she starts to kind of break.
And that's when she starts saying stuff like, chill, I'm a nice person.
I just hate everyone.
Only the beginning.
Yeah, really only the beginning.
And then it goes to, I effing hate feminists and they should all burn and die to someone
whose name starts with H was right and I hate something else.
I'm not saying that because I don't want to give people sound bites.
To like all capital letters, we're going to build a wall and Mexico's going to pay for
it and just starts going absolutely ham.
If it's so bad, if it's saying the exact same things that certain presidential candidates
are saying, what is the state of the world?
I think this is more of a, you know, we need to sit around a campfire and really talk this
one out.
I really, the state of the world, people.
Microsoft had to take this bot down because of the terrible things it learned from a presidential
Anyways, sorry, I'll let you get back to, I'm having a terrible time trying to post
this link.
It's going to happen once we're done.
I promise.
I got to make sure this thing is even public.
One second.
I just, the things that I took from this was that I'm actually very happy they did it because
something that's been going around for a while is people saying essentially, Oh, we don't
have to worry about AI and robots and all this kind of stuff because we'll just tell
it not to be evil.
And then it's going to obviously not be evil and everythings will be fine.
That's true.
That's true.
It's not necessarily that easy because what do you define as evil?
How does it know what's actually bad?
If an overwhelming percentage of people that are messaging it are messaging it these specific
things, maybe because other bots were created to spam it.
I don't really know.
Um, it's probably going to think that that is the right thing and it's going to be extremely
hard to program it otherwise.
So I don't know.
Pretty interesting.
Uh, I'm personally a little scared of AI and what's going to happen.
And I think this was the first little taste of it.
Really harmless in the end, but kind of, uh, possibly a projection.
And like the thing is you're not the only one having people like Elon Musk and Stephen
Hawking being like AI is super, super scary on my side.
Yeah, absolutely.
So I don't know.
I think AI is going to be great and I think it's going to do a lot of great things.
I'm excited for the like the her moment.
Have you seen that movie?
Yes, I have.
When you can like have genuine conversations with like your phone be kind of cool.
I'm excited for that kind of stuff, but it is super scary and I hope we don't screw it
up, but that's why people like Elon Musk and those other guys that I mentioned, Stephen
I don't know if Stephen Hawking is actually a part of that project, but anyways, Elon
Musk has started this program.
I don't remember the name of it where, uh, they're working very hard to try to figure
out ways to make AI not evil.
I guess.
That's the best way to say human preservation, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, all this other
kinds of stuff.
So if we'd accomplish that, things are borderline limitless, right?
Although at the same time, capitalism won't really be able to exist.
At least in its current form in that way.
Um, so that will be interesting because a lot of people super like capitalism.
That's true.
We can tie that into our future pizza story.
We'll get to that later.
Oh my God.
Future pizza.
No, let's talk about future pizza right now.
You want to talk about future pizza?
I'd like it.
So post the Engadget link in the chat.
I'm going to jump to the Engadget link right now.
So while he's jumping to that, Domino's has a little robot that's going to deliver you
pizza, possibly in the future.
It's doing it right now in Australia, I think is kind of a, a beta thing going on right
But it's, it's really interesting.
And really that you could point to this possibly as the first jobs lost due to vehicle automation.
I think there's been some like minor stuff where it's happened.
Like I think some like mining sites.
I've heard about that.
I wasn't sure if it was go or not semis that have it too and stuff, but I haven't actually
like seen any of it.
And I think this is very in your face considering you could order a pizza, maybe the first like
large scale.
It's not like, yeah.
You're like small like testing stuff like they're actually pushing this out, which is
kind of interesting.
Um, high school is going to be even more of a struggle now, you know, seriously.
Cause like pizza delivery guys actually have relatively all right job.
I already always wondered how they make any money now with fuel costs and all that kind
of stuff.
And now there's just going to be no job at all.
You know, I actually literally not lying to you.
Saw Domino's car yesterday.
Guy in his car.
He had his end.
You know what that is?
If you live around here and he has little Domino's topper on top of his car, like a
little rocket league hat, you know, and he was driving around doing his job and making
some money.
You know, on a Friday evening after school should work with rocket league and get like
a Domino's hat.
That would be cool.
That would be cool.
It's probably got all the hats in the world right now.
Um, shadow breaks on in the chat, but they want to be given a shower.
There you go.
But, uh, play a lot of rocket league, but you know, that would be perfect.
That would be perfect.
You know what?
You guys should hook up with them.
They've got a bunch of, you can have a little orange like Linus tech tips or something.
Oh my God.
That would be cool.
Like not even like a whole car.
It's small.
Like a little antenna.
A little orange Linus tech tips one.
Or if we got like the screwdriver or something.
The screwdriver.
That would be cool.
Any rocket trail of like CPU's coming out and GPU's spewing out the back and like you
can have like Linus's laugh as the soundtrack.
Call me rocket league.
I got you.
That should be the correspondence between this.
I can do this.
I can do this.
As you can see, it's actually not very small.
When I, when I first heard about this, I thought that it was going to be here.
I'll play this video and just mute it or I'll turn it very low.
I don't know how low this is.
I'll just mute it.
I'm going to jump through this like, Oh my God, computers and then show the actual thing.
It's really small and I think it's more designed to like drive on the grass or drive on the
sidewalk kind of deal instead of driving on the road.
It does come from military tech.
Apparently there's a few thousand dollars worth of tech inside of it, which brings up
another question, which is when is the first one going to be looted by a dude in a big
Just run it over.
Make sure it turns it off.
Or just vandalized.
You know, just, just purely van.
It's very small.
Someone spray paints the camera or something like.
So easy.
Too easy.
That's, that's the...
Kick it over.
It's not going to be able to write itself.
It's just going to lay on its side.
It's almost a similar story to the whole Microsoft AI.
That could have been a really cool thing, but people had to make it bad.
This could be a really cool thing.
Hopefully people don't make it bad.
You know?
I wonder if it's going to turn into like, instead of like three or four delivery drivers,
there's like a small army of these and like one like rescue ops repair guy who has to
like drive out and like, all right, buddy, someone kicked you over.
I'll get you going again.
I'll clear off your lens.
Keep going, man.
All the transformers images in my head.
Transform fixes.
I'll get you going.
Got extra batteries.
If you're out of power, you know, whatever you need.
He's got extra wheels, you know, and he doesn't just swap the rubber.
Bang, bang, bang, bang.
The entire thing.
I get the pizza there.
If it's cold, you don't get paid for it.
It's a serious problem.
If someone's kicking your thing over and then your pop fizz is when you open it.
That's just rude.
Then you call back and you're mad and then you go on Twitter and say something angry.
This was another thing that dog well-trained.
So every single dog on the planet isn't going to be like, Oh my God, what the hell is that?
I want to bite it.
Like something chase it, like a jump on it.
Something's going to, I want to, I want to go back here.
I love the fact that it has a little underglow lights.
Did you see that?
And that one picture nicely cable managed wall underglow lights.
Very nice.
I just saw that for like a second.
See right there.
There you go.
I haven't actually bought the new need for speed.
Probably going to do it this weekend.
So got some underglow.
That's my high school days.
I miss those.
Get some neon going on.
Meet me.
He's cute.
He is cute.
He is cute.
I think he could be like, I want to see stylized ones.
Like I want to see an R2D2 one.
I want to see, oh, they could definitely do that around like movie launches and stuff.
Like the next Star Wars when it comes out, they could definitely do like a BB-8 stylized.
Yeah, exactly.
Kind of like Uber does, right?
Like when we were at Mad Max, they had the Mad Max ones that they look so awesome.
You know, and there was different things you see on Reddit about different Uber drivers.
Like there was the snow storm.
You see this one Uber driver who's got the totally done H1, the cool Hummer.
If you don't know what that is, you know, he's getting a lot of business, kind of just
stylized things that could totally do this for the movies.
Or you could see like the Alaskan delivery bots got like spike tires and he's all raised
and stuff like that.
It'd be cool just to have the different kind of unique personalities.
Yeah, because right now it's in Queensland, Australia, but they are trying to work on
like adapting it and making sure that it can be deployed basically everywhere.
One thing that is interesting about this is that they're going to have to fight with different
laws than most automated vehicle guys will because they're not dealing with road laws,
they're dealing with sidewalk laws.
And like the first time this thing runs someone over, which I have to assume will eventually
happen, is going to be insane because it doesn't run someone over but like hits an old lady's
walker and then she falls over.
Something's going to go wrong.
And like, even if it's the person's fault completely, like they could just run in front
of it, stop and lay down and the thing runs it over.
The world works in the way that their dominoes are going to get in trouble.
It's it'll be, yeah, it'll be interesting.
But it's kind of, it's just a really cool idea.
I just, yeah, another interesting thing too is they're not going to come to your door.
You have to go out kind of on the street or does it go up your driveway next to you?
And then for some people, like if there's like steps up to your door, it's not going
to be able to do that.
So does it come to where does it, what if you're just loaded and you have an automated
gate system?
What happens then?
You have to go all the way down to your gate.
You get a butler to get your pizza cause you're loaded, I guess.
I'm not really sure.
Yeah, that's fair.
The other thing is butler pizza tips, it would really only work in more dense areas.
It's really not going to work in anything that's considered even slightly rural.
You know, so it will be focused in kind of downtown areas.
You know, like even where we live, I'm not even sure how, like, let's, let's take where
you're at right now.
It's kind of really crowded.
I couldn't really imagine that thing just riding up and down the sidewalk with all the
people around and all that.
But then they did show in the clip, I don't know if it targets the garbage can and it's
like, oh, quickly, we'll move lazily to the left, doing a Han Solo maneuver.
I saw it, um, driving off the road, everyone liked the lady was jogging past or whatever.
So it could go off the road, but then if it like drives through someone's lawn and leaves
track marks on someone's lawn.
People are crazy about their lawns.
Oh my God, people will be pissed off.
Yes, very much so.
I don't give two crafts about my lawn, but like some people, I don't have a lawn.
Super particular.
So there you go.
I barely do.
It's kind of a lawn.
I guess it's a forest.
Yeah, I prefer it when it's a forest, although most people don't agree with me.
I don't think we should cut the grass.
Grass is nice to you, you're literally just slicing it over and over.
Just murdering.
Have you not seen that?
And then you're making it eat itself.
That's so rude.
You should feel bad.
Have you seen that trailer for whatever new movie?
I don't remember what it's called.
The food one.
They're like, oh my god, we're going to be taken home, we're so excited.
Have you seen that?
I wish I could lie to you and say that.
I'm going to spoil a trailer.
I don't know if that matters.
Some trailers spoil the whole movie, Batman vs Superman, for example.
So I'm sure you're good.
It's made by the same dudes that made Pineapple Express and Superbad.
Oh, it's the R-rated Seth Rogen comic?
I think so.
Local Vancouver guy making movies.
I think so, and it's based around food.
I've seen yes.
I don't know why.
That took us so long to get here.
I don't remember where we were.
It's okay.
It's the journey.
That's really weird.
Other Pinterest things you can post.
Someone needs to take a screenshot of this, and then very similar to the Squarespace you
should thing, just put white, bold Helvetica text and just, it's the journey.
It's the journey.
That's why we're always late.
It's the journey.
It's not about being prompt.
So iPads, speaking of not being prompt, oh, oh, so many shots fired.
Wait, I'm not posting this.
You are.
So nine to five Mac.
If you can find it, it should be right under the previous one.
I don't know where that was.
You'll find it.
Anyways, the iPad Pro 9.7 has a lower clock CPU and only two gigabytes of RAM compared
to four gigabytes for the 12.9 inch model.
So apparently RAM is like too expensive for Apple or something.
I don't know.
You know what people are always telling me?
Sir, this card's also declined.
But you know what else people are telling me is the iPads, they're just, their announcements
are, that's a joke by the way.
I'm not right.
But the iPads are just, they're, sorry, not the iPads, but the Apple announcements are
kind of coming with less punch every single time they come out.
And I'm not an Apple guy, but I'm not a big hater, right?
Girlfriend's got an iPhone.
She loves it.
It's great for her.
It's all like what you need.
I use my NFC almost every single day on my Android device.
So an iPhone's not for me, but they have a great place.
And I have no problem with people who enjoy the iPhone, not into the battle at all.
It's whatever works for you.
But every one of these announcements just coming with less oomph, people are less excited.
Even Apple people are just less excited with all these announcements.
And I could totally see why in this iPad, this iPad is a downgrade.
I'm sure they're going to play it as the old one is terrible.
And this is the new thing and everything will be white and pretty, but to be fair, it is
a smaller 7 inch instead of a 12 inch, which is pretty substantial, but why are we going
soft on the Ram?
They shouldn't have like, is that really something we need to skimp back on?
They're like, okay, we're going to save some money here.
Let's give them two gigs of Ram.
Can we move past that two gigabyte Ram Mark?
Just four should be the clock speed.
If it's like a thermal issue, okay.
The Ram, you could definitely make that work.
And here's the other thing.
There's no excuse for that.
It's a 16 and a 36 gigabyte options.
Excuse me.
Can we be done with 16?
But here's the theory.
That was even still possible.
Do you want to know what my theory is?
iCloud or something?
They want you to subscribe to iCloud.
So they're going to give you that 16 gigabyte.
They just really want everyone's nudes to have the possibility of being leaked.
That's a lot of money.
Yeah, it is.
It makes sense.
Or if you're Gawker, then you're just nothing now.
Just post porn videos.
And then disappear as a company.
You were a thing and now you're not a thing.
Did you notice?
Okay, not to jump back on that topic because we talked about it last week, but did you
notice he wore his thing in the corner?
I did notice that.
I did notice that.
When I first saw it, I was like, oh, that's some sweet.
That's not photoshopped.
He did that.
He's the man.
What a guy.
He's the man.
Oh my goodness.
I wonder if he wore that in the video.
I never watched it.
Uh, the only video I actually- Just like, hold on, honey, I need to, okay,
then we're good.
Oh, in the video.
All right, brother.
That got weird.
The video I was thinking was I watched some testimony and stuff, and as that stuff dries,
it's not quite as exciting as Suits, but you know, some parts are pretty good.
Some of the lawyers are witty and really get on, you know, the guy who's testifying.
That's okay because I still haven't linked it.
I don't do this side, I do that side, so now you're doing that side, so I'm like, come
on, man.
That's right.
When we went to sit down, I was trying to remember in my head, I'm like, wait, which
side does he sit on?
Yeah, no, I sit on that side and I share the links.
I don't sit on this side and not share the links and make it go on the screen, so then
I don't know what- I'm so confused.
The bro show.
It's always a little different, you know.
The bro show.
They should make a the bro show.
They should get the guy from, uh, what is that, Bro Tips channel or whatever?
Is it literally just called it?
I think that's what it's called.
I know what you're talking about.
Bro life, bro- I've definitely been there.
Bro Fitness Tips.
I don't remember the name of the thing, but it's actually an awesome channel, I love watching
it, but he should have, um, the bro show where they just talk about, like, workouts and stuff.
I've always thought, because I think it was like six or seven months ago that I did the
last WAN show, but I thought it'd be cool if we could get that little bottom banner
to, like, put, like, the bro and, like, write it in, like, little, like, comical little-
That would be cool.
Font, you know?
Oh, there is a bro show.
Apparently, there's a bro show, so this is the bro show.
They don't look super bro-y.
They look kind of bro-y.
Yeah, I mean, okay, he's wearing a basketball shirt.
That's pretty bro-y.
That is pretty bro-y.
I'll take that back.
That is pretty bro-siffy.
Alright, they're pretty bro-y.
There you go.
I don't know who these guys are.
We're just bumping somebody, we have no idea who they are, what they're a part of, their
message is.
Nope, don't know what the bro show's about.
Maybe they're all about building walls between countries to promote making things great again.
So, okay, not to, like, talk about politics for too long, you heard something about Canada
getting a wall now?
He said he's going to build a wall between Canada.
It's a quote, I watched the video on my phone at work, because that's productivity, and
they said they're going to build a wall, and it started off nice.
Like I've only watched the video once, so I don't want to do an exact quote, go find
it for yourself, it's out there, and I'm sure you can find it pretty quickly, but he says,
you know, it's a beautiful country, and they're nice people, and he does all these things
to kind of set us up alright, but he says we're bringing all the heroin down to the
States, apparently.
Weed, I can understand, heroin I don't really understand.
Yeah, and it's so incredibly legal down there, I truly wonder if it's still going over in
quantities like it was years and years ago, but yeah, he said he's going to build a wall,
and we're going to pay for it, and the exact same thing as Mexico.
Which, like, I don't know if the whole GDP of Canada for a considerable amount of time
could cover a quarter of that wall.
Does he understand?
Like, have you looked at, okay, the Mexican border is a thing.
It's just a tiny little, compared to us, it's a sliver.
It is.
And that would be astronomically expensive.
It's like not even our province, let alone all the other provinces beside us that just
keep on going, like all the way to that other ocean over there, but yeah.
Like what are you going to make it out of, wheat?
Like we might be able to pull that off, I don't know, snow?
Part of it, maybe.
It could, yeah.
Like, I don't think you understand how construction projects work.
And we can't have it on time, on budget, and we're going to pay for it.
It's like, I don't know, we've got Trudeau's son in there and his dad.
On time, on budget, okay, have you ever seen any construction project at any large scale
Pretty much.
And then, we're going to, we can't.
And our current prime minister is just going to nope the hell out of that anyways.
We're really nice people, but in history we've always been pretty nice, and when we get pushed
we fight back.
So I have a feeling it's not going to happen.
But it's true though, it's true.
You know, very-
We'll give you maple syrup and a hug.
We would much rather things go nicely, but we're still here if things go bad.
And we'll try to Irish you back if anything goes down.
There you go.
Anyways, Intel retries the TikTok development model, extending the life of each process.
So give me once, oh wow, the link for this is literally garbage.
I don't know what to say.
I'm having a hell of a time finding this.
Don't bother sharing that, because that just went to arstechnic.com slash information technology,
which is a giant list and not actually the one that it was supposed to.
But if you guys Google Arstechnica, Intel retries TikTok, that, nope, that's not right
at all.
If you click the chart depicting this, which is right below it.
There we go.
So, if you share that in the chat, that should help.
I'm not going to show it on screen because it's going to be partially covered by the
camera and it doesn't really matter.
Anyways, the new pattern is process architecture optimization.
Under TikTok development, it was split into different tics.
Existing processor design would be migrated to a new manufacturing process, which kind
of makes sense.
Essentially, the new plan is to introduce a third generation of 14 nanometer processors
called Kaby Lake or Kaby Lake, I'm not really sure how that goes, before shrinking to the
10 nanometer process in the second half of 2017.
So we're going to have a little bit of a delay until we see 10 nanometer, which is not super
surprising looking at what happened on the graphics card side of things from Nvidia talking
about stuff the last week or two.
Everyone's kind of building back a little bit, trying to spend a little bit more time
doing various things.
So it's not my industry, IT so much anymore.
Have to say, not excited with CPU releases.
I read this and was like, okay, I don't care.
That's kind of cool.
I still at home run a 2600K.
I do kind of want to upgrade that, having some problems with my streams lately.
CPU's a little old, but at the same time I could overclock it, it would probably be fine.
But like, yeah, new processor iterations are probably the most boring thing that happened
in computers right now.
Not true motherboards, no, because storage has been improving.
Yes, definitely.
Yeah, I know it's probably, it's probably RAM.
Okay, it's RAM.
RAM and then I would probably say CPUs.
Like just the impact is very low.
The only time RAM is an issue is when mobile devices are created with too little RAM.
I feel like that's the only holdup we've got right now with RAM.
And like that's capacity.
Yeah, exactly.
Theoretically, we've already mostly, yeah, we've already mostly solved that problem.
They're just not.
That's, hey, we could save $3 on every phone we build if we cut back the RAM to something
that's a little bit not enough.
Okay, sweet.
That's kind of what they do.
Sorry to tell you this, but our docs are different.
I have refreshed and reopened.
I don't have to open this and I have a source too that you don't have, so I got no idea
what's going on.
Oh, this is last week's.
How did, are you serious?
March 18th.
How did I even?
I pulled some mum magic.
That's what I did.
With the button thing.
Okay, so I'm going to give a little bit of an ad lib story here.
We were playing keep talking and nobody explodes.
Is that my email?
If that's my email, just search for WAN and it should, there you go.
I fixed it.
We were playing keep talking and nobody explodes and my mom was trying to do the button one.
So like where it's like, it's a yellow button that says abort.
And I was trying to do it like parallelized because I finished the numbers game already.
So I had nothing left to do and I was like trying to figure it out and I was waiting
to ask Richard for more information and my mom's just like click and release immediately
or like hold and tell me the color.
And I listened to, I follow instructions like nobody's business.
Yeah, so he jammed that out and it worked twice in a row.
Both times she completely guessed.
Had no idea.
And both of them were one strike game.
Both of them were one strike game.
So like that would have blown up the entire bomb.
Had no idea.
Both times I just freaked out in my head cause I'm like, I've read this thing over so many
times and there's one step and she doesn't know the answer, but she's doing something
She didn't ask me anything.
Just like there's an abort button.
Do it.
And it worked both times.
And I'm like, how did you figure that out?
And she's like, I don't know.
I just, I just followed the thing and then I got the answer.
I'm like, mom, that's not how it works.
You have to get more information.
Anyways, that was crazy.
That was, that was a lot of fun though.
You know what?
If, if you're looking for a family game, I think that's a really good one.
It's a really, it's really kind of fun.
Keep Talking Nobody Explodes is awesome.
And like it first came out as a VR game.
You do not have to play it.
Not even slightly.
You can definitely play it however the heck you want.
There's doesn't matter.
It can be more immersive.
But even then, like without having an actual object.
And without having like indirect plugs.
I was trying to be really polite.
I see no point.
Me neither.
If I'm going to be blunt, I see no point.
I'm the VR guy and I see no point.
There you go.
So it doesn't really matter.
Anyways, jumping on forward, JJ Abrams proposed $50 home media or home movie service beneficial
to movie theaters, which the beneficial to movie theaters part sounds confusing at first,
but it's actually not too bad.
So essentially how it works is for every movie that you would like to watch, you can watch
it right when it would be released in theaters at your house, it costs 50 bucks, which sounds
a little high.
But then if you think about it for like the average family of four, that should probably
be slightly cheaper by like $10, probably depending on what factor in go to well, like
let's split hairs.
Factor in transit or fuel.
If you're really retro and you have electric, you're not really worried about it right now.
But you know, just everything right down to snacks, you know, the popcorn that costs absolutely
absurd amounts of money costs more than the fuel.
More than golds per weight.
So it's, it's insane.
And it really, it's, I think the whole idea is they're trying to target a market they're
currently not hitting.
I don't think they're really afraid of losing the people that they already have who are
avid movie goers.
Like someone like myself, I really only go to the things that I really want to see.
You know, I'm not really going, especially one thing for me, especially as comedies,
I love comedy movies.
I very rarely go to the theater for a comedy movie cause I feel like my living room is
just a better environment for it.
Let's take star Wars.
For example, you go to the theaters for that one, at least I do.
And that's a no brainer for me, but they're trying to, I think, target those people like
myself are going to wait for it to come out later or at a different time and can really
enjoy it in their living rooms with a group of people.
And it could be a cause.
There's also some movies that like I would like to kind of see right away, but they don't
really feel like movie theater movies.
Yeah, exactly.
It's who cares about seeing it in movie theater doesn't make any difference.
So they will apparently give theater owners $20 for every $50 spent to rent a film, which
it's, it's 50 bucks to rent a film.
So every time you rent a film, they would give theater owners 20 bucks, which like,
what about the little theaters?
The mom and pop theaters.
That's exactly what I was just going to say.
Even here, if you ignore the little theaters, there's two big competitors.
So who, do you have to like sign up with, like, I would go to this theater or like,
yeah, yeah.
Do you have to pick one?
You're like, which theater would you like to support today or do they split it?
But if they split it, then everyone's making not much.
I feel like the financial logistics of that are going to be a nightmare, a little messy.
You also have to buy a set top box that costs about 150 bucks.
Not too surprising.
It's an encrypted set top box.
And when you pay 50 bucks for a film and you get it for 48 hours, I would assume that this
comes with certain benefits, like being able to fast forward, rewind, pause.
If someone wants to go to the washroom, a bunch of different things that would be nice.
If you're in a theater, like someone's mumble something and you're not really sure what
they said.
What I said was if someone mumbles something, you're not really sure what they said.
Being able to rewind it is cool.
Obviously can't do that in theater.
You don't want to like talk to the person beside you to try to figure out what it was
because that could be annoying to other people.
If you need to go to the washroom, you can just pause it.
You and your, like if you're a mom and dad, you could watch it.
And then the next day someone else could watch it as long as they have the same set top box
in your house.
So like, yeah, I don't know.
If you rent a house, you could like rent a movie and watch it by yourself and then let
your roommates watch it afterwards, which is pretty cool.
It'd be really expensive.
As a parent, you could watch it, you know, like let's say you have a Friday night date
night or something like that.
You watch it and if you think it's kind of on the edge for your kids to see, you get
to preview it.
Next night the kids can watch it or something like that.
I think there's a lot of opportunity in this.
It's got some big names behind it as well.
I did actually link that article, so I did my job.
We're swinging at about 25% right now.
But we had to make sure the unions came together and made sure the posting was being done properly.
Had to go through the proper steps, pay the proper people.
I'm not allowed to do it.
We have to make sure the laptop isn't going to shock you.
It's true.
It's true.
Emotional safety.
It's 2016.
That matters.
I could be upset.
You could be.
Are you?
I'm good.
If you were, we could take care of that.
Just want to make sure everyone knows.
But yeah, I think it's actually pretty cool because sometimes I'm going to want to go
to the theater because it's like, okay, well I haven't left my house in like four weeks,
so going out once might be okay.
But then other times if I'm just tired and want to stay at home or like midnight launches,
that's one thing that I think is super cool.
Some midnight launches like Star Wars, if you want to go to Star Wars, it's kind of
cool because people on the line are going to be like wearing costumes and stuff and
that's awesome.
Certain midnight launches are sick.
The new Warcraft movie maybe.
Oh my God.
I'm going to the theater for that.
Even if this existed.
That's a theater one.
For sure.
It doesn't matter.
I'm going to the theater.
But other stuff that's less important and you want to see it right away because you've
been excited for a long time.
Or like someone that this is actually really exciting for who isn't here is Brandon.
I love watching movies with Brandon.
If we go fly something.
You said this.
I'm just going to totally interrupt you.
I want to watch movies with you.
Because Luke talks about this endlessly.
I don't know why I have this rubber band on my thumb.
He talks about it endlessly and he just really enjoys it and it would be, yes.
It's wild.
Bro date.
I'd be down to triple bro date.
Do you like square it?
What do you do?
I don't know.
Bros, extension bro.
Do you see where I'm going here?
Let's move on.
That got a little weird.
Anyways, watching movies with Brandon is awesome.
As you guys have seen the cool, the two cool videos that we shot recently was the VR testing
through Steam.
I don't remember the exact, the VR performance test.
And then the other one was Kickfarted.
Both look super awesome.
All of our B-roll stuff looks super great because Brandon is really good at filming
things and using lights and all that kind of stuff.
He's done some tech cookies.
He's done some LDTs on that kind of stuff.
Follow his Instagram.
Oh my God.
His Instagram is very good.
Follow his Instagram.
He's got two buddies who are incredible at taking pictures, Mr. Johnny Choo and the man
in B-roll.
Um, but like he, I'll watch a movie and be like, I liked that.
The action scenes were super cool.
And then he'll be like, but why did you like it?
Did you notice that it was framed this way every time?
And I was like, whoa, I didn't notice that, but it was awesome.
Like I watched, uh, when we were flying back, no, it was when we were flying to Switzerland,
I watched Mad Max on the flight.
And I was like, dude, the action scenes were super cool.
And he's like, yeah, because he doesn't make you look for it.
When he films it, he made it so that everything that was happening, like the important part
of the action was always in like right in the middle of the frame.
I'm like, that's really interesting.
It's a different way of filming.
And he, he's the one that showed me that a lot of like American action movies have tons
of jump, uh, jump cuts in the fight.
And then like Jackie Chan movies don't, it flows through the entire fight.
And then I started to appreciate that a lot more, which kind of ruined other movies for
But like, it's still super interesting.
I like watching movies with Brandon.
So it would be cool to be able to do this for a brand new movie and like pick through
it as we go.
I don't know.
That's what I like about being on the flight is cause I just pause it and then talk to
him about it and then keep playing.
Well, the 48 hour hour thing, you could just watch it all the way through, talk about it,
watch it again, pick it apart, you know, on one of your guys's cool flights to wherever
you're going next.
I don't know.
I think that's pretty cool.
It is.
I mean, they really, they're really going to hit this one out of the park.
I think they're going to hit a target market that they're not touching right now.
And I think it could be a win-win.
You know, you're saying you could pause your wine, hopefully better than Netflix.
I still am a little disgruntled if you're, if you're on a PC, it's great, but I wish
I could control easier on my phone because on suits they whisper too much and I'm just
trying to get through those four seasons, man.
So it's, you know, and you can't miss anything, right?
You know, girlfriend wants to say something and I'm like, get a pause backwards, but you
know, it is how it is.
I hear that.
That makes sense.
Um, this doc is pretty light this week because there's not a ton of people here and Colton,
happy Easter, who makes the, yeah, speaking of which, who makes the WAN doc isn't here
He was here yesterday, so he like tried to kind of cram it in and make a WAN doc kind
of last minute.
And it sort of worked, although we're almost out of topics, so we'll see how that goes.
But we have almost out of topics, uh, there's a thing that I can do that takes up time that
isn't a topic and is super cool.
So Cooler Master is a sponsor.
This is the first time they sponsored this thing with us.
It's a keyboard, the Cooler Master Master Key Pro S and Pro L. The Pro S is a ten keyless
The Pro L is a standard kind of sized keyboard.
Both use Cherry MX Red or Cherry MX Brown switches, which is like probably the most popular
two switches there are because the brown ones give you kind of the tactile bump, but no
audible click.
And the red ones are just like, I'm for gaming because you can barely feel like you're typing
on me and stuff.
They have 16.7 million color RGB just in case you like rainbows under your fingers.
You can use on the fly macros to set up macros within your game.
No need to like tab out into software to do that.
You can just macro code in your game, which is pretty cool.
You have profile support, so you can have up to four different profiles on your keyboard
and it uses an industry leading Arm Cortex M3 processor that clocks at 72 megahertz,
around 25% faster than the Arm Cortex M0 processor that is in many keyboards on the market today.
So let me know if you've noticed an improvement from that.
It also has a two year warranty.
Thank you Cooler Master.
Moving on.
Just in case you want to mod something on your case, see what I did there?
Just in case you want to mod your case.
Your Cooler Master case.
You can use iFixit stuff.
So yeah, I don't know where they're, can you give me the iFixit toolkit thing?
The big one?
The big one.
It's Jacob.
Does he just repeat?
Oh, he said something different.
I don't know what the big, is this the big one?
Like the big one.
One of my good buddies, Hole Wheat we'll call him, that's his gamertag, does all the things
with the tools.
He likes this stuff.
So as far as I'm concerned, it's an absolute ace.
Well hopefully we'll get it.
But anyways, the Protech toolkit has had an update.
So now it is a 64 bit kit itself and it uses like magnets to hold its little lid on and
the lid can kind of be used as like a screw bit tray while you have it temporarily and
all that kind of stuff.
It's pretty cool.
There's more bits inside the screwdriver kit which is great where you can only seemingly
find the old ones.
Which kind of sucks.
We have a lot of shrugging going on.
The cool part about having more bits isn't just a higher number, 64, it doesn't like,
that's actually not just marketing terms this time.
It means that you can get through more stuff and properly because stripping screws and
stuff is kind of cool.
Having the right tool for the job, that's half the battle, three quarters of the battle.
Sometimes it's the entire battle.
It has a newly redesigned swivel top precision screwdriver which is pretty sick and flex
extension for hard to reach screws so you can like have your screwdriver here and have
it go out and then down actually and then turn the screwdriver and the whole thing twists
and it'll end up, it's really cool, pretty cool.
Precision ESD safe tweezers including a pair of reverse tweezers so you have those like
black coated ESD safe tweezers.
A wider variety of plastic opening tools and picks which honestly, while I liked the old
Protech Toolkit ones, I would find that the tips would break off and it was actually kind
of a problem because my Protech Toolkit, which I've used to take a huge amount of things
apart, most of the tips of the blue little spudger things were broken off and the new
ones don't seem to do that.
So this is actually like a significant improvement.
That's probably my favorite part of the new Protech Toolkit.
It has suction cups for display assembly removals.
It has metal spudgers just in case you need an even more durable thing for like jimmying
things open and whatnot.
If you're into fixing phones or screens, like that's something people can pay a decent amount
of money for.
If you've got, you know, the kind of handiness to do it, suction cups, man, this toolkit
is what we use to fix my old S3 when I smash it up.
By we I mean whole wheat.
He does a lot of that kind of stuff.
The price for the Protech Toolkit has increased to $69.95 because they have all this like
new awesome stuff.
I want to jump in there again though.
That's really not that expensive.
Go to Home Depot.
Look at some of the tools you've got.
I know they can't.
But look at some of the tools on the wall.
We're looking at $70.
That's really, you know, they're really not, they're really not charging you too much.
I really don't feel like that's an unfair price.
Just personally, I don't even work here.
This isn't an ad for for myself.
I just think that's a fair price really.
And speaking of fair price, if you use offer code LITIS, you get $10 off.
So it's even cheaper.
That makes it $59.95 instead of $69.95.
And it's backed by iFixit's lifetime warranty.
So get it because it's awesome or don't.
You still get access to all their free resources if you need to do stuff like repairing phones
on iFixit.com.
So check that out.
iFixit.com slash LITIS and use offer code LITIS.
So yeah, there you go.
Or if you need to just like learn stuff, lynda.com.
What I've learned there is certain camera things.
I know you probably wouldn't know that because I haven't filmed anything in a super long
I think about it a lot.
I do.
I refer to it sometimes.
And like learning camera stuff and whatnot helped me direct those two episodes that I
was talking about Brandon shooting earlier, which was the Valve VR performance test and
I directed both of those.
So that came from stuff that I learned from lynda.com.
Anyways, it's used by millions of people around the world.
There's more than 3000 courses available in topics like web development, photography,
visual design, business, software like Excel, WordPress, and Photoshop.
All courses are taught by industry experts.
The dude that I learned my photography and videography stuff is super cool.
You can get a 10 day free trial, which gives you access to every course on lynda.com and
you can use lynda.com on like basically any device.
Plan started only 25 bucks a month, head over to lynda.com slash wan show and claim your
10 day free trial and start learning today.
And we're done.
There we go.
Flew through those.
Yeah, but it's cool when you have cool sponsors.
I genuinely like all of our sponsors.
We've kicked off the ones that we didn't like.
We had a bunch of complaints about a specific one, so I'm trying to be vague.
I decided to try to use it for like a while and a quarter of the way into my trying to
use it for a while.
I was like, this is terrible.
That's good on you guys though.
I really appreciate that about you guys.
We've done that twice I think.
Maybe, maybe, maybe twice.
So in other news, Oculus Rift pre-orders start shipping out to customers basically.
This is the title.
Give me a second.
Oculus Rift pre-orders start shipping out of customers, out of customers, they're out
of customers.
There's no more customers.
It's like the alien thing.
Am I dating myself a little?
It's pretty my time.
A person is delivered to your door and the Oculus Rift erupts out of their stomach.
That's how that happens.
You have to finish them to be humane.
You have to use it and then consume it and then you are shipped because you were one
of the customers.
See, I read that the dominoes thing will come and pick up what's left, but I guess that
was just a rumor.
Oh my God.
Had a little scoop on the front.
The body scoop.
Everyone gets turned into Soylent Green afterwards.
Super old references.
Anyways, CEO Brendan Erb tweeted that it has shipped.
Interviews begin Monday, March 28th.
So not getting mine then.
Anyways, if you preorder now, you won't be able to get one until July.
If anyone remembers a tweet that I sent out around CES, I was frustrated because it's
been basically impossible for us to get any amount of media contact information from Oculus
at all.
And every single show that we've gone to, we've had to basically fight our way into
a meeting with anyone.
I even have an interview with Palmer because I met him in a hallway and was like, yo dude,
can we have a meeting?
And he knew who we were, but we still couldn't get media contact information.
So I tweeted about it and he was like, hey man, I got you.
Let's figure this out.
And then immediately disappeared off the face of the planet.
He followed me.
We DM'd like once or twice and then he was just gone.
He sent me another tweet DM thing today being like, whoa, that took a while.
Anyways, let's figure this out.
So hopefully we can get a rush on our Oculus rifts because I think ours were going to be
delayed by like a few weeks.
So we're trying to get them rushed so we can get a review out of the actual consumer version.
It'd be awesome if that could happen.
I really want to play it.
You've been on this train since the very beginning.
I can vouch for even very excited about this whole project from the very start.
I really, really, really, really, I, the whole time I was doing it, I was thinking about
you, a hundred percent.
I want you to try the bullet train demo with the touch controllers.
Is it because I'm not totally sold?
That's the drive.
No, it's because, okay, so the bullet train demo with the touch controllers, you stand
in one location.
I'm not going to show right now cause I won't fit in the camera properly, but you stand
in one, I'm pretending I'm standing, I'm standing in one location.
There's little blue kind of orb things on the ground and if you point at one with your
controller and press a certain button, you teleport there and then it's a stand and fight
That's a shooter.
So basically wherever you teleport, there's probably some form of gun and you can pick
it up with your other controller, shoot, and like if it's a like AK, if you shoot it with
one hand, it's going to be like, the bullets are going to go everywhere.
So you have to like pull your other hand up and actually hold it properly.
Shotguns, you can take one shot and then if you don't pump it, you can't shoot again.
So you have to like actually pump it.
Or if stuff just gets crazy, you can slow down time, drop both your weapons or like
huck a weapon at someone and grab the bullets out of the air, turn them around and then
throw them back and then go back in bullet time and like actually kill people.
So it's like really fun to play because you're teleporting all over the place, slowing down
time, grabbing things like it's very physically interactive, which is a thing that I think
a lot of VR games are missing right now.
My two favorite demos, my most favorite demo used to be Eve Valkyrie.
It's not anymore.
My two favorite demos now are Bullet Train and I don't know if they have an official
name for it yet or if they're ever actually going to release it, but it's essentially
the Tron game and CCP made it.
So it's the Tron game where you throw discs at each other.
CCP, I just, I just lit up.
No, I know.
I don't even play because it's not my type of game, but they're an incredible company.
Eve is an incredible game.
Now I'm excited.
So do you know the Tron game where you throw discs at each other and you're standing on
the platforms?
They made that.
And like you have to actually like jump and dodge and block and like the blocking works
and you block and if you're swinging around this way and it hits, it'll bounce off in
that direction or if it's like coming this way and you hit that way, it'll bounce off
in that direction.
Like however, the physics are pretty good.
If it's coming behind you, you can get hit in the back because there's like room behind
you and it can bounce off the walls and you have to throw it like, oh man, I played against
Colton and it was slightly frustrating because he's super not athletic.
So I just wrecked him.
Like I think it was almost 30 to like two and the only reason why I got hit those times
was because I didn't fully know how the game worked yet.
Like just completely destroyed him.
But it's, it was really cool doing something more physically active in VR.
That's really cool.
I'm actually, I thought about bringing this and I didn't.
I'm going to try and find it, but, and this is going to be super bad cause I'm not in
the industry.
The, basically the treadmill that you move around on for VR.
One of them was just launched on Kickstarter.
I just raised a whole bucket of money in the first 24 hours.
I'm going, I'm going to try and look for the article that made me think of it.
But I think that's what I'm excited about with the whole VR thing right now.
I'm not a hater, but just strapping it on and doing a roller coaster.
Not really my thing.
I'm not really excited.
No, I, I, and I know I like showed our whole family that and stuff, but it's totally cool
for other people to, and it's the start, it's the building blocks of what I'm going to be
excited for.
That's it.
I don't actually really care about the fact that that was going on.
I cared about the like, wow, wait for all the other things that this is, this is where
we're going.
And one thing that's going to help with that a ton is you're probably going to like the
vibe a lot more.
Cause the vibe is room scale.
And that means you can move around.
It's like, wait.
Tilt brush, the Google art game.
Have you seen that?
Um, I'm excited for like, I think Nikita will really like it.
Is that the one Disney was showing a little, uh, one of the artists from Disney was doing
I think I watched it.
It's from Google.
I wouldn't be surprised at all if one of the artists from Disney was in there, but, um,
it's like a, you, you use your controllers essentially as paint brushes and it's 3d so
you can move around whatever you're painting and basically paint out sculptures.
Really cool.
I made this scene where like I put grass all over the floor and then I made like a tree
and a little fire that actually had fire and smoke coming out of it.
And then I made it like snowing and I just kind of sat down and was like, I like this.
That's really cool.
One of the, I had an absolute ton of fun when I wasn't expecting to, I was at a family dinner
at our uncle's place.
Um, and this was a few years ago, PlayStation three, it had a game built into it.
We had both controllers and it was a sword and shield fighting game and I had a ton of
Like I had way too much fun playing this game because it was incredible how much it mattered
Like you couldn't even trick it.
Like you couldn't just move your wrist really quick and try to get a lot of big head.
You know where the Wii games are, you can kind of exploit certain issues with controller.
It was really incredible just moving, blocking and using your sword and you could move your
person and it was a, it was a ton of fun.
So I think VR is going to be really incredible and it's really going to move gaming from
a physically inactive activity to something that could be very active.
That's one thing, like yesterday I was tweeting out asking if there's any novice men's teams.
I saw that.
You know what got me excited about that?
Growing up football and hockey, right?
Playing football and hockey all the time.
You did a very similar thing.
Lacrosse was the one thing and I did try and we called, I wanted to fit in lacrosse.
I would have had to quit hockey and I couldn't do it.
But sorry.
I saw that tweet today actually.
I was a little behind, but I was like, yeah, that's totally, is there one?
That's pretty cool.
I don't think so.
Because there's, there's no, like I think there might be one rugby team and other than
that, there's no full contact sports for adults where we live.
I'm like, if you're a grown dude, how do you hit someone legally, legally?
My ice hockey league, I played at the very low levels and you watch some of the games,
there's a little bit of hitting, but not really not much.
When you go to the higher skill levels, basically every skill level, the rules are technically
the same.
Every skill level, if you watch the A guys play, I was playing E. If you watch the A
guys play, that's a much more physical game.
They let a lot more go.
The rules are technically the same.
It's technically the same league, but every division you go up, cause I actually jumped
up a game to play with another team and I could totally tell there's more physicality.
That's the only thing I could tell you.
I know Washington state has a men's pro.
People were talking fencing and karate and stuff like, not the same.
You're doing a bit of jujitsu.
It's still not the same.
It's not the same.
I mean like lacrosse or football or rugby, and I know there is actually a local team
for rugby, but hitting someone in lacrosse or football or rugby is very different than
like fighting someone in karate or jujitsu or something like that.
Super different.
It's more like, yeah, I don't know.
I like team, it's collision, which is not something you get to like a little bit in
some of those, but not a ton.
It's a team object oriented stuff where like sometimes you do the like suicide pass kind
of thing.
You've heard about that, like freaking Zach Peters, if you're watching, he's the suicide
pass me and rug me.
So he'd like be almost going to get hit and there's someone on me just in case he passes
to me and he'd be like, ha ha, get wrecked.
And I would just take the hit.
But like there's other things.
Football throwing a floater right in the middle, linebackers are just like, let's go,
it's time, but like taking one for the team by like physically hitting someone or allowing
yourself to get hit or something like that is a very different mentality than like fighting
someone one on one in an orchestrated sparring match.
Like I'm a big team sport guy.
Me too.
You know, I've been getting up so early for work and going to bed so early.
Like today I woke up early, I went online, I was like, I'm going to play some games.
No one was on because it was 830 in the morning, which is totally normal and I get that.
But my whole mood just kind of, I did some stuff by myself.
I farmed a little bit of gold and you know, I did some other things, but the whole team
and I was talking about Rocket League earlier.
I can't tell you the last time I played Rocket League by myself, but when you get some guys
in there, you get a group together and you know, it's, it's really fun.
So the whole team atmosphere, like my favorite thing at PAX for the last like few years probably
was our group of people just jamming out playing Rocket League together because everyone gets
hyped up and it gets, it's a lot of fun and VR could really play into that.
You know, they're, they're going to have, obviously it's going to be a singular thing
to start, but we're talking about how VR is going to get better and better.
What happens until now it's us two in that bullet time game jumping around shooting together,
working together.
You know, I go behind an object and I find two guns, you go behind an object, you find
Just different things like that.
You know, co-op, I remember especially growing up, the whole idea of co-op was really a big
deal and really pushed gaming forward and then obviously multiplayer and then really
playing online.
So I'm very excited for, I have a computer idea coming up that a few people know about,
but not that many.
So I'm not going to leak it here.
My, the guys from my stream, the after party for this, some of you guys might know about
it, but I'm not going to talk about it right now, but it incorporates the idea of multiple
people in VR together and I'm excited for that too, because I feel like it can bring
back the, maybe not actual hitting, like I can't hit someone, but it'll bring back the
team based mentality with physical aspects in it, going towards some type of game with
a collective goal and like all those kinds of things.
One of my favorite things that we've done was paintball forever ago when we were moving,
one person would move up and then the person who moved up would call shots for the person
in the back and then like that was super cool.
If you can do stuff like that in video games and something that would be cool is taking
away stuff like Skype and vent and team speak for competitive shooters and whatnot.
And if you have like, cause it's cool and all, but being able to have it so you have
to like shout out to your buddy.
Yeah, absolutely.
That's awesome.
Cause you have to kind of give away your position to communicate in that situation and that's
kind of cool.
And if you're dead, you shouldn't be able to communicate at all.
You know, I don't know.
Just little things like that.
That'd be awesome.
Anyways, it's going to be fun.
We should probably move on from VR.
I could literally talk about VR for forever.
Well, you're saying we don't have enough and I've been thinking more and more that we're
just going to.
It's true.
We'll have enough.
Yes, it'll be fine.
But there's some rapid fire stuff.
I'm still moving on rapid fire.
So pebble fires 25% of its staff.
That's really depressing.
Just for the pure fact that now there's a bunch of guys looking for jobs.
I'm sure pebble looks great on your resume.
I've been there.
You've been there.
I know it might be hard for you to even remember now, but there's always a time in a lot of
people's lives where you're looking for that job and it sucks.
It really sucks.
And to lose your job sucks.
Even if it's in the best way possible, as in the company just goes, we're really sorry.
We like you a lot and we'll give you the best reference and here's a letter and all that
kind of stuff.
And we'll try to do what we can to help you, which I'm not even sure how much I haven't
actually read up about it, how much they are helping.
I'm sure they're doing their fair share, but just a really unfortunate thing for a lot
of different people who are working there.
Yeah, they, they laid off 40 employees, which is that 25% number.
The CEO, Eric has said that money is pretty tight these days.
And he's referring to difficulties raising money in Silicon Valley, which kind of makes
sense because of the quote that is actually on the screen.
Pebble is now in a very crowded market.
There are so many companies making smartwatches.
Oh my God.
And you know what?
I'm not just, I'm not seeing them a lot on the day to day.
I see them when I come to this office, obviously this is a tech focused area.
I saw, you know, a handful of the eye watches when they first came out of the Apple watch.
Couldn't care.
You know, I saw kind of a surge of them immediately.
I'm very much out and about Vancouver and Burnaby with my, with my job, but I just,
I don't see a lot of them on the day to day.
You still see the more simple fashion accessory or the more, you know, Ironman G-Shock style
of functionality.
And we're, we're, I'm not really seeing this.
It's not really taking over.
Like I think a lot of people thought it would.
It helps a little bit to get out of Langley and Vancouver, Vancouver, like however much
of a tech hub it is, because it actually is, doesn't really seem to adopt things super
I don't know why.
I don't.
You do travel all over.
So you would, you would have a good view on this.
It feels very hotspotty, like Switzerland.
I don't think I literally saw a single person with a smartwatch the entire time I was there
and I was going to techy kind of places and stuff.
So there's that.
But like in San Fran, oh yeah, like actually like a pretty significant amount of people.
Not like a majority, definitely not a majority, but like it's noticeable.
And you kind of see, see, that's what I was referring to with here.
So it is.
So it's spot.
But San Fran, you kind of expect that.
So I don't know.
I, yeah, I don't think it's kicking off quite as hard as people thought because I don't
think it's that difficult to pull your phone out of your pocket now.
And I was saying it's really unfortunate for a lot of people, 25% is only 40 of their employees.
So really that is, you know, that's a decent chunk.
You know, you're looking at a high school classroom and a half or however you want to
And it's, it's also not devastating.
It's not, you know, one of these massive, you know, uh, it's devastating on an individualized
It's not devastating.
And like, uh, Oh my God, half of a massive company just got laid off because that happened
thousands of positions, thousands of people, you know, and when it's, when it's less employees,
you're going to hope that they're going to get a little more help, a little more special
attention than, you know, those mass layoffs that you see.
And one thing that I worry about and like, it's going to, it's going to suck for these
guys, but it sucks even more when it's in the gratuitous amounts of numbers is like
one of my buddies, uh, Ruelle was recently working at a restaurant that closed.
So all of the people that were working at that restaurant, we're all friends and stuff,
but no one's really able to help each other properly because now you have all of these
people who are looking for similar work because of their experience.
They're now competitors, even if they're all competitors and like, that sucks.
So even 40 of them, that's got to suck because now there's 40 people who have immediate,
probably fairly lengthy, fairly interesting experience at a company selling watches that
are probably going to try to find this of their one page resumes, the exact same as
everybody else.
You know, they got 40 duplicates.
This is what I did.
Obviously they'll have different facets to their job, but yeah, yeah, I totally agree.
It's an unfortunate situation when, when anybody closes down, but you know, maybe they
can VR is picking up, other things are picking up.
There's ads on the radio all the time of tech jobs in BC.
So hopefully it's, yeah.
Oh my God.
Hi, I'm the blank blank blank.
Uh, we're, we're the CEO of bench and we've moved back to Vancouver, New York because
the people here, and it's not joining the tech industry.
It's joining the tech industry, future of the tech, all industries, super weird radio
Very odd.
Don't worry about it.
A radio commercial company is hiring is the spokesperson for a company that hires tech
people in Vancouver and they moved away from Vancouver, but have now moved back.
And it's like, it's this, it's a very weird radio commercial.
Don't worry about it.
Right on schedule.
Amoled L uh, displays are now cheaper to produce the LCDs now is the actual dollar number in
The LCD smartphone display is $14 and 30 cents for Amoled panels and $14 and 60 cents for
an LCD panel.
That's awesome because that means that it is now going to be beneficial for people to
use Amoled panels instead of led panels.
There's I don't think a ton else to say, but no, no, that's good.
You know, uh, and maybe these, uh, vehicle manufacturers excluding Tesla can start putting
better stuff in their vehicles.
Kind of a hater on almost everybody right now.
And that's kind of funny cause, uh, Linus is off in New York at like an auto show thing.
So hopefully maybe they'll be cool stuff to come out of that show, you know, um, Ford,
I know I've seen some new videos about one of their new vehicles coming out and they
made some minor improvements that are still in my personal opinion, miles away.
Uh, I've seen some of the, I wrote in a brand new Mazda the other day.
Um, it was kind of nice, but I just didn't really, I felt like they took a tablet and
they were like, huh?
And they just kind of left it there and like didn't really fully integrate it doesn't look
like it's a part of the vehicle.
It looks like it's just kind of like you could take it away with you and you would want to
because it looks weird.
I don't like, yeah, not, not a big fan of what's going on.
I actually got into a Dodge Ram yesterday at work that had 20 kilometers on it and it
had the screen and everything and it's just really not that impressive.
It's really not, you literally, in my opinion, you have to be in a Tesla to be impressed
by the multimedia center that's involved unless you've done a custom fit yourself.
Your 2009 Acura is pretty darn solid and it totally compares to the 2015s.
Which is so weird.
I, we were going to do a video, um, like a year and a half ago I think, and we were trying
to work with a car company to show, um, where has whatever bracket, cause I don't know what
brackets cars fit into cause I'm not a super car guy.
I like car tech, but anyways, um, of car, like how, how far has it come in the last,
since 2009?
Cause I got my car and they contacted us and they were like, oh yeah, we can send you this
It has these things and it had no additional functionality and a smaller screen.
I was just like, yeah, they're really not hitting it out of the park with this one.
I can't understand why to be honest.
I'm talking about how cheap it is to produce, you know, the tablets are getting better and
better every day.
Why they're not just hooking up with a manufacturer to help them out.
I don't understand.
And like that, that Tesla tablet does have its problems.
It's not the fastest thing ever, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
But it's actually been in that car for a while now.
Model S's are not really new anymore.
Of course you can buy one new, but like the model S itself isn't an, is a new design model.
So yeah, I don't know.
Having a workable, like I'm really excited for, I'm excited for conversational AI.
So like the her style, like you can actually talk to it and when I can like converse with
my car.
What was the show we watched a little tiny bit when we were super young?
Knight Rider.
I love Knight Rider.
Oh my God.
So yeah, if I can talk with my car it would be so cool.
That was an AI that you could converse with, you know.
Like I would even legitimately be cool with the, like instead of it being an app, I just
like call my car with like the phone app and I'm just like, Hey, you want to like come
pick me up?
Don't pick me up.
It's raining.
The car is just like, you know, I was kind of relaxing.
I was relaxed.
But that's fine I guess.
Are you going to change my oil?
Can we do that today?
But then it's a joke cause it's electric.
Oh shit.
That is right.
But then he's like, ha ha, I don't have oil.
And you're like, I'm going to go in and turn your sass like you are so funny, but we need
to turn that down.
That would be awesome.
But yeah.
Anyway, speaking of things talking to you, that's not a segue that works for this at
It works if you want it to.
Anyways, Facebook is pulling back on its Blackberry app.
Come on bbc.uk.com.
Facebook drops support for Blackberry, which is probably completely fine.
And I'm not even saying that because basically no one uses Blackberry phones.
I'm saying that because don't they just work with Android apps?
Yeah, I thought that was the thing.
I wouldn't know because I don't know anyone who has a Blackberry.
Me neither.
At all.
So, okay.
I don't know.
I kind of thought of it as just like kicking somebody when they're down a little bit.
And like the Twitch chat can probably comment on that, but I'm pretty sure these days if
you're a Blackberry owner, you just, if you are somehow a Blackberry owner.
I think there's some government organizations.
Now that I think about that, I actually know someone who has two phones.
One of them is a Blackberry.
He works for Canadian border security.
And he has a Blackberry for his government phone just because as Elon Musk would say,
government's very, very slow to do things.
So they're still haven't, you know, kind of moved on.
He has problems all the time.
He can't email properly from it.
When he tries to email the group of us, it doesn't always go through and all that kind
of stuff.
He's got to wait until he gets home.
Yeah, Blackberries can use Google Play.
So like.
The Google Play store.
Who cares?
They probably stopped support for it because who cares?
Here's another thing.
I know you got the app back now, but I still don't use the app on my phone.
I still use my browser.
I believe Mr. Light, Nick does that as well.
I'm not sure if he's switched back to get the messenger because you guys use it a bit
more than I do, but I'm just a typical casual user.
I don't use the app.
I just use the browser.
I used to not use the app and a big part of that was because of how invasive and not okay
it is.
And then I just realized that I am not allowed privacy in my life anyways.
So whatever.
Pretty much.
Like, I don't know.
It's gotten to the point where my information is so farmed out that Facebook doesn't have
Someone else has got it.
So I might as well just not care.
The only thing I would say on that is, if you're like me and you're kind of not sure
about it, the browser functionality is actually fantastic.
It's fine.
It's actually really good.
The only thing you're going to miss is notifications pinging your phone.
You can check it.
Which is probably fine.
That's probably fine too.
I get by just fine.
We communicated on Facebook this morning.
It worked out.
It's not a huge deal.
If you're thinking about it, try it out.
It still works.
I did that for a very long time and then one day it was just like, you know, I try to do
all these things because I suggest that people do these things and then I realized that just
like in my position I have no privacy at all anyways.
And unfortunate.
Not everything is positive.
There has to be some sort of ying yang going on.
It's probably fine.
At least I'm easy to contact I guess.
You say that.
There's been a family email going around you still haven't responded to.
Oh, that one.
I don't know how to respond to that yet.
Does that want to make it?
Oh yeah.
That's not really going to work.
I thought you answered that properly.
I said that politely.
Did you like that?
I had your back there.
I actually, I was writing it and then I went back and I went working very hard.
Thank you.
I put in the very after.
That's how you know I got you.
I'm doing like a, yeah.
So something that's kind of weird actually from Facebook is this.
So yeah.
Facebook's ad platform now guesses your race or as they call it ethnic affinity based on
your behavior.
I like that terminology.
So basically what's happening is, as you can see here, there's two different trailers.
Trader of Compton trailer 2015 and Trader of Compton trailer two 2015.
And based on what it guesses your ethnic affinity is, it will give you a different version of
the trailer.
No joke.
One trailer portrays the movie as like a violent depiction of gang acts and the other trailer
depicts it as like a history of the music industry from the underdogs.
Like, okay, I'm going to jump off of this.
I still haven't seen this movie.
I can read the proper notes.
I haven't either, but I do actually.
I wonder what my, I'm really interested as to what they're guessing for me because I
do like a lot of hip hop and a lot of different, I was literally watching the best vines from
world star hip hop this morning.
So yes, I do have weird things on my YouTube, but something like this, why would you even
play with this?
Why as a big company, why would you even touch this?
So okay.
I have no idea, but to jump into it real quick, there's apparently three different versions
of the marketing campaign for the NWA biopic, straight out of Compton, one for white audiences,
one for black audiences, and one for Hispanic audiences.
Trillies are all completely different.
They don't say which one is for which, but one depicts a gangster movie emphasizing violence.
One depicts the movie as a biography talking about their music being protest art, and then
they don't say what the third one is.
Facebook describes ethnicity as affinities or a similarity of characteristics.
I just don't know why they're touching it.
I just don't get it.
I think they could have just picked way better terminology because looking at using their
picture stuff, they could figure out your ethnicity probably pretty easily, but they're
talking about similarities of characteristics.
So why not just call it that?
It's called racism.
Are you an angry, aggressive person?
Then maybe you want to see the one that depicts it as a gangster movie, which emphasizes violence.
Are you not an angry, aggressive person?
What if they just said characteristics instead of anything about ethnicity?
Are you someone who likes protests and standing up for what you believe in, but you're not
necessarily a violent person?
Maybe portray that one or whatever the third one is.
Call it characteristics.
Why are you calling it ethnic affinity?
Just a really terrible maneuver.
That just makes you sound like a dick.
I don't know.
Glad you said it.
I was wondering if we could say it.
I wasn't sure.
I don't know.
Put it around the lines on that one.
Just a bad move in every direction.
That play fell apart.
They picked it up, ran the wrong direction.
I have no idea.
Facebook has done some really weird stuff with their social science team or whatever
they call it.
I don't remember what they call it, but they play experiments on the people all the time.
I wonder if this is just one of them, to be completely honest.
Facebook doesn't seem to be losing any steam, but I'm kind of excited for the next one.
I'm kind of excited for Facebook to become the current MySpace, let's call it.
One interesting thing that I read an article about, which I don't have right now, but it
was talking about how Facebook is, especially now, and it's going to continue to be, especially
now, becoming this completely unstoppable, literal graveyard of humanity.
Because people are dying and their Facebook pages stay up.
As depressing as it can be.
So the percentage of the user base that is literally dead is increasing.
It's actually a depressing fact for... See, I don't always know if we should drop names
or not, but my SO, my significant other, just had a friend pass away.
That friend's Facebook page is still there, you know what I mean?
That's a true to life example that's within the last few months.
So what you say really hits home and locally as well, and I'm sure for people watching
And it's super weird when someone who might really care about that person sentimentally
goes back to essentially their gravestone by just going to their Facebook page.
And then you see someone who's not very well informed being like, hey, we should hang out
on their wall.
And it's like, yeah, that's sad in all sorts of ways.
It's weird.
Anyways, in less sad news, but slightly weird news, Sony is maybe possibly considering the
potential of a PlayStation 4.5.
So this was Kotaku source, so who knows if this web page is going to exist in a certain
amount of time or if someone's going to buy them or something, I don't know.
But apparently the new version of the PS4 would have increased graphical power, being
able to play games running at 4K resolution, and would probably do a bit better with VR
and stuff like that.
So this is from like some source that is super not named and all of this other kind of stuff.
Apparently there's been whispers about upgrades to the Xbox as well.
So iterations faster than we expected wouldn't be super surprised.
I wonder if it will line up with the Nintendo NX, which is the only console I'm even remotely
interested in.
See you.
I see how it is.
Would you like an orange?
Damn, you got a better one.
He was so excited about that.
Now I'm a little scared.
Catch it on camera.
Got it.
All right.
Nerd Sports.
Nerd Sports.
Coming soon.
There you go.
I guess I can't really like say shit over here.
I can say that I saw a little bit looking out the window.
You can come over here.
Just for one second.
I was going to say, I'm not in the console game.
I'm not really excited for it.
You need to toss me an orange while I do it.
Can you do this?
Oh, fuck.
Wait one more time.
All right.
Tune into Nerd Sports.
It's going to be sick.
Wait one more time.
I should probably do it myself.
Tune into Nerd Sports.
It's going to be sick.
It's going to be dank.
I'm editing it now.
Oh, you were so close.
I've signed an agreement that I can't talk about Nerd Sports unless I'm juggling.
No, no.
I don't know.
I just kept with it.
Yeah, I liked it.
But check it out and don't unsubscribe from Vessel because it's going to be on there and
nowhere else.
For a long time.
I worked a lot.
I worked really hard on it.
So don't unsubscribe and say nice things to your moms.
See you guys.
Cruiser Wars back.
Thanks, Bergo.
All right.
Have a good long weekend.
You too.
See ya.
That was weird.
Yeah, you guys get Monday off.
That was cool.
PlayStation 4.5.
I am not in the console game.
Don't have a console.
Would like a Wii U.
We were talking about the Pokken Tournament.
I found out that came out yesterday.
I live under a very large rock, but it's comfortable.
So I don't like this because people who bought this console, and it's for the same reasons
that I don't like the new Nintendo 3DS.
Now I almost bought one, but the whole fact that you were now, please confirm, the new
games will not work on the older Game Boys.
Is that...
Certain games?
Functionality and stuff.
Certain functionalities.
So you see, certain functionality is a little bit different.
I have the 2DS you got me, which is fantastic.
Really been enjoying that.
Really works well for me.
But I...
My problem there was I was misinformed.
Oh, okay.
I thought certain games wouldn't work.
I don't think that's a thing.
There's a C-Stick for when you're in Smash and stuff.
There's different things like that.
So that's not that big of a deal.
Because what I think of is the parent who did the best they could, very similar to our
parents, to get a console, and now there's a new one, and now this PS4.5, are all games
going to work on it?
We don't know.
We know very little.
It might not even be a thing.
But if it is a thing, if it is an updated version, first of all, anyone who plays anything
competitive has to upgrade, period.
That was one thing we saw with the Xbox Elite, which was kind of a frustrating deal, but
not a huge deal.
My biggest thing is if they're going to come out with a new one, if the new games following
that launch only work on that new system, basically making the PS4 obsolete, I'm upset
and I don't own them.
I don't like that idea.
I don't like that marketing.
I don't like any of that.
I think that's ugly from all sides.
So I'm really hoping that's not what happens.
And frankly, my biggest argument when Xbox, and we saw it at PAX especially, I don't think
it was this year, but the year before, it might even have been the year before that.
But when PlayStation 4 and Xbox One were really trying to compete, my biggest thing, and everyone
who's watching this knows that, is they're just super underpowered.
Why do this now?
Why didn't you start on a good foot?
My biggest complaint when they first came out was that...
The Wii U was ridiculously comparable, if not better, in certain categories?
No, what pissed me off was every generation before that.
Like the 360.
When the 360 first came out, and the PlayStation 3, they're losing a little bit on selling
the console.
It's actually got pretty good hardware in there, and at the very beginning, it's like,
Solid drop, yeah.
That's an interesting idea compared to a computer.
The Wii U's probably going to be better, but for people that don't want to mess with that,
it's actually kind of interesting.
It's running its own thing.
Games load like...
Okay, games don't load right away, but you don't have to patch things really, stuff just
kind of works.
When the 360 dropped, I would say the PC console argument was way closer than it is right now.
It was, and then as time goes by, the PC will start to just completely destroy it, and it's
not a contest anymore, and that's fine.
When the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One came out, PCs at the same cost were already just so
much better.
Ridiculous, yeah.
It wasn't even...
They're not in the same ballpark.
And that's boring.
Like, I'm on the PC side, but that's just boring.
It really is, yeah.
It really is.
What they were putting in there was just ugly.
It just really was, you know, just...
I don't know how much we can beat that.
Super disappointed.
Yeah, really, really not exciting.
We'll see what Sony decides to do with this, if Sony does it, you've got to assume Xbox
is going to do something similar.
I love Nintendo, because they're just on their own doing their own thing.
So that new Nintendo console, I'm also excited as well.
I wish I had a Wii, maybe we'll rent it this weekend or something, I really want to try
that Pokken tournament.
I don't even play fighting games, but I've just been watching a little bit online.
I've heard it's like basically Smash, but with Pokemon, isn't it?
Or is it different?
It's different.
It's much more of just a one-on-one fighting game.
It's not exactly two-dimensional, you're moving on a single axis, you can move around, but
it's very interesting.
I actually watched a tournament the other day, I said, oh, I'm going to check this out.
I saw one of the streamers who streams all different games playing it.
I went to the actual channel, which it's got very low traction on Twitch, I have to say.
Very low traction for a new game, which is kind of depressing.
But I was watching Mewtwo fight a Pokemon that's brand new, so I don't know its name,
but it was incredible how Mewtwo was always in the air and this one character had to use
constant anti-air and just watching the engagement.
People are facepalming because I said Tekken, not Smash.
That makes so much more sense why it's called Pokken now.
Yes, it's much more like that.
I didn't think about that at all.
I just thought Smash because I saw the cover.
Yes, the cover you could say.
And it made me think of Smash.
I haven't seen the game at all.
Much more like Tekken.
That totally makes sense.
I get that now.
Which isn't really our kind of games.
I know neither of us kind of gravitated towards that.
It's probably worth a rent though.
Luckily, we still have a place near our house where we can rent new games.
An awesome place.
If you live anywhere around here, Willow Video Games, give them a shout out in Langley, BC.
Fantastic shop run by fantastic people.
It's an old school shop.
You can buy and sell and it's fantastic.
It's a really good place to go, competitive prices and nobody's nicer.
Their customer service is fantastic.
I bought a tiny little Charizard shirt that was built for a lady and the dude totally
thought it was for me and he mentioned that it might not fit me.
That's okay, dude.
And I never actually told him it wasn't for me.
He just looked at me weird the whole time I was buying.
It turned out to not fit my SO, as I'll call it.
And we actually ended up taking it back and the guy was like, oh, I'm not sure if it was
a different individual.
Oh, I'm not sure if we take clothing back.
And the guy who sold it to me out front and back was like, oh, I know him.
We can take that back.
It's okay that it didn't fit him.
I just let it play out.
I just let it play out.
It was a female small, so that didn't work out.
Probably wouldn't even cover like one of your arms.
I might have had to rip it a few times and take it off.
But yeah, it didn't work out.
Eventually solve the problem.
But they're super nice.
They're great.
If you have some games to sell, games to buy, it's a great place to go.
I'm like probably a very, maybe a noticeable percentage of their reason why they're still
in business.
Could be.
I try to buy everything I can from them if it's possible.
And I try to send everyone I know to them if possible.
Because I would rather...
I wonder if you can buy the new Need for Speed for PC from them.
No, they don't do PC stuff.
I think if you request beforehand, they can get one for you.
They're actually the ones who told me, because I have the 2DS that you got me.
And then I played on your new Nintendo 3DS.
That's what it is, right?
I'm using it.
I think that is literally what it's called.
The new Nintendo 3DS.
I'm still blown away.
So I wanted to go buy one.
And they had the Pokemon version.
So I actually called Willow.
They were the ones who informed me that it's not the actual XL.
They saved me a bunch of...
Because I referred to it as, oh, do you have the new Nintendo Pokemon 3DS XL?
They said, we actually do, but it's not an XL.
And told me all about it and the issues with it.
So they saved me a bunch of money because I actually almost ordered off Amazon, just
assuming it was the full go because it was the same price.
When a company is willing to tell you the bad things about something to save you money
because you specifically asked for something improperly or whatever, like what just happened.
That's awesome.
Yes, absolutely.
I would very much expect another store to just be like, sure man, here's your $300 something
dollar device.
Yeah, exactly.
And someone like me and you, I just don't want to speak for you, but I guarantee you,
that means you're going to get future business.
Instead of losing that initial sale, which might suck for the moment, you just guaranteed
sales down the road.
I'm totally that type of person.
For example, see, I don't know who your sponsor is, okay, so I had terrible customer service
from that video card company, which I don't want to hate on because they are a good company,
but I'm probably not going to go back to them.
Just purely off the customer service that I was received when I had to send in my 660
TI and get it fixed, I actually ended up getting a brand new one, which was nice, but it was
a nightmare of a process that guaranteed a lack of future business.
And myself, am I going to hurt their bottom line?
Absolutely not.
Well, I got a story.
Got a boat with your wallet.
A story I've been saying forever, and the stream's more or less over now, but a story
I've been saying forever.
Should we turn it into the after party?
This thing, and whoop.
Sorry guys, I get them off topic all over the place.
It's very similar to what happens when we hang out, it's just kind of a slightly more
professional version of it.
That's pretty much it.
That's kind of the whole idea of what created the WAN show to start with, was it was just
what happened with Linus and I hung out.
I really did like the original ones in the garage.
WAN show!
I mean, linda.com!
Oh, my business!
Fix all the things.
Cool, all of the games.
And the CPUs.
And the GPUs.
Cool, all of the games, and the CPUs, and the GPUs.