
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

We're live.
Welcome to the Wan Show, ladies and gentlemen, the show that didn't start on time because
I was busy starting my other thing late.
But I'm also quite impressed at how not late it is.
I was expecting starting at like 5.45.
I went upstairs and started to work.
I was like, all right, let's settle in for the winter.
But video sounded good, stream sounded good.
Yeah, no, I thought it was a good stream.
So we were, so Asus made an overclocked, well, not overclocked, but it has like a bin version
of the Snapdragon 855 phone.
And check this thing out.
This is like a phone, a thick boy phone for thick boys.
Yeah, that's like, that takes a bit to reach to the top.
It's a thousand milliamp hour battery.
Check out the smoothness of the screen though.
It's heavy.
Oh, it's nice.
I noticed that right away.
What refresh rate do you think it's running?
Oh boy.
He doesn't follow this stuff, so I can actually like quiz him on things.
120 OLED.
I genuinely didn't know at all, just because yeah, I don't follow it.
It's pretty like, oh man, look at that, the low persistence too.
That is really nice.
Ah, so cool.
I just have a hard time getting excited about phones.
Speaking of things to be excited about, I'm kind of back into VR.
Okay, sorry, hold on.
We'll talk about that later.
First, I should probably go through what our topics are for today.
So I'm going to talk about being back into VR.
Apple's autonomous car was spotted, a lot of speculation as to what exactly is going
on with the sensor arrays and all that kind of cool stuff on it.
There's a couple of folding phones launching in September.
Apple and Google are going to potentially hand over gun scope app user data, including
like IP address and full names and lots of other stuff.
And you can pay with your whole hand at Whole Foods.
See what I did there?
Your whole, get it?
Because it takes the, it's not just a fingerprint.
It's like the whole thing.
Agent 3105 says, I just realized I haven't seen Luke on the main YouTube channel in a
All right, agent.
I think you better find a new career.
Is that like a slowpoke meme?
Is that slowpoke meme worthy?
Because agent, uh, it's been like three years.
I think agent is probably the wrong path.
No investigation in your future.
With that said, actually, uh, Oh man, see, I've got so much stuff to talk about this
That isn't like the thing.
Well, okay.
We'll talk about it later.
Let's get through this Apple thing because that's in the title topic, title topic, give
the people what they want.
I'm not eating today.
Wait, is savage jerky sponsor today?
People not like that or something?
They get mad when I eat on stream because some people, apparently it's like something,
something phonia like they like, it actually causes them physical pain to hear other people
I'm just glad they never had to sit at a, well, cause this mic picks up everything.
I'm just glad they never had to sit at a breakfast table with my dad because I should clarify
my stepdad so that you know, so the way that that man eats cereal.
It's disgusting.
Like it's, it's unwatchable.
It's unlisten to a bowl.
He's like, he's wanting, he actually can't close his mouth to chew because he needs it
open to shovel.
Oh God, you probably just, you probably just did it.
It's basically a food mashing machine that just kind of as far, I don't even know if
he swallows.
Like I think it just drizzles the cereal, the cereal scum back, back down his throat
and then processes it in his innards.
Nick walks up, scratches his head and just leaves.
It's a, it's a bad time.
Um, anyway, so I'm trying, I'm going to try not to eat.
Honestly guys, I was just really hungry last week.
I'm so sorry.
I didn't have time to eat.
I actually didn't have time to eat today cause Fridays have been stupid over the last little
Um, but uh, yeah, I will try and do better.
So Apple's autonomous car spotted.
The original article here is from nine to five and mac.com and this is a pretty interesting
car because there is a possibility based on, you know, the pixels or whatever, um, that
we are looking at an all camera setup with no LIDAR whatsoever.
So for those not familiar with the term LIDAR is a technology that uses lasers to create
what is essentially like a, uh, a point map of the entire environment around the vehicle
that tells it really everything about the 3d space around it and can even allow in Google's
Um, the reading of things like, um, cyclists hand signals.
Um, I forget whether it was Google or someone else's LIDAR tech, but they were able to tell
the actual orientation of people standing on the side of the street.
So not like which way they swing, but more which way their body is likely to drift because
you can tell which way they're facing.
That's probably a lot easier to do.
But that said, I think with some people it's fairly obvious.
That's fair.
Cause they like want you to know.
You know, but the accuracy percentage still wouldn't be that high.
And well, I mean there was that friend that I had in high school that was, uh, basically
I didn't realize I had been invited out to a date.
I thought we were just like hanging out and going to a movie and then his mom was there
and I was like, Oh, okay.
That makes more sense now.
And um, afterward I like how the realization is just, Oh, okay.
Well that was fine.
Like we were still friends after and stuff.
Like it doesn't matter.
It's just like, uh, afterward, um, we had this conversation, like this is like months
later, um, that went something along the lines of like, like, sorry, I'm, I'm, I'm like not,
um, and he was like, well, when you're ready to admit it to yourself, let me know.
That's, that's like, what does that even mean?
I don't know.
That's a little agro.
That's like, like he's attacking you in a, but like not even, he's attacking you in a,
like you don't know yourself.
I think it's not that you don't know yourself.
I think it's like, you know, at that cause remember we're like, I don't know, 17 is 16
or whatever.
It's probably not even, no, probably not 17 cause like neither of us would have had our
His mom came with him when he was 17?
It wouldn't have been that old.
That's pretty cute.
It was supposed to be like middle school.
Just don't worry about it.
We needed to be driven.
We needed to be driven.
But then I realized that she was there not just as a driver, but more as chaperone.
That was it.
That was the difference.
Um, so, so anyway, you know, like at that age, a lot of people, you know, aren't ready
to admit to themselves like they, yeah, they're, they're, they're sort of, they're locked
into sort of, well, this is how it's supposed to be and therefore I must probably fit this
mold like that was, I don't know, maybe, maybe in 2019 this is all sounding very quaint,
but back in 2002, that was a thing, you know, that was a thing here and I'm trying a lot
of places.
It's still very much like that, but I don't know that it's necessarily, um, quite as big
of an issue here anyway these days.
Yeah, I don't think so.
Um, so yeah, anyway, I don't remember how I got, I have no right.
Detecting orientation.
So let's, why don't we consult the notes so that we maybe stay out someone on topic here.
So Apple has actually had self driving car prototypes on the road before.
Now we're not talking Apple cars like Apple didn't actually build the drive train, but
project Titan modified cars exactly where they are, where they're clearly very interested
in the technology.
I mean, this isn't their first foray into, into transportation.
Um, you know, Apple maps as, as bad as it was when it first launched has come a long
They're clearly committed to helping people get around being one of the most important
things that our mobile devices can do.
And as far as I can tell, Apple transitioned from being a computer company, Apple Computer
Inc to being an Apple iPhone accessory company.
So if the latest iPhone accessory happens to be a car that you plug it into, I think
that Apple can, Apple can get on board with that.
The iPhone is the, is the beating heart of that company right now.
So um, anyway, the new setup has no obvious LIDAR devices, could be an all camera set
They recently poached Tesla engineering VP Steve McManus and increased the size of the
test team.
So, um, it seems they are still actively pursuing the project in one form or another, although
they did fire 200 employees assigned to project Titan back in January, so who really knows
what's going on over at Apple until they tell us because they have some pretty good non-disclosure
agreements as far as I can tell.
With that said, I have never had the privilege of reading one because Apple still doesn't
reply to my messages.
Oh, this is, this is great.
Let me see if I, I don't know if I have, uh, I don't know if I have the software that I
would need to pull this up.
I don't have that installed on this computer.
You know what?
I'm going to pull a, um, a faux pas ever since we leaked a bunch of financial data.
I was just going to say it might not be the best software to use at all.
Worry about it.
While screen sharing.
Yeah, yeah.
No, no.
I got back to your personal laptop.
No, you're going to use it anyways.
No, I got this.
Um, everything's fine.
So I actually want to share with you, um, my chat log with Apple support when I reached
out complaining that they actually don't have a press contact email on their website anymore.
Uh, there's just, you can view the newsroom, which is just articles that Apple publishes
about itself.
Um, but that's it there.
There's no actual, Hey, I'm a member of the media and I would like to speak to a human
being at Apple iPhone accessory, Inc.
Um, and, uh, cause you call them Apple iPhone accessory.
Well, I had never done that before today, so that's obviously, um, nonsense.
Maybe it's cause you spent seven years talking trash about them.
I have not spent seven years talking trash about them.
I gave the iPhone success my phone of the year award.
It was a great phone and then they ruined it.
Um, well, no, I'm just being honest.
I'm allowed to have an opinion.
So anyway, um, so I reached out to their live chat because shrink that please.
I don't even know what's on there.
Just there we go.
So are we good?
Oh, I need a dongle because you know, I'm, I'm switching.
I'm not going to keep using the blade stealth 20 whatever year this came out.
I don't care.
It doesn't matter.
Um, so it doesn't have an eight of HDMI, which I didn't consider while I was doing that video.
And more importantly, I didn't notice the short shift.
It has an arrow key where the shift is, which is basically the worst sin because I am constantly
hitting both of them at the same time while I am typing, which causes me to go up with
shift, which highlights everything, which I then overwrite also my track pad seems to
be defective.
Well, that's not surprising.
So I'm, I'm done, I'm done with this.
Um, I think, uh, Dell actually sponsored a video, but they have a really interesting
looking laptop in the mail to me right now.
What was the failure rate of our internal blades?
I don't know.
Something like that.
Not the point.
Not solid.
Oh, um, one moment please.
Then it doesn't work.
Well, give it a, give it a, give it a sec.
Give it a sec.
So we're, we're in a remote, we're in a remote desktop connection Malaysian mode right now
Um, yeah.
Why is that not working?
That shouldn't matter.
That shouldn't matter at all.
Hold on.
Let's just try that again.
Did it?
We can't hear it.
So it's just emulated the sound.
It didn't actually would have been great though.
Well, you know, I do.
I do aim to please.
Um, so, so Starcraft two has these packs that you can get that are like different people's
voices and stuff.
So like you can have like a commentator cast your game for you or like someone else.
I would actually run with like a Linus pack in windows.
So like whenever you unplug and plug things,
I'm going to restart your computer for totally no reason, huh?
I would be much nicer about it.
It's working now.
I couldn't care for you.
Yeah, yeah.
I got this.
I got this.
Blue screen is just accompanied by a laugh track.
I wanted to go to the September 10th iPhone event because I'm going to have to cover it
So I might as well just watch it from the audience instead of here in the comfort of
my own home because I hate myself.
So I reached out to them and I had to, I just had to reach out to like genius support for
like the iPhone.
I was like, I don't know.
My iPhone won't update or something.
So I, um, right.
Cause you have to give them a reason.
You have to give them a reason and the reason can't be, I just want to talk to a human being
at Apple.
That is not the reason that you're, that you may not provide that, that reason.
So hold on a second.
I'm just going to actually blank this out.
I think this has leaked like a hundred times anyway.
Oh wait.
That's really guessable.
That's really guessable.
Uh, sure.
You know what?
Why don't we just take all the fun out of it?
There you go.
Um, confirm your Apple ID, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Are you allowed to share private communications?
They recorded it and in Canada, uh, it's single party consent.
So yes, I may, right.
But they consented to it and so did I, because they said they are recording it, but I don't
think they consented to you recording.
I don't, I don't care.
Um, all right.
So I mean if they reach out, that would probably be a good, yeah, maybe we could start a conversation,
All right.
So anyway, so, so you've got to be kidding me.
This is great.
Oh my goodness.
Well, I'm glad you're having fun.
OBS is broken.
Use the, here, try the stream deck.
Why is that?
So then yeah, it's just, it's just dead.
It's just actually broken, like legit broken.
Maybe that's, what about your screen?
Hey, yours is working.
Uh, so I'm the only one who's not working.
You are taking the ROG phone from me, sir.
I will have to unlock that for you.
Uh, yes.
It's now unlocked.
Please don't read my emails.
Um, wait, what's going on now?
So do you want to just email that to me?
Holy crap.
This is, I can't switch back.
What's going on?
Oh, it's sitting on the page down key.
Dang it.
Hold on.
Oh, for, um, mine worked.
Do you want to just email it to me?
We can, we can.
No, I got this.
All right.
Sounds good.
I can do this.
I am logged into my email.
Why is it like that?
It doesn't matter.
We'll get this.
Um, wait, what?
Officially 20 minutes into the show.
Good enough.
Here we go.
All right.
So the, the, the audio for contacting Apple support with the audio, what the audio version
of this podcast will be fantastic.
Thanks for contacting Apple support.
My name is whatever my name is.
How can I help you?
Hey, lines.
How's it going today?
Oh, wait.
Is that them too?
Oh, it was great.
I'm in the media and wanted to know how does one go about getting an invite to the September
I linked my YouTube channel just to ensure we're on the same page.
You would like to receive an invitation to go to the event in September.
However, you're not sure what the process is and would like to find out.
That's pretty much what I said.
Thank you.
There's no obvious media contact on the site.
So I ended up coming through here.
I'd be more than happy to assist you to see how best we can work together in hopes of
guiding you on a path to resolution where this issue you're having is concerned.
What even is that sentence?
That's amazing.
Is it okay if you're talking to a knight?
I know, right?
Is it okay if I ask a few questions?
Please confirm your Apple ID.
I just clarified that I have no idea what Apple ID, the phone that I used, because I
had to provide a serial number for a phone in order to talk to Apple.
So I just grabbed one from my desk.
It's not in my daily driver phone.
I don't even think anything's logged into it.
That's okay.
Is it okay if I place you on hold while I consult with my resources to provide you with
this information?
So about 10 minutes on hold.
It's not totally unreasonable.
I'm back.
I have consulted with my resources.
So you asked someone.
Here's a link with the details to attend the function.
Here's a big Apple logo.
Don't worry about that.
Developer.apple.com slash WWDC 19, which not only is not Apple's September event.
So it does have the policy for how you attend because you can pay to attend to WWDC, but
it's WWDC, not the September launch event.
Completely different event.
Good call.
I go, okay, that's WWDC.
Is that the wrong link?
Also I am press.
I am not a developer.
Regarding the invite, the seats are reserved for the press by invite only.
That is the point of this conversation.
I am the press.
I need a contacted Apple.
I don't want to be pushy, but it shouldn't be complicated for me to get a media contact.
We have more views on our Mac pronouns in video than you do.
Apple would be the one to reach out to members of the press with an invite as the function
would be for selected members only.
Well, it would be hard for them to do that if they don't have my contact information
and I don't have a press relations contact there.
Tell you what, I got to run to a meeting.
Oh, bloody hell.
That's my email.
It's fine.
It's leaked a thousand times.
Are we all set from here?
Oh yeah, this is great.
If they want to get in touch, here's my email.
They go, is, are we all set from here?
I just want to know that you're comfortable with the steps I provided.
What steps?
I wasn't given any steps.
I need a media contact.
And that was in fact the end of that interaction.
She did arrange to have a supervisor call me after.
And they informed me, actually, I don't even remember how that conversation ended, but
basically no, there was not in fact anything that they could or would do about it.
They said, oh right, I do remember how it ended.
It kind of went around in circles like that.
And then I said, tell you what, oh, I got an email, right.
I emailed the email.
So they said they would, they would see if anyone said cool.
And then they gave me an email that I could contact.
And then I emailed that email and I never heard back.
I do remember now.
I'm hopefully not misrepresenting that's how the way in which I was ignored.
That's a beautiful story.
I thought that was a pretty, I thought that was a pretty heartwarming story too.
This bothers me.
Oh, the fact that this is like a hard edge.
And it's brushed.
It's brushed plastic.
I realize it's, I realize it's plastic.
So it's not going to stain at least.
Um, anyway, so I'm not going to the September event.
I'm not going to the September event.
I don't remember how I got on that subject.
We were talking about Apple autonomous vehicles.
It doesn't matter.
You know what?
Nick's been waiting very patiently.
What can I do for you, Nick?
Um, it's actually nothing to do with the show and I just need to ask you something off camera.
Oh, uh, okay.
This is aggressively sensitive, just like, yeah, I've noticed it pick up trucks outside.
Be very careful.
I don't know what to talk about while they're gone because I don't know how long they're
going to be gone, but probably the next thing we're going to talk about is that there are
two folding phones coming in September.
Uh, that's probably going to be the next topic.
The fold launched in Korea today, but I believe the, they're launching in September thing
is more talking about the North American market or else we would have said that it came out
Always confirmed the launch date for its next flagship phone line.
The mate 30 series will be unveiled in Munich, Germany on September 19th.
So we'll figure that out soon.
Maybe it won't be September, but we'll, we'll figure it out soon.
Oftentimes these events have been like, and it's coming now or something.
So it'll, it'll probably be fairly soon.
Everything is finally ready to unveil their refined galaxy fold after an embarrassing
initial rollout earlier this year that was played with multiple damage review units.
They said in July that the fold would be available in September.
So theoretically that's now ish, which would be cool.
Is everything all good?
Uh, yeah, cool.
We're talking about two folding phones launching in September.
Um, yeah, both of which were supposed to launch ages ago.
Um, yeah.
So who knows if they'll even launch now?
Well, the full launch in Korea already, but then it might unwatch like the curious thing
about all of this is that I haven't seen like they were treating the fold as this global
launch event and press all over the world had review units ahead of time so that there
would be coverage so that people would get hyped about it so that they would, um, which
was so suicidal, so that they would be incentivized to go and buy it on launch day almost known
how volatile they were.
And now they've just, no, I think they just didn't, well, I think the people making the
decision just didn't accept it.
We've seen that a few times.
We've seen that before.
So this time it seems like they're doing a quiet launch and it is pretty common for,
um, not just Samsung, I'm trying to think like other Korean companies have done this
before too, to just quietly launch something in Korea where I don't know, I guess their,
their customers are a little more forgiving if something sucks or the volumes are lower
so they can, they can control the damage if home turf is definitely a disaster.
So it seems like they've just done a quiet launch in Korea.
Did you already cover the updates to this one?
Uh, no, that's where I am.
Okay, cool.
So they did a quiet launch in Korea and, um, it seems like they've made a few changes.
So caps were added to the top and bottom edges of the hinge to seal off the gaps that previously
might've allowed dust into the mechanism.
The layer that people mistook for a screen protector and peeled off now extends beyond
the edges of the screen and tucks under the bezel so there aren't any bits exposed and
they added layers of metal under the display to strengthen its protection and hopefully
make it so you won't be able to feel the machinery beneath the screen when you poke at it.
With the updates, the fold also locks into place more rigidly than before and it's almost
completely 180 degrees flat when it's open.
The stronger lock also makes the device less floppy when you're holding the open phone
with one hand.
I love that they said that because this whole time I've been hoping that a derogatory term
for these phones ends up being floppy phones.
Floppy phones.
Because it's just great.
Flop phone.
That's not bad.
A flop phone.
Flip phone?
Flop phone?
Flip flop.
I like it.
Samsung also managed to reduce the gap between the fold's hinge and body so it isn't as thick
when it's closed as it was before.
No word on when the rollout will be expanded to the US and internationally.
Um, now we should go through our sponsor bits and then what were those topics that I wanted
to talk about?
I want to talk about how I'm like into VR again and then there was another thing.
I know the VR thing.
What was the other one?
Ah, maybe someone, maybe someone in chat remembers.
Oh, uh, we're doing a video soon.
Oh yeah.
So we'll talk about that after we go through our sponsors.
Uh, the show today is brought to you by Backblaze.
Backblaze is an unlimited cloud backup for Macs and PCs for just six bucks a month.
They've restored over 35 billion files in the years they've been operating and that
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Because when you don't back up, you can potentially have a very, very bad time.
We're not yet, but we've been considering potentially, maybe possibly working with backblaze
as fully.
Oh really?
Oh, that's pretty cool.
It's just been considered.
That'd be great.
It's been tabled.
I haven't like gone anywhere, but I found it interesting that they're a sponsor.
Fresh books.
Fresh books is the super simple to use invoicing tool for freelancers and small business owners
or anyone who needs to send super simple invoices.
Um, it does more than just helping you create invoices though.
It helps you track your time with their time sheet function, manage your expenses, keep
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For example, like it'll tell you when a client opens your invoice for the first time.
Their mobile app has all the functionality of their desktop version and you can call
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If you're having trouble, visit fresh books.com forward slash when and enter when show and
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It's also brought to you by pulse way.
Pulseway is the real time remote monitoring and management software that helps you fix
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Try it for free at pulseway.com or through our link in the video description.
In the defense of the writing of that, I think if someone's going to use pulseway, they can
probably assume what remote desktop functionality could benefit them.
I got a super chat here that I actually want to talk about.
This is a quintuplet back at CES.
You were super hyped about high senses, double LCD, you led technology.
Will you ever review one of their TVs?
I don't know how much I can say because I signed an NDA, but I am still, I feel exactly
the same way about you led technology as I did and when and if high sense were to ever
release any kind of product based around that technological concept, I would be super amped
to check it out, especially if they had some like really good ideas for how they could
make it better.
Next topic.
Let's move on.
I'm pulling Google to hand over guns.
No, I want to talk about VR.
We did.
We did the title topic.
I don't care.
We did the title topic.
So like it's cool again.
It's kind of cool again.
Um, I'm getting back into it too.
I think taking a break was the right idea.
And then now I'm genuinely re excited about things because a bunch of really interesting
stuff has happened.
So index is a legit second gen experience.
Vive pro was not, I was really upset about Vive pro because it was like everything I
didn't ask for and nothing that I did ask.
One thing I asked for.
The, the screen resolution was better.
The Vive pro by, by HTC's own admission was Vive, but professional.
It was not Vive too.
And I wanted an upgrade.
Like when did the HTC Vive come out?
Let's just check this.
Uh, 2014 HTC Vive release date.
Like it was a long frigging time ago.
I don't think it was 2014 it was like 2016, 2016.
Why is my interwebs taking so long?
Oh yeah, no.
Dang it.
I'm going to re-guess at 2015.
You don't just get to re-guess.
I was thinking of.
Besides you're going to be right if I went over anyway.
Cause price is right rules.
Oh, apparently.
All right.
That's fine.
I can.
Oh wait.
Are we still, we are still transmitting from the desktop.
I don't know how that works.
Maybe the wifi went down again.
That's fine.
I'm on my mobile data.
It's fine.
I got this.
HCC Vive release date.
Um, Oh man.
You're right.
Heck yeah.
I'm awesome.
I thought it was so long ago, but I'm thinking, I think crystal Cove.
Dev kits went out in August and September of 2015.
Um, but like that's still a long time ago.
That's like three years ago.
When VR Pro came out, like I was, I was expecting VR to be like this rapidly iterating technology
because around that time that was in the midst of the mobile display pixel density race.
Like that was when, you know, Sony was shipping a 4k phone and I was like, screens are going
to get super dense and OLED technology.
It's going to be super low persistence and like, it's going to be, it's going to be flipping
And then it just stopped in 2017.
I guessed five years for what?
For VR to like really be popping.
Yeah, I could see that.
Uh, they, they crossed the 1% threshold for install base in the steam hardware survey.
Not bad.
Heck yeah.
Uh, yeah.
Working on it.
But more importantly, some of the technologies that I did not have a lot of faith in are
starting to show promise.
So have you tried the Oculus quest?
No, but I've read a lot about it.
I haven't tried it myself and I've talked to a guy that uses it basically all the time.
It's only 72 Hertz or whatever.
Do you know the picture of the guy and his son standing by their Tesla at a Tesla charging
station and they're both playing the quest?
It went trending not that long ago.
No, I didn't see that.
Oh, I like hung out with him for a while.
He's actually really cool.
He actually lives locally, but yeah, anyways.
So the quest, it's only 72 Hertz.
It's running on like snap dragon eight 35 or whatever.
Like it's not even, is it eight 35 oculus quest snap dragon?
Is it eight 45?
It's not eight 55.
That's for sure.
Oh, no, eight 35, yeah, eight 35 ancient technology and mobile, but depending on the type of game,
not everything is a great experience, but depending on the type of game, it is shockingly
good and not having the weight of the, and the inconvenience of the tether tether.
Like it is so much better than the mobile based VR experiences that I had had in the
It's just garbage that I was blown away.
Like the tracking is so good.
And after my experience with, I'm saying a lot of the things that I'm going to repeat
in my upcoming review of the rift S as well as the upcoming video on flow plane.
I'm sorry.
I think it's on flow plane.
I have not actually shot, but I have fully written, I finished writing it last night.
So yeah, there's, there's a plug for flow plane.
If you subscribe on flow plane, it's like week ish, early access and occasional exclusive
We're not trying to oversell it.
It's a way to support minus tech tips.
The meet the team videos are pretty cool.
So the tracking on it, the, the, the, the, the, the freedom of being able to like wander
around in a gigantic play space compared to what I'm used to.
Because I mean, theoretically on my index, yeah, I could have like a 15 by 15 play space
or whatever the stupid like maximum size is ridiculous with what tether like powered active
display port repeaters, every five meter, like what it's not even like, it's not even
a real conversation.
You know what I mean?
Because wireless isn't feasible for it yet.
It's not even a refresh rate or just too high, it's too much bandwidth until we get another
revision of 60, 60 gigahertz wifi.
So it was just kind of surreal and playing something like beat saber, which I always
come back to because it's casual enough that it runs on mobile hardware, but it's hardcore
enough in that it is like a genuinely skill requiring solo competitive and it's very sensitive
to errors in tracking for the controllers or for latency issues.
It's great.
It's great for certain experiences.
That's cool.
And after my experience with windows mixed reality, right, that's where I was going with
I had no faith in inside out tracking.
I thought it was dead on arrival.
I was like, they will not fix the occlusion issues.
They will not fix the drift.
We're done here.
I was very pessimistic.
I wasn't.
Well then you were smarter than me.
Good for you.
I'm just, I didn't, I haven't heard you say that before.
That's why I'm surprised.
I thought outside in was always going to be the premium experience.
It is though still, but rift S have you tried it?
Uh, okay.
Still no, but there was one at packs that my brother tried and there was clear and obvious
issues with it.
But was that at packs?
No, it was because of the headset because there are areas where it doesn't track well.
You should come over and try it.
Or just take it home.
It's in my office.
It has to come back on Monday cause I'm shooting that video online.
There's like no room in my house.
There's like no point.
Well the thing about the rift S though is that it doesn't need room.
You just put it on.
I can, I mean, I can test the, if I, I wonder if I could get them to send me the build of
the game, but there's, there was a football game.
And the idea was it was sevens football, so it's passing only and all this kind of stuff.
I don't remember the name of it.
I'm sorry if you're watching this.
But they were at packs, they're releasing the game relatively soon I think.
But so you're the quarterback.
You have to throw the ball.
And the only way they're able to run it is cause you go here and you couldn't throw it.
So the whole time I was like, why did you guys bring this headset?
Like what?
This is so dumb.
Cause you watch everyone play this football game and they're like, yeah, it tracks properly
if you throw the ball properly.
We have it modded right now so you can go beep.
And I'm like, that's so dumb.
There are games that have issues.
I will give you that.
None of the things I play regularly require me to put my hand behind my head.
The only thing I'm saying is you said, okay, I thought, uh, the, the other version of tracking
would always be better.
I'm like, well, yeah, I think that's probably solvable because, because the thing too is
that the Rift S and the Quest get a lot of their location data from the accelerometer
and gyroscope in the controller.
I don't think it's unsolvable.
So it's, it's solvable.
And then what it's doing is it's using the constellation map, uh, from the headset to
the controllers.
To correct.
So as long as you are only occluded for a short period of time, theoretically it should
be fine.
And in my experience using it in my living room, it was very good.
I did get some glitchiness like when I'd first put it on, um, but then it would kind of settle
in and I couldn't, I couldn't tell.
In fact, hollow ball is a game that I have kind of used as my benchmark for, um, controller
tracking because I, as a badminton player, I tend to, I tend to flick my wrist rather
than swing my arm when I'm trying to hit a ball.
Um, and that game is obviously designed around a tennis swing and arm swing because otherwise
it is utterly hopeless at tracking where your hand is.
It's too fast.
Like I can swing right through the ball.
I can watch the paddle go through, like it just doesn't work.
Um, and what I found was on the rift S I was way more likely to hit the ball like worlds
more likely and Oculus claims or I should say Facebook at this point, their last founding
member was out as of I think like a couple of weeks ago.
Oh really?
Uh, so Facebook claims that they're updating their location with one millisecond granularity.
Now it's not a perfect update because you can see the racket go through the ball.
I'm suspecting this is a collision issue and not a tracking issue.
Could be if you see the racket go through the ball.
I should clarify.
I see where the racket is.
I see that I followed through and I see that the ball went through where I was going.
So no, it's not like I see the models.
Um, but so on there, so anyway, so it's every, it's 30 times a second with the camera.
So that's where it's checking for drift.
And then it's apparently I have no way of validating it, but apparently millisecond
granularity from the gyroscope and accelerometer controller.
And I did find that it was better.
That's cool.
But they dropped it to 80 Hertz.
And like I, you were there the second I put the index on, Holy crap.
It's so, it's so much better intensely noticeable.
The resolution, the refresh rate, everything.
It's amazing.
Even the, the like safe zones, I have a really hard problem with headsets where if they're
not tilted and not tilted to the exact specification and exactly far enough away, then they look
like they look terrible to me.
It's probably cause my eyes suck, but whatever.
And then the index, it didn't really matter.
I threw it on and while it was coming on, I was like, everything's perfect.
And then I sit it down.
I'm like, everything's still perfect, but it's a thousand dollars.
It's a thousand.
Anyway, all of this is why I'm really excited about what's happening right now because we
finally have a real upgrade at the high end index and a good, solid solution that isn't
Because I've always kind of detested, I remember I made a big part in a video about this a
long time ago about how I was kind of annoyed with all these different phone companies and
stuff advertising mobile VR.
So I was like, now everyone's going to think this is what VR is.
And that was really frustrating.
Right, hopefully we're leaving that era where VR is just good.
Hey, someone pointed out in the super chats that the Apple media helpline is apparently
listed on apple.com slash leadership, which has all their executives and their board of
That's just help.
That's not...
It is indeed there.
Like it's a generic thing.
But I believe that is actually the email address that I was eventually provided.
So thank you.
That is legitimately quite helpful.
I appreciate it.
Thank you for the super chat.
There's a phone number.
Unfortunately I doubt, I mean I will call it.
I'll call it.
Oh yeah, yeah.
I'll see.
You should call it now.
Should I?
I think that would be great.
I think that would be awesome.
All right.
They're probably closed, but like, why not?
I don't know.
I don't know.
I mean...
Give it a shot.
I think it's like $47 billion in the bank.
Actually I think it's a lot more than that.
I think that's Facebook that has about $45 billion in the bank right now.
I don't remember how much Apple has.
Sure they can afford to pay someone to answer important media inquiries late at night.
$285.1 billion.
All right.
So I'm not going to put them on speaker until I get consent here.
Do you want to cover the next news topic?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
We can do an Apple topic.
Apple and Google to hand over gun scope app user data.
So this gun scopes, they could like, I believe they could be remotely viewed so you could
like see through the gun scope on your phone or something like that.
And they have some other kind of neat information.
The information that they're potentially passing forward, the US government has ordered them
to hand over hand over names, phone numbers, and IP addresses of at least 10,000 users
of a single gun scope app made by night vision specialists, American technologies network
I'm assuming they weren't there.
It's just a voicemail where you leave your email address, your message, your name, and
your media outlet number, which I clearly don't have, and they will get back to you.
Ultimately, you can email media.help at apple.com.
So basically it's effectively emailing them.
The, the app specifically allowed them to get a live stream of the scope, take video,
like so record the scope, I guess, and calibrate their scope from an Android or iPhone device.
It's been downloaded more than 10,000 times on Android.
Apple doesn't provide the numbers ice or immigration and customs enforcement is seeking information
as part of a broad investigation into possible breaches of weapons export regulations.
So I think the idea is they're trying to figure out where these things are getting registered
so they can figure out if they're getting sold somewhere that they shouldn't be being
If that makes sense.
I believe that is the, that is the goal.
If Apple and Google decide to hand over the information, it could include data on thousands
of people who have nothing to do with the crimes being investigated.
Which could, it says in here, set a dangerous precedent.
Yeah, that's pretty interesting.
Unless there's like some form of, I don't know, this is getting into weird law stuff,
but they should, I guess, tell you, maybe you have to, I don't know.
That's really weird.
I have no idea.
I don't know how American laws work.
I'm not going to say anything.
So there are reports online that have claimed that ATN scopes were being used by the Taliban,
which would obviously be a bit of a problem.
But how could you prove, cause couldn't someone just buy it in America and just ship it somewhere?
It's a scope.
Is it illegal to ship that somewhere?
I have no idea.
Well, there's lots of things that are illegal to ship to, like it's actually in the end
user license agreement that you can't, okay, so for example, we have a thermal camera that
we had to sign a very long and detailed document saying that it will be in our possession only.
And if it is ever not in our possession, we need to return it.
And that we will not use it in any way to aid, help a vet or whatever terrorist activity
or any of these industries or whatever else like there is equipment that is tightly regulated
like that.
And I could see something like weapons scope be part of it being the kind of thing that
comes with a user agreement that says I will not give it to a terrorist to shoot people.
If something is being used somewhere, it's hard to say that the company that sells it
is at fault.
Like wasn't ISIS driving a whole fleet of Toyota trucks?
I don't remember.
Like, is that Toyota's fault?
I don't think so.
I don't know.
It depends.
If Toyota sent a sales rep over there, he'd be like, hey, want a deal?
Want a bunch of trucks?
I don't know.
This is way beyond me, but I think it's a little funky to be like, hey, some people
are using it.
That means you did illegal things.
Oh, well.
Paying with your hand?
Paying with your hand at Whole Foods.
They're testing a payment system codenamed Orville that scans, I mean, isn't that just
spookily close to Orwell?
Is that where you live with it?
That was a bad idea.
I did too.
It scans human hands to write up their purchases.
They're reportedly using their New York employees as guinea pigs by installing the system on
a handful of, that's a joke, handful, of vending machines selling chips, sodas, and phone chargers
in their offices.
Unlike most biometric systems that require you to touch the surface of a scanner, Amazon's
take on the technology doesn't need you to physically touch anything.
They use computer vision and depth geometry to identify the size and shape of your hand
before charging the credit card you have on file.
Furthermore, you don't even need to have your phone with you when you shop.
So this could make shopping at Whole Foods even more seamless than at Amazon Go stores.
You need to be a prime member for hand-based payments to work.
It's possible they decided to give customers the option to pay with their hands instead
of their face because it would feel less like a mug shot.
And now they can recommend you the perfect size gloves, possibly even figure out basic
nutritional and health data so they can recommend you different drugs and nutritional supplements.
And what kind of condoms you need.
Not that it's proportional.
Amazon is reportedly hoping to roll the technology out to a handful of Whole Foods stores by
the beginning of next year with no specific locations in mind.
And they're refining it so they can bump the accuracy up from within one ten thousandth
of an inch or sorry, one ten thousandth of one percent to a millionth of one percent
before launch.
That is incredible.
That's pretty nuts.
All right, then.
That's pretty much it for the WAN Show.
Appreciate you guys tuning in.
We'll see you again next week.
Same bat time, same bat channel.
Oh, wait, not super chat.
Can James do another laptop replacement style video of the Samsung Tab S6 like he did for
the iPad Pro?
Did James do that?
I thought Riley wrote our iPad Pro video either way.
We thought about it.
We just really didn't care.
I don't know how to I don't know how to say that more kindly.
Three nine says, what does this button do?
It gives us money.
Ah, DBB Blaine.
I'll give you twenty dollars more to eat an entire bag of jerky on air.
Hold on a second.
Are you going to do it?
Well, only if there's that's a lot of jerky, only if there's flavors I really like.
Oh, there's no jerky on hand.
Oh, wait.
Is there jerky over there?
One moment, please.
They didn't sponsor this show.
I know.
That's fine.
Oh, wow.
There's a lot of jerky here.
If there's maple buffalo bacon, I will eat the whole thing in one handful.
Have you seen the.
Yeah, I'm doing it.
Is that maple?
Oh, yeah.
Oh, I'm so excited.
How many?
How many?
How like what's the nutritional information on an entire bag of jerky?
Here we go.
Per serving side.
Servings per container, too.
So this will be 16 percent of my daily total fat.
That's 10 grams.
Not as bad as I thought.
Three percent of my daily or six percent of my cholesterol, a whopping 70 percent of my
daily sodium intake.
There we go.
10 grams of carbohydrate, including oh, that's 10 grams of sugars and five grams of protein.
That could be a lot worse.
I mean, that's sort of the idea behind Savage Turkey, not that I have to do their talking
points because they didn't sponsor the show today.
But like.
Yeah, that's true.
It's not that bad.
All right.
This is going to be a little messy because this one's kind of like oily.
A broken TV.
Oh, wow.
You're going to do that in one in one shot.
I am not sure if I had completely thought this through, that is a lot of bacon.
A broken TV says, can I do one serving?
There's two servings per bag.
Can I just do half of it?
I think I think there's like a level of challenge or disgusting and you got to figure out where
on that makes the most sense.
He's doing the whole thing.
No, he's doing one serving.
He did two thirds of the package, I would say.
That was a huge amount.
That was the lion's share of the bacon all at once.
I'm so happy right now.
I'm going to keep doing super chats.
A broken TV.
Have you seen the Microsoft musical their interns made?
That sounds interesting.
The usual gaming PC, why are large ATX cases still the standard?
I think in my opinion being able to mess around with things is cool and nice and people don't
want to have to limit themselves and if they have the space for that tower then whatever
because the cases don't really cost much more, the hardware doesn't really cost much more
if anything.
In a lot of cases possibly cheaper because they're more common.
So using your old case is a thing that I suspect quite a few people actually do, especially
having gone to quite a few lands now.
It's like wow, yeah, that's from the early 2000s and it has modern hardware in it, cool.
I'm still planning to review the Chevy Volt.
As for the regular trade-ins and doing car review videos, obviously I didn't get around
to that.
I still want to do it.
You could do a car review every year.
That's not a bad approach.
I spent a year with the Chevy Volt.
These are my thoughts.
I have a lot of thoughts about the Volt.
I have basically written out everything I have to say and then I was putting it off
until the summer because I wanted the weather to be good while we shot and now the summer's
So maybe I'll do it next year.
I have such a great title for the video that it's going to perform super well regardless
of how outdated the Volt and how discontinued it is at that point.
Why did we start uploading complete videos on Facebook?
Facebook turned on monetization for us so we stopped ignoring them.
Video suggestion, make a Skulltrail follow-up with the EVGA SR2.
I would love to do that.
Isn't that kind of old now?
The dual socket board for gamers.
I forget, I thought the SRX was after the SR2 though.
Cody says, I work in Labrador.
We have 24 megabytes in town and one meg in the country.
Oh, megabit, I guess.
No cell service.
Hard to watch your videos at 2 a.m. when no one's online.
Oh, had to.
Had to.
Thank you for the dedication.
In need of a new backpack because mine got stolen.
I'm going to order an LTT backpack because it has everything I need.
We don't have a backpack yet.
Speaking of Linus Tech Tips merch though, we finally have the stealth hoodie back in
Also, RAM shirts.
The hoodie that I'm...
Oh, one moment please.
That's better.
Yeah, the hoodie I'm wearing is finally back in stock.
It's been out of stock for a few weeks now, I think.
Then the RAM shirt has actually been super popular.
Underwear is doing really well.
Actually, the store has been doing awesome.
Nick and Lloyd are doing a great job.
Massive thanks to all of our models who help us make these things look good and appealing
and also our other models.
Well, they're there on the site.
This is such a great picture of Alex.
I love it.
It is actually.
The swacket.
Swacket's out of stock of everything but extra and extra, extra large.
It's freaking ridiculous.
You guys have been giving us an incredible amount of support.
We have new colors of water bottles coming, I think, in the next couple of weeks.
Constellation's still doing really well.
Constellation and CPU are going to be hard to dethrone for me.
You think so?
Yeah, I really like those.
I actually am partial to hard drive.
Hard drive's really good.
Hard drive's really, really good.
I like that for people who aren't into computers, they're like, oh yeah, it's like a record.
I'm like, sure.
Why not?
It's whatever you want it to be, whatever makes you happy.
That's funny.
Apple no answer, Linus.
Karma's a bitch.
Alright, fair enough.
Tommy, again.
Me, again.
My reminder to you that you promised to bring back Channel Super, okay, we're working on
They didn't say when.
It could be like 2030.
I did say when.
Did you?
Yeah, I said like sometime in the next couple of months.
So we booked a shoot date today.
We didn't book it for today but we booked it today for later.
We're both beautiful.
Plantation says read his emails.
Oh, no, he didn't read my emails because he's a good person.
Oh, get wrecked.
Christian says, Luke, I expect my purple Sharpie back next year at LTX 2020.
I think I have it.
Kiumer says something Ninja says, here's my Google opinion rewards money.
Maybe this helps.
What is Google opinion rewards?
I think it's like when you like rate stores and stuff.
You get money for that?
I think you have to sign up for the program and then I think if you do enough of it, you
probably get something.
So that's probably like all he's ever made on it.
That's my assumption.
I really don't know.
And it probably only gives you money within the Google ecosystem.
Jerry says, YouTube bad, float plane good.
Still using my PC, you helped me build in 2015 with a 6600K and 964 gig.
Keep doing what you do.
I would call iCarly.
You guys are friends with her.
It might be your best bet.
I think you mean iJustine.
That's a good one.
I think iCarly is like a Disney channel thing.
I could.
So a little bit of inside baseball for you guys.
It's actually considered and this is like unspoken, but it's considered bad manners
to reach out to other members of the media and ask for hookups unless you have exhausted
all other options.
And as far as I'm concerned, by the time I have reached out to Apple media support and
said, Hey, I'd love to start a conversation.
And they have clearly opted not to follow that up with me.
I have basically, I have got an answer, even if it was an answer that I didn't like.
And so to put someone else like Justine or, you know, Jonathan Morrison or Austin or whoever
into a potentially bad situation, to put one of them in a position where they have to put
their neck on the line for, to ask someone else to put their neck on the line, to overturn
a decision that has clearly already been made.
It's like, it's not unheard of.
It's something I have done, but it's like a pretty, it's a bigger favor than you guys
might necessarily think because there's a finite number of seats at these events.
There's a finite number of review samples and there's a finite amount of time and company
They have to manage all of those things.
And so for every, for every exception that gets made, someone gets kicked out of a seat
off a review sample list or out of getting a reply in the inbox, if that kind of makes
sense to you guys.
So we try to be, we try to be diplomatic about the way that we engage with companies.
If they want to engage with us, that's great.
And if they don't, then as far as we're concerned, you know, I'll reach out once every three
years or so and be like, hey, has the Yahoo who decided they think we're not worth talking
to quit or been fired yet?
Then I guess we'll wait.
That's a good way of putting it.
I like that.
Aerotech says, have you guys ever considered an unread build config guide?
I think you guys could do better than the other guys in YouTube.
No, actually I hadn't thought of doing that lately.
It's just, it's kind of dry.
Trent says school Apple sucks.
I tried to purchase iPads for a school I worked for and couldn't get anyone at Apple to give
me a quote, but this says schools only can buy from Apple.
I don't really understand that message.
Thanks Everett.
Thanks Kyle.
Yes, we're hiring.
Just go to our website.
If you can't figure out where the positions are listed on our website, then you're probably
not the right candidate.
All right.
Milk or fish.
Last question.
Why does LTT store charge in USD instead of CAD?
Because most of our viewers are US and also the USD is worth more.
I think it's more consistent and just people internationally understand it better standard
It's just, it makes a lot more sense.
Everyone knows their own currency in USD because so much, so much of product pricing, be it
games or computer hardware or whatever, it's at least initially based on that is based
on USD and then converted.
Although that's become less true over the last like five to 10 years.
Like it used to be that European pricing was sort of based on USD pricing.
Now it's based on it, but it's just like one to one because I don't know, F anyone who
pays in pounds or the Euro.
Kind of brutal.
All right.
Oh, 32 bytes says you get money to use on the Google play store for taking surveys.
Mostly if you've been to a local store, you get about 10 to 20 cents each.
That's not bad.
That's surprisingly not bad.
I've got a hundred bucks.
If you're playing classic, wow.
Join Fairbanks hoard.
Join the Guild.
Come hang out.
All right.
See you guys.