
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

Oh boy. Hi. Welcome to the WAN Show guys. How are you doing today? It has been a long journey. I hope you're well. But we finally made it. It's a great day today. It's been a very frustrating hour and a half or so. Basically the computer I streamed from right before the WAN Show that some of you may or may not have watched. I mean it's kind of been a while. Everyone who watched that stream is probably in bed by now. Probably.
Yeah, so the computer that I streamed that stream from decided to... it does not... it boots into Windows sometimes. And then when it does it locks up within about 2 minutes.
It's having a bad day.
There you have it. Yes I know the camera is a little green. Yeah. I don't know what to tell you guys about low audio because I just listened to it. So there's that.
But there you have it. We are finally here. We are finally here. And apparently Luke looks terrible.
Damn dude. That's savage. Sorry to hear that Luke. Luke's had kind of a rough spell here you know.
Damn dude. Luke looks different. Luke got fatter.
As for it being so quiet I'm literally listening to the stream right now so it's fine. Alright so guys let's get right into it. We've got not a lot of time here based on the times that it happens to be right now and how little of it is left.
So topics. Pokemon Go is obviously the worldwide poo storm that is taking the world by... It swept the nation and the world. It swept pretty much everything.
Tops daily Twitter users and sees more engagement than Facebook, something that not many apps can boast. And we've got a lot of news around Pokemon Go. It's going to be actually some pretty fun conversation.
The CSGO gambling debacle continues. Valve has issued a statement. So we'll get into that and sort of what that means in a little bit here.
It is customary for the co-host to do two of the call out topics. He's new at this. Don't worry folks.
PC shipments in the US are growing for the first time in quote unquote ages. It's only been a few years but it's still been quite a long time.
And then also Nintendo is releasing a miniature NES with 30 built in games. So that could be cool.
That actually sounds freaking awesome. Let's roll the intro. Go away Colton. Go away. Go away Colton.
At least I'm hoping the intro will roll at some point here.
You should go do the thing so Colton doesn't have to see you. It sure is supposed to. I will. Seriously?
So I am not sure if we are. Oh we are broadcasting a thing. Oh I pulled the network versions. That's why it didn't work.
So the intro will not be occurring today and Nick will jump into our first Pokemon Go topic while I change my shirt.
Does that mean that the sponsor stuff isn't on there? Yes it does. Okay we should probably fix that. Yeah we'll figure that out.
Okay anyway so as Linus alluded to earlier Pokemon Go has topped Twitter daily users and sees more engagement than Facebook currently.
So it's now the biggest mobile game in US history. Approximately 5.92% of the US Android population engages with the app on a daily basis.
Which is insane. So that's the highest percentage of daily users on Android. Sorry the highest percentage of daily users on Android is in Australia.
At about 7.98% of all Android users in the country. Is it even officially launched in Australia? Maybe people in the chat can tell me.
But I don't think it is. I could be wrong though. And then the current peak daily active users is just over 20 million people.
Candy Crush Sagar reached approximately 20 million back in 2013. So remember how big the scope of that was?
It's even bigger than Candy Crush. And then Clash Royale only reached about 6 million at its peak in 2016.
So it's closing in on Snapchat on Android right now which is pretty insane. It's a professional. Yeah look at you huh?
And apparently the Pokemon Go Android application can even pass Google Maps on Android in terms of daily users. Like what?
Yeah so more people are trying to find a map to where to find little monsters than people who are trying to find a map to get to their grandmother's house.
To actually do something productive. Yes. I'm going to move the mic right next to you.
So on Monday the average iPhone user spent 33 minutes in Pokemon Go beating... The average iPhone user? Yeah. In America.
Wow. Yeah. And that beats Facebook which saw about 22 minutes and 8 seconds on average.
I mean to be clear Facebook has probably more staying power than Pokemon Go. Yes. But don't quote me on that.
Maybe Pokemon Go will be the new social media app and it will completely overtake everything ever and replace YouTube and Facebook and Twitter and Snapchat and Instagram all at the same time.
But probably not. So this is very much a hype train at the moment and I don't expect them to be able to sustain these kinds of numbers over the long term like someone like Facebook has managed to do.
But still it's incredibly impressive. I mean when you consider that the average iPhone user spent half an hour in Pokemon Go that means for every old person like me who didn't play it at all.
So this is US statistics remember? Yeah. That's fine. So for every old person like me who didn't play it at all that day someone played for an entire hour.
Like if you look at pretty much anyone who does vlog style content on YouTube right now like they're just walking around being like everyone here is playing Pokemon. Literally.
And I'm sure that it's more prevalent in the really concentrated areas like LA and New York where a lot of these guys reside. I mean I've seen a lot of people going oh I can only get like four Pokemon in my area which is in like Montana or whatever.
But I mean just the sheer number of people who are engaging with the app on a daily basis is ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous.
So the original article here was from TechCrunch. Let's go ahead and pull that up. Yeah. Absolutely love it. You know what's kind of sad is I've been so busy this last week.
I have not only not played Pokemon Go. I haven't seen anyone play Pokemon Go. Right. I haven't installed it yet. I pretty much haven't been outside of work or my house in this last week or so.
It's been it's been a sort of a challenging challenging period here. It looks very fun though. So I guess yeah that's that's great.
Oh actually here's a few more numbers as far as the installs go. So Pokemon Go Android installs and daily active users.
So in New Zealand 60 New Zealand and Australia love their Pokemon Go. That is absolutely fantastic between six point six to almost eight percent daily active users and about 15 to 16 percent of people have it installed.
Pretty incredible. So let's talk about some of the worst news with respect to Pokemon Go. This article is from Tweaktown. Let's go ahead and pull this up.
San Diego residents brush with death while playing Pokemon Go fall off cliff. Wow. They were both taken to trauma centers suffering moderate injuries.
According to Battalion Chief Robbie Ford of the I'm not even going to try and pronounce that local fire department presumably where they were playing the game and some others.
Sure. Let's go with that. Sure. So one of them fell somewhere between 75 and 100 feet and the other one approximately 50 feet and was found unconscious by firefighters.
Holy crap. The dude who fell a less or a lower distance was the one who was knocked unconscious. So like he should be darn happy that his friend like fell a little better and was able to go yo dude we just fell off a cliff playing Pokemon.
Please come save us. Ridiculous. Unbelievable. And then there was also a teen hit by a car while playing Pokemon Go.
So the original article here is from GameStop excuse me GameSpot completely different things actually even though it's just a couple letters moved around.
So 15 year old female from Pennsylvania was hit by a car and hospitalized for injury injuries to her collarbone and foot in addition to numerous cuts and bruises.
Her mother says I blame the game because she would not have been out of my house. My daughter is a hermit.
So that's that. I would like to clarify what a hermit actually is. Before we actually go any further with this story like a hermit used to be someone who lived on like a royal property right but like never went outdoors or something.
Oh, no, I had not heard of that I thought hermits lived in seclusion, maybe like away from other people. So, you can't live in seclusion in your parents house. Yeah, I'm just, I'm gonna look it up because you got me doubting myself.
A person living in solitude as a religious discipline.
Yeah, so so your daughter wasn't a hermit. For one thing, just to be very clear about that. And for number two, you cannot blame an app on a phone for your daughter, leaving the house for your daughter, walking across a major highway.
Yeah, she says at five o'clock in the evening, which is rush hour. Fantastic.
What else we got here.
The US Holocaust Museum asks players to stay away. So somehow US Holocaust Museum has been designated as a polka stop.
So that's developers slightly overlooking something there I would say the communications director for the museum is said they're trying to get the museum removed from the game, and that playing the game inside a memorial to victims of Nazism is extremely inappropriate
which I would agree with a Dutch hospital has also asked that players refrain from entering the bill, they're building with the sole purpose of playing Pokemon go after some players ventured into restricted areas, and they posted a cute little picture through Twitter
there, where they said there's indeed a sick Pokemon at AMC but we'll have, but we'll look after him well please don't visit him. And it's like a Pikachu with little bandaids and stuff.
Yeah, I will it takes a second. Sure. Okay. Yeah, but like, Oh, I mean it's one of those things where it's like, I know that in Skyrim.
It is considered acceptable to just walk into anyone's house, or any building just pick stuff and just start like bashing things with a sword to open them up.
You know like that this is, this is the typical RPG player behavior. Yeah, but that don't mean away from the mic. Oh, sorry.
This is the typical RPG player behavior but while we are looking for Pokemon in augmented reality we're not supposed to be just like behaving as though we're looking for Pokemon in.
Okay, so we are supposed to be behaving that way, but we're supposed to remember that we are also operating from within the real world. And that is that is not that is not considered the most, most appropriate way to.
Yes, well, you get the point I hope. Hopefully, yes. So here's the.
I don't know. I don't know what he needs the tissues for but, you know, oh right he's got a cold. That's right.
It's a little Pikachu. It's got some snot. That's the AMC Twitter post which is extremely cute. I'm glad they at least had a sense of humor about it. Yeah.
But like that's serious. Apparently, people were going into their basement, where there's like, where they essentially sterilize like bedsheets and stuff.
Like, holy crap you're exposing yourself to like serious possible like pathogens harmful pathogens and tainted bodily fluids and just.
I understand that it's Pokemon and that you're stoked to go catch Pokemon but like, have some sense please, please.
In a little bit more positive news. There was a long, long island pizza place who has their sales, who has had their sales increased by 75% by using Pokemon go lures.
Yeah, this is a huge thing so Luke and I were actually talking about this earlier this week. And it is. I don't know if this is confirmed at this point it was a speculated thing earlier in the week when we were discussing it but apparently.
I want to say bread garden had made it a chain wide procedure. Nice to constantly spam lures at their locations in order to draw in people who were playing Pokemon go.
And this has become, and this is this is amazing to me because it's almost like, like something I've talked about before on the show and just in general, is how computers had this progression that they followed, where they were kind of slow and not really useful
and only like nerds use them. And then over time, they got more accessible they got less expensive they got more powerful they got more functional, and this happened over a span of here you can switch over to this happened over a span of decades in the case of computers,
right, and phones have gone through just this accelerated version of that right where the first smartphones were kind of like, stupid, and quite frankly didn't do much I mean, people forget this, but the iPhone couldn't copy paste.
I mean, come on, it couldn't copy paste and that was only what like 10 years ago nine years ago I don't even know if that was 10 years ago it's like 2008 or something yeah so like, eight years ago maybe Yeah, so so that was not a long time ago, and now they've gotten to the point
where I feel like a lot of phone reviewers are just kind of bored of phones, because it's sort of the same thing year to year the cameras a little better, but like it was already pretty good.
Okay, so I'm taking that whole thing where computers and phones have gone through this, these, this, this much accelerated progression through the stages of, of just for nerds and exciting to everyone that kind of got boring.
Right, so it feels like as a mobile app. Pokemon Go is going through an accelerated version of previous social applications where it's like, you know, Facebook was just used on on a call it on a single college campus and then multiple college campuses and then all of a
sudden it went massively mainstream and now your grandma's on it. Okay, but that took a long time. And what also took a long time was advertisers, figuring out how to leverage the platform and ruin it for the users.
Right. Okay, so all these platforms, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, they start out free. And then there's ads, and then there's sponsored tweets. And then there's, you know, companies trying to spend lots of money on attempted viral videos or whatever the case may be, it goes, it goes commercial.
Pokemon Go took like two days to go from free sort of micro transaction, but but free fun app to businesses figuring out how to cash in on it and spamming lures in front of their stores in order to get you to buy more pizza, which leads us finally
to let's be fair there, though, because I actually don't have that big of a problem with this because they're not saying Oh, yeah, we have a lure in here, you can only come in if you're buying pizza as far as I know. No, no, they're just providing a safe place for people to congregate, where you can also enjoy some food and drink if you so choose. Yes. And I actually prefer this because like they're placing lures here, whereas other people are placing lures in the middle of parks in the middle of the night and holding people up at gunpoint.
Yeah, no, I'm not. Okay, I'm not saying it's wrong, right? I'm just saying that by the same logic, you know, we're just putting the wan show here. And we're just saying, you know, hey, linda.com, you know, hey, it's a thing and you can, you can sign up for it, you can not sign up for I'm just saying like that, that commercialization, the advertisers taking over and figuring out how to leverage the platform happened so fast.
We have to remember, though, that it's very similar to ingress. True. So a lot of this stuff did develop over time in ingress, but the impact was much lower, the impact was much lower because ingress wasn't this phenomenon. But I mean, it's, you know, what you're saying is true, but there are a lot of other factors, I think.
All right, so let's see, there's not much left. So the Linzio, Linzio, whatever, pizza bar in Long Island, New York, started using the in game lures as of Monday, July 11th. It was reported that Pokemon Go had 7.5. Wait, what the crap is this? I think some of the notes got mixed up.
Anyway, this is, wow, Niantic has confirmed that retail establishments will be able to pay to have their shop become a sponsored location that hosts rare Pokemon, attractive items or a gym.
So this is where we start getting into issues, and this leads into the next topic.
This is happening, this is happening so unbelievably fast. The Pokemon Go partnership with McDonald's is on, Source says, according to Gizmodo.
They're just using the same like two stock images of Pokemon Go. It's awesome for their articles. I mean, it doesn't matter. You can use any picture of Pokemon Go you want. It completely doesn't matter at all. But like, all right, let's get into the details here. What do you got?
Okay, so Redditors discovered decompiled code in Android and iOS versions of Pokemon Go earlier this week, and part of that code indicated a potential sponsorship deal with McDonald's, apparently. So as Linus said, a well placed source has confirmed with Gizmodo that the sponsorship is moving forward and is set to launch in one country in Asia.
And Gizmodo learned that every McDonald's restaurant in this country will either be a Pokestop or a gym. They're unable to confirm which country it would debut at, but the guess, based on several compelling reasons, including that this country is the birthplace of the Pokemon company, is that it will be Japan, which makes a lot of sense.
And this could actually be the reason why the launch has been delayed in Japan, because apparently there are a number of very upset people in Japan about the fact that it hasn't been released yet there for seemingly no reason.
This might be the reason. Maybe they said, hey, roll it out in the US, see how it goes. If it's as crazy as you guys expect it's going to be, then we'll pony up the money to have McDonald's everywhere in Japan be Pokestops and gyms, and we'll launch there.
I find this whole thing a little ironic that it's a partnership with McDonald's because Pokemon Go is all about like, hey, get up and go outside, walk around and be healthy, and eat McDonald's.
So that's a little weird, but I guess it makes sense in a way. Again, it's positive in the sense that they're providing locations for people to congregate that aren't some bush in a park at 3 AM where some dude is going to try to rob you.
But I don't know. What are your feelings on it?
Honestly, I am trying to put the lower third on here right now.
Technical difficulties.
I hadn't been listening to a bloody thing you said. Actually, no, I was.
McDonald's partnership with Pokemon Go possibly launching in Japan.
Yeah, I don't mind it at all.
You don't mind it?
No, I don't mind. Okay, so there's a couple things that I do mind about it. So I don't mind people having, like you said, a safe place to go to play to congregate to do this somewhere that's well lit, somewhere that there's staff around with a phone to call 911 or whatever your local emergency number happens to be.
I don't even mind that you can go there to get some rare Pokemon like, you know, hamburglar chew or whatever the case may be.
I don't mind that. But what does bother me about it a little bit is that to say that McDonald's restaurants will be the place to go to obtain a rare Pokemon implies that you won't be able to get it anywhere else.
So those rare Pokemon that you could otherwise get some other way are going to be limited to McDonald's.
So if you're creating something special, something different that the Ronald McDonald lacks or, you know, whatever.
Actually, that's that's that's what they should just call McDonald's in general.
Oh, no.
And McDonald's never sponsored the show.
No, that was awful.
OK, so it wasn't great.
If you're creating new content around it and I can be a purist like a Pokemon purist who doesn't care about the McSquirtle.
Hey Burger King, you got your backs, you know what I'm saying? Where I don't care about the McSquirtle, then I can still be a completionist when it comes to the actual Pokemon and the actual achievements and whatever else is part of the main game.
But if you're going to go, OK, yeah, if you want, you know, you have to buy five Happy Meals to get a Mewtwo.
Then then it gets then it's pretty frustrating to me.
And then it's something that I'm not not necessarily a huge fan of.
Someone says McSquirtle leaked.
McSquirtle leaked.
Yeah, well, it's kind of where I was going with that.
Oh, no.
Like that brings up an interesting point, though, because I think they're only I think Pokemon Go currently.
Like I said, I haven't played it yet.
I don't know entirely what it's all about.
I think they only either have Gen one or Gen one and Gen two Pokemon.
I think it's just Gen one Pokemon. But there's like hundreds now.
Yeah. So maybe they're going like, hey, sport check.
If you want, you know, the legendaries from Gen three to be sport check exclusives, like pay us money.
Like that's I agree. I don't necessarily like that.
And you know what? There's ways that they can be smart about this as well.
Like, for example, timed exclusives are a lot more palatable to me than forever exclusives.
So if you are rolling out new Pokemon very slowly and you kind of go, OK,
if you want to be the first place where you can get one of those,
then the obsessives who absolutely have to have, again, like like a Gen three legendary or something like that.
Fine. They can just go to McDonald's and buy a Big Mac. I don't care.
But the people who can wait a couple of weeks, if they can still get one in a legitimate manner.
Then that's super cool. I don't mind that at all. Yeah, for sure.
And I'd like to be clear, I don't think there has been any confirmation of like this Pokemon will be specific to this retail location or anything yet.
Right. But we're just saying that it would be concerning if that did happen. Yeah.
Oh, man, like there's some like there's some pretty there's actually some kind of some kind of scary stuff in there.
Like, for example, what if in Manhattan McDonald's set it up so that you had to visit like every McDonald's in Manhattan to get.
Oh, that would be very troubling.
Should we do the chat app one? Yeah, sure. Let's do it.
OK, so apparently Jonathan Zara was a beta tester in the summer for Pokemon Go.
He could see that it offered users no way to chat with one another. So he was like, hey, I should probably create something around that.
And he said that especially in a location based game, of course, there should be a chat.
So you can text your buddy and be like, yo, dude, here's where I'm at. Just got to eradicate. It's dope.
So within five days of the launch of Pokemon Go, Zara's free app for Pokemon Go chat is approaching one million users and hitting servers with six hundred requests per second.
That is unbelievable. And apparently now it may drive him bankrupt because the server costs are getting like ridiculously high.
You know, the guys, I'll give him I'll give him credit for sticking to his principles here.
So this is the original article here is from the verge dot com. I'll give him credit for sticking to his principles.
So he says he doesn't want to add support it because he hates ads.
And doesn't want to draw attention from the Pokemon company.
And I'm like, OK, because, you know, the definition of selling out is compromising your principles for money.
That's the definition. So if you love ads and you think ads are great and you have no problem with ads personally and you kind of go, OK, well, you know, so there you go.
I consume ads, therefore I will also serve ads and people can consume them and ads make the world go round.
And this is great. Then there's nothing wrong with having ads in your application or your content or whatever else the case may be.
But if you you hate ads, you adamantly refuse to use products and services that are supported by ads.
And you just kind of like, no, no, I do not agree with this. I refuse to take part in this.
Then I got to give him credit for sticking with his principles and not implementing ads.
With that said, if you have a super successful app and you are providing a service that people are willing to either endure ads or pay for,
it is not very business smart to be spending your own money,
maintaining it when you have a community of literally a million people that wants to use it.
Yeah. And like the the pay for the app thing is what he wants to avoid in order to not attract attention from the Pokemon company,
because like that would probably result in a lot of trouble.
But like if you're doing responsible advertising that's not like taking over the screen or like playing music at a ridiculously high volume,
or like weird like Pokemon porn or something like that. Like if you're not infringing on Nintendo or Niantic's intellectual property in any way,
and even like have a disclaimer to be like, hey, Pokemon company, if you see this, like I only have ads on here so that I don't go broke.
Any profit that I'm making is going to X charity or whatever.
And then they can still slam him with a cease and desist. That can still happen and they can still shut down his app.
But at the end of the day, at least then he hasn't paid out of pocket for it. Something that doesn't make a ton of sense?
I don't know. I mean, yeah, like good on him for seeing an issue and like doing something to correct it. But holy crap, man.
Everyone's like, stop the Pokemon, stop the Pokemon. There's nothing we can do to stop the Pokemon.
Yeah, dude. I'm personally not playing it. I'm doing everything that I possibly I'm I'm not letting my kids play it and I'm not playing it.
I've done everything I can to stop Pokemon. Like my kids don't even know what Pokemon is.
I didn't have to stop them. But yeah, they know what PAW Patrol is. It's a new generation.
So 20, 20 years from now, 25 years from now, my son's generation, there's going to be like some some like augmented reality PAW Patrol thing.
Oh, PAW. Yeah, PAW Patrol. It's awful. It's the very worst problem. I do not endorse it in any way, shape or form.
Speaking of things that I endorse in any way, shape or form. First up is Linda Dotcom.
I'm going to go ahead and get that switched. It's being a little slow. We're running the show off of my laptop today, which is super not ideal.
I threw all the drivers together on there and it's great. It's great. Yeah.
I'm sorry. What's great? Running the show off the laptop is used by millions of people around the world because it's great.
Yes, it is. Do you want to go through the talking about your first time reading Linda talking points?
Yeah, I mean, well, I've read them personally in the past considering I talked to them, but OK, fine, I'll do it.
There are more than three thousand courses available on Linda Dotcom. I'll do it. I'll do it. I'll do it.
You're awful. OK, Linda Dotcom is used by millions of people around the world with more than three thousand courses available.
That's what he just did. I didn't even do it better. What's great about Linda Dotcom is that it's not just for professionals or it's not just for casual users.
There are a wide variety of people who can benefit from Linda Dotcom. Are you bored at your job?
Are you looking to take things to the next level? Are you bored with your hobby? Are you looking to take things to the next level?
Are you bored with your life and looking to take things to the next level? Are you bored with Pokemon Go and looking to take things to the next?
Actually, I don't think they have Pokemon Go courses. No, they don't have Pokemon Go courses.
But what they do have is business courses. They've got creative courses like photography or video editing or Photoshop.
They've even got development courses. So if you wanted to say, for example, I don't know,
write a cool app that you and your friends could use to chat and Pokemon Go. Hey, it's a starting point.
It's somewhere to work on a foundation that you can build on through self study. And it's extremely affordable.
Linda Dotcom plan started only twenty five bucks a month.
And you can try it with a 10 day free trial by visiting Linda Dotcom slash one show right there and start learning today.
Our second sponsor. That's pretty good when you don't like screw up the whole talking points.
I never screw up the talking points. I always get the talking point.
Twitch chat knows what I'm talking, which chat knows what I'm talking about. I never get it wrong.
So our second sponsor today is actually a new one. It's called Ministry of Supply.
And this is this is Colton's doing that we are wearing colored professional shirts on the WAN Show.
I'll just give a disclaimer. This shirt is actually a size too small for me because it was ordered for Luke.
So it's not like the shirts fit poorly. This is just a shirt that's too small for me. Yeah, it feels nice.
We ordered it for we ordered it for Luke because Colton way to go.
Colton apparently didn't realize that Luke wasn't going to be here this week.
So Luke's actually on vacation, which is like amazing. I don't think that's ever happened.
I am I. OK. Yes, it has. But there's always kind of been a reason for it.
Right. Like he's gone on vacation at the end of a business trip to a location.
So like he's in Germany anyway. Right.
You know, I'm going to take a couple couple more days off. I'll be back like a little bit later.
Peace, bro. Like that's happened. Yeah. But he actually booked time.
And booked his own plane ticket. Yeah, I think that's the first time ever played for a plane ticket.
Yeah. Anyway, and he's visiting someone and coming to tell the people about. Yeah.
Right. Ministry of Supply. The Ministry of Supply combines performance fabrics,
advanced manufacturing techniques and tailored design to make where to work clothes that are comfortable and capable.
Yes, my friends, your clothing can do this and more.
It's funny, these talking points are great. Way to go, Colton. Clothes are meant to be worn on the body.
I'm glad we're clearing this up for you people. So Ministry of Supply starts by studying ergonomics,
how the human body moves and functions to ensure they're putting the right technology in the right place,
which is why you won't find a jockstrap over top of your nipple.
The products keep you cool and dry with sweat wicking fibers, breathable fabrics and NASA developed phase change materials,
which help regulate your body temperature. So basically you won't get too hot and sweaty and you will still be clothed, which is good.
I mean, Dennis should probably look into this at some point or another.
For those of you who don't know, Dennis is like can't keep a shirt on.
I'll walk into the he's like, oh, what's that actor that has this issue?
I forget who it is. It's either like Matthew McConaughey or Ashton Kutcher.
I'm just going to Google it because it's like 10 actors who can't keep their shirts on.
No freaking way. The first one is Dennis. I didn't even know that that counts. Hugh Jackman.
OK, so Hugh Jackman, Mark Wahlberg, Mark Wahlberg.
I also knew it's going to make me it's going to make me load a new page in order to keep reading the article.
So, no, not going to do that. But yes, there you go. So, Dennis, Dennis is one of those.
Maybe Ministry of Supply could get him taken care of. Everything's easy to care for.
No dry cleaning, no iron. Oh, yeah. Look at that.
This is right out of the box. And it doesn't have that.
And you like threw it around and it's like super not lined and actually pretty wrinkle free.
That's awesome. I actually did not I was I was actually going to yell at Colton about this, too.
And then I just didn't have time because I was busy fixing the show.
I was going to be like, yo, you just brought me a button up shirt right out of the box, right out of the full pre-folded package.
And you didn't even look for the steamer. I'm going to have lines like this. Oh, man.
That's pretty cool. That's awesome. So there's no risk to try and returns with a one hundred day hassle free return policy.
So just check it out at bit.ly slash that and save 15 percent off your first purchase.
And I've got a note about it being the perfect gift for Father's Day. But Father's Day was actually a while ago.
Again, way to go, Colton. Maybe if your father has a birthday in the summer, it's the perfect gift for that.
Yeah, that's right. Oh, we love Colton. So no, seriously, Colton's in the chat saying, give me a break.
Why? Come on. Oh, OK. Actually, there's a bunch of notes in here.
So they've got their Gemini button down shirt, the Apollo dress shirt, Apollo Polo aviator, two pants and Atlas dress socks, which are all featured.
And we'll have linked them in the show description on the YouTube upload. Check them out.
All right. Let's move into some non Pokémon topics here. I'm sure that we have some right.
Oh, yes. OK. Yeah. Here we go. So the original article here is from Jones Ward dot com.
And this is a pretty this is a pretty serious, pretty serious sort of topic here.
The other original article is from the Steam store. So there's an in-game trading update from Valve.
So they've acknowledged that there are a number of gambling sites that have started leveraging the steam trading system.
Great job being on top of that, guys. It's been a problem for a while. Didn't really take a long time.
And they claim that there have been some false assumptions made about their involvement with the with those sites.
They wanted to clarify that they have no business relationships with any of the sites.
They have never directly received any revenue from them. And Steam does not have a system for turning in-game items into real world currency.
So, OK, technically, all of those statements are correct.
They claim that the sites have been using the open I.D. API in a way that is not allowed by their user agreements.
And they are going to start sending notices to these sites requesting they cease operations through steam and they will further pursue the matter as necessary.
And what they also had to say, this is from the article, is that users should probably consider this information as they manage their in-game inventory and their trade activity.
So basically, dump your items now!
I tried to find the link for this. I was looking at the Global Offensive Reddit yesterday and there were claims that some of these illicit gambling sites had actually disabled their trade bots.
So people had thousands of dollars worth of inventory and they just couldn't get it.
Now, there's some speculation that the sites are just updating their terms of service and updating their use of the API to abide by Valve's clarified rules.
But it is unclear exactly how they will do so.
Bottom line here is that Valve seems to finally be taking a stand against unregulated gambling using their in-game items.
This is long overdue, but it's like if your kid's not doing their homework for a week and they're way behind and they do it all finally, you don't yell at them for doing it.
So I don't want to be overly critical, but this really is overdue.
To be clear, this is very much an emerging story, so as new information becomes available, some of it may become outdated and will require further updates as time goes on.
There's a group of trial attorneys that's taking on class action requests in the CSGO gambling lawsuit, or in a CSGO gambling lawsuit.
So they're stated they're pursuing multiple class action lawsuits in the US against Valve and various skins gambling websites connected to the game, Counter-Strike Global Offensive,
working diligently to recover funds from US residents who have lost money on skins through these illegal gambling contracts.
Call 1-800-RECOVER-YOUR-SKINS for help now. It really does feel like a late night lawyer infomercial.
It feels like those billboards that are all over the place in large American cities.
Better call Saul, dude.
Yeah, exactly, exactly. I actually haven't watched that show yet, is it good?
I saw the first season on Netflix, I thought it was very good.
Cool, okay.
I can't remember his name, but the guy who plays Saul is a great actor.
Oh man.
I'm a fan.
What's his name?
Yeah, Henry Winkler, is that right?
Oh. Okay, crap.
Nope, that's not him.
No. One other thing that isn't in the doc, but that I noticed, Twitch actually-
Bob Odenkirk.
Bob Odenkirk, there you go.
How did I get that wrong?
I guess they look somewhat similar.
Not really.
Not that similar.
No, not-
Somewhat. Anyway.
The Fonz? Okay, just forget it. I'm having a Luke moment here.
That's as bad as some of the stuff-
It's been a week. Let's just say it's been a week.
Okay, carry on, carry on.
Anyway, it's not in the doc here, but Twitch actually issued a statement that said that any-
In their terms of service, it essentially says that if a streamer is streaming something that breaks the terms of service of a third party, then that is not allowed on Twitch.
So they've essentially come out and said, you guys can't stream gambling sites anymore, you guys can't take sponsorships from gambling sites anymore.
I'm sure that they have been wanting to do this for a while. I remember it was a couple months ago, it was getting super out of hand.
The CSGO Twitch page was always just like, gamble, gamble, gamble, gamble, gamble for like the top 10 streamers.
And they said something like, you can only gamble on stream for 30 minutes a day or something like that, but it was so tough to enforce.
So I think they were just waiting on Valve to finally make a statement on it, and now they've come out and said, yeah, okay, this is out of hand, you guys need to stop doing this.
So, I mean, I don't know. Like I said, Valve is technically correct in everything that they've said, but I think that they're trying to obscure the truth a bit.
Because you can be darn sure that betting on CSGO matches has increased viewership.
Like, I would personally say that I believe that happened.
You could also say that losing while betting on CSGO decreased viewership.
So I'm not going to try and say that there's a correlation.
Yeah, but I don't know. It's just such a nasty subject in my opinion.
Alright, let's move on to another kind of nasty subject, but it turns out they got it sorted out.
The original article here is from Tom's Hardware, Nvidia GTX 1080 and 1070 DisplayPort incompatible with the HTC Vive.
This is something I actually could have discovered on my own and been very, very frustrated by if I had upgraded my Media Center PC.
So I actually use the Vive in my living room because my computer room doesn't have enough room for Holopoint.
Anyway, so what this means...
You're such a nerd.
I know. What this means is that if you have a display plugged in via HDMI already, like say for example a TV, most of which do not have DisplayPort inputs, if any,
and you want to use DisplayPort into the Mini DisplayPort in, in the little input-output box, the 1070 and 1080 just wouldn't work with it.
Yeah, not my 980 worked just fine, but it was apparently a bug.
They have identified a solution and will be rolling it out in the next driver update, which is this week.
The article is from the 11th. They rolled out a driver update today.
So it probably wouldn't be a ridiculous assumption to say that that's probably it.
But I'm looking at this going like that is such a huge oversight.
I would imagine people having their display plugged in via HDMI and wanting to use DisplayPort for the Vive being a pretty common thing.
I mean, I can't be the only one installing this somewhere.
I mean, DisplayPort hasn't even been mainstream on monitors for longer than a couple of years.
I mean, ASUS kind of addressed that with the Strix where they put two HDMIs in.
So if you want to learn more about the Strix, we have a video coming to YouTube next week.
Yeah, I think so.
I just went to Vessel last night, so if you have Vessel, you can check that out.
In other news, PC shipments return to growth in the US.
Glorious PC master race, am I right?
No, no, I'm not right.
Unfortunately, the news isn't all good.
And while PC shipments are up, I think, what is it, this quarter?
They're still down overall for the year, and the growth is not huge.
They might be up for the year in the US only, but globally, they're still down between 4.5% and 5.2%.
And even then, we're talking like 1.4% if you don't factor in Chromebooks.
And we're talking 4.9% if you factor in Chromebooks.
We're talking literally like $100 computers.
So that's growth.
So that's unit count growth.
To be fair, I believe that these numbers only factor in pre-built PC sales.
So that's been on the decline for a long time as more and more people realize that building a PC
isn't as hard as we once thought it was, or as some people once thought it was, right?
Speaking of PC building not be that hard, Terry Crews pretty much took over our PC master race yesterday
because he's building a custom PC.
And I got to say, I'm a huge Terry Crews fan.
That dude's awesome.
Brooklyn Nine-Nine is one of my favorite shows right now.
So I was pretty happy when I saw this.
And there are a lot of memes going down, some dank memes going on with the glorious Terry Crews
putting the PC master race hair on him with his majestic figure.
And so he was, you know, he created a Facebook video outlining the parts in his PC,
which now has over 1.2 million views, pretty darn significant.
He was very humble throughout the whole process asking the community for advice
and checking what the community thought of his parts choices, which overall were pretty positive.
He chose a Core i7-6800K, 2 terabyte SSD, 32 gigs of Dominator Platinum from Corsair,
and a GTX 1080, so pretty badass rig.
And also he paid for all those parts himself.
He wanted to make it very clear he wasn't doing like a sponsored deal or anything with Intel or Nvidia or whoever.
And he says that he's building the gaming rig to spend more time with his son who is a big PC gamer,
but he admits that he's also got a fast-growing interest in PC gaming.
So he actually was part of the Battlefield 1 pre-E3 event with like Jamie Foxx and Snoop Dogg.
I think that was the one where there was a lot of, let's say, fog in the booth of all the people there.
That may have been that one. Snoop was there.
Yeah, you don't really have to say any more than that.
Yeah, and he essentially said he really enjoyed playing Battlefield 1 there.
He's hooked on gaming, and he's made it very clear that he's not going to be abandoning being this crazy, muscular, huge dude.
He's still going to be a very physical guy, but he wants PC gaming to be a bigger part of his life now, which is pretty dope.
Yeah, that's cool.
Pretty sweet.
I mean, if he gets into VR, especially some of the more physical games.
Yeah, he had an HTC Vive on his table there.
Very nice.
Pretty cool. I would love to see Terry Crews do some livestreams.
And I think he's already been on some Twitch ads, so like, Twitch, get it going. Get it popping.
This looks pretty cool. Original article here is from TechRadar.com.
I mean, this has been the emulator's argument for so long.
Look Nintendo, if you're going to tell us we're not allowed to emulate, then give us a means to legitimately acquire the games.
And they've addressed this somewhat through retro console games, but it's not always that well done.
This actually looks like a fantastic solution.
Check this out. The NES is back.
It's a little mini NES, it's the same shape, but there's no cartridge to install in it or anything like that.
It's a much smaller size, and it comes preloaded with 50 games.
30 games.
30 games. Sorry, did I say 50? Sorry, 30 games.
It has an HDMI output, so you'll actually be able to use it without buying yourself like, what's that, RetroBit?
RetroGen? Whatever that thing that Luke just bought.
That super expensive, low latency, analogue to HDMI converter.
I'm going to go grab it off of his desk while you run through some of the details here.
But a native HDMI output is awesome because you don't need any specialized hardware in order to avoid the horrible processing latency that you'll encounter by trying to put a low definition signal into a modern TV.
I'm taking over the show now, it's mine.
But the Wii will be available on November 11th of this year for $59.99 USD.
So essentially the price of a new Wii U game, which is frickin' fantastic.
And there are actually some awesome and really classic games that are going to be a part of this.
So Donkey Kong, Final Fantasy, the first one, Super Mario Bros. 1, 2, and 3.
I've never played it.
I think I started on 2 as well.
I thought Mystic Quest was the first one, so I've played Mystic Quest.
Because it was called Final Fantasy Mystic Quest, but it's not actually a Final Fantasy game.
It was like rebranded for North America or something. It was one of those situations. I don't remember the details.
It'll also have The Legend of Zelda, the very first one, as well as the second one, which is not as great of an experience.
Not as well known.
I've heard it's a bit of a subpar experience, you know.
But yeah, this is awesome. I will play the crap out of that.
Yeah, and it's like, what is it, 60 bucks?
Yeah, 60 bucks.
60 bucks!
The price of a new Wii U game, you can get 30 classic NES games in the little HDMI.
That is awesome.
Nintendo, this is the right way to do it. I like it.
I mean, okay, to be clear, I don't necessarily think that you should have to buy a piece of hardware for this.
I personally like it.
What if they offered this? What if they also, for 60 bucks, had like a...
It's a package on Wii U Store.
A package on the Wii U Store.
I'd like to see that as well.
I think people would complain.
But this is still great.
I think people would complain because they would think that 60 bucks is too high.
And then, I wonder why they're choosing to do it this way.
Maybe it's just like, hey, have this cool knick-knack as well as all these games.
And I personally like having hardware stuff.
When I used to buy more PC games, I used to like to buy the physical copies.
Because I like actually having a library of games instead of just like, oh yeah, my Steam is at like 500 games now or whatever.
I don't know.
I like having something physical.
I think it's really cool.
I like the design of the NES.
It's a classic.
And having that on the table is like, I don't know, to me it's badass.
One thing I don't like about the NES is the design of the controller, which they unfortunately didn't update.
Even rounded edges, guys.
Come on, please.
They wanted to give us back the horrible experience.
Sorry, it's Framemeister.
Oh, yes.
That's what I was thinking of.
That's what it is.
My bad.
RetroGen makes emulator consoles.
Indubitably something says confirmed for old.
I mean, it's true.
But that hurts, man.
Hurts real bad.
You know what?
I don't see a whole lot else here that we really have to get into, so thank you guys
very much for tuning into the WAN Show.
We will see you again next week.
Same bad time, same bad channel, by which time I will probably have completely rebuilt
and reformatted the stupid computer that's next to me that I hate so very much.
Hit us up on Twitter if you want to see a streaming PC build guide video.
Oh, yeah.
Nick's been bugging me.
He's like, yeah, you should like.
People have been telling me they want to see build guides again.
I know they take a lot of time, but like.
I don't know if it's interesting, though, like rebuilding the WAN, because it's like
It's like it's not that applicable to other people.
Like, we're going to build a completely overpowered, ridiculous machine.
And like, I don't I don't see that being that valuable to anyone else.
But OK, well, we'll talk about it.
All right.
All right.
See you guys.
Thanks for watching.
I got to turn this down quickly.
Oh, what the what the crap?
There's apparently no sound in it anyway.
So, OK, whatever.
Do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do
do do do do do do do do do do do.
Oh, I was waving.
You had it over top of me so they couldn't even see me.
You're such a dick.
I know you.
Why is there a hot spot?
Oh, God.
At least we don't have another VPN.
Yeah, at least tunnel bears not on the show today.