
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

Welcome to the WAN Show, guys. You know what's funny because I actually received a complaint from one of our sponsors earlier this week.
Well, it's not so much that I received a complaint as they received a complaint. It was a major sponsor of ours.
So one of our long-term relationships that we've had for a long time, that's how long-term relationships work, they last a long time.
I mean, unless it's, you know, ah, there's no good place this can go.
So it's a long-term sponsor, and what happened was they actually received a complaint about the obscene content of a Friday stream that was sponsored by said sponsor.
So I freaked out. I'm like, oh, man, I'm not always the most politically correct guy in the world.
I think we can all agree on this. Slenderman definitely knows that I'm not always the most appropriate boss, you know, when it comes to touching and words that I say.
But I was like, okay, well, it must have been something particularly horrible if someone's complaining about it.
That sounded really bad.
Sometimes I'm not an appropriate boss when it comes to touching and words that I say.
Well, like, you know, poopsicle.
That's what I meant.
So basically I'm freaking out. I'm running around trying to download the archive.
Twitch isn't working. I can barely load a page on the site, and I just want to watch the archive, and I go, oh, no, hold on, YouTube.
So I go on the YouTube one and I'm like, oh, this doesn't look that bad, and then I go, ah, after party.
Maybe something happened on the after party.
And so I'm like trying to get on Twitch again, and I'm like, I can't see the show.
I don't want to admit to guilt before I figure out if I did something wrong.
So at the end of it all, get this, I'm like still running around.
I get this email.
Thank goodness for the pebble, because I knew about the email immediately.
And it's like, oh, upon getting further clarification, it was actually one of the participants in the chat of your show that said something obscene.
And I was just kind of sitting there going, I was like, really? Really?
The obscene content of my show is someone in Twitch chat?
I don't think the public Internet has a proper ESRB rating.
I really don't think it does.
Come on, guys.
So that was where my upset ended. That was where my stress ended.
Hashtag make bombs.
Thank you for whoever's in the Twitch chat doing that, speaking of Twitch chat being inappropriate.
So I was just they were like, oh, well, you know, do you think you could get moderators?
I'm like, yeah, we're on it.
OK, we've got this.
We've got this under control.
We are going to add so many moderators that you're not going to be able we're going to moderate.
Well, we moderate.
What would happen if we made everything can can moderators time out other moderators?
I don't think so.
OK, so I'm going to say if we made every single person a moderator.
I yeah, that creates more problems than it.
I know. I know.
So we've got a great show for you today, guys.
We've got a number of topics.
Number one is the Titan Z or Titan Zed, if you prefer, from Nvidia has allegedly been postponed.
And by allegedly, I mean, it was supposed to launch three days ago and it's not here.
Yeah, the word on the street is actually, well, you'll have to wait for the word on the street.
Why don't you just watch the show for a change?
You know how many people tune in for the intro and then leave?
I've been watching the Twitch numbers.
They're just like, what did what do Linus and Luke think?
No, I'm totally messing with you.
I'm pretty sure it goes up.
Nobody does that.
It goes up like for a while.
People watch the show to stare at your hunky good looks, not because they want to watch the intro and then leave.
That's cute.
Also, Google is rumored to be launching the Android Silver program.
And we've got a few details of what that would be.
But it sounds like some kind of a mishmash of the Nexus program and Google Play Edition phones.
And the love child that exists from that sort of pairing.
And naturally, people were freaking out initially when rumors started to swirl about Nexus phones going away.
But in my mind, this could be a very good thing.
More on that later.
We have China building an esports stadium.
I love saying more on that later.
It's like it implies that whatever we say about it will be stupid.
More on that later.
Oh, man.
And Nissan is developing a paint that will resist both water and oil.
More on that later.
That's a smart idea.
But I'm just that's not stupid.
You're not even doing it right.
I'm going to play the intro.
So we've got a couple of boxes here for you guys.
Hot spot shield is the fast, easy and expensive way to set yourself up with a VPN.
You can save 20 percent off an elite membership by using offer code Linus.
And Asus Republic of Gamers gaming notebooks.
We've actually recently done a fair bit of talking about the G750 on the show.
And we're going to keep doing that today because we are both powered by the Asus G750JZ.
I still need nutrition to some point.
And he's talking about a wrapper.
You said we're both powered by it, but we're not.
We're more powered by like stuff that we eat and drink.
Not necessarily the laptop.
Were you thinking of that all week?
No, actually, I was thinking about Jay-Z the whole week.
OK, well, then put more effort into it next time.
If you're going to say something stupid when I talk about the G750JZ, I want some premeditation.
So I'm going to pre I will do this.
I will plan out some sort of thing focused around Jay-Z for next week.
You're awful.
All right, so let's move on to our first topic of the day.
Nissan develops water repellent technology for their cars.
Now, that's a bit of a that's a bit of an oversimplification.
It's not actually Nissan that developed this hydrophobic and oleophobic coating.
For clarification, hydrophobic is water repellent and oleophobic is oil repellent.
Yes. So but but they have developed the idea of putting such a coating on a car, which to me like paint form isn't that big of a deal.
But, you know, either way, this video is frickin cool.
So we're going to go ahead and watch it together.
And there's no sound. So I will be the narrator.
Nissan, this is the world's first self-cleaning car.
Driven by Batman.
Look at us painting it. This is how paint works.
Sometimes the paint has a hose that contains paint.
Sometimes cars go on the road.
This is a windshield. This is rain on the ground.
It's like backwards rain.
It starts on the ground. It goes up your car and it contains sometimes mud.
Repels water and sprain.
I was thinking of my shoulder because it hurts.
Everyday dirt, not just some days dirt.
This is really impressive. OK, so check this out.
Check this out. This final shot, if the video is to be believed, has not been doctored.
So you can actually find like a couple little things on it.
Like there's a little thing here. Mm hmm.
See that? And then down here, this piece of plastic has actually clearly gone through the same treatment as the other piece of plastic.
One thing to note is that this is a left side vehicle.
So it means whenever they are like driving off the side of the road a little bit, it'll be on this side.
So they did abuse the more...
And you can kind of tell in the plastic.
Yeah, so you can tell in the plastic that they abused this side more to make their point, I think.
But that doesn't change the fact that the hydrophobic, oleophobic coating, everywhere where it isn't applied,
or everywhere where it's been applied, like on the paint here, on the windshield, is really, really impressive.
I mean, look at that.
We're just gonna, here, let's re-frame on that for a second.
So you can see the way that the dirt and water just come right off of it.
Now it's not the first time we've seen this.
When I saw Nissen's video, I went looking around for other ones and I saw some really cool demos.
Like taking a concrete cinder block and coating one side of it and just like trying to make it wet.
Taking a glove and just like taking the two gloves and then putting them down on like paper towel.
And there's like one drop.
There's really cool stuff where if you get a really nice camera and you like coat someone's finger in it
and then put it in the water, you can see like the layer around your finger where the water's not touching.
It's really interesting. I'll try and find a video for you later.
But some of my favorite ones is literally when someone just coats a shirt in it,
wears the shirt and then the other dude like sprays mustard or ketchup at them.
And then instead of going bluh, it hits them and then just falls off.
It's really, it like hurts the brain for the first few seconds.
So this was posted on the forum by Probe NJA, so huge shout out to you for doing that.
And I think that's pretty much all there is to say about it.
Nissan has said already that they have no plans to offer the paint as standard equipment,
but will consider making it an option.
You know what, to me is kind of funny?
What do you mean consider making it an option?
They have to be, they have to talk like that.
I know.
Because like what if something happens, what if some patent comes out
and then they're like, oh, there's no way this is going to work.
Because they didn't, like you said at the beginning, they didn't invent this.
This has existed.
That's why there's videos like what we were just talking about of people doing it.
I can't remember the name, but there's a brand that sells it just in spray cans
and you can spray it on pretty much everything.
So yeah, if you want to do this to whatever, you do have to kind of worry,
like you don't want to eat this stuff.
I'm not even going to bother read the label, but something that's going to repel liquids
should probably not be ingested.
Right, well I mean the whole thing with Scotchgard,
like you know why Scotchgard sucks now, right?
Because they had to nerf it, right?
Yeah, they had to completely change the formula.
The original Scotchgard, like my mom was under the impression
that Scotchgard was amazing.
So I went and like sprayed all of my ski equipment with it
and like the first day I was like, yeah, I'm soaked.
This stuff is crap, mom. What on earth are you talking about?
She's like, no, no, it's great. It's great. It's great, Linus.
You should put it on all your stuff.
I'm like, okay. Disconnected.
Not working.
But then I actually looked into it and the reason they had to change the formula
was because in the town where they manufactured it all,
the birth defect rate was like pfft.
Right, right.
Yeah, so it was like a huge problem.
So yeah, sure, there could be some kind of environmental concern,
some kind of health concern that comes along with this type of a coating,
but at the end of the day, if they are figuring out how to apply it to cars,
okay, I guess the thing that I hate seeing is artificial segmentation.
Like on our premium model, we'll offer this option to have this oleophobic coating.
It's like, you know what? Why don't you just paint the other car with it?
Please, just cover any car with it because why not?
If you're buying it en masse, it's probably not going to cost that much in the end.
And you wonder why consumers are sick of your crap
when you artificially segment your products that way.
So I hope that Nissan and anyone for that matter develops this.
The amount of water that gets wasted washing cars,
the amount of soap and cleaning chemicals that go down storm drains
because not everyone is using environmentally friendly soaps when they clean their cars,
at least here in North America, is pretty astounding.
I actually noticed the culture seems a little bit in the places in Europe that I've gone.
The culture about car washing seems very different.
So for example, I spent my honeymoon on the Greek islands
and I don't think I saw a single car that had probably been washed in the last two months.
Like it just wasn't a thing.
Whereas around here it's fairly rare to find a dirty car.
Yeah, and that was just a bit of an enlightening moment for me.
But then on the polar opposite of that, in France every single washroom you go into is going to be super pristine
and here every single public washroom you go into is absolutely disgusting monstrosity.
Another interesting thing is that previous models of iPhones, I'm not sure if the current ones do,
but they have oleophobic coating on the screen, the BlackBerry Z10 could have probably used that.
Yeah, that screen was not very good. I remember the problem you had with it.
With that said, you do have particularly gross hands.
Yes, that is true. But that phone was particularly bad at dealing with it.
Like, even like fist bumping him. No, sometimes I'm just like, yeah.
It's pretty bad.
Alright, I'm not judging though.
I am, you're gross.
You beat me to the punch on that one.
So this is right up your alley, this next story here.
The famous fabled dumping ground for E.T. the video game has been found.
So despite this being reportedly one of the worst games that anyone who's ever played it has ever played,
people want to find it so badly because it's been kind of hidden away and it's really, really, really, really hard to get your hands on.
So what happened was they dumped it in some landfill in New Mexico and then never looked back and never...
Yeah, like they printed way too many copies of it, Atari did. Way too many copies. It was a total piece of garbage.
So they just dumped it.
Dumped it, forgot about it, it's in a landfill, don't worry about it.
Ever since then, the internet has kind of gone insane. It's had its ups and downs with this story, but it's kind of gone insane.
The video game nerd, also known as the Cinemassacre Group, has been working on a video on it since I think 2007.
There's a documentary going on right now and the people working on the documentary actually dug up the site and actually have found...
I've seen pictures of two or three of them now. They look pretty smashed, so I don't think any of them are actually going to work, but we'll see, who knows.
The last I heard, none of the ones they had unearthed worked yet.
Yeah, but then that being said, they might be able to remount chips and make it work that way.
Like maybe that cartridge doesn't work, but...
That feels like cheating to me.
It kind of is, but if you do want to get the game back, it might work in some form.
If you want an original cartridge though, I don't think they've unearthed one yet.
The movie that Cinemassacre is making with Angry Video Game Nerd is going to be like a science fiction adventure based movie, so it's not really based around that much.
So kind of like E.T. Will there be an alien?
I'm sure there's going to be an alien.
I've seen parts of it shoot me, but it really doesn't look that good.
So, I don't know. We'll see. Someone will attack me for that.
But yeah, that's honestly about it. It's interesting. I'm excited to see what comes of it.
I'm excited for the first one to hit eBay.
That's what I'm... And I'm excited to figure out what Atari decides to do about this, because they probably still technically own that land.
I don't think they've commented on any of this yet.
They have not.
Yeah, so Atari is just kind of...
But once someone starts making money off of this, I think the story changes a little bit.
I mean, if you're Atari, you must be pretty desperate at this point.
Yeah, because like the Angry Video Game Nerd, his is a science fiction adventure based thing, so I'm not too worried about that.
He's making a story about something.
And it's just based on the buried games. It's not like...
He's not planning to sell the cartridges or anything like that.
No, exactly.
But I imagine video game collectors would pay.
Oh yeah, and especially to get one from the dig.
Yeah, so I think at the end of the day, they're going to excavate these.
And I suspect there's enough of them that something's got to work.
Unless they specifically smash them before they put them down there.
Right, right.
But, I mean, so I think there will be tiers, right?
There will be the ones that are in basically pristine condition and work.
There will be the ones that look good but don't work.
And there will be broken ones.
There's that game rating system. Have you heard of it before?
Yeah, you can ship in your unboxed game.
I can't remember the name of it right now, but I'm sure someone in the chat will bring it up.
You can ship in your new unboxed game and they'll rate how good condition it's in.
So like any dents on the corners, any rips, anything like that.
They'll put it in a shell casing and they'll stamp an official rating on it.
So like if you get a 95 rated NES game, you can sell it for incredible amounts of money.
And it costs like a hundred bucks just to get the service done.
So like if you get a high rating ET that's from the dig, it's going to be worth tons.
And then Atari might be like, we technically own those, so nope, our money.
Or they could just say, nope, they all go to us.
I'm really interested to see what Atari does or if they just do nothing.
I guess we'll have to see.
They might just do nothing.
I wouldn't be super surprised if they did nothing, to be completely honest.
Oh well, we'll see I guess.
Android Silver?
Yeah, let's move on to Android Silver.
Should we do a Twitter blitz soon?
I'm sorry?
Should we do a Twitter blitz soon?
Sure, about what?
I don't know.
I don't think we did a Twitter blitz the last two weeks.
Okay, why don't we just do a random one.
Guys, hit us.
At Linus Tech on Twitter.
Let us know if you have anything fascinating to ask us or comment on.
Anything that we've talked about so far, we're going to do a Twitter blitz in a little bit here.
Alright, so our next topic is Android Silver.
It was posted originally on the Linus Tech Tips forum by RedRound2.
And then the source article was on Android Authority.
So this is a report going around right now that the Nexus program, so you know, the Nexus 5, the Nexus 7.
You know, I really did wonder what they were going to do when they ran out of screen sizes to make it bigger.
That would also correspond to increasingly big model numbers.
That didn't seem like the greatest plan from the get-go.
It's just discontinuous.
This is our plan.
Call them all silver.
It's gone, don't worry about it.
We're not using the word one, at least.
We came up with something else.
Imagine they did that.
That would be three different Android phones that would be called one.
Silver one.
If they at least had the next iteration be a silver two.
Silver two.
And like from there on, I'd probably be okay with it.
When cell phones go down enough in price, can we have the silver dollar?
I don't think that'll happen.
How about the silver and sterling conflict?
You don't follow sports, right?
Not much.
Oh, do you know what's going on right now?
With the coach that just got fired?
No, the Clippers owner.
Oh, yeah.
I follow it enough.
That's kind of the thing right now.
I don't know.
I actually had a really interesting conversation with Iago and the NCIX Tech Tips crew when we were having lunch today.
They brought up some interesting points.
What he says in the privacy of his own home, no matter how foul and disgusting it is, is not illegal.
And that conversation probably shouldn't have been leaked.
My thing is, he's done way worse stuff in the past.
And honestly, again, because what he's done right now actually isn't illegal,
and he's probably on the right side of any law that could possibly exist to protect people who say things to people in public
and then just have that turn into like a gigantic spiel.
He's probably on the right side of whatever that is.
But if you actually look at any of the media articles about this whole controversy right now,
people aren't even really going after him about the recording.
They're going after him for being an allegedly supremely foul human being.
And a lot of them are just digging up a ton of the history and kind of going,
you know what, this is just the cherry on top that we needed to catalyze what's going on right now.
Because the recording, again...
I don't like the fact that someone published a private recording.
I don't like that.
But then, from what I've read, he does seem like an extremely foul human being.
That doesn't mean it's okay.
I don't like someone saying to someone, I don't want you bringing a person of that ethnic persuasion into my building.
That either.
That is horrendous.
I also don't want that...
Even though it's wrong, it's not illegal what happened.
Is it?
It's not illegal to tell someone in private that...
Okay, if I give you tickets to a play and I'm like, look, I don't want you bringing...
Say it correctly so this doesn't get taken out of context.
Yeah, I don't even.
I don't want you bringing a white person.
There, that's probably the safest thing I can say.
Don't bring any white people.
I'm allowed to say that.
It's not illegal.
Okay, as your employer, I probably can't say that.
But let's say it wasn't me.
No, I disconnected that.
I still don't know.
And you could make the argument based on how old he is and the kind of relationship they probably had.
He might have been her employer.
So maybe it was wrong.
But that's a whole other ball of wax.
Anyway, I don't remember where I was going with this.
I don't remember where I was going with this.
Anyway, that's happening.
The whole...
VGA rating.
I'm jumping back to this because I don't want to talk about racist old guys anymore.
But yeah, see, they put it in this jewel case.
You point at your screen, but they can't...
I know they can't see it, but I'm trying to show you really quickly.
They put it in a jewel case and they stamp a rating on it.
It costs like a hundred bucks.
So it's basically Gia, except for games.
VGA rating?
So VGGrating?
Bing is so useless.
Okay, here.
Oh, oh good.
They're screen sharing with me already.
So VGGrating.com brings up G detox plus herbal capsule.
No, I'm going to try searching for that.
I'm going to see if Google manages to bring up what I'm actually looking for.
It's like, you know what?
I give, I give Bing a chance time and time again.
I give Bing a chance.
Did you use Windows updates to download the Bing desktop and Bing toolbar?
That's so frustrating.
No, I didn't.
I'm like, I'm actually looking for Windows upgrades.
I keep giving Bing a chance and like, okay, I don't use Google because I'm married to Google and love Google.
My love for Google skin deep.
It works.
It's a, it's a working relationship.
I tried to go to DuckDuckGo and then I was like, this doesn't really work that way.
Me and Google, we do our best here and we, we fight through the problems.
But you stay together.
But we stay together, man.
Bing, because it's the default on Internet Explorer and I reinstall operating systems so often,
I often am lazy about installing my alternate browsers and I'll use IE and the default will be Bing for a while.
And the only time I actually turn around and like get off my lazy butt and install my alternate browsers,
that I'll use Google as a default, is when Bing just can't find anything.
When it does something like that.
When it does something like this.
Look at those Bing results, okay?
Office of Quality of Performance, SSA.gov.
Some patent for flame laminate polyether urethane.
I mean, they're not even close.
Genetics, diamondring.com.
And like what did this?
Does that say fellatio book?
Oh, teleco book.
How did you possibly?
I'm not, no.
They have books about that.
They have an idiot's guide?
So Google managed to find it.
Bing did not and that is incredibly disappointing.
Anyway, why don't we actually get onto our next topic here.
So, from Android Authority, the Nexus program retiring next year, Android Silver allegedly to take its place.
So what Android Silver is going to be is a bit of a mishmash of the Nexus program.
So Nexus, the idea was they support the phone with software for two years, correct?
I believe, I don't think there was a cap on it.
I believe there was.
Well, there was a guarantee.
Yeah, I think there's a minimum, not a cap.
Let us know in the chat if you guys can remember how long Nexus devices get.
So anyway.
So a Nexus device has to be this.
It has to be at an aggressive price.
It has to be from a well-established manufacturer and it has to be stock vanilla Android.
Then, on the other side, we've got Google Play Edition devices.
So we saw this with the HTC One, the Galaxy S4 and we've seen it again with the HTC One M8 and the Galaxy S5.
But what's interesting to me about Silver is that I really think it takes the best of both worlds.
Because right now, you've got those Play Edition devices, which for the HTC One M8, for example,
the one that I think people should be buying if they're buying a Play Edition device,
the HTC One M8, it's extremely expensive.
If Silver could take the concept of Play Edition, that is to say,
and what's cool about the Play Edition phones that are coming out now is how they come with basically stock Android,
but all of those cool vendor-created customizations that can be added within a special subset of the Play Store.
So I love that approach.
I think that's great.
But if that could meet Nexus halfway and be implemented instead of only on flagship devices that you have to pay full pop out of pocket for,
I forget where that sentence started.
If that could be instead of on just flagship devices that you have to pay full pop for,
if we could see that on mid-range devices or, and this is the other big bomb, carrier-subsidized devices,
I think that's an incredibly positive thing because of the cold hard truth.
And phone enthusiasts, get over yourself.
Not everyone buys a phone outright.
Some people lock into a contract because, quite frankly, who cares?
You're going to pay your carrier anyway.
It's not like you get a huge discount.
With a lot of carriers, even if you say no to the phone, they make you lock into a contract anyways.
At least here in Canada.
Yeah, I don't know elsewhere.
So, especially the Tier 1 carriers, a lot of the Tier 2 carriers, you can just do basically pay-as-you-go.
But you're going to pay for a phone contract anyway, so who cares?
Not everyone upgrades their phone every year.
Not everyone routes their device.
So for some people, being able to get a high-end device for $1.99 on contract,
with a phone plan that they're going to buy anyway, is great.
So if we can have Android Silver fill that gap by giving us more mid-range devices
that deliver a basically stock Google experience, where this is not quite like the Google Play Edition one.
So the idea is that a silver device will come with the customizations off it,
but you can remove basically all of them.
As opposed to coming without them, but you can add them.
I'm totally okay with that.
What a fantastic middle ground.
Silver sounds amazing.
And one thing I really like is that, I think you kind of already said this,
but the subsidizing. Google's going to subsidize it and help make it cheap,
because I'm in a weird position right now.
Well, the rumor is Google may subsidize the phones.
Oh, okay. I thought it was a natural thing.
I think this is all rumors so far.
Right. Okay, yeah, yeah.
I'm in a weird spot because I've done my contract, but just sitting still paying the contract.
Your carrier is a bunch of terrible people as well. I'm not going to name anyone.
My carrier is really bad.
So I'm looking to switch, but then there's possibly new plans coming out, so I don't want to switch right now.
So I can't get a subsidized phone in that way.
I don't have a phone right now.
I don't want to buy one, because if I bought one, then I'm going to probably buy a Nexus 5.
But then why wouldn't I wait for OnePlus 1, which is coming out soon.
Which might be good.
Which might be good, but who knows.
They're an unproven manufacturer at this point.
So I'm in a really weird spot, so I'm happy to see things that might make my life easier.
Speaking of really weird spots, you just said you don't have a phone, but I think you do.
Show us your phone.
Okay, so I don't even want to show it.
So this is Linus' old iPhone 4, which I don't even have working yet.
Luke was like, oh hey, yo dog, could I borrow the Moto X?
And I was like, eh, you know, I might switch to the Moto X at some point.
Plus it's got a nano SIM, and you have a micro SIM.
That's easy to fix.
But, and you know what guys, okay, Twitch chat, back me up on this.
Because what I've heard is that cutting down from micro to nano,
there's actually a lot more room for error than there is cutting down from full-size SIM to micro, for example.
Because the plastic is so close to the contacts.
So I didn't recommend that he do that, especially because his terrible carrier charges him $10 for a new SIM.
Whereas mine, I walked into the store, I was like, yo, I got a new phone.
They're like, yo, you need a new SIM?
Let me set that up for you.
His carrier's the one that I'm trying to move to, I'm just waiting for new plans.
And they didn't even set up your new SIM for you.
You had to like, call, right?
Yeah, because on the website, when I tried to set it up for myself,
it was a locked off portal.
It was like, you do not have permission to do this.
I was like, why is the button even there if I can't do it?
Whereas my carrier, it's like, here are the two phones.
And they like, take the SIM out for me, put it in the other phone, they make all the calls.
Then like, he hands it back to me, he's like, oh, hold on, hold on, what's your number?
And he does like a test call from his own cell phone to make sure it's working.
I'm like, yo man, you're cool.
As much as I hate giving you all of my money, at least you're trying to make me not feel terrible about it.
If they make the experience not horrible,
I'd be happier paying the same amount that I'm going to pay someone else to them.
Because I'm going to, I'm paying my carrier, whoever they are,
I hate your carrier.
The same amount that you would be if you were all my fan.
I hate everything about your carrier.
My 500 megabyte data every month, ballin'.
Oh, people are asking, I'm on Bell.
So Bell Canada, from my experience, has been one of the two lesser of all of the evils.
And I used to be on Rogers, and they weren't bad either.
So I think that leaves one.
Yeah, pretty much. Some people can probably figure it out now.
So, for the first time ever, Luke is going to be using an iPhone
I have no idea what I'm doing.
Until he de-cheapifies enough to buy a phone, and that is going to be an interesting experience.
And you know what? It's funny, because the timing is going to be really good,
because I recently switched back to iOS.
I've been using an iPhone 5s for the last, wow.
But you're happy about it.
Week and a half?
I don't even, like, I can't do anything.
I know, but it's a learning experience.
Okay, so no, hold on, hold on. This is important for you.
I switched back to the iPhone 5s, not because I'm unhappy with the One M8.
I've seen a couple people notice that I pulled out a 5s in the middle of my videos.
I love the One M8. Fantastic phone.
I switched back to the 5s, because I think the upcoming iPhone 6 is going to be absolutely groundbreaking.
Why does pressing the little button not turn the screen on? Oh, it did.
It's glitchy, it's broken.
Yeah, you're going to press it pretty hard.
Yeah, sorry.
Should have told you that.
So, I think the upcoming iPhone 6, with its larger screen size, is going to be groundbreaking.
Not because a larger screen is innovative, but because Apple is going to have to make some serious changes
to iOS in order to make a larger screen size work.
Just little things, like for example, within apps, the standard placement for back is at the very top left corner of the screen.
Which I think, for people who have normal sized hands, isn't a problem right now.
But when you go and throw that design onto a much larger phone, they're going to start having the same problem
people like me with little hands have, where in order to go back within an app,
you're going to have to shift your grip on your phone, and people are going to drop a lot of iPhones
unless they change that design.
So, I wanted to refresh myself on iOS again, before I jump into the iPhone 6.
And it's also been exactly a year.
When I did my HTC One M8 review, it was basically one year from when I switched to Android.
So, I wanted to go back for a refresher and see how iOS has evolved in the last little while.
So, it was for a reason that I was doing that.
And so this, I think, is important for you to actually get some perspective on the other side,
because I'm going to be doing a review of the 5S.
I know I'm super late, I don't care, but the point is not going to be the 5S.
The point is going to be, I switched back to iOS, what was it like?
And the conclusion, just to spoil it for you guys, is you know what, it's not that bad.
There's stuff I miss about Android, and there's stuff I'm going to miss about iOS when I switch back to Android.
Siri is so much better than Google now that it's not even funny.
And make whatever arguments you want, you're wrong.
Siri is better than Google now right now.
That will change in the future in all likelihood.
Although some of your claims were wrong.
Some of them were right.
And the actual experience of using it is better.
I do like the fingerprint thing too.
The fingerprint unlock is really well implemented.
Is it a bulletproof piece of security hardware?
It's nice and fast though.
But it's very convenient.
So there's things I'm going to miss about iOS.
But at the end of the day, the conclusion that I came to is, you know what, it's trade-offs one way or the other.
And I think if someone just put a gun to your head as an Android lover, or as an iOS lover, and said, use the other one for a year.
For the first couple weeks or month, you'd be like, and then you'd be fine.
It would be fine.
You wouldn't die.
That's the point.
You wouldn't die.
That took a lot longer.
That took so long.
Now people might watch the video though.
Because they're going to be able to get that in a more formalized form and for even longer.
And the conclusion will be the same.
But I do make some more specific points.
I actually have a pretty long bullet list.
It's going to be, I think, a pretty interesting video.
Someone suggested that I buy a 3310.
Can you even buy those still?
Is that possible?
I don't think so.
I wouldn't think so.
Maybe used.
And how can you get one on a carrier?
The battery would be super poopy.
I don't think you would need the carrier subsidy for a 3310.
Watch them pay you to take it.
Here's $50 cash if you take this phone on a plan.
Same plan cost though.
Because it's my carrier.
So they wouldn't pay me that cost.
You know what?
Hold on.
That was amazing timing.
My phone just started ringing.
Tell us.
Hold on.
I think that's who it is.
That's them, right?
Answer it.
Answer it.
Answer it.
Come on.
Come on.
You have to.
That would be amazing.
I don't want to talk to Tellus.
It's probably their customer.
It's probably their customer.
Oh no.
It's UPS.
It's UPS.
It's UPS.
It's UPS.
It's UPS.
Oh, okay.
Oh, I think Tellus is 310, not 210.
That's a really close phone number.
It's really close.
I think you just stumbled on actually a brilliant idea.
Really, really low end phones with cash back?
So a recycling program for phones.
Like there's so many different facets of this.
So the carrier can probably get some kind of governmental credit.
I'm sure they could.
A regiment like this.
Um, it all of a sudden opens up more premium carriers to people who can't afford a phone
at all or are even a little bit tight on cash.
If you go, okay, look, we had someone trade in this phone or whatever, and we will not
only hand you this phone to use, but we're going to give you two months credit if you
lock in for like six months.
Tell you what?
Give us a try.
We're going to be making our money back because we're going to lock you in for a very short
period of time.
And it's going to be subsidized at some point or something.
We're going to make this super accessible for everyone.
We're going to have a positive environmental impact.
And what the way that phone hardware is not changing in the same way that it used to.
The one M8 is faster than the one M7, but not the way the one M7 was faster than the
previous flagship.
Like it's slowing down.
How brilliant is that?
You actually subsidize people to take used phones and use them.
That does kind of make sense because I know a lot of people that get rid of phones that
are still working and like trade in level get rid of, like not, not even trying to sell
it or anything like that because like, uh, what am I trying to think of right now?
Samsung S3s?
AT&T apparently gives you store credit on your recycled phone.
I don't even know.
What about not store credit?
What about the other way around?
What about three months?
Because that's not solving, the store credit isn't solving the recycling problem, which
is, I think the main reason why Linus is excited is the recycling problem.
You're giving people these phones that would just end up landfill or yeah, cause I don't
know how much of a phone you can actually properly recycle.
So I want them to just like hand you a phone and cash.
That's how I want it to work.
And you can like go buy a burger with your cash if you really want to, if you're willing
to lock into a very short term, I think that would be really neat.
I don't expect it to be a ton of money or maybe I liked what you said about the, we'll
pay you your first two months kind of idea or something like that.
Like that's actually pretty cool.
You can get a phone.
You don't have to pay for it for awhile.
The phone is free.
Imagine if carriers were confident enough in their service that they were willing to
offer a try before you buy.
Maybe this is just a fantasy.
I would only be scared of people running away with the phones, but then if you're doing
like low end used phones.
Speaking of trying before you buy, we should probably do our sponsor segment here.
So hotspot shield has their trial of their elite service, which you can go ahead and
head over to bit.ly slash HS share, go there, download the elite trial and give it a shot.
We actually had to use hotspot shield for something not that long ago.
We have a new sponsor that asked us to go on their website and pick out some like a
try at home thing, but the Canadian site doesn't offer that service and they have the most
bulletproof geo lock that I think I have ever encountered.
And like I bought a Google glass from Canada.
They were more hardcore than Google glass, which was really difficult like to figure
out how to buy one if you weren't in the US.
So anyway, we were trying to like pick out these things and the only way we could get
on their site was to use hotspot shield.
So hotspot shield allows you to fake your location, which is great for all kinds of
You can access content that otherwise might be firewalled in your country.
It's funny.
We actually had quite a few people comment that hotspot shield's website is blocked in
their country.
Don't worry.
There are other websites where you can download hotspot shield.
You won't be able to use our link, but you can, because they don't want people using
hotspot shield to circumvent censorship.
So you can circumvent those kinds of things.
You can also use it with hotspot shield blocking them.
Oh yeah.
It's the actual firewall blocking people from circumventing the firewall with hotspot
So hotspot shield works on your desktop, on your phone, on your tablet, on whatever else
the case may be.
Allows you to circumvent those kinds of pesky blocks as well as circumvent other geo restrictions
like from video streaming services like Netflix.
Although the word on the street is that Hulu is cracking down on VPN users in general.
Has there been an update to that?
I don't know if there's been an update to that, but that was definitely a thing.
I don't think Netflix wasn't a part of that.
Netflix wasn't part of that.
So you can definitely still use a lot of video streaming services with hotspot shield.
You can decide, oh, I want to be from Great Britain.
I want to be from U.S.
I've had people who tried hotspot shield, so guys do give it a try.
I've had people try it and say, hey Linus, it slowed down my internet.
You don't use hotspot shield when you're gaming.
It's a one button to turn it on and off.
You don't use it when you're gaming because your ping times will be terrible because you
are intentionally redirecting all of the data to a different country before it goes to wherever
it needs to go.
I mean, the server could be down the street from you.
You could normally get like three millisecond pings and you're redirecting it to like the
UK and back.
The amount of people that I've convinced that I play Counter-Strike in Valve headquarters
is amazing because I somehow get five ping when playing Counter-Strike.
So everyone's just like, oh my God, five ping.
And I'm like, yeah, I'm on LAN.
I'm at Valve HQ.
And they're like, whoa, cool.
I've convinced so many people.
That's totally off topic, but I thought it was awesome.
All right.
The sponsor of the show today is Asus with the G750JZ.
You can see that both Luke and I are powered by this particular gaming notebook and food.
We're also powered by food.
And basically what this is, it is, is, is, is, is, is, is it is a cream of the cream
gaming notebook with a GTX 880M.
And the big thing here is that it exists within a pricing realm that is actually not that
different from something like a gaming desktop.
Is it exactly the same?
Could you get a slightly better value for your dollar with a gaming desktop in terms
of sheer FPS per money spent out of your pocket?
But the point is that it's not completely out to lunch anymore and it does have the
added benefit of being portable.
The coolest thing I think about it is the fact that the GTX 880M inside here, I mean,
we've known forever that the M version is not the same as the not M version that goes
in a desktop machine.
But what we've never seen before is only a one generational gap between the M version
and the desktop version.
This is almost equivalent other than the memory clock speed to a GTX 770.
So you're getting a very satisfactory gaming experience in recent titles like Bioshock
Infinite, Battlefield 4 on a notebook because it's actually clocked at almost the same speed
as a 770 desktop card, which if you guys remember is about equivalent to a GTX 680.
So that's only flagship wise, one end and an increment because we got the 780 and then
the 780 Ti.
So like one increment and then one full generation back from a current flagship desktop card,
which I think is really, really cool.
It also runs cool enough that we can actually survive this show with them on our lap.
Yeah, they're actually not bad.
No sweat marks on the bottom.
I've had laptops before that, because I'm wearing shorts right now, you're wearing jeans.
So you might have survived, but like it's sitting on my bare knees and if it was bad,
I would not be comfortable right now and it's totally fine.
So there you go guys.
Thank you.
Huge thank you to our sponsors, Hotspot Shield and Asus, who also happens to be the presenting
That's why that laptop sits there for providing us with these notebooks and these VPNs that
we legitimately need to do our jobs.
One thing that I want to bring up really quickly, I don't have this as a topic because one,
I don't live in the States and two, this is a very deep topic and I don't have time to
fully research it, but FCC chairman, whatever his name is, something Wheeler, people are
trying to get him kicked out because he's doing a whole bunch of bull crap and there's
stuff going on.
So you live in the States and you're interested in net neutrality and all that kind of stuff,
maybe do some research on FCC chairman Tom Wheeler.
Someone just said it in the chat.
That is so useful except when it's just a bunch of nonsense and like gets me angry calls
from sponsors about how like our content is obscene.
All right, so let's go ahead and do that Twitter blitz we promised you guys.
Professor Nick Butler, can you comment on a hypothetical Corsair RGB keyboard release
Oh man, I'm sorry.
I can't.
What I will tell you is that I, okay, they didn't show off RGB at PAX.
No, but I believe they are planning to show it at Computex.
That is all that I know.
I know that Barrington, one of the watchers of the land show and the after party has apparently
won one of them.
They had that contest thing going on.
So he's getting it whenever it comes out, I guess.
So Barrington will probably be a good person to ask because when he or she, him, him, when
he gets his tracking number, well, we'll know.
We'll know that either Corsair is shipping him a brick or what's, Oh my God, that would
be the best troll ever.
They shipped everyone like membrane keyboards and they're like, you can use these until
the new one shows up.
Is that just a trick?
Would that be like a good viral thing?
Like remember when Microsoft did the whole like Xbox one in the shark tank thing?
If it turned out that that Xbox was actually full of like lizard on trails or something
like, is that funny or is that just them like, like does that get, I think the sharks
would eat it.
Let's just move on.
In Portugal carrier locked and no contract, a bunch of phone pricing in dollars that probably
I can't relate to.
Oh, that looks like corrected.
Is that U S L G G two for six 22 isn't that cheap?
No that galaxy S five for 900 bucks.
Actually I'm going to do my thoughts on the galaxy S five as well as the gear fit later
on in the show.
So I don't know less than that I think any chance bio subject for example that devil's
Kenyan K CPUs will work on D 87 motherboards and if not why I doubt it often aside from
updating the chip set, even when there's no socket change, Intel will update the electrical
specifications of the socket to be capable of things like a tighter voltage regulation
for example.
So a lot of the time you'll get newer motherboards.
So for example, very late LGA seven seven five motherboards could work with almost every
previous LGA seven seven five CPU.
But then the later LGA seven seven five CPUs were like barely backwards compatible if at
And that, that was probably the best example of a very long lasting socket whose compatibility
actually front forward and backward wasn't very strong.
So it's 650 bucks.
Are you going to make a video about the April updates to shield?
There is some really cool stuff.
I had not planned on a dedicated video.
We have talked about them on one show before.
Apparently something about a recipe from Canada.
Thank you.
A silver makes me wonder what the gold tier would be if they add one.
You know what?
I don't think there's any rumored gold tier.
I think the, the, the Android program is just called silver, but who knows?
I guess they're leaving themselves flexibility up and down.
Yeah, seriously platinum tier.
Will you guys ever come to dream hack?
We're not really planning on it right now, but that's not to say that anything's impossible.
Watching one show on a toilet.
Touch screens are the work of the devil.
We've, we've gotten off topic a little bit.
Something about not liking maple syrup barnacles.
Get off my Twitter feed.
I don't even know if that guy's watching in Sweden.
There's a 14 day free trial for phones and contracts can only be used once per person,
but it's great.
Why is Sweden so progressive about everything?
Cause they're awesome.
And they're from Scandinavia and Scandinavia is awesome.
Um, I'm in a dilemma.
You can't, cameras.
I think the 12 Hertz thing is a troll from the new egg guys.
Ah, because our equipment is so much better than theirs.
They want people to, the operators using them and the people in front of them.
I know everything about our operation is just vastly superior.
You know what's funny?
Is they were closing in on the NCIX tech tips channel in terms of subscribers.
Like they were, they got really close and then all of a sudden a completely untrained
group of people came into the NCIX tech tips of whom there are about a third as many as
the new egg TV team.
And then with me coming in like five hours a week, they took off again and now they're
growing way faster than new egg TV again.
So you know what?
Oh, that's the new Paul.
Eat it.
Eat it.
You're not there anymore, but you can eat it too.
Steve was, Steve can eat it.
I mean, Steve can eat something pleasant like cake.
Yeah, there we go.
But he can still eat it.
Paul's really nice too, but still have to eat it.
Eat it.
Uh, most companies second, secondhand phones to emerging countries and send.
That's, that's, I actually had no idea.
That's pretty cool.
I'm aware of that.
Super old crappy stuff.
Like what I would like to see is a program more like, Hey, here's the last gen one that's
only a year old.
I was saying like S3s or S4s or whatever.
It seems I've been banned from talking about 12 Hertz master race.
Yeah, that sounds about right.
Um, SaskTel will give you $250 for anything, including their TV, internet and phone.
That's gotta be like if you sign up for a new one that's not helping the recycling thing
This transitions well into one of our topics.
We're actually going to be talking about Google classes, bomb cost being $80.
So why don't we, why don't we move on to our next topic for now?
Well next is the Heartbleed criminal data thing and then something, something, something.
I'm so excited about Harrison Ford and Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher and like, ah, everyone's
going to be in the new movie.
I just hope they don't screw it up.
You know, with all this stuff, see, this is why it scares me.
With everything that I've seen so far, it looks awesome.
With everything that I had seen at a certain point in time with Elder Scrolls Online, it
looks awesome.
And now I won't touch it or even be within a vicinity of it because it's disgusting.
In my personal opinion, if you like it, I'm sorry, but I don't like it.
Well, okay.
Just, let's all just back up for a second.
There's a high possibility of things screwing up.
Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, poopy.
You know, I think it could have been good, but George Lucas was involved and therefore,
Um, now the whole throwing out the expanded universe thing, I have mixed feelings on because
there was a lot of stuff from the expanded universe that was quite frankly a hundred
times better than anything in that was canon.
Really good.
A lot of it was fantastic.
I do see that even though they've thrown it out, they, it's not like they haven't left
in the possibility to adopt parts of it, which I think is great, but to me it's a little
bit frustrating that they, that they, they basically went, okay, no, the whole thing
is scrapped.
And they kind of just, they all, that's all they've told us when there is so much lore
that is so plausible and so good and really doesn't need to be re-imagined that they could
have just left alone.
But right now I think, what is it?
Clone Wars TV show, which I saw a little bit of once and holy cow, was it ever terrible.
I never watched it.
Clone Wars animated series, prequels, and then the three original movies means that
of the body of work that is now considered canon, most of it isn't very good.
Yeah, that's why I'm scared.
Which is a real shame.
But like they do, they are lining up the right things.
Like you said, they have the actors back and so as far as I've heard so far, um, Ford is
like the main focus.
Is he not?
I don't know.
Han Solo?
I'm not sure.
As far as I've heard, he's the main focus of the movie, which actually could be kind
of good.
I don't, I don't know.
I mean, okay.
I maybe, and maybe this is me being kind of crazy, but I would actually like for episode
seven to be the last time we see Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, Harrison Ford.
Yeah, but it could be a really good transition.
Like they could introduce new characters with it or do something.
I mean, one possibility and I'd love it if this is what they're doing.
I don't, I don't know what they're doing.
I mean what I would love to see because they are, they have a system, like they have a
team of people that are dedicated to curating content and making it, deciding what's canon
and what's not.
What I would love to see them do is actually skip a bunch again because if you look at
the original, at the original three movies, yeah, but, but like skip, skip a lot.
Oh, oh yeah.
So actually create an intermediary story that could easily be filled in by having the original
people do voice acting, for example, for digital representations of themselves.
So through video games or, or through animated series, because even if their voice is going
to sound a little bit older, it'll be easier to portray that on a younger character.
And you can do a whole lot with editing and so, so I mean that's what I would like to
see them do because you look at even the original three movies, there's a, there's a pretty
significant chunk of time between even those movies.
It's like the rebellion goes from existing on like Yavin 4, like that's the entire rebel
alliance to like all of a sudden now they've got a fleet and then like all of a sudden,
well now they have like a bad-ass fleet and like salmon piloting their ships and they
can win a major battle.
So there's a lot of room here for a lot of the expanded universe stuff to still work
if they skip forward enough.
If you see what I mean.
No, I actually definitely agree with that.
I like that idea.
They've already done it once.
So like I don't think anyone's going to protest too much.
So that's what I want, but I don't know.
I don't know.
I just, I don't want to get my hopes up too much because I, I used to be a pretty hardcore
Star Wars buff.
I know.
Like knew everything.
I think compared to the mass majority of people, you still would be.
So I just, I really want it to be good.
I loved what Abrams did with Star Trek.
Really liked it.
For sure.
But I was never a huge Star Trek guy.
I was never a Trekkie.
I think we were both on the Star Wars bandwagon more than the Trek.
So the potential here for me to be disappointed is it's like Phantom Menace all over again.
I really don't think Abrams could make a movie that bad.
I don't think so.
Which is like, that helps a lot.
And the actors coming in helps a lot.
And everything that I've gotten so far helps a lot.
I'm just still trying to disengage as much as I can.
I mean, okay, okay.
The one part of me is like, Harrison Ford!
But then one part of me too is like the fact that they brought in all of them, we're either
going to end up with this weird like fan service thing where they bring them in just to give
them like a little bit of screen time or we're going to end up with this thing where they
give them way too much screen time and it just doesn't make any sense because they're
all decrepit now.
I wouldn't mind just like closures on certain parts.
Like like fan service but like closure that makes sense or flashback style stuff.
What if like movie number one, opening scene, they kill Luke Skywalker?
How do you feel about that?
What if Mark Hamill comes back in for just long enough to say there is another Skywalker
and dies?
If they do it in a way that makes sense, I would be okay with it.
Because I mean, I think there's a lot of potential for us to see an Obi-Wan Kenobi type role
for him.
Where maybe, okay, maybe they don't kill him in the opening scene, but I think there's
a lot of potential for him to die.
I don't mind, especially when it's been this long, like because, okay, I have to draw this
Sorry, everyone.
But Firefly, people have talked about...
That was awkward.
People have talked about Firefly sequels and what could possibly happen if they brought
in a season two and all that kind of stuff in the past.
So I've seen some of this theorizing and you kind of need to either kill people or move
them off to the side in some way or get rid of them or just put them in weird auxiliary
roles or something like that.
Maybe keep one or two, but you can't necessarily keep the whole group because people will have
grown up and changed and their acting styles can change, how their mannerisms work can
change and it won't feel the same.
But if they moved him into, like you had just said, a Obi-Wan Kenobi type role, I actually
think that could work really well.
Someone just said they can't kill Luke because he exists in a lot of the expanded universe
stuff and not all of it was scrapped, except if they skipped forward far enough to his
death, then there's plenty of time to fill in the intermediary stuff.
Which is what you've seen before.
Which is exactly what I was talking about.
Anyway, so moving on to our next actual topic, because I don't know how we ended up talking
about that for so long.
I actually was going to ask you how we got there.
I don't remember.
I have no clue.
Delons will know.
Shout out to Delons.
We never do that.
He actually does the timetable that goes in the archive on YouTube.
Shout out to Ghost because the doc and stuff.
Yeah, because helping us work on the doc.
We actually have some pretty cool community helpers helping us with the show these days.
It's helped with the land show a lot lately.
Pretty fantastic people overall.
All right, so let's talk about this article on BBC.
Heartbleed used to uncover data from cyber criminals.
Are you a crime middle?
Are you a criminal?
I'm not a crime middle.
You don't get the reference.
It's okay.
I only hate you a little bit for not getting it.
Is that for Spaceballs?
Go ahead.
I'm not sure.
So Heartbleed has apparently been used to track down black hat hackers.
Black hat hackers are like the ones that are maliciously trying to hurt people like steal
credit card data and all that kind of stuff.
Gray hat is when they kind of float on both sides and white hat is when people are trying
to hack but for the greater good.
So they've been using this to access closed forums such as Dark Ode and Damaged Lab and
according to Wired, smart devices such as home routers, CCTV cameras, baby monitors
and home management gadgets were now known to be vulnerable.
I always feel such awkwardly on the fence with this kind of stuff because it's like
I don't want you guys to use this to track people but then you stopped bad people potentially.
But that's the whole argument.
That's how the NSA starts monitoring us.
Which is why...
Because they're finding bad people.
I wouldn't be surprised is why this article even came out in the first place because they're
like no we're not terrible.
So just remember that when listening to this article or if you read it later or anything
like that.
Well no this was anti malware researchers after Heartbleed was exposed I think.
So I don't know.
I don't want you guys to track people.
I don't know.
I could make terrible analogies I'm not going to bother of things that exist that you could
use in bad ways and that doesn't mean that government entities should be able to go around
the law to be able to use them and all that kind of stuff.
And also cyber law is really confusing and weird anyways and a lot of it doesn't even
Can you break the law to stop law breakers?
You can turn this into a whole long conversation about capital punishment.
Can you murder someone to stop them from murdering other people?
This is a really big topic right now isn't it?
Yeah it's a huge deal because of the lethal injection thing that's going on right now.
So the supplier of what they were using for lethal injections and this is all paraphrasing
my wife's been following it really closely because she's a pharmacist so the drug aspect
of all this is fascinating to her because pharmacists...
Find those things interesting.
I guess.
So the drug supplier that was supplying the drugs for lethal injections was getting threatened
to the point where they were like okay look we're not going to supply it anymore so they
had to source alternate drugs from alternate sources that they were keeping secret and
then basically what was happening was you were supposed to do one drug and then another
one and then there was a collapsed vein somewhere in the mix and the first drug is supposed
to make the patient... victim... prisoner... anyway the person...
Sure Executee, thank you.
Doesn't really work.
You can't spell Executee without Cutie.
So supposed to make them unconscious and then the subsequent injection or injections were
supposed to do the deed so to speak but there have been cases where they appear to be trying
to get out of the chair which would imply that the pain that they're undergoing is also
accompanied by some level of consciousness so I actually don't understand how we got
on this topic again anyway that's like a huge deal right now.
People were also wondering if it was intentional I really don't know the details of the story
very well this was not a planned discussion so sorry if I'm wrong but apparently he took
a very long prolonged time to kill someone so like watched them suffer so people were
like well maybe someone set it up so that he was suffering which like...
I don't know it all starts to sound like a movie plot at this point.
It does which is part of the problem.
Which isn't to say that that movie won't be based on a true story of what's happening
right now.
Yeah and then again I don't I just like I might have heard this on the radio I don't
even remember where I got it from this was not a planned topic sorry if I'm wrong I could
definitely be wrong don't take that as...
That's about as disclaimed as anything has ever been ever.
Yeah exactly I just yeah I don't know.
So huge thanks to Rainfall Within for posting the Heartbleed cyber criminal thing on the
That's what we were talking about.
Apple iWatch production has allegedly begun and this was posted by AlexGoesHigh thank
you very much for that original article is from Next Power Up so we're gonna go ahead
and head over there.
This is a concept by the way this is not actually what it's gonna look like fortunately
because I don't wouldn't buy that so the China Times has reported that Apple has gone into
production so the rumor is that during the first quarter of product availability there's
gonna be anywhere from two and a half to three and a half million units of iWatch so that's
in Q2 and in the second quarter production is rumored to be going to leap to 14 to 15
million units.
I plan to buy one I plan to try it and I will see what I think about it.
Is there is there plans for like a Blackberry watch and a Windows watch?
I know Microsoft Microsoft has acknowledged the wearable market I don't know that there's
an actual plan okay or anything I think something interesting that we could do is a whole ecosystem
comparison video right get our hands on a Windows phone actually Nokia has offered to
send us a Windows phone to try out I actually need to get back to them because I should
definitely do that.
You are ingrained in an ecosystem so you have their watch you have their phone you have
their OS.
How well does it all work together?
Not necessarily comparing like the OS because we know a lot of people including myself and
a lot of the viewers aren't gonna like OS X but like comparing how well they sync together
and all that kind of stuff like if there's if there's iHome or whatever like getting
that kind of stuff too I think that could be pretty interesting.
Speaking of how well things within the same ecosystem work together I think I'll use this
as an opportunity to give my thoughts on the Galaxy S5.
So Samsung sent me a Galaxy S5 as well as a Gear Fit I didn't have long enough with
them I only had them for about a week so I didn't have long enough with them to do a
full review but what I told Samsung is okay sure send it to me for a week I'm not gonna
do a review but I'll talk about it on my show so I'm just this is just my here just to give
you guys oh sorry just to give you guys some idea this is what my notes look like before
I turn it into a script that makes any kind of sense they're not in any particular order
these are just notes that I make to myself as I observe them so I apologize that this
is a little bit disjointed I was impressed that even though the plasticiness of the Galaxy
series is still very much there the actual flex to the phone is much less than the previous
generation S4 and I don't think Samsung got enough credit for that they managed to make
the phone a lot more rigid without actually making it you know out of a solid piece of
metal the same way that other premium phone makers do which isn't to say that I necessarily
think that justifies making all your phones out of plastic but whatever I hate the positioning
of the lock button directly opposed to volume it just seems like nobody can get this right
nobody can find two spots on a phone to put volume and lock where you don't have to press
all of them Apple gets it more right than most g2 yes Apple gets it more right than
most because their buttons are stiff enough that you won't accidentally press them when
you're trying to press one or the other but on the Galaxy S5 I was constantly accidentally
mashing the volume when I was trying to lock or unlock the phone an issue I don't have
nearly as much with the one because you can wake it up by tapping on the screen another
thing that the g2 which you don't have any work does really well back to the going back
to a hardware home button really felt like a step backwards um when I did my one and
eight review I talked about how I felt like it was a mixed bag but I had never tried to
go from my one m7 to my one m8 and then back to the one m7 with its hardware buttons and
what I realized is that going back after having used the one m8 for so long really felt like
a last generation implementation I've gotten used to them now the extra width is more noticeable
than you would think due to the thicker edges so that's the width of the phone physically
itself I couldn't figure out what I was talking about until the end there so even though the
HTC one m8 is quite long in order to accommodate those boom sound speakers I really like the
speakers I'm willing to make that trade-off and on the s5 that width really made it challenging
for me to use it because of my small hands but the shape and all that basically it was
not it was not easy for me to handle compared to the one m8 with that said everyone's making
fun of the backing material on the s5 I like it it reminds me of the first gen Nexus 7 and I think
it's great that's that grippiness is probably the one thing that made the phone somewhat manageable
for me because I really didn't find the shape that easy for me to hold the one m8 by contrast
especially the titanium version the one that I have is quite slippery another contrast between
the one m8 and the galaxy s5 is the crummy speaker positioning it is so noticeable coming from a
device with front-facing speakers going to something like the iPhone 5 with them bottom
mounted speakers or something like the galaxy s5 with that horrendous rear mounted speaker
implementation that was one thing that I wanted to bring up actually is you you scolded it
slightly for the hardware home button yes do you feel the same way about that one no the thing that
I don't like about the eye because this button has other functionality even if it's just a
fingerprint reader okay and having the you know okay so it's not the home button I guess that
bothered me it was the multitasking and the back because I like the way that things shift around
contextually when I rotate the phone whereas with this it's just one button it's just always one
button whereas if it's things that can actually change a little bit and can indicate oh hey right
now you're gonna be lowering your keyboard versus right now you're gonna be going back
within your program I like that and I've gotten used to that right anyway rear mounted speakers
are terrible they need to go away prompting about default oh this is good I originally had this down
as a really positive point about the phone because I had to look up not that long ago how to unbind
default applications for actions within Android because it's pretty hidden Samsung this when you
actually find something by default has hey here's how you undo it and the only issue is it comes up
every time I was like really like there's no go away there's probably a way to disable the
notification somewhere within the touch with settings but I was just yeah but it came up every
time I don't mind Samsung's keyboard but like so many things in touch with I really feel like it
takes up too much of the precious screen real estate gesture based smartwatch waking is still
terrible I guess I'm shifting gears to the gear fit now so I the whole time I was using the s5 I
switched from my pebble to the gear fit and there are some things about it that I like the screen is
beautiful I think the industrial design is a lot better than the pebble but gesture based waking is
terrible and if you're gonna have gesture based waking make it a flick like pebble to turn on the
backlight don't make it this contrived thing Samsung had every opportunity to just make it so
I can flick it or tap it in order to see what's on the screen and they didn't do it it's just
asinine and the battery life on it is good enough that they should at least give you the option
because it lasted a good five or six days in the default scheme where the screen was barely ever
on and if it was on more often when I'm just waving around and I only got two or three days
out of it I could probably live with that a lot more than I could you know having the screen on
all the time and having it get get only getting like one day out of it I understand the HTC chin
bar now the back button on the s5 is so low that it's actually uncomfortable to reach so having
that chin bar on the one is a more natural position for the hand versus trying to force
your thumb and contort it down here so as much as the chin bar was something I complained about in
my one m8 review a couple of things so number one is I get it now and number two is when I
complained about the unevenness of the keyboard and landscape mode someone pointed out hey Linus
if you just went this way then you'd have your software contextual buttons move to here and the
chin bar here and it would actually be centered again so good design on the one I realize I'm
bringing up a lot of good things about the one m8 in my impression s5 review the one m8 love
I figured out what I don't like about touch with because it's really not that slow anymore oh yeah
so this was the note that goes along with that information density thing information density is
so low the stock messaging app makes me crazy in spite of the larger screen and no on-screen
buttons there are actually fewer texts on screen compared to sense UI why and I mean you look at
the way that they've talked about some of the things that they do how it's like old people
optimized maybe that's what it is maybe that's why I don't like it I like really high information
density on my screen I like to use the real estate because I can see just fine and I can I can press
things accurately but maybe touch was just isn't made for me if you if you're on your Samsung phone
can you go to Google default keyboard instead of the Samsung keyboard yeah yeah yeah but that
doesn't change the fact that your text app just everything takes up too much space yeah and and
you can get a different text app to of course but why load it with this thing it's in my well
not for this one but it's in my default download programs for another one it's custom testing out
so um text size scaling doesn't even help much because in things like the settings menu UI
elements are still huge they don't resize only the labels do right I love the idea of the gear fit
I hate the gesture thing blah blah blah blah blah blah blah the strap on the gear fit is janky it's
not that easy to put on it's actually did I show it to you it's just two little nubbins that go
into the other side there's no actual like lock like it just go with the tried and true on that
one like why I like I understood with the original galaxy gear they wanted to put like a camera and a
microphone in it's like okay I don't agree with you but I understand what you're doing with the
gear fit just put a watch strap on it don't reinvent the wheel this is literally like like
that is the most perfect use of don't reinvent the wheel that I have ever managed to come up
with you're in reinventing something that's been around for hundreds of years and is tried and true
it attaches here and here and clasps here that is all um skinny oh yeah and the the uh the vertical
design of the uh the gear fit is terrible because most of the schemes for it are right side up like
this there's two watch faces for it that are right side up like this and once again information
density they don't take advantage of all that screen real estate what I would like to see is
time here weather here the date here and like use up all that space instead it just puts like
massive tall numbers like this I'm just like so you're gonna have to you're gonna have to do your
like huh yeah it's gonna be like a like a martial arts like training class secretly
secretly the koreans are building an army
oh my goodness um that'd be epic don't do the nod thing the setup process for the gear is great
when you pair it the app just installs automatically automagically I think that's
fantastic there's no share to youtube by default in the gallery on the s5 what which for a youtuber
like me is just infuriating and you know what within the youtube app on ios you can't just
upload you can only upload to youtube from the gallery so I'm just how are these things so broken
so that'll be something from my iphone 5s review right um I think that is pretty much it that that
those are my thoughts on the galaxy s5 I really don't think the build quality is as bad as people
are making it out to be it's just that the industry has moved on and samsung's small
improvement is not enough when you compare it to uh sony's latest phones htc's latest phones and
anything apple's made in the last since the iphone 4 I guess so in like the last four or five years
right all right speaking of phones this is so fantastic I love it oh yeah yeah this is really
cool we gotta go back up when you're done this one okay but yeah I don't even think I care that much
about that bluetooth ring I just want to talk about uh the the creation that ghost and I came
up with which we both think is vastly superior sure um okay so this is the pi phone it was created
by a software engineer really cool so cool so it's made out of a raspberry pi here do you want to
walk because I got this playing for them sure uh so it's made of a raspberry pi a touch screen which
he gives the uh name of inside the video a 2500 milliamp hour lipo battery uh gsm gprs module and
the total cost is around 158 dollars that being said he just like got it working yes these are
zip ties yeah like like yeah like literally it's zip tied together I think this is more of a like
look this works you can do this not necessarily this is the best possible situation there's also
some issues one of the reasons why it's not in a case is because without heat sinks on it the
thing gets really hot and if it was actually in an enclosed case you might have problems with it
so like it's not there yet right now it only supports calling so he shows you he actually
does call someone unfortunately the number shows on screen and now it's blowing up but
I love engineers because check this out he built a cell phone and then uh it's presumably his wife
in the background and he's uh calling the he so he calls himself he calls his own landline check
this out hold on a second what's my number again engineers man engineers man that's funny whatever
man I love engineers I had to show Taron this immediately scratch builds cell phone can't
remember phone number whoever you are what's what's the what's the guy's name David Hunt
David Hunt you are so awesome like you are so awesome I love people that are just that into
what they do yeah that what they do is more important than their own phone number yeah it's
like you're cool and it's actually pretty awesome I thought this was super cool I hope it goes
further because we need to get away from the ultra attractiveness of everything right now because
it's kind of horrible and yeah that's about it for that one an actually open source os yes unlike
what android has turned into yeah seriously but then it's just a matter of time until someone
turns it into not open source again so whatever uh where are we moving on to okay so the the nod
the nod ah yes so this was posted by top wargamer originally on the forum and this is a bluetooth
ring um should we should we just show the video of this because I think we can
demonstrates it pretty well you can show all the that probably doesn't work that wayness of the
video my biggest problem with this is actually that it's based around bluetooth oh shoot I'm
not screen sharing because bluetooth is just like the biggest thing that doesn't work very well
in my opinion there's there's so many problems with it pairs but they decide not to talk to
each other or it won't pair or something else is paired to it I know but it's still kind of rough
it's gotten a lot better it's still kind of rough I don't know you like it rough I don't think you
can switch into between devices easily enough for a ring to be what I'm going to want to use
and I I don't I don't I wouldn't how much is it 150 bucks 150 yeah 140 yeah 150 bucks I don't
think I would pay 150 for something that looks very elegant because of how well photographed
it is here but it's actually super chunky yeah like this is a finger that's not even a skinny
finger this is a third the width of a finger like sticking out of the inside of your hand
it's really big it's it's they show a guy in the video like playing halo I'm like no man here's
the video we'll just we'll let you guys it's fairly short so do you want to talk about what
your concept is while they check out the video okay so not just mine definitely ghost is in
this as well I we we started arguing about the merits of this ring and we ended up coming up
with the thing that we would rather it was right so this actually totally worked out so we would
get rid of almost everything in this ring we would leave it with just the swipe texting kind
of idea yeah but remove the actual ability to like do that on a tv it now only pairs with your smart
watch yeah when a text opens up you can read it and then come up with different shapes like you
could bind shapes to different words or you could go with a keyboard mapping so like yes on a
keyboard is probably not going to be any other word if you're one word texting so if you went
like this it can't see you right now okay so if you waved your hand in a shape if you wave your
hand in a shape that correlates with either a keyboard design you could you could set it up
however you want a keyboard design or maybe you bound it to a circle so yes is a circle so you
get a message on your smart watch and you just go whoop and you can reply that way I don't like
your idea I think the functionality is too limited it feels like 20 bucks no that's that's why oh so
you want it to be cheap that's why we're moving everything because it's supposed to be dirt cheap
and nice and much much much smaller hopefully embeddable in an actual ring
right I think we're we're a few generations of technology away from a smart ring that actually
makes an ounce of sense yes this one isn't it to me I might order one just to try it so that
I can tell you guys how stupid it is um just like the idea just like that huge like wrist like uh
wrist communicator size it's not even watch the Neptune pine uh yeah it'll come at some point I
ordered it they're they're still progressing so sure why not uh in the thread where this was
posted by top war gamer he he said that I would be super interested because I'm interested in
interacting with things in different ways and he was totally right and I do find this interesting
I just do not think this is the one I mean in theory it allows a bunch of different stuff it
can be a universal controller allowing effortless communication with all of your smart devices and
your connected life including phones tablets google glass watches home appliances tv's computers
and more you can use it as a media controller you can use it for selfies to answer calls so
you could like use it as like a remote you know a camera shutter for example uh you can the flat
surface of the ring so it's meant to be worn on the inside the way that they're wearing it which
just make it uncomfortable to close your fist the worst um so the flat surface of the ring is meant
to be um if it has a tiny capacitive touch panel with two programmable buttons on either side and
then you can type in the air similar to swipe and the battery lasts for a day
yeah I'm not really interested in this one but like imagine you took almost all those features
out and just made it made it work with your smartwatch in some sort of way that's the only
thing it has to pair with too because I'm not really going to want to use this for much else
anyways right um that's the only thing it has to pair to so you're not going to screw around
with bluetooth that much when bluetooth is only trying to do one thing like if you're not
repeatedly trying to pair it with a billion different things throughout your day it's
actually usually pretty okay so if you pair the ring and the smartwatch and just leave it
it's probably fine and then if you came up with stuff like gesture controls for doing certain
things I think that could be cool because smart watches are really interesting and I would like
to be able to interact with them more but when we're seeing stuff like the google what is it
called is it google watch I don't remember but it's essentially google now but it's the watch
level oh yeah I remember reading about that yeah um that kind of stuff is a lot of voice controlled
interaction which like if you're in a meeting yeah you don't want to talk to your watch yeah
text message mom yes that's fine when you could just be like oh it's up spin that right I mean
I think really for me if it's super cheap the the holy grail is going to be some kind of eye
tracking technology that I can use to control things so you know some a google glass type
device that is way better and way cheaper oh yeah um that I can use to just kind of like
do stuff quietly while people aren't paying attention yeah speaking of google okay hold
on we got oh we've got it's gonna have to be way better again two more topics that we really need
to get to the tear down so one posted originally by nice hat I want to do this one first because
I have a poll question that I want oh yeah can you create a poll in the meantime sure um so
businessweek.com has an article about China's plan to build a massive gaming like um they're
calling it like a park but they mean park like industrial park as far as I can tell like not like
with slides so the idea is that the centerpiece is going to be a massive gaming stadium for
things like live tournaments and then around it they want to attract oops I haven't actually shown
around it they want to attract um game companies to set up their uh their offices there and turn
this into like a like a video gaming sort of hub um fascinating my only problem with this is like
a lot of my I have a lot of friends that watch esports like my main core group of friends pretty
much everybody watches esports at some level right maybe not that much but they do watch it and the
main common theme I find is it's nice that you can watch it on a tablet or your computer
and while I think a lot of our group would go out to these events to see these things
I don't actually see a crazy amount of people doing it and one thing was I know that when I
was in Korea I went to the Starcraft finals it was being streamed in two places the arena that
it was in and uh gom tv which is another one when I was at gom tv there was four people there
and they had live casters two of the most famous casters in the world live casting it there's four
people there right um okay where the actual tournament actually was with the players so
you're gonna expect to see a lot more people there that makes sense there was a lot more people but
until the actual final round there was a few empty chairs and the there was none of the standing room
was taken out the final round boom full and then everyone disappeared so basically you're saying
that live attendees for esports events are like Vancouver Canucks fans
I see that correlation and like the thing is I'm sure I'm sure it will be attended
I just and like there's been League of Legends ones where they're freaking huge right my only
thing is I don't know I mean they filled the Staples Center yeah with with the tournament
at one point so I just they need to make it more um how do I even say it I think one of the
problems with the one Korean one is it wasn't very accessible so they need to make this very
accessible so they're gonna have a hard so your your issue is they're gonna have a hard time
keeping the seats full often enough to justify a facility that for this game yeah this phase alone
is going to be costing I think it was 480 million big games and big tournaments and stuff I totally
see them filling it yeah so so uh 480 million just for the arena and the first phase um and then 2.8
billion total and if you can only fill it up with you know 15,000 fans like you know but then again
15,000 is honestly not that high of a number yeah so they might be able to fill this thing up all
the time because that's not that high of a number I just don't know I'm talking about like big crazy
Staples Center level uh stadiums I don't know if you can fill that up on like a weekly basis okay
so if it's part of a wider gaming themed park like facility would you consider traveling there
for like a trip as a tourist attraction China scares me a little bit well okay if let's say
it wasn't in China would you consider traveling to something like that I went to Korea to see
the star cup okay so there you go honestly this it it works for me I would want to go see this
I would go there everyone's like if it was local I'd love to go see games I just I worry about so
I want to hear from you guys is this another crazy building project in China where there's
going to be entire ghosts well they've already got ghost cities over in China entire cities of
basically unpopulated buildings because they built all this stuff assuming that the money and the
people were coming and then they they just kind of didn't is this going to be another one of those
projects or is this a stroke of genius and it's amazing no one did it sooner and is this going
to turn into an esports mecca personally I think this post yeah okay personally I think this one
will work will it become a mecca yes or no um will it will it be a will it be a success
okay there uh so slick's gonna post the loop I haven't called you slick in a long time
Luke's gonna be posting the uh the straw poll into the chat very very shortly here in the meantime
there was one other topic oh yes titan z has been postponed I think this one will work
that's my vote um so brownninja97 posted this on the forum
here we go I'm just going to share with you guys while you guys vote
so titan z was supposedly going to be released on april 29th but according to sweetclockers
plans have changed the only thing we don't know is why we do apparently have some more details
about the titan z so we were looking at a 180 megahertz frequency drop compared to the original
780 ti so yeah and we were looking at a cooling system that was going to be a triple slot cooler
the first time we've ever seen a triple slot reference cooler out of nvidia and I think AMD
I don't think anyone's ever done a triple slot reference yeah so it was um it was the the rumor
that the speculation and I haven't heard anything about it one way or the other is that titan z
was was delayed because it's not going to be competitive with the r9 295x2 which is a liquid
cooled card that runs at the same speed as the full-fledged r9 290x except two of them on a
single card and that the titan z was going to be incredibly expensive I don't know if I necessarily
buy that because the titan z was not meant to go head to head against the 295x2 it's a compute card
with 12 gigs of memory and full double precision unlockedness like it it's it's it's more of a
developer card I think part of the problem is their marketing was a little bit confusing on that
you could be right because they they did talk about it in the in the sense and they always
have with titan despite it not really being that they have always marketed it on some level as a
gamer well original titan was launched as the fastest gaming dpo on the planet yeah that was
how it was positioned for better or for worse um and then they they talked a lot during the
briefing call I remember my briefing call for titan because I was I was late for my badminton
ladder because I had to sit on a briefing call for titan and then I had to leave the briefing
call for titan make up some cock and bull story about how my phone got disconnected so I could
attend a different briefing for like a different region that wasn't one of my original options so
I could actually hear what they're saying because I had to go get on a badminton court but anyway
um that's pretty funny uh the but the branding was was to the reviewers it was very clear this
is about double precision this is about CUDA development and if gamers want to buy them
then great but the way that it was positioned on like gforce.com was not very clear and there was
a lot of the simil the same confusion about titan z so maybe because it wasn't going to be
competitive with a card that it was never really created to compete with they're put in a bit of
an awkward position yeah I think they might have dug their own hole here I think the bigger story
here is I think this is maybe the end of the line of dual gpu top end cards I've never liked them
you look at what amd amd resorted to a prefab liquid cooler to make theirs work nvidia the the
kings in my mind of cool quiet elegant solutions not compromising on but well not obviously not
going back to like the fx 5800 days but but of late the nvidia that doesn't compromise
on the overall experience to deliver more frames per second resorted to a triple slot cooler in
order to make this thing function is that where we're at now is this is this the end of the line
are we at the physical limitations of the heat that we can remove and the power that we can
deliver to these cards and is it just the end now I'm I'm I even have a different point but I do
agree with you on that um although I wouldn't be surprised if it did work I just bet you that
they're looking into triple slot coolers and stuff now because of results from 295x2
I wouldn't be surprised there because I do suspect it probably did work with the dual slot cooler
um but I'm I'm surprised that like I I never liked them even when cases were huge right it made more
sense to have a billion graphics cards now a lot of people are going to much smaller cases and
smaller motherboards in smaller situations so it even makes more sense now and it's still not
catching on right and one thing that I need I think GPUs are going really slow actually we've
seen this like that we've seen a little bit iteration for a long time and you're starting
to see where like that card and even the 295x2 when things are fully set up on really really
high resolutions which are coming down in price fast so people are going to start running them
at really high settings games at those resolutions are it's it's not that impressive like barely over
60 fps so then isn't that an argument for more dual gpu solutions it is but it's also an argument
for stronger single gpu solutions I know we see this slow iteration it's hard to build them
videos sits on stuff well you can make the argument either way I don't think anyone outside
of nvidia really knows what's happened over the last little while but what we do know is that
TSMC is not delivering smaller process nodes so there's only so much you can do by tweaking the
design with something like Maxwell to go okay it's more efficient per watt and it does perform better
but look guys this is all we can really do because it's colder more efficient per watt and performs
better and all that kind of stuff then it should be easier to make these dual GPU cards so then you
want them to deliver a larger GPU or that because even though it's more expensive or that right
they're making a lot there but we should talk about GPU bomb cost if we're going to talk about
Google glass bomb cost uh it's not about the bomb I know I know I know okay let's talk about
let's talk about the poll results uh yeah let's do the poll results so guys the results are in
will China's gaming centric like thing will it be a success most of you think no I actually disagree
I disagree wholeheartedly I think that particularly because it's in Asia and I think
that because it's on the forefront it's going to be the first one it is going to have the support
of guys like MLG where they're going to be like yeah we want to have every event there from now on
and once you make something into the default destination then you kind of won at least for
a while at least until competing facilities start to show up and there is something to be said even
if you're watching on the screen I mean think about going to a concert unless you're in like
the first few dozen rows it's not like you can see the pores on the singer's face and a lot of
the time you're going to end up watching the big screen anyway so even though a gaming tournament
is very much like that you're not really looking at the players most of the time you're looking at
the screen it's more about people attend live events for the atmosphere I personally don't
like having lots of people around me they're loud and they smell bad but lots of people
like the atmosphere of concerts and sporting events and that's what this will be even though
you're still watching on a screen it's it's about being around the other people and cheering when
the thing happens and the crowd going ah and I think something like this can be a big success
and I think the timing is right yeah three years ago I would have laughed at it yeah me too and
like with with China getting behind League of Legends so heavily I could totally see this
because League of Legends is gonna be a huge big deal this arena and League of Legends are gonna
have to come together if that doesn't work then I don't think the arena is gonna work 100 they they
have to work together or else it's just no big deal so Google Glass costs 80 bucks to build this
was originally posted on the forum by shadow captain and that's fine so the processor costs
thirteen dollars and ninety six cents with the wi-fi and blue shift to bluetooth chips coming in
at our bluetooth chip coming in at ten dollars and seventy nine cents and the camera five dollars
and sixty six cents if they increase the bomb cost they could put in a way better camera they
could do all kinds of interesting stuff and still make a profit but something that people need to
understand so anyone who is like upset about the bomb cost of a product like this it is not about
the bomb cost it is about and for oh sorry bomb means bill of materials so the actual like list
of things on a spreadsheet that go into it and the the eighty dollars includes assembly apparently
yeah but it's not about that it's about the extremely expensive engineers that you have
to employ for a long period of time before you can actually release it that all need salaries so
there's there seems to be a fair bit of outrage that google is charging fifteen hundred dollars
for it because i mean it's something to remember guys they don't want people to buy it not really
they only want people to buy it who are serious business like developers and stuff and gonna
develop for it or or uh provide like massive media coverage for it or people who can afford
to spend fifteen hundred dollars on something to try it to be one of the first ones that's who they
they don't want everyone to have one because they know it's not ready yet it's like oculus developer
kits yeah they don't want everyone to buy it they say oh right they kind of did kind of but they
wanted developers to buy it they don't want every joe to buy it and then like do a review of how it
the pixels are big yeah you don't want people to have a bad experience with the product you'd
rather just not have them have it at all it's fairly and that's an interesting uh point because
it's fairly well documented that oculus looks like a screen door and the google glass experience is
really not that good yeah and that's because they're both not what those companies want them
to be yet that's right so you're gonna pay you're gonna pay more and then there's even a lot of
speculation that cv1 consumer version one of oculus rift is gonna be cheaper than some of the
development kits have been or all of the development kits have been interesting if you think about it
the mass manufacturing possibilities behind a consumer version are much higher than the
development version if you're only making a very small amount of something like development kit one
wasn't a huge amount so if you're only making that much it could cost more all right so unless you
have something else that you feel is incredibly important we do have a few more things on here
but i think that like needs to be done i think that's pretty much it for the land show we thank
you guys very much for tuning in the weather's beautiful so i'm not doing a garage sale today
i will do one again at some point it's just honestly you guys fridays are very tiring at the
end of very tiring weeks so he does a lot of stuff on friday and this morning was worse than usual i
had to go to uh see an accountant about our like linus media group tax filing and stuff yeah that
doesn't sound fun at all so i had to i yeah today was awesome i i noticed you you got back to the
office later than you normally do yeah so i assumed something i was late to ncix and then
i was late getting back here but uh thank you guys very much for tuning in we hope you enjoyed
the land show as much as we enjoy making it thanks again to our sponsors hotspot shield
and asus we gotta like synchronize that better to be like huh huh um thank you to asus for uh for
sponsoring the show today i don't know how many times i said thank you for watching but i really
am thankful that you guys watch if you're tuning in late we will have the archive up on the youtube
sometime hopefully in the next sort of few hours if not it'll be tomorrow morning it's going to be
when we get a chance yes i was going to say it didn't break in half this time yeah that
always helps so that that should help peace out guys all right um