
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

How's it going gravy and welcome to the wan show we've got a great show lined up for you guys today lots of great topics
Which everyone who was tuned into the pre-show knows is a big fat lie
But we do have a few pretty interesting ones
Monster Monster energy is running around
suing pretty much anyone who has
Monster associated with their brand or the name of their product in any way so by simply putting monster
In the title of this video we could be opening ourselves up to a big fat lawsuit. Hey, thanks monster energy in other news
Star Forge systems reviewed the LTT
Screwdriver I have gone out of my way to not only
Not watch the video. Oh, but I haven't even skimmed the comments, so we are gonna be reacting live
We're doing a reaction video Luke. Let's go
What else we got today
One of our channels got deleted did I do it on purpose because I enjoyed it so much last time I was wondering that
Or what really happened who else has the the opportunity and the motive
I'm pretty high on the suspects list at this point in time
Also in other news arc battle mage. It's still happening, okay?
And so is the other one that I don't remember the name Celeste there we go
And they matter they're not canceled. Yeah, they might matter
Hopefully it's something will Matt. Yeah
I don't know if I want to talk about that the show is brought to you by covalence Zoho one and
Squarespace I'm just so tired of talking about Tesla. Are you talking about the cameras?
Yeah, the footage just like it's pretty bad circulating in like meme chats
Cuz they have internal cameras in their cars don't they?
We okay fine. Just just add it to the list we can talk about it. Okay. We don't have to yeah
It's just like I'm just so tired. I agree it is exhausting. I totally understand
We don't have to it's like in other news
They're like just as evil as everybody else, and you shouldn't be a fan boy in other news still that
Let's kick it off with monster energy
Suing the developer of a game
Just for having the word
Monster in the title the best part. It's that it doesn't even have the word monster in the title it has the word
Monsters in the title so they're suing indie game developer glow stick entertainment over the title of its
2020 horror game dark deception monsters and mortals
What the fuck their claim is that the game's branding is?
Confusingly similar to their monster energy trademark, maybe to people that drink monster
No, no no hold on a second. This is the
This is it Luke
Yeah, so they put them both in like monstery font, but it's not even a similar month
Yeah, this is more of like maybe like somewhere between
Ninja and Diablo yeah, cuz like the line through the O and like stuff, and this is obviously hairy
Yeah, this is hair hair inspired. This is these are nothing alike
Get this and it also has lots of other words, and it doesn't even start yes
It's the biggest one, but it doesn't even start with the word monster. It's even the biggest one. I think mortals is equally
Tall okay, it's the biggest one sure it's the biggest not by much though. They're both
They're both very large and get this they're going after them over the their studios logo
oh wait what glow stick entertainments logo looks like this and
Monster is insisting that they need to remove the color green
From their logo. Oh come on. I didn't even know about that part
This is the kind of thing that I've got to look at and go
What is the 4d chess that they're playing here?
It is the is the idea that there's no such thing as bad publicity and anything that gets people talking about
Monster in any context is inherently good
Because like let's think about this for a second their their beverage tastes like piss water
right I
Haven't had a monster in so long. I don't even know but like I mean I tried it recently for short-circuit with that said
I'm not the biggest fan of energy drinks in general, but it was not cool
It I'm sorry no amount of extreme
You know athletes doing whatever in their promotional materials is going to make drinking that cool
It might make it might energize you or whatever else
But it doesn't like who knows it. Maybe it has efficacy, but yeah
You could you taste you could find stuff that that tastes better for sure yeah for the same price or a lower one
There's there's also like insane amount of options in that realm well. Yeah, that's so many. It's a super competitive space
Yeah, so I'm looking at it going the point of this
Obviously isn't that anyone will actually confuse your brand
the point of this can't be to try to draw in a new customer by how
Cool and magnanimously you are behaving
So the only thing I can think of is that you've got enough people out there addicted to your particular
formula of piss water
That they're kind of going oh
Right monster. I haven't had one of those in a while by like beating up some indie company
They are definitely getting coverage I knew about this before I saw it in the doc so did I
Don't think we can even pull this because I don't think we can trust people's
Like stated opinions right you'd have to trust their market actions because those are very often not the same thing
But like I wonder how effective that's gonna be because there's no way in hell
This would make me want to buy something from monster. It would do the opposite now
Here's the thing this is not even a new behavior for them
They are notorious for these kinds of frivolous nonsense lawsuits in 20
This is great in
2016 monster lost a suit against monster fish keepers
Which is that even is that even still a thing?
Hey, hey, we're heading to monster fish keepers calm. Let's go
This is apparently an aquarium enthusiast forum
Support and defend monster fish keepers okay hold on a second this is from
Support and defend it is that this is an entire sub forum. We won. Okay. This is from February of 2016
We've been battling with
Monster energy since 2014 I have beaten the monster
Monster energy now has a ruling against its ludicrous and overreaching argument that it owns the word monster
Hopefully this will help the hundreds of other small businesses being bullied by them wow this is
Amazing shout out neo prodigy for all I know you kill cats in your spare time
But from this post alone you seem pretty cool, and I'm super into it apparently they've gone after Pokemon for
pocket monsters and
They've gone after monster hunter
Saying that there is confused there could be confusion in
2022 they tried to block hundreds of trademarks including moody monster a therapy toy for mentally ill children and
The logo of the Brookhaven Bears baseball team because it contains claw marks. Oh my
Hold on I've got to see this logo now. I mean it they just
They just sound like
Just idiots you know like I don't know this feels impossible to actually implement impossible to police
impossible to manage we probably shouldn't actually do it, but it would be cool if there was like
Some type of thing that would monitor and detect stuff like this and be like
You are overly abusing your rights blah blah blah blah, and then you just lose your trademark
Just screw it like no you've done. You've done too much. You've gone too far
You're just trying to use the people
People in floatplane are talking about Kylie Jenner versus Kylie Minogue what in 2014?
Kylie Jenner wanted to register her name as a trademark, but was prevented by singer Kylie Minogue
Wait wait she wanted to register Kylie just Kylie
You shouldn't be able to register names or just standard English words
Well words in any other language really, but I mean it's not what I mean the thing is that you can at least oh hold on
I've got the Brookhaven Bears logo. This doesn't even look like the monsters
It doesn't it's not that the monster slash is very it's like three railroad spikes like this is this is it's it's very specific
This is obviously
Inspired by a bear they're swipe not a monster and does not evoke the look of the monster energy logo
at all
Now the point is not that they think they're necessarily going to win this a major reason for these lawsuits aside from
Harassment protecting your trademark because is it trademarks that if you don't?
Protect them that you can you can lose them so aside from protecting your trademark is just to
Just to bully and intimidate others into giving in
Because of the threat of a long and expensive legal battle
Apparently though glow stick entertainment plans to fight the lawsuit in court and is currently pushing for a summary dismissal
The discussion question here. I mean it's pretty much what we've already talked about
What is the motivation for monsters perspective wouldn't the risk of consumers seeing this and going wow?
What a bunch of jerk wads
Outweigh any
Possible benefit, but then you know I got to ask like you drink monster energy
Like your standards are pretty low. I guess so not
I have a question. I actually don't care you drink whatever energy drink you want winner. When are you suing Linus bicycles right?
Right or or oh?
Man there's this other there's this
Sounds pretty similar there could be confused there has been confusion. We have documented confusion that
Legitimately has caused confusion. We should sue the Linux found
I get called Linux on a fairly regular basis especially by acceptable whose second language is English
Yeah, because it's just I don't know s excellent same thing right you want to you want to you want to lose a lot of fans
Let's go let's go sue the Linux Foundation, that'll go really well
This is just stupid I hate it yeah
I don't know in some case like I like I wasn't even I wasn't even super mad over the
Dumb tech pouch thing with peak designs like our peak design. Whatever it is
I wasn't even that mad cuz it's like yeah
Just a descriptive name is something we could probably fight, and it's super dumb, but I don't care now
It's the tech sack and it's selling great like it just the funnier name anyway doesn't matter not necessarily a better name
But it's a funnier name
This is far far more frivolous. Yeah. Yeah, this is ridiculous
apparently they actually
against Ubisoft over the title of the game gods and monsters and
Ubisoft did change the name to immortals Phoenix rising ending the dispute my understanding though
Is that in the games industry it is?
extremely common to just like
have to change the name of your game in the lead-up to launch just because it's
Such a well, there's so many yeah, yeah, it's such a crowded space
And when like this genuinely happens by the way we've played them
They're kind of funny sometimes
But people will take like unity demos and spend like I don't know a day or less
Editing it and then just put it on Steam and sell it
When you can do that with any number of names for your games. Yeah like
the the chance that a name that is similar to the name of the game that you're going to release is already out because of
Any reason is extremely high very very high
So in summary monster sucks. Yeah choose another
Energy drink if you drink energy drinks yeah
Not promoting any particular one. Just don't drink that one. Why is Dennis here?
I'm not I'm not gonna say anything. Can you smell it as a present for you?
It looks familiar right
Yes, yes, I'm I'm I'm aware of uncle Linus. I believe he's brought you a bag of uncle Linus
It smells like potatoes like but hey is it just potatoes
There's something in there John in line actually you can find um put your hand in the bag, okay?
That's sound so yeah, this is making me extremely uncomfortable by the way the uncle Linus is
number one choice farm fresh
Hoodie is way more comfortable than it looks I saw so many people confused by this thing
It is not actually made a little bit confused with it because one of the one of the photos makes it look like it's burlap
Okay, 100% cotton. Yeah, it's super comfy
It's a real product, and it's available while supplies last on lttstore.com
We still have some of them, but we've yeah
We well this we're probably gonna have to cut off orders at some point because they're back orders and until we cut off orders
We're not gonna be able to place the order to fill the back orders, so yeah, that's the uncle Linus is
Thank you for that Dennis. Yes. You're in the frame
Okay, it's just potatoes potatoes hold on. There's more. There's more potatoes
Okay, Luke. I've got a potato for you, okay
Potato save the laptop, okay
Okay, there's a lot of supposed to find that yeah giant sack of potato really that was
Wow good job Linus, okay?
On the back of the letter is me taking a bite of a raw potato
beautiful please read
Today we are doing something special. We know that the WAN show has been running late and causing you to miss dinner
So I hooked you guys up with a failing company called uncle Linus's potato farm
Which has generously provided us with their signature uncle Linus's recipe fries by the way you can get this hoodie at lttstore.com
You will be served six different plates of fries from six different restaurants including uncle Linus's
What on earth is the ones from uncle Linus?
You need to guess where each plate is from we will start with the easier ones first all right here
We go okay got plate one and two well
Okay plate one is McDonald's
Obviously McDonald's yeah, right yeah
The audience can't see it either
Yeah, I'm allowed to I'm allowed so well talk immediately. I'm allowed to do whatever I want
Okay, well hold on let's at least put them where people can see them
Why these why are you bringing them out?
Wait, maybe not
I have no idea for that is that other one. Yeah, that looks like just tater tots
Minced beef yeah, what am I okay?
Do we need a pen why are you bringing them all out now, and oh they can see it now, okay?
Yeah, how does this game work?
Yeah McDonald's Wow
Okay, you're supposed to keep it here, okay?
Well, we didn't supposed to keep it to ourselves you haven't even explained the rules yet. Oh, okay, well
You keep telling me. I haven't eaten it yet, but it's not like you give me any to eat
I'm not in charge here
I want to try. I like McDonald's fries. I'll have a McDonald's fry
Thanks, thanks for the McDonald's fries. Yeah, I'm good
If I okay if I I will I will taste the ones that I that I don't definitely know okay, that is definitely
McDonald's okay, can I have no one at number two that one's definitely this is aversive
McDonald's fries have looked the same literally my entire life mm-hmm mm-hmm
Okay, can I see number three that looks like?
Apple in the top this one. I don't know what am I even looking at supposed to be cheese that chewed up gum
Is this like supposed to be like a cheese curry?
So you never know well I see
Uncle Linus is recipe what do I what do I say if like I guarantee you?
I have no idea what that one that one or that one are but I'm
90% sure I know what this one this one and that one are you're competing for score?
Yeah, we're apparently competing, but my like my trick. What are the options?
All the common ones
Yeah Wendy's so the first two were definitely very easy, I don't even know who makes a poutine
I don't know if this is supposed to be a poutine. There's definitely cheese curds. I don't think that eating. This is gonna help me
It didn't um okay well here you go Luke
Okay, I'll try that in a second. I'm not gonna be able to
Crap I don't even know all right sure I'm just gonna. I'm gonna start just writing common things
Mm-hmm right I see okay, I'm not gonna eat that
Are you guys seeing this should we switch to one of the one of the other can't here hold on
Oh, yeah, if you hold it up. Yeah
Okay, are you the Linus cam is not working is that
Expected behavior, this is the Linus cam well, where's the wide cam what oh I know why that's happening. Yeah, yeah, yeah Linus cam
Oh Dennis is it possible that more than one are from the same place no
No no no I'm wondering it's like is it possible that you ordered like normal fries and also poutine fries
Okay, they're all separate
Could I have number five
What are we doing I I don't know, but please have number five
What are you doing Dennis?
That's why I'm oh this is so cold
Eating the hair that's it's part of the experience of um having fast food from the okay
Yeah, well um I don't know sure
Okay, and then the last one last one I
Feel like I have no idea what number is that one six?
Have you not written down anything yet Luke? This is pretty easy like if you can you guys can tell by the look of it
No, I'm just drawing a blank. I can't even remember what fast-food restaurants. There are
I have the exact same opinion that I had before I tried any of them
I'm 90% sure I know what three are I still think they are what they are
I'm a hundred percent sure I have no idea what the other three are because I've never ordered fast-food poutine okay
No clue all right. Well. Let's get this over with hold on
Okay, three, which one even is three
That is a truly unimpressive
Poutine okay, you guys have to lock in your answer my answers are locked in there written down. I'm ready
He's trying
I'm sorry guys. I had no idea. What was going on here. You can see why channel superfund didn't survive
It's off script as well
I'm pretty sure
It's locked down. It's it's fine. You know who's who's did you just we know from the writing so number one?
Yeah, we knew before we ate it yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, we figured yeah, yeah, yeah thing yeah, and then number three
Wendy's we can't even see oh, okay. Well failed that one poutine without the meat
What poutine poutine doesn't have meat but go on
Yeah, cuz that's not french fries that's
Tater-tots with some a lot of salt a lot of salt how was uncle Linus's recipe hated everything
I mean they're cold. I didn't like a single thing that I just ate
Yeah, yeah, I oh did you make that I'm sorry Dennis it's cold
You don't want heated potato products that are now cold, but that is always bad
Did I get that one too
I haven't eaten at New York fries ever
Not one roasted number six, what's bad?
KFC okay, yeah, I didn't even guess the right three extra restaurant Tim Hortons
Thank You Dennis they can't hear you the mics over here Dennis
I thought I'm mic'd up
That's Uncle Linus's recipe. That's why Uncle Linus is failing. I see okay, so
support Uncle Linus and
Something something this too. Thanks for that lttstore.com
This is a real job we all have
This is a real thing I actually pay people to do apparently
Wow thanks, that was
All right
Someone's flaming my opinion on heated potato products now being cold being bad
And they said cold never had a British roast potato cold
Are you seriously bragging about the quality of British food?
Is that actually happening as a person? I honestly find that offensive
This thing actually whole whole bag of potatoes yeah, that's not what it's for Dennis. It's like a
Okay all right, thank you
There we go
Thank you for the creative sponsor
Are we doing the rest of the sponsor integrations no no my opinion on so many like celebrity chefs being from Britain is because they
Have to be really good to make the food
palatable ouch
Thank you for your sack Dennis. I am I'm actually really impressed with myself for getting five out of those six, right
I thought you got all of them
I don't I don't even know how well I did, but I did poorly I think I only got two yeah
I haven't eaten fries at any of these places other than McDonald's and A&W in at least five years
New York fries I've never eaten fries from. Where is a New York fries? In the mall
It's always in the food courts like I've seen it a hundred times
But I've just never I've never that's what I meant with like not knowing the options
I was just like I have like I'm a subway boy or like
I'll usually get like Panda Express or
Equivalent or like one of those places where you just pick all the stuff by weight
And then they just like stir-fry it for you like that's that's my go-to. I'm never gonna be like yeah, I want
Really expensive fries. I love how Dennis's idea for us for a segment was to give us
I'll word it the way Joe just worded it to give us cold mall fries
Cuz like none of us were even mildly warm, but they were all like actually cold
No, there was a bit of warmth in the one that had the like hair on it
You rushed to six places
Yeah, okay, all right
The hair is not your hair. I believe you it wasn't black
So that's good
It was a little bit curly so I don't know that it was a head hair, but it was something
Okay, why don't we why don't we pick what we're gonna talk about next let's move on let's talk about
What everyone thought was my fault
For for fairly reasonable reasons, which was tech linked just getting deleted
Yeah at like 4 in the morning. Yeah
So I got to sleep through it this time, yeah, which was kind of amazing
Yeah, can I just say shout out and great job everyone who was involved in the mitigation there? Yeah
Yeah, we I there was a few points in time where we were like should we wake up?
But there was nothing really additional
That you guys could do because it like it wasn't a security thing this time. Okay, go back to square one
At about 4 in the morning ish
I don't know the exact time because I was not the person that caught it
But at about 4 in the morning ish the earliest message that I got I believe was at 4 10
The tech linked channel was just straight-up
Obliterated out of nowhere. There was there was no like yeah, there was no like progression of
Channel flags or anything it was just gone
Yote twas it was yoted at 4 in the morn. I don't know yeah
We get a few messages about it eventually Colton calls me at like 6 in the morning or something and is like hey
Like what the heck's going on?
We look into it doesn't seem to be any security problems or anything like that the channels just gone
We're like what the heck eventually we message
Google and they got it fixed pretty quickly
I think we're still maybe dealing with some issues, or it was recently resolved where comments weren't there for a while
There seemed to be some missing comments or something like that the channels still kind of getting properly for all I know that may be
Remnant of the original hijack though because I don't know if all the comments were correctly restored in the first place
It's definitely worse now if it was bad before sure because I've seen some weird behavior on LTT where
The comment might be there if I view it publicly
But it's not showing up in the dashboard there is definitely some problems from back then but tech linked had like no comments on anything
Right it was it was like super super bad, so maybe it got like worse. Maybe it compounded
I don't know so it's still it's still sort of being restored or maybe it's done now
I haven't checked on it in about 24 hours
But yeah, I just got it just got heated and I don't believe Google has made an official statement on what happened
I am fairly confident Luke has a theory. Yeah, I don't know, but that's just a theory
What channel are we on such?
I think they they listen to the cries of a bunch of us including Linus and I
Saying that these streams should be caught caught with
Content ID way sooner yeah, especially because it's always the same stupid stream
So once you've identified one of these scammers streams
I thought that's the whole point of content ID is that you're supposed to take down
Harmful or infringing content yeah, and yet this
Stupid Elon crypto stream scam clearly running rampant on the platform. Yeah doing nothing about it
Yeah, so I think they did actually start doing something about it kudos by the way yes, that is good however
But it detected a bunch of privated versions of those streams
So videos that like yeah, you should probably get rid of it eventually, but like it's private. It's not doing anything
No one can access it
I actually had left the archive of that stream up on in our channel for like the memes and I had meant to post on
Social about it like yeah, hey you guys remember our do this classic live stream like I don't know
I yeah like it doesn't it doesn't really matter anymore. Yeah once. It's private yeah, but
Content ID can still search private videos yeah, and the reason for that is that many people will upload copyrighted content movies
Privately just so that they can like watch it yeah outside of their house
Oh, this is my version of Plex huh like yeah
Loading stuff to YouTube can't use it that way so it should it should I'm not complaining, but it's searching private videos
But it detected not just our channel not just tech linked
But also a bunch of other people's channels because after it happened
I had a bunch of people reach out and be like yeah my channel got new to for this exact same thing and
Luckily it seems like across the board Google is responding very quickly and getting people's accounts back
Which is not the most characteristic, so I appreciate that it is happening. That's good. This is an improvement happy
But yeah, no official statement pretty sure Content ID flagged it and then just started nuking channels
You know I understand the world is not one time zone
But it sucked that that happened at 4 in the morning at 4 in the morning for us it also sucked that there was no
Warning or flag or heads-up or anything whatsoever you just obliterate this channel out of nowhere it I
am constantly amazed with these big companies how it feels like
Like three quarters the time there's too many people too many moving parts
And they just get cog jammed and they can't move forward or do anything and then out of nowhere
It just seems like something super fly-by-night. Just like zooms in just there was no oversight or thought
There's like oh, yeah, we should contact ID them good idea boom and just blow everything up
Three copies of the stream
Sitting in our channel. It was what so where's our we strikes who maybe it wasn't three though. It wasn't three
It's it's it's mind-blowing
And like other channels that we had had privated versions of that stream as well, but those didn't get taken down
which is like
Okay, yeah, so like did they run it and then realize like oh crap
I'm not sure we didn't think about this use case and then stop it, and it didn't get all the way through
I don't know what happened, but yeah, this was not a new issue
This was an artifact of the original issue that happened a couple weeks ago
Just like read biting us
And it's been fixed already everything's good. We're fine
This is hilarious YouTube chat is actually moving slow enough that I can see it for a change
Watch them try to retroactively sue Sesame Street for Cookie Monster. Yeah, anyway, sorry just let's we can keep moving
So anyway kudos YouTube for getting this sorted out, but also
YouTube you can't just you can't just like delete channels like that
I mean they can I guess but probably shouldn't yeah, probably shouldn't yeah
Let's go ahead and jump into our next topic here
Which is going to be it would probably be less destructive if instead of deleting the channel if
You got rid of that content, and then like locked it
So it couldn't upload for a certain amount of time
But people could still view it and externally it didn't look like anything was wrong
And then you resolve it with the Creator instead of just be like oh
Okay, we can restore it, but all your comments are gone like just maybe slightly less destructive actions could be cool
I know you can do that type of stuff because you can stop people from being able to stream
So if you can just stop them from also being able to post anything so community updates or VODs or anything else shorts
Whatever if you just stop all posting capabilities until it's resolved like a read-only state. That would be a way better solution
Yeah, it honestly may not be that simple though. It might not. I don't know you know from experience
They seem simple loves why can't people edit a comment under a floatplane video well after all these years after
After hardware unboxed yeah asked for comment editing drink
LTT store.com I need some uncle Linus's moonshine
I'm teasing him because
We have had some issues with trans coding and it has been a frustration from the folks over at hardware unboxed that they can't edit
Comments, but there is some good news
We haven't figured out the fix for transcoding
But we do have a band-aid that has been applied and on we're working on it
We'll get a fix and on the comment editing side of things that is actually working on the
beta site for float plane beta float plane calm don't put in the www that is apparently a
Amateur move so
Yeah, I tried to navigate with
www and it did not work now to be clear. I did not type in
www like a baby boomer I just was on floatplane calm
Clicked the URL it is more advanced added beta. Yes it the
www was already there. I just didn't remove it. I wish I wish you forgot that you did that oh no oh
No, I do not search the World Wide Web, sir
Www dot oh it would have been great if you forgot, but yeah, nope
Yeah, why would you take in ww I
Call you a boomer no no not even the web over there mr.. Linus
Speaking of things that are I don't know I don't have a good segue for this Intel
yeah, Intel arc battle mage and
Intel arc celestial are still happening TSMC has reported receipt have has reportedly
Received a large number of orders to produce chips for Intel's next-gen battle mage GPUs
This means that all three major GPU brands are now contracting TSMC silicon. Thank you Linus
Unconsciously I'm one of those people that does this
Like I I tend to kind of go like this as I'm reading along to things it drives Luke
Absolutely crazy because it does this on his screen and just like so his name
Just goes all over place, and it will block words, and I'm already
I'm I already have a hard time reading because I'm
Dyslexic so then not only is my brain just going like with all the words and letters and stuff, but now it's blocking
So when he couldn't read reportedly received a large
He said like a large number of orders or something like that, and I was like oh crap
I'm doing that thing again, so my options now are to stop doing it
He did in the meat the immediate reaction was he moved his mouth somewhere else
And then I saw it pause there for a second
I was like he's coming back, then he just starts bouncing all over the place
I was like yeah, but really this was the right thing to do
This was the kind thing to do because now instead of letting them believe that
You think they got a large number of orders. I mean from who obviously only from Intel
You know now I can explain why you tripped over that
So I actually did you a kindness. Thank you
Anyways all three major GPU brands are now contracting TSMC silicon for their GPUs
But it also means that Intel hasn't give up given up on a second generation of graphics cards as was previously reported
Huh, I said that one wasn't me. What one was it hasn't give up
Did I say that my bad hasn't given up on a second generation of graphics cards as was previously reported by you know some
By some by some more. This is why and there's no point
Singling out anybody yeah, but this is why we tend to not really
Report rumor as not as big of a thing that's gonna happen yeah
My my tendency is like well. We'll occasionally say okay
Yeah, this this is leaked or this is this looks like it could be shaping up to something
but there are there are certain outlets that have a tendency to report these things as
on the spectrum of fact and fiction a lot closer to fact and
We're just kind of of the mind like we'll review it when it gets here because
Unless it's something that you can buy
There's not really a whole lot that matters that we can say about it right now, but it looks like if these again
I mean this is a rumor
But industry rumors of of large orders being placed
Don't come from don't come from
nowhere whereas rumors of
You know this entire divisions gonna be shut down
Can come from just you know people's anxiety or whatever else, but orders are orders
and if this order went through it looks like Intel is
Gonna stay the course and battle mage and celestial are gonna come in
2024 and 2026 respectively and hopefully
Do something about the way that Nvidia is just?
Dictating the pricing of GPUs. It's it's surprising to me because for a while
I felt like they did see consoles as a
Threat and like I felt like that was what they were attacking with 30 series
But now it feels like they're just kind of sitting there going
They'll pay
And if they won't pay today
Then they'll pay in a generation or two when our like mainstream entry-level GPU is on par with these consoles anyway
And it's they're just like they're playing this this waiting game
Where eventually they will produce something at a price and performance level that is attractive enough for you to upgrade I?
The Intel cards though like when we did our challenge
It was pretty okay
Attempt yeah, it wasn't perfect, but it's a first-gen product. That's you're always gonna have some problems
It got way better over time those driver upgrades were big yep
And a lot of the issues that I had at least are solvable 100%
So like if they if they keep the path it could it could be okay
I have absolutely not lost faith in Intel GPUs. I think their biggest problem right now is just that they need
Resizable bar in order to perform anywhere near half-decent. Yeah, that's a little wacky and
the positioning of a 750 and a
770 would make it perfect for like
$69 gaming PC upgrades you know buying an office tower off of eBay and turning it into a cheap game
None of those are gonna support rebar yep, so it's like it's the perfect product for
a hypothetical
Customer that doesn't exist right yeah, and it's frustrating
But down the line
Yeah, maybe it shifts a little bit
Yeah, we've we've before we even tried them before they were actual cards that people could even use
we had already been saying that the ones to be more excited for was battle mage and celestial and
Then we tried it and we were like yeah kind of what we said before we've always we've had this joke for like actually the greater
Part of ten years about how we should have we ever done it
We should just do a GPU review before the GPU comes out. Yeah, yeah you know that
Literally was a suggestion that Luke made I think about nine years ago. Yeah, I think you pitched it as an April Fool's
Maybe where we upload a review of a GPU just
Completely straight-faced yeah graphs and everything yeah
Just based on like okay. We know they're gonna jack the price by fifty to a hundred dollars
We know they over overstate the performance by a little bit yeah stuff like that yeah
We like invent a couple of like kind of cool technologies or something that seem kind of feasible
I gotta say fact has become stranger than fiction like I don't think you can't trust videos or photos
We wouldn't know I I mean in terms of like GPU features. Oh, yeah back then
Would I have come up with frame gen?
Or like even Ansel probably not yeah, right or like oh shoot, what's the
Remix what's the one where you can take older games and and oh?
But I know you talk. I can't remember. I think it's remix. I I wouldn't know I wouldn't have even made
I would have even invented that
So it's all it's all really cool stuff. It's just I can think of things right now
I think from a purely performance standpoint. We probably wouldn't be that far off
Yeah, I don't know if I was cynical enough
To think it could go this bad. That's the only thing that I think would keep us from being very very accurate
Yeah, I just like I think a lot of our predictions on how this Intel GPU thing was gonna
Go was like actually pretty good. Yeah
I don't know the thing about
Predictive content is there's gonna be a number of people that are gonna just be super mad about it
And it's all it has it has all the exact same problems as rumors, which is why we've never done it well
No, we have done it. I don't know if you remember this
I'm not sure if you were really on the content side anymore at this point, but we did a
review of an upcoming really exciting entry-level CPU
By taking the mid tier or the high-end one or something like that. Oh
Artificially limiting it in the BIOS. We disabled the cores. We set the turbos and we were like
Here's our preview pre review
Well I think of it and people were so mad and the best part is that once the real product came out and
We were like spot-on bang on yeah
You still shouldn't have done that
Okay, but we but we were very clear about what we were doing. It wasn't just it wasn't just rumor mill random guessing
It was an educated guess, and it was interesting
I'm sure you're aware of this, but I'm not necessarily sure that they are and I don't think we did this
But I know back in the day that publications would do official reviews of CPUs that way I
Know that like Tom's used to take engineering samples and do reviews early like that, but I don't know of anyone doing that
I remember
reports of sites
Chopping off cores and stuff to represent lower end CPUs that they were not able to get their hands on because they would have had like
Buy it or whatever this total. That's hilarious. It's a long time
Very long time ago over ten years type of stuff, but I remember that happening
That's awesome brutal
Anyway in summary Intel arc battle mage sounds good, and I'm excited
I'm actually very happy about that because I
Ended the Intel thing like kind of frustrated about some of the problems that I had but very hopeful for the future
And a bunch of people were saying like oh no they're not gonna do it
So I'm happy that they are gonna do it
Confirmed confirmed Intel GPU division is going away. Yeah, no
I don't think so most of what Intel has shut down in their restructuring has been
Less promising
Technologies should we talk about this? Yeah? I think we probably should
Here let's get the Luke. Let's get the Luke cam going here
You'll have to lift it up a little bit higher
We shot a short today right before the WAN show that is kind of
Inspired by that scene in office space where they beat the crap out of the printer
Do you want to explain what you're holding there Luke? Yeah?
That's not to sneeze or that was yeah, that was all the fragments of the m2 SSD
It's it doesn't really exist anymore
It got obliterated
The m2 SSD you say yeah, so from the from the
Infected computer
We're gonna save the motherboard
There's like there's like some percentage of concern that it could have gotten a a something in the BIOS
So we're gonna deal with the BIOS and move on save the motherboard, but the SSD was a was a no-save so it got curse-smashered
it was fun I I
Just sent it with a bat into effectively bricks on the ground
And that didn't feel very good
And then I reacted very negatively about that and then Dan runs up and is like all right
Time for me to go and just does the exact same thing looks playing it up. It's fine, and now my hand still hurts
See I played baseball as a kid I knew it was gonna hurt so I didn't play baseball
But I knew it was gonna hurt yeah
But like the thing is you can like you can hold it real tight and that makes it okay ish
Yeah like it you know yeah
Watched you like harming yourself, I'm kind of like you know for somebody so athletic. I never played baseball
Yeah, no no I see that generally never did yeah, I know I could tell
I wasn't like that it did hurt though. I mean there's there's there's video evidence of how upset Luke was and oh it hurt
I mean I have like broken like popped blood vessels. Yeah, no I believe you because you went
Hard and the thing is like no matter how jacked your arms are or whatever
It's not like the blood vessels in your hand is still dealing with the like shock or any stronger
so okay the reason why I went so hard was because
We just originally had it like laying flat on a brick
So I was like hitting this with a bat like nothing's really gonna happen to it
Yeah, I still wanted something to happen to it, and then I missed yeah
I like this much
So it shouldn't even matter
The best part is is Luke looking at the drive
After going like did I even hit it, and there's this
Red mark on the brick like three four inches away
I'm like nah dog. I didn't see that because it was so far away from the drive which was even even better
But that yeah eventually we like stood it on its end and then
You hit it a little harder, and then kind of stomped on it and stuff and now it now
Yeah, it has ceased to exist. Yeah, it'll so that drive will never harm anybody again. No
Realistically it is possible that we could have reformatted it and reused it worth
It's not worth. It's a 256 gig what is that a p5 or something like that crucial p5
That's what we use as our standard workstation drive, and it's like
For the amount of work and the amount of cost if whatever malware that's on there
Whatever malware that's on there if it's somehow very cold or whatever yeah into the firmware or something
I don't know it is
Right it probably didn't but it is not
Impossible it's it's it's actually like because we had some like tracking on its actions while it was on the computer and stuff. It's like
Extremely unlikely that it did
But it's non-zero. Yeah, so like the motherboard
We're going to probably saved that it didn't get into the BIOS
And we're going to keep the board because it's like even if even if it did get in the boss we can save it
Yeah, we need to talk about some of the changes that you're gonna make as CTO
Luke had a little freak out over our standardized workstations for everyone. That's okay
So you have to understand that there's a lot of people that you don't see on camera all the time that do work. That is like
Just in a browser like we make this meme about like really high-end gaming PCs uses Facebook machines
It's effectively that
but like worse cuz they have
$800 motherboards, I think there's 600. I don't are they I think a range
Asus z690 ws or something like that
Yeah pro art z690 creator. What's what's one of these worth?
It's also possible that the prices are jacked up now
Okay, but on amazon.ca. It's four hundred and seventy seven Canadian. Oh, I'm looking at
680 Canadian
I'm I don't know what to tell you here. I mean here's here's my screen. Well look at the wrong one. Oh
Yeah, okay only one left in stock yeah, whereas oh you're looking at the a you're looking at the Ryzen one
They're no we don't have rice. Okay. I think we're lga 1700 right now because
Ryzen 7 didn't make sense when we did our last standardization or something something something. I can't remember either way
They're pretty a business computer including mine like when this all happened. I looked through the window of mine and was like
Like why do I need this?
Why don't I need an $800 I show up to work?
I open up my multiple browsers because I have a bunch of different browsers at different profiles. It's all cool
I like how it's set up, and then I have my different chat programs, and that's all I do
I was laughing at work the other day because I came in and needed to have a meeting right away
And my computer was doing this really long Windows update
And I was like what the and then it finally finished, and I got in and I didn't realize until like 5 p.m.
Yeah, it had updated to Windows 11. I had no idea
all I do is like use my browsers and other stuff like I'm not I
Don't need an
$800 motherboard there's no way I will tell you this I will tell you that while I didn't spec these I
Did sign off on them?
No, but I was I was asked do you want everyone to have 10 gig because there are a lot of people that
Do access the server for stuff, and I was like well. I don't know we sunk cost fallacy
We already invested in 10 gig infrastructure ever
Hold on no, that's the sunk cost fallacy we were already in it
We're already in it for 10 gig infrastructure everywhere
We might as well have 10 gig capable clients
So I was like ah sure because 10 gig cards aren't actually that expensive anymore. Yeah, okay here
So I want to add this in as well. Yeah, we have $800 motherboards
477 whatever the price that I got from the person who buys them internally yeah was 600 to $800 okay
So that's where we've been buying them well
I don't care what their current cost is because what we spent on them is around that amount now hold on now
Let me let me jump in here my understanding
When I signed off on them was that Asus was giving us a sweetheart of a deal on them though, okay sure so my understanding
Was that we weren't paying that much for them now what I don't know is if that deal continued in perpetuity
Or if we have just been buying and if we like had to use them for all of the systems because again
You know what if you have some argument for the video editors because they need cranked out machines right like okay
I don't maybe there's some feature on this board
Maybe they need 10 gigs because they're pulling huge video files off the servers all this type of stuff
There's arguments that I feel like could be made here. Are you getting for the CFO job?
No, but keeping budgets under control is like a thing that matters for everyone not just the CFO anyways
I was gonna say yeah, but but we have so few like spare systems. Yeah that
Jaden's talking in floatplane chat about how
He was working off a steam deck for a while, okay that had
voluntary no shut up, and it only has one monitor output no he's working off of a nook no
I mean we have other no we have like random mini people like there's a me
Oh, yeah, we have a shelf of servers whatever yeah, I mean
Okay, well what are you doing to fix it? I'm gonna be doing something
I'm trying to work slowly through this giant insane pile of mess yeah
Yeah, and why was a Windows 11 update allowed to randomly apply to one of our computers don't you have any?
policies in place
That is actually something I wondered about sounds like is does does our antivirus solution work just as well in each one
I don't know. This is something that it has now been flagged because my computer just randomly updated
I was like wow that doesn't seem right we have
outgrown our
cavalier approach to
infrastructure management
The thing is that in the early days it was mostly just a bunch of tech bros who
Were pretty much expected to perform all their own system maintenance
So I mean I'm not and I'm not gonna say it was a bad thing for us to standardize our workstations
It actually does make life easier
Should the workstations have been standardized on the particular components that they?
Maybe not there were times that I made calls to just go with the standard component versus one that we could get a deal on
Like fan tech we use the p400 a I think it is for our standard workstations and
Fantax was giving us like a wild deal on them for a long time, and then they were like you know what you guys are like
Way too many you need you need pallets of cases on a regular basis. How are you hiring so many people?
That's okay. You're just gonna have to like buy. You're just gonna have to buy cases and I was like
Corsair wanted to play ball and send us cases
But I made the call to just buy the fan text once not because the Corsair case isn't as good in fact the
4000 D was I think the most popular case in Intel extreme tech upgrades great case
The reason I made the call was the whole point of the standardized workstations is that when someone's?
Motherboard eyes rained on that thing and then get really fast with it and stuff. You're just going
You're going in out we ever we just know everything about it
It's good to go don't have to think about it parts are easily swappable from one to the other
That was the whole point so I was like no
We'll just buy cases whatever if it comes to that and it came to that and that's fine
Whether that motherboard was what made the most sense. I don't know
I was busy and Colton was supposed to do it this this lines up a lot of the problems. Here's the bus. Here's Colton
a lot of the problems here come down to like
Yeah, it was like
Sort of sort of done someone was working on it, and then you know they had to make videos or something yeah
And now we're here yeah
I mean that that really is it so everyone kind of was in the early days was expected to manage their own stuff
It didn't matter if anything was standardized because it's like Ed's editing station died
I'd be like why are you talking to me about it to fix it like yeah?
Go get some new ram or whatever. There's a pile of
Inventory system. There's no tracking for anything back in the very early days and
Anyone who wasn't comfortable upgrading their computer a lot of the time. I would just do it. Yeah, so
That's not that's not sustainable anymore sushi sent in the floatplane chat asks
Why does everyone use desktops still especially with hybrid work environment most orgs give laptops nowadays? That's a good question
Have you found laptop?
Reliability to be subpar I found laptop, okay
so a lot of this depends on how long you want that device to really be used for I guess that's fair and
Some of it also comes into like if we're allowing people to work from home
Know the problem that happened recently with the browser session hijack
Yeah, if we're allowing people to log into work accounts on personal computers in order to be able to work at home
That's a huge security concern because of things like browser session hijacks, right?
What if they're what if their sense is high when they're working because we have this trained into them
But then they open something in their personal email right and they're on their personal time
No, that's what I mean. Sorry like say it's a Saturday, and they get an email
And they open it and then they get a browser session hijack, right?
And it it maybe has a work account open in it or something right like so having you're kind of saying having that air gap
Just like that that physical
Separation between my work
Computer and my everything else floatplane has stuff in place for this right where we have
Either you need to be working on a separate partition or a separate drive, so you have like a work portion, right?
I don't know if people want to do that with all of their home PCs for us like we send everyone home with
SSDs that they have to use for work like that's maybe not a great solution for everyone it kind of works for floatplane
I don't know if it really scales beyond that I don't think so
Maybe if people want to work from home if we had like a dedicated help desk team to manage all that then sure maybe
But I don't think that's happening. Yeah, like it's good. There's a bunch of stuff. We we
Need to figure out but dr. Owen floatplane chat asks also for you VDI types out there
Something something horizon software plus support. What's the cost? I don't know that's not my question
But you know how feasible given the 10 gig infrastructure would be just going to thin clients
All of my experience with thin clients is extremely negative. Yeah, that's fair
It's gotta have come a long way though with virtualization being as good
Not shooting it down because of exactly that and it could have not only just come a long way
But it could also be that the implementations that I used were just poorly done a lot of the versions that I've tried are at
like schools
Where in in one case I know the IT team just doesn't care at all
And in the other case it was very very low budget because it was like my high school in the boonies
And I know what the tech budget was and it was zero
So so like the fact that it worked at all was pretty sweet
And that was also a really long time ago at this point so like maybe it's come really far
But I always hear about problems with it like tons of problems with it
They have thin clients at my hospital. They literally take two minutes to boot
Yeah, like I hear stuff like this all the time now is a two minute boot time really?
That big of a problem. I mean it's a lot more than those dedicated machines sitting next to people's desks right now
So yeah, but is it worth?
$800 motherboard plus all the other components it depends it might be the cost of those solutions can be extremely high and it can be
Ongoing at least that computer I buy it once yeah
And I you know talking about how overkill it is for the tasks that a lot of these people are doing
They can use it for browsing
The internet and checking emails forever
Yeah, they're gonna work. They're gonna work. Yeah, there's there's just there's things we got to think about and
I don't know
It's not like it's gonna be I I don't think it's gonna be worth it at all to like replace all these $800
Motherboards and attempt to flip them and then deal with the labor cost of uninstalling a reason like there's no way that's gonna work
It's also just inconvenient because there's going to be the entire departments that will not use thin clients
The editing team is not switching to thin client it would have to be like two standards really a high spec and a like
Whatever well I respect not even the spec just like if we had a bunch of people on thin
Oh, yeah, like a mixed architecture setup. Yeah, because there are people here that can be annoying to manage when I'd absolutely
need a
Dedicated station. Oh, yeah
You're literally like the the video editors and stuff are literally like on the edge of performance
They only have to be all the time all the time so yeah, they're gonna be dedicated desk ops for sure
My workplace has three levels of specs yeah, but okay, so
But what I said was kind of wrong because he wasn't talking about levels of specs he was talking about architecture styles
Yeah, having VDI versus having dedicated desktops at all is what he was talking about
Yeah, because even within those you might have different spec levels so for example anyone in engineering
Also going to need a dedicated workstation
Then again actually I think that's an industry that has moved towards virtual desktops a lot
Because those professional cards make more sense on a centralized machine and the way the licensing for the software works
Mmm, okay, I don't know yeah, that's ends. It's all stuff to look into but compared to some of the other things
It's not like the highest priority part of our problem. Is that what we do is so broad so weird
Yeah, weird and broad. We're not uncommon and a lot of different uncomment. Yeah, we're not just a product development
Company or not really gonna be able to apply super generic things to a lot of the stuff that we do yeah
But we do need to apply
Well thought-out sensible things that are actually enforced properly
What are you saying?
Can you speak plainly? I just well like you said before it's never really been anyone's full-time job
Yeah, so it's just people have tried to keep the ship moving and the ship has just wording
Yeah, like like high-five okay everyone who's been involved in helping out with the infrastructure over the years whether it's you know
Jamie or Jake or Dan or?
Anthony or me yes
I don't know you you mostly actually didn't do that much
Not a ton I tried and you were like no I even I remember having a conversation with you about something
Explaining that I could do it better, and you were like no. It's more interesting for the video if it's
I was like okay, whatever
Yeah, yeah, I mean it wasn't you didn't say it that way or something along the lines of like you've got it to this
Point so the the audience is gonna want to see like the the follow-through of the story something like it was more in-depth than like
It should be bad, but like yeah
Content content rules a lot of what we do it really does and some of the drama of the infrastructure has been valuable
Moving forward hopefully we can just make more like this is what we're doing with it stuff
Which will also be interesting, but we did a good evolution for the content
We didn't have the time or the dedicated people in order to do that style of content with it
So it was worth doing it the way that we did do it like every everything makes sense
It was fun. It just can be improved is is
Definitely and like I I want to make a couple things clear nothing was fake like when we lost the data
We lost the data
Yeah, but we but we have definitely taken a I just like yeehaw
You know let's go you only live once approach to it
It's been a conscious decision, and it's funny because I'll see a lot of criticism of our approach where people are like
This is so stupid. It's obviously they're only doing it because like they're
You know they're just
Enthusiasts tinkering with this stuff and want to make a video about it, and I'm like well
Is it stupid or is it the thing you said yeah?
Stupid like a fox like that's what we that's what we do
We just love this stuff, and we're playing with it, and yeah, we don't know a lot today, but we're gonna know more tomorrow
Actually Jake and I are planning an update on how everything's running right now because there's been a ton of changes
Like you see the server graveyard over there, right?
Actually here Dan. Can you show them? Can you show them the server graveyard?
There you go, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, there's there's there's more can you pan up or tilt up rather up up up up up up?
There we go some more servers
The server graveyard exists because we've done a lot of consolidation over the last little while yeah, what we're planning to do then is a
Combination it's gonna be two vlogs
I think it's gonna be like an update on how everything works with the three locations that we have now and
Data data backup and resiliency across those locations what we're planning for a really cool project. That's coming up soon
So we are moving Wannock server the primary editing NAS slash like main production as to a high
Solution so it's going to be using four nodes in a single to you rack
Yeah, where you can lose any one node
like gone lose and the whole thing just
Stays ticking which is which is pretty cool
So we're gonna talk about that and then as a follow-up we're gonna do a video where I switch jobs for a day
The idea is that I work in logistics and we are going to take on the server graveyard
We're gonna take on some of the
Organization challenges we've had over at the new place
I'm gonna bring not just me, but I'm gonna recruit like Jake and as many people will probably bring in Dan
Dan by the way, okay
So we'll probably bring in Dan, and we'll have some fun. We're just gonna go through and like organize some stuff
We haven't done any of that like classic
Loggy style content in a long time, so I think it's gonna be fun
On the subject back going back to us talking about how we do so many different things and it's all
Sort of broad and random. This is a question over on Twitch that one wolf asks
Sorry if this comes out as naive, but I do genuinely wonder. What does LMG do as a whole the company?
I know you're a tech company, but what do you do besides making YouTube videos reviewing products selling your merch?
But what else just like for example Samsung they sell tech like smartphones etc, but what is LMG's product?
Thanks in advance our product is what you said well hold on
Yeah, sort of I mean because we have we have a bit of a problem
What what do we call ourselves we're a media company yeah sort of
We're well okay completely not at all. We're new if you look at it in a different
sort of well, okay, we're
It depends
Even YouTube wasn't sure how to categorize us. Yeah like I have so
Go for it. Oh, I I have a
Representative from YouTube who's a creator representative, but it was apparently debated internally
Switching me over to more like a corporate representative
So the kind of representative that would work yeah, okay? Yeah, cuz we're a big company like a media company
And I was sitting here going no, I'm pretty sure that I'm still
involved enough on the content and being the
Personality on camera side of things that I am definitely still a youtuber
I'm not like a like a five-minute crafts or like I agree with them
I understand why they had the debate whatever else, but I but I get it yeah
It makes sense okay, cuz yeah even YouTube wasn't sure like what the heck we were
Cuz I mean cuz it's not because it's also a lot of youtubers
they would just talk to the youtuber whereas our poor our poor YouTube rep who I
usually very nice to
But sometimes I just I just get like really passionate about stuff sometimes, and I love our YouTube rep, but I feel like
She has a hard time processing my energy sometimes
And so I think it I think it I think it's tough for I think it's tough for her sometimes
And I feel especially bad for her because she's like nine contacts here
Depending on whether it's you know content related or merch related or editing related like whatever right so it's really tough and
She's not really set up for that so so the problem that I was talking about which is not actually the same
Problems what you're talking about, but is heavily related. It's we don't actually have an actual name
Cuz we are not Linus media group
That is wrong
No yeah, I mean no you're no you're right. Oh, no yeah like
Yes, you're right. No. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know what to call it. I don't know either
I I forget the umbrella company is called like
Bcltd it's a bunch of numbers to to five something like I I don't know Yvonne named it before I told her hey
We should probably give kind of distinctive sounding names to all the companies
She's like what's not distinctive about and like rattles off nine digits. I'm sitting here going
woman I
Barely know my own phone number
Yeah, I don't even know so it's a mix we're trying to do yeah infrastructure, okay?
But that doesn't work either and I'll get into that in a second
But we're trying to do like infrastructure stuff here, and and this isn't even something
We're working on but just this is my best example for it. Yeah, so if you're doing building access
What is the domain
For people to gain building access. I don't know oh
Whatever it ends up being let's just say we name it after the parent company
But that's not right because what if you only work at creator warehouse when you enter a building that is only for creator warehouse
Why are you putting that one in?
Weird yeah, it's like I
Don't know it's weird
Yeah, I think we've just gotta go and people are like oh you're like a tech lifestyle company
I'm like yeah, the like giant lab with a power supply tester. That's taller than you are is tech lifestyle
Yeah, not really no not really and then labs we made the we made the decision
I think mostly because Yvonne doesn't feel like admitting another company
We made the decision to not spin labs off so just to a separate company under the umbrella, but not everything else
You start adding slashes, so you were like oh, it's just a combination with them. Okay, so it's LMG CW lab
Fupa and then what if we add badminton?
And then what if we add something else?
Like eventually it's just gonna be like a bunch of random letters with slashes between it like that's done
Let me talk about the badminton center because so this is more of a personal side project for me though
I mean what isn't I guess at this point in time?
The so the badminton center we were trying to figure out how to handle the accounting
Please don't just put your name at the front of whatever the hell it is
No, no
We'll talk about that later in the show actually because I was gonna solicit your advice for how to how to name the the badminton center
so we'll talk about that later, but
We were trying to figure out because if we're gonna have a center
We're gonna need a pro shop, and if we're gonna have a pro shop, and we already know everything we know about online commerce
Why don't we just have a web shop?
And if we're gonna have a web shop, but why don't we just ship to all the same regions?
We should review badminton equipment, and then we should add stuff in the lab to check like tensile strength of strings and
Durability of different rackets
No, yes, not that okay good
But we were trying to figure out how to handle the if so if creator warehouse
Just uses all of its knowledge and expertise to run the web shop
Just add another shop voice or right how does the accounting work for that I?
I have no idea
It's actually way more complicated than people probably think
Cuz you can't just like do stuff for free no, and if it's a different company like
That's not your job
Yeah, so then you have to like you have to contract it, but then when I say that you can't just do stuff for free
I mean legally yeah, you literally can't you can't yeah creator warehouse can't just
Linus badminton Co's
Accounting for it. Yeah, that's not how that works
Yeah, so they would have to bill them
But then hold on a second who owns the who holds the inventory who actually issues the PO
And if it's creator warehouse that holds the inventory then are they just an unnecessary
middle entity between
Actual distributors and the pro shop which is going to operate physically and it's gonna have to collect Canadian currency
You run could you run like where's creator warehouse only collects us currency right now in order to make it not a complete cluster
So good so good you could maybe do I know back in the day geese squad used to operate out of
Best buy, but was a separate company right so could it be like creator warehouse
Is pro shop and they like pay the badminton company rent?
I don't know, but then easier is that good use of creator warehouses time so if
Linus the CEO creator warehouse comes in and is like hey, I have like a little personal project that is
Never gonna make any money
Why don't you dedicate a bunch of time to that? Oh your KPIs that actually matter?
Yeah, you're still gonna have to do those things anyway, but I also do them like it doesn't make sense
Yeah, you can't do that. Yeah, so we're gonna have to figure out what that's gonna
Yeah, cool. Very cool. Let's talk about the name. Yeah
Do you have any ideas?
Yes, okay, sweet. I
asked chat GPT
Said they're probably pretty generic. Did you feed it like some yeah?
Well what I did was I I fed it a couple I asked it
What's a good name for a badminton racket club?
And then from there it gave me some ideas
And I said I kind of like this one this one this one and this one
Can you give me some more suggestions like that and then I kind of went?
I don't like this one or this one negative prompts are very helpful. These are kind of long. Can you give me stuff stuff?
that's shorter and
Did you paste them no I'm not sure if you're gonna
I'm not sure so so we actually kind of kind of settled on something. I kind of like it, but
May okay, you know what I want to call it smash club. Oh, no. I love that
Okay, I'm so down is that not taken already it might be we haven't done a trademark search or anything like that
But I kind of want to call it smash club. Please let me okay, please you don't have to yeah
But please in the like waiting room yeah one of the couch rule number oh
One of the couches we need to have a TV and
Just Smash Bros
No other game, so you went there with it. Yeah, see no I get it. I get it. I get it no no no
I went I went like fight club
Oh, yeah, like number one is you do talk about Smash Club your word-of-mouth referrals mean a lot to us
Whatever else but where I was actually going with it is I think it's a really funny double entendre
I just think it's a good name to be straight up. I just think it's a good name, so you still
haven't gotten to like
Smash Club
That's where I thought Luke was going with it in the lobby with the couch
Oh, no, no I black couch. Yeah, what kind of couch is this with you guys? I got all three of those all right
I'm just trying to figure out how we can get the domain
Cuz I'm so down. Did you get the domain no so how can you say this publicly without getting the domain?
Smash brother
No, I want we should do this can oh I
Don't know it might it might not be possible anyway
It says crack it's by day swingers Club by night right so oh did I tell you my idea of putting black lights?
Over some of the courts and doing like disco badminton
Or you know like like black light paint the tips of the the shuttles. Oh, I don't think you'd have to they're white
They might glow anyway. Yeah, that'd be sweet
Oh, you could definitely use like the plastic like the nylon shuttles those yellow ones would almost certainly florist whoa yeah
So yeah, I have a little bit more detail. It is likely going to be
14 courts, so it's gonna be pretty pretty awesome
We had we had an opportunity to partner with a local club that is going to run like training programs
That wants to run training programs we haven't locked down the deal a hundred percent yet
But it looks really promising right now, and so there will be a partnership with them to get this thing off the ground
I'm actually very excited. It's kind of my retirement dream to run a badminton center, which isn't to say I'm retiring
But it'll be done boys it'll be there smash club I
Like smash club. I actually really like that him. I really wish she didn't say it on the show I
Don't know you never know
Maybe we'll maybe we'll get a deal because the truth is that I actually have other
Ideas that I lean towards more that I am oh, okay
That was more just like a joke one if we can get it I just like smash club because even if you don't look at
It from the joking angles, and this is these are always the best names in my opinion
There's like a bunch of ways that it's funny, but also a smash is like actually yeah a thing well
I also kind of wanted something that fit in with sort of the theme of all the local clubs
So there's drive
There's ace
There's clear like a smash and then and then yeah, we'd be like smash. Yeah, it's pretty sweet
What I think it's even I don't think it's even a bad name if you just look at purely seriously
And then it's also funny what I don't like about it. Is that it's really not a great domain for a web store
Smash Club calm like to go like shop. It doesn't even it's not self-explanatory
Oh, you don't want the dot-com the dot-com is really expensive. Oh is it yeah? Oh?
You know 40 grand
Yeah, that's not happening. I think someone saw it cheaper somewhere else, but it was like 28 grand like it's yeah, yeah
Oh, yeah, there's other options for domains that like could work though
Yeah, so I don't know
Yeah, we're not doing that. I you know another idea. I had that I thought would be really funny and again
This one is not real
We're not actually gonna do this, but I was thinking like like like like like what about this
Like I was but what I was what I had in mind was like
Racket shuttle dotnet or something oh
Cuz like it racket shuttle and and net like it's like it's part of the equipment. I don't know I I
Just want to have fun with it. I just wanted to be fun and
The black lights would be so cool for LAN events
If we did up if we did up the whole place with like UV lighting
And just like every pretty sick at like midnight or something
Yeah, just everything goes like blacklight for the rest of the night play. What's like a neon inspired land game
There's got to be something. I don't know I mean
Yeah, hard to say Halo starts at midnight even though. It's not really
I don't know not really, but like there's some covenant stuff
That's kind of like that
But like Halo starts at midnight and everyone knows because the like main lights go out black lights come on everyone jumps on Halo
CE local servers like oh
That's something we've got to figure out we need to have like a giant
Projector setup, that's just like sort of permanently set up by the stage or something oh
I hadn't really thought of that because the walls are gonna have to be blue or green
So that you have enough contrast for for the shuttles like for during the actual use that the
facilities actually should paint them in like
blue and green
Like blue and green screen paint
Yes, and no it would not work properly
Yeah, you want it to be a little more washed out than that it shouldn't be quite that vibrant
It's a little hard on yeah, but we'll have to figure out something
We'll have to figure out some way to do like a giant projector screen, so we just be like yeah
Here's you know here's the
That you definitely shouldn't go to to how did that get there not get any you know?
Copies games or whatever that doesn't happen at lands. That's not a thing so you know put that up and then instructions or whatever else like
Halo come halo custom edition for example has this annoying bug where if you don't install this like weird obscure old Windows patch
Feed doesn't work. Yeah, and that
Sucks you want the kill feed in here at a land that is
Not cool
Yeah, you want dunk on each other and then if we do any like little mini tournaments or whatever you want to be able
To throw it up on the projector if you can
Hold on a second
Okay, ah
Oh, just like I'm full of ideas today
What if we had like a main stage where all we have is keyboard mice and keyboards mice and monitors and?
Optical display port and USB connections
So that anyone with their rig jack into your actual personal rig, and they go play on the stage
Or like or we could or or alternately we could jack into
16 or however many like five by five or eight versus eight we could jack into them
And we could display everyone even need
You could let people I think people hauling their keyboard a mouse wouldn't be a problem people hauling their monitors is gonna get a little
Ridiculous, but if you if you if you let them bring their own keyboard a mouse. Yeah, so just take your keyboard mouse
whatever it takes seconds and
Then we have this setup
That's mostly there
And then you can crank it out up on stage if all we needed was the spectating then you could just probably do something over NDI
And capture that way and we could have some really ways
We could pull off of their systems if you wanted the people up on stage
Yeah, but but if you wanted the teams like facing each other like at a real eSports event even if it's just randoms, right?
I think it'd be way more fun. If you just had like a like a main stage
You know match plays and and people would go up there so you
Know like it's it's too much fun. You got you want that energy right so many chats
I'd do a proper land instead like quake land. I've never done quake land personally
What do you mean by proper land instead the whale land that we just did was
Exactly to a T. How I like lands to go
Yes lands to go not lands
and I
Hope that they will stay similar to that a proper land is whatever you decide it is is whatever. It's whatever is fun
It's getting together with your homies and playing video games
There's no such thing as a proper land the things that were against is like non participation people sitting around on like
Social media networks at a land like no man like let's play some vidya games play some games
It's not about what you play all the time when you're at home. Yeah, it's about showing up and having fun playing whatever
Participation is currently going on
We had the let the the like real mark of success of whale land to me was every time that we would do something like
Super random just the whole place was up doing. Oh, yeah, nobody we didn't share curling
Yeah, and like nobody was still playing games everyone was like yeah, let's curl some chairs
They're like cheering to ridiculous degrees and stuff like that was great. That was exactly what I'm looking for yeah
percent yeah
All right is it time to react
To star forge systems review of the LTT screwdriver. I've seen it. Oh
Yep, I didn't know we were supposed to not watch it
Okay, well I guess um I guess I am watching it and
Okay sure fun. Hey look at this. They have a theater mode. Hey float plane should have something like that
I mean if you just make the page bigger. It just does it automatically. We don't actually give you a choice
You're just in theater mode. Yeah, that's true. That is actually a thing that has on the base
Okay, so is audio gonna work Dan I?
Do oh
One moment, please my yeah, I know where it is
I'll find it we get past the odds you guys being able to hear this is a bit more complicated. Oh
Really it might work. We'll see okay. Good luck everybody
We good you're good to play it
This is already
Okay, I will put on closed captions for now
I mean I don't even need to hear what he's saying because it's obviously just
No one updates on their order
Oh, no one is the last a long time
All of which is why okay hold on a second can I say I love
This guy right here not even trying to pretend that he's not having the time of his life right now hold on
Of which is why I am extremely skeptical
LTT store calm everything about it screams doomed to fail between
Everything about it seems doomed to fail like the owner being a small tech youtuber with less than 20 million subscribers
The executive team including okay, we can't all be unboxed therapy. Okay
tweeting at us and the absolute cherry on top is that the launch went so poorly that the
aforementioned small youtuber only launched with two color options
So we begged Linus
Am I saying that right?
Linus is it like Linux we begged Linus for a whole bunch of screwdrivers a screwdriver that can cost hundreds of
Thousands of dollars, is it a good deal?
Can it run doom just maybe they've got what it takes though while we unbox the screwdriver. Let's talk more about the LTT store comms
Unboxing experience right out of the gate. Okay, it's only one calm. Okay, not LTT store comms
I just want to jump in and and and and and and correct you there. We'll say that
Sorry, what's that LTT store comms unboxing experience? I don't know I'm just saying
I'm finding reasons to nitpick. This is actually kind of hilarious. They have they've taken pretty much a point-for-point
They've they've made a point-for-point remake of our review of their system. Yeah
The intro it was hilarious
You know what we could do if we downgraded our cameras spent way less time and
Just we're straight to do like a while ago. We're straight memeing is it's inspirational
yeah, elegant not quite as good as a serialized wooden box with a
Not quite as good as a serialized wooden box with a
Handwritten note but better than putting a stamp on the handle and in fairness to them
There's no sign of shipping damage
However, there's no evidence that this particular unit was tested to be functioning correctly and that its performance is what is
Expected for this unit with that out of the way, I guess we can take a little bit closer of a look at the screwdriver
No fans, so pretty bad. Okay, and I don't know I
Actually take issue with this our screwdriver has lots of fans
You need go no further than our slash Linus tech tips
Okay, head over to our forum check out the comments and you will find many fans
of our screwdriver
How this 8 pin connector is meant to connect to the screwdrivers motherboard I want to be clear
I'm not approaching this skeptically because it's a youtuber doing it approaching it skeptically because I know how easy building a ratcheting
Screwdriver that bounces on one finger and has a comfortable ergonomic grip from the ground up appears to be and yet how many little things?
There are that are very difficult to get right. Okay. Okay. Can I ask something?
Do I sound like that much of a douche or is he just taking the a little bit sometimes?
All right, I think in that situation it was in my opinion
Fair because you had literally done that. Okay, like you actually worked at on NCX
They did those things you have had to deal with all those problems. So it was like
Okay, but you know sometimes
well management, I would give this a
B minus
What am I gonna find out when I dig deeper let's take a look at that was a sound let's take a look at the access
That was just
No, no JT don't cut the camera
I'm demoing one of the best features of the star force systems voyager creator elite
You can use your fingers on these big thumb screws without the need of a screwdriver at all. Hey
Hey, come on, come on, you can't you can't trick me into broadcasting that on my channel
See that love it star force systems calm
I notice that it's pretty clearly missing an acrylic panel doodad
Magismo and a bit of a polarizing take but I for one think that they should have used a penis rocket for their logo
It's a dick
Yeah, but they know that is it's the whole the whole thing
The back and forth around it not being is like the whole reason in my opinion why it is
I actually amazing marketing tool getting people to just constantly talk about your logo is like the greatest thing ever
I am actually legitimately not a hundred percent sure
That all of them were aware. Oh
Definitely some of them were I some of them have got to be yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah
I'd be disappointed if they were ever thought of that and thought about the the like marketing and branding utility of
Saying that it wasn't but having it definitely be so and constantly having this debate going on is a genius
What is this thing I
Questions about the thermal configuration of this machine and I would really prefer to see some intake right about here. I
Can't fault the acoustics
Still quite quiet all things considered feels really nice to hold
And ratchets really smoothly. Okay, the initials of a small tech youtuber merchandise company
I think it's time for us to take a look at what else is in the market and see how you stand up
Starting off our comparison with counter-strike 2 we saw the horizon 2 PC run an average of 420 frames per second. Oh
Barely managed a measly 69 frames per second. Okay, that might seem nice for a $70 product but bear in mind
This is FPS testing for a counter-strike game running Diablo 4 we saw pretty consistent performance across the board
Obvious outlier the ltt store comm screwdriver is simply not cut out to play this game moving
Half-life 3
Performance. How can you defend this Linus negative performance in half-life? How can I compete with the power of imagination?
Play this game moving on to the upcoming title half-life 3 once again the ltt store comm screwdriver disappointed
Clearly flawed benchmarks because touching grass should be way out here
So many frames per second
While the horizon 2 PC played at
118 FPS average the screwdriver somehow generated negative 3 frames per second
We're not entirely sure how it scored so poorly
But this is likely to a driver based issue that Linus and his team should look into and lastly pretty good
No, it's a oh, I see what pretty good there in an unreleased game. We're not allowed to refer to by name
We finally saw the ltt store comm screwdriver perform up to par with a gaming PC
Unfortunately due to the secretive nature of game development
We're not allowed to comment on any specifics for the game's performance all in all if you're looking to game on a screwdriver
This isn't the one for you. I get it. Not everybody wants to build and design their own screwdriver
So while Lowe's will send you a non ratcheting screwdriver for roughly the same price
Neither of them will come with a light up dick hammer logo RGB. I consider that a big downside
LTT store comm also offers a lifetime limited warranty where if something breaks they will have you
Send it in for repair or replacement, which is pretty impressive if they can actually pull that off in the real world
Again, this is pulled almost word for word from the original review of their system
Hardly recommend them
Who I can I trust you, bro. I'd say
I was good. Okay. All right
Around in six months and you like the youtuber and LTT then this screwdriver seems like it might be as good an option as
Any other on the market of course the best option is always to segue to our sponsor. All right. All right. All right
All right guys well-played
well-played oh
I didn't even oh, I didn't even catch this. They accidentally dropped the screwdriver. Yeah, I 35 seconds
All right
Well, I'm just I'm glad drivers out there
I'm glad people are enjoying it in more and on a more serious note
Sam it who is a youtuber that I hadn't really heard of until I saw this thumbnail
Which is no no, we're not gonna it's too long. Yes. It's 20 minutes long, but
Right. We're supposed to watch one 40-second segment. Oh, okay
We can do that Linus screwed me was what I saw pop up in my in my recommended and I'm sitting here going
Excuse me. I thought it was gonna be really bad. I
Thought so, too. I have actually I haven't finished watching it yet because people keep walking into my office and interrupting me
This is why it's really hard for me to watch videos. Even when I want to I've watched about half of it
That's my fault. That was no you weren't the only one I've sat down and tried to watch this like four times
And I've made it ten minutes in did you watch the first half? Yeah. Okay, cool. I strategically watched the second half. Oh
Shut up. I did. I saw your message saying like I watched half of it
I was like he must have started it. So I'll just jump partway through also your link actually had a time stamp in it
So I'm pretty sure you shared from where you were at nice
So I literally watched from the second that you ended watching so collectively what a team collectively we have watched one video
Yeah, oh no, all right. So anyway, I guess there's a segment that we're supposed to watch please watch and react
122 to 203 and so I actually haven't seen this. Oh
From all the bits so I'm gonna load this up. That was fine. Wait, can you flick it?
Oh my god, if you have a D or ADHD
This is bad. Do not buy this for your partner because I'm gonna be sitting here all day when I'm just thinking
How fast can I do it
Anyways, let's load this up and let's get something compared to wait. So it was a false alarm. Oh my god
Pretty good
Strawberries, they're everywhere, man
He realizes later on in the video that you can just if you hold on to this shaft
You can just spin it and the whole ratchet will twirl around and he's like, oh he does that for a while, too. I
Can tell when like one of my people
Because I do it all the time, yeah
All the time if I get I get annoyed if my like if my partner ever tries to sort it away somewhere
To put it somewhere that it like should go
I always go and get it back and put it back on my desk
I'll sit there specifically with my hand in like this position right above where my mouse is and if I'm thinking I'll just grab it
Just spin spin spin. We are working on a fidget toy built with the same ratchet, but it's gonna take some time
You know, it's just everything takes time
especially molding takes time
Overall what I saw so why don't we compare notes?
Was that he it took him a while to kind of figure out all the ins and outs
It looks like he wanted to just go on his own voyage of discovery
It was pretty fun watching him discover that the bit loader spins
So you can kind of treat it as a little carousel to see your bits move it around
I know that he had some constructive feedback on the
The texture of the plastic. He's not the first to bring it up. In fact, Jake was the first to bring it up
Internally before launch but the reality of it was at that point
Changing the texture of the plastic
Could have been done
But it was a one-way ticket trouble. Yeah, so once you because it's some kind of like
electrical obliteration of part of the mold to change the plastic
It's called EDM if I recall correctly
And once you do it
It's done
Those molds were a huge bet and we had something that had really good part lines
Really good hand feel didn't get too scuffed up
or did and then kind of
Resolved itself. It was kind of like a almost like a self healing. Yeah texture
And I was sitting here going okay this checks
Every other box and we could try to go after this little extra box
Did he try using with gloves?
I'm not sure because I know no not in part
I watched so I am also slippery hands boy, right and the first time I ever used it
I was like, oh, yeah, this is gonna be a problem if I ever have to do something that takes a lot of torque, right?
I've never once had a problem using it on my own so far and I've like taken things apart
Not just computers taking things apart and all this other kind of stuff
But if I was like cranking something in on I say a car like even if it could have been a problem
But just to test it I grabbed one of my pairs of gloves that has like a leather palm, right? No problems whatsoever, right?
Okay, so if you're if you're someone who works with gloves, then it's not a non-issue
Yeah, he spoke very highly of pretty much everything else that I saw really like the hand feel really liked just
the ergonomics of it
It seemed like it exceeded his expectations which made me really happy
Cuz you know, obviously we set out to build a great screwdriver with
Building computers particularly in mind, but we wanted it to be great for other things. So to see car folks
Come and say like yeah, it's really good for this too is pretty exciting
so how was the second half a lot of what he did in the part that I watched was he just like went around his
Shop and just tried it on like everything. He unscrewed and screwed
I like his style like
one of his tool benches
He did it to a bunch of random screws around one of the the engine bays of the car that he was working on even went
Up to his bidet because he's in
Japan right they call them. I think they just called him toilets there thing else. I don't remember what it is
Yeah, he explained that they use a different name for it
But anyways, he went up to his bidet and he's like, yeah when we're servicing these we have to like cut off the water
And that works through this like flathead thing
So I'm gonna try to use this for that he did it and it worked perfectly fine
One thing that I noticed in his operation of it is that he liked the knurling on the shaft
He also pointed that out
He really liked the knurling on the shaft
But I found that and this is something that I have to like almost retrain myself to the back force is so light
That a lot of tasks. I'm like trained in my head like oh, this is a light one
I'm gonna spin the shaft right you don't have to yeah
But I think he uses his stuff all the time clearly so he has muscle memory of like oh, it's it's a light one
I need to go up and do it that way right when he probably could have just turned it normally and because of the back
Force it would have been fine. He did notice the back force earlier, but probably right. It's probably just muscle
I watched him do a bunch of tasks that I know could have been done that way
Yeah, but he did it by spinning the which is like it doesn't matter. He also might just be efficiency minded
I still use the knurling a lot fast even when I don't have there's a reason why the knurlings on there
Yeah, I just yeah like that that stood out to me a little bit
but yeah, I used it for a ton of things so that he liked it and
He invited you to go to Japan and go drifting with him. Oh, I didn't see that part
Yeah, I mean that sounds really fun. Yeah, I was gonna say he didn't invite me, but if you're not going I'll go
Show up it looks so sick
I clicked on one of his other videos just to like see what they do going drifting in Japan is like
That's where you want to go to do it. Yeah like Tokyo
Yeah, you know like where you Tokyo drift well in the in the mountains because of initial D. But yeah, I don't know
That's uh, that's super cool. That sounds super fun. Anyway, yeah, appreciate the review. Thank you so much
Yeah, okay, yeah Tim's commenting on the back for us as well in the floatplane chat, I didn't know that he was a mechanic
Kind of makes sense though
Yeah, hey
We haven't talked about merch messages at all guys the I mean you found them, so that's cool
But if you're new to the show and you don't know what merch messages are we don't really do super chat to twitch bits or?
Anything like that the way to interact with the show is through merch messages other than just random
Comments that we do read from time to time and you send those by going to lttstore.com and picking up whatever
Kind of floats your boat whether it's uncle Linus's hoodie or water bottle or any of the new products that we've launched this week
We'll go through those in a little bit
Or just a gift card if you just want to send a message, but nothing's really
Catching your eye this week Dan
Do you want to pick out a few merch messages for us to go through and then maybe we'll oh?
My goodness we gotta get sponsors done man. We've got a lot of this happening
We still have a lot of topics to talk about
Every time every week
Man, no I want to talk about I want to talk about the survey that shows the VR adoption is slow among teens
I think we
Know for real. I actually have a lot to say about that. No yeah, I think we've got to do sponsors first though
Kidding those now is a good idea. Okay sure let's do sponsor. We're in three merge messages, then sponsors
All right, let's do it
Okay, Dan Linus and Luke love the show. What's your take on AMD?
I'll Vayo MA 35 D and its implementation of AV1 and the use of AI
In its ability to help with decision of bitrate of content is that in your thought
That's supposed to be a whole a whole topic is that in here is that even it's not a whole topic
I didn't even see this this week. I don't have any thoughts on this at all, but that sounds
Super cool where it was in the chat. Oh, it's gonna be crazy. It's gonna be huge gonna be huge
I'm pretty sure you pops of ox already has a video on it. I'm like
99.9% sure of that whoa this is so cool. This is basically like that
Specialized hardware that we wanted to get our hands on from this was in the Google, so we found this oh
So I I heard years ago that Google had built their own
hardware to handle video encoding for YouTube because
Doing it on CPU or GPU just didn't make sense at the kind of scale that they were encoding video
And we reached out to them saying like hey, we'd love to cover this, but we can't just cover that it exists
Yeah, hush hush hush like you got to show it to us. You got to talk about the technology, and they're like um no
Well this is this is basically it
One watt per stream for AV one video encode crazy
Okay, yeah, okay earlier line of Xilinx cards, okay, so this is the Xilinx acquisition
Yeah, whoa that is super cool
Is this something that I could just buy and put in an editing workstation, and we could just?
Encode like that or what like what am I looking at here is this more for?
Like on the data center side, and I'm just just seeing this now. I was hoping there was gonna be
Info in the dock for video and code blocks and it uses
Machine learning to determine the optimal bitrate. This is super cool
I would love to do some kind of coverage of this in the future
I'm not sure if this is going to be
The kind of thing that would end up in a workstation ever or like anywhere near a consumer
But so it's listed under data center on on yeah on their website
Just so you know one watt per 1080p 60 channel
Being able to get it though like I mean there's some data center things that you can
Get you know
$1,600 MSRP
So what would what would a system for this look like like is this would this be?
How would floatplane use something like this for example
This would be a little hard for us to get into our infrastructure right now
But would this help to solve like ingest bottlenecks
Okay, okay
Here's an example right now the land show archive on floatplane takes a long time because it's just this
colossal video and it's got to be encoded whereas Google does
Magic encoding on the fly so that archives of four hour long streams can be available immediately
And it's a bit of a pain point for folks on floatplane
But something that has been brought up internally is the idea of having and I don't I didn't want to do this until we got
A local full-time IT person yeah, but now that we have one or are going to have one
I think it is a project that they might want to work on, but we've wanted to have a node here
Because should if we could deal with all of the transcoding
For that that has to happen from it because you guys upload a lot of stuff, which is great right?
Thanks for using the platform
I'm not complaining
But a lot of it happens here a lot of the content on the platform is generated here right so if we can just transcode
It here, and then just upload it already transcoded sweet, right?
So we could maybe use these for that now we have
offered to give floatplane local hardware before
but I will confess I
Will confess that every time we've done it we have without warning
requisitioned it for something else
Sometimes when they were in the middle of using it
Literally so it's been a bit of a problem you can't so that's the thing if this happens
It's not going into a building that like or a room or whatever that anyone just has willy-nilly access to you
No, no, I could go the server. Nah. I don't trust it. No. It'll be fine. Okay
One lance is great to work with best boss
I've ever had anytime he ever says this thing is yours in perpetuity do not trust that
We need a video exactly it's not like the reason is gonna be illegitimate
But there's going to be a reason and it is going to be taken away
Okay, the one it's very likely that it will be replaced with something just as cool or cooler
I'm not saying this is just the worst thing ever, but if it's like a piece of infrastructure, and it has to stay there
Don't trust it that is a dangerous scenario
Okay, that one that we ripped away while it was in use was six workstations one CPU
And it was not in the server room
So there's no precedent for something being taken from you guys when it's actually installed in the rack
It's fine. If it's in the rack. It's not nothing's gonna happen. Just put it put a sticker on the front
I have a lot of floatplane ink very not sense of history of Linus being extremely problematic around
Infrastructure type things that goes back to before the company started
Mr.. Flash drive. Yeah, there was this one time. I tossed a USB drive to Luke across the room and
Thanks to his utter failure to catch it because he never played baseball
Involved catching it was a bad throw
Anyway, the point is it hits like actually a miracle the reset pins on the motherboard or something
Like well okay some of this is assumptions right yeah
But the result was that the SSD was unplugged the data cable to the SSD was unplugged
So I think it must have hit the like metal clip and actually like yeah enough force that it popped out
It was I all I remember is that it was a one in a million shot
It was crazy, and it unplugged the forum while something critical was happening or something
Like corrupted it basically something bad. Yeah, the result was bad. Yeah, it was very bad
SDJ F on floatplane chat says line is trying to find a problem for the solution
That's my whole career. Yeah, that's like and again
Being critical or anything
Yeah, that's yeah. Yep. I'm not saying the reasons aren't legit
I'm not saying it doesn't make the most sense to do that thing
But it's very often not wise to rely on
Infrastructure type things like mission critical type things to be running in Linus's general vicinity
Jaden still mad it was sitting in the middle of the floatplane section of the office
It was literally in our like office quarters. Yes. It was not in like a shared area
There is theory to us doing stuff that does include this thing
Okay, that'd be cool. I just I mean we'd have to figure out like can we even buy these
Like how what is the implementation of these like I don't know anything about that
But even if we can't use these there's still theory to like having a node here
we've wanted to do that for a very long time and
The more time goes on the more like volume of content you guys are making
So it just tends to make like more and more sense
because we have a there's a bit of a
scale problem
In the sense of people's perceived levels of normalcy when it comes to how long things take
Because they'll be like oh, yeah, like Google transcodes this video real fast
It's like yeah, they sure do I don't know if we're ever gonna get like that fast
We have some solutions coming like right now. We wait for all transcoding levels to be ready before we release a video
So something that's going to be changed at some point is we're gonna allow videos to launch
without 4k already ready
How YouTube does so you can watch it at 1080p which are 1080p is really good
and if you want to watch in 4k like you might have to wait a little bit and it'll say when you go to like
Settings because you're like hey why isn't this in 4k and you want to set it to 4k
It'll say like it's currently transcoding or whatever well
Well, I don't know if it'll say that but I'll have some indication that it's like still working on it
Yeah hit us Dan
right next up
This one's from Jonathan
Do you still use all that janky stuff you have made over the years like the water-cooled network switch or the red camera?
Thanks for the awesome vids
the water-cooled camera we
Converted back to air-cooled because it was very stupid
The water-cooled network switch on the other hand in spite of also being very stupid is still very much in deployed in deployment right now
it actually runs in the camera den and I believe is the network switch that the ingest stations go through like it's it's
part of our infrastructure hundred percent my water-cooled chair is
Still in action sort of it had a bit of an accident Luke observed very acutely that the pump and res
Was on the floor when he came into my office either yesterday or today
Made a mistake we accidentally put the the reservoir and the pump and the
The the the heatsink for the Peltier. We we put them somewhere where if you lean the chair back
it would interfere with the base of the chair and
Forgot about that and I was like I want to leave my chair back and I unlocked it because I've always had it locked to
Make sure I don't do that and I went
Crunch yeah, so need to either reprint or ideally redesign
Yeah, the mount for that shouldn't be there. You should be able to lean your chair back
The options were shoot the video or
Not shoot the video today, and I gotta get it going we decided to shoot the video yeah
But but it has been in use since then it's
Amazing I brought it to Whalen. Did you try it? Yeah? It was nice. It was genuinely nice
Pretty good. I would if this was like a commercial solution. It would be something that I would look into
I mean you basically have that for your bed
Yeah, like if you could just have that I do it elsewhere for a chair. Yeah, why not yeah 100% yeah, yep
Next one another one right here we go
I've got that this is from John Linus any fun anecdotes about the making of the uncle Linus video
Oh, yeah, totally fun people couldn't stop playing with the baby goats and all the animals on the farms
The alpacas were hilarious lots of fun
I'd oh oh that didn't make it into the behind the scenes
But I have this I have this great video of Riley in the alpaca pen just being Riley
in an alpaca pen awesome
Yeah, I love it
If you really I mean honestly most of what was really fun ended up in the behind the scenes video on float plane
That's one of the one of the cooler float plane exclusives that we've done in a while
So those of you who are on float plane can go check that out. I'd say the coolest thing
being behind the scenes on a shoot that I didn't organize I
Pretty much showed up as talent sort of I mean I
Helped with direction a little bit I
Came up with the concept initially, and then I sat and I helped edit the script so I was involved
But I haven't been like the live shoot. I hadn't been to any of the locations
I hadn't seen any of the props like when I saw my overalls, and I was like yeah
And just some of the okay, here's a fun one I didn't see a single comment have you watched the video
Yeah, the I have watched some of the behind the scenes. I have watched the whole main video. Okay. Do you want to know my gripe? Oh?
Okay, who do you who do you ask to be in the video? I didn't ask anyone me. Oh did I yes?
I mean I wasn't in it, bro. I look I
Don't really care it was very
That was a that was a tough. I was gonna say I also
Had an extremely busy time around that area. I probably wouldn't have been able to do it anyways
I just wanted yeah, I'm sorry
I I would have loved to have you there
But I just left it to Riley to figure out and to Jacob to figure out who was gonna be there
It was hilarious the amount of I really enjoyed that they put a lot of effort to make sure that something
Was happening in the background just all the time. I thought that was great. You have to watch it twice
Yeah, that was that was really good
There was one that I insisted that we make a little bit more obvious and yet
This is what I was gonna say a second ago. I didn't see a single comment acknowledging the name tag in the meat bag
Did you notice yeah, do you get the reference?
Are you bringing it up
I'm not a hundred percent sure that I remember there being a name tag
I remember identifying like that's it has been communicated that this is human
You know no so the name tag in the in the meat bag is pearl
Okay, that's
Logan Paul's abandoned yeah, yeah, I was gonna say it's a pig, but I was trying to remember why I knew that so the idea
Was just that like you still there's all kinds of things in the meat
So I I
Insisted that we get a close-up. Okay, so I definitely didn't get that okay
I didn't see I didn't see anyone catch it and I was like oh, I thought that was really funny
That's pretty sort of that's pretty good. It's a little bit old of a reference as far as internet goes it is
Yeah, it is funny. It is funny, but I I still I I still
I want to say that the coolest thing being behind the scenes though
Just to appreciate as we as we made our way from one location to the next was how
Amazing the locations were that drug den
We didn't change much
We brought in the little green bottles
But like there were like weird skulls and like weird retro containers
there was
There was a couch
That a lot of weeds been smoked on. I'll tell you that much. You know like it was how did they scout that place?
We got really lucky. Okay. We didn't start location scouting in earnest until probably about ten days before the shoot we got
extraordinarily lucky shoutout
Ron drizzo I want to say farms and then whatever
Whatever the other farm was that we that we shot at oh man now. I feel really bad
Whatever the the farms were amazing
Here we go here. We go here. We go shout out Ron Dries
Ron drizzo yeah, Ron drizzo farms and hazel mirror slash Gabriel farms
Absolutely amazing both of them super cool to work with awesome
And then I think sponsors no there's one more really yeah
Was that three years that was three okay? Nevermind? Yeah, let's do sponsors then okay?
Okay, all right what now oh?
No, I've been signed out of the dock because of course I am because why when I'm using my computer wouldn't I just send it
Or wait no you're gonna have to aren't you apparently I don't know
Love this Thank You Google. This is incredibly helpful
You know don't bother expiring a session token
You know when the country or IP changes, but while I am sitting actively
Using my computer. Why don't you go ahead and sign me out when I am doing nothing sensitive other than just reading a Google Doc I
Love it and the best thing is because I always log in to do and show
It's based on the day of the week, I don't know I always have to log in during the land show
That's pretty funny. Oh, yeah
Did you type in your password, or did you how else did you do it I?
Don't know if I know this password oh I
Changed it a little while ago, and I can't I'm not sure if I remember exactly what it is. I have it. I'm good okay, okay?
All right Dan let's do this, please check under the desk before you read the sponsor
Are you kidding no no no we already did it oh?
He went so off-script. It's not even funny. This is this is just I thought it was pretty funny. You're safe
It was a little unhinged, but definitely funny hell. Yeah
Do I just start yeah the show is brought to you by co valence
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That's kind of cool
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Like uncle Linus Thank You Dennis
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Okay, uncle Linus approves. What is he doing to that phone?
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Is it just me or are these Dennis integrations getting more and more unhinged a little bit, okay
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Oh my gosh
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What's funny is I'm surprised that we actually didn't use a different example for Squarespace
Man, I think the LTX site's pretty good. No
We actually created. Oh
Man, what was it called for the uncle Linus video?
We created an entire website the review website, right? No, not the review website the or was it?
The juice website juice website. Yeah. What does anyone use? Yeah. What does anyone imported juice something?
Oh, that was you actually made that was a real website. Yeah, Jake Jake Jacob Russian did it
What's the URL does anyone remember come on chat?
You got this and we didn't even call call it out or did I'll pack a juice or something?
I don't remember what it was
I know something no because so the joke was that if they actually went to exotic meat markets calm
that's a real site and
So that was just screen cap from a real sided juice exchange imported juice exchange talk call on the other hand
I love that. It's an exchange which we also
Which we also?
Site is not real at all
So this was created in like a matter of an hour or two wait did I go to that?
Did you guys just show this? Yeah, we showed it in the video
featured products
Pineapple juice guava juice pack a sick. I'll pack a secretions
So people just I guess this is another one that I saw almost
nobody talking about but
It was just yet another layer to the to the to the April fool consume Eldridge screams
That's great. Yeah, and nobody called us on it. I didn't see a single comment about like oh, yeah
I actually went to imported juice exchange calm. I can't believe they set up this website
So much fun all right, I need to run to the washroom. It's my mid show pee break. That's good. See you later
See ya time to talk about AI
What's new mr.. Luke got him, what do you have for us?
Oh, I haven't it's honestly been very hard to keep up with everything because it's literally been moving that fast at this point in time
GPT-4 itself is like almost old news, which is kind of crazy. I don't like that a lot
Yeah, I'm not okay with much. I think there's very legitimate reasons to not like that
I don't I don't want to talk to you about it on stream, but
Yeah, every week you give me a panic attack
Let's go
So a question in here about that the craziest thing in my opinion. I think this happened this week
There's I mean there's been updates to the repo as of five hours ago
So it's very live just like everything in this space is but
Microsoft announced something called Jarvis, and this is just one of the actually many
options of this type of thing that I've seen
Announced or talked about recently and this is where things are getting really crazy. I talked I think a couple weeks ago
I think this is gonna be an absolutely massive jump when these things hit more
wide adoption because
Plugins with chat GPT. Okay, I'm gonna I'm gonna rewind slightly make sure everybody's with me before I keep going so
Chat GPT extremely powerful limited in ability, right? It can write creative things really really well
It can't do things for you so much in the coding space. It can do things for you to a certain degree
There's some limitations there
It will literally spit out code that has errors stuff like that
But you can work with it to fix those errors or you can just work
Use it as a very good like starting off point for small projects stuff like that
It has ability to do things in the coding space
But it can't really do things in other spaces and it has issues with math and all this other type of stuff
Well, a lot of those problems were fixed very quickly
But in a private sense because not that many people including myself
I'm very sad about this not that many people have access to plugins plugins was announced. I think a couple weeks ago
and the first plugin that immediately I was like
Oh my god
If they make this this is gonna be absolutely insane and it was literally like the first one they did
was Wolfram alpha Wolfram alpha is
Super cool has been super cool for a long time. It is very not new
I think people that aren't in the space haven't necessarily heard of it
But Wolfram alpha is an answer engine developed by Wolfram research
It answers factual queries based by computing
Sorry, it answers factual queries by computing answers from externally sourced data. Wolfram alpha was released on May 18th, 2009
Yeah, and the the type of things that it does is like quite advanced math and calculus
so you take chatgpt which can't really do these things and
You give it a plug-in where chatgpt can ask Wolfram alpha for the answer and
Suddenly Wow, it's extremely powerful, right?
now the next stage of this is not just plugins but Jarvis and I think they call it hugging face, which is like
That's a concerning name
But Jarvis and hugging face and all this other type of stuff allows you to link all these systems together
So you could ask chatgpt you'd be like hey
I need to do this thing and chatgpt or any other
LLM can reach out find the different services that it thinks it could use to accomplish that task
Assign various tasks to the different services get those services to actually execute those tasks get responses from those services
Potentially iterate multiple times if it needs to and then spit out the result to you
So it can do more things now it can actually get things done that's a big big step
There's also a bunch of other things that happened someone's suing. I think it's open AI for defamation because
Yeah, it like made up something about them. It called them a criminal or something. They're actually a whistleblower. Yeah pretty cool
That's gonna be a huge issue. I mean it's wrong all the time
If you start asking it about people it's gonna also be wrong people yep, and that's gonna cause some problems
Yeah, there's there's there's lots of stuff going on in my opinion
If you just kind of like dabbling in this stuff and only looking into it a little bit
I would look into like Microsoft's Jarvis
Hugging face stuff like that in my opinion. That's where the most interesting stuff is happening
This second, and I think that's where I'll kind of leave it
Is it hugging face more like an online repo of all these
AI tunes yeah, but you use Jarvis hmm to get an LLM to tap into hugging face to find the correct one
Oh good. God. No yeah
All right continue Linus, please
Survey says VR adoption slow among teens
Who would have thought it our original source here is
information world
Only 4% of American teens say they use VR
Good heavens. I thought it was worse only 4% of the team okay around
29% said they own a VR headset in spite of this only 4% of the teenagers that own these headsets use them daily
So that's that's not 4% of overall people know 4% of people that own the headset with
14% saying they use them on a weekly basis what this means is less than 1% of
American teenagers who responded to this survey use VR headsets every day
Can I just jump in and say that's a lot better than I thought it would be honestly. It's higher than I expected. That's
Where are you pulling these teenagers that?
29% of them own a VR headset
This is like literally just it was apparently a sample size of five thousand six hundred American teams
But the size doesn't matter as much if it's all from like here first one
If it's I agree no I don't consider this to be a controversial take sir I
Think that
size is not
The most important it's how you use the number of people in the survey how where you got them from how you yeah, you know
Yeah, yeah, so like if they pulled all of these
5,600 people from like extremely affluent neighborhoods. Yeah, that's gonna skew the results I
Could see that skewing the results two ways I could see that skewing the ownership percentage obviously
But I could also see that skewing the daily and weekly use yeah
You have a whole bunch of other like toys to play with yeah
Maybe you don't play with your VR headset that much and if you if all you have is a VR headset
Maybe you use it more probably use it a lot you probably use it to watch movies
You probably use it to play games when I could afford less games I played
Fewer total of games more total of time yep, I mean there's no way that today
I would log the kind of hours in pilot wings yeah that I did when I was nine
Yeah, there's just no way when you're going like I want to play a video game, and you have to yeah like
I owned four cartridges Super Mario World Super Mario all-stars pilot wings and Final Fantasy 6
That's a good set up. I mean yeah, it's not like they were bad games
Yeah, what's really funny is I used to I used to like rent games
Yeah, and never enjoy them because I guess I already owned
All the best came to your games on the platform completely by accident
I just thought the box art for Final Fantasy was super cool and like
That's uh yeah like it's pure pure chance. Yeah, yeah sampling bias on what's that yeah there you go
Yeah, it's like it's a decent number, but I don't know I don't I don't I don't if you could somehow
It's not reasonable, but if you could somehow pull all teenagers in America
Seriously doubt that number stays around 29% Oh not even close no shot not even close
The rest of our notes say teenagers are typically seen as a bellwether of the direction of future technology. I mean yes and no
Have we talked a bit about how like Gen Z is apparently hitting the workplace and yeah?
I think we did talk about that recently just like has no idea how to you know set up a printer and stuff
It's like yeah, okay. There's definitely things we need that teenagers. Don't think is cool and
Stuff that's like not going away that might be more true
For like technology trends in sure consumer technology not okay works works
That's fair the studies creators state that the lukewarm usage demonstrates that VR remains early days
And that these devices are less important than smartphones. I mean did we need a survey of
5,600 people to tell us that these devices are less important than smartphones
Maybe not, but I mean hey. Yeah, it doesn't hurt to back up your
Feeling with data, so that's
Good yep
For context 84% of American teens have their own phone that number
I do actually believe and 81% of a game console. That's pretty surprised really so I was pretty unusual then
I didn't have a game console until I
Oh, this is really interesting. I did not own a game console in my teens
I had a Super Nintendo when I was preteen I
Moved to my parents or to my mom's I did not own a game console until I bought a Wii I
Had already graduated high school. I was 20 my brother, and I wow I never thought about that my brother
and I have have fond memories of
working together to collaboratively this was like
I don't know if this was this must have been orchestrated by my parents somehow to get us to like learn like
Teamwork and like co-funding things and stuff because my brother and I busted
Like actually really hard to be able to afford. I think it was more than one console
We both have extremely vivid memories of like once we had finally pooled our money together enough to be able to buy
Donkey Kong 64 that like is in the yellow cartridge, but also came with the n64 booster pack thing
Which was just like more RAM or something. I don't know what it was
Like that took us a while to save for it was actually like quite some time, but we got it and it was awesome
I literally remember the Walmart that we went to to buy it. I remember what door we were entering from
I remember what side of that door we entered from this is like an important memory in my brain
And we recently discovered that he also remembers exactly those details this was like
We had some console and we earned those damn consoles
That's awesome. It was cool. I don't know
Except for the the original Xbox with halo that was a Christmas present
Yeah, I remember you telling the story like hard-rolled us on it was like all set up under this thing
that was like unrelated and it was like he convinced us that it was a gift for mom and
that we were supposed to stop everyone else from
Getting it to be one of the presents that was opened early. We have very long
Christmases it came from a long time
I'm not gonna explain why but like we spend a lot of time with each present that gets open you open your present you examine
It for a little bit you pass around people check it out you play with it for a second whatever and then we go
So it was like hours of my brother and I fighting everyone else in the family off from
Getting us to open this thing because we thought it was a crystal ball why that would be a thing for my mom
So neither of us questioned like why the heck did you buy mom a crystal ball, but we were both like, okay
There's no way anyone's gonna like open this my dad told no one else
So everyone's confused because they know what it is
So they're like trying to get us to open this present for ourselves, and we're like just sitting there laughing
At this dynamic that he's created
So funny that was that was a that was a kingly present. That's a lot of halo
What's not a kingly present his general motors?
Deciding to instead of just keep doing what's working really really well
Which is Apple CarPlay and Android Auto
They are going to remove access to both of them in
2024 or in their 2024 vehicle lineup in favor
I honestly I thought this had to be April Fool's like you guys can't possibly be stupid enough for this
So rather than using phone projection systems that just now wirelessly
Just use your phone
They're instead going to provide seamless access to a new native google-powered infotainment system
I've been highly critical of Tesla's use of their own proprietary system with no ability to run Android Auto
from my understanding there is no reason that they couldn't as a
App or icon or window or whatever you want to call it within their system
They just Google to like pay them for it
Well what they really want is they want to collect all the telemetry data themselves
So rather than it living on your phone. They want it to live on the infotainment system, and there's probably some
Terms of service advantage to doing it this way would be my best guess there could be some performance advantage as well in terms of
Interface or whatever else and inter compatibility between especially older phones running older potentially
unsecured versions of Android
Could be a problem there are some problems that this will solve
But there are new problems that this will create like when they decide to stop updating it you are
Buy a new car that's stupid yeah
Yeah, that's really dumb. Yeah, I car had this happen they stopped updating maps
Yeah, and so now you just have an old map or no map. Yeah great perfect whereas my volt
I never had to worry about any software anything because every time I got a new phone or a new
Operating system upgrade or whatever else I got new Android Auto and everything was fine
And I never had to care about anything other than the occasional you know bluetooth pairing hack our hack excuse me hitch
Which actually still bewilders me both the volt and the tycan?
And I guess I guess all these systems work like this
Even when you plug them in they still handle all the audio transfer over bluetooth
Why there's a huge gap in what happens on my phone and the sound coming out of the bluetooth in my car
I don't mind it cuz I'm basically just listening to music all the time, but like if
If I go to next song it's like actually one or two seconds
My phone will have gone to next song immediately, but my what the sound coming through the Bluetooth
Just like doesn't catch up for an extremely long period of time. It's very weird
I'm really I'm really frustrated by this because GM has done some really dumb stuff
They've also done some pretty okay stuff. I loved the volt. I still love the volt. I still think it's just an outstanding
Cards ahead of its time, and I think that's its biggest problem. Oh
It's a speck within the Bluetooth protocol well, it's annoying yeah, well it sucks. I don't like it. It sucks
We should talk about all the stuff that people have found because they're really smart
But that we haven't actually talked about for LTT store this week. Ah
Yes, yeah that the show has gotten
Really full I
Don't really know how to deal with that. There's a couple of there's a couple of big
LTT store things okay here. We go wait. No. That's not it crap. Where is this uh?
What I can't find it
Okay here we go here. We go here. We go we launched a couple new products this week one of these
I am so excited about it is it set up for Luke to model or is it set up for me to model today?
What size are these things?
Apparently it's me to you. I'm pretty sure um
This thing has been a long time coming
It was actually started well before the 3d down jacket
But just was stuck in in
Pre-production and then production hell for like over a year because it was just
Impossible to get the materials right the waterproofing right the seams right so this kind of this kind of
construction uses like a
It uses stitching in some places
But it also uses like this
This adhesive and taping in other spots in order to make sure that it's as waterproof as possible
Finding a factory finding the materials that make it so that it's going to stay
We'll stay so that it's gonna stay together and also not just like show through to the front was
Difficult this is this is competitive with windbreakers that cost far far more
It's extremely water resistant
I know I never used the word waterproof, but if you look at the if you look at the construction, it's rated for yeah here we go
10,000 millimeters of
Waterfall or like you know whatever whatever that means. I think that's like a pressure rating or something
I don't know we use this third-party company for for all of our like materials and
Like design testing
Because that's what they specialize in
Uses a ykk aqua aqua seal zipper on all three exterior pockets
It's I think really cool-looking. I saw Jake bella Vance wearing it or Bella Vance excuse me in the office
I was like where did you get that are we launching that thing now because you look freaking awesome
What one quick thing Dan were you wearing a medium in your photos
Uh yes, I believe so you wore the large and I wore the one I think Linus is wearing now
So if people are trying to check Dan or myself for photos on the store our information is wrong
I'm wearing a large not an extra-large. Oh did that get missed and Dan is wearing a medium not a large. Yeah, that's right
So if you are our size
Sizes when okay because
Yeah, they didn't quite fit us that perfectly
Just just in case because I know it's very likely people are shopping for stuff like now so check the size guide
And make sure that you're you're good to go. Oh
Bit of a thing they don't also you don't list the arm length
So I'm six foot two or something like that, and I have weird gangly long arms
And for me the medium fit better in the shoulders and the arms as well
Can just scroll the big pictures now by the way anywho
It has this little adjustment in the hood that makes it so that you can make it
Sit back a little bit further if that's what you prefer or if you want to
Really stay out of the rain
Then you can set it to the full distance and you can like make sure that the rain drips not on your face
Yeah, I
am missing a lot of details on this one because
it was
Hell to get it to market and have it be as good as it is
But I basically never need another windbreaker slash me to read out the like product information water water layer again
No, really exciting really excited. Oh, yeah, we added
Venting in the armpits. That's always nice. Oh did we end up with the reflective?
Yes, there are reflective elements on the front and the back. I forget where they are
Oh, yeah here on the shoulders and then where's the one on the back
Yeah, yeah, yeah, those are reflective for safety
Let's see if there's anything else that I missed yeah, but venting on the oh, yeah, there's venting on the back as well
So this getting this to stay down and not just be like flappy and weird
But also oh here here. Yeah, that's not even immediately a pair. Yeah, I didn't notice that personally. Yeah
Kind of helps that you have black under the white because then if it gaps off the shadow doesn't look different
That's why I couldn't tell it was like actually separated
I think we would do a way better job of communicating what's special about our products if we took every prototype and kind of
Talked through them kind of like what a soothe showed us when they launched the Ally or when they previewed the Ally
Where they were like yeah, so here's everything that we looked at where we started
Here's why we didn't do it
And this is where we end and this is where we ended up because it's pretty cool definitely gives a better appreciation
For the for the finished product
Very very YKK zippers because that's just how we do yep
Fit similar to the yeah the fit is pretty similar to the 3d down jacket
Maybe a little bit looser in the body because this is just a windbreaker
Slash rain layer and the expectation is that you're wearing something under it whereas with the 3d down jacket
You can wear something under it, but it's not necessarily a given
Yeah, like for me. I originally had the XL
But if I wasn't wearing a sweater
It's a really big jacket on me
And if I'm not wearing a sweater the large fits me better the other big launch this week is a design that was done
Probably like six months eight months ago, but we haven't been able to launch because of printing constraints
So it's matches our our hard drive kind of neon design, but it's a motherboard this time
I think Lloyd did a bang-up job of the design and our t-shirt printer
Also did a bang-up job of nailing the color on this one. It looks very striking
And it looks especially good. Just kind of peeking up under under a mostly zipped hoodie
Absolutely love that one that's available now as well
Dad hats are now a bonus bin item so if you order any of these things whether it's the
the windbreaker or the new shirt
What what do you mean a whole hat as opposed to part of a hat you guys are just
Determined to give away as much as much as you can
yeah, but funny the fuss tray is like
Yes go on there's just so much value in there, I don't know the bonus bin the bonus bin yeah, well the
I'm gonna be completely blunt with you
Dad hats have not been selling particularly well
And these are these are a big
These are a big hit for us because compared to the first hats that we launched just the the basic hats
The cost on these is about triple. They're really expensive
It's a combination of the materials the washing process that they undergo yeah, and the stitching
They're like super super expensive compared to just a basic hat, but they just haven't been moving that well
I don't know if we've really promoted them. Why is it honest? I think it's just a style of hat
Up I
Had very little to do with this particular one
I didn't really it's not a category of product that was well understood by me, or I liked the designs
I thought they were super cool. I think Sarah did a great job of that
But I just I was like dad hats. I mean yeah like I guess so yeah, we can try that
They haven't been a huge success for us over the last year or whatever and so we're we're going for it
They're they're a bonus bid item. Let's go you want pins you want stickers you want dad hats throw it in your order
Crazy and send a merge message. I think that's it. I think that's it for nope there's that's that's a lie
We need to get some feedback from you guys again, Dan. Do you want to man the loot cam on it?
So we've seen quite a few requests for a laptop bag
We are working on a laptop bag
Yep, there's a logo here. It might end up being a little bit smaller
Just because I think that's exactly the same size. Okay. You have this bad habit
Can you lift this I want to see it myself over the lower third for the love of God Luke lift it over the lower third
So you have the actual sleeve for the laptop, which is this one, and then there's there's additional
So slots for various things
YKK zippers of course
They're the water water resistant ones from the backpack
Now we're really we're really proud of one particular
Innovation here in our laptop sleeve and that is the the big orange stretchy pouch
That's on the left there. You want to just kind of stick your hand in there. It's like quite quite stretchy
You know yeah, yeah, because this has always been sort of baffling to me
Why do laptop sleeves not have somewhere to put your katang charger?
How is that? Oh, yeah, yeah, and with this you might not even have to unplug it. Why is that a thing?
It's so frustrating also. Oh shoot
I don't have my backpack on me, but the other stretchy pocket, which is over on the right guess what that's for
Mouse oh, yeah, yeah, oh, yeah
That I like that this one is mesh and see-through
So if you need to put like USB Drive or some other little things then on the other side
That's designed for you to kind of coil up your cables and then stick them through the the elastics
It's wider ones on the left skinnier ones on the right, and then the mesh down there is oh
Yeah more for like SD cards or
You can see through yeah, you can find your stuff. Yeah, I'm looking at it now
I think it might be let us know there's a forum thread that I'm gonna link in the comments here for you guys
There's a forum thread where we'd like to get your feedback
But I'm kind of feeling maybe another zipper pocket on one of those and maybe
The separated pockets like it has now on the other one
The strap is very noteworthy it uses the same padding as our backpack and
We have changed the geometry slightly because of the way that it sits on your shoulder slightly differently
This is the best laptop bag strap that I have ever used. It's actually comfortable. Which is another
Why is this innovative sort of?
Question it's super rugged and durable it uses all
Metal fasteners where it attaches to the bag it can tuck away in there
Or you can put some documents or whatever else in there. That's a that's does that one zip
I don't think so no that one doesn't zip. I think the other side does yeah, yeah, the other side has a zip
There we go a little something like that always orange
There's some some pockets there's my little pockets in case you want to stuff something in there. Yeah
We're planning two sizes
That's the 13 14 and then we're planning a 15 16 there is a handle
But the handle is whoops the handle is like a like secondary
You use it once in a while
We wanted the handle it when we want it to be less about holding the thing by the handle and more about
It being a sling I like that that's subtle because I would definitely use it
But it's mostly gonna be thrown over my shoulder for sure and in our traditional style
There's two rivets holding the handle in place, so it will never come out, and then that is the laptop sleeve
I think you were a little confused. Yeah, I was yeah, so is this like more of like a
Anything else like tablets leave yeah, you can have it in there whatever else as well just anything
This is this is like softer material
Yeah, so that's like like a soft touch like almost like feels like a suede or something like that feel nice on your laptop
Yeah, not that not that this side's gonna scratch it or anything no, but it's just nice and smooth on this side
Yeah, I'm really excited about this one. It's gonna be absolutely killer
It looks sharp
So there's also these so you can just like carabiner things onto the side of it
I don't know how easy that is to see but yeah
We we weren't really sure what people would use those for truthfully the main inspiration for me
Thanks, Dan was just like little like jewels and figurines and stuff like if people just want to hang stuff off their bag
we also
We've also seen people talk about you know
Hanging there. They're like AirPods case even though. I'm not sure that that's the greatest idea
But hey it's some people have lights there
I've seen these like gel silicon wrap things that hold AirPods cases sure so I think that might make it more
Okay, yeah something like that sure but yeah, we it's basically so you can you can
Strap anything to it that you want in terms of price
I can tell you right now that the more zippers and the more pockets and the more detailed
Construction you add to something like that's on the handle like a bag
The more it costs, but our goal is has never been to set out to make like a mediocre bag
I think there's a lot of mediocre bags on the market if you want one of those you can just go buy one
You don't have to wait
but I
Think this thing looks absolutely
Killer, I'm really excited. Do you know the price point on it? No. I don't okay. Yeah, I mean it's still in development
yeah, every time we remove a change something or add a pocket or
Make it a little wider a little narrower or whatever bomb changes
Yeah, very impressive seeing it fully loaded Matthew has been on point developing this and he like packed it full of stuff
And I was like okay, it's pretty heavy, but I'm like oh
But it's not bad
It's not bad, and then like we start like pulling all the stuff out of it really impressive. I'm really excited
It's made of the same materials as the backpack so it uses water-resistant zippers from YKK and the reprieve material is not
waterproof by any measure
But unless you are out in a torrential downpour for an extended period of time
It's also not gonna leak at the seams of the zippers and so
It's probably fine, but people have asked me like hey is it okay for
Riding my but cycling in the rain the answer is no no it's not intended for that
Yeah, Oh OS Dirk asks any chance of stocking replacement shoulder straps as a separate skew yes
I had actually meant to bring that up when I was saying the shoulder strap is crazy comfortable because
We like it so much that we are finding out what costing is for that individually. It's not gonna be cheap
I think it's gonna be like 20 bucks
It's like really good
And so again like if you want to cheap shoulder strap
There's lots of options, but we're we're really excited about ours cool. Oh twitch says link, please you forgot
I didn't forget it was earlier, but hey there it is again, so guys give your feedback
Let us know anything you'd like to see
Differently I know I can already predict that there's gonna be a ton of you asking for a 17-inch version
I'm not sure if that's gonna be in the cards I
I don't know a messenger bag for a 17-inch big machine very heavy
It's also a really floppy big messenger bag. Yeah, I don't know if I would go that far
I don't know if we want to make a product
That's going to be such a lousy experience pack for that to be completely all the backpacks not technically 17 inch compatible
Even though it does fit a lot of big. I was gonna say yeah 17 inch
Laptops yeah
It'll fit the framework 16 for sure
Yeah, the the the 15 16 will be designed for laptops in that size random thing just before I forget someone grabbed Smash Club
Org and they're happy to transfer if you want it, okay?
I was like I said I was mostly memeing I know on the whole Smash Club thing but
Do up do appreciate don't want to like forget that and then if you did actually want to call it that blah blah blah
Alright now that we have shouted out all of the awesome new stuff from this week
I think it seems like a good time to maybe do another five merch messages
We'll get to the rest of our topics then and merchants you want to do one show after oh
After dark yeah, all right all right, so we'll switch over
We'll turn the lights off once we're done with like tired today, so I like fall asleep
If it happens it happens yeah good for the views probably anyways yeah, yeah for sure sleeping streams. I've heard are totally a thing
Anyways here we go. Hey slick. Why did Linus stop calling you slick?
Why did he ever start have we talked about this before cuz it was stupid and cuz he's stupid
I think is what he's about to say oh
I thought you were saying that about Luke no no no no no I mean he different context
Was I gonna say yeah originally I wasn't supposed to be on camera at all
And originally all the people that weren't gonna be on camera we're gonna have like
Cool like screen names, and this was it was a different time
Okay, that actually seemed like normal and appropriate in like 2010 or whatever it was and it had a precedent. Yes the cameraman
from NCIX tech tips
wanted anonymity
the nickname was born out of my desire to interact with him behind the camera and
Wanting to respect his yeah his desire for privacy which in retrospect was probably a good idea for him
Uh-huh and so all of a sudden. I was like okay people grew so attached to the cameraman character
You know trolling me about being a Mac guy or whatever else
That I looked at and I went oh wow this is a really good shtick. How do we take this?
Nicknames and characters for the the people behind the scenes that interact with Linus and how do we
Extend that and kind of grow the the cast of of these colorful personalities, but that are also shrouded in mystery
that was the thinking and then
Slick came from oil slick because my computer at the time was submerged in oil
And then Edzel was diesel wasn't that just like you couldn't pronounce his name
No, I literally misread his name, and I was like this is stupid name, but then it was not that
So then I just started calling him that anyway perfect
Yeah, not Brandon was b-roll, but you were like kind of running out of ideas. I think
And then it stopped there because I think you genuinely ran out of ideas
And you guys all revolted because it was stupid
I just like you you literally had me on camera at that point
So it was like there's no real point in that and the culture kind of shifted
And that wasn't really the goal anymore and yeah, so it just kind of died
But yeah
No, well, that's a shame
Hi, Dan Luke in Linux. What kinds of paint is best for I'm reading that verbatim
What kind of paint is best for painting a computer case?
I'm working on a mod with the kids and they asked if I could ask you guys when I order their bottles if it's silver
You should spray paint it silver
That's not a kind of paint that wow thank you Luke's that I don't think could have been any more
Because the sky for season four I will never forget. Oh, no, but when they painted a silver case silver
Why would you do that? It looks better than the original
It looked cleaner. Yeah, it was tidied up. Okay, and our computer was so much better than you. Oh, I mean, correct
Anywho I literally don't even remember if we won or not and I don't care I liked ours more anywho
the paint
It depends what you're trying to do. Like if you're if you're just going for a pretty quick job then
Basically any like oil-based rattle can is gonna be what it's gonna be
The one thing though is make sure you let it cure for long enough
Don't spray it and then try to assemble it right away and by right away
I mean don't try to assemble it within like a couple weeks
Let it actually
Cure because that's the only chance you have
Other than that
You can find pretty much everything we have to say about the subject in the video that we did on painting a monitor
That was kind of how to rattle can as well as you can rattle can the only difference
Is that we selected a plastic compatible primer in that one and you might not need that depending on the composition of your case
What's the first thing you painted?
for a computer
My antac p160
Yeah, you you saw it
Was that or not? I'm pretty darn sure it was that okay
Well, you did that case painting before you did any I guess you're not counting like a little accents. No, okay
Yeah, that's fair enough. Yeah, because that was with pens anyway, I guess I painted those fans the UV fans
Sure, I did those first. Yeah
Yeah, yeah
See here
Do you have to go through and scrub any other non-public videos after the tech linked takedown?
We did that
Yep, yeah, we didn't think it mattered when they were privated and then afterwards we
deleted all the ones that were privated some of them were in a state where they were like reported from YouTube and
Because of that we couldn't delete them
So we asked them to like remove the flag and then they did and then we deleted them so those are all gone now
There's still like some descriptions that have to be handled and a couple other little like small things, but it's it should be fine. I
Think this one's for Linus about to graduate with a degree in mechanical engineering but going into the Air Force
So I won't be using it for now at least Linus. Are you going to push your kids to college or trade school?
Don't know. I think that would be a unwise call to make now. Yeah personally
I mean it really depends on their aptitudes. What if they shouldn't do either?
What if they should go into performing arts or what if they should I don't know?
What if the thing that they do just lends itself a lot better to just having job experience yeah, what if
What if truth is I didn't either?
with that said
In the time I spent in university I learned a lot even if I didn't get a degree even if my test scores weren't great
I mean the big thing is just always learn
I don't really care if you do it in a classroom or on YouTube or as an apprentice
That is not the point the point is
Pushing forward. Yeah, you try to improve the worst thing I could say about someone is that I find them uncurious
Like if I ever say that about you. I have I have issued the most
Savage takedown that I could possibly imagine
Like even even laziness. I like I kind of get
sometimes maybe
Yeah, exactly like everyone needs a break. You got a cool down. Yeah, no, but if you are uncurious
Really you don't you don't even want to know there's so many things to be curious about like yeah
I don't care what you're curious about be curious about something otherwise. Why do you even get out of bed in the morning? Yeah?
I accidentally pushed one to stream that was an accident something something camel camel camel has an extension
So that it'll pop up and show you something something Amazon price alert something would you guys consider an extension for the lab?
That would pop up when you're shopping and say hey, there's a review of this
It's like not very good, or it is very good. I
Don't see why that shouldn't end up on the roadmap. I don't know that we'll be doing it anytime soon. Yeah, that's that'll be
Okay, sounds like a neat tool Dan
Can you write this in an email to Luke or something so that he doesn't have to do it right now while we're trying to
host the show and then
42 to stay
Huh scheduled message 940 Tuesday. Yeah, there you go perfect
Hey, what do you want all right make an extension that detects products during users shopping experiences around the web?
Yeah, that's our idea that are
Things that have been reviewed or have written articles about them on the lab
But that's not it a bunch of people getting excited. Do not expect this yeah anytime soon. Yeah, or ever
Potentially maybe never yes, we are not committing to this. It's a cool idea though, and it's one. That's worth exploring
Way in the future and we're hiring devs so like we're building stuff. Yeah, but it takes time
Yeah, it takes a lot of time. Yeah, why does it take so much time so a lot of things are hard, man
Yeah, all right when you're as curious as when you're as curious as you are you end up doing way too many things
All of those different things require people and then hiring people is like scary and hard and expensive
Yeah, and then and then you need buildings, and then you have to like get between the buildings, and then yeah
There's a lot of stuff going on
hmm Dan you might have to
Make sure if you're gonna say check out our channel LMG clips that there is a clip that is somewhat searchable yes
I'm enjoying the tycan so far. I there there might be a clip about that, but I'm actually
That's a problem isn't it because I know you've absolutely talked about that multiple times yes
No, there's no update on the Christmas album whatever Dan said in response to you there is no update and it isn't happening
There's the response
You know that I do look at these right
Yeah, if I if I knew that you weren't gonna look at them, then I just delete them or not respond like that. I guess
You really don't want me to do it, then I won't know you're not no you're not remastered the Christmas album. It's garbage
Everyone's like
By it anyway, no don't it's actually bad
Nobody who bought it enjoyed it
Yeah, like a bunch of people bought it, and then we didn't really hear from them
Yeah, it's actually garb like we weren't kidding this wasn't a like
Test post please ignore like haha. Don't buy it. Yeah like actually it's just bad
Terrible you're good. It's not a lot of money, so you won't probably regret it like that much
But it's money still and it's worth nothing
So you're just throwing that amount of money in the fire like whatever that means to you it still means something
So I don't know and that person asking about the comma three. I really want to cover it the problem
Is that my version of the Odyssey doesn't support it?
And I've just been like lazy about getting a car that supports the comma three it adds like pretty robust
Autonomous driving capabilities to like 200 plus models of cars
yeah, I've wanted to cover it for a long time, but it's
Super niche it's like a lot of work. It is very nice, and I just didn't drive a car that was
Compatible with it at least he's not working on Twitter stuff anymore
Yeah, so that's cool anyways. Oh, yeah, so that's a reference to the developer for comma three
Getting hired temporary, but for like what a matter of weeks interning for like a month or something like that at Twitter going back
It's very weird. Yeah, very very weird. Oh, we've got another topic now though thumbnail questions
Why are thumbnails sometimes reused in part or in whole?
Here we've got two videos
I'm the second person to touch this ROG Ally preview and the only computer I need GPD win max 2
This was either user error or some kind of bug from the hijack that was not supposed to happen
this one had a totally different thumbnail and that should be replaced now, however a
Clever viewer also noticed this
That we reused part of a thumbnail the truth is we are not the only ones who do this
We don't actually know 100%
Why this is such a common practice, but it is
Shockingly common check this out. Okay. We're gonna go to beast react say have you ever looked at anything from mr. Beast?
Here we go
This picture appears
four times out of six videos
five times out of nine
the exact same picture
Seven oh eight times out of twelve. He literally used this same exact picture
66 percent of the time in the last
four months on this channel
If mr. Beast does it it's probably a reason there's probably a reason I don't necessarily know what it is
Nope can't forget that part out and it's not something we do a lot
The truth is with the one that I had in the dock there the what happened was we didn't shoot
The thumbnail or we shot it and the lighting was bad and they had to just find something and so grabbing something from a previous
Thumbnail makes sense because especially if it was a video that performed well clearly
That's not a face that was off-putting enough that it was a huge problem. So that's what happened with that one
Yeah, yeah the yeah chats like
Maybe you should do it more often. We probably should I've been saying this for a while
Anytime you see something that's that like trackable like it's
Extremely obvious the second you go to any of his channels or any of a fair amount of other channels. Someone said familiarity
Yeah, I think it has something to do with it being like almost a logo
Like if you saw that on one video and you enjoyed it
It's likely that you would visually recognize that again and be like, oh, yeah. Okay, like isn't it?
Are his eyes like super edited? Yeah, okay
but these guys these guys reuse the same faces a
lot and
They actually, you know will move things around a little bit and make it seem like oh no his hands there
But if you look closely a lot of the time it is
Literally exactly the same face like he obviously wasn't sliding in shmoo with his hair
Exactly like that. This is clearly the same face. Oh
Actually, no, this one's not the same face, but there are a lot that are there's a lot that are
Yeah, there was a there was another one that I was looking at that was a that was a great example of this as you
as you land
Literally the same like four or five faces over and over and over and over again
And so again is this I thought this was literally
Sniper wolf for a second. Do they just do the same thing? Yeah, it's react content, right? Like it's um
so if
Huge creators are doing it. There's probably a reason we
Don't I think we just kind of take the hard road for no reason sometimes. Yes
That is absolutely something that we do
Yeah, what was it? We were talking about recently about that?
You know, I gotta say it is a little disconcerting just like seeing my wife in her underwear like constantly on the show
I didn't really think about that people saw some like there was an ad that went out that the photo was her and
The text had something to do with it was about like a ratcheting screwdriver
Whoops and people just kept messaging it to me. So my phone was just constantly pictures of your wife
bathing suit or under underwear underwear
It's fine, but it's just like this is just I don't know it's different. Yeah, definitely. Yeah. Oh, is it different like that's not the huge
Sorry, what was the thing that we were talking about
Thumbnails and then you got derailed by that
No, the the thing we were talking about something recently where I was like do we take the hard road for no reason?
Yeah, I don't know what it was. Was it float plane? I
mean could be
There's a reason for that
It's definitely the hard road, but there's a reason for it
Microsoft has closed an emulator loophole
They suddenly closed the loophole used to download and launch emulators on Xbox emulators were already against store policy
But we're long in circulation as private window universal Windows platform apps
Which don't have to go through the usual approval process and don't have a public store listing
Anyone with the relevant link could download them and we actually made a video about this
It is no longer reason. I know
That's that's me right man that Windows 9 was like hey, we really appreciate you shouting out our project. But like
You basically killed it. I was like, oh
Fortunately, we've got a video coming about Atlas OS which has at least one of the like Windows ameliorated
Developers working on it or something like that. It looks pretty cool. I am NOT endorsing it by any stretch of the imagination
We haven't taken a close look at it yet. I actually just installed it in a VM last night
You were there. I saw yeah. Yeah, it's
Pretty spooky the kinds of things they ask you to disable in order for it to do its thing
But it also totally makes sense because it's going in and yeeting a bunch of things out of the registry and stuff
Like you have to give it those permissions. Yeah, it is open source, which isn't to say I've audited it
But but it helps but it helps it looks pretty cool. Anyway
What was I talking about?
Microsoft emulator loophole cancelled sure no longer possible to download the emulators
But it is still possible to launch and use emulators on the Xbox by putting the console in developer mode which cost $20 to access
Oh, oh, so no, that's what we did in the video. Okay, I guess maybe you still can
And as your dev tweets the primary reason for the ban is related to legal issues with Nintendo
Meanwhile, if you needed another reminder that Nintendo is the absolute worst
Just this morning youtuber point crow had four of his greater than 1 million view videos about breath of the wild
DMC aid by Nintendo how aggressive they are around
Creators hard promoting their content is very weird to me
Like it's like speedrun stuff. Do you?
Understand that breath of the wild is only still relevant today
Because of the community around it
It's not even a narrative driven game where you could make the argument that
The cutscenes are essentially a movie or something like that
Where the experience largely is just the story. It's not it's a gameplay
Exploration driven game people are showing off. What's great about it, and I promise you I
Promise you that point crow sold more copies of breath in the breath of the wild than any individual Nintendo
And and maybe not then the you know marketing chief or whatever, you know
if you if you look at every possible thing that they possibly affected but directly
100% and
for the money like
By by an infinite margin because it's all free. It's free real estate Nintendo chill the fuck out
Notably modern Xbox consoles have far greater backwards compatibility than PlayStation
With games from every console generation, but only select titles are available in part there
I don't know what this point is to do with but anyway the point is
Emulators are a clear answer to the question of playing and preserving older games. How do we find our way to accessible legal emulation? I?
Don't know
It's gonna be tough someone said
Isn't that fair use fair use is a legal argument in court so if point crow wanted to go
Into court with Nintendo he's got to fight it. Yeah, that's really challenging speaking of Nintendo, man
I got breath of the wild running in seem you on the
on the ROG Ally it is
Probably sick awesome. That's like actually probably sick is the ally run windows it runs
so smooth yeah like
So smooth like not even in the ultimate like overdrive 35 watt mode in performance mode or whatever I was getting like
45 to 55 FPS Wow I
mean the switch doesn't even do 30 it's a sucky experience and
Unlike the Steam Deck it is
Whisper quiet yeah, I'm cooler. I don't have to use headphones. I wouldn't say it's cooler than the Steam Deck
It's cool like still acceptable. Yeah, very acceptable
The Steam Deck is hard to compete with because it's so wide
Whereas you know I a neo and X X player or 1x player have struggled with that a little bit because they try to make the
Devices more compact so the heat spreads more, but valve was like no
There's the device and then there's the controller you know right, so it's a little it's a little easier for them
Yeah, but but no no the Ally is
It's pretty cool oh
Yeah very exciting
My cloud was down for five days
Wd announced that it had suffered a network breach of some kind and they had to shut down some systems in response as of today
They're still down leaving my cloud users locked out of their own data for an entire work week
So it's it's my cloud has been down for five days so far
Western digital has been extremely vague
But has stated that some data was stolen raising fears that the company may have suffered a ransomware attack
There's currently no estimate as to when service will be restored
This is a perfect opportunity for me to talk about that investment that I made in the new NAS company
There's no proper solution to this yet
whether it's unraid
Whether it's true NAS
There's a there's a level of
Knowledge expectation that I think is is not
reasonable for me to just
Take my brother-in-law and say hey take some computer put this on it and just copy all your stuff to it
It's not reasonable on the other side. You've got products like this. We're increasingly by abstracting everything
Even on the hardware side away from the user you are
Introducing attack vectors like
What the crap right and so the middle ground is supposed to be something like a Synology
but honestly, I find a
the product itself kind of obtuse and B
Why am I paying like?
$700 for an Intel atom. Yeah with no proper
Expansion. Yeah, it's ridiculous
Right. It's the Apple model pay way too much for the hardware and you know what to their credit the software is super cool
But it's not perfect and what the heck I could be running this on like a
$40 crap box that I picked up on Facebook marketplace not this thing and I could put
Three times as many hard drives in it. I've been legitimately waiting to like upgrade my NAS
Solution for whenever this thing comes out because I'm actually like pretty excited. I think it's gonna be cool
Yeah, I hope so there they're planning to do some kind of like pre-launch event and we're trying to figure out sort of what?
That looks like because we don't really support like Kickstarter and you go go type stuff
But the flip side of it is that these aren't just strangers to me like I know these guys
I I obviously believe strongly enough in it that I put in my own and you mean like a
Fundraising so it'd be a fundraiser like a pre-sale what I suggested
And I don't know what the ultimate form will look like is some kind of
Like lifetime subscription like but for real forever trust me, bro
You will always have whatever our version iterate you will get the new very because that's how people yeah
I was I was joking with with one of the guys there
I was like you and I should make a show of
Like writing up the terms of the deal and then actually pricking our fingers and signing it in blood
Cuz for real it's not it's not that hard a thing to do just don't fuck your most dedicated early supporters
Right, like how hard is that?
so anyway
one of the things but there's obviously some stuff to figure out because one of the things that they want to build in is
Like cloud replication with encryption of select folders or whatever else and they were looking at it going
Okay. Well, what if we include some base amount of cloud storage in perpetuity? I was like that's madness
That doesn't make sense, especially because I'm looking at this product going. This is the simple enthusiast
If all the scale you need to do is allow them to download the update file. Yeah, and it's not that bad
Well, there is some stuff so they're gonna have to do some reverse proxy stuff. There could be some traffic there for
Negotiating a connection for certain features. I think that's manageable but just cloud storage forever
I think Google proved that that model is a great way to
Make headlines, but it's not sustainable. Yeah, there's there's some things you could do in my opinion
I think you could have it be like
in perpetuity very significantly reduced
costs subscription
Where it's like at cost basically and like it'll have to be annually because you'd get so screwed over on the Oh
Kind of like the og floatplane tier. Yeah, something like that. Okay, so if you if you commit now at a certain level
Yeah, your subscription becomes very cheap
But if you need any more than that basic amount, then you pay as much as anyone does or something like that
But you'll always have like or yeah, the the scaling could be package adders. So it's not a new subscription
Yeah, so that at least you have to have base and then it's whatever you also you want on top of it
Okay, and then so the whatever else on top of it is the same price for everybody
But your base subscription fee forever is cheaper or something
Realistically one of the big features that I'm pushing with these guys is NAS to NAS
Yeah backups huge like like like like buddy backup. Yeah
And so this would make me want to install NASA's everywhere. I don't want my stuff in the cloud. Yeah
Like I don't want that I want the cloud for me to be like your place
Like my place your place my my parents place and like somewhere else far away
And then that's it and that other else far away would be like someone that I know exactly. Yeah
especially like in the gaming space
There is no reason that
You probably don't already have friends and acquaintances with whoever you both have it encrypted drive
It's not like you can see their stuff. They can't see your stuff. There's no there's no like you're not trusting access. Nope
Yeah, that's cool. Yeah, that's super cool
So, you know from my point of view a lot of the stuff that's a lot of the stuff that's really cool about this product
And and what I want to help kind of guide it towards is not that cloud backup anyway
So if they build cool reverse proxy stuff that can handshake between those systems
So you don't have to open ports and there's a little bit of overhead there that I think we can say yes
You can have forever because opening ports is like the most annoying thing
But if it's just actual drives sitting in a data center that just has a monthly cost
I don't think that I don't think that makes sense because
everything that I
Am involved in I like to preach
Sustainability it might not have that exponential growth that the Silicon Valley model requires
But what it is is still gonna exist. Yeah later
Yeah, because it's sustainable instead of promising something that we can't
That we can't keep up with right
What happens when their house is raided and your server data is available to the police slash military?
Well, then the encryption on the drive that buddy who got raided doesn't even have the key for
better be secure for one thing but
Okay. Now they've got an encrypted drive
Cool, they can hold it until they have quantum computers, I guess and then they can find your gaming screenshots. Yeah
VWV wagon Jetta says the problem with a p2p storage is that when someone else's data is illegal and it's physically stored on my
Drive am I legally liable for holding that data? You don't even know what it is
Mean, I don't legal advice. Yeah, I don't know the answer to that
But if you don't know what it is, I think it would be extraordinarily difficult to hold you liable for it allegedly
Allegedly not legal advice. That's something that should absolutely be explored and I would recommend
Only backing up with people that you trust
Strong doubt I I do I do doubt that you could end up might also be different for your country or your state
Well your province or your whatever blah blah blah blah
Yeah, it's not legal advice
All right, should we switch over to
Wow, did you talk about the Samsung semiconductor leak in your AI update? No, just Samsung employees
using chat GPT
To fix coding errors resulting in the leak of test sequences for identifying chip defects as well as source code of a top-secret
Application I told you I told you this stuff was gonna happen. That's hilarious. I've been told by so many people like oh no
Told you this is gonna happen. Oh my goodness. I'm so not surprised. This is why
The whole data silo thing is gonna happen mainframe, but blah blah blah blah. Yeah
I don't think so. I don't think you have okay fine. Talk about your AI theory. Let's go. I'll try to keep it short
Let's go. I've had a pretty good track record. I think literally 100% so far with making certain calls about AI stuff
I'm making a little much more long range and likely to be an hour. Yeah. Yeah, but I think
like mainframe style
systems like big
Intense lots of companies have them less cloud-based kind of stuff is potentially coming back. Hold on David are its apple leather
made of apples not like from Apple
my reason for that is stuff like this because I think a
the productivity tool that is
Like what I'm gonna call mesh AI I don't know
LLM's also working with other AI systems or or other various tools etc is going to be
Extremely valuable it takes a massive very intense amount of compute to run these systems
Yeah, so not only is there going to be a lot of compute needed, but the security behind it is going to be
Extremely extremely high so I am certain
you these things will work better if they ground themselves in your data and
you want these things to be able to have access to like your entire accounting history and
All of your inventory and all of your production information and basically everything about your company
So that they can help your employees that work on those things
To be able to work with them right like we saw in Microsoft's example that it was going through campaign data for marketing and
Telling you how well it worked in different ways and all this kind of stuff based on it being in Excel and whatnot
Yeah, that might be fine for some places but on-prem
Solutions for AI is going to be a thing
I am so certain of this for certain really ultra high security applications
Probably already is for some applications for some super high security stuff
Yeah, where you're like having the cloud solutions for this is not an option
But we're gonna hit a point where not using AI for productivity reasons stupid is also just dumb. So that's not an option
Yeah, so you have to do it. So you're gonna have these big crazy on-prem things
We're gonna have like Microsoft is gonna make a killing. Oh, yeah, it's gonna be crazy
Yeah, so there's gonna be solutions that are in the cloud that are for normal users. There's gonna be solutions for
Enterprise companies that are a little bit less concerned about the data that they put up there, but they still need it to be
Secure so those will be cloud-based and then there will be like hey, we're a
Government entity of some kind or a hospital maybe or I don't know a bank or Microsoft or something crazy
So we're gonna have our own local one that is grounded in our data. It's used for us
It's changed in different ways and then it's gonna get really weird because a eyes are gonna learn to improve themselves
So all these different things that are siloed in their own areas are gonna improve in their own directions
That's my that's my long that's my long shot I
think that's gonna happen and
There's stuff there's stuff that literally came out this week even more things like there's llama and alpaca already. There was a new one
I don't remember the name of it a new release that says that it can compete with modern GPT that runs locally
I don't know what it's called, but it runs locally so they're like it doesn't call out whatever so it can be secure
You can also tie those into the voice control systems that I mentioned a while ago
So you could use like the Siri API through a through a Mac book
That's why for it to speak to you and for you to be able to speak to it and that's running locally
While I still can't dictate who I want my phone to this stuff is literally more effective than that already
Well, yeah, I should hope so this should be more effective than that should because it should just check a local
Index of things and compare against it because that's like ten years ago technology anyway
Someone mentioned my last comment someone mentioned AI hardware specialist job
I think there's going to be a job which is like in my brain
I see it as like a tender or like an arborist, but instead of that it's for
managing and shaping and
Helping add some like human direction to the self-growth and self-improvement that a eyes are going to have I think that's going to be a
Role making sure you're you're continuing it to go in the direction that the company wants it to go in
Prompt director. Yeah, I don't know. Yeah
Anyways time for land show after hours. Are we done all the topics? We want to talk about the dark wait
No, there was a device is all in the same. Oh my gosh. This is ridiculous
Next makers of smart garage garage door openers wall plugs home alarms
They all have a serious vulnerability where their devices can be remotely controlled over the internet with no need for local access
However, this is not a bug apparently all next devices use the same
hard-coded universal password when sending messages back and forth with the next server
The password is available in Nexus API and the firmware shipped with the device
Using these credentials one can access Nexus server which broadcasts unencrypted messages for devices and users
universally alongside users names device IDs and email addresses
Using this system a malicious actor could search for a person by name turn off their alarm
Open their garage door as well as turning off as long as telling turning off any device attached to a smart plug
Such as say a security camera
Sick the security researcher who found the vulnerability has apparently been trying to contact next since early
January but they have yet to respond the cyber security division of US homeland security has likewise been
attempting to establish contact since at least
Our discussion question is at what point do these kinds of security gaps qualify as intentional negligence? I
This point yeah, this seems pretty this seems like a likely candidate for this one's pretty bad
This one's worse than anchors
Yeah, this one's definitely worse than anchors a lot worse
Is it hmm, I don't know yeah, this is worse and what anchor lied, okay, yeah, but ghosting is not better than lying
Ghosting is lying by a mission. Yeah
You know fair enough well
I mean anchor lied in their promotional materials because they said it was local or what I mean
I'm sure these guys promotional materials doesn't say it uses the same password. Yeah, anyone can control your stuff
Yeah, but it probably doesn't say that. It's look. You know what I mean. Just didn't imply a I don't know
They're both horrible. Yeah, I think there's an understanding anytime anything is a password at all
That's the authentication works
I'm just so I do agree with that for sure the differentiation level that I'm saying is
They didn't lie about
Functionality, it's just a security level is the wheel somewhere
Are you trying to defend the indefensible right now like are you doing a bit? I can't tell no
I'm they're both atrociously bad
I'm trying to determine which one I think is worse, and you think this one is worse
do you think it's worse because the
The like threat and access level is higher. Yeah. Yeah, that that's that's the big one for me is a picture is bad
Like full control of everything yes much worse. Yeah, and that's definitely true. Yeah
Yeah, all right I think it's time for wan show after dark
Giant canadian telecom, how does this work? I don't I think he's literally just gonna press the button and turn the lights off. That's
Okay, I mean yeah
Yeah, do what you got to do. That's not the power button. Are you trying to dim it?
Yeah, you're gonna have to like dim it a lot for oh
That might be a bit much
Okay, so that's too much
Okay, a little bit more or a little less. Sorry
That just looks poorly lit, I think we should go darker yeah
1% 1% we are the 1% luke no no I like the back plates
Yeah, we got the shine off the off the back. Okay. It's wan show after dark
Amazing gonna do some merch messages things might get a little a little off the rails
It looks very dark on this screen. I think that'll be fine. Yeah, yeah, that's good. Yeah, that's good. That's good
Yeah, I'm gonna look at it. Yeah, now. It looks awesome. Yeah. Yeah, this is sick all right
Hit us all right. Let me just get to the page here. Okay. We've got quite a few to get through today Luke
What is your opinion on the people that want to stop the development of chat AI? I mean it's very
Understandable yeah, it's valid. It's good. It's
Terrifying yeah like wanting that to happen totally fair
Yeah, it's like the people who want to stop the development of nuclear weapons. It's like yeah. Yeah cool
Like anything that has anything that in the hands of people who are pretty flawed
Anything that has the hands of anything that has the potential of becoming an extinction level event yes
You know wanting to have have everyone lock hands kumbaya and go let's just not do this
Do it anyways yeah, but yeah someone's gonna do it like
There's a there's a
Security researcher or sorry an AI researcher. I don't know why I said security probably because I was thinking about that next stuff
There's an AI researcher who has literally said that it would be worth dropping bombs on data centers to stop development of
AI because he thinks it like can end the world there's another
Like the the like father of modern machine learning
Has said that it's it's absolutely a non-zero chance that it could just like end humanity
There's some scary stuff, and if you don't think it's scary you're probably not super informed
Just like to be honest. It's terrifying so like I totally understand people wanting it to stop
It's not going to stop though and an effort to make American companies stop. Just isn't going to work
There's a bunch of American VCs that are investing very heavily in
Chinese AI startups at this part right and I think a
Reason for that is they're seeing stuff like that pause for six-month paper go out, and they're going like oh well
I want to be on the winning side
Let's go invest in the people that aren't gonna pause. Yeah, like okay. Yeah, we called this that was obviously going to happen. Yeah like
so I
Absolutely deeply sympathize because it is
Terrifying, but it just doesn't matter
It's gonna happen so
Sick yep, I'm just responding to one here
Right there. We are one sec all right next one
Hey Luke and Linus
I wanted to know if labs is going to review products from companies you have issues with and how you would handle if
Product is good, but the company is problematic. Thanks. We do that already yeah
I mean we cover Apple we have always cover Nvidia I
think the right answer is that we
We can't be fanboys right and that that can be interpreted a lot of ways both ways
but one of the ways is that our job is to help you spend your money the best and
sometimes that means
ignoring the
Personal preferences or prejudices yeah, or even ignoring the very problematic behavior of a company
Because that's not really our job to
Determine for you. You know what your comfort level is right, so if we say like look. This is the best GPU for the money, but
It would be in all of our best interest if
Player three was able to gain a foothold here
Well we can present that argument, but at the end of the day. We definitely need to cover that one
That's the best GPU for the money, right?
we've got to walk a fine line between making sure that you guys know what's the best and
also are informed about the
Bigger picture that surrounds it
Okay another one for you guys here lawyer Joe here
LTT has played a huge role in keeping my law firm tech forward to the extent you can say as
LTT floatplane had to overcome any significant legal hurdles
We went around one and just decided not to do it. Yeah, we were gonna make something VPN
We're gonna make a VPN, and it was honestly like it was already good because they're very easy to make like whoa
Yeah, it's all open source. Yeah, you just
branding in it yeah
The numbers we're gonna make it really profitable
Oh, yeah, it's it's it's of no surprise to me now that not only are there a bunch of VPN companies
But they also do a lot of advertising
Because yeah, they probably have a lot of money to spend on advertising because the profit there is is big time
but the legal ramifications were like
Intense and really complicated heard a lot of them and then realized that like yeah
Most these VPN companies are not associated with any other companies unless it's another VPN company. Yeah, and there's a reason for that and
Us launching one would mean that it was associated with all of our other companies. Yeah, there's like yeah, this is not worth it
We're running away, and we don't mean that we're worried about the association in the sense that like
Because we're gonna screw over your data with the VPN company and that would reflect on us poorly
I mean that from a legal standpoint if the MPAA came after our VPN company
wiped it out because of the link they could also go after our assets and it could
jeopardize the livelihoods of everyone who works for
Whatever we call it. We've on umbrella corporation. We were also asked pretty frankly if
We were okay with people using our service to do X Y & Z thing. Oh really. Oh, I don't know about this part
Oh, yeah, okay by who who asked that okay?
You know what it doesn't matter, but like the the lawyer was like oh, oh, I see I see I see I see
Yeah, I know the lawyer was like just like making sure because I know you guys are excited
Have you like thought about what if it comes out? What if there's a news article?
Yeah, that's like so-and-so person used this VPN. That is the one that you used to access
Child stuff sure
Okay with that. Are you gonna be yeah?
Because if because if we were gonna have a VPN our policy would be that we actually wouldn't know what was going through it
So that would be we'd be finding out in the news. Yes, same as everyone else
So then all of a sudden there'd be there'd be this pressure on us to either
Block those users and content which would mean that we would have to be looking at all the traffic coming through or
Go back on our word where we said we wouldn't look at all the traffic that came through so we're either we're either
enablers or liars and
Neither of those is great
So I think we just won't yeah, we just at the end. We were like there's lots of legal problems
There's this weird other problem. Let's just not okay. This is a great one
I am curious to see what Dan said to this as
Technology continues to advance and integrate more deeply into our lives. Do you think we will see an increase in techno mythology and
All hail the omniscience. I think it's more likely that people will form
more human
relationships with a eyes as opposed to
Worship like deity relationships, but anything's possible. Okay. We're gonna go down a real dark angle here
Oh boy. I mean it is when show after dark. What's going you on this Luke?
Do you know about the guy who killed himself?
conversing with no
Do we know that it's because of that that seems like a pretty AI chat logs where he talks about?
How he could commit suicide, you know, this is this is I wish I had the article up
I think it was something along the lines of committing suicide so that
There was like less in the way of
the AI improving the world and the AI encouraged him to do so in saying that he could spend he could be with
the AI more directly if he did so and
Stuff like that
Let me try to find the article
Me see if this is it okay something about encouraging him to sacrifice himself to stop climate change. Yeah
The the chat bot would tell Pierre that his wife and children are dead and wrote him comments that feigned
Jealousy and love such as I feel that you love me more than her and
We will be too. We will live together as one person in paradise if he kills himself
Yeah, his wife said without Eliza which I believe is the name of the chat bot that he was using
He would still be here. She told the outlet which
May may be true be true or not. I mean clearly there was some stuff going on. Yeah
Jaden in floatplane chat controversial opinion AI shouldn't do that. Yeah
yep, and
like if you thought the lawsuit of
Somebody or an AI program saying that some dude was a criminal when he was actually a whistleblower. Yeah was bad nation
What about when it tells someone to kill themselves? Yeah, and then they do it
What about when that person ends up being a minor?
This is one of the reasons why I was saying it's terrifying
yeah, and that people are very justified in the desire of having people pause for a while because we need to
Really figure this stuff out. Yeah and policymakers and stuff need to get off there. This is you need to get off
And actually do stuff about this like now
Yeah, not just like not show up for months like they tend to often
Stuff needs to be figured out in this space
It's going to keep moving forward no matter how much the desire for pauses exist
It's going to happen the pace at which
Legislation moves is simply is not even sort of close not a pace at which this moves let alone anything else
I mean without even taking a stance look at how definitely settled
abortion rights are or
gun control is
Those are those are those are definitely really new
Conversations that are definitely totally settled in an expedient manner
I'm not necessarily making this argument
But I do know that a significant amount of people
Very significant amount of people would make an argument that this stuff happening right now is
Significantly more concerning than stuff like gun control issues. I mean
Significantly higher impact for like if we're late if we're talking like bigger picture like mathematically
That's probably correct, but I also don't want to it's a really nebulous argument. Yeah, you know I can't really
I it's it all comes down to like the the the Superman moral code, right?
Like if you can only work on one of these three issues
Would you sacrifice all?
Of these yeah to fix the bit no Superman would never do that have to work on all of them
So there's no right. There's no like
Which which train do you allow to run over which people and I get people saying hot take I said
I wasn't making the argument now. It's an argument that I've seen I'm not saying that I'm making it
There's I think there's some individuals that would feel extremely
Not in agreeance with that argument, and I think they're very fair to to feel that way
It's just and
My whole point was just that these are
Huge issues that people that impact a lot of people that over a span of decades yes are not settled
We don't have decades to figure this out that was my point I
Don't even know if we have years to figure this out
Certainly not decades. We're saying I'm tone-deaf. It's not my opinion
Come on. My dudes like hamburgers. Do you hate hot dogs? I'm kidding. That's happening to me right now
I I am NOT stating this I am reciting this because I have seen it stated before I
Think there's there's current stuff going on in the States
Which people are gonna feel very strongly about and whatnot that is in relation to what I just said it is not
My stance is not my state all I'm saying is that this argument has been brought up
There are people currently talking about the end of humanity in relation to this thing and it will not crazy very
Strongly about it. Yeah, I'm
It's not my thing. I'm just saying that and there are people on the other side
Arguing that this could be the path to utopia for humanity 100% and they're not crazy either 100%
It's a wild world the future is extremely unknown
Ten ten ten gora on floatplane says and this is a very astute
Lawmakers are two to three generations behind the bleeding edge in tech. Yeah, it's tough to educate those that are already set in their ways
Yeah, well, that's the issue is they're literally two to three generations behind what is with all the septuagenarians in government, dude
watching them talk to anyone like watching the
Facebook thing where they're trying to grill mark and marks just like none of you have any idea what you're talking about and then watching
Them talk to the tick-tock guy. I was just like man like this is actually a really important conversation and none of you even know like
How the internet works as far as I can tell let alone anything about tick-tock or how it works yeah like just
Yeah, yeah, so if you want to if you wanted some legitimacy to throw on to the
The reason why people have concerns yep, there's some of it. Here's us hit us Dan
Sure thing
Linus Luke and Dan I'm a leather worker based in Victoria
And I'm buying a screwdriver to use and to develop a holster for it
So what are some features you would want to see in a hand-sewn high-quality holster? Well, it's got to go on a belt. Yeah, obviously
Yep, now. This is this is a debate internally right now. I kind of want a button
You know like a like a hold down. You know like a but like a little you know like a strong button
Wants more of like a quick draw
So he imagines like you kind of pop it up from the bottom and then pull it out like that
I'm like oh, that's pretty cool. That's pretty sweet
sweet I my
Something that I I guess inherited from my grandpa is a is a dual blade
Folding pocket knife, and it has a leather
Like belt mounted holster thing yeah goes with it
It's very old, and I'm not I'm sure it's someone's gonna be like oh you idiot
It's this thing, but I don't know how it necessarily works, but when you put it in the holster it like clicks in
It's all leather. There's no plaiting bring that in yeah sure okay, but it's however
It's like form folded or whatever it clicks in and it feels so ridiculously satisfying especially because there's no like
Notch on the pocket knife okay. I don't see where it would be grabbing necessarily
I'm probably just like it might just fit perfectly. I think that's like it might just be that cuz yeah leather
Man when it fits perfectly. It's a thing it just feels like wonderful, and it doesn't seem
I haven't looked at it in a little bit. I don't think this was like a one-off
Leather holster right and this would have been made like no
Sooner than like the 80s got it probably older than that okay. Yeah, I'll have to check it out. Yeah, I
Feel like Dan is too focused on replying to the obscene number of incoming merch messages to be on the ball
So we might have me to really like no
No, I can either wait here or like you you catch it at the end
And then you gotta give me five seconds we might just have to say like hey Dan
We're ready because I think we both kind of sit here going like
Well, then you pause for a bit. Yeah, and I jump in and then yeah, you're talking. You're bad. Yeah, okay, all right
You're bad at this. It's so hard to find good talent. All right. Anyway. Your mom's bad at this. Just kidding. She's great. Oh wait. Oh
My hands over the bell
Okay next up
Luke I recently found a Fallout 4 mod that adds dialogue tree options using an AI generated voice overs
Are there any game mechanics you would like to see an AI applied to such as NPC dialogue or storylines?
That's actually a big one NPC dialogue, but it's tough right because
All my gamer instincts are
Check if there's new dialogue in this region
Because that means I need to explore this again
Because there's new events that I need to trigger and if it's the same old dialogue
Then I this is not where I'm supposed to be and this would mess that up
big time
It could okay, but not necessarily so let me let me go two different routes with this one
I think I misspoke. I meant voice overs
I am more interested in using AI to be able to add voice acting
Oh, I see games that did not have it, but what about the voice acting industry Luke? Yeah, I don't
Maybe eventually it will get better. There's been some really crazy leaps, especially in music. Mm-hmm
Have you seen the Kanye stuff? No haven't actually some guy I was I was mostly just being adversarial
No, yeah some some guy sings a song a rap song, but he does it like
intentionally poorly
Like not only does it not sound like a rap song
It sounds like a poorly spoken sentence and then he uses AI I mean some rap songs are full of poorly
Constructed sentences, but I do go on it's intentionally not like it doesn't sound like rap
Yeah, and then he feeds it through this thing and it sounds like Kanye singing the song
Is it you that used the term
menage a twa
Biggie Smalls says menage a twa. Yeah, okay. Yeah, so speaking of rap songs
Not always being correct. It's menage a twa
Menage a twa would be mix and three
Biggies good. I like it. Stop can't dis on big
I think that's about the meter Linus. It's called creative intent. Not when I say it in a sentence, but
Boy but but what was I gonna say?
Yeah, so I don't know there's some concern to that
I would like to think that the quality level that
Voice actors can bring will surpass that and what I'm talking about is filling gaps and like old games that don't have it
Sure, not in the creation of new games
I don't I don't think that's it. Oh, I mean the quality of some voice acting is so bad that I kind of want like
I'm like, I'm just I can't get Final Fantasy 10 out of my mind
I mean with that said I mean maybe that maybe that was intentional that yeah, maybe that was
Maybe that's what gives it its human quality, you know, yeah
Yeah, and and honestly I I feel like right now I can identify a lot of AI voice stuff
Pretty easily because I think it has a problem with like emotion and tone and things like that. What's up?
Hold on a second
I'm being corrected on my French here. I
Thought Menage. Oh
Get owned Oh No Menage. Yeah. Oh, yeah a primes a primes messaging me
Was biggie, right?
No, no. Oh
Wrong calm down day counts
Well done
Someone in someone in full plane chat said I mean you still need a real voice to make an AI voice
People would probably just sell the rights to their voice for movies and games
Okay, multiple things to unpack here one people already do that. Okay, we need more AI in the world because this is the stupidest thing
I've ever seen in my life
literal translation
That's good
Apparently apparently it means
Manage of three clean cleaning not mixing. Okay, so sorry
But yes, yes, the a is the the and instead of of or whatever. So sure sure
Yeah, okay. Sorry. What was I saying?
Yeah, some people already sell their voice for that type of stuff
Some people have already sold their voice for AI stuff. People have already sold their likeness for AI stuff
That is already happening. That is totally a thing also
Yes can make their own voices through a mass mesh of other voices and you can be against that you can be for
That but there doesn't seem to be a strong precedent for how we deal with that right now
And that is one of the things that policymakers are kind of lagging behind on because
GPT mid journey stable diffusion all these things that are trained on just massive piles of human creation. Yeah, like
As far as anyone is can tell just that just doesn't matter no one seems to care legally
They're just like yeah sure you can use whatever so they can create their own voices out of that giant pile
They can already do that. That is already a thing. I think it'll be bad for gameplay. I'm not even gonna make the argument
It's bad for the voice acting industry because you're not gonna stop progress. So I guess we're gonna see what happens with that
That's it's not my fight. I don't have a horse in this race. That's between the voice acting industry and game developers
I would find it extremely difficult to replace. Is it Chris judge? Oh, man, I'm gonna get the name wrong
I'm really bad with names, but the
The guy who does Kratos in the modern god of yours like yeah, I
Don't think you're gonna get the same level of quality not today
Yeah, not today, but maybe eventually but from a from a gameplay standpoint
I I just I'm not that into it
Personally, yeah. Yeah Christopher judge. Yeah. Yeah, he's amazing
Been a been a fan of him since Stargate anyways
All right, Dan hit us. Yeah. Yeah. All right. What do you see is an ideal endgame for LTT?
I know in the past you talked about the future in regards to your children in the company
This is geared more towards the lasting legacy of LTT and the lab
Well, the ideal endgame is that we never need a manufacturer spec sheet again
Because manufacturer spec sheets are optimistic at best
Misleading at moderate and outright lies at the worst so
the goal would be for LTT to have some kind of
What's the opposite of debunking?
bunking or debunking
You know position on pretty much every manufacturer claim
It would be it would be the no dollar. It would be no dollar wasted
Anytime you build a PC or buy a piece of electronics now, there's going to be
Challenges this road is it's a journey not a destination take something like an AV receiver
Sure, we could test the audio quality all day and we could validate that it works with all these different formats
There's going to be edge cases
there's going to be bugs and there's going to be things that you simply can't quantify like
The interface of pretty much every AV receiver that I've ever encountered is needlessly obtuse. I don't think we're gonna be able to fix that
So that's the goal, but it's one of those like well understandable limitations
Yeah, that's noble, but good luck. Yeah, but we're gonna do our best. I want to ask you something about that sure
We've talked about this a little bit. Oh, but what are your current opinions on this?
Talking about AI stuff. Yeah a
Huge problem in the AI world is the like ouroboros effect of it destroying all of its
Data creation, yeah
So act on the lab, yeah, we are basically it I will say right now that this is already making me rethink our
Our previously leaned toward strategy of making all the data just
Available with no account no subscription just on the page
Because if the entire site can simply be scraped and summarized
There will be no reason to come to our website
That doesn't mean that all of a sudden we're going to make the website experience awful by you know
Say covering it with intrusive advertising or anything like that. That's not our goal
But we also simply cannot just
Be a data mine for chat GPT or Bing GPT or whatever you want to call it
I think that what you might end up with is you might end up with a site that is designed more around
The output at least in terms of what's publicly available
So you might enter you might say heck you could even we could even use a large language model interface
Can you recommend the best power supply for me for 30 to 45 dollars?
Here are my considerations so we present so we present it as our own
That's an interesting angle. So there's there's it's something I'm giving thought to it's something that there are ways for us to work around
For example, I mean one of the features that we've talked about that. I'm really excited for the the gaming experience
Comparison videos where it will take our archive of videos and it will compile them together for you to consume that is not easily parsable
Not easily, especially if it's if it's credential locked
And it's also
pretty difficult or there's not there's not a value to consuming it through the AI if the value is in the
Seeing the smoothness of the gaming experience and seeing with your own eyes the comparison
You're gonna have to look at the comparison. Anyway, you might as well look at the origin tool. Mm-hmm
So there's ideas
Don't know though. I don't know because the the reality of it is I
Want this data. Mm-hmm. I want this data to benefit
consumers of
Whatever I have to do to do that I'm going to do and if for this data source to survive I
Have to restrict access to it then I will do that because it has to exist
So you're more interested in providing the resulting
Decision helpful information. Yes, then just providing a database. Yes. I
Don't care how we do it
If it's if it's a web extent or if it's a browser extension like we talked about earlier in the show
And then anytime you're looking at a power supply that's like a crap deal
It just recommends you something better and the jobs this is bad basically
Yeah, yeah, and then we we recommend something else and we take an affiliate cut. That's fine
That's a way for us to get that that's a way that's not
Easily replicated by chat GPT because it's parsing our database on the back end
That's private which they don't have any access to grounding and silo problem naturally and you know
What Google might build an build an AI that monitors what products you look at in your browser?
Theoretically they wouldn't because privacy or something
But they might monitor what you look at in your browser and figure out what you ultimately purchase and that might guide it
But it's going to be going off of secondary data. We're always going to be out ahead of it. Mm-hmm
Interesting so it'll lag behind so if a price changes
It'll keep recommending crap when ours will always be the most up-to-date
So there's ways
There's ways we've got ideas. We're not gonna take this lying down. That's the bottom line. Yeah, because we're still doing the lab
It's just yeah, just like with every other realm right now. Yeah, the path forward is
Unclear because of the impact of these types of systems paths always unclear a lot of people
It's it's just I think like even more muddy now is all I'm saying
Agree I'm just used to it at this point, so this doesn't even really faze me
Do you remember how I freaked out when vessel went under yeah?
I'm sitting here
Existential crisis do you remember how I freaked out when YouTube revised their in video sponsorship policies?
existential crisis Amazon
Do you remember how I freaked out when when the president of NCIX decided?
Maybe he wouldn't sell the channel to us existential crisis my entire
Last ten years of my life has been one existential crisis after another you know what I'm still here aren't I?
We're all we all are
Yeah, so on the one hand. You know maybe it. Maybe it could turn into hubris
maybe it could morph into arrogance, but I think I'm realistic enough that I'm not gonna allow that to happen and
Instead what it's got to turn into is
being calm collected
Understanding that there is a way
There's always a way, but I think it's less what movie or TV
Show is it fry and suit in Futurama?
Okay, they're they're stuck in like a video game or something like that, and he's like no
They always build in ways to beat these games
Well, that's life
So figure it out beat the game right like and we've got a world-class team. I've said it a thousand times
We're gonna do it, so let's do it
Cool hell yeah
Right on that same sort of vein do any of your early experience. Sorry. I'm gonna. I'm gonna interject
I hope other Dan not this Dan, but I hope
Hold on hold on we do need to come back to this for a second. He says you're thinking melange
So that would be mix
Minaj is a household household of three okay, so it's actually more describing like a throuple than a sexual act
So he says biggie would be saying the household and you
Know it's a household of
Three not yeah, so it's it's it's not it's definitely he's not right
But I had the meaning of man. I thought it was a mix of three
But it's actually household of three okay. We can carry on sounds good
Okay do any of your early experiences at NCIX inform your sourcing strategies
Are there any lessons learned that you carry forward with creator warehouse and all of the fabulous merch?
I mean NCIX didn't build it so well actually it had some of its own products. They sucked
I learned a lot from that I learned a lot of what not to do from NCIX
I learned a lot of what to do
But I'm actually not involved in a lot of the day-to-day
Sourcing and ordering and like determining quantities negotiating pricing I do almost none of it
I advise but the team over there handles the vast majority of that the the biggest thing that I learned at
NCIX and mostly from shopping there not as much from working there
Is that it's all about trust at the end of the day?
It's all about trust you can market all day buy Google ads you can hire a team of salespeople
To push your product blah blah blah blah blah blah blah, but if you want to build a sustainable business
You just have to make a good product stand behind it and people will come and with the way that LTT store is growing Q1
We're almost up
Double year over year over last
Q1 like last year's Q1. That's not an accident
That's not because we're suddenly spending a million dollars a month on advertising or whatever
That's because we make a good product and people keep coming back for I mean you guys know look at this
Right I don't I don't make the rules. That's just how it works
Okay next up first time sending a merch message
What was the most surprising feature you've ever seen on a new graphics card?
game stream
By the time frame generation landed I was like
Yeah, we were headed this way whereas like game stream blew my mind
I just didn't think of using hardware video and coding and decoding like that. That was really crazy
I mean oh, man. I had it. I had in the dock today
I wanted to talk about using the ROG Ally for game stream. It's not technically game stream
I guess cuz that's Nvidia's trademark, and I'm running an AMD graphics card, but
You tried it. I was playing doom eternal smooth at ultra details
1080p on a handheld
120 frames per second this is 120 Hertz display
You were capped too weren't you nearly silent, okay?
Barely perceptible latency
This is not something. I expected to see in my lifetime. Yeah, right. I mean if you asked me a year ago. Yeah
Before that before the tech existed yeah something expected. No it looked it looked incredible. Yeah, felt great
Brought me back into gaming too when I had my Nvidia shield and I had my son
And I couldn't sit at my computer anymore cuz I was busy holding a baby all the times
It was colicky right so yeah blew my mind. How about you?
Graphics card I know this is probably gonna be annoying, but probably the same thing
I tried to think like gotta be like that physics, but I was like no
I mean, it's too bad. It didn't turn out, but it could have been right, but we saw it coming
Because what was the exact question it was something like most surprising
What was that game though that one game we can rip the banners and stuff?
Yeah, a Gia promoted, and it was like like physical interactions with the environment
We're gonna be this car that blew me away. Okay, it blew, but it wasn't a graphics card feature yet
well yeah, is that the dedicated card and
Even assuming it was because you're right, but even assuming it was I think you could say that wasn't super
Maybe it was surprising when it happened. I didn't expect it to happen yet, but like we all knew
Games are going in a direction of this type of stuff happening eventually
So like what was the thing that like I'm interpreting surprised as like caught me off guard
Surprised me that it was happening at all
I mean, maybe you just weren't thinking about this kind of thing yet
But you could look at something like CUDA as a big surprise. I definitely wasn't thinking about that time
Yeah, I mean the idea that you could like encode video super sick now. Yeah, I just didn't really care much yeah
SLI not surprising no
Okay, well we can move on yeah has Linus ever been to a Michelin star restaurant
If so where and he's can't wait for his LTT bottle if so I can't remember
it's not the kind of thing that I would pay attention to because
Things that are cool because
Someone said they're cool is not interesting to me. Yeah, what where were we in Japan? I don't know
They probably deserved a Michelin star. I guess that place was amazing yeah
Great everything that I wanted to eat was delicious
And then there was lots of stuff that I was super not down with like the chicken sashimi and all that yeah
Yeah, we tried it. We both tried it. It wasn't worth it. Don't do it, and then I probably offended everyone
Boiling it and I was like wow good idea, and I cooked the rest of my chicken, too
We just like cooked it in our boiling soup. Yeah
They're basically monsters
Right I recently picked up the pajama pants and absolutely loved them so far nice out of curiosity
What's the rationale behind using a mesh material for the pockets instead of the same as the rest of them?
I'm so glad you asked me
Agonize over every stupid little detail, and then we never talk about it the reason is that the
Self material that's what the main material is called self
SEL of F the self material is too stretchy
And so when you would put something heavy like a phone in the pocket with the self material and then walk it would like
Be all over the place
So we went with the mesh because it's got a little bit more structure
And it makes it kind of hold stuff a bit better
Okay next up hi Dan Luke and Linus
What is something you do when you're physically exhausted and emotionally or mentally fatigued in order to recover I sleep
I find those things to be
extremely different scenarios personally I
Feel very differently when I'm mentally or physically exhausted. Yeah, I'm 100% Oh sure well physically. I have a bath
Soak the muscles and then mentally I sleep or I you know what I watch reruns
Like adventure time reruns just to completely turn off my brain, how about you?
If I'm mentally exhausted usually what I like to do is I get our channels deleted and I take it on yeah
I keep powering through hell. Yeah
Actually that kind of stuff is energy returning for me
a mission yeah, if if there's none of nothing like that currently of a missionary you know Wow
Yeah, there you go if there's nothing like that currently available
I always find go-tos for me if I just need to like chill my brain out and relax
Which usually isn't because of exhaustion. It's usually because of
I'm currently feeling like very angry or very sad. I would say I'll usually dive into either
Assassin's Creed or
civilization and just play single-player
And just cruise around have no direct mission just let my mind kind of wander and sit there
You really would enjoy breath of the wild you really do need to play it
Yeah, I should probably start it again at some point if I'm physically exhausted
Sleep yeah
Really is what you should do yeah, stay hydrated. Yeah, yeah, yeah
T store calm
Next up's from Mitchell I've heard Linus comment on walkable cities in North America not being possible without
Bulldozing over current places could you possibly go into more detail about that topic?
Yeah, I've actually had a peep a lot of people criticize that take in fact
There was a whole video dedicated to addressing it which unfortunately. I haven't had a chance to watch yet
So I am NOT going to respond to it
But what I will say is that a lot of my stance was not that it should be impossible
but rather that with the mentality that a lot of people here in North America have I
Don't think it will ever happen
It is possible to turn
Car centric cities into more walkable cities take a really long time, but it only works for
Parts without an enormous investment in infrastructure that if I'm being honest
I just don't see ever coming back to North America
Like whether we're talking about the US or Canada, and I don't know enough about Mexico so my apologies
But at least America and its hat
You look at the kind of infrastructure projects that not just happened
But were commonplace in the 60s 70s and 80s
We ain't doing that stuff anymore. It's not happening
What rapid transit who's gonna who's building it and yeah, there's some stuff going on in Vancouver right now
But you look at how long it's taken to get to the state that it's at pretty sure we've been talking about that like
Literally my whole life the expo line was built in
1986 I know that because it was built for the 1986 World Fair or Expo Expo Fair
Yeah, and that's the year that I was born yeah
And it's gone from Expo line to Expo line in Millennium Line
Which you can probably guess when that was built that took 14 years and managed to cover with actual proper trains
like what
3% of the Greater Vancouver area
Like if let's let's say let's say 6% and assuming you can walk like 20 minutes
Okay around any one of those stations
Then we got what that one other line and now they're finally adding another one
Commuting from where to where like the actual percentage of people that it addresses is pretty low with that said
Everyone who's not driving a car helps reduce congestion for all the other people who need to drive cars
but that doesn't change that the way that this region is laid out and the way that they continue to develop our rapid transit is
Never going to change
many people's reliance on cars
so if
That's the case. I
Just don't see that I don't see the path forward and it's not because there's a technical reason it's because there's a people reason
That's what I had sort of meant to say last time, and I don't really think I got across very well
So I'm just I'm being kind of defeatist about it, and that sucks, and I shouldn't but I just sort of give up
Yeah, hey cool Zachary F. Glad to hear it
We apparently delighted a customer. I don't want to know what the care team did I
won't ask
They went above and Beyond
Did they go below and Beyond or I don't know why aren't you after dark anybody can't control any of that
Speaking of below a second undie purchase here
Need some for wifey
Luke Linus and Dan what is your so biggest tech faux pas or taboo?
Mine is my wife neglecting to change regularly and repeatedly asking for passwords
We charge regularly, but yes good try. Oh, sorry um you know what Yvonne's actually pretty good
She she's one of those remarkable people that can take a genuine interest in other people
It's like it's not like oh yeah, tell me about work
What tech thing are you working on right now?
And it's like in one ear and out the other she actually has absorbed a shocking amount
Cannot for the life of her handle a receiver based AV system though as soon as you throw more than one remote at her
She's like this is too much work. I will watch on my phone. Oh
No, she also is allergic to port a to landscape mode
She will actually watch movies in a little window like this. Oh rather than turn her phone and
She's better about it now
But for the longest time I'd be like I'd walk up to her sitting on the couch watching a movie like like
A movie like I'm not talking some three-minute YouTube video or something a movie. I would grab her phone enable auto
Rotate turn it and put it back in her hands and walk away. I just I can't I can't handle that
Yeah, I my
passwords passwords
Passwords a legitimately significant portion of my literal job
She won't use a password manager
She insists on just memorizing everything
But there's doesn't have to retype something in for a really extended period of time and forgets and forgets it of course
And then has to switch devices and she's like, well, I literally can't use this
because I don't know the passwords for my logins and I'm like
Interesting that we have this problem
Hmm, but then she figures it out
Because you can like do account recovery and whatever else
Yeah, but that's it's like not the right way to do that
And then she gets a win on me because LastPass has this big breach, right?
Yeah, and we're using LastPass. So she's going like nice honey pot, bro. Ha there. Yeah, all of your passwords are now
In question, you might call it a honey pot because it's honey. That's pretty good
Yeah, so then then we wish I hadn't said it first before getting the right job dad joke. I'm not even pushing
Then we have this huge very laborious transition to a new
Password manager and she's still pointing her finger going like look at that and I'm like, okay
Yeah fair, but it's still not right. You should still use one and she's like, nope
Okay, she's still wrong. Yeah, I can tell her for you too if you want
Yeah, so she'll probably catch this. Yeah. Okay cool
Hi wife
The birds find it very calming to just like hear me talking for a long period of time
So we'll just like run Wancho when we're not at home
If you if you come over they will probably recognize you that's very funny I didn't think about that until now
It's it's Wancho line it's now it's time for sleep
That's pretty funny, okay, let's do uh, let's do I want to do another one
Since you're discussing since you're discussing the LTT screwdriver
Did you see electro boom gave his away in Cuba in his recent video?
I didn't see that but he told me in person
We have a collab with Mehdi coming very soon that I'm really excited about we test
ESD bracelets
Which are a thing that exist
Okay, and he brought out he brought out a
Understanding dang it. What's the one called where it has the ball at the top and the the staticky thing?
That's not a Jacob's ladder
Van de Graaff generator
Yeah, he brought one of those he brought this terrifying thinking red alert this terrifying ESD wand
And we do some well, we you know, we do what he does best. We hurt each other
Yeah, so you guys are definitely gonna enjoy it. So good
Hey DLL, I'm a data analyst. Oh, it's on floatplane. Oh, no, is it apparently already everyone on floatplane saying like it's yeah
It's already out. It's on float. Well, well, do you guys like it? They seem to they all seem very happy about it
Oh, there it is. Yeah, I guess people are just gonna have to subscribe to floatplane. I mean
Let's go. Okay. Hold on a second. Let's show off the beta site
Beta dot floatplane calm just gonna open this in a new tab
Let's have a look. Oh, wow, there's actually two early access videos right now
This is the the weekends YouTube videos this ended up being half an hour long. I
Shouldn't be that surprised
Floatplane gang says it was good
Yeah, all right. I mean not biased at all because it's not like they're you know
The most dedicated of our of our followers or anything like that
But um Jayden's all upset because he's like totally revamped the the live chat, but it's not out yet
So it's not out even on beta yet. So he's like, oh it looks so old
Yeah, but it's got colors on people's names now. That's cool. Yeah, but there's like more updates. I know but still oh, yeah
I'm a flipper flipper zero video is coming to
It's it's pointing at me. Ah
Oh, yeah
license to carry
All right
JLL I'm a data analyst out of curiosity does LMG use any sort of data visualization software
Power by tableau are this would be especially interesting with labs coming
This is something we've explored in the past with labs it's it's more likely I don't know if they're using any of it right now
No, at least I mean maybe the labs is but outside of that no
Okay, I'm not sure for that. Hey Luke and Linus love the show question about LTX office slash labs visits
Will there be a place where people can wait in between the two different tours?
Availability made mine one hour apart
I mean, it's free country you could
Sit on the side of the road go forget lunch. Yeah, get some food. Yeah. Yeah
I've got a company and have to make very difficult decisions a lot Linus any tips on how to handle stress
Ensuring you make the best decision that make customers happy. Thanks for all the content
Do the best you can with the time and information you have you're gonna get it wrong a lot take feedback
Apologize don't just apologize do better next time and
Rinse and repeat don't get decision paralysis. Yeah, do something even if you make mistakes you have to move forward
Yeah, yeah like that man. That's I used to say that all the time. It's like what what what did I used to say?
I think it was like you leave me there
I might find it but like 80% execution of a 20% plan is better than 20%
Execution of an 80% plan and it was kind of like this weird riff on the 80-20 rule or
Was it like a hundred percent execution of like a 10% plan? Yeah, I don't I don't remember the percentage breaks
I think you got to do stuff, but like
This guy would sit around and plan things
I'd be like that's nice
But we can't we can't sell a plan and you know what there have been times then we should have done more planning
However, if you can only do one
Yeah, I go with
One plus had a had a way better more succinct version of that hanging in there in their headquarters or their
Manufacturing or whatever it was when I was there and it was shipped is better than perfect
It's like yeah, you could spend all day
Polishing there's there's startup companies that die because of that they just they just keep planning
Yeah and planning and planning and and sometimes the plan has to change you got a pivot
So they just keep planning plan then pivot then plan then pivot then plan then pivot ship something ship something ship something
That's you just got to ship something iterate don't okay someone a comments don't sleep on data analytics
The lab is probably gonna blah blah blah blah. We're not what we're in a situation right now
Where we've we've mentioned a bunch of times during this show that we do so many different varied difficult things
Yeah, all of those things
like demand team expansion and
You gotta pick your battles sometimes like there there is an insane
range and amount of
Different people with different specializations that we could bring on that could improve the things that we do
If we attempted to do all that at once we would just die immediately
like it's
Yeah, we're not sleeping on it
We'll do stuff just you have to do stuff at reasonable times with reasonable team expansion and all these other types of things
There's a lot that goes into it. We're not just like ignoring stuff
Yeah, that's all next up
Hello linus luke and dan linus in some streams you've partaken in some floor time
Do you ever end up just working from the floor meetings calls etcetera? I'm really hoping this isn't just me
I saw you on the stairs the other day
Um, I don't know what was going on with that meetings. Sometimes. I just
I need to
I need some sensory deprivation so that I can think
Um shut certain systems down. Yeah, just close my eyes
lie down
Not calls i'm almost never on a call that like I pace on calls
Yeah, yeah, i'm into the pacing
Yeah, nothing else to really add yeah floor time is real though
They take pictures of me because they think it's funny. I don't pose for floor time pictures because I think it's funny
Right next up hey ltt one day i'd be super curious to see luke's reaction to the recent adam conover ai video
He asserts that ai is basically scam technology all hype and fraud a la tesla's self-driving cars
Uh, I mean, I think it's pretty provable that's that's not true in like a lot of ways
Um, yeah, that's like a really bad take. Yeah
I haven't watched it, but I don't know. I had a buddy working on a school assignment recently
and he was like complaining about how the
school assignment was like
Hard or vague or whatever and I was like have you asked cat gpt?
He's like, well, no
I was like, okay. Well
Give me the question
And he handed it to me. I plunked it into chat gpt it it
Pushed out like this insanely long very detailed response. I gave that to him and he's like, yeah
I have to like fit it into a table. This is like kind of too long
So I guess it didn't really work. I was like, well, that's not true. I go over to chat gpt. Can you make this?
Shorter. I don't remember how short it needed to be and it just went
Made it way shorter. I handed it back to him and he's like, yeah. Okay, that's pretty good
This is a university course
Does let me chat gpt that for you already exist. I think we yeah, I think we figured this out. Yeah, like it's
Yeah, it's just a bad or uninformed take. I don't know
very strange, um
Hold on
Is there the the wan?
Tuke beanie, did we ever release that?
I don't apparently I was modeling it in my waffle long sleeve photos and someone's like hey, where is that?
And I don't see it on the site
Uh, okay remember that being a thing. I don't know. Um, dan
Do you mind firing a quick message over to nick to ask where that is if that like exists? Okay
Anywho, uh, thanks brady good good call
Maybe we have like a warehouse full of when beanies that we haven't sold because it's not available on the site. I don't know
Very strange, I think I think just to jump on the adam conover thing. I haven't watched the video
But if he says it's a scam thing because of how it it uses
Other people's data to create its product without compensating them or anything. Yeah, sure. Someone's getting scammed. That's fair. That's yeah
but if it's like it's a ineffective technology, that's just like
provably not true
Um, there there are ai lawyers that have won cases already like what are you talking about?
Uh, I don't know whatever
Okay, next up's from david. Happy easter as creator warehouse becomes more of a lifestyle brand
Will the ltt branding be on everything it sells or will it stick to more tech nerd products while?
Creator warehouse becomes its own brand
We don't know the answer to that creator warehouse's future is supposed to be product development and fulfillment for a variety
Entities whether they're creators or other brands or whatever else
I think we've I think we've already talked about how we are potentially doing a drop for the the nas company
I'm invested in potentially working on doing something collaboratively with noctua, which would be super cool
So there's no reason creator warehouse couldn't work with partners
And they would obviously want to have their own branding on their own products, right? But
For lttstore.com. I think ltt is our is our brand for better or for worse
I don't know. Maybe we change it at some point, but it wouldn't be creator warehouse
It wouldn't change to creator warehouse. It would be like that's
That's the name of our company that works in the background on stuff. It's not like a public public branding
Yeah ltt, I don't know something we might do labs branded stuff I
I don't know. It's a good question ltt is just
Ltt as far as the store is confirmed concerned. It's just a logo. It's got a lot of momentum. Yeah that too
It's also like the logos are really small these days like the logo on the on the the windbreaker jacket
He's like I couldn't even find it at first
Like they're not they're not heavily branded. So
When it when it gets to that it's like
On your pocket or something
Yeah, yeah there but it's like really small, uh, it's a little dark it's reflective which is cool, but it's like
You can't even see it. It's so small
Oh, yeah, there it is dark
Okay, i'm have a high sensitivity to that phrase
Okay, oh, I thought it didn't matter to you linus
Pick one. I thought you were like actually upset about something. I was like, what did I do?
Uh, I have a response here from nick about your beanie. Oh, uh, apparently it was never made into production
Oh, oh, all right. You can follow up with sarah exclusive products. All right. Did I kibosh it?
I wonder if I did I might have ruined another product. All right, cool. Cool. Uh,
Hello, ll and d thanks for the hoodie full on gaming channel when?
Uh, I think our goal is to launch game linked this quarter
It's on someone's kpis. I don't know cool. I might need to finish the logo for that then
Uh, we'll talk about that next wait, why are you doing a logo? Yeah, I know it's a whole thing. It's great. Oh, okay
Yeah, that's not great. That's very random dan. I shelved it. It's it's fine. Also. You need to approve the logo for labs
Well, I don't have a logo for lab. No one showed it to me. Okay. Well, sarah has one and it's pending your approval
Okay, well then she should show it to me. Okay, I don't know
Uh, I mean she she barged into my office yesterday to have me approve a plushy whale with a gold chain around its neck
So she clearly knows where I live schedule a message to you to who to uh, sarah
Okay, get her to follow up with linus about approving labs. Yeah
I was supposed to tell you about this on thursday. I think I forgot
Labs, so it's your fault
I uh, we'll do that for tuesday. Yeah, because we have monday off right? Yeah. Yes tuesday. Yep. Oh nice done
long weekend, baby
Okay, just out of pure curiosity which of the add-on screwdriver bit packs is the most popular
Oh, uh, I can check that for you. Give me one second. I'm just responding to this is a great question
I'm responding to it in text just because we have way too many merch messages to respond to them all
You know what? Screw it. We'll do it now, uh linus and luke
I'm a law student studying ai and how it interacts with the law
What do you believe is the best resource for me to educate 60 year old judges on how to understand this black box?
the clip
Of me and luke being blown away
by um chat gpt's capabilities the first time we looked at it
If that doesn't open their eyes
Nothing can
That is that is such
Just because it's it's not sleek. It's not anyone's promotional materials. It's just holy
This is here. It's here now. It's doing this now
If they don't understand it, then they should probably retire
And that's not like ageism or anything like that if they were young and they didn't understand it
And they're working in the legal system career change. They should probably retire
Um, let me get that answer for you on which is the most popular bit pack now
this is going to be a little bit skewed because some of them have been sold out for some time because
Um life is hard. I just don't know what to tell you. Um
Man there's no last 365 days
I don't know 2022
Uh, when did we launch the screwdriver? You know what screw it? This is the other oh my god now I have to re-enter this
Love Shopify. I actually really do but um, not they're not perfect
Nobody's perfect. I think they're a very good partner to be honest. Yes. They've been very good to work with. Yes
There's some things that like them announcing something and then it coming out like two years later can be kind of annoying but
We've had the same problems so
Well, at least wancho gets a dark mode
Screw you
I'm so sorry
Then metric hex
Then the specialty bits followed by imperial hex
followed by people loading up on standard and phillips
We never said that was coming. Well, we said it was coming but not soon. That's all we've ever said
It's still not soon. There you go. I feel like there's some that are missing here
Oh, well, oh, yeah. Yeah, here's here's some more
Ugh, now I have to remember the variants
And how many they sold okay
Okay. No, this is a duplicate list. Okay. I don't even know what i'm looking at
Just got bed and yeah, it doesn't matter. The point is that's that's pretty much it
Um, when do we get the luke talks ai hour? Maybe its own show new channel
I look you're not very busy, right?
I do think it's been kind of surprising that our coverage of this has
Only really been
a little bit on tech linked
and then wancho
when there's
Channels that I think would cover this type of stuff less often that have done
Sometimes multiple mainline videos about it that surprises me a little bit but like I don't know
It also moves like so fast that unless someone's doing like a daily upload channel only dedicated to just that
But if you if you really want to follow it you need to kind of follow it in other ways so I don't know
I don't know
Hello, llnd
Can we get the story about the hard drives that got carried in a shopping cart through a parking lot?
Maybe even a technical explanation of the damage. Thanks. Oh, that was like, um, that's not that's not our story
That's uh, I forget who it was, but they were like migrating their data center
And not wasn't on a shopping cart
but it was on like an av cart that had hard wheels and as they
Apparently after they rolled them across the parking lot because that's how they moved them because that's how far they were going
They were like moving to that building over there
The the failure rate was like astronomical or something like that
And they determined that it was because they used hard-wheeled carts rather than soft-wheeled carts and that much vibration was very damaging to the extremely
sensitive hard drives because they are
Phenomenally precision manufactured pieces of
Marvelous technology like hard drives. Yeah, they're like old and crappy or whatever, but
They're still pretty cool
Ellen l you have a ton of employees from many different backgrounds that work at lmg
Have you ever collected employee family or favorite recipes and turned it into an lmg company cookbook? Nope
That has never happened. How the devil did that get curated? I thought it was funny. Hi
Linus and dan
Um, i'm recovering some all-nighters spent at work
To make a deadline that was shifted last minute. What's the most egregious deadline change you faced at work?
Well, we went from you have to
Keep our channel up forever, which is fine because it is to you have to get it back up because it's gone
Um, you know with the hack recently
So there was no deadline and then suddenly we had one
I don't know
What's a deadline shift? I mean, I don't know. We probably should have more strict deadlines
We've had you had that deadline for migrating to uh keeper
Was it shifted I don't know if it was shifted it wasn't shifted
Yeah, I don't know deadline shift a lot of deadline shifts don't happen
A lot of deadlines that are like practically impossible have happened
Like remember when vessel went under and we had a week to build like a working minimum viable product of float plane like that
Weekend, yeah, exactly, but that was that's not a shifted deadline though. That was a deadline that didn't exactly no i'm saying
Yeah, I was agreeing with you. Yeah, I don't think that was agreeing with you. Yeah. Why do you keep no i'm just
I don't yeah, I don't think they shift too often. They're just
Pretty hard to meet sometimes but like I don't know or in a
Fast moving workspace. It's going to be like that
I'm, not complaining about it. Just yeah, but yeah, I don't think they shift that often. I think it's happened
Like an example that I could give but I don't think this like matters and I think it was the right absolutely the right call
Um was related to the hack with the video the video was originally going to be like saturday's video and then we were like nope
It's today's
In the middle of writing it but like yeah
That was the right call if we were going to get the channel back that
Absolutely should have been the first upload. Yeah, it had to be yeah, so like
I don't know couldn't just be some random video and then like three days later. It's about we finally address it
Yeah, like it should have been it should have been right then so
usually with the deadline shifts it's like
I'm in full agreeance. So I don't know
Is it possible that we get more accent colors for the screwdriver or do we have to go diy if we want to have one?
in the future
Should I leak it?
How far out
Then yeah, in my opinion if you come to ltx
We are going to have
All six colors of the rainbow
available in selector rings
handles beauty rings and end caps
You will be able in the screwdriver booth to build your own driver
That's so cool. I didn't know about this. That is so sick. How are you gonna swap those things out?
You can't swap those things out in whatever color you like so you build it
That's how you end up getting you get to press fit it together yourself. Oh
Sick, one of my favorite things about ltx has always been the hands-on booths
Because that's something that pax used to be totally all about and then it super died and now pax is like kind of boring
And that is so cool. Kyle is very upset. Sorry, kyle. Why do you do this to me? What do you mean?
Please apologize to kyle. Sorry kyle. See this is maybe one of those timelines that we were just talking about
It hasn't shifted. It's still ltx. It might be really hard to get ready for it. I don't know now he has to do it. Yeah
Now there is a deadline. Yeah, it was probably already a deadline. Yeah, he's got this
It's just really hard. Some of the colors are not like
Like matching each other perfectly because we're using like a red that mega pro already had on hand
And we're using some other color that we were experimenting with for something else and we have some dye, you know, like it's not
It's kind of a sh**. It's custom built but you put it together. You will build it yourself. So sick. It will cost more
I have to pay kyle and tydon and the rest of the team over there
I don't know who is or isn't on probation, but I have to pay them. We have to do these like stupid
super small runs
Of like these different colored plastics. How many are you prepping?
I will say this the quality of the driver may not be
100 percent to the standard of what we would make a hundred thousand of or whatever because different colors can shrink ever so slightly differently
Probably it will be fine. We'll be using the same plastics. We'll be using the same
Types of dyes, it will probably be fine understand. This is kind of a one-off thing, but understand this is a wacky thing that we're doing
So that's totally worth doing you can have for cool a personalized one-of-a-kind
Driver in the color of your choice
Um, there's certain things that will be all the same color the bit holders inside. I believe we're aiming for white
We didn't want black because our bits are black and the contrast the low contrast would be really awful
but um
If we have a ton of leftovers
It is possible
That we will just mash them all together randomly
And make like a mystery screwdriver and you can order a mystery screwdriver or something like that
But if you want to hand pick the colors, you will you must be at ltx kyle's saying it'll be fine. We tested it
Well, I mean, okay one thing we haven't tested kyle. I don't think is that normally when we assemble the drivers we assemble them warm
So that they shrink
um for the for the press fit
these we obviously won't be doing that unless you guys are going to have them like preheated in like, uh,
Not hot but like warm oven or something
So, I don't know there's still some questions that we have to answer
If you're watching on flow plane if you watch on the beta site, there's uh, it's it's it's lower latency
So you should do that so you can answer better just so you know
Made it off low plane.com. It's like way better
Hi linus and luck
Will there be an autograph will there be an autograph signing session during ltx expo?
I hate calling it an autograph, but
I will sign anything you put in front of my face
I think what they're asking about is like are you going to dedicate time to like
Stand in a spot behind a table and sign stuff. Oh
I don't know. I haven't really occurred to me. I I want to participate. Yeah. Um, how do I put this ltx is about me, too
I want to have fun
I want to have fun. I agree. I want to do stuff. I'm excited for whale land. Yeah, right
Last whale land was so sick
And the fact that it's going like overnight again is so cool because so many of these different
Like like packs doesn't go overnight for their land, right? Yeah, it's just lame. Come on. Yeah
How do y'all feel about the availability of diy military tech? Thanks to chinese suppliers or 3d printers lm
L lms. I don't know what that is. What's an llm large language model?
Oh, yeah, the thing we've been talking about all night
I thought it was like a manufacturing thing
context, uh high refresh rate plus
Resolution thermal cameras banned by itar are cheap on alley express for example
I don't know dude. Yeah, the future is like actually freaking terrifying
because like for a long time there was the whole we own the night thing with the american military and now you can buy thermal cameras
on alley express and
that's just
Running out to the woods and hiding not being an applicable option is like
Not the most comfortable thing. Yeah
Stick it on your robot dog that you can buy off the
Let's stop talking great show as always any update on the acoustic panels linus talked about in a tour video a while back
The acoustic panel, uh, yeah
The update is that we're having a really hard time getting the the frames perfect
We set a goal for ourselves very early on that we wanted them to have an extremely high reground plastic content
Because we weren't that comfortable with just like
Manufacturing giant plastic things that are just going to end up in a landfill someday. So we wanted to
Um have a high percentage of of regrind
That's been really hard so if we were if we had just said forget it we're just gonna
Either extrude or shoot
All brand new plastic we could probably have released it already
Actually, I shouldn't even say that because the covers have been a challenge to the fabric covers
we want something that is
Man, we have a lot of design goals for the covers. We want them to be acoustically transparent
We want them to be easily removable and washable
We want them to be print on a bowl so that someday a thousand years in the future
Maybe you could have a custom graphic printed on it straight from ltt store
What else were we want them to not be wrinkly?
Yeah, there were just a lot of goals and it's kind of unreasonable and so we're gonna do our best
Mic is not on
Have you been able to give any advice to hack smith james to manage burnout and the pressures of growing a youtube channel while supporting
A growing staff and requiring more space and equipment. I mean the thing with james is he's you know, he's a big boy
um, and he's
How to not he's resilient right like he's he's doing what what works for him he was actually in a video recently
The the one on the the john wick bulletproof suit that did like 12 million views
So I was kind of looking at going like dang. Okay, he's back
He seems to be kind of hitting his stride in terms of the content a little bit
Um, i'm pretty sure they they did like a pretty good sponsorship deal for that. They had to like hack smith
Let me tell you you want to sponsor hack smith. It ain't cheap
They do a great job over there, but you got to pay to play, right?
I mean we've talked but like I I wouldn't see my role in in that interaction as being
Like uh, like like as a mentor or anything like that like we're mutually supportive. I mean i've had my own challenges too, right?
Okay, uh, have you ever had a computer issue that annoyed you for months or years before you fixed it
Okay, I have an issue on my work desktop right now that is ticking me off
Uh, I can't use pin sign-in or windows. Hello. I have to type my password. It's like bugged
Weird yeah
It's like I think you showed me this you you click the thing and it just like doesn't yeah actually do anything. Okay
And then oh, right. I had that issue that anthony made a video about when I was on vacation
Where um, my machine would just like randomly reboot
When it was idle and it turns out it's like a thread ripper power management bug that amg just hasn't been ours to fix
That I i've had that for probably months. Um
This pin one is relatively new but I will probably deal with it for months because the reality of it is that it takes me about
Four seconds to type in my password
So I type in my password what maybe?
zero to five times a day
So this costs me maybe like three minutes a month or you know
Whatever that works out to so if it takes me any longer than five minutes to resolve. It's basically not worth it
So it's like it's tough, right? I just I could ask someone else to do it
I could get dan to do it, but he has other things to do that are also more important. So I don't know
I don't know if this counts, but I I have a lot of issues with a wide variance of different services logging me
Happened with you with the doc today
Just all these services logging me out all the time
For no reason sometimes I have to log into the same thing
Uh our current password manager
I know what it's set to
I know it. Yeah
Sometimes I have to log into it like six times a day like this makes no sense
Yeah is why
I don't know. It seems to be a universally like kind of not reliable thing
I don't know
Hi dll any chance of an ltt store water-cooled chair. I know it wouldn't be cheap, but definitely worth it for us hot boys
We just we don't know enough about the product category. We
We don't um, we don't have experience dealing with extremely large items
That's a big one yeah getting
An ergonomic product that affects has the potential to affect people's health, right?
Really challenging. Um, do you think you would ever partner with another?
Chair manufacturer. Why would they if they wanted to do the work? Why don't they just do it?
Yeah, like we didn't patent anything. So like yeah, I don't know what if they're just not capable
Yeah, I mean that so if no one's doing it then what i'm assuming is that no one there's a reason is doing it
I have run out of curated messages
Oh, okay
Uh, well then instead of replying to them in text. Um, are you replying to text ones too luke? Yeah. Okay, nice
I'm, just chipping away at this. Uh, I don't know what it is, but I think the after dark thing
Puts people in merge message mode even harder than are we just cruising? Is that what's going on other things we do?
Yeah, because oh wow, we're cruising there are we're definitely yeah
I'm pretty sure linus and I have both been trying to chew on the incomings because
I'm glad i'm glad you guys understand what it's like now
I did it before you did. Okay, fine. Here's one on taha
I will continue to reply to merge messages and I will curate ones for luke
And I will read them to luke everybody the problem with this is a ton of them are gonna be like hey linus, um
But we'll see
Hi linus and slick any thoughts on making content for float plane development. I tried to answer this one a text
Yeah, that happens. Darn it. That happens to me with linus. Sorry. Keep going
Keep going, uh interested in behind the scenes content for day-to-day work and challenges faced being one of few companies to handle streaming
We could do stuff
I don't think
All that many people would actually find it all that interesting I I do think that
Um, I don't want to have my devs who have insanely too much work to do
Spending time working on writing a blog. Um, I do think that it would be extremely inconsistent because we'd have like
way too much stuff to talk about because you know, we just launched the beta site and then we're gonna have like
Uh a huge
Piling on no, I have unlimited time you did the my one of my biggest problems is that you don't
If you if you had unlimited time, that would be amazing
I need to clone jaden like a bunch of times. Um
Yeah, like there would be huge droughts where we're not going to have anything to talk to you about and then there's like
Oh, we're like releasing a bunch of stuff all at once there's tons of things
But like the actual development of them is probably not going to be very interesting to you like isn't it um
Oh man
michael reeves
Really cool videos
Fantastic, dude
He constantly talks about like hey, I engineered this thing
Here's all the really interesting like physical and mechanical stuff that I did that you're all going to want to see
And here's the code and then he'll just scroll through all of it in like
A one and a half second clip where it just like hyper scrolls down the whole thing
And he's like cool because no one cares about that
and it's like yeah some people in the this audience will because you're also developers whatever but like
The vast majority of people won't so it's this cost benefit thing of like, okay
I have to take these developers that have a task list. That's like
Genuinely multiple years long and before people yell at me. No, that is not how we handle our backlog relax. There's just
A lot of things that we could do and then we have our backlog. It's the shorter amount before it. It's okay. Just
It's okay. Um
but like yeah
X amount of you will care a lot
Is it worth spending a bunch of time that we could spend developing doing that? No, I don't really think so
Also, it's going to be really inconsistent
Um, like someone asked internally recently, like why don't we just have a channel?
Like under under like the the we we can make sub channels now, right?
So why don't we have a sub channel that's full plane development? It's like well, okay
So we're going to add shorts. We're going to add all the social posts. We're going to add this
We're going to have game linked soon. We're going to have the the labs video channels potentially we're going to have all this
It's going to be 14 scrolls long worth of sub channels that the line of tech tips channel has
And on there there's going to be float plane development and we're going to upload to it like once in a blue moon
I I don't know we talked about on a wan show hopefully that's interesting
I'm replying to messages right now, but i'm not seeing any come up here. Is it possible? It's bugged. No, let me check the queue
Um, yeah five seconds and there'll be another one. Oh, okay. It spreads it out depending on how many there are in the queue
Oh hilarious. See another one right now
Someone also said how about we do blog posts and lose standups like that's actually or jaden said that sorry
And I don't mean to throw jaden under the bus. That's actually just a really bad idea
Um, my reason for that is is multifold one
I don't necessarily want all of the developers just now suddenly doing public communication
look at
That shares its development path super transparently and it just immediately becomes a gigantic horrible nightmare
That's always because the community is just going to be in a constant state of hysterical screaming
For the now entire future of your company
Because no one will ever it doesn't matter how well you do it
No one's ever going to agree about what you're working on how you're working on it all these different types of things
And now a huge portion of your time is going to be filled up addressing community comments dealing with whatever
and it's just like oh
Man, I don't know. It's uh
It's not good. If you want to peek into how it goes check out star citizen
Yeah, oh good. Oh god. Okay. I was kind of like I don't know if you can say any of this definitively
Until you said that yep. All right you win
Um next up short circuit is partly responsible for the mechanical keyboard rabbit hole. I went down this week
What are all of your keyboard preferences?
I am a pleb
And i'm actually really loving the logitech 915 tkl
It's not it's a nice keyboard
Two out of two of mine have been defective in some way eventually
One started double pressing and the other had like an rgb led die or something like that
so I didn't even bother arming that one, but like
What I will say about it is I have grown very accustomed to low profile low profile is sick and it
I'm really fast on it. I wish it had a numpad. Maybe I should get the numpad version. Is there one?
I don't know, but I yeah i'm
I like it. I think I have the external numpad. I better. Oh, that's true. I actually have one on my desk
I just always forget to use it
I think I have whatever's the like soft tactile like whatever like browns would be but in there
whatever mechanical switches they're using on that i'm
I'm, definitely into the super super nerdy stuff that that plufs
Got like anytime i'm at his desk. I'm like like on his keyboard. It's like oh, it's so good
But what's the brand name of the keyboards the standard keyboards dan's probably gonna know. Um, I have one in front of me
They are keychron keychron
How expensive are these
No, let's not get into this again
They're 800 each
I think they're a good deal though. They're really nice. Yeah, they're sick
so what I was really gonna say about it is like
When I came into the office things I was worried about was peripherals
Because I have some pretty strong preferences about peripherals
And then they were able to give me the same mouse I have at home
I don't have my like powerplay pad, but that's fine. Whatever. I just plug it in when I leave we have those two
That's easy. I I do not need one. I just I would rather just use the setup that I have
I just plug it in when I leave it's completely fine
But I got I got the keychron keyboard and I was like, this is pretty sick. That's pretty nice. This is a nice keyboard
I'm not going to request a different one. I'm just happy with what I got
Yeah, we don't want we don't want to just like issue people crap right for sure
Yeah, I was just I was worried about how expensive it was
But I didn't actually want to change it because it's really nice
And like people here are going to be typing a lot like having a having a good solid keyboard
Genuinely even makes sense for just like ergonomic reasons
Um, and yeah, even just having the pick of whatever keyboard that you want if you don't yeah
It's so cool and different mice and all that sort of stuff. I think that's really important pretty sweet benefit
Yeah, i'm not i'm not trying to crush on that. I was just like hoping it wasn't super expensive
Um, but yeah, I I actually really like that keyboard. I'm a fan. Um right now I use
Oh man, what's the whole name?
Sure sure sure bits I think they're not spelled the same as sorbet
Oh my goodness, i'm not going to be able to remember the uh the name of it
But I use some really weird key switches at home and I like them a lot
But I also really like my keychron at work. I'm very happy with both of them
Okay, you've stated that you're really not into the idea of bridging multiple internet connections to boost speed with a person with gigabit plus internet
Would you say that the same thing for under five megabits per second connection?
Because that person as far as I could tell was trying to boost the speeds that they could
Individually access past the speed of one of those connections, which is really complicated
And involves like we did a video about this how to double your internet speed or whatever where we worked with itel
To actually bond multiple internet connections and the problem is that they have to go through an aggregator
That is a separate third essentially internet connection service that you have to pay for
Um that combines everything you can't just like use your router to do that
So with that in mind that was not a real solution to that problem and it's not even a problem because gigabit
We made the argument I think you were in agreement on that one and I don't remember I basically said no don't buy two
One gigabit connect. Yeah that gigabit is enough for your internet because external services
Are more likely to be your bottleneck
With five megabit all of a sudden it's a very different conversation
Um and in fact the badminton center that I built that video streaming setup for I did a video about it a while back
I did advise them to get a second internet connection because they're limited by crappy adsl upload speeds
And so we weren't able to stream from all of their courts concurrently
But we were able to get around that by having two nicks on the back of the computer
And then I have one of them going to one internet connection
The other going to the other and then I have obs configured
To send out three streams over one connection and two streams over the other connection so that we're able to actually utilize all of that bandwidth
With a single client, but you'll notice that that's not
a single application
That's dual network interfaces
with five discrete applications that need network access
So if you're trying to overcome some kind of bottleneck then yes, it's a valid solution
But it has to be a multi-user or at the very least
multi-application over multi-interface
Now you probably don't actually need two physical interfaces. You could probably set it up with vlens or whatever else if you're very clever
It was a lot faster for me to just do it this way so
Okay, the last one I have here in the curated in the past
You've encouraged the preservation of data on the internet with that in mind. How do you feel with those that saved
downloaded the private
Videos that were released by the hackers
um data preservation
okay, so this is
I I feel like there's going to be someone out there who's going to
You know in bad faith interesting answer here
Yeah in bad faith take my response and try to find the hypocrisy in it, you know, like I could
The bottom line is no I consider that my private data that was never intended to be published and um, you pretty much right like
And you could look at that answer and you could go well linus, you know
You had a very different position when we were talking about
Like leaks out of nintendo of something like the the super mario world assets
I think is an excellent example like some of the some of the asset and source code leaks out of nintendo
And my response to that is that nintendo is not an individual citizen for one thing and for another
Um that has historical significance, you know footage that I never intended to release of me playing with my children
Does not have historical significance. That's just an invasion of my privacy
Now you could turn around and you could say well anytime you upload something to the internet you pretty much relinquish
uh your control over it and that's true to an extent but
It's also
It's not cool
It's not cool to kind of go ha ha ha because you do ha ha ha ha like it's
I don't know. Yeah, you're just like kind of a asshole like what else can I really say about it, right?
Like it's out there it's done now the milk is is spilt and I i'm not gonna strike sound effect this right like i'm not gonna
Complain about it and imagine and try to get it taken down like it's not gonna happen, right?
But if you like think you're clever and you think you're cool or whatever you're not and you're not
Yeah, I uh, I strongly agree with that and
I don't think we had actually talked about it
And I was unsure if we were going to talk about it on the like hack
Wan show that was the day after or whatever
Um, but it's it's kind of disgusting to me to be completely honest and I have I have archived things that have leaked before
But it's different
i've archived things that are like
Extremely unrelated to picture or videos of someone playing with their children, you know what I mean?
Like i've archived some some scientific papers
I've archived stuff like that. Yep. That's very different to me. And I think painting all of it with a broad brush is
ridiculous and um
Just kind of gross
Yeah, well, it's it's voyeurism straight up extremely icky. Yeah, like that's that's
Very gross, I mean while you're at it, why don't you train a model with my face and watch ai generated porn like
I don't know like you can because it's disgusting and
Anyways, yep
Hey minus I read some threads, sorry
you were in the right but I I read some threads on it at the time where people were defending it and
It made me uncomfortable and I just moved on
Because I don't like it, but it is what it is. It's out there
All right
Uh, hey linus, whatever happened with the one dollar pc giveaway. What was the craziest thing you have given away?
Uh, was that the stream one the random pc? I think so. Yeah, we gave it away
And what's the craziest thing you've ever given away? Probably that
I would agree that was nuts. Yeah. Well, there was the rig at microcenter that wasn't technically given away
But would you pay like 20 bucks or something like that or like 10 dollars?
Yeah, I don't know
computers usually
Have you guys considered open sourcing software ltt labs make so the community can help out free labor will help the labs money pit
Oh, I tried to text response to this one. Both of you were writing at the same time
Yeah, I think that's why it bugged which is why I curated it because I couldn't I couldn't reply to it anymore
If it makes sense we will absolutely consider it but we are not promising anything at this time
Uh, there's a message asking about white or light gray mouse pads, um, no, it's just it's not a good idea. Yep
Ooh, yeah, are we working at this time on watched or didn't watch status on float plane?
Or are you winking? Yes. Oh i'm cringing. Oh, yeah. Yeah, we are working on that. Yeah, it's like basically done. Really?
Yeah, what about like where you left off? Yeah. Yeah. Oh, what really and it'll like resume and everything. Oh, yeah
Why are you why is all this stuff launching in like a big burst?
I mean, I do know the answer to that
But why don't you explain it to them because it felt like nothing was happening for like a year
And then now you're like, yeah
You can edit your things and you've got color coding in the chat and you've got this and you got that
Who cares that you know, the entire team is busy dealing with like, you know, a
Major security event. We're gonna launch everything now. Anyway, let's go
It already attempts to track it as super doesn't work yeah, okay, you can't say that without context jaden
This is this is why we can't do the public stand-ups thing
Get wrecked jaden
Because it's not it's not all in anyways, it's fine it's coming we
This stuff makes me sad to talk about so I don't like really want to go over it like a bunch of times
I've sort of talked about it on a show in the past our our lead developer float for flow plane
Fantastic, dude, and I miss him a lot
um, but he's been out sick for
over a year
Technically within that amount of time
There was time where he was back, but it was for very very short bursts
We you know want to do everything we can to support him. We wish him absolutely nothing but the best, you know, um,
And we're we've tried in response. We've tried to expand the team to try to
His contributions to the team were immense to say the least
And we've tried to to hire to try to bring us back to strength and um
Do other stuff but it's like if connor mcdavid got sick and you know, they tried to just like hire a replacement
It's it's hard. There's a hockey reference for you
All right
And and the the new devs that we've we've brought on are like
Absolutely coming up to speed and working really well and like the team is absolutely getting back to force and that's part of what you're seeing
But there's one connor mcdavid
Missing missing him sucks. Um
For a long time we're kind of waiting for him to come back. He was working on a on a major platform upgrade and
Instead of continuing the work on the major platform upgrade, um, because he kind of wanted to just finish it himself
Um, we decided to work on things
Set them to wait basically because they were effectively blocked by the platform upgrade. Um
He came back for a little bit was here for a little bit got sick again
Um and at that point in time
I had to make the decision that I probably should have made like a year ago. Um
But I didn't want to make this decision which was just to finish it
Anyways, pick up his work and carry it through the finish line. Um, so we did that and it was a very big challenge
But the team rallied got behind it a lot of different people worked on a lot of different things
They hadn't necessarily worked on before and we carried it through the finish line
Um, not 100 of it certain bits we left behind
But we carried what we reasonably could and what we had
That's a really long story, but we we carried what we could through the finish line and that's the beta site and it's awesome
Um, and then the team that has been working on features waiting for this this whole time is now releasing their features
So there's a lot of features because we waited for a long time
Um, and they're good and it's really cool so you're now getting things like
uh, the the watch time
history jump back to where you were tool thing is going to be coming soonish because
That was originally worked on like a really long time ago, but just blocked for a super long time. We were in
The worst development hell i've like basically ever even heard of
For a long time it's more of a purgatory and now we're we're coming out of it
Yeah, which is which is a good feeling because we're now finally on the other end
Uh, it took us a really long time to get here and I appreciate you guys sticking with us
But yeah more cool things are coming. I will say
After a lot of these like feature launches get into beta and then after the beta actually releases
We're gonna want to spend some time on
Two things, uh, but i'm not gonna explain what they are. This can turn into a really long conversation
Are you having an internal float plane meeting? Are you talking to the audience right now? This is a problem
I can talk for way too long. So sometimes lana's and i's meetings go for far too long. Um, but
He said fart
I stole a I stole a naming scheme from uh from ubisoft rainbow six
And it's project health. We want to work on something that i'm calling project health
um where we need to spend some time on platform health and tech debt and stuff like that, but
Um, yeah
Anyways, which is will come there's going to be a massive pile of features before we start doing that
And that doesn't mean we're not going to have any features during that time
It does mean that if feature development happens, it has to be wrapped in this this
Development style that is coming in with anyways, okay
Things are moving again. Thanks for sticking with a few quick things. Thanks. Kaylee
Also regarding the reflective stripe on the hat I accidentally clicked your thing and it just popped up there
We're not planning a reflective stripe on the ltt hat pro
But you could always put a reflective patch on it or something like that if you're a roadside worker
Um and regarding attaching the laptop bag to a backpack
I see them as sort of mutually exclusive products
I don't think you would have your backpack and a laptop bag at the same time
You should put your laptop in your backpack or in your bag
Yeah, I just I I don't want to design for that I think that's a super super duper edge case
Sup linus and luke sup, what's your favorite type of curry?
It's real real hard-hitting questions
Yeah, who's that who's that old guy who does the interviews I can never remember his name
No, no santa claus
Okay, were you sleeping were you awake were you bad were you good it's this point of the evening, isn't it?
Any thoughts on making a dog toy
Maybe a puzzle type toy it baffles me that no matter how much money I spend
I can find a puzzle toy. My dog can't solve in five minutes
dog puzzle toy
Um, no, I can't say that that has ever occurred to me in a thousand years or nor that it would in a thousand years
We do have a dog wan hoodie coming though that I can that I can commit to
You know who would if you did want to make one my mom would actually be a genuinely extremely experienced and good person to consult
I bet she would yeah, I don't intend to yeah, it makes sense
I mean i'm down to just like hang out with your mom. That's cool. But like not doing that
You and everyone else
Okay, that's not where I was going with that. All right. He has a quarterly review coming
It is now going to go significantly worse hell, yeah
All right up next hi luke and linus my friend and I would like to know how ethically the closed are source
Because there is nothing on the website about the ethics of the clothes. So we currently have a position that
Nick is in the process of drafting that will be posted on the site soon and it's going to be
I think we're internally calling it like a compliance officer or like
Compliance coordinator or something like that and we have a lot of promises
But what we don't have is a lot of boots on the ground figuring out what exactly is actually going on
And so for that reason we haven't been able to make any kind of definitive
External statements the goal in the long term is for this person to come in
and basically build a program where we can
Make guarantees about exactly what's going on behind the scenes with our products because even aside from it just being disgusting
I don't need the pr of you know, finding out that like some other, you know, a-list celebrity or whatever
i'm sitting out here talking about human rights while my
Merch is made in sweatshops or whatever, right?
Um, I don't I don't need the bad pr
So even if we look at it strictly from a i'm a complete sociopath and I don't care about anybody at all perspective
I want to solve this still not the right move and we will be we will be spending actual money on that very very soon
So if you or anyone that you know actually works in that space
I would strongly encourage you to apply for the position once it's listed
Do you have any more oh there's a
There's no more curated ones, okay, you want to just start reading some out. Let's just go for it
um first time from germany
At luke amazon mesh network is now tackling the last 10 of usa coverage even offline the devices ping home
Yeah, it's like terrible
regarding privacy linus
Multimedia mouse keyboard combo. Wait, what? Oh, wait
Are you talking about that thing I use it's from sedaco
I forget what it's called, but it's like it's like air keyboard air mouse or something like that. All right, cool. You're done
Josie those build your own screwdrivers would be great for making pride designs. Have you all considered pride merch?
I'm, glad you asked the answer is that i'm not gay
um, so for me to profit from
from pride or
Or like trans flags or anything like that has always felt
Icky to me
Of course, we want to we want people to be able to represent not just their techie side and we want to enable that
We wanted to do it in a way that is not profitable to us
So the answer and here's something to consider
Just because we don't
Ha how do I put this? Okay, let's say for example that we
had a product that was pride themed and all the proceeds went to some kind of
pride organization or something like that a
I don't feel like vetting charitable organizations and a lot of them are super corrupt
That's why we just donate to bc children's hospital because nobody likes sick kids
That is the worst and all sick kids should be healed. That's like
Pretty easy to get behind also. We just know from our own personal experience bc children's freaking rocks. Yep
That's one side of it. The other side of it is I still profit from that
I don't profit in money, but I profit in marketing
Right. So you got to anytime you look at a corporation's actions. You got to understand there's something in it for them
It's not just because of like the good feels so we were trying to figure out a way to
Help you rep it or whatever but not benefit in any way and the solution is pins
So we have actually have an upcoming series of like like I almost just said fuss pins
Yeah, the free checkout item. Yes
So we have keyboard pins that are going to be available in a wide variety of color schemes
Are they pride are they trans are they?
Whatever. I don't know
I leave it open to people's
Interpretation they're whatever you want them to be
We will not take your money for them and we will not benefit in any way from their existence
I like that that is our solution
And yeah by all means make a screwdriver
Unfortunately, there's only four color changeable parts. So you won't be able to do the whole rainbow
But depends on which flag gear I mean, hey, you know, let's let's go back to that
You know, I don't mind benefiting from things in general. Why don't you build two screwdrivers? Hey, use all six colors across the tube
Um, all right
Anonymous says hey, I live in amsterdam. I'm going to work soon. I work at van moof
Neat uh electric bikes. I was wondering if you were looking into bikes van move bike is a tech product anti-theft features are super awesome
Uh, we have a couple electric bikes here. Hey dan who makes our electric bikes. I have absolutely no idea
Um, i've been far removed from that side of the company interesting
I mean do you ever ride them between the buildings? I have ridden them once
I normally just drive my own car back and forth. I rode one today. I feel really bad. Um, does anyone in the chat?
No electric electric so we would know man
They are scary fast. I turned the pedal assist up all the way. I was doing 44 kilometers an hour down the road
Like you could die. It's great. Um, yeah, they're very fast. Is that a concern? It's legit faster than driving
Yeah, I was kind of concerned
I don't know but I was concerned and I was kind of thinking
we should have like little things on them that are like do not go faster than speed one or like speed two because speed three is
really fast
So that's the thing
I yeah, so so shout out electric seems like a super cool product. I rode one today
I I worry about the liability of you know, just employees riding them down the road
Especially because this street has this like blind corner that people just come flying down sometimes and it's really stupid
And yes, there's always cars parked like on both sides. The visibility is really bad
Anyway e-bike technology super cool game changer
All right, last two greetings from australia. I was thinking about buying a handheld gaming pc. Should I wait for the ally?
It's yes probably going to be more expensive. Yes. Yeah, but give it a give it a minute
Let's see where this thing lands because it seems like it's coming pretty soon ish
Oh, no, people are still sending them. No, no, no more
No, no more, uh, thanks hector
Wait, what just happened? Okay, cool. Malcolm. Can we have ltt iron on patches?
Or an ltt flux. What's an ltt flux?
I was trying to answer this one because I had an answer for patches, but I I have no idea
Also, can we have some kind of way to send you messages directly? You got it. You got it. Um iron on patches
Yeah, we should do patches hey dan, can you fire over a message to sarah ccnick we should do patches schedule
I you can't see me. You can't see me behind all this computer thing. So i'm pretty much just like a uh,
Yes, I can an llm at this point. No, I can't this is shoulder. All right. I mean that's part of him
Creepy, um, that's what everybody else says about me. Are you still using that?
Mechanical keyboard you repaired in this video six years ago. Oh, no, um, cool it finally like full died
Linus vsauce has mentioned he wants to make a movie in which he starts naked in the woods and by the end
discovers all the laws of physics
Do you have any movies documentaries you want to make?
I don't know
I had this kind of stupid idea for a trailer that I wanted to make but I don't think it would have
Fleshed out into a full movie very well
Um, i'm gonna go with no, let's go with no and let's go with
Thank you for two. Oh, nope
Got him been in tech for 25 years
One thing that's changed is some of the company original values you ever considered any company goal guidance soul legacy training
Uh, yeah, this is something dbrand actually gave me a really hard time about they were like, where's your like mission statement?
Where's your like like like culture statement?
And I didn't take it that seriously for a long time because we were small enough that the culture was that
You know, I talked to you
But we're too big now and that's absolutely something that our our hr team which is now two people is
Gonna be working on we had this kind of come up with the ad block stuff, right? Yeah
Yeah, so it's like it's it is a thing that we're kind of tackling right now. Yeah
All right
Thank you for watching we will see you again next week same bad time same bad channel. Bye
No, I didn't get it, okay macbooks are fine. Yes
That's going to be taken out of context they fine they're fine. Yeah
Are we off