The WAN Show
Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.
Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.
Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s
This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.
privacy anyways oh crap I just realized I never actually I never actually
checked to make sure that that test file worked okay hey so is your day going so
that's a thing I don't know if we're continuing this stream or not but we're
but we're here we're possibly live possibly audible and possibly you might
be able to hear on the internet I don't know definitely on the internet if they
can't hear us whether or not it's I'm just gonna work on poses oh that's the
broken file from before that one that one is very loud I'm not even in twitch
chat I think I think we are I guess I could just check we are literally
destroying the eardrums yeah I think it works of everyone I think people are
saying it's working just fine you think people are saying it's working yeah well
it's twitch chat so so basically it's completely meaningless the signal to
noise ratio is like one to a billion we love you twitch chat you guys are great
except when you're super duper annoying yeah it seems to be working fine what
happened at dongers I don't know well that was some twitch streamer that was
like doing a thing and being obnoxious I think it's kind of like a reptile army
leaf alike like it just kind of disappeared like I haven't seen a
reference to that since that 72 hours when the entire internet thought they
were cool because of it and then that was that so ah the feels the feels from
saying we love twitch chat or from me saying I love twitch it was ironic I do
love twitch well I don't love twitch chat you know it's both you
aggressively love twitch chat and aggressively hate twitch chat I brought
aggressively back yeah I see that you did it very aggressively um the thing
about twitch chat is twitch chat is more than the sum of its parts or rather less
than the sum of its parts because individually the people that make up the
twitch chat are real people with with real feelings and emotions and and
likable qualities but as a whole there is there a whole unless it's just a
whole anger and trolling those are the two emotions of twitch chat when twitch
chat is small enough like when I'm like when I do my personal streams it can
actually be pretty good they aggressively love you too by the way
aggressive love there we go yes but when you get like that critical mass yeah it
just turns into insanity like remember it becomes critical yeah remember Star
Wars launch oh that was that was insane that entire stream was insane yeah like
I yeah I'm pretty sure there are still literally hundreds of people banned from
our twitch chat for Star Wars spoilers actually hundred literally hundreds that
so many people didn't believe that it was happening so would do it just like
check if it was working and then got permabanned and we do not unpack no like
just to be really really quick you know I do wonder because when show has grown
both live and on the VOD over the entire time how many members you've banned can
you yeah go to your somewhere you're not streaming right yeah okay so go to stats
maybe it might not be in technically the dashboard it might be in your like
profile settings or something
profile maybe I don't it let me try to find it sure yeah if you try and find it
so I know you can find the list I don't know if it tells you a total music so we
have been sort of gradually growing both live and in the video on demand that we
upload to YouTube and and vessel but something that I've wondered about is
because we ban so let's see a word other than aggressively proactively
proactively from our chat it's like it's like Minority Report basically it's like
oh this guy had a bad thought or gal had a bad thought there you know they might
they might say something about gone dongers or raising them or who dies or
whatever so let's just go ahead and go bam ban and I think a lot of people
stop watching channels that they're banned from the chat of especially if
they're people who actively engage in the chat especially if the reason that
they like to engage in the chat is trolling because I mean why else would
you watch a channel you know if what you get out of it is trolling the chat why
would you tune in to a channel where you can't roll the chat so I do wonder if our
numbers particularly on twitch get impacted because we because we ban
people cuz my my sort of my perception of most of the twitch channels that I've
watched based on what's going on in their chat unless they've got it in sub
mode they don't really bet is that it's pretty much a wretched hive of scum and
villainy and there's there's so doesn't seem to really be any moderation going
on so you can get the list of everyone but you it doesn't total it for you and
I don't think that's complete this is mine this is mine oh that's yours yeah
okay so where is it settings channel so if you go to I think so yes if you click
on settings and then channel and videos so you have to go to settings yeah yes
well it's not going there there we go there we go scroll down okay so let's
let's have a look let's have a look at how many times the ban hammer look at
this look at this you guys I mean this this this is what we're dealing with
here it says video player so that's one of the things we do on this channel and
it also says banner that is one of the other things we do on this channel we
are banners and also players and videos involved somehow there's no way that's
complete no there's no way there's absolutely no way this is not even this
is like this is like 24 you know I think there's like a couple minutes of the
Star Wars dream this is to it this is a top 100 this is 100 names I'm pretty
sure yeah so I think that's probably the hundred most recent or something like
that there's no way that's complete yeah so it's unfortunate yeah yeah it's
unfortunate we kind of cool to be like kill count if we have like a counter
yeah you can have most people have like donation or whatever you just have like
it's like people from whom we will never get a donation we made them super mad
you know it's one of the things that's been a challenge with any sort of
community initiative like the number of people that get mad because we ban them
or like I give them warning points on the forum or whatever else and they're
like yeah I'm not gonna watch your videos anymore it's just like this even
worth it yeah sometimes cuz a lot of time it's not something we did it's
something they did and they don't like what we did as a result of what they did
and it's like it reminds me of that time when I was a student or like a teacher
aid back in high school and there's this there's this girl in the class who's
like just you know if she was watching she probably knows I'm talking about her
because there's only one person on earth who could possibly be this stupid like
basically every time every time she opened her mouth it was a question like
you know I have to change the teacher's name to protect the identities of the
people so okay so mr. Douglas then you know oh if the earth ran out of water
would we all die and I would love to believe that this was trolling but it
wasn't and this is a grade 9 class I mean yeah I'm all for you know
respecting each other and and and all that but when you when you
disrespectfully interrupted the class without raising your hand to ask a
question that you could have probably found out through at I don't know four
seconds of deductive reasoning um I don't have a lot of patience for you so
anyway this this individual would just do and say prank no no I actually know
because even when I wasn't her teacher aid anymore and stuff like I just I'm
sure this individual would do or say obnoxious thing and things and then and
then her is a little brutal I usually defend people that like try to ask
questions whatever not putting up your that's not what I'm talking about not
putting up your hand no no I'm talking about like like anything like like
throwing something or dropping something intentionally just generally being an
obnoxious little individual little individual asking questions is one thing
asking questions without putting up your hand or like asking at the right time is
annoying generally generally very very very very very dumb and very obnoxious
individual so do something obnoxious and then you know when you kind of go hey
you can't do that it would be like it would be like like like hens like no I'm
actually not because you have to understand that your actions have
consequences me telling you don't do that is not me being mean if you are
making a bunch of noise or if you are looking at someone else's test in the
middle of an exam I'm not being mean I'm not persecuting you I am just having a
very reasonable response to doing something that you very clearly know and
again if you don't know that running out of water means you'll die they might not
know that you can't look at some maybe you maybe you don't know but if I've
already told you twice then you know the third time where I'm impatient and I
kind of go okay well then you're gonna have to turn in your exam now or
whatever else even if you're not finished I mean it's not like it's not
like if you're a third of the way through an exam and you've got literally
zero answers written down that the other two-thirds of the exam time was gonna
result in some kind of a difference anyway I don't remember twitch chat
yeah aspects and kill counts and then oh yeah people being upset because we banned
them because they were bad because they broke the rules and then people like
forum yeah yeah we came full circle and people who people who defend those
people and like oh you're being mean to them like the whole defending someone
who's clearly wrong just because sometimes the in defense of some of the
people in the forum sometimes they genuinely don't know what happened
that's true and it'll be their friend that just got banned and they're like
yo like he was a cool guy why did he get banned I'm like well sometimes I
explain what happened sometimes I don't if it was like a very public if it was
something that happened in a p.m. I never explained what happened yeah I'm like
sorry I can't discuss this whatever it was posted publicly on the board I
might tell the person what happened I might not depends on if it like doesn't
come well yeah exactly yeah well they called someone this random massive list
of explicit and basically just pooped on their entire day multiple times we told
them not to then they did it a consecutive five times after that after
us warning them every single time and then we permanently banned them usually
they're like oh okay not everyone takes that philosophy because like I remember
having a conversation I think it was with it was either with a family member
or it was with a friend and his wife or both actually I think and it was
something along the lines of like oh well if your wife's wrong you have to
support her anyway I'm like no actually I don't if my wife's wrong I'm gonna
tell her she's wrong and she should probably revise her I think I think you
can probably take like a maybe more delicate route you don't have to like
attack the person for being no of course you can have a discussion but there but
in my opinion agreeing with someone who is wrong does absolutely nothing to
develop you are active as a human being the general population of the world less
intelligent and not less intelligent but perhaps less well you know less not you
are wrong about more things yes so that's knowledgeable certainly and less
correctly and less well trained well and I don't mean training in the sense of
like you know good boy clicker clicker you know like training I just mean like
like I science training math training exactly knowledge about sewing training
it doesn't matter training just means like creating an environment where the
people understand people around you understand how to interact with you and
you understand how to interact with them like when I say a nail remover on bread
and then eating it a good idea no that's training and so I train my wife in
exactly the same way that she trains me we train each other how to deal with
each other and the reality of it is is that pretending that someone is that
someone is right or that someone is justified is not helpful to them in the
longer term especially if that is someone that someday is not going to be
young and beautiful anymore and that I'm gonna have to deal with when you'll
never be ugly or you'll be ugly much more gradually I mean the thing about
the thing about certain certain ethnicities is that they have very
different aging curves so like everything's gonna be great until 60 oh
and like I'm gonna be like I feel so old and then all of a sudden I'm gonna be
the one who looks young so we both have to be ready for each other to not be
young and appealing anymore and we're gonna have to get along pretty darn well
if our relationship is gonna survive at that point so you'll have AR anyways and
everyone's like everyone's like oh you know Linus this is brutal I hope she's
not watching I've said every word of this to her face multiple times I have
no problem saying it's her face because that's important too you have to be able
to say to someone's face exactly what you're thinking if you can't do it you
should not be married period I kind of agree with that philosophy it's like let's please stop okay okay okay we'll get on to some
tech we haven't rolled the intro yet oh yeah intro and the show begins so many
people to chat Yvonne is a nice person she's a nice person I think she's great
he's not saying that people don't understand
oh hold on I have a plan oh apparently that oh dear did I crash it there you go
so I fix it is like our metal sponsor hey kind of is ha ha unintentionally
working out what's an unintentional workout when you laugh too hard and your
abs get sore yeah anyway um so this may be the worst show we've ever done we're
literally 15 minutes in and have covered nothing and I've had so much of this
water I'm gonna have to pee before the end of the show for sure I need to pee
right now well that's good maybe that'll make the show last longer Oh anyway
devlogs dot nvidia kind of had a big event this week Pascal has
been unveiled this in the form of the Tesla p100 so nvidia has even gone as
far now as to do away with introducing their new big GPUs as a quadro card and
now they have skipped straight to the the cards that only sell to the big boys
and they've gone straight to the enterprise cards and everyone else
workstation and desktop is going to have to wait quite some time for a Pascal
architecture graphics card with that said we do get to have a lot of details
about Pascal that we wouldn't have if they hadn't released anything based on
it because contrary to what a lot of people seem to think nvidia does not
completely re-engineer a micro architecture for an enterprise you know
machine learning processor versus like a workstation you know 3d modeling
processor versus a desktop gaming processor in fact I would say the vast
majority of the time that I'm aware of it is the same silicon pretty much maybe
they've made some tweaks you know cut off a thing here or bin for a lower TDP
there it's all just a binning process and then which features they want to
enable through the hardware and through the drivers in order to make it suited
for the particular task that is built for so what that means every time would
be excessively expensive and totally not worth it yeah I mean look how long it
takes them to build one of these yeah so so this is cool because it tells us it
gives us some idea of what a Titan there are no cool letters left anymore they
already used Z they already used X they already used black like what are they
gonna call it Titan Omega like hey you can get into like old like God style
names Titan that's where that kind of comes from right the Titans but yeah
you can't the Titan Zeus because then it would be like fighting itself that's
what you could call their like dual GPU card each one has its own unique power
even though they're the same and when the SLI doesn't scale at all it's
because they're fighting it means one of them won so what this tells us is what
a next generation Titan might look like so we're looking at about 7 billion
transistors in 600 millimeters squared we're looking at it's built on a 16
nanometer process it contains 3840 CUDA cores and 240 texture units they could
call their like their high-end but still consumer cards like savage or something
that's um savage I think if someone's done that I think savage video card is a
thing like savage video card not savage garden s3 savage yeah yeah so sorry
you've been you've been beaten to the punch on that one. Okay so 240 texture units
64 stream multiprocessors sorry did I say 7 billion? 150 billion transistors
so sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry 5.3 teraflops of performance so yeah we
definitely got a die shrink this time around which is nice and five miracles
miracles I hated that I watched the stream and he's like yeah five miracles
came together in order to I'm like no that was engineering don't call like
some engineers extremely hard work miracles I'm gonna back up Logitech on
this one they're like science wins whatever campaign yeah super cool
miracles not super cool miracles win no and like someone worked really hard on
like some of the miracles I I don't even I don't even really get like one of the
miracles is extreme performance equals powering up high performance computing
deep learning and many more GPU computing areas what what I think we
need to look up miracle here miracle are we missing something is a miracle a
miracle is an event not explicable by natural or scientific laws you had
engineers and scientists working on this you're saying like nope everything they
did is just nope forget it and not explainable not only that but the first
miracle is better performance something you've literally done like clockwork
since your company was founded and I would have needed to do so and to be
clear I'm not down on that and I'm not saying that's not a big deal I'm not
saying I'm not saying that but it's a feat of engineering the engineers and
the scientists and the business units you can call it like five great feet and
the sales I'm not saying that every business unit of Nvidia didn't work hard
and kick ass to get there I'm just saying it's not a miracle such an event
may be attributed to a supernatural being magic a miracle worker a saint or
religious leader and this this is something that really bothers me about
this when Apple does it and when Nvidia watches Apple's keynotes too closely
yeah tries to replicate them is that it's like the the jobs reality
distortion field as it's as it's called was unique to that individual it is not
something that you can can and it is not something that you can reproduce no
matter how no matter I mean it's it's it's the hilarious thing about is
Nvidia's a company full of engineers like pretty much to a man and woman and
like it's it's almost like watching that segment it's almost like they reverse
engineered like yeah how to do a key fortunately poorly unfortunate well
unfortunately reverse reverse engineering goes very well you can't
engineer charisma yeah well they're gonna try to with robots yeah it's gonna
try um so the next miracle is Envy link this is really cool they've been talking
about this for a while this is a replacement for PCI Express a faster
higher bandwidth interconnect lower latency interconnect between GPUs and I
and I get hot I don't know if I can call them GPUs cuz they're not even it's not
even for graphics at this level but anyway I'm gonna call them GPUs because
it's a lot more convenient than trying to call them but did but Nvidia P use or
whatever they're gonna start they're probably gonna they're probably gonna
pull an AMD and like start calling them something else like no ours are AP use
yeah it's like well hold on a second I mean you do know their CPUs calculating
processing yeah you do know that Intel also has CPUs with graphics on them
right they don't call them AP use so what to use why are you so Envy link
really cool HBM to but this is this is this is not an Nvidia miracle this is
like this is like an evolutionary improvement to a technology that is
better it's not a miracle it's not a miracle someone worked really hard on
like the theory and then bringing the theory to life and then like getting it
into like mass-produced testing it testing it making sure that there is low
failure rates like this went through okay a lot of work next is unified
memory and compute preemption so significantly improved programming model
I feel very bad for engine any engineers that worked on any of the things that
are now being called miracles and if you did I'm sorry you're great yeah you're
doing a good job like you your efforts are and 16 nanometer fin fat
manufacturing process which is a not a miracle again and be totally not new I
mean Intel's had processors based on 14 nanometer in your computer potentially
for like a year so yeah which isn't to say again is which is not to say that it
all isn't like great and impressive and that I'm not looking forward to a new
generation like a true generational leap in video card performance I just really
I've gone on about this for too long someone said the fact that this show
still exists is a miracle that's that's possibly a miracle that probably did
involve some kind of divine intervention yes the fact that 5,700 people are
watching it is definitely a miracle yeah I love you guys all right so there is
some more cool stuff here this is neat this was original actually hold on do I
have an OP for the last one I don't so the OP for this one is leapfrog master
race on the forum and the original article here is wow I can choose between
CNET and Yahoo look I'm gonna go with Yahoo they need all the help they can
get Nvidia's drive px2 a lot of trouble and videos drive px2 to be used in
autonomous race cars for the Robo race championship this really raises a lot of
questions for me number one is like how cool is this because be the cars are
gonna be identical the way this is actually going to be initially set up is
as I forget what it's called if II something II formula or something
electric it's gonna be like like a like an opening act for formula II for
formula II and what they're gonna do is they're going to have all identical cars
with these little deep learning capable brains that are like the size of a
lunchbox that are based on Pascal GPUs and these cars are going to race each
other getting better as time goes on meaning that feasibly the odd that
feasibly these these brains these car brains could get better enough than each
other that even though they have exactly the same base hardware both in the box
and around it in the car there could be like one that's noticeably better than
the other ones isn't that cool but then how they're intaking data because if
they're all literally in taking the exact same amount of data without some
randomization they would actually all come through they would have a slightly
different perspective like if it was just cameras and sensors and they didn't
have like like external whatever it's just what your car can in itself pick up
do not know do not know that but assuming that they made them race as
though they were a driver then feasibly well because the reason why I said
external is because if it's a race and it's although they are a driver they
probably have pit crew they can talk to them mm-hmm yeah I see what you mean so
like like kind of like spot for them like you would with binoculars so you
would be able to like tell them what's going on but if they're contained within
their car they wouldn't be able to see the other things so if you're actually
in first and by a fair amount you might be getting no information for a long
time and some of the car behind you might get more intelligent eventually
passed yeah and then you'd be out of which could be very interesting they
need to go for like a while but the other question that this raises is who
could possibly care because I don't know about you guys and maybe maybe we can
get a straw poll going on this you want to hit me with a straw poll let's get a
straw poll going would you care about a sporting event if there was no
storylines to follow about the people involved yes and take a moment and think
about this because one of it's actually rather interesting one of the reasons
why people don't really care that much about a lot of current space travel is
because they're sending robots this is like very trackable you can very much
figure this out send a person up sorry I said Chris Hatfield yeah yeah
remember they send a person up it was like oh wow and then they send a robot
up and they're like hopefully it doesn't crash I guess I'm gonna do something
else like this is a very consistent thing across a lot of different realms
so just remember that so would you have cared about the miracle on ice if it was
a bunch of Tesla p100s versus a bunch of other Tesla p100s yeah would that have
had an emotional impact on you as a human being I think I think this is I
think this is a very valid discussion yeah yeah go ahead and wow did they
change they changed their font or something straw poll looks different
yeah it does look different yeah okay can you fire that over to me through
like hang out so I can I blame any I'm just gonna push it in chat any compute
yeah I want to show the results on screen oh right I could also look at the
chat and I could see it that way oh it is so fast no I got this I got this I
got this yeah all right um so let's go ahead and start start bringing in those
results here so will you care about really okay so because honestly like
I'll tell you I'll tell you something like when for example you know Vancouver
Canucks you know the the local sports team when they make a lot of roster
changes over the offseason I actually find it a lot harder to pick up on the
new season and like care about what's going on because I I I haven't I haven't
watched the development and struggle of you know the Sedin sisters turning into
two of the top players in the league over the course of their long and you
know illustrious career the way that everyone called them made of glass and
then actually one of them ended up holding the NHL Ironman streak for the
most consecutive games played like like that kind of stuff those kinds of
storylines are what make the sport because I don't play hockey I can't play
hockey I'm which you'll know if you are subscribed on vessel very soon he's not
just giving me crap this is a company-wide play ball hockey yeah put me
on skates it's a different story so so following those storylines is what makes
it interesting to me it's what makes it's what makes it human because I can't
watch hockey and kind of go oh yeah I can appreciate exactly how difficult
that shot was to make the same way that I can watch badminton badminton I don't
care who's playing like I do have my personal favorites again do the
storylines of the struggles like you know every time Lee Chong Wei takes on
Lin Dan it's like does he redeem himself this time he lost two gold medal
Olympic matches to the guy in a row in the third set the second one went to
deuce if you guys play racket sports you'll know what that means means you
have to win by at least two points and just like he comes from Malaysia so like
just completely way smaller talent pool is basically a national hero there
whereas I'll go to be to be fairly and Dan is basically a national hero because
that is sort of a big deal in China too but team China wins everything and when
team Malaysia gets to stick it to team China even in the smallest possible way
it's it's very it's it's a big deal in that sport so but with that said I can
watch any high-level players play badminton I can really appreciate it
because I'm like wow I really understand the finesse that it took to make that
shot or whatever but hockey is not about that for me so I it surprises me that
43% of you are saying that you will care about machines racing each other in
competitions without without that human aspect of it what do you think will you
care I mean you don't fall sports anyway no I would probably watch it just
because I'm interested in AI mm-hmm and then get very bored very quickly as what
I expect to happen probably happen where the first bits kind of a mess and then
it kind of sets in and just sits there cuz you'll watch football but that's all
that I'm aware of that you'll like sit and watch it and even football I'll
watch the Super Bowl with my family because it's a thing and that's about it
I love playing sports watching a sport just makes me want to play the sport it
doesn't necessarily want to make me want to watch more of the sport right I mean
yeah like if I watch football I'm like damn I really wish there was more like
casual men's teams that I could play football again if I watch hockey I'm
like man I wish there was a men's league in BC that wasn't literally just
fighting if I watch anything else I'm just like I want to go out there and do
the thing like watching a sport and then immediately going outside and playing it
afterwards cool so this is an interesting point the twitch chat moves
too fast for me to for me to figure out who it was but they said you know what
about you know robot robot wars like robot battles that a lot of I'm into
that but again if you watch the show was it literally called robot Wars I don't
remember what it was called battle bots or whatever a lot of that if you watch
the show was actually talking about the controllers and the people and the
people yeah and controllers isn't the people controlling them right but but an
AI version of that would you be into that I don't know I would watch it
because I like AI stuff okay but like like traditionally throughout media if
there isn't a person attached to something it's not really followed as
much because I could I could get I could get into that especially if you have
people or teams of people designing the battling robots whereas this car thing
is however many identical cars with identical brains and identical program
programming to me that's not interesting like you might as well it's like it's
like horse racing horses were machine maybe one time yeah and then forever
after that it would have to be like here's our car it's designed in our way
maybe there's great requirements sponsorship from Microsoft and I like a
sponsor team from Google and yes like I get into that yeah yeah we can ask have
a working door it has to take X amount of passengers I mean you know what I
mean sorry I'm about to totally go off on a tangent here you think about how
fanatical people already get about companies like Apple Microsoft Google
imagine this imagine if they played sports the way people get fanatical
about sports teams and the way they get fanatical about cell phones or game
consoles can you imagine can you imagine Sony versus Microsoft baseball yeah okay
yeah and the baseball game t company baseball teams Apple Apple versus Google
started and started World War four the move with the mobile we skip three
playing or football or whatever you want to call it or if Microsoft was involved
it would start World War one
that's what sort of justice is pretty accurate Apple versus FBI right no offense
to Apple but I think a whole lot of engineers versus a whole lot of at least
some of them are probably in good shape federal agents I'm going with the
federal agents oh you mean like literally sports with people I thought
these were representatives of like robots no no I actually mean Tim Cook
hitting a baseball okay that'd be really fun
apparently Nintendo already owns an NLP team yeah doesn't even surprise me yeah
and they're like you can google it first see I don't build a Seattle Mary shut up
yeah really I remember it like it's it was a pretty prominent team they are one
of three baseball teams under corporate ownership I had no idea Rogers
communications on the Toronto Blue Jays fascinating well there you go I do not
follow baseball very closely because I have I like the most the most up-to-date
baseball player I know is like Ken Griffey jr. because he was on the cover
of my like SNES baseball game that's about as up-to-date as I am on baseball
although I do know that the that the what are they called again not the
Maple Leafs the Blue Jays thank you I do know that the Blue Jays are like good
now or something so that's cool because there had to be one team in Canada it
was any good at anything that's cool yeah I don't think any Canadian teams
are gonna make the NHL playoffs this year out of like six however many there
are our players just go and play for the state sevens or whatever it is you look
at like demographics of players it's not even that simple anymore because up
until up until this year the dollar was basically par so it didn't matter so as
long as you're as long as your revenues were coming in from ticket sales in
which case the Canadian teams had a significant advantage you could pay
those US salaries and with the sat in the salary cap era especially the teams
that do really great sales like Toronto who jacked up their prices in spite of
the fact that they've made the playoffs I think they made it once in like the
last 10 or 15 years or something like that they still jack their prices every
year because the revenues are great so in the salary cap era as long as you
have decent ticket sales you can afford anything it's all strategic now and
honestly it seems to me that like being in a crappy city is way more important
now than having enough money like if you're in some city that nobody wants to
live in then it's gonna be harder to attract talent yeah straight up yeah
interesting but it's much much deeper than that as well like there's a lot of
there's a there's a lot of basically just politicking that goes on yeah there
wouldn't be much politicking in robo races anyways real topics yeah sure I
mean we have one more she's got what two more in video things oh this one's
really cool so I lost the talk I'm gonna skim through and videos new AI brain has
eight Pascal GPUs seven terabytes of solid-state memory and takes 3200 watts
which is exactly why you do not need that 2,000 watt power supply put it down
stop looking at it yeah I got a message on the forum today of some dude asking
you if he needed a 2,000 watt power supply because he was getting like two
graphics cards or something he's like I need to double it like no you're fine
everything is fine except your wallet yeah if you buy that don't like I literally
ran seven gaming computers off of a 2001 no that was a 1600 plot don't worry
about it you're fine anyway so we've got NV link links between these eight GPUs a
couple of eons and it's a 3u chassis that has a 3200 watt power supply and
Nvidia is boasting that it is so the chips are arranged in a hybrid cube
array which allows them to communicate with each other independently and
offload tasks in a more coordinated way they claim the memory has as much
throughput as 250 x86 servers although they don't clarify exactly what sort of
x86 servers those are it wouldn't surprise me though based on the fact
that they're using HBM memory which is already way faster than the quadst
channel list of memory that that Intel could possibly strap on to a CPU at this
point already available for pre-order and it's gonna cost you a mere 129
thousand u.s. dollars I literally just made a video complaining about the speed
of high-speed PC tech stations that's probably fine I could afford that yeah
you know what 80 bucks too expensive it's it's really interesting to see
people's reaction I actually posted a screenshot from the creator studio where
I showed that on the thousand dollar HDMI cable we made back our money on it
and a surprising number of people actually shoot right right so sorry I
got to this because you were saying that you know you were based on making a
video around it you could probably afford that most no no that's not what
I was saying oh high-speed PC tech station yes like benches I made a video
complaining about how expensive they were oh I totally misunderstood saying
like and I said in the video we have some at work but for personal use
spending like a hundred and forty dollars on it like us literally two
platforms of plastic yeah yeah yeah okay well sorry I'll finish that story anyway
I I had thought because it's the the capture is $2,200 on the video that we
spent a thousand dollars just on the product itself to make and I was
surprised because I expected people to kind of go only make $2,200 yeah it's
got well that's something I wasn't expecting people to know I was expecting
people to kind of like like pile on to it and just be like $2,200 per video
well holy crap but I was pretty impressed with the comments everywhere
except Facebook where most people seemed to understand that the $2,200 doesn't
happen every time because that video has 1.6 million views damn it I was this
whole time I was trying to figure how many I didn't know you knew off the top
of your head yeah yeah yeah 1.6 million views in a span of about 15 days and not
only that but depending on the demographic that it's reaching depending
on seasonality depending on I don't know the the direction of the winds in
Iceland the CPMs so that that is the the cost per mil cost per thousand views for
advertisers can be all over the map so me putting out that number was just it
was basically meaningless other than to say hey for all the people who were
concerned that we threw away our money to take one for the team hey we made it
back because thanks to people sharing the video and people watching it we were
able to make enough on the Adsense to cover it a surprising number of people
other than Facebook got that and even understood that we didn't necessarily
then make $1,200 on the video because there is an entire organization of
people that goes behind creating videos and a building and equipment and an
internet connection that is not cheap but really does make all those other
things operate more smoothly anyway yeah so I just I don't know I just I thought
it was pretty cool that most people got it that that what we do is expensive and
that was like that was like an exception that was just kind of a neat thing one
thing that I didn't know and Nick was Nick kind of linked me to this later it
looks like posting specifically that may have skirted around the rules sort of
it's a gray area but you're not actually allowed to share which I thought was the
case before but then I had thought wasn't the case anymore and now Nick has
helpfully gone into the terms of service and highlighted the appropriate areas
and sent it to me because he knows that's the only way to get me to read
anything no no I left it because it looks like it's probably fine but I
wouldn't I'm not gonna make a habit of that because I don't want to get in
trouble yes like I don't want to lose my ad sense over yeah not over it like
telling other people what it is when I look like Tai Lopez knowledge I forget
whose video it was I feel really bad because it was great where they where
it's like just the most sarcastic just troll video that I've seen in quite
some time where they basically prove that the house that he supposedly owns
it was h3h3 good job h3h3 it was awesome and they just sorry and they just they
they help you find the conclusion on your own as subtly as possible that he
has just rented that house it's just a rental house that just has a listing on
like a house rental service that he just used to film that day he's like yeah I
shouldn't even have to know his name like that the fact that you can buy but
at least it's knowledge the fact that you can buy fame in that way
Lamborghinis yeah what about all these books do you think he rented the books
I don't know that was one thing I always wondered yet that giant house and he's
like I installed all these bookshelves in the garage despite having a mansion
literally I put them in the garage well he wants to learn close to his car
reading while you're driving should probably be more illegal than texting
and just I don't know I'm gonna take this entire book and put it in front of
my face is that illegal reading and driving yeah I don't know I don't know I
mean operating a phone is but like if you had a newspaper open on your
steering wheel like is that I have no idea I guess it would probably fall
under general distracted driving laws right yeah uh okay so speaking of
distracted driving if you find yourself driving towards a website that is region
locked and you can't access due to a countrywide firewall or or a or a
regional restriction tunnel pair or if or if your your firewall is incorrectly
set up yes what oh yeah does that work yeah you were able to get around our
incorrectly configured firewall damn it Johnny is he here I've been meaning to
hit he came and talked to me like Ray when he came in he's okay it's weird
that it's only hardware websites that's what I know I've hit other stuff really
just mostly browse hardware websites I think that has more to do with it yeah
so anyway so tunnel bear which we used to get around to get to Tom's hardware
broken network lets you tunnel to 20 different countries it encrypts your
connection and browse the internet and use online services privately as though
you're in a different country it makes it so that that website thinks that
you're someone else from somewhere else people are being mean to Johnny I love
Johnny he's a beautiful human being stop being mean to Johnny and if he wasn't
beautiful looks aren't everything that's true well I'd meant beautiful isn't like
on the inside both okay tunnel bear lets you bypass all the annoying details that
typically come with a VPN for personal use no port configurations or DNS or IT
guys that have to come in every other week because they're fixing the thing
they screwed up last time all the time and you can try tunnel bear for free and
get 500 megabytes of data simply by going to tunnel bear comm slash when
then if you decide to sign up for an unlimited plan you can save 10% at that
link so check that out speaking of things that you should check out
Squarespace Squarespace lets you build a simple powerful beautiful website that
if you should find yourself in a situation where you don't have the
know-how or the ability to find a networking or website building guy
that's anywhere near competent you should you should use Squarespace
because that will allow you to do it pretty much on your own they have 24 7
support via live chat and email and it's only $8 a month to start but you should
you I was gonna say but there's a bonus if you sign up for an entire year then
oh no I screwed up the now I've broken it all their webs all their templates
feature responsive design so they look great on any device and if all this
sounds good then you should start a trial with no credit card required and
start building your website today when you decide to sign up for Squarespace
on a more permanent basis you should use offer code Linus to get 10% off your
first purchase thanks to Squarespace for supporting the WAN show you should keep
doing it because otherwise how would we keep producing this fantastic show that
it is a freaking miracle you should watch it
Squarespace beautiful you were you were and you're never too fast for me speaking
of things that you should do if you have a project this is hilarious I fix it
actually had a sponsorship spot coming up on a regular LTT release not on WAN
show and I specifically was in the middle of doing a random video I didn't
even know they had a spot coming up and I was using and I fix it toolkit because
I do that yeah and I like started going into like a sales pitch about it and I
was like I'm just joking they're not the sponsor this turns out they are yeah so
I'm gonna end up in the thing well it's in though it's a lie it's the lives
disassembly haha so it's like I'm not re-shooting it so I'm gonna tell the
editor to just do like a like a we interrupt this broadcast to bring you
this message that actually they are the sponsor of this episode anyway I it's
funny I fix it is probably these the actual sponsor like not companies that
don't actually sponsor us like Nvidia like the actual sponsor of our actual
show that I get the most false positives about from viewers because I'll yeah
like I'll tweet a picture of like a phone that I'm like I recently replaced
the home button in my old iPhone 4 because I still use it as an mp3 player
and everything but the home button about it works great like why throw it
away right and I had all my I fix it crap like behind it and I was like hey
I'm repairing the home button people like oh that product placement that
sponsorship in life no I'm just using it cuz it's a really good screwdriver yeah
um and it happens like all the time like people called me on it in the video card
painting guide anytime I'm taking apart or putting together anything they're
like dad I fix it sponsorship no no really great tools great guides I use
them all the time I use them I paid for their products before they became a
sponsor of the show we reached out to them because we love the products and
they've got an all-new pro tech tool kit that is even better than before it
replaces the 54-bit driver kit with a 64-bit driver kit so you can have more
than 4 gigs of RAM it comes with a more durable case that's a joke it comes with
a more durable case the screwdriver kit attaches via magnets it comes with more
like like prying tools the prying tools are better this is crazy they are no
they really are no the new ones are way better oh I know they dare show you what
he does to his I the last show that I was on with my brother yeah they were a
sponsor and I got that mean oh cuz like so much stronger I didn't even know he
took them and folded them completely in half and then like put it back and the
plastic wasn't even like pale on one side from bending no he showed me that
I was like crazy I didn't even know that my thing was the old ones they're
they're great I've used them a million times but the little ends get chewed up
yep yeah over time it'll just not really be useful so it includes the new prying
tools a wider variety of opening and prying tools and the price is $69.95 it's
backed by their lifetime warranty and if you go to slash Linus and
use code WAN at checkout you can save five bucks on your purchase of my notes
say $10 or more but I'm fairly certain it's $50 or more so basically if you buy
a kit you get five bucks off and the kit pays for itself after like one repair
project so to me it was a no-brainer back when I bought one and it's a
no-brainer today surely we have like other topics to talk about even gave I
even gave Colton a heart oh no this is really cool okay last in video topic the
original article is on no this one's really cool you know I know it's Bob
hosted by aiming on the forum this is by far the most interesting to me prototype
1700 Hertz quote-unquote zero latency display now to be clear zero latency is
not zero it is 0.56 of a millisecond that's pretty sweet though which is
basically zero so what they're doing is they're actually so basically they are
moving but dang it dang it what are you doing dang it here okay so you can see
them vigorously shaking this thing around it and the Nvidia logo which is
actually on the display so that is being run on a display is staying completely
stationary very freaking cool what that means is that with the appropriate also
very low latency tracking sensors a head-mounted display could have an image
stay completely static even when you're whipping your head around whipping your
gun around and exploring virtual environments maybe you have anything to
elaborate on that with one of the yeah I don't know running that will be
interesting well yeah I think it's gonna be yeah I think it's gonna be a while
till we see this one of the things yeah sure one of the just to talk about VR
for a moment because I could talk about VR for some people have been a little
bit less than in enthused I guess I would say with some of the launches we
don't have any of the headsets yet don't really have any other way to tell you
that I contacted Palmer forever and a half ago some of you might remember the
tweet he did end up treating me back in the DM but then the response times have
been like months instead of hours or days anyways so we don't have our
headsets yet and we don't have our vibe yet either but some people have been
disappointed because of the games and one thing that has been very commonly
said is it kind of feels like you're just playing a Wii U in terms of quality
of like graphics and then the games feel like demos instead of full games despite
costing like $40 a pop and then you just have a screen on your face which is cool
but people want more than that I'm not that surprised to write beginning of the
launch yada yada yada yada but one of the many reasons why it kind of looks
like you're playing Wii U style graphics is because it's really hard to make
games for a lot of people that can run at 90 FPS at these resolutions and
that's only 90 and this thing is way more way to go Brandon rude sorry another
Brandon appreciation day Brandon appreciation day when is it oh I just
realized isn't it in the summer that shortens to bad oh wow ass have a bad
bad day badass day bad that because Brandon's an ass no because you like his
attitude this is originally posted on the forum by good bites original
articles from the verge the specter 13 is HP's attempt to out design Apple
which apparently means make it thinner now the specter 13 looks pretty sexy
it's got I think they're kind of like classy looking that thing looks weird
the bezels big the hinges are wonka you're being such a hater right now no
it looks so beautiful I like the new logo I was pretty sick did you read
about that yeah I did yeah I actually do really like the new logo I think it
looks great I think they should have used it before Wow okay you don't like
the hinge it's not doing it for me like quite literally I'm not just trying to
like devil's advocate like I don't know like it up close it doesn't look too bad
on the big picture it doesn't really seem to fit in like everything else is
this like awkwardly flat like straight line thing and it's like whoop I don't
know so most of I would expect like if it had like that Lenovo like chain hinge
kind of thing do you know that one on the yogas oh yeah I know the one I think
that would suit it really well like one of those like back hinges that wrap
around instead of like up and through the middle let's feel awkward to hold
though do it yeah I think I know the one it's um if you can find it if it can
find a picture of it that might be helpful so most of its made from dark
gray aluminum bottom is lighter carbon fiber or some nonsense like that that
weighs 2.45 pounds which the interesting thing about that is oh no I'm not
familiar with that really yeah okay these look pretty cool okay that does
look very cool yeah and the interesting thing about that weight and this is why
like the first thing that bothers me about this story is that out engineering
Apple just means what thinner lighter that is not all there is to it because
2.45 inches or 2.45 pounds is only 0.3 of a pound so we're talking point one
one five or something kilograms we're talking like a hundred and fifteen
grams versus the razor blade stealth who cares at that point if the stealth is
going to give me an RGB keyboard it's going to give me a 1440p display if it's
going to give me any other benefits it's got banging Olafson audio which is one
of those things where it's like maybe meaningful but usually not it's
overused on cheap not very well implemented situation so now it doesn't
really mean much and not even those but even on not cheap but just just from an
engineering standpoint completely impossible situations like you know if
you were to tell me oh the speaker on your iPhone SE has bang on to Olafson
audio speaker in the button cycle this thing is only so big you can only put so
much driver and so much speaker in here well engineered yeah it could be a well
engineered one but it's not going to be anything special or earth-shattering so
whether whether that's good or not remains to be seen I am trying to get a
review unit I am working on it and just because I am I am hating on this race to
be the thinnest we should have you wear gloves so you can't really tell from
texture which one is which and in a blind taste test you can even tell which
one's heavier what I will tell you is the LG gram is noticeably lighter I
don't remember how much that one weighs though so that's their 14 inch ultra
book 15 inch is this the one I saw I don't even know if that's right I'm
trying to get a unit of that too because that one was impressively light and very
noticeably very noticeably lighter than anything else I had ever touched that
one's 2.16 pounds and it is a 15 inch 980 grams that is ridiculous yeah so
like there is there is a threshold so that is a just don't care that is a
beyond the point where it matters at all I that one might surprise you well no
case beyond the point where it matters to me like the blade stealth is already
light enough that I can't really tell that's what I mean yeah like big gaming
laptops there's there's if one's like I have the same performance but I weigh a
little bit less like that's kind of cool because those actually weigh a fair
amount these things are below the threshold of weight where I care at all
so I forget what I was saying anymore someone like um aluminum carbon fiber
craftsmanship carbon fiber edge to edge Corning gorilla glass display love to
see that piston hinge design promises up to nine hours of battery life here's the
thing that drives me crazy why doesn't anyone have the balls to make that
device but like three and a half millimeters thicker and another you
know 300 or 400 grams with like a 20 hour battery why doesn't nobody do it
someone please do it now that you're saying this and not just because of that
but now that a lot of people have said this to someone's going to do it and
then that's gonna be that's well that's gonna be their entire pitch and it's me
the only thing that matters about whatever device it is whether it's a
phone or a laptop or whatever the rest of it's gonna be junk and then the
whole industry is gonna blame that thing not succeeding very much on the fact
right with that angle instead of the fact that they did a terrible job with
everything else yeah that happened before yeah so anyway in spite of all
the negativity I that I you know have a boat the whole race to zero thing I'm
super excited to check this thing out and I would love to review one because
it does look pretty sexy to me whatever you might think of it we don't all have
to have the same taste I did like I just if it was just a normal out of the
nowhere laptop I'd be like okay but when they're like competing with Apple for
design this is a beautiful like no I don't see it yeah I guess for me part of
it is I just don't really I don't really know what's left to do with the clam
shell form factor I think Microsoft really tried with the surface book I
haven't I haven't heard anything about surface book since I reviewed it
that's interesting I don't watch TV though like I think there's like
commercials and stuff maybe but I have not seen one I have not heard of one I
haven't seen a thread on the forum like hey I'm thinking of buying a surface
book which config should I get like nothing interesting do you see a lot of
laptop news though sure if it's like about Apple or new ones yeah or new ones
so fair enough uh speaking of new ones this is more than new this is this is
basically rumor rumor mill at this point but pretty exciting AMD Zen 8 core
engineering sample runs at 3 gigahertz pre boost as well yeah any form of yeah
we don't know anything about this is interesting availability in 2016 I'll be
surprised if I'll be surprised if that's a thing so these stepping a zero samples
are that of the previously rumored 95 watt 8 cores n CPU pretty darn
impressive I had seen numbers before where they were claiming I think it was
a 40% IPC improvement over their previous CPUs which basically haven't
changed in the last four years I don't remember how long it's been since they
haven't changed but exciting very exciting I mean this really doesn't tell
us much we don't know how much that processor will cost we don't know how
much the motherboards will cost we don't know yeah we don't know we don't know
what it will boost up to in single-threaded workloads we really
don't know much of anything but we do know that according to the latest leak
it's progressing well enough that the engineering samples have been
distributed to partners for testing which also means that am4 motherboards
are going to be sampled as well I I am hoping hoping beyond hope that like
because do you know how many clicks we will get on a video that's like Intel
Nvidia versus AMD top gaming system showdown do you have any idea it would
be so fun for there to be competition again we don't we don't want it to be a
blowout no that's not fun that's not exciting to be completely honest if AMD
completely crowns everything it just wrecks that would still be fun that
would be really fun because then because I am D would have to be like or Intel
would have to be like shit and get back on it yeah the next two years awesome
would see a response from team blue and team green that would make the whole
thing exciting again if team red loses by a relatively significant amount that's
not it might still be okay because even if they even if they even if they
perform by less bias like significantly less let's say 10% less then all of a
sudden the story of yeah but it's you know the boards are 20% cheaper cost
yeah and the CP 20% cheaper than I'm talking wins or loses I'm talking like
the whole equation yeah like the first performance is a very big part of that
equation if we can make more than like a budget value argument for it like if we
can make like a value gaming argument like this is still high-end gaming yes
maybe not quite as high-end but still very high-end gaming so we're talking
really cheap Athlon XP days okay where the board was cheaper the CPU was
cheaper AMD gave you unlocked multiple in fact this could be a total reset to
Athlon XP versus Pentium for which because of a video that I'm gonna be
releasing soon I've actually dug back into a fair bit a fair bit more where
AMD was not the performance leader at the time but they had unlocked
multipliers something Intel wasn't willing to do they were less expensive
and they were like pretty darn good very close that'll be competitive yeah that
would be great I am super stoked on that no I'm not I'm not gonna let myself get
stoked on that they've hurt me too many times this was posted on the forum by
Nobel Harvards original article is from PC world I'll let you handle this one
this looks interesting working on posting the thing but I'll go off memory
for the first little bit so a co-founder of Mozilla is making his own kind of
browser I'm guessing he's breaking off and making his own kind of browser no
thank you he's worked there for a while yeah probably not I mean breaking off
on like I mean in terms of like yeah don't worry about it I didn't mean from
zoom anyways it was first announced in January it has ad blocking built in it's
called brave yeah it's gonna eliminate ads and then inject its own and give
some of that money to participating websites and we'll give some of that
money to viewers or users and it will pay you in Bitcoin to replace like
crappy ads with safe ads yeah and higher performance ads so that you don't have
to wait around for your page to load because of a slow slow ad server so
advertisers will pay for X number of impressions brave aggregates those
payments into a sum the websites that participate get 55% of the money then
they divvy up the remaining Bitcoin between itself the ad matching partner
so that would be a service like like Google Adsense but obviously not Google
Adsense and the users each getting a 15% share I just how aggressive is this
going to be is it we're gonna place absolutely every ad yada yada yada
because if it is doing that that's a little rough um it will map users
browsing histories but vows that's a great word vows not to track users
through unique or persistent identifiers and users will also have an option to
block all ads and pay websites directly through brave very interesting the free
web is dying yeah I mean I don't necessarily think this will work at
least not today but the free web is is in a very is in a very dangerous place
now again to be clear like I was in my ad blocking fast as possible on the tech
quickie channel I am NOT I'm not telling some sob story about boohoo woe is me
people because of ad blocker I can't feed my family I figured it out I'm okay
my business model allows me to bake ads into the videos to stream on twitch to
to like to sell shirts to have contributors to our forums we have early
access on vessel we have significantly diversified our revenue streams to
account for that from one day or week or month or year to another one might
outperform another things like Amazon affiliate revenue just from people using
our link whenever they happen to be shopping on Amazon all those kinds of
things make us much less reliant on just straight Google Adsense than we
otherwise would be which to be clear it is still very very helpful and paid for
that HDMI cable but not everyone is set up in such a way that they can do that
and ad blocking does hurt their monetization so like certain this is a
response some places are doing those like stupid annoying ads that are
aggressive pop-ups or they play audio I don't remember what website I was on not
that long ago but it very much surprised me that they had a hidden ad that was
playing audio God that was annoying oh crap or they're moving or or there's
tons of say something why yeah there's so many annoying things that you can do
with an ad we all know that but the people that are trying not to be that
annoying with ads and are getting like companies to support them with direct
sponsorship to put ads on their website like small community tech forums that
like get computer hardware companies to sponsor them to put stuff on their page
so that it's like you get you get more money for it that it's the reason why
some of these forums are able to exist if they just had Google Ads they
wouldn't make as much money as if they had directly targeted ads from hardware
vendors whatever etc that removes the possibility to do that right and if you
work with brave if you partner up with brave what does that mean are you
agreeing to how does that work in terms of like so you're agreeing that users of
the brave browser will have the ads blocked and you will since that was
going to happen anyway as far as I can you're counting impressions and trying
to sell to others payment you have to X out everyone using brave I don't know
so interesting idea I'm interested to see how it plays out posted by Tim Q on
the forum mm-hmm the rumored Wow is the entire WAN show Nvidia this week well
they have their conference thing right okay yeah I guess this is just we're
just looking at a picture rumored revised finally cooler design for the
GTX 1080 and 1070 we don't actually know what they're gonna be called graphics
cards done done yeah so they've changed it a little I was just gonna say you got
all excited for revised I've seen that picture it's different angles yeah and
probably stop about there I actually don't like it better at all no I I
looking at this like I think we should do a video on modding your GTX 1080
cooler to put it like to put like a Titan X cooler on it oh cuz I think the
Titan X cooler is the best one yeah just put a Titan X cooler on there call it a
day because that thing is just dog-ugly by a broken Titan X yeah yeah yeah you
can usually get coolers on eBay for like 40 bucks and let's face it if you bought
a GTX 1080 you've got 40 bucks to spare so she should be an end some paint it
should be no problem and some time to watch my video on how to do it if I can
figure out how to do it without making a total disaster out of it with nail
polish live on on the WAN show um yeah so there you go you know what hey let's
drop all that straw pull that straw pull yeah I'm on it I'm on it do you like the
new one better yes no well you can't even really see it um you can't see it
oh come on if you have an ounce of imagination oh I know sure you can see
the fan area and like these leaks are I'm not gonna say that this is what the
1080 will look like but what I will say is that these leaks are usually fairly
accurate like no one no one goes out and does a fake like this like with a crappy
camera phone flash that like like are they in a closet or something like what
is this what is this tubing like it looks like they kind of like ran off to
a closet somewhere took a picture and then like ran back to where they're
supposed to be polishing them or whatever so yeah looks pretty credible
to me let's go ahead and have a look at that straw pull there because it's bad
it's a great version I hate the Apple watch turnip everyone's
everyone turnip thank you for that that's what I mean you can't really see
though so 27% of you do like the new one better so okay all right it is the
lowest percentage yeah by four by oh yeah that's very close now wow that is
very very close so of the votes that are not people throwing them away we've got
about a 50-50 split okay well when you make a change if half of the people like
it I mean that's actually not too bad yeah based on when we changed our intro
sequence based on when we changed our studio based on we changed our host
based on when we changed our by far the vast majority of people like to the
change to the forum just gonna put that out there yeah good job well an internet
cookie maybe we can give a cookie to Catman and Colonel Morris all right so
the tracer victory pose this is posted by dragon tamer one is to be removed
from overwatch after a fan complains that it is over sexualized um full
statement can be found here I usually stay out of this kind of stuff but this
is ridiculous what is sexual about that I mean other than the fact that her butt
crack is showing which to me has nothing to do with the pose and everything to do
with the character model and like any like superhero model of anyone doesn't
matter if it's a girl doesn't matter if it's a guy you can see everything like
like if you yeah if you've watched some of the the artists of comic books
talking a lot of the times the costume is literally basically skin right with a
different color right guys and girls yep some of the guys will have skin but with
like leather strapping as their clothes which is like way more sexual should I
feel bad that like Batman has an eight-pack yeah yeah look at any dude
doing a military crawl in any like comic book or superhero thing ever but all but
like just look at it I don't know what do you want me to say and like this
eyebrows raised like we're not even like okay okay you look at this is real I
don't know why I was I was looking at this I think I posted a selfie on
Instagram or Twitter or something and I was noting that it had more interaction
than most of the pictures I posted hardware and I'm just like selfies
really yeah and then and then for some reason I ended up on Kim Kardashian's
Instagram because no no I was like blah blah blah I was like googling like our
selfies like the only thing like the selfie effectiveness on social media
like I was doing research I was actually doing work I ended up on Kim
Kardashian's Instagram and like half of the pictures are her doing this one pose
and it's like looking back at the camera like with her eyes in the corner of her
eye or her pupils in the corner of her eye and like kind of like a softer duck
face like it's they're just all the same picture and I like that's and and that's
supposed to be provocative I think and like she's not even doing this we're
talking like she's barely even looking at the camera she's not even looking at
the camera eyebrow like arch there's there's nothing seductive there's
nothing sexy about this she did like the it's funny because it's supposed to be a
victory pose but she did the like spin around yeah that you see in like tons of
like old-school action movies you know what I mean I don't get this I get why
Blizzard is just gonna remove it because quite frankly I wouldn't want to deal
with this crap either I'm trying to but I also contain my current thoughts about
Blizzard but but yeah I also think that that that's a dangerous path to walk
down when you clearly really haven't done anything the thing is like I
understand people talking about the sexualization of women in video games
and like I'm looking right now there's a Tomb Raider ad on the side and she's
like definitely 100% close to the point where you can barely tell that she even
has boobs so like maybe people need to understand that things are changing a
little bit but anyways guys are super within the same spectrum like you were
saying Batman has an 8-pack or whatever yeah loud carries around like this giant
freaking sword which is super unwieldable by like almost anyone like
dudes in video games look at anyone from Gears of War they like can't eat and
they're just completely jacked and ripped and like no one cares cuz it's a
video game god anyways all right I think we got time for maybe one more time oh
wow we have we're way over time if we have yeah there's still definitely some
good stuff in here but that's okay space X landed on a drone platform in the
ocean pretty sick you should look it up super cool Oh Windows 10 redstone one
anniversary update maybe they finally fixed the start menu nope not in there
that's a shame um yeah I had the start menu break on yet
another Windows install today and even trying the PowerShell rebuild nonsense
didn't okay I guess I'll just reformat again fine um now okay I do want to do
this one this was uh I don't know who the original poster on the forum was for
this one to be clear just because I think it's fine that a video game
character looks over her shoulder does not mean that I think it's cool to spend
$50,000 recreating Scarlett Johansson as a robot well did Scarlett Johansson say
it was okay no okay so really weird yeah so Ricky Mark Johansson was down like
that's a completely different story yep Ricky Ma created the mark 1 a year and a
half project with the budget of more than $50,000 isn't that quite literally
illegal because you're not allowed to use a depiction of well Lindsay Lohan is
in the middle of a long what looks like it's gonna be a long legal battle with
Rockstar over the blonde bikini character on the front of five is it five
I think so I don't remember what Grand Theft Auto it is anyway yeah I think
it's GTA 5 I think you're right I'm saying that they stole her likeness I
don't know why Lindsay Lohan imagines for a second that she's every single
blonde not even that but at the time that Grand Theft Auto 5 was released
today so this would consider yes yeah like if you were gonna model if you
were gonna model like your video game cover after a sex symbol I don't know
why you would pick Lindsay Lohan in the last year yeah there we go so this is
this is the claim and actually there's apparently a lot more of it than that
like they like the the actual filing to take two is like okay here's all these
other examples but that doesn't necessarily that doesn't necessarily
mean that I personally think she has much of the case but the the chick used
in the photo looks super crazy generic so I don't know whatever anyway so back
to these holding an iPhone and a peace symbol yeah also super crazy generic
yeah so you get a lot of pictures taken with you of you and you happen to hold
a super generic pose does not mean that that thing is a depiction of you okay so
the mark one is a robot includes a face and color tracking functions looks just
like Scarlett Johansson and actually like shockingly really does has a 3d
printed skeleton beneath silicon silicone I think is that's thing that's
a typo silicone skin and he adopted a trial and error method to get the mark
one to this point ma believes that the importance of robots will only grow and
hopes an investor will give him the capital to build more he wants to write
a book about the experience to help other enthusiasts if he uses this robot
for commercial gain I have got to imagine that there is a lawsuit a big
one one that she will win that will he's downright saying it is her right I don't
actually know or does it just look a lot like her a lot is an understatement I
mean yeah like the head is way too big well yeah but that's I don't know if
that's necessarily no I'm just making a random comment like I I don't know
celebrities I'm sure that looks kind of like whoever we're talking about yeah
like it does her head looks really big watch the actual person's head be that
big and I'm just yeah that would suck my bad what people the chatter st. creepy
and stuff so apparently it is very similar yeah no it's it's it's like
creepy AF like it's it's like super grody yeah okay so the last topic for
the day posted by Nobel Harvard's on the forum original article here is tech
frags this is a rumor but like most Intel rumors it looks pretty credible I
had already seen rumors of a Broadwell II Deca core that's a 10 core high
performance enthusiasts desktop processor the rumor now is it will
break with Intel's long-standing pricing tradition like it has been 10 years now
that they've been charging 999 for extreme editions and will apparently cost
$1,500 one hell of a step up so there will be the the rumor also states there
will be an 8 core like a direct replacement for the 59 60 X that will be
also $1,000 and is just like a an architecture change and then it will
still be an 8 core and this one is going to be a 10 core 10 core at 1500 US
dollars which is 1950 Canadian now I had forgotten about this but there was a
previous processor that launched at a price the QX 95 50 that was a skull
trail chip and I believe you actually had to buy two of them although I may
not remember that I think I did that wrong 97 75 is that it core to extreme
this skull trail back in 2008 no no that might not be it I don't remember I don't
remember sometimes my brain she don't work too well so yeah what are your
thoughts on that well it's like two thousand Canadian dollars so my
thoughts are I guess that's something that I'll never see unless it's at work
yep cool I don't know hopefully the retail edge hopefully they get a bunch
of them and flood the market and then they get really cheap all of a sudden I
don't think so I don't see that happening no probably not yeah it's
happened before but like yeah oh apparently the QX 97 75 was not oh yeah
no I think that was I think that was cultural LGA 771 yeah it was an
enthusiast chip on a server platform much like what AMD did with the
original FX processor the first the first thousand dollar FX extreme
edition you know back when FX meant anything processor so yeah there you go
good luck with that Intel it's kind of like a bed from community I think people
will buy it but I don't yeah I don't I don't know who anyways we're way over
Showtime now thanks for watching guys next week same bad time same bad channel
someone's like core I extreme 69 69 X 69 69 xxx yeah dog do people really think
that swearing at us will make us more likely to do an after-party instead of
skull trail there's calling boob trail boob trail yeah what's a boob trail is
that like a treasure trail