
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

hello hi and welcome to the land show hi this is Linus I'm Luke nice to meet you
guys I know this is the first time we have ever met but you know it's good to
make you're gonna meet a lot of new people a lot of new people in the
Christmas season sometimes it's newborns sometimes it's a new like friend of you
know friend of someone in the family that's coming to the green that's fine
I know you guys don't know us but what we're gonna do is we're gonna recap
everything that happened this year so you guys can get to know us I'm gonna
have everything everything everything not everything okay not everything at
all we're gonna recap the fun things or the terrible things or the important
things in general that happen this year and I'm gonna drop that thing for now
I'm going to stay with you guys throughout the show and we're gonna
cycle through Linus media group members and they're gonna talk about all the
important things that they did this year things I thought was super dope things
I thought was super crap things that were hard things that were easy whatever
okay yeah I think that's a show oh yeah we're yeah start
you have a mentor
dollar shave clean up for your family that you're gonna go visit on Christmas
man yeah you should probably do that I should I mean yeah I need to get
haircut to you I need to go do like both those things I got a haircut those
places are probably closed probably what yeah I went to our hairdressers and they
were like where's your friend oh I was like oh his hair is really long now yeah
his hair is really long anyways so what was what was the I think I know this
answer what was the worst thing that happened this year for you I think I
know this answer you do I think so I can say what I think it is yeah the prank
which one the office robbery prank I mean okay that wasn't even that bad
because we had like I was just disheartened from that because the night
before titles oh goodness okay where do we change that I'm not logged in this
one sec one sec brutal we'll change the title anyway so people that don't know
about the office robbery prank it was on channel super fun the first prank that
happened was a bunch of guys in the office prank Linus to try to make him
think that he was going to miss a really important flight and it was horrible so
Linus and I mainly Linus definitely mainly Linus but Linus and I got
everyone back by making people think that the office had been robbed and then
that turned into us what are we creative I think we're a talk show
um yeah so yeah people freaked out and yeah anyways now Europe we had released
the like here's our crazy news new security system thing the night before
and in the beginning of that Linus was like our old one was laughable it's
terrible like blah blah blah and then I think we had like a work function that
night and I went to him I like brought us I was like I think this is a really
bad idea like there's still gonna be like a number of days before we move out
like and then I'm like some people did know our address for sure at that point
yeah but then we went in the next day and everything was ransacked and robbed
and I was one of my favorite parts in the video is like everyone's running
around screaming freaking out and then Nick's in his office just like yeah
because everyone was like high level of like anger
Burkle basically killed someone like people were freaking out and then Nick
is just like I'm depressed I was like I tried to stop this yeah I tried I tried
I did everything I could so so what other important stuff happened I don't
know like there's so much stuff that on my side that I can't really like talk
about which is the tough part yeah but like that's fair just getting
collaborations on a lot of really big videos was probably a really important
part like doing the two gamers one CPU with cooler master yeah there's that
thing that's coming out in under 12 hours yeah the thing that was well when
the people on YouTube see it it will have come out 24 hours ago so go see the
last release on the channel if you want to know what we're talking about oh but
these people it's the live viewers it's a teaser yeah so it's a thing it's a
thing and it's colorful and it's really interesting I think Ed posted a teaser
of like the intro screen on his it said something like Merry Christmas or
something that's Ed Yago one of those but yeah stuff like that getting like
dbrand on Scrapyard Wars dbrander some guys like what the hell have you guys
done you're 27 hours early yeah yeah it's Morris Christmas dude dbrand on
Scrapyard Wars was sick dbrands awesome Scrapyard Wars also awesome
dbrand awesome dbrand my phone like blew up in my pocket so now I have a new one
I guess yeah you got the z5 premium premium I'm trying to think of what the
other really important ultra ride festival ultra ride festival is really
really cool if you guys want to see Ryland our winners actual setup go over
to Linus's Twitter because I actually just shared Ryland's video from Linus's
Twitter it's really cool lots of good stuff you guys probably already saw the
build yeah which is insane with the the best SLI setup ever that was honestly
one of my favorite moments of the year was watching Linus's face as he's just
like you shouldn't buy so the blah blah blah it's stupid and then he just looks
down he's like and he's literally speechless for like five seconds and
he's like no no it was just it was such a genuine moment I actually quite
enjoyed that what about you man like what were your favorite projects of the
year follow follow bombs up the bomb like hands down the fallout bomb was by
far my favorite project that made me super excited one thing that I've talked
about fairly publicly is that while I and everyone probably watching and some
of the people that work here not necessarily everyone I love computer
hardware it's great but it's kind of got a little slow in the last year or two
things are really predictable I think it's 10% faster if it's in the price
range it's like oh it's gonna run that fast cool but we're all creative people
we like doing fun things and inspired by the PC build log section of the forum
where people do crazy crap all the time I started to realize that everything's
really fast and that's cool but the really fun part about computer modding
is actually just the modding so doing the bomb like re-inspired me to love
computer hardware again which was actually really cool that's pretty big
because like seriously though it did because like putting the nano in there
the whole time we're just like man this is so sick like when the nano first came
out I was like yeah it's a short graphics card well you were like one of
the only people that was like there are really cool situations for this yeah
everyone else was just like yeah yeah and but then even then I was like I
would never buy one but there's really cool situations for it and then I had
the bomb and I was like this is the best card right now like nothing would be
better in this situation exactly what I need and then the fact that like
processors are running at lower temperatures I didn't even care that
much but then when it's in the bomb I'm like this is really important now so
like I don't know I it made me care a lot more having low draw and everything
so you could actually yeah like a 450 watt power supply in there exactly like
have it run the whole and having power slides that are that small be like solid
gold 80 plus 450 watt power supplies is like okay that's pretty sick yeah I
don't know that was that was I very very much liked the bomb I think my favorite
part of 2015 has been the like rebirth and resurgence of channel super fun yeah
because it's been going crazy especially in like the summer and I think that
might be like a seasonal thing yeah like I think people yeah yeah there's a lot
more stuff I think in the summer but like doing stuff like rocket league in
real life real life was amazing who gets to do that like it's it's so ridiculous
swag way jousting so ridiculous the one that came out on vessel last night so
vessel people should be over if you should have watched it already yeah if
you haven't you should definitely watch it it's pretty good should we just say
what it is sure yeah the the Star Wars one it's a Star Wars custom-made
lightsaber did DIY lightsabers under $25 bomb costs so yeah and there's like
really good there's really sick special stuff yeah I see Burkle is actually
watching it on his computer yes that's awesome but I really really enjoyed that
video and chalice good one is probably my favorite channel right now I'm gonna
say something a little bit weird I don't really watch our Linus tech tips videos
on vessel much I watch every single one of our channels for fun videos like
within an hour of it coming out on vessel every single time yeah I can't
wait yeah that's not even a chill thing like I literally do that yeah that's
just a channel being awesome yeah yeah but yeah it's been fun man a lot of
people like I created a thread yesterday about like oh tell me what your favorite
part of 2015 was for Linus media group a surprising number of people really liked
the pyro which I was the yeah I know yeah but I think it was partially Linus
is arm hair getting burnt that people enjoyed very much we're hitting the Mac
or hitting the Mac cuz we asked on the forum right right right true true true
no what about new people you know working with another guy in your
department yeah I know he sucks he's not he's not us he's not a gray hat so he's
probably not even watching too much data yeah I'm sure whatever cool but uh no
he's good man everyone there's a lot more people now it's crazy cuz Dennis
Colton and John I was I think the sixth person here okay I totally lost now
there's like now there's like 11 were you before Burkle or after before before
okay I thought you were after no okay but yeah it's crazy cuz like you were
like oh yeah it feels like you just started a few months ago it feels like
a few months ago Burkle started and that was over a year ago there goes like an
old-school employee at this point yeah yeah it's crazy and that's why like I
was thinking up videos to put on this list and I was going oh yeah this one
and I was like that happened in 2014 yeah what the heck like when did we
build the mineral computer like 2014 or 2015 like middle of 2014 yeah that's
crazy it started in like June or July of 2014
that's insane cuz I looked at this and was like oh why is there no mineral
computer it's like wait what did I do this year I remember things are like the
last couple months yeah going back to Computext was cool getting another
chance at Computext was cool I think we did it right this time sending one team
not two teams because CES has enough content for two teams but I don't think
Computext does three teams this year yeah we'll probably be fine yes yes has
a lot of stuff it's just as a law Computext is not quite as much stuff yeah
hanging out with Dennis before he became an employee that was pretty cool yeah
yeah yeah and then Linus was like so what do you think of him and we're
asking for like filming and editing I'm like he's I hung out with him in Taiwan
he was cool was helpful I don't know he knew his way around finding things to do
working with vessel that was a 2015 thing yeah that's the launch in 2015
we're talking a lot but I was gonna talk about the launch day the launch day was
ridiculous you and I didn't sleep no we stayed up the whole night because we
were worried about they ended up being fine but we were worried about vessels
servers being able to accept all the people signing up yeah because they were
doing like a free year within the first what three days or something for 72
hours I think so yeah we were like we need to make sure that everyone is able
to get yeah like so we like Linus for cell made a website for us where people
could register and then we had vessel agree that if we had them on this
registration sheet that they would get an account even if the website was down
or whatever and all this kind of stuff then their website ended up being fine
so we had to like send our database over to them like six different times and the
whole time they're like guys our website's fine you don't need to be
doing this like but people are still going we ended up not sleeping and then
had to go back to work the next day because Linus was in Asia at that point
yeah so I was mass producing videos Linus is in Asia he's supporting me and
doing his normal job and we had to do the vessel launch that was insane I
forgot that happened yeah people are like oh you guys just make videos it's
fine we were working literally 20-hour work days okay for at least like a week
well Linus was at least a week you know like that was your because we had to
make up for all the mistakes of X right that's that was put out there is X X
yeah moving to the new office that'll happen this whole place happened this
year I okay I can comment on my experience with the new office my entire
workflow got destroyed because there was no warning so it was literally like hey
we're moving today I was like okay like I have all these things happening like
that I can't miss they're like yeah okay well do them as well as the move and I'm
like you kidding what so yeah the move was extremely difficult for me yeah like
once I got like a week into it it was fine but just the first couple days I
was like well everything is screwed yeah everything is just done yeah it was
ridiculous like looking around here and seeing how much stuff we have and how
much we had when we were at that house like people hate on how dirty it was but
why it was Linus is right when he says it's like you're trying to do one of
those picture puzzles where you have one missing block and you have to move the
rest to make a picture except there's no missing block so you're just trying to
slam stuff into each other all day long there was no like like this place is
honestly getting to the point of like being full and we fit a very large
percentage of this stuff in that house in a house way smaller than it's like
half the size less less than half yeah that was crazy the move was ridiculous
so it's been so good since then though yeah the new the new space has been I'm
sure you guys have noticed in the videos I actually saw one person being like the
old videos were better and I was like what videos are you watching yeah I had
to watch a video for some reason I think I was doing research or something like a
previous product or whatever and we had a video on it so I watched it and the
whole time I'm just like wow this was pretty bad like what are we doing I like
it I understand it cuz like at that point in time I think we had two editors
so I think there was four of us yeah there was four of us so we had two
editors and we were still releasing like nine videos a week so like I got it but
watching the thing I was like damn I'm happy that we're where we're at now
because the competition is really good yeah and back then we would not have
been able to keep up if we were where we at then like everyone like every tech
youtuber now is crazy yeah even just looking at like hardware
Canucks is like picture quality like everything they release just looks
beautiful everything they do is amazing just I'm just like beautiful like I love
what Brandon does and then I watch what Dimitri does and I'm like this is so
amazing and slightly different yeah but just I like that they're not the same
yeah that makes me really happy yeah they have just like such a bromance it's
speaking of branch I pull him in yeah Brandon I'll go get him okay anyway bye
twitch so this is kind of gonna be how it goes for the whole whatever you want
to call this show it's not weekly analysis and news at all this is like
yearly analysis and no news so basically that was Nick's segment I didn't want to
kick him off but we talked for a while and I need to go through like basically
everyone at the office so we're gonna move on a little bit I don't know where
Brandon is so I'm gonna try to find a way to keep talking my oh wow I can't
even see X split give me a second hi I've been um hi Nick you find Brandon
Brandon will be a few minutes okay he's coming yeah yeah yeah what you expect in
2016 just more of everything I want to do crazy builds more better that's gonna
be a thing for me I think I want that to be a thing I don't know if you'll make
it I think I will have personal rig updates in 2016 at least two big ones
yeah okay at least one big one let's let's not get ahead of ourselves here I
need to make sure that I don't over promise there will be at least one big
personal rig update if I end up doing my second build then there will be two but
I don't know what else in 2016 new content new discussed a couple ideas
possible new channel maybe yeah we have a couple things kicking around there's
stuff kicking around there's one really solid channel idea but we can't talk
about it yet there's rip rip there is an expansion or like an extrusion from a
channel that we have that may be coming soon so stay tuned for that oh that yeah
okay yeah yeah yeah that's an okay way of describing it no one's gonna get it
but it can't make sense it's like think about like an expansion back think about
the channels that we have and then we're taking one of those and we're going like
okay this is the theme of the channel it's not something specific that's like
similar but quite different it's not like DLC like it's bigger than that it's
much bigger than DLC yeah it's like but then it's not a total new thing
completely so it's not like on the level of like it's not Diablo 2 yeah it's
one expansion pet one yeah anyway hi Brandon bye what were your favorite
things that happened this year oh my god oh that's a really broad question it is
a broad question did you go to any B this year I did go to any B this year so
how was that and maybe was awesome are you planning on going I would like to do
go again that would be awesome like if you guys want to it was want him to go
again go watch his recent video on the camera thing they said s2 and shared and
like and there's another video coming out that's on vessels to right now
that's a handy tech but it's camera edition handy tech under $50 which is
the lowest handy tech that we've ever done so five bongo ties basically but
yeah anybody was good this year like it was it was interesting seeing all the
new stuff and going in actually covering it for the first time because I've been
there before yeah I've been there once we're going a second time you learn a
lot and you get to see like a lot of how people do things that aren't like you
know what we do that's always really interesting I would actually even like I
probably won't I would like to go to any B as a spectator just to see because I'm
starting to slightly get into yeah yeah so it'd be just kind of cool to like see
things that I probably won't understand right off the bat hey the first time I
was there I was just like what is that yeah I don't know that's cool though and
just everything is over it's overwhelming yeah it's like it's being
like it's like being at CES but not knowing anything about tech like just
what's a smartwatch I don't right right I think that could be cool because like
I know I know next to nothing about all that kind of stuff but I'm trying to get
into it right so that can be fun what else is it like you're hosting a lot
more videos um yeah it's been an interesting part of it I'm still
improving but I've enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would yeah that's good
I guess yeah talking about camera stuff is I do that anyway so like Linus like
just do it in front of a camera somewhere okay sure give it a shot a
couple times hopefully keep doing it you seem to be very well accepted on the
channel which is actually super that's cool thanks guys yeah what was your
favorite thing to shoot this year favorite thing to shoot oh my god it's a
really I don't even if I could even think of like over 300 products I've had
to shoot this year or like everything that not even necessarily yeah right
honestly the thing that we just shot the other day really yeah that I was
I can't really talk about okay so that is releasing if you're watching live
that is releasing in 10 hours if you're watching on the archive it was the one
before this video yeah because this video is being uploaded tomorrow oh I see
right yeah right yeah yeah that's weird yeah it is weird but I was I was hoping
you'd like shooting that that's cool it was good yeah cool cuz I've always I
always like preparation so when we had a little more time to prepare for that and
it was good I think it went really smoothly yeah I think I'm watching Ed
edit it right now and it's turning out really well yeah have you seen a cut of
it at all no but you should see the part I was watching a little bit of the part
where you guys were like talking and then they were talking and it was
working out it's good okay cool that's really good as vague as I can be that
I'm really excited for that what I'll drop in terms of hints is that
scrapyard Wars was the start of the show like kind of content the next one that
we're doing is one episode not multiple episodes you don't have to wait for
anything it's all there in one big thing and it's kind of the same idea of show
like content that's all the information I'm gonna give you guys I hope you guys
like it it's my little brainchild and yeah I really want people to like it a
lot so we can do more of them because it's really fun yeah yeah all the I
don't know like I guess from a we're in a new office no that's probably like my
favorite the lighting grid yeah so compared to the old we now we now have a
lighting grid which allows me to hang the majority of the lights that we use
honored like above so we don't have to have stands on the ground which frees up
a lot of floor space and helps us out when we're moving stuff around and like
need to move quickly and oh bye Nick you're here have a good one um and
having that just minimizes setup time by so much it's like I love one super cool
time has been saved yeah like took us a while to get everything done but now
that it's all done and I'm looking up and I just see lights everywhere it
makes me happy if you know Brandon like he's not exaggerating it probably
directly increases his happiness yes absolutely every single day I walk in
here oh I don't have to set up five things before anything that's great the
other day after that crazy thing that we filmed yes I think you had left and I
came in here and was realized that all the lights were on and I was like how do
I do this and then followed the followed the cable found the squid press the one
button and all off yeah wow I don't really know yeah I'm still gonna make
that even better but for now that's how it is one switch which is still good it
makes a lot easier to manage things how about you what was your like I've keep
on bouncing back and forth so I'm gonna try to answer that in regards to things
that you were a part of this year like I feel like this year started and I
blinked and now we're at yeah I know seriously that's like when Nick and I
were on here we were just slowly remembering all the things and part of
the problem is filtering out things that happened in 2014 yeah because some of
them feel like they spill over we produce so much stuff that it's really
hard to remember one thing that I liked was going back to Taiwan again that was
cool I was yeah yeah Taiwan is awesome Computex was a lot of fun yeah it's nice
seeing all the people we get to see when we go to shows like that and Taiwan's
like super awesome one of my favorite people are so nice there yeah one thing
that I noticed is everyone gives Canada the stereotype of like everyone in
Canada is really nice and that's great and I like that because I like being
known as like a nice Canadian person that's cool but then you go to Taiwan
and like honestly I was like man I think I need to be nicer than me and that's
like our stairs yeah I know I need to step up my game it was surprising how
welcoming everyone is yeah honestly I didn't even feel like it was that
crowded like their population is really high but their density seems all over
the place depending on where your city like that's one thing about Canada's
there's not a ton of us there's less people in all of Canada than there is
in just the state of California but we all bundle into these tiny ultra
compact groups it's ridiculous so like Vancouver the city that we're really
close to feel is like jam-packed and then Taiwan has cities that are just
sprawling and really big so the density is there it's not insane it's definitely
there though but then it spreads itself out a little bit in Canada it's like no
shove it in a little corner we have all this land but screw yeah let's not use
that back into these little things so yeah it actually wasn't that bad this
year we did another scrapyard Wars did we do two this year I guess the one was
this year yeah I guess it started this year so we did two scrapyard Wars and we
did the new thing yeah cool we did we did three show like content things one
thing that Nick brought up is that channel super fun evolved a lot this
yes it is so Linus tech tips shifted a little bit we do more like fun show like
things like building the crazy servers building the bomb doing the to whoa
doing the two gamers one CPU rig like fun things like that and we still do
reviews yeah and then channel super fun has like way more high quality stuff
instead of it being mostly an afterthought and making sure that it
only took up like half hour of our time now it's like actually a big deal
well-produced and anything yeah making the time for it is worthwhile just
because those videos are so fun to do and like where we where it can go can
kind of be in so many different ways like what yeah the things that you can
do on the channel is nuts yeah it's awesome but Nick's done a really good
job of like taking the reins on that channel and like bringing it to
something that's it really has Nick Van Berkel like basically like quote-unquote
owns that channel like he did he does a lot of the idea starting stuff and if
someone gives him an idea he's the one that actually implements everything so
like you might spit an idea at him but he actually does everything for it he is
often shooting it or plans how it's going to be shot and then might host it
he drives a lot of the hosting Nikki V whatever yeah he edits most of it he
does like a lot of the social and stuff for it like yeah he's worked very hard
man to bring it to even more high quality content than what it used to be
mm-hmm which is great wow there's a little icon thing I need to make one for
you oh oh that's cool there's me Dennis Berkel Nick light and Linus where are
those pictures from from my personal twitch oh if you subscribe not to shout
out my own thing if you subscribe to my personal twitch you get little icons of
Linus Tech Tips members but yeah now now that I have enough subscribers I can add
more so I want to finish off the rest of the cool what else happened to this
year it's like it's I think it it feels so fast that I can't even remember half
the things that I'd like was it this year was that a long time ago we were in
a house not that long ago yeah and I just remember counting down the days
from when we were all like oh yeah we're moving and then we're like wait we're
moving in like five months okay yeah how was the the prank the office getting
wrong oh okay like I I think this will be our last thing yeah sure I I remember
driving up to the house and the door was wide open and who I think it was Ed was
standing outside I'm just like what's going on and the next Nick Nick Nick
Evie walks outside he's like Brandon grab a camera start shooting I'm like
why what's going on and then I look inside the house I'm like whoa what
happened and they're like we were robbed I'm like oh my god like just and then
and then I think I think it was Taryn who can't or no wait was it Taryn or
Nick they can't one of them came downstairs like Brandon your headphones
are gone I'm like sure I still remember the quote in the video of you being like
well at least all the camera gears that was the first thing I checked I'm like
wait what thief wouldn't take camera that doesn't even make any sense so I
like for like honestly a second thought wait is this a joke no it's not a joke
I think what sold it to me was Linus screaming about Taryn's are screaming at
you I want the oatmeal yeah when I heard that upstairs like oh this must be real
he had that plan to yell at me for that from like the Friday before that that
yeah that really sold it and I was completely immersed in the
believability of it and when we all upstairs and we did that he's like hey
guys by the way remember that moment just Wow remember when you made me miss
that flight it's just like what like really you really wrecked this whole
place just for this yeah that actually happened so epic it was awesome all
right hey Linus your turn up come come come hither I can get Nick as well I
think he's pretty are you not free okay all right all right well thank you thank
you Brandon good balance so what were your favorite or least favorite things
of this year there are literally three items in the inventory system
manufacturer razor description headphones thank you those yeah so we
played a fun game today called hide the mustache on your face no that's not what
we played sorry what are we what are you enjoy it did you like it yeah I like
yeah no I had a really good time actually we end up playing that a lot
at my place when we have games nights and stuff yeah yeah it's a lot of fun
yeah yeah channel super fun coming up yeah all right next Wednesday I guess
so the whole idea is just what were your like most impactful or important or
favorite or at least favorite things that happened this year Oh what
mattered to you in 2015 what mattered to me 20 I think the biggest thing in 2015
was moving into the new office yeah it was an obvious one but for me the
biggest part of moving into the new office even was that it was achieving
the goal of organization and it took a long time and it's not perfect by any
stretch of the imagination but compared to what we were dealing with before
being able to go gee I sure need a DVI cable right now and there being one
place where I can go where there will with 90% certainty be a DVI cable makes
such a huge difference to my workflow and even having somewhere to work like
one of the worst things before we left the old office was setting up servers
and working on servers because they're loud they're bulky and you can't really
because they're loud and bulky you can't have them in a set you can't have them
in an office space so the place I actually had to work on all the server
stuff was at the top of the stairs in the middle of the hallway people
terrible literally needed to step over me to get down the stairs or across the
hallway to talk to me like big guys like myself I had to like arm pull myself
over and like jump four or five stairs to like launch myself over top of them
because I'd be just laying along the top of the stairs with the keyboard and
mouse on the floor at the top of the stairs and a server or two in the
hallway and I know there's more than one person with a scar on their leg from
from hitting the the edges of the ear mounts yeah Burkle's waving at us yeah
from those servers in the hallways so so that was the big thing is there was a
lot of skepticism from the rest of the team about the move not about that it
would be good but about that we would be able to keep it tidy and about that it
would change so much and I think maintaining the tidier workspace is a
big part of what changed people's positivity and changed people's
attitudes and changed people's just general general state of being and while
I did have to be a bit of a jerk about things for quite a while well that's
because a lot of people have fixed a lot of habits already there's no more I mean
this was yeah this was one of your this was one of your like laying down the law
things was people were leaving pee spots next to the toilet oh the things I was
angry yeah okay I was like what the hell dude no no yeah so he sends out this
irate email like guys this ain't kindergarten you know if there's a if
there's a drop of pee that falls off the end of your penis deal with then you
wipe it you know you wipe it you put you take that toilet paper you put that in
the toilet so I was like okay that's it if anyone catches anyone else if anyone
sees a pee spot on the floor you tell me the time and I will look up on the
surveillance system who the last person to go into that bathroom was so if you
see it you better report it unless you're gonna clean it and it's and it
was done actually one occurred but I don't with it privately okay so that
behavior was gone I never saw it again so in terms of my side which has like
lick it up thanks twitch chat oh so that I think for me that's the biggest thing
is the kitchen that isn't a set yeah and having a kitchen that's not full of
dirty dishes because everyone's dishes are labeled and you know exactly because
everyone's like not me not me not me well this spoon says BL on it so we
either have a bunton lew or it's Brandon Lee or someone stole it but then
security that's right that's right that's a serious people like people
don't want to feel it because people are like Linus should be a kindergarten
teacher honestly I feel like a kindergarten teacher sometimes there is
so much more to running a business than just barking orders and like making the
videos there's like putting putting policies in place is one thing and then
actually enforcing policies and is an entirely different one and it's like a
constant battle like we got some Bose QC 15 headphones for some people who
requested noise-canceling headphones for their workstations and literally not one
of the four of them was entered into the inventory system correctly they were all
under PC headsets and only two of them had serial numbers entered for them I
entered my serial number and mine was under PC headsets because all the other
ones were so anyway I fixed them I had been I was entering it with someone I
think it was Brandon I remember going like this isn't a headset it's under CE
headphones because why headphones are not they're not peripherals so that we
made a decision to divide they're not peripherals because they're not their
consumer electronics device it's not a peripheral how is it not a proof because
normally you would cuz when the peripherals are PC peripherals their
computer peripherals but it's still a peripheral does it say computers a PC
peripheral I'm actually not sure anyway I don't know if you were on the
committee but we made a group decision when we when we changed it because the
thing too is I needed them separated somehow because if I'm looking for
headphones I'm not looking for headsets and vice versa yeah so headphones are
under consumer electronics yeah and headsets are under peripherals I didn't
know what CE stood for okay I thought it was closed ear okay that's a good guess
but no so so yeah so it's under consumer electronics why would you make that a
category so it's little things like that you know fighting those uphill battles
you know keeping the garbage under control but the good news is that
everyone continues to improve and I think part of it is out of respect for
this thing that we earned because you know with your help with partners like
YouTube and vessel and you know I think I'm wearing a Squarespace shirt no I'm
not but like it's Squarespace yeah all all those things like that we earned
this workspace that is so much happier and more pleasant and cleaner to work in
and so I think people genuinely want to improve it so I think that's where that
comes from also me cracking the whip and Luke sending out angry emails it's gotten
to the point where I get to send happy emails though the other day I don't
remember if I actually sent the email my phone might have died yeah did I send
the picture yeah okay okay so I took a picture of the shoe rack at the front
door and I'm like this makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside or something like
that all the shoes were tidally side by side on the rack except one pair which
was under the rack but tucked in under the rack tucked in under the rack is
fine I'm cool with that yeah I'm cool with that because there was a few weeks
earlier where I took a photo and there was literally the entire entranceway
was just covered in shoes and it's like it's one of those it's like literally it
looks like sometimes and they weren't even like next to each other it would
look like people just kicked their shoes off in the direction of the rack and
like hit it I think that's what happened and then I think people would just get
frustrated that where there's so many shoes that they just walk through it so
like not only were they randomly distributed but then they were kicked
around there's a rack like a foot away from where I think the other big thing
that happened this year was the shift from Linus tech tips being a show where
line are from being a YouTube channel where Linus gives you tips and reviews
about tech to being one where really there could be any number of different
people Brandon and Taryn both hosted their first videos this year I believe
Ed did as well Luke has become a more prominent player in the lineup meaning
that we actually have five hosts some of which don't show up that often but we
have five hosts that you might expect to appear on Linus tech tips so it's
becoming less about Linus and more about the Linus tech tips brand which is which
is great that's a really positive change and the other thing that happened is it
stopped being just reviews and turned into what we call more of a show yeah
format where it can be about what we do what we both people that have been on so
far I've brought up the one that we shot a little bit ago and we'll be going up
in ten hours or if you're watching the archive yesterday yep and this will be a
simultaneous release on vessel and YouTube so be stoked on that it's gonna
go to everyone tonight it's sort of a Christmas special it's one brought up to
Nikki V hosting channel super fun mm-hmm yep and that's the other thing channel
super fun is no longer Linus and the LMG crew we've actually had mr. Nick Van
Berkel take on the take on the challenge of taking channel super fun to the next
level and and become our primary host there so that's that's I guess the
biggest change this year is Linus tech tips becoming more of a show and less
about just like making us less reliant on like what cool products there is to
talk about that's a huge deal actually before there would be dips where the
channel got kind of a little boring do completely honest because there wasn't
interesting products coming out yeah oh there's a dip let's do some really cool
stuff now yeah because we can actually take a break from the really interesting
thing and because we have a because we have the resources to do it I mean
that's another thing too we are headcount grew by what like for this
year Dennis John Colton well Yvonne's joining us technically next year
technically January 1st so okay fine I'll give you that so we added three
people this year which is bananas right did Berkel get out of this year no late
last year very late last year so he's basically new this year okay so so yeah
we just have so much more so many more resources to do what we need to do so
that's the exciting thing is Linus media group being less about Linus and more
about media and group this year which doesn't mean we're gonna remove the
Linus it's still gonna be the first word you know it's kind of like peeing on the
fence right like territory marking I need that I have to put my name on the
building okay okay the name on the computer was not actually my doing that
airbrush job on my personal rig by the way personal rig update is coming it was
supposed to be this Sunday but Canada customs so that was actually done by
our neighbor and he asks me do you want the name on the front because I could
take that off and I'm just like it seems like a lot of work for him he had
already like clear-coated and everything like he was saying he could take it off
but I'm like dude I don't want you to do that it's okay it's okay and besides you
know what I don't mind it of course and most of Twitter actually most people
said to leave it the people who didn't say to completely change the design
altogether said to leave the name I like your wife's oh you've seen Yvonne's hers
is really cool yeah do you have it here this one's pretty sweet so did like did
he design both of these are like yeah okay yeah I just I said I wanted blue
lightning so I got exactly what I asked for and Yvonne said it she wanted kind
of like an owl thing going on so he did like some feather kind of design II
things and these really piercing yellow eyes that I think are fantastic I really
like that one a lot what else what was your lowest point oh wow lowest point
this year it's an interesting conversation the the flight miss channel
super fun flight miss that your lowest point or
wannock oh okay so that video is coming out this weekend so I'm not gonna I'm
not gonna spoil that lowest point this year did I did I go on vacation this
year yes yeah that's why I said the flight miss that was this year no no no
that was fine that was just like I was too stressed to be to be low for that
no I'd say I'd say my lowest point this year was in terms of like being really
stressed and like not knowing if I can do this was the time leading up to my my
two weeks or two and a half weeks off vacation I just I we were we were was
already gonna be crazy because I was trying to build up enough content that I
wasn't leaving these guys completely in a lurch they'd never been without me for
that long so I was trying to bank as much content as I could so that they
would have to pull as few 12-hour you know 14-hour days as possible while I
was gone and then the vessel launch happened so we had to do a full we found
out shortly before I left that we were gonna have to do a full additional week
of buffer and that just about just about took me down like I was and and we were
in that old cramped dirty office and just yeah you know what that's actually
that's probably no no I have a new lower lowest point for the year I think the
lowest point of the year for me was each time I found out from the construction
company that we were delayed another three weeks or another two weeks or
another month to move into this place I mean we had possession of this place for
months before we moved in they were supposed to start construction actually
before we got the building permit because they we know the code inside
note so we can get started you know no problem turns out they didn't do
anything until they had permits it was complete and outright lie and like trying
to trying to keep other people up about hey we're moving soon we're moving soon
I know this is really hard right now I know we have no space I know that like
you have to climb over piles of debris to get to your desk and and me myself
being just extremely frustrated and and yeah knowing that even when we finally
could move in it was gonna be a nightmare because we were getting kicked
out of our old place we had neighbors call the city and tell them that we were
running a business out of the property which you technically not allowed to do
and we had too much part uh I think you can run one to a certain degree but we
were well above we were well over the limit and so having all that stress and
being told you know who it's delayed it's delayed it's delayed I'm like look
I have to get out of here so we had to move in before the place was even done
which made it so much more time-consuming and so much more stressful
so I think that was the hardest part of this year there you go yeah anything else
you want to bring up for this year should we cycle someone else in that's
let someone else and I'm on the land show all the time yeah okay you want to
grab someone from the editing room I think Taryn and Ed are both way too
swamped so maybe Dennis or John yeah well Dennis is a newbie to oh your
headphone here what's that it's fine whatever it's fine they'll have to deal
with it hi guys this is John you've probably seen him there's camera on
channel super fun what shall super ones have you been on um I was on pizza darts
I was on we did the the trampoline dodgeball yeah that was my favorite one
yeah that was awesome okay so you haven't been with us for a super long
time but you saw the old office you saw the entire progress of the new office
basically John for you guys information is basically responsible for more or
less all of the writing on tech wiki yeah the vast majority yeah the vast
majority of all the writing on tech wiki so if you guys are a fan of what has
been going on on tech wiki lately which has been a resurgence to a certain
degree there you go that's John what are your basically what we're talking about
is what were your favorite things that happened this year what were the lowest
points of this year what were the highest points of this year in basically
any realm okay probably the high point was walking in here to the new office it
was probably what maybe a month and a half after we moved in yeah and there
was the big Linus media group sign in the front atrium I was like oh man it's
like we're a real company no but really probably the worst I was a cool moment
probably the worst thing that happened to me this year other than spamming I
don't know how many people on Twitter accidentally sorry again um so a few
weeks ago Terrence mom came by to meet everyone and I had a glass I think it
was just a glass of water or something it was one of those cheap little IKEA
glasses that Linus Scott is yeah you haven't heard this yet no okay so Linus
Scott everyone those little cheap IKEA glasses to decorate so I had mine
sitting on my desk and it just had water or something Terrence mom comes in and
Terrence like oh hey John this is my mom I go to shake her hand and you know this
is within five seconds of meeting her the water cup falls over and it doesn't
fall the floor is sitting on the table like this and it just goes like like
that somehow this thing is so cheap it just shatters there's glass everywhere
Terrence mom is just looking at me and I'm just like well that's kind of par
for the course as far as what I do here so so that sticks out the most in my
head yeah most people for their lowest point I was expecting them to bring up
the office robbery because I remember I just watched it yesterday and I remember
you know the laptop was gone the prank yeah yeah yeah yeah I remember you
seeing that your laptop was gone I fully expected you to be like that was my
lowest point but that is hilarious yeah and I totally yeah that's that's pretty
cool yeah what is this Colton's not here so I'm gonna jump in with his lowest
point issuing copyright strikes against our own videos twice oh my god that
guy's got a work on his workflow man oh my goodness what's your favorite channel
super fun you've heard not channel super fun favorite uh that's as possible
you've been favorite fast as possible I've written probably that AMD history
video okay I actually learned a lot riding that thing it got a lot of views
I worked on a little bit with line as we have some fun conversations over you
know okay what was the most important thing um you know I think AMD has what
only like 20% of the CPU market now I think a lot of people don't think about
them but they contribute a lot and you know it was it was fun to sort of write
and teach about that right right right that's pretty cool some like you do a
lot of the benchmarking too which is something that a lot of people might not
know and they're watching now that John's been here a big a big problem
with my workflow a lot of time was that benchmarking takes a disproportionate
amount of time most people don't realize how long some of these things actually
take and they're like oh why don't you guys have more videos there why didn't
you like test way more stuff and I'm like because it takes a really long
time sometimes when you're dealing with a call it's a a graphics card that has
not been released yet and you're using like beta drivers that they emailed you
which are super not ready and you have to overclock it and the driver is just
like all over the place it can be a disaster so John has helped a ton in
that category and has free up a lot of my time you'll see that I've probably
hosted more stuff I'm on channel super fun more view there's a new version of
the forum coming whoa very excite most people didn't know about that so I've
been able to spend tons more time working on that yeah John has been like
John was the first addition to the team that helped pre-production yeah so there
we've we've from the start we've added a bunch of camera and editors we've added
two sales guys and then we finally added John who's actually helped a ton with
Linus and I because Linus and I the whole time we're like we'll just keep
making more things and hopefully everything else is fine and we can add
people to help them and we'll just hold it up and then John's here and that
helps it's still just us three with pre-production and then that's it yeah
and just like Luke was saying with the benchmarking it can it can definitely
take a while you know you want to do it the exact same way every time so you're
not getting unfair variance between cars and you know sometimes drivers don't
want to cooperate or sometimes yeah the end of your testing and I think you've
ran into this I've ran into this a billion times I'm sure you've ran into
this at least once by now you get to the end of your testing and then you're like
that number is really weird something's wrong mm-hmm I don't know what's wrong
and then you figure out like oh this like one thing was set incorrectly so
now you have to redo like everything exactly yeah oh no or like what was it
the Witcher video where I told you the wrong Witcher it was completely the
wrong yeah I was like yeah benchmark crisis one in Witcher one but then the
one I actually meant which I did not say but the one that I meant was Witcher 2
because the whole point was testing uber sampling I think that's how it went
right yeah because Witcher 1 did not have uber sampling which or two did and
it was just I think it ran on a completely different engine you would
like in no way comparable and I was just sitting here like oh no that was a
disaster yeah anything else important happened this year you moved to this
country yes I did yeah so that was pretty crazy yeah which is why I have a
which is why I have a who's saying yeah I have a stupid voice slash stupid
accent that would be why cuz I'm not I'm not because I'm not Canadian just a
little bit of southern draw I guess I don't know if you're good to go I might
pull Dennis in or is there anything else you want to talk about oh I don't know
what should I talk about just the the whole thing is just basically I think we
did this last year too but it was just Linus and I basically it's just anything
more related to the company but isn't entirely have to be related to the
company that you thought was important in a positive or negative way in 2015
it's very broad I talked a lot about the channel super fun stuff we've been doing
I talked about some of the bigger projects we've done on Linus tech tips
so those my clothes are permanently stained pink from painting Linus's car
okay that was pretty fun how long had you been working here by the time we did
that I not long I think when did we like a beginning of August is when we did
that thanks and it's like it was about a month I hadn't been here for very long
so working at a new company for about a month and then you paint your boss's car
pink yeah that was weird experience um it was we it wasn't actually that bad
because I sort of knew what I was getting into the worst part was my
spilled pink paint on Linus's driveway and I was just like and it's like that
oil paint that won't come off and I was like well I'm fired did you guys get it
off um I got most of it yeah I got most of it because it was just kind of
sitting there and when Ixy sent me that pizza with oysters and like whatever
other crap that was on it it was actually pretty decent and then Taron
was just like what the hell are you doing this worst thing so that's so
disgusting oh man yeah looked and I know you liked it and that's awesome because
at least it was a little too salty but it was palatable it would help say that
it was palatable right it was I'd like I couldn't even breathe it in and be
happy yeah there was no way I was gonna be I just like looked at it and smelled
it and just completely just noped right out of there so Ixy if you're watching
jokes on you it's fantastic thanks for the pizza we'll see it eventually yeah
that's funny I can't even remember I think they just did like a coin toss
end up figuring out who got trolled by the pizza well didn't because it was
addressed to me and Taron and what maybe Dennis it was it was someone else who I
think they know or knew would not like it so okay I don't know but yeah that
was pretty sweet so yeah cool anything else I don't want to hog no that's cool
yeah I'm probably ending pretty soon okay sure so we should yeah we're big
money is he still in here probably in there you want to grab them yes I'll
grab them awesome sounds good thanks for watching when show yes if you guys have
any questions for as as John calls him big money or Dennis let me know in
twitch chat I have been kind of somewhat watching you guys oh yeah I got to do
Burkle too I just do Dennis and Burkle at same time make sure you get Dennis to
tell you about why I call him big money okay you know the story I do not I have
no idea don't trip don't trip there we go I was really worried about that one
because that camera would have pulled right over if you tripped Wow okay first
question Dennis why does John call you big money I don't know you don't know I
really don't know he said something about an easy start table oh okay I
bought so I bought the internet cab cable from oh 40 bucks for an ethernet
cable you can see right here that's life so everyone's commenting right now you
can see people that see there you see your face yeah yeah so people have a
little icon of your face yeah so basically what this is is we're just
discussing big important things whether they are positive or negative that
happened this year this okay so you joined the company came from Taiwan
after meeting myself and Brandon that well you already knew Brandon but after
meeting myself and Brandon over there yeah what big and important happened
this year yeah so okay start from January okay well like it's it doesn't
have to be strictly related to the company but more or less like so I got
my I got in a job right after my military service I was working in a new
station since start from January because I plan to move back last December so by
probably like last year this time I always I supposed to be here okay but
there's some issues so I had to stay in Taiwan and I have to work in a new
station till till I got if I got this job yeah yeah yeah that's a really big
change and you all happen in point like in two weeks oh and I had to move
everything from Taipei to talk back to my house in Taoyuan and move back to
here and I just it just happened too fast and a lot of my friends didn't even
know I am yeah this change is so many big change happen yeah yeah so you
didn't not even everyone you knew in Taiwan you know you're leaving oh some
of the no cuz but like some relatives families okay yeah yeah yeah cuz it just
happened has that been brutal or is there wouldn't been cool about it oh
they are they're excited for me okay yeah yeah happy for me that's cool
moving here that's cool what about that's a really interesting story
uprooting from your country John and Dennis both John came from the US it's
not actually as big of a change compared to Dennis coming straight from freaking
Taiwan then you went to school here though yeah but John never been here no
John has never been here Dennis went to school here with the rest of the filming
and editing guys that work here so kind of knew all those guys already so it
wasn't as probably I don't know it's it's more jarring in terms of the
distance but it's probably less jarring because John had never lived and worked
here before yes what about directly related to stuff you've worked on here
it's accurate have a lot a lot more stuff we had to get done then I thought
cuz when I was working for in news it was more time consuming I had to finish
a lot of videos in public like 30 minutes but in here we have more time
but we have more videos we have we need to better yeah yeah but still it's fun I
like I like like you have we have to shoot and I have also had to involve in
some videos it's not just an editor job yeah yeah yeah what is your favorite
video to be involved in yeah did you like the bomb one or was that unfair
because he didn't really know I didn't even know we were playing until last
minute yeah okay so that was something I didn't know about until after the
competition I was actually confused because I was like Dennis is usually
better okay so I still don't know how to play that game yeah okay so everyone
else that was participating had been told to go on YouTube and watch whatever
people were told to go on YouTube and watch videos of how the game was played
yeah except for Dennis so then we all knew how to play to a certain degree we
hadn't seen the manual yet but we knew there was a manual and we knew how the
manual worked and then we knew how to actually operate the game never told so
then is looking at this manual like what do I do with this and right before doing
that I was shooting b-rolls and stuff yeah and they're like Dennis you're on
you're in this game well I don't even know what we're doing yeah but I'm not
sure I'm not that dumb no just didn't know what a jerk that's
Burkle constantly heckling on Dennis what was your least favorite thing it's
a hard question my least favorite thing is dealing one of the tripod here we
have there's a tripod I really hate every time I walk by I just want to
swear to it that tripod we use for yeah the main one yeah yeah it's really hard
to use it's just even you label is is it's supposed to label with when the
bar was in the circle yeah it's not and I just hit a tripod so much yeah every
time you say I just go back to complain to Brandon okay I know I understand that's
really funny how is so one thing that you guys might not know is that we
actually upload videos in China oh yeah on Billy be yourself we have couple
website that uploading Billy Billy to doll to doll some other two I cannot
forget that's because they have four yeah and so basically I every morning I
give them the script and so they train stay I have to explore China version for
them Nick can you stop and so yeah that's basically why I do I work with
some of Chinese people yeah so basically he uploads a Chinese version of the
video and a script to them then they translate off of the script these guys I
think we're the same guys who had been doing it kind of the getaway before
where they were listening to it and then translating it which is rough so now we
give them actually our raw scripts they translate it from that and then upload
it with professional subtitles but sometimes if they don't understand some
words they would probably ask me like some slings right like dank like Nick
always say some weird words I don't understand and do we upload channel
superfund over there no but like moving log so they asked me if I don't
understand something I don't think either I have to ask you guys yeah yeah
there anything else you want to bring up or I might cycle Berko we don't have a
ton of time left but no there's anything else you wanna talk about that's super
cool so anything else important that happened this year I've been moving oh
I got oh yeah I've been moving how wait I have moved this year four times five
times from Taipei Taoyuan and Taiwan to here and I live at Nick's parents house
for the first probably a week or two I moved to in our house and then I moved
to Nick's house and then I moved to my house and I got my first car yeah I like
and I got the first mattress in my life my own mattress and what what else
happened this year I got it's a weird having your own place in your own car
and all I used to live by my own in Taiwan okay but it's cool I have I never
had a big place by my own and it's fun it's good to have my own car because you
cannot live without a car in Canada that's like first couple like first oh
no first month first month I have I didn't even have a car and I have to use
Nick to drive me around to do grocery yeah it was really bad yeah it's good to
have so many things happening this year and it's really fun working here is the
best job I've had so far that's awesome I actually feel the same in two
countries okay it's pretty cool cool get yeah hey
Burkle you're up cool how do how do we get those pictures those pictures the
people that have the ones of like you and Burkle and myself and all that kind
of stuff I have a twitch channel that's partner so if they subscribe to my
twitch channel then they can use those so I'll show you how to pay yeah I'll
show you on here these are all oh I'm gonna be adding more like I want to get
one of Brandon I want to get one of Taron I want to get one of Colton and
John but yeah yeah he's coming I love Burkle okay so I think you probably get
adjusted at this point I don't I actually don't know what was that weird
I'm seeing Nick late and then Dennis on the screen at the same time oh wow
basically what's going on is what what happened this year to you mostly related
to work but doesn't have to be completely related to work that was
important or cool or interesting or terrible or bad or whatever whoa
interesting stories from 2015 2015 what a blur what a quick year you went to
Germany for BMW oh yeah you went to NAB yeah you basically took over channel
super fun yeah that was probably my favorite part there was the office move
oh man man there's a lot of stuff holy tons of stuff I'm trying to weigh in on
one thing but I don't even know there's so many things going on just start
firing okay first fire let's start off NAB last year 2015 the spark of a new
year that was pretty cool I'd never gone to Vegas for work before yeah it was a
lot of fun yeah a lot of work but like super fun oh you also did oh no that was
technically no you did CES too oh yes yes that was 2015 that's what I was
actually yeah okay yeah that was a lot of fun and then doing that one show
with everyone I don't know that was like holy crap everything so much stuff's
going on yeah that like I don't know pretty much every trip has been really
cool going to Germany that was really cool for someone said who is this this
is Nick also known as Nikki V you've probably seen there you doing you saw
him in the moving vlogs for sure and you've probably also seen him over on
channel super fun all over the place his main job here is heading up leading
producing filming hosting channel super fun doing that yeah that's I you know
it's funny like I did not start off doing that no I started off editing like
vaps and stuff and then doing one channel super fun a week yeah co doing
it with Taryn and then after a while I was like I kind of like editing these I
kind of just want to do this let's see if I can just slide my way literally
just doing this channel and now that's all I do but you know other stuff here
and there yeah but yeah no that's basically my job now channel super fun
and it's a lot of fun that's Brett obviously the best thing about this year
is having that be my job because you know not so often can you like play
around and goof around and make stupid editing and do joke like goofy shit I
had a buddy over yesterday who's from Kelowna I haven't seen him in probably a
year or two yeah but he's like not into computers at all he's just a good buddy
of mine yeah high school and stuff and I started showing him like channel super
fun and stuff he's like yeah I don't know it's you know what for as fun as it
is it makes it really hard to explain to people what you do it's like like I make
videos for work what kind like I don't like explain it I sound like such an
idiot but it is you know what's your favorite channel super fun this year
somebody just posted it I liked painting the car yeah I loved that the the like
Nikki V customs version well like I don't know I hate editing myself because
it's like just hate but then once it's done I like looking back like oh that's
pretty funny yeah during the thick of it I'm like man this sucks this is brutal
but the car painting both of them were pretty but I liked the first one because
that was when we had done the car painting in the day we ate pizza we went
back to the office and that's when the whole fake staged robbery yes so that
was intense I wasn't see it's like what am I like that blew my mind I was like
what like the office got robbed while we're painting a freaking car yeah that
that prank was so good that totally like totally fooled me I've never been
praying to that hard before that was legitimate confusion you almost murdered
yeah I mean after someone that didn't exist I'd straight-up got in my car and
was ripping around like I don't know what it would have like what if I know
what a stupid tactic did you find him that you could call the cops yeah I
guess I'll make a citizen's arrest yeah but yeah that was that was pretty quick
so I guess that kind of loops into the worst part too because that was like
stressful and then moving into this place was pretty like it was nice
getting you know and it's like you do your job all the time and then you get a
little break from it and it's so nice like oh I don't have to be writing today
I'm actually moving stuff and you're like oh this is fun yeah and then after
like one or two days of moving stuff you're like do my job again this is too
much I just realized I cannot sit still hey like watching myself on here and
here I cannot like just stay still and I do my promise I pump my legs yeah put my
hands in my lap so the whole chat is like why is he faffing cuz I just sit
here shaking the whole time and my hands oh so then every once in a half just be
like everything's fine it's weird being on this show cuz you're just like when
you watch it you're like oh they're talking to each other and people but
then when you're sitting here you're like oh I'm just talking to the camera
with a little bit of black tinfoil yeah it looks like it can't even see us oh
man it's like it's hiding so what else do we have on this thing what else are
you doing do you do basically it's just a chat just a shot just a chat just
talking about what was important this year it's already gone long too long
it's I don't think anyone cares we're not really on format I'm supposed to do
sponsor spots let's do one right now okay all right so can I read it out sure
yeah give me a second they're just bullet points here you go all right well
thank you guys for watching this episode today is sponsored by lynda.com it is
used by millions of people around the world I'll have you know and there's
more than 3,000 courses available online let me tell you that it does include
topics like web development photography visual design you guessed it Luke
business okay all right so we've also got software training like Excel which
literally nobody knows how to use and they all put it on the resume WordPress
and Photoshop as well wow there's a lot of text in here holy all courses are
taught by industry experts experts or experts might be one expert yeah and
there's a new courses added every week so you can be learning every week darn
whether you want a new set of financial goals to find work-life balance to
invest in a new hobby ask your boss for a raise that's always a good one find a
new job or improve upon current job skills that you already have
lynda.com has something for everyone I feel like they should have ended it
there oh they did kind of yeah you can use a 10-day free trial which gives you
access to every course on lynda.com that's actually a really good like
that's a pretty good thing to do I wish I had done that before I ever started
this stuff cuz I could have like tried out some other editing programs and been
like hmm I don't like the one that I use but anyways you can use it on your phone
or your Android or your iPhone or your Android plan start as low as $25 a month
so head over to lynda.com slash when show to claim your 10-day free trial to
start learning today there you go that was it yeah that's basically you guys
will probably have to redo that over so it's not like they're not like phoning
like hey that was a really stupid spot can you guys actually do it really
seriously stuff though like half the time we just murder the spots but
people like them because they're funny oh okay then they're like lynda.com is
cool though I can vouch for that it is a cool thing it's like going to college
without having to go to college I actively used it because we had like a
company account thing and then now I'm gonna get a personal account because you
can if you complete a course you can put that you did that oh yeah now it's
LinkedIn yeah yeah yeah which is just kind of cool like yeah I'm looking for
another job no but all these things legit it's not like oh yeah I went on
some website and learned something that's like built into it yeah it's like
no this is actually lynda.com we also have dollar shave Club which I
apparently didn't today but you did you can get great razors to your door they
have an executive razor that is six blades but doesn't have any of that
crap like vibrating handles or any of that bullshit it's only a few bucks a
month directly to your door in the US Canada or Australia you can also get
stuff like dr. Carver's shave butter or butt wipes for men or just other
toiletries supplies the dr. Carver's shave butter goes on clear and smells
good so you can shave through it you can actually like see your beard so you
don't shave the wrong part which is kind of cool handy some of our community
members have actually told us that they're lady friends like it so it's not
just like a guy thing yeah you could put it on your lady legs if you want to
shave or if you're gone you want to shave those darn legs by all means yeah
don't shave gloves got you covered go ahead maybe you're a swimmer maybe
you're not you know maybe you're a swimmer you just really like swimmers
or you're really hairy and you're just like you know what I'm done with this
your girlfriend's like I don't like that back hair well she can take it off for
you with the razor from dollars you can shave time shave money or shave your
back by ordering Dollar Shave Club razors and eliminate pointless trips to
the store so to go to dollarshaveclub.com slash Linus and give them a try
today who should I get to go on this next I think that's Colton is gone Nick
is done Taryn and Ed are both too busy Dennis is done John is done Linus is
done wow that's it yeah Wow I'm just looking at that picture out there
Macaulay Culca there you go there you go that all the important stuff this year I
think so I don't know what else people I keep seeing things people always ask me
the same questions one of them is do you have Dutch roots and I always say yes my
dad is from there and then they say do you speak Dutch and I say no I don't and
then they say what's on your tattoo and it says german t and ray and then it's
like a Dutch thing but it's in French so it's really confusing to explain so I
try not to explain it but then I covered it all and then something else but I
can't remember there you go what about Taryn Taryn's too busy he's busy he
really is busy he told me he told me he was too busy I would love to have Taryn
on here I'd love to have Ed on here but Ed is editing a super important thing
that has to go up and he I don't really want to bug him so he's too busy is that
right Linus yeah they're yeah okay so I can't really bug him and then Taryn's
really busy too right yeah yeah okay so they're both too busy unfortunately I
wanted to have everyone on but Colton wasn't here and those two guys are too
busy see hey Nick I am Dutch expert the different Netherlands always I don't
know I can't I can't tell I can only guess I think he said I speak Dutch yeah
but one of them yeah yeah but one of them I think it said super fun so maybe
I watch super fun there you go cool cool yeah cool that was good then yeah I
think I'm gonna get out of here you feel sick yeah that sushi made me feel so
sick I ate too much and then I was like when I was when I thought I was going up
after John and I was like okay I don't feel too well like I should bring this
cup because if it has a little bit of coffee in it but if I do have to throw
up in a pinch right in the cup that's an extra large that's fair it's like a
liter of coffee fair amount of puke leader coffee if that overflows oh it's
gonna be nice ooh one can only hope bye everyone nice to talk to you happy
holiday Merry Christmas Kwanzaa Hanukkah all that stuff thank you guys for
watching hopefully you guys liked the 2015 recap when show next week will be
another weird when show oh I think it might not be I'm pretty sure it's not on
the Friday again although I don't remember so I might be up it might be
filmed on Thursday uploaded on Friday and that one will be partially news so
more regular like a normal land show and then it will be Linus and I discussing
what we expect to see at CES for part of it so yeah there will not be an
after-party and I do not think I will be streaming after this unfortunately sorry
about that I have a family function to go to I am going to try to stream
sometime this weekend because I don't want to like completely screw up my
streaming schedule I will not be able to stream on Friday guys that's Christmas
I'm sorry if I do stream on Friday it will be at like 1 or 2 in the morning
and I seriously doubt it so don't count on that yeah thanks for watching kind of
a weird way and show sponsor spots were super late I wish we got everyone we
didn't quite get everyone yeah Merry Christmas Happy Holidays happy whatever
the heck you like celebrating we'll see you guys later
that didn't work so I'll see you guys now
expletives like I can't close the program I'm gonna