
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

what is up everyone welcome to the wan show wow that's all the energy i can muster today
sick in any other universe where breaking the streak was an option i think i wouldn't be here
today but let's go what are your two topics i almost pulled all-nighters so we're gonna get
into why that was and uh why we're here anyway uh what else we got today oh right tiktok
is banned but no for real this time but wait no maybe not you know what no you're right that
topic sucks it's boring okay mozilla blasts dating apps for dropping their privacy standards and this
is um a bigger deal even than it sounds like i was floored when i was reading through this okay
what else we got today uh gamers escape from escape from tarkov it might finally be over if the cheaters
weren't enough we've got a doozy for you uh also nice i don't know what else uh net neutrality
might be back uh fcc votes to restore obama obama uh era rules repealed under trump
we're restoring obama i mean you look you see the you see the pictures the day he started his term
and the day his term ended we're gonna restore him boys we're gonna we're gonna put that black hair
back he's gonna look less haunted dude's seen some stuff oh boy just roll the intro we got this
wait what pretty sick huh this is awesome
yeah dead dead in the corner
oh man that's great that's awesome pretty cool way did you see that on reddit uh i saw the post but i
never ended up actually watching it i i meant to but i think i just oh my god so that's pretty great
it's amazing it's like it really raises the question why did we ever bother to try to create
our own intros for anything you know that the ltt uh 3d1 is based on uh just a random viewer that
created that and then we oh we reached out to them we had it tweaked and uh and now i didn't know
we used that as well wow yeah that's pretty great yeah it's it's pretty cool like that must have been
correct me if i'm wrong guys if you're in the audience and you're going like oh yeah that's
really simple or something then by all means let me know but that looked like a freaking ton of work
to me yeah absolutely incredible uh we have one of the most and i i'm not just blowing smoke we have
one of the most talented viewer bases out there uh when i see stuff like that it just absolutely
blows my mind so that that was super cool um i feel terrible for not knowing the name of the person
who submitted it do we have that handy yes that's a by nate c absolutely killed it um he remade a
special version for me without the ending credit so that i could put our sponsors over it uh even
supplied the font that was going to be for it um super awesome that is so cool did we give him did
we give him money i i don't know we can follow up if you want okay um yeah let's uh yeah i'm gonna
send a message to uh to vance and i'm gonna make sure that some money leaves our bank account while you
do that you were talking about amazing we have a very creative community uh escape from tarkov has a
very angry community uh escape from tarkov developer battle state games has angered fans
by releasing a new 250 us dollar version of the game you heard it right after taxes and fees and
everything else this is like almost 400 canadian dollars or something like that i don't remember
exactly um but the the fees and taxes are pretty brutal as well it is wildly expensive have you not
heard of this no okay this is why i wanted to include this topic dude i've done nothing but
shoot videos and inhale paint fumes this week so i have no idea what's going on yeah 250 us dollar
uh version of the game the pricey new unheard edition uh includes access to an offline pve co-op mode
which uh supports all of the quests and everything else that the main game does all able to be done
in pve co-op that's actually pretty cool like i would probably enjoy that version of the game more
because the reality of it is i love the concept but i'm not sweaty enough to play tarkov yeah hold on
though that existing at all yeah is not why people are mad yeah we'll get there in a second right because
people love the idea that that's a thing yeah totally people have been begging for this for
i don't know it's the whole time the game has existed so yeah totally no problem as long as
they're not plastic begging those are banned then everything's good
sorry my brain's a little stupid today okay uh this this uh pve co-op mode will will have
persistent progress so when the game wipes it won't reset every time um cool yeah so those things
those things are good right like it's like like balder's gate or whatever like you could have like
a campaign that you're playing with your friends yeah and you're and you're it's a co-op mode so if
if yeah if you can't play all the time out of that yeah exactly me too yeah i would there's there's um
like every time i touched tarkov it's wiped like i just i it's not the kind of thing that i can
commit to playing every day or every other day i genuinely think every time we have played you've
had a fresh character so it is what it is um uh yeah i think it's fantastic there's there's
unsanctioned they don't like it uh this is i don't know the where the legality lies on this but there's
like this thing called spt tarkov where it's single player tarkov and there is an unofficial co-op
mode thing but those are all uh battle state games fights against those and doesn't like those those are
uh they they think they're bad so this is like an official one um the the game's official twitter
account has confirmed that this mode is exclusive to the 250 us dollar pre-taxes pre-fees unheard
edition this is a big deal okay really big deal hold on i have a big question here yeah how did they
know that i hadn't heard about it i just hit my face against the mic that made me facepalm so hard
um this is a big deal since the uh yeah there you go it's a big deal since the 150 us dollar edge of
darkness edition which is no longer available for purchase promised buyers free access to all
subsequent dlcs and there is actually on the subreddit uh there's a screenshot of a tweet are they
arguing this is they're arguing that it's a feature it's not a dlc well what the heck is a dlc
yeah what is the difference there's a tweet
go for it can we get together and define what exactly dlc means because as far as i can tell
it's a catch-all term it's content you don't okay well tell me this do you download this or do they
mail it to you
i would i it would be so funny if they mailed this to everyone
to like try to get around it that would be hilarious i mean that would explain the cost
yeah i still don't think so um there's a there's been what they're mailing you luke
i mean have you ever tried to mail a box of weasels like we don't know what they're mailing
oh man no sleep blindness is a heck of a thing um the uh what was i gonna say there's there's been
quotes from them before about saying how like eod or edge of darkness is supposed to be the the
highest tier they're ever going to release um there's a screenshot of a tweet that says you
don't need to buy anything at any stage if you have eod you don't even have to pay for dlcs in the
future you're all in for all of it coming um it's it's yeah and this would also tie in with the fact
that eod or edge of darkness with this all dlcs thing has existed i think since 2017 or 2016 even
yeah i'm not sure but it's been at least 2017 and um the only thing dlcable that has been available
to them has been a very recent release of something called tarkov arena which oh no way i would argue
the vast majority of future yeah and then they never delivered content and that well they delivered
partially and then decided that they're not anymore you'll pray they don't alter it further
i mean is the tarkov audience this stockholm syndrome that they just this is their game
i don't think so anymore like that's the way that i see it every time i play tarkov dude i'm like
look if i wasn't living and breathing the meta of this game there is absolutely no way like i
couldn't i couldn't possibly hope and some games aren't like that some games you can drop in six
months later and fundamentally kind of know what you're doing you know you you jump into team
fortress 2 it's like oh there's new hats you know whatever i'm probably gonna get beamed by a you
know flying squirrel or something um but but but tarkov it really does feel like if you're not on top
of it you just have no idea so presumably then this is the game that a lot of these people play
and this is going to sound crazy this is going to upset some people but 250 dollars over a span of
let's say let's say it's a year let's say it's a year that they this is going to upset some people
you know they actually yeah that they actually have this be the top tier or whatever that's 20
bucks a month compared to what some people out there who play one game are spending on their
cosmetics are spending on their microtransactions it's not even that crazy now one second i would
never pay it absolutely not yeah and theoretically what i'm trying to say is dude people are gonna pay
it yes and some people already have some streamers already have uh which was a little disappointing
it's gonna learn nothing uh i think they're gonna learn something actually uh their really
their player base is extremely on fire right now the uh the subreddit is on fire people are trying to
spin up uh like lawsuits because again there was a version that said you get all dlc they've been
quoted saying that you don't have to pay anything again because you own all the things and then now
they release something that is uh incredibly more expensive than it was before um and there's
there's there's there's continued issues we're not even through the main body of this this topic
there's a lot to talk about here you mentioned there being no other games jump in i gotta jump
in for a second though yeah because timestamp guy no key he's coming in correcting me on team
fortress 2 says you often use tf2 as an example but they haven't added any new weapons since jungle
inferno 2017 metas pop up every now and then but nearly everything has been static ever since
okay well let me tell you something no key i play team fortress 2 once every approximately three years
yeah so sorry yes you're you're you're probably right my my big moment for tf2 was when they
started adding all the like rando weapons and i was just like oh okay now i have to pay attention to
this game a lot you're right uh it's not really a huge issue anymore because valve has kind of moved
on to other money making endeavors but uh it was an example back then and i should have clarified
because i should have known that they haven't added any weapons since jungle inferno 2017
thank you very much no key and can we just get a little bit of appreciation for no key
those times every week like an absolute chad yeah all right thank you uh flow plane customer
support joe in in flow plane chat said offline co-op progression servers are slammed with 20 to 30
minute queue times people are buying it so i'm sad um which this is like man that is the most if eod
buyers so people who bought the edge of darkness edition that said they got all the free dlc and
they never need to pay for anything again if those people upgraded their accounts that's like the
most i feel like this is like an outdated term but that's like the most beta thing ever
they just scammed the hell out of you wow it's gonna be you with the hot takes yeah they just
scammed the hell out of you and you were like all right yeah please take more of my money uh you just
abused me here let me let me financially support you further so yeah that's that's a little weird to me
i don't i don't support that at all but anyways uh moving forward i'm gonna try to get through more
of this topic and then we can we can discuss oh no no i'm not actually i'm gonna tangent again
you said there's no other games um funny timing uh there's a very recent game now in early access
is it an early access no it's you can just request it i think they had a play test recently or something
i'm not really sure what's going on with this but gray zone warfare is a game that has like uh
it's it's not the same thing but it will probably capture a very similar audience also uh uh during
this battle state games i think most notably nikita got in a direct argument with another game
called arena breakout infinite that they are claiming um is a direct ripoff of tarkov so
maybe there is an alternative for people um but we'll see oh my god i just i just read the next
bullet point this is unbelievable in an attempt to fix the situation battle state games ceo nikita
buyonov took to reddit to announce this is great they're giving edge of darkness buyers access to
the offline pve mode this is less great for six months yeah that is unhinged yeah that's the next
bullet point though there's more uh this is a super you know super hardcore game you die you lose all
your stuff um and this edition of the game is directly unquestionably pay to win in multiple ways
uh you've you've played so you might pay to win co-op game luke no no no no i mean pve pay to win
this this the the features are in co-op but also in the main game so there's there's things like uh
let me see if i can find yeah here we go wait no this is update regarding the eod edition
man you know i hate to i hate to generalize but can gamers grow a backbone a little bit yeah
like the gaming community has to be one of the most whiny communities but when it comes time to
actually just do something or better yet not do something just don't buy it they can't and i
realize i've probably gone on this rant before but like this is just embarrassing i mean look i
don't think you're allowed to use the term beta male anymore maybe not i don't know
it's for real it's just like you're getting you're getting abused and then giving them more money
yeah it's like it's i i don't maybe there's a more correct current term i don't i don't know
what it is um but yeah let me read through some of the the features of this edition um fine
i'm not even going to read through all of them because one of them's like digital copy preload
which is like who cares so access to that pve mode that's cool um i wish there was other ways to buy it
so you didn't have to spend an amount of money that most people don't even have to spend on video
games at all let alone uh one of them uh increased stash size so that's like mostly a way you you get
a bigger stash so hold on it's so much worse it's so much worse no um expanded pmc pockets so while
you're playing you have a limited amount of inventory space the game works and it has a very complicated
and important economy uh and being able to take more things out of the raid will make it so that in future
raids you're going to be better geared because you have a better financial situation and having
increased pocket sizes cumulative effect yeah so before like uh you know whatever it'll have a snowball
effect because if you can take so much more stuff out you can carry out more stuff to sell you can and then you can
buy more cooler stuff which means you can kill people even more easily and better and raid their
stuff and take even more of it this is ridiculous and it makes it so that if you're trying to do a run
where you're trying to be very economic you can actually bring less stuff in because not only do
you have more pocket slots before you had four one by one pocket slots now you have two one by one
pocket slots and two two by one pocket slots so you have tall things that you can put like full
size magazines i think there isn't i don't dude i don't think that there is a scandal big enough
to make gamers wake up like literally this version of the game could be could be called give me your
money bitch edition internally that could be the internal code name that might even be that could leak
and gamers would do it anyway yeah yeah uh so in addition to the the pockets and the stash size you
also have an increased uh like uh reputation standing with one of the the characters in the
game called fence so that you can sell more stuff on the flea market which is like player to player
selling and you have more slots on the flea market so you can put more things on the flea market which
is directly going to mean that you're going to be able to make more money faster which is a huge
portion of the game uh you get a unique in-game melee weapon which people found was uh just an
asset from the unity asset store directly taken they didn't do any form of modification to it it's
just literally straight up an asset from the asset store i don't remember if it was like a free asset
or like a six dollar asset or something but they just like joke you're the asset yeah pretty much
um increased mail retention time so like if you if you buy insurance oh yeah uh if you buy like
insurance in the game or something like that look
most people don't play tarkov so there's a lot of people watching this that are probably going
i don't understand these things it's a big deal out of this yeah and i get this i get this every
time that i talk about something that apple's doing that is super anti-consumer as well where
you know you'll have the usual crowd of well linus just hates apple just don't buy it you'll you'll
get you'll get that sort of uh that chorus of of bad takes where people are are missing the big
picture here the big picture is that this is a this is a precedent now and outrage we we have a limited
capacity for outrage right we were so outraged and i know we talk about this one a lot we were outraged
about horse armor in oblivion nowadays we're basically like men this game this game's great
because all their uh dlc is cosmetic and not balance shifting or you know what uh we can maybe
allow for that this this skin this really popular skin um is kind of more camouflaged on this map and
that map you know what we'll still accept that you know what i mean realistically you could farm for
ammo for that super op gun so you don't have to buy you don't have to buy ammunition so i guess that's
okay and i know that slippery slope arguments are not very good arguments but when you are slipping
down the slope actively tumbling head over heels like what's going on with this tarkov situation
where they are taking a game that where balance is everything to the experience and messing it up
and charging you a bunch of money um
my connection didn't actually die there i just my brain is slow today because i didn't sleep last night
and i ran out of steam so i thought if i just stopped moving then maybe they'll think that was the
connection i uh i brought up the trailer and got some like visual representations of of the some of
the pay to win things so here's your increased stash size here's your increased pmc pockets you can see
how uh these ones are taller so you can fit full-size magazines in your pockets now that was never
possible before um so now you could go without attack rig um so you're you're spending less money on
doing future raids your character skills are just increased this was already a weird thing in my
opinion because people who could play the game for a living would have higher base skills because
it would take an obscene amount of hours to level these skills up um and now people that uh maybe
work for a living and then spend money on the game can also have increased skills and that can directly
make it so that if you play exactly the same uh the person with the higher skill count could beat you
because some of these things are like you won't bleed as as easily or you're uh more accurate or
reload faster with guns you can run for longer you can carry more stuff you can uh jump higher what
like if you're if your strength is high enough in the game uh you can jump on to things that other
people can't like it's it's being able to have higher skills is directly pay to win right uh and
then down here improve starting equipment set um which is less of a big deal in my mind
uh and then moving forward every cool idea every cool idea that battle state games implements here
is something that we will see implemented somewhere else when inevitably gamers just lie down and take
it and there's no consequences so here it is this is my call for anyone who is actually into tarkov
because they're the only ones who can who can make a set a precedent here who can say look this is too far
don't play it yeah like seriously set a calendar set a calendar look i get it it's your favorite game
that's chill set a calendar notification for yourself for six months at least a temporary boycott will send
a message like yeah it might not affect their wallet because realistically you already bought the game anyway
or whatever um but what it will do is it will cause their concurrent player counts to decline it will
send an actual message that they can actually understand it will degrade the gaming experience for
new people who come in and they're like this thing is empty um and to be clear it's not about punishing
them it's about punishing battle state games it's about like look we are your community we are what makes
your game good treat us with respect act like you deserve respect and you might get some there that's it
yeah oh wow uh six months six months boycott don't play whoa the uh the top oh no what now
the top tarkov streamer right now um i believe is streaming modded single player tarkov which is
a little unheard of in my mind uh 5 000 viewers are watching this person playing a a modded version
of the game which is like super not okay with tarkov um i was just wondering i was gonna go see like
how many streamers are currently playing this i i wouldn't go after streamers that are playing the game
it's really rough when like if you're if your entire income stream is based around like playing
this one game even if the company that runs that game does something deplorable it's it's rough to
kind of fully pull out but maybe encourage people to to try out alternatives like gray zone warfare
um or potentially it's not out yet and i know nothing about the game at all but arena breakout infinite
alternate games that are in somewhat of a similar style that you think they might like and their
audiences might also like um but i wouldn't go around don't don't go around like harassing
streamers for playing it but yeah rough i uh i was already done because their response to the
whole cheater situation was a giant nothing burger um and i'm not down to nice play a game like this with
a bunch of cheaters and then when i first heard this announced i didn't see the price tag
and i saw the uh the co-op pve mode and i was so stoked because i was like we're back
this game is super sick it's not gonna wipe i can play with like linus or joe or or whoever else
is a bunch of different people that i play with um it'll be fun we don't have to deal with any of
that kind of stuff and uh then i was like ah no yeah no i don't want anyone to buy this so i guess
that's never happening uh there there's other weird stuff too like there's an there's an item
that you can get i think this might only be if you have the unheard edition or something i'm not
certain where scavs the scavengers basically the ai characters in the game won't shoot you if you are
uh 60 meters or more away uh but like only if you have this version so it's like it's it's it's super
pay to win um i don't think anyone that like enjoyed the hardcore realism nature of tarkov should
should honestly play anymore i think this entirely broke the game but it's up to you guys make your
own decisions moving on though next topic we're gonna see what happens apparently that streamer
got permission to stream that version of the game really from battle state apparently what apparently
that's what flip plane chat is saying
unprecedented times anyway we can move on to our next topic
they said they wouldn't dmca i mean cool
that's weird i don't know what that means okay uh but anyways um do you want to talk about mozilla
uh blasting dating apps this one's really interesting to me yeah according to a into the dating apps
yeah yeah we're both very active in this in this realm according to a recent report with mozilla
dating apps are growing increasingly aggressive and invasive when it comes to collecting users
personal information having declined significantly since the last time mozilla reviewed their privacy
practices in 2021 around 80 percent of the apps reviewed share or sell or sell personal information
and do not guarantee users right to delete their data most apps requires users to opt out of precision
geolocation tracking and do not appear to adequately protect the data that they collect at least one
catholic group was able to out a priest after buying grinder scruff and ok cupid user data
grinder is also facing a class action lawsuit alleging that it unlawfully shared uk users hiv status with
vendors something which which grinder admitted to doing though it denies doing so for commercial purposes
what what what you just did it because you thought it would be fun like what uh due to the nature of
dating apps much of this information can be incredibly personal and revealing including religious affiliations
political beliefs and sexual history these companies also automatically aggregate information from users
devices social media third parties and the metadata of uploaded content like photos match group who own over
40 dating apps including tinder hinge match and ok cupid say that private dms are scanned by automated tools
and may be reviewed by human agents if the bot flags potential illegal or unsafe behavior however dms are also
reviewed in order to evaluate train and improve their automated tools okay this one blew my mind because
basically if it they left it at the beginning if they left it at okay there's something potentially unsafe here it has to be
reviewed by a moderator you know what i kind of get that because inherent to a dating app you're gonna have monstrous things
happening you're gonna have human trafficking potentially you know like you oh yeah that these platforms do have to be
moderated to be moderated to at least some degree yeah however saying look we can review basically anything we want for the purpose of
evaluating training and improving our automated tools that's basically saying yeah it's like selling to a camera that's like yeah i'll just and i'll just tune into it
whenever i feel like it um cool cool like i i haven't i haven't used a dating app before so i'm gonna sound
potentially kind of out of touch here but i i i don't imagine that this is clear to the user when they sign up for this thing like guys
let me know seriously are you on one of these platforms and was it was it clear that they might be you know collecting and sharing your
sexual history and uh you know any infections you might have or man like reading your dms
yo like what i've i've heard tell that some of the younger generations are are trying to go back to more archaic versions of dating
skipping the whole dating app thing which i think is fantastic very good job keep going
wow it's buried in the tos i'm sure a lot of people are not saying
these apps have also become significantly more gamified and addictive in part to cope with declining revenues
and market share as millennials have gotten older and settled down gen z users have become the largest
population of singles however they are typically less interested in hookups and casual dating
than previous generation did i just get slut shamed i think so our whole i think our whole generation
did which you know sounds probably about accurate you know what pre-love man yeah man uh yeah the
discussion question is there an inherent problem having platforms involved in something as intimate as
personal dating uh i don't think it has to be but it looks like it obviously is respect
yeah if you respect user data then no it shouldn't be a problem you should you just make it so that all
if you just make it so that you can't read dms unless you're like basically it's brutal yeah i don't know
why it's so delayed you're not that far away but i'm noticing the same thing um if if um it would be
nice if they couldn't read any dms unless one of the users involved flagged the conversation
that would that would make sense in floatplane chat says when i was at this place we had a
presentation by tinder execs on data usage and getting to profitability and it was a very creepy
yeah i don't i don't doubt that i don't doubt that at all
but like this this really does seem like the kind of thing that could be done and it's it's just
it's just people you know power corrupts absolute power corrupts absolutely or whatever right like
because people who enter personal information in a dating app compared to a political survey or
compared to uh you know um a workplace profile survey or something like that assuming that they have
um an earnest desire to find a partner um i was reading about how people will answer questions
much more honestly and transparently because by hiding it they all they're the only person they're
hurting is themselves and so all they had to do was say okay and our service is to pair you up with
someone and you pay us for that and we don't have to have growth forever we don't have to have limitless
growth i uh at risk of sounding like um like uh like like an anti-capitalist man the the and the
inshittification of everything just does seem inevitable when you have this mindset of needing
growth forever yeah like at i understand it to a much greater degree now but especially when i was
younger i would i would come across a news article that's like big company x has missed their their
estimated earnings that be per share that analysts were expecting from them by two cents per share and
their stock price tumbled 10 percent in other news they made 10 billion dollars this quarter and i would
i would i would listen to that i'd be like sorry what so they make so they make you know hundreds of
millions or they make a billion dollars or billions of dollars in this time period but they didn't do
like as good or as we expected and that we were that we were gambling on that we had kind of priced
into their their their gamblotron share price so so what they need to do a bunch of stock buybacks who
announced like huge huge stock buybacks just now i forget who it was but uh their share price when i think
it was google don't do this until i find it google surges after buying back billions of dollars of
its own stock a day ago uh 70 billion dollars do you know why a company buys back stock there's two
potential reasons one is they're expecting it to go up a lot um and so that could be you know good value
to to own more of their company if they're super confident they're going to like do awesome
but do you know the real reason they do it i've had a their share price goes up
which is which is personal in yeah and the personal investments that the executives have
in that company and that the shareholders have in that company go up it's just to enrich them
personally and you know when you look at a company like google over the last year or so you know what
were the big bumps to their stock laying off a bunch of employees and using that money to buy a
bunch buy back a bunch of stock uh i was talking about this on the pre-show but i was i was watching
the john oliver bit on um on boeing boeing really fascinating you can basically trace back their decline
into crappiness to the moment that they started spending their money on stock buybacks instead of on
making a good product why don't we have systems why don't companies implement systems that punish
terrible terrible long-term thinking i don't understand it guys yeah i i always had this theory that
maybe not stock buybacks to the tune of 70 billion dollars but i always had this theory that
smaller size stock buybacks were based around uh a lot of companies do stock as compensation
so i was like how do you how do you just keep doing that forever so you you probably have to
buy some of your own stock and then it makes this like cyclical thing where you're increasing the
value of your stock by buying your stock and then giving stock to your employees which increases how
much they want to potentially stay or try hard or whatever if that even works who knows a little
more complicated than that you can issue more stock without necessarily buying the stock does that
dilute the value of the stock that you currently have though because you added more um
i don't know this is like i genuinely don't know yeah yeah every company works a little bit
differently okay if if yvonne umbrella corporation group of companies had some kind of of stock program
um i personally would want to i would feel that we should take a bitcoin-like approach uh where
not necessarily that you use gpus or asics to mint more of the stock um you know i just like the
stocks that's why i buy all these gps um so not from that point of view but from the point of view
that they are finite and in order to issue incentives for example we would have to actually
you know be profitable we'd have to actually own what we give someone um i don't know how that would
work and maybe i'm just you know naive but you know from my point of view it's it's always been
frustrating to me that um if i if i have something that's worth a value that someone can just like
decide oh yeah no uh actually it's like less than that
oh well not financial advice guys not financial advice i'll be the first to admit that when it
comes to when it comes to stocks when it comes to to you know real world you know finance stuff
i don't get it and i think i think part of it is almost just like a rejection of it like i actually
not sure if i if i care to get it i don't have to play the game so maybe i just maybe i just won't
maybe i'll take my ball and go home i i know that's a the majority of it for me i i hate it just
feels so yeah i'm just nodded i'm not going to get into all the reasons why we'll get to a new
topic uh ev company blows whistle on potential corruption this is uh this is one that hits
genuinely close to actual home uh the government of british columbia canada is investigating
allegations of potential conflicts of interest in how provincial low carbon innovation grants are
are administered this follows an allegation from ceo uh chase barber of edison motors who claims that
mnp a gigantic accounting firm involved in administering grants reached out uh to his
company after declining their first application reached out his company after declining their
first application okay uh according to the doc together a little quickly today folks yeah yeah it's
genuinely not their fault i i i'm just trying to piece it together um by the way just quick shout
out edison motors these guys are doing absolutely incredible work if anyone from edison is watching
right now we would love to do a video together that would be sick i think actually alex from our team
may be in touch but just want to just want to indicate my my super willingness to come over there
and check out what you guys are doing because it's outstanding it looks absolutely incredible
that'd be awesome uh according to barber uh rolling back just because it's been a little bit
the ceo of edison motors uh mnp offered edison motors a service to help them apply for future grants
which included a success fee of 20 of the grants of value
ew uh should the application succeed it's unclear from publicly available information whether these grants
included the ones that mnp was helping administer i've i'm going to pause there's more of this
topic but i've heard of this a lot before with government grants where they're effectively
impossible to get unless you partner with a company who takes a significant portion of the money which
means that your government tax credits which are supposed to uh power innovation and business
growth within your country uh are being diluted by middlemen that is the only way to actually get
the business of being a worthless middleman is a business they're growing that business they should
we should find a way to delete all of them um anyways i'm going to move on uh barber says that
he raised concerns with the energy ministry uh in person and shortly after his company was
disinvited from a promotional event by a government funded lobby group for vehicle electrification
edison motors is the only company in the province that manufactures heavy duty electric trucks
mnp threatened by the way and they're actually like genuinely very very cool uh mnp has threatened
to sue edison motors which is a small privately owned company according to barber the company can't
afford a legal battle with a billion dollar company yeah uh neither could like most people so i i
don't blame them um barber uh sorry uh and stated that he personally lives with his parents because
as far as my understanding goes he has invested like everything he can into the company which is
the like driven dedicated that's what we should be trying to encourage yes like we should want out
of entrepreneurs as people edison motors has been everything that it takes to kill it and we should
be supporting that they've been pushing limits of technology they've been pushing limits of quality
they've been doing all these things that like like we british columbia should be very proud of this
company and be trying to prop them up not trying to step on their neck so this is very frustrating
uh we've got a couple discussion questions even if mnp hasn't technically done anything wrong shouldn't
edison motors be allowed to raise concerns without the threat of a company crushing lawsuit
yeah absolutely i mean you should be able to raise concerns about anything ever and the worst case
scenario should be you know hey we've um we've investigated your concerns and we don't agree with them
like you can't be punished for for real i mean honestly though there's so many things that are
like this i mean uh the u.s is finally growing a spine about the whole realtor thing uh how difficult
it is to sell a home without a realtor and how how those fees have absolutely ballooned in recent
decades to the point where the simple job of being a sales rep and helping you list your house and fill
out some paperwork has turned people into these multi-gazillionaires um and to be clear i'm not
down on anyone who's busting their butt as a realtor i understand that it's one of those skill sets there
being a twitch streamer yeah where where the the the one percent that are crushing it are sort of
overrepresented in our in our perception but actually most of them are struggling to sell a house whereas
those few that are succeeding have you know a team of people working for them and they're basically just
parasitically taking money from them um i get that but also just the business of being a middleman
should be fine but it shouldn't be this lucrative and you know what luke i i don't want to get too much
into it but we've as a company had experiences that strike me oh yeah not that dissimilar to this
oh yeah i've directly been involved with some of them yeah and none of this should be necessary
you should be able to fill out the paperwork the right way and submit your application according to
the process that is on your government's website and it should be processed in priority sequence and then
it should be dealt with um okay you know what fine i'm saying it yvonne is still chasing some kind of
credit that we've been due since 20 i think 2018 like what i'm sure if we knew someone that wouldn't
be the case and the biggest the biggest problem with that because like if you're hearing this yes
that's that's a very very very very very long delay that is pretty ridiculous it's 2024 now that's six
years the biggest impact of that to me is not something that we necessarily even felt that much
which is if you're not as that was when we needed the money exactly we're still here six years later
we needed it then yes if you're if you're a smaller uh startup company you need everything you can
possibly get because you don't have a lot of assets yet you don't have a significant amount of cash flow
yet probably um all all these other things you you need that capital to be able to keep progressing
so by holding it for this long and making it so hard to get what you're really doing is only enabling
large companies to be able to get this this uh this money which in a lot of cases they probably didn't
even really need it might benefit them they might be able to do a little bit more from it but they
probably didn't like need it and the companies that really needed it it could have made or break
their whole company and then they'd be they'd be fine after that are generally unable to get it so
very frustrating so shout out edison motors yeah these guys are doing super cool stuff uh we'd love
to collab with them and see if we can get them some much needed attention see if we can drive some
business their way honestly what i suspect is that their bottleneck because the product is super cool
what i suspect is that their bottleneck is more just capital which is probably why this is so
frustrating for them i'm speculating right now but you know when your tech is that cool i suspect it's
production capacity that's holding them back right now not my having a cool product my grandpa used to
work in financing for semi trucks um it these things are expensive i i'm sure a new company trying to get
into the space isn't going to be able to produce a enormous amount of them all the time um there's a
there's a lot of costs involved so yeah sponsor time all right do you want me to hit these oh yeah let's
do that but we've got a bit of a scary merch update are we supposed to do merch messages
sorry we'll get those after sponsors i think um okay let's do it luke's gonna do it today because
my brain is bad yeah yeah yeah okay um ag1 starting with ag1 spring has arrived just like all the
beautiful nature out there your body is thirsty for some nutrients so wake up with the bees and the
trees with the scoop of ag1 uh it's an all-in-one supplement that has 75 different vitamins minerals
and antioxidants their team is always trying to find better ways to source test and find the best
quality ingredients available ag1 tests for hundreds of contaminants and banned substances
which is much better than the supplement industry's average of 10 it really is easy as one it really is
as easy as one scoop a day instead of purchasing all the different vitamins separately i'll say my own
name luke dennis maria and a few members here a few other members here at lmg have tried or even use
ag1 daily whether it's because they want to stop cutting corners after a diet change or uses a little
boost before hitting the gym in the morning ag1 just made sense you can get a you can try ag1 for
free and get a one year supply of vitamin d3 plus k2 and five free ag1 travel packs with your first
subscription at drink ag1.com slash wanshow check them out in the link below also we have the ridge
is your partner not compatible with you i think i have a theme today get rid of them what is this
ridge has something more compatible for you their new magsafe compatible wallets and then i'm
supposed to show how this works okay i'm supposed to go to i don't think i actually have one for this
how do i fix this just do loot cam loot cam 3 overlay there we go i have a phone i have a ridge wallet
i combine oh i have a phone and ridge wallet and it sticks to it this is an old meme wow hey yeah i
wasn't even doing that intentionally but that is a i have a pineapple and an apple pen or something
something like that yeah sure i don't remember how it goes there's an adapter too there's an adapter
yeah okay so you don't have so there's yeah there's some 3m tape on the back i'm assuming you just peel
this off stick it on to whatever phone you have and then uh voila sick it is now stuck um okay moving
on they use strong magnets embedded into the wallet to securely attach to the bro
kind of need more than that uh they use strong magnets embedded into the wallet securely attached
to the back of any magsafe compatible iphone and for a stronger hold why not try using their
strengthening tray uh not much of an iphone person the adhesive on the back of the tray will allow you
to attach your wallet to any device they are built from premium materials like aluminum uh to last you
a lifetime or even maybe two just like other wallets they just like their other wallets they're rfid
blocking plus they have new ridge iphone cases which are available in kevlar or full grain leather
they are compatible with magsafe and wireless charging so check out the ridge magsafe lineup
today in the description and last but not least we have acronis according to a study by cyber
security ventures a cyber attack took place every 39 seconds last year and also yeah uh very much trust
me being hacked is not super fun uh acronis our sponsor brings you advanced protection from all threats
out there acronis is a complete integrated cyber security and data protection tool for managed
service providers and it teams and even for your home protection with their easy to use platform you
can monitor manage and backup files but not just files they also continuously backup changes it's like
having an undo button for everything and recovering any lost data is a simple click away plus you can
see all potential attacks under the incidents tab then you can assign the incident to colleagues to start
investigations the av test certification under mac os sorry in av test certification under mac os
acronis detected 100 of malware and had zero false positives stay protected with acronis and screw
all that malware check them out in the description one is all right thanks luke no problem good sponsor read i
have good news uh mr mr matt from our procurement team says hey dan want to tell linus we're getting ready
to go with edison motors oh waiting on the weather to get better before going up the kokohala highway
and going to check them out oh let's go i love their shorts that's great yeah that's how i found them
too yeah super cool yeah i didn't know they were from here originally and that's amazing yeah yep
ah yeah i ended up deep diving a little bit after i found one of their shorts and then figured out
they were from here which is pretty cool uh i think we need to do some announcements do we have uh
is there store stuff or anything yes uh merch yeah we do we have a date for the screwdriver bit set
pricing increase oh good lord okay i warned you guys about this a little while ago but there's not
much more warning here they're going up starting monday april 29th so if you want to get some
which is monday sets they're going from 6.99 which apparently is not profitable so
cool um to 9.99 which apparently is is better um thank you ceo taryn
so make sure you get those at six dollars 99 cents while you can they're going to be going up on monday
april the 29th we also have restocks of some of our graphic tees including the neon hard drive
sensor and retro gpu i have no way of screen sharing with you guys so you might just have to kind of
imagine what those look like but if you want to send a merch message um those might be some things
you want to pick up i need a nap before i go to this party tonight though so i don't know if we're
going to get to every merch message but uh yeah we'll we'll definitely try and do a few luke luke week
what is luke week uh luke week yeah we're doing uh something special on flowplane next week and it's all
about uh me i guess we will have a few me centric videos including the iconic chicken recipe no no no if
we're gonna have luke week if we're gonna have luke week we need linus week yeah and i hear i know i
understand your argument every week is linus week and you know what that's fair but i think we can all
agree there's no such thing as too much linus week no i i think i think we i think we should
is it actually no no i'm totally kidding it's just funny that after all these years
we have luke week all you had to wait was uh ten and a half years
on a platform that he's in charge of hey whoa whoa whoa whoa so the whole idea is he was the
inventor he was the inventor of brandon appreciation day and it's taken him all these years to get his
own appreciation week it's not it's not an appreciation week my goodness there's gonna
be other people as well it's not just me i didn't choose that it was me that started this
um i i don't know i just yeah we knew your ego was gonna oh my goodness take off at some point i
was asked and i just didn't say no took long you've got one chicken recipe okay you're not a god
yeah so there's there's a video okay tell us what you're doing tell us what you're doing
there's a video where i i cook and talk about the chicken recipe and i get i get already to try it
um there's my thoughts on the gaming industry and a video of meeting my birds so there's three
videos coming so your hall pass is arty uh yeah so the whole like yeah that got a little weird
don't worry about it because the chicken recipe it has a 100 success rate so i i thought about this
and i think i think for it to be a success or a failure there has to be a goal applied
so there was no goal applied with arty so i think we're fine i see okay yeah i think we're i think
we're good um and then i guess i guess we have a teaser here's a teaser of what to expect next week
so dan can you uh play audio from my screen uh yes if you want to go i'm there
i'm not getting any audio from you oh it's not playing yet here we go there we go uh yeah
approach the desk at the risk okay hold on hold on hold on oh oh is it not working here is 2002
i approach the desk at the rental store with a freshly minted copy of the elder scrolls 3
morrowind after handing over my change and scurrying home i proceed to play for roughly 24 hours straight
more captivated by this finely crafted world than anything i had seen in my entire
11 and a half years you got me even yeah wait is it it's just audio okay no
we're starting over all right i approach the desk at the rental store with a freshly minted copy
of the elder scrolls 3 morrowind after handing over my change and scurrying home i proceed to play for
roughly 24 hours straight more captivated by this finely crafted world than anything i had seen
in my entire 11 and a half years of life even boobs i woke my dad up the next morning by professing
my love of this game and begging him to buy a real copy of it to replace my rental version
to my surprise he agreed my dad and i would take turns playing on a shared save file where one of us
would read through the player's guide and direct the other who would control the character these are
some of my favorite gaming memories ever we use that player's guide so much it barely holds
together at this point the cover has been missing for decades i was driven to get into software
development because i wanted to work for bethesda for todd howard i wanted to make things like
morwind this piece of art that means so much to me to say this is my favorite game ever would be
an understatement fast forward 21 years to starfield's release and i tried with every fiber
of my being to find that diamond in the rough but it just wasn't there
okay uh i thought that was gonna be a shorter clip um but essentially i long wow luke luke week is
apparently takes an entire week yeah apparently yeah i uh so that's like uh it also changes
significantly from there but i end up talking about how like yeah so starfield sucked but i'm
not going to go through all the details as to why um because it just that's been done to death
already so here's my thoughts on like how the gaming industry is going why it's going that way
different companies yada yada yeah hopefully it's interesting the people that have seen it so far liked
it um like previous themed weeks we will be doing some ltt store giveaways that you can sign up for on
float plane so if you want to see that content and get some potentially free stuff be sure to sign
up and if you want to see what else float plane has if you're not on float plane for whatever reason
we're also releasing the car break-in prank for 48 hours on lmg clips and it's live now
did they know the show was starting at 1 p.m is it actually live now dude we've been driving a lot
of uh subscriptions on float plane lately yeah it is live now it went up 35 minutes ago we're back
pretty close to to cracking 3500 there's apparently extras oh there's 500 for the linus tries
influencer drinks video now nice 35 000 sorry yeah i was just bugging you um yeah float plane's been
rocking it lately uh yeah these places have just been so sick talking a bit more about the humble pc
uh that one oh nice two days ago yeah there's so much uh the the 90 day scorpion chair challenge
video is finally up that went up two days ago as well oh was it elijah week there's like three
elijah exclusives in a row either that or the social team has just figured out that that guy is
solid meme gold anytime you point a camera at him yeah i don't think it actually was but i think it
just uh you know became that anyways which is which is great uh but yeah check that out hopefully you
enjoy it uh let us know how it goes and that's it oh ltd forum folding update our team is once again
participating in the boink pentathlon which runs from may 5th to 19th we strongly encourage anyone
interested to participate the ltd team placed third overall last year which was easily our best so far
participation is typically quite low since boink is a bit more complex than folding at home but people
are willing to help out if you want to learn so check out more information on the forum which i mean
there's a there's a url for it but if you just look up the ltd forum and boink pentathlon 2024
uh a topic made by one of our very own moderators lead eater you will you'll find it and it'll be good
and you can do stuff yeah uh we can do merch all right what's our next topic merch messages
hello ldl have you heard about mram and what do you think it will do for pc and security due to its
ability to retain the data when powered off
uh returning the i i haven't actually particularly heard of this but retaining the data when powered
off uh it could be potentially kind of bad there was there was tactics in the past where you would
i don't remember was it like was it like liquid nitrogen or something but you you would
cool ram down to very very very low temperatures and then swap what system was in and then you
could pull information out of it um that was a very interesting potentially really bad information
like if there was a um in in some cases plain text essentially storage of um critical system
information or user input yeah yeah now is it super realistic for people to be able to get
into a computer uh and like super freeze its ram and transfer it over to another computer
uh you know i don't know um but it was a really cool thing um and if that is now able to be done
without the uh difficulties of cooling and whatnot that could be a little sketch but yeah
one sec here there we go sorry i don't have my double tabs i was in the middle of responding to
another one hi lld from france i want to buy a cap since the first announcement but i think the logo
is too big how do you choose where to place a logo and have you considered a free ad version for a
higher price i had free version we have pretty subtle logos on a lot of our stuff i think they
just mean branding free um no no no free free ad like uh like giant logo for a higher price
uh yeah maybe they do mean ad free yeah i think they mean ad free yeah pretty sure they mean that
yeah okay sorry yeah i think they mean sponsorship stuff free uh or like uh branding free um i don't
know i think honestly we generally strike a pretty good balance like even on the hat yeah the logo is
pretty big but it's like it's black it's black on black it doesn't stand out a ton and that's kind of
a thing right is wearing a brand on on your baseball cap i i i think the the the start of
that product was actually people not really buying the dad hats and a lot of the feedback that we got
being that they weren't obviously ltt enough so i think this is just one of those things where you're
not going to be able to please everybody i really like the new hats it's possible that if they sell
really well we will explore that fit in different styles but for now we're really focused on the
regular ltt hat and the ltt hat pro yeah fair enough okay and last one for this section howdy
guys curious your take on the epa regulations causing automakers to make changes that may
negatively impact reliability examples being toyota's new direction with turbocharged engines
man regulation is one of those things you can't really you can't live without it yeah uh i don't
know the right answers here sometimes it's really obvious like you know hey you actually cannot
discriminate against your customer as stupid as they look those broadband nutritional facts things
in the states make a ton of sense given how predatory that industry has been in the past
but it's obvious that sometimes we end up with regulation that's up harming consumers rather than
helping um man i was reading about another car one that was to do with all electric targets or
something like that and it was it was looking pretty ridiculous to to be clear i'm i'm i'm pro
you know you know sustainable energy or whatever but just you know signing a law and saying okay go
innovate um good luck everybody is not is not the move yeah
yeah i don't think i have a lot to add there it just it just sucks like um planned obsolescence is a
is a terrible thing um and making things like almost intentionally unreliable is bad but at the
same time you don't you don't want to stifle a company from being able to make like a bleeding
edge version of something or or an ultra high performance version of something that that just
has to lose some of its reliability in order to to push those limits so i don't know
uh i just became aware of a controversy apparently the edit of our linus tries influencer foods um
pushes pretty aggressively to the float plane exclusive where i try more of them um i haven't
watched the video unfortunately i do review every ltt but i don't review every short circuit but people
seem pretty upset um and basically you know what i'm tired of just taking responsibility for everything
i didn't see this so yeah i will i will message the appropriate people internally and we'll try and
find a better balance hopefully we can put this behind us is it that bad i haven't seen it have you
actually watched it i'm not sure yeah okay all right uh this video was a 16 minute ad for float plane
i don't know i like again i haven't watched it but you also got 16 minutes of content yeah were you
were you ripped off i i don't this felt deceiving uh all right well yeah i'll i'll i'll i'll take this
to the people internally who made this call and uh you know we'll try and get this sorted out but
the thing is we are you know we're not a big company but we are a big enough company that
believe it or not not everyone knows absolutely everything that's going on all the time
and sometimes you know we're going to make a judgment call that's not going to be right i
think it's pretty clear that the community has spoken and they're saying this is this is not right
this uh so we'll you know we'll we'll do what we can we'll get this fixed okay thanks guys
uh no more immersion messages okay uh stop with the rational explanations i want to be angry
uh check out the escape from tarkov reddit there's lots of anger so much salt if you got if you got
something i got a sodium deficiency yeah you got head straight there you're good you'll be taken
care of entirely um nintendo issues takedowns over gary's mod content following community members
noticing that nintendo related fan content was being removed from gary's mod gary newman has
confirmed that face punch has received a takedown notice from nintendo quote if you want to
help us by deleting your nintendo related uploads and never uploading again that would help us a lot
tell us how you really feel gary yeah uh there are almost 20 years worth of uploads for gary's mod
workshop including 5 500 items if you just search for the word mario wow uh there were rumors that
the notice was fake potentially caused by false copyright trolls but according to gary face punch has
confirmed the veracity of the notice with nintendo and then there's a screenshot of a tweet saying uh i
have been or an ex or whatever the heck i don't know uh i have been assured that the takedowns have
been verified by nintendo as legit so this will now continue as planned sorry and then i don't even know
the emojis that he included it's like a basketball or an arm or like a foot or something garbage can
and a mushroom so those those ones are like all right sounds good garbage can mushroom and then i
don't know what the hello thing is anyways um to be clear nintendo is well within their rights here
this is their intellectual property uh in this case the the likeness you know of mario is absolutely
something that's within their rights it's sort of baffling to me that a gaming company managed to
go 20 years without noticing gary's mod um you know maybe that's part of what makes nintendo different
so they just what they don't look at other games they don't have no one who works there has a gaming
computer like i just i don't know it seems to be working for them it's working for them pretty good
um and i can definitely see how this is really frustrating for people that are like yeah we kind
of just thought this was okay it had been 20 years um our discussion question is should there
be some kind of statute of limitations when it comes to brands not protecting their ip i believe
there actually are but i don't think that that would be covered in this case and it would all come down
to the law of the various lands that are involved i think gary is taking an extremely mature approach
and the outraged gamers who are frustrated with nintendo's action by all means be frustrated with
nintendo they are kind of jerkwads sometimes but this is within their rights and gary is right to
comply with them yeah all right speaking of things that uh have to do with right no it doesn't actually
but anyways uh net neutrality is back fcc votes to restore obama era rules repealed under trump fdc voted
three to two to restore rules that prevent internet providers from favoring some sites and apps over
others reserving high speeds for those willing to pay more for them or otherwise interfering with
what consumers do online ahead of the vote fcc chairwoman jessica rosenworcel hopefully i said
the right uh stated in our post-pandemic world we know that broadband is a necessity not a luxury
opponents claim it will chill innovation and investment in the broadband industry supporters argue
that without such regulations broadband providers are incentivized to charge customers more to use
internet fast lanes the full 400 page draft order has not yet been uh publicly released
i i will i will say i don't think i heard of a ton of things happening as a result of the repeal of
these rules um but i think i'm pretty happy that they might be coming back so yeah yeah this is great
uh there's a few other really important ones that i want to make sure that we hit here like this is
actually kind of a big week for news um tick tock this was we talked about this at the beginning
congress says the u.s congress has passed a law giving tick tock's parent company bite dance until
january of next year to sell the app or it will be blocked from u.s app stores and internet service
providers is this what it would take for iphone users to finally say hey we need to be able to
sideload is this what it would take to make the iphone uncool with gen z's and gen alphas if you
couldn't put tick tock on it because there's no way to sideload an app and tick tock isn't in the app
store anyway this forced divestment was passed as part of a large foreign aid package targeted at
ukraine israel and taiwan bite dance has promised to fight the legislation in court calling it an
unconstitutional infringement on american users free speech rights sources inside the company
have told reuters that bite dance leadership would rather tick tock shut down than sell it
i honestly can kind of see that it's like this is my ball i'm gonna play with it or i'm going home
or take it with me a major reason lawmakers gave for the decision to force bite dance to divest from
tick tock is the lack of a barrier between the chinese government and chinese companies
national security and privacy experts have expressed concern both that the app could be
used to access sensitive user information and that its algorithm could be used to manipulate public
opinion about the ccp i guess what i'm asking is why aren't you forcing facebook to sell to to who
even i don't know or twitter to sell to who even i don't know like if basically your concern in a
nutshell is that there's an entity controlling this app that you can't control and that could
tune its algorithm for its own purposes i don't know man like i'm not i think i'm not exactly i think
that's that entity is specifically another country because i see where you're going and i do think
you're entirely right but uh i i think they're like oh this is this is uh what is it foreign foreign
national interference or whatever i don't remember the term for it but i think it's something that
they're fighting against um who do you want to see by it is our discussion question
in i i really can i say the brackets can i say the brackets sure in brackets it says don't say elon
i mean if you hate tick tock maybe you would like to see i was gonna say i kind of want it to be elon
oh man i just i i think the part of me that just like loves to see things burn sometimes just
you know why not it is entertaining it's another thing that i don't like or use so like whatever
i don't know speaking of government the state of california would like to know your location
and also your velocity california senator scott weiner i'm sure it's i'm sure it's not pronounced
quite like that weiner love it initially proposed a bill that would place speed limiters in passenger
vehicles to physically oh no this was the thing i was talking about earlier okay yeah that would
prevent them from going more than 10 miles an hour over the speed limit starting in 2027
actually what however this has recently been revised to just using visual and audio signals
to alert drivers of their speed weiner also amended the bill to clarify that drivers would receive one
warning each time they go over the speed threshold rather than a constant warning this version of the
bill has passed the senate transportation committee along party lines the bill is backed by the national
transportation safety board which has pushed for speed limiting systems since 2012 and the national
highway traffic safety administration has documented a sharp increase in traffic fatalities nationwide
including in major californian cities it should be noted that these speed limit warning systems are
not new and are actually set to be mandatory in all new vehicles in the eu starting in july man new cars
are gonna be on the struggle bus pretty quick styles here yeah
that because that's what i was sitting here thinking like it says
would place speed limiters in passenger vehicles they mean just new ones right you don't have to like
retrofit your car to have a speed limiter in it yeah so i mean given that even seat belts you don't
have to have them if your vehicle's old enough i doubt that we're going to see speed limiters
retroactively into cars but yeah who knows right so in this case then the used car market is just
going to be so like you're going to have used cars from other states being shipped to california
because people don't want to buy older used cars um or i wonder if it's if you could even get just
any new car but from out of state like our our car dealerships along the outside but along the
californian border are going to be like super popular because you can get non-california
uh law compliant cars and then like just you know bring them into california i don't know
i don't know how those laws would work i don't know american stuff but
yeah ek has given a statement on uh the allegations that they failed to pay suppliers employees and
contractors for multiple months uh ceo and founder edward koenig has released a statement apologizing
both for the hardship caused by lack of timely payment and lack of adequate communication
he took over as ceo in february and claims to have already addressed several issues but acknowledged
there's still a long way to go you know what's funny is this is round two of this did you know that
no yeah edward stepped down as ceo once like 10 or 12 years ago i can't remember exactly when
ek basically went to crap and then he stepped back in and restored it to its former glory and better
and then i didn't even know that he was out again but it seems like something about ek water blocks
runs best when edward koenig mr ek is at the helm um koenig claims that ek is committed to fulfilling
its financial obligations and regaining community trust i mean our discussion question here is a
really big one uh why did it take so long to communicate the new plan like that's something
that he doesn't have an excuse for because if he's been ceo for two months um that would have been
the time to communicate better um like we said in the video that featured a bunch of ek parts though
we are we are hopeful that they will get themselves out of this um because you know what i love the
product it's a great product and i i want to see them succeed but obviously that success can't come at
the cost of their employees and their contractors right it can't come on their backs so
good luck good luck ek godspeed yeah what else we got uh i don't really care about that one
is it the cybertruck one nope it's the lebron james tattoo one yeah okay where is this this is pretty
cool their naming conventions for their new chips are really stupid oh you've got snapdragon x elite
snapdragon x elite but like with less clocker less clockers yeah so the name is but with what
but with what is even the difference for this one what am i even looking at here
it just has a different part number it doesn't do dual core boost i think i think there's no dual
core boost why is oh that's right and then why does why is plus less
qualcomm has said that gaming on these chips will just work with the x series of socs no porting
required and this was apparently achieved through a rosetta 2 style translation layer it seems they're
positioning these chips to be an alternative to amd's mobile radions and in mobile risons and
intel's ultra lineup they've been showing off their snapdragon x elite primarily laptops and claim it
can work with discrete gpus okay that's pretty cool so have having the ability to like put an
nvidia gpu on this thing and just use it as a cpu is kind of it just kind of blows my mind i don't
know why um semiaccurate.com talked with unnamed oems that claim the qualcomm benchmarks are faked
though up to 50 higher than what the oems can reproduce with the same x plus chip qualcomm has
claimed that the weaker x plus can deliver 28 better 28 better performance in cinebench 2024 than
intel's ultra 7 155h at the same power consumption and it looks like there's a few more nodes here but
what this is going to boil down to is show me the money let's see let's see what you guys have
actually got going on here enough enough talk i'm pretty excited to check these out though this could
be the the apple silicon moment for windows pcs i wouldn't find better battery life that would be okay
yeah we could we could use it um who who thought naming four products only two different names
was cool i i don't mind the plus that much um i think the problem that makes it weird is the
the placing that it has in this chart because elite sounds better than plus so if plus was just first
and then elite came after it'd be fine yeah exactly i guess what's just snapdragon x plus what yeah
yeah but there isn't one of those yeah that's fair three of them just being called snapdragon x elite
is like definitely the whole problem uh oh well um okay anything else
cyber truck thing uh the high school principal thing
i'm gonna do the high school principal thing for the for the people playing bingo
um high school principal almost messages okay never mind oh yeah sure let's do it let's do a couple
merge messages sure i might have to go pretty soon boys you can carry on a little longer without me
but i am fading extremely fast here yeah i only got warning sorry i i didn't sleep last night at all
and i got on a plane at 8 a.m so i had to be i had to leave for the airport at 5 so basically i stayed up
working on a paint job uh until about 4 30 i got a little bit of rest not sleep just rest while i packed
and then i headed out for the airport at around 5 30 and then i uh and then i ate and then i flew and
i got a little bit of sleep on the plane but i'm dying but you know what i don't know whether it's the
lack of sleep or whether it's the paint fumes i'm feeling pretty silly today but it was worth it
i just got um i got a message from alex that says
honestly paint job is pretty sick it's terrible so i just want to get that out there right now
it's terrible but that's the intention um you guys might remember that in that we upgraded plutes car
video we alluded to potentially a part two well what we came up with is that we were going to do a part
two adding more tech to his car so we added android auto we ended up added a backup camera last time
and we had teased maybe doing power windows power door locks uh you know putting in some new headlights
but like we can't have everyone internally complaining that we're upgrading plutes car and nobody else's
so there had to be a catch and the catch is that i got to paint his car any color i wanted
i'm very excited oh man
okay sorry dan go ahead sure let's get through some merch messages here for the curated right now hi dll
first time watching live at 42 just found out that i'm expecting my first child while you had your family
young do you have any advice for someone having their first in their 40s oh man well having not tried
it um yet knock on wood um i don't know yeah yeah yeah or not ideally i uh yo um having not tried it i mean
i would say the biggest thing that has kept me more aligned with my kids is being into tech actually
like i introduced my kids to discord which they use to socialize with their friends don't let your
kids you know move on to you know instagram or move on to the move on to the platform and then follow
them around because that makes you not cool and everything about it not cool but if you just kind of
are staying with it a little bit and you have some idea what's going on
don't underestimate the importance of knowing what the heck they're talking about
um and yeah some of it's going to be kind of stupid my kids like
stupid movies and stupid videos and stupid games they talk man my kids just got into fortnight
anyway yeah this made me the point is you're not always gonna you're not always gonna enjoy it
but think of it as work think little man has such good taste in games forever i know ah
my soul okay that's fine you know what i haven't shown him uh i haven't shown him warcraft 3 yet
and i think that's going to capture his attention so i'm so i'm going to step up my plan he is an rts
gamer he totally is oh he's a good sign rts yeah yeah he's got the brain loves anno um yeah love supreme
commander so yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna have him play the warcraft 3 campaign that's uh
that's a good one right there all right what do we got dan i get him on factorio
maybe not yet but he'll he'll i'm sure he'll like that he won't go to school and i'd like to see it
once in a while yeah yeah yeah it's gonna have a it's probably a bit better with sleep strategy
than you uh sorry hi dll how have you managed to keep a good level of structure and tidiness in
your test or lab uh places with a growing team working for a company that struggles establishing
good practices while growing i think we struggle with that too
same yeah but yeah i did yeah a high deal i think you're gonna continue sorry yeah
do we no ideal i started a job as the okay hold on hold on we deserve a little bit more credit than
that um we started by having a pretty big space for them so they were able to spread things out a little
bit um they actually do a pretty darn good job of um assigning a place for everything uh we don't
always have everything in its place but overall we have a place for everything so it keeps things from
getting too messy um and we're trying not to rush them and they've had a forward thinking plan
the whole time yeah there was there was like uh essentially models of where they were going to put
things from like the very beginning yeah okay go ahead then right oh one moment ideal i started a
job as the it guy for a company not much before was documented i want to document all the processes but
would doing that make me replaceable how can i make myself indispensable have good ideas like
documenting all your processes and execute it and totally kick butt at it and then have a
new good idea and then do that and then all of a sudden not only will you not be replaceable
you'll be indispensable there's a point this way not be yeah the importance of initiative and uh
making the company work better regardless of whether it's directly on your you know quarterly kpis
the importance can't be overstated yeah and like if people are really paying attention and you're just
not documenting things as an it person uh you will be very suddenly extremely replaceable
yeah so and as somebody who was irreplaceable for about seven years you want to be replaceable
i took four days off in those seven years yeah that too i need to take a friday off when i'm here
hold on we gotta you we gotta take the context here the context was they are making themselves
replaceable by making their job function really really really smooth so it was a very different
thing that i was talking about constant innovation is not the same thing as being the only guy who knows
how to do it and so you just get called in the middle of the night by the owner or whatever
yes exactly and he did technically end it with or whoever this was um did to technically end it with
how can i make myself indispensable so i think linus's answer was like pretty good yeah yeah um you you
want to be indispensable and yeah exactly yeah uh evening l ld caught a merch message in a march
wan about screen time for kids and thought linus put out a lot of good info curious linus what is the
standard bedtime in your house for the kids oh man you gotta understand i got three kids we were
all over that stuff like you know bedtime routine we brushed all the kids teeth by hand ourselves and
like always did stories and it was always at kind of the same time these days it's like i don't know
are you tired i'm tired okay kids go to bed um you eventually kind of relax on that stuff uh generally
speaking one of my kids is a total night owl my eldest daughter um so i can put her to bed and
you know at 8 30 and she'll still be awake in her bed just lying there staring at the ceiling at 10 30
anyway so what's the point um i'll so i'll send her to bed if she's like cranky and obviously needs
to sleep but other than that she's um she kind of sleeps when she's tired and then the youngest one
we try to get her in bed at you know 8 30 and uh screen time does end once bedtime starts um however
i mean my problem as a kid was never screens when i was supposed to be sleeping it was always books
and we do let our kids read in bed so sometimes they're tired and they're hard to wake up in the
morning but honestly if i can raise a house of readers i consider a little bit of lost sleep to be
acceptable collateral damage fair okay last of the curative got for you here with how bad the car
industry is getting what do you think of a reality involving an open source car i know we both believe
the vast majority will not own their own cars in the future don't those exist cars aren't there
cars that are effectively open source so much of making a car is not the car so much of it is the
infrastructure to produce the car like look how many car companies there are that can make one car
or a dozen cars the problem is that the overhead involved in designing and building a car and
setting up for manufacture means that you have to make thousands and thousands tens of thousands
hundreds of thousands of cars or it doesn't make any financial sense so i don't think that the the
traditional model of car manufacturer is going anywhere anytime soon but who knows hey framework raised
another what like 16 million dollars maybe that's their next big uh expansion probably not i actually oh
i had meant to kind of speculate on that but i think i actually just need to go and lie down for
a little bit before this event i'm supposed to attend yeah do it get here maybe next week why don't
next week why don't we uh why don't we play a guessing game and see what frameworks next um next
investment cycle is going to go into number one was framework 13 number two was framework 16 number three
is something and they're saying it's going to be quite different yeah not a laptop um just investment
disclosure yeah yeah all right i think it's not a laptop i need to go you guys can hang out a bit
longer if you want but i really need to go okay bye thanks for tuning in see you again next week same
bad time same bad channel um i can't say my thing because i'm not leaving but bye linus um okay yeah
high school principal almost framed for fake racist rant using ai a clip was posted to a popular instagram
account with the voice of baltimore county pikesville high school's principal making
racist remarks targeting teachers students and parents by name these included one threat to drag
the school's athletic directors uh wow um actually not gonna say that
uh but it was bad and the clip is still up apparently uh it was convincing enough that it
began to spread immediately um emily y says if you don't want to hear it there are a couple points
where it sounds off and it's easy to gloss over them because the rest sounds so natural
yeah that's rough this stuff is getting crazy students uh faculty and the community believed
the clip and really and this led to the principal being temporarily removed and an investigation
launched the investigation revealed that it was in fact a fake made by the schools made by the
school's athletic director what a twist it's good i love this story it's terrifying that's wild so the
athletic director made an ai clip of the principal very negatively calling out the the athletic director um
that's rough um the investigation revealed that yeah the smoking gun was that he had used the school
computers and his school email to sign up for the ai voice imitation service and distribute the fake recordings
okay forensic analysis points to a service like 11 labs which can synthesize voices with just a few
minutes of audio uh only the principal's union leader suggested that the clip may be a deep fake one person
how can we be sure of anything we see or hear anymore is there any coming back from this uh in my opinion
not really to be completely honest um we're in like post truth or whatever
i'm not getting in the chair this is luke's show you could
that was a of i don't want to i don't care uh that's like a is that okay i i feel bad about that
why do you feel bad about it i don't know because this is your you're in linus's show i'm just here
to do merch messages yeah but we used we used to have guests on the show all the time
i think elijah was even like hey can i join and i was like i mean if james says it okay but i also
don't know how long we're doing this show for yeah should be a little while longer i guess a little
bit yeah uh i think we have some other topics the cyber trunk may be bulletproof but it's not
waterproof here comes dan here comes dan we're switching can't wait i can't do it
what do you mean you can't do it oh i don't know how to do there he is yeah i don't actually
normally do camera switching now you have to do both jobs so he has to it's like i'll just remote into
it it's fine it'll be fine i can do it from i can do it from over by linus's place oh that's funny
uh there we go the cyber truck may be bulletproof but it's not waterproof uh car wash woes turns out
that the bullet resistant truck is not able to handle a bit of water the terms and conditions
of the cyber truck say that if you fail to put it into car wash mode your new eighty thousand dollar
truck can be rendered a paperweight tick tock user uh cap tian caption caption dot ad went to uh went to
the beach with his dogs and then he didn't even pressure wash it but rinsed it out uh rinsed out
the bed with a hose and now his infotainment screen is completely non-functional whoa uh this includes
the truck's speedometer oh okay uh charging information and rear camera which is necessary
to back up the vehicle because the back window is otherwise too narrow and often obscured by the
truck's bed cover several other users have reported problems with corrosion in part because stainless
steel is not rust proof merely rust resistant uh all the cyber trucks were apparently recalled
every cyber truck has been recalled due to a fault with the accelerator pedal uh recall here means that
tesla will be replacing the faulty parts not like slip off right yeah i think at least part of it will
slip off and get stuck and it gets stuck so i've seen that it forces the accelerator down there is the the
brake overrides because they're all digital the brake overrides the accelerator cool so if you would press
the brake it wouldn't matter that the accelerator was down because you would just brake but i mean
how long would it take you to realize that you're not pushing down and how and are you actually going
and that control no that that would override it you can't really put it into neutral and you can't
like turn the engine off a lot of the tricks you would do in a gas car are not going to work just
right into a wall and a trick that you wouldn't really necessarily do in a gas car does work so it's like
like yeah yeah it's terrifying not not good um should i use more hot glue
maybe uh oh yeah here we go here's the detail specifically it is possible for the accelerator
pedal to slide up while flooring it lodging the pedal cover against some trim and causing the pedal
to get stuck all the way down rough it seems like a problem was caused by an unapproved change
okay sure we've experienced one of those we'll backpack okay i take it back yeah this happens all the
time it was caused by an unapproved change to the assembly of the pedal and introduced a lubricant
some soap to help the cover slide on but i guess that stayed there uh the recall also revealed that
tesla has only delivered 3878 cybertrucks oh my gosh so how much does the cybertruck cost it's like a
hell of a lot of money isn't it people are saying the brakes are physical still um non fly-by-wire
brakes but the i don't think they've figured that out perfectly yet but the accelerator is the
accelerator i mean my car has a fly-by-wire accelerator because yeah you know a lot of
automatics will have the automatic cut and blip and things like that right um i mean why would they
this is like a hundred thousand dollar truck or something like that flagship product i think so
why are they just like gluing on or slipping over a cover why isn't it like milled aluminum or you know
there's a screw in it like one screw right at the bottom one single screw like you know this is just
just one right there and then it wouldn't fall off like come on i i was seeing people do like uh i don't
want to deal with the recall yet but i need to drive my truck a little bit what is my fix just take it
off some of those were pretty funny yeah you can just take the cover off you can screw it on yourself
you can do there's like somebody like screw just right through it yeah what's it gonna hurt the
resale value it's been in the air for like a week it's already rusted and you've had to clean it six
you're not gonna get your money back on like the rags and the cleaning fluid for yeah yeah yeah i don't
know yeah i can't i can't get uh tesla's website to play nice right now um it's just forcing me to
select a language yeah yeah what if i actually just pick one okay now it's working that's weird
um a rivet that's a good idea joa one rivet do you know the price of rivets like practically nothing
i think they're like four dollars a ton or actually uh what about that uh microwave welding thing where
you just like squish it and then oh yeah yeah like i think even the stream deck is made with that
stream deck can do it why can't tesla i bet they make a good car pedal i don't know i wonder i
wonder how good it was before they did the soap thing because it was an unapproved change that they're
blaming it on but there wasn't a fastener yeah i'm not sure maybe it like clipped on i mean you
could have a pretty strong interference fit with like rubbers or metals or things like that
uh but why would it need soap like are they putting them on by hand
yeah i'm not sure what the manufacturing process was but it was a lubricant to put it on
yeah you would normally well why isn't that lubricant glue
glue it's slippy a little bit of super glue nice uh nice smooth stuff it just
yeah yeah bloody hell whatever obviously they would buy it in higher quantities with bigger discounts but
a 50 pack of rivets from home depot is nine bucks canadian stainless steel i think so
it goes along with the build it goes along with the build to wash your pedal after every time you
excite down there but careful don't wash it with too much water because you might short out your whole
truck put it put it in car wash mode first i was i was promised utopia i don't like current
year i don't think i have for a while just make good things don't make bad things uh we had a
discussion question did we even talk about it what kind of process results in a truck that isn't even
yeah i don't know man the um ego is it ego is it i'm happy with like what tesla did by existing
just like get more interest in evs yeah um
but like this ain't it i mean to me on paper stainless steel car cool
delorean yeah you clean it with gasoline that's the best way to clean the delorean is gasoline
i didn't know that yeah it cleans stainless steel really good
which i think is hilarious because we don't do that anymore and it's an electric car
and gas is like what three four dollars a gallon now nearly three dollars a liter here
it's about two pound a liter in the america that is over on the other side of the pond like
i don't know it's crazy uh apparently this is i don't know if this doesn't seem like an actual
official video oh yeah white diesel that makes sense but uh here's their fix i thought this was a
do-it-yourself version of the fix because i've seen this video i didn't think this was tesla's fix
yeah i mean just literally that so they i think this was so when i saw the the one that was claiming
this was a diy fix people were saying no it's official okay i don't know uh but this looks
like just like a 3d printed block that ensures that you line it up properly and then uh i think
they're drilling a hole and then just riveting the hole i think is the whole thing we'll see here in a
moment so it's coming back yeah drilling a hole in it wait for it wait for it there we go there it is
looks like a rivet to me i'm not a fan of rivets they're not serviceable yeah
yeah me too you're gonna have to drill that out right to repair
i mean you could drill it out though yeah but i just put robertson in there
uh an open future is on the horizon get it because that's the name of the operating system
uh meta is opening its quest vr headset software now called horizon os to third-party devices
meta has already uh included three official partners planning to planning on creating horizon
os based headsets including a gaming focused device from asus a learning focused device from lenovo
and a limited edition meta quest in collaboration with xbox meta apparently wants its os to become the
android of virtual reality a major benefit for users is the ability to bring profile information
across devices and device manufacturers and cross-device compatible programs and games
adam thinks a major downside for users is the ability for meta to track even more of you
which is i'm sure 100 of the reason why they want to do this yeah that seems like the reason anybody does
anything these days oh we released this new pair of software it's open and free
we get all the information's uh discussion question would a default platform shared between
various headsets be a boon to vr do we trust zuckerberg to be the man with the plan uh what's
in it for mark after the mediocre launch of the vision pro is meta feeling bullish or bearish on the
vr market as a whole what about you a lot of questions actually that is a lot of questions
i'm a computer tethered guy yeah my headset's a screen one of the reasons i switched to the index
over the the uh i still call it the cv1 because i was a dk1 boy been there from the start yeah get in
there for the dev stuff yeah uh is because the lighthouse system is a little bit more open to third
party trackers and like tracking and things like that than maybe a closed system or even inside out
right um but i mean i would like to see the software at least being a little more open um i don't even
see why the headsets couldn't just be like tethered headsets but you would attach a computer module to
the headset so you kind of have like headset driving companies and then maybe also headset display companies
right like the index had a plug on the top and i could just pop a oculus android phone yeah so it's
really turning into like computer and monitor yeah instead of all in one device yeah yeah i like the
idea of like uh someone putting a sticker on their headset that's like my other my other vr headset is a
computer monitor yeah yeah i mean that makes sense yeah a lot of the good stuff uh yeah i think
the shared between i think i think they're bearish right and i think it seems like it i think a lot
of people maybe have been moving away from games because developing games for vr is really hard it's
a very limited platform you don't really have too much that you can do uh in the space and then
productivity like is that better uh you know i've got this here my head is unencumbered apart from some
headphones and i do know people all of the people that i know that kept their apple vision pros uh
and especially the people that i know that are happy with them are people that travel a lot and
work while they travel i think that's reasonable and and travel might even be it's a very expensive
productivity tool what are your productivity gains versus um the amount that you've spent on it
like are you making x amount of dollars more than you would or is it for fun or is it for writing like
i don't know i think there's got to be a little bit of tech passion involved
um but i think you've got the if you've got the tech passion and you can excuse it as like a
productivity for work business expense i think those you want to sell it to yourself yeah i guess yeah
yeah yeah i can i can certainly see that i think if i had the disposable income and needed that use
case then you know maybe i would buy it i still haven't gotten to try it um it seems to have
disappeared but i don't know just spatial computing is a concept i'm not sure it's an interesting one
uh avery studio says are they using it while in the middle of traveling yeah totally yeah you can sit on a
plane right on a on a plane passenger seat in a car something like that train yeah in an automobile
yeah um people are definitely using them i just i think it's a lot less common than obviously when it
first came out um maybe it's kind of settled into its like 600 more hardcore users who are actually
going to get some use out of it yeah maybe getting it and seeing that it's a toy unless you actually
really want to use it like a super powerful computer is a good toy a four thousand five
thousand dollar computer to play games on very expensive toy yes yeah as a productivity tool
also pretty expensive you could maybe you could be reasonably uh productive on a laptop but it's
better to be productive on a desktop so maybe that's the kind of comparison and there's also some
privacy benefits absolutely uh if you're on a plane um and you're not in like first class because you
didn't feel like uh remortgaging your house to fly somewhere you could have bought two vision pros
yeah exactly uh then then other people might be able to see your screen and depending on what you're
working on that might actually not be okay you might want to protect your slash fiction you know
yeah all that sort of stuff totally nobody wants to see your weird harry potter stuff
i gotta buy a vision pro you know that kind of hey yeah if it if it helps the productivity
of uh of uh of that then yeah why not um how about a bike yeah i don't know man i don't think
you can take those on planes i think they meant using it while you're on a bike uh i think maybe if
it's a tandem bike and you're in the back you could make it work i think what it's 12 milliseconds
of delay something like that i'm sure you could find a way to bike around maybe once the fov gets
better yeah i'm waiting for glasses for me super high quality ar glasses we're not there yet but
yeah that's where i'm okay with like all right now i'm going to consider glasses being a productivity
tool right my biggest thing right now is it's it's something that's going to go in your face
okay so if you want wide market adoption it needs to not be really ugly i think for me i like the
uh like the solidarity the solidity of physical objects right um when i'm being productive or i'm
working on stuff the last thing i want to be uh separating my brain into is the management of my
environment right so i'm working on things and then suddenly there's a window here but i need it
over here or something like that with a mouse it's really easy to just boop but now kind of i'm dealing
with floating windows and they have to be in 3d space and i have to manipulate them and now i'm trying
to conceptualize where my productivity is going and maybe you would get used to that this is kind of
it's very new um you know i can do that on a computer maybe less experienced users struggle
with that right i have no idea if this is a thing or not so i might be talking about a thing that
already exists but something that you might like is if someone made an app where you could set up like
a workspace and you could have multiple workspaces and then the things within that workspace are contained
to that like plane you know what i haven't seen yet which would be amazing for inside out and like
the oculus and even the vision pro stuff like that is just fiducial markers yeah you know uh this is
where my computer marker this is where my computer monitor is you just put a little qr code fiducial
marker thing on the desk and now it is there or you know you put it on a coaster you get you get a
coaster like this yeah ar things are already a thing we've already got the ar uh amiibo things as well
yeah um computer monitor right there and then it's just there you want to move it a bit you
just interact with a physical object right not everything has to be digital that'd be kind of
neat yeah and you could still you could represent it in virtual reality with something that looks a
little bit better with just like a uh like command orb or something near that area so you know where
to reach to grab it even if it's projecting a larger dive yeah right um but if you're doing some ar
stuff then yeah then you can just see the coaster i mean that kind of works already with the
uh you know index and individual trackers and things like that they are represented so i don't
know yeah maybe yeah all marker yeah i like that use whatever you want yeah pokeball marker i don't
know mystical said that i don't sure sure i mean you could change it to whatever you want yeah should
we uh should we do some merch messages oh yeah that's a thing that i was supposed to be doing
uh you can do it from here i know but i was supposed to be doing that while i was here oh whatever it's
fine uh i think we have only incoming yeah because i didn't do any of them because there's nobody
over uh anonymous said uwu uh you can archive those with the button at the bottom no i will show it
the whole stream has to be subjected to an uwu message coming up at the bottom it will happen
god this is what i have to deal with all day the float plane chat is currently spamming uwu
i have so much power now this is awful uh disembodied head of linus uh do you have
any recommendations for podcasts well he's gone um so i guess we can take this one over
uh no it was to all of us i just read the disembodied head of linus oh took me by surprise more
interesting yes we could do you listen to podcasts no i don't i know a lot of people that do and i was
attempting to work on one for a while with a with a friend um it was like a book reading more than
anything um little slash fiction novels i think they were like harry potter vintage bodice rippers from
the 1950s well it had all been kind of lost to time um very very interesting kind of uh like
fiction slash like the the birth of fan fiction almost uh super underground kind of thing and
crazy got a lot of them that are very rare um so that was kind of extreme amounts of work
like an unbelievable quantity of work um otherwise no there's some cbc ones yeah really good yep i've heard
of that uh i don't listen to many um for a while there when i first started trying to do weight
loss stuff my like knees and a lot of things were super messed up so the the best thing for me to do
was to just like go walk for like an hour and a half basically every day uh so i was listening to a
lot of podcasts at that time but that was um a little bit over a year ago at this point um and the
the podcast that i mainlined at that time was the yard and human lab podcast human lab was like a
lot of cool interesting information i was trying to be more healthy there's a lot of information for
that in in that podcast so that was cool and the yard it was just it's just like hanging out with the
bros so it was uh more casual yeah i think you've talked about that before when we were doing some of
the set redesign and stuff like that oh their set for the yard is incredible yeah yeah i would never
really watch it because i don't know if i'm this is like i don't really watch tv shows or movies at
home either if i'm like sitting at home and i need a recreational activity i'm gonna play games uh so i
would never really like watch their their podcast but if i was going out on a walk one thing that was
nice is i think their podcast is usually around an hour and a half long so it was a good like okay
i'll start it when i start walking and when it ends that's when i'll end therefore i'm not like
checking the time all the time and going like okay only got five minutes left it's like no it's just
whenever the podcast ends just keep going keep moving until then um i think for me like i don't like
it's taken me a long time to get used to listening to things again in my free time because i was working
from home a lot and of course what i used to do for work right i can't really listen to music or listen
to podcasts while i'm doing video editing yeah totally or like working on podcasts or music
so now i just silence like i go to the gym with you i don't have any headphones i don't have music
i don't take an mp3 player with me i'll go on walks and stuff like that and just listen to nothing
it's like it messes people up sometimes yeah i'm not that weird guy at the gym is just like raw
dog in it just listening to nothing and enjoying it i can be totally down with the nothing but um
if i want to do something really high effort in in the gym i like having music because
it it zones me in i know i'm not what i'll do at work yeah so it helps me get into those extremely
deep flow flow states yes um i don't think i necessarily have gotten into that point at the
gym um maybe eventually maybe yeah i don't know i just yeah it helps me shut off everything else and
just like really pour into the one thing that i'm trying to do um helps me hit failure levels stuff
like that but yeah but yeah i don't uh similar problem i can't really listen to a podcast and do
anything relatively heavy um so unless i'm walking or driving then it's not really super
relevant my commute to work isn't super long so it would take me like days to get through a single
podcast which i'm not super interested in so sometimes cbc on the radio has them i like listening
to cbc on the way in mostly because it doesn't have advertisements but you know sometimes music they
have a podcast playlist which is one of their segments where they recommend really good ones
one thing i will say is with the death of google podcasts i recently was doing something that i was
was very boring and monotonous and i needed a podcast to listen to so i tried to pull up some
podcasts that i just spoke about human lab in the yard because i was like i don't know i know these
um and i tried to do it through youtube music what a horrible experience i really wish google
podcasts was still around youtube music is not a appropriate replacement for google podcasts in in
my opinion there's a lot of difficulty with it my understanding is that you could really use anything
you want because it's on the back of rss yeah so when we upload to our platform it goes everywhere
all at once which whoever like decided it was going to work that way great job fantastic no notes yeah
like genuinely yeah and how ownership is handled right because we've had to transfer them a few
times yeah we used to be on spotify now we're on a new thing called megaphone which allows us to
manage all four or five of them at the same time which still goes to spotify and apple and everywhere
else like that and they're all posted automatically i learned that because when i was experimenting with
how podcasts work um i just i uploaded the joe rogan podcast to itunes and i just had control over it
because it's just an rss thing and you can just go like publish podcast and then the entire catalog
gets pulled automatically whoa it's really interesting um very strange now i understand why merch messages uh
diverge so much yeah yeah yeah that makes sense you're experiencing it uh i don't even know see i
what was the root question do you know any good podcasts right yeah we didn't go that far off i guess
just a little bit yeah i guess so um
are there any plans for ltd to release a bit set case for storing all the bits and works and perhaps uh
spots for screwdriver stubby precision and shaft extension all of that sort of stuff on my
understanding is in the works currently um i think there are some ideas to maybe release some 3d prints
or something like that so you can do it yourself while we're still working through that i know linus
gave away one of the bit sets during the we uh the the stream uh the whatnot stream and i've seen some
other mock-ups as well a bunch of people made their own yeah yeah that's cool and i think they have
like 3d files out for it yeah and i think that we're also trying to set up like a um i can't
remember what the platform is but we're trying to set up a repository where we can dump all the 3d
prints right because i know i make a lot um a lot of people here make a lot of internal oh you mean oh
okay sorry i was talking about uh 3d prints made by community members no i think they should still
control those yeah you know uh but i'm sorry we're talking about completely different things
yeah yeah yeah so i'm talking about both at the same time so we have ones that we've done
and also people in the community have made them and you can either download theirs or ours or design
your own but are ours available at all yet i have no idea i don't believe so i don't think so so
there's still two in flux planning on maybe doing that at some point but right now you can find
community ones and and download them and print them i think ours is just going to be for bits but i
don't know i'm sure nick light will message me and i will ignore that but that's fine
any updates with flowplane not working on amazon firestick uh
no i didn't know it ever did do something better yeah sorry um oh you're talking about ties and tv
the other day and and the vimeo player not being able to like google cast or apple cast or cast or
something like that i don't know video sucks what's wrong with you why would you do this i don't like
on purpose
yeah yeah flowplane the freshness one of my like main jobs these days is trying to fight
any amount of expansion to flowplane scope because it's like my goodness we do so many things already
um i got signed out of all my accounts now i have to log in again i'm actually not yeah jaden's saying
in flowplane shop it's a mo it's a mobile app not a tv app yeah yeah yeah sorry about that
uh hello when when are the new backpack carabiner coming out um i have no idea soon just say soon
to everything soon tm there you go yeah i know they're they're working on it i i think they like
seeded some of them out or something and they're waiting for feedback maybe that's not even sort of
true i have no idea wrong person to ask unfortunately uh you might be able to hit
up creator where i'm rise up what up what up it's connected now we're live again uh
hello no i'm not seeing anything but people are saying we back we back
can i get some uwu's in the chat stop
got him hey everyone's spamming uwu let's go lioness leaves for one minute
my gosh it's alive oh my goodness see you later tiktok you're no longer the favorite
get out of here at least i got rgb now yeah so uh people watching on other platforms
the dot wan dot show on tiktok is apparently where we're streaming
wan show in the future and that was the only platform
we're back again we're back again what's happening
this is why i'm supposed to stay behind the desk this is your fault okay okay this is your fault
float plane are we are we gone again maybe i'm still showing if chat can hear me when we're live and
it's working you got to spam uwu's and when it dies you got to spam f's i want all of the chats
on all the platforms to go as fast as possible when i'm at my computer normally a ping 8888 right
ping 8888t this is this is my keep alive your keep alive is now uwu's
this is mechanical turk for for dns uh pings
it's it's kind of working it is working we're getting very effective status checks
in all of the chats that i could real time it's a lot faster than ping all of the chats i can see
are just uwu's right now and it's global which means we're working yeah yeah exactly it's it's a
it's a way to communicate with all of the places that we're streaming well my heart rate's up
i'm enjoying this there was one of the sponsor spots earlier i started cracking up because
um it was like uh a cronus i'm gonna give you guys another shout out i guess it says according to
a study by cyber security ventures a cyber uh attack took place every 39 seconds last year
trust me being hacked is not fun i was like it's kind of fun
this is not it's not a suggestion please don't do it certainly had fun yeah but we had a wonderful
time as long as there's no like permanent damage it can be an exciting experience yeah we were
talking about that and like that uh that rise to action that happens almost immediately yeah did i
ever tell you the story about the car that was set on fire outside of my house no but everyone's
still spamming uwu so i know we're still good so please tell me nice um yeah i mean well when we got
hacked both of us like immediately jumped into action and it was kind of like oh okay go um and
almost like detrimentally kind of activated i guess um but you know i'd met a couple friends at
university and i was driving them back to my place for the first time kind of like you know new budding
friendships and like all right we're gonna come hang out and as i'm pulling like up my street and
into my driveway there's kind of like a fire down at the end of the road which is weird like a big
fire in the street and it's kind of down over a hill and so i didn't even think like i just stopped
the car and got out and then just ran down the street i didn't even say anything to like the two
people who i'm with i'm like i had i was like casual friends with these people uh and this was like the
first experience oh we're gonna go hang out with dan and he's just the fire he just leaves
and so i start sprinting down the street and i get over the top of this hill and like okay so
it's a car set on fire and i sprint up to it and there's this poor woman there who is obviously
freaking out um and i just basically because i understand in the bystander effect people just
freeze and what you're supposed to do is you're supposed to tell people what to do and for me it
was like call 9-1-1 um but like she was on the phone and i just kept like pointing and yelling at
her uh are you talking to 9-1-1 or like are you talking to the police or something like that and
so this this guy it was night so this guy just comes running down the the hill and starts getting
are you calling the police are you calling the police are you calling the police and uh so i'm
pretty sure that she might have been freaked out a little bit uh the thing is this car was not hers
uh it had most likely been dumped there and abandoned and set on fire after like a murder
so not only that is someone screams down her street dumps a car sets it on fire and then like
a few minutes later this random stranger comes hurtling down the street anyway yeah so uh maybe
don't scream at people who are in a crisis who have already done the thing that they need to maybe not
the greatest idea uh but i i will bring attention again to that my entire screen is just various chat
spamming uwu um why do you do this which i'm enjoying very thoroughly uh usually i don't like
it when people just spam chat super hard no but right now while we're still trying to figure out
like what even just happened it is kind of useful to have like very up-to-date real-time information
based on if people are receiving the stream for me uh my my favorite is the eye emoji just the single
eye emoji wo i'll post that and chat will disappear immediately i really like okay float plane chat is now
drawing uwu with ascii art so they're they're evolving they have uh
they need help uh what do i do linus laptop is that how that works there you go that one
that's my favorite oh that's pretty good horrifying that is yeah that's like eldritch uwu
it stares into your soul that would make me feel better uh okay so what were we talking about we
were talking about we had just got into you in game dev so ue 5.4 5.4 yeah so um one of the things that
i learned recently is that doing vectorized text in game engines is extremely difficult which doesn't
make a whole lot of sense um and so vectors in general are like really complicated to actually do
in a in a game engine and i was kind of racking my bread uh my brain around how i'm going to be doing
doing some sorry youtube chat has adopted your uwu and they're doing the eyes oh i gotta see that rare
win for for youtube chat watching all of the chats is particularly i gotta get these open this is sick
i will not give you 250 dollars yeah please yeah no it says the stream's finished like is it no there
we go yeah don't scare me like that yeah thanks youtube chat that's horrible i hate this oh there's
target eyes one oh the target eyes one is good yeah oh yeah yeah with the lips
oh boy okay sorry continue i don't know this is also good
this is this is literally my screen right now it's just all the chats
do you want to show it up uh sure yeah if you don't have anything for uh what is that oh that's
uh that's the log does that go to them no that's what we can see okay okay i was like i was like hide it
no that's my command window that's my uh external thing to make sure that no frames are dropping oh cool
okay um oh my god anyway so unreal engine 5.4 has officially come out it's been in in preview for
a little while now and they have all of these new systems they've got this like motion combining for
animations this state-based thing that's really really robust and simple to use they've got a
whole bunch of new animation tools but the coolest thing is the like motion graphics design stuff i don't
know if you've seen any of this no i just saw that it like was happening actually bonkers like i i was
like oh i got a little flustered it was like incredible so um basically you've got niagara
particle simulations um you've got you know the new lumen engine right so you can have unlimited polygons
and then real-time particle simulations real-time physical simulations laser scans and now they've
introduced vector graphics as well as boolean operations layers like in photoshop they have a
new texture designer like substance substance 3d substance material editors that sort of thing
you can now do that entirely built in unreal engine and it's all real-time so if you're doing 3d
modeling or like motion graphics or stuff like that normally you do cinema 4d or or blender or something
like that um but now you can do that in real time with real-time lighting and it's also all programmable
because it's still a game engine right so you can use blueprints and do your vector animations and
everything like that so basically this is incredible for so many things it's good for me what i was going
to say what are you going to use it for so um i wanted to use it for an intro video as well as having
some scalable scalable ui elements one thing that i was finding that were particularly difficult inside
um unreal engine was being able to adapt to different screen sizes okay hopefully chat relax
at this guy at this point you guys are taking the the spamming more seriously than the than the ubu
you guys you guys gotta you guys gotta chill i think some of you even have like bots running or auto
clickers or some or auto input things or something relax relax a little bit damn at this point i literally
can't even read it because it's going faster than youtube chat significantly yeah um chill dudes chill
it's getting faster you're not helping maybe not okay i will stop addressing it maybe it will go away um
anyways yeah so you want to use it for an intro video yeah so um
uh do you ever you ever seen hal 9000 2001 space obviously that sort of thing a lot of those uh
computer graphics that were on the screens themselves physically um are very much like blank color plus
lines and they're all beautiful grids and they look futuristic and it's all blocky text right and that
kind of theme was also repeated in alien and aliens and that sort of like 80s level kind of crt technology
but a vision of the future and a lot of it is extremely thin single lines and if i want to have
uh this be adaptable to different screen sizes one thing that i hate is playing on my you know 4k c2
oled and then the textures are all like squishy yeah because they're small now you can do that with
vectors which means uh unlimited scaling scaling yeah and then they've also introduced real-time boolean
operations so you can push objects into other objects and you can also animate um like graphics
over time and define your push objects into other objects thing uh boolean operations would be like
here's your cylinder and then i want to make a cut in this cylinder so i have an invisible card
and then i push them together so i haven't altered this geometry traditionally boolean would be done in
something like blender um so you would have to cut a hole in the geometry because it's like add and
subtract so if i take these two objects and this one's a subtract it would cut into this or if i were
to have this as an additive object it would increase and it would still be one object but it's made
up of multiple objects and the geometry becomes one single like entity yeah and normally you would do
that operation in something like blender or traditional um and then you would you would uh like
finalize it so that object would become solid and then you'd have to re-topo the whole thing right
because all of those curves and things are going to be destroyed now you can do that in real time so i
could animate the movement of objects through it and then huge thing most of my game is entirely made of
instances right it's got like one cube and then everything's instance so it's performative yeah
yeah um you can instance in the motion thing and then simulate real-time nanite particles on your
objects and with lumen as well say the example i saw the other day was a it was a donut they had
like a billion are surprisingly common yeah yeah so obviously a cool example but they had like a billion
donuts being rendered in real time with shadows sheesh uh and also real-time physics so
uh every single version is incredible and um this one for me personally has a lot of features that
i'm going to touch a lot of complaints with unreal engine for a long time is that you're basically
modifying like you're making a mod for a first person shooter rather than making your own game
right it's hard to do a different genre and it's slowly getting better and i think it's slowly
becoming just the most insane engine oh yeah obviously it's it's like character driven focused
yeah with the animation tools but i think we're also going to see a lot more
uh animators coming out of this too right um the the way that you can do rigging and animation things
and they've automated a lot of the process and they've also made it a little bit more intuitive to
do and simple um for me learning 3d modeling is like almost impossible for for characters especially
because i just can't get past weight painting i don't know how to make a good rig and then if you
want to make changes to that rig you would have to take it out of unreal right and you'd have to
re-export it and get your objects back and then like re-trigger everything and maybe your animations
in unreal were all broken but now now it's a little bit more self-contained i suspect people might
especially people that have been in the scene for a while because when you when you start looking
into game development there's a lot of like use this variety of tools to accomplish your end goal
right yeah it's a very common yeah engine right i think people might underestimate how much
needing one thing will lower the barrier of entry for people this is going to lower the barrier of
entry for me who is kind of already over the initial hump yeah like i know basically how all these
programs work and which ones i'm supposed to be using i'm still just garbage at them all um but now that
that efficacy of getting to a level right the barriers for blender are like okay well welcome
to blender learn 400 shortcuts please and then of course they released 3.8 and i had to relearn like
all of them or whatever the version is that they changed it and i had just i just learned them all
yeah that's me because i'm a beginner right i think there's also even just like
the the question of what game engine should i use is already difficult enough for people to
what game do you want to make yeah i don't know well then i don't know what do you play
yeah i don't know i like lots of stuff like well maybe i want to why are you making a game
what is it like after after that kind of ryan lines of questioning is like okay well why
because because you think it's fun or cool i think a lot of people especially in like high school
might be doing it uh just to try something to learn something whatever yeah but you pick one
yeah learn all three at the same time but then you so you have decision paralysis on the game engine
but then you also have decision paralysis on all the things that are associated it gets worse yeah
and it does not get better and then what everybody forgets about is uh audio yeah so do
now do you go with fmod or wwise pick one fmod is so the fmod is is like the audio plug-in for all of
these engines and then the direct competitor is wwise wwise wwise i don't know actually how it's
supposed to be pronounced unfortunately i like wwise i like wwise goes along with bing um but
i know that that wise is more industry focused and fmod is way more approachable okay yeah but they're
still like okay well yeah you could do the audio inside your engine but it's better to have another
tool that modifies that but now you're learning that like it took me a while to understand that i
even had to change my mindset when doing ost work because now like celeste is probably the best example
that uses fmod i think i've told you this before i think this is accurate but celeste has every single
piece of music playing simultaneously throughout the entire game uh and then it just dynamically picks
between them and fades between them when it's appropriate right like okay and now i have to
program that so not only are you working inside unity or your game engine now you have to have the
conceptual kind of understanding of this thing is happening what process and what variable do i write
that the game is going to modify that is then referred back to my audio system that then gets modified
there and there's two different layers of there right you have like on or off or you can have
um you know floating point stuff but then the graphs that modify the sound are inside fmod are different
and then you can also have global variables inside fmod to mine like manage a bunch of stuff
and then there's bus tracks and reverb and now i'm working with steam audio which is like a ray tracing
system for like for real time for projections and then like i just wanted to i just wanted to make
an rts and i just i want my 10 years back so which which one do you you said there's one that's more
industry focused and one that's more approachable which one are you using for your uh your non-hobby
project i would use fmod for both okay um mostly just because i kind of like fmod and that's the
more approachable one already i think so i think actually for my personal project i will just try
wise you know um i think it's probably a good opportunity to learn it yeah um and if it doesn't
work you know stick back to fmod yeah cool um i learned substance painter substance painter is a lot
easier to get your head around after you understand how it works uh it's not like photoshop it's about
it does it for you but you have to kind of make it do it for you and your your personal project one
you said it's a 3d game it is a 3d game which one of the reasons why i went with um unreal um i did try
to remake it in godot godot uh but yeah do you know which one it is i believe it's godot i i hear
people that i like saying godot work in it semi-professionally say it both ways i'm not sure i mean
it might be it might be like a bunch of different pronunciations yeah yeah anyway sorry but yeah
3d 3d engine um but it's quite static the problem is that there's a lot of rotations and there's a lot
of vector math and there's a lot of um automatic generations and objects and it can be a little bit
complicated especially trying to keep it performative when yeah sorry sorry everyone just noticed the dead
pixel where is a dead pixel right there oh oh crap i think people have been spamming about it oh no let me look
is it
oh no yeah
i mean these cameras are getting on a bit luckily at least people only noticed it now so it's not going
to drive them nuts for the whole stream
that one looks okay yeah i think you're good
oh oh no
i can't even point it though no it's too far i see it too
does my hand get in this screen yeah up there yeah okay
well all right oh no so it's not every camera but two of them
whatever whatever whatever
what was that
someone threw these at us that's cool
get out of here
i don't have a sponsorship um
what what did
cube 3d why did that just happen okay don't think about it
yeah so why why did you decide to go with because you
blueprints i like unreal because of blueprints okay
so blueprints are phenomenal for a really approachable way of getting programming done it's
maybe it's not quite as performative as programming in c plus plus obviously there's some overhead
they're good and you can also
use them to move into c plus plus because you can write blueprints and each little node
is basically just a c plus plus object so you can
dive into them and write a custom blueprint note yeah yeah
so that's a good answer and a good point and i i do also think blueprints are cool but what i
really meant was why did you decide to do 3d for this game because the way that you've described
it because it needs to be so why um because of the way that the space is represented
so i wanted it to feel claustrophobic oh okay and the limiting space factor
also had to be in 3d so you've seen uh the windows like 95 screensaver with the pipes right
yes love it so it's always loved it
but as a game yeah and like a resource management it's a resource management game so you're inside a
cube yeah right and each of the walls are kind of like your factories or whatever you want to
think about it however you want to abstract it away this one makes this number go up this one
makes a different number go up and each of them have different requirements and you have to connect
them together with wires basically like pipes right and so if you can think about laying pipes in 3d
to each of the walls and i think there's something like 400 individual node points that are
uh available uh for me to use at least um maybe not to the player that's a little bit ridiculous so
now we've got 400 nodes 400 nodes 400 nodes and now all of the wires have to connect to each other
like the difficulty is in managing those connections and figuring out where they go and uh uh like even
just how to route them and how to keep them organized i don't know if you've ever played factory or
something like that but keeping the belts all pretty and like flowing and organized is kind of like
a fun way to uh to play factorio or you can do spaghetti um and the resource in this game is
the walls yeah so like the amount of space you have on the walls that's right yeah and then
yeah i guess you'll like tech up over time and whatnot yes exactly but to replace something you have to
destroy it which might at least temporarily ruin economy i'm assuming it's actually like you're
yourself so like so you die because you're the computer that the outside walls are powering and
so it can cause cascading failures so you like you delete one little module and you didn't lay out your
wires so all the wires go away right and now you have to trace back and find it and you have like
30 40 seconds or something like that to get the new module and the wires plug back in
um or or like yeah i don't know you run out of power and die critical failure critical failure blue
screen and i just added this new system called abstraction where you can add in another cube next
to it and have resources that pass through the walls right and i spent like three hours working on
this dolly zoom thing where the cube uh comes into your view which is normally an isometric right and
then it pulls out into um uh orthogonal right and then you can move around and pick your next cube and
then you zoom back in right and so now not only are you managing with the wires that are going
in the cube you're now managing uh cubes on top of cubes right so think the my my elevator pitch is
like uh factorio inside a 4d hypercube yeah yeah right so it's factorio in 3d space but if you
up the wires you die sorry i always forget i don't even think it's playing right now whatever oh it's
fine um yeah okay there's a fun sort of offshoot tangent you want to explain how the swear button
works because you just said i don't think it's playing right now and i think people might not
necessarily understand what that means oh yeah so swear button is a track inside reaper
um and it has a tone that is like the c a400 or whatever it is uh that is the swear noise and then
the swear button here uh actually just solos that track which mutes all of us because if if i were to
put a swear bleep over just my mic here luke's mic would pick it up anyway right so i have to kill
all of the mics simultaneously right so that's a pretty quick and easy way to do that uh if you if
you push it you still have to still have to push the button sorry the uh i'm trying to go through merch
messages while we're talking about this a significant amount of merch messages are just
you know worth it it's worth it which is making my job a lot easier right now so i appreciate it
yeah um what else can we talk about i don't know what's going on dude you mentioned something about
trying godot oh yeah i've been i've been doing just talk game dev all the time i have a lot of
thoughts uh they will get well i mean we're just tangent to go into more game dev yeah so i don't
know i'm just trying to keep the conversation i'm new at this okay yeah i mean i i've been doing it just
as like a learning thing like i i feel like you're going on a direction of you might actually like
do something with this i've made like 15 games sorry i have failed at making 15 so i'm there
that's a good way of saying it i'm planning on failing on making you will fail at making a lot
of games and the more games you fail at making this goes for you guys out there too the more times you
fail the more times you've done a thing at all yeah fair enough yeah so like but like i'm not even
necessarily the plan isn't even necessarily to ever succeed yeah i'm just having fun i was having
fun initially and then i'm kind of like wow uh like i got past minimum viable product okay i got to
play it for like the 20 seconds that you could like that was that was fun did you did you die did
your robot die uh i no i mostly just die because i'm testing to make sure it triggers properly right
that makes and at what point you delete the wrong wire you die you delete the endpoint that's feeding
another thing you die you delete the middle point you die uh right you need to keep that and so like
redundant systems and i don't know it's going to be ridiculous i think it'll be fun yeah i'm still
i'm still just working on clear codes clear code has this tutorial on youtube that's 11 and a half
hours long and then you realize that there's like a three-hour extension to it and it's like oh my
i sent that to a friend recently he wants to get into game dev it's fantastic it's really really
good um he even knows what he wants to make that's nice and he hasn't changed what he wants to make
in a couple years i change what i want to make essentially every time i sit down and work on it
but that's i'm completely okay with that right now because i'll just like blow up everything i've done
and i want to learn how to make this system yeah yeah it's like what if i what if i did these things
would that work and then i smash it together i'm like no or yes or whatever else yeah here's some
advice don't do anything with an inventory system yeah that sounds great ever yeah my current plan is
to do so but i mean it'll probably change by next time you might actually know how to handle that
probably better than i don't know i don't do not make an rpg i will shoot you that is 100 the current
plan my my current plan you suck so the the game the game that i currently want to make
um the game that i currently want to make i would not be able to release because there's too much like
it entirely leans on another ip oh yeah uh so i i want to remake in 2d a like old school rpg version
of the starting town for wood elves in uh everquest 1 called kelethan okay because that was like the
cook that was the first mmo that i played i remember how the city looked i'm not even gonna
you can go back and play it there's like 99 uh 1999 scape or something like that 2007 scape
2007 scape haha why did i say 99 i don't know no idea um oh gee wait no that's runescape no
no no project 99 is uh everquest okay project i think it's called project 99 i thought it's
project okay all right 99 yeah project 1999 classic everquest 2007 scape is runescape that's what
i thought you meant i'm talking about everquest okay um so i i played both of those games when i was
a wee one um but yeah i'm just like my my theory with that is i can just make that like starting area
with you know the the crush bone orcs i don't know why i remember this i didn't play project 99 i just
remember this from when i was like in there right yeah so i i can make the orcs i can make that area
i can make the skeletons outside the town i can make little bee things that you fight i can make the
town i can do all this other kind of stuff and by doing that it gives me a fairly defined scope and
that's why i wanted to do that i don't plan to make it a whole game just the starting area i know the
enemies i know the areas i don't have to think about a map anymore i don't have to think about
the music anymore i don't have to think about the names of things anymore i just build the things
and try to make them work and then i'm gonna fail in 87 different ways and then i can't release it
anyways so it's like a project that is intentionally never going to work because i could never release
it because it's based on someone else's game i think another thing that that i ran into a lot when
i was starting to not even beyond scope right it was like what system do i fail at right so here's
a concept for a game that's nice and simple um how fast can i get to where i can't do it anymore
i really like rts and i really like obviously resource management games and i'm i want to go
home and i want to relax so i'm not going to be doing anything that's super high energy and i don't
necessarily like the external pressure of like hey do this thing or you die because i'm an antagonist
like my game you're your own antagonist it's your fault yeah you suck you're your worst enemy so
you're attempting to be right and so i wanted to move into like rts style that you know town management
just for fun and because i like them and it's it's entertaining to work on uh and then i was like
oh it's friday all right so now i just got to make the little dudes like walk around each other
and uh and like get past objects that i build and then i learned what a star pathfinding was
and i thought i'd have that done in like an afternoon and then i discovered that people
write phd theses on uh on pathfinding algorithms every once in a while i i like watching crying
visualizations of algorithms on youtube because i find it fun and pathfinding ones are like super
interesting i did about a week of that before i went nope yeah yeah okay so this entire genre
is off the checklist right so you're basically building like a model of like okay well i can't
do this for me i can't do art like i can't do 3d art very well okay right i'm not super great at 2d
art besides i don't know marker stippling stuff can't really make a game out of that uh so now i need
a concept people have made games out of a lot of i was going to do a game jam with one i made out of clay
which would have been fun yeah stop motion clay yeah um right so you're kind of breaking down this
this what things am i good at slash enjoy you don't even know what you can't do totally you
have to try and it's weird and it comes out of nowhere and there are things that you don't expect
like um uh text layout and like ux design yeah i hate that uh i'm not very good at this yeah
uh i can't get it from where i see it in my brain to where it looks pretty
or right and then you're going to look at your project and it's always going to be this like
mark on it i don't know i've always enjoyed projectiles like i made a in in high school
we had a we had a course that my absolutely fantastic teacher who's a principal at a different
school now um but mr trattle he came he made a course for the people in like effectively my grade
because he could tell we were all very interested in this and it's called 3d game programming as far
as i can tell he like went to bcit over the summer and like learned some stuff and turned it into a
high school course for us which is just so sick um and the game that i made for that was i i just
i just uh i pulled a battle state games making tarkov and just downloaded some assets instead of
making them myself because uh some people were more interested in like making the 3d models and i was
like i suck at this you do well on steam in current year yeah yeah asset flips are a bit of a thing
i've noticed that on the same side of the coin nobody cares if you make your own assets either
yeah so i was your your main character in my game was a snowman okay and you shot basketballs out of
your face at ninjas um let's go because i was just like whatever it's like the easiest to find models i
could find and my whole point was effectively i shouldn't have done this i was like trying to make a
point like i don't like making 3d models because i was a dummy and just i guess wanted a lower grade
i don't know it's stupid kid but um i i like wanted to focus on the mechanics of the game so i i focused
on the the like projectile physics of this basketball basically so it could like bounce and then off of
the varied terrain and then hit the ninjas in different ways and stuff um i i don't know i think it's
i think i still have the code somewhere but like just gives me nightmares about collision detection
yeah but i like that i know yeah right and so that's kind of like where you're like that's
that's now your game i'm literally doing that stuff now in godot i'm stuck on collision detection
because i'm enjoying it it's been a fun process and like what is your and what happens after
what is your collision update rate yes and is it decoupled from the frame rate
uh yes it is good answer um but but that is it is not it's not uh if i remember correctly godot
does um godot has built-in ways doesn't let you do it the wrong way they do let you okay but they
throw warnings good you can ignore them it'll compile with those warnings and you can play the game but it
will be coupled to the frame rate um but it makes it really easy because when it throws one of those
warnings it'll it'll modern like ides are so fascinating to me because back when i was doing
programming heavily there was no like github and all the ides like sucked and everything was terrible
and now everything's like so helpful and nice yeah um but it'll tell you yeah exactly where the problem
is and link the documentation that will help you solve it so like i ran into this problem honestly yeah
clear code ended up explaining it like seconds after i dove through it which was fine but um i i i
dove through the problem because i was like this is this is dumb because i was watching the clear code
video and i could see the thing moving across his screen and i could see it moving across my screen
i was like these are not at the same rate something is wrong i think it's tied to frame rate this is
terrifying i have to fix this and then he ends up explaining how to fix it in his video it's actually
super super easy there's there's stuff built into godot to help you fix timing which is great it's
really nice um it's it's super easy to mess up in unreal engine because like event tick is right
there you can just drag off of it but i want my game to run at you know 140 200 fps
um i can't be searching through arrays every uh you know what it would like one millisecond
i don't think so it's it's just unperformative right it's also just like if you if you aim to
make a game super performant the main benefit in my mind is that it can be not performant and still
playable if it if it you can play it on something that's junk and it's still a playable game i to me
most games 240 fps i'm too old to be fps competitive like it's not going to make a difference for me
yeah but that's that's one of my i have two core tenants for this support any screen resolution
in any aspect ratio and have it run at high refresh rate i'm struggling because the game view is one
one-to-one okay because it's a cube you're inside a cube okay yeah so that's not super hard to render
it's limited right yeah um where do you put the ui when you're on a super ultra wide like i've got a
super ultra wide on my desk there and so i'm playing on this how do i make use of like two feet of black bars
yeah i feel like so there's like those kinds of problems too right i feel like my solution because
this is stuff i don't like working on so i feel like my solution would just be like stretch graphic
of some kind i was just i just have them here but then they're tabbed and no i mean like just yeah
have the ui be tucked in and then it so you don't have black bars just like make it uh take some like
graphic that's like the inside of a computer system to some degree and they just stretch until
the end like whatever cool that's actually a great idea i i don't know if it's a great idea but that
that's the type of thing that i would do because i'm just like i don't want to deal with this problem
go away but there's a lot of stuff in the ui that's tied to tick or that's tied to updates that
need to happen constantly because you know you delete something um the propagation might take a couple
seconds right and and the the bricks themselves are constantly checking to make sure that they're
still alive basically uh they have their requirements met right and so if i was doing
that 200 times a second it would be uh insane so you know like one every 10
tenth of a second it's totally fine yeah let's uh let's try to power through some some merge messages
and then and then bring this thing to an end um i've got one for you which is about what
we're currently talking about so we're really not going that far off but uh dan isn't your game
basically an allegory for self-improvement you have to leave your comfort zone in order to advance
uh yes um it is and um i've built it on the kind of the mindset is like shelves so you know i've
climbed up to this level i'm comfortable here everything's fine i mean the game's the game's
called a copacetic right so it's it's it's cool you know you're you're cool you're fine
but you can't go anywhere like you can't get to the next level you can't get the next research you
can't expand at all um and you have to do something scary i mean you can prepare for it
that's the nice thing about it it's not there's no time pressure you can sit there for you turn the
game off you can walk away forever and you're not gonna have a problem uh but you're not going
anywhere until you start destroying things so that they can be built back better it's like it's like
life it's like poetry you know they rhyme ah very nice i've got another one for probably you um hey dan
and luke whatever i've been using tinker cad for all my 3d print modeling really want to start using a
more in-depth cad software what do you use slash recommend that's entirely on you i use solidworks
um which is not necessarily for everyone um there's loads of them i'm not a huge fan of
um i can't remember what the other one is now the autodesk products fusion 360 thank you um mostly
because what they've been doing to like creators and and people that use it they used to have a discounted
maker uh tier like if you didn't really make money with it you could learn it and then they did a
tarkov where they just got rid of that and now you have to pay a subscription and everything's like
cloud-based and it's really expensive um not that solidworks any better they're extremely expensive
but there's lots of like free parametric stuff i'd say that solidworks is attainable to
uh people if you really want to learn it um i don't know for a lot of people rhino
it works lately yeah i get get on solidworks solidworks will teach you a lot of transferable skills
um but you know parametric is the skill i'm ick i'm really good at parametric modeling not like some of
the designers we have in cw but i understand parametric model i don't understand blender
like i've been modeling since high school right um but i can make cubes nice i can't make uh people
right makes sense there's loads of free ones and there's loads of good ones rhino is probably one to
look at but yeah solidworks high dll i recently had to log into a laptop that i hadn't used in 15
years not knowing my password i used fingerprint login what are your thoughts uh regarding the use
of biometrics with them being hard to change being hard to change lighter like your own biometrics
stove hard to change really hot car oh my goodness uh wow um that's an interesting question that is an
interesting question what happens if you lose your finger in a government facility
slightly oddly specific uh like we hired our keys when we're on camera do we have to start like
doing this sort of thing i think our cameras are maybe not good enough for that they're
they're breaking i gotta get new cameras now yeah yeah where is it it's right here here um oh well
we don't have any more of these yeah we are this is literally all three of them isn't it yeah that's
right someone pointed out apparently the one that we thought was fine actually does have one
your one i don't know what one it was because i didn't see it uh what is it loop cam oh i still
don't see where we have that thing on the screen oh is that covering it there's a thing on the screen
that you guys can't see that we can see is it behind that let me know when i get
uh you're over it uh you're over it yeah not over the bar though there you go i still don't see it
oh oh there it is so it was behind the thing oh that sucks welp cool okay whatever uh
uh oh biometrics i think biometrics are pretty cool actually um are you going with them not
changing i mean mostly that's okay yeah if it was face id would it no longer recognize you
if it's been 15 years it absolutely could also if if say heaven forbid there was like an acid attack
or something that happened like yeah bad shaving for sure yeah usually i i and i think this was the
case in this situation as well though usually biometric logins are backed up by passwords
so it's not your only way to get in um which is why i generally think they're cool um should we move
to chips embedded i've always like i i knew some uh get them for here biohacker dudes when i was in high
school that were doing that um like way before it was it's not it's not normal now but this was like way
back and they sent me a video of them just like hanging out in this like basement suite that they
all rented together like stabbing themselves with giant needles yeah i've always kind of wanted the
magnets oh yeah a fingerprint night yeah fingertip magnets you can feel another sense yeah that's
pretty interesting uh anyways that's a topic i have no right to talk about um not with that attitude
get some experience there luke steven d steven d says i'm almost four months behind it would be
awesome if you could read this message on stream to remind me that i sent a merch message when i
finally catch up there you go done um hey lnd i hope you're doing well i recently started my
data center career with amazon and things have been interesting what is the jankiest thing you've
seen a big company do not counting ldt i have an answer do you i was able to pre-think about
this so i could go first if you want i'm not sure i've seen a uh like server room type situation
where the power was controlled with a light switch
and the light switch was not in like a security box or anything there was just like a piece of paper
to it that was like don't flip regular ups testing yeah that's all it was it's it's very astute
business decision yeah yeah i've also seen the like hey the server is this laptop don't unplug it
i think that okay jankiest thing i worked at a job and they needed a microwave link
um but they couldn't really get a very expensive powerful one right
they're kind of difficult to get you need special regulations not if you set the country
to a different country and then just set it to like nuclear power levels of bird melting it can go
whatever distance you want that's i think i don't know if that's janky or just extremely reckless but
i think it was and illegal to uh to a building like oh we just had this pole we bought this giant
microwave transmitter off of ebay for like 300 bucks and we're just gonna zap strap and then
set it to melt birds sheesh but it gets 200 feet now but it's solved it's solved um don't walk under
it what happens what what is did you create this one uh what happens oh streak my brain i also read
strip i read steak oh no steak yeah steak uh okay so hey dan and luke and linus what happens when the
streak breaks will you start a new one or open wan to other hosts do you plan to uh replace who has
been uh in established positions for some time uh i think this is one of those situations where i'm
going to give the really annoying answer of the streak's not going to break i don't think so yeah
that's kind of the idea i think at this point we've all described the like relatively atomic scenarios
that we would go through in order to keep the streak going so uh i i don't necessarily really
see it happening i don't know i don't think so i would like to uh and like i've done the production
remote i would like to try it from far away vancouver island in october yeah yeah i think that would be
fun yeah yeah how remote have you done the stream my house yeah okay i think it's i think it's fine
there will just be little delays not even because i'm coming in like uh i don't know like basically
linus's level right it's 300 milliseconds or less that's what i'm saying like very little yeah shouldn't
even really matter much um but yeah i don't know there is no plan in place because i don't think i
think we're all rather stubborn people yeah the the streak is to do it every week forever yeah
uh hi dl luke have you watched amc amc's show halt and catch fire i strongly recommend it no never
heard of it uh it's a good show is amc watchable up here without linux isos i uh i don't know
i don't know about any of these sean sean i don't i don't watch tv sure it says awesome show
halt and catch fire what is this it's like a birth of computers oh but as a drama and it's fun it's
very fun cool uh not that i have seen it or consume any media because no of course not just a server full
of linux isos anyways uh i think that's it i think we're done i think we just finished the show okay
so do you want to say the the line uh you don't have to if i can even remember i'm mostly focused
on just getting ready to push this button okay i'll do both the lines thanks for tuning in to the
wan show uh tune in next week uh same bad time same bad channel except it will actually be a different
time oh yeah no it'll it'll be later than this this is when we're supposed to start yeah we were
supposed to start 10 minutes ago we're like never gonna happen anyways bye
bye bye push the button now i have to run back over to the other computer