
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

Alright, I do believe we're live and tried to be two minutes beforehand just like last
week but almost failed because our person that does the art things decided to kind of
not do the art things this week.
So I had to kind of ghetto rig a picture together for our guest.
So if you look at the guest picture, it's actually the same one from last week.
This one's wrong, unfortunately.
The Linus Tech thing is wrong, unfortunately.
And then that's actually Total Biscuits' picture and I added another source file and then like
sized it over top of that one and then I did a screen capture of the Timmy Tech TV thing
and then added that one and like resized it and put it on top and I like...
Looks good, though.
It's super ghetto rigged.
End result, doesn't matter.
End result.
It worked.
We're good.
So I was pretty happy with that, which is cool.
We've got some really interesting stuff this week, like seriously interesting stuff.
The GPU wars, like we talked about this last week, the GPU wars, where it was a big thing
last week.
This week, the GPU wars are on a completely different level.
Like they're...
Last week, they were like, hmm, yes, dueling gloves.
This week, they're like grunge gorilla fighting.
We're going to kill you all.
It's ridiculous.
They're macroing pretty hard.
They're macroing pretty hard.
Their micro is also there, though.
They're not just macroing.
Starting to show up.
They've been macroing for a long time.
That was when they were building the graphics cards.
Because they're making the graphics cards.
But now they're both releasing.
So they're doing the microing.
They're trying to get all the cards to all the different stores and position them and
They haven't started trading yet, though.
We'll have to see.
Yeah, they haven't been trading much.
For people that are wondering about the rocket info, that's Linus's cat.
He is home.
The whole operation is complete.
We contacted the dude that got us in contact with the girl, and then I got Linus's wife
in contact with the girl, and Linus's wife went down there immediately and got the cat.
He's very thin.
Like incredibly thin.
But he's home, and he's happy, and he's hanging out with Rumble, and Rumble is all ridiculously
So the cats are all happy.
The cats are all together.
We're going to get him fed.
Apparently he's pretty skinny right now.
Yeah, we're going to get him fed a lot, hopefully, so he can get some of that weight back.
Because he's at an unhealthy, probably unhealthy level of weight right now, which is not good.
But the cat's back.
The GPU wars are on.
Some dude that plays League of Legends leaked his girlfriend's photos on his Facebook.
Are we starting with that right away?
No, we're not starting with that right away.
I'm just doing the talking topics so that you and I can scream about that later.
Because I'm assuming you're on the same team as me.
Move a little closer to me.
I feel like I'm dominating the...
Hey buddy.
How's it going?
And then Blizzard's dropping bombs.
So I think those are the main topics.
The cat's back.
GPU wars are on.
Blizzard's dropping bombs.
And some jerk face posted his girlfriend's pictures on the Facebook.
So we're going to run the intro and hope it works.
And it didn't.
All right.
I know why that didn't work too.
It didn't work because it's trying to run off of something that it's no longer connected
to because Linus was running media files off the server instead of off the local computer.
Which is like...
I was trying to figure out why.
Probably not the best idea.
We just went with it.
There we go.
We are not technically powered by Razer Comms anymore.
But we still kind of have their branding everywhere because that art dude.
Too lazy.
I swear.
That's why I wear my Beyerdynamics now.
No big deal.
I got a lot of callouts for that last week.
I love these.
They're awesome.
The bass is incredible.
The bass is incredible.
And the bass port is really cool too.
And as someone who has always idolized bass, someone who might have 212s in his truck,
You know, having a bass style headphone is really cool.
Not as good as your open-ear Sennheiser.
I forget which model number.
The 595s.
But they basically don't necessarily buy 595s.
Buy the 555s and then remove the little thing and they're the same.
I got a crazy sale so they were cheaper than 555s which is ridonkydink and that doesn't
actually really happen.
That was lucky.
Let's jump below the guest topics and talk first about RevaTuner.
Before we actually get into the juicy GPU vs. GPU wars that we're going to be getting
in and talking about later, we're going to start with RevaTuner.
So what RevaTuner is is basically it's the backend for a lot of what you guys use for
graphics card overclocking.
So I'm going to actually just focus on 2 right now but it's basically the backend for everything.
Afterburner and EVGA's precision.
There we go.
X-precision thing.
I couldn't remember what it's called for a second.
So the news going on about this is that RevaTuner won't support 64bit or x64.
It will support 64bit.
You can still overclock your graphics card.
What won't work, there was a bunch of hype about that, what won't work is the overlay.
I was wondering why there's so much hype about that.
It's like dude we've had 64bit operating systems.
You're probably running one right now and you're probably overclocking on it right now.
Why are you freaking out?
Anyways, no big deal.
What's not going to work is the OSD, the on-screen display in the top left hand corner.
Which while that does kind of suck, is not like super big deal.
It's not breaking.
I really don't feel like it's, you know, and a lot of people look for FPS stuff like that.
Fraps is a great way.
Fraps chose FPS.
There was one thing that was suggested by the person who posted this on the forum.
Actually if we can jump, if you can bring it over that would be great.
That is the, if you scroll up a little bit and go to the RevaTuner thing right under
guest topics.
So go down below guest topics, RevaTuner right there and bring up the post on the forum.
Just because I want to give a shout out to the dude who actually posted this on the forum.
Once it loads.
Sorry guys.
I actually, I guess while it's loading I had everything open and I realized there was no
way I could navigate through all these tabs.
Here we go.
We have made it.
Chris XLX Cross I believe is the name of the guy that posted it on the forum and he had
a suggestion and that was PlayClaw.
You can find it by going to playclaw.com I checked it out very briefly by looking at
the video and stuff.
Fairly interesting.
Um, I haven't actually installed it, but it's fairly interesting.
And the guy that made RevaTuner, which you guys can see on screen right now and still
maintains it has basically said he's busy working on a whole bunch of other stuff.
And while this is in his pipeline, it's very low priority in his pipeline.
So it will be done eventually.
But as there's not a ton of 64 bit required games, it's just, it's just not a huge deal
right now.
He's focusing on other stuff like prepping for the Hawaii cards, which he's still I'm
sure refining things for and Nvidia's new stuff that's coming out.
780 TI, which we get to talk about slightly, although we know nothing about it.
So slightly is basically what I just said is it kind of exists and that's, yeah.
So moving on from RevaTuner, Blizzard All-Stars, now Heroes of the Storm.
I love this topic because they basically said nothing in the biggest possible way.
But it's kind of Blizzard style.
It's really not something you should be confused about if you are used to them, you know, a
little name change.
That's all we're doing.
You know, a little, they don't really rush anything.
But I'm extremely, extremely excited.
I think it's going to be really cool.
One thing that I liked actually is that the video for this, if you want to bring it up,
is created by this.
What is it?
Carbot Animations.
It's not even like a super crazy.
They didn't spend tons of crazy amounts of money.
They probably threw him something and it's just kind of awesome.
Go to play the video for I'm going to make sure it's not way too astronomically loud
for anybody.
Oh, there we go.
Now that'll do nicely.
Apparently the sound was way out of sync, but you guys got the point.
It's not exactly a super complicated video.
They just basically show some heroes and then Heroes of the Storm is now a thing.
So they're going to be showing that off at Blizzcon.
So this Blizzcon is actually going to be pretty intense.
Yeah, if you could pick any Blizzcon to go to, this would be the one.
I would love to go to Blizzcon this year.
Because you've got Hearthstone, which is like going to be huge.
I'm having tons of fun with Hearthstone.
It's going to be huge.
And it's one thing with Hearthstone that's interesting is like, okay, there's magic,
which is massive.
But it has all the people that are already into card games.
I think Hearthstone is going to bring people into card games that have never played card
games before.
And people from the Warcraft universe, such as us, you know, talking about vanilla WoW,
we'll get into that a little bit.
But guys like us who played a lot of Warcraft, you know, Warcraft, I wish I played two.
It's sad to say I only played three.
So Warcraft 3 and sunk a lot of time into World of Warcraft, especially vanilla WoW,
Burning Crusade, stuff like that.
And it really pulls us in.
And I remember we were talking, you know, the artwork is fantastic.
As we're used to just being in the Blizzard universe, you're starting to read one of the
I'm three novels in right now.
Vancouver, an event we went to, they actually gave away Blizzard novels.
So read the first free one, ended up buying two more.
Going down to the States tomorrow to do some shopping, I'll be buying at least three as
my plan.
So, you know, the Warcraft universe is really, really cool.
Like you said, it's pulling in the guys that have played card games before and the guys
who haven't.
You know, the guys who are used to Magic and the guys who are used to Warcraft and who
are in the Blizzard universe.
Lots of money.
Oh, seriously.
And then, like, it pulls in the Warcraft fans like us, like we both really like the lore
and we've played the games, both versions kind of of the game, the RTS and the MMO.
And then you jump into the card game and you're like, oh, everything's familiar.
It's not scary.
I'm putting down raid leaders and murlocs like this is fine.
And then the people that are into card games, the names of the cards aren't very important.
So pre-knowing Warcraft is not important at all.
So jumping into Hearthstone is actually not difficult to do and quite easy.
I also find it much more noob friendly than something like Magic, because Magic is really
deep and really complicated and there's like so many ridiculous layers of strategy.
And of course, there is with Hearthstone still, but the ease of entry and learning
how to start, I don't find to be that difficult.
So that's basically all we really have for Blizzard All-Stars is there's a name.
There's a name and something we mentioned, it's the first time they've done anything
except for Starcraft, Warcraft or Dabble.
Even though they're pulling off those, the universe, you know, it's like a mixture.
But it is a different game.
You have to understand, this is one of the biggest companies to exist that has essentially
three titles that have all existed since the 90s.
You could say that Warcraft 3 was a RTS and then they made an MMO.
That's true.
That is true.
But then this one, this is the first time they've had like universe crossovers, as far
as I know, other than like joke stuff, which they've definitely had, but it was more on
Such a good point.
I've never even, that's very obvious, but I've never made the mental connection.
Because it happened so long ago.
It was definitely an RTS.
And definitely went to an MMO.
There's no...
It was like one of the biggest possible changes they could have done.
But then like it happened so long, what was it, 2004?
I want to say...
I think it was 2004 for vanilla WoW, 2006 for Burning Crusade, or...
No, no, no, no.
Burning Crusade was definitely later.
I want to say 2008.
It was pre-2008.
Was it pre-2008?
Because I know 2005 was the year I graduated and we were definitely playing Warcraft then.
And when I went to school, we were still playing Warcraft, and I was still rating MC
and, you know, BWL and all that kind of stuff.
So yeah, it must have been somewhere around 2008.
Maybe later, 2007.
I'm pretty sure about that.
One quick second.
I just want to know, just because I'm interested, because it ties into a topic later on.
So the release date in North America for the actual full game was 2004.
That makes a lot of sense.
And then...
Burning Crusade was...
Oh snap!
Burning Crusade was January 2007 and Wrath of Lich King was November 2008.
January 2007.
Beginning of 2007.
Okay, that makes sense.
So, yeah.
It's actually quite old now.
You're looking at almost 10 years?
Because it's released in 2004.
It's 2013 now.
That's actually pretty ridiculous.
I'm going to jump one, because I think that could be a lot.
No, we'll actually do that right now.
Apple is pushing up resolution, so let's jump to bring that up on your screen and I'll bring
that up.
So Apple is, with their Apple TV, going to be pushing 4K soon.
And they're basically doing a resolution refresh, or not necessarily refresh, they're pushing
resolutions pretty hard on devices pretty much all across the board.
So this is pretty interesting.
It's from MacRumors, I believe.
The person who posted on the forum was Kiri Huna.
I hope I'm saying that right.
That would be my guess.
It's posted on MacRumors, and honestly, just like a lot of the computer hardware sites,
if it's posted on MacRumors, it's usually pretty correct, or pretty close to correct,
so I wouldn't be surprised.
So you can see on there, Apple TV, 55 inch and 65 inch, 4K.
That's beast.
That is.
I'm happy to see it.
And now, a lot of people in the audience are, I'm sure, if I check Twitch chat right now,
wherever it is, Apple, wow, what the hell, why is this Apple?
I'm not gonna buy one.
I'm not interested in buying one.
I'm not interested in buying one either, but I already know what you're gonna say.
I'll let you lead into it.
It's gonna push all the people who I'm gonna buy stuff from to make it better.
Which is the thing that I like about Apple, and which is why I like them hanging around,
is because the longer they're around, the longer they push stuff, the longer the stuff
I get is not gonna suck.
Because we can look at Samsung S3s and how much plastic is in this, but I don't think
something like the HTC One would have ever come around if it wasn't for an iPhone.
Yeah, absolutely.
Because we'd have more plastic-y, cheap-y stuff, which is good because we can afford
See, there's still the debate, because we, this is something we...
The flexibility thing.
We agree on many, many of things.
One thing we disagree on is this back.
You dislike it, I like it.
I like the, one of my main problems with this back is that there's not very many clips,
so it just, like, it comes off way too easy.
Like, I don't even have to try in the slightest.
One thing that I noticed with some other phone that I don't have...
It's a little bit...
It's maybe more difficult, in theory, it could be possibly more difficult to take off if
you were to do that.
If that was a thing.
If you have done that.
Anyways, I think it's good what they're doing there.
But just in case, I'm gonna, I'm gonna, no, can't reach it too far.
The thing is, when I bought my S3, I have an OtterBox case on it, not the crazy one,
I don't even remember the name, but I can't use my phone without that OtterBox case on.
You know, so the back, to me, that's just where we differ.
You like to have no case.
With my day job, I gotta have a case on that thing.
Yeah, I used to carry a case.
It's just a different way to deal with it.
When I went to school and stuff, I had a case.
If you're gonna go no case, I personally think the HTC One could be just a better way
to go.
Although, you lose the functionality of changing out the battery and the SD cards, like I love
the fact that with Samsung phones, you can just take that off.
I have an extra battery in my backpack at all times.
I tried, that's another thing, I tried to swap the battery on this phone.
I don't know if you remember that.
I tried to swap the battery because I thought that was the problem with my phone having
so many battery problems.
And then, that didn't help.
Then I went on CyanogenMod, and that helped.
Best thing ever.
So, even though you can't change the battery, you can still go CyanogenMod on HTC One.
That's true.
So I would almost see that would be a bigger improvement, actually.
Just one second.
Does this actually go live?
Yes, it does.
Yeah, where's Timmy?
Is he supposed to be calling us, or?
I thought so.
You said five o'clock, right?
I believe you said five originally.
Yeah, I thought he was just going to hang out in the channel, I was hoping so.
He's a busy man.
Anyways, there's the shoutout for Timmy, so he's hopefully coming back.
But we are going to jump onto the next topic for now.
Secure US Government Numbers Leaked on 4chan.
That's like the scariest title I've read in so long.
4chan will never quit.
Yeah, it's just, yeah.
So this is from Anime Wolfkit, and the article is found on Daily Caller something?
Yeah, dailycaller.com, and basically numbers were leaked like a while ago and then leaked
again recently, and the numbers include, this is a long list so give me a second, the White
House Situation Room, the direct line to the US Department of State Operations Center Senior
Watch Officer, that's the longest thing ever, the National Military Command Center at the
Pentagon, the US Strategic Command Bunker, the Campisi Alert Facility, the Operations
Room for the National Airborne Operations Center, the Raven Rock Mountain Complex, the
Active Control Room of the 91st Operations Group, the 740th Missile Squadron, and the
Kirtland Underground Munition Storage Complex.
That's a lot of things.
So the numbers were originally posted on September 13th, and they were reposted on October the
13th, and basically it's ridiculous.
It's 4chan, so what they did is they called in and they asked about Battletoads, because
it's 4chan, what do you want them to do?
What do you expect, really?
Yeah, I was actually kind of, this is going to sound bad, you shouldn't call the Pentagon.
But when I read this and I was like, they asked for Battletoads, I was kind of happy,
because I was like, the Internet's never really going to change, we're always going to want
more Battletoads.
We're always going to ask for more Battletoads.
Battletoads will always be in demand.
They will be.
This is something we know.
Yeah, one of my comments here is, I love how people received information like this and
their knee-jerk reaction was to ask about Battletoads, because that's like, the first
thing they do after they get it is, oh, do you have Battletoads?
It's like, what?
There's no way.
Anyways, that was pretty awesome.
If you guys want to hear, I think there's three of the recordings were posted online
on Giazzo or whatever, so if you want to hear those, if you check out the WAN Show document,
which will be in the description of this video after it is uploaded as an archive on
YouTube, you can check that out, and in there, there's the three links to hear the recordings.
Two of them don't have the other line recorded, so they're kind of boring, and that dude just
asked about Battletoads.
The third guy has the other line recorded, but all you can hear from him is, he's a little
bit hard to understand, he has a pretty heavy accent, and then he says a whole bunch of
code words so it sounds super serious and then just hangs up.
Is Timmy in the TeamSpeak now?
Timmy is in the TeamSpeak.
There we go.
Hello Timmy.
Hello Timmy.
Hey, how's it going?
There we go.
Do you have your headphones?
I do.
One second, Timmy.
I am here.
Sorry guys, I should have had this ready.
That's all good.
Um, do do do do do.
Alright Timmy, do you want to introduce yourself, tell people where they can find you, tell
them who you are, what you do, what's your YouTube, blah blah blah.
So I'm just a small YouTube channel.
This is a hobby, it's TimmyTechTV up on YouTube, so it's TimmyTechTV.
And mainly I'm trying to do unboxings of stuff and more from a user perspective, you know,
rather than, I don't know, I guess the polish that you guys put on stuff.
I just kind of do it as a hobby and it's mostly stuff that I buy or that, you know, I build
for people as a system builder, so.
That's cool.
Um, sorry we're fooling around there a little bit.
Alright, so we're going to jump into our first topic, do do do do do, which Timmy chose and
that is the R9 290X launch has been postponed.
Now I found this pretty interesting because one of Timmy's tweets actually made it into
the articles.
Make sure you bring up both there.
We're going to jump to the laptop screen and basically, as you can see right there, Timmy's
tweet down there at the bottom, it's been delayed a whole bunch.
What do you have to say about this?
First I'm famous and I didn't even know it until I saw the link you posted there, but
I think this is a game of one upsmanship, I think that maybe AMD found out that Nvidia
was hosting that event this weekend and decided to hold off.
Um, you know, this is a lot of leaks have come out about, you know, how it compares
to the 780 when it's in quiet mode.
I'm curious.
I'm just kind of curious if they're going to want everybody to rerun against the 780
TI before they release the embargo.
That's not a bad point because it's been really confusing from the reviewers end because like
we get this card and they're like, yeah, here's your release date.
And then right before the release date, it's like, nope, nope, don't do it.
This is your new release.
This is your new.
This is your new release date.
It's like, what are you doing?
Um, I thought it, I thought it was really interesting that they actually let the one
stat come out, but nothing else.
The one stat going out, nothing else.
And then they're going to have a, not necessarily hands on as in, I don't know if people can
use it, but they have that event coming up the public event right by the Nvidia event
that's going on right now.
Like that's ballsy.
I thought that was actually really awesome to be honest with you because usually it's
video trolling AMD.
So I thought the, uh, Hey, we're just going to set up and across the street from you and
show you how awesome AC four looks and 4k, you know, it's the round.
It's kind of cool.
I thought that was pretty crazy.
And then they had seven eighties there too.
So you could see the two 90 X and then you could see a seven 80 playing the same game.
So like that was really aggressive in my opinion because they, they could have gone with just
their car and been like, look how well it works.
But no, right beside the Nvidia event that is press only, they had an open to the public
event where you could see both cards.
So like they're doing this stuff behind doors.
We'll do it right here.
I think it's what Timmy said.
They're just one upping each other.
To make another star craft analogy, cause that's all I seem to do.
You know, they, they they're seeing their opponent take a third base.
Well, I'll take a fourth.
I'll take, you know, I'll take a fifth.
I'll do more.
I'll do this.
You know, I'm going to sit back a little bit.
I'm going to grow stronger and stronger and stronger before we end up, you know, really
getting into it and really start swinging at each other.
But what a cool idea out to the public.
Here's theirs.
Here's ours.
And it's interesting.
I was going to say to be fair that from what I heard from people is that there was somebody
at the door asking people if they were media and then gently reminding them that Nvidia
did invite them and they shouldn't come in.
So they weren't like, Hey, all you media guys come on over and you know, check this out.
That's interesting.
That's kind of cool.
Some respect there for sure.
That is actually pretty cool.
To be honest.
Um, it's yeah, the whole one upping thing.
I was actually pretty surprised at the 780 TI announcement.
Yeah, no kidding.
When people were talking about rumors going on that were about stuff that was going to
come out of this Nvidia event, I expected other TI series for the 700 series to be announced.
The 780 TI wasn't sure if they had it sitting there or not, because the 780 and Titan are
actually pretty close to be completely honest.
And the 780 TI segment might make a lot of sense, especially if they do a price drop
on 780.
So they're more competitive or whatever.
So it's gonna be interesting what's happening now because Nvidia basically is sitting there
with this card that as far as I know, no one has yet going.
You don't know what this is.
You're about to release your new big card.
What if this crushes you?
And it puts AMD in a pretty awkward spot, but then AMD responds by going, yeah, everybody
try it, whatever.
So it's going to be really interesting.
The GPU wars were kind of dead there for a little while.
If people watched our streams from back when we were in the garage, you could probably
see the, it was just dominated.
The demon grim.
Let's be honest.
We were just talking about like, will AMD still be a company next week?
Well, last time we were on the show, we were saying, you know, AMD's, you know, they're
really picking up some, some speed.
I remember talking about that.
They're really coming together and, and in the few weeks, it hasn't even been that long.
You've seen incredible developments.
And what we both said was, you know, we feel like Nvidia is really the big guys.
And just like we were talking about with Apple, you know, we want them to push the industry.
AMD is now absolutely pushing the industry, whether if you're a fan of AMD, obviously
that's great.
If you're not a fan of AMD, that's also great.
That's great.
This is a win-win for consumers.
Because stuff like 780 Ti will actually become a thing now.
Were you going to say something?
You know, and the other thing is there's a lot of, you know, any reviewer gets accused
of this.
Oh, you're a, you know, Nvidia fanboy.
Oh, you're an AMD fanboy.
In my personal systems, I tend to use more Nvidia parts.
But for friends and family, I tend to recommend more AMD parts.
And for everybody in general, you know, people need to realize a strong AMD makes Nvidia
better and a strong AMD makes Intel better because they can't sit on their hands and
not give us the products that they've been developing for the last five years.
It's a super good point.
So if they do better on the GPU side, that will hopefully just have more money flowing
through the company in general and will help the CPU side too.
So this is actually just generally just, it's all wins for us.
It's literally good.
What's going on?
Who knows if that 780 Ti was meant to be an 800 series card and they pulled it back a
generation just to compete.
Whether it was like an 870 or something.
That is not something I would have thought of.
That's really interesting.
They do that a lot though.
They'll take a slightly higher tier card and they'll drop it down one tier and then just
release it in the next series.
So that's actually a really good point.
It could have been what we were looking at for the 870 or something like that, but we
have no idea.
Before at the Nvidia event, Nvidia G-Sync, S Y N C.
This is pretty crazy.
When I first read the article about it on video cards.com, if you can jump that right
so nope, it's in the guest topics right there.
So when I first read this, I was like, Oh, that's pretty cool, but no one's going to
care because you're locked down to Nvidia set up and like, who knows what's actually
going to work where and it's so proprietary, it's locked down, blah, blah, blah.
And those were all the immediate thoughts that came to my mind and whatever improvements
it could be.
And I read about how it's sinking the refresh rate with how your graphics card is performing
at the time and it's supposed to make it smoother and stuff.
And I was like, ah.
It's basically making the refresh rate dynamic.
Would that be a good way to?
But I was wondering, like I was just saying, like, how much is that really going to do?
Like, is that really going to help it that much?
And how much is it going to cost in the end?
How much is it going to cost me?
Because you got to invest in this new monitor because it's not going to it's built into
the monitor.
And by in the end, I mean, you know, when you eventually take that, like we do, you
know, when that system becomes, you know, split up into two other systems or whatever
happens, how is that going to work?
So I was I was pretty drawn back about this.
And then I got a call from Linus, those of you that were watching the pre show know that
that happened.
And I was kind of wondering what he was on about.
It was G sync, and he has used it.
And in his words, he is where is it due to do is completely mind blown.
And he gushed pretty hardcore while he's on the phone.
And his comparative was, you go watch a movie, and it looks really, really good.
But it's at a much lower frame rate than what you're used to.
It's at less than half usually, because it's usually running about 24 FPS.
And we're going to just consider that everyone's running at 60 FPS in games all the time, which
is really not something we do, but whatever.
Everyone's running at 60 FPS all the time.
This is supposed to make it seem more like a movie, it's supposed to be way more smooth
because the refresh rate of your monitor will adaptively change to your GPU.
So there won't be as much tearing, there won't be as much chopping, it'll be much smoother,
no matter what happens.
And coming from Linus's mouth saying he's completely mind blown is a really big deal.
I can't really say much else other than Linus said he was completely mind blown, because
I haven't seen it.
You had it on speakerphone.
He was extremely excited, I just want to emphasize that.
He was very excited, sounded very genuinely impressed.
He was not on a stream, he didn't have that energy of trying to be on camera, he was just
talking to you on the phone and was very excited.
It's probably the most mind blown I've ever heard him.
What are you going to say to me?
I caught a little of the stream this morning, especially the after end of the after event
where they had the panel, but right before that he walked over to Tim and Tim just had
walked over to one of those G-Sync computer systems, and you could see him messing around.
He made it the absolute worst case it could be, and you could once in a while see a little
tiny, and that's real time rendering on that display, every once in a while you could see
a little tiny jitter where you could tell that the frame rate was dropping a little
bit, but it wasn't going all the way down, but you could always read the text that was
on the pendulum, and there was never any tearing.
If you really paid attention you could see it down shifting in frames, but never saw
tearing, you never saw artifacts, so I can see why he's excited about it.
I think the same thing that you guys already said, which is I'm scared that this is another
one of those proprietary products where I have a 30-inch IPS panel, do I want to pay
$1,000 for another 30-inch IPS panel just so that I can use this?
That's kind of scary, but if they can talk TV manufacturers into shipping with that part,
it's a huge win.
There was something in the stream, and I may have misheard them, but they seemed to allude
to it was a product that they were going to license as well, so I don't know what that
Oh, are you saying as in that AMD could utilize it?
I wouldn't go that far, but they seem to allude to that it was...
Because physics, there are some things that the two companies do where they do share the
technology because it's better for all of PC sales, even though they don't really want
you to know that.
They do every once in a while work together for the betterment of everybody and all of
the users.
But it'd be interesting to see if that's the tact.
Who knows two, three years down the road if Nvidia adopts something like Mantle or two,
three years down the road that AMD adopts something like G-Sync?
It's going to be pretty interesting.
One thing to note with this too is I have two PA248Qs, big IPS panels, and I know you
just said you had a 30-inch IPS panel.
This will only be working on TN.
Yeah, that was the other thing.
So while I'm excited about it and all the guys that have those super quick BenQ monitors
that they're using the light boost trick and all that kind of stuff on, I think those guys
are going to be really interested in that, but IPS lovers.
I don't know.
I'm still not completely sold because if I have to go buy a TN panel, I'm just going
to look at it and be sad all the time and be like, why does this exist?
I really felt like when I saw this, it was like, wow, that's an awesome technology and
there's like a 50% chance it's DOA.
Yeah, there's a pretty big chance.
Who's going to use it other than high-end gamers?
We'll see what else they can do with it because TVs, they may put this in TVs at some point,
and if that is part of the whole streaming experience, so now you could stream to your
TV and not just your shield, then it makes a lot of sense.
But I think they're just going into the TN panels, honestly, to start there and get a
And then I think you're going to see it distributed more widely at some point.
I'm wondering if there's some type of technical limitation because there's actually quite
a big difference between TN and IPS panels, less of which between IPS and PLS in my mind,
just how it kind of works because they are a lot faster.
So I wonder if that has something to do with the refresh rate switching, but maybe that's
something they can fix in the end.
They did say that they've been working on this for about five years.
Yeah, so it's actually quite interesting.
It'll be really interesting to see what's going on with G-Sync.
Hopefully we get a sample here so we can try it out and do some videos on it because with
our slow-mo camera, we could show comparisons between a G-Sync monitor and a non-G-Sync
monitor in the same situations.
I know there's a few games actually that I can make tear because I know certain parts
that are hard for it.
So if I jump and turn in the right motion, I'll see it tear like crazy.
So I'll try and show G-Sync comparative against that and then, yeah, just hopefully we get
one so we can show it off because that would be really cool.
What happened?
My power gave up my laptop.
There it is.
We're probably going to jump into more topics than what's just in the guest topic list,
but now we should jump up to Blizzard free at last.
So this is really interesting.
So I think it was a joint venture between the company and the CEO and one other guy,
which is kind of interesting because the CEO and another dude paid in a whole bunch
into this, but basically put up on the forum by Echondo, we're going to jump onto that
screen now, Blizzard is no longer under Vivendi.
And this is really interesting because one thing that Richard was actually talking about
earlier is we were huge fans of Vanillawow and Burning Crusade and Cod 4, which were
all created before Vivendi owned Blizzard.
Are you ready?
I'm ready.
Go for gold.
Those were the best games that were nice.
Vanillawow is so much better than any other WoW expansion that came out.
Items, sets should not be four pieces.
I wear four pieces of clothing that are not a set that go together.
Sets should be eight pieces.
Tier point five is amazing.
Tier point five is what you get from going into five mans and some pieces you need from
a 10 man dungeon that was called Ubers.
You got a tier point five.
Why you did that is because you went and got your tier point five so that you could say
to this guild that goes hardcore, that does work in 40 man raids and says, you know what?
I'm a decent candidate for your guild because I have gathered my tier point five gear.
I know what I'm doing and I'm getting myself into it.
It's not all purple because purple is supposed to be rare and things that are rare means
not everyone has them.
I know video games are trying to teach kids differently these days, but rare means scarce.
Not extraordinarily common, which games are, games are kind of, sorry, Timmy, I'm kind
of going on a bit of a rant here, but Vanillawow and 40 man raids, the way that loot was done,
the difficulty was insane.
People used to go against MC for weeks before, you know, you could finish molten core and
Oh my goodness.
You know, the dragons in there, the coordination of the very, I'm, I'm, I'm embarrassing myself
cause I don't remember the very first dragon, but the coordination of the fight, the hunters
literally running around the outside, pulling dragons with them ads and everyone was in
different locations.
The difficulty, the very first boss, the very first, you just walk in the door and they're
like, here you go.
Maybe in a month, maybe in a month we'll practice enough to get this done because you cannot
just walk through the door, press three macros, be on your second monitor watching YouTube
and still win.
It doesn't work like that anymore.
Cod four is the best call of duty ever made.
I think some people will debate you about Cod two versus that.
That would be a good argument.
That would be an argument in which I would disagree, but respect the other side.
If you are you black ops or something like that.
This is the thing.
One thing from my casting, I'm getting a little more energetic now, but in my casting I do
take punctual opinions, something I have a little stayed a little bit away from in my
last time, but on this one I definitely will.
Cod four was the last time call of duty has also had dedicated servers.
Now I hope everyone in the PC world, am I right about that?
I think they're, no, I don't necessarily want to work for two did not, but they might've
gone back to that.
Now that I'm thinking about it, they might've gone back to it.
I think there's been at least, I think there's been at least one since Cod four.
The Twitch chat will tell me.
We're waiting on the Twitch chat.
We'll have to see.
OG black ops did.
I remember that.
I was going to say.
Black ops two.
My problem is I fell off the bones and I did not.
But they changed it over from dedicated servers to modern warfare two had the same matchmaking
X-Box terrible, feels bad, can't customize the game, has bad hosting, has so many more
Um, I know we used to plan one server in Cod four specifically where you could take a helicopter
down with a single bullet because they just didn't want the helicopter in the game, which
if you feel like playing with no helicopters, jump on their server.
Do you feel like playing a different way?
Jump on their server.
And it was just, it was excellent.
I apologize.
I did by the time black ops came around, I'm, I'm just off the boat.
I never actually played modern warfare three, but apparently modern warfare three also had
unranked servers, but it's like, I don't know, the server support and the customizability
was also at a different level.
I think I also liked how it was, it was more simple.
It was more of a counter-strike idea, um, in the, in the manner that not everything
exploded and not everything was fireworks and flying this, blowing up that dogs.
And there's just, um, I remember when I was learning website design, I want to say in
like 2000, everything was like too flashy and blah, but we were told not to Hollywood
in class.
She made our teacher, our tech teacher made a very specific point of saying, do not flashy
everywhere or you will lose marks and, you know, keep it, keep it simple and simplistic.
And that's something that COD four did.
I think the best, uh, just an unbelievable, very meticulous, uh, very good gameplay, but
I'm going to breathe for a second.
I'm a, so I like call of duty four, but two was my favorite.
You play two in veterans, where it's a one where it was a one shot.
And if you could get through that, that campaign mode and veteran, you were the boss because
there were some parts where the Nazis were just all, uh, the trench warfare in that game
is like, I went to bed at night, like having nightmares about, you know, being in world
war two, but the, uh, I still, I was, I had to mute myself cause I was laughing about
the wow stuff.
So I, I was a day one while guy, um, you know, 40 man raids, um, you know, doing the five
mans where it's like, Oh, I have three of the four pieces.
Can I please join your Guild?
They're like, Nope, Nope.
You have to go get the pants.
You know?
But you know, I was a warrior back in those days and you know, that was when it was hard
mode, man.
That was, there was no joking around.
Like you didn't just play for a little while and like, Oh look, I have bull.
It was like, Oh my God, a blue.
Getting, getting, I remember when the first dude in our Guild got full epics, everyone
just kind of like stood around and was like, well, the tank from flying hellfish, the top
ranked Gill on kill Jaden, which one is, was, which was one, and I still probably is one
of the best North American servers.
He would, I forget his name regardless.
He would sit in the bank in Orgrimmar when there was one bank and not two cities in one
Um, he would sit on the bank and people would just surround him cause he had all the rare
items which were actually rare and he was, he was the main tank and the Guild leader
of the top ranked Guild and it showed, which was awesome.
Oh, I know his name.
I don't know what it was.
It was back, back in the days when it was a, you know, might was the big, you know,
the tier one set.
Then we always called it the, um, but you started to get the tier two set, the wrath
You, you get all the warriors had the little, you know, crescent helmet, which was hysterical,
but yeah, I think so back on topic away from wow, I guess.
Good idea.
I'm really excited about the fact that they see what's happening, the corruption that's
happening to their company because when, you know, this is like bungee is no longer a part
of Microsoft, right?
This is what happens when you have a game studio above you that their only goal is to
make money off of you.
So you saw before where, you know, it may have taken Blizzard 10 years to release something
like they were working on a world of Warcraft for as long as I can remember.
So I feel like even though they took forever on like, um, uh, Diablo three, that they would
have never in that like micro, uh, transaction system if it had been just Blizzard.
That to me, the whole auction house, you could use real money to buy things in the game was
the most ridiculous thing I'd ever seen because I played that game for like 10 minutes.
It was like, I'm done.
I can, if I can buy it with real money, it's not a real game.
That drives me crazy as well.
Um, but I still, I still remember the heyday of, you know, like when the original Starcraft
came out, like I still love that game.
I still go back and play that game.
It's like the graphics are horrible now, but the gameplay is just, you know, wicked.
It's, I actually, the first time I ever saw Starcraft before brood war come out was at
a buddy's house, you know, kind of the old story of, you know, he had a computer and
uh, I think we had a computer back then, but it wasn't very strong.
He had a new one and uh, he went and bought it from Costco or something like that as mum
bought it.
But, uh, and we just played through the single player and we took turns playing it and I'm
actually still friends with him.
Um, he is a volunteer firefighter at the same hall I'm at.
So it's kind of, kind of cool.
Um, but that, that's where my first Starcraft experience, uh, that came from.
We are going to work on the lake here guys.
I'm trying to figure it out.
Keep going.
Keep going.
Um, but, Oh, and one of the big things to me, I glad you kind of sounds like you came
from the same roots in these games that, uh, slick and I did.
And one thing that's really exciting was seeing Blizzard on its own.
As you were saying, they can make their own choices, um, is with both of their new games
coming out.
It's, it's, it's huge now that they own themselves and they're going on this, on this new path
with new games.
I just kind of want to find out what you think about that.
Yeah, I just think it's, you know, it's nice to see them go back to, I guess what I felt
like made them a successful company.
And you know, they're, they're the classic story of like, Hey, there's a Blizzard game
coming out and everybody's really, really, really, really excited for it.
And they released like, you know, some 32nd rendered video and, and then five years later
the game comes out.
But we always used, you know, you'd be like, Oh, Blizzard.
And then when that game came out, one, the waiting made it even better.
But two, you knew it was going to be good.
You know, even while with all the technical difficulties they had in like the very early
days, you know, and even with the, you know, some of the bugs that were in there, it was
still like mind-blowingly better than anything that had come out before.
And I think there'll be able to go back to that, you know, if it's the right thing to
delay a shipment by six months so that they can finish something that they really want
in the game.
Now, they'll be able to do that again.
And here's an interesting thing.
There's they're going to make a Warcraft movie.
Not sure if you're aware of that.
I work in the film industry here in Vancouver.
Vancouver is signed up.
Vancouver is going to be making, well, not Vancouver is going to be making, but they're
going to be making the Warcraft movie in Vancouver.
Everyone I work with is very excited to be completely honest.
Not many of them play games.
The reason they're excited is there's a ton of movies being made in Vancouver.
I work, I took the day off to do this stream.
I work a ton and it's, they are projecting that is going to absolutely without a doubt
by significant margin the highest budgeted movie ever created in Canada, which is, which
is pretty big.
They call Vancouver Holly or California North.
I think we are maybe we're third now, but I believe we're second North America for producing
movies and TV shows.
So everyone's really excited about that because the budget is going to be huge.
And one thing that I was explaining to them is if it is Blizzard running it, I'm not exactly
Maybe they, I hope they didn't sell the rights or something like that, but if it is Blizzard
controlling it, they will delay this movie until they have decided it is perfection,
which you know what?
If it takes years, I'm okay with that because like you said, it will be amazing and it will
be worth it.
I think we should probably stop talking about WoW now because I think we've been talking
about WoW for 15 minutes.
The chat has renamed this the WoW show.
I think they've been renaming it the WoW show for a little while.
I think one of the editors at the Linus Media Group head office is uploading videos right
now, which is I think maybe why we're lagging for the people that are saying we're lagging.
I'm trying to get in contact with him without screaming because that would come through
the mic terribly.
Um, but I've messaged him, he has not messaged back.
Hopefully he responds because I'm pretty sure he's uploading videos that he has finished
rendering and I'm pretty sure that's why we are continually dropping frames.
So we are lagging, um, but yeah, I can't kick him off, unfortunately.
Maybe call him.
Call him.
It's, I, it's not, multiple reasons that I can't do it though, because I don't have my
work account linked into this phone yet, so I don't have his phone number, blah, blah,
blah, blah.
I could mute the mic.
Not really actually because of how the new audio set up.
Oh, yes I can.
No, I can't.
Why is that music?
You can unplug the snowball, but that could create a whole other problem.
It's not the snowball, it's that mic that's big enough.
Oh, that's right.
That's right.
Um, but yeah, hopefully it stops.
Hopefully the video is, nope, it's, we're definitely lagging.
We're dropped, we're legitimately dropping frames.
So there's frames that the video is recording that are not making it to you guys.
So while it might not be too bad for certain people that probably have better connections,
it's definitely dropping frames.
Um, I can mute, this was someone who just said your audio setup is retarded if you can't
I agree.
I can't mute because of the mixers on the other side and I can't press the thing.
And the reason why it's over there is because the power cord for the mixer is so ridiculously
terrible and low quality.
Anyways, we're going to move forward if I can find this one, um, back on the AMD graphics
that we're talking about earlier, AMD graphics gets a massive performance increase in Linux
3.1, um, 0.2 more specifically, I believe.
But this even freaked out and surprised the guys that work on the AMD driver for Linux.
They were like, holy crap, is this actually real?
Um, if you can grab the PC per article, um, basically there's not a lot to say about it
Um, but like PC per, I think this is one of the shortest articles I've seen on PC per
because one thing I noticed that he likes to do is write the longest articles ever.
But I guess this isn't by the main dude.
So that makes sense.
Um, but basically there's a one to 50% improvement in most games and in some select few games
up to 90% improvement on graphics performance.
Like what the hell just happened in the game man, Linux kernel updates.
It wasn't even AMD.
That's the crazy part.
The AMD driver guys were surprised.
They were like, what the heck?
They're super stoked because it's so much better.
Um, it was a kernel update.
That was crazy.
So in my mind how this went down, no idea if this is how it actually worked, but in
my mind how this went down is Linus Torvalds was pissed at Nvidia and then Nvidia is like,
oh, we're going to come back now that Dyson valve care about you.
Um, and he's basically like, uh, he gave him the finger in a press conference and said,
uh, Linus Torvalds gave Nvidia the finger and this was a bit ago basically saying, because
Nvidia is the hardest hardware manufacturer of any hardware manufacturer for them to work
Apparently they just refuse to be helpful in any way.
So Linus Torvalds gave him a finger and they're like, yeah, they're incredibly difficult to
work with, blah, blah, blah, blah.
They have an independent team that works on their driver and like all this kind of, it's
Um, and then if he didn't, it's like, oh, we're coming back because people care about
you now.
And then Nvidia goes and goes, oh, but we're going to take support away from the driver
for like crazy amounts of Jeep monitors and make it three because we don't want to compete
with windows too much.
So I think in my mind there must've been something going on behind the scenes and Linus Torvalds
was probably like, you know what?
Screw you power turtle update.
I hope there's something like that that went down because this is awesome.
What do you think about this?
Well, the, so the thing I think definitely, I think he had the nail on the head there
because Nvidia didn't give a crap about Linux, right?
And all of a sudden the quote unquote third console is coming out, right?
Cause steam box, it's a PC, but you know, let's call it the third console from a chip
And when they made that decision to go Linux, all of a sudden they decided to, video decided
to like, oh crap, we're going to have a third place that our cards and chips aren't going
to be.
I mean, imagine the coup would have been if, if only AMD would have worked that.
People were even worried at the start of the steam machine thing because all the, all the
predone specs for all the steam machines had Nvidia cards, but nope, not only are they
fully modular so you can change it however you want, but valve has already said that
they will be shipping steam machines with AMD cards in them.
That's what I saw that right when it came out, everybody was like, oh my God, they're
only Nvidia cards.
And immediately valve comes out and goes, no, no, no, no, no.
That's just what we put in these 300 machines.
Like it's really okay.
That's awesome.
And then, yeah, it'll be interesting to see.
But I think you're right.
I think this is a, you know, somebody pissed somebody off and somebody decided that they
were going to show a certain company what happens when you piss him off.
Yeah, exactly.
If it's your company.
They are a huge piece of Linux power to you.
And I absolutely, you know what, if they're not cooperating with you, I, you know, I try
to be a nice guy, but if they're not, if they're not giving you something, why should you,
you know, it's, it's, it's a push-pull and it's super exciting because gaming on Linux,
to be completely honest, and I know there's going to be limit Linux lovers out there.
I love Linux deep down.
It's great.
But honestly, guys, it wasn't that good.
Gaming on Linux was not that good.
We could wine whatever we wanted.
Wine was this little application so you could run windows programs and stuff, but it was
mainly used for games.
I used to try and run wow through wine and we can do whatever we wanted, but it was really
not that good.
So it's nice that this kind of stuff is happening now because it's going to be, the performance
is going to be there because one thing that Linux has always been known for is this beast
performance because it's so lightweight.
So if you get even more like this, it's just, Oh, that's awesome.
Steam machine, sorry.
And all this other kind of stuff, dice backing up Linux like crazy, Val backing up Linux
like crazy.
This is good.
I'm excited.
I'm really excited.
Windows, hopefully, he works for Microsoft, this is awkward.
Windows hopefully takes notes and pays a little attention to what's going on and we're going
to switch topics because that just got really awkward.
I will say one thing real quick.
I actually, I know quite a few people that, you know, like me personally, I'm going to
try to get, uh, the steam machine to run in a VT right in a virtual session because I
don't want to, I, you know, windows is where most people do their productivity, right?
I've used Adobe for Linux and it's junk and I need Adobe on my PC, right?
I just need that productivity software that does really well on the console that it's
written or on the platform that it's written for.
The thing where, you know, but at the same time I don't want to have to have two PCs
if I have to run, you know, Linux and windows to do work, I just have like a 30 foot HDMI
cable that runs to my TV and when I want to gain with my Xbox controller, I just, you
know, sit down and flip the input over to my TV.
Um, you know, if I can do that and still be able to switch back and forth between, uh,
Linux and windows, I think everybody wins in reality because it's going to drive PC
sales, which is good for Microsoft.
It's going to drive gaming, which is good for all of us.
Um, and it, it helps an open platform that, you know, realistically guys, they don't make
any money off of that open platform.
I have friends that do open GL and open CL stuff, um, you know, that could be making
lots of money at Nvidia or AMD and they just do it for fun.
So I used to try, now I was terrible, so I don't even know if I did anything constructive,
but I used to try and help with the wine project.
Um, mainly what I would do is testing, but yeah, like talking to some of the guys in
there, there were some pretty high end guys that worked for some pretty high end companies
and put in beastly amounts of time in their spare time trying to help work all this stuff.
There's a lot of companies out there that aren't profitable really that put towards
this open open platform movement.
So it's actually quite interesting that it's now becoming, it's now likely to become much
more mainstream.
One other thing that I found really funny that's in here, actually, I wanted to touch
on this, but I don't, I have no idea where this conversation is going to go.
Um, it wasn't in the guest topics, but I wanted to bring it up.
Now problems with journalism.
Now a hilarious reason why this is coming up right now is that we, okay, I slightly
screwed up earlier when we were talking about the Blizzard free at last, um, the title and
what was in that post was a little bit confusing.
So when I skimmed over it, I didn't properly read it.
So it's more Activision that freed itself, not Blizzard specifically.
It's more specifically Activision.
So we're going to jump back to the next topic, which is hilariously the next topic because
it's about the sun talking about serif industries, a company in Deus Ex, which made, um, cybernetic
Let me jump to your screen.
It's in the newspaper and they're talking about cybernetic implants from serif industries.
The best part is that it's printed on the thing in the picture serif.
And if you Google it, it's very obviously from a game, but they start talking about
serif industries.
There's even, well, yeah, this isn't the sun's website.
Right, right.
So, um, so yeah.
And they're talking about how it's serif industries, a us firm, blah, blah, blah, has developed
an eyeball implant.
Like it's not a super big article, but it's just kind of hilarious.
It's in the sun, but honestly, it really shows what a joke news is today.
That's, that's, we're kind of getting to like personal beliefs right now, but I have strayed
away from listening to the news because, you know, I'd rather get my fiction from something
like a Warcraft novel, you know, like if we, if we look like there was an article that
came out saying in Toronto started on some forum, um, what they did do, and I can't remember
what level it was, but, um, some sort of community soccer where kids just kind of show
up and play.
I'm not sure if it was at school or not, but they, they didn't keep score.
That's that's totally cool.
That's totally fine.
And then an article came out saying on CBC, which if you live in Canada, that's kind of
our government news network, um, saying that they took the ball away to make it, you know,
no one scores.
It's led the, they're supposed to imagine that the ball is there.
Not true.
Didn't happen, but someone wrote it on the internet and CBC said it was true.
Another thing that happened because Breaking Bad is really popular.
I thought, I thought the CBC thing was an elaborate troll by CBC.
Wasn't it elaborate troll?
I heard they just report it wrong.
Either way, because the guys that posted it, CBC, you should not do that.
You are, you should not be trolling.
You are nationwide news network.
So if you are correct, shame on them still.
There was another article that came right out of Vancouver.
This was about two weeks ago.
A RV was driving over one of the many bridges we had.
It was on fire and it was immediately reported on all the news networks that it was a meth
lab on fire.
Because Breaking Bad just ended a week earlier.
Guess what?
Not a meth lab.
Nothing to do with meth.
They stole the gas.
They stole gas.
Not a meth lab.
Because gas is like expensive and worth a lot.
We are actually living in the most expensive city for gasoline or petrol.
The Lower Mainland has all 10 of the most expensive cities to buy gas in North America.
That's fantastic.
But it just goes to say that news these days, my goodness.
And like we screwed up, but I don't think we screwed up as bad as that.
I don't know.
Either way.
I just thought that was actually pretty hilarious.
Oh yeah.
The Sun is apparently just a joke in general.
Like I read the comments on this article and it was just ridiculous.
And I talked to some people from where it's actually published and they said yeah that
magazine is just ridiculous.
But how do these things exist?
Like you go to the grocery store and you always see them on the rack as you're leaving.
And it's like two aliens found in the desert dissected and we're going to die in two days.
And it's like how does that newspaper slow down?
Even if you look, I'm going to switch back.
Even if you look at this article that you can see picture, it's talking something about
its vehicle Wright uses lasers, Google maps, satellites, complex algorithms, and a tremendous
amount of data, 750 megabytes per second to navigate the road ahead.
Well, and the next one is Star Trek tricorder.
So this whole article is.
But how do these, how are they still around?
I don't, there's so many things, so many things.
Like the tabloidy magazines that you see in the marketplace that everyone knows are just
completely bullshit.
How is that still a thing?
Miley Cyrus makes music.
We'll never know.
We'll never know how things work out.
I don't even mind her song that much.
The music video is just ridiculous.
You know what?
The song's not even bad until she, the chorus I don't like, like the wrecking ball park.
But the leading, she's actually a talented singer and there's an amazing clip that you
can find.
Um, I won't go bring it up.
You can go search for it yourself.
But Miley Cyrus is a good looking lady besides when she cuts her hair and sticks her tongue
out and does all these crazy things.
And there's a clip going.
She says, I love when I watch videos of a celebrity.
She's saying this and you go, what?
You know what?
You used to be so beautiful.
What, what did you do to yourself?
And you're just like, Oh damn, you know the rage comics where the face goes like way out
of it.
That's what I want to do.
That's fine.
All right.
So now next topic, which again, we do like we do a topic and then we talk about AMD and
we do a topic.
Then we talk about AMD.
Um, so we're going to talk about AMD again.
Um, AMD swings a profit in quarter three of $48 million.
Now this might, if you're looking at like the scale of how big this company is, that
might not seem that ridiculous, but they haven't been swinging profits for kind of a long time.
So it's really nice to see them back in the game.
We've seen a lot of news this week about them being back in the game.
So it's kind of awesome to see them pulling a profit because the more they actually pull
a profit instead of you losing all the millions ever, like they've been doing for a long time,
they can actually start getting more money into that R and D. They can start getting
more money into the CPU side, the GPU side, everything.
We're interested to see what Timmy thinks about this one.
Well, the first thing I think as a AMD stockholder is that the good God, they lost 56 cents a
share today.
That, yeah.
So that's got, you know, for almost 14% down.
It's, this is the one of those things where like everybody's like, Oh my God, the world
is ending.
PCs are dying.
Nobody's buying PCs anymore.
But 10 years ago, how many people did you know that had a five year old PC?
Like almost nobody.
Now, how many people, you know, how many do you know that have a five year old PC?
Like everybody I know that's not me almost.
Yeah, exactly.
If you're not doing like, you know, rendering or hardcore gaming, there's, you know, your
XP system is probably still just fine for your email and playing Pogo on the internet.
I mean, so I think the problem with analysts in this situation is that they're looking
at like, you know, where's the PC market in, you know, 10 years.
Well, if video games are easier to port to the PC and make look better and the Steam
PC or the Steam OS comes out and you get all this stuff where, you know, you can see
the trend right now is people are shifting back from consoles to the PC.
And I think, you know, the fact that this is, I think somebody, I was reading one of
the articles on this where they were saying, uh, it was like two quarters earlier than
they thought that they were going to make a profit again.
So they're expecting like Q1 of next year, the, to make a profit basically when all the
console starts selling.
So I think some of this 48 million is because of the consoles that have already been made.
Yeah, definitely.
I think, I think that's some of it, but longterm, I think, especially from, you know, the value
that you get from their product, I, I don't think they're going away and I think they're
just going to keep kind of shifting to be more profitable.
I think they're headed back in the right direction.
And one thing that I want to segue out of what you just said actually is that the whole
thing with PC gaming, not necessarily going away, it's just, people aren't upgrading as
fast is the graphic that is on screen right now that was actually put up by Nvidia.
I know we're talking about AMD right now, but who cares, we're fans of both.
And this is interesting.
Now I don't know if all these specs are PC gaming by itself because they bring up stuff
like Call of Duty or if that's all of it.
I don't remember the numbers for Call of Duty, but I think that might be all of Call of Duty,
not just the PC side.
But they're showing like the 2013 Stanley Cup Final got 8.2 million viewers.
The 2012 LOL Championship got 8.3 million viewers.
Is that supposed to be the 2013 LOL Championship?
It's Nvidia graphics.
So what it says on the Nvidia graphics is the 2012 LOL Championship.
2013 was pretty recent, so they might not have the numbers on that.
Well actually no, they probably do.
I'm not sure when...
Either way, like a PC gaming tournament beat out the 2013 Stanley Cup Final.
And League has only grown.
So you would imagine that 2013 is higher.
So that's monstrous.
And the NFL.
Virtual good sales more than NFL.
NFL is huge and an amazing industry in the States.
If you don't know much about the NFL, you don't even have to know about sports.
They actually run on a socialist ideal.
They share money amongst teams.
That's why they're so incredibly successful as opposed to MLB, which always has the same
teams winning, essentially.
You know what I mean?
It's always New York.
It just has too much money.
But NFL revenue, $9.5 billion.
Virtual goods, $15.
$15 billion.
Billion dollars.
Just ridiculous.
When I played quarter one 2013, $13.5 billion for just the top 20 games, Netflix was $4
Like holy crap.
I hadn't...
That was the one that...
I was gonna say out of all of these, that was the number that made me go like, whoa.
The $13.5 billion hours?
Yeah, that was monstrous.
Because everybody I know watches Netflix.
Yeah, me too.
And like we'll idol it quite often and just have it in the background or whatever.
So like that's insane.
So all the people that think PC gaming is dying, check out this little graphic.
I have never...
People jump on the dying boat so quickly.
I have never been on it.
I have never thought PC game was dying truly because we get a lot of the games that the
console gamers get.
You know, they make them for all titles and we get so many games that are to our own.
Like we're gonna jump back to it for a second, but I'm just doing it for the numbers.
World of Warcraft is not mentioned on here.
What is the revenue for that game over the past decade?
Oh my goodness.
I don't even want to throw a number because it'd be too small.
Someone in the chat just said 13.5 billion hours filthy casuals.
Yes, I do agree.
You're navigating away and you're on screen.
Sorry, sorry.
It's okay.
But yeah, so the one, okay.
So PC gaming in my mind didn't, it hasn't necessarily died, but it did kind of dwindle
for a bit.
Xbox 360 and PS3 rained pretty hard there for a while, but we're getting out of that
swing and PC gaming is back baby.
Unlike that guy because he didn't really come back properly, but I think PC gaming came
back properly.
Well, and I think, you know, if you eventually see, you know, they have developer connects
for PC, right?
But you can't really play games with those.
I think if you saw something like the connect come out for the PC as well or the steam box
or whatever, that you would see those casual gamers starting to say, why do I need a console
when my PC can actually do everything I want it to do?
Yeah, that's a really good point.
And I think there's going to be, I think new things are going to drive a lot of hype for
PC gaming as well.
Like we've seen stuff like Oculus Rift.
I know that's definitely not as mass consumer friendly as say a connect.
By mass consumer friendly, I mean the random people aren't going to go to a store and be
like, Oh, what should I buy for my kid?
I'm going to buy him an Oculus Rift.
I don't think that's going to happen quite yet because it's a little bit more hardcore.
A connect you can put up in your room and it's a family or whatever, and it's a very
casual situation.
So it's going to be open to more people that way.
But if you're a gamer, a pretty hardcore gamer, and you've been on console for a while, but
you liked PC in the past and you want to try something new, you're probably going to go
for PC and an Oculus Rift.
So I do think like not necessarily just games, just big MMOs and stuff that can only be released
on a PC are going to be what's going to drive stuff onto PC.
Obviously MOBAs right now is happening huge, is helping.
Everyone's making one at PAX.
You know, they must have been what, three MOBAs?
Strife, Leaks, Smite, Blizzard's new thing.
What's the one with- Heroes of Newerth.
There was one right beside us in PC.
Yeah, the superhero one that had Axlaf and Axeltoss casting.
I can't even remember what it was called.
Which is so funny.
What was it, DC Heroes or something?
I was just there to meet them and get their signature.
I wasn't really sure what the MOBA was about, but I definitely wanted to meet both those guys.
Apparently me cracking my neck hurt people's ears.
Oh really?
Sure as you, I've done a couple good pops.
Probably both have.
I just went for a go.
Maybe, it might have been you actually.
Now what we were talking about with the Oculus Rift and, oh shoot, help me for one second.
Oculus Rift PC.
The Xbox.
Thank you.
I don't know why that happened.
But something I've said since the beginning of the Kinect and the Oculus Rift, I'm going
to make myself unpopular for a second, hopefully just for a second.
But I am not hugely into the technology yet, but I'm extraordinarily excited to see where
it's going to go.
Version 2 or whatever.
I got an Oculus Rift coming, I have a dev kit.
It should be coming this month.
They're cool.
Don't get me wrong.
But I'm not like, oh my god, all I want to do today is go play my Oculus Rift.
I'm not really there yet.
And the Kinect isn't really...
I am.
A lot of people are.
I want to play Oculus Rift.
That's what I'm saying.
I'm going to make myself a little bit unpopular.
There might be some people that would agree with me, and if you're on the boat right now,
that's awesome.
I support you.
But I'm just, I'm not necessarily totally jumping into the pool yet, but I'm really
excited to see where it's going to go.
Because it is only going to develop exponentially.
And I'm totally with you actually.
What did you guys...
Oh, go for it.
Did you guys check out...
Well, Oinus did that video on the Omni, right?
That thing is cool.
That's really cool.
You know, the fact that you have, like, positioning and the Oculus Rift, and you can run and jump
and turn, you know, with an actual, you know, gun that's basically your controller that's
using tracking to know where you're pointing.
My only comment was, does it come in 3XL, but...
I'm with you, buddy.
Yeah, no, actually, when we went to go test it, I don't know if you saw this footage,
but I tried it out too, and it, at that point in time, was not in 3XL.
If we can say, it was not tall enough, actually.
My waist was too high and my feet were too big.
So I had to go with, I think I was in my socks, or no, they found shoes that fit me if I wore
them as if I was a rock climber.
So my toes were like that in the end, which was terrible.
And then it was too high, so I couldn't wear the belt.
So I was trying to go around in the Omni while just, like, holding onto it in my hand to
support myself.
That's a different topic.
I kind of, I don't want to include that in what I was saying, because that is really,
if I could play that every day, I probably would, but that's something everyone can put
in their living room.
Exactly, yeah.
It's too, it's one of the problems with that is it's too big.
So it has the, it has the adaptation problem that Oculus Rift does, but in a different
Oculus Rift is quite hardcore.
Omni is still really hardcore, but at least your open area, which automatically makes
things a little bit more easy to adopt.
But it's big and it's not really collapsible.
So you need kind of a dedicated area for it to go, which is interesting.
Someone wants to know what size your shoes are.
What are they, thirteens?
When, in like the kit that they brought to our meeting, they didn't have any in there
I'm like 99.9% sure you can get shoes big enough for me, I'm bigger now.
But they only had like three different kinds of shoes there.
Thirteen is the kind of...
Do they have sandals for Linus?
Do they have sandals for Linus?
I don't think they did actually.
I can't remember what they had them wear.
They have built in socks with sandals.
Built in.
Wow, that's fantastic.
Specially developed.
Sebastian sandals.
That's what they're called.
They had Converse shoes for Linus, and Converse was like, wow, this isn't even a company anymore.
Where do you find these?
And I was like, wow, I'm not up on fashion, but you have no idea what you're talking about.
Yeah, Converse is definitely a thing.
I was like, I don't often go out.
You actually just don't go out at all.
Like, geez, man.
Oh, geez.
Okay, so give me one sec, and I think we can jump into the other topic unless one of you
guys have more to say.
I'm pretty good.
All right, so what do we have now?
Nexus 5 leaked on the Play Store.
There isn't a ton of information about this, but it's back soon for the WAN Show.
Just the title.
I could change that.
Not a huge deal.
It's probably too late now.
Nexus 5 leaked on the WAN Show.
We're going to jump to Richard's screen right now.
I'm cold at sea, thank you.
Cold at sea screen right now.
My bad.
Interesting, but...
Looks really cool.
There's not really a lot of information.
We've already seen...
Like, the only thing that I really got from this was the fact that it was $349.
I think that's kind of the main piece of information to get.
Yeah, because there's been better photos leaked already.
I've seen better photos of this leaked already.
There was photos leaked with Telus' logo on it.
Which was just...
I was like, what?
Oh, okay.
Kind of weird.
Because they're like, only here.
But yeah, there was photos leaked with Telus' logo all over it, which was kind of funny.
Linus is tweeting things to me.
Why doesn't he text me or something?
What a silly man.
Give me one second.
Oh, I can't find it because there's so many tweets from other people.
But yeah, it looks really cool.
The thing is, they're going to have a lot of competition.
There's so many cool phones coming out, and I know you guys should be releasing a Note
3 video pretty quickly, which is going to be very interesting phones.
The competition in phones right now is incredible.
Things like CyanogenMod coming out and trying to develop into something that's one click.
I'm going to pause you for one quick second.
Everyone tweet at Slick PC and...
One second.
And at TimmyTechTV and at ColdSC, all in one big thing, with questions for TimmyTechTV,
I forgot to do a Twitter blitz, we'll be doing a Twitter blitz soon.
So tweet them questions and keep going.
You're talking about CyanogenMod?
I'm just saying it's a really interesting era for phones right now.
Tech right now is awesome, because I felt like it was a little dry there, maybe for
a bit.
But with the video cards are coming out, AMD's stepping up, Nvidia's having to step up their
The new consoles are going to come out, which is going to exponentially make PC games better,
which is why I'm excited for the consoles to come out.
You've got the Steam Box coming out, all the different phones.
The Note 3 is coming out, looks amazing.
This new Nexus phone is coming out.
It's a really good time to be around and in technology.
Yeah, for sure.
And 4.4 is going to be coming with this phone as well.
See that's awesome, 4.4 is awesome.
I'm actually more excited for CyanogenMod to become something that is easier to implement.
Yeah, but then CyanogenMod will get 4.4 too.
Oh no, yes, yes, exactly.
Sorry, I didn't mean to discredit that part of it, but yeah, exactly.
One interesting thing that they stated was capture the everyday and the epic in fresh
new ways.
Now, I might have missed some leaks or something, but I'm not entirely sure what they mean by
They're saying Linus tweeted me something about a 290X.
I checked his Twitter.
I don't see anything from him.
I'm not entirely sure what you guys are talking about.
I would expect more Nvidia-styled tweets.
Well do we want to do Twitter Blitz?
We can jump into the Twitter Blitz now, if that makes a lot of sense.
Let's refresh this.
Sounds good.
Alright, so these questions are directed at Timmy, if I can, oh, no, that's the wrong
There we go.
No idea.
Don't play it.
Apparently we've got comments so far.
Best phone for under $450 unlocked.
Other than the Nexus 5.
I don't know the buyout prices.
I'm not very good at that.
I don't know the buyout prices either, actually.
I think the Mega might be around that price with the buyout, because it's pretty cheap.
So if you're looking for a big phone.
Yeah, I actually held one the other day.
It's insane.
Personally, I think the Note 2 is a little too big.
The Note 3 is a little bit smaller, which is awesome.
It's a Mega.
It's monstrous.
Like, it makes the Note 2 look like my S3.
Like when you compare the Note 2 and S3 side by side, that's the same, maybe, fraction
of difference.
I'm failing on my vocabulary right now.
Scaling up?
Yeah, exactly, the scales.
Between the Mega and my S and the Note 2, it's kind of the same difference there.
The Mega is ridiculous.
That thing must be giant.
I've never actually seen one in real life.
It's ridiculous.
It's basically a tablet with the sim card that you can call it.
Yeah, I was going to say, I have a Galaxy 3 7-inch, you know, just a tablet without
the sim, and it's the same size as that.
I mean, it's not 7 inches exactly, but it's like the same size.
So it's ridiculous.
This article is saying 6.3.
It seems huge.
Yeah, and honestly, the screen isn't because it's so huge.
I only used it for a second in the store, it's not as if I reviewed it.
I wasn't overly impressed with the screen.
Yeah, no, I didn't.
The tablets, the $199 tablets look better to me.
Oh, wow.
Geez, that's interesting.
Now, I'm going to go on something a little left field here.
I could be completely wrong, so please, Timmy, correct me, or yourself, Slick.
Was not the Mega released in Asia first and then brought over here significantly later
and not upgraded.
Yeah, see, I thought it was released in South Korea and Japan.
Makes sense.
Yeah, I think.
When I was in Korea, a lot of people had large form factor phones.
Were really popular.
Yeah, I could be completely wrong about that.
Maybe we'll get a tweet or something, but yeah.
No, no, I think you're right.
Yeah, it was released overseas first, Japan, Korea, and not upgraded and then brought here
significantly later.
Then in phone time, phone time is so much worse than dog years.
Phone years, one year in a phone year, it might as well be 30 human years, for crying
out loud.
I got one here.
They were asking about any higher than 1080p monitors with display port for under 400 bucks.
If you're going to go under 400, depends on the size, obviously, you're only probably
going to see that in something like a 27 or a 30 inch.
Where I buy my monitors from is Monoprice because you can get, basically they take like
LG and Samsung panels that don't pass all the quality tests, rebrand them as Monoprice
monitors, remove whatever features failed the quality test and then sell them for like
half the price.
It's absolutely pretty cool.
My 27 inch Monoprice monitor was like $349 and it's a 1440p IPS.
It's like Monoprice is a really, really interesting guy.
That's really cool.
So I buy all my cables and everything through Monoprice.
They will say that these are second party, basically, panels.
They're failing quality tests and they're taking features away from them.
They don't shy away from that.
They're like, hey, if you can do without these two features, then save half price, basically.
And they're brand new.
They have full Monoprice warranties and they're brand new.
It's not like they were returned or they're second hand.
It's just that they're not good enough for whatever model, Samsung or whatever model.
Most of them are LG monitors.
I love mine.
Red pixels, no backlight bleed, you know, for what I paid for it, I can complain at
We've got a new question on screen.
So how do you feel about Nvidia's reveal of the GTX 780 Ti?
Sorry to interrupt you, Jimmy.
You know, personally, I don't like the Ti monikers myself.
It seems like they originally, yeah, titanium.
It seems like they originally created the Ti moniker so that they could, you know, like
I said earlier, so that they could rebrand something that they were holding off on in
reaction to something that AMD does.
Because you don't really see a lot of AMD doing that.
You know, you might now though, because you notice they have the X and the non X moniker.
So we might start seeing that from AMD as well, but it just makes it hard.
You know, as a consumer, like, oh, well, what's different?
Why is it different?
How much better is the performance, you know, price per dollar?
If it makes 780 go down in price and it's roughly a titanium with less RAM for $700,
I'll be doing backflips to, you know, Newegg or Amazon to buy one.
Oh, Titan.
If it's roughly a Titan with less RAM.
So you mean?
Or a Titan.
That's cool.
It's, it's, it's interesting.
And I kind of agree with the TI moniker thing.
And but with a slightly different angle, I've always kind of understood the benchmarks
because I've been running them for a long time.
But from someone from the outside of it, I've seen people comment like, okay, well, is this
660 TI better than a 670?
Like without looking at the benchmarks, they're like, what is this TI thing?
What does it actually mean?
In what way is it actually better that they're not looking into the deep specs of it.
They're not going out and actually figuring out what's different.
They're going like, what am I supposed to buy?
Why is there all these different revisions to different things?
Now, to me, it's a little bit more simple than that.
I don't think it's actually that complicated in the naming convention, but it's, it's,
it's very likely to do with what you're talking about, which is where it's, it's very likely
just, oh, we made this thing, but we don't, we kind of need to push it out now.
So let's just kind of change the name and push it out and then we'll deal with other
stuff later.
Let's move on to do, where is the screen up a little bit?
There we go.
Guys asking, is it worth it for him to get rid of his 1280 by 1024 monitors and get a
1440 P one or keep my monitors and SLI on my 660?
I don't think you want to SLI a 660 right now.
You know, I would say, depending on what you do with it, for me, you know, 1440 P, so I
don't, I don't actually game at 1440 P cause my main machine has a GTX 670.
And I don't like, you know, like Bioshock Infinite at 1440 P on my card is like 23 frames
a second.
And that's not a situation I like to game and I don't like watching and you know, you
see the tear and stuff just like, you know, it's really bad, especially the tear.
So I tend to game, I tend to flip my, my panel between the 1440 and the, the 1080, depending
on what I'm doing.
What I really use the 1440 for is like, especially when I'm editing videos, the more real estate
you can get for like, you know, work related things, the better off you are though.
That's what, you know, I would say 1440, if you're going to go over, you're going to go
over 27 inches, it's, I think 1440 is important, but you have to have the video card to drive
Another thing that I do in mind too, is with his current setup, maybe not SLI in the 660,
but maybe if you like vendor the 660, like sell it on eBay or something like that, and
then upgrade your card directly, like get a actual GPU replacement, maybe go up to 700
series or something like that.
Not a terrible idea.
It's going down a little bit.
I actually, you know, I've seen Linus recommend that before in the past too.
Don't SLI a generation old card if you're going to have to buy a new one to do it or
even a used one.
If you have a product that you could make from selling your card and that you would
be paying for the new card, take that performance benchmarks that are all over the place.
And look at the new performance benchmarks and like, I bet you could probably buy as
you know, a 760 or 770 for the same price.
Definitely not a bad idea.
Now this guy's tweet, not directly going after Timmy, but I just wanted to bring this up.
If any of you own Blizzard before, wow, the problem is Activision, not Vivendi, you guys
are mixing stuff up.
And then the article is just, I, how it was worded.
I read it wrong.
It was just a little bit confusing.
Sorry about that.
We figured that out.
Moving on.
Now you've kind of already.
I will say though, I will say in some aspect though, Blizzard still made good games after
the Activision merger, though they may not have been as good as they were when Blizzard
was just off by itself.
But Vivendi as a multinational, huge distributor can see the companies that have gone under
them fail horribly.
I think I'm just more happy.
I would rather Activision went back to being Activision by itself, to be honest with you.
But that would be awesome.
I felt like, I felt like they, I felt like produce better games before they took over
I feel like everything was just better when they were just apart.
Now we've got a tweet that's not on screen, but it says, um, with overclocking, could
a regular 780 surpass a 780 TI?
It might be at the top.
Who knows?
I was actually, I was, I was letting you take that one because I'm trying to have this Twitter
Blitz focused on you, but we know absolutely nothing about this card.
We know it is a thing.
It's a thing.
So I guess here's what I would say.
If you're doing 1080p gaming or 1440p gaming, um, could a 780 beat a Titan?
I get pretty close in, in 1080p gaming because what you're getting with what you're getting
with the Titan is that extra Ram, right?
More than anything.
I mean, you get a few more CUDA cores and a little bit more of an overclock, but, and
an awesome name, you know, you had an awesome name.
I was going to say my joke a while ago was, uh, uh, if, if the 290 X is really the quote
unquote Titan killer, they should call it like Zeus or something because the Olympians
killed the Titans.
That's really good.
That would be awesome.
I loved Greek mythology.
Oh, they should have done that.
That would be cool.
Called the Zeus card.
They should have done that.
That would have been awesome.
That was amazing.
They missed a huge possible marketing ploy with the not, not doing 9,000 Titan killers
because everything would have been over 9,000.
So they missed a huge over 9,000 marketing thing.
And then they missed the Titan killers thing with Zeus, man, man, Titans were supposed
to be more powerful.
Excuse me.
Sorry guys.
And then, and then that would have just played in.
Oh man.
Good point, Timmy.
That would have played in so well.
Um, someone's saying Timmy was a good guest.
If I can scroll up here a little bit or is sorry, Timmy is a good guest subscribed.
So that's cool.
He went to PAX.
So that automatically he went to PAX and he enabled a large part of the team to go to
PAX as well, which is really helpful.
Somehow they, somehow they escaped basement though when I wasn't paying attention.
So there's two questions here.
One, how do you think AMD's true audio will compare to sound cards and onboard sound?
Uh, I think an important thing to remember is true audio is only going to be on, I think
it was the 260 X and the 290 X.
Is that right?
I don't remember the exact cards, but it's only, it's only on two cards.
It's not on all of them.
So I'm going to be better than onboard audio for sh in my opinion, for sure.
The question is, you know, well, there'll be like mantle ish components, you know, API
level stuff that game developers can hook into and how well will that be adopted?
You know, it's like, it's just like, uh, the Nvidia G-Sync stuff, right?
It's it's how well adopted is it going to be?
Are developers going to develop for it or is it just going to be this thing where like
AMD pays, you know, dice or somebody to implement this technology like, like Nvidia does for
But I think it, sorry, keep going.
I was going to say, you know, versus street cards, uh, I hard to tell because those discrete
cards are very focused at, you know, just doing audio codex really well.
One thing too, is that it's not a DAC.
So you're going to have some interesting things there, but then it has interesting stuff that
sound cards can't really do, which is where it plays into like more of the physics of
what's going on in the game.
It can be more dynamic.
So it's, I don't necessarily think it will, uh, let's see a huge part of the problem again,
we're talking about stuff that's not like, we haven't touched it yet.
Um, we've done that a few times this stream, um, but, uh, I don't necessarily think that
it will sound better.
Like I don't think the quality of the sound will necessarily be increased, but I'm expecting
what you hear to be more accurate, not, not, I was going to say facial awareness should
be much better.
But then, but then the quality of the sound of the spatial awareness, not necessarily
going to be much better.
Um, moving on in the Twitter topics, no poke today, so, uh, it's true.
We have no idea when 800 series is going to come out or roll your Dodge dice.
I'm going to screw up a little bit.
Why is there so little DisplayPort monitors on the market?
Oh, DisplayPort, DisplayPort.
Um, I think what really killed DisplayPort was the fact that when HDMI 1.4 came out and
supposedly HDMI 2 is coming soon-ish, right?
Um, I think the, the bandwidth on HDMI is getting enough to where it's hard to justify
for like a TV to go to DisplayPort because it's not a standard, you know, there's not
really like, does your TiVo need a DisplayPort out on it now, right?
Uh, does your DVD player need a DisplayPort out?
Most of the panel manufacturers now are also TV manufacturers, though you tend to see most
monitors anymore have an HDMI connection and a DVI connection, right?
So I think it's just a cost thing.
Um, I know why, well, I was going to say the reason that video cards come with DVI connections
is they're smaller than, than, um, or DVI, uh, DisplayPort connections is they're smaller
than DVI.
So if you want to fit four, uh, connections on the back of a video card, you're never
going to do it with four DVI connections, but they had to go to a standard, right?
They had to go to a standard that's smaller, but that you could put an adapter on, uh,
that can go from, you know, uh, DisplayPort to DVI and not have to worry about, you know,
not being able to do like 1440.
And like he brought up, a lot of the manufacturers for monitors are also making TV.
So that's a really good, really big point.
Um, but to kind of play devil's advocate, DisplayPort's not super strong right now.
Um, I use it, but it's not very common.
Um, I like it a lot, actually.
I love the connectors.
The connectors are so solid, but you start, we're starting to see it, um, a little bit
more like the 279Q, PA279Q from, um, ASUS beast monitor that we have downstairs.
You should be running that on DisplayPort.
Um, and then the new Nvidia thing, what is it?
It's called Qsync, right?
G-Sync, G-Sync, sorry.
That I believe has to be run over DisplayPort.
So, so like, I thought that's what they said.
I'm pretty sure that's what they said.
I don't fully remember, but it's very new news.
Um, but I'm pretty sure that's what they said.
So DisplayPort is a thing and will hopefully keep growing because I love it, but it's,
it's definitely not too big of a thing.
I will say, uh, anybody that uses, has something with a mini HDMI port on it, like every time
I have to plug in an external monitor to my ASUS ultrabook, I want to kill myself because
it's a mini HDMI and not a mini DVI or DisplayPort, excuse me.
Um, cause the mini DisplayPort, when you plug it in, it locks, right?
And you can't, you know, it's like stays solidly seated.
The HDMI, you plug it in and it's just like, ah, I lose my connection if I like, you know,
if you move it all my laptop, you know, an eighth of an inch, you know, so that the connector
is the big thing for me.
I wish that, you know, I mean personally, my personal feelings is I wish HDMI would
just die.
Um, and we could all go to DisplayPort so that we got actual connectors that locked
It's aggressive, but I agree.
You know what?
Sometimes you gotta take a stance.
Just kill it off.
Bring it out to the field.
Give it to the farmer.
Um, office space or am I showing my age?
Office space.
Office space.
Take the photocopier out.
Play some good rap music.
Wear some crappy ties.
Stomp on it a little bit.
Beat it up.
Um, opinions on the HTC One Max, what do you think?
So I will admit that I am very new to any Android devices at all.
I actually, I know my main phone is actually an Apple 4S just because I'm not out of contract
yet and I can't buy it.
No, no, the Note 3.
I was like, I went, I actually went into the store the other day and I'm like, Oh, when
does my contract come up?
Cause I have to buy a Note 3.
Note 3s.
They were like, Oh, four months.
And I'm like, no.
They'll usually let you out a month early for free just to get you back.
So, maybe three.
But, so the only, the actual only Android device I own is my tablet.
We can move on from that then.
I'm excited for the HTC One Max.
I think the HTC One is a great phone.
I've always liked HTC personally and I really think with the One series, uh, they're really
hitting their stride and I'm excited for it.
There's my little answer.
I love phones.
That's, that's, that's one thing I'm definitely into.
But Timmy, you were saying you want to wait for the Note 3, man.
I think the Note 3 is going to be possibly the best phone the planet has seen and could
be that.
And obviously Kate, cause it's the newest phone, right?
It gives a big advantage, but they've really, they've really improved on some things.
The Note 2 was a solid phone, but I really think they improved on quite a few things.
We'll obviously have to see once it's circulated and use how it goes.
Um, but just because it's big, you know, the battery life is incredible.
The S Pen features are great, so pretty excited.
No, I played with one and I love the thing.
So yeah.
Uh, moving on one quick thing that I'm going to cover really quickly and then we'll jump
right off.
Is $215 bucks a good deal for a pair of dynamic custom Beyerdynamic Custom One Pros?
I got these for cheaper.
I don't know, but mine were cheaper, so I don't think it's that spectacular.
Moving on to one that I forgot to put in the WAN show doc, but I had seen this.
Mike underscore underscore F. Thank you for reminding me.
Halo 3 free to play on Xbox gold.
That has become a thing.
Uh, I think it was Bungie tweeted about it.
It's that's actually like, that's pretty cool.
That's pretty cool.
You know, Mr. Mike double score F tweets a lot.
It's got a lot of good stuff, but that's really, that's, that's really interesting.
Halo 2 was the glory days for Halo with me.
That's awesome.
That's a really, that's just random.
Really cool.
So if you have an Xbox and you have Xbox gold, you feel like playing some Halo 3.
Go grab some Halo 3.
It's free.
So that's actually.
The other thing too.
I mean, keep in mind that destiny is coming.
And Halo 3 was the last Halo game that Bungie studios made.
Yeah, actually.
That makes so much, I didn't think about the destiny is coming thing.
That makes so much more sense.
Watch the trailer for that today.
It's like, it's like, Hey, we're still here.
Don't forget about us.
We made this game that you guys liked.
A little bit of nostalgia.
Go play it for a little bit.
So you remember us.
It's a great studio.
I'm really excited.
Dongers will not be raised tonight.
I'm going to fly by that.
Timmy, I'm looking at, I'm, I'm looking hard at the EVGA hadron air.
Any thoughts, input or updates would be awesome.
I'm excited.
I actually have one, which I've completely dismantled.
We don't.
Uh, I can send you mine, but it's, uh, I took all the rivets out of it and took it apart.
That would be better.
So I'm actually sending it to get sandblasted and repainted.
I like it so much.
The only thing, yeah, the only thing I'm really, really, I'm kind of like Linus with cases
sometimes, which is like, it doesn't have to be the prettiest thing in the world, but
it really has to like be consistent.
So there is some spots on it that like on the interior of the case is painted black,
but some spots aren't because in the next version that's coming out of the hadron, there's
a water reservoir there though, um, cause there is a, uh, a hadron water one coming.
There's some photos out there on it.
Um, but the only, the only thing that really scares me about it is, is the airflow.
There's no filters on the case anywhere.
Um, so it's just going to be a dust magnet, which is why I actually took it all apart
so that I can put some, some, uh, fine mesh in it.
Um, and I'm also going to add a little bit of a, like a fan to the front.
So it has two exhaust fans on the top, uh, which you could flip around and make intake
fans if you wanted to, uh, which is actually what I would recommend because you could flip
them around, make them intake fans, even though it's not optimal, uh, and then put, uh, get
like, you know, a mesh filter put on top of them and then put the top back on it.
And then at least you would have some kind of protection and you, you would, uh, at that
point you would have, you know, a pressure in the case that would push out all of the,
you know, normally quote unquote intake holes.
And so it wouldn't be as dusty.
Um, but I think that to be honest with you, even with its shortfalls, uh, it's one of
my favorite ITX cases I've ever seen.
You should probably post that build log once he's done on the, uh, yeah, no, it's up there.
It's like, it's like Hadron tear down or something.
I had a feeling I had maybe seen it before, but it wasn't entirely sure, but that's awesome.
But it is, it is like the perfect size for an ITX case.
Well, that's, that's really interesting because, um, speaking of like steam machines and all
that kind of stuff coming out now, um, I've, I've been talking to you a little bit about
how I'm thinking about doing a build refresh.
What I want to do my build refresh for is Haswell E. So I get DDR4 Haswell E and then
I'm going to aim around because I'm aiming for that.
I'm probably beginning to be going in on Maxwell, but then I don't know, maybe AMD will have
some answer at that point in time or Maxwell won't be that impressive and then I'll get
a 290X.
We'll, we'll see how it goes, but I'm waiting for Haswell E. So whatever graphics card is
winning at that point in time, I'll go with that.
But that means I'm probably retiring my 2,600 K because I'm moving to 2011.
Now what I want to do is take a 2,600 K go ITX and build a steam machine out of it because
I'm still not done with that processor.
I love that processor.
So that would be cool.
The Hadron case.
Well, cause I wasn't sold on a case yet.
Yeah, just it's, it's the, the air, the filtering is the, the only real issue I have with it.
Um, it's actually, it's pretty slick little case and it mods really easy.
I mean, you can like, if you just wanted to say, take out the drive cage and you know,
Velcro in some SSDs or something, you know, there's a few rivets you have to drill out,
but eh, they're all aluminum.
It goes fast.
And that's probably what I would do to be honest, because, um, especially with the steam
machine implementation, I'll have all my big games stored on my main computer and I'll
just stream them from my main computer.
So I won't need a lot of storage.
So I'll just have a, a smaller, it doesn't even have to be that big, especially with
Linux smaller SSD and that's probably all run.
And this is, I would say, you know, if people are familiar with the, uh, fractal three Oh
four, the node three Oh four, uh, if it's, if you lay the Hadron on its side, it's wider,
but it's not as tall.
So it depends on, you know, where you're going to use it, I guess because I really liked
the node, the node three Oh four as well, but it has the same problem.
It has no air flow.
I mean, that's something, but not much.
Yeah, definitely.
Um, and just all this stuff with ITX getting big right now.
It's awesome that they're getting into the market and I think it was smart for them to
start with this case.
I think that was really smart because of all the ITX stuff going on right now.
It's just brilliant.
Give me one second.
I'm just going to find another tweet for us to go over.
Timmy, remind people where they can find you.
Uh, yeah.
What's your Twitter handle?
Oh yes.
So Twitter is at detect TV and uh, yes, the, the YouTubes is youtube.com forward slash
Timmy tech team.
And so, so you just call it as Twitter and as YouTube, right?
So one thing I've noticed about Timmy's Twitter is that he actually replies to everything.
I tried to do that as much as I possibly could when I first started my Twitter, but it's
a little bit insane right now.
So if you can I, can I jump in on that?
No, no, no.
Finish your point.
Finish your point.
I apologize.
I can't now because of, because of the last show I went on, I almost doubled followers.
I went up to 500 something, which is awesome.
And I had a bunch of tweets saying like, you did well and you, you know, and I want to
reply to all of them, but I'm, I'm a little torn.
I see every single one of them.
My favorite, most of them I'm torn because I don't want to reply to every single one
and say thank you.
And then the next guy going to his Twitter and he has to go through cold SC saying thank
you 20 times.
But I do, I do try to reply.
It's a, it's an interesting balance act and I kind of want to ask Timmy how he does balance
it because I absolutely appreciate everyone who follows me.
And if you tweet at me, I see it 100%.
You know what I mean?
I don't, I don't, I don't have the 16,000 that you do.
You know what I mean?
I, and I still look at all of them.
I just don't necessarily reply or favorite.
I look at every single tweet that's sent to me.
It's just, yeah.
I wasn't trying to say you just discard them.
So I'm the same way.
I read them all for sure.
I try to reply to a lot of them.
I was so excited today.
I was like, going to be on the WAN Show, going to be the WAN Show, going to be the WAN Show.
And somebody was finally like, okay, we get it.
It's like, um, but you know, this is where I was actually told somebody today, I wish,
um, that you instead, you know, there's like the private feature, but I wish you could
direct tweets at, you know, so you could say like, don't show this in everybody's feed.
But if they come look at me, you know, if they, if they come look at my, my, you know,
personal page, they would see it, but don't broadcast it to their personal page, right?
Their, their feed.
But let me reply to the person that just asked me.
That would be awesome because I would freely respond so much more.
It's one of the reasons why I stopped replying to everyone because what I would do is I'd
work all day and not check my Twitter.
And then after work, I'd sit down on my personal computer and reply to 200 people.
But then you're just going to spam everybody.
And I got tons of complaints.
So I was like, I don't want to lose followers by saying, thanks.
Like in 30 tweets.
And he was like, well, I'm not following this dude anymore.
As Timmy said, as he described it, Twitter implemented that I honestly feel like because
saying thank you takes two seconds to someone who's following you and sending you a tweet.
And if you could just direct it at them, like he said, and not, you know, that would be
Twitter needs to implement that.
I really think that would be, and not just for us three, for everyone.
I feel like there'd be a lot more interaction if you could manage it that way.
You know, not broadcast.
I just wonder if, I wonder if they don't do that because of their whole trending idea.
They're probably trying to grab metrics.
Yeah, but let it trend.
That's a good point.
They can still grab trending metrics.
Let Twitter see it.
Just, just don't put it in people's feeds.
I don't care if Twitter sees what I said.
It can even show up under the trending topics thing.
Yeah, it could still trend up under, yeah.
Or even if, even if somebody searched for like, you know, Timmy Tech TV and all my replies
came up, that would be okay.
I just don't want to pollute people's feed.
Yeah, because you go to the, you go to the home tab, you check out your feed, and it's
just all one dude.
Because I used to feel bad because I'd look at my home tab, and then I'd respond to 200
people, and then I'd look at my home tab again, and I'm like, oh, it's a whole bunch of me.
And you want, at the same time, you want to make them feel appreciated, and you don't
want to spam the crap out of somebody, because I don't like that.
I have, I have followed people in the past that I've met in real life, and unfollowed
them a week later, because when I go on Twitter, I don't want 40 of your updates.
On my screen.
Exactly how Timmy described it, I could not agree more, I would love to, I'd love to echo
your opinion there.
I'm going to jump off the Twitter blitz for a sec here, and I'm going to jump to a topic
that I'm going to try to keep my anger contained as much as I possibly can for, I know this
man's going to have some trouble with it.
Actually, hang on one sec, somebody just replied that said it only broadcasts to feeds if someone
is following the person you replied to.
Someone's following the person.
That's interesting.
So if I retweet, if I reply back to T, I shouldn't have picked this guy's name, because I'm going
to say that.
That'll reply to me, so everyone that's following me will also get that, because I was just
wondering in how he said that, because, because you're replying to both, right, so I think
when everyone messages Linus and myself, if I respond, I think everyone following Linus
gets it.
And people mentioned.
Twitter replies in your main feed if you follow the original person and the people
So if I replied, and the people mentioned.
I think it's or the people mentioned sometime, well, I don't know, interesting, I'll have
to play around with that, we can all tweet each other later and see how it works.
I would love to figure this out, because I don't have that, well I do, don't get me wrong,
I have a bunch, but relatively I don't have a ton, and I would love to reply to all these
Yeah, it would be interesting to see, like, so when you say reply, right, yeah, but like
say this, this Twitter blitz, if I reply to somebody, and I'm just going to pick somebody
at random here, if I delete your guys's Twitter handles, I wonder what happens.
Yeah, try it, because I'm, I follow you, so I should be able to, you should be able to
tweet it, and once it's up, I can tell you if I see it or not.
It would be good to know, because it would make me less afraid to reply to everybody.
Absolutely, this is, sorry guys for dealing with us, but this is all something we're discovering.
It does not, I follow Timmy Tech, I follow Timmy Tech, it did not just come up in my
home feed, and I went to his page and I saw it, so that must work, I used to get complaints,
maybe they changed something, I don't know, it works though, that's really cool, we're
good to go.
Awesome, virtual high five to Timmy, we figured, well virtual high five to whoever pointed
that out in the video.
Ajoy, absolutely, let's, you know what, I think a couple people did, Alec Joy, absolutely
did, big shout out to that man, that's cool, and he's a Radeon fan, Team Red baby, he's
got him in his logo, he's a USC fan, that looks it as well, let's move on to the next
topic, this guy's awesome, this Alec Joy guy, he's getting some, let's follow that man right
Okay, let's move on to the next topic, this one is the League of Legends player that posted
news of his girlfriend online, and then blamed her effectively, so what happened was he quote
hacked unquote into her account, he probably just, knowing the password and typing it in
is not hacking, so many people say that, but like, he probably just knew the password,
anyways, using I forgot my password and logging into their email and doing it that way is
also not hacking, yeah, sorry, he probably didn't actually hack it, anyways, he went
into her League of Legends account and lost 5 games, she's quite intensely into the game,
so that is actually quite a big deal, because I believe these were ranked games, some time
later, very likely unrelated, even though it doesn't freaking matter, she went and played
the League of Legends character Lee Sin, played a character in a game, oh no, that's horrible,
a character in a game, anyways, his response was that he was so enraged that he posted
nude pictures of her that were shared only with him on his Facebook page, which is a
public Facebook page, and he is a figure in the League of Legends community, so a lot
of people saw it, he left them up for 3 days I believe, he left them up for 3 days until
a fellow League of Legends player, and I believe past Starcraft player, same person correct?
Yeah, past Starcraft player, current League of Legends player, he's not really a pro,
he's more of a personality, personality, either way, threatened to release his personal
information online, so out of fear for his personal information being released, he took
down his girlfriend's nudes, which is way more important, like what the hell, so, so
when I saw you link this thing, I had to go read about it, because I was like chuckling
to myself, so the first funny thing is, like I went to his Facebook page, if you look through
the stuff real quick, first of all, if you do some background on this guy, he's like
highly regarded as one of the best non-pro players out there, right?
The other thing you notice is the guy is kind of psycho, and a lot of people said that the
girlfriend, quote unquote, that he'd been dating her, you know, not very long, let's
just say, so, you know, this is one of the problems where, you know, people play so many
video games, I think just forget what real life consequences are, you know, they take
everything in a game so personally, you know, it's like, your girlfriend breaks up with
you, you know, if you're a guy, you go to a strip club or get drunk or, you know, hang
out with the guys, or me, hit max level in an MMO, you know, whatever, I played an incredible
amount of Skyrim, yeah, played 40 hours of Skyrim straight, but you know, you kind of
reseed and then, you know, get over it, and then you come on to the next, yeah, yeah,
I don't, you know, I think bad move, the thing I read on one of the articles about that today
was that they've actually banned him from League of Legends and from Twitch, yeah, so
he kind of got decimated by two companies that I respect a lot more for this, one thing
that was posted August 10th, this story's been around for a bit, if some people are
wondering why we're just covering it now, the story has been around for a bit, but the
information has been kind of scatterbrained and didn't really cover it now because it
was just so messed up, and I was so unsure about so many things, but on the 10th he posted
some YouTube videos to something, and I think it's a song, and he quotes, I'm gonna feel
bad saying all this, I'm gonna talk about it afterwards, it's sad what society turns
my long loving girlfriend into, what?
I can't save her, it's up to her to save herself, okay?
She chose being a monster that just wants to hurt people from a loving caring girl,
what a shame, all because of four pictures that didn't really become viral, hell this
hurts to say, it hurts my brain, until she made it viral herself, and I only did it because
she ignored me for three to four days and was doing things similar to what she's doing
now, I do not feel anything except bad for her because she doesn't realize how bad the
things she is doing is compared to the one little thing that I did, two of the most important
things in life is knowing what forgiveness and sacrifice is, sadly she hasn't learned
those two words, what those two words mean yet, I'll teach him, I'll be waiting for her,
I feel a lot of people want to teach him a lot of things in physical ways with this,
but one thing is he has like 12,000 followers on his page, did he not think that nude pictures
were gonna go viral, I don't think it was her, it's okay, Sarah is the girl's name,
and Sarah you're not watching this, but like it's not your fault, you're not a monster,
get a restraining order and run, like I'm sure she's already running because he's saying
that she's ignoring him, that's good, keep running and run faster because this is not
your fault and this guy's nuts, like you don't need, come hang out with us, he won't get
through the door, yeah it'll be alright, just like, oh, oh, it's just a really unfortunate
unfortunate story, and there's so many, one thing, this is, I'm gonna try and add some
comedy to this because it's bad, he ruined it for so many dudes, a lot of girls are gonna
read this and then that's not gonna happen anymore, I was just gonna make a comment about
how please girl gamers don't think that this one jacket happened, just like, I have a daughter
right, I mean, I don't want my daughter to have to deal with this kind of crap when she
grows up, right, I watched how men and boys talk to girls, this is like kind of a tangent
off of this, but you know, I watch how these jerks talk to girls and it makes me wonder
like where were their mom and dad to teach them proper manners when a lady's around,
honestly, I sound like an old curmudgeon now at this point, I'm gonna sound like an old
curmudgeon, but my belief is the majority of the time, those two people, the mom and
dad weren't in the picture, I can tell you Luke doesn't talk to girls like that, I can
guarantee you he doesn't, I don't, you know, unfortunately, it's because of that, honestly,
because they don't have an excellent father figure like I'm sure you are, it's just a
sad fact and it's really too bad that there's so many, League of Legends is so huge and
there seems like there's so many sub pros or B pros or whatever you wanna call them,
that drama and like the guy raising funds and was in a wheelchair who stood up during
a stream and walked away and there's just, there's just other ugly stories that, it's
really depressing when we're on this exceptional growth for the last two years, let's say,
of esports, it's really sad that these things come in and really just knock us back a couple
steps, you know?
Yeah, well, and I feel like a lot of these, you know, but let's be honest, most of the
people that are in esports, I'm, you know, I'm generalizing here vastly, but most of
the people that are, you know, in esports didn't play other sports, right?
That's true.
And, you know, like playing little league and playing high school football, like you
learn to lose, you learn to hate it, but you learn how to be a good sportsman and you learn
how not to lose next time.
And how to be on a team.
Right, right, and how to be on a team and I think, you know, a lot of these things with,
you know, like these League of Legends, especially like if you don't know the people you're playing
with, you can be a jerk because you're like, whatever, I'll just find other people to play
with and, you know, screw you guys and, you know, all this stuff.
But, you know, I've never, you know, even like in all the time I was playing WoW and,
you know, you deal with the pugs and, you know, this problem has been around a lot longer
than I think it's been getting attention.
You know, if somebody is not good, try to help them be better instead of berating them.
That's something that's kind of probably not going to change.
I want to jet in there for a second.
You guys probably noticed last time we were together, you were in my fire shirt.
I do, it's called Pay Call, it's basically voluntary, we'll get into the details of the difference.
I had an interview for a promotion that ended up receiving, which was cool, but I had a
question that was, who are the three most unskilled firefighters in your hall?
I've got a chief and a captain sitting there asking me this.
That's an extremely difficult question and I won't even get into what I answered, but
the follow-up question, Timmy, just to what you said made me think of it, was how have
you helped them improve?
Yeah, mentoring is a big deal, you know, where I work too and that's, you know, how people
grow in their careers where I work.
Part of it is mentoring people that their skills aren't as good as yours and part of
it is being mentored by somebody that has better skills than you.
Being able to be mentored.
You know, you have to be able to take, right, and you have to be able to take, the other
part of it too is, you know, you have to learn to be able to take feedback from people that
are trying to be nice and not be a jerk back because I see that sometimes too where, you
know, somebody will be like, hey, if you did this differently, maybe it would help you.
And then the person's like, well, I know what I'm doing.
You don't know anything.
So you have to be able to listen to people too and say like, hey, that's a great idea.
Maybe I'll try that next time.
Yeah, absolutely.
Like, uh, something else in here, where is it?
The confrontation between, I think, Destiny and XJ9 was recorded on Wednesday.
I don't remember where you can find it, but you can find it.
You can hear XJ9 trying to justify why he released the videos.
It's like a while in, I believe.
And apparently he says, we literally said to each other, if I really hated you, the
worst thing you could do is play Lee Sin.
And that's what she did.
Oh, no.
You probably didn't take that sentence in the same way you did.
Even if you did?
It probably wasn't actually the worst thing.
And just because someone does something bad to you doesn't mean you need to do it back.
So really, it's a really depressing story.
Well, most men have probably had a breakup where it ends in, I hate you.
I never want to talk to you again.
I'm just going to throw that out there.
You know.
I really find the whole story like if I was that guy's dad, I'd just be smacking him upside
the head.
It's like, oh my goodness.
There would be problems.
But again, that's the issue.
I'm willing to bet the dad's not in the picture, at least not one like we have, or like you
You know, we kind of reiterated here, but I believe that's the source of a lot of issues.
I have twins, I have a boy and a girl, so that'll be interesting someday when, well,
it's funny because they hit each other because they're two and they don't know what they're
My daughter pushed down my son and my son got back up and pushed down my daughter.
And I was like, you know, first I was like, you know, I told my daughter that that's not
the right way to behave.
But then I took my son aside and I was like, listen, buddy, you're going to get hit by
girls in life and it's going to suck, but you do not touch them.
And he's like two and a half.
And he's like, OK, dad, I don't understand.
I'm greening that in early, though, because, you know, you treat women with respect.
I know it may be sexist, but I don't care.
It's the way that I raise my kids and the way that I was raised by my parents.
All right.
Now, something that I've been stalling for for a little bit, actually, that we finally
got to you is we have build logs of the week and I don't think Wailer's around.
Click it.
OK, hopefully we can get that approved.
What wasn't me?
Linus just messaged me.
What question mark wasn't me?
I have no idea what he's talking about at all.
Nobody does.
Nobody does?
One second.
I'm going to have to I have to share the document, which I'm not even entirely sure how to do.
Sharing settings.
There we go.
We got build logs of the week coming.
Just there was some problems with the document.
Two seconds, guys.
There we go.
Yes, I'm sure.
Clicked it three times.
You're shared on there now.
Now you should download it and then full screen it from your PowerPoint on there.
I doubt it.
This is a.
Oh, no, I do.
I do.
Yeah, I saw that.
Download it.
So there.
We needed to build logs of the week and then we will jump into the after party, which will
be obviously after.
So probably slideshow.
And then from beginning and then we'll switch to yours and I used to use PowerPoint constantly
in school.
It's been I use it quite often.
Is this the new way we do things?
So I see.
There we go.
All right.
Give me one second.
So this first one up.
Apparently there's a slight update, but we're going to go with this one because it's been
too delayed.
First one.
Let's go.
Nice one is the Nautilus reactor by Lock Alpha.
How cool is that?
This thing.
That is insane.
Like, I don't even know where to start.
That is that is so cool.
Do we have the name of the guy who made this on the forum?
Go back.
Lock Alpha.
Lock Alpha.
Props to you.
This is it.
That is an incredibly good looking machine submerged in oil.
That's absolutely incredible.
The attention to detail is just monstrous, totally mind blowing nuts.
It's wall mounted, which is just cool because why not?
This is definitely one of those things.
That's not a floor people.
These are vertical boards.
This is wall mounted.
It's what we're going to see.
That's so cool.
It's nuts.
I know it looks really good.
That's incredible.
The CD even has a curve.
Oh my God.
You guys, you have to go see this on the forum.
Like, I know I say that every week.
How authentic does that look?
I love the three light bulbs on it probably take more power than the whole rest of the
Because of its 4 factor because of those light bulbs and everything.
I actually wouldn't even be that surprised.
I'll give you one second.
That is awesome.
Why is the chat hidden?
Have you guys seen that, I think it was in Thailand, where a guy puts water in a two
litre bottle and then a little bit of bleach and takes the light in, makes the equivalent
of a 500 walt light bulb, can barely look right at it.
And it lasts for weeks.
That's so, that's weird.
Anyways, are you?
The tubes in there are actually flowing, which is actually pretty insane.
This coiled copper tube?
I saw that part of the build log.
He was filling it.
It's just, I don't even know what else to say about it.
I might get something mixed up.
So please go check out that build log.
That's just absolutely insane.
And go next.
So now we're getting to Titanium S by Paul Tan.
He has made it in our build logs of the week before, actually.
Paul Tan is a little bit active on our forum, which is nice.
So we can jump into the next.
And just, oh man, it's beautiful.
Are you recognizing things?
That's a Cosmos 2 right there.
It's actually pretty cool.
You can see the fan through the funnel, which is quite interesting.
If you jump forward again.
Sorry, one second.
I've got to look at this monitor real quick.
That's incredible.
I like how he did edit the slide panel there in the front.
And I believe that is a fan intake, actually, that he put up in the top there.
Really cool.
The Mobotrays converted 90 degrees, which is my favorite thing about this build.
You can see the custom bracket there on the side.
And just how everything comes in.
Like check out the power supply.
Does that look like a natural alignment?
Just everything in this computer was just, it's kind of ridiculous.
They took the bars off the top too, which means he had to fill in those holes.
Oh, that's interesting.
This logo is also tricky, right?
It had the Cooler Master logo here.
The paint job's just sick.
He also probably could have gotten away with saying Bumblebee, because it reminds me of
I'm trying to think of the name.
Name of what?
The movie.
In that photo, I mean, yeah, the side panel is like, there's no window.
So the thing that impresses me here is like the massive attention to detail on the inside.
And then like, man, I know I'm cool enough to just put the side panel back on.
Yep, definitely.
I actually think, I think it is a window.
I think he put in a custom window there.
Oh, wow.
And it doesn't come with that.
So, and he went to the edge with it, which is not easy to do.
That's really...
See, that's why I thought it wasn't a window.
The window in mine, my father and I did, and we just, we just cut it in.
But it definitely did not go to the edge.
Going to the edge completely changes the ball.
Oh, completely.
Actually going past, it's going to be hard to see, and you can't actually see with my
mouse in this view, but it's hard to describe it.
Definitely three quarters towards the front of the machine, there's a bend in the door.
Getting past that with creating a window is incredibly difficult.
The fact, like he had to completely replace it, fabricate it himself.
If you're just going to cut it out, like I did, and place plexiglass in behind, you cannot
go past that bump without quite a bit of difficulty.
I know in mine I avoided it.
I stopped right before it, so it would not go around that curve.
Right, yeah.
If we jump forward again, one thing I wanted to point out too is the piping.
There we go.
The piping is just like, that's so clean.
That's so beautifully done.
Beautifully done.
One thing I noticed with Paul Tan's builds is they're, both the builds this week actually
are like art pieces.
Oh, absolutely.
Like they're obviously functional, but like that last one was very bio-shocky, very like
it's submerged, kind of punky, but it's submerged.
All this kind of stuff is like, it's very much art, but then this is like moderny, like
sophisticated Lamborghini Bumblebee style art, so it's nice to be able to see two different
degrees of what you can do with art and design while building a computer instead of like,
I bought an R4 and clean things, and I have a clean R4 with Noctuas, and I'm like, oh,
that's badass, but like all the peoples have it, which is cool, but it's nice to be able
to differentiate yourself.
It's really hard to do a build like this.
Like I know I spent, we spent tons of time on my Cosmos 2 build, and this one is considerably
more intricate.
Someone, someone said in the chat, modern art with a question mark.
I would say modern art, but there isn't like four faces coming out of the front.
I would say modern art, but it's so much better.
I feel like that's a degrading comment.
Yeah, that's what the, the Hadron era I'm doing, I'm actually going to take it to a
body shop and have it painted like high gloss white inside and out, because then it's like,
at least, you know, if you're going to do all this like trouble to take everything apart,
and that was where when, when Linus like re-powder, I mean, at least he put a wrinkled
powder coat on it, but when he re-powder coated it, I wanted to be like, you took it all apart
to make it the same color, like, like at least make it like, you know, a different color
of black or something.
I don't know, you know, make it stand out that, cause that's what, you know, like when
you do all this work, a lot of people never see this, right?
I mean, a lot of people just do it because they like to, and they're going to see it.
And, you know, that's the, you know, we seem to be losing...
I still haven't fully posted a build log of my, now year and a half old, Cosmos build.
It was for me and my friends and, you know, it was, it was for fun.
Yeah, more, more and more, I mean, it seems like, you know, engineers are a dying breed,
And I think stuff like this where it's like, hey, you know, I'm just customized a computer
case, but a lot of time, you know, when you're talking about, you know, like, hey, I have
to make a bracket so that I can add this thing or, you know, that's engineering.
People just don't realize it, right?
Cause they're doing it for fun or like, you know, 3d printing, right?
Like I have a, I needed a piece for one of my PC cases and I just went over to a friend's
house and like, Hey, here's a CAD rendering of, of what I need.
And, and he just printed it out on this 3d printer and I put it on my case.
How crazy is that?
That's awesome.
So what color are you doing?
I will say like, sorry.
Oh, go ahead.
What color are you getting your head running?
I think I'm going to do like, it's, it's not an Arctic white, but it's same color white
that's on Porsches.
It's very like a clean white, but it's going to have a poly finish on it.
So it'll be shiny.
I drive around in Vancouver just on the outside.
So I see Porsches constantly and I wouldn't, yeah, I wouldn't even say it's glossy, but
it's a very fine white.
I think I like the idea that you described as the Porsche white cause it's, it's actually
kind of a different, a different white than a lot of the whites that are out there right
I think they call it snow white.
That would make sense.
The color that I chose, but we'll see.
I know.
Ha ha ha snow white.
All right.
Well we've done the build logs of the week and we're going to do one more quick shout
out for the folding and boink teams on the forum.
If you like the forum, if you're on the forum, you should check out the folding and boink
They're both for a good cause.
You can ask Whaler more about either one.
Our folding team is like kind of insane.
I think we're still the fastest growing team in the world, which is just monstrous and
awesome and our boink team is doing quite well as well.
So definitely check those out and on our way out because he stayed for, I believe an hour
and 13 minutes longer than he was supposed to somewhere around there.
If Timmy Tech can say goodbye and say where you can find him, then we'll sign right off.
Again on Twitter at VTech TV and on YouTube at youtube.com forward slash Timmy Tech TV.
All right guys, that is it for the WAN show.
Cole and I, Richard and I will be doing an after party if you're, are you hanging around?
I haven't asked him yet.
I don't think, but yeah, sure.
We're doing an after party.
We're going to do, but I have some shenanigans planned and we are planning on giving away
a quite a few games.
We give away games every single stream that I have, but one of the things that we're planning
on giving away on this after party donated by ICSI underscore your underscore face is
going to be, um, an Aurora LTI in star citizen that comes with the game, I believe.
So it's a big package.
You get a ship and you get in the game.
So I believe if you get a ship and you get in the game, I believe if you get into the
hangar module right now and check it out and I'll, I'll tell you what, uh, go ahead
and uh, if you want to give away a copy of a BF four to be sent to a person, uh, go ahead
and send me a name and I'll donate that out to somebody tonight for the after party.
We're also going to give away a copy of battlefield four just in boom, we're giving away a copy.
So we're not going to give those away at the immediate start of the stream, but after we've
been streaming for a little bit so people can take a break and then come join us.
We will be giving away star citizen stuff.
We will be giving away battlefield four.
That's awesome.
Thank Timmy for the battlefield four giveaway.
Thank ICSI for the star citizen giveaway that will be at twitch.tv slash Luke underscore
Big giveaways.
Thank you Timmy.
That's freaking awesome.
That's really cool.
Now we're going to sign off so we can go prep to give that stuff away, say said no problem.
No problem.
All right.
I'm so stoked for having me.
Thanks for joining us again.
Everyone check out Timmy tech TV on youtube and at Timmy tech TV on Twitter and at cold
se on Twitter and at slick PC on Twitter and other things I can't think of right now.
Thank you.
Bye bye everyone.