This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.
Yo, what's up guys? Welcome to the WAN Show.
We've got a fantastic show lined up for you today.
Lots of good topics.
The big headline is of course the news
that Samsung's HBM2 memory is gonna be coming
with artificial intelligence and it, no, no,
but no, it doesn't seem to be a buzzword.
Like the tech here looks incredibly cool.
We've also-
This is what Musk warned us about.
First, you're gonna get AI memory.
Next, your computer's gonna build its own legs
and arms and take over.
This is the beginning of the end.
It might be a good thing because as you guys saw
in our video yesterday, computers are probably better off
if they build themselves.
Famous Twitch streamer xQc apparently has watched
my reaction to his build.
So we're gonna see how many layers of watch-ception
we can go into here.
Where maybe on the show,
I don't know if he's actually done a response of any sort,
but maybe we'll watch him, watch me, watch him.
Watch him, watch me, watch him.
This should all culminate with you guys
both watching the original video together.
Ooh, that could be it.
Or we could actually just build him a computer
and send it to him.
Because at this point it's becoming painful.
What else we got lined up today?
Nvidia borks Ethereum mining performance
on specifically the RTX 3060.
That's interesting.
Not anything else.
Talk about that more later.
Also Facebook blocks all news posts in Australia
and Canada considering link tax legislation.
Due to considering link tax legislation.
You gotta be like that, hey?
Only there was another option
like not using Facebook anymore.
We can't block Mark Stoyle, but he can block our Stoyle.
Is that how it's gonna be?
All right.
That's fine, just fine.
Let's roll that intro.
And the show is brought to you today by someone.
I actually can't remember who.
Hey, there we go.
Amazon HQ, Ridge Wallet and Squarespace.
Why don't we jump right into our headline topic
because people get real upset when we don't do that.
And this was reported on Tom's hardware. also was talking about it a little bit
since it's kind of a Samsung technology.
Samsung is claiming to have the industry's first
high bandwidth memory.
So that's HBM memory with integrated AI processors.
And it sounds like buzz wordy bull spit, honestly.
Like, doesn't it?
Yes, absolutely.
Yes, this is our monitor with AI
and our memory with AI and our water bottle with AI.
It's gonna be like, oh, Linus must be thirsty
and it'll have like a little thing that,
actually that's kind of a genius product idea.
A water bottle that just like flashes.
Well, no, you totally don't need an AI for it.
I think they also have this already.
Did they have it?
It just like flashes when you're supposed to drink.
Of course they do.
It's probably an app.
It knows how depleted the bottle is
and it like barks to you.
So anyway, so that's the point.
There's AI in basically everything,
but this looks and sounds incredibly cool.
So what the point of having processing in memory or PIM is,
is that it's supposed to help accelerate processing
within data centers by doing some processing
on the memory rather than waiting for that,
in relative terms, high latency link between the CPU
and memory for a transaction to be completed.
So PIM basically just eliminates another link
in the data chain by putting this DRAM optimized AI
inside each memory bank.
Now, obviously, conventional DRAM is optimized more for,
well, okay, A, performance, but B, density.
So you wanna squeeze as much DRAM as you possibly can
into the die area that you have available
in order to maximize your value, right?
But you're going to take a hit here in terms of capacity.
So we can fire up the original article
from Tom's Hardware here.
Here we go.
Let me just screen share with you guys for a second here.
So check this out.
Inside, okay, presents the first details.
It came from DRAM with PC block fabricated
into the 20-nanometer DRAM process.
So where is it?
Yes, there we go.
So here they are.
So these are these PCU blocks right here
for the different banks of memory.
That is like super cool.
So what you're gonna end up with then
is instead of an eight gig,
so where you would normally have an eight gig stack of HBM
or eight gigabyte stacks by combining four four gigabit
dies with PCUs with four eight gigabit dies without PCUs.
Okay, so where you would normally have eight gigabytes
worth of memory in a stack,
you will now get six gigabytes of memory
and they're gonna be combining.
Okay, wow.
Man, Siri, I'm not talking to you.
It's incredible how often that thing goes off
when I'm not actually talking to it.
So this requires Samsung's existing HBM2
AquaBolt architecture to properly take advantage
of the hardware improvement,
but they claim it can offer over a two-time
system performance improvement
with a reduction of over 70% in power consumption.
And with time, that's gotta be just for the memory, right?
I would, I would certainly think so.
It can't be with the system as a whole.
They're phrasing it like,
it sounds like they're talking about system as a whole,
but there's no way.
And the craziest part about this,
and this is like often you'll read
about these kinds of breakthroughs.
Like, oh, we created a carbon nanotube hard drive,
DNA storage or whatever the case may be.
And it's something that's literally just sci-fi pretty much,
but they got kind of close to it in a lab.
Unlike those things,
Samsung says that this advancement
doesn't require any other hardware or software changes.
So the memory will intelligently know what to work on
and what not to work on,
making it just an easy choice for anyone who wants to gain
a massive improvement in performance per watt
in existing systems.
So this could be,
this could be huge for all kinds of industries,
high performance computing and the scientific community.
So because quickly moving large amounts of data
should no longer be bottlenecked
as severely by memory bandwidth.
So they'll be presenting their paper,
a 20 nanometer, six gigabyte function in memory DRAM
based on HBM2 with a 1.2 teraflops programmable
computing unit using bank level parallelism
for machine learning applications.
That is actually the name of the paper.
At the International Solid State Circuits Virtual Conference,
which begins on February 22nd.
So it's currently being tested inside AI accelerators.
I wouldn't expect to see this in a GPU,
for example, anytime soon,
but validation is expected to be completed
by summer of this year,
which means we could actually see these things deployed
within like a year or so.
That's pretty freaking incredible.
I don't know, man.
Sometimes I guess I'm a little bit too
inside the box thinking,
but this is not the kind of thing
that I would have seen coming.
I mean, we talk about a lot of kind of,
you know, future tech.
We do a lot of future crafting on this show
and just in general, just when we're talking,
but like, this is not putting sleep.
So you got your CPU, right?
And then you've got your memory and your CPU.
You got your like your SRAM.
And then now you're going to take your RAM
and you're going to put like a little CPU in that.
And then it's like,
at what point do you just have all CPUs and all memories?
And then the memory on the CPU gets bigger
and then the CPU and the memory gets bigger.
And then now you've got two CPUs and two memories.
You're just running a cluster.
Siri, I'm not talking to you.
Go away.
Yeah, I had mentioned in the pre-show
and you got me to stuff it because we need content.
I did say that.
But what I was saying was that
we're progressing even further
beyond the like computers and computers thing
that I've talked about way in the past.
I was talking about how GPUs
are essentially just a computer within your computer
that just handles a thing.
Yeah, yeah.
And we're going even further than that.
SSDs are totally like that.
Compared to hard drives,
the controller on a hard drive.
Even like sort of there,
but SSDs are just way further.
The controller on a hard drive is dumb as toast
compared to the controller on an SSD.
Like, I mean, Samsung, I think what are those?
Like triple core ARM processors.
I was using an SSD for a build today
that has literally two gigabytes of DDR4 memory on it.
Like it has this, right?
It has a motherboard and a processor and memory.
Exactly, and storage.
It's got storage
because it's an SSD for crying out loud.
Yeah, so it's just a bunch of little computers
that you're making work together.
Exactly, like what in your computer is not a computer yet?
Your power supply, I would make the argument,
is not really a computer.
There's some pretty advanced ones
that have like microcontroller grade,
you know, processing capabilities,
but I wouldn't call that like a CPU.
Whereas, you know, that SSD that I was talking about,
Samsung 980 Pro, like it's got full on like ARM core
processors in it, like conceivably it could do a lot more
than just, you know, decide which parts of the flash
to retire and how to handle garbage collection
to maintain adequate performance, right?
Like it's pretty advanced.
It's doing stuff, it's doing some serious stuff.
Yeah, I don't know, it's interesting.
RAM is definitely not the next spot
I expected to receive this,
but it makes a lot of sense.
I just definitely didn't see it coming, very cool.
Yeah, the funky thing for me is just like
from like a software side,
but then they claim it's just kind of,
it just kind of automagically works.
So I just don't, I don't really get it.
Like from a software side of things, what is it?
How does that processor know what to work on?
Yeah, it's way above my head, I have no idea.
It sounds cool.
I suspect we'll learn a lot more
during that paper presentation
that I believe you mentioned on February 22nd.
We're definitely gonna have to do
some kind of update on this.
This is the kind of thing where if we could get our hands on
any of this kind of stuff, we'd love to do a full LTT,
just diving into this, learning about it.
It's one of the kind of thing that like
I'll bring up in writer's meeting
and everyone will be like,
me, me, me, me, me, me, I wanna work on that one
cause it's just so cool.
Cause it's just not the way that I think about
the relationship between a central processor and RAM.
So RAM from my understanding,
holds the data that the CPU needs to work on.
So then like, what?
The CPU would say, hey, I need to work on this thing
and then the RAM would then grab it
and start sending it like ahead of time, I don't know.
Predict that, perform some kind of function
that it anticipates the CPU will want to
and then proactively return that result.
Like what, sorry, how does this work?
I have no even sort of a clue,
but I'm excited for February 22nd.
Yeah, really cool.
There's honestly not that many things these days
with like desktop computers where I'm like,
holy crap, that could be potentially
like absolutely freaking amazing.
And this could be one of them.
Well, it's still not desktop, so there's that.
Speaking of desktops, hey, I've actually got,
wait, no, did I tell you this already?
Did I tell you about your personal rig update
that we're gonna be doing?
Yes, sort of, I know some amount of it.
Did I tell the audience about this yet?
I think you might've told them sort of.
I actually don't know if I did.
Guys, you're gonna have to tell me
because I've got quite a few more details
about what we're going to be doing.
So we apparently talked about it last Wednesday.
Oh, forget it.
Oh man, okay, I thought I was all excited.
Okay, well, that's fine.
Cause we've got other stuff to talk about.
We actually filmed the video for FlowPlane this week.
All right, no, let's talk about that later.
Let's talk first about Nvidia Borking
Ethereum mining performance on the upcoming RTX 3060.
Luke, do you want to talk us through this one?
Because I got to tell you,
I don't want to talk about it because-
Yeah, I think you just need to mute.
Anthony and I worked on a video about this topic
where I'm gonna be sharing my thoughts
and his thoughts kind of interspersed.
A lot of people don't really understand this concept,
but I've actually been accused at times of,
you know, the April Fools we did
where it was like hashtag lie-ness.
Like I don't actually know anything about computers
and I don't really contribute anything.
It's all a big show.
A lot of people don't realize this,
but when you see a writing credit at the end of an LTT video
90, probably 97% of the time,
I had a heavy hand in editing what that was.
So if there was a joke in like an Anthony scripted video
that you thought, you know, was really stupid,
don't necessarily blame Anthony.
It's very possible that it was me who put that in
because I actually review the scripts word by word
with our writers before I go up and go like this.
So it's one of the ways that we make sure
that even though I have a writing staff,
everything that I'm saying is reflective
of how I actually feel about the product.
And that's one of the reasons why sometimes in the script
we will have dissenting opinions.
I might say, well, this is what I thought of the keyboard,
but Alex, whose fingers are longer than mine,
thought that that was just fine
or thought it was way worse or whatever the case may be.
So you're gonna hear mine and Anthony's combined take
on this tomorrow.
Don't miss that video because I might not agree
with what Luke's about to say.
I am now hitting the mute button like a good little boy.
Luke, why don't you talk us through what's going on here?
I just wanna say, oh, I just minimized all of my windows
by shaking that individual one.
I wanna say by just at the beginning of this,
to start it off, that the opening note
for this is fantastic.
There's Anthony Young note, and then highlighted the yellow,
Linus, do not rent, and then period,
and then highlighted red, do not rent.
You have a video coming out tomorrow.
He is specifically not allowed.
He has to mute.
I feel like I could say anything.
I'm on top of the world right now,
but instead I'm gonna talk about this graphics card.
So just the RTX 3060,
this is not coming to other graphics cards.
Apparently my bird is joining me in this conversation.
In an attempt or an effort to get these cards
into the hands of people that they were
at least originally intended for,
they are releasing drivers,
or I believe all of the drivers,
will nerf Ethereum hash rates by roughly 50%.
It's a driver, which I find quite interesting.
That might be bypassable.
The RTX 3060 software drivers are designed
to detect specific attributes
of the Ethereum cryptocurrency mining algorithm
and limit the hash rate,
or cryptocurrency mining efficiency by around 50%.
That's a direct quote.
This will not affect 3070 through 3090 cards.
As I mentioned, this is specifically just RTX 3060.
This announcement comes alongside the release of new CMP
or cryptocurrency mining platform cards.
We've seen this type of stuff in the past.
I don't remember what specific card it was,
but it doesn't have output on it.
You can't plug a monitor into it.
It's just for compute.
These cards, yeah,
these cards lack any display output capabilities
and are built solely for mining.
Nvidia has stated that these cards
will not affect availability of 30 series cards for gamers.
Maybe not current availability,
but you probably could have used
that manufacturing for them.
Let's just ignore that part.
Although exactly how they can produce more chips
on the same node without affecting RTX output
remains to be seen.
Yeah, exactly.
While CMP pricing is unavailable at this time,
the performance in watt numbers of the top tier card,
the 90 HX, are noticeably lower
than what a 3080 can achieve.
86 megahertz per second at 320 watts
versus 100 megahertz, mega hash, sorry.
86 megahertz per second at 320 watts
versus 100 megahertz per second at 250 watts.
This means a 3080 doesn't just perform better.
It does so more efficiently.
Womp, womp.
It's also a much easier card to resell.
It's also much easier to resell a 3080
than it is to resell old mining hardware,
meaning miners can recoup more of their costs
if they have the more GPU focused one for gamers
than the actual mining specific card.
Pricing and availability are really gonna be
the deciding factor on this.
It's already hard enough to buy 3000 series cards.
These are probably gonna disappear as well.
So who knows, we'll see what happens there.
And in semi-related news,
Anthony included a link to a picture of Zotac
just showing like a mining rig with a bunch of their cards.
Apparently gamers were cheesed about that one.
But I don't know, like it might not have been
the most wise PR move to post that picture,
but like they know what's going on
and I guarantee you that picture didn't change anything.
No one's gonna build a mining rig
because they specifically saw that picture.
I seriously doubt that's gonna happen.
So like, it doesn't matter,
but I do understand why people are riled up.
They want their cards and their cards are hard to get.
But yeah, that's about it.
You can unmute, but you're still not allowed
to talk about it.
Thanks, Luke.
No prob, man.
Great job, Luke.
Heck yeah.
All right, let's, why don't we move on then?
Why don't we move on?
We actually had a great video go up on Floatplane
earlier this week.
I know to the WAN Show audience,
I generally don't spend a ton of time pimping Floatplane
because I know most of you guys already know
about Le Floatplane,
but if you are not already subscribed on Le Floatplane,
this one is probably one of the ones
that's worth it for early access.
One quick second before you keep going.
Someone said, I wanna hear the rant.
Tune in for the video.
That was the whole point.
The video is gonna be up probably
about 10 a.m. Pacific tomorrow.
Yeah, it's gonna be tomorrow.
You really don't have to wait very long.
When I left the office,
Anthony and Nicole were working on the final pass
of just like making sure all the I's are dotted
and the T's are dotted and the other I's are crossed
and all that kind of thing.
So let's go ahead and check this on here.
We went and we bought probably a few hundred dollars
worth of counterfeit, counterfeit Linus merch.
That's right.
We went and we got our hands on as much fake swag as we possibly could.
And one of our viewers on Floatplane,
this is Ados, asked us, are we planning to go after
the counterfeit merch suppliers?
Because honestly, some of it is pretty shameless.
If we go on Amazon, for example,
and search for Linus Tech Tips,
you're gonna see here that there is an absolute
ton of stuff.
We don't make a, I don't know why they're calling it
a balaclava because that's clearly just a regular face mask.
Anyway, we don't make a face mask.
We haven't sold anything with this logo in years.
We've actually never sold anything with the WAN logo
and the old Linus Tech Tips logo combined.
This is clearly the same ripoff design, but in orange.
I don't know what WXZDH is,
but I can pretty much guarantee you it's nothing to do
with Linus Media Group Incorporated.
So yeah, there- The Padida Men's L-Inus
Teh-Chuh-Pss Boxer Briefs.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure we got our hands on something
from these guys.
Spoiler alert, they're absolutely atrocious.
They're like the worst thing ever.
I mean, a lot of this stuff, you can just tell
from the picture that it's just a cheesy Photoshop.
They didn't even, they couldn't even be bothered
to center the Photoshop.
Man, we actually, wow, we actually didn't get all of it.
Although, okay, in fairness to Sarah,
who was the one who sourced most of this stuff,
a lot of these vendors will start up and then disappear
before you even get a chance to go after them
because they know, they obviously know
that they're infringing someone else's trademark
or someone else's copyright and they're doing it anyway.
And so it's clearly just built into their business model
that they're going to have to spin up these stores
and then shut them down
when someone actually does go after them.
So in response then to your,
in response then to your question,
no, at this time, we don't have any reason to believe
that they're moving any kind of significant volume
of these products.
Almost none of them have any reviews on Amazon whatsoever.
And of the ones that do,
one of them has a two-star review.
That's it.
Actually, I would love to have a look at this.
My shirt was nowhere near the size I ordered,
even though it said so on the shirt.
Also, the stitching was coming out on one sleeve
when I got it.
Not impressed, says Gary A.
Well, look, look, moral of the story,
if you want to be impressed
by the quality of Linus Tech Tips merch,
you should probably buy it from Linus Tech Tips.
So good effort, but you played yourself.
You 100% played yourself.
Oh man, that's-
What are you going to do with the XQC
watched our video thing?
Are you going to watch his watching of your video?
I don't actually know if,
I don't actually know if he watched it on stream.
Does, does anyone,
does anyone have like a,
I'm sure Twitch chat's going to blow up
as soon as they figure out
that we're talking about this.
Apparently he did watch it on stream.
So does anyone have like a timestamp for me
or a clip or anything like that?
I don't, I don't know.
Anyone clip it?
Hopefully someone can throw something in the Twitch chat.
Actually here, Luke, do you want to keep an eye on the chat?
Maybe Floatplane chat.
Guys, Floatplane, if you guys have a source for it.
I found someone who re-uploaded it,
but it's not his channel,
so I don't really want to share it.
Can I do the sponsors real quick here?
All right, cool.
So the show is brought to you today by Remote HQ.
We got a new sponsor up in here.
It's a work,
it's a work from home culture for most offices now.
Yep, that's fair enough.
And while it's nice to not commute to work,
it can be a pain to collaborate with your team.
Yeah, that is absolutely something
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Remote HQ is a tool that's designed to help make it easier.
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And it's browser-based,
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Remote HQ lets you work together
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You can get a free three month trial
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and using offer code WAN.
That all sounds good, guys.
Make sure that you go check them out and welcome Remote HQ,
our newest sponsor on the WAN show.
Now we're gonna go right from our newest sponsor to,
I think our oldest one.
There they are,, ladies and gentlemen.
Do you need to create a beautiful website
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They've had you covered for years, ladies and gentlemen.
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So go to slash WAN.
What just happened?
And use offer code WAN for 10% off.
Luke, Luke, hello, Luke?
Hello, hello, Luke?
Hello, is this working?
I can hear you, but I can't see you.
What you guys are seeing right now
that is likely very confusing.
Ah, yes, there we go.
So they had my, they had my feed for you.
I have two cameras on this machine
so that Luke also has a video feed of me.
Yeah, so we had, we had two lionesses, you know,
Yeah, I had no idea.
Discord just restarted out of nowhere.
That's not a clue what happened.
That was, that was super interesting.
And the show is also brought to you by Ridge Wallet.
Stop carrying around pointless items in your pocket
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So head over to slash Linus.
This is like, this is pretty funny.
Okay, hold on a second.
Hold on, hold on.
I'm gonna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna do the thing.
Hold on, hold on.
Oh, I need, I need my mouse in my other hand.
Hold on, hold on.
Okay, I wanna, I wanna do the thing.
We can be like.
Oh wait, this one doesn't have the,
oh, that makes sense.
That's why it didn't work.
Yeah, I'm good.
That was, that was really stupid.
So do you happen to have a timestamp, Luke?
I do.
I sent it to you on, on Discord.
Also, I'm getting reports that the slash wan
does not function.
I went to it and it 404s.
I will let the.
Is there a different, different URL potentially?
Okay, well, whatever.
I'll let Colton know
and hopefully he can fix it after the fact.
Okay, cool.
Not gonna spend any more time on that.
Okay, so what I'm looking at here is,
It should be a timestamped Twitch.
Oh, I see.
That must've just been the name of his stream.
That is like, wow, that is a toxic poisonous stream name.
Like exclamation mark, exclamation mark, exclamation mark.
BlizzCon number one watch party location.
Overwatch two pause champ question mark.
I just, I don't even, I don't even know what I'm looking at.
I clicked this thing and I'm prompted.
Do you really, do you want to go here?
I don't know.
I don't know the answer to that question.
So this is it.
This is, this is the, the pause champer extreme.
Let's get here.
There we go.
We got Twitch chat.
We got, I have no idea what to expect here, but.
Okay, you guys, I'm reacting to his reaction.
This is react-ception.
Oh, now I'm reacting to his reaction to my reaction.
Stream reaction.
Stream reaction.
The kind of person who piles on
when somebody is already having a bad time,
but here's the situation.
Streamer xQc reached out to me a number of weeks back
asking for help with a new gaming PC.
I pointed out that I'm sure anyone in their dog
would be happy to send him a free gaming PC
in exchange for a tweet given his popularity,
but I did offer my help if you really needed it.
And then I promptly never heard anything
about it ever again.
Guys, in my dependable chat, guys, this,
this is how I treat the K, other people.
This is not, it says anything about them.
Okay. It's just, it's just a life philosophy.
I feel bad people that have to interact with me.
Okay. But this is how bigger streamers, celebrity Andes.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Hold on a second.
Did he just say he can't reply to an email
cause he's too stream famous?
I think maybe.
Did I just hear that correctly?
We got it.
I'm not sure.
He either said that, or he was saying that like,
it doesn't necessarily matter who it is.
I'm just bad at communication.
I'm not really sure which one he did.
Okay. Hold on a second.
Hold on.
Okay. Let's, let's, let's get this.
Let's get this back going here.
Hold on.
YouTubers, smaller,
this is how anybody interacts with me.
This is just how, it's just how I deal with things.
I don't know why.
It's just how it is.
Until I was streaming today
and you guys wouldn't stop talking
about how apparently horrible his build was.
So given that I did offer to help,
I will with no guilt whatsoever,
be critiquing XQC's PC build.
I've never done a reaction video before.
So wish me luck.
Just like I feel lucky to tell you
about our sponsor, Ridge Wallet.
Ridge Wallet wants to redefine the wallet
with its compact frame and RFID blocking plates.
Check out how they can keep your wallet bulged down
and use offer code Linus.
Hold on. Let me just fix the volume.
Remember the volume earlier?
Does he not explain it?
Cause I've actually been wondering about that.
Why is your face everywhere?
So, no, no, there, there,
there is an explanation for that.
My face is everywhere
because there's like an emote on his stream.
I think it's okay champ or something like that.
Or there's something that you can do
to make my face appear on his stuff.
All right. All right.
Is that my face?
It is.
That's my face.
Why is my face on his stream?
Okay. First things first.
Yeah. I want to unbox everything, but.
First things first.
I'm gonna set myself up on the carpet.
Now we did show recently in our collab with Electroboom
that the risk of actually damaging your components
with electrostatic.
I don't know if I'm at the same timestamp you are.
On a low pile carpet and unbox computer hardware.
So let the board goes first.
I got a ROG CrossAir VIII Formula, dude.
Why not catch that?
This is a very overpaid computer.
Some of these parts were really way more expensive
than it should have been,
but it's COVID and whatnot.
So it is what it is, man.
Is he actually gonna water cool?
Cause that motherboard has like integrated
chip set water cooling.
First we'll open the actual CPU itself.
And then I know what, I don't know what you just said.
It's usually like 900 bucks, but it was like 900.
Unfortunately, I also misspoke there
because what I meant was VRM water cooling,
but I was kind of like mind blown.
But there's no real alternatives.
This is the piece that is worth all the money.
Oh man.
Well, metal bracket up.
Oh my God.
This must be how people feel watching me handle stuff.
Like seemingly not carefully.
I assure you guys, I know what I'm doing,
but I'm not actually convinced
that Felix knows what he's doing.
Oh, I got it.
You gotta pull out from the thing.
And then I put the arm the other way.
Also, what's the most important part of all this
is the bragging rights.
So whenever you build a PC, all those stickers,
whenever you buy these boxes.
He's joking about this,
but I actually have like a whole sticker book
with like a shiny kitty on the front
of like old case badges from way back,
like 10, 15 years ago.
Oh man, you know what?
I think I have that at home.
I wonder if I could find it to show you guys.
Your sticker book?
Have you seen it?
Do you know the one I'm talking about?
I think so.
It's got a blue cover on it.
And then it's got like, it's like sparkly.
Because I think you showed it to me
after you saw all the stickers
that were on my original mineral cool computer.
Cause I had the whole row of case badges.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
And I think you showed me, you know.
I showed you mine, you showed me yours.
That's how it works.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Oh man.
I'm kind of tempted to just let this run and go look for it.
But then I'm not reacting to his reaction to my reaction.
I can react to it, sort of.
Okay, Luke's going to react for a little bit.
I'm going to let it ride and I'm going to run upstairs.
I'm going to see if I can find my sticker book, okay?
All right.
This seems worth it to me.
Where's that link?
Here we go.
All right, all right.
I'm putting it back up here.
Okay, but I don't know where you're at.
Hold on.
I'm at him opening up the,
I'm at him opening up the 128 gigs of RAM.
So we're at-
What's the exact time?
Okay, yeah.
I'm going ahead to you.
Hold on.
20124, 20124.
Wait for a sec.
I can't scrub that carefully.
It doesn't-
Oh man.
It doesn't, it's not that granular.
I am so, oh man.
If you go like, if you go like a little bit ahead,
that's probably fine anyway.
I need, I need 10 seconds.
All right.
And then we're good.
Okay, go for it.
Oh man.
I want my-
Four seconds.
All right.
I'm pressing play.
I'm pressing play now.
Yep, yep.
Go, yep.
I love the term juicers by the way.
I had a, I had a,
I had an absolute boomer moment with juicers
because I've been trying to,
I've been trying to get into chess for like a year,
but I've been watching a bunch of chess content.
And one of the guys that I was watching kept saying juicers.
I was like, what the heck?
I was trying to look upon chess websites.
Like what, what juicer means and stuff.
If this single boomer moment
and streaming set up doesn't work,
then he can take 64 gigs of this 128 gigs of RAM
lot for a gaming and streaming machine
and put it into a separate machine.
Let me do a little bit of explaining boys.
I know some of you guys already know this.
And you're like a, like a tech genius.
So this is, I don't know why this movie doesn't have it,
but normally you're gonna have two colors.
These are your channels.
Something called dual channel, I think,
or something like that.
That's very close.
The memory slots are color coded.
So you will correctly install your dual channel memory,
but they're not color coded according to the channels.
It's actually the other way around.
They're color coded so that your monkey brain
will put two sticks in the same colors
and get dual channel operation.
But it's actually the two separate channels
that are the same color, dual channel.
Now you know.
Let's open the market at the back.
One, two, three.
The man inside the computer.
that was awesome.
The side that doesn't have the lever on first.
Now on the one hand, he says, I usually, okay.
And that's not going to be wrong.
I love it.
The combination of Linus being like,
so your monkey brain does the right thing.
And then actually, huh?
I love the coaching from the background.
Do you have the lever open?
Fortunately, it's so poorly put in that I'm going to lose it.
Why is my face keep showing up?
Is this like a Twitch feature?
Stick number two.
Twitch chats already like call Linus.
It's backwards again.
Yeah, why not?
He should have just done that dude.
Loose volume is going from super loud to not do that.
It's probably just kind of talking to be completely honest.
We don't have to have these.
See, this is like the old SSDs.
It's been nine minutes
and he has installed the CPU and memory.
Those are a little bit better.
They're really faster.
They're less of a hassle to put in.
And thankfully boys, we got two of them.
He is in for a real nightmare.
If he wants to configure NVMe rate on,
well, really any platform, but I don't know the name.
I didn't suspect that was going to matter.
I didn't think he was going to bother.
He said he doesn't know what it is.
Like, yeah, I don't think that's the point.
I think that the empty drives are hidden under here
at the voltage.
Can I just say for a moment that I love the K back wall
De-bolt it.
De-bolt it, yeah.
Same thing.
It's going to de-bolt. De-boltable like attachments,
transformer looking things like that.
Oh, it's just a strip.
I've seen more straws.
I appreciate you, AJ.
Support bolts or whatever.
You can de-bolt things anytime you want.
Set it up.
Are those SpongeBob socks?
Cause I definitely approve.
That really is not all the way in.
Good thing Twitch chat is babysitting.
Oh, no, it's still not in.
Is it not in?
I'm stupid.
Overall, I've seen far worse.
I've seen far worse.
It's up to the second one.
Wait, is he going to screw it in?
I mean, he hasn't, he hasn't like ruined anything.
So yeah.
It's a dual boot collider, dude.
The X back, the X back plate.
Guys, I had to screw in the X back plate
before the motherboard.
The bill I got the Kraken 773.
Guys, I saw it back in the days.
You had to put like a, like a weird thing at the back.
Yeah, I figured out what he's talking about.
X back plate.
I figured that out.
From down to up.
Is he really trying to justify?
That I would buy a computer
based on Twitch chat's recommendations.
Is he really trying to justify this?
People say it's bad.
No, not really.
He's mostly just like kind of laughing and inserting like,
oh, this is why I thought that, et cetera.
Yeah, you don't say that.
He's chill.
I'm lazy.
Actually, this is just because I'm lazy.
It's been funny so far.
You know, when you,
you explained the like color coding
for dual channel and whatnot.
His reaction to that,
after you said like, it's done this way
so your monkey brain does it right.
His reaction after that,
there was like a decent pause and he was just like, huh?
Ha ha ha ha.
That was perfect.
I appreciated that a lot.
Call him?
I don't, Linus has his number.
No, I don't have his number.
He's too much of a celebrity for you, Linus.
Yeah, I know, right?
Dude, it can't mount.
It's too big.
Oh man.
This part was so painful to watch.
He's gotta be, he's gotta be just pretending.
Like I think you guys are just suckers.
I'm pretty sure.
Guys, I always pretend for content.
Just fine.
Guys, if we remove the case finally.
Ha ha ha ha.
So he a hundred percent knew
that he can put the radiator in the front.
He just didn't want to remove 12 screws.
I'm going to read the message I sent him.
It's possible.
We could get you hooked up with a system
and we'd love to collab,
but surely you got at least half a dozen system integrators
on speed dial who could get you anything you want.
If you're not in a hurry, it'd be a fun project.
The thing is like,
patients are not in a position to tackle anything big
like the creeper PC we built for cubes at the moment.
Okay, like there's some parts where I'm kind of like,
just get hooked up with a PC builder.
Just let me know, email's best for me
since this is a shared inbox with many other staff here.
I'm intending for it to be in the video.
If he wasn't willing to remove 12 screws
that I go through while I'm watching the screen.
It's not about the screws just in the PC.
If it's, if it's, if the fans come with the case,
I don't know anything about computers.
D you have to cut the wire holders
and then all the wires go loose.
Hold on, hold on, hold on.
There's some volume problem.
Hold on, hold on, wait, there's a volume problem.
It's going to be terrible to remove them.
I just said that.
No, it's going to be 12 screws through.
Linus, wait.
I can't do anything.
We've run into these situations
where it seems pretty obvious.
What's up?
There's a crazy audio problem.
I think we need to do the whole thing.
Hold on a second.
Let me, let me pause this thing.
What's the crazy audio problem?
I'm not a hundred percent certain.
Oh, okay.
Apparently I'm super loud.
Oh, okay.
Is it fixed now?
Or not, I have no idea.
I think, were you watching your own stream
somewhere or something?
Uh, no, no.
It should be okay.
It should be fine now.
We good?
I don't know.
Let me try to tune in.
Yeah, it's fine.
Yep, sorry about that.
So my bad guys, but basically,
so what I was saying was there was this whole,
there was this whole process where I like,
I thought he was just like playing a character
and then over time,
cause he would, he would explain really clearly.
He'd be like, oh, I don't, I don't know, you know,
anything about computers.
But then he would explain really clearly, you know,
what the role of that part is or like how to install it.
And I'd be like, no, you, you know about computers.
But then he'd encounter something where what I think I'm,
what I think I figured out was that he knows a lot,
but only about the things where he's like had the time
to do the research.
And so it started out with,
I think a little bit of playing a character
and over time became, okay.
The character that he might've been playing a little bit
there is actually him.
Okay, fair enough.
All right, let me turn this,
let me turn the stream back on here.
Guys, they're welded to the mesh, dude.
Oh my God, no, they're.
Apparently the stream was very loud.
That was a problem.
I got it, I got it.
So I bolt this in at the top.
The speed with which he switches between Eureka moments
and having no idea what's going on again.
Okay, well, this is going to be really tough.
Look at, this is literally soldered together.
No, and a re-screw our thing manually at the top
so we can put the CPU.
Oh, I don't think you're showing the video.
Oh, sorry, sorry guys.
There you go.
Again, he's demonstrating fairly deep knowledge.
He knows that we're going to have full fans at the front
and we're going to have push fans at the back.
The reason why I sort of know in depth of a knot
is one of my brother would build PCs.
He would tell me about it,
but I would only remember certain parts.
He said, yo dude, a computer airflow, push, pull, push, pull.
It's going to push, suck fresh air and push hot air out.
Balanced airflow.
But then he thinks his case is welded together.
I don't.
Wait a minute.
Of course not.
All you had to do was you just had to leave the fans
exactly where they were and just put the screws
that came with your radiator through them.
We need to go way back to basics and do a 4B.
What is going on?
Wait a minute.
Wait, that makes sense, dude.
I just de-bolt them, leave them there.
No, but even if you put the radiator on,
the GPU still wouldn't fit though.
Beginners filled, like really for beginners.
We need to bring in a committee of qualified beginners
to ask their questions as we go
and make sure that we answer every single one of them.
Dude, there's not enough space for three of them.
Why is he trying to put three fans there?
Is he faking it?
Because he came with three of them.
It doesn't go like this.
No, but no, dude, you can't.
It doesn't matter if it came with three of them.
It didn't, it's not designed for that spot.
The most painful part of this
was how many times I saw him put it in there properly.
Like he'd be like, oh, I have it lined up.
And I'd be like, yes, you do.
Please stop moving it now.
You're good, you're good, bud.
You know, I think a significant,
I think 80% of the problem though is his chat.
So I tuned into one of his streams yesterday
where he was like gambling in a GTA 5 casino
or something like that.
And his chat is just, it moves at such a rate
and with such a diverse many minds of its own
that to have it be even remotely helpful
would have to be an accident.
Like it's, if he managed to build a PC
with help from his chat, it would take as long as it took
like Twitch plays Pokemon to beat the game.
Like it just, that's the level that we're dealing with here.
So people would tell him when he had it right
and they would give him the right information
when he had it wrong, but mixed into that information
with so many people giving the wrong information
that it's just, you couldn't hear the signal over the noise.
Yeah, yeah.
I mean, okay, it would have been worse
without chat probably, but I still think that chat
because there was so much incorrect information
and because the timing is often a little bit off.
So sometimes he'd be like repositioning something
really fast and they'd be like, yeah, that's right.
And then because of the five or 10 second time delay
it's really easy to make a mistake based on that lag, right?
Yeah, definitely.
All right, let me, let me, let me put this,
let me put this back on, let me put this,
put this mess back on.
What time stamp is up now?
I'm at 2, 10, 24.
The radiator should fit in here.
Yes, it does.
All right, we got the radiator in.
Okay, why would you have the tubes down?
Aren't they gonna work against gravity, dude?
Fun fact, in a closed loop,
gravity kind of is like canceled out.
You could think of it that way
because gravity might pull some of the water down
but then that equal force will push the other water
like up, like it's.
Wait a minute.
I think his mind just broke.
Yeah, but wouldn't you want the gravity
to be doing that process and on top of the pumping
instead of doing that motion through mechanical pumping?
Oh no, none of that meant anything.
Oh no, okay, all right, okay, let me take another crack
at this one.
Okay, so, okay, so let's say hypothetically, okay?
You've got your pump, you got your pump here, okay?
In the bottom of the thing.
Okay, you know what?
No, we're going MS paint.
We're going MS paint, ladies and gentlemen.
We're doing it.
Okay, I got some MS paint up in here.
Display capture, okay, here we go.
So I'm a draw, I'm a draw for y'all.
So we got a loop, okay?
We got our CPU block, okay?
So there's our CPU, okay?
And we got our tubes.
So here's a tube.
You got your radiator.
There's some fans.
They're pushing, they're pulling, okay?
And then you got your other thing.
You got your pump here, okay?
Pump, okay, you got your rez.
So you know, you got your,
you got your rez right here, okay?
Rez, resurrection.
All right, so then you got your other more different tube
going up to here, okay?
So there's your thing.
So theoretically, okay?
All this like water, okay?
It's got the gravity, it's got the gravity on it, right?
Okay, so the stream's super delayed, so I'm just seeing this now.
I'm like, oh my, that's even pretty bad for like,
for you and paint, like this is the next level of love.
Luke, can you just chill for a second, okay?
We have descended further into the Diablo 1 castle.
So here we got, I'm getting different color.
I'm bringing some production values, okay?
Nice, nice.
Okay, so we got though, here's some water.
No, no, shoot, hold on, I screwed that up.
Oh wait, no, no, it's fine, it's fine.
I can fix this, I just need the paint bucket
and some blue, hold on.
I don't want to redraw the arrows, it's too hard.
Okay, okay, so there's your water.
We got some gravity water, okay?
And then this water, oh no, gravity water.
Okay, hold on a second, I need some gravity waves.
What color are gravity waves?
They're brown, okay?
So here's gravity waves, gravity waves on the water.
They're going down, okay?
Gravity waves, okay?
Okay, so then we got some more water in here.
Let me just, we're doing a little science lesson.
We got some water, okay?
All right, so I think we can all agree right now
that the gravity waves on this water are neutral,
neutralized, right?
Because this water is going neither uphill nor downhill.
Okay, we good?
I won't be able to see it for a little bit,
but I'm gonna say yes.
The one going across, okay?
Oh, cool, yeah, sure, yeah, yeah, yeah.
All right, cool.
So that's the gravity waves, they're canceled out.
Okay, I think I can actually screen share
with you through Discord, so let's just do that.
Okay, nice.
There we go, we good, we good, we good?
Okay, yes, I'm up to date now.
Gorgeous, hold on a second, I think I just screwed that up
by minimizing the Discord thing.
Okay, yeah, sure, it should be fine, okay.
So we good?
We got gravity waves right here.
Okay, so then we've got the gravity waves
that are pulling this water down the hill, right?
Right here?
Okay, good.
But then we got the gravity waves
that are pulling this water
that's trying to go up, down, right?
Impossible, that water will never make it
because there's gravity.
It'll never make it because of the gravity, okay.
Okay, but here's the mind blowing thing,
and this is what I think Felix is maybe not aware of,
is that water is basic, for all intents and purposes,
non-compressible, okay?
So what happens is that as the gravity
pulls down this water,
here, we're gonna get some more arrows in here,
I need just like a thicker thing.
As the gravity pulls down this water, okay,
that water comes into the pump, into the reservoir, okay?
So it gets into the reservoir and then it rises again.
That's why we call it the resurrection reservoir, okay?
So it goes down and then rises again,
because this gravity force down here,
it actually enacts like an equal force
pushing this water up.
So within a closed system, gravity is effectively-
Because the pump there, I think not really,
it would just be pressure from the pump.
No, no, I'm only talking about the impact
from the brown waves, Luke, only the brown waves.
We're ignoring the pump, okay?
Because he's saying gravity is affecting it.
So I'm just demonstrating why gravity would not affect it.
Without friction, okay, if you started this water moving,
it's a perpetual motion machine.
It would go forever because gravity would not stop it,
because the force that gravity exerts
pulling the water down,
equally affects pushing the water back up.
That's the point I'm trying to make, okay?
So basically, the only way that gravity can affect a loop,
okay, is right here.
If this line is too long, okay,
this line goes like this,
or not too long, it goes up too high, okay?
And the water never actually reaches this point right here,
where the gravity starts to cancel out
and it goes down the hill and back.
So that is where the specification for pumps,
that's where the head pressure starts to matter, okay?
In the event that you had a situation
where the pump had to push water up a long way,
like let's say for example,
that I wanted to dig up my backyard,
bury a bunch of copper tubing,
and do like a geothermal cooling solution
for my server room.
Totally hypothetical,
haven't had Colin look into this at all.
What I would need is down at the bottom,
like at the ground level of my house,
is I would need a pump that has sufficient head pressure
to push the water up to the second story of my house
in the first place, okay?
Once it's up there, once the water's moving,
if in some way I was able to prime that system
and fill it with water, it would not be an issue.
So once the water starts to fall to cancel it out, we good.
But you do have to have sufficient pressure
to get the water over the hump in the first place.
So that's what I was trying to explain.
And that's what this diagram,
I think very clearly demonstrates, okay?
Is that all crystal clear?
It's essentially a perfect diagram, yeah.
I also just have a question of when that diagram on a shirt
will be available on the LTT store.
I'm thinking probably never.
That's maybe a good thing.
Yeah, maybe that'll make more sense.
But yeah, pressure is essentially the answer to all of it.
All right, okay, cool.
So let's go ahead.
Oh wait, people couldn't see the diagram.
Couldn't you guys see the diagram?
I'm pretty sure I showed it to you.
Maybe not near the end.
I was definitely able to see it on the stream
before you started sharing on Discord.
All right, cool.
Well, sorry about that, guys.
Sorry, we're doing our best here.
We're doing our best here, all right?
So let's go back to, let's go back to the stream here.
I need more monitors.
Somebody said tubes down won't fit with the GPU.
Longer lifespan of the product.
So you're at like 1120?
I actually don't know if that's gonna reach.
Ish, 1125?
Yep, 1120 right now.
More optimal for the pump to last longer,
but it actually just might not reach.
Oh, and then you install the thing on the bracket
and then you bracket it in.
That was such a beautiful moment.
I was so happy.
No, it's not the same size, dude.
No, no, it's fine.
You got the other holes, it's okay.
It doesn't fit, dude.
It does, it's fine.
Well, we're gonna be using those then.
Then we have to use those then.
People are gonna tell him to flip it around, right?
Apparently I'm still loud, by the way.
I know, so the problem is his stream is super quiet.
Okay, you know what?
I can adjust you.
No way.
Hold on, give me a sec.
This one.
No, no, it doesn't go on that side of the-
Now, how do we do it?
Wait, is he gonna put one Corsair fan
and then like other NZXT?
Dude, the fans are on the wrong side, man.
Guys, the wire's on the other side.
Fans can go on any side of the radiator you want.
It doesn't matter.
If they're on this side, then they blow.
And if they're on this side, then they suck.
The wire goes inside the computer.
This goes on the outside.
This is gonna hang the whole thing together.
Fans then need to go inside the fucking bracket.
It doesn't matter.
So like this then.
That's fine.
The bracket goes at the back.
And then the bracket goes inside at the back.
Logo, outside, punks inside.
Okay, okay.
I had it right the whole time, dude.
Literally from the start.
I don't know if you had it right the whole time,
but yes, fundamentally what you're saying is sound.
So the logo, the sticker, the-
Oh, man.
Okay, that-
Okay, he gets so happy when I'm like,
yeah, you did this one little thing right.
Over the radiator.
You also, I will say,
you also seem genuinely proud of him
when he does do something correctly.
It is completely installed.
It feels like you're-
Just fine.
You're, yeah, stern and honest,
but on his team, which is cool.
I was on his team.
I wanna, look, from the very beginning,
I wanted him to succeed, man.
No, he does have the tubes at the top.
So yes, the fans are sticking right up next to the window.
Okay, I mean,
that's not gonna affect the functionality of the machine.
Rog, Strix Gaming, Gragax Star, Geforce, RTX 3090,
Nvidia Asus, or OC O'clock 2.40 GPU juicer.
There it is.
I don't think that's gonna fit.
That thing, it's an enormous card.
If it wasn't COVID,
I would just fly out there and build it for him.
I can't fucking screw it.
It's actually not lined up.
This was so painful, man.
Just gotta, you just gotta kind of, you know,
get it screwed in there and kind of-
It's weird, cause he's saying like,
it's not lined up, but he's showing it.
I can see how that would be really confusing for people.
I have seen so much worse than that, like-
And even then, even the GPU slot doesn't line up, dude.
Unless you're meant to use the fucking squares part,
but I don't think so.
No, please don't do that.
No, that's not what you have to say.
You just don't fucking get there, dude.
Look at the hole, look at the hole.
Meanwhile, he's showing that, like, you can totally see.
You can see daylight through them, Luke.
Luke, we can see daylight.
Maybe it's a camera angle thing, I don't know,
but it looks completely fine to me.
I don't understand the problem.
DCI back plates sometimes don't quite
have the mounting holes.
He wants to say something.
I figured out what was the problem.
If I de-bolted the motherboard a little bit,
a tiny bit, and I loosen it,
and I pushed the whole motherboard to the side,
and then re-bolted it,
it would have given me a bigger play zone
to get the screws in.
Can be extremely frustrating, especially for-
I love his wording for things, a bigger play zone.
Yes, okay, yes, yes.
What he's talking about is the differences
in manufacturing tolerances from one case to another.
So as long as you kind of, like,
have a little bit of wiggle room, it can help.
2.8 grand.
I'm actually just, like, kinda doing what you need to do.
You gotta put some force on it sometimes.
You gotta understand the kinds of costs
that PC case manufacturers are targeting.
It's just, it kinda comes with the territory.
Okay, I'm gonna re-box some other stuff.
I can't chat with you in your case.
There you go, Corsair.
Honest consumer review, your case, a disaster.
The good news is I don't think any of this stuff is broken.
Okay, now I feel worse, because at the beginning,
it was pretty clear that he was just
pretty much knew what he was doing,
but it was kinda like playing a character.
Then by the end, it's obvious that he was ready
to huck the GPU at the wall.
So Felix, if you're watching this,
my offer still stands, I DMed you.
I would be happy to walk you through this.
We can make that case work.
You can destroy that case, get rid of it,
do whatever you need to do, donate it, get a different one,
but just let me know, because I'm here for you, my fellow.
So the case was a disaster, does he agree?
Does he agree that the case is a disaster?
No, I don't agree the case is a disaster.
At the end of the day, you agree, right?
Just like I'm here for my audience
to tell them about FreshBooks.
FreshBooks is the easy to use account software
succinctly designed for you and your small business owner.
There seems to be at least a bit of honor
with the Twitch people that will be the best case
for that current build.
I thought the fractal was pretty good.
He's talking about the case.
He's not learning about FreshBooks.
Okay, go ahead, Luke.
Most of the people on Twitch that I've seen
watch YouTube videos will watch the ads every time.
Oh, interesting.
I think that's actually kind of cool.
Okay, got it, got it, got it.
Okay, here, I think he's-
You'll notice he watched your,
he watched the Ridge Wallet ad at the beginning
and he was like, oh, cool.
They also don't trash it and stuff.
No, that's cool, that's cool.
See, I don't know that much about Twitch culture.
Like, yeah, I'm streaming on Twitch right now or whatever,
but like, that doesn't mean I actually have any idea
what their deal is over there.
I'm learning, I'm learning though, I'm learning.
We keep hiring Zoomers, so I keep learning more stuff.
I got an HR complaint, Luke.
I received an HR complaint from some of our editors
that one of our new editors who's not off probation yet,
so we're not giving her name yet,
but one of our new editors and then Nicole, okay,
ganged up on a couple of our older editors
and called them boomers
because they had never heard of XQC
and kept accidentally referring to him as XKCD.
Sounds like they're boomers to me.
Yeah, it kind of does sound like they're boomers to me.
If you don't know, if you don't know XQC,
but you know XKCD, you might be a boomer.
That's all I have to say about it.
Okay, so hold on, let's hear Felix's wrap up here.
So whether you're a trades person, creative agency,
or YouTuber, they've got a plan that's right for you.
And if you're having trouble,
their award-winning Toronto-based support team
is always happy to help you.
Very nice.
So don't wait, try FreshBooks for free for 30 days today.
No credit card required at slash Linus.
Normally at the end of our videos,
we throw to another similar video we've made
that you can go enjoy, but since we-
Fractal, yes.
Bite, we can match.
Oh, okay, because you have one.
I mean, it's what I have right now.
Like this before, why don't you go watch
Linus reads mean comments.
They're mean.
I'm not really the kind-
Well, that was very nice.
Okay, because he didn't roast me too hard.
Guys, he didn't roast me too hard.
By the way, chat.
Guys, I was, guys.
It's just, I can't tell if he's upset or not.
First of all, how hard can it be if Linus can do it?
It's your fault, Linus, you made it look easy.
Oh, come on now.
That's not, that's not fair.
Guys, I'm not subscribed to you guys.
This, yeah, this is my business account, boys.
This is a business account.
I got the business account.
Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to.
I didn't mean to.
I just thought, I don't know why.
Oh, he was so close to disliking the video.
I'm not even having colors for this, dude.
I'm not, I never like or dislike videos.
I'm sorry, chat, I didn't know.
It is my friend Bento Guy's birthday.
Can I get a happy birthday, Bento?
Okay, I'll send a DM.
Now, hold on a second.
Guys, I don't know how to explain it, okay?
And even if I did it, it would still question mark me, okay?
I don't know what it is about communicating
with other people.
Hi, chat, smile, smile, smile, smile, smile, smile, smile.
I just, I'm just not the best communicator.
Like, somebody will show interest
or they wanna help, whatever.
And then I'll send one DM and then-
Yeah, so he wasn't saying that you're like so much to watch
or he can't reply to you because he's a figure, yeah.
Oh, I was mostly just teasing because the, okay.
Was it not clear that I was just teasing earlier?
Because I tell people exactly the same thing.
I apologize.
I'm just like, look, I'm so sorry.
The reality of it is that I am, I get a lot of emails.
And I mean, you've probably seen me pull this
at trade shows.
I actually hate trade shows.
I get like the worst anxiety about it.
And the reason is not because I don't love learning
about new tech.
I mean, Luke, you go through the same thing quite honestly.
You've been here and it's not personal.
It's just that I get this really bad anxiety at trade shows
because no offense to anyone else.
And I'm not trying to make this like an ego thing
or anything like that.
Like just like Felix, I think it's really easy
for me to talk about this
and have it come across totally the wrong way.
But the reality of it is when I go to a trade show,
I meet every single time,
I meet somewhere in the neighborhood
of probably 200 to 400 people
will introduce themselves to me.
And that's ignoring the extras at like parties.
Like I'll go into a booth.
There'll be a whole bunch of people
that I've never interacted with before
from like the European or Asian offices of some company.
They'll all introduce themselves to me and say their names.
And then I'll go and I'll do the same thing
45 minutes later with some other company.
I'll do the same thing 45 minutes later.
I'm running on basically no sleep, not enough food.
Like, so what happens is you do this enough times.
Like I can't remember it.
I'm not retaining it
because when my brain's in trade show mode,
it's in like, okay,
I need to remember absolutely everything there is to know
about this product.
So I can talk about it for four minutes
without having to consult a piece of paper or notes.
You're like pumping, dumping memory.
I remember, and you taught me kind of how to do this
way back.
I don't know if you ever remember,
but you'll remember almost nothing about a product
like five minutes after you leave the booth.
And it's just, it has to be that way
or else you won't be able to do the next video.
You have to like be exchanging that memory
as fast as you can.
And you get into this mode, you get into this groove.
And so what happens is unfortunately,
because I've been going to trade shows for over 10 years,
there'll be people that I have met
under these circumstances,
literally five or six or seven times
and I will walk up and I'll be like,
hi, Linus, nice to meet you.
And they'll be like, yeah, we go through this every year.
I feel so bad.
You gotta stop saying nice to meet you.
That was one of my tricks.
I don't say nice to meet you anymore.
I would always try and get it right
because I know I'm not going to remember the name.
So I will try to at least get right
whether I'm supposed to know who they are or not.
But then sometimes I'd go for it.
It'd be a clear miss, you know?
And you know, I just learned to accept that.
There was this really nice guy who worked at Antec
when I first met him and I think moved to,
I want to say Razor.
And it was like, oh man,
it was like four or five times I did this to him.
And he was like, yep, I flew out to the NCIX headquarters.
I briefed you on this case.
We had a one-on-one briefing for over an hour.
And this time I really just didn't have any excuse
because like, but the thing is I was focused on the case.
Like that's how I am.
I'm like, I'm all about the product.
I'm all about the tech.
I'm not, Luca, I'm going to confess something.
I'm going to confess something on stream.
I'm not much of a people person.
You know, I got into the, you know this, you know this.
I got into this line of work because I'm not a people person.
The people happened by accident.
I didn't ask for anyone to follow me.
You know, I just, I got, I got tapped.
I got tapped on the shoulder to make the tech channel
because I cared more about memory timings
than going out on, you know,
with my friends because I didn't have any,
you know what I'm saying?
I just.
I mean, I was kind of in the same spot.
You're the one that kind of pushed me to go on camera.
Oh man.
I just, so anyway,
the point is I am basically exactly the same.
I'm always apologizing to people for forgetting their names,
for not replying to their emails because I just,
I have no, I have no brain space for that.
Like my inbox, I leave things marked on red
because there is otherwise absolutely no chance in hell
that I will ever remember to look at it again.
I mean, even things like, you know,
remembering important events for my wife
or something like that.
Like I have a doc of like ideas for special occasions
and stuff like that.
And I have like calendar events,
like, Hey, Valentine's day is coming up.
There's this one time when we just started going out
that I pulled like the biggest bonehead move.
I think I've talked to you about it on the WAN Show before,
so I'm not gonna go real deep into it,
but pretty much I, we were at school
and I like invited her to come over after school,
which was no small feat because we went to school at UBC,
which is at the very, very West end of the Vancouver area.
And I lived in Maple Ridge, which is by train,
which is how we were going about three and a half hours.
So if we're done class at like, you know,
early afternoon, mid afternoon,
like we're only gonna get a couple hours together
before I have to drive her home.
One small problem.
So she was basically giving up her whole evening
to spend it on the train,
just to kind of hang with me for a little bit.
The problem is she thought I had something special planned
because it was her birthday.
So she thought, she had plans with her family that evening
that she bailed on because she thought her boyfriend
had something really special that he was gonna do for her
for her birthday.
And it wasn't until we reached the train station.
Okay, the West Coast Express.
It wasn't until we reached the train station.
And it's not that I don't know her birthday.
I know her birthday.
I just, I'm a bit of a scatterbrain, you know.
I didn't know what the date was.
I didn't know the date.
I know the date of her birthday.
I just didn't know the date today.
So I got my train ticket and it had the date
in big bold letters on it.
I went, holy.
So anyway, point is, yeah.
Yeah, that's a big L, big L, big F, big oof, big everything.
So I'm just trying to say I'm sympathetic.
Okay, let's go back to Felix's thing.
So I'm just saying, I get it, I get it.
I'm in, I think it's pretty much done.
I'm in different brain mode.
I'm just gonna see if it says anything.
Jamming and I end up never playing to anybody.
It's kind of weird.
All right, okay, we'll call it.
We'll call it there.
Hey, you know what?
Thanks Felix for watching the video.
I'm glad you enjoyed it.
I'm glad you recognize
that I wasn't trying to roast you too hard.
It's not, it's not really my jam.
Like I don't want to start any drama with anyone.
I legitimately just want to help.
And you know, I like you, you seem like a nice guy.
I've tuned into your stream a handful of times
just in the lead up to this, just kind of being like, okay
who exactly are we like pseudo collabing with?
She seemed like a nice guy.
I, you know, maybe a bit of a scatterbrain, but I get it.
So I love that he says in his stream there, I'm a DM him.
Yeah, he didn't.
So he's honest.
He's honest.
I'm a DM him, but by the way
I never DM anyone cause I get grooving.
Fair enough.
I get it.
I think, I think you have to be, to be like
at that size on Twitch
and you're trying to manage that audience and stuff.
You kind of have to be a scatterbrain.
You gotta, you gotta be able to tune out in a certain sense
and you gotta be able to kind of engage like
like tentacle style in another, in another sense
because you gotta be able to like take all this input.
I mean, I've said it time and time again.
I have, I don't envy streamers at all.
You know, even the massive ones that are
making a million dollars a month
or $5 million a month or whatever, whatever it is
like, you know what power to them.
I wish them all the success in the world.
I want absolutely no part of it whatsoever
because that job looks way too hard for me.
Truthfully, I stream from time to time.
Like I, I, I do it enough.
And I, and I know, I know video presentation.
I know online media well enough
that even though I'm not going to call myself
some kind of master Twitch stream or anything
I know enough to know that I don't know enough
and to know that I don't have it.
I don't got it.
I don't got what it takes.
Like I could survive as a Twitch streamer,
but I would never, I would never be a top tier personality
in that space.
We've even had some, some really good ideas.
I think for, for stream style content
more longer form stream style content.
But that's one of the reasons
why I think we've never really dove into them.
Just because, yeah, it kind of takes a different
different type of person.
It's a different kind of mind, man.
Floatplane is reminding me about the sticker book.
I couldn't find it.
I am, I'm so disappointed right now.
I'm sure I have it somewhere.
So I'm going to do my best.
You know what?
Actually, I just had one more idea.
One sec.
Nope, I don't have it.
So no, I'm sorry.
I can't, I can't find it, unfortunately.
We've got a couple other topics today
that we should probably talk about though.
Facebook is blocking all news posts.
Sorry, what's that?
They're doing everything.
They're blocking news posts.
They're making watches.
They're, they're yeah, they're all over the place.
So in Australia and Canada, which have in common
that they are considering some kind of link tax legislation,
Facebook committed to blocking Australian news content
entirely on its platform,
rather than complying with Australia's proposed
news media bargaining code.
And so how the block works is Australian news publishers
cannot share or post content.
No news link can be viewed or shared by an Australian user
and international users cannot see
or share Australian news content.
But as everyone should have expected,
like absolutely everyone when this happened,
they categorically failed in a lot of different
brutal ways, one of which is hilarious.
A lot of pages were caught in the crossfire
because obviously the filter wasn't perfect.
Things that were caught in the crossfire
were fire departments, food banks, charities,
and even Facebook's own page.
So good.
Oh my goodness.
Whoopsie daisies.
The Australian competition and consumer commissions
proposed legislation that would make search
and social giants pay to link to Australian news content.
Essentially the government is trying to tackle
the being the middleman of the imbalance
between publishers and platforms.
The law would ensure platforms are notified
of any major algorithmic changes the platforms make as well,
which is pretty problematic.
I can see why Facebook would just say,
no, forget it then.
We're out because if I'm Facebook,
yeah, I consider that alone.
Nevermind just the money that it's gonna cost them
to pay Rupert Murdoch's empire for the privilege
of sharing that news.
Aside from that, if I'm a company like Facebook,
my algorithm is, that's the keys to the castle.
Like I have spent millions upon millions of dollars
developing this algorithm that makes me able
to keep people sucked into their phones
like absolutely nothing else on the planet.
There's no way I'm gonna start just like telling,
cause remember they tell anybody, they tell everybody.
Yeah, I'm not just gonna start telling people
what I'm doing with my algorithm because,
and I've talked to Google about this a lot
with respect to YouTube,
whenever you notify or inform anybody about these changes,
immediately they start to game it.
And people are gonna try to game the system anyway,
but at least, you know, security through obscurity, right?
Like by obfuscating it,
you at least slow down the cat and mouse game.
And if you constantly change it
while always obfuscating it,
hopefully you can keep people in the dark enough
that it's a more level playing field.
Meanwhile, hold on a second.
Google has already inked about a billion dollars
in deals with publishers there.
So Google is going actually kind of sort of good guy here.
Trying to, yeah, I don't know.
I mean, I get it, I get it.
You know, there's a value to reporting,
there's a value to news media,
and it's clear that that business
has become unsustainable in a way,
like especially doing it properly has become unsustainable.
And so finding some way to prop it up is honestly not,
I don't know that this is the right approach,
but finding some way to prop up journalism
is not a terrible goal at the very least.
In a weird way,
because this is for search, right, as well.
So I wonder what this would do to setups like DuckDuckGo.
Like in a way, are they effectively like crushing everyone
other than media giants?
Because who's gonna be able to build a system like this?
And I don't know the terms.
I have no idea what the terms are.
So maybe they have.
My understanding is that it's mostly targeting
the big players on both sides.
Yeah, okay.
So meanwhile in Canada- That would be good.
Meanwhile in Canada, we don't have a clear idea
of what Canada's approach to a link tax is going to be,
just weighing options,
but Facebook is proactively taking steps against Facebook.
And Stephen Guilbeault has condemned Facebook's action
and vowed that Ottawa will not be deterred
from drafting similar legislation.
Can you imagine that, Luke,
if Facebook just like pulled out of Canada?
I mean, how easy would it be then to just be like,
hey, you know, mom, maybe don't be on Facebook
and then we could just use something else.
My parents don't really, yeah,
we still communicate with the overall family that way,
I guess, but actually, no.
It's a digital phone book, though.
I think my mom's been keeping up with the WAN show
because my mom's been communicating
with everyone through Signal.
I just thought about that.
Over the last few weeks, it's moved over.
Hmm, interesting.
I know she does remind me every once in a while,
we'll talk about something.
She's like, you know, I do watch.
That's hilarious.
So she heard you swear.
She heard you say that bad word.
She probably did.
She probably did.
Our last big story of the week,
the Xbox Series X got an update
that's giving console gamers 60 plus FPS consistently
via their FPS boost tech
for select previous generation games.
So five previous gen games
are gonna get major frame rate improvements on the Series X,
including Far Cry 4, New Super Lucky's Tale,
Sniper Elite 4, UFC 4, Watch Dogs 2,
and there are more titles that are going to be coming.
So it requires no extra work from developers.
This is a system level optimization,
which is basically, as far as I can tell,
just means a validation procedure
that the game will just run at that frame rate
and then unlocking it.
But the good news for gamers
is that the new tech gives gamers a reason
to actually go back
and replay older backwards compatible titles
that have FPS boost enabled for a better experience,
AKA PC gaming.
You know, I've been meaning for years, you know what?
Yeah, I was talking about
how I don't have professional Twitch streaming,
you know, in my blood or whatever,
but you know what?
I'm gonna do some Twitch streaming,
maybe not this weekend,
cause I got to work this weekend,
but I'm gonna replay Far Cry 1.
I have been meaning to replay Far Cry 1
for years on the best hardware.
I wanna do it.
Were you ever into Diablo?
Diablo 1.
Okay, I wasn't really paying that much attention.
So I'm pretty sure they're remastering Diablo 2,
but I think they might also be remastering Diablo 1.
That can be pretty fun.
Remastering Diablo 1.
I can't think of a reason to remaster Diablo 1.
It was an extremely shallow game.
Like I liked it as a kid,
but I don't think as an adult,
I could get into a game like that.
I think Blizzard's current strategy is,
okay, maybe it's just Diablo 2.
I think it's just Diablo 2.
I think their current strategy
is to just re-release everything they possibly can.
I mean, they're remastering and re-release,
or maybe not remastering, I don't know.
I wasn't paying that much attention,
but Lost Vikings is having a re-release of sorts
on like every platform on the planet,
along with a couple other of their older games,
but I wasn't as familiar with them.
Some racing game that I know they're famous for,
but again, I don't know.
And a shooting game that I had never heard of before.
I still remember this super weird Blizzard game
that was like, you're supposed to like kill chickens
or something like that.
I remember, yeah, I remember.
Oh man, where is it?
Yeah, something, something, something, something.
One of my friends in high school showed it to me.
It was like on Mac or something like that.
I was like, I've never heard of this game before.
This is made by Blizzard.
And then I've never been able to find
any information about it again.
And I think all you pretty much did
was you like had a crosshair
and you just like slaughtered chickens or something.
I don't know.
If anyone remembers,
maybe I'm just totally, totally out to lunch.
If anyone remembers-
The three games that they're releasing
that I'm talking about,
it's the Blizzard Arcade Collection,
and it's the Lost Vikings, Blackthorn,
and Rock and Roll Racing.
Oh, Rock and Roll Racing is sick.
That's a great game.
I had never played it.
Oh, it's so good for Super Nintendo.
Yeah, I like knew about it.
We just, we never had it.
And back then that was a, you know.
Oh, I-
I didn't know anyone knew about it
so I couldn't sneaker it either.
I never had it back then either.
So yeah, but you know, emulators.
It's, the soundtrack is like amazing.
It's Rock and Roll Racing.
It's freaking awesome.
Well, I think that's pretty much it for the show today,
you guys. Thank you for tuning in.
We will see you again next week.
Same bad time, same bad channel.
Oh, apparently it's not Rock and Roll Racing.
It's Mega Race?
Something like that?
Mega Race?
Oh, apparently, apparently I'm,
you know what, we're going to do it.
I never raid channels,
but we're going to, we're going to raid XQC
because you know what, what the heck?
What, why don't we do it?
So if anyone's watching over on YouTube
or over on Floatplane,
head over to Twitch.
We're going to start the raid
and we're going to start the raid after the outro plays.
Super chats?
Oh, oh wait, no.
We're going to start the raid
after we do a few super chats.
Thank you, Luke.
Build Dog says, running that train game.
Hey, thanks.
Switchblade says, we all know YouTube is perfectly balanced
and cannot be exploited.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Gregory, my Australian Facebook feed has no links
except sponsored adverts and YouTube videos.
It's all just friends posts and memes.
It's kind of nice, but it's going to force normies back
to TV and other mainstream media.
That's one fair point.
I'm not convinced Facebook news is any better.
If I've learned anything from the Spiffing Brit,
literally nothing is perfectly balanced.
Justin Carlisle says, first time live on the LAN
hoping for help with my mouse problem.
I have quite large hands
and the G502 is not working for me.
I wanted to know what's a good large FPS mouse.
Looking at the model of wireless.
Luke, you got any thoughts
on big baseball mitt sized hand mice?
Oh, you're muted.
I have generally liked the larger format Logitech mice.
I have always found that they work a bit better
with my hands, but yeah, I know there's a trend
and I understand why for mice to be smaller
and lighter these days and I get it.
I get it.
I just, it's not really for me.
Gabriel Johnson says, last episode,
you talked about letting OnlyFans people on Floatplane.
Would you let weed YouTubers on Floatplane?
I don't see why not.
I mean, we wouldn't allow illegal content,
but as far as my understanding is,
there's a lot of weed content
that would not qualify as illegal.
So we're not gonna allow anything dangerous,
like if they're showing you more.
As with everything,
because we monitor the content on the platform,
we review new creators.
It would be on a case by case basis.
Abdur says, all right guys,
about to head to bed, talk to you tomorrow.
Falls in UK, all right, fair enough.
Ilya says, so it's been two weeks with Madison.
What are your impressions?
Any regrets?
No, she's doing a great job.
I think she's doing an absolutely fantastic bang up job.
I mean, we hired her based on her qualifications,
not based on the community saying to hire her.
We just happened to be finally at a point
where we were ready to hire a social media coordinator.
So we went with someone that we knew our audience
was already in love with,
who we thought had a good amount of both competence
and memory that we thought would be a good reflection
of our image and our approach to community interaction.
I think she's been doing a great job.
All right, it's raid time.
Hopefully you guys are over on Twitch
if you wanna participate, we're doing it.
See you later, let's roll that outro.
Let's roll that outro.
Let's roll that outro.