
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

That could be a problem.
Welcome to the show.
I just realized something potentially horrible.
We've got some pretty good topics this week.
There's the R9 theory nano.
I hate you.
I have had enough problems in the last half an hour.
That could be horrible actually.
Which I'm blaming Luke for it this week.
She loves talking about how the show always starts when I set it up, starts on time when
I set it up.
And I was like, okay, all right, well then, I came in, I was like, okay Luke, go set up
the WAN show.
Because I'm working on a build log and he already finished his video for the day.
And he's like, yeah, okay.
So I come back 20 minutes before showtime and I'm like, the WAN show's not set up.
And he's like, oh well Brandon was ironing the tablecloth.
So I couldn't work on it until he was done.
Well, I'm going to let them be judge, jury, and executioner over here as to whether that
is a good enough excuse.
Everything was actually in place.
It was just off the table.
And not configured.
It actually was configured because of last week and I plugged everything back in and
your fancy, they always work black magic cards, obviously didn't work.
Oh, my fancy black magic always, no, they never work.
You told me last week you were like, just plug everything into black magics, they've
been working for a long time now.
And this week you said the same thing and both times it didn't work.
The black magics had been working for a long time.
That is true.
But the actual problem we've run into is that our never fail AVerMedia cards have stopped
I've never had the U3 work.
Oh, the U3's been great for me.
I've never even seen it work.
No, I've been carrying it around in my backpack.
Or wait, this is the U3, right?
Every time I stream on the Blade, I'm using the U3.
Oh, well, yeah.
No, it's been great.
The portable, or whatever it's called, is the one that always works.
No, the problem with the U3 for me, it all comes back down to freaking micro USB 3.0.
It is the worst connector on earth.
And you know what's funny is a lot of people will run around and defend it.
They'll say, oh, well, you know what?
It's actually rated for X number of insertions.
I don't care how many insertions it's rated for.
That is meaningless.
You know how many-
I care how many insertions I'm rated for.
You know how many manufacturers ever implemented micro USB 3.0 on a phone?
You know how many times they did it?
Because that was enough.
And actually, most people that I know, also known as one person that- I thought that was
your phone for a second.
I was like, whoa.
Oh, I love my phone.
The only person I know that has that actually uses just micro USB normal anyways, because
they lost their cable.
It's like, okay.
Speaking of losing your cable, that one actually, if you don't use the cable included in the
box, I tried literally every single other micro USB 3.0 cable that we have in the building.
And I was having trouble streaming two weeks ago, and none of them.
It's slightly non-standard.
The contacts are slightly longer.
So none of them were deep enough to penetrate.
So great topics for today, you guys.
Apple's event was this week.
They announced a whack ton of stuff.
It baffles me that watchOS and watch got so much stage time.
And Linus, 97% positive feedback rating.
So we'll talk about that more later.
Also speaking of 97% positive feedback, AMD launched their Fury Nano to mixed reviews.
What else we got this week?
Russia is working on Jurassic.
Well, okay.
It says Jurassic World, but not really- It's not really Jurassic.
It's like Ice Age in real life, right?
They're trying to bring a mammoth back to life, cross it with an elephant, blah, blah,
We'll talk about that later.
What's his name?
Ray Romano?
Ray Romano.
Ray Romano.
He's the voice of the mammoth in Ice Age.
Oh yeah.
I don't remember the character's name.
Manny's annoying.
Yeah, Manny.
Hey, you kind of said it.
Man, he's annoying.
You kind of figured it out.
I'm actually closer to the stupid meerkat thing.
I'll give you that one.
Speaking of stupid Nintendo.
Is that a clear...
It's not a straight...
Hold on.
Hold on.
I got to interrupt here.
That's such a good segment.
I know.
You did really well.
Thank you.
But I'm ruining it because that's how I roll.
That's okay.
That's fine.
You got your thing with the Lion King.
You got your thing with tusks.
You got your silly meerkat.
You got your big cat.
Yeah, but the big cat is...
You got your love interest.
And you've got a bird.
Well the squirrel flies around a lot.
And Zazu actually doesn't fly much.
Well, no.
He flies a fair bit.
I mean, there's that musical number, just can't wait to be king when he's not being
trampled or squished between blocks.
And in the Lion King, they heal that part of the earth.
They heal the earth.
Kind of.
Because when...
When the scar or whatever takes over and is bashing Simba's mom in the face and whatnot,
the earth around Pride Rock kind of dies.
What's her name?
All the plant life dies and stuff.
I think her name's Nairobi?
I don't remember.
Is that a country?
Hold on.
So there's Simba, Nala, Mufasa.
Nairobi sounds like a mouse from the laser.
What is her name?
Why is Nadala coming to my house?
No, that's Microsoft's CEO.
Twitch chat's not telling me.
I don't know what to do.
Twitch chat is not helping us.
Thank you.
So what was our last topic?
Our last highlight topic.
What was our last highlight topic?
Are being butts.
Is that?
Nintendo's like the cutest, happiest, just most ignorant company.
I know.
I know.
Some speed runner, they slapped him in the face and everything sucked.
Well, they did.
They more than slapped him in the face.
Like it's pretty brutal.
We'll talk about it later.
Let's run the intro.
Maybe that'll work this week.
Just, just click back and forth really fast.
New guest and intro.
And then slow down because you don't want to stop it if it actually works.
What are you talking about?
That worked for me both times last week.
That worked for you.
Because the problem is it's not actually properly loading.
It's not that the file is incorrectly targeted.
It's just that it's not properly loading.
So I just gave it multiple attempts to load and it worked.
So if I just find it.
It's the same one.
Why are all these intros in here?
There should just be one intro.
There it is.
I'm going to, no, I'm going to delete the rest of them.
I'm going to do it now.
That's the most effective thing to do on the WAN show.
I am actually, I am using this WAN show airtime to make future WAN show airtime better.
My stream just loaded.
It's been sitting there open this whole time.
Our sponsors this week.
One Up Ball.
That's a new sponsor.
Old sponsor.
And Squarespace.
The oldest sponsor.
I like comfortable sponsors.
Comfortable sponsors.
When Squarespace isn't sponsoring the WAN show it feels cold.
It's like, that's why I stay with my wife.
It's comfortable.
Maybe it's a good thing that you might be late tonight.
Oh my gosh.
I even tweeted this morning because I was on my way out the door and my wife's like,
are you going to be home on time?
And I'm like, yeah, as long as WAN show goes okay.
And she's like, okay, so you won't be home on time.
And I'm just like, bye babe.
See you later.
Get it?
All right.
So we have a great show for you today, guys.
We're not going to kick off right with the big Apple event.
We're going to jump into, do we not have a forum link for this one?
Oh, that's weird.
That's weird.
All right.
So Android authority is going to be our source for, I'm going to move this mouse over here.
There's one of the sources is called Android authority.
The other one is called Android police.
Why are the Android coverages so like aggressive totalitarian?
All right.
So Google officially rolling out Android pay starting today with an update that you can
grab the APK and get it going right now.
So this is their official competitor for Apple pay.
I love the way that they really thought outside the box in terms of the naming for this.
I mean, they didn't want people to get confused.
You know, AP, AP when we're like, yeah, I'm just going to pay via AP with my like, um,
you know, wireless contacts, whatever the weird, I was at a store in Seattle and they
had like the ability to pay with your phone, but they didn't have a chip reader.
Yeah, no, that's, that's, that's, that's normal.
So for our American friends, um, it's really funny.
I was, I was, yeah, I was at burger King observing the hilarity of their menu.
Did you see that tweet I sent out?
So on their menu, they've got like the soft drinks and their, and their sides, you know,
like your French fries and they have freedom fries, excuse me.
And then they've got, they've gotten, they got your, they got your burgers and then they
have a small part called salad and other, which includes the veggie burger.
And I'm just like, only in America is the veggie burger more of a salad than it is a
And people were giving me crap about this on Twitter.
They're like, well, uh, it says other and I'm like, yeah, but it's Burger King.
There's a burger category.
There's a burger category.
And the veggie burger isn't in the burger category.
It's not, this isn't, this isn't a steakhouse.
This isn't a Japanese restaurant, salads and other, you know, what was I even talking about?
That's like having a list of sushis and then being like, no, that one's only avocado.
So that goes in the other, it goes in the other average or like rolls, right?
There you go.
You could put the avocado roll outside of sushi.
That would make perfect sense.
So rolls, but it's like rolls and it's like, well, you know, this one is more, it's got
like ground beef in it.
So it's more of a hamburger.
So it's in with like milkshakes and other.
No, you can't, dude, you can't just make up new rules as you go along.
I'd love for someone to open a like mostly vegetarian restaurant just so it can be the
other way around.
So it could be like salads and then like, I don't know, something and other.
So we'd have like a chicken salad, you know?
Salads, chicken salad.
Um, all right.
So it's a gradual rollout starting today.
It's not available to all of the US yet.
And the Android pay application is to fully replace the Google wallet app.
So you require pay services, 8.1.13 and it's available for anyone running a KitKat 4.4
device or later.
It can support credit and debit cards from American express discover MasterCard and visa.
So basically the ones that matter pretty much.
And while not all banks in the US will be supporting it yet, there are some major ones
on board, including some credit unions and they are expecting more and more to come on
board over time.
Now, this is something that I bring up in my one plus two review that is going to be
coming out very soon, but you must have an NFC enabled smartphone.
The one plus two does not support NFC, which is really baffling to me because not only
is now Android pay going to be requiring NFC, I mean what Android smartphone other than
the very lowest of the lowest tier of the low hasn't had NFC, not just now, but for
years, even things like, like it's actually become amazingly easy for me to switch between
mobile devices.
Like I used to actually not do as many phone reviews as I do now, simply because it was
such a pain in the butt to get all of my information and all of my apps and all my crap transferred.
But now, thanks to things like hangouts and switching over to that instead of using apps
that don't cloud sync, thanks to things like the play store, making it really easy for
you to just grab all the apps that were on your last backup of your previous phone and
the NFC transfer wizard.
So all you have to do is take your two phones, put them together and go enter your passwords
one by one by one for all your accounts, boom, you're transferred.
Pretty much all you have to do is change your icons on your desktop to be in the ideal positions.
It's fantastic.
Not supported on the OnePlus 2, which is just baffling.
What else is there to say about this?
There's interesting things like your credit and debit number isn't sent with your payment.
There's a secure code that isn't that code that Google will kind of bounce around and
So this is much like Apple pay.
Yeah, which is actually really cool.
I like that personally.
And Android pay makes it easy to check for suspicious activity because you can quickly
check your payment history and see where they all happened, which is awesome because credit
cards suck for that.
And the other thing, the other thing credit cards and cards suck for in general is loyalty
programs and rewards.
Like I mean, I can't wait to have Apple pay and Android pay in Canada for that reason
Like my stupid local grocery store, Nestor's market ever even heard of it?
Yeah, well, yeah.
Well, okay.
Well, most of it is local.
Most of it.
But like I hadn't.
It's like rinky dink and stupid and many grocery stores, a save on foods still does this.
Don't even allow you to just give them your phone number.
You actually have to carry the stupid card.
You can have an app on your phone now.
You can.
Yes, you can have an app on your phone, but still stupid.
And I tried to like make the app on my phone work and I honestly couldn't.
But the experience of just paying and having it automatically tracked through Android pay
or Apple pay is much, much better and will allow many of us to have thinner wallets.
All right.
So let's move on to the R9 Nano.
This was originally posted on the forum by mule.
Are you posting this in the chat?
All right.
Do you have it already or do you want me to do it?
I don't.
You don't.
I can grab it though.
Just do the thing.
You can grab it.
You sure?
Just grab it under the table.
I don't think they allow that sort of thing on Twitch.
So let's go ahead and fire up the old.
Well, I've got two mice in front of me, which always trips me so crap out.
So I'll fire up the PC per review done by our buddy over there, Ryan shroud.
This card, this card has generated about as much controversy as any that I can think of
over the past little while.
Is our, is our video up on vessel yet?
It's up on vessel.
So why don't you, why don't you summarize your impressions and then we'll, we'll kind
of talk about what the rest of the internet thought and whether they agreed with you or
not and go from there.
So in terms of performance, uh, price per performance, not very good, but I didn't expect
that from a card who's like, I'm small and fast, so that's probably fine.
Um, it's actual performance.
So you wouldn't expect my performance to be good.
Well, it depends on what scenario.
Okay, sorry.
Go ahead.
Well, no, I wouldn't expect your performance to be cost effective.
So you would expect me to charge a lot.
But work really well.
That's a good number.
That's fine.
Um, anyways, so it performed better than what our, our fury, I think I'm trying to remember
off the top of my head.
I know it traded blows of the nine 80, which is pretty impressive.
The nine eighties, I think about a hundred dollars cheaper, but then the nine eighties,
like what?
Twice as long, I think.
So that's actually not bad.
I thought it was a really interesting card because it's just as long as your PCI express
So people that want to make like literally tiny as hell computers would be able to do
that because you don't have to make it any longer than your motherboard.
Uh, one thing I kind of wish they did was make the eight pinpoint upwards instead of
out of the card.
But then there's debate there as well because then you're making it taller instead of longer
and then it's like, okay, well which one do you want?
I kind of want taller, but I think that's, I think there's no real way to win there because
this is something that I, that I actually pointed out to, uh, either Brandon when he
was doing B roll or John when Brandon was doing B roll.
But what I was saying was the R nine, uh, theory nano is actually what about a half
an inch or three quarters of an inch shorter than our nine 70 mini.
Um, that, that AMD is really positioning this card against as the, as the equivalent small
form factor card.
And my comment was, well, hold on a second because depending on the case configuration,
these two could actually end up being the same or the Nvidia card could even end up
being a little bit better because like you were saying, the nano plugs in on the end
and you have to factor in that additional space taken up by the PCI express power connector.
Whereas an ASUS implementation of a, of a mini nine 70 has it coming out of the top
and whether this is better or worse for you is ultimately just going to come down to the
case that you're putting it in.
And to me, that really is the, the, the center of the argument about the R nine theory nano
is what computer requires this?
What was it actually made for?
Did AMD run out and make a card that no one was asking for and no one needed?
Because if you look at the way that mini ITX case design has gone over the last, uh, I'd
say over the last about two to three years with, uh, with things like the end case coming
out, um, things like, uh, that's that steam machine prototype that valve was sending out.
They're all designed for a full fat 10 and a half inch Nvidia graphics card.
Like they're all mainly because that's all there really was.
Why, why would you make a case that can't fit graphics cards?
No, no, I get it.
But here's the other side of that is the motherboard is only, you know, six inches wide or whatever.
And the graphics card was 10 and a half inches, but we were using that other space.
That's where we're putting our drives.
Uh, that's where some, sometimes we're putting our power supply.
So while the R9 Fury Nano in my mind is a product that has no place today.
What I like about it is that the Fury Nano is the perfect card for the case that I want
to exist.
The Linus edition case.
That's what I'm saying.
No one would build a case for it now because it doesn't exist yet.
So the one that I want is a case and I pitched this to Cooler Master and I give Nate a hard
time every time I see him that they've never made it, but I wanted something that really
was about the size of like a PS4.
Really small external power brick is okay, but the R9 Fury Nano would be the card if
we get rid of the hard drives.
So we bail on hard drives altogether.
We only use two and a half inch drives.
The R9 Fury Nano would be the card that would actually fit if, and they were so close on
this, if they had opted for a blower type design.
I'm really, really sketched out by that internal just scatter the air around type Cooler that
they went and put on the reference card.
So you know, I think, why don't we just, why don't we hear from, why don't we hear from
you guys here?
I'm going to create a straw poll.
I want to know R9 Fury Nano.
Failure, success, cool in theory, but not interested, and of course, turnip.
And I really, I'd like you guys to, I'd like you guys to answer pretty honestly here.
I really want to hear from you because this is one of those products where AMD is trying
to sell it, not based on FPS per dollar, which is all they've really chased for a long time
They're trying to sell it based on a less tangible value proposition, like, hey, we
made something with great power consumption, okay, yeah, it might thermal throttle a little
bit if you install it in a super tiny case, but quite frankly, what wouldn't?
Do you like it?
So before we go ahead and jump into the results of that straw poll, I have another one to
share with you guys.
They're trying things and people hammer on them a lot for not trying things, and then
they tried something and people are hammering on them for it.
So like, I think we kind of need to pick one.
I don't want to hate on the engineer.
I mean, I was I was like, right on board when Nvidia was launching cards like the GTX 590
and cramming two 580s essentially in six inches each.
I mean, if you really think about it, that's what AMD has done here.
They've done the engineering work for a dual GPU card.
So and then they cut off the back end, they cut off the second GPU.
Have they laid the groundwork perhaps for a Fury X2?
I kind of hope so, because it looks like that's pretty much what they've done.
But you know, you have to respect the engineering that goes into something like that.
So does it trip you out that we're wearing the same shirt?
35% of you say yes, 21% of you say no, and 44% of you have thrown away your vote.
You know what's really funny about the whole vote for turnip thing is those shirts started
shipping right around the time that Donald Trump started really making headlines.
And every time I see a vote for turnip shirt when someone tweets it at me or whatever,
it really does feel like mocking Trump's presidential campaign.
Does it not?
Are we not supposed to have some?
We never know we never got samples of that.
But then I forgot to order mine this time.
And I actually sent Teespring after the campaign was over, like, hey, so it's kind of my campaign.
Can I still get one?
And they actually sent me not one, but three mediums.
So I'm giving one to Austin when he shows up tomorrow.
And then I don't know what to do with the other one.
Maybe we'll next time we have a meet up or something, I'll bring along or maybe I won't.
Oh, yeah, this is a great topic.
Austin lands tomorrow.
So without without teasing too much, Austin and I are going to be working on a collab
video tomorrow.
That's going to be kind of a low key small project.
And then Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday next week, we are filming.
So not Thursday, but not Thursday.
Good job.
Everything's fine.
So Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday next week, we are filming Scrapyard Wars three.
And it is going to be a three way between me, Luke and Austin for your viewing pleasure.
Oh, my God, there's gonna be so many jokes with that.
Who's going to be in the middle during the...
You guys won't get that till later, but someone's going to be in the middle for sure at one
point in time.
All right.
So let's go ahead and check out the results of our other straw poll.
You know, I think I lack the hand eye coordination.
I've never been like a great dancer.
And I think I used to be in dance.
You'd have to have like pretty good rhythm if you know what I mean.
So let's go ahead and screen share with me.
R9 Theory Nano, wow, 57% of you, cool in theory, not interested with another 8% of you.
So it's a total of 65% of you saying either not interested or failure and 16% of you saying
And the good thing about those numbers is that if we extrapolate and blend the turnip
results proportionally into the other numbers, that's pretty much the Nvidia to AMD market
So is it that AMD fans are interested or is it that...
Should we do an Nvidia AMD poll to see what our audience is?
Because that market share isn't necessarily properly applied to our viewership, so there
could be a higher AMD percentage.
It might not represent our community, which is very interesting.
Because that market share is largely, what is that, the steam poll that that's based
off of?
No, I think that's like reporting data, blah, blah, blah.
Oh, wow.
Okay, well still.
It's like a real thing.
A lot of those people like, say you bought a pre-built or it's still technically a pre-built
if like NCIX builds it for you.
So say you bought one of those.
Wouldn't more of their systems that they're doing be Nvidia systems?
Someone like NCIX?
Like if they're offering like a, this is our pre-configured build that you can buy, are
more of those Nvidia based?
You know, back when I was doing it, generally speaking, we tried to keep it pretty balanced.
And not balanced like in terms of market share, proportional market share, but we tried to
keep it pretty balanced in that we tried to offer an AMD or an Nvidia graphics based system
at each sort of tier.
I'm not sure how they do it now.
I'm just wondering if there's more spotlight on it.
So if someone was just randomly like, I'm going to build the gaming PC.
I can, what I can say is that Nvidia, what can I say without saying too much?
What I'll say is that Nvidia really has their crap together marketing wise.
So if there was someone that we were going to collaborate with on like a special edition
painted green PC, and we wanted to cross promote and coordinate a marketing campaign with back
then, which is two and a half years ago, very outdated knowledge.
Someone has a good point.
They have both.
Pick your daily driver rig.
Come on.
Make this easy on this guy.
He said specifically discrete graphics.
Specifically say discrete graphics.
I could make the argument that I'm running Intel graphics on this laptop, but come on.
Come on.
Come on.
We need Nikki V.
We need Nikki V over here to tell you guys what's up with.
No, we don't.
We do not.
Nikki V.
Come on.
That was great.
Favorite part of land show 2015.
It was better than mine.
Much better actually.
All right.
So 28% of you were saying Nvidia with 28% of you AMD and 4% of you gaming on the Xbox.
So could we live without 4% of our audience?
I think we could.
But this shows a higher percentage.
Just kidding.
Just kidding.
We love you all.
So that means that I guess some of the AMD guys weren't as interested in the nano, but
that's not surprising because even though small form factor is getting much more popular
lately, it's still not as popular.
And I mean, you guys can correct me.
You guys can correct me if I'm wrong, but would it be totally unfair for me to say that
among the sort of the, the higher tier tech enthusiast community.
So I'm not just talking the typical average gamer who's going to walk into Best Buy and
buy a graphics card.
I'm talking the guys who are, who care about this show and us discussing who has more graphics
card market share.
And that kind of thing.
I mean, that's the kind of show you're tuned into deal with it.
But would it be safe to say that amongst that crowd, there would be more people making a
graphics card decision based on something like, well, gee, I'd sure like AMD to survive.
Would I be willing to give up 5% FPS or would I be willing to give up game stream or CUDA
or whatever Nvidia feature might sway you?
Would I be willing to give that up and support AMD to try and get them through the hard times?
Cause it's hard times over there guys.
Like the word on the street is upwards of 20% of their company was just basically bought.
So they got a cash infusion out of it, but they no longer own fabs.
They no longer own like a freaking whack ton of their company stock and they just spun
off the graphics division as Radeon graphics business unit or, or something along those
lines with.
Let's just make an ATI again.
I loved ATI.
I don't know why I just did.
Very few of those people are still there.
I know.
I hope you know that.
I know.
It's just a, it's just an emblem at this point.
I know.
I also back in my fanboy days, you know, it's funny.
I have a lot of people accuse me of being a fanboy.
I had fanboy days.
I had fanboy days.
I did.
I am no longer a fanboy because I was an ATI fanboy.
I was an ATI fanboy.
Other than that, I didn't really care, but I was an ATI fanboy.
I am so, I'm so jaded now that everything that comes across my desk is plastic and metal.
And if it doesn't impress me, I don't care if the Pope made it.
It doesn't, it doesn't matter.
But in my fanboy days, this is something that I rarely talk about.
I was an AMD ATI fanboy.
I had AMD processors from, yeah, boy, actually I put those in so many computers.
The Athlon X2 4400 plus was the most that I ever spent of my own hard earned money.
And I worked hard for that money.
I painted houses.
That was the most of my hard earned money that I have ever spent on a single computer
I spent 750 or $800 on a 4400 plus on the launch day because yeah, I went to NCIX Burnaby.
Well, first I called up my sales guy, Mr. Xenon.
I called him up, represent NCIX Burnaby OG, called up Xenon, I said, Xenon, do you have
stock of the 4400 plus?
He goes, yeah, but why would you want that?
That's so expensive.
He's a good sales guy.
He was looking out for my interest.
I'm like, Xenon, man, you don't understand.
This is a dual core.
It's an Athlon 64, but two of them, this is not some hyper-threading nonsense.
This is like two CPU cores, man.
He's like, okay, I'll put it aside for you.
I drove right down there.
I picked that sucker up, got myself a new motherboard, man, that felt good.
And it was great, but it was not about the fact that it was made by AMD.
It was about the fact that it was an amazing piece of technology.
So even in my AMD fan days, when I was rocking the all in wonder 9600 Pro, which I upgraded
to an X800 Pro, which I upgraded to an X850 XT, I was a little bit of an upgrade every
generation sort of guy back then.
And that's when generations were fast.
Did I ever tell you about my story of buying the computer built and then taking it all
apart and building it again?
I shopped around for a really long time for deals because I was a kid and the cash flow
wasn't high.
So I had enough money and this was basically what I had.
There wasn't a work for another month and then you'll get it.
It was like, we're for another month and you'll have 10 more dollars.
No, this was it.
So I shopped around for a really long time getting all the deals that I could, the best
deals that I could, even trying to negotiate on the phone.
And I got one place to finally do it, but they had super, super wanted to bundle in
the pre-build thing.
But it was like 25 bucks and it still ended up being cheaper total than anywhere else
I could get it.
Was that at Attic Computers?
So I was like, okay, sure.
They did it.
I took it home.
I took the whole thing apart, put it all back together and then ran that way.
So I actually had a, I actually bought one of the components for my first, I know they
charged $25 for assembly.
They were the only store in that time that was charging $25 for assembly and let me tell
you, I've seen computers they assembled.
You got your $25 worth.
That's why I took it apart.
It was not that great.
My first computer, I actually bought one component at Attic Computers, the hard drive, and I
had to make a tough choice for myself.
I either was going to get the 120 gig drive with the two meg cache, okay, or the 80 gig
drive with the eight meg cache.
They were the same price.
Did I want 50% more capacity?
Bearing in mind that to me, 80 gigs was like, like my computer literally had like a 600
megabyte hard drive at that point and I think I had like a 900 megabyte D driver, like something
Like I had less than, I had less than one and a half gigs of overall storage.
I was running a P90, okay?
Like it was sad or like a 133, whatever.
It was like, it was some, it was some sadness and just to put that in the proper perspective,
I was running a Pentium One at a time when I was, my first computer that I built for
myself, I bought a 2,500 plus Barton core.
Okay, so like that was some outdated stuff.
I was like, yay, I can play Age of Empires 2 now.
Where was I going with this?
So I walked out the door with the 120 gig drive and I went, nah, 80 gigs is enough.
I want the extra cache.
I walked back in with the sealed drive.
Those bastards charged me a 15% restocking fee on a sealed product.
You did it too?
I did it.
I wanted the cache.
I wanted the cache.
I wanted the cache and I paid the cache to get the cache.
Oh my goodness.
What the hell are we even talking about?
What is this show today?
We were talking about fanboyism and how we both used to be ATI fans.
Cause I was like, I was a pretty hard ATI fan.
I used to keep all the, like I'd sell the graphics card, but keep the box cause I thought
the box art was so cool.
I probably have pictures of my box nook.
And you've never seen the old house I used to live in.
But out in the boondocks of maple ridge, I was the only one who had a room in the basement
because my older sister is an idiot and didn't take the basement room.
I was like, you enjoy your attic that if you want to come home late at night, you have
to walk past mom and dad's room, pull down the ladder and walk up.
She fell out of that attic multiple times.
Like we're talking, you're an idiot.
It was boiling hot in the summer.
Like, okay.
Anyway, as a second child, I managed to score the basement bedroom.
The one thing I had to contend with was the TV.
And this was back in the days when families only had one TV and that TV was a CRT TV and
my hearing was pretty sensitive in the high range.
So I could hear the scanning gun firing the electrons and that was pretty obnoxious actually
through the wall for me.
And my mom was always watching Dennis, what's his stupid name?
And he's actually Dennis Miller.
Always watching Dennis Miller.
I thought you were like asking Dennis what the name was.
I wouldn't ask Dennis anything.
She was always watching Dennis Miller live and it was late at night and I was like, mother,
go to bed or put the TV somewhere.
That was the only issue I had to contend with.
So we actually had a downstairs kitchen.
The whole downstairs had a separate entrance from the back and it was set up as a full
So both the upstairs and downstairs had access to the laundry room easily and it had a full
downstairs kitchen that we hadn't used in years.
So I actually set up my gaming rig in the like bay window equivalent to the bay window
upstairs in the dining room and I had on the windows.
So we had our basement set up so it was about three to four feet out of the ground so you
can have natural light in the basement.
I had all the windows covered with boxes of motherboards, graphics cards, CPU's, power
supplies, the works.
It was awesome.
And that was when I was running like my, like I think every computer geek runs this side
business thinking like I'm going to be the next system builder.
And they buy parts with the like discount at the local store and then they find friends
and relatives.
I did pretty okay with that.
Me too.
Me too.
I was good at it.
But so obviously I had more parts and it's a great way to get games.
Gotta try to sell people cases and fans, man.
Gotta convince them they need that nicer case and they need all the fans.
But I never sold anyone an expensive cable.
Not once.
There is no value to a better case and there is the actual value to cooling fans.
There is no value to a fancy HDMI cable.
I'm sorry to all those who make fancy HDMI cables.
Um, I don't know what we're talking about.
Why don't we, you know what, why don't we jump right into the apple event and then we'll
do sponsors or something like that.
So this was posted by Alex goes high on the forum.
I'm going to go ahead and screen share with you guys apple special event.
They actually built this auditorium basically the entire thing.
Oh no, no, no, no.
That's been like just, you shouldn't have that much money.
Just go away.
They bought like they, they legit straight up bought stadium seating and installed it
to do this enormous live event.
This is a completely custom custom screen and all that stuff.
And you know what's really funny is the press.
The press that covers apple products just blows my mind.
I'm not going to name any names, but I was just like I was, I was reading up some, some
on some blogs and you know, getting other people's thoughts on some of this stuff before
we did one show today.
And this one blogger who's talking about the event goes on for so long about how much better
it was than previous events and how it like restored his faith in Tim Cook's ability to
lead the company and how apple can function with our jobs and the religious fanaticism.
And I'm just like, I beg your pardon.
Who cares?
Why do we give a shit?
Quite frankly.
That's what I mean.
Like I don't understand that side of it.
The, it comes down to not being a fan boy.
Look at it for what it is.
Does it matter to me that this wallet is made by, I don't even know.
I don't know.
I don't know who my wall is made by, but I know it has like a new Schwannstein stamp
on it.
What matters is how many cards it holds, how robust it was.
It is incidentally, this one has held together incredibly well for me.
Not that Swiss gear is, you know, a sponsor or anything, but I figure if I'm going to
talk about it and evaluate it, then I might as well say what it is and like, that's it.
Does it, does it have a style that appeals to you?
It doesn't matter that someone got on stage and told me about it in a really pleasing
Grow up.
Some of the worst presented, like, okay, people are going to shoot me in the foot for this,
but like.
I think you shoot yourself in the foot.
I think people shoot you in the face if they don't like you.
Okay, both.
I'll shoot myself in the foot while other people are shooting me in the face.
Elon Musk is like in a traditional sense, not that good of a presenter because he'll
pause for very long periods of time and not because he's like pausing for impact, but
because he's pausing because he's formulating what he's going to say.
What are you doing?
It's been driving me crazy all show.
It's reflective.
Oh, there you go.
And some people insult him for this because they're like, oh, he's slow.
He stayed too long.
I and many other people think it's because he's just trying to see what he's going to
say from a bunch of different angles so that he doesn't say something incorrectly.
But like, he's not a traditionally great presenter, right?
I like his presenting style because it feels more authentic, right?
He's not like the showman that you got out of Steve Jobs.
That doesn't matter at all.
No, you should buy a Tesla car because you think it's a great piece of technology at
a fair price.
I can't read some police department is getting a whole bunch of model S's really idling.
Oh, that's so much.
They will last so much longer, not to mention their, their like you efficiency and they're
That's very interesting.
That would be the first police department in the dark.
If I was on my bike and I saw flashing lights, I would actually have to go.
Can I outrun this?
No, seriously.
A Tesla model S can do almost the same zero to 60 as my bike.
The acceleration is obscene.
Very interesting.
Not that I condone running from the police at all to be very clear.
It's just apparently it was the LAPD.
Thank you, Nick.
There we go.
That's pretty sick.
And P85 D's.
So that's like the dual motor, like insane ones.
All right.
So why don't we actually talk about the Apple event for a little bit here?
So the iPhone 6s and 6s plus how unpredictable was that are going to be released on September
The two year contract rates are 199 for a 16 gig phone.
That is such a huge FU.
Why do we even still have those?
Thank you.
That is the question we should all be asking.
Apple, the first iPhone had a 16 gig model.
That was what, eight years ago?
Are you freaking kidding me?
Like the base model should be that 64 gig one.
It's just, it's the, the, the, okay.
The difference in price.
So let's, let's go, let's go, let's go way back in time.
Oh fun.
Let's go to the way, way back machine.
Let's have a look at NCIX.com.
Back in, what would it, what would it be?
Like 2007 or something like that?
I have no idea.
I can look up the original launch date of the first iPhone.
So let's go, let's go back to 2007 and let's see if we can find something in their weekly
I'm going to, I'll screen share with you guys.
2007, June 29th.
Here we go.
All right.
I love how the site is like the same and the banner style is the same.
Like this, this is honestly probably better than what we're currently dealing with.
No, this is still Tom.
Tom was doing the banners back then.
No, I'm not saying the banner is better.
I mean the general layout.
Oh well.
This looks actually easier to deal with.
I have nothing to say about that.
So back then, so, so, okay.
So are we getting two gigs of Ram with the iPhone 6, 6S?
Can you find that out while I go ahead and look at some of this pricing?
So back then two gigs of memory cost you $283.
Back then a 24 inch widescreen cost $890, but what I really want is a 320 gigabyte hard
Is that an original G15?
Yeah, that's the G15.
If it cost that much I would buy it now.
I would buy so many of them at 89.25.
So a 320 gig hard drive costs $130 and it looks like an SSD, excuse me, doesn't even
merit a spot on the front page.
Are you kidding me?
Well, we might actually have to go not quite as far back.
Let's try, let's try August, 2008, shall we?
Apparently two gigs of Ram?
Uh, what?
Apparently it is two gigs?
So they finally, they finally given us two gigs of Ram.
All right, let's go ahead and see if we can find an SSD here.
OCZ game extreme, geez.
I thought like the X25M or like one of those cheapo stupid, like when did all of that happen?
Did that not happen till much later?
So is this just a matter of Apple giving us far too much early on and now we don't appreciate
the generosity of their, of their 16 gigs of onboard storage?
No, let's, let's one gig.
I don't know.
I just Googled it.
It says that.
Yeah, I think there's still some, I think there's still some debate.
I don't know if they've actually confirmed it.
GSM arena saying two gigs of Ram.
I've seen a lot of rumors that it's, that it's two gigs of Ram.
So I would, I would actually believe that.
This is taking way longer than I had hoped.
There we go.
So in 2009, wow, eight, 2000, no.
What is this?
Damn it.
So at this point in time, you could get 64 gigs of SSD storage for $240.
Since that time 200 and $240.
Can you, can you run the numbers on this?
Since that time.
No idea what I'm doing.
So 60, so dollars, gigs, gigs per dollar, dollars per gig, dollars per gig.
So 240 divided by 64.
So now you can buy a two terabyte Samsung drive.
All right.
So that's three, $3 and 75 cents a gig.
All right.
So you can buy a two terabyte Samsung drive.
You know what?
Let's look at the one terabyte.
I think that's a better cost per gig.
That's about the same actually.
So a $480 for 1024 or 1000, whatever.
Rough numbers, rough numbers here.
No, you ran the numbers the other way.
It's 50 cents a gig.
It's not two.
It's two.
It's two gigs per dollars.
The point is, so three, what was it?
This is not a math show.
To be honest, you told me that order.
So it has fallen.
I wasn't sure what I was doing.
So I was looking for memory.
It is one seventh the price today.
Apple could literally be giving us seven times the storage of the original iPhone at the
same price as they would have had to pay at that time.
And I know that doesn't factor in changing market conditions and blah, blah, blah, blah,
blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
So let's say five times, 128 gigs should be baseline today.
64 gigs should be like, that's the value model.
But a premium device like an iPhone should not even have a 16 gig model.
It's embarrassing.
So what else do we have to say about it?
So the two gigabyte spec for memory on the 6S and 6 is based off of a Apple employee
in a Reddit comment.
Oh, okay.
So basically unsubstantiated.
Got it.
So let's talk, let's talk the rest of it.
So you pay another a hundred bucks.
You get 64 gigs.
At least they've done away with the 32 gig model, although that 191 should be 32 gigs.
But I think we all know the reason they're doing this is because they don't want you
buying that one because 16 gigs really isn't enough anymore.
When you get 128 gigs for another a hundred dollars over that, the 6S plus is basically
a hundred more dollars across the board for the slightly bigger screen and you get some
additional benefits.
So the 6S plus once again is the only one to feature optical image stabilization.
So the 6S does not have that particular feature.
They're both using the new 64 bit or actually, I don't think it is new, is it?
It's an A9 chip, not the A9 plus that we're going to see in the new iPad pro.
So it's an A9 chip with an M9 motion coprocessor.
They finally shoot 4k video, finally.
With that said, I don't necessarily think that Apple has been behind the eight ball
on the whole 4k video thing.
That's actually a problem.
What is that?
That's the neighbors.
Do you mind going and asking them like really nicely to turn it down a bit?
You know what it is?
They're in their boat.
They're in their boat.
I saw them yesterday sitting in their boat.
They're way too baller.
They're sitting in the speedboat.
Why don't they sit in the speedboat in the water?
Why don't they take the speedboat out?
I don't know.
It's beautiful today.
So it seems okay now.
Snoop Dogg, turn the beat down for us.
So anyway, sorry.
So the 6S plus once again is the only one that features optical image stabilization,
which is kind of a bummer for people with small hands.
And they both now have 3D touch or force touch by another name.
Actually this same Apple blogger, and I'm probably revealing too much now.
If that person is watching, which I'm sure they're not, they're going to know who I'm
talking about.
But compared 3D touch to shortcuts on a keyboard, no, it's a right click.
Me and Apple user would not recognize this as a right click.
You access hidden menus.
That's brutal.
That's not a keyboard shortcut.
That's a right click.
I'm sorry.
That's kind of arguably a mouse shortcut.
I'm sorry you've gone without right click for so many years.
Welcome to 2015.
What else do I have to say here?
The FaceTime cameras, five megapixels.
Here's a new color, rose gold.
I will be doing an iPhone 6s review.
I have requested that dbrand send me over the rose gold model.
So is this, that is definitely happening.
It's not metal.
So I would call this like a copper.
I'd call that like a copper color.
Not rose gold.
I'd call that copper.
So is rose gold more gold colored?
Rose gold.
No, it's pink.
Oh wow.
It's just a fancy name for pink.
Oh yeah.
I want to pick one.
So the last thing is they feature that they're taptic engine now.
So basically it's, it's way, way better vibration and that's what enables them to do things
like their 3d touch and then the shape of the iPhone.
I really don't think you want to, you know, you only got to get the one point.
That's like, so the iPad pro is coming, uh, 32 gigs is 799.
128 gigs is 949 and the 128 gig with cellular data is over a thousand dollars.
It features a 12.9 inch retina display, although that is one high resolution, 5.6 megapixel
It features 10 hours of battery life and eight megapixel eyesight camera.
Although this is going to be a whole new level of, of what, what are they called?
Pad holes.
I mean walking around with a 13 inch device, that is basically this.
So when it packs prime, I wanted to take a selfie with me with an iPad and apologized
probably like five times.
And I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
And he was right to do so.
Right to do so.
Um, it features their third generation 64 bit, eight, nine X chip.
Uh, it's got AC wireless with MIMO, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, touch ID is a nice
thing to have.
The keyboard accessory.
Yeah, the keyboard accessory is straight out of Microsoft's playbook.
Oh my goodness.
And the amazing thing with that is someone made a webcomic, I retweeted this so you can
check that out if you're interested, but someone made a webcomic basically going, uh, like
people were hammering on, uh, Microsoft for their touch cover kind of thing.
And then I think the webcomic said that like, Oh, you guys say stupid now, but you'll have
it in three years.
And I think it's exactly three years later and they now have it.
Here we go.
Here we go.
So the, uh, the, the credit here goes to, uh, Joel Watson.
Here we go.
So we've got, uh, Steve Ballmer no longer in the picture.
We call it the surface.
Your iPad sucks.
It's not an iPad.
It's a surface.
Suck my surface, the surface of my, well, that's the D word, but, uh, anyway, so he's
like, well, a lot's gonna kick in.
Your iPad still sucks and that this is so funny is like WWDC 2015.
So he's off by like what?
Six months.
We call it the smart cover touch and we think you're going to love it.
You invented that.
Yes, we did fan freaking tastic.
I love it.
With that said, I'm not going to give Apple too much crap about, you know, um, I just
think the comics funny.
And copying the idea of a, you know, folding keyboard or whatever.
It's not like these haven't existed for an awful long time.
No, no, no, no, no.
I just thought the comic was funny.
They've, they've, they've kind of stolen crap before, obviously, but to be fair, all of
these big companies have, look at how Microsoft started and Microsoft didn't invent the idea
of a low profile fricking folding keyboard anyway.
It's not like anyone can really take credit for that at this point anyhow.
Well, someone can, but it won't be Microsoft and it won't be Apple.
Um, it's just, it's just funny that the, that the timing is so great and the reaction from
people is so, is so funny and Microsoft doesn't seem to mind they're going to be bringing
the full, full office support to the iPad pro.
And speaking of support for things that Apple, yeah, I know, uh, speaking of support for
things that Apple has, has traditionally not supported, they're finally giving us a stylus,
the pencil.
Yeah, so it's going to have all the usual, the usual stylus stuff pressure pressure.
Um, it's a hundred dollars, which is, wow, that is the Apple tax on a whole other level.
Um, but it really feels like this is Apple in a nutshell, many bloggers, and I've actually
had the style of the stylus was the one I'm not calling it a pencil, but stylus is the
one that a lot of people I think are missing the point of the stylus to me summarizes what
Apple is in a nutshell.
And I've seen a lot of people focusing on the professional applications of a tool like
the Apple pencil, their stylus saying, okay, well this enables, this turns the iPad pro
into a, a truly professional tool to which I say Codswallop.
It turns the iPad, the iPad pro, what Codswallop.
That's a word.
It's just, yeah, it is.
So what it turns the iPad pro into is Apple's typical ammo is convincing casuals that they're
professionals because it's not a professional tool.
You know what a professional tool is, is the Wacom windows tablet.
That is a professional tool.
You know what a professional tool is?
Sort of the surface pro two before Microsoft did away with the proper digitizer in the
Those are professional tools.
Professional tools are ones that are able to run the full version of Adobe's creative
suite and the iPad pro could have been a cool product, but it's running iOS.
So ultimately it's a doodle pad for cool kids.
To be fair, Microsoft is bringing support for office to the iPad pro and Adobe is going
to be supporting some typekit compatible apps, but it's not clear what it could be an illustrator.
So we'll see.
Yeah, we'll see because I've called Apple products stupid before and I've been proven
that people will buy it.
All right.
It's been, I've been proven.
I was going to say I've been proven wrong and I changed mid sentence cause I still don't
think I'm wrong.
So I've been proven that like I, I still think the, this is, this is kind of funny because
it's almost like we've all admitted now that the iPad was dumb.
The iPad one, I called it dumb.
A lot of people called it dumb.
I called it, and I don't know if anyone else called it this, but I called it the uncarriable
device because it's too big for a pocket and too small to justify carrying around a backpack.
If I'm going to carry a backpack, I might as well put something useful in it.
Like this, which can do both exactly like, and not that convertibles existed at the time,
but that didn't change the fact that they were getting there.
It didn't change the fact that the iPad one was the uncarriable device.
It's the device that makes no sense.
There's nowhere to put it if I'm not holding it.
And we've all acknowledged this now.
The iPad mini is here.
I never touch my full size iPad two anymore.
Not because Apple hasn't done a great job of supporting it.
Not because it doesn't still run nice and snappy and run all the apps I need, but because
it's just big and bulky and stupid.
If I want something this big, I'll get a laptop.
Not to mention that iPad full sizes are so expensive that you might as well pick up something
with a keyboard on it.
I used your iPad two for a long time and it was great, but the only reason why it was
great was because I gave my laptop to my dad and point two is it was a glorified hearthstone
That was it.
The only thing I did on it was play hearthstone, so if you want to pay like a gratuitous amount
of money to play hearthstone, I mean, go ahead.
There was some other stuff, Apple watch and watchOS, Apple is claiming an incredible 97%
customer satisfaction.
Did they factor me in?
Was I included in the survey?
Maybe you were the entire 3% because I just didn't survey that many people.
I straight up spent, what was it, like $800 or whatever on an Apple watch to do my review.
If you guys think for a second that if I spend money on a review device and I like it, if
you think I'm not going to keep using it, you've got another thing coming.
That thing sits on a shelf in a box because not I nor anyone else at Linus Media Group
has expressed any interest in using it on a day-to-day basis.
It's that bad.
And I even wear a smart watch.
Ed wears a smart watch.
Do we have any iPhone users though?
But then Dennis is...
Maybe Dennis doesn't know what it is.
Dennis is two shot.
Where's Dennis?
Oh, poor Dennis.
What else we got here?
There's a new Apple TV or something.
People still watch TV.
One account...
But you can watch Netflix through it.
But do you need to spend 150...
One kind of best thing that it has is that Siri is integrated with it and you can search
Netflix with Siri, which Android TV can't do.
Does it even support 4K yet?
I don't know.
I'm going to check.
I have no idea.
Not that it actually matters.
You can buy things through it, which is...
No 4K video streaming support for upcoming.
That's a rumor.
So here's the thing.
Yes, it's a Netflix box, which is great.
Siri support, A plus for that.
But how much is a Shield console?
Same price, I think?
Yeah, I think it's 199.
Buy now.
Let's look this up.
Remember, you reviewed that.
You're supposed to know.
Yeah, 199 for a Shield console.
I said the same price as me.
It comes with a game controller.
It streams at 4K.
It has all this stuff that Apple is claiming is amazing, like voice control.
It comes with a sleek little aluminum remote.
And it's a pretty sexy looking piece of hardware.
I think...
And it does stream at 4K, which is kind of cool.
And it has support for Nvidia Game Stream if you're into that kind of thing.
I know not everyone plays games, but why get less if you don't have to?
That was the other thing, is that now I'm really narrowing down what blogger I was reading.
He figured the Apple TV refresh was the most amazing thing from the event.
I was like, are you for real, bro?
He's like, yeah, it's a whole new way of experiencing live events, some baseball demonstration
or something like, okay.
Maybe I'm a Philistine, but I personally didn't think that the baseball game experience was
bad before.
I thought it was just fine.
And the thing that I don't understand is like, okay, I didn't see this part of the presentation.
I missed it too.
I don't know what the baseball example was, but if it was Twitter integration and stuff,
I don't want to tweet on my TV.
I'm gonna have my phone in my pocket.
I'll just tweet there.
Does that make me old?
I don't know.
All right.
Twitter's perfectly fine in my pocket.
We should probably jump into our sponsor spots.
We've completely neglected them.
lynda.com slash wancho for a 10 day free trial.
Okay, moving on.
Just kidding.
I'll tell you about lynda.com.
You can learn how to use real Adobe applications instead of doing it on your iPad, which they'll
probably also be able to teach you to do once it comes out.
Actually, lynda.com has lots of great tutorials for all kinds of stuff where we're actually
legitimately not mocking them.
Not because they're a sponsor, but because it's a good service that we've had multiple
people who work here now learn things that they do at their jobs now on lynda.com.
So things like video editing, things like programming, things like business skills,
learning to use Office applications.
And it's not just for young tech savvy people.
Like let's say, for example, you've got a middle aged relative who's had trouble holding
down a job and lacks some of the skills that our generation takes for granted.
We had typing class, which is actually going to be funny, not only to our parents who are
like, what, a class to computer it?
I'll just use a pen and paper.
But also funny to our kids who are going to feel like, what, they have to teach you that?
That's true.
Did you go to the special school, dad?
But they actually have how to use Office applications and things like that.
So check it out, lynda.com slash wan show plan started only $25 a month and you get
10 days.
Someone in chat's like, I have typing class, all you can eat for free.
Our next sponsor today, squarespace.com longtime supporter of the show.
And we're a longtime supporter of what those guys are doing over there.
No, build it beautiful.
It starts at only $8 a month, depending on what kind of a site you want to build.
And their templates of which they have many are suitable for building a company website,
a store, a blog, a portfolio, just about anything you can imagine.
You can build on Squarespace and if you can't figure out how to do it, they've got 24 seven
tech support, which you can contact by live chat or email.
Last week I was saying, uh, one of our employees at Linus media group, his, his wife actually
set up a Squarespace site.
Okay, well hold on.
That narrows it down a fair bit because it wasn't me.
So it must've been John.
Who else is married?
Maybe don't say who it is.
Wait, who's engaged?
To be wife.
Do what?
How do you not know that?
I don't know this.
Anyways, that person, that person's wife built a whole website about their wedding
that has like countdown timers and an RSVP fields.
He's going to figure it out anyways.
It has, it has a place where you can RSVP.
There's all the details.
There's a countdown timer.
There's all this stuff.
There's like a cool photo section, like how it all started and there's like his side and
her side and it's all cute and whatever.
And she did it all by herself because the template system and Squarespace is just that
easy, which is fantastic.
When you go sign up on squarespace.com, make sure you use the offer code Linus, which I
hope she did to get 10% off of your first purchase.
And if you get a year at a time, um, you get your domain for free, which is what I'm pretty
sure she did because that just makes sense.
Hi, are you leaving?
Bye Justin.
Uh, anyways, the next one is why is it not in here is one up box.
So this is a new sponsor for the show.
Hopefully it's the right side up.
There we go.
This is a new sponsor for the show.
This is the first time we've had it.
The box will always include a t-shirt.
The rest of the items will vary.
There's a subscription box I just opened mine and was going to do it like properly.
Oh, do I have one too?
No, I said my knife.
Oh, I thought you meant, Oh, did they not send us both a box?
That's okay.
We can open it together.
Give me a second.
It sounds like Dennis is literally dying.
Can I see your name?
That's nice.
I like it.
Thank you.
Mass drop.
Oh really?
CRKT not cricket?
Dennis, what are you doing?
What are you doing here?
Can you stop lifting him?
We're still alive.
Put him down.
It's a dragon ball.
So in one up box, you don't get a Dennis.
There will be no Dennis's included in your one up box.
What else we got in here?
So the theme this week is I think it's or this month is pixels.
Oh my goodness.
There's like an adorable Wolverine.
I think this month is combat.
Oh, maybe.
Did I?
I already fixed it.
Um, this month is combat.
Oh, check out the adorable Wolverine.
Look his head moves.
It's a Pokeball wristband.
You can do that.
I actually am the only one who works here who wears wristbands.
No, it's okay.
You can have it.
It's a medium shirt.
I shouldn't say that.
I'm going to take it.
Oh, no way.
What you got?
You're right here.
So Brandon's going to snipe this shirt.
Like 100%.
Brandon's going to snipe this shirt.
Oh, no way.
And there's Splatoon.
That's what that's from.
It's a squid from Splatoon.
So Brandon's going to snipe the crap out of that.
That's actually not bad.
All right.
Take it Brandon.
All right.
I got the, I got the Pokemon thing.
What else is in here?
I didn't see this yet.
There's like a little panda Deadpool, which is like a patch, which you can iron onto something.
Oh, and then there's a pin that says you collected the August, ah sorry, the theme was combat.
There you go.
Smash Brothers sticker.
That's cool.
This is pretty sick.
Not too shabby.
I like Nintendo stuff.
Oh, look.
This is great.
It's a key for all the things.
Catch them all sweat band.
Wear it to your battles to ensure victory.
Which like with the new Pokemon app coming out, have you seen that?
Oh yes.
So that actually, Oh, right.
So sorry guys.
It's um, pricing, pricing, pricing.
Here we go.
So it's a $13 plus shipping in the U S and 26, uh, $26 and 95 cents with shipping included
outside of the U S that's actually pretty good for international deals.
Um, September's theme was pixels and then this one is apparently combat.
You can get $3 off your first month subscription by using coupon code.
So head over to one up box dot co slash one E M J D one D. Yes, I, I found out, um, that's
actually pretty sick.
I love this.
And it fits so well.
Here we go.
Yeah, according to the guidelines, we have to, we have to disclose that we were given
a free one up box and they are a sponsor of the show.
So, but that doesn't change how cool this poker, you know what, I'm going to let you
have it because, because I actually have the world's most rock and wristbands already.
I have the, uh, very limited edition razor ones that came in the, like the press only
kit for some like exclusive, like high end product.
So I think there's probably maybe a couple dozen of them that exist on earth and I have
a matching pair of them.
So I'll keep rocking those and not only that, but I sweat so copiously that anything with
white on it will be yellow within like five minutes of me on a badminton court.
That's awesome.
Did you go over all the stuff about the box?
Um, what about the box?
Head over to one up.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I covered that.
So Pokemon go announced for iOS and Android.
This was posted by sky wake on the forum.
This looks absolutely bananas and our source for this is going to be our good friends over
at techno Buffalo.
Excuse me.
Pokemon go has been announced by the Pokemon company and Nintendo.
It's a mobile title that's being developed by Niantic separate from Google.
By the way, now the same folks that made ingress, a game of similar ilk.
This sounds bananas.
So there is a dedicated wearable accessory, okay.
That I think it buzzes when there's Pokemon nearby as you're out in the regular world.
It's a smartphone game that you actually play by going outside and catching Pokemon.
I love ingress, but one of my big complaints about ingress is like where I live, it's basically
not playable because you need to have like an interesting landmark and a suburban house
isn't an interesting landmark.
So there's none of them.
So it's like if I lived in Vancouver, it would be great.
There's stuff all over the place.
That's cool.
I could play all the time.
I love ingress.
It would be super awesome.
I would literally go out just to play ingress and I have gone down to Vancouver just to
play ingress before because I really liked the game.
This means they're in the wild so I could go hike somewhere and find Pokemon.
I could just walk around my city and find Pokemon and possibly very rare Pokemon because
while hiking is a popular pastime, I think the Venn diagram overlap between people who
hike as a pastime and people who play real world Pokemon is probably fairly small.
Hopefully because I want to get them rares, so hopefully.
This looks freaking awesome.
I'm going to go ham on this.
It's going to be ridiculous.
My brother sent me this and I was like, I'm done.
I know every idea.
I have all the ideas.
What was the thing that I was in your head about earlier this week?
He shows me this awesome Aperture Science hoodie, rain jacket, really nice jacket that
he bought after seeing them at PAX.
And I'm like, how much did you pay for it?
Eighty bucks?
It was more than $80.
And I'm like, yeah, but you can't wear your Assassin's Creed stuff anymore anyway.
And he's like, I literally threw it out.
All my Assassin's Creed stuff is gone.
And he had really nice Assassin's Creed stuff.
I did.
I kept the Assassin's Creed 4 one.
I kept that one because that was a good game.
That was the one your mom got for you, right?
And my mom got me a hoodie for the release of Assassin's Creed 3.
So unfortunately for her poor soul, she didn't know that Assassin's Creed 3 was one of the
worst games that's ever been made, in my opinion, which is probably a little rough.
But I hate that game with a passion, as you can't tell.
And I thought it was going to be great.
I bought the collector's edition and everything, which also doesn't exist in my house anymore.
It's the only collector's edition I've ever thrown away.
I didn't want anyone else to own it.
Anyway, a couple more details about Pokemon Go.
It'll be released in 2016.
And so the optional device, this is so cool, will be connected to your smartphone using
Bluetooth and will flash its LED and vibrate to notify players about nearby Pokemon.
So cool.
Now, imagine this.
Augmented reality real world Pokemon.
I know.
I tweeted that out and everyone was like Hololens, Hololens, Hololens, Hololens.
Oh, I know.
Because the trailer, they have Pokeballs and they're throwing them and the Pokemon are
there and stuff.
And this obviously isn't going to be how it plays.
It's going to be sick.
But eventually, maybe.
What else we got here?
Jurassic World becoming a reality, except totally not Jurassic, but actually the Willy
Mammoths or something.
And not it's super won't be called Jurassic World at all.
Yeah, at all.
Because I...
So it literally has nothing to do with it.
Sure, it'd be all the trademark issues.
But anyway, scientists are looking to clone mammoths.
You know what's funny?
I think this is a picture from a Vancouver mammoth exhibit.
Where is this?
Is this in Victoria?
Yeah, there it is.
Willy Mammoth in the Royal BC Museum in Victoria.
That's funny.
I did retain something from that grade seven class trip.
That's awesome.
That is hilarious.
Yeah, that wasn't my mom's fault.
She asked me what I might want for that Christmas and I said that thing and she got it.
Are you back on that topic?
No, a bunch of people in the chat are like, blah, blah, blah.
But you should probably introduce what the crap you're talking about.
Damn it, Luke.
How many times have you co-hosted this show?
You were talking about the...
Oh, yeah, that's true.
Because I guess the archive viewers wouldn't see it.
I guess the actual vast majority of the viewers of the show.
Huge percentage.
Anyways, there's a Russian team that has a Willy Mammoth sample named Yuka, which is a
39,000 pound Willy Mammoth in their possession.
And they're gonna use that to cross-link DNA with a modern elephant.
To give birth to an animal that resembles a mammoth.
So it won't actually be a mammoth.
Now to be clear, this is a technique that has been somewhat successful.
Zebrafish and jellyfish have already been successfully cross-linked to make glowing
fish, but these are much simpler creatures, much smaller creatures, and everything is
more difficult with a mammal.
Imagine an elephant giving birth to a mammoth and just being like, what?
Because they're pretty smart.
What just happened to my birth hole?
Speaking of birth holes, Amazon is giving birth to a $50 tablet now that they've given
up on selling you a more expensive device that exists solely for the purpose of driving
you to buy Amazon products and services.
So they have finally figured out, if we're gonna cram Amazon up everyone's birth hole
with these devices, we better be basically giving them away.
Thank you Amazon for finally cluing in to that.
So this new device will have a six-inch screen and will be half the price of the cheapest
Fire tablet.
It is intended to be a simple and effectively disposable device for straightforward tasks
like streaming video at home and shopping on Amazon.com.
At least they're being honest.
Yeah, I mean, the thing about this is that this can only really be successful if it's
competitive with the other $50 seven-inch class tablets that already exist from cheapo
brands like RCA.
You know what's really funny?
This was an example from the Wall Street Journal article here, including brands unfamiliar
to many Americans like RCA.
What is not familiar about RCA?
The other ones?
Yeah, like Ematic and Aries.
But RCA must be the best known brand that has never managed to make the transition to
becoming somewhat premium.
They always have been and seemingly always will be cheap junk.
Like, no seriously, no, look at brands like Vizio where they came on the market as like
we're the cheapest thing and now like there's legit like premium really good Vizio products.
Look at Samsung.
Samsung was cheap crap at the beginning.
In fact, pretty much every time they expand into a new category, Samsung is cheap crap
all over again until they figure it out and get better at it.
I mean, there's got to be countless other examples like, um, just like everything has
Like how many people?
Oh no, that's not what we're talking about.
No, no, RCA the brand that made like really bad CD Walkman wannabes.
Oh man, they were awful.
Maybe they're just not old enough to remember RCA.
That could be a thing.
Cause like Radio Shack and stuff doesn't really.
Poor Radio Shack.
Oh, what else do we have?
Oh, Nintendo's going after speed runners.
This is so trash.
Can you be more cool?
And like brutalizing speed runners.
MMAddix has, or something like that is the OP on the forum.
And the article here is from geeksnack.com.
But this is just, okay.
So the guy, why Nintendo was mad is because the dude, well, why they were this mad was
because the dude wasn't just straight up playing.
What was going on was their reasoning.
Where is it?
They were doing tool assisted hacks or hacked roms of Super Mario.
And they slammed him with multiple copyright strikes.
They took off, I think 80% of his content that was removed from YouTube.
Basically they super wrecked his channel and left a mark with the copyright strikes.
And it's Pangea Panga by the way.
So most famous probably for that impossible level.
Like this guy did some like really cool stuff.
And yes, Nintendo has established that it is illegal to use a rom even if you own a
legitimate copy of the game, but come on.
Just don't be a jerk about it.
Yeah, this is pretty brutal.
There's no reason to do that.
The letter that they wrote to him, they contacted him directly and wrote a letter about what
they were doing is just, it made my stomach turn just reading it.
I'll go ahead and I'll quote some of it.
As the owner of the copyright in the games Mario Kart 8, Super Mario World and Pokemon,
Nintendo has the exclusive right to perform the games publicly or to make derivative works
based on the games.
By making a derivative work using Nintendo's intellectual property and then displaying
Nintendo's intellectual property on your YouTube channel, you have violated Nintendo's exclusive
Nintendo understands that its fans are the reason for its success.
Excuse me?
Do you?
No you don't.
Do you actually?
Because I don't think you do.
I don't think understand means what you think it means.
I don't think fans means what you think it means.
This would be, we actually were talking to Vessel recently about what's happening with
some of our content getting pulled and then posted onto YouTube during our exclusivity
period and stuff like that and they kind of asked us, well do you want to go with an automated
system so that you guys are claiming monetization or pulling down content that features your
I said no, of course not.
So much.
Because there's a lot of really cool derivative works based on our videos.
That's right.
I love it when people put together like montages and stuff.
Yeah, like that great video of the Shia LaBeouf green screen of him saying, just do it and
me saying, don't do it.
Do you have any idea how much it warms my heart to see people taking what we've created
and turning it into something cool like obviously if someone creates something grossly offensive
or illegal or whatever else, we're not going to be cool with that but I'm just going to
see if I can find that video because it's so funny.
What was it called?
Was it called R9 Fury or something?
I wish I could find it.
Anyway, it was really funny and I don't remember where I was going with that anymore.
So as long as they're not doing something totally inappropriate, we love that kind of
stuff because that's what, that's how you guys can communicate back to us in the same
medium that we used to communicate to you.
This is the language we're speaking.
So it's just, sorry, I'll read more of the letter but it's just going to make me more
upset as I go.
And oh, this kills me.
They're the reason for its success and we are always happy to see people share their
passion for Nintendo's games.
No, you're not.
Maybe you could express your happiness in a way that's not legal action against someone.
At the same time, Nintendo's intellectual property constitutes its most valuable assets
and the unauthorized use of these assets jeopardizes Nintendo's rights.
Because of this, we ask that you please remove the video in question, except that they didn't
ask, they just had it removed, and confirm that you will not post any videos using unauthorized
software or copies of games, distribute or continue work on the modification, or take
any other steps that would infringe Nintendo's rights.
They referred him to the Nintendo's Creators Program, which is gross by the way and ridiculous,
through which Nintendo takes a cut listed as 30% for channels and 40% for videos of
ad revenues generated by videos featuring Nintendo games if he wanted to continue his
fan engagement on YouTube.
They charge their fans to engage with them.
That's disgusting.
Really, really, really, really brutal, especially because like how much money are they making
off of Super Mario World, and I mean like that one game.
And how many people have the technical savvy and know-how to rip into ROMs and create new
speed running paths or do some of the really entertaining stuff to watch that millions
of people are watching and going, oh cool, I remember that game.
And dusting off their Nintendo.
A lot of speed running stuff is like for charity and stuff.
And it's just for entertainment.
Is it Games Done Quick?
Like isn't that whole thing a charity event?
Yeah, yeah, Terrence said from the background, Games Done Quick is a charity event.
Like what are you guys doing?
Don't go after a charity event.
So yeah, basically Nintendo, that was a total asshole move.
And I think that pretty much does it for the show.
Thanks for watching, guys, and wow, we should really try to end on a happy note because
I'm like super mad right now.
What do you think about Mondo Burrito?
I actually truly enjoy Mondo Burrito.
I could use a Mondo Burrito right now.
I'm really hungry.
Yeah, me too.
Positive note.
I tried.
See you guys next week.
Same bat time, same bat channel.
The WAN Show.
We tried.
You have to do the intro thing.
There you go.
Oh, that's awkward.
Oh yeah.
Thank you so much for watching, and I'll see you in the next one!