
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

Yeah, it should work now. There we go.
Hey, welcome to the WAN show.
Sorry about that.
You know what? This is what happens when I leave you in charge.
Wow. Wow. I think that's the only reasonable explanation.
I think this is what happens when you leave the Linus Tech Tips crew
as responsible for anything technical pretty much ever.
We need to stream something. Well, that's fine.
We'll use a streaming cart instead of our streaming PC that's dedicated but never works
and has needed to reformat for months. That's no big deal. We'll just roll this over and then not set up
an audio solution at all. This is what happens when I leave you in charge.
Or set up any of the software needed to make thumbnails.
Or pretty much anything at all.
You know what's hilarious? We actually did a sponsored
livestream for this product. It's called the GoXLR.
And it just
completely saved our bacon because we didn't have the
drivers for our Focusrite thing on the one stream machine
and then we had this ongoing issue with the other one where it just
hasn't been stable. We've been dropping frames for some reason.
In very weird ways. So basically
I blame Jake. I really
want to turn these headphones there. That was easy.
Yay! Oh, I shouldn't
I need to know if the swear button works.
Hey Luke. So we're going to find out
if that works. Oh boy.
We've got a great show for you guys today. It's going to be a little late. It's probably going to be a little short
because I have big news. I am finally
starting the interviews for the writing position for Linus Tech Tips.
Actually the couple of writing positions that we're hiring for.
It's taken me a long time to get through all the applications.
There were a freaking ton of them. I'm actually not all the way through.
I got a couple hundred.
I'm at two thousand.
What? How do you have a couple hundred?
So the way that I got a couple hundred was that in order to even make it
to my inbox you had to write a complete
sample script. Oh yeah.
I was like there's something we're off here. Every single one of them has already
invested hours into their application. At least assuming that
they expect to have any chance whatsoever.
I'm interviewing anywhere between fifteen and twenty of them.
I thought you meant you got that many resumes. Oh no no.
We didn't even accept resumes until people answered the skill testing questions.
Once they submitted their initial application we sent them back a package that was
like here is all the work that you have to do in order to
even apply. The idea is you're trying to filter out the people
that just aren't that into it. That seems like a lot of
work. Well you know what? Working here is a lot of work. You did that to me. I did.
I actually had to find that email. I'm not even going to go into why but I had to find
that email recently. I would love to know why. US tax stuff.
I had to, okay you can guess this. I had to figure out
this part was easy. I had to figure out the names of all the employers that I had from 2010 to 2016.
So I had to figure out when I started working with NCX.
Got it. It wasn't an employer relationship but they're still interested in that.
And I had to figure out when I was working at Canada Bread Factory.
Whether or not that was, whatever that doesn't matter. The next thing was I had to figure out
all of the entry and exit dates of me into the US
between 2010 and 2016.
It's funny because like 2010
PACS. 2011 PACS. 2012
PACS. 2013. Everywhere.
2014. What? It just became
a complete mess after that. The first few years were so
easy and then everything went downhill. Full cluster.
Yeah right? That's so much fun.
That's crazy. Anyway so let's get into some tech news. That's kind of our New Year's
resolution for the WAN Show. We're going to do that first and then we'll talk
about it because we've got stuff to talk about actually.
The coolest project ever. Oh yeah it's actually really sweet.
Don't miss this video because it's really cool.
Anyway I will, oh yeah what are we doing?
Fortnite success
led to months of crunch time at Epic Games.
20 million PC gamers projected to switch to consoles
by 2022. Not if I have anything to say about it!
And the 2021 Intel roadmap has potentially
leaked. Oh my.
Let's roll that intro. Assuming that it's here.
Oh boy. It's at the end.
I don't know if it's playing.
Is this not visible?
No it is. It's probably just white. Oh what?
Wait what? Order. Move up?
No no. I would just maybe go into properties and restart it.
Properties. Oh wait no not loop.
Loop should work. No restart. Restart playback. Yeah no this should be right.
No no no. It probably doesn't have it mapped.
No. Okay. Brought to you by Madrina. Carrying a couch.
Dropping it. Oh wow no none of these are working. Dying in a swamp.
That's not working. Brought to you by Displate, Moss and Madrina is that. Oh boy.
Hey! Oh boy. The setup of this. And wait our lower
third isn't here either. Perfection. Yeah our lower third's not here.
This is great.
You know what? It's fine. That's, wait no this is mapped.
This is mapped even. Did you see that?
Is the intro going to work now? Yeah so you know that stupid thing where you've got a network drive
and it's just X'd off even though as soon as you double click it
like zero latency boom it goes right in. All I had to do was do that and I bet the
intro will play. Okay hold on. It's not.
Nope. That's not working. Well
we got part of the way there.
Pre-order a water bottle. LTTstore.com. Yeah.
Let's get into our first big news of the week.
Fortnite's success led to months of crunch at Epic Games. Now you know some people
in the game development industry don't you? I do. Okay so let's, first let's talk about
what the situation is like at Epic Games and then why don't we talk about what we
know about working in the games industry in general. And okay
so basically this was originally posted up by Polygon and
it was posted by Luke Savenage on the forum and
in a nutshell, Fortnite's explosive growth, like the thing is
every game company hopes that their game is gonna be
the next insert. You know
PUBG, Bejeweled, something that
Peggle, something that like really explodes and they're basically just printing money.
But that doesn't mean that they're necessarily prepared for it. And the thing is
is that you might think, okay well you built the game, now
basically it's all gravy then right? But it is not
that simple. And for Fortnite, for Fortnite in particular, for a couple of reasons
number one is as the game scales, their infrastructure has to scale
and is that even in a linear manner or would it have to scale or more?
Probably scale or more, especially because they're gonna get attacked
and whatever. Right. Furthermore, because it's a free to play model game
it's not like you just ship it, burn it to a CD
put it in the mail to the customer, and you're done.
Especially with Fortnite, they're releasing new content, they're editing the map, they're doing all this stuff constantly.
So basically what the
report says is that Fortnite's explosive growth led to months
of intense crunch. And intense crunch is no, like the gaming industry is no
stranger to intense crunch. When you're coming up against a major patch or
an expansion, a big DLC, or I mean of course the launch of the game
when we were at Monolith they were saying that
the number of people in that studio then when they were working on DLCs
and stuff was nothing compared to the number of people
that were crammed into that place in the weeks leading up to the launch
just finishing up all those last minute things. But normally that doesn't happen
indefinitely with no light at the end of the tunnel
so they're saying it led to months of intense crunch for Epic employees and contractors
some of whom said they felt extreme pressure to work
grueling hours to maintain Fortnite's success and profitability resulting
in a toxic, stressful environment at the company. I also believe only contract
staff were paid overtime. So while officially voluntary
working overtime was basically like an expected service to the company
this is what is being reported at the very least. Now
contract staff say they were paid overtime, but some employees
reported suffering health issues after working consecutive months of
70 hour weeks. I mean put that in context. Assuming that you're working
5 days, that would be 14 hours
a day. You're basically going home, collapsing in your bed
getting up, and going to work. And you might say well
all you do is sit at a computer. Well for one thing
no, not necessarily. I mean at Monolith in particular, did you know
that they actually have their game developers go into their
motion cap room and like
mocap stuff. It's so cool. Oh I know right?
So the reason for that is because they don't want the armour and stuff that they can't
be wearing during the mocap to clip. So the game developers know
that so they'll like change things to make it work. Super cool. And so mocap
actors wouldn't be able to compensate for like, I'm like this jacked dude
doing this move. You know how do my muscles not clip on my other giant
muscles? You know? So they can make sure that they do it. And some of them
were actually like, like I was looking at them. Pretty good. You got training. Yeah.
I bet you they did specifically for that. So yeah those guys
don't specifically sit at a desk. And furthermore, sitting at a desk
is mentally fatiguing in a way that people who haven't had a desk job might not actually
understand. Doing your problem solving all day. And creating things all day.
So this is a quote from one employee. I work an average of 70 hours a week.
There's probably at least 50 to 100 other people at Epic working those hours
and I know people who pull 100 hour weeks. Just like
okay. The company gives us unlimited time off but it's almost impossible
to take that time. If I take time off the workload falls on other people and no one
wants to be that guy. So back to what we were discussing
about what the free to play model means for game developers in general.
Games as a service sort of creates this
constant refresh of deadlines.
It's kind of like working here.
So you launch a video at noon that day or whatever
and it's like you press live and you're like
okay are there any major technical issues? How's the audience sentiment?
On to the next one.
Crunch time is all the time and the biggest problem is that they're
patching all the time. The executives are focused
on keeping Fortnite popular for as long as possible because I'm sure
that they're smart enough. Okay not every executive is smart enough but I'm sure
they have an executive that's smart enough. I'm sure Sweeney knows.
To know that no game stays dominant forever.
It doesn't happen. That's not a thing that exists. So it's
all about making hay while the sun's shining. If you can make
3, 4, 5 billion dollars on
just 18 months of popularity, that's your chance.
It's not like you can pace yourself and be like okay we're gonna take it easy
we're gonna make our 2 billion dollars and then we'll make the other 3 billion dollars down.
You might not get a crack at that. So
we're not allowed to spend time on anything.
If something breaks, a weapon. We can't just turn that
weapon off and fix it in the next patch. It must be fixed immediately.
And all the while we still have to be working on next week's patch.
And you think about how disruptive that would be to your workflow.
For example, a real time operating system for example.
If you have, that's why, if you ever wonder why you click something
sometimes, in Windows say, and your click doesn't register
and you go well a click is the simplest thing ever. How is
there a delay on that? It's because Windows is not a real time operating system.
Those do exist. They're mostly for embedded systems, things like medical devices
and for things like that where timing is absolutely critical
when that input happens, the response is triggered. But what that means
is any other background processes, boom
interrupted. Done. You're done. And for something like, something complex
like Windows, it doesn't work that way. So you can end up
with a significant backlog in anything that's going on in the background if you
interrupt it. That's exactly, so that's why anything that you know
normal people interact with just can't work that way because it's so disruptive.
It's a bad, bad analogy. Terrible analogy. I actually don't care. The point is
getting interrupted sucks. Yeah. I feel like you just
are really into real time operating systems. How far off was I?
I mean, oh on that? No, that was fine. The analogy was fine?
I just felt like I went too far into it. I feel like you kind of
made it work, but it worked. Thanks. Thanks bro.
Speaking of making things work, you make that shirt work. Thank you.
You can kind of see my nipples. They're just a little weird.
They're not bad nipples. They're hiding behind the banner.
If you know low nipples, then you're like, yeah, I don't know, dog.
Another thing that I noticed in here is it says that contract
staff were paid overtime. It specifically says that, so I suspect salary
staff were not paid overtime. That being said, I do suspect
in all fairness that the salary staff are going to be getting wicked bonuses, especially
with Fortnite ranking it in. I hope so. You might hope that, but
that's not always a guarantee. So Epic did make a statement. People are working very
hard on Fortnite and other Epic efforts. Extreme situations such as
100 hour work weeks are incredibly rare, and in those instances we seek to
immediately remedy them to avoid recurrence. But they are acknowledging
that someone might work a 100 hour work week. On what planet
does that make any sense? Even at your worst, I don't think
you would have been anywhere near that. I've been over that.
When? Really, really early with the
Titan launch and the forum at the same time. Okay, right, okay.
Okay, so it happened once in the history of OMG. It's been very infrequent.
Whatever. And that was, you
also didn't tell me to. That was mostly me being like, I want to
do these things. So that was fine. I'm not complaining
to be clear. I didn't know that you worked that many hours that week anyway.
So here's the thing, salaried positions
and actually, just so you guys know, we
work salary here at Linus Media Group. So salaried positions do
come with the expectation that from time to time
you're getting it done. With that said,
the flip side, the employers side of that sort of
arrangement is for the people that put in those
hours, for the people that are the star pupils in the class
hey, there's some kind of a reward for that.
It should flex back or there should be a bonus or there should be something.
That time should be recognized and compensated and so on.
Everything should be recognized and dealt with accordingly.
Now, the other thing that is just kind of a, you know, usually you won't
find an employment contract or anything, but the other thing that we see as part of the responsibility
of both the employee and the employer is making sure that
everyone's being reasonable.
And communicating about stuff. So we'll see people working too many hours
sometimes and we'll say, hey, good job
gold star, appreciate the effort obviously, I'm not going to tell you off for it
thanks, but like, hey, maybe
you should go home.
And spend some time there.
Especially for, so one thing I'll throw in, I've been doing a lot of interviews lately and people
have been asking me about the work culture that we have because that's a big problem in the software development industry.
As we're talking about literally right now.
We just got turned off. Hey, it looks like
kind of cool. It's kind of dramatic. I'll go turn that back on.
Very few people have left Linus Media Group.
Do you want to stick with it? I feel like we're being interviewed. I'm cool with it.
It feels like 60 minutes or something. I'm down. I'm into it.
Let's do it. Sweet. But yeah, like very few people have left.
And I think that's a culture that Linus Media Group and FlowPlane both want to continue.
And in doing that, you don't really want to abuse your people all the time.
FlowPlane's had some pretty brutal crunches. I like to think that they weren't
super long, but there have been some
pretty brutal crunches. There's like sort of one going on right now with
especially one specific guy on the team. But his thing is almost done and he's
pushing through. It's going to be good. Yeah, you guys are still in
very much startup mode. I mean, the thing is
it's complicated because on the one hand
the people work really hard
and that's amazing, but on the other hand
Yvonne was telling me the numbers for how far underwater we are on the project.
I was like, oh, cool. The good news though
and this is really exciting is, sorry dang it, we're doing FlowPlane news again
I swear, we'll do a real tech topic after this. The good news though is that you guys
are how close to launching the new transcode engine? Very close.
It's been like supposed to be out this week, sort of maybe every week
for the last while, but there's been very legitimate reasons
that it's been delayed and we're trying to release something that's good and stable and stuff.
Right now it's like the majority of it's in prod, just not activated
and there's just like... In prod means it's on the production server, like it's live.
It's just not being used, it's there though and it's ready
I mean it hasn't really been turned on, but it didn't break anything which is great
and we're extremely close to putting it live, the confidence level wasn't
quite there and there's a few little problems still to be cleaned up.
I'm getting to the point where I'm thinking of reaching out
to a few people specifically and being like, hey, you might want to get ready.
Because we're kind of there.
And the good news is once we start bringing creators on, the situation
should change very, very, very quickly. Hopefully we won't just be hemorrhaging
money all the time. We've seen... I mean I wouldn't call it hemorrhaging, the project has
been running for two years and like the bleed rate
keeps going up, you know.
Which is kind of not the direction you want that to go in. I keep
hiring people though, which is like the problem. But
the team is in a really good spot right now. I'm really happy with everyone that's on the team
and I think we're doing great things currently. And if I didn't do that
and we didn't hire more people and start losing more money
I think the project would be in a way worse spot and we'd have like a never launched kind of issue.
We should talk more about some of the milestones that we've hit
in the last little bit, like during the roast.
Anyway, but first we're going to do some more news topics because we owe you guys that.
So here's an interesting one. FangXP posted this on the
forum and it's based on some
John Petty research TV gaming market study.
So according to their latest report, more and more PC gamers
will probably shift to consoles for a couple of reasons.
One, increasing GPU or graphics card prices.
Two, the inclusion of PC specific features like 4K
and ray tracing in next gen consoles, including keyboard and mouse support,
variable refresh rate, and high refresh rate using
HDMI 2.1. Streaming services like Google
Stadia and the new all digital Xbox One S
are saying the coming of 5G will only bolster this new segment.
I'm sort of wondering what the hell they're talking about.
And they're saying that the majority of this will come from the low end, so under
$1000, full build cost.
So in my opinion, this is
almost moot. I know there's a difference, but we're getting
the more we progress, the more they're just fairly cost effective
pre-built PCs that are limited to only doing certain things.
And like literally everything that he just listed, like, yeah, I can use a keyboard
and mouse, variable refresh rate. It's like, okay, it's a computer.
Thank you. So I guess what you're trying to say is at what
point do we just call it PC gaming and stop pretending? Yeah.
I see. Like I'm actually going to try to defend that argument a little bit because I think
it's more actually phones and laptops and stuff that are
actually causing this change if anything. PlayStation Game Store.
What? Like you got your Steam, your Uplay, your Origin.
Oh, just put it on PC. The PlayStation. That would be amazing. Why don't we just, why don't we just
That would be the only game store that I would happily invite, you know, like
every game store, it's like, ugh, another one? Like why don't we just stop f***ing around
and just call it what it is. Yeah.
Call it a computer. Give me a graphics options slider. Let's do it.
Heck yeah. That would be super cool. I'd be totally into that.
Remember forever ago when I had my, like, console drive idea?
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. You were going to take, like, an old
console and just, like, insert it into the front of the computer and you wanted to, like,
mod it so that it, you could put, like, a NES, like
a NES Classic or, like, NES Mini or, like, some kind of thing into it. And then the
controllers were going to be hooked up into, like, the thing in the back or something, right?
Yeah, there was, I had that idea of just doing it myself actually, but the reason why I came
with that idea was because what I was, like, pitching, pseudo-pitching, was that
I wanted them to make, like, basically super premium Blu-ray
drives for PC that were just branded Xbox and PlayStation. That just
ran the freaking games through your own computer. So it's just a DRM scheme.
Yes. Hardware DRM scheme. Whatever. You want to do your thing? Whatever.
I'll pay... I'm so... Have you ever pitched that on
WAN Show before? Yes. But this was years ago. I didn't even
remember that exact... This was either garage or, like,
early old house. It still makes so much sense
to just... Because compared to paying, you know,
how much does a 1S cost anyway? Like, I think a 1X is, like, 400 bucks
or 500. I think a 1S is, like, 350, I want to say?
Can't remember. 300 bucks or a 1S. But 1S isn't even
the newest one. Right. Okay. But no, I just mean the basic one. So the 1S is the basic one.
So would you pay 250
for a DRM drive that just slips in the front of your thing and then you can play... Mind you,
Microsoft is moving towards making Xbox games cross-platform for the most part anyway.
So Microsoft is starting to sort of solve that problem. So a
PS4 drive. PS4 drive? Honestly?
I probably would. Because there's a huge amount of PS4 exclusives that are super
cool. I borrowed the works PS4 for a very long time. I had it for
over a year. I forgot we even had one. And I, like,
own a decent number of PS4 games because there was a lot of really cool
single player RPGs that came out on PS4. God of War was amazing.
I don't remember. That might have been on both consoles. But there was also a bunch that were specifically
PS4. I'm pretty sure that's PlayStation specific. I could be wrong. God of War? I think God of War might be both.
But there was a number of PS4 only ones that were also super cool.
Never played a God of War game. Would like to. Just play that one.
Just the first one? No, that's not the... No.
Like rebrand. It's just called God of War but it's the newest one. Oh, okay.
It's super super good. Oh, like a reboot kind of thing? I think so. Tomb Raider.
It's quite different than the old games as far as I know. I didn't play the God of War games
all that much. Kenji the Uke is asking for an update on the
models. So if you ordered one in the first
I think it was 500, then it's
either shipped or shipping very soon. Because those ones were actually sitting
in the warehouse ready to rock. If you're one of the hundreds of other
people who, remember guys, there is a message on there that says
it's a pre-order. Those are on the boat now.
Otherwise we wouldn't have taken pre-orders. We wouldn't take pre-orders on anything that's not
shipping now. So those are on the boat now. They should be here in about
three weeks. If they are a little bit later, I apologize in advance.
I'm sorry, we are actually really new to the whole physical merchandise
thing. We're trying really hard but there's a learning curve.
Actually, did you know that Lloyd is in China right now? Yeah.
So he's running around at a bunch of major
manufacturer fairs and he sent me back
hundreds of some sandals. Obviously we would customize them
like balls out, customize them. I actually love a pair
of those. But would you wear an LTT sandal? 100%.
I was talking to my wife about it. Sorry, you know my wife. You guys all know her name.
I always forget that she's like host in TechLink thing. I was like
out there. I was talking to Yvonne about it and she was like
I don't know. I'm like what don't you know?
An LTT sandal? Like a dad sandal?
Oh man. That'd be awesome. And people are like yes, yes.
Socks are going to happen. Oh my god, there's got to be a
combo pack. This is not shipped yet. Never mind. I'm not going to talk about this.
There's got to be a combo. Also, I was wrong. God of War is only on PlayStation. So there's
another example. I knew a gaming thing that Luke didn't. We've got to play Anno
again. This is fun. So yeah, fine. We'll talk about it later. Okay, you know what?
Let's get the sponsors done. We'll do one more news topic and then we can actually talk about
stuff. Okay, so we need to talk about Anno. We need to talk about the streaming
the roast. We need to talk about what else was like
stuff we actually wanted to talk about.
Alright, we'll do one more topic. One more topic and then we'll jump into the news. So
Intel's 2021 roadmap apparently leaked.
So this is over on hexus.net and apparently
Tweakers.net claims that these roadmaps came from
a Dell presentation earlier this year. So on mobile we're going to be
looking at Comet Lake H series offering up to 8 and
10 core processors on 14 nanometer.
14. 14.
10 core on mobile? What the heck?
The whole thing is really funky. Wait, Comet Lake H, do they mean like the
mobile H champs? Surely they couldn't.
That doesn't make any sense. No, that's got to be
consumer. Hold on a second. I've got to bring this up. That can't be right.
That cannot be right. Okay, hold on. The picture's a little small.
It's a little tiny. You might want to open it. It says click to zoom but it doesn't work.
Thanks, Hexus. You tried. Click image to zoom.
Alright, U series H. Holy
balls, that does actually appear to be the plan.
Ah, yup, that's
45 watt to 65 watt BGA. That is a big problem.
Holy balls, that does actually
appear to be the plan. Apparently we're getting
a U series 6 core though. Yup, that's 45 watt to 65 watt
BGA. That is a big problem sometime in... Holy
balls, that does actually appear to be the plan. All they're going to be doing is tuning the turbo boost again.
Apparently we're getting a U series 6 core.
That's 45 watt to 65 watt BGA.
Sorry. Sorry guys.
Thanks, well played chat. My bad.
Wow, that seems like a terrible plan.
Especially, have you seen... Well they're just kind of screwed right now. Have you seen some of AMD's
mobile stuff lately? They actually have some legitimate
looking mobile devices coming down the pipe. Like we've got one from
Lenovo on the shelf over there for a review that we're like, wow
this is like a sexy AMD laptop.
Cause like the thing is... It's been a long time. Never mind long time.
Never. When did AMD make any sense
in mobile? Turion? You gotta be kidding me.
That button is still going to drive me nuts.
It's been an extremely long time. I remember like even
when I used to work at Best Buy way way way way back
the AMD options were the cheap crappy ones in terms of laptops.
At that time, desktops were actually pretty decent but yeah.
Oh sorry, people are upset about what we were saying when we were looking at the
roadmap. Basically 10 core, 14nm, it's nuts.
Because there's no power savings or like a nominal one so all they're doing
is just stuffing more power hungry
cores into this thing so all they're doing is playing around with the turbo boosts
and hoping that the notebook manufacturers
can figure out how to cool the bloody things. I could be wrong and someone at Intel might be able to
explain their way through this but it feels like they're trying to
throw some interesting numbers out there to keep people buying things
while they try to figure out their manufacturing process problems.
It seems that way but like apparently they just don't think they're going to have it figured out.
Like they've got 10nm stuff coming
but only U-series so H-series is not getting any 10nm
until at least 2021.
That's nuts. That's wild.
Who is this? Frodo Nubbits on Floatplane says you guys should make a holy
balls shirt. We did, a long time ago actually.
Yeah, probably won't happen again.
Didn't sell very well. I don't think very many people
would actually wear that. That's what happens when your catchphrase kind of sucks.
Speaking of actually wear that,
do you guys like having this whole thing or would you prefer
mirror up here? Just this logo but like over here.
Okay, so for context
we've discussed it internally. This was the plan, this was the design we all agreed on
and then we got it and we were like it looks a very internet startup.
It really does. It's straight out of Silicon Valley.
Wow, people are saying they love it but remember this is like
Floatplane chat. That's Floatplane chat. Maybe we should probably talk to
YouTube chat. We need an objective analysis
of the design here. Wow, YouTube chat
moves so fast. I cannot even see it.
Why don't you prepare a straw poll while I jump to our options here.
The logo in the corner and how it is now? Those two options?
Alright, let's just do two options. So today's video
is brought to you by Moss Backpacks.
This is my backpack. Hey, look at that. I don't even have to use the sponsor one.
Here's my backpack. I like it. I use it all the time.
I could afford a different backpack but I don't because
I really like this one. This is the old one. It doesn't have all the features
of the new one but I like this one better. Actually
I don't. I just like the color because
the samples they send to the new ones are black. So this is the new one. It's black
it's all stealthy. It's the black pack.
It's the black pack.
Black pack. It's such a wacky name.
It's a great backpack. I don't see where they were going with that. It's a great backpack.
Do you think they intended it to be a pun? Oh, maybe.
Because it's a backpack that's black. Whoa, crazy.
Anyway, they also have the Grande
version of it that fits up to a 17 inch laptop. They're made out of 300D nylon for the exterior
and 1000D nylon for the interior for water resistance.
And the black pack fits laptops up to 15.6 inches.
That one's made of ballistic nylon that gives it abrasion
and tear resistance. It's got a built-in rain fly to provide
extra padding for your electronics when not in use.
Doesn't make any sense, but whatever. It's good. I like it. Both of them come with mounting for
the water resistance Reach C, Reach Plus power adapters and a 5 year warranty.
You can get 20% off their current stock until it's gone. Limited quantities at the link.
Right there. Boom. I'm pretty sure the rain thing, because I used to
have one, is a cover that you take out and put over your bag.
But that doesn't provide extra padding. The padding threw me off. That might just be a separate talking point that
they put together. Oh, I bet you what that is, is when you put it back
if it's not raining and it's in the bag, it probably provides padding.
Got it. Just don't get used to just throwing your bag down when it's
in there and then you have it on. It'd be a rainy day, you put it on, you toss it back.
It's bad. Just don't do that. Also brought to you by Madrina.
Madrina's Coffee is coffee for fuel. Organic cold brew
coffee in a
convenient 15 ounce grab and go can with a flavor for everyone. They offer
sweet and creamy flavors like their mocha or caramel or bold flavors like their
cold brew black. We actually have a permanent item on their store, the Lambo
Roast. Which you can smell. Go check it out. It actually does smell really good. Head over
to madrinascoffee.com slash linus to get 50% off your entire order with
code Linus. The first 25 people who use code Linus will get a
free Madrina's Coffee micro roast. Fun. If you have any questions about the
various flavors of cold brew or micro roast, Shlomo from
Madrina's Coffee will be in the chat ready to answer your questions through direct
messages. Finally, our last sponsor for the day is
Displate. They're back here.
We have new designs to show off. Displate is a magnetic mounted metal print company
and these magnetic mounted metal prints are durable. You don't need any power tools to hang
them. They've got over 260,000
different arts spanning a bunch of different styles and influences and with their easy magnetic
mounting, there are no holes in the wall and they're easily replaceable. They plant ten
trees for every Displate purchased and you can head to our link below and use offer
code LTT to save 15%. That's LMD.GG
slash Displate when I'm really Luke. Wow. You're gonna be
like that. Alrighty then.
Alright. So do we have any other news topics that we have to
do? I don't think so. Oh this is pretty cool. Vega finally beats RTX.
Vulcan strikes again. So this was posted
by BlueJ614 on the forum. The original source is WCCF
Tech. AMD's RX Vega 64
apparently outperforms the RTX 2080 by up to 20% in the
Vulcan enabled game World War Z. The benchmarks were conducted with an overclocked Core i9
9900K at 5.2 gigahertz. This is to eliminate any possible
bottlenecking. It drives me freaking crazy when people in the comments
flip out about you guys are using an overclocked CPU, your results aren't
realistic. Okay. The reason is that you're trying to
alleviate bottlenecks elsewhere in the system so you can see the maximum
potential difference in performance between the components you're actually
trying to test. Anyway. At 1920 by 1080 with Vulcan enabled
AMD managed to take all three top spots with its Radeon VII Vega 64
liquid cooled and Vega 64 and the Vega 64 outpaced the
RTX 2080 Ti despite costing half as much. Nvidia closed the gap
at 1440p. At 4K there still isn't a blah blah blah blah blah.
Basically it's one game. If we were to take
Intel's performance in Counter Strike Source as
an overall indication of Intel's dominance
in gaming performance
we would be silly. It would be pretty skewed.
You know what? Intel outperforms AMG by like 30-40%.
It doesn't actually. Yes. In CS Source. Yes.
Go. Yeah. It may or may not be
specifically the Vulcan-ness of it.
I mean it's a neat headline but I probably wouldn't read too much
into it if you have seen that headline until we start seeing
Vulcan across a broad sampling of games giving
you that kind of a performance advantage.
Yeah I probably wouldn't read too much into it.
LTX. Yeah. What about it? There's less than 40 BYOC
tickets left so if you want to bring your own computer and show up at the event and have a
LAN center thing and all that kind of fun stuff get a freaking ticket
because you're running out of time. Also volunteers. They want people to apply
to volunteer. I believe that's in the description down below if you want to check that out if you're not on
Twitch. And they will be getting back to current applicants
in May if you're wondering why you haven't received a response
yet. And also if you bought a ticket and want
to volunteer they'll refund your ticket. Oh. Really? Cool. Apparently.
So the way we're structuring things is that either an LMG member or brand partner will be managing
the overall operation of a booth and then volunteers will help as needed to make the
area a success. So we're looking for between 60-80 talented volunteers
in total. We've already got 20. Shifts will be either one 8 hour day
and then with one day to enjoy the show or a 4 hour shift each day and then time
to take part in the expo for the other half of the day. Nice. Duties will include scanning tickets,
handing swag out, recording entries, answering questions, directing people, building PCs, disassembling
PCs, running around, watching stuff and more I'm sure.
All volunteers will receive free admission as described, BYOC not included,
the LTX merch pack, shirt, pen, lanyard, meals during your shift, reference letter
from us for your help and of course our undying gratitude. Gratitude never dies.
Just becomes undead. Apologies to the volunteer applicants
that Jono and Colton interviewed a few weeks ago. We will update you guys in May once we have
a firmer grasp on schedules and how many people we need for each booth.
There we go. Um, yeah man, it's happening soon.
Yeah. And my, our team is coming out. We've got
a lot to prepare. To hang out at LTX. I'm so excited. I am so stoked. Especially
because some of the special projects that LTT has been
working on in order to have them there at LTX are starting
to come together. So, you tried, you tried
one today that I hoped was gonna be
pretty cool. Like, like 25% as cool. I would have hoped it would
have been 25% as cool. Um, so basically Jake
mostly Jake has been working on a first person view
The idea, ok, so it came from
racing games are fun and a couple of the really
amazing experiences that we've had at LTX in previous years were we
lugged 16k gaming to the first one and then when we did the ultra wide
version, the 10k gaming one, we brought that one as
well and we hooked up racing games. Which was pretty
sweet. It was really cool. The ultra wide one with the racing wheel and the like big
screen experience. Unlike anything most people will ever experience.
Um, but the bezels. The bezels.
And it's all virtual. It's just video games.
So, next level stuff happened at LTX 2019
and this video is gonna be freaking sick. Um, we are
we're using first person view racing goggles.
Ok, so these are for drones typically, but people have been known to hook them up to
RC cars and RC cars. And we want
to build, well not want to, did build
the like IRL
racing game experience. It's so cool. Oh my goodness.
And it's like, I don't even know why it's so
different from just playing a video game. But it's very notably different.
We both expressed similar things about how just the
fact that it is actually real seems to impact you a lot more. Yeah. And the
learning curve, if you know how to drive. Super fast.
Zero. You just, you're just like, oh I'm driving.
The latency is incredible.
So DJI sent over their FPV racing goggles. Um,
just, just unbelievable. It's quite the experience.
So at LTX, so the first part of the video is gonna be like the proof of concept
which we finished today. The second part of the video is going to be
dialing it in, getting four of them going, building a track
so it's gonna be like a sick track.
There's gotta be a jump. There's gotta be a jump. Oh my goodness. If we don't have a jump
then we failed. We'll do our best to have a jump. Cool.
So we're gonna build a track and then we're going to do it as more
like a step by step guide. Ok, so guys if you're into this sort of
thing and you just have unlimited money lying around because you're a dead mouse or something
um, here's how you do it. Step by step
to build your own FPV car complete with racing wheel and
pedals and brakes and all that kind of stuff. It's pretty crazy. One of the craziest
things for me is I, in VR games I don't get the effect
like if you play a roller coaster game I don't get the like, whoa I should be feeling G's
as I go around this corner. But driving that little car
you're like, you feel like you have to lean. It really feels like you're trying to lean into the corners
and like it, oh man, the realism is like
surprisingly very high. And when you're playing on a monitor you never feel like
oh I just need to like peek around this corner. Yeah. But I was moving my head
constantly even though there's no head tracking in this. It's fixed. Yeah. Oh man
that was wild. Super super cool. Super fun.
I was not expecting to do that today. It's so much
better than I expected. What else we got
going on today? I think we're out of topics. That's fine. I don't need any more topics. Who needs topics
anyway? Anno? Yeah. I need to upgrade my freaking computer.
Yes I was hoping you were going to bring that up.
So, okay. I love the original
Anno game. Who has to upgrade their computer for Anno? I'm sorry.
It's just. He's a computer man
he can't run Anno. It's so laggy.
It's so bad.
I'm sorry you can go.
So I loved the original Anno game. Over here in North America it was
called 1602 AD. And I played that a ton
as a kid. Was there a different release? Way too much. And in Europe it was called
Anno. Oh okay. Yeah it's a German game actually. Yeah it was like
one of the first German games to really break out on an international
level. That makes sense because when I look up things for it there's a lot of German forums.
Which I was kind of surprised by. That's interesting. Like the amount it
sold in Germany compared to the population of
Germany relative to the rest of the world. It's like
basically everyone in Germany played this. And apparently it was close to 50-50
male and female. That's cool. Yeah. Because the
thing with Anno is that it's low pressure gameplay.
Almost nothing is not reversible.
So if you kind of go down the wrong path and you're not successful or whatever
It's not like that. So anyway
I picked up the new Anno game because Luke was over and he was like oh yeah I got it. Jono got it.
Colton got it. And I was like oh peer pressure. I guess I better get it. It's like 80 dollars.
Canadian. Ridiculous. Anyway. So I got it. Fired it up. And
on my super nice still monitor
Audio just went out of sync? What? Apparently. Whoa. Yeah.
Look. What happened? You can see it. The OBS capture
is delayed. Talk. Watch your mouth move. Hello?
That looked okay. What? Really? I don't know. Uh oh.
Okay. Is it bad? Apparently there's audio
I don't know necessarily how much. Oh. Okay. It looks out of sync slightly to me.
Okay. Yeah. I can't do anything about that right now. We'll just go
with it. I'm just going to go like this. Okay. So now it won't bother you guys. Yeah. No one can tell.
So. So anyway.
So yeah. So I got it. And Luke was over. So he's never played
an Anno game before. Yeah. But you had tooled around for like 20 minutes or something right?
I played for less than an hour and I had watched like
part of a starting guide video.
Okay. Got it. So basically as someone who had actually played the game
before I was surprised at how applicable my knowledge was
given that it's been like 20 years since the first one or something
stupid like that. Well yeah. And I even. One of the really interesting things to me was
I watched you play the original one for a little while. And even stuff like
certain buildings I was able to perfectly recognize
because they like. I don't know. I've seen some reviews.
Obviously I didn't play the other ones but I've seen a lot of reviews refer to it as like a return to form
and all this kind of stuff. And I think they really tried to go back to the roots of that exact game
that you happen to be playing at that time. Right. Which is kind of hilarious.
But yeah. It seemed to work out. So anyway.
So I fire it up on my still pretty nice monitor. So 100 hertz 3440
by 1440. And I'm getting like. I'm like Luke
you know it's weird because I find like the menus really laggy.
So I've got G-Sync which means that it's a little harder to pick up on like
frame rate fluctuations. But I was probably running at like 45
FPS. Or less. Probably.
Or less. Probably dipped below that. I think it was
below that on average. I think it dipped below 30.
Probably. I think so. It was pretty bad. And there was
certain interactions that were
specifically very difficult because of the frame rate. Which is wild.
It was kind of painful to watch. So he's like
yo what kind of hardware are you running in here. I'm like yeah Titan.
X. Maxwell.
So something a lot of people might not realize is that I had
And you were running at ultra wide and
settings and all that kind of stuff. Yeah so I was running at like ultra. Well I tuned it down a fair bit
when we played multiplayer the next day and it was like 40
but not like 45. Oh I just broke
this. Dang it. Why do I fidget with pen things. This is a stylus.
Oops. Dang it. Anyway
so yeah a lot of people might not realize this but in the last
seven years I have either had an infant
or a young company to deal with
and I haven't had a lot of time to play games. Anno in particular
is a massive. It's a black hole that consumes
time itself. I think it's
even though it's real time I think it might rival Civ. Yeah.
Like it's pretty crazy. Especially if you kind of take your time with things.
And in multiplayer I couldn't find anyway a way to
change the game speed. So we were playing at 1x game speed
which I. The income felt pretty slow. Yeah well
you also just weren't as good at it as me. Wow.
Wasn't I further ahead? Whose island is better? Wasn't I further ahead?
Further ahead of what? I had money. Population? Yeah. Tech?
I had money. Okay. Is it the goal of the game to get
a certain amount of citizens? I was actually being nice to you. I had
the artisan class like 5 minutes before you said anything. Sorry.
5 minutes in the grand scheme of that whole night was not very much. And I probably got
more of them when I got them. Yeah but you probably also ran into a bunch of trouble
where you didn't have any workers for your freaking factories. That's fair. That did happen.
Yeah that did happen didn't it? I didn't know they needed 200 people. So who had the money?
Who was always buying stuff from your warehouse? Which I realized
now that I'm playing further was a terrible idea. I should have just built with it.
So that does not make it
better. That does not make it better at all. I should have kept all of that. I have now learned
that was not a favor in the slightest.
Did you or did you not need the money? I did. It's not my fault that you needed the money.
I should have just built worker houses to solve the
problem on like a recurring basis.
Whatever man. It was fun though. And then I thought my
apartment building lit on fire and then I had to run away. Space Monkey says Linus good
at a game. What? You know. You mostly
joke about it quite a bit. Oh actually I played Apex on stream today. The problem
is that. I watched a little bit of it. The problem is
that newer game genres are a
bit of a problem for me. So if I am dropped into
a battle royale. I don't even think that's true.
It depends. So Apex Legends has a lot
of gameplay elements. Or Fortnite for example. The whole building thing.
Where I have to. You know I can't do the building thing at all. Yeah.
I'm terrible at it. Yeah like I have to completely learn like
a new skill set in order to play this game. I refuse to play that game because of the building thing.
And my whole thing is like I don't mind learning to
play a new game. But I don't really have the time to learn an
entirely new genre. Because by the time I sit down and sort of
fumble my way through it. Meanwhile all the kids that are spending 30 hours
a week playing this game know the entire map and every element
of the gameplay like the back of their hands. By the time I fumble my way through how to
like play it at all. Because I just don't have time to sit down and
yeah. It's like a kid's crying or
something. And I get interrupted. And then
I can't get back to it. I've got to do some job interviews or something.
And then two weeks later I look at it again and I'm like oh I kind of forget exactly how to
do this. So if you just drop me in a pure shooter. Okay.
Like I won't roll the maps and that sucks. But like I can get some kills.
Fine. I can click heads. No problem. If you drop me into something
where there's you know very realistic recoil for example.
Yeah I do have trouble with that.
A problem with a lot of that. I think what it's coming down to is
I'm not trying to toot your horn. But it's time investment with
a specific mechanic. Where like with recoil. A lot of games that have
heavy recoil. You need to learn the recoil of that specific gun.
So that just takes time. Like you'll learn patterns of
recoil stuff. That just takes a huge amount of time. Or even like research.
Something like Counter Strike. You can just go find resources that will tell you
okay as soon as you start holding down on an AK. Move down
about this much. It's like a seven that you draw. And it's like in a certain speed.
Because PUBG. Didn't we win our first two games?
That you ever played? Yeah. We won the very first one. I don't know if we won the second
one too. But we won another one that night. Yeah. And we only played three or four games.
You did carry pretty good. I did do some damage though.
You did some damage and in PUBG. In Apex you can bring people back and all this kind of stuff. Healing is a lot easier.
In PUBG it's not. And you were alive till the end. And you were making calls.
And you were landing shots. Like it's. It was the first freaking
game you ever played and you were doing damage. That's honestly. I think
you did better in those first one to four games than most people that I play with. Right.
That are actively playing modern games. It's just that you don't have a lot of time investment. Again I'm not trying to toot your horn.
And so the thing is like if I have the prerequisite skills already. Like PUBG.
I found really a lot like playing paintball. Yeah. Yeah.
So like the tactics were 100 percent there. Yeah. It's just that I
don't have. But like I need someone to like tell me what
ammo goes and what gun. Like I'm not. I'm not an ammo
head. I don't know like oh yeah like an MP whatever.
Got to get this caliber. I didn't know what scopes fit on anything
or whatever. So as long as people like tell me OK yeah pick that one up. Like OK
yeah sure. OK. How do I. Sorry how do I mount the stock.
How do I put this on. OK sure. As long as I don't have to learn the
gameplay mechanics then like honestly it's not that bad. And RTS
games I actually played a lot more than FPS games when I was growing up. I was like
a Warcraft 2 kid. I played way too much. Like you want to
play Warcraft 2 with me. I will slay you. Probably. I promise
you. I was too young for that. I will slay you and your friend. I played Warcraft 3 though. No problem.
Let's do Warcraft 3. So Warcraft 3 is a funny one. I actually
played it a fair bit the summer that it came out in French
because I was on I was on an exchange
to Quebec for like my thing and the kid that I was staying
with got it and Warcraft 3 was a game
that was way too demanding for my home PC to run at that point.
It's a recurring theme. Fortunately
so what I did was so I played a fair bit
of it in French.
So I know all the like stupid. I probably played it more in French than
I did in English. So anyway when I went home I spent all the
money that I made that summer on building my very first gaming PC and I used the term
gaming PC pretty loosely. It had Geforce graphics.
Geforce 4 MX 440 chipset graphics.
it was good enough to run Warcraft 3 so I actually bought myself a copy of that which was a lot of money
for me at that time. It was like 60 bucks. It was a brand new game. And I played it like a fair
bit. But I mostly played campaign. I never really got into the competitive side.
I'm going to interject here for a second.
If you want to play some Warcraft 3 again. I'll play some Warcraft 3. My brother and I
decided to download it for fun. There's still an active
community. Oh I'm sure there's an active community. A very active community. Oh Blizzard games never die.
We downloaded some maps. I don't remember exactly what it's
called. So sorry. But there's a website that you can Google very easily. It's like Frozen Maps or something
like that. Or War Maps. I don't remember. But you can download maps
and you can host games and they will fill like immediately. Like there's
a very active player base that is ready to go into games. The thing that
is tough about games that have been around forever is that
everyone is like really good. So I didn't play
Supreme Commander for like 4 or 5 years or something stupid like that.
And then I tried to drop in on the FA Forever community and I was like yeah I probably still know
how to play this game. So key mechanics have changed a fair
bit. Like I didn't like Forged Alliance. I really preferred Vanilla Supreme Commander.
I didn't like how fast the commanders were. All of a sudden instead of being
like highly vulnerable they were like these
demons and they were more like combat units instead of like
builder units. And I was like oh well I thought that was
the whole point of the game was that he was
or she. Robot. I don't know. Was that your commander was very vulnerable.
So I just didn't really enjoy the gameplay and I was
at a time when my life was starting to get busier and they added another race. And so I didn't want
to learn to play a new race and I didn't know how to deal with the new race and I was like oh man
I thought three races was enough.
So there's that problem. Like I was talking to someone about Classic WoW
recently about how it's like a mastered game. And when it
comes out it's going to be kind of problematic. Someone was like oh are you going to PvP? I'm like we'll know.
This was an interesting conversation that we were having actually last week because I assumed
you were going to like play the **** out of Classic WoW.
Yeah and I
will play it I'm sure. I'm going to be poking around the community and seeing what's going on.
I don't know how deep I'll get into it purely because of
like a question someone asked me was like are you going to go into PvP?
It's going to be really fun to have like an older WoW PvP
set up. It's like well yeah but I play a warrior so I'm just going to get tooled because
all of the like very abusable mechanics of certain other classes are going
to be very abused because everyone knows what they are.
And like warriors. Well that's great because we're going to be super
crazy overpowered at specific things in PvE. Sweet.
But that's also kind of weird. It's not the same. Like back
in the day you and your group had to try to struggle
through this thing that nobody really knew anything about and the default gear
that you think you should take is actually crap and all the good gears like blues and greens and all
this weird stuff. And now everyone knows the perfect thing all the time
no matter what and there's no thought
or experiment that really has to go into it. Right. Everything's all perfectly mapped out.
Well what you were calling it was a solved game. Yes. Like in the same sense that like
tic-tac-toe is a solved game. Yeah. So I think you
were telling me that there's basically down to like how long to hold
the button for the direction that you walk. Like the fastest way
to level up to level 60. Azeroth autopilot and it will tell you exactly who
to talk to, exactly where to walk, everything. Right. Everything
and it will just. Like the minimal number of clicks. Basically. Basically
to get to level 60. And like that's not what it was like. That's not gaming.
No. So. That's gaming the system. I'll play it because
I'm sure my dad and my brother will play it and it'll be cool to hang out with them and stuff
but. You might have more fun if you found people who have never played WoW to
play with. Almost certainly. If they don't dive super hard into
online guides. Right. And they just like try to play fairly ignorant.
Right. Which is. And you just kind of play along. Yeah. Right.
Which is kind of weird in its own right. If they release Burning Crusade that would be great. Because
Burning Crusade as far as I know is not solved in the same way the classic is. People want your straw
pole for the shirt. Ah. Yes. I do have that. Let's see
if your screen cap works. Hey. Look at that.
Oh. Not exactly what I was hoping to see
because I was hoping a more skewed pole would show up. Yeah. This is pretty
ah. Oof. That doesn't really tell us a solid
answer. No. So. Um.
Alright then. Thanks guys. One thing that I have a problem with
is like the logo also doesn't look
completely 100% like chill.
If you know what I mean. Looks a little corporate. Yeah. If you put the logo in the corner it's still
going to look like a corporate business shirt. Yeah. What if you took
off the logo and just did the wordmark? Then it's Facebook.
If you hadn't told me that I would never
have seen it. But other people do. We're a very different blue.
It's still blue.
It's pretty bad. It got pointed out by one of the members on the team. I believe it was Yuki.
And like the second he said it I was like yep. It starts
with an F. It's white text. It's not a blue background. It's a different F.
Not by much. It is different. It is different. It is 100% different.
But like. You know what?
Forget it. Let's just leave it the way it is. People who love Floatplane and want to support
Floatplane will get one and people who don't, well they won't. To be clear there's not going to be
very many. Yeah. And they're going to be like handed out at LTX. It's not like this is like
an LTT shirt design where we're like printing a thousand of them or something like that. No. I think
it's 150. And of that 150 there's like
allocation to LMG. Allocation to Floatplane employees. Allocation to
creators. So there's like really not going to be very much.
Because we don't suspect people are going to be way too into it.
People want to know when they can buy them. I don't know if we will put them for sale. I think
we're going to have some at LTX or something. Yeah. That's the only plan right now.
I think we see it as mostly like a promotional thing. Like give it away. Yeah.
Alright. Do we have anything else
that we wanted to talk about today? I don't think any official news topics. No. Yeah. Okay.
Alright. So I guess that's it.
Cool. See you again next f***ing week. Same bad time, same
f***ing channel. Bye guys. That button stops working.
Yeah. Then we're going to have a real bad f***ing time.
Oh right. This doesn't work.
Okay. We're just going to stop. Alright. That's it. Bye.