
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

Welcome to the WAN Show. You know, we've had a concept for a while, WAN Show After Hours, where things get unhinged, things get crazy!
We're just gonna start there. We're gonna start there today because we have had a week
Each of us has had a day. Our poor
Wonderful guests today have had some time
Have definitely had a day
We will get to that in a moment. But before we do, I'm so sorry. You guys were waiting for two hours for the show to start
We've got a lot of great topics to discuss with you guys today first and foremost being that
We do actually have some additional updates on the Hackening
Also Amazon has shuttered DP reviews and
That's it. Those are our special guests. Oh
My god, I didn't check how to pronounce your name
So I'm gonna say Chris Nichols and Jordan Drake and I'm gonna hope that that's right. Nice
What else we got Luke?
Nothing. We're gonna talk about nothing after that. No, the Swiss Department of Defense cites the WAN Show in an argument
Which is so sick
It's actually amazing and Linus and I are gonna fight
Actually, no, sorry that topic was already announced by Linus
but we'll discuss that later head of Intel arc leaves to form an AI startup because of course he did I
Have to confess in the chaos of this week and today. I have not even glanced at the dark
Let's do this thing
The show is brought to you today by Goliath technologies the ridge and Squarespace
You know what what are we doing first I would lead with the updates on the Hackening and just write the discussions decision
But our poor poor guests have waited so long
to talk about a site that they no longer even get to work for I am I
Want to have lots of energy as I introduce Chris and Jordan, but I'm actually really sad
Can I just do can I do like a quick read of our of our WAN Show writers sort of bullet points here
No, no, you can they can they can
But then I want to kind of I want to kind of get into it with you guys like what what is going on with
You what is going on with you know, everyone else but first, okay this week
It was revealed that one of the casualties of Amazon's layoffs was the highly respected and sure
We're editorializing a little bit here. We're saying, you know, highly respected this colorful language
But but that that's how I feel
Okay, highly respected digital photography review DP review
Which I thought was a very different site the first time I heard of it
They're the world's most popular source for camera reviews and they will be shutting down after
25 years in operation
Users who have uploaded photos to the site will have until April 6th to download them and after April 10th
The site will cease to update
Amazon gave no reason publicly for the DP reviews closure. We reached out to DP reviews editor-in-chief
Joran Schneider and there doesn't appear to be any official plan to archive the site for preservation, which is
Deeply saddening. There's an unofficial effort by the archive by archive team to scrape the entire site and make it available
via the Internet Archive
Have a quote here from Jordan Schneider Jordan. Excuse me, John Schneider. I'm I'm extremely sleep-deprived. I
Apologize for everything. We've been through it. Yeah
Anyway, this is a quote losing DP review marks a particularly dark day for photography enthusiasts then okay
I'm gonna jump in here. I'm sorry join you're doing a great job of talking about how sad this is, but it's even sadder
This is a dark day for journalism like this sucks
Okay, so I'm going back to I'm going back to his thing
DP review was among the first organizations to go to a fully online format and they created some of the most
Comprehensive technical reviews and deep dives that have ever been made on the subject of digital photography
It's one thing to lose the team and no longer have that level of quality on new cameras and equipment. It's an another entirely
Arguably worse situation to hear that the historical information on the site will just disappear
DP review isn't just a publication. It's so old and comprehensive. It's basically a digital library library should never close
Yeah, this sucks. It is unclear at this time. What will happen to the site's associated YouTube channel, though
It's longtime hosts Chris and Jordan you can see here
Have been picked up by petapixel an independent media organization that specializes in photography. So
with all of that said I want you guys to just kind of walk me through
first of all
Why the fuck does Amazon own DP review at all? I didn't know that surprising
Yeah, so so first off before we get started everybody's tired Aaron Schneider is is actually the editor for petapixel just to clarify
Oh for crying out loud not a DP review employee. Yeah, just just you know, but yeah
It's the fact is it affects everybody and it is a really big loss for the photographic community
Amazon bought them. I don't know like why did they buy in?
2007 it was a long time ago digital photography that was still when everyone was buying a digital camera at that point
And yeah, I think it was just a very different mindset, you know now I at this point in time
I don't think they would think oh we would like an editorially independent review channel that we own
Amazon bought DP review way back in 2007
Yeah, what absolutely
And you know, there's like a lot of thought like oh they were gonna start to try to you know, advertise Amazon products push, you know
cameras through the Amazon market
But honestly that didn't really happen and actually for the better because it really let deep your view be this credible source of unbiased
editorial information because to their credit I had no idea I never
So did they just buy this completely forget?
And then and then I feel like almost in the recent like tech layoffs, I feel like you guys almost got caught up in that
Which is kind of we don't know
Wait, they're not it makes sense. Hold on
So they're not only not providing the public with any reason for this
They're not providing any of the team any reason for why this is happening
Well to be fair. So Jordan and I are kind of unique right? Like we were always in Calgary, Canada
Where's or contractors so we don't actually like have an employee status with Amazon. So
Contractors, you know, yeah, it's kind of nice because we get to have that separation from it
But also it means that when it comes to all the nitty-gritty and the details, honestly, we don't really know
Wow, and there's no severance. That's another yeah, no severance. Yes, exactly. No, they didn't give you anything
Office supplies
You know, I mean the best part I heard in the chaos of all the layoffs at Twitter in particular
But even some other companies like Google where people are getting emails that they're that their jobs are redundant
They're sitting here going. Well, I've got all this equipment
If you want it back, I guess you're the one who's coming to get it, by the way
I've been working from home for the last, you know year and a half. So I guess you're coming to
Boondocks Mountain Road, you know, Oregon or whatever to come get it
So have you guys just been left with like a bunch of equipment and stuff that they how to how does that even work?
Like did you have notice?
So we did have a bit of a heads up
Certainly more than some people but less than others within the company
So we did know this is coming which is you know, why we were able to find another place to bring our show relatively quickly
We you know, it was funny. There's always this running joke of like
When is Amazon gonna remember that they own us and then do something about you know, whatever it is, right?
Like we expected at any moment there be restructuring or like oh this has changed whatever but you know
It was it was great. And and I think Jordan I both agree. We have to say
We've been there five years which is a significant part of our career. Absolutely
But there are people who have worked at that company for far far longer and so, you know
You know some all not at the beginning but really at the early stages of DP review
And so we really feel for those people that they've poured their entire heart and soul into this website
So yeah, you know we were in Seattle. We got to talk to the team
It was really nice and you know kind of say hi to everybody say goodbye to everybody
It was really quite emotional and so, you know, we're lucky we're lucky we're moving to petapixel. We land on our feet
We've got we've got good connections that way. So we're good. We're happy
But we definitely hope that the the other staff they're the writers and the staff have been there forever can find
Good positions to move forward in the careers. I feel like one of our biggest concerns is just go ahead. No, no you go ahead
It is there's such an amazing repository of information like yeah, I said in this quote there
You know that needs to be preserved and you know, I'm certainly there's it's gonna wind up in the internet database
But all of the useful tools, you know, like camera comparison tools things like that
Those are all gonna be broken and none of it's gonna be searchable
Yeah, so yeah, I hope someone is able to find some way to make that you know, recover it and keep it public
I gotta say like the feedback that we've been getting has been so good
Like, you know people have been really supportive really wonderful
but at the same time there's lots of feedback where people are justifiably upset and I totally feel for them because this is a website that
So many youtubers so many, you know amateur photographers videographers
Everybody it to some extent another has used this resource or uses it daily. And so I really understand that that's like
Yeah, it's like something that's part of you. That's gonna been torn out. It's it's really yeah, and you know, what is
honestly the most frustrating thing for me because
The first I heard of this wasn't in a news article or anything like that
It was members of our community reaching out to me kind of going, you know, oh my god
Have you seen this and is there anything you can do? Like can you buy it or something and I'm sitting here going?
Okay. Well a
There's some problems with that. I suspect the model is a little bit
unsustainable at this point I can
From a business standpoint understand why Amazon might want to cut it loose
But then even on the flip side of that this is such an
insignificant asset to a company like Amazon operating at a scale like Amazon that
What I suspect is that even if you know, I could get uncle Jeffy on the phone and say, you know
Hey, can you put in a word for me to the CEO of the vice president of the general manager?
Of the you know director of the janitor that is in charge of DP review
Right, like if you could put in a word for me, could I buy this thing? I feel like they basically just go
Honestly, it's not even it's the pocket change that we'd get from selling it is not even worth it
so while these preservation efforts like you said are so important and
And and I'm so grateful for them
There is actually no way to stop the loss that you're talking about where it's not searchable anymore where the tools don't work anymore and
As someone who you know, I have to confess never contributed probably in a meaningful way to DP review
I mean, I I didn't donate or you know, like I don't think I don't I probably never even used an affiliate link
Feel bad about it now because the handful of times I did interact with the site it was
So like it was a lifesaver because there was nothing else like it
So I want us all to take a moment
If you're if you guys are able and Luke, I don't know. Did you use DP review at all? No, okay
So I have us historically just talked to Brandon that makes sense. Yeah
Can we all share our first time using DP review do you guys remember sure
okay, do you guys want to go first because I got mine teed up, but
Yeah, I mean I was really interested in video, but then was unemployed and got a job at a photo camera store
And was I was grossly ill-equipped for that. I didn't know anything about it
So every night I just got home and poured over DP review
calm and
That is how I basically developed my entire knowledge of everything
Digital photography and I mean now I've been running a photography YouTube show for more than a dozen years
I mean you could say it's life-changing life
Absolutely. Yeah
If I hadn't if DP review didn't exist, I would walk into my job the next day
They'd realize I didn't know a damn thing and I'd be back out on the street
So yeah that and it is a resource that I use
Yeah dozens of times every single day
I just want to point out before I start my story
We had our adorable little lights to mimic you guys but much like DP review. They've gone out
But you know, yeah, I started working at the camera store as well
Well actor Jordan was ring for a different outfit
I was working for the camera store in Calgary where we built our first YouTube channel and
Unlike Jordan, I didn't research on DP review before helping customers
I would help customers realize I didn't know anything about the camera
I was trying to sell them and then I would go that night and I would go on DP review and I would but
That was the resource. I mean, there's so many small little digital point-and-shoot cameras
I was right at the cusp of where the camera store had a tiny glass showcase with digital cameras
And we had to learn them and they were like $900 which back then was like 10 million, right?
Yeah, so it was it was really important to learn brand new technology every photographer is like I'm not touching that garbage
That's a toy. That's not right, you know medium format all the way to like die
Oh, that's such a good point
like the fact that DP review has been they were the ones who effectively like
made DP made digital photography
Understandable to people who wouldn't have accepted it like trailblazing, right?
Like I'm thinking about this going this site has been around for
25 years I was 11. I
Was 11 when DP review was founded, right? So so my story sorry. Well
Am I interrupting or was no go for yeah, so so my story is that before I got into computers
One of the things that made me so jelly aside from his CD burner
Okay was one of my friends in high school's dad had a digital camera and
The only reason that I cared about a digital camera at all at that point in my life
Was that I did not have any way there was no
Digital means of taking a real-world object and representing it on my computer in my household
And so when I was on MSN messenger, okay, or the palace which was this like weird
Predecessor to Habbo Hotel
I had no way of having a representation of myself on my computer because I didn't own a digital camera and
So my first my first digital camera was this weird. I can't even remember what it was called
I want to say like flip or it was like a weird predecessor to the flip
It was like a little like action camera that man is like a like a rectangle was a little vertical thing
Yeah, but it was pre flip. I think flip was like a better one that came later something
I don't even remember the brand but my aunt got it for me for Christmas and she was super impressed with herself
And I took one picture with it
I was like you really need to return this because I might as well have nothing I
Was a lot nicer about it
But oh man, but what that crappy device
That you know really the quality was like what V tech might have put out like 10 years ago like really it was awful
But what that crappy device did was it it sparked a curiosity and
What I what I ended up doing was when I was only I was in grade 10, I think so I was only
Was it made me want to learn about it and I ultimately ended up with a Canon Powershot a20 and
the reason I settled on it was because
Double A's. Yeah. Well, hey those double A's
Do you work for a digital photography review channel? How did you know that? Yeah
So I got a pack of I mean you didn't have like good double A's back then it was all it was all nickel cadmium
Right. So no nickel metal hydride yet, but no antelopes, but you could get rechargeables. So I got myself a pack of
Four rechargeables and and a two battery charger that you couldn't get, you know a 12 bay charger for you know
30 bucks on Amazon yet at that point
But I man remember that weird brand that the battery was like kind of like tan colored and it was like really muscular
Do you guys remember that?
Logo I don't recall. Yeah, I don't remember what's called but I had one of those
And and I ended yeah, they were awful and I ended up with this Canon Powershot a20 because
DP review determined that it was
Pretty okay, and it was kind of the entry level. So it's 2.1 megapixels. It was the entry level of what could be
acceptable at all
But without you know
Completely breaking the bank and that was all I could afford at the time and that camera like pan
I still look at pictures I took on that camera and I never open I never opened a photo album
so it changed my life in that way too and I wouldn't have been able to I wouldn't have known what to buy as
Just an ignorant 15 year old if it hadn't been for DP review
They were so far ahead even back then of the competition in terms of thoroughness in terms of professionalism. Yeah, like
You had a lot of people back then like they would they would rank digital cameras
Like I don't want to throw consumer reports onto the bus or anything, but let's do it
You know and they would just do like four out of five stars or three out of five stars, right?
What does that mean? Like Oh
Fits good in hand, you know images go on to computer right now or CNET or whatever, right?
Not that I want to throw anybody under the bus
Makes color pictures and then DP review they would actually like test these things out and they would they would show you sample photos
And they would talk about the pros and cons. I mean how many of us except Luke because you know
Luke's never been on the website
all the rest of us like you know the reviews and you could even just go to the
Conclusion at the at the end and you could get a full breakdown and I bet you there's a lot of youtubers
You know our peers that would all admit
I mean
You know and us included DP review is also how we would fact check our work and make sure that we weren't just talking out
Of our asses. It was really wonderful. That's actually such a good point
these these
Unsung heroes doing the real work that allowed, you know
ignorant schmucks like us to become the
Like the the face of the space right like I owe my entire career to sites like a non tech
You know forums like extreme systems dog. I didn't found I didn't found these places. I didn't know anything
I was just I was just hungry for knowledge, right and
You know now we're seeing all of all of these places either
disappear or become a shell of what they once were now one of the other discussion topics that I wanted to get into with you guys is
You know
This and this might be a fun one. What the heck was Amazon's plan for DP reviews because I
Did they even have the affiliate program yet in 2007 like?
Internally did you guys have any idea what was in it for them 2007?
they were still they were still growing their they're like the different brands and categories that they covered and
Like when did they stop just selling books? Oh, yeah, like when did Amazon even start?
Hey, I feel like I feel like it's actually like very very old like actually the beginning of Amazon is quite quite old
But I think once they started trying to get out of books
1994 yeah, yeah
So, yeah, you know we can we can only guess right I mean again
We think it was probably at a time where they're trying to acquire
the the biggest resources in many different, you know fields and just try to get their fingers in as many pots as possible and I
Because so many people went to DP review like I think in some ways that made sense is like people who are educated
like you were saying Linus, you know if you can
Feel confident to the decision because you have information you buy more stuff
You know, so I do think there was an era there where they were like
Oh, we want to get out as much consumer information as possible. I can't speak to why they bought it that is
child, I'm so glad you brought that up because
Clearly and it's a funny thing because until very recently, you know, it's been Jeff Bezos at the helm of Amazon since its inception
You know clearly he has undergone some kind of fundamental change because I could absolutely
See that being a motivation at the time and looking at some of the earlier Amazon features that were developed around
Helping people helping guide people to the best solution, right?
Clearly that is not a priority anymore
And you like you look at what just what a cluster it is. What an awful experience
Trying to find the right product on Amazon
I mean we did a video recently on the prevalence of scam products on Amazon now that it's a marketplace full of shady sellers and
While they say they spend a lot of money fighting these kinds of tactics clearly. It's not working and
the solution is to
Stop doing what you're doing, but they just keep doing it, right?
Now this is interesting. I assume
You guys didn't assume I assume Jeff was just like get me one of everything
Yeah, I just looked up like a history of Amazon and it's long and stuff and I close it because it's too long
But in that period they were doing a lot of expansionary stuff and and Amazon fresh
Amazon music. Yeah, they acquired audible the year prior in 2006. Yeah. This is an interesting one. This is another thing
I maybe I'm just totally ignorant. I just don't think about these things. I had no idea. They owned IMDb
They bought IMDb in 1998. Whoa. So again, but back to what you were saying I could see that being about
Making sure that people have access to information about quality content, right?
Maybe yeah, absolutely
If you if you if you're a store that sells all the things getting people excited about buying new things is beneficial
Yeah, I guess so
And then you want to have the best of those particular things. Yeah, or the way it has the most traffic. Yeah
Okay. So here's my last here's my last sort of question that I wanted to talk through with you guys
Who is going to?
Take on this role. I
Just I don't know who's equipped at this point
There are certainly people who could have the potential like we're gonna continue testing cameras at petapixel
To have that history. I mean they might very well do testing that's great right now
But I mean a lot of photographers are using eight-year-old gear
How are you gonna be able to compare that thing that you're looking to buy now to what you currently own?
You're not able to do that. Yeah, and that's why this is such an important historical
Yeah thing and no one else has this information nearly as complicated you talked I'm sorry keep going
Have you talked to people at petapixel about how you might address that like are you guys planning on picking up some?
some older gear to try to give some amount of reference point or
Yeah, it's tough to see I mean the great thing about petapixel is first off
We've we've known the people who run it for almost a decade, right? We've been good friends
It made a lot of sense is a great relationship and they are very professional about their work as well
So we're happy about that
We like working with a company that you know is a team for us and they have the same skills and they have that same
Kind of work ethic to test cameras and stuff. So we're confident that we have that going forward
But yeah, as far as the the older cameras the older archives, I don't know. Yeah rely with on this
It's not no so good no more and certainly we could grab an older camera
If it's a right comparison that makes sense, but I mean, we're never gonna come up with every use case
No, and you're not going to that's what's great. You're not gonna methodically go back and retest every camera
like that's that's another really that's uh, it's so
Sad this you know, the library should never close quote is it that's that's that's so it hits me right in the feels right?
Because this knowledge shouldn't be lost. Yeah, but it's it's gone
It's the biggest the thing that makes me saddest about all of this though. Is that it's emblematic of a
Widespread problem that we have in media today and that's that no frills
journalism isn't profitable
It's not even it's apparently not even worth just letting it continue to run
It's apparently such a such a an unprofitable
Awful business that everyone in it wants to get a payday
From some sucker who thinks they can turn the ship around or just dump it all together
That's even worse that it apparently isn't even worth selling
And it just makes me incredibly sad. Our chat is blowing up saying what about LTT Labs LTT Labs is gonna is gonna
guys, we're we're we're we're barely set up to the point where where we can start to
Really test, you know CPUs GPUs things that are our core competencies, right?
Digital photography is not and there's so much to know. There's so much expertise that we don't have and yes someday
You know, we'd love to we'd love to go toe-to-toe with you guys. I'm ready. I'm ready. Let's go create create a clash, you know
File fight you
Yeah, yeah for sure
We should have like a Canadian creator like a beaver slap fight where
Hey, do you like wear boxing gloves and then verbally debate because you're like too nice. Yeah, I don't know man
I used to know Doss. So you just watch
Can make a batch file like nobody's business
But I also I also worry that
Okay, I have to confess people have talked internally before this even went down about whether we're gonna get into digital photography and my answer
Was I'm kind of worried it's too niche
I don't even know if it makes sense for us to go into is that a concern that you guys have for the future now
That smartphone cameras are so good
You know the way I see it
We have been hearing this a lot about like oh it's a it's a business model that's doomed and it's gonna fail stuff
And I don't know if I'm really that that
Skeptical about it. Like we've had so many changes happen in digital in well in photography in general, right?
Format changes when it was filmed then we had the start of digital and everybody's like all this is stupid and now it's you know
The predominant thing and then mirrorless and everybody's like all that's stupid and now it's a predominant thing and smartphones and all those are a gimmick
That's not going to take off and look where we are now and now getting into AI and stuff
Like I think when we when we talk about imaging in general
There's still very much a future there and I can't speak to deeper views
financial solubility
But you know, I know that it seemed like they were doing very well, you know
We were doing a lot of new projects and stuff. So I don't really think it was that I think it's more
That's even sadder maybe
well, you know, I think it's more just like adapting to the to the industry and
Going forward and I'm not too worried about it that way. But is it going to be you know, SLRs and stuff?
Well, maybe not as much
I mean, I think it's it's gonna go back to how it was before, you know
Where everybody had the uncle that was the photographer
Over that period, you know, everybody got a compact camera multiple cameras and stuff like that
Like there was this huge boom that was totally unsustainable
but you know like look we're working for a company now that you know, we're with a company now that
Has more emphasis on things like computers and smartphones and other tech and stuff
I think that's a smart way to go but you know at the same time as you said Linus like photography digital photography
If while you have time everybody listening, you know
Go to the deep your view forums and actually look at also the educational articles
and when you really start getting into the science behind things like dynamic range and low-light performance and color resolution and stuff like it's
Advanced science and the people at deep your view are so much more intelligent than Jordan and I are it's very intimidating to go meet them
Yes, right like your dummies. They're very intelligent very skilled people with science
You know oriented backgrounds and that's what you need. Like there's so much science behind it. So
Yeah, learn that stuff get into it. It's fascinating. But yeah, it's it's tough that we don't have that resource anymore
the real resource is just going to be the people that enjoy that resource that are
hopefully gonna start to maybe branch out make their own educational websites maybe
Transfer or or save some of those archives. We're gonna have to see how it goes. It's interesting to me
Archiving I'm gonna be selfish for one second and mentioned that we did make
400 over 400 videos for them and we don't know what's gonna happen to those and I don't know if you guys can empathize in any
Way with suddenly potentially losing YouTube videos. This might not be I don't know
That's something you guys were done, but we would really like to see those stay on the website
So definitely, you know mentioned yeah, you know get out there let people know you want those deep
Exists maybe digital photography this cool like bootleg
Underground like oh you go meet a guy and you're like, oh man, I got a jump drive with an old DP review TV
Article on Linus's favorite, you know Canon a20, you know, I got some test chart shots here
Well, I mean I don't think I can condone any of the sort of privateering that our guests are talking about today
Personally think it would be a crying shame if I
Amazon were to lose out on
the their
But you know what? I can't even do this. Oh, it's really
Videos. Yeah. Yeah, it's really it's really easy. There's like a lot of tools for that and
it would you know if you even just want to download our entire DP review archive and then you can just like
People could just play it while they're trying to fall asleep and stuff like I'd be happy if someone's getting use out of it
Yeah, that's great. All right. Well, hey
I think the last thing for us is to thank you for coming on and give you guys a chance to kind of
Give one more plug for where we can find more content from you guys
And if you know where any member of the members of the team who you really, you know
Respect are gonna be landing if you could kind of give some plugs for that as well. We just
We want to learn right and
We have one resource going away
So hopefully this can become resource whack-a-mole and no amount of late-stage capitalism can kill it
So tell us tell us where we can where we can get our fix our DP fix
Well, look, I think the first thing out. Yeah, I want DP coming at me from all angles
And then we'll review it for you
I get the first thing I would say is if anybody out there, you know is looking for talented people
Definitely get in touch with the staff that are deep peer-reviewed
So you're saying that not everyone has found somewhere to land yet, basically
Well, I don't know but you know like get in touch with them, you know
Put it out there because we've really appreciated a lot of the support that we got just after this announcement
So, you know give them some love otherwise petapixel come subscribe to the channel
We're gonna start releasing new videos in May
So, okay, you know, this is plenty of time to build it up subscribe
So you guys don't miss us so we would really appreciate it
And again the people that have been saying we're gonna follow you we're gonna stick with you. That's been the greatest feeling
It's it's indescribable. So we're really appreciative of that. All right. Well, thank you so much guys, and thanks for for sharing your experience. I
Hope you got some dinner while you were waiting for us to get the issues sorted out
We're good, everything's good. We're happy to be here. I'm happy to be here. Yeah, everyone's happy to be here today. Okay. Yeah
And on that note, why don't we get into our headline topic for the day
Which is the update on the LTT hackening the source for this for this topic is of course
Read it. Oh, okay. Well, I mean they seemed to know about it before I did
And I want to kind of treat this as a little bit of Q&A, I'm sure Dan I haven't checked
I noticed that about a bazillion merch messages have hit you already. So, you know how last week we had 400
We've been live for 44 minutes
I see
And there are 350
Okay, I don't even know what we're launching this week, but whatever it is, you guys are apparently very excited about it
Well, I know that's one of them
The point is Dan do we have any merch messages that you could feed me with that are kind of Q&A about what went down?
Oh, you want some softballs? Yeah, here we go
Where was it I
Want softballs to go with my softballs. Did you guys hear that? Oh, sorry
Yeah, he's probably been typing like a merch message response every 17.3 seconds
So his knuckles were tied up. One of the first ones that we got is from Carlos
What came out of this that you most appreciate oh
That's wow. You did tee up some softball questions. Good work, Dan. You're very welcome. I'm sure you're exhausted
I've thought about this a fair bit because I've had a couple people come up to me internally and ask
You know, I know that you didn't do this on purpose
but are you glad it happened and
my response my response has been
If you told me that I could trade a night's sleep for
5,000 more playing subscribers a banger 4 million view video a dbrand sponsorship
And probably something else, you know
Oh being trending on Twitter for an entire day if someone said would you trade a night's sleep for all that?
I would say yes. Yeah, but if they asked me would you trade a night's sleep in a state of panic? I
Would say gee, I really don't know about that. I do I
Had a blast
Even ask him. Okay, so he's up at 4 in the morning or whatever messaging like just on the line with me and Yvonne
Okay, what can I do? Can I like go to the office and retrieve this device that that we need you're like check whatever
I didn't even ask him if he was gonna be on time for work. I suspect you never even went home
Oh, no, I didn't know. Yeah, okay. Yeah
It's always up for what was it so it's
41 hours. Yeah, Luke often talks about missing the early days of Linus media group
Not in spite of but because of the state of
This constant state of existential crisis that we had like the whole thing could dissolve it any second if we didn't go
When we were we'll get to this later. We'll get to more details this later. Some of us had children
We had to worry about supporting. Okay, and that was great because then there's more for me to do
At one point in time we're on the line with a developer from Google and our support contact from Google both
Wonderful, very helpful people. Thank you very much
Thanks, we're on the line with them and I'm working with them to like restore the status of the various accounts and James
I don't know if I don't know if he said it through voice or if he typed it out
But he's like you're having a really good time
Do this all the time like let's do this in another week or two this might jam
I I am feeling like I said, I was up for for 41 hours
I'm a little older now than when we used to do that a little bit more frequently
You know, the recovery isn't quite there. I'm feeling a little a little haggard today hydrated. Yeah
Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah stuff like that. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, but yeah, I I loved it. It's great. Yeah
And I feel like that's a culture that you kind of cultivate in your team. Oh, dude, cuz I asked
I am so upset that I missed Luke's call at 4 a.m. Cuz I would have been here. Yeah. Okay, man. Okay, great
So I I didn't ask anybody Joe
Joe I knew was on it because I saw him in the discord chat
Dealing with stuff and then I checked like the ticketing system and I see him just chugging through stuff
He never even checked with me. He just started working at like 3 30 in the morning and
Checked in way later in the day and was like, yep, haven't slept doing tickets. I'm just like
Sick. No, I never asked him to do it. He's just doing it AJ's in early
Everybody's like in early. I didn't ask anyone to come in early. Everybody's working late. I didn't ask anyone to work late
They're just like yeah, there's problems. We're fixing them. I I sent a message in our like here. Let me read it out
Because it was actually so I yeah while he looks that out I love this stuff here's the problem
float plane our
video platform for those of you who are not the few of you who are not watching on float plane because as far as I
Can tell everyone's watching on float plane right now float plane is our in-house video streaming platform that has grown
astronomically like
5,000 new subscribers more than that in the last 24 hours. We we set a stretch target
Okay for the social team. We set a stretch goal. In fact, I don't even think we had told the team yet
But but Colton and I were talking about it. Hey, maybe we could set like a stretch goal of
40,000 subscribers by the end of the year. Is that reasonable? Is that something they could we're at?
39,750 at our current rate we might pass that before I go to sleep. Yes
So anyway, it's been it's been incredible but the problem with adding that many new users
New fresh users who are looking at it now is that it puts strain on systems that you might not even realize
Because they're all on the site all at the same time. For example the chat
We've had okay
We've had an issue that we've known about for a long time where if the chat rate is too high on float plane
It doesn't automatically scroll down to the latest you have to like manually click it to scroll down all the time
Well, it was never a problem because not that many people were watching
But I actually noticed last night when I did my welcome to float plane stream because I had noticed we had
5,000 new people and I figured geez these guys all came on to float plane to show their love. We should say hi. They
They came on to be the first to know what's going on. Should they really be finding out in a YouTube video?
The answer to that is no, I'm very tired. I'm very hungry, but I'm gonna go on float plane. I'm gonna do a stream
Yeah, hang out with you guys for a little bit. Thank you for showing up and I noticed that I had to constantly
Fix the chat
I've never seen this issue before and that's just because we have so many more people on the site
So the team has pushed extremely hard. Oh, yeah, so right. Okay. What were you gonna say?
So the the I sent oh what it went away. Oh, no, I know where it is. Give me one second
This his brain is just operating at the same speed as his horrible phone that he hates
I sent this message. I don't even know when this was because time at this point is an illusion
But I think it was last night technically
Great job
Everyone huge effort from everyone involved was extremely proud of everyone stepping up to get stuff done and keep us moving forward despite the issues
And massive influx of users was a great reminder of how this team is very much made of people
I enjoy working with and I love those types of reminders
You know what?
I mean like stuff just starts hitting the fan and when you don't even like have to ring the bell
Everyone just shows up and is like I'm on it. That's so
Cool. It's so sweet. Also. Yeah
AJ and Jaden in the chat here talking about even newer features
Yeah, did you even know about that?
You said something about low latency streaming on float plane, but I didn't know we were rolling it out
Are we just pushing things to prod now?
Like is that how we is that how we manage float plane now some of the so what we make you CTO of Linus media
Group you get all busy with password migration
And everything just completely goes to hell in a handbasket over on the floor
Are you saying you can't do two jobs at once and host the most popular tech podcast in the world?
Are you saying I ask too much or do I ask too little because you seem to be having the time of your life
It's great
One of my family members reached out with like concern
And they're like are you doing okay, and I'm like this is awesome
Trust me. I'm good. I
Was I was commenting to someone because they're like haven't you fallen asleep yet?
At like hour 35 or something yeah, and I'm like I'm good actually just if I stop working
I'm done, but like as long as there's something to do. I'm just gonna keep cruising. Yeah, it was uh it was good
It was good. I
Do have a bone to pick with you. Oh we have to fight
But I think we should
Do we want to recap people on like what happened or do we just assume they know because the internet was real on top of?
This yeah, I couldn't believe how viral this went
I mean shout out our forum moderators right and discord
I have never when I when I dropped in on the thread about this I
Assumed that people were discussing the hack in some like ancient thread and off-topic. That's just been around
Because it already had like 70 pages or something like that the second it happened everything else
We had just got slammed like tons of people hit the store tons of people hit the forum tons of people hit float plane
We were just like how is everything else doing?
And they wanted to talk about it stuff, which I mean that's great makes sense yeah
But I I just yeah just the the fact that everyone again like the forum moderators are another example of a team that went into
disaster response immediately without me even acknowledging that they are working so hard as
volunteers in the community like
Just thank you very much everyone. I forget where like you
Right now the brains little fried is that I actually can talk myself past my my my rambling
Yeah, and no longer have any idea how I started even the sentence that I am now trying to complete
Yeah, so I don't know what I was talking about anymore
we're both we're both not as great at recovering from lack of sleep as we used to because I actually bet you this would not
Have been a problem back in the day, and I can't help you because I'm in the exact same situation cool
The other thing that I can't do right now is multitask like at all. I've noticed if I start workers. I can't hear
Right right we're supposed to be doing the series of events okay, so
It happened the internet exploded
I can I can give you guys a little bit more detail. I you know in the video
I wanted to keep everything actionable
You know here's what's actionable for our team because I know every person in this building watched that video. There's no way they didn't and
Here's what's actionable for Google because I know
That video is making the rounds at Google
So I wanted to really focus on what we can do differently what they can do differently
How do we solve this problem, and it's a huge problem, I actually had the creator of
Here let me just find my discord here
I had the creator of
Where's this damn message
Crap see problems
How do you how do you just find
There's a search yeah, I just don't even know which
Discord I was in here it is okay the creator of film art calm which is a super cool oh
My god my folding phone it just dropped me into a completely different disc okay
The the creator of a super cool site film art calm. It's a subtitle YouTube search
So you can search YouTube YouTube videos buy their subtitles interest so if you want to find every video where I said
Dang it Luke
You just key that in home, and it'll bring it up including the timestamp very interesting so cool anyway
Because he archives and
Words because he archives
Subtitles you can actually search his tool for
Certain keywords that might indicate that a channel has been taken over so he has a feed of videos
That are being added and deleted on about 20 million channels not the entire site and he can extract channel name changes
Which can indicate hacked and taken over channels in history?
And this is really cool because he sent me this message that I was totally afraid to open because I thought it might be a PDF
That executable disguised as a PDF right, but he sent me this this text file that has every
Channel in the last 10 days that had its name changed to
Tesla live or Tesla motor something with Tesla in it how many subscribers it has and
Look at this list
This is last 10 days
Yeah, well I showed I showed Jake this this thing that you can do yeah
It is really straightforward, but and I think you guys ended up showing it in that in that video
But if you just search on YouTube Elon Musk, and then there's a not the most obvious thing in the world
But there's a filter button and then it expands different ways that you can filter and you filter by live
and you just scroll through and you look through thumbnails of his face or thumbnails of that zoom call or thumbnails of
Some SpaceX stuff because there's SpaceX versions of what happened to us
Yeah, they're just everywhere and tons of them have like 5,000 people watching. It's not a small number
There's like at least five or six you'll find and then you scroll a little bit more if I'm five or six more constantly
5,000 3,000 2,000 all over the place so it's crazy
This is a huge problem that needs to be fixed and the only reason that we haven't raised the alarm about it before us
I didn't know about it. Yeah, I just sometimes
I'm just in my bubble and working on my stuff, and I just I just don't notice these things
But this is disastrous so I can give you guys a little bit more detail about you know what things were like in the war room
first of all
When two entities are in an account at the same time trying to make changes at the same time
things can get a little janky and one of the reasons that I wasn't able to lock things down was that I
didn't I
Immediately went for okay the 2fa is compromised right okay? It's got to be the 2fa is compromised
They've got to be in the account
But because the account that was breached was not Linus tech tips at gmail.com
Not the actual channel owner account all of the attempts that I was making
Resetting that 2fa all that kind of stuff does nothing. Not just that okay, not just that not only was
Resetting 2fa and resetting a password not helping
but even
Revoking all the devices that were logged in was not
Helping yeah, and that's something that a lot of people
I think in their in their responses to this don't realize like Linus as soon as you realize something was wrong
Why didn't you just revoke every signed-in device?
Because it didn't fucking work. Yeah, and so and you got to remember too. It's 3 30 in the morning
I have foggy. I've been sleeping brain. I am
laser focused on figuring out how to secure my 2fa because I
Think that it's I think that it's pretty
You know self-explanatory that I don't have a completely separate two-factor authentication system for every single account
right, so
The YouTube account was not the only thing I was concerned about so I'm sitting here going I'm checking other accounts
Is anything else compromised is anything else breached?
And then I'm like okay. I'm gonna lock them out of LTT
The LTT account was not how they got in
then I
Realized I don't know how to use the content manager system. Yeah, I didn't set it up cold set it up all right I
Don't know maybe I should just call them in the middle of the night, but I didn't
Because I thought okay. I can probably figure this out. It's just a matter of like resetting passwords
And they lock you know lock it down lock it down
It took me a while to figure out how to how to
Manage who has access to a particular channel through content manager then and this is something
I didn't want to throw at YouTube at the time because it just didn't feel constructive once
I did figure out how to lock people out whether it's a flaw of the system
whether it's because our account had been flagged in some way I
Couldn't lock it down
Once I even once I knew so the way it works is with your you know Linus media group email. You're assigned a role
some kind of role that gives you varying levels of access to the various channels and
The Linus tech tips one because it has so many people who work on it even in an uploader
Capacity because like the business team for example uploads sponsored videos the writers upload non-sponsored videos like there's there's all these different workflows
And there's all these different reasons that a lot of people do need to have some level of access to it
the Linus tech tips one has quite a few people that have some role or another and
Because I had finally figured out the vector. I was trying to lock it down, and it would time out every single time
So even once I knew
Yeah, that one's rough. That's why the additional channels went down even once I knew I
couldn't stop it and
Now fortunately as we made our way into the smaller channels there were fewer and fewer people who had roles
And we were able to lock them down
That's why we only lost LTT tech link and tech wiki because obviously these
These scammers wanted to go for the biggest channels first
I'm kind of surprised a huge problem. They didn't take
Like not even that much extra time
I probably shouldn't put ideas in people's head, but not even that much extra time and just hit all them at once
Surprised me a little bit
Yeah, I don't know. I don't know it's a good question
There were a few things that were very confusing to me especially because I wasn't familiar with this sort of attack where they hijack
Your session token from your browser and then act like they are
Your browser or even though they're accessing it from somewhere else now
Here's something that I'm really confused about because I've encountered this on many accounts and unfortunately
I'd like I've never thought about it, so I don't know if I've ever seen it on a Google account
But when you access a service with a token that was created
Somewhere IP stuff so as far as my understanding goes they just VPN in through somewhere that they think is probably close to me
And hoping that the token will last or I did see that there when looking through a bunch of logs and stuff
I did see that certain device connection things were coming from
Vancouver Canada I
See I don't know if all of them did
I remember at one point in time talking about a
device connecting from a certain country, but I don't know if we were
The the person I that we're talking. I don't know if we were just like
Using that as you know a country that's far away. Yeah, or if that was actually a connection that happened right?
But as I don't know that
Google I have heard from other people, but this is entirely hearsay at this point
So I really don't want to claim it as anything yeah that Google doesn't really do IP checks on on those cookies
Because the the conversation that I had with this person was they were going well
I'm I'm I'm always surprised that Google doesn't do this because all these other services do well
It makes sense well, here's the thing right like if the geographical location changes dramatically
Then it's kind of a no-brainer
But if they're VPNing if they're coming into Vancouver through through somewhere close to you
Then I mean that could be something as simple as you know switching from your Wi-Fi to your friends Wi-Fi
You don't want to log back into everything we know that oh, yeah, no, okay?
There was definitely one connection that happened from Germany
For sure ice we saw that
That's a move. I don't know if that had anything to do with the Google accounts or anything else though
I know that happened at one point right one thing
If any of the Google accounts and that that one that came from Germany was from a VM provider in Germany
Very trackable right in my opinion. It would mean VPN provider. What did I said VM provider? Yeah?
I meant I meant VPN. Sorry a little he got it we got there
If if they used a VPN provider yeah to get to a node that's in Vancouver
Personally I would throw crazy red flags on an account that went from its rough location to pretty close to its rough location
I mean if I can do it. Yeah like make them relog in you
Don't have to like you know go nuclear, but just make them relog in yeah, whatever
I mean, maybe don't you know what maybe don't even make them have multiple factors or maybe make that something you can configure
But do something they're gonna do to FA or something yeah, or don't make
Yeah, maybe just make them put in a one-time one-time code
Yeah, right like I I would consider that to be something some form of like hey something weird happened. Are you good?
Yeah, we couldn't help noticing. Yeah, there was some weird stuff. Yeah old man. That was another really frustrating
I don't know 100% what they do though as part of the lockdown attempts that I was making I was trying to change the recovery
Phone number on the Linus tech tips at gmail.com account
Because I thought you know maybe that had been compromised
It's sim hijacked or something like that, and it was airing out every time
Part of the error out was that as I was doing it was trying to re-authenticate me
And I'm like okay now you do it, but then it was causing it to error out come on
Okay, I was extremely angry and extremely naked I was as angry as I was naked so I was too
Sometimes sometimes I
Really laugh at the similarities between Linus and I because like we're we're different in a bunch of ways
But then certain things are just like wow that's really oddly
Identical because our response was literally matched the second. I figured out about I didn't call you
Immediately, I don't remember exactly how it went, but I tried to verify because someone informed me, and I was on my phone
Yeah, and I was like okay. I need to like get to my camp
I'm tired like I need to get downstairs get to my computer make sure this is real
And then I called you afterwards yeah, but I just immediately bounced out of bed
Grabbed like my my clothes from the day before that was on my way out
So it didn't take me any extra time did not bother to put them on
immediately ran downstairs sat at my computer and just dropped the clothes next to me and started working and
Didn't recognize until like I think it was an hour and a half
Cold when you juiced up on it your adrenaline
Yeah, no and like but my my roommates door to his room is directly behind my desk
Oh, he could have seen some stuff. So he wakes up. He wakes up at 4 30 every day. He's an early bird
He wakes up and gets in the shower. Yeah, and I hear the shower turn on I'm like okay
Time to put on clothes
But I was I was I didn't know you were I was similarly naked for the first like hour and a half of this thing
Hilarious I find that very funny
Okay, here's my here's my bone to pick with you buck. Oh, why what did I do?
This is why we're fighting so yeah, this is the first time hearing of us fighting is this like a topic in the dock
I don't read the dog. I didn't want to prime you on it because I didn't want to disrupt your day
Oh, and I wanted to all right
What are we fighting to save the juice for one show is this because I bailed on the call with the YouTube engineer?
Because I I was I look I was doing that badminton
Kids okay, I needed to go I sent the message. I said good dad at whatever point
I genuinely thought that I had it under control
There wasn't actually much that you could really do that was going to be different or beneficial. What is he mad about see?
Should I try to you want to try to figure it out? Okay? Okay? He's mad, but he's not that mad
But he's clearly a little mad. I'm kind of mad. Okay, okay hold on hold on okay
I'm just like more grown up now, so I'm dealing with it better that I didn't call you
Okay, that okay. I don't even thought about
Am digging myself a deeper hole here my stupid phone doesn't even know when I called you. Which is great
It's annoying. I know when the team's call started, but that wasn't the first call all right. Why are you mad? Why are you mad? Okay?
so I
Wake I'm I'm in pretty early on this whole thing yes
I'm not the first person who calls you, but I got to be pretty early on yeah
I push through the whole thing. I like to think I did pretty well. There's definitely some some
Mistakes, but I think they're relatively minor and acceptable considering how hard I was
Make it through this whole thing thing and feeling pretty good. I go to bed feeling like really good
I'm sitting there waiting for the video to go up because I know there's certain like limitations that accounts can have on YouTube
Yeah, and I'm worried this whole time that we're not actually gonna be able to upload sir
So I'm waiting just in case like I need to dive back in I see the video go live
Yeah, I click on it. It starts to play. I close it immediately fall asleep
Yeah, I was probably asleep like potentially before the phone was fully laid down
Yeah, I was out. I wake up because my scheduled alarm goes off. Yes nine in the morning
So I only got like seven hours of sleep after that whole thing I wake up and immediately
I'm like I want to watch the video now. Oh, I think I see where this is going watch the video
What do you think in the video might have pissed me off the fact that I didn't specifically call you out as no
No, because you might notice I had a writer credit on that video
I did not write myself into it at all because I actually didn't really care
So what do you think in the video might have pissed me off? Okay, hold on. Hold on. Let me think
Because I got
Roasted for this by a bunch of my friends like a lot of them. Okay, hold on. Hold on. I
Still don't know. I don't think I've actually had I don't know certain people in this space
Just reach out to me and be like are you actually?
Idiot before okay
Wait, hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Okay, is it that I didn't acknowledge that it wasn't your job yet to
The malware warning we got okay. Okay. No, okay, you gotta tell me okay, so
So I don't even remember what's in that video
I don't even I don't think I've even talked to AJ about this and AJ knows one of the problems
There's two problems half half half the time
This one is much less of a problem because I know how you meant it, but the way that you said it
No one else interpreted that way. Have you said time you acknowledged me at one point in the video?
Again, I didn't necessarily want acknowledgement. It's fine
You did acknowledge me at one point in the video to say that I was there for a half of the night
You said that because the night started
It started in the middle of the night how everyone's going to interpret that is I was there for half of the time
No, and then you didn't reference any other part that I was still working on anything
We got people were like, oh he showed up for half of the bad boy. That's not what that
Mean it that way. It's
3.30 in the morning. That's like the half
I heard it and I was like darn it
He's doing that thing that he does with react content and the the word that I'm not gonna mention and stuff like that
We were up half the night. Yeah, I got working on the thing
I was like I was annoyed by that because of the
Interpretation that I knew the audience was going to get and how it painted me. That's not fair to him or to me
Yeah, you didn't mean it that way okay, what did I mean I was annoyed but we're still cool
All right. What are we not cool about that? You've waited for a podcast cool about with
35 to
40,000 people watching what we're not cool about and I have multiple witnesses for this
Including your wife and my partner my wife
You were like I had no idea what the attack vector was and if I watched Theo Joe's video
Maybe I would have known. Yes. I told you
Immediately what the problem was
What so everyone's messaging me be like, dude, how did you not know I did
So let me explain that
Because the private conversation that I had with Yvonne later and you probably witnessed some of this was very
Conciliatory I
Was pretty rude to her in the heat of the moment. I did witness that
Yeah, so what I said to her was like I have no excuse for this. I'm really sorry
Not only was I was I was I short
Not only was I short but I was not attentive enough to the
Instructions that you were giving me that would have made the situation. Not only did I identify the resolve itself fast
I knew exactly what department of the company it went to I also knew
Exactly how to fix it and I asked you if you could log me in I can fix it for you and you said no
I'm focused right now, which is fine. Yes, which is fine. So but to have the video come out
Okay, that is a banger and for it to be like there is no way I could have known I didn't I'd like didn't say
There was no way I could have known I said I didn't know and to know I would have had to watch this video which by
the way shout out Joe Joe Joe was in the script because
Again, I got a writer credit on this thing that just roasts me which is sick
But that video was in the script because it's an amazing. It's really good
It's a very good video and I knew we weren't gonna go into as much detail about the attack and how to avoid how to
Identify and stuff. So I wanted that video to be referenced because it is fantastic
So I'm not I'm not dogging on on just be like super clear. It's a great video
I wanted it in there. So yes, that is not the only way that you could have known
So here's the second thing that I said to Yvonne which she knows because she's been with me for 18 years or something like that
Was that okay. I do not operate well before about noon. Never mind. Yeah at 3 in the morning
Yeah, yeah, if I'm still up at 3 in the morning
I'm sharp as a task. Oh fine. But if I am already up at 3 in the morning
I am I am non-functional at my best I have
Diagnosed for real
ADD at my absolute best focus not easy for me
it's one of the things that makes me and her an
absolutely incredible team because
I'm going every different direction. I got ideas
Coming into my brain faster than you could shake a stick at right and she is focused and methodical
She's the one who can actually make sure that anything comes of any of it
Isn't so hurt sorry to yeah, she's the one that actually got the accounts of course fixed. Yeah, of course because
Because she's the one that is yeah, and I don't know it's weird because in certain types of crises
I'm the one who's cool and collected
Like we got sideswiped on the freeway a number of years ago and she's just like in a panic and I'm sitting here going okay
You know
Signal on pull over not on the bridge over there. Okay
Make sure we flag them down make sure they're stopping do this do that get this information
Take these pictures in certain types of in a certain type of crisis
Often like that in other kinds of crises where we're trying to figure out what's going on
My brain is going it could be this it could be this could be this could be this and like I'm trying to I'm trying to
Execute anything and I can't do
Anything with all these ideas coming in and with not one
But two people talking into each of my ears while I am in a brain fog at 3 in the morning
I can tell you now with 100% honesty that I have no idea that you ever told me that or ever asked me that I
Know Vaughn does because later on in the call she even she asked me she's like
How did you know it was that and I had to explain like god there's there's been like a bunch of videos a bunch of
Articles like this has been going around quite a bit lately all that kind of stuff and I even told her today and she was
Like what? How did he not know that and I was like
Do you did you know that her and I started trying to work around you know?
Oh, so we started on a wan show not even that long ago
I talked about how like Vaughn and I used to butt heads all time and now we're super bros
but during this you were like
Going nuclear a little bit. So her and I started PMing each other to get work done. Yeah good on the side
That's fine, which was great
Which is great because it meant that you guys were quiet
Which yeah that I could actually focus on anything which was actually the goal because it was
Like I've been in that mode to where you just like need people to not talk to you
Yeah, but if on and I needed to be in the call with you
Yes, but us talking to each other was gonna be really disrupting. So like it it it it made sense
So I'm sorry, but I can honestly tell you I had no idea. Damn it. Okay
I said it like a bunch of times, but I understand I mean I wasn't hearing any of it
Yeah, because I was like I couldn't even figure out so here's another thing too. We've been undergoing a password migration recently
Yeah, I couldn't even figure out how to get there were accounts that I couldn't get into
not because
any hijacker had them but because I didn't have the right credentials anymore and
Part of what I was panicked about was you guys were telling me it
It was something or something you guys were telling me things and I was like, hold on a second
I think they're in another account, but maybe I can lock this one down. Shut the fuck up. I'm trying to
It was a very chaotic
Okay, so where are we at in the timeline then because I think that's still technically what we're doing
It's chaos in the middle of the night. Okay. Yeah. Yeah you I and Yvonne are involved. Hey
You and I are naked
Okay, so what time so we're struggling with accounts
There's still the the question because there was there was I don't want to go into why this time
But there was a reason why we were concerned about to a face stuff. Yes
So I fire off to the office
Something yes
And it was also something to do with why I was having trouble figuring something out
Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I don't even remember what time that is. I'm not gonna bother doesn't matter but I I fire to the office and I
Start I don't know if you get this type of feeling but while I'm driving they're definitely
Legally approved speeds on the road. Don't do that. I start getting yeah, sure
I always try to speed limit
Wonder who I got it from
Was I gonna say yeah while I'm driving there
I had this like wave of I don't even necessarily want to call it emotion, but feeling wash over me. Yeah, where I recognized that like
This is sick
Like I knew was horrible, but I'm flying to the office
There's like cars on the road because people are waking up to go to work
I've been awake for more than a day and I'm like, this is gonna be awesome. I
Don't know necessarily exactly what's gonna happen
I run out the door and my girlfriend's awake cuz like I'm freaking out so she can't fall asleep easily
And as I say bye to her run out the door get to the car get to the office all this kind of stuff
once I figure out the first thing that I was there for there was now a
Second thing that I was there for and I was like, whatever I'm just gonna buckle in I'm here all day
So I I grab what I need from where I first started go to where my desk is at and then realize like I have no
I have no food or water or anything
So I start looking around and there's nothing in the office ready to go
So my girlfriend on her way to work a few hours later drops by and brings me this like care package nice a change of clothes
Deodorant a toothbrush and an entire set of like food and drinks and everything I need for the full day
which was
Sick, that was like that was a that was a banger of a move
That's a way to gain a lot of a lot of brownie points with me
So I was set and ready to go and then I just I just cranked it out for the rest of the day
We had to do a lot of stuff
There was a huge amount of coordination that happened like six or seven different email threads that had to bounce back and forth between
You and James and me because we had a plan for what video was supposed to go up that day. Yeah at
Let's see sometime in the morning
You know, it's
It's good. You should have gotten a writer credit. You did you did do work on it
I actually was really surprised. I got one because Jake did like
85 90 95, I don't know some massive percentage more than me. I was mostly just they're like validating. Yes
So at some point in the morning, I went into content creator brain mode. Yeah, and I sent this message
We're clearly not uploading framework today
I have to I have to go in
I had to go in early because we were shooting something at 10 with with a viewer
So that would that have been scheduled but I basically go we need to be on this as early as possible
But the outline is basically this size is not necessarily an advantage saw some speculation that our size
We must have some kind of uber systems or whatever and we're better equipped than most small channels are
But the larger you are the larger the attack surface
I can use examples like the way that it came out that some large companies were writing checks to contractors for hundreds of thousands of
Dollars without realizing that the invoices were totally Boca's
Do you remember that scam the more people the more potential vectors for attack to FA?
You guys talk about it all the time. Don't you use it? It's not perfect discuss problems with 2fa factors can be compromised for convenience
We often have multiple secondary factors which increases the attack surface again
And most importantly almost every account still has text slash email as an automatic account recovery system of some sort both of which can be vulnerable
So was it sit? So what it was sim jacking again, how could you be stupid enough to fall for that again?
And how is this even a video actually? No
It's not the same as last time
Detailed explanation of session hijacking and how that could be used to gain access to an account temporarily and even change credentials
We'll need help with this. I have that in bold. Apparently. I didn't remember that I did get help with that. So that's cool
Something that wouldn't have been nearly as effective if it wasn't for our content manager system shout out what YouTube did
Well shout out what YouTube could do better with detailed, you know, blah blah blah blah blah
It's clear that we have disaster response processes to improve. I realized at 4 in the morning or whatever. Shout out Steve from gamers Nexus
Here's what's gonna happen
Think that was shortly before I put together the kids lunches because Yvonne basically was like, okay
I'm going through and changing all the accounts which I guess meant she's working with you to change all the accounts
which meant that
Dan did most of it Yvonne did all of the like ultra high threat
Recently screwed over account stuff meaning she did all the like channels and stuff like that
Okay, and then Dan like power suit one password every 1.2 minutes
I'm gonna type and look nowhere else other than my screen for 16 hours all the remaining accounts
Which is fantastic because I planned to help him and then there was just way too much other stuff to do
So I prepared lunches for the kids for school
And I think this happened sometime either before before or after that so this is like seven something I guess
Man so then I came into the office. I was in content mode at this point in time
Sorry, I had to pull us back slightly for one second at this point in time. We have identified
So I think it was mentioned earlier. It wasn't the primary account. It was an account who had access to
Multiple different channels that we have so at this point in time we have identified whose account it was
Oh, that was frustrating. We've identified what computer it was. Yeah, we've identified
That person is online communicating with me. They're helping me figure stuff out Google knew for hours which account it was but never
Communicated that to us except via like an automated system that thankfully Yvonne happened to like yeah get a notification from
Like it wasn't they didn't tell us. Hey. It's this one turn this computer off. You know
Anyway, yeah
Ran over and unplugged it and it's hiding by my desk now so that people don't plug it in and stuff
Yeah, so at this point time we've we have a lot of the information we know the exact attack vector
We know literally the file
We know the name of the file all this kind of stuff from the antivirus software and all these different types of things like we are
Very informed, but there's a massive ocean of work to do yeah, three channels are offline like
Damage has been done, and we're in recovery mode and all that kind of stuff, but we know we are very well informed
We know what's going on. Yeah
Sorry keep going
No, okay well
I mean yeah
So I guess the next thing for me is I rolled into office and was not surprised at all that you were already there
Like I wasn't sure maybe you passed out or whatever I wouldn't but I wouldn't have blamed you
But yeah, I'm if there's still stuff to do then it also didn't surprise me
Yeah, and then I then I was like making videos and then right so my focus for the rest of the day was holy crap
You know how do we get this video about?
the hijacking out
And I'm thinking strategy right because that's what I'm good at is
Okay with all these pieces of information
How do I you know what's what's the what's the battle plan? What what pieces can I move around on the board to execute?
Methodically right and so I'm kind of sitting here going okay. No change of plans
No framework laptop video today even if the channel comes back online
We need to get all the right people
Connected with all the right other people on YouTube because I know that I'm gonna be basically
Mi a and not able to respond to them today
So I need to get all those contacts handed off and then we need to figure out
What are we going to do to keep all these spam scam?
Notifications that the channel was sending out from affecting us algorithmic. Yeah, so that was my focus alright
So I need to get this video shot
And then we need to figure out what are we uploading when and if this channel comes back online?
Because what it was supposed to be was an update from framework the laptop company that I am invested in
That would have been great. It's a banger of a video
But would it be enough to give us the the the algorithmic surge past kick in the ass that we need to overcome
Whatever whatever because I mean it's not like I didn't see people saying yeah
I got I unsubscribed thinking it was like I was accidentally subscribed to Tesla or something
Realized that it was LTT that I was unsubscribing from I'm sitting here going okay, how many of those people are there?
What's the most effective way to reach them and get them back?
And so I'm going okay. No we
Must come hell or high water make a video about this hijacking a very good call while the momentum is still on our side
You know on reddit on the LTT forum on Twitter in the community where people are still wanting to know like how do I upload?
My video about this before fucking asman gold, right?
Yeah, but if I can beat if I can beat
Asman to reporting on my own situation, then that's probably a good thing
right, so
So I'm I'm kind of like okay. Here's this outline. I wrote in the wee hours of the morning
I cannot write this video. I need you guys to go fill in these blanks
I left some blanks pass that off to James and Jake who apparently also shared the load with Luke
I didn't even know by the way that you had a writing credit on it until you told me this now
I don't even necessarily think I should have Jake did like
Massively massively more than I did then Jake brings me the script once
I'm once I'm done, and I basically sit there, and I get full credit to Jake everything
He did was great, but the problem was that I did notice. It was a bit different
Yeah, the problem was that I I do edit our scripts
And I was not in a state of mind where I was really able to edit
So I sat with him for a little bit
I went through the technical parts making sure that anything because this session token thing is something I just learned about
Like it's not like I didn't know what a session token was but just the the exact mechanism of the hijacking
I wasn't familiar with and you need to make sure you get these things right as much as you at least
Freaking can write your crisis mode, so I basically went through okay, so here's these details that I need to go through
Get the fuck out of my office
In the nicest possible. I was like look. Well. I don't think I can review someone else's work right now
I think I'm better off putting in my headphones and just banging this out myself
You get into like the the like survival mode functions
Yeah, brain are still running yeah, you can still dial in on a single task
Yeah, but you can't like the other stuff starts to fade. It's it starts to fall away
You gotta do I can't have someone next to me right now
Like discussing this with me because normally that's how we would go through and do script review
Because that's how we end up with our best work is yeah me and the writer
Sitting and collaborating on it, and we did that for a while
And I was just like it's not that your ideas are bad or that the work. You've done is bad or anything
I just can't do this right now
And I need to just focus because this video must come up poor Hoffman was here editing until like after midnight
I think I was gonna ask who who did Hoffman my superstar
Yeah, so there's there's one step that you don't know about so
Message where you decided I don't think I necessarily even got it
I don't know. I I got a lot of messages that day the message where you decided like okay?
No, this isn't Saturday's video anymore. This is now today's video. Yeah, we had to totally change the plan oh
Because I I had stuff like I wanted a thing in there where we showed like
Someone trying to get into their apartment building. Oh
Yeah, we had all these different
Jake wanted to get the compromised machine and the account opened back up and get the exact email for screenshots. Oh, yeah
I was like no we got a strike well the irons hot so like but we we what I'm saying is we had one direction
And then and then we had to like change it pretty soon
So most of my contributions were to the first direction
and then Jake had to like redo basically the whole thing and I had to
Take off because there's too many other things going on, but yeah what you were saying about like task delegation and stuff my
biggest goal was
The show's got to go on and
By that I mean like the company needs to keep working so I was like okay
I'm getting offers for help from everyone on the planet, which I very much appreciate. Thank you very much
That's very cool, but I actually need all of you to keep doing your jobs
And I need like this small team of people which ended up mostly just being the people that I normally work with which is great
Yeah need to like hammer this as hard as we can to try to solve things without disrupting too many other people's
You know flows and whatnot so that was perfect that you went into like production mode
That was exactly what I was hoping you would do
Yeah, it's like we if we can if we can have a handle on everything else, and you can keep doing that
That's the right move that's what we got to do yeah exactly so like I was totally on board
Hey, we still shot six videos this week
Which is I heard you talking to probably James about that and you were like hey, that's actually pretty good pretty big W
Yeah, it's actually pretty crazy. Oh, I forgot at some point. I I went into CEO mode oh right
I remember I was sitting on the set waiting for the the shoot with the viewer
I was actually a little bit early to the office because
Yvonne did not want a nap for 45 minutes. I really did after dropping the kids off, but before going to work
Fine so I so I was sitting on set and you know catching up on things right because I had stuff to do
But then I was like oh crap I should really like send out
You know something we had already sent a message much earlier in the morning going hey, there's a situation
But I went in the CEO mode and I basically wrote like a Q&A a Q&A pose
This was a really good write-up. I mean when I'm
When I'm not being distracted like you can do it. I got in the zone
Yeah, so I'm just like hey all I know from your one-on-ones that you prefer getting updates about this sort of thing on wan show
Not everyone has a floatplane account, so it won't be possible to reach you all like that
I'll settle for a post on teams and basically went through okay. What happened. What's being done to fix it. What does it mean?
some good stuff
That should be more updates over the course of the rest of the day maybe into tomorrow
And then I fell asleep in my chair
Which obviously James took a picture of okay, so I was gonna ask is that that moment that is not staged
Oh wait the laptop
Right that post enter gone. I was out for probably about half an hour
Yeah, I mean it's a framework laptop, so if it falls who cares I'll just fix it I
Tried to sleep two times
the first time I
Think was when I sent
The first the first time was just in a lull of stuff
There was nothing that I could really there was some things that I could like do like yeah
I didn't get to do my normal job that day
So there was a lot of things that I could do
But there wasn't anything disaster mode that I could do so I I even told Dan
I was like all right set an alarm for that
I think it was his idea to set an alarm whatever however it worked. I don't know times an illusion
I'm gonna set an alarm as well
I'm gonna go lay down and try to sleep for like half an hour max because if I sleep for longer than that it's gonna
be bad
But like getting some amount of energy gain right now like micro naps or whatever
It's called it's like good, but sleeping for an hour and a half or two hours really bad. Yeah, yeah
Yeah, I don't remember why but either way
So I was like okay
I don't know how long this is gonna go at this point in time Google's kind of unsure right yeah
So this could go into like the very wee hours of the morning. Yeah, Oh easy, and I'm like okay
I'm gonna try to get some energy back I
Send a couple messages do a couple things go let go sit down on the couch send one more message on my phone
Start leaning over to lay down and ping
Okay, I need to go back and keep going all right so I get up
No, that's not the case a little while later. I'm like okay. I have another time another lull again
Whatever I send you and Yvonne like a status update thing yeah, and then I'm like I do not remember reading
But I'm pretty sure it happened
I know you reacted to it, so but yeah memory of things is wild
But yeah, I get confirmation from you guys that you've read it somehow
And then in there, I think is like
I'm gonna go lay down so call me if you need me and then I did the same thing you know set timers
Whatever go lay down. I do actually get to lay down this time. Yeah, so I'm on like the couch
That's in the middle of the lab if you haven't seen that video. It's actually fantastic. There's like fire in front of the lab building
It's a really cool walkthrough, but I'm on that couch. That's still there
And I like you know lay the sweater on top of me and whatnot so I can try to fall asleep
I think I'm down for like five minutes, and then it's go time again
I wasn't even fully asleep because my brains churning through too many things, and I'm like
Hey wasn't there one where I said or like you told me you were gonna
What was this before the Google call this was right before the Google okay? Yeah, all right? Yeah, okay?
Yeah, so it was like the main thing for the whole night that we were waiting for it happened right then and it was like
All right, let's go, but that was so much fun. That was really cool
There's we got a lot of help from
The people that got in just wrecked havoc on the account in general
They were changing the status of a ton of videos so public private unlisted
They were changing all that kind of stuff was just like out of pure malice the first time
I got in even though the streams were going nothing had really been touched
other than the channel name
But then once I took the streams down once
They just started just I think part of it is just keeping you on your heels
And that's a big part of why I wasn't able to pay attention to anything because there was a new fire
For me make sense
Popping up while you guys are talking in my ear about you know what it could be and I'm sitting here going like oh
my god everything's on fire right like it's
Yeah, so a bunch of videos that were private were made public and all these other types of things happened so
Restoring our account if they restored our account to you know the minute that it was
banned by them
Then the account would be in a totally messed up state and because there was a bunch of videos that were uploaded
But never set to public they were actually
What do you even call it published they were published
that day
So all these videos at the top of the channel are all these ancient like rough-cut not properly edited videos
That shouldn't be there
That's at the top just the garbage
So it was it was it was an absolute mess all the descriptions on the entire channel had a like crypto thing
Appended to the top of them it was it was a mess and they worked with us to try to restore that that was a very
fun process
There's actually some like really really powerful tools
In the whatever it's called content manager thing yeah, I've never even seen them before but they're very cool
The developer person from from YouTube was extremely helpful prepped a bunch of stuff for us helped us out
And then like ran me through deploying it
They weren't able to do it themselves for some legal reason as far as my brain guessing can
Confirm I'm assuming it's because if they publish something on your behalf
They would it's them publishing it. Yes, so there's like issues with that
So we had to be the ones that actually did it, but they like really extremely helpful in walking us through. This is crazy
Because I've been dealing with it and not reading articles about it
The amount of coverage there. Oh, yeah. Oh wait
What did I just what is what did I just show I don't even know I pressed Linus laptop
But my HDMI is unplugged, so I don't know what that was but hopefully nothing
It was nothing good cool. Thanks, Dan good to know I mean he'd say that anyway, but yeah
Okay, you know what I'm
Well is it gonna work just hold on yeah wait all right cool. I will wait a second and Dan will fix it
Oh, yeah, but there's there's there's tons of it. It's crazy. Okay, so
Lou from Unbox Therapy has
17,000 views on a on a stark warning after hack
I don't even think that's the only clip he did about it our review tech USA has
73,000 views on a video Sam time is 18,000 John Hammond 75,000 mental outlaw
Mutahhar mutahhar sorry you know what some ordinary gamers
441 thousand oh yeah, here's Lou's other video hundred thirty two thousand
Chris Titus tech 56 you have to detect three hundred twenty seven thousand like people were you know any text was fast
people are going
Everywhere like trying to get more information about what's going on and like I'm sitting here going okay?
I guess I probably should have posted some stuff about it the one place
I posted was on flow plane. Oh, yeah, and I I posted a text up there
Oh, no, I guess I post on Twitter as well just to say I know so people would stop messaging
See this is what I was gonna say though about like the the show's got to go on
It's like all the different teams like I don't know I've been out of
Linus media group for a while yeah, and I've been out of office wait Ludwig has a video
Yeah, oh he didn't put my name in the title. I guess I wasn't here you put your face
I wasn't keyword worthy enough a 1.1. Million views all right
Wasn't gonna say yeah, so
I've been in my little like you know developer bubble for a while
Yeah, coming back in though watching the machine churn it
Interesting and like it turns fat the social team is like all over this immediately right that was one of the interesting things to me
It's like okay
Yeah, we got obliterated, but the show's got to go on so social team is like making meetings about it
That was a big part of my like message from the CEO
Was the best fu that we can give to the hijackers is to not have any interruption to our business
And this man the social team went hard. Oh, yeah, they went like savage in some cases. They went really hard
Some of the memes though are great
And I can't I can only take the tiniest amount of credit for it
The only thing I did is I wrote the caption for the one with me asleep in the chair I
Did I did pretty good there, but I got to give James credit not even the social team
But you got to give James credit for being on the ball
Seeing me asleep when he was to call me to set and instead of waking me snapping a pic
You can tell that boy has gone to some frat parties
Am I allowed to share my laptop screen now?
Okay, yep, cool, all right, so man these guys these guys were on it
Oh, so and there's so many posts and that's definitely like what we should have done
Usually being the chair has like almost 64,000 likes one is you 2.8 million
Yeah, like this this this runescape one so funny so good
Like just shut up. Okay, this one didn't get the most interaction
But I thought it. This is the one that made me laugh the hardest
That was a MAC address to eat yeah
Which was like that's that's the time to roast you know right I?
Look really tall here. I definitely like that
Today seems like a great day to watch short-circuit that was funny. I don't know if it's still this way, but the forum
The forum there's like there's like a sidebar on the forum that links to different videos that we have
It was all short-circuit. It was all just like yeah, okay. It's fixed. It's fixed
But I mean when you know that's like pretty much it it turns into just like the the Jake's most recent video from short-circuit
Yeah, which was just so funny. I don't know it was it was even nice like
My group of people was head in the flame the whole time
You know every once in a while when you come up for air, and there's just something that you can laugh at it's funny
Yeah, it's like oh, that's nice, and then you can get back to it exactly the floatplane team
For like almost entirely unrelated reasons
Which is unfortunate because we genuinely are rock-solid the vast vast vast majority of the time
But we're trying to push this like really aggressive
And you know what let me check really quick
I'm gonna potentially announce something. I just want to make sure that we're going oh boy
We are let's send it
That we we for a long time haven't launched a ton feature-wise. There's a lot of reasons for that but
Massive new thing is on the way, and it's on the beta site. There's beta.floatplane.com and
There's a lot of big changes with it a big one is creator sub channels
This is like the main the main thing that we're talking about is creator sub channels
And you can check that out if you were subscribed to Linus tech tips
This is still in beta so not all the other creators or none of the other creators have
Like set their channels up for this or gone through all that kind of stuff
But they will be will be working on it, but you can you can see all these different
You can see we're still getting our processes figured out in terms of uploading
Mac address accidentally uploaded as Linus tech tips. We'll get that fixed. Yeah, there's there's you know there's things going on also
We're still kind of figuring our stuff out, so there there are still some problems on the beta site
It is a beta site, so you know it's kind of part for the course
But it's all broken up into these different sub channels
So we we got a lot of feedback that people didn't like typing in the word
Exclusive if they wanted to search for all the exclusives on the site
So that's kind of where this concept comes from is there's a sub channel for exclusives
So you just click on that it has its own branding all that kind of stuff. It's nice
You can now collapse the sidebar
Which we got a bunch of feedback for the player not the full player update that we were hoping for like a long time ago
But the player does do more stuff you can you can pop it out and then do other things on your computer and have it
follow you around or
It will more aggressively
Attempt to fill the screen which is also kind of cool. There's other little updates stuff like that, so that's that showed up
There's also tons of other things changing in the back end and the front end and the app
All the same stuff all of that was happening right now
Yeah, one of the major things that happened was we launched an app update. I'm pretty sure it was Monday
Mm-hmm it finished propagating or right around when all of this happened
And it had a little problem in it which wouldn't have probably been that bad
But you know because of all the other events going on it was like the world's worst possible timing so
AJ and Jonathan and Jaden and Joe and everybody is like trying to put out every fire on the planet
Jaden's got this like whack-a-mole hammer and just
Going through bashing every single bug you can possibly find and everyone else is doing things crazy. It was
There's that whole like misery loves company thing, and I don't necessarily think this was misery because I had a wonderful time, but
It's like dumpster fires like dumpster fires
Float plane starts having issues for like realistically the first time in a long time the server has like an SSD go out
Oh my god
Like that's crazy all the different things that like this is really like never a problem, and then just all of a sudden
It's like boom boom boom when it rains it pours right everything possible. Just going off. It was it was crazy, but yeah
We did we miss anything
I mean we missed one big question that I got from someone. I don't know like an hour ago
Who edited naked Linus?
Whose job was it to censor?
Well, I guess and the answer is Dennis. Okay. Yeah, I was gonna say traditionally. It's Dennis
Did he well some someone asked me they were like
Well, I can't believe someone had to edit naked Linus, and I was like yeah, it wasn't the first time probably won't be the last
And it's always been Dennis as far as I know the reason Dennis has ended up with naked footage of me
It's not because I sent it to him knowingly
But because Dennis keeps sneaking into my house and then taking security footage off of my cameras so occasionally
I might be naked in my own damn house, so he's already seen it
Yeah, so realistically you know
That band-aids already off yeah
But he did say that he has a technique now
And he didn't need to see anything more and the technique is he blurs the whole screen
Oh, and then like and then blurs less and less until he gets to you know
Minimal blur edge yeah that makes sense yeah, I liked the the strawberry that was tasteful yeah
Alright, I think that's I think that's I think that's mostly it, but my brains fried so
I gotta say it was it was really incredible waking up this morning seeing
Just everyone come and watching the video
People still subscribing to floatplane by the hundreds. Oh, yeah, we're gonna pass 40k like on this stream probably shut up
Yeah, we're at we're at thirty nine thousand nine hundred and thirty two
We have gained
250 floatplane subscribers while we've been sitting here. Yeah, there's over 4,000 people watching live
I heard that number a while ago, so that might even be different at this point, but that's incredible
You know what it probably didn't hurt that I was that was about
2-thirds I think of the exclusive content that we have on floatplane
There's I think it's like almost 300 or it's 250 or something
There's well over 200 exclusive videos on the platform a lot of it's really good. Yeah
We're at the point now where there's so many floatplane subscribers that we can
Actually have a team of people who is dedicated to making videos just for them and creating content just for them
I actually have some I had some cool thoughts in my sort of chaos brain mode that I was in this morning
One of the things that we're gonna start doing on floatplane is uploading LMG clips because yeah
I'm not gonna do it right away
But once we've got it to the point where you can enable and disable notifications per sub channel
I was that was why we haven't been doing it because I was worried about just spamming people as an extra
Yeah, at one point. We were uploading like 10 videos a week to LMG clips. I'm like I don't want to
We don't need to overwhelm people, but now if you can turn it off well no problem
We'll just start uploading to LMG clips and also. This is hilarious way back in the day once upon a time
I pressed Luke
I put a bunch of pressure on him to create a feature for floatplane called text posts and picture posts
Which has gone largely unused
It's that time and I was like hey
We could create a channel for them and then the social team could post all the memes over there so everyone on floatplane
Could have no reason whatsoever to ever leave floatplane
It would be amazing and they could even post like if we had like two or three versions of it
Or you know two or three captions
We could post you know some of the other ideas that we have is that same feature allows for multiple pieces of content per post
Yeah, so it could stay in one post just one notification. That's a good feature. You could see all the different stuff. Don't use it. Yeah
We did we did technically your your response
I actually thought that was kind of interesting your initial response to everything lighting up and you like
The first reach out you mentioned sorry whoof it's been a long been a long bit your first reach out was on floatplane, right?
Yes, and then it was no first I tweeted
I know I know okay, and then your first like longer one was on floatplane
And it was a text post and I was like wow this is gonna be the most like banger text post
That's ever posted
Yeah, I don't remember the beta sites having some issues right now, but you know it's a beta
So if you're having some problems just go on to the the normal site, and it it should be okay
Wait no I clicked on the stream. I can't even find a text area to you that all my guys are
Super pissed at me right now. Oh for sending people to the beta site. Yeah, they're like
emergency putting out fires
He says every time you say beta dot floatplane calm the CPU spikes
Thanks, Jonathan
I got it. I was all like hyped up on floatplane doing sick, and then I realized
We've never loaded it like this or we've never
Changed the load on it like this since the roast and especially the roast had preparation involved in stuff, right
This was this was out of nowhere and the oh no apparently no
They're totally in they're like no go to beta dot floatplane calm. Okay sick. Let's go
It's having some issues, but I mean again. It's a beta who cares
But yeah a lot of our problems are actually not related to
The sudden load from all the new users. It's this like
Massive update that we're pushing and this this whole beta site thing like you'll notice if you log into the main site
Then you go to the beta you don't have to log in again
Yeah, it's sharing back end right so a lot of the update was to back end right
So there's things that are affecting both of them like this is this is we're actually
We we can take
This amount of users right it's just actually other unrelated problems that just showed up at the worst possible time in history cool
But I mean we're working on it. We'll figure it out. They're working on it. Literally like right now, so
That's what it is. We should get cake for crossing 40,000 cake. How do we get cake?
It's you have a producer. It's 940 and I guess there's a cake in my fridge
Is there any way to obtain it like can you uber eats from home?
Can you send an uber driver you can do a delivery thing?
I think to your house and Yvonne can put a cake in the car
And then can the uber bring it here is that a thing that can be done. There's uber package delivery
It's it's TNT mango fruitcake
Would you eat cake because I know you're kind of you know iffy on the whole cow
I had I was I was actually complaining to people about this earlier, but have you eaten anything anyway?
I haven't had I have actually no okay um I
Haven't had sugary drinks in like a super super long time. Oh, I had two Red Bulls. How was that for you?
I'm like just disappointed hmm. Okay, so you're not gonna have any cake probably not
We don't have to bring the cake forget the you can have cake no
I'm not gonna eat. No. I'm not gonna eat cake in front of my genuinely don't you can definitely have?
I'll eat the cake when you're not around. I don't know if that's better cuz I'm gonna eat cake tonight
No, that's great. I'm gonna be sitting naked
Eating cake
Sweet Dan you can be there if you want hell yeah
You guys need food though seriously
You know what I think we should do is get through some more of our tech topics get through the sponsors
And like the the LTT store stuff that we got to talk about yeah
Because Dan's fingers are on fire. Well. No we actually and we haven't even announced the new items on LTT store yet
Well yeah, so we've set some records the merch message server
So Oh Conrad and I have been dealing with that the backlog was about 200 for a little while there
I would like to apologize to everyone I have read every single one of your merch messages
They time remaining in the queue is an hour and ten minutes for them all to be displayed down the bottom of the screen
There's currently
343 in the queue
We have had over 700 and have been live for just under two hours now
We are not gonna get to them all today. Thank you for your support in advance
Will will do what we'll do what we can yeah, it's the shirt, which I completely forgot about
So okay cuz Conrad made this cool feature in the merch messages dashboard which tracks the most popular item of the night
And it's the shirt
Right that makes sense that makes total I haven't even seen have you seen I haven't seen it you guys like to see
What is Dennis involved Dennis is
Involved Oh bloody hell
Do you not feel like I've gone through enough today, but Dan
Well, I mean it put me in a tough position too because normally I do these on Thursdays
And and I was I was any time anyone would ask him to do anything yesterday, I would just like be like no
Yeah, I think Adam came by and was like how you guys do and I went don't talk to us today
Apologize later
Yeah, so normally I do that on Thursday, and I was getting near the end of the day and
Sarah sends me a message on teams
Hey Linus and Nick have asked me to do a stream tomorrow at 10, and I think I said is this a joke law I
Did not ask for the stream. I think I asked for some kind of commemorative
I was there for the hack shirt. No no I'm designing the shirt live on stream
So I'm I'm gonna be there for another eight hours at 9 p.m.
And then I have to be back here for 9, and then we did a five-hour stream
So that stream is all happened 3 p.m.. Today, and then at 3 p.m.. Today. I had to do the entire like 30
Individual video integrations with like layered things I had to set up that call you had with those lovely people from DP review and
Implement the new like merch things that Conrad wrote this week, and Dan you must be so tired
I think the kindest thing that I can do is to make it so we don't have to look at you being so tired like
These integrations worked really hard on them. Let's make some money
This is land show unhinged
Script and things I mean I don't have anything to do oh
I haven't even looked at the dock in over an hour. Okay. I've got it. I've got it. Okay. I have nothing
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Okay, yeah, I did it how many topic oh wow there's like no topics today, but that probably makes sense
I think we need to oh yeah, it's gonna be a long show anyways
I think we need to look at the shirt though, okay?
I'm I'm just like too curious. Are you guys ready to see the shirt?
I kind of have to pee is it because I need to see the shirt or
Okay, all right. We're gonna be here all night, so go pee. You know what yeah. Yeah, I'm gonna do that
Don't send me is there merch messages that I can answer Dan and while
Why don't you talk about the bug that allows users to uncensor images sure yeah tech topic
Not with AI okay, this isn't like AI magically reconstructing the image somehow. This is like actually terrible
Here it is yeah, so this was this was posted by a bunch of places
This was all over the the Twitter's it was apparently posted by nine-to-five Google was posted by the verge
Google's March security update fixed a bug in the pixel markup tool that allowed
Partial recovery of information that had been cropped or censored from a screenshot
This typically resulted when an image was saved in the tool
Edited and then the new version was saved in the same file location as the original the edited file is typically smaller than the original
meaning that it wouldn't save over the
Entirety of the original information that excess information was then retained instead of being deleted from
the file location
Worded yeah, it's fine the this revelation prompted researchers to check other similar tools
I'm happy this is in the notes because I wasn't I wasn't sure because this was really interesting
Microsoft appears to have made an almost
Identical mistake which the the same vulnerability is able to be exploited on it to be to be clear
so it's like the same thing in both the windows 11 snipping tool and
Windows 10 snip and sketch I believe there was also another thing as well. This is definitely still kind of like a
Evolving topic so look into the amount of different devices and services if you're interested luckily many online services
Reprocess uploaded images absolutely because they want to save data
rendering this information
Unrecoverable, but not all of them do discord for example only started reprocessing uploaded images in January of this year
Images uploaded and sent prior to prior to said patches may still carry this vulnerability
Pretty crazy discussion question. This is a serious problem, but it appears to happen in extremely specific circumstances
How worried should the average person be I mean if you use if you use snipping tool?
Snipping tools the most interesting one to me personally because of how I use devices
I'm not sure if that's the same for how other people use devices, but how I use devices
snipping tool
There's a there's a lot of information that could potentially be there
And how this does recover things yeah, maybe you won't see all of it
But being able to see any amount of it is is pretty concerning
I mean and especially because snipping tools not look. It's not a tool like oh, man
What's that one that I like that you can get on night night? I can't remember right now, but there's there's
Charex yeah, there's there's screenshotting tools that are inherently kind of less secure because by default they upload to image sharing sites like imger or whatever
But snipping tool you kind of think of as the more secure everything
Yeah, everything happening locally on your machine, and once you've you've edited it in any way you're and sent it out
That's all they've got right yeah
Yeah, it's spooky. There's also like there's this whole security concept. I don't remember what it's called. I didn't prep for this
But it's it's happening right now with certain bits of data that people think will be able to be cracked into using quantum computers
It's happening with big governments and stuff where they're trying to harvest a bunch of stuff that they can't break into right now
But they're storing it so they can break into it later. This is a whole concept
I don't remember what it's called, but there's a name for it
And this feels like an almost potentially unintentional version of that
right because upon hearing of this
Bad actors could just go back through
Conversations or look at things that were maybe shared with maybe
Communities or whatever and try to see me. Oh, maybe I can extract something all that information is already out there
It's gonna take like the same amount of time for you to go back through everything
You've shared as it is for them to go back
So they might find something before you do right like it's that's that's the concern to me is this is now a vulnerability for things
That have been sent already
The good news for me anyway is that's not how I use it
So yeah, I don't really crop images on my phone
Yeah, my trick is to just make sure that there was nothing bad there in the first place
Yeah, something that I know a bunch of people do but like if you need to screenshot a conversation to send it someone
But you don't want the previous messages to come in just open the keyboard and it shoves a bunch of the messages up
So it'll get some stuff off-screen and then screenshot it that way but yeah, I don't know. Oh, holy crap
I didn't even see this
Intel founder Gordon Moore died earlier today at the age of 94. Whoa. Oh
One of the traders ate the programmers who left Shockley semiconductor in
1957 to launch the company that would eventually become Intel. He's also the namesake of Moore's law
Yeah, obviously the rule of thumb that the number of components in an integrated circuit would double roughly every two years
He only left the company in
1997 Wow, so he was there for 40 years
absolutely incredible
That's pretty wild I'm gonna get it in it's gonna be fast. Oh
I'm doing it. Anyways, okay, they're big. It's important. All right, so I'm gonna take that long
There's chat GPT updates, okay, okay
Plugins it's actually huge
Chat GPT is integrated plugins. Have I had time to mess with this? No, I was kind of dealing with some stuff
Okay, so my information on this is not gonna be as high quality as it normally is. I'm just telling you it exists
There's some really crazy things already. The first thing I noticed was immediately on the plug-in list
So they were already working on this was Wolfram alpha. Do you know what Wolfram alpha is?
It's like
You put in crazy complex equations and it just solves it for you. Oh, okay. You know what's interesting about chat GPT?
It's always sucked at math
No way
They have a plug-in for this thing. That's like
incredibly amazing at math
So now I can do math and now you can talk to you
I feel like I'm watching the Star Wars sequel trilogy. They fly now
Except this time it couldn't already do it and not everyone knew that which is crazy. Sorry. I'm still salty about Star Wars
but but yeah, so Wolfram alpha had a kind of a
Problem if you want to call it this where it doesn't understand like someone talking to it, you know
right, you have to do math with it and
Chat GPT had a problem where it can't really do math very well
You push those two together and that's crazy
Because now you can ask in human language conversational language
How does that math problem could introduce very very complex math problems that Wolfram alpha can then do for?
It and respond back in a conversational way, which is really interesting
It's on the internet now
And it can do some pretty crazy stuff
Because hey, it has plugins. It's connected with Zapier the like
Automations and connect different accounts thing
so people have connected like chat GPT to their email and
Had it like read emails for them and do things with them and stuff and like download videos and edit them
Don't know how much storage it has
There's some like actually really crazy stuff going on. I've had zero time to touch it zero time. Okay, so
Yeah, it's it's another one of them weeks, I don't know when this is gonna stop
Hey, I've got some big news for you, too. Did it just pass 40?
flow plane now has
40,000 106 subscribers for LTT
Wild that's actually insane. There will be cake at some point. Okay, I
Will do a 40,000 cake. I think I think I can yeah, Dan
Can you email Vance and ask Vance to arrange cake for next week, please?
The the week I'm not here thing. Oh, sure. Not next week then later. No later later. I'll have it done for Monday
No, no, no, no, no, no, no do it later. Do it later. Do it when he's letter
I wish all the flow plane team was here, but so many of them are remote
I know we can get them cake to uber eats them cake. Yeah
Yeah, ask ask ask if Vance can arrange that everyone should get cake. I do let them eat cake
I do have Colton's credit cards
Nice put it on Colton's credit card. Oh, I forgot
Darn it when we went through the play-by-play. Yeah, I was gonna say I don't want to name who it was
But in this case, let's just use the name Colton. Yeah, and just like roast him indirectly, but I forgot
I had some people that were actually upset with me for outing who it was, you know saying that that was a really not cool
You know CEO move. No. No, it was a joke. It was a joke. It wasn't Colton
He actually addresses that in the float plane exclusive that has that went up today of
Staff reacting to hack memes. So Colton's in that one and to be clear
I want to just do a really quick address for this
It is not that person's fault. There's there's a lot of things that I don't know you talked about this in the video
Stuff should roll up. Yeah. Yeah. Okay, so I guess that's already covered. That's the way it goes
There's things we haven't had enough time and like the the infrastructure hire that I want to bring on isn't here yet. I had
Interviews this week. I had some earlier this week that went well enough and then I had some on Thursday and Friday
Scheduled those didn't go as well. Those got canceled and we move those to next
you know, what's really funny is Yvonne was also doing interviews this week for like accounting positions and
She fell asleep in one of them which I think is hilarious like I know that when she's not rested she just yeah
It's amazing
It's like a superpower for her because we used to commute to to University together on transit and she would not only
Usually be asleep within two stops on the train
Like two and and we got on at King George
So that first one is really short it on King George Central City almost immediate. Yeah
Yeah, so she would pass out within two stops
But once we would arrive
She would just wake up and
Then I keep going about it so she can go she can drift in and out of sleep like a narcoleptic like it's it's incredible
I think that's the word for it right people who just like fall asleep. I think so. I don't know
Yeah, so anyway, she was telling me she fell asleep in one of her interviews and I was like, oh my goodness
Well, did they did they like understand the situation because she was saying like I fell see man
I want to like email them and apologize and I'm like, well, I mean did they understand the situation she's like
No, I didn't tell them and they didn't know meanwhile Luke's going
Yeah, I I tried to reschedule my interviews and they're like, yeah, we know it's all good
Yeah, that was really funny the difference in these spaces and how people applying for that kind of a position
Are just
Jacked in you know, they're dead. They're dialed in what's going on here?
I want to post a clarification because a bunch of people have been like I jumped on chat GPT and I asked at math stuff
And it failed you have to be on a paid plan
You have to have chat GPT plus because you need to be using
GPT for and you have to be in the I don't know if this is this is but the part where like I don't know
Enough that's going on. I know it's a beta
But I don't know if everyone's in or not and you have to enable the plug-in for Wolfram alpha
It doesn't just like do that. Normally there's a there's a collection of plugins and you have to you have to enable the plug-in
It's a wait list. Okay. Yeah, so not everyone can use it, but it's doing these things. You can look it up
I don't have enough information go go to other more
Fleshed out resources Kyle from creator warehouse is freaking out in the chat or sending a message in the chat
You guys forgot to update the creator warehouse stuff
So let's go what creator what huh all the merch stuff that we're supposed to talk about this week
It's all over the table in front of us and the shirt and the shirt. There's so many things
We didn't do the shirt yet. You guys want to see the shirt. Yes
All right. Let's have a look at the blood shirt. Here we go. Where do I where do I am doing this?
It's all three people doing this show are like
extremely sleep deprived
Lunch break today. I
Worked through my lunch
Okay, you're not supposed to do that
Let me just stop time
All right. Anyway, here's the shorty you guys ready? Yeah. So wait, this is yeah, this is on the store
Why don't we just look at on the store? No, cuz I made a special. Okay. Okay. Okay. No, look at all
I didn't know I didn't see okay. I missed the shirt
Is it gonna change colors? Oh, yeah. Oh perfect. So I was gonna say it should be like gone efficient
Oh, that's so cool. Here's a bigger version
Saw a preview of this earlier
And if you look on the bottom left there's a five-foot one
And I love his tattoo. It's got a 2fa tattoo love to
Little basket of cookies is the hat black
Well, we were considering a strawberry on
Yeah, so this was a float plane exclusive that was live for five hours straight today, sorry
It's a basket of cookies basket of cookies. Yeah
Mushrooms are like getting cookies
Wow, there's like so many elements to this design. I love it
Normally I at least look at designs before we put them on sale, you know being the CEO and approving
You know, especially if it's gonna be poking fun at ourselves
I kind of go yeah
I'd probably be good if I get a chance to have a look at this a little bit
But I don't think I would have had a single piece of feedback for this. Hold on. That's put awesome
Oh, okay. Give me a second here. I
Don't think I can live key the color, but there you go
Yeah, that's actually that's that's not bad here wait wait wait, there we go
Yeah, there's your shirt, that's what?
Live models. Okay. Okay, and these are all on the new high quality LTT blanks the next thing
There are actually a few of these updates
64 ounce water bottles the chungus is chung guy
I like chung guy chung guy the chung guy are back in stock. These things are absolutely enormous
This is like Luke's favorite now that he has one is it literally every day. Yeah good stuff
These are these are back in stock on the site and I believe every color certainly most of the colors
No, they're apparently new colors. Hey sick. All right, those are back and we have a new underwear print for men and
new women's underwear
That's it
Including I don't know if a thing exists someone is into it
Including a couple's photo shoot that Yvonne and I got to do together, which was actually pretty fun
So the the new colorway for the men's underwear over the bloody heck is the underwear
Okay, this can't be that hard to find right? Okay. Yes a lot of products now our weight
Are these the old colors the underwear got split out into more than one listing
Okay, I will Conrad's gonna feel so vindicated. I will find it
It's like confetti three-pack. Oh, okay. Okay. Okay. All right shows both. So here it is and
And so we launched a new colorway for the men's and we launched women's underwear because the whole idea was
We could do matching his and hers underwear
Cool right, okay, but I am actually confused
Okay, so then there's four pieces for the women. There's the scoop. No, okay, but all the three-pack
Yvonne's in it. Yeah, but it's just a guy one. Is that right?
Uh, yes, cuz she's in it and wearing the same style, but this listing is oh, I see what you mean
It could look like a three-pack. Okay, we will work on the clarity of that
This is a three-pack of men's underwear. And then this is the matching women's sets
So there's the triangle bralette in
Three two two different styles and then there's the boy short
The bikini something I don't really understand like women's undergarments, but the point is that there's definitely
undergarments and they're definitely
matching his and hers and
second photo on the underwear three-pack confetti prism slash black is
hilarious I
Just love that's so funny the expressions and everything. It's just it's great. We had a lot of fun with this. I
Love the photo shoots that we do because there's so many companies where you go to there you go to their brand photos
it's just like okay, they have that stock photo that they changed the logo on the shirt of or whatever and then ours like they
Just everybody just like horses around which is great. I think it's great. Well, you gotta put in the work, man
and it's it's more like
Interesting and you actually get to see people like wearing them and trying them out instead of just like this stock photo
Which is clearly not that exact product. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, it sucks sucks. It's dumb
Especially because it's like that much work like it is we have a great team they do an amazing job
Poor poor Maria, you know, you know, we talked about debt poor Dennis having to censor naked Linus
You know Maria has to hang around with me in my underwear
like taking pictures of me and it's like
Okay, I don't know what to tell you technically it was in the job description so like I guess this is what we're doing now I
Feel awkward about it. Yeah, I
Nothing against Maria. I liked doing underwear shoots with Hoffman better. Just because like, you know
Like this is this is very off-topic but doing jiu-jitsu for the first time
Is very similar. Yes, some of that, you know
Yeah positions you gotta get in sometimes. It's like this is right. Yeah a lot of junk rubbin. Yeah
Yeah, but then after you've you know, sure. Yeah, it's like okay
Everyone just you're very focused on other things and it actually genuinely doesn't matter. You just you just do jiu-jitsu and it's fine
But the very first time it's like oh and credit to Maria, you know total professional professional
Yeah, yeah total professional definitely, you know put me at ease but it that's good
Just like kind of it's it's a funny thing
Even though I wasn't showing any more skin than I would in a bathing suit. It feels way more revealing
Yeah, just like undoing my belt in front of an employee. Yeah, it's a moment, you know, right and
Like I didn't write
Actually, no, I have okay like in in creator warehouse like merch meetings like when I'm okay, okay
I time I had to undo my belt in front of an employee even though I didn't during the underwear shoot
I changed outside and then I just came into my underwear which was also walking into a room and
Like an employee's room in my room like it you do what you can to make it
It's weird
But a time I did have to undo my belt in front of someone was because I was I was we were working on a belt
and so I was with
Bridget a llama day and Nick and I'm like
Undoing my belt in front of them so that I can take it off and show them
You know the issues I was having it was like a little thick and I was like, okay
Yeah, I can't really thread it through here and like
It's like but it's a really
It's not a thing. I do always only ever do either alone or an extremely selective company
yes, then doing with other people no matter how innocent is just
Weird because your brains like this is different. Yes. Yeah, like I shouldn't be doing this
Yeah, because the things that come after this definitely shouldn't be done
When do you take off your belt right you're gonna take off your pain you're gonna have a shower when you're gonna
Yeah, you know be banging or whatever right like it. Look, that's
Anywho, um, this may be the last win
I am determined to cancel myself. Let's have someone else cancel me. Someone's got to do it. This man must be stopped
That tweet from the social team about like the second time in a month where everyone's wondering if they're gonna still have a job was
Pretty on-the-nose social team. I was gonna say to how do we follow this up?
When shows just been on fire
There's another like pretty early reaction that I had when the channel got hacked. I was like when shows gonna be sick
There's no way my show isn't gonna be great. It's like what do we do next week? We need something crazy to happen
No, I really don't I could actually use a break. How about we just have a we'll think of something. Can we do the night stream?
With a light? Yeah, when you're not gonna be here. Oh, no, I'm no longer allowed to ever miss a WAN show
Wait, are you joining the streak? I am joining the streak. Dan's joining the streak! Officially
It's part of my quarterly goal that there was no WAN shows
I got rid of the bugs that were in here for ten years and now I'm gonna die before there's another issue
No way, so hold on a second. Which one of us is gonna break the streak then? I so
Is there a pool already that I just don't know about? I don't know of any
I know like I I have stuff coming up that is going to be I'm going to be out of country on Fridays
but I'm just like
I called in from France. I called in from Greece. I called in from Hawaii. This doesn't mean it has to end
I was talking to some people about this too. I can technically do this job remotely. Remote producing. Shut up.
So you guys would be here and I can do all this remotely, right? Yeah, so
Yeah, there's no
Must go on go on. All right
Okay. Ah, ah
Yes, we're gonna do it. You're gonna have another thing first. I have another thing first
Okay, this is probably the last call for the CPU in a CPU
promotion that we're doing we've got two pillows on LTT store that are on
Wild and crazy promo right now. So the team red pillow
This one right here in the 50 by 50 centimeter size
has a chance
I believe it's one in 23 a one in 23 chance. Don't quote me on that
We'll have the full details on the product page. Maybe I hope it's on the product page. I will check the product page
Yes, here it is
One in a three and twenty five chance. So whatever that works out to twelve and a hundred
One in twenty three where I get that from so three out of twenty five of the couch ripper pillow in this size the biggest
Size of both and the team red pillow will have a chance of containing an actual
CPU the value of the CPU will be between a hundred and sixty one dollars and eighteen cents and
698 dollars and ninety nine cents. No purchase necessary. All the details are on the product page
But yes
my friends you can buy a pillow and get an actual CPU in your order and the odds of receiving one are not some
Infinitely small chance it is three in twenty five to get an actual CPU in your order
Not valid in Quebec. That's the only stipulation because they are like super anal about giveaways and stuff over there
I don't know what their problem is. They just don't want the Quebec what have anything nice
They do have some pretty nice consumer protections over there. I will give them that they have like a bureau that takes care of stuff
That the BC government just doesn't seem to care about it all
All right, what else we got right we are oh
Yes, this is important. Okay, Luke. I need you to play hat roulette with me
Hat roulette, okay, okay, so I'm gonna I'm gonna go like this
I have two seemingly identical hats identical plain black hats
That's a da da da da da da da da. Okay
Now tell me tell me which one you want the left one
My left or your left. Thank you for that
Okay, all right. We are each gonna put on our hats all right
Dan can I invite you up here to be our lovely assistant?
The adjustment mechanism is a little bit, okay, you figured it out really quickly fine cool
Okay, we are both wearing hats one is waterproof
One is not
Okay, all right, okay
Okay, but no not there
So, okay
I guess what I'll do is I will I'll kind of go this way so that the excess just kind of pours on the floor
So I don't have to be wet for the next two hours everywhere except my head. Okay, hit me
Yeah, I mean you got a
We're gonna have to pour some water. No. No, it'll evaporate. It's fine
Okay. All right. Okay. Okay, so that's gonna either soak through or yours will
Wait, did you only pour on the brim? I got some on the top too. Oh, okay
I might have the waterproof one then. Let's see how Luke does
It looks like it hey, hey, you're rubbing the water in oh
No, no, yeah, that one's not oh why oh, oh, yeah definitely not
Okay, that is incredible
It's beat it up
Okay, I don't know how well they can see that but it's beat it up on the brim. Here is what we know. I'm good
Thanks, Dan
Here is what we need to talk to you guys about we are working on a new hat offering
Some of this stuff is gonna be the same regardless so no smarty so there's absolutely no pressure points on your head
super comfortable inner band material
This adjustment mechanism can be a little tricky to figure out the first time but is designed
Mostly to ensure that there is no no pressure point if you wear it backwards forwards, whatever. It's a really comfortable hat
but what we're trying to figure out is
Is it like worth it to people for it to be water-resistant
Oh, yeah, so do you mind creating a pole in the floatplane chat?
I want to give you guys some idea this it's a really it's it's a good. It's a high-end hat. It's a really nice hat
But it's either gonna be a $20 hat which from my point of view is already pretty expensive for something that you can get for
Free at trade shows, but it'll be an LTT hat you know we'll make it LTT
Or you know whatever and it'll probably be around 20 bucks
If we do this no you were just talking about how it's a nicer hat though
It's not something you get a trade shows
I just I just mean like there's a certain amount that I'm willing to pay for something like a travel power adapter
If I can get one for free
Then it needs to either be an amazing one or it needs to not cost that much more. I got you. Yeah
Yeah, so so this one is really great really comfortable
We're gonna do a couple different sizes so one that's kind of small to medium one
That's kind of large to XL kind of thing cuz Nick light tried this on was like yeah, it's too small
It's just too shallow it like it looked hilarious. It looked like he was wearing a yarmulke
The guy I didn't realize how big his head was. He's a big head. Yeah well him bald
His head still looks kind of big. Oh that makes sense yeah anyway
That one because of the cost of that material because that's not just a spray-on treatment that goes away
Oh because of the cost of that material it would be closer to 40 bucks
Oh, so that would be like LTT hat
Pro so this is LTT hat which is already a good hat and that's LTT hat Pro, which is I?
Mean functionally identical to LTT hat is it hydrophobic it yes, okay? Yeah, but it is but it is water
Yeah, so which one because we don't there's gonna be a minimum order quantity involved in the fabric order
No matter what we do, and we don't necessarily want to bring in like
20,000 hats so we're kind of hoping to settle on one if you guys can let us know
What do you want to see so I'm asking right now?
Which one do you think we should launch and saying $20 hat or $40 hydrophobic hat cool? Yeah, yeah, okay?
So we'll have a look at what flow plane chat wants to our what float plane chat wants
I know there was a poll issue earlier, so we'll see if it goes. It looks like it
When it looks like it went okay?
I'll check in on the results in a little bit personally can I can I throw my my hat in the ring is it?
You are gonna influence the vote Luke. You can't just influence it right away, okay?
No, but I think there's a good point here actually I forbid it, okay
No, I can't forbid it. Just do whatever you want to do, okay?
He was gonna do it anyway
With your argument for you can get this at a trade show
We're gonna forget for the third week in a row now because I didn't do it
With your argument of like there's there's there's ways to you know get free hats in my opinion the like
Special hydrophobic one makes more sense if you're going to buy a hat anyways personally, okay, the poll is apparently broken
Oh wait some people were able to people are getting votes in okay
Wow the
Overwhelming majority I think we've seen enough
Four to two or four to one the hydrophobic hat is winning don't bother with the $20 hat says the people
Well, I think we've got our answer then see you later LTT hat
Hello, LTT hat pro
It looks the same
Yeah, it looks
Really trying to like I am up to see like what is he getting out here, and I was like I'm pretty sure that same thing
Yeah, I
Okay all right it looks like we're doing the hydrophobic hat so cool. Yeah, it's a super cool material
I really like it it feels like it feels totally normal. It feels exactly the same as the other one
I can't tell them apart. Yeah
It's interesting, but it's hydrophobic. Yeah, all right finally this Dan. Do you mind manning the Luke cam?
This is cool. Do we have any things that fit? Oh, I have a thing that fits in that
Why don't you try and figure out what it is while I go get a thing that goes in it what the bag is?
I honestly I've been trying to figure this out for a while. It has a water bottle water botter
Water botter it has a water bottle
Holder on the side, which is kind of cool because it's like quick release you just pull this string
I've never seen this before so I'm showing off or I've never uh
Been like briefed on this
So I'm just I'm just sending it so I'm sorry whoever designed this if I say something that's dumb or wrong
But there's like there's these little elastic things that hold the bottle in place
There's one on the bottom here. She can see
Right there. Yeah, whenever you're ready a little bottle there that has a string on the bottom
So you could just move that out of the way and like drop it out
And then there's also this string that goes over there elastic or whatever that goes over top
So you could move that out of the way and then pull it out
I think that's sweet because I like the idea of water bottles that are stored externally in bags
Even though ours, you know, I've never had mine leak but like it's nice to have water bottles stored externally
Regardless, okay, but what about what is the bag for? What is it for it to me?
I immediately jump to like switch or steam deck. Okay, but I don't know. Oh, hey, I think I was on it
Okay, so I actually haven't tested any of these devices in it personally
Why don't we start with the steam deck since that's obviously the most popular gaming PC handheld
There you go Dan, yeah Luke you're kind of holding it where Dan can't see it nice nice
You're doing a great job performing at maximum capacity
Done okay, so the idea I'm gonna go back to the wide cam for a second here Dan
I don't know how well they can hear me when I'm far away from my mic
This is like a gamer satchel pouch. Yeah, so it's uh, it's a gamer kind of
Day pack. It's kind of I don't know. It's like it's somewhere but it's kind of like a messenger bag
But you don't have a laptop when you need to stay hydrated and also play video games. Yeah, which is great
It's got a little bit of it's got a little bit of extra space for you know, some other stuff
You could put some SD cards or you know, like a few little things battery pack
But it mostly is a carrying case for your game console that is intended to be worn
As kind of like I think Matthew called it a cross-body bag
So those kind of like that, oh if you go to Luke's camp oh I see
We're making it work guys
And then the idea is that you kind of bring it around you can get your at your water bottle you can get it whatever
Then you just kind of put it here this is really cool. Oh
So it slides apart and then just goes together magnetically but it's super secure
Okay, so you can put it right in because it's a magnet but then pulling directly against it
The magnetic force is so strong that you have to slide it. That's really that's kind of magnetic. Oh what?
There's they're super cool there from bid bid lock
That's neat I just got um, okay so back to the wide cam then
What we want to know
Actually, I I think there were there were notes. We want community feedback
Would you want something that's just?
That was a 1x player oh
It's like a really good one
It landed on carpet. I'm pretty pretty like thick carpet
Yeah, and then it also hit the leg of the table, which is made of metal face down. It's okay anyway
What would you be more interested in
Something that's mostly just the size of a steam deck something a little bigger
That's more like messenger bag like laptop bag sized, but has a spot for a steam deck or
It's hard to get this right because one that's big enough for a steam deck it is
Comically large for a Nintendo switch, which is you know got an install base many many times larger than the steam deck
So we're already looking at it going would we have to do would we have to do two of them like in two different sizes?
That's extra product development. It's higher minimum order quantities
Is this something that you guys are interested in at all
Maybe is there I don't really want to do another poll right now. Yeah, how are we planning to take me out?
We're not gonna do another poll, but how are we planning to take feedback on this?
Hmm I don't know what the plan was think about it for a week
Yeah, think about it for a week pull next and we'll create a forum thread or we'll chat about it next week
I feel like more in from I think the forum threads a good idea because I feel like more feedback other than just a voting
Poll is actually a pretty good. Oh, not a voting poll
Yeah, we I want people to tell us what they want because we've been sitting and kind of going back and forth
We know we need to improve the water bottle holder. We don't want it to be like this
It's not gonna be big enough for the 40 ounce. It's gonna. It's this is not
it is for the 21 ounce and
Similar like it'll be a little bit adjustable
It's not like we're gonna make you get locked into our stupid water bottle or whatever and it's not a stupid water
It's a good water bottle, but it's stupid to make you locked into just one
But it's not gonna like fabric cup to the bottom
It's just it's a weight issue because we like the idea of it being quick and easy to pop off and not wobbling around too
Much, but we don't like the idea. Oh and and the big ones just too heavy
It just doesn't make sense for a bag this size. Yeah, do you guys want it to accommodate more?
Do you want it to be even slimmer basically to steam deck nothing else?
Yeah, just you know are you interested that's that's kind of where we're at oh
No, the merch messages server has crashed the last 400 are lost forever, but we'll be fine going forward says Conrad
Before I got up to man that camera we had over
1200 I
Silver lining there are still lots for us to read, but none of the curation yeah, oh
No, oh, I'm so sorry you guys yeah
I'm sorry guys well. Yeah, we will we'll still try to find some to
I did I wrote one down you wrote one down. Okay. That's all I got that's good
Okay, oh, I'm ah I don't even really know what to say that just that's really unfortunate and I apologize
Shoot should we do a topic yes? Oh, I'm sorry guys
What's up is there any man any way for us to work around anything I doubt it, but I'm looking into it
Okay, all right. Okay in that case. I will do a quick topic here while we figure out if we can
Get anything back. Yeah, everything's just been on fire this week you guys we are
If it helps at all we are trying
Right Dan you're gonna step out for a bit, okay, yeah, is this your lunch oh?
Okay all right Dan's gonna go talk to Conrad you go do okay, I guess Luke's helping me host the show still then yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, isn't it great?
You know on the one hand you know you hire a bunch of people and you've got all this like overhead and stress and you
Know you have need an HR team to manage it over, but on the other hand you
You're all you're all like okay something needs to be done
Okay, go do it, and then you can do your thing, and then we're both doing our things and like it's all happening in parallels
Yeah, Wow the parallelization is very interesting to witness
Okay, the Swiss Department of Defense
Cites the land show I feel like I've talked a lot today
This yet at all I haven't read it other than the headline yeah, I would I I like not
Externally, but I definitely internally cheered when I saw this the cyber security research arm of the Swiss Department of Defense
Yes has released an assessment of the cyber defense implications of large language models
The main threats outlined include use in spying influence operations
vulnerabilities injection control hijacking and phishing attacks, which are all that's an acute good observation information leaks both in
Intentional and accidental in part due to deeper web indexing
extracting sensitive information
also, I'll add in here potentially because you know if people in the Swiss government or in Swiss defense start using these systems to
Aid them in their jobs. Yeah, and then give them information that they shouldn't that would be bad this type of stuff has
Happened at a huge variety of companies already
Manipulation and dissemination of misinformation
Absolutely, this is already a huge concern for some people and in empowering
unsophisticated attackers
It's like the coolest most highbrow way of saying script kiddies ever
In its description of the abilities and limitations of being chat and gpt4
the assessment
The alarm in the building is gonna set itself
Can you undo that oh?
That makes sense
I'm on it. I'm on it. Yep
In its description of the abilities and limitations of Bing chat and gpt4 the assessment
Specifically cites the February 10th episode of the wan show titled our biggest sponsor pulled out
Where we all lost our minds about Bing for 52 minutes straight
The like official text says based on some public demos Linus tech tips in brackets 2023
I don't know in addition to being
In addition to being able to perform search queries Bing GPT seems to be capable of and this is why I was like okay
This is actually legit
Perform image to text conversion image object typed color logo nature perform basic logic
Reasoning to split queries so bags of x-type that will fit in trunk of y-car and then size of bags of x-type to
size of
Car wise trunk perform basic knowledge reasoning basically everything we talked about I'm not gonna go through all of it
But everything we talked about in that show
including like when we had it look up bone mass and then it figured out that it was actually biomass and like
How it reasoned and stuff like that they go through all of it very interesting there's some discussion questions
Is it strange thinking about how far the internet has come in the past 10 to 20 years that an official government?
assessment can cite a YouTube video
Especially one that to make it a little bit more at home that you're in. Yeah
I mean it shouldn't surprise me and yet it always does
You know I think a perfect example of this is
the video that we uploaded
challenging YouTube to do better on HDR I
Obviously like if someone asked me I could reason my way through it you know
Yeah, a lot of people who work I was in this scenario probably technophiles
We have 14 million subscribers at the time which in the english-speaking world is
a huge
Percentage of the people at all like like not insignificant and of the tech
interested people in the english-speaking world is like I I already know that I can't walk around on a CES show floor without being
Constantly stopped and yet I will hear things like yeah
this video is everywhere top to bottom and
Fires are being lit, right?
It always surprises me when I hear it even though cognitively I understand the same thing would happen here. Yeah, yeah exactly
It's weird to think like that. It would also happen else. We think of Google as nameless and faceless
Yeah, but it is full of people with names and with faces that are looking at us right now
Yeah, yeah, it's it's it's weird, but interesting you always do what like it's not like
Celebrities or people in power or or people at large companies or whatever it is or people in positions of influence at large companies
Etc etc etc. It's not like outside of their job. They just cease to exist
Like they use products that maybe you worked on if you're if you're in design or manufacturing or whatever they they watch things
they play games like you you might have played fortnight at some point with like the the
Lead designer for fortnight. Yeah, you might not have known that it was him
Whoever but like the screen name is gonna be whatever it is and you might have played with them who knows you never know like
Who you're interacting with you never know who's watching you know yeah, it's interesting
When I hear something wild hmm we already have almost a hundred new merch messages
I'm do we have any news by the way
On the spot probably not positive news oh
So it looks like the logs
most likely
Didn't save the curated status
But we're currently working through pulling the entire order history from this evening so not good news for you
But good. No. Well. This is let me make a sandwich for you Jesus
But the good news
We can pull the entire order history, and then I will go through and curate the 1500 messages
Love how the power dynamic has changed on this show from you punching up to him punching up
And up
He's my boss now, it's my turn
You get to have it from both sides. Yeah, that's great. I'm down. Let's go. I just always down
Who did we interview earlier um sorry I?
Can't do this anymore
That is that is that is
That is really rough news for Dan, but I mean I felt
Horrible yeah that we lost those so sure it's gonna be really rough
I'll try to jump in if we can somehow get those dashboard it or the ones that are incoming now
I'll try to help if we can at least find some yeah
You know to kind of skim through and acknowledge or whatever it was just very bad feeling that our shot is better than no shot
Yes, well. It's the feeling of losing data. Yeah, nobody likes the feeling of losing data
Yes, so even if it was worthless data when I press delete
man unlike anything I
Feel like a like a like a shadow of every time I've ever lost something real
You know I just I get this anxiety and this stress and immediately after I have this feeling like what if it was something important
Like when I permanently delete data, you know yeah, yeah, oh
I just I don't like it like feels completely unimportant now
What if I'll need it later yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm not so much of a hoarder in regards to like stuff a
Little bit some sentimental things, but outside of that not so much, but data
Yeah, it costs so little to keep that it feels stupid to let it go. Yeah, you know
Okay, well if you want to take a talking break
Maybe I can try to do
Another topic if you want to do some incoming messages
And then we can trade off a little bit to try to save Dan some time
Do you have that data set yet? Are you chewing through it already? We're working on that. It's okay
It's a special thing is that something that we have any access to I don't believe I doubt it
Okay, so then game publishers refusing to sell older games and
Meanwhile valve releases a massive counter strike update. Oh the update. Yeah, I guess yeah sort of okay
So Nintendo is shutting down the e-shops on the Wii U and the 3ds next week by the way
Did you see the video from the completionist buying everything from them? That's in here? Yeah?
Okay as well as sunsetting its virtual console service now the only
Legal way to acquire retro Nintendo games will be through the switch online expansion pack, which is you guessed it a
subscription service
50 bucks a year you will own nothing and you will like it
Gerard the completionist then spent over twenty two thousand dollars. I don't know that I would actually
giving Nintendo money
In response to their anti consumer practices, but okay. I do have a very weird theory on this yeah
Oh, sorry. I'll finish this off. Just I know you've talked a lot twenty two thousand dollars by nearly eight hundred and sixty six
Wii U games and one thousand three hundred and fifty seven 3ds games nearly 1.5 terabytes worth
That was by the way the most polite way anyone's ever ever told me to shut up
Limitations of the e-shop where only one game can be purchased at a time this project took
328 days to complete Gerard and his team will be donating the games to the video game history
Okay, cool video game history foundation and for preservation what I was gonna say is I
Guess not now, but I bet you those systems would be worth a lot
later on
To collector people but
Donating it to video game history foundation is like
Way cooler of a move so I respect that a ton. I didn't even think about that as like a path probably because I'm
extremely tired, but
That's super super cool big respect for that
I'm just a very interesting project in general
Ryuk says Microsoft driven fud they do the same thing in the press help them not get hate game pass hello
It's not the same thing you can buy those games
However, haha, let's move into our next topic meanwhile
EA is
delisting battlefield 1943 and both bad companies from digital storefronts in advance of their online services shutting down in
December current owners will still be able to play the single-player campaigns following the server closure
But this is something Luke and I have been talking about for years at this point the multiplayer experiences of these games
Which by the way is the game?
Gone, and I'm actually pretty sure people still play those well
Yeah, why wouldn't they the battlefield games and like battlefield kind of got a lot worse over time
So like bad company had a lot of destruction elements and stuff that was actually like really cool
So I know people were still really into bad company this sucks. I mean if there was a single gamer in government
Yeah, like you got to feel like they would they would kind of go hey, this is a big problem
We need to actually make it illegal to sell this thing to someone based on a box right like these are old enough games
That they had boxes all right, so there's this thing on the box that says multiplayer up to whatever players
You can't why are we allowed to sell someone this this even a license to this thing?
I know they're not selling them the software. They're selling them a license to it, but that license has an
Experience okay, and then it just goes away later. That was not the deal
Yeah, I I think having some type of minimum agreement for how long it has to be accessible. That's not bare minimum
I don't think it necessarily has to be forever. I think that's a lot to ask from company. No
But what it has to be is there has to be a sunset
Procedure yes, so that's okay. That's what I was gonna say is once that time period ends
You should have if you don't want to maintain it it should now be
maintainable by someone else and you can set terms and we've talked about this before where like you have to
Purchase a copy of the game to be able to play it on the newly maintained system the newly maintained system cannot be monetized
Things like that. I don't
Don't care, but it should be possible for historical reasons for people to be able to set it up
What has happened with subcom supreme commander?
It's so cool. We've commented on this a bunch of times on the show is like
Perfect in my opinion. Yeah, the community have set up a
genuinely amazing
Community server community actually just genuine launcher unity around it. There's like events that they have there's custom maps. There's mods
There's like everything you can imagine. They have a custom launcher
It requires you to have purchased a real the rice holders still get paid
Yeah, like it's it's it's win-win-win really great for everyone and
Then that game gets to survive
Because sure, you know what? It might be 10 years down the load down the road
There might not be that many players anymore
It might be far from profitable for you to maintain this thing and it's like, you know what?
It's really time to sunset this it takes a lot of our dev time, whatever fine sure
But you have to hand it off a small distraction and floatplane chat says we need more government line of Sebastian
No, what we need is the government to actually do its job. Its job is supposed to be acting as a
Protector for its citizens in a sense, right?
Like if if someone breaks into your house and steals your stuff
The government is supposed to do something about it, right?
You're not supposed to just round up a posse and just what like go wandering the streets looking for the guy
What we need is for someone to step in and say no you may not actually sell something based on
representation of it and then change it after the fact I
Would like to think that people could deal with this themselves by not supporting companies who are going to behave in this way
But clearly that ship has sailed
Yeah, people are gonna keep buying games from EA
Regulation is a good thing because otherwise it's it's anarchy
There's there's like things you can use when manufacturing products that will like
Actually end us all
Yeah, and we need someone to prevent people from doing it like because otherwise they've shown time and time again that they will
Yeah, the giant holes that were forming in the ozone and stuff which like government came in and fixed it
Are either us are either of us the biggest fans of like over regulation?
No, no, are either of us the biggest fans of like over governance all these other types of things
No, but certain regulations should should be in place a bunch of people are tagging me be like stop him
This is hot take territory. I'm like, I agree. What do you want me to know?
It is a good thing that asbestos isn't everywhere
Yeah, that's great. And that's sure as heck wasn't private companies dealing with it. Yeah
And you might say hey, no, they totally did because it was a liability concern
Well guess who creates the framework of laws that give companies liability like we actually do
need some of it need it a little bit otherwise, it's just it's
It's it's open season for the people with money and power at the top and yes, I'm quite wealthy
Before you have to say it, but I'm not at the top
I am a lot closer to you the viewer than I am to a billionaire a lot closer
Yeah, there's actually like a huge difference like the kind of the kind of influence that people can wield it is
Unfathomable to me even with my small army of team members here, right like it's
I'm not I don't get too far into you know, conspiracy theories or whatever
But there's real stuff that is not conspiracy theory that has actually happened that just blows my mind
I go, okay, so I'm sorry like this this person or this cabal of people got together and did what?
Yeah, yeah, okay updates
Yeah, yeah hit me
I now have a spreadsheet of
Unsorted merch messages including a lot of garbage data. That is
2007 lines long yeah, cuz it's just like the order
I'm going to go parse this and I will have some merch messes for you. I believe Conrad is now working through the
170 that have come in since this has happened
You should try to see if there's some unique identifier so you can get some of that garbage data out of there
I yes, I'm happy to try to shift to old-school stuff and start managing incomings or read. I don't care which one
Yeah, why don't we have three curated ones?
Good. Do you want me to read you one before I disappear? I don't think so. Yeah
Luke's gonna do a little bit of curation while I talk about that
Raja kaduri is leaving Intel to form a new company focused on developing generative AI tools for digital movie and
Game designers currently similar tools are developed
Primarily with Nvidia chips in mind, but kaduri wants to create tools that are compatible with any processor
Intel has not yet appointed another permanent head for their arc division to replace kaduri
The discussion question here is what does this mean for Intel and specifically the arc division and
competition among low-end graphics cards
I would like to think that kind of like the Radeon Technologies Group at AMD
This is this is not the end at all for Intel's arc graphics division
it's it's very obvious that Raja has his hands his fingerprints all over arc and that a lot of the
Groundwork has already been laid not just for arc alchemists, but also for battle mage and celestial
What I'm hoping is that the team that he and the the other members of the team the other members of management
They're built are going to take that foundation and run with it. I actually have a lot of hope based on the
Development we've seen already with arc alchemists
That Intel is going to be a legitimate player in the next year or two or three
But yeah, I wish him all the best on his new endeavor and good luck Godspeed and
With that out of the way that was really the last major topic. So why don't we?
Start doing some merch messages. Don't you read to you?
Or do you just read yourself out of curated? Oh, I don't know. I'm not sure what's faster. There's so many oh
Man my laptop. Oh wow the page is heavy
This has never been a problem before
Like I can barely interact with this page without it being leggy yep, I
Never thought I would say this but you guys might be buying too much stuff from LTT store calm
I mean don't don't stop or anything like we lost a day of Adsense that
I'm not gonna say it's a bad thing and we launched a lot of really cool products is the full point so I've helped a
Lot with that. Thank you. Thank you very much. Yeah, but like what the heck it's taking me forever to even scroll through the incoming
Okay, I guess I'll do curated
William T. Says some of the privated videos that were listed as part of the channel recovery
There was a there was a period of maybe like three or four hours
I don't know exactly how long it was where every video that was previously private on the channel was public for a bit and
William says some of them were pretty cool as an American. I appreciated the Las Vegas range footage I
used to use the LTT channel as just
Well my personal channel because it was I didn't have a whole team of people that helped me manager or anything like that
So I would just upload random videos to it that one in particular
I think was a trip with OC Zed. No, this is predates you I'm pretty sure I don't know exactly which one it was
I know we've gone. Yeah, I don't think we I don't think we had a video what it was for. Yeah
Uh, oh wait. Yeah, if it was a Las Vegas range. It was probably my trip there with OC Zed and
It was just I think it was probably unlisted before and I just had uploaded it to share it with them so that they could
Check it out
But the channel was chock-full there was FS
700 footage with my infant son just like you know playing like airplane game with them because I had just bought the camera and
Preparation for launching the channel and was playing with it at home not knowing how to use it because Ed hadn't shown me yet
It was kind of fun for me going back and looking through some of it there was some stuff that I
You know had not uploaded for privacy reasons
But the main one that was actually problematic was a detailed like room-by-room tour of my house
Like you could build a counter-strike map with it. You know like that detailed
Yeah, so nothing nothing too catastrophic a lot of
Non-brand approved versions of videos. Yeah, there was this really funny thing that we had in our Dyson vacuum
You know the really controversial one our Dyson vacuum video where we had
We took like a picture of James Dyson and
we had him like doing the South Park Canadian talking thing where his heads just split in two like Saddam Hussein and
We had him say blow them up
And it was talking about how he cancelled all of their development for corded vacuums and like they didn't like it
They didn't like him. You know
Going like that so we had to do a different version
But that was live for a little bit some people thought it was pretty funny
So yeah a lot of non-brand approved things went up
It seems to be gone now
Let's go ahead and archive that and I'll move on to the next one Samuel
How many messages before we break the message queue if we break the queue?
Will you give us more details on the magnet wire management?
The only details I can really share are that we are working with an overseas mold supplier on this one because
Doing the molds with the same supplier that we worked with here in Delta as for the screwdriver
Would have been a few things it would have been unnecessarily expensive
It would have taken a long time because they're extremely backlogged and it would have been
Needlessly good
The molds for these do need to be precise in certain ways
so the bottom the way that the magnet retention is handled is really cool and
Does need to be pretty precise, but the rest of it. It's a plastic arch it holds down cables, you know
It's not something that you have in your hand for some people
Hours of the day right like it doesn't have to be perfect
It just needs to be pretty darn good and we are happy with the current molds that we have
So we are moving into production and we're hoping to launch them. I think sometime this year, but if it doesn't happen well
Hey, would anyone really be surprised we're gonna have I think it's four different sizes of just arches like the ones that I'm holding
I think I'm assuming that's why you asked about it because I was fidgeting with them earlier and then we're gonna have one that's designed
To hold a cable tie so it could hold any size of cable bundle as long as you don't overpower the magnets
Pretty excited about it and we're gonna have a whole series of content where we cable manage the worst setups
Using our cable ties and hopefully our cables at some point
We have a really promising new cable supplier that I'm oh, yeah. Yeah, the team is really excited about that's cool
We've made some tough decisions
We are not going to be supporting USB 20 gigabit. I believe and the reason for that is that
basically no
manufactured cable today
Properly meets the full spec
It'll function
But in terms of the recommendations from USB IF or whatever, whatever the USB USB forum
Whatever whatever the USB group is the actual recommended size of the eye for proper signal integrity as far as we can tell no cable
Properly meets the recommendations and our standard is going to be that if we can't do it, right
We're simply not going to make it
That may change because Kyle pushed back pretty hard saying
We can make it work very consistently
It's just not it doesn't have the recommended eye size. So that is the amount of
Space between like the rising and falling signal or whatever the the zero and the one
Essentially you want that to be a big enough gap that a zero can never be confused for a one
So Kyle is pushing back saying like it's a big eye. It's fine, but that's not really my vibe
So we'll have to kind of well, we'll fight it out. We'll fight it out, but we just want our cables to be
Zero question. It'll do what it says
It's going to do and we're just gonna rate them by gigabits per second and watts rather than gen whatever
whatever nonsense
What'd be kind of cool is if you do the rating that way
You could also have like an info tab that is like this is the things that should be capable of then
Yes, that makes sense. That'd be sweet
Chet asks will the hydrophobic miss ever wear off the hats
I don't know stay tuned for the more information that presumably I will be bringing to you later
It's not a treatment to the fabric. It's a special fabric though
Okay, I thought I replied to that one I wonder if this is like kind of broken to Matthew says hey Linus and Luke
I guess you're uh
Are you available?
I love the content have been watching since around 2012. I've been tinkering with making an RC Hot Wheels car
Okay, that would be sick. Is there any chance we'll see more RC content
man RC is
It's tough
I feel like the closest RC has gotten to overlapping with our
Content is like drones and there's such cool tech in the space whether it's first-person view goggles or
Just like real men the cameras that they're packing onto drones these days
The the like how lightweight drones have gotten to deal with the regulations around people flying them
But it just doesn't perform well on the main channel and right now
drones are a like a distant a
Twinkle in not even my eye
You know someone else's eye here in terms of a vertical that we would create a channel that focuses on or something like that
Like there's just so many more low-hanging fruits that are more in our wheelhouse
So I would see RC as even farther away than that, but I love it. I think it's super cool
I just don't see how we could build a business case around making more content for for RC
I have toyed around with the idea of siccing the creator warehouse team on
Just like a tiny little RC car or boat or mouse just because those are things that are available like to play with cats
Or like for kids to play with in the bathtub or whatever, but they all suck
I would want like a good one like a little RC mouse toy for cats
That's like a hundred dollars because it's packed full of the like the best
The best motors and you know the best radio equipments, and it's super durable
It has like an interchangeable top so that when the cat
Wears it out or whatever it you can just put on a new one like that kind of thing would be awesome
Sorry, I'm gonna. I'm gonna just get servos show this one, but Trevor W
Said print idea for the next batch of underwear nude colored with a strawberry on the front
And a crack on the backside
Would actually be so funny I think by the time they could get them out the me might be a little dead
Yeah, so I don't know if we should like actually do it, but it's funny. It might be worth doing a printable
Underwear though like underwear blanks, and it's never even occurred to me, and then we could do meme underwear designs and stuff
Hmm interesting why did I?
Have a spout lid why did I take the whole thing off it just I'm not functioning Luke. I'm not functioning
Strawberry underwear huh okay anywho
Andrew see I'm watching about an hour behind so you could have already addressed this are there any local concerns
After the hackening on a hardware level like with goat
Yes, so I created this almost for myself. Yes. I immediately seized the computer
Disconnected from network all that kind of stuff. I have it
Stashed away any storage the motherboard all that stuff is
Gonna be disappeared
But like the CPU the RAM the RAM is probably fine
I'll I could do it a little bit more, but rants probably fine the CPU the RAM
The graphics card which I'm pretty sure it has I haven't looked inside it like there's the case power supply lots of things in there
Will be recoverable, but anything that could be compromised is just going to be destroyed
Is what it is yeah
Destroyed yeah, what are you destroying a?
Motherboard what I'm assuming is an SSD
And then that's probably it
They're compromised we you have to destroy the motherboard. That's like BIOS could be infected expensive motherboard basket be infected
I haven't looked enough into what you can do about that there. I'm not a hundred percent sure just I haven't looked into it at all
No no no let him keep working
Can you solder a new BIOS chip yeah if you can do that if you can flash it and it like
Genuinely 100% resolves it whatever then we can keep it like it. I still have the whole thing
I haven't done any of this okay, but at some point in time. We're going to have to deal with those things
I'm we're definitely not retaining the SSD. That's that's gone
The motherboard is maybe a keep, but the SSD is is definitely gone. I hate destroying hardware
I agree it always it hurts me. Oh, yeah
but like yeah, there are concerns about the hardware I
Just have it
I haven't even like
The only thing I did was I unplugged the computer and I took it with me so that other people wouldn't plug it back in
And it's just like a now that it's offline. It's not high priority, so I'll deal with it later
But I am I am aware that the computer is a concern
Okay, I I started doing merch messages oh
Man we we're oh
I feel like how our customer support team must have felt when we were so far behind
That's the screwdriver and backpack launch Conrad's even helping us in the dashboard
He's in the dashboard as well replying to messages and stuff
And I think I don't know this because I've just barely been communicating with the team
I think I think because if we keep the load down a little bit, maybe it survives
We're just trying to answer them quickly to get things like out of the system Daniel G
This one must have been curated by Dan because he is constantly
Hounding me about this have you ever done it behind the scenes for the WAN show and go
Okay, yeah Dan and has answered this one
I think more than once that he wants to do it, and I keep saying I don't think it's an LTT video
You know what I?
Is Dan in your shot? I don't know. I'm not sure okay
Well you guys can remind him next show because he's not at the chair right now
Yes, it's greenlit as a floatplane exclusive
He can do a little tour of his of his battle station back there
And maybe he can explain in more detail how he plans to do that job remotely
Cuz there's there's sliders, and there's dials and there's keypads
I don't really I don't really understand how he's gonna be doing that
This is a fun one Chris C. Says. I know you mentioned about trying to find a way to raise capital
Have you ever thought about doing something like Hacksmith where they sell memorabilia from the video creation process
Oh, okay, I I thought I was gonna have more to contribute to this than then I ended up having
I actually suggested to James back when he was approaching 10 million subscribers
That he do like like a memorabilia
Slash like that he make part of the event
Talking about some of the early days of Hacksmith and how he was funding it by going to the dollar store and buying
little tiny cutting boards and
laser engraving them with like cool graphics and slogans
He gave he still had some of them kicking around and I asked for one because I was like this is such a cool little
Piece of Hacksmith history because he could sell them for like 20 30 bucks on Etsy
And it was like a Game of Thrones like dragon looking thing and said dinner is coming
On this like cute little cutting board and I was like man, you should tell that story about the early days
yeah, and you should you should do like like a drop of
Little cutting boards because there was still time. I think he was at like 9 million something
I don't think he ended up doing it. But that's what I thought you were asking about like
Doing kind of commemorative stuff like that
But no, I think they actually do sell some of the stuff they create and I think that's what you're talking about
We've done some we've done some blind auctions at LTX
You are like BC Children's Hospital and I think we've worked with extra life on
Auctioning off like because I like we did the bomb piece for example. Yeah, there's a couple other things as well
We have some stuff that we have queued up for LTX this year, but we've never
aside from garage sales where we were just
Selling stuff to get rid of it to get it out of our hair
That we had used in videos, but we weren't really we weren't really emphasizing that I don't think we've I don't think we've ever really done
it no
Kyle asks, will you implement where you can only log into accounts from the company network add?
Workplace plugins scanning employee inboxes for phishing emails and malicious attachments, etc. I
Think that's a better question for our new CTO. Mr. Luke Lafreniere
Yeah, a lot of this stuff like pretty much everything you said and more
Has has been road mapped
We're dealing with a lot of it was road mapped already just as part of like
Onboarding and figuring out where the heck things were at but yeah
It takes time it takes a lot of time and we're dealing with this
Migration off of LastPass for relatively obvious reasons if you've been paying attention to the space at all for a while now
And that was like many
thousands of
passwords like many
That was what a lot of people immediately freaked out and were worried about
Caused the the recent like break-in but it was actually completely unrelated. I had nothing to do with that
So that was our focus first was like hey, there was this massive breach at LastPass. We should figure this out immediately
So we've we aren't even technically a hundred percent done that
There's still a lot of growing pains to do with that migration and then this happened
but yeah, like these are all these are all things we we thought of like one of the
Small unfortunate artifacts of this situation was the antivirus solution that we have actually did flag it
But it wasn't set
To as aggressive of a level as it could have been because we didn't previously and even now I mean the team hasn't grown yet
I'm still working on hiring an infrastructure person
We didn't have the like bandwidth to not as an internet bandwidth and as in like time
Yeah to be able to address the level of false positives that would have been coming through
Because it was it was a lot of false positives, which is like fine
It's a more it's a more aggressive level
But that level would have stopped this because it did detect it the antivirus solution
We have detected it but it was like this doesn't match a signature for something that we've seen before
But this thing is sketchy and it looks very similar and it sent a warning
It sent a warning to the user and it sent a warning through email
But systems weren't just everything's kind of in a weird limbo place right now. So
Just it's it slipped through. Can I just say?
Shout out Conrad and the floatplane team for only losing messages sometimes
Going over to my screen here. Oh
You know how I said this was fixed now, it seemed it's not
Here's a 100 euro super chat. Whoa, that is not in the archive
So when this expires from here, it will be gone
Also, I doubt that this is the number of super chats today
Because it's been quite a long stream. It's still
Fucking broken. This is this is the only time ever. It's it's been a perfect track record up until this point
What for much? Oh, I thought you meant for that because I was gonna say that what are you talking about?
That's why we developed merch mess. Yeah, cuz super chats were broken
Yeah, I've had people accuse me of like making that up or something something. I don't I don't know. Anyway, thanks mega leg
No, no, it's actually broken. I don't know how it's even possible
So yeah, all right one time merch messages falls apart
We're sorry, but dang it
I'm giving the team a pass on this one because it's more reliable than Google's product. Yeah, and like Dan's resolving it right now
We didn't lose the data. It just became a lot more complicated and difficult and tedious to parse through
And we're already back online and in the normal way so that's working so like yeah
I don't know things are gonna go wrong. That's another thing that like if I remember correctly you did address well in your video
but like
Like what the hack that happened to us like things are gonna go wrong
Yeah, we a hundred percent could have had better stuff in place on average. I get hacked once every five years
We'll make that we'll make that better we'll make that better
We I've even like talked to Wendell about it already
And he shared the same opinion like it's you can do as much as you want policy wise
We can do as much as we want education wise and we should and we will and that was another thing that was roadmapped already
But like we just haven't been able to we're not gonna claim that anything is ever
Unexploitable. No
There will always be holes and there's the whole Swiss cheese approach thing that we mentioned when we were talking about goats video on Tarkov
We're like with security you want to just have a lot of layers because each layer is gonna have some amount of holes
So you try to have as many as you can that hopefully something can't get through but something could get through at pretty much any time
But we need to be
Man, what did he call it? It's a phrase
I've heard it a bunch of times before but my brain is not working need to be hard
Effectively that yeah. Yeah
Hardened. What is it called? It's like not well, I have a little thing
I need to talk to some of our float plane team about here real quick
First of all Conrad says lose messages. What are you talking about anti fragile? Yeah, we've got them back sort of
You're right. You're right Conrad that I should have been more fair to you. Also Jayden two things number one
Why are you still working and number two? What is this feature? You're testing? What is it?
Hold on a second. Let me just bring this eyes are bad. I can see it
What is this what is moderation by a moderation bot whenever I open the live page the app crashes
Moderation bought hi Jayden. There is currently an update available that fixes the livestream crashing issue. Please try to update to the list version
Are you not only are you?
experimenting with features live in the chat
While we are in a crisis here Jayden also go to bed
It's late
Defense and death no anti fragile anti fragile
I always liked the term anti fragile and and Wendell mentioned it when he was talking to me about like the whole world could stand
To be a little less anti or a little more anti fragile. Yeah, but that's a whole separate conversation
Yeah, so like I that's that's something that needs to happen is not the users fault AJ and Jonathan piping up
We're still working to Kate no for for real
The official response is
Something whatever he's gonna say please log your hours correctly. Yeah, there you go
But I'd messaged AJ earlier. You're supposed to approve OT. Oh
Well you got him
Did I did message AJ earlier because I didn't at that point in time it was only
Contractors and AJ working okay and contractors
I don't think I actually even can let alone have to and I knew AJ was working so I told him like make sure you
Claim your OT blah blah blah blah blah
Now there's other people including Dan and Conrad that are working so yeah
Sounds good just everyone log your hours correctly. That's all I have to say about that you know
HR and accounting know all the details of how you're supposed to be logging your hours I
Massively enjoy working with people who will rise to the challenge and get stuff done. You should also be paid for it, so yeah
Okay golden Dan came back with a lot to do that that fast
He read them apparently okay, he put the he put the
Hydrophobic hat on and somehow that just
Dialed them in okay wow we are not gonna be able to get through all of these
Regardless Dan, and I don't want you to feel like it was wasted effort. You know finding the ones
But we will not address them all I don't think it's possible
Since the problem we've had 270 well, okay
He doesn't have to address
He can't address any of those in a show on screen or text reply status
But he can curate ones out of there, and we can keep working on this okay
You want to keep going through curated? I'll keep doing what I was doing. Oh my goodness
Okay, do you want to hit us with some rich messes then sure let's do it unfortunately
I can't see the name sure just get your message all right
Okay first one is what training will you be implementing to prevent further intrusion oh?
Yeah, so we sort of talked about this earlier there will be
Training slash education stuff that is coming in but our main goal is to make our systems and our
Approaches and our processes and stuff like that as anti-fragile as possible because you can do as much training as you want
It's not gonna completely solve
I definitely want the thing where we try to fish our own employees and anyone who clicks on something. Yeah, it's totally a goal
Yeah, okay cool. Yeah, okay good. I
Yeah, I've had a bunch of people reach out being like oh I can do pen testing on your organization. It's like
Great, we might be interested in that at some point
We're definitely gonna do our own version we have some very low hanging fruit to pick
But we know what we need to work on for the next little bit. Yeah, okay for sure cool. Yeah
Next up Luke. We haven't had a meet the team from you yet
So what is something you hate for no good reason other than you just hate it
Don't say like do you ever meet the team like two hosts normally have a meet the team
I feel like people have met me a lot
Yeah, yeah, we've we've done hosts before okay. What do I hate for no good reason hate for no good reason I?
Feel like I have reasons for things that I hate maybe they're not good ones
I hate dead things
Dead things yeah, I just I have like necrophobia. Oh, okay
Yeah, anything dead like it. I'm more afraid of a dead spider than a live one like I don't like it interesting
Yeah, I don't feel like I have whenever I watch scenes in movies
We're like you know Iron Man dies or whatever and then like when if paltrow leans down and and kisses him spoiler alert Iron Man
We are supposed to spoiler alert things, but also if you don't know that
It's fine. It's fine
The point is we weren't gonna watch so he's like dead and she like leans in and you know like kisses him one last time
I'm just like
Like I can feel my bile rising like it's one of those things. I've like I've I've thought about you know like I don't know
Maybe this isn't normal
but like I I'll have like nightmares sometimes that like Yvonne dies in her sleep and like I I wake up next to her and
Like the only thing I can think of is like oh
Like getting away as fast as pot like I wouldn't be like like you're clutching and sobbing. I don't think that's interesting
I've never gone through it, but I do not I mentioned dead things earlier in the show
But how we have tons of like freakishly similar things. That's not one of them. Okay. Yeah, so you're into dead things
I'm not into it, but like I was there when my grandfather passed away right okay, and he was he was freakishly strong
I don't know how much I told you about this
But the the nurses were very impressed because we found he couldn't talk near the end
But he found a way to communicate through
Just like strengthening things so you'd like hold his hands
And he would like move you in a certain way for yes
And he'd move you in a certain way for no right and he was really strong so he could like
Actually give you like quite a push
So there's one time I made some comment about and he could see
So I made some comment about how I needed a haircut, and he just like almost tossed me
which was hilarious, but like I was holding his hand right and
I was
Okay, like obviously. I was sad, but like I didn't get any visceral
Think of it with my oh
With my oppa. I was there too and in the like the very like moment
You know yeah, I was I was okay, but I but I didn't want to go near him after
for sure I helped the
Yeah, more guy carry him out. I was a proud moment for me. Okay, it felt I
Don't know if this is gonna be interpreted the right way, but it felt good I
Was happy to do it
I felt like I was doing my grandpa a favor the more guy was like I can do it myself more or less
But I was like it feels right. Yeah, I don't know whatever. I don't think I could have done
It's getting weird with you, man. I don't yeah, I didn't expect yeah like I'm not saying anything about that
It just felt appropriate for me to do that. I don't know why I wasn't needed
Maybe I'd have felt differently if I'd I also wasn't needed in that moment
Had like a whole method for everything and stuff he was on it, but I just felt like I should help okay
Anyways on to more positive topics
I don't know
Like things that I hate I usually have a reason for can you think of anything that I hate for well
I mean the dead no for me. Oh for you. Oh something you hate for no reason I
Don't know if you like hate much don't think so ah
Especially I can think of like some things that I'm against, but I can't think of for no reason I
Don't think I'm just like irrationally against anything too much
Yeah, I can't think of anything off the top of my head. Yeah, all right. Yep moving on. Sorry
Well, you'll probably like this one then a high Linus. Hi Luke greetings from a new floatplane subscriber
Questions from Luke's view your questions for Luke
How challenging was it to scale up float plane given the sudden influx of so many new subscribers?
That again that part's actually not that big of a deal the the infrastructure slash DevOps team is
Is really good has been doing a great job
the the problems that we've been having the things that people have been seeing going on are more related to
Somewhat problematic recent updates that we've had which is fairly normal and just extremely unfortunate timing
Yeah, I don't know
It is what it is
We knew this stuff like might happen, but that's just like kind of part of doing this
I don't know. We're not like an absolutely insanely enormous team
We we ought to do we can so things did happen they just unfortunately happened right now, but we'll recover
We've already recovered a ton like they're literally working on it right now. There's been significant improvements that have happened during the show a
Video was launched during this show. Do you know about that? Yes, there was a Mac address published
Yes during the show
I mean I did kind of ask you about that like are you letting people know that there's a problem with notifications and you're like
Nope, I was like, okay. Well, like what how are we gonna? I mean you could have posted in general in teams
No, I know. Okay, but like what's gonna the we're just gonna queue up like an insane amount later
They're not gonna get things at the same time as YouTube that makes them unhappy that makes that makes the float plane people very unhappy
We know we know that
We don't do it on purpose. Yeah, it's usually like like this when show archive will be later. Oh, yeah
It just takes a long time to process because we don't have
hundreds of millions of dollars
Yeah ourselves. So it takes a minute and then that problem exacerbates as the land show just keeps getting longer and longer
Oops, I accidentally just clicked show on one that I intended to reply to if there was a sport that I could pick up today
As an adult a team sport, it would be a roller hockey
I think I would get absolutely
Annihilated because I'm not very big but I just love rollerblading and I've always loved hockey even though I suck
But this was this was aspirational. Okay, it wasn't what sport are you going to start playing tomorrow? So that's what I chose. Yeah
Okay up next how many sport for me? Yeah a team sport a new team sport that you could pick up today
What would you choose?
Hmm a
Problem with this is a lot of the things that I would want to do would be very body-breaking
And I already have enough of those problems. So
Define pick up what level of good are we?
You're just gonna have to choose this they're obviously not gonna respond. Ah, what level of good are we?
Yeah, like are like by pick up do they mean like can I like play at a competitive level I would think so
Yeah, okay. So probably badminton really? Oh, okay, cuz I have people that I would want to play with at that point. It's fun
Yeah, it's really fun. I enjoy it
There's and there's people that I would want to play with which adds a social aspect to it, which is very cool
There's a lot of other sports that I could put in there. The social side is what?
Incentivizes me to do it at all. That's what we stay in shape
Yeah, it's like if I don't go I'm letting down my friends because I'm not paying my portion of the rental fee tonight
And everyone has to pay more
so even if I like kind of don't feel like it I go which and and
Because I know everyone and I like want to beat them I go hard
yeah, and so it's it's it's just a really different level from just like
Trying to motivate myself to just like do push-ups or something. Yeah
Yeah, if I didn't have social connections, which would benefit badminton
I'd I'd probably say actually either rollerball a roller hockey or ball. I like that too
Or it's called skeeball and it's not really a team sport
Ball had nothing to do with what I was even gonna say
I just came out of nowhere cuz I wasn't gonna say ball hockey hurling. I was gonna say ice like
curling I
Doesn't pick up cuz yeah, I play once a year
My dad's also like my dad's going to either I don't know if it's provincial or Nationals, but he's going to one of them
They have like custom jackets on and everything. He has his name on a custom jacket. He's sponsored by some company. He's crazy
He's really good
It's actually like nuts
We we often like so we play in this thing called the novice Bond spiel bond spiel for curling is effectively tournament
And we play in the novice bonds feel because my my brother my uncle and I don't actually play
We just play once a year at this novice tournament, and then my dad plays
But my dad like leads our team and how it's set up is there's a certain amount of years
Combined across all the members of your team
How many years have they put have they?
Played curling how many teams have they how many years have they curled? Yeah? That's a way to say it
so I think
They they started adding like years to myself my brother and my uncle
Because they're like eventually you guys have to stop doing this because we win all that time
The amount of years that they've started making us take on
Despite us never actually playing for any year any amount of years and then with the years that my dad is just naturally gaining
We're gonna be pushed out of that tournament eventually which kind of sucks
But we just win like all the time and we relatively often win because my dad is the last person to curl and he'll just like
Sink one and it'll be brutal like they're gonna score like six points
And then on his like the last throw that we have ever it'll just be like
We went
It's crazy oh man there was one year where there's three different ways that you can receive money
There's how you place in the tournament, so if you like win you make some money
It there's something called the blind Calcutta, I believe is what it's called
I don't know what that necessarily means
But if you enter the blind Calcutta you pay into it
And then you get a random team assigned to you and if that team wins you make money
And then there's a thing called cool shots, which is like shuffleboard
Yeah, but there are curling rocks, and it's your your curling
It's just like on a board and one year we got ourselves in the blind Calcutta
We won the tournament, so we won the blind Calcutta. We won the tournament, and we won cool shots we won
everything yeah, I'd be a little resentful if I was you know someone else who thought I was you know pretty hot at curling and
Just this like family team comes in I'd be like they probably practice like every night together
The funniest part is we like they probably have their own curling rink
We don't even like show up the night before the day before to like do a couple slides or anything our first slide of every
Tournament is like an actual tournament slide like it's just stupid
It's so funny anyways we're all like very competitive, so we're super into this whole thing it's great
Anyways more merch messages all right how many shirts do we have to buy to get more Dan, but streams loved it today? Oh?
Dan, but that's not how I interpreted that see if you said best sir, but yeah Dan Sarah
I might have known what you were talking about, but Dan, but is an entirely different thing
I was wondering if you like picked something up in the back of the stream or something and flash them, but yeah
I popped in a few times to
Calm anxieties yeah, I've seen a few people asking for that. I mean my feedback is like oh guys
Everyone here is cool
But we can't have everyone on camera constantly because we actually have stuff to do we got stuff to do yeah
I mean the idea of Sarah doing design streams like that is not a new one
She's done them before and we'd love to do them
But it can't be all the time because it's not as you know
Productive for her and it means people can't come in and talk to her about confidential stuff and whatever else
So it's it's not something we can do all the time
But I don't see it as being an impossibility
Okay next up
Linus did you experience any residual anxiety reviewing your security footage also
Would you say that the anxiety you were experiencing during the hackening affected your ability to handle the situation? Oh?
I mean yeah
Definitely affected my ability to handle the situation not as much as being sleep-deprived and just generally being a bit of a scatterbrain though
This the sleep deprivation was the thing I think I was actually an advantage because I hadn't fully fallen asleep yet, right?
I was in bed, but I hadn't fully fallen I was full ran so my brain was fully
I was I was up and ready basically. I was like mildly tired because I hadn't slept yet, but that's all
Okay up next what do you weigh heavier for LTT outage wannock data loss or LTT being hacked
Mmm the data loss was more anxiety inducing for me actually no hold on well
That's only partially true if you ask LTT being
Hijacked well there were three separate incidents of that and the first one was
Devastating because in the first one it wasn't common, and there was no resources available
Yeah, I had never been through it before I thought everything was gone forever
You know I was I was
The second and third times I've I've known that there's probably some recourse
Probably we have way better contacts at Google YouTube now like it's it's a different. It's a different beast now
I mean it we're talking earlier about how it happens regularly at this point, which isn't a good thing, but it is
a reassuring thing I guess
So that's not even close to the second most anxious
I ever was which is when we had that major data loss on the wannock server
that raid raid failure
Okay next up
Subscribe to float plane in January and today sealed a long-term customer. Sorry we all hugged float plane too hard this evening
Has the latest uptick in subs changed plans for future infrastructure expansions?
Infrastructure expansion I just replied to the wrong merch message whoever I replied lal
No to the merch message that that was supposed to be
Was do you have any plans to do a review of the EK water block for Intel arc graphics cards?
Oh, I replied to that too. That's why ah
I see yeah, we're having some too many cooks problems actually there's only 12 incoming merch messages
We should probably relax and get that down to one person, okay?
What's the question I'm supposed to be answering right now down
Are you gonna make the servers bigger? Oh?
Infrastructure response there are there any new plans as far as I know no again like
It's obviously there is some of that
mostly what it is is there are issues that were uncovered with some of our recent updates and
They were made much more obvious
By the increase in users like one of the issues right now that we are dealing with maybe have dealt with it was I
Don't know hundred percent know what's going on
I've been trying to pay attention, but there's been changes during the show so they might have already solved this
But there was an issue with notifications where it would like crush the service when a notification went out
It only crushed the service for my detectives because we have so many people that the notifications go to
is our notification service like
Do we need to scale up servers to handle that no there was a bug
Like we we can handle this much traffic
Please scale up
Infrastructure some point some things yes some things no, but like it's it like actually should be fine
We should be able to absorb this for sure. It's just certain bugs have been
Exaggerated due to the increase of users which have made things a little bit worse
But that is going to be resolved through fixing bugs
Which is something you just always need to do so it's fairly normal operations. Just again unfortunate timing
full-plane is
Legitimately genuinely quite solid so it is what it is. We will move on we will be okay
Okay, last one. I've got my list here
I've seen a shorter version of the screwdriver any estimated time of arrival on what will be this year
Or is it still unknown when it will be released?
When does stubby come in Linus my stubby's here right now, sorry
We are aiming for mid this year in our perfect magical world
Nick and Kyle are probably gonna kill me for saying this in our perfect magical world you will be able to buy one at LTX Oh
What okay? Yeah, don't yeah?
That on stream, I'm not committing to that though, and they are
Ventilating for Kyle right yeah, they are especially not committing to that we would love to
We would love to hit Oh Kyle says soon in the chat there. That's the official answer cool perfect good
I didn't know Kyle was still watching
Everyone is okay this next first message is immersed message is from Kyle
Different Kyle, okay
Will you implement where you can only log into accounts from the company network and workplace plugin scanning employee?
I think we already talked about this is slightly different
We talked about something similar we can move on yeah, it's effectively the same
We've got a lot of stuff to get through if it's similar. We're going yeah
Alberto can you guys get Dan a picture-in-picture window and a decent background instead of a door I?
Think it suits me don't you are you reading?
I'm on your curated messages now very massive mess wait. You're done your sheet. Yes. Oh, oh well. That's fantastic
Okay, did you want more? Well? I'm just kind of sad because I felt like here hold on put you back up here
I felt like we were
Heading towards uncharted territory. I don't think the wan show has ever made its way to Saturday before
What time is it oh don't look at the time is that a new goal we're gonna go to Saturday
I'm not saying it's a goal
I'm just saying that if there were more merch messages curated
Then they might happen are you you read all of them were you a little too aggressive with the curation filtering?
I'm not sure a lot of them were
Like responses to merch or like stuff that you had already talked about like a lot of people were curious who edited
Linus's junk out of the video right and
Okay massive outcry
Were people wishing us the best through this and thank you very cool love
It really does is junk
Sorry, I ruined a good moment you really did your junk just made a bunch of money
Hey it ain't the first time
Yeah, no so
Which is really nice I can have another fine-tooth comb, but I think when we had that lost
I think I had about six to ten
infuriated and like another six to ten because I wasn't able to like
Do them because I had a hundred in the queue and I wasn't able to show them and the backlog was 400 and everything
just fell apart, so
Am I gonna get a decent background?
Well there's a door there
It's an emergency exit. We can't you can't
Wait we can't see it because it's like a reflective
Sticker do can you grab your camera and get a little closer to it or something make it so we can read it that
Put a little shade on it. Yeah, it's a fire door like we can't really change anything about his set up
Thanks, and that's helping a lot work. It's like straight on yeah, you know what forget. I don't move the camera. No
Thank you, thank you for reading that for us. I mean that is kind of his job is to read things for us
As well I'm putting this on your quarterly review sometimes. He changes read good, too
And do other stuff grammar good excellent. He also needs to type good. Yeah, type. Good is good. Yeah. Yeah spell though
That's okay. I don't think it matters that makes the passwords better alright. Here's with another
You ever
Have you ever locked yourself out of an account that you just created or like a Windows install you just created
By typoing a password exactly the same way twice
I've definitely done that it's such a frustrating experience
And then you sit there, and you kind of go maybe if I could typo it the same way a third time I could
Okay next up is from Matthew Luke, what's your opinion on kids using chat GPT in school for classes like English?
I know I've used it to only help with research and outlining, but other kids use it to write full essays
It's a weird one
I thought this would be for maybe both of us instead of just me because you actually have children I
Mostly subscribe to the calculator argument
What I mean by the calculator argument is when when like we were in school
I'm sure you had the same
Conversations calculators away a lot of the teachers would make you put your calculators away because and the argument would be like oh
You won't have one on you all the time
How did that work so now with chat GPT it's like well, okay
these types of tools are
Obviously going to stay around however is there something to be said for having life skills like
Being able like I can drive my car
without navigation
but I have heard from young people and
People who know young people that they actually key in
Even places they go regularly every time they go
I do sometimes just for traffic and do not know how to get there without it oh
So when your internet is out is it useful to just
Have some basics. Yeah, well like I think one of the big directions that things are going in yeah
And I'm just like choosing to see this more optimistically
but I think one of the big directions that people are going in is like a
Partnership thing right like
Microsoft's calling it copilot. Yeah like the idea is that you're working on things together
You are a cyborg and like a lot of the demos by Microsoft
And I actually respected this a lot is they were just constantly showing people getting outputs from whatever copilot
Thing it was in Excel word whatever and then it was immediately showing people editing them one of the biggest points in the video
They get it to write out a thing in Word
and then it shows the person select a big chunk of it and just click delete and get rid of it and it like
Makes a point of being like look. They just changed it because they're pushing like you need to edit these things
You need to work with me and stuff like that so
potentially using
Even just having like a section of your class part of your course being like okay
We're going to intentionally use these new tools, but you have to have some amount of ownership over its output
Yeah, you need to edit it you need to improve it you need to guide it those different types of things
You have to be a part of this process because if you're not then you're bringing no value
Which is dangerous? Yeah, so learn how to
Yes, you still need to learn the base skill, but then if kids are using it are they learning the base skill
Yeah, it's a complicated question. That's why I said part of the class though like you could
Having the challenge being original creation yeah versus
Edited or guided creation sure is interesting to me having both of them like learning how in a in a calculator filled world
Knowing how to do mental math is still beneficial
Oh for sure and knowing how to see a result that comes out of a calculator and go ooh, that's wrong
Yeah, where did I screw up the first good? Yeah, and like yeah, maybe if it's within a very small margin
But knowing some mental math knowing how to estimate answers is gonna lead you to realize oh, I forgot a bracket or
Something weird happened in my in my input. I didn't plus. I didn't press plus one of those times
I was trying to plus 20 things together so one number was one really long number and it gave me totally the wrong result like
Being able to figure that out is really beneficial so somehow finding a way to teach that would be good
I don't know. It's really calm
I need to try to use these tools more like something that could have been pretty interesting would be to
You know I could even do it because we often save versioned
scripts so if I took the version that Jake brought me which had all my notes and then all his sort of
Expansion on the notes that I had left, and I just plunked that into chat GPT like hey
can you clean this up and turn it into a
15 minute video script definitely get four if you're gonna do that
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah for sure, but I would like to see how close it gets you know yeah
Yeah, maybe oh, you know would be kind of cool. This would be a fun floatplane exclusive doing a
like a
Pre-script review like like a notes from notes, okay?
I go into a script review or I script a video based on notes or something like that
And then I feed it into GPT for a host both of my host both of them and see if people could guess which one
Was which I?
I think they'll be able to get it just because I think the way that you write for yourself is gonna be unique
but it'll still be very interesting, but I could also tell it I wanted in the style of Linus tech tips and
It's gonna have an enormous body of data
I mean would it even I don't even know if it could say it has a little bit of a signature in my opinion
Okay, but and like there's that's part of you know those tools that try to detect AI written things
They're trying to yeah right yeah, so I I think I still think it's super interesting, but yeah, I
Know you do here's a merch message that I curated
Every week there's more to talk about with chat GPT and other machine learning and AI stuff
I'd love to see a regular podcast with Luke and maybe guests talking about this rather than having Linus keep cutting it off
I don't know how many podcasts we need
I also think some of the cutting off
I think has maybe been a little too aggressive
But I think some of the cutting off has also been good like I don't want this show to become the AI podcast yes
That's why and I don't want us to talk about everything the reason why I pushed it last week was just those were actually
Massive yes huge moves, and then this week my my I wish I had more information on it because it might have been an interesting
Topic, but I haven't used any of the plugins, and I've literally just seen like article headlines
I've had no time the big thing. It's been like I'm just full transparency going to the washroom flipping through Google News
That's like all I have I'm really interested in it too actually, but what I'm doing is I'm
Monitoring the audience, and I'm being a voice for the people who are
Maybe not as interested and feel like we should probably move on and talk about something else. That's just fair and fine
I'm trying to help guide the show more than I
I'm trying to shut him up about AI because we talked about it on our personal time
Yeah, we don't even only talk about it on this show
That's true, and I don't tell him to stop talking about it when we're chatting about it. Yeah, yeah, so like I I get it
It's fine
I I don't there's so many little things happening in the space too where like if none of the big things were happening
Maybe those things would be worth talking about all the time. Yeah, but because they're like it's constant man
The plug-in of Wolfram alpha into chat GPT is like, holy cow
That's actually crazy because one of its biggest flaws for a long time has been mathematical things
so solving that is like
solving that in just like oh we're done is
Crazy, like the the the jumps have just been wild
So when there's these been these huge things like literally to be able to report on all the stuff happening in the AI space
You would need a channel releasing videos every single day and I know that because there are some already
It's actually just just wild really really wild so I don't know I appreciate the
The the comments that I've seen a bunch of people
Cheering me on in that regard and I like that
I don't know the answer to this Ryan says as an og floatplane sub I would be happy to upgrade past my keeper status
I think I know where the questions going. Oh, okay. So you keep your og
We know that you were an og subscriber and we're not gonna take that away. Oh
Now if they upgrade can they later go?
You know what? I really can't afford like $10 for 4k I can oh so you can always go back. Yeah three
We're not we're not trying to like
Yeah, I mean, that's something you and I have talked about or I'm pretty sure. Yeah. Yeah, sure
Okay, so if you're og you're og forever
Someone mentioned something in
Maybe this should be offline. Yeah, I don't know it's like
Somebody mentioned something in full plane today saying that if og members on the og tier
Upgrade maybe they should get like an emote
And I thought it would be really funny if we had like a float plane blue money bag emote
What we're just going we're going full like gacha we're going full like I don't think it should be whales
I don't know if we should do it at all. We've got money bag emotes
I don't know if we should do it at all. And if we do it, it shouldn't be like much it shouldn't be that different
I'm down for one emote. That's what like and I don't yeah, sure. Why not?
Well, we'll see if people are strong objectors. We'll hear that we're both tired right now, but like
It was hilarious how many people thought we were serious about paywalling
Dark mode on the site behind like an even higher
$25 a month here we were joking
We were joking reason why we were laughing about it was because it was funny not because we're maniacs like like evil
evil people
Making money is good. That means we can expand teams. We can grow we can do cool things. We can build a better service
But we
We have a design for dark mode and it looks sick
We are not in a state to release it this second
There's also a bunch of just like browser plugins that can bring dark mode to flow played for you very effectively and very easily
So there's that option as well
We'll get to it when we get to it and when we do get to it
Everyone will have it speaking of evil though
We do have some NFT plans that we're gonna be coming out with in the near future
And I think you guys are gonna be really excited about them
some people
some people
Have expressed concern about the creation of NFTs
But then I was talking to you and you said there might be some way that's more like eco-friendly to make them now
My understanding is there's a non power sucky way to do it. We'll like make just for the people that are
Inevitably just freaked out when they heard that we'll make sure that if we're going to do it. It's in like a
It's fine kind of way and we want to be extremely clear that we're doing it for a joke. Oh
Hold on a second
We will take that conversation offline. Oh
You wanna make actual NFTs for like actual reason well, hold on hold on. Hold on. Can I just hold on?
No, I know what you're gonna type
Hold on hold on hold on hold on. I think I'm AJ just sent me a message
I will read that just one second AJ sent me a message
This is moving way too fast open AI has just announced a new set of plugins for uploading and processing video clips
Shut up, and just like that. They made many systems as a service obsolete
Crazy processing they'll be able to like edit them and stuff. It's it's actually gonna be nuts
Know I know I'm trying to like make it less clear what we're doing. Oh, I see yeah
Okay. All right. Okay, so
We're usually yeah, just just actually like extremely good at that. Yeah. Well, we're both just really tired. Well
It'll actually be like fine and cool. It'll it be interesting. You'll like it. Yeah, you will like it. Yeah. Yeah
Yeah, like it's actually fine. I know that might seem far
Okay, I thought I totally misunderstood you okay
Okay, the whale coin
Good I don't even want to joke about this stuff people are gonna think it's serious
We could make a thing called like a float buck a float, but if you and it's tethered to one US dollar
If you upgrade past the og tier you like get the difference in float bucks every month
But then you can use float bucks on literally nothing
Tradeable oh my god, they're not even tradable. You just have them. It's just a number that goes up biggest dragon horde
So it's like a voluntary extra amount you can pay on top of your subscription and it just is a number next to your username
Okay, you literally just buy a peen it's it's entertaining
To think about these like horrible evil systems. It doesn't mean we're gonna do it that one's actually a pretty good idea
No, it's funny. It's a hilarious. So you just it's like it's like post count on a forum it means
Absolutely nothing you have no actual credibility. No indication of quality
Yeah, all you've demonstrated is that you post a lot
All you've demonstrated is that you dump money into a furnace a lot
It reminds me of the like which like thank you the furnace the furnace is what drives this engine
We're grateful for it. Yeah, yeah, but that number does not mean that like
You're smart or capable. Just call the system number go up or something
Man float planes freaking out they want large EP
Luke they want it give it to them
Because then you could have even more developers in even more time zones developers developers developers oh
Black aura asks Linus in your early years didn't you spend a lot of time helping people on forms?
Yeah for sure, but my post count wasn't what made me credible
Yeah, even if you had a ton of posts, which I'm sure he did that's not the thing itself that made him credible
NCIX forum actually had a particularly toxic way of handling post count on
The on the side they had to like leaderboards for all-time post count and oh
And monthly post count oh
yeah, so
There was nothing for quality. That's a way to there was no upvote system generate garbage
Because people will fight for that and they'll fight for that by being like nice post yeah like that's it
Like it was a very active forum. Yeah, I
Was often on the leaderboard and without doing that I spent a lot of time on forums. Yeah
I totally probably did have a lot of posts. I've always been a lurker for that kind of stuff
Yeah, I was big into like NCIX forum
All right hit us all right this next one's from Mitchell Linus and Dan not Luke
Have you ever seen the new Sonos era speakers?
And do you think they will find their way into your current arc setup all right?
I understand why you said not Luke now nice. Good looking out
Arc setup oh oh oh oh Arc soundbar, sorry I was thinking Intel Arc
Sonos everything's called arc these two era are these the ones that have Bluetooth or something like that like what what what are these?
Hold on a second. Let me just it's a lot of money. Have a quick. Oh, okay. Sorry. I'm gonna yeah
Yeah, we were both working on it with next-level audio that hits from every direction
Wow that is quite the wow
Wow, Dan that is quite the claim. Don't you think it hits from every direction audio files?
Yeah, connected to your what even is this thing? I don't understand. What am I even looking at? It's a circle
It's like is this two of them?
Make the whole room the sweet spot. That's not how that works. Oh my goodness. It's got a lot of drivers in it
The central center tweeter fills the room with dazzling vocals. Oh, that's how that works
Surround sound so it's surreal. I mean yeah, probably not I I have no intention of going surround in my arcs
Oh, sorry a bit
Hold on. I have no intention of going surround in my arc setup. Do you also have an arc soundbar?
I can't remember which one. I stole it. I think it's the LG one that I did the short circuit. Oh, okay
Yeah, so let's just say as part of a you know whatever sound bar so
home theater with
What is it seven point four point two at most in it is?
20 paces from where my arc sound bar is if I needs if I'm if I'm in it for the cinematic experience
I will go into the home theater and like my kids friends who are hanging out in the rec room
Do not need that so no
That's where I'm at how about you Dan. Do you have surrounds on your soundbar?
Yeah, they're all garbage
Wouldn't buy this because isn't Sonos the company that like moonlights their old products
And then you can't use them anymore because they're all like app connected okay, so they did they did have to sunset
I think is the word you were looking for but it's okay. It's very late
Did have a controversy around that, but they in my opinion did pretty right by the community in the end
They had they just have two separate versions of the app
S1 and s2 and the legacy products only work on s1
and they're not getting any new features or new updates or anything, but they work as they did which is as it should be and
Went pretty reasonably into the back catalogue of products and built-in support in s2, and yeah, I actually am
Fairly happy with their approach to that
Alright next what else we got here
This is from Alexander would the there would the there be a chance to see another launch of the Noctua?
XLTT edition fans or future coolers where the next generation of nd
Nhd 15 comes out he's falling apart at the scene
You're doing great, Dan
I don't see why not I could see future Noctua XLTT collabs, but we don't have anything in the works right now
I can tell you that much
This is from Adam hi Linus and Luke
What if any would be the certification in hardware or software you wish you would have gotten earlier in your career?
I wish I had done oh
Man, what's that like?
Microsoft networking something one. Oh, yeah, okay? Yeah, yeah, yeah, I don't remember what it's called, but I wish I'd done that
I wish I'd had a much much better understanding of networking going into this yeah
Some networking stuff would be interesting. I I don't care about any of the certs in particular personally like I'm not like
Oh, I wish I had a shirt
I was gonna say when you were talking. I was gonna say like please don't say come to a plus
We've had a we've had a video like in the back pocket for years
It's been an idea for me to take the the CompTIA plus
Yeah, and like see if I see if I can even pass it you destroy it for sure
You just have to remember a lot of very old things. I remember like when I hadn't seen
Like IDE drive in like five to eight years
I looked at some like current generation CompTIA documentation. They're talking about IDE drives. I was like
Really in fairness a lot of repairs are gonna be like at that time. I was in repairs like that's fair
Yeah, I don't know
Yeah, I don't care about the individual certs knowing more
Through doing certs about I'm gonna steal your answer, but networking would have been nice
But yeah, that's about it
Okay, this is from Dustin Linus and Luke if you could each make one product for the LTT store
Even if it would never sell what would it be oh?
The the cat teaser the like the highest quality cat teaser of all time
Give me a second. Oh, how about a CPU chiller I'm computing oh
Hey, yeah, I guess any kind it's pretty what a car
I do really like our like high-end products. That is something that I'm into
the screwdriver in particular is pretty sweet a
Really be kind of sick. I have pretty strong feelings about cases someone asked me recently about one of my computer builds and
I don't have as many photos like you do but for an actually pretty long time at this point. I've got YouTube videos
So I looked it up cuz I was like maybe there's a video on that and there was and in that video
I'm talking about I'm using the case that I'm currently I'm not necessarily because I'm super happy about it
But because there aren't any that I'm that into right right so you'd want to do a better Luke case
Yeah, I am pretty into the fractal north case. It's really cool
So it wouldn't be the coal bar then I
Mean come on it's obvious joke I had to make it. Yeah, that's fair. That's fair
But no yeah, there's there's probably a few tools that I'd be into but I think having a case designed by our team would be like
really cool
Okay, I'd be pretty into that
Okay next up is from Cornelius this one looks like it's about me. Yo Dan
I'm someone who's getting into
That's cute making mixing and mastering music what a coincidence
What would be would have curated this merch message about you? It wasn't me. I was outside
Single core processing speed definitely the way that DSP processing works is
You can't really split and multi process course you can do it in some instances with VSTs and other things like that
But the final audio chain needs to be single threaded otherwise it can't keep the samples in lockstep
Another thing is really really good
USB driving chips if you're using outboard gear you're gonna Maddie PCI card. It doesn't matter so single core speed
Is your big thing don't be like me and buy a thread Ripper because you think you're smart and then
48 cores ain't good enough to make music because the cast latency is too high whoops
Also, I have a thing to put up on screen right now. Oh, I was gonna say should we end it at 11 59 just to
troll them
You have 50 seconds to make that call no. Let's go. We got a fish all right
Up next this is from Trevor Luke light is this the same Trevor W that I see like everywhere
Do you place multiple orders per week or they're just a bunch of Trevor W all lowercase?
Because I'm starting to if I start to recognize you in the merge message queue
You got a problem. I hope Trevor W is coming to LTX. I hope Trevor W. Introduces themselves as Trevor W
I'll see you there any seconds
Do we wait what do we do do you know yeah, no no we're doing it. We're doing it
I mean no no we're continuing to do this. We have to celebrate oh
I see all right sure we're both like we gotta keep doing three two one
We pose for a thumbnail midstream
Linus and Dan what is your go-to fast food or quick takeout for when you're too busy to eat at home?
Luke might have to answer as he would have before he was chicken and rice look oh
Chicken and rice Luke for hot my whole life
You adopted the chicken and rice I was born and I can't do bane, but you get it
All by once oh my twice oh my chicken nice rice with rice
So what sorry what was the question? What's your go-to fast food or quick takeout? Oh?
Chipotle or equivalent there's like mucho burrito a locally that's kind of like Chipotle, but cheaper
I've been enjoying Chipotle because when you get a bowl
Like the like emergency meal that we had yeah last night was Chipotle
Yeah, because when you get a bowl you can actually configure it in a pretty
Decently healthy way in my opinion. It doesn't feel too bad. Yeah
Because whenever you do if you're if you're succumbing to fast food, yeah, it's usually like a least worst
Yeah in my opinion if you're paying attention that at all
Yeah, yeah in that case
Okay to be clear if I feel like physically ill after than that that's bad like I won't yeah, I can't I
Okay, yeah, I know not everyone is this way I get that from McDonald's. I feel horrible
Well, you know what it is is. It's when you haven't eaten there in a while
Yeah, if I eat there regularly
It's fine like I have no problem with it like I used to be that was my go-to was like the McDouble and a junior
Chicken because it's like less than four dollars and for two burgers
Yeah, like you never get the fries never buy the drink because that's where all the margin is you just get the two and you?
You could ask I don't know if you can do it anymore
but it used to be that you could add tomato and it actually didn't cost any extra or it was like
That's like 15 cents or something like that look like it was trivial
Yeah, so you could add stuff to them and the policy was that it was it was considered customizing it as opposed to
Something that you could pay extra for because it was off-menu
And so it was easier for them to manage it by just putting it on for you
So I would add tomato to the junior chicken, and then what would add to the McDouble?
I can't remember, but I would like add stuff and they were like pretty okay
And when I was doing it regularly it didn't bother me
But then I went like a few months without eating McDonald's and I went back and I just like had my go-to
I just it wasn't because I'd made a conscious decision
I just didn't and I went back and I had my go-to and I was like I cannot finish this yeah
I cannot finish either of these let alone both of them
Afterwards, but yeah, if I'm not caring at all. It's usually Wendy's oh
But I honestly think yeah, okay. I our fast food up here is trash. What and Ellie is good no
No those are those are fighting words, yeah, what's wrong with the teen burger have you spent time in?
America what well no American A&W is disgusting
Like when I was when I was down in Arizona visiting my grandpa oh
The place we were staying at had no way to cook so we're eating out all the time got it
And there was a lot of work to do sure so it wasn't a lot of time to like sit down at restaurants
so we were getting drive-thru quite frequently and
We were getting a lot of in-and-out specifically, okay?
And I'll see Americans clown on in and out be like in and out trash this other
Insert name is so much better, and it's like yeah, okay
But our stuff isn't in and out the one we went to at CES that one year right after we landed
I think in and outs the one that I don't even like oh, I don't know. I don't know oh, okay
Okay, tell you what tell you what okay?
I might be biased as well because when you walk by
The windows in and out you can they have whole potatoes, and they chop them for the fries
And they have like five guys this whole tomatoes and stuff so like I think my brain is like this is better
Hmm, maybe I don't know. I'm just saying that could be an influence
I'd have to try in and out again cuz I think that there's one
That's like known for being really amazing, and I went there, and I was like this is really not that great
Like five guys is really good
That had five guys once and it was good like Vera's is good
But I don't even consider five guys Vera's like in and out in and out if it's the place that I thought I went
Like took a long time like it wasn't that fast. I went through drive-thru every time when I was okay, right it was quick
Well, they're gonna say yeah, maybe sometime when you're going to the States
Yeah, like have a NW on your oh no before you go to the oh
Disgusting have a NW here, and then like when you land sure go in and out all right
They're like close to each other all right
Okay more
AJ always more you guys often joke about Colton being fired
And I know that started when he got LTT to copyright strikes in a row yeah
Can you say what actually got those videos striked? I replied to this I didn't Colton did curate this yeah
He striked them he literally pressed the button till to claim like a copyright takedown against our own channel. Yeah
That's when we say he copyright strike the channel we there's no extra steps. There's just
doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo strike
How many og tier subscribers are still on flow plane
And how do you think you can incentivize them to move on to a profitable plan I curated this one come on
Let's go. How do I incentivize yeah? We just make the plans sick. There's a lot of og subscribers still
I don't know off the top of my head, but the the idea is we just have to make it worth
Upgrading and one of the ways that we shot ourselves in the foot is the video and audio quality on the og tiers like pretty darn
So especially with that new Nvidia upscaling thing yeah, yeah, it looks great. Yeah, would you guys launch that video? I was like
Look okay my thing no it's whether I'm invested in framework you have a video streaming platform or whatever it is or
Whether I make my money through online ads
Okay, well fine. I'm still gonna talk about other brands of laptops
I'm still gonna talk about the benefits of paying less money to a streaming service
And I'm still gonna talk about piehole. Yeah, that's my job like I
Completely support and would would fight for your right whatever blah blah blah blah blah
I just the like business part of my brain the second. I saw that video was like
You know what that business part of your brain you don't listen to it anyway
That's and and if your business part of your brain agreed all the time with what I was doing. I don't think you'd work here
Yeah probably not
There's no incomings. Oh
We did it. Oh my god. This next one's from Tyler
Somebody else is making them about me tonight. Hello Dan. What is an audio engineering tip you wish you knew during your novice phase?
also known as constantly and forever
I would probably
I've mulled this one over for a bit now
you're not
learning how to
mix or
Make good audio, you know from the mechanical standpoint of like which knob do I turn and how do I make this?
waveform look properly what you're doing is
developing an intuition on kind of how
How it's sounding now and where I can massage it into where it needs to be, right?
It's kind of it's more like I try to explain this to somebody else the other day
Audio is not like drawing it's more like
clay sculpture
You don't start with your sketch and then your outline that sort of thing, right?
you have this lump and you push it and squish it until it's done and you never really know when it's done and so
everything you're doing is based on that intuition and
Whoever's intuition is doing your mixing or your audio or anything like that
It's all kind of that's where your signature sound is and that's kind of where your your skill is is just that intuition
and that's constantly evolving and so
The other thing I wish I knew is that
You're a novice forever. That's that's it. You don't you don't get good
Nice. I love how it's called mastering when actually everybody's a novice
Okay, well
Here's a here's a where's the belt? Where's the bell Dan?
Here's a 45-minute rant on the history of the term master whatever
That's my that's my thing. All right. Oh, there's another merch message. Yeah, do you guys like my sir?
They've just hit the second channel meme. I was surprised by how many upvotes it got on the subreddit
I hope it brought you some joy during this dress. Yes. Yeah
It was good. All right, the means were good. Let's get through them. They're coming in
They're still coming in so we need to get through these before people can keep buying things. Hi, Lemus and Luke
I'm currently working as an advanced repair agent at geek squad and I was wondering how do you feel about the geek squad as
A whole like to call us diet IT consultants
We've also had in our back pocket the idea of secret shopping geek squad like forever. We just keep not getting around to it
I don't know because I haven't used geek squad ever. So I want to try it
Basically, I wish the agents had more autonomy to be able to do more things I
Departed there right when they started doing the like you take a client computer
you put it in the back you plug in an ethernet cable and a remote team fixes it and that was
That disgusted me. I liked it when we could fix things ourselves
So it needs a hard drive replacement ship it off
So someone else can do it's like I can replace a hard drive in a laptop bro, like let me do it
Don't know. I liked the old days when keek sold was not a part of Best Buy like they it was in Best Buy
But it was its own company that operated
Physically within Best Buy. I liked that a lot more once it was purchased by Best Buy
I worked there then and then I had to leave I
Don't know why I went to university or something
Then I worked there again afterwards once it was part of Best Buy and it was worse and it was
Significantly getting worse as my exit happened. So
Okay, next up some Eric hey Linus you're into data preservation with libraries and Internet Archive under attack
Have you given any thought to your role data preservation?
Nonprofit Internet Archive mirror Linus library. Yeah big part of the reason that we haven't really done
as much as I would like to is just
I'm gonna just make a little memo for myself
We just hired a community manager and I would love for part of this individual's role
So they're gonna work on the social team
But I'd love for part of this person's role to be to really engage with some of the initiatives that have kind of been
left alone by us and and
Not really driven by us just like they're active like the folding team on the forum. For example, it's there
But we don't really do much with it and I'd like to see us do more so like folding
Events to
fundraise for data
preservation etc
This one this one got I probably shown to screen and that makes sense
But someone someone messaged and said go to bed. Luke has been streaming for half the night
Very funny
That is very funny actually, but I think we owe you something in return Dan
Wow another thing I fail at
This one is not a question, so I'm gonna skip it
Wait, did you create that? No who curated that? I didn't create that curated that crap. Oh
We need to we need off history on this. You've been called out. This is from Timothy
Hopefully this sneaks in at Dan rooting for your remaster of the Christmas album. Hopefully Linus doesn't notice this
I'm cured archived archive
Okay, next up some Luca. Good evening Linus
What do you think about yubi keys as part of your IT security concept would definitely be a good video topic as well
They're a good idea but any
Security factor that is so inconvenient that people will find a way to work around. It is not a good security factor
So the earlier yubi keys that we had
We find you be keys for like eight years faded out of use
Because they came out around the time that laptops started going USB C only and iPhones didn't really support
NFC and so there was like 30% of my devices for example didn't work with it
And so I would have to like run to another device like I don't have time for that
So I switched over to Google authenticator at that time. I would love to re-implement physical security factors
I think that they're a really excellent idea, but they're not necessarily the best for every individual in every role
So we just got to figure out and by we I mean Luke figure out you know
What our plan looks like and if this is part of it, then yeah, I'm back on board because I do think they're great
Okay, and our last one from the night
Can we get any details on the PDF?
I know a lot of security researchers would be interested in analyzing it and the PDF viewer
It is not a PDF. It was just
Called dot PDF dot something
I highly encourage you to check out the Theo Joe video that was referenced in the the video that Linus hosted
It's very good and he talks about the attack vector and how to identify it and the complications with identifying it
There was another question at some other point. Oh, no, it was this one. Yeah, it wasn't a PDF, right?
It was a dot SCR
It was a screensaver file
But it runs with different similar permissions levels of an executable so you can wreak havoc on computers
There's also like dot com and I pretty sure it was Theo Joe. We mentioned this
I haven't actually watched that video in a while
But he mentioned the comments though
He commented about how based on how you word
the the title you could make it so that like
so and so company brand integration for Linus tech tips featured on youtube.com
It's a dot com file, right?
But it looks like you just don't have file extensions on and they did youtube.com
Right, so like there's there's a bunch of them
Yeah, try to educate yourself. You can watch that video. It's good and that's it
We will see you again next week. Same bad time. Same bad channel. Bye different day
Whoa, what the heck this is new look at him go it has every merch message from the show. No, that's just the queue
So there's a fixed time the queue runs for yeah, and there was so many of them in the queue that it was just like
There was a hundred and two in that short
Various massive shout out Goliath technologies the ridge and Squarespace. I have to go pee again. Bye. Bye
I'm gonna end the stream now