
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

All righty, it's WAN Show time again.
We have got a great show for you guys today
and I'll tell you what, if it is not a great show,
you have someone altogether new to blame for it.
And how fun is that?
Oh yeah.
James did the WAN Show doc today.
I swear my chair's too high, isn't it?
This is the wrong chair.
Oh, did someone change your chair?
Oh, wait, did you change your chair?
Wow, wow.
Well, I mean, I guess that's a,
I guess that's sort of a positive for VertiGear.
I mean, if they're gonna sponsor the WAN Show
and their chair's not gonna be on the WAN Show
where it's supposed to be, it should be at your desk
because you took it, because you like it, right?
Yeah, that is actually why I took it.
Okay, well at least we got that going.
Okay, all right.
So we've got a lot of great topics for you guys
today, everything from not liking the WAN Show
and blaming at James underscore gravity, if you hate it,
to PewDiePie being dropped by Disney
after antisemitic stunt,
to Samsung Air arrested as part of
South Korea's government scandal.
I mean, at least they still have scandals there.
We wouldn't know if we had a scandal over here.
Just too much stuff.
We wouldn't be able to tell the difference.
There's a website, I don't remember the exact URL,
but it's something along the lines of like,
what the F happened today?
And it's like, it's literally just a like,
what is going on in politics right now?
Because it's such like a crazy storm of things.
The damage report.
That's what I do every morning.
Just like, okay, what now?
Rise in specs and prices leaked
because it has been a week.
And that means that there needs to be a topic
about rise in specs and prices being leaked.
Yeah, I won't say anything about rise in specs and pricing,
but I will say that I'm gonna be out of office next week
for three days.
I will be too.
For a different unrelated reason.
But yeah, you're not-
Is it next week?
No, you're the following week.
Yeah, for a different unrelated reason.
Yeah, anyways, after that,
Buzzfeed and Facebook try to break readers
out of their social media bubbles.
That sounds extremely untrue.
I'm, we'll see what happens when we get there
to that topic.
Yeah, okay.
So wait, that's it.
Now I wrote the intro, right?
Do you think it'll work?
Do you think it'll work?
I do.
Do you think it'll work?
I have 99.8% certainty.
I can't tell if it's working.
Me neither.
Maybe if I clench hard enough.
I hope I'm dead.
I love the quick and the bluntness of it.
Oh, yep.
Oh, oh, sponsors, sponsors, sponsors.
That should be, you know,
does it feel like the art of jingles
has kind of been lost?
Yes, it's gone.
A little bit.
It makes me sad.
Like, from when I was a kid,
and even like today,
because many of these companies
still haven't changed their jingles,
but like it's that cheesy AM radio sounding music recording.
What's that, what's that mattress place?
Sleep country and whatever country you're in.
Do they say, do they say USA?
Sleep country, USA.
Sleep country, USA.
Yeah, let's see if it works.
There's a mattress anywhere else.
Yeah, I think it goes better with Canada,
but there's so many of them,
like Apple, auto glass.
Yes, yes, yes, yes.
It's just like, the art of jingles has been lost.
Like, I can't think of a single jingle
that stands out to me today.
That's new.
Yeah, that's new.
Because they still do like sleep country stuff,
but it's old school.
Yeah, and you can tell it's old.
Oh yeah.
Like, it's bad.
It feels old.
Yeah, but I'm just trying to think
if there's like anything.
You know, maybe we have McDonald's to blame for this,
because they used to have great jingles.
Did they?
I don't think I remember McDonald's jingles.
You're pretty young.
Okay, so McDonald's.
I don't think I'm much younger than you.
Yeah, but okay.
So McDonald's is probably the most iconic jingle
in my memory was, have you had your break today?
That's like, that's old enough
that you would have been like three.
And then after that.
We didn't watch TV much either.
It all went downhill.
So it had to be like radio.
The one after that was my, my, my, my McDonald's.
And I was like, what the crap is this?
It's terrible.
That's pretty rough.
It's awful.
And then they were just like, no, we're like,
we're too trendy and cool.
Oh wow, he brought you water.
Thank you very much.
I heart land.
Whose cup is this?
Is that yours?
So he technically,
he technically broke the rules of the company
to bring me water.
So can I get mad at him?
You have to get mad at him.
And like at the exact same time.
I thought you're gonna go for the whole thing.
No, I'm saving a little bit.
You missed it by like a tiny amount.
Oh no, I could have chugged like two of those.
I've been hosting a video leading up to the show.
Some of my mouth is really dry.
I got you.
It needs some lubrication, maybe you could use some too.
Yeah, probably it's better as a team effort.
Yeah. See, okay.
We got, I see.
I don't remember KFC ever having finger licking good
as a, as a jingle though.
Like that's a slogan.
That's a, yeah, those are different.
That's not the same as a jingle.
Yeah. It's gotta be.
Yeah. Yeah.
The Folgers one, the best part waking up is Folgers.
Okay. I got it slightly wrong.
I was, I was going to sleep country camp
cause the bestest part of waking up is Folgers in your cup.
Something along those lines, I think.
Yeah. Yeah.
Ah, man.
I'm just angry.
All right.
So do we have any actual tech topics today
that have anything to do with any, do you sweat
when you take like a big chug chug of water?
Like immediately if you're really dehydrated?
Yes. Huh?
Well, that seems counterproductive.
Not really.
You needed to do that, but it was like conserving.
And then you're like here.
And it was like, thank goodness.
But I'm not hot.
But it's still, that's not the only reason why I sweat.
So now I'm uncomfortable and cold.
Heat is not the only reason why you sweat.
Okay. Why else do you sweat?
I think it's like, I think it's to get rid of like
impurities and stuff too, isn't it?
You sweat stuff that isn't just water and salt
out of your skin.
I sweat enough that I don't think that's an issue.
No, there's like urea and sweat or something along those lines.
There's like gross stuff and sweat.
Well, yeah. It's trying to get rid of it.
Yeah. It's like nasty.
I'm not, I'm not a, I'm not a, I don't do the bio stuff.
Don't listen to me.
Look it up.
But, but sweat isn't just for heat reasons.
Kill me.
Okay. PewDiePie, speaking of getting killed,
got his deal with Disney killed
after an antisemitic stunt.
You know, it's really funny.
So it's Maker Studios and people didn't know that.
Disney owns Maker Studios.
I didn't know what antisemitic meant.
I thought people, no, this was like,
I was in like high school or something.
Oh, you mean like way back?
No, no. I know what it means now.
Yeah. Okay.
So I thought that people were upset
about statements that went against
like the true meaning of words.
I thought it was antisemitic.
Ha ha ha.
It's like, I was like, what's, why does that matter?
I mean, like I, I value clear communication
as much as I know, but still like,
like I thought it was like people being upset about like,
you know, getting all anal retentive
about the meanings of things.
And I was like, what's wrong with that?
Like who cares?
And it's like this big, anyway, I figured it out later.
I was in like social studies or something.
I was like, oh, oh, because, so,
so when it's to do with Judaism and Jewish people,
it's Semitic.
Cause Semite.
Got it. Yeah.
Well, I figured that part out.
I figured the link out later,
but I would have thought it would be like,
like anti-Jewitic or something like,
like cause I, I didn't know the term Semite.
Yes. Yeah.
So anyway, so the point is,
this was sort of an uncool thing that went down
and this is a stock image of PewDiePie looking really not
that concerned about it because it's a stock image.
But the original article here is from globalnews.ca
of all things.
But basically what happened is Disney said,
he crossed the line with some of his videos.
So he didn't, okay, to be fair,
they didn't say that until like the wall street journal
made this like super out of context, slanderous video.
And then they were like, oh no, people are reporting.
That's okay.
I'm going to jump ahead a little bit,
but one of my least favorite things on this entire,
one of my least favorite things about this entire endeavor
has been the sheer amount of people.
There's been a lot of people that have stepped up
to support him, which in my opinion is great
because that's what should probably be happening right now.
But the sheer amount of people that attacked him for it,
that definitely watched his videos before
and were cool with it until someone else was like,
that's bad.
And they were like, oh no, it is.
Come on, man.
I don't know.
He's been gaining subscribers through this.
It's unclear whether the subscriber bleeds here
are corrections or whether,
cause I know YouTube has done, oh wait.
Oh no, those are not corrections.
So yes, he has bled some subscribers.
So out of his previously 53 million,
he now has 53 and a half million
cause he gains faster than he can possibly lose
because he's PewDiePie.
So in terms of like his business,
I doubt he's really going to suffer, but.
Well, Scare PewDiePie was canceled.
All right.
So like there is direct business.
So what happened exactly?
He has made a number of videos where there was like,
what you could potentially see as antisemitic imagery.
One of the interesting responses that I've seen so far
is when H3H3 responded because they're like friends
and he is Jewish.
So like you'd think that wouldn't really work.
And Ethan was just like, yeah, he's totally cool.
Everything's totally fine.
So that was an interesting response so far.
All of the images were,
when you take things out of context,
you can make them look like pretty much whatever you want.
And when you take this stuff out of complex specifically,
you can really make it look really bad,
especially when you put it in like a video with like,
you fade out the back and you put some white text on it,
like Wall Street Journal did.
And, or I think it was Wall Street Journal.
Hopefully that's correct.
And then you make like, ugh, this is horrible.
And then they show it with no context around it.
All of the times that he did something like this,
it was to contrast something else.
Like one time it was to show that the YouTube,
like everyone's a moderator now,
YouTube insider program or whatever it was called,
he was comparing that to like terrible Nazi practices.
He wasn't saying the Nazi practices were good.
He wasn't condoning them.
He was like, this is terrible.
I'm gonna shoot way too far and explain this thing.
And he has said himself, like, I'm an amateur comedian.
I went too far with some of these jokes,
but like, this is not me.
You're taking them out of context.
I wasn't saying they're positive things.
With the sign.
Okay, so we should explain,
this was the incident that kind of snowballed
into what it's become now.
So, and again, taken within the appropriate context,
and I agree with his statement
that he clearly went too far.
Cause there isn't a lot of like great context
in which you can take something like this,
but basically PewDiePie used, I think it was Fiverr.
I don't know if you're familiar with Fiverr.
It's a service where you can pay $5
for people to do something.
So through Fiverr, he paid two men to hold up a sign
that said deaf to all Jews.
Which is not great.
His point here was that the people on this website
would do nearly anything for five bucks.
And he was trying to say how that isn't like a good thing.
And he was able to get these guys to hold up this sign
that he does not agree with at all.
And it's very bad.
And generally people would not do for $5,
but he was showing on this website,
you can get people to do this crazy stuff for $5.
But this created a lot of problems
because those guys who had issued an apology video
afterwards saying, we didn't know what the sign said.
Like English is not a real strong point for us.
We had no idea.
Those guys were getting attacked online
for people thinking that they were extremists
until sort of the truth started to come out.
They probably should have checked,
but like I get it at the same time.
For five bucks, you're not gonna be able
to have your legal department check
with your comms department and...
Yeah, Google Translate is a super difficult tool to use.
I don't know, man.
It was not great.
He could have definitely used something else
to get his point across.
He was trying to make it ultra impactful.
Shocking, shock humor.
Yes, and he's a YouTuber that relies on clicks
like we all do.
So being able to use that to get clicks
would definitely super work.
And it definitely super worked.
It just worked a little bit too much.
Yeah, I guess.
To the wrong people.
So you know what?
Yeah, I mean, do we just have to kind of straw pull this
because I...
Maker dropping him and Disney dropping him
and all that kind of stuff is one thing.
And it's like a company decision
where they're like, we don't want this stuff to happen.
And apparently this isn't the first time
it's been brought up and like a couple other things.
That's one thing.
Everyone claiming that he's like a racist and stuff.
I absolutely don't think that's true.
But attacking him personally
and attacking him as a business
are two totally different things.
So I wanna know from you guys,
do you think this was an overreaction?
Turn it.
I just want real answers.
Do you guys think it was an overreaction
in the context of what he was doing?
Or do you think there's- For what though?
For I think people's- What statement?
What action?
Okay, so getting dropped.
And people attacking him.
Yeah, but those are different things.
The maker dropping him,
because they're like, we don't want these images
on a partner channel,
is totally different
than people calling him actually a racist.
Okay, fair enough.
Well, I just wanna know in general,
do people think that the reaction to what he did
is an overreaction?
Or do you think it's appropriate?
Because I'll say for myself,
there is no place on a Linus Media Group channel
for an image that contains those sentiments.
I can't think of any context
where I would consider that appropriate to upload.
And this is why I'm saying the drop
and the company decision
is something totally different.
Because that, I'm not even gonna dive
into whether or not I agree with what they did,
but they have absolutely the right to do that.
If they're like, we don't want these things
on our affiliated channels, sure.
That's totally up to them.
But calling him a racist for it is a different thing.
So it looks like most of our audience
thinks this is overall an overreaction
to what was, in my mind,
clearly meant to be an illustration of a point,
even if I personally don't think it's in good taste.
Yeah, I don't think it was in good taste.
But what about PewDiePie was in good taste?
I mean, that's the real question here
from not people calling him a racist,
but from Maker and Disney dropping him.
From that perspective,
what's the imaginary line that he suddenly crossed here?
I mean, he was already foul-mouthed,
completely inappropriate.
I find it hilarious.
A shock and awe channel, basically.
Which I find hilarious.
But like...
But he was already not Disney princess friendly.
Yes, yes.
And they should have known that.
And this should have been, yeah, I completely agree.
I mean, maybe though,
they were already toying with this idea
and this is an opportunity to separate the brands.
It's possible.
I mean, we never know what goes on in the boardroom, right?
Like I said, the company decision,
that's their thing, whatever they want to do.
And I totally get it.
Like you just said with line of sect tips
and affiliated brands or whatever,
if I were you, I would hold the exact same opinion.
Like, that makes sense.
Yeah, I want nothing to do with that.
I don't want to touch it.
When people...
I don't want to be near it.
When my channel icon,
when my trademark is sitting next to a video,
I don't want that image in it.
Yeah, yeah.
And I totally get that,
especially from a business point of view.
But like, looking at him as a person,
I don't believe that about him as a person whatsoever at all.
His content hilarious.
He needs a business partner unit
that wants to accept that kind of stuff.
And I'm 100% certain they're out there.
Oh, I'm sure they're out there too.
I mean, we had, what's their face?
The porn site.
Was it Pornhub or was it like...
What are you talking?
What is it?
Yeah, the one that wanted to sponsor us.
To do like more dildo racing videos and stuff like that.
Okay, it was Pornhub.
I said we should do it.
I told Colton to do it.
And then you heard wind of it.
We're like, no.
Yes, I cut that off.
And it's not like, and to be clear.
I get it.
I don't have like a strong moral objection
to people watching porn or anything like that.
It's just not helpful for our company image
and our brands to be associated in the eyes
of other people who we do want to work with.
And so it's just, it would have been a bad business move.
I just thought it would have been hilarious.
It got killed so hard.
So hard.
And that's fair.
All right.
See the whole chat's down, but that's the problem.
We have to market to like, I don't know.
I mean, well, yeah, look at, I mean, it's not any secret
what brands we work with.
We work with Samsung.
And we're trying to look friendly to them.
And Intel and AMD and Microsoft and like...
And like we'll attack those guys for their products
but we don't want to put them in an awkward situation
of like being affiliated with a company
that they don't want to be near.
Everyone worries about that.
I mean, one of the most precious things you have
as a company, maybe the most precious thing you have
in many cases is your brand.
Is that icon or that slogan or that...
And to put that in any kind of negative light
is something that brands will fight really hard against.
And we're talking trivial stuff.
Like if you have too many pixels of white border
or not enough, usually.
Not enough pixels of border around the logo.
Or if you throw a drop shadow on somebody's font
that they put their tagline in, you'll get like...
So working at NCIX, okay?
So we would put together campaigns for tech companies.
And so we would take their assets
and we would combine them into things
with our product page and our product photos and all that.
And then we would put it up on the site.
And there are brands that would straight up
because they're...
Okay, so there's the profit margin that a retailer makes.
So let's say they buy this cup at a dollar
and they're expected to sell it at $1.50
or whatever the case may be.
So there's that margin.
But then there's also marketing funds.
So usually called MDF.
So for each glass we sell,
we might also get 20 cents of kickback
at the end of the quarter.
And in exchange, because it's not just for selling the glass
because if it was that simple,
they would just sell it to us at 80 cents in the first place
and we would just take 70 cents of margin.
No, no, that kickback is for being a supportive partner.
So you have to put together a list of all the things you did
to support the sales of this product
and the propagation of this brand message to your customers.
So inclusion in things like email newsletters,
landing pages, banners on the top of the site,
NCIX tech tips videos, for example, all that kind of stuff.
You put together this report that says,
we did this, this, this, this, this, and this,
cut us that check for that extra kickback
that we qualify for.
And if you screw it up
and you put the brand in the wrong context
in the wrong spot on the page
or next to PornHub's logo,
they're just not gonna cut the check.
Which would have been hilarious.
Which would have been really funny, but I never did.
Yeah, which totally makes sense.
Did I ever talk about porn on NCIX tech tips?
It must've come up at some point.
It must've at least hit me at it.
We have how to hide your porn.
Like we've touched the topic.
I hear yes, but back when I was like actually, you know,
a suit, I never wore a suit.
And wasn't there an ad on that video
or did we put no integration?
I have, I'm not, I'm not sure.
You know what?
I don't think we put an integration on it.
I'm gonna check.
Okay, you check the hide your porn video.
Speaking of which, I think that has like a million views now.
Yeah, I heard it did really well in China.
The community...
No, like seriously, like I've heard it.
It's at 1.36 million views.
And the like to dislike at the beginning was like pretty bad.
Oh, it was savage.
It's going up slowly.
It's actually like...
It's going right up.
It's still bad, but it's...
See, like we have that on our channel.
Look at these guys.
Yeah, I, since, no, it's a six minute video.
There's no way it's a...
I'm wearing that shirt.
You're wearing the, oh, you're wearing the Highlander shirt.
So you've got an ASUS, an Intel,
and wasn't it someone else too for Highlander?
ASUS, Intel, and Corsair have their logo
all over how to hide your porn
that 1.3 million people say, man,
this video was so like saucy.
Yeah, it was.
So saucy.
The amount of like weird little B-roll things we did was...
I know, like polishing the, that's disgusting.
Okay, here, here, here.
Oh, you know what?
No, I don't have that.
I actually don't have yours plugged in right now.
I'm sorry.
It's okay.
Oh man.
Integration, integration?
If you guys haven't,
I don't think there's an integration on it.
No, no ad spot.
So here we go.
Where's the...
No integration.
That's just awful.
Where's the, where's the sausage?
There it is, there it is.
So this is, that's, that's just a sneak peek
at the kind of visuals that there were in this video.
Ha ha ha.
Oh my God.
I remember talking about like this video way back
when we were at NCIX still.
Either you pitched it to me
or we were just casually talking.
I was like, yeah, I've always kind of wanted to do this.
I don't remember.
But I remember after you figured out
that it was somewhere in the back of my mind
that maybe it was an acceptable idea.
You were like, let's do it, let's do it.
And it took a few years.
I'm, I'm, I'm really stoked that we, that we did this.
You know, it felt like maybe it was a bad decision
at the time and we took that from other creators too.
She might even be watching this, so hi mom.
But I was, I was on her computer trying to fix something.
I found that this, this video had been 100% watched
or whatever, they have the new watch duration thing.
Now to be fair, my mom will just like watch
literally everything and I think sometimes
she'll just be like watching
and then just start doing something else
or like leave the computer and I'll just auto play
like a whole bunch of our videos.
I'm sure she wouldn't have gotten distracted.
But I just, I saw that and I was like, oh man.
I'm so sorry mom.
I think it's, maybe it's just like a,
it's like a double edged sword, right?
Like on the one hand, my family has no idea what I do.
But on the other hand, they have no idea what I do.
Yeah, yeah.
I like my family knowing what I do.
It's, I feel bad that like my mom had to watch that video
because that's just super weird.
But like usually it's cool.
I can't even imagine, like I have kids now.
I can't imagine watching one of my kids
sit and like flick a raw sausage on camera.
Oh, and like, okay.
You want to do the weird part about that too.
What about when you see 100% watch time
on that video from your kid?
Oh, I don't even.
You know what?
Cause they need some tips to hide it from you.
You're a tech guy.
Yeah, you know, it's, it's really funny.
Like I remember as a kid,
like this is going to be a huge-
Note for Linus' kids, safe browsing,
private browsing will not be enough for you.
Yeah, this is, this is a huge generational difference here
in that our generation and our parents' generation,
your, your dad probably to a lesser extent
than either of my parents and your mom.
But there is going to be such a difference in the-
Oh, cause he's like tech savvy, yeah.
Yeah, in the degree of tech savviness
between the generations, because I'm like,
I'm looking at what's going on going,
I'm a little bit out of touch.
Like I don't snap.
Okay, okay.
So I, I'm not necessarily up on, you know,
I've never played, you know,
what's that mobile game that everyone plays
with like armies, Clash of Clans, or whatever else.
So I've never installed Clash of Clans on a mobile device.
Neither have I, but you know what's going on.
There's certain things. And you could.
Yes. Yeah.
There's certain things that, that,
that my generation is going to be behind on
by the time my son is, is 11 and getting curious.
So, so I'm, I'm a little bit out of touch,
but I'm also savvy enough to understand,
like, like my parents didn't understand
that you could delete the history from a browser.
And that's really different.
Whereas like my kids are going to have to be VPN-ing,
realizing that I know what VPN traffic,
encrypted traffic looks like.
Like there's a whole other sort of game
that is going to go on.
That's going to be really intense.
Like I'm actually really excited,
like hear the stories of how this goes down.
Cause hiding that from someone who's admin-ing your network
and knows what they're doing is like sort of next level.
I'm not an expert, but I'm also not an idiot.
And I can learn this stuff.
Yeah. And I expect you would.
That's what I mean.
I haven't tooled around with enough networking stuff
to consider myself even a beginner.
By the standards by which I judge myself.
I'm not even a beginner,
but I know enough to know where the tool,
where the book to read is.
And I know enough to read the book and figure it out.
So when the time could have been an ebook
on a transcript of a lynda.com course,
you understood what I meant, which makes you old too.
Yeah. That's fair.
I still read physical books.
But like, honestly, I wouldn't be surprised
if this coming generation goes full circle
and has like nudie printouts, magazines.
Because I wouldn't even think to look for that.
I mean, now that I've thought about it, but.
But it might be literally easier
to just physically hide something.
Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah. Maybe.
Back in the shed or something weird.
I don't know.
Yeah. Yeah.
Somewhere that you just, yeah.
I mean, I would probably find it in the shed.
I mean, that's where I keep, but seriously.
Yeah. Yep.
Although there were some tips that we gave
that were very good.
So the dedicated viewing device
where you keep everything contained,
you keep it off the network,
you refuel it when you're on a connection
that is outside of anywhere where an admin
would be able to watch you.
So there are certain tips that we gave
in the how to hide it video that could defeat me.
But the dedicated device, I don't know, because.
That's tough, you have to own it.
And you have to physically hide it.
And you have to hide it.
And if you find an electronic device
that you've never heard of or seen before.
And that I can't get into.
That you can't get into.
All of those things.
You can't get into it, it's hidden,
you've never heard of or seen it before.
That's getting confiscated so hard.
You can have this back when you're 18.
Seriously, I don't know what kind of parent
I'm gonna be about a lot of things.
I'm super strict about some stuff.
And then other stuff, I'm pretty chill.
So I don't really know.
But I don't, it's amazing.
Are you just gonna figure it out when it happens?
You can guess what kind of a parent you're gonna be.
But I never would have.
So okay, so I would have known.
Are you the talk parent?
Are you gonna wait till it happens
and then have the talk?
I don't.
And explain what it is and like.
I don't know.
Cause like, I speak pretty frankly.
Like I'm not gonna shy away from the word penis.
At all.
And like, but on the flip side,
it's like, I don't want, I don't.
You know what?
No, maybe I will.
I'll probably just go for it.
I'll probably just like, yeah, yeah.
I'll probably just go for it and be like, okay.
So this is why rim jobs are a bad idea.
And it might seem good in a movie.
But this is.
Here are all the reasons why not.
These are all the problems with it.
In my opinion, that's a good idea
because too many people just see the stuff
and then have no context for why it may or may not be bad.
And then that's worse.
And you will never actually completely stop them
if they really want to.
I think we also live in an age
where this information is so easily accessible
that I'm not convinced it really matters anymore.
How would it be better coming from like a trusted?
Somehow I managed to bypass sexual education
in both, I think it's grade five or grade six
when it comes up the first time.
And then I think grade 10 when it comes up the second time.
Mine was grade seven.
For some reason.
So I changed schools in grade six.
And then.
Oh, okay.
So it was at a different.
So it had already been done at the, yep.
And then in high school, I don't know what happened exactly,
but I never got sexual education.
I mean, it's a miracle I know what to do with it at all.
Maybe I don't.
I mean, it seems to be working pretty well.
Yeah, it seems to be working pretty well.
Well, not anymore.
But it didn't seem to be that difficult
to kind of piece it together.
So I don't know.
My mom stepped up.
Did she?
Gave us the talk.
Relatively early on to the point where like
when we started sex ed in class
and all these kids were like, but what is that?
I was like, are you all idiots?
Like, I don't know.
I felt better about that to be completely honest.
I personally prefer knowing more things,
even if those things may be uncomfortable.
I've always believed in that mantra.
I'm going to have to tackle it when I get to it though.
Cause like I would have known that I'm the kind of parent
who's never going to let his kids win at anything.
Like people were upset that I didn't let my son win
at cribbage cause like, I should just be impressed
that he's playing crib and he's four.
He can count his own 15s and runs and pairs
and three of a kind and all that stuff.
Like really impressive.
He has a little trouble remembering
when he has a flush or nibs, but he's doing real well.
But I'm not going to let him win.
And people were like upset on Twitter
and like I crushed him at risk
and posted a picture of that on Twitter.
And I'm like, no, that's right.
My thing, like the little girl, the Nintendo event.
I did genuinely want to let her win,
but that wasn't my kid.
That was how I approached that.
I didn't want to do that, even though it happened.
Stupid training wheels, whatever.
Because it, again, wasn't my kid.
If I was, I don't want one,
but if I was in Linus's position,
I'd probably do the same thing.
Cause then when they do beat you.
It has to mean something.
Trophies need to mean something.
And like real accomplishment is like really cool
and something that you can't get in all.
Beating me at badminton needs to be a real trophy.
Like you'll go like get food after.
That's right.
And like have a conversation.
And then I'll cry.
Because I will be officially supplanted
as the man of the house.
You'd do that based on badminton?
Oh, that's awesome.
Well, what else do I have for a trophy?
That's fantastic.
Should we do some actual news topics or something?
The show is like.
Half over.
It's like half over.
This show is brought to you by Dollar Shave Club.
Dollar Shave Club where when you're a man,
but you're not supplanted yet,
you can shave your face and look younger.
Just like Luke did the last couple of weeks,
which was actually, you know,
I used to like baby face Luke.
And now I think baby face Luke is,
we'll throw that baby out with the bath water.
Yeah, yeah, it's done.
Yeah, it's done.
It's done.
Rugged Luke works a lot better for Luke.
And for Linus.
Yeah, yeah.
And I think it works better for everyone.
So like normally I use,
I'm not even just saying this because yeah, it's bought.
I legitimately use Dollar Shave Club razors down here
where you get like the neck beardy thing.
Cause neck beard is like.
I don't want that.
That gets clean shaved.
Like getting rid of it.
Neck beard is not even a like,
you should do it to be like,
ha ha, I'm doing something uncool,
like socks and sandals.
Neck beard is like.
It doesn't even like grow in well.
No, it just, it just looks like you don't care.
So, but normally I like having like the normal
kind of beard.
Oh yeah, okay.
And that would be trimmed and then this would be shaved.
Yeah, so what's up right now?
What happened right now is
I have this super fancy,
cost me an annoying amount of money,
electronic razor thingy.
And you change the level that the guard is at electronically.
And it shows on the display.
So I was spamming the up button,
cause I was like, I want it to not take off
very much at all.
And it would like glitch out and not go up
every time I pressed it,
but I was like, whatever.
And I eventually got up to the maximum setting
and I was like, okay, cool.
And you shave, oh.
And I went like this,
and like it doesn't shave that well,
so I hold it in my hand like this and just went grr,
and just cut this whole side down.
And it went like almost straight down to skin.
I ended up sending a picture to Jake.
Jake has it, where I just like,
I finished, cause I did half,
so I just finished up and made it like two face.
And it was insane.
The like full beard and then completely gone.
And I was like, okay, well I can't do this,
so I have to finish both sides.
And it was just gone.
And it's funny, cause the end of my personal rig video,
I'm like, I'm gonna shave now.
And I was intentionally just cleaning it up.
And then the ad spot immediately afterwards
is like the next day with no hair.
And everyone in the comments was like,
holy crap, you're really ugly.
And I'm like, that wasn't the goal.
I was just trying to make it a little bit tinier.
I wasn't trying to take it off.
Don't be ugly.
Visit dollarshaveclub.com slash Linus.
They've got an offer now where you can try out
their top tier razor for,
I think it's the first month is free or something.
Anyway, after that, it's just a couple of bunks a month.
Bunks, couple bucks a month,
they send high quality razors
and they have other bathroom supplies as well,
straight to your door.
So you don't have to get people on the internet
telling you that you are ugly.
Yeah, it's good.
You can have a beard and still use a blade.
Good stuff.
Shave the neck beard.
So Samsung air arrested
as part of South Korea's government scandal.
Dun, dun, dun.
So the original article here is from cbc.ca.
JY Lee is a suspect in influence peddling scandal
that led to the impeachment of the South Korean president.
They have got a thing going on over there,
though it surprises me that it even made the news
relative to a lot of other stuff going on.
So what is?
Samsung paid tens of millions of dollars.
Along with allegedly a $830,000 horse.
For the president to exert pressure
on Korea's national pension service
to support a merger of two Samsung group companies.
I see.
So this merger would make it easier
for JY Lee to gain control over Samsung.
Way to go, James.
Shares in Samsung fell 1.3%.
Samsung Electronics Co. Limited and shares in Samsung C&T Corp
fell 2.8%.
Did I say one point something else?
You said 1.3%.
Well, good for me.
It's all good.
You know what, that's it.
I quit.
Well then all I was saying was that wasn't a James problem.
It's been dealt with now.
Okay, that's fair.
Rise in specs and prices leaked.
I think it's been three or four weeks in a row.
Yeah, something like that.
Here's another picture of a CPU.
Wait, it's WCCF tech.
I thought the last time they leaked it,
they said it was official.
Wait, what?
So this time it's leaked again.
Is this the same article as last week?
When was it posted?
February 12th.
So is this one more or less official?
Oh, hold on.
I don't think, wait, did we have, what?
Oh, I don't think we had quad and six cores last time.
So this one is just as official.
So you can tell how totally leaked
and not being carefully doled out by AMD,
this information is.
I mean, it's interesting.
So quad core 3.2 to 3.5 gigahertz with overclocking,
apparently all Ryzen CPUs will support overclocking,
is 130 bucks.
It could be a very good time to be a value consumer again.
You can get hyper-threading,
so an i7 competitor for 175.
I shouldn't call it hyper-threading.
Turbo-thread, I don't know what they call it.
This is gonna get really confusing really fast.
My life has been really easy for the last four years
because all I have to care about
is like the Intel TM names for things
because no one cares about AMD's equivalent.
So there's hyper-threading and there's GPU boost.
I feel like we need those guys
just for the fact that now AMD CPUs
are gonna be like a thing.
I'm stoked.
Because it's gonna be so much more work.
I am stoked.
Which is great.
Every video card now,
every video card we're gonna have to test
on AMD and Intel again.
Literally twice as many benchmarks.
Can you imagine that?
It has been so long since anyone even asked.
And we'll have to do like RAM stuff.
Can you remember the last time anybody asked us
to benchmark a new video card on an AMD platform?
That would have been back in the garage, 2013.
So it's 2017 now, so you can do the math on that.
Like, yeah, we'll have to do RAM
because the new platform might have different effects.
There'll be a difference.
On it, yeah.
Maybe it'll matter
because it's only a dual channel.
Maybe it'll matter if you don't do like an i3
with a Titan XP.
Maybe it'll matter in like more scenarios than that.
Yep, it's possible.
Yeah, like it's just gonna have to do everything.
Cool, all right.
So much more work.
What else we got?
That's okay.
But maybe we can do like a four part video.
Yeah, guys?
You know what?
I'm down to do more work though.
As long as it's something that's exciting.
No, I'm totally down.
Bringing the fun and like exploration
back into a new CPU launch
is like getting really exciting for me.
But what I have to say though,
is I'm falling into the trap again.
AMD has done this to me a lot of times
where it has looked really promising.
I'm not falling into the trap.
And then they have crapped on me.
I'm getting excited.
I have become, other than with Nintendo,
which I'm just okay with,
I have become an expert at curbing excitement.
I do not care.
And then it'll be on a bench
and I'll get super, super stoked.
I'm very excited to get it on a bench.
I don't even really care outside of that.
Then we'll see how it goes.
I'm excited for the marketplace
looking really different six months from now.
I, hopefully.
And I hope that they pull through
because this will be the last time
that I will get my hopes up, which I have said before.
Unless it works.
Then there'll be one more time.
Then there'll be one more time.
Buzzfeed and Facebook try to break readers out
of their social media bubbles.
The original article is from Bloomberg.
Let's go ahead and pull it up.
Why does it say and Facebook?
Yeah, that doesn't make any sense.
So Buzzfeed tries to break readers.
So the publisher will expose audience
to opinions from across the web.
It's a different article for Facebook.
Ah, okay.
News outlets seek out other viewpoints
after the surprise election.
Buzzfeed's outside your bubble feature
will appear at the bottom of its widely shared articles
so that they can claim that they're doing this
and no one will ever click on it and it won't matter.
So the idea then is to get readers to understand
or at least be exposed to viewpoints
of people who don't think like they do.
If they go to the bottom of an article
and click on what is probably a small button.
And click on what looks like probably a promoted story.
Although, what I will say is this.
Someone out there is clicking on promoted stories
and believing stuff that is obviously nonsense.
Someone is doing that.
Or else it wouldn't be such a huge thing.
Or else it wouldn't be down there.
And those articles might sound slightly more credible.
There's on the front page of Buzzfeed,
there was a serious investigation article
about how this person is sad
that their bagel wasn't cut in half
as effectively as they would want it to.
And I don't understand why this website exists.
You know what's really funny though,
is I have probably done a longer rant than that
about the worst Subway sandwich anyone ever made for me.
I'm pretty sure you've heard it.
I think I have,
but I feel like this was much more interesting.
Might as well go for it.
All I'm gonna tell the Subway sandwich friend,
this was bar-
Also, hold up before you go, I cannot find this button.
How far down do you have to go?
I don't know, I've been going for a while.
I might've missed it.
Maybe it hasn't been deployed yet.
Like I went through the main article.
I got here, I was like, okay.
Maybe it's on the sidebar.
I tried the more button, doesn't need to be that.
Huh, okay.
Okay, so there was a period
where, I don't remember when this was.
It must've been about 10 years ago.
Maybe like 10, 11 years ago.
So that would make it what, like 2015?
So when was the like, anyway, whatever.
It was a period where jobs were like coming back
and it was fairly obvious that at entry-level positions,
they were having a very hard time,
at least here in Vancouver, filling them.
Every clothing store had help wanted signs
for like sales representatives.
Every restaurant had help wanted signs in the windows
for like cashiers and waiters and waitresses
and stuff like that.
So I walked into a subway
and this must have been the worst subway employee
that I have ever encountered in my entire life.
I said, okay, I would like a foot long sub
on this kind of bread and we got that far okay.
And then I had my tuna on it and I said,
could I have two layers of tomato?
And the guy picks up two slices of tomato
and puts them on either end of the sandwich,
either end of a foot long, looks at me expectantly.
And I go, no, no, two layers.
And so, and this was the part where my hand
almost made it all the way through my forehead
to the back of my skull.
He picks up the tomato on the one end,
puts it on top of the one at the other end,
totally straight face.
Like I'm pretty sure he wasn't messing with me.
Was he high?
And looks at me expectantly.
And I was just, I actually, my mouth was moving.
I couldn't get words out of it.
And the shift supervisor kind of scurries over and goes,
I'll take it from here, grabs a thing of tomatoes
and puts it across the rest of the sandwich
and finishes making my sandwich.
Meanwhile, it's like, I can barely even think
about what I wanna put on it.
I can't believe what I just witnessed.
And you might go, look Linus, like that's racist yo.
He probably didn't understand English or something,
but I don't buy it.
I said two and he managed to get two pieces of tomato.
And I said layers,
and he managed to put one on top of the other.
So he understood two and he understood layers.
Why would anybody want either of those configurations?
And I think that's much worse
than the bagel being cut in half the wrong way.
Also, I tried to find it on the US website,
manually navigated there.
Yep. Nothing.
Nothing, okay.
So we'll figure that out later.
So they're not trying that hard
is probably where I'm gonna put that.
All right, so Ars Technica,
the dad who live streamed his son's birth by accident
on Facebook loses in court.
He tried to sue TV companies that picked up the video,
but it was protected under fair use
where basically the court said that where pictures
or videotapes themselves are the focus of a major news story
news reporters may make brief use of selected footage
to explain to the public what the story is about.
This is really interesting.
Original article from The Verge,
YouTube to kill unskippable 30 second ads next year.
But, duh, duh, duh, oh, that's as far as I can zoom.
That was pretty good.
Yeah, I was doing my best there.
But don't celebrate just yet.
There will still be shorter unskippable ads.
So there you go.
This is interesting.
Bill Gates figures that robots that take your job
should pay taxes.
This is actually, wow.
Initially I kind of went, well, that's super dumb.
I'm disappointed.
You were such a smart guy before.
But this is potentially the solution to the...
They'd have to pay an order and amount of taxes.
To what I said last, was it last week?
Where I was saying that companies that replace workers
are going to have to pay extra taxes
to allow for some kind of social security net
for the people who aren't going to have jobs.
I got a lot of criticism under the video last week.
People calling me a socialist or whatever else.
I think a lot of the problems around this
is going to be what defines a robot.
Well, if it's Microsoft,
it's going to be probably a per core license.
Or something along those lines.
Like they will probably,
the government will probably have to redefine
what constitutes a person replacement.
Yeah, because that has happened a lot already.
With automated machines.
So, I mean, they'll probably have to work out
some kind of a system
based on the current unemployment rate.
And much like property taxes,
the way that they change from year to year,
depending on how the real estate market is performing,
I suspect they could come up with some kind of an index
that kind of goes, okay,
you have this proportion of the actual employment
that's actually out there.
You have automated X amount.
This is how much you owe to make up the difference
for all the people that clearly don't have jobs at all.
And there's going to be some tax loop
if your company is based out of Texas or something
and everyone will pay nothing
and everything will go on like normal.
Or Delaware, is Delaware the,
it's Delaware, right?
I don't, I'm not sure.
I think Delaware is the tax place.
Tax place.
But yeah, I mean, it's an interesting point
because this-
Delaware tax haven.
I mean, there's also just the fact that the government
for people not being working is giving up that income tax.
So not only are there going to be more people to support,
like this is a problem we actually have to solve.
And like, I had people making arguments to me,
like, no, this just frees up people to like do better stuff.
And no one wants to talk about this.
But like, if that were true,
if losing your job driving a coal truck
was going to turn you into a best-selling novelist
or something, or even a crappy novelist,
if that were how this works,
if people were just going to make money
from people giving them money by doing something creative
or becoming a professor or whatever the case may be,
then we would have already seen that.
We wouldn't have the situation that we're in right now
in the States with people who just want their jobs back,
who have potentially been out of work
for many years at this point,
still not having work.
It's just not how it works, unfortunately.
It's sort of a big problem already.
Look at, my biggest worry,
and it's not just my biggest worry,
it's like a lot of different people's biggest worry,
is cars, because the transport sector
is I believe the biggest employment sector in the States.
And like semis and taxi cabs and all this kind of stuff
are a really freaking big deal.
And that's going to be automated soon.
Yep, very, very soon.
And I mean, there's another factor here.
Electric cars do not need nearly the same degree
of maintenance that internal combustion engine cars do.
So all of a sudden car maintenance
is going to go from oil changes and transmission fluid.
To hot swapping motors.
To hot swapping batteries, motors,
and you'll need to replace your tires and tires basically,
because even light bulbs are going to be LED.
Which can probably all be done at automated,
you drive up, it lifts up your car,
or it doesn't even lift up your car,
it just drops the floor out of under it,
other than where your wheels are.
Elon Musk talked about how you'd be able
to swap out a battery pack fast
and you could fill up your car with gas.
So they could probably do other stuff too.
Very interesting.
And you know, it's just, it's one of those things where like-
Maggie, he wasn't saying that electric cars
didn't break down more than traditional cars.
He was saying that the maintenance on them
is much different.
Yeah, they can break down.
And the chat tried to call you out.
Sure, of course they can call you down,
or call you out.
Yeah, of course anyone can call me out.
I'm sort of a, I'm sort of a big target.
Of course they can break down,
but that's not what we're talking about.
We're talking about the regular maintenance
that I have to do like every two months on my car.
And what that maintenance entails.
Very, very interesting.
Automatable that maintenance would be.
That's right.
Oh boy.
Yeah, scary.
Okay, what else we got here?
Nintendo Switch system menus leaked?
Really, that's news?
Way to go, James.
It's really boring.
I watched the whole thing.
It's boring.
I'm a Nintendo fan boy and I was like,
okay, it's a system menu.
All right, okay.
There's icons and you scroll through them
and then you like type in your information
and it makes you an account.
Star Wars, The Last Jedi is officially plural.
We can tell because when it was translated to Spanish,
that's plural, so that's good.
So I finally saw Rogue One.
Oh, has it been enough time?
I think so.
It's only playing in like three theaters
in the lower mainland at this point.
Like if you haven't seen it in the theater by now,
you're probably not seeing it in the theater.
I like barely made it and I honestly,
I apologized for taking my wife to it afterward
and I have to go see Fifty Shades Darker as penance now
She wants to see that?
That was not a good movie.
She wants to see that?
She is-
I'm a little disappointed.
She is otherwise, she is-
I'm like rather disappointed.
Like this is like a, like I'm not mad.
Okay, she acknowledges that it isn't good.
She knows it's bad.
I don't know.
I have never seen the first one, like have you?
Like do you know how bad it is?
I don't know about the movie,
but I know the premise of the books
and I've read articles of like sex positive people
reviewing the book and being like,
this is morally and like emotionally and physically bad.
Because even if you want to like play
with these types of dynamics,
what is described in the book is literally abuse.
Because like things aren't communicated properly.
You could do the same stuff
if you communicated it properly, but it's not.
I don't know.
That's really bad.
I've never read the books.
I've never seen the original movie.
Anyway, the point is,
I now, thanks to Rogue One,
have to go see a trashy movie.
I'm very sorry for you.
Yeah, and so am I.
And I'm almost as sorry for myself
that I had to see Rogue One.
Because there were some good moments,
but there, so spoiler alert,
there were some good moments,
but there was some incredibly immersion
and flow breaking stuff in that movie.
Okay, what was immersion breaking?
Okay, so here's-
Let's start there.
First of all, the score was terrible.
I couldn't believe how bad the musical score was
for a Star Wars movie.
I was not a fan of the score.
It actually took me out of the movie multiple times
where I went,
why did they change something
about the iconic Star Wars tune right now just then?
There was no reason to change that.
And the opening music,
like right when it opens, is bad.
There's no opening text scroll,
but I'm not gonna get too sort of upset about that.
I think the idea there is that it's not a mainline movie,
but yeah.
Here is one of the biggest,
okay, so a couple of times
it was just really bad writing and bad acting.
So the delivery of the inspirational motivational speech
to the rebel command was awful.
It was pretty rough.
It was abominable.
And like the shots of the reactions in the room,
I mean, the actress-
She's very good at being sad.
The actress playing Mon Mothma,
clearly chosen for looking like Mon Mothma,
not chosen for any kind of acting skills whatsoever.
She's really good at being sad.
Yeah, she's good at being sad.
Jyn is very good at being sad.
Yeah, I'm not gonna criticize Jyn too hard
other than that speech.
Her scene with like the hologram thing
was like really good.
Yep, that was good.
Another sort of brutal criticism,
another really flow-breaking thing for me,
I understand it's not David Prowse in the suit.
I get it, but he should still probably try
to kind of move like Darth Vader.
Instead of moving like a guy on the sidewalk in Las Vegas
who bought a good Darth Vader costume.
Like there is a demeanor to Darth Vader.
He strides purposefully, he doesn't walk.
And I was just like, I do not buy this character at all
as a dark, imposing, threatening guy.
The force choke scene just about had me
cringing my face off.
Okay, the line-
It's so bad.
The line is bad, but that happens a lot.
If you look at the previous movies-
Yes, the line is bad.
He likes his, Vader likes his cheesy,
he's still Anakin a little bit.
A little bit.
I think a lot of it was just how it was delivered.
Because I cringed really hard too,
and then I like thought about it afterwards,
and I was like, he does that kind of stuff a lot.
Yeah, but here's the other thing too.
But it's just like how it's handled.
He doesn't make eye contact with the victim.
It's not intimidating.
He's just like, cash, like-
BTW, my hand is like this.
It's terrible.
It's terrible.
The body language of Darth Vader is way off.
And then I'm gonna get into the part that's worst.
Now all action movies are guilty of this to an extent.
There'll be a scene where someone has to defuse the bomb,
and you see the countdown timer,
and it's like 12 seconds left.
And it's like ticking down,
like three seconds tick down in the shot.
And then it like cuts away to other stuff happening,
and clearly like a minute has passed
by the time we get there,
and there's still a second left.
Or there'll be a situation where like,
someone has to jump,
but the trains are pulling apart.
They've been detached,
and someone has to jump.
And clearly they're already far too far apart
for the, then the next shot is like now like this.
And they like keep doing it,
where they're moving apart.
Oh no, really, they're moving apart this time.
And then finally they make the jump,
and like, you know, this is not complicated math,
how long it takes them to separate.
We're like 30 meters apart by the time they jump,
they hit the tracks, they die.
All action movies do it to an extent,
and it's flow breaking for me every time,
but Rogue One had one of the most egregious examples of this
that I have ever seen.
So they arrive at the planet or moon or whatever it is.
I don't care, because I'm never rewatching this movie.
They arrive there, and the shields open,
and they're just like, whoa, let's go for it,
we gotta help them, they're on the surface,
this is important.
And they get like four X-wing fighters through the hole,
before the Imperials manage to seal it up.
Okay, I mean, and this is ignoring the fact
that the rebels are bombing the energy shield
instead of the ring structure surrounding it
for some completely unbelievable reason later on.
Oh, this isn't working against a planetary shield!
And then they see, and then they see when it like breaks,
that thing falls apart,
so immediately the whole shield goes away,
and it's like, well.
And there's another sort of space movies issue
that I have in general here,
and that's the whole, our shields are at 60%.
Meanwhile, there's like gigantic chunks of the spaceship
being blown off by like torpedo blasts and stuff.
I'm like, are your shields up or not?
Okay, okay, so anyway, while the shield is open,
like four X-wings get through.
So it could be like 60% of the shield is still intact.
Okay, I've had enough of you.
So four X-wings get through, maybe it's five, whatever.
The point is, not a lot.
Then for the next 10 minutes,
I'm to believe that this one shuttle worth of commandos,
which looked to be about 20 people, maybe 30 people,
and these four X-wings, all of which,
every single one of which you watch get blown up
like three times over the course of the next 10 minutes.
Like if you go back and watch it and count
how many people are,
like they're fighting AT-AT walkers down there.
And I'm to believe that they're in a pitched battle
for all this time with no reinforcements.
There are actually rebel fighters under the shield
that are not X-wings engaging with an entire squadron
of TIE fighters before the shield opens again.
They're not even trying.
They're not even trying to make it somewhat believable.
I'm not asking for it to like be perfect.
I mean, okay, so the return of the Jedi space battle,
equally guilty of this.
You watch the entire rebel fleet jump into hyperspace.
It's like 15 ships, okay?
And then they're fighting against what looked like
an entire, like they had a star destroyer
for every rebel fighter.
Like that battle was over before it started,
regardless of what the Death Star does.
But at least try.
And then finally the robot.
Quite like the robot character.
Is it cliche to have kind of the sassy,
you know, robot or whatever?
But I can somewhat let it go.
He's got some good one-liners, that's fine.
But if the empire had these highly refined versions
of the battle droids we saw in the prequel trilogy,
why are they deploying stormtroopers to fight anything?
I mean, the guy's like catching stuff
and throwing it without even looking at it.
He takes down an entire squadron of stormtroopers
in a heroic last stand at the end.
With one pistol while often not even looking at them.
To be fair though, I think part of that was subtlety.
Because they're not going to immediately assume
that the droid is an enemy.
Well, they're fighting, I mean, they're getting shot at.
They were coming in waves.
They were coming in waves.
If they had anything that bad-ass,
where was it in New Hope, Empire, and Return of the Jedi?
I mean, so there you go.
Very flow-breaking.
Bad score.
When they blew up, they lost the plans for it.
They couldn't make them anymore.
Decent to bad acting.
And they also lost like how to maintain them,
which was stored in those archives as well.
So they all broke down.
And they never made any more.
All right.
So thank you for watching the Wan Show.
We will see you again next week.
Same bat time, same bat channel.
Bye, guys.
This episode of the Star Wars Show
brought to you by Dollar Shave Club.
I'm not going to say that.
I don't have to because you did.