
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

okay and welcome to the land show ladies and gentlemen we've got a fantastic show
for you today with no technical difficulties yet it was intentional that
we sent out a notification several minutes before we actually went live it
turns out that is how the YouTube streaming platform dashboard thing is
supposed to work it's a little ironic we actually had a call with YouTube today
where twitch just updated their dashboard what a couple weeks ago
something like that yeah and we were showing them twitches new dashboard we
went wow their new dashboard is sure a lot more new-looking than your new
dashboard YouTube got the dark theme right they did they got the dark theme
right it's got a nice dark theme except usually when you go with like a dark
theme you don't make the white text and like icons like pure white I don't think
those are quite pure white no they're too white yes but they aren't pure white
they look like it from here but I have bad eyes and it's decently far you do
yeah so anyway guys we we we got coached on the tools turns out it was user error
but also bad tools so you know it's kind of like when the guy chops his finger
off with the hedge trimmer but the hedge trimmer had no instructions and had like
had like a you know the handle had the start button right on it and there's
like a thing from inside the thing that you got to pull out with your fingers
and the only place to grab it is there and you'll lose your finger and you're
like well this wasn't entirely my fault considering the state of the dashboard
the start button is just in the spinning part yeah so we've got a great show for
you guys today Microsoft unveiled the new Xbox oh my part of a proud line of
Xboxes with names that make absolutely no sense the Intel core i9 10 9 you know
what I think in protest against Intel's naming schemes I am going to start
saying all of the numbers individually the core i9 1 0 9 0 0 K I thought you
were gonna go is just dropping the 10 no no no okay I'll keep the I'll keep
started over for them I'll keep the 10 if they're gonna make it terrible I'm
just gonna take it one step further that's a 10 core processor and z490
chipset are rumored to arrive in April 2020 what else we got ashes i9 dash 1 0
Mac Pro pricing and Facebook to use oculus VR data for ad purposes because
we all knew that was gonna go down eventually shut up shut the door close
shut some door yeah all right guys intro time
oh I thought we're going for the triple M this time no no it was worth a shot
but we we didn't make it we did not we did not do that thing all right so why
don't we jump right into our headline topic I had a bloody hell our chat is
fast what was your name again what was your name there buddy uh whatever it
doesn't matter I might just be gone yeah I'm over it and they're like is the new
oh here it is Alex herring asks is the new Xbox good well let's open up that
can of worms oh I don't because I don't know if what I've seen is real it's it's
real it's real okay so I saw I saw a tweet from a friend of mine that works
it works it Microsoft yep yeah and I I saw a picture yeah and he said it was a
new Xbox yeah and I was like there's no way and then I expanded it to look at
the comments and the comments seem to be sure it is real it is real what this is
news dot Xbox dot-com that is the new Xbox look okay so I've always companies
just completely abandoned the traditional console design that they had
established for years I mean in fairness to them Nintendo's done some pretty
weird stuff too oh but they never had a traditional console design well defined
the traditional console design and then immediately abandoned no no Ness SNES
yeah and then n64 controllers on the front cartridge in the top yeah okay
yeah okay okay but like the game cube the game cube was a departure controllers
on the front disc in the top disc in the top yeah yeah okay so they they shared
that design but like they went from like box to box with some weird edges to box
with round stuff and weird edges to like cube to they just keep changing their
form Xbox and PlayStation have generally been kind of the same deal so here's the
here's the fundamental problem that I have with that it everybody not
everybody most people already own their home media console and by console I
don't mean game console I mean like like the cabinet yeah or like that the thing
that your TV sits on yep and I've actually run into this because I'm one
of the few freaks on this planet that actually has like an HTPC a computer
hooked up in my living room although I mostly use it for VR actually as opposed
to home theaterness HDR on windows just terrible anyway so I'm one of the few
freaks that has one of those and one of the biggest problems out there with
having a PC hooked up to your TV is that the vast majority of these consoles are
not designed to have a computer-shaped thing in them yeah and Microsoft when
they created a computer-shaped thing now in fairness to Microsoft the size
actually looks quite deal with able so we've got an Xbox controller there yeah
and then so it looks like it's about an Xbox controller wide so it's about like
that and then it's about three Xbox controllers high so it's about like that
that that's pretty that's pretty manageable I think but it just it looks
like a computer and so naturally it it raises all the same commentary that
we've been making about the Xbox and the PlayStation for that matter as they've
become more and more PC like that it's just a PC why don't you just call it a
PC at this point yeah anyway let's go through what else oh as for whether or
not it's good I'm sure it's fine I mean the dev kits that people have right now
are likely just based on like like multiple GPUs of whatever's current gen
because it's gonna be man what's the what's the new what's the new AMD art
RTG no that's already on technology school the name I didn't know the name
until I got to the end of the trailer no okay if you can switch to my screen
first I would love to this part of the video so they start they start our video
sorry our DNA based graphics that's AMD's new new architecture anyway sorry
go ahead they start the video off with like pseudo game trailer style footage
which is probably what they should have done it makes sense and then they
transition to like and this is the box that it's all gonna be played on right
yeah this part is the most like this is a computer ad ever and like the point
that it really looks like a computer yeah but not yet right here where it
goes green at the top yeah I'm like that's RGB that Corsair somehow figured
out how to shove into some new like cooler and this is an advertisement for
a cooler for an AIO for a computer yeah like this power your dreams I too I
really do dream of a day when the Xbox is just a PC and we can stop pretending
yeah because honestly that would be really cool if an Xbox was just a really
affordable PC that you hooked up in your living room that came with a controller
and the actual Xbox software layer just ran on top of like like a hypervisor or
something like that so that it was the kind of thing that you could actually
just run on any PC and cross-platform play becomes just everywhere yeah that'd
be freaking sick because by the time it's running on I think what is it is
it gonna be Zen 2 course you know I'm gonna have to check my notes here but by
the time it's running on yeah yeah by the time it's running on AMD Zen 2 CPU
cores and you know DirectX 12 rDNA based architecture GPU unless they do another
like weird thing where they use the like GDDR memory as the system RAM or
something bizarre like that which we actually did see in that weird Chinese
console and it yeah windows yeah yeah so unless they do something weird
architecturally it's just a PC so it'd be super cool if I could just have my PC
be an Xbox now I know for DRM reasons that's gonna be very difficult to do but
I mean we live in the age of always connected DRM it seems like the kind of
thing that would be manageable through software somehow doable so it's called
the Xbox Series X so why don't we walk through it shall we we had the Xbox the
Xbox 360 which was a good enough name I had no real issue with the 360 I think
that's just because you were at an age where the Xbox 360 was like an important
console for you growing up it was I played a lot of Halo 2 yeah I think I
think that's the only reason you forget about rose-colored hold on hold on at
least there was a clear at least there's a clear just there wasn't a clear road
ahead in terms of naming I remember at the time people thought it might be like
720 or whatever well no I know from 360 yeah that's because they back
themselves into a corner ironically you name it after yeah back yourself into a
corner dude the amount of jokes about like I'm gonna do a 180 when I see the
360 and all this they were there was so many um but yeah I didn't mind it too
much it didn't make a lot of sense on its own right but there was a clear
distinction between it and the previous one and then it went just went sharply
then we went Xbox one but like I don't think they had anywhere logical to
really go because calling it a 720 would be silly too I don't know what do you do
after that the X well if you're Intel you call it the 10,900 and 700 K yes
addition the I nine got to do individual digits yeah yeah yeah but so yeah so we
went to Xbox one after that yeah and then they were all kind of part of the
same generation 1s 1x yeah and then those two were actually more like the
same generation but that was like a gen that was like a half gen you know and
like X is a yeah and I don't know like they're like surprisingly the one
originally is surprisingly different from the 1x yeah and the s is actually
kind of different beasts like a die shrunk one ish but then has a blu-ray
drive so it's like that's pretty sweet it's like a decent amount of
differentiation more than what I would normally expect from like oh you get the
PlayStation you get the PlayStation slim yeah yeah like it's a little bit
different than that so and now we have the series X which is like okay so here
is my thought on that and I actually don't know oh yeah here we go so here's
my thought on that is it comes down to the this backwards compatible messaging
so this is a quote you can expect your gaming legacy thousands of your favorite
games across four generations of gaming all your Xbox one gaming accessories and
services like Xbox game pass to be available when you power on your Xbox
series X in holiday 2020 school the controllers work so that's why they're
calling it Xbox series X because they are acknowledging that architecturally
they are the same damn thing so there is no reason whatsoever to not just run
those older games on the new one rather than so locking down backwards and
forwards compatibility so that's cool overwatch to hardware edition yeah like
you can do kind of the same thing sort of Left 4 Dead 2 yeah new console
edition we don't worry we got all the same maps all the same characters all
the same guns there's just more maps than characters and guns yeah and it
runs well whatever worry about it it runs better so this has the potential to
be incredibly game-changing oh hey that the game doesn't change because it's the
same you could play the same game right okay doesn't matter yeah um so let's
talk about the performance that PR actually hold on let's walk through the
look first so it basically looks like a Corsair one I was gonna say the one of
the reasons why I call that Corsair was it looks like a Corsair one supports
vertical and horizontal orientation but looking at it I think it's pretty
obvious that you you're an idiot if you put it on the side isn't the logo gonna
be wrong you have a local become the wrong way unless okay okay Phil if you're
watching okay here's an idea free of charge magnetic logo okay it's been done
before yeah but do these have been made before too yeah I know right okay so it
exhaust heat out the top there's a green light visible would love it if it's RGB
I doubt it I doubt it so almost certainly just green yep why does the
controller blah blah blah blah has a disk drive has a disk drive but is ready
for Microsoft's streaming service and whether whether you guys like it or not
whether the hard cores like it or not streaming is absolutely the way forward
for gaming not not the way not the way better the way forward because that's
just how it's gonna be and I think we've talked about this on the land show
before there are going to be game experiences that would have been
impossible if you had to synchronize all the data between the multiple players
from remote clients so game environments that all run within the data center with
only the inputs yeah and the display signaling actually going out to the
remote clients like the the size of like imagine this from from a developer
perspective the size of a giant world that you could build with everything
connected via you know fiber optic from within a data center running on this
gigantic cluster compared to what you can do with sort of discrete servers and
people remoting into it to be absolutely clear this is not me saying that it
won't happen I think it will take an extreme amount of time before we get
there absolutely because it's not only is the entire industry gonna have to
accept this and that's gonna take a while change game development
fundamentally and then people are gonna have to figure out how to even do that
that's gonna be a completely different but yeah you always follow the scent of
the money oh yeah no it's yeah and the money so much like Netflix I don't think
any anybody saw you know back when Netflix was just doing like DVD rentals
through the mail blockbuster sure I don't think anybody a fascinating story
because it's not just that they just buried blockbuster it's that they tried
to sell themselves to blockbuster and blockbuster said no you should like look
up the whole the history of Netflix and blockbuster it's a it's very interesting
so I don't think anybody saw Netflix coming as a creator of like iconic like
Martin Scorsese film like truly flagship grade content wait sorry what like
Netflix it's like like making this stuff they're backing this stuff they have the
money for that anyone who has the money is going to try to create exclusive
experiences so as soon as you've got people subscribing to these streaming
services just playing traditional games that could have just as easily been
played with a disk and a drive or or a file downloaded to an SSD or whatever
the case may be as soon as that happens you've got that recurring revenue and
they're gonna try and find a way to hold on to that recurring revenue and the way
to do it is to create unique experiences speaking of unique experiences there's
a super cool VR thing that's coming to Vancouver we got to talk about it later
we're gonna go play I've heard about it no okay it's from scale it's dope Oh
looks dope anyway nice talk about it later okay um for now though playing
games locally they'll have four times the processing power of the Xbox one X
in the most quiet and efficient way they're expecting 4k at 60 FPS with the
possibility of up to 120 FPS a lot of people get confused I think when they
see console specs like they'll see them say things like HDMI 2.1 up to 8k and
then things like up to 120 FPS nobody's talking about 120 FPS at 8k that that
that that's either or that's that's like that's like this one but not this or
this but not this to be very very clear I think some games could run at 4k 120
FPS but we're talking about place snake yeah you could probably do 8k 120 exit
well okay we're we're talking about developers ultimately deciding how they
want the game to be experienced on the Xbox and then just putting all those
toggles in the PC version yeah yeah and you can just decide how you want to play
it you're on by the way PC people I know sometimes people get all stinky when a
new console comes out and the get stinky the PC versus console war kind of pops
back up and whatnot I just want everyone to remember whenever new consoles come
out the quality of PC games tend to go up yep and remember we're all in the
same team now because the Xbox is just it's just a computer see yep it's just a
bunch of people buying pre-made yeah that's that's basically all right so
custom design Zen 2 AMD CPU hardware accelerated ray tracing although we
mostly knew that was coming on AMD's upcoming products yeah of support for
variable refresh rate although the Xbox already had that in the form of free
sync which a lot of people think free sync is like this open standard that AMD
developed and is open it's not open so free sync is AMD's branding for the
adaptive sync open standard on DisplayPort yeah AMD's implementation of
adaptive sync on HDMI is proprietary so actually I actually was not aware when a
TV supports free sync I guarantee it's over HDMI because TVs don't have
DisplayPort ports so when a TV supports free sync it's actually like kind of
bastardizing the HDMI input to accept this proprietary protocol that AMD has
actually developed interesting so now you know yeah yeah so that's why it took
Nvidia so long to support variable refresh rate on TVs one I think they
were kind of doing their own thing the whole BFGD thing yeah the G sync
modules so that's definitely how well do you think that's done for them sorry to
derail you right now I think overall G sink has been spectacular for BFGD is
terrible yeah I thought so the timing was terrible if they had actually
launched BFGD so that's Nvidia 65 inch like thousand nit peak brightness HDR
144 Hertz 4k gaming display super cool technology if they had actually launched
that thing around these when they not even that like when they announced it oh
if that had been a launch guys it's gonna be on the shelf next month they
would have sold a ton of them because the TV industry was still sitting on its
butt you know trying to figure out having decent input led yet alone you
know high refresh rates at 4k yeah but now that HDMI 2.1 is being rolled out
into like TVs that you can buy on the shelf for two grand right now whoo that's
rough especially especially man the LG OLEDs that support g-sync they do up to
4k 120 Hertz g-sync down to I believe it's 40 Hertz is the the minimum of the
refresh window so technically a BFGD will go lower and it'll and g-sync will
still function all the way down to zero it'll like interpolate frames and stuff
like the module does have a function but but as long as you've got a decent
computer hooked up to it and you're like somewhat optimizing your in-game
spending that much on a screen you should probably be able to run over 40
FPS exactly the OLED experience oh good so good I've got a video coming pun
definitely intended I replaced the BFGD in my living room talk about the
experience of going OLED with g-sync it's freaking awesome spoiler alert love
it one thing to tie in so I'm gonna jump back and derail us temporarily again but
Amazon you know they have that new Lord of the Rings show yeah they're spending
like a billion dollars on it or whatever this MMO was announced a while ago but
very recently I'm flipping over to your screen very recently as of July I guess
but I didn't hear about this it's being set up by Amazon Game Studios Amazon is
making a new Lord of the Rings free-to-play MMO mmm Amazon's I think
more directly jumping into the gaming scene with this interest I think Amazon
Game Studios is like done some stuff before but I don't know how much of it
really mattered and if they're bankrolling the TV show with a billion
dollars they're probably gonna bankroll the game with quite a bit as well I
don't know exactly how much but like damn I think they're really trying to
capitalize on the on the name we can go back now all right cool so this is a
really neat feature the Xbox aside from having automatic low latency mode where
it tells the TV hey hey you switch over to game mode so that the latency doesn't
suck because even on the latest OLEDs it goes from in the neighborhood of 100
milliseconds which is freaking brutal yeah down to 12 Oh in game mode yeah and
that's really not bad 12 is incredible that's at 60 Hertz yeah so they're
actually doing that by I forget it's like it's a different it's a different
input buffering mode so it's not a full frame it's like line based or something
so they're actually actually have it down to less than one frame oh that's
crazy it's really cool but in addition to that they've got this this latency
improvement thing dynamic latency input which will actually make the players
inputs synchronize with the rendering chain so that it's going in at the most
timely possible moment cool which is sick that's actually pretty sweet I mean
you're still on like a wireless controller so uh depends how well they
do the wireless yeah but I don't know how well they're doing it but you know
don't quote me on this but I thought the Xbox one was Bluetooth I don't think it
was I think it can be I think that's where I'm getting confused I believe it
can be either Bluetooth or another one correct me in the chat if I'm wrong
though guys all right the very least it had something else going on or it was
like a custom implementation or something but I remember something weird
going on there it's gonna have an SSD to quote-unquote virtually eliminate load
times thank goodness this thing actually sounds kind of awesome variable rate
shading which is super sick so that's part of the way that they're going to be
able to gain it 4k like reasonably or maybe even you know who knows maybe 8k
60 hmm that'd be tough anyway that's how they're gonna game at 4k that's how
they're gonna hit these like super high 120 FPS frame rates because variable
rate shading allows you to shade certain parts of the scene much more accurately
than others and save GPU resources for parts that like the viewer wasn't going
to look at anyway we have actually a fast as possible about that there's a
new controller which has some new stuff but I think the Xbox controllers
probably changed like the least out of most of them other than maybe
PlayStation so basically just limited most of them around yeah yeah but there's
this it's not gonna be hugely different they end oh the analog stick there's an
analog it's in the middle there's two they're here in here oh now you wiggle
it around like this wait now you hold the control what are you guys doing
there's no stick when you move it around yeah so but I don't think it's gonna be
that different your previous controllers are also still gonna work you'll
probably get one with the new Xbox PC whatever Xbox Series X I think it's
called but like yeah all your old controllers will still work I think
that's a pretty cool move a lot of the time when consoles come out they make
money off of stuff like the accessories so letting you use your old controllers
it's like pretty cool actually oh yeah they have Bluetooth and radio so they
use radio when available and Bluetooth if you don't have it so yeah it should
be fine should be fine um all right processors yeah we kind of oh yeah I
guess yeah we should move a lot we've talked about this for a long time been
live for 26 minutes ladies and gentlemen yeah so let's tell you Intel core space
I nine dash one zero nine zero zero K space one zero dash core hold on hold on
sorry Nick really would like us to talk about something very important very near
to your heart oh right here oh this shirt oh that's what you're here for
right so this guy yeah this is the beta squadron shirt it's a little bit
different from our previous ones guys the fits gonna be a little bit different
because it's a 100% cotton shirt unlike the tri blend ones that we normally do
poly excuse me sorry poly blend ones we normally do so that means that it's
fitting a little loose right now it will it will shrink a little bit because it's
100% cotton the graphic is a combination of the LTT logo and the floatplane logo
and then this beta squadron thing we thought was funny yeah because float
plane is officially going into beta when does the announcement go up don't tell
Apple but other than that yeah yes yeah absolutely videos going up on Sunday
night yeah something like that so this is gonna be like a commemorative shirt
we're gonna be selling on the LTT store it's limited edition once they're gone
they're gone we're not gonna print more of these but yeah it's super it's super
bold Luke was saying he thought it was just like a little thing up here yeah
it's like no it's like beta quadrant so it's just it's a play on float plane
officially entering beta and also just you know beta that's kind of cool
word yeah we uh we're gonna I'm gonna have to try to scoop some for like my
employee people yeah yeah yeah that's where they potentially disappear that's
fine don't worry about it yeah yeah it's really limited quantities to limited
time limited quantities yep and it sold as pre-sale so they'll print next week
ship next week slash the week after okay all right sure yeah why don't we do a
promo on the store what was it again I don't remember oh yeah buy one get one
hardware shirts oh wow yeah oh yeah buy one get one fifty percent off thank you
glad glad we clarified that what's the code oh they just add two so add add any
two hardware shirts so it's like the CPU design RAM design GPU fan awesome shirts
and these ones are the normal ones that are on the the poly blend did you mean
LT oh these are already up you better believe I did those pictures were up
really quick wait what is I love toy trains country store I LTT store calm no
no not that one what hold on no we're going that we're going to this store
right now Wow click here to browse click here click here brand reopening look at
this kid he's having a good time this is hilarious how old is this site I love
how it's like super out of the very very old internet doesn't even have it's not
even like a secure site YouTube links so it's clearly not like the oh oh boy I I
love toy train store Michigan City 60 miles east of Chicago and just minutes
off I 94 studio where the popular I love toy train series is filmed all right
sorry sorry 2019 video these are he's on this all right anyway so here's the
float plane I think they need to switch it to this one LTT bit it yeah I like
this one better too can we make this one the the default picture sure yeah all
right beta squadron shirt there's this guy so yeah any of the hardware shirts
processor GPU hard drive I really like the hard drive one fan RAM you were a
fan which two would you get um I'm just gonna say my personal favorites are GPU
CPU and hard drive Rams really good too I actually you just buy four yeah yeah
problem sigh three get one free wait can they apply the promo code twice I doubt
that works I don't think it's limited to one use per customer okay why so you
just do two carts you check it out right now yeah you could try no it's fine
those guys those guys can figure it out all right so why don't we jump into the
core i9 process or the core i9 dash one zero nine zero zero K solid so this will
help because it will extend the video times of any reviews anyone does about
this am I really gonna have to am I really gonna have to say this out loud
this was posted on the forum by Olympic ass-eater the original article is from
techpowerup.com Intel is expected to refresh its mainstream desktop platform
with more 14 nanometer hooray do the 14 nanometer dance yeah 14 nanometer we
should throw them a party you're like for them for their age and it's like how
long they've been on that core I three four core eight threat Wow core I threes
are gonna be four core eight thread so within one process node Intel is gonna
go from selling four core eight threads as top tier to bargain basement core I
fives will be six core twelve thread Wow I fives are getting hyper threading I
sevens will be eight core sixteen thread in the I nine one zero nine zero zero K
ten core twenty thread we're also gonna get a new socket so we're doing away
with eleven five something we get twelve hundred full pins now just flat and a
four hundred series chipset series a series of four hundred something
chipsets led by the z490 Express at the top it's been a while since they've
called a chipset something Express yes I feel like that was like when's the long
time ago had an Express chipset not like 7 7 5 4 78 days Intel Express g41 yeah
like qs67 Express chipset okay so not quite as old as I thought it was huh
that is like super super weird branding for them to bring up again for no
apparent reason yep um so I was trying to figure out why they might have done
it I have no idea so it's got 49 more pins we're expecting improved power
delivery and support for future incremental IO features the pin one
position remains the same but it has shifted the socket keying to the left
previously it was right making comment like processor incompatible both
electrically and mechanically with previous sockets we expected that
generally speaking Intel does one launch with a new platform and then one
refresh and that's it platform maps of these PCI Express Gen 3 based chipsets
make them look largely similar to the current 300 series platform with a few
changes so they've added c10 and s s 0 IX modern standby power states which give
your PC an iPad like availability while sipping minimal power that's pretty
sweet soiks slightly different from smart connect is that your web connected
apps and processor work at extremely low power like a fanless state rather than
waking your machine from time to time for the apps to refresh they have
updated the networking interfaces adding support for two and a half gigabit wired
LAN so that's pretty sick yeah and built-in Wi-Fi 6 that's pretty nice too
and the underlying architecture is basically identical in terms of design
to Skylake circa 2015 oof the platform also mentions an interesting
specification enhanced core and memory overclocking maybe this could be the
secret ingredient that makes the i9 1 0 9 0 0 K competitive with the likes of
the ryzen 9 3900 X unfortunately by that time AMD will supposedly have launched
news and processors this is just wild I don't know I I would actually I don't
necessarily think you should actually do it I've been over the content space for
a long time but I would love to see a mock video of like a birthday party for
Intel and just going over the like if you if you went over like you know those
birthday parties that are more for the parents and you go over like you learn
to walk and just have it like go through all the stages first you said you didn't
have any course then you added more then you added more again then you added more
you were sneaky so proud of you yeah turns out you could do it after all
couldn't yeah oh geez oh man all right um speaking of things we could do most
processors don't even live to turn four
just sorry I'm just way too into that idea
Mac oh all right we got to do our sponsors use code Linus and get 50% off
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Micro Center or whatever I get so many people tweeting me like hey check this
out look what I found like yeah I knew about it obviously but yeah cool thanks
I saw in wherever I was I don't even remember but I was at a Micro Center and
I saw shrouds but I didn't see ours and I was sad or Linus tech tips made me
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that have produced over a quarter million unique artworks just like that
and they offer hassle-free returns for every display sold they plant ten trees
and they come pre gift pack so use code LTT to save 15% at LMG GG slash display
when very cool all right what else we got for topics today oh I want to talk
about that VR thing okay so my friend sent me this the face book I do have
friends it was not actually my friend it's the husband of my wife's friend
look I'm going with it okay so it's called zero latency VR well this is a
different obviously nonsense yeah but they are apparently launching it's in
the dock here in Vancouver and it looks sick so they have a bunch of like this
is kind of honestly where VR is gonna take off but it's a free roam VR
experience where it's kind of like laser tech a where it's the stupid thing dang
it ah location what news is it under news so Jay and I did a Star Wars and a
horror game experience so it's kind of like this like it's just an open
warehouse Wow here we go oh sweet okay this is different where's the picture I
just want a picture oh I hate you so much okay so sorry you and Jake did a
what now whatever Jay not Jake sure but at in Vegas during CES we did like a
Star Wars themed one but it wasn't a big open arena it was like a guided walk
through thing which is kind of cool because like yeah when when like a
droid was there you could reach out and actually touch it oh that's because they
had like a just non painted one of it there sure which was which was neat for
that experience this would be super cool for like arena style calm so it's
backpack based so you put on backpacks with the pcs and the headsets they've
made their own controllers and stuff so you'll have like rifles and crap like
that so it's basically as far as I can tell I haven't tried it yet I'm super
excited to try it apparently they're building it right now oh I was hoping
it was already up yeah no no it's not it's not done yet but what it sounds
like to me is laser tag yeah without all the assholes who are covering up the
friggin things while they poke around the corner I was driving with cheaters
past planet laser but yeah somewhat near our office the other day and I mentioned
about how like I doubt they've done this but like they're gonna get ran over by
these types of solutions absolute cuz it's gonna be way better yeah it's way
way better and I gave the scenario of like look at the if you had like Rebel
Alliance versus stormtroopers and you like actually look at your buddy and
he's in like stormtrooper armor oh yeah like that'd be so cool it's gonna be so
sick and maybe this implementation honestly isn't that great but but it's
the direction yeah that's the direction that's going that's 100% experience and
like laser tag places they have the opportunity to make this investment and
still stay relevant but not for long yeah it will not be a long time before
you're just like and the stupid thing is like they might look at it and go whoa
hold on like two grand a pop for like pcs for everyone's back and like you
know a bunch of VR headsets and like oh my goodness all this tracking equipment
it's like okay stop stop I'm gonna stop you right there do you remember back
when laser tag equipment was super expensive so now it's gotten commodity
and you're like enjoying that or whatever but but that's what happens
it's a cycle you get it you got to move on you got to move on yeah this will
absolutely take over because even just the like the guided experience that Jay
myself and some other people did was amazing but the whole time you're like
in a kind of a cramped room Jay and I are big guys so there isn't like a ton
of room for us to move around in these hallways he means tall Jay calm down I
mean have you seen his arms he's a big guy in a few different ways but it's
it's well that I didn't intend for that to go that direction that's gonna keep
plowing forward it's it's it's gonna be very cool in a space and actually like
they could put fake terrain in there and stuff I don't know what they're gonna do
it's probably not just gonna be an open virtual room though for now I think it
is but in the future I could totally see cuz the thing about an open room is it's
less hazardous and you could always put virtual obstacles that block other
people's lasers and you can lean around and stuff but no that's what I mean yeah
you're not actually at risk of like that's that's I think virtually they
might put up some terrain I don't think they're gonna do that otherwise and they
could make it like so they're like oh like virtual glass so you can see
through it or something so you know if people are hiding behind cover and you
know that it's obviously not real so you won't lean against it or something but
they could put up cover and stuff like that I think that would be a good idea
because it'll make the game a lot more tactical someone just said no love for
Jay I think Luke was saying all the love for Jay it's just super no yeah yeah
lots of love yeah almost too much too much love yeah all right Mac Pro pricing
posted by William CLL on the forum basically the top config is $52,000 but
I feel like this headline is really silly yeah honestly because the top
configuration of it nobody you're not it's not like you have your arm twisted
that you have to buy a terabyte and a half of RAM it's not the default
configuration look look Mac community and PC people who like ribbing the Mac
community guys you can't keep sending mixed messages out of one half of your
mouth you're like Apple your computers don't go high-end enough you're not
taking professionals seriously and then when Apple releases a computer that is
capable of specs that are approaching the top of what can be built with
hardware that exists today while you know looking subjectively pretty sexy
and apparently being quiet I don't know we don't have one yet you don't get to
complain about it you can't have it both ways like are you actually were you
actually already a customer for a 28 core Intel Xeon W yeah exactly now now
now there are things we can complain about 25 grand for the 1.5 terabytes of
RAM it's not too bad but it's also not great the we we just did a video that
hasn't gone up yet playing around with a system with two terabytes of RAM and
that RAM cost about 25 grand so you're you're overpaying you're paying the
Apple you're gonna be overpaying for yeah and if you were smart you would
just buy a base spec one in terms of the RAM and are you playing around with the
Builder throw it over yeah sure so you could just buy a base spec one and then
put in your own RAM later flip that other RAM on eBay or whatever or hold
on to it in case you need to get support for your Mac or whatever the case may be
so I'm not saying it's a great deal same thing with the processor the top tier
processor the you know whatever it is 32 90 something yeah they don't put the
model number because but the W 39 some 32 9 something whatever it doesn't matter
it's the 31 95 so 32 95 I guess who cares the 28 core processor is not well
priced you can get that thing for like four grand elsewhere and they want more
than that for the upgrade and you don't even get the one that it ships with then
I don't know what the tech for the SSD is but those prices are nuts too those
prices based on though yeah so Apple's SSDs are very fast okay so you got to be
like I've seen people just like finding some bargain basement DRAM with SSD yeah
and be like Apple's overpriced like no no no the SSD is really fast it's a fast
nvme SSD it is not apples to apples against some crappy SATA SSD detail in
here no you have to just test it for yourself unfortunately so yeah I don't
know like it doesn't even say if it's nvme or not it is I am I'm expecting
completely believe you and it would make sense that it would be considering they
even did that in their damn phones a while back yeah like it doesn't say I'm
expecting the SSDs to be really fast it's just you know it's one of those
things where you might not agree with the choices apples made like we talked
about this in our review of the iMac Pro you might not agree with the fact that
Apple put a Z on in it that might feel unnecessary to you because a core i9 is
functionally identical other than not supporting ECC memory for $500 less not
to mention that the unbuffered memory that you can then use with it is also
cheaper you might not agree with them you know going and having AMD engineer
some custom stupid version of their card that has though a different special
power connector instead of just plugging a damn cable into it but whether or not
you agree with their choices or not that doesn't mean that for the thing that
Apple is providing their price is necessarily unreasonable now I do think
the Mac Pro pricing is kind of dumb but I think people are attacking the wrong
spectrum of the Mac Pro pricing they're attacking the top tier price which is
something nobody should be buying anyway when really what they should be
attacking is the base spec price where you're investing most of your money as
far as I can tell into like days of CNC time on this chassis for like an eight
core processor and like what does that by default 32 gigs of RAM like a Radeon
Pro 580 X which don't kid yourself is just a 580 X with some driver switches
flipped 256 gigs like stories literally a last-generation graphics card like
come on that's what people should be mocking you get a magic mouse to oh boy
oh boy I can flip my mouse over to charge it you know I had a really
frustrating experience with my AirPods twos the other night so I mostly use
them with an Android phone and I know I knew already going into this
relationship with my AirPods that there's no way to update the firmware on
an Android device you can't just or at least no first-party way I haven't
actually looked into whether there's some hacky way to do it to my knowledge
there isn't but feel free to tell me if I'm wrong you guys love that so anyway I
knew that I was gonna need to connect it to an Apple device at some point if I
wanted to update the firmware so I was having this weird issue that cropped up
where sometimes only one of them would activate the noise cancellation and it's
super bizarre like I would go and I would press the thing and it would just
toggle that one and then I'd go and toggle this one and then they would be
like desync so everything would sound like it was echoing super buggy anyway
what I found out I googled it was I was running a firmware on this that was like
pre the one that I found online was supposed to be the release one I was
like okay so I've got like super old firmware there's two more updates since
then so I'm like okay how do I update this and so I'm going through this like
guide because I couldn't even find like like the the watch there's just an app
okay so there's an icon on your home screen just click your watch app but
AirPods don't have that you have to go into my phone it doesn't matter anyway I
think I left upstairs anyway the point is you have to go into like software
about and then you scroll down and you find AirPods but only if they're nearby
and the case is open so otherwise it's just not there oh well that's genius
love it um it's magic it just works you know so anyway I go in there I'm like
where's the where's the friggin firmware update button and there isn't one and so
I get so I keep reading the article excuse me so here's how it works if you
want to update the firmware of your AirPods you connect them to a charging
device okay and open them leave them near your iPhone and then I'm just when
Apple when Apple deems the time to be right they will push a firmware update
to your AirPods and I was like oh my god what if I'm having a problem now see
this is my problem with Apple I have no issue with things magically working in
fact I'm a big fan of stuff just working in my life yeah the problem is that
Apple is so dedicated to this it just works the philosophy that they seem to
this seems like their brains just jam when something doesn't work and I
remember having this experience a number of years ago when I did the I switched
to Mac and I was using the iMac I think it was the iMac 5k as my daily driver
for a month and I had this issue where I knew that there was a file in this
folder in finder that was there or it was like a network directory or
something that wasn't loading or wasn't updating correctly and I was trying to
figure out how to update the damn thing how to force refresh it and I found out
that in finder you may not do that and the only responses I could find were
that well it should show up right it should but what about when it doesn't
yeah I there has to be recourse for that and so this is exactly the same thing so
I left it there for a while I walked away and it just didn't update so I was
like okay so I connected it and then I connected the phone too and I left them
for another half an hour and I came back and it did and I'm like oh thank goodness
I'm running the latest version of the firmware now what if it didn't then why
it's just so stupid to me it's like it's like this whole thing where that's why
buttons have gone out of fashion yeah well it should just it should just
refer it should just update on well what if it doesn't what if I just want the
peace of mind of knowing that it's done what I like yeah is when it does it
automatically but there's also a button that cues it up what I don't like that
why because I want my button to be the only I want the button to be the
gatekeeper when I press the update button I want it to update not before
and not after unless I check automatic updates but I still want a button to
check I just I just want to know and the other thing oh oh the other stupid thing
too once I got to the menu I had to just Google whether the firmware version I
had was current it didn't say there's a different version it's just like it you
know a be five eight five whatever like it was just like literally a string of
five characters that's the firmware version it doesn't say if there's a new
one drives me nuts so one thing before we move on from this Apple topic is can
you switch back to my screen yeah I sure can so I noticed this while you were
talking yeah it's not cut off at the very top just a little gray banner thing
get 6% daily cash back when you buy from Apple and pay with Apple card until
December 31st pretty sad cast it on the Mac Pro web page where you will very
possibly be buying a multi $10,000 yeah Peter and then you go learn more and
it's like yeah you get it in a bunch of places and stuff whatever but I bet you
they're getting a ton of card signups just due to how expensive their computer
is yep which is kind of amazing yeah in fact it wouldn't surprise me if they're
getting like corporate card signups too cuz that's what I would be after if I
was them getting those corporate cards switched over to Apple cards so that all
them corporate mean it's just like our credit card oh cuz we put everything on
it why not we get benefits from ours as well yeah not 6% cash back that's pretty
sick well it's temporary stuff from apple.com yeah it's time I think you get
3% from elsewhere but only until December 31st or something but yeah
whatever I just I find that amazing cuz yeah corporate I mean if you're buying
30 of these yeah and they're like $15,000 version or something oh that's
like painful yeah that's painful we're like trying to figure out how to do the
review within 15 days so we can return it let's go 16 core not even joking six
gigs like I don't keep that thing what do I need an expensive computer for high
sense single GPU why it's a portable PC yeah portable computer can you move
Final Cut Pro from one system to another yeah okay so we won't buy that okay yeah
so like probably fourteen thousand two hundred dollars sensible configuration I
threw in a 16 core processor that seems reasonable I threw in 96 gigs of RAM
yeah sure I threw in the highest end single GPU you just want a single Jeep
we went with the highest end a single card dual GPU we went with that okay
yeah that way we that way we are have the potential to upgrade while still
maintaining our maximum filling I was yeah yeah potential sense I was trying
to keep that open that makes sense so I went to terrible SSD that's reasonable I
mean you should be working off a network on anything that's bigger than two
terabytes anyway if you're not crazy like you shouldn't be doing anything
locally on a computer in this day and age if you're doing real work I did
throw in the afterburner car we did too I want to see what it does yeah yeah and
then just I want to see if we can run it in a hackintosh the afterburner car it's
just PCIe it doesn't have their their extra pins on the end interesting yeah
so I really want to see if that'll work I also want to see because as far as I
know they're not selling it separately so I also want to see if we can throw
the afterburner in just like a razor core and hook it up via Thunderbolt to
like a Mac Pro so it's like how much of the amazing performance of the new Mac
Pro cuz the thing about Apple software is because they've had because they've
had trash machines only for like six years their software is so well
optimized like you can edit 8k footage in Final Cut on a freaking laptop so I
wonder if a ton of the amazing performance of the Mac Pro is just this
bloody afterburner card that if they sold it separately you could hook it up
to a MacBook so I'm not saying that's definitely it I'm just saying it might
it might be hit I I did I will say if you click on the do I need an
afterburner thing it says at the very bottom after like explaining what it is
if you purchase an afterburner for your Mac Pro it will come pre-installed in
PCI Express slot 5 16 X or x16 whatever to enable maximum performance okay well
thanks so you can challenge an official claim yeah we've got a comment from
Jamal on float plane at 10 gigabit Ethernet switches are still not cheap
Linus local storage will survive until it is we're talking about the Mac Pro
okay still not cheap you pretty much the base version being about fourteen
thousand two hundred dollars yeah you can get a 10 gig switch for 500 bucks
and if you're an editing office and you have like ten of these you know it's I
think you can afford a 10 gig switch hundred and forty thousand dollars yeah
roughly on just the towers yeah not not a five thousand dollar displays thousand
dollar stands I think I think you've got this you know they you buy that
networking yeah I think you can get that get that switch no problemo all right
what else we got we got any other like big topics say Nick you're standing
there so patiently what can we do for you yes it does unfortunately yeah that's
so crazy I didn't think about that yeah so I'm just gonna make a comment on if
you want one of those shirts you should get it before they're gone because
they're moving quickly oh hey yeah oh people are into this hey love it cool
that's cool I will also say if you come to LTX this gray is a very
nice signing color I'm I'm just black sharpie will look really good on this
I'm just saying or the like the way in here yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
Ferta I'm kind of I'm kind of curious I'm logging into my station do you want
to talk through the oculus thing sure let me find it real quick so Facebook to
use oculus VR data for ad purposes this is what everybody was talking about back
when we were still working out of the house I know right right when Facebook
bought oculus we were like welp wonder what they're gonna do with it long run
and they were like oh nothing and we're like oh yeah whatever leave them alone
and not get rid of any of the leadership except they're all gone literally every
single one of them so yeah they're rolling out a new social feature that
requires you to log into Facebook on oculus to use when you do this oculus
data is shared with Facebook to inform ads you see them when you log into
Facebook on oculus if you choose not to log into Facebook on oculus or you
choose to log out of Facebook from oculus your oculus information won't be
shared with Facebook to show you more personalized content including ads it
doesn't say if that means it will be shared at all it just says it won't be
shared for more personalized content including ads if you if you have logged
into Facebook on oculus and then log out no new data will be shared with Facebook
however oculus may use your information for its own advertising purposes in
accordance with the oculus privacy policy fan tastic one thing that I want
to tangent on here real quick hit me is I haven't been there yet but I have been
informed that Guilford Mall has advertising kiosks that look very much
like touchscreen things they're all fancy stuff and they have a camera at
the top that points straight down at your face like it's not out at the thing
it's for anyone that is up looking at the kiosk yeah and right now it doesn't
seem like it's doing much but fully suspecting that's gonna be dynamic
advertisements based on facial recognition I think that's the longer
term I think for now what they're probably gauging is the effectiveness
yeah of the ads which ones are the most eye-catching very likely that would make
in the long term it'll be both yep absolutely totally make sense so yeah we
moved 90 of these shirts already nice so so I mean you actually did not print
that many yeah so guys move fast if you want one I think that's still like place
my own order wow we only talked about like four topics today but I just felt
like it was a really topics yeah really really rich topics oh guys we do have
some internal news OMG clips is a new channel that we just started actually
it's a couple people found it already oops I just searched for LMG chips LMG
clips oh man this is gonna bring up a bunch of light machine gun like
ammunition and stuff isn't it no here we go take that over oh wow look at that
they've already got stuff on it and stuff so LMG clips is gonna have just
little snippets from the WAN show or from mixed yeah just like other videos
so it won't all be me necessarily sweet yeah huh this is pretty cute so we
actually have one of the writers that we hired in the last round but that is
still working on a visa from the old UK there is doing this for us going through
the WAN show and like kind of time stamping out the things that are good
and then we're kind of doing batches of thumbnails so the idea is that if you
don't feel like watching the entire WAN show I realize I'm talking to completely
the wrong audience right now people who literally just watch the whole show then
this is a way to kind of get some highlights and it won't just be WAN show
but it'll be other stuff too in the future we may move WAN show off of the
main LTT channel because it's been kind of a boat anchor on the performance of
the channel for quite some time and as far as we know the concept of momentum
on a YouTube channel is very real so this will be a way to kind of keep up
to date even if you know you stop seeing WAN show in the place that you're
accustomed to seeing it so that's gonna be pretty cool and then other than that
it's just super chats I feel like I should go through some super chats with
y'all what have we gotten yeah why is that under the viewer activity tab I
don't know isn't it madness Kyle driver says the next Xbox is going to be
revolutionary get it 360 get it get it get it
Aiden when are you going to build a PC I don't know all the time thanks Joseph
thanks Brad shilling Melissa I need a wireless white mouse it doesn't logitech
have like a G whatever the three or whatever there was we had them in the
most recent scrapyard Wars logitech 303 303 white pink no g305 is available in
white is that what I said the first time I don't know yeah the g305 is available
in white get the g305 light speed white yeah there we go that's the one you want
okay it's not even too expensive considering it's a very good mess yeah
it's super good mouse and it's like 70 Canadian so like what's that like 50 55
us and so check it out um Ilya please read super chats like Paul and Kyle do
Frank new Xbox is a crappier Corsair one but black actually it's probably a
pretty fast Corsair one given that it's using GPU technology that doesn't exist
yet it also looks pretty sharp nope says at the DC Auto Show kids next to me are
cracking jokes about needs more RGB when they saw LEDs under the hood is that a
Noctua at the rad fan mimicking me thank you for that haha haha truck guy I have
an r5 2600 with 3600 be a good buy for heck yeah if you want more CPU
performance Rortex how's it feel to be the most recurring face second only to
the host on the game awards ha did you see the clips of of me during the game
awards I didn't know you had anything to do with the game awards I never have
before and I might never again but Samsung wanted someone to produce some
clips talking about the benefits of their Q LED TVs okay and they've
actually got some really good features so like their auto low latency mode low
input lag sure yeah HDR blah blah all the stuff that's like great for a great
gaming experience so I actually I took all of their marketing materials a lot
of which was like yeah this isn't making it into three 30-second cuts sorry I
just took out a bunch of stuff and then we did I spit on you a little bit so good
so we we shot them here in the studio but we like did it up nice I wore suit
still sandals okay I think there's one set where you can see that I'm okay so I
saw that picture all right and then they ran the three clips just like during the
game awards talking about Samsung Q LED TVs and the good gaming technology that
they have in them and okay so people were meeting it up like my Twitter
exploded well those were going up it was pretty cool even though it was just like
you know pimping Samsung TVs as opposed to having anything actually at all to do
with the game well that's why I was surprised it was like why would she
anything to do with game awards Michael says if I knit you guys hats would you
wear them once on the show full disclaimer I am terrible at knitting I
don't know Michael on a good sale right there
hair trigger love seeing lines Luke working together great dynamic shout out
I guess you got it Chris tarling people guys if you're
sending super chats now we're probably not gonna get to it the time to send
super chats was earlier in the show yeah love your vids I have an HTC vibe what
VR headset would you consider to be the best upgrade I mean huh honestly the
only upgrade from the vibe the only clear upgrade is an index sorry Vive Pro
greater resolution doesn't up the frame rate though I tried pretty much all the
different headsets the index was the first one that's floored me since like
pretty much originally trying VR headsets yeah it's actually a very
noticeable difference I haven't actually tried the new HTC one I reached out
about getting a review sample and I just realized now that they said yes oh but
then just like never sent one so I don't have one of those so yeah apparently the
tracking sucks though but I haven't tried it myself so I can't really speak
to it kind of ruins it for me seeker says we're just gonna skip over that the
ps5 is a toilet seat yeah for now for now ah hair trigger I blame various
narcotics for that typo type like instead of Luke you just rolled right
over it yeah yeah I don't even I don't read typos it's kind of like how I don't
see ads rationalizer bring the full abyss set up to LTX that's a sweet idea
yeah we should totally do that it's a $35,000 listening setup headphones are
five grand the DAC is like they open up five to eight grand you'd need like a
listening booth yeah they're open backed we would have to have some kind of yeah
remember the Sennheiser booth that they had at CES at one year I'm gonna get
back to you on that because this could be a great way to kill two birds with
one stone we've been wanting to build like a sound chamber for testing fans
and stuff for a while so if we could get someone to sponsor the booth and pay for
us to build that chamber and then we just bring it back to the studio when
we're done nice Vaughn take a take a memo can we do that the look there was
perfect let Chad know
rez rezo says Xboxes have been pcs from the beginning that's true they
original one was they're just him three I think our point is they're just really
accepting it now yeah they're just like definitely actually pcs yeah Carsten
says I'm in Thailand for a vacation yesterday the translator recognized my
LTT shirt and asked me about it how cool is that very cool pretty sweet
scooty do you guys think you will receive either the new consoles for a
sponsored video probably not sponsored but both Sony and Microsoft have had us
on their seating list for the last couple of console launches ps4 ps4 Pro
like not just mine but I think our console contents actually been pretty
solid yeah I think it's been solid like our switch light video I was yep I was
really happy with I thought we covered it really well yeah yeah Nintendo even
supports us too so they've been pretty good about it we thought our switch
light pretty late their Canadian division is always like yeah Alexander
thanks for the great Canadian content appreciate you too fam are on the black
Fox air in the black Fox normally I catch a VOD or start watching from the
beginning when you're 40 minutes in thanks for all the content and encourage
me to build my first PC some three years ago stay awesome East Coast gamers says
here's some Canadian love from Halifax a hundred Canadian dollars WTF look up to
you as a youtuber hope you have a Merry Christmas thank you appreciate it gap
tooth granny just upgraded to rise in get an RTX card now or wait I would
probably just go for it now honestly like I mean next-gen there's gonna be
like a 2080 TI super that's in the rumor mill but like actually next-gen next-gen
I don't think it's coming probably till q2 next year don't quote me on that it
might be sooner you never know Liam says why don't you come down to sell so I
come down to Bellingham for scrapyard Wars ah it's not really about that it's
just like it's more hassle for very little benefit America and Canada are
not that different if we were gonna do like like a crazy location scrapyard
Wars it wouldn't be in the States yeah we've done one in the States and it it
really wasn't that weird I also just don't know if we're gonna do another one
at this point you know some of it was we made some mistakes this time around but
some of it that's I think people might just be done with the format Tommy gun
says I was pissed about your 5g video I'm in the u.s. t-mobile sinks millions
into 5g and in Germany their home market they do nothing no 5g no fiber and the
state paid them taxpayer money to do so now I don't actually know how related
t-mobile u.s. and Germany are no idea I'm not sure there D telecom over there
aren't they I can't remember I can't remember exactly how it works over there
but that's that's brutal sorry to hear that I was actually really disappointed
in a lot of the comments on the t-mobile video I get that people were upset it
was sponsored or whatever else but there were so many people that said things
that I didn't cover in the video except that I did and we're definitely in the
video they were like well you didn't even mention that unless you use
millimeter wave 5g is not like crazy fast I watched I actually did 15 seconds
yeah and you didn't say and I'm outraged yes so yes it was sponsored by t-mobile
but the thing is is like we were up front it's sponsored by t-mobile like
what do you want us to do would you rather we upload some video talking
about t-mobile where we don't disclose that it's sponsored by t-mobile what do
you guys want from us and the other their detail come like and like how else
was I gonna be going down there to check that out like I don't just fly to New
York for no reason unfortunately I think oh yeah I think I need to go okay there
were a couple other crazy super chats Brandon asks did you wear shoes for the
Samsung videos no T says I have enjoyed watching since NCIX learned how to build
computers now I own and operate a server hosting service well that's cool sweet
thanks for that sir myself hey guys how about a bundled offer for the beta squad
shirt and a month or two a float plane membership wow we'd have to link
together the back-end systems of those two things if they had this is not the
cleanest thing ever if they had accounts already and we were able to gather their
emails we could do it pretty easily okay they'd have to like have accounts already
no promises Jason Johansson says bought merch had to work out of town couldn't
pick it up at Canada Post what happens to it after the fact oh man I guess
you'd have to contact Canada Post about that it might end up back at us at some
point I have no idea how that works email flow up
excuse me flip plane email the merch store support on ltt store calm mr.
I'd net guy 2004 sent $200 I'm a huge fan sent you an email of my setup would
love to meet you someday head to ltx yo you're spending money on super chats you
gotta spend that money on a plane ticket anyway yeah nice to thanks for that
thanks for the super chats anyway though but yeah see ya dead ltx holy I mentioned
you on Twitter of my setup oh man I get so many mentions on Twitter dude like
it's a miracle that I see any of them at all but come to ltx yeah bring your
phone show me a picture your setup yeah love to see it all right thanks guys for
tuning in to the WAN show we'll see you again next week same bad time same bad
channel 1300 viewers you guys nuts thank you so much really appreciate y'all okay
so how do I end this right okay so on YouTube I click end stream by YouTube
are you sure you want to end it yes