
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

We are live, hooray welcome to the show we both have new attire today as you may or may
not have noticed Luke has my wonderful dolphin Christmas sweater that thing that he's wearing
the best dolphin Christmas sweater ever and I have what I think is probably going to be
our most popular t-shirt design ever good reason the keep on digging too so we both
it's down both rocking the keep on digging shirts yeah and then truthfully I actually
have a horrible Christmas sweater too so it's it's getting to be that time of year and here
we go yeah oh yeah shark Christmas so shark Christmas and dolphin so I think obviously
the first thing we're going to talk about on the show today is sharks versus dolphins
uh who is superior uh well I think sharks would be more superior in like a physical
aggressive kind of manner and then dolphins are more superior in like the logic and apparently
sex kind of manner better at sex well aren't they aren't they the only other mammal that
have sex for fun I think this is the fact no I think it's pigs actually I think this
is the pigs have half an hour fun times but I don't think they actually do it for like
recreation now we're gonna have to consult the twitch chat because if there's anything
I would expect the twitch chat to be an expert on it would be it would be animal sex oh no
oh man someone just said dolphins can kill sharks maybe but like no one's like oh no
there's a dolphin this is true I was actually hoping you didn't know that dolphins can be
can be a big problem if they if they get aggressive because they're uh they're super powerful
that's why the whenever you go like swimming with dolphins you only swim with the female
dolphins yes you don't send the male dolphins because they'll wreck you uh okay we've got
a lot of people saying that they're right luke's right dolphins have sex for pleasure
apparently okay I don't know if twitch chat knows as much as they think they know dolphins
kill more people a year than sharks and rape them um I'm thinking that's not actually what
happens it's possible they kill people it's the second part that I'm a little uncertain
about there's there's there's yeah I'm not gonna get into it but there's there's some
stuff for that second one yeah I'm sure there's I'm sure there's an incident but um anyways
moving on we have some pretty cool topics this week that don't have to do with sharks
or dolphins actually like not at all yay Christmas shark Christmas dolphin um so some CSGO VAC
pros uh CSGO pros got VAC banned there we go I can talk I got VAC pros what um anyways
we'll talk about that more later GoPro CSGO pro and it's like a little dude with a deagle
but it's actually just and now that we've started this it's only a matter of time until
some like counter terrorist agent starts is that is that me hey hey look at this it's
only a matter of time until some like counter terrorism agent starts wearing a GoPro on
all his ops CSGO pro this becomes youtube sensation immediately anyways also bit torrent
is introducing some possible if you want them to be there pay gates which pay a lot more
to the contributing artist than most other services Dell's 5k monitor is rumored to be
coming in at a much lower price than we had originally anticipated I'm guessing they got
somewhat surprised by Apple's pricing of the iMac retina 5k and then origin PC it looks
like I'm assuming I actually don't know if it's going to be a limited time offer but
it sounds like it for their fifth anniversary they are going to be selling their cases both
the mid tower and the full tower stand alone so you don't actually have to buy an origin
PC in order to get that pretty fantastic Genesis and Millennium case that allows your motherboard
to be oriented five different five different ways four different ways there is no additional
dimension that the case creates goes like flat you don't have the side panel and it
just comes side panels off so it's like kind of a test bench but not really and if you
got it going fast enough you could probably get it to look flying case put jets on the
back and put some little case wheels on the bottom and just hope it works people are complaining
about the background noise the windows open because it's hot in here and we're wearing
Christmas sweaters because tis the season to sweat buckets because we're in BC so there's
no snow
Oh yeah there's audio I'm just singing for fun now
our sponsors this week are lynda.com the fun place to learn look how much fun she's having
that's lynda you can have that much fun online I have that much fun actually I think there
are sites where you can have a lot more fun than that online but this is educational fun
I have an adequate amount of fun online also five four club they are going to be reminding
you guys or I guess I'm going to be reminding you guys on their behalf about their sweet
fantastic amazing giveaway that's like actually the craziest clothing giveaway we've ever
done kind of awesome well yeah we haven't done many giveaways we haven't done a few
I guess if we like throw shirts out yeah actually okay I have done clothing giveaways I've I
have actually thrown shirts at events yeah yeah mainly the paintball one yeah yeah and
and at NCIX events oh I have thrown many shirts actually okay so okay that is potentially
not the biggest clothing giveaway I've ever purchased no I think it would be I think it
still would be if you argue that a swag shirt is only worth the actual cost of printing
it and with the swag shirts like if you caught four of them it's not really yeah it's not
a wardrobe no unless your name is Luke well yes but then I do have different ones on my
swag shirts you would wear two of the same one probably I do have the same rotation they
are you know the like teal blue twitch shirt yes I have two of those okay I like that shirt
that doesn't surprise me it's good I'm glad you have two because you'd probably just wear
it twice as often if you didn't have two and then you'd smell all right let's get into
our first our first topic of the day so this was posted by tank slayer on the forum and
there's actually a lot of different sources for this one including talk android.com but
that's the one we're gonna fire up here excuse me it's actually x tank slayer x yeah I don't
care so so one plus not solving issues with defective devices ignoring our may requests
now the article has been updated with one plus a statement that they are working on
growing their team and expanding their capacity for for customer service related stuff but
that doesn't change that some of these testimonials are pretty pretty condemning so you know what
they could do to completely solve this problem they should just have their rma system like
a lottery so you get invites to be able to rma your phone it's like you sign up on their
website oh wow you have to phone phone warranty lottery yeah so your serial number just gets
assigned an arbitrary warranty period so some people get like a 10-year warranty on their
phone and others get like 48 hours and it just averages out to you yeah could you advertise
a one-year warranty on your phone it's an average if it was an average warranty someone
gets like a hundred year warranty and everyone else gets a couple hours and they just hope
that that dude just throws the phone away after a while yeah so it's no secret that
we're not huge fans of the way one plus has conducted themselves since their inception
not very long ago it's amazing how many people send me invites i have some people just email
them to me without even asking if i want them and i'm just like do you have any idea how
many of these i've gotten if i wanted a one plus one i'd have bought one by now it's really
not that hard to get an invite if you really want one especially especially now where they're
not only accepting invite invite customers but they're even opening it up for pre-orders
from time to time whenever they do production runs at the apo factory so anyway what happened
was i used her on reddit stated that he was being helped to fix his audio issues and when
a flash of his phone did not help customer service apparently ignored his rma request
and after 11 days he posted his concerns on reddit so the statement from one plus is we
prioritize the experience of our users above our else our team is growing rapidly to etc
etc etc etc um if you guys want to discuss this more actually the thread on linus tech
tips forum is one of the more um i don't know just generally it's a really really good it's
a really good thread uh people being very respectful having balanced discussion bringing
lots of fat look at look at look at ghost he's all on top of it it's a bot it's awesome
it's a bot yeah look but how does that work so when you post something specifically when
your account posts something and then it has http colon slash slash in it that bot will
just nuke how do i not know about these things because ghost is awesome because like i i've
been spamming it and you guys didn't tell me it's fairly new ah yeah ghost got really
tired of me not instigating like an actual chat bot so he's like i'm gonna just make
my own so he did good job ghost you are the man and like the best part is that i'm not
gonna go over like all the different things that it does but certain things that it does
are drastically better than all the free bots out there and are like reasons why i've been
holding off because i'm like oh they just suck right so yeah he solved those two cool
kind of great all right let's move into our next topic well this is cool that this means
there's actually a point in me posting things like the source links for the stuff that we're
about to talk about oh and it didn't it doesn't have an http colon slash it does it does it
does balls well all right it didn't work that time ghost you are here by no it did something
else you are hereby uh deducted one internet cookie but it's okay because you earned six
internet cookies for the last thing you did all right so this is keith size kiska it only
does it every 90 seconds this was posted by dismal on the forum i'm gonna go ahead and
pop this up on my screen here anyway i'm sorry why does it have a cool down you can only
do it once every 90 seconds oh all right then um oh it's probably so if you spam the crap
out of it it's probably to keep me from getting banned there we go banning myself all right
so this i mean i think the headline is a little bit sensationalist um mr eric mcbride over
at android authority i don't think that kiss connectivity will make chords obsolete but
i do agree that i mean if kissing made chords obsolete what would we need the internet for
you could just kiss girls in real life well i guess or voice yeah whichever anyway the
point is that this is we don't really have a ton of confirmation about exactly how the
heck it works but what they have said is it wouldn't solve long distance relationships
i'm sorry long distance okay the connectors used in kisa's wireless kiss connectivity
are currently able to transfer up to six gigs of data per second to put this in perspective
the latest wi-fi standard can handle up to 1.35 gigs a second and that's very theoretical
i've never seen it go anywhere near that fast and that's using a bridge or like a like a
media a media bridge and a high speed router as opposed to a router and then the kinds
of weak sauce clients that typically people are using so this they showed off transferring
a 1080p movie file although we don't actually have confirmation of the exact size of the
file but i would guess it's in the given that it did it in five seconds i would guess that
it was in the six gigs range but it could be anywhere from two and a half to twelve
gigs um and that would translate to 512 megabytes per second to 24 57 megabytes per second which
is monstrous bananas did it hold on a second no i did the math wrong there it should have
been 10 seconds to be whatever the speed i said was okay anyway somewhere between 512
megabytes to 24 57 and it can only do it a couple of millimeters away right now so we're
not talking about like you know i'm just like this and i'm like bippity boopity boop and
it goes over to his phone you know as fast as a usb 3 wired connection we're talking
about more like an nfc touch style and like make sure you get it aligned just right kind
of arrangement the initial demo of the technology was by their ceo eric almgren and they claim
that um no i already said that so whoa oh yeah it was touchscreen um so i i don't know
what else there's to really say about this other than the one big problem is that it
doesn't use any kind of existing technology like one of the ways that we've seen nfc file
transfers before in the past is things like and i'm holding up an iphone haha nfc derp
i can pay for things yeah thank you um so one of the ways we've seen nfc file transfers
implemented in the past is with an nfc handshake and then a direct wi-fi connection for example
whereas kiss connectivity is not going to rely on any kind of existing connection it
will need a dedicated chip just for this although it looks like they're already in the process
of working with a couple of large oems um dell is probably going to be one of them given
that one of their devices was used for the demo and then samsung and intel are also investors
so that's already some pretty heavyweight players um even if just samsung rolls it out
that is a huge chunk of the smartphone market that could be enabled with this technology
i'd like to see it in palm rests of laptops yes did you read my comment and steal it that
was that was going to be my whole thing that i was going to actually be able to talk about
i put a i put an additional bullet see i'm not going to put bullet points in the doc
anymore i put it in it goes linus's thought integrated into laptops question mark because
you know what would be great integrated you know what congratulations for your good idea
i do you did good you were insightful i was actually thinking about uh that i want to
talk about this topic next yes sure we can do that um i was actually thinking we might
get more into that on after party or okay you know what we can get more into on after
party sure let's do it during the show but maybe not quite next sure um so so yeah integrated
into laptops like right now one of the big problems with phones that faster wireless
connectivity could fix is that you're either running around for a cable and using the old
stupid traditional folder-based file transfer technique or you're using something that's
inherently slow like you're backing up to dropbox herb derp i'm holding up an iphone
again well uh excuse me i mean airdrop to all of my other apple devices that i don't
have to all my friends who use apple who actually don't to my iphone 4 that actually doesn't
support airdrop every time i'm like oh yeah i'll just use airdrop for this nope nope not
at all no no so um yeah i guess that's pretty much it let's talk snapcash this is interesting
i did not see this one coming so everyone knows what snapchat is you send picture messages
to people in theory they're deleted i had finger quotes i have finger quotes i said
in theory i think that pretty much covers so in theory plus finger quotes means like
totally not at all we need a shirt that says that yeah totally not at all in quotes um
so snapcash uses square cash so if you guys have heard of square um i actually signed
up for square back when they first started out basically it was just a little dongle
that plugged into your phone so that you could so anyone could accept credit card transactions
with a very reasonable interchange fee or or additional charge on top of it i actually
i've never seen that in canada but multiple places when i was going around europe was
using square so square cash is just more like uh more and more debit card okay so square
square okay well hold on hold on hold on square cash on its own is you just key in your debit
card and then it's more for like peer-to-peer transfers so you wouldn't expect to walk into
a restaurant and have them accept square cash and you just kind of go you know bippity boppity
in my app and you send it to to that person who then gets a notification that um that
they have been sent money and they can accept it so this is more for like you know you're
meeting with someone you know behind the alley to trade computer games i mean i wouldn't
use an electronic if i was buying drugs i wouldn't use anything electronic but but if
you're buying computer hardware it's all good can you not whatever you're about to say can
you not silk road what silk road okay okay i wouldn't use square i wouldn't use my debit
card can we say that much sure okay so square stores your debit card information securely
they say i don't haven't verified that but they store it securely and then you can just
use it so i i've heard of people using it for things like tip splitting when they're
out for dinner it's like hey i don't have any cash someone's got a credit card someone
else squares them some money awesome so okay so all the credit card stuff is stored by
square or snapchat not credit card yet get it okay all that information is stored by
square or snapchat uh if you use square cash square and i believe with snapchat it is going
to be snapchat but don't quote me on that one either there's not a ton of information
about this yet and honestly this was posted by king daddy daniel on the forum by the way
and i'll post the original article from tech crunch right here honestly um the most information
is in their hilarious video that has a bunch of dancers running around and you know it's
it's probably worth us just firing up on the show here because it's pretty funny what it's
very very over the top let's just go ahead and screen share here okay um oh that's weird
well i guess we don't get any audio but whatever he says buy this can you send me some cash
so the way it works is instead of relying on a dedicated financial app you just use
snapchat you type in a dollar amount and slow motion for dramatic there you go the button
turns green and you just send cash boom just like that if the other person doesn't have
it set up then it'll prompt them to set it up oh my god and yeah so this is this is the
the video which is hilarious um it involves a lot more dancing it it goes on for way too
long it's over two minutes long so this is going to be like the easiest way to steal
money from friends wow i see this end up i i see this end up being terrible you always
look at things from like this like dark dark but you have what evil people will do with
it whereas i'm like you have to oh this is such a cool way to be like you know bro here's
10 bucks for the lunch you just got for me yeah bro at a frat party everyone passes out
bro walks around because he wasn't drinking and goes to everyone's phone and just snapchats
himself hundreds of dollars okay so the okay let's let's do let's do let's do benefits
and drawbacks analysis okay so easy to steal yeah extreme i would say benefit is if you
do send someone out to buy something for you you no longer need to give buddy your pin
or your credit card which is something that which is something oh come on you're gonna
use paypal for that why not why would they have paypal what everyone has paypal do they
i don't know anyone who doesn't have paypal my mom has it my grandpa has it i don't think
i have a personal paypal account really yeah you're weird i have a company paypal account
my wife has a paypal account i do not have a paypal account what would i need it for
i don't know i'm not gonna buy anything with paypal i get rewards on my credit card and
then merchants get to pay for it that's right best by ceo man who hates interchange fees
that when you're withdrawing money from your card into paypal still count as so you'd still
get rewards from your credit card can't remember can't remember anyway i have no idea okay
the point is if this is much faster it is much faster there okay so and and and you
say paypal but i know that you've given me your debit card and told me your pin to go
buy something for you it's still easier than this no no no this looks legitimately pretty
easy assume okay assume now that you're not 20 something and you're no but the reason
why you actually have snapchat but the reason why this is not as easy as just giving you
a debit card i don't do that with everybody um god it's because uh you don't know you
don't know what the price is going to be so what like the guy like gets to the store rings
through the whole transaction and then calls you and is like hey it's this much come back
and be like yo dog it was 1862 and you can do that much yeah i think it i think it's
awesome i think the potential to exploit it is definitely there i think that kids today
need to learn to put pins on their phones um that their friends don't know because the
phone is more and more and more tied into so many things you can do i mean even apple's
way of validating apple pay with touch id i believe you can also enter a pin so if someone
knows the pin of your phone all of a sudden they can buy things which is a whole other
ball of wax compared to they can like text your friends and be like whoa i'm ugly yeah
phone pranking post on facebook i hacked your facebook yeah no not so much all right so
court rules this is posted um by tech dreamer on the forum rules yeah court rules yeah if
i fought that then i would be alone me and lawyers so this was uh from this is from engadget.com
and of course i don't have an http on that one boom engadget.com there you go i'm originally
posted by tech dreamer and uh us court has in san francisco has ruled that due to the
first amendment so this is freedom of speech predominantly google can arrange and rearrange
search results any way it wants so this is um this is from a complaint from a they figured
they were a competitor of one of google services that google was intentionally down ranking
them in google search results in order to drive more exposure to their own services
and basically this ruling it doesn't it doesn't rule out google being attacked for this in
other regions or by other by other companies yeah but what it does do is it sets a precedent
that google can now point to and say well hey it was already ruled that we're allowed
to arrange our search results however we want so yeah that's how like referencing different
court enjoy that it'd be like google versus whoever um i just honestly they were already
doing it anyway yeah even whether it was legal or not they were already doing it and they
were gonna do it forever i mean it is it is no great secret that when google launches
some new service that everyone hates like google plus that all of a sudden it's everywhere
yeah duh i don't know i i don't think it's that big of a deal um i think it sounds a
little bit scary but i don't think it's actually going to be they can't abuse it any worse
than they already are really because if they do people will stop googling things when being
the second there's no loyalty to a search engine in particular the search engine things
like their their applications like their calendar or their email there's there's some loyalty
there because they've managed to drive us as a business to give them a monthly payment
in order to use these services because of how well integrated they are but for especially
something like using a search engine which is what this complaint is about there is no
loyalty if bing starts returning better search results for me i will switch tomorrow i'd
love to use bing it's just useless i switched from altavista to google that quickly because
altavista stopped working and google started doing better same thing with dogpile like
those of you who are who've been using the internet long enough to remember the pre-google
days there are other search engines it's just that they suck so if google degrades the quality
of their results by prioritizing their own crap aggressively enough will just stop using
it and they'll lose their primary source of income so it's not going to happen i know
ask.com is still a thing but like not really and i remember ask jeeves yeah was huge yeah
i think i went uh altavista ask jeeves google actually i think was was what i used altavista
used to be awesome you could find everything there and then it just went to complete garbage
you know it is it is amazing how bad bing is i know every time i install a new windows
os i think i've told this story before every time i install a new windows os i have to
use ie until i'm not lazy and i install some other browser so i'll use ie and the default
search engine will be bing because i'm not going to go through all those other steps
to manually change my search engine and then it's kind of a pain to add it so i'm lazy
and i will use bing until it infuriates me and it's usually gone within three searches
because it doesn't find anything useful it doesn't find it yeah i don't know and like
you search the exact name of a product and it will find you everything else it possibly
can yeah and then you put that name in google and the first result is the product page from
that from the manufacturer yeah yeah what am i looking for like some obscure reference
to like it's coming out in six months from some message board from six months ago no
i want to look at it um new york this is the coolest thing ever what new york city is awesome
to replace public this was posted by the uncon it's whatever something um so the original
articles are from absolutely everywhere uh so the verge has got an article about this
tech crunch ours technica business insider i'll post the verge one here because i'm apparently
because that's the one i copied although i'm still mad at them about that really stupid
piece they did on gamergate yeah um it was really stupid but like it was really stupid
but like basically everyone else is really stuff like that too that has talked about
it that's true everyone was stupid yes but the verges was like late to the party and
stupid so they didn't have the advantage of not having everyone else's stupidity to look
at and not follow them off the cliff like a lemming so there you go this is going to
be called link nyc and they will be replacing 10 000 payphones who uses payphones with pylons
towers posts capable of providing free public wi-fi at gigabit speeds 24 7 there's also
a charging station for your mobile devices you can call any number domestically in the
us and it features a tablet-like interface that can service that can provide services
like directions it's awesome not paid for with taxpayer money instead it is advertiser
driven and the residential version will not have ads the project is estimated to bring
500 million dollars of revenue into new york city in its first 12 years and what a boon
for the residents brilliant new york city planners you guys are awesome your kids are
awesome your dogs are awesome and especially your ideas are awesome mainly your dogs are
awesome they wear rocket packs and they're super stoked when you come home that's how
forward thinking they are yeah anyways uh i i was when you when you first said ads i
was working before the show so i didn't have a big billboards on the pylon yeah like that's
cool like i was like oh you're gonna inject ads in my browser all the time it's gonna
suck especially on mobile when you like can't see anything already but then no that's fine
if it's on the side of the thing like it's new york city yeah stuff everywhere anyway
i don't know if it's gonna really change much it's not confirmed whether seamless hopping
from pylon to pylon will be supported so you may have to treat it kind of like um a phone
booth you know where you actually kind of have to stand next to it to make a call and
kind of boogie onto the next place but the one concern that i have is if you're if you're
set up and depending on the way the pylon works like even if you don't seamlessly roam
if you do if you do a connection hop at all every mobile os actually i haven't tried blackberry
you have so maybe you can correct me on this it's been a long time um every ios and android
both of them handle degraded wi-fi connections extremely poorly and they don't switch over
to mobile data nearly gracefully enough windows phone does it incredibly well it goes oh crap
this is bad and switches over to your mobile mobile data connection so you hardly even
notice when you're browsing but that's a big issue when you're at the fringes of a wi-fi
coverage zone so if you were walking down the street doing something on your phone then
if you reach edges of these pylons all the time and you're automatically jumping on them
it could be very very disruptive so that's just my one thought on it um other than that
it's it's amazing in every way have you have you used shongo wi-fi yeah i have it's surprisingly
good yep and i wouldn't be surprised if it worked something like that yeah so the the
way that works is the um the the internet provider that i'm on just by being a customer
they have wi-fi hot spots in all kinds of places like they're all named the same thing
and they're all open so you automatically connect and then there's like a web sign-in
thing but it's really good at remembering your account like really really good so every
single time that it detects this open network your phone will connect to it and it signs
in immediately and it's all fine yeah it's it's super cool like even my um um i don't
know what are they what are they called baby doctor uh whatever the family doctor for uh
for my wife's pregnancies like their waiting room has a has a sha open hot spots like awesome
yay yes i won't be using my mobile data right now right okay uh dell's up2715k 5k monitor
this was rumored to be coming in at 2500 this was posted on the forum by big strews by the
way and the original article is from guru3d.com but uh i think apple might have forced dell's
hand a little bit here i think dell was really hoping to have you know um to to resurrect
the expensive monitor business that has basically disappeared since 30 inch 25 60 by 1600 monitors
can't well those never came down in price but the 25 60 by 1440 27 inch varieties did
and ever since that business kind of went away it looks like they were trying to resurrect
this they wanted 2500 for a monitor and then apple turned around and slapped them by giving
you a fairly decent computer attached to that same panel in a beautiful enclosure for 3500
so no brainer go for it and you could use that computer as a monitor right no really
the iMac there's no functionality for that at all no um older iMacs yes they had some
feature i forget what it's called who cares it's an apple feature um but like i wish they
just had a display input but this one uses um so and actually dell's implementation is
very different from apple's i'll talk about that in a moment but the apple one uses a
custom wider like it's physically wider and has more pins it is a non-standard display
port connector interesting that they worked with AMD on presumably uh that they in order
to drive that panel as a single tile display so what that means is there is no input right
that could drive it yeah all right then yeah so i get it yeah and i understand that it
is better to have a single tile display so you don't see that weird tearing we have one
dual tile display in the office and it's not an ideal solution um but dell's is going to
be a dual tile display so it'll use two display port inputs because displayport 1.3 isn't
here yet and it'll have um okay here i guess i might as well just do a general spec i don't
know if i would move up yet then a 5120 by 2880 resolution with eight millisecond graded
gray response times a thousand to one contrast ratio 350 uh hold on what oh 178 178 viewing
angles so basically basically anywhere you would ever be looking at the screen it's got
a double anti-reflective coating to allow more light to pass through the glass in the
panel features an anti-smudge coating to help wipe away fingerprints uh 99 RGB 100 sRGB
color space and calibrated with a delta color delta e of less than two 12-bit internal processing
so it's a 12-bit lookup table and the panel is 10-bit so it would be potentially useful
for folks who use adobe applications on quadro or um crap fire pro cards um and they want
to work in 10-bit color although the workflow is still fairly broken and yeah so yeah i
guess there's not really much else to say about it other than i don't think it makes
a ton of sense i was going to say i don't i don't personally think it's ready i don't
know if i would jump yet if i wanted a 5k monitor i don't think this would be it if
windows uh is able to start scaling better there's a big problem then this would be actually
i would see this as the way to go for productivity applications versus media consumption because
it is exactly four times 25 60 by 1440 so the scaling could be relatively simple that's
one of the reasons that it's speculated that apple went with 5k as opposed to 4k or ultra
hd excuse me for the imac retina because really you didn't need to go 5k on that to make it
retina like it's overkill it's insanely sharp yeah um but the flip side of that argument
is that 5k is not going to be as good for content consumption because you are going
to get interpolation because you're going to be running any movie content at a non-native
res and there will be no 5k content anytime soon so upscaling from 1080p to 4k has that
advantage of being exactly four times excuse me two times the resolution four times the
pixel count um and then scaling to 5k is just sort of a random arbitrary amount more than
that so there you go i i see 5k as the creator resolution and i see 4k as the consumer resolution
but we're a long way away from either of them really being practical in windows because
of the way that ui elements scale so poorly so so so poorly not good at all and that was
kind of uh almost like sad seeing you work on your mac knowing that it's 5k and like
it's fine yeah i know come on it looks great it does i'm like damn it like every single
time we hook up a 4k monitor to a computer i'm like this is unusable like it looks so
stupid and then you turn on the scaling and it's like now just some things are unusual
yeah it's like this is still super stupid what are you doing oh it's really frustrating
oh we've got scope apex on twitch chat saying letterbox equals no weird interpolation come
on man you're gonna buy a 5k monitor and then you're gonna run black bars on all sides of
your content are you kidding me that's even worse i would rather i would rather have approximations
than gigantic black bars all across all around the content speaking of black bars all around
the content this was originally posted by sephiroth on the forum origin pc to sell the
link URL sorry i'm just copying the link for you guys i'm trying to make a better habit
of this black bars better job doing this they're going to be selling their millennium and genesis
cases stand alone this is something that i okay we asked for actually yeah lots of people
asked for it because it's a cool case so check this out guys um have you ever called up a
boutique pc builder and asked them to buy your case because i have never called up a
boutique pc builder okay i did it once when um here i'm just gonna i'm just gonna fire
it up here alienware star wars uh that's not the drive cages on these cases are badass
by the way there we go this is this is the one i called alienware and asked them if i
could buy one that was dead that was back when alienware's case was actually a reasonably
quote unquote cool design i was younger and vinyl wraps were not nearly as common or as
accessible and i thought this was a stunning piece of star wars artwork that i would happily
put my computer inside even though i had a better actual case like a better designed
better laid out case at the time i thought that limited edition one was worth it and
i know a lot of people asked for voodoo pc to sell their modified lee and lee case standalone
it was a very beautiful case but origins is is really cool as well so the neatest thing
about them is that and this is part of their five-year anniversary celebration the neatest
thing about them is that you can mount your motherboard in whatever orientation you want
so we'll go ahead and fire up their video here this is such a slick video they're just
showing off yeah
so right side up upside down facing up either which way whatever you prefer and then their
their drive drive mounting system is absolutely cages are sick sick um they've got us they've
got an add-on thing that you can put underneath it so you can add more drive cages or more
rads yeah really cool case and uh i don't know how much they're charging for it but
399 and 499 not sure if you want the oh wait no no 399 and 449 there we go not cheap um
not out of the question either i believe the 449 one it says it's like the full tower whatever
i think it's just the add-on on the bottom and the same case on top yeah i'm pretty sure
yeah um but yeah they're pretty sick i got to see them at what was that e3 i think i
first saw one back at um tes that was when they launched it yeah yeah nvidia had it in
their booth yeah and uh yeah i thought it was pretty cool they're cool all right so
why don't we actually do our why don't we do our sponsors all right in a timely manner
for a change last few weeks i've like completely forgotten about well it's 550 let's cover
our sponsors now yeah i guess we should probably actually do that okay thank you uh so our
first sponsor this week is lynda.com you can have as much fun as she does learning online
lynda.com is a great way to pick up new skills whether it's photography video editing coding
is a really really big one over at lynda.com um i say video editing already well you did
now well video editing is very close to my heart just because we've got now are we up
to three people here that have used lynda.com and learn skills that they now use here darren
taryn me and someone i thought it was uh was it rikal maybe i think so i'll okay i'll have
to find out about that but anyway lynda.com really does teach you things it's awesome
so you sign up for courses you get this curated content from industry experts there's new
content being added all the time it's inexpensive and you can learn completely at your own pace
so if you kind of go oh well i'm only gonna you know do like one one video this week and
maybe next week i'll blow it off entirely but the week after that i'm gonna cram like
crazy then it's basically like wow it's a subscription-based service ultimately what
do they care how much you use it use it however much you want or not however much you want
and that's totally cool wow that you level up in real life yes it's like wow except nothing
like well it's like wow and that you pay for it monthly everything else is not even close
and it's at your computer i guess there's that yeah or your phone you could learn skills
in wow that are transferable to real life communication skills yelling at people yelling
at people is not a skill well you want to be a drill sergeant yeah you'd be a raid leader
then go yeah but to be a drill sergeant you'd have to okay so you'd have to have like a
like a healthy balanced diet of wow and going to the gym yes unlikely but possible really
you're gonna be like that you're gonna stereotype i said but possible all right so lynda.com
slash wan show for a free seven day trial you can try it out if you like it then try
it out and if you don't like it then wait if you like it then try it out no if you like
it then you stay subscribed and if you don't like it then you don't have to no you definitely
you know how they go on like super long marches sure yes oh wow treadmill under your computer
desk so you're on like a permanent march while playing wow so if you want to be a drill sergeant
you could be that dude that like runs in front of everyone and is like look at me i'm faster
than all of you i'm crazy endurance a treadmill that makes you actually hike as far as you
have to hike in that bloody game by the time you got an epic mount you'd be in great shape
if you mount up you have to run like so if you if you get a hundred percent speed mount
you would have to run a hundred percent faster than you normally would be moving so if you
get like a flying mount you're just like full out sprinting so no one would even want mounts
anymore the value would plummet it would cause an economic crisis in the world of warcraft
so why the walk button would be used so much more because i wouldn't want to go slowly
the whole game would come to a grinding hole it's like if you had like if you had like
a no clip hack and you were just sitting above the world you just see like these entire towns
of people walking like this that's the middle of a fight and it's like i can't get away
from this scorpion because i'm too tired don't stand in the fire i'm too tired to move i
have to stand in the fire heal me heal me i'm just gonna i'm gonna stay right here in
the middle of this area of effect spell it'll be fine just deal with it um okay so on to
our next one should make that video game so it can fail oh yeah yeah okay so our next
sponsor is five four club and we are this is more of a reminder than an announcement
because we already announced this but they are doing an epic giveaway they are giving
away retail price seventy two hundred dollars or more in clothing to one lucky winner and
something i didn't even think of that you mentioned offline last time is what a cool
thing for a college student yeah if you could like show up it's like your first first year
and you have five years of five four club membership so you can look like a boss every
day on campus always new threads and it doesn't cost you a dollar what a freaking cool prize
because i know there's a lot of different ways for companies to handle prizes like they
could do one month subscriptions for 60 people and there's some benefit to that because you're
you know getting you're giving a little bit to a lot of people or you can put together
like a super awesome prize pack which is what they've done here that'll basically give someone
all the wardrobe they'll need realistically i mean if you're subscribed to five four club
for five years okay so the way the way it works is you pay 60 bucks a month and they
send you a retail value on their site of 120 or more of clothing that your personal style
assistant picks out for you and then ships to you so that is that is realistically kind
of a couple shirts and like a bottom or sometimes shoes or whatever else once a month for five
years you're gonna have so much clothing especially if you're in like the college range where
you're probably if you're not done growing you're getting close to it so guys you head
over to the bit.ly right here bit.ly slash ffc giveaway and once you enter you can share
it on social media each friend you refer gets you three more entries the winner the entries
close november 23rd so that's in two days and the winning draw takes place november
25th i think it's a super cool thing and don't worry guys if you don't win then you can still
go through the what was it one minute i can never remember how fast they say it's really
short really fast go through a survey it's a minute give them your sizes your style preferences
and you can get hooked up and look good without ever having to go to a store and feel like
everyone is judging you whenever you try things on that aren't cool which is what i do yeah
this is what happens when we shop for ourselves five for a club don't look like us problem
solved oh jeez okay so shall we tackle shall we tackle that big topic now which big topic
the like our big topic our big topic okay sure okay let's let's talk about how you want
to do this but you go to town okay so we recently launched our our crowdfunding campaign we
had talked about this on one show before how we're going to be moving into a new office
and some people have been extremely receptive and we've actually got over that is that right
since we started the show it's gone up that much well remember it's being manually updated
right okay so it might even be more than that's the canadian value yeah yeah that's fine i
know yeah okay well it'll be a little bit more than that some of you have been have
been awesome you've been incredibly supportive um whether you've actually contributed to
the campaign or not you've been supportive of the idea some of you have raised some objections
to it raise some concerns voiced some concerns something some objections there have been
objections so what i said on twitter uh this morning was that i would try to address what
i thought were the most common objections here on wan show today and then what we'll
do is i'll commit to do a short after party with you guys where we'll do some uh some
twitter and twitch interaction so you guys can let me know if there's anything that you're
still concerned about so question number one why don't you guys have lower contribution
tiers like a dollar the answer is right now everything is going through paypal and for
very small transactions their proportion of the payment is actually much higher especially
for something as small as a dollar so rather than encouraging the members of our community
who can least afford it the people who can only afford to give a dollar to basically
give money to paypal i would just assume you guys keep it and support us in some other
way by like say for example watching videos you don't have to give us money yeah watching
videos describing liking disliking posting on the forum having a forum account all of
that is is more helpful than patting paypal's pockets as far as i'm concerned um question
number two your stretch targets are ridiculous why are they so high the answer is you're
right they were ridiculous they were much higher than they should have been initially
and a big part of the reason for that is we weren't really sure how much momentum the
campaign would have like we didn't know if it was going to be overwhelming outpouring
of support or if it was going to completely go nowhere and we didn't want to trap ourselves
by putting ourselves in a situation where all of a sudden we've got to hit every stretch
stretch target commitment in like a week or something like that um so now that we can
see how things are tracking we have completely rearranged the stretch targets to make them
like much more realistic and much more attainable in fact the first one has already been achieved
we have finally fixed luke's twitter handle on the wan show yes and it's possible that
the second one has actually been achieved already it's possible that more have been
achieved there's a slight problem thank you sorry i have to interject here for a little
bit thank you mr wizard there's like no way that anything would be even remotely running
right now if it wasn't for mr wizard like not even close so i just want to put that
out there um thanks mr wizard and the the problem is lord wizard from now on lord wizard
uh or the wizard the the problem is the call that we're making to get the amount raised
dollar value doesn't take into account uh money that is pending okay so we can't get
the actual value so we're currently hard coding that just so you guys know like overnight
or something if it doesn't move for a really long time it's not it's not because we're
not counting your donations it's because sleep a little bit wake up and then we'll manually
update it all right question number three aren't you guys a business why aren't you
seeking investment or taking out a loan the answer is because some of you want to help
us no that's the wrong answer yes we are business but those of you savvy enough to figure out
these types of business strategies should also be savvy enough to know that moving into
a much larger space is going to cost a lot more than 50 000 our goal for the campaign
even in the short term so we're exploring every avenue necessary to grow and keep delivering
the best content we can regardless of how much we raise during this campaign and then
the question number four then is so then why are you asking for money at all and the answer
is because some of you want to help us in this way we've done campaigns like this before
with similar rewards things like badges on the forum and people have said that they're
happy to be able to contribute in this way in fact a lot of people don't like the recurring
contributor system that funds the forum and prefer something that's a one-shot deal the
last time we did this was over a year ago so it's not like we're turning around and
running a new crowdfunding campaign every other month or anything like that it's something
that we have been asked for so for those people who do want to help us out like this then
we want to send our gratitude and to everyone else i mean we're still grateful because every
contribution even one view on a video counts the thing to realize here is this is all optional
we're not holding our content hostage we're not saying we're gonna stop making tech videos
if we don't hit this goal nothing happens if we don't hit the goal it's just if you
guys want to contribute if you want to see some of the cool stretch targets then go ahead
and contribute to the campaign or don't it's fine it's cool like we're still cool it's
all good um yeah travis just sent me fire in all capital letters and i'm like what he's
like things are on fire i know what you did you announced oh my god um so next question
is why don't you guys have any cool physical rewards and this actually ties into the last
one uh we're asking for money so we can move into a bigger space hire more people and make
better content not so we can sell you a bunch of stickers t-shirts and hats if you want
to contribute to linus media group by buying a t-shirt then go buy a t-shirt we have t-shirts
we don't need to do a campaign for that um so on both of our web shops we have a variety
of different shirts the usual complaint about the web shops when people say well i'd like
to buy a t-shirt except is omg the shipping is so expensive to which i'd reply well then
i guess you figured out why physical merchandise would basically kill any possibility from
this campaign of this campaign funding a move the cost doesn't go away because it's a special
crowdfunding t-shirt so out of that let's say a 25 reward tier i'd say is pretty typical
for a t-shirt actually on the high end we'd still be paying eight dollars a shirt because
we do all of our shirts on american apparel and up to another 13 more for international
shipping and we're in canada so we don't even get cheap domestic shipping to the us and
people were people were wondering too about like like signed stuff that's even way worse
because we'd have to give it get it shipped over the border to us and then back over the
border somewhere we actually wanted i mean and these are it's not like these aren't ideas
we've had we wanted to do signed posters um we had them printed they're here but the problem
is that the design didn't end up looking good at all so we canned it but it is something
that we do plan to do at some point it's just when we're doing a physical merchandise thing
we don't plan the idea of this is for us to be funding making better and more content
for you guys not to fund us sitting in the new office um you know packing boxes to ship
t-shirts all over the world or whatever else and yes that's a bit of an exaggeration because
you could get a service to do that but then again you're spending even more of the money
on having a service take care of it for you yeah um which leads us to the last question
i don't want to contribute because investing in a company without any roi is stupid i want
to be a stakeholder to which i would reply we don't want stakeholders and i suspect neither
do the people who are contributing to the new office expansion the closest thing that
we actually have to direct backers for our company if we had stakeholders and all of
a sudden there might be pressure to start paying dividends instead of using that money
on responsible things like new gear and sets and employees we'd be potentially accountable
for the kind of content we're making to some random that the community has never even met
people are contributing the ones that are contributing because they want me in charge
not some shadow lurking in the background potentially pulling strings so we've stayed
away from investment other than this crazy person investing everything um because it
is a scary concept of other people having control over the company so we're not really
interested in that and i can't emphasize that enough by the way here's the link to the uh
to the campaign um i can't emphasize enough that just because we're crowdfunding this
doesn't mean that i'm not personally invested and that we're not reinvesting the company's
profits into it it's not like i mean you guys i think see that you know it's not like i
actually drive a lambo i i don't actually just blow all my money on frivolous crap like
we're trying to do something here we're trying to make more and better content all the time
and i hope you guys do genuinely see that um and right now being in a kitchen is just
not the right way for us to to move forward with this so um so that's where we're at yeah
i just yeah i have to give a shout out again to mr wizard for being awesome we were both
up to ridiculous hours of the morning last morning this morning last night this morning
anyways um he had like three hours of sleep before he went to work and i think he's at
work right now so hi mr wizard you're probably not watching because you're probably busy
working um but yeah so anyway we uh we made the the big the big thing here is i think
we we made the reward tiers a lot more fun super fun and a lot more attainable so we're
like 400 bucks away from releasing the original stormtrooper rap audio something that a lot
of people asked for and i said would never happen but luke and nick insisted uh when
show made up as girls comes another 3 000 after that uh luke does a linus tech tips
video under fire so we get to throw stuff at him the entire time he's filming um linus
does a linus tech tips video in upper body paint that the entire rest of the company
gets to draw on him and design um channel super fun comes 22 uh 2200 or 2500 after that
and is going to be a video where luke and i each get the remotes for shot callers that
each other wears for an entire day so it's going to be the most aggressive day or the
like most kind and polite day yeah really not sure which way it's going to go with that
but basically we think we fixed it i'll stick around for after party and i'll talk with
you guys if you still have some concerns and let's go from there but for now i think we've
spent enough time during and let's move on to oh oh balls oh um uh awkward oh that yeah
there we go let's move on to keep on digging our ubisoft segment of the week ubisoft room
actually oh no that one's that one's good i'm actually going to move that lower third
when i talk about the next one this is updated in real time okay cool in real time now like
in like oh just now yeah okay so we're like 150 bucks away from stormtrooper rap in real
wizard time and yes we're like 150 bucks away from stormtrooper all right so ubisoft says
they will improve assassin's creed unity performance they still don't seem to be actually acknowledging
what the problems were this was originally posted by that cool blue kid on the forum
and the original articles are from assassins creed.ub.com and kit guru.net i think i'm
gonna go with the kit guru link for you guys since uh since it's not a ub page yeah basically
they plan the following revisions streamlining some technical aspects of navigation so they
this is really funny i love the way they word this we've fixed a number of edge cases with
our detection system to smooth certain behaviors during parkour we've fixed a few objects which
were improperly tagged to smooth navigation okay because that was the only problem people
had with the game i guess and edge cases no we're not talking edge cases guys we're talking
performance issues across the board all right next up in certain edge cases improved task
scheduling we've tuned the way the computing tasks are prioritized and paralyzed by the
processor cores to improve frame rate in certain edge cases parallelized okay and then tweaking
performance for reach high points we've optimized the reach high points during the camera sweeping
sequence to improve frame rate a little bit and they're saying crowd size does not affect
frame rate and is not the issue i don't think anyone was saying crowd size with the issue
because honestly the models are not that detailed compared to come on like anything i mean they're
detailed compared to like rome total war but again i can't say this enough you're losing
to freaking cod okay so the models aren't that detailed in the first place i mean but
they in their own in their own promotional materials in their own statements they're
saying what was it notre dame alone was how many polygons yeah i don't remember it all
but it was a crazy amount polygons all the buildings are absolutely insane and that's
where the alleged rumored draw call bottleneck is occurring not from on-screen characters
uh scaling notre dame although i'm sure not on-screen characters aren't exactly easy yeah
but i can't imagine that reducing crowd size wouldn't help to say they don't affect it
is silly yeah but to to to think that that's the problem yeah as i don't think correct
either no all right so uh it would be nice if they just had a slider where you could
just control crowd size so you're like hey done that was it for keep on digging uh let's
move into something ubisoft did that i personally like ubisoft removes field of view controls
in some far cry for torrents i just thought that was funny this was posted by in mcgore
on the forum and the original article we have here is from gamespot.com so i'll go ahead
and post that but certain far cry turrets contain an error which removes the game's
field of view controls alex hutchinson a creative director at ubisoft montreal wrote on twitter
pc players if you're online complaining about the lack of fov control you pirated the game
uh in september electronics are electronic arts placed a bug into pirated copies of sims
4 where the image becomes increasingly pixelated this is not the first time we've seen a strategy
like this and personally i really i really like it because i really liked the um what
is it like game game game creation simulator or game tycoon or something yeah but not everyone
can like include that game with their game or something like where the where the game
you fail and your company goes bankrupt because because of piracy yes that was the best and
like no i know of course not everyone can do something like that i just thought that
one was super good what i like about this this strategy is how realistic it is instead
of going okay our drm is unbreakable instead of even bothering to say that they just go
okay we're gonna put drm in we're gonna at least get around the to imagine that drm doesn't
stop some pirates is stupid it's stupid you're stupid go be stupid somewhere else because
drm does stop some pirates the problem is that it also interferes with regular players
and i think you could make arguments for it getting being gotten rid of it all and but
this is not a draconian drm scheme in and of itself i'm not saying the game doesn't
have drm so just hold just just hold on i'm i'm trying to bring up a different thing the
digging thumbnail is coming back okay okay it's coming back for ubisoft all right but
what i like about little bugs like this is that they're realistic they accept that people
are going to pirate the game and what they do is instead of trying to stop them brute
force they create social pressure on pirates to shame them into not pirating the game and
the thing about putting in a bug like this especially one that appears later on in the
game is that you're not punishing the guys who really did download it pirate it as a
demo and then buy it if they liked it to play it you are punishing the guys who didn't pay
for it and are playing through it you're punishing the people who actually did enjoy it enough
that they really want to keep playing it badly enough that they really want that fov slider
and you are making them come out and say i'm using this i didn't pay for it and i'm gonna
go and be a customer about it i'm gonna actually lodge a complaint i'm gonna actually have
this company spend money answering my question when i didn't even have when i didn't even
have the respect to pay for the game and i'm playing it tracked so i like that yeah i think
i think it's cool having that little easter egg stuff by the way we just hit our uh rap
goal thing oh lordy so the release original storm dream rap audio is uh that goal has
been made um i have taryn working on um updating the wensho soundcloud account for an audio
version of wensho right now so i figure we can release that on that soundcloud account
so i'll i'll tweet that out tonight i'm gonna see if i can is there a way to do like playlists
on soundcloud because i wouldn't necessarily want that rap audio right in the middle because
a lot of people would listen we could release it on the forum yeah that'll be do why don't
we release it on the forum yeah um i'll see if i can find it right now do you want to
do you want to cover the the next ubisoft should i put the keep on digging sure i oh
oh this isn't necessarily something else i just wanted to talk about the the uh oh sorry
this isn't never mind okay yeah yeah oh oh oh okay sorry not a ubisoft thing well no
it's the denuvo thing right no this is the newbie soft thing oh okay well it's like it's
like a pretty much sure should i put the dirt back sure um okay it's like pretty much everyone
that uses drm thing you are saying that to say that drm doesn't stop some pirates is
wrong that's false you're right but you're not stopping the people that are just downloading
the game really because there's going to be one group of people that gets through and
cracks it and makes it so it's just an executable and then releases it so you'll stop a couple
different teams from getting it one will make through and it won't make any difference some
games are still more complicated than just running and executing not most anymore that's
true but some are especially multiplayer games are quite a bit more complicated well in a
lot of cases yeah but then a lot of times they ignore the multiplayer game stuff like
i don't know how it works but i'm assuming right now with far cry 4 you don't get access
to the multiplayer part if you pirate it i would assume that you probably just get the
single player part um yeah the only time i've heard of like cracked multiplayer stuff you
play on your own private server which is usually kind of lame i really didn't want to release
this stupid rap thing wrecked uh and you know what i actually think there's going to be
other stretch goals that you really don't necessarily want to do as well so yeah i think
you'll just have to get used to that one i think there's going to be i'm it's pretty
embarrassing um wrecked well the reason why i didn't want it to be in that wancho soundcloud
is you're listening to wancho and then all of a sudden it's like do you know bleep about
swag yeah blah blah blah terrible rap song pretty terrible i really i really didn't want
because the filter was what i kind of guys are taking away his autotune what was what
kind of made it okay for me but now it's just pretty embarrassing so i'm i'm throwing i'm
emailing myself the uh the wave sound right now and then i'll i'll see if uh maybe we'll
we'll play it on after party yeah let's let's play it on after party when we're doing the
the q and a and then we'll make it available for download on the forum if you guys really
want it all right all right let's move into our next drm topic not related to ubisoft
so the keep on digging uh lower third can go away this was originally posted by someone
on the forum my browser is just where are we looking what is it it's further down
there we go denuvo drm degrades ssd is this supposed to buy ah ming on the forum and it's
from gamemag.ru so games like lord of the fallen fifa 15 and unfortunately dragon age
inquisition um are affected by this it's ea time again yeah it's ea butter jelly time
ea butter jelly time ea butter jelly time that's so old that is really um you know what's
weird is i think that was probably more popular than the badger badger song but i hear people
reiterating badger badger more than that that was early internet days like it wasn't as
good of a song no badger badger badger so it's a lot more catchy yeah anyway so it's
not like it's going to instantly kill your ssd but users are reporting significant increases
in the rights on their ssd's while running these games and it is being attributed to
the denuvo drm scheme up to around 30 gigabytes of data every 40 minutes in very small bits
of code that's insane now to be clear ssd's um are not as fragile as they used to be and
as a lot of people seem to think they are in fact tech report has an excellent ongoing
article i would like to find it to link it to you guys right now but chrome completely
crashed the greatness of the stormtrooper rap crashed chrome so um so i would i would
love to link that to you guys but uh basically they've taken i think it was about a half
a dozen consumer grade ssd's and just put them on a bench where they're being written
to constantly and then monitored so every once in a while they take them off the bench
and see if they're still working and they all go way past their rated write speeds which
is already way more than most people are going to write to it but 30 gigs per 40 minutes
we can extrapolate that to 45 gigs per hour for a game that you could potentially log
a hundred hours on game like dragon aging aging position i logged 100 hours easy on
origin yeah origins not origin i hate origin love origins i don't know if it's gonna be
quite as big of a game but it'll still be a very expansive like it's gonna take a while
for sure yeah um but that is still a completely unnecessary thing to do that damages the computer
hardware that the game is installed on and i do not approve of that yeah that's no fun
all right what else we got here we got lots of great topics still this week there's the
wow thing there's the counter strike oh let's do the counter strike thing okay how much
do you know about this because this is very much an in development story right now yeah
so you guys will have to forgive us if we're a little bit behind the eight ball or because
forgive us if we're a little bit behind and take everything with a grain of salt because
a lot of this right now is kind of speculation speculation it's speculation that's happening
now yeah there's definitely some weight behind the speculation yeah um but it's still a lot
of speculation now things that aren't speculation is that um two players from top 20 global
pro teams have been vac banned and i believe two teams have been dropped out of the winter
dream hack tournament yeah so we're talking a quarter million dollar prize and they have
been disqualified for players on their teams and their teams have kicked those two players
out of their respective teams at this point in time um so they're not trying to back them
up or fight it they got kicked out yeah both players admitted to using uh to using an exploit
i'm gonna call it an exploit as opposed to uh let's just call it a cheat i guess yeah
yeah i mean the way the cheat was x was executed is you could call an exploit uh theoretically
theoretically this is all speculatively but again it makes a ton of sense on a lot of
people this has been going around like through the grapevine for a while now that this might
have been happening so the fact that this is now going on validates that a little bit
but the idea is that they were getting this uh hack or cheat or whatever your exploit
whatever you want to call it through the uh what is it called the steam workshop steam
workshop so even if you were at a quote unquote lan event which is just where the other team
you're playing against is also there and your team is there you're not just on land you
usually have an internet connection because they're usually streamed um even at a lan
event where you're not using your own computer they would sign into their own accounts because
they want to show off their skins and stuff because it's csgo um and then the steam workshop
would automatically download it onto that computer so you wouldn't see them like installing
anything fishy it would just happen automatically in the background um and the way it allegedly
works it could be it could be done very very subtly so for example one of the ones i was
talking to ed about earlier today was a wall hack that all it would do was change the color
of one pixel when there is an opposing character on the other side of a surface so even someone
looking over your shoulder might kind of go well and then and then move on because if
they weren't aware of if they weren't aware to look for something like that then how could
they possibly know or even stuff like um audio cues like it could ping an audio cue if you're
pointing at someone through a wall so if you do a sweep across a wall it could ping at
you if there's an if there's something there a lot of the guys wear earbuds yep there was
uh allegedly rumoredly speculatedly a panic button uh one button sort of toggled aim assist
all of this is unconfirmed by any legitimate sources based on code of the hack briefly
posted to reddit um there's speculation that there was so button toggled vision assist
audio cued vision assist and then button toggled aim assist were all allegedly within this
steam workshop allegedly downloaded uh hack so all of this is maybes both okay what's
not maybes is both of the players that were banned so cali spelled kq ly from titan and
sf from epsilon so these guys are from globally ninth ranked teams and 19th ranked teams overall
have admitted to using them so cali released a statement apologizing for the behavior and
assuring everyone that the cheating did not occur in a competitive setting and then epsilon
uh i think alleged uh admitted to using it once and also not in a competitive setting
although that looks like it's been pulled out of the dock since i was reading it before
the show so that might who knows everything is very much in flux right now but the big
discussion here is what do we compare this to i mean i know neither cheats were using
a competitive setting it just dropped down so what does it what does it what does it
mean for for csgo's credibility as an esport it's rough that this made it through i know
nick has been talking about like um hellfire essentially like if this if this gets proven
and if like certain members not necessarily these two but certain very prominent members
and he has very good reasoning for all of this if they get brought out because there's
there's a list that the original guy that got banned posted yep which was trying to
take a bunch of other guys down with him where he said i think what he was in 95 he said
he was 95 sure and produced a list of other high level pro players that he thought were
cheating using the same hack yeah so certain members on there specifically the fanatic
guys two of the fanatic guys if they got called out for actually doing this and they got a
vac band it could cause some serious rifts i mean pro cycling has not recovered from
doping yeah major league baseball is a joke because of steroids yeah shooters have always
been a huge problem uh even on console there's hardware hacks you can do to controllers uh
try not allowing people to bring their controllers to events no they want to use their scuff
they want to use their whatever um there's approved controllers for events and you can
bring your own and you can hardware hack it you take the thing apart add in a little bit
of uh the last one i saw was a pcb that you added in which made it so that you could just
hold the trigger down and it would shoot a semi-automatic uh weapon as fast as it possibly
could while keeping it fairly accurate right hold the trigger down it does it properly
for you that's cheating super cheating and that's something you can do on a console so
there's there's cheating and shooters cheating is huge and it's super frustrating it's really
annoying as a player just playing randomly because it happens a lot in lobbies i know
yeah i mean imagine if this is happening professionally where people are actually looking over the
shoulder of the person what's going on with people in their bedrooms playing the game
where mom doesn't care if they're cheating at csgo and think about the amount of people
that are cheating that you're not catching because they're being very subtle about it
yeah compared to that dude that's like flying around the map insta killing everyone which
happened the first day i tried to play cod which was hilarious um his name was like 420
blaze at yolo and he killed everyone on the map instantly and was just flying around i
was like wow you are everything that's wrong with this game it was fantastic it happened
on stream uh anyways like it's it's bad uh i don't know it's gonna i don't know if it's
necessarily gonna be the hellfire that a lot of people have been talking about where it's
just gonna destroy the entire sport because it is actually really old people have been
playing csgo for really long or it's counter-strike competitively for a really long time not necessarily
csgo i know valve seems to think it's a big deal they're flying i was cracking down like
crazy they're flying in four teams to replace the two teams that were disqualified from
dreamhack to do a like a local pre-qualifier which is sick that's super cool i'm happy
they're doing that um i i'm not saying it's choice they have to salvage their tournament
yeah i know it's true i'm not saying it's not going to be a big deal i just don't think
it's necessarily going to destroy the entire thing um i think it could seriously uh hamper
the massive growth that they've had over the last little while and could seriously plateau
them i mean a long time the thing about the thing about games that has to grow
up is is both sides the fans are already growing up in the sense that they're treating it more
seriously like oh yeah okay the thing about this is they were talking about this on um
that sports radio station that i listen to all the time they were talking about it um
when they got acquired by tsn and some of those guys were ex-tsn guys from back when
tsn started and were now being brought back into the tsn fold so they were kind of reminiscing
about how 30 years ago everyone told them they were idiots for thinking that you could
have an entire channel dedicated just to sports that's the stupidest thing i ever heard and
then they're like yeah look at it now yeah tsn one two three four eight ruby platinum
emerald like so so but the but the thing about the thing about sports and esports do get
qualified as sports in this way i guess okay they're not sports or esports but they get
treated the same way this way is that the fans are very passionate and they take it
very seriously and that's what esports is finally gaining they're being taken seriously
they're not a joke anymore so you're gonna lose that reputation if people start hacking
turning it into a joke and not having the players and the organizations treating it
as seriously as the fans are is gonna create a rift between the fans and the players and
the organizers and that is really hard to fix and when you have this momentum right
now i i think if this goes as deep as the allegations would suggest that they could
i think it could affect not just csgo but esports in general because you because you
look at the general complaints that people might have about an esport oh well it's just
software so how easy is it to to cheat how easy is it to pretend that these guys playing
are really that superhuman yeah apparently this easy how are we going to take this seriously
anymore at least with a physical sport yes there's there's blood doping there's steroids
there's this there's that we can catch a lot of it and they are actually doing it on some
level there's no cybernetic implant that you know tells the goalie where to be so when
the puck's going to be there in a whatever and they just can be there already that's
the difference between electronic cheating and physical cheating is it can happen in
ways that the viewer doesn't even understand is happening and all the respect that they
might have had for a player or a skill or a tactic i mean it's just gone how deflating
is that this is actually a big part of the reason why uh some of the viewers i know are
gonna be like what when i bring this up but i've a long time ago i played counter-strike
at a fairly high level but i've never really been interested in watching counter-strike
and playing on public servers has always been kind of rough because every single time that
someone does something amazing you're like hmm they're probably cheating they're probably
cheating or that was the luckiest thing ever and that's actually one of the reasons i'm
gonna go on like an old counter-strike kind of binge here if you don't mind how old are
we talking like 1.6 okay that's not that um that's okay 1.6 1.5 like really you're gonna
go back to 1.5 old stuff um if you were running and or jumping or doing something crazy with
an op there was like the really weird really low percentage chance that you could shoot
yourself if you tried to shoot while you're doing that if you like jumped off of something
and took a shot it was a very low percentage chance but you could damage yourself so like
no one really did it now some guy will jump off a ledge and like aim up here with a pistol
and get a head shot over there and be like oh yeah i know man no no it's just randomly
shot over there it's like no one of the videos that they have of one of the guys that got
banned he shot way far away from someone and got a head shot and people were dismissing
it like oh no it's probably just like bullet straight because he was jumping it's like
no he was hacking then brutal come on i don't know so there you go i don't know um we can
do a few uh let's do a few rapid fire topics oh this isn't really rapid fire oh we gotta
talk about this bittorrent opens paygate premium bundles the original articles on techcrunch.com
was posted by tech dreamer on the forum this is freaking cool i mean i don't think it's
gonna turn bittorrent into you know a legitimate content distribution network overnight but
they're giving 90 percent of the funds to the content creator and when we compare that
to other services that exist like if you were to say publish your song behind a paywall
so that means people that just means people have to pay for the content okay so behind
a paywall on itunes apple is taking what 40 cents on the dollar something along those
lines yeah so this is fantastic for new artists using bittorrent as a distribution platform
so peer-to-peer not bittorrent like yar bittorrent like peer-to-peer connections um and getting
90 of the money for yourself that's fantastic that's actually pretty freaking awesome i
guess that's all there really is to say about it yeah there's not a ton to really add but
i think it's awesome and i do really hope people start using it i expect kind of smaller
groups to start using it and hopefully those like one or two really big bands to just jump
onto it because that will popularize it and then it can grow from there because hopefully
this becomes a big thing so it'll be great you can and the publisher has a lot of flexibility
and i'd imagine they're gonna continue to tweak it over time but you can have some content
for free there can be some behind a paywall um you can have content moved to paywall after
a certain number of visits for example that's cool um also unlike itunes you can potentially
have access to your customer information that's one of the big problems that i have with platforms
like itunes and like youtube um or even twitch to a much lesser extent than than you actually
know twitch is pretty much the same yeah is you guys i don't know who you are yeah i have
no way to communicate with you uh that's not true with twitch okay yes you have a list
of all your subscribers youtube used to have that youtube took it away so i didn't realize
twitch still had it okay so i don't know if you okay i don't know how easily your subs
i don't know if you have a list of all your followers i that's very different subs are
paying right okay okay so i could be youtube used to give you an entire list of your subscribers
and even though you couldn't send a mass email to them say hey i'm moving over to vimeo can
you please make sure to subscribe to me over there because that would facilitate moving
off of the platform right um but what you could do is you could message them one by
one and in the even earlier days uh you could even see the list of subscribers for someone
else's youtube channel so some douche canoe um who was a competing tech youtuber at the
time actually went through my entire sub list and messaged every single one of them i got
so many complaints about it blah blah do you know what this guy's doing no oh my god yeah
go figure that's brutal um so i understand reasons why this information isn't exposed
and i know that google has improved that recently through google plus where you can access some
of your most engaged viewers and all that but that's the problem with these distribution
networks is they lock you in like this whereas if you own the relationship with your audience
then you can move wherever is best for you and or best for them as opposed to being stuck
where someone just wants to take a big cut of the money for something they didn't even
create and aren't even gonna watch yes yeah that's kind of ridiculous uh someone someone
in the chat sorry i was trying to watch the chat for someone to correct me apparently
uh you do have a followers list okay so you have a sub list and a followers list apparently
douche canoe is not a thing i've heard that really was it me maybe that's possible i remember
it was it was a big thing my we my group of friends got called douche carts one year at
packs and we were like wow that's amazing and we kind of adopted that for a little while
there are so many great topics left we have to go really fast keystone cat posted this
this is from mumbai mirror.com electronics printed with a t-shirt printer holy actual
crap this combined with 3d printing would literally mean printing your own consumer
electronics very simple ones yeah yeah i mean we're talking like what were they saying they
printed like a four bit um hold on doesn't show yeah it's not in the notes it's in the
article but but super super simple stuff but the electronic circuits are printed using
unique materials environmentally friendly methods by the way on top of everyday flexible
materials such as plastic aluminum foil and even paper resistors transistors and capacitors
the key components of a complex electric circuit are printed using non-toxic organic materials
like silver nanoparticles carbon and plastics so a new startup company is being established
to commercialize the invention and a multinational biomedical company has also expressed interest
in adopting the application of printed electronics for biomedical devices wow what a big deal
you just talked really fast sorry you got it though thank you that was a good job um
so that's cool oh nvidia's multi-frame anti-aliasing is has finally been tested so our good buddy
ryan shroud over at pc perspective has taken a pretty i'm not going to call it in depth
ryan but i'll call it i'll call it a pretty a pretty adequate look at mfaa now the problem
with the way most people are going to try and look at mfaa is they're going to try and
take a screenshot or a fraps recording that won't work because the way screenshots and
fraps recordings work is they take an image of the frame that is being presented at an
earlier stage than the actual display output now the way mfaa works is it actually blends
the anti-aliasing that it's applying in one matrix on the previous frame and in another
matrix on the next frame together on the frame that the viewer sees okay so it it does 2x
mf msaa effectively in two different ways and then present it to the viewer as 4x msaa
but they're calling it mfaa because it's not quite the same thing because it's using this
blending technique so in stills okay right so the way you have to capture it is by actually
capturing the display output using a capture card something that pc per already does for
all of their graphics card benchmarking anyway so they went ahead and did some captures and
you guys should definitely check out the article where you can have a much better look at what
they look like than this you know compressed video view here but it looks pretty darn good
in relatively non-complex scenarios it looks a lot closer to mf to 4x msaa than to 2x msaa
and the performance hit is not as much as 4x msaa in more complex scenes so there was
one from i think crisis three that ryan was looking at it didn't look as good as 4x msaa
but still better than 2x and the performance hit is less so nvidia's technology looks like
a winner except right now it's only compatible with 20 games now so it's a whitelisted game
support as opposed to blacklisting the ones that don't work so it looks like nvidia is
going through and specifically validating games once they add it to geforce experience
so it turns on and off automatically i guess this is less of a concern but right now it
just doesn't give you any warning whatsoever if you launch a game and and it says it doesn't
come up and say hey by the way your mfa isn't working there's going to be more of a performance
hit you might want to tweak your settings so it just happens in the background on whitelisted
games and we have no idea what support is going to look like moving forward there is
no sli support yet so only single card support um but it's working for now for now in certain
things um intel revealed it will offer ssd's based on 3d nan this was posted by cordy warrior
on the forum the original article is from tech report look at that we're posting all
the articles from our buddies in the last couple minutes here we got scott from tech
report ryan from pc per well mind you ryan's not my buddy i kind of hate that guy but whoa
even more shots fired yeah i'm just kidding ryan if you're watching this i know you're
not you don't watch cool programming like wan show too busy watching the pc per podcast
oh too many p's in that that's why it'll never succeed well triple wrecked i guess all right
so intel 3d nan intel revealed it will offer ssd's in the second half of next year based
on 3d nand is the result of intel's joint flash venture with micron it stacks 32 planar
levels uh to deliver 256 gigabit so 32 gigabytes of storage in a single mlc die and the 3d
nand can also be packed with three bits per cell per cell to hit up to 384 gigabit or
48 gigabytes per die the 3d nand will enable 10 gig ssd's within the next couple of years
i'm sorry 10 terabyte yeah that's what i meant to say thank you 10 terabyte ssd yeah 10 gig
ssd's would be less impressive i again like i said i was working before the shows i didn't
get to see a lot of the docs so when you first said this i was like yeah not surprising but
it's cool to be able to see some like the specs and the time frame i don't think costs
are gonna you know plummet immediately you know you look at samsung they've got 3d and
the actual cost per gigabyte right now is not that much lower but give it a little bit
of time and we could see ssd's much more competitive with hard drives would be awesome so remember
guys the benefits of 3d nand are that they don't have to use quite the same crazy advanced
process node technology so they can actually use less sophisticated fabs potentially um
also better reliability because they're using larger processes better speed because of using
a larger manufacturing process so cool stuff all around everyone in the chat was all like
oh my god 10 gig ssd not yet not yet sorry guys i got everyone's panties all wet and
i'm not even gonna do anything about it all right new york times squared new uh new times
square digital billboard is 100 meters across and eight stories tall has 24 million pixels
and is powered by three amd fire pro w9000 gpus this is posted on fire user.com and are
posted on the forum by ah ming and the original article is from fire user.com i'm gonna go
ahead and post that in here you guys wow today i posted all the links in the chat but i completely
forgot about just bringing stuff up on my screen and screen sharing so it's like one
of these days i'm gonna learn to do both so here's the article from fire user.com it looks
amazing 24 megapixels this is the highest resolution display in the world i believe
that's actually insane yeah three that's such a beast machine it'll be really exciting to
see the massive error message well that happens actually there might be higher resolution
displays but certainly nothing this big yeah yeah and that page isn't loading anyway so
apparently it was never meant so like when the page can't load on that screen it'll just
be freaking huge that's my favorite thing you guys probably all hit that page well that's
why i can't load it correct that's actually probably it i i love seeing error messages
on public machines i don't know why whenever you see like i remember when i used to go
to bcit they'd had these like tall very tall like a landscape why am i thinking this portrait
portrait yeah portrait i don't know why i couldn't think of that properly um a landscape
that's kind of this way yeah just hold your head like this could be like if there's mountains
on each side and you're looking in between them anyways don't worry about it um yeah
portrait mode monitors that would like show you a map of the school and stuff and when
they blue screened it was hilarious this is a giant super tall portrait blue screen it's
like oh thank you awesome super helpful speaking of super tall our last topic and this actually
is a legitimate segue um is iso i always say it wrong i always say it iso that's how it's
pronounced in english if i look at it phonetically i think there's a different way of saying
it um has revealed a new monitor with a one-to-one aspect ratio 1920 by 1920 resolution 26 and
a half inches and they're saying sort of the sales pitch here this is a professional oriented
monitor is convenient for longer content allows for a compromise between vertical and horizontal
monitors that it does uses an anti-layer ips panel professional glibberade monitor don't
expect it to be cheap available q1 2015 and the least innovative thing ever because we
already had we already had five to four monitors 100 bazillion years ago and everyone was like
nah let's go widescreen so now it's an innovation to make it even more square than before that's
super weird i don't think this is really gonna work out for them super well well remember
they they're relatively low volume they're aiming at like professional applications where
yeah the picture of it is like super good ball and it looks super old too yeah it's
it's pretty silly looking here i'll screen share with you guys so this is the flex scan
ev 2730 q oh apparently i'm on the wrong page there we go looks a little something
like that like it actually just it looks just wrong yeah 1920 pixels by 1920 it it's funny
because you've never seen a square monitor before probably so like looking at one looks
unnatural and yeah weird it's like there's something wrong with it so 78 more pixels
compared to full hd cool man can i just have a wide screen please you know it's funny because
like i was never much of an advocate for widescreen at the beginning uh when the affordable ones
were 1440 by 900 we didn't have enough vertical pixels but then that problem goes away as
soon as you have enough vertical pixels on a windows machine where scaling doesn't really
work so you just actually need more pixels to fit enough stuff on the screen um but as
soon as that happened as soon as we got 1200 vertical pixels i was totally cool with widescreen
then we moved back to 16 by 9 and then we didn't have enough vertical pixels again and
now to compensate we're going all the way back to one to one apparently 16 by 10 is
still a great aspect ratio and i wish that there were more monitors that you too huge
fan of 16 by 10 that's kind of sad which is i guess all there is really to the when show
today isn't it yeah there's a few other things but i don't know if they're super important
you can do it if you want do what i don't know other things you think are important
no i said i don't know if there's that hydrogen car that's coming that sounds super ball and
cool yeah i i'm still more excited about oh yeah there's Elon Musk is still worried about
terminator yeah yeah and badness i think he's talked about that before yeah we've talked
about him talking about yeah okay continuing his conversation well on that high energy
note yeah thanks for watching the way and show you guys again next week same bad time
same bad channel we'll be on the after party for more talk about the fundraiser right now
let's do it yeah energy five four swamp but five four linda five four swamp coach linda
coach five four linda coach five four landa five four plan energy power thirst anyone
remember that i don't know