The WAN Show
Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.
Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.
Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s
This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.
feeling where you're about to go live and broadcast to like thousands of
people but like you're missing something something's not quite right
like every single time we host the WAN show um yeah okay I guess that that could
be there's like there's there's always the okay something's probably wrong no
we did a pre-show today there's nothing wrong everything is fine but I'm not
hormonal right now we didn't test any of the scenes uh that's okay most of them
are the same and your laptop no we tested the laptop oh we did yeah okay
yeah I tested it while you weren't looking boom I test all kinds of things
well you're not looking that's awkward you test poll results while I'm not
looking poll results no we're not gonna get into that yet I have a whole I have
a whole thing I have a whole thing on that speaking of a whole thing on stuff
um hold on a second so the WAN show soundcloud I'm gonna try and find it but
we actually have a WAN show podcast feed now so Tara
Taryn set it up and I don't know where the email is about it and apparently you
can't just Google podcast hey uh Taryn can you send me the link to the sound
cloud thing so I can share it with the peeps thank you sorry dot-com slash the
WAN show oh we got it yep okay so guys it's sound cloud dot-com slash the WAN
show I don't think we are quite caught up yet because we don't really have like
a smooth procedure for taking the video feed which is a stupid FLV file with the
desync audio and the all that kind of stuff but there you go guys all the
entire history of the WAN show has been almost almost has been archived on
soundcloud you can download it as a podcast listen to it in the car or
wherever else people listen to podcasts I've never been much of a podcast
listener myself but even almost this isn't into 2014 yet October 11th well
hold on a second are you sure it's not just like later on or something look
down there it went further back August 2013 July 2013 well whatever guys we'll
get this we'll get this all caught up for you and everything will be all good
and fine and dandy so alright let's get into our first real topic shall we oh no
we have to do our introductory topics which unfortunately these guys already
saw which is a real shame because we accidentally streamed while we were
creating our YouTube intro instead of recording that locally and then
uploading it so why don't we pick different highlights for the folks here
right now Asus has demonstrated a vram defroster feature so you're actually
gonna have a separate plug on your graphics card dedicated to heating up
your memory which sounds bad but it actually makes sense yeah we'll explain
that later also Intel has a new Thunderbolt controller that they are
working on that should be able to derive two 4k displays off of a single
connector I should be wearing my holy balls shirt not my professional unboxer
shirt cuz that's a big deal it is what else we got Google is is gonna be ending
forcing Google Plus integration towards everyone and there's more details on
that later yeah that's huge and then Facebook has actually finally been
approved to actually buy oculus so yeah that'll be a short topic but we'll talk
all right so without further ado intro time I really hope there's music I
didn't test it all right there's music
I know I thought there was a poll about whether there's music or whether I'd
have to sing
this is what happens when people let me see the polls ahead of time so never
show me your poll all right so hotspot shield is one of our sponsors today
hotspot shield is the fast easy and expensive way to set up a VPN you can
access content that's outside of your region you can browse more privately and
all that great stuff also sponsoring the show today actually our title sponsors
you can see powered by Zeus g750 jz is a sues with the as you may or may not have
guessed g750 jz gaming laptop this yeah yeah well it kind of it kind of
went that way you're gonna keep it you know what's even funny is I conceded I
made you joke I mean the video thumbnail of the actual review and I figured that
would get you to stop making the joke the joke isn't played out for you the
joke is just gonna carry on until eternity all right well that's that's
fine that makes me very very pleased so thank you a sues and hotspot shield for
sponsoring the show today let's get things going get into our first topic
here what should we get started with why don't you start at the top let's start
at the top and work our way to the bottom if you know what I mean I was
fine if you know what I mean you're all fine
Oh hitting on the entire audience let's dip at a time so okay guys we've got a
fantastic topic here this was posted by kakao day G DJ day G whatever it happens
to be what is that oh I see it no no it's okay this needs to be removed there
we go so this is an a sues ROG article that what are you doing I'm modding
certain people don't worry about it keep going oh okay you can mod people I've
heard of computer modding and car modding well there's body mods right
body mods yeah like tattoos and piercings do you have any no I guess I
would have known so there's an article on a sues ROG that outlines why a
graphics card could ever want a separate heater module for the memory so this is
called their matrix memory defroster and if you look at the page you're
supporting I don't care I don't care go away Internet Explorer okay so it shows
you a graphics card that's being cooled by presumably liquid nitrogen or okay
looks like liquid nitrogen since there's a canister here so being cooled by
liquid nitrogen and it shows how this frost can accumulate on the back of the
card now memory can suffer from certain issues like cold bugs in much the same
way that processors can so what this does is it actually keeps the memory at
a temperature that isn't so cold that it bugs out but it's still cold enough that
you're gonna get better overclocking out of it and it's just one less thing for
pro overclockers to worry about I think my comment on this back when I first saw
it is probably you know about as as right as anything could ever be just
like anything I say I'm just kidding I can be wrong about all kinds of things
in fact I was wrong about something on the show last week and I I owe an
apology to someone that I was wrong about something about GPU versus CPU
actual total thermal output I was going based on temperature not based on the
actual thermal output so GPUs I have been informed although we're probably
gonna just test it at some point even though I believe them I believe them so
GPUs just have lower thermal density which means their temperatures are lower
even though the thermal output is actually quite high so there you have it
I can be wrong about things and I don't even remember what I'm talking about
anymore right so the comment I made at the time was okay so Asus has developed
a feature for their ROG class cards that is going to have probably thousands of
people who know what it is and what it does and and why it exists it's gonna
have maybe a hundreds of people who care and then it's gonna have maybe dozens of
people who are actually going to use it but you know what if you you know it's
easy to just throw up your hands and say okay it's impossible to innovate on
graphics cards it's hard to keep trying to find ways to push the envelope and
without you know guys like Asus building in features like this we wouldn't have
things like built-in voltage checkpoints to actually monitor the
voltage of your GPU something that is a very cool diagnostic tool when you're
overclocking and like very usable even if you're not doing Ellen to cool it you
can buy a multimeter for like 20 bucks at Canadian Tire if you're Canadian or
wherever you buy those things American Tire Walmart yeah so you can buy a
multimeter on the cheap and then it can really help you diagnose whether that
voltage slider is actually doing anything whether your card over volts or
under volts so all this stuff's really great so without these kinds of
innovations that might seem useless one by one we wouldn't have the great
graphics cards that we have today so kudos to Asus for thinking outside the
box on this one and I guess that's all I pretty much have to say about that
what's our next topic because I'm trying to do a thing here sorry I was also
trying to do a thing I will find a next topic though the next topic is Supreme
Court decides on the future of TV featuring ario oh this is this is cray
cray area or arrow area I've never sure okay all right so this is actually
probably the biggest topic of the day so the way that area works is by okay by it
all depends on how you word it so original article here is from although there was another one that was actually quite
helpful when I was when I was reading up on this yeah from the Guardian and there
was another one I was reading and another one I was reading that I mean
the information about this is hard to find from an unbiased source because
this is a topic that is extremely polarizing so let's start with how area
works what it does is it takes OTA TV signals so these are just broadcast TV
signals that anyone with you know a duck a hamster a piece of toast and most
importantly an antenna and a television especially those last two yeah and then
anyone with an antenna and a television can tune into these signals and watch
TV so all the TV that I had when I was a kid yes so over-the-air television what
area does is it takes over-the-air television lets you subscribe
rent an antenna in their array of antennas rent because it's not
subscription they don't look at they let you rent an antenna in their antenna
array rent cloud storage space and then it allows you to tune in to OTA
broadcasts through your internet connection and even use their their
rentable storage space as a PVR or DVR whatever video recorder without with a
P with a D I don't care so what the okay so the issue here it's hard to not it's
hard to not say things that are worded as if they come off negatively or
positively yeah so the issue is that other broadcasters are alleging that
area is no different from cable and satellite firms that are required to pay
fees to rebroadcast their shows what area is arguing is that a private
broadcast and this is this is like 40 year old rulings that they're going back
to here that a private broadcast is not the same as a public broadcast and
because it's an individual user accessing content that they would have
otherwise had if they just got an antenna and hooked up a DVR like they're
not doing anything they couldn't have otherwise done and there is so it's a
private broadcast so I don't remember if that sentence made any sense you know
what guys I have slept so little this week like even less than you and this
topic is very convoluted and awkward and and the topic is convoluted whereas what
the broadcasters are saying is that Ariel is taking copyrighted material and
profiting off of it without paying anyone any fees so they're just taking
money and profiting off of it and then advocacy groups for the other side are
saying well hold on just a minute why should they be paying for it anyway
there's already commercials on it so you guys so sort of firing back at the
broadcasters you guys are just trying to maintain your whole double dipping
business model and squash a potential competitor who really all they're doing
is enabling consumers to use the technology or to use the content that is
already there use the technology they have to access content that is already
there and already accessible to them one thing that was missing from both this
Washington Post article and the other one that we're referring to here was
actually posted by a commenter on one of the other articles I was reading about
this who said well hold on a second something people are kind of missing
here is that area only allows you to subscribe within your own catchment area
so you you actually can't subscribe to area in you know New York if you're in
Florida for example you you have to subscribe to and of like anything there
are yeah workarounds and actually that's another big thing is is that even on the
dock I think it that Hulu is shutting down yeah users if it's not just throw a
note in there and we'll make sure we talk about that later but there are of
course ways to circumvent it but the way that it's supposed to work is just as a
way for you to access the OTA content without subscribing to an expensive
cable package that contains a lot of stuff that you likely don't care about
so I see both sides of this one so that was the whole me struggling through the
the explanation of what's going on I hope you guys kind of get it let me know
if you don't post in the twitch chat if it doesn't if it what I said didn't make
any sense but I'll give sort of my two cents on both sides of this on the one
hand if you're creating premium content and someone is profiting off of the
distribution of it they are effectively undercutting the distribution partners
who are paying you and I can understand why you're going after someone who's
pursuing that model one of the justices that I don't think they're actually
going to be involved in the case but one of the one of the US justices that has
commented on the situation said that looking through arios business model
they seem to be it seems to be structured entirely to circumvent the
existing laws and that the actual the essence of what they're doing is just
flat-out right wrong and I'm paraphrasing a little bit here because I
can't find the quote right now but I don't necessarily I see it from arios
side as well because what they're doing is just allowing people to use 21st
century technology that they have and I mean quite frankly you're you're already
gonna be helping out your local cable provider by paying for an internet
subscription anyway so they're using technology that we have to just do
something that already exists and do it a little bit better one interesting
thing that someone has brought up is that you can rig this up yourself yes
and that's that's the whole defense here for ario is that this is something you
can do yourself yeah it's just that they're making it accessible and they're
charging people a convenience fee yeah now if they were if what they were doing
was they were tuning into OTA and then they were and then they were like
transmitting it over the the airwaves or if they had a site I guess that you
that you went on to and then anyone like a site like okay where anyone
can tune into their rebroadcast that would be a public rebroadcast but the
way that it's structured is that antenna you're you're renting it you're leasing
it you're whatever I guess if you really wanted to you could buy an antenna but
then you just be doing it yourself but like instead of buying it you are
renting it and that antenna is just for you so they're not rebroadcasting it
publicly I think they're gonna lose I think so too but it's a really
interesting argument I think they're gonna lose but I think at the end of the
day this is just gonna be whack-a-mole where someone else will find a similar
loophole and the conventional media guys are just going to have to keep knocking
these little guys down one at a time and something will get through I mean the
thing here is that Aereo has sorry Aereo yeah sorry really tired Aereo has
already won a couple of cases in lower courts this is the first time it's going
to the Supreme Court they've already won a couple they lost one they lost the
most recent one so this really could go either way and I think according to the
letter of the law Aereo is probably right currently yes but like what I've
been reading on some of what the justices have been saying is they might
need to kind of fix things this can't happen because when they wrote that law
it was a long time ago it was a long time ago and they didn't expect stuff
like this to be able to happen so now that it can happen maybe the laws have
to change which is annoying to preempt to like after the fact change a law I
hate doing that with things like the COC on the forum and stuff because it's
really annoying but but the thing about it is that laws need to adapt I mean how
would you make a law about cybercrime 50 years ago when it doesn't when it
doesn't exist yeah you know how so I I totally understand the issue here
because the entire business model of creating this content is based on
getting kickbacks from the distributors of the content I understand that but on
the other hand I understand the argument that that system is fundamentally broken
right now and something needs to shake it up I don't know if Aereo is gonna be
the thing that shakes it up but what I do know is that something will have to
shake it up because it's a problem I mean it's gotten to the point where I
will not pay to watch a hockey game because for me to pay to watch a hockey
game and I just don't watch them that's that's the solution for me because for
me to pay to watch a hockey game I have to buy a cable TV subscription that
includes a bunch of crap I don't care about and I have to pay a whole whack
ton of money for it and I'm kind of sitting here going no I refuse I won't
do it for big events like the Super Bowl and all that kind of stuff we just we
have all my friends pack up because we all don't have the cable TV none of us
and we all go to my parents well it's funny because everyone talks about cord
cutters but there's a whole other the like the entire the group of people my
age or I heard the term cord nevers and I really liked it because the only time
I have ever had a cable TV subscription that I've well I was gonna say that I
have paid for was when they gave me a free trial with my internet that I
didn't pay for and then canceled as soon as I had to pay for it I never even took
the free trial it was kind of handy I don't even want it was playoffs I don't
make sense I took the free trial and I was like oh that's great by the time
this is over I don't have any hockey to watch anyway my thing was I was scared
because I just assumed that after the free trial it was just gonna start
billing me yeah it does yeah and I was going to school at the time and I was
like I'm gonna forget about this I'm gonna get a bill and I'm not gonna be
able to afford it it's really bad now I just I just set up a Google Calendar
reminder and then I just I the the Shaw office is actually between mine and my
in-laws house so I just grabbed the box dropped it off there I'm like yeah we're
done like do you still want your internet yeah so I mean for me the
fundamental problem here is that the is that the providers the cable providers
in particular can't decide how they want this to work okay when it comes to TV
they want us to pay for a large all-you-can-eat packages and then just
give us whatever we whatever we could possibly want and then when it comes to
cell phone and internet by the way in Canada anyway and I know in a lot of
places there's a lot of overlap between TV cell phone and internet so so when it
comes to cell phone and internet oh well hold on a second we want more of a
pay-as-you-go type model here and you you pay for the things you use and I'm
kind of sitting here going okay you know what I get it either way okay you want
it you want to package things you want to have a flat rate sort of fee okay I
get it I won't I'm not gonna subscribe because I don't care about that stuff
but I understand your point okay you want me to pay per usage because there's
a certain amount of congestion on a network or whatever else you want to
minimize that I get that but you got to make up your mind you can't be like oh
well when it suits us you can pay as you go and when it doesn't suit us then we
want you to take the whole thing you got to give me options here because that
just that does not that does not fly for me because I would have no problem
paying for TV if I could say okay I want Sportsnet TSN and like I don't know
Cartoon Network it's like it I remember when when my parents were actually
somewhat interested in getting a cable connection way back in the day and we
went through the show catalog and I was like I want that one and maybe that one
and then I'm done yeah so I don't care about like any of that and my dad my
brother and I had overlaps on all of those and then that was about it right
and you guys never did end up getting one did you I think we had one while my
grandpa was here and then I think it was gone right very shortly after and then
that's about it all right so why don't we talk about your back door here oh
wow it's not my back door well I'll tell you back door it's many people's back
doors all right because that makes it better so a security researcher has
found that there was a back door a DSL routers that was found a little while
ago I think like a month ago or something and then there was a patch
you should talk about what the back door does so the back door allows you to I
was getting into that after the cover-up essentially there was there was then a
patch which fixed the problem the same guy then found that the patch was just
kind of a cover-up and it couldn't be removed very easily so what it does is
allows you administrative access to the router so all administrative controls
you can control so GG router you can flash lights you can do you can see
packets you can do all that kind of stuff it's pretty aggressive the way
that the secret is removed is just literally by sending a knock that knock
though is in an Ethernet packet so like a raw data Ethernet packet so it can
only be sent from inside the network or from an ISP so this scares people
because of NSA's level stuff it's on 25 route 24 models of different routers it
has been found on so far ranging from I believe like Linksys and Cisco so both
levels there and Netgear different routers but then this is one guy so I
fully expect it could be more than that because the problem is actually based
around a piece of firmware that they all share yeah it gives it it gives them
root shell access for people that knows what that really means so this is kind
of scary just because everything in this form is scary right now because of
like what the NSA was doing what were they up to last week right heartbleed so
it's just like every single week it's just like one more terrible thing oh well
I forgot diamond diamond is also another brands that's having problem with them
as well that's actually pretty much it so there you go guys we don't have a
solution for you or anything no because it has to be fixed unless someone's
gonna make their own firmware but I don't even know if these routers are
susceptible to that it's it's it's not gonna be fixed because they obviously
don't want to if they just made a cover-up so yeah I guess I guess we'll
see where this goes but all we can really do is just pay attention and
hope that it goes away and check to see if your router is on that list so you
know you have to change something a little quiet okay people are people are
asking for you to be louder Oh Mike's in the shot now if you it's it's our the
source was from RS technica so if you want to see those routers and other
stuff go to the RS technica article easter egg DSL router patch merely hides
back door instead of closing it you'll find that article and then you can find
other stuff out see if your router is a problem or not absolutely fantastic so
speaking of things that are absolutely fantastic assumptions about the one plus
one very few people have actually had their hands on this incredibly
confusingly named phone I mean what the heck so the company is one plus and then
the phone is called the one and it absolutely baffles me as much as I as I
hate to see needless lawsuits between companies like I just it drives me
crazy it baffles me that they can get away with this did is is HTC's the one
it's just one it's just one it's the HTC one can we stop naming things one
like they named their entire even company one plus yeah so like and anyway
anyway so specs have been revealed nickname it the two no cuz I already
call my HTC one I made the two but this is one plus one breathing intensifies
you're freaking me out here so it's gonna arrive in mid-may right now you
actually can't pre-order it in the same way that you could pre-order a normal
phone and they're doing a weird invite based system but the full specs are out
there it uses a Qualcomm Snapdragon 801 it's got four crate 400 cores they're
clocked at 2.5 gigahertz making it the fastest phone on the market it uses an
adreno 330 GPU it's got a 1920 by 1080 screen it's a five and a half inch
screen so this is quite a large phone yep like coming in on phablet territory
there it's got 401 pixels per inch in terms of its pixel density it's got a
5 megapixel front camera with a 13 megapixel rear camera it's available in
16 gig or 64 gig configurations they've all got 3 gigs of RAM and it's $2.99 for
the 16 gig and a mere $349 for a 64 gig phone very cool yeah that's a big deal
because I've been upset about this for a long time how much cheaper flash storage
has gotten and yet how we're stuck with the same price points on these phones
with the same capacity as like four years ago and like this is fantastic but
that price jump of 50 bucks is they're still making money off that which is
like that's still fantastic though I'm happy to pay that compared to other
phones where it's like you get eight more gigabytes will take $100 so the phone
runs on cyanogen mod it has an anodized faux metal rim and swappable back plate
it's gonna be manufactured in the same factory as Oppo phones it packs triple
noise cancelling microphones for allegedly superb call quality and packed
stereo speakers similar to HTC's one series however one extra thing is the
the back is supposed to be removable and it's also able to customize your
back similarly to the the Moto X customize your own X style thing where
you can get like wooden styled ones and all these other stuff ones as well
that's cool yeah and then this is this is this is a marketing disaster in my
mind so they're running a they're running a never settle campaign called
talking about trademarks smash your phone I know right like AMD does that
smash your phone okay so what they're saying is you can buy the one plus one
for a dollar by applying to be one of the first to own it so you'll also be
one of the first to have it okay so you apply you stand out so they're gonna
choose a hundred applicants to be the smashers smash and share share a video
of your smash on YouTube and a one plus one will be yours you will get a 16 gig
silk white and three invites for other people to purchase the phone something
that's actually a pretty hot item right now people people want to buy these
phones now one sort of challenge here and I okay I see they don't have their
there we go there's a list of the qualifying phones which I can't find
right now I think if you click on I'll smash my right there ah there we go yeah
there you go so there's a list of the qualifying smashable phones so few
problems here problem number one is that the vast majority of those
smashable phones can probably be traded in for anywhere from two to three
hundred dollars so you could do the environmentally and just generally
responsible thing and trade in your phone and then just buy one number two
actually is a sort of part of that last thing I just said is the environmental
impact of smashing phones I mean some of the chemicals that are in phone
screens phone batteries are things that should really be disposed of safely not
just if you're gonna do this like at the very least go remove the back remove the
battery put the backpack on so no one can tell and then smash it on the other
hand you know iPhone 5 is on the list so it's not like you can remove the
battery from that like this is this is like really brutal yeah so that to me
just smacks of irresponsibility and then on top of that we've had this issue
a number of times where we announce a contest and people just don't listen
completely don't people can't listen for 20 seconds like at all for example the
HTC one m8 giveaway we've got two phones I am announcing the winners during this
show by the way the HTC one m8 giveaway that we did I said click the link in the
video description there are instructions there the number of people who posted
their favorite thing about the one m8 under the video was like in the hundreds
and I'm like you guys you didn't you didn't listen you're not entered in the
giveaway and I'm sorry I mean it's great that you posted that it actually
generated a lot of great discussion and maybe some people double posted I know
some people did but guys you're not in the giveaway you got to pay attention so
here we go example of not paying attention being a big problem ahead of
the contest people are already smashing their phones this is an article on
Android Authority where they complain about some of the same things that I
really didn't like about this whole contest so this was this was an Android
Authority's article where apparently one of these guys here didn't even fully
understand what product was being given away and thought that it was actually an
HTC one yeah so here this guy I don't know if this was the one or not but this
is painful to watch because unless one plus decides to do some some PR you know
fixing here and give phones to the people who already smashed them before
they knew they were entered this guy just wrecked a perfectly good iPhone and
it's dead now and he's not getting a one plus one so yeah no no okay yeah not
recoverable no no this will not be being used anymore at first I was like it's
not that hard to replace iPhone screens in the back probably no snap a nap kind
of brutal I was looking at this earlier and I wouldn't be surprised if a massive
amount of the entrance are dead tens you can get those a lot cheaper than the
rest of the phones and because you don't have to you don't have to smash your
phone first yeah just making sure people got that part people entering could say
that they have one and then go out and buy one and smash it if they get
selected not that that's a good thing yeah I fully suspect a lot of people are
gonna do that though okay that's also not the point at all of what they're
trying to do so their whole PR thing is also not going to work because it's just
a whole bunch of people going oh well I don't have to smash my phone I can
retire it to my mom or do whatever and get someone else's or it's gonna be a
lot of phones that don't work right already and then they're gonna smash
them in and throw them away I don't know so those should still be disposed
of environment environmentally friendly manner all right so this was posted by
jump petite jump whatever that guy Intel is allegedly working on a new
thunderbolt controller chip to drive to 4k displays at the same time so it will
use PCI Express Gen 3 which means that hopefully by the time this rolls out AMD
and Nvidia will be like comfortable enough with the level of performance
that thunderbolt is delivering to give us drivers to enable external GPUs
because you can already hook up a graphics card on a PCI Express to
thunderbolt bridge that should work it's AMD and Nvidia not providing a driver
that is causing it to not work and I don't know the reasons they're not
providing a driver there could be very good reasons but hopefully when this
happens we'll get that what we'll definitely get is 40 gigabit per second
bandwidth and enough to like I said to drive to 4k displays off of a single
cable I mean that's one of the reasons probably why Apple has six thunderbolt
two connectors on the Mac Pro because it's not uncommon for a creative
professional to have two usually two and often three or even more displays
connected so even though we joke about the Mac Pro and we go oh that's all the
external expansion it has and you and there's that there's that awesome
picture of the then and now with the old Mac Pro in the tower and the new Mac Pro
with all the like with like the CD drive like connected externally and all the
crap piled around it we joke about that but a big part of the reason is actually
well you just need to be able to drive displays off the thing so right now you
can't do a single 4k display yet off of a thunderbolt connector all right you
can sorry you can do only a single 4k display off of a thunderbolt connector
and with 4k coming down in price so quickly and so dramatically running
multiple 4k displays it's gonna be a thing really soon one of the coolest
things too is its ability to drive up to 100 watts of power I know that's all so
get this I mean again like the notebooks of the future right where you take I
mean this has thunderbolt like not thunderbolt 40 gigabit per second
charges off and things so the way this is gonna work guys is you're gonna plug
into your your thunderbolt enabled monitor that also has a thunderbolt you
know external GPU slot that also has a thunderbolt everything else you're gonna
need you're gonna plug your laptop one cable your laptop will be charging it
will be running it will be outputting to the display and like all your other
peripherals mind blown they need to start calling these things really cool
names like Alpine Ridge cool out the chip I actually had a call with someone
from Intel today and I found out how Intel does their code names really yeah
that's actually really cool yeah so sometimes and like there's no there's no
hard and fast way but he gave me two scenarios so sometimes they the the
project lead whoever owns the project literally picks from a list of code
names and goes that one seems pretty neat and assigns it do you know how
Devil's Canyon was done no there's a group within Intel that puts on I
believe it's land fest is the events that they work on and the way that the
whole land fest project works I had no idea and this is really cool is that
Intel employees who are passionate about gaming donate their time really
and then Intel pays but not the employees they pay to a charity of the
choice of the employees donating their time to the project so Intel is
ultimately still paying for all the land fest stuff but it's the employees who
are truly passionate about it driving it and then Intel is turning that into a
charitable donation so I thought that was really anyway so the way that
Devil's Canyon the alleged rumored upcoming Intel CPU refresh was named was
by polling those guys that's kind of cool so they gave them a bunch of
options they were like what do you think is like the coolest one for an
enthusiast grade product and they're like overwhelmingly Devil's Canyon
Devil's Canyon I was like oh that's a little badass yeah so like that's cool
just just it's like Alpine Ridge which sounds like a body wash or like
maybe a sports refresher energy drink yeah yeah could be a drink it could be
like it could be like ski goggles yeah like I could see it being a piece of
apparel definitely but why not like Thor Thor well I think there's issues there
with Marvell but it's a Greek that's true you shouldn't be able to you're
probably not wrong yeah that's stupid that you're probably not wrong yeah I
don't like that I mean they wouldn't like it no I'm sure not isn't it like
Sony owns the rights to mutant or something yeah I don't know I don't
remember what it is there's like some super common word and it's part of the
reason why spider-man kept you there whatever so one issue here is that the
powered Thunderbolt 3 I guess whatever we're gonna call it the 40 gigabit per
second thunderbolts connector would actually have to be a different
connector unfortunately yeah but there will probably be some kind of an
adapter system I mean the thing about PCI Express which is what Thunderbolt is
based on is that it is forwards and backwards compatible so as long as you
had a physical adapter your older Thunderbolt gear should still be okay
something that will be good news to folks who have heavily invested in
Thunderbolt I would say I still don't quite understand why people buy
Thunderbolt gear it's so much more expensive I know but you're saying
that's why they buy it no I'm like agreeing with you yeah I don't know I
don't get it we don't use anything we actually do own one Thunderbolt piece of
gear what thing we didn't pay for it though oh we have an external drive from
Western Digital oh yeah that's like a dual drive drive and just kind of cool
actually yeah but we didn't pay for that that's true we did not I don't know we
own two pieces we have a hard drive dock also we didn't pay for okay I'll let you
handle this one this one's really short but virtue X managed to make themselves
relevant again no okay this isn't going to consumers at least right away so
that's why it's like what anyways there's a there's a modify modify
modification kit thing for the virtue X Omni right now it's one package
hopefully later it'll be a kit that consumers can buy but right now it's an
upgrade existing on these yes but it's it's right now it's just for it's it's
a design project with the universe with Rice University in Texas it's R&D for
possibly military training applications it's not a consumer level thing but I
fully expect people to scream for it so it'll probably become a consumer level
thing at some time they said they may offer it but they're not dedicated to
anything right now and like Linus said it's gonna be an upgrade kit to the
existing Omni so if you already bought one you don't have to worry about buying
an entirely new kit which is gonna cost way more money you just buy an upgrade
kit which could possibly be even more looking at the size of the thing which
we have only the one picture of so you can show that sorry just poke the crap
out of your screen sorry so you can see it's it actually looks a lot more like
the ghetto on these that people have been making having the four post system
with the supports coming in so the idea with this is that it can go up and down
with you but then still provide support right it's a pretty interesting project
but I don't expect it to be cheap and I think that's part of the reason why
it's more of a military training application idea and not necessarily a
consumer idea is even as an upgrade kit I expect this to be really expensive so
current level Omni's you can run around and you can jump yeah jumping on that
thing though that'd be tough I was actually just gonna bring this up is
that currently you can run around and you can quote I should have done quote
unquote jump because that makes more sense and now you'll be able to crouch
part of the problem with them claiming jumping is one of the abilities is I
fully expect if you did that all the time you would end up breaking things or
yourself because they have essentially if you've ever been longboarding or if
you have friends that have been longboarding if they have those
longboarding gloves with the like slick plasticky kind of pad things on their
gloves you're essentially wearing those on your feet on a plastic surface so you
slide a lot that's the whole point so it feels like you're running as you're
putting your feet on plastic is because it slides down so jumping on that type
of a surface if you're actually trying to get a lot of air yeah it's gonna be
kind of scary so there's not a ton to say in there if you do want it I'm sure
contacting Virtuix would help it come to the consumer end but just remember it's
gonna be really expensive how would you feel as an omni Kickstarter backer at
this point that thing has been so up and down with the recent thing out of out of
oculus being yeah we're focused on a sitting down experience not on a moving
around experience so there's there's know someone who backed it do you yeah
and like bought the whole thing yeah like a full bag like the $400 yeah okay
okay I don't I I don't know I would be paying a lot of attention to the the
small groups very small groups right now that are working on a I can't even call
it ghetto solution because it has to be pretty advanced for this to work
properly but like the the the the moving of the camera they're trying to make
that a reality but having it based off your physical movement is going to
impede you a lot for one right and there's gonna be if unless it's like
hardcore strapped in which is gonna be highly uncomfortable there's gonna be
mechanical lag because you're gonna turn and then it's gonna have to pick up with
you right and then there's software problems with it shifting too much and
then motorized versions that detect your movement based off of the Kinect are
gonna have problems again and there's yeah I don't know they're trying to make
something work but none of the solutions are very feasible yet and they're all
aftermarket ones Omni hasn't said anything right about it actually
happening you mean oculus no or on the on the okay sorry yeah
virtue X I should have said yeah huh it's alright it's an interesting
situation but I just people do have to realize that that quote is very real
they're they're focusing the seated forward-facing this box of field of view
from the camera position I mean cool stuff's gonna happen in the future but
for now they want to focus on one thing at a time and I totally get that and I
respect that yeah yeah speaking of really quickly but yeah I respect that
Wow yeah okay anyway speaking of things that are good I guess the Facebook
oculus acquisition is a done deal now it's been approved by the feds so there
you go I guess that's all we really have to say that the last thing is and I
apologize guys this is another oculus this is another oculus story but it's
one that leads into a very interesting conversation oculus Facebook sees
movies as the next big thing for oculus rift so this is an article from tech
radar and I would like for us to have a bit of a conversation here we haven't we
haven't primed this one at all other than just to have sort of notes on it
which I just closed so now I've got nothing but you know what here why don't
you do the facts and then we'll have the discussion this one yeah so what do
you mean by facts I mean the things in there okay so according to Cory I can't
say your last name of mobile engineering virtual reality is destined to go well
beyond gaming and movies seem to be the obvious next conquest people have been
talking about going to IMAX essentially and wearing an oculus and how that
experience could be with the awesome audio and everything else that there is
in an IMAX another quote by the same I can't pronounce your last name I'm very
sorry Facebook's VP of mobile engineering I am completely excited
about the intersection of Hollywood and virtual reality I think we're going to I
think we're going to see the next I think what we're going to see I've mixed
one word there over the next coming year is going to be truly spectacular so
essentially there's just a lot of we're interesting one of the problems is going
to be you're not gonna be able to shoot content that's actually properly
designed for a rift by using the same kind of camera setup that we use and
what a lot of much better camera setup but what a lot of movies would use which
is like a prime camera and maybe one or two other shots and then that's it
you're gonna need an insane amount of cameras because you're gonna have to be
able to capture everything and part of your problem is gonna be like people and
stuff which would normally be behind the scenes well if someone goes like this
what's gonna happen it's so in my mind the only way for a VR film to work
properly would be autonomous an autonomous array of relatively
inexpensive omni-directional cameras so if and you won't be able unless you can
make drones much much quieter than they are and much much more advanced than
they are you're not going to be able to record sound with any I guess okay you
could mic up everyone and everything but still that wouldn't help for ambient
sound collection so you're gonna need an autonomous array of drones and then
you're gonna need to have a crazy sophisticated way of having each of them
overlap each other's images enough to cancel each other out so that you can't
see the drones or whether it's drones or whether it's something else the way that
the camera arrays will have to work will have to be so that for every camera
that's positioned so let's let's say you guys are looking at a top-down view so
for every camera positioned here there's going to have to be one here and here so
that we can see anything that would have been blocked by this one from this
camera position here because someone has to be able for Tim for me for me for VR
to be a way for me to compellingly be told a story it's gonna have to work the
same way that VR would work in a game where I can walk around in the
environment which leads us to the other reasonable future scenario which is
maybe we just do away with sets and actors and the whole thing goes full CGI
I mean you're still gonna have that you're still gonna have that not it's
not quite real it's it's still a little bit creepy effect but none of it's not
designed to not look real okay if it's not designed to look real then I guess
there's that but that still doesn't address any kind of any kind of footage
of anything that's like actually real like I don't know I don't know if I'm
explaining this properly I think this could be the first the first
technological thing that happens that really makes me feel old because I get
the feeling much like anyone who you know kind of looked at mp3s or still
looks at mp3s today and goes well the radio was good enough when I was a kid
so the radio is good enough now and you know what the radio is still great but I
think for me this is not gonna be a compelling way to watch a movie for an
hour and a half I don't think it will be now one of the problems you see when you
come out with a new medium like let's look at video games when video games
first started being a really big deal what a lot of people started trying to
do was and now I'm not saying pong I'm saying stuff beyond that they tried
making movies that were interactive do you remember that people were trying to
merge movies and video games and they tried to make these like stupid playable
on your DVD player video games yes they were like movies and games yeah the
second you try to merge things like this there's gonna be the people that kind of
half-assed it at the beginning and it's not gonna work very well what people are
gonna have to actually do is create an experience focused around the idea that
it's a movie for virtual reality and it's gonna have to be filmed completely
differently it's gonna have to be written completely differently all the
sets are gonna have to be made completely differently everything is
gonna have to be totally different I think it's gonna be a long time till we
get there even if we start trying now I think everything's gonna be kind of
crap at the beginning I mean there's a lot of different ways VR could work for
a movie I mean like I guess you wouldn't even need to be VR in order for like as
camera technology changes if you could watch the movie flat or if you could
watch the movie from the perspective of any one character that you pick like if
you could cycle through or whatever else like there's a lot of different things
that can happen here I just don't know which one of them which ones of them
will be enjoyable that's something that's interested me as well as if you
can be like I am the lead character or I'm the supporting role and you want to
see it from there and I'm gonna be Sauron yeah like something like that but
then what's your movie gonna be yeah that's another part of the problem when
I brought in sets and scripts and all that kind of stuff because he's not
actually in that much of the movie so how do you make that a movie right will
there be much more filming and then part of the problem is you're bringing in
way more angles and bringing in way more possibilities so that is gonna raise
costs by a lot if you have to produce an entire movie from different people's
perspectives but the same feature length that's a lot of editing and production
it sounds like a crazy Kickstarter project that just might work yeah that's
what it sounds like to me it sounds like someone's gonna try someone will try oh
definitely like this will happen and I fully expect I think it's all I'm all
I'm trying to say is I think there's gonna be growing pains I don't I don't
think it's not gonna grow I don't think it's not gonna happen I'm pretty sure
Facebook has made it extremely clear that they want this to happen yeah I
don't know it's gonna be interesting I have a feeling I'm gonna be a geezer
about it though because it just doesn't sound that appealing to me gaming VR
yeah heads up art like definitely two thumbs up augmented reality VR oh yeah
I'm so into that yeah for sure that's I'm actually more excited about that
than sitting down in VR me too but I don't see that as being very good for a
while oh it's gonna be a long time yeah that's that's the holy grail that's why
I'm focusing on I mean that goes all the way back to our virtual like flying RC
things that each other the football field yeah yeah that goes all the way
back to that's like that is exciting that's the kind of thing that I would
well have you seen the the digital trips thing from watchdogs no when you go
around I'm trying I'm gonna this is stuff that's been already released so if
you're waiting for watchdogs maybe plug your ears but this is not I don't think
they're trying to hide this this isn't really a spoiler alert or anything like
that but digital trips you can walk around and people on the street will
just try and sell you like digital trips and you will it like changes how the
game plays and like one of them I can't remember what it's actually called but
you turn into this giant spider tank right so you're a tank but it has like
spider legs and stuff sure and you just run around and jump around the city and
just blow crap up and you have like a cannon it's just ridiculous but you're
it's a digital trip and I don't remember exactly if there's like side effects or
crazy things that can happen or anything like that I haven't looked way too far
into it but like that kind of stuff would be really cool like altering that
like alternate reality with the football field and stuff yeah take that idea or
you're just like sitting on the bleachers and it's a normal day but then
all sudden there's spider tanks and helicopters and stuff and you're
fighting your buddy and like yeah it's gonna be awesome that would be really
cool all right so that's that's it for virtual reality stuff for today don't
worry guys yep Amazon Amazon has secured a deal to provide HBO premium content to
Amazon Prime members you will be able to access HBO shows not all of them HBO is
gonna be sticking to like a multi-year delay between when they release content
and then when stuff is available sort of elsewhere but what's amazing about this
whole thing is this is this is HBO's first move towards any kind of purely
digital distribution network so an HBO content has already been available as on
demand but this is the first time you're going to be able to stream it in an
unlimited fashion using just your Amazon Prime membership now Amazon did
recently increase the price of Amazon Prime but as you can already see it
looks like that was for good reason and they're looking to add more value to
that increased subscription in order to continue to justify it for people so but
the first question in my mind was are they gonna have Game of Thrones on it
no no no Game of Thrones so it's gonna have Sopranos the wire dead would roam
six feet under so all seasons of some of the some of the older stuff it's
gonna have select seasons of newer stuff like True Blood it's gonna have some
original movies like too big to fail and you don't know Jack and some
documentaries some comedy specials from Ellen DeGeneres and so folks like that
it's gonna have some of the miniseries like Band of Brothers and there you go
as an Amazon Prime member so if you have a Kindle TV or whatever that fire TV
thank you if you have a fire TV then you I'm really off today then you're
gonna be able to stream these to yourself and I think that's that's great
but just plain not enough yeah I HBO needs to figure it out in my opinion
they need to they need to start because what was it like Game of Thrones was the
most downloaded thing through torrents ever didn't they win that twice or
something I think so and like come on guys maybe figure it out at some point
in time get a website I'll pay a subscription I don't even have a cable
connection but I'd love to watch your shows I honestly haven't I think I've
watched like the first almost the first season of Game of Thrones because I
watched it at my parents house like I'd love to see it going through the books
but I'm kind of holding out because HBO's gotta revolutionize in some form
at some point in time they have to like come on guys everyone's moving off the
TV maybe they'll get intended at some point and what was their name area maybe
area will figure out some way oh that would be tough that'd be tough I'm
pretty sure they'd lose that fight what's up next well I wanted that to
lead into here we go here oh is that is that the article yeah awesome I couldn't
see that for something I can't see that for some reason where is that oh it's
way down at the bottom there we go okay so here we go so again it's not good
enough and the situation is terrible so this is from slash dot actually there
was I had a better article on it before but whatever the point is Hulu
apparently worried that too many non-us residents are using cheap VPN services
to watch its u.s. programming have started blocking IP address ranges
belonging to known VPN services Hulu didn't announce the ban but users of
affected VPNs are getting this message based on your IP address we noticed you
are trying to access Hulu through an anonymous proxy tool Hulu is not
currently available outside the u.s. if you're in the u.s. you'll need to
disable your anonymizer to access videos on Hulu so the problem in there now
sorry there's the link I meant to put in there yeah that's okay so the problem
here is that it denies access to Hulu from people who are in the u.s. just
because they want to use a VPN to have a slightly more anonymous internet
browsing experience which is okay like that's fine the other issue here is that
this again so HBO it's not good enough to kind of go like oh yeah well like
some of our old stinky content that is still good but quite frankly if you were
that interested in watching The Sopranos you probably already seen it
yeah like some some of our old stuff is like yeah it's okay we need legitimate
ways to access premium content in a timely manner blocking things and
holding on to things is not going to last forever and I wish we would just
hurry up and get over it I can't even remember what it was but I tried to
watch a video last night or the night before on some website and it was like
you can't watch this because you're in Canada and I was like oh geez and then
as I'm going to close the site it has a pop-up which is like can you answer our
survey about using our website I was like yes I hate everything this is so
stupid I can't use your website it's a pretty big problem it's and I'm so
frustrated I like it's not clear to me what the solution is because I mean you
know part of the problem is that advertisers aren't gonna want their
advertising impressions wasted on people who can't even benefit from the
find a monetization platform that works so that ads are different on when it's
being viewed in a different so your solution is to create a ginormous you
know advertising network that gets puts ads everywhere I don't think anything
like that exists it's one of those things where to me if the issue is is
advertising and licensing then figure it out but what the real issue is is
protecting the providers the the existing relationships with providers
that are geo specific and geo specific just has to go it was stupid back when
certain game consoles worked in certain regions and I know and it's stupid now
it the whole thing is stupid DVD region locks are stupid everything is stupid
you create the content you get it in front of the eyeballs you collect the
advertising revenue if the model needs to change the model needs to change yeah
so just frustrating and like I'm honest I could have VPN to watch that video I
could have figured it out but I was just like no speaking of which speaking of
VPNs I actually haven't that the way that I had it's funny the way that I did
my Hulu Plus integration not that long ago on a Linus tech tips video was by
using hotspot shield our other sponsor to let me access it so I could watch
the videos and I haven't actually tried again since this news came out like
hours ago to find out if hotspot shield is one of the ones affected but but
anyway when it comes to Netflix anyway or you know at least other video
streaming services that aren't specifically blocking VPNs I can say
with certainty that hotspot shield is the fast easy way to access content that
is locked out of your region so hotspot shield anonymizes you and also provides
you with an IP that is based in a completely different location so you
they have UK based ones they have us based ones so if you want to go on
comedy for example you can watch whatever videos you want just boom
make sure and you enable hotspot shield you can actually turn it on and off and
so you just kind of turn it on whenever you want to use it you turn it off
whenever you want to play games and you don't want your ping times offend
offended affected by the fact that you're redirecting all of your traffic
through a u.s. based server and there you go guys you can save 20% on their elite
service which is the one that I recommend by the way the free service is
ad supported so it exists but it has ads so if you want sort of the cleanest
possible web browsing experience save 20% by heading over to slash HS
share for 20% off use offer code Linus thank you hotspot shield for sponsoring
today's episode of the wen show we've also got barnacles get out of here that
was from barnacles last week it was weighing in on our g750 jz's isn't that
awesome that we have my matching lab what's that guy's name would you
handle in the fence yeah we'll have a Wendell no no no where you know Wilson
yeah oh well Wendell from text syndicate does it too I know he never shows his
face now more Wilson yeah well so we'll have you'll still hear us um it's all
right it's not great yeah it's the audio is not great so maybe we'll just we'll
we'll go with this so the g750 jz is the next evolutionary step in the g750 series
from Asus and what it basically brings to the table is a lot closer to desktop
grade performance and a lot closer to desktop pricing than we've ever really
seen before now we had some people question our desktop you remember the
yeah you ran the benchmarks okay so we had some people question our desktop
when we did our comparison because what we discovered was that matching this
feature for feature spec for spec it was gonna cost us about 200 less to build an
equivalent desktop in terms of sort of you know the similar Intel CPU and a GPU
that performs about the same and all that stuff but this one actually
performed within what it was about 70 to 80 percent of the performance of the
day I said on the stream though that if we went for just performance on the
desktop I could have smoked it yeah we're going for feature we were going
for feature parity so a lot of the things that we included are things that
maybe you wouldn't choose but you still have to acknowledge that their features
that are gonna matter to some people and their features that do cost money like
for example we could have bought the cheapest possible motherboard but we
didn't we bought an Asus motherboard because we were looking for a quality
parity and then we bought one with Thunderbolt because this laptop has
Thunderbolt which is a feature that some people use so that's that's that's all
there is to it we threw in you know a $20 webcam budget with the desktop
because a lot of people use webcams this notebook includes a webcam so we're
gonna have to include a webcam to make sure it's fair because while you guys
might not look at that and go oh well it's you know you might look at that and
you go well oh that's not the hardware I would have bought therefore it's not
fair well the laptops available in different configurations this is the one
we happen to have so we have to build something that's equivalent to it so
that's basically all there is to it it runs extremely quietly at idle here
that's our microphone. He put the vent of the laptop like inside of the fur of our
whatever this is called it's called a dead cat I don't like I know it's called
a dead cat anyway so the point is it is extremely quiet when you're not doing
anything intensive it runs cool when you're doing crazy intensive stuff and I
think is it fair to say you were blown away by how well it performs yeah I'll
be completely honest while doing this ad integration which might not be the
greatest thing but I generally don't like laptops I know but I've used this a
couple times now like when we used it in Boston output videos really fast which
is really nice and I used it to play I don't even remember what quite a few
different games with my buddy in Victoria and never had a single problem
I think this was actually faster than his desktop you took this on a trip to
Victoria no seriously it's company property man at least tell me I didn't
I was talking about my laptop no you weren't a video card in it it does
actually so we've managed to make it we've managed to make it this far into
the integration without even explaining so it's got a core i7 4700 HQ it's got
an 880 M which is actually just about equivalent to a gtx 770 delivers a great
gaming experience it's still portable even though it's obviously not a Zen
book and there you go guys the Asus g750 Jay-z sponsor of today's episode I can't
even believe you say you would have just owned his own to bring it to Victoria
yes Jay-z the rapper you know what so you know what's the worst part is I'm
gonna have to listen to this joke for another five weeks speaking of jokes
that lasted longer than five weeks Google Plus YouTube Google has allegedly
well no it's happened Google has cut between 1000 and 1200 people from the
Google Plus project and reassigned them to other divisions with a huge chunk of
them going over to the Android side of things so that means that products like
hangouts for example they're not being cut they're still gonna exist they're
just going to be less focused on Google Plus and more tightly integrated into
Android or or other YouTube or Google projects sorry I got YouTube on the
brain so one of the one of the reasons for this actually we don't have a clear
idea about the reason but one of the reasons for this that I think is just
how much negativity there's been around Google Plus and how it's been forced on
users it's one of the few things that Google's really done that has made
literally everyone mad like the entire internet was always been really really
good at making something and then just having it exist and people find out
about it and then people do their own marketing around it they've always been
incredibly good at that and that might have worked for hangouts if it wasn't
such a giant piece of crap yeah Google Plus is terrible I just say
hangouts I'm sorry okay no I hang I'm okay with part of hangouts is there I'm
getting better I'm more okay with hangouts now I still don't like the SMS
integration test I still don't like the fact that it doesn't have a proper
desktop is that I can't use it as my main thing until it's on all platforms
so okay okay so so hold on but Google Plus sorry giant steaming pile of
garbage I mean honestly I'm not the best at navigating social media websites I
hardly know how to use Facebook the only thing I know how to do is to reply to
people who post on my posts and post on my page other than that I figured it all
out at one point and I like integrated my Twitter feed and I did all this stuff
and then I forgot everything because I don't use any of that stuff because I
don't care like I don't care that my cousin's second knee-fuse I'm really
tired but like my cousin's third cousin had a birthday I don't care so I
basically don't even open it other than to manage the Linus tech page like
filter people out of yours so I forgot how to use all that stuff Google Plus I
couldn't even figure out in the first place and not because I'm an idiot and I
can't figure out how to add someone to a circle and post some something that they
can see what I couldn't figure out was how to make it part of a workflow for me
how to integrate it into what I'm doing on Twitter and Facebook how to manage it
so that it is correctly tied to some of my YouTube channels but not my other
ones and so that I can have people administering it and and these are the
logistical problems that I had with Google Plus the fact that it was a
little bit confusing in the first place because nothing's really labeled so yeah
I imagine once you're a Google Plus genius it's pretty quick to navigate but
nothing's really correctly labeled in the first place and second because of
Google's history of permanently tying or untying accounts to each other and being
fundamentally broken from then on I was afraid to experiment and so unless I
created an entire new batch of YouTube channels an entire new Google Plus and
like trial and error did it just wasn't gonna work and that's the problem pretty
big problem pretty big problem if you if you expect a social network to work
you're gonna have to have influencers on it I'm already in your ecosystem Google
I'm a youtuber okay and you can't manage to capture me that's a problem pretty
bad it's terrible you know when when when when they first started talking
about how they're gonna integrate Google Plus with everything and how it's gonna
be this giant ecosystem I was really excited yeah wow this is bad and now I'm
no longer excited it could have been amazing should we explain while we're
both tired and why laughing at your jokes hurts it's gonna have to do with
the poll so let's let's finish up first yeah I think we kind of are we're kind
of done there's a couple other things I just thought this was awesome supposed
on the forum all of Denmark has been recreated in Minecraft what's posted by
John urs now not okay this has kind of been done before like the UK did a
topographical map but no no no no this is the Denmark like buildings and stuff
so they're releasing it the only the only things that have been changed to
make it not completely sandboxes they have removed explosives and they have
one other thing and all the roofs are flat that's it other than that it's
Denmark Wow isn't that amazing that's pretty cool I love it I think that's
fantastic it's actually really cool and then I had one other thing I think
right um okay someone someone someone figure out the logistics and kickstart
this I wanted to make it myself but I give up because I just don't have time
and if you can give me like a couple bucks for the idea then I'd appreciate
that otherwise just make it and send me one and if you can't even manage that
then just make it and I'll buy one because I really need this I want a
smart lamp okay lamps the only innovation that has existed in the lamp
market has been aesthetic design and putting different kinds of light bulbs
in it what I need and someone please make this for me is an LED smart lamp
that is that is for your devices okay so I think maybe the gen 2 product okay
maybe gen 2 product gets wireless charging on one of the levels but
basically the way I want the smart lamp to work is I want it to have a lamp on
the top lamp shade I want it to look pretty nice modern aesthetic so maybe
like white shade black structure and basically I want the entire thing to be
kind of shaped like this and have shelves on each level and then down one
side maybe you can turn that into like some kind of a stylized thing so one
sides thicker I want cable management and then I want the whole smart lamp to
have one plug that goes into the wall and then maybe a base that has a whole
bunch of USB ports in it so what you can do is on your shelves you can have
little wires coming up so that basically all you do is you you can plug all of
your devices into your smart lamp so that they don't all take up a bunch of
space on your nightstand that's what I want it needs to exist it couldn't be
that expensive it couldn't be that difficult to build but there is for some
reason there's a crazy shortage of multiple hub chargers and tech has one
that's pretty good there's another one that's pretty good but why isn't there
one that just has like six seven eight ports all of which are 2.1 amp capable
with all the latest charging schemes please someone make this for me and then
follow it up with one where the bottom one is a large wireless charging pad and
I think this lives everywhere you might not even have to follow it up with that
that could just be like the more expensive tier I thought it also doesn't
sound hard to set up so yes like at all lamp with lamp with hub would like it
people asking what happened to my hand that actually ties in pretty well to the
next thing yeah it's coming later so do you want to do okay here do you want to
do a random dot org prize winner pick for the HTC one m8 sure what's the
number range which here no no it's okay here just use my computer okay I want
that one okay so just do it do it in our standard way so random random page and
then random person on the page and then guys we're gonna validate to make sure
that you haven't posted twice we know how many pages there yes yeah yeah we
know how many pages or 190 I know we got a lot of entrance oh no and HTC has
confirmed they were super nice to get about it again not not reading the fine
print for giveaways you guys you were supposed to click the bitly link that
HTC gave us yeah I'll do that you were supposed to click the bitly link in
order to qualify for us to have two phones to give away we needed to get
10,000 clicks we have over 10,000 entries and yet we don't have over 10,000
clicks but HTC was super cool about it and they gave us two phones anyway so
what are terms they just have to post in here at all they have to post in here at
all without double posting so the the content of the message is not nope don't
care okay it's supposed to contain their favorite thing about the one m8 but come
on whatever we're not gonna draw someone and then not give them the award we're
just gonna we're just gonna scold them for not paying attention
scold everyone for not paying any attention 210 210 of what it's page 210
oh okay cool so yeah we're picking those winners guys stay tuned picking dim
winners all about dim winners and we are also going to explain why my hands are
black oh are you out uh is the fastest possible ready to rock you are the man
man have a great weekend see you Monday
you have 20 per page okay yep sorry I could have told you that but I was not
listening to you cuz I don't care number 11 gotta find him now 11 George
Hart the best thing is the build quality no replacement for metal like nope
that's hang loose gotta fix that one okay so did I just message him I don't
think there's yeah I'm gonna copy the name down though you don't think there's
what I don't remember sure okay so are we going into the thing now I know you
gotta pick one more another one yeah pick another winner we got two phones
man okay 420 it was four pages 490 I think or 90 yep 490 the result is 129
and they even see that oh I don't know I can zoom in on it that's okay probably
doesn't they trust us what was it 129 129 yep checking oh yeah they can see it
nevermind it's all good so page 129 here we go guys HTC one of eight winner in
case you were confused I'm you're all editing to get to the page all right
screw cooking next that many times 24 page here we go
second phone winner nine I feel sorry for anyone that we're scrolling over
right now seven eight nine let me recount that just in case cuz I laughed
far way through one two three four five six seven eight yeah okay all right mmm
eight eight seven eight there's an end in there oh I like the 1080p screen and
build quality and but battery but the Turi the Turi yeah the Turi and cameras
and speakers battery I like the video about it so he likes everything
apparently a battery is kind of like a whorehouse where you have to take care
of yourself oh no that's horrible Wow or a place where you you get stuff to
feed fish yeah there we go that's yep that's it oh these stupid stupid high
bitrate clips these aren't gonna play over wireless oh that's that's that's
super unfortunate okay hold on a second okay well I'm gonna I'm gonna find a
clip for you guys that here okay you know what why don't you do like drag
that one over Twitter blitz or something I have another topic do you okay yeah
yeah yeah yeah do a topic do topic all right is this gonna work whoa yeah so
where is it let me get to this bit torrent is suggesting that Netflix
should move to peer-to-peer networks because of all the crap that's been
going around right now over people charging Netflix like ISPs charging
Netflix and ISPs charging other people for premium bandwidth lanes and all the
net neutrality issues that are happening right now that may still be resolved at
some point but for now are not but for now or not so they're suggesting that
like I just said Netflix goes to a peer-to-peer network the reason why we
hadn't covered this topic yet is because I have no notes about it at all but it's
been proved that this could work because of stuff like popcorn time imagine you
had popcorn time but on the scale of Netflix I don't think the bandwidth
issues would even have a problem be a problem because popcorn time seemed fast
enough I never even ended up trying it but from people that I know that tried
it it no one had any problems watching videos in high high quality so this would
totally work and it actually does totally make sense it does pose a
problem though as that would be like super easy as you're storing the file on
your computer right and I don't think right now with Netflix even if you view
it through a website it's just streaming you're not actually saving a file or
anything right yeah no so is this working fine now yeah yeah this is
working actually the solution was just to plug in wired by the way don't gunk up
the yeah okay here we go so a couple of things so number one actually before we
hold on before we get too far into this first up is guys we need your help
because we have a shoot here the link is in the dog yeah which browser are you
using Firefox okay right that figures okay link is in the dog okay so guys we
are posting this in the oh I hate that how sometimes it has the drive favicon
and sometimes it has a little document one that's ridiculous yeah okay so there
is a problem on the internet right now on Twitter where the problem is
that I'm just gonna post this guys we need y'all I are posted that as Luke in
in the twitch chat we need everyone to get on the twitch chat click that link
we were actually losing this straw poll earlier today for which tech youtuber
would be the last one standing in a winner-takes-all free-for-all fight and
first of all this is a problem because my team as of May 1st will contain six
people so we would obviously win number two our team has this massive Hulk of a
warrior specimen so we would obviously win so I need you guys to take care of
this poll because and if you're on the fence if you've already voted for
someone else or if you're on the fence about voting at all what I need for you
guys is to here I'm just gonna I'm gonna keep posting this I need for you guys to
check this out because this is is from the shoot that we were on yesterday
where we were dressed up and where my hands got all covered in black marks
that I actually can't remove and the reason why both of us are incredibly
sore today but should tip you over the edge and help us secure your vote so if
you want to just keep posting the yeah you handle that while I show them what
went on yesterday so that first I'll give you guys the view from a distance
here all right so did you watch this one already I haven't watched this one I
don't know it's pretty good I don't know how great it is so this is this is all
is this just pre-set up yeah okay so preamble preamble starts soon okay so
this is for this is for an upcoming commercial that we're making we we do
that now apparently I don't know if there's audio I don't want there to be
audio hold on I don't think there's audio is this clip four to six I don't
know okay I don't think so
I'd like to see Logan take this on I think we go off-screen on this one I'm
not see why are they sore today
this one might not be as good as some of the other ones it's not that's why I
asked you what clip number it is okay I'll grab the other clip after you appear
on the other side of his head yeah that might not be the best but it's not that
was like the first one we did oh okay okay hold on it's a lot better okay let
me find a better clip hold on hold on I'll be back anyway guys go vote post a
link post a link post a link post link vote for the Knights sorry which one is
it I think it's four to six I can't verify the exact number right now and
guys let me tell you when this kind of stuff happens over and over and over
again yeah we did it many many times it becomes pretty challenging that one was
missing some of the best stuff I know this one has a flying double kick and
like hold on don't don't spoil it I think this is the good one I'm not sure
trust me guys this was real tiring and so how much did your chain mail weigh I
we didn't weigh it but I'm guessing 40 45 pounds oh this is the one where I
lost my helmet yeah one of the ones where I lost my helmet the helmet in
spite of being not that strong actually helped a little bit like close-up
awesomeness is yeah there's one more clip we don't have any of the slow-mo you
guys yeah because we captured that in raw yeah so unfortunately we can't share
that with you but I'm gonna look for the clip of the of some of the more close-up
shots and then you guys will see it it looks it looks interesting from that
far away but up close honestly even the guys filming it so Brandon was like okay
that's a lot faster and a lot more intense when I'm right next to it he got
hit once what's this one one take three do you know when you're looking for did
Brandon get hit once yeah did he buy my axe really oh wait no that was the
camera nevermind yeah the camera got hit one when did we do the long take I don't
know I don't remember wasn't that near the beginning of these ones I think so
that's what I'm looking for but in the meantime do we have any topics to keep
people busy I don't think so there's the winners of the build blog contest but I
kind of want to go through that with you I can bring it up on this laptop though
oh okay cool because we're doing the voting thing now and there's all that
stuff going on right that makes sense
okay so I was gonna do this after so just give me a sec guys I will be ready
though this is I hate the way that this camera it's terrible if you guys are
wondering why it's taking so long dance hey Knights danced okay I think this is
the one right it might be how long is it it's pretty long very possibly yeah okay
okay so here you go guys sneak preview sneak preview so here we are up close
these costumes they were cool until it like rained and we've been wearing them
for six hours so we had we were essentially wearing towels and then
under chain and scale and then played on top I'm just curious it's gonna take a
while for them to catch up did I already do my goofy little dance I think this is
just repeated slamming oh is that all this is yeah oh this is the wrong clip
well whatever okay you guys will have to wait to see some of the crazier stuff
later stuff like that like legitimately hurt though especially when he hits me
in the face so yeah that was just us getting some clips of like me hitting
him okay well I'm sorry guys you'll have to wait till we actually release our
commercial something else that you guys should definitely check out is by far
the best promotional video that my team has ever made I actually had very little
involvement was awesome with this one but you know what maybe we'll just play
it on the stream maybe we'll just play this one on the stream twitch does
sometimes have problems just like streaming YouTube videos for whatever
reason I don't know how that even happens but just a heads up it might
work okay well hold on a minute let me uh let me see if I can where is
Kingston's channel nope so this is actually posted on Kingston's YouTube
channel I think they're under Kingston memory or Kingston technology there we
go all right you guys you guys check this out let's check this out wait where
is it they oh that's weird they posted it on
Twitter I don't actually see it here bizarre it has way more views than like
anything that's on there as well yeah okay well I'll tweet it out later okay
anyway you on that laptop need to go to the forum and then to the build blog
voting thread so no but you're not stream screening okay you need to change
accounts I need to what log out of mine oh well here just switch sure we'll do
the old laptop switcheroony here you go
sorry no it's close again just like the hammer oh yeah or was it your foot no
it was my foot okay yeah junk foot yeah okay so you are now here it was hive
fire and project rampage that one so cool fire is luckily the very first one
in the list sweet Wow yeah I think that's pretty ridiculous we haven't done
build logs of the week in a long time it is now billows of the month of the
month yeah that is of the month this is part of the reason why we made it bill
logs a month unfortunately last time I checked I don't know if it's still this
way or not but the bill blogs actually for this coming month only had one
submission so just so everyone knows if you want to be on bill blogs of the
month go to the forum and post your submission read the rules because
this submission I I let all the people through that broke the rules but for
next submission I made it very clear who did it wrong next submission please do
it correctly and then we'll be we'll be good to go this I'd like almost don't
even know what to say yeah I mean every colors on every dominator module yeah I
mean coloring the accents on this motherboard looks outstanding an insane
amount of time went into this I mean the amount the it's funny because stuff
doesn't match but it almost looks better that way like we've got clear tubing
braided tubing we've got like a black and red and gray color scheme here with
black yellow red orange here and like oh it's just it's just utter chaos it
actually plays into the whole hive fire idea because the fire is not gonna look
identical all over the place that's fantastic it's really cool these are all
crazy good yeah for sure I was very obnoxious by my you broke the rules
thing this was the other winner was project rampage so again check out the
check out this thread on the forum and you can click through to their
individual forum threads by doing so so you can go down to project rampage on
this thread click on his link and then you'll go to his full build log which
will have all the pictures and all the details and all that kind of stuff these
are just short snippets look at this bent tubing oh man I love that it looks
really good that looks clean I mean I'm not I'm not much of an overdone fittings
guy and this to me is a little bit extreme you can see how many fittings
are stacked on top of each other here I don't like unnecessary points of failure
so that's one thing but love the aesthetic love the way these PCI Express
connectors come in absolutely love this Bend right here like bringing it up and
then away really breaks up that normal look of try SLI or try crossfire
graphics cards with this kind of this red line on the bottom one looks
fantastic memory cooling is again something that I'm not a huge fan of
because it's completely unnecessary although that G skill RAM that we have
the 2400 megahertz 64 gig kit does benefit from active cooling so I
shouldn't say completely unnecessary because I don't want to put fans on
things either yeah that's true especially if you're doing like a crazy
water-cooled build you want your fans in very specific locations fantastic builds
you guys those are amazing absolutely awesome so I'm gonna try and get
something worked out in terms of like build of the month badges or something
we'll figure that out that's probably not gonna happen immediately but yeah
the build of the something is back we're gonna be doing another one next month
cool and yeah remember to go in the forum vote and submit oh yeah and
remember to vote for us in the straw poll as well yeah I'm gonna post that in
the chat some yeah well then I'm gonna post it in the chat to guys go vote for
the Knights go vote for the PC Knights all right there's a straw poll go vote
my twitch chat is disconnected because who knows because I turned your Wi-Fi
off oh that makes sense that is everybody go vote go vote am I allowed
to spam my own chat I think eventually twitch gets mad really I think so I'm
not sure interesting we should have a look at how the where the results are
sitting now oh yeah we're ahead by a solid couple thousand now thank you guys
thanks everyone yeah you took care of that stunning abomination of a poll
result that had us losing how long did we fight for yesterday in full armor
hours like seven hours no I think it was more like five because we had the
armor on for a while and we were just like kind of doing stuff but like you
were doing tiring things like you moved all of our gear from the one table to
the to the bleachers all right goodnight everyone thank you for watching the WAN
show I changed my mind about garage sale because I'm just really tired I want to
go home peace out bye everyone I got to sleep last night you didn't so that's
very justified