
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

well that took a little bit longer than I was expecting I had it set to
automatically detect the best server and normally I just have it selected
manually so yeah so that took a couple minutes there but the good news is we're
live it's the land show and our topics for today are extremely exciting number
one is slick is sick and I'm making them work anyway yep isn't that fantastic go
report it to someone who thinks that that's a problem I guess your mom would
probably be the only one who care yeah but she'll care a lot and she'll let me
know all about that yeah Intel has launched ivy bridge e so for those of
you who don't know what the e stands for it stands for extreme or enthusiast or
epidural or eggs we don't know what it stands for but basically it means that
it's on the higher end LGA 2011 platform versus LGA 1155 which is what
ivy bridge was initially on also we have new details about Intel's upcoming
Broadwell architecture so those two topics in particular we're going to be
discussing with our special guest this week tiny Tom Logan from overclock 3d.net
or time to live customs on YouTube and we're also going to be talking about
Microsoft's big move big power plane move but billions of billions of dollars
to purchase Nokia's devices and services business as well as license a
whole bunch of patents and other cool stuff like that and finally Samsung's
galaxy gear I'm holding up my wrist as if I had one but I don't so maybe at
some point I'll have one but then again maybe not because I don't use a Samsung
smartphone and at launch the galaxy gear will only work with the new tab 10.1 and
the note 3 which might seem bewildering but there there may actually be a reason
for this so without further ado intro time
so just a reminder guys we are sponsored by Squarespace so squarespace.com slash
Linus you can get 20% off on new accounts if you use offer code Linus 9
so I know that that text there is wrong they actually updated the deal for this
month like two days ago so there you go guys 20% off use offer code Linus 9 and
you might kind of go well I've never actually heard of Squarespace before why
would I want 20% off and why would I use offer code Linus 9 if I don't even know
what it does so Squarespace is basically an easy way to create your own website
they handle the hosting if you sign up for a year they actually even throw in a
domain they've got a bunch of different templates over 20 now that allow you to
configure your website whether it's a store or a blog or a gallery for your
hardware that you want it do I say hardware got like hardware a gallery for
your hardware okay please don't please don't make that site on Squarespace or
anywhere thank you anyway guys so Squarespace is our sponsor today and a
big thanks to them and as always our live guests are powered by Razer comms I
never get that right when I try to point out more like yo somewhere so if you use
that bit.ly link right there you can try out Razer comms it is in beta and it's
not perfect but we've definitely had some good experiences with it that we
can't necessarily say about some of the other clients we've been using in fact
we had a big problem with Skype over the last little while you guys have noticed
we've been streaming at kind of horrible quality the show has been going down in
the middle of us trying to stream the show to y'all and it's been generally a
big big problem so it turns out that even the Skype beta does not address the
issue with the IP resolver allowing someone malicious who knows your Skype
ID to get your IP and DDoS the bejesus out of you while you're trying to stream
a show so as much as I might have thought it was Shaw my ISP and as much
as it was Shaw the first time around yeah the problem no longer we believe
lies with Shaw and it actually had to do with us being attacked so I no longer
use Skype I'm off Skype goodbye Skype no more Skype so there you go guys we we
shouldn't receive any sort of interruptions today however now that
I've said it it's like I know I know I know it's it's like I just actually
can't resist reminder our special guest again powered by Razer comms is tiny
Tom Logan from overclock 3d.net on YouTube you can find them at youtube.com
slash time to live customs so he'll be on in a little bit we're gonna be
talking about Intel's new stuff but I guess without further ado why don't we
kick off our first big topic which is Tesla's Model S is the safest car ever
tested by the National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration how many how
many of that car could they fit on top of its own roof I think it was something
like four cars they could actually take four Model S's and stack them on top of
one Model S before the roof would collapse that's pretty insane so you
couple that with the fact that like there's a bunch of stuff about the
design that is inherently better and then there's stuff where they went and
made it better so think about this okay so there's no engine in the front how do
modern cars work older cars designed back in the seven 60 70s and 80s were
designed to be very rigid yeah the idea was that when you hit something you
wanted the car to be strong yeah yeah and like you know you break through
whatever you want to win yeah in recent decades it's actually changed in the way
that they've designed cars is with what are called crumple zones so the idea is
that instead of like dead stop for those left for dead folks out there instead of
which can cause you to become dead because you hit the dash really hard the
idea is that you actually slow down the deceleration process while you're
crashing by having the car crumple into itself but in such a way that the
passengers area yeah is not affected so Tesla in their infinite wisdom or luck
or whatever you want to call it well their cars don't have engines so in the
front of the car instead because we're used to a traditional shape it's like
when you designed a car you know 30 years ago it was like oh well okay we
need somewhere to put the engine I guess you got two options hood or trunk and so
most people went the hood route some people went the trunk route so Tesla
doesn't have an engine in the front so what that means is because we've got a
shape that we're used to seeing which would accommodate that and there's a lot
of space there that's a big old crumple zone which is very very cool they've
also designed things like the rear-facing seats honestly like I was
looking this up last night and I was like hon should we get should we get a
Model S and she's like how much are they I'm like uh like like 80 grand to start
without the like rear-facing kid seat that I'm about to talk about she's like
yeah I think you already know the answer that so anyway there's a there's a they
can install rear-facing seat so you can seat up to seven people in it and they
have like a double bumper system that allows even rear collisions to protect
those occupants so okay so let's put this in perspective you should have
given her the safety speech they spend anything on protecting the baby that's
right think of the children think of the children so they exceeded every safety
score for a sedan then exceeded every safety score ever for an SUV then
exceeded every safety score ever for minivans so even though it's only a
sedan it's as safe as those other vehicles according to the testing which
was revised in 2011 to be much more much more difficult to score well in right
one of the other inherent things about it so because batteries are heavy and
the batteries are mounted very low down in the car that actually gives it an
advantage in terms of handling and also makes it extremely difficult to flip so
during testing they actually had to use a quote unquote this is all from Tesla's
press release so they had to use special methods to even flip the car because
it's like well kill the weights in the bottom yeah so now what I mean go go
fill a two-liter full of like you know lead shot and like try to tip it right
it's like common sense I guess but obviously if you have something like an
engine that you can't just build under the car then what are you supposed to do
yeah so anyway if you guys are if you guys are interested in checking out a
little bit more detail about basically me getting all excited because I have
like kids now so I'm all like oh I need a car let's say I know right I'm gonna
drive on a motorcycle all day so it's not it's not only overall five-star but
actually scored five stars in every single category which has never been
done so I think this graph right here is supposed to kind of mean something but
the model s is kind of like this weird outlier data point I don't even know how
I could write yeah it's like this weird outlier so it's the relative risk score
and then this shows kind of everything else like yeah you're good so one thing
that's also covered in the press release is that there hasn't actually been a
fatality in a Tesla Model S yet I obviously that won't last forever there
have been some some pretty some pretty good crashes but no one's actually died
yet and they also point out that there have been no fires no fires no single
fire not a single fire yet not on a production unit so there have been fires
okay yeah yeah but but not not production fires that's good though yeah
no it's outstanding I'm like I'm like super thrilled because as much as this
is super not relevant to me because I don't have any I like I was putting on
just for fun right like I was putting on like the options I'd want I'm like well
I want the extended battery and like yeah I want the sound system and like I
want all this stuff and and I was oh yeah it's like a hundred grand yeah by
the time I put in the stuff I wanted it's like okay so what I'll do is I'll
wait for someone else to decide what they want buy one like like lose their
job and then I'll buy it from them yeah secondhand cars that's how you do it
never bought a new vehicle to this day you know what guys hit us on Twitter
at Linus tech let me know your thoughts on buying a new car versus buying a used
car what do you do and in a hundred and forty characters or less why do you go
that route I'm very very curious to hear what you guys think me too actually
speaking of hearing what you guys think Microsoft buys Nokia's devices and
services business so this is interesting so this is this is a post from guns cool
on the forum he's all like okay so what did Microsoft buy exactly the original
source is the verge because they're awesome and other than that one time I
had to kind of burn them I was gonna say is it twice okay well whatever they're
still they're still actually pretty I still like them so pretty much they're
they're they're buying the devices and services division including I think it
was something like 32,000 employees see yeah 32,000 employees will be
transferred I think it was something like 16,000 of them or 18,000 of them
were in manufacturing and distribution so this is very much a hardware play
they they're they're buying they're buying the hardware they licensed their
patents for 10 years which Microsoft has the right to renew sort of at their
discretion yeah this was all for seven point one eight billion dollars and the
idea so this was one of bombers comments on the latest the latest shareholders
call or whatever kind of call he was on was it'll allow them to better integrate
the branding and among other things I mean I really hope there's more to it
than that yeah but like one of the questions was like well you know the
branding's been kind of confusing like you know Nokia Lumia 920 you know
Windows Phone 8 like what is that and it is a good point Windows Phone 8 is kind
of a sort of kludgy yeah clunky name compared to Android or iOS catchy and
they always have yeah I'm not gonna get into that right now but I really hope
there's a deeper plan than that so I mean it just seems weird and then there
wasn't it Nokia that just did the the KitKat break thing for Samsung yes so
it's interesting that Microsoft is doing an acquisition being a very passive
company and they're requiring someone who's traditionally quite aggressive
it's funny though because they've been they've been less like that lately yeah
yeah that's that's been my option I was actually pretty surprised at the KitKat
things I haven't seen them be crazy for a while yeah and like you know Microsoft
was going on the attack against you against Google for the whole YouTube app
thing on this phone where it's just like here we're just gonna start like
writing open letters and doing things like that they've been they've been very
communicative about Xbox one overall you know whether that was something things
people wanted to hear or not is a whole other ball of wax and I mean they've
gone back on a lot of the strategies that they were talking about there but I
mean all of this is sort of very interesting except that we're not gonna
see any of the fruits of this acquisition for quite a while I mean
look at the Motorola acquisition by Google yeah we're just now getting the
Moto X that's the first device that's actually the the product of that
acquisition as opposed to being something that Motorola have in the
pipeline already so let's go ahead I want to hear I want to hear what folks
have to say on that Twitter blitz right there so we got 77 tweets here we go
someone says I'm not 16 so I don't buy cars but I was dying a used car when I
get one if I had the money I would buy brand new it would be all mine and
that's a nice feeling okay I agree that that's a nice feeling but that's a very
expensive feeling my nice feeling is having that amount of money in my bank
yeah yeah that I would have saved that's a nice feeling and like the four
vacations that I could go on well I guess if you could have could afford
both mr. lamb says definite definitely used if I bought a card be secondhand
because I'm a student I'm mechanically implying inclined so I would definitely
go for used car as long as it works fine isn't an eyesore to look at it's fine
for me someone says every time I open my browser there's an echo huh that's
interesting I don't see anything hmm is it Firefox no okay well at any rate
let's go back to let's go back to our Twitter blitz someone says your stream
is on in the background you know what I think it's uh it's coming through these
headphones so I'm gonna go ahead and shut those down okay newer is usually
better everyone loves shiny and untainted however if it works why pay
thousands more okay a vehicle is already the worst investment of money possible
best to minimize the amount of money you're spending never bought a car
because I'm just 16 wow we've got a lot of young viewers today new car you get
warranties and bonuses used equals higher chance it has fault in the
warranty okay maybe because you can buy new cars that still carry warranty used
cars used cars yes and many used cars even if they don't carry their original
warranty if you're buying the used car from a dealership it can come with a
dealership warranty that'll last for about three months yeah so I mean I
totally disagree with you I I'm definitely on the but if you buy if you
buy a used car from a random person is highly likely that it will not have any
form of warranty yes that may be true depends on what condition he's talking
about someone says new more fancy that way buying a used cars best investment
never I paid less for my car than my computer used in good condition okay so
basically people are pretty much pretty much in agreement on all this that used
is the way to go however of course there is the there is always that sort of that
that brand new feeling and I've done it before not on anything as big ticket as
a car but yeah I've definitely done it before I was like yeah I could get this
cheaper but okay do you want to cover Android KitKat there's not a ton to
cover there yeah the the the partnership so guys check this out as far as I know
there's no real money-changing hands but they're making a whole bunch of
difference in making what is it Android shaped KitKat bars yeah so they're gonna
have 50 million specially marked and are especially marked KitKat bars with with
Android androids on them it's gonna be part of like a promotional deal so the
idea is that Google and Nestle are gonna be contributing both ways to make this
beneficial for everybody there's also going to be 500 specially produced
KitKat in the shape of the Android logo that Nestle is claiming took weeks to
create in a secret location so these are like I don't know like handmade or
something they've apparently been in talks about this since 2012 so it was
like something ridiculous it's great marketing for KitKat I don't see it
being that fantastic marketing for Android no matter what dessert they
chose they would have gotten an incredible amount of news like I don't
see this being super beneficial for Android for me the the funny thing to me
is that it took so long for Nestle to decide about this when to me it is
pretty much a no-brainer yeah Nestle should have done this like I like it I
think it took them over a year to decide I understand there are challenges so in
North America for example Hershey is actually the owns the distribution
rights for KitKat bars so you know Hershey is not getting anything out of
this you know maybe the challenge is I don't know printing those labels and we
could triggering whatever it is that they have to redo in order to change a
label but it seems to me like just the most obvious thing in the world
especially for them for Android like I'd want money I'd want lots of money well
that was that was our initial discussion before I found out that they didn't pay
anything for it was well how much do you think this cost Nestle nothing that's
so weird because like like I just said Android could have picked any dessert it
doesn't matter they could have gone cream puff and like it would have gotten
10 billion different networks talking about it well there is the whole letter
letters corresponding to revisions right yeah okay so they were I made the rumor
and Google even referred to it internally as key lime pie was that it
was gonna be key lime pie but apparently key lime pie wasn't
recognizable enough or something so I don't know I wonder in terms of
co-branding like this is this opening up like a whole like ball of wax like our
candy companies gonna be lining up to create like a huge like candy and like
create a craze around it it's like a line with an upcoming Android like mr.
big Nexus or mr. big why can't her the name of it for but those big those big
phones it's all has one Oh No mr. big note yeah or slight and it's like a no
for what's called mr. big note or something like that like how uh how how
crazy is this gonna get in terms of co-branding I I don't have a clear
answer to that right there so we have our guests coming up in about five
minutes but we've got time for one more topic before we get into that why don't
we jump into the DRAM plant fire so this was an article on tweak town so for
those of you who aren't familiar with the way that commodities work if you can
find RAM for cheap jump into someone says still a lot of echoes yeah I have
no idea where it's coming from the second you open this browse minimize
that minimize this okay okay so so it's when I'm screen sharing so there's no
echo right now apparently which makes none of oh there it is Wow okay well my
bad Wow all right so here we go best best strip size no that's not what I
want okay okay so for those of you who aren't familiar with how high next works
or high next ha see now I'm all confused how commodities work supply supply and
demand is pretty much the name of the game DRAM manufacturers I mean you know
you can you can kind of point at any commodity and go okay it's possible for
supply to so far out strip demand that they could be selling at a loss but
traditionally the DRAM guys the flash guys before flash just went completely
crazy and is in every device ever could even be operating at a loss because it
cost you less to be running the fabs at full capacity and selling for a small
loss than it did to not be running the fabs so all right so that's fine but
when production capacity goes down and you can see here there's a big fire and
there's a lot of smoke that dramatically affects the price of whatever that
commodity happens to be so high next supports something along the lines of
one third of the world's DRAM needs and including I think they were saying this
this particular facility was providing pretty much everything for Apple it was
it was going to be shipping out to any number of different devices we're gonna
have the memory here integrated anything from you know obviously upcoming
graphics cards was another one that could be affected by this even toys for
the holiday season could be affected by anything that could possibly utilize
those chips and this is something I didn't think about but apparently the
issue is not so much the fire but actually the smoke smoke damage I mean
think about a clean room where you're allowed to have sort of you know like a
handful like actually you can you can count them on your hand you can have
like a handful of particles floating around that are not like oxygen nitrogen
like gases that are that are exist in the atmosphere in order to in order to
classify as a clean room in order to manufacture these products okay so now
like dump a bunch of smoke in there like you got to look at something like that
and go like what's the process for even cleaning it at that point like are you
better off just like gutting it and like building a new one almost like how do
you even clean it for clean rooms I actually wonder I take the walls down
like don't rebuild the whole building but like just you probably have to get
rid of that stuff because I guess they're not using travel like see think
about how long something smells like smoke even once you get it all off even
if there's just a little bit left on it like I this is gonna be a big problem
and you know think about what happened with hard drives during the Thailand
floods where prices doubled tripled overnight and it took well over a year
for pricing to settle back into where it was pre flood to the point where now
hard drives are super cheap again but DRAM is gonna be doing the same thing
guys so if you can find any RAM on the cheap go do it now this the second I
read this article I checked NCX the RAM was the same price but I don't expect
that to last that long it won't last forever believe me it will not last
forever so you know find someone who's selling it used or or figure out how to
pull the trigger pretty quickly if you do need a memory upgrade because this
will affect things for quite a long time so I think we're pretty much ready
to have to have Tiny Tom call into the show I'm just gonna go ahead and grab
his lower third here I actually am not a hundred percent sure how how I can get
this in here quickly Oh boom you can drag and drop in X but I had no idea
maybe that's new there you go so we're gonna go ahead and fire up comms here so
I'm supposed to join this one there we go and then invite him all right
inviting tiny Tom there he is boom and we are turning this bad boy on all right
so yeah microphone blue snowball do not auto adjust because we've had problems
with that before all right Tom are you there he's not connected to Mike but we
also have apparently no mics we also have no mic signal you've got to be
kidding me I thought you guys I thought you guys did a test call here we did oh
okay so did you happen to do the test call with the configuration that we're
using kind of yeah kind of ah yes okay from now on test calls are done with
exactly the audio configuration that we're gonna be using because that will
make everything better and that will be good and then everyone will be happy so
in the meantime guys so why don't you blitz us on Twitter so it's at Linus
tech on Twitter let us know if you have any questions for tiny Tom or if there's
anything you want to say to him in general we will be doing at least one
Twitter blitz with him where we can go through and answer some of your
questions so that's gonna be a heck of a lot of fun once we get this going and of
course when you're on when you're under the gun when the pressure's on it's
always trickier to get things working yes yes awesome stuff here we go all
right so we're on voice chat Tom are you there are you with me he's not he's in
the chat but he has not clicked because you'll see the mic symbol beside him if
he's actually joined ah yes okay so let's go ahead and hey are you ready
turn on your mic ready are you ready hey spelling is not a strong point for me I
think it was your typing angle okay well thank you all right in the meantime why
don't we cover something else that's really really brief here Oh says my mic
is on ah here maybe I'll just try calling him here sure and you and I can
just get like real cozy here can you hear me now can you hear yes I can you
can just invite me hey guys well that was enthusiastic thank you so much for
joining us here on the show how are you doing today I'm actually really tired
it's just after 1 a.m. in the morning you're very lucky to have me up this
late at night and not be in a nightclub that and it's been a pretty busy period
lately do you want to jump right into our first topic here which is Ivy
Bridge II you've probably spent a fair bit of time on this go I've actually
been told to say that slick is fired because of the audio problems at the
beginning but yes we can go straight into 2011 if you like let's let's do
this so we I mean honestly between you and me I mean were you expecting any
better than what we got it's a bit of a difficult one really I was really hoping
as most people were I was hoping the overclocking was going to be better to
the point that when I got my sample from Intel and I told them what my
original results were because I've I've had a selection of CPUs now they I said
to him I'm I can get 4.5 really easy 1.3 volts it's going to be I mean that in
itself is a little bit disappointing I'm needing a lot more volts to get beyond
that and yeah so I told them that I spoke to some Asus engineers and we are
actually talking quite well again at the minute and they sent me some more CPUs
and I still struggle to get you know 4.6 out of it but I suppose that the thing
that we need to kind of remember is a lot of people kind of fixate on there I
can only get 4.4 or 4.5 or 4.6 gigahertz but it is still keeping up with the
really really quick overclocking versions of the previous generation so
it really depends on you know what you're going to be expecting from your
chip so tell me this then in an ideal world what would you have wanted to see
from Intel because for those of you who haven't sort of read any reviews about
Ivy Bridgie or who know much about it Intel has taken the approach where
instead of using an 8 core CPU like they did on Sandy Bridgie and fusing off
two of the cores so it's an effective six core Intel has actually reduced the
die size of Ivy Bridgie in two ways so it's a native six core now and then
number two is they have actually shrunk the manufacturing process so from a cost
perspective Intel has kept pricing the same they have improved performance
slightly but they have dramatically lowered their cost of manufacturing this
chip do you feel like you're getting an enthusiast grade product here Tom it's a
really difficult one actually because the reason why they they are fused off
the two cores before was because essentially they made one wafer for all
of the 2011 chips there's 3820 the 3930 3960 70 and that was the point I was
just about to get to they were all the same all they ever did was speed bin
which actually kept prices down and we've obviously not seen yet whether
we're going to get a sandy bridge easy ons with eight cores or not and I think
that's really the point that we you know that that will be the point that we know
you know what Intel's got planned because it's now making me wonder
whether the Xeons are going to be much much lower power use but possibly more
cores because there was talk a little while ago of there may be getting up to
that 10 core marker so again it's still very kind of up in the air and we don't
know you know really what's going going on yet but from the enthusiasts point of
view I don't think that we've really got too much to moan about because if
you've got enough money to buy a 4960 X in the first place you're not really
going to be worrying about you know if it does 4.5 or 4.6 gigahertz all you're
really going to be worrying about is the speed of your RAM because obviously the
memory controller is much much better on this generation all of my original three
sorry all of my original 2011s so the 3960s and the 3930 case I struggled to
get above 2133 so you'd have to do the base clock overclocking to be able to
get past that 2133 marker whereas the 4960 X I could literally just go into
the BIOS put 1.65 volts into the memory voltages manually set my memory
timings and just literally select 2400 megahertz and every single one of the
CPUs I got would instantly boot up at 24 and that was even with all of the
overclocks enabled as well so the memory controller is much much stronger but the
other thing that we need to kind of bear in mind is yeah okay the the overclocks
are not great but they are as quick as much faster previous generations but
they're also using a lot less power we were noticing kind of at least 50 watts
difference between the sandy bridge sorry the the original 2011s and then
these new ones so the 3960 X and in the 4960 X so for them to be as quick with
lower clocks and then using less power that they have made a little bit of a
step forward and to be honest I think it's just ivy bridge and sandy bridge
1155 chips all over again so I pretty much think anyone could have made these
reviews even before the process has come out if we really wanted to take an
educated guess one thing to add in defense of them although as a consumer I
don't think anyone would care is that much at least if you're buying one of
these expensive chips is the lower power draw like you're talking about if you
if you're if you're running servers you can get charged per wattage I'm getting
this information from wind speed but he's completely correct so 120 watt draw
at per you're getting $20 a month increase okay but again I mean most of
the people watching are not running server blades yeah I mean these are
people who are I'm saying like for consumer none of them are really gonna
care but yeah the average gamer well the average user that's gonna be using one
of these CPUs at home isn't really going to care the only time that the lower
power usage is really going to make any difference as if for example you're like
cry tech because they're based in the UK and I know they're just about to upgrade
they've got an absolute ton of for 960 X is just about to go in and when you've
got that many running at max for so long then you are going to make a saving on
your electric bill but for someone that's you know buying it for home and
it's going to be running three or four 780s they've obviously got enough money
that they're not going to be worrying about an extra 50 pound on their
electric bill at the end of the month right exactly and you know what part
it's funny you bring this up because we don't we don't have many guests that are
from different regions because you're talking a lot about power savings
whereas here in Canada where most of our power comes from the like falling water
that's just everywhere our power is phenomenally cheap I mean we're talking
about when I crunched the numbers even based on California which is I think
about two or three X the power cost that we have here in British Columbia getting
an 80 plus gold power supply versus an 80 plus or even like non 80 plus power
supply we were talking it was gonna pay for itself in like eight years so from
my perspective I give almost zero cares about you know the dollar fifty or five
bucks that this is gonna cost me per quarter to run instead of something that
you know consumes a little bit less power tell me give me give me your
thoughts then on Haswell-E because like you said you or I could have done an
Ivy Bridge-E review a year ago easily so Haswell-E do we already know the
answer I can probably put a lot of you want to maybe want to watch the chat now
on the right hand side because I think a lot of people may start to get a little
bit angry with me but I don't think essentially the reason why Ivy Bridge-E
has taken so long to come out was because Intel hasn't got any competition
so that they actively delayed it because AMD didn't have really have
anything to kind of compete with it it was very much like when the 680 come out
that was meant to have been a much lower end card and kind of essentially what
happened is Nvidia they they saw the 770 the 7970 when that come out and they
kind of went oh that's not as good as we were expecting and they kind of
juggled all the product line around and that was why when the 680 come out it
was it was almost identical to the 7970 because they kind of I think the rumors
were it was meant to have been originally the 760 and that was why the
sorry it was meant to have been the 660 that's it yeah I'm getting all my
numbers mixed up it's too late it's like quarter past one in the morning but
that was why the 670 and the 660 had that much shorter PCB was because they
were obviously they were meant to have been much lower cards but yeah obviously
when x79 first got released I don't know whether a lot of your readers or even
whether you were you know whether you know the kind of background behind all
the motherboard and the chipset problems but Intel changed the x79 chipset and
numerous times on the run-up to the the CPUs being released because originally
it was meant to have PCI Express 3 originally it was meant to have USB 3
all on the chipset and Intel kept running into problems and they kept
changing it which was why when the 2011 socket originally come out loads of the
motherboards either they didn't have the full range out or like gigabyte they
were still running around with really bad biases and because stuff hadn't
fully got tested so with this one where AMD didn't have you know really anything
to compete with because even their silly 5 gigahertz chips still can't really
compete with you know anything in the extreme sector of the Intel range even
though you know the price is similar Intel got a lot of prices drop now so I
think it's not in all the territories but Intel slash prices on those chips by
like $400 or something stupid like I know that was yeah that was AMD but I
think pretty much that was because AMD it was a very very good marketing
strategy because AMD put the prices out originally and I I've spoken to
retailers in the UK and they were still selling those extreme chips I really
kind of got in yeah they kind of got in and got their money when they could
before Sandy Bridge II come out and then they just slashed the prices because
they know that they're they're not going to they're not going to sell them
afterwards and um one of my friends a very good friend of mine is actually
actually works for AMD and he said to me we are not going to be sending those out
for review at all because we know if a decent reviewer gets hold of these
they're gonna they're gonna cut them to bits and we're not gonna sell any and we
just it it was yeah they just needed to get rid of them it was just a classic
IMB oh we're gonna do this and hope the fanboys buy it oh I'm gonna get in a lot
of problems aren't I I'm gonna wake up in the morning to an absolute inbox for
the complaints but the reality of it is I don't disagree with you at all so for
those of you who are watching and are you know like preparing your fingers to
write angry letters to Tom the cold hard truth of the matter is that those
chips were never designed to run at those speeds you look at the power
consumption those the boards that go with those chips were never designed to
deliver that kind of power this platform was never intended to do this it's not a
real product it's like it's like if you were to pay AMD's engineers to come to
your house and overclock your CPU for you that's basically what you were
paying for when you gave them your extra few hundred bucks yeah when I when
I got my original I think it may have been I'd have to check my videos I think
it was the 8 350 that the heat that that thing consumed sorry created was insane
and they did make it slightly better with the like the newer variant but I
said at that point in time I was still testing on an HD 14 air cooler and I did
need to 220 CFM panna flows was it panna flows anyway to 220 CFM fans to
hairdryer case enough to a cool they were service back fans it was it was
insane the amount of noise I was creating just because I had really
pushed the overclocks on that chip so when they brought out that 5 gigahertz
CPU I was just like you would have to be fucking insane to spend that much money
on on a processor where the architecture is already kind of like you know 18
months or two years behind this stuff that Intel's given us you know even the
basic kind of extreme level which for the matter you said earlier you didn't
know what the E stands for it most definitely is extreme ah okay well there
you go so I'm gonna throw something at you this is totally unrelated because I
want to move on to Broadwell pretty quick here but are you telling me I'm
talking too much Linus no not at all I'm just I this is hilarious and I want to
show it to the viewers who have never seen it before so Tom was saying he
needed to use some server spec fans on his in HD 14 Tom is this before you came
up with the concept of mounting more fans in order to get some ambient cooling
I already know what's coming so guys this is a little experiment with an h100
and how many fans did you have on there man actually that is that's a very early
version because there was 20 fans on one side I think if you count you can see 10
yeah and if you go a little bit further into the video we go completely crazy
and we put another 20 on the other side so you may want to skip a little bit
further in there we go um essentially what the idea with that was is it was
just to have a little bit of fun but I really did not expect that that that's
quite literally the most popular video I've ever made and I'm actually a little
bit disappointed that the most popular video I've ever made is the one that was
a complete and utter troll okay so viewers viewers let me let me just be
really clear about this water cooling no matter how amazing it is if you're using
the air around you to cool it is essentially still air cooling so you're
still air cooling your CPU sort of your water cooling the chip itself then
you're pumping that heat over to a much larger surface area than you could
achieve by mounting it directly to the CPU and then you're going to air cool
that so Tom in this troll video is all like well if I put more fans on it then
it'll be like what did you claim it was like negative temperatures yeah
essentially well basically we we took a version of hardware monitor and we took
it apart and basically any of the temperatures that were there and if you
go to the end of the video because people still haven't seen this if you go
to the end of the video there is a disclaimer just before people start
trolling me it was a bit of fun and it was always that way all along but we
took hardware monitor apart and we basically told hardware monitor to make
the temperatures I can't remember whether it was 80 degrees below what it
should have been or 140 degrees below what should have been so basically we
we we displayed these temperatures and they weren't exactly you know true but
at the end of the video we did kind of admit it but the exactly exactly that
that you mad detail essentially we just said because of the static pressure it
could create amazing ambient temperatures and I really wasn't prepared
for the amount of people that might believe it to the point that there are
videos on YouTube now where people have tried to replicate the results and I
kind of feel a little bit guilty I've had people send me links to videos and
they're like I can't get my my temperatures to go below ambient just so
that your readers know if you add a second set of high-speed fans so you've
got push-pull and you add a just another four fans on not you know like 20 or 18
more just another two fans on I only managed to get one degree off well I'm
sorry man I hate to dig up this sort of painful thing from your past but it's
really good because it was it was a lot of fun I just wasn't prepared for the
amount of people that took it serious because I did put a disclaimer at the
end and I mean I'm gonna look now just to kind of see on the analytics of the
of my channel which if your readers want to put www.oc3d.tv in it will take
them straight to my channel but the ultimate Corsair cooling mod has had
22,000 views in the last month that's amazing those are such big numbers for a
year there for a video that is going to be one year old in 13 days it's actually
my most popular it's either my number one or my number two most popular view
video of all time and I'd kind of like it to have been one of the reviews to be
fair speaking of reviews I'd love for you to take a moment before we jump into
Broadwell which will be our next topic to tell the audience what you do how
they find you on the youtubes and what your channels all about pimp it okay if
we go right back to the very beginning because I obviously started the channel
when I was in a shed it literally in the middle of nowhere it was a really really
bad camera really really bad lighting and it was just because I couldn't I
wanted to start just making what used to watch Rodney Reynolds and I used to see
the empty cases and the five minute reviews and I would watch one of them
and I would find that I was getting more questions at the end of the review than
I was getting answers so I just kind of wanted to you know do my own spin on it
and go against the MTV generation which was meant to have been three or four
minute videos and then just kind of make my own really in-depth ones and to be
fair I still to this point I know I could make you know because OC 3d is a
business now you know I mean and there's no you can't get away from that fact and
you can't you know put me down because you know I need to make money now I've
spent a lot of money trying to build this up and buy the website and stuff
but believe it or not I can relate essentially from one kind of website
owner to another it's obviously you've you started with NCIX I started working
with OC 3d and then I had the opportunity to buy it out which was in
December but I've always stayed I've always wanted to do that in-depth thing
and if you're going to buy a 550 pound graphics card like the 780 or you're
going to spend you know a hundred pound or 200 pound on a case you can get the
tight you know you can get the compact details from a lot of other reviews and
there's nothing wrong with any of the other ones but if you want to know the
ins and outs of a duck's bum and kind of see that kind of understanding of how
they're put together and the engineering and the understanding about how much
they cost to make that's the kind of really niche area that I take you know
that I kind of get and it was one of the questions I was going to ask you
actually because I always get people in my comment saying Tom I really like your
videos but they're too long can you make shorter ones but can you honestly
imagine me trying to squeeze let's take okay I did purposely go overboard on the
900 I was about to say 900 D that was like an hour 45 or something like that
yeah that was actually that was actually George from course area kind of said to
me we want to make it feature length and I did I did go into more detail than I
wanted to to be fair but can you imagine me trying to shrink that video
down to 20 minutes it just I couldn't have got it all in there was a lot to
talk about it to be fair I could make another one at least another 30 minutes
long about stuff that I didn't cover and you know what that's I think this is
this is actually a great topic of conversation because viewers will ask me
why I don't do reviews it's come up on the forum a few times Linus why don't
you do two reviews and my answer is invariably unboxings and brief product
overviews where it's here's the basics of what you need to know here's a nice
close look at it so you know what you're getting that you know what you're
getting yourself into that's what made us big that's what has grown our
business and our channel and our viewer base and that's what our viewers are
telling us they're clicking that button that says I like this well it's my
you've got you've nearly got half a million subscribers there's no way that
you can get away from you know the success and exactly the thing is with
mine is I know I've got a very very niche market which is why the amount of
subscribers I've got I'm still humbled by every month when I look to see how
many more I've got but if I can help just a couple of people a month make an
educated choice away from buying you know one product and then they might go
well actually I might not need that I can buy this product then as far as I'm
concerned my job's done because the channel was originally started as a form
of therapy for me when my mum died it was never you know started is you know a
way to make money or you know buy a you know UK website out or anything like
that and that's still the kind of angle that I take and even that with my
reviewers they've all kind of I'm not going to say change their opinions but
they've they've all kind of you know engineered the angles that they take on
reviews to make sure that they give people you know a broader spectrum and
lots and lots of information rather than trying to make it you know really really
short and just say everything's amazing all the time and that's the last part of
my whole thing is why don't I do in-depth reviews well because you can go
watch Tom's or you can go read on on tech there's there's a hundred other
guys that are doing it better than we could with the limited time we have left
after we're doing brief overviews of so much stuff there's only so many hours in
a day and I think that's another thing that a lot of people don't appreciate
with the work that we do is the you know stuff does take a long time I've seen
the sheer amount of videos that you guys have put out and it's like how do they
get time to do that because I know my videos are a lot longer so they take a
lot more time to render and all that kind of stuff but do you put a lot of
content out I'll tell you something that would be quite interesting Linus would
be for you to do a box opening and then for me to do the review directly after
and it's both upload the video so there's a challenge for you we should
try that at some point we should try that as a cross-promotional thing it's
like look work I mean our motherboard overviews we don't put a CPU in the
board I you know I I gotta be upfront about that we're not gonna do that
however if you're just looking at specs you don't need to know so we can cover
the basics and then I can be like yo if you really want to know in more detail
how far it overclocked with this particular CPU or whatever else Tom's
got a video over there he doesn't have to worry as much about glam footage of
this or specs that and can point people my way I don't see you a problem with
that or you could actually you could do like the intro version of the review and
I could do the end version of the review and we could upload the same one like
for argument's sake if Corsair were to release a new case which I'm pretty sure
you're aware is pretty soon you could do your intro I could do my review we could
both send each other each other's footage and we could upload the same
thing tell you what why don't we do that as a collab well hypothetically if there
was a case coming spoiler alert hypothetically I think we both know
there are and my Skype has just gone apeshit so you're probably gonna save me
from getting into trouble or would you like me to get into trouble go for it
okay in my 350d video I did correctly name the upcoming model for the next
course air case and it's actually behind me and it's very good there we go I
wasn't saying that I was pointing at who was saying that I didn't say
anything let's move into our last topic here guys so this was submitted by skits
94 17 on the forum and the basic news is the 22 nanometer has well processors
have only been available to buy since June this year but the focus is already
shifting to Intel's next generations of chips and chipsets 9 series chipsets and
Broadwell processor so Intel's moving to 14 nanometer and basically it's gonna
be LGA 1150 however new motherboard anyway no backwards compatibility your
thoughts okay do you know why they're doing it well probably for much the same
reason as every other time they've done it and this is something I wanted to get
into so for those of you viewers who aren't aware of this a socket change
does not equal an electrical change so when AMD was going through that
insanity of nine three nine two am two day two plus and three plus and FM
whatever it is when AMD had a bajillion sockets going on 1207 on the server side
people were kind of pointing at Intel going oh well Intel had LGA 775 forever
why can't AMD have a long-lasting socket like that wrong 775 went through
several electrical changes that prevented previous boards from working
with upcoming CPUs I mean just because it's the same socket doesn't mean it's
the same thing so okay so Broadwell okay with 775 I've got to admit I have run
the entire range of 775 CPUs from pretty much like p65 upwards when they when
they changed the chipsets they were adding stuff on and this was kind of the
old tick-tock version of what Intel used to do like the p35 only used to have a
limited amount of PCI Express lanes but if you went up to x38 that was when you
could then go into crossfire whereas with now they've kind of separated those
parts into completely different sockets this is very much a rumor that I've
heard from motherboard manufacturers I have heard that Intel were kind of
admitted that the problems that they've had with Haswell and the heat that they
generated is because for the first time ever they moved the voltage regulator
onto the CPU and because of that I had heard that Intel were going to take the
voltage regulator off again because they wanted to drop that TDP back down
because people were having such problems keeping them cool like with you know if
you when you've done your own tests if you use OCCT you've only got to hit that
AVX compatible mode and you'll get an you know go from an acceptable 70
degrees temp up to a 95 or 100 degrees temp just because of the amount of extra
stress it puts on the CPU and that also in you know in tow means more power
requirements and I really wonder what they were thinking sorry just really
briefly because you talked to someone like an Nvidia with their implementation
of GPU boost 2.0 where they kind of went well what kills chips voltage and heat
and time and if you can reduce any one of those factors you can make your chip
last longer and what Intel went and did here is they increased heat so so they
say they took one of those pillars of CPU reliability and like were like
sledgehammering the bottom of it for no apparent reason your thoughts actually
when Intel did that what they also did was they they really put a very hardcore
throttle in in place as well so if you're running your overclocks and you
hit that which is a hundred degree threshold if you know any of your users
out there wanted you know go and try it the CPU will get to about a hundred or
a hundred to two and two degrees because it's always within a percent percentage
of the reader that you're using on your desktop it will then throttle back
massively and the attempts will drop back to about 60 70 degrees and then it
will eventually go back up again and what we do need to remember is Haswell
ivy bridge and sandy bridge they essentially when they changed over from
the 1366 chipset they made this a lot easier for beginners to use because
you'll remember with 1366 we had a lot of base clock options yes so in fact
that's one of my most popular videos ever was my LGA 1366 overclocking guide
because it was complicated and it was totally different from anything we'd
ever seen before yeah exactly and the problem was is the the users that were
buying the 1366 socket were running into issues whereas they where they were
buying like a memory kit and they couldn't get it to run it rated because
the XMP profiles back then they weren't that strong and generally if you wanted
to get your RAM to run it rated you would need to do you know a little bit
of overclocking and that did mean you know balancing the difference between
the base clock and your memory strap to get your memory timings and then if
you've got your RAM running it rated and then you try to overclock a little bit
more you'd start getting to the point where you know nothing was stable
because your RAM was starting to run out of spec so when they introduced sandy
bridge and that very very limited base clock where you add a hundred to the
start to start with and you could only normally get like a hundred and three or
a hundred and four out of it everything that the reviewers were telling you was
to leave the base clock alone because you've got that tie in with 1600 1866
and 2133 memory and that whole reason that Intel went across was to make it
easier for a very big you know a learner or a beginner or someone that's not
really had these type of systems before to be able to just go in and go actually
I just want to run XMP and it worked and it was the you know it was the first
time really that they'd had you know near enough a hundred percent success
ratio that you could buy you know and a decent memory kit and it would run it
was only the real extreme end of you know when you started getting to 2133
and beyond that it would come down to how lucky you got with your CPU so I
actually think it was a very clever move with Intel so do you see moving the VRM
on board as just an extension of that strategy of making it easier for the
beginner then but then it just kind of didn't work out I'm honestly not sure
what Intel were trying to do with that I think it was probably to try and make
maybe motherboards cheaper because the the voltage regulator on the
motherboard was so much bigger and it did help to keep prices down I mean and
and another thing that we need to keep about is it didn't need such a big
voltage regulator anymore because has well as much power the video that you
did about the gigabyte said 87 I ITX board versus the maximum six extreme the
reason why the overclocks were the same was because the CPUs don't need as much
power anymore and this is I get I get a kick out of it
z87 boards with multiple CPU power connectors yeah exactly they never gonna
get to that point pretty much every board out there if you're gonna run even
up to like dry ice you're gonna get to the point where the CPU is gonna stop
before the motherboard does and and that's just because you know the CPUs
are so power efficient now that even a basic motherboard with just a handful of
phases can keep a decent overclock right just because I know that you know the
aces panel on my Skype is flashing at the moment and to be fair there is quite
a few of them they're having a go at me if you do have more power phases long
term the board is likely to last a little bit longer and you may have a
slightly more stable overclock long term but this is one of the reasons why I
kind of went with the middle ground and I say that the the gigabyte m5 and the
MSI gd65 gaming they're both a hundred and fifty pounds in the UK they are more
than anyone is really going to want and you don't if you want to spend more
money than that it's not about you know the overclocking that you can get or the
frames per second that you can get for spending more money it really does just
come down to the the looks of the board and possibly the features that you get
as well which yeah as I'm sure you're perfectly aware for a reviewer if all
the boards perform the same how are you meant to review it because yes you're
trying to you're trying to sell a product which is a very personal choice
so yes we kind of have to go rather than it being an easier thing to review we've
now suddenly got to give a lot more details so that people can go actually
yes you know that is a very good feature that I need to be purchasing I don't
need that but I may need this and they need to go and look for it absolutely
all right well I think we're gonna have to let you go thank you very much for
joining us we really appreciate you taking the time and I hope you guys and
who are viewing to also enjoyed us having tiny Tom on so guys just as can I
just say one more thing yes thank you very much if your viewers want to go to
the OC 3d website we are giving away a 780 and I will give away an exclusive
kind of little bit of a hint or a tip live on the one show and I'm not going
to post this on the forums but I will say that the the image that you're
looking for is in something related to gigabyte all right that is a good tip
all right thank you very much and guys give our guests a warm sort of thank you
in the twitch chat because it sounds like he's checking it out and we'll talk
to you soon man cheers dude thank you very much take care
bye-bye all right so without further ado let's head into our next topic here
which is going to be that I yes a couple of kindle news items this week so
I actually ordered one of these I don't know if I don't know if I told you this
but I ordered oh okay well this is a different link now it has actually is
actually changed that doesn't matter we're good so I was looking for where's
the other link up here it is okay so they have a new paperweight which is
using a new display technology I know that that's not exactly the same kind of
you know hardcore tech that we usually focus on on this show but what Oh for
crying out loud cable whatever the new paperweight paperweight and then I think
the first listing is like the old one something stupid oh no there it is there
it is so it's the new Kindle paperweight so next generation screen so they're
using what they're calling here we're just gonna go back to this is their one
where the light bounces yes so it's the new ink pearl to display so what this
achieves is much brighter whites much darker blacks and effectively higher
contrast because because because that's inherently that because sorry cuz that's
how contrast works and then they've also increased the display density so it's
216 pixels per inch which might not sound that great but you're not I mean
you're looking at fonts that are gonna be yeah it's not like full-color photos
and it's me yes it's mainly book yes like it'll be fine mainly book text
they've increased the frequency from 800 megahertz to 1 gigahertz added more
accurate touch they've made some improvements to the battery so they're
claiming you can get anywhere from I think it's like four to eight weeks
depending on which model you're looking at now this is where things start to get
interesting oh there's some more software and stuff it starts around 120
or 140 bucks or something like that sure this might not even be the right
product page 20 bucks 120 bucks with special offers so that's what I paid for
it this is where things get really interesting when are we gonna see this
go everywhere they are selling a version that has an always on 3G connection that
you do not pay for yeah I bet you didn't know this okay so how this works and I
have no idea how they're supporting this but I'm thinking maybe what Amazon is
done is they've worked out an agreement with like every carrier everywhere to
have 3G coverage on the paperweight so that whether you're in the States there
shouldn't be any roaming because it's not your plan so there must just be like
a Kindle plan that's tied into the wireless radios on all these devices
that could work anywhere so you can't just browse your internet yeah I say
browse your internet you did that was awesome pretty pretty cool yeah but you
can't just browse your email you can't browse the internet you can't do that
you can get books so you can buy yeah from Amazon you buy books probably they
probably have us minor profit sharing thing going on smartest thing ever that's
brilliant I did not know that like that's the smartest thing ever is like
what does always on and connected everywhere even really mean we were down
in Seattle and because of the horrendous costs of roaming with data or text or
phone I mean we were effectively cut off from the world for four days yeah it
was sorry it was $40 to get a like plan for me basic through my company up here
I had to pay them 40 bucks to try and get a plan over the border so it's like
yeah ridiculous whereas this is the smartest thing ever I mean hey Brandon
Brandon he's got his headphones on doing we go get he has his headphones on no
it's okay I'll get him anyway talk about why this is smart because it works
everywhere because no he basically just said all of why it's smart but the idea
that I came up with which is a possibility of how this works is the
profit sharing thing because somehow Amazon has to be paying for this they
have to be supported in some way because they're the only ones actually
benefiting from this so if if they're paying for it out of pocket or if it's a
profit sharing thing they're keeping it just to purchases that's why profit
is this it what no it's oh it's this thing yeah he has small hands oh I'm so
stoked mini oh I'm not even on camera no like missing all the exciting late
unboxer who unboxes things off of camera I know right really never mind I wanted
you to get the door smart guy that's okay I got it yeah you probably just
heard you running around one minute okay I know right so like as if I
shopped for it but I am so stoked if you guys have been watching me for any
amount of time you'll know I love my HTC one did have an eval device for a
Samsung Galaxy s4 so yeah better battery yeah some cool gestures and stuff but I
you know as a as a previous Apple Apple user you know I was like oh I miss that
quality you know like that that sexiness which speaking of which I mean we're
pretty much done with the Kindle thing right yeah I'm done with it I think
there was one other thing something something something right matchbook
rewards a loyal Amazon customers for past present and future orders of
physical books by offering digital ones on the cheap like 99 cents for like
three bucks or even free so if you've been an loyal Amazon customer for like
ten years buying all your physical books boom pick up a Kindle paperweight and
you can like get copies of the books you've already bought on the cheap
amazing now if they really wanted to take over the world they could offer
like a trade-in program where you like send in your books convert your entire
library to Kindle books and then they have you as a customer for life because
your entire library will be on Kindle so if Amazon's watching I'm not as smart as
you but sometimes I have good ideas okay so HTC one is here I got a Verizon
phone which means that many hopefully that means that I'm not gonna have to
say one oh I got a 32 gig one yay I thought it was 16 gig only and I haven't
said one I haven't actually looked at it since like the early rumors so wait what
what is this this is a one did they send the wrong thing yeah this is a 4.7 inch
1080p okay well troll I don't even know why this is here true I'll take it no I
should probably let them know that they sent the wrong thing that's what should
actually happen especially since we're live right now okay finding out that the
wrong thing is here I think the Verizon phone might be kind of glitchy as balls
though cuz my wife's phone is a Verizon droid DNA and that one's like like
still both like photo messages because you're on Bell don't work oh I have no
idea but it's it's anyway okay well scratch all that fine then we'll talk
about Amazon's matchbook thing more it's great so you can get books been the so
the most random conversation about anything I think we've ever had well
okay random as in like jumping off topic and back on topic and explaining
everything in two sentences and then jumping back to it not random as in we
end up talking about like football field fights with remote control that was
awesome that was awesome you shouldn't you shouldn't question the awesomeness
of that so anyway Amazon Amazon's amazing and yeah that's probably kind of
it they're like the smartest people ever they're just gonna take over the world
like we should just all stop giving them our money if we don't want them to
completely own every interesting thing is that big giant companies that were
super open like Google Google is closing down every door ever that's true as they
possibly can that's not does look that way I shouldn't say that's true
allegedly it looks that way and they're having some problems but then Amazon is
like yeah we sell stuff so we're just gonna give you all these options to buy
things so they're opening doors but they don't have to open the doors that a
company like Google would have to open so it doesn't create other problems like
how Google wants to close them now so they're just opening all the doors buy
anything any way you possibly can and we'll take all your money and we'll take
all your money and we don't even really care if we make money on it right now
Amazon Prime yeah whatever no problem man just if you'll buy enough stuff and
then it'll work out somehow I don't know like Amazon's just crazy because they're
so big and it just doesn't matter yeah it doesn't matter that like like nothing
really matters just because they're so ridiculously massive they can do pretty
much whatever they want I've had quite a few people ask me about my new notebook
guys this is an XPS 12 from Dell I've had a lot of people ask why I'm using it
and the straightforward answer is that Acer wanted their s7 back to which I
said no to which they said yeah and so I sent it back and so Intel sent me this
Dell which is an ultra book which is better than my and it turns into a
tablet which the funny thing about it actually I'm gonna do a video about this
later because it's part of the like okay we're gonna send you this notebook you
have to like make some kind of video about it that's the requirement just
something talk about it I'm like okay and I'm like looking at the other people
they seeded units too and I'm like these people have like 200 followers on
Instagram like what was the process for figuring out like who's getting a
notebook and I didn't ask that because it seemed rude but the point is they
sent me one basically I'm supposed to talk about it one thing I will talk
about now is that I did not expect myself to use the flippy screen thing
but I've actually found myself using it and it feels nice feels really good
sounds good I've actually used it in tablet mode it's much too heavy to be an
actual tablet it's more like just from a convenience standpoint I'll flip it into
tablet mode if I'm like on the can and just you know reading a website or
something like that and that's that's what I do with it so there will be a
longer version of that later and somehow that'll justify sending one to
me Samsung's galaxy gear unveiled at their
unpacked to event so this is posted on the forum by it Marius mercy and actually
he or she did a great job of fleshing out the entire thread here so you guys
should definitely check it out remember that we do post our document on the
forum after the show so you can browse through all of the articles that we're
looking at but if you want there's a bunch of other sources down here at the
bottom including mashable and BBC so let's discuss that how much have you
looked into galaxy gear so I was almost instantaneously not interested and then
almost instantaneously interested in the Qualcomm one all right so we'll start
with galaxy gear then we will talk about the Qualcomm talk should we bring up
right away why I wasn't interested oh yes let's start with why slow okay why
don't we start with why you weren't interested go and I'll talk about why I
don't care compatibility issues it doesn't work with like anything it only
works with Samsung stuff and even out of the Samsung stuff range it only works
with like what two or three phones it works with the note 3 and the tad 10.1
at launch however it should be noted that Samsung has come forth and said
look we know that's a problem it's not their usual rigmarole where they're like
nope it works with only these because ha ha ha ha ha ha ha where they do that a
lot I mean something like the original tab 10.1 you had to get a 3g version for
it to work with their all share play shape I was just gonna real awesome and
I'm just like why you got a bit sorry your Wi-Fi technology only works on a
3g tablet are you are you kidding me so that's the kind of thing I'm used to
seeing them do but this is not that what they're saying is it actually has to do
with the low power Bluetooth 4.0 implementation that enables the watch or
wearable or whatever you want to call it I mean what do we the gear and enables
the gear to communicate constantly with the phone in your pocket so the gear is
not a standalone device at all it's a $300 phone companion now they showed off
a lot of really cool stuff but let's get into why I don't care at all one day
battery life is not good enough for something I wear at all period and you
can justify it all you want but in much the same way that Google Glass is not
ready and Google understands that it's not ready and they just have Explorer
program and they don't actually expect people to buy one as a finished product
Samsung needs to understand that one one day is not ready I don't want to go to
bed and have a power bar worth of micro USB like wall chargers so there's like
your tablet your shield shield for your phone watch my like I might have an
exercise bracelet thing that are booming right now or like or you know exercise
socks that are all like also booming big deal right now like you're gonna okay
you know what okay IKEA if you're watching next-generation wardrobe okay
so it's a little thing where basically you like hang your clothes like in much
instead of hanging your clothes sideways it goes in the other way and then we all
standardized on where the plugs for your clothing go in and then one side of this
cabinet is just like USB ports okay well all the hooks could be near fields power
charging and speaking of a wireless charging gear does not wirelessly charge
the Qualcomm one the Qualcomm one's oh I know it's so awesome okay so it
doesn't wirelessly charge that is a deal breaker one day battery life no wireless
charge how can I get in the habit of using something that will just like
it'll never be on and if it's a one-day charge now what are we talking about a
year from now two years from now well Samsung's gonna expect you I don't know
buy the note for and the gear to like I don't know with that said Samsung's
working okay and that and as a fashion accessory I'm not really sold anon tech
if you guys don't already know I'm a huge anon fanboy like a fanboy out
pretty hard anyway anon was basically saying well it's big but it doesn't feel
like you know like a watch watch it doesn't feel like a classy piece of you
know fashion accessory it feels like a really small phone on my wrist and
Samsung doesn't want to talk about it that way but then they go and they build
like a speaker and microphone into it so you can hold your wrist up to your ear
and you can talk like that I'm like why did you even make it a phone
realistically why did you make it a phone we already have Bluetooth ear
pieces and Samsung's like well we don't want you talking to nobody like those
things so we came up with this idea I'm just like okay so now I can look like I
don't understand that there's no phone in my hand and that'll be totally
normal at some point or it won't or something I don't think this will ever
look I don't think that'll ever because like what is this and like the thing
about a phone is you can put it on speakerphone you can switch hands you
can kind of look just like yeah I know right okay well you know my left ear I
don't hear too well in that ear but I wear watch whatever I mean okay we're
teasing them right now but the reality of it is is it's gonna get better and
there are some really really cool things that they're doing so Samsung's whole
thing with the s4 was a lot more gestures and a lot more motion control
so one thing they showed off was okay you're previewing a text on your gear
and you're like oh that's important you pull your tab your note 3 out of your
pocket that email or text is already on the screen because it's all like yeah
they I'm being taken out of the pocket so I can check it I'm like okay that's
cool pretty cool gear has a camera which is 1.9 megapixel but who cares
because megapixels are not important the equality I'm not expecting to be very
great however it's neat that it's one swipe take a picture and it's on your
wrist at all times okay it has a cortex a9 which to me is sort of indicative of
the sort of not specifically engineered processor that went into it could we
have gotten two days of battery life out of it using a more efficient green
this technology this is why I pulled this out is because the whole one day
battery life thing how long is that actually going to be one day this phone
now consistently a few days s3 hundred percent at 930 in the morning ten
percent at 4 p.m. right I'm using it quite a bit right now like a lot but
still yeah what the heck yeah that will not last me close to a full day that
won't last me a full workday let alone a full day so yeah I mean that okay hold
on let's let's keep going let's keep going when I tuned in there on the
unveiling had about a hundred thousand views so I mean there's that's not as
many as I expected but it shows that there's a lot of interest yeah but
there's there's also a lot of interest because not necessarily because people
are gonna buy and they were unveiling note three as well oh and next-gen tab
10.1 okay anyway okay heavily gesture dependent interface obvious uses okay
why would why am I'm gonna buy a wearable actually I pre-ordered a pebble
so I don't know when it's gonna ship but I ordered a pebble why a wearable well
for me the biggest thing is I get a ton of emails and texts so if I can be like
is this important yes or no it'll save my wife from yelling at me about
constantly having my phone out if I can check if something matters before I
actually have to commit to using a bigger screen do I think that I am at
any point going to use my wrist to talk to reply to a text message I'm not much
of a voice control guy maybe my son will be all about the voice control because
it'll be a completely different paradigm whereas for me I'm probably still faster
if I pop the phone out of my pocket if it's intelligent enough to go you know
bloop load that up on my phone and I can be typing as soon as I get it out of
my pocket that's still gonna be more efficient for me but I will get a
wearable just so that I can preview things because that's awesome
Samsung expects there to be a lot of development of additional apps they're
expecting to open up compatibility to others of their phones as well as
third-party phones they were talking about that already which is a huge step
forward again for their attitude which at times in the past I haven't really
liked which is if you don't own the matching generation of Samsung ecosystem
the latest TV the latest phone watch you know butt plug whatever it is that they
have like can't all share play with your butt plug if you don't have all the
other things I don't know that I would share a butt plug anyway but you could
play with it anyway let's move on to the yes to Qualcomm's entry into the
smartwatch game I was expecting you to go somewhere else no no I think we had
gone quite far the oculus one oculus but plug no oh that game no no no we'll do
this first because we've been talking about smartwatches quite a bit here so
guns cool posted on the forum great job he's got two articles this week the
focus today may be at a galaxy gear but none other than Qualcomm is entering the
smart watch market with the device they're calling the talk so they're
same price point which is around $300 so there you go guys a smartwatch is it's
been decided by the powers that be hundred bucks they cost $300 so there
you go so they're gonna be using a different display technology so they're
Mirasol low-energy display tech they're claiming is gonna help deliver three to
five days per charge boom oh there is gonna be no platform dependency so text
reminders music control this is something that I'd talk to you about so
it's like I was thinking you know what someone should have built two or three
years ago is just like a little Bluetooth thing with like velcro on the
back that you can like stick to your your dash in your car or like somewhere
so that you can use it to control the output of your phone just control your
music player basically like an Apple TV remote except like smaller and Bluetooth
because you know you're not allowed whipping out your phone yes but you're
allowed to the song and like on my motorbike I have speakers in my helmet
so that I can use my GPS or I can listen to music while I'm riding but still hear
what's going on around me so if I just had a little like thing that I could
stick to the front of my bike or whatever obviously I can't reach into my
phone to skip a track and because the the standards for like one button
navigation are such a cluster hump whether you're using an iOS or Android
device or whatever else that's not feasible so something like that would
have been great boom smartwatch so I can just be like you know blue or
whatever when I'm at a traffic light so cool love it yeah likely won't have the
same amazing integration that gears offering like whipping out your phone
and having it already looking at the email you were previewing which is
amazing and cool but after okay so but yeah it's gonna be limited edition and
wireless charging cool it's like okay another furniture idea IKEA I hope
you're watching okay bedside table nightstand wireless charging surface
top of it on the whole top boom billion-dollar idea you know how they
sell those like you you buy the table but then you can buy the glass top yes
just have it so you buy the table and you can buy the like wireless charging
top that's IKEA's whole thing is like yes you can get the small length table
with the like oops good you know top like I don't know I can't make fun of
Swedish I don't even know enough Swedish to tease Swedish people but like oh man
that's gonna be amazing so you get home you know you strip down you take off
your watch your phone your your keys I mean by that time your keys will
probably be battery-powered so you can just leave them in front of your door
and be like I shall pass you can yeah well there you go so all that stuff can
just recharge itself I mean even things like car fobs for unlocking your car all
of a sudden they could be way more advanced because everyone would go home
drop them on their bedside table and they could charge so they could work
from like three kilometers away and be like high-powered you know blue I'm over
here well they have that smartphone this is a slightly off topic but I don't
remember who it is I think it's Ford has a smartphone at first I think one of
their cars now one of their consumer grade cars but you can lock it from
wherever that's awesome you can lock it unlock it do whatever from wherever so
if you walk away from your car and like oh crap that I forget to lock it and
just press the lock button will be like yep I vote for that all right so I think
that pretty much covers so that limited edition so I have no idea what that
means exactly I guess what's really like limited to fifty five hundred thousand
units or something or maybe it's limited maybe it's like a reference design that
they're just like yo dogs hey make some of these things so we can sell you our
chips and put them in it we don't actually want to be a smartwatch maker
we just want to build all the chips that go in all of them guys go get on this
because you're sitting around waiting for Samsung to release gear Apple to
release I'm extremely excited about I watch I actually haven't been excited
about an Apple thing in a while but if their integration is tighter and better
than what Samsung can do look better too which in the past is like oh and Apple
so good at the premium feel it'll look better don't feel better if they nail it
I might go back to iOS really yeah mmm yeah cruise it probably wouldn't really
integrate with other things yeah so let's see things are gonna be heating up
this is expected to be like an umpteen billion dollar industry by late 2016 or
something like that so until they can completely get rid of them yeah whatever
the heck that is it's very exciting so let's go back to Linus's screen
submitted by Nick trance on the forum this is Nokia's latest sort of shot at
Google so apparently there's Samsung did I say well no Google oh well both I
guess it could be Google have a break have a you know well okay okay how about
you and I can debate who we think this is a shot at the point is they took to
Twitter to put out this little have a break have a broken-in-half phone in
much the same sort of style as the old KitKat ads have a break have it give me
a break give me a break break me off the piece of piece of that KitKat bar and
then there's another thing here this is actually I think this one's actually
really funny so I'm gonna go ahead and zoom in for you guys check this out so
this is a Samsung Galaxy camera or galaxy s4 rather whatever it is Samsung
Galaxy whatever the only smartphone with 10 times optical zoom yeah whatever this
thing is still it didn't see this coming so they've got the Lumia 1020
with its 41 megapixel camera over there kind of going like oh yeah you know
what's up what's up come at me bro so okay I'll give give your take on it
first okay they're going after Samsung because there's a Samsung phone snapped
in half okay and they're a phone manufacturer okay and they're showing
another company's phone snapped in half okay you probably could snap an s4 and
a half like that you probably could right so that's kind of a thing yeah
don't try it's not an s3 like that as well just flex okay I'm calling it I'm
calling it a shot at Google I think they're doing there's like yeah like I
don't think it's about I don't think it's about the device at all I think
they just picked the most popular one and we're just like you know what well
I mean cuz they're kind of both they're kind of software and hardware now after
the acquisition so okay I thought that was gonna be more of an argument than it
ended up being yeah well they're obviously going after both I just think
considering Samsung's branding it's like right there quite specifically on it and
like almost the whole photo is a broken in half device they could have blurred
it yeah they did they decided not at all so that's why I was like wow that's
pretty anti Samsung it's definitely both good bite post on the forum surface pro
2 is a go so the main highlights of surface pro 2 are Haswell processor so
if you guys were we're tuned in when we had tiny Tom on earlier Haswell
definitely does improve at least one thing and that is power consumption
unless you're overclocking and heat output so surface pro 2 is this the
magic is this the magic bullet I back when we were talking about surface a lot
back when it first came out yes both said that we were waiting for more high
revisions I've liked the a surface idea I think more than you because I like the
idea of field I really liked it no I really liked it for me the whole thing
was a tablet with a keyboard and office yeah I like the surface pro idea more
than surface RT okay yes and the problem my only problem with surface Pro is that
it was heavy and bulky and and it was basically an ultrabook I mean by the
time you could buy yourself an Aspire s7 which was just as thin remember the s7
yeah why do I want to surface this has an actual keyboard on it versus touch
cover and type cover both of which were usable but they weren't great
experience I really didn't like touch cover at all and type cover was not
great not great but at all was I preferred to touch cover just because it
was like there's no feedback at all but again if I was going type cover I'd go
for something way better yeah yep so anyway okay we both agreed that surface
wasn't there yet and surface RT I still think is just a total disaster because
for me the point is is being able to run office and being able to install
whatever I want and I think at the time you were worried about development tools
yeah running on it yeah like it's got to be x86 or forget it yeah so I'm still
excited about surface Pro 2 so it's has well it's got 8 gigs of RAM now it has a
new multi position kickstand so the original kickstand was like here or here
and it had a very satisfying click and that was great but now it's gonna have
more position so you can put it at more angles and there's also gonna be an RT
between two angles one that'll like mimic a kind of laptop style so it'll
feel like you're using a laptop and another one that's better used for
uneven surfaces so um it's gonna have seven hour battery life which is way
better like way better that was the other problem with surface it was like
who cares because it's irrelevant because it lasts for like three hours on
the battery so with all of that said my iPad sits in the corner and I don't use
it I've switched completely to the s7 when I was actually using my iPad a lot
before I got it and then after the s7 was was ripped from your yeah cold dying
clutch not dead but brass for money anyway when that was torn away from me I
have switched to using this completely if I need a tablet I use this I don't
use my iPad first surface pro 2 is extremely appealing to me because it's
even more tablet II but better power consumption yeah and more way more
flexibility than something like an iPad I'm interested to see what iOS 7 does
for iPad I mean Apple has an event coming up and I think four days where
they're expected to unveil cheapo iPhone iOS 7 and a whole bunch of junk so
expect me to be on Twitter like you know hardcore ripping on everything they do
actually I don't know I might like it yeah we'll see I yeah I'm still not
sold on tablets I'm more excited for that one but I just still want a real
keyboard and a real touchpad and but would you would you okay now having used
that Visio notebook that we have would you buy a notebook that doesn't have a
touchscreen anymore I never used it you never used the touchscreen I don't care
oh all right forget it right you were you had a mouse and keyboard plugged
into it okay that makes a difference both Edzel and I are pretty sold on
touchscreen like I use touchscreen a lot on my notebook it's cool and if I was in
school I think I would use it a lot more right but when I was I was just typing a
lot and the keyboard and I think sucks so I put in another keyboard meaning I'm
even further away from the screen right so it touch the screen of like all the
time so it's not that usable all right so speaking of things that are not that
usable if you are an average person who is not particularly talented when it
comes to you know making websites and whatever else and again I apologize our
lower third is kind of kind of incorrect down there and I'm very very sorry about
that Edzell is supposed to send me a corrected one so squarespace.com slash
Linus for a free trial and of course you can use offer code Linus 9 to get 20%
off on new accounts so what Squarespace does is they sponsor the land show which
we are very very thankful for and they also allow you to easily and quickly
create your own webs but web web space it's like I'm completely completely
taken over my mind anyway they allow you to easily and quickly create your own
website which you can customize to no small degree so they actually corrected
me on something I said last week was I think I said that the advanced mode
where you can dive right into the CSS and all of the all the backend stuff I
had said it was somewhat limited apparently it's really not that limited
and you can kind of tinker with it however you want well I'm so we actually
created the updated Linus media group.com website using Squarespace it was
way way simpler than using WordPress which is what we were using before so
you can actually browse on there it's fully functional and you can make
changes on the fly Edzell was able to do it did he need any help from you I know
not really not creating the website and design and everything he did that all on
this one yeah okay so basically you can check out sort of our roster you can get
in touch with us although I don't actually know that we monitor that you
can see our shows one of which you're actually watching right now so the whole
idea behind Squarespace is it's supposed to take that whole concept of like a
template for making your own website and make it end up looking beautiful by the
time you're done with it even if you don't really know anything about it so
it'll work at various resolutions whether it's on the desktop or a laptop
or a tablet or even a smartphone without you really having to intervene
in any way they've got a lot of back-end stuff that you can play around with such
as being able to take payments very easily if you wanted to build a small
web store whether it's to sell your own stuff or whether it's like Unbox Therapy
actually I think I think he's doing a Squarespace thing right now as well so
Lou from Unbox Therapy who was a guest a little while ago yeah there you go so we
can check out Lou's website where he's got a few different things so here's his
trusted gear which I think links to his Amazon affiliate link and so the idea is
being able to make something that looks like a real website and is accessible to
everyone very quickly very easily it starts that I think it's like eight
dollars a month or something like that so it's not terribly expensive especially
considering that it includes the hosting as well and of course if you use that
that that offer code Linus 9 then you can get 20% off for the month of
September on your first purchase so Squarespace.com offer code Linus 9 guys
do check it out we do recommend it and we are actually switching over to a paid
subscription with them because I'll feel better about recommending it to y'all if
we're actually paying for it and yeah it's definitely saved us saved us time
and hassle because if you guys ever did check out the LinusMediaGroup.com
website you might have noticed it was down all the time because we were just
hosting it out of a server that was over at NCIX in some room that apparently
doesn't need power and the motherboard and networking and like oh man and the
motherboard to be on and the motherboard doesn't boot anymore and anyway the old
way is dead so long live long live this new way of doing good riddance old way
stupid setup speaking of the old way who this is this is interesting
Google's Trojan horse how Chrome apps will finally take on Windows so this was
an article from the verge who I love go go to the verge every day and then you
won't even have to watch the WAN show because stop saying that last time you
said you wanted to go to the forum this time you said you want to what are you
trying to do why don't you just go work for them no because we're more fun there
that's why you should tune into the WAN show every week because the verge
wouldn't talk about USB butt plugs so Google is introducing an all-new Chrome
app experience where the idea is that real computer applications that are just
meant to be run on your computer not even inside a Chrome browser would be
coded in the same way as a Chrome app so think about that for a second this will
do two things number one is the hope is that it will allow developers to develop
using their ecosystem so they'll be able to presumably easily and in such a way
that it is pleasing for both them and their end users create these
applications and number two and they'll run on you know anything that can run a
Chrome browser so it'll make the OS not matter which would then make Chrome OS
matter a lot more a thing and make it so that Google can control every
application ever created they really are just going to take over the world aren't
they you're gonna try it's like that whole thing from this was bigger a few
years back actually but the people were like oh what is the closest thing to God
because God is all knowing they're like Google because you can search whatever
you want it supposed to be a big joke thing whatever right they're like they're
trying to control literally the whole planet they're actually trying to be
that it's getting kind of nuts and as they're doing it they're closing more
doors which is scary to me personally yeah so I mean you know what guys hit me
Twitter blitz so you can talk about Chrome OS and Chrome apps and give your
thoughts about this or you can just ask a general Q&A question we are gonna do a
Twitter blitz very soon here so we're gonna move on let's do two more topics
and then let's let's move on to that so galaxy note 3 moves to a USB 3.0 micro
connector this was submitted on the forum by that one kid and slits giving
it the thumbs up I'm giving it the big thumbs down what big thumbs down okay
you wanted something else you know I wanted something else but are you still
happy that they're at least moving no because in my experience so anyway this
original is compatible original article was from VR zone I don't care okay so
here's the problem is that USB 3.0 micro is actually just more pins in that
craptastic connector yeah that's all it is seems to secure better in my
experience in my experience I've broken the only one that I've had so far oh
really so and my other experience is talking to angel bird about their
external SSDs and how even with the highest end highest end micro USB
connector they were getting like 250 plugs out of it so now let's talk about
your one okay wait I've been wondering about that for a while because you keep
on bringing up the angel bird data yeah but we don't have one we don't have the
angel bird data that's true but what I have is my broken connector I have done
way more than 250 plugs on the same cable with micro USB and never had a
problem okay so I would really like this angel bird data to be in print before we
keep on saying it every single time we ever find a cable fine okay let's say
double that because okay fine how about this let's do this okay my wife's phone
galaxy one whatever that was called galaxy vibrant broke within two years
micro USB connector unusable didn't particularly abuse it plugged it in once
a day okay that thing over there whatever that is that USB 3 hub okay
okay that one survived about ten connections so that's a USB 3 that thing
was pretty sure hold on I also have an external hard drive one of those go flex
connectors that go in the back that one's dead that one survived about 30
plugs but that one you jammed into bag no not that one okay it's a different
dead one so my experience so far with USB 3 micro is not any better than you
I don't have much experience with it just it felt more solid and I think we
can both agree that USB 2 micro is a big steaming pile of terrible so here's
something I want to know why were they not working on a locking connector and
speaking of which so USB 3 micro okay I'm done with that topic for now speaking
of which HDMI why have they not been working on a locking connector
unfreaking believable I mean we've had locking connectors since what cereal
yeah like I mean how far back do we have to go until we find when people hadn't
yet figured out that putting a screw or a lock or something in place was a good
idea so excited for the other advances but I do when I when I realized there
was no changes and like the the style I was pretty disappointed and you know
what I don't I don't see I don't see interoperability as an excuse because
there's no reason why they couldn't have expanded the standard to have an
optional lock oh definitely so they could have had lockable devices and
non lockable devices you could have just gone the way da the display port
does it yes it's so simple it's so simple or they even could have had like
like a weird thing that goes off to the side for all I care and then on the back
of larger devices like TVs or cameras or things where it's likely to be a problem
on the back of a video card there could be that optional thing and then you'd
still maintain backwards compatibility with the older cables unbelievable to me
because HDMI is a terrible connector mini HDMI is an even worse connector and
micro HDMI is slightly not as bad as mini HDMI but definitely worse than full
size HDMI and I hate them all and they can all just die in a fire
Linus Rayjet cables tips yeah I'm like I'm so mad I'm like I'm just so much
about the phone because you can still use the old cable so either nothing
changed or you can use one more cable but I would have liked to see them
change styles completely that would have been a lot better I mean I think
wireless charging is gonna make this a non-issue very soon particularly on the
phone side so I'm ready to get over that but I mean look at how long we were
stuck with HDMI 1.x so that means we're gonna be stuck with this stupid non
locking and connect everyone's gonna use it because it's HDMI yeah that's
basically good enough for today and nothing more than that because we
already have 4k TVs it's not like it's not like they're building in headroom
DisplayPort three years ago had support for 17.28 gigabit per second data rates
had an auxiliary channel at audio channel this had all that stuff and
HDMI is like catching up where's my future display interface do you want to
revise to 2.1 and sell me a new cable do you want to do this do you want to do
that one a to one be come on guys you had three years to be like oh someone
has a different standard that like might be better so she might creep cheapest
poop no display ports cheaper to implement than HDMI what display port is
royalty-free HDMI cost money per like what have they been doing with all the
money that's a good point so anyway it's an 18 gigabit per second data rate which
is I mean it's relevant but it's not the be-all and end-all because the
standards that go behind it are actually more important in some ways you can buy
the cables for HDMI cheaper than DisplayPort can you not only because
they're more common yeah they don't actually cost any more or less to make
no but you can buy them you can get DP is pretty cheap now head over to like
mono price okay yeah they're cheap because they were not cheap when I was
looking no okay so 18 gigabit per second 60 FPS 4k so I'm looking at that going
really that's my future display standard where's my 120 FPS 4k where's my 3d 4k
with like full non compressed frames because the next revision there will be
another revision you know it so they're gonna be so there will be like some
stupid frame packing thing or something like that point to be whatever okay so
so I mean get this I mean okay so maybe you don't care about 3d what if you care
about screen sharing in multiplayer games what if you want to play a
two-player game where you actually use polarized glasses to each see a
different image and you don't want to play at 30 FPS what about that what if
you want to actually have what we've been taking for granted on the PC for
what 10 years 15 years I don't even know how far back you have to go to find a
display that doesn't run it at least 60 Hertz so so console a console gamers I
mean aside from the fact that none of their next-gen consoles are gonna run in
4k anyway they're gonna be stuck in the dark ages like now and then they're
gonna be stuck in the dark ages when even when they get a console refresh
because HDMI which is what all these consoles are gonna use for output it's
not even gonna support the frame rates that they would need to I mean to output
to multiple I mean what if they had actually had the bandwidth available to
work into an HDMI one point whatever if two point whatever so you could run
multiple displays on a console like like all these things that they could have
done I know this is just gonna sound like you know an uneducated rant but why
not why couldn't they have done this HDMI is just so accepted how many if you
go randomly out on the street and you go hey do you know an HDMI cable is I know
everyone everyone will say yes I wasn't even expecting to be this mad about this
on the land show today but like I'm just this mad so it supports 32 channel sound
so the idea is that I guess if you were watching content at 1080p or playing
content at 1080p 60 FPS 4k would be about equivalent to four separate
streams at 60 FPS 1080p so if you wanted to have like multiple people you know
playing a racing game all on the same screen if we can get like 240 Hertz
screens and like crazy stuff going on it supports 32 channels of sound so
everyone can have their own sound channels I mean that whole thing is both
cool and scary to me because the idea of everyone sitting around the TV and that
being considered family time is scary enough the idea of everyone sitting
around the TV watching a completely different program even listening to
different audio yeah like little Johnny is like playing as we you and like little
Sally is browsing the smart TV or like using a Chromecast to like play games on
mylittlepony.com and dad's watching you know grindhouse and mom's watching I
don't know whatever some show that women watch that I don't know like I'm
generalizing here none of these generalizations are necessarily the case
I mean dad could be on mylittlepony.com we know this is a thing so there you go
that is even scarier to me than any of this other stuff so dual video streams
for multiple users so apparently not for video streams but again bandwidth wise
why couldn't they have done it yeah and multi stream audio as many as four users
at once support for 21 by 9 widescreen displays I don't care about that on the
desktop I don't care about that but I think I might care about that for a TV
really yeah because movies are actually shot that way whereas like games like
they look all weird and fisheye when you do that yeah but it's gonna look so
weird anyways because it's like you watched at the movie theater yeah and
you sit way to freak back well yeah but if you're sitting far enough away and
you have like a nice big display what are you gonna like cut holes to your
whole house I'm gonna buy one no you're not which is why it doesn't matter you
don't actually care but I don't buy anything what's the last thing I bought
but you get given it and you won't be given any of these okay I don't get any
I don't get any sample TVs because you get screens screens sometimes not very
often we do have a few we do have a few monitors but we haven't okay anyway I
think that's pretty much all I have to say about that as Forrest Gump would say
we're actually up to two hours right now so we're gonna do that Twitter blitz and
I have some forum announcements that we like he's gonna do the forum thing and
then we're gonna call that a night and we've actually got a lot more topics we
can oh no first let's make sure we didn't miss any of our call-out topics
so IVE Broadwell Microsoft Galaxy here okay we're good yeah all the topics we
promised to cover you know what let's do a quick blitz of things so blackberry is
gonna be sold by November okay whoever didn't see this one coming Sony's gonna
release a VR headset but it apparently is like not very comfortable and not
that great okay but read the article it's on the it'll be it'll be on the
it'll be on the land dock which will be in the Linus news and rambling section
of the forum later tonight soccer oh actually okay I do want to talk about
this so this is an article from cbc.ca which is like Canada's you know news
thing that we have so to ensure to ensure every child wins the Ontario
Athletic Association removes the ball from soccer I'm actually just gonna read
the whole article because it's awesome with the growing concern over the
effects of competition and youth sports programs this summer many Canadian
soccer associations eliminated the concept of keeping score this is a thing
this is real okay the soccer Association of Midlake Ontario however
has taken this idea one step further and have completely removed the ball from
all youth soccer games and practices according to association spokesperson
Helen Dabney coil by removing the ball it's absolutely impossible to say this
team won and this team lost or this child is better at soccer than that
child we want our children to grow up in learning that sport is not about
competition rather it's about using your imagination if you imagine you're good
at soccer then you are this summer Peter old ring spent time with the
Midlake Thundercats an under-11 boys and girls team and put together this radio
documentary okay so it's a joke but the scary thing is that it's really
believe is that you weren't sure for a while yeah because this I was like wait
this is CBC the whole not keeping score thing is a real thing which is
ridiculous because by the time you're 10 you know how to count and it's not
like the kids aren't keeping track even when I was a kid like this existed no
me too to a certain extent and like you know you after the game my dad would be
like who won I'd be like we won it was seven to five and the coach would be
like oh we don't keep score I'm like well I was keeping score yeah we got a
goal would even have what would happen a lot too is if you started winning by too
much or if you started losing by too much whatever they would stop keeping
score but then all the kids knew anyway yes and all the parents knew anyway
everyone knew so it doesn't matter everyone you know actually help so we
found out that Microsoft didn't want heavy rain which is winning a ton of
awards and going to be a super exciting ps4 exclusive because of the child
abduction plotline I mean to me this is kind of an extreme case of keeping sort
of inappropriate content off of a console because it's not like Microsoft
is gonna get judged for what a game developer releases by sort of you
know people who aren't ridiculous it's happened yeah it's happened but like
we're not talking about those like straight pornographic games that existed
for early console Japanese trail whatever that was called like there was
there was stuff that was that was like bad and one of Nintendo's big things was
family-friendly family-friendly Famicom okay so this is good for all ages and
they they tightly controlled who could release games on their platform but to
me this is like I mean that child abductions a real thing whereas like
walking around in the desert with like a ginormous erection like shooting at
things is not so I wonder how many people gonna get that reference yeah I
don't it's a pretty old reference yeah I think though that's it that is an
actual river I'm not making this up no he's not um I I completely agree with
you although I do also understand where they were coming from I I think they
should have gone the angle that you went which is where it's not that out there
and if you put a high enough rating on it it's fine yeah I don't it should have
been fine and now they're just giving away sales to PlayStation 4 okay so
Twitter blitz time boom boom here we go a hundred and sixty three interactions I
love you guys thank you for tuning in you guys are awesome I feel like lots of
tech companies have given up on innovation because they know people will
buy it anyway you know what that's I'm not okay I don't want to get too far
into this but this is one of the things that I really dislike about some
companies Samsung comes to mind where it's like it doesn't seem to matter if
the new features on their new product like do anything or work because people
just buy it anyway one thing I don't even care because there will always be
that one group that's pushing really hard self-driving cars there's certain
companies that have switched to 30% self-driving vehicles already there's
some like mining company 30% of their trucks are all self-driving and like
there's there's oculus rift and like there is a lot of innovation technology
right now is exploding but a certain company is certain are not doing
anything yes it's yeah just just pay attention to who's doing stuff that
matters well last generation GPUs struggle with DirectX 12 based games
really depends we've seen this go either way in the past if I imagine I'm a
millionaire it doesn't mean I'm a millionaire you're right oculus rift is
going to blow away everything we won't even need monitors anymore disagree
disagree what is cheap but a good motherboard for the new Intel has will
CPUs I think tiny Tom Logan covered it perfectly and the size gaming board is a
great choice comes with onboard killer neck networking comes with a decent
sound card if I was really gonna go balls to the walls I'd probably grab a
maximus 6 formula or even something lower end like from their channel series
but then throw a great sound card on it are you ever thinking of coming to the
UK no not really not specifically the UK but if everything kind of falls
in line Brandon and I might be going to gamescom next year well we'll see no
promises now you're making me like commit in public why you got it you can
do it okay I'll tell you what fine you'll go yes all right yes James I hope
you can watch the show too this is that is a fake program it's none of it is
true and he's probably talking about the soccer thing oh yeah yeah I know just
recently I started moving my contacts onto my Google Cloud so the benefits of
Google sync make it worth it for me I don't remember what question I asked
anymore but cool what's your favorite gtx 780 aftermarket model well a sues
has been the only one for a long time with a truly custom PCB model so I would
go with them however MSI has the lightning now which I haven't checked
out yet but we have one coming if I told you that yet galaxy has a really cool
looking one actually I should probably ping them Oh find out if we can get our
hands another white one it look no I don't think it's white but it's like but
it's pretty balls to the walls okay cool I love your show thank you also my crush
lives near you okay go says have you considered the wireless charging and
Wi-Fi data transfer it will slowly become the new norm no more broken
connectors definitely have considered definitely definitely love it as long as
I don't get too much cancer minus look it's a meme okay I'm afraid to click
that sorry man how do I install the program during the windows installation
so I can install Windows 8 start menu from a clean install that's a really
long answer it is possible though because you can inject things in but it's
more work than it's worth a lot of work just install one after you're done yeah
first time watching live hello is there an after-party today no I have to go
home and make dinner for my wife one quick thing I want to jump back to that
thing even if you're doing big office deployments if you get night night Pro
you can distribute classic start across your whole network yeah night night they
don't sponsor the WAN show but they should because we love them and we'll
talk about them every week if if they if they don't sponsor and it's like my
favorite things like things we love night night Noctua what do we love as
much as night night and Noctua
okay what happened to build logs coming coming soon on this yeah sorry about the
previous weeks I won't switch to Chrome OS as my primary Android maybe but
Windows has legacy compatibility and what do you mean by closing doors good
question they're just becoming a lot less open about their policies and the
way that they develop new technologies they're they're becoming a bit more
walled garden I guess if you sort of look that term up which like that's a
thing not even necessarily that walled garden compared to some companies but
extremely walled garden compared to the old Google what do you think of two five
by four screens for gaming I think that's terrible there are huge issues
with signal integrity transmitting ultra high frequency data over meters of
copper yes that's true however fine then Intel came up with an idea well let's
just make active cables part of the standard okay done do that then there's
activation fine build a next-generation technology you know what even make HDMI
2.0 you know active or not active red mirror I mean we even have active
cables for HDMI we have a 50-foot HDMI 1.4 cable or whatever that's up red
mirror cable yeah red mirror cables are awesome get on anyway the point is there
has to be a way to yeah figure that out so there will display part ever be
updated no idea do you think games will be able to make their way in the Chrome
browser of course they will there he has been I would say flash games but I
don't even know what all those games run on anymore now that flash isn't a thing
how about that sonic incident at PAX is that you yeah we're not gonna talk about
that I need a personal rig update yes apparently I need to talk more when
there are guests and probably you do too you know what it depends cuz I don't
mind if the guest is really knowledgeable and is talking about
something that we don't really have that much to contribute to in it in addition
to what they're saying and there's always gonna be finding that balance
we're pretty new to the whole hosting guests on the show thing and three
people is an interesting balance and this week at least I was actually trying
not to because my throat hurts quite a bit yeah if you notice he hasn't said
much and it seems like I'm just kind of talking about everything that's out of
respect not the other way around I don't want him to talk because I don't want to
get sick so he can just keep his like germ factory inside his mouth will you
do an unboxing of the 70 lightning yes what is your opinion of the current state
of the internet in the UK we we don't follow it that closely I know there was
a whole thing with censorship a little while ago don't know if that's going
through or not going through so sorry I'm gonna I'm gonna stay hands off on
that one what is my honest opinion of razor are they overpriced or do you pay
for quality personally I love razor hashtag Linus butt plug it's funny you
should ask that because I don't necessarily have an opinion like an
all-encompassing opinion of pretty much any company I form my opinions based on
the product at hand in fact I ranted about this last week don't be a fanboy
don't be an Intel fanboy don't be a Microsoft fanboy don't be a Google
fanboy and don't be a razor fanboy don't be any kind of fanboy evaluate the
product for your needs when previously when we're like night I'd knock to it's
because every product that no one has come up with so far is ugly as hell and
works really really well yeah and we're I mean and nine eight is just amazing
and we use it all the time and it's perfect the only thing that's wrong with
any right now actually is it has some problems with server replication so you
have to turn that off being turned back on it's fine okay so anyway don't be a
fanboy does razor have products that I think are absolutely fantastic yes the
orb weaver is an unbelievably cool product if you wanted like a gamepad
like like the older nostromo from Belkin or whatever else buy an orb weaver it's
not that much more expensive than anything else full mechanical chai MX
blue switches awesome product vibrant LED backlighting anything you could want
the one thing I could complain about I guess is it doesn't have a braided cord
and I have cats so they are they kill cords something like the Aatrox
outstanding product yeah great build quality great attention to detail
targets a market of people who want that product and delivers great solid blade
14 unbelievable product it's amazing that two generations into building
notebooks they turned that around look how long first one was we we weren't
huge fans of the first one but I mean look how long a sir's had to come up
with blade 14 and razors like no we're just gonna build this do I think it's
perfect no in fact in my unboxing I talked a lot about how I really don't
like the screen they used there so what's my honest opinion is I'll evaluate
every product as it comes down the pipe and that's what you should do too all
right I think we're gonna call that good enough oh no there's one more tweet
ah yeah stroke daddy go love the show thank you and now let's move into your
thing okay so let me get the doc open I have you can just use this here I've
got it yeah but you can screen share with them just use this just it's just
open the ah you know I open this doc yeah okay it's the bill mostly all right
build logs of the week download it yeah I'm the downloading my
PowerPoint on this computer oh dear uh-oh this is this is a pretty new
pretty pretty new PC like that might actually be a problem yes I have it who
that would've been awesome all right so back to the desktop build the week
September 6th okay what Oh try try no no I know what's wrong I know what's wrong
because it's it's defaulting to the wrong edition of office I just have to
open with office the other one so yeah I see oh no no okay oh no why don't you
just oh okay so one thing that I want to propose and this is the first time
you're hearing this as well actually okay um actually you know I'm gonna take
that back until I build a system so that we can actually do it and then once I
build the system then so you're not gonna talk about it nope do you have got
me everyone's wondering what it is now anyways there's a thread on the forum
that we can't blast right now but we'll be blasting soon I'll blast through
Twitter but this is I've been meaning to call this out for a long time but we've
been having a lot of problems with the show for a long time I haven't been able
to blast it out for a long time so there's a section in I believe build
logs no build planning that's what I'm actually pretty sure it's in where this
let's see who's his name here we go corn on a Jacob awesome corn on a Jacob in
new builds and planning basically proposes a challenge and what you're
supposed to do is theory craft a build for a specific person purpose at a
specific price point and then he chooses winners as far as I know there's no real
bonus for winning but it's fun it's kind of interesting you don't have to
actually build the rig you just kind of theory craft the rig I think the kind of
rules are that use PC part picker because it's just a lot easier for
everyone to see what you're actually picking right which makes sense but if
you want to compete if you think you have better ideas than other people
check out this thread it's called the LTT build off thread no building
required by corn on Jacob in the new builds and planning section and it's
just kind of cool I've been meaning to it's pinned so I'll be right at the top
I've been meaning to call this out for a while and I told him I would call it
out quite a while ago so hopefully hopefully you've got that but yeah okay
well apparently having two different editions of office open is kind of a
problem so we're gonna have low low color depth build logs of the week this
week unfortunately so let's go ahead and start with half X mod by Indy yet so
first thing you'll notice is some super cool mounted SSDs love that which is
just awesome I love how he did that right there
we're done right angle connectors right through side really nice cables blah
blah blah blah but then you scroll down so terrible oh I'll open it on here and
then we'll just yeah we'll just we'll just make it because the picture looks a
lot better than that yeah that looks so Tara bad all right here we go so we're
just gonna go we'll just full screen on here and yes I do yes I do all right
here we go don't know there's some serious glare
and there we go yes all right boom there's some pressure on Claire but
he's got a window in there there you go so window if you didn't notice already
that you can see through the side there is a window on there yeah dem angled
fittings look really sharp it looks like it's not filled yet but I'm guessing you
have other slides that show that off a little bit better love nickel-plated
blocks those are gorgeous blocks what are those I did not actually specifically
grab that yeah we should have that hard pipe that was to my right there by
mesmerized by his SSD mounting all right so there's another shot of it now it's
at least the res is full that's kind of interesting because these tubes are sort
of oh I guess it's I'm a plexi res yeah interesting all right so I'm guessing
those are EK blocks based on that that's an EK CPU block and unless you're kind
of an EK fanboy I can't think of another reason to use an EK CPU block
Wow all right that's fired can I just wanted by mg2 this one is freaking
fantastic this is this is where he started so there's there's one shot
before this where he only has two hard drives in but basically this is where
the whole thing begins as he's like okay I'm gonna build a hard drive cage and
then he has to build off that because this has to be a full computer this is
where it ends so he just keeps adding little areas and mounting things in here
and if you notice he's got a big freaking CPU cooler and he had to add a
graphics card so he's got an extension cable and he just built a little hang
off the side thing there's a better shot from for it if you go forward I got one
more picture for this one I should have done three pictures for the last one as
well so yeah don't kill s you decided to put a video card in so he just like
built a little like thing it's a little like PCI Express extension and there's a
thing here and the like sits there unbelievable that's awesome it's so cool
love it it's just awesome absolutely love it that's hilarious all right what
else you got here so so check out the check out the theory crafting thing
check out those bill bill logs of the week those will be in the featured bill
logs of the week section that is pinned in build logs at the very top by wind
speed those will be there at some point also I'm going to be putting up a thread
fairly soon asking you guys whether or not you think we should have a gaming
specific channel or whether or not we should keep the gaming content that you
the style of gaming content you saw at PAX and our future ideas for gaming
content on the Linus Tech Tips channel so if we should have one giant channel
that does absolutely everything or if we should have another because we have a
few already bearing in mind my devil's advocate thing here is another channel
to maintain is another channel to maintain it's another set of assets
whether it's pre rolls or intros or outros or whatever else it's another
thing for people to be subscribed to and to follow along with it's another you
know yeah I see a lot of challenges with having another channel but if you guys
feel very strongly about not having gaming content on the Linus Tech Tips
channel then it's something we could potentially look into because I mean the
reason for tech quickie versus Linus Tech Tips the reason that exists is
because I wanted to keep like paid commercials content off of the Linus
Tech Tips yeah whereas none of this would be paid content anyway so guys
will will ultimately what I told him because I think he believes that about a
new channel would be better what I told him is let's let y'all decide yep so I'm
gonna be putting up a post on the forum and we will have it go to vote because
this is ultimately your guys speaking of the forum the Linus Tech Tips forum is
now in the 96th overall position for folding at home top 100 even though it's
only been running for less than a year and that means that there's teams that
are ancient and by to show that off we have we're in ninth position for active
folders yeah night that's crazy it's nuts so we have almost a thousand team
members 250 ish of with are actually active and the boink team is 372nd
worldwide which is actually quite good as well and has 95 members with 54
active and badges will be distributed to boink and folding members once you hit
certain milestones if you're more interested there's posts about that and
if you're wondering why you're not getting a badge feel free to p.m. whaler
underscore 99 on the phone so thank you guys very much for tuning into this
week's when show I think that's about it tune in next week at approximately this
time I'm gonna go drink some tea approximately two hours and 20 minutes
ago this was a long show it was I you know what I'd love to hear you hit me up
on Twitter after the show here this is just sort of a random aside let me know
what you think the optimal length for the land show is I'd love to hear what
you guys think no I wanted to call it or whatever you came up with but yeah oh
and if you think it would make sense for us to start doing a much shorter like
I'm thinking like 15 20 minutes like two to three topics tops but and it would
have a different name which I don't want to reveal yet okay until we've launched
why didn't but let me know what you guys think you know do you like the one once
per week long thing or would you like it to be split up or would you like a
hybrid model of both of them let me know what you think hit me up on Twitter I
can't promise to reply to all the tweets but I will read them all so goodnight
everybody goodnight guys
reminder guys that squarespace.com offer code Linus 9 and it's 20% off new
accounts just a reminder you can go now
why are you still here the show is over and we're back a new episode of the
right now