
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

Welcome to the WAN Show, ladies and gentlemen.
We've got a fantastic show lined up for you today
and a lot of great topics,
including what happened to my hair.
I will say this much.
There's a channel super fun.
I've heard.
You're not gonna wanna miss it.
We'll be talking about that.
We're also gonna be talking about YouTube's new features
to combat comment spam.
It turns out they care.
Or at least they care a little.
We're gonna dig into it.
What else we got?
I'm scrolling through.
It looks like the doc is still under construction,
but we are working on it.
This one's pretty good.
Oh, well, I turned the text yellow
instead of highlighting it.
There's a Google engineer explains why
business versus non-business G-suites accounts
work the way that they do.
Which is to say that the business ones,
the paid ones don't work.
Yes, yes.
It's very interested to hear about that.
It's pretty much what you'd expect,
but it's interesting to hear it like from someone
that actually works there, you know?
Like it's, that's good.
That's helpful.
That's nice.
I'm not gonna do this one.
Where is it?
There it is.
Oh, yeah.
Intel's block scale crypto miner is out early,
but also late.
Bad timing Intel.
Let's go ahead and roll that intro.
There seems to be a theme for them lately.
The show was brought to you today by ReelOptics,
Squarespace and Secret Lab.
Let's jump right into what I know is on everyone's mind
first and foremost, what the heck happened to my hair?
Do you like my haircut?
Well, I'm glad I can count on you
for your forthrightness and honesty.
I don't think it's like horrible,
but I think it's a clear, definite, absolute downgrade.
I mean, and being a downgrade over doing nothing
to it for like four months, it's pretty rough.
I don't necessarily agree with that
because there's a lot of different like men's hairstyles
that you can get away with that are like attractive
and are actually genuinely good.
That take very little maintenance.
Yes, tell me more.
And you found it.
I feel like you had hit your like apex.
You had figured out your beard.
Your beard was good.
Now it's like smaller, I think.
I think you trimmed, did you trim the beard back?
Well, I didn't.
Oh, he did that too.
Yeah, it doesn't look as good.
So I feel like you had figured that out
and then that's downgraded.
And I feel like you had figured the hair out
because you don't like doing tons of maintenance
with your hair.
No, I don't.
So you had something that worked really well
and it was a package and it was good
and you were doing good.
So you're saying basically-
And now it looks like someone who like-
I've peaked and I'm on the down slope.
I'm on the down slope.
Now it looks like you like saw someone else's haircut
that worked really well for them.
And you were like, I'm gonna take exactly that
even though it doesn't work for me.
Okay, do you know what the video was?
Because it sounds like you know what the video was.
I actually don't.
Dennis went to Yvonne and asked her
for a reference picture.
The reference picture she chose was Chris Hemsworth,
like Thor, Chris Hemsworth,
but with like the, you know, like this one, you know?
Oh, sorry, I swept it the wrong way.
It doesn't matter.
The point is it's supposed to go up a bit at the very least.
She picked that.
Dennis then had three hours of professional instruction
from a top tier hairdresser on dummies and everything,
learning to use all the tools
to learn how to give that haircut.
Then he had one hour to execute that haircut,
including beard trim on me.
And obviously this is gonna be a bit of a spoiler
for you WAN Show viewers,
but I promise you the journey is just as much fun
as the destination, if not more so,
because there were some additional challenges,
some curve balls that I threw into Dennis
as part of the whole challenge.
But I will say this,
I have often gone to the hairdresser
and not really understood
why they do things the way that they do.
Do you get it now?
Is that the direction you're going?
No, I still don't get it.
Because Dennis did things that were like proper,
the way that a hairdresser would do it.
Like for example,
do you use just like a guard and a trimmer
and a shaver to trim your beard?
According to the hairdresser,
you should never go against the grain.
You always go with the grain.
Been doing it wrong.
I don't know how you can't get certain
cause it just flattens it out.
Well, let's talk about that.
When I trim my beard,
which I think I've got down to pretty much a science
at this point.
I think it's been pretty good.
It takes me about 110 seconds.
Like it actually takes me pretty much no time.
You have your guard length figured out.
You just whip through it.
I grab a number four pretty much across the board.
I go a little easy here
cause I have like kind of a thin spot right here.
To be clear,
neither of us,
I'm assuming not exactly masters of beards.
Oh no, not at all.
Take this for the-
Yeah, don't take advice.
For the complete ignorant nonsense that it is.
But I just grab a number four.
I just go,
grab everything that it will cut,
kind of blend a little bit here.
Try not to take off too much
in that kind of weak spot right there.
And then I take off the guard.
I fix up the cheeks
and then I just kind of go like that.
I go, nah, nah,
and then I'm done.
It actually takes me less than two minutes.
Meanwhile, Dennis,
following the proper way of doing it,
where you go down,
managed to get as low as a number one
without taking pretty much anything off.
And then he goes,
and he starts cutting freehand around the mustache,
which was terrifying.
Like no guard.
So I do that.
Well, no guard,
but not like,
like I rest against my lip
cause it won't cut it.
So I like use the lip as a guide.
No, I mean, freehand,
like a pencil.
Just like holding my head
and going like one slip
and I'm looking like I got like a bare spot here.
You know what I mean?
It was madness.
Can I see the back of your head?
And can you take the headphones off
and like just turn a little bit?
I'll ditch the headphones off.
How do I look?
I need to, yeah.
I spent half an hour on this fade.
See, I don't know.
I know nothing about hair,
but like it doesn't really seem
like it's blended properly.
Cause like you can see the layers,
which I don't think is like,
what's supposed to happen.
Yeah, I don't think so.
I don't know.
You've got some stuff going on back here.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
I don't think Dennis was familiar
with the concept of a cowlick,
which was interesting.
Okay, yeah.
And he kept saying,
oh, your hair is so thin.
And I'm like, yeah, Dennis, I'm not Asian.
I don't have like coarse hair.
I think, yeah, it's thin.
Oh, it's so curly.
Like, okay, hey, it's not that curly.
I've got a bit of a wave,
but it's not curly.
And like, yes, yes, I have white guy hair.
What do you want from me?
That's sort of what I was talking about though,
is like, it doesn't look like it was cut for you,
which might be the problem with the,
like the source material or whatever.
But like, honestly, the second I saw you,
cause I ran into him in the stairwell earlier today.
And the second I saw you, I was just like, huh.
It's just like more weird than anything.
Cause it just doesn't, I don't,
personally, I don't think it suits you.
This is great.
Twitch chat.
Twitch chat be like, wow, Linus balding AF.
Bald spot above the right ear.
No, no, no.
That would be Dennis's hand to work.
Wait, what?
What is this?
Oh, no, no.
That's just, okay.
Okay, there we go.
So yes, some hairline receding,
but no, that's not just like a bald spot.
That's just, well, he didn't really take any length off.
That too.
It's really long.
Like the hair on the top of his head.
Really long.
But also like down the back,
like there's hair that's really long down the back.
Well, he barely touched the top.
He spent half an hour of his time on this fade
that is extremely uneven.
Like it goes from nothing to hello.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
And then probably another 10 minutes on the beard.
So the pole on float plane is showing 72% no.
72% do not like the hair here.
I'll share my screen with you guys.
Here's a, we have a new polling system on float plane.
Freaking amazing.
Massive shout out float plane team
for putting that together for us.
Way easier to generate polls now.
But yeah, that's, are you going to leave it?
I have to.
That's part of the like, them's the rules.
You can't have stakes.
See, I always talk to, I always talk to people
internally about this.
I hate fakeness.
I hate fake reactions and fake pranks.
I just didn't know like, okay,
you have to hold it for the rest of the week or like what?
The fakeness that is online content in general.
Oh, constantly.
I was doom scrolling on Facebook
in the middle of the night.
Like, I don't know.
It must've been a couple of months ago at this point.
That's gotta be one of the worst things to doom scroll on.
Pretty much.
I came across this video that's like,
she surprised her husband with a visit
from military duty or something.
And it's this thing that she's wearing,
like an old man, like a rubber mask
and like dressed up as someone else entirely.
And he's a doctor and he's like sitting,
working his computer.
And she manages to completely strip down her costume
to like her army fatigue while he's supposedly working
and not noticing any of this.
And I'm sitting, this has like 20 million views.
Of course.
Like just, and I'm sitting here going,
I was watching it as part of,
like I continued watching it.
I figured out it was fake immediately,
but I was continuing watching it just to kind of see,
what are people watching?
You know, reading the comments, right?
There's some people where they're like commenting,
like they're playing along, obviously,
but there's a lot where you look at it and you go,
no, unironically, you don't realize
that this is just a complete setup.
I don't get it.
Anyway, I refuse.
I refuse to participate in it.
So a big part of the challenge, I think,
for Channel Super Fun for me is that the stakes,
like the scale of stakes for, you know,
fun like skit or prank or challenge videos on YouTube
has been thrown so far out of whack by both people
who are just actually wild and willing to go to
just unbelievable extremes for their content
and people who fake the consequences, right?
So as a actual company with an employee agreement
and work safe policies, we can't really compete,
but what we can do is we can be genuine about what we do.
And so from my point of view,
unless I actually had to live with the haircut
for some substantial period of time, there's no stakes.
There's no risk.
And if there's no risk, there's no tension.
And there's no tension, there's no content.
What's the substantial period of time?
So like how long are you talking?
I'd say at least a few weeks before I touch it up, yeah.
Cause I like, are you worried about a decrease
in video views?
Should you use old pictures of you as thumbnail shots?
What the f*** did you just say to me?
I think your genuine, you know, your appeal
may have gone down.
Have I ever told you the story about how I went
from one hairdresser to another hairdresser
because the first one was so bad?
I don't think so.
It sounds like a really compelling tale though.
Please do share.
I decided like, oh, I'll go to like a nice hairdresser.
Cause I've always gone to like,
just really like very cheap ones.
So it's like, I'll go to a really nice hairdresser.
So I went there, they did the haircut.
I wasn't really super, I was already like, whatever.
But I realized as I was walking out
that they never did the mirror thing.
So you can see the back of your head.
And as I was getting in the car,
I just brushed the back of my head
and realized that she did literally nothing.
Like it was super long.
So I just drove to my previous hairdresser
and I was like, yeah, I'm not going to like explain this,
but if you can like fix what happened,
that would be awesome.
That was sweet.
As part of this video,
the hairdresser that trained Dennis actually said that
whatever he screwed up, I could go in and she would fix it.
But like I said.
Yeah, you gotta live with it
for a certain amount of time for sure.
Yes, I think two to three weeks
is probably the right amount of time
for me to have emo Linus videos going up.
It's just so long.
It's very long.
It's very long.
You're being very mean though by the way.
And I think the community's with me here.
I don't know how to post polls,
but I'm sure someone will post it for me.
Oh, you can't do it.
You need the main screen.
Oh, okay.
Main screen turn on.
Oh, okay.
Luke too mean?
I got roasted.
If this situation was swapped,
you'd be going in just as hard if not harder.
No way.
Yes, you absolutely would.
I have never gone this hard at you about anything.
And that is the God's honest truth.
Don't believe that at all.
I'm gonna vote no on this.
You're gonna vote no.
FlowPlane, whose side are you on here?
Probably mine.
Clearly Luke's.
He's a rude, mean guy.
And you guys are really not giving me the support
that I feel that I deserve.
Yeah, you know what?
I don't even think he's a rude, mean guy.
I think he's a nice guy who does rude, mean things.
I'm not mad.
I'm just disappointed FlowPlane.
That's funny.
Okay, but enough with the hair.
Let's talk about YouTube's new feature
to combat comment spam.
We talked about this as recently as last week.
We did a dedicated video about it
when Theo Joe released his tool
that would basically do YouTube's job for them
through API calls to check comments,
scan them for obvious spam,
like tap to masturbate my pussy,
like that kind of stuff.
Well, like honestly, honestly.
Yeah, they're pretty blatant.
They're right there.
They're in there.
They got the just woo.
And they got the pornographic profile pictures
and everything, like it just, honestly, it doesn't seem-
It's either that spectrum or it's the fake channels.
Like, oh, Linus Tech Tips is doing a giveaway for whatever.
Yeah, contact me on Telegram.
MrBeast is doing a giveaway for whatever.
Contact me on WhatsApp.
And the thing is, guys, you gotta understand,
they wouldn't be doing it if it doesn't work.
And it's not constructive to blame the victim here.
We have to blame the scammers first and foremost.
And then second,
since you're not gonna get the scammers to stop,
asking nicely, you've gotta blame the platform
because it didn't seem that complicated.
No offense, Theo Joe, nice guy.
Do I think he's a world-class software developer?
No, by his own admission.
He's a hobbyist who taught himself how to-
Make a really cool tool.
Make this tool.
Like he's an amateur, guys.
Literally, by the definition, I'm not trying to throw shade,
but he's an amateur.
And he was able to create a filter
just by just looking at the comments.
I've had YouTube representatives ask me,
oh, can you send examples?
No, I can't send examples.
They're everywhere.
Go on a video.
You should have just linked them YouTube.com.
Well, yeah, right?
Because they're literally everywhere.
It's been so frustrating, you know?
Well, masterbait's not a bad word.
It's the correct term, okay?
For pleasuring yourself.
It's not a bad word.
I'll try to read the comments under-
Sorry, they're asking why I didn't beep it.
Oh, yeah.
Yeah, anyway.
I'll try to read the comments under WAN Show,
and I'll see someone say something,
and I'll see a reply, and I'll be like,
oh, I'm actually interested to see
what other people think about this statement.
And I click view reply, and it's like, go to my telegram.
It's like, oh my goodness.
Come claim your giveaway.
All you have to do is send me $80 for shipping.
I mean, they must've been making bank.
The point is it's been going on for so long
that, I mean, I understand.
I felt this way myself.
I understand the community's frustration
and the community sentiment
that YouTube clearly just doesn't care.
I mean, the last conversation that I had
with YouTube about this was,
look, guys, at this point,
you guys need to do what you do
and go way too far for a solution
and work your way backwards
rather than trying to implement quarter measures
or half measures to try to stop the bleeding.
You need to just get that, is it tourniquet, tourniquet?
I guess it depends on the leg.
Would it, in French, would it be tourniquet?
I don't know.
Q-U-E-T en français.
Oh, pronunciation.
I have no idea.
Anyway, anyway, tourniquet.
You need to just get that thing on that leg
that is clearly off.
Cinch it, get the blood to stop.
Like, the suggestion I gave them was like,
look, you guys need to stop allowing anything
other than official language alphanumeric characters.
That's it.
That's it.
No special characters.
Just block it all.
Usernames, message contents, all of it.
Figure out your s***
and then start to slowly bring it back
because this is clearly costing people
a lot of money.
I might have an unpopular opinion here,
but I don't even know if you need to bring it back
from there.
Why do you need special characters in the comments?
I'm not trying to-
As long as there are no languages that are screwed with.
No, exactly.
But there's a huge amount of characters
that are essentially only used for fooling people.
Only used for exploits or abuse.
Like, oh, this looks like an eye,
but it's not an eye, it's some other thing
or whatever else.
Like, there's tons of that stuff, so I don't know.
I just, I can't.
Thorium says alphanumeric would lock out other languages.
Sorry, I'm using the term.
That's why I specifically said
like what you need for languages.
I mean, they're alpha characters,
whatever those would be.
Now, I know that there could be some challenges
associated with that.
Like, I don't know much about what's involved in typing
in simplified or traditional Chinese, for example.
So there could be some misleading characters
that you absolutely do need to type in those languages.
That you have to have.
Yeah, there definitely would be, yeah.
But there are also ones
that I really just don't think you need that badly.
Oh, turn to K in French.
Don't pronounce the T.
All right, so there you go.
Got it.
Anyway, they finally have a response.
The talking points from Adam here are funny.
No, we are not running a giveaway
and we certainly aren't doing it through Telegram.
Yes, thank you, Adam, for that.
YouTube has finally announced some updates
to combat the spam and impersonation
that has been rampant in the video comment section.
The updates listed are that they are no longer
allowing channels to hide subscriber counts.
This is supposedly to make impersonation more difficult.
As much as I like the attempt
and I do agree with what you were saying
about how they need to go too far the first time,
I don't think this is gonna make
pretty much any difference at all.
Well, let's get through the rest of the changes.
Sure, yeah.
They are improving creator comment moderation
in the YouTube studio.
Increased strictness in the held for review tab
is now available to all creators.
So it's a moderation level, a new moderation level.
I have still seen significant spam creep through.
We have had access to that feature for some weeks.
Okay, yeah.
And they are limiting the type and frequency
of special characters in channel names,
removing characters that can be easily misread
for other letters from the allowed character set.
For example, here, I'm just going to share the doc here
with you guys for a second.
This is no longer allowed, YouTube.
That's a sort of, that's a YouTube of sorts.
Welcome to my video site.
Yen, ooh, whatever that T is, oob.
YouTube will then continue monitoring the situation
and investigating other ways to remove spam.
Okay, I agree with you.
I don't think this goes far enough.
I don't understand why they don't just remove
the special characters also from like body text.
I don't know.
You know it's a problem.
Just block it.
Yeah, just the channel name,
being special characters is probably not enough.
There's also a lot of like,
to use MrBeast as an example,
there's a lot of channels that he has
that are derivatives of Beast.
I don't know what they are, but.
Yep, so you could mislead someone
by having like a Beast plays with a Zed
instead of Beast giveaways.
Beast giveaways.
Yep, Beast prizes.
That's exactly the sort of thing that these scammers
literally spend their entire day brainstorming
and coming up with.
We figured that out in a few seconds.
They'll figure out much better things.
And the thing you guys have got to understand too
is that these scam industries
are not maybe what you think they are.
They're not just some person who can't get a job,
sitting alone in their basement,
coming up with clever scam.
There are sizable enterprises dedicated
with coming up.
Dedicated to coming up with ways.
Massive companies, tens of hundreds of employees.
To rip people off online.
And the really wild thing is that they can have employees
that don't even realize that they work for scammers.
They're just developers working on features
and they get a paycheck and they might not even realize it.
So these are sizable teams with significant resources.
There is anywhere where there's a lot of money,
you can afford to hire talent.
So there are actually talented people working on this stuff.
And in YouTube's defense,
it's a non-trivial problem to solve.
And you have to find a balance between site usability
and blocking scammers and spammers.
Yeah, I do think it's non-trivial
because it's an arms race.
Though like Theo Joe's thing did work very well.
So there's things that could have been done
that were not super ultra high effort.
You know what I mean?
There's low hanging fruit solutions
that were not implemented.
And I don't honestly think that these measures
are going to like solve it.
I don't think hiding subscriber counts is gonna solve it
when I bet you a lot of people
aren't doing that level of due diligence anyways.
Because if they were,
they would obviously be able to tell
it wasn't the same channel.
In a variety of other ways.
Because if you're looking at subscriber count,
you could look at the videos that are on the channel.
Like there's other ways to do that.
I mean, you gotta remember a huge part of scamming
is social engineering, right?
Once you've started a conversation with someone,
you can talk your way through a lot of problems.
You could just say,
yeah, we don't have any subscribers on this channel
because it's just the one we use to contact people,
some low level employee manages it
instead of Jimmy himself, Mr. Beast.
Oh, okay.
I could see someone saying,
oh, well that sounds plausible enough.
And it does.
I don't think it goes far enough.
The increased strictness feature
is really the one that needs to be good.
Yeah, and it needs to be better.
Like the rest of these are kind of whatever.
Increased strictness needs to be good.
It's clearly you're saying it's not working
or not doing enough.
It is better, okay.
But it's not solving it?
We have it enabled across all of our channels now
and it is better, but it is not perfect.
Let's see how fast you can find a spam comment
on the most recent LTT upload.
That one might be a little challenging
just because it is from yesterday.
So we don't upload on Fridays.
Do they like take a while to?
Well, I also don't know
if we're still running the Theo Joe script.
If we are, that almost certainly would have found it.
Oh, nevermind.
I found something already.
Okay, I take it back.
So here's how long it took me.
I popped open the comments, video comments.
I haven't responded.
This filter is enabled by default.
I don't know why.
So I was scrolling down looking,
this is all 42 minutes ago.
One of the things that YouTube employees
have pointed out to me in the past
is that right in the minutes after a video goes live,
there can be a lot of spam
because the bots will be triggered by a video going live
and they will post all their crappy spam
right in those first few minutes.
And then the thumbs up and thumbs down
are ways that the community can help
to moderate the comment section,
making it so that those comments might still be there,
but only a creator would normally see them
because as a creator, the way that I consume comments
is probably very different
from the way that you would consume comments.
I look at them in chronological order
because I don't wanna miss things
and or I wanna make sure,
well, mostly I don't wanna miss things.
I wanna see everything,
not just what got the most upvotes.
So I will look through the whole feed.
So I will see all that crap.
But if I were to actually look at it in the public view,
sorted by best or whatever the default sorting is top,
I wouldn't really see it.
Personally, I just like the thumbs up and thumbs down
to be public again, like they are on Reddit,
which is, I mean, it's got its own toxicity,
but at least has very little spam from my experience,
except in very, very like small threads
on really obscure communities.
You'll find spam there,
but any reasonably moderated community,
like human moderation just kind of seems to be the answer.
Anyway, the point is I'm on this video
and this is from quite recent.
We managed to have to go as far,
oh, first of all, yeah, this definitely,
rest in peace Technoblade.
Did you see that?
Did you watch the video?
I did, it's heartbreaking.
That's, yeah.
Have you seen the merch?
I'm planning to buy myself the limited edition,
the two-sided one.
I forget exactly what the graphics are,
but I was thinking about getting the GG easy.
Here we go from three hours ago.
This is a video that went up yesterday.
Here's a reply.
So this is basically the chief tech, whatever.
Hello fan, Telegram, Linus Tech Tips official.
Thank you for watching.
You've won a price.
I wonder if that's an intentional typo
because they've done it twice here
and they've put a little emoji next to it of a gift.
So it's amazing what the human brain can do
when you're reading, like you can have the first,
what is it?
The first letter and the last letter correct
and then everything else random
and you will still be able to read the word like easily.
It's pretty crazy.
So stuff like that is almost certainly intentional
because you will see this emoji gloss over it.
Probably not even notice that it's a typo,
but that's probably how they're getting around
this particular filter.
And the thing is I could go in
and I could put in text filters.
I could see this.
I could go, okay, well let's not allow the word prize
in our comments.
But clearly YouTube, the fact that they're doing this
means that YouTube is already responding
to the word prize in comments.
I can't block the word price, but I don't,
I mean, again, am I just hating
on people's personal expression when I say,
I don't really understand why we need emojis?
I think emojis are fine.
I don't think that really matters.
I have a-
But do we need them?
If it's a question of user safety and emojis,
I'd like to see them implemented again in the future.
There's a lot of things in life where if you try,
if you put safety as the paramount thing in the equation,
then we just don't ever do anything.
That's literally the definition.
Like this is why we can't have nice things.
So it's basically what you're saying.
But, and I have no problem with them re-implementing it,
but they need to do something now.
Something big.
I have a message from Telegram Linus Tech Tips Official
as well on my screen.
I found it on a, I believe a different video.
And it says something huge for you.
Text me to claim.
There's no emojis, not needed.
And you gotta understand too,
I actually moderate our comments.
When I see these guys, when I'm just doom scrolling comments
on the can, I will block user from channel,
which is a much more useful tool than it used to be.
I've, man, I've complained about it so much.
The fact that there isn't a single button still,
for years, years, I've been asking for a single button.
I want to report spam, delete the comment
and block the user from the channel.
One button, for years, I've had to choose,
choose a function.
No, no, no.
Now block user from channel does now
at least delete that comment,
but I don't know if it reports it to YouTube as spam
because it should only take a handful of spam reports
to flag a review.
Okay, is this spam?
Nuked, gone.
You do have to be careful with,
so flag review, yes.
Auto banning is spooky.
Yeah, I understand that.
People will use that as a weapon.
People will abuse it.
Absolutely, they will abuse it,
but that's why you have to review it.
Yeah, no, for sure, and you said it the right way.
I have another one, Telegram Linus Tech Tips official one.
They added a number, it's a different channel.
And it's essentially the same thing.
They're doing the price with the gift emoji.
And just to validate that we do, in fact,
have this setting enabled.
Hopefully I'm not going to show you guys anything
too horrible in the dashboard here.
I should be fine.
Defaults, hmm.
I don't actually, is it channel guidelines?
Welcome message, okay.
Oh, example guidelines.
Well, here, here's a good guideline.
No self-promotion or spam.
Okay, I actually don't know where in the dashboard this is.
I'm going to go ahead and block.
What am I looking for here?
Defaults, ah, yes, here we go.
Okay, so verified.
This is, in fact, enabled.
And yet, discard changes.
Well, I didn't make any changes, smart guy.
And yet, here we are.
So I found a block of them here from about three hours ago
where this Linus Tech Tips official Telegram account
is just replying to people.
And I can go in and I can hide user from channel.
Still can't report it at the same time.
And so this one probably won't be there anymore.
Oh, that's so stupid.
I hate, man, inconsistent UI stuff drives me crazy.
Every other site on the entire internet,
you click the timestamp and it will load the page
with that comment.
No, I guess I'll click here.
Sure, why not?
Let's do it differently because we're just different.
This appears to still be here.
So what just happened then?
We do know that there's a, like, is that the exact one?
Cause we found Linus Tech Tips official one as well.
So is there like a special character?
These all appear to be from the same one.
Telegram Linus Tech Tips official.
I don't remember which one I removed, but let's see.
Is this one still here?
And it's just, you know, at the volume,
yeah, this appears to still be here.
At the volume of comments that there are
on a channel our size.
And you'll see it on evergreen content in particular.
It'll be on the brand new videos that were just uploaded
and the old ones that still get a lot of views.
It's not manageable for us to moderate this stuff manually
unless there are tools.
Like if the community could report it to us
and it was as simple as going through a daily report
being like, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
No, yes, no, no, yes, no, yes, no, yes, no.
Right, like that's manageable,
but we can't go digging for it.
It's absurd.
So anyway, this is all the evidence that I need.
Night pause in FlowPlane chat said it's easier
to kill a channel by using, by falsely,
I'm adding some things here.
It's easier to kill a channel by falsely using DMCA
than it is to get rid of spam.
Well, there's been some, there's been some controversy.
I haven't had the time, unfortunately,
to look into some of the recent controversies
in enough depth to talk about them.
Oh, here's another one.
Telegram me at official Linus Sebastian.
All right, you know what?
I will.
See if you can just have like a cordial conversation
with them.
Yeah, why don't we just, why don't we just,
why don't we just have a chat?
Why don't we have a little chat?
You should, you should call it.
Oh, is your telegram tied to your phone number?
Oh, hold on.
I've got my, I've got my drug dealer phone.
Ah, very nice.
Very good.
I don't think it's charged though.
My iPhone's not charged.
May I please have a lightning charger?
All right.
All right.
Okay, we'll-
Should we move on in the meantime?
Yeah, let's move on.
Let's move on in the meantime.
Hold on.
I'm just gonna,
I'm just gonna hide this user from the channel.
So yeah, this, this is the, this is,
it's clear that what they're doing is not enough.
My challenge to YouTube, go nuclear.
Go nuclear.
Get rid of it.
Slowly re-implement.
Because that's the only way.
Change one variable at a time.
C, okay.
Does this, N, N, N.
The thing is, is you might say,
oh, well, that's, that's too much.
It's too far.
Well, okay.
Then we'll know soon enough, won't we?
Because there will be zero spam.
Or maybe there won't be.
Cause that's the other outcome.
Maybe they'll still be able to get around it.
Maybe it turns out the nuclear option
actually isn't even enough.
And they need to do more.
But we won't know unless we actually do something.
And I don't think they've, I don't think they've done enough.
It's starting to look like.
It is everywhere.
Oh yeah.
Look at this.
Look at this.
It's just every single comment.
And so whenever a YouTube employee asks me,
oh, can you please send me an example?
Like, look, I don't want to be disrespectful.
Just use your own website for a second.
Do you even use the platform?
If you haven't experienced this spam
and you haven't witnessed it being a problem,
the only conclusion I can come to
is that you don't even use YouTube.
Like, I don't know.
Sometimes I get, I get very,
I may have a reputation for getting quite fired up
when I engage with YouTube employees.
And I feel bad about that.
I legitimately do.
I actually, I went off on, here's another one.
Here's a freaking another one.
I'm not even trying to look for them.
Here it is.
Same video.
How about we make them a comment moderator?
Yeah, for sure.
That would be good.
So it's so frustrating.
So I went off on someone that as far as my knowledge goes
is fairly influential in the mobile creator studio app
Oh, you have no issues with that at all.
Because there have been a number of changes made
that whether this individual had any influence
over them or not, honestly, it's hard to say
because a lot of the problems at YouTube
seem to be coming from somewhere higher is all I'll say.
But I basically like lost it.
I was sitting here going, okay,
I spent a bunch of time talking to you about this,
laying out things that would be useful,
like period over period comparisons
is something that used to be
in the mobile creator studio app.
So I could easily see this month over last month,
for example.
Instead, they replaced it with this
compared to your typical performance line.
So it shows kind of what your typical range is
for performance and then where you were relative to that.
The problem for me is that I've experienced
the shortcomings of the typical performance metric.
Typical performance might look at some kind of rolling
average of your last three or your last six months
or something along those lines.
And if you were at the low end of your typical performance,
six months in a row, guess what just happened?
Your channel got way smaller
and you've got this little green check mark
in your dashboard that says everything is okay.
No, it's not okay.
Looking at month over month is the way
that any functional business operates.
So you'll look at period over period,
you'll look at this period year over year,
that's how you monitor trends.
You don't monitor trends by going,
oh, compared to typical, what is typical?
I mean, if okay, if you wanna have a section
of the dashboard where I can define typical,
where I can say typical is whatever my last 28 days was.
I still don't think that's like great.
Well, no, it's obviously it's a stupid workaround
to a problem that should have never existed.
Anyway, the point is I absolutely went off on this person.
I felt terrible because I know deep down
that many of these changes,
probably nothing to do with this individual.
And they were either directives
or just sort of general directions that YouTube is going.
Like for example, there's far reduced visibility
for dislikes in the Creator Studio app.
And it's really frustrating because,
okay, my work around for this, this is a really good one.
Okay, so let's go look at this.
It used to be that I could see
like dislike ratio right here.
So it was just like right when you click on a video,
it would be like right there because right after I publish,
that's one of the first things I look at.
Okay, do people even like this thing?
And because I'm comparing apples to apples,
my own channel that uploads every day
to my own channel uploading again today,
it's just, it's a really quick and easy litmus test.
Oh, well, they moved it.
Well, thanks for that.
Now I get to click go to video analytics
where it is conveniently not on the first page.
Below the full.
I get to go click engagement.
And then finally I can see a ratio,
but not absolute values.
I can only see a percentage.
Now, what do you notice about this ratio?
This is a video that was published yesterday.
Seems pretty high.
Well, that's channel average.
Okay, where's the actual ratio?
It says NA, doesn't it?
Oh, that's actually,
oh, okay, I was reading it completely wrong.
Okay, I get it.
There's a delay for it to populate.
Now my workaround for this used to be
that I could click the go to YouTube icon
in the creator studio app
in order to see analytics, right?
And then I could go view it on the actual YouTube app.
But guess what?
I can only view that if I'm logged in as that channel
because I can't see dislikes anymore.
And you might think it's not an inconvenience
to be logged in as the actual channel
because clearly I was in the creator studio,
but because we have multiple channels,
we actually have a multi-channel management tool
where I am logged in as my work account.
I have no way on my phone to see the like-dislike ratio
of this video we uploaded yesterday.
This is absolutely basic information
that I need to do a job.
I love how in you're like, I went too far.
Rant number three, baby, let's go.
The point is that I shouldn't have targeted an individual.
I shouldn't have gone off on an individual.
Now, in fairness, I didn't call names.
Like it wasn't like that.
But I went after these problems in a way
that made it seem as though I thought
that they could immediately fix them.
And clearly I understand that they can't.
It's just, it's very frustrating.
They're sitting there not solving real problems,
breaking solutions that I already had to my problems.
Like, I just, I don't know how to,
I don't know how to,
I don't know how to talk about it anymore
because I've asked nicely.
I've been happy to hear about the,
that they plan to do better for HDR.
But I have often thought that they have been
going in very weird directions developmental wise.
I've just.
Just like working on really odd things,
taking features away instead of adding features,
like not doing things that you would hope
for a company to do if you wanted to see that company grow.
You know what I mean?
It seems like they're trying to control
their current user base more than they are trying
to grow their user base.
That might be because they think their user base
is the entire world.
Well, they're trying to go somewhat correct about that.
And they are trying to grow their user base,
but it's through tools like shorts, for example.
It's not through necessarily.
I don't know.
I don't even know what to call this.
I mean, how is it even possible
that in the analytics dropdown,
there's no custom date range?
How's it even possible in the year 2022?
Such a crazy list to go through.
We've got seven days, 28 days, 90 days, 365 days,
lifetime June, May, April, March, February, January,
December, 2021, November, 2021, October, 2021,
September, 2020, August, 2021 and July, 2021.
No custom.
Why would I ever want to see a custom date range?
Now, as I recall, and I'm a little rusty on this,
cause it's been a while since they completely up
the mobile creator studio.
Little rusty on this one,
but I believe there used to be a way
for me to just drag it.
There definitely was on desktop, which was amazing.
Cause on the desktop one,
there was even a little bar below where you could see
like a much larger time period.
And then you could take your highlighted period
and you could move it and do like a quick, like, okay,
what if I want to see one year over one year?
And you could get, and all the analytics would just like
There's a bump here.
What was that?
You could go look at it.
It's been very easy.
And it would update everything below it.
Like what the top viewed videos in that time was like,
oh, it was amazing.
And then clamping down on Social Blade too.
Well, yeah, I have sent yet another polite request
for them to give Social Blade proper API access again,
so they can store the data for longer than two years.
It just sucks because these are tools that we use
to do our jobs, right?
And, you know, I get it.
Maybe you don't care about me doing a better job
of making videos, but gosh, darn it.
You probably should.
Oh my God.
Probably should indeed.
Sort of fundamental, you know?
You need probably to find a type C port.
Yeah, no, I got this.
I'm gonna charge up my iPhone.
Sorry, I...
We mentioned it in, should we move on?
Yeah, I guess so.
I'm done.
These are all conversations that I've had before.
And instead of just, no offense, shouting into a vacuum
because there's nothing you guys can do to fix it,
I've had these conversations with actual people
who work on these actual tools
and it's still been ineffective.
And one of the really frustrating things has been that,
you know how we did a video recently
talking about the deplorable state of HDR on YouTube?
So I already talked to you
about how fires have been lit over there.
And now I'm hearing it from third parties
that fires have been lit over there.
Sort of, because...
It shouldn't take that?
I shouldn't have to make a video.
I shouldn't have to.
I should say, hey, I'm a content creator on your platform.
I'd like to think a pretty successful one.
Here, I'm telling you, I'm telling you what I need.
These are my tools.
You actually don't use them.
No offense.
You don't use them.
Like talking to a YouTube employee.
It's like when I was at NCIX
and the president would have changes made
to the product management team's tools
and he and the developers would get together
and have a meeting about how they should work.
And then we'd get them and we're going,
hey, there's extra clicks
and you increase the loading time
so that you can add this extra measure
that I don't even use.
Literally none of us use it.
And then you won't revert it
because now you've spent a bunch,
you've got this sunk cost fallacy nonsense going on.
You spend a bunch of money developing this feature.
No, we don't want it.
It actually made it worse.
You have to talk to people who actually use the tools.
I mean, one of the things I've been saying
about the mobile creator studio app for the longest time
is it should be a one-stop shop for creation.
I should not have to use the player app
to upload a video, for example.
I should not have to use the player app
to look at the comments on a community post, for example.
And yet I do.
Why do I have to do that?
Why are they not developing that?
I would even see it more acceptable
if it didn't work the other way around.
If you were in the studio app
and you wanted to watch a video
and it launched it in the player app,
I'd be totally fine with that.
But you should be able to do, oh, okay, I don't even know.
But you should be able to do all of the creation
and analytic viewing and everything.
Yeah, where are my better comment moderation tools,
for example, in here?
Like it's just, it's infuriating.
Like why can't I manage who my moderators are in here?
Because apparently we need some.
Apparently there's been some unruly stuff
in YouTube chat today,
but I have no way to control that personally, so.
Oh my God, here's another one.
Telegram me at LinusTechTips20.
Yeah, it's not working, guys.
It's not good enough.
And you should have known that immediately
because you've already been trialing these features
on channels like mine, where it's clearly not working.
Why do I have to be the one to spell this out?
Maybe you should hire me as an executive
so I can come in and have an ounce of common sense.
If this isn't working in our limited trial,
maybe it's not good enough.
Maybe to determine if it's working or not,
all I have to do is go look at a video.
That is the weirdest part.
Like when the fact that they asked you for an example
is actually astonishing because you can go anywhere
on YouTube and they're just all over the place.
So I don't know, it's very odd.
Let's move on.
I was gonna say, you done?
Okay, I think we should mention
that there's new stuff in the store.
Thanks for watching.
Thanks for, you can go to hell.
But like, I can't do this all day.
What are we talking about?
New stuff in the store.
Oh, new stuff on the store.
Okay, let's talk about cool stuff for a change.
Oh man, have we ever got some stuff for you guys?
It's summer.
Sun's out.
Legs out, calves out.
Calves out?
Man, my legs are pale.
Knees out.
But that's okay, don't worry.
Our shorts will not make your legs look as pale as mine.
They've got waterproof zippers
because that's just how we roll.
YKK, baby.
They're made out of the same 100% cotton French terry fabric
as our sweatpants.
I don't know if I'm allowed to say this as Adam's employer,
but I'd say they compliment the assets in my humble opinion.
Okay, my humble opinion.
We've got sizes from small all the way to 3XL.
Don't forget that...
Oh, channeling my inner muscle man.
Don't forget, you can mouse over the picture.
Oh, not all of them, apparently.
Some of them are...
Oh yeah, yeah, you can mouse over the picture.
You can see who modeled them, what size they're wearing.
That's a really, really cool feature.
We love zipper pockets around here.
Good place to keep your phone.
Is it my butt?
That's my butt, let's go.
Is that your butt?
Oh, nice butt.
Nice butt, where you frat?
That's not the greatest pickup line.
While you're at it with your shorts,
we've got two, two printed hoodies
that I believe you've got one more week to order.
The hard drive hoodie.
Please do not use this graphic.
It is not representative.
This one.
There we go.
We should make that the default graphic for it.
It looks absolutely flipping amazing in person.
The exploded hard drive hoodie,
as well as we're doing a reprint of the processor hoodie,
which also gets a ton of comments.
This one looks amazing.
Absolutely amazing.
So you guys can check those out.
Really good reviews.
Great hoodie.
Glad I got a size up.
Oh, import document declared.
So I was charged tax.
We reviewed, just so you guys know,
we review all low star reviews
and make sure we get in touch with people.
By the way, we did come up with a plan
for what to do about,
oh, I didn't get my order.
I didn't get my order.
I didn't get like one star reviews
when it was just like lost in the mail.
There's nothing we can do about that.
What did we settle on?
Oh yeah.
Yeah. We're going to just do a respond feature,
but it's going to take some time.
Oh yeah.
Right. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Yeah. So we'll just.
I'm not sure if there was like some customer service back
and stuff you were talking about or whatever, but yeah.
In regards to the reviews, it's just for.
Also, I think there may be.
That exists by the way.
Oh, we just have to implement it or what?
You just have to do it.
Oh, all right.
Well, I will, yeah.
I'll have to talk to Nick about that.
They may not know how.
By the way, I just want to clarify something.
When I was talking about editing the reviews before,
I think there was a bit of a miscommunication
because the way that, okay, for example,
I've edited people's posts on the forum before
because I'm an admin and I have that power.
Sometimes I do it to troll people,
but I would never make it seem as though the words came
from that person.
So the way that I meant was in like old school forum style.
So their post would be there unedited,
and then it would say edit,
response from Linus Tech Tips team.
This commenter said that we could say
that we got this resolved and here's how we did it.
Like it would be a response.
So essentially the response thing was exactly
what I was asking for.
I think if there, yeah.
I just am dumb and didn't come up with that.
Right, well, it exists, so there you go.
So anyway, I just wanted to clarify that
because there were some,
I saw some comments on the forum and on Twitter,
like, man, Linus is really getting
into like shady business practices.
Like, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
I'm not talking, making it seem
as though someone said something they didn't.
People are, yeah, people are a little bit less cool
with the comment editing stuff that,
give me one quick second.
Oh, okay, apparently Nick didn't know.
Yeah, oh.
Oh, okay, cool.
Yeah, you can reply.
It's a thing, whatever, I don't know.
People are less cool with the comment editing stuff?
Yeah, yeah, so like back in old school forum days,
that was standard and accepted,
but I think you can't do that on like Reddit,
so now it's like super weird.
Oh, to say like edit, blah, blah, whatever else?
Really, because I personally-
Because that's not like a new internet thing.
But that's the more transparent way to do it.
No, I think it could be a reply.
A reply, but then it might not be seen.
Whereas like, I'm not talking about editing the original,
because I mean, I believe in transparency,
so I'm talking like you would leave the original post.
No, I know, I know.
It's just, it's a line that can be crossed
that now there could be suspicion
of whether or not you are editing parts
of the original post of anything, right?
I guess so.
But I don't know.
Oh, apparently no, you can self-edit on Reddit.
No, you can self-edit.
You can't edit other people's posts.
Oh, you mean like moderators.
Oh, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay.
Yeah, sure.
Yeah, you can self-edit on Reddit.
Also, there's the JerryRig razor knife.
Yeah, so this is interesting.
We got in touch with Zach, JerryRigEverything,
and we were all like,
hey, we've got these giant desk pads.
They're so big that it turns out this particular one
is maybe makes more sense as a desk pad,
as four desk pads.
So I believe the one we're running the promo on
is the 1.2 meter by 700 centimeter desk pad.
This boy, this boy right here.
If you pick up one of these,
so this one right here,
let's go ahead and add that to cart.
I believe it applies automatically.
Bonus spin?
Nope, I have no idea how this works.
Oh, oh my gosh, did we actually do it this way?
Okay, apparently we just carry
the JerryRig razor knife now.
So if you add the giant desk pad
and a JerryRig knife to your cart,
you will get your JerryRig knife for $0.
You can use it to cut up your desk pad
into four mouse pads
and you will also get a JerryRig knife.
So we reached out to Zach.
We were like, hey, we've got this giant desk pad.
We think for some people it might make sense
as four mouse pads, but they might not have a knife.
Do you have a knife?
Do you have hundreds of knives?
Could we maybe buy hundreds of knives?
And he was like, I got you, but balder.
It was like that, but much balder and musclier.
I mean, you know how Zach is, right?
So that's it, that's the promo.
Add the 1200 by 700 millimeter Northern Lights desk pad
to your cart, add the JerryRig knife to your cart
in whatever color you like,
and you will get the knife for $0 and four mouse pads.
You should also pick up some other stuff
that we actually make money on, please.
That would be terrific.
How about a water bottle or the new shorts
or one of the hoodies?
The shorts are nice.
I've searched for the shorts actually.
Oh, wait a second.
Did we launch the women's sweatshirts as well?
Oh, cool.
We also have the women's one.
So we have the unisex ones and the women's ones.
Design for all and relax fits,
move front to, oh, wow, look at that.
Can I just say massive shout out to our staff
for being such good sports about like modeling the merch?
Like we get contributions across every sort of spectrum
that you could possibly think of.
And I think it gives us a really cool vibe.
There's so much more variety in our merch pictures.
They're real people, instead of just like-
Yeah, it's not like one person who took a photo
with a green screen shirt one time
and then it's used on like every single product ever.
Yeah, it's nice, it's nice.
As someone who gets kind of frustrated
by the concept of clothes shopping online,
because it's like, how the heck is this gonna fit me ever?
It's nice to be able to see quite a range
of like body sizes and types
so I can figure out actually how something might fit me.
Yeah, FoosKingZero says,
I wouldn't model unless I was paid.
I mean, to be clear, they're all paid.
They're paid.
But modeling the merch
is not part of their regular job duties.
It's something that people just do
because I mean, our shooters do make it kind of fun,
You kind of feel like-
You get to do like random stuff all the time.
Kind of feel like a model, you know, it's pretty fun.
It was a good shoot, shorts was a good shoot.
Glad to hear it.
Did you shoot with, oh, is our new graphic designer
off probation yet?
I don't believe so.
I was gonna say, I think it's still a promo.
Okay, cool.
Let's go ahead and jump into our next topic, shall we?
Less cool news.
Oh, we should do some merch messages.
Oh, sponsors.
Right, okay.
Well, Luke, you go first.
Oh, man.
Well, should we talk about, I'm gonna highlight it.
It's above, you can scroll up.
Oh, what?
Scroll up a bunch.
I thought you were higher than you were.
Oh, yeah?
Up a little bit.
Down a little bit.
Oh, yeah.
We did allude to this earlier.
We should probably talk about it more specifically.
Yeah, why don't you run through it?
Technoblade has died at 23 years old.
The, yeah, crazy.
The Minecraft community has gathered
to remember Technoblade, a YouTuber with 11.9 million subs,
who died at the age of 23
after announcing he'd been diagnosed with cancer
in his right arm last year.
While sick, he wrote a farewell letter,
which was read by his dad in a YouTube video
to his channel yesterday, titled So Long, Nerds,
which remains at number one on YouTube's training page.
In the video, Technoblade reveals
that his name is Alex, not Dave,
which I think actually is so funny.
They pranked, you gotta watch the video
because there's a lot of other,
just, you gotta watch the video.
But they pranked their audience
by making them think that his name was Dave.
They made it seem like Dave accidentally was leaked.
It reminded me a lot of trying to essentially
like hide my address when I used to live
in the basement suite.
The same type of tactics is, yeah, I don't know.
Friend and co-streamer, TommyInnit,
posted a Minecraft screenshot of an in-game note
left by Technoblade saying that,
having abolished all governments of men,
I have ascended to heaven to take on the kingdom of God,
which is just pretty epic.
And hours after his death,
his family released planned merch
with a portion of the proceeds will be going to the sarcoma,
which I believe is the type of cancer that he had,
Sarcoma Foundation of America.
And the planned merch is all like,
it's, yeah, like GG easy, good game.
Yeah, I've got it up now.
Yeah, so.
Yeah, this is the one I like, the So Long Nerds one.
So Long Nerds, that one's really good.
But yeah, consider checking it out.
Portion of the proceeds going to a good place
and a portion of the proceeds is gonna go to,
I'm assuming to help his family,
which is also a good thing.
So, yeah.
Watch the video too.
Yeah, for sure.
I mean, that's one of the ways that you can support them
in this time.
Watch the video, leave a comment.
That was something that affected my family more than,
and actually me, more than I realized it would.
When my grandpa passed,
the one that we did the grandpa meets Google video with,
there were many members of my family
that just kind of sat and read the comments,
just the outpouring of good vibes from the community.
And it was just, it was very helpful for them.
They just sat, thought of him, sat and read these positive,
these positive messages of encouragement.
It means a lot.
So I would say that you don't have to spend money
to support someone.
Go, leave a comment.
Watch the video.
His dad hosted the video.
And that's gotta be an incredibly tough thing to do.
Oh man.
I can't even imagine.
I host videos every day,
and I have no idea how I would even begin
to host a video about my son passing
at the tender age of 23.
I do not wanna outlive my kids, man.
Tough dude.
Like just watching him host that video,
the whole time I was like, holy cow.
The fact that he can do this at all is, yeah.
That's the answer, man.
Yeah, big agree.
Yeah, that one's rough.
You wanna come up with a good segue to our sponsor, I guess?
Yeah, I don't know.
I do have to do them.
Otherwise my producer will yell at me.
Literally cue cards were coming up
before we did that topic.
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That's stupid.
Like, why are you doing that to someone?
Like, they didn't ask to have horrible eyes, you know?
Come on.
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Secret Lab, good chairs, good chairs.
Is the sponsor spot over?
Okay, Secret Lab, good chairs.
What, what do you want from me?
They are, they're good chairs.
Merch messages break.
Are you gonna test this thing or whatever?
I don't even remember what you need to do with it.
Let's do some,
so let's do some merch messages, shall we?
Oh, I gotta get Telegram on here.
I don't, oh crap.
Oh right, while you do that, wanna go for it?
New iCloud terms and conditions.
Yeah, hit me with some merch messages.
From Joshua, since the start of LTT,
what milestones did you have for the company
and have you surpassed them?
Are there any new milestones that you've set
that you haven't crossed yet?
I mean, the goal was four to five people
and it being, it having enough revenue
that we can all make like a real,
I wanna have a real wage, you know?
That was it.
From there, it went to, I wanna be a real company.
And then, and Luke can attest to this.
I did actually do the voice and I did actually say that
like seven, eight, nine years ago.
I've been saying it since very early.
Definitely happened in that exact voice, yeah.
I wanna be a real company.
One million was pretty cool.
Yeah, yeah, one million was cool.
10 million was replicated. Honestly didn't care, yeah.
I did a lot of personal reflection at 10 million
just because so much of my life has been poured into this.
I'd say for me personally, my goal is for that real company
to be able to function without me.
That's- That's a big one.
That's the next level because there's a big difference
between a CEO that is running a successful company
and a good CEO.
And to me, just because this company is successful
with me at the helm, doesn't actually mean
that I built a good company.
The true measure of a good company is that the culture
and the hustle and-
Can survive with mismanagement.
The decision-making-
And you give it a good manager.
Can survive without me.
So that's really my next goal.
And that's a big part of why labs is so important
because right now I feel like it's my personal passion
that drives a lot of the change in our content.
And it's not just me.
There are different kinds of changes
that are driven by different people.
The camera department is notorious
for constantly pushing me for better production values,
for example.
The HDR R&D that is being done here has not been done by me.
I had a briefing with Ed on it today where I was like,
oh, what have you been working on for the last while?
And he showed me all the stuff that we've been doing,
all the calls we've been having with-
We've been talking with YouTube.
We've been talking with Adobe.
Learning how to use these tools.
It's like, oh, okay, well, cool.
Well, we got them.
Keep at it.
But I feel like that passion that drove me to stay up
till the middle of the night replying to people's threads
on the forum to make sure they didn't buy the right thing,
that's something that we don't have
an obvious internal replacement for.
And our writers are great, but you need that.
It has to trickle down.
You know what I mean?
Like the writers and the editors and the shooters,
they're not the bosses of each other.
Do you kind of get what I mean?
And so if you can't have an individual
that is injecting that passion and that drive,
then what you need is a department
whose entire job is to have that drive.
And so that's a big part of why labs exist,
because one of the things-
Or to pull something into a more of an analytical space
so that you can create actionable items
instead of just forcing it to be passion all the time.
Yes, exactly.
Arm the team with the tools that make it easy
to put that analysis into the work that they do.
And the lab is not just for video reviews.
The lab is for consumers.
The lab is for our business team.
Man, one of the first things I want the lab doing
once they are fully set up is vetting sponsors.
I mean, when we have a charger company come in and say,
okay, we've got a 65 watt charger, it's this small.
Make sure.
And if it's 66 watts, then let's talk about that.
And if it's 64, well,
then we're changing the talking points, dammit.
And I feel like it's the solution
to so many, maybe not necessarily problems,
but future potential pitfalls.
Having that team in place
and building out that infrastructure.
What was I supposed to be talking about right now?
This was a merge message.
Do you have any milestones that you haven't hit?
Is there new milestones?
I think that was voiced.
Yeah. We're good.
Yeah, that one.
From Michael, I'm working on making my house smart,
but would like to air gap most items.
What are your thoughts on smart locks?
I don't have any smart locks.
Do you want your lock to be picked physically
or through software or both?
What difference does it make quite frankly?
There's going to be security vulnerabilities
with both a hundred percent.
There's this quote from someone.
I don't remember who, and I'm going to misquote it.
So I'm sorry.
Cause you probably said it better than I did,
whoever said it.
But it's like,
there's some of the long lines of like software engineers
want like traditional locks
because they know the software is not secure.
And like people who are good at like machining
and mechanics and stuff want smart locks
because they know the mechanical locks are insecure.
It's like, there's problems with both.
Just try to find a, I don't know.
There's some, there's some creators on YouTube.
Lock speaking lawyers, fantastic one.
There's other ones as well that review this type of stuff.
Just try to find the best thing you can.
From Trey, interesting.
Oh, sorry.
Wrong message from Ridge.
Hey, love you guys.
Been watching since the NCIX days.
Couple of weeks ago,
you mentioned a potential compatibility issue
with your harmony remote.
I'm also in need of a replacement,
but not sure what to buy.
Would you consider doing a roundup
or have you done any research?
We actually got this question three times today.
About your harmony remote.
Yeah, my harmony remote,
the compatibility issue that I ran into
was that the database entries
are not really getting updated anymore
because Logitech doesn't give two hoots about harmony
because they don't even sell the products anymore.
So it was a Marantz slash Denon.
I don't remember the actual brand on it,
but it's like their parent that makes their receivers.
It was this little HDMI 2.1 switcher
that is meant to add more HDMI 2.1 inputs
to those first gen HDMI 2.1 receivers
that don't have a ton of inputs,
which is like stupid
because that's the whole point of the receiver, right?
So it's a really cool product.
It's this pretty inexpensive,
it's just a few hundred dollars
and I think it's three inputs, one output.
And it was a really good way to have a PC,
Xbox and PlayStation 5 all running HDMI 2.1 to a 2.1 TV.
And the cool thing is you don't even need their receiver
to use it even though all of their marketing materials
say it's an accessory for the receiver.
I can tell you from personal experience,
it totally works without it, goodbye.
Anyway, it's not in the database,
whereas the old model is.
Now I was able to train it.
You can add something new manually,
but that's a hassle that not everyone wants to deal with.
And I suspect that as the software continues
to not get updated,
it's gonna get more and more difficult to use.
Like their desktop software clearly hasn't been touched
since like, oh, I don't know, Windows 8 days,
maybe this time.
It's a really clunky interface
and it's very time consuming to use.
One that I have not used yet, but I have one.
Sofa Baton sent over their,
I believe it's called Sofa Baton X1.
That's a fantastic name.
X1, yeah, I believe this is the one that they sent over.
To be clear, I'm not endorsing it.
I have not used it yet, but I have heard good things.
This appears to be the spiritual successor to Harmony.
I do intend to try it
because I want to have universal remotes
at each watching location just so that like my kids
or like it's little things.
You know, the babysitter is over.
We're out, the kids are in bed.
Like, yeah, sure, like watch TV, I don't care.
Sorry, Mr. Sebastian,
can't figure out how to turn on your TV.
Like that sucks, that's stupid.
So it's nice to have a universal remote, right?
Guess I'll just sit here.
Yeah, I guess I'll just stare at the wall.
I mean, she brings her homework, but like, whatever.
Summer, there's no homework, okay?
You wanna watch some TV?
Like it's nice if they're able to use it.
So that's the one that I'm aware of.
From David, I know in your home theater setup,
you had to raise the second row up.
Did you figure out a solution?
Yeah, the solution is a big plywood box.
We actually had an outlet wired into the top of it
so that the powered couches can plug in
and then the backing covers it.
So the whole thing is super clean.
It's got a single stair.
So it's one stair and then up it's 13 inches.
And then we carpeted it
and stuffed the whole thing with a rock wall.
So that helps prevent it from creating
like a reverberation chamber in the middle of the room.
Yeah, seems great.
Makes sense.
From Kevin, any thoughts on HPE announcing
the ProLiant RL300 ARM server this week?
Do you think we'll see a video on the channel
talking about the server
or thoughts on ARM in the data center space?
Server applications are extremely difficult
to benchmark in a meaningful way
because so often the companies that use them
are running their own software
that is completely proprietary.
And even if it did have benchmarking tools,
they are not available to the general press and wouldn't be
because to even run those benchmarking tools,
you would have to probably be a developer.
That's the problem.
There are outlets that do it, in my opinion,
great job of covering server hardware.
And I think this is one of those situations
where we're just gonna leave it to them.
Maybe go check out server.com.
I'm sure that they have some thoughts on it.
It's something you might see from us in the future,
but right now we are focused on consumer
and then server to the extent
that it touches on our own business.
Thanks, Luke.
The move away from x86 is going to be good,
but I am a little wary about how ready we are.
Hyper specialized situations,
like maybe what it's doing
is gonna work really well with it.
If that's the situation that it's deployed in
where they know it's gonna work really well with it,
that's fantastic.
But I don't think we're like, as an industry,
I don't think we can just like flip over right away
or anything.
This message is from Jonathan, but also a few others.
On June 21st, 2019,
you predicted that Microsoft Windows
will be free in three years.
Do you have an update on this prediction post pandemic?
I mean, it was sort of a cheat of a prediction
because functionally using Windows
does not have to cost money.
Microsoft has eased off of their piracy protections
to such a degree that it is pretty clear
that they don't care.
It's also really funny.
Like if you Google buy Windows 11 in the sidebar,
oh, not even sidebar.
The last time I did this, it was in the sidebar.
We're right here, $23 from turnkey point.
I'm sure they could get this taken down, but they don't.
The reality of it is Microsoft wants
the whole world running on Windows.
That is far, far more important to them
than collecting $100 from custom PC builders.
They want Windows to be the standard
so that companies like HP and Dell
will buy licenses in enormous volume.
You gotta understand, guys.
They wanna sell business licenses.
They don't care about selling them to you.
You gotta understand, guys,
the custom PC space is this tiny splinter
in the eye of these companies.
We are the loudest, most obnoxious minority.
We're lucky they bother listening to us at all
because from a business standpoint, we don't matter.
Also such an obscene percentage of people
in this space just pirated anyways.
So like.
Like we suck, but in my, I think, my theory,
my theory for why they do pay attention to us
is that we're influencers.
We're the recommenders.
Everyone watching this show right now is an influencer.
It's very likely that if you're watching this,
you are like the tech person for your family.
So if Microsoft or Intel or AMD or Nvidia
mess with you too bad,
well, you're gonna stop recommending their stuff
and that multiplication effect, it ain't worth it.
It ain't worth it.
So no, Microsoft hasn't officially gone free to play
with Windows 11, but I'm not backing down.
It's clearly happening.
There's more and more ads and more and more ads
and adjacent services included with Windows.
You look at the way that Xbox Game Pass is advertised
when you do a fresh Windows install,
they are clearly on the trajectory.
I just got the timeline wrong.
From Daniel, any updates
on the Selfie cell repeater installation?
It's been good.
I have cell reception at my house.
I don't know what to say about it other than that.
If I have a wifi issue for whatever reason,
I can flip over to mobile data and it works.
And if people call me, I can hear them and they can hear me.
I think it's one of those things.
Cell repeater is such a non-sexy.
It's a thankless installation.
Yeah, exactly.
It gets there, it works right away.
You're like, sweet.
And then you never think about it again.
Never think about it.
Not even once more.
And if it doesn't work.
Then you're really mad.
It's like a lot of IT work
and like server work stuff in general.
It's like, you don't want to like invest a ton in it.
You don't want to care about it and stuff.
And then it stops working or something goes down
and you're like, oh, we need to solve this.
No, we need to throw everything on this.
I will say one positive thing about this haircut.
It is very easy.
Like when I'm mad to get this vibe going.
Oh my God.
I hate this so much.
I know what you're talking.
I think I know what you're talking about though.
Oh, yeah, totally.
Oh my goodness.
Same, same energy for sure.
From Ryan.
Just watched the VidCon vlog on FlowPlane.
It was great.
I know you have LTX,
but have you ever considered having a booth
or hosting a panel at broader events like VidCon?
No, no, that sounds like a lot of work.
We have LTX.
I mean, yeah.
The thing is I just,
I know you are going to come at me about this, but.
Oh, I'm ready.
I don't even know what it is.
In-person promotions, why?
In-person promotions.
Yeah, like it's just,
it seems like an utter waste of time.
I think in-person promotions of you
or like a YouTube channel, I would agree.
Because I know you've gone after Intel
for abandoning PACS, for example.
Yeah, and they are maintaining a booth there.
And they are wrong about that.
But I don't think you need to have a booth there.
So, well, okay.
But you got to remember, I'm not just me anymore.
I don't think Linus Tech Tips.
There's 80 people.
I don't think Linus Tech Tips
needs to have a booth there.
Who work for Yvonne Umbrella Corporation.
There's been a few creators that have like,
there's been a few creators
that have had booths at shows before.
And I've been like, why are you, why?
Because how many people can you possibly hope to reach
with a physical presence?
Dozens, hundreds, thousands, 10,000, maybe.
There's also a medium thing, right?
Like you create the company, whatever, right?
Because we're not talking about you specifically.
Linus Media Group and all the derivatives they create,
we need a name for that.
They create videos, they create online content.
If you go to YouTube,
you're there to see their stuff, right?
You don't go to these places to find products,
to find new companies, to find peripheral things.
And it's also like, I'm not going to go to a show
and be like, okay, I'm going to evaluate Linus
by his handshake.
I might go to a show to evaluate Corsair keyboards
by how it is to type on them.
Like there's reasons why these companies
should be in these places
and I don't think it's the same.
Well, should we be there with our merch?
That increases like, yeah, having a pop-up shot
at a certain thing could make sense.
It's low key an enormous part of our business.
No, that could totally make sense.
I don't necessarily think we should have
like a personality panel.
That might be something that you could do
to draw attention to that booth in the exact same way
that other companies might hire an influencer,
creator, whatever, to bring attention to a booth.
It might be the same thing effectively.
It would actually be really funny
if you just hired other creators
to bring attention to the LTT store booth.
You know that we're doing some influencer marketing
around our products, right?
Like we have, I don't want to name the names.
I want it to be a surprise,
but we have like WAN hoodie promotions
going up on other influencers channels.
We definitely have some stuff lined up
for screwdriver launch.
It's going to be amazing.
By the way, far now over in float plane chat.
Okay, hear me out.
What about Yvonne and partners?
Not liking that name.
I think it's great.
Got something to tell me?
Partner implies two.
That's not really a partnership.
You don't have partners, Yvonne.
That's better.
Why don't we jump into our next topic?
Intel's block scale crypto miner is out early.
They finally shipped their block scale ASIC.
It was originally slated for Q3 release
code name Bonanza mine.
Secure hash algorithm,
it's a secure hash algorithm, 256 hardware accelerator
that can do up to 580 giga hash per second
with just 4.8 to 22.7 Watts of power consumption.
That is freaking incredible.
It's 14.2 millimeters squared,
which is actually a pretty tiny die.
Meaning each wafer can produce a theoretical 1,250 chips
and is manufactured on the cutting edge TSMC N5 process.
This thing sounds freaking awesome.
If it was six months ago.
I think, I don't know.
I think that take is wrong.
And maybe this is a hot take.
Hot take me baby.
I think it's still fine that it comes out now.
I did a tech link today and I said what was in the thing.
And then I came here and I saw this and I was like, okay,
now I can throw my own spin on this.
And I don't think it's too late.
I think these will fly.
You think they will fly?
I think they will fly.
Well, okay.
For one thing, the cryptocurrency industry
is clearly in need of some more efficient hardware
if prices have crashed.
Cause like a lot of the pro like discourse
that I've seen online,
a lot of the problems that the calculation
of performance per watt is just not there now.
It's not people being like,
oh, I don't want to do this anymore.
It's oh, right now technically,
if I turn my machines on, I'm losing money.
Which is a situation that crypto mining has been in
multiple times in the past.
Cause difficulty ramps or whatever, right?
Now this topic was created, was, I don't know, populated,
was filled out by Nicholas Plouffe
who did some very helpful math.
Thanks Plouffe, you should be a writer for LTT for a living.
The one of the issue, I mean,
aside from the fact that there was a crypto crash
and investment in the space is going like,
something like this,
is that Intel talked a lot about the energy efficiency
of this ASIC over a thousand times the performance per watt.
But the issue is that they compared themselves
to discrete GPUs, which is fine for certain algorithms,
but compared to dedicated ASIC miners is not very good.
And according to Plouffe's math,
the new Bonanza mine block scale ASIC from Intel
seems to be worse than an Antmain Bitcoin miner S19XP Hydro.
That's not necessarily gonna matter too much.
Did he do a wattage calculation?
So what's the difference?
That miner is 255 tera hash per second at 5,300 Watts
and 256 of Intel's chips would be 148 tera hash per second
at 5,800 Watts.
Oh, there's less power vision.
So then cost will just be the equation.
Yeah, I mean, that's the thing about that industry
is it's all just down to cost.
It's funny, I saw a tweet today.
Someone was saying like,
oh, it turns out that a big part
of the Silicon shortage was mining.
Cause apparently there's just like in certain industries.
Did we not know that?
Inventory is piling up and I was tagged on,
yeah, anyone who's been paying even sort of attention like,
and I want people to tag, obviously knew this.
But yeah, like you're in an industry where-
It's all just money driven, it's a calculation.
What you're attempting to buy is a money printing machine.
Yeah, so if it doesn't print money very well,
then you won't buy it.
That money printing machine costs money to buy
and it costs money to run.
So it's a fairly simple calculation.
So if they can get their initial cost really low,
then there's potential value there.
And if you can find customers
where their power is cheap or whatever,
they have some way of generating their own power, who knows.
If the initial cost is low,
maybe they'll be interested in buying your product.
If Ant Mine is sold out, like they always are-
Yeah, Bitmain never builds enough inventory.
Then maybe you will have inventory at all.
So they'll sell out.
Yeah, I don't know.
The calculation that it's worse is kind of funny,
but I still, and I didn't know that
when I was trying to defend it,
but I still kind of suspect that they'll probably fly
because there's a lot of people that are still mining.
There's a lot of people
that still have profitable mining operations as well,
which I think a lot of like,
I've just had a lot of people a lot of times,
but I think people are looking over that
because it's more fun to look at the wasteland.
Yeah, people who are flipping all their GPUs
on eBay right now.
Yeah, but that is not everyone.
There are people that were more prepared
to weather the storm.
And I think just because the gold rush is over,
I don't think mining is going to end.
I think people are going to find a way to exist
in the new environment.
And yeah, we'll see.
PSA, I would like people to stop making assumptions
about the LTT screwdriver until we actually deliver it.
We posted a picture on the LTT Twitter handle
of the components.
The blow up, yeah.
Yeah, and I have just seen the most wild assumptions.
I've seen everything from the ratchet mechanism
is not durable, which you would have absolutely
no way whatsoever of evaluating because you cannot see it.
To that the handle will not stay attached,
to that you will be able to twist the handle
because there's not enough of a flange to the,
oh man, what was one of the other like really,
really wacky ones I saw?
Oh, I don't remember.
But guys, it's been in development for two and a half years.
Do you think we've just been twiddling our thumbs?
We have the concept for the pop-up shop all locked in.
We are hoping that the pop-up shop will happen sometime
in the next month to month and a half.
At that time, you will be able to in person,
assuming you're in Vancouver,
you will be able to in person, feel it,
screw things in with it, screw things out with it.
We will have drivers from competing brands on hand.
You can try them all out for yourself.
Until then, maybe just shut up.
That might be good.
Rather than compare a thing that you've never held in,
it's a tool.
There's a lot more to it than what you can convey
in a picture.
It has to feel good.
It has to like, it has to be durable.
It has to just stop.
Your poll is terrible.
I didn't make that poll.
They've been twiddling their thumbs.
Yes, no, I won't tell.
Okay, I have to know.
Floatplane, come on guys.
I've had enough of you guys.
Anyway, the point is, the point is,
we're gonna get people to try it in person.
Our intention is to have live stream cameras there.
Have I talked about that yet?
Yeah, I think that was my idea.
We will have live stream cameras there
where real customers will be able to give
their real impressions of it.
And just, I am so winter stasis over on Twitch.
4chan says it's a rebranded generic screwdriver.
Sorry, bro.
Yeah, exactly, exactly.
That's, you know what?
There, I'll admit it.
That's what it is.
Thank you, 4chan.
It took how many years of development to rebrand?
I'm really glad that you guys were there
to tell me what happened over the last
two and a half years here.
All right.
Lobsteroll says, wow, damn, we pay you.
This is how we're treated.
How did you guys treat me?
Okay, did you consider that how you treated me?
58 of you said, or 76 of you said,
yes, we've been twiddling our thumbs.
Rude, so rude.
They're almost as rude as Luke.
Zatharian says, Snap-on will be there too?
Oh, we'll be there to check it out.
Oh, no, I meant, well, we'll have their screwdrivers there.
They don't need to come and bring them,
but they can bring more if they like.
That would actually be really convenient.
There's been a couple of comments in the chat.
It took them a really long time to find the right font
for the rebrand logo.
Yeah, exactly.
Yeah, it took years.
And engineers, you had to put some,
like some real engineering work into that font.
There's been a couple of comments about the poll.
I just wanted to point out a few things.
The mobile version is coming.
It's not here yet, but the mobile version is coming.
And we have some other kind of like feature ideas.
Right now, the admin of the channel,
because this is going to be roll out for all creators,
the admin of the channel can see all polls
that have ever happened on the channel,
who created them and who closed them
and all that type of stuff in an admin panel.
But right now that's not viewable for the users.
So we're trying to figure out like the best way
to maybe do that.
I know like Twitch polls and YouTube polls,
they just go away,
which is how the full-plane poll currently works.
But we've been thinking like maybe once it's closed
and done and the timer fades and all that type of stuff,
it could like migrate under the player or something.
I don't know.
But right now it will fade after the poll goes up,
but yeah.
It's a well-known fact that engineers
are bad logo designers.
It's true.
Maybe we should have hired a graphic designer
and we would have been able to bring this thing
out a lot sooner.
And what, oh man.
I just, yeah.
It makes my brain hurt because people will say,
no, it's gonna be a bad product
because it's from an unproven company.
It's like, well, hold on a second.
We licensed IP from Mega Pro.
They've been around forever.
Their drivers have held up fine, just fine.
So there's the people that will say it's unproven.
It's like, well, no.
And then there's the people that say it's just rebranded,
but also, well, no.
Have you noticed that it looks absolutely nothing
like a Mega Pro driver?
Like nothing like it.
Yes, it uses some of their patented mechanisms
like the bit loader.
And we sort of used their ratchet at this point.
We've basically redesigned it,
but we definitely paid to use it.
So it's somewhere in between
because you're not allowed to just build something
that uses other people's patented technology
unless you license it.
So it's a combination of things,
but yes, it will take the things
that give good reliability to it from Mega Pro.
And it will take the things
that we think make it a great screwdriver,
especially for building computers and add those to it.
All right, what else we got to talk about today?
Nvidia released the GTX 1630,
a dumb card that no one asked for.
Okay, we have asked them to stop editorializing
quite so much in these talking points, right?
They're not wrong though.
We have.
Nvidia threw Intel a bone by taking the prize
for most pathetic GPU of 2022
with the release of the GTX 1630.
Yes, not 3030 or 2030, but 1630.
GeForce 10 series is still here, sorry, 16 series.
The specs are Turing architecture, 512 CUDA cores,
1785 megahertz boost, four gigs of GDDR6
and ooh, yuck, 64 bit memory bus.
It costs a whopping $200 from EVGA,
$169 from other manufacturers, nice.
And it's about 33% slower than AMD's RX 6400
and the GTX 1650, meaning virtually every other card
will get you more performance per dollar than this.
Meanwhile, the 1650 Super was released for $10 less
back in 2019.
This was clearly a solution to yesterday's problem today.
Priced for a different market.
Yeah, there's been a lot of that.
A lot of solutions that came like almost exactly too late.
It's like it takes lead time
and engineering to make things, it's crazy.
But yeah, I think, what card was it?
Back in the house,
there was a rant video about a graphics card
that I believe was a 30 series graphics card.
It was AMD, it was the 5450, if I recall correctly.
Let's see if my HD 5450, let's see if my recall is good.
Oh no, I screwed it up.
No, it's not the 5450.
Thought it was like a 7030 or something.
I don't know about that.
O-N-G-P-U, Linus.
Are they still?
Oh, well there was a second one.
Okay, so the first one was an R7 240.
That was shot back at the house.
Okay, that's the one I'm talking about though.
Not mine, I'm not talking about mine.
But that one with the AMD card,
I already forgot that model, whatever.
It's very forgettable.
R7 240.
That one was like, I really liked that video.
And that video for me was somewhat affirming of like,
you know what?
No, I think we're getting pretty good at this.
That was a pretty key moment for me actually.
And people are still buying them.
A low end GPU never makes sense.
And I'm sorry, it just doesn't.
People have been, the comment section is so mad.
They're so, so mad about that video.
Well, what about if you just need more display outputs
for an office monitor?
Then pick up some stupid, pick up something worse.
A low end gaming card is always the worst buy.
Well, what if I can't afford something better?
Then buy something second hand.
Or second hand.
Buy something second hand.
We're not telling you to.
We're not telling you to just get more money.
We're telling you to spend it like not an idiot.
Yeah, and hopefully less of it.
Because that's like one of the biggest problems
is they're expensive for what they are.
I just, it makes me so, it makes me so angry.
The performance per dollar is so low.
Can we not just, can we not waste money, please?
We should definitely, we should definitely revisit.
I'm making a note.
I'm making a note here.
Huge mistake, huge success.
Huge success.
What's the line?
Huge success, yeah.
Need to re, we're just going to redo that video in 8K.
Redo the low end GPUs video again,
because people clearly haven't gotten the point.
I think that'll be a solid intro.
I wouldn't have to make this video
if you guys got the point the first two times.
And yet, this product exists, so here we are.
Let's go.
That's actually not bad.
I should just open it like that.
Hey, hey, Bell, can you clip that
and just like send it to me?
I'll just throw that right in the script.
That's pretty good.
Pretty solid.
No, you didn't miss the telegram thing.
I think I have telegram now.
Oh, that's test flight.
Sorry, I saw a T and immediately went for it.
To be fair, like from here and that screen's really good,
so I can actually see it pretty well.
I thought that was telegram as well.
Your phone, I don't know my phone number.
This is my, this is my drug dealer phone.
Is it in the about of your phone or whatever?
Your settings somewhere?
I don't know iPhones.
I, yeah, I don't know.
Gotta be in here somewhere.
General, about, here we go.
Well, definitely got my carrier in there.
You want to figure that out while I do a topic?
Sony launches PC peripherals.
I know, right?
New InZone brand has launched with a monitor and a headset.
An M9, which is a $900 27 inch 4K 144 Hertz IPS monitor,
which has 96 dimming zones, HDR 600,
and auto HDR tone mapping.
M3, which is a $530 27 inch.
I'm not going to go through all of these,
but there's a M9, M3, H9, which is their wireless headset.
H7, which is wireless as well, but not as fancy.
H3, which is wired.
I've seen a complaint from a few people.
I think this is in the doc as well,
that the wired headset has too short of a cable,
which is, you know, that can be annoying,
but you can also extend those.
So it's not exactly the end of the world either.
And they're like very easy and very cheap
and not cumbersome to extend as well.
I will say that.
It's kind of mind blowing Sony didn't do earlier, hey?
Yeah, I think it's cool.
I'm down with this.
I don't think it's a bad thing.
Apparently the monitor's really solid.
I'm not surprised.
I mean, it's like, they know display technology.
They know audio technology.
Sony is one of those really funny companies to me,
where they have all this expertise
and then just kind of decide not to use it,
it feels like, you know?
Like they're actually surprisingly limited
in the space of, well, less now,
but they have been limited in the space of products
that they actually do make.
And they used to have like stores.
They used to have dedicated stores.
I don't know if they still do that.
Like kind of different approaches to things.
But yeah, people are reviewing things so far,
fairly positively.
Sondergaard thought the headsets were solid,
but too short of a cable.
Yep, yep.
Not surprised.
Ploof likes the M9.
From my username.
Nice, do it.
No, you should just make it like Linus
and be like, hey, it's me.
Oh, what are you doing?
You want me to do that?
I think so.
Well, I wanted to tell them that I like,
I wanted to ask them what I won.
Okay, yeah.
I was just going for like straight confrontation.
Oh, you want to confrontate?
Well, I don't know.
Why don't we pull Floatplane?
All right.
If you guys want to participate in the poll,
you better sign up for Floatplane really fast.
You're not gonna have time.
Extremely quickly.
You should sign up for Floatplane.
We've had so many amazing behind the scenes over there.
Don't take my word for it.
Floatplane subscriptions have been going stonks lately
just because of the awesome content
that the social team has been putting up there.
It's been kind of amazing.
Great job guys.
All right.
We've got another topic that I can do in the meantime.
The week of SSD shenanigans featuring
the M2 13 inch MacBook Pro and the Steam Deck.
Early reviews of the M2 13 inch MacBook Pro
have shown the SSD in the base model
is half the speed for reads and 30% slower for writes
than the same laptop within M1.
This appears to be due to the M2 version
having a single 256 gigabyte NAND flash module
instead of two 128 gig ones.
The latter config can enable reading and writing
in parallel across both chips increasing performance.
Unfortunately, the slow SSD also appears to act
as a bottleneck thanks to Apple Silicon's unified memory.
So the base eight gig M.2 model can take close
to twice as long to complete certain intensive tasks
compared to the same laptop with 16 gigs of RAM.
This is the kind of thing
that just like Apple has no excuse for.
Like they shamelessly just charge a lot, which is fine,
but then they should just build a lot.
Like it should just be good.
Meanwhile, Valve also, stealthily,
downgraded the SSD and new Steam Deck models
lowering bandwidth from PCIE Gen three by four to by two.
Valve says there is no impact on performance,
but that still sucks Valve.
You should still have said something
because people rely on independent reviews
to get an idea of how a product is.
It can be expected to perform in the real world.
And you went and you participated in that ecosystem.
You seeded review units.
So now to maintain your transparency,
you have to talk about how the new ones aren't going,
how that wasn't representative
of what you've actually delivered.
Now, I believe you that there's no impact on performance
because I mean, I've seen games launch off
of a flippin' micro SD card
without there being a big impact on performance.
So yeah, Gen three by two is still flippin'
a lot more bandwidth than a micro SD card,
but it still sucks.
Also, also, a deck designer said,
Lawrence, Lawrence Yang, I think?
Hold on, why don't I just click the thing?
Yeah, Lawrence Yang.
Deck designer said, please do not do this
in response to a mod that was posted
replacing the deck's 2,230 sized SSD
with a larger 2,242 sized drive
as it apparently affects the cooling situation.
The original modder apparently agrees,
which I think is pretty funny.
That is.
Mod at your own risk.
I am taking risks and working on this
as a proof of concept.
That's really funny.
I mean, yeah, fair enough.
It's worth noting that Lawrence did not say
not to cut a hole in the back of your Steam Deck
and bolt a cooler to the back of it.
Still going ahead.
Who's the Steam Deck modder king now?
By the way, the poll ended 43, 57.
43%, 57% in favor of direct,
but I will say you probably have a higher chance
of them responding if you don't go direct.
Yeah, I'm gonna go not, well, wait.
So what did they vote for?
Okay, well, we have to do what Floatplane says.
I mean, they do like pay your salary.
Okay, so in that regard.
Okay, so I'm gonna add a picture, allow access.
I would call them.
All photos, call them.
Okay, so here, hold on, I'm gonna take a quick picture.
Wait, what?
How does this, this is so stupid.
What is this interface?
Does this not look like I should be,
here, I clicked the camera.
Does this not look like I should be able to take a picture?
Well, it does.
Why am I not, hello?
I don't understand.
Why are computers hard to use?
Start fake and then go direct.
What are computers?
That is the standard.
The standard is to start fake and then go direct.
Start fake and then go direct.
Well, yeah, but I'm not gonna be able to,
I mean, if it's the username, right?
Like, here, let's just, they're not gonna respond.
So, I mean.
So then make it fake.
Okay, so Bob Saget then?
Rest in peace.
A bunch of people tried to,
dude, we should do that more often.
I've still got my own profile picture, though.
A bunch of people tried to beat the race.
An error occurred.
And they signed up for float plane,
but they didn't make it in time for the poll.
Oh, seriously?
I told you guys.
I mean, you should sign up anyway.
Is Bob Saget a blocked name?
Or does someone else already have it?
Oh, no, that shouldn't matter.
That shouldn't matter.
Lots of people have the same name.
Bob McBoberson?
This shouldn't be so hard.
An error occurred.
Please try, like.
What error?
By signing up, you agree to the terms of cert.
Do I have to put my real name?
Is it gonna, like, does it have some way of checking?
Is it checking my phone to see if it's my real name?
An error occurred.
Please try that.
Way to go, Telegram.
For real, though, maybe I'm an idiot.
Did I do it wrong?
You try it.
Floating McFloat plane.
I do like that.
In the meantime, let's talk about,
from a Google engineer's perspective,
why G Suite versus the non-business,
non-paid, free versions of Google services
don't work the same.
I think this person's anonymous,
so I'm not gonna name them,
but everything they said sounded pretty reasonable.
I will start by saying I will give you reason.
I don't think it's a good excuse,
but it should at least give you some insight.
I'm a software engineer working on,
I'm not gonna say exactly what they work on,
within the workspace organization,
and I am a primary privacy advocate for some product.
So I have firsthand experience as to why it is so dumb.
The primary reason that business
versus non-business accounts can't share data
is due to the differences in our privacy policy
between these accounts.
A business account cannot have any of its data
used for ads or product development
and cannot have any of its data used
for machine learning models
that aren't specific to that account.
Fair enough.
Video suggestions is a good example
of an account-specific model
where each account has a model that is trained
for that account's suggestions,
but for consumer accounts,
everyone's data feeds into a single model.
Fair enough.
The reason this causes problems with sharing data
between consumer accounts and business accounts
comes down to laziness, lack of effort.
If a consumer account, for example,
asks for Google Assistant to do something,
the logs and events are used
to further train the Assistant models.
If they ask to do something
and the device you're interacting with
is owned by a business account,
we have to take special precautions
not to use that specific data for the models.
Since even the name of the device
is considered personally identifiable information
and that chunk of audio can't be used in models,
oh, that chunk of audio can't be used in models
because our systems are so large and complex.
And due to the way success is measured for projects,
doing the necessary work to filter that data
is an afterthought and not typically worth the effort
in some engineers' minds.
I disagree with this approach.
Google takes in these,
with the approach Google takes in these cases,
but do appreciate that we take users' data privacy seriously
within Workspace, and I can't speak for ads or any other org.
That's like, it's a good disclaimer right there.
I just wish we followed through better
and I'm constantly filing bugs internally
and advocating for these same things that you rant about.
It's just a lot of people to convince
and a lot of money at stake.
So yes, that is an explanation,
but it's, yeah, it's an, yeah, it's a bad excuse
and it sucks because I am a paying freaking customer
and it doesn't make sense that my G Suite account
should have limited functionality
compared to a flippin' ad-supported free account.
What is this?
Uh, oh my God.
Well, apparently we're supposed to build someone.
Build someone?
A six-figure computer.
Okay, I'm not gonna reveal anything other than that.
So you guys will, you figured it out.
What did you do?
I don't know.
Oh, did you just keep doing the same things
and it just eventually worked or what?
I exited out of what you had been doing
and then I needed the phone number
and I didn't wanna bother you.
So I just called myself, got the phone number,
put the phone number in, and then it just like worked.
I don't know.
Oh, does not have access to your contacts.
Okay, crying out loud.
Let's just, let's go, let's go.
Okay, I don't actually have any of those up anymore.
Do you have any of those up anymore?
No, no.
Okay, well it shouldn't be that hard to find.
Oh no, nevermind, I've got one.
Which one, was it at the Linus Tech?
Was that the one that we wanted to do?
It was Telegram Linus Tech Tips Official.
I think it was it.
Is that right?
I think so.
Can anyone remember?
Chat, what's up?
Who are we?
How do I even, oh, okay, cool.
So you can just search.
I don't use Telegram much,
but so you can just search for an at.
There's at least a couple.
I searched for at the Linus Tech,
and there's at the Linus Tech Tips,
and at the Linus Tech.
At the Linus Tech appears to be one of the ones
that just posted, so let's,
wait, oh crap, I searched for the wrong one.
Here we go.
Okay, at the Linus Tech.
Dang it, I feel like a boomer right now.
At the Linus Tech, oh, that is the one.
No messages here yet.
Okay, so I'll go with, hi.
I saw I won a prize.
I'm very excited.
How can I get the prize?
Should I spell it price?
Nice, I like it, I like it.
No, I'm gonna spell it right.
I'm gonna spell it right.
Okay, how do I, can I just like call someone?
Do I have to have them as a, oh, oh, I can call them.
Should I call them?
Okay, all right, I'm gonna call them.
I'll call them.
Okay, Telegram would like access to your microphone.
Okay, here we go, here we go, ladies and gentlemen.
They hang up, oh, what, man, they canceled the call.
What if they like, no.
How do I get you my information?
Okay, well, oh, last seen eight hours ago.
That makes sense, probably in a different time zone.
Well, we could try one of the other ones.
I mean, there's plenty of Linus Tech tips apparently here.
There's definitely more.
I can hunt for more of them.
Do you wanna do some merch, Mr. Jaws?
Yeah, sure.
I'm gonna, oh, man, I'm hunting.
Linus Tech, oh, here's Linus Tech tips 01.
Oh, you're just like searching for them?
I saw, I won a prize.
Hold on, hold on.
Okay, come on, Siri, help me out.
Oh, crap, crap, Siri, help me out.
It now says, blah.
I didn't even know I entered the contest, period.
What did I win, question mark?
Oh, let's add another question mark.
Let's add three.
Last seen yesterday.
Apparently, this is Edwin.
Not trying to be very convincing here.
Oh, man, this is such a bummer.
I was hoping to go there. Little did you know,
Edzell's just been working on the side.
Yeah, Edzell are literally Ed.
He's like, my alter ego, Edwin.
This is the version of me that wins all the time.
Get it, Ed, but win like prizes, ha ha.
Okay, sure, why don't you hit me
with some merch messages, Bell?
To confirm, did you finish all your thoughts
on the Google account types?
Yeah, that was it, it's stupid, I hate it,
but thank you for the explanation.
Well, yeah, it makes sense.
I appreciate your honesty.
That's sort of, yeah, you come to that conclusion,
but just big company doing big company things.
Yeah, that suck.
Speaking of big company, Tim asks,
with GPU prices dropping,
is it a good time to get into VR gaming?
Are there any headsets you would recommend?
Yes, and I know it's Facebook,
but like get a Quest 2, sorry.
Man, nothing else touches that value per dollar.
When did that come out?
Quest 2, a couple of years ago.
Yeah, is there a Quest 2 rumors?
Quest 3, you mean?
That's what I meant, sorry?
I think so.
You've been showing off a ton of headsets
from AR to professional ones.
Yeah, yeah, I was gonna say
like it might actually not be the greatest time.
You might wanna wait until the next step comes out.
Yeah, but it's also like $300.
Like it's not like it used to be
where you were spending $1,000.
Yeah, but $300 is still a lot of money.
I know, but the depreciation is not gonna be what it was.
It'll still be worth something.
Like if you were buying a first gen headset
and you were spending like six, seven, 800 US dollars
only to have it immediately be worth half as much,
that is terrible.
Whereas if you buy something for $300
and something better comes out,
but that $300 thing is only gonna depreciate by at worst,
maybe a quarter, like it'll still be worth something used.
It's standalone.
Depends how much like.
It's just not gonna hurt you as much.
Extra cash you have going into a recession.
And a used Quest 2 is still gonna be the low bar
for entry into VR.
They're not gonna undercut it.
I mean, I guess it's possible.
There's no way though.
There's no way they undercut it.
So I just don't see it as nearly as,
I don't see it as as high a risk of maneuver
as it used to be.
I was trying to read this article
about like Quest 3 release dates.
And I landed on pcgamesn.com and it is just ads.
There's this like four lines of text.
And then, yeah, no, that's actually chopped off.
There is four lines of texts that are not obscured by ads.
I mean, technically this banner up here is not an ad.
That's not technically an ad.
And technically this,
except for once you get to free games.
Where did my mouse even go?
There it is.
I need to get out of here.
I love it.
If you don't want to give Facebook your information,
they do sell a enterprise one for like $500 more
that doesn't require a meta account.
But I think you lose the value at that point.
I'm sure they definitely, definitely aren't
monitoring anything.
I didn't know you could do that.
Yep. That's the thing.
Anonymous asked about labs,
any updates on if it's going to be getting its own channel
or when it will be producing more content
now that we've had a lot more hires
and people are out of probation now?
There will almost certainly be lab channels,
but they won't be the priority at the start.
The priority is get data.
And then we will find ways to present that data
probably in a text form first
and also through videos on our other channels,
like short circuit and LTT.
And from there,
eventually I would expect labs to branch out
into its own video content because video is just,
it's the only way to make that kind of
an enterprise profitable.
You can't do it through text.
From RC, are any of you guys into space science?
Any updates on the,
or any thoughts on the Voyager probes powered down
and being updated with Windows 98 in 2022?
Oh, it's the Mars probe that got the Windows 98 update.
That's super cool.
That's actually awesome.
24 years later, I absolutely love it.
It's really, really cool seeing,
cause you know there's gotta be
an insane engineering effort that goes into something
that you're gonna fire in a tube to a different planet
and then hope it still works on the other end.
You know there's gonna be this insane effort.
So then to be able to see these things work
wildly beyond the expected lifespan is just really awesome.
That's very, very cool.
I've been reading about the Voyager probes and their
impending shutdown and I didn't even realize, for example,
that they powered down the cameras on them ages ago,
that this whole process of slowly shutting down
their systems in order to extend their lifetime
has actually been ongoing since very early in the mission.
Yeah, yeah.
Very cool stuff.
Yeah, really interesting.
Someone asked what's the best and worst thing
about the house so far?
I accidentally just yoked it into the abyss.
Best thing is having more space and the theater room.
Worst thing is basically nothing being in its final state.
So every time you pick something up,
the place you put it down is not its final resting place
because you don't have your furniture.
You don't know where, yeah.
There's still like contractors crap lying around
in places where you'd like to put things.
You still have the paper on the floors?
Only in a few places.
There's still some ram board on the floors.
Like the storage room is full of painting equipment
from the painters, so we can't put anything away.
So the living room is still a sea of clutter.
It's just, we're not moved in properly yet and it sucks
and I want to be moved in, but obviously champagne problem.
I'm loving the additional space.
We can't go in the backyard
because it's all completely dug up.
It's a disaster.
There's apparently some kind of concrete mixers strike.
So you can't get concrete, so they can't shoot the pool.
So we probably won't swim in it this year,
which again, champagne problem, but you know,
it's disappointing for the kids, right?
That sucks.
I'm disappointed.
The big kids are disappointed too.
I'm disappointed.
I was going to go swim in it.
Yeah, heck yeah.
From Dave, any thoughts on AMD using multiple dies
or chiplets on the next gen GPU?
Oh, super exciting.
I mean, we saw what they did with chiplets with Zen.
This needs to be the direction.
We saw what Apple did bolting together
two of their M1 chips to make a GPU
that was built and then fused together.
I don't think, I didn't think it could be done
with complete transparency to the application
and to the end user like that.
If AMD can pull off something similar,
we could see a legitimate huge improvement
in GPU performance.
Yeah, heck yeah.
From Diego, what Android phone would you pick
if you couldn't pick a Samsung?
Is it crazy to have high hopes for the nothing phone?
The nothing one or whatever it's called, phone one.
I know nothing about it.
Haha, got them.
Hey, so I don't know.
I mean, we know that OnePlus turned worse
when Carl Pei left.
We know that Carl Pei left over creative
and management disagreements with the existing OnePlus team.
We know that Carl Pei is in charge of this team.
Maybe that helps.
Wasn't there some negative afterthoughts
about the headphones?
I don't think the headphones have been a smash hit.
I think they've done like, okay.
Nothing special.
Yeah, that's when they discount it, the nothing special.
Oh, wait, is that Ashley I think that, okay.
That'd be pretty great actually if they did that.
I don't know.
Yeah, a lot of people in the chat talking about Pixel,
a lot of people talking about Sony phones.
Very frustrating.
My issue with Sony phones is a super trivial one,
but I cannot get over it.
They do not allow you to reposition the back
and the task switcher button.
Sony, just do it.
It's in like basic Android.
You took it out, put it back in.
Do they have their small phones still?
Yeah, they have some pretty compact ones like skinny.
They're skinnier, which is really nice.
I would love to daily drive a Sony phone,
but I refuse to reach all the way across my screen
for the back button, not doing it.
From Michael, any plans to start selling coffee mugs?
Matter of time.
I'm amazed we haven't done it yet.
It's kind of stupid.
I'm pretty surprised that hasn't happened.
Question for Luke from Anon.
Do you have any advice running a software development
or engineering org that's mostly or fully remote?
Try to find people who are in the same time zone as you.
Yeah, time zones are more difficult than you might suspect.
And if you're going to have someone that's, yeah,
let's make it more about time zones
because this is a topic that could go on for hours.
So we'll just talk about one section of it.
But time zones are tough.
If you're going to have someone who's going to be
in a drastically different time zone,
you're going to need to have the right type of person
that can work in that drastically different time zone.
They're going to need to be quite motivated on their own.
And the team is going to need to be ready to work with them.
And they are going to need to be ready to work with the team.
And what I mean by that is,
both sides need to be good actors.
Like if they need to schedule a meeting,
if you need to work with someone,
because a lot of times you don't, to be completely honest,
but if you do need to work with someone directly,
both sides are going to need to play ball
and play ball in a nice way to try to make it
so that you're working around each other
as best as possible.
If someone has to have a really bad sleep schedule
one night, maybe you trade off next time.
Just act in good faith, have give and take,
all that type of stuff.
Yeah, I'll focus on just the time zones part.
I wouldn't worry too much about like plus or minus,
almost like five.
But once you start going beyond that,
it gets pretty, pretty rough.
And pick a time and try to be very logical about it
for your meetings.
And then if it's, and then tell people
in the interviewing process that are remote,
what that meeting time is.
Because if they're just like,
oh, that just like won't work with my sleeping schedule
or whatever, well then.
Guess it won't work, see you later.
Guess it won't work, yeah.
But I don't know.
Yeah, I could go on for way too long.
So I'll just keep it to that.
Question from Josiah, Linus and Luke,
what do you think of used server hardware
as a home server or NAS?
Is it a good idea?
Do you have any input?
I have more things up, but you can't see them.
Yeah, it's a good idea.
You won't get the same kind of power efficiency
that you would out of modern hardware.
But what you will get is ample access
to mountains, mountains of discarded hardware
from enterprise companies that still works
and was built to a level of quality
where it was intended to function
for longer than they ever intended to use it.
Your problem that you might run into is motherboards.
Yeah, I wouldn't buy hard drives.
Yeah, hard drives would be a little sketch,
motherboards would be a little sketch, but like CPUs are.
Well, you're stuck with used motherboards
if you're gonna buy used CPUs, so.
No, I know, I'm just talking about resiliency though.
Like your CPU is almost guaranteed to just make it.
But there'll be mountains of other motherboards, so.
Yeah. Go for it.
And you'll save so much that yeah, some stuff will die
and then you will go and you'll replace it
and you might even learn something while you do it
and you'll still be out ahead in all likelihood.
Dylan didn't get the memo about sending merch messages
by buying something on LTT store
instead of sending super chats and sent $20 as a super chat.
Please don't do that anymore.
I have always wondered this.
Why does LMG do a probation that prohibits video use
and I'm assuming other things within LMG?
So the reason is that we don't wanna create,
it's not video use, it's credits,
like public facing appearances.
And the reason that we have a probation is that in BC,
there is a 90 day period where either the employer
or the employee can just say, this isn't working out.
I'm glad we tried, but I think it's time to part ways.
And as long as there isn't a committed relationship
of any sort, it doesn't make sense for us to have people
in public facing roles where all of a sudden
it's gonna create a bunch of questions
about why they departed.
It's just easier if we just make sure
that someone's a good fit
and that they're gonna be here for the longterm
before we introduce them to the audience.
Just has a lot of potential to create drama
that is entirely unnecessary.
We've been burned by not adhering to the policy in the past
and we are certainly never going to be making any exceptions
to it in the future ever again.
There you go.
That's it for merch messages.
And that's it for the show.
Thank you for tuning into the WAN Show.
We will see you again next week.
Same bad time, same bad channel.
I'll see you in the next one.
How do I, can I stop it still?
Is this, oh, I got it.
No, no, I wanna do it.
I wanna do it.
You're moving my stuff.
Wait, it's not, it's just, the range is just bad.