
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

Had like a gas bubble there
Welcome to the land show guys. It's uh, I
Well, I can't control when a gas bubble comes I
Mean, maybe you have just magnificent gas control, but yeah, not everyone shares
There's multiple channels along my throat so I can capture it and then hold it for later
Frog Luke, yeah, like yeah. Yeah, I'm pretty sure that that's like a breathing thing not like a stomach air thing
No, yeah, it's along my throat. It's along your throat. Yeah, I've never noticed this. Yeah. Well, it's internal
I mean I've inspected the internals of your throat
You know probed anyway, ah, sorry. What are we talking about?
Interesting topics today. Oh, yeah to do with through probing. Yeah, no throat probing
Uh adblock plus now bringing you ads a little bit of throat probing a little bit of throat probing
Yeah, get throat probed right there
The iPhone 7 is it the fastest phone ever
Google terminates adblock pluses Adsense account
One two punch if I've ever heard of one also you
Uh, nope, that one's not as interesting US government issues an official note 7 recall. Whoa. Whoa
You might say that that whole thing blew up in their faces, oh man
I was trying to think of some pun thing. You beat me to it. Yeah something with blue and blow
You would go only if you choking
Alright good job Colton good job
Alright so the when oh
My keyboard is like see this is something that continues to I think I've ranted about this on WAN show before so I'm not
Gonna do it again today, but keyboard input should never lag. Yeah, it should never lag
It should be like, you know how they have real-time operating systems like the kind that runs your car
Where it's just like no there is no leg on the ABS braking system
No, we should treat keyboard inputs like ABS brakes. I mean, it's not the same thing. No, it is not the same
I'm aware that the keyboard
Unless you are playing a driving game and you bind your e-brake to the spacebar
Then your keyboard is effectively a break
And I broke his head
A little bit his brain is broken now. Okay. Sorry. I just need to do this Facebook guys. Oh
What do we got
Nothing. Sorry, we have no topics for you today. I was reading the twitch chat. Forget it
Yeah, someone confused me because they have a new star thing because I guess finally our subscriber thing works
Oh, I think way to go Colton again. Yeah. Yeah, I think Colton fixed it because he was like Linus an error page
Did you know that doesn't work? And I was like, yeah, and he's like, are you ever gonna fix it? I was like no
There's so there's there's no benefits at all
There's no moticons and there's no subscriber symbol other than a star but there will be some radically someone had someone subscribed
Yeah, he's a sub from my own stream. Oh, I see. Should I change it to sub only mode?
So we can just talk to him the one person. I don't even know how
I don't even know how am I even a mod? I don't know. I don't even know if I'm a mod
Am I even signed in I don't even think I'm yeah, I'm signed in I'm signed in this is my channel
I should be able to I should be able to change to to sub only mode. I don't even understand how this works
Everyone's like pre-recorded. Oh, it is. Most assuredly not pre-recorded. We are definitely we are definitely still working on this. All right
I'm just gonna keep clicking this gear button in the bottom until I can
Clear chat hide chat edit appearance. I don't remember the commit. They changed it. They changed it. They did actually that's fine
I give up. Okay, let's move into our first topic of the day ad block plus now bringing you ads
the original article here is from ours technica, let's go ahead and drop that in the
Let's go ahead and drop that in the twitch chat there
Ad block plus finds the end game of its business model
selling ads
so the company is
About boasting that they have more than 90 million users willing to see
whitelisted ads
So in a nutshell you put them in by default. That means they're willing. Yes
So they're launching a self-service platform to sell
pre-whitelisted ads that will have to meet its
Acceptable ads criteria and we've actually covered the acceptable ads
Program in the past that other than adblock plus basically being a bunch of butt heads at various
Uh, did you put did you turn on subscriber? Oh, yeah. So what a terrible person?
I'll turn it off in a second. It's only tray and nitro blast
Terrible to be clear. I do not recommend that you subscribe to the at Linus tag, which account
Only stream once a week for one and a half hours
That is not a good value if you're gonna subscribe to a twitch channel
This is why I haven't really been been chasing, you know getting that subscribe button going
I know this isn't a great sales pitch as far as like don't subscribe to us
driving donations to Linus media group
But there are like other ways that you can contribute where you might actually get
Oh, I don't know. Maybe like a t-shirt in return or something like that. So I
Mean do it if you must but we don't plan to do a whole lot of subscriber only chat
Anyway, so we've talked a little bit about only time ever like we've talked about the acceptable ads program in the past
Noticing that some things about it are good
Like the fact that people opting in through their adblock plus app or widget or whatever the case may be
Will be able to contribute ad revenue to the advertisers that willingly
adhere to the acceptable ads program, but the the
The way that the evil creeps into this is adblock plus
Charging advertisers to be a part of the acceptable ads program to be pre-approved for it
So, basically the acceptable ad system is now providing
Is now providing adblock plus with its main revenue source, so there you have it and
The original article here is from business wire, but adblock plus enters ad tech with the launch of
SSP slash ad platform. I wouldn't cut in. Yeah, we are definitely not online right now. Oh, really?
Yes. Oh, that's weird. Yes. We definitely seem to be online
Yes, we do and we were and nothing noticeably changed, but we are not currently. Oh
Well, then we'll be right back won't we the whole chat is talking about how we're offline and it is currently offline for me as well
Yeah, there's now four subscribers in stream
Okay, so are we live now
Were we live at all before I still don't see a feed but it does say we're live and there's a circle spinning in the middle
Yes, my friends. We are live
Oh, man
That like tripped me out because I was looking at this computer and the mouse is moving here and it was moving
I'm I'm going to switch out of that. I'm going to switch out of that. I'm going to switch out of that
I'm going to switch out of that view. Yeah. Yes, you're done with that view. So back to adblock plus
Maybe subscriber mode broke it
Right. Okay, so we should just never do it again
Okay, so they take a cut right adblock plus takes a cut from the acceptable ads that's what I've heard
I don't know if I've actually read that in here. So they originally introduced the program back in 2011 as a way to allow
Websites that wanted to not have intrusive ads with intrusive placements to allow adblock plus users to white list their sites
So they could at least still get some revenue
Even if they didn't get the big fat beefy CPMs that come along with things like auto play video
So that's or or ads with sound I don't even know what the metrics are for those
But that's essentially what my executives forum is always done
Just because we didn't want like when looking at the forum ourselves because neither of us run adblock
We didn't want it to be a shitty experience. Yeah, so
basically more than 90 percent of adblock plus is 100 million users apparently chose to allow these respectful and useful ads to display on their
Favorite websites. I don't remember if it was an opt-out
Or an opt-in at the beginning. So don't don't quote me on any of that. Yeah, but
Now they have created their this this platform that will allow you to actually buy
ad space like pre-whitelisted ad space
Through adblock plus so um, and you would yeah, you would have to kind of brilliant. Do you think about it?
So they're using a go-between company called combo tag to get the ads
Yeah, I don't know
They didn't ask the underlying ad providers about a deal of any kind
Google and app nexus are both ending associations with combo tag. Yeah, we should actually that's a separate article here
I'm, just going to post that in twitch chat here. Yeah, they're very related. Yeah. So the original article here is from end gadget
I'm, just going to pull this up, but google has terminated the adblock plus adsense account, which is uh, you know a little bit of a
Which is uh, you know a little bit of a hard stop in terms of what they were trying to do
If the plan was for them to serve google ads through it then uh
You know, yeah
That's pretty rough
There's like I don't know this is
Not very surprising
Not very interesting in my opinion a lot. The whole internet is like freaking out about this
I don't use it, which is probably why it's not that interesting to me
Yeah, but like the amount of people that basically went like this is the ultimate betrayal you are worse than anything that has ever happened
was extremely large
um to which
uh, I don't know
running adblock is like
Yeah, app nexus said that adblock is essentially setting up toll booths on public roads
That's brutal taking ad money that should be going straight to the publishers. That's brutal
That makes me dislike adblock more than I did before. I mean the thing about the thing about this is that
They are saying adblock plus is is being opportunistic and being butt heads
But what they aren't doing is proposing an actual solution to the problem
Yeah, um, like I actually it wasn't in any of these articles unfortunately
But I was I forget why I was reading it
But I was reading about adblock use
Over the last couple of years and the way that it's trending with millions upon millions of new adblock users per year
And the fact that I mean, okay. I'm not going to say fact it's a very strong statement, but in my mind I believe
With the cause of this trend being the intrusive ads that exist that force people
To look for an alternative and by intrusive ads I don't even necessarily just mean video ads
Like i'm talking stuff that downloads files onto your computer like there's some really really really bad ads out there
That ad blocking programs do help you circumvent
Yeah, um, and there's some web pages that are just actually unusable without some form of blocker. So google and
So google and at nexus are kind of coming at these guys saying they're taking money that should be going to the publishers
um, but
The fact of the matter is that these publishers even though they are ultimately doing it to themselves
In my mind not all of them many of them so we're not in the adblock plus program
So our ads on the forum are blocked. Yes by most people so the bad publishers are doing it to themselves
by adding intrusive
horrible advertising to their sites
And effectively doing it to everyone and no one's really doing anything to fight this and you know
You could kind of go well adapt or die
But have you noticed that even you know?
You know editorial websites like a perfect example is since the perch show perch takeover a non-tech now has those. Um,
Where are they? Oh, they're there on mobile here. Hold on. Let me fire up an article
Where are they?
Here we go. Oh, man, they now have like trending today surrey casino manager gets fired releases five secrets to beat the house
Like they now have those like sponsored articles on I mean even very serious like newspaper
Publications on their websites have that stuff linking to those those like those rabbit hole clickbait sites
But the reality of it is is that this is now a cycle that is going to continue to snowball until someone does something
Someone does something I don't have a clear answer. It has been continuing to snowball. I kind of think
It it would be cool if google spearheaded
Sort of what adblockplus is trying to do right and was just really aggressive about it
Um and basically got a youtube red style system, right where you could pay in and if you wanted to black
Uh block essentially all the ads you could pay in and then google would distribute a portion of that money
Depending on how much time they spent on different websites to different publishers
I wish I had that article I was reading apparently google read subscriptions have really slowed down as well
And it doesn't look like that's the answer either
People just want to block instead of pay money because because basically they're selling something that people are already getting for free
Um, I remember what I was reading. It was uh, it was an article about is ad blocking illegal and the answer is no
Conventing an anti ad block mechanism that's in place on a website is depending on where you live and what the applicable local laws
are so right, but then like
So that putting that on your site kills you
Putting that on your site because there's so many people that but like if we put that on line of psych tips
I think overall traffic would go to like 10%
Right something ridiculous with that said your monetizable traffic would be identical in theory except that the way that you sell advertising
Space to advertisers is with your overall traffic numbers with your reach
Um, so so it's like this. It's like this
This horrible like tar and cigarette butt soup
Of like if you don't have ads if you don't give in and sell them to the video ads question
Yeah, it's obnoxious. But because of how people
Because of the way that people use the way the consumers are behaving you have to do it to keep up or you can lay
Or you can lay off all your staff or you can you know, stop doing investigative journalism and you can just kind of
Repost what you saw from somewhere else that is still managing to keep their traffic numbers up high enough to actually employ
Looking at youtube these days just rage and create drama about things and then create a clickbaity title that lines up with that
And then you'll be very successful
Yeah, so I mean to be clear like I kind of I really enjoy the position that we're in right now
with that said the landscape changes so fast online and two years from now I could be
Lamenting in any one of these things. Um, maybe all we'll make are videos about how to make money like the lawn mowing thing
Yeah, who knows? Yeah, who knows who knows what will be in two years?
Okay, probably not but for us being in control of our own ad sales where we and we I mean
It's it's something that we didn't do completely by accident where we consciously try to make our integrated ad spots
Uh somewhat interesting and applicable to our audience. Um
That puts us in a position where we can demand even better cpms than what someone playing
You know obnoxious video ads in the middle of a written article can yeah
Even though a lot of the time they're doing as much if not more work than us. It's just
It's a function of the medium and I ultimately actually can't do anything about it
I just happen to be sitting on the right side of that particular
Dilemma I don't know what to call it. Sure. Yeah, I don't know
Um, all right, speaking of sitting on the right side of things
apple seems to be on the right side of
Performance oh
Is the iphone 7 the fastest phone ever does anyone care?
I'm, i'm pretty sure people care. Why?
What do you mean? Why why?
Why do people care about an iphone? I don't know. No fast. Oh, I don't know
No fast. Oh
Oh, why are you being that much faster?
like I don't want to be a dick, but most phone apps right now like I have a
Very good friend of mine that I was best friends with when we were in high school and stuff like that
Is a mobile app developer makes relatively high-end mobile games, right?
His relatively high-end mobile games have to be able to scale down to phones that have 500 megabytes of ram
These apps are being made
For pretty shit phones, right once we're sorry intentionally not very good phones intentionally
And like my phone which isn't that new at this point z5 premium other than having like
Glitches and bugs with it and the headphone jack is weird and stuff performance wise great
I can do like whatever I want completely fine with extremely minimal lag if any noticeable at all
So, I mean, I guess there's a couple different angles on this number one is do we need faster phones and
I think on the ios side of things
It's a little bit less of an issue than it is on the android side of things because at least those older phones are running
Smaller screens. Yeah, so especially in the case of gaming they're not going to have to push as hard so you can you can target
A large install base of iphone users
Which is a huge concern on the android side and why you target these very very basic specs because the hardware is all over the place
So you can target a very wide huge install base of iphone users without necessarily
pandering to the lowest common denominator the way that you would on android at the same time tuning that up is a huge amount of
Extra work when you could just build it the same way for both
So you're probably just going to build it the same way for both. Look i'm trying to justify this
Okay, can you just help me out a little bit here? I just uh, like, okay
I'm never going to say that more performance. It's a bad thing. No just like and it's not it's not at all
That's not what i'm saying. It's great that it's a fast phone. That's awesome. We need to keep doing that
There's just so many other things that I would have rather be the main headline for this phone. I mean, it's fast
Yeah, I do. I do still I do still need to get in a unit for review
I will do a review of it and i'll talk about how it is really really fast and to be clear the iphone 6s
Is still noticeably snappier when using it than any android phone that i've ever seen
But that's mostly because of the drive, right?
Um, it's partly due to that partly because the processor is really really fast
Which brings me to the other key point is I don't understand why anyone is making this the headline for the iphone 7 because the iphone
Was already arguably faster than any android phone on the market. So I don't really see how we were expecting
um a follow up
It's happened to the a9. That's that's true. But apple is not amd
Who oh burned. Sorry. Amd. Sorry. Sorry, and you might want to give some to four people freak out
Okay. Okay. I should probably explain
um, so when they replaced the uh, their top of the line six core the uh,
10 90 or 1100 t when they replaced their top of the line six core with a top of the line eight core fx
8150 if I recall correctly, please don't quote me on the exact model numbers, but basically there were benchmarks more than one
Where the new eight core because of its shared resources between the core modules was actually slower than the flagship
processor that it replaced
Not in all in heavily multi-threaded benchmarks the eight core did perform better if I recall correctly
Um, so there you go. I wow I g I really don't know what to say about this other than that
It is faster and you'll talk more about this. I'm sure geekbench get your review going
There's a new geekbench. Hey, look, we're still reviewing that thing
Promoted stories see what we're talking about how ann hathaway became the most hated celeb in hollywood
Wow, take a celebrity name put a screenshot of their face
Put hated or loved or loved or or crazy controversial top five crazy things that they did. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah
Wow, we really don't have a lot of good topics for wan show this week. Nope
U.s. Government official, uh issues official note seven recall. This stuff has been legitimately insane
Yeah, this is from the washington post already copying that. Yeah. Okay, cool cars lighting on fire
There we go
Like someone someone I think was at a garage sale or something and like left their phone in the car to charge or something like that
And then their jeep just completely lit on fire and it completely destroyed it
Um, so I think that's a good thing
There's been a lot of issues. I heard through john. I don't know but john's usually a pretty good source. So it's probably fine. Um,
samsung issued a patch
Which like capped the what the battery could charge to?
Trying to get people to issue the freaking
Uh, right not refunds but recalls. Yep, trying to be like hey like your phone sucks now
I I think it was like 60 or something like that. I don't remember. Sorry if i'm quoting you wrong. John. Um, but like
Capping their battery percentage, which is an interesting thing kind of knowing that they can do that
And then trying to get people to bring in their phones for recalls so that they stop freaking lighting things on fire
And now the u.s. Government is like hey guys actually do it. So
Hopefully it happens. Hopefully people do it
So so far there have been 26 reports of burns and 55 reports of problems
Yeah, there have been 26 reports of burns and 55 reports of property damage
So i'm kind of wondering at this point. I haven't seen anything about this
It could be in the note. That would be in the notes. Haha. I get it
Um, that would be kind of unfortunate if I missed it but airlines
Yeah, no, I saw that uh, who was it, uh, one of the canadian airlines basically they didn't ban them yet, but they advised
Their passengers against flying with it. Yep
Okay, um
But like that's uh, I would probably want that band. I'm really i'm really surprised
About i'm surprised that so many people are not bringing them in because right now
You're in a position where you can bring it in for a refund
So you actually just get your money back and now that the iphone 7 is out
Uh, you can get one of those. Um with no headphone jack with no headphone jack. Did you see?
I don't okay. I don't have it right now, but I can try to find it. But did you see the like
The lineup in front of the apple store for the phone launch in denmark. No, I didn't there's two people waiting
Oh, really?
they have like balloons all around the door and like some guy has like a cannon that shoots out little
confetti things and the two guys are just like
Like they don't even look excited
They might not even be there for an iphone 7 like they might be there to pick something else up. Oh, seriously
Like i'm not sure i'll try to here i'll try to find it. I don't see it iphone fans line up for the iphone
7 for two days. Oh, wow. Yeah. No, I think I think it's probably doing fine
Maybe it was like a joke. Maybe it's possible possible. It was a joke because iphone 7 released at apple store in denmark
I mean, i'm not sure if that's real
Here hold on oh, let me screen share you hi, I always forget we can do this
I can't there we go
You know what you know what I think
I don't think that's an apple store apple store. I think that's like, um, there are like chairs like people were waiting
But I hear you I see what you're saying. Yeah, I think that's like like a compute 2000
Like simply computing like I think that's like an apple specialty
Specializing just computer store. Yeah, that makes sense because that logo isn't
It's a really grainy. It's kind of funny that it's about the iphone 7. It's really grainy crappy video. Yeah
Um, but like it that doesn't look like the proper logo and stuff that is interesting though
All right, samsung has apparently finally stopped airing note 7 commercials in korea. So that's good
Yep, they've stopped airing ads for a phone that you definitely shouldn't buy because it might light on fire
Um, good job man proud of you sam. What a huge disaster this thing is for them. I mean, it's one of those things where
I'm sure some of some viewers are probably sitting there wondering like why wouldn't samsung want people to just
You know hold on to it
And if it blows up then just kind of get it replaced at at that point
Because a recall is like really really expensive, especially when many of the units are
Supposedly fine and the answer is that
Samsung has to pay millions of dollars to issue a recall and deal with fixing all of those phones
Okay, samsung could end up paying
Millions upon millions of dollars if their phone ultimately ends up
Um, you know lighting, uh, I don't know like a high-rise building on fire and a few hundred people die
Oh, yeah, like that's a much bigger problem. So samsung has to
Even if they on their side are kind of sitting there going. Okay, so, you know math numbers the fact that they've had like 26 reports
of burns and 55 reports of
Property damage. Yeah, holy crap
Like this seems like pretty likely for something really bad to happen
So even if samsung was sitting there going, okay, it's only a few thousand phones that are actually affected
Even if they they kind of did that math and what the odds are like pretty darn low
Still one of those phones
If they don't at least look like they are doing absolutely everything in their power somewhat to get those phones back
They they are they could end up being liable for it
So one on a plane has their phone go up in the plane and they're like, okay, I'm gonna go get my phone
I'm gonna end up being liable for it. So one on a plane has their phone go up and the plane goes down
Yeah, someone in a car on a bridge
Phone goes up something crazy like that
Not good
So anyway note seven shipments have been suspended for over a week now and some analysts expect that the sales won't resume until next month
Uh when they have time to retool the phones and get them sent back out to retailers
All right
Game room has been launched
What is this and why do we care?
Game room dot me single client for all your pc games. Uh
Okay, automatically imports cans and imports games from everything else, which doesn't matter steam good old games origin you play
Even the ones you would definitely okay never bother to install. Okay
Uh-huh. The only difference is crap
I don't care because you would still have to launch it through the actual
Thing when you just like how if you have purchased a game through steam, that's a ubisoft game
You have to launch it if you launch it through steam. It then has to open you play anyways and launch it through there
Who put this in the dock colton
Okay. So what what does it do? So it wants to plug into all clients
It just aggregates all the games that are on your computer
I know. I know. I mean didn't they try and build that into windows vista
And didn't no one care. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah the game folder. I actually kind of like the game
It was pretty I used the game folder, but it was nice because it was built into windows
Yeah, well microsoft decided they didn't care about games anymore. It wasn't a room
No, it was a folder. It was a folder. Yeah, but it was games not just game
I mean game room another secret feature about this app is that it aggregates all the games in your computer and then you can
It's all the games in your computer and then picks one of them
And that game goes into the game room
Yeah, that's a stupid feature does it actually do that no no no
I did that way too. Seriously
Oh, man
Oh, this is interesting. All right. So the original article here is from ctv news
Hp is apparently buying samsung's printer business for one billion dollars. Wow
So basically they're just buying out
Samsung having cheap printers that are like kind of okay
So they can sell more expensive printers that are also kind of okay. Also samsung's printer business includes more than
6500 printing patents
Which is a lot cool. So it will help it go from traditional copiers to multi-function printers
Said the deal will also strengthen its position in laser printing
This is boring. The deal is expected to close within a year
Alibaba has fired employees for hacking their way to free mooncakes
Hundreds of holiday cakes were purloined through weakness in the internal website
So let's say for example that linus media group were to have a mooncake program
Which is more common than you might think
For like an asian for an asian company. What is a mooncake? Okay mooncakes are something to do with some kind of chinese
Something or other it's like a seasonal item. It's like it's like a fruitcake
I mean, it's nothing like a fruitcake because they're gross and they're just full of like egg
Yeah, it's like
Okay, if you're likely to be offended by what i'm about to say
Yeah, then you better tune out and kind of come back in a minute or so. That's never a good sign but like
Chinese dessert. Oh
like red bean soup
It doesn't even it doesn't sound like dessert. It doesn't look like dessert and most importantly
It does not taste like dessert
It doesn't have sugar in it. It has a grainy ass texture to it. It's just awful
It leaves a wicked bad aftertaste. Oh, do a mango jelly and it has beans in it
Hey that thing that we used to get that he'd put on the thing beans and then he'd lift it off. Okay, okay
Okay, yes, so there are some there are some good chinese puddings that I can abide
But my wife, okay
She eats what she calls chinese donuts
What are those as far as I can tell they are flour and bread deep fried
There's no sugar sprinkles
There's no sugar in them
As far as I can tell again, it's like have you ever had a beaver tail?
Yeah, okay. It's like a beaver tail, but with no toppings no sugar. No cinnamon
That sounds nothing on a piece. It's just it's just like a deep fried pastry
And i'm sitting here going
That is not dessert even chinese jello is awful. They have this jello, you know, you know, um,
Yvonne's layered jello that uses the the regular jello and like whipping cream infused jello. Yeah. Okay, so I
Got suckered into this chinese jello because it looked like my wife's jello and my wife is chinese
So I kind of put two and two together. I went this is how my chinese wife makes jello
This is how her chinese relatives probably make jello. They're probably the same thing. Yeah, it looked a little different
Okay, like the colors were kind of pastel instead of being like like dark jello colors
Okay, and then the the lighter layers were also light. Okay, so looked quite similar. No, no, no, no, no, no
Okay, so looked quite similar. No, it turns out it has like rice in it and it's not sweet
Rice and i'm just like rice is the like why probably as far away from dessert as you could
Pretty much ever get some rice pudding is pretty good
Okay, I can do rice pudding with like a sweetened yogurt added. I don't think i've ever had rice pudding
Okay, i'm not like brown sugar enough in this topic to talk about it. So I don't remember how I got into this, right?
Um mooncakes are disgusting so people got stole people got fired for stealing mooncakes
You know what? They could have had my mooncake. I I used to get mooncakes at uh at ncix where where I used to work
and every year I would bring them home and I would give them to my in-laws because
Brownie points and they're disgusting and I want nothing to do with them
And so it was actually one it was actually a pretty cool perk
but all the other all the other white people who worked there would get them and they'd just be like
This is very expensive. I sure wish I had something else for the money you spent on this
Oh man cakes that's that's a little sad sorry anyway, so oh, okay
Actually, it looks like all of this information was actually in here
So it's the mid-autumn festival which starts on september 15th and the holiday is commemorated through the exchange and sharing
A salted duck egg surrounded by a thin crust. Wow. I'm uninterested
So so hold on. Um, so a round pastry is filled with lotus seed paste or red bean paste
And then sometimes the salted yolk of a duck egg surrounded by a thin crust
If that sounds good to you
Thumbs up and then good have some mooncakes
Um, yeah, they're apparently in huge demand leading up to the festival and alibaba offered their employees one mooncake each
Um complete with one alibaba plush inside additionally cakes were sold at cost to employees for friends and family through an internal e-commerce page
So four software engineers were able to add software to the system directing extra mooncakes to themselves
I mean how many how many mooncakes do you need? They found that the four had amassed themselves 124 boxes of cakes
How are you going to eat 124 lotus seed paste cakes?
124 duck eggs. I mean how many ducks
Does it take to make 124 duck eggs like not even in the like?
Wow, you must have ate a lot of mooncakes bro, but like how is that worth it?
I can't I can't imagine that you would honestly think that you wouldn't get caught for that ever
Like what
Like what made them think
The company doesn't know how many employees they have
And how many mooncakes they bought like if you're going to steal like one extra one
It probably doesn't matter. You're probably going to get away with it. Yeah, you'll get slapped on the wrist
I'll just be like what and then it's probably fine and you could even you could even you could even be like
Hey, I used this loophole to steal one. I like kind of already ate it
But like you should probably patch that loophole, you know, you could be like i'll trade you a mooncake for a bug report. Yeah
Yeah, you probably get away with that. Yeah, 124 boxes of cakes. That's just stupid. I stole some micro usb cables
You can if you if you want you can you also told me about them
Yeah, so it's not really stealing at that point. Is it? Okay, it's taking without permission
and then
Asking permission after okay, that is kind of
Yeah, there we go, okay
Okay, our original art. Oh, actually, oh original article for our sponsors
Speaking of whatever it is. I was just talking about mooncakes
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Find all of this exciting. Yes
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We did it
Oh, that's basically awful people so there's way more far more interesting topics like far below the fold. Oh, seriously
So they hit they hid all the interesting stuff on us this week. I mean, this is interesting
So apple decided to put a barometric vent in the space where the iphone 7 headphone jack
Would have been so they're saying that uh, the the this feature can measure minor changes like climbing a flight of stairs
Fascinating. Yeah. Um, so basically it's coming back down to apple wanting to be a health
Measurement device company that seems to be where they're headed. I mean
It's one thing to sell an iphone for a thousand dollars. It's a whole other thing to sell a medical device for ten thousand dollars
Yay, so I can I can see where the appeal of getting into
Um, although hopefully we will wreck their hopes and dreams coming this hopefully
Not too long after this november. Oh, are you going to be working on that thing? Should we should we tease it?
I don't think anyone else is going to rip off the idea
Sure. I sent a follow-up. They said they're still down for november. So i'm working with a local university
I'm not going to name who specifically it's a ba university it they're awesome though
Yeah, so like i'm not just saying that because like I know one person really well who flunked out of it
Who flunked out of it?
Ah, really? I thought it was a different one. Nope. Okay. No, I went all the way to the top
Okay, um anyways, they're they're awesome they're really good and I hope I hope no ill will
I'm gonna be working with their sports cardiology department to
Bench to do a benchmark of sorts against
Fitness trackers. Yeah, like hopefully more than just way I
Want to see if we can do sleep tracking, but I don't know if we're gonna be able to do that
Okay, um just because of like lab hours and stuff like that
But i'm i'm gonna try to figure out because they do have a mobile thing. Anyways, we'll try to figure it out
Yeah, um, but mainly heart rate tracking. Yeah, so they have so basically we're gonna get him hooked up to
The proper gear we're gonna get a range as well because heart rate trackers work
More or less effectively against different people. So we're gonna get like an athlete from that school
And myself and like probably the guy that's running the program to get like I thought you're gonna say me
I thought we were going from athlete to you to me and I was gonna be like well a you're dick and b that's probably fine
Oh, no, your cardio is way better than mine. I guarantee it. My knees are just messed. I know i'm hoping that they're better
I can move
Until I can't move anymore, right?
Until I can't move anymore, right? Right. Yeah
Um a whole other thing, but yeah, so that should actually be really cool
that was sprung largely from a while ago when we were talking to the wan show when fitbit was getting like
Lawsuits for being bad things basically not reporting things correctly. Yeah, so we want to look into that more deeply. Um, so
Yeah tracking health things with little tiny devices that aren't very proven yet
Might not be a thing or might yep, by the time we do that. We should have an iwatch too. Um, so
Unfortunately, a lot of the like watches. Oh my god are gonna be slightly replaced by then but dude
How many of them did we buy a few?
Uh to be fair though a lot was an overstatement. I think only two of them were replaced by how much were they?
One of them was the iwatch which we didn't buy for it. That's true. That's true
So I think it's only one maybe I think I did end up paying for that though. We didn't buy it for that
No, I bought it to review it though. Yeah. Yeah
Because most of them like microsoft hasn't come out with a new one
Yeah, garmin hasn't come out with a new one. Everyone's like apple watch. No, it is the iwatch forever
I refuse
I refuse
so anyway, so
The barometer is maybe going to be useful for cool stuff like measuring altitude, which I guess is pretty neat
I don't know. I would trade a knife. I would trade a headphone jack for that personally. Um, but at least they did
Something it would be interesting if they made a barometer that went exactly flush with the phone
If it was plugged into your headphone jack, you know, it'd be really cool
Is if they made a barometer that could tell you how big they are
What a barometer uh
Wow, wow logitech bought uh sci-tech from madcat logitech logit talk
Nope, they only make phones now
Phones and headsets, uh logitech bought sci-tech from madcat. This is awesome. Yeah, i'm excited. Yeah
You can say why you're excited first, um, well, okay, we have a review we both like flight sticks
We don't have enough time to spend with them. I like all kinds of sticks
Um my hands around them like this. I have a review on the warthog
And you have a review on a sci-tech system. I don't remember exactly which one um x52 x52
And i'm happy because I think logitech will do more
with it
Okay, most people just go this way. Yeah, I I mean I didn't I didn't say I was good at this. I like them
Um, so anyway, so why i'm excited about this is there are things that?
Sci-tech the division of mad. Okay. There are things that madcats does well
And there are things that sci-tech used to do well before they were acquired by madcats like um, you know actually
making these products for crying out loud like
Actually making joysticks because that's not that did. I mean it used to be that you know other than
Thrustmaster and sci-tech there were actual brands that microsoft used to make them
Yeah, logitech used to have them like
And then it just died along with the space sim, um along with the space sim and microsoft's flight simulator
And like yeah, so there's stuff that sci-tech did well
And then there's stuff that logitech does well, which is make a good idea, which is what sci-tech had
and uh madcats owned
Um, so take a good idea and a product people want to buy and make sure that the quality of it is good
And that it lasts for a long time. So I would be really really excited to see what kind of sci-tech products we see
with some kind of care and attention given to making them feel good and last a long time and operate well
Uh, this will hopefully line up with like the g
29 and g920 the the driving force steering wheels, which I reviewed a while back were actually like really awesome
Just saying you should go check out that review. They're really cool
Yeah, and I told you I brought the obato to the office now, right?
So the plan I think what jake wanted to do was uh set it up in the vr room
Like we might end up just taking all the furniture out of there. I want it all. Yeah
Something like that having one like small bench could be helpful. Yeah, or even one couch
Um, like or like a loveseat or like one chair or something like that
I think would be would be pretty cool because having a viewer for whatever you're doing is nice
Yeah, but we don't need like that giant thing. Yeah
Um and having the obato in that one like nook corner thing. Yeah is would be awesome. That'd be perfect
That'd be perfect. So i'm i'm super excited about this. I'm not a logitech fanboy. I just have a certain amount of respect for
Building products that are designed to last and logitech seems to generally care about that for the most part. Yeah
Um, all right, google maps can show how much you are speeding
So the original article here is from ours technica
And users report that a speed limit sign is showing up in the bottom corner of google maps
It's about time because this has been a feature on other gps programs for quite some time
And is something that I personally am often curious about and don't understand why I need to
Like look at signs for anymore in the modern digital age very cool
That's probably about all we got to say for that. There's no like, uh
It's just random user reports apparently nothing official so google hasn't stated anything
This is not surprising they do this all the time. They're probably a blog post once it's much more ubiquitous across their platform
You probably only roll it out to a very small percentage of so it's a server-side switch
But the code started showing up in google maps 9.35
Yeah, so yeah, i'm excited. I wish it would also tell you how fast you're going
But I understand why they don't do that
Like I don't know you probably haven't been driving long enough
But when I first started driving those those radar things those displays on the side of the road
That would tell you how fast you're going when you're in a construction zone or a school zone or whatever else
They didn't have a cap on them
So people would blow past them
to clock themselves
Yeah, so now when you're going no, I definitely remember that. Okay, that was the thing now when you're going more than 20 over
It just says too fast slow down. Yeah
so I understand why they don't necessarily want to put that in because
For the same reason that that they don't build in tools to like tell you how much you beat the original estimated time by
I think my record is like 15 minutes on a 55 minute drive or something like that
But you have to do it manually you have to do it yourself if you want to know things like that
Um, but that's why they don't build that in because they don't want to encourage people to speed
Oh, well, here's a here's an interesting. Uh, here's an interesting article. Oh, yeah
Microsoft crashes google's latest chrome battery life claims
Dun da da da. So this is a video that they actually um ran a little while ago and that
Uh, i'm still working on it and I can talk about it openly right now that we are working on replicating to find out if this
Is actually true or not. There's
there's problems with this whole deal and a lot of them revolve around windows 10 just being like
A little this might be the wrong word for it schizophrenic. Yeah
Crazy, it'll just do like nutsoid things. Dr. Jekyll. Mr. Hyde. Yeah
Um, like we've got four identical machines. Yeah, we have tried to run these tests. I like tweeted about it at some point
And basically luke's run into everything under the sun so many different problems and like these are all the same machine
Huh all running at the same time with the same software installed the same settings everything you were like channeling dennis there a little bit
Yeah, and they'll be different by
Many hours with the same browser
Doing the same thing. So that's the thing is we're trying to do just the control. Yeah, i'm all running the same browser
Many hours different same laptop same browser exactly the same load. They'll be watching a youtube video
Same programs installed same things running which is like essentially nothing one of them will ask for like
I think I was doing google chrome but not this update of it and it's not the exact same load that they have here
And it's not the exact same laptop
So don't worry too much about comparing it to the numbers that we just saw but I think it was like three and a half hours
Two of them lasted for about three and a half hours. Yeah, and then two
Exactly the same laptops as the other ones. We were just looking at would last for like five hours and 15 minutes. It's just like
Is going on? Yeah, i'm i'm picturing the jackie chan meme but like
My head is full of blue. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. I just
What I don't know i'm gonna do like
Full reformats on all of them and I think what i'm gonna have to do is like completely disable all of like windows defender and firewall and like
Everything that windows can properly have there was a problem lately where if you had sound enhancements enabled
Even even if none of the boxes were checked if you had none of the sound enhancements on
But you had the sound enhancements enabled
It could take up like 20 of your cpu at a time or some crap like that like, oh my god, so
Uh, yeah, I don't know it's a nightmare right now, but hopefully we will have our own benchmarks of that eventually
British scientists have developed a cheaper unbreakable touch screen for smartphones. The original article here is from news.com.au
Have you posted? I have not got it. I have not posted a thing. So I already hate it
I hate it so much. I think they're stupid and liars and i'm angry
Cool, they said unbreakable. I'm getting really tired of this crap. It's really starting to piss me off
Oh our device is waterproof
Uh, yes, you do a whole bunch more research and find from like a third party that it's like ip67. It's not waterproof
It's not the right word so much anger unbreakable is bullshit. I guarantee you if the us was like, yep
We'll nuke it. It wouldn't be that bad
God stop it. I just like someone in the chat said triggered
Yes, I think these words are literally getting to the point where they're starting to like mentally trigger me whenever I see someone
That's like, oh, yes. Our battery bank is waterproof. I'm just like
Like I think they should like be fined
Fairly significant amounts of money because it's actually just completely bullshit. Maybe that's why he doesn't take pictures
So I'm just like, oh, yeah, I'm gonna be fine
He's very unhelpful unbreakable. Why are you taking all these pictures around the oh, you're reviewing that camera
Yeah, oh, it's kind of cheating to take all of your pictures in like a studio with studio lights
You're not just doing that when he was in my office and took a picture. That's definitely not studio lights
But anyways, okay. I think they should actually genuinely be fined because they're uh misleading
Information about their products. I think so too. I think that's a good thing
I think that's a good thing because I think that's a good thing because I think that's a good thing because
Uh misleading information about their products. I think so too the problem. They're lying about their products
The problem is who's going to oversee this. It's there. There are organizations for this in the states. They're just not doing it
They're just not doing it. Yeah, they have like bigger fish to fry. Yeah
So basically they're underfunded and undermanned
But if they could figure out a way to actually just hire lines going a bunch of like not as well-paid employees that just hunt
These like asshole battery companies and shit like that and just wreck all of them until they all just stop
And then that would be good because like i'm i'm really tired of it your battery bank is not waterproof
Twitch chat is just like triggered triggered triggered triggered. I am though. It's oh, man. It pisses me off
All right, so it's reportedly a fifth of the cost of current touchscreens
And then I have no idea
What this is supposed to oh?
Australian dollars compared to 70 australian dollars a square meter for indium tin oxide
And this technology could be rolled out as soon as 2018
So currently the electrodes and touchscreens are made from indium tin oxide
But the supplies are slowly running out because that's what humans do
And so they're searching for the next electrically conductive material that could be used by manufacturers until we use up all of that
So scientists in britain have been looking at hybrid materials that can conduct electricity and using a simple and inexpensive method
They're producing hybrid electrodes from silver nanowires and graphene
so, okay
once if
This gets released anything. Can we get it and can I do like a tech racks level?
Bullshit video where I just destroy the thing and then just like end it with like screw you
And then just like move on I feel like if I agree to this now
You're going to remember and you're going to actually do it. I will
It's up to you. Okay. No, no, nothing is ever up to me
Oh straw pool. It is up to the viewers because I okay so to explain a little bit
I'm going to go back in conversations that microsoft web browser test thing
the reason why we're doing it is because I want to start a video series where we
I don't remember exactly what it's called. I think we were going to call it shit manufacturers say yeah
Going back to like memes from a long time ago. Yeah, um, but i'm old it was it was basically
Testing claims of manufacturers and the reason why I thought of doing this kind of thing was making my battery bank videos
in mexico because
I think every single brand except for chiro lied
Right, which is like insane and it brings back that same thing from before where like everyone uses clickbait
Because everyone has to use clickbait right because they wouldn't be able to sell because everyone else is lying
And chiro saying water resistant looks worse than the other people saying waterproof, right?
Even though the other people are lying. Okay. Well apparently no one thinks that i'm right
Or five percent. Haha. All right, you win. Haha
So go ahead you get to break the first uh bone in 2018 or whatever whenever it actually happens
Yeah, whenever it actually happens, maybe you could put an arrow through it
Sweet. No, it's been done. Oh marcus did it with the uh sapphire glass. Okay. Is that his name?
Marcus. Yeah. Yeah, it's marcus or marquez
Or marquez brownie. Yeah. Oh, I thought you're talking about tech racks. Oh
Tech rack. Oh
No, yeah. Okay. No marcus. Okay. Yeah. Yeah
Yeah, I don't know I just that stuff really pisses me off this is great
fbi director
Cover up your webcam with a piece of tape
Love it
Original article here from msn.com they sell a little plastic flip cover things for it. They're actually pretty nice. Check that
Oh, do you have one?
uh, i'm
It's literally been ordered already, but I don't have it yet interesting
So, uh, james combi defended putting a piece of tape over his personal laptops webcam
Claims the security step was a common sense one that most should take many asus laptops have um slide covers
The little you've seen that right? Yep. It's like a mechanical switch and you like I don't think they have them anymore
Really? Yeah, I think it's because your old one has it right? Yeah. Yeah, I think it's less common now. Yeah
Um, so there you go. Yeah, mom and dad that laptop that you know have use the little thing
So the quote is there are some there's some sensible things you should be doing and that's one of them
You do that. So people who don't have the authority don't look at you. I think that's a good thing
Fair enough, man. Cool
Uh, apparently someone from an oil company
Quest integrity group tried to impersonate elon musk by making
an email account elon
at yahoo.com
And then sent an email to tesla's cfo
Asking for non-public information
Like company sales and financial projections what the hell
Oh, yeah, this will totally work i'll make it elontesla at yahoo.com
I mean you can tell he's old because he uses yahoo
Yeah, but oh man that's hilarious
Come on
Come on
Like just just a random email from from elon. Hey, yeah, could I get some uh, you know some uh financial projections
That would be good if you can just email this to me right now if you could if you could email them at yahoo
Yeah, then uh, yeah, you know, I don't want to use the google because uh
Yahoo sounds more credible somehow. Yeah, it says elon musk says elon musk. That's wonderful
Uh, oh, this is a rumor. So the original article here is from overclock3d.net
There are
leaked supposed gtx 1080 ti
Dun dun dun so hypothetically it'll be somewhere between the 1080 and the titan x
It'll be very close to the titan x and it will have a slightly fewer CUDA cores a slightly fewer sms
It'll have
Blah blah blah blah 384 bit bus 12 gigs ram. No gdr 5x. No gdr 5x. Oh interesting
Well, there's where a lot of the cost savings is coming from. I wonder if that's a big part of the reason why titan x
Is so expensive
Because 1080 is also a lot more expensive than 1070
And it's like 12 gigs of it. Oh, no, maybe not. That probably math probably doesn't work for that
Anyway, apparently it is clocked higher though
and has the same tdp so we can expect then that much like with the original titan x and the
980 ti that the titan xp and the 1080 ti are actually going to end up performing very very similarly
Because if it's clocked if it has fewer functional units and it's they're able to clock it a little higher out of the box
It'll probably boost a little higher, too
So it wouldn't surprise me if basically anyone who bought a titan x is going to be crying
Once the 1080 ti gets released, but I mean, that's the price you pay for being on the bleeding edge. Like I get it
And you should get it, too
Yep, that's kind of how it goes. I think I think I brought something up about that in the titan xp review
But I don't remember
I don't remember either that was a very blurry time in my life. It was with the whole work occasion and like
People hating it. I have a new idea for christmas bonus this year titan xp
Okay titan xp that doesn't involve going. I have heard. Yes. It's cool
Okay, well keep it to yourself
Uh, I know. Oh, uh, okay
Oh moving on
Uh, what else we got? You know what? I think that's pretty much it
Everything else in here is pretty boring apple. Japan ordered to pay 118 million in tax for under reporting income surprise surprise
um, so they're mad
Japan's mad. Apple's probably mad. Everyone's mad. So
Yeah, everyone's angry. I'm not mad. I don't care. Maybe apple. Japan heard somewhat wait apple. Japan's the one that's mad, right?
I think everyone's mad probably. Oh, it's like when you don't pay everyone told each other that the devices were waterproof
And they were just like and they're just all triggered now. You don't understand how that works
That is probably exactly how it went down and on that
completely intelligible note
We bid you adieu same bat time same bat channel next week
Usually when you travel how many do you have
Are you gonna go to six now? Yeah, we can't just keep carrying more cameras. There is a limit I don't know
You might find a way
I think there is yeah, I think there are brandon's musculature is different than normal people
I've like observed this over doing shows with him. He can carry large amounts of weight for ridiculous amounts of time
Just not up a mountain
No, he did. Uh, yeah, actually he did technically get there. He got all the way
Yeah, not in time to film anything mind you know, but he got all the way