
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

What's up everyone and welcome to the WAN show. We got a great show for you guys this week.
Asus apologizes for their strange and expensive repair quotes.
What was our headline today? I forget. Something like...
The Apple undeletes your news.
iPhones are undeleting old photos, even on devices that have been wiped?
What? What else we got going on this week?
Microsoft announces Proteus controller, another like controller that helps you have inputs if you have difficulty with standard controllers.
And also there's a live service like MMO game that is going offline into a single player slash co-op game and is removing all of their microtransactions.
Well that, I mean that last part sounded good.
Squarespace, uh, Ahrefs, and, uh, uh, uh, uh-oh. Magical!
I take one bite of food and you guys just, you know, those are our sponsors, you guys. They're our sponsors.
You trying to blame me for not doing your job?
iPhones have been undeleting old news. Many users, and this has been reported by The Verge and MacRumors,
many users are reporting old, long-deleted photos are resurfacing on their iPhones as if they were recent photos following Apple's 17.5 iOS update.
This includes devices that were previously wiped, resulting in embarrassment for at least one user who wiped their device before selling it to a friend,
only to have revealing photos reappear on the device.
It is unclear at this time whether this is an indexing bug or a synchronization issue with iCloud,
but many have reported finding long, long-deleted photos, including sexual images,
meaning that this is unlikely to be a problem with recent photos being inappropriately retained.
Wow! Is there ever a lot to unpack here?
And I would like to preface this by saying, look, this is not unique to Apple.
This particular incident is uniquely happening to Apple, but this whole issue where cloud providers are not actually f***ing deleting something
when you press the delete button is a widespread issue.
Now, in some cases, this is a feature more than a bug.
For example, I don't think we're doing a Backblaze read this week, but one of the things that we mention whenever we talk about one of our sponsors,
Backblaze, is that for a fee, you can actually extend their data retention when you delete something.
And the idea is that it's a recycle bin.
Which, if you've ever, like, sent an email and then been like,
oh, wait, and then clicked the undo thing or whatever because you missed all the word or did something wrong like that,
having an undo can often be quite nice.
And in the context of something like Backblaze, where the things that, especially B2B customers,
are backing up to their service could be mission critical.
And that is it.
That's their off-site backup.
The ability to, you know, undo an accidental Control-A delete or even, in some cases, a malicious deletion of off-site backups
could be absolutely critical.
But in the case of services where it is being communicated to you that when you delete something that it is gone.
Oh, man, this is challenging.
Now, now, something that we don't know, right?
Because this is saying old, long-deleted photos, right?
Something that we don't know is were these photos, are these photos on another iDevice somewhere?
Are they synchronizing to iCloud through that?
And then is this simply a case of the device ID somehow not being unlinked correctly from that iCloud account?
Like, there's a number of different ways that this could transpire.
But the bottom line is that this is a broad issue where cloud providers are, A, not deleting things that you mark delete necessarily,
and not managing that data in a way that is adequate, I guess is the word that I'm looking for.
So, what I want to know...
Okay, our discussion question here is, is this a temporary bug or is it indicative of a deeper issue with information storage that needs to be addressed?
I mean, absolutely the second one.
But what I want to know is, what is the liability here?
And when are these companies going to answer for these things?
Yeah, because like, I mean, there's the, there's the, there's the sexual images angle,
which is, I think, like the main one that's coming up, especially in the articles that we're seeing.
But what about just the privacy?
There's privacy issues.
There's photos that might be relatively traumatic to people.
They might not want coming back.
They deleted for a freaking reason.
And having that put like, you know, front and center in front of them can be pretty frustrating and annoying.
And I mean, oh man, like, here's, here's, here's what I want to know.
Like, Apple is a company that purports to take privacy very, very seriously.
How exactly is it that this data wouldn't be stored in an encrypted fashion?
And if it gets synchronized to a device, how would that be decrypted without account level authentication?
I mean, tell, tell me, you know more about this kind of stuff than I do.
It's not necessarily stored in an encrypted fashion.
Well, why not?
It's more difficult.
And if they feel like they don't need to, just like, who cares?
That's not a good response, brother.
I'm not saying that's the truth either.
I have no idea.
I'm just saying it's not, I don't, I don't necessarily know that they're stored in an encrypted fashion.
Like, photos on iOS.
Do they back up to iCloud?
We might be able to figure this out.
I mean, if you pay for iCloud, sure.
So if you don't pay for iCloud, then it's, who knows?
Theoretically, yeah.
Only your five gigs are going to back up.
And then that, yeah, that should be all that's synchronized to iCloud.
Like, even with the, that huge celebrity image leak, like, that was all things that people were storing in iCloud.
There was no way to get something that was locally stored off of a device off of it.
It was, it was all through, I believe that was mostly through authentication theft and third parties getting access to people's iCloud accounts.
I'm not 100% certain.
It says your iCloud data is encrypted.
The encryption keys are secured in Apple data centers where we can help you with data recovery.
And only certain data is end-to-end encrypted.
But I don't think we're talking about an end-to-end encryption scenario.
Like, this isn't being grabbed partway.
So, I mean, why, why, okay.
Obviously, there's a, there's a computational cost, right?
But with how, with how, with how many accelerators we have in modern devices, don't you feel like...
End-to-end encryption, I can understand not wanting on everything.
That can get pretty annoying.
But, um, the, the encryption in general, which it says it has, to be fair, on iCloud, um, that's not that bad.
And they say that they have it.
So, that makes sense to me.
Um, how it would be unencrypted, like, did they, did they log out of everything before they sold this device to their friend?
To be clear, uh, when he says unencrypted, decrypted.
Yeah, yeah.
How it would be decrypted.
Yeah, yeah.
Well, I mean, theoretically, when you wipe an iPhone, it's wiped.
So, the only way that...
Did they do that, though?
They said they did.
They said they went.
And it, and, I mean, realistically...
I don't know, man.
Um, oh, I mean, it, no, I, this kind of checks out, because, how could you...
Okay, so...
Your friend would have to log into their iCloud account.
You can only be logged into one iCloud account at a time on an iPhone, from my understanding.
So, as soon as your friend logged into their iCloud account, anything that was synchronized with the old iCloud account should be gone.
I would like to think so.
I mean, I don't know how this stuff works.
So, like, commenting on it is a little bit difficult.
Handyman pointed out something that I was kind of reading into, but wasn't sure about either, where, on the end of what I was reading, says, advanced data protection for iCloud is an optional setting that offers our highest level of cloud data security.
And Handyman is saying that the key is only stored on just the user side if you have that advanced data protection enabled.
So, they have the keys for everything on their end.
I see.
If you're not running advanced data security, which I would assume, like, less than 1% of people are running.
Yeah, if it's not a default, I don't think most users are going to be touching it.
And, like, Google has the same thing.
Almost no one runs it.
So, they absolutely have a way to decrypt it on there.
There's people in the chat that are saying this has nothing to do with iCloud.
It sounds more like data wasn't deleted off the device storage.
But the thing is that the way that NAND Flash works, like, it's, um, once you do a secure erase, which, from my understanding, is part of the device wiping process for both Android and iOS at this point, once you do a secure erase, NAND Flash doesn't work the same way as old mechanical storage did, where you could kind of reconstruct at least parts of files by just looking at contiguous ones and zeros along the tracks in the platter.
It's not like that.
Once you delete the index of what all of those zeros and ones in all of these NAND cells correspond to, there's not really a meaningful way to reconstruct that.
The only way that you can recover data from a NAND Flash device is by recovering the controller.
Like, you essentially have to restore that index that's stored on the controller.
You can't just get it from NAND chips.
So, from Apple, on the iPhone, go to Settings, General, Reset, and Select Erase All Content and Settings.
This is a secure erase of everything but iOS.
So, it sounds like you're right.
That's what they're doing.
People are talking about, like, you should talk about how OS's mark things as deleted.
That's not generally what he's talking about.
What you're talking about is removing a pointer to a file, effectively.
So, you tell your operating system to delete something, and instead of actually deleting it, because it's like, whatever, this is Flash, it just forgets where it is, and then will eventually write something over top of it.
That's not secure erase, though.
And it won't even write something over top of it until you've removed it from your recycle bin, potentially, depending on the operating system you're on.
Like, for example, I haven't been using an iPhone lately.
So, the last Apple device that I used daily was the Vision Pro.
And I wanted to delete a screen recording, and I deleted it, and it warned me immediately.
It was like, hey, this is going into your to-be-deleted folder, and you'll have to go in there, and you'll have to delete it.
I wanted to play around with the file management on the Vision Pro, because I was trying to transfer screen recordings off of it.
And so, I was just like, I was doing all these screen recordings, and I was like, oh my god, there's no way to-
You can't just plug a cable in and transfer data.
Are you cutting me?
Okay, so how do I get rid of stuff on this thing?
And so, I was trying to figure out how to delete a screen recording.
And so, I ended up having to kind of navigate through that.
All the little icky-picky details that were in my notes for the Vision Pro didn't really end up in the review,
because we were so late, because we got the device so late, that it ended up being more like, okay,
what new perspective can we give on it?
Everyone kind of, you know, I didn't need to talk about their file explorer or whatever, right?
But as far as I could tell, the way it works is it goes into a recycle bin for 30 days,
and then it's automatically purged from there.
So, you wouldn't be at risk of overwriting anything until it's purged from there.
But it should be noted that the iCloud account that I was using, or the, yeah, the iCloud account that I was using
did have extra data storage purchased, so it was also synced online.
So, then there was an additional step in order to delete it off of there as well.
It was a little thing.
I, is this, like, person who sold their device thing, is that a one-off?
I don't even see that in the notes.
Well, it looks like lots of users are reporting their...
The photo's coming back, but is the sold device thing a one-off?
Because I, I, I, I think these could potentially be different scenarios.
They could be.
Like, someone secure racing their device and selling it to someone else on this happening
is different than someone just randomly having photos come back.
This includes previously wiped devices.
So, as far as we can tell, at least one user had revealing photos reappear, but it might not
be just one user who ended up with photos that didn't belong to them showing up on their
Guys, if you've, uh, if you've read a bunch, I have spent the entire day today building
a computer for our CEO, which, by the way, is going to be awesome.
We took suggestions from Reddit for what the theme of the build should be.
We ended up with all kinds of great suggestions.
The one that we ultimately settled on was all Chrome and Luke's seen it.
It's pretty amazing, actually.
It's pretty cool.
You haven't seen the chair yet, though.
Is it, like, actually going to be uncomfortable for him to work?
I mean, it doesn't sound like my problem.
Oh, my God.
Why is a chief executive sitting down?
Should be decisive and a man of action.
Moving around, talking to the people.
Anyway, it's going to be great.
So, yeah.
All I'm getting out of this is that, uh, none of the C-levels are going to have chairs anymore.
So, let's not rule out user error, I guess, is what we're trying to say.
On some of it.
I'm not saying the thing as a whole, but, uh, you run into scenarios like this where, like,
some people that had this genuinely happen speak up.
And then a bunch of other people that just, like, screwed up but don't know also speak up.
And it ends up getting kind of lost in the, lost in the sauce a little bit.
Um, there's enough reports here that it sounds like this is actually probably happening to a certain degree.
But I don't think, based on the information that we have, that we're going to be able to figure out, like, the mechanism that's failing.
Um, a lot of people just seem to generally be kind of struggling with iCloud.
Like, uh, in Floatplane Chat says,
I've had photos that I delete locally stay on iCloud and not show specifically that they still exist.
It could have redownloaded.
That was one of the things that bothered me when I was trying to delete that thing from the Vision Pro as well.
I couldn't tell.
Uh, I, I, I couldn't, I couldn't tell how.
If this was device level or cloud level?
How I was deleting it.
And I could see Apple taking that approach for the sake of what we were talking about earlier, the ability to restore data.
I bet you that's a lot of this issue.
But man.
With a photo.
You know, sometimes when you delete a photo, you're like.
I want this gone.
This needs to be yote.
And I understand Apple's design philosophy.
You know, big, simple buttons, you know?
But sometimes, right click is the answer.
A context menu is just superior.
Your philosophy be damned.
So we'll see.
Yeah, I don't know.
Well, we'll see how this goes.
Gonna be interesting.
Why don't we jump into our next topic here?
You want to pick another headline one?
Uh, sure.
How about the controller?
Want to talk about the controller?
This thing looks sick.
It's very cool.
Look at this thing.
Microsoft announces the Proteus controller.
Microsoft has announced the Proteus controller, a modular controller with swappable face plates
and customizable components for gamers with various mobility issues.
The cube-like modules can be snapped together in countless different configurations.
Its buttons are remappable and its analog sticks can be swapped out for 3D printed sticks
with custom grips, um, and those, uh, several files for these sticks are available on, uh,
BioWave's website, Bio with a B-Y-O.
So I'm gonna share this now.
So they're showing right here, we are open sourcing the mechanical connection mechanism
for the Proteus controller.
This will allow you to 3D print different components such as handles, analog sticks,
mounts, whatever you can think of.
Here are some examples of downloadable files.
Man, chill some of these.
These are cool.
And these are sick.
So it goes from like just fairly standard concave top analog stick to ball grips, XL rest.
That's super cool.
So for chins or elbows, so you can control a joystick more easily and hopefully more comfortably,
um, ridge cap analog sticks, a thin grip analog stick, which could be very interesting because,
um, if you notice how it, how it tends to flare, you might be able to attach something to this.
Um, so you could move in like a different plane, but have it adjust a joystick, which is very cool.
Um, control grip analog caps and square head analog sticks.
And by open sourcing the mechanism, they're making it so that not only are they making these files able to be downloaded and others able to be downloaded later, but you should be able to design your own as well, which is very cool.
Because as far as my understanding goes, that community is kind of all about customizing.
So being able to 3d print design your own is probably going to be a pretty big deal.
Super cool.
And with the way that 3d printing materials are changing, like, it's not like this has to be made out of just standard PLA.
Like you can, you could make them actually comfortable, you know, with like multi-material printing.
Soft touch.
So you can have, you know, a nice stiff shaft and then you can have like a, like a softer end cap.
And man, this is, it's one of those things that Microsoft just, I don't, I feel like doesn't get enough attention for the fact that they do this kind of thing.
I mean, look, they're a soulless corporation.
Let's, let's treat them as what they are.
Any, any company with shareholders at the end of the day is going to look out for its bottom line first.
We know that, but can you grow up?
I'm trying to hold it in here too.
You're in the background.
It's not helpful.
Both of these, get your s*** together.
Oh man.
Anyways, anyway, so the point is, yeah, okay, they're, they're a corporation, but I feel like this is the kind of thing that when they do, we should be paying a lot of attention to, we should be giving them a lot of praise for.
Because realistically, this makes no commercial sense.
The development of this, it's, it's not going to pay for itself.
This is legitimately about enabling gamers.
And that's super cool.
And I love it.
And to, to note as well, this doesn't replace the adaptive controller.
The adaptive controller is wicked cool.
And honestly, I could end up seeing a lot of setups that end up using both.
Um, the one problem that they're running into, they're running both is just that it's going to be fairly costly.
Um, this Proteus controller costs about 300 bucks.
Um, it's on sale right now, actually.
Um, if you go to buy it, I think it's 15% off right now.
Um, let me see really quick.
So it's, it's 15% off right now, but, uh, it'll theoretically be 300 bucks long run USD.
Um, but that kind of makes sense because it's very complicated.
I think the Xbox adaptive controller, while being super cool, is a little bit more basic.
Um, this is a fairly complicated controller, but I like seeing stuff like this.
Like you said, it's unlikely to make a ton of money.
It doesn't excuse buying up game developers and closing them.
Um, that, that's lame.
But we can, we can hit them for that and also praise them for this.
Cause this is, this is great.
This is like the opposite.
There's like the opposite of that.
This is, this is making gaming more accessible and friendlier, uh, which is something gaming
needs sometimes.
Something on, on the other end of this, if you're like, this sounds cool, but it's not
applicable to me on the other end of this, in my opinion, I'm surprised that especially
people on the pro scene don't find more use out of things like the Proteus controller and
the adaptive controller, because if you are able to enhance the inputs that you have by making
it so that you can introduce your feet or, or something else.
Or we, you know, bringing back our old concept of clinch to prone.
I was, I was wondering, you could make that work with the adaptive controller.
Very likely could.
Um, but yeah, I, I, especially for games that have a huge amount of inputs, I'm, I'm a little
bit surprised you don't see more utilization of these just for like making you more competitive.
So consider that as well.
Why don't we jump into, uh, Dan, what are we doing next?
Next up is merch messages.
Let's do some merch messages.
If you guys are new to the WAN show, welcome.
Welcome to the WAN show.
I already said it once, but, uh, really though, welcome to the WAN show.
Welcome to you specifically.
We don't do super chats.
We don't do Twitch bits.
You can send one if you want.
We'll take your money.
I'll put it in the pile JK use it to pay nice people like Luke and Dan and all the
other, you know, dozens and dozens of people who work here.
Um, but what we really want you guys to do is we want you to get something back for the
money that you are throwing at your screen.
And that's why we created merch messages.
All you get to do is go to lttstore.com, check out some of our amazing products over there.
And, uh, in the cart, whenever we're live, you will see a box where you can leave a merch
It will be responded to by producer Dan and he can either, yep, just like chuck it up here
like this, or he'll respond to it himself, or he'll send it to someone else internally
who can best answer your question or he'll curate it for me and Luke to talk about here
on the show.
So we're going to do a couple curated ones, but first I want to highlight a couple of
things that are going on on the store right now.
It's finally here.
Luke, this product has been in development for like two years.
It's the dip dye hoodie.
Uh, Maria asked me specifically before the show.
I ran into her cause, um, we're having a, we're having a land at my place this weekend
and, uh, her husband's coming.
And so I was like, yo, are you coming?
And she's like, well, he's coming.
And I'm like, yeah, but are you?
She's like, I don't know.
I'm thinking, I'm like, yeah, it's fine.
You can just send him.
It's fine.
He, he, he comes to a lot of, he's a part of the event.
He's, he's a, he comes to softball night and stuff.
He's, he doesn't really need to be plus one anymore at this point.
But anyway, the point was I ran into her and she was like, okay, okay.
You often show the product page and, you know, talk about the new product, but like pay attention
to the photos.
She, she's really proud of the photos.
Dan and I were talking about these before the show.
They're really nice.
Oh, killing it.
Man, they went and they got like color matching glasses and everything.
That one is amazing.
Oh, that's awesome.
The ones where they have the games.
I remember, uh, she called out in general chat.
Hey, does anybody have these props?
Like it was premeditated and like, okay, we're going to do this.
It's awesome.
Freaking awesome.
Pokemon game.
Japanese version too.
I love seeing, I love seeing people like use their creative energy to do something different.
Hey, my first phone.
The Motorola V-Box right there.
That's a phone?
Well, sort of.
I mean, it's phone, it's phone-like in functionality.
Phone adjacent.
So there it is, my friends.
The dip dye hoodie.
It's here.
You too could look this cool while you game.
Okay, maybe not that one.
This cool.
You could look this cool while you game.
No, no, no.
I'm just, I'm just, I'm just making fun of David.
Anyway, we've got the dip dye hoodie.
What else do we have going on this week that might be worth sending a merch message over?
Well, no, that's the new big update.
Well, I'm going to put mine on.
It's not that warm.
And Dan, do you want to hit us with a merch message?
Yeah, sure.
I've got a few here for you.
Let's see.
Hey, all with dating apps like Bumble getting on the AI hype train, how do you think that
application of machine learning might influence the next generation's dating habits, if at all?
We've seen that Black Mirror episode, right?
Hang the DJ.
All I've heard from the dating scene for a long time now is just screams and terror.
I mean, that's one of our topics for later.
It just seemed to be looting people.
I didn't know that was a topic, actually.
Yeah, we're going to be talking about have your AI date my AI.
But why don't we just do that topic right now, and then we'll talk about it.
Yeah, so Bumble founder Whitney Wolf Hurd stated in a recent interview that she thinks the future
of online dating, get this, is for apps to develop a personalizable AI concierge that you
can confide in, talk about your insecurities and get pointers from, she then likewise suggested
that in the future we'll be able to send AI bots based on our personalities on simulated
dates with other people's AI bots as a way of confirming compatibility and narrowing down
potential matches.
So, I mean, is Big Tech basically just treating Black Mirror as a playbook at this point?
You know, the show doesn't have to be prophetic.
Like, we can still stop this.
Well, what happens if, like, someone's AI traumatizes someone else's AI?
Are they liable?
Like, what is this?
What does this even mean?
So, our merch message question, that's the important one.
Thank you very much for checking out, lttstore.com.
Our merch message question is, how will this impact the relationships of future generations?
I think it's going to be rough.
I feel a little unqualified to talk about this, to be perfectly honest with you, because
I have never even dated online.
Like, that was still taboo when I started, when I settled.
Settled down.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Sit down, Freud.
Sit down.
That's made, that made it worse.
You shouldn't have brought him up.
Settled down.
Good luck, by the way.
Guys, just, just chill.
Just chill.
Good luck.
A person, one, two, three.
Maybe odds ever be in your favor.
A person, one, two, three, says, dating apps already broke dating for my generation.
This is just the obituary.
I've heard that a lot.
I've been reading a lot of articles that Gen Z and millennials are just saying, see you
later to data apps right now.
Done with it.
Match group seems to be kind of desperately trying to keep, what was the old big one?
They seem to be just desperately trying to keep Tinder revenues up, putting in these new
ways of, like, sending people, like, paid things or whatever.
These, like, super premium accounts and stuff like that.
As far as my understanding goes, even more than it originally was, and it was originally
very much this, it has just turned into, um, extremely short-term engagement seekers.
Yeah, uh, Scoach says, as someone in Gen Z, almost everyone on dating apps just wants
short-term relationships right now.
There's another word for short-term relationships.
It's called f***ing.
Um, and, yeah.
So, it was heavily like that, uh, Like, early on, wasn't it?
I thought that was the whole point of Tinder.
But it, you could still, like, find relationships on there.
Right, because that wasn't what, like, Plenty of Fish was for.
And there was, there was other sites that were specifically not really for that, even
though it still happened, obviously.
And then Tinder was more for that, but some people were not looking for that on those types
of services.
Like, the swipe services.
Some people were actually just looking for long-term relationships and had to deal with all the
the people that were not, um, and as far as my understanding goes, as someone who hasn't
used it in a decade, um, hearing complaints from people that do, it is only that now.
And, like, there's, there's people asking, I have genuinely had someone ask me, like,
how would I go about finding someone to date?
I'm like, how the heck am I supposed to know?
Wait, who asked you that?
I don't want to.
I just mean.
I'm like, brother, I've been in a relationship for, like, actually almost 10 years.
Like, what do you want?
I don't, I can't help you.
Make them chicken?
But it's like, it's weird because ever since dating apps became a thing, approaching people
about potentially dating when you don't know them yet in real life became kind of, like,
notably taboo.
But now the dating apps suck.
So it's like, actually, what do I do?
I don't know.
See, like, I, I, um, yeah, I, man, meeting people in school.
That was like.
Was so easy.
Like, we, I, I feel like.
It was rough after that.
If you're in school still, do not take for granted how easy it is to network and like
expand your social circle and make connections.
If there was something that someone could have, you know, that, that if I had been able to
internalize properly, um, that I, that I wish I had, had processed when I was in school,
it would have been make way more connections because once you're an adult, I w I was talking
to, um, shoot, who was it?
Someone on the team.
I think it, I think it might've been David.
Who's, uh, thinking of joining an adult sports league.
And I was like, man, that sounds awesome.
And I would love to be a part of what sounds like a super cool thing for you.
But that is just not going to be an option for me because I didn't play that particular
sports ball as a kid and picking up a sport as an adult is freaking hard.
And the reason I'm bringing this up is that one of the, one of the few bloody ways that
adults can, can network outside of work and can make new connections is, is through activities.
And like, I don't know about you guys, but like for me, sports is, is what is one of
the go-tos and it's man, it's, it's so, it's so hard.
People can be so clicky.
Uh, a lot of people forge their lifelong connections, like when they're in their teens and it's hard
to break, it's hard to break into those groups.
Like I even noticed this in like other, uh, in like parent groups, right.
Where all their kids are already friends and all the parents are already friends and don't
wander away.
Hold on.
Um, and all the parents are already friends and, and penetrating that click.
You're always kind of the, well, we only got three campsites.
So you're the fourth one.
Like you're always, you're always that right.
Edge case.
Um, maybe it, maybe it will work.
Maybe it, it works for this one event, but like, and I feel like, like, man, if I, here,
can, can you come here for a second?
Because if I, if I didn't have you say, look, Yvonne's here.
Hi lady.
Um, I would just have, okay, here, let's have some fun.
I would have no idea how to meet people.
Yvonne here.
I die tomorrow.
How do you meet people?
You're really far away from the mic.
Oh, okay.
You have to be way closer.
Oh, okay.
This is weird.
Um, how would I meet people?
Um, man, I don't know because I think online dating is being phased out too, isn't it?
That's kind of what we're talking about right now.
It's essentially the topic.
And I've heard how terrible online dating in general is too.
Um, oh man.
So like if you, if you essentially, let's just assume you're cutting out online dating.
I would probably try to take some classes and see if I meet people with similar interests.
So like hobby classes.
Or I do activities.
Like I'd go on hikes or, um, things like that.
So this is getting a dog is a good thing.
So if you, so if you take up hiking, then I better watch out.
This is information gathering.
What would you do?
Oh man.
Cause like, I'm not the kind of person to go party.
Hold on.
You're really far away.
Oh, sorry.
I'm not the kind of person to go party or go to a bar or do any of those things like it.
And, and especially with kids.
It's so hard with kids.
Um, yeah.
What would you do?
I mean, I heard VR porn is like really good now.
So you just wouldn't basically.
No, I, I am.
I am like, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm helplessly addicted to being in a relationship.
Like I think since I turned.
I got mad at him because I was like, you know what?
If I died, you'd like date immediately.
No, I, I, no, I wouldn't.
I would be, I'd be trying to pick up the pieces of my life.
I don't even know what bank I use.
Like I would, I would actually have some stuff to deal with for quite an extended period of time.
I have a folder on my computer called if I die.
You haven't updated it in like nine years.
I'll update it for you.
That's not the point.
Just don't die.
This is a real thing.
No, it's actually a real thing.
She definitely has that folder, but she definitely hasn't looked at it in almost a decade.
I've been busy.
Uh, yeah, me too.
I don't know.
What would you do, Luke?
Uh, I don't know.
I genuinely, I genuinely have no idea because like I, I've told Linus some of the stories
of how I like tried to meet people in the past.
Like one of the silly things that I did that worked, um, was I was on a bus and someone
sat down next to me and I just like held my phone fairly far out.
So it'd be really easy for them to read and started texting about how they were like cute.
And then they read it and we're like, Hey, like blah, blah, blah.
And I was like, yeah, do you want to go out?
And they're like, yeah, sure.
I like it.
It worked.
But like, how do you, how do you create that scenario?
Was that like on the way to school or something like that?
Cause school is totally.
I was going to hang out with someone, but I was going to hang out with someone that was
at UBC and at a time that I was university age.
So it sort of worked out cause there's a bus at UBC.
So like, how do you, how do you make sure that, you know, the, the right person actually
happens to sit next to you on a bus?
Like this is such a random scenario that you can't plan for.
And then I'd have a, well, you can plan for it a little bit.
That's what I did.
I saw Linus in class and I was like, Hmm, I think he normally sits there.
I'm going to go sit in that row.
And I sat kind of away, like slightly away.
But here's, here's a weird thing though.
So you can, you can, uh, you can, uh, wait the dice a little bit.
Here's, here's Linus and I though, as a guy, if you go on a bus and you see a girl sitting
beside herself, generally you try to not sit right next to them because it can be seen
as like, well, actually he didn't sit right next to me.
He sat, he didn't notice me at first and he sat right in.
You're saying you sat next to him, right?
So I sat in the row first and then he didn't notice me.
He came in and sat further in and then he noticed me and then started talking to me
and then moved closer.
So you can kind of, Linus has the riz dude, but honestly, like, I mean, that's a fair move
If you're in conversation and then you happen to move closer, that seems fine.
But like in general, but school makes that so easy because we were sitting in the same
class, learning the same subject material, man, like in the real world, when are you going
to have that opportunity?
That's tough.
I don't know.
I feel like it's even harder for us because like, I never really dated.
I've never had to do that whole thing.
So I don't even, I don't even know.
I mean, if I had to give like the best advice that I possibly could, it would be find the
awesome one and then like lock her up before anyone else even gets a shot at her.
I mean, it worked great for me.
So, you know, go for it.
I would say like, I don't, I don't, some like advice to younger people, I guess, is to once
you're at an appropriate age, lock her up, like lock that up.
Oh, I knew what he meant.
Come on, you guys.
Come on, you guys.
But once you're at appropriate age, date and like move on early.
If you don't like the person and start trying to learn the things that you like about people
and understand what you yourself need in a relationship, what you can provide, because
you'll start recognizing as well, like, okay, I'm not good at these things.
And if you end up dating a person who clearly needs those things, well, then you should
probably just end it and move on and find another one.
Because when you're in say university, this is like, you're saying the easiest time to
like find people you'll find immediately the day you exit university, it becomes infinitely
So what do you guys think about dating friends of friends?
Cause I feel like that can be dangerous.
I honestly, nothing against any of my friends that I've ever had, but I'd honestly, I'd
probably rather have an AI recommend someone to me.
Cause at least an AI is not going to have some fucking like agenda.
That can always be weird.
Well, you know, playoff hockey is on now going to sports events.
Is that a thing?
Going to concerts?
I don't know.
How do you meet someone at a concert?
I can't even hear anybody.
And almost everyone there's in like a pod.
And it's difficult to approach someone when they're in a pod.
Concert's bad.
But what about sports events?
You, I think you specifically said you would do events and adventures, which is a local
company that's.
Yeah, I heard it on the radio.
Typical millennial stuff right there.
I heard, I heard about this way to meet people on the radio.
That's how I heard of them too.
I have a, I have a thing for events, events and adventures.
I was planning on doing this before I ended up with Emma.
Because I heard it on the radio.
I, I used to listen to the Fox all the time, um, before like, you know, the Fox is not Fox
It's a local radio station.
It has nothing to do with American news.
Uh, we are in fact Canadian.
Um, but it's so lowly rated.
I never looked into it.
It seems like such an easy thing to do well.
All you have to do is.
It's only 3.2 stars.
So like, how did you, how did they, how do you do this?
And then a lot of the trips they're like, or the events and adventures are like, Hey,
we're going to go fly to some like country.
So the cost is like, Whoa.
Like I was thinking like, Hey, we go, I don't know, to call this climbing or something.
I thought it was just doing something.
Like we go do the cheese taste.
Like, I don't know.
I think they do that sometimes, but they also like, like, if you look here, I'm going to
go on their website.
Look at like this one.
This is clearly like they're, they're out there.
I think that's Banff, Alberta.
Like these are big.
These are big trips.
Let's see.
Virtual events.
That feels like online dating.
Hot air ballooning.
These are a little bit more reasonable.
Another thing that I think is kind of weird about a scenario like this though, personally
is when everyone there, you know, everyone there has like the mission of.
It, that makes it weird too.
Like does it, does it stink of desperation or like, like something's.
What does it smell like?
You know, like I have never personally met someone who said like, oh yeah, I, I got with
my partner through this like matchmaking thing.
I've met people that say they met them through online dating.
I've met people who, you know, all the, the gamut of other things, but events and adventures,
other various matchmaking services.
I've never once heard of someone be like, yeah, it was through this thing.
Is that because they're trying to hide it or is that because it doesn't work?
I have no idea.
I don't know.
I wish we had better answers for you guys.
It sounds like it's horrible.
Like I, my, um, uh, she probably won't watch this, so it's probably okay.
Uh, my older sister told me about a thing she heard and she basically said something along
the lines of, uh, dating in your thirties is like going to the thrift store and finding
the least broken, disgusting thing and taking it home and hoping it fits.
And I was like, I wanted to cry for her because like, she's, she's not making a joke.
Like she's, uh.
I've heard, I've heard thirties plus dating is just atrocious.
She's, she's, she's found it challenging and it's, it sucks because she's such a beautiful
soul, right?
Like she's, uh, she's awesome.
Um, and I, uh, yeah, it just, yeah, it just made me, it just made me sad.
Um, Avery Studios says in your forties, it just gets hilarious and honest and almost easier.
I think.
I mean, that's, that's kind of interesting perspective.
I suspect that's because that's when you're hitting a higher rate of divorcees.
Oh, that kind of makes sense.
I think I've heard thirties is like the dead zone.
So the pool opens up again.
This is what I've heard at least.
I, I, my understanding is there's, my understanding is that thirties is a dead zone and then like
fifties and sixties is a dead zone.
And then you have retirement home flings.
That's like totally a thing.
I've heard there's a lot of banging in the old folks home.
I've heard that from a lot of people, including people that work at old folks home.
So I like totally believe that it's real.
Um, birdie num nums says, uh, you're much more likely to meet someone doing something
you love to do or simply being fully aware of your surroundings.
I agree.
However, considering the audience and most people watching right now and myself, what do I love
to do?
Um, play video games, you want to have a wow wedding and, and, and working out and like
working, no one, everyone is headphones on.
You don't want to talk to anybody.
Most people are sweaty and gross.
And the line between like a, like a playful banter at the gym and being like a creepy weirdo
at the gym is like, is thin.
And honestly, it's best off to just not at all.
Just focus on what you're doing.
Get your job done and get out.
Like it's my, look, I don't, I don't do gym, gym.
I do badminton gym.
So I'm just kind of, I'm speaking out of turn a little bit here, but my understanding
is like at the gym, you're pretty much not even supposed to like notice if a girl is
Like you're not supposed to be looking to be essentially honest because like eyes on the
highway kind of thing.
If you think about it, a lot of movements that you have to do, if you're properly doing
movements, kind of sexual are going to end up being things that put body parts in areas
that look attractive.
So they're not doing that for you.
They're doing that because they're trying to keep their form correct and do this exercise
So you have to understand, you have to like clue into that.
And the best way to avoid any misunderstandings there is to just stay focused on what you're
Like one of the things that I do is either straight in front or up.
Your eyeline is straight in front or it's up.
Cause as long as you're not looking down, you're good.
Or side.
Like if you're doing a workout and you're looking at someone on the side, right?
Like it's so, but like you can, you better be hot.
You better be like Ryan Reynolds hot.
If you're going to try and pull that off.
So things can get pretty monotonous, right?
Like you're, you're doing the same movement, three sets of 12.
You're doing it 36 times.
You might get kind of bored partway through.
Don't let it happen.
Straightforward or up.
If someone is in your eyeline straightforward, look up.
Do the same rules apply for girls?
Probably not to be honest.
Like would it bother you guys if a girl was at the gym watching you guys work out?
I mean, it depends, right?
Like if it's like, and it's like a whole gaggle of them, then yeah, that's pretty uncomfortable.
Are they making fun of me?
In general, I don't think it really bothers me too much, but you do have to understand that like the playing field is not the same.
So, I don't know.
I don't think I really notice it a ton to be honest.
I don't really care.
Because you're not looking.
What a f***ing Chad.
It's like, you know, whatever.
Don't even notice it anymore.
I do what I'm going to do.
It's fine.
We've got Wardus asking, what about dating at work?
Is that okay?
Was it ever okay?
So, man, that is...
I've never been interested.
That's always seemed like a major stay away from it to me.
It is so full of pitfalls.
Of the three of us, Yvonne probably has the most knowledge when it comes to like HR, legal compliance, and like all the company side stuff that there is.
What I will say is that if there is any kind of direct or even indirect supervisory relationship, that's not good.
Don't do it.
That's not good for anybody.
Don't do it for so many reasons.
And like, even outside of that, man, like, I was reading about...
Oh, something you can do, though.
If you become friends with them, potentially their friends.
But not them.
Okay, so your advice is to become friends with people so you can do their friends?
I mean, thanks, Luke.
That's a super normal form of dating, is getting recommendations from your friends.
This is actually...
You're trying to make it weird, but this is actually super normal.
I am trying to make it weird.
But like, yeah, just, you know...
I was reading about how Kaylee Cuoco, I forget how to pronounce her name, but Penny from The Big Bang Theory and Johnny Galecki, who plays Leonard on The Big Bang Theory,
they had their relationship on the show, and they had a relationship in real life.
And after their relationship in real life ended, they at times had to do, we're in a relationship, on the show, things together.
Obviously, that's a super extreme example.
But like, even if there's no supervisory relationship, think about that.
Nothing is a sure thing, you know?
No matter how compatible you guys think you are in the first week or two.
So before you take that step, consider that you might have to work on a project with this person after some kind of bitter, messy breakup.
If you hate your job, then like, whatever, who cares?
Then you can just leave your job and get a different job or whatever after.
But if you like your job, and you think maybe they like the job too, you could end up kind of stuck with each other in a really awful, icky way for an extended period of time.
Yeah. And some people pull it off, obviously.
But it's just, it's very, it's dangerous.
And even for those that are successful, there's a lot of couples who don't make it when they work together.
There's just too much of overlap in their life.
Was that a concern for you guys?
I feel like I remember conversations around this, like 2013 era, but I don't remember the like details or conclusions.
I just think it was something that was discussed.
I'm very curious about why you laughed. You go first.
This is great. You should be on the show more often. Oh man. That's a good point.
It puts significant strain on our relationship at times.
That's fair. That's fair.
I feel like we are kind of a different couple though. We do do a lot more things together than most people.
I think, what do they call it? Enmeshment? I think that's supposed to be an unhealthy relationship style, but I'm pretty sure that's us.
Man, you can't be admitting that shit on Landshel.
Okay, fine. I'll leave. My foot's asleep anyway.
Enmeshment is a concept in psychology or psychotherapy where families have personal boundaries that are diffused, subsystems undifferentiated, and over-concern for others leads to a loss of autonomous development.
I don't know if that's 100% fair. I think Linus has significantly more autonomous development with Yvonne around. If I can project.
Yeah, well, it's not the autonomous. I definitely develop more with Yvonne in my life.
Yeah, maybe not autonomous.
I would be a stunted boy if it wasn't for her. Anyway, I assume you dropped by to say that you're leaving and making sure that I have a ride home.
Yeah, I know about the land. I want to get there sooner rather than later.
All right. Bye! Thanks for jumping in.
Right, we should do sponsors.
I think we also left hanging merch messages.
Yeah, we'll get to them.
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All right.
What's our next...
I guess we should finish off another merch message.
Dan, hit me.
More merch messages.
Sorry, my things are all out of order now.
Hey, DLL, Luke, why'd LTT go with Shopify instead of something like WooCommerce?
I manage an online store with 500-ish products, and they picked Woo before I took over, but
non-tech people struggle with it.
Uh, I don't know.
I don't think I made that decision.
I don't think I was part of that decision.
I think it was a good decision.
I think that was, uh, Nick, and, um, I was involved, and there might have been some other
parties involved, but...
I was just float plane at that time.
Um, but...
The features looked good.
The customizability looked good.
The functionality without investing in development looked adequate.
Um, I think that was a pretty heavy reason why at the time.
Yeah, I don't think them being our Canadian bros was a factor, but, like...
It's neat.
They may be tech bros, but at least they're Canadian tech bros.
Yeah, I don't know.
We, we, we were happy with the features.
Not, not saying anything negative about WooCommerce.
We just like the site.
But we, uh, yeah, we like the site.
Shopify's been great.
A great partner.
I would, I would, now that I am influencing some of those decisions, I would, I would make
it again.
They've been a great partner in some ways.
I don't know.
I feel like it's a jab, and I don't even know why.
Moving on.
Hey, DLL, my second lanyard is about to break at the swivel.
If you had the chance to change or add a feature to an existing product, what would it be?
Uh, backpack second layer excluded.
Um, oh man, that's a, that's a good question.
What would I add to an existing product?
I mean, nothing's perfect, obviously.
Pretty happy with most of the stuff though.
I would add, uh, okay.
How do I answer this question without teasing, you know, like a V2 of something?
Uh, oh, oh, I would definitely, I would definitely add more options for water bottle lids.
Uh, I think that's something that if we had the same inventory management capabilities that
we have today, that we would have been able to tackle in the past.
So you can like mix and match your lid with your order.
That's, that's something that I'd like to go back and undo.
Yeah, that's fair.
That makes sense.
All right.
Hey guys, I mentioned the FFTactics mod reached to, reach the future to Linus a while back.
Still recommend it.
Luke, we modify the game's code directly in MIPS assembly.
Is this a useful code language to know?
Uh, I mean, it seems to be working for you.
I mean, I, I don't know.
I'm not very familiar with it.
Um, one of the ways that you can try to find out is try to do some digging.
On what companies you use it and why, um, like one of the reasons why people talk about
COBOL a lot is because it's relatively heavily used in the financial sector.
Um, big money there, important things running on it and companies that are going to be willing
to shell out a decent amount to get stuff done.
Can confirm that's still on my to-do list.
I haven't gotten to it yet, but it's on there.
What are we hearing?
What is that?
That's a bird.
Microsoft adds, adds, adds, adds.
Microsoft has announced that it will be adding a Game Pass recommendation card to a panel
in the Windows 11 settings homepage for users who game on their PC.
This ad will also appear on home and pro, will also only appear on pro and home versions
of Windows 11.
And then only if users are signed into their Microsoft account.
If the user already uses Game Pass on that computer, then the recommendation card will
instead advertise a new or potentially interesting game.
Likewise, the Windows 11 PC Manager tool, a utility slash security tool that's available in only
certain regions, now suggests as part of its repair tip section that users can repair their
system by switching back to Bing as their default search engine.
These things aren't directly related to each other, other than that they're just more obnoxious ways that Microsoft is making Windows not just shut up, get out of my way, and let me use my computer.
This is software that, for me, anyway, I paid $100 for.
F*** off.
F*** off.
Actually, though.
Like, if you guys want to have a tiered system, you want to have free Windows, and it's full
of all this bulls***, no problem.
If you don't pay for the product, you are the product.
Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
But when I pay $100 for a piece of software, which to me is a significant amount of money,
I expect your ads to f*** off.
Completely agreed.
That is all I have to say about that.
I have a message in Flowplane chat from Joshua Carroll.
It said,
The undeleting pics just happened to me.
After seeing the show title, I started the update on my iPhone.
The update just got over, and it's real.
Pics of my ex, including suggestive ones, are back in my camera roll.
That could have been awkward, man.
I have my iCloud photos turned off.
So it's not syncing?
It's like finding...
So it might be the pointer thing.
Yeah, my old pointers.
It's finding files and re-pulling them out.
At least in this case, that's what that sounds like.
Because there's no way it's syncing if he has iCloud off.
And I guess, depending on how much data you write to your phone, like...
You might not run over it.
We don't necessarily overwrite our phone data unless we're like, you know, regularly recording long videos, right?
Like, it's not like you can fill your phone up with apps anymore the way that we used to.
The oldest photo accidentally recovered was 21st September 2022.
That's been big.
That's from like a year and a half ago.
That's rough.
Man, just be glad that you have this when show...
As an excuse.
To point the current, you know, S.O. at.
So you can be like, um, um, this is why they're there.
Oh, my God.
Yvonne and I hand each other our phones without a moment's thought.
I do that, too.
Like, we're in a very trusting...
I was about to say very open relationship.
Different meaning these days.
Different meaning.
Look, no judgment.
No judgment on my part.
Whatever works for consenting adults works for consenting adults.
But we're in a very trusting relationship.
And to us, that's no big deal.
But I can't...
I'm not going to say that if pictures of an ex-girlfriend were just like,
they're in my camera roll.
Frickin' when she went to, you know, look for a recent picture that we snapped to the kid.
If you hadn't read this article...
That would raise some questions.
If you hadn't read this article or watched this WAN show,
and that happens,
what do you do?
What do you do?
This is probably going to happen to at least one person.
Pray to Zeus.
Strike me down now.
Fix this or just do it.
Or just get rid of me.
Oh my goodness.
He's like, yeah, like what?
How do you explain?
You're just at a complete loss.
This picture is just here.
And like people are saying that it comes to the top of your camera roll, right?
Like it must show the date because...
The metadata probably shouldn't be changed.
There's like a...
There's got to be a way to find the date that it was taken.
But it would have jumped to the top of your camera roll.
Which like...
As someone who hasn't used that app,
because I don't really use iPhones,
I would assume that's because it was like recently accessed or something.
Like if I was the person finding this information,
that would be what I would jump to, right?
Like you must have looked at this recently or something.
Apple single-handedly fixing the dating pool issue.
I can't take credit for that.
Who was that in Flowplane chat?
That's pretty good.
I don't know.
Good job.
Good job.
Take that blue bubbles.
Relationship ruined.
You got in this relationship because you didn't have an Android?
You got out of this relationship because you didn't have an Android?
Google gave us back the old web search, then hit it.
Google has announced that it will be rolling out Gemini-infused AI Google search for all users,
which includes results organized using generative AI,
as well as AI overviews used to summarize topics.
Google has also added a web search tab that filters out everything but text-based results.
Wait, hold on.
Similar to how Google search used to work in the 90s and 2000s.
Generative AI is sorting results?
Which includes results organized using generative AI?
I don't know.
Don't overthink the notes.
Oh, sure.
Organized using machine learning.
Google has also added a web search tab.
Oh, yep.
There we go.
So the web search tab is hidden under the more drop-down menu,
meaning that many users will likely never find it,
but it kind of looks awesome.
I was looking at the side-by-side in the Verge article,
and I was like, dang, that actually looks way better.
Oh, because just like the random like carousels of products and stuff are just not there.
Google also presented, Google also announced updates to its AI models.
Gemini Nano now has multimodal capabilities, so that is like more than just text.
There's also a new lower latency Gemini 1.5 flash model, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Google also presented Project Astra,
which the company calls their vision for the future of AI assistance.
At this point, I'm just going to wait.
I'm not even...
Cortana, Siri, at some point, one of them is going to rise above the rest,
be legitimately useful, and I'll try it then.
I just can't care anymore at this point.
We're in the rapid development fight phase, which is fun,
but if you're not that interested, yeah, I would just...
I don't think there's a huge point in being lightly paying attention.
Yeah, if it's not your job to cover these things for a living,
you don't need to try Alexa AI,
which I assume probably exists in a beta state somewhere internally at Amazon.
Like, I just...
I don't know.
Who cares?
Perceive live audio and video answering real time, blah, blah, blah.
Google slips a check to the DOJ.
This is kind of funny.
According to a motion filed by Google this morning,
the company has written the federal government a cashier's check
for triple the maximum damages claimed in the DOJ's ongoing antitrust trial.
The company now claims that these monetary damages should be considered moot.
The motion also argues that the case should be presented to a judge rather than a jury,
both because these kinds of cases are typically decided by judges
and because the case involves a complicated, intricate technology ecosystem,
which the DOJ has acknowledged is highly technical, often abstract,
and outside the everyday knowledge of most prospective jurors.
Discussion question here is,
why doesn't Google want a jury?
You know, no admission of guilt, but like,
hey, here's the maximum amount of money times some multiplier
that you guys might have...
I'm really glad that antitrust is heating up.
I hope they go after Microsoft again for all the stuff that's going on with Windows right now.
I love that they're going after Apple, who have just been given a free pass,
just for what, being trendy?
Like, you guys understand,
they are just as much a part of this capitalist hellscape
that we're all participating in, this like post,
like anything mattering other than...
They're not less a part of it because they charge more.
Other than shareholder returns, right?
Like, the whole tech financing system is like broken
because there's this expectation of this explosive growth
in the money that you invest into these companies,
and it has to come from somewhere.
And guess what?
Somewhere is you.
Apple is absolutely a participant.
They are a prime participant in this.
And the fact that they were just like given a free pass
because they have a cute commercial
where a trendy guy is like,
you're a PC, you wear a suit.
Like, are you for real?
I think that's pretty old at this point,
but yeah, I hear you.
What is this about?
I forget.
I forget exactly what antitrust thing this was.
Something good, I hope.
What else we got today?
Did we go back to the merch messages?
We owed them.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
We did.
Okay, cool.
You want to talk about the live service game
that went offline and removed microtransactions?
I know nothing about this game.
What I do know is I jumped on the Steam page
right before the show
and recent reviews are mostly negative,
which is bad.
And all reviews are mixed
and it's currently in early access.
Okay, so let's...
Rough start.
The stage is set.
Developer Airship Syndicate
has delisted its MMORPG Wayfinder
and has announced that it will be transitioning the game
from a free-to-play live service game,
which just, that's all I need to know
to dislike it heavily,
to a single-player offline game
with optional two- or three-player co-op
and no microtransactions.
What a pivot.
The developer likewise claims
that they will be adding content
to deepen the game's RPG elements.
The new roadmap includes that Airship Syndicate,
the developer,
plans to relaunch the game in early access
for a one-time purchase of $25.
Because, again, it's no longer
a free-to-play live service game,
so they've got to charge for it.
And there's no microtransactions.
They need to make money somehow.
That makes sense.
This decision seems to have upset
many existing players,
so that's why it's mostly negative right now,
especially those who bought the game
for $150
with the exalted founders back
as they feel they invested
in a very different game
than the one they are now getting.
That's fair.
several have posted
negative reviews
on Steam demanding refunds.
Also, fair,
to be completely honest.
If you're completely changing
the entire game,
you should probably get a refund.
The root cause of this change
appears to be the fact
that Wayfinder's original publisher,
Digital Extremes,
which recently closed
its publishing division
and divested from the game,
transferring ownership
over to Airship Syndicate themselves,
the development team called the change
a big shift,
but a necessary one
to guarantee that the game
is around forever.
Forever is a strong word.
In better gaming news,
I think it was the mission lead
on Cyberpunk.
Hold on.
They worked on the mission design
for Cyberpunk.
Was this before or after it was?
This is super cool.
They were celebrating
that Cyberpunk has officially
Oh, wow.
crossed over into...
They were either celebrating
that it is officially
very positive all time
or they were celebrating
that recent
is overwhelmingly positive.
Highlight over recent?
Real quick.
Or the overwhelmingly positive?
Is that 99?
95, wow.
So shout out
CD Projekt Red
for like royally
f***ing this thing up
and then
with it.
That is
both lucky
the fact that people
kept buying the game enough
and they had enough
cash reserves
to do it.
Not every developer
would have even had the option.
They just would have
completely run out of money.
Luckily, CD Projekt
had a lot of other things
going well for them
at the same time.
So it's lucky
and also
integrity is.
High integrity.
Let's go with that.
So shout out.
Love it.
You know,
let's highlight positive stories
that we come across as well.
That's really cool.
So great job you guys.
VNG Supernova says
no, they shouldn't have
released it broken initially
so no praise.
Nah, that doesn't work.
We hammered on them
when it came out
and it sucked
and now we praise them
when it's good.
It's the same thing
with Microsoft.
We went after them
when they did the
studio closer thing
and then we said,
hey, cool,
you released a really
neat controller.
We can't just be,
how many companies
are even left
making games?
We can't just hate
all of them forever
anytime they do
anything bad.
We can hate Blizzard
if you like.
And we can be mad
at Bethesda
for a long time.
Maybe not forever.
But hopefully they fix it.
Come on, guys!
Okay, but we can be
mad at them for a while.
But like,
what is the point
of just being angry
all the time?
Is it worth it?
It's really not.
So if someone
does something bad...
Even EA.
Someone pointed out
EA is dead.
Yeah, sure,
but I mean,
leadership might change.
The people that work there
are going to change constantly.
Like, the company's going to be
a completely different company
in seven to ten years.
Think about the kind of company
that you don't necessarily
normally think of
as a company.
Think about a sports team.
From ten years ago
to today.
How many people
on that...
Yeah, they all
have the same brand
on their shirt, right?
But how many of those people
are even still there?
Is the team
that you're cheering for today
the same team?
It's the team of Theseus, right?
And there are cases
where long-term leadership
does result
in a culture
that is just
rotted out
from the inside.
We've seen that.
But you've also
got to understand
that even those
rotten companies
are going to have
people that are
really passionate
and really dedicated
and really positive
and really excited
and really worth supporting.
And so,
when those projects
go well
and when things...
Like, okay,
Ubisoft is the publisher
for one of my favorite series,
So what?
I'm going to refuse
to buy it?
And we can simultaneously
look at how
Anno 1800 has been treated,
which is amazing.
They've got so many seasons
of extra content
and it's like
meaningful extra content.
Good stuff.
Not just like
some stupid cosmetic,
you know,
statue you can...
And they do have that.
But they've also got like...
That's usually a part
of a big content package.
And people want that sometimes.
There's a...
What are they called?
Beauty builders or whatever?
Like, we can celebrate
what's really good
and that doesn't mean
we have to forget
the things that were bad
and that when something
else bad happens,
we can definitely,
you know,
we're not stupid, right?
Like, we can definitely
start to notice patterns.
But come on, guys.
It's not...
Is it good for your own
mental health
to be angry forever?
That's another thing.
I want to bring this up too.
Agent Rick Justice posted this
and I've been thinking
about this as well.
He said,
I like the Wayfinder thing.
They couldn't afford
to keep it an MMO
when the publisher dropped out.
Instead of killing the game,
they made it still playable.
That's my main takeaway as well.
And like, I'm like,
ah, yeah,
they should refund those players.
They may not be able to.
Like, having your publisher
just leave,
that's got to be really rough.
And I suspect that
out of their...
Out of their options
of only bad...
Out of their only bad options,
they chose something
that, in my opinion,
is pretty good.
I don't know.
It sucks for some people.
It sucks for the people
that bought that $150 pack
and then now the game
that they, you know,
they wanted to buy,
it's not going to be that anymore,
all that type of stuff.
I get that.
That sucks.
I'm not saying it's good
for those people.
But their publisher's gone.
They can't keep running this thing.
They try to do something
that is good
and I, yeah,
I don't know.
It makes sense.
I think it's good.
And right, okay,
what I was going to say was,
was Anno 1800
has been treated super well
and then from that same publisher
from Ubisoft,
we get stuff like Skull and Bones.
And it's just like,
yeah, I mean,
we will sit here
and talk positively
about how Anno 1800
has been treated.
It's a fantastic game.
It's had really good advancement
over its current lifespan,
all this other type of stuff,
and then also crap on,
you know,
the first quadruple-A game ever.
Like, it's,
you can say both things, right?
New York subways
are adding AI gun scanners?
How the devil
is this even supposed to work?
New York City
will be testing
AI-powered gun scanners
in their subway system.
They come from a company
called Evolve
and several US states
are likewise considering
installing them in schools.
New York's mayor
has promised
that the city
will conduct
an analysis
of the scanner's accuracy
despite the fact
that the city
already tested
the scanners two years ago
and found that
the scanners alerted
around 26% of the time
and its detections
were 85% false
with another 14%
being police officers.
Only 0.57%
of alarms
were determined
to be legitimate cases
of non-law enforcement
persons carrying a weapon,
likely indicating
that the alarm sounding
when the person
happened to have a weapon
was essentially
a coincidence.
I mean,
I would believe
that 0.57%
of Americans
just happen
to have a gun
on them,
so like...
I don't think
you can in New York.
Can you...
Well, yeah,
but just...
I don't know.
Just anyways?
I mean...
Yeah, fair enough.
It's America.
It's the Second Amendment, right?
What do you mean?
Yeah, like...
Don't do the accent.
Yeah, come on.
We've got our American viewers
out there.
You can't just...
They appreciate it.
You can't just be like,
You're like...
Well, they can.
Yeah, they can.
But don't shoot in the air.
Don't shoot in the air.
But they probably know that.
Critics claim that the system
could potentially cost millions.
It could cause transit delays
and needlessly place it
as an infrequent conflict
with the police.
Is this like...
If you get falsely flagged,
like, are you just like
Yeah, that's when your own
government, you know,
tells you that your penis
is too big.
He's packing!
Falsely flagged.
He's packing!
Get down!
Is that like super sick?
Is this an honor?
Is this like when you get
called a cheater in a video game?
Falsely flagged attack.
It's like,
thank you for saying
that I cheated in Counter-Strike
because now I just feel
like I'm good.
It's like,
thank you for saying
that I had a gun.
Asus is apologizing
for their strange
and expensive
repair quotes.
Asus has issued
an apology
for causing
confusion and frustration
in its RMA processes
following multiple reports
from customers
in Canada
and the US
that the company
was issuing
massive bills
to repair minor
and superficial damage
while failing
to fix the actual issues
that the device
had been sent in for.
At least one Canadian
was quoted
nearly 3,800 Canadian dollars,
so that's about
just under 3,000 US dollars,
to fix a plastic safety
indent on a power connector
on his RTX 4090,
which is more than
the card originally
cost to buy
because it was
allegedly not covered
under Asus's
standard warranty.
While the issue
was eventually resolved,
Asus never clarified
the reason
for the odd quote.
Asus says that
any repairs covered
under the manufacturer's
limited warranty
have always been
and will continue
to be free of charge
and that they are
revising their repair
pricing structure
for out-of-warranty products,
including a review process
for abnormal pricing
to ensure consistency,
and fairness.
They likewise state
that they will
no longer automatically
offer repair quotes
for cosmetic imperfections
that don't affect
device functionality.
I think that Asus
has a lot of
self-reflection to do.
I mean,
we encountered this
back when we
secret shopped them
a while ago
where we basically
had to drag them
to water
to get them
to drink
to solve our problem
and it wasn't even
that they didn't
ultimately solve it
or that they tried
to give us
the runaround.
For us,
it just came down
to more incompetence,
I think.
If you listen
to that video
and just kind of
listen to our
poor guys
trying to explain
that our issues,
we just want you
to explain
power connectors
to us.
I guess all I can
really say is
give me a reason
to not be mad anymore.
You know,
back to what we were
talking about just now.
I don't have the energy
to be mad forever.
So what I need
to see from Asus
is I need to see
a clear
and obvious change.
I want the next
Reddit thread
about Asus
customer support
in our subreddit
to be about
the outstanding
that they had
with them.
Turn it around
and like...
And the storytelling
arc of that
was amazing.
Do you like
host videos
or something?
I know,
That was fantastic.
The tie-in
of the previous topic
is so good.
Came to me
in a dream.
I dream
of graphics cards
and like
this is a
this is a tough
one for me
because I like
the products
generally speaking.
They've had some
Pretty much
every company
has had some
I've run a lot
of Asus stuff
over the years.
me too.
And I have
this sucks
because this
makes it like
how do you
and you know
You know
I'm glad
this is happening
Because it's
it's time
that they
finally got
a wake-up call
because they've
always I don't
think this would
have blown up
the way that
it has if
they had
largely had
a lot of
built up
with the
but they
don't and
that's the
problem and
so those
years of
like yeah
they fixed
it but like
the experience
kind of sucked
it was pulling
teeth or they
made this
did they give
me this weird
repair quote
and I'm like
no don't fix
that and
just like
like like
these years
of kind
of annoying
stories have
built up in
such a way
that all it
took was
for a match
to drop
and of course
it was going
to go up
in flames
and I'm
glad that
they're finally
taking notice
and I hope
that we see
you know
and what I
also hope
is that
other entities
in the tech
space sit
up and take
notice of
this because
the kinds
of horror
stories that
you see
from an
Asus are
the same
kinds of
horror stories
that you see
from many
of the other
big PC
component makers
it's just
that Asus
is the
and they
happened to
be the one
that got
called on
so hopefully
everyone else
is sitting up
taking notice
of this
and going
okay we
got to get
this together
and you
know what
the reality
of it is
about these
are not
always in
good faith
I had a
really bizarre
with someone
in my
DMs a while
back where
they were
like hey
Asus is a
big sponsor
of yours
and I
want you
to like
talk about
this story
of how
like awful
my experience
has been
and what
was they
armate a
and Asus
was like
yeah it's
and we're
going to
replace it
with this
and the
guy's like
and then
they were
like oh
actually we
can't get
that one
it's this
one and
it was a
better machine
but it
was AMD
and buddy
was like
I want
and I
am outraged
and I was
like yo
this is a
better machine
it has
it has
it will
give you
battery life
and better
it even
has a
you need
to relax
and you
need to
just take
what they're
offering you
because it's
a good
and then
he ended
up instead
of being
mad at
he ended
up being
mad at
and Asus
and I'm
like sorry
I'm not
gonna lie
to you
I mean
this is
this is
like a
in video
you get
a lot
of people
I was
like whenever
that starts
a big
a lot
of people
will jump
on that
to get
of the
but Asus's
is that
there were
to it
so I guess
you know
what they
and everyone
for a while
because this
everyone is
gonna believe
anyone that
claims that
they were
even if
they're just
trying to
and that's
gonna cost
Asus a
lot more
in like
than if
they had
just dealt
with everything
properly in
the first
so now
they need
to to
to get
out of
so good
and I
think you
know in
terms of
with them
going forward
we we
really need
to see
a difference
that is
within our
so some
people are
pointing out
that there
there might
have been a
specific reason
why they
wanted the
intel system
or that
some things
are could
work better
on the
yeah they
trust me
that I
was getting
I was getting
he's condensing
a conversation
about this
they just
wanted intel
because they
were brand
loyal to
intel and
I'm sorry
but I just
don't have a
ton of
patience for
this is
this is
something that
linus would
have discussed
he's condensing
the conversation
I love so many
of the people
that I've
worked with
at intel
over the
you know
I respect
a lot of
you know
I respect
their engineering
and the
and all
those things
but with
all due
if you are
like some
kind of
loyal fanboy
to intel
like I
I just
I don't
just don't
do that
rivals game
apologize for
banning negative
banning negative
the team
behind Marvel
rivals an
upcoming hero
shooter has
apologized for
requiring creators
to sign
contracts including
a non
banning public
detrimental to
the reputation
of the game
in order to
participate in
its closed
alpha play
in their
apology the
team referred
to the issue
as a
and stated
that they
encourage creators
to share
honest thoughts
suggestions and
criticisms as
they play
they say they
are working
with the
creators who
voice concerns
to revise the
contract so
it is less
the issue
was first
flagged by
by streamer
got it
that makes a
lot more
aka seagull
who expressed
concern that
many creators
have signed the
contract without
really reading
it just so
that they could
access the
yeah that
that sounds
like a
not necessarily
a miscommunication
I suspect this
was supposed to
be an NDA
because it's an
alpha version of
the game so
they were like
hey don't talk
about it yet
the number of
times that I've
seen a
professional law
office basically
just like copy
paste something
oh dude we
talked about this
on the show a
while ago
oh yeah we
did I think
last week
I have caught
the I found
the thing that
they copied it
off of before
like yeah so
I suspect it
wasn't a
there's probably
a bit of
Hanlon's razor
here I suspect
it was a mistake
and someone is
just covering
their butt
going like oh
yeah miscommunication
that's not what
I meant
I mean
which might be
true because
they didn't mean
that because
they didn't mean
it to be in
there I think
it was a mistake
glad they're
fixing it glad
they're apologizing
I think it's
I think it's
frustrating you
know as an
end user or
as an observer
to see something
like this and
go like well
can't you guys
just own it
can't you just
tell us what
actually went
wrong but the
reality of it is
most organizations
for legal or
privacy or HR
reasons can't
necessarily just
say yeah it
was it was
Jeffrey from
legal who
screwed it up
like they
actually can't
do that
literally be
legally unable
to people
pointed out that
apparently you
were able to
stream it so
it's not like it
should have been
covered by NDA
okay interesting
another person
deep blue said
I mean it's an
alpha of a game
you may not want
people to be overly
critical of it since
it is clearly still
in development I
don't think that's
fair I still
suspect this is a
case of the right
hand not talking
to the left hand
yeah and I
suspect that if it
wasn't for human
pride and HR
rules and legal
rules probably we'd
get a more a more
straightforward answer
but this is probably
the best we're gonna
get yeah I think I
think if you're doing
something like that
and you're worried
about criticism
because it is a
true alpha while a
lot of games will
like sort of pretend
to be an alpha or
beta I think that's
just something that
you you push the
creators to communicate
you might even make
it so that a
requirement of the
contract is to
communicate that this
is like still in
development alpha not
final blah blah blah
blah blah blah
all right is it time
for after dark
can be I'm missing my
own party right now
so anything is
possible oh he can
do it remotely now
sick yeah all right
Dan last time yeah
yeah everybody should
be lazy automation
is great let's see
sup DLL I would love
to know if you guys
have been following
the rather impressive
AMD Strix halo point
APU benchmarks and
specs leaks and
whether it will be bad
news for Intel's
battle mage I am
hoping for the best it
looks like it's gonna
be flippin awesome and
very exciting I I try
not to take leaks
with any less than
about a wheelbarrow
full of salt so maybe
um I'll I'll evaluate
it once I've got my
hands on it but if
it's anywhere near as
good as the leaks look
yeah Intel's got to
figure some stuff out
Dan um I pushed the
wrong button oh again
what's this that's that's
our sponsors Luke
there no I'm sorry
really I'm sorry I even
double-checked and then
I just pushed it anyway
he got me on that one
darn it what's this what
is a computer what's a
computer stop all the
downloading I really hope
people understand the
G.I. Joe that entire
video lives in my brain
rent-free I'm a computer
I'm glad you understand
that oh that's I yeah um
pork chop sandwiches was a
uh very often said thing in
my house um anyways we
just confused a lot of
I miss proto internet
yeah me too uh next one
yeah sure if you if you
finish that one off I'm
sorry I ruined that whole
thing I don't know I
haven't followed it
spec leaks battle mage
yeah we'll find out soon
yeah hello DLL I'm
currently in flight school
my dad is convinced that I
will be the last generation
of uh commercial pilots
with the maturity of
autopilot and planes how
do you feel about no crew
flights uh also party shot
party shirt restock we are
definitely still going to
need crews but it might be
more like bouncers did you
see that fight that broke
out on a plane on a plane
recently no but I mean
there's been tons yeah
did they tape them to the
chair again that's been a
standard maneuver lately I
don't know but that's
hilarious I haven't
actually seen people being
taped to the chair the
people that freak out if
they won't settle down they
just like tape them to the
chair and then people just
don't sit next to them and
it's like okay we'll wait
till we land and then
someone can deal with you
that's awesome yeah put the
new atlas robots on there
it's just like fold them up
in the like overhead baggage
I thought you meant the
atlas robots could just
fold up the people you have
become cube both can be
true yeah um I I don't
know I I suspect people are
going to want human
supervision for a
considerable amount of
time um but probably not
forever so I don't know I
mean the nice thing is that
the planes like throw
people out anyway now
all right the plane is its
own bouncer I mean that
was just that one plane that
couldn't stay straight
because it was Boeing
that's pretty good sorry I
like that one hey hello I
heard Linus talk about his
theory about Nvidia making a
shield 2 in a past video now
that Nintendo has confirmed
that a switch 2 is in the
works do you think it'll
happen I still think so I
still hope so I think
Nvidia just wants Nintendo
to pay for the development
of the chip and then they're
just gonna release a shield
pro 2 that's what I'm kind
of counting on because that
thing is bloody old at this
point and I want better AI
upscaling it really is Luke
you often promote helping
open source projects as a way
to build your resume as a
software developer do you
have any FOSS projects that
you want to draw more
attention towards
uh no good day LLD
no go away next I'll
explain there's a there's a
video that's actually quite
good from Theo if you look
up Theo T3 on YouTube
there's don't contribute to
open source it's actually a
very good video the point
isn't to not contribute to
open source the point is if
you are the problem with
telling people to contribute
to open source in order to
make your like GitHub more
attractive for potential
recruiters or when you're
trying to put it on your
resume and stuff like that
the problem with that is
that that often promotes
very poor behavior where
people are spamming commits
that are often not helpful in
sometimes actually just bad
and wasting the time of the
maintainers of said projects
um and it it's it's become
like actually an issue so if
you like it looks very good
on you if you can make
meaningful good useful
contributions to open source
projects but it can be a red
flag if a recruiter or a
person doing hiring stuff like
that um if they look at your
GitHub and then see a lot of
garbage things so what Luke
is trying to say is don't let
him suggest the project find
something you're passionate
about yes and really make have
a meaningful impact on it
yeah that's gonna look way
better if you can if you can
make actually good commits to
something that you're
interested in so you're
actually going to spend time
working on it if you're not
wasting the time of
maintainers so you're actually
like giving them good stuff
that will reflect very well
but just being like hey
suggest something to me so
that I can get hired um
actually like just isn't
really going to work so find
something that brings meaning
to you there's a lot of stuff
out there I'm sure you can do
it hey WAN DLL more
specifically Luke what do you
tell your barber when you get
your haircut I no longer go to
my lifelong hairdresser so I
have no clue what to tell a
proper barber I google Captain
America winter soldier and I
find a frame of Chris Evans that
shows his hair off decently
well I mean I do consider a
frame that shows off his butt
because that's a good frame
too probably if they could if
they could make your butt look
like that they'd be a pretty
good barber yeah that's true
got that cake but yeah I do that
I uh I would I would look up
myself I guess but I find finding
that actually to be a lot more
difficult than just looking up
uh winter soldier Chris Evans so
yeah that's what I showed go to a
salon and make them pick yeah I
did that once apparently people
hate that that was really bad
yeah apparently like uh like
waiters and waitresses like
freaking hate when you're like
surprise me someone told me that
it depends on the person I think I
do it anyways sometimes uh hey
guys my 1,000 person company
recently went bankrupt and was
bought by a giant conglomerate
and I'm worried so much is going
to change but I love my job how
would you deal with this
god I don't even know I'm trying
to imagine like okay my company
went bankrupt and was bought and
I'm worried so much it's going to
change but I love my job I mean
that's me except we are not
bankrupt and have not been
purchased um how would I deal
with this I'd probably cry a little
and then cry a lot um I pay a lot
of attention yeah ask a lot of
questions yeah um be visible
that's I I would say that's
critical um be visible to new
management it doesn't have to be
like you know for doing the best
thing definitely you don't want it
to be for doing the worst thing
make sure they know your name
though um that might give you a
shot it might also like a human
instead of a number not save you
at all it might make no
difference good idea though um but
try to yeah I would I would pay a
lot of attention and prep for the
worst but also you know these
people might not be bad people to
have connections with even if things
go south they're still working in
the industry yes you're in so you
know don't just like be a jerk at
work um try to do a good job
hopefully things work out hopefully
you like the new workplace and
hopefully you get kept on but if any
of those things aren't true you can
still leave with a good clean bridge
behind you um and you can try to use
this time a little bit to prepare to
potentially leave if you do need to
so yeah
Linus have you ever dealt with the
arrival fallacy what is it like
achieving the level of success that
you have what how does it feel
uh I had to look this up um uh hold
on I need to I need to do another
one really quick before I lose it I
accidentally archived it and I feel
really bad I don't think I can find
it anymore
oh no oh yeah no no no it ended up in
the right place okay so I had to look
this up um so it refers to the belief
that attaining a particular goal will
lead to long-term happiness so the
most important thing to understand is
this belief is not grounded in reality I
I don't think I've experienced the
arrival fallacy because I I don't
think I ever believed that I had a um
I don't think I ever had a belief that
achieving some kind of goal with like
Linus Media Group or uh you know having
kids or like in my relationship I don't
think I ever believed that that would
um result in long-term happiness I think
that uh if anything I had a completely
separate issue where I was so focused on
survival that I wasn't really giving
any thought to what success looked like
and um and what an end game looked like
I mean I I you know strategized and
planned right you know we talked about
Yvonne's if I die folder you know
earlier in the show like I I would talk
about like here's what I would want to
happen like if I was out of the picture
for some reason to the company and stuff
like that but like I I didn't I I didn't
really like internalize it and um you know
for me uh reaching the level of success
that I did when I did that I've been
thinking of retiring stream uh where I I
spoke from the heart about how I how I
felt about you know being at a point in
my life where realistically I've done
everything I set out to do whether I
whether I had really you know written
that down as a plan or not um reaching
that point where um you know nothing
really mattered anymore like if I if I
died that day um my kids would go to
school you know they'd they'd they'd
have all their university paid for and
like um I think the company probably
could have survived at that point like
it would have been kind of tough going
for a little bit but they probably could
have figured it out um I don't know
empty like it was challenging I had to
I had to figure out how to find a
purpose again and I talked about that
uh at the end of the stream just um you
know figuring out how to how to do
something because you want to um and
figuring out how to want to doing it on
your own terms rather than just because
you have to because switching over from
just like fight or flight survival mode
to I I I can survive now um I've
achieved the goal I have a big problem
with that personally if I don't have a
fight I tend to mentally fall really
fast I like need something to kind of
rage against to a certain degree um but
uh something that I've tried to do is
have a have a next plan like if you have
a goal be like okay this achieving this
goal will unlock my ability to
progress into this next thing if you
can do that that can be pretty good
like for me a lot of stuff recently
has been fitness so it's like okay if
I get to this certain level the certain
benchmark that I'm aiming for that will
allow me to focus on this other more
different thing and just try to always
have the next thing kind of planned out
so there the arrival isn't really so
much of a you can maybe celebrate it
but it's a short celebration that it's
back to work yeah
all right well me go to bed it's late
and float plane chat it's over it's
after four in the morning there hello
deal l dot bing my dad calls himself a
tech enthusiast but doesn't watch the
WAN show what suggestions do y'all have
to get him plopped on the couch next to
me appreciate all y'all do I don't know
the Canucks are having a heck of a
playoff run watch some hockey yeah you
know you don't have to die I mean what
what tech entertainment show would you
like be plopped on the couch for a long
time like watching watch some I don't
know like
I don't know does he like NASA launches
that kind of tech but waveform like yes
a podcast are we trying to suggest tech
entertainment shows I think so silicon
valley yeah watch silicon valley
heck yeah watch silicon valley watch
technology connections sure go watch
that stuff technology connections is sick
yeah all right there good we got a good
one oh crap
uh oh oh no uh sorry I I moved it
somewhere I'm just gonna read it I know
Linus loves talking about Canadian
housing problems have you seen the
latest headlines about the CRA coming
after tenants for taxes of foreign
it just sounds like yet another um yet
another fake solution um I think that
unless they're spectacularly stupid you
know our policymakers absolutely
understand what the underlying issues
are and they've shown clearly that they
have no intention whatsoever of of fixing
them um institutional investment in
residential housing needs to stop yeah if
they want to collect more taxes they
need to collect taxes from people who
own many properties um like that's that's
the way that you can both enact a wealth
tax which is something that they
obviously have a great interest in if
you've been following Canadian politics
um that's a way that you can enact a wealth
tax while also easing the pressure on
people who need access to housing um and
you can hit two birds with one stone but
the reason that nobody wants to do it is
because the policymakers are landowners and
they benefit from always rising land costs so
instead they are enacting you know oh here why
don't we take taxpayer dollars that we take
from everyone and why don't we use it to uh as
like uh to give out as a rent subsidy and on the
surface of it that sounds like a good idea it's
almost like a universal basic income top-up kind
of thing for um for the for the less fortunate
for lower earners but in practice no what
they're actually doing is they're giving it to
landowners they're giving it directly to
landowners themselves which is themselves um so
it's pretty it's pretty up um so no i don't
know i i i saw a headline about that i hadn't
looked into it in any detail but the whole thing is
just it's um and if i was in charge we'd do it
differently but i'm not and i'm not gonna be
but what i am gonna be is gaming yeah we'll see
you again next week same bad time same bad
channel i got a land party to get to time for
some tape to tape bye