
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

What is up everyone, and welcome to the WAN show!
Hype, hype, hype, hype, hype.
Nvidia will not make their own version of the 16GB RTX 4060 Ti, probably because it
In other news...
Sorry, sorry, we have no way of knowing that, because they're apparently not sending out
review samples.
Because it sucks.
In other news, Glorbo has come to World of Warcraft!
This is the best news I've heard in a long time.
This is actually really funny, and I promise you it's not just going to be Luke talking
about AI for 45 minutes.
Yeah, only like 10.
Yeah, but it's really funny.
What else we got?
The US government creates new security cert- no, that's not the one I meant to read.
Proposed legislation requires platforms to snitch on users.
This is actually like a pretty big deal if it goes all the way through, but as far as
my understanding goes it has a ways to go, so we should step on it now.
Other than that, we're going to talk about some water cooling builds.
Build of the Month is apparently a thing now?
What, introducing new-
Meta cancels the Quest Pro?
Basically just throws in the towel?
See you later.
Yeah, that's kind of a big rip.
Yeah, exactly.
Corsair buys drop?
Yeah, I don't really care about that.
You know that's up me, right?
No, it's not.
That's media group, sold to Corsair.
Tarin's going back!
The show is brought to you today by Google and YouTube Shopping, Secret Lab, and Kudos.
Why don't we jump right into our headline topic, the accidental DDoS, yeah we probably
should have mentioned that, of- where'd that go?
Where did it go?
Where did that go?
It's not a headline topic.
Yeah, what- I'm so confused right now.
Here it is.
Whoops, LTT accidentally DDoSed Metacat USB.
Too many people took us up on the title of our recent video, download these handy tools
And it took down the Metacat USB site.
And that's apparently all there is to say about it.
We have a picture of the temporary page that they put up where they were kind of redirecting
people to the Discord or to a direct file download.
And there's a discussion question, how many times have we recommended a service and accidentally
swamped their service?
Quite a few.
Yeah, I think one of the earliest love hugs we ever gave to anyone- okay, where is this?
Oh, it's above- do I have an old version of the dock or something?
It's under announcements.
This is driving me absolutely crazy, okay I found it.
Hey, this is awesome.
So here's the temp page that was showing up on their site.
The site is currently having major issues due to the recent Uncle Linus video.
Please bear with us as we panic and update our server.
Oh no.
Oh, brutal.
I think one of the earliest love hugs that we ever gave was actually to Noctua.
And this was way back when we were in the Langley house.
I know that we've accidentally taken down small software projects quite a few times.
For those of you who are new to Metacat, this is one of the tools that we featured in our
handy useful tool roundup earlier this week, but there's some really good stuff in here.
Good removal tools, backup and data recovery, all that kind of cool stuff.
And of course, you do not have to, you know, buy a, you know, this tool will fix- I think
we hugged it again.
Oh crap.
It's still sort of working.
Oh, no.
Okay, well, there's a lot of really cool tools and it's not one of those, you know, advertised
on Facebook, a miracle, you know, whatever, fix your computer things.
It's actually like chock full of pretty good stuff.
And yeah, you can get a little bit more detail about it from the video we published earlier
this week, because you sure as heck won't be going to this website right now to learn
anything about it.
Maybe set a calendar reminder to go back.
Good job, you guys.
Maybe, maybe the rest of the community can remember times that we have accidentally love
hugged people.
You know, I even saw that they, they, they said they were like, they beefed it up, which
is why I thought we'd talk about it on Wancho.
I expected it to be a little bit beefier this time.
The truth is though, that this sort of thing is very, very difficult to account for, right?
That was why I wanted to talk about this because it used to happen on the LTT forum, for example,
on a fairly regular basis and, and float plane as well, where we would have a sudden in rush
of users from something like a, uh, you know, launch of a Christmas album, for example,
or a live stream of an event like the roast of me, where we held up for the roast.
We, we did, but it was very challenging and we had lots of advanced notice.
It wasn't work.
It wasn't the kind of thing where you can just have people suddenly, you know, come
onto your site at two X or five X or 10 X, the volume, and you can just live through
Oh, apparently we took down rack studs.
That was one of them.
There's been a ton that we're not necessarily going to remember because they happened in
that, like, you know, years ago kind of range, but yeah.
I remember taking down racks does super cool product.
Is there anyone else?
Come on guys.
Help me out here.
Help me out here.
Do you want to talk a little bit about, you know, what it takes to put mitigations in
place or something like that?
Because I think a lot of people just assume like it's cause you're cheap or something
like that.
Well, okay.
Certain degree sometimes yes, but also, but there's also a range to being cheap.
Cause if you're like, ah, I'm not cheap.
I'm just going to put the blank check on AWS or whatever else like, Oh, they'll absorb
They'll make sure you're okay.
But it might cost you an arm and a leg.
So oftentimes it's a good idea to, to partner with like a range of different solutions right
now for the form and flow plane.
We have kind of a doubling where we have DDoS protections from our server hosts.
And we also have DDoS protections on top of that from cloud flare as well.
And that doubling has been very good for us.
That's been going pretty well.
We also have redundancies in place in a lot of different situations.
So if something does get effectively like brought down, it should be okay.
Cause something else can, can auto balance and pick it back up.
I've got some other good ones.
Ventoy was apparently having issues after the recent software video as well.
Shadow, Shadow PC apparently went down the, the remote gaming service, the USB tester
before they were OVH owned.
I think so.
The USB tester that we featured on HandyTek sold out in less than two hours after the
video went up.
Oh man.
Thanks guys.
That's all, that's all just recent stuff.
It's hilarious.
Oh, oh, Windows 9 I think had a bunch of issues.
I was pretty sure Windows 9.
After, after we made our video about it.
If like, if you're trying to do like all of it yourself, it's going to be pretty hard.
Oh, Puget Systems apparently had issues.
I mean, it's re it's really challenging even, even at, even with our team size being what
it is, occasionally we will have things happen that are like, oops, that's, that's a lot
of load and it can, it can be really challenging and it's not easy.
Our team size is hyper small for the services that we support.
It's not easy to, to achieve scale.
Like we've talked a fair bit in the last few weeks about how easy it is to make Twitter.
Like the base portion of Twitter is super easy to make, but making it so that it's available
to hundreds of millions of users is, is like the whole complication.
And it is a lot of complication, like it's not something that should be brushed over,
but just being able to do the, just the like user kind of side of, of something like Twitter
would not be that hard.
It's back.
Now, Cloudflare protected.
Temp page.
So apparently they were ready for the WAN show today.
So that's a, that's good.
Hey, good job everyone.
All right.
Why don't we move into what I think is probably the other big news for this week.
And that's that Nvidia will not be making their own version of the 4060 TI 16 gig after
launching founder's edition cards for the 4060 TI.
And then actually come to think of it, I don't think they did do a founder's edition for
the regular 4060.
Oh man.
Oh, now I'm, uh, now I'm blanking on this.
Yeah, I don't think so.
So after doing a founder's edition of the 4060 TI eight gig, they are not following
that up with a founder's edition of the 4060 TI 16 gig, the one that's supposed to come
in a hundred dollars more expensive.
So the 4060 series has gotten really, um, I don't know what words to use.
Complicated, alarming, frustrating.
Remember when a 60 class card was like 200 high, 300 low, you know, for a non-TI and
a TI.
This lineup starts at $300 for one that is very cut down.
The 4060 is a lot slower than the 4060 TI, um, like it's, it's three quarters the price
of the 4060 TI and barely even three quarters of the performance.
They both have eight gigs of Ram.
So then you step up another hundred dollars.
That gets you a 4060 TI, a fully enabled chip, but still with only eight gigs of Ram, which
is going to be a limitation today, or if not today, very soon.
Then if you want the fast chip and you want 16 gigs of Ram, they want 500 us dollars.
So here's what's going on.
The 4060 TI is set to come out soon.
However, Nvidia has decided against participating in the launch apart from overseeing the testing
process and regulating when reviewers can publish their results.
So basically they're going to provide a reviewer's guide and an embargo and pretty much let their
partners go to town.
Reportedly, they will not even produce or sell their own version of the 16 gig variant,
nor will they be providing review samples.
So that's a sign of confidence in this product.
What's really baffling about this to me is that if they don't think that it's going to
be successful, why don't they do something about it?
I mean, everyone already knows that 40 series, other than a couple of key skews, I think
4090 is moving well, 4070 TI is moving well, but basically everything else is dead in the
Why not do something?
Check the adjustments.
I mean, the Nvidia of yesteryear would have put some aggressive game bundles on these.
These things would come with two or three AAA games or something like that.
I guess that's harder in the age of everything free to play with microtransactions, but still,
why hasn't the graphics card industry adapted to the modern gaming economy then?
Why doesn't it come with $100 in Diablo 4 bucks or $50 in Robux or like, remember those
bundles when you used to be able to pick what you wanted?
Why doesn't it come with a selector?
I go to a portal and I get $100 in whatever bucks I might've spent.
Make it a compelling value.
There is also a bunch of modern games that do cost money, not a lot, but money.
They're not like full fat, like $80 AAA games, but still.
Like crab champion and battle bit and stuff like that, where there is a pay upfront cost
that could be included with these things.
Doing like a more indie approach, like you get crab champions and battle bit on a graphics
card would actually probably work really well.
They're both very popular names right now.
I could see that moving cards.
This is just bizarre to me though.
Like instead of making the product line good, they're basically just going, yeah, the one
good one we have, we know it's overpriced.
So we can't, I mean, we simply couldn't adjust the price, but that's the thing.
They definitely 100% could because we already know here, hold on.
We can actually do the math on this.
All we got to do is go to DRAM exchange because everything else about this card is the same.
It's not like there's a completely different GPU core.
So we're going, oh well, the yields for this core could be very, very different.
Going from the 4060 to the 4060 TI, maybe there is a difference in cost that is not
publicly available, but when it comes to RAM, it is.
This is a commodity product.
GDDR6 is at a spot price of, let's see, session average of $3 per eight gigabit.
So eight gigabit times eight is going to be gigabytes.
So it costs about at spot prices, mind you, Nvidia is almost certainly paying less than
spot prices, about $25, 25 bucks.
So even if they were taking 50 points, I always forget if it's points of margin or percent
profit or whatever, even if they were charging double of the actual bill of materials cost
to them for this higher memory capacity skew, then it would still be $450, not $500.
This is literally the exact same product plus 25 bucks of DRAM.
But instead they're basically just going, yeah, rather than have a reasonable pricing
scheme, we'll just take our ball and go home and you will just not have a 16 gig card.
Because that looks kind of like how it's going to shake down.
hardwareUnboxed has said that every Nvidia partner that they spoke to so far has said
they will not be providing review samples either, nor are they sure when their own cards
will be available.
This thing could not be lower priority.
I mean, okay, yeah, our notes here say it's possible that the 4060 TI 16 gigs recommended
retail price of $500 being only $100 less than the 4070 has made many board partners
That's absolutely true.
That makes a ton of sense.
How on earth could they possibly hope to sell this thing?
And one of the real big challenges is that if you were to go all in and say, yeah, we
think the 4060 TI is going to be a beast, Nvidia will take a whole bunch of chips.
Let's go, let's build these things.
The fact that Nvidia themselves is not going to be sitting on any inventory of it means
that you could be basically out there on an island by yourself with no recourse, no
way to sell this thing.
You know what's really confusing to me too is you look at all these modders out there
that are just upgrading the VRAM on GPUs.
What exactly would prevent board partners from just putting $25 worth of VRAM onto a
4060 8 gig?
Do you think there's some agreements there that they can't do something like that?
Oh, almost certainly, but I mean, okay, riddle me this, I'm MSI, I'm ASUS, I'm Gigabyte or
I'm someone other than EVGA.
I'm an Nvidia partner.
I have a 4060 TI 8 gig, okay?
And it's a little bit above MSRP.
It's like $439.99, something like that, okay?
You the customer take it and plug it into your system.
You're like, yup, this is a 4060 TI 8 gig.
I sure hope this core is overclocked a little bit because I paid more than MSRP for this.
And then you go, hold on a second, what's this little switch on the card?
Oh, that's funny.
It doubles the video memory.
Is this real or is this just fantasy?
Oh, it's real.
Oh, wow.
What a fantastic bonus.
Would anything prevent that?
I think so.
Because I think there could be agreement saying that you can't change the memory on the board.
Yeah, probably.
I just hate, I just hate the way that Nvidia just controls everything.
I was going to say, I think it was last Man Show, you were talking about how Nvidia just
loves control, Nvidia is a control company.
Yeah, I doubt they're going to just let them be like, oh, we can just double the RAM.
That's fine.
It's probably not allowed.
Shaf 2K says the 16 gig is a completely different board design due to the bus width.
I don't believe the bus width is any higher.
I believe it's just 2D RAM modules per whatever.
I could be wrong about that.
It could be 256 bit, but I really don't think so because as far as I can tell, that GPU,
so by GPU, I mean the core, not the card, only supports on 128 bit memory bus.
Yeah, no, it's 128 bit.
Yeah, they just double up the capacity.
In fact, you know what, it's probably just denser chips because eight gigs is not super
high density these days.
I was going to say before, maybe they've just doubled up the memory chips, but no, no, what
I suspect is that these are just higher density chips and it is literally the exact same thing.
What if board partners just added a physical slot to add more memory like the olden days?
You know what?
We actually have a video coming that's very much about that, even though I actually, looking
back on it, I think we've done a bad job of the title and thumbnail because it's called
Starting at is the biggest lie in tech, like the starting at price and what we're pretty
much doing is taking a look at how manufacturers have manipulated starting at to make their
systems in particular seem like a much more appealing option than they really are.
When the only way to get them up to a reasonable spec that has enough memory and has enough
storage is to give the manufacturer an inordinate amount of money.
We do the math on this and I forget the exact numbers, but I think Apple is making something
like 12 times the cost in margin on their SSD upgrades, some of them.
Just ludicrous, unbelievable profit margins on these things and Dell was better, but not
by much.
We dig into how the tightly integrated nature of modern system designs makes this far more
lucrative and far more possible for these system manufacturers because you no longer
have the option of just buying the base model today and then upgrading it down the line.
You either have to pay the ransom extortionate price at launch or you just don't have more
RAM or in some cases, even more storage and really you can't even change the storage.
However, there's two sides to every story, right?
And there is a performance benefit to the way that they're doing things, a real one,
not an imagined one.
And that's actually the example or the illustration that I use for this is what happened with
Like, man, this would have been like 25, almost like 30 years ago, a long time ago.
It's a really good point that was brought up in the chat that GPUs actually used to
have expandable memory.
And this was in the form of like slots and little like sockets that you could stick RAM
chips into and stuff like that.
And the reason that they didn't was because of the bandwidth requirements, because of
the performance requirements.
Every time you add trace length and every time you add some kind of pogo pin or LGA
or socketed interface, you are adding signal degradation.
And the more signal degradation you have, the slower the speeds you have to run your
memory at.
And for GPUs then and now, like GPUs can basically never get enough memory bandwidth, which is
a big part of why the 4060 series sucks so much because they're using only a 128 bit
bus on what is purportedly a 60 class card.
I forget where I was, how I started this sentence.
The point is they need tons of memory bandwidth.
They can never get enough.
And so the decision was made that given that there was probably going to be a fairly appropriate
amount of memory anyway, and by the time you needed more memory, that GPU would be out
of date anyway.
The decision was made to basically move forward with GPUs always having soldered memory.
And those benefits do extend to modern systems.
For example, in DDR5, you ever notice that you can't buy a DDR5 sodium that's faster
than like 4,800?
You can't.
But you can buy systems now that have DDR5 running in excess of 7,000 megatransfers per
Asus has one where they actually are doing a similar on package memory chip, similar
to what Apple's doing with their M series silicon, that runs at like 7,700 megatransfers
per second or something like that, and is only able to do that because the traces are
like this long.
So I guess what I'm trying to say is that it's a little bit more complicated than manufacturer
bad, but also manufacturer bad, because there is no similar argument for doing that with
PCI Express can run over distances like so and beyond.
Moving on.
WeOK asks, why aren't CPUs soldered to the motherboards then?
Well, in mobile devices, they are, although it's for different reasons.
One of the big reasons is that you are able to reduce the Z height ever so slightly, giving
you thinner devices and, perhaps more importantly, more room for cooling mechanisms above the
CPU, which in most mobile devices is the main heat-generating component, unless you also
happen to have a GPU.
As for why they continue to stick with socketed CPUs and motherboards, I mean, it always comes
down to cost, doesn't it?
You just have to assume then that the cost benefit of being able to have one motherboard
design that can have dozens of different CPUs in it is greater than the cost benefit or
performance benefit, and therefore cost benefit, so they can charge more for it, the cost benefit
of soldering the CPU and then being locked with that inventory that is only sellable
as a complete package.
Soldering the CPU and the RAM would be so boring.
Yeah, I mean, that's basically the high-performance nooks that Intel was doing that they ultimately
gave up on.
I don't think enthusiasts want that.
I don't know if enthusiasts will ever, is a big word, but I don't know that enthusiasts
will ever want that.
They're really not doing much building the computer at that point.
I do propose a solution in the video, though.
Manchmal Scott says you can get 5600 megatransfered DDR5 sodiums.
I haven't seen them, and that's still not as fast as the soldered ones, so the point
remains the same, but you are correct, technically the very best kind, et cetera.
Anyway, I do propose a solution to all of this in the video, but I'm going to make you
watch it.
So, anyway, yeah, because it's a good video, it's actually a good video.
What were we talking about?
Right, 4060 Ti.
Our discussion question is if NVIDIA is going to put so little effort into making this thing
a success, why release it at all?
I don't know.
It's a really good question.
I guess...
A lot of these things are such a far run out.
Yeah, I guess they don't want to pull a film studios and just be like, yep, we're done
making Scooby-Doo sequel, but let's...
We're actually...
Do you know?
Did you hear about that?
They just didn't release it, right?
It is...
Is it garbage canned?
It's not just kind of done.
It's not just shot like Batgirl, where it's completely shot but not edited.
It is actually finished.
And the reason that it's finished, so people were actually working on this film for some
period of time.
After the decision had been made, they were working on this film.
Did they need to get it to a certain point for a higher tax credit or something?
No, it was because their contract was that they would finish it.
So they wouldn't get paid, like outside animators or something like that.
I forget the exact details, but basically their contract stipulated that they were to
deliver this finished work.
So the film was done.
It was in the final stages when they made the decision to pull the plug on it, and then
it will never see the light of day, even though it is completely done, because it was
more beneficial tax-wise to write it off than to release it and have it make almost no money,
which is...
Oh, apparently the movie got leaked.
I was going to say, these are the scenarios where you always just really want someone
to leak it.
Yeah, I support that.
So that's good.
The film industry is in a very...
Have you been following that?
Really vaguely, because I no longer have family members in the film industry.
So it matters, but it doesn't directly impact me as much anymore.
It is in a wild place right now, man.
Writer's Strike is, I think, one of the most brutalizing in both directions strike that
I've seen of any strike in a long time.
Well, that and the actors jumped in with them.
Basically, you cannot produce anything, and I am deeply worried about the situation, because
I don't think that they have as much leverage as they think they do.
They're going on strike at a time when the studios are losing money on major releases.
When's the last time that Disney actually made money on anything?
Even major tentpole productions are not bringing in the kinds of profits that they used to,
and so I was reading a few weeks ago about how CW basically pulled out of Vancouver.
So that was one of the networks that used to shoot a bunch up here in Vancouver and
was one of the cornerstones of the local production industry, and they were just like, yeah, we're
basically canceling all of our scripted shows because they're too expensive.
Forget it.
See you later.
So the networks are looking for excuses to cut costs, and then you have a whole bunch
of people voluntarily going, okay, you don't have to pay us right now, and then the networks
are kind of sitting there going, did you see that alleged quote about basically starving
them out?
So something that came out today is that the Screen Actors Guild released guidelines for
influencers, for how to, well, I really think they could have done this in a more constructive
way, because frankly, I'm not a member of the Screen Actors Guild.
I will never be a member of the Screen Actors Guild, so you actually cannot dictate the
terms of engagement to me, and they're-
It was done pretty poorly.
Their wording's pretty agro, so if you so much as post a picture of yourself putting
on pink shoes to go watch the Barbie premiere, then you are in violation of the picket line,
and you're a terrible person.
You will be banned from ever joining the Screen Actors Guild.
It's like, bro, I am not good enough to join the Screen Actors Guild.
Yeah, and-
I will never be an actor.
And also, are you kidding me?
This isn't even a paid engagement or whatever, but regardless of their tone, and regardless
of whether they actually are the boss of me or not, I fully support them, even if I feel
like the battle is-
Pretty worrying.
I think you're in, like, Total War, right?
And there's that bar in the bottom that's, like, green and red for the strength of your
remaining forces versus the-
How do you know this?
I play video games.
When's the last time you played Total War?
Don't worry about it.
When was it?
I don't know, like a month ago.
I was just goofing around.
Yeah, we pulled out a Total War game for, like, a video, and I was like, oh, I love-
It was for a video.
No, no, I was like, I love playing Total War, and then, like, I went home and played some
Total War.
I lost so bad, because I hadn't touched it since Rome.
Rome won.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Total War.
See, that lines up for me.
That makes sense.
Yeah, anyway.
Anyway, so I have- oh, I don't make these decisions anymore.
I have had a vision that I will have a conversation with our new CEO that I think we should, to
the greatest degree- the greatest extent that we can, at least for, you know, some reasonable
period of time.
You know, let's say three months to start, and we'll go from there.
You know, we want to be in full support, and that means not only not taking money from
any productions- I mean, that one's fairly obvious in terms of crossing the picket line,
but we also just won't be promoting them in any way, even if-
Even if they aren't putting on pink dresses?
Unpaid capacity.
I mean, you're wearing a pink shirt.
I might be wearing pink underwear.
No, yellow.
Yellow today.
But yeah, we want to support them to the greatest degree that we can, so we're going to do our
And to be clear, this is not because of Barbie movie, this is because next weekend is LTX,
so I was trying to hype it up.
Whale Land!
Yeah, exactly.
This is the Whale Land shirt from last time.
So I'm wearing it because of LTX, not because of Barbie.
Just you know, not supporting, you know, blah blah blah blah blah.
Have you guys done any promos or sponsorships with any studios in the past?
Yeah, we have.
Actually, not very often.
It's kind of surprising.
Surprisingly infrequent.
Yeah, like the number of video game movies and stuff like that that come out and it doesn't
occur to them to go to gaming and tech influencers.
I'm just like, do people even try?
We tried doing a thing with Hot Wheels.
Am I a joke to you?
And I thought Hot Wheels was going to be all over it.
And I think they were just like, ah, we don't see the crossover.
But then they did a thing with Forza and yes, obviously, Forza's racing, whatever.
But I'm like, it's a game on PC that looks great.
People like building really nice PCs to play Forza with.
Like what?
How do you guys not see the crossover?
There's people that like Hot Wheels, that like computers.
Come on!
Oh well.
Anyways, should we move on?
Yeah, keep it chill in the chat, guys.
You know, union versus no union is not a black and white issue.
If you think it is, you're wrong.
It's just not.
It's nuanced and complicated and every situation is a little bit different.
And this situation is very challenging.
That's all I have to say about that.
It's time for a couple of merch messages.
If you guys are wondering, Super Chats, Twitch Bits, those are not the way to interact with
the show.
The way to interact with the show is with merch messages.
All you got to do is head over to lttstore.com, where we actually have a couple of pretty
exciting things to talk about this week.
You head over to lttstore.com and in the cart, you will see a box to fill in a merch message
when we're live and it will pop up down here, thanks to producer Dan.
Or producer Dan will reply to your message with his fingers like that.
Oh, my button's not working.
I can't show producer Dan anymore.
Oh, oh, no.
It's working now.
So, producer Dan will reply or he will curate a couple for me and Luke to talk about.
Dan, do you have a couple for us to maybe show how merch messages work?
Yeah, sure.
Let's see what we've got here.
Question for Luke.
I recently started a job as a full stack developer for the government.
I'm wondering how you feel about the differences between private versus public and switching
between the two.
Oh, like private and public sector work?
I believe so, yeah.
I believe so.
Have you ever worked for public?
I don't think I have a very satisfactory answer here.
They're both very legitimate lines of work.
I think there's an immense amount of red tape to jump through on the public sector side
of stuff.
That can be an immense amount of red tape on the private sector side of things too.
It depends what you're doing and it also depends on where you are at in the chain if you're
working in public sector, but you are just dealing with the tickets.
Maybe there's no red tape for you to jump through, you're just doing what you have to
I don't know.
I'm sorry.
I really don't have a lot to say.
I have no issue.
If someone applied here and they had public sector experience, I'm just going to count
that as the same as someone who had private sector experience.
It doesn't mean anything different to me personally.
It might be particularly interesting depending on where you worked in the public sector and
what you were working on, but that's the same for private sector.
So yeah, I don't know.
Yeah, absolutely.
I mean, I think that there's some general rules that you can kind of apply.
I mean, at least here in Canada is all I can really speak to, but here in Canada, public
sector workers tend to get, for example, pensions that are very generous compared to what is
typical in the private sector where as far as corporations are concerned, I'm sorry,
you're not working for me anymore.
Why am I giving you any money?
I also see people interpreting public sector work as like you're now on like the track.
You just stay in public sector forever as long as you don't massively screw up, you'll
just like have a job.
No, I don't think it's necessarily like that and I don't think you necessarily have to
have that attitude about it.
I think you might've interpreted that in a way that I was not trying to say it, or maybe
I said it poorly.
I don't know.
But I wasn't saying it as a negative thing.
Oh, I see what you mean.
I mean, I thought you were kind of saying that people just feel like they can check
out and just like coast forever.
Oh no, not necessarily.
Just like if you just keep pushing, it's like very high job security basically, but not
that you should necessarily slack off.
I know people that have been, I know of people that have been laid off from public sector.
It does happen.
Yeah, for sure.
But like, yeah, good pension, good benefits.
Like it's a good place to be in, but you could get in a better place in private sector.
There's going to be a ceiling.
There's going to be a ceiling in the public sector.
So there's no free lunch, right?
There's always trade offs.
And like we were actually trying to recruit someone for only tangentially related position
from the public sector.
And when they did the math, it was, you know, it was very, it was very challenging for them.
They were kind of going, okay, so right, the wage is higher.
But the odds of the government of British Columbia existing in, you know, 40 years when
I'm reaching the end of my career is somewhere close to 100%.
The odds of Linus Sebastian and Yvonne Ho existing in that time is pretty good, but
not as close to 100%.
And this is something that they need to factor in along with the, you know, the differences
in pay today versus the, you know, the long-term benefit.
And I think that something people don't necessarily account for is that pensions look a little
bit more generous than they actually are in many cases.
This was something that I figured out with life insurance a long time ago.
There was some, there was some fancy life insurance product that someone was trying
to sell us where basically when it matures, you actually get back everything you paid
into it.
And I was like, how does the math on that work?
I was like, oh right, because they've been taking, because they've been taking my money
for 35 or 45 years or whatever and they're just giving me back.
You give, you give, you give me five bucks now, I'll give you five bucks in 30 years.
Yeah, exactly, exactly.
So that's, that's the math.
So when you, when you look at, you know, whatever your pension is, the math might look really,
really favorable today, but if you were to just take money and squirrel it away now and
build yourself a nest egg that is, you know, made up of an investment, say for example,
that pay dividends, then, I don't know, how does that pension compare?
And pensions aren't as sure a thing as it feels like they used to be.
You look at the way that-
Well they've changed, so they're not.
Yeah, you look at the way that public pension funds are just getting the crap kicked out
of them sometimes and it's, it's scary, man.
I read a whole article on how they've-
You read a whole article?
Did you?
A whole article.
I'm a good boy.
Gold star.
I read a, it's, it's on the, like, the of pension specifically and how they've just
kind of like ruined them over time.
They used to be a lot more secure, they used to be a lot more guaranteed, and now they've
been just like trashed to the point where retiring is like kind of scary because you
just have no idea what's going to happen with your pension.
Yeah, especially because like with how long people are living these days, you could be
retired for 35 years, assuming you retire at 65 and live to 100, which is obviously
Not common, but happens.
But not unheard of.
And you do not want to be 98.
And totally broke.
And completely flat broke, right?
That's a bad time.
All right, Dan, want to hit this one with another?
Yeah, sure thing.
Let's see.
Hi, LLD.
Can you talk about the first time or the worst time you have accidentally violated an NDA?
Ooh, I think one of the worst ones was with the Pixel, I think it was the Pixel 4a or
something like that.
Pixel 4a or Pixel 5a.
I went up a day early.
3a or something.
I don't know.
I know I was using it early and I was on Wanshow and I pulled out my phone.
I was going to say it was probably on Wanshow.
Yeah, I know.
It's okay, companies.
I understand.
He does it to me too.
Yeah, I mean, at least it's been an accident every time, but there's been at least a handful
of times that I have accidentally violated an NDA.
I think there was a video that was accidentally scheduled one day early or like one hour early
or one minute early or something.
Yeah, I mean, it's one of those things where a common time for NDAs to expire is 6 a.m.
Pacific time and the reason for that is that it's still the previous evening.
Is it previous or whatever?
Whichever way the dateline goes, I can never remember, but it's still the following evening
in Southeast Asia and China and then it's still daytime in Europe, so it's like morning
in Europe, no, no, it's afternoon in Europe, morning to like late morning in North America
and it's like still evening in Australia and like China and stuff.
And so it's like an ideal time from a global, you know, sending out emails and publishing
videos standpoint.
But most people in this company don't get up at six in the morning, so we will sometimes
have videos that are just scheduled to go live and nobody's there looking at them and
if they, you know, include some information that they weren't supposed to or if they go
up at five instead of six because we clicked the wrong button or whatever and people try
to contact us and we're asleep, right?
So sorry, I guess.
Not really much that we can do about that.
I'm just trying to find if there's anyone that has, searching my inbox for NDA brings
up, here's result one to a hundred of many.
I was trying to find if, if anyone, you know, complained to me about anything, but I, yeah,
I don't see anything.
Generally speaking, we try to be pretty clean about that stuff because it's a really quick
way to not be able to get review samples anymore, breaking embargo or violating a non-disclosure
agreement and to be clear, I know there's some people that are sort of just like anti
any kind of agreement between media and manufacturers, but it's like, okay, what, what's your, what's
your review samples at all?
If there isn't any NDAs in place, what's your proposed solution?
They have magical fairies that they give the phone or the graphics card to that all depart
their headquarters at different times to ensure that, you know, the, you account for the different
flight times to all the different places that these devices need to be delivered so that
they'll all get it at exactly the same moment.
You know, you want Mark Rober to design packaging that literally is indestructible until it
can be opened at exactly the same time.
Like you got to be realistic, right?
They do their best to get everything out at kind of the same time ish.
And then they have NDAs to ensure that everyone has a similar amount of time to work on their
articles or their videos or whatever the case may be.
Yeah, I can't find any.
That's okay.
I'm over it.
What were we talking about again?
Oh yeah.
Let's do a couple more topics.
Do you want to talk about your proposed legislation that requires platforms to snitch on their users?
This one is really rough once you start trying to break down like how it would work at all.
The Senate Judiciary Committee has forwarded a piece of legislation, the Cooper Davis Act
that would obligate online communication services and social platforms to report users
to the DEA, the Drug Enforcement Agency, if the platform suspect them of being involved
in criminal drug activity.
The problem with this is that like the definition of criminal drug activity is, I think we could
say outdated at best.
Oh yeah.
The bill does not explicitly require providers-
It's just, it's also, especially in the states.
Well yeah.
That's what we're talking about though.
It's state by state and stuff.
Oh, it's all over the place.
Like it's so weird.
And like in some places it'll be, and I don't understand how this works, so I'm not in that
I don't do those things, but in some places it'll be federally illegal, but I don't know.
I think it's usually the other way around where it's legal federally, but illegal state
It might be able to be the reverse as well, but I don't know how that works.
I don't know.
The bill does not require, this is in quotes, the bill does not require providers to seek
out illegal activity by users, end quote, but it creates incentives for companies to,
incentives is, for companies to surveil their users and does require that once providers
are aware of this activity, they must report it or else face steep fines, legal liability
and potential criminal prosecution.
Again, in quotes, proponents of the bill say that it would help crack down on illicit drug
markets that have been proliferating on social media platforms, end quote, but privacy advocates
have criticized the bill as potentially furthering weakening and in quotes, already inadequate
privacy laws, strongly agree with that and undermining encryption.
Yeah, this is kind of brutal.
I'm looking at it going, you know, if someone, okay, look, I don't personally partake, so
my ignorance may be pretty ignorant, but I could see someone using Facebook Marketplace,
for example, hypothetically, to do some kind of transaction, let's say.
You know how, okay, for example, you can't buy lawn darts on eBay, so everyone who wants
to sell lawn darts on eBay sells the box for lawn darts and oh, by the way, if lawn darts
happen to be inside it, whoops, I had no idea.
So like I could see people, you know, selling pictures of a marijuana leaf on Facebook Marketplace
and like that's code for, yeah, I don't know, maybe this is a thing, maybe it's not a thing,
I legitimately actually don't know, but then, you know, where's the line for this?
If Metta knows.
I am selling an unknown brick.
Yeah, if Metta knows that people are doing this, all of a sudden, or if they suspect
it even, all of a sudden, are they required to?
And especially a platform like Metta where they're trying to gather any possible information
about their users, they might have to like change what they're doing in order to not
expect these types of things.
The harshness of the penalty for failing to report is likely to encourage companies to
over-report users for protected free speech, which may result in a chilling effect that
prevents users from discussing past addiction, joking, or reaching out for help.
The Senate has yet to put the act to a full floor vote.
Again, it's not like, this is not, it's not true.
Some people are super mad that I'm not a pothead and then others are like, yeah, I knew it.
Mad that you're not a pothead?
Yeah, I don't know.
How do you feel mad?
Well, people just like, you know, having things in common with people.
My creator must do what I do!
Or else I'm angry on the internet.
I'm high on life, okay?
Cut these ketchup chips.
Oh man.
That's great.
Uh, but yeah, I don't know.
I hate this thoroughly.
As, as someone who runs platforms, this sounds like the worst.
Yeah, it sounds basically, I mean, even if we ignore the overreach, even if we ignore
the complete lack of sensibility in narcotics laws in, I mean, really the world, the inconsistency
as well, even if we ignore all those issues, how on earth could they possibly hope to enforce this?
How can you prove that they, they knew that this user was, uh, how can they prove that
the platform suspected a user of being involved in criminal drug activity?
I wouldn't be surprised, looking at the, like, the wording, at least, for the penalties involved,
I wouldn't be surprised if there was some amount of, like, bounties for reporting your
company for not reporting things.
So you could, like, make a bunch of money for throwing the company that employs you
under the bus?
Just go somewhere else.
Because I, I, I feel like they've, the, the only, the only sites and services that would
really be doing any amount of assessment of users at this level would be really big sites
and services that have lots of money and have lots of employees and are probably at a point
where they're, like, the, the people coming to work here, they don't necessarily care
too much about the company at that scale.
So maybe they'll take the payday.
I don't know.
It just, it just seems kind of whack to me personally.
Yeah, Bixby in Floatplane Chat says suspicious activity reports are a thing for banking institutions,
for example, to report suspected money laundering.
I feel like that's different.
Well, well, no, like, in terms of how they could, how they could incentivize the employees,
like what you're talking about.
Okay, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Yep, I could see that.
And, I mean, drugs are one of those things where you will definitely get people with
very polarized opinions about it.
You know, you'll have people with the giant marijuana leaf on their t-shirt literally
walking down the street holding a bong.
And then on the other side of it, you've got the, you know, think of the children prudes
who are, like, I, there should be no drugs in the world.
You should take all the naturally occurring plants that have, you know, Tylenol bad.
Isn't that the one that's bark or something?
I don't remember.
Not to that degree, but, like, you know, anything with a psychoactive effect should basically
be put in a big fire.
Oh, but not close to people in Australia, and we should get rid of all of it, right?
Like, so you've got, you've got both sides of this, so I think you're going to have people
that are just essentially ready to go to war over this immediately after something like
this were to pass.
Man, I was about to say, I really don't see how this could possibly pass, but, like, I
don't know, wilder things have happened.
You look at, look at the, look at the gong show that was, like, natural gas stoves or,
like, ranges a little while ago.
Like, just how, just how quickly people can form ranks and just go after each other.
Also, you know, given the number of recreational drugs these days that are pharmaceutical products,
how on earth do you prove that I didn't need that Adderall?
I mean, I didn't get it from a pharmacy in this case, so that's, that's one thing.
Maybe they were closed, Luke.
That's if they're using it as a marketplace.
But lots of these places, they're also including just talking about it.
And I, I don't know, but I, I, just looking at the things that I hear, like, you hear
about a lot of fatalities from fentanyl, for example.
That's a big one in Vancouver.
We hear news about that all the time.
But fentanyl is a, is a drug they give in hospitals.
So, like, what if someone is prescribed fentanyl?
Well, you wouldn't be prescribed it.
Is it only ever administered at hospitals?
Yeah, because the, the amount of it to be fatal is...
That's lethal is, like, so tiny?
It's very, trays tiny, yeah.
What if you talked about how it had been, how you've had it before?
But you just meant in a hospital.
Now you're reported to the police?
Even if, even if that person doesn't ultimately end up in jail, look at the amount of administrative
nonsense that you're creating.
What a, what a waste of time when police departments, quite frankly, have enough on their hands.
Someone in a floatplane chat says you can be prescribed fentanyl for at-home use.
My dad had it.
No way.
That sounds terrifying.
Lost Insanity says, hey, so the state of Louisiana finally sent out an email today to those who
were affected by the Department of Motor Vehicles hack that occurred.
They're providing a year of lifelock to anyone that was affected by it, but they finally
notified people of it, at least.
This is something that I've found quite confusing for a long time.
So you know how difficult it is to change a social insurance number, or for our American
friends, a social security number?
You know, once you have it assigned to you, you know how impossible it is to change your
birthdate, for example, like these, these key pieces of information that can aid people
in committing identity theft or fraud.
The fact that the only mitigation that is offered are these, these monitoring services,
like I get, lifelock is one that I haven't heard of before, but I've heard of it before.
I find it weird that they grant you a temporary amount of time with a private service.
Yeah, well, that's really weird to me.
That's exactly kind of where I was going with that.
So whether it's like trends union or lifelock or, or any one of those kinds of organizations,
why, why is this a thing?
This feels like one of those things where you look at and you go, that's gotta be lobbying.
Oh yeah.
Because the obvious answer is a permanent solution.
And the not obvious answer is one that you pay a subscription to some rando third-party
company that has had their own breaches in the past.
I don't know if lifelock has, but trans union certainly has forever.
And I'm sorry, you're giving me one year.
So what if I'm a criminal mastermind, I basically just go doo doo doo doo doo.
I'm a wait 365 days, a doo doo doo doo doo.
This information will all still be valid doo doo doo.
Come on.
Are you serious right now?
January 15th, 2023 thousands of Norton lifelock customers had their accounts compromised
in recent weeks, potentially allowing criminal hackers to access customer password managers.
The company revealed in a recent data breach notice.
No, that's a nice hat.
I disagree.
This is from float plane chat.
They do know better.
I think they do know better.
I think it's just the oldest reason in the world.
It's money, money, money, man.
If you want to go down a good rabbit hole, the, uh, the fact that, um, turbo tax exists at all.
You've already done this one.
That's such a, that enrages me.
That should so not even close to be okay.
That's so frustrating.
Like I, I, I understand government services and some private services.
Even you shouldn't just be able to like crush companies from existing all the time and stuff like that.
But that same setup should not be allowed to exist to forcibly keep completely useless motions in, in like completely useless things in motion.
It's so incredibly frustrating.
People are mad about the U S tax system.
It's not as bad in Canada, but it's still completely messed up.
It's still bad.
It's still ridiculous.
American tax is just a complete utter joke.
There's like potentially worst.
And there's so much stuff.
That's so dumb.
One of the things that I was just outraged to find out as an adult is that when you buy a secondhand vehicle, you have to pay sales tax on it.
And I'm sitting here going, no, you already taxed this.
That's double dipping.
Like, am I, if I, okay, if I, if I,
If I could have the double dipping rabbit hole, there's a lot of that.
There's an absurd amount of that.
Like if I deduct something this year, do I get to deduct it again next year?
Because I gifted it to my wife.
Like, what are you talking about?
You guys just traded back and forth.
Oh, I'm sure people do that.
It's, it's such a joke, man.
Oh, I don't know.
It's very, very, very frustrating.
The whole, like, we know exactly how much you owe, but you need to tell us.
And if you're wrong, you're screwed.
Do you know how it works for corporate tax here?
Not as much.
So, uh, you know how with personal taxes, you, um, you have them deducted by your employer on your paycheck automatically.
Um, or, or you can not.
Like you can, you can go that option if you want.
I don't think that's something that we offer just because.
Offering both sounds like a paperwork nightmare.
Um, no offense to everyone, but people do not manage their finances very well.
So if people got their whole paycheck every time, then in when April rolled around, they would not have.
Honestly, that is very wise and I support this.
So like 25 to, you know, 30 plus percentage of their annual income that they would owe in taxes at that time.
So anyway, the way personal taxes work, they're due in April and tax season and you pay them at that time.
And the way corporate taxes work is based on your last year.
You will pay installments every month based on the last year.
And if it turns out you were wrong and you actually owe more than you owe interest for not like estimating it correctly.
So instead of it just like having a due date at the end of the year, you need to be paying it continuously or you basically get boned.
It's absolutely ridiculous.
Oh my God.
Yeah, I hate it. I hate it so much.
I'm pretty sure they don't pay you interest if you overpay on it either.
But don't quote me on that.
Don't quote me on that.
I'd be, I'd be very surprised.
I had no idea, but someone said we don't do taxes in the UK.
It's done by the government.
That, that is how that should work.
Whiskey Tank says employees should be able to decide what happens with their money.
No, you're actually just wrong because they don't get to anyway.
They owe it in taxes.
It's just that we don't want people to suddenly go bankrupt.
That's really bad.
Actually extremely chaotic.
Yeah, not, not having those taxes on hand, not having those tax payments on hand in April
would be potentially devastating to the lives of someone who didn't manage their money correctly.
And most people.
Which is very common.
Yeah, most people are not able to just look at like $10,000 in their bank account and
go, okay, no, I, I should, I should actually hold onto that.
And like, like Luke said, the, the additional paperwork of handling it both ways would be
extremely complicated.
That alone is like, that makes it kind of not worth it in my opinion.
Where are we at?
What are we doing?
We're talking about proposed legislation for platform snitching.
Is that it?
We got to do one more?
Let's, let's talk about something else.
Do you want to do build of the month?
Why not?
This is kind of fun.
We, we requested submissions for custom water cooling loops and we got some pretty amazing
Dan, do you have these or do I show them or like, how does this work?
I have no idea.
I guess you show them.
I was hoping we would have them in a, in a different way of showing them.
This is the doc for you, not me.
I mean, I guess.
How do ad spots work, Dan?
I am made aware of them before the show.
So we thought this might be as well.
All right.
This is pretty sick.
Luke, do you want to talk through them and I'll show them?
Oh, that's unfortunate.
Dan, help.
I fix.
I fix.
You can just get rid of us for now.
This looks...
I think that's harder.
Flippin' amazing.
Simple but elegant.
Also, are those LTT edition fans?
Ooh, it's hard to tell with the red lighting.
I can't tell.
You know what?
No, I think they're chromaxes.
I think they're chromaxes.
I think they came later, but that would have been pretty sick.
This is from at redneckengineer.
It's a 7950X, 7900XTX, and all EK water block cooling components.
Because that's how you redneck engineer.
No, no.
I showed you guys how to redneck engineer a water cooling system earlier this week.
That is how you actually redneck engineer water cooling.
This is the first ever custom loop with 3D printed chassis.
Yeah, I was going to say that case looks 3D printed, but it actually looks really cool.
3D printed chassis looks sick.
By Dan...
Oh, I feel like I've read this name out before, but I don't remember how to pronounce it.
That's very wrong.
That sounds more right.
I'm certain I've tried to say that before.
Or atdataful.
Mostly used alpha cool parts.
Those are really cool fans.
Oh yeah, I really like those.
Are those those Lee and Lee ones?
You don't know and it's okay.
I am actually really digging this open concept from Yankei.
Yeah, I like that it's not just a flat board.
It's a flat board, but with angles.
With angles.
It's an angled board.
It's a parallelogram.
It's not just turned though.
It isn't?
Because the sides are...
Oh yeah, no, no.
It's a parallelogram.
Both sides parallel.
Yeah, very cool.
Looks sick.
Yeah, I kind of love it.
I enjoy board mounted PCs, but they often look junky and cheap.
This one does not look junky and cheap.
It looks great.
The backlighting helps a lot.
That looks cheap, but it doesn't look junky.
These holes...
What does it look like?
Two dual rads and stuff?
The backlighting itself doesn't exactly look necessarily expensive.
It looks like a project board from Home Depot, but...
But it's done nice.
Yeah, but the system build is really nice.
I can also tell that some adjustments were made to get the fan connectors through the
I've been there.
I've been there, Yan.
I feel you.
I appreciate it.
I appreciate the shown work.
We've got two more.
Three more.
That is unreal.
Old school from back in the Threadripper days by at XX Boosty XX.
And this is an honorable mention from DIY Perks.
This appears to be something from an upcoming video?
I am a DIY Perks fan boy, and this is part of why.
I tried to get them to come to LTX, but it's just too far.
It's quite far.
I'd love to get you out here, man, but we weren't able to make it work this time.
Of course, the main reason that we built all of this up for you guys and got you all, you
Whoa, look at these great builds.
Is because of the best one.
The best one.
Dishonorable mention.
This Avant Garde use of Garden Pond Pump by at Spear83 is just beautiful.
Apparently they did a reverse image search to confirm that it's not a common meme image,
and it is fresh.
This is it.
It's like looking at your grandfather.
It's like bathing your grandfather.
Alright, absolutely love it.
Alright, do you want to do Glorbo Comes to World of Warcraft, or should we save that
for after whatever the next thing Mr. Bester wants us to do?
I love...
I think we can do this in ten minutes.
I love Glorbo Comes to World of Warcraft.
No, I want to do sponsors first.
Let's get the sponsors done.
The show is brought to you today by someone very unusual.
What order do you want to do these in, Dan?
He can reach it.
He can do it.
He got it.
Oh gosh.
Oh boy.
That's right!
It's brought to you by Google and YouTube Shopping.
I know a thing or two about foldables being one of those people who actually daily drives
I had the most surreal experience at a Wendy's last week.
So I'm there with a couple members of our team as well as there's like some other random
customers and I am struggling to remember a name right now.
Good, I guess Elijah.
Elijah from our team, relatively new member.
I swear I'm trying to remember everyone's names.
That's hard.
Elijah and I are both like on our phones after having ordered and we're just like waiting
and I'm like, hey, another fold user.
And he's like, oh yeah, that's right, yeah, you daily drive one of those too.
And then this random customer walks up, he's like, I have a folding phone too.
This is the most folding phone users that's been in one place ever, I think.
Anyway, it was a fun experience.
Not too many people do use them, but now that I do, honestly, it is very hard for me to
imagine going back.
Being able to have a display this size that folds up and fits into your pocket is pretty
amazing and Google has thrown their hat into the foldable ring with the Pixel Fold.
It offers a full 7.6 inch immersive display when it's unfolded and they've done a pretty
tremendous job actually of the aspect ratio of the front screen.
That's something that some other foldable devices can struggle with a little bit in
terms of cramped keyboards.
This is a much more comfortable typing experience.
So now multitasking on your mobile device is easier than ever.
Split screen lets you do two things at once, such as creating YouTube shorts, browsing
the internet or referencing business emails.
And again, as a daily foldable phone user, I got to say it's not quite the biggest reason
for me, but it's one of the biggest reasons to go with a foldable device.
Their US customers can even get a Pixel Watch at no additional cost with their purchase
of a Pixel Fold by clicking the YouTube shopping banner below the video.
And is that all?
Is that all there is for me to say about the Pixel Fold?
Well, yeah, at any rate, giant screen, folds up, fits in your pocket and there you have
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Alright, we will get to it, Luke.
I promise we're going to get to Glorbo- oh, dang it.
I want to do- yes, I want to do something.
We're going to get to the merch messages, we're going to get to Glorbo.
First, I got to talk about merch, not messages.
That's right.
Live unboxing.
Luke, are you ready?
Okay, because you're doing it, and Dan's going to be on the camera.
Oh boy, I love unboxing things I've never seen before.
You guys are going to somehow surprise me and be half-competent at this for a change.
You keep giving us stuff we've never seen before.
Well, no, I just mean, don't- you got Dan moving the camera all over the place.
I remember.
And then you've got Luke moving his hands all over the place.
So my job is to intentionally move it out of the camera frame.
No, that is not your job.
Your job is to hold it still.
And Dan, your job is to not chase it too much.
I mean, chase it a little.
Dang it, Dan.
What's happening?
He's turning off face detection.
The camera no longer knows where Luke's beautiful face is.
Oh my god.
You guys are both killing me.
What am I doing?
Okay, we're good.
Oh my god.
Is that what I'm doing?
Stop it.
Okay, you guys can't do that.
You're going to give people motion sickness.
Okay, Dan, you have to move to the right.
You got to move to the right.
You want it centered.
Yes, I want it centered in the frame.
Don't forget there's a lower third.
That's what I'm setting up.
Oh my god.
Oh my god.
No time.
I just got signed out of my Google account.
Technically, this is the best time for that to happen.
I don't even have the dock.
Are we professional?
Oh man, I think I remember.
I think I remember this password.
Okay, all right.
I think I'm back in the dock.
Anyway, we are finally launching it.
The LTT stubby screwdriver and I've got all the dates and everything.
It is going to be available at LTX.
We have all four launch versions to show here on the WAN Show.
They're going to be in limited quantities at LTX and the online launch is coming August 17th.
Luke, do you want to start unboxing it?
You can sign up for a launch notification at lmg.gg slash stubby.
Are you not going to comment on Sarah's packaging or anything?
It looks very nice.
I do also believe there would be a cardboard box of bits here.
Six bits.
Six bits.
So it comes with six bits.
It's a six bit driver.
Very, very reminiscent of the full size screwdriver.
That makes sense.
Yeah, it's the same box.
Well, no, it's smaller.
But smaller.
It's not the same box.
Yeah, it's a smaller box.
But it is the same ratchet, correct?
Exactly the same ratchet.
Same high quality knurling.
New tooling for the shorter handle, obviously.
And we had to do some work to get the same pop-up bit storage mechanism on the much,
much smaller driver.
Oh, I guess I asked you to do the unboxing.
Go ahead.
You can talk.
Oh, no, it's fine.
Yeah, yeah.
This feels about the same, but it's half, which makes sense.
So there's six instead of 12, but it still pops in and pops out.
Right now, it's taking a little bit, but these work in slightly over time.
So as you use it, it'll be a little bit less stiff.
The selector, I think, is identical.
Is it even the same size?
It is the same.
That's because the ratchet is identical, I'm assuming.
So it goes around it.
And I've got something really exciting to show the people.
Do you notice anything different about the one that I am handing you now?
No way.
Okay, so there's a black shaft one.
So for the people that wanted to get the black shaft one of the full-sized, you will now
be able to get a stubby in the same shaft color as the main full-sized screwdriver that
you had.
I had no idea we were doing this, actually.
Or if you already have the black shaft full-sized one and you like the patina, then you can
have more patina, this time smaller patina.
So there's a total of four skus available.
Oh, everything is fine.
Black and orange plastics with a silver shaft, black and black plastics with a silver shaft,
and then black and orange with a black shaft, and all black, blackout edition with the black
shaft and all black plastics.
Oh my goodness.
That's okay, I'm back to the wide cam.
And yes, yeah, they do stand up.
That would have, my goodness, been a lot easier.
There you go.
Really, really excited to finally launch this.
You know, guys, I know it seems like a simple thing.
Like what?
Oh, whoops, not that.
Oh, great.
Very good.
Oh, jeez.
It seems like a simple thing, right?
What, have you never done this before?
Like it's the same screwdriver, but smaller, right?
But that's a lot smaller.
But if you want it to be right, dang it, you have to, it takes a lot of work, okay?
You gotta make sure that, you know, when you change the handle, it doesn't change the tolerances
somewhere else.
You gotta make sure that you, wait, man, we went back and forth a lot on whether it should
have knurling at all.
Because if you notice, like one handing the knurling, it's...
You can do it, but it's cramped for sure.
Yeah, compared to the full size.
But then we're looking at it going, everything is going to be cramped compared to the full
size on this one.
That's kind of the whole point.
I like the knurling because like, if I can technically get there and if there was a bit
in there as well, it would give it slightly more.
So it would work.
Yeah, it's nice to have.
I prefer it.
I advocated for having the knurling on it.
We know that it's not the shortest stubby screwdriver in the market, but we just were
not in a position where we were going to be able to re-engineer the ratchet and make it
significantly smaller.
So knowing that...
No, I think keeping the same ratchet was worth the size, for sure.
I think so too.
I also think six bits is going to accomplish a lot of what people are looking to do.
Yeah, given how many people say that the Robertson bits that we include with the main screwdriver
are useless anyway.
That's already three of the twelve.
Then again, people can build their own kits and they can have their own bit sets or whatever
with the full size screwdriver anyway.
So some people will build out like torques or imperial hacks or metric hacks or whatever
the case may be.
Yeah, you might want to customize the loadout, but I think with six, especially with something
like this, it feels a little bit more specialized.
Oh yeah, I think the bits are listed on the back of the box there.
So yep, the included ones are Philips 0, Philips 1, Philips 2, Slot 4, Slot 6, and our classic
magnet bit.
Yeah, and that's going to get a lot of what you're going to try to do with this done.
Pretty sensible, pretty sensible ones.
So just head to lmg.gg slash stubby and you will get a launch notification.
It's not going to be cheap because, guys, the only difference in cost for us is six
fewer bits, which is not that much of the cost of a screwdriver and a few cents less
of plastic and a few cents less of metal.
So it's not going to be the same ratchet is in there.
The same high end tooling from ITD was paid for.
Less of it because we didn't have to reshoot the, you know, the end cap and the selector
ring and all that kind of stuff.
But we did have to redesign for the new handle, so that was expensive.
Gotta pay for it somehow, but yeah, I'm very, very excited.
Yes, the bits are identical to the standard screwdriver, so they are the same shorty bits
as we call them.
In other news, also happening at LTX is LTX.
So for the merch, online orders will be available until Friday, July 28th at 3 p.m.
So if you are not a Floatplane $10 tier member yet, now is the time to become one if you
want to order any of the LTX exclusive merch.
There's no link in the doc, but hopefully I can find that for you guys extremely quickly
here, so you can see if any of that appeals to you.
You will also be entitled, if you are at the $10 tier, to a digital pass, which gets you
access to basically a whole bunch of exclusive behind-the-scenes content that our social
team is going to be producing while we are at the show.
Let me just see.
I do not know how to find the merch.
Is it through by tickets?
Ah, yes, here we go.
All right, cool.
So here is LTX 2023 exclusive, dang it, dang it, dang it, dang it, well, okay, fine.
We've got these cool desk pads, Vancouver dinosaur and I think this is called zero gravity
or something like that.
What a professional.
If you want to do some browser typing, go to lttstore.com slash collections slash LTX
dash exclusive.
I think it's ... Nice.
There we go.
Designer series desk pads available in these three super cool styles.
We've also got the tie-dye LTX shirt.
Look at Riley, thanks for modeling for us Riley, love to see it.
Same thing in a hoodie.
Man, this hoodie looks so cool.
Enamel pin, whale plushie, whale keychain, passport and LTX 2023 flag.
All right, I think I just have one last thing to check in here.
Oh yes, we have a backpack update.
We have removed the stands on its own messaging from our marketing on the page because we've
seen a lot of feedback from buyers that this feature really depends on how you load the
For example, if you have a bunch of stuff in the front and only a little in the back,
then it's not going to hold that form and it's not going to stand.
There's no changes to the product, but we've removed that messaging based on feedback from
buyers and we just want to be transparent about all of that.
All right, want to hit us with some merch messages, Dan?
Yeah, sure.
I've got quite a few here.
Let's see.
Hello, LLD.
Will the LTT screwdriver be available to use bits from iFixit?
Will the...
Oh, sorry.
Oh, that I spaced for a second there.
Will the LTT screwdriver be able to use bits from iFixit?
Well, they're a standard quarter inch hex, so they will use any standard quarter inch
hex anything, but I actually told a big fat lie a second ago when I said that I had no
more merch updates because this is the reason you actually saw me driving the opposite direction
when you were on your way to the studio to start the WAN show, Mr. Luke.
Luke does not care.
I'm busy doing work.
We're both busy doing work.
Yeah, well, complain to my boss.
All three of us are busy doing work.
Believe it or not, this is work.
Oh, sorry.
I was watching YouTube.
Oh my goodness.
Okay, sorry.
What's going on?
You're showing me the thing that you wouldn't show me earlier?
Yeah, I'm showing you the thing.
Dan, you might need to man the camera again.
Oh boy.
Inside this iFixit ProTech 64-bit toolkit is something very special.
Oh man, you guys are hilarious.
I love it.
We're going to do it right above all of the stubbies.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Which they can't see because of the lower third, but that's okay.
That's cool.
Okay, so there's a couple of ... They put tape on it?
Okay, you can put down the thing- Linus.
You can put down tape in the thing in your left hand and you can remove the tape.
That's your right hand.
Good gravy.
I thought you said there was a couple of things though, so I was looking for the other thing.
No, no, no.
It's this.
So we have been working for some time on a precision driver and there are a couple of
things that are special about this particular precision driver.
One of them Luke has figured out extremely quickly here.
That's very fun.
I enjoy that.
It will feature ... Yeah, you could do that, sure.
It might not spin as well anymore, but the point is the plan right now is for it to have
a hybrid ceramic bearing in the top.
We're also working potentially on a weighted top so that it will double as a fidget toy.
Right now, that one is improperly balanced and installed by hand, so my expectation is
that the final one will actually run for a fair bit longer than that.
Also, there's a fun little surprise if you just pull on your fidget toy.
Oh, cool.
In handle bit storage.
I did not expect that at all.
Yeah, yeah.
There you go.
In handle bit storage in the same way.
So three bits, I think.
It's one of those things where it's not strictly speaking necessary because you're probably
going to have your kit nearby anyway, but personally, I find ... Okay, I can go back
to the wide now.
I find that when I'm working on a project, the odds are pretty good that I'm ... There's
going to be a few bits that I'm going to use a lot, and the rest of it, I can probably
just put aside, and so this is somewhere for people like me to put them so they don't get
lost while I'm working on a project and so that I don't have to have the whole bit set
next to me.
So I made the mistake of, with one of the earlier prototypes, putting my three most
commonly used bits in the handle, and I can see they're missing from my kit now, because
the Creator Warehouse team swapped out my earlier prototype with this one, but what
do you think of the finish?
It feels very nice.
It feels very premium.
The top is extremely distracting.
I was very surprised.
I tried to turn it normally, and it just free spun, and I was like, whoa.
Because I was trying to see, can I rotate it, because it has a function as well, right?
Yeah, of course.
Yeah, it's a fun little fidget toy, but also you palm the screwdriver or put it somewhere
in your hand, and then you can spin it freely from here, which is the nice part of this
type of thing, or you can spin it like that, et cetera.
It makes it very, very easy to turn in the hand.
Is this a standalone thing?
We're not 100% sure yet.
Right now, it's a thing we're working on making as good as we can, and we're going to figure
out what pricing looks like.
We're going to figure out what exactly the function is.
Right now, I'd be pretty stoked if we just could deliver a premium driver that if people
wanted to upgrade their iFixit kit.
I've had a lot of people ask, now that you guys make tools, where's your relationship
with iFixit at?
I'm like, fine.
I think.
It's kind of up to them at this point, but I don't see any reason for people to stop
buying iFixit tools just because we have tools, and I don't think this is a direct competitor
for their tools either.
Would you provide the three bits that you most use along with this?
No, probably not, because when it comes to precision drivers, the three bits you most
use is going to be whatever, right?
I think our expectation is that either we will create a bit kit, and then you can use
it along with all your zillion other iFixit things that exist, or their replacement parts
and guides and whatever else, or we'll do just the driver and we'll intend it as a premium
upgrade for your existing iFixit kit, or any other kit that uses this same, I forget the
exact, I forget the size of these bits, something.
What are they?
Like eighth inch?
I don't even know what they are.
But anything else that uses these same size bits would also be compatible.
So yeah, I have it just sitting in my iFixit kit, ready to go at a moment's notice.
That's sick.
Yeah, very, very excited.
Got so much in the works right now.
No, it's not an official iFixit collab, it's just an LTT product.
Very cool.
All right, sorry Dan, hit me with the merch message.
Sure thing.
Hello Luke.
Given that the expo hall closes at six, do you think Linus will actually be on time for
the WAN show?
And will we be able to submit merch messages at the store booth at LTX during WAN?
We talked about that, the answer is no.
Well okay, sorry, the answer is yes, we will be on time.
But as for whether people can submit merch messages in person, the answer is no.
Nick actually proposed it to me, he proposed a method by which we could do it where people
would write them down.
There's another way to do it too.
The answer is still no, I just don't think the logistics make sense, and there's going
to be so many, there will literally be thousands if the merch sales are anything like the previous
LTX, and so you're just going to have people tiring out their wrists for essentially nothing
because we're going to get to a small fraction of them.
And it also means that like- If your wrists get tired from that, like maybe
go to physio.
Don't forget about the other people whose wrists might get tired if they have to deal
with that many merch messages.
So it's just for practical reasons, I just don't think it makes any sense.
Alright, hit me again.
About a year ago my brother asked if you would ever make a deodorant.
He has not stopped asking me to ask you again.
Have you had a change of heart?
The reason that I haven't is that when it comes to anything to do with ingesting something
or smearing it all over your skin and potential allergies and liability and- MrBeast, this
is hilarious to me, maybe it's not hilarious to him, but he actually went on the record
recently- Hold on, I'm just going to make sure that this is actually true, not just
something I heard.
Good idea.
Someone in full plane chat though, I don't know how to say it, K-chir-paj, sorry, K-C-H-E-R-P-J.
K-chir-paj, it says legal minefields, and yeah, agreed.
Oh okay, June 17th, MrBeast announced the end of MrBeast Burger.
So there you go.
What I had actually heard before that is that he would close it down if he could or something
along those lines and I told you so?
And it's funny because his tweet about it is almost word for word exactly what I said.
You can't guarantee the quality of the order and when you're working with other restaurants
it's impossible to control, whereas he's finding feastables much more manageable, which is
great and just the liability of a thing people eat that you have no direct control over the
quality of is just terrifying to me.
And even if it is something prepackaged, whether it's a feastables or a deodorant, I'm not
saying never.
Anything is possible in the future, it just gives me the heebie-jeebies, man.
Like I saw Beast Burger and I just went, that's wild, good luck.
I hope, I really hope actually that it's a huge success and you make lots of money and
people get a lot of delicious food and all of this goes well, but I just, it's not something
that I'm exploring, it's not something I plan to explore, that's kind of what we talked
But Eddie Burback has a actually very, very good video on these ghost restaurants that
do stuff like Beast Burger or whatever else, they make a bunch, like there'll be one restaurant
that isn't actually a restaurant, it's a warehouse somewhere that no one can actually go to and
they just create food for these various customers, which are not like you, it's some brand that
wants to have their name out there.
And they'll have options that are like hot wings and they make the exact same hot wings
for like 27 different restaurants if you're ordering through an app on your phone.
So there is no difference in a lot of cases, unless you're ordering from established restaurants
that have storefronts.
There's a bunch of them around here actually.
Yeah, one of the ways to figure it out is Google Maps the address.
Yeah, I mean, I think if we ever did a food establishment, I think I've talked to you
about this before, I would want there to be some kind of like really fun gimmick.
I remember pitching one.
Oh yeah, we had a bunch of different ideas.
Yeah, I pitched one to you a long time ago where the idea was that everything was like
really messy to eat and it was supposed to be like a great place to go for our first
Date night, yeah.
Just to be an icebreaker so that everyone is going to be awkward and there's kind of
like nothing you can do about it.
So like the sandwiches are all definitely too tall to like fit in your mouth.
Like don't give you a knife so you can't cut it.
The spaghetti bowl is literally one long noodle.
And you have a spoon.
And you have a spoon.
You know, like intentionally going hard mode.
Just you know.
We discussed too, like loot box.
Get some laughs.
Yeah, we did.
We talked about that as well.
You have to order like, you order like a veggie and a protein and what comes out is just what
comes out.
And we try to bring out like really random weird stuff for fun.
Yeah, I think something like that would be really fun, but the only way that I would
do something like that would be if I had direct oversight and you know I look at how
hard it is to control the quality of a video.
And the risk associated with delivering you know a video that has some deficiency that
I'm not happy with.
And then I look at food and I'm like yeah man, I don't know.
Kind of terrifying.
That's pretty, that's pretty tough.
That's pretty tough.
I think I just, I think I just won't do that.
Anyway, you know what, the thing about Jimmy is that you can't deny his passion.
He's excited, he wants to build things, he wants to try things, and I think a lot of
people forget that he is really young.
We talked about this when we did that topic like a few months ago.
It was like Mr. Beast for president or something like that.
He's really young.
I think his heart's in the right place.
I don't think he did any of this with the intention of screwing anyone over or anything
like that.
Well, when he first started Beast Burger, people were asking for companies like his
to show up to save restaurants.
And then it shifted, that whole conversation shifted to like oh, now you're killing restaurants
because there's like too many of these ghost restaurant things and it's reducing orders
from normal, legitimized restaurants and like all this, yeah.
Just because the conversation changed doesn't mean that it was one thing at one time.
So yeah, I don't know.
There's a lot of support for Beast Burger when it first popped up.
I've got people saying he's got too much money and doesn't know what to do with it.
No, he doesn't.
I think he knows what to do with it.
Yeah, he knows exactly what to do with it.
Build his business and it's not too much.
I don't think someone like that could have too much.
Like obviously, like too eventually, yes.
Right now, no.
I actually believe that he is dumping most of what he brings in right back into the business
to make the most compelling content that appeals to his audience.
All right.
Oh, another merch message.
Last one for you guys.
You hinted at getting an x-ray machine for labs.
I repair them and take images of my tools for testing, but I wish I could bring my camera
or a printer in.
What would you want to get imaged first?
Oh, wow.
What would I image in an x-ray machine?
I mean, I think we'd have to do something totally self-serving like the screwdriver.
Oh, sorry.
To send out a promoted tweet or something like that.
Yeah, that'd be sweet.
I want to jump back temporarily to the previous topic.
That Eddie Burback video, he went into a lot of things that were really interesting and
something that you were just talking about with food quality and being unable to ensure
One of the problems with the ubiquitousness of all these crazy ghost restaurants going
all over the place is that food and drug associations are having a really hard time doing investigations
for food quality for restaurants when they can't even figure out what the address for
these places are because a lot of times the address listed isn't even correct.
You would have to be a delivery driver to get the actual proper address to know where
to pick it up, and that makes it really, really hard for these places to go do food inspection
when they can't even find the damn restaurant.
So yeah, that was kind of a big deal.
I haven't watched it in a while, but it's a great video.
You should check it out.
What would your choice of food product for us be?
I already know my answer, so if you need some time, I can do mine.
Do yours.
I have no idea.
Who would like to make the tastiest, crunchiest, perfectest breakfast cereal?
Oh, that's pretty good.
I was not on that track, but that's pretty good.
That lines up with what I wanted because I was going to say it should be something that
isn't fresh so we could sell it through LTT store effectively and ship it.
The problem is that breakfast cereal is bulky.
Who's going to buy breakfast cereal online?
That's stupid.
That's totally a whole...
They literally sponsor us.
I don't know, like twice.
Are they still around?
Oh, okay.
It's a very challenging business.
The one that I know of has been around for quite a while.
When you're up against a $4 box of Lucky Charms or whatever in the grocery store, it's a lot
more than that now.
Well, hold on a second.
Grocery prices in general.
Canadian, yes.
It's like seven Canadian dollars now, but in the U.S. I bet it's still cheap.
I always just assume things cost nothing in the U.S. and that has changed a lot over the
last few years, so sometimes my assumptions can end up a little bit out of whack.
Lucky Charms cereal.
Okay, here we go.
It also depends on the size.
Yeah, you can get Lucky Charms for like five bucks.
Yeah, but that's...
How many grams?
That's family size.
Oh, okay.
It's America.
I looked up for...
Oh, America.
Okay, yeah.
Here's a 10.5 ounce for $4.
I am not...
You can get...
I am not Bill Gates.
Yeah, but that's USD.
Thinking bananas are seven dollars.
I thought you were talking...
I thought you were talking about Canadian.
I win!
I was right!
You can get a box of Lucky Charms in Canada for five bucks, but it's 300 grams.
Yeah, that's...
So that's one bowl for Linus.
Yeah, yeah.
He eats the big cereal.
No, no.
That's not how I do that anymore.
No, now that's like four bowls that I pour in little tiny portions so that I can eat
it as crunchily as possible.
Okay, so the Strat has improved, but the volume's the same at the end.
Enjoy the Strat.
I will give you that.
Yeah, probably the worst cereal for me is Honeycomb.
Have you ever eaten a bowl of Honeycomb?
It just like immediately sogs, doesn't it?
No, well, it's not that.
No, no, it's fine because I just pour like a tiny quarter of a bowl and eat it.
I just mean the sheer volume of it that you can eat in one sitting because it's basically
Oh, yeah, absolutely.
It's like air.
It's like what can you eat more of, Honeycomb or like lettuce?
You know, like I don't know, celery.
I could actually, like I probably couldn't consume celery fast enough for my body to
process it or for my body to fall behind in processing it.
Like it would be wild.
I could just sit on the toilet and eat celery for the rest of my life in one end, out the
There's a visual for you.
Still green.
And if they could like genetically engineer a long enough celery, you could just stuff
it all the way through.
Tori asks, the big question is cereal or milk first?
No, it isn't.
That is not a question.
Okay, when you're doing these four bowls.
Cereal is food.
Do you drink the milk?
You decide how much food you eat and then you put the appropriate accompanying amount
of milk.
Are you drinking the milk between every bowl?
No, I don't have to because I absolutely nail the amount of milk every time.
This man is a god.
Get absolutely fucking wrecked.
I'm in awe of him.
You also have to monitor, you have to balance as you go.
If you can tell, oh man, I took a really, that one bite at the beginning was like loaded
with Honey Nut Cheerios.
It's amazing how many Honey Nut Cheerios you can fit on one spoon.
Oh, that early bite.
Okay, I get like two Cheerios on this thing of milk.
I get like three Cheerios on this one.
Okay, we got this.
Okay, more Cheerios.
Let's go.
Anyway, what would be your food item?
I'm really struggling with this because- Yeah, that's like putting dressing in a bowl
and then like adding lettuce to it.
Fucking stupid.
That's the best argument to that ever.
That's from Conrad in the Floatplane chat.
That is pretty good.
So good.
That is good.
Like you would actually never be beta enough to do that.
Croutons or ranch first?
You put the dressing, then you put the croutons, then you finally put the greens.
It's all the croutons who say soggy before you get to eat.
It's just the worst possible way.
You're just scooping up ranch from the bottom of the plate.
It's terrible.
It's like, yeah, I'm just gonna put some actual cheese in a skillet and I'm just gonna melt
I'm gonna put bread on it after a grilled cheese sandwich because I'm an idiot.
Sort of in a way, some places do that because they'll take a cheese wheel, cut it in half,
grill the flat side, and then shrink onto bread.
That is a thing that happens.
I think they also cook the bread though, to be fair.
That's good.
I don't know.
I can't really think of anything because how many non-perishable things-
I would have thought you would do a really good protein bar or something like that.
I was thinking- someone in the chat said protein powder and I was like, no.
I was kind of thinking some form of snack bar that isn't trash for you because I very
recently looked at what's in Cliff bars and was highly disappointed.
I'm sorry, Cliff.
Sorry, Cliff and Joe and Sammy.
I feel like that's such a saturated market.
That has to have already been done.
But I don't know.
In this hypothetical scenario, if we could make one that was better-
I mean, cereal's been done.
Chocolate bars have been done.
Yeah, fair enough.
I definitely don't want to do a chocolate bar.
But yeah, if we could do a protein bar that tasted good and wasn't trash for you and had
good macros, that'd be cool.
I'd be willing to do a chocolate bar, but it would have to be absolutely fucking incredible.
I just don't want to put in the work to do that.
I'm one of those people who, if there's chocolate in the house, if it's not Lindor, I'm just
not going to eat it.
Bad chocolate is actually just not worth it at all.
Not calorie worthy.
It's interesting that you chose Lindor.
Why do you think?
Is it the taste or the texture?
It's the texture.
I'm a texture person.
I prefer Lindor because of the texture by a massive amount.
And I always put them in the freezer first.
I won't even eat them warm.
Very good.
Very good.
So good.
Because then you can suck on them for longer.
I know Lindor is kind of trash.
It's high-end trash, but I'm not willing to spend the kind of money that real good chocolate
If you give me one of those 70% cocoa bars, I'm like, oh, they're like nine dollars each
or whatever.
It's never going to happen.
It's not going to do that.
I heard, and this is the one thing that has made me want to break diet really bad because
I want to try it.
Remember fruit roll-ups?
Was it fruit roll-ups?
Fruit by the foot?
Fruit roll-ups?
Not fruit by the foot.
Fruit roll-ups, particularly.
Which one?
So it was kind of like a sheet.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
With all the little shapes that you could poke out of the sheet.
And you can poke the shapes out, but it was like a sheet.
Apparently it has some, and it was originally intended to be this way and they're just like,
no one did it, so they didn't bother advertise like this.
But apparently it reacts with cold in a very particular way.
So the idea is you put ice cream on it and then wrap the fruit roll-up around the ice
cream and it makes it really crunchy.
Yeah, okay.
I could see that.
So you, and like, but like significantly more than you would expect.
And it becomes hard.
So you, you bite on it and it like crystallize or something to a certain degree, I think.
And it's supposed to just be like amazing.
And I want to try it, but I don't even know like where I would buy a fruit roll-up.
People are so just like disconnected sometimes.
Box in Buddha says Lindor is actually one of the lowest quality chocolates.
Have you ever had an advent calendar chocolate?
Dude, you can get lint advent calendars.
I know you can't, but most of them are not.
There's chocolate that actually tastes, maybe, maybe you're from Europe or something like
that would explain it.
But over here in North America land, we have chocolate that actually tastes more like plastic
than cocoa.
Oh, it's so bad.
A lot of it.
Like really a lot.
You are, you are objectively wrong.
It is not one of the lowest.
It just isn't one of the highest.
A hundred percent.
It's like the KitchenAid of chocolate.
I always use KitchenAid as a reference.
Like Hankles.
It's like the high quality, like, but like still very mainstream brand and you could
like definitely get better stuff.
For sure.
We've got other people backing me up here.
Chocolate sucks in Canada.
A hundred percent.
Someone said fruit roll ups are available commonly in all grocery stores in the US.
Yeah, I hear that.
But you got to do to, you got to do the perimeter strategy to stay away from the bad stuff at
the grocery stores.
Just only go around the outside.
I never really thought about that.
I'm trying, I'm thinking about the layout of like the local superstore.
So you walk in and it's not quite perimeter because the entire right side of the store
is ghost town.
That's superstore though.
Which has like, uh, like housewares and like clothes, like cheap clothes and like crap
like that.
But then, and I think like the cosmetics and like, um, pharmacy and stuff are over there.
Do they have a pharmacy?
I don't know.
They definitely have like personal, personal care products and stuff.
But if you go straight in, it's veggies.
You go straight to the back, you end up in cheese and then, um, meat land, then seafood.
Then you come down this side, it's, uh, juices, dairy, um, different cheese, uh, like not
deli cheese, like, like packaged cheese, if I recall correctly.
Then you end up in the bakery and then you end up at the till.
So you don't see, and I'm trying to think of a, again, layout.
So you've got all your soft drinks.
You don't see the like soft drinks, like cleaning supplies, uh, pet supplies.
And then I think it goes into, well, you miss baking supplies though.
That one is a little, and, and all the, we don't bake cause the birds, all the ethnic
isles are in there as well.
So all the like, uh, Mexican Southeast Asian, uh, Indian, I do dip in because I need, I,
I, the amount of hot sauce that I go through is absurd.
So I go in to get hot sauce bottles, sriracha shortage treating you by the way, I do Frank's
red hot, extra hot.
So you don't like everything.
Jake's like super, super torn up about it.
Frank's red hot, extra hot specifically.
There's like very few actual total ingredients.
All the ingredients are chill.
Um, and it, the, I find when it's extra hot, I don't have to use quite as much.
Um, I, I do, I really like the Frank's red hot, uh, what is it lime and something else
at all.
You already, you had me at lime, so it's so good.
It just makes everything you're eating tastes like Mexican.
I'm a boring Tabasco boy.
Classic Tabasco.
My problem is I've read peppers and vinegar salt.
That's all it's it.
I've been eating my like really boring standard set up for so long that to, to not be bored
out of my mind, I basically have to melt my face off.
So I just, the entire top of it is just nice.
Sometimes I will complete with extra hot as well, not the normal Frank's red with Frank's
red extra hot.
I will completely make the top of the chicken red and then flip it to the bottom.
So going through the rest of my aisles, we've got your breakfast foods that are mostly just
like the story of how oatmeal became breakfast food is hilarious.
It's like brilliant marketing because it's essentially gruel, which was like poor people,
garbage food.
Um, and then they're like pretty solid.
Or you can eat it for breakfast.
TV commercials.
Let's go.
Lobster also used to be poor people food.
There you go.
They would serve it in prisons.
And then cereal aisle.
I can't miss the cereal aisle.
So cereal aisle for the grocery store that I go to is, uh, like the shelves for it are
right along the milk, which kind of makes sense to me.
So you don't actually have to go to the inside.
Not super store.
And then after cereal aisle, there's like the natural food aisles, uh, which I can't,
they just taste so bad.
All of them, literally all of them.
And then it's like ice cream and frozen goods and then, and then you're, and then you're
back over to, to, uh, cheese and juices and milk and butter and all that kind of stuff.
So you got to dip in sometimes.
I miss out on a lot.
I find like the hot sauce, I know what aisle it's in and I know what end of that aisle
it's in.
So, you know, you can remove a lot of temptation by just going to only that aisle and only
as far in as you need to go.
Cause a lot of the aisles, it's like, it feels like it's almost designed to get you
lost in trying to find the right thing and getting stuck in the middle of the store and
ended up adding a whole bunch of impulse purchases cause you're probably hungry cause you're
out shopping.
Um, so yeah, got some stuff from float plane chat.
VNG supernova says gruel is not oatmeal.
It's far more watery and has no milk.
Um, most of the time we make oatmeal without milk here.
So this is one, this might be one of those things where it's just like a cultural difference.
Um, I've never had oatmeal made with milk cream of wheat.
Uh, but even that has instructions on the side of the box for how to make it with water
as well.
So I guess we're just like disgusting most oatmeal that I've had.
The vast majority of it has been with water.
Um, but yes, yes, yes.
More watery, but then it's still fundamentally the same thing.
It's just watered down.
Um, and then, uh, Thysios says apparently lobster was ground up shell and everything.
So not quite the same as what's eaten today.
Yeah, but it's still like, I mean, it's still lobster, but like with the shell.
That's gotta be kind of rough.
Like the antennas and stuff like, I don't know.
Do they even rip those off?
I have no idea.
Probably not.
Um, yeah.
GM Shippo says I'm American.
Always used milk.
That's the thing about America too though is you guys are like so regional dependent.
Oh yeah.
Like you can go one County over in Murica land and foods.
I'm not in Kansas anymore.
They make pizza in a completely different way now.
Oh yeah.
Like, Oh, that kind of pizza, that kind of pizza sucks.
This is the kind of pizza.
All right, dude.
I thought it was just bread and tomato sauce and like, you know, whatever you want to put
on it.
Just calm down.
No, no, no, no, no, no.
People don't eat cereal with water.
Calm down.
Twitch chat.
Um, oatmeal, oatmeal, like, like the cooked oatmeal.
Um, yeah.
Like breakfast cereal.
A cold breakfast cereal with water would be something spectacularly awful.
I really think you'd have to pry my milk from my cold dead hands at this point.
I will never drink a glass of milk, but I I've tried cereal with milk substitutes and
it is everyone who says it's the same.
It's not the same is, um, I was on a very particular brand of almond milk for a while
and it was not the same, but I liked it cause it had vanilla stuff in it.
I don't like vanilla.
Oh, so that's really tough.
So we found a thing.
I like vanilla and I like ketchup chips.
So we, we do actually disagree about some things.
It's very rare that we disagree on, on food, but it's very, we can pretty much order for
each other at restaurants though.
Should we do it?
Should we do it?
Should we do it?
Oh, we're on two to three topics again.
You have been for 10 minutes.
What were we doing?
Were we doing merch messages?
I think you've been answering a merch message for the last 20 minutes.
I just turn out after a while.
We're doing Glorbo comes to World of Warcraft.
Let's go.
The best update WoW has ever had.
We promised the people.
World of Warcraft players on Reddit have successfully honey potted an AI bot that was scraping
forums for community discussions to remix into news stories without human input.
On Thursday, a post about a fake new feature called Glorbo became rapidly upvoted with
many users adding their own comments about absurd fake features that were supposed supposedly
being added to the game.
Soon after an article about WoWs about the WoW community's excitement for Glorbo appeared
on Z leagues gaming news site, the portal, which incorporated several nonsensical quotes
taken directly from the subreddit.
It was listed under the byline of Lucy Reed, who published 83 articles yesterday.
Wow, Lucy.
You go girl.
More like Lucy right.
The article has since been.
It was okay.
Where's my ding?
That was awesome.
Did you say something?
Where's the punching bot?
I actually was not listening.
I'm so sorry.
Oh my goodness.
The article has since been removed, but it's available in archived form.
Z league has posted 18,512 articles in just over two months or an average of 241 articles
a day talking about fishing for virality.
Oh man.
Definitely going viral.
We're talking about it.
The original Reddit post was fantastic.
I'm so excited.
I'll bring it up.
I'll bring it up.
The title is I'm so excited they finally introduced Glorbo.
Honestly, this new feature makes me so happy.
I just really want some major bot operated news websites to publish an article about
I have to say, since they started hinting at Hearthstone in 1994, it was obvious they
would introduce Glorbo to World of Warcraft sooner or later.
I feel like Dragonflight has been win after win so far.
When they brought back Chen Stormstout as the boss at the end of New Karazhan, absolutely
I want you to comment below what new features and stories you want to see in the future.
Maybe you'll be quoted on some trustworthy news websites as well.
Literally in the article, it included the quote of honestly, this new feature makes
me so happy.
I just really want some major bot operated news websites to publish an article about
this that was in the article that was published, which is amazing.
So good.
So so good.
So good.
Is this Glorbo?
Yeah, I was going to ask, is that A.I.R. or is that Glorbo?
That meme, right?
Is this Glorbo?
That's fantastic.
I don't anticipate a new feature, but...
Apparently the original post has been updated, cheering for victory in words that I won't
And talking about how they updated it and pulled it down and stuff like that.
Some players have reservations about the mandatory item click clack and its effect on casual
Oh, man, this is amazing.
Inclusion of clack sigh as a playable phrase.
Oh, man.
All right.
This is this is pretty cool.
That's fantastic.
Good work to everyone involved.
That's a win.
You know what else is a win?
We can apparently refurbish phone screens with lasers.
With freaking laser beams.
Freaking laser beams attached to their heads.
Strange Parts has a video.
And he broke one law of Linus already.
He starts his video with so.
But otherwise, otherwise, this looks absolutely flippin amazing.
They are repairing OLED screens that have bad lines in them using a laser.
You guys, I'm not going to show you much of this because I want you to go watch it.
Watch the video from Scotty.
Hey, he's coming to LTX, right?
Yeah, I think so.
Scotty's going to be at LTX.
Is that the last one?
We want to make sure we I mean, we would do this for anyone, but we want to make sure
we support him.
We're not just like playing his video for you.
But basically, they don't have to disassemble the device.
They don't even have to turn it off.
It can't fix glass or flex cables, but it can eliminate lines on screens and fix issues
with the middle OLED layer.
Our discussion question is, if this technique turns out to be economical, what would that
mean for the refurbishment market?
And I think the answer is fairly straightforward.
It would be freaking awesome.
Yeah, absolutely.
That seems to be like the goal.
They talked a lot in the video, which you should go watch, about how there's, you know,
improvements coming.
They talk about what type of improvements and whatnot.
Activision restores servers for retro Call of Duty games.
Activision has restored the multiplayer servers for its Xbox 360 era Call of Duty games.
Over 200,000 gamers played these decade-old COD titles over the past weekend, outnumbering
the players for Halo Infinite and Battle 2042 combined, probably quite easily.
By midweek, five of the top 10 best-selling games on the Xbox store were 360-era Call
of Duty games, with number one being 2012's Black Ops 2.
It appears that Activision has neglected to enact fixes for long-known exploits that enable
rampant hacking.
Fixes for these bugs were available in multiple popular community-run servers that Activision
had shut down back in May, as we reported on WAN Show.
Which is kind of a freaking joke.
Our discussion question is, well, there's one thing, but there's also some other things.
I mean, I think there's a lot to kind of break down here.
One is, hey, you guys need to actually not shut down older gaming experiences.
Two, you don't get to just allow communities to do a bunch of work to keep your game alive
and then capitalize on it, while also throwing away the work that they did that made the
game better while you had completely abandoned your stewardship of it.
And three, our discussion question that's actually written in here is, I guess those
weren't really discussions, that was like, you suck, Activision.
What does it mean that modern games are getting beat out by decades-old titles in this way?
It means that modern games are not actually fun.
Dude, you should play Battlebit.
Did you ever like Battlefield?
I never got into a Battlefield game.
Yeah, okay, so then maybe not.
But Battlebit is actually like, I haven't had fun, actual genuine fun, in Battlefield
since probably Battlefield 4.
And Battlefield 4 felt like a step back from Battlefield 3, but I really liked Battlefield 3.
Battlebit is the first time that I've played a game in that format since then that I actually enjoyed.
And it's good, it's fun.
The graphics are trash, it feels like you're playing Roblox.
But it doesn't matter, and I think I've talked about this on Wansho before and it drives
people nuts, but now I have really good proof.
What really matters is, is the game freaking fun or not?
I don't care.
The amount of my brain that gives an F that the graphics in Battlebit are trash is near
zero when I'm very much enjoying playing the game.
I think for a single player game, I'd feel a little bit differently about it.
But for a competitive game, I'd rather a really well-balanced game that's not full of cheaters,
and then novel gameplay mechanics is kind of here, and then you've got a positive community.
I can live without that if the game is really fun.
And then down here somewhere is graphics, is visual fidelity, right?
And single player experiences, I would almost argue that graphics become more of a chance
of being important, but I don't think they always are.
I think there's plenty of single player experiences that don't have that fantastic graphics, but
because the game's great, I don't really care.
But I do also think that if graphics are amazing in a single player experience, that it can
add a lot more to my enjoyment than it can in a multiplayer setting.
Yeah, like Slapshot Rebound has crap graphics, but it's just dumb fun.
So who cares?
Just run around and whack things.
We actually got annoyed when the graphics got more in-depth, because there's one way
that you can make sure your head's invisible, and we're like, that's stupid.
Yeah, well, that's a cosmetics issue.
I don't know if that's a visual fidelity issue.
Oh, fair enough.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
But yeah, someone said Minecraft is the best-selling game of all time.
Though Minecraft also can look really good.
You can get really insane graphics packs for it, but by default, it doesn't.
World School Runescape gang represent.
People still play World School Runescape.
People play all these retro games.
Man, graphics can make something that's already amazing, like Amazing Plus.
But it doesn't make something amazing.
I don't know.
I can't remember a single game that I was like, yeah, I loved that game because the
graphics were so great.
I don't think that's ever happened.
I might love a game and be like, yeah, and I really like how great the graphics are,
but I love the game because of certain gameplay features.
I wouldn't say graphics, but I could say I could love a game just based on a visual style.
Even though I ended up not finishing it because there were gameplay issues, Fantasian is beautiful,
and I just liked exploring the environments.
One thing that I really like about Assassin's Creed Odyssey is I think the setting of being
in Greece and the graphical fidelity that they had at this point in time, the development
process being in Greece is just a very beautiful landscape to be in.
And there have been times when I've just goofed around playing a game like Far Cry,
which at the time was groundbreaking in terms of what it looked like and just looking at
the water and the landscapes.
I feel like we're kind of past that now, though.
I'm going to think of something more recent then.
Because that was totally a thing at one point, but I feel like it's kind of past that.
It was definitely part of Breath of the Wild for me, even though the graphics are not amazing,
but the art style was beautiful.
I feel like the importance of graphics, I've heard a lot of conversation about making games
these days is so hard because, and then a huge amount of reasons, but a lot of them
being graphics and how expensive it is to have extremely fantastic graphics.
It's like, well.
It's going to get cheap.
It's going to get really cheap and Valve's going to eventually come up with a policy
that somehow allows them to allow AI generated assets in games without exposing themselves
to legal liability and they're not going to care after that and then, man, we are going
to get some amazing, amazing visual fidelity in games with shockingly low budgets that
combined with over the next, let's say, I'm going to give a five year timeline for this.
I think that's pretty generous.
We're going to see procedurally, or not procedurally, but we're going to see artificially generated
We're going to see artificially generated textures.
We're going to see worlds and environments that are generated but then tweaked and then
we're going to see, I hope, if all goes according to what I think would be the ideal scenario
for single A and double A developers to compete with the visual fidelity fests that have become
triple A multi hundred million dollar budget games these days, I think we're going to see,
I hope we're going to see a refocusing on writing and storytelling.
Who knows, maybe the gaming industry would be a great place for all those WGA folks to
Just, I mean, throwing it out there just to kind of, you know, wild idea if there was
like a scrappy developer that was looking to do an incredibly, incredible story driven
game, I'd love to see more focus on that.
So that's the one part of this that I'm saying I would like to see.
Everything else is more of just what I think is going to happen.
And then that combined with what will become the ubiquity of ray tracing capable graphics
hardware in that time.
That's why I'm giving it a five year timeline because I think a lot of what I'm talking
about could be happening today.
It could take a while.
But you're going to need, like if you're going to try and build something with just like,
you know, random generated assets, you're not going to be able to implement a lot of
the tricks that developers have had to use to create a really immersive environment,
Whereas with ray traced lighting, well, all of a sudden, all you have to do is say, okay,
I need lanterns and I'm going to put them here, here, here.
These are my light sources.
I mean, looking at what they did with, was it oblivion?
I think it was with RTX remix.
Oh man.
There's so many things I want to address from chat right now.
So cool.
There's been a few, if I remember correctly, there's a black flag update and a unity update.
And I think it was also oblivion.
They're all getting like RTX remix updates.
Well, I don't think oblivion was actually getting one.
It was just a demo that Nvidia did.
Oh, okay.
Was it Morrowind?
I think so.
No, it was oblivion.
Here we go.
Or wait.
Oh no, it is.
It's Morrowind here.
Oh, but it didn't actually get it?
No, no, no.
Stills look, still looks.
No, no, no, no.
It's not on yet.
So this is the capture tool and then they go through and show the AI texture tools.
Oh, I remember this.
But they didn't give it to us.
Give it to me.
And then they do lighting and then, man, and then it starts to look really cool.
Let me have it.
Custom assets.
This is, this is pretty wild.
This is, this is worth watching.
Oh, let's see if it, yeah, here we go.
RTX remix.
Like that's wild.
That is fricking Morrowind sort of.
Xbox original game?
Like really?
Like OG Xbox original?
So I'm imagining this future where you'll have, you know, single A or even indie developers
that are building games that have this kind of graphical fidelity because they just for
better or for worse are able to generate assets based on the, you know, library of work that
came before them, whether legitimately built on or not.
And if valve doesn't find a way to make this work, another marketplace will come and we'll
eat their lunch.
I think this is disruptive enough that if there's a game that is compelling enough,
people will go to some other storefront and they'll buy it.
I mean, look at, um, okay.
Escape from Tarkov would be a great example of this before they totally screwed it up.
People went and they downloaded their launcher.
There's some, Oh no.
Are there updates?
Uh, sort of, not sort of, but not really.
They have a leaderboard out for like, you know, like best KD, most profit per run, different
things like that.
And they launched it and there's all these names on it and stuff and you see some ratios
and some stats there and you're like, wow, that looks really fishy.
Users brought up there the last time they did a leaderboard because they've done this
before and they had, it's probably on the Escape from Tarkov subreddit, but I'd have
to dig it up.
But it showed all the people that had been banned off of the leaderboard and out of the
top 100, there's like five left.
I want to see it.
I want to see if I can find it.
That is ridiculous.
I suspect it's going to be too hard to dig up now.
I can do a quick topic while you look for that.
Well, one sec, I want to address some, some full plain comments really quick.
One person, not angry Scotsman said crisis was only really well known because of the
graphics memes.
Crisis was actually a very fun game to be honest.
I think it was a great game and it also had just mind bogglingly crazy graphics.
And Far Cry was really fun too.
Far Cry is a really good game.
I actually replayed it not that long ago and really enjoyed it and I didn't realize it
until quite late in the game, but part of the reason I was enjoying it at my current
skill level compared to when I was 17 or 18 or whatever, when it came out, is that
the AI is bound to your frame rate.
So because I was playing it at such a higher frame rate, the enemies were really hard.
I was like, yeah, this is like a hard game.
Like I remember this game being hard, but like, why is it still hard?
I'm pretty sure I'm better at this than I was when I was a kid.
And then the other comment that, that made me want to jump was Avon Fox had 100 hours
gameplay versus two hours movie watch.
Games are way better value for the cost to make.
And this is, this is a very slippery slope argument in my opinion, because I don't think
we're there right now, but there was a point in time in gaming where games were essentially
sold off of their 200 hour campaign off of their game time.
And having 200 hours of garbage is significantly worse than having two hours of just rock while
You should value your own time.
That is important.
One of my favorite shooters of all time, potentially my favorite shooter single player experience
of all time is Titanfall 2.
It's like six hours, six to eight hours, but it's just quality.
They make sure that if they introduce a new mechanic before you're tired of it, it's gone.
What is that?
That noise is the overflow pump for the air conditioner.
Okay, so everything's okay.
And you even see game developers tacitly acknowledging this, right?
Like Square, Square Enix, for example, they did remasters of, or like pixel remasters
of some of their older games and they include quality of life features like turning off
random encounters.
I remember as a kid feeling like some of those environments were enormous.
The floating continent felt like continental sized, not because there was a ton of room
on a SNES cartridge, but because every time you took three steps, you were fighting some
stupid random encounter that was capable of wiping you out because you were 10 and it
was hard, right?
So these games come back and it's like, yeah, you can just like do 9,999 damage anytime
you want because we know this stuff is actually kind of boring and you can just explore the
If I was to give that game to my kids, Final Fantasy VI is the one that I enjoyed the most
personally, if I was to give that game to my kids, I would absolutely give them the
pixel remaster.
They don't need to fight that boss battle nine times to have the fun that I did and
to experience the story that I did.
So I'm going to share my screen really quick.
I found it.
So I don't know a hundred percent what EXP rating means in this frame, but these are
the top 100 Tarkov players for EXP rating.
If their name is a dash, see how you can see this name right here, if the name is a dash,
they're banned.
You can't see behind our frame here right now, but it's all dashes for that section
of the leaderboard.
We go here, there's three names.
That's good.
All of the rest of them are dashes.
We go here, there's a few more, there's five, six names.
All the rest of them are dashes, four, all the rest are dashes.
It's just like, man.
Now that was the old leaderboards, but if you take a gander at the new leaderboards,
it feels like it might be going in the same direction because there's a few things on
there that are like, hmm, this person's like, the ratios on some things are just very,
very odd.
And either the Escape from Tarkov client is like calculating things incorrectly or things
are not exactly above board.
So elemental exposure, there is a chrono trigger sequel.
It's called Chrono Cross D boss.
My final fantasy six growing up was Mario RPG.
Oh my God.
Have you seen the remake?
Mario RPG?
Legend of the Seven Stars remake.
Nintendo's going to get my money again.
Got them.
It appears to be a super-
One month ago.
It appears to be a super true to the original remake, which is fine because the game was
already perfect.
Wait for it.
So that was the original SNES graphics.
And so they've done a bunch of stuff here that may or may not be designed to mislead
But essentially, from what they've shown, look, even the way that he moves around in
the environment, how it's, I forget what this view is called, isometric or whatever.
Yeah, like you've got your-
Like the grid-based movement is true to the original game.
This looks great.
I would play this.
Have you ever played Legend of the Seven Stars?
Technically I own it, but I have not played it.
It's really good.
It's really good.
You should play it.
And it's one of those games where, honestly, other than a couple of modern gaming comforts,
I just don't really see what they would need to change about it.
It's not very challenging.
It's more just like, as an adult, you just play through it.
As a kid, it was hard, but yeah, it's so good.
So good.
There's a couple more topics that we have to do before we do Man After Dark because
we did tease them.
Meta has cancelled the Quest Pro and reportedly stopped all development on the Quest Pro 2.
Their plan is to continue to build Quest Pro headsets only as long as current stock lasts
When they launched it in October of 2022, it was criticized for its awkward fit along
the forehead, its cheap feel, and its underwhelming software platform.
Apparently, by January, Meta had already told its suppliers that no further components for
the Quest Pro would be needed, even before dropping the price from $1,500 to $1,000 in
Our discussion question is what's behind the lack of enthusiasm for Meta's more expensive
VR headsets?
And I think the answer is that they just didn't offer a compelling value add over Meta's
entry-level headsets.
I also think they've just been going in the wrong direction.
What would be better?
I think Apple's approach is going to be better.
I think Apple didn't go quite full bore enough for what I would personally like to see, but
I feel like they are prepping everybody for it adequately by having that attached battery.
That stacking all of your battery and your compute hanging off the front of your face
is just like actually stupid.
Why are we still doing this?
With the amount of money that you're investing in this, how did you not know this was dumb?
Come on.
I am very appreciative of Apple, which is a statement that I feel like I don't say all
that often, but for having this tether, which is not going to be very annoying because it's
a tether that is contained on you, and moving that battery weight off of the device, that's
a huge benefit, and eventually if we can take compute off as well, fantastic.
That's one of the reasons I still use my index, because most of the new headsets that have
taken advantage of the lightening of the displays and the housings and the lenses and then gone,
yeah, now we can put more other crap there.
More stuff still in front of your face.
I haven't seen a genuinely compelling enough device to move to from the index this whole time.
And that's a problem.
That's a mistake.
I think they're just absolutely going in the wrong direction.
Big screen beyond has a lot of potential.
My problem with it is that I can't get it working.
I sent them, I think I sent them?
Now that I think about it, I haven't heard back in a while, which is pretty unusual for
something like this.
Let me just see if I actually ever pressed send on this.
Oh, oh no.
I never, I never sent the email.
Oh crap.
You know what I think it was is normally, or it used to be when you uploaded a YouTube
video, you could get the link to it before it was done processing.
But oh wait, this has 33 views though.
Did I, did I not send it?
Uh, okay.
I don't know.
Do you link internally?
Uh, I don't think so.
Well, I will send that to them.
So I'm the one who, wait, they emailed today.
How was this not, uh, um, yeah.
Ever since they cut ties with, with Palmer Locky, I, oh wait, I don't think they've really
been going in the right direction.
Oh shoot.
No, they replied to me.
What the heck?
Why are there, their emails are getting automatically marked red.
Uh, okay.
Uh, oh, this is awkward.
I just sent them the same video again.
Ignore last email.
I will try tonight.
Um, I will mark that unread.
Uh, cool.
Uh, yeah, I just can't get it working.
So I sent them this video of doing everything that they told me to do, supposedly it's supposed
to just work.
And then the first time, the first headset I had, it worked other than that, whenever
I had OBS active, the mic wouldn't work coming out of the headset.
And I was like, well, this doesn't work because I wanted to stream because it was still under
embargo for reviews, but you were allowed to stream with that.
I'm like, how on earth am I supposed to stream with it?
They're like, we've never seen that bug before.
No idea.
They sent me another one that's apparently better in some other ways as well.
And they were like, okay, try this one.
And then it just didn't work at all.
And so I sent them, um, this video that I recorded where I'm basically like, yep, here's
my drivers.
Here's um, the latest version of Steam VR.
Here's the headset definitely plugged in correctly.
Here's me doing absolutely everything you told me to do.
And it doesn't work at all.
Um, so based on their email, it might be something to do with some kind of Bluetooth wakes, something,
something via, uh, um, lighthouse trackers, V2 something.
So hopefully it's, hopefully it's fixed.
And it's pretty promising.
I have some concerns.
I have a bunch of notes on it already, even though I haven't managed to actually, um,
like game for an extended period of time with it.
Like the, the rubber, I feel like they need something a bit more breathable.
They need at least a breathable option, especially because quite a few of the VR experiences
that people are, as far as I can tell right now, really engaging in are like fitness ones.
Especially if you like, if you have a reason to spend a bunch of money on a super lightweight
headset, there's a good chance it's because you're moving around.
Um, because if you can, if you can attach work or health to something, the amount that
people are willing to spend on it just cranks.
If you're like, oh, this could, this can, oh, you're having a hard time getting out
of the house, but you want to be physically active, but you find a lot of the at home,
like calisthenics workout stuff, really boring.
Well, you could like do VR boxing or, or beat saber or whatever.
Now this is going to help me shed weight or do whatever else.
Now I will spend a bunch on this product if it's just for gaming or whatever else, depends
on the person, but I think yeah, your higher likeliness, if you can attach something else
to it.
Corsair bought drop.
Corsair announced they have bought audio and mechanical keyboard company drop.
They apparently don't plan to make any changes before assessing the non keyboard aspects
of drops business.
I have no idea what that even means.
They say drop will remain a separate brand and will continue to handle all existing warranties,
purchases, and customer support requests.
They always companies always say that when they acquire other companies that way for
probably three years and then it will change.
And then the discussion question here is what's the best way to handle acquiring an established
I gotta be honest with you.
I don't know.
We've had a lot of people, even like members of the audience, for example, suggesting that
we buy smaller tech channels to, to, to build the empire.
And I'm kind of sitting here going, why, what would that actually do?
If they were doing great, then wouldn't they just continue doing great if they weren't
doing great, then why do I want them?
Mythical has seen some actual success with that.
Um, fair enough.
I understand and agree with your argument to be honest, but I think there can be exceptions
to the general rule and I think mythical has been hitting pretty well there.
Um, yeah.
Like, Oh man, this is a perfect example from muddy underscore ch in floatplane chat like
logitech and blue mics.
They've gotten to the point now where they aren't even continuing with the blue branding.
That's, that was a weird move.
That's actually kind of stupid.
Yeah, I agree.
Like if you, if you're buying something that's working, why unworking it?
Unless it's a competitor, I guess, but then just make it seem like you're competing.
They could just be buying the IP.
Like I'm sure blue owned a bunch of patents and stuff.
So that's probably true.
It's not that I don't understand it.
I just mean, but you could also just keep selling blue mics and have a distinct identity
for that brand.
All the people working on that were literally already working there and it was working or
why would you, or why did you buy them?
Someone in full plane chat said, or key man in full plane chat said mythical bought smosh
and just sold it back.
That might sound like it was a failure.
I think that's extremely not true though.
I haven't talked to anyone there about the specifics of all of that, but to me it really
seems like mythical stepped into kind of save smosh.
Yeah, that was the vibe I got.
And then when they were ready to take it back over, they were highly accommodating of letting
them take it back over.
It was like very bro move.
And I really respect what was done there.
I don't think that was like a failed business decision.
I don't think you can look at them selling it back as a failure in an, in any other way.
In my opinion, I would look at them selling it back as like a major success.
I think that was very, very cool and good of them.
The whole smosh story is, is very interesting.
Um, yeah, I don't know, but they, and they also invest in, in other, uh, channels as
It's not just smosh.
So yeah.
And in other news, ASUS has taken on the NUC.
So we can still have NUC PCs.
They will just be from ASUS rather than Intel, which is great if you want those and you didn't
want to buy them from any of the other handful of manufacturers that also make Nuc-a-likes.
Very cool.
Don't you love that term?
That's pretty good.
I didn't, I didn't come up with that.
I think it might've been James or something.
Someone else back in the day, millions of military emails leaked by typo and we didn't
tease it.
All right, fine.
You can do it if you want.
I was going to do one after dark.
I think this is hilarious.
I'll try to go through it pretty quick.
Millions of U S military emails have been leaked over the last decade due to a common
typo confusing the U S military, uh, special top level domain dot M I L for dot M L the
top level country domain of Mali.
I don't even bother to go through the rest of this.
I just think that is very funny.
Uh, there's a feature in, uh, in Gmail, Google workspace that warns you if you're emailing
someone that's outside of your workspace, so maybe they need something like that.
Maybe that'll stop them from sending millions of emails to the wrong place.
Um, and I think that's it.
Time for one show after dark.
Let's go after dark time.
You know, you can't say same bad time, same bad channel this week.
Why not?
Cause it's not, Oh, different bad time.
That's right.
When show is going to be during LTX next week.
So it's going to be later, earlier, earlier.
It will be on time, but the next day, Oh, it's on Saturday.
That's right.
Oh no.
When show.
That doesn't count as the streak ending.
I agree.
I was wondering about that.
It's like, do we all fail together?
Are we going down in this ship as one or are we just counting it?
Not a failure.
I like counting it as not a failure because when shows basically Friday, Saturday now
anyway because of how often it bleeds into the next day.
This one's just really late.
It's just extremely late.
You were busy doing and dealing with LTX and so you couldn't make it on time.
I mean, that is sort of accurate, right?
A hundred percent.
Like, yeah, yeah, yeah.
All right.
Hit us, Dan.
All right.
Here we go.
Um, first up, I can't resist a good plushie.
Luke, if you are ever in Denver, I would love to give you a tour of the United Launch Alliance
Testing Lab.
Linus and Dan can come too, but I know Luke loves space stuff.
So I curated this because I needed to tell them to email because I will go.
I will be in Denver for that reason.
I will absolutely attend.
This sounds amazing and I appreciate you reaching out.
Hit up support at fullpoint.com.
This guy shamelessly, shamelessly leveraging his position.
So good.
So good.
Look how little shame he has.
Literally none.
I told Linus last Friday.
Was it Friday?
I don't remember when it was.
Last week sometime.
Um, that I am like my future of travel.
I am a hundred percent planning on it.
Just being, I'm just going to like find cool people in the community that can get me access
to really cool things and just go do that because wow, fantastic.
Oh, good.
Negative shame about this.
I think that's, I think that's accurate.
So excited.
Look at his face.
He's beaming.
Oh, I saw that in the, in the merch message.
Just ask for one.
I was like, yes, that's amazing.
I think there's actually a couple of those.
So you might have another one that you haven't seen yet.
Um, okay.
Up next a high LLD.
Any update on the magnetic cable management gear?
I'm hoping you also do some sort of adhesive backed magnetic pad for people with wood desks.
The update is that right now, I'm speaking, we were talking about a labor action earlier
on in the show and the port of Vancouver is it's been, will they won't they, will they
won't they, will they won't they for the last few days.
But the last time I looked, which was well before the show started today, they were looking
at, um, walking off the job again.
And from what I've heard every day that they are on strike is going to cause multiple days
of delays because of the buildup of shipments.
So we are not going to be getting any shipments of anything until all of that gets resolved.
However, my understanding is that our final production is basically ready to ship or has
shipped already or something.
So that should be launching sometime in the near future.
And yes, it will include adhesive backed metal plates that, um, have holes in them.
So the idea is that you basically put the backing thing or you put the metal plate onto
the magnet, stick it exactly where you want it to go.
The adhesive holds it in place while you slide the magnet off.
If you pull it off, they're so strong, it might pull the adhesive backing off, then
you screw it in and then it is permanently installed.
I'm really excited about that product, but unfortunately I don't have an exact timeline
to share it this time.
Any new float plane features that are coming up in the pipeline that you're excited about?
Oh yeah, the new player.
Check out the new player.
It's on the beta site.
You can go to beta.flowplane.com, um, and, and you'll be able to see the new player right
The live version of it has a, dare I even say it, the live version of it has a dark
mode chat that you can enable if you want.
So that if you go into the, the like theater view, full screen player mode, and you're
watching something like wan show, it doesn't have this glowing white bar on the side.
So that's a thing.
And there's other cool new features with the player.
I, full transparency, Jayden was showing me all the work that he did on the player and
I was just like smile and nodding while I'm thinking like, wow, this, this really looks
like how it's always looked.
And then I asked him because I was like, man, I really can't tell what's different.
I asked him to load up a version of the live site so I could see them side by side and
I was like, whoa, okay, it's very different.
It just like, it just feels like it kind of was always this way.
Like it's, it's not drastic in the way that you're going to lurch because it's so crazily
different or anything.
But it is very noticeably different if you put them side by side and it's definitely
an upgrade.
So you can check that out and that's the main thing that's coming.
There's lots of features in the pipeline.
But that's the only one I'm going to tell you guys about now.
The beta site is how you're going to be able to see what's coming in the future generally
moving forward.
We do plan on continuing to use that.
So yeah.
All right.
Let's see here.
How did last week's international shipping shake out?
Good question.
Very good question.
I don't know.
He hasn't had the heart to check.
Yeah, nobody told me.
So maybe it's not that I didn't have the heart to check.
Maybe it's that nobody wanted to tell me.
Sir, you're on the WAN show.
Sir, this is a Wendy's.
Yeah, it is.
I'll help you.
Can I have double cheeseburger, Dave's double for you?
Spicy chicken, extra lettuce.
I want a double cheeseburger and hold the lettuce.
Don't be front and center.
No seeds on the bus.
Can I get you a Frosty?
Grilled or crispy.
Anyway, the point is that the WAN show audience wants to know how much we ate it on the shipping
promo last week.
A lot.
What are you looking for?
What are you looking for here?
Numbers are good.
A dollar amount of how much it cost us?
No, Nick, I want your shoe size number.
I don't know.
Do you want me to say that you lost $80,000 on Friday?
Is that right?
It's something like that.
It was nice working with you two.
So this transaction, do I thank you?
Do I thank you for the information?
I think you do, actually, because it's your fault.
It's not his fault.
Oh, I see.
To be fair, it was a collaborative effort, you know?
All right.
So maybe not then.
Is that net?
No, no, no, that's the cost of the shipping.
That's just shipping.
The net was positive.
I mean, it was in the report that I sent you earlier this week if you had read it.
Yeah, but that was over the entire three days.
What about that day?
What about those orders?
Hold on, dude, hold on.
It was profitable.
Are you accounting for handling costs in your profitability calculation?
Are you accounting for handling costs?
Do you think it's my first day?
What are you?
Just asking.
I love this company.
I have a real boss now, okay?
He holds me to account, you know?
Oh, my God.
I've been enjoying telling him the same thing.
It's very good.
Hold on, my Dell computer is taking forever to turn off.
That's a feature, not a bug.
It's ready for you to compute any time.
Much computing.
Much computational analysis.
If you try to turn it off, old man Dell shows up at your house and just turns it back on.
All right, hold on.
Line day recap.
So, yeah, I want to say we did about 30% profit that day, let's say.
Even counting the shipping, so.
Yeah, buddy.
Can I follow this up with you next week?
You know that people bought backpacks and stuff.
Oh, yeah.
You did do the call out.
Yeah, but you know how much backpacks cost to ship, right?
All right.
Are we really going to do the quarterly recap off land show?
No, no.
That's not necessary.
All right.
Thanks, Nick.
Thank you.
People really bought them backpacks.
In the parking lot after the show about how, like, there's certain people that might be
in shipping situations where they just would have never ordered.
So some of the orders were, like, huge because they were like, okay, now I'm going to get
all the things I wanted.
Yeah, I'm just going back to last Friday here.
I have some-
You have some concerns about that being accurate?
No, no, no.
I don't know.
I would always trust my team to not be that I need to look at the report.
Then why do you ask them to talk about it next week?
I like talking about money a lot.
So, okay.
I just, for the sake of clarity, sure, screw it.
Net sales that day was-
Oh, wow.
We're going to have to talk to the Terrin about Wansho.
Gross profit was $120,000.
And if we spent $80,000 on shipping and shipped 14,000 units of stuff at an average handling
cost of, like, a couple bucks each, I think made money is generous.
Where did the 30% come from?
That's the gross profit for the day.
Before the shipping.
Shipping is not in there.
So, okay.
I see.
All right.
That's fine.
That's fine.
Next merch message?
Overall though, Nick is right, Lime Day was a success.
We moved through a lot of dead stock.
We are net positive overall on Lime Day, even if the Friday was-
People did the math.
It's 3%.
The Friday was questionable.
3% profit.
That's why I wanted to-
To be fair, if you worked back in NCX back in the day, that was probably all right.
Don't forget that there are costs.
No, because that's still not net.
There's other costs.
So some of the products that we were selling, for example, are dead stock.
So our cost calculation in here doesn't include the storage fees that we've accrued for those
over the last two years in some cases.
So yes, but no.
Also there's almost inevitably going to be some amount of returns.
Administrative overhead, et cetera.
It's if you can do a wild promo and you can be flat for the day, I consider that a W.
I'm not criticizing the team.
I'm not saying anything went wrong.
Was it not?
Well, it was a team effort.
It was a team effort.
Like Nick said, it was collaborative.
And so if you can run a crazy promo that makes the community really happy and excited, and
people were excited.
Oh, yeah.
There were a ton of posts on the subreddit and all of that.
I got a bunch of messages about it.
And if you can, by some miracle, not lose your shirt on it, shout out everyone who,
by the way, ordered screwdrivers and backpacks and stuff.
That might be why it is floating on the line.
Well, no, that is why.
Because the previous two days were actually a much, much lower gross profit percentage.
So this one was like 30% or something like that.
The previous two days were much closer to the wire, but people paid their own shipping.
So they overall made money.
Not much, but they made some.
And then the Friday, you guys helped a brother out, ordered backpacks, ordered screwdrivers.
We gave you a handful of relatively high margin items and you guys were like, let's go.
Yeah, sure.
I'll get that.
Yeah, sure.
One of those and the lime day stuff that's at cost.
Come on, here we go.
And so that day ended up being okay, but that's not the kind of thing that we could count
on overall.
I feel like some people might have heard that phone conversation and gone, okay, well, you
guys should just do free shipping on orders over $150 forever.
But that's not actually the case because you can't run a business with all the overhead
associated with running a business and reinvesting in new product development with razor thin
So that's how you end up being NCX don't exist anymore.
So yeah, overall a lime day was a big success, massive showed out our community and and our
team and we're not going to do that kind of thing all the time.
Okay, here we go.
Hi all love the show recently received my 13th gen Intel framework 13 do you think that
single cable egp sorry egpu setups are a viable option in 2023 in my case it's for
games like csgo and eve online uh yeah eve online and csgo that's a person who picked
their games and just stuck with them yeah counter-strike and eve i like my space games
i like my gun games and i like them both hardcore yeah unforgiving yeah yeah i mean you could
pick up a very very egpu enclosures have gotten shockingly affordable all of a sudden really
yeah i just i've not looked into it yeah i stopped paying attention to them for a few
years and they just quietly fell down in price by like 200 like um whoa i was trying to think
i'm trying to remember where i was shopping the other day what the heck is egpu.io wow
this is a this is a very slow website um anyway okay totally useless absolutely useless expensive
no i was on um oh what's that what's that mac brand that owc that's the one time didn't even
know it so yeah cool yeah i was on owc and they had uh an egpu enclosure no i want to stay on the
u.s site jaden's asking a good question sure are there any real options other than razor core
yeah absolutely this thing maybe how about this thing for 279 whoa yeah razor course 550 yeah 650
watt power supply you can basically power like whatever you want full length full height double
width cards so you will you are a little limited and you can't put like a 40 90 in it or whatever
but that is very reasonable works i mean because a lot of them back in the day were kind of sketchy
um i don't see any reason why it wouldn't yeah no no really like yeah no it's not as it's not
as sketchy these days okay but yeah these these things are freaking affordable um and so if you
if you you know get a gpu like it's especially if you think of it as like a long-term investment
if you are definitely going to be a laptop guy or a laptop gal forever and you're going to want to
upgrade your gpu you know at some point then you can you can start to do the math a little bit
differently you can amortize the cost of your enclosure over multiple gpu upgrades so instead
of costing 280 dollars okay well now i've bought myself two egpu so you like you upgrade it down
the line now it cost 140 each time or you know i'm going to use it for three generations which
might be optimistic but we'll see uh and you know now it cost me 85 per generation or whatever the
case may be um yeah i know i definitely think it's viable i would like to see i would like to
see an 8x external interface at some point that actually takes off but right now it seems to be
very early days like framework has that thing that they're building out of the caboose of the
framework 16 but that's not really external it's not even hot pluggable and then uh asus has their
xg mobile thing but it's highly proprietary um i don't know msi had that one way back in the day
where the laptop just had a slot in the back and just like plugged it into the dock it just hasn't
been standardized so i don't i don't i don't know what if anything we would see that would replace
thunderbolt at this point but i would like to see something that doubles up the lanes or i mean at
the very least moves to gen thunderbolt for gen 3 bandwidth i can't remember but we need more
bandwidth basically it's the one that you brought up was it an akito akito yep yeah okay sounds good
i found the same thing i was hunting around oh yeah yeah good reviews at least yeah 15 of them
yeah okay yeah there you go linus how did you develop your writing and editing style for ltd
scripts is this just something you figured out doing so many scripts or did you also get some
advice or inspiration from somewhere so many so many um i'm also just i'm a sponge i'm an absorber
you know when i when i encounter something that i like i go man wish i thought of that
and then i you know i try to i try to integrate that into into what i'm doing so um and i i read
a lot of comments i take a lot of feedback and some of it's garbage sometimes you guys
quite frankly suck at giving feedback um yep but other times sometimes people don't actually know
what they want yeah other times you guys are really great at giving feedback and it's it's
hugely beneficial so so don't stop doing it you also like i know you don't watch a lot of youtube
videos but i know you pay attention to what's working on youtube um to a certain degree at least
yep oh yeah i'm watching i'm watching you know what is showing up on the home page and then you
know incognito tab absolutely yeah how do you all feel about the new microsoft
intra id name for azure active directory microsoft uh we talked about this before it's stupid
okay i believe yeah they just rebranded azure it's like oh yeah okay whatever yeah there's
i probably forgot because i just don't care negativity around the brand right now cool
um with slow regulation and wide tech illiteracy gap how do you keep people aware of emerging tech
and the risk that they can pose for example scammers mimicking people's voices it's hard
just keep saying it you know tell your friends tell your family tell them to tell their friends
tell them to tell your family word of mouth is shockingly powerful still even in the internet age
it doesn't the power of word of mouth doesn't go away like we picked our flooring contractor for
our new house just based on what the previous owner said that she used and liked because
you know she seemed like someone who had her had her act together and
it seemed like the quality had held up quite well since you know 1990 whatever when they built that
place so we just went with the same thing because people don't want to do a bunch of research yeah
contrary to what you know reddit thinks they just they want a good option and if and they
and they trust someone they have a personal connection with far more than they they trust
an endorsement from someone that they don't have a personal connection with
yeah hey llnd when shipping the replacement zipper pull on the backpacks would it be possible
to order something from the store and just have the pulls thrown in with the shipment to save
money for you i don't think we're going to have any way of managing that and i suspect we're
probably going to end up shipping the poles from um from asia directly rather than shipping them
across the ocean and then shipping them again because that would just feel pointless and stupid
so if there's any way for us to do that that's what we're going to try to do
question for luke i'm currently producing a tennis tennis challenge in grandsby and we've
run into many glitches with ndi what's the most stress you've been producing something uh live
and how did you manage what about me i feel like you're a better person to answer this
oh every single wan show um and extremely badly yeah i mean you're basically um performing live
in front of you know anywhere from 10 to 20 000 people and your boss and his former boss
yeah still sort of and but one of them's antagonistic which one were you pointing at
it looked like luke but that doesn't seem right you know those those guys oh both of them i mean
sometimes you know what you're doing you have to trust in something um sometimes it's yourself
and most of the times it's not but if you're getting glitches you get one glitch that's not
good enough you need to have it be more robust than that yeah five nines five nines every every
day of the day yeah every day of the week every day of the day it's okay it's late
i think i heard i think i literally heard a yawn next up hi dll was researching some stuff and saw
that all the major os makers are starting to push app sandboxing at some level how do you think anti
cheat devs will react if when this becomes mandatory i haven't heard about this what is
uh what is this sandboxing sandboxing is good um anti-sheet devs i don't know
because they don't like the vm stuff
i'm not sure i really don't know i i i'm not sure if there's some some way that they can try to
hmm honestly it's it's a battle that must be fought but it's a losing battle
um in my opinion so i feel bad for the anti-cheat developers um i have pretty much given up on like
really wanting to be competitive in shooters because as far as i can tell every single shooter
game is just overrun by cheaters um so i don't know i don't know i have no idea sorry for
someone with little professional experience but a lot of hobby experience in basic coding python
html etc is data analytics a good starting point or seek other options absolutely could be um
uh yeah um you can do some data analytics stuff in python you can do data analytics
and a lot of different things um i'm not 100 certain what the question is is that for like
i don't know if you're asking for like in order to get into a profession or to do something that
you think is fun um if you're trying to get into a profession there's lots of work out there for
lots of work out there for lots of different developers um i don't i don't think specifically
like like bringing yourself into the specialization of data analytics is going to necessarily do the
greatest thing for you uh when you could be a little bit more broad um but i am also certain
that there is jobs out there for data analytics so yeah i can't believe we didn't cover this
oh oh it's live i had a question about this as well go for it i know at least one person on my
team that is going to buy this jake already pre-ordered it too yep so exciting man these
guys are crushing it diy edition pre-built um they had such an incredible response that
an incredible response that oh my they are now not shipping until q1 of next year whoa
every model every single model every single model i know a lot of people that were like
the second this drops i'm buying it which i i never hear with something like a laptop
maybe for a graphics card but people believe in the mission their second attempt first first
product great second product cool wow um these guys are absolutely crushing it over there i'm
super excited for them super proud of them uh super happy as an investor that like i didn't
just put my money in a fire because i was willing to but if i don't have to that's great um
something how would you guys feel at this point if they did another round of funding and i re-upped
is that is there any additional conflict of interest at this point or is it even possible
well no here's the thing because initially the way that i sold this to the community was i really
want to support this mission and i feel like it's the right thing to do now i don't think it matters
and i'm willing to kiss the money goodbye my well i can tell you now my intent is really different
this time around i'm looking at it going how about i make some money by putting it in framework
because these guys are heading for the freaking moon i think that's still does that matter valid
because if you're helping them head to the moon i think that's good because you want we've talked
a long time ago about how like if you want to enact change doing so in a way that makes you
money is actually often the best possible way to do it because that's the best way to ensure
that you continue to have funding nobody seems to care yeah they're like let's go you already
have money in the system it literally changes genuinely nothing well changes the percentage i
own okay why does that matter i mean i don't know it matters a little i don't think it matters
i think that's why everyone's saying do it i'm just i'm just i'm i'm excited it's good of you
to ask i'm like i i'm like yeah i mean it is good that you're seeing the way they're executing i'm
just sitting here going i mean yeah take more sick it's the most exciting laptop on the market
to be clear i don't have any money right now um i have nothing in it at all so my statement came
from nowhere yeah um like i actually i actually don't we uh we got the keys for the badminton
center oh yeah that makes sense that you would have no money in the market i actually have no
money relax dan we kept afloat for payroll that's okay maybe they'll pay me one day oh come on
you can't say that i know i'm just kidding no there's no concern if i want to be serious there's
no concern okay i trust you very much yeah don't don't don't trust me trust ivan and that's what
i was and her team that's what i was yeah i mean we have an accounting team now like five people
in the accounting team it's like when did this happen i don't get it you know it happened just
after i started but yeah anyway the point is that when when when and if they were to do another
round of funding if i had if i found you know a couple hundred thousand dollars between the
couch cushions like would anybody begrudge me that doesn't does it matter sounds like no if you did
what sorry if you hid money in coach no if i if i found a couple hundred thousand dollars between
the couch cushions and wanted to spend it on framework oh is that okay no i'm not literally
finding it you're getting hung up on finding it in the couch cushions it's more fun to do that
though it's a joke what he's gonna do i want your couch cushions nice couch yeah can i buy
they're alpaca wool
that's where all the money went we actually have so much alpaca wool we need to figure
what to do with it we own like two hundred thousand dollars of alpaca wool give it to
framework laptop cover yeah linus tech tip make your make your framework laptop smell
for a limited time when you order a laptop get a miniature laptop cushion made out of uh
made with alpaca wool stuffing i think say 1988 and float plane chat has probably the best take
here it could make a difference if he invested a significant portion of his wealth right now if
they go under it wouldn't be good for linus's finances but um but it wouldn't be life-changing
so yeah i think that's i think that's i i think that's a better take than just go for it but
that's someone talking about it from a defense of you standpoint they're wanting to make sure
that you are not too invested sure but they're they're helping me they're helping me sort of
frame it correctly okay but it's still what the question that you were asking was is it like
ethically okay for me yeah and they're saying yes as long as as long as i don't have as long
as it's not like fight or flight for me to like make it work or not not fight or flight as long
as it's not do or die so as long as you don't buy twitter and then abandon tesla yeah yeah
or start behaving in a way that negatively impacts linus media groups you're too focused
on this because i'm too focused on uh on framework fair enough oh man i it's been it's i know i still
haven't done the ceo uh incoming q and a stream with you float plane chat i'm so sorry but anyway
here's something the kind of thing that i might talk about in it if i were to ever get around to
doing one i will at some point i just stop it stop shaking your head i'm gonna do it you said
you're gonna do it like a month and a half ago i will do it i will do it just calm down
anyway i had a really refreshing conversation with our new ceo today um it was cool because
he came to me asking for me to make a decision about something it was you know whether or not
we'd be comfortable working with a makeup brand and um everyone does that which is why i don't
want that job anymore so i said i know what i would say but how about this why don't you tell
me what we're gonna do and let's see how closely they match and he basically goes well they're an
established brand they're reputable uh this particular product seems to have pretty solid
overlap with our audience they have deep pockets i don't see any reason why we wouldn't do this
and i go cool that's exactly what i would have said and now next time we don't need to have
this conversation at all and i can trust that we're in good hands perfect so yeah i'm i'm
excited i think it's gonna be i think it's gonna be really good it's been it's been amazing how
long we haven't worked together and haven't really like we we'll we'd like hang out at events and
stuff sometimes or like text sometimes but probably the grand total of time we've spent
together since we both left ncix is like maybe 20 hours i think i never quite realized how how much
of uh and i might be projecting here i might just be wrong but how much of your like communication
style and certain other things came from him because it's been really weird it's been really
weird working with him because it feels like i've worked with him forever but i've had probably
actually like five or six like not including the retreat like specific meetings with him about work
but it feels like i've had like hundreds and i'm just like this is this is odd i don't know i
can't tell if that's positive or negative are you being positive it's a positive i told him at our
last one i i he was asking me about something that i'm not gonna specifically bring up yeah
but i told him like a bunch of things and then ended it with like i was concerned and was
pushing back when linus was like originally pitching bringing you on yeah luke was one of
the strongest sort of well because from my perspective and he understood this as well
from my perspective i've had two bosses ever that i've worked with that i thought were good
and i've had a lot of jobs i was when i was growing up i was like my mom in that way i would
just rinse through jobs all the time and i like hated the leadership at all of them and i liked
working with linus so so far with my track record the chance i was gonna like the new guy was really
low and i was like i don't want to like leave because i don't like the new leadership like
that would suck so i was highly concerned about that but the way that working with him has been
so far has felt eerily familiar and it's just like oh okay this is cool all right this is fun
the pitch i gave you guys it feels like more linus he taught me everything i know now now
i'm concerned for better or for worse well i mean i didn't learn everything dan but what i do know
came from there and like i brought up i brought up one of the the things that i was happy about
was like you and avon seemed to be endless wells of effort but you are two people yes and you were
shouldering significantly more than two people worth of work no matter how hard you tried you
weren't gonna be able to do it so it just whatever so certain things would get kind of left aside or
not addressed or whatever and now having a person who can do that so you guys can focus more on what
you should be doing just makes a lot of sense and it's good yeah that it's gonna take some time for
things to actually really start happening uh because he's only actually been here for like technically
two weeks something like that so like whoa now he's very much in observation mode right now yeah
just like makes sense yeah no it's been good yep all right moving on clear purple screwdriver went
how dare you curate that let's get uh let's get back more positive cash flow please
um i mean answer the question
i've already shown a clear screwdriver i think you guys saw that um
i think that if we were to stop at clear that might be kind of short-sighted
however i will say this we are not anywhere near doing anything beyond uh the next three
colorways that we have planned and that does not include any tinted clear plastics you probably
want to see how well those alternative colors do we want to see not just how well they do in terms
of sales performance we're not even there yet first we need to see how well they do in terms of
in terms of are they manufacturable because we're not redoing our molds to do clear plastic that is
not on the table and the way that clear plastic behaves when cooling compared to the really
durable chemical resistant really awesome triax material that we're using right now
is different and we know that we've had prototype clear drivers for probably about a year so are
you going to be selling them with like uh like a caveat of like it's not as durable yeah absolutely
yeah we'd have to it's not um so like a lot of like workshops and stuff that are trying to outfit
their workshops with screwdrivers will probably stick with the the triax material ones but maybe
if you're just like i build computers sometimes you could get one of the clear ones well it'll
be better than that um like it'll be good it's just triax is great right fair enough so you know
it's not like oh yeah this is a piece of crap and it's just immediately shatter it's not like
that at all i mean think about what you probably did to your clear n64 controllers right and
they're all fine and it's like many many decades later but this is triax right yeah okay okay cool
so um yeah we've we have been aware of the demand for different colorways we had intended to do
different colorways much earlier the problem is that you people ordered so many of them we've
sold 150 000 screwdrivers so keeping up with production getting stubby going all these
different colorways this puts strain on our limited production capacity and that of our
partners so we can't just go to ph and say hey we need you guys to parallelize your operation
immediately so that you can start running six different projects for us at the same time
that's not a thing right uh logistics is complicated the real world is really complicated
especially when you're trying to do anything at volume like look at the stupid carabiner
replacements for the backpack that's taken a freaking year as well and it's not because
we're not trying it's not because we're not constantly iterating and working on it it's
just that even once we have a solution we have a solution now we have a solution today
but it takes time to manufacture 150 000 of anything right like if it was just one backpack
yeah i could have you i could have your replacement probably like in a couple days because we've like
got some samples here but it's not one backpack and we want to do it in a way that's fair to
everyone so it's it's really just like really challenging we would have had new colorways like
way sooner if you guys didn't keep ordering so many bloody screwdrivers and keeping the
production going but i mean to be clear keep doing it like appreciate you guys
he just he just spent all his money on a badminton center please you can keep buying
screwdrivers don't forget the lab oh yeah yeah you had already spent i i not only like when i
said i don't have money i said it meant i don't have cash in terms of like actual like money it's
actually like negative like i i have debt i have much debt on the lab right now tends to be how
this stuff don't forget about the debt on the badminton center either but look i'm not asking
for i'm not asking for your pity obviously everything over here is going great i'm really
excited about what the lab's doing really excited for the badminton center and like you know we're
killing it we're killing it um but we we appreciate y'all a lot
yeah i i thought about the carabiners for the or the the whatever the poles for the backpack
recently because um my the bag that i bring to the gym which no i cannot use an ltt backpack for this
because i go in the pool and then shower afterwards so i need a wet area and the bag
that i go to the gym for has a ventilated is your way right here oh my
hr um it has a it has an area for wet clothes that ventilates out which is great yeah um
the the shoulder strap thing the clasp like came apart like it it like bent slightly too much so
it doesn't really close anymore and it'll just come off it's so annoying but i was like i'm
not gonna get too mad because we're going through similar stuff lzt gym bag win that would be kind
of sick yeah we'd love to do more bags bags are like shockingly big business i recently became
aware of this like influencer bag brand i'm just i'm looking at it going like okay and they're
they're doing just like obscene amounts of volume like how many people need a like luggage luggage
has always been so weird to me yeah the fact that like willowbrook mall had a luggage store
in like the early 2000s that's all they did and they were around for a long time i was like
how many luggage nobody's ever in the store when you go there yeah like i don't know and like
everyone that i know that has luggage their luggage is like ancient they bought it like
10 years ago yeah me too they'll have it like i mean if we did a luggage we'd make sure it
totally kicks butt or whatever but like yeah i just don't know what we'd be adding to the
conversation i'm sure there's actually some to add to the conversation when it comes to luggage
uh in my opinion there's there's a lot you could do um my thing is just like how many of those
stores exist and how they are able to revenue that much that they can stay around is wild to me
how do they even revenue yeah hello dll thanks for all your videos and the wan show quick question
what happened to the ncix pc
still happening uh we've just been really busy in the lead up to ltx and the people
who are helping tanner with the uh with the ncix uh wall pc are busy getting ready for ltx
oh you're gonna make me read this one okay how did we do my absolute giga chats any word on the
backpack well when the backpacks start shipping with the new zipper pulls sorry zipper pulls
i'm eagerly waiting ps tell my friend alex he's an idiot um all right i was gonna edit the last bit
dan ah rude wow how could you say that on this show how he knows how he knows how can you be
that mean to alex l huh i'm just i'm just reading the copy on the prompter gosh that's what they
pay me to do um yeah backpacks shipping zipper pulls new zipper pulls um i don't know it depends
on production lead times it depends on if we're able to figure out how to um ship directly out
of asia it depends on whether a boat full of backpacks ever actually makes it through the
vancouver port we are running short on our original 40 000 unit order though we're running pretty low
so we're gonna see how that goes luckily for you this european forgot to order last week
uh for all of you what's your favorite meal to make yourself
it's not really a meal but man i cannot resist like spicy instant noodles
oh yeah that's a that's a bit of a guilty pleasure for me too yeah with a poached egg
and not poached no i scramble it i i throw in some egg just to have some like justification
for consuming that garbage you don't poach it in the broth no i uh i i can't handle yolk on its
own the taste of yolk is disgusting i have to scramble eggs to eat them um i have kind of two
there's the inverted chicken cordon bleu thing which i won't go into again um and then it gets
him laid and then there's also this uh i started making this soup you know zuppa toscana from olive
garden nope okay well it's a soup from olive garden that's super good um and for my birthday
every year i used to bring my family to olive garden and we would get the soup salad and bread
sticks combo because it was unlimited for all of them and i just have a whole bunch of zuppa toscana
because i love that soup um and then i went and wanted to make it for myself one day so i was like
maybe i should just make some of my own and i realized how incredibly bad for you it is because
it's made with just like heavy creamer and right all that kind of stuff so i was like okay i'm
going to make my own version of this i'm going to try to accomplish making the reasons why i like
this thing but without so much of the bad stuff so using like chicken broth and things like that
instead of heavy creamer and i i don't know what to call it anymore because it's almost everything
in it has completely changed i use like kale and chicken broth and a very specific type of sausage
and all this other kind of stuff so whatever my version of that is but i love it i like it
more than the original um it's like good for you now and stuff and uh i like making that but i
make it fairly rarely it's very much a winter soup what did you call it uh the the the soup
that you like olive garden version was i believe it's just called zuppa toscana about zuppa to
theses if you've changed everything in it i love it i do believe everything has changed and that
is still how i reference it so yeah royalties please absolutely um up next hey lld i think
we'll ever see a mainline framework style decent phone i mean i'd love to see it but
it's going to be a whole new set of challenges and it's going to be really difficult man
i don't know what else to tell you
booyah ldx merch ordered thanks for me signing up to float plane for the first time ever
question for lld what is the best and dumbest convention swag you've either purchased or have
been given wow i'm 100 certainly there's been a lot of it but i feel like i wouldn't remember it
because i just throw it out um yeah i was hoping you would have something for this i curated it
because i can't remember a single like convention swag item that i've ever been given i still i i
literally have i have a tile from nvidia on my keys right now oh okay that's not dumb though
no it's sweet but that's my problem like i i i remember a fair amount of convention swag
um there's even been some like actually really cool shirts i didn't like the brand but astro
gaming had a really cool shirt back in the day um like bad screwdrivers were really common in
tech for a bit there yeah like really awful screwdrivers yeah msi had this pen i was so
traumatized i made my own msi had this pen set whereas all these different colors of pens
but all the pens were so bad they would just never work i got a really cool one from ibi
power back in the day you know their like like cougar like like logo it was thumb screws for
your pci slots that i remember those that's pretty cool those were sick weren't they gold too yeah
yeah those were very there's been a bunch of really cool swag but honestly like if it's
trash swag it doesn't even make it out of the convention center i'll just garbage can it before
i'm out um or just not take it in the first place if that's an option i think i still have a teeny
tiny little pillow from a yacht convention i went to once there was like three by three inch tiny
little pillow that was for fabric samples if you wanted your yacht couches to be done in this
fabric that was kind of weird nick corrects me it is not two hundred thousand dollars of alpaca
wool it is less than one hundred thousand dollars of alpaca wool that's good all that means to me is
that it could be 900 or 99 999 dollars of alpaca wool it's still not 200 000 it's less than half
of what you thought that's true hey linus and luke when looking for buildings for lmg have you ever
looked at taking over a dead mall the company i work for is leasing a hundred thousand square
foot facility for a car museum there aren't any yeah not here this is we don't have that
not in the america yeah i mean i'm sure there's parts of canada that have that same problem but
vancouver ain't it chief yep ltt dll two questions one thoughts on how i could donate my old 5950x
motherboard and ram to computer science students oh and two would you ever sponsor tech students
or hire interns once labs is up um as far as donations go i have no idea um how to make sure
that it gets to the right place i mean that's something i think pretty much every charity
struggles with as for sponsoring tech students are hiring interns once labs is up apparently we
already do uh we've taken on some intern paid uh we've we've taken on some interns and uh gary's
coordinating all of that i basically told him i think it's stupid and a waste of time and he said
he thinks it's good and not a waste of time and i said okay see you later they have a type of task
they have some tasks in a category that i do believe it makes sense for i don't think it would
make sense for um like float plane i've never thought it made sense for float plane but uh some
of their tasking i think it's i think it's smart i think he's doing the right thing and giving
people a really cool opportunity so i think it's working in both for both sides good this one's for
luke hey uh ldl i work at a company that makes spacecraft mechanisms and other spacecraft luke
seems to have a good time at nasa if he had a chance to visit a company like us would he want
to yeah i told you there was two yeah i bet you forgot all right this is amazing email us yeah
archive and it's gone do you expect apple to try and avoid the eu mandating usbc
and removable batteries on phones in the current coming years yes hey ldl what are the chances
yeah easy what are the chances of getting some genes from ldt i work in hvac and i've been
cooking no no no genes genes are really hard it's a difficult material to work with and people
have wow do they ever have expectations when it comes to gene fit and sizing i think the closest
you're going to get from us is our upcoming cargo pants for the time being hey luke could you talk
a bit about float plane's monthly internal dev day i'm trying to sell the idea to my boss on
also linus i forgot to use the free shipping code you're welcome i uh we've been struggling to
actuate it recently due to um goal structures and stuff like that but effectively how it works
is it's supposed to be the the last friday of every month we have something called creative day
um and the idea behind creative day is you get to work on whatever you want um
and it's whatever you want as long as it could plausibly maybe bring benefit to the company
there's only ever been one time where i've shot something down um and every everything else has
been accepted there's been some really fantastic things that have come from it there's been some
stuff that we will definitely never use and won't see the light of day that's fine mostly because
we get the really fantastic things uh if you're trying to sell this to your boss something that
we got from one of those is the thing that you used to talk to me right now which is merch
messages at the bottom of the screen which by the way is quite profitable yeah to person's boss it
works well um we're we're gonna get it it's been kind of not really used for a little while now but
we're gonna get it going again the labs web team did a version of it recently and what might happen
to the float plane one is how it works might change a little bit what the labs web team did
was at the end of the quarter they had a little bit of not much but they had a little bit of time
um that was kind of spare because they they finished their goals just slightly ahead of time
so we did a little hackathon and that was awesome we got some very very cool projects out of the
hackathon and what we learned from that however is moving forward it's very likely that we will
theme these types of events because an issue that we had with the float plane ones and an issue that
we had with the labs ones is people were a little lost for what to do and i find when people need
to be creative it often helps when you kind of put bumpers on there like bowling bumpers like
kind of keep them in a bit of a lane it can get them to generate ideas kind of easier sometimes so
yeah hi dll any updates on selling things at microcenter i'm an associate and would love to
see your products in the stores ps the button down makes a great killer work shirt i only i
only curated this because of the great plug for the button down shirt no updates sorry
dll a game called food court uh build your perfect meal example of my favorite fries
are fresh mcdonald's favorite harvey's favorite onion rings etc what perfect
you know would you get i'm gonna add the stipulation that it has to be fast food
what's your fast food combo okay so mine is the something they have to remember yeah are we are
we okay canadian yes so canada terrible fast food across the board all of our fast food is
a and w is way better than yours that's the only one we got
okay so um i would probably i'd probably just go for the classic a and w teen burger which is not
the same as the american one the american one is actual literal garbage and i wouldn't feed it to
my dog um i'm gonna go with tim horton's the tim horton's lemon iced tea um it's just their
their brewed iced tea is is really good and my fries have got to be mcdonald's i'm sorry
i man when the kids like ask for mcdonald's i almost always when they ask for fries i almost
always say yes so i can steal a few i don't want to eat a whole thing of them because it's like
really yeah it's just garbage yeah but i i eat a few every time yeah mcdonald's fries but i'm going
with a wendy's spicy chicken with extra lettuce and added bacon just makes a whole world the
difference beverage oh i want to take back my beverage but go ahead ditch the beverage
no beverage get a frosty that was what i was about to say chocolate frosty yeah yeah i was
like as soon as you said wendy's i realized i screwed up my beverage yeah the the teen
burger is a very good choice but the spicy chicken just there are definitely days where
i would prefer the the teen burger but i think overall if i'm going for percentages i'm more
often going to want the spicy chicken but like i really the the added lettuce and the added bacon
like so good
hey linus would ltt exist if you never met luke
this is a good one um yes i mean it existed before luke so the answer to that question is sort of
self apparent however would lt would lmg yeah exist in its current form without luke and i
think the answer there is definitely not yeah i don't think so a lot of the key ingredients
were there um i was there ivan was there ed for that matter was there so that's that's three
quarters of the original team luke wasn't involved in the hiring of ed although here's the thing um
by that time luke already had my ear and was i shouldn't say wasn't involved he didn't make
the decision but we talked about it and it was the conversations that we had that was part of
what led me to gain the confidence to leave ncix and go on my own luke has also been a key guiding
star for our corporate moral compass i think that we're both really well aligned however
there's a certain kind of gravity effect right um when you have like-minded people around you
it's easier to stay on course versus when you're just in a bubble surrounded by people who don't
have the same alignment so your question is really difficult to answer because almost everything
that's happened since we met has been impacted by the other
so yes because it existed already anyway line of sectors was already a thing so but no um not
exactly like this i mean i don't i have a feel i've thought about this before i have a feeling
i i don't think so i mean there'd be no wan show yeah there'd be no forum i had no capability to
put up a forum which was a big part of how we've created the community we have and it was bigger
then it was more important when we initially went um the peak user count hasn't changed in
like a really long yeah so like a lot of the formative stuff right was um
so what linus is saying is you've encouraged his destructive personality
okay this destructive personality has worked out pretty good yeah pretty good overall i think
everyone everyone here is employed at least partially thanks to this destructive personality
yeah i'm played here everyone here would be employed anyway but i don't i personally this is
the thought process i've gone through i don't think you would have stayed at ncx though no
yeah but i don't think i don't necessarily think lmg would exist or it definitely wouldn't exist in
same way i i feel like you would have it might have just been ltt potentially that might not
have been lmg yeah well you might have joined someone else what was the what was the group
because i did push pretty when there was conversations about
yeah creating lmg i did push pretty hard for you to do it yeah absolutely so i think the
chance that you would have just potentially gone and worked for some of the other kind of options
that were on the table at the time because there was a few if i remember correctly uh would go up
i don't know necessarily that it would be guaranteed but it would go up we were both
pretty down with the concept of like internet video being the next thing at the time um which
ages us a little bit um but yeah so i think it's it would definitely be possible that you could
have just decided to split off and do it anyways by the way shoot i shouldn't have sent you those
videos i sent you earlier did you like look at them in detail not really good don't oh
why just don't don't worry about it okay i remember them pretty well that's fine okay
we will give no details about what that was nope hi dll great show question for luke did you ever
watch dragon ball zed abridged i'm asking because there's a really tall android that always shouts
high bird when he sees a bird reminds me of you i curated this we're not answering that's the
like stupid question but but i just thought it was really fun no it's not a stupid question i'm just
i'm i'm bugging you i'm bugging you no i haven't yeah that's really funny but but i knew he hadn't
so that's what made it the question not the important part to me i just the hi bird
i just imagine doing that it's very funny beat saber at ltx i can't go but i'd love to know how
about bad linus's godly skill in laslo supernova can be beat by good luck i'm very excited uh
actually i'm i'm pretty rusty i haven't been playing enough lately so i'm like not that
strong and the endurance matters a lot in the really hard songs do not take that as he is bad
that man is terrifying shall we move into potentials yeah hey dll luke do you still play
and recommend orna what do you think of the latest update thanks for the show i do not play it anymore
uh somewhat somewhat begrudgingly i heard after i quit that they changed some things that made
this a little bit better but um the entire reason why i played that game and the entire reason why
i enjoyed that game was because the thing that i didn't like in the past about pokemon go which
i heard might be fixed now is that uh the first thing i ever tried to do i was like i'm gonna go
get a geodude and i hiked a mountain and then realized that there's basically no pokemon out
in the wild orna wasn't like that you could go anywhere and there was there was stuff there's
things to do so it encouraged wandering it encouraged going out and and going for a walk
or even jumping on a bike or or going for a run or whatever and taking pauses everyone's gonna
do things um it it encouraged getting outside the problem that i had with orna was once you
got to a certain point it like discouraged that uh the the things that you gained benefit from
were like doing crap in your town which was naturally going to be built around where you lived
so like you it literally made it actively bad for you to go out for a walk and i'm like this is the
whole reason why i got this game again i've heard they've updated and maybe fixed some of that but
yeah i do not play anymore because of that reason um yeah that's it are there any trendy services
that you still use and think is worth it what does that mean it's a tough one i have services
i subscribe to like i subscribe to home assistant that's particularly trendy um i actually genuinely
don't know what this means oh like i think a trendy service would be something like uh like
a meal prep service or something like that you know or like uh or like i i would say like uh
what's that bike that everyone loved and then hated or something because they had a bad
commercial and oh peloton yeah yeah or like a peloton subscription like do you have anything
like that not really no i i promote the idea especially if you're trying to learn how to cook
um to subscribe to one of those uh ingredients delivery services because that come with like
a recipe subscribe to one of those for like i don't know like two three months or something
and then cancel it yeah and then i don't have any mystery boxes or like no yeah those are
super dead eh i think i haven't heard about those like yeah i have no idea i mean mark rober has one
but that's probably good so yeah i don't know if it's terrible or whatever yeah yeah yeah
um but i just i would imagine it would be pretty okay no i'm trying to think the only things i
can think of for a subscription is like the youtube premium does chat gpt go no
up next i think this is our last one actually so lld nope i replied to it okay we're done we'll
see you again next week same no other more different bad time yes but same bad channel
correct bye you almost did your thing before bye it was close