
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

What is up everyone? TGI Wench! Oh, we got a lot of great topics for you guys today
Which really sucks because we're starting super late. It's really late
Intel has nuked their nook division. That's right. They are no longer going to be making their cute little PCs
also in other news Apple claims at not impossible, but certainly
satisfaction rate among their customers that
Doesn't really jive with third-party measurements of iPhone satisfaction
Reality doesn't prevent Apple from telling their investors about it though. So we'll be talking about that. What else we got today?
Yeah, Chinese hackers get into government emails through Microsoft Azure and
Amazon wants you to pick on someone your own size because Amazon's small and you need to leave him alone
They didn't say they were small they said they're things are hard for you small your Amazon
Not a very large online platform. Don't bully us. We're small
The show is brought to you by see Sonic I fix it and Vessi
Yes, we know we're late. We had to make a gaming minivan
It's important I'm taking the kids away this weekend and also we had to finish the video it is so sick
I think you're actually gonna have a hard time getting them out of the van
Yeah, like especially if they're in the middle of a game you can't you turn it off the batteries keep running
Well, the thing is that I had kind of a vision for this
I thought that the middle row seats would have one maybe two cloned displays
Okay, and there would be one system so be like a co-op and everyone, you know
You could play it takes two or you could play split-screen or something like that. But that was about it. Yeah
Instead we got four discrete systems crank to the max monitors in seats one three
The four and six in the back or whatever that works out to no
No, it got one two would be in the front. So so three five Oh six and eight. Yeah. There you go for monitors
Each with its own dedicated keyboard and trackpad thing as well as controller
The team outdid themselves. It's actually sick
We told the creator warehouse team that hey
We need some engineering grunt for some projects for the next little bit and boy
Did they ever grunt? It's an amazing project. It's gonna be worth the wait
I think the first part of that series came out like six months ago
The result is actually amazing though. Anyway, it's actually awesome. That's not what we're talking about today
We're talking about Apple claiming utterly
implausible customer satisfaction
The original source here is from perfect rec comm a site that I actually wasn't aware of
they kind of you you just click on a category and then you enter what you care about and they like recommend a phone or
a laptop or a TV sort of based on if you say
camera quality or battery life or cost is the most important factor for you anyway kind of cool site and
Mr. Nowinski here actually wrote up a pretty good article. I read this a little bit earlier and
Outlines how Apple's claim that they have a
satisfaction rate among iPhone customers
Raises a lot of questions. So in a May earnings call Apple claimed a
99% satisfaction rate for the iPhone 14 and this was according to a third-party research firm
But here's the thing
Apple has made a similar claim in
single earnings call for the past seven years
Even going as far as to when they had changed the executive who was delivering the line
Using the exact same wording at one point
But the problem is that
99% is higher than the number of people who claim to like ice cream or dogs. Okay dogs fine, whatever but
Yeah, there's some there's some so I love dogs
There's some stuff going on with dogs though, but ice cream like Wow
According to some lactose intolerant people according to economist Joe golden
Even if every single person actually loved their iPhone it would still be nearly
impossible to find near unanimous satisfaction using traditional survey methods a few percent of people just won't understand the question or will give the
Wrong response by mistake or on purpose just to be a jerk. That's totally a thing
What's curious is that looking at independent research Apple does receive an extremely high satisfaction rate at about?
80% or so
But it's still way lower than what they're claiming and about on par with the satisfaction rate of a Google phone or a Samsung phone
Furthermore 6% of users rate the various iPhone 14 models one star on Google
So clearly there's a bit of a disconnect here
This isn't in our notes, unfortunately, but if you dig into the article over on perfect rec a little bit further
It is the exact same firm that Apple hires
Every single quarter to conduct this research for them
They're really happy with the results
Don't fix what ain't broken, right?
Yeah, I mean I guess that if what I wanted was to tell my investors about the
99% satisfaction rate with my product if I had a pollster that was gonna give me that satisfaction rate every single time
Then I I guess I would probably go with that right so here's a couple other examples from the article. This is amazing
Even Syrian dictator Bashar al-assad only managed
95% approval in the last election which was condemned by the UN for being undemocratic
Let me see if we can let me see if we can go let me see if I can find what the name is of the
the pollster
Other companies who brag about satisfaction cite much lower numbers
That's that's key
Okay 451 research 451 research and 451 research
apparently just
Here we go hold on there's there's a little bit here where they outline. Oh, yeah. Oh, this is amazing. Okay here we go
Apple by contrast has claimed near universal approval in every investors call for the last half a decade and
The latest survey of US consumers from 451 research indicates a bit of the blow 98% okay
So they were they were a little down in q4 2022
Here we go 98%
98% these are these are shockingly high numbers, and they use the exact same
451 research every single time
So who is 451 research
So here it is
The findings are based on so this is from a
2018 press release from 451 research neither Apple nor 451 research responded to perfect Rex questions
But they said about this particular one the findings are based on a December 14th to January 22nd survey of
3568 primarily North American consumers from 451 researchers user insight service
Voice of the connected user from their user insight service voice of the connected user landscape and its leading indicator panel of
25,000 accredited business and technology professionals whose application for inclusion
Identifies them as having a high wallet share being used for personal technologies and a high readiness to try new products and services
So they're pulling
Only business and technology professionals who spend a ton of money on tech and love trying new products and services
Do you like tech yes
Yeah, do you like the iPhone
Survey passed
We've got people talking about how this topic is boring
No, this topic is a big deal because when you say things like we have 98%
customer satisfaction to your investors and it's based on
obviously flawed polling data
From a company that you pay to use
Obviously flawed polling data. That's actually a huge deal. You actually can't do that
It's not boring. You probably are
Just kind of sitting there going this seems boring. Oh, but wait, that's why this is a huge deal
Absolutely brutal. I mean, I'm not saying the iPhone is bad by any stretch of the imagination
I have personally recommended iPhones to plenty of people
But there's no way that they have 98 to 99 percent satisfaction
Absolutely ridiculous. All right, why don't we move on to our next topic here?
Intel nukes nooks
Intel nukes nooks. Yeah, I mean
What's a bigger question
why is Intel nuking the nooks or
Why was Intel making nooks for so long? I?
Was gonna say are you surprised I'm a little surprised surprised they killed it at this point
Yeah, I mean they've been when did they launch the first nook it was over ten years ago, wasn't it?
Intel nook, I'm pretty sure I covered this on NCIX tech tips. Yes
I'm pretty sure because I'm pretty sure I was there
Intel's nook next unit of computing
January of 2013 this was over ten years ago. Look at this guy
Eat a sandwich
Anyway the point is it's like when was what with you? Yeah, so I did this. Yeah. Yeah
Yeah, this probably would have been shot by you. Yeah, they launched it around that time, right? Yeah, right and I
always got it from a
like a
From from a conceptual standpoint. It's pretty cool. They're really small. They're energy efficient
You can kind of mount them anywhere back of a monitor in a drawer
Make sense for a lot like business applications under a desk, whatever
but the issue is that they use mobile hardware and
Depending on the skew Intel did or or didn't deliver that at a reasonable price in the nook
And so the pricing often just didn't really make a ton of sense
Sometimes it did and they actually had a couple really cool products over the years
I forget which Canyon it was Hades Devils, whatever. I don't know
I don't remember anymore, but they did that cool one where they collaborated with AMD and used an AMD GPU
And an Intel CPU and it was super skinny and it had Thunderbolt so you could use an external GPU if you really wanted to
So you could like upgrade its capabilities down the road. Yeah, but then I'm looking at it going
Who has room for a desktop?
For which the largest component is the monitor and
Doesn't have room for a computer. Yeah, and I'm not saying that there's nobody
There are certainly people who wanted a really small computer
But the gaming nooks in particular I'm looking at going
Who is the audience for this where people want to spend that much more to have it
Realistically not that much smaller and I shouldn't say not that much smaller because by volume
They were often a lot smaller than what you could build for yourself
The issue is that does the volume matter or does the footprint matter?
like is this
Actually bigger on the desk
This like which what's bigger? Okay here you guys can't see this like what's what takes up more space?
My phone or this water bottle?
And so I just am I always just found it not confusing why they existed
They seemed kind of cool and Intel had the capability to build them and they were often surprisingly performant for how small they were
But I didn't understand why anyone bought them
Other than the budget ones for like you said commercial use
Commercial use the whole time and yeah, I never never understood anything outside of that
I have to I want to bring us back for a quick second to the previous topic just for a moment just to show us
This is this is the the research groups whatever they're for whatever their URL is not the same thing
For five one or whatever that was this is on their website
About their own service
Their own service has a 98% customer service satisfaction rate
J tech 3 6 9 in floatplane chat found that and I just think that's amazing
I mean if all I wanted was for someone to tell me how great I am
Yeah, I have to do is give them money, and they'll tell me how great I am I guess I'd be pretty satisfied
Yeah, that's on the about us page of their market intelligence service, so I think they're just telling you what percentage you're gonna get
Basically like this is it
That's where you get and also we pulled the floatplane audience and 89% of floatplane users are satisfied with floatplane
excellent cool
There's a few comments in the floatplane chat about what people were using nooks for
Zio uni says it was never a desktop replacement for me. It was always like more of an energy-efficient home server
Okay, I could see that for certain things sure energy efficiency standpoint
Main benefit was its size though really it's a whole new unit of computing right like it was
The whole point was from Intel's perspective
They did talk about the efficiency a lot though and a big part of what made it able to be so small was you didn't
Need a bulky cooler. Yeah true
I'm another really good comment from chronified for truckers where every
Cubic centimeter counts the gaming nook was amazing with a wall-mounted display and a lapdog so lapdog was an old Corsair product
It was like a keyboard and mouse that you could maybe they still make it. I'm actually not sure
Micah for fucked I'm gonna go with folks
Says we use them on the manufacturing floor the low-power ones are great since we just need to run one app
Yeah, yeah business again, though. We buy a lot to put on drones and robots, so it sounds like
basically Intel is not that interested in being in the commercial like
Cheap disposable commercial PC business because from a consumer standpoint
Yeah, even the trucking one is only almost a consumer use case
Like if you were to tell me yeah, I need something to put in the in the cabin of my
of my
Excavator your long hauler
No, I just even something else like I am
I'm operating in a professional capacity
That's not necessarily true for truckers because truckers are potentially gonna sleep in there
Oh, no, I know yeah, but they're not gonna sleep in your wall
I don't but the only reason they're equipping their truck with this thing is because it's a commercial vehicle that they need to spend
Personal time in yeah, so I would say that that's in between an actual personal use and a commercial use
And Intel knucks are not the only
Computers of that size no no not it's not like if any if anybody's watching who like uses these things to a certain degree
It's not like you have lost your options like what happened to gigabyte bricks
Okay, this is still a thing apparently are these are these based on current like reasonably new
Are these based on new specs or like yeah this this says new?
Rise in 7,000 yeah there you go, and these are very small and that is amountable, and they're rising so they're probably more efficient than
Yeah, so it's not like you won't still have options. Yeah, Intel is just
Gotta know it's kind of not is not interested in continuing to deal with this
They will support their ecosystem partners to continue nook innovation and growth they say
And they will still fulfill existing orders and continue support for existing nook systems
Overall Intel this seems to be part of a trend of Intel offloading side businesses in an attempt to focus on more profitable
Endeavors just three months ago. They also stopped selling servers handing the business over to my tag
There was an open niche for a relatively powerful compact and customizable computers back when Intel launched the nook back in 2013
But it's since become far more competitive and some observers have criticized Intel for having made the nook
Unnecessarily difficult to buy forcing users to buy from b2b resellers often at a high markup
So our discussion questions are why did the nook line fail, and I think the answer is just that
Intel in order to appease their investors has to make more margin than make sense in such a competitive category and
I also just don't really see what they were contributing for
The typical consumer for a business user for a niche use cases absolutely they were super cool
But one of the reasons we stopped making videos about them a while back is that
Interest in them plummeted to the point where we just couldn't really get views on videos about them
No matter what we titled it no matter what we put in the thumbnail
I also think that this last couple of generations was already feeling like a bit of a last hurrah
You know where they weren't really that small anymore
Yeah, like the last the last been the weirdest thing for me is they go into the performance nooks
And they just get almost as big as a small form-factor PC, and it's like yeah
The most bizarre one to me is that one where it's a module that has the RAM
NVMe storage CPU socket and cooler on it, and then you you'd like slot it into a case or you slot it into
Into a system and the idea was that you would just like swap in and swap out the whole thing
So it's like an upgradeable system for people who don't know how to build a computer, but I'm looking at it going
Really is there an appetite?
For people who want to upgrade their computer, but they they're not willing to
Handle a CPU socket or a RAM slot, but they but they're willing to do you know this whole ordeal
And apparently there wasn't
Apparently it just didn't make sense and the bigger issue was the price
Yeah, it was not just if it had been competitive with desktop hardware
Yeah, I think I think there's a conversation to be had there
But it was laptop hardware
And it was priced like laptop hardware, and I'm sitting here going if I'm gonna pay for a laptop
Then I want a fucking laptop. I don't want a desktop getting a screen
Yeah, I mean what's the screen cost like another 30 40 bucks fine tack it on there, and then I'll throw battery in it
What's that another 30 40 bucks too? I mean? I'm already spending way too much money
I might as well
Just have something I can take with me if those were optional add-ons in like the configurator as you were checking out
They would be selected like every time so it's like if it's at that point. What's what's the point?
Yeah, anyways next topic no
I think what we should really do is give people as much time as possible to take advantage of a pretty stupid
Promo that lime day Nick, and I talked about before the before the show
So first let's give you guys a quick explanation of merch messages
The way to interact with the show is not through super chats not through twitch bits
It's through merch messages the best thing about merch messages
Is that unlike those other things where you just kind of throw your money at the screen?
You get to throw your money at the screen you can leave a message in the bottom Dan curates these down here
Or he replies to some of them via text or some of them. He puts into a list for Luke and I to talk about
But that's not the main benefit the main benefit is that even if we don't respond to your merch message
You will still get your order in the mail high quality products like the backpack that Lewis
Just picked up or the mystery sweatpants that Nathaniel B is taken home
You'll still get your product in the mail, and I I?
Ninety-eight percent of our customers love them so yeah exactly yeah, it's no it's not that high, but again. That's not realistic
We actually do have a really good satisfaction rates though. You can check out our reviews. We do not
We do not filter those other than just removing obvious spam anyway the point is in
The cart you can leave a merch message there will be a box there anytime we're live and it'll go through to producer Dan
You're probably gonna want to do that because our lime day deals are still live
So we have heavy discounts on our mystery hoodie
mystery sweatpants and retro polar fleece also
okay, Nick says we
Accidentally left our discount live on the mystery plaid flannel so that was supposed to be a yesterday deal
We're gonna have to talk about that later. Anyway. That is still live
For our when show faithful for you the people that waited hours for the show to go
We are offering a free shipping deal. We hear you in the subreddit, okay
It's been a lot of people complaining about shipping. There's nothing I can do about it
Other than lose a lot of money
We're offering a free shipping deal on orders of a hundred and fifty dollars or more the discount code is high reddit all lowercase
Don't take this as training enter it at checkout for free shipping on any order of a hundred and fifty dollars or more
If you pick up a mystery hoodie mystery sweatpants and retro polar fleece, okay, we're mystery plaid flannel
For the love of God, please buy something. We're actually making money on to
Get a screwdriver or a desk pad or a water bottle or something, please because otherwise
We're eating it here, I think the plan is to well, okay
I think the plan was to leave this live till midnight
I no longer know what the plan is
Because that's only two hours and the show will be over and we will already be turning up the discount code
let me just call Nick me hopefully still up and
And see what the plan is now
We should give you guys at least a little bit of time
How long are we leaving the how long are we leaving the free shipping code live since we only started the land show like half
an hour ago
Ram Nick oh my god
Nick I don't like you Luke says hi. Why what did he do?
No, he's not
Okay, okay
I know. Well, no, I know I know I know it's his Kate. It's his KPIs. He's worried about okay 3 a.m. 3 a.m. Then
That gives them five hours
Okay, thanks Nick good chat
This I don't know if you want to I don't know if you want me to say it but this is still alive Oh
Specifically for that exact size. Okay, one of the Northern Lights desk pads is still live. Is that supposed to be?
Yeah, maybe turn that off we're eating it hard enough right now, okay. Okay. Thanks. Bye free shipping on a $10 most
Amazing and you yeah, so you got five hours
right, cool
There's gonna be a few merch messages tonight Dan. How are your how are your fingers feeling?
They got up. Yeah, they're warmed up. They're ready to go. We actually if you want to read a couple we actually have a
Surprise, I think somebody sent something in
We have a surprise. I don't know if we're supposed to pull that out now, but oh not yet
I don't think I say you know about this Luke. Yeah. Okay later then you can't now
You can't tell me that later show me the surprise. Well, you got to finish talking about merch messages
I'm done talking about merch mess. We got to do three of them then. All right, fine
It's two of them. Neither of you can read I rewrote the sign. Why did you write it?
I got yelled at last week. It's supposed to be three and three is later two is now
I'm gonna scream. Oh three is the mid show one. Yeah
There you go. Okay different. I don't know
All right merch messages merch messages
I've been watching since I was in high school and now I'm a 30 year old
Done law school and I work as a senior prosecutor locking criminals up in Australia
How does it feel to be a big part of lives like mine?
Super cool. I mean I those are some of my favorite messages to get
Especially when people are achieving something that I couldn't possibly hope to achieve I sucked at school
So when someone emails me or you know DMS me on the forum or you know
I just come across a post on reddit or the forum or whatever and
They're like, yeah, I I started watching LTT when I was 13 and I just graduated with a you know
Computer science degree and blah blah blah. It was all cuz like they inspired me to get into tech. I'm like guys
That is so cool because I don't think I could do that
so I mean but that's the way that I have framed our mission internally for a lot of years now our job isn't to
teach you how to
Engineer CPU or whatever our job is to go around and just light little fires
You know
just just start sparks of passion and excitement for technology in in people and if that
Ultimately, you know turns into a bonfire here and fizzles out there and fizzles out there and fizzles out there
But but but burns brightly over here. I mean, hey, I consider that a huge success. So I
Love it
Absolutely. Love it
That's all I can really say about it
Let's see Conrad in inflow plane chat said I started watching LTT in high school and now I work for LTT
That's a path that works
Yeah, that's okay that's one way to do it
I feel seen
Okay. Hey Luke and Linus. Do you know what happened to the CPUs with FPGAs?
I remember some years ago seeing headlines about Intel creating one, but never heard its actual release or
Deployment. No, I remember I pretty sure we talked about that on my show, but uh
Doesn't I'm trying to remember doesn't Intel have an FPGA division, isn't it?
Yeah, Intel FPGA products
I'll Tara SOC FPGA devices. Yeah was a man if it was founded and acquired by yeah
It was acquired by Intel 2015. Yeah Intel owns Altera
So Intel does kind of make FPGAs which are super cool
We actually have a really great video coming on FPGAs
Kind of mocking the Iran announcement of their quantum chip. So we got their quantum chip
We bought it on eBay and then the video opens with like a mock press conference
Me announcing Linus media group's quantum chip. We're gonna use to design the dankest merge
Anyway, so we we get into what FPGAs are for what that particular board is for how it is not
quantum in any way shape or form but how FPGAs are super sick and can be used for all kinds of
amazing amazing applications
For example, you can you can recreate the Super Nintendo
Using an FPGA like the actual hardware so that if you run software on it, you're not emulating
You are you're basically running it on a Super Nintendo just super cool and as FPGAs get even more powerful
We're we're only gonna see their capabilities increase so yeah, definitely super cool, but
Yeah, I'm not quite sure what your question is about what happened to Intel FPGAs because I think it was like a CPU that had
Capability built into it or something. I don't remember the
Article, but yeah, I see a little bit of discussion about it in the chat. Just so you know
The advantage of them is the flexibility
Not the performance you would never want the CPU of your general purpose computer to be an FPGA
It would be grossly underpowered compared to what could be built as an ASIC
I believe like analog uses them the the like really high-end. Yeah
Yeah, so like there's there's really really cool use cases for them by cool companies like analog
But that's a big part of why those devices are so expensive because FPGAs for their performance cost a
freaking lot of money
The only time they make sense in a commercial product is when the volumes are too low to justify
Producing an ASIC like a fixed function
Silicon device like I suspect I never actually verified it
But I suspect that Apple's accelerator card for the old Intel Mac Pro was probably FPGA based
That's probably why it cost
$5,000 because they knew they were gonna sell so few of them that it made absolutely no sense to spin
custom silicon for this thing
when they could just sell it to the professionals that need it at
$5,000 or whatever they charged for it same with like reds red rocket cards back in the day again
I'm like 99% sure that those were FPGAs
There's no way that even if the price was half or a quarter, right?
There's no way that they would sell enough more of them to justify the upfront cost of designing an ASIC
Maybe give us one more Dan
Sure. Sure. Let's see
Was watching episode 10 of Disney's tailspin
1990 the last line spoken was same danger time same danger channel and that seemed familiar
We are both
parodying the
1970s Batman series with Adam West where at the end
It's like see you again next week same bat time same bat channel
It was it's bat and then I just say same I started saying same bad time just because the show is always late
Yeah, you I think you did used to say bat
Did I at one point time you said bat?
Oh, I maybe I guess I just might have like gone back and forth for a bit or something
I remember thinking bad was because we were never on time
That was bad time and then bad channel was just like self self mockery. Yeah
Haha, like when when show who could enjoy when show anyway
You know, we'll see you again next week
Thanks guys
Before the weekend. Yeah, we talked about this a few weeks ago
Like I think I think I do actually finally get it now and if I didn't
Host wan show I think I would understand watching wan show just but as the host of wan show
I do find wan show very hard to watch just like if I need to know Luke's take on something I can just
Think about it. Yes
Don't really have to ask
All right, let me jump into our next topic
What do you want to talk about? We've actually got a ton of great stuff to talk about today. That isn't even stuff that we
That we highlighted at the beginning of the show
I'm gonna add a
Topic and combine it into one that we already have and then talk about both in the same time. I
see cool
Chinese hackers get into government emails through Microsoft Azure
Okay, I saw that you added this as a main topic and I was like really a main topic
Oh, the only reason why I wanted it to be main
Was just because I want to continue keeping stuff like this top of mind for people
Oh, okay, because something else that happened this week now to insert the other topic
So does this count as two topics?
Or is this one topic is it one and a half topics? I'm just maybe one sign says two more topics
Oh, I see. Well, I'm I think one you this is one. I think one. Okay, so one fat topic skyblivion
I'm pretty sure I've talked about that on this show before you have oblivion built into Skyrim with massive high-res
Assets and and custom voice acting and all this cool
Everything I've heard about it
But I feel like I'm about to get some bad news the main person running it as far as my understanding goes. Oh
They're discord Oh got taken over the same way that our
YouTube channel got taken over
session hijack, yeah, and
That person got access to as far as my understanding goes the like more public discussion discord and also the developer and
working discord and
Just started wrecking havoc
They were sent a file as they are many times a day by someone on their team
We don't believe well, I don't believe sorry
I shouldn't say we because I'm in an only very light communication with this person
I don't believe it's like an inside job situation
He said something along the lines of like he thinks that their account also got session hijacked
And then that person used theirs to session hijacked
The last one yeah
Took quite a long time
To get resolved. I think it was like over a day and a half
so they had a very long time to just
Wreck things. Yeah, and that's brutal. So
Be very careful because not only can we have our channel to get hacked
But the government of America can get hacked and also really cool
I can't imagine a single reason why anyone would want to damage it volunteer project can get hacked. Yeah, so like
Don't imagine that just because you know you're cool, and no one should hate you
That someone isn't someone like your stuff. Yeah people do things for
Ununderstandable reasons, but anyways back to the actual core topic
I guess according to Microsoft Chinese state affiliated hackers exploited Microsoft's Azure cloud services to access the email accounts of around 25
Organizations including European and American government agencies the hackers got a hold of a Microsoft consumer signing key
Through unknown means and used it to forge digital authentication tokens to access outlook accounts
Through a security flaw in Microsoft's validation system
This somehow allowed the hackers to access the email accounts of Microsoft's enterprise Azure service clients
The hack first occurred mid-may unusual activity was noticed by an unspecified US government agency
Interesting on June 16th the government then informed Microsoft a spokesperson for China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Did deny the attack but accused the US of being the world's biggest hacking empire
Microsoft announced two other similar hacks earlier this week one where its validation procedure was
Manipulated to digitally sign dozens of pieces of software and one where Russian criminals exploited a previously unknown
vulnerability in its office program
Discussion how do these kinds of major oversights happen is?
There a danger of over centralization when large corporations like Microsoft host data for so many different world governments
Yeah, yes the answer is is is yes, that is that is a huge danger
I mean, that's one of the reasons why we actually talked about this with the pornographic
site that was
Required by I think, Louisiana. I don't know it was oh yeah, so some American state was requiring people to
verify their identity in order to access the pornographic material on the site and
We had talked about how
That is not a good solution because all you're doing is creating a gigantic
Honeypot and the more entities online that are collecting this like highly
highly dangerous
just high-risk data I
Forget how I started the sentence the point is honeypots
Yeah, that's that's basically all they turn into and the more of these you have the more surface area
you have to be attacked via like it's
we've talked about this before but like the amount of
ease of use and scalability and functionality and cost savings and all this kind of stuff that can be gained by
Certain things being more digitized think like power infrastructure and other things like that is immense
But when you do that type of stuff you open yourself up for these types of attacks
And I think if anything this type of stuff is just gonna keep ramping up over time. I don't think it's gonna slow down at all
There one of the discussion questions was how did these kind of major oversights happen?
It's just bugs man. It's just zero days. They're in everything like this is why for so long
We've talked about how you should treat. Nothing is actually being secure because it isn't
Especially with how everything is so reliant on everything else all the time
Like your your your setup might be quite secure, and then something that relies on updates, and it's like well
Baby's not anymore, and now you have to reevaluate and like the the chance
You're always gonna be perfect all the time is basically zero, so you're saying that I need more developers
Yeah, and you want a bigger team. We are actually hiring more people if you go to lines for you to go
Com slash jobs. We are looking for two front-end developers for flow plane right now
There's also a back-end posting there
I'm not taking it down because it's in like a tenuous position it might be done, and if it is done
I want the resume. I'm a little stressed right now
Normally you know we get a few dots in Europe
No you guys did free global shipping
That's why the spellings been so weird
There's so many merch messages
The dots in Europe are just everywhere. Yeah, I don't think you guys can see this
Almost all of Germany is lit up
Literally over half of the UK we have is blue
This is what happens when you start so late freaking Iceland. Oh, let's go
I don't remember the last time we shipped anything to Iceland India. I almost never see a dot in India
There's like a pen right now us. Oh, no Australia is Australia. Just fully blue. What's going on. No. It's but there's lots
It doesn't help that the show is so late, so we probably have a disproportionate number of Australians and Europeans watching
It's like it's just starting in the morning there
Is that a lot of people are thanking me for this is like the first time I've ever had caught a wench oh live
Okay my fingers hurt
There's someone in full play chat by by shipping company stocks
It's not permanent yeah, no no this is definitely oh my god look at the incomings oh
My god, we're getting a merch message every like 11 seconds. I can't yeah, that's not our record
Yeah, but we didn't even launch a product Luke
We didn't launch anything. It's been it's been 40 minutes. Okay cool
Cool wait is it gonna hold up Conrad it feels like it is so far
Okay, I think I know what the thing you guys wanted to show me was oh
I'm gonna do sponsor spots first
But I I am very excited. Let's get to the sponsor spots. Okay. Oh, man
It's pretty cool. I'm really excited. Okay. The show is brought to you by
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LTT or at the link down below. I'd like to interrupt this compelling programming. Sorry
We'll get to that in a second to say that we are finished round one of secret shopping our sponsors
Do you know about this? Have you heard about this? No, I was inspired by secret shopping PC building companies
Some of whom we've worked with over the years in a in a sponsorship capacity and I was thinking, you know
Okay, you know there's really
There's really good ways that we have already to hold our sponsors accountable like the sponsor feedback
thread in the forum
We also, you know, just take your messages seriously in general be they on the LTT forum or reddit or social media or wherever else
It's just that the best way to make sure we see them is on the forum in the designated place
But you know, we do try to keep an eye out but you know
We can't we can't verify a lot of the time an experience that a third party has had
so I was thinking why don't we have our own experiences and
Why don't we publish them? Why don't we secret shop our sponsors?
It seems like just a win-win. It's compelling content. I think that it's really good for our sponsors to get this
Professionally documented feedback about their processes assuming that they actually care about customer satisfaction
They should want to see this as opposed to you know
Try to sweep it under the rug and I think it's a huge benefit to the community because from my point of view
Trust is everything right?
And so if you guys know that we are doing our due diligence to keep our sponsors
Accountable and make sure that they're operating with integrity
Well, then hey that makes it so that you know, you can trust our sponsors which means that there could be more value for sponsors
Investing in marketing with our company and everything. Everything is just better
So it seems like one of those win-win-win wins and we're gonna see how it goes
Can you spill some some potential tea I fix it is one of them
We had some issues. Oh
But they resolved them. I mean
that's good and
With this really is not bad with the sponsors that we didn't have issues with
We fabricated issues. Ah, because really that was part of that's good. I don't want to know, you know, is the product any good?
I don't need to order a ridge wallet to know it is what they say it is
I you know
I hold one up to you guys every six weeks or however often bridge sponsors a bunch of right like I don't need that
I don't I've used the I fix it kit. What I want to know is are they operating with integrity? And so
Is it high integrity for us to pretend there's an issue and waste their money? I
Think if it's for the greater good, it's I don't know if that's bad
I think I think from that's bad if everyone does it
Yes, but if it's from a if we're doing it in a in a journalistic manner, yeah, I think it's okay
Yeah, so anyway, yeah
I I'm very I'm very excited for you guys to see round one of this and if the community response is really positive
I am very excited to do a lot more of this and I already told the team
Hey next time around maybe we don't just limit it to our own sponsors
Maybe we look at some of the really big sponsors on YouTube that you guys see
you know plastered all over your feed and we can start to you know start to act as a bit of a
Check, you know making sure that things are operating the way that they're supposed to be operating coffee
Zilla can make sure they're not a scam we can make sure they have good customer support
Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. All right
I don't know exactly when it's coming out. But the reason that I'm able to talk about it now is that we have already
Settled all of our open tickets with all of these companies. So everything is all wrapped up in a tidy little bow. It's shot
It's just waiting for the editors and no I am NOT doing three merch messages Dan
I refuse because I haven't done our third sponsor spot yet
Yeah, I know it's the next topic you gotta put the card back up yeah, yeah, he's gonna put the card back up
Yeah, there you go. I'll just hold it until
Nice, five seconds from now
The show is brought to you by Vessi
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All right. Yes. Now I will do your three merch messages Dan. Thank you, sir. Now, I will do it. I
Only have three because I've got 130 to go through is photography allowed during the lab and office tours. Yes. Oh
That's okay, that's gonna take a bunch of work but that's probably smart because they were gonna do it anyways, yeah
What's the point of pretending that people are not gonna take pictures? Absolutely
I'm not gonna pose with you at every stupid, you know place we stopped to talk about things. Yeah, I saw you're doing tours
Yeah, I'm doing why why not? I like doing tours. Okay. Yeah
I don't think we're guaranteeing who you get for your tour host though. Yeah, that would be a bad idea
That would be a really bad idea because
I'm doing tours. Are you not I'm down, but I don't think I'm slotted for doing I know Dennis's. Oh, yeah, I'm down
Yeah, yeah, I told the Colton then and Steph. I was like just put me for whatever. I don't
Don't worry about uh, the the consent here anything I'm down to do whatever yeah, no, I mean I'm I'm always down
it's always it's always fun just to like I
Don't really get to interact with you people like that
Yeah, there's that there's the chat and there's comments but no offense to any of the chats
Offense to twitch chat hate twitch chat. No offense to the chats. It's not the same the way people it's so well
Yeah, no, it's so funny based on the average comment section
You would think that a sizable portion of the community like actually hates me or if you you know hung out on reddit
Maybe read it
But anytime I talk to someone in person you and your darn shipping
They're just the nicest people ever and it's awesome because when you strip away the anonymity of the internet
People are actually not fucking horrible
for the most part
And so yeah, it's pretty accurate
It's fun getting to actually like see people and have two-way
communication right and a tour gives you a bit of an extended period of time with them and gives a central activity so it doesn't
Have to be like yeah. Yeah, it's not awkward. Yeah, it's good. No offense. Some of you while nice are awkward
Oh, yeah, like social engineering skills to have conversations with the fans
I've told you about that right the whole step to the side thing step to the side. So it's
When you have a conversation with someone you meet at a show
If there's if there if you can tell they're like getting you know
Like speech jambered because they're feeling really awkward and unsure how to proceed with the conversation
Yeah, one of the many tools that you can use is just kind of like
Take a half step to the side and kind of lean over to the side a little bit so that they would have to
Turn a very odd amount to face you that will make them
Restance which gets their mind off of what they were just thinking about because they're like wait what and then they turn and move and
Then you hit them with a question and it completely debases where they were at
so you step to the side and then go like what's your favorite thing at the show and
There they immediately just start talking what their favorite thing at the show is they lose the awkwardness and it actually works like very consistent
Okay. Yeah, I
Use it like a lot
So that explains all of our conversations that we've ever had. I do that with Dan every single time
It's very difficult, I'm kidding but yeah me too, okay
Get out of my head. Yeah, I don't know whatever
I'm just like I don't I don't if someone comes up and is like excited to meet me
I don't want the takeaway to be like, oh like I wish I wasn't so awkward or whatever. I think I do that subconsciously
I'm trying to think as soon as you said what's your favorite thing at the show? I was like, yeah, I always say that
Yeah, I don't know if I do the shift thing
But I definitely I told you the shift thing like many years ago
I get like two or three steamboats and then I just like start talking to them. Yeah
Interesting this Josie says Luke psychologically manipulating people for their own good
King of the nerds knows his side just like so day nine before before I did any of this stuff
I met day nine down at a PAX event. That was outside of packs called Red Bull land
yeah, there was this really really cool custom Starcraft tournament, whatever yeah, and
He had like a meet-and-greet afterwards and it was super positive and everyone had a really great time
And but we had started working together
But this was still when I was like behind camera and I remember thinking at that event like man
If I ever end up being a situation like him where people want to meet me
I want them to come away from it feeling like that was actually like kind of cool
because I've
Met people like when I was like 14 or something. I met Todd Howard
Mm-hmm. I remember walking away from it being like that was just a dumb interaction
Like I had no idea what to say. I didn't expect he was gonna be he was just like walking around packs
I didn't expect it was gonna happen and it was like he was cool
he was fine everything but just like I was very in my head about it mm-hmm and
So I had that event I had meeting day nine and I was just like man
I want the the people that meet me to exit with good feelings, right?
And then when people started recognizing me again at PAX, I noticed that there was this loop of like speech jammer
This is awkward, right?
Don't know what to say
So I was like I need a way to fix this and then yeah
I had a terrible interaction with a celebrity recently and it was completely my fault
I really hope there's no video of this online, but
Victor Axelson who is the world number one men's badminton singles player
current world champion
Yeah kind of a big deal in the badminton space anyway
He came to do an exhibition, and I was drawn to play two points with him
And there's like maybe 150 people so on the first point
I actually played a really good shot right out of the gate
And he had to lift it to the front court
Which meant that all I had to do was just pound it down anywhere
And I would actually get a point which would have been pretty cool because very few of the like
10 or 15 people that went up actually did score points on him. He's like
God like basically, but I just I kind of got lucky
he just I wasn't like dressed for it or anything and so I think I
Kind of blindsides him a little bit by actually playing a decent shot, and so he was like oh
Like got it obviously because he's a badminton god, but whatever the point is I
Completely whiffed it
so the the ceiling in the Richmond oval is so high and I had never played there before my depth perception was completely off and
You probably are sitting there thinking
excuses it does make a difference and
It didn't only happen to me people who don't play there
Find it a little bit easy to kind of lose where the shuttle is as it's falling down
So I missed it completely
Obviously I was flustered my next point. I just completely screwed up
But none of this was the really bad part
the really bad part is that it's customary in badminton to meet at the net and
Thank your opponent
Now pre kovid the normal way to do it was a high five
And now you but then kovid okay, so now you touch rackets
Group flips our rackets around and touches our handles so that we're not whacking the frames against each other they weigh like
85 grams for an entire racket just like hitting your frames. It just seems unnecessary
Why chip the paint right probably it won't but that this just what my group does okay? Well apparently
His dozens, and he's never seen that before because when I walked up and tried to touch rackets he like
Took the handle of it for a second was like and then gave it back
and then I just like moved away, and then I don't think we even ended up doing anything and
Awkwardly walked off. It was the worst thing ever oh
He thought I was handing him my racket because I gave it to him handle for anyway, so I yeah, so that was awful
Anyway, I
Yeah, and it was completely not his fault
Yeah, and like it was actually great my interaction with Todd was it was similar in that way like he did completely fine
I just like I met him and just immediately started rambling about computers because it was like the only thing I did ever and
If I remember correctly I started like talking about mineral oil because that was also all I did at that time and my dad eventually
Just like shuffled me
Was like oh that sucked
Amazing it's okay, okay, thankfully nobody has uploaded video of this
I know it exists because I had some friends in the audience
Like sent me highlights of the failure oh man brutal
Anyways merch messages
Yeah, I've got
What would a retired Luke and Linus look like would you still do the wan show?
Never thought about that. I don't know if I would have the infrastructure in place to
To produce the wan show if I'm retired. I'm retired right. I'm not what I have employees, and I'm retired
Why why do I do that? We only had a producer on wan show for a very small percentage of its history
Did you are you?
You you you would know Dan's great you're just saying Dan no, I'm just saying I mean
I'm your prop you don't need me dirty like that right to his face
Now you have to look into his eyes and tell him that the wan show would be just fine with
Yeah fire me fire me without looking me in the face yeah, I think I think it's a clear improvement
We've talked about having a a producer for a long time
I'm happy we finally did it, but I'm just saying the show could technically go on
Yeah, I mean I guess but when we talk about like if I'm not covering tech
I mean, I guess we could just talk about whatever. I'm not covering tech
Badminton yeah, I still talk about it. I don't think any of the topics we talked about on the wan show really require
Almost anything we read the topics where we sit down like
Okay a lot of the time I have independently read about them during the week
Oh, you know as part of are you gonna stop doing that though?
Probably not yeah
So like as soon as I have more than like two days off in a row
I just immediately start tinkering with tech again. Yeah, like it's like the wan show
It's not really something I can be in control of the wan show kind of
Started because of those car talks we weren't working during the car rights. I guess so like I
Don't know um I wouldn't be surprised if we kept going. I don't think people would still watch
I've talked about this before I think that I think that you can have kind of your your more casual content
But nobody cares about your opinion on things
Unless you also give them a healthy
Serving of you know fact-based analysis and and enriching content like it's one of the reasons
I'm always still know what you're doing
I'm always telling the writers like look you got to load up the video with learning outcomes. It can't just be memeing
And so yeah, I don't I don't know if people would enjoy it the way that they do
I also if we weren't focused on tech
I don't know if the world needs another like two white guys give their opinion on stuff podcast
Wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't the wan show
But if we did like something like I think we've even talked about this before
Like playing random like $1 games on Steam. Yeah, or like something like nothing would prevent us from doing that now though
I think a big part of the reason we managed to do this is because there's
Like it's like a traditional yes, yeah, so we both have to be
Retired and we'd have to have we both have to be around on Fridays
Like it would have to be I almost don't think we could ever change the date. Yeah, the time is a little flexible
He's supposed to have people over tonight. Oh
That was stupid. Well. It'll probably be tomorrow at this point. I was a dumb thing
Yeah, it wasn't that kind of evening. Sorry Dan. I don't care. Yeah, they don't care
They know what I do for my parents thought. I was going to their cabin tonight
House like yeah, that's worse. Not. I was like Yvonne was like
It's Friday, it's when show I remember we were trying to plan that like executive retreat and people were like yeah
We can go Friday night, and we were both like
Have you met this man, it's not your fault
Sometimes rarely, but sometimes it has had I think I think one of the things that saves me is that you are so consistently late
So that if I'm ever late it just doesn't it gets completely overwritten because you're later
So like if you were on time all the time
I think I'd probably look pretty bad, but because you're late all the time like literally 100% of the time
It just doesn't matter. That's not fair
How I was on time for that flight
Like atomic bombed right there
He thought he'd have something he could defend against that was inexcusable
Was solely I had to break just about every traffic law in existence to go
Wake his ass up. Yeah get him into the car and drive us both to the airport. Yeah
Yeah, it's like he's not coming dude. He's not coming. There was a few years there where I
Like practically nothing could wake me up that was where it's over now doesn't seem to be a problem anymore
Yeah, I only have one alarm now you get older man, and there was one point in time legitimately
I had a floor mat thing that I got us to buy through like a handy tech or something
I remember it was yeah that required putting weight on it to turn the alarm off
I had two different alarm clocks one of them that did like a daylight brightness thing it cost way too much money
It was this like really bright light that was supposed to simulate the Sun
I had my phone's alarm clock, and I had an alarm that was a little robot thing that would run away from me
So I had to go chase it to turn it off. I would just stay asleep with all of them buzzing oh
Yeah, you're screwed yeah Europe is like is there any way to total how much you've spent on shipping in the last minute time no
Because it's through it's it's through
It's through a reshipping service because shipping from Canada sucks
So we consolidate in pallets and ship it into the u.s. To distribute
So I actually don't know really stupid that that's the right way to do it. I know that's so dumb
So I actually don't know how much we spend on shipping until I get the bill
Like a month later two weeks later or whatever it is actually I never know because Yvonne deals with all that but like
Holy crap
I am having trouble showing them and replying to them because they come in so fast and it pauses the dashboard for a second
So I have to click like five or six times, and so I can't do more than
One every ten seconds, and this is becoming a problem dashboards holding though. It's holding
I don't know if we're gonna be able to do I have 200
Yeah, we're not gonna get to every merge message tonight guys, but
I'll start trying to help parsing income no no no we got a host the show. Yeah, that's the show all right
I'm try why don't you why don't why don't why doesn't Luke find a couple merge messages so that Dan
Can stay focused sure yeah look in potential. I've got lots of potential, okay
Give me a moment. I got a scroll all the way down there. Oh god
You can close the individual tabs by clicking right yeah, because Conrad is a god good call, okay?
Hello I've been one oh wait what I how do I make it show I have to click curate into curated and then show from
Curated right if it's a potential yes, or you can just read the curated ones your call just read them
I think it's fine. Okay. You're not worried about showing them. No you don't have to know okay
Just archive them though with the hint of an update on the gaming minivan could this lead to more videos on adding
Technology to vehicles and maybe linking into camping technology. I doubt it
It's one of those things that I hate but is the truth like one of the reasons that we don't do much VR
Content anymore is that it's just not really commercially viable for us at our scale we need
anywhere from
1.3 to two and a half million views in a video if I can't get a million to two million people
Let's let's round it to that if I can't get one to two million people interested enough to watch it enough to count as a view
It's just it's it's not worth using an upload slot now
With that said
Our intention is to build out more niche channels over the years
But we're gonna start with ones that have more growth potential than I think
Yeah well
Actually, oh, this is Wow what a depressing thought
I was about to say I want to start with ones that have more growth potential than you know van life
but oh
Yeah with the way that housing
Trending yeah that has a lot of growth potential okay well
Anyway, the point is I I think there are
Verticals that are closer to our area of expertise and that have a lot of growth potential that we would be focusing on first
Hey DLL, what's your niche tech interest? Oh, sorry, I'm gonna actually I'm gonna come back to that in a second
I was wanted to say something I forgot what it was and now I remembered
Shopping for anything that isn't tech
Or isn't like mainline like phones tablets computers monitors that type of stuff as a tech nerd who?
Absorbs that type of content is incredibly frustrating
Oh, yeah, because you try to look into like reviews for something and it's just listicle websites. Yep that are
Obviously just trying to farm Amazon clicks that did no actual research into the product probably never even had it on them in the first
or they're like
No offense, but maybe a little bit of offense
Certain like janky review channels that are very clearly just paid off
Literally three-quarters of the video is them just glowing over how amazing the company is and has like nothing to do with what the actual
Product is doing or how good it is or any comparisons. They're just like the packaging is amazing. I love this company
Thank you for the spot. So stylish. Yeah, like oh, I don't care
it's it's actually so so frustrating but
Anyways, hey, hey DLL, what's your niche tech interest that won't make it into an LTT video also more dinosaur merch, please?
Sarah has already gotten me to
Confirm that more dinosaur merch is going to be a thing. So alright fine you win
As for my niche tech interest that I can't really make into a video. There's man. There's one I even have a title for it
There's this VR haptic vest thing that
The title is like I don't care anymore or something like that. Like it's the super clickbaity title
And pretty much I want to make a video about it. So
That's why the title is I don't care anymore because I just want to and it doesn't I don't care if you guys care about it
I'm just I don't care anymore. I want to make a video about this and then I just I haven't gotten around to it
Cuz I've been busy
But I I am I'm playing around with the big-screen VR I got I
Hope this isn't embargoed. I got a new lens thing for it wider field of view
Haven't been able to try it yet, though
I sent them a video of the difficulty that I was having yesterday and I haven't heard back yet
Yeah, D boss at flow plane chat was actually just said what I was gonna say
Which is there's an Assassin's Creed version of that haptic vest coming out. It's just branded but
Yeah, yeah, I just I want to try it I want to try it it seems like dumb fun, right? Yeah
Well, yeah, the thing that I'm excited about with the Assassin's Creed version is it's not made for VR
So they're releasing the haptic vest for just normal games as well. Oh, which is kind of sick. Why not both?
Yeah, I guess so. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, probably best in VR. You've seen that video of the guy who built like
Like a pneumatic arm of some sort that like goes into and then he fires the opposite
Yeah, I like the ones too where it just like shakes the table when there's recoil and it just bounces the monitor and the speakers
All over things very funny. That would actually be a really fun multiplayer experience
If everyone was doing it if you if you modded a game to have no recoil
But everyone had their table shake. So the recoil is real
So it's all a matter of like how steady can you act how steady can you hold it?
Not can you memorize a stupid pattern do it for a video and then have it at ltx 2024
Kind of like it you could totally do it. It's doable. Yeah, it's a lot of work
I don't know if it would get a ton of views. I
Don't know if it's commercial
Clips of the the guy that has the thing that hits you and also the one that shakes his desk go all over the place
I know but that's very digestible in like a short format. I think as a 13 14 18 minute video. I don't
I don't know take it a long time sounds fun though. Anyway. I'm gonna gaming vent Jessica says box
What box box
I got the same messages box box, but oh it's box time
You want me to bring out the box box time? Yeah, probably do it. Yeah, okay, Dan, Dan
Okay, yeah real coil is an amazing brand name says regal you are 100% right real coil mouse technology
Don't drop it. Oh
Yeah, sure, hold on first there's a really good float plane message
I'm gonna I'm gonna talk about this first and then we'll look at this in a second
HQ a bunch of numbers asks
do you scale your click baity percentage so that the stuff that wouldn't normally get huge views will capture and
Use less click baity titles for very interesting content that would normally bring in huge views
It is a balancing act. You don't want to attract a viewer who will not be interested in the content
But if we know the content is very interesting to our to our typical viewer
Even if it's not something that they would click on if we just said
product name review and
discussion right
Then we do tend to try to put flashier packaging on it
Because we know you'll enjoy it once you get in there are times when we will know that a video is
Not a banger and we will intentionally sandbag the title and thumbnail
Knowing that this is you know, this is for the hardcores
You don't want a lot of clicks with crap retention
yes, or this is for the people who are interested in this niche only so there are there are gonna be times when you will
see a
Super straight shooting title from us because we actually do not want you to click on it unless you're super into that
Whereas other times? Yeah, we're gonna gussy it up because we do think it has broader appeal and
If that if we get you guys in and if you enjoy it YouTube will serve it more
So yeah, it's it's all about kind of it's more black magic than it is science
But it's all about trying to find the best possible balance. I demand box you demand box. Okay
This is the box. There's a yellow cable on the ground between you guys. There's a yellow cable. Okay, I
heard of this
And it is
Perhaps better than I could have possibly imagined
This is the hitme Dan hey Dan, I hate to do this to you when you're so busy
Lighting your fingers on fire. It's not gonna go wait. No. No. No, you're good. Never mind. Stay. I forgot to have a button. I'm
It's there's Friday
You know how I would say hitme Dan for the merch messages. Well now I have a hitme Dan button
courtesy of
Mellow underscore labs that will actually hit me. So if you just want to plug that in there
Mine I didn't mean to press it. My bad. No, I know I
Yes, it doesn't just go when you know, I definitely press it very 3d printed
So every time I say hitme Dan do we do we have to?
I don't know if this could ever get old. I
Don't know why but the sound is also quite satisfying go for it. That's great
All right, well that
Was 100 I'm assuming I'm assuming mellow labs has like some content on this
This is a real job that I have
What a world we live in
Yes, yes they do
Absolutely, fantastic
Here it is. So you can learn all about mellow labs is journey creating the hitme Dan
I don't know what to call it. Hitme Dan button the the hitme Dan guide
Wow you can like beat the crap out of him
Dan were you involved in the design because it seems like he really thought of everything here. Nope. He's line approved as himself
This is the first I have ever seen this and we need a little robot that just presses the button over and over again. Oh
Yeah, you could even you could even just use like machine learning you could just have it listen to me and every time I say
hitme Dan it would just
Yeah, oh do you think we could hook it into the merge message dashboard so it looks for a hook and then I can
Broadcast a message and don't talk about this because Conrad will start working on it and that is not Conrad's done
Imagine there was a fuss item that was only available during the show that punched Linus
Sorry a fuss item
Fuss free a free upsell sell free upsell shelf. It's literally just not a stupid name
That's the bonus bin that's where you get a free item with your order like stickers or whatever
Well, but teams like internal names. It's a thing. Mm-hmm
No Conrad, that's not work
I mean, it's not connected to anything. Anyways, yeah. Yeah. Okay, so
No, I'm not an STM 32 in it. No, that's not real work. Oh
No, it has to be Ethernet so we can have it on the redundant backup. It's not real work
Okay. All right good. I don't think comrades in the chat
Don't worry. I'll message him. No, it's no Dan. It's not real work
And if Conrad sees this he might like actually work on it knows do stuff like that. Yeah. No, no, it's not work
You have lots of quarterly goals Conrad. Yeah
This is not one of them
God what's Jaden want Jaden? I know your comrade never sees this he wants he
Jane wants people to use the beta player so they can see the new controls. Oh
Yeah, yes, that is real work. Yes. Yeah, what it being such a good example for Conrad
That was the box. Very good. All right
Let's do another top the boxing glove was in a box
Thanks, Luke. No problem. I got you. What is it? Yeah more topics. Do we have any more main ones left knock hack?
Apple Amazon says it's not a very large online
So funny their argument
It makes a little bit more sense when we get into it still lame dumb whatever but anyways
Amazon is challenging its classification as a very large online platform
Under the EU's digital services act which is kind of a big point
This isn't America is not an American thing which defines a very large online
Platform as any company that reaches at least 10% of the EU's population or around 45 million people
Every month if they reach 45 million people every month, I think you're probably a very large online
You're a very large online platform, but please do go on they include Google Play meta Twitter YouTube Apple's App Store
Alibaba's Aliexpress and German retailer Zalando the classification would require Amazon to meet elevated
compliance standards for privacy transparency and protection of miners and
Amazon does not want to protect miners
So Amazon argues that as a retailer, it should not be regulated like a social platform
It also argues that it is not the largest retailer in any of the EU countries where it operates and none of these
largest retailers in each European country has been designated as a
They say that this unfairly singles out Amazon with onerous administrative obligations
So they're trying to treat
The individual countries instead of addressing the EU as the unified countries that it literally is I am funny
Man, I'm kind of coming around to their argument a little bit
I'm not okay because this is a European Union thing and not a like
Okay, Germany. Okay. Let's get through. Let's get through the because they're talking about how many people it reaches in the EU
Why don't you get through the notes first anyways? Yeah
Amazon isn't the largest retailer in any EU country. It is the largest online retailer
In in in all but one of five of the most populous EU countries
So those other larger retailers are because they have physical locations
I see the largest retailer in Europe is the German Schwartz group who owns supermarket chain the little
I've never actually tried to pronounce it a little ideal. No idea light a little something like that. Sure and department
large kaufland the Schwartz group bought in
150 billion the u.s. Brought in brought in 150 billion u.s. Dollars in 2021 compared to Amazon's
470 billion dollars in revenue in the same year the vast majority of that income came from in-person
Purchases not online. So hold on a second Amazon revenue. Sorry. What was that 2021?
Yes, I mean if that's a global yeah, if that's their total revenue worldwide, which it does appear to be I
Mean then yeah, I kind of get their point just the fact that they happen to be an online company
No, they're saying okay. Why doesn't have to deal with this?
The statement behind what they're saying
Is that if it reaches 10% of the EU population or 45 million people at no point in time do they define?
individual countries within the EU and then Amazon goes well, we're not big because we're not the biggest in
Individual countries except they are the biggest online platform in those individual countries
Even when you take the the retail arm of the other ones and it was never about the individual countries
It's about the EU
I mean
I guess it all depends on you know
Really what these what these?
Regulations are are after right like if the if it's just you know, the protection of miners or whatever else then yeah
I mean if you're if you're not an online form, then it's not really relevant to you
I'm gonna and if you are an online platform, then you should have to take care of that
I'm gonna flip slightly on the other side
Yeah, and say that it they they say that it's about privacy transparency and the protection of miners
but as everyone knows laws will say they're about whatever and
Then attempt to accomplish a wide range of other unrelated things
But if one of the wide range of unrelated things is to make life more difficult for Amazon
Yeah, I don't care at all yeah, it's kind of hard to feel bad for them
Yeah with that said, you know, I I think that this point about you know
the German Schwarz group
You know also being an enormous
conglomerate and probably also needing some
You know kicks in the shin
Also having kicks in the shin, but I'm pretty sure part of the point of this is
Not chomping down on retailers that are
country specific right and specifically because you want like the
Uniqueness of countries you want the the the smaller like we serve this one country really well
Companies to still be okay and not to bother them
But to add some oversight to country to companies that are trying to go wide-reaching
Which is why this is again has literally nothing to do with any of the individual countries within
Europe and has very specifically things to do about the population that is across the EU as a whole
Which is I I believe like the whole point yeah
And it's also a little disingenuous for Amazon to try to classify themselves as a retailer
AWS is not retail
AW what percentage of their business is AWS now?
I'd be I'd be very curious to know in the fourth quarter
AWS generated
21.4 billion in revenue representing 14% of Amazon's total revenue, so I guess they are still a retailer
But for them to go oh, you know mercy me. How could you possibly treat us like an online?
platform when
Really, we're just the infrastructure that online platforms use we should have no responsibility for any of that
We're a retailer wait hold on okay, so
To go back to your argument
I'm not sure what my argument is at this point, but I've never understood it really the whole time
Well, I just I'm just not sure I'm saying it's I'm saying this is a gray area
I'm saying that they because okay, so Amazon's argument is they're saying like we're not the largest retailer in any of these countries
But again, they're the largest online retailer in all but five
Sure, and they're competing against in-store sales, which I probably don't have
There's like an online component they have as many issues with things like privacy and whatnot they have some
Yeah, it's video cameras in there sure they might track card sales sure there's things they can collect like loyalty programs
There's there's been
Stuff in the news for many many years about like certain stores knowing that people are pregnant before
Like their partners do and stuff because of their their shopping habits and like different things like that stores can get creepy
Don't get me wrong. Don't get it twisted
But it's it's it's a different ballgame and they also do run social platforms. Yeah twitch.com comes to mind
I would consider that to be very much a social platform and very high risk, I guess when it comes to
collecting and
profiting off of
Data from miners. I mean, I don't want to generalize but I
Suspect they're on cake now. It's okay a lot of
Viewers on a platform like twitch are young
Yeah, so like I I don't know. I think this is BS one
It's framed as a EU thing not an individual country thing and their argument is based on individual countries and two it
Specifically says online platform and then their argument is mostly around places that do very little online
So their argument has no actual thing to those. I do feel that some parts of this
Push are arbitrary why 45 million why that number?
So what if I reach it's 10%?
Okay, why not 9% if I reach 8% of the EU every month is it am I not a very large online?
Platform every month. Yeah, I
Sounds very large to me
So I just you have to draw the line somewhere. I mean, yeah, that's true. It's just why do humans like numbers that are round?
It's easy if we had a base for accounting system would it would the number have been 4% or 8
I don't know. Maybe probably 8. Yeah, cuz it's just with the the easier thing to parse, right?
It's gonna end up being a 5 or a 10. Yeah, I guess I see their point, but I also
See why this has to happen and I see why they are no not the same thing as Schwartz group
But I also am sort of generally
Yeah, and so which is why I think this is structured the way that it is sure
Consolidation that's the word I was looking for. It's very late. I'm very tired. Yeah. Yeah, I'm generally
I'm generally sort of anti consolidation
I just like being a small platform
If we grew a ton like a float plane grew a very very large amount there are certain things that we would have to do
Now that we are serving a certain amount of people and all this type of type of stuff, yeah it gets it gets harder I
Appreciate that it doesn't start getting harder until you start growing to a minimum size
because a lot of these
Things that they require you to do take a lot of work
Maybe not a lot of work when you're in Amazon
But when you're a float plane adding one or two people onto staff is very substantial
yep, so I appreciate that we are not subject to all of the things that you have to do if we were like the CBC or
Something sure, but we're also
So much smaller that I don't think anyone would make the argument that we're very low
Different levels like if you look at the App Store the Apple App Store, there's that 1 million dollar level
That's not really that high when you're talking about company finances
I'm not trying to be out of touch here, but it's company finances as a different thing. I don't have a million dollars
But company finances, that's not that high, but just on the App Store
We're not touching that yeah, we're not touching that which is nice and when we do okay
We have some more work to do, but hey we're making that much
That's cool, and there's there's these lines all the way up right so like they got to draw the line somewhere does 10% seem fair
Probably I don't know if one in ten people use your thing in a country that sounds like you're pretty big
Honestly if one in 20 people in your country used it that sounds very big too in a month like that's that's okay
I feel like some people are kind of missing my point here a little bit when I when I say that I feel like the
10% is pretty arbitrary that is
Monthly users, that's a lot of people. That's a that's yeah, that's very large
I would I would be looking at things that it caught I would make the argument that one in 20 is
very large
I guess I I just I'm having a hard time understanding exactly where the line is
I wonder if it's because there's certain, and I don't know the population numbers that I have to look into this
But I wonder if it's because like oh hey
There's a company that happens to be very frequently used in
The like the like three finger countries so like Finland Norway Sweden sure so it's used across those
I don't know the population numbers don't worry about it and because it's used across those very heavily by like everyone
It just happens to cross
8% or something
It doesn't really seem right. That's not really what we're trying to target. You know like ubiquitous, but across a
Small amount of countries is not really what we're trying to target so they they shift it up or something like that
I could see some things causing the percentage to go up one thing
I will take issue with in Amazon's argument is that they feel singled out. They are absolutely not
Singled out yeah
the definition of single is
One you know if someone was part of a throuple okay, and describe themselves as single you would tell them to fuck off right
This is extremely polyamorous, there's Google AliExpress
No, I'm talking just retailers because they said they felt singled out as a retailer
But AliExpress I would make the argument is every bit as much a retailer even though Ali Baba group is obviously
Has their fingers in all kinds of things so does Amazon right and then this is a Lando
Lando is apparently one that that was caught up in this. I'm gonna here we go, and they're like everywhere
Well everywhere in Europe. I'd never heard of them. Well. That's quite the photo shoot, but these guys are
Very European for one thing
What's happening and we're taking this to the British Museum and very much a retailer
I think it's pausing
Sorry I liked that joke too much
Yeah, I I think it's defined very European I will not
That picture though was very European yeah, yeah
Imagine not hearing about Zalando common Canadian L. Why the hell would I have heard about it? Yeah, do they even ship to Canada?
Do you have Ralph's
Yeah, where's your Payless shoes
Where's our payless where's your Canadian tire
Imagine not having heard of Canadian tire. They probably don't even have any Canadian tire money I
Can't believe how much money rare Canadian tire money is worth now
You know this is a thing right so but it totally makes Canadian tire is a retailer that in Canada obviously
You can get auto work done, but they have all kinds of like housewares and
Like home improvement goods and like outdoor apparel and equipment and stuff like that
They used to have this program where everything you spent a percentage of it. They would there you go
they would give you a percentage of it back in Canadian tire money and
You know everyone kind of treated this stuff as basically worthless. It was a way of them discounting
without a
Significant redemption rate I suspect and at some point like lose it because you have like five cent bills
at some point the cost of producing this Canadian tire money became
Not sensible anymore, and I think they still have the program or at least they carried it on for a while
In a digital form of some sort
Or didn't I don't know I don't care the point is Canadian tire money that the physical kind eventually went away and
You know people are I don't know they love Canadian tire or because they mean it or because I don't know the point is
There are misprints and there are particularly rare pieces of Canadian tire money that have become collector's items
So it's like anything that everyone throws away
It's like the things to collect are either the actually numbered actually rare ones or the commodity crap that
Literally everybody threw away
you know like like a coffee can if you have a vintage coffee can and
Everything today will be vintage someday right if you have a vintage coffee can that will be worth something to someone someday
I promise you so either collect garbage or stuff. That is actually a limited supply never in between
I'm looking on eBay for Canadian tire money
What you got?
$1,900 for rare Canadian tire money a lot of five bills
Canadian tire paper money
Seven 75th anniversary rare a sealed
$100 Canadian tire commemorative note that isn't actually very rare because you would have to spend a ton of money to get
$100 in Canadian tire money. It was a very low percentage
Rebate I mean they had two cent bills or whatever they give you so yeah getting up to 200 bucks
We have to be crazy some corporate buying or something
Yeah, there's not a ton of it available, but there definitely is some it's a thing seven uncirculated bills
Lot of five rare 25 cent Canadian tire money light purple design
We do with this stuff when you have it like you collect it. You're a collector
You show people your Canadian tire money collection, and you hope they you hope they approve wow that's cool, man
I I had a pretty sad moment a little while ago
You know that bubble hockey thing that I bought that I like really love I
Was hanging out on some pinball forum because they have an owner's thread for super checks
And I was just like I was just you know seeing what people are into where they integrated into their
You know their the arcade room or whatever you know what they use it for so it's a combination of private owners
And people who run arcades and and like game game
Anyway, so yeah, there's a lot of modifications
There's OEM modifications you can make where you can actually upgrade super checks to super checks Pro
Which has like a jumbotron and additional features and stuff like that you can get replacement parts like that
Jumbo, no like a better one like video on and stuff you can get replacement ice surfaces new pox new players
You can get super customized players
Where like there man?
There's there's people who will like put the right helmet for like that particular player on it and stuff
And like it's it gets pretty wild anyway
None of that is the point the point is I came across this video from this guy who?
Tricked out a super checks in his house
and I was watching this video with the context of kind of reading a
lot of posts in the owners thread about how much they love the game and
How hard it is to get any use out of their machine because it requires two people to play and it was there's like
This kind of sad forever alone vibe
And it's a pinball or forum right so a lot of them are probably also into pinballs to solo game
Which is a one-player game so like no problem, but super checks. I love this game. I love to play
I have nobody to play with
And I'm watching this video the guy like man
I can't believe how modded this game is all the players are custom like super accurate
Jayden this posted flow play chat customized players try ours out on the beta site for flow play
Hockey players, okay
So this thing is tricked out he basically built dream teams for two teams
Completely dressed up the outside of it removed the bubble so it doesn't have a bubble anymore it has stanchions
Okay new nets
New surface the surface is not just brand new, but it's actually like texture like not textured, but like
digitally altered to look
Like it's scuffed up like like skated on ah so it's got like a cool like ice look on it his jumbotron
Not only has a custom full-motion video like instant replay that plays showing a goal like obviously
It's not reflective of what happened on the ice
But he actually I guess he works in the industry because he had a couple of commentators
Who work in the NHL like who?
Cast NHL games he had them record custom like
Commentary for like near misses and for goals and stuff like it's wild and then at the end of the video
He and his wife square off each wearing jerseys to match the the teams they're playing against
And you can just tell she gives
Exactly zero f***s whatsoever like he tries to kind of hype the game, and she's like you always win
And she's just a hundred percent being super supportive and amazing
But as someone who has that wife who is super supportive and amazing, but does not f***ing care
About my super checks game. I felt very personally attacked
Could definitely detect the vibe no one's beat him yet
Yeah, I am I am currently unbeaten. I've gotten
Really close more than once but have definitely still not done it which makes me sad now
I feel like I have to I feel like I have to show this now so in a full pinch
I said we require Canadian badminton money. I was thinking it could be funny for an April Fool's to have like LTT store money
Like actually ship people like fake cash
Okay here, I think this is the one here is this oh wait no this isn't the one
Nope, this is a different one hold on. I'm gonna. I'm now I feel like I have to find it
Now this is a different one people get super into this thing it turns out though, which is
wild to me oh
Man no man, this is this is crazy this guy modded his to not be a bubble anymore
This is a different tabletop hockey, but he like put an arena around it like
People get super into this game
to the point where even as someone who is a dumb dumb and
Like bought one because lol I really want to play it all the time. I don't get it
Yeah, I know I can't I can't find this oh
Well doesn't matter point is that's the thing that definitely happened
Okay next topic
That was kind of boring
You will require replaceable batteries in all phones have you seen this this is pretty exciting
The European Council has officially decided that all phones sold in the EU will be required to have easily replaceable batteries by
2027 which a lot of times when this kind of stuff happens. It's further back than that
That's like actually pretty soon
There's probably products currently in their development cycles that would line up for 2027
So it'll be interesting how this plays out
But anyways, one goal of the new regulation is to increase longevity and repair ability
But another is to make batteries more easily replaceable and create a circular economy for battery materials like rare earth metals
Discussion question to what extent will this affect how phones are designed outside of the EU?
Is this an opportunity for smaller manufacturers or just large OEMs?
All phones sold in the EU. That's a
lot of people
Was it 10% so the 450 million is that accurate?
Someone found the someone found the thing for me. Oh boy. Sorry. Sorry. I wasn't listening to you at all. Oh wow
This is it though
Like it's kind of cool. I feel like the puck would still fly out look at this custom like light thing jumbotron thing
Don't know what it is I think oh he's uh, he's a hypnotist or something anyway the point is this is
The expression on her face
She's got the jersey on though. She's there. She's playing she does the the cheer thing
She's being cool, but yeah, you can tell but she's being cool. Yeah, she's being super cool about it and
good partner
Yep, and then he like
Immediately starts destroying her
That jumbotron is amazing
Okay hold on we got it. We got to watch we got to watch a little bit. Oh, yeah, and all the customized players. That's crazy
Man his has like if you see to the to the right look how like focused he is oh
Man, that's great. Sorry. What were you saying to the right of her right hand?
Yeah, where the like boo button is on yours. Yeah, what is that? Why is there like three buttons not sure oh?
My is that amazing? Oh my goodness, and he's like dancing
Heck yeah, yeah, I play it plays it plays music
Yeah, the the enthusiasm level mismatch though is was very amusing to me
That's great
Okay back to EU and phones our Colonel Sanders and twitch chat says that's accurate to the ads in that arena, too
Yeah, he even had the
ads along the boards
Done to match the arena Wow absolutely wild anyway. Sorry okay?
We're talking about EU replaceable batteries phones. Yes. Do you think this will result in replaceable batteries outside of the EU yes or no?
Cuz like if Apple wants to sell a phone in the EU and this actually like is a thing
They'll have to have replaceable batteries in the EU are we gonna go back to like EU and elsewhere models
Is this a big enough deal?
That Apple would just say okay forget it no iPhones in the EU maybe
Like I feel like 150 million customers if I'm if I'm Apple I'm kind of sitting here going
You guys are you guys can't dictate how we build our products, I simply won't allow it
Your your citizens want iPhones and so
You're just going to have to you're gonna have to yield we do do they do they try to play hardball here
Because we already we already kind of see where they could go with the USB C thing right?
They could just say okay forget it, then we're just gonna go all mag safe all the time
We're gonna have no cables that is that is not even an improbable outcome
But if the EU really does say yeah, it has to be user serviceable
Easily replaceable
They want to create a circular economy for battery materials like rare earth metals
I don't see a loophole for that one at least not an obvious one like there is with the USB C
Requirement like requiring everyone to use the same standard for cables. They'll just wall
We don't have a cable so whatever we need it's not applicable to us
Could see them trying to play hardball here
Apple doesn't like to be pushed around no they like to push around that is a massive amount of money. They'll be losing though
But it's like I looked at some stat counter website
No idea how accurate is said about 35% of EU citizens have iPhones
35 percent 450 million, but knowing that so much of Apple's iPhone revenue is based on long tail App Store
Purchases you know is this something where they just kind of play a long game
Skip a generation to show they mean business see if they drop it see if
And then and then the generation thing is interesting support the older phones for longer
To make sure that the customer base doesn't decay too much
Because there's no way the EU is going to be able to force them to make their old models that were created before
Like whatever so keep selling the old so they keep selling old ones it says all phones sold in the EU
Will be required to have easily replaceable batteries
But I I mentioned the very beginning the timeline seems aggressive that seems very aggressive we're halfway through 2023
I guarantee you there are products that are currently in development
That would be really easy to easily replace with no tools and no expertise
Don't know about that one. I just don't know if this seems realistic. I don't know about the no tools thing
I don't know if that's even a good idea
As we had those those were flimsy phones for the most part
I think I'm trying to remember with that said if the amount of engineering work that has gone into making these things disposable
Went into making them not flimsy and feel premium and have replaceable batteries
Maybe they wouldn't be flimsy. Maybe they wouldn't suck yeah
fair enough
Not no tools, but no proprietary tools do our notes bad. That's a big difference, okay?
That's great then okay, well then that's perfect love it fantastic. We just have like screws
Like honestly, that's what what's wrong with screws. I don't know I like screws
I would like to know LCD store.com screwdriver when everyone fell out of love with screws and
Why oh, oh do I have my backpack?
Where's my backpack how do they maintain waterproof rating oh, I have a really cool screwdriver to show you also you mean water-resistant
No, Dan. It's okay. I think you can't be far you can merge message. Oh he needs a break
I see that makes sense yeah, he was like
You come back whenever you're ready you here y'all y'all come back. Oh there it is okay
Okay, this is super cool. I think I have oh wait no oh no. I don't have it
I think the creator warehouse team took it from me, and they said they were gonna give it back to me, and then they didn't oh
I have a prototype of our upcoming precision driver wrap
Well, I don't have it all right
Have you checked your dashboard thing in a while
Wait that can't be right. It's right. No that can't be right wait what that hold on a second that can't be no
That actually can't be right though. No. No you have to refresh. There's there's some problems at the moment
Refreshing it does fix it. Okay. Yeah mine says
2,000 arriving that that isn't right yeah, that's that's not true, but the order is
And that is right as far as my understanding goes yeah, it's when you consider the shipping implications of that yeah
No, I know it was it was nice working for you Linus. Yeah, I know it's I will probably be cut for budget reasons
No, you're fine
Thanks Europe you're gonna be retained for budget reasons
Yeah internship
Okay, at least
at least quite a few people have taken mercy and
Ordered a screwdriver nice. I should have said have mercy order a backpack
Order 40 backpacks yeah, yeah, that's an option that'll save on shipping cost see what else hold on I'm gonna. I'm gonna sort by
Gross margin okay, and I'm just gonna suggest some things you guys might want to order
ABCs of gaming it's good. It's good. It's good
I actually get feedback often that both ABCs of gaming and the blocks thing the letter sorter yes shape sorter
I think we're out of stock of the shape sorter, so don't focus on that ABCs of gaming though lots of stock
I already said desk pads, so that's good. I already said water bottles, so that's good
We do make money on those things you can order stick locks
The little joystick covers for your for your for your controllers
Don't know some underwear you need underwear. It's good underwear
Making our way into stuff. That's just more like normal margins than cargo shorts. I don't know
Okay, well whatever. It's fine
If I wanted to get backpacks for 40 ish people is there any better way to order than just through the store
Think we have some bulk order thing come I think in the long term
we're working on some kind of like like just
Just thing where you just it says in quantities of 10 plus it goes down to whatever because we've had a number
No, we haven't had many people ask us about that for the backpack
But we've had a lot of people ask about it for screwdriver. Hey. I want to outfit my whole shop with them
40 backpacks I
Mean yeah, I think we could probably swing a deal for you
I think the best thing to do would be to contact customer service if you're actually serious about that
And we could we could work something out another question you might know
Someone in full-plane chat if I order two pieces of the same mystery thing will they make sure to send two different ones we ask
them to
Sometimes they bung it up
Seems fair enough. Yeah, so hopefully not
Split screen is breaking everything down
Can you stop by his by his own admission ABCs of gaming stick locks underwear our highest margin in that order I?
Was pretty transparent about just scrolling through yes
So with that said a margin percentage is not necessarily reflective of how profitable something is so ABCs of gaming is
Really high gross margin, but has much higher handling cost
Proportionally compared to something that cost more because it's $14.99
But our handling cost is like in the dollars
So if I had something that was 40 bucks and had
Less percentage margin I could probably still make more money on that because it's easier to absorb that handling fee
So it's it's complicated, but
Sort of yes
All right
We are not going to be able to address every merge message guys
No tonight. I can't that is actually impossible, but what we can do is get through the rest of our topics
The PlayStation 5 access controller is coming out in December so cool
It's launching globally on December 6th the controller is highly customizable
Comes with multiple styles of buttons and joystick caps and can be programmed with up to 30 control profiles
the button layout is fully customizable and the buttons can be disabled to stop accidental presses if you
Happen to have a condition that would make that likely the suggested retail price is 90
Which is $20 more than a standard first-party PlayStation 5 controller
But $40 less than the Xbox adaptive controller
Which has been the standard and accessible controller since it launched five years ago
It is also super cool just to give them a shout out to they did this first. Yeah
I'm very very happy that this one exists. I'm really hoping it's PC compatible as well
I also really like that. It's quite different. Yeah adaptive controller
Yeah, that's super cool as we move towards a future where more and more games are multi-platform anyway
if the difference in
accessibility controller designs means that we can actually hit a
Wider variety of gamers overall. That's that's awesome a hundred percent exactly. This is great
I also think that there's a lot of opportunity here for
For people that that don't technically need the functionality of a different controller, but could find cool ways to use it
Yeah, it's a very interestingly designed
Controller I could absolutely see people using this for like video editing applications
Tons of different things and it's I've heard some people being like oh
I wish people didn't buy it for that because so there's more availability for the people that need it
No, you want people to buy it for that because then they make more and they keep investing in the platforms so
It's good. Yeah, it's very good. This is very exciting the more people buy it the the quicker
They're able to amortize their tooling costs. That's a good thing. Someone in a full-plane chat says nothing says the PlayStation controller is PC compatible
Yeah, I don't know if it's out yet
It's PlayStation. I would kind of expect it to be eventually maybe not on launch
Maybe they'll make figure it out later down the line or something. I don't know but
PlayStation and Sony do seem to be embracing PC stuff a lot more lately
So I would be personally pretty surprised if it was if it didn't become compatible or if it wasn't compatible from the start speaking of
PlayStation exclusives, are you gonna play Final Fantasy 16 on PlayStation? No, you're gonna wait for PC. Absolutely
Yeah, me too. I'm not buying a
PlayStation for that I heard it's really good
David said he literally cried more playing that game than any other piece of media
he's ever consumed, you know when it's also gonna be really good the whole thing and
Then started playing it again immediately. Whoa. Yeah, that's like
Yeah for a single-player game. Yeah, I'm like for like a long one, too. Yeah, I
I'm I'm tempted it will still be good when it comes out on PC
Yeah, you're also you could probably just borrow one from work. I know
That's that's the principle of the thing. Yeah, if I don't think it's like worth buying a console over I'm not gonna
Yeah, you'd also like how do you feel about PlayStation controllers?
I I just we just talked them up on their on their new controller. No, I apologize
It's very happy you're doing okay in general. No, but the dual sense is actually excellent. I just can't my hands can't handle
How much time have you spent with a dual sense?
It's bigger it's more ergonomic. Oh, wait what I thought they're all called dual sense. No, no, no dual shock. Oh
Zero minutes probably. Okay. No dual sense is excellent. The ergonomics are a lot better old PlayStation controllers
I would rather use a Duke like I can't know the old ones are terrible
Yeah, and anyone who says they're not terrible is a fanboy. I'm sorry. I've never understood the draw
Obviously obviously I'm being combative
If everyone's hands are shaped a little bit differently it's okay if you actually do like the dual shock but the dual sense is
Markedly better. Okay, cool. Yeah, cool
Yeah, anyways, I am stoked that they made this controller a lot of the features of it look absolutely fantastic
Very happy they're entering the space having some amount of competition is super cool
Having it not just be Microsoft as much as Microsoft did a fantastic job with their accessibility controller having there be some options is great
If you're a PlayStation specific gamer, but you have a really hard time with controllers now having this option. It's fantastic
I hope they bring it to PC. It's just very cool that
People that need it have more options. I think that's great
I don't think there's anything bad to say about it. Really want to see something funny
Can you guess where the land show started on this sales per hour graph
You can't see but there's that there's a basically it goes like the day there's like a spike and there's like
Yeah Nvidia might be leaning on board partners to avoid
Intel arc battle mage collaborations
according to Russian YouTube channel pro high-tech an inside source leaked that Nvidia is
Threatening to limit chip shipments or stop working with board partners that launch products based on Intel's battle mage
This allegation is currently unconfirmed but
consistent with Nvidia's past alleged behavior such as pushing partners in its GeForce program to use
Completely distinct branding on AMD graphics cards before eventually backing down our discussion tactic
Is this a realistic our discussion question?
Is this a realistic tactic coming from Nvidia and what's the motive here? The motive is twofold. The motive is profit
Obviously, but even more importantly control Nvidia is one of those companies that is all about control controlling the messaging
Controlling the experience and there are a lot of good things about Nvidia controlling the experience because if I was in video
Would I want?
Who I consider to be my customer to be at the mercy of
Asus software. Hmm or an MSI guide
And I'm even
I'm even picking relatively big board partners here
Right. No, no, I wouldn't want that and I'm sure Nvidia has been burned many a time
What I want my product what I want my product to be
devalued by by partners who are
You don't respect me and themselves enough to make margin. So, you know
This is one of those things I feel like I have talked about before but I haven't talked about in a long time
It's a very different
cultural approach
businesses Western businesses versus Eastern businesses to
Sustainability so Western businesses do have a tendency to protect their margins and
I'm talking specifically about the technology industry
I don't know anything about you know, the financial industry or insurance or whatever
I don't want to talk about any of that because that's not my expertise but when it comes to tech
Western businesses have a tendency to protect their margin to protect the value of their product to
Protect their ability to continue to invest in R&D
Also to protect their shareholders. Let's not kid ourselves. That's a major factor
Whereas what you tend to see with Eastern businesses is a bit of a race to zero
Well, we can slash the margin we'll make it up in volume we've got the production capacity we have to use it
Whereas and neither is necessarily
If you are a Western business that values
protecting the value of the product by not discounting it too much and you know that your Eastern board partners are going to
Would slit each other's throats for a nickel and are going to
Try to push each other out of business by running at zero margin for as long as possible
You're kind of sitting there going
Well, if none of you are gonna make money anyway, and we know that the market can bear a higher price for the product
well, then I'll just take the margin and
I think that's one of the things that has driven Nvidia over the years
To take more and more and more and more of the profit away from their board partners and go, okay
Well, there's a consolidation
Effect because more and more board partners are dropping out whether it's the BFGs of the world or the EVGA of the world
Also said right and so if you guys want to make money by making no profit margin, but doing lots of volume
then this is great for you because
Fewer and fewer companies are able to survive as a board partner and it's great for us because we'll just take more of the overall
profit margin
Based on the MSRP and you have no way of pushing the price lower because you're not the one actually making any money and all
The money you make is in is in kickbacks that we give you if you play nicely. So Nvidia is all about making money. Yes
But they're all about control
So why do they not want their partners?
Building arc battle mage products
because all of a sudden a they will lose some money because there will be more battle mage out there and
probably battle mage will be a more viable option than our then Alchemist has been and be
Because that will give their partners leverage
against them leverage in the form of margin leverage in the form of marketing and brand positioning and leverage in the form of
Not needing Nvidia so much that they'll just bend over and take whatever Nvidia is giving
I don't I I'm pretty sure they've literally said this is not the plan and I don't necessarily foresee it happening
but it would be pretty sick if EVGA re-entered the GPU space by making like
Whatever the third or fourth iteration of Intel cards is or something as far as I'm concerned
It would be sick if EVGA survived. Yeah based on recent rumors
That's not a given but they have said that everything's fine. Then again
I I haven't checked if there's been any updates in the last week. I mean either I
Mean I know I feel if we can still buy lanyards. Yeah, nothing since seven eight days ago. It looks like
Anyway, yeah, I would love to see EVGA come back as an Intel board partner and I'd love to see an Intel
Intel GPU that is legit competitive
Arc Alchemist is only competitive because Intel is just eating it on every single chip as far as I can tell
Like those are enormous
Pieces of silicon compared to what AMD and Nvidia are shipping at those price points and that's where the cost is
Thankfully Intel runs their own fabs. So, you know they can
Kind of play a little loose with the numbers
But I'm also really glad that Intel hasn't bailed because there were speaking of rumors about you know exits
Yeah, there were a lot of rumors swirling about the Intel arc graphics division and it looks like
Nooks are gone
Arc is still around. I
Forgot about that when I heard about them killing nooks
I was wondering if that's where some of the lines kind of got crossed. I doubt it. No. Yeah, I really doubt it
those are such different business units and a lot of the rumors were really specifically about arc and
Because of things that were happening with arc, right? Yeah. Yeah, I
Will give it to Intel they adamantly and the whole time said they were not going to shut it down
Yeah, but that's what everyone does Google also was like about to launch new games on stadia and then we're like see you later
but then that's Google and then
Just launched new top-level domains and then killed their domain company. Yeah, hilarious. Yeah
All right next topic
Oh, this is actually kind of cool ancient Windows updates are now available
Windows update restored a community project is restoring functionality to the old update pages for defunct versions of Windows
From launch the site will support Windows 95 Windows NT Windows 98 first and second edition
Windows Millennium Edition and Windows 2000 is planned to be added for the future
The updates will be available for download
But the group stresses that it is unaffiliated with Microsoft and these old updates are provided in an as-is state for archival purposes
I really hope Microsoft doesn't be a dick and make them pull this down. I agree
I also want to make an additional note that none of the operating systems listed are secure in any way and should not be used
Online. Yes
These updates are to help people get retro machines going so they can get play old games or do it or run their old
CNC sure or you know, whatever. Oh, yeah
Yeah, I thought it purely from like a I want to have fun perspective
But there's tons of applications where this would be helpful for
shops and different commercial places that still use very old computers that aren't connected to the internet and because they don't need to be
Because they do the same thing for 30 years
Okay, you said this wasn't a major topic, which is why it's you said this was a rapid rapid fire
What like a super minor topic this is a huge deal battalion
1944 is
Refunding all their crowdfunding back. I just didn't want to talk about the hammer. Oh
Oh, you just don't want to talk about the coal bar. Yeah
But this is so good. This is what we always say like you should do this is very cool. It's also kind of
Sad that it didn't work out for them. Yeah, but it's also super cool
Yeah, seven years after World War two shooter battalion 1944 received
$410,000 via Kickstarter
developer bulkhead studios is offering a full refund to all backers as an apology for a late launch and failing to deliver the
console release promised by their crowdfunding campaign
Communication with Kickstarter backers dried up back in 2018 leaving the community to speculate
bulk had been parted ways with the game's original publisher Square Enix in
2022 the developer was acquired this past December by splash damage who?
After finding out that bulkhead was still trying to save money to provide a refund
So cool. Oh, that's awesome. I didn't know this part offered to help resolve the issue
That is so cool backers who want to refund will have to respond within 30 days and refunds will be issued in the following three
Months after that window has closed which all sounds fair enough
You don't want to be dealing with this for literally ever
This is
Amazing big ups to splash damage. Yeah, and obviously
Bulkhead but also splash damage. Yeah, so Joe Brammer replied to a question about like
Can someone provide some context on why this happened?
Generally when a Kickstarter goes belly up the money is just gone
And so Joe says this isn't a sustainable model just refunding money
We definitely spent no, but what's important to us is how public we made our commitment to our players and being gamers ourselves
This is how we would want to be treated. It was much later than anticipated and the physical rewards were not delivered
It's not about the money. It's about ethos for us. Yeah
This is exactly what I was saying when I talked about that that Callios rebirth with the partnership with Streetcom
Right. So you want to continue to exist you got to make it right?
Yeah, exactly you want you want to you want to be taken seriously
Well, it doesn't matter that you spent that Kickstarter money
What matters is what you said you were gonna do and whether or not you did it?
I don't I don't so some context here guys
This was a previous land show that maybe you didn't watch but Callios was the company that promised fanless cooling
Cases to a bunch of backers people paid like what was it like 500 bucks or whatever it was
I don't remember the exact amount four hundred five hundred dollars or euro or something and
Ultimately, they didn't deliver and now a new case is coming from Callios in partnership with Streetcom
that's gonna cost twice as much and
What they're offering for the original backers is a coupon code off the new one
For the value of their original backing and I basically said, okay, that should be an option
But this is something that cost twice as much and you said you were gonna deliver a product and you never didn't it's been like
However many years it's been years and they were I said the other option should be a refund if people want the money back
they should get the money back and they were like
We've considered it and no and I basically said okay, then I'm not gonna cover your product. I'm sorry
That's just not gonna be how this works because that's the correct thing to do and it's not that much money
To be clear. I think it was like half a million dollars or something like that
And half a million dollars is a lot of money, but in the context of being a business and operating with integrity
Well, then that's the question right is your integrity worth half a million dollars to you and if it's not then
You right like I just I'm sorry
I then you suck and you know what if you never exist again, and if you are actually bankrupt and not operating anymore
Fine. Okay. Well then, you know not not you then I'm sorry. It didn't work out and you know, I guess we all tried
Assuming that you actually did but if you are still operating still making money and you don't even have a path
To providing a refund when you offered a product and people gave you money and then you never delivered it then you suck
That's all there is to it. It's that simple
That's all I have to say about that
I'm attempting to help with merch messages next topic
I guess old US telecom cables are leeching lead near children a
Recent and other people a recent investigation by the Wall Street Journal has uncovered significant lead leeching from over
2000 lead insulated legacy telecom cables the journal took
Soil and water samples from nearly a hundred and thirty cable sites which were then tested by several independent laboratories
These tests found significant leeching in 48 locations including sites near
popular community fishing spots neighborhoods playgrounds and schools
The cables were part of the old Bell system and were mostly laid from the 1880s up to the 1960s
The cables were then inherited by modern telecoms who abandoned the cables and left them in place after they were
replaced by fiber optic cables sheathed in plastic
According to the investigation the companies knew the risk posed by these abandoned cables
But failed to properly monitor the cables for degradation
successor telecoms including AT&T and Verizon have stated a willingness to address concerns but have likewise denied that the cables are a public health hazard
Obviously because why would lead be a public health hazard, it's great tastes good
Yeah, I don't know I'm not surprised at all
though the the various ways that telecoms and ISPs in the states have just completely screwed over the country is
Kind of fascinating to me like the billions of dollars that the government gave them to do fiber stuff
And then they just like read the contract and realize that they never actually had to do it and they're like, okay cool
and just actually never did it was
Astonishing Wendell, I think did an amazing video on that. Yeah, like it. I
wild I think the fact that people aren't like
absolutely insanely up in arms over that is crazy to me like
Man how do I find that?
I don't know what it's called. I'm sure there's like some name for it
It might have been back when he was with tech syndicate
I'm not sure
But I'm pretty sure that he did a thing on that at some point guys
If you know if you can find the video posted in the flow plane chat
Or maybe I'm just completely imagining it, but I'm pretty sure that's the sort of thing. He would talk about too
Some someone's gonna post the book of broken promises 400 billion dollar broadband scandal and
Free the net. I'm not sure if this is exactly what I'm talking about, but I think so
By the end of 2014 America will have been charged about
400 billion dollars by the local phone incumbents Verizon AT&T and century link for a fiber optic future that never showed up
Yeah, I'm pretty sure this is it 400 a billion and they were just like nah
Crazy oh my goodness
Actually nuts the like well the fact that this isn't talked about all the time is wild to me
It comes up it comes to about four thousand to five thousand dollars per household from 1992 to 2014
Which would have actually been enough to run fiber to every household. Yeah
Like like America actually had a plan to invest in high-speed fiber optic networking like no
Is gonna be the best in the world, but it just was and they spent the money to do it
And then it just never happened like
Whoa, I don't it's just Wow and you think like right this is
$400,000,000,000 that's back in 2014 interest baby. It's way more than that. It's so much money. Oh, man
Let's see
What today
Five hundred and fifteen billion
Nice with interest or inflation
Did I say interest yeah, I meant inflation. Sorry. I think it's really late
I think it's time to do some more merch messages Dan hasn't really been updating the thing
I'm actually not even sure if he's working based on his posture, but that's fine
He's on break. He's earned it. I think it's time for wench Oh after dark
This count of merch messages at 4,000
Yeah, you got a refresh is it like broken webhooks breaking and then rescinding as far as okay, so not that many I mean it's
Okay, so wait
How many do you see on your screen, I believe the message count is at six hundred and twenty one
I'm trying to refresh the page, and it's taking about a thousand yeah
I can't do this effectively unfortunately because they're coming in one every like four to five seconds
And it takes me like 20 seconds just to show one. I see so I can't I'm trying
I'm trying to find ones that Dan you're very trying, but that's not what we're talking about right now. Yeah, I feel like that today
No, it's just my mom would always take those low-hanging fruit
I can't resist them. I would feel bad if you didn't honestly
Like I mean happy yeah, no they make me smile. Don't worry Dan. I would never go easy on you
I know that's not how you'd like it. Oh wait. Okay. This is getting no no not like that
No not HR
That's how it works right
It's okay, we'll just fire her over the weekend
What's your safe word by safe word is HR
I'm blushing
Where were we
Curated messages, I guess I can do that. I do want to do that. I say if this I can't power through
I can't do I can't do anything you can't do anything
I mean I can just click I can click show five or ten times and then wait for it to update and then they duplicate
So I'm doing my best
I've been responding to things and it's been working. I don't know why I can't and my on my lap
Okay, well, well, can you view curated? Yeah. Yeah, I can do that. Okay. Well, I'll try to do the responding best
I can yeah, if you want to go through some of the okay potential. So yeah, so so Luke
You're gonna be the one on merch messages while I also try to reply while also answering them
And then Dan will just continue to have his fingers be on fire or no
His is not functioning for some reason. Oh, right try control f5
I mean, I've tried that on beepity blop this computer knows and this computer patronize him. I don't know
He does control f5. It's past midnight, dude
It's all not quite not quite. Yeah, I only say I only see 218. How many do you have on your dashboard? Oh
219 218 and then in a few minutes, it'll be
400 and then a thousand and yeah mine is constantly breaking as well
But we got it. We got to make do I'm trying my functions every time that it breaks for me
It's pretty obvious and I just refresh it. That's what I've been doing. Yeah, so we can keep going. Okay
Do you want to narrate it? It's not like actually crashing. It's just no it's just slow. Yeah, give us some curate go go. Sure
Hello, I've been
Wondering if you would or will be releasing a desk pad with a wrist rest built in no
Never easy. Yeah, I I can't I can't think of any really compelling reason for us to do that
Why build the VCR into the TV?
When you could tell both
Well, no, it's not that no, but VCR TVs suck. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah
Rest with a mouse pad on it is not what you want. You want a wrist rest and a mouse pad
I mean I could I could see there being room to like build a better wrist rest
You know like like I don't know like a super thin metal plate that goes on your desk and then it like has a hyper
Strong magnet so you can like put it wherever you want or something like we've even talked about certain wooden ones
We could make stuff like that. Nothing against having a wrist rest. It's not a crist rest
Yeah, could you do that, but it shouldn't be attached. No, no. Yeah. No, no magnetic. Oh, yeah
You could just sell things to go under
Yeah, so it does it you could just have one of our most or our most pets that already exist and then just yeah
Yeah, that'd be fine. Yeah, sure. We're not. Okay. We probably have the magnet research idea, you know down pat at this point
Well, I see what Dan means the messages actually duplicate
So you so it's like to have the same message
But I only managed to reply to one before it did it but just ignore that and move on. Oh, I see. Okay. Oh
Man things move around a lot. It does it's hard
I'm just saying it's technically functioning and if we work instead of complain, we'll get more things done
Okay, boss. That's what I was doing. Now. I feel bad
That was fun
mine tripled now
Just move on just scroll. There's 200 of them. I'm sure you can find more. There's more than 200
100 is fake. That's fine. But just just scroll and find more. This is hilarious. I I love wan show
Give us another one Dan. No, you're the one giving us one. No, it's not. Hi
You inspired me to put my old gaming PC to use and
It's now a Plex NAS server
Is it worth buying NAS drives for it or do a regular drives work just the same for this usage?
It's one of those things where honestly even for me it's hard to tell how much of the marketing is
Real and how much of its marketing?
There are
Advantages to drives that are built with more resiliency against vibrations from nearby drives
With that said even desktop drives are designed to operate with a couple drives nearby
So it all kind of depends on how much capacity you're building out and how demanding your use case is
I'd say that up to a certain point
It's more important to have a couple drives for redundancy than to use the right drives
Hi, lld. I work in quality assurance where I have to answer to and eliminate quality issues and I was wondering
Initially really issues. Yeah dogs to eliminate quality
That would be a fun job like actual like professional
Disturbent, that'd be great. Yeah, sorry got cut off at the second for a bit there
I was wondering how you manage your suppliers quality issues example corrective actions are amazed etc. I
Mean the biggest one is you kind of you have to approach everything in good faith, right?
Like we had that issue with the carabiners on the backpack and we kind of said, okay
Look, we'll message this to the customers as hey, we're gonna get you taken care of trust me, bro
You know, we still want to work with you so how do we solve this problem together how we understand that
You you know didn't ship us a thing that was durable, but we didn't catch it. So
let's find a way to
share the
Responsibility in a way that allows us to continue working together and build more backpacks and keep making our customers happy
And you know, that's really approaching things in good faith with the intention of continuing to work together. I think is
The foundation of the way that we engage in sort of supplier relations
When when things are too bad though, the answer is hey see you later because that's the most powerful card you can play, right?
There's more than one t-shirt supplier, right?
I'm currently at a startup
How did you manage people wearing multiple hats and how do you let them grow or fit into a single hat role as the company?
Grew how do you did you how did you title people wearing lots of hat?
We are currently
We sucked at titling a lot. I think we still do we're working on that
We're working on all that. Yeah, the thing is I feel like
To a lot of our viewers for whom we are a huge amount of their media consumption. We are a big company
We're not a big company
We're a small to medium size
Barely a medium company in the grand scheme of things and we have a lot of
Operational and organizational problems that are probably the same as what you have at your startup because our founder has a DD
Which is very likely if you're at a startup the same as yours
That's a stereotype and that's hurtful it's cool though, it's a game true. Yeah
Insert greeting. I'm a 20 year old IT tech at a MSP
how would you deal with management when they want to replace working on computers and
Don't believe in cloning it just moves the problem
I think what they don't believe in cloning and they want to move working on computers
How would you deal with management when they want to replace working on computers replace working and don't believe in cloning?
Oh, your computer has a problem. Here is a new computer. We'll just throw it out is my assumption
Have an issue with your laptop
We're just gonna throw that laptop out and give you a blank new one, but we won't clone your software on the drive
Yeah, that's my assumption
Well, that's inconvenient and stupid like tell them they need to figure it out maybe give them an educational session
Maybe got him try to share the knowledge
It's just not good. So like they're probably missing something I hope
So, yeah, maybe you try to be educational about it, I don't know use money they like that yeah, yeah
Explain you are literally burning money for no reason don't you so we could not burn money
Most business people will like that
How much electronics engineering do you do seem to like burning money? Sorry, you're just very effective at it
Would you say I said I seem to like burning money. Yeah
You've bad I'm having an interesting day
How much electronics engineering do you do in-house at LDT I'm an electrical engineer that has thought
occasionally that has
Occasionally considered as a half joking
Applying and moving to Canada from Finland. Oh and thanks for free shipping. We only hired our first dedicated electronics engineer
I think like a few months ago. I think he's still like a probationary employee technically
No, no not not probationary anymore, but yeah, we we we've had some some jack-of-all-trades
Engineers who have some experience in electronics engineering, but we only we only now recently have our first dedicated one
I think that what you're gonna see is like mechanical engineers where we had
One for a long time and then finally had two and then launched screwdriver and now we have
We're just immediately doubled it because we have proven that we can launch a that worked
I'm a kid. Yeah a mechanically engineered product and be profitable, right?
So I think like that you're gonna see the electronics team
Hammer away at something for a few years
Finally launched something we're gonna crush it and then you know double down triple down
But that's like that's a natural that's a natural business cycle, right?
Like you don't just go all-in and hire a team of 10 people
To do something you've never done before and just like hope for the best, right?
Like sure if your alphabet or your Apple or whatever you can have these moonshot projects
But we're still pretty small as we were just discussing and I don't think that's realistic for us
So yeah, I would expect us to need more electronics engineering in the future
But it's not something that we're just sort of immediately gonna start hiring a bunch of people for
Hi deal. I recently began the revision process of my first novel
I was curious if any of you have any creative ventures or stories in the backs of your minds
Would you ever write a book of any kind?
Would take me a
Very very long time. I'd rather write a game
Yeah, like I'd rather write an RPG style game or something like that
Like I I always loved the the Final Fantasy, you know ragtag group saves the world from you know
Some powerful organization or whatever. I just I I I just worry it wouldn't be very good
Because I wouldn't want to just
You know write small things and practice
I would want to go straight for the big project and I would get to the end and it would just suck and
Then it would all have been kind of a waste of time
But not a waste of time because you practiced but definitely a waste of time because I'm not gonna do the proper one now
So I just think I'll probably never end up doing it
I have roughly
I'm gonna get into it. Next one
Do you think that 16 by 9 will remain the standard or a little 21 by 9 or higher become more widely used?
And 16 by 9 is so entrenched at this point. I just don't know if it's realistic
Seeing how much content is designed for it
You know what? I take all of that back
Yes, I think we're gonna see a lot more variety in
Aspect ratios once modular displays become more commercially viable
Micro LED for example already exists in modular form for consumers as long as you have, you know
300 400 thousand dollars to spend or whatever whatever it costs for one of those these days
and I think what technology I mean TV is
The the march towards ever larger ever lower prices has just never stopped even as every other industry has struggled
You know micro processors or phones or whatever else?
So I I feel like it's inevitable for those to come down to the point where they're 500 bucks
And yeah, you can decide if you want a more cinematic aspect ratio or more, you know gaming oriented smaller ones
So that it fits comfortably within your you know, your sharpest area of your vision or whatever else. Yeah. Yeah
no III think that will be a thing and
It'll be more it'll be more modular kind of excited for that. Actually, that'd be super cool
Good evening, lld
What is the dream sponsor that y'all have worked with or have always wanted to work with?
I'm hearing animals. It was that that was a fart. It sounded like a catch. Oh, oh, it's gonna crap out of me
It's really late and dark and there's
That's a new development we have an office cat. Oh, no, just Linus is but it's dark in here. No, I'm scared
What was I saying? Oh, yeah dream sponsor. Yeah. Yes, everything dream sponsor if you wanted to work with
Or the dream sponsor or that I've got to work with. Yeah, you know what I'll say
My dream sponsor is Apple just because it would be hilarious
Excellent, yeah, that would be a wild day. Oh my gosh
Hey Linus seeing that you're making a precision driver how much of a conflict of interest would that be with I fix it?
Um, I would like to think that I fix it's gonna be chill
I don't think we've actually like talked to them directly about it yet, but the reality of it is
You know where we still love their products we still love what they do
We're never going to even begin to approach what I believe is their true value
Which is all the replacement parts and the guides that they offer
I don't think that we're gonna be price competitive with them
our our precision driver will be a more premium product and it'll have
benefits that probably don't make sense for what they're trying to do, which is
Make repair ability accessible to the masses. Whereas we're really targeting
Professionals who are going to use this thing
day in day out
for years
So it's just a different product
Yeah, I'd like to think that it's gonna be pretty cool. But I mean, hey if they pull their sponsorship, you know
Realistically a huge part of why we're building out our physical goods business is so that we don't have to be reliant on sponsors
so if people want to work with us and they they have you know strong integrity and
They're getting a good return on on that partnership with us then hey, that's great
As long as everybody's winning let's work together. But in the forever term, we don't want to be reliant on anybody
we want to be an
Entity and so, you know that means diversification and that means that if we're having a lot of success in tools
you're gonna see more tools from us and if that upsets people who also sell tools will
Sorry, yeah competition is good. We've always said that
Hi that when other people make new tech channels and we believe that when we make tools and clothes and whatever else I
Lld always fun to catch the show live. I'm sending a message in hopes of pushing to 24 hour when
Where will the schedule for the LTX live streams be posted? I want to be able to engage with the chat
LTX is gonna be mostly VOD. We are doing when show live from LTX
But if you're expecting there to be a bunch of live streams during LTX I or wait, hold on
What is the plan for like panel? No panels and stuff are not going to be live
Yeah, it's gonna be all VOD because it's gonna simplify things a lot for the crew
That's why we decided on that as far as I'm aware
It's yeah, it's just one show and if it's not going to be you have to tell me immediately
It's just one show, okay
Let's see what we got here. Oh now the curated or duplicated to any updates on
LTT sandal. Thanks for the free shipping
Yeah, actually Matthew from our creator warehouse team
Got a proposal from a company that was willing to work with us to develop a sandal
overall cost was going to be probably somewhere in the neighborhood of
100 to 120 grand before we actually produced a single sandal
Which is not entirely unreasonable for a design consultation molding molding is huge
Because you can't just reuse the molds from the different sizes. You got to do all these different sizes and stuff
And we kind of looked at it and went
Does this even make any sense
You know like with Marquez's shoe right like where he where he collaborated with Adams
They're gonna keep selling that shoe in perpetuity right like they're gonna sell that shoe forever. It was just a colorway
So that that molding cost is getting amortized over a much much greater number
I mean theoretically as long as their business is successful
but over a much greater number of customers then Marquez could reach with his YouTube channel and
You know if we if we were planning to build a shoe empire
And you know try to be carried at you know the shoe store in the mall or whatever else like yeah sure maybe but
Just to sell directly through our store. I just don't know if it's I don't know if it's realistic like with something like the screwdriver
Yeah, we there was a vision there
We saw the potential to build a better screwdriver, and we saw the overlap with our with our viewer base
Most of you will probably build a computer at some at some point in your life
I don't think it's fair to say that most of you want a
similarly premium sandal
Some sure you know plenty of Germans ordering tonight. That's for sure
But I don't think I could say most and so it's just
It's not good business
It's not smart business
And I think that we I think we reached the right decision when we decided to put that on ice for now
Good god Europe still looks like this. This is based on recent orders
It's not just like everything from the last hour or whatever. It's like real-time Luke
What the heck North America is cooling off though? It's getting late. That's good
Just chill everyone
Sorry to be clear part of the goal of lime day was to improve liquidity it was to raise some cash
We're definitely doing that it wasn't to like
Spend new house money on shipping though
Don't worry about it
Ten years watching you guys make the good guy tech content
That's always honest are there any AR or XR glasses that you feel are actually worth the cost at this stage?
Rokid X real etc I
Personally do not find them to be very compelling a big selling point for these things is it's like having a 100 inch screen
But the 100 inch screen is like 12 or 15. You know feet away once you you know the way the lenses are designed
Because you can't have a 100 inch screen
That's like right here and takes up your whole field of view while also maintaining enough pixel density that the image will be fine enough
with modern with modern
Micro screen technology right so I'm looking at it going my arms
Do work quite well and
So a 7-inch screen at this distance is the same as a 100 inch screen at like 15 feet away
I'm sorry. What is the point of this exactly and
I don't really want something bolted to my face unless it's a very immersive motion tracked experience like in VR
So it's just it's not a compelling product category for me. I think that's all I have to say about that
Thanks for making so much great content. How is Linus doing in his new position at work? Is he being more creative?
Nothing different for now to be honest with you Terrence not even an office too early daily yet
Linus have you looked at the bangle JS 2 it's a super simple smart watch that seems to be the closest thing to a pebble
It's a hundred percent fully hackable and cost well under $100
yeah, I
It was in a pretty early state the last time I looked at it, and it was pretty janky
It made me want my pebble back is all I can really say about it I
Remember taking apart the Atari 2600 cart adventure touching the contact points and turning one of the dragons around in the game
So it could not kill you. What are your best tinkering stories? Oh?
Wow that's a really I had never I've never even heard that's a great tinkering story
I don't think I'm gonna be able to beat that that's pretty cool. Absolutely not
I'm sure there's something, but that's a really good one
I feel like every tinkering story that I've had for the last like 13 years has been on YouTube
So I'd have to go back I
Thought of one for you kind of but it's on YouTube even some of my older stuff is on YouTube like I could have talked
You know some of the fun like case mods
I did as a completely unskilled teenager, but we did a whole video about that yeah, and Luke was there. You know you know
Sure okay, it's not really tinkering but I
Would stealthily take my VCR TV combo and my SNES
Set up into my bunk bed
After my parents thought I went to bed and set up my own like little private theater my bunk bed was super cool
It was made of like solid plywood pieces and so I would set up a little like curtain at the circular entrance hole that I had
Best for airflow anyway. It doesn't matter the point is that I
I would I would prop up the TV on pillows
And then I would like sit against the the other end and like watch TV and play video games
But like that's not I don't know it's not really tinkering
That's just as far back as I have to go in order to find something you guys don't already know about I was like nine
All my favorite tinkering things are because of how fantastically janky they were
in like a way that I really enjoyed not because they were necessarily amazing like
The using the mud flap of my car as a sound dampener for a water cooling pump
That was sick. I loved that was it better than just getting a piece of rubber to use a sound dampening tool
No, not at all, but it was cool, and it said like Sunfire whatever in my computer. Which was like kind of sick I
Did there was one time where the power button on
This computer case that I had didn't work because it was like some
Handed me down computer case from whoever and the power button was just screwed
But my motherboard had a physical power button on it, so I rigged up this like multiple rubber band system with a pencil
so that I could reach under my monitor and just poke the eraser on the pencil and it would touch the
Power button and turn the computer on and it made it like it was actually like very convenient
Like pretty much just as actually more convenient than just using the power button on the computer so like that was cool
I loved that I've told both of these stories before I
Don't know I fixed up those stupid 9-bot go-karts to to not get caught on
They had little like rubber bumper things under them
That would get caught on grass, and I love drifting around on them on the grass
So I ripped the all right not I ripped them off. I I put bolts through them to hold them in place
and then I also had to
Could jigger some some hardware to put the seat pieces back together after some people at work borrowed them
And we're not careful with the seats. It's not really like tinkering. No. I'm just like fixing things
What about when you and Bob fix that motherboard? I mean yeah, that's pretty cool
I don't know if I consider that tinkering tinkering has almost like a recreational
Connotation yeah, whereas that was not recreational. I was in compete to win mode. Yeah, like I was mad that it wasn't working
Yeah, it was cool. Yeah
I don't know if it was a lot cooler than what ended up making it into the video
For some reason like the really really contained the drama basically we had to like run a jumper between one of the fan headers
Yeah, I knew what you did. I thought it was sick. I didn't make it work
It wasn't really in the video though. Yeah, some of the scrapyard was that it's it's a lot of footage to go through
Any thoughts on the new fully AI designed risk 5 chip in China?
And do you think AI will lower the barrier to entry for new players to enter the CPU or GPU markets?
New players in those markets are tough
Aren't we like already using AI?
Ages ago because the placement is so complicated like the fact that LLM's exist doesn't mean that like AI applications just
Dr.. Dr.. Lisa, sue came out like a couple days ago. I think and said that
AI chip design is basically the future and if you're not doing it you're done, but I don't think that AI
Game drivers are gonna happen anytime soon
So just because and what's the what are they called Moore threads that that Chinese company that built a built a GPU that like actually
Works I think that they're an excellent example of how you can have functioning hardware, but if your drivers aren't good then
No one's gonna buy it and your drivers are not gonna be good, and they're not gonna be good for a
Long time like Intel has invested so much money trying to do this and they've even been building GPUs for 20 years or whatever
What advice would you give to a casual tech enthusiast who wants to protect their data from potential threats like Luke mentioned
I am worried about putting my trust in generic VPNs for example
There's a lot of best practices. You know don't don't click anything suspicious
Have off-site backups. Yeah
Ideally off-site backups for things that are not always connected don't trust a VPN
Which you are already you've already figured out. I'm not saying I'm not saying that they they can't be helpful
They can be a useful tool in your in your personal security toolkit, but they are not
like some kind of silver arrow
silver bullet
whatever they're not I
also think like a
Decent idea is if you have like a partner or a very good friend or something like that
That you trust with that data having a multi admin approach is a pretty good idea it
It increases the amount of accounts that could be attacked
But ideally the other person never really uses that account
So it's not gonna get like session hijacked because they're not just logged into it all the time
And it it makes it so that that stuff is recoverable
If you have a single account access to something and said account gets gets hijacked
You might just be screwed and that sucks and if you if they're consumer grade accounts rather than commercial ones
There may be no feasible way for you to recover it yep
Yeah, if you have a commercial grade account you might actually have some like elevated customer support levels and and ways to prove that
It's you through like payment information or something like that
but if you don't
It gets a little bit more sketchy so those would be the ways that I would do it personally
But yeah
Last year I ended up getting a gigabyte 3080 gaming OC water force with a built-in water block
Turns out the block is nickel-plated aluminum, and they have been wrecking loops. Is there anything I can do?
Swap the part so you're not mixing metals anymore and try to ungunk as much as possible you're probably have to replace tubes
Cleaning the other parts in that loop is gonna be incredibly annoying
Yeah, the problem is that once
Okay, so first of all once the nickel plating is worn off
You need to throw away that block that block is not usable with any copper block
the good news is that
the the metal that gets
Corroded is the aluminum so your copper blocks
May still be usable, but they may have aluminum deposits on them
The good thing about that is that
Any acid you can get that will eat the aluminum off, but won't touch the copper. I'm not aware of
of a
Practical way to
mitigate that but the good news is that the real risk in the long term of
Leakage is from aluminum blocks getting eaten away
And if your block is made of copper and just has some aluminum deposit on it
Then that's not realistic it just could hurt performance a little bit
This is all kind of like theoretical
I don't I don't know I've never
Really tried to advise anyone of like how to proceed because just replacing all your blocks in one go is not
Reasonable I I would replace the
The bad one yeah, I'd replace that for sure you have to do that
Tubes you could probably just run a brush through them. I wouldn't worry about the two like they're gonna look like crap forever
Yeah, I mean they might not even be clear though. I don't know you
I'm used to doing clear to try and run a
Okay, yeah, yeah
I know you said VR content doesn't get enough views, but our headset reviews at least evergreen though
Especially with how good I was especially with how few good VR reviewers exist still waiting for metapro and XR elite
Reviews do you know why there's so few good VR reviewers?
Because it's niche it's hard to be sustainable there, and there's just not enough product releases
So you know we'll hit major ones that make sense like PS VR to
We we reviewed it because it was really important
We had a lot to say about it
But that's the other thing too is the innovation in the space has been so slow. Yeah like
There's not a lot to say about many of them. I'm definitely gonna cover big screen beyond or whatever
It's called big screen VR. This is just to throw a little thing in there
this is actually one of the reasons why I'm actually quite happy and excited about Apple's headset is
because I think a lot of the directions that meta was going in was just wrong and
I think that Apple doing that thing with the battery pack is
really good
Because it's normalizing the idea of a tether that stays on you, but it's still technically a tether so you could move
I know it's just battery right now, but you can move compute and battery off of your head like that's something that
We need to do we had wanted to do a sequel to that backpack video where the machine was more like
like very worn
You know like like GPU on your thigh
and like
motherboard and CPU on your back or your chest or something like we were wearing a the idea was that we'd be wearing a full gaming
Computer, but just like spread out on the body so that the load isn't just isolated to one place
And the reason we didn't do it was because that backpack one didn't perform well and not only didn't perform
Well like it was kind of janky no offense, so it makes sense it didn't perform well
But it also just it didn't seem to spark a lot of interest in seeing the idea explored more with people
So we were just like okay VR is kind of not an interesting topic that was around the time that VR was
Sort of fading a little bit so
You've been
Diversifying your business interests quite a bit with media company clothing manufacturers in badminton and drop testing
What are some other businesses you're thinking about going into?
Well I could tell you but then I'd have to kill you
No the big thing for me is that I don't want to make those decisions anymore hitman business one thing that occurred to me back
When David was modding his Vita, and I was modding my game gear in that video that we kind of like co
Hosted was man
What a what a broken space retro game console modding is like there's so much cool stuff out there
everything is sort of
Frustratingly broken like you're either ordering from you're either paying a ridiculous markup to get something in a reasonable amount of time
Or you're waiting around forever with the hope that you'll eventually receive something or
You are waiting around forever for these
Really small niche companies to get enough pre-orders together to do a production run of something like I'm sitting there going man
This could this is this is a niche that could benefit from someone who was just willing to say okay?
Yeah, I will take on the risk
I will take on the inventory
You build out a team of people to perform modifications because a lot of people just want you to do the mod for them
You build up the in-house expertise. I think there's a ton of potential there oh
My god, who's gonna run it like I don't like it would be it would be probably a really good use of capital and probably
profitable, but I just
That sounds like a problem for the incoming CEO to figure out like sort of how to how to leverage
The the successful businesses that we run to create to create more of them all in a way that is
You know still that still plays to our strengths, which is which is tech obviously, right?
Hi, lld I was trying to buy a second monitor to match my main one which is not being sold anymore any idea where?
to start looking
eBay eBay
Facebook market offer up yeah, I mean, I don't know what to tell you other than Google eBay alternatives
Yeah, why two new ones and sell the old one that do
Yeah, that is an option
What has been the quickest seller during lime days? Oh?
Guess you mean in terms of like unit count probably that's what
Most people think of sure oh
My god lime day is officially like four days now because today is not over yet
But it's a new day, so let's go 12 to 15
Yeah sure I can tell you guys that a top-selling item short-circuit hoodie that was a wild deal
We moved over 4,000 of them
I literally considered buying some for friends and family and they were gone by the time I made my decision
Yeah, sorry, that's okay get wrecked. Yeah
This is a common problem that I have
I'm used to it
Hey DL and
L have been wondering if you're planning on any special colors for the stubby screwdriver
I'm asking so I know whether to buy one right away or wait
First merch message. Let's go our intention in the long term is to
Is to explore new colorways for our tools
But I can't confirm anything specific with respect to the stubby after the all black and the black and orange
I think it's just gonna depend on how it goes if we launch stubby, and we move like 500 units in the first day
You're only gonna see black and black and orange for like years, but if we launch stubby and we move
15,000 units in the first day then we're gonna be sitting here going
Well, it's gonna be six months while we catch up on production
But after that yeah sure you know because every skew you launch has R&D even if the R&D is just like oh
Does this color of plastic behave well with this handle mold that is a different handle mold from our other handle mold
So the cooling times could affect them. You know like that
you can't take anything for granted if you're trying to have good quality right and
So if we're not gonna sell enough to justify the R&D
Then we're not gonna do it and you have to sell enough of that actual skew that actual colorway
You can't just say like oh well
We'll subsidize the like cool colorway with the basic one know if that if you don't sell enough of the cool one
Then you just sell the basic one. It's that simple
So no promises
No promises. We have some bets internally Nick and I are both
More bearish on stubby screwdriver, but Kyle is
Super bullish. He's like yeah, this thing's good, and it's a good product. We all agree
It's a great product Nick, and I just think it's a little more niche
And Kyle thinks that the stubby screwdriver is hyper mainstream, so we're gonna see who's who's right about it
We ordered based on Kyle's predictions, so I hope he's right
Otherwise we're just gonna have inventory for a long time
Hello LLD do you guys ever miss five-hour when it was great for background noise I?
Mean I feel like we're on the fast track back toward it today
Not necessarily because we missed it, but just because I miss the questions you guys do we miss five-hour when oh?
I don't even really get to me
It doesn't matter how long when show is because Linus is just gonna be like four hours late for the show anyways so like I
Don't have Friday nights, so why do I care?
How long when show is so screw it make it eight hours be nice to doesn't matter to me sleep at some point
No, man, there's one here that I have definitely replied to
Just go further. Yeah, really. I just reloaded it, and it's still here, and I definitely replied to it
No, the land show did not get held up because of badminton there now. I can just archive it
I thought I replied to that one. Okay. Oh my god. I think the dashboard is quite broken
Well, it's just blank now for you. I don't know there. We go. I'm not blaming anyone. This has been a truly
Unprecedented load on it
Like we are 35 minutes into today and
Our total sales is what we would do in a typical day
50 times higher than normal
Yeah, that's not reasonable
Man yeah, okay neat
Sorry, it's it's hard to stop looking at this mission accomplished. That's what I'll say
Jared asks, I'm a relatively new mainframe storage administrator and loved seeing your IBM z16 video
Do you expect any mainframe tech to trickle down or influence consumer electronics anymore?
I'd love to see more resiliency, but if anything I feel like it's gone the other way
Consumer electronics have gotten kind of more disposable whereas Z is all about being as resilient as possible
Just man like the way it handled memory and stuff I thought was so cool like raid memory
The fact that everything is hot swappable
I'd love to see more things be hot swappable and I guess that's a trend that has trickled its way into consumer technology
I mean thunderbolt is basically hot swappable PCIe on the outside of your laptop. That's that's pretty sick
I yeah, I'd love to see everything be hot swappable, and I'd love to see more resiliency, but I don't know if it's gonna happen
Good afternoon, lld buying random sweatpants cuz why not how much did you expect to lose from line day?
And how have you how much have you lost so far? I don't know I?
Actually do not know because a lot business
Gross profit like like cost of goods sold or like like revenue minus cost of goods sold is
actually positive
but that doesn't include the
We have sold
There's been thousands and thousands of orders and our handling costs with our third-party logistics company are
Real and so just because you made money over your cost of goods sold
Doesn't mean that you actually made money by the time you pay all of your expenses
Also, I have literally
No idea how much this shipping promo is going to cost the last time we did a shipping promo like this we were
Maybe 1 30th the size because we've had a lot of issues the idea is that we would do shipping promos regularly
so we wanted to make about 10 points on shipping and then
Once every 10 units of time period run a shipping promo so that we kind of ran it flat
But we're able to use it as a promotional mechanism. Well the problem is that we haven't been able to make money on shipping
Because it's just been chaos globally logistics right like it's been ridiculous
So we haven't made money on shipping
We've been running it flat
But not doing promos and so the last time we did this we it was ages ago, and we were way smaller
I have no idea what the impact of this will be but I see at least four orders from Alaska in
the last short period of time
a bunch of Finnish orders
Bunch in Norway just like the the the Nordics there. I have no idea where the these are
See these two dots in the middle of the Pacific Ocean
That's sick. There's some small islands. Yeah, I guess so I have no idea how much it cost to send anything
They're like be a lot we could try to extrapolate how much money we're losing on the shipping based on
you a typical shipping cost is but there's a lot of people ordering that never order from us because the shipping cost is too high there's
a ton of people that
Would have never under any circumstance ordered because the shipping cost is gonna be multiple times the cost of the item
Yeah, that's gonna be sick. Yeah, as long as I don't see anything pop up in Antarctica. It's probably okay
Lot of fans from Antarctica they might have a lot of South America, and there is shipping there technically move. That'll be good
order now
Will you guys ever do internal combustion engine or hybrid cars on short-circuit or other channels yes?
In fact we're gonna do the Toyota Corolla gazoo racing edition very soon. I'm like super stoked
Hi, when dot DLL. Thanks for making my office internship bearable question for all three of you
What would you say has been your highest high and lowest low since working at LMG?
It's hard to pick a highest high because there's been so many like there's been so many amazing moments whether it's seeing you know
Facilities or meeting people that we would just never have access to or
you know those those we made it moments right like when we moved into the office or like
Lowest low I mean the lowest low was probably right before it started
You know when we didn't think we were gonna get the channel when we didn't think we were even gonna get a shot
Right that was pretty tough
There's been some lows. You know when we felt like YouTube was
working against us like when they
When they announced that they were going to limit creators ability to make money independent of Adsense
But none of it's all kind of none of it's all none of it's been that bad and these days
I feel like I've weathered so many storms that
things don't faze me the way that they used to mean I'll still freak out if your ship's going down because
The audience is fickle right you and you've got a you got to compete you got a fight otherwise
You know someone else will eat your lunch right but other than that you know I feel like we're
The team is experienced enough that we can we can weather these storms together now which helps a lot
Hey, lld love the concept of a gaming minivan. What are you guys gonna test with it?
It would be cool to see the live stream on the main on the rig while on the road
We have the commercial use it anywhere starlink
But it's not going to be in this video because we couldn't find a practical way to mount it without
Interfering with the solar panels that are taking up the whole roof
So you won't see any kind of like live streaming on the go
But I guess nothing would actually prevent that
But I don't think I would ever do that
If that all kind of shines and sparkles with y'all
Hi dll just a heads up the login code entry for ltdstore.com doesn't scrub white space any update on the hat
Previously shown on preacher. That's on Shopify. There's notice
Any update on the hat previously shown on wan show you know looking forward to it?
We are still working on it, but these things are slow. You know sampling shipping it all just takes time
Hey dll this question is for Luke
I've been interested in cybersecurity for some time and was curious if there was somewhere to send in any security concerns or bugs on
The floatplane app yeah
Support at floatplane.com
Hey ll and d stemming from an earlier topic would consumer feedback polling be useful or
already done by Linus Media Group I
Mean we do it during when but I do feel like we could do more
To talk to our audience
I mean
That's one of the things that our community manager has been tasked with figuring out over the next little while the forum is used for
That quite a bit mm-hmm, but yes, I yeah for sure
The answer is yeah, we want we want open communication, but we also do a
Okay job of it. Yeah, it could be better, but we do we do listen to you guys
Hi guys a longtime fan here been watching since around Linux challenge days as
An OG I'm here to ask the real questions. What's your favorite fruit? Oh?
I'm personally I'm personally partial to oranges PS high mo
Favorite fruit favorite fruit I really like lots of fruit
It's a little bit of a tough one grapes, I was green grapes the like
Ridiculously big crunchy ones that they have at T&T have you had musket grapes muscat muscat muscat. I don't know they're really flavorful
I'm not necessarily that into the flavorful. I'm a texture guy grapes have just
unparalleled texture
It's amazing they have they have these ones they have these ones that sound like you're like you're crunching a chicken bone
At T&T like oh, yeah, you bite into them. They like those are so good
They are so good incredible whole range. I will rape texture
I will sit and eat a whole pack of them in one sitting. Oh, dude. I can demolish grapes. Yeah, the grapes are really good
frozen graves
Hey DLL Linus, I know you have mentioned issues with sleeping in the past
What actions have you taken lately to remedy any medication curious about your insomnia these days?
Never consistent about anything because I just get distracted
I'll pop a sleeping pill sometimes if I know I'm my brains too busy, and I'm definitely not gonna be able to fall asleep
I know there's a whole bunch of other things out there to try. I tried like CBD sleep gummies at some point
I couldn't tell if it was helping her placebo effect. I
Don't know man. I just
To have to get tired and eventually I'll fall asleep
One of the things that I do do it pretty consistently is sleep with noise cancelling earphones
Then and then I I put on reruns of shows that I've like seen ten times and but not seen most of the time
just listen to
Like I'll watch an episode of Bob's Burgers
They'll be like oh
That's a really funny visual gag that I've never seen even though I've heard this episode like ten times
Because I'll just like put it on and it'll just go through
I'll listen to you know, three five a night sometimes waiting to fall asleep. So I have a weird one
We're back at man what would it have been CES like I'm guessing
2014 maybe 2013 but I don't think so
I think 2014 or at the absolute hard latest
2015 back when we were still like basically all staying in the same room. I
Was having a really hard time falling asleep and there was like three hours until we had to wake up
And the lights were on and there was noise happening and stuff because like Edsel was still editing something and like everything's going crazy
But I remember even you saying like you should try to get some sleep even though the rooms like chaotic and whatnot
So I laid down and was trying to like cover my eyes and stuff and I couldn't fall asleep
So I put headphones on and I put on Lucy Rose just a musical artist really like your music, but I
specifically only ever listen to her music now when I want to fall asleep because I've like
Conditioned myself to if I'm hearing Lucy Rose Rose music I fall asleep
So anytime I'm like I'm on a plane or I'm in like some situation where it's difficult to fall asleep
I'll just put that on on a conk out any music will keep me up really like like I'll get
I feel like probably anything else would I'll get jacked up listening to Enya like I just
Stimulation I tried to convince myself, but music was good to help me sleep back when I was in high school
so I'd like put on music it'd be like yeah, I'm putting on relaxing music, and I'd be like just
Doesn't help at all it hinders
Hey team, how do you stay excited about tech when it seems like an endless grind of no?
This is better. No. This is better. Oh my goodness. I bought one thing and thing just two came out I
Don't know. I don't have to make myself excited about that it just
It just is that's the thing about tech is there's always something new and that's that's great for my short attention span
Question for Linus have you ever considered hiring an analyst to try and find trends in the YouTube algorithm for example when shorts were crazy
Incentivized would this be a slippery slope creativity wise?
Yeah, we've definitely considered it, but it's never really worked out the thing is you know most algorithm whisperers
Not really much more qualified than
Than us and when it comes to people who are like really into the science of it
You know I feel like enough of them publish their findings that we don't really need to have someone on staff
with that said I think that you know a data scientist who is you know really dedicated to finding and and
Surfacing trends on YouTube would be really useful. It's just something that
Because so much of what drives our content is what we are interested in talking about
Not something that we felt like we've needed
I think if we participated in more of a trendy space like you know comedy or challenges or something like that
It would be very useful to make sure that we're always on top of it
But I feel like a lot of those creators can rely on their audiences to help
Crowdsource for them at a certain point too, and they don't even need it either so
Like I know that that's a role at a lot of new media companies, but it's just not something that we've ever
tried to tackle
Hi DLL in a world where fake reviews or satisfaction are being paid or cherry-picked
For an ongoing basis. What is the solution to get credible independent reviews that can be trusted I?
Don't know that's why we're building the lab because I don't see another solution
It's not like I wanted to throw a bunch of money at it
Um like we could have just made money hand over fist doing our you know doing unboxings or you know sponsored videos or whatever
but I
Just don't really see another solution other than just oh
My god look at Europe now
It's just like moving as more time zones wake up
This is stupid
I'm sorry. I got distracted
Yeah, I don't have a solution other than just make your own reviews
Thank you from Germany. You are talking about having production issues in the company
Are you thinking of hiring more management or organizing roles to limes mini group?
I don't want to think about that anymore. Yeah, not his job actually
Sick right ah I love it sick. Hell. Yeah nice fart to you. Sorry good, but
Let's see next up here
Hey guys have you possibly considered hiring writers to review video games for your new channel game linked no nope it's a news channel
Yep, yep game reviews are
Saturated are saturated space, and I have no interest in throwing my hat into that ring
Hi, DLL. I've been patiently waiting all evening for the show to start no fear speaking of fear
How do the ladies feel about modeling underwear for a channel where men are in the majority I?
Know that Yvonne. I didn't talk to any of the other ladies about it for us modeling is just it's voluntary
Yeah, people if you're interested in doing it. Hey you you do it, and that's super cool
I know Yvonne. You know is not the most outgoing person so for her it was
Yeah, a little a bit of a shy experience, but I think our team also makes it more fun
Like whether it's I think Hoffman and Maria have done the bulk of the
pictures that you'll see on the site, and they do a good job of helping people feel at ease so I
Don't know that's all I can really say as not one of the subjects
Hey, DLL. I've been watching guys since 2013
So been about a decade specifically for Luke
What is your opinion on ethical pen testing of float plane and should any issue be identified how to contact a?
bunch of people do it even if I
Didn't think it was cool. I do think it's cool to be clear
But even if I didn't think it was cool a bunch of people would do it anyways
And yeah, I don't know we appreciate it. We appreciate the people report the problems
We're not
Big enough to be able to handle like a bug bounty system or anything like that
But we do
Yeah, we appreciate it
some of the stuff we are already aware of and
Just might not
You know might not be the maximum tier of priority at this time as there are lots of things to work on
But yeah, thank you
Dad and I were the guys who are watching you filming the gaming fan video. Oh sup
We flew in from Switzerland big fan oh cool. I hope you enjoy your stay in BC
Sorry we were as you noticed many hours late for WAN show
So it's not like we could take any time and to be clear if people show up at the office
You will not meet anyone that is not the time if you want to meet people go to LTX
Luke have you ever had an interaction with anyone that you wish you didn't?
Yes, I am certain that at some point in my life. I have had an interaction with someone that I wish I did not
Regarding fans which I think I'm assuming this is what they're talking about not really I don't think so
No, it's been pretty okay, it's been pretty chill our community is pretty good overall awkward
Yeah, but I don't mind that but good that man if you if that bothers you and you're into tech and computers and stuff
You're probably in the wrong space. Yeah
Like you should go get it over a cool space like music or something cool, bro space. Yeah
Yeah, it's like it's just it's I don't know. Yeah, doesn't bother me. Everyone's pretty cool
Hey guys
I watch every week your PJ pants are my absolute favorite any chance of PJ shorts made with the same
Materials now that summer is coming up damn it. I replied to that one
I think we have a women's PJ short set coming, but I don't think we have anything for the guys right now
First time ever catching live from Europe and thanks for the shipping question for Luke
How do you make sure developers keep growing and having a challenge day-to-day? Oh, they will have a
Don't have to do nothing that is um, that is not a concern
Yeah, it's
We work on a lot of very difficult things
We're working on kind of fixing this there's job postings for two front-end developers right now
But we have traditionally been pretty low staffed in the developer department
So there has been
immense amount of work and immense amount of challenge
and that has that has not been a problem and
the vast majority of people that have joined the team have risen to the challenge and
Developed very substantially over time and I'm very proud of everyone on the team
Anyway for the LTT store to show Canadian prices while shopping from Canada
No, actually, oh really? Okay. Yeah, I
Was about to say maybe you know, but I guess not maybe
sometime but it like we it's it's technically possible, but there's like some issues with it and
Weird thing just no. Sorry. I'm sure as a Canadian you are very used to doing currency conversions. So
We will just be another one of those
Is there ever going to be an LTX in Europe? No, I I should have clarified. Yes. It is entirely possible
We're not doing it though because of various issues
There we go. Don't forget to sign your replies
Hey Linus and crew. I'm just found out I'm having twins
Has there been any new baby toddler or kid tech that has released or been announced that has gotten your interest? Nope
It's so great now that I don't have babies I don't care anymore
it's like your whole world is like
Stuff to do with my baby or for my baby or to my baby and then and then your baby becomes a little
Mini human and actually is interesting and fun and then you go wow
This is so much better and then you never think about it again, that's great
Can you tell I'm one of those people that's not nostalgic for the baby phase not even a little
What tech products would you recommend for a oh, here we go again newborn. Yeah bouncy chair or Bluetooth crib
Tech products none. They aren't gonna remember any of that
They will remember literally nothing the only things that you should do other than feed
interact with and
You know
Change their diaper or whatever is whatever makes you happy
Like they don't know any of that stuff. They're not gonna remember like, you know some
Tech like what thank you for the more expensive Bluetooth speaker. Yeah, exactly like they
They don't know nothing
From down under been wanting to order for a while, but shipping is very expensive. So, thank you. Trust me
I know have you ever considered what the montage is going to look like at your retirement party?
Just bring up the LTT 24-7 stream, I actually think my death
Montage would be better. I'd want it to be like the best it would have ad breaks
Kind of feel like I'd want to retire kind of quiet like if I'm retiring it's cuz I'm done I
Don't think you would retire I think you're wrong actually
No, uh, I mean I
Find that to be a bit of a stretch. I suspect if you retired you would retire into doing something else
Well, there's two potential outcomes either I retire because I'm
Still at the top of my game and I want to go out on a high note or I retire because I'm like done
Yeah, and in either case I kind of feel like I would I want to be like see you later and not
Make a big show of it or no one would care and I would just fade away
No, I think you're wrong about the second one. I think people would care
Because even if even if say channel performance was just like in the pits or whatever if
Linus tech tips
Loses its Linus person
Even if you're getting a thousand views of video at that time the video of you being like I'm done bros would explode
We've seen it happen other times with other creators
Yeah, I guess that's fair
The goodbye video would be huge and your brain is gonna be like I could release up
Banger and would probably do it. I
Bet you that's what would happen
D brand would give it a fat sponsorship have one big paycheck on the way out. Yeah
That's the way
Now that Intel has joined the GPU market could in video join the consumer CPU market greetings from France
Sort of so there's a lot of
Yeah, like they're definitely working on ARM CPU designs. I mean in a way they are in the consumer CPU
Market, do you own a Nintendo switch? Congratulations? You have an Nvidia CPU? Yeah
But in terms of like desktop PCs I
Just don't see it happening anytime soon. I
Had there's plenty of room for me to be wrong
I mean, I also didn't see apples rosetta to being as amazing as it is
Engineers are a lot smarter than me, which is great
But I just I again I just don't see it here
Hi all my electrical engineering 101 teachers started our first lesson with a test
Even though no one knew any of the symbols. Do you have any especially bad or good memories of your past teachers?
That test isn't doesn't count towards your grade and it's a way to judge where people in the class are at
I could see it being valuable but based on the way it's framed. I suspect it did count. So that sucks
I have some I don't want to dog on the bad teachers and I honestly don't remember any of their names, but I had
extremely influential teachers
In in my life my English teacher my physics teacher and my computer's teacher all like
Drastically shaped
What I became so I appreciate them all
Mr. Thompson, mr. Traddle
mr. First
Like big-time each one of them I I
Was like borderline failing English forever because I'm a little dyslexic
I remember one of my teachers like wrote a letter home to my parents because I couldn't spell library in like grade three or something
I got held back and wasn't allowed to go to recess
repeatedly because I couldn't spell school when I was in grade one and I got so pissed off about that that one time I
Worked my way out of the classroom by crawling through a window because I knew some kid had the word school written on his uniform
So I looked at it and memorized it and then ran back inside
I wrote it down and then brought it to the teacher and was like look I did it
I've always struggled with like spelling and punctuation and stuff
and this teacher kind of like
Inspired me to write and care about writing anyways and
He did a thing in his class where he capped the amount of marks you would lose for spelling and punctuation and
So like I would never get full marks because I'd lose those like every time
But he would still grade the the creativity and the writing style is outside of that and stuff like that
And I really appreciated that he like gave me a chance
and that actually inspired me to care more about fixing the other stuff and as Linus knows it's still bad, but
It got
Significantly better to the point where when I left his class I was able to perform decently well in an AP English class
Despite that class having unlimited marks loss for for spelling and punctuation. So that was pretty cool
I like made it to not being a failure English wise after that
The physics teacher was just very inspiring to be curious and and try things and
Find new ways of learning and approaching problems and stuff like that and then mr.
Trowell was just extremely spot inspiring in a ton of ways
I have a ton of fantastic stories about him
My favorite one is that I think he noticed there was a bunch of people in my grade and and a few people in the grade
above us
That were really inspired to get into computers and programming
So he took a summer course at BCIT for 3d game development and then turned that into a 3d game development
course for our school which was like
What a wildly cool thing to do he's a principal somewhere now absolutely deserves the success
amazing fantastic teachers
I got a shout out. Mr. Horn also English teacher
Definitely a game changer for me
I think I don't probably give enough credit to some of the ones I had when I was younger
The biggest thing they gave me was probably patience
Yeah, I mean miss Boeing, you know who you are
Was a very inattentive child and a very frustrating
person to deal with I was in the principal's office a lot and
Not because they didn't try boy. Did they ever try?
Linus seeing that LMG has become one of the biggest tech media outlets. How interested are you in programming or web development?
It's one of those things like it's like learning German it's like yeah or the violin that'd be cool
You're not gonna do it you're not gonna learn violin it's actually work to learn the violin it's not it's like a job fun
Yeah, like it might be fun and reward rewarding. Maybe is a better word than fun, but like
I don't have time for another job right now. I have many jobs
So it's just not realistic for me
It's cool, and I'm like interested in it
But it's like when it's like when white people you know go to Italy and all of a sudden
They like they buy a stupid like book on learning Italian or you're not gonna learn Italian
Just go to Italy use Google Translate and then come home and
Don't learn Italian because you weren't going to anyway like why do you tell yourself? You're learning Italian or you're not?
So that's kind of my take on all of that
Would you guys ever consider an automotive repair technology channel as a technician
It's nearly impossible to find good reviews for diagnostic equipment for my industry the same way you guys do GPUs
Here's my response
Why don't you do it? Yeah? I don't know anything about that. Why are you trying to learn that from me?
Got him
Hi guys. I will always been a fan for the last five years or so. I'm glad you must be really dizzy
It's too late for this garbage
Why do you watch this drivel? I'm going to graduate college at the end of this year
I'd love to open my own computer repair shop someday anything. I should keep in mind for the future
Yeah, running a computer repair shop is a very challenging business and a dying business. I think yeah, I
Actually don't know if I would recommend it
Hey DLL, are Ryzen 7000 CPU pillows in the works? By the way, I love the sweatpants
No, the CPU pillows kind of slowed down, and I don't think you're gonna see a ton more development of CPU pillows coming from us
Hey team was curious if the game like to channel would also be used for oh, we've already yeah
We talked about that one. It's a news not reviews
Hello from Finland have you heard of K and X automation systems regarding your home
It's an open ecosystem. So no relying on one company for support and it's widely used in Europe would recommend
Yeah, I have heard of it
But yeah, I think it's mostly in Europe and they don't have a whole lot of support for like 120 volt stuff
I think that was the issue when I looked at it
The ecosystem wasn't super complete over here. Hey DLL
I wondered if there's any chance you might need a physicist for labs at some time in the future
I'm studying physics and very much like and appreciate the mindset behind the labs project a
Physicist I
feel like telling someone you're a physicist is kind of like telling someone you're a
You know
Right, but do you play Candy Crush?
Do you play FPS? Do you like multiplayer? Do you like single-player? It's like what does that even mean?
Like physics is such as physics is literally everything. What kind of physicist?
Like what do you specialize in? You know what? I mean? Like I you can I don't know
Maybe maybe I've got entirely the wrong impression here
but I feel like just because like it like if you specialize in like, you know, the forces between
Quarks and gluons or whatever like I I don't know what I would even do with you
You know, I
And okay, you're a physicist so you could probably like figure out something else or whatever
But is that what you're interested in right like and if you weren't already doing this
All right, like if you weren't already doing this then you know, why do you want to do it now?
Like it's just I don't know. I I
Don't know the answer to that
Love your commitment to WAN no matter the time
LDL you mentioned a while ago the idea of making PC cases
Would you consider the whale land piece a case that you could use for all land computers plus also sell?
We've been asked a lot of times why we don't make a case and the reason is that I just don't know what we would
contribute there's already so much competition in the case market and
I don't really have any any brilliant ideas right now
With that said we actually rolled out the first of the one you land computers today, and it's pretty cool
But there's also some compromises that I think would make it not a mass-market product and if it's not mass-market
I don't think it makes sense for us to develop it, but maybe who knows maybe it'll inspire someone else to make something kind of
Like that and then you can just buy it from them
Dll what part of your viewership is outside North America
I'm watching live from Germany right now and wonder what impact me and my friends here overseas have on your content decisions
Yeah, I don't mean that in like a disrespectful way I just mean like
Tech is one of those things that I feel like
It's kind of like someone someone asking me. You know. Oh, I'm a member of the the gay community
You know what impact does the gay community have on your content. I'd be like
none like there's not like like a gay iPhone and like
You know
Sis hat you know iPhone like it either is good for you know ring ring
Beep boop boop, or it's not like I am my phone's not very good for ring ring sometimes. Yeah
Yeah, I'm not sure I mean yeah like yeah, you know Germans cool
Hey, I'm glad you're enjoying the videos. I'm happy you engineer a bunch of cool stuff. Yeah
Please keep doing that
That'd be great. Oh, man. I feel like this could be taken out of context. It's definitely going to
It's like one in the morning
Good morning, LLD
Over the years of the wan show there's been blackouts and natural disasters, but the show goes on
What are some other events that nearly caused the cancellation of the show I?
Mean there was that thing that happened just now
That was good, I'm not gonna belly you for that one and actually very large earthquake happened well
The entire company minus of on was at the very top of the tallest building in Taiwan
That was pretty sick that would end at the show
Are you telling me that I might have to like earthquake proof the set here no, okay?
If there's an earthquake happening, we'll be fine. We'll still stay connected for sure if the big one happens
then it's just irrelevant, so I
Mean yeah, it always back up elsewhere
Let's see I'm out of curated and potential that's me trying to stall stall for time here. Yeah, we're digging through incoming right now
Yeah, thanks for your help guys
I feel like I'm making no progress. Yes. This is what it's like to be Dan
Yeah, it's normally the number goes up
For four hours straight
Yeah, today was bad. I wasn't able to cut through them as fast as normal
Let's see I'm just gonna scroll and then read one
Lots of questions about the EU warehouse, I don't think EU warehouse is going to happen
People keep asking we have talked okay guys yes, I
Know that your shipping costs will be lower. I get it
But our overhead will be higher
So the price of the product not the shipping the actual price like our operational costs will go up
So you think you're saving money
But actually
You're not unless we reach a certain scale where we can absorb those operational costs
Now I know there are plenty of smaller companies that do offer worldwide shipping and they have the EU whatever in Australia
Whatever how many skews do they have even though we're a small to medium-sized business
we have like
Hundreds and hundreds of skews and the reason for that is that you people are all different sizes and shapes
There's nothing I can do about this, but we have like 30 skews of cargo shorts
Something stupid like that and so having all of those in stock having our stock split like that is gonna have a huge
Operational cost to us as well
Because if we have 200 units of you know extra small cargo shorts in America
Where nobody buys extra small cargo shorts compared to Europe where we have a whole bunch of triple XL cargo shorts
And then we have to ship those and stock balance or we have to like order extras
We have to absorb that operational cost somewhere. There's gonna be inefficiencies that come from having multiple shipping warehouses
I'm not saying any of these things are insurmountable
I'm just saying these things are not as simple as a lot of people seem to think they are
Like when I've talked about the tax implications of having multiple physical entities
I see a lot of people
Speculating that I'm some kind of tax avoider or something like that has nothing to do with that
it has to do with the with the overhead of
Dealing with the just the reporting even from operating in all these different jurisdictions
right like it's being a
multinational company
There's a reason that they call you a multinational and that that has this connotation of being an enormous company because it's super
Complicated and it's super expensive
So someday
Hi DLL greetings from Germany, but a fan since the firetruck days. I don't even know what that is
Yeah, I am curious. What kind of data and al data analysis tools the labs use I
Don't even know lots I assume
To pay yeah, it depends what you're talking about a great question for Gary
Maybe we should bring him on wind show sometime that could be kind of fun. Hmm
Love your content. What do you think is the reason why badminton isn't as big money wise as tennis?
Wow that's a really good question for what a popular sport it is globally there is shockingly little money in badminton
Like you'll win a major tournament you make like a few tens of thousands of dollars or something one is popular in
That you average wealth is significantly higher. Yeah, I can see that this is popular it
Yeah, just more money to go into you know just buying crap tennis also happens to be for whatever reason
particularly possible with very wealthy people
Possible or popular sorry it's oh yeah sure like it's one of those like golf requires a very large court
It's sort of like polo. Yeah, then put like a funny one is like
You have to have a lot of money to play polo horses yeah
There's like like rich people sports like polo
F1 I think tennis is like sort of they're not quite, but it is very popular you see like oh
Like extremely expensive mansion, and they have a tennis court okay motorsports makes sense though because a lot of it is just R&D into
eventual consumer vehicles right like and
Yeah badminton, I don't know I don't know I feel like there's definitely things that they could do to make the sport more watchable
I think I've talked to you before about how I feel like the default camera angle that they use
Really under sells the speed of the game. Yeah, I I no offense to the commentators
You seem like wonderful people, but
They commentate like golf. Oh marvelous play. Yeah
Yeah, it's super boring to watch. Yeah, it's gonna get some hype
Yeah, they should they should watch some like like rocket league or like soccer
Announcers yeah soccer announcers are crazy. I also I I think that the the scoring system is really
They've allowed it to be influenced too much by player preference and not enough by audience preference
So it's it's best two out of three sets or two out of three games in a match
and it's to 21 points per game and
Every rally counts for a point
But what's so entertaining about tennis for the spectators is that you can have a match that goes on for four hours?
They you can only score when you're serving and the defender can stymie your attempts to score
Right whereas in badminton somebody scores on every single rally which rewards
Aggression aggression aggression all the time it doesn't reward a more patient defensive
Style and it also doesn't allow for much back and forth once someone's up
Ten to five that that game is probably over and there are exceptions, but it's far
less normal
Whereas you know I think that they would be better served by a best three out of five to 11
But with a service point system or something like that
So there is a lot more potential for upsets and a lot more reason to keep your eyes glued to the screen
I don't know it has some of the same problems as tennis where the dominant players are gonna win
But I think something that badminton struggles with particularly in the Western world is that those dominant players are
Not as
big personalities in many cases and often don't speak English
So like like him are talking and drama stuff like that like him or hate him
No, that Novak Jokovic or Jokovic or whatever is is a a personality
Look at stuff like the UFC
It's the the personalities matter so much. It's one of the reasons eSports is
Just strongest struggles because the personalities that are electric end up on Twitch
They don't end up actually competing because it's way less profitable if you actually have if you're watchable right yeah
Several moons ago Linus mentioned on the wan show that he did not like mid-roll commercials if that is so why is it that the
Main LTT channel is the only one that does not use them
Because the main LTT channel is the one that I maintain the most influence over yeah, I think you answered your own question
Any interest in self-hosting applications something like next cloud that can be Google Drive and docks replacement
Oops sorry hold that thought I just accidentally clicked show on something about replacing m50x ear cups
You were looking for options and my brain was tired. We did a sponsor spot recently for man
I don't remember remember what their name was but a lot of really great audience feedback on that
It was from the last handy tech video, so go check out them. What do they do it for other headphones?
Yeah, they do it for lots of different headphones. Okay. I need to look into it my I
Need replacements. Yeah, wicked cushions. That's the one. Thank you twitch chat for being helpful for once oh
Yeah, I might need to do that as well
Let's see okay, sorry you can hit me with that merch message again. I just I had accidentally archived for that one
I don't even remember what it was
Yeah, I have no idea okay, well my apologies I screwed that up for them
I'm looking for more
Yeah, you just got to dig through at this point. There isn't that many oh, okay? Here's one for me
I'm a corporate audio technician, Dan
What is the purpose of what looks like an XY stereo microphone sitting on top of Linus's re20?
No, that is me being lazy as all hell
Linus destroyed his mic arm the other week
And I whipped that one together. It's it's literally just a small rig arm
That I should fix
There you go, he's trying to do it again, no, I was just trying to show the people
Let's see
Thanks for the free Australian shipping kangaroo
Come on get eight left you guys pick one
All right, hi DLLs. Thank you from Chechia
What jobs would you say are the best match for a YouTube content creator when the YouTube thing doesn't work out I?
Hey, I have no idea what I would do
Linus is not the person to ask that something which is like is a streamer like not is that unfair
Yeah, I think that's a cop-out. Yeah, I had it for other you to sales sales if you've got a personality that marketing
Yeah, that that translates to to you know interacting with lots of people and them enjoying it
Then you know sales is a good place to be there. Yeah, I came up with one nice
Why don't you got any more joggers or hoodies in the works?
Yes, we have really cool sport pants coming that I think look
As for hoodies yeah almost certainly I think we have a blank zip up coming or a blank not zip up
I don't know there's something there's definitely more hoodies coming though
How do you feel about the shift in the software space from shipping fully featured to pushing something out earlier than it's ready and?
Polishing it with patches we feel bad
It's our word that's more than bad terrible terrible ungoodly, but
But what it's ass
It's butt ass
What's one piece or type of new tech that just baffles you and makes you feel old like how the government's
tick-tock I
Just don't get it. Sorry. I just don't get no no not tick-tock like like filters and stuff that you can put on your face
Oh, yeah, me too. Like I just oh my god. Yeah. I don't care. Oh my god. Yeah
Hi everyone. I work in ID, but also do a lot of streaming events. Oh and anything that takes longer
Like sending and receiving like voice memos. Oh, yeah that
Any anything that it makes that is faster for you and takes longer for your recipient is you just being an asshole
You take the time. I
always tell my kids this the onus is on the communicator to be understood and
To be as little work as possible for other people to interact with otherwise people aren't going to talk to you
So I have this conversation with them when they mumble for example
Like look you gotta watch people's body language if you start talking and people go like this
And then like this and walk away
That means you're too much work to listen to and if people don't listen to you, then you're never gonna get anywhere
It's that simple. So you need to pay attention if someone is having a hard time understanding you speak the fuck up now
Be understood and if you're understood in your ideas suck, well, then hey, you've got other work to do, but at least you got step one
So yeah people who are like I'm gonna save
14 seconds by doing this so that it's really inconvenient for you to hear what I have to say
Honestly, I just ignore them most of the time even from people that I correspond with regularly so people don't bother sending them to me
Yeah, sorry, I'd never get them and I hate them. So that makes me happy
Yeah, my DLL been enjoying the late show as someone who gets off work very late on the West Coast
Haven't heard about it in agents, but is a comforter still in the works
Yeah, we still have a bunch of alpaca wool to deal with so I hope so at some point
Okay, I tried to reply to this one from Christopher like twice I think
Here I'm just gonna show it this one
You probably don't need any more oh right you probably don't need any more lanes than
What our consumer platform has because none of those devices will pull full bandwidth all the time anyway, so you're probably fine
Want to go home now you just ruined it we were so close we're going home. I think we have to play bubble hockey oh
my god
You promised no
Yeah, you did. I didn't promise that we play at least one round all right fair enough
When was that I don't know I believe you to be honest. I'm probably lying to be
It was so long ago
All right want to hear something crazy
What we've done a hundred grand in sales today
Do you want to know how many of those
Dashboard is more than that so yeah, do you want to know how many of those are to like?
Places probably pretty much all of it shipped for free a
Solid like three-quarters of them, you know it's actually like kind of exciting yeah
So we've talked about how like we should make it so that each message shows up for a fixed period of time on the outro
Whatever yeah, oh my god. We got we got a sign task to do dog. We haven't done that yet
This is gonna be a wild ride. We're gonna watch like oh
My god 400 there's 490 messages in the queue right now
That can't be right oh my god, that's right. I'm pretty sure there's no that's got to be like doubled I
Don't think so. I'm gonna set timing to zero on home. I just send it no no let no no wait wait wait
Let me fight. Let me find one that I've replied to and I'll see how long ago
Yeah, yeah, yeah, that was ages ago. Oh, yeah
That was like an hour ago. Oh, yeah, cuz we've basically done about
300 together in the last hour cuz I was it like I had 200 in my queue
At like hour three because I couldn't functionally do it
So we've just basically slammed around 400 merch messages
And then the merch message timing is set to zero currently so it's it's just does it's just given them
Yeah, as fast as it can
I'm gonna. I'm gonna hit the button. It's gonna be like a laser beam
Okay, why did we even bother to reply to them if they're gonna go by so fast that no one can even read the answers
I mean
Here's one that I did I did that at least an hour ago
Reply is something like no not much prepping. Yep. We have 486 to go. I want to just keep sitting here
I get over time. This is fine. Oh
My god. Oh Dan's got a lot of overtime today. I'm
Double time oh my god. Oh sick so so I'm like
Getting boned at both ends then basically, but I'm free if that helps yeah, I want to play bubble hockey though
I don't want to sit here. Yeah, I gotta post tech linked oh
Conrad says I'm so excited people can pause to see the answers
I'm wondering if it's actually gonna be so fast that they can't I think it might be yeah
I'm only at 30 frames a second
Yeah, I don't think there's gonna be enough 30. Yes. It might actually go too fast. I'm excited
It's good
Hold on we got more rich messages no no we're not acknowledging those
They missed the boat and merch messages are over. Yeah, yeah, it's done. Oh
My god
We sold a hundred thousand dollars worth of mystery sweats. Oh at what cost
Carol from what did it cost everything or whatever the quote is at some tired?
You're a four thousand four thousand item today
Four thousand item yeah, there's been over four thousand items going through merch messages today
This is like just so you guys know this is not normal
It's not normal reason we're talking about this is not because we sell a hundred grand worth of merch during every wan show
It's because that is not what happens. I I mean
Yeah, there's also other ways to word it right like we sold 100 grand worth of merch
Linus almost certainly lost money on this though sick. Yeah, cuz of all the shipping like oh
So much of this was sent to people in places where the shipping is
Potentially more expensive than the products that they bought and the shipping is free and a lot of those products product mega sale cost money
And we're on a mega sale so like there's just yeah
Hey, enjoy your stuff. Hey at least like leave a review on the site
You know yeah talk about how much you love it or whatever. Yeah, that would help a little yep
At least we sold a lot of screwdrivers not four thousand orders four thousand items. Yeah, yeah
So when it shots at four thousand orders, it's not four thousand, and that's the only people that
Gave a merch message right some people don't do that or is that required no those lots of people
Don't lots of people order during the show and don't leave a merch message
Shout out everyone who listened and was like you know what I'll pick up a screwdriver or a backpack I
Think we blew through as many backpacks
Wait is this right
Did we sell 87 backpacks today?
Today like in the last hour and a half that can't be right
might be
It's a big box by the way, holy crap we moved 87 backpacks in the last hour and a half Wow yeah
So shout out people who bought you know not on sale items. Thank you
That takes some of the sting out of it
Again it's big box yeah, oh right yeah
Yeah, right that box to like South Africa. Oh, yeah, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah
All right, you know what I think it's time to go now
Did you did you make it so that like they have to order a certain amount to get free shipping at 150, okay?
Yeah, but we have so many items on mega stupid sale right now right that we had a no
Hope whatsoever of recouping it if they just like load up on mystery
sweatpants and mystery hoodies and stuff
Liquidity yeah, see you again next week same bad time same bad channel. Bye
Hey some people can read there are some that are readable are they all readable no, but
Even try