
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

I think the title is still pixel.
Oh crap, really?
Uh oh.
Well, okay then.
Third gen Threadripper.
Welcome to the land show, ladies and gentlemen.
It's not new news,
which is why I didn't originally put it in the title.
That's fine, we haven't talked about it yet.
Yeah, we have.
I thought there's more details.
Just that it's like coming.
Good enough.
All right, sounds good.
We're talking with Threadripper.
We're gonna have a great show for you guys today.
I'm sorry that I, wait, what on earth is this?
Get, what is this text here?
Get, yeah, I wanna remove the text.
All right.
I have genuinely no idea how that got there.
What a week it has been, ladies and gentlemen.
Do you wanna talk about why you're wearing this?
I would love to.
I can't give too many details
because it's one of those things that is like,
it's like an honor bound embargo.
Like there's no actual non-disclosure agreement,
but it's kind of like-
But you know that if you broke it, you'd be a jerk.
Yeah, I'd be a total butt head.
Yeah, okay.
What I can say is that it involved
a high powered potato cannon.
And an exploding watermelon.
And saving the environment.
It's nice.
I saw a, not a commercial, I guess,
a PSA of sorts recently that I think
the guy kept looking at his watch
while he was playing a soccer match.
And then it was like every 30 seconds,
the rainforest loses an entire soccer field worth of,
I was like, wow, yeah, that sucks.
Cool, all right.
Pretty much blows.
There's other news, more Blizzard stuff.
So I'm sure that'll be absolutely fantastic.
Also, something else.
Riot Games is announcing everything.
A mobile game called Wild Rift,
a hero shooter called Project A,
a top-down MMO called Project F,
a card game called Legends of Runeterra,
an animated series, and an esports manager or something.
LOL Esports Manager.
Just every game.
Wait, was that a pun?
LOL Esports Man-
I think the esports manager thing is supposed to be
like the FIFA manager games.
But I haven't-
That's the smartest thing I've ever heard ever.
That's purely just based on looking at the name
in the text doc.
I haven't looked into it at all,
so I could be aggressively wrong.
Now is like the right time to do something like that.
It seems like it, yeah.
So they're just trying to make every game on the planet.
It sounds like a company owned 100% by Tencent
is trying to go after companies not 100% owned by Tencent.
Only partially owned by Tencent.
Sounds like an interesting move.
In other news, third gen Threadripper
and the Ryzen 9 3950X are coming soon.
We never actually said that,
so we'll talk about that pretty shortly.
And I think I'm allowed to talk to you guys about this,
but if I'm not, Nick isn't here to tell me no.
He's not in the office today.
Oh, Nick, I'm so sorry.
And I am silencing my phone right now.
Oh no.
Oh no, what just happened?
That's some confidence.
We did a pretty epic collab this week.
I don't know if you've been keeping track
of what's been shaken.
Well, I think it was pretty obvious with the Twitter post.
Mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm.
The two of them.
So Mr. Grimms.
Corey from the Washington, I forget,
the Washington Overwatch team.
Corey underscore O-W on Twitter.
Pretty cool kid.
Shroud was there.
Paul's hardware was there.
And you were there.
And you were there.
And you were.
Wizard of Oz.
And you're all there through the camera.
So yeah, it's amazing.
I just wanna talk a little bit
about the experience of shooting it.
The video's probably not coming
for at least two or three weeks
just because there is so much footage.
Like I'm gonna have a-
Hey, Rina looks amazing.
I'm gonna have an editor doing nothing but that
for at least two weeks solid.
It's sponsored by NVIDIA,
so they're gonna wanna take a look at it
before it goes up.
But it'll be coming.
It's gonna be awesome.
First let's hit the intro.
Really cool, very cool.
Pew, pew, pew, pew, pew, pew.
Pew, pew, pew, pew.
Bow, bow, bow.
Pew, pew.
Pew, pew, pew, pew.
Pew, pew, pew, pew.
Pew, pew, pew, pew.
Oh, I'm on the one.
Oh, Matt from last week.
Yeah, there's really no way we can fix that is there no we just have to
Yeah, sorry, I don't think we can do that
That sucks, okay, sorry guys I pressed the wrong button and so we're only live on YouTube right now
Very sorry the only way I can fix it is by going off YouTube and then back on all of them
And we really can't disrupt our streams any more than we absolutely have to
I we had quite a people quite quite a few people suggesting that last room was turned off on purpose
I saw some great conspiracy theories
About me being on my phone and like sending a message to kill the street guys if I wanted to kill the stream the button
Is right here?
We don't have a producer
So there's a stream PC right off right off the screen
Yeah, literally right there nobody else has a way to turn off the land show
No, really unless they were to go into the server room and yank the ethernet cable or like pull power here
Yeah, even if they pull power we're on a UPS like good. No, they would have to go to the back of our power supply
They'd have to be right here
Which conceivably they could have been but I wouldn't have had to text them at that. Yeah
Yeah, anyway great news for you guys this week
A third gen Threadripper and the rise in 939 50 X are coming soon. The leaks are starting to really accelerate
Yeah, in fact, I think it was was it as rock that leaked a board or MSI
I'm just trying to remember also a source from not boards but a source from inside AMD
provided internal documents listing the announcement and release date for a third gen Threadripper CPUs the
39 60 X 39 70 X 39 90 X and the TR 40 motherboards will apparently be announced
November 5th with availability November 19th
sexy dang
rumors point to the 39 60 X with 24 cores 39 70 X with 32 cores and
39 80 X with 48 cores and 39 90 X with 64 course
I'm thinking it would be hilarious if I waited
Two more generations to upgrade my processor and I upgrade an extra core count
Well, no, I upgraded from a 59 60 X to a 59 60 X
Man I mean there have been other times when you could do just such a thing if you held on to your geforce gtx5
480 or 580
Yeah, I'm could have been upgraded to a Radeon RX 480 or 580. Yeah, what are some other great examples of that?
Just trying to think there's definitely been a few but there hasn't been like a ton doesn't happen that often especially when it would be a
Like a somewhat reasonable upgrade. Mm-hmm. You know, I mean like the 59 60 X is still fine
So in two generations, it'll probably still be sort of fine. So WCCF tech has
Um pictures of where is it?
No, apparently WCCF tech doesn't have that. Hold on a second. Dang it. It's that where's that MSI motherboard that I'm looking for
Thing here it is
Wait a minute. What the crap that's not an MSI board
That's just a motherboard
What is with this clickbait? Look at this. Look at it. Look at this horrible thing
MSI leaks new AMD Threadripper. That's an Asus board. Yeah, like obviously what are you even talking about? Is this?
Where is the stupid picture of it?
Have you been to Tom's yet?
I'm looking there. Whatever. It doesn't matter. Okay, so let's have a look at
What specs there are available? So yeah, so this is honestly this is pretty darn exciting because yeah up to
up to 64 cores on an ATDT platform
And given the pricing that we've seen before on Threadripper. I mean
Oh, sorry. Yeah ATDT is high-end desktop
So that's Intel's LGA 2011 2066 like they're they're higher pin count sockets
And then same thing for AMD the bigger higher pin count socket. So your Ryzen is on
AMD is like consumer socket or mainstream socket and then Threadripper will rise and Threadripper
I guess is on your ATDT or high-end desktop socket. It's and the ATDT is sort of a weird
Gray area Intel recently tried to kind of separate it from workstation. They did a separate c600 series chipset
They did separate Xeon workstation chips for it
No one no one cared because they were basically the same thing as the core i9s with ECC and then on the AMD side
They include ECC support with all their chips anyway
So there would be no differentiation whatsoever between an ATDT and a workstation platform
So Threadripper is essentially the workstation platform. It's just a matter of whether you buy a board that has more workstation oriented features like
faster onboard networking or
or support for you know, SAS drives or whatever the case maybe I don't think anyone cares about that anymore now that
NVMe is a thing, but I think you guys get my point
Whereas you would buy a more gamer or consumer centric one if you wanted to game or do consumer stuff
This would be sorry game though. I think Threadripper is
Dubious value
This is probably almost assuredly way too much work
But like, you know, he did systems through the ages at the last LTX. Mm-hmm doing like server setups
Would be really cool. That would be cool if you're into that sort of thing. Yeah, probably not for all
Way too much work, but I would love it. Yeah
Okay, is that is that more or less no, I guess I guess
The Ryzen 9 3950x is expected to launch in November as well, but I don't think that was specifically detailed
So here's the big conversation
Intel recently hit back with their 10 series HEDT chips. Yeah, which was essentially a price cut
Yeah, I mean it's been a long time since Intel has actually responded to anything AMD's done, but now they are
so I guess the question here is is
Intel in trouble because
We're sitting here
AMD launched their third gen rise in up to 12 course. Yeah Intel already had to respond now
AMD is following up with third gen based Threadripper and
I I don't think there's anything in Intel's lineup. That is even
That is gonna do anything but embarrass them on a graph, you know, cuz that's how people shop right like
Oh who has the best CPU right now?
Yeah, you look up, you know a cinebench graph or whatever the case may be in
Intel made an argument that cinebench is kind of overrated as a benchmark since it's not
Representative of what a lot of people are doing with their computers and I you know, I see your point. Yeah
But that's how a lot of people determine
Okay, who makes the best CPU in the world and a lot of people buy a lower end product based on who makes the best
One. Yeah, I
Think that's for that's fairly standard. They're losing market share. They are and so I think I think they're obviously in trouble
I think they've been in trouble for a while. I don't by any means think they're drowning
But I think they're losing mind share which is something they had pretty strongly
Say four years ago. I mean, there's two okay. There's two different ways to look at mind share
I think they had mind share in the way that you're talking about
Yeah, I think where it's like I need to buy a gaming CPU who makes great gaming CPUs Intel
But the kind of there's another kind of mind share that I want to bring up and that's the that's the goodwill
Mind share. Okay, like I don't think Intel
Sorry, let's keep going I don't think Intel has a ton of goodwill in the community
you know imagine for a second if Intel had been on top for a long time and
Had been kind of like a benevolent
Benevolent force, you know granting
Technology new technologies to us at a rate that we felt like was as fast as they could possibly do it. I mean I got
Really annoyed actually when I found out that Intel has a super low-cost
integrated networking chip
I shouldn't say an integrated networking chip is a little bit more complicated than that
So it's an outboard networking chip that goes on the motherboard
But that integrates with features that are present on the CPU in order to make the solution very very cost effective
So basically there's two different ways that you can put an Intel NIC or a network interface card on your motherboard
You can buy a complete standalone one. That's more expensive
Yeah, or you can leverage some of the technology that's already on the CPU
Which is obviously not an option if your name isn't Intel and then you can put a super cheap one on
So I found out like physically on a board because you're not talking about adding cards right now. That's right. Yeah
Yeah, so I mean like a like a figurative NIC like I was just a more
Clarifying. Yeah, so
So what I found out is that the upcoming boards for their 10 series ATDT chips
Are gonna have for as little as I think it's about two dollars and seventy cents bomb cost are gonna have multi-gigabit
Networking. Oh damn, okay
But they've had this I'm assuming you're saying if you can do it for two dollars and seventy cents today
Yeah, probably could have done it for
10 bucks a few years ago
but instead
motherboard manufacturers who have wanted to integrate
Multi gigabit networking have been forced to buy chipsets that are upwards of a hundred one hundred and fifty dollars
I remember checking in with Asus and this was this is a couple years ago now, but they were basically like yeah
We might as well just build a 10 gig LAN card
Put it in the box and then you plug it into a PCI Express port if you want 10 gig
Otherwise, I guess you can like flip it on eBay
Compared to trying to integrate it onto the board
It was so cost prohibitive and it's like were there things happening in the industry that slowed that down
Yeah, for sure the the multi gigabit
move took some time because
Two and a half gig and five gig didn't really start seeing any support until probably the last
One to three years, I guess 10 gig was the standard before that
So the idea was we're gonna go straight from one gig to 10 gig but it was so cost prohibitive to do that
That they were like, okay. Well, we should probably build some intermediary standards. Well, where was that?
Ages ago, there's something to be said for
It's possible that they couldn't get like
Proper yields or whatever and then by the time they're able to actually accomplish the thing
It was just automatically that cheap, but I don't think that's true in this case
I'm gonna I'm gonna check
Um, blah blah blah sometimes like they could have been working on this thing for a long time
But it wasn't production ready and then they get a production ready and they might just jump right with it
Yeah, but the thing is they have shown that they are not going to do that. Yeah many times
I mean the thing about yields though. I mean that's what I said though
It's like if you can do it for two dollars and seventy cents today, you probably could have done it for no
I know I'd but like maybe it wasn't one quarter. Maybe it wasn't production ready like almost at all. I don't know
I'm saying it's possible. Yeah. I'm also saying that Intel has shown that they will yeah not do that for years
And they will not release things and show things and all that kind of and like to me
The fact that there aren't other players in the industry supporting it like two and a half. Yeah five gig
Shouldn't necessarily be an impediment because if you're Intel and you are literally making the interface chips
I mean a D link or a link sis or whatever can come to you
Buy chips make switches. Oh, wow
All of a sudden there's you're kind of the party that needs to go first an ecosystem for this
And so you have to step up and make it so the consumers
Or enterprise or whatever. It's like oh I have this thing. I want to connect it into other things
That was a huge chunk of leg and that's super loud. Yeah, they can definitely hear that
So they I want to connect this cool thing that I have to other stuff probably take then that will wouldn't even be surprised
Have you heard his car? Yes, it sounds kind of like that. Um, and that will put pressure on
Companies like like the d-link or trend net or whatever you were just talking about
Etc to support devices and everything else
So if I had a computer that supported that I would be driven to try to go get the networking hard hardware that also supports
That absolutely
so back to the discussion of mindshare if Intel had put themselves in a position where they had a technological advantage and
Also, we're seen as pushing things along as fast as they could
I don't think they'd be under any kind of threat right now whatsoever because the cold hard truth. Is that
for enthusiasts and for gamers
outside of some fairly uncommon use cases
Let's face it. What percentage of you guys actually?
3d model at home and
Yeah, there's gonna be a fair number of you probably a decent amount but that decent amount is probably under 10% and that's when show
Viewers. Yeah, that's not the general public. Yeah
But the problem so so for people who just play video games or do light video editing
Intel is still in a very good position. I mean Adobe Premiere is
notoriously poorly optimized for multi-threaded processors
So if you were to run out, I thought you're just gonna don't even there I could
Yeah, so if you were gonna run out and buy a 9900 K or something like that, you're getting basically
peak tier Adobe Premiere performance
the only difference is that now there's a second option and people are
Flocking to AMD because they're trying to send a message
so that's what I'm trying to say on the one hand they had they had mindshare for like
Intel CPUs are great for gaming and they still are
Intel isn't under fire by like a
Generations ahead
Technology like they were when AMD came at them with 64-bit or with dual core and Intel had only single core
processors this isn't quite like that
but because people are so
Tired of it an option that comes along and performs even as well and oh and it's a great value, too
It's even cheaper and Intel takes
Six to twelve months to adjust their pricing to you to match this threat. That's so very obviously here like
if they just were like I
Love so much of what they do. Yeah, they didn't have to give the Thunderbolt 3 spec to the USB forum
Yeah, USB 4 is gonna be yeah. Okay. That's a very good
Okay, like that Intel does a lot of good. Yeah, I like I want to root for them
That's a good like insult sandwich. It's the opposite of compliment sandwich
Yeah, but put a compliment in the middle instead of on each side, but these they just do the most self-destructive
Yeah, it's like if Intel designed a gun the barrel would be made of lead because they only know how to aim in one direction
Something that I've been saying for a long time
and like I I've talked to people at Intel about this and I understand their stance and it I
Totally get it on paper, but Intel doesn't show up to conventions anymore. I know right and
that I've
I can't go into it, but I've talked to people at Intel about this and
They have
They're very legitimate reasons. I will say that much
But I think they're really missing something which is when you walk around a PAX
yeah, and you see a gigantic AMD booth, that's just
Poppin there's tons of people there. There's stuff going on. People are really excited and Intel just isn't around for
The enthusiast community that like really cares that's a really weird message. Yeah, it looks bad. It looks really bad
Really really bad and there's like I'm sure it's with that said Intel showed up for LTX
So I'm just saying maybe maybe PAX is yeah, I think maybe that's the problem. I think they could have shown up more. I
Think I'm not part of LTX
I'm not even part of LTT so I can throw that long
Nick and Colton aren't here to yell at me Intel knows they could have shown up more and I
Believe the plan is to show up more
Okay next year, but like they should be and they should be they should be showing up more to LTX
They showing up more
Other conventions and I get that from like it's okay from a computer hardware standpoint going to an LTX again
I'm separate from all this going to an LTX makes way more sense than going to a PAX because you have your
Target audience is like a hundred percent of the attendees
Compared to LTX a relatively small laser focus. Yes. Yeah
So I can do so totally but that's a pretty easy thing to just accept the PAX argument and the other conventions argument
You should still be there not because it necessarily has a huge ROI
But because your competition is just laughing at you while they are there and that's really weird
back to mind share
That's a way that they're losing mind share in both ways. Yeah, they're losing mind share in the sense that they're just losing that
Association with gaming which has been strong for them and that the thing is like, huh?
By a core i5 was like the answer to gaming computers for so long
I know I know and the thing about gaming is that not everyone plays games
yeah, but gamers are really passionate and they talk to other people and when you have a product that's great for gaming and oh
By the way, it's also great for photo editing and video editing and you know light 3d rendering
Well, that's a winning combination and there's also like if a if a gamer buys a system and then they're like
Family needs a computer or they grow up or they grow up and like get a job
Computer for that other stuff or whatever. They'll probably go. Well, I had a good experience with that thing
It never lagged and outside of anything other than like maybe some super intense moment in a game or something like that
I want to use that thing still like I even I've even observed something where gamers will build computers
so they're non gamer friends and kind of
Secretly kind of make sure that it's like pretty solid if that person ever wants to join them in a game
Yeah, I've seen that many times. Yeah, cuz you're like, well, I want to
Okay, the thing about that. I just want to justify that for a minute. Do they really need a decent graphics card?
Okay, hold on. So we've talked about how an entry-level graphics card is a bad deal
Yes, because you get like, you know, 10 FPS per dollar or whatever or like 1 FPS. Yeah
Yeah, and then one that's like twice as much you might get five or ten times the performance. So really you're doing them a favor
And graphics cards are used for more than just gaming now. Yes
Yeah, and there's really cool things you can do with computers. So even if they're they're not into games at all
There's very likely something else on a computer. Yeah, but they would be into exactly whether that's CAD modeling or photo editing
Yeah, or whatever. So is Intel in trouble? They have a
public relations
Problem on their hands. I don't think the technology is actually the issue. They have time it took AMD this long
to basically
Like they're still fighting against freaking Haswell, basically
Like it's not like it's yes. Yes AMD is now on par ish with Intel's latest technology
But Intel's technology three four years ago was also basically on par with Intel's technology like it said
It's like yeah go AMD
But also like this is this was really Intel's race to lose and I think they're gonna come back strong now that they've got the right
Motivation which is oh, wow. We're actually we have an actual competitor. They're gonna figure that out. I'm not worried about them in the long term
They're gonna come back strong from this whatever. It's fine. What we want
I think I can talk to others here is for both of them to be as strong as possible
Absolutely, because that's gonna drive the industry forward as fast as possible
So Intel's problem then is one of perception and I've told them this before and I've told representatives
I was like look you guys got to be more human. Yeah, you can't you can't just like
You can't be the scary
Corporate monster that you know your legal department won't sign off on any behavior
Other than that, like you get they got it. They got a chill axe. You got to have a personality
You got to really get out there in person and talk. Yes, like cool understand the ROI doesn't work. I get it
Just do it. Oh, I have live live their captivations
Terrible terrible total waste of time, but
Not imperceptibly. It's still a really big deal because I honestly straight up
I think the biggest problem with them not being at a convention is that AMD is yep
Oh, yeah for sure. If AMD wasn't there wouldn't matter. It wouldn't really matter. No, you're right
All right
speaking of things that wouldn't really matter if I were to explain this as clearly as I
Possibly can and make my position just absolutely crystal clear
It wouldn't matter a good percentage of you would find a way to misinterpret it anyway
So I'm just gonna stick to my notes here. Yeah
Blizzard pulls out of launch event for overwatch on switch bands more pro Hong Kong Hearthstone players
Senators call out censorship
the sources are
Ars Technica Kotaku The Verge and
IGN ten out of ten
Blizzard cancelled the planned New York launch of overwatch on switch apparently blindsiding Nintendo with the news
It is believed blizzard was trying to avoid unrest from fans upset with the company's ban of Hearthstone player blitz chung
But it doesn't help that performance of the switch port of overwatch is pretty bad
This week blizzard banned three more hearthstone players from a college team for holding up a free Hong Kong
boycott Blizz sign while on a competition stream a
Bipartisan group of Congress people. Wow, that doesn't happen very often anymore
Oh and senators have sent a letter to Blizzard expressing concern over the company's recent actions
Can blizzard recover from this PR nightmare will write games take over the niches currently occupied by blizzard games?
Fantastic job newscaster. Thank you and back to you. I
Yeah, I don't actually think there's necessarily a ton to say about this
Yeah, I I don't I don't I think they can recover from the PR nightmare I think it's gonna be a while
Are you gonna wear red? Yes, you've even got a red shirt with you today or orangy. But yes, that's pretty red
Yeah, it's fairly red. Yeah, but you had to put on that that Ram shirt for the land show because lttstore.com
But yes, I'm a hundred percent gonna be wearing red. I've been debating because I think this might actually get me kicked out
Getting shirts made that have the blizzard logo and then the yellow stars the blizzard logo in red or yellow
Sorry, and then has the yellow stars around the end. I
Think that actually might get me kicked out. So I don't know how viral do you want to go?
So I wouldn't wear it till the last day, but then hey, but you know where it's the last day
That might be the best idea
Then you can enjoy Blizzcon. I might get banned from Blizzcon. You might get banned from
Make sure they don't know my account names speaking of lttstore.com. Uh, hold that up for a second
If you had to guess
Which would you say is more popular the black and white or the gold and black if I had to guess? Yeah
Yeah, you have to get okay. So I have publicly said that I like this one more before
Yeah, and I'm gonna stand by that you're gonna stand by it. But the way you're wording this makes me think it is
I don't remember what I said, okay
But I would say it's if I if I hadn't heard you say anything
I would say it's this one because this is the one that I thought was gonna say opposite thing
You just pointed out this one saying it was gonna sell more because you worded it interestingly
Okay, just answer the question this one that one yeah, okay. Yeah black and gold is doing about two to one
Yeah, I actually really like the light and black one, but we talked about this when we first announced them
We both said that this one got like more votes
Yes, I love stormtrooper colors, I really like it well, they're not really colors they're more shades or super shades whatever man Wow
I pulled that green
Sponsoring the show today. We've got Ridge wallet
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I'm good
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So use offer code Linus to save 10% at ridge calm slash Linus very cool
Also sponsoring the show today is
Seasonic oh no prop available show website says Colton or Jono one of the two of them
Okay, I shall do such do you want me to do it? Uh no, that's fine. I think I got it
Oh, yeah, that would work fine. Just fine fine. Just fine
That's fine just fine
And protection yeah protect your website with cloud flare and wait, sorry, what am I talking about?
seasonic 80 plus titanium
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Also bringing the show to you
Savage jerky heck yeah, can I use this opportunity to talk about a really fun shoot that I was on this week
Yes, I think so are you going for the moho? I think so all right
You know what I will tell you guys about the ghost pepper one
I'll do it if you do it ghost pepper buffalo sauce. Let's do it you want to do a hot one today
All right, we're going ghost pepper today ladies and gentlemen savage jerky is handcrafted
Oh that smells good in small batches and does not use nitrates or preservatives in resulting in an amazing jerky taste
They have 13 different flavor. I got a pinner one. No fine. I'll have the second one if it comes that they have 13 different flavors
From their sweet teriyaki to their intensely spicy Carolina Reaper
Well that's got some kick they also make hot sauces barbecue sauces and even spice rub
It's already going okay? Oh?
You can use offer code LTT
To save 10% of all their products at LMG GG slash savage jerky. I love their hot sauces by the way mm-hmm
So in the best hot sauce, I think the hot sauce is don't take this the wrong way savage jerky
But I think the hot sauces are actually better than the jerky. Yeah, they're really good the jerky is amazing, but yeah
That's spicy. You know what?
As spicy as the reaper chip that I almost had to eat on Tuesday
So are you familiar with?
peppered chips
Peppered chips okay, so it's not a potato chip like
Normally a potato chips a chip made out of spicy peppers. Oh, yeah. Oh my god. No. I've never heard of that so
She sounds kind of terrifying talk about this
I'll talk about it a bit, but I won't say too much
So I worked on a really fun collab this last week. Are you familiar with donut media? Yeah? Oh? Yeah? Oh? Yeah?
Yeah, okay, so cool. Let me just
Let me just fire them up here actually like there's a few of their videos that I'm quite into
Super cool guys got to meet a whole bunch of the crew down there you worked with them
Let me just mute my this has got to be I think I'm muted
Hey that video
The title video is fantastic. I love that one
There we go
So I met James super cool guy cool
There's not gonna be any spoilers anyway these guys do car videos
and they do them up real well super professional great guys I went down there for a collab and it's like a
it's like a challenge video of sorts and
The punishment is that the losing team?
had to eat
a Carolina Reaper chip
So this is like a dried chip. It's like this big you share it, but that's like a lot of friggin Carolina. Yeah, and
You just eat it
So I'm very interested in what this week this sounds
Very different. I'll say that much it involves me driving
Cool, it's a driving challenge. I just I don't want to say too much. Oh, yeah, yeah, they're video
We should yeah, we should probably I want to make sure that I'm respectful of that yeah
I have no idea when it's coming out. I did ask to take a look at it before it comes out
but I
Had I had a
Had a ton of fun down there
Was really cool great guys. I think they're growing like really fast right now
So they've got two point two and a half million subscribers basically
but they are doing like half a million views on every single video they upload pretty much and they have some some standout ones that
Are like a lot more than that so people are super into their content, and they're just really cool
I really like that. It's just kind of I
Don't know just seems positive
I don't know how to explain that properly, but like you feel pretty good coming out of one of those videos. Oh, yeah
um I
I also want to talk about another big collab so again
I'm not I can't share everything just because Nvidia is the sponsor for the project, and I don't want to like
Like technically I mean a lot of people don't know this so technically the way it works. I've had people say like
Man, I've seen this comment on our own videos. I've seen this comment on other people's videos
Yeah, who cares if it's a sponsored review as long as they're telling us what they think no that matters a lot like no that
Matters a lot because if it's sponsored it literally has to be cleared by the sponsor
Yeah, no matter what and a lot of sponsors are pretty chill
In fact actually from my experience in video when they'll work with you, which is not very often
We've actually done only I think three or four deals with them over the entire seven years that Linus media group has existed seven
Years I know right they're actually
They're actually pretty chill to work with
Really good people over there a lot of real gamers over there like they yeah
They also suffer from a bit of a from a bit of a PR
learning disability
because they just like
They have all this really truly amazing cool tech and then they like
They almost put too much glitz and glam on it sometimes and they feel like a lot of time
They make it feel like it's not for you
And I think I think like one of the issues that I'll bring up with that
Yeah, if you want to jump to my screen for a second
For sure is their own website because when you go to their website the driver button just constantly floats to the right
And I know that seems
Random and weird and why would I even have noticed that but now it's platforms and developers and
Industries and all this other kind of stuff and I was like a gamer
Drivers and support is what I'm at was what I'm after
Yeah, and you're kind of shoved way over to the side
Everyone knows the primo real estate on a website is top left top left. Yeah, so they're not looking for you
It's it's it's and I that has always kind of look at the carousel at the top ride an Nvidia self-driving car
Yeah, I don't even know what else is here, but that one's definitely there
Okay, mobile World Congress sure but it doesn't even say like what he's talking about. Yeah, that's MWC
So most people outside of industry aren't even gonna know what that means. That's fair
He's not holding a graphics card. Look how relatable he is in that leather jacket
You know what? I didn't know I've been informed that Jensen actually watches our reviews of their products
and apparently if I complain about something and he feels like I actually have a legitimate point like
Not heads will roll but heads definitely get like
Informed like why did we do it that way?
The last time I met him he like barely knew who I was but that was quite a while ago
Yeah, so like apparently he legit actually watches our videos
Well, like okay this I complained about this a lot and they did change it, but I have been actually fairly recently informed
That it was not because of community backlash at all, but do you know the GeForce experience driver install thing?
Yeah, where the only default if you chose the default buttons, the only option was to have GeForce experience
Yes, it'd go into advance and disable it and take it off. Yep
Apparently I have been told I have no idea if this is valid and the source is not from Nvidia
Okay, be very clear about that. Okay, basically you're just making things up borderline proceed
But I have been told that the reason why they had to split it out was GDPR. Oh
Interesting as the telemetry stuff it does make a lot of sense
Which is why I'm bringing up at all, but it apparently was not community backlash. It was GDPR
So there's that which is like K
Because I gave them a lot of credit for doing that because I thought it was because they were responding to the community
So I have some really interesting insight
About why they cared so much about collecting that data
They're actually using it to do some really cool stuff
Like but they're using it to change the way they develop future
GPUs to make them perform better in the ways that people are using them and I was like
but you don't walk up to your battery potted humans and shove a cable in and extract that information you like
Talk about how you plan to do really cool things and try to ask for it
Yeah, that's fair. You can even have it as a default slider, but it should be the way that it is now
Yeah, they should probably explain why they're pulling that telemetry data and everything else. How did we get on this topic?
Talking about how they're they have PR issues and they're they're not in the greatest
Light right now before that though. I'm sure there was we were talking about
Another company that was like that. We're talking about Intel. I'm sure I was I'm sure I was going somewhere with this. Oh
Nothing I can nothing I can do about it at this point
What topic were we even I don't even know. I was like eating jerky. Yeah, man. Oh, right the the club
Okay, so I actually got to meet for the first time mr. Grim's shroud
Cory I'm gonna call him Cory ow, because that's his Twitter handle
I can't just call him Cory like he's one of the only pro gamers
I'm aware of whose handle is just his first name if you were like, where'd you get your handle? It's born with it. Yo, yeah. Yeah
Really cool video. So this is a follow-up. Did you watch the video that we did with gaff from slow-mo guys? Yeah. Yeah
Yeah, okay. So this time I actually really liked it instead of
talking about
240 Hertz versus 60 Hertz
we've got 60 144 and
240 because a lot of people sort of feel like
From 60 to 120 or 144 was a big jump and then after that it's kind of gravy
They haven't quantified it. You want to know something that I yeah have never publicly admitted. Hmm
And I hate to admit but I'm just gonna be honest with myself and everyone here. I
Have a really high first rate monitor now. You're running it at 60. No, no, no, no
For sure. No
And I feel like I'm I'm not great, but I feel like I'm pretty solid at shooter games in general. I
Don't notice that big of a difference. Okay, so I'm really so glad you brought that up. So
Whether you which makes me so sad inside, but like I don't think I do whether you feel like it or whether you notice it
have you sought to
Quantify the difference a little bit but not you can't quantify a little bit but like you have to quantify
I've switched back and forth between the two and tried to measure how well I'm doing
But I don't have like the high-speed cameras and like I haven't gone that far. So we we went that yeah high-speed cameras
five different test scenarios
So we started oh and also instead of just looking at monitor refresh rate this time because that doesn't really tell the whole story
Because you can have the game running at very high FPS on a lower refresh rate monitor
And you're actually getting a more up-to-date frame
It does refresh right? So what we did instead was we actually this is hilarious
We had an Nvidia sponsored video where the only handicap to the systems was like crap to your GPUs
On the lower-end ones. Okay, so we run at 60 Hertz 60 FPS by running a very old graphics card. Yeah
a hundred and forty four Hertz a hundred and
Fifty hundred and eighty FPS and actually it wasn't quite sixty FPS was like seventy seventy five
And then we've got our 240 Hertz like 250 to 300 FPS. Okay, we've got three different machines
So we're really looking at the gaming experience at different frame rates
so we have like
Well rounded systems and I insisted that all the systems had
9900 K's you're right because you're trying to ice because I didn't want I didn't want people to watch the video and think oh
Well, you know
Of course Nvidia would you know bottleneck the systems with Intel CPUs instead of their own GPUs?
I was like no you need to just put they'll find the oldest graphics card you can in your office
Let's find one that will run these games that only like
60 75 FPS
and so you're getting this like really different experience if you were to build like a more balanced rig around 60 144 or
244 Hertz or 244 FPS targets, okay, or 244 excuse me 240 FPS targets
Then we did five different tests. So first was pure reaction time
Okay, so it's like a synthetic test. The light turns green you click as fast as you can and
My brain's telling me shroud was insane at that
Because the what I've seen of him how many spoilers how many spoilers you guys want you guys want some spoilers?
There is so much information in this video. I'm really excited. I was talking to David, you know, David's an avid gamer, right?
Yeah, yeah, so I was talking to David but he's like I'm gonna watch this video multiple times
I already know because even though I was here there's gonna be so it's gonna be so much information
You're gonna have to watch it multiple times and every time you're gonna get you're gonna pick up something that you missed last time
So no matter what no matter what I spoil there's gonna be oh, I've got people saying no spoilers in the chat
I bet that's a pretty unpopular
I'm super interested. I want to know whatever cuz like I yeah people want it. Okay, here we go
Shrouds reaction times on average no faster than mine. Really? Really?
Wow, yep raw reaction times
Okay, we're hmm. I don't know how much I want to ask
Were you guys at like the top? No, I
Don't know anything anymore
You gotta remember I'm over the hill I'm 33 yo, yeah, I don't have young guy
Synapse firing anymore, but you've always been pretty quick. Yeah, but
He's only like 25 like
Theoretically, yeah
So, okay test number two. Okay. This is a
Reaction time test but real world. So, you know the classic dust to double doors sniper shot. Yes
Yeah, okay
So you're terrorists you get the op down the double doors and the CTs try to get over to bomb site B
And you take one out all of a sudden 5v4 great strat
all right
So the test is at 60 FPS 144 FPS and 240 FPS
What percentage of those shots can you hit?
Okay, so you might think that's the same test as soon as you see a guy you hit him
But we got dramatically different results in terms of people's reaction times
Interesting interesting indeed. Yeah, cuz like I think
So when I hook up higher refresh rate monitor, I can even tell on like the desktop that things feel a little better
This is great. People are like, I'm 32 33 is young
People get so if I had a conversation with someone about this the other day people get so offended when you use old too early
So, let me let me let me let me drop a little knowledge bomb on you guys by the time you're over 30
You are already
Slow enough slower than young guys that it was is very difficult to be competitive as a pro gamer
like I'm sorry aging is a thing and
I am I would be old for a pro gamer
I'm like in the twilight years of my career and I better be making up for it by giving great call
Great calls to my teammates and being more like a team. I was just gonna say there's a reason why
And not everyone and there's gonna be exceptions to this or whatever, but there's a reason why a significant amount of like older
FPS players get more tactical
Absolutely any less twitchy. There's there's an absolute reason why and you can still be super effective
I'm sure you can play I know there's a there's old videos of a like
Definite grandfather playing a battlefield game and just wrecking people, but it's because if you watch he wasn't like in
In close quarters combat like ninja jumping people. Yeah
He was just he had an extreme knowledge of the game played all day had really good tactics
Used like different troops to make sure I don't know. It was it was really cool to watch and he did really well
But it's just a different type of gameplay
Yeah, 20 25 to 28 peak of the biological peak of the emotion. So it depends there's cognitive peak. There's physical peak
They're not all in the same spot. But anyway
Um test number three, okay
Flick aiming test. Yeah, so
It's really hard
So basically you've got we're using the Cree because we had decided on all of our tests before some recent events went down
Okay, so we're using the Cree. Okay, um
You've got 0.45 of a second
To flick over and hit a target
You get 60 seconds and 30 targets
How many of those do you think you could hit in a box about this big
You have 0.45 of a second to move and accurately hit it
I don't like I don't feel like I would be that great because I feel like I think that one of the reasons why I'm
I think I'm definitely above average and shooter games
but not great and I think the reason why I've been able to hold that for a long time is because I
Accepted a long time ago that I'm already in the old guy category and I need to be more tactical
Got it. I play shooter games with
Joe and
He is not in the old guy category and it's super flaky and twitchy and wrecks people and I just sit back and make
Sure, he knows where they all are
And I do a little bit of damage to them before they show up
So it's even easier and I just like I know my role I support and I make sure everything's to be okay
Know your role and shut your mouth. Yeah, I don't know whatever. That's your role is to open your mouth and make calls then. Yeah
You know, yeah, but like so I don't think I would do that great. I think I do. Okay, but not that great
So that test was where people's skill in gaming really started to come in because the other ones were more reaction time
Yeah test number four
Is where you got to kind of bring it all together
So it's a custom map that was actually to not created for but tuned for this for this event really cool
We got a lot of really great support. There's gonna be shoutouts in the video
But it's bombsite B defense in Counter-Strike go and it's kind of a shoot. It's a pop-up shooting gallery. So
terrorists just you yeah dust tube
So terrorists just start popping in and strafing around and and moving around and you got to kill 15 of them as fast as you can
So I will say that our overwatch Pro so we had a pro gamer there 20 years old our overwatch Pro
destroyed the flick aiming test
Hopefully this isn't too much of a spoiler. But on one run he hit 28 out of 30 targets point for five seconds
and his reaction time
Even when he hit a similar number of targets to someone else on a run his reaction time was so much faster
Just unbelievable. Anyway, I hate him
But when it came to bombsite B defense
Shroud was untouchable
Because even though his reactions were old man Linus slow
He just had that game sense and that flow and his aim and his ability to track is insane
Like just you watch him in
People call him a human aimbot all the time because you watch him in different scenarios and someone will be jumping around and moving
All this kind of stuff and it's always exactly flowing with them
I've seen people accuse him of cheating and I think there's gonna be a lot less of that after people watch this video
Yeah, yeah
I watched a video a whole like produced
Relatively good video of some guy accusing him of cheating just because like he plays so many different games
He plays him so early, you know, he's not but I want to see like where is this?
Mind set coming from and it's pretty insane. There's many clips of him that are like what?
It shouldn't be possible. Yeah, like so I'm like, okay
But yeah, he's just he's insane. So I thought he'd do good at some point
It's good to hear and then there was a fifth bonus test that only some people did that was a head-to-head
Opping each other down a hallway. Okay, I tried
Did you get one hi, I don't remember if I got any kills I
Might I might have gotten I might have gotten one on mic
Okay, one or two maybe okay, but I might have had a hardware advantage when I got him. Okay, that's interesting too, though
Yeah, that's actually very well. That's part of the test. Yeah. Yeah, so
Great great collab. I'm really looking forward to releasing that video for you guys
I really think if you guys can setting that up at LTX would be super cool that one legitimately not the server one
You know
what's really cool is that all the tests are gonna be publicly available by the time the video goes up and we're gonna have
Them linked under the video so you can go on your own rig
You can do all the tests and you can compare to our results neat. That's very cool
Yeah, now I can see if it actually matters that I bought a nice monitor. Yeah
I don't know cuz yeah, I can tell I can feel that it's higher frustrated
But I don't necessarily know if it's actually
Impacting my kills right especially because of how I play exactly
I'm sitting back and making more calls and doing all that kind of stuff. All right
Last topic Google unveils the pixel for pixel book go new pixel buds nest mini read home mini 2 and nest
Wi-Fi routers and points
Pixel 4's big feature is the project solely based motion sense
so the radar that's built into the front of the phone 90 Hertz display Snapdragon 855 6 gigs of RAM extra zoom lens on the
799 and 899 for the 4 XL
Riley was hoping they had finger twiddling gestures for solely but they probably won't because life is pain
Thank you for that note presumably James
Pixel book go 13 inch 1080p display magnesium shell 13 millimeters thick under 2 pounds starts at 649 with a core
I'm 3 8 gigs of RAM and 64 gigs of storage. The question is why does Google keep making these?
Pixel buds they use beamforming mics and accelerometers to detect audio through the jawbone calls should be super clear on device touch controls and voice
Input will be 179 when they launch in 2020
Why is Google announcing this now the nest mini is a home mini, too
It's got a wall mount a third microphone and deeper bass
But is otherwise basically the same thing and finally nest Wi-Fi is made up of a router. No real
Interesting features and a point which serves as a mesh unit
But also is essentially a nest mini with hey Google support and a speaker built-in 269 for a shut up
Google a router and a point together
So there you go. Stay tuned for my pixel for no. No, I'm not talking to you, right?
So I've been on a kick for a while of having the last generation of pixel phones. Yeah
And I honestly with with how they've launched every pixel phone
I think it's probably not a bad idea because you'll probably have a way better experience if you just buy the older one
I might just hold out on this one. Yeah till the four is like
Mature and then you just never have to experience that weird. Yes notch of history. Yep. Oh
That's pretty good. That's pretty good. But yeah, I feel like I would just hold it. It's also still fine
Battery life is still okay, and I could always just get it popped open and get a new battery in it
Really performance wise I mean it does emails great. So I think I'm okay
I don't do the only real upgrade right now in my opinion is a full
Yeah, yeah, that would be yeah, but then that's too expensive. So like I'm not gonna do that either
So but I agree. I think that would be the second you open an email was mind-blowing
Yeah, I got the tablet view in Gmail. Yeah, so you can like see your emails and also read preview them
That's super cool, but I'm not gonna spend that much on a phone. So I don't know
One more thing. Yes. I think we should go over this right games. Yes for blizzards crown. This is actually nuts
They announced so many things people have been talking for years about why are they even called right games?
Cuz they only have one game
Yeah, just be called League of Legends games that looks like that's gonna change because there's tons of stuff now
So this is like overwatch meets Rainbow Six Siege. Apparently a lot of people have been making those comparisons
They are apparently trying to have it more compared against counter-strike go
So I have a feeling it's gonna be a little bit more decisive type of kills
That looks a lot like overwatch not counter-strike go that guy just got resurrected that doesn't work in counter-strike
I don't necessarily know why they want that comparison. Yeah, but they Wow. Yeah. Okay, that doesn't that looks pretty over
Well, it looks extremely overwatch you riot. I hadn't even seen that yet. I was trying to defend you
Where is that even coming from? Okay, they're also announcing a mobile game
Called wild the rift one moment, please working on it. Yeah, blah blah blah. Yes. Yes
Yeah, 41 seconds wild rift 41. There we go. Oh, wow. I nailed it
Wait, really? I left out all mobile games. They they show real life. They don't show the mobile game because mobile games suck
You kidding me
So is it just League of Legends mobile?
It looks it really looks like it's League of Legends mobile, okay
Okay, sounds good
fighting game project L
this is just like a
Polygon link so I don't think we have a video like we did for the last two
But it looks like it's using it's like a fighting game League of Legends characters in a fighting game
That's super hard to do in 2019. Thanks guys a top-down MMO called project F
You might be noticing a theme to the names for these
Is this the one that'll never make it and then we get to pay respects project F in chat?
And then a card game called legends of runeterra. It seems like they're just taking like their their IP of characters
Yeah, and just like how many games can we how much lore can we create? Yeah
Also an animated series, which is cool and lol eSports manager
Which I want to see if I was right about this because I have never clicked on this before build your legends
I think it is
Yep. Yep. So this is like
FIFA soccer manager, but for FIFA football manager, whatever all the players pose like this
Actually the ones in that picture oddly enough. They all have their arms straight down
That's right. The the eSports thing is to a hundred percent. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, you're right
So that's that's actually kind of interesting. I have a feeling that'll do really well
So yeah
Thanks for watching guys entirely owned by Tencent. So they're trying to just you know own the whole world
Bye. Bye
You're missing a battle royale