
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

what is up everyone and welcome to the wan show i'm coming to you live from the
western side of the pacific and we've got a great show lined up for you guys today
the big story this week is obviously that apple is being sued by the u.s department of justice
in other almost equally big news i was featured in a song from smosh and it was gone sexual
extremely sexual yeah uh linkedin thinks gaming at work is cool and your entire company should
compete against other companies which is exciting and also a terrible idea which we'll discuss later
and i don't know if you mentioned this or not but apex legends it was hacked mid-tournament in like
a big way that sort of ruined everything we'll talk about that i didn't know that hacking works
like that all right let's go ahead and roll that intro i can't do it luke has to do it oh uh
jawa you green and april brought you by jawa you okay well we were both doing it so that's great
nice absolutely fantastic all right why don't we jump right into our first topic and if you are if
you're a frequenter of r slash apple um you're gonna have to you're gonna have to grab your
grab your copium supplements because this is going to be pretty hard to hear but the reason
that i am happy about this news is not that i hate apple in fact yeah uh those of you who were
here for the pre-show on floatplane and twitch will have seen that i daily drive airpods i actually
use apple products as part of my life and even even pay a lot of money for them do you know how you
know i pay a lot of money for them because they're made by apple oh fair enough and i have
oh we lost him uh while we hopefully get him back i'm just going to start reading the topic
yeah he's back he's back should be cool he's back okay do you want to turn the bandwidth down a little
bit actually let's have luke read the topic i'll be right back sounds good yesterday the u.s department
of uh of justice wow that would be cool department the u.s department of justice and attorneys general
from more than a dozen states filed a lawsuit against apple for monopolizing smartphone markets
in the doj's most significant antitrust lawsuit since it's like amazingly massive case against microsoft
in 1998 in which microsoft was accused of acting anti-competitively to push internet explorer if any
of you even remember that on users epic games fortnite lawsuit only claimed that apple had a monopoly on
the ios software distribution market this lawsuit concerns apple's effects on the smartphone market
at large the whole thing iphones account for around 56 percent of the u.s smartphone market having
passed the 50 percent mark in 2020 the case in a nutshell the government complaint cites pretty
much every complaint about ios brought up by users in recent memory this includes apple blocking third
party app stores payment systems and side loading on ios intentionally obstructing cross-platform
features in apps like apple messages making it seem to iphone users like android phones are to blame
uh so you should you know just just buy your mom an iphone that quote uh a line that the doj quotes
specifically in its document you can look up that clip it's it's pretty great um suppressing cloud
streaming services apple did recently change their global policies to allow services like xbox cloud
streaming and geforce now to host their game streaming library in a single ios app also refusing to
add android support to apple watch in response apple told nine to five mac they investigated this
possibility for three years concluding it wasn't doable because of technical limitations also forcing
third party on can i can i must look i'm gonna let you finish but can i just call i don't have my
bleep button so so i'll have to come up just just manually do it um oxen manure um on that there is
there is absolutely no way that a company the size of apple with apple's resources could not find
any meaningful way to get the apple watch working right i don't think that people even would have
expected feature parity i mean as an android user with airpods i understand that i'm a bit of a second
class citizen there are certain things that you know i i i get you know are not necessarily going to work
like if apple is using um you know a special proprietary codec or something like that to enable their
spatial nonsense it's like okay yeah you know what maybe i don't get that but there are certain
things no this is this is them degrading the experience because they
malicious i shouldn't say malicious but because they oh man i arrogance the word escapes me right now but
basically because they don't respect me enough for not buying enough of their products to put in the
work for me the fact that i can't alter what the long presses of the stems do unless i buy an iphone
and connect it to an iphone um that's really bad the fact that i cannot update the firmware in any way
without a bluetooth connection to an iphone is that that's just
they just they just obviously hate their users it's it's yeah it's there you go thank you lightning
man gts it's spiteful um there's absolutely no way that they shouldn't be able to update the
firmware some other way they just design the product in such a way that it just won't work
uh and they do it on purpose um a part of me is willing to sort of consider a little bit that
everyone at apple probably just you know enemas the kool-aid all day every day and can't even imagine
a world where you you just wouldn't have an iphone um so it's not a problem at all uh so you know why
would we have a way for you to you know connect to the case via a wire and have it you know push that
way or something and i understand that the case is just for charging or or whatever except that it's
not because they can definitely communicate with the airpods via the case so i don't know um so i can
understand why they just wouldn't consider it when they're designing the product but it just happens
too consistently to the point where it has to be on purpose at this point i think that's essentially
what the doj is getting at is that we've got this long history of apple designing their products
for minimum interoperability and then basically shrugging and going buy more of our stuff okay
luke sorry go ahead go ahead yeah no worries uh to to continue the citations uh from the government
forcing third-party payment services to use apple wallet blocking super apps like wechat uh alipay and
other apps that also serve as platforms for mini apps and thus reduce the user's dependence on apple's
own features and more there's there's tons the doj doj even says carplay is anti-competitive which
was actually kind of interesting to me but anyways um yeah so that doesn't make sense on the surface
but if you click through what they're what they're alluding to is actually a carplay future uh not
the state of carplay right now so apple is apparently telling auto manufacturers that in the future if
they want to be able to support carplay they're going to have to enable apple to take control of all
the screens in the car not just a windowed screen and this is really frustrating to me because
one of the issues that i've had with uh teslas for example one of the one of my main reasons for not
being interested in a tesla for years even though on paper it was like what you're like a tech guy
you should just have a tesla right um one of my main issues was that i was locked into tesla's
operating system so yeah i could use google maps as long as tesla decided i could use google maps like i
i couldn't just plug in my phone and use whatever i wanted and it's been shown now that you could
totally even in a tesla just run android auto or run carplay in a window and get all that functionality
that you want that way instead of relying on tesla's uh tesla's own entertainment operator but i was like
no this is absolutely this is absolutely perfect i'd never have to be at the mercy of the car manufacturer
who and tesla you know what to their credit has been a lot better than traditional car manufacturers
about this but i still just don't trust car manufacturers to keep their software up to date
whereas i trust myself to keep buying a new phone every time i need one which as it turns out it's
not very often but no but i can do that and then i can just bring yeah i can just bring that new
experience with me um and this i didn't realize would totally tank that because all i wanted was my
phone to run in a little window on my dashboard i don't want i don't want my phone to completely
take over the car i want my car to work like my car should and my phone to work like my phone should
and then just i can listen to whatever music i want on playlists that i have stored on my phone that's
it that's all i'm asking for and i just don't understand why companies like apple have to have to flex
like this and impose their will like god who cares you already sold the iphone sorry go ahead go ahead
yeah yeah and by the way no i was not rapping or doing weird uh gestures i was i was bringing liberty
and freedom to a bug that was bothering me um anyways moving on apple issued a statement saying
that the lawsuit threatens who we are and would hinder our ability to create the kind of technology
people expect from apple where hardware software and services intersect many parallels are being drawn
i'm gonna have to interrupt you again right here because i actually agree with that i agree extremely
strongly with that this this lawsuit does threaten who definitely is because apple apple are anti-competitive
assholes um and this would threaten that in a big way um as for whether it would hinder their ability
to create the kind of technology that people expect from apple i don't think it would at all
if anything i think this would open up the kind of technology that apple creates which is really great
honestly a lot of the time i think it would open up that technology to a wider array of users um
so cool i guess i i really just i'm afraid i just don't see a downside and the thing is that
the arguments that you'll get from i don't know what to call them and i realize this is extremely
disrespectful um but i just i'm so sorry i can't think of another word but just like the zombies
um you know the kind of argument that you'll get from these zealots uh that will defend this
multi-trillion multi-trillion dollar corporation to the death like it's just it's this bizarre
dynamic that i don't understand like having this kind of parasocial relationship with a logo um you
know the kind of arguments you'll get from them is you know i like the closed ecosystem i like the
walled garden i like i like everything that's great about having a macbook and an iphone and airpods
and a vision pro and all the synergies that exist between all these products you can have that still
not be locked down cool yeah then keep buying them all i'm not asking for anything to change for you
i'm just asking for a way to update the firmware on the bloody product i bought without buying another
product and to not to not recognize the level of disrespect that that is to basically say
yeah you have to you have to come to our store in order to update the firmware on this product
if you don't didn't buy enough of our products i mean imagine for a second imagine for a second
if to get a windows update after you bought a windows computer okay you had to go to a microsoft store
and have them install it for you imagine it like that's the thing you got to do is you got to in any
case whether we're talking democrat versus republican playstation versus xbox apple versus
whatever you've got to take whatever that thing is and then you've got to pretend that someone you
hate did it and decide if it would be okay and if it wouldn't be okay then it's not okay
it really is a good way to see it actually yeah yeah that's a good way to frame it um continuing on
many parallels are being drawn to the microsoft antitrust case which was like the last really
major one of these they did it's not the last one they did it's the last super major one they did
um which involved years of arguments rulings appeals of those rulings and eventually a settlement
with microsoft making a number of concessions uh riley also notes here that uh i as in riley uh have
also seen analysts claim both that the lawsuit is well founded and poorly founded an eventual messy
compromise seems likely which yeah i mean you're gonna have incredible amounts of money going into
this from from apple and a bunch of money from the government the government doesn't want to lose
so lots of money versus government not wanting to lose gonna take a while it's gonna be a big
compromise the way that i see this playing out is the government winning enough that it will it will
be such a huge distraction and such a large sunk cost for apple by the time this whole thing plays out
that they will at least if microsoft is anything to go by they will for 20 years or so chill the math
out on the whole anti-competitive business practices thing i mean some of this stuff has just been
has been so obvious for so long i mean it it look at the epic games versus apple thing i i don't think
that epic you don't have to like tim sweeney you don't have to like epic games i don't want epic
game store on my computers and i have i've i've gotten into it with tim sweeney in the past i wouldn't
say that he's my favorite person ever but i and and i think that you know if we were to ignore
the the personal motivations for this from tim sweeney where he obviously wants to make more money
and grow his company that would be ridiculous we shouldn't ignore that either but to disagree with
his fundamental points that apple and these other marketplace holders are engaging in anti-competitive
behavior in order to lock in their enormous 30 take of every purchase that takes place on their
platforms to disagree with that i feel like a demonstration that you don't really understand
the behaviors that these companies are engaging in and that you don't understand what anti-competitive
means like yes it is fine to build a product that has benefits if you use it with first partner i mean
let's take our screwdriver for example it works best with our first party shorty bits but there's a huge
defining the product so that it works it fits 12 bits if you buy first party ones and so that it had
uh you know an rfid chip in the bits and the ratchet stopped functioning if you didn't buy our first
party bits there's a huge huge difference between designing products that work well together and
designing products that punish users for not buying enough and for not playing by our rigid rules
yeah it's it's interesting because uh you often hear the 30 thing and it gets compared to to steam
which is which is intriguing um because there's there's some stuff there that makes sense there's
some stuff there that doesn't one is like if it's a if it's an in-game thing it doesn't necessarily
have to go through steam a lot of companies will do that because for dlc and stuff it's easier but
there are some in-game purchases that don't have to go through steam also there's a lot of things
that steam could do to be significantly more anti-competitive that they don't do um there's
interesting stats i'll come back to that in a moment there's interesting stats that make it look
like oh steam is a little uh like in 2018 a group of valve staff tried to figure out how they how just
how efficient they were being and found that they were making more money per head than apple facebook
etc nearly every tech giant out there they found out that they were making in 2018 right 780 400
per employee at valve of any level and you compare that to apple and that's roughly machine oh
absolutely you compare that to apple who historically has incredible amounts of money in the bank and just
rakes in cash you compare that to apple apple makes 476 160 per employee which is like
closer to half than anything else so valve is doing well at that 30 but they allow you to sell
your game on your own platform if you want they sell they allow you to sell your game on other
platforms they're not determining oh you have to sell your game at at least the same price as it is
on here remember humble bundle when they were popping off back in the day they were giving games
out basically for free that you were activating on steam and using steam service to download and valve
was just chill with that they they are not engaging in a lot of these other anti-competitive things
the 30 is a lot we can talk about that but that's honestly a different conversation when there's a
bunch of different libraries on steam steam even allows you to use games that you have installed from
steam uh in a different launcher there's multiple other multi-launcher things i think even in video cards
these days you can launch games from their software as if anyone would want to do that um it's it's
interesting i i have some some issues with the 30 but there's a couple really good comments from
people here uh hockey r says i don't hear linus complaining about microsoft only letting you play
xbox games on the xbox then you weren't listening uh because that was a major major point for me for a
long time was microsoft's lip service that they were paying to gaming on windows you know when they
launched vista they had this my games menu um and they they kept talking about how much they cared
about windows gaming and the windows gaming ecosystem man in the xbox 360 and even to an extent the xbox one
days i never shut up about how lists it made that we would get these releases these crappy ports
way down the line on pc and that and that microsoft's windows users were treated like second class
citizens oh yeah when functionally the xbox was just a computer guys i i never shut my mouth about that
the reason you don't hear me complaining about it now is that it's not a problem right now
games pass works on windows and xbox like nothing um many many games that you buy for the xbox
um i don't think it's all of them yet i haven't looked into it recently but i know that there was
a big shift that took place about three years ago where many games would actually have a dual license
so you could play them on windows or play them on xbox they added keyboard and mouse support to the xbox
so you can just play your games with a keyboard and mouse which was a huge problem for me
um as a as a pc gamer i would look at an xbox version of a game and be like oh great i get this in
two years where i can use a proper set of peripherals with this shooter game um so a lot
of the problems that i've had over the years have been addressed that's why you don't really
that's why you don't really see me complaining about it anymore because believe it or not i am
not just a hater i don't complain about things for the sake of complaining about them i complain
about them when they're bad and when they're wrong um then this is one from jens woost over in twitch
chat as an app developer and publisher i find the 30 tax both apple and google by the way
no one questions that epic sued both of them on one hand i find it high uh but i also get a lot
of services for that i get a complete store system including invoicing payments management etc i also
get a review process which yes can be frustrating but also ensures a quality threshold for the apps
being published nobody has a problem with that and i want to make this just crystal crystal clear
nobody not me not the doj not tim sweeney nobody has a problem with that the problem is not the 30
fee the problem is not the complete solution with invoicing and and all these tools and review and
ensuring user safety none of those are problems the problem is the lock the problem is the lock in
the problem is that if i don't want your invoicing system if i don't want your payment processing i am
forced out that's the problem the problem is that that review process so often i mean luke what is the
percentage of times that we had our ios app blocked over a user safety or user security issue
uh quite a few it's not happening as much anymore just to be super clear for people watching this
was a major thing like probably a year and a half to two years ago it was happening all the time
like every other time and when it would happen it might happen multiple times for user safety or
security oh uh i think never okay how many times were we blocked for something that was not that
very often yeah well my favorite one this is a little bit off topic yeah you might even be going
there right i'll let luke tell the story because i'm laggy oh the netflix one no i was going to talk
about there was one time we got blocked because they said they they couldn't log in uh and then
they sent us a screenshot of someone else's login portal while trying to input our information
uh there was another time where they we got blocked because they said they couldn't log in
and then i i looked at it was our login portal i looked at their login uh and they they just typed
it wrong and i sent back i was like why are you typing anything like why are you copy and pasting
this this is crazy um i don't know what the netflix one was it uh netflix was doing something yeah where
we we set up our yeah we it was the um the first thing you see when you launch the app it just
directed people to create an account on our site or something like that yeah basically um our team
assumed that what we were doing was fine because netflix for some reason had a special arrangement
with apple where they were allowed to direct people to their own portal um for uh for subscriptions and
they did not they outright did not allow people to subscribe through the app because netflix's entire
business model would be unsustainable if they gave apple 30 of their gross and so they they had their
they had their sign up set up in such a way that you were just redirected i don't know that it still
is to be clear and so we set up sorry i was just speaking to the audience i was saying i don't know
that it still is or not this was this was a while ago yeah this was a while back so we set up
thinking okay well that's obviously okay because someone else is doing it we set up our app to work
exactly the same way because believe it or not our business model being a video streaming platform
for floatplane is equally not sustainable if we're giving 30 of our gross to apple we're not selling
in-game cosmetics uh we are we are not um you know selling just you know button mashing games or
whatever else like we have very significant costs associated with serving this video and 30 of gross is
is not sustainable for us um to the point where we will invest cycles into creating our own payment
processing and our own subscription plan management and all of that stuff in order to make it sustainable
and so we set it up in the same way that netflix was doing it and our app got rejected and when we
responded saying this is exactly the same as netflix that was a long battle yeah and right out the
gate they were like yeah i can't even remember they did they they said that you can't compare uh
yourself to any other app on the platform it's not a valid argument um and i was like this is one of
the biggest apps on the platform how is this possibly not a valid argument you think people
aren't going to build things based off what they see on your thing and they were just like
you can't compare to any other app this is what we're telling you you have to listen to what we
say and it's like okay because that was also really frustrating because i would complain back when
we're having a lot of problems i would complain about us getting blocked for x or y or b reason
and people would message me and tweet at me and all this kind of stuff oh well my app got through
with whatever i'm like yeah that doesn't mean anything in my experience there's no like it's all
completely individual i'm having this problem i'm now dealing with this person on apple's side
and it just is what it is there's i can't make any arguments based on precedent uh just super
frustrating um yeah which is how arguments work by the way yeah precedent matters a lot
yeah like and and again you've got it you've got to come back to would you be okay with it if
someone that you hate did it so if microsoft were to say oh yeah you know um valve oh oh this
okay here here's here's a stupid thing you know oh yeah you know valve is allowed to have
steam integrated enough into windows networking so that when you switch to a wired connection it'll
automatically go faster and use that wired connection but um you know you play can't have
can't have that so it'll just stay on wi-fi unless you manually disconnect your wi-fi and relaunch
the app and um yeah too bad it's different rules for different applications you'd be furious
you you'd be sitting there going well this is this is ridiculous it's ridiculous that they're
gatekeeping this and that's exactly the argument here you just you can't gatekeep functionality like
that um and for anyone who's gonna sort of argue back at me yes you can apple did it the answer is
no you can't and the doj finally woke up from its 25 year slumber and figured it out um
at the time back back in 1998 you know i was 12 so i didn't really understand i i used i used
internet explorer and i thought internet explorer was fine because i didn't know any better i had
all i had ever touched was uh netscape navigator which from my perception was a piece of garbage
did i perceive it as a piece of garbage though because of microsoft's anti-competitive practices
that effectively forced removed all of their all of their funding maybe but as a as a consumer
i didn't understand the impact that microsoft's behavior was having on competing products and on
their own product all i saw was the convenience just so convenient windows comes with internet explorer
it's so natural of course they're integrated because i was just i was a kid i didn't get it
now i am three times the age which has some downsides um but but definitely has some benefits
i i have i have the wisdom to look at what microsoft did back then
to look at what apple is doing now and see the knock-on effects of this see the way that
this kind of platform gatekeeping harms me even if i don't understand it and if you are if you're a user
who loves the apple ecosystem let me let me try to attract you with honey instead of vinegar this time
forcing apple to compete harder is going to be good for you you want a hungry apple you want a
competitive apple with bite you don't want an apple that is just going to sit and get fat and lazy and
put billions of dollars into vanity projects that they ultimately cancel you want an apple that is
trying to make the iphone better an apple that recognizes like oh you know there's a serious there's
a serious you know quality problem with um you know what i'm just going to go after a lower hanging
fruit uh you know oh there's a there's a small percentage of users who are still mad that you still
can't move around your app icons on the home screen to your heart's content that you have to create
you know garbage folders wherever you and make them invisible wherever you want to have an empty spot
um we should deal with that let's get hungry let's fix problems um the fact that they took what was it
three or four years to address those butterfly keyboards in their macbooks you don't want that apple
you want the apple that is that is scared of losing market share
you want that drive you should know that yeah yeah you want the apple that is going to lower the
price of iCloud because they don't just get to stuff it down your throat because they're forced
to allow other cloud providers like man how awesome would it be if someone like a backblaze
had the same level of api access and could have the same level of integration with ios
all of a sudden you wouldn't have to pay for freaking iCloud backblaze is a perfectly good service
and if apple was forced to allow it onto their platform you would benefit because they would
have to compete with iCloud instead of just i mean has the pricing of iCloud when's the last time the
pricing of iCloud changed never mind the pricing when's the minimum amount that they've provided
when's the last time that changed because it's like nothing
yeah i don't know i know um there's two interesting arguments to go along with this as well
um i got both these from Theo but um one of them is that this is this is a shout out to us because
it's bad for us but i think he was talking about places like twitch and stuff mostly at the time
um but platforms that have a split with the creators on the platform so flowplane would be
one of these twitch would be one of these youtube maybe i don't think youtube is largely operating
this way but it's going to impact them to a certain degree even twitch it's only part of their audience
that this is going to impact but it is to a certain degree um any platform where you're splitting
the income already this is an additional split and that's going to hurt those platforms
disproportionately compared to other ones because uh like flowplane for instance that's a much bigger
chunk that comes out of the pie before we have to try to split it with our creators that are on the
platform so it splits and then it splits again which is really really rough for for us and then you
have platforms that have probably i don't know the the other argument floating around is that there's
there's platforms that are like carrying the monetization of the app store and there's
platforms that are mostly just benefiting from it um because there's platforms that are really big and
very important think uh i think the example that theo used was like banking apps banking apps are going
to pay their apple developer fee and then nothing despite being a like huge requirement in the modern
era for people to do banking with your bank at all is to have a banking app so you would this would be
something that they would pay a ton for but they're paying nothing so they're effectively getting
subsidized by the the the twitches the float planes the the mobile apps with microtransactions in them
all the things that are actually flowing a lot of money through this 30 cut is effectively subsidizing
these other in a lot of cases enormous companies that just have to pay their developer fee or
nothing if they're on the uh google play store but it's both of those situations are like
this doesn't feel like right this doesn't feel good no no oh and there's no incentive for apple to
change it no no i'm here and there's no incentive for apple to change any of that as long as they're
making money yeah hand over fist i might add yeah and if they're if they're not if they are not um
required to compete with anybody if they're able to just sit and maintain the status quo as long as
it's comfortable and that's exactly what these kinds of antitrust cases are designed to combat
is complacency and comfort to force them to compete hard and everyone absolutely everyone unless you own
a whole bunch of apple stock should be rooting for that and you know what even if you own a whole
bunch of apple stock you should still be rooting for it did did microsoft get crippled
by the 1998 antitrust was decoupling windows and internet explorer actually i'm talking now
long term because long term they're doing they're doing great right now they're crushing right now to be
honest i'm i'm not an accountant okay this is not financial advice but pretty much anyone smart that
you talk to who treats stocks like anything i've been gambling is going to tell you you are buying
these for the long term you're buying it because it's a company that you believe in because it's
a vision you believe in it's something that you understand that's how you're actually supposed to
buy stocks because you're supposed to be instead of trying to time the market you're supposed to be
going for time in market knowing that you know historically it has grown at x rate and whatever
the case may be um so with that in mind if you bought microsoft long are you are you a sad camper
today because of that lawsuit especially if you actually bought it right when that lawsuit came in
you're probably doing super well because because they had to they had to fight they had to actually
try and you know what have they learned anything in the long term i think no their shenanigans with
edge these days honestly are probably worse than what they were doing with internet explorer back in
the 90s however with that said what i hope is that the doj wins an enormous settlement here and we see
a bit of a return to good behavior because man has edge ever gotten annoying i would love to see
them go after microsoft again honestly i would just love to see the doj get 10x the staff and see them
go after a whole bunch of the just clown show behavior that we've seen around right to repair
around anti-competitive practices around walled garden ecosystems i'm just so tired of it and i'm tired
of us accepting it it's really frustrating yeah yeah hp printers let's go
man i'm i'm kind of wondering i've been i've been this bit on my radar for a little bit i don't think
they're in a spot right now for it to be a thing but some of the actions that microsoft has been
taking towards ai stuff has me going like are you guys releasing the beast again like oh what's going
on here are you guys trying to completely control the entire ai space or no because sometimes it's like
it get a little close but they haven't they haven't actually done it yet but uh i wonder if this
is going to feel like a shot across the bow i don't know we'll see i hope so i hope they're
trying to make an example of them the fact that it's so so broad to me yeah they're going after
everything i can see where people are coming from going like oh this is it's messy but the fact that
it's so broad in my mind is more of an indication that they are going for damage here so that i think
they know they're not going to win everything yeah but if they just are letting some hurt if
they're coming in going okay full broadside this is going to hurt and even if it doesn't hurt that
much in terms of the final settlement this is going to be such a distraction this is going to be so
costly it's in just in terms of the opportunity cost in terms of the time wasted i think the message
apple is play nice or this is going to be an ongoing problem you are going to be defending
yourself on all fronts and i just i hope i hope they stick to it yeah yeah with that said it's an
election year so who knows right yeah that's true i um priorities change so fast in american politics
these days well yeah you can't even just specify america there but yeah i agreed um yeah it's uh
it's interesting because most people that i know because yeah like you were you were 12 or whatever
i was like nine i don't know um when the microsoft thing happened most people talking to them about the
about what happened um if you've talked to them about like how that felt back then and what they
think about the ramifications of it etc etc etc most sentiment that i have seen is that they wish
that this type of thing happened more often what happened to more companies they'll point at some
company now that's doing something and be like why aren't they going after them so yeah i think we
should be happy that the people that if you're american i guess are you're you're paying them to do
their job you should be happy i guess that they're doing their job um and hopefully they they keep doing
that because anti-competitiveness is bad we can all wish they should do more of their job
a hundred percent i'm with you they should do more of their job yeah but you know let's take
what we can get um yeah this is good this is good like yeah i'm not american and a lot of you are
probably not american but apple being an american company is most vulnerable on american soil and
apples is it their largest market or is it china now but at least one of their biggest markets
it's it's either one or two i can't remember but this being apple's biggest or second biggest market
um anything that apple has to do for their american customers is very likely to trickle down to everyone
else so it's a very very good thing for everyone else um yeah jeed or uh over on twitch says the
lawsuit reads like it was written by someone that was really tech illiterate they blame apple for the
death of windows phone and others instead of those companies making bad moves and that's a really good
point uh i i haven't read it it's like 95 pages or however many pages it is i i haven't read it but
i've skimmed a little bit of it and i've looked at some highlights of it that people have been talking
about on reddit that really do emphasize what you're talking about you're not wrong there are definitely
some areas where it could have been improved by bringing in someone who really understands tech and
the history behind some of these things but again i i get that government competence is not going to be
as high as private sector competence and i understand that the doj is going to lose a lot of this
um all i can hope for is that they win enough that we see a sizable enough settlement that apple is
sufficiently wrist slapped to change their behavior in at least a temp for at least
some temporary amount of time and that it causes every the rest of the industry to kind of wake up
and go whoa hold on a second like okay a great example of this was when the fcc went after that uh
that xbox promotion where twitch dreamers weren't disclosing that they were paid to play games on xbox
this was back around the launch of the xbox one it never got followed up as far as i can tell
i don't think we saw let alone a high profile case i don't think we saw a single additional case
going after this kind of undisclosed uh product sponsorship um and paid sponsorship but what i will
say is it brought about a significant shift it didn't clean the industry up completely there's still
companies out there and there's still many many many influencers out there that are doing dirty deals
undisclosed deals but compared to what it was before then when it was complete yeehaw like just wild west
um i would say that it is markedly improved even now even eight years later or whatever we're up to
eight or nine years later so i i i am uncharacteristically optimistic is it naive maybe
but we saw a big change in microsoft's behavior for a long time in 1998 we saw a big change in
advertiser and influence behavior at least temporarily um back when the fcc hit microsoft for that xbox
promotion and i would i'm hoping i'm hoping that we uh avon fox and floatplane says it's now fashionable
to say you disclose yeah it is and some people don't some people say they disclose and they disclose
sometimes some of that is an extremely major shift in viewer sentiment about creators monetizing their
stuff extremely major when we first started any form of monetization no matter what you would get
very significant hate and like a lot of it from a lot of people people are really mad these days if you
don't monetize your stuff people are like what are you doing you need to make money so you can do this
as a career you need to monetize your stuff play those ads on twitch yeah that's that's like super
common these days it is completely flipped so back in the day disclosing that you had this this is why
doing stuff like that is bad disclosing that you had some type of agreement back in the day would
have got you significant hate and potentially lost your viewers and these days disclosing that you have
it people are going to cheer for you and hope that you do better it has changed so much it's actually
wild yeah so unless they don't like the company that you have the agreement with but like
in general it's seen positively anyways moving on topic two speaking about phones windows phones
apple phones whatever minimal it's like a kindle but it's a phone startup minimal launched a crowdfunding
campaign for what they're calling the minimal phone earlier this month while they haven't yet hit
production they have a working prototype for a smartphone with a three and a half inch monochrome
e-ink screen and a physical keyboard it has four gigs of ram 128 gigs of storage
the phone's os is a custom version of android 13 and the phone has app bluetooth and 5g support
despite that it's 15 hertz e-ink screen makes it unsuitable for watching videos or playing games
the phone includes an 8 megapixel front camera and a 16 megapixel main camera minimal is currently aiming
for a 350 dollar price tag actually quite hey luke do you want to maybe show the people the phone
real quick can i oh you mean on my screen i understand i was like wait do i have one here
yeah i can't screen share this week loading up yeah i got it i got it we're working on it
here we go here's their kickstarter indiegogo page i guess not kickstarter but yeah big keyboard very
very blackberry vibes um this looks like some form of text messaging application i'm not sure what one
um and it looks like it would work fine for that ink display qwerty keyboard 300 ppi
i gotta say luke i think it's super cool but i am not into the physical keyboard i i get why they're
doing it what i found is that even on a device that has the horsepower to be responsive typing on a
non-responsive screen technology is a big problem because it takes so long to give you that that
visual confirmation and i'm one of those i'm one of those weirdos who doesn't keep haptics on so i
don't get happy feedback when i type i rely on the little yeah i rely on the little well what i find is
they're on most devices too laggy so it's a habit that i that i fell out of when phones every month
um so on some of them the haptics leggy and so sloppy that it was just yucky uh so i would so i
would turn off my haptic and now i'm just used to it so i kind of rely on the popping up under my
fingers and i rely on my complete really responsive to to type quickly we're we're like losing a physical
i don't think dan's here though but i your audio is getting really bad and i think dan left so i
don't think there's any fixes coming for it we can hear you but it's cutting out like half of every
word basically oh cool dan return okay well um with haste not not too great not too into the physical
keyboard their their indiegogo page by the way is is saying 4g so i'm not sure if the notes are wrong
or if um something's going on here but yeah the the the essential features here says says 4g lte
um i yeah i don't know i haven't used a physical keyboard attached to a phone in so long that i don't
know if i can really say i feel like i would like it or at least be okay with it but i i wouldn't really
know until i actually tried it i do miss my blackberry yeah yeah i don't know i do you miss
very much you oh i don't necessarily miss it you remember how good it was no no i'm talking to dan
oh actually no i changed my statement i missed the blackberries swipe navigation system that was what i
miss i don't you know the keyboard i don't care about what are you saying minus that is it because
what yeah i was saying you you missed the keyboard because it was so much better than not having a
keyboard back then it was so much better than t9 typing yeah but i went back to it for a little bit
for a short circuit video um and it's it's it's all sitting there going it's fine as long as
absolutely everything you want to type is alpha and you know as a bit of an alpha myself you know
i'm in the manaverse uh uh you know um uh so i can't i can't even man what's what can you think of a
toxic manaverse thing uh uh i can't think of anything you have red pills and your vitamins every day
i don't know yeah yeah yeah yeah well that's that's good that's good uh how many how many
manaverse creators do you follow influencers i don't think so um although i get them trucks and
guns uh it shows up in my feet it shows up in my feet a lot because i like working out in chess
um so youtube is like you like working out and you like chess you must be into this stuff but i'm like
get out of here i don't want it you're our demo yeah stop do you have any idea as a as a married
late 30 something how much promotion i get for like secret meats and like ashley madison and stuff
and i'm just like oh no how many times do i have to tell you how many times i can tell you i'm not
interested in this like not everyone who's married is is abstinent yeah that's that's unfortunate i'm
doing fine i uh i you know it's a good thing it's not unfortunate wow i'm telling yvonne you said that
that's not what i meant um uh the the the minimal phone i don't know i don't know if i'm necessarily
into the keyboard or not sorry we're fighting with latency i don't know if i'm necessarily into
the keyboard or not but i am definitely interested in the concept i think the 350 price tag might
actually be pretty good especially once you start being able to pick up the uh pick these up used um
but i i think that there is a a fairly considerable war going on for like time and mind space and i think
people are starting to recognize and understand that um and i think tools like this could be very
good because something that i've heard from did we lose linus or is he just very still i can't tell
he's very still okay um it's something that i've heard because i've been encouraging people to turn
on screen time limits on their phone um because like i have like uh instagram for instance my brother
my buddy daris and my and my girlfriend will send me instagram things every once in a while so i check
their their uh their shared things on there but i have it limited to like five minutes so that if i
accidentally get stuck onto the home page and start doom scrolling it'll just shut it down for me
but something that's ridiculous about that is when it shuts it down for me it'll go you're out of time
do you want to go to settings and give yourself more time like are you kidding me yeah i know for me
that works i i won't go to settings i'll leave it and i'll just close the app a lot of people have
communicated to me the second that comes up they're going to settings they're increasing their
time it does nothing so like it would be actually nice to be able to have something that you like
can't necessarily do that with like maybe instagram does work on here but it said it's not good enough
for games you want to put net nanny on your phone like self-inflicted yeah i want to be able to
yeah yeah i i want to like i want i want it to be harder to turn it off like you want five more
minutes yeah like that you know oh man something like that alarm clock remember that alarm clock
that you had for a little bit that would jump up and run around the room and you had to go chase it
in order to to disable it yeah until i something like that where you have to where you have to do
some kind of cumbersome thing and i think that i can definitely see where that could be where that
could be a problem like that could be a problem if for some reason you were to set your phone app
to be time limited and you needed to place an emergency call or something like that like i can
see from that from a safety standpoint where there could be a situation where where this is a problem
but i also think that for certain classes of apps i agree with you a hundred percent that there
should be hardcore mode there should be like like you said i get your get your heart get your heart
rate above 120 for 15 minutes and you can have your instagram back for i would love that i i would
actually i would prefer that over my five minute thing because then if i if i want it if i'm like
yeah i i oh man it would be cool too if it only bought you a little bit more time
okay luke tell me i love this tell me this wait wait tell me this would you buy a product oh man
we are going way off we are going way off topic here would you buy a product that was essentially
a lock box okay a lock box for your peripheral plugs so you can't just like unplug them and plug
something else in okay and then what it is is a an inter an inter not like an interposer like a
pass-through essentially it's like a pass-through dongle for your mouse board and game controller
okay and it has some kind of api integration with games so that you could actually do you are forced
to do that thing you tell yourself you're gonna do which is every time you hit a load screen do 10
push-ups or whatever so it has like a webcam thing and it's like i am not i am actually not going to
give you back your keyboard mouth drop down and give me 10 soldier you know like every time you're in a
loading screen or whatever like would you pay for that product 100 that's so sick actually i wasn't
sure where you're going with that for like a while but i'm i'm super into that because my thing is i
will do it i'll have like the willpower to do it but i'll forget it won't be that i'm like oh i just
really don't want to so i'm not going to i'll just you know i'm playing a game i'm i'm more focused on
like that i'm really annoyed that that guy just killed me or whatever and i i forget this plan that
i had so i'll do it like a few times and then i'll forget so if this thing is uh is is gonna jump in
and be like no like you just died or you just uh hit a loading screen like you said or whatever
else like whatever event that you planned out happened now you have to go do that thing um sit
ups or push-ups or or whatever it is that would be awesome i'd be so sweet i think everyone everyone
knows what's good for them and everyone has willpower sometimes so the the really critical
i don't want to i don't know what to call it is it a peripheral is it a is it a system
whatever it is the really integral element is locking down your system so that you can't just
plug in another set of peripherals so that your peripherals are are are stuck connected through the
the translation dongle so that the removal of it is extremely inconvenient so kind of like the the
app time limit where you can uh where you have to like do something in order to overcome it
there needs to be like a like an accountability buddy you know someone else to enter a password
for you and it's one of those things where you could set it up you could set that up one time
while you've got the willpower right but it's all about not you know not giving you an easy out
like obviously if you need to just use your computer and your arms are tired at some point
you've got a book report do right like obviously that's a different situation and your accountability
buddy i'm sure would be happy to unlock your system for you accountability buddy but in every
other situation if you're just gaming oh i ripped it off south park that's not my word
but if i but but if if i'm just gaming or whatever there should be no convenient way to keep
going and honestly if the outcome is that you just kind of go screw it i don't need to game that
badly anymore i'm gonna go touch grass you know what that's pretty good too i don't see i don't see
a problem with that linus just came up with the next hot accessory for streamers honestly a lot of
the big streamers would be into it and i think a lot of them super would oh yeah like based on the
physique i could definitely see like man some of those guys are shredded i'm sitting here going
do you do anything but sit at your computer or sit in the gym that sounds like a pretty good life
i'm into that that that is that is my goal most of the time to be completely honest lifting and
clicking on heads that's the life you want buddy yeah um i'm trying to find mine i always creatine
and g fuel i don't need no protein shake i subsist on salt oh yeah you gotta get that
soylent yeah okay yeah here we go i found it so like my limits right now is i have five minutes
on instagram i have uh five minutes on x and i have 10 minutes on youtube and my thing is like
it might not sound super long for each one of those if you if you combine that that's a
significant amount of time to just be staring at my screen like doing nothing of value to be
completely honest because if i'm watching youtube on my phone for example i'm not going to be watching
something of significant value i'm going to be like on the toilet watching a short or something
and then if that ends i don't want to start doom scrolling so like it yeah it should lock it and
then it's over and then that's fine and my average since i started doing this my average screen time
per day total has been steadily going down which is good i'd be interested to see see them implement a
per domain limit in chrome because i don't necessarily want to not be able to
but yeah for example i don't use the reddit app but if i you know if i'm just like yeah i don't
want to be on on reddit more than 10 minutes a day i i'd love to be able to set it so that
that domain just won't uh won't refresh anymore that's really cool i like that i don't think that's
a feature but that's really cool i i do use the reddit app and i i think i have mine locked down it's
just not showing because i haven't opened reddit in a while but i have a timer on that one too i just
try to stay away from reddit a little bit these days um but yeah i have i have any anything that
i'm like opening if i notice like yeah like my by a incredible amount my most used app is youtube
music which is fine uh and then it's like teams and slack and stuff like it's that has that has been
a pretty big improvement like this um let's see
yeah screen time youtube music for two and a half hours that doesn't actually seem believable i bet
you my screen was locked but whatever maybe it got bumped and it was open or something but um
yeah screen time is going down which is good i think it's like it's actually wild um how negative
is for you so buying something like minimal phone or if some other product comes out similar to what
linus is talking about and using it to honestly better your life i think is like super valuable
just doom scrolling like there's a there's a reason why using the web back in the day used to be called
surfing the web and why using the web these days is often referred to as doom scrolling like it used to
be a bit different than it is now and the the thing that it is now is honestly very uh competitive
for your brain space and i think you should do active things in order to like wrangle control of
your brain back because there's billions and billions and billions of dollars right now right
not necessarily but i think you should be conscious about what you're doing on youtube
well you could do it on your computer a lot of it's like being on the phone
yeah that too done easy um a lot of it in my opinion is just literally specifically being on
the phone because like i mean the posture of it what you end up physically doing not very good etc
but oh i am dude i am so unhappy with like my typical like neck posture oh yeah it's one of those
things where like i i try to be aware of it a bit but it's like it's hard using your phone like
this yeah no one does this no nobody's doing this like you watch people walk around no one's
walking around like this like everyone's walking around down like this it's bad yeah oh good okay
there's this whole thing about the rest of the show also i'm i'll try loving how well this lines up
right now in spite of my head it is it is pretty good there's this whole thing about like um it's not
necessarily so much posture itself although posture might be more aesthetic but if you think
about the simple idea of weight being supported by bone i think is exactly how it's said weight
being supported by bone instead of weight being supported by muscle if you're curled like this
your muscles trying to hold yourself together and if you're straight up your bone is just sitting
on itself it's way better for you a lot better for you there we go uh do you want to explain merch
messages oh right yes merch messages are the way to interact with the show uh don't buy a twitch bit
don't buy a super chat merch messages are the way to go all you got to do is head to lttstore.com
where we've got a few updates for you guys and in when you're in the cart there'll be a little box
anytime we're live and you can leave a merch message it'll go to producer dan who i would
normally uh hey luke's gonna do it no he's not what am i doing reach for what i thought was
it actually controls you as there's linus wait for something yeah okay whatever okay fine well it'll go
to producer dan who will curate your message for me and luke to talk about or reply to it himself or
just pop it up on the bottom of the screen so that you guys can uh see a little shout out for
your mom or a proposal for your loved ones or you know whatever the case may be uh we have actually
we have actually had people propose on wan show before which i think is pretty funny uh anyway the
point is we will try our best to respond to your merch message in some way last week was an example
of a week where we did not get to all of them because there was like a thousand or something
um but the worst case scenario is you'll get some quality merchandise in the mail instead of just
throwing money at a screen which has always offended me a little bit um no you know nothing against the
streamers who rely on that and the people who enjoy that kind of thing yeah it's just not my jam and i i
like that if you're going to spend money you should you should definitely get some quality merchandise in
return uh so before we do a few merch messages to show you guys how it works i have a couple of
little uh merch updates for the store uh retro screwdriver uh is still running with free shipping
for your entire order um we had a couple people ask us yes this temporary deal which ends march 29th
is applicable to international orders so if you haven't picked up a screwdriver yet
the time to do it is now pick up the retro screwdriver luke do you want to pull that up on
the screen yeah sure pick up the retro colorway of the screwdriver you will get free shipping on your
entire order that is internationally so um hey do me a favor grab a few other things while you're at it
that would be great because international shipping is pretty expensive and this is a good time to just
grab anything else that you want from the store because hey free shipping um might i recommend
our new cable management arches we've also got uh what else is really cool and people are super into
tech sack um is in stock right now and has really good reviews yeah make that a man dude i wasn't sure luke
i love i wasn't sure this was one of those products that um i was like do people want
a management solution this badly i don't know turns out the answer is yes it just looks so good things
are crushing it um they're absolutely crushing it it's just like every every frustration that i've
ever had it's like oh i used zip ties this time now i need to go get zip off forget it i'm just not
going to bother or like the velcro ties you know long live velcro ties they're great but they're
not perfect they're such a if you use them properly and really cinch them tight they're such a pain in
the butt to add something to magnetism man magnets they fix it how do they work freaking love them
well is the one of the top up loaded things on the minute right now is someone using one of the
arches to open a fridge door as a broken handle yeah i wonder if i can find that the magnets are super
strong um i was trying to think what else is uh what else is great to pick up on the store man
we launched so many products that i feel like some things end up kind of buried uh the dropout hoodie
that i'm wearing that's a that's a really good one it's super comfy man gear um
yeah oh the steve the steve is doing really well that uh that mock neck speaking of uh the show
being largely about apple this week anyway yeah so lttstore.com anyway dan do you want to show what
a curated merch message looks like sure hold on we're looking at the the fridge door he just used
the normal magnets now he's using ours nice nice we'll watch it again it's only 11 seconds so he's
got a stack of magnets which then being in a stack can help two stacks actually two stacks oh i even
notice yeah he's got two stacks and then just yeah one handle they also sell a bigger size if you want
to be able to get more fingers in there all right anyways curated merch message that was uh that was
unintentional i'm very sorry i'm not a very good shill not sorry i am sorry i'm blushing uh have
you have always recommended dram ssds but unfortunately most ssds only have slc cache
has your opinion on dramless ssds change much sometimes you guys use them in your builds like
sabrent rockets so i it's one of those things where i feel like and
you know what i don't have unfortunately i don't have uh i don't have a rational uh basis for this
and sometimes things are sometimes things do be like that though um i feel like dramless is still
the way that i would go if i could if i could afford the extra in a particular budget for my build
and the reason for that is that it does put a little bit less stress on the nand in the long term
is this going to be a problem within the reasonable life x life expectancy of an ssd
probably not using using the the nand flash as an slc cache to accelerate the funk the drive
or using system memory so so many ssds these days support using a little bit of system memory to um
to make up for the function of a dedicated dram cache on your ssd and that aside from the small
performance hit is not problematic at all uh relying on the nand itself to accelerate the ssd
can cause a little bit of extra wear even then is that going to be a problem in the long term
um probably not you know i think that in the early days of ssds especially when we were still using
slc or two bit per cell mlc there was a lot of hand wringing and stress about how our ssds had a
finite number of write cycles and they were only going to last for a little while and they basically
had a had a countdown timer they had a ticking clock on them and and and we we stressed a lot
about it and some of that was valid especially for like an enterprise application where these things
are going to be overwritten you know multiple times per day but for the average user i mean think
about it how how often are you actually overwriting that ssd and if it can support hundreds or in some
cases thousands of cycles of being overwritten is that really ever going to be a problem um
yeah so it's not rational but i would still i would still take a dram cache ssd over uh over a dramless
ssd assuming that you know they're at the same price um i don't know that i would but with that said
if i were to buy a system so let's say i picked up an rog ally or a steam deck or a laptop and it had
a dramless ssd in it am i going to notice am i going to bother to replace it no and especially
if i was picking up a game drive like a secondary game drive i don't know direct storage might matter
at some point the first couple of games then implemented it hasn't really mattered but for
direct storage it might matter at some point um so for like a secondary game drive just my game dump
would i bother to get a dram cache ssd absolutely not for that where i'm not going to have any data
that matters and you know everything could just be replaced by downloading the games again from steam
just get whatever the cheapest possible storage from a reasonably respected brand would be um
inim gore in floatplane chat says them king spec ssds die quickly though i mean that may be true
that may not be true that may be anecdotal i don't i don't have any any trustworthy data on
whether king spec ssds die quickly or not but if they do i would say it's probably less to do with
the lack of dram cache and probably more to do with the quality of the nand there's been some recent
scandals particularly in usb thumb drives and sd cards around low quality nand flash from rando
suppliers or in some cases used nand being used in these devices that has an extremely extremely short
life cycle man i would love to see that product the the the ssd nand usb thumb drive you know
like the the a grade nand chip thumb drive i'm not aware of anybody who sells that anymore premium
thumb drives used to be a thing from the likes of you know brands like patriot or whatever else but
i'm i'm not convinced that they exist anymore apparently they exist okay okay does anyone have
an example who who makes who makes that these days uh build it yourself with an m.2 i mean yes
that is what i do um apparently corsair has one sand disc and samsung have them but which one
specifically guys because don't don't tell me that every samsung one is a good is good quality
nand there's no way all right give me a specific model
let's see samsung bar plus someone says
i've never heard of a samsung bar plus me neither apparently neither have you you have no idea
what you're talking about okay apparently the sand disc one terabyte extreme pro
oh my god okay i have to go back to this is a thing unfortunately i can't share with you guys
right now uh oh i couldn't find it
i i brought up a bunch of samsung sound bars
no i found bar pluses for sure how did you not find it maybe you're on that japan google
i'm trying to find the right one and then i'm going to screen share it right now
yeah you can force yourself into like can i screen share with you guys
no i don't think so i got this though no sir samsung bar plus uh 3.1 flash drive 256 gigs
speed in style move files in a flash rugged refinement i'm not seeing like style as i can
screen share look at that i uh i totally didn't even know that was a thing now how do i how do i
make this you make it big you need to make this big oh no no it's fine it's fine hold on no i'll
just i'll just show you i'll just show you okay so everything you're looking at right here
is a sponsored amazon result
it's really small looking at right here oh you're highlighting i'm highlighting it i see i see i
see everything you're looking at right here is a sponsored result thing you're looking at here
is the same amazon result but not sponsored
wow and then this is people also ask
that is a gold at 100 scaling and i believe this is a 1440p display
i have to go here to find oh wait is that this result no this is a different
wd page this may be the actual result right under the fold so you can tell they totally knew
they 100 knew what i actually wanted
they just put it below the fold below all their sponsored crap
anyway okay i'm gonna stop screen sharing now if i can figure out how to do that
oh i'm screen sharing someone someone suggested that i use kagi i'd never heard of it apparently it's
a premium uh like pay to access i think i'm not sure um okay this is a portable ssd
this is not what i was this is not really a thumb drive i wanted something in that thumb drive form
factor that is just using higher quality nand like an ssd the bar plus is that what the bar plus
is it doesn't look very big okay i'm gonna try searching for it again oh my god karaoke i have
100 percent had normal flash drives that are that are physically bigger than this 100 percent
multiple of them oh yeah this one this one looks fine okay so the bar plus is a trustworthy drive to
store your valuable data okay so it looks like this is the one this is the thing i want
yeah it comes with a nice little lanyard thing on it boom that's a lot of time
do they actually say like how many how many total rights it's rated at or are they just saying
samsung makes a lot of nan flash and our experts in nan flash therefore you should trust it
because i don't actually see anything that indicates exactly what nan chips are in this thing
i'm not sure i can't find that either
they just say it's fast uh and and the reviews for this thing are terrible
are they they're most on samsung's own site the reviews are awful start start scrolling down
yeah one and done stopped working after two months far from announced speeds poor write speeds
protected registration fast read speeds poor write speeds only lasted seven months those are the first
eight reviews when i scroll down oh you are on a different page than me
mine is like overall 4.5 i'm on the canada page i guess
my my top ones are my top ones are uh impressive and stylish amazing high quality flash drive solid
secure never fails future repeat customer here durability
yeah i don't know i don't know man uh
napalm uh in twitch chat in typical twitch manner has apparently put their life savings into intel
thanks for the info guys i made it very clear that's not financial advice i don't want you to do that
please don't do that no don't do thank you bye
apparently the bar plus had some issues for a while with sizes below 128 gigs
so those might be okay which makes sense
or it might be that they're not using super super great quality nand
and in lower capacities those low
overall rights are revealing themselves
a lot faster
i want to i want to okay i'll give a screen share for a sec i don't know how well you can see this linus but
they show like you know the bar plus deployed in a few different scenarios
it's on this guy's like wrist uh bead thingy like okay that looks pretty cool it's probably really annoying
having it whack into your hand all the time and then okay it's just plugged into a laptop that's fine
and then the weirdest spot to permanently have a flash drive really ever
really just attached to the pull tab of the side pocket of your backpack
have you seen the one that's in the back of a shovel
basically you're telling me what
you're telling me you want to see an even dumber over-engineered pull tab on the ltt backpack
the pull tab is the flash drive yes
yeah you see this
do it
yes flash drive in it
carabiner and flash drive there we go
are you listening to tainan tainan time to redesign tainan is screaming back to square one
i can hear him
and to be clear guys when i was talking about intel i was talking like very long term i was talking like
multi-year outlook so please i none of it is financial advice i was just saying i i like i like
their trajectory competing with tsmc and geopolitical tensions around tsmc and intel being a place to fab
things i that that's that's all i was saying i was saying i like galsinger's vision okay that's all
i'm saying
yeah you like this stock damn it you guys he just likes the stock there you go i just i just like the
not financial advice for the cnn time yeah let's let's go
maybe we should move on to uh some more topics how about that guys
uh yeah wait we still need to do a merch message
uh sure okay we can do another one
hi dll and future me my question is what do you guys think about non-major brand gpus
i've had an inno 3d 3090 for a year now with no issues but i heard it's not the case with chinese brands
inno 3d is huge
i forget who um yeah inno 3d is pc partner
um so inno 3d is a flippin enormous enormous aib
uh so they own zotac uh inno vision or inno 3d um they own hold on uh consumer electronics
um they're like a huge oem uh gaming here we go
man they do digital signage logistics casino industry stuff yeah you you own a major brand
good job
yeah oh no new topic now
sure we get to game at work everyone everyone on the planet gets to game at work now linkedin has
confirmed that they will be introducing gaming features and that they are currently working
on three games called queens inference and cross climb it's unclear if linkedin's parent company microsoft will be involved in any way
other than owning the whole company but it appears that these games will be puzzle games like wordle or sudoku
researcher neemma auji uh says that the code for the new features contains a leaderboard that ranks companies by their employees in game scores
according to a linkedin spokesperson the games are intended to unlock a bit of fun
deepen relationships and hopefully spark the opportunity for conversations
which means everyone gets to game at work now
just kidding this sounds really dumb
but that's okay
why are you being such a hater
i mean i can definitely
what do they do
did they run out of things to make
hold on
did linkedin run out of things to make
that that's my real question
you understand that this whole thing was your idea right
was it
how the problem
that can make sense
what did i say
oh no
oh no
remember when you took
one online
okay so he cut out there
but what he what he was saying was when you took one online
back in 2014
yeah yeah sorry you're cutting out
so i gotta inform the people
got you back now
so he's back now
just send it again
one online course in gamification in 2014 i think it was or 2016
and you came back to work the next day
all fired up about your ideas for turning basically everything on the ltt forum
into some kind of gamified thing
everything from interacting with posts to responding to them to updating freaking profile pictures
was going to be gamified
and if i recall correctly we actually put together
we put together what was going to be like kind of a compelling plan to make it like a tech hub
like buy sell trade was going to be gamified in some way
and there were going to be incentives for like participation
and we were basically like yeah we could like turn it into like a social media platform essentially
by making everything like gamified and it was it was actually a really cool idea
and now you're just mad
because linkedin got there first
yeah well we realized that forums were horrendously dying and never coming back
so um
kind of pause that plan a little bit
um but yeah i i don't know
i i guess they're taking gamification extremely literally here
just going like all right let's just add an actual video game
um which is kind of sick
i i just i don't know
it it it reeks of like
they either ran out of things to do
or they wanted to do some type of like
uh fun hackathon thingy
and and people ended up making games
and they're like
should we do something with this
sure let's give it to the people
i don't know it seems so odd
i can't imagine
any company
there's gonna be like one company out there
that for some reason like cares about this a lot
and like actually has like dedicated time for their people to like compete on these games
there's gonna be one
but that company's gonna be very silly
i don't think so
and there's gonna be no more
i think there's just gonna be
people who just want to play games
and companies being kind of annoyed about this
i love the idea
that if you do play this at work
your boss will probably be able to see that you did that
and be like hey wait what
speaking of
we get into uh a big topic here
well then
is not
a hundred percent
has been
according to ars technica
a software professional
who emailed
customer support
to request
the removal of information
from her decade-old account
found that
took the name
that she provided
in that email
and added it
to her glassdoor profile
without her permission
they then repeatedly
denied requests
to remove her name
from her profile
insisting that no one else
would see the information
she then attempted
to delete the account
but found that this only
deactivated the account
and didn't
remove the problematic
she finally requested
a complete data erasure
which deleted the glassdoor account
but didn't
delete the associated
fishbowl account
that glassdoor had created
for her
without her permission
glassdoor acquired
professional networking site
this is the first
I'm hearing of it
in 2021
and began integrating
the two sites
last July
automatically signing up
glassdoor users
for fishbowl accounts
I don't think that's okay
as fishbowl
requires user verification
glassdoor has begun
requiring more information
and has changed
its terms of service
to include language
that says that they
may update
your profile
with information
we obtain
from third parties
some users
have reported details
like the name
of their employer
or home city
being changed
without permission
or without a notification
that new information
was sometimes
seriously inaccurate
like a worker
in California
being listed
as living
in England
glassdoor claims
that they
vigorously defend
their users
right to anonymous
free speech
in court
so our discussion
question is
insisting on
collecting this
and what is
the risk
of keeping it
and I think
these are fairly
collecting this
does undermine
and the risk
of keeping it
is potentially
whether it's
or whether it's
on purpose
that rely
on platforms
like glassdoor
in order to
speak out
against their
by the way
you're coming
we were able
to understand
all that
but you are
like very
low quality
is it fixed
I will shut
out for a bit
no yeah
you're roboting
really heavy
yeah it's
that's a
that's a
rough one
I will
warn people
as well
that if
you're not
at a really
big company
it can be
pretty obvious
who you are
when you leave
a glassdoor
so just keep
that in mind
but yeah
the whole idea
of this is that
it's supposed
to be super
so this is
pretty obviously
pretty sketchy
what's the risk
of keeping it
the risk of
keeping it
is really high
because you
risk retaliation
from from
the employer
and potentially
depending on
what you write
you risk
your higher
because if a
prospective company
is able to find
the glassdoor
review that you're
leaving and
it's like
really really
emotionally charged
or something like
that it could
potentially hurt
your higher
ability which
well as is so
often the case
the risk is not
the glassdoor
though nothing
will happen to
them yep the
risk is just to
their users that
had no say in
any of this
which is extremely
yeah definitely
something that
isn't super
frustrating is
steam families
launching in beta
valve has
launched steam
families on the
steam beta
client which is
in quote
we should do
the card is
not there
we listen to
the cards
we should do
okay all right
do you want me to
do it because you
sound like robot
yeah that would be
okay got it
let me know when
you're ready dan
wow so so
respectful normally
i never get
asked i'm always
ready man come
on let's go
all right jawa
oh he is wow
okay that was
fast uh have
you had a terrible
experience buying
or selling a used
gpu on facebook
marketplace save
yourself from all
those no shows and
low ball offers with
jawa our sponsor
they're a marketplace
for gamers by
gamers and they
make selling your
old graphics card
pretty simple if
you want to get
rid of your gpus
immediately jawa
can buy them
from you in a
couple of clicks
you just follow the
steps on their
site and get an
instant quote and
a free shipping
label most sellers
will get paid
within one business
day after jawa
receives the part
you can also
easily list and
sell your old
computer or other
components plus
they have a ton of
experienced and
verified builders
offering rigs at
prices far lower
than buying pre-built
straight from larger
manufacturers jawa
has a community of
over 8 000 members
on discord offering
advice on buying
selling and
troubleshooting go
check them out at
the link below
sell your old
graphics card and
help offset the
cost of your new
you green stop
leaking your
personal photos and
videos from your
decrypted cloud
storage oops i broke
it uh oh wow it's
fine just ignore it
move on okay uh no
one wants to see
them people want to
see linus they just
don't want to see
your uh you know
your photos and
videos from your
decrypted cloud
storage including
hackers uh you
green is introducing
their nas sync
series it has a ton
of features including
professional data
security features
real-time protection
and scheduled scans
keeping your data
safe from threats
check out their
dxp 4800 plus
powered by a 12th
gen 5 core intel
processor it delivers
uh fast processing
for smooth operation
with its 10 gig
network port enjoy
fast download speeds
of up to a 1250
megabits per second
that's one way to
say that when
equipped with an
ssd no more awkward
moments when you're
trying to show your
grandma photos and
it's just too slow
even for her it's
equipped with an
eight gigabyte ddr5
memory expandable up
to six uh sorry 64
gigs with the nas
app you can stream
movies access photos
transfer and manage
files easily plus the
integrated ai smart
assistant lets you
search pictures by
text that'd save you
a lot of time
genuinely if you
store a lot of
photos the nas
sync dxp 4800 plus
has four bays
supporting up to
96 terabytes of
storage capacity
check out the ugreen
nas sync dxp 4800
plus and its smaller
brother the nas
sync 480t with four
nvme slots uh below
yeah and last the
apos white fox
eclipse we worked
with apos to
release the set of
ltt keycaps announced
early where you can
hit the banana key
whenever you desire or
the boxers key or the
screwdriver key uh yeah
it's uh it's pretty
great um don't worry
if bananas are not
your thing they also
want you guys to to
meet their white fox
eclipse keyboard very
clean very good
looking show keyboard
okay hold on
that i forgot to show off
the camera wasn't even on
me here's the white fox
one one feature that i
think is pretty cool is
you can just take that
off wow easy service
flexibility now you can get
those keycaps clean them all
nicely and easily without
screws all that type of
stuff i'll show the other
one off real quick
here's the ltt one so you
can see it's color themed
including part of the back
plate which is pretty sweet
you've got your screwdriver
button your banana button
there's like a widget thing
here there's boxers including
a little bit of a bulge it
looks great feels great good
switches it's a normal sized
bulge okay uh this 68 key
mechanical keyboard has the
standard hot swappable
switches and universal
keycap compatibility which is
nice but what makes it
special is its carefully
crafted parts such as a
flexible pcb uh with poron
switch foam and vibration
isolating edge gaskets uh it
can be used wired or
wirelessly via bluetooth and
is designed to sound and
look great it sounds amazing
it sounds very good i don't
know if this will come
through should i put out to
mike yep
oh that space bar is nice
very nice yeah i had to
include the space bar um
they have a few configurations
like a high body cnc which we
have here so that's the ones
that you've seen as well as a
low body cnc and a standard
plastic body version so check
it out using the link below and
use code lmgeclipse for
10% off your purchase and if
you bundle the keyboard uh if
you bundle the keyboard up
with the ltt keycaps you can
save even more and that link
will be down there as well
cool sorry that was a lot all
at the same time working on
that for you linus
working on what oh i can't do
that for you because i don't
have access to that at all i
don't think i can hear him by
the way uh you should be able to
hear him oh there we go
everything's good everything's
fine i love it you might have to
ask your jive nice thanks oh no
that is not easy right now luke
will have to do it for you then
i don't have access to any of
those i i couldn't hear him
what's happening oh he was just
he was texting me oh i can't
access the um merch messages
dashboard because my work account
doesn't have access for some reason
that is because of luke that um i
think that's a von's fault and so
now the workaround is i have to lock
in i have to log into some account
that i don't have the 2fa for to
get access to a code for another
account that in order to get its
2fa in order to yeah so you can
see where this is going i can't
access the dashboard do you need it
i mean it would be it'd be nice to
be able to access the you don't need
also you could have prepared oh my
god i don't think this is my fault
just because we have security
have access i don't think so
yeah well okay actually your work
account your work account is supposed
to have access i think it does i think
you're wrong
i think you're wrong he says use
microsoft not google use microsoft
oh what are you using google why
can't i use like yeah because if you
paid attention to monday morning
meetings we migrated single sign on
he's never in monday morning
for everybody he's come to about as
many emails he should know he's come
to about as many as you have luke
i have i have my own monday morning
meetings okay yeah well where's our
email blast for your monday morning
meetings you don't need to know i want
to know what you're doing with your
full stack systems how is kubernetes
going i don't know well i'm i'm doing
a state of the union next monday so
you'll you'll find out some stuff
that um apparently it's the
anniversary of the hack right now
yeah that's kind of cool is it really
i wish we were back there again has
it been a year i wish we were doing
it again dude i'm working tomorrow i
could just stay here all night i'm
down i could work out and click on
i want i want this life that's all i
need to be a happy boy that's all i
if it's like oh i'm sad it's like
hmm what have i not done in a while
is it either working out or is it
clicking on heads there's probably one
of them and if i do that thing i'll
probably no longer be sad anymore
it's usually how it works
mm-hmm yep
i've lost linus
yeah he's gone i can do another topic
no no i'm here he's not gone
uh he's trying to get 2fa for his
microsoft account now that's what i
bet you that's what he's doing
request denied
i hate 2fa so much
the microsoft one is so annoying it
does that so often i'll just be like
no no you're not allowed you have to
type in a number and then you have to
also biometrically
authenticate with your phone it's like
how many times do you have
and then you have to like to be able to
access the microsoft authenticator app
you have to biometrically authenticate
and then to be able to approve the
login request you have to biometrically
authenticate again it's like bro
come on
this is why i just keep everything on post-it notes
it says it doesn't have access
okay my bad we can fix that
i hate you all
i don't like being a real company
can we just go back to having one shared microsoft account we would probably save money as well
just have all the usernames and passwords in a sheet in a google sheet again
no we would need we would need to log into google to to like get access to that
i gotta i gotta send a message so i remember to do this next week
oh my god okay dan what are we supposed to be doing right now aren't we supposed to be doing merch messages
i guess i guess i don't even know anymore
uh sure
no no we're supposed to do topics we finish merch messages and then i was going to do another topic and we went into sponsors
yeah and then after sponsors we do three more merch messages
we're back i was doing three things at once during that sponsor segment so sorry i didn't put the card up
uh hi dll during the gpu pandemic did you hear anything about how sales of peripherals were affected
probably they went up a lot that would be my guess i mean almost anything related to computers and
technology went up a lot during the pandemic and then went down
yeah high bearded tech guy one bearded tech guy two and oh has the preliminary data from the lab
influenced any personal purchases from any of y'all yet either steering towards or away from a product
not gonna lie i was reading full punch i didn't hear that uh the labs see this is why i need access
to the dashboard so there's a galaxy s7 somewhere that i need a code from oh uh i can i can do that for
you oh my gosh uh hi has the labs made you buy a product yet because you saw good things from
uh the that no not for me personally but i guarantee you that it will eventually do i have to tap it'll
happen it resulted in me getting a product kind of the processor in my most recent build oh
oh boy oh yeah yeah 7800 x3d the you got the worst of the best yeah and then
and then got a better one it was dead nice yeah that worked right oh aj says i should have access
now oh hey nice brought to you by me on a random train in japan wait you guys are in the same country
i didn't really put this together until now aj linus is in japan no way that's hilarious
that is hilarious that is hilarious i hope you're enjoying your trip aj and linus i mean we're both
working apparently so yeah victory for me dude oh so good could have some meetings oh man that's
really funny that's actually kind of interesting uh like everyone i know is going to japan right now
dude yeah i was i was talking to someone about this i showed the dashboard for a second and now
it's prompting me for a password yeah well it loads without the like the hooks or whatever so no data
is actually going to flow through the one that you see for a second it's just the just the front end
um i don't like technology uh i had something to say oh yeah japan was one of those countries that
stayed closed for a really long time um so people that had wanted to go visit there are kind of all
you know they had to wait for a pretty significant amount of time so people are kind of rushing in
right now i think that's what's going on they also yeah there's also a super like budget airline zip
air that just opened up service direct service from vancouver to japan uh we have a friend that paid
like 700 each for direct flights and like yeah sure it's economy or whatever but like honestly
that's i would rather sit in economy on a on a newly retrofitted plane than sit in business class
on an old plane like they have these little trays that fit your phone and it's just like oh this is
great this is they have no on built-in entertainment system but they have somewhere for me to put the one
which is perfect and exactly what i wanted anyway uh so i set up my kids with a switch
sitting in there and all three of them side by side and they just like were able to play switch games
uh so yeah they had a pretty good flight honestly um i would love it if the screens on planes just had
an htmin and you could just use um did aj just guess correctly okay okay um okay a more i want to talk
about you being in japan but we should do more merch messages sure we should keep that rolling uh a long
while back there was a frequent string of shows where either one of you both couldn't make it
since then you've been in you've been on a zero miss streak was it an attempt to test the waters on
many hosts no it was um basically us kind of accepting that we couldn't make it to the show
sometimes and being totally fine with someone else hosting it and then we were totally both able to
make it to the show for a very very very long time because of various lockdown related reasons we
weren't going anywhere we weren't doing anything so we were always on wan show and then it's just become
a meaningless dick measuring competition to see who can keep the street going the longest and if
there's one thing that neither luke nor i will accept it's that um one of us definitely has a bigger
dick it isn't me and um i'll never admit it oh because that means i'm here to keep both of you honest
because there's now no excuse for the wan show to not happen yeah so through through various sicknesses
and various vacations and various time zones and etc we've just always somehow made it work
yep yep and i and now that we've both made it work um there's just like neither of us is going to back
down no matter no matter how much we both know the answer i i've had i've had the like theory craft of
like if i end up in the hospital can i convince them to like give me a laptop with a webcam so i can do
i i have actually thought about that like okay so linus is in the hospital is it gauche to make
him do the wan show still uh like who would who would have power i would have power of attorney
okay oh you know what she'll enable this behavior could ivan appear in my stead does it does that work
does it work like that no no i think ivan is me legally no no no no if she had power of attorney
to let me point a camera at you if you were unconscious then that's okay uh but you i think
that's fair that's what i'm asking basically that's what i'm asking yeah so if if she talks
and i just am and i'm in your unconscious body yeah that's fair i have i have planned for these
contingencies i think that counts yep okay i think that counts good i think that counts
excellent yeah and honestly if if all three of us agree then it it just does i think linus would be
more upset if he missed wancho while he was unconscious yeah honestly me too yeah honestly i'd
wake up i'd wake up extremely angry yeah yes like what do you mean you can find a way back down
i lost to luke it's over it's done take me out coach coma show oh man oh man if the show starts too
late it ends up like that honestly i think we're pretty good at keeping energy up not always i guess
uh let's see yeah do you want any more if we want more i think sure as a physician we take patient
privacy seriously we can lose our jobs or be fined if patient identifiers leak what would you say is an
appropriate fine for companies having customer data stolen oh yeah this one's really rough because like
what constitutes customer data and like now you're kind of weaponizing like if if you have a competitor
now you have a weapon of either putting a bounty on them or trying to do it yourself like breaking into
their stuff and then leaking their data so that you can get them crushed um
that's an interesting angle i didn't really think of like it's it's actually an issue because
companies that do a very significant amount to protect their customers data do sometimes get
broken into you know like yeah oh
and it's it's one of those things where it's like who's liable if something gets really like stolen
like not not leaked not carelessly like if if if if you put a lock on your door and you have an alarm
system and you have a dog and someone breaks into your house and takes your stuff and the insurance
company is basically just like i don't know yeah you should have had an automated turret um no coverage
you're going to be mad right like why is it is it on you're the victim actually yikes yeah and like
we really just want to line a bunch of insurance companies pockets because every company is now
going to need mad insurance for this i don't know it's it's a tough one for me i think i think in
general for most sites and services people just need to be more aware that they're sharing their data
and potentially just not sometimes if they're uncomfortable with it um cough cough things like
23andme and stuff like that um and with other things like when it starts to touch things like
medical and and and whatnot um maybe maybe certain levels of personal data should have something like
that on it uh to try to push companies to try to make sure that they have good security practices and
maybe yeah maybe have insurance in place so that if if people's identities are stolen or whatnot because
of this that that insurance can step in and give them a certain amount of payout so they can have
money uh in the bank to deal with the financial ramifications of that scenario um security is
barely thought about that's just not true dude um like actually not true um it depends security is
barely thought about at some very tiny companies that can't do it because having a full-time security
specialist on your staff is going to be very expensive uh developers are very expensive as is
and then having one specialized on something that you find one that's actually good and not just bsing
you and you just don't understand it well enough to know if they're actually doing a good job
a hundred percent big thing and is that one person enough to hold back the horde um and even if you
have a super super super good security team you're still gonna have vulnerabilities here or there so
like it might still happen i don't know it's um it's tough i would love to i'm usually on the like
you know find them harder crush the companies kind of side of things um and i know this might be this
might seem hypocritical because i run a web company that technically has some amount of user data but
i just i don't think all things are equal here um negligence is the big one but i don't know
exactly how to define it yeah how do you how do you really get someone on that um like like if we if
we think about the forum leak like you you brought up earlier if you think of someone if you think this
thing that this company you like is doing is good if you had a company that you didn't like doing the
same thing would you still think it's good well it's like okay let's flip it around if you if you
think finding these companies for this thing is good are you just as okay with that fine applying to
you if that happens to you that's what that's how i'm trying to kind of place it right now so like
when the forum leak happened it's like yeah it sucked do i think we should have been fined for that
i don't really think so i don't think we did anything particularly wrong and i don't think that the
that the data that was on the forum was like really too crushing for anybody i think the main
bad part was um like you know you probably shouldn't have two passwords used in the same spot
um it wasn't really that big of a deal at the end of the day yeah yeah yeah yeah sorry um
but if you're uh a bank or uh i don't know someone who deals with like passport details or um
sure medical things or things of super high value or social insurance numbers yeah maybe there should
be more precedence on there i don't know necessarily what those requirements would have to be but like
yeah i don't know yeah i think it should maybe be a sliding scale is what i'm trying to say
and to be clear neither of us are condoning in any way the sale of this private data and then you
know the subsequent leakage of it from somewhere else i mean that that is 100 on you you should be
fined into oblivion but in terms of just absolutely destroying any company that has one employee potentially
make a mistake and they were doing their best and like uh i don't necessarily think that that's going to be
sustainable either
can we talk about steam families now though yeah let's jump let's jump back to that speaking of things that
were unsustainable playing games with my kids is a huge problem because up until now um
every kid needs their own copy of everything every kid needs their own copy of everything and that
will still be true to an extent for anything that's online based multiplayer where we all want to play at
the same time but one of the bigger problems for me has been that unlike you know 10 20 years ago
where i could buy a library of games and anyone could play any one of those games at a time without
interfering with the others the way that it's worked on steam up until now you can share your library with
your family but only one of you can use that library at a time and it didn't used to be such a big problem
because offline mode was a was a pretty good workaround you could just launch the game on
one machine go offline then launch a different game on another machine and leave that one online
if they're playing something that requires multiplayer or in many cases you could just get
away with it you could just launch the games one after another and it would just kind of work even
though strictly speaking it wasn't supposed to work but then valve locked down offline mode a lot more
they do a lot more online checks and it got to the point where it wasn't doable and they started
enforcing their one game from a library um per in use at a time policy much more strictly to the
point where i would log in to do a quick benchmark at work and it would kick my son off of rocket league
at home or whatever the case may be and it kind of sucks because it used to be you bought your whole
library of games and anyone could play them as long as you weren't both playing the same game at the
same time then you know no harm no foul right um well guess what valve is taking it back to that
so they've launched steam families on the steam beta client which is a collection of new and existing
family related features to replace both steam family sharing and steam family view a steam family
can consist of up to six members and everyone in the steam family gets access to any family sharing
compatible games in their other family members libraries now so instead of only being able to play
one game from a library at a time across the entire family users can now play different games at the
same time that's freaking awesome yeah adults consent parental controls controlling playtime limits
allowing access to appropriate games and more and a child account now has the ability to request for
an adult to pay for their shopping cart making it way easier for parents to purchase games for their kids
and as a parent way more importantly making it way easier for kids to not purchase games on their own
because in the past you basically had to choose between the inconvenience of having to go down and
enter your credit card information every time or the risk of your kids going and buying stuff with a
credit card in their account now i do see a downside to this as a developer how do i feel about
my games being eligible for family sharing now that family sharing is so much more convenient and so
much more powerful like family sharing was basically so kneecapped that i essentially didn't use it i ended
up buying multiple copies of games just so that i wouldn't have to worry about interrupting my kids while
they're playing when i want to play or when i want to benchmark something or whatever the case may be
as it is now it seems like um a lot fewer people will have to do that and as their own independent
living breathing organisms you know should my kids be entitled or my roommates or my friends or whoever
my family is should they be entitled to play these games they didn't buy um will i be less likely to make
my game eligible for family sharing under this system what would you how would you feel
yeah i don't know i'm i'm reading through the faq right now because i'm trying to get a vibe for like
how a family unit could be formed because one thing that i'm worried about if i'm a developer
um is the you know uh a close-knit group of six friends at school form a family
um and share one steam account amongst all of them and and and polycules are totally okay i'm not
judging sure yeah i mean there's like 32 000 in the seattle one and it's growing every day
it's not sustainable so yeah i don't know it doesn't sound like there's any limitations to like
under one roof or anything like that um i'm actually not really finding pretty much any limitations
at all um they they do say that the the terms of how they define a family is subject to change
so maybe they'll figure that out over time um there's also some interesting stuff if you leave
a steam family um you will need to wait one year from when you from when you joined the previous one
oh that's not that big of a deal oh interesting so you can't just like float around from family to
family but one year from your join date of the previous one not your exit date
so if you if you okay well that kind of makes sense that could be a zero day difference if you're at
above a year uh yeah as long as you as long as you don't um well basically it says that
you don't have to mourn your old family for a year yeah as long as you were with them for
at least a year yeah which might be good for some people you know things happen in in family units
um it's just i don't know i would want to enable this but it is definitely a scenario where i i
guarantee you people are going to misuse it now honestly in most situations at work
man our benchmark accounts we're only going to have to have a couple of copies of every game spread out
across all of our benchmark those benchmark accounts way more effective for us to use
those benchmark accounts are in a family dude they're all well yeah it's clearly not a family
though so like yeah there's definitely uses for this that are not going to be family now i yeah
honestly i think that there's nothing wrong with that um us basically not necessarily buy like five
copies of every stupid game just so that we can run them for 20 minutes every week to benchmark them or
whatever if it is that friend group from school i used to share games with my friends you'd trade
games all the time temporarily like oh i have this snest game you have this n64 game we both have both
consoles for some reason i don't know why i made this analogy this weird but you can borrow this one
i'll borrow that one and we'll trade back in a week or two whatever that was totally very normal
um i understand that making it all digital and making giving it the ease of use of something like
steam is going to massively increase the amount of that trading that happens but you are sort of
locked into this family unit for a year at a time so it's not like you're jumping all over the place
based on what game you want to play um so i don't know i hope it goes okay because this seems like a
really cool thing um and honestly the main way that i would potentially use it is to like encourage
people to pick up a game themselves um like here look you can borrow this for a bit i've definitely
never lent anyone my origin account so that they could try out titanfall 2 and then convince them
to just buy it for themselves afterwards um that's definitely never a thing that i've done by the way
neither of us is recommending ever doing do not lend out your game accounts yeah um but it's just like
yeah i don't know i think i would be okay with it i think i would turn it on yeah i think it's pretty
cool i think it's good i i'm a little bit worried about how this might go but i really hope it goes
well because i think it's overall a very good thing yeah and i think honestly it might encourage
the sales of certain games okay there are definitely things that are not going to be universally regarded
as good things and i think it's time for us to shift our conversation to the smosh song that they
released uh i think it was earlier this week or last week called submissive and breedable a
collaboration with bb no money um that has baby no money it's baby no money don't say bb no money
come on oh do i do i have any idea who this is oh he's good i like his music genuinely
come on okay so the point is um the official music video uh luke do you want to pull it up
yeah sure if you guys want you all go to the same time stamp uh so maybe maybe head to about
1 30 about 1 30 yep and then you guys can if everyone heads over there if you could here i'll
i'll i'll drop this in the chat i'll drop the link to the uh you guys we can all watch together
that's how we're going to do this so that they get their views okay so i'm dropping this in all the
chats oh my god it brings up twitch chat rules for my own account okay so guys just just head on over
there so luke's not going to screen share luke you haven't started watching yet right no am i
going to be playing audio off my computer you guys are all going to you know you're going to have to
listen otherwise you're not going to be able to hear it okay um but you're just going to go back
to the main when view so everyone's just going to watch it together so i'm basically going to go
okay mark and then everyone's going to going to going to play it okay okay so you can go back to
the main view okay yeah all right okay will luke be able to hear mine yeah uh without going to
stream yeah i mean luke you can just pretend
okay where where on earth does this come from why do you do this to me do i just like play it off
my phone so i can hear it or something it goes to b b doesn't go to stream uh we're giving dan a
second hold your hamburgers be be laptop i don't know play play something i mean luke
you're playing the whole time every flavor bean while we wait i mean luke here okay yeah let's
go to stream uh no don't go to stream oh my god it tastes like ash
do you want me to just listen to my phone should we simplify this
let's do the easy thing sure change our audio output on god that was awful yeah but then i won't
be oh if i played over the speakers you'll be able to hear it through the mic oh my god i've
tested that before oh no i figured it out nice yeah those birdie bots every flavor beans
are not uh some of them are not good
aha success in case you were wondering they truly are every flavor i presume
okay they truly truly are are you ready oh that was gross okay hit it
oh no
how do you how do you feel about your name being attached to
being attached to a song of that type and name
keno quality 10 out of 10 5 out of 7 perfect score
can i just can i just say does it help that you don't have the beard anymore
it isn't usually a problem that um you know linus is slang for penis
because i mean there's so many names that are slang for penis you know peter johnson uh dick
right like it it's not really uh that one's a little on point yeah okay you know
yeah i i i i i i just mean it it doesn't really come up that much
technically it's a slang but nobody really uses it um
as for the whole like tip thing and tech tips and and and linus um
this is actually the second time this has happened i don't know if you remember that
the previous song yeah yeah yeah so so the the previous song to kind of make this a thing
uh is from the mom boys here we go yeah and i guess what i'm trying to say is
i've kind of enjoyed that while linus is technically slang for penis nobody really uses it
and now that it's happened twice it feels dangerously close to becoming a thing um
yeah yeah yeah i can't i can't really say that it's my preference i don't think people are really
using it that way i think they're just riffing off of tip i just to be honest yeah i think you're
reading artistic expression you know tip and and linus is is a good cultural reference i would i would
uh i would agree with that i don't think it's minus meaning penis i don't think anyone's doing that
to be honest i want okay i want bb merch now that just says like just the tips i'm gonna wear it
around work if if baby no money releases merch that that's it what is a submissive and breedable
i'm not saying i am not wearing anything else
oh my gosh i mean you should see my computer backgrounds to start with like geez yeah yeah
yeah yeah i don't know how do you how do you feel about that did they reach out to you or did
they just do it you don't you don't have to reach out based yeah they don't they don't need to reach
out that's they're they're on they're on base as far as that goes uh like i'm not i'm not saying
this is not well within their rights to do i'm just saying it's you know no no i was just wondering
i'm not yeah are you are you not flattered i would be flattered i think it's very flattering i am
you're you're culturally relevant enough to uh yeah to be a clever simile in a in a in a piece of
artistic work that people will understand too yes like that's that's huge yeah you know like uh you
can make references to napoleon for you know other things or other ideas right smosh is my bad yeah
uh and you're there you're there i'm not likening you to napoleon that was an accident but
you're like tech napoleon there you go
what he's short and in another country so he's napoleon yeah there you go where does it where
does napoleon put his armies up his sleeveies lttstore.com yeah
oh my goodness
wow so um honestly my first reaction to this was that i just have no idea uh what to make of it
um that seems right i i've uh i've i've met um you know i've met the smosh guys i uh i think
they're super cool i um have a lot of respect for them they're pioneers you know and that's that's
sort of separate right like you can think someone's super cool um or like cool or whatever um but you
know know things about them and you're like oh yeah i don't respect them these guys i i think they're
super cool and i respect them a lot um absolute builders of this space which is really cool i'm
so happy to see that they're you know back together got their channel back that this is you know one of
the outcomes of that was not something that i had on my bingo yeah that's pretty funny uh
um seeing that uh other great creators are making music uh christmas album to win
oh my god um
smosh the halls with something something
yeah sexy christmas album
searching for the clearest i guess like i don't know these these lyrics though dude
like lenovo think pad
oh man
uh okay so anywho um i don't yeah i don't know what else to say about this i i really i don't i don't
know if i've fully got an answer to like how do you feel about uh it it being this title and subject
matter of a song that your name was in not not like oh people are using my name for for penis i mean
more that it's it's submissive and breedable specifically that you're referenced in does
that bother you at all or just it doesn't matter that really matters yeah no okay yeah i don't think
that really matters i mean art is uh art is art i yeah i'm not really i'm not really going to go in
and sort of question someone else's voice and someone else's someone else's art i mean they're
obviously not um they're they're they're they're not um it's it's not slanderous or defamatory in
any way it didn't seem like it at all yeah yeah it's it's nothing to do with anything other than just
whatever techin on my tip first thing like linus means first and maybe maybe this is just one of
those things where um i just don't understand it because it's some kind of slang that i am too
i think it's more they were if i have to assume it's because they were searching for something to
rhyme with feral boy friday she the lioness yeah yeah no that line is really good after i think so maybe
i don't know maybe either way i think that's a good take on it because like it doesn't at all seem
like anything was nefarious here it's just supposed to be a funny song i i think some people would be
like mer i'm i'm not that i don't want to be included in this um and that's just yeah whatever
i don't know that's a fair enough take but it's kind of boring and i prefer just not caring and
zero point says i don't like the rhyme of linus with lioness um the reason you don't like that is not
uh subjective uh it's objective those things do not rhyme uh but some artistic license was taken
and i was gonna say it's it's not does not rhyme that is super common in music people will pronounce
they'll change even how they say words to make them sound like they flow together so yeah i wouldn't
that's a i drive a chevrolet movie theater interior crocodile alligator mr mr biggie biggie smalls
yeah yeah yeah it's it's classic it's lovely yeah yeah speaking of uh things that are lovely
you know that's hilarious by the way luke thought that was what the word was
yeah yeah yeah until not that long ago i think yeah yeah yeah yeah i think a lot of people think
that that would be i think a ton of people like that to be honest i think biggie was an extremely
influential person okay it's unlimited all right unlimited he defines language okay you guys you
guys have never done art have you
uh okay uh speaking of things that are cool first human to receive neural link this is actually
uh pretty cool hopefully it doesn't go poorly from here uh 29 year old nolan arbau a quadriplegic
says that the brain implant has allowed him to play chess and civilization on his pc using his freaking
mind he's quoted saying i'm so freaking lucky to be a part of this the implant works by reading brain
signals from the user and translating them into bluetooth based remote commands to control an
electronic device like a mouse cursor for arbau this is this part was like okay that's pretty cool
uh for arbau this initially involved trying to move his hands obviously he can't because he's
quadriplegic but trying to and even though he's lost the ability to move them that would translate
into mouse cursor movement which is like no way wild to honestly even really think about
from there it just became intuitive for him to start imagining the cursor moving and basically
it was like he was using the force on a cursor and he could get it to move wherever he wanted
this resulted in an eight hour straight gaming session on civ 6 outside of the standard neural
link trials and he just had to quit because the device needed to wirelessly charge um also he stated
that um we've ran into some issues i don't want people to think this is the end of the journey
there's still a lot of work to be done but it has already changed my life so so far um that's
really cool for people who might be struggling with something like uh being a quadriplegic being
able to be enabled to have more things to do be able to play chess be able to play civ that's
fantastic super cool i think that's great really really cool hopefully like i said earlier it doesn't
go bad um uh but yeah wanted to share some good news what else do we got
expensive menu um oh this is old this is great after lax last week's tax write-off sale community
members on the ltt forum pointed out that there was a restaurant in toronto called good fortune
that had a campaign where they renamed their menu items after office supplies so that office workers
could expense them uh luke do you want to uh screen share that for the kind folks out there
yeah um we've got the um diamond chicken burger aka the mini dry erase whiteboard we've got the
uh double your fortune burger renamed the ergonomic aluminum laptop stand the emerald veggie burger
renamed the wired earphones with mike
and their french fries palm fries uh or palm fries renamed usb wired mouse
i like the discussion our discussion question my favorite one is the haritos oh boy that's a little
cheap for damn this delay though our discussion question is isn't a little cheap for an aluminum
laptop stand uh depends if it's for apple yes
uh that's fair yeah i thought it was pretty funny it is it is i think it's been reposted because this
this was happened a long time ago i think um yeah it was a long time ago yeah okay okay sounds good
it was uh it was a short-term promo i mean should we do it on the store anyone want to anyone want to
write off some ltt merch like this the funny part is fraud it's fine some amount of ltt merch
would be like you have screwdrivers cable management tools thermal paste like a lot of it would be fine
it just is already okay backpacks business that needed that could potentially okay i don't know
a lot of it might be fine uh what else we got i don't think we have much i think we're mostly through
it um oh but we haven't talked about the apex legends hack oh and we have some announcements
and there's some other things going on we got stuff i just have to scroll up to find it uh i'll do this
one during an official apex legends tournament last weekend at least two professional players were
allegedly hacked mid-game leading to the final of the apex legends global series being postponed
in two separate matches imperial hall or sorry yeah imperial hall was given an aim bot and gen burton
was suddenly able to see the location and health of everyone else in the round the cheat menu was opened
on gen burton's screen contained a joke option of vote putin and a message was sent via his in-game
chat which read apex hacking global series by destroyer 2009 and random the anti-cheat police department
a volunteer run group that gathers intelligence on cheats and cheat vendors wow i didn't know this
was a thing issued a statement saying that there was a remote code execution exploit present in either
the game itself or an easy anti-cheat easy anti-cheat however denied that there was any remote code
execution vulnerability within their system in their first tweet in five years destroyer 2009 uh the
hacker taking responsibility for the incident has since spoken to tech crunch and said that the
hack was mostly just for fun but also to force respawn to fix the vulnerability he used to hack them
ea doesn't have a bug bounty program uh he didn't say exactly how he you uh how he hacked the matches
beyond that it had nothing to do with the server and it never went outside the game
and didn't involve infecting either players rig or malware destroyer 2009 apparently with malware
with malware sorry destroyer 2009 apparently has a reputation for hacking high profile players for
the lulz as for why he specifically targeted again burton and imperial how destroyer 2009 said that
they're just nice guys who deserve free attention and views discussion question is this a problem
specific to apex legends why aren't games like this more secure i mean the reason i wanted to talk about
this this week was because you've been kind of going off on the state of online gaming and how utterly
broken it is we talked last week about a hypothetical peripheral that basically was watching everything
you did in real time to ensure that absolutely nothing that happened on screen had any disconnect from
what your hands were doing in person um something like this the ability of a hacker to force another
player to cheat i think shows a how sophisticated the software is getting how sophisticated these um
these players are getting and b how utterly unsalvageable online gaming is um like i just don't
really know what else to say at this point i i think like i've talked at length about why i you know
i had to find a way i had to find a way and i got it i got my way but i've talked at length about how
games like ballers gate 3 and uh hell divers and other like more recent kind of co-op or even single
player focused games there's a fantastic very well working co-op mod for elden ring but elden ring is
more a single player game um elden ring popped off a lot of these non-online competitive games have been
doing very well lately and i think in no small part it's because hacking in competitive games has gotten to
a ridiculous point um and i don't i don't know if it's because companies aren't investing enough
or if it's just a losing battle no matter what they do or what it is but the percentages of cheaters in
games is crazy the amount of streamers that get caught all the time cheating is wild because if the
cheaters are the streamers are getting caught cheating you know there's a lot more because it's a
lot easier when you're not on stream um so it's just it's it's frustrating and it ruins things
because the the biggest problem which we've also talked about is it brings to to doubt every other
loss or death or whatever it is that you have in a game even if that person isn't cheating it's like well
were they did i actually lose because of a skill gap did i actually lose because of a lack of
preparation whatever else or did i lose just because this person's cheating which really sours
the whole experience i think a lot of people out there are okay with you know not being good enough
to win all the time but don't really feel super okay with losing because you know the other person
might have actually been worse but they installed something and now they win anyways um so it's it's
it's it's rough i know a lot of people personally that have kind of stopped really playing that many
online competitive games especially online competitive shooters i even know people that
have traditionally not really been interested in anything other than online competitive
shooters that have started shifting to things like league of legends of all games because yes you
can cheat in league of legends really yeah but it's a lot less impactful than cheating in something
like say war zone or or valorant or call the duty or um or counter-strike or something like that um so
yeah it is what it is but this sucks this sucks a lot uh there's a merch message here that i want to
jump to real quick because it's kind of on topic uh from brandon g luke larian and
announced today that baldur's gate will not be getting any major dlc as someone who hasn't played
yet this gets rid of a barrier to entry for me but how does it feel for a long-term player
yeah i'll speak to that um i've actually reached out to them with this already uh i am
sad strong disagree very angry no actually i'm i'm sad because i really like the characters i really like
the story and there's honestly a lot of ways that i could see it going that i think would be
fantastic that team is amazing from from bottom to the top as far as i can tell so i think they would
make a very good dlc but if you read the article more the reason that they give for doing so is
because they didn't think their hearts were in it apparently there was communication before bg3 was
released about other projects that they could work on that were not bg3 and the the team was excited to
work on those and when bg3 was this like incredible smash hit success the natural stepping for a gaming
company is to make dlc or additional content of some kind through expansions or whatever else so
they can continue to monetize that game that is what you naturally do so larian stepped into that normal
thing that you do but their hearts weren't really in it they were excited to work on this other thing
and the the ceo of of larian sven vicky i hope i pronounced his name correctly um just decided like
you know what no we're gonna do the thing that we really want to do which is this next project that
they're not announcing um and you know what i have some sadness for not receiving dlc for this game
that's fantastic but i have more excitement for the next thing that they end up doing so as far as i'm
i'm concerned it's the right move i think that's good if they if they're if they're well-funded a
well-funded next thing yeah exactly right like whatever um so yeah i don't know i think that's uh
i think that's good i also think the next thing that they're doing is not specifically dnd there's
been some talks about that as well uh which might be a good move their previous game uh original sin 2
as far as my understanding goes is not based on any of that and it's fantastic um i i don't think
they need to be attached to dnd at all personally i don't think that's required in the slightest
i think they have no issue creating worlds creating interesting storylines creating interesting
character bases all that type of stuff i think they'll be completely fine doing that um so yeah i'm
excited for whatever they do next and the motivations behind this move make me excited for the fact that
they did this move despite the fact that i'm still sad that i don't get dlc so yeah i think it's good
i'm also happy i'll say this that they're not farming the dlc out to some other company who's
going to screw it up uh because we we see stuff like that happen as well um so they didn't they
didn't talk about this like this game yes they they didn't talk about doing this because i don't think
it ever even came to mind necessarily but there are absolutely companies that have done that and would
do that and they're not doing that as far as i can tell so that's great because i would rather
it doesn't get touched then it gets ruined so yeah i'm cool with that
all right are there any other topics we want to get through real quick here i feel like
the canadia ban on flipper zero update could probably use a little bit of discussion
uh the makers of the flipper zero have published an official response to the canadian government's
proposed ban on both the zero and similar devices as a way of reducing audio theft
um but here's the thing a primary argument against banning the flipper zero is the fact
oh okay yeah here's the thing the flipper zero lacks the hardware necessary to replicate a keyless
fob in order to gain entry into a car car thieves can use a keyless repeater system to pick up the
signal of a keyless fob near the entrance of the home and transmit it to a nearby car but the
equipment needed to pull this off is quite a bit larger taking up the space of a backpack and far
more expensive about six thousand dollars online the flipper zero can capture and replicate the code
from a remote control but can't replicate the kind of rolling code used by car fobs the flipper zero
creators further argue that many security systems are currently relying on security through obscurity
i.e relying on most people simply not knowing enough about the system to exploit its flaws which
is one of the reasons that the flipper zero exists needless to say i agree with flipper and the canadian
government is being big dumb also evga who traditionally has been in the news for being super cool is in
the news for something not super cool a reddit user u slash sigurds kiss whatever was recently cross-posted
to the ltt subreddit the user bought a new evga gq 1000 watt gold power supply however it was defective
which isn't necessarily a problem stuff happens but he sent it back to evga who told the user hey hold on
to the cables and accessories that came with the unit and just send back the power supply when they
received their new unit they connected their old cables and the pc failed to start and there was a
click possibly indicating that an overload protection circuit had been triggered they immediately rechecked
the cables which were the correct ev they were evga cables but after some troubleshooting they checked
the voltages of their state of power with a multimeter and found that it was way off 12 volt
instead of 3 volt and 0 volts instead of 5 volts etc upon the issue being reported to evga customer
service was able to determine the problem within a matter of minutes at some point the pin layout of
that power supply was changed this incident destroyed 22 terabytes of sata drives and this is where things
get really bad because all this is bad but this is where things get really bad data support has suggested
to the user that they seek a warranty replacement from the manufacturer of the hard drives
rather than evga compensating them for the drives in order to replace them excuse me
so evga is basically suggesting to the user that they do a little they do a little fraud
on their hard drive manufacturer instead of evga ponying up for their mistake
this sucks that's really bad uh it's interesting because what
i think they should do it i don't know why it says sata drives because like
it would what you expecting there to be ide drives like well because it was the sata connector
that the uh that the voltages were screwed up on yeah but what i'm saying is i can't tell if this is
hard disk or ssds there's a drastic difference in cost doesn't matter just yeah well i'm at 22 terabytes
i'm assuming they're hard drives yeah um
oh that that shouldn't even be if it's hard drives
i mean if it's either of them you just kind of have to stomach it it gets weird because
if you're not the manufacturer of the drives how are you verifying that this is
at all what happened but at that point like you screwed up so bad you just got to deal with it i think
this sucks a lot because i one of the big reasons why i used to like evga so much was because their
customer service was so good to me but that was also over a decade ago so i don't know it is what
it is stuff like this makes me feel like uh evga is uh not the company that they used to be yeah i i
had never heard of them doing anything like this in the past not at all ever i've given stories of
how good of customer service they'd had a million times i've never heard anyone counter it and then this
is like this is rough let's talk uh let's talk announcements floatplane spring break want to
talk us through what that is yeah we've got something special coming for our floatplane
members from next monday march 25th through march 29th we're releasing extra special floatplane
exclusives as part of what we're calling floatplane spring break it's also because we just made too
many exclusives for the month which is a fun problem to have uh we'll also be doing some giveaways
including a set of custom apos ltt keycaps you just saw those on the show actually um green man
gaming oh yeah do you want to bring those up they look amazing yeah they're really cool this keyboard's
heavy because it's awesome oh no no i would bring them up digitally maybe oh bring them up to what
you're doing great digitally bring them up digitally i don't think i have that i mean i can google search
where do i get where do i get the digital oh no the link there's a there's a link i see it now
i'm bringing it uh-huh hold on hold on what guys there we go oh technology i didn't see the link
of the document leave me alone now zoom in there you go no i refuse oh my god
anyway the entry is a screwdriver uh there's a banana for the uh control i guess that is
oh i can enter key will screw your driver the right where was the bulge you said there was a bulge
it's here right there you see it on the boxer on the boxer key yeah yeah super cute it's pretty sizable
what did i say earlier it was normal size
anyways uh yeah uh okay how did i even get here okay there we go okay the link was in a different
part of the whatever what are you doing you guys are being just mean how long how many years have
you been doing this uh and uh you can actually you can buy the keycap set for yourself if you want
it's 39.99 with free us shipping it's not bad for elsewhere in the announcements and they feel good
yep yeah i kind of want one of those are they like are they a partner gonna get some of those uh
anyway so we're also apparently ldt retro screwdrivers are being given away wow and one magnetic cable
management home bundle right that's actually super legit there's a teaser for the content for next week
which i'm opening because i can do that mean people um uh i gotta i gotta play this i gotta play this
dan uh yes i fixed it it's probably gonna be loud there we go yeah send it
i mean you have to play it with audio i am nope laptop's muted nice
uh-huh it's not my fault this time apparently we did a departmental departmental airplane paper
airplane battle we did unmute i mean that's the use of the time my name is luke that's not hype we got
one person from each department to do a paper airplane battle to see who can do the best design
who can make it the fastest and who can throw it the farthest hi uh my name is luke that's not how you
pronounce it i'm the ceo of floatplane and the cto for linus media that's not even accurate they
didn't listen to me hold on this is wrong i'm not the floatplane ceo
do we not have ecc
so like by default i'm going to do bad so as a side objective i'm going to bring you random facts
about canada that progressively get more deranged over time and i'm going to start with that winnie
poo is based off of a winnie the poo canada wait really yeah which bear just a bear that was in
a zoo i think i don't know a bear named what's also crazy winnie yeah is that canada was in a war
someone asked which bear it's like well we were at war with denmark until 2022
it's called the whiskey war the reason why it was called the whiskey war going there planting their
respective flag canada would leave whiskey and denmark would leave schnapps and they did that for like
50 years and then sadly it ended in 2022. sadly well that was the coolest thing ever and then they
were like nah as long as i don't step over the crack yeah so i can take a running start yeah no i
just want to see what it's going to do oh my god okay that's not good that's terrible
wait no i think that's over here hold on dude you suck would you say that's not over the crack
just for you i'll let it pass okay okay and then oh my god dude that's the worst airplane design what
are you even doing it's gonna hit you in the foot wow i'm going to the z drive right now anyways anyways
i didn't spend any time even googling how to fold a paper airplane and i haven't made one in like
15 16 years uh so i just googled canada facts and then tried to bring entertainment to the video
that way linus i tried to make the video more entertaining linus do you not do you not mentor luke
not anymore man no we don't we don't actually work together other than wanshow
that's it hmm yeah uh yeah pretty much other things uh merch updates yeah retro screwdriver
free shipping is still going deal ends march 29th so you've got till the pretty much the end of next
week um and i think we just announced that yeah you can buy those keycaps so that's all the
announcements we have to get through i believe yeah are we good then is that it after dark
yeah linus do you want to get the lights um no i'll just be i'll just be a weird bright spot okay
yeah fine i'll get it no no no no no no my webcam no that was that meant my lights here not yours i
can just i can dim you artificially my webcam uh compensates so much for
oh i do this i probably do that too different
uh yeah see like that did nothing no that's okay i can just make me grainier
please please come back i'm gonna bring the light back then and then you can dim me all right whatever
that works should i use another birdie bots every flavor bean yes okay wait wait wait yes do that but
i really hope i really hope i don't get ashtray this time before before we go into merch messages
you got to tell us about your trip how's japan you've been there for a bit now oh boy
well the birdie bots every flavored beans have uh not gone so far have any of them good
is there is supposed to be good ones right isn't there oh god um oh oh i feel like i feel nauseous
i need some water um that is truly an unpleasant experience i can guarantee you that if you just
drink soy sauce the flavor will of the the bean will go away umami bean thank you for that um
oh that was awful yeah so not recommended
yeah okay no but seriously how's how's japan been
um this is getting good i got to tick i got to tick off my bucket list uh last night uh getting to
experience being shoved into a packed japanese train ah nice so that's um good that's a thing that
happened i felt really bad for the guy um across the train from where i was standing because i had
our stroller in front of me with two children in it and whoever was jamming from the door could not see
that there was a stroller that was like digging into this guy's knee um and they were just they were
packing he had nowhere to go and i was just i looked at him i'm just like i have no way to prevent this
like the the brakes are applied on the stroller but that means nothing nothing yeah yeah like i
yeah it was only for a couple of stops but yeah they they actually did the thing where the like
platform person came and shoved people into the train like it's real that's wild i don't think i've
ever actually because of the stroller like rolling it must have felt like there was a bit of give in
it or something because they kept giving her it's pretty rough dude i felt really bad for the guy
it's not over 9 000 is saying uh oh he's talking about the other stuff yeah um yeah how okay so how
is japan and so far you said he got shoved onto a train what else have you done what have you enjoyed
what are good things tell me about it and you often don't like traveling so i'm trying to dig for
like has anything good happen have you enjoyed your trip um super nintendo world at universal
studios is one of the most elaborate beautiful outstanding construction projects i think i've
ever seen um cool it was it was crafted with a level of of of care and love that i just uh think i've
rarely encountered the entire place is a complete work of art there's like two rides one of which is
for very very small children um and a bunch of just like places to buy merch in fact i'd say universal
studios in japan in general um has some sort of incongruity i guess is how i would describe it like um
you know it's it's it's a bit of a cultural it's not even apparently rude it just like isn't done
to to drink a beverage while you're walking around so why do you need vending machines with beverages
everywhere you know like that um everything comes so over packaged but there's no garbage cans um
um they every people people live in i'm in an apartment right now people live in apartments
where as far as i can tell there's absolutely no space to store things but so many of the experiences
that you have are to just buy random shit like i'm just having a really hard time i'm having a really hard
time meshing these things together like universal studios japan even compared to a disney park um so
i've been to disneyland i've been to disney world so much of what's there is not rides it's like just
stuff to buy um and that's a really bad thing about the disney parks but it just feels it feels even more
like that here um and so yeah so i'm just i'm i'm struggling a little bit uh it's it's it's known for
it's food in in a big way um but i would say that compared to compared to taiwan i cannot rely on just
kind of any random hole in the wall just being awesome uh taiwan food there's much like more like
home more like home there's a there's a huge disparity between good food and like really bad
food like there's stuff here that's just really gross like really awful just objectively terrible
um i i i find it very i find it very and i find there are there are experiences that are quite
hyped here that are sort of disconnected from that sort of cultural value of food like the pokemon cafe
is rated i think four and a half stars pokemon cafe uh tokyo we managed to get a reservation
after uh four nights in a row of either me or yvonne or both of us staying up till two in the morning
to be there the second that they that they open up uh reservations each day oh we could have like
made something for you to make that easier uh well look even if i was willing to bought i would never
admit to it okay it doesn't matter the point is it was it was very difficult to get a reservation
we did get a reservation here um pokemon cafe oh for crying out loud how do i just find this on
no i have to go to google maps and then i have to search for it because sure that makes sense
i think it's four and a half stars though i think it's rated four and a half stars so we we got we got
our reservation and i gotta say um it was terrible 4.3 stars uh the food was largely inedible um the drink
that i got was uh like a milk i just i got a milk tea i was like they can't possibly screw this up
except probably about the top third of it was that fake fake whipped cream like the petroleum byproduct
that's yeah that's not worth even having whipped cream yeah it was it was disgusting i couldn't drink
it um so i thought i thought i had been to pokemon cafe so i think yvonne might have asked me something
about it but now in googling i had gone to pikachu sweets by pokemon cafe not pokemon cafe okay i
thought they were the same thing as the pokemon cafe is basically terrible the pokemon cafe is basically
terrible terrible food um you get kind of rushed in and rushed out uh there's an opportunity to buy
merch um it's definitely cute like this like the the the pikachu shaped rice is cute but like little
things were just awful like the um the the the the not the nacho chip that is pikachu's tail the lake um
uh the kind of toasted nacho chip that is pikachu's tail in the rice dish it was stale
all of them were stale uh we had we had a couple of them at our table uh they were stale um we went to
the pom-pom purrin cafe not even really knowing what that is it's like some hello kitty character
but it was you know seemed cute that was the first one we went to so we didn't know yet that these
themed cafes are just terrible terrible food yeah and a core that is themed after some character um so
it's just it's really weird to see how much you can pay for really really awful food
somewhere where supposedly like food culture is a huge thing so i guess food culture is a huge thing
unless you put kind of a cute skin on it and then it doesn't matter it could be actual garbage just
shoveled onto a plate as long as it's an acute shape um
so that's so so back to my question confusing to me what's been good
getting getting ladies to enjoy traveling vacation is hard
people are like these are classic tourist traps guys they were mostly full of people speaking
japanese there was there was almost the pokemon cafe i'd say was the most touristy one but like
the pom-pom purrin cafe was full of japanese people um and maybe they were they maybe were there
from another part of japan like you can there's such a thing as domestic tourism that's totally
a thing but um yeah objectively bad um we did this like ninja experience cafe that was really fun for
the kids i'd say they've overall had a good time i um i have serious reservations about some of the
animal cafes we've done like we did an owl cafe where you get to like hold an owl perched on your
arm there were a lot of owls in there um you know was it a fun experience for the kids a great photo op
absolutely um do i feel good having supported that particular business practice honestly not really uh
thinking um trying to think yeah we went to a cat cafe where the cats honestly didn't seem like mistreated
in any way but they were bored as heck like they were they were they were checked out they were not
down to play or interact or anything so i just left them alone which seems to be what they wanted
uh i mean that's probably if i was a little cat in a cat cafe that's probably what i would want
okay what's been good has there's something good there's here's here's another major disconnect
in japan is this is a super sort of high-tech high-tech society right um you can get almost anything
through automation like we we did one of those conveyor belt sushi places um so you just order
everything by ipad and it just whips along a conveyor belt to your to your table and you just
kind of dump your dirty plates down the thing uh totally amazing and then we went to ride the bullet
train and we bought our ticket at the terminal and uh we got some food and we ate and then we went
to go on to the platform and to scan our ticket and they're like oh no no you you need the basic fare
and your ticket and i'm like that one's so weird i have one so weird i have my past though it says i
need it says i need a pass mo here's my pass mo so i tried to scan my pass mo and here's my ticket
they're like uh uh uh uh no you need a basic fare and i'm like okay so like at the machine no
no no you cannot buy the basic fare at the same machine where you buy your bullet train ticket
sucked for the place you you have to go and line up so we missed our train that we had that we had
scheduled for and like they took care of it but as i was standing in the line as i was standing in the
line to talk to an agent in order to get the the half of the ticket that i needed all of these agents
working at the speed of light trying to get these people processed i'm sitting here going
why was any of this necessary how about i just tell you where i am and where i'm trying to go to
and you just tell me how much that costs and you print the ticket why are there two tickets so the
way it works is you get two tickets and you slide both tickets into the machine at the same time
and you can you can load your pass mo but instead of just being money the way that the the the pat you
have to specifically load the basic fare at the counter onto your pass mo card and it's like
why really though why i bought my seat reservation and i have money what difference does it make and
why can this not be done at the same automatic terminal that i bought my seat reservation at it
makes absolutely no sense and so just the the the the the lengths that some japanese organizations and
businesses and individuals will go to automate and make things high tech and then you'll turn around
and something will be done in a manual way for no possible explainable reason it's just such a it's
such a bizarre disconnect to me like the amount of micromanagement of lines at the theme park we
went to um oh my god oh oh universal studios okay this is amazing so we bought the express ticket
and as you go into the express line they will have you um they will have you bring up your express ticket
but they don't have a scanner for it they don't have a scanner for the qr code um so what they want
you to do is bring up the ticket on your phone and and zoom in on it zoom in on it so they can read
and make sure you have an express ticket for that ride then so that takes a while because they check
that for every individual in your party so we had seven people so you have someone standing at the
entry to the express lineup manually reading your ticket like with with their eyes reading it there's
qr codes all over it there's four qr codes one on every corner never mind that a single larger qr
code might have worked a little bit better whatever okay then you make your way into the line and before
you get on the ride at some point in the line someone comes along with a scanner and scans your qr
code why why did both of those checkpoints exist there's nowhere for you to get out of that line
it could have easily been at the very beginning of that line that they could have done that
or they could just not bother and they could let you stand in the line and then they could check it
there or or they could have a system where their back end sees that you've scanned it once at that one
and then scanned it again at the other thing or whatever there's absolutely no reason for someone
with their human eyes to be reading text on a thing on my phone when i could have scanned a qr code when
there was no way for me to activate any of this without my phone and without the qr code with it's
the exact same ticket that has the qr code on it that has the text they're reading you guys ever wonder how
he why to product reviewing um
okay so okay so so far we're over three uh what's a what's a good what's a good thing
what's something you've enjoyed have you gone to the thing i recommended yet
so you've enjoyed that the kids are having a lot of fun
um we went to the art installation it was pretty cool um ah i got a pretty cool i that's honestly i
i was i i thought you would either come out and try to flame me for it because you hated it and i was
gonna have to uh fight you um or you were gonna do that i knew you weren't gonna be like it was awesome
but i i'll i'll count that as a win he thought it was pretty cool
you've heard everything so far for mario i i was positive on super nintendo world they had
you said it's uh it's just a mercantile experience
it's just to sell you stuff it's incredible bowser's castle i honestly i would have still
i would have still gone in just to walk through the castle
okay that's cool that's cool that's cool i it it is it is beautifully crafted every square
inch of it has had more care put into it than most you know grade 10 students would put into a
homework assignment they have to hand in like it's it's absolutely unbelievable um i also couldn't
i was blown away by the i'm i'm just saying this is the level of care and attention grade 10 school
homework though really might not get a lot of care i'm saying per square inch though per square
inch luke okay okay all right so where it yeah um i i've been i've been kind of blown away by the
sort of the enthusiasm of just you know the average yeah that part is very cool actually what
motivating factors are there it has a bit of a stepford wives like if i don't keep this job i'm
going to die kind of vibe to it but okay i didn't get that i definitely appreciate being doted upon
i it to me it just felt like people were proud of their work regardless of what their work was
that's the vibe that i got i bet there's some of that yeah which is good uh okay so
kids are having a good time super nintendo land was a uh the trains impressive trains other than some
like small stupid things like trying to catch the o loop line from um uh i don't know whatever whatever
major station we were at there inexplicably there's just no signs for it um and then there's another line
that uses the same color code that is not the o line okay so the reason why i laughed so hard at that
is because i i guarantee you i know exactly where you were standing when you got really frustrated
about the o line because i stood there for a couple minutes ranting to my brother about how the signage
is so good the whole time and then you get to this one spot with all these pillars is is that where you
were maybe i don't know we might have been at a different station there's all these pillars and
the signs just get screwed up and it's there's no way to really tell and then you have to walk a little
bit with no guidance and then you can find your way to the o line properly again and then yeah there's
two lines with the same color i ended up figuring out the same color thing is because there's two
companies that run the trains sure so so it's not really brilliant it gets which gets kind of weird but
yeah that's funny that you had those two complaints because i ran into exactly those two things
but yeah the more local trains are pretty easy once you start getting it um but yeah the the two
tickets for the the high speed bullet trains is where i can yeah aj save oh yeah yeah that's
uh yeah yeah yeah is that shin osaka and it was just like this is i just got to a complete dead
end of signage and i'm like okay yeah it's weird it's weird i just had to wander around and find it
if you add like one to two signs it would solve the whole problem which is so odd apparently aj ran
into the same problems too and there were signs that just should have obviously indicated where to go
you know where they could have just had another line right there that's like yeah if you're trying
to get to the to the loop line here's all the other ones but not that one right direction
catching the loop line in the right direction through us for a loop last night because you
can't just say hold on they you can't just say it goes to this station because there's no terminus
station so figuring out the direction is kind of tough because both ways technically go everywhere
and instead of them just saying what the next one it goes to is they pick a couple of major ones along
the line uh so we almost got on the wrong uh train going the wrong way it was a whole thing we we
made it though we got stuffed onto it so okay well how much longer are you there for
uh a couple more days but like look i mean travel's not really my thing i i also don't like seafood
um which is sort of a drag in japan um that's fair you know my kids are into it so i can't just go for
kobe every night um you know get that wagyu would you even watch do you like wagyu i'm not i'm not
into it personally i like meteor meats yeah i don't know it's um i it's i'm just i'm happy that you at
least had some experiences that you liked because i know you don't really like traveling and you
enjoying something that isn't like uh you know putting a box somewhere and plugging cables into it is
good look we're we're here for the kids and they are having a really good time and that's that's
good that's got value what's uh what's like what's we have lost your voice yeah when your voice comes
back what's little man's favorite thing been so far okay well if this is potentially going to take a
bit to get his voice back maybe if we can find a merch message for me while he works on that and keep
the show flowing i can do that let me just move my monitor over here um that's just technical
difficulties can luke reply to this yeah uh what's up hey how's it going uh i have found that in in anno
uh nbisa is really complicated because of the irrigation systems and i'm working on uh you know
increasing the efficiencies of my water runs there you go i have i have yes i am trying to skill up
and yeah linus is really hard there's my there's i bought it when it was on sale when uh when linus
said and i'm i was like okay i can't play this game i know 1800 i'm never gonna stop yeah linus and i
played and i had forgotten we we played recently and i had forgotten kind of a lot of the basics of the
game but also realized like all the things that i did when we played were really simple and linus is
doing all the hard stuff so i want to skill up so i started playing single player and i was like holy
crap uh but i've gotten a lot better which is good oh really yeah that's pretty funny i know like trade
routes now i've done like multi-point trade routes and like all this other stuff so like yeah oh i will
be better now i've actually gotten way more into it by doing that is every time you um every time you
build a world you will reach a new level of citizens and you're gonna be like oh everything
i did before was wrong and everything is destroyed now i have to have to you have to plan my so many
stages in advance the reason that i was like okay well i'm never going to be able to stop playing this
is because the friction for undoing everything that you had already done is like nothing it's pretty low
if you play on the easy difficulty it's pretty low yeah it's high on the higher it's way less than
pretty much anything else i've touched yeah yeah i i i had that feeling linus because i was playing i
thought i was like doing pretty well and then i unlocked uh oil and i was just like oh yeah what
what do you mean i can't have the train track run on the road i that means i can't get to the harbor
because all the houses are in the way i yeah that that sucked um but anyways start over
um okay so you're you're back yeah what was uh what's uh little man's favorite thing been so far
i don't know he's kind of uh he's kind of enjoyed a lot of stuff i'd have to i'd have to ask him
uh i haven't really done the the post trip what was your favorite thing yet
not not actually post trip yet so that makes sense all right fair enough maybe we should just flow
into merch messages yeah we should go through them pretty quick though because i think i got
to run pretty quick okay sounds good okay i'll work on potentials um recently started playing through
the halo ce campaign with my eldest any proud dad gaming milestones
uh yeah i i curated this one it was uh when uh when my son beat me at towerfall not because i'm
some kind of expert towerfall player or because he is either but because it's a pretty
pure skill placed game or based game and he like beat me he won he's beat loop too
fair and square and multiple times actually yep yep yeah it wasn't a fluke nope it does have
like a strong rubber band built in um but you still have to win it's not like luke and i didn't
benefit from it too you still win 100 because of the doj lawsuit do you see apple ever making an
app for airpods for android like they do with beats products no
but the fact that they exist for beats products which use the same chip shows you how easily apple
could have it exist they just choose not to hey dll i'm too young to remember doj vs microsoft but
how is microsoft still getting away with aggressively bundling edge after the ruling that they couldn't
bundle internet explorer it's just pretty easy to get around these days for 20 years also that
wake up hello dot dll privacy is dead as someone who wants to keep
what little is left of my privacy how did you learn to let go becoming a public figure
i didn't really have a choice i um i just i realized that it came with the territory and uh once the tea
was or the milk was spilt um it was there's no way to unspill it i
so it is what it is there's some stuff like it's a lot easier for me but i definitely have a lot of
things that are not public um but it takes significantly more to secure them that way
i did the um i did the go-karting in uh in tokyo thing oh yeah that didn't interest me i didn't do that
did you like that um you were right yeah it was oh it's like you're in a car but you're not
not yeah and you you don't even even remotely um sort of test the limits of the pretty slow
kind of boring carts yep you just kind of drive in formation um very very carefully uh sounds about
right yeah
yeah yeah it was uh it was something i mean again massive credit to the people working there
they were very enthusiastic and fun and i i'd say you know what i i realize i sound like kind
of a hater so far my highlight is um that one crepe i had the first night at a mall it was so good
crepes are apparently a thing here the second one i had made me feel yeah they are
because it had fake whipped cream in it the first one had fake cream and it was it was outstanding
or fake cream fresh cream the first one had fresh cream and it was outstanding
uh and the people the people are the people are the highlight for me fantastic yep
everyone's super nice yep it's interesting because they're super nice
but also open and like it's relatively clear that they want you here um but for a little bit and
then you should go home it's like all right fair enough i like that they never like say that but
the vibe is like fairly clearly communicated they're very happy you're there they're very polite they're
very friendly very good but also it's like there's some amount of like now it's
time to leave yeah that was fun thank you yeah yeah which is fine totally fine it's just uh yeah
there's no there's no sugar put on it you know there's a there's a saying in england would you
like another cup of tea before you leave which is great
that's pretty good yeah it's pretty good it's really effective uh anyway big l i have no idea who this
is for have you found a good wireless solution for the valve index i was hoping the no feel
wireless adapter would be good but it seems to be having post-launch issues
i will be trying that one very soon i've had mine for a few weeks and i have no excuses other than just
i have a lot going on for why i haven't tried it yet i'm really looking forward to trying it but
to my knowledge that's the only one so it's either good or it's bad
my dll particularly big l everybody's big i'm almost finished with my teaching degree and always
struggling helping students with dyslexia is there anything you do or is anything you do or your
teachers did that really helped you love the show uh i don't know how much people are gonna like this
one of my teachers in particular uh a physics teacher that i had i won't name him just in
case he doesn't want who knows times have changed um but he gave a short talk very short talk at one
point in time um not to me but i was able to overhear it from another student who had some
uh learning disabilities and he was basically the person was basically asking for
uh i think it was like easier marking or something i don't remember exactly what it was
and he effectively said no and was like i'm happy to try to give you more attention i'm happy to try
to help you but this is how it's gonna be once you're out of here so you gotta figure it out and
whether you have to unfortunately you know study longer or do whatever put in more effort than other
people that's just how it's gonna be so you should start practicing that now effectively um and i heard
the same thing because i always struggled with reading and was like well okay um so i generally
did i've somewhat like brute forced the the reading stuff where i've tried to get a lot better at kind
of guessing what the word is when my brain starts messing it up and you'll see me stumble sometimes
it happens on when show literally every show uh so you might notice it uh it happened during the
sponsor reads it happened during multiple topics today it happens all the time um i have a
significantly harder time reading text than just speaking and honestly i'm not even that great at
just speaking um so yeah i don't know it's it'll be hard but it's not impossible you can figure it out
and keep pushing there are tricks out there you can find fonts um in my experience the fonts are not
universal one font that works for one person doesn't work perfectly for another person and vice versa
but there's a lot of them so you might be able to find one that works better for you um that's
really the only tool i can suggest to you that won't help you read textbooks that aren't digitized
that won't help you um read signs i don't know things like that um but it might help you if you can
digitize a textbook or if you can get something into a digital form you might be able to convert the
font and read it easier that way um there's other like speed reading tools that i've found that helped me
like one of them only shows one word at a time and it just rapidly flashes through them and for
some reason that works for me um but you won't always be in an environment or a scenario where
you can read that way so i think it's better to find whatever works best for you for me personally
learning how to read without those things has been more beneficial um even though i i do struggle more
than if i didn't it's just it's like the same reason why i never went devorak on my keyboard
i never went devorak on my keyboard despite thinking that it might be better because i'm
like well i'm gonna have to use other keyboards and that's gonna be super annoying so i'd rather just
stay with qwerty and be used to qwerty so that when i use other things i'm still in flow and it's still
good so i don't know someone said so basically get good yeah kinda it sucks but like this is what it is
and instead of just like feeling bad all the time just fight through it you'll be fine you're gonna
make it you're gonna be okay yeah excellent uh hey dll love the podcast i would love to hear your
opinion on the overabundance of scam ads that play in front of almost every video on youtube now
should google be held liable for any money stolen
i do think that platforms should have some responsibility for anything that is an officially
sanctioned piece of content that somebody sees i don't know how to enforce that uh but it is pretty
clear to me that something needs to be done because it's an enormous problem and it can't be on
anyone other than google to address it
let's see what else hi dail linus do you still use plex are you considering changing to a competitor
and what do you recommend to stream movies in your home
i do still use plex i am strongly considering switching to a competitor i um it's been i think
a year and a half since i last communicated with them and told them hey we're not going to do any more
promotional activities for you guys until you fix basic functionality that is advertised as part of
your product and the basic functionality in question for me was um loading transcoded versions of my media
library onto my device to take with me on the plane in the lead up to this trip i tried across three
different android four four different android devices to load media and it was an absolute
crap show um just errored out transcodes failed downloads across a variety of different versions of android
from new to old to samsung to not samsung um it's clear that they basically don't care at all
and um just do not respect their users enough to follow through on features that are supposed to
be part of their product um yeah i i i don't i don't know what to say other than that their leadership
is clearly laser focused on becoming a uh a streaming service for licensed content and uh is treating the
users that got them to where they are as second class citizens no this is not a server-side
configurer this is a widespread issue widespread and has been for years years and years and years and years
hello from pax sad you guys aren't here linus how would you react if you caught your son cheating in an
online game would you differentiate between an in-game exploit versus third-party software
oh i'd be i'd be mad um i do differentiate between the two uh in-game exploit versus cheating though
yeah cheating very very very bad in-game exploit i'd probably tell him it's rude kind of like how
you know in badminton i'll see him flick serve a novice and i'll be like hey that's rude you know
don't do that it's not about winning the point it's about playing the game um sometimes don't
forget if you're playing against someone who's on the same level as you or someone who's better than you
by all means employ every possible strategy to win but if you're playing against someone who is
already at a significant disadvantage that's fair you don't take shortcuts yeah yeah that's fair
my flowplane sub just renewed so happy one year since the hackening for luke i'm a new tech manager
how do you keep oh boy now it's everywhere how do you keep a fully remote team engaged and motivated
what helps you help them to be successful uh it's actually genuinely tough i think what helps it is
honestly not necessarily um me or maybe it's me in the hiring process but a lot of the people on the
team are just motivated people and honestly uh this might suck for the remote work crowd because i've been
a i've been a i've been a public you know pro on that side but not everyone can do it um the people
that i have in general i think can there's been blips here there but there's blips here and there
with every form of employment so i don't think it's been any worse than any local working um i've seen
intrinsic motivation drop with people who work in office as well but a bunch of people would not be
able to stay on task stay focused stay productive etc etc etc with remote work some people can my teams
can and have proven that they can multiple times so i'm happy with that but some people might just
not be built for it and that isn't necessarily on you as a leader you might just need to move that
person on so that they can go work somewhere else if if working locally is not an option at your company
or whatever else um but like yeah aj's in the chat right now speaking of remote workers i i had to
yell at him on in his first week off because someone posted a task that needed to be done in the
infrastructure chat and then he just did it before i could get to it and i had to be like hey stop it
was so fast too that it was too fast stop being so confident he's too confident
so i don't think motivation is like that i mean it again it's it becomes everyone has like burnout
motivation problems every now and then especially when you work with people for a really long period
of time they're gonna do this it's okay but i don't think in general that's an issue with my team
i think it has been and i have dealt with oh pocky nice i think it has been and i've dealt with that
usually by trying to work with that person to find ways to motivate them or in some situations uh by
moving them on to to some other form of work by exiting them from the company or their contract
or whatever else um he has notifications off too wow so he manually checked it geez um so i don't know
i try to do things like our our our meetings for the week we we have them longer than they need to be
so people can have like water cooler style talk which i encourage but also try to cut off at a
certain point um and i try to have some some much more relaxed uh channels in slack where people can
talk about like oh what games they're playing or music or whatever else so that you try to build a
culture because one of the biggest problems with remote teams is you never build a culture
um and that's actually a problem so there's a bit of a fine line where you want to encourage it but
you also don't want people uh to partake way too much because especially with remote team you're
probably in different time zones so someone's going to be off playing games wanting to talk
about games while someone else is in the middle of their work day and that's a notification that's
coming in work chat so it's it's funky but you got to play the line i don't know i'm going to stop
talking before i talk for hours uh what are your thoughts on the trend of putting titanium in everything
put more titanium in my body i don't know titanium is pretty cool titanium seems pretty cool to me
too please don't break things please uh i got a potential here there we go linus and luke with
everything you've accomplished with lmg are you satisfied have you satisfied a specific childhood dream
or are planning to um no i wanted to be a cop when i was a kid that tracks i was just like
and then later i wanted to be a teacher when i say i wanted to be a cop when i was a kid i mean when
i was in like grade two yeah i wanted to be an astronaut yeah those are the only jobs you know
yeah yeah firefighter cop exactly doctor yeah doctor yeah that's good and so i basically i
basically just became a teacher but without a degree and with way more students
you found the loophole oh no you won't get in trouble for dick jokes he will still get in trouble
for dick jokes yeah probably yeah i mean i can still get in trouble uh i wanted to work at a
game dev studio but with how everything's been going i feel like i dodged a bullet on that one
oh yeah you did but yeah oh my god for a while for a while yeah um at its core i wanted to kind of
be the communication line between uh like business people and developers so
that is legitimately a conversation that i had with my dad um that he remembers in like late
high school where i was like i feel like this would be a good thing for me and then i literally ended up
doing that so that part has worked out ltt making games ltt has technically made multiple games actually
um ltt made linus jump not rob an actually very fun game that we should probably just release at some
point um because it doesn't seem like we're going to use it anymore but it was used for
the verified actual gamer program luke we should go back to the old way we'll make it a mobile game
for like a dollar a dollar yeah definitely wasn't built for mobile nothing but we could probably
figure it out i don't know how hard it would be to adapt and honestly if i told this to the person
who made it they would probably just do it um so i would just make it nine by 16.
do not take that as instructions to do that please uh yeah a dollar two dollars whatever
jaden's sweating in his sleep yeah i would not make i would not make jane do it he's also not
the one that made the game so it's okay um we've also made other games
you know what we should do are you allowed to make a game are you allowed to make a game one cent
so that uh google transaction transaction fees every time someone buys it i honestly don't know um
the apps that we've released are are free the full plane app is free because you pay for the
subscription so i don't know apparently yes i don't know if i believe that but we'll see we'll see
you are yes what that's wild you used to be able to okay well we'll see that would literally just
cost them money because of the even if you're like oh but google handles the credit card transactions
yeah but they go through the credit card themselves yeah so they will lose money they
probably have more favorable deals but um i guarantee you it's not that favorable yeah
it also only has one level uh
has a leaderboard did it
i thought so really it's been so long i'm not sure i don't remember i don't think it did
i think we should i do another every flavor bean i think we had a what yes i think we had a way to
look in to see how fast people had had done it
make more levels yeah but that takes dev time that means it costs money just make chat gpt do it
more level please and then it just outputs the the the brilliant frameworks and the the c javas yeah
one one node javascript please thank you oh yeah i have one more thing about japan that i want to talk
about oh boy are you complaining i cannot find any connection there it is the cost of things and the
quality i have grossly overpaid for mediocrity at best and i have paid almost nothing for amazing
quality have you been in cities the whole time yes because i found when i got out of the big cities
that completely stopped and i think it's uh maybe a touristy thing or like a expensive area versus
cheaper area thing or something um but yeah that that's definitely completely stopped stuff affordably
like i don't remember the last time my entire family had a sit-down meal for about 10 bucks a head but
we had the entire bill service be included was like 56 at this place that was like in a mall you
know like it wasn't nowhere that like it wasn't like even a random home log or not a mall it was
like you know they have these department stores here that are kind of like what we would think of as a
mall but it's more just like a bunch of stores i don't know how to describe it it's slightly different
um but it was like a restaurant essentially is what i'm trying to say um and it was like great and
cheap and then we'll go places where it's like oh that was 30 40 a head and i'm just not really sure
where it went um and it just it there doesn't seem to be a connection there yeah yeah i was running into
i didn't forget anything some of them include a 10 or a 10 service fee i was running into very up and
down quality very up and down pricing all of that type of stuff when i was like in tokyo i didn't go
to other major cities um and then when i got out of that major city and got into smaller towns smaller
cities that type of stuff completely no longer a problem quality on average was much higher um i found
personally people are telling me that just means i was unlucky in tokyo which is fine but i just
that's what i experienced uh quality was really like everything was amazing and cheap out of the city
yeti wrangler says that would be true almost anywhere though no no uh in vancouver everything's
expensive whether it's garbage or good yes so that's the difference every meal is 30 no matter
if you're having like a three course greek meal or going to mcdonald's yeah everywhere yeah
yeah and then in taiwan everything's pretty trash cheap which isn't actually true some of
it's really expensive but it's in hyper tourist trash areas this outro to the show thanks for
watching guys see you again next week same bad time same bad channel there we go bye
bye oh you pro oh what did you do i pressed the intro button no no no i broke it wait hold on i can do
that yeah there we go nice all right you know what i'm doing sometimes this better be the correct one
uh oh no oh my god terrible great uh wait wait oh hold on i gotta stop the show