
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

Guys, welcome to the WAN show here.
Do you want to scooch over?
Where we debate whether or not it's okay
to say the word butt hurt on the WAN show.
I personally think it's okay because the,
okay, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on.
Because it can't really be like, okay.
Without this getting too vile.
Hold on, just,
because it's not a sexual preference thing.
Everyone has a butt and there's plenty of,
okay, there's plenty of stuff that can be done
regardless of sexual orientation.
It's not, you know, a female or a male thing.
Everyone has a butt.
Everyone's butt can hurt.
Yes, okay, ignoring the gender thing entirely.
You could even take it from the stance of like,
well, they fell.
What stance would you take it from exactly?
Usually a slave, anyways.
But you could take it from like a fell while skateboarding.
Yeah, butt hurt.
Your butt would probably hurt.
Yeah, as long as you weren't grinding like a rail
or anything like that.
And then something else might hurt.
Lots of things could hurt.
Yes, well, and like, of course,
while falling while skateboarding, anything else could hurt.
But if you fell while skateboarding on your butt,
your butt would probably hurt.
Your butt would probably hurt.
I also know people that have had tailbone injuries,
which usually reference that as a butt injury.
Right, unless you were wearing a helmet.
On your butt?
Butt helmet.
Kim Kardashian probably needs a butt helmet.
I wouldn't think so.
I would think it would be more,
it's like a built-in airbag.
Yeah, didn't one of her sisters
have her butt implants leaking or something?
Like wasn't that-
I don't know, they're gross.
I don't even find them attractive, to be completely honest.
No, my whole thing is,
I get all of my celebrity gossip
from the magazine stand at the grocery store.
Yes, okay.
Because I go to the grocery store exactly often enough
that I'm hearing about it within my tolerance
for how much I can hear about it.
And I'm not learning too much.
You don't like watch TV or anything, really.
But I'll also be aware
of sort of what everyone else is talking about and stuff.
So I find it's a good balance for me.
Right, so this week on the Wham! Show,
Nvidia did a bunch of things and people didn't like it.
So did Comcast, they didn't like those either.
Comcast did lots of stuff people didn't like.
The FCC did stuff people liked.
And what else we got?
And there's Oculus technology
that can make it so you don't see advertisements in real life.
It's not Oculus technology.
It has nothing to do with Oculus.
And it isn't even virtual reality.
It does have stuff to do with Oculus.
Okay, well, it's augmented reality.
It uses an Oculus.
It has to do with HoloLens.
It uses an Oculus.
You use an Oculus.
It is powered-
You use an Oculus.
You can't, we're trying to have a debate here
and you're ignoring the things I'm saying that are true.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
Seriously, the guy's looking through an Oculus
or the camera looking through it.
I could argue that someone looking through any kind of
optical viewing device is looking through
an Oculus smart ass.
Mainly based off the windshield.
Yeah, that's a windshield Oculus.
I hate this show.
That doesn't even make any sense.
Our sponsors today are Squarespace.
They're gonna have a Super Bowl Oculus.
And Loot Crate, you might just be looking at your loot
through an Oculus craze.
And finally, iFixit.
Need to fix your Oculus?
Bam, right there.
They've got the tools for you to get that job done.
So thank you to our sponsors.
Let's move on with the show.
Yes, it is still Christmas.
Yes, we know.
The problem is that Luke's Twitter handle isn't fixed
on the non-Christmas one.
And we did promise as part of tip starter.
By the way, we still need to do the body paint one.
That's gonna be hilarious.
But one of our-
I think there's like a few.
Yeah, one of our tip starter commitments
was to fix Luke's Twitter handle.
So if we undo it now, then we're basically terrible people.
I screwed up.
Okay, so let's see.
We have done the, well, okay, the Twitter handle thing.
We released the Stormtrooper rap audio.
We did Wancho as girls.
We did LTT Under Fire.
We have not done body paint.
We still need to do clown costume,
Wancho and body paint.
And we need to get Wingardium,
get the bleep back to work Luke.
So we need to get our Harry Potter,
Daniel Radcliffe, stand up cardboard guy
to stand over your desk.
And we need a speech bubble as well.
Oh, that's gonna be awesome.
That's gonna be kind of great.
I'll look to that for inspiration
every time I find myself on Imgur.
All right, so what I think we need to do here
is basically just get right into the big topic this week.
I mean, there was an absolute bomb.
So the story kind of broke simultaneously
on overclock.net and on Reddit
with people running a utility where they discovered-
That's usually how Reddit works.
Yeah, yeah.
So users of GTX 970 graphics cards
were running a utility that was showing them
the memory bandwidth they were getting
from the board's VRAM sort of block by block
as they made their way through the entire capacity.
And what people discovered is that
the first three and a half gigs
of the four gigs of advertised VRAM
were running at full speed.
And that the last 500 megs or so
were actually running at a speed of about 1 7th
the rest of the VRAM.
So initially Nvidia was saying
not a whole lot of much of anything
and they were just kind of going,
we'll get back to you on that.
And then from there Nvidia kind of reached out
to some key members of the press.
So the articles that I personally read
were on a non-tech PC per as well as tech reports
since I have a lot of respect for the Ryans and Scott.
It's like and Scott, Ryan Smith, Ryan Shrout,
they're both Ryans.
I could call them Shrout, Smith and Wasson.
There you go.
No one would know what the devil I'm talking about.
And a Smith and Wasson kind of sounds like a gun.
I actually recognize.
And when you fire it, it goes Shrout, Shrout, Shrout, Shrout.
Shrout, yeah, I actually recognize Shrout more than Ryan.
I don't know why.
He does go by that.
Okay, yeah.
So anyway, so I read their articles
and basically Nvidia reached out to these guys
and explained in much further detail
than we had access to in the past
how exactly the memory controller works on the GTX 970.
Now the GTX 980 is completely unaffected by the issue
because it features all of the ROPS, all of the cache
and all of the memory controller goodness
of the Maxwell, excuse me, GM 204 chip.
Whereas the GTX 970 has,
instead of what we've seen in the past
where we'd have like a chunk of memory controller,
ROP, SMMs, CUDA cores,
where we'd have an entire unit kind of shut off,
the GTX 970 only has it sort of partially shut off.
So the way that that works in the real world
is you don't get the cache, you don't get the ROPS,
but you do get to put the memory on the card
and you do have access to it,
albeit at a significantly reduced data rate.
So what that means is Nvidia has done some tomfoolery
with the drivers and the firmware of the card
to ensure that the first three and a half gigs,
the high performance part gets used first
and some applications will see that as a limit
while others will fill up the rest,
but only once it's done with the first three and a half gigs.
Now this is still faster than swapping out to main memory
over PCI express,
although not by as much as I would typically like.
Can I help you with something?
Yeah, go to that link and put it on screen.
Oh yeah, for sure.
Oh, your thing's different, that's why.
Yeah, I'm not signed into, what the?
I got signed out too.
I don't know what's.
You are logged in successfully.
You can now refresh the page.
Thanks for that super useless page.
What the heck was that?
Anyways guys, give us one moment.
I'm trying to get a diagram on screen
so people can know what you're talking about.
This is the one where it shows the crossbar.
I'm sure you've seen this.
It's just, it's helpful.
There we go.
Okay, so got it.
Oh, oh, hold on.
I can just post it in chat.
But like, I want the archive viewers to be able to see it.
Okay, just like, just like, just like, just like.
I like you guys too, man.
Just like, just like.
Oh, oh.
That's weird.
I'm gonna post it in chat in the meantime.
Oh, we didn't check that today.
That is extremely unfortunate.
Hold on a second.
All right, well, I'm gonna let the chat see it.
Oh, no, I got it, I got it, I got it, I got it, I got it.
We have a directional HDMI cable.
And it's going the wrong way.
Oh, I love this show.
Best show on the internet.
The more I say I love this show,
the more you guys know that I'm hating my life right now.
I love this show.
Let's plug this baby in.
It's the best show on the internet.
And let's go ahead.
It's got the greatest technologies running it.
They've got completely the improper mic.
They have a mixer and a condenser,
which is not even plugged in.
It's not even plugged, it's not a condenser.
What is it?
It's a compressor.
One does not condense, one does not simply condense audio.
All right.
You can condense audio.
They just have to take like a two minute audio clip
and put it into one minute.
So you just like fast, it's like fast forwarding audio.
All right, so basically the way it works is,
and this is perfectly normal for CPUs, GPUs, RAM,
whatever else the case may be,
when something doesn't get baked just right,
and there's a couple of bits that are broken,
what they'll do, and this diagram shows it pretty well.
So here's the level two cache that's disabled.
Here are some of the SMs that are disabled.
And they won't necessarily be in this spot.
Like if this SM is broken and this one
and this one or something, that's fine too.
That part becomes a GTX 970 instead of a 980.
So basically we've got all the memory controllers
and this was something that we'd never seen before.
Nvidia being able to, with a great degree of granularity,
disable only certain parts of the chip.
So Nvidia's story,
and I think I'm with the other guys on this one.
I think I believe this,
is that the engineers and the technical marketing guys
weren't synced up correctly on how this worked.
And the technical marketing guys assumed
that they couldn't disable with this level of granularity
and gave an incorrect spec initially for the GTX 970,
saying it had the same number of ROPS as the GTX 980
and the same amount of cache,
which in the end, it turned out it did not.
So Nvidia kind of went, yup, hey, whoa,
we, yup, we flubbed on this.
And sort of, you know, that's all very well and believable.
But I think where people are truly upset
is because Nvidia is now saying,
so we've gotten further into this,
Nvidia's saying, blah, blah, blah, yes, it's by design.
Here, we're showing you how the crossbar works
and how the communication works.
Because Nvidia is saying that this is by design,
I think the reason people are upset
is because for all intents and purposes,
the GTX 970 does have four gigabytes
of GDDR5 memory on it.
But given that an eighth of it runs at only about 50% faster
than swapping out to system memory,
the reason people are upset is because,
I mean, is that really usable?
It almost doesn't count.
It's there, sure, whatever,
I guess you can put that on the box.
But like, it's not really effective
and that's kind of bull crap.
Now, I've seen a lot of different arguments here.
Things like AMD tweeted,
actually, we've got a link to this.
Here we go.
So Robert Halleck from AMD tweeted,
AMD four gigs means four gigs.
Well, he's been taking shots all over the place.
Yeah, they've been just like,
they've got like Nvidia in the headlock
and they're like, yeah, how's your kidney like that one?
Yeah, how about this one?
Yeah, but quite frankly,
I see some parallels that people are drawing
that I can kind of get on board with.
Like the fact that both AMD and Nvidia
advertise dual GPU graphics cards
as having eight gigs of RAM or six gigs of RAM.
When anyone technical enough knows
that effectively it's only half that amount because-
But a lot of people don't know that.
A lot of people don't know that.
And to me, that has always been
a very gray way of advertising.
Honestly, that was a confusing thing
when I like first got into computers
and I first started releasing those cards,
I was like, oh, sweet.
They just like ramped everything up.
Like even knowing how that works,
I just assumed that there was just more RAM.
But that is not how it works.
So again, that's always been very gray to me.
But the thing that made it somewhat okay
is that without really doing any digging,
an educated user could go and read up on it
and they were always very upfront
about doubling a VRAM by adding two GPUs,
each with their own frame buffer,
does not effectively double the amount of texture information
that you can store in the video memory.
With this one,
it really feels like having been
at the Maxwell launch event,
it really feels like they were intentionally
not giving us any more information
about how Maxwell worked
than they absolutely felt like they had to.
And I feel like even though they screwed up,
perhaps unintentionally,
in fact, I'll tell you what,
I'm gonna say I believe them.
I believe that the ROP and cache thing was unintentional
because there are utilities
that'll even pick up the GTX 970
doesn't have the full two megs of level two cache.
So that one we probably should have noticed.
But the fact that they didn't tell us
that an eighth of the memory
was running at a significantly lower speed,
I don't believe they didn't know that.
So the fact that they decided not to tell us
and waited for this to come out
means they either thought no one would ever notice,
which again seems very unlikely.
I mean, Nvidia knows that obsessives
like Shroud over at PC Pro,
again, the guys I listed before,
Scott at Tech Report, Ryan at Non Tech.
Ryan, Ryan, Scott.
They know that these guys
are gonna obsessively poke and prod at this thing.
Surely they couldn't have imagined
that no one would figure this out at some point.
So was it stupid?
Was it mismanagement?
Was it deception?
I don't know.
Miscommunication for like a crazy long time
because one of the engineers
must have seen some documentation at some point in time
that was released by Nvidia
and been like, that's not actually right.
And even not that's not actually right,
but even just something as simple as a memory bandwidth spec.
I mean, if they had done something kinda shady,
like average it, like if they'd kinda gone,
okay, well, like it's a weighted average.
You know, seven portions this and one portion that
and kinda gone, here's the memory bandwidth of the card.
If they had done something like that,
I kinda mind had gone, yeah, okay.
They were gross, but sure.
Super grody.
And if they had been upfront and said,
okay, well, look, we're rating this as,
and they put an asterisk on it.
Look, we're rating this as an average.
Like I'd have felt a lot better about it,
but right now it really does feel
like we were intentionally deceived about the fact
that some of the memory doesn't run at a faster speed.
With that said.
It's like you buy a box of cookies
and one eighth of the cookies is one seventh
the size of all the other ones.
Yeah, like seven of them have like cream cheese icing
and like one of them has lard on it.
And it's like, well, you probably weren't gonna finish
all seven of those because they're really rich
and delicious and big.
So the fact that one of them has lard on it
shouldn't be an issue to you.
But that still bothers me.
If I paid for eight cookies that are cream cheese icing.
Yeah, and if you put it in the closet for future use,
when you buy your larger stomach.
Are you gonna work the word proof into here?
Yeah, yeah.
That's proof that you haven't mastered the segue yet.
Oh, but yeah, essentially like I think part of the reason
why I think a lot of people didn't notice yet
is I don't know that many or like anyone
who's actually really gaming at 4K all the time right now.
Once that becomes more of a thing,
a lot more people would have noticed a lot faster.
And maybe not.
I actually, I spent some time with the NCIX Tech Tips guys
today and they, we filmed a video about it there as well.
And they threw a bunch of games at their GTX 970 at 4K
and we're kind of like, let's see how much VRAM we use.
And what they discovered is that until Battlefield 4,
they managed to get over three and a half gigs at 4K.
And what they realized is that it's that classic,
how much VRAM is the right amount
for a graphics card question.
Because once you start just piling it,
like if you put 16 gigs of memory on a GTX 970,
that would be asinine.
Because there's no way that any game that ever exists
that would require 16 gigs of VRAM would run on that GPU.
So what they discovered is that running Battlefield 4
at 4K was resulting in such a low frame rate
that they had to turn the details down,
which brought the video memory usage
back into the comfort zone.
So I understand why owners are mad,
but I understand Nvidia's statement about the GTX 970
still being a rockin' awesome product
and we're not gonna cut the price on it
because it's still awesome at that price
and sorry about the miscommunication.
They need to be, for the rest of the 970's lifespan,
they need to be a lot more clear.
Because just the people that paid attention during this
and like six to eight months down the line
when this isn't as well known, because it's faded away,
it still needs to be well known.
And Nvidia rarely makes a mistake like this twice.
I feel like over the last few generations,
they've been trying to get flirtier and flirtier
about sort of how things are actually working,
how the technology works behind the scenes.
I mean, arguably because they don't want their competitors
to learn too much about it and find a way to clone it
in their next lineup of GPUs or whatever else
they're worried about.
But I hope that this is a bit of a wake up call,
that they have to at least clearly communicate the speed
at which the hardware is running to the members
of the tech press that are gonna figure this out
and call them on it anyway.
And I've got a lot of people say,
Linus, come on, don't defend them.
Do I sound like I'm defending them?
Devil's easy is like Linus, I am disappointed.
They didn't make a mistake, they lied.
Lying is different from misrepresentation.
And I do believe that there had to be a significant degree
of unintentional going on over here
because there is absolutely no way
that Nvidia completely missed something like
they have the wrong amount of cache
on a spec sheet intentionally.
There is something to be said about realizing that
and then not fixing it though.
Well, there's nothing they can really do to fix it.
They can't add more cache.
No, fixing it, I don't mean in that,
but like not notifying the public in any way.
They waited for it to, God, my throat today.
I thought I was better.
They waited for it to blow up before trying to contain it.
You know what I mean?
Yeah, and the thing is is that I'm not sure
how long of a delay there was
between Nvidia realizing this and talking about it.
I can't imagine it was that long.
I don't think it was that long
because the thing is is that, okay,
like the way this works behind the scenes
is when you're launching a product,
whether you're at the retailer side like I would have been
or whether you're on Nvidia's side,
you've got everyone working around the clock
to get the gussied up pictures looking good
and get the spec sheets all right
and get the video scheduled to launch on YouTube
at the right time.
That's like Tom Peterson being all like,
oh, but the 970 is amazing.
So is the 980, it's even more amazing.
That's why I should pay more money for it.
And then when the launch is over,
everyone kind of goes and then sits and monitors
and makes sure everything's kind of going okay
for a couple of days.
And then it's time to get back to work.
And there's something new to work on,
whether it's a, you know, a G-Sync, you know,
sync or phone or whatever.
Yeah, but during that monitoring phase.
They probably didn't realize yet.
Cause I had to imagine, okay, think about this.
The engineers-
When you're, if you're an engineer
and your baby gets released,
you're not gonna look into any of the release products
from your company?
And the amount of engineers that must've worked on that,
the amount of engineers that must've known
the specs for that card
and then seen that release documentation?
I don't know.
The amount of not my job that I've seen in my life,
I gotta wonder.
Like, I really gotta wonder.
I've got to imagine there's engineers at Nvidia
that care enough to look into that documentation.
I'm willing to assume to a large degree, I'm not sure,
but I'm willing to assume to a very large degree
that there was at least some amount of internal
communication going on.
Okay, well, whatever ended up happening,
whatever it was-
Yeah, cause I don't know.
Cause you can choose to believe whatever you will,
but the reality of it is no one outside of Nvidia
will ever know the truth.
The takeaways here are that they've got their tail
between their legs right now.
People are understandably extremely upset.
I mean, I've even seen-
I'd be pissed.
I don't have a 970, but I would be pretty upset.
I mean, we've seen high level Nvidia staff on Twitter
promising to help people get refunds on their cards
if they're that upset about it.
AMD's come out and offered-
Yeah, good old Roy.
Oh my God, just shots everywhere.
Yeah, here, I'll pull this up.
AMD has started offering people deals on R9 290s
with a full four gigabytes of memory
to anyone returning a GTX 970.
Good old Roy.
Does this apply to Canadians too or my SOL?
Nope, we love Canucks too.
Oh man, those guys.
Kind of funny actually.
So I guess what else is there to really say about this
other than people are butt hurt,
which is why we were debating whether or not
we can use that word.
And we've decided apparently yes.
Yeah. Yes we can.
Because we're not relating it to other things.
People are butt hurt.
They're butt hurt because they got screwed
and how hard they got screwed,
well, it's really difficult to say.
We're not relating it to other things.
They're butt hurt because they got screwed.
Damn it.
Have you ever heard of something called a corkscrew?
If you were to stick that into your gluteus maximus,
that would hurt.
That would be, yes, that, yes.
All right.
So now that we've put that issue to bed.
Damn it.
We're always home free and then you're like, no.
I guess all that's really, do you want to straw poll this?
Like why don't we just, why don't we just straw poll this?
Straw poll, you know, gee, I don't know.
How about just let's straw poll, let's draw a poll.
How upset are you about GTX 970?
So option one should be storm in a teacup,
which I've seen a lot of people.
I've seen a lot of people use that exact wording for it
and not to sort of sway the results of the poll at all,
but I think that's a load of malarkey.
So, you know, six, let's go with I'm upset,
but you know, I'd still buy a 970.
And then let's go with upset would not buy a 970.
And then let's go with upset would not buy
any Nvidia product anymore.
So we want to cover the whole spectrum here
and then we'll put in the usual, like, I don't know,
cucumber diorama or whatever.
All right, are you posting that in Twitch chat?
All right, I'll get the link from there.
So we'll go ahead and do straw poll ones
because you have to go to the results page.
Sure, yeah, no problem.
Are you not logged in?
Twitch, why you do this to me?
Mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm,
monster fail.
But it has to load the chat separately
because it's not running their own thing.
I'll load your chat separately.
Come on, spinny wheel, please, Sarah, please.
Don't worry about it.
Is that the name of the spinny wheel?
All right.
Can you just Google, Google chat it to me?
Yeah, I can do that.
I mean, hangouts it, that is not catchy at all.
It's like binging things, like nobody bings things.
Do you wanna hang out with me on my browser
because no desktop application?
Or I guess there is, but it's garbage.
Yeah, yeah, so there's that.
The chat never loaded.
Wait, what's that?
Oh my gosh, you know that obnoxious BS thing
that Google does where if you right-click,
copy link in a Google search result?
Yeah, it's like you should control C, control V.
No, no, no, not that.
The one where instead of just being the link,
it's a Google trackable link.
Oh yeah, yeah.
So they're doing it in hangouts now.
So the link I posted in here,
instead of just being strawpool.me slash
is like Google dot whatever.
Yeah, pretty obnoxious.
Whoa, I've never...
See, it's new.
Whoa, that's gross.
That's really long.
It's like, can you just not?
Can you just actually stop doing that?
Thank you, Google.
That would be great.
Wow, that's garbage.
Like I wanna see what website I'm going to, you butts.
All right, speaking of butts.
Upset, but I'd still buy a 970.
I think this is the reaction Nvidia
is kind of hoping for here, is they...
I'm sure it is.
They know people are upset,
but they kind of are like,
well, the 970 is still awesome, so yeah.
Two, and you know what's kind of funny is
I remember thinking when the 970 launched
that it was so close to 980,
and yet the price gap was so big.
It's almost like whoever was doing pricing
knew that they were cutting it down a lot more
than whoever was doing technical marketing,
if that makes sense.
Yeah, yeah, that actually does make sense.
So a lot of cucumber diorama,
a lot of upset would not buy a 970,
a lot of storm in a teacup,
not a lot of butt hurt,
and surprisingly little upset
would not buy any Nvidia product.
And I bet you a large amount of that
is people that weren't going to anyways.
AMD guys.
I mean, to imagine that we have fewer than 7%
sort of team red members in our audience
would be completely ignorant of us, so.
All right, we've spent enough of this show
on butts and this topic,
so let's move on to Nvidia
is in another bundle of hot water.
Can you have a bundle of hot water?
So this...
I guess if you had like a waterproof satchel of some sort.
So, I'm gonna go ahead and post this link in the chat.
Like if you had a waterproof jacket.
Bippity boop.
Oh, right, I have to span it now.
All right, so this was a great little discussion
on the PC per YouTube channel,
as well as on an article on pcper.com.
But there were reports running around
and this was posted by MVI, come?
Mvitken, Mvitken.
Sure, Mvitken on the forum.
And there were reports on the internet of some guy like,
Yeah, I posted it already.
Of some guy like supposedly modifying
a GTX 980M notebook
to run G-Sync on its integrated panel.
And I saw the rumors late at night
and I kind of didn't have time to look into it
and I kind of forgot about it,
which is kind of embarrassing
because I really should have looked into this.
It's a huge deal.
But pcper ran out, obtained that exact model of notebook,
got their hands on the driver
that the guy supposedly modded.
Turns out they didn't mod anything.
It was just, it was an alpha level driver
that someone in Asus's like Nordic support team
or something gave to a customer
to try to fix a different unrelated issue.
And then they had the G-Sync notification
pop up in the corner.
And it turned out that it worked.
So that's how that driver got leaked out there.
And basically what they did was they took the laptop,
verified that it worked and it did.
So Nvidia's pendulum demo works perfectly.
You go V-Sync on, no V-Sync, you get your tearing,
you go G-Sync and you get no stutter and no tear.
And then they completely tore the laptop apart
piece by piece.
And they claimed to have pictures in their article,
but I'm gonna go ahead and here we go.
So they completely tore it apart.
I tried to get Ryan on the show today actually,
but I think he's, I think his wife told him
he couldn't come or something like that.
So you guys can give him a hard time about that on Twitter,
but they tore this baby apart,
even peeled back the LCD, examined every component.
There is no G-Sync module.
So this raises a lot of questions
about Nvidia's communication with respect to G-Sync as well,
because they've been telling us we need a special module
to communicate with the graphics card.
And obviously the same is not true for FreeSync
or for AdaptiveSync.
The VESA spec upon which FreeSync, AMD's equivalent,
is based because AMD is not making any claims
about having a special module.
The only thing they're saying is they have to have a GPU
that supports it correctly.
So Nvidia has been telling us we need this module
and that it does some stuff.
Like it goes ahead and compares the data
from the previous frame to the data on the next frame
with a little built-in buffer.
And they, actually PC Per's discussion of this whole thing
says that Nvidia is claiming
they have some additional functionality
they can potentially unlock
with the G-Sync module in the future.
We don't know if this is true.
We don't know if it's untrue.
We don't know anything right now.
But basically there is no G-Sync module.
And this raises questions about,
well, why exactly did we need a G-Sync module
in the first place?
I'm gonna bring up some things.
First of all, this is very much one of those things
that I, well, okay, this is actually not very much,
but a little bit one of those things that I don't like
where it's heavily kind of, it's not a rumor
because we know officially from Nvidia,
but it's so early on and there's been one call
and there's a ton of speculation.
They're like, okay, it exists.
Let's tear apart this one laptop
and then not find something and then slam them for it,
which is justified definitely to a certain degree.
But a lot of the things that are being said,
including by you, I don't think are necessarily fair.
Not necessarily fair.
They may have needed a G-Sync module.
They may no longer need a G-Sync module.
So, and Nvidia's claim that they will be able
to add more functionality with a G-Sync module
with its own built-in memory buffer and all that stuff
could be very true.
That could be 100% true and 100% valid.
In fact, it could be that mobile G-Sync,
which for power reasons and complexity reasons
may never use a G-Sync module.
It could be that mobile G-Sync may not be as good
as desktop G-Sync in the long term.
G-Sync M or something.
Or something.
It could be an entirely different version.
And that would make a ton of sense as well.
Like where I feel like because we're pitch forking,
I'm using pitch forking
because I don't know what the chat's doing,
but those look like pitch forks.
I think those are pitch forks.
Because we're pitch forking Nvidia so heavily
for the 970 thing,
we just immediately started re-pitch forking them
for this one.
Before gaining a ton of information.
An early driver that frankly doesn't work correctly.
I mean, actually, again,
Shrout from PCper did a great job of covering this
because they even talk about like,
guys, look, it's not working.
We did manage to, they did manage to discover
that the panel on this laptop
actually is a 100 hertz IPS panel,
which I certainly didn't realize.
It's rated at 75 and we've got one of these laptops as well.
And so that's super cool.
But then they also discovered that it's running with G-Sync,
but when you go,
particularly when the frame rate drops or drastically dips,
and it's funny,
they used Assassin's Creed Unity to demo that.
But when it drastically dips,
it can actually cause the screen to disconnect temporarily
or even for a while.
So it's not working yet.
And their speculation based on the conversation with Nvidia
is that mobile G-Sync,
because we've got better scaler technology now
than we did back when Nvidia was developing G-Sync
and this whole thing didn't exist yet,
is that mobile G-Sync may end up being more
of a certification process.
Similar to the FreeSync idea.
As opposed to just hardware.
Now, to be clear,
one of the differences between the way AMD works
and the way Nvidia works
is that AMD has a FreeSync certification process,
but that doesn't mean that a monitor
that has the supported hardware,
but does not have the certification will not work.
We had this conversation with ASUS
where they didn't intend to certify one of their monitors,
but we have heard,
I don't have one of those monitors yet,
that FreeSync works on it just fine.
With Nvidia, I would not expect that to be the case
because that's the way they function.
They validate a use case thoroughly,
and then they put their stamp of,
this is the experience you will have on it.
And that is how they control their ecosystem.
So stuff like GTX 770 and GTX 680,
they're the exact same damn card,
with the exception of the GTX 770
has faster clocked memory.
There is no reason why the GTX 770
couldn't have its memory clocked down
and run an SLI with a GTX 680,
at least without extensive tweaking of firmwares
and drivers or whatever else to make it work.
There's no real reason those couldn't run an SLI.
That's not the way Nvidia does things.
AMD on the other hand allows Crossfire
to run on an R9 280X and a 7970
or a 7970 gigahertz edition,
all of which are sort of different cards,
although they're based on the same GPU
with the same memory configuration
in much the same way that 770 and 680 are.
So it's a different philosophy.
I mean, another great example, Nvidia SLI
requires an SLI certified board,
even though there's no technical reason
it couldn't work on any board,
as we've seen with hacked drivers in the past,
and requires 8x PCIe operation,
regardless of the fact that that doesn't matter.
PCIe Gen 3 4x is plenty fast for SLI with a modern card.
You can quote me on that, but Nvidia doesn't allow it.
They say, look, 8x is the minimum.
That's what we validate for.
So that's it, that's final.
So the mobile G-Sync one, I think the takeaway is.
We need to wait and see.
We need to wait and see.
I don't think they lied.
I think they wanted desktop G-Sync in our hands
a lot sooner, hence the event that happened
like months and months and months
before we actually got our hands on retail monitors.
And I think in that time, development happened
a lot faster than Nvidia expected
on the third-party scalers that could be implemented
in monitors for another solution like AdaptiveSync.
And I think this was not supposed to be talked about yet.
This was an accidental leak
that turned into a now kind of huge thing.
And as we've seen from freaking Starces,
and when you have a fan interaction
before something is ready, it's sometimes ugly.
So that's why I brought up the rumor thing at the beginning.
No, it's not a rumor, but we just kind of need to wait
until we get like an official working driver.
Stuff supplied from them to be like,
yes, try this experience and see what it's like.
Yeah, I think we can wait and figure it out.
So I think like you were saying
that there's gonna be different G-Sync.
So it'll be G-Sync Mobile, G-Sync desktop,
and they're gonna be, I think, very different experiences,
especially because they explicitly said
that there's features that they still have to unlock
on the actual G-Sync module.
And there's no doubt in my mind whatsoever
that Nvidia is developing a better G-Sync module
than the one they have.
I mean, back when they did the event,
before it even launched, they said,
look, this solution's really expensive
and produces a lot of power.
We need to shrink it down.
And I'm sure they haven't been sitting on their butts
for the last year and a half.
So yeah, I mean, I'd expect to see a G-Sync module
that allows for more inputs
than just DisplayPort, for example,
because that's like stupid.
You buy a thousand dollar monitor with one input.
Come on, it's not like Nvidia hasn't thought of this.
Maybe it should have HDMI in or something along those lines.
Might be helpful for like, yeah.
I mean, they're the only video card maker in the market
with HDMI 2.0 on their graphics cards,
and then their own display controller
doesn't accept HDMI 2.0 in, so it doesn't make any sense.
Many monitors that I use on a daily basis
have more than one of their inputs plugged in
so I can swap between inputs.
That's a thing.
So the exciting thing here is that Mobile G-Sync is coming.
The unfortunate thing is, owners of the G751,
I doubt very much that they're actually going to get it
because it looks like this is a very alpha thing right now,
but very cool stuff.
I wish that Nvidia was more upfront with us.
I understand why in their competitive
cloak and dagger industry, they're not, but...
I don't understand how people in the chat
are trying to say that this is an Nvidia-sponsored stream.
When have we been not slamming on them this stream?
Anyways, sorry, keep going.
That was just...
No, this stream is sponsored by Squarespace Loot Crate
and iFixit.
I just thought I'd clarify that.
You know what?
Let's do our sponsor spot.
I'm excited about Mobile G-Sync,
but I think that can actually wait.
So let's start with Squarespace.
These guys are kind of crazy.
This is the second time they have done
a Super Bowl commercial, so I'm gonna show you guys
the teaser here.
We also have an animated lower third from them now.
We had this last week.
Did we?
Well, I don't know how much I like it.
I think it should go for a little while and then stop.
Yeah, maybe.
Okay, wow, they have...
Like maybe if these lines and dots come on screen
and then like form something.
Like maybe if there isn't the for free trial
and 10% off click get started and those lines and dots
like form into that, that would be pretty cool.
Or if that's there and then the lines and dots
form into the Squarespace logo,
like the lines turn into the letters
and the dots turn into the two S's.
Yeah, so I completely lost track
of what you were talking about.
That's cool, because you got that set up.
I'm gonna go ahead and play this.
So this is their Super Bowl commercial teaser.
I love...
We're in that corner.
Listening to intriguing sounds
when I drift off into my dreams.
Oh, there's Mike.
You don't have audio right now, do you?
I've seen this.
Oh yeah, okay.
I told you before that,
I listened to the whole album and everything.
You released a whole album on Squarespace.
Have you seen any of this?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
So, you can hear Jeff's album.
So this is Jeff Bridges, the dude from The Big Lebowski.
It's super weird.
It is actually super bizarre.
Now, something I didn't know about this process...
So his site is obviously built with Squarespace
and he's collaborating with Squarespace
on this Super Bowl ad and all that stuff.
But what I didn't realize is that
this isn't some weird contrived Squarespace thing.
This is something Jeff Bridges
was legitimately working on.
Yeah. This Ikea one is pretty bizarre.
So you can buy the album digitally
and the proceeds go to No Kid Hungry.
Which is pretty cool.
Or you can buy a physical copy
if you're into that sort of thing.
When I die, there will be no...
I think the proceeds, regardless, go to...
I have contracted with Space Materi
to store my remains aboard an Eterna satellite.
So I'm not actually sure that any of this
would help me sleep any better
than I otherwise would on my own.
There's parts of it that would
because there's parts of it where he isn't talking.
But a lot of...
Yeah, but there's parts of it where it gets super bizarre.
A lot of his speech stuff though
is intended to make you dream about weird things
that will throw you into a dream state.
Like there's reasoning behind a lot.
I don't know if it would work for me either.
I'm just saying.
You can get an LP or cassette even if you want.
Yeah, you can get a golden LP or a normal LP
or a cassette or I think digital.
I don't even know if you can get a CD.
So we've talked enough about Jeff Bridges
and his like Jeff Bridges project
that's going on over here, Sleeping Tapes.
We'll talk a little bit about Squarespace.
So they allow you to make your own website
that's scalable, fast.
It runs great on your desktop.
It runs great on mobile phones.
They've got a bunch of great templates, all that stuff.
They have that super annoying jingle
that I think about every single time
I do a Squarespace spot.
Oh, is that site up?
Yeah, it's terrible.
I'm still working on it.
Oh, okay.
We'll show it later.
Oh, and I'll save actually got one of the,
okay, I got the best testimonial we've ever gotten
from anyone about a sponsor spot about Squarespace.
So I saved it and I'll share that with you guys another time
but basically don't miss the Superbowl
so that you can see Squarespace's commercial
or any of the other reasons that you might want
to watch the Superbowl.
Also for a free trial and 10% off,
visit squarespace.com slash Linus
and use offer code Linus.
I actually don't know if squarespace.com slash Linus
works anymore but use offer code Linus.
All right.
Yeah, I don't think it does
but the offer code does work.
All right, so next up we've got our iFixit sponsor spot
which I sincerely hope that I have the video file
that goes with.
So iFixit, ah, yes.
So iFixit.com slash Linus.
Use offer code WANSHO2 to save $10
on your purchase of $50 or more.
So this is actually just some footage that we took
of my iFixit toolkit that I use all the time.
See that anti-static strap?
Boom, it goes on a wrist, it goes on an ankle
which is where I usually keep it.
We've got a bunch of little priors and pokers and knives
and all kinds of different driver bits
and all kinds of cool stuff like that.
I basically am a big fan of the iFixit toolkit.
Before they came on and started sponsoring the show,
I had already done an unboxing of their ProTech toolkit
that I had purchased for myself that I use all the time.
And Nick's coming in here to tell me I did something wrong.
WANSHO02, WANSHO02, WANSHO02, so this.
That gives the offer code.
Did you know that if you put a zero before a number,
it doesn't matter in mathematics,
but it does in URLs and codes.
Because it still counts as a character.
All right, so guys, they've got all kinds
of great tutorials, you can fix basically anything.
We used their tutorial for our iMac teardown
which I definitely would not have been able to do
and might have even hurt myself
if I had tried to do it without it.
Yeah, honestly, iMac teardowns super suck, so.
And finally, LootCrate, use offer code Linus to save 10%
which amounts to like not a lot of money, but that's okay.
It's still an amount of money.
And if you sign up for a whole, okay,
if you sign up for a whole year, then it's more.
Yeah, it'll add up more.
Hey, do you wanna do the webcam thing
and we'll do our live unboxing?
We may actually do another live unboxing on the show today.
Oh, dang, people don't know what that is.
Dell XPS 13 suckers, so stay tuned for that.
But yeah, let's get the webcam going on here.
Add camera, let's do the Logitech one
cause it doesn't suck.
It's way better, yeah.
Oh, it's not in widescreen.
Why does it always forget?
Okay, well don't look at me, they can already see me.
Look at my junk, the junk in this LootCrate package.
Do you have the software for this?
It's super easy to make it go into widescreen.
There's software?
Oh, I thought you meant for the LootCrate.
Nah, it's okay, I'm not too worried about it.
See, it looks like a NES
and then there's the controller plugins and stuff.
Oh, that's cool.
Yeah, it looks like an orange NES.
Do you know what's in here already?
You cheated.
Nick cheated.
Oh, Nick cheated.
Oh, that's right, he did.
Okay, so we've got a LootCrate rewind.
Oh, so this is kind of like the YouTube rewind concept
where they pick like cool stuff from like the previous year.
Oh no, it's just retro stuff.
Yeah, it's just rewind in general.
Oh, rewind in general.
All right, so we got a shirt.
I haven't actually seen the shirt.
There we go.
That's pretty nice.
I love what a great value these things are.
Cause like even just a shirt is like 10, 15, 20 bucks
a lot of the time to get like cool shirts
with neat patterns on them.
Speaking of which, Linus Tech Tips has shirts
available for $19.99.
More than a LootCrate.
Much more expensive than an entire LootCrate
which also has other things in it.
Oh, nice, 8-bit glasses.
Yeah, and these are like UV protective,
like non-terrible ones.
Cause usually when you find 8-bit glasses,
they're like the garbage $5,
like these ones suck 8-bit glasses.
I wouldn't give them too much credit.
That UV filter doesn't look like anything special.
But they're better than any other 8-bit glasses I've seen.
I will give them that.
Oh yeah.
I might not have seen very great ones,
but they are better.
And they're orange and black.
These are pretty cool.
Actually these go pretty well
with the Linus Tech Tips thing that we got going on here.
The 8-bit shirt, he needs 8-bit glasses now.
All right, what else we got in here?
Sweet, it's shaped like a NES cartridge.
What is it?
It's like a dude, you have to build it.
So analog, retro-inspired products.
You know, take it out.
So there's your cartridge,
but then he has like feet and stuff, which is in there.
Oh, so he's like a little guy?
We should do this.
Like we should have the camera man
like pre-researched products,
then you just do unboxings for them.
So it's like Linus's discoveries.
But the camera man knows what's actually happening?
Yeah, so if you're confused about anything,
I can be like, hey, yeah, no, it's this, it's cool.
And then you can be like, wow, that's super cool.
Linus's first impressions plus knowledge.
The best of both worlds.
And then you can put like the gun in his hand.
I did actually figure that out on my own, thank you.
I just wasn't sure.
Oh, sweet, it's a light gun.
And like, it's often not,
like this is kind of back to the future.
If you can see the like, like it's back to the future E
and then the other one that we had
was a Doctor Who style the one.
So they're not necessarily NES games.
Oh, I didn't even plan that one out.
Oh, dang.
All right, what have we got here?
This I actually don't know what it is.
Black Tie Geek.
Okay, when you do the like established thing,
it needs to be not like two years ago.
I'm assuming this is a clip on tie.
Oh, look at that.
Oh no, it's an actual tie.
It's a tie tie.
And it's kind of cool.
I always forget and this is embarrassing.
How much are Loot Crates again?
I don't know.
I don't think they're very much though.
That's not bad.
That's pretty cool.
That's like a decent tie.
That's fun.
I would wear that actually.
Look at that Space Invaders tie.
That's a little thin for you unfortunately.
No thin ties are a thing.
Oh, are they a thing?
I'm not fashionable.
I'm not either.
So they might not be a thing anymore.
They were a thing at some point.
Pocket Notebook, 64 paneled sheets.
A notebook for when inspiration strikes.
Cartooning tips and a terrible balloon template
for psyching, character studies, and fireworks.
Yeah, it's like a cartooners comic book thing.
Oh, that's cool.
Do you really forget how much Loot Crates are?
Yeah, I don't know.
1337, thank you Nick.
Worth it so far.
All right, they always come with this thing.
So they have like people wearing Loot Crate stuff.
Whether you're a fan or not,
it's impossible to not love Nintendo
for being a source of nostalgia
for their games, worlds, and characters.
Unless you're a Sega fan.
Cool stuff, yeah, unless you're a Sega fan.
Then you probably hate on Nintendo pretty hard.
All right.
I should mention that it's 1337 for one month
and less if you ordered more months at a time.
Oh, good, okay.
So you could save anywhere from $1.37, I think,
or $1.33 with our offer code to more,
but proportionally less if you order more at a time.
So here's a little pop-out foldable controller
that goes with the foldable.
I thought this was really cool.
Be careful.
I'm gonna go and make it worthless.
All right, that's absolutely probably valid.
You might as well show that.
Yeah, I might as well have a look at what's going on in here.
See, I'm a Star Wars geek,
so you can kinda get my attention with Star Wars stuff.
All right, well, it's starting off
about like I might have expected.
Da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da,
da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da.
Da, da, da, da, da, da.
Huh, that's fun.
I wonder, is this like a copyright infringement thing
if we read a comic book on stream?
I'm not reading a comic book.
I don't know what you're talking about.
Let's players would argue it's not.
Look, that's the audio setup that's not fully set up.
Yeah, I know, right?
All right, so thank you to our sponsors,
Squarespace, Loot Crate, and iFixit
for making the Wham Show possible.
Let's move on to our next topic,
which is, I have no idea.
I don't know.
We actually have a lot of topics left,
and there's like-
Do we?
Half an hour left, yeah.
That's cool.
So, because all we've made it through is it's like
the NVIDIA and people-
You wanna slam on EA?
It's been so long.
Yeah, what did EA do?
Oh yeah, that's awesome.
Okay, oh, I can't control F EA.
I'll control F micro transaction.
This was posted by, and then there was one on the forum.
Have you posted in Twitch chat?
I have not, I got it.
I'm ready, I'm ready.
I got this.
All right.
Control V.
Wait, what?
Oh, I think I did it wrong.
Wait, really?
Oh, Google, freaking Google Docs does it now too.
Oh really?
Jeez, guys.
You're killing me here.
All right, well, it's from Android Police, and EA-
That's why I haven't noticed.
I always do it that way.
I open the website and then I link it.
All right, EA will be charging for gas
in the ironically named need for speed unlimited,
or no limits, excuse me, no limits,
which is totally different from unlimited.
So basically-
Well, I don't know.
Cell phone companies might actually agree with you.
Unlimited for cell phone companies is 2,000 of whatever.
No limits might be something else entirely.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Oh no, no limits is actually 500.
No, no, there's no limits.
When you advance and you're a cell phone provider-
Oh, it's a 90s song.
You don't recognize it, do you?
No, I kind of do.
Oh, that's a shame.
All right.
Well, at any rate, the brand's tough meter,
whatever that, oh, this is a different language.
Fuel meter.
I was like, what are you trying to read?
I haven't read the rest of it yet.
So basically you can use in-game currency
to buy gas for your car,
or you can sit and wait for your gas to refuel on its own,
which is exactly how the real world works.
I'm sure someone, someone on the team was like,
how will we make people feel like microtransactions
are a more natural part of gameplay?
Wait, racing, okay, so you can buy things for your car.
Everyone needs to fuel their car.
Bam, instant success.
Executive promotion.
One thing that, executive promotion.
One thing that I'm not entirely sure about,
because I couldn't really find it
and watch it be in the article,
but wow, people are doing the pitchfork thing
and then putting an A on the end.
So it's a EA pitchfork,
because it would normally have the E already,
because that's awesome, pitchfork.
Instead of digging, so, oh, EA pitchforks, Ubisoft digs.
Eventually we'll have a full farm of game developers.
Nvidia backhoes?
Shovels weren't fast enough for them this week.
Yeah, anyways, I think it might be a free-to-play game.
In which case that's totally expected,
because that's how every single free-to-play game
works ever, and this isn't new.
Yeah, it's just annoying.
Yes, it is annoying.
One thing that I kind of found was funny though,
is that they still used gold.
Like what?
Like, you couldn't use like karma or something?
I know Need for Speed's done that before, haven't they?
Wasn't it karma?
I know, I know, I know, kudos.
I haven't played Need for Speed since Underground.
That's probably a good choice right there.
Underground was pretty good.
Yeah, it was.
Underground was great.
What game was it that used kudos?
Maybe it was a different game.
Maybe I'm thinking of a different racing game.
Twitch chat's gonna slam.
All right, well, Engadget's article here.
The FCC redefines broadband.
Okay, I'm a little confused on this topic.
I thought they already did this.
No, they were talking about it,
and it was looking like it was gonna go through.
So now it's like totally, definitely through.
Yes, it's done.
It's done, but the truth of the matter is
this doesn't really change anything,
because it's not like the telcos
have to start giving you 25 megabit down.
They just can't call
their crappy services broadband anymore.
That's the only change.
This only changes in America.
One of the folks that was voting on the issue
said something along,
oh, I hope she was one of the people voting.
Do, do, do, do, do, control F100.
FCC commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel
stated today that she thinks the broadband threshold
should frankly be 100 megabit per second,
a move that would finally put the United States
in line with the speedy connections
available in countries like South Korea.
So was 25 enough?
Some would argue no.
I would probably agree,
especially if we're trying to call it broadband.
What's the implication here?
Yeah, and a big problem with this too
is when's the next time we're gonna redefine this?
Yeah, really.
Not for a long time.
So it should have been a lot higher.
4K TVs are affordable today.
And 25 megabit down is not gonna be,
especially with the kind of data cap
that's gonna come with that speed of connection
is not enough for you to be watching
your 4K Netflix all day.
Mind you, if you're watching 4K Netflix all day,
I mean, what do they have like four shows in 4K?
I mean, you probably watch a lot of the same shows.
Slick as sick, slick as sick.
There we go.
What do you mean?
He said he's gonna start a monthly subscription
if you say that.
Till what?
Probably the forum.
The forum.
Oh, the forum.
Oh, okay.
So now he has to.
Contraction, or contraction.
Contract completed.
Contract completed.
What are you, a hitman?
I saw video game mechanics in Twitch chat
and I had to like, it was like,
quest acquired, say this twice.
And I was like, sure.
Completed the quest, contract completed,
he now has to go sign up on the forum, boom.
All right, so we haven't done some of the credits
for people posting things on the forum.
The Bony King posted at least one of the bazillion topics
on the forum related to the Nvidia thing.
Carlos Rex also in there.
The Midnight Narwhal was in there somewhere.
Sergeant Ballistic posted the FCC thing.
And Top War Gamer posted this next one.
The original article here is from VentureBeat.
So let's go ahead and drop that in the Twitch chat.
We'll drop that, drop that, drop that, drop that.
One thing that's been constantly confusing
about this article for me is they didn't drop Flash.
No, but they changed the default.
Yeah, but like the title is freaking dropped.
Like I saw this everywhere before I read it.
And like the title everywhere is, oh, they dropped Flash.
And I'm like, wow, that's a really aggressive move.
This is gonna be a lot of like older stuff that's Flash
and it's not gonna work at all.
It's like how you're intended to read the title.
How the title actually, oh, wait, that.
By default, just like kind of hitched on the back.
I'm like, oh, okay, sure.
All right, so this brings with it
a few significant advantages.
So number one, and this is gonna be great for folks
who had their non-broadband redefined
but haven't actually had their speeds increased.
We are gonna get adaptive bit rate streaming
to quickly and seamlessly adjust resolution and bit rate
depending on the network connection.
Media source extension.
So that was what I just said.
The VP9 video codec will be used
which is higher quality video
and an average bandwidth decrease of 35%.
Okay, encrypted media extension.
So let's content providers use a single HTML5 video player
across a wide range of platforms.
WebRTC, so real-time communication.
Let's internet users communicate in real time.
Oh my God.
Oh, this is amazing.
So using a compatible browser from broadcasting tools
from within the browser and full-screen APIs,
immersive full-screen experiences
with a standard HTML interface.
Cool, so HTML5 is doing what it's supposed to be doing,
making the web seamless and good and content rich.
This is generally better.
Yeah, this might not be new for everyone
because I know a lot of people have been using
Force HTML5 and Firefox for a long time
and various other solutions and various other browsers,
but it's always cool when they change defaults
because there's a lot of people
that aren't gonna change the default on things.
And they didn't just change the default on Chrome
which has been kind of a Google thing.
It's like, yay, the latest experience if you use Chrome,
ha ha, they've changed it on Chrome IE 11, Safari 8
and beta versions of Firefox.
Which knowing Firefox,
that means you'll have it pretty soon.
Yeah, you know what?
I was using, my wife uses Firefox still
as her default browser.
And so I was using her computer
and I went to search for something
and I was like, WTF, Yahoo search.
And then I was like, right, yeah, that.
It's fine.
Yeah. Yeah.
I told you about that.
I know, I didn't believe you.
But Bing is terrible and like immediately.
But Yahoo is powered by Bing in the backend.
How is this possible?
Mind explosion.
And Bing is apparently.
Why is Bing so crap?
Bing, judging by Google blog,
which I don't really know if is actually Google
or not at this point,
is Bing is apparently stealing from Google.
But that was a long time ago.
Maybe they're not anymore.
Not that long ago.
And like the way that they figured it out
was actually really good.
It was like the old cartographer trick thing.
You put the fake town
and then you see if other people copy your fake town.
It's the same idea.
They put a completely fake search thing
and then they searched it on Bing
and it came up with the same thing that Google did
and it was totally fake.
It was to some like random website
that had nothing to do with the string that they typed in.
It was nowhere on the website.
And then it showed up on Google
because they implanted it there
and it showed up on Bing as well.
So apparently Bing was stealing stuff from Google.
Apparently Yahoo officially takes things from Bing.
So like it's all possibly flooding down from Google
but then the other ones aren't as usable.
Why is it that Bing's results
are always so bloody useless then?
I don't know.
And I installed a Windows 10.
I told you that for a little while.
Yeah, yeah.
Cortana was garbage.
Completely ignoring the fact that she like
is never able to do anything.
So forcibly opens a new tab and Bing searches it
which is the least elegant way of doing that.
Like if you don't know the answer,
please just don't answer or tell me that you don't know.
Don't be like, I'm gonna just open either a new window
if you don't have one open
or and like force it to the front
or I'll open a new tab,
force that to the front of everything that you're doing
and just Bing search it which will never give me
the right result.
But yeah, her ability to pick up speech is very bad
in my opinion.
I don't know.
That was a terrible experience.
But hopefully they fix it.
Hopefully Timmy Tech's watching
because he was not super happy
when I was complaining about Cortana.
But it's garbage.
So there you go.
There's my overall impression.
If you wanna do anything other than like
start playing a random music on your computer,
there's no point in having Cortana.
That's something that you know what's funny is
I found after our discussion last week
about voice control
and where we got all annoyed with each other.
I'd say that was probably about our fourth best.
Our fourth best on camera TIFF.
I was using it.
I think voice control is extremely important.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I don't wanna have the conversation again.
And I think it will be great.
The point is this week I found myself using it a fair bit
and using it for things where it was really useful
and then using it for things where it was totally rubbish.
And the funny thing about that
is one of the experiences I had with it
where I was just like,
yeah, this is never gonna be useful for this
was playing music.
And I remembered you telling me.
Well, no, the only reason why it was useful
was you just say,
hey, Cortana, can you play some music?
Well, yeah, but I can do that.
Okay, Google, play music.
And it's like, here we go.
I'm gonna play music.
And it's like, what music are you playing?
Do I even wanna listen to that?
Oh, I don't want my Twitch stream turned off.
Wait, stop.
Okay, Google, don't play music.
Whoa, that worked.
Oh, no, you paused it with your finger, okay.
Yeah, right.
I was like, holy crap.
One thing that's really annoying with Cortana too
is you know how with like, okay, Google
or okay, Google now.
It will.
Hey, shut up.
It will hear you and then go like,
and then you respond to it, right?
Like it hears you,
lets you know that it heard you and then you respond.
This is how a conversation works.
It's fairly natural.
With Cortana, which is supposed to be like
talking to your computer.
You have to communicate like me.
Yeah, like, yeah.
There's no gap.
Hey, Cortana, do this.
Yes, yeah.
And if you don't, it's like, what was that?
And then turns off the mic.
Are you kidding me?
What was that?
I'm just not gonna listen to you.
And the thing stays up and like the circle stops spinning,
but just sits there.
And I'm like, are you still listening?
The next big step for natural interaction
with voice control has to be angry interaction.
Shut the hell up.
And your phone has to stop doing everything it's doing
and shut up.
Yes, that should be a thing.
When that happens, then we'll talk again.
Hey, Cortana, stop.
That should be like a, yeah, that should work.
That should definitely work.
And like there needs to be more settings,
especially for the desktop one.
Cause man, having it open a window or a tab
and bringing it to front and being searching something,
not cool.
And like it, again, if it didn't know the answer,
I'd be totally fine with that.
If it was like, ah, sorry, I don't know.
I'd be like, all right.
Okay, I'll go open a tab and I'll type a fricking thing in.
When I want it, when I want to,
which is probably not now,
if I'm busy with something and you're gonna Bing search it.
The whole point of using voice control
was I had stuff to do.
Yes, yeah.
Like, so I'll do that later and I'll use Google.
So go away.
Politicians are supporting Comcast's Time Warner cable
merger with letters ghostwritten by Comcast.
Yay, United States.
We should write like a new-
It would be interesting to be a politician sometimes
because like the people that are paying you to do things
don't even trust you enough to do them.
So they just do it for you.
So do you actually have to do anything?
Don't they have like 33 days off or 33 weeks off?
Couldn't be.
I don't, Congress or something has something insane.
I don't remember what it is.
I don't remember what it is, but it's a lot.
And then like when they do decide to actually go to work,
it's like, oh, well, this was ghostwritten by someone else.
So just, there you go.
So I'll just sign it and put our official letterhead on it.
So basically email correspondence was obtained
through a public records request.
So nothing special showed that the letter
from the mayor of Rosewell, Georgia was actually written
by a VP of external affairs at Comcast.
The letter was part of what Comcast called an outpouring
of thoughtful and positive comments
about the controversial merger.
This was money of many letters that were the same
or similar in origin and neither the corporation
nor the states that the officials represent
made any attempt to notify the public
that the corporation had any role in writing the letters.
So this got me thinking,
sorry, I'm gonna completely change gears.
I don't think we really need to have a long conversation
about how this is BS and needs to not happen.
So here's what I was thinking.
What if we brought politics into the 21st century?
So I run for office, just wait.
I run for office, hold on, hold on.
I just thought, you know, the campaign bus,
you could buy gas for the campaign, but anyway, sorry.
Okay, so I run for office with the campaign promise
that every day when I wake up in the morning
with the exception of when I go to the bathroom
or am being intimate with my wife or whatever the case
may be, I wear a GoPro.
A streaming GoPro?
A streaming GoPro.
So if anyone wants to know anything that I,
any shady underhanded dealings that I was participating in.
It's too easy though.
Oh, I'm with my wife again and just go to a meeting.
Okay, but I think people are gonna figure out
that like I'm at the office and someone goes bing bong
and I'm like, oh, it's my wife.
I mean, that's inexplicable right there.
What's my wife doing at work?
Why are we having relations in the middle of the day
at the office?
Well, maybe you.
Maybe her name is Monica Lewinsky, I don't know.
Yeah, I was just gonna, I don't know.
I have to imagine it would be too easy to get around,
but it is an interesting idea.
It's completely impractical for a lot of different reasons.
You know, there's all the privacy concerns.
I like what they're doing with the police,
where they're getting the police to wear the cameras
and all that kind of stuff.
I think that's cool.
I don't know if it makes sense for your president.
For someone like a president, obviously not,
because there's a lot of top secret stuff,
but for someone like a municipal official,
I can't imagine they're doing anything top secret.
I see no reason why people shouldn't have a live feed
to the conversation we're having about why the toll
on this bridge is so bloody much and you're doing
this other stupid thing with the taxpayers' money.
I do think that should be a thing.
And every, like the municipality of whatever
on their website, they should just have an area
where you can click on it.
It just has a log of all the videos.
They just have a YouTube account.
It does every meeting, every gathering of people
that they have, just whatever, just stream it.
But I just, I was thinking like-
This some dude is gonna be interesting.
The social media politician would be a really interesting
new concept.
Well, the social media astronaut is a big deal right now.
So the social media politician would also make a ton
of decisions.
And certain politicians have done that to a degree.
Some of them have done it a little bit,
but I think they, no one's really outed themselves
over controversial decisions that they've had to make
or they've been involved in.
Whereas I think the true social media politician
would have to just say, and you know what,
they'd end up getting kicked out immediately.
Like we knew this was gonna happen,
but it would be an interesting experiment
because it would be like, blah, blah, blah,
had this conversation, blah, blah, blah,
obviously doesn't understand the issue.
And then the next day, you know,
when it turns out that other person was right,
they'd have to be, yeah, turns out, you know,
I was completely wrong this.
Like if we actually had a stream of consciousness feed.
That'd be interesting.
I actually wouldn't mind that because one thing
that I think is a little, all right.
Apparently Rand Paul is doing this.
Who the devil is Rand Paul?
Gotta be American.
That's an American, yeah, yeah.
Some dude said that he's gonna sign up as a contributor
to the forum for a year if I say AMD eats Nvidia.
So I just said that.
Thanks for you.
Wow, you could be a politician.
Thanks for your life contribution.
You know, yeah, I don't know, that could work.
I could rally for more internet and better computer labs
and high schools and yeah, stuff like that.
Investment lesson to Hollywood and more
of the game development.
Rand Paul tweets fake phone call
between Jeb Bush and someone.
Fake phone call.
That wasn't, I think, really what we meant by all of this.
Lands Bush hypocrisy on something something.
Anyway, I think the video feed of meetings
would be really interesting.
Like if we could just see what complete idiots
a lot of these people are.
Yeah, I think that would heavily affect voting.
All right, so let's move on.
Cooler Master is doing the Case Mod World Series.
And this was, it's actually, you know what's really funny
is the most unusual thing about the Case Mod World Series
was I, like someone that I used to work with at OCZ
started like favoriting my tweets and replying to stuff
that I was saying all of a sudden.
I was like, what the devil does Jess want all of a sudden?
We haven't talked in like two years.
And it turns out that OCZ is one of the sponsors
of the Case Mod World Series.
I was like, oh, okay, she's following the stuff
that I'm saying about this.
So what's cool about this is that you've got
about a week to enter, so not a whole lot of time.
But unlike a lot of the other modding contests
where it's like, yeah, we've got great prizes of hardware
that the top modders have unlimited access to.
This one has some prizes provided by Dremel,
which is a little unusual.
Like tool companies get involved in like car modding stuff,
but generally not in computer modding stuff.
So this is like a whole other level of acknowledgement.
That's super cool.
The community's never seen before.
And Dremel is a big deal in the PC community.
But like the fact that they're acknowledging
that they're a big deal in the PC community
is actually kind of cool.
That's really neat.
And the other really cool thing about this one
is anyone can register.
And unlike most case modding competitions that I've seen,
there are different tiers.
So you don't have to compete against heavyweights
if you're a beginner modder.
So yeah, you guys should check it out.
How do the tiers work?
It's mod.coolermaster.com.
I think there's about $25,000 in prizes.
Up to $2,000 cash prize.
So first place, X one, second place, X one.
Tower builds, scratch build, people's choice, rising star.
So there's a new category
where judges select the most promising young star
in the modding scene.
So someone who's relatively unknown.
Very, very cool.
So there you go.
There's a bunch of cool stuff, mod.coolermaster.com.
They've got the winners from last year.
This isn't the first time they've done it.
It's sponsored by Intel, ASUS, Cooler Master, presumably.
Although this is funny, their logo's not down here.
I mean, they have one up here, but like sponsored by
and Cooler Master is not on here at all.
Well, it's the Cooler Master Case Mod World Series
sponsored by these guys.
Hey, we're a media partner.
That's cool.
Nick does all kinds of things.
Some days I'm not sure what it is, but.
You're not the first media partner?
No, apparently bittech.net is first.
Damn you, bit tech.
First you, bit tech.
Bitnet, bit tech, bit tech.
Man, then I said dot neck.
I'm not doing great right now.
Did you have another one of those weeks?
Bit neck.
No, actually.
Oh, that makeup.
A pirate based staff kicked from the website.
No one caught that one.
Now in revolt, well I did.
I show up to the office and he's getting our makeup artist
who's actually here to make us up as Paul and Kyle
applying makeup to his neck.
I'm like, gee, I'm sure glad you're using company resources
for your covering up your personal time.
All right.
She's gonna watch this and just be like, aw.
So this article is from torrentfreak.com.
Pirate Bay won't make a full comeback.
Staff revolt.
So basically some admins and mods on the pirate bay
are butthurt, we've decided that word is okay to use
over the fact that they basically have been shown the door
with the new lighter pirate bay that figures
it doesn't need a whole lot of staff
in order to do its thing.
And as someone who at least knows the administrator
for a fairly popular but not nearly as well trafficked
as the piratebay.com or.se or whatever it is
they're doing these days site,
I will say that they are probably right.
Yeah, although I'm sure they're like comment moderation.
Wait, wrong.
They're probably wrong that they don't need people.
That's what I meant to say.
Yes, yeah.
I'm sure they're like comment moderation and stuff
is not really, like I bet you most of those guys
are mainly focused on just keeping the website alive
more than anything.
Like I bet you it's slightly different than what we do.
So basically the guys that are splitting off
are gonna make their own site with blackjack
and hookers presumably and basically they have a backup
of the Pirate Bay site before it went offline
and they're just going to start their own thing.
The seemingly lead guy behind it, the WTC SWE
is very openly very mad.
Yeah, something along the lines of horse plop or something.
You know, Brandon, do you know the number of times
I've had the conversation with him about how bleeping works
online as tech tips, he left the word horseshit
in one of our episodes recently.
He's like, well, I didn't know I was supposed to bleep that.
Whereas he bleeped ass in the Stormtrooper rap.
I'm just like, TV rules, man.
TV rules, you watch TV.
He's like, I watch HBO.
And I'm like, okay.
I still don't understand this about our censorship,
which you think is okay, I still don't get it.
Okay, we're gonna straw pull this
because I know where you're going, I'm gonna straw pull this.
If you're saying a word, like let's say it's F-U-C-K
and you say, you can fully hear someone say F.
You can fully hear someone say F
and then you hear them start the U like, uh,
and then they drag it out for a long time and you bleep
and then the bleep goes away
before the U is done being said.
So F-U, uh, bleep, uh, C-K.
So you definitely-
It's very obvious what you said.
You definitely hear every single part of the word.
There is zero question about it.
If you cut out the bleep, it is the full word
and it was pronounced perfectly.
We're talking a one syllable word here in this case
where it's like, okay, so here's the straw pull guys.
So we're talking a one syllable word.
But you're not even-
If you have the sound of the first letter
and the sound of the last letter,
it's obviously gonna be clear
what you were intending to say,
which I maintain is the correct type of censorship
because you're not actually trying to take away
the meaning of what the person's saying.
You are just trying to make it so you didn't say the word.
But you didn't even bleep out like the U or the C,
or both I mean,
like you didn't even chop out the middle of the word.
Well, sometimes.
You didn't even fully chop out one letter.
Well, I think the issue with the one
that you're all butthurt about
is that it was a beep over top of the audio track
instead of cutting the audio track during the beep.
So that's part of why you could hear it so very well.
Okay, I'm talking about more than one,
but that is probably,
that was probably the one that-
It's probably the issue.
Cued me to start talking about it, yeah.
It looks like people are divided 50-50 on this issue.
Well, see-
So we're both right.
Part of it-
We're exactly aligned with how we should be.
Part of this is I bet you some people are saying that it,
oh, bleep, the middle of the word, bleep the whole word.
Yeah, see, I bet you the people that are saying
bleep the middle of the word,
again, you're not bleeping the middle of the word.
That's part of the problem.
You didn't bleep out a whole letter.
Yeah, it was not effectively bleeped at all.
And then there's some people that are gonna argue
that it just shouldn't be bleeped, and there's merit.
Yeah, I left that out because I was more interested
in how it should be bleeped as opposed to that.
You know, I think we can all agree-
Yeah, I see a lot of people in chat are saying no bleep,
and that has its own merit,
but I'm saying if you're going to anyways,
you might as well do it effectively
instead of just not cutting any out the word.
I would make the opposite argument.
You might as well not do it effectively
because I don't think we need to censor the word anyway.
If you're gonna say the word, you say the word.
And to me, the bleep is like appeasing
the censorship deities.
That's all it is.
Okay, see, if that's the goal, then that's fine.
Then that's fine.
That's all I wanna do.
Because I don't really care
about the censorship stuff either.
And I think we can all agree the wrong way to do it
is the way we did it on Stormtrooper rap,
where the music was cut as well.
The problem, no, that was not how,
there were time constraints, basically.
I know why it was a problem,
but yeah, that wasn't the right way to do that.
That was a draft.
That was a draft of the song.
That was never the finished version.
Wow, we have a lot of stuff left.
Does any of it matter?
The Witcher 3 stuff is all kind of bull.
Why don't we just do kind of headlines?
There's evidence of Counter-Strike Global Offensive
match fixing.
Not surprising.
So basically, CSGO is a gigantic pile of garbage
right now in the competitive scene.
And we should all be completely ignoring it
because there's match fixing,
there's cheating at the very highest level.
And until Valve can get their game figured out.
I've basically quit.
Yeah, until the tournament organizers
can figure out how to fix this,
it just needs to completely go away.
And all these people involved in this crap
need to stop making money,
which is a real shame because for the honest players
out there, this is their livelihoods
that are being damaged by the actions of others.
And there is a lot of honest players out there.
I mean, it's kind of like if honest YouTubers like us
that are making a living by making YouTube videos,
all of a sudden have the credibility of YouTube
as a platform damaged by other people who are,
I mean, I can't imagine what you could do on YouTube
that would be equivalent to this,
but it's totally unfair and it's crappy.
But until people vote with their wallets
and just don't watch and just don't get involved,
it's not gonna go away.
So that was posted on the forum by Raheef Kumar SP.
Speaking of Raheef Kumar SP, he also posted
that Bill Gates tricked Jimmy Fallon
into drinking poop water,
which is a bit sensationalist as far as headlines go,
but this is a great segment
and we're just gonna play it for you guys
because it's awesome.
And things that you did.
And hopefully you guys did better.
So you can chop it down a little bit.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's like four minutes.
I'm gonna skip to the stunning conclusion.
So basically Bill's talking or Mr. Gates is talking about,
hold on, we have to get the Princess Bride sequence in here.
So he's talking about this water purification system
where it's inexpensive and produces both electricity
and clean water from sewage.
So Mr. Gates challenges Mr. Fallon here
to choose whichever glass he prefers,
one of which he says has poop water
and one of which has regular bottled water.
So, oh, you can't see that he's not looking.
He's just like, look, I don't know.
I trust you to be a good person
and give me the glass with the non-poop water.
So they both drink.
I'm gonna turn the audio on here.
What do you think?
Which one did you get?
Making sure that you drank it, all right, no, no.
This one actually tasted pretty good.
You just drank yours, cheers.
You watched this, right?
I actually didn't.
Oh, that's great.
I didn't just because I knew what the conclusion was.
But I probably should have watched it.
I'm pretty confident that that was,
this was the bottled water.
I didn't realize I did a Princess Bride thing,
which is really cool.
It's all poop water.
So there you go, guys.
The whole thing was poop water.
Gene Fallon always falls off his chair.
He does that like all the time.
But basically, it tastes fine, it's perfectly safe,
looks absolutely fantastic.
Mr. Gates wants to get this rolled out in Africa
as widely and as quickly as possible.
It's much, much less expensive.
I mean, it's not like technology doesn't exist
like this already today.
I mean, it's Space Station.
Where do you think they're getting water from?
Your tap.
Where do you think you're getting water from?
So it's just, I mean, it's not a new idea.
It's just this new, inexpensive,
omni-processor way is-
I know someone who works at a water recycling plant
in BC, actually.
Less expensive.
Who does?
I know someone who does.
You don't know them.
Yeah, probably gross.
It would gross me out to see what they're doing,
but it is what it is.
I've been near their work.
Yeah, it doesn't smell good.
What else we got?
Witcher 3 footage is out.
Obvious texture downgrade from the old videos.
So this was posted by Death Jester on the forum.
That's a great name for someone posting
about something like this.
It's like serious joke.
There's a lot of like, okay, just don't pre-order it
like you shouldn't have anyways
and just wait till it comes out.
We'll figure it out then.
I feel like a broken record sometimes.
Just trying to get like the rumor stuff
to just like shut up and wait till they figure it out
and trying to get this to just shut up
and wait till it comes out.
Don't pre-order it.
Don't buy it right now.
Don't do any of that junk.
Just freaking wait till it comes out.
We'll figure it out.
Down sampling is not going to be,
or Uber sampling, sorry, is not going to be there
when the game releases.
That'll be a big deal once it's available.
It's freaking CD Projekt Red.
So there's going to be DLC like crazy coming for free
after it's out.
So like don't pre-order it
and probably don't even buy it right away.
Just wait.
They are saying that the recommended settings
are targeted at 30 FPS,
but they don't say it'll be locked to that.
And I really can't imagine it would be for those guys.
And they're not saying PC and console will look the same,
just that they'll be based on the same starting point.
So I think this is a lot of freaking out over nothing.
And I think what they're probably doing
is just demoing the same version across the board
so they're not setting unrealistic expectations
for the users of one platform versus another one,
which as far as marketing things go is pretty benign.
It's fine.
Just wait till it comes out.
It doesn't matter.
Oh my God.
So many people have been freaking out.
And my general message so far has been,
it's very possibly a loss in translation thing.
Cause he said something that sounded
kind of like it could be taken poorly.
So everyone just exploded over it,
but it's probably just an equalization for expectation,
like he was talking about.
And you'll, if you have a NASA supercomputer,
you'll probably be able to run it great.
It's a CD Projekt RED game.
So for the first little while that it's out,
it'll be very hard to run and then better hardware will come
out and it'll be totally fine.
But yeah.
All the more reason to wait and buy it later.
So our next topic here, oh, for crying out loud,
this is really making me mad now that I have to,
now that I have to open it and then copy the link
from the URL bar of my new tab.
This is why I used to do it for you is I thought
you were doing this cause that's what I was doing.
It takes so long.
Ah, okay.
So the next one is this is Intel's Y gig,
seven gigabit per second wireless docking tech.
That looks pretty freaking awesome.
You know a fair amount about this
cause you did the laptop thing at CES, right?
This was posted by Ah Ming on the forum.
And oh, that site is not a thing anymore or that article.
This was actually, we were gonna talk about this last week
and then we didn't get to it.
But you have firsthand experience with this, right?
No, I haven't tried it.
Oh, I thought you had a laptop with this.
So it's very short range, 60 gigahertz
and delivers up to seven gigabit per second.
And basically like by short range, we mean like short range
like within sort of your desk.
But the idea is that you'll be able to run things
like displays, peripherals,
even high speed USB devices wirelessly,
as long as you are close enough to your docking station.
So this would be like a triple band wifi,
2.45 and 60 gigahertz where the 60 gigahertz would be used
for this Y gig docking technology.
Truly wire free in the tri-band AC 17265 wireless module.
So you've got your fast AC,
you've got your 802.11 AD Y gig
and any laptop, tablet or two-in-one
featuring this technology is already set up
to seamlessly pair with a dock
featuring an Intel wireless gigabit sync.
Pretty freaking cool.
I'd love to test this out.
Yeah, me too.
That would be awesome. I really wanna try this.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Let me just see.
It can auto dock with your desktop wirelessly.
Yeah, I guess that's pretty much it.
Can support up to two full HD displays.
So we're talking like two 1080p monitors can,
you can just wirelessly dock with them
and they're cleaning latency is very low.
So pretty exciting.
I'm excited.
Ireland apparently will accept selfies for passport photos.
It's like a kind of more of a local travel thing
and within the EU thing.
It's not like a full world passport.
So it's a passport like ID card available for about 40 bucks.
Passport like, it's not a passport.
All right, Apple made a ton of money.
Q1 earnings of 74.6 billion in revenue
and profit of 18 billion.
Biggest quarter ever for Apple.
By contrast, Samsung's profits fell significantly.
It's hard to be an Android phone maker, eh?
It's like, yay, we have this free OS
that we don't have to pay for,
but we still can't make any money.
Super unfortunate.
Qualcomm confirms loss of a large customer,
speculated to be Samsung.
This was posted by GeForce FTW on the forum.
By the way, the last one was from Sir Numbers.
Q4 earnings released.
The company revealed expectations
that our Snapdragon 810 processor will not be
in the upcoming design cycle
of a large customer's flagship device.
Speculated to be Samsung as they're set
to use their own Exynos CPUs in the next Galaxy S
because of overheating of the Snapdragon 810.
So Qualcomm's expected earnings fell only by 0.8 billion
from between 2.8 billion and 2.6 point,
28.8 billion and 26.8 billion to 28 and 26.
LG has already confirmed it plans to use the 810
in its upcoming G Flex 2,
which should make up for the losses
due to this Galaxy S drop.
Who wrote that?
No, it won't.
What, a Flex 2 is gonna be equivalent
to the upcoming S whatever?
I think not.
Oh no, I just swiped something away.
I think I just archived something
and that is incredibly bad.
Who was that, uh-oh.
Who was that email from?
I should not play with my phone.
During not looking at its screen time.
Is this the show over?
Should we after party?
Well, I try and figure this out.
I'm gonna start playing the-
Roll the outro.
That's not the music.
Can I just fix this?
Well, you broke it.
You broke it.
Look at how you're breaking it.
That's you.
That's me.
Did you iFix it with your Squarespace?
I found it in my Loot Crate, which is my pants.
Was your iFixer kit in your Loot Crate?
Oh yeah, here are our sponsors.
Did you post a cool website about the fact
that your iFixer kit was in your Loot Crate on Squarespace?