
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

What is up bells and W's and welcome to the land show
We've got a great show lined up for you guys today. Lots of great topics actually
including what discord
Discord is taking away the four-digit numbers at the end of user
How could they do this? You can't be Luke number eight thousand six hundred and you know 42
I was Luke zero zero zero one and they took it away from me. No way. I have no idea why
They must have given it to a more important Luke. Probably. Yeah rude probably Luke Wilson
In other news EA is blaming gamers for using hard high-end hardware on Windows 10
For Star Wars Jedi survivor performance issues. We're gonna be getting into that. What else we got today. That's the one I
Wanted to talk about and you got ragged the pixel fold was officially announced after you know
Just like every other pixel device. It was leaked to every Wow. It's a folding phone
That's a man that wants to replace his phone also OBS adds AV one for YouTube live streams, which is actually
Huge we'll talk about that actually huge not huge but like we're lying to you huge actually huge huge
The show is brought to you today by Hot Wheels Rift rally Zoho one and
Squarespace, why don't we jump right into our headline topic, which I completely forget what it is, right?
Discord ah, I have to change my name. Yeah, me too. I guess this is written
Okay, let's go through the facts
Frenzy. Okay, the original article here is from the verge but also from discord themselves. This is not fake news
Discord usernames will be evolving. So instead of Phi by and hashtag eight nine three six Oh Phoebe probably
Now we're gonna be Phoebe
Handle at Phoebe is cool because you are obviously not going to get at Phoebe
Which I think the idea here is that it's gonna make usernames easier to share
But we know from experience right the people just camp them and stuff every creators name is just gonna be gone
Yeah up to literally thousands of numbers after it
I mean I learned this way back when having a good at hotmail.com
Email address was a mark of being kind of cool and with it. Oh, yeah, I
was cool with it and
Then the same thing happened with Gmail and then the same thing happened with Twitter and now they're saying
That seems like a good system. Let's follow those. We solved that before but let's unsolved it
Let's go back to the just at and a string of characters
So in theory I kind of see where they're coming from because as a brand new user
There are certain aspects of discord in user interface and user experience. He struggles with it so much
You can literally barely use discord
It's actually very weird because you're usually very good and nimble in different user interfaces. Then you hit discord is just
There are certain things I do find incredibly confusing like the fact that all of your individual chats are
Like mixed in with the servers and stuff
Yeah, it took me a little while to kind of wrap my brain around it
But you haven't seen me try to use discord in quite some time. I'm fairly proficient these days
okay, and one of the things that was a little bit confusing for me was the the the hashtag numbers because I didn't
Coming into it completely cold not looking at but how to discord guide and not really having anyone
Show me how I was just sitting there trying to like set it up because I think the main
Tech tip. No, I think the reason I got it first was because we added a discord
Like Jake created the LTT discord and I was like, okay
Well, I should probably should finally use this have an account or something
I hadn't really I hadn't really gamed with friends in a very long time like since I used mumble with my group of friends
So okay all this newfangled
When the kids were quite young you were pretty oh, yeah, they hope they weren't touching it yet. Yeah, and you were offline
Yeah, I showed them how to use discord like that came way later. Yeah, and so this this hashtag number thing was
Actually a little bit confusing and unless you're copy pasting
It's a little bit harder to remember. I mean, obviously it's not nearly as hard as remembering your ICQ number back in the day
Yeah, fair enough which like I don't know my numbers on discord
But then here's the thing if the intent here is to make things more shareable make them easier to understand
We know that users are gonna fill their their apps with special characters and with numbers anyway
And we know that remembering a four-digit number is not actually a huge problem and you can individually change your nickname on every server
In every chat anyways, I mean just knowing someone's name isn't gonna matter
Phone numbers here in the Lower Mainland used to be seven numbers
Do you know your first seven-digit phone number that you ever had like your home phone? Yes
Addresses street addresses are five numeric digits here. Do you remember the four to five?
Number, okay. Yeah
This is not a huge problem
Okay, again, I haven't even gone through the facts here
But one of the things that I've seen at least speculated we'll get into facts in a second for now. I'm just angry
Not even angry. I just I'm just
Like why yeah, yeah, I'm just I'm asking why
And so one of the what what what's a fact here is that it's not that hard and it's not an unreasonable
expectation and it's not a new thing to expect people to remember a four-digit number and that's
Perfectly fine. And so the fact that you're now changing it is gonna so a lot of discord
Very good
Seemingly in the name of making it more user-friendly in a way that quite honestly if I go back even further
As a non user of the at system I found
extremely confusing when I first got set up on Twitter I
Would whenever I would read a tweet I would read the the at symbol as at
So when I'm so I'm reading along and it's like hey at Luke. I something something something that's how I that's how I would read it. I
Came into Twitter pretty late as well
Anyway, let's let's see. Let's see. Let's see what their rationale is. Really? Oh, yeah super late. I
Basically ignored it. I was like, ah, I don't feel like dealing with
You were definitely on Twitter in 2012. Yes, because our first our first
Back and forth direct message interaction is hilarious. Oh
I don't remember this
Why read it later, okay. Sure. I don't know joined November 2011
When did Twitter start
Whoa, right, okay, but did like anyone use it? No. Yeah for sure
Yeah, so it's it's really funny because I think the only reason I started Twitter. Yeah, and the timing seems about right
2011 yeah
it would have been when the when the LTT channel was starting to kind of gain some momentum and I was looking at it going like
Oh, I should probably have some kind of presence online other than this and
It was probably around the time that NCIX was starting to build up a Twitter presence because all of a sudden companies
Being on social media was a thing so that you could respond to people, you know
Generating hate storms complaining about you and that sort of thing, which is still what it's used for today, which is fantastic
Okay, so let's go through the facts here now that I've talked through how sort of flabbergasting I'm finding this
I don't know if that's a word
Discord has announced it will be changing its current username system
Which uses a four-digit tag to differentiate users with the same name
this likely means that many users will have to change their usernames due to possible duplication and
Okay in fairness. This is another thing that is a little bit confusing about the four-digit
Numbers is that when you are searching for someone if you don't have their digits
it can bring up a lot of garbage results and
That's valid
The company will prioritize long time users in line for name changes and users will still be able to use a non unique
Screen name in addition to their username
Discord noted that while the original system was created to allow users to use whatever name they wanted the tag system was often too
complicated or obscure to remember causing confusion and unnecessarily
Unnecessary difficulty finding other users
Now this is huge
This is a really important note in our notes here
Of course many current discord users do not necessarily want to be easy to find
this is
So huge in on the on the one hand I can see how people having mr. Beast
Whatever random numbers can lead to impersonation on the platform
I can see how that would be a concern on the other hand for the real mr. Beast if he just wants his discord username to be
mr. Beast and
Not really worry about people finding him that easily
then he can just be missed at mr. Beast and
Only people who know the correct four digits are going to be able to add him unless they want to just try to add every
Mr. Beast and I can tell you if you randomly add Jimmy on discord. He's not gonna add you in fact
I think I had to ping him like three or four times via other means
Another reason for the change is to make discord's username system more similar to what users are already familiar with
Namely from other social networks, especially Twitter
So our discussion question here because I think I've done all the talking and Luke has
Not really contributed his thoughts too much is what is the advantage of becoming more like other social platforms here?
Is this just them chasing?
Broader user base so that they can continue justifying outside investment by showing growth or what are we looking at here exactly I?
think honestly
What would you do with discord if you owned discord
I would figure out how to just make it profitable month over month, and I would enjoy just
Being the top voice chat thing for gamers and a lot of non gamers on the entire internet
I think that if I had to try to expand outside of the gaming crowd
There is
There are much lower hanging fruit or rather much more important steps that I could take than changing our username system
And what I would probably want to do is I would probably want to fork the platform
So I would take I would take discord as it is and then I would leave it pretty much as it is with
Mimi loading screens and silly cute little pig characters or whatever they are
I would I would leave a well-established username system
You know all the all the cool things that are great about discord streamer mode stuff like that
I would leave that exactly as it is and then I would take all of the underlying code all the back end and I would
reskin it as
Discord Pro or probably just something else entirely and I'd create a professional product that is more designed for
You know getting your grandma set up on so something a little bit more streamlined where I would I would borrow from you know
Maybe the earlier days of Skype for example in terms of functionality and in terms of interface
But have the whole thing run on the same back on the same back end because they've done a great job
Discord is almost never down right the voice quality is
Really good considering that it's a free service
That's another thing is when I create my my premium or my professional product or whatever else it is
You know, I'd want to figure out how to make it paid in some way. I'd want to try and generate revenue from it
but like
Man that the way that you can screen share on discord just with very low latency super cool
I mean, it'd be great for all kinds of other uses be it business meetings or calling overseas relatives or wherever
It's it's just a great voice. I honestly find it a lot more
Generally usable than something like slack or teams, but it lacks some specific like team based
features so like if they had more of a bit of a feature roll out for
Mostly managing users sure in a corporate sense, but other than that like the channel creation
I prefer discord's channel creation
And category creation compared to teams or so yeah by a lot yep like
Okay, so you're you're upset about teams on slack. I can't create categories for people
Really, I can I can make private channels
So they don't see them and then I can invite specific teams or specific people to the private channels
So it's just tedious for no reason yes, so as an admin. You can't just say hey
Front end I put you all in here well
So you can't do a certain degree if you make like every single channel private
Yeah, and then you only invite certain teams
But if you just want to have the channels
And it's just in a channel list then you want to go okay you you and you you you and you then no matter what?
It's just a category called channels
and it's all the dump of all the channels that you're in and then you as the individual user need to create categories and
Sort them like that. Maybe someone has found a way around this the last time
the last time that I
Tried to figure this out the official answer online was like yeah, it's up to the individual user. That's great
Everyone can organize it the way they want. I'm like no no no one has ever asked for that people
Well, no users might the problem is and I'm sure that Luke and Dan can speak to this
Users will not organize it well. Yeah, they will do it wrong
No offense users
But I know that you guys have experienced people coming up with their own systems for organizing passwords
For example as you've been going through and doing the audit
Did they do a good job?
Not even slightly there's so it's it's actually stunning like
How many individual days go by where there is at least one thing that we find that is just like holy?
How did this possibly happen?
It's it's kind of it's kind of wild and we love our team world-class
I feel world-class I feel and I could be completely wrong and maybe I'm a big dumb dumb
I feel like it's a p.m.. That's just trying to make a splash
Really the dislike thing what's the point hmm does anyone really complain about the numbers I?
I found it confusing at first and they did say there the argument that I saw
I don't know if it was technically from them or not, so I shouldn't say they did say
But the argument that I saw was that they are trying to fall in line with the average setup that other platforms
Do which seems mostly true that is mostly what other platforms do right? I think sorry. I don't think Facebook has an app
Facebook is yeah like an at username okay to be completely honest
I didn't even realize they were adding the at at the front. Yeah, that is weird
I meant like the the number system after the name. Yeah, that's odd seems completely unnecessary. Yeah
Man displaying that all the time is just gonna look so stupid it looks stupid on Twitter it always looked stupid on Twitter
We just got used to it
So we're adopting an arbitrary
symbol thing
to replace our arbitrary
Meaningless number thing that goes along with your username
Why wow I'm so much more against this now
I knew you're talking about the at earlier, but I thought you're just like off topic no
Wow why?
It's it's useless it doesn't provide any value if every single user has it yeah, then what's the point?
This is this is great
So people are saying look the handles are going to be hidden in the same way that the the numbers are now
Yeah, you're just gonna show your display name, which is fine
because it is gonna just not matter now in the same way that it just didn't matter already and
the amount of just
Remember when we migrated floatplane from the forum to the dedicated site yes
Asking a user to go into their account and do
Anything you might as well ask them to move the moon for you
And I don't mean that users are bad people or they're lazy
I just mean they have a life
And they have other stuff to do and for a lot of people going in and micromanaging their profile and picking usernames
It's not real high up on their list of cool fun things that I want to do when I've got you know
45 minutes of earned game time because I played piano and it's time to play games
That's not real high up on their list of what they want to do. They want to open their game and start playing
So I'm gonna build this tree hut in Minecraft, okay?
I played an hour and 45 minutes or whatever what did you say you have you have 45 minutes game time?
So I played an hour and a half of piano I
Deserve to cut this tree down
Bob yeah, so it's really it's really frustrating
It's just kind of stupid, and I I don't I don't I don't understand why and I think we can just move on
Things I do understand why this is exciting
OBS just added a v1 support for YouTube live streams. This is super cool
Want to talk us through this one yeah, so OBS studios
29.1 update support streaming to YouTube using the a v1 encoder streaming with a v1 results in boosted image quality and
bit rate
that can be reduced by up to
And bit rate that can be reduced by up to 40% without sacrificing image quality
Yeah, so you can kind of pick one
You can keep your bit rate the same and have better image qualities
Or you can lower your bit rate which could save you on bandwidth costs or data cat well those are the same thing
Could also make it easier for your viewers to watch it original quality
I guess I'm trying to think that's that's more reverting to the previous one where you're you're gaining more quality right with less bandwidth
I think the main way this is gonna be used which is a massive win is
To achieve the same amount, but with way less bandwidth
Yeah, and that's that okay the cynic in me will go wow good a win for Amazon
I'm sure glad that they can save money on all these twitch streams, but this is actually a W for everybody's yeah
unnecessary internet bits
Unnecessary traffic is harmful for absolutely everyone involved it clogs up the pipes
Or tubes the two excuse me
It's just a series of no, but it as much as that goo in your tubes is a stupid analogy
And the internet is not a series of tubes
It's actually not entirely wrong either yeah the more data that you have
unnecessarily taking up your switching capacity
The less data you can deliver more quickly for everything else
This is a win all around this is good
And it's gonna cost you maybe a little bit in terms of encoding and decoding
Power consumption, that's I think maybe the the the worst
Possible outcome of this, but as AV one hardware encode and decode becomes far more prevalent over
I'd say probably the next two years or so especially good implementations
It's gonna be like kind of on any new product within about the next 24 months. I would guess
This is gonna be freakin awesome
I mean we've tested it fairly extensively especially when Intel released their arc graphics cards
And we found out hey there are the first ones to deliver a next-gen
GPU with AV one encoding how does this work if you want encoding felt next-gen no
Other part of the card necessarily did but the AV one coding a hundred percent did a hundred percent
They totally delivered there another sign in favor of AV one approaching mass adoption
Is that match rocks video whose graphics cards are widely used for workstations?
Video walls and digital signage has released a new series of luma graphics cards powered by Intel's alchemist
We're just talking about this architecture
Which includes Intel's excellent AV one transcoding ability makes sense twitch does not currently support AV one
But I I bet on it coming Dave. I mean I
Guess they had that source code leak a while back
I I we could we could probably check and see if there if
We were is not very flavor the month if we were unethical folks who would download the twitch source code leak
Which I am NOT saying we are we could look at it
And we could see if maybe they had some early work on AV one or something like that that they were that they were looking
Into but yeah, you don't want it. You don't want to kick that business. They were definitely working on it at the time
I mean if if not twitch then certainly Amazon
There's no way that folks like the the team that's working on prime prime video or Netflix
Or YouTube there's no way that they haven't been working on AV one because for years they've been working away at this standard
Working on what the hardware encode and decode implementations will look like
Bringing it to maturity this whole process takes like just with how big the industry is and how slow-moving it is now
It can take ten years. I mean how long have we been trying to move on from h.264?
His HEVC was one attempt, but the licensing fees
And I know there's been there's been other attempts as well a huge part of the problem has ended up being licensing multiple times
Whereas AV one is a game-changer because my understanding is it costs nothing to implement
It still doesn't have the same licensing setup as h.264
I don't know all the intricate details of the differences between them, but I know it's not like identical hold on there might be a fee
Let me just have a look here
royalty-free standards are not free of cost and this
Okay, so
What I do know is that it's much more appealing and therefore is seeing much broader adoption than HEVC
I know when I was when I was hanging out down at NASA
Which is one of the coolest things to say ever I was talking to one of their tech people about
video compression encoding
transferring data all the different complications they have around that going around the dark side of the moon going to Mars the data complications of
Those different situations and I asked what about AV one?
Yeah, they currently use h.264 and
They would love to use AV one, but they're concerned about licensing issues. Oh interesting even even at that level concerned about licensing issues
Kind of sucks it would help them a lot
Because the amount of stuff that they have to send back and forth and the fixed pipe that they have is is a very difficult
equation for them
So AV one apparently has royalty-free licensing, but that doesn't necessarily mean that there is no cost
So yeah
We'll have to we'll have to get you guys an update on that because I'm actually kind of interested
Squid hominid over on floatplane Chad is saying it'll be a game changer for twitch once they add AV one because right now
You're hard capped at six megabit per second, and you aren't guaranteed transcoding so unless you're a prominent streamer
Basically the platform has kind of
Self-selected itself to be limited to you know two and a half to three megabytes per megabit per second streams
unless you're a big deal on the platform already which hurts discoverability of small creators because
Why are you gonna tune in and watch someone playing this game unless they have an absolutely electric personality?
Why are you gonna tune in and watch someone play this game at low?
craptastic quality when you can tune into one of the big streamers and it can look freaking awesome and
Probably sound better too. I mean the kinds of compromises you have to make to do
To stream at two and a half three megabit per second are pretty pretty yucky
AV one will be able to do 1080p at that and still look pretty decent. I'm excited. This is freaking awesome
When's float playing gonna support it
We'll support it eventually it's not in the cards right now. We have some pretty monster
Band with caps on our live streaming last time I checked
Yeah, I don't know we're not working on it
We will work on it eventually
We are not working on it right now. We got other stuff to do now
It's the point in the show is there is I'm gonna hijack this no you want to throw me out of the bus
I'm gonna I'm gonna crawl out of this bus
There have been there has been a ton of updates on the site might not work right now
Because one of the updates that we pushed yesterday
Borked something with live streaming, but we are working on there's been a yeah
Yeah, it was it was working. Yeah, we know exactly what's wrong and we'll have it fixed very soon
Can we show some cool stuff though? I mean if it works. Yeah, so there's there's sub channel
So if you expand to the sidebar you can collapse the sidebar
That's one thing, but there's sub channels now
So we click the little arrow down the bottom left-hand corner, which the users can't see because the hidden behind us
Oh, you got a wide in the screen there we go
So you can see all the different sub channels with their different names and stuff if you click on there you get to see Linus's
Meme face, and this is all the float plane exclusives a bunch of people asked for this so we have now added it
You can see the red bar at the bottom screen
We tried to go with like a float plane light blue, but it just didn't work. You can like never see it. It's a way
Wait-wait-wait we have resume now. Yeah, so this will pick up where I left off if I mean if it
Oh are we wow I don't think we've been this broken in a long time
Yeah, but I mean like I said we know we know what's wrong
So what what what set it off was us going live ah?
You know what's really funny Luke?
Do you remember when I popped into the float plane aquarium?
I think yesterday, and you guys were telling me yeah, we pushed everything that we talked about in our meeting yesterday
It's all live and I was like that seems like a really weird thing to do on a Thursday afternoon
Heading into the weekend, and you guys were like
When's a good day to push you know
Nah, don't know don't you guys normally push on Friday just before Wansho. I mean we don't talk about okay, anyhoo
Resume works by the way. We've got some great exclusives on there now
We've got the extras from the NCI Accessor PC build
We've got their first time series with Sarah now
So where people kind of talk about their early days in the company and react to their first time on camera
Yeah, we've got I think that few is all there is there's Nick Colton. They're very Sarah so far. Yeah
It's a really good idea for a series. We've also got a little bit of early access going on right now
I took my PC to geek squad
It looks like we've already fixed it for the main site and the beta site will figure itself out soon, so yeah
They're on it. They'll fix it. It's alright cool. So there's another really cool thing though if I go into my settings I
Can change my notifications for each individual subject per channel now?
There's a there's also the include email notifications. That's going to change
We're gonna turn email into more of like a digest system where you get an email
This is gonna be user selectable you get an email either once a day or once a week
with like all of the
Notifications that would have happened within that time window the reason why we want to switch to that is just because
Some people might be getting a lot of notifications and getting a ton of email is actually like super annoying
Percent yeah, we're doing that
But yeah, so if you don't like if you're like no I like Mac address and tech news
I don't want anything else you can turn off everything else. Just leave those on do whatever you want no problem
And then how does this work? I can change my subscription tier now right so if you click on the channel again
I believe you can do it from here, but you have granted subscription
So it's not going to show, but if you if you click on the channel again. Yeah, mm-hmm
If it works click manage subscription over there mm-hmm, and then you can click subscribe on the tiers that you don't have
Okay, and then
Okay, yeah, it's not gonna show for you because you have granted subscriptions. This is my channel. Yeah, yeah
Oh that also makes sense yeah, but yeah, you can you can subscribe you can change your your subscription to that so yeah
There's been we pushed the the list of things that we pushed this last week is an entire page long
Yeah, make it up for lost time. Yeah a little bit, so I mean yeah, maybe we
Broke a little thing in there
We didn't test live streaming. I guess which was a bit of a bit of a miss
But it's it is okay
They are on it
It's gonna be fixed soon and honestly the beta site feels amazing right now if you want to use it go to the main one
Cuz the beta sites broken, but the beta fight site feels so good that beta fight
That sounds like a great speaking of live streams. I would watch that's what the fish do no not the fish. I'm talking like
My god
The the beta site feels great one of our
Small issues that we had that we kind of resolved last night jumped in a call with dank pods
Because he uses Safari for everything and as far as I can tell he is the only user on the platform that uses Safari
So he's very useful for bug testing Safari
Great so we jumped on a call with him just to like make sure everything was all good
He also didn't live stream, so it was
But yeah, we're we have we're gonna spend like the next week or so
Kind of bug testing these types of things and fixing stuff, and then probably hopefully be ready to send it after that but yeah
Now it's the point in the show where we explain about merch messages if you guys want to interact with the show
Don't send a super chat. Don't send a twitch bit or but or whatever just
Send a merch message that way instead of just throwing money into the ether you can
You know have have your message pop up in the bottom down here
Or maybe Dan will curate it for us to talk about later on the show when show after dark or you know
Maybe it'll just get not shown at all because you put an inappropriate word in it
And he had to block it if he has to block yeah
I mean it does it that that definitely does happen yeah
So the way to send a merch message is you just go to LTT store calm you check out any of the great products over
There including some of our new arrivals and in the checkout you will have the option to send a merch message
What do you want to see first today?
Do you want to see the new t-shirt designs that are actually very exciting and cool?
And we can finally launch because our printer is back up and running again
Or do you want to see the new mouse pad called the cyber stats desk pad cyber stats cyber stats?
I was gonna say t-shirt because I always loved the t-shirts, but cyber stats sounds super cool, so let's check that out all right
Let's save the most exciting for Luke for last oh
Why do I even ask him anything
When I'm just gonna do the opposite because otherwise I wouldn't know what he doesn't want
We've got three new designs
I'm just gonna head to the store right now because I don't know what creative fun names we have for them
Here they are ah yes. We have a fan t-shirt
Our hardware hardware inspired series is back, so it's kind of a fan
But also there's like kind of a planetary thing going on and these are all printed on our blanks
Which are flippin awesome? We've also got
A new CPU design
Okay well that's pretty sick how if I you know what I probably I probably have seen this
I think I just forget because we probably looked at it first along. Oh, no. This is sensor. Oh, that's right
That's right right right right this is inspired by like a camera sensor. Yeah, this is the light kind of coming in and hitting it
Yep, yep, yep, man. This was designed back when they were still upstairs. They didn't even have their own office yet, and
Then we've also got the mountain t-shirt
That's cool yeah, yeah, I'm not saying there wasn't any Death Star inspiration I
Actually just don't know
Now let's talk about the cyber stats desk pad
It's only available in one size
So it's not quite the same as all of our
Well, I shouldn't say all of our as some of our other ones that are available in a wide variety of sizes
But it's pretty cute. It is chock full of
Interesting stats about the LTT channel so here if you want to take a side I can point out some of the some of the things
This right here, I believe is our oh crap
Sarah told me all of this oh
Oh, no, it's not labeled. Oh crap well
Good luck me. I guess I'm gonna get everything wrong
first up I think this is
where people tune in from by
Geography and I want to say this is the u.s.. And then this is probably like Canada Great Britain
So this is like all the other countries. Yes. Yes location. There's a little location thing here
This is I believe the waveform of the LTT
Intro song
That's oh, oh, what just a Luke dang it Luke. Okay? We've got the WAN show logo LTT logo
We've got all the items from the classic intro nice. We've got oh no
What's the chart? What is that crap? Why didn't we put this on the product page? I have no idea
I think this oh, no
I don't know this QR code though super cool you go to the latest or yeah Luke Luke
Just tried it it goes to the latest video that we uploaded to LTT
Flop I made that it's pretty cool. Oh, did they okay? That's very very very sweet and unfortunately I forget everything else
It should be we should put it on the product page. Yeah, we should put that on the product page. We'll do that
Yeah, you guys will get the you guys will get the cool back story anyway Sarah designed that and super cute. That's sweet
All right, why don't we go ahead and
Start our next oh, right. We're supposed to do a couple of merch messages Dan
You want to hit us with a couple sure first one here is from Dave
Hi DLL big fan of your show the channels and flow plane with the advent of the ROG ally
What other big tech companies do you think are going to throw their hat in the ring of handheld gaming PCs?
Well the second Asus does anything
Gigabyte and MSI will do it so that will certainly happen
Man other than that I would be surprised if Delalian where didn't have a product like this
I mean they showed one off ages ago. It's it's for them. It wouldn't even be coming out of nowhere
Have you called them that before yeah, Delalian where yeah?
Great I don't think I came up with it. Yeah, I think that's a thing
First time for me as well
A lot I don't know why oh man, okay, yeah, I this honestly for a while. I've been expecting it from Delalian where?
But I think they might be kind of late
But it'll probably be like
Solid but late yeah, because when when did they show that thing off?
Alien where turn to gaming yeah, here's a here's a video from the verge from over three years ago CES
2020 where they did a like a like a Nintendo switch sort of
form-factor gaming PC and then Alienware concept
Nix they apparently did it again at CES 2022 now. What is this no?
No, that's that's that's something else entirely so no. Yeah, it's that
2022 it was the UFO concept so if Dell if Dell Alienware did it then that wouldn't surprise me at all and then
If they do it you know I think other tier ones like I would be very surprised if the acers and Lenovo legions of the
world didn't come in and try and compete in the space because the thing is
I'm actually surprised. It's taken this long if you kind of get what I mean
Because if these companies can engineer a laptop
Yeah, what's the difference?
It's a lot of like stuff to jam in there it is but it also isn't have you opened up a
Chromebook recently yeah, but that's a Chromebook. It's not like this is a Chromebook
The whole thing's integrated the CPU the GPU, but it's more powerful. It's an SOC
Well powerful from what standpoint right because we're talking we're talking like 30 watts
Wow geez yeah, it's nothing
So you have as long as you sort of fundamentally understand cooling no
But I guess what I'm trying to say is we're talking about timeline like how did it happen this late, but like
Technological advancement sure I mean that's fair enough, but I just mean why are why are they getting blindsided by the Ally?
Why weren't they just the Ally is maybe a little bit surprising to me the steam deck is not because as we've talked about
Before it's heavily subsidized by steam game sales
So you can kind of make it in an expensive way, and then not very it's it's like
How they used to lose money selling consoles apparently they still are
Really, yeah, I doubt the ps5 is losing money, but I'd be surprised if they're making money on Xbox series s
What would be the point in losing money on a ps5?
Sell more games. I mean same as same as it
When they were like stores for three years or something like
I don't know whatever
But yeah, I that I don't know I I'm surprised at the I feel like I'm almost the opposite
I'm not surprised that the other ones are so late. I'm surprised the Ally is so early
Really? Oh cuz I didn't expect another competitor to steam deck
That is as good as the Ally seems to be this fast that was very surprising to me
well the steam deck was already a generation behind for CPU tech and
RDNA 3 was already on the horizon for desktop GPUs, so we knew that
Architecturally AMD had already laid the ground. I get that it's possible. I'm just surprised that they actually reacted that quickly I guess
Cuz this is like a whole new product segment all this kind of stuff, but it's not that fast like that's the thing
I guess I'm kind of trying to say is how long go to the steam deck launch is this like a year back
Yeah, because about a year. I think was when they started showing it one year to
Create an entirely new product
Well, that's the thing with
Manufacturing and everything like Dell Alienware Asus has had their eye on this for quite a while
They've been working on prototypes on the like in the back room right a little over a year older
Yeah, and and the thing is they're used to working on that product development cycle. That's the thing okay
That's the part of the puzzle
Maybe you're missing here is because Intel launches a new generation of CPUs every year
So they're iterating start to finish on a product in a year every time already yeah
Yeah, and they're doing they're doing different manufacturing because they're not yeah
Yeah, that's fair enough and so anytime they put a new
Chassis to my ass as heck, but these companies. I guess are used to dealing with that that's frame
That's literally their entire job that makes is to get some
Pre-production broken ass silicon from Intel and AMD or whoever else kind of go, okay?
Yeah, as long as the final product is somewhat within these thermal and power specifications
We're gonna start designing around this they do up all the tooling they get the final they get the final silicon
They build these a handful of these things to show it trade shows and then you know two months later
They're rolling off the mass production lines, and they're shipping to customers
That's what they do so it's kind of mind-blowing to me that MSI doesn't have a companion and
Gigabyte doesn't have a they would call supporter you know
Support support class yeah, you know whatever right?
I don't know and maybe they do maybe they just don't want to tip their hand
maybe they want to see how the Ally goes in typical sort of copycat fashion and
You know if it goes really well, then they leapfrog. That's the position. I feel like Dell is in I
Feel like Dell moves slower on this kind of stuff. Yeah, yes do yeah
No, I know like they're the first with that they were the first with an OLED gaming monitor
first mover Dell
Alienware yeah, but the like product segment was more state
They were actually first with an OLED business monitor as well way back in the day that was a disaster that product launch
Yeah, I ordered one cuz I they wouldn't send me a review sample
And I was sure I knew why cuz it wouldn't get burn in because it was a very early OLED
And so I bought one I was like okay
I'll order your stupid $1,200 monitor or whatever even though I really don't want one
And it got broken in shipping and in the time between me ordering it and trying to RMA it
They discontinued it and wouldn't send me another one so I think what happened is they probably just
Realized every single one of these things they sold was gonna come back and just scrapped them. That's kind of brutal
Yeah, that's what I suspect happened. I've never confirmed that but I'm pretty
Pretty sis. It's pretty sus. It's pretty sus that whole thing how that went down
Squid hominid and float plane said going with the names companion and supporter here is even funnier if you remember that
It was almost called the steam pal
That's pretty good what I didn't know that actually oh my gosh
I'm I'm still pretty surprised anyone with steam deck
With stream deck already existing yeah, I think I feel like if anything I accidentally call this steam deck
Yeah, more than I accidentally call a steam deck a stream deck though. Yeah, so
Valve one yeah, oh they like immediately one
It's just kind of it's surprising because they're so close like companies usually don't like touching that much you know
All right hit us again sure thing
I heart today's video about GS
I started a local repair shop with inspiration from
LMG one thing that surprises me was the amount of audio gear that I see are there any markets that you reach that you didn't
expect oh
You know what not anymore it definitely used to but these days if anything
I'm the one telling potential partners that we reach an audience that you probably don't expect
I remember back when we first got in touch with AMD's like enterprise and server CPU folks so epic
They were very hesitant to work with us assuming that everyone that watches
LTT and gamer bros rest of the channel yeah the gamer gamer kids or whatever
But I mean I I have I have the analytics right I have the demographics numbers
I know that's not true, so I basically went okay, so you won't send us a CPU fine
I'll just go buy a CPU what do I care so actually I don't even think we ended up buying one
I think Wendell lent us one or something we got our hands on one somehow
It doesn't matter the point is we're pretty well connected in worst-case scenario
We open up the purse strings we buy it right and so we made a video
That was just like an episode of holy where we we checked out
I think it was a 32 core like the first epic that we covered was either 32 or 64
It doesn't matter the point is that it absolutely blew up
Definitely registered for them because ever since then they're pretty down to work with us because I feel like
For on and and and it's nothing personal because it's a mistake that anyone could make if your nose is
Like this close to the product right you know the strength of it
You know how cool epic is and how disruptive it is from a price to performance to power consumption standpoint
You know all the advantages and everyone you talk to
Literally everyone in your life so your hardware partners your software partners your cut your your current customers
Gets it
So you kind of go well everyone must get it then
but the reality is that a lot of people work in that industry and
You know what maybe just aren't actually that
Excited to learn about CPUs
maybe what they actually are excited about and care about in their spare time is
wacky cooling experiments that we do or you know what phone should they buy or
How does not to not to keep bringing them up?
One of the things that the NASA guys said was that they get inspiration from watching
You just do random stuff and it inspires them to push the envelope in certain ways
I do I am surprised then but like I was a little bit too, but there was multiple of them saying
Yeah, and they might not you know they might not do the exact same thing
Oh, I should certainly hope not but it inspires them to to think in a certain direction or potentially test certain things out and see
how well an
Implementation or a version of something that you did or maybe even the same thing might work in their environment. That's hilarious
I actually like really cool so back to the data center thing though people are tuning in because they just
Excited about technology or they're excited about some kind of technology and oh
Holy crap, the number of times I've seen this comment
It's so cool to see you guys talking about the thing that I do all the time
I never expected you guys to cover this
This is so cool. And I've even seen this one too. Now. I can take this to my like purchasing manager and go
Hey, we should really look at this because it's got coverage on this huge tech channel and you'll often break it down into
Something that that purchasing manager might understand and not just the purchasing manager their manager
Yeah, like there's I forget how the saying goes, but it's like what is it?
No one ever got fired for using IBM or something like that
No one ever got fired for buying something and it's like one of those really boring but like predictable companies
I'm sure people are gonna be gonna be hitting us in the
Chat letting us know like what the expression is, but it's like that, right?
And so I think what AMD figured out is that even among tech savvy people people who are passionate and care there's
Influences on them that might not be passionate might not care or might just you know want to cover their butts, right?
So, you know what? I've never I've never gotten reprimanded for buying Intel
So I'm just gonna keep buying Intel and all of a sudden whoa epic. Hold on a second. What's this? Apparently?
Yeah, it was IBM. Apparently Cisco has used like a similar kind of marketing as well
Yeah, exactly, right
And so that's one of the things that's really fun and really cool about covering things that we don't normally cover
Do we get every single thing right? Do we hit you know, all the do we manage to
Communicate all the nuance around the product and its uses
Do we have a well-built out benchmark suite say for example for you know enterprise?
machine learning the reality of it is no because
So many of these organizations are using completely custom software anyway before they go and buy
10,000 of them they're gonna go and they're gonna do their own validation
Anyway, you know for us it's just about hey, this is really cool
We're really excited about it and sharing that passion sharing that energy. And so yeah, I'm no longer cash and Sam
No longer surprised by the kinds of people that watch us just because they want to share that passion and share that energy
And and look for inspiration
But I am surprised it surprised me. Yeah, I mean but it's like
It's very cool and like you gotta understand it to a certain degree
Like it sort of makes sense. Yeah, I mean if you're if you're if you design cars, you know
Does that mean you just like don't watch Top Gear? Yeah, because they're doing silly things that don't make any sense. Yeah
Yeah, and yeah, you probably know more about automotive engineering than any of those guys
Yeah, but you don't get to do that
You know, what's funny is that's actually
Kind of the story behind how we ended up with that 5,000 watt chiller was buddy from SpaceX
Wish I could shout out his name now
He came up and showed me this like cool little LED backlit 3d printed sign thing that he does
Anyway, I don't know. Maybe you guys I think we shouted him out in the video where he actually showed off the chiller
But buddy from SpaceX is like, yeah
We ripped this thing out
Thinking that it was broken we put the new one and it turns out it wasn't broken at all
it was actually like a kinked hose somewhere else in the line and
It would cost more to put it back in now. So I
Got to take it home and I was like
What am I gonna do with this, you know, it'd be fun for me
It's watching you guys do something stupid with it. Yeah, like that's sweet. So since we got it we've
We've put it on like I think couple different CPUs. We
We BIOS modded a 40 90 to accept up to a thousand a thousand watts
Like total board power and then we'd like chilled that thing with it
We're gonna use it for all kinds all kinds of wild things. So I guess I I guess I kind of get it
Yeah, but I'm surprised literal rocket scientists are looking to us for inspiration
That's guys these guys the the two guys I was talking to about that in particular were the people that design
The the mission control centers. Oh cool. Okay, so
Including the like dashboards and stuff that people use and like the the like quick call control panel thing
I'm like the all that type of stuff. So it's like
Yeah, that's flippin awesome. Yeah
Data pipelines for receiving video and like the the chart that shows where the ISS is going and
All this other type of stuff. Yeah, it seems like an important chart. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Did it come from?
Where did it go? Where did it come from? ISS?
All right two more topics two more topics, let's do it you wanna pick one yeah
Using high-end hardware for Star Wars performance issues. Yay
Man, we used to dog on these guys all the time. And then I feel like they were
You know, they learned to keep their mouths shut. Yeah Activision Blizzard be worse. Yes, and let Ubisoft be worse and then they got annoyed
You know Blizzard Bethesda
They're taking too much of the spotlight. We got to do something really stupid and now they're back. Welcome back
EA's released a patch for Star Wars Jedi survivor which has been plagued with performance issues including wildly inconsistent FPS
massive vram usage broken cutscenes and frequent crashes before the patch EA released a
Apology of sorts where it blamed the issue on PC players using Windows 10 on high-end hardware
The official statement I'm gonna skip the first paragraph go right into the second one. No, I'm not
I'm gonna read the whole thing from the start
We are aware that Star Wars Jedi survivor isn't performing to our standards for sure for our percentage of peace for a percentage great
That's very helpful. First you hedge your apology. You're not even a full line in yet
Come on a percentage of PC players in particular those with high-end machines or certain specific
Configurations for example players using cutting-edge
Multi-threaded chipsets designed for Windows 11 were encountering problems on Windows 10 or high-end
GPUs coupled with lower performing CPUs also saw an
Unexpected frame loss now. Hold on a second. I have to stop you right here. It's my fault if I have a cutting-edge high-end
But it's also my fault if I don't have a good enough CPU, yes
Carry on you're doing it wrong. Whatever way you're doing it. You're doing it wrong
They they end it with rest assured. We are working to address these cases quickly
To be fair to be to be fair
They're not blaming the people
They're just saying this is where the problems are occurring and we are fixing it
Okay, but does it perform great on low-end hardware? I think I think it might perform more consistently
I think the problem right now is that you're getting crazy spikes, right?
So the issue then is that they're just they just didn't validate ultra settings. Oh, yeah
I think so because why would anyone do that?
And and a very good variety of hardware I think is a big part of the you know, what's really sad
The probable result here is we're just not gonna get high-end sliders
They're probably gonna look at this and go you know what?
It would have been so much easier for us to just cap it out at whatever the current gen consoles are capable
Is it just high quality settings that this is a problem for that? I don't know. I don't think so
I think it's everything but they're specifically saying the issue is high-end hardware
Yeah, but they're not saying when put on a high-end setting
It's just high-end hardware at all wouldn't any why would anyone run it on low though?
Yeah, but you can't say like medium is a high-end setting that's fair and medium is a pretty common thing for people to run stuff on
No, it's all settings. Yeah, people are saying it's all settings. Okay
And apparently there's a there's a new patch which is already helping it
I think people were just mad because the wording of this which it's not worded
great the
Is it performing to our standards for a percentage of PC players is not a fantastic way to say that no
That's that's that's up fine
That's like when I ask one of my daughters to apologize to the other
Sorry, yeah
Yeah, yeah exactly
so hardware unboxed
disputed EA's conclusion finding that the game ran better not worse on Windows 10 and
That both 10 and 11 showed poor CPU usage
Console gamers were quick to point out that they too were encountering game breaking bugs and serious frame rate issues
This EA blamed on an issue with HDR. That was under investigation
At time of writing the game steam rating is mixed at 56% positive
Okay runs like my butt after Taco Bell I
Actually take issue with that your butt probably runs pretty well say Taco Bell well, maybe not well, but very fast
Low latency oh
Cool okay moving on we need another topic. Let's get out of here. Yeah
Pixel fold pixel fold announced officially after you know it was leaked by the absolutely everyone including video hands-on yeah awesome
Yeah, why is it that Google can't keep these things under control? I don't get it
I feel like it's intentional at this point
It's literally been every pixel launch since like pixel became a thing you think so I think so well. I don't know about the
intentional thing but
There's no way they care that much or else they'd be able to get some amount of wraps on you know what I
Accidentally pulled mine out on wan show like pixel
To pixel something well and remember like somebody just left some early pixel device at a bar well
No, they were mad, and I think you're thinking of an iPhone actually was it yeah
That was that was pretty that was pretty early on and Apple was mad
And I think eventually did recover it and that's all that like was a whole thing
But for the pixel I I did pull one out on wan show once by accident, and they were definitely mad so
Maybe it's shifted since then maybe I don't know they just
Suck at this. It's hard for me to say
But somehow Apple manages to do a much much better job of it
Yeah like
Samsung does a better job of it like usually their least every other phone maker
Well I mean it feels like pixel has the most like you were just talking about there's video hands-on
Yeah, so has the most like brutal leaks and that happens with Samsung devices as well
but I also don't think it's fair to compare against other mobile device makers either because the reality of it is for the vast majority of
The rest of them no one cares, and that's why nobody
puts the kind of effort like sticks their neck out to leak this thing because
And it's not like you can't find leaks. It's just the the degree to which pixel devices get leaked
I'm sure as a Xiaomi me something. It's probably leaked at some point, but it doesn't gain the same kind of momentum
So maybe that's part of it too. Is that there's no there's no news cycle around some you know
red magic
Gaming phone yeah, no one cares. That's fair enough
Well Google has announced to the upcoming pixel folds nearly all the details of the phone had already leaked weeks ago
So very little of the announcement was a surprise according to leaked internal documents
The fold is expected to have a 5.8 inch outer display that folds out into a 7.6 inch tablet display and
The most durable hinge on a foldable
There were no particulars attached to this claim of durability such as how many thousands of times the phone can be folded
Before becoming damaged Google has not mentioned an exact price or release date, but the fold is expected to cost over
$1,700 according to the same leaked documents
Discussion question how durable does a foldable phone need to be to make it worth it?
It can't will the pixel fold be significantly better than the Samsung foldable
I would like to talk about that. Yeah, I'm hopeful
if only because I like
Foldable phones I well, I don't I shouldn't say I like foldable phones. Would you buy one? I like okay
Let's get to that later. Okay. I like
Being able to have a big big
spreadsheet in my pocket
I like this
This helps my life. Hopefully that's not important. Uh, no, it's not it's uh, it's the data from how much cooling do you need?
Okay, so that video went up uh yesterday this is a lot of data points hey you guys like that
Are you a data nerd?
Yeah, um
It makes it just makes a really big difference for me
I want to see the screen tech continue to evolve because right now it seems like you get a year of trouble-free
Operation out of it and after that it develops micro cracks at least mine has
Um, but for me the bigger issue isn't even that because i'll keep using this with micro cracks down this down the middle
For me, the bigger issue is software and the one
annoying software vendor
That has made this experience
Noticeably worse for me over the almost three years now. I think i've been daily driving a foldable phone is google
I still
Don't have support for stories. And in fact, this is wild right? It's inconsistent
So right now I have only three options which ones are missing. I have upload a video. I have go live and i've created a post
I can't even upload a short right now. I don't think
Hold on. Do I have another I don't have another phone on me right now
Uh, oh, oh, oh, hold on. Hold on. Nope might be in the wrong profile might be in the wrong profile for that. So let's do
Ugh, okay. Yeah. No. No, I have no shorts
That sucks i'm wearing shorts. I can create a post but hold on a second
Get wrecked or wait, how do I just go to the channel? Oh for crying out loud
Just go to the chat. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Okay community
Okay, the community posts at least work now, so that's good. That was broken for a very long time, but I still
Can't upload stories
Can't upload shorts I have escalated this and I know they got it because i've escalated it through their uh,
Their creator liaison i've escalated it through the top creator manager that I have i've escalated it in
person at like the vp level
to youtube
I have made videos about it
Um, I have complained about it on wan show
Know they know you know what the problem is
That this version of the youtube app is the tablet or is is derived from the tablet version of the youtube app
Which was behind on android not on ios where the ipad could do everything just fine
And it was behind the development of all the other apps and we're not talking days behind or weeks behind we are talking
Years behind at this point
I don't know google
Should I trust this device? Should I trust you to give two flying?
About supporting your hardware properly when you're not supporting your ecosystem partners properly
And you're just putting the tablet version on and then not bothering to update the tablet version of youtube
See this this upcoming generation of phones is probably going to mark an upgrade for me considering all the problems i've been having with my phone
I can't
The extra screen space like the the app problems
What I do on my phone, I would probably run into
Less of the app problems that you run into
And I would probably run into more beneficial things being able to open that spreadsheet would be great
That type of stuff is going to be more in line with what i'm doing
Um, but it's a seventeen hundred dollar phone
That is going to show extreme wear after a year and chat chat. You're not wrong
A lot of them are saying look they don't care because there's so few of these things out there
I know that's why you should almost never buy the top end crazy motherboard
Yeah, you should always buy whatever the most popular one is because that's the one that's going to get bios development
That's the one where they're going to prioritize fixing issues because if they don't fix issues
They're going to get ten thousand customer support tickets and it's going to bury their support department, right?
You know a hundred enthusiasts have a problem
You know, yeah
Those are your theoretically your your best customers who spend the most money with you and you'd think you would treat them. Well
But in practice it's it's not
It's not pragmatic right to deal with them first you deal with the big problem first
So they're much more likely not over the short term over the long term. I'm talking five years later when
Resizable bar shows up as a feature
The most mainstream board is the one that's most likely to a get a first party update and b
Potentially get a community update that hacks support in because so many people have them
But that's not an excuse
If your concern is that so few people need this
This device and need it to work properly then why the fuck are you making one? Yeah
That's the counter argument
So fine you don't care
Okay, then don't make it
This feels like we're going to run into the same problem a really long time ago you and I used to like echoing this whole
I don't remember what brand it was. I'm sure you do
But there was a case in power supply brand that made a case that didn't really fit its own power supply
Oh, it was probably antac. I think so. Yeah, I just don't 100 remember
But we used to meme on them all the time because there's like how do you not try your own power supply in your own?
Case and this feels like the same kind of thing
Like I suspect they're going to launch and they're still going to have these problems and that's a different level of unacceptable
How did you not run your own software?
On your own product like if you're gonna release a folding phone your stuff should probably freaking work for it. That's crazy
I'm still hopeful
I would like for it to be good
And there's definitely some things that you know, I wouldn't mind upgrade because this is uh, this is a fold threes
This is this is last gen
Um, there's definitely some things that I wouldn't mind seeing improved. I wouldn't mind a better camera
So i'm definitely going to try and daily drive it but I want to see a really good software experience
And if my problem was with I mean, oh, yeah, here's another funny one if my problem was with third-party apps, right?
Obviously I I get it, you know, how do you incentivize?
A small app developer like floatplane inc to to you know, make it so that the app works properly
Properly within
You know with my folding phone or whatever, right?
Um, how would they be able to do that if google themselves can't do it? So I I get that right but here
Here's two google apps that don't work properly. I already showed you youtube
Okay, here's the studio. Oh wait. No, hold on. I gotta show you. No. No, this is this is better
Oh, by the way for for people interested, uh, the floatplane beta site's fixed already. Okay, please be fast youtube studio
This is the creator app for monitoring your channel and everything. So i'm just gonna casually open. Oh, wait, what what?
What what is that? What are these? What are these pillar boxes?
Are you kidding me right now? Okay, so then I try and do the same thing
So this comes down to this comes down to app support
So I do the same thing on floatplane and I open it up and it just works properly
It fills the whole screen like come on google. This is your own software running on your own operating system
Okay, technically it's samsung touch whatever they call it now touch was new new touch was
But i'm pretty sure
That you could make this work you've had
Three and a half years of retail availability, which means you've had more like four plus years
Of this product being in development knowing this is happening
And apparently you care about folding devices because you're building your own one. So you would think you would be trying to figure this out
That's it that's all my rage for this
But i'm still ex oh, right
I dodged your question
1700 because because it is very expensive but you have been in the folding ecosystem for a long time now
So exiting would probably be a pretty significant pain point
It's easier for me because I have not been using a folder
Pretty tough. Yeah, not because I can't afford it not because I don't see the value
But I am very cheap yeah, and it's not a question of
Yeah, it's not a question of does it have a value to me? It really does
but does it have
Because like honestly, is it feel right? I don't game on my phone
No, I could get by with like a phone for a few hundred bucks realistically, yeah
It just needs a good battery life screen brightness. So does it and and you can get that for like
399 no problem, but usually like something really nice for 499 599
Usually has other drawbacks though. I find yeah
So is it worth another thousand dollars I feel like the way that some people spend money is really different from me though
Like I will I will drop okay, here's something
I was asked for approval for three thousand dollars for uh
For like I don't know three eighths of an inch thick concrete pad in the middle of the lab warehouse
Because they were concerned that if it wasn't level enough the spot where they put our RF isolation chamber
That it could potentially like cause problems. I was like, okay
Because that's that's business right theoretically we're gonna create content and we're gonna generate revenue
But then if you ask me but there could that's the other thing with the fold
Is if you you said you don't play games on it, but if you work on it
And if you're able to extract a thousand dollars worth of value due to work I do but my eyes are still okay
I can I could use a candy bar if I really needed to yeah, right like so so if you so if you tell me okay?
Now it's now it's for something personally
Um, it's gonna cost you
50 bucks
And it's a it's a bracket that holds up this thing
Um, you're making myself like yeah, I don't know
I don't probably just I could probably just get like a
Like a drywall anchor and a little l bracket and put a piece of two by four on it. It's fine
right like I
I just have a
Different way of thinking about stuff that I use personally. Yeah
Like I didn't upgrade until we started doing videos about it because I was locked in my house
Uh for the for the covet shutdown or whatever
I hadn't touched my computer for like several years and you would think I would just upgrade my computer all the time because I just
You know
Want a fast computer and obviously there's fast computer hardware like falling out of the sky around here
You do like working on your house
But that's not necessarily fair because I feel like the example you were giving earlier
Was for something for yourself that was in your house
A lot of the also that but I feel like working on your house in general
benefits like your family
And content and content and content. Uh, I like yes
Sometimes I do it the hard way just because i'm like this will be kind of interesting
Yeah, and that's the thing is I think some people will cynically go well he's doing it just for content and i'm like no
No, i'm doing it because it's fun and fun makes good content. So you missed a step
I could do it is actually an important step. I could just hire someone to put a control for a system in my house
Absolutely. It's not a question of of of cost. It's a question of
Well, what fun is that?
Let's make a video about it. Yeah, I can't make a video about some professional contractor coming in and you can't but it's gonna be very interesting
Well, we've done it. We've done it. I mean brian the electrician. We brought him in to just he wired up a stupid ups
No, no, it adds to it when it's like ridiculous. I don't I wasn't saying it's no it was just no
It's just a professional choice. It was just a good ups. Yeah, but like and it's like a really sick ups
Okay, and then we did this, okay, okay, but then we did the same thing
I brought in brian the electrician to put a car charger in my garage
And that was really the boringest
Siemens car charger that ever existed at that point in time. I feel like he's a character on the channel though. Uh, okay
Okay, that's kind of fair. That's kind of fair. I'm just saying brian the electrician
I'm just saying we can bring in a contractor to basically do the work and I can make a video about it
I can make that work look
If I had a superpower
I think it's
That I can get a million views on a hard drive
And I i've i've I it's not just that specifically but it's it's like I don't have
You know, mr. Beast's just intuitive sense of how to make the most captivating
crack cocaine in video form like addictive content
I can't do it. I don't have that kind of imagination and I don't have the kind of
You know slick approach that like an mkbhd or mr
Who's the boss might take to covering the latest smartphone in a way that is super digestible to a mainstream audience?
But if there's anything that I can do better than any of them
It's I can get a million views on a hard drive or some enterprise pieces software
like something that the makers of it couldn't possibly
imagine getting
A hundred views on youtube let alone let alone a million and it was something that I uh
I remember it just kind of slipped out of my mouth when I was having a meeting with some hard drive
Manufacturer at like ces or something like that, uh, and they were just like yeah
I mean, I don't know that they basically were not too worried about the video because they were like, I don't know
They didn't really know who we were
I don't know. It doesn't really matter. Is anyone gonna watch this? I'm like, oh, yeah
We are probably the only channel on earth that can get a million views on a hard drive and then I was like, yeah
Yeah, we probably are
That's pretty cool
And so that dang it
That's what we can do. That's what I do. That's that's what we do
Heck yeah, uh, all right. What are we talking about?
I think we just finished our second of two topics and we're moving on to the next thing
Dan's paying very close attention to the show. You can tell
And we have a fun one today, oh hit me
Oh, oh, oh, we have a really good one today. You guys aren't going to want to miss this. Yes
This is how we get you. This is how we make you listen to all of them
Because you won't know which one is really special the show is brought to you today by hot wheels rift rally
Hot wheels rift rally is a sick summer gift for gamers and rc car
Enthusiasts and dan is over here and he's oh sick. Oh
And rc car enthusiasts
It's a mixed reality game that combines the digital world with the physical world to create an ar gaming experience
That is fun for all ages and man
this kind of fpv technology is
Sick very cool. I think the first time I ever experienced it was when we were creating those diy ones for ltx
oh, yeah, they were a complete disaster because
There were a lot of finicky technical details that we mostly kind of sort of got right. Yeah, um
but the first time
I I put the goggles on
And experienced it I was like
Holy crap, it's very cool. This is like driving around in a giant video game world. It's it's so cool
Um, and they've got a ton of cool gameplay features
So whether you prefer stunt mode challenges single or multiplayer races, there's something for everyone
Uh, you could oh, okay interesting
You can deliver dumplings to a dragon play whack-a-mole with your car
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To deep cuts like gotta go and eric stein rod
You can also customize your car's paint job and performance stats to make it truly your own and different cars legitimately handle differently
Okay, that's really cool
That's something I would not have expected in like a consumer level product
Um, so different cars handle differently adding to the fun racing strategy
Some of them are great on straightaways but terrible in turns while others excel in tight corners
And maybe I guess are not as great on the straightaways. Otherwise, you should definitely go with that one
They've got compatibility with all ios devices and playstation 4 and 5 and crossplay availability so you can play hot wheels rift rally
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We have a bonus
Fourth sponsor today. There's one more. Uh, okay. So what do I what do I do dan?
Yeah, what happens by the way, uh guys you probably noticed that
All of the sponsor reads were normal this week. Don't worry. Dennis hasn't been terminated
Yeah, um, he just wasn't around this week. Oh long story. Okay short story actually, but
Yeah. Yeah, that was the whole story. Yeah, that's the whole story
Basically, you're just going to go through the read like it was a dennis read and then i'll explain some more stuff at the end
Okay, okay. Cool. I'm really excited and you should be excited too. You special person who you know who you are unless you don't
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Will you marry me
So rihanna asked us if we could help her propose to her boyfriend and of course we're happy to help
Uh, we're going to be updating the proposal news during the show. Oh, no pressure. Wow
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And use code when for twenty percent off
I might not have said anything about that and we could have just quietly updated it assuming it goes well
I really hope it goes well. Um, congratulations you two. Well, you'll all know if it doesn't
What I want to give a little additional shout out as well for uh for hot wheels, uh, there was a
Somewhat recent I think a little expansion to force of five which is a hot wheels expansion and it is
Super fun because they just stop caring about it being like a realistic racing game and you're just going around like
Hot wheels loops and there's boost packs on the ground and like magnetic floor and all this crazy stuff is very fun
It's like actually very fun. Sorry. I I was like I was stressed out and tuned out for a second. Um, sorry what?
Uh, so what game how do we how do we know that we have official news by the way? I don't know
I'm sure i'm sure that dan I will be informed. Yeah, and I will let you know or I won't yeah
Okay, that let's let's go with that. What's what's next? Are we doing merch stuff? No, no, what game are you talking about?
For the horizon five. Oh, they have like a hot wheels expansion thing and it's actually like super fun. Okay, cool
Very fun. Um, I enjoy it. No offense to the force of people, but I enjoy it more than the main game
Uh flip plane chat. I can't read your username, but did nerd forge decline going to ltx. They couldn't make it
They wanted to don't worry. We haven't had a falling out or anything. We're chill. Love those guys
But yeah life's busy yes, we are still going to auction the
Amazing pc that uh, I was going to say we co-built but they did most of the really cool work
Uh that that they made for us, um, that's going to happen at ltx and it's going to be for charity
It's going to be awesome
Apparently someone watching the show is literally playing the forza hot wheels expansion right now. Nice. Uh, nice. It's good
It's time for a few merch messages dan hit me. Okay
I went to a christmas soccer match where santa parachuted from the halftime show but clipped the roof and plummeted shocking the children
What's the biggest mishap in front of a crowd you've witnessed?
Wow witnessed no part of that sounded real. Um
Wow, I mean, yeah, i'm never gonna beat that story. Yeah, like what so
I don't know. I don't feel like i've with oh
I know mine
I don't mind a hundred percent. No question. Okay
Jensen just going off on stage
At um tom peterson. Yeah
that was
incredibly awkward and and like
The videos are bad. I wasn't there. I was there but i've heard that in person it was it was rough
Because like the camera didn't show the whole thing, but you could see
tap like when he went off stage and stuff
And like he handled it very professionally in my opinion. Jensen super did not but tap did
but like
It was just it was actually more awkward because their response to it was not matched
Right, like if they both handled it super poorly it would probably have been less awkward a fight. Yeah
but instead it was just someone in a position of
very uneven power just like clapping on someone on stage and it's just like man
That was that was rough. That was very rough
Biggest mishap in front of a crowd
I'm, i'm just trying to think like honestly the ones that the ones that I do definitely hit me the hardest
But I haven't spent that much time in front of a crowd like i've definitely made some mistakes
I dropped that razor blade laptop when I was supposed to be unveiling it at the first ltx
That was not the best kind of sick. Um, very on brand. Yeah, but yeah, at least yeah, it wasn't it wasn't that bad
Like i've never accidentally
You know
I'm, just trying to think of anything. That would be really really bad. I mean i've done lots of dumb stuff on stream. Does that count?
I don't know. I mean like okay, like i've thrown stuff into a crowd and like
Accidentally nailed people with stuff and it's been pretty bad. Like that's bad. I guess
That's a mishap
Um, i'm not gonna stop doing it packs used to be a lot more fun when they allowed that they have hard banned it now
You're not allowed throwing anything not even t-shirts. Really? Yeah, that's stupid. No, i'm gonna throw stuff at ltx. Yeah heck yeah
Yeah, let's go. Yeah, let's go
Linus liability tips. Mr. Linus. I occasionally hear south park references. Do you have a favorite character or episode?
How would you feel about your likeness being portrayed on the show? Oh favorite favorite episodes. Scott tenderman must die
That's when that's when kartman went from just kind of like an awful little child to the
Complete sociopath that we know and love now
Um, you know if I had to pick a few handfuls, I mean for me really the golden age is from about
late season two slash season three to maybe
I guess as soon as we start making it into anything with the coon
Anything with the kind of continuity from episode to episode with stupid integrity farms and all that kind of garbage
Pretty much that so kind of like season three season eight season nine, maybe ten
kind of kind of in there
Um, so, you know kartman land is amazing anything anything where kartman is particularly evil and then gets particularly fucked on is pretty much my favorite
All right, let's see next one here love the show boys
Linus as a fellow late 80s child and currently in it tech
How do you adjust seeing younger and younger people join your team tech especially seems like a young person's game
Yeah, I mean for me it's um
What choice do I have
Right, like if we if we want to if we want to stay
And with it
you know
and uh
and uh
I don't think either of those are currently trendy names and down
You know, we want to stay
Bussing. Yeah, I don't know if that's good or no cap for real for real. Yeah, exactly
Uh, you know we I I can't I can't expect myself to be cool
I never was so the best that we can do is we can keep trying to attract talent keep trying to evolve
Keep bringing in fresh ideas and that's where fresh ideas come from
Fresh ideas don't come from people who have been doing this for 30 years, right?
Yeah, I uh, I I guess I I don't know it's a funny thing because at work
I don't really think about that. I'm like, you know twice jake's age or whatever. It doesn't really matter what?
No, it's not twice but but i'm a lot older than him
Um, and I and it's it's the same like it's it's not until the slang comes out
That I notice someone's actually part of a completely different generation for me because tech is our common language
So when you've got that in common, it's easy
But if I was to go to a completely different environment if I was to go to a club or something
I'd i'd feel far more out of place because of because of the the differences in my maybe music preferences or
Yeah, sure. My my my way my manner of speaking, you know, does anyone still speak valley girl?
like is this this is still acceptable, you know, like
Like like like like like I don't know
It's fine, yeah, that's right it's good
It's it's just part of the process and in response to that second part of the south park question if that's a real
You know offer if you actually work on the show, I I can't you know, I can't believe that's even a question. Of course
Well, I think that was three yeah, why don't we why don't we slide another one in here how about that?
Slide into my dms
Yeah, do people still say that
I don't know probably. I mean, it's all it's all it isn't anymore. Someone does no cap for real
That was bad dude do a merch message
Hello dan and the support staff linus a game of would you rather would you rather allow dan to remaster the christmas album?
Or allow luke another shot at pizza warmer pc. Thanks for all you do
Dan you got to stop sending your own merge messages. That's not how this works. I archive most of them
Stop talking about the christmas album
The christmas album is not happening
Luke gets another shot at pizza warmer pc before you remaster the christmas album
There's no question in my mind
Especially because luke never had a first shot at the piece that the pizza warming pc because it wasn't supposed to be
A pizza warming pc it was supposed to be a pizza heat retention pc. He just completely misunderstood the concept
Thank you for the excellent merch message, oh i'm crying, okay
Okay, what do we do next I don't know give us the card oh we don't we can't do anything
We don't give us okay some more topics, please. All right. Oh, geez. Uh
Oh, I don't want to hate you all why do you all troll me like this you try to
Upset me make me do something say something i'm not supposed to say on stream
Google engineer warns public researchers are winning the ai race a leaked document from from a senior google engineer luke
Simao, hopefully I said that right warns right now, I think quite close sir
S-e-r-n-a-u. Yes, that's an annoying typeface
Uh warns that both google and open ai may soon lose the ai race to open source development grassroots engineers have been making
Huge strides in part due to the leak of meta's llm in part in
massive section
Just saying probably a factor. Yeah
According to the document neither company has had the kind of secret sauce that will be enough to keep them ahead
I believe they described it as a moat neither company has a moat
Uh worse while they've been focused on each other open source development has been quietly lapping them both
With many public researchers achieving more with a few hundred dollars in a few weeks
Um than what large companies are struggling to do with millions over the course of months
Those open groups are playing catch-up to be clear
They're not lapping them is not a really fair way of saying it because they're they're still catching up but it's fine
It sounds cool. We're gonna stick with it specifically cited was the issue with running ai models on phones
Open source models are faster more customizable more private and pound for pound more capable
Luke the previously quoted person therefore urged that google should work with and learn from developers outside the company
Meanwhile an open letter to the european parliament authored primarily by german research group
Has advocated against regulation of grassroots development and smaller ai research firms in part to keep the eu competitive with the united states
Quoted rules that require a researcher or developer to monitor or control downstream
Downstream use could make it impossible to release open source ai in europe
Which would entrench large firms and hamper efforts to improve transparency
Reduce competition limit academic freedom and drive investment in ai overseas
Like many ai forms lion has been criticized for not respecting the rights of artists whose work is included in their open source database
Including threatening counter suits against artists who've requested their work be removed
Um, yeah, we've been talking about this on wancho for a while
But it's interesting seeing someone in within google talk about the same thing
Well, you got to make a bold prediction now
Is you got to keep the streak alive?
You don't get to just be no nostradamus didn't get to just make you know, three predictions
Absolutely nail them and then go
Well, i'm retiring with the perfect record. You want to keep making predictions? You want to know something funny?
You know how you've talked about this a bunch and I think this is genuinely very true
One of the reasons why line of sectives has been punchy for so long is because you get bored very quickly. Yeah, i'm bored
You're bored already i'm bored. But but new stuff is happening the problem. Yeah
Is a lot of this stuff isn't actually really releasing especially not really in the way that people talk about its capabilities
Like a lot of the stuff that open ai is doing uh, it's alphas and they're only giving it to some people
Like the plugins thing we talked about this weeks ago
Do you have it?
No, I don't have it
Right. So if I don't get to play with it, why do I care?
The the uh co-pilot for office yeah looks like an insane disruptor. Yeah. Where is that? Where is it?
I'm kind of gmail i'm kind of in a what's a gmail. Where's google's? Well, hold on. Here's what I really want to know
Call ivan hoe
Oh, wow, it managed to do it i'm impressed
but yeah, like I
I'm not I don't know if I should necessarily say bored. I'm feeling like it's unnecessary to keep up with the news right now because
I I feel like just like open ai had like the fastest adoption of a million users of anything like ever
Right, I feel like there's you know that curve. I don't remember the exact name of all the stages, but you have
the massive hype at the beginning of a new technology and then you have the massive drop of people realizing that it's like
Kind of junk right now because it's so new
And then it jumps back up when you get to very productive stages and people have to start releasing things and it becomes very usable
And then it trend lines
forever basically
And I don't feel like we're actually at the bottom of that first drop yet, but I feel like we're over the hump
Because we're at the point where everybody's heard about it
Everybody has seen at least one really really cool demo of it like hub curve is actually looking for is it I don't know
It might be okay
Yeah, everybody's heard of it like my
even people that like
Are not into tech stuff has heard of it because it's been in mainstream news all that type of stuff
You've given everybody the fear you've given everybody the hype you've given everybody all that kind of stuff now. It's time to
This is not exactly what I was describing
That's the shape of the curve though
very much excite very
thing happen then
Less thing happen then as it gets better thing happen. Yeah, that's pretty close. Yeah, I think it's I think it's explaining the same concept
It's just not the exact curve that I was talking about
But yeah, it's time to
Deliver it's time to ship
We need stuff apparently q3
For uh for copilot cool, so i'm excited for q3, right? That's where i'm currently looking
yeah, I guess that kind of is similar to how we
Really stopped talking about rumors so much on wind show way back in the day. Like we used to talk a lot about oh
Here's the rumored spec of the upcoming
G-force whatever and then it's got annoying what we'd realize is that
The following week there'd be a new rumored spec ever so slightly different or sometimes the same but more sure this time
And then the following week it'd be and then we just kind of felt like broken records
We're just talking about this over and over and over and over again
And making noise that has absolutely no value outside of the very moment that we first talked about it
Why don't we just wait and then it's out and then we can create an evergreen piece of content that will always inform you about
That product. I think that's some that's a mistake that I see a lot of starting out
and even fairly experienced content creators making where they they
Make a video or write an article or whatever else it is. Whatever their medium is
They they make something that is relevant today
And I think what they're missing is the algorithmic importance
of someone watching your video or listening to your song or
Reading your article from a year ago or two years ago and still getting a value out of it. Ah, okay
Okay, what's this called? It says this is the gartner hype cycle the hype cycle
So the bottom left hand corner thing is technology trigger
So the thing kind of shows up peak of inflated expectations trough of disillusionment all this type of stuff
So I feel like we're we're kind of
Just over the the hump right now
and if you're saying um
If you're saying that it's going to be q3
We'll see we'll see yeah, and hopefully we can avoid it too big of a deal
But yeah, exactly what you're just describing i'm feeling that way about it
I don't think there's actually a lot to talk about even this literal topic. We have literally already talked about it, right?
Back to what I was saying make content that is evergreen and you will be amazed what that will do for you
You never know when like every once in a while
One of the views that I like to look at in our analytics dashboard is what people have been watching
most in the last 60 minutes
And what's really interesting about that view that real-time view
Is that a lot of the time it's obviously going to have your last couple of videos you released
But once in a while, you'll have stuff show up. Okay, so one of the things that's most watched in the last 60 minutes
Adam's amd ultimate tech upgrade
That really helps me keep an eye on what kinds of videos are gonna are gonna pop off
In the longer term and get a get a second wind and a third wind and a fourth wind and really really take off
And you will never put yourself in a position to do that if you create content. That is just
About the rumor mill just has absolutely no relevance and i'm not saying there's no place for that
We created a whole channel for it. It's called tech linked. Uh, we created a second channel for it. It's called game linked. Um
Which don't worry we will we will launch we will launch eventually
Uh, there's been some challenges internally getting it a getting it across the finish line, but we're we're gonna get it there
It's gonna be awesome. It's gonna be great riley and his team are doing an amazing job getting everything set up for it
Okay, ai I guess we'll just kind of play the waiting game and yeah
I like maybe we talked about something here. They're like someone in chat said look at the auto
Gpt repo graph. It's literally the graph you just showed and it's like yeah like right
Yeah, it's it's there there is cool stuff happening chat or the chat gpt code interpreter thing looks super sweet
But like almost none of us can even try it. So whatever. I don't know i'm off the
I'm i'm still paying attention
But until we get more
things shipped products shipped
I I think i'm I think i'm kind of chilling for now. All right
All right
Why don't we talk about oh and and sorry one other thing because people keep spamming this
I know a lot of the new ai stuff is open source stuff
Totally and that's fantastic
I'm, not saying it's bad. I'm not saying they're moving slowly. I think they are moving super super fast. I am also thinking that they aren't
Quite a hundred percent there and one of the reasons why they're moving really fast
Is is like the the leaks and whatnot that we've been seeing the the transparency on what
Datasets that these companies are using to feed their models
And a lot of other kind of stuff like that people breaking off from these big companies to start
Startups that are currently working in the open source space so they just sorta happen to know what's going on over there
Stuff like that is happening a lot right now, which is fantastic. It's very cool. Um
But it's the same thing
Um, so it's it's not like the most exciting talk about a way, you know, what else is happening a lot right now
What's up, amd's new you class of chips. Oh, okay. I know that
On wan show. It's not necessarily the best place to get your news about an upcoming CPU or or GPU
Because we can't you know, put up all the graphs and and all that kind of stuff
That is that is really helpful for understanding just how good this product is
But you don't need that what you need is high pipe high pipe high pipe high pipe high pipe high pipe because these things are amazing
Amd has released specs and performance data for its new zen 4 ryzen 7040u
Phoenix series processors they're designed for thin and light laptops. So these are like
15 to 30 watt CPUs like
The framework laptop 13
The framework laptop 13
I'm so excited
Not just as an investor I just want one in my laptop they're based on zen 4
Okay, so latest CPU architecture with rDNA 3
based Radeon 700m GPUs
And team red says these chips should be able to go head to head with apple's m2 processors with the flagship 7840u
supposedly performing 75%
better than the m2 and pass mark 10
you notice apple's whole apple silicon thing like started out like
really strong
and in typical apple mac fashion has kind of gone
Oh good enough just deflated just leave it where it is
Like remember when they launched the mac pro and they were like, yeah
we're back with upgradeability and it's going to be different this time and they launched the mac pro and then
Never updated it again
Why do they
Just why are they so apathetic toward their mac users?
It's kind of shocking. Yeah
uh anywho
AMD also claims victory over intel's competing 13th gen chip the core i7 1360p
by 30 to
228 percent on various tests
If you look closely and this is really cool, uh, this chart is from
A non-tech credit a non-tech for this chart. This is amazing if you look closely
Uh, hold on
Okay, I can't uh dan. Can you move us?
Please. Yeah. Thank you. One sec
the ryzen 7 7840u
Bears a lot of resemblance to the ryzen z1 extreme they both have eight core 16 threads
Uh, really? That's how you do. You know, it doesn't matter, uh 12 cu's in their igpu
uh 16 megs of level three cache
a maximum 30 watt tdp
Interesting. Oh, I did that just in time. Yeah, it's fine
The ryzen z1 extreme is going to be powering the rog ally when it launches next week
These chips are amd's first to launch with ryzen ai which is powered by its xdna ai architecture courtesy of the company's acquisition of xilinx
last year
ryzen ai will apparently power upcoming features in windows 11 like the studio effects pack that can be only used with dedicated ai hardware
It's possible people will be able to hack around it, but it will almost certainly
Result in additional power consumption which on a mobile device would not be desirable
So just because you can work around it doesn't necessarily mean that you should
Speaking of windows being optimized for certain chips. This is great windows 12 might end up optimized for custom
Microsoft silicon arm-based socs
If multiple new job listings for chip designers are any indication?
Would you buy microsoft silicon?
Well don't look too enthusiastic
I find with a lot of microsoft hardware products
There's a bunch of really cool stuff
and then there's some like
glaring drawback problems
yeah, and then there's not necessarily like
It's not like apple's perfect, you know, I think the fact that they rug pulled 3d touch which was the coolest feature ever
You know, yeah
But in general if you upgrade from an iphone to an iphone from a mac to a mac you can expect some degree of continuity
And that was definitely intentional
On the windows side and even within microsoft's own surface products. I don't feel like that same thing exists
They don't have the same level of commit and whether that's an unwillingness to continue to invest in things that or not immediate w's
or whether that's just maybe not
Thinking ahead enough as to like what about the viability of a product like microsoft has some like serious wins in the hardware space
But you know soft's in the name. They've always felt like a software company like
Do they
Do they still can can you still do they still have that aio that you can like stick the surface dial to the screen or whatever?
Oh, yeah
The surface dial is apparently still a thing with 363 reviews on the microsoft store
On surface. I can't even remember what some of their pcs were called surface surface
surface studio or
Studio people are saying studio. Is that the one okay?
Can you still buy a surface studio? I remember even when it launched it had last gen hardware in it
Yeah, have they updated this bloody thing? Okay, let's have a look at it
Am I am I just ignorant nope, it's still like nine thousand dollars. I want just the screen
This is a laptop. Okay. Now hold on just a gosh darn minute computers
Uh, so who wants to all of the surface studio two plus
Okay, did I just miss something here is this is this current yep starting from six thousand canadian dollars
Where's my tech spec set?
Uh, okay, that's still a 28 inch display, which is like fine
11th gen processor no
This has not been updated
So this is just can I can I order this thing 11th gen processor 32 gigs of ram and a one terabyte ssd
For six grand non-user serviceable. I've repaired one. They're brutal. This is just
And it was you know, some parts of it were were cutting edge so thunderbolt 4 is still it's got windows 11 relevant
Is this real I can actually order this outdated computer
Wow, i'm sure glad I customized this I can choose english keyboard or terrible keyboard
Is that it
Select a configuration. I mean, well, yeah, what other one am I going to select microsoft?
My options are that and that and then I can decide if I want any microsoft 365 with that
Uh, no, I don't want additional protection
This is it I can get a wireless headset, um an ugly mouse or a different ugly mouse
Yeah, so that's the thing like where's your where's your commit and it's not like okay
I mean, we just criticized apple for releasing a literal forty thousand dollar computer that they then
Pretend start immediately start pretending doesn't exist anymore. Yeah, right
But this is regular for microsoft. It's like it's like it's like netflix, right?
So you you kind of sit there and go? Oh, yeah
I love this paradigm where I have this like zero gravity hinge or whatever and I can put my dial on my thing
And I can do all this stuff
Will this continue to get any development like what's going on with the surface duo?
Aj is all
I guess aj uses the french canadian keyboard layout. I'm, sorry to hear that you employ this man
Aj is great. He can he can have an exception. He can have his you can have his bad his bad
Okay, what what's going on with this thing, uh, microsoft has just started casually low-key
Not providing regular updates for it
um, I saw an article that was and I don't know how true the the speculation about the reassignment of the team is but
Someone's saying it's updated each year. Apparently not the processor
Oh, yeah, no that it's not fair to just say like yeah, we ship with a more up-to-date operating system
Yeah, that's not an update what else is updated yeah 11th gen 11th gen
Rtx 30 60
I don't know
Was it was it? Well, hold on a second. Did the original one have a
I think it has been updated because I did the video on the first one
Okay, so like it's been a minute dude. It's been
Probably like seven years
It must have received at least one update but it is not currently up to date I would say
Okay, well, maybe maybe i'm just being mean but yeah surface duo is another one that i'm just kind of looking at going. Hmm
Yeah, really?
I mean if you search for surface studio, this is another thing too like
I guess even if they are updating this thing
Does anyone care so we've got this one result and then it's just laptop
Oh wait, no, no, no, we've got an all-in-one pc. Okay. Is anyone buying this thing?
Again, like I said, oh wow
No reviews yet
be the first
That's a yikes
That's a big yikes
Okay, cool
I think we have some news. Oh we do
Oh, yeah, oh, yeah, just give me a second here guys. No, no time given geez
Now everybody's expecting something breaking news
I think we have breaking news
Okay. Oh, oh, it's all going wrong. My phone's going off now. Oh, geez
We have news oh
Oh, we have news. Oh, oh, it's good news
Oh, yeah, what did you think I was trying to leave some suspense
Would you like to see the news, okay. Yes hit it hit it hit it. Okay. He said yes
I believe he said yes. Um
Yeah, it was it was our pleasure. Thank you very much
Um, it's a lot of fun. We've had kind of we've had some requests for from people to you know
Do stuff before stuff like that I receive a shocking number of wedding invitations
No, really though. They don't even give them to me anymore because i'm just like yeah, this is super weird
I really just don't think i'm gonna I I actually okay. I
I have to confess
I almost went once when I found out about the wedding invitation thing because apparently they just would never give them to me
I was like, oh that's hilarious. We should do a channel super fun where we all show up you wedding crash
Just the whole gang the entire company we have a response from them, too
Sorry, we have a response from who um from our new couple
He said yes tell linus and luke. I am so so happy and really appreciate of their help appreciative of their help
But anyway, I would actually be very funny. I was talked out of it because it would also be
It would also be
Uh, very disruptive. I mean there's family there and the venue would have no idea that this is happening and like
like I would just not the idea was that I would just not rsvp and then we would just
show up
It would
Be really funny though. It'd be really funny
Anyway, the point is don't invite me to your wedding because we're not doing that. I was talked down. Yeah
Uh judge protects anonymity of eight redditors
So the background here is a group of film studios
We're trying to prove that internet service provider astound was turning a blind eye to piracy committed by its customers
They demanded that reddit unmask the identity of certain users who commented on posts about piracy
Including they wanted the ip address registration and logs from january 1st 2016 to present
They wanted the name email address and other account registration information
Reddit provided some information on at least one user but refused to unmask the rest leading the studios to file a subpoena
Reddit responded that this was a phishing expedition
Four of the users never mentioned astound two mentioned astound but weren't talking about copyright infringement and one user's comment was from 2014
outside the time frame of the lawsuit
In american law anonymous communication has traditionally been protected as part of the right to free speech because it shields people expressing
Unpopular opinions from potential retribution the judge ruled that the studios had not demonstrated a compelling need to overrule the user's free speech rights
So there you have it. Um, you can still talk about piracy on reddit including naming your isp
I don't know how long that'll last but
Every once in a while something goes right speaking of which uh biofire is getting ready to release
america's first commercial smart gun
Oh what uh their startup they're launching a smart gun with facial recognition and fingerprint unlock
That will fire only for registered users. Okay. Well, this is bs. Uh, don't worry. We're getting to that
Okay, the gun will be available as soon as the fourth quarter of this year making it potentially the first commercially available smart gun in
The us there are however smart guns available abroad. Just can you relax?
This is broad that require the user to wear a linked smart watch or similar device
So the shtick here is that it's using fingerprint and facial recognition
60 of gun owners apparently say they would be interested in a smart gun
And the potential for the technology has been around for a long time in 2000 both colt and smith and wesson agreed to create government sponsored
smart guns, but they were boycotted by gun owners
Evidently that never happened
There is some concern around these products that they may not fire when needed and during a demonstration earlier this week
club fur
Okay, I guess that's name
Fired the gun then another demonstrator picked it up pulled the trigger and nothing happened when club for took the gun again
It failed to fire twice then fired correctly
A second prototype worked as expected
You have 20 seconds to comply okay luke now you can talk about the smart gun it's just it's not true
It's not the first. What do you mean? These have existed in america in america? I don't care
You think america's not gonna have a gun like
Gun exists in world gun in america these have to be true at the same time
I don't care. It's just not true. There's like there's videos of people defeating these from years ago
The the first one I remember somebody just took a magnet
They they held the the the pistol and they just took a magnet and they went
Bunk and then it fired no matter what it just immediately was just steel
Yeah, it just immediately defeated it. These have not only existed but they have been terrible for years like
We are the first to release and I can't believe the amount of coverage they got on this I googled firearm requires fingerprint to fire
and it's
Everywhere all from just this one how bio fire?
Got this coverage is wild when no they are not first to market. I can't believe people would lie on the internet
It's wild
I think the facial recognition thing like sure but where do you define?
Like what yours is smart because it's fingerprint and facial recognition. The previous ones weren't smart because they were just fingerprint
What if someone requires like something else?
What if someone requires like a 2fa code
I say it's smart when it has like chat gpt integration
And chat you have to talk it out of shooting you chat gpt
Has evolved to the point where it doesn't tell you to kill yourself
So I want like a really you know
top functioning
You know large language model that you know will kind of
Advise me on the proper use of it. You know, maybe maybe that's smart. That's not a smart gun
bullets on the blockchain
Anyway, that was the whole reason that I wanted this topic in here so that I could talk about chat gpt on a gun
And I think it's time for us to move on to when show after hours which is basically more of that
Oh for better or for worse
Help, uh, we have a new banner for that. I'm gonna click this button and let's see if it does anything
Now I get to get up. Hey, there we go. Cool
Wow, did that even change the the corner the corner? Oh my god. It says after dark under. Okay. I'm sure glad you rip one
No, actually, why does it smell like fart?
Did you did you crap yourself? No, because that's a possibility. I mean you technically didn't ask me if I crapped myself
So that's not ruled out yet, oh my goodness, that was wild. Okay. Anyways, um
Merch messages i'm gonna start trying to i've already been trying to respond to some of them through text
I'm gonna jump in and try to do more now
We will fall into our formation
Yeah, if you guys want to deal with some potentials i'll start yelling at you with curated, okay, here we go
Dear linus being very busy ceo of lmg and trying to eat healthy
Feed a family sounds very hard. Have you ever thought of hiring a private chef sincerely someone who makes food for money
Um, the only reason that I haven't is that I don't want my kids to grow up with a chef
Yeah, I feel I don't necessarily know that we've talked about that but I knew that answer
Yeah, yeah, I mean, yeah, and I respect that I well the thing is like, okay
that i'm gonna play devil's advocate against myself right now because
What if by having a private chef my kids were exposed to far more variety in their diet?
and healthier food
Um, you know ivan and I would never be an interesting way to do it
Maybe is if you had your kids cook with the private chef if it was like a cooking tutor
Okay cooking tutor. Sure. Um, but I mean
Okay, sure maybe uh, look I don't know i'll get to that in a second whatever but like realistically, you know
Ivan and I are like any other
both parents work family and sometimes uh
But one thing we're really good about is we always send our kids to school with lunch
Uh, so they never go to the cafeteria even though that is technically an option. Um, so they always bring a bring bring food from home
Um, but occasionally that food ain't great
You know, we'll be up at midnight and we're kind of going. Oh, holy crap
We don't have anything for lunches tomorrow and we'll like just whip up some annie's, you know
Mac and cheese or whatever and throw it in a throw it in a thermos. All right kids enjoy
I mean, they they love it, obviously, but it's not good for them. It's not healthy, right? It's got so much sodium in it
I have no idea but I would assume annie's is better than like a craft and dinner thing
Well, sometimes they get craft dinner too, right? Fair enough, you know, right
and so
From a from a from a what's what's healthier for your children?
For your children
Is it to is it to eat the healthiest food that builds the best brain function and and body function and growth?
Or is it to you know live on the in the real world where people don't actually have a chef that makes them food every day, right?
Um, would would they end up more helpless? I mean, I think your idea of having
Having them help with food prep is great in theory
but I can tell you we have lots of great ideas in theory like
I have the idea in theory of creating some kind of bonus system where if you're the first one dressed in
Downstairs and eating your breakfast then you get some kind of star that gets you some kind of reward
Because positive reinforcement works so much better than negative reinforcement, but in practice, it's early and i'm tired and i'm just gonna say
Get downstairs. We gotta go like you just yell at them right like so it's
But realistically if the kids are not helpful that day or busy
They're still gonna make the food or whatever and kids are smart. They're gonna figure that out. Oh, i'm conveniently busy
Yeah. Oh, I have to go to the bathroom one of my middle child is like the queen of that
Okay, guys need to empty the dishwasher
Uh, okay. I have to go to the bathroom and then the dishwasher is three quarters empty by the time she comes back
She puts away two things and she's like I helped and i'm like, yeah, uh
You're looking at the king of that trick
Go do something else. I used to be really bad for that and my family thought it was intentional
But I just have really intense gamer bladder
And I would stand up for the first time after a very long time and then actually just need to go to the washroom
And I used to get in arguments where i'd be like just leave a bunch of it for me
Like i'm not i'm not trying to avoid it. I'm not saying that's what's happening here, but definitely not. Yeah that used to happen to me
All right next up, okay
Do you have any comment on all the eight gigabits of vram not being enough conversations? It's gigabytes, but um,
I mean, yeah. Yeah, this happens all the time
game developers keep you know pushing the envelope and
Graphics card manufacturers. I mean, okay, so you gotta you gotta look at what is a gpu, right?
You've got the sand in the middle the gpu itself and that the intellectual property is
mostly owned by your amd your nvidia or your intel so the the
The manufacturer, uh, some of the ip may be co-developed with a samsung or a tsmc or whatever else for that particular chip
but but largely the ip is owned by
That designer of that silicon and so while there's a lot of cost associated with it
To the board manufacturer or to you the consumer the actual cost on that is largely in the development
Of it
Right now there is obviously what they pay for silicon wafers from a tsmc or a samsung
But a lot of that cost is intellectual property
So there's great margin in it is what i'm trying to say
ram on the other hand
Is not the intellectual property of nvidia or amd they help contribute to standards like graphics ddr
Or hbm, I think to a degree
But they don't own that and so when they buy ram they buy it from samsung or micron or whoever else
There's a lot less margin in buying commodity memory and strapping it to a board
There's also basically no margin in integration of things like heatsinks and pcb's like vrms, right?
So then
With all that in mind if I am trying to reduce my my total bill of materials
Does it make sense to build a crappier gpu or do I want to put a really good gpu on it?
That has lots of cool ai tech that helps me sell my product
Or do I want to downgrade the memory that has a much bigger cost and is much less marketable
Well, I don't want to put on any more frame buffer than I absolutely have to that memory
So that's where they're going to try and they're going to try and lower their bomb cost
Or the bill of materials cost for the graphics card for the completed card
nvidia does spend money in weird ways sometimes like when they first started putting these super high-end coolers on their cards
I guess this is back in the 700 series these like cast aluminum
Uh heat sink shrouds and like these really fancy, you know machined back plates and stuff
Uh, I I it kind of never made sense to me because i'm sitting here going like oh well
That's that's unnecessary that doesn't contribute to performance
That's very non-traditional and then you know, they go and do weird things like the three and a half gig ram thing with the 900 series
So is it necessarily the best?
Uh, is is it the best plan for them to cost up a heat sink and cost down on memory?
I I don't know. I i'm not an engineer
But I can tell the community is not happy about it and yeah more vram
Is absolutely a great way to future proof your purchase, but I will say this too
It feels like it's making a bigger difference right now than i'm used to it making in the past
We've seen two and four gig versions four and eight gig versions of the same cards many time in the past many times in the past
And the general rule often has been that by the time that vram is a limitation for you
Realistically the performance of that gpu is going to be a bigger limitation
But we're seeing people modifying these graphics cards putting extra memory on them and getting much better performance
and that's over the last couple of generations now, so
Yeah, I can I can see some justification for amd's
Snark that they've been throwing at nvidia about how they've been kind of cheaping out on video frame buffer
I just got a message from our community
Uh coordinator, oh could you mention this on behalf of the ltt folding team? It's on the land show
Oh, yeah, yeah, I missed it because it was buried with the merch stuff. Yep
Ltt is competing in the blank pentathlon
It's a two-week competition where teams lend their unused processing power to perform calculations for five different projects in science physics and mathematics
Since science physics and mathematics
Ltt has competed only twice before with our best rank being sixth overall in 2021
The event has been running for around 24 hours at this point. We're currently in sixth place
There are over a thousand dollars of prizes up for grabs
And if you're up to the challenge, you can come on and join the team prizes include 10
100 dollar ltt store gift cards and a handful of steam gift cards prizes are a raffle from all active participants
So no matter how powerful your computer is you have the same chance to win the link will be posted in chat
And I will do that now
Pretty awesome. This is one of the things
This is the kind of thing that we want our community coordinator doing because it's like it's not like we don't want to throw
Prizing it the community and support these kinds of things. It's just that I don't personally have time to oversee it
So I I need someone to actually follow up and you know send out pricing and that sort of thing. This is great
Fantastic. Thank you very much for the reminder
I was going to say name, but I think this individual is not off probation. Cool
Hit me again
Sure thing. Hey, llnd. Love the show a question luke might be able to answer
I bought some bird seed recently. How long does it take for the birds to grow once I plant them the cashier couldn't answer me
How long that's not it's not for you feed it to the birds
I'm a security professional at a game company finding it infuriating the uber seesaw stated
Uh skated his cyber crime charges. That's a lot of C's start again. That's a lot of C's in this one
I'm a security professional at a game company finding it infuriating the uber
See so skated on his cyber crime charges. There you go. Are you worried about being held liable for one of your employees?
Did I miss something here
I was replying to text one. I I I think for one of your employees
I don't know if we technically know the full story there is uber getting pinned with this. Is that what's going on?
I don't know
Are you worried about being held liable for one of your employees? I mean, yeah
Like it is it is it is totally possible for someone here
To say something or do something that could maybe not legally
um cause problems for me, but absolutely
Perceptually cause problems like I think if if someone here came out as some kind of hyper toxic
um, you know
Like let's let's let's pick something sort of unequivocally bad like a nazi supporter or something like that
I think that if we didn't take any kind of action that could that could reflect really poorly on our company and on me personally
Yeah, definitely
It's something that we're concerned about and it's something that we try to
Try to be cognizant of as we're as we're continuing to build our team
As we want to make sure that to the greatest degree we can
Everyone who works here is like kind of awesome, you know, that's I think a pretty
Shouldn't be that hard, but it's but it's difficult
but I think it's a good and worthwhile goal and something that I actually talked to our HR department about like earlier this week's like
What do we care about we care about?
you know working with people that you know want to be here and want to and and are are excited about
you know what they're doing and what our mission is right, which is
Make consumer electronics and technology more exciting and more accessible to people
If you don't care about that and you don't want that
Then you should go work somewhere else where they do something that you do want to do and that you are excited about
Like that's fine
Right. You don't have to work here
Okay up next hi
lld thoughts on licensure for software or electronics engineers like the more traditional engineering disciplines
Ethics rules could require that engineers don't enact anti-consumer practices for example
So this is a whole thing where?
Engineer can be a protected term where you can't call yourself an engineer unless you have gone through a particular program
And or you are a member of a particular
organization that um has its own sort of internal
Governing rules for your behavior
I think it would be super cool
if you know the engineering body had rules like
Yeah, members who want to call themselves engineer
Cannot enact anti-consumer practices
But they would basically just create a situation where every licensed engineer or certified engineer
Or whatever you want to call it, um would be utterly unemployable because many companies
And it's a it's a weird thing but many companies seem to put themselves on
Opposite sides of a struggle with their customers
For how they can extract more money from them, right? And so I think that it would be it's noble
But I don't think it's realistic. I was having a similar conversation about this with someone very recently actually
It was basically along the lines of yeah, it would be great if everyone kind of came together and said, you know what?
Let's not do that anymore
Oh man, what was it it was microsoft if microsoft could put pressure on
Uh, it was something it was like some kind of like awful like software software behavior or something like that and I was like
Yeah, that would be great. But it just yeah, it was the same answer, right? It's just it's just not realistic
They'll find another way around
Exploiter's gonna exploit
Keep the new desk pad designs coming
Question are there any products on lttstore.com that you would consider a flop or under performer?
Or any products that were better than expected?
the towels
Are better than expected?
Everybody needs towels sold like a hundred towels today
Like what?
Why towels? I mean, yeah, they've got a cool keyboard design and they're good towels. I'm not
Like i'm not down on the towels or anything. I just thinking about getting some towels to be honest mine
Mine are a little older. Yeah, I need new towels as well. So yeah, everybody needs towels
Like maybe it's just one of those things where sometimes accidentally
We just kind of go man shopping for towels sucks
Yeah, what if there was just a place to get you know towels at the you know
You just know they're going to be good reasonable price. Yeah, any size you want
I don't know. I I don't get it because we we we had got them back in stock last week, I think and they've just been
crushing it since then
Um as for flops
Oh, man, I could tell you about some flops
Our first attempt at women's clothing was a pretty big flop
I mean the reviews are pretty good for the uh, the original sweatpants and cropped hoodie
but the sales have not
not been
Very strong
I can tell you guys that much
Uh, I mean there's a lot of stuff that's kind of middling. I think that we're gonna have to come up with some
Actually, you know what? Why don't why don't we talk about it?
the one time that we've kind of
taken it to price on products from ltt store was um
black friday and I think what we'll probably do is continue to have that be like
You know the time that we'll run, you know price promos or whatever else
But there may be one other time and I think we're gonna kind of piggyback on prime day
And we're gonna do lime day
They might not be sweet deals, but they're sour and tangy in a delightful way
That's like kind of
Kind of what i'm thinking for it
Lime day, so maybe like nothing actually gets discounted, but there's like it'll be good though bundles
No, no, no. No, no. No, i'm talking just like well, we'll take stuff that's like yeah
This isn't really working and just blast it away
Yeah, I I expect isn't that how like they all work
That's what we did on black friday. Yeah, but isn't that what like everybody does
Um, I mean, well, no because amazon just hikes the price up in the months leading up to it
So i'm saying we're not gonna like lie about it. No. Yeah, cool. Oh, no, no
Well, no, we're gonna if we discount something it's because this is the normal price and we are blowing it away
Yeah, so you're gonna have to move pretty fast if you want to get your hands on any of that stuff. I I don't know
Which uh items we're gonna do I think I have a meeting with
Nick next week to figure out what kind of things we're gonna run for lime day
But I do have some candidates in mind some stuff okay, i'd say our sweat band set hasn't been a smash hit
We've never restocked it. We're still sitting on like thousands of units from our initial order, but they're sweat bands
They don't take up a ton of space
They have reasonable margins. So they don't cost a ton to store. We make money on them and
They're well reviewed. So it's not like we're it's not like they're a problem. They're just
You know selling a little bit slowly so that's fine
Okay, I lld
Tech like ar and interactive content has transformed my industry broadcast media
Are there any technologies that have fundamentally transformed how ltt operates? Um, and is there any horizon besides ai?
I'd say the biggest one that's impacting us right now and will continue to impact us is
Well, okay you say besides ai but too bad, uh is the ability to reach new audiences through ai generated
and voice generation because at our
scale it's just
Yeah, obviously i'd love to hire dedicated translation teams and and professional voice actors for every possible
dialect of every possible language, but it's not feasible if we're
We are not mr. Beast
right if there's
A hundred million speakers of one language and we're getting a hundred thousand views of okay. Let's let's take mr. Beast
Okay, right
So you've got however many like a billion plus english speakers if he takes his video and he translates it for a billion, you know
Hindi speakers
He can double his views which would be 30 or 40 million views of video
That cost is is negligible
Whereas if we take our english viewership and we translate it to let's say
Portuguese, okay, so we get
Millions, but not hundreds of millions and certainly not a billion right compared to our english-speaking audience or or english accessible audience
All of a sudden, okay, if we can get a million or two million views, maybe we get like 200 000
Those economics don't make any sense
So and even even for something like hindi
they don't necessarily make sense because
The cpms for views in those languages and views in those regions are so much lower that it's not like you're just doubling your reach
So for us we need tools that make it more cost effective for us to support more languages and i'd say that's going to
Probably not double our business but could help us
Grow 10 or 20 just by by reaching a broader audience over the next couple of years as we work that into our workflow
Apparently there are only approximately 350 million hindi speakers
So I guess a lot of Punjabi as well. I don't know the actual like dialect split. It's a lot of people
Yeah, it's still a lot
Hey luke, I just
I just how you doing? Yeah
I just read the news that scientists taught pet parrots to video call each other
What do you think about using tech not to make ownership easier but making the lives of pets easier? I think it's super better
Yeah. Yeah. I I I don't know if I talked to you about this
I should have sent you the article but I probably forgot it's actually really wild they they taught parrots to video call each other
And they found that over time they made friends
And those friends would more frequently call each other so it wasn't necessarily even just that the one would like
Learn to press the one button more easily because the other one would also be like, oh this one's my friend
So it would call that one back as well
And they would like go get their toys and like show their friend on the video call the toy
And they seem to understand that their friend is only in this thing
But they can like call them when they want and like did they introduce them in person after and see if they still recognized each other
I don't think so. Um, but like
Super cool. That's wild and like there was clearly they like enjoyed it and they're having fun
And they're being social and all this kind of stuff very very interesting. Yeah
But yeah, I don't know. I mostly just wanted to
Explain the story of what they were basing that merch message off of because that's super interesting
And yeah, if you can use tech to enhance the lives of your pets, why not? That sounds great
That's super cool
So, yeah
Next up I feel like I already read this one
yeah, and
Okay. Hey lld love watching the wan show but how
Do you always keep the discussion interesting? Is there a threshold for the cutting room floor?
Oh boy, I don't know that's a good question
We can be pretty vicious about topics
I mean you look at the way that I will sort of okay. I think ai is a perfect example of this where luke's
Patience for it was a little bit longer than mine
and it starts with
Oh, no, luke's going to talk about ai again, you know as a as a
A a a cue as a as a prompt that hey, this is probably kind of getting there
You might want to keep this one short. Like that's the that's the unspoken
Undertone of the joke that i'm making and then if he doesn't
Get the clue and i'll be like, all right. Let's move on and
He does the same thing to me
So I think that between the two of us
How quickly we get bored with things helps us to keep the conversation moving
And realistically like you guys I think
I think the cynical among you won't believe me so you can just plug your ears and go
La la la and pretend this isn't happening
But for the rest of you, this is not actually that dissimilar to what it's like when we just are on discord
He in particular swears a lot less on wanshow than he does on discord
I think neither of us is as politically correct on discord
On discord, um, because we don't have to be and we're tired or whatever
It takes we're getting older. It takes energy because I honestly just forget like there's certain terms that aren't
It's moving really fast and it's actually kind of hard to keep up with i'm trying but yeah, yeah
Um, there was there was one time not even that long ago. We went out to dinner after wan
Yeah, it ended up just continuing to talk about tech stuff the whole time. Yeah, so like
Why did we even stop the show? We just needed food. How do we keep it?
You know interesting. Well, I don't know as long as i'm interested in what he's saying and I feel like hanging around with him
And vice versa the wan show will be interesting. It's gonna be fun
That's pretty much it yeah
Okay, uh, this one's from sarah need more women's underwear colors
Guys if you were to support a new ldt channel that isn't completely tech or gaming
What topic do you think would be the easiest to get off the ground? Oh
Yeah easiest is tough. No because I would oh
Okay, i'm sure i'm i'm ready automotive. Oh, okay. That's tech though
You can't that's tech. Honestly, that's fair and we'll we'll we'll do more later
There's no way that like between jake and alex and gary who are all like giant petrol heads and they're just yeah
Yeah, never mind andy
Nick there's a bunch the the more you like think about it. There's more and more and more. Yeah
You see these guys at like the go-kart track. There's no way we don't eventually end up with some kind of dedicated car channel
It's just a matter of time. Yeah
Okay. Yeah that one. I mean I was gonna say like I wouldn't pick something easy
I'd pick something that I actually think is fun like I
Well, the question was easiest to get off the ground. Yeah, okay
But you can take it that way
Auto, sure. Fine. Yeah, no, no, no, no take your fun. Take your fun
I'd want to do something with my kids. I'd want to do like, uh, i've you know what i've always wanted to do a like thrifting
Channel. Yeah, just like
Go to thrift stores and like I can garage sales into something else or yeah
And just I found something cool or whatever. Yeah, just find weird stuff because it's basically unboxings except you're not limited to whatever the
Shiny piece du jour is you could go look at anything from anywhere and just kind of poke at it
So you find an atari at a garage sale. So that's the video you go out you're looking for something and
Find it and maybe it's broken you solder some caps you play it and your kids are like this is a crap game like okay
fair enough
But it was a cool adventure. Yeah. Yeah, but at least you tried something right? Yeah
llnd is there an eta on when there will be big and tall sizes available?
And will there be an option for big and tall for those of us who are bigger than linus in all three dimensions first big
And tall then big and tall if all of that goes well
No eta
No, well big is coming
And then we'll be tall
And then assuming all goes well big and tall
I don't want to give a timeline. We're we're trying it's more important that we get it right than that. We get it soon. Yes
Big agree. Let's see if I can get this, right
Dinah's dukin land
Can you please explain why windows file explorer still can't show folders size on disk?
And instead of having to go into the properties, I don't know
It drives me crazy because I think it used to yeah back in windows xp
Didn't it used to and like realistically, you know the amount of crap that windows does in the background
Why isn't just probing that and making sure that it's constantly available in an index?
Just a thing it does then by all means allow me to turn it off
But it should be a feature. I used to manually run my index all the time. So it would populate faster
Like I use a third-party tool that does it in five seconds
And including my entire nas yeah, like come on bro. It's it's available. It's a thing. Yeah, it's mind-boggling and the fact that it takes
This is fucking metadata
You don't have to dig into the contents of every you're not watching every movie on this drive
to me it's metadata
to me
The fact that stuff like space sniffer isn't a first-party tool at this point is just like
Yeah, that's kind of mind-blowing. What? Yeah, like winter stat I think is a more um
Recently updated one. I think space sniffer stopped getting we've moved on to wiz tree now
Oh wiz tree, which is like three seconds to do
Uh, I have 500 terabytes. It's amazing wild. Wow. Um, okay moving. Oh, yeah
What what are some features that you would expect to have by now or is that like the major one for you?
Oh, i'm i'm sure there's stuff but I can't think of anything off the top of my head. Okay, lld
How can I read my boss's mind when he doesn't have time to tell me how can I accurately?
Evaluate context clues to deliver a report. That is what he's looking for
There is no there is a question is this what are you even talking about? What do you mean?
What this is this is such a good question. This is a great question. You don't understand because you're that person
Yeah, everyone hates you for this
What are you talking about? What do you mean?
How about what i'm that person have you never had this experience with somebody?
I guess you're the boss. So it's like yeah, you're the person. Okay. Well this question is about you're the boss that this person has to
Deal with let's uh, let's use it. Von is the context here. Uh, if you could pretend to von is the boss
That's not pretending but I don't deliver reports to her because she knows they won't be right. So
Um, like yeah, I don't I would I would I would never how can I accurately evaluate context clues to deliver a report?
Is what they're looking for. So linus will do to be just I have to be fair here linus will do both
Linus will give you
Tons of information and a perfect. This is exactly what I want all every question
You can have answered here go do it and he'll also do
I want this thing on and then just walk away and you have to figure it out
He'll do both. Um, and I don't know it just kind of comes over time
Well, my expectation is that I have a world-class team full of smart people who are hard working
And that they will probably figure it out and if they don't figure it out
Then I will tell them what they didn't figure out and then they'll probably figure it out better next time. Like I it's yeah
Am I am I the idiot here for
Not seeing the problem with this I don't I don't think it's a huge problem
I think to a certain degree for efficiency sake you can't have like insanely detailed things every single time
Um, but sometimes it's really important like we laid out we okay earlier this week
We had to have like an hour-long meeting about the plan for uh, how we're going to represent
yeah, uh how we're going to organize the
Data that we present on the lab's website for a category like GPUs
There's like an actually absurd amount of information and there's a lot of valid ways to do it
So we have to kind of decide. Okay. Well, what do we think is the best way and in order to decide that?
We have to have a clear idea of what the vision is for the site past minimum viable product past v1 past v2
And into you know what a v3 might look like
So that's something that I have to be involved in because I can't possibly expect anybody to know that
Yeah, but if it's hey here's a product we need to make a video about this
I expect them to go
Look at some of the the documents that we have like we have a we have a document called how to write good videos
Most of it is stuff that I would consider to be kind of
Um common sense to a degree but it's also even something that's common sense
It's still helpful to have written out as as a reminder, right? So here's how to how to write good videos
One the 10 laws of linus one don't waste the viewer's time. What's the point?
Make your point as concisely as possible while maximizing clarity. Tell me why I should care number two control the scope
Make sure your point isn't too broad think of the game portal its shortness is its greatness
Recognize when something has gone on for too long this involves reading it to yourself at full volume
No whispering and seeing if you run out of breath or patience
Number three load up the learning outcomes. So lay out the learnables for each section of the video
They should come fast and furious at the beginning front load the video to improve retention
Number four make it personal. Why should I care?
Either apply it to the viewer assuming the subject matter is broad enough or to yourself or linus or someone recognizable
Five ask questions out loud then answer them. This one is so important
I expect if you are given a task that you will ask questions and then you will answer them out loud to me
Later, and if you don't answer if you don't ask any questions, you won't get any answers and then i'm going to tell you
Why are you here giving me a report when you haven't asked any questions and you haven't found any answers
I'm always fair. You don't always want questions to be asked because you're busy
No, no, I mean asking them to yourself. Okay, ask questions out loud then answer them
Is like for for videos like that. It's just such an effective storytelling technique. No for sure, but linus
Why on earth would they have?
It shaped like this when a square would be so much
Uh more efficient to you know pack in next to each other and maximize volume
I'm, so glad you asked the shape of a cylinder is you know, whatever, right?
Maximizes the materials, you know, whatever
Number six provide context it's not always obvious how good a screen is or amazing a microprocessor feature is
Is it the price that makes it amazing? Why should I care that one comes up a lot?
Number seven remember who you're talking to
Every video is a potential gateway drug that pulls the viewer deeply into the hobby
But some videos have a more technical level of discourse than others
So don't talk down to the audience about a highly technical subject, but don't always assume pre-existing knowledge
Number eight plan for the payoff
Know what the payoff will need to be
Uh, so that the video culminates in something satisfying lord of the rings would have sucked if we never got to see mount doom
Don't forget a negative outcome is still an outcome
It's part of the journey and a journey can be an outcome. You just need to plan for it number nine
Tell and show us how to feel
And this is where this is from our internal documentation
If you break it down ninety percent of youtube is reaction videos
Reacting to news or life or tech don't tell me what's happening if you can show me how to feel what's happening
So instead of and this is an example from a video where someone scripted it and brought it to me and I said, yeah
It's okay. But here's how it needs to be
Yeah, look at this pixel six 5g in the corner, but when I type these digits and check phone information
It says i'm on lte. What the heck?
Why would I say all that when I can just say?
But when I type this
What the heck? I don't have to say check phone information. It says i'm on lte. I have to show emotion
I have to show you how to feel
um number 10 have fun
Fun is infectious and so is misery if you have a bad time making a video find a way to make it fun
Or you will fail which will create more misery which will create more failure
I think you complete it was very cool to go over because the the video bible is awesome all that kind of stuff
I think you completely dodged the actual
Maybe unintentionally, but the actual question that the person had though because you're giving an example of where you did lay out what you want
And they're asking how do I deal with when they don't?
Well, what do I want that's not clear
You often ask for things that aren't that clear. No, I mean no i'm
Tell me i'm young. What can I do better? You'll be like I want this thing. I I don't care
I don't actually mind this. Oh, okay dan
Oh, I have I have learned that you go I would like nebulous thing and I just
I just do the nebulous thing
Okay, and then it's normally the answer that I would give is try to look into the things that that person has
Liked or valued in the past and try to take the tenets that you can take from that and apply it to what you're currently
Working on and do the best job you can it's a much more eloquent
Way to put what I tried to say it's it's I mean, it's all people relationships, right? Yeah, like yeah boss employee
Um friend or you know, so or landlord or whatever your whole life is full of interactions with people
But they're just people like if you look sorry
Oh, I was just gonna say some so I think an example where I did give
Just an end point and didn't provide a lot of guidance was whale land
Yeah, I was like let's have a land it's going to be sick
Um people that interact that's pretty much all we like said. Yeah, I think what I try and drill down to is like
What do I think the end point of this thing that linus wants is or why is he asking me to do this?
Why is it important to him and then you can kind of base your entire task around that right?
If you don't agree
Then you need to get on the same page about the importance if you don't think it's important or you think something else is important
If linus is not correctly
Articulated why it's important to him. That's when I would ask follow-up questions
Like one example that I would give is look at creator warehouse products
Sure, if you look at a huge range of creative if someone's like if you're like, hey, I want to whatever
Would yeah
I want to I want a lighter
where it's the shape of a butt and it looks like the flame is coming out of the butt and if you're wondering like how
Good, it should be how effective it should be what materials you should use all that kind of stuff
Look into the other products in the store and you can probably figure out a like quality level design language for making this thing
Yeah, but lighter heirloom piece
We will do my cat teaser at some point
It's gonna be like if you were trying to make decisions on materials for the cat teaser thing
You could probably figure out the direction to go in by looking at the other products on the store. Like there's there's often
Things around that can that can guide decisions
Someone in flow fling chat i'd consider buying that later
Don't encourage him
I'd have to uh, hi ll. Oh, yeah, uh
Yeah, okay. Let's move on. Hi lld with the scrutiny of I guess censored content should people on commissions
Also, no sponsored content. Sorry, it was cut off there. Uh, should people uh
Let's try this again hi lld with the scrutiny on sponsored content should people on commissions also be required to disclose
Mortgage brokers travel agents often will have incentives from companies to promote their stuff
I absolutely think so. Yeah. Yeah any kind of um, well, I mean we talked about this when we were talking about marketing the backpack recently
You know anytime there's a financial incentive to do anything there is supposed to be uh,
Disclosure. It's just a matter of how well regulated it is and how
uh how cancelled someone will get if it turns out that they were not properly disclosing things which these days seems to be
Not very cancelled because there's plenty of creators that participated in fairly egregious things like crypto rug pulls or whatever else
That seemed to be not very cancelled at all. Somehow. I don't I can't fathom it personally, but hey there you are. Yeah
Love the show having grown to a hundred plus employees. How do you expect to balance being a business with being a relatable creator?
Am I relatable anymore
I mean, there's certain things that we do intentionally like here's something we've we've struggled a lot with
Hey, this is also from the how to write good videos document. It's not one of the 10 laws of linus, but it's something
Where is it
Uh, oh
I don't know. It seems to have been moved. But basically I I laid out a guideline
For the writing team that basically says look we need to stop talking about money in subjective terms
Um, and it was have I talked about this on wan show before? Yeah. Oh, okay, then never mind
Uh, yeah, I I don't I don't know it's tough because some days I feel completely out of touch
Like I said with the you know, just
Sure, make it so for the three thousand dollar concrete pad for our, you know, six figure
Rf chamber, right like obviously that's not
a real person
Situation that they find themselves in but then other times
You know, I have exactly the same challenges that you guys do like, how do I manage?
uh the time my kids are spending on their devices and
uh, you know, how do I make sure that
You know, how do I how do I deal with a
you know crash when my when I launch this game on my computer right like the
no amount of money makes you immune to any of that no amount of
People who work for you means that you don't have to you don't freak out when?
Your server, you know reboots and you all of a sudden your array is not showing up properly
It's like yeah, just because you have a backup doesn't mean that it didn't just create a ton of work for you
like I don't know there's
I think the most important thing is to not get too far removed from the actual tech
And that's tough the more people that are here
the more involved I am in administration, but I think that
I might have some ideas for how to fix that and hopefully i'll be able to share them with you guys in the coming weeks
Howdy lads going through a hard breakup right now
Your large library of long streams are a great distraction
If you could change one thing in the history of technology, what would it be and why more stereoscopic 3d?
I don't know. It's cool
It's kind of still here. You know, it's just it kind of comes and goes right you got your vr now
Is it fair to talk about software features when he's asking about technology? Sure
Uh microtransactions. No
Delete microtransactions is a pretty good answer. I like that me too. It's better than mine. That's a very noble answer. I was just memeing
Okay, last one of my curated today
Now it's two I still run my 20 year old logitech 5.1 speakers
It's better than being tethered to a headset and a lot of game support 5.1 letting me know when enemies are behind me
Why did linus stop using these?
Oh, uh, I moved in with my in-laws and
uh, they had tenants and so using speakers is
Uh something I didn't I didn't really think about this when I lived in the middle of the boondocks in my parents house
But using speakers is a privilege not a right
And then I went from
Living true. Yeah, I went from living with the in-laws to having children who?
Nowadays, there's no real reason not to use speakers other than
Single-player gaming is not really much of a thing for me anymore. And when you're a multiplayer gamer
Don't be that guy
Don't be the guy with speakers
So when the heck am I ever going to use speakers? Yeah, it ends up working for me that if i'm going to use speakers
I could probably just play on the tv anyways
So then it's like kind of a combination experience, you know
Speaking of video games. Hello linus. I'm happy to hear you finished horizon zero dawn. I hope you enjoyed it. I did
Do you plan on playing horizon forbidden west anytime soon or will you be waiting for a pc desk launch?
deck launch
Why would I play it on a playstation?
When I can play it later on a pc, there's you know what this is
This is like a funny thing that I feel like it's really different between me and other people
I don't need to do it now
I don't need to watch the movie now. I don't need to play that game now
My queue of games that i'm supposed to play is so flipping deep that if I started
And it was my full-time job to do nothing but play games that I want to play and are on my list of things to play
Or even in my steam library already
It would be
Probably a couple of years before I would get to anything current
So if something new comes out what's the hurry?
It's fair and there's situations where that's totally not valid, right?
being part of the initial launch of a new multiplayer game in particular and part of the
The community and you know figuring out all the little little tricks and stuff alongside everyone else
That's that's huge that's so fun. That's so engaging, right?
But I I don't have it's tough to play competitive games for me these days. I'm just not that good and dude people are so
sweaty these days
Whoa, it feels like man like over half the players are playing as if this could become their full-time job
Like it's well, look how many people were look how many people aspire to be streamers, right? It's true. Yeah
I don't it looks rough
I do not envy streamers. Yeah, it's it's it's kind of weird. Like I feel like the amount of people that play multiplayer games casually
when we were growing up used to be the majority and is absolutely the minority these days like it's
It's kind of wild
It's kind of wild
Hot takes they've always been sweaty. I don't agree like at all actually
Like if you i've brought up this analogy a bunch in the past actually and I think this directly counters that point
Back in the day playing multiplayer rpg games if you got a fancy piece of armor or weapon, but it was ugly
You wouldn't wear it
If it was a stat upgrade, but you're like, ah, it looks gross
People wouldn't put it on and this i'm not making this up a lot of zoomer boys don't believe me
But it's actually a thing people would be like, yeah, that's an upgrade but like i'm wearing entirely
uh green armor and that's
Orange or something and it just does it doesn't fit. It doesn't look good. So i'll keep it in my bags
Maybe i'll find stuff that works with it later
And now it's like you'll you'll look like a
Total random wardrobe person just as long as these things give better stats you can compete harder
Just bah, it's a very very different mentality
Finally making my first ltt store.com purchase you've
Occasionally mentioned applications and tools you use to make your work easier
Do you use any particular human capital management software at lmg? Thanks y'all
Was that for me yeah, I was reading sorry
It could be both of you. I mean, I didn't hear it, uh hcm software
Hcm, I think it's like a hr software
Human capital management. That sounds horrifying. I don't like that term. It sure does
Um, if the question was are we looking into it? I would say no because we didn't know what it was. No
Manage their employees from hire to retire. No, but I wouldn't be surprised if
Uh, like managing employees is absolutely a thing that you need to do and like onboarding and offboarding can be very complicated
Especially without any form of automation or system to do so we didn't have any hr people until very recently
Uh, so maybe they'll approach me about getting something like this at some point in the future. I wouldn't be too surprised
I know they've been talking about certain
Uh implementations of of uh different like online tools that they're already using. Um, so I don't know
Maybe we are growing things happening
Can we please have a way for digital only ltx pass holders to purchase a custom colored screwdriver?
The flight and hotel cost would cost me nearly two thousand dollars. I wouldn't mind a sixty dollar tier
It's tough it's very very tough to get those colorways out
Um, I think there's some things that if we're being completely realistic
There isn't a feasible way for us to do it unless you come to the show and I know that's a tall ask and it's not
Going to work for everyone, but it doesn't mean that we shouldn't make it cool for the people that can show up
Um, and you have talked about like maybe we'll put some extras up or something. They wouldn't be
Billed to order though. Absolutely not. There's gonna be random colors
There's just no way for us to handle that with our distribution and assembly partner. Yeah, and it's local like
someday someday
But it is not something that we're set up for right now if I had to
I have I don't know if I want to throw this out there
But hey here it goes
Um, you know if an enterprising individual who's going to be attending the show
Wanted to coordinate with people who can't attend the show and buy more than one in person, you know that all sounds
community oriented and all that
Uh, but we're not gonna we're not gonna allow people to buy a hundred drivers either. So don't kid yourself
you're not going to be showing up and like buying our entire stock and like, you know, making a
A side hustle business out of doing this but if
If people show up and they buy like two or three, we're not going to tell them no
So i'd say that might be a way maybe find someone who's going
Linus being a supreme commander player and being alive for as long as you have I assume you've also experienced
Total annihilation and it's amazing music. What's your favorite or favorites video game soundtrack?
Oh, wow, that's a good question
Do you have a favorite video game soundtrack for a long time? It was the bastion soundtrack. I liked that a lot
Um, I used to run to that all the time
Um, i've spent so much time listening to final fantasy 6. I never ever get sick of it
But like there's some there's some just amazing like main theme songs
Like if I just had to pick, you know biggest bangers like obviously, you know, halo's got to be up there
Oh, yeah, it's just the halo intro is sick. It's so good, right?
I've often been into music without lyrics because that's exactly enough distraction for me that I can stay focused on things
Well, the second you have lyrics I start saying them in my head
And it's bad
Um, so I used to like I would just put on like the ftl soundtrack
Um, but I don't think it's necessarily even that great
It's just something that I had heard a lot because I liked that game
Um for like chill vibes. I used to like the the grizzly hills ambience
Just random stuff like that. I don't know
Nobody's talking about mental gear rise. My birds listen to the assassin's creed 4 sea shanties all the time
Always are there video calling each other?
That is so cool
Okay, last one I have here in the curated question for linus in retrospect did the roast of linus sebastian hurt in the moment
How do you feel about watching it back if you ever do not was hilarious and it's still hilarious. Um, there's so much
Far too much truth in there
So good, yeah, that's a proper roast it should be truthful
Um, and now we're into potentials with you guys every time I watch it back I forget things that happened and just burst out laughing
Yeah, so funny
Oh, man
Hi linus and luke. I really admire your leadership skills as a business owner
How do you go about developing your leadership skills and the philosophy that lets you guide your decision making?
I mean honestly so much of it just comes down to the golden rule
maybe part of it is just
Because I did used to work as a low-level employee and I do remember it like it just seems
It seems kind of common sense
Um, you know say please say thank you
You know don't make people
Feel like they're being dismissed if they need to be dismissed acknowledge that you know
Explain why you have to do it make time later, you know, like just I don't know just
Don't be rude
It's all bill and ted right be excellent to each other
And if you if you can't if you screw up sometimes
What what is what is up with people and thinking apologizing is not cool anymore?
Like, you know back backing down, you know, you should never apologize like what what's up with that?
I don't know if you make a mistake the current thing. I don't think i've seen that. Yeah, you know, no
It's it's a thing in certain. I believe you. Yeah, I don't know. I don't know. I think it's really dumb toxic masculinity
I don't know toxic something toxic something
I've been shopping for a new ultra wide monitor and i'm struggling to figure out the differences between hdr 10 or 400 or whatever
Oh, I see so hdr 400 is nonsense hdr 600 is okay hdr 1000 is pretty good and those are
The capabilities of your display and then there's also the like oled version where 600 and up is is pretty good actually
as for hdr 10 versus dolby
uh dolby vision versus hlg
uh, that just comes down to whatever content you're going to be consuming and
Which format it was?
Mastered in so it all comes down to what content you'll be consuming hdr 10 plus
Seems like it might kind of win but dolby vision still
Doing pretty good and then hlg I think has pretty good support in tv. So there's no clear
winner and what we really need is someone to at this point to develop a
metadata interpreting middleware
For the metadata interpreting standards so that you can just interpret all of them correctly. I don't know
There's devices like that for home theater use that will take whatever content and then
You know adjust it so that every frame is is perfectly balanced within the capabilities of your display
But they're like shockingly expensive still I think
Now there's one that I accidentally
Got rid of do you think we'll ever see a return of 3ds type screens on more mainstream devices like phones or a steam deck
competitor next-gen switch
Um, we're going to see 3d laptops with glasses free 3d
I've seen prototypes in person. They look shockingly good. I don't know that they'll go mainstream
I think they might be more professional but yeah, they're really good
Okay, last few here. Hey dll given the variations for the wan hoodie
What is the likelihood that we will see different colorways for the windbreaker?
I've noticed linus seems to wear the short circuit hoodie most often now
Oh, sorry one second I missed a little bit of that you're gonna get new colors for the wan hoodie
Not anytime soon
No, it's going to be when in short circuit for quite a while
Hey dll as a fold for user. My biggest gripe is whenever I fold it closed
It closes the app and kicks me to the home screen. Does yours do this as well? It's a setting
Uh, there's you'll have to look it up but in the settings you can tell it which apps app by app you want to
Continue where you left off if you close the phone. That's the default behavior though is what you're seeing
Hi me from the future
Linus you mentioned during a beat saber live stream that you were trying the big screen beyond and it had some issues
Have you tested it since and what's your review of it? It's super cool
um, I actually I have a bunch of notes on it and I I I think either
Either adam from the writing team has not kept up with talking to them or they haven't replied
Either way, I you know, I want to cover it at some point, but it's been kind of stalled
Um, so I can just tell you guys what I have down so far
I think
Hmm. No, I don't see the doc
Big screen. Is it big screen one word? I don't know. I made a bunch of notes
Basically the fineness of the display is amazing the contrast of the displays
So amazing really really cool. Yeah, I can't find my doc doesn't matter
But there's some issues with the lenses where they kind of lens flare
On bright objects that I find pretty distracting and i'm having an issue that might have been resolved by now
But I was having an issue with the mic a few weeks back that made it so that if any
Application was using the onboard usbc audio device
Uh, the microphone wouldn't work in obs, so I couldn't hear my game and also stream
So I was like, well, this is stupid. I'm not going to use this
Um, I love the lightweight. I love the the custom fit. Uh, but there's there's just a deal breaker that I can't deal with for now
I think there's four incoming merch messages that are all linus related and then we're
I'll be getting donors
Uh, okay
Oh, can you give us some linus text tips
Uh, i'm gonna go full boomer and say use lots of emojis. Nice. Nice. Lots of like colon p and you know
I miss emoticons. I hate emojis me too. I wish they would not uh auto convert as off drives me nuts
They have more emotion
How are you liking your pebble? Do you plan on paying the three dollar monthly fee for rebels voice transcription weather services?
I still haven't taken the 10 minutes to figure out how rebel works and side load the pebble app
So i've actually just been wearing it ornamentally
I will get around to it at some point. I'm pretty sure watches are just fashion accessories at this point
Um, I think I think nick like seriously uses his but he's the only person I know that does
Ethan honestly, I don't know what to tell you other than that. It's really tough. Sometimes
I just get distracted and stuff languishes
Are there any other companies you draw inspiration from in conducting business?
Most are kind of sucky
Noctua is a big one. I like their I like their philosophy when it comes to
Only releasing products when they're ready
Are there any that you draw inspiration from
No, it's kind of hard to get inspiration for the type of stuff that
we do
Um when like everyone in the space is chasing vc money and buyouts. I mean you could say the opposite. Uh,
They're inspiring because they're doing bad and you want to do what they're not doing bad though
No, I wouldn't say they're doing bad. I I am I know a lot of people that are doing great
I meant more for that aren't ours for linuses, you know, they're sucky as he said. Yeah, maybe
Last one. I swiped away a thing. Um, have you ever heard of the black mages?
It's a metal rock band that covers final fantasy soundtrack. I'm sure conrad has I haven't i'm afraid
Uh thoughts on a motherboard throw cover for couches with the cp pillow
Yeah, we wanted to do a blanket but all the samples we got were awful. So we didn't
And that was that
I'm glad you like your shirt travis
Show archive. I can't do anything with that one for some reason. Oh and it's gone
Uh, do you have any plans on making a mask for the windbreaker to protect your face against rain and wind?
No, I can't say that ever occurred to me probably not anytime soon and
Hey, are you gonna be on time for your thing? Yeah
Thanks for tuning in we'll see you again next week same bad time same bad channel. Bye
Like the composer of like
Most of the oh wow, yeah, that's cool. So it's not just like random