
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

All right, let's just do it. Let's just do it. Dude, the door is locked. Blow it!
Hacking into the system.
Missile domiciles.
Nuclear attack. Oh my god, what is happening? Access granted.
Access granted is probably my favorite.
That's the best part of the whole video. Oh!
Oh no.
So amazing.
I'm a noob.
Way to go, Luke.
Everything's fine.
Okay, so welcome to the Wan Show, you guys. We have zero viewers. It's always like that
up at the beginning of the show, but every time I discuss it I'm like...
Mine literally doesn't even show a viewer count at all.
Oh. Oh yeah, no, my live one, my... yeah, it's not... oh, weird. Oh, okay.
Anyway, discussing the live viewers is totally irrelevant to all the 200,000 or so people
who watch the Wan Show and the archive every week.
But Tin2 isn't.
Access granted.
Kind of is, because we did it in the afterparty.
Fair, they have no idea what's going on.
But then again, I did include as a highlight in our winner announcement video just that
part of that video.
Awesome, awesome.
So yeah, and a couple other really golden moments as well.
So I... yeah.
I actually... normally I don't just watch our videos for fun because I'm in a lot of
them and I don't really have anything to say that would teach myself anything at that point.
Usually my thing is, and I'm sure you're probably the same way to at least some degree, if you're
not in the video, you just go talk to the person.
Yeah, I usually have... well, I've heard enough like complaining about all the negative things
and I've heard enough like, oh, okay, come look at this, this is really cool about all
the positive stuff that it's like, ah, I kind of got the highlight reel.
You probably get it, yeah.
I kind of got the highlight reel already, I don't think I need to watch this.
So, so yeah, but I actually watched our ultra wide winner announcement just so I could see
the highlight reel again because we got some great entries.
They were really awesome.
All right, so what do we got for the show today?
Ah, yes, big news.
Nvidia dropping prices for Black Friday.
Yeah, okay.
Did you lose your thing?
That's weird.
Did I lose my what now?
The thing?
The thing.
Your dock, do you know what you're calling out next?
Yeah, I got it, it's right there.
And I realized that the announcement is not live on YouTube.
I didn't set it live because we weren't live yet.
No, I know, I thought I had.
Oh, okay, okay.
Yeah, it didn't work from here for some reason.
Oh, I can click save, that's why.
All right, so also in the news this week, LiFi Internet, also known as Linus Fidelity
Basically you just, you build up two Linuses in your house, they take a fair amount of
resources but they're pretty solid, and then they communicate with each other very quickly,
they don't talk really fast.
For as long as they don't cheat.
Because it's Linus Fidelity, not Linus breaking all the rules.
Yeah, so you just gotta keep them in line.
So basically it doesn't work at all.
What else we got?
Except this one does.
Yes, the real one does.
Anyways, AMD is dropping prices for Black Friday, and a toddler's eyeball was sliced
by a drone propeller.
I mean, you know, it was a matter of time.
Before someone got hurt?
But like, has some baby been hit by a thrown football and knocked out and bad things happened?
Well, no, there was that baby that got hit by the beer can at the baseball game.
Like projectiles.
Yeah, so now like everyone in the upper deck has to have plastic cups or something, something,
something, yeah.
I mean, it was really interesting hearing them talk about this on the radio.
Because the only radio I listen to is sports radio, so if you ever hear me talk about what
they talk about on the radio, it's gonna be beer cans being thrown off the upper deck
at a baseball game.
It was really interesting hearing them talk about this because people had such varying
Number one is hooligans should shoot them all, people who are throwing things off the
upper deck.
Opinion number two was, what is your toddler doing at a baseball game?
Because the kid was like one year old.
So like, why are they at a...
I went to...
Leave them at home, leave them at home.
I went to this like giant crazy outdoors electronic music thing where the music was like very,
very, very loud and people had like very young, like a year or below kids there without headphones.
And I'm like, I don't know much about this field as we noticed last week when I called
it a kennel, but like that can't be a good thing.
There's no way that's a good thing.
My ears hurt, my head hurts.
That's a toddler.
I listen to a lot of music all the time.
I don't know.
All right.
So wait, are we supposed to roll the intro?
Oh shoot.
Did we talk?
Yes, we did talk about them all.
Nice pose.
I know, right?
Nice pecs.
I'm never sure how much they can hear us doing this.
Oh, Phantom glass has a promo.
I fix it has a promo.
Fresh books doesn't have a promo, but it's still cool anyway.
All right.
So this is, this is the best, uh, this is, this is the best, uh, comment in the Twitch
What are the parents subjecting their child to baseball?
Oh, my brother-in-law is like, he's hardcore into baseball and golf and I'm just like, I
find those to be two of the most boring sports ever.
They're relatively fun to play.
I like playing baseball.
I hate watching baseball.
I would make the argument that baseball is actually super boring to play because you
literally spend one ninth of your time actually doing anything unless you're the pitcher or
the catcher.
It's fun to play if you have like people to talk to.
So like my favorite thing about baseball stuff is playing games.
That's like saying fishing is fun.
Fishing is fun because you get out on a boat with a bunch of bros and you drink beer.
That's why fish.
That's why anyone fishes.
Like I get such a kick out of people who are like, yeah, like competitive fishing and blah,
blah, blah.
And I'm like, yeah, competitive fishing is like, is like this tiny minuscule percentage
of the people who actually have any idea what the crap they're doing and are convert and
are actually using skill to catch the fish better.
Most of fishing like, Oh, sorry, hon.
You know, I gotta go.
I gotta go really early.
That's when the fish are biting also.
You know, that's, I need a couple of minutes to like go and dig my like huge case of beer
out of where I stashed it and get that in the boat without you noticing because you're
not awake yet.
Like, come on.
Baseball is pure socializing.
My favorite thing about baseball video, we're going to lose a whole ton of American fans
I know.
My, one of my favorite things about American baseball videos are when it shows like the
guys just screwing around all the time.
Like there's so many of them there on, on Imgur a while ago, there was a huge list of,
I think over like a hundred gifts of like this season, like antics, just crazy crap
people have done.
They, they come up with these like insanely ludicrous handshakes.
They, they like throw food to each other, like team to team.
There's one where like two guys opposing team are just like chilling against opposing fences
playing rock, paper, scissors, like across the stadium.
Oh my gosh, what are you doing with your time?
Like at least with football, people are usually like strategizing or engaged in the game.
These guys are just like, and I hear, I hear a lot of, I hear a lot of like, yeah, like,
you know, it's a mind game, it's strategy and I'm like, okay, to an extent, but like
bowling or like golf, there is, there's, there's a certain amount of, if you have a whole team
full of people who are straight up individually skilled better than the other team, there's
actually not a whole lot of strategy that you can do to beat that team.
And I know, you know, operating as a cohesive unit, this and that, et cetera, that's all
very important, but generally speaking, are you back to baseball?
I'm back to baseball.
I'm back to baseball.
So bowling, you have to encourage each other, I guess.
Like team spirit, you know, you can make that argument, but there's not a whole lot of variability
in terms of like, should you go for the double play or should you just get the guy at first?
Like, come on.
So people are, people are giving me, people, oh, people are, people are hitting on NASCAR
in the, in the comments.
I would argue that NASCAR is actually way more legitimate than baseball, I'm sorry.
It's like a physics game, basically.
It looks really repetitive and it's quite repetitive to watch.
I don't watch it.
I will never watch it.
It's super boring.
Berkel posted this thing the other day that was like V8 supercar racing somewhere in Europe.
Super interesting.
The cars were like super close to each other, going around really, really tight corners.
It was, it was nuts.
I usually get really bored watching racing, but that was cool.
All right.
People are asking for a topic.
I'm like, I guess so.
All right.
So original post here is from WCCF Tech.
Nvidia's entire 900 series GPU lineup gets price cuts for the holidays.
Pretty serious ones.
Including the GTX 980 Ti, which I think we had covered when we said 900 series.
The 980, which I think we, does 900 series, is 980 in the 900 series?
It depends on how you look at it.
See, if you look at the inverse, it's in the zero series.
Shut up.
So hold on, hold on.
I'm going to, I'm going to go tangent.
They should just do that.
They shouldn't make it the like 1080.
I was just going to, I was heading there.
Oh, 80.
Oh, okay.
Guys, what do you, what do you think?
The GTX 1080 optimized for 4k, right?
It's kind of weird.
The 1080 Ti optimized for 4k with VR, right?
I am really looking forward to that.
My entire portion, or no, you do GPU videos in their entirety now, whatever.
So your entire video, I would ask, but this is a mandate, will be full of jokes.
If it's 1080, it will be full of jokes about that.
All right.
So 1080 and 950 are all getting cut for the holidays.
I mean, it's not, it's like in five years we have to do, or actually closer to four
something now, but we should, we have to do, we have to do a review of like glasses just
to troll people.
In 2020.
Or we could do like the entire, the entire like year could be videos of like old products
and we could be like, this is the hindsight year.
Just take an entire year to troll people.
An entire year.
I think even we wouldn't get away with that.
So the 980 Ti is down from 649 to 589 or as low as 559 after MIR.
The 980 has dropped about 60 bucks actually, even more after mail-in rebates, 970 is down
from 329 to 289.
So some pretty significant price cuts, anywhere from sort of the 10% to 15 ish plus percent
The 950 goes all the way down to 139 or 129 after MIR.
Unfortunately other regions other than the United States on newegg.com may not see the
same or even similar price discounts.
Nvidia is doing that thing again where they act like a really America centric company
where kind of like how the shield was only available in America.
If I recall correctly, grid beta was only available, no because I had it in Canada.
No okay, I'm not going to nail them on grid beta, but I will definitely nail them on shield
only being available in America.
So they're kind of doing that thing again.
Super lame.
I mean okay, to be clear I do understand all the logistics involved in coordinating a price
drop with your resellers because the kind of accounting involved in paying for things
after you receive them, but then less some kind of discount, but if you sell through
the units within that period then it's not less the discount.
It's actually pretty complicated and some distributors are not set up correctly to do
it and blah blah blah blah blah.
Like it actually is complicated, but I think America only super sucky, like I think you
could have at least done sort of a smattering of territories where they are somewhat set
up for it.
Like I'm sure you know caseking.de can handle how to do a point of sale rebate.
So yeah, pretty frustrating.
In other news, what's this?
AMD is cutting prices on their R9 series.
Which includes the R7, no wait it doesn't, right I get it.
So the Fury X, the Fury, the Nano, the 390X, the 390 and the 380.
Interesting fact, I did not realize it was called the R9 Nano.
I thought it was called the R9 Fury Nano.
I don't understand why they didn't call it the Fury Nano.
It is not called the R9 Fury Nano.
I was trying to buy some and I couldn't find them.
Yep, Trusted Reviews calls it the Fury Nano, Anantek calls it the R9 Nano, Anantek got
it right, WCCF Tech got it wrong, but that shouldn't surprise us.
Yeah, go figure right?
I have always called it the R9 Nano, but out of laziness.
Wow, okay.
So yeah, actually this is interesting.
I need seven of them and AMD was going to send them to us, but after confirming they
were going to send them to us, they were like, hey, we can't.
So I was like, hey, okay, I guess I'll buy them then because I super need them for this
Why is this a Twitch stream?
And Intel, Kingston, Asus, and I'm sure there are other people have already sent me the
hardware to do this project, so I pretty much have to do it now.
Space Labs is like doing a custom painted case for me for this project.
The project must go forward.
So hopefully they'll reimburse us.
That's going to be expensive.
Something like that.
No, no, I think the plan is for them to reimburse us or something, but it was just, it was like
a complicated, hey, we thought we had them.
Turns out we didn't.
You know, that might be better because this time they can't ship it to us and then actually
have not shipped it to us and then ship it to us later.
Yeah, we had a lot of people asking why our 380X review video was late.
And the answer is that we straight up got briefed on it.
Like we got our reviewer briefing and we got our press deck and our reviewers guide and
all that stuff.
And we were like, we were like ready.
And then the card just didn't show up.
So yeah, it's up now on vessel.
So that's cool.
All right.
Anyway, so the R9 Fury X is down from, oops, I just changed a thing.
It's down to $569 after MIR.
The Nano is down to $549, making it much more reasonably priced.
The Fury is all the way down to $499, making it an excellent value.
And the 390X and 390 are down to $429 and $329 respectively.
390 is a good deal at that price too.
Actually, I mean, these are all kind of good deals on both sides.
All of these pricings are in USD and they're off of Newegg.com.
Other regions may not.
I think the 390 is $279.
See the same or similar discounts.
390 is $279.
Oh, sorry, sorry, sorry.
They're down from $429 and $329 to $379 and $279.
So a 390 for $279.
Yeah, that's almost as good as we get all the time on Scrapyard Wars, except not even
Buying used 290s.
It's so solid.
It's like the way to go.
Were they mined on?
They always say no, but like, come on.
I always get such a kick out of that because, okay, guys.
No tip for buying used hardware.
If the posting says wasn't mined on, wasn't mined on, it was definitely mined on or never
It was definitely.
It was definitely mined on and overclocked.
It's like it's like lady driven, you know?
It's like if you have to know what that term means.
It probably wasn't done that way.
You know what overclocking is.
Come on.
There's no way you never tinkered with the dial a little bit.
Or maybe you didn't.
Maybe you didn't.
Maybe you're the one honest person on the internet.
Good for you.
Good job, man.
All right.
So we've got our next topic here.
Original article here is from the IB Times.
Twitter Blitz?
I don't know.
Let's do it.
Which price drop do you think was more impactful?
Who had the best?
I want to hear from you guys.
If you're shopping for a video card, everyone else butt out.
If you're shopping for a video card, who has enticed you more with their holiday specials?
Green team or red team?
Tweet at Linus Tech.
Go, go, go.
And in the meantime, we're going to do this topic before we revisit that.
It's interesting how the R9 Fury X and the GTX 980 Ti both managed to still be the exact
same dollar.
It's almost.
Before and after a million rebates.
It's almost like Nvidia and AMD have huge spy networks at each other's companies.
It's almost like the tech industry is a completely inbred sort of.
There's like only a few thousand people and they just kind of move from company to company.
It's almost like that happened.
So, Li-Fi Internet, the first real-world usage boasts speeds 100 times faster than Wi-Fi.
To explain how it works, you should click on the third source, fourth, the explanation
And then we can show how it works.
It's in the dock.
I'll get that up for you guys.
So, it's like, get an exponential graph instead of explanation graph.
Oh, damn.
Someone will get that.
In the Twitch chat.
Someone will get that.
All right.
Yeah, it is.
So, it's light.
It's visible light.
So, like you can straight up use LEDs.
It's white light.
So, the visible light spectrum is 10,000 times larger than the radio waves we use for Wi-Fi
today, which is a very good point because we.
People got it.
Oh, good.
Thank you.
So, the reason that the rate at which we can send data over Wi-Fi is limited is because
there's only so much spectrum available and a lot of it is already allocated for other
stuff that isn't your phone.
Or, but that is your phone.
But it's like your phone cellular signal.
Air traffic stuff.
Or your phone cellular data.
Cellular signals.
Military stuff.
Government stuff.
The radio.
The radio.
You know, we call them radio waves.
Because the radio is kind of there.
So, with light, you could actually.
Everyone's talking about the mic.
Fix the mic.
Fix the darn mic.
I don't know.
A bunch of other people said it was fine.
Oh, it's just crooked.
Who cares?
Oh, yeah.
No, no.
I'm going to make it worse.
Do it.
Now we're living on the edge.
Bring it on, Twitch chat.
That's probably a bad idea.
So, infrared kind of sucks.
Infrared's not super fast.
We've known this for a long time.
I mean, remember when computers had, like, infrared data ports on the side of them?
And then we all completely gave up on that because it was trash.
Remember D-Boys?
That never worked.
Never worked.
But infrared is fine for things like, hey, I need to change the channel, where you're
sending extremely small amounts of data.
So that's where it really still finds its use.
Modern LEDs, however, could transmit enough data for a stable broadband connection but
still look like normal white light.
So look at that.
Up to one billion bits per second.
Now this does come with some caveats, however.
So it's literally white light.
You're not going to go through walls.
So you better be maintaining, like, a line of sight to your, to your Li-Fi hotspot.
So you could probably run a cable.
Oh, but it could be kind of cool if you need to go, like, across the ceiling to another
Or it could be, well, yeah.
Assuming that there's no, like, I don't know how they're handling light pollution.
That's going to be really weird.
One thing that I brought up before we went on the show was I would be interested in trying
it in, like, a studio setup and turning off and turning on very white lights and seeing
if it polluted it or whatever.
And something that's really unclear to me at this point, too, is if we're going to transmit
data via light, if we're going to transmit data by light, then are the, are the receivers
and transmitters for this really going to be less expensive than a typical, you know,
multimode fiber?
In which case, if we're going to send data by light, and it has to be line of sight,
should we just run a piece of fiber?
It's not that hard.
And even my ceiling example, like, just run it along the ceiling.
Who cares?
And like, it doesn't really address, I mean, okay, so picture this.
You're like, you're playing a game, right?
I play a game.
And someone's like, oh, hey, how are you doing?
And you're like, oh, crap, oh, no, my hotspots right there.
Now to be clear, I don't think anyone expects, I lost my MLG match.
We should do more skits.
That was great acting, pretty much grade A. Now to be clear, I don't think anyone expects
this to replace Wi Fi, but as a supplementary connectivity option to Wi Fi.
So when you're cool, it's like a crazy speed boost.
Yeah, like when you're close to the access point, having it be, you know, like, what's
the fastest speed they've managed to achieve right now, like 224 gigabytes per second in
lab conditions?
Like, that's pretty cool.
Like, if you could have a lie fi receiver, gigabit, gigabit, gigabit, not you can have
a lie fi receiver on like the base of your monitor or something, and just like prop your
phone up and transfer things through it wirelessly.
That'd be pretty cool.
So there's a lot of there's a lot of cool stuff.
But so just to put that in perspective, 224 gigabit speed would technically allow for
18 movies of 1.5 gigabytes each to be downloaded in a single second.
Someone just called it the dash cam skit.
The dash cam skit was gold.
I love the dash cam skit.
That legitimately was very good.
Remember, what was it?
We were running around the forest doing stupid crap.
Oh yeah, the Patriot, the manly, manly layer.
Back when everyone and their dog was like, we should have a hard drive with Wi Fi.
Literally everyone and their dog like we made videos for the Voyager Air, the Seagate free
agent go flex, free agent go flex, I think Wi Fi anyway, and the Patriot gauntlet or
no gauntlet.
I remember one of them being called something that sounded midi.
Yeah, whatever, whatever it was, arrow arrow, it's called the arrow, I think, anyway, within
like six months or something like that, it's like, this is ridiculous.
And now everyone has completely forgotten about the product category as far as I can
Well, no, I have used them.
On trips?
They're great for going on trips.
If you're on a plane and you ignore the request to turn off wireless transmitting devices,
which anyone-
Which is probably fine.
Which is probably fine, then you can definitely bring a wireless drive with you and you can
definitely watch movies.
It's always funny to me when sites use examples that are just straight up like, they must
be piracy, like why would a movie be 1.5 gigs?
It's like, is 1.5 gigs the average size of like a compressed Blu Ray rip or something?
Because it sure as hell isn't a DVD.
It sure as hell isn't a video CD as if any like real releases were ever done on those
and it's sure not a Blu Ray.
So what is this?
What's a one and a half gigabyte video?
It's a home movie.
It's a home movie, right.
So before mass adoption, current devices need to be retrofitted to support Li-Fi.
Every LED in the future could be used as an alternative to Wi-Fi.
I mean-
As long as it was like not connected at all like it is now.
It'll take a-
I don't know.
Copper is going to be a thing for a long time.
So I'll be interested to see where this goes because I'm sure we're thinking like we both
have our minds like stuck in the now a little bit right now, I think.
Where we're thinking-
No, like I said-
Home networking.
It would be super cool.
Oh, I see where you're going.
We're thinking home networking, but maybe there's applications for this that just go
way beyond that.
You know?
And I don't know what they are exactly.
Or maybe this technology could be used for cheaper, cheaper fiber optics or something
along those lines.
Light light makes me wonder a little bit because like if you think about school like grand
halls essentially.
A lot of times in schools the ceilings are really high.
I don't really know why they just are.
So if you could have these things all along the ceiling and your phones and laptops or
whatever able to communicate with them, that would be sick.
Super fast networking within your school all the time.
But how does that work when it's really bright?
I don't know.
I don't know.
I would imagine the sun would just wreak havoc on this.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
But one other advantage is that it doesn't interfere with other radio signals.
Because it's light.
If you know anything about light you should probably have already known that.
I don't know.
This was kind of brutal.
Original article here is on Ars Technica.
Twitter blitz.
Twitter blitz.
Oh right!
The Twitter blitz.
And then we'll get back to that.
Man that was a brutal.
Who thought that was a good idea?
Everyone's talking about it.
We haven't done.
We'll get into that in a moment though.
We've used, maybe overclocked our 9290 from work for 40 pounds.
So team red is my best bet.
Yeah okay.
Do that up.
Alright that doesn't count.
But yes do that.
That's awesome.
AMD because their new driver doesn't take 10 seconds to launch and configure anything.
You know, I gotta give you that.
Why does GeForce Experience take so long to launch?
My work computer, if I click on the, cause Tarin's like I want you to use Shadowplay
to record your gameplay footage for the Steam Controller review.
And he wants me to use it for everything.
Which is great.
It compresses audio horribly, terrible in that way, but the video's good.
So okay cool.
If I even click the Shadowplay button, my computer will lock up for like a couple minutes.
And then eventually let go.
Doesn't matter.
I can't even get close to touching Shadowplay.
If I try to open GeForce Experience at all, the whole thing will like lag out and Crash
Explorer will die.
Explorer will come back and then GeForce Experience will load up.
It's pretty brutal.
I don't have that problem on any other computer.
But that one will do.
The other thing is about NVIDIA is they've got all these amazing, cool, like really complicated
features that work within the driver and work within your games and actually work really
And then they try and build a control panel to let you turn the switches on and off and
it's like, nope.
With that said, I've got my, I've got my complaints about AMD's drivers as well.
Have you tried the new one?
Have you tried the new one?
I have not tried Crimson.
I've heard good things.
I've heard good things.
I've also heard terrible things.
The Linux community is up in arms right now.
I'm sure they are.
Because basically they just skinned the old one, as far as anyone can tell.
And all the promised performance improvements are...
Most of the Linux community use that thing anyways.
Yeah, but I'm sure that they'd love to have an official driver that doesn't suck.
Just saying.
All right.
AMD because...
Oh, yeah.
No, we just said that.
Here's your answer.
Look at that.
Order to 390.
Oh, right.
They were two whatever.
Very nice.
Just seems very low.
Red team.
Look at how many...
Zachros, the first one.
First one for the green team here.
Project documenting my subs.
That's not really on topic.
Also not on topic.
Also not on topic.
Well, that's on topic, but you're done.
Fix the mic.
Not gonna happen.
Nvidia because I need CUDA for development.
So AMD's doing that thing.
AMD's doing that whole CUDA thing.
So Nick, you might wanna stay tuned because I'm not sure...
I'm actually not sure what the exact status of it is.
Like I don't know if the latest driver, boom, turned on CUDA or if support is gonna be as
good or if it's gonna be as fast for a while.
But the word on the street, I read this article a week or two ago, but the word on the street
is that AMD has got some kind of licensing deal for CUDA now.
So yeah.
Stay tuned for that.
Red team, green team, but something...
Why not both?
Why don't we have both?
Some GIF.
It's just a why not both.
Team red, GTX 960.
Well, based on our audience...
That's like a lot of AMD.
It's looking like AMD won Black Friday there.
So that's good for them.
What's crazy is when I was shopping for... when I got the Scrapyard Wars 290, I looked
online, that was $420 new.
Now you can get 390s...
Which are the same card.
But for under $400 new.
That guy got it for 300 bucks?
So 400.
Just saying.
Canadian dollar!
This is so bad right now.
Oh my god.
All right.
What else we got for topics today?
Terrible thing that we almost...
This is like...
I don't know what they were thinking.
Just wow.
Amazon backtracks after covering New York City subway car and Nazi symbols.
So here's a tweet from Catherine Lam.
42nd Street shuttle to Times Square covered in Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan symbols
for an Amazon ad.
Is this okay?
I'm thinking a lot of people kind of went with no.
Now to explain Amazon, and this is interesting, because you can see it's actually like an
American flag, but with a German eagle and German cross in it.
And then it's like the Japanese war flag with stars and stripes.
Like it's kind of...
It's a super weird thing.
And it's for...
You can see this right here.
High castle.
This is not because Amazon's like...
You know, Hitler was right.
That's not what happened here.
It's promoting a novel.
Oh, you're gonna get sound-bited on that real bad.
Yeah, probably.
There's nothing I can do.
That's unfortunate.
It's on the internet now.
All right, rip.
It's on the internet now.
So Amazon was...
They're trying to promote a show.
Amazon was...
A really interesting sounding show.
So it's a new TV series.
It's called The High Castle, and it's a story of a world where the Axis nations won World
War II so decisively that they took over the US.
It's where they didn't attack Russia.
Where just like everyone before them who ever thought attacking Russia was a good idea,
they also decided attacking Russia was not a good...
Wait, no.
Hold on.
Just like...
The point is attacking Russia has never worked.
Not once.
I'm not convinced the Russians could take over Russia.
I don't think they have.
So yeah, so I mean, it definitely got...
So let's talk.
Was it inappropriate?
I personally fall into the yes, that was totally inappropriate camp.
What do you think?
Yeah, I think it's totally inappropriate.
I'm amazed at the amount of things that that must have gone through and was approved the
whole time, because there's no way you can get an ad on the subway without someone checking
it out first.
Someone from New York City definitely was aware of this.
Someone from some form of management of New York City was like, yeah, cool.
All right.
So that got approved not only through Amazon, but partially through the government?
Well, maybe not government.
I don't know.
It might be semi-private there.
I don't know what manages the...
Whatever their transport authority would be.
Someone signed off on this.
Multiple times.
Multiple people signed off of it on multiple stages.
I mean, maybe they just kind of thought, well, hey, we're not saying it would have been a
good thing if the Axis forces won World War II.
That's not what happened here.
I think totally the point of the movie is how bad it would have been.
I haven't...
Well, obviously I haven't watched the show yet.
I have no idea.
I haven't watched it either.
I intend to watch the show now.
So that leads us to our next question.
Effective marketing.
I think it totally worked.
We are talking about a show on Amazon's thing right now.
There's no way we would have done that.
I would not have cared.
Well, not that I wouldn't have cared.
Someone could have told me about that premise for a show and I would have gone, yeah, alternative
I'm kind of into that.
But I probably wouldn't have heard about it because I wouldn't have been browsing Amazon
for TV shows that are coming.
That wouldn't have happened.
And this blew up.
So now everyone knows about it.
And with the Top Gear guys going there and now this massive thing, Amazon's video streaming
service is getting more news right now, I think, than Netflix.
You know what?
I've got a really good comment in Twitch chat.
Really good comment in Twitch chat.
And we should probably do a Twitter blitz on this as well, guys.
Tweet at Linus Tech and let us know your thoughts on this.
But this person went, well, hold on a second.
They didn't put swastikas up.
So they're saying that's the line.
The line is swastikas.
Because the German eagle and the German cross are definitely German symbols of that time
in history.
But they aren't the symbol of the Nazi party.
And to be fair, not all German people were bad then, to be very, very clear.
So yeah.
I don't know.
I still think, I personally think it was over my line.
It was over my line.
I think we can all agree it was over everyone's line if they had the swastika on it.
But even the eagle, the war flag, and the cross were over my line.
It was a little bit, probably, too aggressive.
They could have done a very similar, but probably OK angle, where they just ask the question
all over the place.
Like, what if this bench had a Nazi flag on it?
And have that in text in High Point or whatever, High Seat or whatever it's called.
And High Castle.
High Castle.
So here, let me see.
Let me actually have a look at, you know, maybe they could have even had one picture
of a flag.
But not covering it.
So back to the picture for a second.
It's so aggressive.
If they had the seat, have like a little flag, what if Hitler had won High Castle, Amazon
November 20th?
Like, kind of like this messaging that they have up here.
I think people would have asked the question as opposed to gone, what is this ad for?
What is wrong with them?
I still don't know if that's necessarily even OK, but I think it's more OK than what was
All right.
So let's go ahead.
Let's go straight to Twitter.
Let's get the people who got it really quick.
Someone says, I think even without swastikas, it was slightly over the line.
It's just a way to get people talking about the show.
Easy marketing.
Due to Amazon's unfairly treated employees, this happened?
The eagle was not a symbol of the NSDAP.
Otherwise, it would have been banned in Germany, which is not, and the Iron Cross is still
Oh, wow.
So there you go.
The swastika was a religious symbol.
We all know the swastika was not a Nazi symbol before.
That doesn't change what it means now.
It's kind of like-
Wasn't it slightly different anyways for the religious symbol?
Wasn't it going the other way or something?
It might have been the other way or whatever.
I don't know.
I'm not going to draw one because I'm sure that would get jiffed to hell.
Can you even imagine?
Oh, God.
Anyway, the point is that the meaning of things does change over time.
This is something that's been discussed a lot, whether it's a word that's a slur and
then turns into not one, or a word that's not a slur and turns into a slur, or symbols
that mean one thing and then another thing, or hand gestures that become obscene over
It's all part of the fluidity that is the way that we communicate with each other.
You can kind of run around and say the F word is a bundle of sticks and twigs all day.
That's not going to change what it meant.
And then you could also make the argument, South Park did an excellent episode on this,
that it also doesn't mean what it meant 30 years ago anymore today.
But that's a debate that I'm not getting into.
The point is...
You just did the greatest thing ever.
What did I do?
You said jiff instead of gif.
So now instead of me going through banning hordes of people for saying horrible, horrible
things in chat, they're all talking about you saying jiff instead of gif.
I use them interchangeably.
They're both technically correct.
As a four-year Prime member, I've never used Amazon Prime Video.
Slightly on topic.
Fell in love with the show last year.
It's entertaining, but not great and boring in some parts.
Yeah, that's probably how I would write a love letter to my wife.
I fell in love with you last year.
You're entertaining, but not great and boring in some parts.
I'm just saying that's not a great, that's not a great like sales pitch.
Oh, I thought you said you're going to write to your wife.
No, no.
I'm saying that.
I'm saying that's awful.
I was like, that's so rude.
She's a very nice person.
I know.
I personally feel the world needs to lighten up.
This happened.
All we can do is move past it.
Like, you know, I would, I would suggest that anyone who thinks we should lighten up about
anything that happened during World War II should probably go hang around at one of the
museums in Auschwitz or Strasbourg or wherever else.
And like for me, one of the most, one of the most revelatory experiences that I have ever
had was standing next to the oven and seeing like the burned shoes that they had on display
Like, and I was like, holy crap, this actually happened.
It actually happened.
I'm standing right where it happened.
And there's people still alive that were around during that.
Um, all right.
I don't know a pro.
It's still a novel.
Well, in his band tips, people are getting wrecked left and right.
Whether it's from me, Ghost, or the bot, there's like, there's like one person getting banned
in chat this whole time.
Step up, boys.
I'll take you out.
All right.
So, uh, this is kind of a rapid fire topic here, I guess.
But uh, Samsung has done the unthinkable.
They are putting TLC NAND.
So that is three bit per cell NAND in an enterprise SSD.
So I'll explain for a very brief moment what a big deal this is.
In the beginning, enthusiast and enterprise grade SSDs were SLC.
So they stored one bit per cell.
And the reason that it was done that way is that was the only way to achieve reasonable
enough write endurance.
So that is how many times the SSD, the flash, can be written to before it fails over time,
as it is apt to do.
Way to go, Luke.
Not bad.
Over time, MLC, which is what we call colloquially two bit per cell flash, although MLC is technically
anything that stores more than one bit per cell.
So TLC, three bit per cell flash, is technically three bit per cell MLC.
But colloquially, we call two bit per cell MLC, MLC.
So MLC flash showed up on the scene, and all of a sudden, SSDs got way more affordable
for the consumer.
Those of you who were kind of paying attention in the early enthusiast grade SSD days will
probably remember the X25e and the X25m, Intel's game changing SSDs, before which everything
was kind of trash, like had serious problems that would cause them to go from being faster
than a hard drive to actually slower than a hard drive if they got, like, if they hitched
up on something.
So the X25e was only available in 32 and 64 gig configurations.
And if I recall correctly, the 64 gig was, like, monstrously, horrendously priced.
Whereas the X25m, featuring MLC flash, so the e was SLC, and the m, featuring MLC flash,
was available in 80 and, I want to say, maybe the 160 came later.
But it was 80 and 160 gig configurations.
So MLC got good enough, but it wasn't good enough for the enterprise for a long time.
That's where enterprise MLC came in.
So enterprise MLC can do something to the tune of, I think it's 10 times the right cycles
of MLC, which still isn't as much as SLC, but SLC is just so cost prohibitive, and the
capacities are limited because you can store so much more data per flash chip using MLC
So eMLC happened.
Now Samsung was the first to do TLC flash in a consumer drive with the 840, I want to
say Evo, oh crap, I hope it was the 840 Evo.
I'm sure someone's going to correct me, it was either the 840 or the 840 Evo, can't remember
exactly, someone's going to correct me, whatever.
So they were the first to do a consumer TLC SSD.
Since then, everyone else has been trying to do TLC.
Some have released drives, but I don't know if you guys saw that latest one from Micron,
it's abominable.
Like Samsung has figured out, people are saying it's the Evo, thank you, no it wasn't the
Pro, the Pro was MLC, okay, so the non-Pro was the TLC one.
So other guys have been trying to figure out TLC for quite some time now because it gives
you less write performance and less endurance, but way more capacity and it's cheaper.
So Samsung figured out with fine tuning their controller and the flash, because they're
one of the, one of the only, I think, are they the only one?
They might be the, okay, don't quote me on this, but Samsung may be the only completely
vertically integrated SSD maker where they make the DRAM cache, they make the controller,
they make the flash, they make the freaking, they assemble the freaking PCBs, they make,
they do the firmware, they do the whole thing.
So they made it all work together so cohesively that they were able to get acceptable performance
in spite of the fact that they were using this essentially like USB thumb drive grade
Not quite, it's binned as well, so it's like the best of the TLC flash.
So anyway, now while everyone else is still using eMMC or eMLC or worst case scenario
MLC for an enterprise grade drive, Samsung is releasing a TLC drive.
What this allows them to do, and I'm finally getting to this, what this allows them to
do is deliver an enterprise SSD with a price of less than 60 cents a gig and a capacity
up to 3.84 terabytes in a two and a half inch form factor.
That my friends is bananas, yes, yes it's bananas.
So they're using their 3D NAND and they're using TLC in order to get unheard of densities.
We actually have a unit on route.
I haven't actually talked to Samsung in over a year.
And it wasn't even me, I was just like, Nick, do we still have a contact at Samsung SSD?
Is that true?
I don't think that's true.
Yeah, because we haven't talked to them at all since they provided those drives for the
That was over a year ago?
Yeah, I just blew your mind, didn't I?
Yes you did.
So I was like, do we even still have a contact there?
Because I want to check this thing out.
So that is coming and I'm super stoked because higher capacity SSDs cannot be a bad thing.
So looking at competitors, Intel's DC-S3510 has a maximum capacity of 1.6 terabytes and
Micron's M510DC tops out at just under a terabyte.
Pretty cool stuff.
And something to realize is when you choose a storage solution, it's never really as simple
as this drive is the best.
It's always trade-offs, whether the trade-off is cost, capacity, read speed, write speed,
endurance, vibration resistance, form factor like density, how much of it you can cram
in there.
There's all these different trade-offs.
So this enterprise drive, even though it's not going to be as heavy duty for writes as
another enterprise drive based on EMLC or if you can find some rare SLC drives out there,
So what it will be great for is really fast random reads if you need a lot of storage.
So I could see someone like Facebook eating these up.
Actually, I believe the front page is all in RAM right now.
Don't quote me on that.
Yeah, no, I think they moved it.
I think they moved completely to RAM.
Because there was a big thing talking about it like, oh wow, it's all in SSD and then
I think, yeah.
I think they've moved all to RAM.
However, that doesn't mean that having another way faster than mechanical tier that's way
higher capacity isn't going to help them out big time, like big time.
So there you go.
That happened this week.
I'm like super stoked on playing with that.
You know what else happened this week is Seagate shipped us 35 of their 8 terabyte enterprise
capacity drives.
It's got a lot of people saying, yeah, but the write speed sucks.
No, no.
These are not the archival 8 terabyte drives.
I'm aware of those.
That is not what we have.
We have the SATA 3 6 gigabit per second SATA enterprise capacity drives.
So these are full read, full write.
They are not quite as optimized for random as something like the SAS version.
And they're just the basic one.
They don't have self-encrypting drive functionality, unfortunately.
But they're balling.
They're awesome.
And I'm actually, I've been waiting for these for a lot of projects.
I've got a lot of stuff planned for these drives.
We're going to do an onsite backup server.
We're going to do an offsite backup server.
We are going to investigate Unraid versus FreeNAS over the next little bit.
What else do I have planned?
And a video that I promised months ago when I originally did my FreeNAS build, and I was
like, here's the Storinator.
It's running FreeNAS.
I promised to do a performance follow up.
Well, the performance on it has been trash.
Like too trash.
Like I did something wrong.
There's something wrong with it.
The problem is that it had all of our data on it, and I couldn't reformat it.
I couldn't, because I think it's a combination of things.
It's using native 4K sector drives.
It's using the non-optimal, it's using non-optimal numbers of drives per VDEV.
And let's see, what was the other suspected issue?
Anyway, there's a number of things that I might have gotten wrong during the configuration
So I wanted to take another crack at it, but I've had nowhere to put that data.
So I'm currently transferring at about 500 megabytes per second off of the FreeNAS and
onto another machine.
And then I'm going to copy it somewhere else.
So I'm going to have it on a hardware RAID, and I'm going to have it on an unRAID, while
I retool the FreeNAS box, and then copy everything back over there.
So I'm pretty excited about that.
All right, so this is very unfortunate.
Over on the BBC, toddler's eyeball sliced by drone propeller.
So brutal.
So the drone was flown by a family friend, and yeah.
The operator lost control of the drone, and he'll need several operations before he can
have a prosthetic eye fitted, which is really unfortunate.
I mean, it's one of those things where I don't think we are going to, like I don't think
we're going to start seeing regulations in terms of whether you can fly drones inside
your house or whatever else, but it has certainly made me consider whether I would fly a drone
even anywhere near my kids, even outdoors.
I don't know, because when they go full runaway mode, they can move pretty darn fast.
It can actually get a little aggressive.
There's a fair amount of videos based on that.
So the drone pilot said it was up for about 60 seconds.
As I brought it back down to land, it just clipped the tree and spun around.
So super, super unfortunate.
Someone said that's why the drone should have foam bumpers.
Doesn't always stop something like this, but probably would have helped.
And could have helped.
Could have helped, but hindsight is always 20-20, and you always, I mean, for the thousands
and tens of thousands and probably hundreds of thousands of drone flights, most of the
time no one got their eyeball sliced open.
There's a new Raspberry Pi on the scene.
This is actually insane.
Yeah, the Raspberry Pi Zero.
Which is...
Look how small it is.
It's tiny.
It's fantastic.
Look how much it costs.
It's in the picture.
Yeah, five bucks.
Really cheap.
There you go.
One gigahertz processor, I believe.
HDMI out.
I think it has USB in.
So you've got all the stats there?
Yeah, I do.
It's off my head.
Yeah, I was...
512 megs of DDR2.
It's five bucks for an honestly relatively capable computer.
Very cool stuff.
Kind of cool.
Smallest form factor ever, 65 millimetres.
I was saying it's sold out already.
Six and a half centimetres by 30 millimetres, so that's three centimetres, by five millimetres,
which is half a centimetre.
Sold out within 24 hours.
Yes, friends.
People were snapping these puppies up real, real quick fast.
That's really cool.
The amount of embedded projects you can do with that would be sick.
Yeah, we actually would like to do more stuff like that in the future.
We've got some plans for some stuff.
I don't know if we've got it in time for this year.
I think we might run out of time to do that one thing we discussed, but you've got all
the parts you need for that other project that we ordered stuff for ages ago.
I'm hoping some of them didn't get lost in the move, but at the very least we have...
That's possible.
We do have the majority of them.
I looked through the box, at least most of it is there.
I'm missing a lot of the boxes, but I think those boxes were thrown out, and I think that
things were put in the one box.
So I'm just hoping I've got all of them.
I don't know.
So how do you feel about this?
Yahoo Mail begins blocking users with Adblock.
Uh-oh, we were unable to display Yahoo Mail.
Please disable Adblocker to continue using Yahoo Mail.
Dun, dun, dun.
I think there's a lot of angles you can take on this.
I think it can be unintelligent for a website or a service to aggressively go after people
that use Adblock, but I think it is entirely up to them.
I think this is a...
YouTube was tinkering with it for a bit.
I think this is a very unclassy way to do it because people's emails are extremely important
and to just not allow them to access them until they do a thing that they might not
know how to do if their kid installed Adblock for them or something is very aggressive and
not really okay.
But if you gave them a warning that you were gonna do it in the future or something, that
would at least be nicer, and they didn't do that, and that's...
I do not like how they did it.
I think Yahoo's biggest mistake is thinking that anyone cares about Yahoo Mail.
Still bothering to serve with email.
Oh my goodness.
It's so ridiculous.
I mean, if I got that message, if I used an Adblocker and I was like, so I can't access
my Yahoo Mail, I'd just be like, okay, I guess I'll use another email service.
I have to confess something.
You still have Yahoo Mail?
Not me, my girlfriend.
You know that's only one step better than AOL.
I know.
Which is only one step better than using your ISP.
It's like, it's bad.
So you don't have to go to like- She also uses Apple Maps.
You don't have to go to Tech Hell, but you do have to go to Tech Purgatory for a bit.
I mean, you have to accept that sentence.
That was a light sentence.
Well, I'm pushing to fix things.
I actually don't mind Apple Maps.
Google Maps has- I haven't used it in a long time.
When I did use it, it was super terrible.
It's way better.
Google Maps has actually misled me more drastically than Apple Maps ever has.
So even though Apple Maps isn't always perfect, Google Maps has gotten to the point where-
Do you remember when I was supposed to come back here for that hot dog challenge Super
So I was sitting, I was sitting watching my Google Maps on my phone, and it was like traffic
yellow ahead, okay?
I'm sitting there.
I know for a fact, no one has moved on this road in 15 minutes.
So the traffic is yellow, okay?
Which is usually not bad.
The ETA to the office just went up one minute for every minute that I sat there.
So it was straight up not accounting for the fact that nobody was moving, which I thought
was the entire point so that it could map you around things.
Why they bought Waze, wasn't it?
I think that was literally the whole point.
That's pretty rough.
All right.
Nick claims that Apple Maps tried to send them 40 minutes away for Tim Hortons when
he was literally 500 meters away from one.
You know what?
Google Maps has gotten a lot worse about that too.
You can't just be like Home Depot, and it'll be one in Coquitlam.
It's okay.
It's pretty bad.
They're both pretty bad.
Maps for some reason, and I find browsers in general, seem to be getting worse.
What's that?
In the last two months, I swear my browser's gotten worse.
What's that browser that just went into beta that everyone has high hopes?
Yeah, Vivaldi.
Maybe Vivaldi is our last hope.
Did you like Opera much?
It's from the same bro.
I know.
I know.
I don't know why everyone thinks it's going to be the savior.
It'll be cool if it is, but like...
I know.
I'm not expecting much, but then if it's awesome, then I'll be even happier, so that's good.
This is interesting.
Virtual reality needs tweaks.
More women than men get motion sickness with Oculus Rift, a virtual reality headset.
Very, very interesting.
So this is a University of Minnesota study.
Isn't part of the study that more women than men get motion sickness?
Yeah, so...
How it affects users...
Has found that for every three men that get seasick, five women will.
So they tested having participants play a VR...
And that's seasick.
So they tested having participants play a VR game for 15 minutes.
35% of subjects got sick within 10 minutes, of those, 70% were women.
So this can mean a number of things.
Number one is it backs up what I said last week.
Men and women are not the same.
So to be clear, I'm not saying they're not equal.
I'm just saying that, you know, a pile of hammers is not necessarily better than six
screwdrivers depending on what you need.
So does that mean...
They can be equal and just not the same.
Let's say a pile of screwdrivers.
There, pile of hammers and piles of screwdrivers.
So like to equal natural effects, they would need to be at 75%?
Wait, aren't they doing better then?
35% of the subjects got sick overall.
So 65% were fine.
Of those 35, 70% of them were women.
So women got more sick.
But women already get more motion sick.
So is it any worse than it actually currently is?
No, I don't believe so.
So what do they have to work on?
Well, what they have to work on is...
The overall percentage.
They just have to make it better.
But that's exactly...
That's what they're doing.
I know, I know, I know, I know, I know.
It's really funny because it really didn't take very long for someone, someone, someone
we knew.
Virtual reality needs tweaks.
But also, by the way, it's not out yet.
They're working on it.
And when it comes out, that'll be version one, which everyone knows is not really the
one you're really that excited for.
And they're gonna tweak it down the road.
Even V2 is not gonna be the greatest thing ever.
I'm probably just going to kind of live with feeling sick, because I suspect I'm gonna
feel sick.
I've been really good in that department.
I don't do amazing on boats.
Actually, I'm okay on boats.
Maybe I'll be fine.
I'm pretty solid on boats.
But I'm not...
There are people that are better than me.
I have felt bad on a boat once, but I've been on boats many times.
So I don't know.
But I can do roller coasters standing up, and yeah, I have no problem with VR at all.
I think part of it is I'm pretty good.
When did you ever stand on a roller coaster?
No, like VR roller coaster.
I didn't mean a real life one.
It's a horrible idea.
I can do VR roller coaster standing up and stuff, no problem.
I think part of that is I never have actually felt a huge amount of immersion in VR.
There's some people that are like, oh, I'm totally in the game, and I'm like, nope.
I'm not.
It feels like a monitor that's strapped to my face.
It's a very cool effect, but I think for me to get really immersed, there's gonna have
to be a lot more other things.
So even when you're upside down on a roller coaster, there's people that have...
I've seen videos of people that'll throw up the second they go upside down, because their
internal balance goes off and stuff.
My mind is like, nope, we're standing.
I think part of it is just the sheer amount of video games that I've played.
Honestly, I think that's a huge part of it.
Yeah, I would be really interested to know how the women break down of the 70% that got
Gamers versus non-gamers.
Gamers versus non-gamers.
That would be really interesting.
Because my wife can play TF2, Left 4 Dead, top down games, no problem.
I put her in Portal, and she was done within a minute.
As soon as she goes through a portal, she's like, oh, I'm sick.
Nope, done.
Can't do it.
So this is even somewhat...
But while she can handle normal games, where you don't change...
Where gravity doesn't move around on you all the time, she's not a hardcore gamer by any
She hasn't been gaming since she was a little kid.
So I would be really interested to know how much your childhood affects something like
Boats a lot.
Tons of sports.
Lots of video games.
That was my childhood.
I don't know.
Not boats a lot, but boats at least every summer for two weeks straight.
And it's obvious that there's gonna be some nature versus nurture here.
But here's an interesting fact.
I used to get sick in the... I used to get car sick pretty quickly.
Like within about five minutes of reading in the car, I would get sick.
I do with drivers that I don't find very good.
Oh, okay.
Well, I would get sick no matter what.
This is when I was a kid.
I love reading.
I love reading and I loved playing on my game gear when I was a kid.
All them batteries.
So basically...
That's why you like Eneloop so much.
I would just play through it.
And it would get to the point where I would feel so sick that I couldn't even look up
from the book because that would be like too much.
And I'd like...
And eventually I'd give in and I'd have to put it down and I'd have to just kind of chill
for like an hour.
And then I could go...
And then I'd go right back to it.
So I do wonder if I've built a bit of a tolerance and I wonder if that's something that other
people have done as well.
You just like force yourself through it?
So I need to know what happens in the next chapter.
And feeling sick is straight up not more important than that right now.
I've been there.
I've been there.
So Sony is apparently working on a PS4 remote play app for PC and Mac, which is pretty cool.
So here's the original article from Linus Tech Tips.
Hold on.
Here's the original article from The Verge.
Sorry, my bad.
I'm so stoked for the day that we just like happened to get some writer dude.
And we have original articles from Linus Tech Tips.
Yeah, I know, right?
That'd be super cool.
It should happen at some point.
Can't be impossible.
Because I mean, come on.
How hard was this article to write?
Remote play is one of the PlayStation 4's most underrated features, probably because
it only works on the Vita and some Sony smartphones that no one cares about.
Think something, this app should bring Sony in line with Microsoft, which launched Xbox
One streaming a while ago.
Here's a tweet.
These things are cool.
I want them to make it so I can just play these games on my computer.
That'd be better.
I mean, here's something I want to know.
Why can't I just buy a virtual PlayStation 4?
If I'm willing to give Sony $400 to not make any hardware, shouldn't they embrace that?
Or you can do my scary but kind of cool idea, the proprietary drive thing.
Do you remember that?
For the viewers...
Did I ever even say this on the show?
I think so.
For the viewers, you could get an Xbox One or PlayStation 4.
Like a hard drive.
Optical drive.
Or optical drive.
Hard drive or whatever.
And then put the disks in that you have to buy from the store so that they know they
have their copy protection crap, or the hard drive that's controlled by them and you can't
format or something.
I don't know.
Because it's gotten to the point now where Xbox One and PlayStation 4 are just PCs.
They're just PCs.
There's nothing special about them.
Which aren't even that well priced anymore.
So if I'm like, look, I don't need your UI.
I don't care about your Netflix app.
I don't care about any of this stuff.
I really just want a game on my PC.
Why can't I just give you my money?
And then you can just make that work for me.
I'd be interested to see how many people would do it.
And people can be upset all they want about, well, what, I have to pay $400 to get access
to exclusive titles?
Game developers should just release the titles on PC.
But that isn't happening.
I agree.
But yeah.
It's not happening exactly like you just said.
And I know a lot of people that buy entire consoles for game launches like Halo 5.
So I wouldn't be that surprised if it did happen.
I don't know if I would do it.
But I do know quite a few people that would.
All right.
What else we got here?
In news that surprises absolutely no one, EA is already planning more Battlefront games.
EA confirms its deal with Disney, which is for like 10 years or something like that.
What's up?
Oh, my goodness.
We never did our sponsors.
So speaking of whatever.
Phantom Glass.
You know something that happens every time?
We have 8,200 viewers right now.
8,200 of you can use offer code WANPG for 20% off at phantom.glass slash promo.
For the next 60 days.
For the next 60 days.
That long?
Offer code is valid for 60 days.
So oh, yeah.
I guess I don't have the notes up.
Someone the offer code is a Christmas present and just watch them hopefully like you a lot.
So yeah.
So these are Gorilla Glass screen protectors for a variety of devices.
They've got a lot of different screen protectors.
In fact, they've got their standard ones now.
They've also got their new two-way privacy glass screen protectors available for some
Apple devices.
And I guess that's pretty straightforward.
It goes on without any bubbles.
If you've watched any of our CES content from last year, you'll know everything there is
to know about Phantom Glass.
We played soccer with the iPhone 6 that Nick Light is now using as his daily driver.
Oh, it's that one?
With Phantom Glass on the front and with one of those VACEL cases as a bumper around the
And a dbrand skin on the back or around the edges for the case.
And between dbrand, VACEL, VACEL, VACEL, VACEL.
I don't remember.
Anyway, and Phantom Glass.
That phone, completely unscathed.
Completely fine.
Completely fine.
So there you go.
It's every bit as good as the Gorilla Glass that's already on your phone except you can
peel it off and you could replace it if you do something incredibly stupid like really
try to scratch it because that's usually how Gorilla Glass gets scratched.
With that said, interesting side note, Gorilla Glass is not all made equal.
My iPhone 6s is already covered in micro scratches, like covered in them.
Whereas the Droid Turbo that I've been using for a year is like pristine and they live
in the same pocket.
I never put this in my pocket with my keys.
Even keys shouldn't in theory scratch Gorilla Glass.
I don't do anything with this.
I'm actually pretty good with it.
I've really noticed a significant difference from device to device.
And the iPhone 6 for example, both its own screen which I used for a while before I put
Phantom Glass on it and the Phantom Glass screen that I had on it were fine.
But the iPhone 6s, it's possible actually because they don't advertise it as Gorilla
Glass anymore.
It's possible Apple actually switched.
I'm not sure.
All right.
And FreshBooks.
FreshBooks is the easy to use invoicing software that helps small businesses look professional
and actually be more professional because you can track your hours more easily and more
You can find out invoices, get paid by credit card through FreshBooks itself.
And this is cool.
If you run a small business, whether you run your own dance studio or you're a plumbing
business or computer repair, or maybe you don't repair computers, maybe you just take
viruses off of people in your neighborhood's computers, which I guess is sort of repair.
I was thinking physical repair, but there's lots of different kinds of repair, you know,
like love repair.
If you're a sex therapist, you could use FreshBooks to build your clients.
You could take a deposit if you're worried about them showing up.
Like if you're a house painter or whatever else.
So yeah, it's super easy to use.
It's cloud-based.
It lets you manage your expenses and spend your time doing what you should be doing as
opposed to tinkering around with your accounting software.
So visit freshbooks.com slash when and get a free 30 day trial today.
Don't forget to enter in the how did you hear about us section when.
Speaking of fixing things.
That was actually, it's almost like we wrote that visit ifixit.com slash Linus and use
offer code when show at checkout to save $10 on a purchase of $50 or more.
And they've actually, where is it?
Because they have a new toolkit that I think, wait, am I supposed to talk about that yet?
I am supposed to.
I don't.
Dang it, Nick.
I'm looking for it.
Brandon was shooting B-roll earlier.
Brandon was shooting B-roll of it?
Oh, all right.
So anyway, they've got ifixit as your complete DIY electronics repair solution from their
15,000 free step by step repair guides to their huge inventory of replacement parts
and tools with lifetime warranty.
Ifixit has got your repair needs covered and they've got an all new ProTech toolkit.
It's got a reimagined design, which I mean, okay, so you kind of access the tools a little
bit better.
It makes the tools easier to access, which is I guess where the reimagining comes in.
It includes the new 64-bit driver kit, which replaced the former 54-bit driver kit.
It's got a more durable case.
It has a newly designed swivel top precision driver and a flex extension for hard to reach
Thank you, Luke.
It's got precision electrostatic discharge safe tweezers, including a pair of reverse
It's got a wider variety of plastic opening tools and picks to safely work on tablets
and smartphones.
It's got a suction cup.
The old one didn't have that.
It's got a display assembly removal, a metal spudger, and ifixit's own rubber handle, jimmy
pry tool.
I haven't seen this.
This is way better.
Have you seen it?
Yeah, I have.
We got two of them.
I took the other one home.
Get rekt.
So yeah, basically it just includes more ifixit goodness and yep, okay, well, hold up, put
that back on.
I want to show them something.
So it sits in here and you can see, put it vertical.
It's fine, but you can take the box off, which is magnetically held in, and then you can
take the cover of the box off, which is also magnetically held in.
Way to go.
Well, that's because I held it in a really stupid way.
That was my fault, but like, I don't know, it's cool.
Yeah, no, I'm liking it and like the, uh, like the screwdriver has a really nice, um,
knurled bottom on it now so you can get a little bit more torque with it.
It looks more usable.
Yeah, it's, it's, it's thicker in general and we, as we all know, thicker is always
Um, this is really cool.
I actually hadn't seen it before and it's not the, it's not the standard 54 bit driver
kit, but um, there is a, there's like a wooden box version of this too.
That one looks really nice.
They didn't send me one.
NCIX has one.
Oh yeah.
So I was kind of like, maybe I should just buy one.
But anyway, if I do, I'll be using offer code WANSHOW to save $10 on a purchase of $50 or
Oh, I like these.
The little, uh, the little guitar picks.
All right.
So, um, I don't know.
I guess what the heck else is there?
Not a whole lot.
Let's call that the show.
Thank you guys for tuning into the WANSHOW.
We will see you again next week.
Same bat time, same bat channel.
There's no after party today.
I just thought I'd throw that.
I'm going to do a stream.
Are you?
I'm stealing the, are you streaming from, yeah, I know.
I know what you're doing.
I said, what are you doing?
Are you streaming from here?
Oh, okay.
All right.
Well, you know what people always, people lose my bits people.
I want one that's in pristine condition.
And as long as I'm the only one who ever uses it, it will stay that way.
So that's why I took it home.
Also I don't have an, I fix it at home.
I have just been keeping one in my bag.
And now that we have so many, so many kits, I want to just keep one at home because yeah,
I don't like carrying it in my bag all the time.
I don't like other people using my tools.
That's why I got John all of his own stuff.
I especially super don't like other people using my tools other than me.
No, I don't like you use, well, that tool is fine.