
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

Hey, how's it going? It's Friday. TGI Friday. I'm out of water. So welcome to the...
Cars. You're out of cars. Cause you had a supply of cars before and now you don't. And
water. Can you? See... I'm out of crime man. There's no more crime in this town. It's not
an issue when I throw things on the ground because I'll clean them up. Yeah, your crime came back.
That's what happens with crime. You lock up crime and the crime comes back because it doesn't pay.
And if it doesn't pay, it can't afford the rent where you sent it. Oh, so it has to come home.
Yes. It's like living back in your parents' basement. Yes. All the criminals are like,
man, like we tried to leave and then we weren't very like successful so we came back. Just tell
them to like steal better stuff next time. Yeah. Yeah. They need training. Yeah. Crime training.
Like, you know, can you, can you, can you imagine like, I mean, surely people must learn crime
somehow. Like crime school? Yeah. Like crime school. Like, I mean, obviously not in North
America or like anywhere with a government that's paying attention at all, but like,
can you imagine like an actual crime school opening up a crime school in like, you know, middle of
Africa somewhere. Yeah. Where it's like, okay. And, and, and like, actually not have it be like
child soldiers, like, like, like actually have it be like, like just, yeah, we're just going to teach
you how to do the things like a pop-up ad in your browser. That's like for only, you know, $5,000
will help you make however much a day through a life of crime. And they, it actually includes
like a legitimate plane ticket. You go there, there's classes, there's, there's practical studies.
You say use a bolt cutter. Yeah, bolt cutter. Well, no, no. Cause there's, there's a lot more than that.
Like there's a lot of like tricks of the trade. Like when we had a lot of the security done on
this place, they're like, yeah, this is what they do. And this is what they do. And this is what they
do. And I'm sitting here going, how do they all know how to do this? Well, crime school. Maybe
you and I are just smart enough that we never clicked the link. Maybe this woman is making
$10,000 a week in Canada is actually crime school. Maybe it's crime school. Canadian crime school.
Yeah. Wow. But not the crime school in Canada. The people come back to Canada with criminal knowledge.
Okay. Yeah. But you can advertise to people currently in Canada. Yeah, because I mean, it's,
it's like, it's, it's sketchy advertising, sketchy sites, you know, where you see those kinds of
things. I mean, obviously, you know, linustechtips.com is not going to have crime school banner ads.
No. And if we did, you know, we'd charge a lot for them. So there'd be a good justification for them
to be there. Yeah. We should probably start. One of our guys went to marketing school,
which is maybe not that different from crime school. We also have someone who went to law
school. Not that different from crime school. In fact, a lot about crime. Pretty much the same.
Yeah. I mean, so maybe, so maybe the school of law. Law school are crime schools. Yes.
Police academy is crime school. Yes. The police. Okay. So the law academy is like
metaphysical crime school and the police academy is like quite definitely physical. Like practical.
Yeah. Practical application. Yeah. So it's like theory versus practical. Yeah.
BCIT versus UBC. Well, I think they both have, they both have the opposite as well because
in law you'll have some practical training, like how to write a letter that will enable a crime
to be committed and not be punished. Right. And the same in the same in police academy.
They're going to have like, they're going to have theoretical studies as well. Yeah.
Yeah. Yep. That totally makes sense. I get it. It's just like what one you want your strength.
Yeah. So I mean, you do get an all around either way. Yeah. We still have, I mean,
if you went to super crime school, super criminal school, that would be both law school and police
academy and maybe like a degree and maybe like some programming mixed in super criminal school.
Yeah. Networking stuff. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That makes sense. Basic scripting. I mean,
that's the only difference between, you know, the so-called first world and the rest of the world
is that naming it's, it's, it's all spin. Yeah. It's spin. People are probably wondering what
the hell show it is that they're watching. It is the land show. We are going to actually have
a show at some point today. Sometimes the sometimes unrecognizable, the unapologetically
unrecognizable wench. So this week we've got some God call out topics. A Hulk Hogan might have
single-handedly taken out both his friendship and Gawker media. Actually, if I remember correctly,
like his friend was cool with it. Oh, I don't know if that story is true. Um, there's a grocery
store in Sweden with no staff. None. None at all. AMD made announcements. Many announcements.
Lots of them. Also, Oculus has 30 VR games that'll be ready at launch. Oh, hi. Well,
I'm just trying to center the heads on the table. Let's just roll the intro.
What the crap? Oh crap.
Uh, hold on. I got this deep dive sessions.
Square space. Uh, you should, you should, no, no, you have, you should do what?
Build it beautiful, but that's not their current. Do we care? No, not really.
Um, all right guys. So we've got a pretty, uh, pretty good, pretty good show for you guys today.
I hope that was definitely not prepped at crime school. Yeah, that was not that it contains none
of our knowledge from crime school. Cause quite frankly, if you're going to go to crime school,
you're going to have to pay for tuition. That's how school works. Okay. Yep. Crime school tuition.
Yep. It's like, uh, it's like, I mean, can you imagine the invoice they send you? Like,
I would double check that invoice from criminals. Extra zero here, extra zero. Give us your credit
card. Trust us. It's okay. And then if you, if you pay for, you know what, that's probably the
final exam. If you pay for crime school, you fail, you fail to find some way to not pay.
And then they just have to make the tuition insane. So the people that do pay end up paying
for everyone else. Yeah. And, and I mean, you know, not every criminal is the most brilliant
person on the face of the earth. So you gotta imagine that some of the people who fail their
final exam probably pay to try again. Yep. So they can subsidize the people who are passing
and not paying. Yeah. I like it. Okay. Strong business model. So, you know, you have a much
more interesting story about this than I do. This was originally posted by Chiv, Chiv Bhd on the
forum. I'm just going to pull up the original article here from AnandTech and post it in the
good old Twitch chatamaroonie. Here we go. AMD to showcase latest innovation. Okay. Well,
this is just the general coverage. Dang it. Where's the, um, there's an Ars Technica article
about it. If you go back to the thing. Bleeding heck, sir. Bleeding heck indeed. In crime school,
they tell you, they teach you how to say cool things like bleeding heck. Sulon Q. Hold on.
I'm just going to throw this in the Twitch chat so you guys can check that. Oh, all right.
AMD powered Sulon Q is like wearing a VR capable windows PC on your head. Can you tell me a little
bit about your experience with this? When was it? Okay. It was a little bit ago. It wasn't
this year, so I believe it was CES 2015. Okay. I'm pretty sure it was CES 2015. Okay. Um,
there was the Sulon Cortex. We figured out that they were on the floor, but we never covered it.
No, but we really tried. Um, we super duper tried Brandon's walking way over there. Brandon
definitely remembers. Hey Brandon, remember the Sulon Cortex? Yeah. He just said it was terrible.
That's basically the conclusion here. Um, when I saw this headline, AMD announces Sulon Q,
I did multiple double takes, which actually equals something that isn't a double take.
I did like a quadruple or whatever the sixth version would equal, but I like, I checked
multiple. Uh, and he can find out what he wants. Sure. He doesn't usually do that unless it's a
problem. Hello Mape. One of our forum moderators. When you're screen sharing, there's really,
really loud chirping and it's quite painful. Chirping. Fantastic. We had problems screen
sharing last week too, so I don't know what's going on. Thanks Mape. Thanks Mape. Okay, bye.
Okay. Well, I'll, uh, I'll attempt to diagnose that in the background here.
So, uh, anyways, so yeah, so it was at that point in time called the Sulon Cortex. I can tell you
right now it's changed a lot. Um, even just the specs are way improved. Uh, we don't know the
battery life, all that kind of stuff, but as a built in 256 gigabyte SSD for compute cores,
eight cores unlocked through heterogeneous system architecture. And as a four core FX 8,800 P
processor, OC to around 3.4 gigahertz runs windows 10 has an R7 graphics card. No information other
than that. Um, yeah, so the specs have taken a big jump upwards that might have something to do with
AMD theoretically like acquiring them. Um, it's, it just says with Toronto based startup Sulon
technology. This is another Toronto startup that I was super excited for. And then it was super
let down by the watch was one of those as well. Right. But basically what happened was we went
there. I was super excited that Sulon Cortex was at CES because I had seen and heard tons of stuff
about them. It was supposed to be this awesome experience. They had cameras on the front of the
headset so you could do like augmented reality stuff, but then it was completely tether free
because it's all in the headset. Super cool. Brandon and I went to go check it out almost
first thing. So yes, 2015 it like I'm comfortable saying literally didn't work at all. Um,
yeah. So we were like, can we come back? And they encouraged that. So we went back later.
Still didn't work. Did that again. Went back later. Still didn't work. I think we did it
one more time. Went back, was able to fight our way through two demos that were both gratuitously
horrible. So I didn't end up releasing a video about it because I didn't think the communication
to the audience would have been worth them watching. Um, and now AMD has announced iteration
two, I guess called the Sulon Q. So hopefully it's good.
Okay. That's basically, hopefully it's good. That's all you have to say.
I'm really like the specs look way better. If AMD can pull those specs off, it could be sweet.
I mean, all they're saying is radio on our seven graphics card, which tells us absolutely nothing
basically. I mean, you could call anything in our seven graphics. It could be a two 40.
That's true. It could be a two 40. It could, it could literally be not much more powerful than
like a high end tablet. Um, I don't know what it is. I'm hopeful. Here's okay. So, but here,
but this is another thing that I, the wrong direction for AMD to go. There's another thing
that I don't really understand about this product. Did you watch the video? Um, no,
I actually didn't. Oh, that won't help you understand things. They spend the entire video
just saying first. Okay. It might be really loud chirping noises. Nope. I fixed it. Um,
I haven't used this capture card in a long time cause I was having some issues with it.
Um, but the new driver fixed some issues, but didn't fix the issues that it seems to be my
laptop having. I think I need to update my sound drivers cause I was trying to stream from my
laptop yesterday and I was having issues with that too. Oh my God. What is this? My dad texted me,
so I thought it was important cause it's during the show. He just texted me. Just wanted to say
you're a new, your dad's awesome. By the way, I like your dad. It's cool. What is this? Yeah.
It's a really, really, really close up shots of the headset. There you go. That's the headset.
So the compute unit I think is partially on the back or entirely on the back.
So basically it's gear VR, but bulky.
I mean, it's probably. And, and it won't be running experiences that are tailored for a
lightweight for lightweight hardware, like an operating systems like Android,
it'll be running full fat windows 10 with VR experiences that are like, I mean,
it's all about when you want to adopt something, you want to adopt the same one that everyone else
is adopting to have at least some chance of ongoing support from third parties.
Because it's simple business. If I'm a third party making a piece of software, a PC VR experience,
am I going to target the HTC Vive, which sold, what was it? 15,000 units within 10 minutes
or something. I'm sorry. I'm just completely obscene. Like looks amazing and looks awesome.
Or would I go after the Oculus rift, which is the just, you know, favorite, favorite nephew
of the entire industry where both of those companies, where both of those companies are
saying, yep, you're going to need a super powerful PC in order to have the experiences that we expect
you to have on our headset, or you're going to target this thing, which who's going to buy,
like, who's going to buy this. So like you and the other 16 people who buy it are going to
expect a software developer to make an experience for this. That's going to be good. I genuinely
don't know if I will. And I know that might be kind of surprising because I basically said,
I'm going to buy it. You were considering it? No. Well, you said you and the other,
so like, Oh no. Yeah. I mean, the main reason why I didn't release a video I've released videos
from shows and I've released videos from around the office where I tear things apart before I
could have done that again. The reason why I didn't was because I didn't want this thing to get press.
Yes. I've been actively worried. It was, it was bad. I've been actively worried the entire time
since DK one was announced that I don't really want bad press about bad products around VR.
Right. If there's, if there's bad press about the Vive or if there's bad press about the Rift,
maybe they deserve that. I don't know what it would have been. There's been pretty good press
about both of them. So I don't, I don't, I'm not saying anything. They're just like, if there
happened to be for whatever reason, then they need to get their act together and keep on moving up
and they can fix it and then they can keep going. Both of those headsets and the gear VR to a lesser
degree are doing a good job of showing like, this is what VR can be. Right. Actually, the Vive
especially has shown off that like, this can be for a wider audience. Yeah. You can walk around
and explore Everest. You can do all these like super cool things like, awesome. You guys are
doing great. I want to talk about that so that people hear it and get excited. I don't want to
talk about, you don't want to talk about how long an FX 8,800 P processor overclock to 3.4 gigahertz
is going to run on battery when it's strapped to your head. Yeah. Like actually specifically,
I don't really imagine how warm that would be between the headset across the front of your face
and a computer taped to the back of it. Like wait for a second. Yeah. I mean, did they even say
anything about weight? No weight or battery. No weight or battery spec. That thing is not big
enough to have a decent battery and it is too big to be light. But then, you know, here's something
though. I don't know what an FX 8,800 P is. Does anyone know what an FX 8,800 P is? I've never
heard of that. FX 8,800 P. This is a notebook processor. I didn't even know. Oh, did you see
that? I think the R7 bit. Okay. So what is it? Integrated. So this is some kind of like APU or
something like that by the look of things. So let's just, let's just have a quick, let's have
a quick look at what this Candor over here. Products.amd.com page has on it. Man, their site
is slow. Okay. Probably because everyone's just super excited for the Suvan Q. Specific, why am I
on the French page? Well, whatever. Okay. Fondation. OPN, OPN tray. Yeah. Okay. Total cash L2. I love,
I love how French just gets butchered when it comes to technical terms. A lot of languages do.
Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Verzion, PCI express. Okay. Okay. So four hearts, eight GPU cores.
So here are their cores, here are their cores. AMD, you don't get to do this. You don't get
to add up CPU and GPU cores and just be like, yeah, it has 12 cores. Four threads. It's kind
of 12 core cores. Okay. And 3.4 gigahertz is not overclocked. So the article seems to have missed
that. That is a max turbo and it is a 15 watt TDP processor. Okay. So we're not talking about
necessarily like a, like a tablet processor, but it's, it's definitely a notebook processor. It's
one that I've never seen in a laptop. 800 megahertz R7. Wow. They're not even saying like how many
stream processors it has or anything like that. So this is some, this is some underpowered nonsense.
So what this means to me then anyway is if we're looking at a 28 nanometer AMD chip with four cores,
maybe this just isn't about gaming at all then. Maybe this was the first VR experience that I
wanted to quit. Oh, I mean, they're talking about, you know, the, the, uh, the, the, the
virtual mapping of the environment. Okay. Not this, the suan cortex was. Yeah. Right. I have
not tried the queue. I have no idea what the experience is like. I can guess.
Why would you even need wireless keyboard and mouse support?
What would you do with a keyboard and mouse with this thing strapped to your head? I can't think
of a reason to have a thing. How does it have wireless keyboard and mouse support?
I don't know. Well, Bluetooth, I guess, but like, why would you ever care? Why? Okay,
fine. We're done. Um, let's, let's pull up the non tech article that, uh, are you copying that into
Twitch chat? Uh, let's pull up the non tech article that should have some, Oh no, this,
this article is not an article. This is just a link to an investor relations page and their
webcast announcement page. So way to go Colton. Um, okay. Let's talk GP roadmap. Yeah. Original
article here is from PC perspective. Yeah. Go mr. Shroud, actually John Walrath, but you know,
whatever mr. Shroud gets at least some of the, did I say, did I say John? Oh, sorry. Sorry. I
still had the Hulk Hogan story on the mind. We'll talk more about that later. Um, so some hints at
what comes next. I love these GPU architecture roadmap slides because they're just so completely
meaningless. Yeah. A okay. So a it's gazing into the crystal ball, which hasn't actually worked
out very well for us over the last, uh, two to three years where we've been like looking at
these like great slides of like how much better GPUs are going to be. But then you have to read
the fine print too, because the thing that they're telling you doesn't necessarily even have a whole
lot to do with what you would want to know. This is a performance per watt graph, which is like,
it could potentially even get worse in terms of, I'm not saying it, it is, I'm just saying like,
out and said that, yeah, well like, like if you could get worse. Yeah. Like theoretically
the performance could go down. If the wattage used goes way down, that graph is still possible.
Then that comes up with, and then we end up with like a really like super like awesome looking
graph. So Polaris is two and a half X performance per watt. So what we're sort of hoping for,
I guess, is between sometime in 2016, we're going to get that and we're going to see maybe similar
power draw or hopefully a little bit less, maybe a little bit less power draw than current AMD top
tier cards and maybe about, hey, one and a half to two X the performance. And then Vega is like,
even like way better sort of ish, actually about as much better again. Really? Features HBM two.
Yeah, maybe actually. Yeah, it's actually not that much, not that much different. It just,
it looks more impressive because nothing happened between the end of 2014 and the middle of 2016.
Literally nothing happened on the AMD side of things. So Vega is looking like another similar
improvement and then they're like, oh yeah, it's going to take a little bit longer. And then we're
going to have Navi sort of later. Okay. Cool. What else we got here? Why can't I move over?
What's wrong with your thing? There we go. HBM one is limited in the next gen parts. Okay. So
that's some more news out of AMD that I guess is, is fascinating. I guess we already kind of knew
this. The word on the street is that Nvidia's flagship, at least to start with Pascal,
which is not big Pascal, that's going to be the next step down. Pascal is going to be using DDDR
five X. So it's probably just one of those things where Nvidia would have maybe loved to use HBM,
but because they're moving a much higher volume of parts than AMD, there may simply not be enough
HBM for AMD, let alone for someone like Nvidia to come in and put it on, you know, a hot selling
skew, like a replacement for something like the GTX 970. What else we got here? AMD announces
the absolutely most powerful graphics card in the world. So our original article here is from
legit reviews and this my friends is the Radeon pro duo. It features three PCI express eight pin
power connectors. Wow. It features a liquid cooling, which is probably smart and it features
pretty much two R9 theories on a single card. Pretty impressive. So having a look at some
fire strike numbers here, it is, uh, you know, definitely faster than an R9 295 X two.
It is definitely faster than a GTX Titan Z, which is the last dual GPU card that Nvidia released.
Total, total flop. The Titan Z was, they didn't even bother to redo a Titan, a dual GPU card for
the flagship GPU of this generation. And, uh, yeah, so it has, it has definitely taken back,
you know, if 3d mark scores are something to sort of go on, it has definitely taken back the most
powerful graphics card award for AMD. We don't know if we're getting one. I have been in touch.
They had said they wanted to give us a briefing before talking about sampling. So I, I actually
CC'd you and John on the email cause you guys would probably be the ones to, to get briefed
on it. When did you do this? Earlier this week. When was the briefing? Well, no, they never
replied. So they haven't actually, they haven't actually sent any information about the briefing.
So hopefully that's coming soon. Yeah. Hopefully we will, uh, we will get some kind of coverage
for you guys. Um, it, the card has a combined eight gigs of HBM memory. So we are seeing,
um, I guess GTX six 90 syndrome again, where like, yeah, okay. It's like really powerful.
But the problem with the six 90 is that because it only had two gigs of Ram per GPU, that was
effectively two gigs of Ram. So whether it's HBM allocation or whether it's the complexity
of adding more of it to the board, AMD is limited to four gigs of HBM memory per core,
which is effectively four gigs for the entire system because the way the crossfire and SLI
work at this time is that they are not able to just go, okay, well each GPU has four gigs.
So now we've got eight gigs total, um, making, you know, making other cards of similar price
that come out in the future, whether they are based on Pascal or whether they're based
on Polaris probably make more sense to wait for. I'm not a huge fan of dual GPU cards
and there are a wide variety of reasons for that. Not the least of which is the fact that
the drivers for them, it comes down to what I was talking about before. You are better
off investing in something that more people are going to buy because it puts more pressure
on the manufacturer to fix it if there's a problem. So we had an issue in Scrapyard
Wars 3 where Austin's system, because he had a, what was it? 295X2, wasn't it? No,
no, it was a, it was a 6990. Oh yeah. Had a 6990. Yeah. Couldn't run PCMark because
there is no way in AMD's, on AMD's dual GPU cards, so single card dual GPU to disable
crossfire. There were some guides we found and there were some people suggesting that
there were ways to do it, but we did not successfully disable crossfire because even though you
can do it when you've got two cards in one system, you just, but no, you just can't.
And it felt like, cause you were supposed to do it on like an application based level
in order to disable crossfire. Like there was like some weird tool. Yeah. There didn't
seem to be any, well, it's not that weird. It's not that weird. It's not that weird.
It's a pretty common tool, but anyways, it does other stuff. It wasn't the AMD driver,
which means it's not good enough. Okay. Yeah, that's true. I'm not going to argue that.
It is a relatively common tool though. Anyways, so you're supposed to disable it on an application
based level. You don't just turn off crossfire at all and let your computer see two individual
separate GPUs. Which I kind of get. PCI express is complicated. It's not simple. Yeah, that's
fair. So having a single interface like, okay. But then I guess it didn't pick up the application
properly or the application wasn't reporting properly or something. I don't know what was
going on, but it just wasn't working and was going straight crossfire right into the application.
So it was like, okay, nothing else we can really do. So yeah, I would recommend whether
you're on the red team or the green team, I would wait for a single GPU card that is
going to not only deliver probably very similar performance, but sort of what? Echo? Echo?
For what? I don't know if there's an echo. I have literally not touched the computer.
So why is this happening? Everything is awesome. Everything is cool when you're on the wench
show. Everything is awesome. When you echo, echo. Oh, that was pretty good. I wonder how
many echoes they're going to hear of you saying that. What if we echo ourselves? What if we
echo ourselves? What if we echo each other? What if we echo each other? Each other. People
are like you unplugged something. No, I didn't. My hands have been visible the whole time.
You actually didn't. If I unplugged anything, it was definitely in my pants. So okay, let's
go ahead and move on to our next topic. Polaris 11 running 4K VR content pictured. Few Polaris
10 details. So Ryan Shrout tweeted, I did get to see AMD's Polaris 11 GPU running passively
while playing back 4K VR content last night. Pretty impressive. For Polaris 10, the sample
used during their event had five display outputs, three DisplayPort 1.3s, 8K, HDMI 2.0, finally,
thank you AMD, and DVID dual link. Although it still bothers me that AMD has removed VGA
output from their cards entirely. I don't remember why, but it inconvenienced me not
that long ago when I was stuck with VGA and I had an AMD card and I was like, ah, crap.
Cannot do. According to VR world, the PCB of the Polaris 10 engineering sample was not
much bigger than the R9 Nano. So AMD is taking this whole, yep, we are serious about improving
efficiency and reducing the size. Let's see if we have a picture here. Well, the Nano
is a damn cool card. So like I don't blame them for going that direction. And if you're
running HBM memory, you don't have to have all those traces and all that additional PCB
complexity. So you might as well simplify things and improve compatibility with smaller
cases while you're at it. Now with that said, what we have observed about the R9 Nano is
there aren't really a whole lot of cases that can handle the thermals, but are not designed
for a larger 10 and a half inch sort of Nvidia reference card these days. But if AMD keeps
this up, maybe we'll see that change. I think the problems with the bomb were as much operator
error as anything else. Hey, that was mean. I thought it was cool. Hey, it's not like
you don't go after me about the servers periodically. Frequently. It's fair game. Frequently, like
quite frequently. To be fair, I think the servers have more problems than the bomb did.
Had enough of your crap. Want to talk about the crazy NUC? Like absolutely insane NUC?
Yeah, let's talk about the NUC. So this was originally posted on the forum by AlexGoesHigh.
Have you already posted the PC per link? All right, let's do it. Meet the new Intel Skull
Trail NUC. Changing the game. No, no, this is a reference to a demo that Intel did, I
think, I think this is a reference to a demo that Intel did back at CES 2015, where they
had a skull trail system and they were showing a skull trail system accelerating a demo where
you could zoom in and zoom out of this like really cool photo manager that like in real
time was resizing pictures as you moved in and out of it. And then they also had a NUC
running that demo at the same speed. Now that's not because the NUC had the same CPU performance,
but because the skull trail was running purely on CPU and the NUC was GPU accelerating it.
And it was a demo of how the change in the way that we have and the way that Intel has
approached and the industry as a whole actually, but the way that Intel has approached improving
computer power has allowed new experiences with much lower power consumption. I love
that logo. I never looked at a NUC and be like, that looks sick. So this is the actual
device. So tell us about it then. You're just staring at it. You're just looks nice. You're
just a gape. It has an i7 6700HQ processor with a 45 watt TDP. Holy crap. Like real deal
kids. I wasn't sure if I cared when I saw a NUC because I don't really care about NUCs.
And then I read that and I was like ok. Dual M.2 slots, you know, whatever. Intel Iris
Pro Graphics 580, which you probably could have discerned. Thunderbolt 3, 40 gigabit
per second with USB 3.1 and DisplayPort 1.2 over USB-C. Holy crap, that's badass. What
about for DDR4 memory? Up to 32 gigs at some speed, which probably doesn't matter, but
is 2133. Full size HDMI 2.0 port, so he's going to be happy again. Intel dual band wireless
AC. HDMI 2.0 is kind of a big deal, just saying. It is, I know, I know. I was just saying specifically.
Just saying, everyone should be happy. I'm not saying they aren't. SD card slot, that's
good. That's good to have. Hey, I like the SD card slot. Standard audio gigabit LAN,
stuff like that. Infrared sensor, so that could actually be kind of cool. People could
do some stuff with that. This is like one BA little machine. It ships with two lids.
One with the skull logo, which you should probably use, and one with a plain matte black,
which is a good idea for them to include. Also matte black. You know, it's really funny
talking to Intel people, and I hope I'm not like saying something that I, you know, someone
told me in confidence or anything. I don't think so. But talking to Intel people about
how edgy putting a skull on something is internally at Intel. Meanwhile, it's like, skulls are
so passé, man. When was that even edgy? Like, we're talking like no fear clothing. Like,
putting evil eyes on things is like edgy. Intel, you're like stuck in the 90s. On the
one hand, it's not even like a bone style. It's like this cool, like, it's very stylized.
It looks like it looks like a circuit board. Like it's very Intel. So on the one hand,
you're this like, forward looking, like working on crap that you and I won't touch for 10
to 20 years company. And on the other hand, you can't figure out that a skull is not edgy
anymore. We're not sure about skulls. Yeah, maybe it's, maybe it's, you know, too aggressive.
We might scare the children. Yeah, it's too scary. Make sure you ship it with a matte
black cover as well. Yeah, you know, just in case, because we're too afraid of skulls
or something. So now to be clear, it's not as small as your grandpa's nook. It's 0.69
litre, though, which is like pretty damn small. So it's still small. So you know, like a quart
of milk for the Americans or a litre of milk for the non Americans, it's still only about
70% of that, which is not that small. So it's about 20 centimetres long, about eight inches
long. I'm doing rough math. I know that's not quite right. By 11 centimetres wide by
23 millimetres. So only about an inch thick. So it is very, very small, pretty darn high
powered and still not good enough to run a VR experience and be strapped to the back
of my head.
Oh my god, shots fired. I did not expect that. I was not prepared for that. That was good.
That was, that was good. But what you could do is, you know, like this doesn't work. Don't
worry. I know it doesn't work. It's okay. You could get one of these and then get one
of those like external graphics card enclosures and just hang the whole thing. It actually
could work. Oh, how can you hook it up to this? Uh, thunderbolt. It's got thunderbolt
yo. No, but wouldn't that be, that could, then you could go, Oh, that could, Oh, that
could work. No, because it's in my head. I saw one output, but then you just go to the
graphics card and the graphics card to the, how long do you think? Okay. How long do you
think? I didn't think that was going to work. How long do you think you could carry like
an APC UPS around on your back? I'll do it. If we could run one of these knucks with like
a razor core. Okay. So like with like a GTX 980 TI thing, cause we could just do a laptop,
but that's so mainstream. That is way too mainstream. Not cray cray enough for Linux
to yeah, no, no, no, no, no, no. I'm down. I'll like specifically work like we would
like, we would have to like, we would have to actually get like, like a metal framed
hiking backpack. Yep. Right. I have one. No, but we'd have to butcher it. We should go
to like, we should go to like, like a swap. Yeah. Yeah. Like, like, like sec plate. What
is, what is that? Re re sports replay or like, like a secondhand equipment store. Cause all
we really want is the, is the metal frame. And then we would have to basically find a
way to get like some kind of a UPS on there to power the graphics card and the knock.
And you'd only be able to play for probably like nine minutes. Like I hope you know that
already. Cause the battery. Yeah. Yeah. Cause like that kind of a graphics card sucking
back like a couple hundred Watts, like no UPS that you can physically carry is designed
to run for longer than like, you know, 10 to 15 minutes. But that would be bananas.
So how does HTC and valve do HTC and valve intend to have like lighthouses on steroids?
What do you know? What do you mean? Like lighthouse units, but like on steroids. So you could,
you know, they're lighthouses, right? Yeah. But I don't understand the on steroids on
steroids is like, if we had an empty warehouse, say for example, putting it in the corners
of it. Oh, and theoretically they, they have the play box dimensions. Like, no. So we'll
have to wait for a new generation of UPS batteries that is much lighter and a new generation
of like attached like a wire frame around my waist and have like big long wire arms
go out that hold the lighthouses. Now that's just dumb. It was a great idea up until then.
What a Dick. We could also just like have a helmet with a pole going out on it and then
hang a, an Oculus one or a Mac pro. So you could selfie your VR experience. The Mac pro
is just for selfies. Did you see that? Did you not see the Mac pro selfie stick? Someone
did it. Oh no, I didn't see that. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. People are like the PTF
Luke. This used to be a Dennis stream. We need to bring back Dennis. I tried last time.
It didn't really work that well. People someone's like worst, worst when show ever. So not worst,
but it is worse. Worse. So as long as it's not the best, the best, then technically it
is the worst, the worst when show. But is it best or best? Uh, I don't know. But what
I do know is that the longer we make fun of the grammar and spelling of our audience,
the closer we're getting to it being the worst when show ever. Um, speaking of worst when
show ever, why don't we talk about the sponsors of today's when show? Yeah. Club.com proud
sponsor of the worst when show ever. So if you guys were thinking to yourself, gee, I've
got a neck beard. I want to shave a four mentioned neck beard, but I don't want anyone to see
my neck beard. How could I get shaving supplies delivered directly to my door for less than
it would cost me to go to the grocery store, wait around for someone to unlock the stupid
locked cabinet that the freaking like between razor blades, printer ink and perfume. We've
got like a trifecta of overpriced stuff that shouldn't cost that much. You need to use
all that you need to use all the time, especially if you're hairy and you stink and you need
to make a lot of printer copies. Okay, then dollar shave club is the answer. By going
to dollarshaveclub.com you can get reasonably priced shaving supplies delivered straight
to your door once a month and not just razors. Also their aftershave, their Dr. Carver shave
butter and even their peppermint scented butt wipes for men. So visit dollarshaveclub.com
slash Linus and join the club. In the US, Canada and Australia. In the US, Canada and
Australia. If you have a neck beard in Europe, like I'm sorry, bro. Yeah, then you're just
going to have to go out and wear that neck beard loud and proud. I mean, can you imagine
having a neck beard that was so bearded that it was legitimately loud? We'd have to have
things living in it, which unfortunately has probably happened at some point. All right,
moving on to our next sponsor. This is a more serious sponsor. They don't have butt wipes,
but what they do have is top tier managed cloud computing solutions. They've got dedicated
storage options to meet your performance security network capacity and compliance needs and
they are backed by what they call fanatical support. They're really well known for. 24,
7, 365 baby. If you have a problem on Christmas Eve or even Christmas day, that is one of
the 365 days in the year and they will take care of it. Now, this year was a leap year.
So unfortunately, 19 days ago, you were pretty much SOL. Not true. Because this year had
366 days. They advertised 365. They're better than advertised. Once every four years, Rackspace
takes a day off. They don't. What are we talking about? Rackspace. They're inviting you to
deep dive sessions. They take about an hour every week or two to discuss benefits of dedicated
solutions. I have a link for that. So if you want to take a Rackspace deep dive, you guys
can check that out. The long and short of it is they will discuss. You just said it.
On March 23rd, they'll have one on improving your operational efficiency, which is good
for everything ever. They typically do about three sessions a month via Google Hangouts
and they will provide you with downloads to reference architecture, ebooks and white papers
on the sessions, landing pages. So it's live with active participation so you can go ask
your questions and interact with them. So there's deep dives coming up on March 23rd
and on March 30th. The second one is how to optimize SQL Server for performance and reliability.
This kind of stuff is just plain beneficial. So check it out. Give yourself a chance to
talk to Rackspace experts and learn a little something while you are at it. Which leads
us to our last sponsor of the day, which has out of date notes. A totally a totally serious
one as well. Squarespace. Yeah. Yeah. What what what is the sales team ever going to
update our Squarespace notes sales? This is part of their crime school. You know what
we should do is we should completely ignore any new Squarespace talking points until they
update our talking points. I'm going to pretend that I still think Squarespace is slogan is.
You know what? You probably should. Simple, powerful, beautiful. You should do that. You
know what else I'm going to say? I'm going to say that they have 24 seven support via
live chat and email. You should say that. Thank you. That would be applicable. I'm going
to say that Squarespace starts at only eight dollars a month and you get a free domain
if you buy Squarespace for a year. You should also say that. That would be accurate. I'm
going to say that their templates feature responsive design. So your website scales
to look great on any device. You should also say that they have commerce modules so you
can buy stuff or well you can sell stuff or buy stuff from other people. And if the notes
said anything about cover pages then you should. Talk about how you can have a cover page if
you want to do something like a resume style website. Just like a simple online presence
and the most important thing that you should cover is that when you decide to sign up for
Squarespace after your two week free trial to try it out, see how simple it is, you should
save 10% by using offer code Linus. Which you should do. Thank you. Thank you for watching
the land show. You should probably build it beautiful. You should probably build it simple
and powerful too. It is a miracle that anyone sponsors us. Brandon informs us we're making
Colton and Nick cringe. I wish we could do more to them. But alas our words are only
so powerful from down here. They learnt to get away from us in crime school. Yeah crime
school. What have we even talked about on the show today? Broken baby food jar leads
to Sweden's first unstaffed grocery store. How does that make any freaking sense? I don't
know but I'll tell you. Sweden IT specialist Robert Woah. I tried. Swedish IT specialist
Robert owns a store that is unmanned. Yeah it's in a town in Sweden. Basically he's trying
to feed. I didn't see Nick behind the camera. I see him now. Basically he's trying to feed
I believe it was his baby daughter. Baby whatever. And he broke a food jar and had to drive really
far to find somewhere that was still open because it was really late at night or early
in the morning or something. And he got frustrated and was like why don't we just have stores
that can be open all the time everywhere. So he made a store that can be open all the
time. You sign up there is a credit check that you have to go through. You get an app
on your phone so you can manage your purchase and stuff. You can just walk in scan the things
that you want and walk out and then you get a bill once a month. That is so cool. If the
door stays open for longer than 8 seconds or is tampered with Robert will receive an
alert. There you go. I mean to be clear this isn't the kind of thing that we're expecting.
Is it Iliassen? I don't know. Iliassen? This is not the kind of thing that I'm expecting
personally to be able to be rolled out in like New York or that was terrible. New York.
I tried. I'm going there so I was trying to like New York. Just screw off. Or New York.
Or like LA or whatever anytime soon because you need a fair bit more security. But right
now it's deployed out in a small town only about 4200 residents. So exactly the kind
of town especially in Europe. Like I've noticed that. Where the grocery store would close
at like 4pm. Oh my god. And you'd just be like Switzerland everything closes so early.
Well it was the same thing in Germany. Yeah. Remember the day we landed in Germany it was
like 2 in the afternoon and freaking everything was closed. Dead zone yeah. Like we couldn't
get food. Yeah. This is ridiculous. So it's exactly the sort of environment where something
where you would have a lot of trust between members of the community. Very small community.
And you would have the frustration of not being able to buy baby food in the middle
of the night when your baby's freaking hungry. And like I don't give a crap about you know
Sweden's and the Swedish people's philosophy about not working too hard and all that stuff
when my baby's hungry. So if you can have a store that just plain doesn't need anyone
working in it and I can go get a freaking thing of baby food and hey maybe it could
be more expensive so that you know you could offset the jobs that'll be lost or whatever
and justify something. My first like legit non like I'm a ref or a paper boy or I mow
your lawn like that kind of stuff. My first legit like I get a paycheck every two weeks
from a big corporation kind of job was at a grocery store. So part of like this story
is cool. When I go to grocery stores I use automated tills. When I go to Home Depot I
use automated tills. I'm that person already. Probably horrible because it's contributing
to stuff like this which is contributing to massive amounts of especially low end jobs
going away. With that said if there was anywhere where I would want to be working at an entry
level job only to have it swept out from under my feet it would probably be Sweden. Because
they will probably figure out how to support those people before other people. But a lot
of other countries won't. Can you imagine a Donald Trump America supporting people who
have lost their jobs? This is really funny. This is like super super funny. I was reading
an article that was about it was talking to a writer of an episode of the Simpsons from
16 years ago where like I'm pretty sure every show has done this. Often times it's a Christmas
special where the ghost of the future comes back and shows the character how their life
is you know heading anyway. So it's the episode where Bart gets to see his future self and
he's in like a crappy band and he works in gigs at like Nelson's club and his sister
has just won the presidency of the United States and Milhouse one of her top aides comes
in and holds up a chart of the staggering deficit that they've inherited from President
Trump. Seriously. It was so ludicrous. And so the writer's saying like we were trying
to write an America's gone crazy like completely unbelievable worst case scenario.
Simpsons has done that like a few times. And that's what we came up with.
Not like once. Like they've made crazy predictions like quite a few times.
And I just I thought it was I thought it was amazing.
Didn't they do something with like the iPad or something?
I I'm not sure. I'm not extremely accurately. What's up Nick? Can I help you?
Yeah. I'm just going to say if you ever actually read the notes maybe you wouldn't get me any
notes. Sorry I can't hear you. Sorry the microphone can't hear you. Nick's trying to give us crap
about not reading his notes.
I'm just sitting here judging you now. Maybe I should come down and talk about how the
man shows up.
Hey hey. That was because my capture card stopped working today.
This week is my capture card. Last week it was my camera. Next week it's going to be
my laptop.
It actually might be his laptop next week. We had some problems this time.
My phone's not working.
That's why this stream can't start. This phone's not working.
My Dreamcast stopped working.
Is that where you cast your dreams? A little artwork in Nelson Park?
Yeah. Hey that was a cool article.
Alright so this next article, the original one, it was posted by DaveHasLanded on the
What's up John? Nick, John needs you.
Was originally posted on Oculus.com and this is looking pretty impressive we hope except
we've all seen this story before. Do you remember Valve's whole like oh yeah there's still many
games for SteamOS. Who cares? Just because you have a lot of games doesn't mean that
they're good. However, 30 games is more than I expected Oculus to have as actual VR games.
Not just games that will work.
Although I said that and I was told that but looking closely at the list there's some things
that I didn't actually notice the first time like keep talking nobody explodes. Actually
no that was originally a VR game. It was later made into a non-VR game. Where was the Elite
Dangerous, nope that's not the one I was looking for. Where's the Sniper one? I swear to god
I just read a Sniper one.
Project Cars. Nope that's probably what you think.
Nope I'm crazy. I think I dyslexia'd the crap out of Elite Dangerous and thought it was
like the Elite Sniper.
Sniper Elite.
Sniper Elite, yeah. So I guess that's not in here because dyslexia so everything's fine
never mind.
VR Tennis Online.
Some of these things like okay Adventure Time Magic Man's Head Games makes me excited because
it's Adventure Time. Makes me worry that it's rushed because it's $5.
Do you still follow Adventure Time?
Oh okay.
Do you?
It was like good and good and good and good and good and then it kind of lulled and this
kid seems to be getting good again.
Yeah that's cool.
Unjack is like that's a Gear VR game. It has no place on Rift because it's just way worse
than Valkyrie and that's like about it.
Okay cool.
You just can't move and it's now a turret game. Like okay. I don't know.
I'm like this doesn't really.
Not a rapid fire topic I guess.
Yeah doesn't really make much of a difference to me because these could all suck.
We get Lucky's Tale for free with every purchase and Eve Valkyrie with pre-orders.
Wow. I can't believe they're not just going to ship it with Eve Valkyrie.
And another thing that worries me which we already knew but that worries me is the Eve
Valkyrie is called Founders Pack.
Super makes it.
DLC or it's like even possibly going to be free to play with purchases which might even
be worse.
Okay so so much for WD not completing their acquisition of SanDisk. It has been overwhelmingly
approved on both sides. SanDisk, 98% of their shareholders approved the merger and WD was
about 90%. So yeah. There you go. So WD officially has NAND fabrication capacity. Good for them.
Some billionaires saying that he can put your brain into a robot in 30 years.
Posted by NoNerg on the forum.
He's really confident he spent a lot of money on it. I think he wants to live forever. I
think that's what's going on.
I wouldn't mind living forever. You know it's actually kind of sad because looking at a
lot of the advancements that are being made in both transferring consciousness into a
machine and slowing or reversing the aging process, I feel like our generation just barely
didn't make it.
Yeah we're going to just slightly miss.
Like I could totally see a near future reality where if you agree to sterilization or something
like that you can prolong your life indefinitely or something. Like I hope they make people
agree to sterilization because the last thing we need is a bunch of people living forever
and procreating at the rate that humans do. But anyway.
Although if you get turned into a robot.
Yeah that would be. Yes then sterilization would be a thing.
But unless you like have a little little manufacturing plant.
So he founded the 2045 initiative in 2011 with the goal to create a more advanced non
biological carrier for an individual's personality. I'm 100 percent confident it will happen.
He says. Otherwise I wouldn't have started it.
Doesn't have a God complex at all. I have no idea what you're saying.
Yeah. Okay. First part of the project is to create a robotic version of a human body that
can be controlled by the brain which is scheduled to be completed by 2020. I mean it's amazing
we're only hearing about this now when like you know we're at CES watching if 3D printed
prosthetics need to be controlled via muscle movement. I mean surely if you can build a
whole body in the next four and a. Well they have they have the monkey that was walking
on the treadmill I think in the states who made a robotic version of the monkey walk
on a treadmill in I believe Japan. Both of those locations could be super inaccurate
anyways it was super far away. So he has poured one point four three billion into the project
so far. Who says money doesn't buy happiness if living in a robot makes you happy. Very
interesting team is made up of Russian specialists from the fields of neural interfaces robotics
neuroscience and artificial organs. This was originally posted on Ars Technica. $115 million
verdict in the Hulk Hogan sex tape lawsuit could wipe out Gawker. Which if you guys don't
know would include let's see Lifehacker, Gizmodo, Deadspin, Kotaku, Jezebel and Jalopnik.
Gawker employs about 250 people and they were sued for publishing a sex tape showing Hulk
Hogan having sex with his friend's wife. So Hogan's lawyer says that the Gawker editor
was playing God with my client's privacy. The sum may have punitive damages added to
it as well and the jury found two men personally liable in addition to Gawker media. Wow so
I guess the lesson that we learned here is that Linus Media Group should only publish
sex tapes if they are of it's employees. With consent yeah. Sure that too. Theoretically
yeah that's a good idea. Yeah so now we know. Now we know. It's good to know. I'm glad we
know. Yes. We've got another really cool thing to show you guys. This for those of you who
tuned in to the Twitch chat earlier this week. Or the Twitch chat. The Twitch stream earlier
this week where like I basically was only intermittently streaming. There was a reason
for that. It's really cool. Eight members of Linus Media Group have Counter Strike models
with their faces on them and they look freaking awesome. I don't have the application installed
so unfortunately I can't show you guys. Oh here we go here we go. There we go. You don't
have to have the. That's a better look at it. How do I pan? Do you know how to pan?
Well ok go to edit. Yeah. Once it loads. There's some problems. It's very beta which is why
we couldn't get it working. They tell us though that the server should be back up next week
and we can try again because. Well I think the server might even be live right now but
it's not like with how hard we hit it. Trying to put like a whole team on there and stuff.
It has major problems and they're making like a North American one just for us and all this
kind of stuff. Ok well that is not loading so. Anyways it's pretty cool. It's cool. The
real sense part of it is not beta. Yeah. And actually works super well. I was impressed.
Real sense with IC's 3D scans really well. If you guys saw the. What was it called? 3D
scanner that I did probably about a year ago. I don't remember what it was called. I'm sorry.
I had to attach it to an iPad. I scanned to Tarin. I scanned to the rune. I did some other
stuff. Anyways it's like better than that other than it doesn't. Does it do rune scanning?
The program I used doesn't do rune scanning. I think it theoretically could do rune scanning
just fine. Just the program I specifically used does not do it. But like it. Yeah. You
can kind of see. I wasn't that bullish on real sense. To be perfectly honest. This demo
has sold me on it in a much much bigger way. I mean look at that. If that doesn't look
like a terrorist. I don't know what does. And like he's making a crazy smile and stuff
which is actually cool because it made some differentiation between different people's
avatars. And like if his head's at a weird tilt or something. Don't. What just happened?
Look it's like a pixel. Yeah. Whoa. If his head's at a weird tilt and stuff don't worry
about that because you can fix that. But anyways the real sense scanning went really well.
And we had to import it into this thing which didn't work as well. I usually got to work.
I don't know what's going on with his laptop or what's currently going on with the site.
They have like two different beta sites they've been having us use and one's kind of better
than the other one so I don't really know if this is the right one or not. Anyways this
part had some problems but we got through that made it all work and then we tried to
integrate it on the server it was it was kind of weird. It's supposed to like attach with
your Steam ID so that when you connect it puts your model mesh onto your character and
only you onto your character. But there were some major problems like everyone spawning
in is Colton. This is like four coltons. By the way guys this is important to note this
is a low resolution preview. This is not it looks nearly as good as it is. It actually
looks considerably better than that. Yeah I sure wish I could. It looks really good.
Yeah and it's like yeah it looks shockingly good and I wish I could show it to you properly
but like I'm kind of giving up on that at this point. But I mean you guys can probably
try to launch it. Sorry? Launch it. Just stream some counter strike dog. Deploy. Do it. It
might work. It might work. Who knows. I don't think it's gonna work. I guess no one will
be able to see you actually. Because you kill yourself and you look at yourself on the floor.
Yeah but you okay so I'll have to be like running backwards while I kill myself so I
ragdoll backwards. Do you want to do the next topic while I try and get this working? Sure.
PlayStation VR to release October 2016 which is not that bad. And it costs $399 USD or
$549 Canadian. Remember when that used to be $399 Canadian? Yeah I do remember that
actually. Oh my god. Anyways that's really freaking cool. Might not exactly be what everyone
expected me to say but that's awesome because the cost of a PlayStation 4 and a PlayStation
VR is cheaper than some entire VR solutions. Which is true but the thing that we're ignoring
here is that a PlayStation Move is not included. Okay you can play with the controller. And
what else was not included? I forget what it was. There was something. You could definitely
just play with the controller. Yeah but there was some other, and I can't look it up on
my laptop right now, but there was some other super important peripheral that would dramatically
improve the experience. I think it was a camera that is also not included. Oh cause the camera
does need to see the lights that are on the headset. So I don't, yeah I don't remember
what exactly the deal was. Either way it's actually a pretty low cost solution to getting
into VR which does have a dedicated processing unit which is a lot better than like a phone
or something. And if Sony's optimizations are as good as they say they're going to be
then. It could be a pretty good solution for its price. It could be. They're doing actually
very respectable things like saying if people's frame rates are too low we're just not allowing
them to have the game on the store. Which is awesome because they don't want to allow
shitty experiences. I'm actually really excited for it. Yeah there's the other article. Sony
to reject any Playstation VR games that drop below 60 FPS. Good. Yeah like that's awesome.
Good job Sony. So like I'm actually kind of stoked for this because yeah hopefully it's
actually good. Like that's why I wasn't stoked for the Zulan G or Q or whatever it was cause
it doesn't look like it's actually going to be good. Dang it. I think you have to restart
the, restart the round or something. So I think I'll actually have to wait 3 minutes
and 40 seconds to find out if my, if my thing will load. This is a weird server man. Like
the chickens have like playboy bunny ears on them or something. Like what the heck is
up with these guys? Easter. Oh Easter. Not playboy bunny ears. Easter chicken. That makes
perfect sense. Why didn't I realize it? I don't know. What else we got in front of us?
George Hotz, so GeoHot you guys might know him, attended South by Southwest this year
to announce his new company comma dot AI. Um yeah. Discusses plans for replacing many
jobs with AI. Plans to start by eliminating all jobs in the global transportation sector,
replacing them with self-driving cars. Says his self-driving tech will ship for no more
than $1,000 and will work on any car made after 2012. Once driving jobs, yeah me too.
Once driving jobs are gone, he plans to go on to the cashiers, the secretaries, the sales
people, quote unquote, those people that are easy to replace with AI. Alright. Rekt. Okay.
I'm not surprised it's GeoHot. Original article was from the Verge, so there you go. Um, the
Razer Core finally has a price. I think I nailed it. I don't remember what I said I
thought it was going to be at the time. Uh, but it'll cost $500. So you'll actually have
to pay $500 just for the privilege of putting a $500 graphics card into it to run off of
your laptop. You can save $100 however when pairing it with a Blade or a Blade Stealth
notebook. I hope they've got the hot plug issue sorted out because if they do it is
going to make the Blade Stealth 2, the next gen Blade Stealth, a very compelling option.
Current gen 2 little RAM. Current gen is limited to 8 gigs of RAM, which has, you know, people
who have paid attention to what I think about 8 gigs of RAM will know, I do not think is
enough. I don't know that that sentence made any sense, but it doesn't have to. I ran out
of memory. I almost just did a spoiler. I did? I almost did. Oh. And then I didn't.
For Scrapyard Wars. Oh yeah, don't spoil Scrapyard Wars. Okay, yeah, Scrapyard Wars is being
worked on. So as of today, all the footage has been logged. People keep asking. Why does
it take so long to edit a video? Because it takes a long time to edit a video if you want
to be good. So the first stage is to take all the hours and hours of footage and not
just watch them, but actually log in an application that is for log in footage. What happened?
How did it apply to the storyline? What was happening elsewhere? Is there a problem with
the audio, for example? Does it need extra work? Is there a better clip that could also
fill in this gap? Did they retake it? So logging is now done. Now, I think Ed is currently
working on putting together the story arc for the season, and this is part of the issue
that we've run into with previous seasons. I am so happy he's doing this. We haven't
taken the time because we've been too swamped to do that, and even then it takes a long
time just to be clear. We haven't taken the time to do that, so we've ended up with sort
of action-packed and then kind of boring, and then action-packed and then kind of boring.
So we're getting away from that. It's not going to be a thing.
When I saw him doing storyboarding stuff, I was like, what is this? And then he explained
it all to me. I was like, thank you. I think I just walked away. But that's super awesome,
and I think we'll make a huge difference in the watchability of this graphic.
The big part of the issue is we just haven't had the manpower for it.
I get it.
And we've had Ed creating graphical assets and editing LTTs and even things like Fast
as possible in between trying to get Scrapyard Wars done in the past. But this time, we are
going to, he's going to put in his earphones for a month, and no one will talk to him,
and I am really excited because Scrapyard Wars Season 4 is going to be the best ever.
All right, so there's a new Blade 14. I have checked in with, yeah, I have checked in with
Razer. We are definitely getting a review unit, so basically not a whole lot has changed.
It's got a Core i7 6700 now instead of a fourth gen processor, which is what the existing
Blade had. The 256 gig model gets a price reduction. It still has a 3200 by 1800 QHD
plus display. It now has an RGB backlit keyboard, a PCI Express SSD. GPU is the same, still
a 970M.
970Ms are pretty solid.
And that's pretty much it. Not much else to say. Original article was from Engadget, USB
charging and it has support for a Thunderbolt 3 graphics amplifier upon release. So if a
970M is just not enough for you, or you don't want your palms to sweat while you're gaming,
then you can use one of those puppies.
You could, like, if you're plugging into something, you could probably plug in a keyboard as well.
I'm just saying, man. I'm just saying.
That's it. Show's over.
I'm just saying.
Nope. Nope. Show's over.
We got to go study for crime school.
Yeah, we got to go study for crime school. Okay, there's a couple topics here that I
do want to hit next week. But I'm tired and it's time to go to crime school.
All right, so we'll see you guys again next week. Oh, you know what? Oh, I don't think
we're going to get away with not talking about this. Gamespot.com original article.
Security responds to Microsoft's invite to connect the Xbox One and PS4 networks.
Doesn't directly acknowledge Microsoft's open invitation, but suggests that it is open-minded
to partnerships.
That is pretty exciting.
Opening the door to cross-platform play was such a huge thing for Microsoft to do.
Shouldn't have been a huge thing.
Should have been a thing from pretty much day zero since Microsoft owned a console and
a PC platform.
Just saying.
But at least we are finally making progress thanks to Microsoft finally pulling its head
out of its butt and saying that they wanted cross-platform play to be a thing.
So developers building games for the Xbox One and Windows 10 will be able to support
the feature.
Rocket League will be one of the first titles to support this.
Makes perfect sense given that it's a controller-optimized game, so the Xbox One owners won't have to
feel too bad about their controller in that game.
That'll come later in other games.
Too bad?
It's actually...
Yeah, I know.
It's like totally controller-optimized.
So that's pretty much it.
Oh, man.
Okay, okay.
We'll just have to blow through this as well.
This is actually really important stuff that we sort of didn't talk about this week.
Originally posted by icushdreams on the forum, T-Mobile is back, baby, announcing YouTube
streaming that no longer affects your mobile data cap.
So they now have more than 50 providers, including Discovery Go, Fox Business, Google Play Movies,
Red Bull TV, YouTube, and more.
Pretty freaking cool.
It's part of their Binge On program.
Now, with that said, this is a post on the T-Mobile.com site, and some of the customer
feedback of Binge On hasn't been as positive, saying that the coverage of it is not necessarily
that great.
But, hey, it's a whole lot better than a big fat load of nothing, which is what the other
providers are offering you, so there you go.
It's true.
Apparently, these bundled services represent 70% of all the video that T-Mobile customers
watch on their phones and tablets monthly.
In four months since Binge On was launched, these are pretty crazy statistics, customers
are watching twice as many hours per day.
More than 57 petabytes have been burned up without using customers' data plans, and one
video provider has seen number of active viewers spike by 90%, and watch times nearly triple
from customers.
Very nice.
I look forward to a future where every carrier has Binge On.
I'm just kidding.
It's not happening.
All right.
So thanks for watching the Land Show, guys.
We'll see you again next week.
Same bat time, same bat channel.
And I know the intro isn't going to work, but it's OK.
I will make it work soon.
That was pretty quick.
You get a pass for that.
Pretty fast.
Oh, right.
Also, I need to see a thing real quick before I, like, actually end the show.
What is going on here?
Come on.
Come on.
Come on.
I'm just seeing if, uh, I'm seeing if I can show you guys that avatar before I take off
Do you happen to know if that one that I loaded was CT or terrorist?
Terrorist, I think.
Maybe that.
It's you.
It's me.
It's okay.
The only way to kill yourself on this map is to jump onto the railing or kill.
That also works.
Get out.
Get out.
Look at him.
Oh, he's so happy.
There he is.
Look at him.
Look at him.
He sure doesn't stay dead long, that guy.
You can just up arrow enter.
There we go.
There we go.
There we go.
Look at him.
Look at him.
All right.
So there you go, guys.
That's what it'll look like.
It's pretty good.